#this probably wont be a consistent series but ill try
mrdixon · 11 months
A Rugged Muse | Series masterlist
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pairing: eventual daryl dixon x f!reader
series summary: when you're left to fend for yourself in the new apocalyptic world as an artist, you lose all hope. your brother was no where to be found, you were still heartbroken, you were considering giving up. until you came across a ragged archer, who was as equally fragile as you.
general warnings (every chapter will have its warnings): swearing, typical twd, violence, gore (wont be extremely detailed im dumb), mental health mentions, abuse/torture, character deaths.
A/N: hi this is mostly like a test series because im not even sure where im going with this, i just have like so many ideas that are not consistent with each other so ill try my hardest to make this enjoyable. and again im super super super inconsistent so im sorry if i post like thirty chapters and then go AWOL. i really do hope youll enjoy this series!!!
DISCLAIMER: reader is more of an oc so if theres things that she does that do not apply to you im sorry shes so me. this story will take place from s1-??? and its going to follow the main story of twd (mainly... probably...) so heres your warning, SPOILERS !!!!!! im also not naming chapters i have no creative juices for that.
for the sake of having glenn as your older brother im having him be around 24-27 years old right now, you being like 23 ish. and daryl will be like 32….??? i dunno im trying to make this as canon as possible BUT UGH IT IS SO $&£”*^%*£ so yeah there will be a little bit of an age gap between reader and daryl but i hope that wont be too much of a problem for you guys…. probably not. and do not quote me if i get settings or the timeline wrong like twd is confusing enough for me……….. again im also like rewatching and making sure to make everything as close to the show as possible, but theres also the possibility of me altering the timeline (muehehehe).
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☆ series masterlist
chapter 1 ♫
chapter 2 ♫
chapter 3 ♫
chapter 4 ♫
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dear-yandere · 5 years
Vanya Reviews — Dead Wishes (Steam, Itch.io)
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In this chaotic world, you must adapt - either to forgive or survive. A thriller-romance indie visual novel/dating simulator.
Stricken with long-term depression over the death of your parents, you are on the verge of eviction and bankruptcy. Without any prospects for the future, you're desperate, so much so that you might even...... join the mafia and uncover a heated love affair gone terribly wrong.... become a criminal allied with a team of murderers.... suck it up and make an honest person of yourself.... serve as the caretaker for two dysfunctional sisters.... end up destitute on the streets.... or join the church and repent your sin. But mostly, you're either going to find love and happiness or die a terrible death.Dead Wishes features various subplots that are woven between character routes. In order to experience all of what the game has to offer, the player must read through every route and piece the stories together.
12 character routes: 6 men and 6 women
250,000+ words of in-game text
Partial character voicing
They/them player pronouns
350+ Choices and 35+ Endings
36 CGS
Developers can be found at @violetstudiogames​.
I’d like to thank @ddarker-dreams​ for encouraging me to finally play the game! It’s everything I want in a dark otome and more. Anyone that enjoyed the dark aspects of BTD 1+2 and TDDUP will love this, though I’ll warn that not all routes are dark and not every character is necessarily yandere. Be sure to check out the strategy guide made by the developers; it explains route order and gives pretty in-depth analysis of each character and their line of thinking.
Overall rating: 7/10 (I honestly wish more of the routes were dark, but a certain route kind of... ahem, made up for that tenfold)
Estimated playtime: 10 hours including the backstories (unlocked after you finish all routes) and afterstories.
Personal takes on the characters: Slight spoilers below! ♡ to ♡♡♡♡♡ represent my enjoyment of each route and character.
Non yandere routes:
Clement ♡♡♡♡♡ Y’all, this guy’s route is fluff city. He loves his dog and little sister so much, and he’s honestly just an ideal guy and family man. His route made me laugh so many times since he’s such an awkward and cute flirt. I suggest saving him for some much needed therapy after Mateo’s route. If I had to make him yandere, I can see him as a protective and possessive.
Eira ♡♡ Eira isn’t my type of woman, so I didn’t enjoy her route as much as I would’ve liked. But, she is a woman of color like myself and I really appreciate seeing that come into play in her route. Still, it felt like she was fuel to further the story rather than another love interest. I could easily see her as a lucid and protective yandere.
Nanako ♡ I hate women like Nanako -- childish, indignant, and immature. She has the same problem as Eira: being fodder for the story. I rushed through her route, so I don’t have much to say, but there’s a strongly hinted relationship between her and Eira and I live for it. Although she’s a tsundere, I could easily write her as a protective and possessive (though I don’t particularly want to).
Sergio ♡♡♡♡♡ This boy isn’t yandere in the slightest, but I could easily make him yandere considering his circumstances (mafia don)  -- but... that would defeat the point of his entire route. He is a broken boy that wants to be loved, that wants to heal. Although he never hurts MC and would likely never hurt them, I can see him being protective and very reluctant.
Festus ♡♡♡♡♡ Another one I’m biased to since he’s my ideal guy. Flirty, sometimes obnoxious, and uses his trickster persona to hide his hurt, suffering, and intellect. He pulls through when he can, and his aspirations in life are wonderful because he wants to help everyone he possible can; but god did my heart feel for him in his backstory. Such a devout man...he’d easily make for a submissive and obsessive yandere.
Lucien ♡♡♡♡ The character I was most excited to play -- and he failed, until I read his backstory (so I gave him an extra heart...). His route raises more questions than it answers, and it’s only through playing interconnected routes (namely Sergio and Ophelia) that those questions are answered. I think he could be something great, especially as a yandere, but he feels like such a static character through his own route. After reading his backstory, I’m certain this was the developer’s intention, but I can’t help but feel unsatisfied with his route, even his good end. He is a man that could drop his lover at any moment, nor does he seem to feel or understand love; although his route isn’t yandere, I could write him as a reluctant, possessive, and manipulative yandere. He’s... not an easy one to categorize.
Yandere routes: in order of least to most
Allegra ♡♡♡♡♡ Yo, girl hot indeed. I’m not fond of her name, but Allegra is a nicely fleshed out character, to my genuine surprise. I didn’t have much hope for the female characterization in this game, but playing Allegra as my first really struck a chord. She’s not my ideal girl by any means, even under the slight yandere tendencies, but I can appreciate her character and desire to be a better person. A protective and reluctant yandere.
Ophelia  ♡♡♡♡♡ I love this girl and her girlfriend. She comes across as a tsundere, but she’s far more sinister than that underneath her cute looks and princess personality. In her backstory, it’s actually hinted that she may be royalty, so that explains that, but be ready for lots of verbal abuse coupled by some touching scenes. An obsessive yandere with sadistic tendencies.
Vincent ♡♡♡♡ A true delusional yandere, though he does show symptoms of other ‘types’ -- as all yanderes should. He’s one of my favorites because of his unique way of thinking, and his backstory is so terribly sad because it hints at the sometimes oppressive way Indian households are run. I feel for him deeply, and he was the first character I encountered (+ I got his good end pretty easily) so I’m not sure what that means for me. Oops?
Kazue ♡♡♡ A manipulative and deeply delusional yandere suffering from Lupus and what I can only gather as dependent personality disorder. Like Mateo, you could say that her delusion is a direct result of a certain other character, but I think Kazue is prone to delusional despite that considering her dependency and sorrow. Just let her be a good and loving housewife, no matter how wrong something seems...just be careful, though. Her delusionals are scarily real.
Mateo ♡♡♡♡ Heavy trigger warnings, not for the faint of heart at all. The most unhinged yandere I’ve ever seen, and despite it all, he’s such a sad character. His route slashes any sympathy you might initially feel for him, but his character as a whole is interesting. -1 heart because he threatens noncon on the kids to make MC compliant. This boy is devoid of morals unless it has to do with the environment, and you’ll learn why in his backstory. MC will go through a lot of inescapable mental turmoil and abuse throughout this route. I’d label him a sadistic and delusional.
Special character (unlocked after completing all other routes):
Anise ♡♡♡
Not so much a route as a philosophy lesson, but I enjoyed Anise’s interlapping role in the story. She provides some much needed backstory to the characters, world, and to life in general. I liked her mostly because of her ending lines, something along the lines of: live life to such a full point that your wishes become dead. A good message, even if it’s from a morally-void character. I’d categorize her as a yandere if she could feel love.
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So I saw a post on here talking about how, when you take the shit Geralt says in the TV series at face value, it’s unbelievably hurtful and cruel towards Jaskier, just, downright mean, and callous, and designed to make Jaskier feel he’s wasted two decades of his life.
But I hate that, because it makes me sad, and on a rewatch, I found an alternate take.
So whether Geralt is neurodivergent in a way we recognize clinically (ASD perhaps? I won’t address that here, but I love Autistic!geralt headcanons), or whether he’s just built himself a particularly abrasive method of interaction over 100 years of shit, prejudice, and abuse, his really rough, rude abrasive words towards Jaskier are not genuine.
And I would expect/choose to believe, that if Jaskier has continued their companionship over two decades, he has not only recognized this about Geralt, but decided he’s more or less okay with it.
So I had the thought particularly during the djinn episode– saw it pointed out somewhere, how un-comforting Geralt is when the elf-healer tells Jaskier the Djinn-curse can kill him. Jaskier turns, desperate, scared, says “fuck, Geralt!” and Geralt sort of awkwardly pats him on the back and says “yeah, we’re not gonna let that happen” in a fairly begrudging way, as if suggesting that the whole situation isn’t that big a deal.
So what if that response has less to do with not caring, with being callous towards Jaskier’s life and fear, and more with either a genuine awkwardness and discomfort with the idea of comforting someone, he really doesn’t know what to say, he’s not used to being a comfort (most ppl are scared enough of him that even when he rescues them, they’d still prefer he left than comfort them in any way), and he’s probably received very little comfort in his life, doesn’t know how to do it, and is barely experienced with the idea of admitting one might want or need it.
And/or, we see the candid, unemotional way he reacts to the ghoul bite in ep7, to the knowledge that he’s seconds from death. So clearly the smooth, stoic, sarcastic, unaffected thing is his usual method of handling scary shit. He doesn’t even raise his voice unless it might help (i.e. out-yelling Yennefer to be heard over the djinn-hurricane, hoping that he can persuade he to give up the really terrible course of action she’s on that’s gonna kill her).
So the other part of it could totally be a case of him downplaying the danger, trying not to think, speak, allude to, mention the danger, possibly as his own coping mechanism (a lot easier to be “fearless” when you repress the shit out of whatever might scare you. if you never let yourself think about the possibility that things might go horribly wrong, then it’s a lot easier to conduct yourself as if nothing bad might happen).
So when he awkwardly pats Jask on the back, distractedly, begrudgingly, patronizingly says, “yeah, we wont let that happen.” It’s genuine awkwardness, and/or a coping mechanism to not let himself think about how bad it is (focus on the solution, not the problem, solve this one, and then the next, etc… he’d do a good job surviving alone on Mars, I think), and/or an attempt to keep Jask calm by not validating his panic, like how if you don’t make a big deal out of a kid’s scraped knee, sometimes then the kid doesn’t panic either and it’s fine.
And likely Jaskier has been his companion long enough to know some of that, maybe even to actually be comforted by Geralt’s lack of panic. Imagine how goddamn frightening it’d be if your super brave/tough/stoic friend actually looked scared.
(the line, when the elf dude starts talking about how in love with Yennefer Geralt must be, when Geralt says “you’re making me uncomfortable?” It’s definitely a funny line, but also it’s possibly genuine. Geralt genuinely expressing himself)
And then later in the episode, Jaskier delivers that line about “wait, is this the moment you decide to finally care about someone other than yourself?” We literally saw him drop everything, ride across the countryside (putting you on Roach, which he never does), seek help from several unknown sources, including this sketchy sorceress chick (and he admits to her and the audience that his concern over saving Jask’s life was such that he A: skipped the opportunity to seek help for his tortuous insomnia issue and B: was more than a bit willing to sell himself into indentured servitude/ something that looked a bit like prostitution)…
Like, fuck off, it’s clear he cares an awful lot about you Jask, and you have to know that. so are YOU being cruel back? or, are you playing along with what Geralt seems to be comfortable with, caring about you so long as neither of you look at that straight-on, or make him talk about it.
okay, so than the mountain-top divorce. like, Geralt’s p harsh through a lot of that episode, but there is a tiny bit of playfulness I think still in that dig about worthy travel companions. And if this is a method of talking to each other that they engage in regularly, that Jaskier willingly keeps subjecting himself to…
and then Jask comforts Geralt after the mountain crossing, and when he floats the bit about them traveling together again (maybe implying that these recent adventures are new-ish again, perhaps after a period of separation, perhaps Geralt is extra harsh… perhaps this is a normal-ish thing that Jask has noticed, that Geralt is always more brusque, more accidentally hurtful rather than just dry, right at the beginning or end of their travels together, a defense mechanism of sorts? protecting himself from the pain of separation he’s trying not to acknowledge even exists?) anyway, he floats the line, and I’m p sure Geralt nods.
Jaskier seems to know him pretty damn well.
So none of this makes what Geralt says not shitty, and not hurtful, but rather than let myself wallow in the idea that Jask is completely devastated, feels he’s wasted twenty years of his life on a person who is literally ready to throw him away…
Hopefully not. Hopefully he knows Geralt well enough not to… not to give him a pass, necessarily, Geralt def needs to learn from and atone for that really gross behavior… but enough to know that Geralt’s just very bad, unpracticed, and a bit oblivious when it comes to hurt feelings, to understand that Geralt’s just in a shitty toxic place, that it’s got nothing to do with Jask, that the best thing for all of them is for him to remove himself as a target and let Geralt sort his shit out in his own.
That Jask knows this is one of those times where he can trust his friend with his body, but not his feelings/heart.mind/energy, and he needs to take care of himself first.
So hurt, yeah, but not like devastated, knowing that Geralt didn’t mean his words, but did mean, in that moment, to hurt Jask genuinely and drive him off, not in the light-brusque-teasing way that they sometimes have between them. Knowing both that Geralt was reacting to Yennefer, to other hurts, not to Jask, but also knowing that Geralt was willing to put his own momentary vindictive satisfaction over Jaskier… and so knowing that is was time for them to part for a while, for his own sake. That pushing through at this time was gonna be more masochistic than beneficial or productive, so it was time to look after his own mental health.
Like, this is sort of a pattern I’ve seen in folks in the real world. There’s someone close to me who struggles with some nasty bipolar shit (he’s not found a good med combo for him yet, and even when he’s in a more healthy place, lots of his tools and learned behaviors are mostly crappy still from years of this barely coping while undiagnosed), and sometimes he’s cruel as hell, usually when he hates himself the most, and is lashing out partly in an attempt to get you to say nasty shit back, and justify both his resentment of you, and his belief that he is a worthless shitty person.
And when he’s in those periods, it behooves many of us to just… walk away. like, if you can be/are willing/able to be the person that supports someone through that kind of shit, that’s totes your call to make, and might be a really awesome thing for that person (and that’s where professional help and support can also be awesome! Ppl who have trained to be able to hear the bad shit without taking it personally, and to still be able to guide you to better tools afterwards!)
But sometimes, you also have to take your own health and energy and stuff into account and go “I know this person is being a cruel asshole because they are sick and/or hurting… but also I do not need to swallow the shit just cuz there’s an explanation. so imma peace out until they get their shit together a little more, and are gonna be less toxic/hurtful to me, stop taking it out on people. I can help them, maybe, but their mental health is NOT my sole responsibility, and I do a disservice to both of us if I decide it is, and abdicate personal responsibly for my OWN health in the process.” Put on your own mask first, and all that.
(I’ve seen this in alcoholics I know, as well, and the other side of that is letting them know “hey, I know you feel like you have no control, but one area where you do have some, is how you treat people. and if you’re acting like an asshole, then ppl won’t want to be treated that way. They aren’t leaving because You suck, they are leaving because Your Behavior sucks, and if you want to be around them in future, you should maybe work on your behavior. You are not inherently a Mean Person, but the things you do and say to people are Mean, and they don’t need to sit there and let themselves be abused” Like, it is possible to be ill, and make mistakes!, without being consistently cruel to folk.)
So, magical shenanigans and hissy-fits not a perfect analogy for BD, but it resonated a bit, so I figured I’d share
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mastrrt · 6 years
Me just trying to predict things Kung Fu Panda 4
Predicting the villain:
This is just some common sense stuff but I’ll say it anyways.
For species it’ll most likely be another animal native to China. Most likely not a feline, bird or bull since it would draw parallels to prior villains.
The main enemy will probably be female, as to break the series of male villains. They’ve done it to Shrek, with fairy godmother.
Dreamworks said, during the creation of Kai, “He cant go brawler, since Tai Lung was brawler. He cant go smarter, since Shen was smarter. Where can we go? You have to go supernatural, bigger, and even more intimidating.” Just like the Averngers franchise, there’s a constant law placed where the villains must get progressively stronger the more the series progresses. Without the villain getting stronger, there’s no conflict —or at least not enough conflict to top the lmovie before it. The villain in Kung Fu Panda 4 must be at least different from the other three villains, or attains two out of the three assets that make up for prior villains. For example, the villain can be both smart and supernatural. Or be a brawler and a smarty. I think particularly for this one, the villain would need to have supreme authority and immanent or supernatural powers. While Kai worked in solidarity in terms of mind, it might be possible that the next villain might actually be villains with one superior guiding over them (the main enemy Po will fight). A regime-styled cooperation, with a leader. Each person in the group is bound to have a one on one against one of the Furious Five. This way, the group can actually do something without compromising the relevance of Po since he’s still the one who’ll defeat the main villain.
In this light, what might be the conflict?
The problem is that Po is nearly a perfect character. Oogway said it himself: he is both sides of the ying and yang. To reach such equilibrium, the soul must be stable, and Po would have been ridden of all evil (check my mirror of yin and yang theory out if you havent already pls). This means that Po would have to break pretty darn bad on the next movie. Every story has a scene where it shows a character’s breaking point. But to break a character who’s both sides of the yin and yang... well, that character would have to put through a lot of hell. That’s why I believe someone’s gonna die in the fourth movie [insert Mr. Ping], or someone’s gonna be temporarily taken away from Po [insert Tigress]. And here’s another thing: the first movie is about body, the second is about mind, and the third is about spirit. What’s left? The heart.
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So... these are the core factors that make a human. Flesh is where the soul lives. Mind and heart is what makes a person. You know what heart means? Love. You what love mean? Either romance or family. Now the third movie was already a little bit about family, so does that means theres a little, you know, romance? You know. A certain Tigress that can make Po master the concept of heart. 😏 but in reality, I don’t think drreamworks will make Tigress hostage. It’s not enough catalyst for Po to break, unless they make it seem like Tigress died. And I just cant see it either... too cliche for a story so anticipated. It’ll make sense of Mr Ping would die.
It doesn’t necessarily mean someone’s gonna die though. But the internal conflict must have magnitude near beyond repair, and will damage his heart more than anything else.
What’s the settings?
They always try to change the settings. Valley of Peace. Then to Gongmen. Then to Panda Village. The valley was more a traditional chinese suburb of sorts. Gongmen was an industrial, probaby tech-savvy city. And the panda village was a playground. This one is unpredictable. They might start the movie of at the panda village instead of the valley (which is sad); they took the thousand mile bridge to Mongolia, so the panda village may border Mongolia. And that may mean they’ll travel upwards to the bordering country.
Will the movie fail?
The movie has been delayed till 2020. All three movies have above 80% in Rotten Tomatoes, which is extremely high for the website.
Shrek 3 was rated 48%, which is nearly half of the rating it earned in shrek 2 (89% —ok, not really nearly half but it’s a major dip!) Kung Fu Panda 3 was actually rated higher than KFP 2, which bodes well on the series’ consistency. Luckily (and unfortunately for dreamworks) this high rating perpetuates the pressure of making better kfp movies, to keep all the KFP movies clean And untarnished, to finish strong and not to taper at the end in quality like Shrek. They had four years to work on it. So we’re just sitting here pretty. Financially, the series is doing phenomenal.
But something else worries me. KFP 3 was waaaay to kid friendly for the series. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a childrens show. But a dark underlying plot lay deep in both 1 and 2. Heck. Kfp 1, Shifu lost a child. In kfp 2, implications of genocide. It seems kfp 3s light heartedness was a reimbursement for the darkness they placed in kfp 2. Hopefully, this big bane of appealing to the younger audience won’t negatively affect the deepness and the plot of the fourth movie. But with panda kids, with dim and sum, with mei mei, and with ling or whatever panda father Po has, I think that won’t be the case. If you compare kfp 1 and kfp 3, you could really see a huge difference in tone.
What will happen to the Furious Five:
Them failing after trying to fight the main villain without Po is to repetitive. It seems dreamworks likes it so that Po is the only one who defeats the villain, while the furious five just stands there and lets him skadoosh his way to da top. It’ll be nice, like I said, if they fought a group instead of just one villain. So that everyone has a share if villains, and Po can still take the main villain.
About Shifu and Tigress’s relationship. It’ll Also makes sense if Shifu would pass away, giving Po no choice but to accept full responsibility as the head of the Jade Palace and the teacher of the Furious Five. Or, it’ll also make kind of sense if Tigress is gone temporarily, making Shifu want to spend time with her. If kfp 4 is the last movie then their relationship would be mended. If kfp will really go up to the sixth, then theyll have to prolong the conflict because then there’s really no thread that keeps all the stories connected and make all the stories a one whole story. If they wanted the movies to essentially be a obe whole story, it would make sense if there’s a similar conflict transcending all films and wrapping at the end. With the rise of new characters, the furious will definitely have less screen time. ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️😠😠😡😞🙃
Anyways, these are just my predictions. What do you guys think would happen?
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hypereactive · 5 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? my best friend
2. Are you outgoing or shy? shy
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? my best friend
4. Are you easy to get along with? depends. i try to be, but im also REALLY picky/have strong opinions on a lot of stuff, and im autistic..
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? yeah
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? a caring one, who listens before judging
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? yeah
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? my best friend
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? sometimes
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? probably my best friend
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “o”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? uhm. I like A LOT of songs.
billie ellish- bury a friend and you should see me in a crown
rag’n’bone man - human
rebel - black pearl (hes a pirate)
Aladdin soundtrack - Prince Ali and one jump ahead
arctic monkeys - Do I wanna know?
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? rarely
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? yea
15. What good thing happened this summer? new job, in my field of study
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? yepp
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? probs at least simple life
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? only if I run into him getting coffee (he works there)
19. Do you like bubble baths? if im in the mood
20. Do you like your neighbors? one i do, one i absolutely dont, the rest i dont interact w
21. What are you bad habits? im REALLY picky, and can come off as ungrateful (if u can’t do it right id rather u just not do it. apparently its more common to think at least you got something/they tried.)
22. Where would you like to travel? Anywhere w the right people. Nowhere without.
23. Do you have trust issues? kinda. More like I understand people wont understand me or meet my needs adequately.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? morning coffee
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? my chin/teeth
26. What do you do when you wake up? if I have ResponsibilitesTM i get up and get coffee and leave the house in less than 20 min, otherwise i lay in bed on tumblr until i have to get up due to responsibilities or hunger.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? im good w where its at tbh
28. Who are you most comfortable around? my best friend
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? yeah. 
30. Do you ever want to get married? yeah
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? lol yesss
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? none?
33. Spell your name with your chin. bdfuds
34. Do you play sports? What sports? not really. i like frisbee and longboarding if those count.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? no. I cant keep secrets.
37. What do you say during awkward silences? i usu dont. ill just go on my phone/leave/etc
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? my best friend. 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? hot topic
40. What do you want to do after high school? lol im not in high school
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? depends on what they did and why, and if they want to grow as a person/make it right
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? im tired/overwhelmed/content/bored
43. Do you smile at strangers? if i lock eyes with them and they smiled, i might smile back, but im pretty good at Not Looking At People
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? ocean
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? ResponsibilitiesTM
46. What are you paranoid about? having a heart attack and no one being around to help me/not noticing until its too late
47. Have you ever been high? yea
48. Have you ever been drunk? yea
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? no
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? black
51. Ever wished you were someone else? no, but i have wished my parents were
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? my chin probs. idk i like myself
53. Favourite makeup brand? i dont wear makeup
54. Favourite store? this is a duplicate question.
55. Favourite blog? uhm.
56. Favourite colour? black/grey/light pink/raspberry/celery green
57. Favourite food? cheese, cheddar brats, spinach, chocolate chip cookies, milkshakes
58. Last thing you ate? rice w beef, spinach, egg and soy sauce
59. First thing you ate this morning? coffee and nutella
60. Ever won a competition? For what? I think so but i cant remember. Oh i think I won an anti-bullying poster competition once.
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? lol nopee
62. Been arrested? For what? no
63. Ever been in love? few times now
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? uh. no. cuz i didnt even like the dude.
65. Are you hungry right now? no
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? i only have one real friend so I feel like thats unfair
67. Facebook or Twitter? tumblr.
68. Twitter or Tumblr? still tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now? lol no
70. Names of your bestfriends? no, bc hed not appreciate it
71. Craving something? What? not rn
72. What colour are your towels? grey or floral w pinks and blacks and oranges
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 3
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yes, usu. 2
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? total? uh. 8?
75. Favourite animal? birbs prob.
76. What colour is your underwear? why?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate, unless its ice cream. then vanilla
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? berry (any) or cheesecake (also any)
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? grey
80. What colour pants? a darker grey
81. Favourite tv show? uh. i like sherlock.
82. Favourite movie? deadpool probs. or pirates of the Caribbean. or Aladdin. or detective pikachu.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? never seen either
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? never seen either
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? n/a
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? uhm. I cant remember. Probs the black and white one w the scar, or the starfish, or the sea gull
87. First person you talked to today? my sister
88. Last person you talked to today? my best friend
89. Name a person you hate? my past roommate
90. Name a person you love? my best friend
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? my past roommate and most recent ex
92. In a fight with someone? currently? no? ever? yes.
93. How many sweatpants do you have? 5
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? 6
95. Last movie you watched? i dont know
96. Favourite actress? i dunno
97. Favourite actor? i dunno
98. Do you tan a lot? no
99. Have any pets? no
100. How are you feeling? i dont know
101. Do you type fast? yeah
102. Do you regret anything from your past? yeah, but not overly
103. Can you spell well? i think so 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? no
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? i dont think so, but i want to (w the right people)
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? yeah, oops
107. Have you ever been on a horse? yep
108. What should you be doing? cleaning my house
109. Is something irritating you right now? no
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? yea
111. Do you have trust issues? yea
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? my best friend
113. What was your childhood nickname? B. as in, just the letter
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? yea
115. Do you play the Wii? no
116. Are you listening to music right now? yea
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? not usually
118. Do you like Chinese food? i think so
119. Favourite book? uhm. sherlock (the whole series). the uglies series (scott westerfield). the secret garden. Fahrenheit 451. 1984. 
120. Are you afraid of the dark? no, but sometimes im afraid theres something in it
121. Are you mean? no
122. Is cheating ever okay? no
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? if i want to
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? no
125. Do you believe in true love? im not sure i know what this means
126. Are you currently bored? no
127. What makes you happy? i dont know
128. Would you change your name? no
129. What your zodiac sign? gemini
130. Do you like subway? i cant eat there
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? lol weve been dating for a while now
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? my best friend
133. Favourite lyrics right now? uh. I dont know.
134. Can you count to one million? that would take a month, so no.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? i dont know. probably that i couldnt go to work bc i was “throwing up from a migraine” when i hadnt thrown up (yet).
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? it varies
137. How tall are you? i think im like. 5′8″?
138. Curly or Straight hair? curly. but not consistent
139. Brunette or Blonde? i am a brunette
140. Summer or Winter? winter. i can always wear more clothes
141. Night or Day? night. its quiet and calm
142. Favourite month? august and october
143. Are you a vegetarian? no
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? yes.
145. Tea or Coffee? yes. depends on time of day/year/mood/etc
146. Was today a good day? i dont know
147. Mars or Snickers? mars
148. What’s your favourite quote? “if you cant explain it simply, you dont understand it well enough” -einstien is one of them. but there are more
149. Do you believe in ghosts? i dont know
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “aunt lillian’s footsteps became more distant, became whispers, were gone.”
@ramblebrambleamble i got bored and answered all of them
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themoneybuff-blog · 5 years
Some Hard Questions
What do I really need in life? What do I need to have a life thats enjoyable? What do I need to get out of bed in the morning, to feel something positive inside of me? What things am I spending money on that are just giving me bursts of pleasure but not bringing me lasting sources of positive feelings in my life? What things am I spending money on that I actually dont care about much at all? What could I be building if I wasnt spending that money on things that dont really matter to me? I find myself asking these questions about my own life quite often, and theyre hard questions to answer. My actual needs in life are few. Basic food. Water. Basic clothing. Shelter. Id probably include some form of human connection in there, because over time most of us (myself included) break down without that. Something to occupy my mind, because, again, without that, Id probably break down over time. Everything else is really just a want, not a need. So, why do I want those extra things? Almost universally, I want those extra things because I believe they will bring me pleasure or happiness or to avoid discomfort. I eat tasty food because it brings me pleasure. I eat healthy food to avoid discomfort (now and in the future). I have a nice house because it brings me pleasure its more shelter than I need. I can go on and on and on like this. Now, there are some things in life that really do provide lasting pleasure for us. Theyre worth it in terms of the resources we exchange for them. For example, I think a modest home for a family falls into that category; below a certain size, its uncomfortable, but above a certain size, theres a lot of wasted space. However, when Im honest with myself, the things that get me to jump out of bed in the morning are rarely related to things Ive bought. Almost always, I get out of bed because Im excited about the things Im going to do and (often) the people Im going to do them with, and those things often do not involve spending money. Specific things that get me out of bed feeling excited for the day include: * Doing something with my family, or taking care of them in some meaningful way. * Doing something that gets me into a flow state, which means that its an activity I get so absorbed into in an active mental and physical way that I lose track of time, such as writing or martial arts practice or playing a challenging board game with friends or getting absorbed in a challenging book. * An adventure of some kind, like a hike or a visit from an old friend or a dinner party or a planned day of geocaching or a day with my wife or a day with my kids. * Having a bunch of good writing ideas * Having some personal projects that Im about to reach a milestone with or about to complete Heres the big thing to notice: None of those things costs any significant amount of money. None. The things that really make me feel excited and full of zest for life almost always have very little cost involved. The truth is that most of the money I spend is spent on things that bring me rather fleeting bursts of pleasure, pleasure that fades and rarely turns into anything lasting. Often, Ill spend money on things that dole out those fleeting bursts of pleasure, like my cell phone or my Netflix subscription, but theyre never going to be things that cause me to jump out of bed in the morning. The key idea Ive been trying to live by for the last few years is this: Does this expense add in a meaningful way to anything thats really important in my life and brings me consistent, lasting joy, the kind that gets me out of bed in the morning? If I cant give a strong yes as an answer, Im not going to spend money on it. Dont we need those little bursts of pleasure, though? Sure, but you can get those for free, or extremely cheap. I get them when I go outside on a warm day or when I drink some ice water with just a little lemon in it. I get them when I hold my wife close to me or when I laugh with my children. I get them when I play a great board game with a friend or when I have a couple of hours to get lost in a good book. The temptation to chase those pleasure bursts is strong, though. I wont deny that the temptation to just throw money at something thats going to bring me a burst of pleasure right away and then fades quickly is a big one. Things that give regular little hits of pleasure are particularly tempting. Social media. Television. Little treats. Sweets. The list goes on and on. My challenge is to remember that the things that genuinely support and protect the sources of lasting, meaningful happiness the things that get me out of bed in the morning are where my money and resources should be spent. That means securing a strong retirement. That means working hard all through the week so I can have some big blocks of free time on the weekend. That means minimizing the things that arent really important to me so I have time and money for the things that are. This isnt something that you just decide one day and thats that. This is a constant series of decisions, choosing to turn away from spending money and resources on things that arent meaningful in your life and choosing instead to spend money and resources on things that are meaningful, that are the very things that get you to spring out of bed in the morning. It all starts with one simple question. What are the things you live for, the things that get you out of bed in the morning, the things that drive you forward and youre driven to do? Those are the things your money should be centered around, not the little bursts of pleasure that fade away, not the things that just provide a steady dose of little pleasures that never add up to anything. My goal is simple: I want to build a life where every day is filled with things that get me out of bed in the morning. That means thinking about how I spend my money and how I spend my time and cutting out those uses that dont lead to that kind of life. Some things to think about: Does the brand of laundry soap I use ever change how I feel about getting out of bed in the morning? If no, then why buy anything other than the most inexpensive one that gets my clothes clean. Does social media ever change how I feel about getting out of bed in the morning in a positive way? If no, then why should I use it? Does a really good cup of coffee change how I feel about getting out of bed in the morning? Actually, this ones a maybe, so it makes sense to seek out the best cup of coffee for the price and for the effort for me, and thats cold brew coffee made in the fridge. I just keep asking those kinds of questions, and you should, too. Use the money you make and the time you have to build a life that gets you excited to get out of bed each morning. Dont spend money or time on anything that doesnt. Thats what its all about. In the end, thats what almost all of the advice on The Simple Dollar is all about tactics for getting you there. Good luck. https://www.thesimpledollar.com/some-hard-questions/
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