#this shit writes itself
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cubiccle · 2 years ago
The words escaped from his lips that had loosened from a day's worth of drinking. "Me and Bojan, we are brothers. And maybe something more!" he exclaimed to the microphone, a little bit too drunk, after having just forgotten the words to the song he had been performing for almost a year several times a week. He hugged Bojan, who was now laughing at
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reedeemable · 10 months ago
Ngl, people slept on Connor x Markus.
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montrosepetty · 2 days ago
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: The Adventure Zone (Podcast) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Montrose Pretty/Kenchall Denton Characters: Montrose Pretty, Kenchall Denton Additional Tags: enemies to enemies with benefits, Gun Kink, Light Bondage, Light Dom/sub, Nobody gets hurt okay they’re just toxic, Trans Male Character, Montrose is Trans but it’s literally not mentioned, Greg from Passions Cove is here briefly, Porn With Plot, it works cause they’re both scared of genuine connection, taz steeplechase Summary:
Montrose has realized that when he creates trouble to a great enough scale, it always seems to default to Kenchall Denton to clean it up. And perhaps more importantly, Montrose has mainly realized that he likes it when Kenchall is mad. It’s shameless, and a little horny, yeah. But reckless is as reckless does. After giving it some thought, he thinks he has a great plan.
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kikireadsdestiel · 23 days ago
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Remember when in season 1 episode 4 Phantom Traveler Dean checked out a guy and then grinned? Good times.
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scrion7 · 2 years ago
Okay, was anyone going to tell me that Der Rosenkavalier by Strauss was a threesome lesbian opera, or was I just supposed to learn that in a random music history course myself?
In other news, I’ve got a new Frosen Steel au idea.
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overwhelmedfrog · 3 months ago
I put a bunch of books on my christmas list for my mom this year, several of which were disability justice related, and after I was basically completely excluded from any celebrations due to plans being changed last minute in a way that made it unsafe for me to participate because of covid and my health (I don’t go to gatherings either. this was literally just *supposed to be* christmas at home with my mom and brother), I had the thought it would be really ironic if my mom got me one of these said books — “the viral underclass” by steven w. thrasher. it’s about the intersection of inequality and viral epidemics, and the marginalization of those most vulnerable to viruses. so anyway guess what book she got me for christmas….
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mhevarujta · 1 year ago
But what if, instead of Ithan just being an idiot, we ultimately got that he was being so because he and Tharion were mates?
What if Sarah wrote an epic friends-to-lovers mating bond and put yearning into Ithan's focus on freeing Tharion and in Tharion's guilt and regret?
What if 'captain whatever' was later used in a tender moment,taking a different tone and creating perfect parallel from an early scene to a scene of them getting together?
Not happening, I know. But...
Lost opportunity.
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boyentity · 11 months ago
OMEGA DIALOGUE MOMENT !!!1!!!1!1!!1!!1111!!!1!1
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thislittlekumquat · 10 months ago
Someone: reasonable post about how reading quality published fiction is important, only fanfiction is not a balanced diet of reading
Someone who is proof of concept, reblogging and adding: how DARE you disrespect fanfic this way!
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cheese-rat29 · 10 months ago
y'all ever think about how they made cas kill dean over and over and over and over and-
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milktrician · 5 months ago
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(what the. who threw a wife plot device in the middle of a peak lord meeting)
i thought about this bit at the end of the airplane extras the other day. bro why are you looking at your coworkers like that rn
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zhelin-thames · 4 months ago
So after "test mission" [Villains + BatFam Chaos]
[Riddler's Lair]
Riddler: Riddle me this, ghost boy— Danny: [interrupting] The answer’s “I don’t care.” Riddler: [spluttering] You didn’t even let me finish! Tim: He does that.
[Joker Tries to Kidnap Danny]
Joker: [grabbing Danny] Now you’re mine, little ghost! Danny: [phases out of his grasp] Nope. Joker: What the—?! Jason: [grinning] Yeah, good luck with that one, Clown.
[BatFam Debrief]
Bruce: You’re reckless. Danny: You’re broody. Bruce: You don’t follow orders. Danny: Neither does Jason. Jason: [smirking] He’s got a point.
[Later, at Wayne Manor]
Danny: [chilling on the couch with Damian] So, does your dad always glare like that? Damian: Always. Danny: And you’re just… okay with it? Damian: You get used to it. Danny: [smirking] I’m just gonna keep floating till he stops.
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astralleywright · 1 year ago
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spent like an hour trying to find a post abt the disparity of origin companion's content in bg3 and couldn't so, hey, this fucking sucks
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bloggerspam · 3 months ago
A Christmas Carol AU
Inspired by a prompt found in the @haunting-heroes-creative-games :) (i.e. back on my shit again)
When a 15 year old Jason, pissed at Bruce for taking Robin away from him, finds his birth certificate he realizes Catherine Todd is not his real mother.
Just as he resolves to go out and search for his birth mother, Jason finds himself accosted by three ghosts in his room, talking about A Christmas Carol of all things.
"So, what? We're gonna Christmas Carol him?"
Dan scoffs, crossing his bulky arms with an unimpressed look. "We hated that movie."
"I didn't." Dani chirps, disturbingly cheery, "I didn't see it!"
"We hate Christmas," Danny corrects, "But the movie was alright, and the logic is sound."
"I don't hate Christmas," Dani once again interjects cheerily, "I've never participated!"
"Sound my ass," Dan growls over her, throwing his hands up. "We don't even know this guy!"
"Minor detail." Danny insists, "Tuck can look him up."
"He's a fucking Bat, Danny." Dan scrunches up his face, pinching the bridge of his nose just like Vlad does when he's disgruntled with any of Dad's shenanigans.
"He's a Robin, actually." Dani pipes in, "And he's just a kid. How hard is it gonna be to pretend to be this kid's Ghosts?"
"You're a kid," Dan reminds her, crossing his arms, "And you didn't believe me when I told you sticking a fork in the outlet would shock you."
"I believed you," Dani sniffs haughtily, crossing her arms and pointing her nose up with a snooty voice, "The warning simply did not deter me from doing it anyway."
"We don't have to convince him we're his Ghosts, or even that we knew him before," Danny reasons, needling, "We just have to convince him that we're…"
He hums, pointing at Dani. "Past."
He points at himself, "Present."
He points at Dan, "Future."
Dani does a little cheer, arms up and twirling into the air before landing with her legs over Dan's shoulders, hands and head settling atop Dan's fiery, but harmless, hair. It flickers, before going limp into long white strands that Dani messes up by gently scrunching up the strands and running her fingers through them.
Dan lets her, huffing and looking weirdly like a downtrodden, wet cat. "Why am I future?"
"Because." Danny doesn't continue, because he knows it makes Dan annoyed. True to form, his scowl gets worse, like sucking on a lemon. They all know why anyway.
Dani grins, triumphant and knowing, letting her voice go real deep, "The future," she intones into Dan's hair, "is here."
"The future is now," Danny corrects her, but doesn't lose his smile, floating up to tuck a strand of her hair back behind her ear.
"The future is already here," Dan mumbles his correction, or is it a follow-up? "It's just not evenly distributed."
"How about you distribute some of those muscles, Gibson," Danny sighs, shaking his head "Waiting for puberty is such a drag, and we both know you didn't get the mass from Vlad's side of the family."
Dan makes a moue of disgust, but it serves him right. The consequences of his own actions, and whatnot. He looks up at Dani, who simply shrugs. "I think you'll do great." She leans down to give him two pats on the arm.
"So how's acting out A Christmas Carol gonna help us stop this Jason guy from blowing up?" Dani fiddles with Dan's hair, tongue poking out as she attempts a braid, "Will he even see us? Ghosts in this dimension taste funny."
"He'll be able to see us, it's magically rich enough for some ghosts to maintain a semblance of themselves," Danny explains for the third time. Dani and Dan hum at different pitches, and even though Danny is the common denominator he kind of hates that Vlad has more of a lasting impression on them. "The ectoplasm here is scarce and mostly corrupted, though, so it's rare."
"So there's lotsa bad ghosts here?" Dani eyes the messy braid she's made, proud, even as Dan's silky hair immediately causes it to fall apart, "Or 'mentally unsound' or whatever Frostbite called it."
"No," Dan grumbles, annoyed and indulging all at once, "Corruption begets ecto-rot, but the scarcity means they're not strong enough to actually retain their sense of self enough to rot."
"Shades," Danny explains when Dani looks even more confused, "There's lots of shades."
"Is this one of the Olympian dimensions?" Dani groans, flopping over Dan's shoulder as he sits down on the sofa, "I love Pandora and all, but if I see Zeus again I'm gonna lose it."
"It's one of the hero dimensions," Danny hums, taking over braiding Dan's hair the way Jazz made him when they were little, "There's a couple of Amazons walking about, but on the whole no Olympians."
"I don't know why he didn't just dump me in a Norse dimension." Dan leans back and closes his eyes to their ministrations. "Especially with my current occupation."
The three of them are sitting in Dan's apartment, a large loft studio located somewhere in the UK of the aforementioned hero-dimension. Alber-something, Danny can't remember. Doesn't need to, it being a different dimension from his anyway.
Dan doesn't have a lot of things: a sofa and TV, a bed in the corner, a decent but small kitchen. They're still trying to figure out decorations, but Dan on the whole is a minimalist so it's been slow going.
He's working as a bartender these nights, whiling away his odd existence now that his form has stabilized.
And wasn't that a trip? Learning that hey, adult lightning halfas shouldn't really be mixed with teenage ice halfas, actually!
Apparently, ectoplasm can become corrupted if you try to combine incompatible sources.
Apparently, side effects include (but are not limited to) unmitigated violence and a devastating need for vengeance.
Sound familiar?
"This dimension has a lot of time continuity errors," Danny reminds him, "Dropping you here gave the least amount of pushback."
"Yeah, yeah," Dan flaps a lazy hand, "Praise be the speedforce and flashpoints and whatnot."
"Plus," Dani adds softly, absent-minded as she watches Danny finish up the braid, "Lotsa heroes to help out if you relapse."
Dan heaves a slow, controlled sigh. Danny and Dani both pretend they don't notice.
"Is it bad?" Dan doesn't open his eyes, his voice is so low Danny can only hear him by virtue of his ghost powers, "Like me levels bad?"
"No." Danny shakes his head, leaning into his older self, his older brother of sorts, "He decapitated eight crime lords, killed a couple of assassins, maybe an innocent or two depending on your definition of things."
"Past tense?" Dan scrunches his nose. They all hate how confusing Time Shenanigans are.
"He's living as Red Hood, right this very moment."
"Red Hood?" Dani questions, "That his hero name?"
"Crime lord alias." Danny corrects her, "But he's more of a vigilante these days. Has a bat on his chest and everything."
"But it's bad enough to warrant a trip to the past." Dan points out, "Bad enough for us to try and persuade him. Does he relapse?"
"Not…exactly." Danny scrunches his face, not wanting to explain Clockwork's ambiguity.
Dani floats to spread over Danny and Dan's laps, sprawling out and purring like a cat. Self-soothing, though it's more for their benefit than hers.
"Like Dani said, there’re lots of heroes here, and he doesn't have powers." Danny continues, petting at Dani's soft hair, "The world doesn't end. He doesn't have the means to, even with the ecto-rot."
Danny pauses, and chooses his words deliberately and carefully. "And deep down, Jason Todd is a hero through and through. Relapse would be…difficult. His Obsession is similar to yours."
Dan lets that sit for a moment, but nods, Danny moving a little with the motion. The tension slowly bleeds out as they wait like that, enjoying each other's company.
"If the world doesn't end," Dani whispers, "Why is Clockwork sending all of us?"
Danny thinks on that, on his meeting with Clockwork. The Ancient's voice when he explained what would happen.
He thinks about Jason Todd, about Bruce Wayne, and Catherine, and Sheila. He thinks about Batman, and Robin.
He thinks about Dick Grayson and Tim Drake, about Damian Al Ghul, about Cassandra Cain, and all of Jason's Outlaws.
He thinks about a tattered uniform that stays up in a glass case for a long, long time.
Most of all, he thinks about Dan.
He thinks about regrets and one bad day away.
And then he stops thinking about it, because sometimes the past is the past, and other times, it's the future that never happens that haunts you instead.
"You know, Dani." He settles on, "I'm not sure. He probably has his reasons."
Dan leans heavier onto him, and they lean together like that, with Dani in their laps.
Ghosts of decisions made, unmade, and never to be.
Follow the story on AO3 here!
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gillotto · 7 months ago
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BKDK Hunger Games AU (2)
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annasofthe11thdimension · 3 months ago
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Pictured: Loop being extremely normal as they lay in their shallow (homemade) grave as they meditate on existence and also if they have annoyed the Researcher enough THIS time for her to murder them and bury them alive.
(Spoilers - they did not annoy her even CLOSE to that much.)
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And there is the required reverse image of Odile arriving - she's had a LONG day (i.e. previous loop), and due to this it will take ten minutes before she even acknowledges the shallow grave Loop is laying in, as she was distracted complaining about what Siffrin just did to annoy her.
I'd say there's context for all of that, because like...there IS context? Here's the link to the series of fics that HAS that context even! But also...even with context...can't say that it's going to make any of this less weird.
Mostly Odile is looping because due to Loop's wish the universe got rewritten to make Siffrin's repression and emotional issues (the ones bad enough to get him stuck in a time loop in the game) 'someone else's' problem...or at least that's Loop's best theory atm!
Regardless, context or not, I'm quite happy with how the pics came out, and figured I might as well post them here too.
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