#langworth j mean
skeetlebeetle · 10 months
ace attorney ships rant 👍
hot take that WILL offend a buncha ace attorney fanz who r rlly in2 the shipping: i luv gumworth i luv langworth i luv dickbutz (heehee) i….. don’t luv wrightbutz or watevr u wud call that bc larry is j a shit ass friend most of the time letz b honest.. takes a lotta fanon n cute official art 2 make him tolerable n charming imo. he’s funny w gumshoe but he’s nevr been real supportive of phoenix despite othr characterz.
so now that i’ve offended the phoenix x larry trutherz let’s move on2 the real meat of this post: the point is that despite my luv 4 all of these shipz, none of em can top wrightworth, cuz that shit is basically the whole goddamn game. it writez itself. evry time i hear sum shit abt edgeworth not caring abt phoenix cuz he prosecuted against him.. liek wtf u mean liek how he did his job?? he does not choose 2 prosecute against phoenix hes assigned cases. the fact that he has Elevator Trauma shud xplain the rest of his initial coldness. n idgaf if yr argument is that the “unnecessary feelings” line wuznt supposd 2 hav that context bc cmon man. ik it wuznt but holyyyy shit u HAV 2 see the potential
I LUV GUMWORTH. their potential 4 comedy n liek.. dynamic duo-ism is awesome. lang is sexy n he def had a thing 4 edgeworth. but cmon man yr puttin a big ole “DNI” 4 liek almost the entire ace attorney fandom?? cuz u don’t liek wrightworth? WRIGHTWORTH??? r u tryna b special.. u make me wanna delete my carrd man. u take me back 2 my wattpad n pinterest rootz….. n i dun liek it ☹️ which is craz cuz i only evr see u ppl complaining on here, nevr ne where else. tbh i hav never seen the supposed “attackz” on gumworth ppl by wrightworth ppl in general. but pls enlighten me if u c it happenin on here. send me a link 2 the post, idk. i’ll b real mad @ whoever’s dissing gumworth or watevr ship 4 u. but i gotta c it 2 believe it
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prompt-master · 4 years
The Professor Layton crossover had two Narumayo scenes beyond them ending up as married makers in Labrynthia, one where Nick referenced Maya as his true love before a fortune teller. There was also an official Narumayo stage play. It works very well in the later instalments in the series, especially after Phoenix has raised Trucy and Maya has finally finished her training at long last after seven years. With regards to Edgeworth, I prefer the Langworth ship (picture Phoenix, buff and super-gay).
That's nice but that still doesn't change my mind, I just. Feel as though they don't work together and it makes me a bit uncomfortable that she was 17 when they met and was clearly potrayed as this young lil sister in my eyes.
I'm sorry I just don't care for narumayo
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For: Esther Welles
Democracy is the best form of government
Churchill said "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time" (Langworth, 2009). This means that there are flaws in a democracy, but other forms of government are worse. According to Ranker, sixteen countries in the world are ruled by a strong democracy (Countries ruled by a democracy, n.d.). This means, that the government is ruled by mostly democratic regulations. These countries include countries like the Netherlands, Germany, and the United Stated, which are also, according to the Human Development Reports, in the list of most developed countries in the world (Table 1: Human Development Index and its components, 2015). Think that is a coincidence? Then, to explain why democracy is the best form of government, the definition of democracy should be given. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of democracy is: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation, usually involving periodically held free elections (Democracy, sd). According to Abraham Lincoln, democracy is defined as: ‘Government of the people, by the people, for the people’ (A short definition of Democracy, n.d.). Democracy stands for equality, freedom, representing the people, and the respect of Human Rights.
Equality As a matter of fact, as democracy means the rule of people, democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally – either directly, or through elected representatives. According to the United Nations, the rights in a democracy for groups like indigenous peoples, minorities, and persons with disabilities, ensure an equitable distribution of wealth, and equality in respect of access to civil and political rights (Rule of Law - Democracy and Human Rights, n.d.).
Respect of Human Rights Furthermore, what is also important in a democracy is the respect of Human Rights. Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people. If democracy is put at its appropriate performance, then, all facets of Human Rights are respected. The citizens would have thirty different rights, including the right to speech, information, and vote. Democracy concerns about the ability of people to have a voice in the running of the state; in the economy, education, infrastructural development, etc. According to International Studies Quarterly, the states with the highest levels of democracy, are correlated with better human rights practices (Cherif, De Mesquita, Downs, & Smith, Alastair, 2005) Concluding, democracy is the best form of government up to this point. Democracy is a government of the people, by the people, for the people. It stands for equality distribution of wealth, and equality in respect of access to civil and political rights. Also, in a democracy, citizens have a voice in the running of the state, due to thirty different rights to express their voice.
References A short definition of Democracy. (n.d.). Retrieved from Democracy building: http://www.democracy-building.info/definition-democracy.html Cherif, F., De Mesquita, B., Downs, G., & Smith, Alastair. (2005, August 8). Thinking Inside the Box: A Closer Look at Democracy and Human Rights. Retrieved from Wiley Online Library: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-2478.2005.00372.x/full Countries ruled by a democracy. (n.d.). Retrieved from Ranker: http://www.ranker.com/list/countries-ruled-by-democracy/reference Democracy. (n.d.). Retrieved from Merriam-Webster: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/democracy Langworth, R. M. (2009, June 26). “Democracy is the worst form of Government…”. Retrieved from Richard M. Langworth: https://richardlangworth.com/worst-form-of-government Rule of Law - Democracy and Human Rights. (n.d.). Retrieved from United Nation Human Rights : http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/RuleOfLaw/Pages/Democracy.aspx Table 1: Human Development Index and its components. (2015). Retrieved from Human Development Reports: http://hdr.undp.org/en/composite/HDI
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Against: Kristy Bakker
Democracy is not the best form of government According to the law about democracy, a principle of democracy is equality, everyone is valued equally (Simonson, 2013).  Everyone has equal opportunities and everyone’s vote is counted equally. In theory that works (Christiano, sd). The goal of democracy is to make the best possible decision for the society, but in reality, it is necessary to let the experts decide about something. It is rarely that this theory of democracy will work (Simonson, 2013). Some believe that we are all born equal, but that does not mean that we should count opinions as equal. Opinions are based on knowledge, and knowledge differs per person. To let someone with less knowledge decide about the policies in society is very tricky. People that are specialized in politics, people that have been studying for years, can ensure what it is the best policy for the society, sometimes better than that the society itself can decide (Simonson, 2013). Not representative for society Everyone has the right to vote, but the minority of the voters is left powerless. Citizens vote for parties that get not represented in the cabinets’ formation. Next to that, the majority as well. People vote for ideas and principles, but that is often not achieved by the person with power (Simonson, 2013). The processes in democracy take much time and cost a lot of money (Langworth, 2009). Threats The biggest threats for democracies are terrorism (Fish, 2007) and corruption (Chowdhury , 2004). If terrorists are capable of making governments employing tactics in order to fight terrorism, by secret surveillance and censorship, which distinguishes from theirs, it could be argued that they already won no matter the outcome of the battlefield (Fish, 2007). How do you measure a government being the best or worst, and when is it working well? Democracy is not the best form of government, in the form it is right now. The democracy we know is far from optimized, and it has to be adapted. Right now it is just an object of faith and hope for society.
References Chowdhury , S. K. (2004). The effect of democracy and press freedom on corruption: an empirical test. Elsevier, 93-101. Retrieved from Science Direct Christiano, T. (n.d.). Democracy As Equality. Retrieved from Philisofy Faculty: http://philosophyfaculty.ucsd.edu/faculty/rarneson/Courses/christianodemocracy.pdf Fish, S. (2007, October 7). Why Democracy? The New York Times. Langworth, R. (2009, June 26). ''Democracy is the worst form of government...''. Retrieved from Richard M. Langworth: https://richardlangworth.com/worst-form-of-government Simonson, A. J. (2013, June 16). 10 Reasons Why Democracy Doesn't Work. Retrieved from Listverse: http://listverse.com/2013/06/16/10-reasons-why-democracy-doesnt-work/
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