#this quar’s war
skunts-own-truth · 3 months
Y’all… I think I really like Quar. Once the starter box gets here and I get the little guys painted up, I’m gonna post some battle reports and talk about the game a bit.
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How can you not be charmed by these little anteater guys? I mean, look at those snouts, and the sad little way they look to the ground. Just gotta get some games and feel it out!
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evilmurlock · 6 days
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I drew the saviours as Quars from "This Quar's War!" oW O
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maniakminis · 1 month
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I started building my Quar last night, I don't know what I was expecting but these guys are tiny! Here's a Space Marine for scale. The Quar bases are also shorter than the GW bases, but still.
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And here's a Grot for scale as well. I built my 12 Crusaders, next I'll work on the Coftyr half of the starter set. All 24 models should easily fit in the box with the rule book and accessories it comes with.
I'm looking forward to painting these dudes, they should paint up really quickly.
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alienbastelt · 7 months
This Quar's War - First Crusader Fire Team
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I got my Clash of Rhyfflers Box in the Mail yesterday and spend all day making tokens for the game. Now i build the first fire team.
If you want to use the tokens for yourself have a look.
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Quaring: what have you gotten us into now!?
Toorisun: me!? i swear i have nothing to do with—
Pursuer: Quaring!!!!
Toorisun: hah! see!? i told you!
Pursuer: give us that scoundrel Toorisun!!
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missadangel · 6 days
The Heart of Rome (Marcus Acacius x Reader)
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yeeey my new fanfic, welcome all <3 couldn't wait till second trailer lool
All Chapter List
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(Marcus Acacius x Reader)
Summary:  You are a secret medicus (a psychian), who embarks on a dangerous path to heal General Marcus Acacius, wounded during the war, but there is a secret, you think you're an orphan, but you're wrong. You're actually, the daughter of the previous emperor. Everyone thinks your'e dead long ago. But even you don't know anything about this and everything you knew is about to change.
Rating: Mature, 18+
Word Count: 8,367 just first episode)
Warnings: falling in love, slow burn, rough sex, smut, sex, violence, blood, ancient time language, fluffy, injury
Notes:  This is my second fanfiction, my english better now hope you all like my story, my chapters will be looong, so have fun :)
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Chapter 1: Heal the Heart 
Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, nescio. Sed fieri sentior et excrucior.  I love you and I hate you.  Why I do this, I have no idea.  But I feel it happening and I’m in agony. [Catullus]
Following the conquest of Egypt and its incorporation into the Roman Empire, there was a growing interest in its ancient culture. Over time, many in Egypt began to express a desire for greater autonomy and control over their own affairs. Dissatisfaction with Roman control over Egypt became part of the Egyptian psyche.
This is precisely why, immediately after the death of Emperor Septimius Severus, preparations for revolt began in Egypt. His emperor sons Caracella and Geta were already doing little else but quarreling with each other, drinking and having fun, watch gladiators  fighting and feeling proud of themselves. Even when they were informed that their subjects in Egypt had revolted, they continued to do what they were doing. They didn't care about anything but themselves and their daily activities.
The Egyptians were aware of this, of course, they knew they could not be a strong soldier like their emperor father. They were quite sure that the day would come when they, with the help of the Greeks, would put the Roman governors in Egypt to the sword. After all, they had been making preparations since the death of Severus. There were Jews among them too, all of them insistent on establishing the sovereignty of ancient Egypt, but there was one thing they did not consider or pay much attention to.
General Marcus Acacius.
They say, you can feel the ground shake when he walks on it. He makes his opponents feel certain of their own death at the very moment he draws his sword. A daring commander with  few who could stand up to him. It is unclear whether this is an exaggeration or not, but it is still rumored that he cut a lion in half in the Colosseum.
A beast in every sense of the word.
More than that, he is a leader who manages his legions very well and spur them on to achieve success during the war, a man who has not yet tasted a failure, well-earned the title of general in every way.
Since it was obvious that no one else could succeed in suppressing the rebellion, he was immediately sent to the region with the intervention of his Empresss Julia Domna, the mother of the two emperors.
Just like she guessed, he had succeeded in putting down the rebellion, of course, no doubt, as soon as his name rang through, the rebels, along with all the inhabitants of Egypt, have knew that they already defeated.
Some were forced to surrender, those who resisted and fled were found and killed by the Roman soldiers, but not all. The general didn't kill the surrendered ones, he took them as captives which was pretty fair for a beast. In contrast to him, the ones who fled were not, they were so desperate that they didn't know what to do and they started attacking everything and everywhere like rabid dogs.
They even attempted to violate the laws of war and mapped out a plan to kill the General and his soldiers, and even all the medics, in the night at their camps. It was a suicide mission, but they were on the verge of success.
'Has anyone seen the General? He's not in his tent!' A burly soldier strode in, holding his sword which was covered in the blood of the rebel he had just killed. He looked through all the tents one by one, moving quickly and with a concerned look on his face.
The clinking of swords echoed in the darkness as the soldiers cut down the last remaining rebels to death with their swords.
Soon, the soldier ran to his General, relieved to see him, but he was wounded in the abdomen moments ago. As he gently pressed his hand to his injury, a small amount of blood emerged, shining like rubies under the moonlight as it dripped from between his strong fingers onto the grass. His attackers were no longer alive, they were all lying on the ground, were literally cut to ribbons. They attacked him in his sleep when he was wearing nothing but his tunic, catching him off guard. He nodded to the soldier, demanding assistance as his white tunic transformed into a crimson hue. He had been wounded many times before, countless times, but this was nothing like before and was undoubtedly the worst injury he had ever sustained. ‘I think, I… got…,’ he groaned, it hurt much even when he speaks, feeling like beneath the wound his blood was boiling. ‘…poisoned.’ These were the last words spilled from his lips before his enormous body slumping to his knees, collapse altogether to the ground.
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The woman with waist-length with black hair was dragging you along with her as she walking across the meadow, you were struggled, couldn’t control your feet, as if the ground was sliding under. She had her hands outstretched at her sides, even though her back was turned, it was not difficult to see her smile by the sunlight reflecting the curve of her chin. She abruptly ceased her movement and bent down to gather a few herbs in a meadow. She plucked them, gathered them in her palms, and kissed them. You heard the whispers between her lips and the harmony of the wind rippling through your ears. It was clear that she was blessing these herbs. When she turned to you, you staggered backwards, hypnotized by her face, so beautiful, mesmerizing, her eyes hypnotizing yours, it was impossible to look away, no escape from them.
Perhaps even more surprising than anything else was that her face and eyes were identical to yours. It really was truly astonishing. She handed you the plants like they were rare jewelry. You could see her arms shone in the sun, and her skin looked like fine marble. It was impossible to believe that it could be human skin; it must have been that of a goddess, but why did her face resemble yours?
'Heal the heart, child,' her voice sang through the meadow like a gentle breeze. You couldn't move your lips, but she heard you anyway.
A warm wind blew, and the silhouette of the woman came closer, startling you. Her hazel eyes were turning green under the sun. As she slightly opens her lips, you locked your eyes on them and waited eagerly for the answer.
‘The heart of Rome,’ almost whispers, ‘Serve it,’ a little loud now like commanding, ‘Heal it...’ again whispers then gently puts the herbs on your hand.
A strong wind blew, and the silhouette of the woman danced with the wind. The sunny sky burst into a starry night as the wind embraced the silhouette and rose to the sky, to the stars. You felt the ground under your feet, but your eyes were drawn to the enchanting sky.
As the wind finally gave way to the silent night, you looked at the herbs you were holding in your hand. These kind of herbs you were used to seeing almost every day, but what you were not used to seeing was that they were sparkling like diamonds between your fingers. It was as if you could feel their healing power on your skin.
Abruptly, you heard the voice again, echoing across the meadow. Your ears were once more caressed, blessed, but this time, the words were different.
‘Cure him…’
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You barely heard your name being called and your body was shaking, slowly opened your eyes, you saw a familiar but worried face.
‘Wake up, please, you need to get up now,’ the concern in the man's voice brought you back to reality, the effect of the dream disappearing like a cloud of dust between the stone walls and dissipating into the air.
You had rarely seen this face of your uncle who had taken you in when you were an orphan, who cared for you, protected you and raised you well more than any other father or mother ever would.
You sat up from the firm mattress you were lying on, ‘I thought we were travelling tomorrow night?’
‘No, no, that's not why I woke you up,’ he put your big dark cloak over your head. ‘You need to hide.’
You were startled to hear shouting and footsteps coming from outside the wooden door of the room. This was not the sort of noise you would normally expect to hear in this Valetudinarium (hospital, clinic) at this late hour. 
‘What is going on?’ You rub your eyes with your fingers, trying to figure out the situation.
Your uncle tucked your hair deeper into your cloak.
'The Roman soldiers are gathering all the medici (psychians). I have to go with them.'
'Roman soldiers? I thought they left after they put down the rebellion, and slaughtered thousands. Besides, they already have medici with them why they-?'
He grabbed you by the shoulders, his anxiety evident.
'Some rebels with indigestion murdered all the medici in their tents, and then-'
A soldier's voice was heard from one of the nearby rooms. You both turned your heads in that direction, startled, and then looked at each other again.
'General, they targeted him. They attacked him in his sleep. He got them, but he got poisoned. They want me to save him.'
‘Poisoned? But Uncle, he might already be dead, if you won’t be able to cure him they'll blame you or punish you and-’
‘Don’t think about it now, go and hide, as a woman you are not allowed to be here remember? You have to hide and wait for my return.’
The soldiers' voices were heard very close by.
‘No, I'll come with you, if it's aspis (venomous snake in Nile region) venom we'll use the same techniques as before, like we did with the boy last time, it would take too long to make an antivenom on your own, let me help you.’
‘It's too dangerous for you my dearest, to go among the soldiers, even if you wear these men clothes, we can't hide the beauty of your face, dear.’
You strode over to the cauldron in the fireplace and ran your hands over the soot that had accumulated underneath it.
‘It worked before,’ you said, rubbing a little soot on your cheeks.
‘Only at the market. This time it's more dangerous. I'd never forgive myself if I couldn't protect you there.’
‘Don't worry. I'll be back here as soon as we've finished with the antivenom. I know all the paths and shortcuts very well now.’
Suddenly a soldier burst in, kicking the door angrily, you shuddered.
‘You two! Get out, now! We don't have time!
‘We're making sure to collect all medical supplies, sir,’ he turned to you. ‘Come on, boy, don't dawdle!’
You nodded without looking at soldier, grabbed all medicine bottles.
‘You'd better hurry!’
As soon as the soldier left the room, your uncle moved swiftly to the corner and opened the small wooden chest. He took out a cream-coloured envelope of slightly worn paper, sealed with a wax seal bearing the emblem of Septimius Severus.
'This is…'
'I was going to give this to you tomorrow as I promised last time, but there's no time now. If anything happens to me, you will open it. Everything about your true family is in here.'
You took the envelope from him with shaking hands. The previous emperor himself had sealed it. You wondered what it meant.
Your uncle grabbed your shoulders and shook you, making sure you understood how important this letter was.
‘No one should ever see this. Do you understand me? No one! After you open it, hide it. Do not let anyone see it. But don't lose it, hide it like your life depends on it, you'll understand why.’
You nodded firmly and swallowed hard. You tucked the letter into the bag hanging around your neck and hid it at the very bottom under the medicine bottles, making them rattle in the process.
‘Aya, you’re going to have to choose,’ he looked at you before leaving the room.
‘Choose what uncle?’
‘To run or stay. It’ll make sense when you read the letter,’ he checked the hall and grabbed your wrist. You were so confused but you had to think about this later.
'We have to get out now, soldiers are outside, quick!'
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The soldiers had gathered all the medici they could find in the army headquarters, near the tents. There were seven of them yet were unable to find a solution to the General's injury. When it was only you and your uncle who were next, a burly soldier, who was of a higher rank than the others, approached you two. You kept your head down, avoiding eye contact. Everyone was in a rush, with almost all of them mobilized to save the general's life. Your gender didn't matter to them, for now. As you were about to follow your uncle into the tent, the soldier stopped you by raising his hand.
‘Only the medicus.’
‘My aide, sir, let him in. He's as expert as I am.’
As your uncle is their last hope, he let you in, but did not follow you inside, stands guard outside the tent. The General's squire was standing right next to him, he looked at you with tears in his eyes. It was a heartbreaking sight. The sorrow had taken possession of everything inside the tent, and you could feel it right down to your bones.
The General was lying on a mattress in the west corner of the tent. He was unconscious, but you noticed that his lips were moving, like murmuring. You moved forward to look closer to see his face, which you had been so curious about.
His face was exactly as you had imagined, and yet not. He had many scars, as if he had been born with them, his light brown skin embracing them. His moustache and beard were partially grey, his nose and chin perfectly shaped, as if the Prometheus had spent more time shaping this man. His face was stunning, and it made your heart beat fast. You had never felt this way about any other man, well you never had an opportunity to do though.
You were somewhat disappointed to see his eyes closed. You were curious about what they might look like, and you were eager to see what he would look like when he opened them. When you found yourself wanting to touch his face, you were a little surprised. For a moment, you forgot why you were there. Your uncle had already picked up the sword with which General had been wounded and was examining the blood on it. You went over to help him, keeping one eye on the general, lying there with his imposing body and half of the white tunic he wore dyed red.
Your heart constricted with pain, and the dream you had came vividly to mind.
‘Cure him.’
‘We need to check his wound!’ You were startled by your uncle's loud voice, squinting at you, you felt ashamed.
As your uncle beckoned, you approached him, seeing the wound was not deep but the skin around the cut starting to get pale from the venom and the edges curling inwards.
‘He doesn't have much time, let's start making the antivenom now,’ he swallowed, the wound was really getting worse, you had to cure him no matter what.
Maybe, you thought, this is why the Gods showed you this in your dream, they warned you in advance that your life depends on it.
The process of making the antivenom took slightly longer than anticipated, but you persevered admirably. Your uncle cleaned the wound to neutralize it while you were perspiring from the fabric of your clothes. Once the antivenom was finally administered, your uncle applied the antidote carefully to the wound but he was exhausted, fingers are shaking so you helped him even you were feeling so tired too. Your eyelids were almost closed but you managed to complete your duty perfectly.
The soldier from earlier came into the tent to check the process, you bowed your head, and stepped back.
'We've cleaned the wound, once its neutralized, applied the antidote. We just need to wait now,' your uncle informed him, wiping sweat off his forehead. 'We need to give him some time, and make sure he drinks water soon to avoid dehydration.’
As the solider checking the wound you turned your head to look at the squire boy who was sobbing just ago, already fallen asleep. Poor boy, you thought.
The soldier ordered you to leave the tent and wait outside.
You felt your arms and legs go numb with fatigue and collapsed to the ground, sat cross-legged, trying hard to stay awake. Your uncle was same but he still struggled to sleep. In the end, he couldn't control his eyelids.
You woke up to the sound of the soldiers shouting and arguing. You turned your head, couldn't make out what they were disagreeing about, but they were making a lot of noise.
'You better go in and make sure the General drinks some water. He needs to stay hydrated,' your uncle said in firmly, watching the soldiers probably keep an eye on them.
The tent was empty except for the General. The soldier from earlier was outside, reassuring the other soldiers. You approached to check him. His forehead was covered in sweat, his body was fighting with venom. You quickly grabbed a damp cloth and pressed it gently on his forehead. Then you touched his lips with your thin, fragile fingers. You felt something intense growing inside you. As a secret medicus, you have touched the face and other parts of the body of many men and women to cure them. However, touching this man's face and lips was never like touching others.
You took a deep breath to pull yourself together. This was nonsense.
You made his lips crack open and dipped a rag into the fresh water in the copper pot. You pressed it against the general's rather dry, pale lips, squeezing it through his mouth.
After repeatedly doing this, you decided you had enough. Just before you withdrew your hand, the general's strong hand grabbed yours with a firm grip. You were surprised and moaned in pain, opened your hand with pressure, and the rag fell to the ground.
You swallowed hard, your heart racing as you looked at his face. He opened those eyes you had been so curious about and looked at you with a cold, calculating gaze, squeezing your wrist so tightly you felt it would break in a minute. You stifled a scream and moaned in pain, 'Sir, I'm here for help.' You sounded almost as if you were crying, and suddenly he moaned in pain as well, throwing his head back and closing his eyes, the effort drained him. His chest rose and fell rapidly as his breathing quickened.
When he finally released your wrist, you threw yourself backwards for dear life, rubbed your wrist with your other hand and stroked it, praying to the Gods to take the pain away. You could have sworn to Jupiter that if he had squeezed your wrist any harder, you would have heard a cracking sound coming from your bones.
How could he possibly be so strong even when exhausted, so close to death?
As the pain receded, you took a deep breath and forced yourself to calm down. Your thin wrist was painted the red like poppies, as if the shadows of his fingers were engraved on your skin.
You glanced timidly over your shoulder, he was still lying with his eyes closed, but you had just made a terrible mistake, he heard your voice, must have noticed you were a woman, and only the Gods knew what he would do when he came to his senses.
You had to leave immediately, wrapping your wrist in a clean piece of cloth and tucking the sleeve of your dress into it so that the bandage wouldn't be visible. When you came out of the tent, your uncle grabbed your arm and pulled you behind the tent.
‘Uncle, the General seemed to opened his eyes for a moment and heard my voice, he might remember when he awakens,' you said in a whisper, hoping no one have heard you.
‘Gods have mercy upon us,’ he glanced down, murmuring, then grabbed you by shoulders. “Time to go, you need to leave now. Go by following the path through the woods. Soldiers having a disagreement about something, I think they found out-‘
‘You, medicus, come here,’ one of the soldiers shouted at your uncle.
Your uncle gestured to you with his eyes, saying ‘go now’,
'You too!' you gasped as you realised the soldier waving his hand at you.
'Sir, he should stay with the General...' your uncle stepped in front of you to protect you.
'I said come, both of you, now,' he wasn’t asking, it was a firm order.
As you took tentative steps towards the place where the other soldiers were forming a circle beside your uncle, your heart began to beat as if it were going to burst. These were the soldiers who had just fought, and you wondered if they hurt each other, but you could not see anyone hurt or wounded.
On the contrary, they looked at you curiously, only at you.
‘That's nonsense, Dimitrus, this boy can't be a girl,' said one soldier pointing you with a small knife in his hand.
Your uncle was standing next to you, his fear having come true, his face taut with worry.
As the soldier, who you guessed was named Dimitrus, approached you, your uncle took a step in front of him, but the soldier easily overpowered him and pushed him aside. The soldier looked at your body from top to bottom. You bowed your head and clenched your fists. Your heart pounded in your chest as your breathing quickened. He yanked down your hood of your cloak with his big hands, other soldiers came nearby for a better look.
Your hair was tied up at the back of your head, and the soldier's grin widened when he noticed. He drew his dagger from its holster, and when you saw your uncle's worried face behind the soldier's formidable arm, you began to pray to all the Gods.
He grabbed your bun with his hand and cut the hairband with his dagger, your golden-brown wavy hair falling over your shoulders. The soldiers laughed and whistled. Dimitrus looked at them with a cocky smile and turned back to you.
‘Such a long hair for a aide boy, eh?’
'A girl, indeed,' said one soldier, looking at you with disbelief.
‘I told you I could smell a woman a mile away,’ he laughed, his voice booming.
'Please,' you demanded, feeling unable to do anything else. A feeling of despair took control of your whole body.
‘What is going on here?’ The burly soldier approached and noticed your new look, looking at you in astonishment. Dimitrus grabbed you by the hair and pulled you towards him. He then grabbed your chin and turned your face to Octavius.
'Look at her. You don't even know that the medicus brought a girl with him, Octavius?' And you're the general's right-hand man!’
You struggled to move your body, but he was so strong.
‘Hey, I can't see her face clearly!'
You closed your eyes tightly as someone threw wine on your face. Dimitrus wiped your face with his big fingers, rubbing roughly.
'Gods, no ordinary beauty,' looking at you like a hungry wolf, then smells your hair making you feel nauseous.
You tried to look away, but your eyes met your uncle's desperate gaze.
‘That's enough, Dimitrus, let her go, is this what you all thinking while our General lies there like that?’
You rushed to your uncle's side as his hands released your hair.
‘He's already dead, I've never seen anyone get up after being poisoned,’ he says as if he was looking forward to his death.
Octavius drew his sword with a schwing. ‘How dare you! Say that again and I'll cut your tongue off!’ he growled.
Dimitrus' followers drew their swords as well. Octavius looked at each of them with anger and disbelief. He has been betrayed.
‘You filthy rats! I'll kill you one by one!’ He waved his long sword at them.
Dimitrus grabbed your uncle by the collar, 'Start with this one. Who knows what he gave the General instead of medicine?'
‘Yes, he must be punished!’
'Punish him, Octavius!'
They were all yelling at him by raising their swords, you were thinking a way out but there wasn’t any.
‘If you won't, I will,' Dimitrus pointed his swords end at your uncle.
‘No!' you cried but your uncle stopping you with his hand.
Then, as Octavius raised his hand and was about to lunge at him, Dimitrus plunged his sword through your uncle's stomach, the poor man groaning in pain and falling to his knees, and as you ran towards him, he drew back his sword, his blood splashing in your face with the force of the draw. Your body began to shake and you felt paralysed as you watched his lifeless body fall to the ground.
'Dimitrus!' Octavius roared, ‘You've gone too far! What do you think our general will do to you when he awakens?’
You collapsed to your knees in shock, your body rigid and still, your face expressionless yet tears streaming down your cheeks.
'General? You failed to save him, you let that medicus get into his tent, you must share his fate! I will tell the emperors that this is your fault! And I think we should put the general out of his misery-'
Suddenly, an axe emerged from nowhere and plunged into Dimitrus' chest deeply. His body reeled back, shaking, then fell to the ground lying backwards, dying in a pool of blood as everyone looked at him in astonishment and panic. Blood gushed from where his chest had been split open, and when he stopped breathing, laying there as his eyes remained wide open.
They turned their head to see who had thrown the axe and they were shocked once again.
The general could barely stands near his tent, his eyes filled with rage, his gaze blazing with fury. Octavius ran to his side quickly.
'General! Thank Gods you're finally awake!’
'What's going on here, Octavius?' his voice was like a roar.
‘Sir, Dimitrus and others have attempted to mutiny.’
Acacius gave the other soldiers a deathly stare and they immediately kneeled down with their swords upside down.
'No, sir, we did not.’
'Forgive me, sir, it was Dimitrus doing.’
'Sir, please forgive me.’
You closed your uncle's eyelids with your fingers as they all begged for forgiveness. Your back was turned to the General, you didn't care if you live or die, you didn’t care about anything. You felt your whole life was already over.
'If any of you ever dare to do anything like this again,' he walked near Dimitrus’ body and pulled the axe from his chest roughly, you startled by the crunching sound coming from his bones.
'I Marcus Acacius, will make sure that he meets the same fate as this scum!'
He put them all in their place, they all nodded in fear and stood up with his gesture, bowing their heads though couldn't look him in the face.
'Now get ready, we must sail at dawn!'
‘Yes sir!’
All of them sheathing their swords, spreading around in rush.
Acacius staggered a little as they gone at his sight, his wound still hurting but he tried hard not to show them.
Octavius touched his arm, 'Sir, the Gods have spared your life but please rest a little longer.’
'Who is this man?’
You were certain he was talking about your uncle, even though your back was turned to him.
'The medicus who cured you, sir, Dimitrus got mad and killed him because he thought he couldn't save you.'
'As if we haven't lost enough medici tonight. He was wrong obviously. This man managed to cure me. I'm standing thanks to him,' he turned his head to Octavius. 'Make sure this man's body reaches his family. Let the governor know about this. They should fulfil all ritual arrangements.'
Octavius nodded, "Yes sir, I will."
Then both turned their gaze to you. 'What about this one?'
Your body was petrified, you felt the time of execution has come, you’ve never expected the last moments of your life to be like this.
‘I think this was his aide or slave sir, Dimitrus found out she was a woman, that medicus was hiding her, sir,’ he bowed his head in shame, you swallowed.
Acacius' pain returned, he groaned in pain, Octavius grabs his waist gently, "Sir, please rest, you need to get your strength back.’
'Sir!' Acacius' squire came and put his arm under his.
It was time for him to turn his back to you.
‘Since her master has died, take this girl to the other slaves, I don't want any more chaos or mishap,’ he said in a firm voice.
You wiped tears from your eyes with the back of your hand as their footsteps faded away. Two soldiers came and grabbed your arms, lifted you off the ground while the others carrying your uncle’s body. When you turned your head, glancing over your shoulder, saw the General's curly grey hairs and his well-shaped nose before he went into his tent.
Your body was filled with rage.
What you heard was only a heightening of your pain and a deepening of your hurt.
A slave? How could he say that? The one who cured him was now worthy of being a slave?
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As the mid-morning sun began to reflect on the walls of Rome through the haze that filled the
harbour, the capital was preparing to experience one of the most active days in its history. Everyone who noticed the navy ships approaching the harbour from afar, citizens, subjects, foreign mission chiefs, tradesmen, civil servants, porters, all filled the entrance of the city. They were waiting to welcome General Marcus Acacius and the glorious Roman soldiers. On the deck of the large ship at the forefront of the fleet, the General sighs deeply as he looks out over his city, thanking Mars for his triumphant and healthy return.
It ten days to get from the port of Alexandria to Rome, a very difficult experience for you, travelling with captives called slaves. Most of them were Greeks and Egyptians, and the fact that the streets of the Roman capital were filled with shouts of joy was of no interest to them. On board the ship they were constantly told that the slave market in the capital was a very prestigious place, that the young girls would be well brought up by certain families, that they should stop crying, that they should pray to Jupiter to make the wealthy families could like them and buy them with high prices.
But you were not like those slaves, you were not a prisoner of war, nor was your family enslaved or poor. Your uncle was a renowned and esteemed medicus. He was a member of an affluent family. He and his wife found you on the banks of the River Nile when you were three years old. That is what they told you. The gods had not blessed them with a child, so they loved you as much as their own. You knew he wasn't your real father or uncle, but you were very happy with your life and didn't ask too many questions until he told you about that letter the night before the night that ruined your life.
As an orphan, you were brought up well by your uncle, learning all about Egyptian medicine, performing countless surgeries at his side, bringing many people back to life -including the general himself- and learning enough to become an expert. But, no one could call you as medicus because you were a woman, yet your talents were too great to be ignored. No matter who you told on this ship, no one would believe you, and even if they did, there was nothing they could do about it.
As you looked out through the small cracks between the planks of the ship, your eyes travelled over the seemingly endless sea. You couldn't stop thinking about the dream you had that night.
‘Cure him.’
Wouldn't it have been better if you haven't cure him? Perhaps your uncle would still be alive. Maybe you wouldn't be sitting on this ship now, resigned to your fate, wondering, worrying what will happen to you. Is this your reward for healing the great Roman general?
That man ruined your life, and you only did yourself a disservice by saving him.
Perhaps the gods were testing you, but what was the lesson?
You looked at the shadow of the General's fingers under the piece of cloth you had wrapped around your wrist. The color was that of violets caressed by moonlight days ago. Now, it is unmistakably that color, doesn’t hurt much anymore.
As the ship rumbled into port, you realized that it was time to accept your fate. In the dark and damp bilge of the ship, you and a girl close to your age called Decima took turns using the same swing as a bed, you liked each other very much and in desperation you became confidants. She was in her early twenties, beautiful yet you were in your late twenties, ahead of her in beauty. Her father was a rebel, probably killed by the General's men, and she was taken as captive. You told her almost everything except the letter that you’re hiding in your bag.
As soon as you stepped into the harbour, the discrimination began, the general and his men moved in the other direction, while the trader man of slaves were standing in front of you ordered you to move somewhere else.
You frowned as you saw his face in the distance over the shoulders of the people in the crowd, he looked very healthy, his body had managed to overcome the venom of the past few days and his wound has healed. You remembered how you had spent hours with your uncle trying to cure him, how you had struggled for hours to make the antidote while your arms and wrists ached with pain.
The General's face lit up with a warm smile as he waved his hand at his citizens, you were surprised to find that all your anger has vanished for a moment.
You turned your head away, looking at him would only cause you pain. He didn't look at you because he hasn't seen your face yet -well not clearly-, furthermore, you’ve never met face to face, to him you’re just a slave nothing more. Octavius however, recognised you from a distance. He was the only one who has witnessed your hard work. He was an honorable men, didn’t like to see you among the slaves, yet he has nothing to do, it was his General's order.
In the evening of that day, after the slaves were taken to the baths and then to the slave market for sale, you and Decima were taken by the slaver man to a separate cell. From outside, one could hear the sounds of a lively market, where slaves were being sold one by one. There was a great deal of interest in these new slaves from Egypt.
Slaver man appeared at the door of your cell in the market with a man over your age looks wealthy. Decima immediately stood up, but you did not. The slaver gestured with his hand, turning Decima around in the center and showing her arms, face and feet, squinting at you meanwhile.
‘Look at these strong and beautiful young girls, sir, I wouldn’t show you any poor slaves, they are both virgins, and they are very beautiful, the great Venus has bestowed her beauty on these girls. They would fetch a lot of money if they went to the market, but I thought I would show them to you first sire.’ He was blandishing much, but the man's eyes were locked on you.
‘Doesn't she have any manners? Why doesn't she stand up?’
‘You're right sir, she must be a bit sick from travelling, she will,’ he gestured to you with his hand, ‘Come on, get up, girl.’
You rolled your eyes and got up, he squeezed your arm hard to warn you first, then did everything what he had done to Decima, opening almost every part of your body for the other man to see. It was incredibly disgusting, you felt like an animal being sold at the cattle market.
‘The other one is younger, but this one is so beautiful, a rare one,’ he said, grabbed you by arm, looking at you hungrily. ‘How much do you want for this one?’
Your eyes meet with Decima in a silent exchange, as it was time to go your separate ways.
‘Eight thousand sesterces, sire.’
He pursed his lips, thinking, his fingers touching your hair mean while you were closing your eyes, praying for a miracle.
‘Ten thousand sesterces!’
A familiar voice of a man echoed through stone walls. You all turned your heads to that direction.
‘General Marcus Acacius offers ten thousand sesterces for this girl!’ Octavius’ imposing body appeared, he came towards them with his armor making a sharp noise with every step. He threw a big coin pouch to the slaver, who caught it with a big smile on his face.
‘Sold, of course,’ he was counting the coins with happy face.
Then Octavius firmly grabbed the other man's arm that was still touching you, lifted it, and pushed it away. He frowned.
‘This girl belongs to General Acacius now, sir, you must not touch her,’ he warned him gently but firmly.
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As the general entered the city in his chariot, the people shouted his name. He waved his hand to them, and the streets were filled with a great enthusiasm as everyone gathered to honour the general and his soldiers. The chariot carrying him soon passed under the triumphal arch of Septimius Severus and turned towards the Curia Julia, the Senate building, where the emperors must have been waiting for him. The general's smile faded. He was tired and not looking forward to seeing them, but he would not go to his villa before visiting the emperors.
As General strode purposefully up the marble stairs, Geta and Caracella leapt down from their golden imperial thrones in excitement. As soon as Geta saw him, he opened his arms wide.
‘How can I reward Rome's greatest general?'
'By letting him catch his breath first,' Caracella smiled widely.
Acacius stopped in front of them and nodded, 'Emperors.'
'We have been eagerly awaiting for your arrival, general,' Geta clasped his hands together, looking at him with admiration.
'Speak for yourself, brother. My legs ache from sitting for so long,' Caracella said, then laughed loudly. 'But it was worth it, indeed!'
‘Indeed!’ They both laughed once more, but Caracella looking at his brother a bit strange way.
It was hard to tell if Caracella wanted to embrace Geta or if wanted to take his life right then and there. The relationship between the two of them was quite distorted.
The general rolled his eyes, he was used to these two whiny emperors half of his age bickering at each other all the time, he sighed in frustration at having to put up with them when he could easily take both their lives with a single stroke of his sword. Unfortunately, this unpleasant situation had only just begun.
‘We heard that you were poisoned, how did it feel?’ Geta looked at him with wide eyes and smile.
The news must have reached the emperors before the general had even boarded the ship.
'Painful, your highness,' Acacius stated, a shadow passing over his brown eyes as he remembered the pain again.
'I'm sure it was, it must have been an interesting experience.’ Caracella crossed his arms; smiling just like his brother.
‘Cobra or viper?’
‘Aspis, highness, the viper type.’
‘Oh, I won!’ Geta jumped for joy and gestured to Caracella with his hand, imitating a snake.
Caracella ignored him looking at the General.
‘The rebels must have quite a sense of humour, poisoning a Roman General carrying Medusa on his chest with a snake, quite ironic,’ he touched Medusa on General's armor with his index finger.
Acacius frowned while looking at him, ‘They certainly do, they murdered all our medici mercilessly, fortunately the great Asclepius sent his help, my men brought another medicus from city was able to cure me, it is thanks to him that I can stand here in front of you, highness,’ Acacius remembered the memory when he was unsure whether it was a dream or not but he could not get out of his mind the fingers that touched his lips, the owner of those hazel eyes that came to his aid when his throat was dry from thirst. But it couldn't be medicus he thought, it had to be someone with thin fingers, someone with beautiful eyes he had never seen before. Maybe, since he was too close to death, it was a dream or a goddess has appeared to him, he couldn't be sure.
The first thing he remembers is opening his eyes and grabbing her wrist with his survival instinct. He thought it was a strange looking young man in a hood, maybe another rebel had come to kill him again, but then he heard her voice and thought his goddess had come to heal him. He was in so much pain and seeing hallucinations that he couldn't tell if it was a dream or not. But couldn’t get rid of those thoughts since days.
The emperors didn't seem to care much about the medicis the general was talking about, or how he had recovered, and Acacius seemed bored as they continued to joke with each other.
‘Mother,' Geta ran to her as he noticed the Empress approaching, extends his arm for her.
Julia Domna took his arm as she coming towards Acacius, whispering something into Geta’s ear, without taking her eyes off the General.
‘My lady,’ Acacius nodded to her.
Domna's smile was like Caracella's, you could never guess what she was thinking.
‘General, how good it is to see you return triumphant once more. Rome salutes you, and I embrace you,’ she approached him with open arms and put her hands Acacius’ board shoulders.
Caracella sat back on his throne, a bored look on his face.
‘My Lady, the honour is mine,’ the general said, bowing his head.
‘We shall sacrifice 1000 bulls to honor our triumphant mother!’ Geta clapped his hands excitedly, ‘Let's have a great feast tonight!’
‘Highness, let's give the General some time to rest, he must be tired from the battle,’ Domna removed her hands from the General's shoulders but kept her eyes on him.
Caracella let out a high, shrill laugh that echoed through the white marble columns. Geta sat on his throne and scowled.
‘Marcus, walk with me,’ the Empress turned round, gestured to him.
Acacius sighed, he didn't want to be alone with her, but he had to. Domna walked ahead of him, hands clasped behind her back, he followed her slowly.
‘My sons are glad to see you again, even if they have no idea how fortunate they are to have you serving them.’
'It is my duty to serve Rome.’
She paused and smiled, watching the water in the pool shimmer in the sunlight, the glow reflecting off her bright skin, her expression was difficult to read.
'I think you have a talent for survival.’
She sounded dissatisfied. 'After all, you trained under Maximus, you must have learned a lot from him.’
He looked away, 'I owe where I am today to the remarkable fighting skills he taught me, he was an honourable man, the greatest general Rome has ever seen,' Acacius' eyes were fixed on the great Temple of Venus between the eastern edge of the Forum Romanum and the Colosseum.
Domna looked at him with a feeling between admiration and concern.
‘He, like you, lived to serve Rome, even if he had to kill Commodus,’ she said, and even little children could catch the obvious implication in her voice.
Acacius held his ground, his eyes roaming the curves of the statue of Venus.
‘But unlike him, you are loyal to the emperors, I can be sure of that, can't I?
He turned his head towards her, but did not look at her. His eyes were now on the two spoilt emperors who were talking animatedly to each other between the columns. 'As long as Rome is prosperous for all her subjects, I will be loyal to them, my lady.'
Domna laughed loudly, 'Ah, that's why I want you in the Senate, how long will you refuse?
'I am only a soldier, politics is not my business, nor should it be. Scholars in the Senate -'
‘Those old foxes live in abundance and do nothing, the person who has done Rome the greatest service should be in the Senate.’ Domna glanced over her shoulder at her sons. 'I am concerned that Macrinus has no equal in the Senate and that Caracella dominates him, perhaps if you are in there, you will gain his trust.’
'Your Highness...' He looked at her shaking his head as no.
Domna looked at Acacius, this time with a serious expression on her face, 'For the sake of Rome you must be especially careful with Caracella, as her mother even I find it hard to get my way with him, he is not like Geta, he is a hard-headed child.’
Acacius looked at Caracella whose back was turned, of course he knew this very well, for a moment he thought that he was the real threat to Rome, not the enemy soldiers or the others.
‘Anyway, you should go to your villa and rest, you will have time to think about this alone,’ she said with a forced smile, then turned around to go to her sons.
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After praying in the temple of Venus, Acacius walked out, and as he descended the steps of the temple, he felt a stinging pain where his wound had been, the poison had completely gone from his body, but it had left its trace behind.
Octavius was lost in thought as he has leaned against the side of the carriage waiting for him, quickly stood up when he noticed him.
‘I see you don't miss your home, as you're still here,' Acacius said as he descended the last step. He got into the carriage and climbed in to sit beside him. Acacius was quite tired so he lay down on the seat, the fact that he felt so comfortable with Octavius was because of their long friendship, he was his most trusted man, more than just a friend, like a brother.
'Are you going to tell me what's troubling you?’ Acacius covered his face with his arm, but he could feel the tension in him.
'Sir, the girl.’
'Oh, I see, a girl? Have you fallen in love with a girl?
'No, that's not it,' Octavius felt embarrassed as he remembers your face. 'That poor girl, It doesn't seem fair that she should be with those slaves, sir, you are an honourable man, but-'
Acacius lifted his arm from his face and looked at him, the cart swaying as it moved along the stony roads.
'The girl that medicus hid? Why do you care so much for her? Is there something I should know?’
'After all, they worked so hard together to cure you, perhaps you should have at least let her go home.’
‘Together? What do you mean?' Acacius sat up, his eyebrows furrowed.
Octavius bowed his head.
'Sir, I made a mistake, it was my fault for letting them into your tent, I don't know how I could have been so careless even after the assassination, forgive me...'
Acacius raised his hand.
'Slow down, we will talk about your mistake later, you are saying that girl entered my tent and cured me? How?’
'I didn't look closely at her face and I didn't know she was a woman maybe because of her outfit but I made a terrible mistake, I should’ve known, forgive me sir.’ He bowed his head once more but it made Acacius more angry.
'You haven't answered my question, Octavius,' his voice was loud.
'Yes sir, she did her best to cure you, sir, the girl and Medicus worked hard to produce antivenom all night.’
Acacius was surprised when he realized that he hadn't dreamed that night. He was glad to learn that the owner of those eyes was a real person. But then he thought that she might be on the slave market by now, about to be sold to someone else.
‘Stop the carriage!’ He yelled.
The coachman immediately did as he was told and pulled hard on the horses' harnesses, the horses howling and stamping their hooves on the ground.
'Sir?' Octavius raised his eyebrows in surprise.
'Go and find the girl, I want to see her at my villa tonight, do you understand? Acacius tossed him a pouch full of coins.
Octavius smiled, ‘Yes, sir.’
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brm130 · 2 months
This Quar's tank
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I've started a tank for the Quar's War. It's mostly done already, but it still needs that flower and some numerical designations I think.
Maybe some weathering.
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theladyregret · 1 year
Drow Name Tables
Something I did as a special favor to @kimmurielsscryingmirror (@eldritchmist ) who showed interest. Because it’s...pretty big I decided to make it into it’s own post.
These are a few Drow naming tables that were originally found in an issue of Dragon Magazine. It’s two d100 tables of prefixes and suffixes commonly used in first names. The second couple of tables is a list of common house name prefixes and suffixes.
EDIT: Just a little something for those who care which I didn’t add before because it took me so long to finish the transcription I just wanted to post it lol. The gender difference is noted in the related Dragon Magazine article as being significant. Non Drow may not notice but a Drow will notice the difference. Female names sometimes borrow parts that are normally only considered male and this is considered fine...but a male with a name that borrows a typically only female part would be seen as extremely taboo.
Prefix (Female/Male) - Meaning
Akor/Alak                 beloved, best, first
Alaun/Alton             lightning, powerful
Aly/Kel                     legendary, singing, song
Ang/Adin                  beast, monstrous, savage
Ardul/Amal               blessed, divine, godly
Aun/Ant                   crypt, dead, deadly, death
Bae/Bar                      fate, fated, luck, lucky
Bal/Bel                       burned, burning, fire, flame
Belar/Bruh                 arrow, lance, piercing
Briz/Berg                    graceful, fluid, like water
Bur/Bhin                     craft, crafty, sly
Chal/Chasz                earth, stable
Char/Kron                  sick, venom, venomed
Chess/Cal                  noble, lady/lord
Dhaun                          infested, plague
Dil/Dur                         cold, ice, still
Dirz/Div                       dream, dreaming, fantasy
Dris/Riz                        ash, dawn, east, eastern
Eclav/Elk                      chaos, mad, madness
Elvan/Kalan                 elf, elven, far, lost
Elv/Elaug                     drow, mage, power
Erel/Rhyl                      eye, moon, spy
Ethe/Erth                    mithril, resolute
Faer/Selds                   oath, sworn, vow
Felyn/Fil                       pale, thin, weak, white
Filf/Phar                     dwarf, dwarven, treacherous
Gauss/Orgoll              dread, fear, feared, vile
G'eld                              friend, spider  
Ghuan                           accursed, curse, unlucky
Gin/Din                         berserk, berserker, orc, wild
Grey/Gul                       ghost, pale, unliving
Hael/Hatch                   marked, trail, way
Hal/Sol                           deft, nimble, spider-like  
Houn/Rik                       magic, ring, staff
Iiv/Dip                             liege, war, warrior
Iim                                   life, living, spirit, soul
Illiam/Im                         devoted, heart, love
In/Sorn                           enchanted, spell
Ilph                                  emerald, green, lush, tree
Irae/Ilzt                           arcane, mystic, wizard
Irr/Izz                               hidden, mask, masked
Iym/Ist                            endless, immortal  
Jan/Duag                       shield, warded
Jhael/Gel                       ambitious, clan, kin, family
Jhul/Jar                         charmed, rune, symbol
Jys/Driz                         hard, steel, unyielding
Lael/Llt                           iron, west, western
Lar/Les                          binding, bound, law, lawful
LiNeer/Mourn            legend, legendary, mythical  
Lird/Ryld                   brand, branded, owned, slave
Lua/Lyme                       bright, crystal, light
Mal/Malag                     mystery, secret
May/Mas                         beautiful, beauty, silver
Micar                                lost, poison, widow
Min/Ran                           lesser, minor, second
Mol/Go                            blue, storm, thunder, wind
Myr/Nym                       lost, skeleton, skull
Nath/Mer                        doom, doomed, fate
Ned/Nad               cunning, genius, mind, thought
Nhil/Nal                 fear, gorrible, horror, outraged
Neer                                  core, root, strong
Null/Nil                             sad, tear, weeping
Olor/Omar                       skin, tattoo, tattooed
Pellan/Relon                    north, platiunum, wind
Phaer/Vorn                      honor, honored
Phyr/Phyx                        bless, blessed, blessing
Qualn/Quil                        mighty, ocean, sea
Quar                                   aged, eternal, time
Quav/Quev                        charmed, docile, friend
Qil/Quil                               foe, goblin, slave
Rauv/Welv                         cave, rock, stone
Ril/Ryl                                 foretold, omen
Sbat/Szor                           amber, yellow
Sab/Tsab                            abyss, empty, void  
Shi'n/Kren                          fool, foolish, young
Shri/Ssz                             silk, silent  
Shur/Shar                          dagger, edge, stiletto
Shynt                                 invisible, skilled, unseen
Sin/Szin                              festival, joy, pleasure
Ssap/Tath                          blue, midnight, night
Susp/Spir                           learned, skilled, wise
Talab/Tluth                        burn, burning, fire
Tal/Tar                         love, pain, wound, wounded
Triel/Taz                           bat, winged
T'riss/Teb                           blade, sharp, sword  
Ulvir/Uhls                           gold, golden, treasure
Umrae/Hurz                       faith, faithful, true
Vas/Vesz                            blood, bloody, flesh
Vic                                       abyss, deep, profound
Vier/Val                               black, dark, darkness
Vlon/Wod                           bold, hero, heroic
Waer/Wehl             deep, hidden, south, southern  
Wuyon/Wruz                      humble, third, trivial
Xull/Url                                 blooded, crimson, ruby
Xun                                       demon, fiend, fiendish
Yas/Yaz                       riddle, spinning, thread, web
Zar/Zakn                             dusk, haunted, shadow
Zebey/Zek                        dragon, lithe, rage, wyrm
Zes/Zsz                              ancient, elder, respected
Zilv/Vuz                             forgotten, old, unknown
Suffixes (Female/Male) - Meaning
a/agh                  breaker, destruction, end, omega
ace/as                                savant, scholar, wizard
ae/aun                             dance, dancer, life, player
aer/d                                    blood, blood of, heir
afae/afein                         bane, executioner, slayer
afay/aufein                        eyes, eyes of, seer
ala/launim                          healer, cleric
anna/erin                            advisor, counselor to
arra/atar                             queen/prince
aste                                      bearer, keeper, slaver
avin/aonar                           guardian, guard, shield
ayne/al                       lunatic, maniac, manic, rage
baste/gloth                         path, walker
breena/antar                   matriach/patriarch, ruler
bryn/lyn                               agent, assassin, killer
cice/roos                             born of, child, young  
cyrl/axle                               ally, companion, friend
da/daer                                illusionist, trickster
dia/drin                                rogue, stealer
diira/diirn                             initiate, sister/brother
dra/zar                                  lover, match, mate  
driira/driirn                         mother/father, teacher  
dril/dorl                                 knight, sword, warrior
e                                           servant, slave, vessel
eari/erd                                 giver, god, patron
eyl                                       archer, arrow, flight, flyer
ffyn/fein                               minstrel, singer, song
fryn              champion, victor, weapon, weapon of
iara/ica                                 baron, duke, lady/lord  
ice/eth                                 obsession, taker, taken  
idil/imar           alpha, beginning, creator of, maker
iira/inid                                 harbinger, herald
inidia                                     secret, wall, warder
inil/in                                     lady/lord, rider, steed
intra                               envoy, messenger, prophet
isstra/atlab               acolyte, apprentice, student
ithra/irahc                         dragon, serpent, wyrm
jra/gos                                 beast, biter, stinger
jss                                          scout, stalker
kacha/kah                            beauty, hair, style
kiira/raen                              apostle, disciple
lay/dyn                               flight, flyer, wing, wings
lara/aghar                         cynic, death, end, victim
lin                                         arm, armor, commander
lochar                                   messenger, spider
mice/myr           bone, bones, necromancer, witch  
mur'ss                                   shadow, spy, witness
na/nar                                 adept, ghost, spirit
nilee/olil                             corpse, disease, ravager
niss/nozz                           chance, gambler, game
nitra/net                              kicker, returned, risen
nolu                                 art, artist, expert, treasure
olin                                   ascension, love, lover, lust
onia/onim                           rod, staff, token, wand
oyss/omph                       binder, judge, law, prison
qualyn                                 ally, caller, kin
quarra/net                           horde, host, legion
quiri/oj                                  aura, cloak, hide, skin
ra/or                                     fool, game, prey, quarry
rae/rar                                   secret, seeker, quest
raema/orvir                         crafter, fist, hand
raena/olvir                            center, haven, home
riia/rak                       enchanter, mage, spellcaster
ril                                 bandit, enemy, raider, outlaw
riina/ree                     enchanter, mage, spellcaster
ryna/oyn                         follower, hired, mercenary
ryne/ryn                      blooded, elder, experienced
shalee/ral                 abjurer, gaze, watch, watcher
ssysn/rysn          artifact, dweomer, sorcerer, spell
stin/trin         clan, house, merchant, of the house
stra/tran                             spider, spinner, weaver
tana/ton                           darkness, lurker, prowler
thara/tar                             glyph, marker, rune
thrae/olg                          charmer, leader, seducer
tree/tel                         exile, loner, outcast, pariah
tyrr                    dagger, poison, poisoner, scorpion
ual/dan                                speed, strider
ue/dor                                  arm, artisan, fingers
uit/dar                                  breath, voice, word
une/diin                         diviner, fate, future, oracle
uque                              cavern, digger, mole, tunnel  
urra/dax                       nomad, renegade, wanderer
va/ven                             comrade, honor, honored
vayas                         forge, forger, hammer, smith
vyll punishment, scourge, whip, zealot  
vyrae/vyr                     mistress/master, overseer
wae/hrae                           heir, inheritor, princess
wiira/hriir                           seneschal of, steward
wyss/hrys                          best, creator, starter
xae/zaer                             orb, rank, ruler, sceptor
xena/zen                         cutter, gem, jewel, jeweler
xyra/zyr                             sage, teller
yl                                          drow, woman/man
ylene/yln         handmaiden/squire, maiden/youth
ymma/inyon                      drider, feet, foot, runner
ynda/yrd        captain, custodian, marshal, ranger  
ynrae/yraen                       heretic, rebel, riot, void
vrae                                   architect, founder, mason  
yrr                                         protector, rival, wielder
zyne/zt                                finder, hunter
House Name Prefixes - Meaning
Alean                        the noble line of
Ale                             traders in
Arab                          daughters of
Arken                        mages of
Auvry                        blood of the  
Baen                          blessed by
Barri                           spawn of
Cladd                         warriors from
Desp                          victors of
De                               champions of
Do'                              walkers in
Eils                              lands of
Everh                         the caverns of
Fre                              friends of
Gode                          clan of  
Helvi                          those above
Hla                              seers of
Hun'                           the sisterhood of
Ken                            sworn to
Kil                               people of
Mae                           raiders from  
Mel                            mothers of
My                              honored of
Noqu                         sacred to
Orly                            guild of
Ouss                           heirs to
Rilyn                           house of  
Teken'                        delvers in  
Tor                               mistresses of
Zau                              children of
House Name Suffixes - Meaning
afin                              the web
ana                               the night
ani                                the widow
ar                                   poison
arn                                fire
ate                                the way
ath                                the dragons
duis                              the whip
ervs                              the depths
ep                                  the underdark
ett                                 magic
ghym                            the forgotten ways
iryn                               history
lyl                                  the blade
mtor                             the abyss
ndar                              black hearts
neld                              the arcane
rae                                 fell powers
rahel                             the gods
rret                                the void
sek                                 adamantite
th                                    challenges
tlar                                 mysteries
t'tar                                victory
tyl                                   the pits
und                                 the spider's kiss
urden                             the darkness
val                                   silken weaver
viir                                  dominance
zynge                             the ruins
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skunts-own-truth · 3 months
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U-uncle Porrip… Uncle Porrip, I love you.
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skelegun · 2 months
This weekend I painted some of my Quar! Since most people probably haven’t heard of Quar, I’ll give some Quar Lore. The Quar are a species of leathery anteater like creatures who are basically like us, except technologically they are at roughly WWI levels. Their species has been fighting the Long War off and on again since times immemorial at the whims of their ruling elite.
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These four Quar are Coftyrans. They come from the proud and ancient empire of Coftyr, and consider themselves the last bastion of traditional Quar values. They go into battle in fancy uniforms and armed with finely crafted though usually outdated weaponry.
From a war gaming perspective, I rather like their rules and the way their equipment looks, most of their guns are bullpups. Despite being the “old school” faction, they were also the ones to invent SMGs, which is neat and helps prevent them from being flanderized. I also like the way their squads are set up. It’s an NCO with a SMG, 8 dudes with bolt action rifles, and a one guy with a LMG. That’s a solid set up that was pretty common IRL up through WWII and beyond for many countries. Officers are equipped with a pistol and sword which also based as hell.
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These guys are Crusaders. They are basically Trotskyites from my interpretation of the lore. The Crusade is an international movement that aims to end the Long War by force, and to smash the ancient class based system that dominates Quar society. They started as a small band of rebels and have since turned into a well oiled martial machine, for a while it seemed they had the royalists on the ropes, but now their advance has stalled and cracks are starting to appear in their facade.
From a war gaming perspective their rules seem kinda strange and at odds with their lore. Like they are supposed to be logistical geniuses who favor innovative tactics, but their standard squad is really goofy. It’s a sergeant with a semi automatic rifle, and three teams consisting of 2 with guys semi automatic rifles and 1 guy with a “heavy rifle” (which seems to be a semi automatic anti-tank rifle with a bayonet). It’s a strange squad composition that IRL would get pinned down and shredded by the coftyran squad’s automatic weaponry. Also their officers use these like handcrafted heirloom shotguns which seems at odds with the lore of them being a hyper utilitarian classless faction.
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niqhtlord01 · 1 year
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Humans are weird: Missing your mark: A Yuri story.
Civil wars are nasty things.
They’re violent, disruptive, and more or less create an animosity amongst the general population regardless of which side wins. There was no better definition for that of a failed state and no worse situation for a ruling body to find itself in; which made the situation before Yuri all the more stressful.
“When my employers asked you to handle this situation months ago,” Yuri spoke to the delegation sitting across from him, “there was an implied understanding that it was to be rectified immediately.”
The Yagraz delegation looked amongst themselves but said nothing.
Even with the multitude of species Yuri had interacted with during his employment the Yagraz were one of the most frustrating. They had a tendency to believe themselves superior to the rest of the galaxy, but often found their best laid plans undone with the simplest of tugs. They would never admit to this and would all too often find some reason to place the blame somewhere else. The five before him had made those excuses abundantly when he had requested a meeting with them.
“This situation was well in control when last we spoke.” The leader of the Yagraz contingent spoke. Their mouth split vertical when they spoke making focusing on them uncomfortable for those with weak stomachs. His name was Quar, and from what little Yuri remembered of him was that he was a minor member of the governing nobility. He spoke with assurance; at least when others were within earshot.
Yuri shook his head. “When last I was here you I told you to take the man-“
“They are not human.” One of the other Yagraz interrupted.
Yuri looked at them in bafflement before calmly reaching into his coat and pulling out a loaded weapon. He set it down on the table for all the silent Yagraz to see clearly.
“The next time I am spoken over will be the last time the speaker shall ever speak again.”
None of them said anything and so Yuri continued.
“I remember that you all asked me for advice on handling the dissident movement and pacifying their charismatic leader.”
Yuri reached into his coat and pulled out a lighter and cigarette; placing it in his mouth and lighting it with one smooth motion before flicking the lighter closed.
“I told you not to allow that…man, to speak. I told you to not allow him on your networks, to not allow him to speak with anyone of importance, and to not give him any chance to become credible in the eyes of your people.”
“I told you all that you must hound them like dogs on the hunt. That every aspect of society must shun and chastise that man from every avenue so that every day they know the entire world is their enemy.”
“But most of all I told you what you truly needed to do even though many of you were unwilling to do it.”
He took a deep drag and blew a smoke cloud into the faces of the Yagraz delegation.  He wasn’t sure if it would offend them or anger them but honestly he did not care at this point so long as they listened.
“I said that you must walk into a room with them and put a bullet in their head.”
“And I will tell you as I did then,” Quar spoke up, “that such drastic measures were not needed; that killing them would have only made them a martyr.”
“Killing him then would have made him a statistic.” Yuri laughed. “He had a dozen followers then whereas now he has thousands who have an ax to grind.”
“Even so, we are above such barbaric methods to ensure our rule.”
The other Yagraz nodded and murmured their acknowledgement. Yuri shook his head and this endless repetition of the conversation was getting them nowhere. He took one last drag before putting out his cigarette on the table leaving a smear of ash.
“And yet here I am again, with you once more asking me on how to ensure your continued rei-“
“You would do well to-“
In one smooth motion Yuri picked up the weapon on the table and put several rounds through the head and chest of the Yagraz who had interrupted him. The body of the delegate fell backwards over his chair and landed with a wet thud against the floor as the remaining delegates watched in silent horror.
Yuri held the smoking weapon over the table as the dying delegate gasped and coughed globs of purple blood from their mouth. His amusement with this conversation and task was exhausted now and he was quite done with the standard Yagraz bluster.
“I did warn him.” Yuri remarked coldly as he rose to his feet and returned the weapon to its holster within his coat. “As I did all of you all those months ago; but now it is too late.”
“What do you mean?” Quar asked unsteadily.
“My employers sent me here to see if this situation could be salvaged and our investment in your rule secured.”
Yuri looked down at a small droplet of purple blood that had splatter on the sleeve of his coat and tried to rub it off with his fingers, only to further spread the stain and add to his frustrated mood.
“As of this moment all support from my employers will be cut off and you shall be left to your own devices.” He remarked dryly as he gave up trying to clean his coat. “Contrary to the popular notion civil wars are not good for all businesses and my employers require a certain degree of stability which I find sourly lacking here.”
“Please do not be hasty.” Quar spoke as he realized the implications of Yuri’s unseen benefactors withdrawing support could mean for his government. “We can still handle this agitator.”
“Maybe,” Yuri admitted, “but I have seen the path such men have led their people down and I know of the horrors that will follow.”
He looked at them all one last time before turning around and leaving them to their fate.
“You should have killed them when you had the chance” he said over his shoulder.
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mikoriin · 10 months
Drunken Nights (SyaoSaku NSFW Fic)
so this is actually a couple years old by now, but its a bit i want to insert into my syaosaku fic 'Love Will Be Ours' which you can read here on ao3. i dont know when this would happen, but i felt it in my bones one day back in 2020 and wrote this. its been revised since then, but i hope you all enjoy all the same!
Drunken Nights (read on ao3)
Pairing: Syaoran Li and Sakura Kinomoto
Media: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Rating: 18+
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, First Time
Sakura has just been coronated Queen of Clow, promising she will lead her people into a new day where war no longer touches their country's soil, and so the kingdom held a huge party to celebrate their new queen. After celebrating hard, Syaoran leads Sakura to her chambers for the night, however, this time, she asks him to stay with her. Feeling like it would be a betrayal to himself if he said no, Syaoran enters his queen's chambers with her and they find themselves entangled in each other.
The coronation party was a success. Everyone was dancing, singing, and laughing, drinking to their hearts’ content celebrating the newly crowned queen of Clow. Their armies had pushed back the Celecian troops and the war was going in their favor for the first time. Everyone important attended the party, from dukes and duchesses to the members of the royal court. The only person missing was Yukito, though he had given Sakura his blessings and good word to her the previous day. Even Fei Wong was there for a bit, though Sakura found that he soon disappeared as things started getting especially lively. 
The thing that surprised the queen the most, however, was just how much Syaoran let loose. She watched him open up to Ryuuoh and Tomoyo, laughing and cheering in a way she had never seen. It warmed her heart. She hadn’t felt as giddy as she did at the party than she had before Touya passed away. It was a nice change of pace from all the politics consuming her life. Now, however,  it was late into the evening and Sakura had excused herself to her chambers as the ambassadors and court members drank themselves sick. 
Snickers and giggles echoed in the empty halls of the palace, music just barely audible in the queen’s ears. Her vision was fuzzy and her stomach swirled with butterflies as she held Syaoran’s hand heading to her chambers, just as the two of them would do any other night. Though tonight, the hand-holding was new. 
“Mr. Fai and Mr. Kurogane were so funny tonight.” Sakura said, swaying their hands between them as they walked side by side. “They’re such a duo.”
Syaoran smiled, “Mr. Kurogane is very strong. He seems indifferent or even cold at times, but he cares. He’s very kind, which is another form of strength.”
Sakura felt her heart swell with glee watching Syaoran talk about someone he loved so dearly. She tightened her grip on his hand.
“And you know, he’s never been easy on me, but he’s taken care of me. Ever since my father died, Mr. Kurogane took me in, even when he didn’t have to. There was no benefit for him, undertaking an inexperienced teeanger with no home or direction.” He continued, a genuine smile painted across his face. “He’s a good man.” 
“Mr. Fai is a lot like Mr. Kurogane.” Sakura chimed in. “His attitude is the complete opposite, always joking and laughing. But, at times he seems like he’s in a faraway world. Like he’s dealing with great pain all by himself.”
She clutched her chest, remembering the way she had been coping with her own pain. Shaking her head, thus ridding the thoughts from her mind, she focused back on Fai. “Despite his pain, I think he’s a good man.”
Syaoran listened to her, just as she had listened to him, feeling warmth seeing her talk about someone she cared about so dearly. Eventually they reached the doors to Sakura’s room, the giddy feeling of being together fading, the sad goodbyes of sleep separating them. Sakura opened the large doors, opening the space into her private quarters. Syaoran began to pull his hand away from hers, but Sakura only held on. 
“Your Highness?” He asked.
Sakura stared at the floor. She didn’t want him to go, but she knew it was time to say goodnight. Biting her lip, she trembled, forcing herself to speak her heart’s true desire. “Stay…”
Syaoran blushed at her request, feeling the butterflies dance around his stomach once again. “Your Highness, I…”
“Please.” She looked him in the eyes now, her face beat red and her eyes screaming for a place to hide, yet she stood her ground.
The knight grew soft at the image of her before him, pleading for him to stay the night with her. How could he say no? He nodded, feeling like it would break every bone in his body to refuse her. Sakura beamed at his answer, leading him into her bedroom. He took in the space he had never seen before, Sakura noticing his head turning every which way. Shutting the door behind her, the queen took her place by his side. Her body trembled as she stood next to him awkwardly. He was actually in her room, in her private quarters where only Tomoyo and her own family had previously entered. 
“Your Highness?” Syaoran asked from beside her, noticing her fidgeting. 
Sakura jumped hearing his voice, she was so nervous she didn’t know what to do with herself. “S-sorry...I know I asked you to come in, but now I’m feeling really nervous.” Her cheeks grew hot.
“Do you want me to leave?” He asked.
Sakura shook her head, grabbing onto his sleeve. “No. I’m nervous, but I’d rather have you with me.”
Syaoran smiled. He felt the same. He took her hand in his and brought it to his lips. “If the queen wishes for me to stay with her through the night, then I will do so.”
Sakura’s whole face turned bright red at this. Her eyes darted from the floor to the ceiling. Syaoran then realized what he did, and blushed himself, letting go of her hand. “I-I’m sorry.” He sputtered out. 
The two stood there in silence for a moment, before turning to each other and speaking. 
“We should-”
They spoke at the same time, cutting each other off. They tried again; 
“I think-”
Cut off once again. They looked at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter. This cleared the awkward vibe between them, the both of them gradually becoming comfortable in the shared space. Sakura took a step toward him, closing the gap between them. She gripped his shirt gently, not looking him in the face. “When my brother died...I felt so cold and empty.” She started, her voice a little shaky. 
“Sakura…” Syaoran started, but Sakura hushed him. 
“It’s okay. I’m okay. Because I’m with you.” She looked up into his amber eyes. “When I’m with you, my sadness, loneliness, and anger all seem to fade away. Touya is still on my mind, and sometimes I’ve even tried to push him out. But when I’m with you, Syaoran, I feel like I can properly say goodbye. And he wouldn’t be angry at me for it, because I know he’s ready to go. And I’m ready to rule my kingdom as a queen Clow deserves.” 
Letting go of his shirt, Sakura took his large hand in hers. “And I would like you to stay by my side.” 
Syaoran looked at her wide eyed. He could feel his chest swell and the butterflies dance around his stomach once again. He looked into her jade eyes, seeing every emotion she was feeling in them. He smiled and leaned his forehead onto hers, bringing his pinky finger up between them. “It’s a promise.” He said. 
Sakura blushed at being so close. She brought her pinky to his, locking their fingers together, sealing the oath between them. They stared into each other’s eyes for a long time, feeling everything at once. Then, Sakura did something neither of them expected, bringing her face closer and closer to his until their lips touched. It lasted only a second, but it was soft and tender. Sakura must have realized what she had done, the panic showing on her face. 
“I’m...I’m so-” Sakura stuttered, not able to finish her sentence. 
Syaoran brought a gentle hand to caress her cheek, cupping her white face in his large palm. He brought his face closer to hers now, their lips brought back together. The kiss was gentle, soft, and warm. He broke the kiss, looking at Sakura again. They stared into each other, the sound of their heartbeats the only thing to be heard. They came closer once again, melting into each other as they kissed. Sakura wrapped her arms around Syaoran’s neck as he cupped her lower back, pressing her entire body against his. 
Sakura moaned slightly into his mouth, the sound driving him crazy. He parted their lips, breathing heavily. Sakura’s eyes were slit open, a hazy look on her face. He bit his lip looking at her, his cheeks changing in color. She was too cute, he wanted her to be his, he wanted all of her. He kissed her again, then her cheek, her eye, and moved to her ear. Sakura yelped at the contact. Syaoran quickly retracted his head. “I’m so sorry! Was that too much?” He asked frantically.
Sakura shook her head. “I’m sorry, I was just surprised.” She ran her fingers through his shaggy hair. “If it’s you, Syaoran, you can kiss me anywhere.”
Syaoran’s heart almost burst out of his chest hearing those words. He wanted to kiss anywhere and everywhere. Wanting to hold her and be one with her. Every bone in his body was screaming at him that this was wrong, that they shouldn't be doing something like this, but at the same time he didn’t care. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was the simultaneous beating of their hearts, or maybe it was the fact that he was giving in to a long time desire. Syaoran leaned back into her skin, kissing on her lips again ever so gently. He couldn’t get enough of them, the way they molded into his, their softness, their glossy shine when he pulled away. 
Syaoran continued to kiss her, Sakura accepting every one. He moved down to her neck, kissing along her throat, her collarbone, and her shoulders. 
 “Syaoran…” Sakura whispered in a small voice, her vulnerability so loud in that little tone. 
This was like flicking a switch in Syaoran’s brain. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back gently against the wall. He kissed her again, but this time his tongue slid between the folds of Sakura’s lips. She was surprised at first, but Sakura quickly melted back into the sensation of her knight, allowing their tongues to touch and swirl around each other. She felt her legs shake, her hands gripping the sleeves of Syaoran’s white shirt. Syaoran cupped her face as they kissed, the passionate heat of the moment making a lewd voice leave Sakura’s throat. 
Syaoran pulled away quickly, his face completely red. He looked at Sakura’s face in a complete flush, the queen herself covering her mouth. She seemed so embarrassed, but Syaoran was the one who was feeling shame. He had gotten that out of her, and now after hearing it he felt a fire in his lower abdomen. He pulled back, putting distance between the two of them.
“Syaoran?” Sakura asked, a little nervous that she had scared him away.
Syaoran blushed deeply and stood awkwardly to try and hide the very obvious bulge in his pants. He felt so ashamed that he would think dirty thoughts about his queen, the one he has sworn his life to. Sakura seemed to notice because a quiet oh filled their silence. 
Sakura bit her lip. She was also feeling something she wasn’t used to. Sure, she had felt it before, and had even had nights where it wouldn't go away until she took care of it. But this feeling was different and intense . She wanted him. But she had never been so intimate with anyone before, and she certainly didn’t want to force herself on him. Sakura looked back up at her knight, realizing he was doing the same as she. She thought about the way he kissed her, soft and slow, deep and passionate. He wanted her too. 
She took a step closer to him, closing the gap between them. She took his face in her hands and pulled him down to meet her lips, kissing him hard.
“Your Highness, we…” Syaoran gasped once their lips parted, his voice a hoarse whisper. 
Sakura kissed him again, this time soft and slow. She pushed him back until he was resting on the wall opposite the side she came from. Parting their lips, she looked at him with glossy eyes. “It’s okay. We’re okay. If it’s us, there’s no wrong answer.” She said,
Syaoran bit his lip, but the look in her eyes swayed him. He nodded and leaned in for another kiss. Sakura accepted it, their tongues clashing again. She let her hands wander now, down his neck to his chest, and down his abdomen. Syaoran flinched when she reached his groin. She cupped the hard bulge in his pants, a moan escaping the knight despite his best efforts. Hearing such a noise come from her beloved made Sakura’s legs weak, feeling a pulsating sensation between her thighs. She grazed her hand over the bulge, tucking her fingers between his pants and his hips. Unbuttoning his front, she shimmied the pants down his hips. His dick sprung out once it was free, the cool air from the room touching his sensitive skin, making Syaoran shiver. 
Sakura took in a breath upon seeing it for the first time. She had never seen one in person before, only read about them and seen them in anatomy studies, and now she was looking at her special person’s. She looked at Syaoran, his face was beat red and his breathing was rigid. He looked at her then, their eyes meeting. Sakura began to gently run her hand up and down the base of his dick. This made the knight moan. Sakura almost squealed at hearing such a noise coming from him, it made her feel a strange sense of pride and embarrassment at the same time. She kissed him, her hand still stroking his shaft. Syaoran practically drooled at the contact, letting his noises into her mouth.
Sakura was going to go crazy, he was being so vocal, something she hadn’t expected, and it turned her on. She broke their kiss, leaning her forehead on his shoulder, her free hand traveling in between her thighs. Her fingers pressed into her dress, running circles into her clit. She moaned now, letting the lewd sound leave her mouth. Syaoran must have noticed because he went silent and watched her. The queen could feel his erection get harder in her hand, precum leaking from the tip. 
“Sakura…” His low, hoarse voice made Sakura want to touch herself more.
Syaoran then grabbed her hands with his, bringing her sticky hand to his lips and kissing her fingers, a sight that could’ve made Sakura explode. He stared at her with fiery eyes, a look he had never given her before, and began to lead her to her bed. He gently pushed her down onto her soft, silk sheets, laying on top of her and kissing her once again. Sakura wrapped her arms around him, pressing her tongue into his mouth. She felt herself tingle and become even more wet as the time went on. 
The knight broke the kiss, leaving Sakura whining. She felt embarrassed, but felt that her entire body wanted him, needed him. Syaoran kissed down her chin and neck, her collarbone and the top of her chest. He pulled the top of her dress down to reveal those little, plump breasts. Bringing his large hands to touch the soft skin around her nipple, squeezing a bit. Sakura breathed heavily watching him play with her bosom, throwing her head back when he pinched her pink nipple.
“Ah~” She moaned.
Syaoran continued to touch her breasts, bringing his tongue to caress the hard flesh that seemed to be asking for his attention. Sakura mewed at the sensation, feeling the flesh between her thighs pulsate, screaming and begging to be touched. “Syaoran...please..” She cried.
The knight took his cue, snaking his arms around Sakura’s thighs and up her dress. He grazed his gentle hand up her leg, finding the fabric of her panties. Sliding soft fingers between her skin and the underwear, Syaoran pulled his queen’s panties down and off her legs, tossing them to the side. He propped her up on the bed more, placing her legs over his shoulders. Sakura was breathing heavily with anticipation, her body trembling as her fingers wrapped around the skirt of her silky dress. She almost moaned just from the feeling of the fabric caressing her creamy skin.
Syaoran slid his head down her thighs, taking in her aroma. Taking in her scent was like awakening a beast inside him, he wanted to devour every inch of her.
Then, his attention fixated on a small little mark on her inner thigh. It was a fleshy pink color, standing out among her otherwise porcelain skin. He focused on it for a moment, only taking his mind off of it when Sakura asked if anything was wrong. “Syaoran?” She asked.
He said nothing, but instead buried his head into her thighs, licking the wet flesh. Sakura cried out in pleasure, clenching her thighs around his head. Syaoran began to lick and swirl his tongue between her folds, hearing the girl in his arms moan above him. His mouth left her vulva for a moment, a string of fluid connected his lips to her skin. He then went for her clit, taking the small ball of nerves into his mouth. Sakura cried and whimpered as Syaoran sucked on her and massaged her inner thighs, playing with the squishy flesh in his hand. 
Sakura breathed heavily, feeling his tongue go over her clit a little too roughly. She yelped, “Syaoran, wait wait!”
Syaoran’s head shot up from between her thighs, taking her hand in his. “I’m sorry, was I too rough?” He asked, genuine concern in his voice. 
Taking a second to calm herself down, Sakura gave him the go ahead to continue, with a reminder to be a bit more gentle. Syaoran noted this in his mind, gliding his tongue over her once again. Feeling her legs relax at the sensation of all of her nerves being touched, Sakura brought her legs away from her knight’s head. They stayed like that for a bit, Syaoran tasting every bit of her. Everywhere he licked sent tingles up Skaura’s spine, a fire being lit in her body. Syaoran began to massage her entrance, hearing her moan and whimper made his heart beat with every noise that came out of her mouth. 
“May I?” He asked, prodding her with his finger. 
“Please do.” She breathed out in response, feeling his index finger enter her.
She bit her lip as his slender finger slid inside her, the sensation setting her entire body ablaze. Syaoran brought his mouth back to her clit, licking it gently, watching her responses to his actions. He could feel her loosen around his finger as he licked around her folds.
“May I add another?” He asked, his voice eager.
Sakura agreed, clenching the sheets of her bed when he inserted a second finger. He pumped them into her, feeling around to find her sweet spot. She jolted when his finger grazed a certain area inside her, biting her lip so she wouldn’t be too loud. Hearing her response, Syaoran decided he would massage that spot a little more, sending lightning bolts up her body. 
“Syaoran-!” Sakura cried out, feeling pleasure overtake her body.
Syaoran gently licked Sakura’s clit while stroking that spot, Sakura’s squirming under him. Her body began to shake and her hips were grinding against his mouth. She let out little moans, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She never thought something could feel this good, and felt like she was going to explode, the spot between her thighs becoming drenched in her own fluids. Syaoran moaned against her, sending vibrations along the folds of her pussy. Sakura moaned into the empty space of the room, her voice echoing off the walls of her chambers, surely if someone were to walk by they would hear her. 
Syaoran laughed a little to himself, feeling confident that he was able to make her feel this way. He continued to finger her, rubbing circles into the spot that seemed to be her favorite, the sound of her moans turning him on. He wanted to touch himself, but pleasing his queen and holding her thighs around his face was much more important. 
“Syaoran, I'm gonna…” Sakura whispered, feeling her body tremble. 
Syaoran used what little time he had left to really pump his fingers into her, watching her to see if this is what pleased her. Sakura moaned, and bucked her hips against his hand which was soaked in her juices. He went for her clit one more time, the notes in his brain reminding him she really liked this spot touched. He swirled his wet tongue over the ball, taking it into his mouth and sucking. This sent Sakura over the edge, and she felt herself cum, calling out her knight’s name. Syaoran took his fingers out of her, licking up her entrance, cleaning up her mess. The queen’s legs were trembling as she threw her arms over her eyes, breathing as if she had just run a marathon. 
Syaoran finally pulled his lips away from her, licking his lips and fingers, making sure to taste her everywhere he touched. Satisfied with his clean up, he brought his head up to meet her eyes, but he found them closed. She had fallen asleep. He smiled, seeing her contented face made his heart warm. Gently, he pulled her legs off of his shoulders and maneuvered around her to pick her up bridal style. She squirmed a bit in his arms, but Syaoran’s touch was gentle and warm as he held her against his body. He carried her to the head of the bed, tucking her into her sheets. She smiled and cuddled her pillow in her sleep. Syaoran knelt down to kiss her on the forehead. 
“Goodnight, my queen.” He whispered, nuzzling his face into her hair before leaving her bedside and her quarters, letting her sleep her drunken haze away. 
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ohtobemare · 4 months
the Gideon universe | Masterlist
an Avatar 2009/WOW au
summary: "You're not in Kansas, anymore." Yeah. She was, in fact, on Pandora. And what's she doing here? Well, that's the problem, wasn't it? Quar-What's-His-Face and the rest of RDA would probably think she's ready for the padded room. If they'd shut up long enough to listen. Hell and R and R, huh? "You wanna know about hell, boys? I'll be nice about it. Once." Quaritch x OC
warnings: age gap slow burn romance, complete canon deviation/rewrite, entry level fandom knowledge, a whole lot of made up futuristic tech, conspiracy, religion, heavy religious themes, Miles lives.
pairings: Miles Quaritch x fem!OC | B story: Lyle Wainfleet x fem!OC
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“And in the beginning, [I Am] created the heavens, and the Earth…”
On the blade-thin edge of extinction from overpopulation and irresponsibility from a government corrupted by the dark elites, life on Earth hangs in near asystole. Salvation comes through as breakthrough from the Resource Development Administration, the only independent cooperation given UN resources. Recognized as a global Behemoth, the United States Space Force jumps at the shot-in-the-dark chance to launch an expedition into deep space with RDA oversight; searching for resources amongst the stars. Hope, a future.
Enter Pandora, a gaseous world brimming with life, resources. And a tyrannical entity never identified in the flesh. Not everything is as it seems in the new world, however. The local sentients, those called the Na'vi, present a challenge to Earth's extended olive branch of hope.
Unwilling to negotiate and assist humanity's cry of desperation, tension has escalated to all out war. Fortresses are built as humanity grapples like David's against a Goliath foe unwilling to be tamed, or even seen.
Over two decades of occupation has RDA keening for resolution, even with the giant leaps of success the Avatar program has, seemingly, conquered. Desperation claws, and corporate administration is willing to bloodlet for answers.
Until the Gideon Brief arrives one fateful pilgrimage, simple and sweet to the eye of the beholder.
Certainly it can't be so easy, the championing of a world. Wrapped up in a simple dossier conceived in the brainchild of a was-then Earth nobody...
But hope has a funny way of showing herself, the flirt she is. All it takes is a requisition, a recruitment. Corporate sponsorships and the right shuffle of paperwork, and before you know it, it's been 12 years.
Twelve years and the breath of a new world unfolds the lungs, hangs stars in the eyes of the encouraged, even in the depths of hell.
"Welcome to hell, ladies and gentlemen. This is Pandora."
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Start here: Teaser Prologue One
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Oneshots: wild ones touch and go ✨coming soon✨ photosynthesis ✨coming soon✨
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Accompanying Series: symbiosis by @itsgoghtime ✨coming soon✨
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wolfliving · 6 months
"Fun Palaces," then and now
In 1961 Joan Littlewood and Cedric Price designed a Fun Palace building – a ‘laboratory of fun’. They imagined a building linked through technology to other spaces, accessible to those who wouldn’t normally go to arts venues or great centres of learning. Joan said, “I do really believe in the community. I really do believe in the genius in every person. And I’ve heard that greatness come out of them, that great thing which is in people.”
The original design said:
“Choose what you want to do – or watch someone else doing it. Learn how to handle tools, paint, babies, machinery, or just listen to your favourite tune. Dance, talk or be lifted up to where you can see how other people make things work. Sit out over space with a drink and tune in to what’s happening elsewhere in the city. Try starting a riot or beginning a painting – or just lie back and stare at the sky.”
Unfortunately that ideal space was never created, although there were a few incarnations of potential Fun Palaces, Joan’s Stratford Fair in 1975 among them. In 2013 we re-imagined Fun Palaces as a space that any of us could create, wherever we live – championing more equitable uses of the under-used buildings and spaces we already have and genuinely community-led. There’s a blog about how our version started here.
This first imagining was simply as a celebration of Joan’s centenary – what we didn’t know in 2013 was how many people would be excited by this idea and how many communities would take it on and make it their own, helping us grow it into a campaign for cultural democracy and the annual Weekend of Celebration it has become – local people sharing skills, creating tiny revolutions of connection.
Stanley Mathews has a great piece about the original Fun Palace design here.
Joan Littlewood, Theatre Director (1914-2002)
Joan was born in South London on 6 October 1914, she died in 2002. At eighteen she won a scholarship to RADA and, having left drama school early, she walked from London to (almost) Manchester to get away from the constraints of 1930s London theatre. In Manchester she met Ewan MacColl. They worked with actors and writers, making dynamic and provocative work. Following political activism during the Spanish Civil War and WW2, the company reformed as Theatre Workshop. In 1946, they were invited by Ruth Pennyman to live and work from Ormesby Hall, which they did for eighteen months. The company toured and worked together, developing the Laban-based movement work and ensemble that became their hallmark. At the end of 1952 the company decided to return to a settled base. MacColl chose to stay in the north, Theatre Workshop moved to Stratford.
The Theatre Royal Stratford East was a dilapidated palace of varieties when Littlewood and her partner Gerry Raffles took it over in January 1953. The company renovated the building and Joan’s great causes – community and political theatre, improvisation, the working class language, the inclusion of children – helped change the face of British theatre.
She had numerous hits, most notably Oh! What A Lovely War, Fings Ain’t What They Used To Be and A Taste of Honey. Her production of Brendan Behan’s The Quare Fellow brought Behan international acclaim. Joan worked with many artists at the start of their careers, people who later became household names including Barbara Windsor, Harry H Corbett, Lionel Bart, Victor Spinelli and Murray Melvin....
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Transcript of the first and second page:
From all that I gathered of the Grand Masters, almost all known names have an according biography. Or at least the have been mentioned by another Grand Master or other source in history. The few no one ever bothered writing down are the ones I've been asking the internet to help me out with, but, as you can see, I am nowhere closer to an answer. Someone pointed out that two of these guys' last names start with L and V, and this could be *tinfoil alarm* short or Lux Veritatis. Perhaps they were not members during the highest time of the Templars but rather the aftermath. I took a look into the history of the order to find more about the group rather than the individuals.
The name of the Knight's Templars was "poor fellow soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon" which was long as heck and is not as remembered today. Their signature look instead is.- a red, thick cross with serifs on each end and quare in size. They were Christians with two main tasks set upon themselves:
to protect Christian pilgrims and European travellers on their way to the Holy Land and
to expand the Christian belief in the world.
In 1099 Christians captured Jerusalem after besieging the city and this made pilgrims travel there. Since Christians and Muslims didn't get along a lot of people got raided on their way there or even hurt or killed. To protect them was an ideal reason to make the club of the Templars.
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Transcript of the third page:
In 1118 Hugues de Payens whose picture we have seen earlier created the order with eight of his relatives. In Jerusalem there was a current ruler named Baldwin II, who supported the Templars and provided a place for their headquaters. These were in the city's sacred Temple Mount, hence their short name became Templar's. The Pope was not too fond of them yet supported it somewhat in 1129, finding the idea of conquering the world in a Christian way appealing. He even granted the Templars special rights:
they didn't have to pay taxes
they were allowed to build own oratories and
they were only under the Pope's personal authority.
On the fourth page once can see the typical armor of a Templar. This white cloak had a red cross on the chest and on the back, also the shield was painted in these colors. The rest of the armor was pretty much a typical knight's armor.
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Transcript of the fifth and sixth page:
The Templars had a system almost like banks today: pilgrims could deposit any amount of money in their home cities and once reaching Jerusalem they were able to withdraw these funds- like an ATM machine. This made them also popular with regular travellers and even merchants as their wealth was secured.
As a Knight's Templar one had to follow certain rules. They were far too many and I have four pages full of them. I'll note the strangest here, you can read the others on the pictures.
there was one reason to rise earlier from the dinner table: a fire, a war cry or, strangely, nosebleeds
their clothing during times where they wouldn't go to war or outside had to be white, black or brown
not allowed were also pointy shoes (not sure if too witchy) and shoelaces (?)
they were not allowed to attack anyone despite being warrior monks unless a Christian was attacked
beards were cool when long, but long hair wasn't (too womanly)
gambling was suprisingly allowed but only with another brother with his crossbow or ten candles
Yeah don't asked me about the sense, I just distract myself from the outside world. It's good to know strange and crazy people always existed so today feels more...normal. Or at least, okay.
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Transcript of the seventh page:
Here I have the summary on the Templars. Molay, the guy you remember, was burned with a friend on the stake and the order was dissolved in 1312. The Knight's Templars were officially gone and the Pope was anti, yet a lot of people suspected them to go underground and exist to this day. Officially, they don't, yet another group named the Freemasons revived their traditions.
Some questions arose during my research: if they really went underground, where to? Who are the Freemasons, could they be a spin-off? Or an unofficial continuation of the order?
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The Freemasons were officially mentioned in 1445, that's 133 years after the Knight's Templars were wiped out. So they are not really connected or at least pretend they are not. Either way, I will look into the Freemasons now. No mention of Vasiley or Limoux. I might be even incorrect with these guys, I'm not sure. But anything is better than just listening to the radio and hearing more shops closing temporarily, more police patrolling the streets and Paris even contemplating a lockdown to protect us from the monstrum.
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babyawacs · 3 months
#germandeserver #appreciate ‎ #diode #itisgermany #whobelievesyou #germany #criminal #incompetence #intel #101 #mistaken_pox_box_address #is #lessthan #nuisance  @bbc_whys @all @world @law .@law @harvard_law .@harvard_law .@scotus .@scotusblog .@fisa .@snowd en .@haaretzcom .@dw @phoenix_de @deutschland @bbcr4  once you allow eventhe perception letalonepossibility they can trickweasel blackmail orso their way outofit youcan play war with these cockroaches until they can equalise you totheir scum as aeh aeh aeh quar rel party and trhere on they german german german german germandeserve then too then fr audsystem guilty liable charged willalways gladly help with thart then is this understood
#germandeserver #appreciate ‎ #diode #itisgermany #whobelievesyou #germany #criminal #incompetence #intel #101 #mistaken_pox_box_address #is #lessthan #nuisance @bbc_whys @all @world @law .@law @harvard_law .@harvard_law .@scotus .@scotusblog .@fisa .@snowden .@haaretzcom .@dw @phoenix_de @deutschland @bbcr4 once you allow eventhe perception letalonepossibility they can trickweasel blackmail orso…
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