#this shit writes itself
cubiccle · 1 year
The words escaped from his lips that had loosened from a day's worth of drinking. "Me and Bojan, we are brothers. And maybe something more!" he exclaimed to the microphone, a little bit too drunk, after having just forgotten the words to the song he had been performing for almost a year several times a week. He hugged Bojan, who was now laughing at
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 4 months
Ngl, people slept on Connor x Markus.
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scrion7 · 1 year
Okay, was anyone going to tell me that Der Rosenkavalier by Strauss was a threesome lesbian opera, or was I just supposed to learn that in a random music history course myself?
In other news, I’ve got a new Frosen Steel au idea.
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derangedfujoshi · 2 months
I have 1 theory serious theory I might type out properly one day.
But my favorite Crack theory: Riku wants to be big and strong like the stranger he met as a child. So Ansem manifests as this tall, chiseled Adnonis with the smoothest yet commanding voice that Riku can't resist 😏
Mine I don't even consider it a crack theory. Riku is a horny, repressed teen having So Many Emotions and questions about his own sexuality bc he recently started realising he might be looking a bit too long at the men around him. And that... Scares him? Like I'm sure he panicked at first because "wait am I not normal??" And my theory is that the Darkness latched onto that wobbly and intricate yarn of fear, arousal, self doubts, shame and desire to form something that would embody them perfectly. Ansem was the perfect boogeyman for a questioning and horny repressed gay teen: a tall, imposing, smoking hot man whispering directly in your ear with his husky voice just how much he understands you and wants to control your body...
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boyentity · 5 months
OMEGA DIALOGUE MOMENT !!!1!!!1!1!!1!!1111!!!1!1
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regalityandcoffee · 8 months
Me: you ever think about how Eddie and Bryan had the potential for a really good short fued and they just... did nothing with it? Like Eddie hates everyone right but Bryan hated Eddie too from the jump! He didn't want to be involved in Eddie and LAX's fued with JAS?
Like what if Bryan saw it as a waste of he and Moxs time especially since BCC literally just formed? But since Wheeler and Mox are both Eddie's friends and William approved he just bit his tongue
UNTIL HES THE ONE WHO EATS THE PIN AT ANARCHY AT THE ARENA! It's the Dynamite afterwards. He's pissed off that BCC, HIS GROUP HE BUILT WITH MOX AND HIS MENTOR, were involved in the match at all, and Eddie blames him for not letting him set Chris on fire.
Bryan snaps and attacks Eddie
Boom! Mini fued!
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mhevarujta · 8 months
But what if, instead of Ithan just being an idiot, we ultimately got that he was being so because he and Tharion were mates?
What if Sarah wrote an epic friends-to-lovers mating bond and put yearning into Ithan's focus on freeing Tharion and in Tharion's guilt and regret?
What if 'captain whatever' was later used in a tender moment,taking a different tone and creating perfect parallel from an early scene to a scene of them getting together?
Not happening, I know. But...
Lost opportunity.
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zoya-nazyalenskys · 2 years
aemond & rhaena would make such a top tier ship and yet it's basically non-existent in fandom smh
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I just remembered a post from the other day and now I’m itching to try and write a mafia au. There’s literally so many factions and connections between characters that it’d be so easy to slot them into place in a organized crime setting.
….and yknow maybe I’m gay and I wanna write a Tarnished/Ranni fic and I don’t feel anywhere near confident enough in my lore knowledge to do that outside an au.
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thislittlekumquat · 3 months
Someone: reasonable post about how reading quality published fiction is important, only fanfiction is not a balanced diet of reading
Someone who is proof of concept, reblogging and adding: how DARE you disrespect fanfic this way!
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cheese-rat29 · 3 months
y'all ever think about how they made cas kill dean over and over and over and over and-
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astralleywright · 1 year
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spent like an hour trying to find a post abt the disparity of origin companion's content in bg3 and couldn't so, hey, this fucking sucks
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gillotto · 8 days
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BKDK Hunger Games AU (2)
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shaytheantagonist · 5 months
My Roman Empire is how the life series writes itself. Here are some coincidences that I think about frequently:
1. Every person who has ever won a life series (Real Life included) was paired with another winner in Double Life (Grian & Scar, Scott & Pearl, Martyn & Cleo)
2. Several members had patterns in their deaths in Secret Life (All of Grian’s deaths happened while a large portion of the remaining server members were present, all of Scott’s deaths were arranged & he let whoever killed him kill him, all of Etho’s deaths were from Scar killing him, all of Jimmy’s deaths were from mobs of increasing strength (drowned, dragon & warden), all of Mumbo’s deaths were because of poor walking (walked off a ledge, walked into lava, walked into his own fence posts) & all of Martyn’s deaths happened in different dimensions)
3. Jimmy being out first 4 times in a row
4. Grian winning 3rd Life & then being dead last in the VR recreation of 3rd Life
5. Mumbo always having his final death moments after Jimmy’s final death
6. Pearl & Scar winning their seasons after being the underdog the entire season & having it the hardest
7. The first interaction Etho & Joel had in the entire life series was while they were in boats
8. Every time Scott is in the final two, whoever loses dies to a mob they didn’t know was behind them (Ren in Last Life, Scott in Real Life)
9. Jimmy always cursing at least one of his allies to do horribly each season (3rd Life was Scott’s lowest placement ever, 10th. Last Life: both Mumbo & Impulse were in the bottom 4. Double Life: Tango played poorly and was responsible for 2/3 of their deaths. Limited Life, Joel was out third & The Bad Boys died A LOT. Secret Life: Martyn was the first yellow AND the first red despite literally winning the previous season. EVEN REAL LIFE, Jimmy teamed with Grian, Joel, Scar & Impulse, who were the first 4 to be eliminated.)
10. Since Double Life, Pearl has wanted her allies to win the current seasons, she has outlived all of her main allies every season since then (Big B in Limited Life & Mumbo, BDubs & Joel in Secret Life)
11. Joel literally & metaphorically being the reason Lizzie was the first one out instead of Jimmy in Secret Life (Lizzie only died because she was trying to kill Scott to help out with Joel’s assassin task, by the time she tried to kill him & died in the process, Joel had already failed his task & just hadn’t told her yet, so if he had told her that he had failed, she wouldn’t have taken Scott to the end & fallen into the void & Jimmy probably would’ve first out again. Also when they were hosting an early funeral for Jimmy, Joel opened the grave & told Jimmy to “Rise”, I think this was Joel unknowingly breaking the curse.)
12. The fact that Gem’s final death is always her coming 3rd & dying in a 2v1 situation.
13. Joel’s first death in Last Life was fall damage, his first death in Secret Life was also fall damage. The reason Joel ended up on red life in Last Life was because of the Boogeyman curse (both times), in Secret Life, he because red because of being killed by a Boogeyman. In Last Life Joel’s final death was at the hands of Scott, causing him to place 5th, in Secret Life, Joel’s final death was being killed by Scott, causing him to place 5th. I’m leaving out one of Joel’s Last Life deaths, specifically when he died to Mumbo in self defence, but that’s mostly cuz there are more deaths in Last Life than Secret Life
This isn’t even all of them, there are so many more!
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ghostbsuter · 1 year
John Constantine was in prison.
No, not a normal, mortal prison. Those wouldn't be able to hold him like this one does.
No, he's imprisoned in the Infinity Realm.
The warden of the establishment is Walker, someone whose blood sings Witch Hunter.
If that wasn't bad enough, with every second, it gets worse. Angels decided to interfere in a realm not in possession of their God.
Who's idea was it to go against the Infintiy Realm? Are they nuts?
"John Constantine," One of the messangers steps forward. There is no weapon in sight, yet.
"Under the scrutiny of Heaven, we were sent to retrieve you for a trial." Their voice clipped, blond hair shimmering a soft green and John is sweating buckets.
"Your deals with various demon folk and such shall be judged unter gods court and—"
A loud bang echoes through the hall, Walker's men are surrounding the beings of heaven and particular brave soul steps forward.
The lad is young, can't be older than Bat's Robin. He walks with an air of authority, white hair floating against gravity's rules and towering before the flock of messangers.
"How dare—"
The boy, the godling– growls.
He blocks their view of Constantine, staring them down.
Some of the angels fall back, wings arched and ready for a fight, weapons still not in sight however.
"I am Phantom, King of God's of the Infinity Realm." The child with a title too much for such small shoulders bear, introduces himself.
It sends the flock into mild panic. Constantine is just a bit satisfied at the change.
"Returns to your god and tell him this, every Constantine bearing the title Laughing Magician is under my protection."
For such a small stature, his voice is booming, the command thinly veiled as a threat and icicles forming around him.
"Tell him that if he ever dares to breach my territory once more, I will not hesitate to call war upon heaven."
The main angel of the flock, the one that had read out Constantines sentence, hesitated only for a moment before urging the others to leave.
Posture stiff and movements jerky.
They didn't expect to be told off like this, John muses.
He only slightly dreads when phantoms attention drifts to him finally, a light knock on the metal bars and the whole wall was gone.
"Follow me, John Constantine."
And John does.
He'll sweet talk himself out of this on the way to his doom. Like always.
("Unpopular belief, but I actually quite like you." Danny had stated once in the garden, sitting on a table and drinking tea. John hadn't touched his cup nor desert at all, cannot trust those of the infinite after all.)
(A rip into the green before them had created a portal, a gateway.
"Leave, Laughing Magician. Hold onto that necklace, it will ward off anyone with the intent to harm and deals as a warning to those working for the immortal."
And as John steps forward, his eyes meet toxic green.
"We will see one another again, sooner or later. Farewell, Jester."
The portal spat him out in his apartment in New York, if it wasn't for the protection charm, Constantine would have believed it to be a mere dream. A warning.)
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guess who rewatched gravity falls
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