#this shipping talk is so old jdkdkdkxkdkdk
prompt-master · 4 years
The Professor Layton crossover had two Narumayo scenes beyond them ending up as married makers in Labrynthia, one where Nick referenced Maya as his true love before a fortune teller. There was also an official Narumayo stage play. It works very well in the later instalments in the series, especially after Phoenix has raised Trucy and Maya has finally finished her training at long last after seven years. With regards to Edgeworth, I prefer the Langworth ship (picture Phoenix, buff and super-gay).
That's nice but that still doesn't change my mind, I just. Feel as though they don't work together and it makes me a bit uncomfortable that she was 17 when they met and was clearly potrayed as this young lil sister in my eyes.
I'm sorry I just don't care for narumayo
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