#this particular aspect isnt that black and white
bunnidid-reviews · 1 year
Review for a DID… plushie?
Today I’m doing a very basic and important review on Plushie Dreadful’s Dissociative Identity Disorder Bunny
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Which I bought because isnt it cute! Also I just had to, a bunny with DID? Sounds familiar.. 🤔
Price: $45 USD
Company: Mysterious
You can find the plush for sale >>here<<
~initial thoughts~
I think you and I must be thinking the same: what an absurd thing to buy! A plush based off a trauma disorder? This could be offensive even if its coming from a weird place of stigmatizing disorders
I looked a little into the company though and found that they make a lot of different disorder-based plushies, as well as based on chronic illnesses and queer identities.
There’s also this note on the DID bunny page itself:
IMPORTANT NOTE Regarding the design of our mental health-related Plushie Dreadfuls. We take the topics of mental health and mental health awareness seriously. That's why our design team only creates plushies related to mental health issues with which they have direct experience. In cases where our team does not have direct experience, we assemble an external team of experts to help guide our creative process. In addition, we use Crowd Design to engage a wide range of voices via platforms like Instagram and Facebook. We gather and respond to feedback from our audience - many of whom have direct experience with the mental health issues we're exploring. And while we strive to represent as many aspects of a particular mental health issue as possible while avoiding stereotypical symptoms, we hope you understand that plush toys as an artistic medium do limit the full expression of a particular issue to those things that can be crafted in fabric and stitching.
Obviously they go through a lot of widespread effort to have people with personal experience weigh in on their plush designs. Is it going to be suited to every person w a CDD’s tastes? Absolutely not, but I personally think they put a lot of care into it.
Heres some pics of the one I bought:
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Its a fluffy white rabbit plush with wide, white eyes, and a grey bunny appliqué on the forehead. There’s the interlocking circles multiplicity pride symbol on the tummy. The arms are all white with grey paws, and the stubby legs are all white with pink paw pads. In the ears there’s soft fabric with the printed image of three bunnies stacked on top of eachother that are dark grey, reddish pink and white respectively. There’s a tote bag underneath the bunny plush with a design that matches the ears.
(Sorry idk how to do the image description thing help)
I think the plush design conveys the feelings of DID very well, actually. White eyes that could perhaps symbolize dissociating or looking frozen in terror. Black and red together are commonly associated with pain and trauma in art. White might be for the parts untouched by trauma, or healed.
They grey bunny stitched onto the forehead is..
Their Trauma Bunny
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Its a grey rabbit plush thats small and has uneven limbs and ears. There are two red x’s on the tummy, a black x for the mouth, and downturned eyes depicting a pained expression.
Since this trauma bunny is literally stitched to the forehead if the DID bunny, it’s almost as if to say that trauma is a central feature of the DID itself; which I thought was a nice careful touch that could’ve easily been ignored and focused instead on the multiplicity aspect.
There’s obviously a lot of care and attention to detail put into this bunbun and I very much appreciate it
~How the Bun feels~
Texture: the main fur Soft with medium length, dense fur. It feels closer to the stuffed animals I had as a kid, compared to the super-soft and eventually pilly fur you get on buildabears and jellycat bashful bunnies. Only time will tell of course.
The fur on the ears is very soft with short, printed-on designs. I think its close to something like minky fabric, but shorter and thinner
Weight: idk, it doesn’t have any beanies in it so it’s lighter than I thought it would be. The ears don’t have stuffing/very little stuffing in them so they’re pretty weightless and floppy. Something I really like in bunny ears actually.
Ratings for…:
Playing with(moving the joints): 9/10 (the sewing is such that the arms and megs move easily yay!)
Holding the hand/paw of: 6/10 (the paws are a little small for me, the arms a little stubby for holding hands)
Sitting: 10/10 (the ears help it sit up on its own, the legs fold nicely and look very cute)
Standing: 3/10 (doesnt stand up very well)
Holding the ear of: 11/10 (super softie)
Holding like a hamburger: 9/10 (a smidge small but otherwise pleasent)
Snuggles against the chest: 8/10
Squishability: 5/10 (not a squishable but a very even amount of squishy and dense)
Appliqué: 10/10 (very neat stitching, unobtrusive)
Fur shedding: 10/10 (seems like its very stable and theres no shedding)
Here is my DID bunny compared to my medium Jellycat bashful bunny and the tiny version:
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The previously described white DID bunny. There’s a grey small bashful bunny with multicolored flower print in the ears on the left. On the right, there’s a navy blue medium sized bashful bunny. The DID bunny is slightly smaller than the medium bashful bunny
(The blue bunnys name is April Showers, and the grey bunnys name is May Flowers btw)
~ Extra thoughts idk what to do with~
- I don’t know the history of the interlocking circles symbol or if its problematic in any way. I’m assuming its something the community decided on when contributing feedback on the initial design. Thoughts? It seems to have to do with the old DID forums from a time before I knew I had DID, so I’m intrigued by the history
- I don’t personally mind that theres a DID-themed plush out there. Might not be everyone’s cuppa tea but it makes me happy to have a little soft companion for watching movies and reading books with. Its a really neat aspect to my growing DID collection :D
- I’m so fond of the scenecore kinda design for these bunnies. As a kid I desprately wanted a bunny with that gothic lolita, stitched up aesthetic and this is just so cool and special to me now :>
- I’m super sorry if the image descriptions arent great! This is a personal just-for-fun blog so I dont think I can manage something like that for all my reviews, but since this ones very visual I thought I’d try. Just sorry if its not good :( if theres anyone who’s like to rewrite them to actually work I’d be willing to replace my descriptions
- she needs a name! If you have name ideas i would love to hear them. Something DID related perhaps! i might run a poll on this for fun :D
- ps. All this was written mostly by a small part so pls be nice thank u 💛🥰
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millionsofbooks · 2 years
i do not have the time or energy to write this but. on the off-chance someone will pick this up. asoiaf/mdzs crossover pls pls pls it would be so good and there are 0 on ao3 rn!!!
just. ok so ik crossovers have kind of gone out of style recently but they're so much fun! they're also just. a really fun way of exploring differences/similarities in how different medias explore certain themes (eg both asoiaf and mdzs have a lot to say on the feudal system, privilege, morality, honour, fucked up family dynamics, redemption, etc but they also focus on different aspects of these themes) and exploring characters via parallels.
putting a bunch of fun character meet-ups below the cut ❤️
like. ok so one thing i think mdzs does that asoiaf doesn't so much is looking at how a character's concept of honour is shaped by privilege. by which i mean - i want to lock jgy and/or xue yang in a room with ned and/or stannis and see what happens.
or speaking of honour - both properties explore the fact that things aren't just black-and-white. God. thirteen-year-time-skip era lwj talking to ned 🥺🥺🥺. or post-canon lwj talking to stannis if u want something less heartbreaking - altho you would have to put in plot reasons for lwj to not just leave.
or if we want to think more parallels - hi wwx and dany!!!! oh my god!!!!! and also when it comes to parallels it doesn't actually need to be those particular characters interacting - eg dany would immediately remind lwj and jc of wwx.
like. concept - for plot reasons, post-canon lwj and jc end up in planetos and have to grudgingly cooperate to get home. they turn up in slavers' bay (either where the portal dumped them or on their way to asshai to find a way home) either in the middle of dany's conquest or soon after she's decided to stay in meereen. then - oh god massive fight over whether to stay or not that very quickly turns into a fight over the resentment they have for each other over the whole wwx-wens debacle. i mean the parallels are obvious - dany = wwx, slaves = wens, dragons = yin tiger seal, etc.
lwj: we should stay to help. this girl is doing the right thing and we should help her.
jc: um, no??? we need to get home and not just abandon the people we love for some strangers. going against orthodoxy never works, she can't win this fight permanently. everyone will turn against her, she'll lose everything, and so will the people who care about her.
lwj: if the people who care about her stand with her then maybe she will win this fight. and even if she doesn't, if they really care about her then they'd prefer to die with her rather than profit from abandoning her.
jc: well maybe they have other people they care about as well and standing with her would put those other people in danger and if she really cared about them then she would stop this madness and come home
dany: im getting the feeling this isnt about me.
anyway they end up staying - there are slaves from all over the world here, maybe someone has useful info; these are very old cities, maybe there's useful info to be found here; waiting for the dragons to grow and then flying to asshai is def safer and might even be quicker; idk the important part is that they stay and want to help. and then maybe it all goes a bit better bc jc actually has experience in ruling and like. rebuilt lotus pier from basically nothing. + lwj to help with doubts and uncertainty. just. i want good things for dany 🥺🥺🥺. also they're used to wwx so their opinions on crucifying the masters would probably be along the lines of like. wow so restrained.
anyway i havent even gotten into like. jgy + jon snow or tyrion which. well i think jgy's main response to jon would be 'oh you think you had it bad???' but he might be more sympathetic to tyrion. or actually it might be more like 'youre just like me (derogatory)'. ugh what an idiot so pathetic he thinks he can get his father to love him ://. unless they meet post-tywin's death. someone: wow can't believe you killed your own father. jgy: well maybe his father was a dick.
also would love a meet-up between jaime and jgy or wwx. the whole - wow ok im evil for doing these things but its fine for you to profit from them?? un fucking believable. why are you mad at me for killing this guy everyone wanted to kill him. wwx could fix jaime, jgy could make him worse.
anyway this got very long but pls other people add on to this 🥺🥺
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mbabol · 1 year
i like the little running jokes they had in atsv. like how miles was so proud of the red stripes running down his new suit in his intro at the beginning of the movie but every person who sees them is like "why does it look like ur bleeding from ur pits. ur suit sucks lol" WITHOUT FAIL
also fucking god i just made the mistake of watching youtube movie theorists and its so fucking infuriating. like no dipshit its not a PLOTHOLE its called good writing, its foreshadowing, OBVIOUSLY if everything doesnt make sense in that particular order WITH REFERENCE TO SOMETHING CALLED "CANON" MAYBE? JUST MAYBE! ITS INTENTIONAL
i thought more people would catch on to the theme of metanarrative commentary and the discussion the film is having about the idea of a "canon" and what it means. the whole plot of the movie is questioning the (very popular!) philosophy that canon is sacred and must be adhered to at all times to preserve a story. its a super relevant idea to have running through a superhero comics movie because that philosophy is one that was and is the dominant philosophy among comics fans DESPITE THE NATURE OF COMICS MEANING THAT THERE ARE A MILLION TRILLION INCONSISTENCIES FROM STORY TO STORY. the comic book industry and how it functions means that a characters canon is constantly shifting as it is passed from writer to writer. these writers will have different interpretations of the character and what aspects theyd like to highlight, what story components theyd like to add as they craft a narrative responsive to the context that they live in.
miguel is the obvious stand in for the fan that insists that certain criteria must be fulfilled for a character to still be considered the same character. for the narrative to remain "intact" (we all understood that yes? universe = story). the obvious and numerous inconsistencies we see with MIGUEL SPECIFICALLY are to just highlight how wrong he is already and keep us skeptical (hes one of the only spiderpeople who wasnt bitten by a spider, hes called out in movie by peter b that hes not funny - whats up with that, spiderman is always supposed to be funny)
MILES BEING THE OG ANOMALY IS ALSO FITTING WITH THIS DISCUSSION BECAUSE, IRL, MILES HAD INSANE PUSHBACK FROM COMIC BOOKS FANS WHO - GET THIS - THOUGHT IT WAS TOO FAR FROM CANON! often very racist pushback that insisted that for spiderman to be "canon" he must be a white man! the pointed diversity of spiderpeople in this trilogy is not just trying to diversify superhero movies in a meaningful way - its also trying to make a broader point with its storyline that the ideological worship of "canon" can and does have racist implications ! that we should question the idea of "canon" and what we assume is necessary for a story to remain intact - can there be spidermen of different races (and genders, and religions, and etc etc) and tell the same crucial story? spiderverse is trying to prove desperately yes, yes, a thousand times yes, look at the story we are telling and tell us this isnt spiderman. our black protagonist is quintessentially spiderman while still being black, while still being puerto rican - those things add dimensions to the spiderverse canon that enrich it rather than detract from it. and while this point stands for a lot of art, they are also very intentional about it being about COMICS specifically, SUPERHEROES specifically. a literary novel centered around a specific time period and contect is not what theyre concerned about - they are keeping the theming of this movie series tightly around the medium of the superhero comic. because this IS a medium where absolutely this kind of multiplicity in experience BENEFITS the storytelling.
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sapphicvevo · 7 years
re: on shiro, favoritism, lance and hunk, and s2
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@gayofthewild this was such a good question that i put a lot of thought into, and i ended up making a really long ass reply that was originally gonna just be a reply in the photo posting part of tumblr, but i figured i’d make it into a text post so i can read more it  because it got REALLY LONG and just so i can talk about it in depth like i wanted to! 
but to be super clear, i agree with you whole heartedly!!!! it really IS hard to tell when it’s an actual character flaw or a writing one, especially when it comes to voltron, especially on this particular topic with shiro’s treatment towards lance and hunk in season 2. 
for a while i didn’t have a really concrete opinion about this other than that ‘yes this is a really shitty aspect about shiro’s character and should be discussed but i dont know if i really like how it’s being discussed in the fandom right now’. because a lot of it at the time was really black and white, and while a lot of the discussions about racism and pedophilia in this fandom isn’t black and white and never will be, this one is a little trickier imo.
talking about shiro’s favortism towards pidge and keith, which like, yes it’s canon he holds a certain favortism towards them and it’s expected because shiro feels a sort of obligation and guilt towards pidge because he knew her father and brother and w as there when they all got separated, and he’s here now and they’re still missing and he’s left taking care of his crew’s daughter and younger sister so he’s going to feel a certain extra level of care and compassion for her. and shiro and keith had a relationship  before the kerberos mission, a very influential one if keith’s “without you i’d be someone very different today” has anything to say about it. which also makes a lot of sense imo why he’d tell keith he wants him to take over the black paladin considering he’s known him longer, even though allura is definitely more qualified to be black paladin off of skill and leadership capabilities at the time alone.
but shiro’s still the leader, even though he never may have wanted to be, considering he’s the oldest amongst all these teenagers. he still has an obligation to lance, hunk, and allura to consider their capabilities, their opinions, and everything else when it comes to voltron, because as he said in the first episode they’re a team and everyone’s influence is important in order to make a team work in the best way. so shiro automatically dismissing hunk, lance, or even allura for certain things isn’t what a leader is supposed to do, especially considering how OPPOSITE of that shiro was in season 1. (minus shiro not listening to hunk’s suspicion about rolo, which is really the only instance i can think of right now of shiro dismissing the three of them in season 1)
but here’s where it gets messy because season 2 treated lance, hunk, and allura POORLY. (i’d say they also screwed over shiro and keith for angst and to follow a certain plot line instead of how the characters would actually react based on s1 characterizations, but that’s a post for another day maybe, but the season still focused on them and pointed them in the right for the entire season so that’s like.. DEFINITELY for another post lol). lance was treated as comic relief, dumbed down to make pidge look smarter, barely there and barely had any characterization besides being flirty, one episode, and like 5 seconds of touching on his insecurities before getting over it (and that’s until season 3 proves otherwise). hunk was ignored, dumbed down also to make pidge look smarter also, and had so many fat jokes and talked about food i can barely remember lines where he wasn’t talking about it (also got CHAINED to a fucking kitchen. AND PEOPLE TRIED TO DEFEND IT ON WHY IT WASN’T NASTY). allura was treated horribly too. she had a storyline where she had distrust and anger towards a group of the universe’s oppressors who DESTROYED her entire planet and people and was treated as the impossible one throughout it. she was told that ‘not all galra’ bullshit, yelled at by characters while not even considering her side, and treated like she was being unreasonable for being cautious because the last time her people trusted the galra…. they blew up her entire planet. and instead of a conversation between her and keith where they both tried to understand the other’s point of view to come together to find a mutual ground, she apologized to keith where keith didn’t say anything about how he could’ve understood where she was coming from.
so when people criticize shiro for dismissing lance and hunk in season 2, i wanna agree really badly! i wanna be like YES HE FUCKING DID AND IT SHOULD BE CALLED OUT. but we also gotta remember that shiro isn’t his own person and he’s being written by white people who thought all of the above shit was okay. so i totally understand why you’d get confused because for a long time i was confused about this topic also. but i think this is where it comes down to season 3.
here’s how in my opinion that shiro dismissing lance and hunk can be considered a character flaw if it’s written well in season 3: the show actually acknowledges that shiro holds favortism for pidge and keith. lance, hunk, and allura discuss this with him. shiro, who’s a character who’s known to be understanding, calm, and receptive takes it into their consideration, considers what they’re saying, has a conversation about it, and realizes that they have a point and explains his side as well. they consider each other’s view points mutually, because if shiro is ignoring them i really don’t think that it’s intentionally or out of malicious contempt for them. they understand each other, apologize to each other, and shiro works on this while still maintaining his relationships with keith and pidge because it’s human to feel closer to other people, while hunk, lance and allura feel comfortable, respected and heard within the team, and they understand why shiro is the way he is.
but if they never bring this up while continuing to paint lance, hunk, or allura as the unreasonable ones? i’d definitely consider it a writing flaw to be quite honest instead of a character one.
as of right now, i wouldn’t be opposed to people calling it a mix of both because all we really have right now is season 2 to base this all off of. i just think people should be careful when criticizing shiro about this as a character by calling him a terrible leader or purposefully hating lance, hunk, or allura by saying he’s purposefully hurting lance when lance has never in canon come to him about this particular problem, because in season 2 shiro was also the only one to compliment lance about his sharpshooting skills and recognize his importance to team voltron.  
tldr: season 2 is a mess and the writers are even MESSIER. when criticizing shiro for ignoring lance, hunk, and allura and their treatment in season 2 it should really also be acknowledged of the writers influence to how he’s written in response to these characters and their interactions, but in no way am i defending it.
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starfruit-baby · 2 years
Detroit Become Human is such a flawed game. I just got done playing it, and in some parts it was downright triggering. But I really like your blog, and a lot of the fandom, that see through the "pacifism is the answer to oppression" bullshit the game tries to shove down our throats, and have good takes in general about the characters and the storyline. Maybe you could offer your two cents? It still makes me wonder if it's right of me to engage in the fandom, even like this. I'm not black, or jewish, which were the two groups most attacked by this game's depiction and appropriation of thsir struggles. I don't feel I have the right to "reclaim" this game (is that the word?), even if I have subversive takes to it.
honestly anon, im very flattered and honored to be asked this, but i have to say i dont have any solid answers much less right answers about this :( i knew DBH has oodles of problems since release, ive been heavily criticising it myself since then, but for some unknown reason ive gotten pretty hyperfixated on it (i only played it because i got it for free, i can at least say id never hand my money over to the original creators), and i can only say my view on this (and most media of this genre), and its that i think it can be a constructive thing to criticise media from whatever background you have (?). i consider myself a huge hater because almost every media i like ill do exactly this, ill enjoy stories and aspects of it but basically go through a looking glass to each "social issue problem" (idk what to call it, sorry) i can spot to keep myself updated i guess? i dont always discuss it to not be the party pooper though
i came to tumblr also because it seems to be the most open to this, talking about the bad not just of the story but the choices made along bringing this game to life. for DBH in particular my thoughts are that there are a lot of good points it either accidentally made or just about missed the opportunity to do in regards of technology with capitalism, humanity's desensitization to abuse towards human-like things, and sometimes i try analysing why the horrible parts even exist or what makes them horrible if that makes sense? for example i may be wrong, but the North x Josh rivalry sort of came off to me as pitting two oppressed groups against each other as almost a test of your own morals, would you as the player rather side with a sexually traumatised 'angry' white woman or a violently abused 'calm' black man? when this is a mechanic that doesnt make sense, with the fucked up mind of the producers behind this, it wouldnt really be a big shock if it was the case. i also think its incredibly ableist in its methods, the old disabled man keeps yearning for his death and musing about humans being far inferior for their "fragile existence", and the game visibly intends for you to believe him "wise" for this, while i think it not only shows their ableist beliefs, it isnt necessarily an unbelievable character? a bitter, once abled bodied healthy and wealthy man suddenly deprived of some of his "liberty" would clearly become nihilistic once hes got just one of his priviledges stripped from him, imo
i also am appreciative of recreational work, if im being frank! derivative works are something i personally really really enjoy, since im pretty bad at inventing things from scratch? and ive seen fix its from people that basically take some of the monstrosities in the game and either recontextualise them or reframe them way better
in conclusion, im too biased to give you a good answer, so my middle of the road answer is always "enjoy things but with a critical mind and avoid giving money as much as possible" :/
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ryodai89 · 2 years
Tumblr be confusing as fuck. Like, seriously. Majority of people here practically preach about ’minors dont interact’ and how we have to ‘keep the children safe’ and then write the craziest shit. I’m dumbfounded but it is what it is. Ya’ll scary af but to each their own. 
However, while I’m somewhat happy to see some sane people pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of this place and people, (Simping over a pedo) thats where my line is drawn. I don’t get it, it’s gross, but no one should be ’coming’ for anyone.
People wanna fuck a slasher? I’m here for it. An alien murderous clown that eats people? I’ll sign that slip and ride that train with you. People wanna fuck villains and write whatever and write controversial situations such as murder and rape and what have you I will stand by you no problem. Shipping child characters….. ehhhh depends on the story. Hell I personally don’t mind if teens read this shit because lets get real, we all started here when we were kids so the whole ’minors don’t interact’ just kills me honestly. You write what you wanna write. I got you. I’m even here for ‘some’ of The Black Phone stories that actually make sense given the content and don’t erase the horrors that were that movie… I will defend damn near anything except this weird ’forgetfulness’ that is an obvious trait of the character. And the obvious, which is pedophilia. I think thats just a line that gets waaay too murky for my liking. I think that particular subject is just a no-go. I think it’s hilarious that people get butt hurt when it’s brought up because they don’t want to feel bad or guilty for simping over someone like that. The hypocrisy is hilarious. But anything else other than that I’m here for it. Even if it’s not my cup o’ tea I will defend that shit.
However this is starting to turn into this crazy situation where now everyone is pointing out everything, every single thing, thats controversial. Everyone now is a white knight, as though I’m agreeing that everything should be a ’safe space’ and now its getting ridiculous. That was not the purpose of my previous comments.
I stand by what i said, some of ya’ll just fucked up. Some of ya’ll are absolute hypocrites, I don’t buy the whole ’it helps me cope’ bullshit and it’s both gross and hilarious. And I don’t get it at all. But that does not mean that I’m saying that anything even remotely dark or controversial is wrong. That doesn’t mean that anything and everything you don’t like is wrong. My only comments were on the whole pedo aspect, and people willfully erasing it for their own means, nothing else. I said some of the shit was concerning but never once said anything hateful. It isn’t necessary. I think pedo shit is going way to far when it comes to writing in fandoms. But everything else I think fucking go for it.
I do not understand the fics for the Grabber. Especially the readerxGrabber ones. I just don’t. Not just because the guy is a pedo and this site seems to be very ’but what about the children?!’ but you are taking literally a major aspect of the character and just erasing it like, c’mon ya’ll. I know ya’ll pissed he’s molesting kids. If he’d have JUST been killing them I maybe could have-might have jumped aboard that ship too but ya’ll are crazy to try deny the whole pedo thing. People are literally saying it’s not true. Like trying to tell me that he isn’t one. And I’m both laughing and confused. I atleast respect the people that admit its true but say ’for the sake of the story we won’t mention it’ but to the people that are defending the notion that he really isnt, ya’ll fucking nuts.
I’m a firm believer in if you don’t like something don’t read it. And you’ll never ever see me say or mention anything to anyone or send an ask or comment on someone’s story about how they ’shouldn’t write this or that or thats wrong or whatever’ or ’I don’t like this blah blah blah’. Or that’s ’triggering’ or what have you. I don’t understand people who do that. I also really really don’t understand stories where we change complete aspects of a character to bend to your whim just so we feel okay to write about it. But you do you. 
But pretending, willfully pretending or down right denying that this dude isn’t a pedo is ridiculous. He is. You may not like it but he is. You want to continue writing that shit then embrace it. Nothing necessarily wrong with writing ’certain’ shit but don’t go telling me this horse shit that he isn’t because we don’t see it. He is. And that’s perfectly fine for the basis of the film.
This shit has turned into such a white knight thing that while i completely stand by what i said previously (ya’ll make NO fucking sense writing for a fucking pedophile as though he isn’t one) I almost almost almost regret mentioning anything. Only because now it’s apparently turned into a ’you can’t like anything controversial’ situation and thats just not true at all. It’s turned into an excuse to attack people and that’s also not okay. It IS fiction. It IS gross, it is. Its disgusting. But coming for the writers like, I find the whole situation ridiculous but shitting on someone for writing something you don’t like is also just as ridiculous as some of the content. 
Ya’ll need to chill out. Seriously. Pedo shit is gross. Writing it is gross. Simping over a pedo makes no fucking sense but coming after writers is just as equally gross. It’s not just here it’s everywhere.  I don’t condone any of that shit so for the love of fuck please stop assuming that i do. Or that I’m on ’your side’. I enjoy fucked up shit. I do. Just not that particular kind of fucked up shit. I also enjoy having enough respect for people to not send hateful ass stuff because it makes you mad. Some of ya’ll should try it sometime. Try biting your tongue, you might find a new fetish you’ll enjoy…
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sweatydelusionpaper · 3 years
Chapter 233: y'all i am not gonna lie , this was probably not one of my fav chapters ( not from a writing perspective, in that case it was good). But i was so annoyed especially with a particular character. We all know who it is. *cough cough osaragi cough cough*
Before i get into the aspects that i disliked, let me just mention the things that i enjoyed about the chapter. Firstly, shriogane and kaguya moment. It has been a while. Just look at how far they have come. From being dense beenches in love to wise seniors who give their juniors love advice. I might have to shed a tear or two. And secondly, i do agree with kaguya when she said that miko's sense of justice was flawed. That she always categorises things as black/ white or right/ wrong and doesnt try to see things from a more grey perspective. That she has a very rigid and not easily adaptable sense of justice, which might seem good on paper but is pretty harmful in the real world. And i think it was even highlighted when she wanted every guy to have crew cuts because She felt it would look sophisticated. You see the problem here. I liked that kaguya called her out on it and asked her to work on it.
Now what i personally didnt like was miko having to be the one to make amends with osaragi. I dont have a problem with them communicating their problems and issues but i definitely wanted osaragi to be the one to reconcile with miko because she was the one who was more in the "wrong" in this situation. Like she was the one who handled things poorly instead of miko. I do agree that miko needs to learn how to communicate her feelings better ( for instance how she couldnt even accept her feelings for ishigami in front of chika) but osaragi should too.
Like kaguya tells miko that she needs to put herself into other people's shoes and see things from their perspective but how is she supposed to do that when the other person doesnt even let her know what the problem is. Both ishigami and osaragi didnt let her in and i hate that she is the one whos seen to be the one not putting in the effort. Even in chapter 231, miko mentions how osaragi never comes to her with her problems. Miko was effectively kept in dark, its not like things were happening infront of her eyes and she was dense or decided to ignore it, things were deliberately kept secret from her. So in that case, i dont personally see anything wrong with the way miko reacted.
Another thing i personally didnt enjoy is how osaragi is being portrayed as this person who got betrayed by her bestfriend kindof. Like she isnt being criticised at all. And i dont like that because this situation wouldnt have happened if osaragi had decided to tell miko the truth. Like she expected miko to act as if she knew everything, and when obviously she didnt, she got all mad. Like i get that you wanted miko to help ishigami in a more direct and confrontational way, but miko wasnt even good friends with him at that time so it wouldnt make sense for her to do something like that. And when she finds her own way to do something, its still not enough because it doesnt fit your idealised version of it??? And i hate that everybody is just collectively ignoring the fact that miko did help ishigami. Osaragi not mentioning it, miko saying she couldnt support him back then when she obviously did. I wont blame kaguya because once again osaragi didnt enclose the full truth and made it seem like miko just abandoned ishigami.
Also one more thing about seeing things from as many different perspectives as possible, even though i do agree that miko is quite stubborn in that aspect, she still tried to do that during the incident. Didnt she try to see the truth from his side but he was the one who told her to go away?! He was accused of stalking a girl which is like a huge accusation and in situations like this, everyobdy is gonna side with the victim. But miko tried to see things from both angles, she couldnt because she wasnt allowed to by ishigami. And i hate that it was noted in a way that looked like she abandoned him. When she clearly didnt.
I feel like osaragi was the one who needed this conversation more than miko. I think she should be the one to put herself in other people's shoes especially mikos and try to see things from her perspective. And shouldve been the one to make amends because she is the one who bottled everything up and instead of trying to clear things up with miko, went and talked badly about miko infront of kaguya. And i will mention it again, didnt tell the whole truth. I am so annoyed by that.
I just wanted to see ishigami and miko play apex together. What have we come to.
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okay so since you know more than sarah could u give more info?? because i love learning about pete and his blackness as its literally never talked about ANYWHERE else. like thank god for tumblr tbh. sarah is genuinely the only reason ive ever known anything about him in that way but its always been limited so thats why i sent her the ask. i didnt even know ur blog. sorry for sending to her instead of you!!!
oh its fine!! im pretty new on the scene technically. while sarah and i were in the fob fandom at the same time in 2015 ish, i actually left tumblr completely and recently came back!! but anyway, lets talk about petes melanin (my beloved <3)
theres a pretty pervasive narrative, not just around pete but around any black and especially biracial celebrities that theyre ashamed of their blackness or arent "really" black. theres like. a looooooooooong conversation to be had within the black community about this, but to tldr it, the assumption is if you dont look black, you arent black, which for a lot of reasons isnt exactly the case. with him in particular theres a lot of stuff that contributes to this.
most people do not associate the alternative scene and emo especially with black people, so its easy to overlook a lot if someone isnt SUPER obviously black. pete has other ethnic features, like his nose, and is recognizable visually as black except for his skin color. except thats because hes been artificially lightened in photoshoots due to editing and (ALLEGEDLY AND POSSIBLY) lighter foundations. further, he relaxed his hair, which takes away another ethnic feature of his.
there is another aspect to this, which is that black people tan, noticeably and by several shades. you will not notice it if youre like seeing them continuously throughout the year, but as someone who lives in the caribbean and has spent some time in the states, the difference is stark enough to be noticeable. a lightskinned black person may look MUCH paler in the winter compared to in the summer.
in addition, the wealthier you are, the less time you tend to spend in the sun, so ive noticed that black celebrities tend to get lighter as they gain notoriety just because they have like more resources. the reason people from the caribbean tend to become lighter when we go to the states isnt because of less sun, during the summer thats not at all the case, its because the US is more developed so you dont HAVE to spend as much time in the sun.
besides that, hes like genuinely very loud and proud about being black, but all of those attempts are met with backlash. there was the reaction to his natural hair, the reaction to him with cornrows, and the reaction to his very emotional rant about the murder of george floyd. it happens in fobs music too!! ioh for example draws a lot of influence from choral and hymnal arrangements and soul music, not to mention jay-z and babyface working on the album itself, which led to them being labelled sell outs. they also just generally work with rappers more, with lil wayne on tiffany blews and big sean on srar, both of which also led to them being called sell outs. ab/ap as an album draws influence from rap/trap and mixtape culture in the way it was written (thats why its got so many samples), and subsequently got remixed. remember what happened next? mania draws a lot of influence from calypso and dancehall music and features burna boy singing in yoruba patois. that one led to the featured artist getting harassed en masse and multiple (worse) edits of the song without him on it. i dont like it here 💞.
that last point brings me to the fact that while pete definitely loves hardcore and metal, he also has always loved reggae and dancehall. hes half jamaican, spent time in jamaica as a child and listened to his grandparents records, which were. well. reggae and calypso and a little dancehall. if anyone ASKS him about it, hell talk about it willingly and candidly, theres an entire interview from during the hiatus (which i can no longer find rip) where hes asked about and talks about going natural and spending time in jamaica and listening to reggae, which heavily influenced black cards. he visited jamaica during the hiatus! although its unclear if he visited family since literally every news outlet that mentioned it was like "oh tropical getaway <3" unaware that thats where his folks are from
also heres that interview snippet sarah mentioned! i have the full page, its about the early days which is funny bc its just before futct.
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theres also some poetry on sarahs blog that she found years ago thats VERY black. i dont like making it easy to find for nonblack people simply because the first time it was unearthed mostly white people were talking about it and the meaning of it went way over everyone elses head so i try to make sure that if people start talking about it they know going in that its about being black and biracial specifically and so that black fans dont feel the way i did when it first surfaced lol
all of this emphatically points to pete genuinely loving his blackness and not trying to hide it and it being something that majorly shaped his life, but genuinely being unable to talk about it bc of public perception.
sorry for talking your ear off!! if you have any specific qs i almost certainly have answers!!
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clownmoontoon · 4 years
Recently found your blog so I was wondering, thoughts on the Animaniacs reboot?
i LOVE this question and i have sO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT THE REBOOT so ima try to break it down into my likes, dislikes, and hit or miss (things i liked some of the time but not all the time)
🌈  10 things i liked!!!!! 🌈 <-- in no particular order
1. THE THEME SONG REWRITE!!!! ITS GREAT!!! og series callbacks, DELIGHTFULLY MORE INCLUSIVE, all those unnecessary side characters cut out, no weird celebrity references JUST RLLY WELL DONE and im glad they just redid the old one instead of making a brand new one ITS A CLASSIC!! plus this way u rlly notice those differences and how great they are
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2. SPEAKING OF nO BORING SIDE CHARAS... YEAH!! THAT!! perhaps an unpopular opinion but ive never been a fan of the side characters and watched the og show p much exclusively for the warners so i LOVE that its mostly about them now!! (( i do miss the mime tho but they shoulda been nicer to him u_u ))
3. also like the theme song: MUCH LESS CELEBRITY CAMEOS/REFERENCES there are still a few but i feel like they were WAY more abundant in the og series and im rlly glad they calmed down w that, its actually Not That Fun to try and spot all the celebrities 
4. mORE “IRL”/TIME IN THE TOWER!!! while there are some shorts where the warners are “acting” (gold meddlers, warners unbound etc) the VAST MAJORITY(19) of the 26 warner shorts take place “irl”!! WE GET TO SEE THEM IN THE TOWER SO MUCH!! eating together, shopping together, TRICK OR TREATING TOGETHER!!! and i just LOVE this stuff its sO GOOD FOR CHARACTER BUILDING!! 
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5. DIVERSITY!!!! EVEN THE BG CHARACTERS!! EVEN IN BODY TYPE!!! no more fatness only as a joke and hotness as the only other option for women, PPL ARE AVERAGE AND I LOVE IT
6. OVERALL CONSISTENT QUALITY!!! THE ANIMATION IS REALLY INCREDIBLE AND BEAUTIFUL TO WATCH!!! that was one of the BIGGEST flaws of the og series, so many eps were animated poorly bc they were handed off to studios that rlly didnt know how to draw the warners so its HELLA to see them beautifully animated in EVERY ep of the reboot so far
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^^ animation by @/lemurasart on twitter!! 
7. nO HORNY JOKES...POSSIBLY ANOTHER UNPOPULAR OPINION?? bUT I NEVER RLLY LIKED ALL THESE HORNY JOKES GIVEN TO KIDS IN THE FIRST PLACE LKDKD its actually rlly neat to see how creative the writing gets when they cant just horny joke their way out of a situation ALSO THIS BIT WAS AMAZING 
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8. I RLLY LOVE THAT THE CEO DOESNT HATE THEM!!!!! it was so frustrating in the og series that the ceo wouldnt even hear them out EVEN WHEN IT WAS STUFF THAT WOULD BENEFIT HIM its nice that this lady is insane AND greedy aND YET ISNT REALLY MALICIOUS TOWARDS THE WARNERS AT ALL at least not any more than she is to anybody else ITS REFRESHING!! I LIKE NORITA
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10. FANGIES!!!!!!!!! they always had fangy energy im so glad it finally manifested...
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⭐ 4 things i didnt like ⭐  i was gonna make this a top 10 list but i couldnt think of 10 things i didnt like djkldkljd
1. THE REDESIGN.... yes i know i was just celebrating the fangs bUT other than that i rlly wasnt a fan of the redesign.. its just too ...animal?? the triangle noses and changing their white faces to beige just seemed rlly unnecessary imo..
aLSO THEY LOST THEIR CLOWNINESS!!! ;;;;; i miss that clown aesthetic... big round red noses, white faces.. also i loved it when characters would try to describe them and say things like THEY HAVE FACES LIKE A CREEPY CLOWN dLdlkjdJLK
im not sure why they couldnt at least stay w the white n black like the old cartoons theyre based on??? THERES EVEN A SONG IN THE REBOOT THAT SAYS “LIKE US, ITS BLACK AND WHITE” bUT... THEYRE NOT BLACK N WHITE ANYMORE LDKKDJ 
also the redesign is a lot more angular/less round than the original and i jus prefer the sof..
i miss this ;n;
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2. GROSS OUT HUMOR  ..LIKE HONESTLY WTF LDLJKLJKDD theres not too much of it thankfully but the og series had like.. nONE so it was a shock when theyd suddenly zoom in on marie antoinette’s finger and it was LIKE THAT and the pigeon scene at the end of “the cutening” actually made me feel sick sdjkdjk JUST IN GENERAL IM NOT A FAN OF GROSS OUT HUMOR SO .. EUUGHGH 
3. those random new shorts that are like???? whyd u get rid of the side characters if ur gonna have these guys anyway?? the gnome in ppls mouths and the alien guy?? neither were funny to me and again the gnome short was mostly gross 
THE SONGS!!! while i love that they brought back the musical aspect of the show (its rlly not animaniacs without singing tbh) the songs were sUPER VARIED IN QUALITY IMO 
the reboot song? AMAZING
the song about dot’s zit??? ... no..
✨ GO WATCH IT!!! ✨
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(( ironically this scene RIGHT BEFORE THE PIGEON SCENE is one of my absolute faves DLKLKJDJKD ))
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chocopvffz · 4 years
My Problems with Fandom
It’s been a while since I’ve kinda just let out my thoughts and feelings on this stale hell site. It’s just now more than ever I’m having the weirdest realizations while I’m participating in any Fanbase. This topic may piss ppl off. But to that, I say fuck it, I’m gonna do it.
Around 2 years ago I took a backseat to actively participating in fandom. So I’d be more of an onlooker rather than someone who contributed. Just reblogging stuff rather than making my own content. Usually in fandom, things are said in the heat of the moment, with little thought and more emotions. Taking a step back I started to realize that while that’s fine in and of itself, You’re entitled to what you like and what’s interesting to you, but I’ve realized that people kinda settle for the bare minimum. Especially now that representation for marginalized groups is becoming the norm. Which is great, but there are still problems that plague us as a community.
I just finished watching Unicorn of War’s video on RWBY, and they delved into the absolutely garbage writing that surrounded The White Fang subplot. I highly recommend you watch the video, it’s about the bad representation of minority oppression and how it relates to RWBY as a whole. While this post doesn’t stem from that in particular. what did was though is how UoW confessed that they were guilty of completely ignoring how harmful the writing was for pocs, as well as downright silencing and downplaying poc that had a problem with the writing. Unicorn of War is not racist, the fact that they realized the type of systemic racism they’ve been inadvertently spreading is so harmful is a a step in the right direction. Here is where the problem lies. UoW said that they were a perpetrator of this because they were to focused on the representation the show did give the fans. They said that they lumped all of the genuine criticism of the problems with homophobes and bigots because they didn’t want to hear any of the criticism at all. RWBY has some pretty shit representation in ever field. UoW said that they were settling for the stuff they did get because they get so little, and their whiteness blinded them to listening and trying to understand why so man poc had an issue with the show.
Basically what I’m trying to say is that, a lot of the time In Fandom, ppl would rather settle for what they do have and what caters to them, rather than criticize a product of its faults and ask for more.
I’ve been scared to talk about She-Ra because the fandom is pretty scary. I liked the show. To me it wasn’t anything special. But it was a fine show, and I can’t wait for what the crew does next. But here’s where a lot of the issues come from for me. There are some problems both w/ the show, and the representation. Catra and Adora have been queercoded up until the very end where it does get revealed that they are in fact lesbians. Which is great and all but at the end of the day. They kiss at the very end of the last episode, nothing was explicit before then. But the thing is that Catra is an abusive manipulative person, that kinda just gets a pat on the back, and all is forgiven when she realizes she’s alone(both in the fandom and the show). I mean glimmer got more hate than Catra. The point I’m trying to make is that I’ve seen way to many ppl ignore the fact that they side stepped the development of Catra and Adora, and kinda get mad at the ppl that criticize that we could have gotten better rep. For a lot of the fans, at least from what I’ve seen, yall are okay with the problems the show has as long as you get some form of rep. Which is valid, but when that complacency spills over into silencing ppl with criticisms. This usually happens when someone has had another experience with the show where the thing that represents them isnt done as well. it rubs me the wrong way. Someone could see Catra’s behavior, liken her to a toxic person they knew, criticize how the show kinda ignores that. I can bet that some ppl would tell this person that they’re wrong, because she ended up where she did at the end.
This brings me to my last example, during my watch of Infinity Train, I started getting a little bit more involved in the fandom; reblogging, commenting. During the show I noticed a small amount (larger than I would have liked) making passive aggressive remarks toward Grace (the only black girl and protagonist of the season). They were all in regard to her having a redmeption arc. At first I was kinda in denial. Like most ppl are immediately after suffering an injustice, cuz despite her being an awful person at first. She gets better. And there are so little black women that are protagonists. I felt represented. But then I’d see ppl demeaning her in order to make her friend Simon (basically the antagonist) more sympathetic. Mind you he’s white. And after the show ended I had a weird encounter. There were many posts about how enthralling it was that Grace, a black women, telling Simon, a white man, that his problems were his own, and she doesn’t have to be the one to fix them. Most of the ppl that made these posts were woc. The show isn’t about race, but the fact that the character is black resonated with a lot of ppl.
Under ever single one of these posts, I saw multiple people, getting weirdly angry at them. Like “this has nothing to do with race, why are you bringing it up here.” Which I guess is fair, but no one says it as much to ppl when the post is about sexuality. So getting fed up, I responded to one of these ppl explaining how odd it is that the characters that get really popular are always of the same archetype. White Sad Boys, it’s the same with ships. Instead of critiquing the show or anything I wanted to call attention to subconscious biases in fandom. The person accuses me of calling them racist, tells me that race isn’t an issue in fandom, and tried to gaslight me into thinking that what I was talking about doesnt apply to how ppl choose who their favorite character is.
This issue here isn’t about the race, or the actual content in the show. It was about the person telling me that the empowerment I and other woc experienced while watching infinity train s3, doesn’t exist and we shouldn’t criticize ppl putting her down in order to uplift the antagonist.
Which leads back to the point I’m trying to make. So many ppl in fandom settle for whats there instead of trying to make things more representative of everyone. Representation can always get better, we just have to stop fighting ppl that give constructive criticism to the things we like.
And I’m completely guilty of this too, that’s why I took a step back. I don’t like silencing ppl when they try to criticize something that resonates with me. So I try to sit back and let them tell me what can be done better based on their experiences. I’m still struggling. I’m pretty sure I was ultra defensive with the person telling me that race doesn’t matter.
This happens a lot more with white ppl than it does with people of color. And this isn’t a dig on any white person at all. It’s just that white have a vastly different experience than a poc. A white LGBT person is going to have a completely different experience than a black lgbt person. Just like a cishet white person is going to have from a poc cishet person. And since we have different experiences, there are aspects of my life you won’t understand and vice versa. An abuse survivor is going to be more equip to tell us what works better than other things in a story that tackles those subjects. You see what I mean.
I just want everyone to take a step back and consider the criticism that is being made. And try to understand why this person may see it that way.
TLDR; We need to stop silencing marginalized ppl just because they criticize things we relate to, especially when it pertains to their experiences. It’s settling for the bare minimum when we deserve better. Just because we’ve got a gay character doesnt mean the show is perfect. It happens way more than we think. Especially now more than ever.
Sorry this is so long, and full of typos. I just needed to rant.
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gcldenchild · 3 years
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even though black moon’s fall is still an active thread, i still think its vital to point out major differences for anyone who hasn’t been keeping up with it. humility has a COMPLETE shift in personality that’s been building over time that finally comes into play within black moon’s fall, and there’s aspects about it that’ll assist with understanding which version of the virtue i’m talking about. 
their only SHARED TRAIT are the references of being a “phantom” or being the “phantom twin.”
a pure bastard. he thrives off misdirection and spiraling mental states, as well as feeding off of goldie’s own negativity for his personal growth because he is a CORRUPTED entity. the phantom body that most homunculi see that has an unnatural purple hue and multiple arms as well as a sinister expression is THIS humility in particular. he is the one we refer to as “rat boy” and “the white demon.” by all means, he is an active abuser.
a pained protector. in this verse, humility has been invading luna’s soulspace every time he and sol spent the night dancing in their shared realm to speak to the little boy that he hides at his very core. this place that contains all his organized memories, emotions, practically his whole personality - humility has been there. the child within - lil’ luna - has worked overtime practically infecting the virtue with positive energy and healing any wounds he recieved moving stars around, as well as listening and allowing him to vent all of the pain he’s held onto for years regarding hohenheim and his own past life that he can’t completely remember. lil’ luna listened where no one else would. lil’ luna gave him a place to finally rest his weary soul. lil’ luna finally gave him a moment of freedom away from the ANCIENT POWER he had to seal away beneath the sea just so sol would never have to live the hell that is the promised day.  lil’ luna made humility HIS FRIEND, and named him CHIÓNI.  as such, chióni will only refer to TDOTE humility. “the angel of strength” and “the seraphim” are other names that are commonly used for him. in addition, the thing homunculi see isnt a true haunting ghost - instead he is TRULY a mirror of sol, hovering around like a black shadow. 
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groochi-gang · 3 years
op is a transphobe so i’m reposting it here without credit because while i do agree with everything being said in context, i dont want that associated w my blog :-) under the cut wooo
Anon: “I always assumed artists did the green skin to achieve a more alien aesthetic than the show’s makeup did, based on the Vulcan green blood thing. Not a hill I’d die on or anything but what are the anti Semitic themes in the green skin? Also do you think the pointed “devil ears” the show did was a similar problem?“
Response: “So I get where the Vulcan green blood thing come into play, but if artists aren't also making all human characters bright red bc human blood is red, we start drifting into problematic territory. Things like green blushing are totally acceptable bc they're just indicating the green blood.
So here's the problem with making vulcans green.
1) Vulcans arent green. Like, they just aren't. Making them green is the equivalent of making bones or Kirk look like a bright red imp, that just aint how they look.
2) Making Vulcans green erases the fact that there are canonically black Vulcans, notably Tuvok from Voyager. That automatically is removing POC representation from the infamously white star trek universe and "greenwashing" the diversity that does exist.
3) So let's talk antisemitism. The first Vulcans were inherently Jewishly coded. Leonard Nimoy was a proud and practicing Jewish man and the Vulcan salute (the live long and prosper sign) was something Nimoy created from watching a Jewish religious ceremony (it's technically a form of Jewish blessing).Vulcans in the original series bore the brunt of xenophobia, with the southern doctor Bones frequently complaining about Spock and other Vulcans. Nimoy talked about his experience facing prejudice as the son of immigrants and a Jewish man, and it isnt hard to imagine those aspects played into his portrayal of Spock as a character torn between two worlds.
The further the series has gone on, the more it has drifted from these origins, which is why I said borderline antisemitic, but Spock in particular was played by a Jewish man inspired by his experiences as a Jew.
And to answer your question about the devil ears, I'm not really opposed to those. For one, much of Spock's Jewish coding came through throughout the series and wasnt planned so much as Nimoy just did it. Also, bc of expense pretty much all aliens on Star Trek were just indicated as not human by different ears/foreheads, so it feels more like a design choice than anything. And lastly, bc they are part of Vulcan canon, an artist using them makes total sense.”
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fan-clan-fun · 4 years
My apologies if this is to long- I got a wee bit carried away.
Long isnt a problem at all! I enjoy seeing what people send me!
Anyways- this focuses on the alliances of CliffClan, Ranking Sytem, Naming System and SunTrails, in that order ^^. And apologies in advance for any typos!
Alright! Let’s take a look!
BattleWinner: Reddish brown she cat
QuickStrike: Pale brown and black she cat
GloryGiver: Golden and white tabby she cat.
LightningEyes: Black tabby tom with bright yellow and turquoise eyes.
Sun Warriors
HonorSeeker:Sleek Black Tom with a scared face
DeathSeeker:Ginger and black she cat
PathFinder: light, reddish brown tabby tom
MoonJumper: White tom with a black mask
HawkCatcher: White, ginger and brown tabby tom
ShadowWalker: Dark blueish grey shecat
I’m sure you will mention this later, but these names are fascinating with how different they are than most warrior names. 
Eagle: Golden tabby tom with e white chest and short tail.
Dust: Ginger and brown tabby she cat
Shiver: White tom
Cliff: Reddish brown tabby tom
Wing: Cream colored she cat
Beetle: Brown and ginger she cat with black markings.
Rattle: Pale brown tabby tom.
Bluff: Brown and white tabby she cat
Sharp: Ginger tabby tom
Ridge: Spikey furred ginger tom
Stripe: Brown tabby with a large black stripe going down his back.
Coast: Sandy colored ginger tom
Cardinal: Bright red she cat with black markings
Pine: Tortoiseshell tom
Whirl: Brown tabby she cat
Honey: Golden brown tabby she cat.
Den Mother
Bramble: huge brown tabby she cat with white speckles around her face.
Bee: Ginger and brown she cat with a white face - to Fire and Blaze.
Thorn: dark brown tabby with a pale underbelly - Mother to Coriander, Dawn, Crow and Yarrow.
Pebble: speckled grey she cat - mother to Ant.
RockBreaker: Ancient brown and grey tom.
Adder: brown and ginger tortoiseshell she cat.
FoxBite: Ginger tabby tom.
Ranking System
Chieftain: These cats are basically a leader and deputy rolled into one. They take care of everything within the clan, as they prefer to be the ones souly in charge. These cats do not receive 9 lives, as they believe it is weak that a cat has to rely on 9 lives to rule their clan properly. They still have a the Chieftain go to the MoonShrine, and instead of earning 9 lives they spend the night learning from past Chieftains and Leaders.
I like that the clan has a different view on nine lives, although I am assuming the other clan does normally have nine lives for their leader? Or where would they know of the idea of nine lives?
Champion: The Champion is much like a deputy, but they do not have as much power as one. They mainly act as a sort of enforcer of the law and keep the clan in line. They cant schedule patrols or anything like that though. To become a champion, you must earn a Blazing Sun in the SunTrails.
Oh that’s cool, I really like the name Champion for the second in command. 
Healer: As their name states, Healers look after the clans wellbeing. They are like Medicine cats but lack the spirituality of one, and instead focused souly on their clans health. There are often more than one healer at a time, usually around four or five. These cats can have kits and mates as long as there is at least one other fully trained healer.
I appreciate that the clan doesnt have only one or two healers, it makes it easier to not lose the knowledge, and gives them the freedom to have kits and families.
SkyForger: The spiritual connection to StarWalkers. These cats are often described as other worldly, as if they where sent from the Stars themselves. They can often be defined by one particular trait, usually the eyes are a telltale sign. They interpret prophesies, talk to StarWalkers, and bring forth storms. SkyForgers are also just as their name implies, they are especially gifted craftsmen (craftscat?) In nearly all aspects.
Im curious as to what in the Skyforger’s eyes marks them as special. Is it a color? A shape? And crafting? Id love to hear more about a crafting system!
SunWarriors: These cats are particularly gifted, as they have completed the Sun Trial and earned a Full Sun. They are who the Cheiftan falls on for advice, and are the first ones sent on dangerous tasks.
This seems to be like a higher class within the clan, although at least it is one determined by merit and not birth, which is something I haven’t seen yet, so pretty cool. 
DenMother/Father: A cat that looks over the nursery as a whole. When queens need a break, are sick, or are gone for a extended amount of time the Den Mother looks after the kits. They are also in charge of the camps dens, making sure everything its structurally in control and comfortable. They are like a general manager for the camp and also double as a extra mom to whoever needs it.
Ive always been fond of a rank like this one. 
Apprentice: Much like ShoreClan, CliffClan has subscribed to the idea of not letting a apprentice have one set mentor. They believe it is a greater learning opportunity to learn from various warriors than from one.
Naming System
Cats with higher ranking titles are the only ones with two worded names. These names often describe a skill that this cat is particularly good at. An example would be PathFinder: a cat that is especially skilled in tracking and hunting.
The only way a cat can get such a name is through completing a Full Sun or Blazing Sun Trail, or becoming a medicine cat or Cheiftan as they automatically earn a two word name. These cats are named SunWarriors for completing the Full Sun, and will be newly named by their leader. To be called by their dead name is extremely disrespectful.
Cats with one worded names are basically everyone else. These names usually go along the lines of Bird, Rock, Dawn, or Sand. Very simple and straight to the point.
Sounds like a good reason for cats to really strive to become Sun Warriors! And a nice badge of pride and talent for their positions. 
Sun Trials
The Sun Trails are held twice every year in CliffClan. Anyone over the age of 10 moons can enter, as the trial is very tough and dangerous and strenuous on the soul. The trial itself last for about a day or so, and includes a list of challenges a warrior has to face in a certain amount of time with certain skill and precision.
A warrior can be scored from 1 - 10 scratches, 1 being the worst, 5 being okay, 7 being very acceptable, and 10 being outstanding. They're five cats that judge the trials, they are usually the leader, champion, elders, and healer.
So Im curious, does this mean warriors can attempt to enter the trials multiple times? Are most Full Suns older/more experienced or talented warriors? 
Little Sun
You've taken the longest and have completed the littlest of the challenges, you only get this tittle for competing in the trials.
Rising Sun
You are faster than a little sun, and have completed more of the challenges. You have potential but didn't earn a high enough score to gain a Half Sun.
Half Sun
You are about as average as you can be. Your not failing, and your not succeeding. You have lots of potential to be better, and are looking apon by your peers in curiosity. You will be made a Sun Warrior Apprentice.
Full Sun
You are remarkably fast and have a strong sense of compassion to finish the trials, you have immense skill and would be made a Sun Warrior.
Blazing Sun
You have completed the trials in recorded breaking time, you completed all trials with amazing vigor and strength and have earned the title of Blazing Sun. You are the best of the best, you have earned the spot as Clan Champion.
I can see that you have a lot of really good ideas here! Im excited to see more, especially some more info about the clan culture!
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propfortytwo · 4 years
heres the entire plot of homestuck explained mostly
the story takes place over 4 (technically 5 counting the end) alternate universes, and starts in the 3rd one, but it makes more sense if we start from the beginning chronologically.
a race of humanoids called trolls who are basically just humans with grey skin, orange horns, multicolored blood, and varying degrees of psychic powers exist on a planet called beforus. things are relatively uneventful, until the abdicated heiress to an empire, meenah, discovers The Game(tm) on the moon.
the game, otherwise known as sburb (or sgrub to the trolls) exists to propagate the universe; a successful session of it creates a new universe entirely. it involves a server player manipulating the real environment of a client player to bring them into a type of pocket dimension called the medium aka the session aka the incipisphere whatever, point is, you get there. the client can then, from that dimension, host the server of another client and bring them into the same session, and so on; the trolls sessions have 12 players, and human sessions have 4. each player has their own ‘land’, a small planet vaguely themed around them with a unique poorly defined quest, but that doesnt come up too much so dont worry about it immediately. each player also has a unique mythological role consisting of a class and an aspect; there are 12 of each for a total of 144 possible combinations, for instance john egbert is the heir of breath. this not only defines their abilities, but also their personality and role in the story.
each session has a few constants: a ‘planet’ in the center called skaia, which is a bright ball of just sky, with clouds that show you visions of the future; at the center of it is the battlefield, a chessboard which gets bigger and more complicated as things go on. a session will also always contain prospit, a yellow planet that orbits close to skaia, and a purple planet called derse that orbits far away from it. in a game session, prospit and derse are at war, with derse seeking to destroy skaia and the battlefield by sending an asteroid belt into it; coincidentally, this also destroys the home planet of the players, as many asteroids are teleported into reality. in the sessions weve seen so far these asteroids also are used to paradoxically send baby versions of the players and their ancestors back in time but that isnt too important right now. each player has an alternate self called a dream self, which exists on one of the two planets (but doesnt have any bearing on their morality or allegiance, just personality). dream selves, along with the session itself, always exist alongside the normal universe before the game even begins, and under certain conditions your normal self will, when asleep, awake as your dream self and vice versa. in addition, a player who dies can be revived, but only as their dream self.
back to the plot; the beforus trolls aren’t very good at the game; in fact, they fail and spend a few years not being able to do anything until they discover a way to reset both their game and the universe itself, which will retroactively swap them with their ancestors as players and do some other things as well. they should logically not even exist anymore, but due to some shenanigans that happen in the 2nd universe, they exist as ghosts in a sort of afterlife formed by dreaming players whose dream selves are dead or missing. overall, only two of these 12 trolls are actually important to the plot, meenah and aranea.
this brings us to the second universe; beforus is now called alternia, and it is a considerably more violent and horrific place, with troll society being murderous as pretty much a standard. as you can imagine literally everyone is traumatized by this. the first 12 trolls to get introduced in the comic come from this timeline, and include funny lawyer girl terezi. there’s also a considerable amount of infighting, most of which is vriskas fault. she comes up later.
the 2nd troll session is considerably more successful than the 1st, and finishes the game creating a universe, though this new universe contains a “small” defect due to negligence on the part of the players. before the trolls can enter their new universe, however, they are unexpectedly attacked by an angry teleporting chess dog with wings and a katana, who murders all their dream selves and blows up prospit and derse. the trolls go into hiding on a meteor, where they learn that this strange murderous furry came from a session inside their new universe. they elect to constantly harass the players of this session. also around the time of furrymans rampage, a girl named feferi convinces some eldritch creatures to create the aforementioned afterlife, while another girl named aradia who was briefly a robot comes back to life as a god tier and freezes furrydude in place. a god tier player is someone who has died in a particular way and as a result been revived with conditional immortality (if they die they are immediately revived UNLESS their death was either heroic, or just ie they were a piece of shit), powers based on their class and aspect, and a new outfit also based on their class and aspect. meenah in the first universe did this, as did vriska in the 2nd, though only because aradia beat the shit out of her for being awful. speaking of which she murders her childhood friend who she has abused and tormented for years because thats just how vriska is.
this brings us to the start of homestuck, the comic. there are four kids at the moment: john egbert, an overall lovable dumbass who is the first to enter, rose lalonde, a goth lesbian obsessed with wizards and psychology, dave strider, funny sunglasses memelord and horrifically abused swordsman, and jade harley, the prophetic scientist heiress of an old colonialist who was raised by a magic dog. through some difficulties they enter their session, and things IMMEDIATELY start going wrong. they just barely get everyone into the session before earth is ruined, and before that can even happen, the aforementioned murder furry is created when a bureaucrat named jack noir kills the black queen and steals her magic ring. a different jack noir was also present in the troll session, this one became a mobster named spades slick. (yes, that stupid fucking intermission was actually important). this happened because like the players, several ingame npcs also are brought to the dying planet, after it gets fucked by rocks. these include, on earth, WV aka the mayor, PM who will be important later, and two other jackasses who arent important. PM is cool because shes a mailman who fights through the fucking legions of hell to deliver a package to john and then later receives a copy of jack noirs magic ring and proceeds to chase him across the void for 3 years and finally beats the shit out of him. love her. anyway;
like the 1st universe, the kids are informed by a creepy man who talks in white text on a white background like a fucking tool that they cant succeed and will have to reset their session, though with coordination from the trolls, they have a plan to survive it. they also plan to use a very large bomb created as part of that defect i mentioned before to blow up something called the green sun, which is where jack noirs magic furry powers come from. this will also coincidentally kill spooky white man who has a cueball for a head and release an eldritch horror known as lord english into the timeline. meanwhile in the troll session, a clown troll named gamzee is driven into a rage by a video of the insane clown posse sent to him by dave and murders several of the less relevant characters because hes a piece of shit. also meanwhile a troll named eridan ALSO kills some people including someone named kanaya who is a lesbian vampire with a chainsaw who eventually marries rose. kanaya then cuts eridan in half because she Is Too Fucking Angry To Die. love her. ALSO ALSO meanwhile vriska is about to fly off and expose their hiding place to jack noir, but is killed by her childhood friend terezi. she dies for good because its considered a just death. anyway back in the kid session, things go awry and its revealed that white bread tricked them, as the bomb actually CREATES the green sun retroactively. also, because of the properties of the green sun and where the bomb was set off, the two kids who set off the bomb, dave and rose, meet up with the remaining trolls outside of the kid session. meanwhile jade fucking dies to a bomb made of shaving cream but is revived as a god tier and for unrelated reasons also fused with her magical dog. dave and rose also ascend to god tier as they died when a massive fucking sun spawned on top of them. john was already god tier due to some shenanigans by vriska earlier. basically everyone has their signature look now.
jade uses her new god tier abilities to shrink down every planet in their session including the battlefield, before bringing herself, john, and an alternate timeline dave onto a battleship and literally fucking launching it through the fourth wall into Poorly Defined Author Space which is technically on the moon of alternia. andrew hussie is here. as they leave the session before its reset, they stay alive, same with rose and dave. also meanwhile with rose and dave, one of the surviving trolls, sollux, uses his psychic powers to launch the meteor towards the newly reset session at relativistic speeds (all sessions TECHNICALLY exist in the same dimension? its weird), while jade does the same with her battleship.
thus begins the 4th timeline/universe. shit only gets stupider from here, consider taking a short break.
ok, ready?
the new universe is shown off, with the new kids; jane crocker, an average young woman who stands to inherit the betty crocker company which in this timeline is like amazon (shes an alternate version of johns grandmother); roxy lalonde, who is literally the best character in homestuck (alt. rose’s mom); jake english, a dumbass who lives on a deserted island, speaks in horribly inaccurate british slang and dual wields pistols (alt. jade’s grandfather); and dirk strider, a canonically gay nerd with pointy anime sunglasses and a sword who builds robots and canonically watches mlp so like fucking make of that what you will (alt. dave’s abusive brother). their entry into their session is different; their session is called a void session, and is inherently unwinnable because of retroactive time bullshit, and for related reasons, the meteors that would destroy earth are never sent. you may ask “well how did the kids get there then?” to which the answer is when the reset happened the destination of the kids guardians was switched to be this new session. doesn’t that mean the guardians never existed, you say? stop thinking.
anyway janes entry into the session coincedes with betty crocker revealing herself to be a hostile alien empress who slowly takes over the earth with the help of the insane clown posse and guy fieri. she’s also the alternate version of meenah, who in the alternia timeline was the empress and also kind of a horrible person. shes here because of nonsense involving lord english, who she works for but hates. in fact, theres an interesting side effect to this; dirk and roxy actually live 400 years in the future from jane and jake, from after betty crocker aka the condesce killed everyone and flooded the planet. they still enter the same session, through dirk doing some stupid shit and controlling both his dream self and his actual self at the same time and moving everyone around.
there’s a long period of absolutely nothing happening in the 4th session while the trolls and kids travel to it, and during this were introduced to two characters; calliope and caliborn. theyre brother and sister, and are part of another race called cherubs who look like green skeletons and which share a body with each other and fight for control of it. caliborn is the fucking worst and actually becomes lord english eventually, while calliope is a nice down to earth person who makes fan characters and cosplays a troll. they also technically exist in a... 5th, separate universe, on a dead earth?? which is probably the future earth from the ending? i dunno it makes no fucking sense.
anyway calliope dies due to some plotting but death means fucking nothing in this story so shes off hidden in the afterlife. the meteor group and the battleship group pass through this afterlife like physically several times during their journey through the void and meet many of the dead trolls, including dead vriska, meenah, and aranea, who come up with a plan to lure lord english, who is currently destroying reality and murdering ghosts, to a place where they can hit him with a magic ghost weapon. they find it, and john touches it out of curiosity, whereupon he gains weird powers that let him travel ANYWHERE in canon at any time, though he cant really control it. during his random zaps around he beats the shit out of caliborn which is cool and good. partway through, aranea leaves and uses a magic ring to come back to life JUST as the two groups arrive at the new session and the 4 new kids ascend to god tier, at which point everything goes wrong all at once.
through a contrived series of events, jade and jane are mind controlled by the condesce, and a long fight scene ensues where jake unleashes his true power and then dies, aranea tries to usurp the condesce but fails miserably, and basically fucking everyone but john and roxy die horribly, planets are smashed into each other, the session is falling apart due to interference from caliborn who has limited control over the narrative for some reason; its not good.
fortunately, john in theory has the ability to fix this by retconning events in a particular way. he has no idea how to though, until a dying terezi headbutts him, writes instructions on a blindfold in her own blood, and then dies, falling into a chalk outline of her own corpse she drew immediately beforehand because shes fucking metal. john also, during this time, uses his new powers to move his planet out of the session into a white void apparently outside everything. as a consequence of this, in an alternate timeline his planet explodes and roxy dies, though in THIS weird space, he and roxy are still alive.
following terezis instructions, john changes some subtle things in the past, before ultimately preventing her from killing vriska by knocking vriska out. this, surprisingly, actually has a positive effect; vriska has powerful mind control abilities that allow her to put jane and jade to sleep upon arrival and prevent the bad timeline from happening, but she also mellows out a bit and keeps everyone from losing their minds during the journey, while also forming a plan to fight the condesce that works out pretty well. the person she murdered gets revived as well, though she still treats him like shit so im not giving her points for that.
john and roxy arrive from the bad timeline with johns planet, and roxy uses the magic ring to bring the dead calliope back to life. also around this time calliope meets an alternate version of herself who killed caliborn in her timeline and is spooky and mysterious and super fucking powerful and will be able to help kill lord english, so thats cool.
some nice, genuine heart to hearts happen between the characters as they get set up for the final battle, at which point it happens, in a 20 minute flash. the condesce gets defeated, lord english's influence is cut out from the session, and the new universe is created; its actually a pretty happy ending.
and THAT is the end of homestuck.
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mamusings · 4 years
Supernatural Season 2 thoughts
Continuing with my rewatch. This season kicks up several gears on season 1. Overall the storytelling is much better. There is a less formulaic approach to the even the MOTW episodes. Its inventive: you get one from the perspective of the ghost (Roadkill), two that layer in the boys run ins with the law. The first 4th wall breaker (Hollywood babylon), first alt reality (What is and what should never be) and I think the first straight up comic one (Tall Tales). This works much better. S1 episodes give you: a kill, work out the lore, find the creature and kill it right back. Instead of s1 espousing the lore and developing the brothers as a team, we now get to explore the show's moral compas and the complexity of what brotherhood means within it. I think Hollywood Babylon riffs off ditching the initial importance placed on accuracy in how Spn presented itself in it's own storyline. Yep we like story telling thank you, realism isnt really the point. The monsters and sub plots more clearly refract on the season themes and plot.
Supporting characters are another aspect of the shows blooming. They are a much more varied and interesting bunch. Gordon helps explore a key issue for the show - the distinction between being a hunter and a killer. Its significant he appears twice - it's a big issue. The psychics Andy and Ava are fun. Bank heist dude Ronald garners the right mix of derision and respect - I'm not sure spn homages to freaks and geeks hit the right note most of the time. And theres the Roadhouse crew and Bobby who really help flesh out what can become an overly confined universe.
The first third explores grief. You get the contrast in Sam and Dean's personalities in how they try to deal with John's death. But you also get the sense of them learning from each other as the season progresses. Dean tries talking. Sam tries keeping busy. Both grow while staying themselves. Nice. You also get a switch from s1 dominance of Dean's concern for Sam, with Sam's concern about Dean's increasingly high octane behaviour here and it's a nice switch. With grief you get guilt. Sam's is the easier too little too late regrets. Dean's is the motherload of guilt that John sacrificed himself for him. Given the shows dominant theology is Christian I find it hugely interesting that the focus here is on the receiver of the sacrifice. The overwhelming guilt Dean feels underpins the opening episodes, gets hammered home in Crossroads and then comes back for an even bigger bite when Dean does the same to Sam in the finale. Bobby's anger with Dean and Sam's devastation leaves me little doubt that as much as we all love that Sam is back, Dean did wrong here. Although maybe Dean's guilt comes from his low self worth. Sam might cope very differently?? But I do think the zombie episode declarations of 'what is dead should stay dead' make the point that thus wheeling and dealing with death cant be good. I personally find the idea that moral rules dont apply to Sam and Dean because of love is a weak one. I think fandom does spn a disservice by reducing something really complicated here into 'well they are soul mates'. Loving someone is not an excuse to chuck the rules out the window. But maybe the show itself descends into a moral free for all with no underpinning message and the blame lies there? I'm not sure. In a way that is what I'm trying to figure out with these commentaries.
What works better in explaining why Dean does to Sam what John did to him is the other big theme of season 2: the idea that right and wrong isnt black and white. This is the focus of lots of episodes some of which explore whether hunters are just killers. And others that explore at what stage something becomes evil and why. Both these questions are crucial in relation to Sam's destiny and how each of them should respond to that destiny. The first half of the season sees Dean trying out his fathers black/white approach and the hardening off of himself he thinks he needs to achieve in order to kill Sam should that becomes necessary. Its the mid season finale that finally answers that one for Dean. Sam goes proper bad, Dean doesn't kill him. Along the way, with Sam's prompting, Dean questions not only his father but also the morality he had assumed of his hunting so far. How Dean outgrows John is a huge theme for me. I find it fascinating because he remains the same kind of man as John. Tough, difficult etc he diesnt become Sam. What he changes ir accepts are that what he prizes isnt what John prizes, but rather the people he loves and he learns that this isnt a failing or a weakness. But it's a long long road.
Sam wrestles with the fact that he may turn evil trying to find ways to hope and ways to cope. He takes a leaf out of the Dean playbook at gets drunk. He prays. He looks for a safety net getting Dean's to promise to off him. Dean promises to save him, but the message in Heart is that sometimes the only way to save someone is to kill them. However, the other message is solving things one step at a time, making the right play for the circumstances and not drawing one arbitrary line somewhere - be it between people and non-people or even that evil acts make you irredeemably evil. Slippery stuff, but that's what makes it interesting.
One thing I really like in this season is how the brothers begin to influence each other. They are still a study in contrasts, but they try out each others approaches and they've learned to value what the other brings to the table. As Sam says in the opener they have just started to be brothers again. Their relationship is so supportive that the comic Tall Tales reminding us how much they wind each other up is a needed counterpart lest things get just too damn sweet. The disturbing siblings at the centre of 2 episodes is also sends the message that it ain't all roses too. Andy has an actual evil twin. The ending of Playthings with the sisters is filled with creepy foreboding is particular to this episode. One sister gives her life up for the other and it feels wrong. Of course its foreshadowing other famous brothers but let's leave that alone just now.
In terms of Sam and Dean, their brotherhood seems to have kicked the S1 Sam and Dean team up into formidable. Their run-ins with law enforcement moves our perception of them beyond boys hunting into being increasingly impressed as they outwit cops and feds. It also moves their interactions with outsiders beyond gratitude from victims towards validation from peers and this feels important. There's the seamless teamwork with code words and all. But more importantly trust and loyalty - Sam is unswayed under police questioning in The Usual Suspects. Folsom Prison Blues most explicitly highlights Dean's almost fanatical sense of loyalty and paying your dues.
This pays off in the final two parter. As strong as All Hell Breaks Lose 2 is, part 1 is a yawn fest. But what is interesting is that while Sam does his best to found a team, Azazel can just pluck them off one by one by appeals to each person's individual self interest. The only one of the psychics who gets that the only way to win is to stick together is Sam. In my view Sam learned this from Dean. Dean is always playing the stronger together card. At this point in the show, brotherhood is about solidarity, trust and loyalty. That's actually the message here far more than love. Of course they love each other. But that alone wouldn't have got them this far. What gets them here is sticking together. When Dean finally surpasses John in killing Azazel he gets his moment of John unqualified approval and love. But right after comes the key dialogue of the season. Sam says 'you did it' and Dean replies 'I didnt do it alone'. That seems to me to highlight what's been going on so far. Learning not to do it alone. Learning to lean on and accept others. That's where the Winchester boys outgrow their upbringing and themselves.
Addendum: the angel episode House of the Holy deserves a mention. Its so finely balanced between being about angels and not when viewed on it's own. Its only on rewatching that the effects and props leave you in no doubt that even if F. Gregory isn't an angel this episode is about angels. Its curious as to why it's in season 2 rather than maybe in s3 - no angel appears until season 4. I refuse to count Gabriel in s3 as an angel appearance as he's for many seasons yet still just the trickster. So why? Maybe it's to help us understand the significance for Sam? Angels give Sam hope - making it even more awful for him that he is the object of their suspicion. Or is it about the need for faith, which tellingly Dean hadn't got.
#supernatural #spn #sam #dean #winchester
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1358456 · 5 years
Review Response, Dec 22 - 28, 2019
“28″, but I’ll be including the reviews that came in this morning. Because hey.
And... there are a lot. The most this year.
Legacy Prologue - Kalos
1) That first part DEFINITELY reminded me of the XY chapter, except Y is being the Hikikomori (shut-in) and X is trying to drag her out... It’s a good role-reversal!
I also wanted it to be like the time in XY where Y found out what happened to her mother and she got super depressed. Except this time, X tries to do something about it. Finally.
Legacy #008
Thank you!
2) Poor moon. I loved this chapter
Hey, it’s you! <3 Thank you kindly.
3) WoW cool chapter. So blue confessionele next chapter hopefully? Lol have been waiting on that for the entire story so Lets hope its the case
Haven’t we all. ... Except for those that don’t like this pairing...
4) It’s nice to see platinum trying to help blue move things was a good chapter with nice interactions with the juniors and seniors all under the same roof
It’s like a big Dex Holder family! ... But not too big, since there are far too many of them nowadays! And despite Platinum not really wanting to get involved, she helps out anyways, as “foretold” by the Headcanon Chronology!
5) While Moon really should rest, the idea of her getting that Spirit of Vengeance team you posted about on your Tumblr sounds way too awesome. ...Also Umbreon bias since it's my first (and only) shiny, but yeah.
Poor Blue - it really is probably only going to hurt her the longer she keeps it in. Wonder how that is going to play out, since I guess Platinum's now put things in motion. I think the first scene in this chapter is the one I enjoyed the most.
Damn, for Moon's Pokemon to die like that...that's gotta be traumatizing. I have to admire that determination though, even though she's shaping up to be a revenge-obsessed character from what I see.
Awesome chapter as always and can't wait for the next one!
Hehe. Spirit of Vengeance. The amount of curse in that team would be quite terrifying. Hehehe... ... Only shiny, you say? Aww...
Platinum has gotten the ball rolling despite not really wanting to. MVP of the confession? Hehe... Sisterly bonds, indeed. Now, will it work out in favor for Blue??
Moon can’t be filled with a lust for vengeance if none of her friends and Pokemon have perished. And so now she rises from her agony with ice cold determination for blood to be spilled for the blood that had been shed. ... Or does that saying go the other way around? Heh. Regardless. She’s pissed, has a bow, lethal poison, and soon to be a team packed with ghosts (and Dark types).
Thank you as always! And you won’t have to wait long~!
6) Eh lucky really isnt my cup of tea but the way you write stories is pretty awesome keep up the good work!
I could tell by the anon ID you picked. To each their own. And thank you!
7) Awww blue being so shy hahahaha. Its like the roles have reversed since the first time they met thats so cute! Anyway Great story as usual
Hehe. Timid Blue~! It’s new and very cute, isn’t it? And thank you.
8) Hey man Great story looking forward to the next chapter
Thank you. It’s coming very soon.
9) Wow this is A really underrated story I really like how you keep most characters so in character!
Still underrated... in comparison to my previous stuff. But that’s to be expected, I guess. And thank you.
10) Well Colour me surprised ! A Pokemon story thats not forcing crack pairings! Anyway Where is green in this story?
Heh. Crack pairings... Only once in a solar eclipse. And... who? Heh. He’s in Kalos and thus off screen.
11) Wtf did moons Pokemon just die? Great story but damn thats fucking dark
Yes they perished in the fire. “Die, insect” and all. ... And one of them was an insect! Heh. Ahem. ... Dark? That’s not dark. Have you seen the stuff I did in SA and Destiny? Heh...
12) I mean I kinda like the story but isnt specialshipping canon? Also this is really really dark
No, it’s not canon. What is canon is that Yellow has a crush on Red. What’s also canon is that Red is uncomfortable with the idea. And of course he is. He thought she was a guy the whole time and then suddenly found out all at once that she was a girl and had a crush on him. His response is not going to be positive. And again, this is not dark. ... Though I guess that depends on your sensitivity.
13) hey sorry for not leaving A review for so long but I still really like the story lol!
Hey, you’re back. ... Then... who’s the anon with the v2 of your ID?
14) I love your writing style!
Thank you!
15) I somehow found Pearl smacking Black across the face to wake him up funnier than it should’ve been. Haha
I wonder if Blue really will confess to Red today. If so, I wonder how the opportunity would present itself.
Its quite sad that Hau, Lillie, and two of Moon’s Pokemon died. I guess this is where Moon’s overhaul comes in. I cant wait to see Moon’s viciousness unleashed when she inevitably meets the guys responsible for all that.
I look forward to more!
Hehe. Black always getting smacked around in my stories, literally and figuratively.
Will Blue truly confess on that day (which is a day before the stuff in Alola happens), or will she fail again due to anxiety? And will it end well for her??
Moon’s overhaul is happening now, yes. For that, she’ll have to go to Galar too. And I don’t know sh*t about that region, so... that’ll be difficult. Hehe. And much later in the story when she meets her foe... oho, Rage Unleashed Moon!
16) Moon and Lillie sure get burned really bad. Also, what about the kid with the malasadas? Hopefully, Blue will confessed to Red soon...
The local boy with the malasada had the same fate as Lillie. Two stretchers with a body on top, with the white blankets pulled all the way up.
17) I figured that now would be the best time to give a review for one of your works. therefore, I should review my personal favourite.
I been a consistent and long-time reader for numerous years now without ever leaving a review. I simply didn't have an account until recently just so I can give my thoughts on some of the series that you make.
Regarding Legacy as a whole, it truely showcases your ability to take the wide variety of dexholders and thiee different personalities and place them in situations that would absolutely never occur in the actual story. I have always loved the way you portray each individual character, improving thier teama and strategies and having genuine character growth. Although Sun and Moon are my uncontested favourite characters so far, I adore the way you use Platinum B in your stories, giving her a genuine personality and character traits.
You also generate a wide range of different and creative settings for each of the characters to go through. Legacy is the perfect example of this in terms of one truely coherent story setting. by using the opportunity of the highest stakes that these dexholders may ever face, you use the opportunity to explore all of the aspects of each character amazingly and how they would face this danger.
Since Sun and Moon are my favourite characters, the wait for this chapter absolutely killed me. Although it sucks that due to the lack of reviews for these characters I will get few opportunties to read your way of presenting the characters What I am trying to say is that the way you write your characters makes them feel REAL. I genuinely believe that these are the actual characters as they personalties are replicated and refined to perfection The way both Sun and Moon react in this chapter is exactly the way I would have expected them to. Being a Deliveryshipping day 1, seeing even the slightest interactions in any media, especially in your stories always brings joy to me. I have regulary reread most of your works such as Special Chronicals and Distinct Events becuase each story is chapter is amazing in its own right.
Your amazing work has inspired me to possibly start my own project one day. I am sorry for the stress that you have gone through this year and the issues with the Discord. It will get better this year. Seeing as you use reviews to indicate the popularity of a particular series, I had to write this review so that this series can get the update it deserves so that we can all see how this fantastic story ends. Thank your for all of the amazing work you have done.
Whoa, hello. Haven’t gotten a review this long since a certain someone stopped with Destiny reviews back in July.
Accounts aren’t necessary for the reviews. Guest reviews exist! And if you use the same anon ID, I’d know it’s you. But thank you for going through the effort! It’s much appreciated!
Aww, thank you very much! <3 And while I don’t know about Sun, but Moon is going to be in the spotlight quite a lot, so enjoy it! Since Platinum is my uncontested favorite, she gets plenty of development in my stories, with new character bonds, teams, battling style, etc. And unlike in DPPt, she actually gets to do things against the enemy.
Of the three major stories I’ve written (SA, Destiny, Legacy), Legacy has the lowest stakes. But I think it’s also the most personal, which I guess means it’s much more important for individual Dex Holders. Well, we’ll see as time passes. And yes, these are kind of things that would never happen in the actual arcs, so the Dex Holders get to be stress-tested. How would they react given their personalities, tics, relationships, etc, in a realistic situation?
Oh. ... Ahem. Sorry for making you wait 7 months. Ehehe... And while it’s true that Sun and Moon currently have the lowest “viewership”, that changes as time passes. Like Black and White in SA and X and Y in Destiny. As the “meh” torch is passed down to Sword and Shield, Sun and Moon might rise in popularity, thus increasing the chances of them appearing in my stories.
I don’t really know if this was how Sun would react though. But I also don’t know how he would’ve actually reacted, so this might not be outside the possibility range. I kind of had him act like Black, really, but without being as sweet... or loud. Well, there will be more Sun & Moon interactions for you to enjoy in the upcoming chapters, so... there you go!
You should start your own project! Go for it! And eh, Discord. Sh*t happens. I wouldn’t call that stress. Anyways. Yes, I use the review count as an indicator of how many people have finished the chapter. Of course, there are plenty of people who read the chapter to the end without reviewing, and the number of people who review after reading tends to fluctuate. But if there is a trend, that indicates a trend in viewership as well. And that is what I look at. Hence the charts. And yes. We’d all like to see how the story ends. Me included. Keep up with the reviews and we’ll all see it by 2021.
And thank you so much for the review and the... sweet talking. Hehe <3
18) Just found this story and am enjoying it thoroughly. Big fan of your Blue characterization as well, I used to enjoy shipping Red with Yellow, but recently, I've come to enjoy Blue with Red.
A small nitpick - Did none of the juniors comment on Red and Blue sleeping in the same room/bed while they stayed in Red's house in the last two chapters? I would assume the female juniors already know Blue likes Red and so won't say anything unnecessary, but I guess the guys are a little more tactful than we give them credit for?
Looking forward to me. Cheers.
Red with Blue works very well. And it’s cute! Hehe... ... biased.
Heh. The girls... already know, since the girls who are in the house were Platinum, White, and Y, and they already know of Blue’s crush and all that. So White and Y would just snicker at the fact that Red and Blue are sleeping on the same bed, while Platinum would just smile. As for the boys... Diamond might notice something if he spent more time talking to Red and Blue before and after. But I doubt Pearl or Black would notice anything odd. They’d probably just assume that Red and Blue are sharing the bed because a ton of guests were sleeping in the living room, so there were no other options.
Of course, all that’s assuming that the juniors know that Red and Blue are sleeping on the same bed. I don’t recall having Red and Blue give them a tour of the house, so as far as the juniors know, there might be another bed upstairs. ... Though a house tour is generally the first thing you do, but... heh. Ambiguity. No one knows for sure.
And I look forward to seeing more reviews from you!
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Well well. Would you look at THAT. Way above the average now. So... looks like I’ll have to keep my word and update Legacy again before this year ends in 3 days. Heh. Of course, I did notice a few things but... well... whatever.
18. That’s the most reviews I’ve gotten in a chapter in all of 2019. Or 2018. ... And vast majority of 2017 (Legacy Prologue - Kanto was in January 2017). If this kind of thing happened much more frequently, I would be updating Legacy like once every two weeks, instead of 3~4 times in a year.
But, there you have it! New record in almost 3 years. As a result... Legacy update in 3 days.
DE #031
1) Sun and moon are so cute. I love them
Support the new...ish pairing!
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And with that, DE #031 is no longer in the top 4 least reviewed. Yay!
SC #017
1) Awesome story.
Thank you.
2) Well that was...brutal alright. Thugs deserved it though. I'm mildly surprised no one died, but I think that's more because I'm used to seeing that from your old "doom hammer" chapters.
I admit the Santa part was an amusing touch, and I guess that explains why you needed to release this by the end of the year. Heh, Blue's gadgets are useful as always and very effective - that's a nice disguise. That action scene was awesome and easily the best scene in this chapter. The situation aside...it was nice to see Red be a hero even without his Pokemon.
You were right - this is an enjoyable chapter and I like this "brutal Red" experiment. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Heh. The doom hammer is for serious stories. Not comical ones. So no one dies in the hands of Santa Claus. This time.
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Ahem. Well, there’s the inspiration for the chapter, and the reason behind the line of “Or Santa will go jolly on your naughty asses with a candy cane axe”. Hehe. Cheers, everyone, Santa has come to town!
And the duo of Red and Blue becomes much stronger. Mercenary Red with technological support!
Hehe. Much more serious brutal Red (instead of comical) to come up later as the experimentation continues. Ohoho!
3) holy crud, santa beating up a gang is greatest thing ever
Yep. Santa going to town on their naughty asses with a candy cane bat. What’s not to love?
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And with that, the latest SC chapter is now in the top 4 least reviewed. For now?
... Looks like the “A Day at Work” chapters are failing miserably, since they’re at 1 and 3 reviews respectively. So... I guess I won’t be doing that again.
And with this, the longest review response post of 2019 has come to an end.
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