#this responce was longer than i planned
fern-keey · 2 months
I have a small suggestion!! Well headcannon I thought you'd like.
Likely since saitama and genos have been living together a while now, even when they moved to the hero association, they still find little ways to keep their old routine, like how saitama probably buys things that genos likes, egs being sardines and hair conditioner brands.
And genos probably still cooks aswell, I find that the fandom poses that he enjoys cooking, I feel it's good for him since before he met saitama he was living on packet noodles and oil.
Yesss!!!!! Not being roommates probably won’t stop Genos making his Saitama-faced bentos and enjoy the company of each other whilst sharing a hotpot, or that’s at least what I think.. if Genos isn’t feeling too down, it can be hard to assume with the differences between webcomic and manga. I think Genos may be used to cooking for two, so Genos would take his second portion to Saitama’s apartment and eventually Saitama will just stay for Genos’s cooking instead of the hassle of trading tupperware / plates and bowls everyday. It would also be easier for Saitama to take advantage of the sales more with Genos still shopping with him, I wouldn’t be surprised if Saitama always gave Genos the task of planning for sales with him being to able to easily track them with just his HUD or just buying each other little gifts because why not giving them more incentive to see each other. I think it would be easy for them to fall back into a routine together if it weren’t for all the people trying to get saitama’s attention and the short amount of time between disasters but Genos assuming he would be moving in with Saitama shows how their lives are now intertwined.
With Genos immediately making ‘peeping holes’ I think it would be accurate for Genos to make a dog door for rover between the two apartments which Saitama and Genos would pass stuff to each other through eventually and talk through the peep hole so eventually they’ll just make a window through the wall, to hang out, but then Saitama might want to come over to Genos’s but can’t be bothered leaving and locking his own apartment just to go next door! So they would just install a door between the rooms, eventually turning them into one big apartment eventually. Alternatively Saitama, Genos or rover will accidentally break the wall between them and they just don’t put the wall back.
Seeing how they react not living together will be really interesting (as much as I’m hoping for them to live together again), specifically I am interested to see how Genos would decorate his own apartment if he does at all or if Saitama will notice how big of a part Genos has in his life. With Genos’s apartment he might not have anything in there since Forte could have potentially took everything from it and he might just end up having a similar arrangement he had whilst he was in the tent whilst stalking researching Saitama with just a sleeping bag and some bare essentials, either being confident he will eventually be living back with Saitama soon or just not feeling like he needs anything else anymore. He could also turn his place into a storage room for all his Saitama merchandise and notebooks or just a room specifically to do his repairs and rest. I am also taking into account that Genos went from bringing a huge backpack to saitamas first apartment to him saying he can fit all his belongings into one corner trying to move into his second.
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signedeclipse · 2 years
Signed with Love - Upper Moons
What is this? - A valentines gift to my lovely fem!readers! Its valentines/love letters cards from your favourites <3
Characters - Akaza | Daki | Douma | Gyokko | Gyutaro | Hantengu | Kaigaku | Kokushibo | Muzan | Nakime
Series Parts Kamaboko Squad - HERE The Hashira - HERE
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To the girl of my dreams, Happy valentines! I'm sure you thought i'd forget sorry about last year, but I've got plans and everything. Theres a light show in the city, if you want to come I'm sure we can stop for some snacks and i'll get you the best view of them. If that sounds like a plan, i'll be by your house the moment the sun goes down. Can't wait to see you dolled up, Akaza.
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Dove, Free your schedule on the 14th, I won't let plans get in the way of us spending this year together after so many times of it falling through! Oiron duties always take precedent, but I'm sure I can pull some strings to spend the night with you, the "new" girl, to do some "training". Dress for the part, I know you can lie your way in. Good luck, even if I know you won't need it, 'Warabihime'
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Hello, lovely! I am over the moon knowing i'll get to spend valentines with you again! I miss you more and more every day you are away... How about this year we sneak away from the cult and I show you someplace you might really enjoy, and we can pick up some treats you like to keep at the estate! Don't leave me waiting too long. You know who ♡
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To my precious muse, This velentines marks a decade together, and I figure its about time I let you closer than ive let any other. I know I can be more conservative in sharing my art, but this year i'd like to take you into my studio and teach you some of my craft. You know where to find me. Wear something you don't mind having ruined. Gყσƙƙσ
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Angel, I promised i'd always ask, so I expect you to say yes when I ask you to be my valentine again. It's too risky to go out with being on the radar, so when you come back home keep low and we'll do something simple. I can't risk getting you in trouble. Don't stray too far, GT.
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Dearest, If possible, I would really appreciate if maybe you might consider being my valentine Whatever you'd like is yours Please H/S/K/A/Uro/Z/Ura
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Princess, I know you'll say yes anyways, so instead ill congradulate you for keeping me intrigued for so long. Long enough to call you my valentine. I'll be home to see you the moment the sun drops, and we can spend all night hanging out. I like you better where no one else can chew on you like eye candy, so I'll bring some snacks you like if it keeps you inside, Don't get too flattered, Yours, Inadama
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To the most beautiful woman I know, I would be honoured if you would decide to be my valentine once again. If you are inclined to accept my invintation, know that not a drop of the night would be wasted on anything you wouldn't like. You know you can trust me. I anticipate your responce, 黒死牟
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To the only sunshine I require; With this letter is a box of clothing. It's all custom to your fit and yours now, pick whatever you like and wait outside the gates of tokyo by sundown tonight. We'll be visitng some places I know you've wanted to see, and I'll make sure it's not on an empty stomach. Don't leave me waiting, M. Kibutsuji
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My dearest lullaby I am not one to partake in holidays, however, I cannot help myself when it comes to you. I was hoping you would be my valentine; not just today, but in life as well. There is a concert hall I used to perform at, and I would like to bring you there to hear the music I was so very fond of. It is very formal, so if you need any help getting ready you have my assistance. I miss your sweet song, Nakime Otokawa
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Authors Note - This took me so long ahhhh thank you for your patience darlings <3 The tags took me longer than writing this entire thing /j
Disclaimer - All characters within have been aged up to at least 18 or older, and have been altered to reflect such change as needed.
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goffilolo · 9 months
Adramelech theory time
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Does anyone want to know a theory I have? no? Well, that's too bad you're getting it anyway.
Based on demonology Adramelech tried to gain worship as a sun god, alongside his sibling Anamelech who was considered a moon diety.
Does that sound familiar? Does that sound perhaps like Spade's royal family magic? Am I implying that all royals are shit regardless of the country and have a hobby of boosting their own power by stealing it from others? I sure am.
So here's the situation. Grinberyalls pulled the exact same shit as Silvamillions, except with devil magic. It's implied that the spade people know more about devils than they initially let on, Ciel included, so I wouldn't be surprised if they did some fuck ass ritual to steal Adramelech and his brother's attributes specifically.
But wait, you may say. Haven't we seen in canon that Adramelech can resist Lucifero's gravity and still has supreme devil levels of magic? He sure does and here's the catch. What he initially lost is an ATTRIBUTE, not mana itself. Kinda like Ladros who was born with no attribute at all.
Also the timing of WHEN the Grinberyalls became the ruling family with their magic is a little unclear. I'm even willing to go out on a limb and imply that it was around the time of when the first Qlipoth happened. Either they caught Adramelech and his brother during the 2nd gate opening and obtained his magic then OR the first Qlipoth was the responce to having their supreme devil's magic stolen by humans sometime before.
(Also not fully related to this theory, but I imagined that the first Qlipoth failed because it was sabotaged from the inside by Astaroth, who did not wish for human's extermination).
How does any of that relate to Adramelech working with Lucius? Well what if Lucius promised him to get rid of all of Grinberyalls in his grand plan, knowing that Adramelech and Anamelech would not get their full attributes back until the last Grinberyall is dead and thus the attributes can no longer be passed on to any further relatives?
My other idea was that Astaroth is tied into it more closely than initially shown. Maybe even having initally contracted Lucius, allowing him to use the power of prophecy as much as he pleases, on the condition that he can arrange the sun and moon magic to be returned to their original owners. If that is the case, then the spade coup may have been orchestrated by him before his disappearance, as killing all royal family members would release the attributes.
This brings me to my final point, the one that I think will result in Yuno stans hunting me down for sport, but here we go. Yuno is like the british empire, the culmination of stolen shit.
Wind magic? doesn't belong to him, it belongs to a soul of dead half-elf fetus that sits in his body and I'm pretty sure Bell was asleep for so long because she was supposed to be guardian spirit to that fetus when it grew up, but instead was in time out for 500 yeas until a twink shows up who just so happened to have the fetus soul living in him rent-free.
Star magic? Literally a result of stealing 2 devil attributes, followed by centuries of royal incest to ensure the celestial magic stays in the family. Sorry to burst your bubble, all royals are inbred, yes even your favourites. If Tabata wants to play loose canon with borrowing vague references from medieval Europe, so will I.
And you know what? From storytelling perspective it would be hysteric! The dude beloved by mana? The skinny legend that is stacking up magical buffs like a jenga tower? To reveal that all of his 'blessings' were not in fact blessings but came at the expense of somebody else? ALL OF THEM? This would be delicious. This would finally give us the relevant narrative parallel to Asta who has acknowledged long time ago that the power he wields is not his and did not even hesitate to try and give his grimoire away to the original owner.
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tigorrrr · 8 months
“Your Little 妹妹”
Taiyō Striker, a Black Dragon assassin, pleads of Lin Kuei Grandmaster's mercy to take in her infant daughter to follow in her deceased father's footsteps, with a better life than Taiyō has to live.
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Kuai Liang rubbed off the remaining sleepness from his eyes and surpressed a yawn before continuing his stalk through the hallways of Lin Kuei complex, peeling his back from a wall he tried to be one with as Lin Kuei soldiers were out on their night patrols. Although he had just recently hit age of puberty, the relentlessness and strict training of his clan however tiring and painful had been proven fruitfull for sneaking out of his room past his bed time.
The banging on the gate's doors had announced a visitor at this late hour, the moon was on a clear sky above the mountain that Lin Kuei resides, but there were no clouds and no stars.
As he neared the Grandmaster's office, Kuai Liang was not suprised to already see his older brother listening in by the gap of the open, paper door, squatted down so low as if he was on a prowl.
Kuai Liang quietly ran over, kneeling by the unoccupied side of the door and faced Bi-han with his brow arched to let his curiosity known. Bi-han only frowned and signaled him to keep quiet with a finger pressed to his lips before both of them looked through the gap from which spilled only light at the veranda's hall, and hushed voices deep in a private conversation susurated from the room.
The teens were met with a slim woman's back to them, dressed up in black, skin-tight outfit of a design for a Japanese assassin. Her shawl mask was pulled down and around her neck where her hairstyle of her golden locks ended with a neat trim, it was shorter at the nape and longer at her front. Both boys could tell that she was unarmed, however, she is presenting something in her hands to their father as she sat there on her knees in front of the Lin Kuei leader.
"I beg of you—!" her melodical voice rose a pitch before she schooled herself by clearing her throat and rocked the clothed thing she held as something in there began to stirr. "To honor your loyal soldier's legacy, you must accept."
The Grandmaster's stern furrow hadn't softened an inch while facing a broken woman's desperation. The affairs of his best Lin Kuei soldier is none of his business now that he is gone, but yet this is one difficult revelation that for the better of his clan he may not be able to turn away from this.
"Miss Taiyō, I am, too, grieving the loss of Val. And I understand the onerous responsibility you were left with, but I don't think leaving her here is the best idea. Not to mention- you coming here alone and unarmed is such a suicidal act..." his gaze had fell down onto what his guest had came here to left behind one way or another when it let out a light sneeze and began to babble.
Bi-han and Kuai Liang shared a look of a frown as they plunged their faces from the gap of light, they had an inkling and dreaded for it to be true. And although Kuai Liang came in later than his older brother he still heard just enough to understand the context of the situation.
"This is a better solution than staying with me and the Black Dragon. Than foster care! This way she'll grow up with a purpose!" but also hopefully be happy and loved, is what Taiyō subconsciously wished for.
The Grandmaster leaned back, meeting Taiyō's pleading, glassy eyes. "Are you proposing it is better to have the child as a clanmate than a future foe? Are you implying that your assosiates are planning to strike against us?"
Taiyō's smile was sardonic but it didn't stay twisted on her lips for too long. "What will be in the future is something I won't be a part of, Grandmaster. My team mistook my six month 'vacation' as a sign that I am not to be trusted, they think I left them."
"And, did you?"
"In a way..."
The Grandmaster didn't like her vague responce and the lethal gleam flashing in her eyes. As his own gaze skimmed over the little, fresh paper-cuts on her pale and perfect flesh of her cheeks before they fell onto the quietly observing infant that stared right back into his soul with eyes of a lavender tint. The innocent creature stared right at him with a smile and an innocent curiosity only newborns and infants know how to charm whoever looks their way that they find equally as interesting.
He is already a father of two sons, and he hasn't had the desire to ask of his wife for another child. He held both his sons when they were born and was there the first time they opened their eyes. But never in his years as a Lin Kuei had he expected to sway to the purity of an infant that is not even his, the Grandmaster immediately knew that the moment he'll have her in her arms he won't be able to give her back.
"She mustn't have to know about me, Grandmaster. If you were to raise her as your own and train her, she will be one of the finest Lin Kuei, maybe even surpresses her father." she tried to sugarcoat it, present him only the positive gain for him and his clan, and silently apologized she had used her deceased lover in this same sentence.
The Grandmaster couldn't see the resemblence of Val in the child, hence the provided blood test the mother had brought along, but rather could see her mother's beauty that she inherited and will blossom as she will grow. Personality-wise, he did not know what to expect. Will she turn from an angel to a silent and deadly grump like her father? He doesn't know her mother at all, but perhaps she'd grow to be more like her?
Either way, the Grandmaster will be honoured to get to know this child while she'll be growing amongst his family and Lin Kuei.
With a long sigh of his, the decision was made. "We will care for her as our own. She will learn the way of Lin Kuei and grow up to be an aspiring adult."
That is the only thing a father of two can say to a mourning, single, and a fresh mother for her departing with a weeping heart to be lighter at every step away from the Lin Kuei territory. Taiyō knew the promise of a Grandmaster is not to be taken lightly, so she smiled. She beamed at the older man like the sun her name holds the meaning of. No trace of pain or worry visible.
When the woman stood, because of the pressure of gravity her daughter grunted, frowning for a moment before it was replaced by another impeccible smile and the Grandmaster watched that with a suprise that made his brows rose.
When the infant in the bundle of a blanket was in his strong arms, honed by years of hard work, he looked towards the door. "Boys!" he called, a little sternly, but their presence was convinient for the moment.
As soon as the two teenagers opened wider the door and walked in with their gazes down, knowing they will get schooled for their impudence.
"あら あら... What lovely sons." Taiyō sang, but the boys stood there in attention, gazes at their feet. But they were confused without showing it, they did not understand Japanese at all. "Grandmaster... Thank you."
Before Kuai Liang or Bi-han could look up and see the woman's face she had already gracefully passed by them, she let the wind to take her away and the shadows to hide her.
Their father walked up to them while they tried to quickly glance behind them at their departing visitor but she was already gone.
"We will have a talk about this later, now..." the Grandmaster's stoic tone softened as he went down on one knee, presenting his sons to the new additional member. "This is Diya. She's a part of our family now. Your little sister... I expect you to protect her as her big brothers."
His sons looked up at him, startled and a lot of mixed emotions were in their eyes as soon as they landed on their adopted sister. Her pale, snow-white complexion piqued their curiosity. Her fisted paws in gloves were close to her chubby cheeks, rosy from the nipping mountain cold. The little hairs she has were barely seen for they were the same shade of her skin, white as the snow of this high mountain.
Diya greeted them with an excited grin and a giggle, completely oblivious that this was the last time she'd seen her biological mother, that realization only bothered the two young boys.
Just a minute ago both were completely against of getting another sibling, they thought they were just fine for their parents, but one look at her was enough to make their world spin and their opinions to change 180°.
For her, they will fight the world.
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jjmjjktth · 4 years
Chapter 3: Firsts Lead to Seconds
Lady Papilion sent a butterfly to the Eiffel Tower at the arranged time. She could sense the apprihensiveness and destruction of the Black Cat hero. Guiding her butterly to land on Chat’s baton, she felt the weak mindlink for between the two of them. “Hello, Chat Noir, I am Lady Papillion, your partner.” Chat started at the sudden voice in his head.
“Lady Papilion? What miraculous do you hold, how did you get it, and why are you able to be in my head?” Chat questioned.
“I am the weilder of the Butterfly Miraculous of Metamorphosis and Encouragement; the miraculous was put in my bag; and, the miraculous makes a mindlink for me to speak to you directly and give you power if we both agree.” She responded,”What miraculous do you hold and how did you receive it? I assume it has something to do with cats.” She decided to keep the fact that she knew so much about the miraculous a secret for now, she didnt trust him…. Yet.
“I am the wielder of the Black Cat Miraculous of Bad Luck and Destruction; the miraculous appeared on my coffeetable; and I can destroy anything with a touch.” Chat stated with the same amount of formality.
“We must discuss a plan for dealing with Paeon; maybe patrols of something like that. We will also need to speek with athoraties abou setting up an alert or something.”
“I agree, they need a way to contact us as well. For all we know it won’t always be obvious when there’s a…. what did you call it…. an amok?” at her nod, he continued. “Maybe we could talk to our kwamiis about communication devices and give the local government our numbers?”
“I could talk to Nooroo about that. What’s your kwamii’s name?”
“Give me a few minutes I’ll detransform since I’m not in a public place.” Lady Papillion transformed without recalling her butterfly. She immediately gave Nooroo a flower petal.
“Thank You Miss Marinette.” Nooroo tiredly said.
“Nooroo is it possible for you to notify me of messages while detransformed?”
“Yes, I’ll know if a message is left while you’re not LP!” Nooroo chirped.
“Thank you Nooroo, let’s rest a bit. I told Chat we’ll be a few minutes.”
After a minute or two Marinette transformed to reconnect with her butterfly in Chat’s weapon.
“It is possible for us to communicate with the miraculous, our kwamii are able to notify us of any messages and relay responses even when we aren’t transformed.”
“Well, its settled then. Will you usually be contacting me from off-site?” The cat questioned.
“Yes, my miraculous is made to be used from outside the battles; therefore, I am not as wellprotected as you while transformed. I do have a place I can use as a base, though.”
“Ok. Can you recall your power so we can test our communicators effectively?” As soon as she heard his request, She called out her butterfly and released it from her service.
A few seconds later, her staff buzzed and beeped. Opening the top, she requested the message be read to her.
“One message from Chat Noir…. ‘How can I be of surrrvice, Lady Papillon.’”
“Respond to Chat Noir with, ‘Since this seems to be working, could you bring the contact information to the law enforcement?’”
“Responce sent…. New message from Chat Noir.”
“Read it please”
“‘On my way’” Smiling, she detransformed and retrieved a flower petal for Nooroo.
“Thank you!”
“No problem, lets make our way back to school though.
The rest of the day was fairly uneventful compared to the morning; and people were flocking to Ivan to hear about how he beceme a superhero.
“I don’t have any power, guys, there was this lady in my head who gave me power and guided me through the battle!” He explained for the hundredth time. He sounded exasperated.
“This so-called ‘lady’ must be rediculous if she chose you. I would have ended it the moment it began. Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.” Chloé, it’s always Chloé. I could hear Ivan shaking in his seat.
“Ivan.” I state, drawing on my calming aura. “Can you calm down? Paeon is still out there and, from what I observed, he gives strong emotions physical form.” I was too late.
Rose shreeked, “The feather! It’s back!” The blood drains from my face and I get up to leave the room. As I enter the hallway, I hear a faint “Yes, Paeon” followed by a stampede.
I ended up using a fire escape to get out of the building since no one semed to think of that. From there it was a simple affair to arrive at my greenhouse as it was somewhat out of the danger zone.
“Nooroo, did the amok take the same form?”
“Yes, it has also taken Chloé Borgeois and Mylené Harple captive.”
“Ok, Nooroo, wings rise!” The familiar warmth washed over her, leaving Lady Papillion in its wake. Feeling the rush of emotions, LP sought out Ivan once again. Bonding with a photo he had on him, she spoke, “Ivan, we meet again.”
“I am so sorry! I was just so angry at Chloé, she insulted you!”
“While I am honored you decided to defend me, Paris has changed. As much as I hate to admit it, it is no longer safe to feel negative emotions. That’s what makes Paeon so cruel.”
“I understand, My Lady.”
“Ivan, are you willing to become Ironheart once again to defeat the amok?”
“Yes, My Lady.” She smiled at his agreement and allowed her power to enter Ivan fully. Transforming him into Ironheart in a wake of lavender bubbles, she began to guide him towards the battle.
Chat Noir was already on the scene, arguing with the police.
“This isn’t a failure on our part! This is an entirely separate situation!”
“Then why is the same monster as earlier climbing the Eiffel Tower with the mayor’s daughter!”
“I don’t have all the information yet!”
“Ironheart, can you please open your palm?” I asked. When Ivan opened his palm, an image was projected into the air. Lady Papillion was siting on her throne of metal vines, her sceptre resting on her lap. One of her hands remained on the handle of the sceptre while the other was draped casually over the vines of the armrest. Around her thousands of butterflies, many different kinds, flew around her.  Giving her the image of a Lady in her keep.
“What seems to be the issue, officer….”
“Raincomprix, Leutenant Raincomprix.” the leutenant seemed to be a bit intimidated by the aura of power she gave off. At a nod of her head, he continued, “As a police department, we were concerned about the resurfacing of this morning’s villain despite you two supposedly defeating him.”
“I assure you, the resurfacing of the amok has nothing to do with Chat Noir and I. The man behind the attack, Paeon, posesses an ability to physically manifest any strong emotions into beings for him to control. The victim of this morning mearly got upset enough for Paeon to exploit them again. This will most likely become a common occurrence untill we track down Paeon and strip him of his power.” The leutenant’s face fell at her words.
“We have already left our contact information with the police department,” Chat chimed in.
“We must hurry, the amok has already caused enough damage as is.”
There is a sudden rustling of feathers as the amok put it’s chest towards the sky releasing millions of feathers from inside. The feathers, moving against the wind, rose into the air taking ther form of a man in a mask.
“I am Paeon, the man who controls this sentinel.” Paeon gestures toward the amok. “I have come to rescue you from the villains Chat Noir and the Butterfly. I must retrieve their miraculous to strip them of their power. Look around you, look at all the destruction they caused.”
“Ironheart, put your palms into the air please.” When Ironheart follower her instruction, a much larger projection than earlier filled the space above him.
“Paeon, how lovely to meet you.” Lady Papillion greeted with a sickly sweet tone. “I was wondering when I would have the pleasure of your acquaintance.” She relaxed onto her throne as Paeon scowled. “I am Lady Papillion, weilder of the Butterly Miraculous of Metamorphisis and Encouragement. Chat Noir and I have not caused the damage to uor beloved city, but Paeon tore through the city using a creature formed with the hurt and rage of an innocent teen. Doesn’t that sound more like the actions of a villain?” With that Ironheart lowers his hands and lept up the tower catching the feathers in his shield. A blinding light shone from the shield and the feathers were gone.
Sensing it was time to act, Chat Noir bounded after Ironheart. The battle was short after that. A well times cataclysm and two graceful catches ended the majority of the afternoons excitement.
As soon as the heroes reached the ground, they were surrounded by the press with their questions and flashing lights. It was definitely a new experience for the three.
“Lady Papillion! Ironheart, do you plan on working together for the time being?”
“Chat Noir! What do you think of Paeon painting a picture of you as a villain?”
“Chat Noir! How long do you plan on being a superhero, and how will it effect your daily life?”
“Lady Papillion! Why dont you show your face in person?” There were so many questions and so little space that Ironheart had to send out a little shockwave to get them to back off so the small image of Lady Papillion could speak.
“Ironheart and I will each take one question.” She stated with no room for argument. “I will not appear in person as, like Paeon, my miraculous is meant for distance and leaves me more vulnerable than the average miraculous weilder.”
“I dont know if I will be selected by my Lady again, but if I am, I will gladly accept it.” Ironheart stated and then left.
“Well done, Ironheart. Remember, your protectiveness is both your strength and your weakness. Be careful.” And with that she withdrew her butterfly and released it from her service. Before she could detransform, her septre buzzed.
“One new message from Chat Noir.”
“Read it.”
“‘Purrhaps you could send one of your butterflies to Arc de Triomphe, I would like to speak with mew, winky face.’” She sighed and sent out another butterfly with a kiss.
The butterfly made its journey to the Arc de Triomphe rather quickly and promptly joined with Chat’s golden bell. “You wanted to speak with me?”
“Yes, I would like to see this base of yours so we can work together purrroperly.” Chat demanded.
“No, It would give away my identity or at least narrow it down for you. That is against what my kwamii told me.”
“Would knowing our identities not improve our teamwork, My Lady?”
“It also may hinder it Chat; so, I must say no.” she could feel his disappointment and anger rising.
“How can I trust you if I don’t know who you are?!”
“You will have to. I am goind to send a champion to heal the city. Good bye, Chat.” and she recalled the butterfly; but not before she felt his anger spike.
Feeling around, Lady Papillion searched for someone with the desire to fix everything. She sent her butterfly into a foreman’s clipboard.
“Hello, sir. I am Lady Papillion, what is your name?”
“Lady Papillion! Um…. I’m Rich Bordétte. It’s an honor to meet you My Lady.”
“Thank you Rich. I would like to offer you the ability to fix all the damage from today’s battles, even death.”
“Ok, call me….  The Worker!”
“Rich Bordétte, do you accept my offer to become The Worker”
“Yes, Lady Papillion.”  The lavender bubbles covered Rich; in the same way as Ivan, the bubbles gave him a sunflower-colored hardhat, a safety vest, and a toolbelt with only a drill on it.
The Worker rose into the air and raised his dril and without ceremony pressed the button. From the tip of the drill, various butterflies and moths streamed out to the city covering everything that was damaged and anyone who was hurt or worse. As soon as the last moth landed, The Worker cried out and all the bugs rose at once flying to the sky. Below, the city looked just as it did the day before. The rubble was gone, the people were healed and all evidence of Paeon was gone.
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saturnsstufff · 3 years
Hi Saturn!! I saw that your requests was open, and was curious if you could do a fix of gn reader on call with THE PHILZA. They're sleepy and they begin to ramble about about their crush, and how THE PHILZA could offer advice? But most importantly I love you and how are you doing?
Hi darling!!! I love you too!! Im doing alright, mostly just vibing about. My Graduation was canceled so im just relaxing and catching up on asks/drafts. (Honestly this ask reminds me of me falling asleep on call with Sleepy and Sugar)
How are you?
Philza- Tired?
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Tired eyes gazed at the screen in your hand, Phil was far ahead with building up the monument. Chat offering their contained chaos to the mix.
Tommy and Wilbur were on the call, but both dropped due to being busy. But that was ok, that just meant you got to bug Phil alone. Well that was the plan.
"You still their mate?" Phil asked, "your awfully quiet" he said, his chat asking if you were dead.
"M'here... I'm just kinda tired" you said softly. Ajusting your head with hope of staying up longer.
"Then go to bed" he said simply.
"Id love to, but I cant. I've got too much on the brain" you mummbled. Phil gave a 'Oh?' In responce, curious if you would expand on the thought. You hummed and continued. "I met this person, and the trouble is their too perfect... their smile makes my heart melt- its so over said, but i mean it. I just want to make them smile all the time. They want to hangout but I dont even know how to approach them..."
Phil cracked a smile at your soft innocent words. "Why not just start small? Start with asking what they like to do. See what you have in common. It may shock you what intrests you share." You hummed thinking about it.
"You sure that's a good start?" You mumbled, drawing your pillow closer.
"I think It'll take you further than you think"
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thenovelartist · 4 years
Game Over: Be Mine
Happy (late) Birthday to my friend @galaxyofconstellations​
“I swear, Adrien, you frickin’ blue shell me, I am going to kick you out of my house right now.”
The young man sitting beside her just laughed. “It’s not like I have the option of who to blue shell, though.”
“You have the option to not blue shell me in the first place.”
“Yeah, but what’s the fun in that?”
“Adrien Agreste,” Marinette growled.
He shot her a smug grin. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
Marinette huffed. To say this was out of the ordinary for her to sass a supermodel would be a lie. She’d met the man beside her a couple years ago when her best friend happened to start going out with his best friend. And then game nights between the four of them began to transpire every once in a while. And then once a month. And now about once week. However, there were times Alya and Nino, due to their schedules, wanted to ditch game nights so they could actually have a date night that week.
Just as they had done tonight.
And that was all right by Marinette and Adrien. Because they had become plenty close over the past couple years and had learned to enjoy solo game nights without the lovey-dovey couple getting all lovey-dovey on them.
“I am not kidding.” Marinette warned.
“I’d love to see you try.”
“To kick you out?”
“I will.”
“Don’t underestimate me. I’m stronger than I look.”
“I’m not. I’ve seen you lift flour bags. I know full well what you’re capable of.”
“Therefore, you know better than to use that blue shell on me.”
Marinette snuck a glance at Adrien, who was wearing a smile that she Did. Not. Like. It was that smile that always meant trouble yet caused her heart to flutter. It was not fair that he looked extra attractive wearing that grin. Being a fashion designer, she’d seen her fair share of models. She hardly cared for them beyond being able to display her creations. Attractive men who constantly made passes at her while she fitted them with clothes were a dime a dozen.
However, the model next to her with his tongue slightly sticking out while his brows furrowed deeply in concentration could not be so easily tossed under that blanket statement, even if he had jokingly made passes at her while she tailored his outfits. Honestly, she found herself wishing more often than not that he’d meant them despite knowing he hadn’t.
“Well…” he said, shooting her a quick wink before turning back to the screen, “knowing and doing are two different things.”
“Adrien Agreste.”
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
“Don’t even think about it.”
“About pressing this button?”
He moved his finger.
“Don’t you dare.”
“Screw you!”
Marinette watched as the blue shell flew through the course and struck her, causing her cart to explode right before the finish line. Before her cart could even fully recover, she watched as Adrien’s cart zipped past her across the finish line.
“Winner!” he shouted, tossing his hands in the air while wearing a beaming smile.
“You mangy—”
“Hey hey, be nice.”
“Yeah.” He shot her a smile that did not under any circumstances cause the butterflies in her stomach to swirl. “It’s not becoming to be a sore loser.”
Marinette sputtered. “It is when you’re a cheater!”
“How’d I cheat? I merely used what the game gave me.”
“You strategically planned to screw me over.”
“But but but…” he began with a pout. “That’s kinda the point of Mario Cart.”
She let loose a growl before turning away from him. “Honestly, you’re such a piece of work.”
“Yeah, but you love me.”
The words were said in jest. Marinette knew this. Her heart could not take it in jest. Not when she had developed a healthy crush on the man who was now behind her.
Adrien’s concerned voice floated towards her, and her anger was already fading. She couldn’t stay mad at him, even if he did win this game five times in a row. She wasn’t a sore loser, but she also knew she was better than this.
His voice now resonated right by her ear. She could feel the couch cushion sink under his weight as he crawled across the couch to now be right behind her.
“Get lost. I’m sulking,” she snarked, turning her face away from him in hopes to hide the smile growing on her face.
“Oh, are we now?”
“We are,” she resolutely returned.
There was a pause, and Marinette felt the cushion under her return to normal as Adrein shifted off the couch entirely.
“Well,” Adrien said, rounding the arm rest to place himself right before her. She had to cover her mouth in hopes of hiding her grin just a little while longer. “I do know one way to get you to stop sulking.”
Marinette froze for a second, hand falling away from her face—her smile was long gone now—as she looked towards Adrien.
He was grinning.
She began panicking.
“You wouldn’t.”
His smile only grew in responce.
He would.
In a flash, Marinette spun around, planning to bolt off the couch and out of his reach.
Unfortunately, she was not fast enough to escape. And she squealed as he began his attack.
His tickle attack, that is.
“Adrien!” she shrieked, collapsing onto the couch in a fit of laughter. She tried to wiggle away from him, but it was no use. He had crawled over the arm of the couch and was now hovering over her. “Stop.”
“Never!” he cried, wrapping his arms fully around her to hold her close as his assault on her sides continued.
Marinette let out another shriek, laughing so hard tears were forming in her eyes as she tried to wiggle her way out of Adrien’s grasp. He was now laughing along with her as he pinned her fully beneath him to the couch, his arms around her waist that held her tightly enough to continue tickling her sides. “Give up,” he cried, giggling all the while.
“I give!” Marinette screamed, still laughing as her back arched and hands pushed against his shoulders in an unfortunately futile attempt to escape his grasp. “I give! I surrender! Please.”
He held his hands still, though his fingers still lingered on her exposed skin right between her pants and where her shirt had ridden up on her hips. He propped himself up best he could and pulled her back towards him, close enough for his face to hover right above hers. “No more pouty Mari!”
“Yes, yes! Okay. You win. Stop!”
With that, he fully halted his attack, allowing Marinette a moment to breathe. Wide smile still lingering on her face, she let her eyes shut as she took heaving gulps of air that she wasn’t able to get during her tickle-induced laughing attack.
Faintly, she became aware of Adrien also breathing heavily, a short chuckle escaping him here and there. “Hey.”
She opened her eyes, only to come face to face with Adrien. “What?”
“I didn’t go too overboard, did I?”
With a heavy sigh, she let her eyes drift closed for a moment before shaking her head. “No. No more than usual.”
“Good,” he huffed, clearly relieved.
While the two were coming down from their giggle fit high, Marinette became increasingly aware of their very precarious position. At the moment, she was pinned to the couch, a fact she had already been aware of, but not to this extent. Adrien’s face was barely hovering above hers, looking every bit as handsome as he possibly could be while he laid on top of her, their legs intertwined and his arms fencing her in.
She felt all her blood rush to her cheeks that moment. It wasn’t fair. He shouldn’t be able to have this affect on her. He was a model like any one of the dozens she was frequently surrounded with.
But he was also her friend. And a huge dork. And great at video games. And skilled both in the art of cheering her up and melting her heart. And and and…
And it just wasn’t fair how badly she’d fallen for him. Or how badly she wanted to kiss him right now.
“What… what if…”
She bit her lip. Just what did she think she was doing right now?
“What if I told you you did go overboard? What would you be willing to do to pay me back for it?”
He paused, distress slowly beginning to shadow his pretty features. “Anything.”
“I have Nino, who’s my best bro. But beyond that, the person I’m closest to… is you,” he quietly admitted. “I’d do whatever it took to make it up to you.”
Her heart was racing as she looked at the handsome man before her, the one she’d come to care for deeply and sincerely. She knew better than to take advantage of this situation. She knew better than to be manipulative like this. And yet, as Marinette looked at him, she also wasn’t sure she cared. “Then, close your eyes.”
Without hesitating, he did just that.
It wasn’t lost on Marinette the amount of trust he put into her. He was the kind that asked “how high” when asked to jump, but only for a select few people. Everyone else could take a long walk off a short pier for all he cared.
It made her realize once again just how precious that trust in her was.
Which made her rethink what she was about to do.
Ultimately, she shoved doubt aside as she raised her hands to cradle his cheeks, and he sucked in a sharp breath at her touch. They were soft to the touch yet very well defined. He was so handsome. A model through and through.
And maybe, she should stop saying such things, because what did it matter that he was a model. That was the one thing she could care less about when it came to him. Not when he had so many other qualities that shone far brighter.
Slowly, she started pulling him closer. And he came willingly. Yet, at the last moment, she froze.
In the end, she couldn’t go through with it.
“Please tell me you’re going to kiss me.”
She gasped quietly, unsure how to proceed or even answer that question. “I…” Words choked up in her throat. “I… wanted to.”
“Wanted to?” Adrien asked, eyes cracking open to match hers.
Her hands fell from his cheeks, curling together on her collarbone. She glanced away shyly. “I don’t… can’t take advantage of you.”
His hand reached up to brush aside her hair before cradling the back of her neck, bringing her attention back to his soft and sweet smile. “You’re not,” he gently assured. “Not by a long shot.”
“Then…” Marinette once again reached up to cradle his cheeks, and Adrien took that as his cue to pull her close and kiss her.
It was a single kiss, one that was a firm, lingering press of their lips together.
And in that moment, Marinette knew this was game over for her and her heart. Adrien had won again. But this time, she hardly minded.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” Adrien whispered. “But… seems like you were braver than I was. It never felt like the right time, and I was too chicken to push my luck when I knew I could end up losing you.”
Words now completely failed Marinette. What was she supposed to say to that? How was she supposed to respond? “I… get… how you feel.”
Above her, Adrien’s loving smile grew. “So, does this mean I can press my luck and get a favorable answer when I ask if you’d be my girl?”
Marinette was quick to nod. “Yes.”
Adrien visibly relaxed, faint blush growing on his own cheeks. “I’m… really glad to hear that.”
A short silence passed between them.
“Second question.”
“Yeah?” Marinette whispered, her heart already over the moon and head completely in the clouds.
“If I asked to kiss you again,” Adrien said, leaning closer. “Would that answer be a yes?”
Those words wracked around in her mind for two seconds before short-circuiting everything. Forget speech, because that had become physically impossible, Marinette just grabbed his cheeks again.
Right before she could pull him down to grant his request, she could hear him chuckle softly. “I like that answer,” he whispered. “But…”
His lips brushed against hers as his voice got low and so quiet she could barely pick up on the words that fully destroyed her. “I like you even more.”
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inadaydream99 · 4 years
They Don’t Know We Know
A/N - Part Five in my Stray Kids oneshot series inspired by Friends: “They don’t know we know they know we know.”. This took me far longer to write than I expected and it’s also really long, but I hope you enjoy! 😁
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“Well, I’m gonna go do some laundry.” You suddenly excuse yourself, making a stand from the sofa before walking out of the room. All eyes are one you as you exit, some following in confusion and others snickering at your random announcement. But what none of them notice is the brief glance you send to Seungmin in indication for him to follow you shortly after.
“I need a drink.” Seungmin mumbles the first thing he can think of, awkwardly picking up his empty glass from the coffee table before heading in the direction of the kitchen.
“Oh, will you get me one?” Changbin calls after him eagerly.
“Don’t have enough hands, sorry.” Seungmin shouts back, his lazy excuse making changbin roll his eyes in annoyance. I mean, what kind of excuse even is that?
“(Y/N)?” Seungmin calls out, poking his head around the corner of the bathroom door. He smiles, letting out a small sigh in relief when he finds you, leant back against the sink, waiting for him.
“Did anyone seem suspicious?” You ask a little worriedly, searching for some reassurance that your secret is safe.
“I don’t think so.” Seungmin whispers in response, a cheesy grin on his face as he approaches you, his hands holding your waist delicately as he leans in, closing the space between you slowly.
What neither of you hear, however, is the gasp that sounds from the opposite side of the door, Hyunjin’s hands flying up to cover his mouth as he listens in to your conversation and realises that this is why you’ve both been acting so strange recently.
“Ok, I know I promised I wouldn’t gossip anymore but I just found out something that I need to tell!” Hyunjin comes rushing into the room taking Jeongin by surprise.
“I don’t want to hear it, you’re not allowed.” Jeongin stops Hyunjin from continuing, covering his ears with his hands.
Amongst the group, everyone had all set themselves an individual challenge, with whoever breaking first having to face a forfeit arranged by everyone else. Hyunjin’s is to not gossip for a whole month, a task that is already very challenging for him, and it’s only the second day in.
“But it’s-”
“Lalalalalalal.” Jeongin shouts to drown out Hyunjin, making him give up on talking.
“Would you stop that.” Hyunjin reprimands, forcing Jeongin to remove his hands from covering his ears. The pout that forms on Jeongin’s face making Hyunjin roll his eyes. He’s not falling for that pouty look again.
“What if you guess what I found out... then technically I won’t be gossiping.” Hyunjin slyly proposes after a moments thought.
“I guess that’s fine.” Jeongin shrugs. “Is it about someone I know?” He begins, taking his time to think up answerable questions.
“Yeah!” Hyunjin eagerly nods.
“Ok... male or female?” Jeongin quizzes.
“One of each.” Hyunjin smirks knowingly, his expression speaking a thousand words.
“So it’s about a relationship that I’m guessing isn’t known about by many people, judging by your face.” Jeongin speaks his thoughts, chuckling in amusement when Hyunjin becomes impatient with him.
“Wait- it’s not.” Jeongin suddenly has an epiphany, stunned gaze meeting Hyunjin’s. “Is it?” He questions.
“I don’t know, do you think it is who I know it is?” Hyunjin throws back. It’s almost like they’re talking in code now.
“Seungmin and (Y/N)?” Jeongin leans in close so he can whisper your names to Hyunjin. “You know!” He excitedly exclaims when Hyunjin nods. “You won’t believe how good it feels to finally have someone to talk to about this!” Jeongin confesses elatedly.
“Wait, you already know?” Hyunjin gasps.
“Yeah, I found them kissing ages ago but they made me swear not to tell anyone! They’re really paranoid about keeping this a secret.” Jeongin explains through the wide grin on his face. He feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. “How’d you find out?” He asks.
“I heard talking coming from one of the rooms and when I peeked round I saw them acting all mushy.” Hyunjin cringes, shivering at recalling the memory.
“All I can say is, they were doing things that just friends wouldn’t do.” Felix grimaces, confiding in Hyunjin.
“Join the club, I found out about them yesterday and Innie has known for months!” Hyunjin confesses. “Wait- is that gossiping?” Hyunjin gasps, beginning to freak out about already loosing.
“So what should we do? I mean, I’m a bit hurt neither of them told us, we are their best friends after all.” Felix states, a cheeky grin on his face which Hyunjin reciprocates when he catches on.
“I think it’s time to have some fun with this.” Hyunjin darkly snickers.
“Hey (Y/N)...” Hyunjin slyly approaches you, catching you off guard as he slides into the seat beside you and instantly rests his arm across the back of the sofa.
“You ok?” You raise your brow at him in suspicion, leaning away just enough to get a better reading of his face.
“I am now that I’m with you.” His responce is so cringey you have to stop yourself from wanting to vomit. Instead settling for an uneasy laugh.
“That’s great.”
You honestly have no idea what’s gotten into your friend, but you do know that you don’t like it one bit. Hyunjin has not once acted this way towards you before, it just feels so unnatural.
“Oh hey Seungmin.” Hyunjin smiles innocently as he notices the way Seungmin eyes how you two are sat together. That should be his spot and he wants nothing more in the moment than to put Hyunjin in his place by telling him to back off his girlfriend. Except he can’t.
“You two look cosy.” His tone is dry. You can sense the bitterness that Seungmin is trying to hold back.
“You know, this is actually really nice. We should cuddle like this more often.” Hyunjin turns his attention back onto you. The way he looks at you makes you feel even more awkward. He’s filled with so much hope you can’t bare to ruin his mood.
“Huh yeah.” You agree through a forced smile.
“I’ll look forward to it.” Hyunjin grins, making a stand and sending you a wink before leaving the room.
“What the hell was all that about?” Seungmin fills the now empty space beside you. He’s not angry like you thought he’d be, if anything he’s confused. Much like you are.
“I wish I knew.” You shrug, settling into Seungmin’s chest as you are finally able to cuddle up together.
“He knows!” Seungmin barges into his room where you’d been patiently waiting for him.
“Who knows what?” You tilt your head in confusion, placing your phone down beside you to give all your attention to Seungmin.
“Hyunjin knows about us! I mean, it’s so obvious now. That’s why he was acting all strange yesterday.” Seungmin explains. And that’s when it dawns on you.
“Do you think he’s told anyone else?” You inquire.
“It doesn’t seem so, but I denfitly think he’s been playing us to see how we react...” Seungmin trails off deep in thought. “And I think it’s time we beat him at his own game.”
So your plan was set up and ready to go.
You and Seungmin agreed to play Hyunjin’s little game. You’d flirted back the next time you saw him and you’d even done it with Seungmin in the room, just so it would be more believable. Plus he didn’t want to miss the confusion on Hyunjin’s face. The only thing left to do is to make him confess to knowing your secret.
Except, unbeknownst to you, Jeongin had alerted both Hyunjin and Felix that you knew what they were up to. He’s become a way for both sides to uncover information to strategically use against the other and its beginning to take its toll on him.
“What are we gonna do now?” Felix exasperatedly sighs, throwing his hands up in agitation.
“Well...” Hyunjin trails off with a devilish smirk on his face. “They don’t know we know they know we know.”
Jeongin swallows his nerves, uneased by the knowing glance that Hyunjin and Felix share.
“Don’t you think that has gone on for too long?” He helplessly questions, trying to reason with them. He’s tired of all this back and forth, he just wants the secret to be out and for everyone to move on already.
“No way, we need to finish what we’ve started now.” Felix states, placing his hand on jeongin’s shoulder and giving it a light shake in encouragement.
The moment has finally arrived. After a lot of persuasion from Seungmin, you’d caved in and invited Hyunjin over to yours for the evening.
“He’s here!” You nervously announce, meeting Seungmin’s calm and controlled gaze.
“Everything’s gonna be fine, ok.” He softly reassures you, pulling you in for a final hug and a quick peck on the lips before giving you a nudge towards the front door.
You cast one final, unsure, gaze behind you, checking that your boyfriend has hidden out of sight before you plaster a wide smile on your face and swing the door open.
Hyunjin’s head snaps up, instantly putting a halt to the nervous chewing on his bottom lip as he makes eye contact with you.
“I’m so glad you’re here.” You warmly greet him, making way for him to enter your place.
“Thank you for inviting me, it was a pleasant surprise.” Hyunjin let’s out a breathy chuckle.
“Oh, well, I happened to have noticed your flirting recently and I thought I better show my interest before you think I’m not.” You slowly approach him, eyes locked on his. You’re set on making him crack.
“Really.” He swallows, taking a cautious step back. He doesn’t look as confident as he has done previously, almost like he’s intimidated by you. But that only powers you to keep going, letting out a little “hmmm.” in responce to his statement.
Then it dawns on Hyunjin that he’d fallen into your trap. How could he have not realised sooner? The sudden flirtatiousness, your invite tonight... even the menacing air surrounding you now.
“I think I need some air.” He gasps, rushing past you towards the front door.
“What are you doing?” Felix whisper shouts. He and Jeongin had been waiting outside, trying their best to get a glimpse through the window, to no luck.
“It’s a set up! They must have found out about our plan and organised this to beat us.” Hyunjin explains, still freaking out over the situation.
“Ok! I told them, but it was only because they cornered me.” Jeongin confesses. “I’m just tired of being push back and forth between you all and wanted this to end.”
“Ugh.” Felix sighs. “Just go back in and make your move. Kiss her already.” He instructs, forcing Hyunjin to return to you.
“Are you ok?” You approach your distressed friend, genuinely concerned for him. He looks in a right state, still a little breathless. Until he looks up and his eyes land on you.
“I’m fine...” Hyunjin warmly smiles, shyly taking your hand in his. “But, you know, maybe a kiss would make me feel better?” He raises his brow in question, softly gazing down at you.
You freeze upon hearing his words. How are you meant to answer that? Especially knowing Seungmin can hear everything.
Then again, if you say no to Hyunjin he’ll definitely know something is up and your plan will be ruined.
“Sure...” you mumble, trying to sound like you actually want to kiss him.
It’s only one kiss. No big deal. It’ll last a few seconds at most. Or at least that’s what you tell yourself as you feel Hyunjin slowly inch your faces closer together.
“Here I go.” He states, taking a deep, shaky breath.
“No!” Seungmin interrupts, making both you and Hyunjin jump apart.
“You win, I love her ok! I. Love. Her.” Seungmin confesses at the top of his lungs. So loud in fact, that Felix and Jeongin hear him from outside.
“Yes!” They cheer, rushing into the room.
“You love me?” Your throat feels tight, overwhelmed with emotions. It’s the first time he’s said that to you before.
“I love you (Y/N).” Seungmin reiterates, this time a lot quieter as he pulls you in and holds you close.
“I love you too.” You gush, sniffling a little in order to keep your tears from spilling down your cheeks.
“Awe that’s so sweet.” Felix coo’s, making you both chuckle, elated grins on your faces.
“Hey, good game Hyunjin.” Seungmin stretches out his hand, smiling triumphantly when Hyunjin accepts his offer.
“What can I say, I had a tough opponent.” He snickers, nodding his head towards you in compliment.
“I’m just glad it all out in the open now and I don’t have to hide any more secrets.” Jeongin giddily giggled, the most adorable smile on his face.
“Well, actually...” you trail off, reluctant to break the news to him. “The others still don’t know.”
“And we’d like to keep it that way.” Seungmin adds, shooting a pleading gaze over to Jeongin.
You all laugh when Jeongin let out a cry in distress. After all the events of the last few days you’re glad it over. At least now you don’t have to hide your relationship from everyone anymore. And, who knows, maybe it won’t be much longer before the rest of the guys find out.
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birth-fic-lover · 4 years
Getting her baby
This was a mistake Holly told herself, she was a well regarded member of the comunity. She should not be getting a black market baby. She tried to tell herself that it wasn’t like this baby was going to be smugged into her house, just that she was going to simply pick this baby up and let her staff deal with the legal documents. She had herd about this before, women who would sell there babies to women such as her. She couldn’t wait any longer, she would rather pay the premiam price.
As she walked up the road she tried to take everything in, knowing one day she would be re-telling this tale to her child one day. On her arm was a carseat and over her shoulder was a baby bag full of blankets and outfits. She rang the bell and to her suprise a heavily pregnant woman answered the door. “Paula?” Holly asked.
“That’s me” Paula said with a grin, “you must be Holly” she said holding out her hand. “Unfortunatly as you can tell your baby has not arrived as of yet, but feel free to stick around till they arrive” she offered.
“Oh um, are you in labour?” Holly asked.
“I did loose my mucus this morning. I have been feeling a bit presure on and off for the past few days. But since you came all the way out here, you might as well stay the night. You would be doing me a favor as my usual birth partner has a family emergancy, beside you can watch the child come into the world. I will even let you cut the cord” she teased.
Holly thought about it, “I did have a hotel, but since your birth partner isn’t here. I will go get my suitcase”.
Paula waited for Holly rubbing her belly absentmidedly, she smiled when Holly returned. “It’s all one floor, since I spend most my time pregnant it makes sense not to have to bother with stairs”. 
As they walked to the spare room Holly looked though an open doorway to see a room with a bed with plasic sheets, a birth ball and other things ready for the babies arrivel. Upon Holly securing Paula’s next baby, they had a long phone call. Paula told her there would be no making their birth plans, as she had all her babies in a desiganted room in her home. She liked the idea of an unassisted birth, though she had a partner with her just in case. 
Hollywas wary about this idea, but was persuaded by the fact that Paula had many births. She was a pro it seemed, she even had been emailing Holly weekly reports. Holly knew that dispite her age, Paula was having a surprisingly easy pregnancy. Though she was a lot bigger then Holly expected, she looked overdue.
As they got to the guest room Paula turned and caught her looking at her, but she just laughed. “I know, they say each time you get pregnant you carry a little bit bigger. I seem to be oooofff proof of that” she said stiffening suddenly. 
“Are you okay?” Holly asked.
Paula rubbed deep circles into her globe of a belly, “I think now your are here your child wants too meet you, with those kicks your child will be breaking my water in no time” Paula joked.
“Can baby’s really do that?” Holly asked.
Paula laughed, “I wouldn’t put it past them, one time I went into labour from laughing too hard. Your baby is real low on my hips, so labour could start anytime now”.
Holly had herd of about when bellies drop that is a signal the baby was ready, she also herd it could be uncomfortable. Holly place her suitcase on the bed and followed Paula as she left the room. “Can I do anything?”
“No, No. I was just going to make myself up a hot waterbottle.” Paula then stopped, her hands sliding down her belly. She suddenly felt a shift in weight inside her belly and got the sensation that if she didnt support it, it felt like the baby would just fall out. “On second thoughts, I think I will be needing to go into my birthing room just to be safe. Could you make me up that hot waterbottle?”
Holly nodded, she didn’t want to leave Paula’s side but want to help in anyway she could. She looked around the kitchen and she couldn’t find the hotwater bottle to fill. She resorted in turning on the electic kettle, then going to ask Paula where she put the hotwater bottle.
As she entered the room she saw Paula had taken her leggings off, rolling her hips on the birthing ball. Out of habbit she tired not to look at where she was just in her underwear, instead looking at her face and lace shirt.
Paula smiled, “if your my birthing partner you will be seeing me in much less than this” she remined her good naturedly. “I hope you are well rested, we have a long night ahead of us”.
“Yes” she said, “thank you for letting me be a part of this”.
“You ohhhhh, you were in lucky that the baby hadn’t arrived yet and I needed a birthing partner” Paula said with both her hands still on her belly. “I don’t usally like clients being here, they take too much control away from me”.
“You can do this how ever you like” Holly promised.
Paula gave a greatful smiled before a  full contraction seized her, she held her hands out and natrally Holly held them letting Paula  breath through it. “Hee hee hoooooooooooo, the pressure is starting”.
“This is so quick” Holly comented.
“After the amount of children I have birthed, I feel like my body doesn’t need long to prep” she explained still squeezing Holly’s hands tight. Over the next hour Paula’s contractions built up, they paced around the room each contraction more powerful then the last. 
Paula could feel her contractions forcing the baby down into her birth canal against her will, as she dilated she prayed for her water to break. Until finally it was getting too much. ”Naaaaggggghhhhhh I need to get on the mattress” Paula requested as they headed there she stopped, “so much pressure...feels like it's gonna fall out of me." Paula’s grip was like a vice, "it's so low... so...naaaagggghhhh...fucking low."
“Do you need to push?” Holly asked wanting to get her on the bed before Paula collapsed.
“Naaaagggghhhhh no, my water hasn’t broken.” Paula wished her usual birth partner was here, she had the expreance to break her waters.
Holly helped again take a step towards the bed, it felt so far away with all the pain and pressure Paula was dealing with. She was hit with another contraction, her body was not giving her much of a break, This one shifted the baby even lower. "Naaaaggghhhhhh hooooo”, Paula moaned in responce to the involuntary push. She gasped for air and the moment she got relief she forced her body forward to the bed, knowing she needed to get into a good pushing position. As soon as her water broke she would be pushing this baby out.
Holly knelt on the bed next to Paula, she didn’t want to distract Paula knwoing she would ask for help when she needed it. Her belly would visabily tighten with each contraction, “NNAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH” she moaned loudly. The presure was never this bad before she swore. She was about to beg Holly to call an ambulance, when she felt the pop inside her and fluid gushed out.
“Naaaaghhhhh” Paula moaned not wasting anytime, she pushed and Holly saw Paula’s lips part slightly as the head started to bulge. 
Paula could tell it wouldn’t take long, after the next push Holly could see a glimps of the baby’s head. Holly was amazed as slowly but surely the head kept inching forward, Holly held Paula’s hand filled with emotion.
"Nnnggggghhhhh...how...how much is out?" Paula asked.
“The head is half way out” Holly told her, to her suprise with the next contraction Paula didn’t stop till the head popped out with a gush of fluid. She let out a sigh of relief.
"There's...naaaghhh..no cord round it’s neck, right?" she asked Holly.
Holly checked, “no it’s all clear”.
Paula saw that as her green light, she pushed with all her might until she started pushing the sholders out one by one. With a last gush of fluid the baby popped out, the purple baby was rubbed on the back and started to pink up as it let out it’s cry.
Holly was filled with joy, “Thank you, we must do this again sometime” she joked.
“Maybe in another nine months?” Paula asked returning the joke.
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20thcentury-kylo · 4 years
Another Long Day
Got a speed pain vid planned soon but in the mean time, have some Furufumi x Kiome
 It's 5 o'clock and his migraine has yet to subside. Furufumi gazes absentmindedly at the store's clock. 
"Just three more hours..."He mumbles to himself. Three more hours of obnoxious customers fluttering about haphazardly taking books they don't ever intend to read only to stuff them away randomly instead of going back to where they got it. Three hours of them blatantly ignoring the giant red 'NO FOOD' sign at the door, and him having to clean up half empty latte cups, and whatever crumbs found their way onto the shelves.. Just three more hours... great. 
Some days Furufumi really hated his job. He was the natural born opposite of a people person, and has often considered quitting in search of something more... secluded. Alas he can't leave now, someone has to take care of the knowledge stored within these books. 
The boy lets out an audible sigh as another group of customers make their way through the glass door- surely to cause disorder in their wake. Furufumi puts on his most approachable expression as he greets them. 
"Evening, I hope you find what you're looking for without trouble, please don't hesitate to call for help if you need it.." A blatant lie, please don't call him. 
"Oh no thanks, just here to grab a magazine-" Somehow that responce annoys him more than the thought of being forced to leave from behind the counter. Furufumi responds with a curt nod before making the transaction as quickly as possible. Money- receipt- product. 
'Now Leave-' 
"Have a nice evening, and come again!!" 
'Please don't come back' 
Some time passes before he finds himself taking another look at the clock, a sigh of relief escaping his lips. 
'Just 30 more minutes..' The boy takes a much needed stretch as a stifled yawn forces its way out. Man he needed a nap. His phone vibrates from his breast pocket, and without looking Furufumi can already tell who it is. He pulls it out to view the apparent message, taking a moment to admire his most recent lock screen. It's the two of them, out by the boardwalk, he can't help the smile that sneaks its way onto his features. 
Tumblr media
Furufumi finds himself hiding a deepening blush at reading those words. It was such a small gesture- something that was common for them to do, yet it never failed to send the Brunettes heart aflutter. It gives him the strength to trudge through those last 30 minutes, which seemed to be passing much faster now that he had something to look forward to. 
He responds with a heart, maybe two.... maybe four before putting his phone away. Being honest he barely hears the next customer's request as his mind is far off in a distant bed... 
The air's a tad chilly as Furufumi locks up for the night, but he pays it no mind. With his keys secure the boy paces his way to the bus stop, soft music flowing through his head phones with a soft, sweet melody.. 
Hello Darlin, How Ya doin- 
Keep me on my toes- 
But i'm still movin- 
The bus ride home is blissfully uneventful, allowing the Brunette to sit and gaze out at the golden hued sunset. Absentmindedly day dreaming... 
Hello Darlin, How ya doin- 
From just outside the door, Furufumi can already smell the savory aromas of whatever his better half had prepared. Stepping in fully, the scent graces his senses in full force. 
"Ah- Tempura!"He says to himself in realization. His coat and boots are quickly displaced as the Brunette slips into his house shoes- making a beeline straight for the kitchen. There he finds Kiome clad in their checkered apron humming wistfully as they tended to the food upon the stove. 
"One Sec~" With a gentle flick of the stove's knob its fire dies out leaving the gentle smells of fried fish, vegetables and freshly steamed rice pouring through the room. Being as forward as they were- Kiome takes no time in removing their apron and swooping their darling up in a gentle embrace. 
"Feels like it's been forever..."It's only been a day or so at most, yet Furufumi doesn't bother to reply, he simply hugs back and embraces the warmth of it all. 
"Oi- you look so tired.."The concern in Kiome's voice is touching, almost like a worried mother- the thought brings a light chuckle to Furufumi's lips. 
"No no- I... just had a long day.."He's sure he looks ragged, frazzled hair bag riddled eyes, but honestly- he couldn't be happier right now. 
"Just glad to see you~"They pull back, and Furufumi marvels at how naturally his hands rest around Kiome's hips. Just the closeness  itself was enough to undo all of his work induced stress. They bring a warm slightly calloused hand to caress his cheek, and the Brunette all but melts in their touch. The feeling erupts from his core and rushes almost directly to his face, his features rivaling that of a fresh picked rose. The way their lips meet is slow, soft- almost methodical in motion. The hint of chocolate laced on Kiome's lips leave him there longer than he intended. 
"C'mon- you must be hungry~"As if on que Furufumi's belly erupts a subtle growl, he'd almost forgotten about dinner entirely. 
Furufumi can't begin to describe how good it feels to stretch out on the bed, he and Kiome nestled together under their large comforter. Some movie marathon plays quietly in the background. His glasses are resting on the bedside table so he's barely paying any attention to the T.v. Instead the soft melodic motion of Kiome's hands running through his hair lull him into a half daze. He can hear their heartbeat in a slow, constant rhythm, and swears it's the most beautiful sound he's ever heard. 
Instinctively he nuzzles further into their chest, letting their heartbeat guide his breathing in tandem, and as the Brunette drifts off to dream yet again, an expression he muses often bubbles up from his mind 
"Why can't every day feel as good as this..." It's no more than a half mumbled whisper, yet Kiome hears- through his soul he hears it loud and clear. 
"Me too hun- me too" 
There they lie, a couple of hearts, a bundle of souls, lying in a moment's reprieve, no doubt dreaming of each other...
Thank you all for reading! As always Comments and reviews are much appreciated- help me improve uwu
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fairymadnessyeah · 5 years
Birthday Boys - Chapter 4
Chapter 4 : Welcome Home, Nii-san
Hope you like it
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22242565/chapters/55292371
Sunlight filtered through the window and the rag they called a curtain. Dabi grumbled as the light hit his eyes, waking him. Rubbing his eyes and sitting up on the bed, the raven looks at his left. Shigaraki's light blue hair shinning with the morning light greeted him, as he moved to get more comfortable, hugging the pillow and taking all the sheets for himself and leaving Dabi bear to the world.
The older man chuckled as he watched his boyfriend create a nest out of their bed. For as long as he known Tomura, he knew the man was always cold. He had even seen him use long sleeves in the middle of summer. Dabi laid back in the bed and stared at his skinny boyfriend amused. He noticed the bed sheets slipping off of his shoulder. With a low moan, Dabi started leaving small kisses and nips at the pale skin that was still coverred in hickeys from yesterday. Tomura groaned and blinked himself awake.
He huffed in annoyance and turned his eyes to Dabi. "Don't you have anything better to do?"
"But you're comfy..." Dabi said with a yawn and rolled on top of Shigaraki.
"Get your skinny ass off of me... " Tomura grumbled as he tried to burry himself into his pillow.
"You weren't complaining about my skinny ass yesterday" Dabi whispered in his ear. Tomura only groaned in responce. "It does feel a little sore. Won't you kiss it better?" Dabi continued teasing his boyfriend and, again, only got a groan as a responce. Although, louder and longer. "Well, can I at least kiss yours?"
Tomura stood up abruptly, making Dabi fall off the bed. Shigaraki was frowning down at his boyfriend as he looked up from his spot on the floor, looking smug as the little shit that he was. "You are bottoming until the bite heals." The pale man on the bed said and returned to his spot on the bed.
Dabi grinned and, standing up from the floor, stepped outside the room to go to the bathroom. After a couple of minutes, Dabi came back into the bedroom with a towel around his naked hips, his hair wet and a couple of rogue drops tracing a path throght all of his tattooed chest. As Dabi started getting dressed, Tomura was slowly getting out of the pile of sheets and pillows. By the time Dabi was ready, Tomura was sitting on the edge of the bed with only one blanket covering him like a robe, as he scratched lightly against his neck.
Dabi stood right in front of him and took his hands in his to stop him. He placed them around his own neck, making the other stand up from the bed, and when he was head to head with him, Dabi closed their distance, locking their lips into a tender kiss Tomura melted into. As the two separed their lips, Dabi hummed and fastened the bed sheet as a cape back on Tomura. "Y'know..." He sighted "You got horrible morning breath, creep" He told him and kissed the mole near his lips as Tomura pouted.
The two got out of the room and made their way through the apartment. Tomura going directly into the bathroom to shower and Dabi staying in the kitchen to make breakfast. He had made some coffee and had started pouring on cereal for Tomura as he sipped from one of the cups with coffee, the one with a MCR album picture, when said he stepped out the bathroom in his robe, a blast of steam coming out with him.
Dabi didn't understand how Tomura didn't cook himself alive with how hot he took his showers. He had learned to bath before Tomura, after their first week together as roommates. Tomura had run him out of hot water faster than anybody that had ever took a shower there. And that was an achievement, since Toga used to spend a lot of time here and always took two hours to get ready. Somehow, she had at least left hot water for him.
As he was making himself some toast with the oven, Tomura came out of the room wearing a black hoodie, black pants and his red sneakers. He took one of the cups, the one with mothman, and sat on the counter, with the bowl of dry cereal in his lap.
Once his toasts were done, Dabi pulled a chair next to his boyfriend. The two ate like that, with Tomura perched on the kitchen counter, eating dry cereal and Dabi spread on a chair near him as he ate almost-burned toast. They talked about Tomura's channel as they drank their coffee. The couple had actually really missed each other, and after spending an entire day making up for it, they still didn't want to spend time without the other.
But Tomura knew his boyfriend better than most. Dabi was avoiding something. And with how this last few weeks had gone, it didn't take a genius to deduce it was about his family. Or rather his sibblings and the promise he had made to his baby brother. From now on, starting next week, Shouto was going to work with Dabi on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and during this days, Dabi was supposed to contact the older pair of sibblings to try to reconnect.  
"When are you seeing your sibblings?" Shigaraki asked Dabi, shooting the elephant of the room.
"I'm going to call them later..." Dabi told him, avoiding his gaze and trying to move on from this topic.
"You can't just call them," He told the raven. "You have to go see them. You can't start something with one foot outside"
"I... have work, babe" He tried to find excuses that could work.
"How many booked session today?" Tomura asked, tired of his boyfriend actions.
"Umm... One in a bit" Dabi said as he stood up from his chair to clean as he finished his breakfast.
"Alright," Tomura finished his coffee and his cereal and hopped out of the counter. "Where does your brother study?"
"Karasuno College, Natsuo is in the volleyball team" Dabi told him. Tomura took out his phone as Dabi finished up in kitchen.
The two made their way downstairs to the shop. Dabi at the front, opening everything and Tomura behind him, still staring and messing with his phone. When they reached the place, Tomura sat at the register as Dabi opened and turned on the lights. As the place started looking alive again, Dabi went next to his boyfriend and grabbed his sketch book. Before he could look for his pencil, Tomura showed him what he was doing with his phone.
It was an itinerary of Natsuo's univercity's team. Apparently it was a big deal. Years back it was supposed to be the home of a famous volleyball team that had won thousands of medals or something. Dabi, though, already knew this as he had enterred this site thousand of times before, as he had kept tabs on all of his sibblings. The tattooed man looked expectantly at his boyfriend. Tomura was a natural schemer and strategiest, if he showed him something there was a plan formulating or in the process at the moment.
"They have practice at 4:30 Pm, that gives you enough time to finish this booked appointment, and catch him before his practice and spend an hour or two with him. I will take care the store today and call and re-schedule today, tomorrow and Saturdays appointments." Shigaraki told him with a tone that left no place for discussion and put his phone down.
Dabi was thinking of something to get out of going to see his brother, but he was coming up empty. His boyfriend could be terrifing when he wanted to. He was almost sure that Shigaraki Tomura could achieve world domination in a year. If he was honest with himself, for a while, when they still had the gang going on, he could of swore that the only thing holding Tomura back was himself and his twisted love for his Sensei. And if the Tomura-Empire ever happened, Dabi would make sure he was right there next to his boyfriend in every step of the way.
Right now though, he wasn't able to come with any excuse to avoid this and Tomura knew so, judging by the stupid smirk he had on. It could not have been a better moment for the doorbell-guitar to go off and as a guy in a black jacket came inside for his tattoo. Tomura checked him and as he enterred the the side room where Dabi would tattoo him, Tomura took the phone and Dabi's booked appointments information and started calling them.
Natsuo was having a very shitty month.
First, his strangled brother appeared out of thin air after 10 years of silence. Which really ended as baddly as he should have expected.
Then, he couldn't even stand his family as they acted as if everything was okay after the whole Touya incident part II. Because what did you do when something was horrible? You made a sequel out of it and pretend you liked the result.
After that, his friends, who he thought were getting kind of annoying after going from praising the living daylight out of his Old Man, to curse him everytime he was mentioned, told him he should take a break during the next two matches and not participate. Because apparently, he looked "tense".
And finally, the cafeteria, who had been his happy place for a long time, had cancelled Taco Thursday, for a salad bar.
Which okay, he could get behind for his vegan girlfriend. But today he could practice again to participate in the next match with his team. He deserved a spicy mexican treat.
Leaving his girlfriend with her friends so that she could enjoy the salad bar, he growled all the way out of the building as he searched with his phone for a place where they sold mexican food. He had just stepped outside when he saw him. Black dyed hair, intence blue eyes, tattooes and piercings covering his body. He was leaning against a motorbike, who Natsuo had to admit, was cool as hell and talking through his phone. Without even thinking it, Natsuo put on his best, 'Oh, yeah, Endeavor is my dad' face and greeted Touya as he approached him.
He knew it was a bad idea, but if he could show him how much they needed him and how much they missed him, maybe Touya would stay.
He heard his brother say, "I'll call you later " before he turned his attencion to the albino. "So... You have to... work around here or something?" He asked, trying to break the ice.
Touya stared at him and Natsuo could feel the gaze burning his very being. And after not seeing one another for 10 years and going through a horrible reunion, the first thing Touya ever said to Natsuo was:
"Take that phony thing you call a smile off your face. It’s creepy”
Natsuo did and looked down. He was too ashamed of himself to face his brother. Of course he didn’t want him in his life anymore.
Natsuo had never been there for him. He had just left him get beaten by Dad like a punching bag and when Shouto was born, he tried to hog him all to himself. And when he had run away, he was the first one to lose hope of him ever returning. He had left him for dead. No, wonder he never came back.
“Listen, Natsuo... I came here to talk, It might go bad or not but, in the very least, we’ll get some closure” Dabi said, making the albino look up in hope.
“Really?” Natsuo asked dazed, to which Dabi just shrugged. “Well... I was craving some spicy food, so...”
“Sure, I saw some food trucks while I was coming here, we could check them out.” Touya said as he took two helmets out of the saddlebag of the bike. He gave Natsuo the shiny gray one as he put on the black one with flames drawn on it.
Natsuo took the helmet and gasped excited as he looked between the helmet, the motorcycle and his brother. Then he abruptly stopped.
“Can I drive?” He asked seriously
“Not even if die” Dabi told him. His brother put on the helmet with a pout and hopped on.
They arrived at a park a couple of minutes later. There were a couple of kids playing near some swings and a slide, some adults watching over them on a bench nearby and two food trucks. One sold donuts and the other burritos.
Natsuo and Dabi went to both, one settling for burritos aand the other getting a jelly donut. All the way there and while they order the food, Natsuo told Dabi about his classes and his girlfriend, and he would of continued if Dabi hadn’t stopped him. The two were seated in a bench near the playground, but far enough so that they didn’t bother the kids playing there.
“Touya died a long time ago,” Dabi started “I’m not the same person you knew. I changed. I’m Dabi now... And I know you loved Touya very much but,... I can’t be him anymore.”
Natsuo stared at him speechless. He didn’t know what to say. When he imagined what it would be like if Touya ever returned it never went like this. (Well, his fantasies also included Touya punching Enji and knocking him uncouncios, so...).
But, never, not even in the horrible dephs of his imagination could he have come up with this. Because, even if the man in front of him would deny it, he knew his brother. He knew Touya. And there was a little bit of that in Dabi still.
There was still the shame and guilt of not being able of protecting his family, his saddness over being unbearable to look at for Mom, the stubborn determination they all inherited from their Dad.
There were some differences, but the core was the same.
It was Touya, and Dabi. It was his brother.
And God, had Natsuo missed him.
The albino decided to let it go and threw his arms around him, smothering him in a hug. Dabi let go of the breath he was holding and returned Natsuo’s affection, patting him in the back in return.
“Okay, that’s... alright for now” Dabi told him and separated them.
Natsuo sniffed, and rubbed away the small tears that formed in his eyes. He gave his brother a bright and giant smile, which Dabi returned with a small one. But it didn’t matter. Things were getting better.
The  two stayed in the park until Natsuo had to leave for practice. They catched up as much as they could and even order more donuts, which Natsuo devoured and Dabi only ate one. As they parked in front of Karasuno’s gym, Natsuo gave his brother back his helmet and one last embrace.
“Oh, could you not tell Fuyumi about this? I kind of want to surprise her” Dabi asked the younger man.
“Sure... Hey, before you leave” Natsuo stopped him as he placed the keys on the ignition. “What made you change your mind? On your birthday you weren’t extactly happy to see us...”
Dabi sighed amused. “Shouto annoyed me until I caved” He told him and started the motorcycle. “See ya”
“Shouto, you damn brat...”
After talking to his brother on Thursday, Dabi knew the easiest part was over. The two people left was Fuyumi and Mom.
He didn’t believe the doctors that took care of his mother would let him see her. And thinking about the woman really messed with his head. So, he would wait to cross that bridge when it came.
But Fuyumi was an issue all on her own.
It wasn’t that he feared she wouldn’t forgive him. What he most feared was her not accepting Touya was gone. He knew that she had still hope Touya would return before they knew about Dabi. And he felt it in his gut that she was not going to trancition Touya to Dabi like his brothers.  
And Dabi couldn’t take it. He didn’t like that part of himself, even if he knew he had meant a lot to his sibblings. He had burried Touya a long time ago. And Shouto and Natsuo had already understood that without much of a fuss.
He really doubted Fuyumi would.
He had called the next day, asking if they could talk and she had invited him to dinner. Shouto was going to spend the weekend with his friends at UA, and Natsuo with his girlfriend. They said they didn’t want to interrupt the moment between them. Really, they were being smart and taking cover from the catastrophy Fuyumi’s and Dabi’s dinner was going to be.
He arrived at the apartment and when Fuyumi opened the door, he knew this was going to be a worse shit-show than he imagined.
Fuyumi had cooked Sukiyaki and Miso Tofu soup. Touya’s favourite dish. That took a lot of time to cook. Like a big, warm, welcome-back present.
He had barely stepped into the threshold when he came to an abrupt stop. Fuyumi, who was already in the talking about something excitedly, turned confused at him.
“I... Touya,” And suddenly Dabi felt like throwing up. He had to tell her, she deserved to know. But he couldn’t get the worlds out. He was terrified that Fuyumi would only accept Touya and nothing else. “Stop waiting for him,..” He finally said “Touya was gone the moment he ran away. I’m not him anymore. I can't.” He could feel the tears coming “I can’t hold your hand as we come back from school, and I can’t help you with your homework anymore.” He sniffed, willing his eyes to dry out of tears. “I’m Dabi now.”
Fuyumi sniffed and ran to him. The two collided in a mix of limbs. “I don’t care. I’m just happy my big brother, whoever he may be now, is back home and safe” She took his face and leveled him with her, looking directly into his eyes, with tears streaming down their cheeks. "Welcome back home, nii-san"
The two hugged for a while, enjoying the other warmth that they have missed. Once they separated, the two adults talked quietly to the other. about what had happened and how they were going to move on from there. All while they ate Fuyumi’s delicious cooking, accompanied with a glass of wine.
Fuyumi did give permission to Shouto to work in Inferno, but he wasn’t allowed to get any tattooes or pierciengs until he was 18. And she also expected to have a formal dinner with Shigaraki.
“Oh, I asked mom’s therapist and she said that if she reacted well to the news, you should be able to see her”
Dabi swallowed down his nervousness. The last time he had seen his mom, she had screamed like crazy and had pleaded mercy while calling him Enji. That had been a couple of months before Shouto’s accident.
“If you don’t feel ready, we can keep her in the dark but... she misses you a lot”
Dabi regreted what he told her until he got home.
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sunflowersupremes · 5 years
Rocket Man: Chapter One
On the hunt for his latest story (he hasn’t decided if he’s going to tell it in poetry or prose) Jaskier heads up into the mountains, looking for the elusive group known as The Witchers.
Most humans are content to ignore the little magic that remains in their world, seeing the Witchers as relics of the past. But Jaskier sees them as his ticket to notoriety.
Characters: Jaskier, Geralt, Lambert, Vesemir
Tags: Modern AU, Journalism, Youtube,
Series: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (Witcher Modern AU)
Read on AO3
The road stretched ahead of him, long and winding, disappearing up into the mountains. He gulped, tightening his grip on the steering wheel, his stomach-churning uncomfortably. A part of him - admittedly a very large part - still couldn’t
His phone pinged and he picked it up instinctively. The background was the channel art for his youtube and yes, that might be a bit narcissistic, but fuck, he’d spent a lot of money commissioning it.
Ferrant: Julian your father has started calling me.
Ferrant: Please answer his calls.
Ferrant: I don't have time for this.
Jaskier: I’m fine!
Ferrant: You’re investigating a cult.
Jaskier: I’m texting while driving, which is far more dangerous than a bunch of old men in the mountains.
Ferrant: I’m not dignifying that with a responce.
Ferrant: Use speech to text you moron.
He tossed his phone back into the passenger seat, and muting it before popping a CD into the car’s disk drive. Sure he could have used bluetooth - like a normal person, his half-brother would say - but why bother buying the music on iTunes when he already had perfectly good vinyls? Instead, he just burned the vinyls to CDs for car rides.
Sometimes he listened to podcasts, mostly by coworkers, but the last thing he wanted at the moment was to have to think too deeply about what he was getting himself into.
Jaskier whistled softly through the opening verses of Rocket Man, not breaking into song until it hit the chorus. “And I think it’s gonna be a long, long time till touch down brings me around again to find, I’m not the man they think I am at home! Oh no, no, no!” He took a deep breath, skipping a few words so that he could practically scream “ROCKET MAN burning out his fuze up here alone!”
He made himself laugh, grinning like a fool as the road continued along, his car puttering slightly as it rolled up into the mountains.
It wasn’t hard to find the Witcher Compound - hell, the address was on google - but it was hard getting there. It was located at a not inconsiderable altitude in the Alps. The road was less than inviting and someone - Jaskier hoped it was just stupid local teenagers - had put up signs along the road.
“Do Not Enter”
“Turn Back”
“Here There Be Monsters” (although someone had changed that sign to read “Here There be Monster Hunters”)
Jaskier swallowed. Suddenly Ferrant’s warnings seemed much less paranoid. But he gripped the steering wheel more tightly, scolding himself. “They’re just afraid you’ll cause another scandal,” he reminded himself.
Finally, the road evened out, no longer climbing the impossibly steep hill. Looming ahead of him, was an ancient stone building that looked as though it had been transported straight out of the medieval times. Although, given how long the Witchers had been around, it was entirely possible it had been built then.
He parked the rented car, scrambling out of the driver’s seat and locking the door behind him. All he took with him was a leather satchel, containing his notebooks, a voice recorder, and his video camera with the collapsible tripod. Checking his phone, he found a few more missed calls and messages, but he had driven out of range, so there was no hope to reply. Oh well.
Before he went in, he snapped a picture of the road behind him and already planning to upload it to his Instagram Story (once he had wi-fi) with the captain ‘So glad it’s not winter. Imagine this road in the snow!’
Then he stepped up to the door, rapping his knuckles on the wood. When no one answered, he looked for a doorbell. He was only slightly surprised that they had an actual bell, as in, the old metal kind with a pull string, not an electrical device.
He pulled on it, surprised by how much noise it made.
The clanging of the bell echoed through the fortress, creating an ambiance not unlike that in a horror movie. I’m the idiot that dies first in a horror movie, he thought glumly to himself.
The door creaked open and Jaskier jumped.
The man who answered the door was undeniably ancient and less than thrilled to have a visitor. “Yes?” he asked, barely peering out of the crack in the door. Clearly he didn’t want Jaskier to see inside.
He thought about flashing his press badge, but somehow, that seemed like a bad plan (and not just because he didn’t actually work for the company that had issued it anymore). Instead, he swallowed, offered a weak smile, and said,  “I- I’m looking for Geralt?”
“He expecting you?”
“Er, not exactly, no.”
“Wait here.”
Like how The Last Wish and The Sword of Destiny are divided into short stories based on Geralt and Jaskier’s adventures, I’ve decided that this will be a collection of short stories based on Elton John songs.
You cannot tell me that Modern Jaskier would not be 100% into Elton’s style choices. Maybe not the glasses, but the sequins and everything else.
Ferrant is book canon (from Season of Storms) but pretty much everything else about his family (including the half-siblings) is made up.
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black-rose-writings · 5 years
ML AU: Too late
Warning: Very angsty
Somawhat inspired by a post I saw way back (I don't remeber who made it and I can't find it, but I'll give credit, if I do).
Another damn time akuma. Guy was late for work, lost his job because of it, got mad, because it wasn't his fault he was late. Bam, akuma.
His goal is to make everyone late, so they'll know how he feels. He touches people and they disappear from existence for a couple of minutes (or longer) - actually precisely so long they're late for something important.
Battle ensues. Chat gets really close to grabbing the akumatized object, so the akuma touches him. Because Chat's holding him, they both disappear.
Ladybug waits, hoping Chat and the akuma would return. One by one, everyone else returns, late, but back. Without the akuma present, Ladybug can't use the Miraculous healing to speed up the process.
After a couple of days, only two people are still missing. Adrien and Chat Noir. Marinette finally connects the dots.
She's devastated, because she didn't just lose her partner and a good friend, but her love, too. (For extra angst, they could be a little older - 16/17 and dating at that point).
No more akumas appear for weeks and neither does Chat. Marinette/Ladybug finally realizes why about a month after the incident - Hawkmoth and Gabriel Agreste are the same person.
She enlists help of all the other heroes and tells them most of what she found out.
The gang confronts Gabriel. They kick his butt and take away both Miraculous in his possesion. Gabe ends up in prison.
Marinette starts her search into getting Chat back. Without the Cat Miraculous, she can't make the wish. She tries using the Butterfly Miraculous (with help of Alya) to get him back using an Akuma. Without result.
Nothing works. She gets more and more desperate and ruthless in her options. Fu refuses to keep helping her - she's going too far.
With no other options, she goes to Gabriel for advice. Gabriel is devastated - his attempts at saving his wife have killed his son, as far as he knows. He's more than happy to help Ladybug, if it means his son might get back and be okay.
Still no results. Under Gabriel's influence, she gets even more ruthless. She uses her influence as a hero to gain more and more power, slowly turning into a dangerous supervillain.
The rest of the class sees Marinette turning into uncaring and reclusive person and end up connecting the dots between Marinette and Ladybug (who’s been also much meaner and uncaring lately). Alya confronts her about her unhealthy coping mechanisms. Marinette asks her, if she wouldn't do the same for Nino, implying Alya doesn't care about Nino and didn't care about Adrien either.
The other heroes, who now have their Miraculous full time (for helping to get Hawkmoth -and they’re again 16/17, so a little more responcible) decide to stop Ladybug before she turns into a full-on villain.
The confrontation doesn't go as planned. Ladybug has much more experience and knows their weaknesses and powers. She gets their Miraculous and accidentally injures Alya. The others get her to the hospital in a very bad condition. She's almost fine in the end - the injury leaves her in a wheelchair.
Ladybug goes full-on villain, blaming Hawkmoth/Gabriel for turning her into a person, that crippled Alya. She goes to confront him and - not realizing her own strenght -kills him. That's the last straw. There's no coming back from that.
Fu runs away, knowing she would come for the other Miraculous. Without the Turtle Miraculous, his age is starting to get to him. Eventually, he hides the Miracle box somewhere, only leaving a cryptic message for the beaten heroes before he dies.
At some point, Alya releases Ladybug's identity on her Ladyblog.
Ladynette uses her cunning, intelligence and collection of Miraculous to take over most of the world.
Then, twenty years after they disappeared, the akuma and Chat Noir reappear. Twenty years too late.
To be continued...
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Parenting done FUCKING wrong
Could be that my parents are using the exact wrong parenting acts to teach us values in life and how to life in general and that by being parents to us in their way only backthrows us until we meet the fucking neandertalers but...you know...that’s not my tea! It’s not my tea that I needed years upon years to get myself out of that situation of beliving everthing they tell me and started to heal and learned that first, one has to listen to oneself and not to ones parents to grow as a person! It’s not my tea that my sibling, a person I dearly love also has to face my parents like this! It’s not my tea that I can see her shrinking back from responcebinity and life in responce to my parents “truths”, and no matter how I try to help her get back to herself, she is not old or selfreflected enough to see it! But yeah, thats totally not my tea and I really should stop being so fucking perceptive.
This got longer than I planned it.
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bytemycupcakes · 5 years
A couple bits of Mavrik dealing with his and Charlie’s breakup, leading to some subtle fatherly (and Lucifer maybe?) bonding.
Words: 1574
(Thanks again to@/voneldrich for letting me use their name for the Von Eldrich father! Saved me so much pain TTvTT)
Mavrik takes a bit longer getting home than he usually does. It’s no surprise for him of course- He doesn’t want to see anyone. He can’t believe what he just did. How could he ever- He was raised better. He’s supposed to be better than that. That- Those things he did… That’s Helsa’s thing, she’s the one who attacks anyone and everyone. Not him. He thought so anyway, maybe things are changing, what’s next? Helsa sharing her feelings?
He’s barely holding back his tears, and can barely see through the ones managing to escape. He can feel blood leaking across his knuckles- Did he really punch those kids that hard? He’s not sure, he barely remembers it depite it happening just an hour ago. 
Mavrik stumbles up the stairs and fumbles with opening the front door. As the door opens he’s met with his father- Right, he and Lucifer had a meeting tonight. Mavrik stares like a deer in headlights as Styx looks him over. Of course it’s pretty hard to miss how terrible Mavrik looks right now, so his father asks the dreaded question, “Mavrik- Son are you alright..?”
Mavrik tries to hold himself together, he’s almost an adult, he shouldn’t be breaking down at the slightest bit of concern. But god damn he just lost the source of his happiness- He sniffles and weakly shakes his head as he plants himself against his father’s shoulder, letting the tears finally fall. Styx sighs and quietly puts his arms around Mavrik, “It’s alright… Come- let’s sit down-”
Styx leads Mavrik to the couch and they sit. He wants to ask Mavrik why he’s so upset, but ultimately decides to wait until Mavrik calms down. They sit in silence for a bit, when he seems to remember something- He pulls out his phone and dials. Mavrik can hear the phone ring, so he tries to quiet himself.
“Ah- I was just about to call you-” Lucifer’s voice sounds through the phone speaker.
“Yes hello Lucifer- I… Think we may need to cancel our plans… Mavrik’s um-” Styx looks down at Mavrik, patting his head.
“Yyeeeesss… Charlotte’s quite-” Theres a loud crash through the speaker, “Angry… We’ll need to reschedule…”
“Indeed…” He hums and hangs up, setting the phone down.
“I-I’m sorry-” Mavrik mumbles between his sobs.
“I take it you and Charlotte must’ve broken up today..?”
Mavrik nods. His father tightens his hold on him, “Those can be tough, but you’ll be alright… In time.”
Mavrik shrugs like he doesn’t believe him, “I-” He sniffles, “I don’t think so, dad-” He wipes his tears the best he can, “I… It’s all my fault- Im so- stupid-”
Styx frowns, “Oh come now, Mavrik- Don’t talk about yourself like that… Your first relationship going sour is a common occurance, no need to beat yourself up about it.”
“But I-!” Mavrik cuts himself off- He doesn’t want to say it outloud, then it’ll be real- He huffs and gets up, “I’m- I’m gonna call it an early night… Thanks for- All of that, dad-”
He smiles, “You know I’ll always be here for you, Mavrik. Sleep well, son”
Mavrik is laying in bed, he doubts he got any sleep- He isn’t sure when he last slept honestly… Even though he hasn’t left his room in a week or so. Every time he tries he remembers what happened- He swears he can still… Feel her in his hand- Picture how angry she was with him- Why won’t the images leave his head? Why can’t he just forget it! Wouldn’t he be better off that way?
He pulls his pillow closer to his chest and huffs when he hears footsteps outside of his room. Mavrik isn’t really sure what time it is- But he’s sure that nobody should actually be home.
The footsteps stop, and there’s a small sigh, “How’s he doing?” Oh- It’s Lucifer.
“Better I’d assume… He stopped crying at least- He should still be sleeping if you’d like to check on him.” And his father- Mavrik wonders why they’re here- Rather than the Mange’s home where they usually work.
Mavrik quietly huffs, turning his head to the door in case Lucifer decides to come in.
“No, no.. I’ll let the boy be…”
The footsteps begin again, heading toward his father’s office. The voices pregressively get quieter.
“Hows Charlotte been?”
“Finally stopped tearing up her room-” Lucifer sighs, “Still no idea on what happened?”
“No- He won’t tell us… Just says it’s his fault-”
“Charlotte won’t say anything about it either- Did we mess up somewhere, Styx? To make them not trust us with this…?”
Their voices are to faded for Mavrik to hear his father’s responce- But he’ll conceide… Lucifer’s question makes him feel bad. Why hasn’t he told his parent’s what he did? They’re his parents- They’ll help him through this, wouldn’t they? But there’s another question on Mavrik’s mind, “… W̨̨͘͢͏h̵̛͘̕y͢ ̡d͏oes Lucifer even care how I’m doing…?”
His face scrunches up at how pathetic he sounds. He’s almost forgotten that he hasn’t talked in a few days. He hums into his pillow, he should probably get up- Doesn’t need his legs to atrophy… He will later.
A few hours pass- Long enough that Mavrik hopes he’s finally the only one home. He rolls off his bed- Litterally, he rolls off the mattress and thuds against the floor, “O͘w̶̨҉”
He clears his throat then groans as he forces himself to sit up. He stares at the floor for a bit, “C’mon Mav- You can get up, damnit. Can’t stay in here forever.” He slaps a hand on his bed, managing to push himself to his feet, “Life goes on… You gotta go with it-”
Mavrik has decided he’s going to fake it ‘til he makes it, so he does his best to push down his bad feelings and get dressed. He isn’t going anywhere, but looking like a presentable person usually helps one get out of depressive funks. He runs his hands through his- honestly disgusting- hair to attempt to tame it and glances at the sunlight peeking through his curtains, “I haven’t been outside in awhile, huh?” He squints at his now greasy feeling hands for a moment then back to the curtain, “It looks nice out- A walk out back wouldn’t kill me.”
The day is indeed nice, Mavrik strolls through the family garden with a subtle smile. He used to do this quite often when he was younger, he doesn’t remember why he ever stopped. The garden’s always been a nice quiet place to just think, and that’s exactly what Mavrik needs to do. He stops by one of the flowering bushes and cups one of the flowers. A petal has clearly been eaten a bit, but the flower appears to be fine, just a small scar in it’s life, it can move on and keep living.
Some tears start to bead up when Mavrik hears some distant speaking- Damn, He isn’t the only one home apparently. He figures he should show- whoever it is- that he’s finally “functioning” again, so he goes toward the voices source. He’ll admit, he isn’t too surprised when it turns out to be his father and Lucifer, though he thought they would’ve gone back to work by now.
“I just can’t figure out why Charlotte won’t be honest with me- She know’s I want to help- To see her happy-”
Mavrik grumbles to himself as he hears Lucifer- Of course they’re talking about Charlie, he and her have been the talk of their families since they broke up. He walks up beside the two parents, oh great he’s doing it, “I… May have an idea-” Mavrik leans forward as he pokes into their conversation.
They both look to him, surprised for a moment then they both smile.
“Mavrik my boy! It’s lovely to see you!” Lucifer sounds far to happy for Mavrik to really believe him.
Though he bows slightly anyway- it’s only polite, “Likewise, sir- I apologise that you must see me like this-” Sure he’s dressed, but he still looks awful.
Styx chuckles, waving a hand, “Nonsense, Mavrik. Lucifer’s seen you in diapers, seeing you distraught is no different.”
“… I suppose-” Mavrik shrugs, his father is right, sure, though he still doesn’t feel like he looks presentable.
Styx stands and goes to Mavrik, placing a hand on his shoulder, “It’s nice to finally see you out of bed, son… I’ve been getting worried”
“I’ll- Be fine, dad…” Mavrik shrugs once again, “Promise-” He tries to ignore how much that feels like a lie, he’s worried his family enough.
Lucifer gets up aswell, “Well- You’re not the only one struggling here, Charlotte’s taking it hard aswell. Though it isnt-” Lucifer cuts himself off for a moment, “Er- As… Physically obvious as your struggles-”
Styx rolls his eyes and sighs while pushing Lucifer away, “He’s- right but- Ignore him, Mavrik, you know Lucifer has no filter.”
“Yeah I’m startin’ to think you don’t either, dad-” Mavrik laughs slightly, “I’m- Gonna go take a shower- Before I start looking like one of those… Gaming losers- Who don’t know what deodorant is-” He awkwardly finger-guns at Styx and Lucifer as he backs away.
As Mavrik heads back to the house, the sound of Styx slapping Lucifer on the back of the head echoes through the garden- Mavrik snorts, but tries to hold in his laughter, pretending he couldn’t hear it.
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kittysharpfmp · 3 years
This is a link to all the voice recordings I received from the 20 people I messaged directly asking for 30 second audio messages describing ‘what makes you feel powerful’. In my message I wrote:
‘Hello ........!  For my art project could you possibly send me a 30 second voice note describing something that makes you feel empowered? It can be anything at all, big or small.’
In the audio responces I got much more honest and personal replies than with the instagram question survey. Hearing peoples voices rather than their written responses allowed them to speak more freely and for longer, explaining (rather than just stating) what made them feel powerful. I intend to use these audio clips in a short film where I discuss and display the complex relationship between man and power. Since collecting research I have found that peoples perception of power is as much an feeling as an external one, driven both by material/ societal things as well as intrinsic and emotional forces. 
I will now plan how to combine the powerful moments in history listed previously, the audio recordings here and my sword performance footage. each of these things displays a different kind of power and together will present our frustrating quest power. It will present itself as a battle against external and internal forces (eg; material goods vs emotional satisfaction) and will aim to show the overwhelming nature of humanities greed for all of it (both past and present). I would like the video to conclude by displaying some kind of defeat- whether this is the fight for power being won some way (perhaps in the audios where people find power in everyday life) or in the fight being lost (the outside powers that be are too strong to be overwhelmed). I could even try and fine a way to combine both. 
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