#this needs more fan fiction
axolotlbottle · 2 years
❝ Under the maple tree.❞
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I ship these two so much <3 Ship isn't enough. They are my OTP! I just wanted to draw them being cute together. Though I have tons of head canons and stuff for them. There aren't words how much I wanna hug them ahHhhh.
I need a ship name, but I can't think of one, but maybe a ship-name that's like a word?
Like "CrowPaint" (because Embry is a artist) or something along those lines. I need help because I want to make a fan fiction for these two so badly!
In the forest behind Ryo's house, there lies a maple tree thats' leafs almost touch the ground. A perfect hiding spot for the lovecrows.
They're children so obviously their love is all fluff and stuff, full of giggling and bashfulness. Of course they keep their relationship I secret, not out of shame, they're just embarassed as any other kid would be about crushes!
Ryo is the rowdy boyfriend who will gladly fight (and probably get his butt kicked) for Embry. Embry admires Ryo's energy, but they always wish for him to stay out of trouble.
P.S this is the first time I have drawn embry. I forgot details such as the stripes on their PJ's and their apron, but other than that I did a decent job. You get a cookie if you noticed their bunny slippers having heart-shaped eyes ✨️.
As in for Ryo, I made him darker-skinned because if he's going to be a farm boy, I imagine him having a darker complexition because of the sun!
You get an extra cookie if you spot the easter egg!
⚠️‼️‼️My instagram is floresdeaxolotl. Please don't repost this anywhere without asking me first! Thank you. ‼️‼️⚠️
©️: Characters belong respectfully to Arcadekitten who are in her games : Its not me its my basement and crowscare!
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imfinereallyy · 3 months
some of us, and I’m not naming names, need to start being properly tagged on fics.
Angst: Is it me?
Unhappy Ending: Is it me?
……it’s not Angst.
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kaitoukye · 2 months
Kaito finds a Death Note.
Its dropped outside his school as if its waiting for him, and he picks it up thinking its a silly joke. Maybe he can use it as a prank later? He doesn't use it, doesn't even test it. Its a joke so why should he? He has a KID heist to attend. When he faces off Snake that night his mind briefly flashes to the notebook in his desk. He brushes it off but the thought lingers. If anyone deserves to die its the man who killed his father. (His father is alive but he doesn't know that) That night, tired and exhausted from the heist, he pulls out the notebook and studies the rules more. It still seems ridiculous. With just someone's name and face he could kill them? Was he even that sort of guy? Very elaborate for a prank. He puts it away for the night, but the rules trace the edges of his dreams.
The very next day there's a hostage situation at a daycare, and the notebook is in Kaito's hands even on just a small hope he can do more then gape at the television.
It will just be the one time, he swears. (Later on he'll think Hakuba has caught on that he's killing more and more people, cornering him after school. He expects the bastard to try to arrest him. Instead Saguru shoves a second notebook into his hands with an awkward smile) (Even later, Shinichi will think that the death rate in the area is just a bit too high even for the exaggerated world they live in, and begin an investigation)
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squeezetheduck · 3 months
Here’s the thing with people shipping Alastor, I could not care less about who people ship Alastor with or whether they ship him at all, what I do care about though is people making him allo.
This is one of the few cannon ace (possibly aro) characters out there and he can 100% be shipped in verity of ways without ignoring he is ace or aroace.
Make him aroace but still platonicly obsessed with Lucifer or Vox.
Make him sex repulsed or indifferent it doesn’t really matter (I could 100% see him having sex with someone for entertainment purposes just like I can see him being sex repulsed).
Even make him Demi/grey-ace if you must show him reciprocating sexual attraction.
Bonus points if he’s aro and you play around with platonic relationships/QPRs.
I know at the end of the day he is a fictional character and people will do what they want, but please listen to aro/ace fans when we ask you not completely ignore his sexuality when there are so many ways you can still play around with his characterization without disrespecting one of the few cannon ace characters to exist in TV.
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thefabledpheasant · 3 months
Jealousy in real life relationships is unwanted but in fictional relationships? I eat that shit UP every time. Like, yesss that’s your love being hit on, go unnecessarily wild about it. Be possessive. Kiss them in front of the other person. Eat the other person, even. I don’t care, just show me you’re jealous.
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1driedpersimmon · 1 year
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I’ve been thinking about L change the world again… that movie is so silly but it’s totally wormed it’s way into my heart
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“Oh, so you read fan fiction before bed too as a little bedtime story, what do you usually read, some cute fluff maybe?”
I need a specifically curated story about my favourite evil twink taking it up the stink star
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mikakuna · 4 months
no actually acab includes dick grayson, hope this helps <3
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high-in-the-tower · 1 month
Armand going to the theater and getting his shit rocked by an actor,,,,,,I just KNOW the Tumblr account would have gone crazy
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The Captain, Kitty and Robin are Alloace-Aroace-Aroallo solidarity. tO ME.
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shikai-the-storyteller · 11 months
There are SO many cool interactions and lore things we can look forward to now that Rubius says he'll come back to QSMP (not only as an angel / demon, but potentially as a human too!), but that little detail reminded me of something:
Even though q!Vegetta and q!Rubius were mutually interested in each other wayyyy back in the beginning of the series, as an Angel / Demon, Rubius said he can't have relationships with humans because it's against the rules.
But a bit ago on stream, Rubius said that he's thinking about having a "human" side so he can build and do more things on the server as a regular player. I'm excited because this means he can have more casual interactions with people and we can see him interacting with his friends more (and he can experience The Horrors), but also...
I think we're in for some very interesting drama in the next few weeks.*
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* ( Assuming Rubius doesn't get harassed off the server by toxic shippers and weird fans of the Eggs again. Please be nice to Rubius and welcome him back kindly, he's a very cool guy and his character is SO interesting )
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bandtrees · 11 months
Annoying fandom people when you tell them characters do things based on writers’ decisions and biases and are not fully autonomous sapient beings they’re watching in a terrarium
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writerquil · 10 months
ayawilliams shoulders must be aching from carrying alenoah
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breakofdawn12 · 10 days
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When your bodyguard secret wife is a bit too good at her job cuz she got them ✨ trust issues ✨
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poppingaround · 2 years
The fact that I’m still obsessed with moon knight after the show was ended like, months ago?? How, why, what
I can’t stop thinking about them and I just keep falling deeper and deeper omg😭🤲
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stpwrites · 11 months
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Art by Chris Yarborough.
Sometimes to save the world, you've got to punch a few dragons…
When the planet is being eaten by interdimensional parasites who literally tear holes in reality, what do you do? If you're Charlie Chase, you dive headfirst into an interdimensional adventure. Charlie knows her calling is a weighty one, but she trusts her mentor’s orders: Travel to another dimension, fix the tear, and get home to do it all over again.
But when she gets stuck on an alternate Earth, she has to turn to the most unexpected of allies: a younger, more eccentric, more infamous version of the brilliant mind that sent her on her mission. This version of Vera Baum is as much socialite as scientist, who seems to embrace the notion that curiosity killed the cat, in the way that means she's determined to use up all nine of her lives blasting through a kaleidoscope of genre-bending realities. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better, especially when they’re pursued by reality-eating parasites and a biomechanical hound hellbent on killing Vera.
Ladyhoppers by Sarah Thérèse Pelletier and Scott James Taylor, a casually queer, genre-hopping, multiverse-spanning, madcap buddy comedy packed full of flaming zeppelins, coffee shop romances, car chases, dragon punching scientists, and more pirates than you can shake a multi-limbed death machine at, is available for order now!
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