#this needs a lot of fixing but I wanna be able to finish it one day
leighsartworks216 · 23 hours
Sweet Tooth
Sylus x gn!Reader
I was nodding off while writing this cuz 1. I need a nap so bad and 2. It's just so peaceful the vibes of this fic are really nice
Edit: fixed some minor phrasing
Warnings: biting, kissing, established relationship, fluff, food/baking
Word Count: 1,771
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No matter how long you spend with Sylus in the N109 Zone, your sleep schedule remains persistent. Sure, you stay up as late as you can to spend the night with him while he’s up and about, but the darkness, warm ambiance, and your body’s own internal clock turn against you sooner or later.
Sylus does the same for you, too. He grumbles about it, but he does enjoy spending the morning with you when you’re extra cuddly, searching for the last vestiges of your sleep before you have to get up. He’s better at staying awake, but you catch him dozing a lot, head tilted back and eyes closed as he lounges in a chair near you. It’s adorable. You love the effort you both put into trying to maximize your time together.
But today, Sylus is conked out. He was gone for most of the night and came back worn and weary. He didn’t have any visible injuries, but when you cupped his cheek and used your Evol, you could feel how drained his own was. He nearly fell asleep right there, eyes closing dangerously as he leaned into your touch and the soothing warmth of your ability. You dragged him to his bedroom, kissed his forehead, and told him to sleep. He mumbled vague threats about you waking him up, but they fell into silence before he finished any of them.
With the mansion to yourself for the day, you have to find ways to occupy yourself.
The twins and you play Kitty Cards for a bit, but they cheat so horrendously and tease you for losing, so that’s out until Sylus can sit behind you and glare at them any time their fingers try to slip more than one card from the draw pile.
You go through his books. A few are interesting; texts about Protocores and Evols stealing your attention for a time. But they have you yawning and wanting to crawl into bed with Sylus.
You even go to his dedicated exercise space, but without a partner to spar with, you don’t even work up a sweat before leaving.
Normally, you aren’t so restless. Any other time you had to spend the day with yourself, you were able to settle on something for long stretches of time, even into the night if you weren’t careful. Now, you can’t sit still for 30 minutes.
You check the time. 9:56. It’s not even 10 yet and you’re already struggling to come up with things to do. You fall into a couch in one of the lounge rooms with a humph, pulling out your phone and preparing to fall into a doomscroll through old Moments posts.
Fortunately, one of the first few posts is the perfect motivator not to: a recipe promising to be the number 1 rated chocolate chip recipe. You click on the article and scroll through until you reach the comments.
These are the best cookies I’ve ever had!!!
mmmnn wanna eat the dough raw its sooo gooooood
Tossing my store-bought cookies out rn I will only be making these from now on
It seems promising enough… You look at all the ingredients you need. It also seems simple enough for you to manage without burning the place down. You’d be surprised if the kitchen wasn’t already stocked with everything listed. But just in case…
You head down to the kitchen where the chef is coming up with meal suggestions for dinner. He’s jovial, always red in the cheeks and bright eyed. You wonder how he got hired on. You ask for help gathering the ingredients you need, and he’s happy to bounce from cabinet to fridge getting everything. Once they’re all laid out on the counter, you thank him and ask if you can have the kitchen to yourself. He bows and tells you to have fun, going over his list of notes as he leaves.
You turn the oven on, setting it to the correct temperature and letting it preheat. You forgot to ask the chef about bowls and measuring cups, but you find them easily and set them on the counter with the ingredients. Once you have music playing (quietly) on your phone, it’s easy to lose yourself in the process.
The world hones in on each step. You measure out the flour and sugars, mixing them together with a whisk. Without any preplanning, you have to soften the butter in the microwave before you can add it. Eggs are cracked against the countertop, calcium-rich shells scraping quietly as you set them aside to throw away later. A dash of vanilla, and a generous amount of chocolate chips, and the dough is ready.
You find a couple baking sheets and line them with parchment paper. As you roll small amounts of dough in your hands, you bounce on your feet, excited to taste your sweet treats in just 15 short minutes. You pinch off a little extra from one dough-ball and pop it into your mouth. If this was a preview for the finished product… You hurry to get them into the oven and set a timer.
To distract yourself from constantly checking the time, you clean up your mess. You put away what you remember the designated locations of, and set the rest aside for somebody else to deal with.
Hm, you should probably leave some for the chef, as a thank you for letting you borrow the space. And save a few for Luke and Kieran, or else they’d bug you for “forgetting” them for the rest of your days.
You open up cabinets until you find plates. There’s a set, the perfect size to divide the batch of cookies between three parties. You reach for it, stretching to be on your tip-toes. You gasp as a hand comes into your vision. When you try to back up, you hit a wall of muscle. A clingy wall of muscle, if the way his arm wraps around your waist and holds you there is any indicator. He grabs a plate from the stack.
“Ah, I need three,” you quickly tell him. He sighs, but does as you say, bringing down three plates and setting them on the counter. As soon as his hand is free, you’re being fully embraced by Sylus, both arms holding you close to him as he presses his face into your neck. You reach up to run your fingers through his hair. “Did I wake you up?”
It doesn’t seem like he’ll answer for a moment, until he breathes in deeply and presses a soft kiss along your shoulder. “No. I could smell whatever you’re making through the whole mansion.” His voice is quiet and rough, affected by his slumber.
You smile and turn your head to kiss his forehead. “I’m making cookies,” you say. “They’ll be done soon. I was gonna leave some for the chef and the twins. But most of them will be just for us.”
You glance at the timer, anxious to know how much time is left, but you still have several minutes before you need to worry about it. You tap his arms and he reluctantly loosens his hold, enough for you to turn around and hug him back. His arms tighten once more.
“You’re clingy when you’re tired, you know that?”
He huffs a laugh against your skin. “As if you haven’t insisted on having me carry you around everywhere before because you were, quote, ‘too tired to walk anymore.’”
You tug playfully at his hair. He groans and bites your neck. It’s not harsh, but it does sting. You’re sure it’ll leave a mark regardless.
“Now you’re just being mean,” he growls.
You laugh and kiss his cheek. “Only a little. I think it’s cute.”
He doesn’t answer. His teeth nibble lightly along an invisible path, interspersed with light kisses. One of your hands combs through his soft hair, scratching his scalp lightly as you pet him. The other trails slowly along his back, side, and around to his stomach, searching for injuries hidden beneath his clothes. He notices, but he says nothing.
“Are you okay?” you whisper to him.
He pulls his mouth from your skin, finally lifting his head to look down at you with half-lidded eyes. The striking red of his irises seem softer right now, like the delicate plumage of a cardinal. “I’m alright.”
You study his face, as if you’d know if he was lying to you. But you believe him. So you nod and press a feather-light kiss to his lips. He sighs at the contact, like he’d never been touched so sweetly for hundreds of years. It’s such a beautiful sound.
The oven’s alarm startles you out of the moment. Sylus groans with a frown, letting you go and stepping away until his back hits the kitchen island. Your hand squeezes his side apologetically before you pull away.
You don a couple of oven mitts and open the oven door. The cookies are all aligned on the baking sheets, golden brown and slightly oozy from the overkill of chocolate you added. You excitedly pull each pan out and set them on the stovetop, before turning off the oven.
The recipe says to let them cool for five minutes… but you don’t have the patience for that today. You grab one of the plates from the counter and a spatula from a drawer, and carefully deposit some cookies onto the plate. You’re positively beaming when you bring them over to Sylus, holding the plate up to him.
“Want one?”
He hums. “Yes, but…” He takes the plate from you and sets it behind him. “You’ll burn your mouth if you eat one now.”
You half-heartedly glare up at him. “C’mon, Sy, I’ll be careful. I worked hard on these!”
“And you can stand to wait a few more minutes to taste the fruits of your labor, sweetie.”
“You just want more cuddles, don’t you?”
“Of course.” He grins. “Is there any better way to pass the time?”
You sigh, long and dramatic. But you wrap your arms around him, resting your head on his chest, right over his erratic heartbeat. He tangles a hand in your hair this time, cupping the back of your neck to hold you in place.
He feels the exact moment you go to reach for the plate and snatches your hand away from it, holding it captive by intertwining your fingers together. “Sneaky, but I’m not tired enough to pull that trick, kitten.”
You chuckle and press your nose against his septum. “It was worth a shot.”
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cold-neon-ocean · 1 year
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Okay so I've had this WIP laying around for over a year now lol This was my very first attempted at drawing buildings or a cityscape and I definitely got super stuck bc I had no idea what I was doing but I'd like to pick this pack up someday~
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screampied · 19 days
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𓉸ྀི an. hi people welcome to my first kinktober event! some things may be scrapped + tweaked or added on but i will try my best to complete them all. make sure to heed each of the warnings before each fic. happy almost spooky season! ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა taglist : closed
𓉸ྀི cw. all “tapes” will contain explicit content and will each be tagged accordingly with their proper warnings.
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feat. vampires! sukuna ‘n choso + threesomes.
؏  summary. when they’re both 10s but they’re also vampires. hungry blood-thirsty vampires who’ll stop at nothing to claim you. with how sweet you taste, maybe humans aren’t so bad after all.
cw. vampire! au, threesomes, double penetratíon, manhandling, spít-roasting.
feat. ghostface!toji + roleplay / knife play.
؏ summary. you know girl, usually when someone’s about to get stabbed, they scream—not moan. ghostface is supposed to be scary, intimidating, terrifying. but what happens when he’s tall, hot, and has a scar that runs down the right side of his lip? maybe his motive this time was to make you scream out his name in another way. welcome to act three.
cw. slight dacryphilia, glove + mask fetish, manhandling, body worship, corruption kink.
feat. ex-husband! gojo + hate séx.
؏ summary. perhaps screwing your ex-husband while the kids are out trick-or-treating wasn’t the best idea. it was only supposed to be one more time—but that’s never the case, especially when you literally were once married to gojo satoru. but with him, the only treat he wants to trick is not in a basket—it’s right between your legs. boo!
cw. brat taming, hate séx that turns into make-up séx, dumbification, body worship, brēeding kink.
feat. true form! sukuna + monsterfucking.
؏ summary. in dire need of inspiration for a last minute demonology project you end up actually summoning a demon by accident. not only is he just a demon, but he’s sukuna ryomen—the king of curses. he’s pissed, ticked, but most importantly, he’s got two … dicks?
cw. college!au, heian era sukuna, manhandling, he uses his stomach mouth(s), double penetratíon, bréeding kink.
feat. cult leader! geto + exhibitionism.
؏ summary. think twice before you decide to act like a brat in front of your cult leader boyfriend. what you thought would just be another lame bent-over-the-knee spanking for a punishment was instead geto shamelessly fucking you in front of his entire cult. but thanks to you, his meeting just became a lot more interesting . .
cw. brat reader, public séx, dumbification, órgasm play, spít kink.
feat. neighbor nanami + órgasm control.
؏ summary. playing with yourself on halloween night? check. forgetting your walls are literally paper-fucking-thin? check. not being able to make yourself finish? embarrassing also check. but thanks to your neighbor, he fixes that for you. what does screampied really mean? you’re about to find out.
cw. guided masterbatíon, pleasure dom nanami, body worship, praise, turning nanami pússy drunk, bondage.
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filmed by screampied.
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forwhomthewordsflow · 19 days
Sleeping Conditions
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steve harrington x fem!reader
18+ ONLY MDNI!!!
warnings: established relationship, some allusions to smut, reader has breasts, fluff, fluff, more fluff, some anxiety
author's note: i felt the need to validate my own specific sleeping conditions with this little blurb that ended up being longer than expected...we're not high maintenance! we just wanna sleep!
word count: 2.6k
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The weatherman had jovially warned the city of Hawkins this morning about a bit of rain that was supposed to roll in later on in the evening.  A slight drizzle, just enough to water the grass but nothing to worry about.
Except, the weatherman seemed to have underestimated today’s weather, because you were currently sat down on the couch at your boyfriend’s house watching the torrential downpour that was occurring outside his living room window. 
Normally, this would be cause for celebration.  An impromptu sleepover at Steve’s house! Yay!
But you were not celebrating, no.  You were sort of freaking out, actually.
You’re able to fully recognize how strange it is for someone to have such specific sleeping conditions in the way that you do, but what are you supposed to do?  It’s the only way you can really get a good night’s rest!
In your perfect world, you’re in your room where the thermostat is set at 69.  There is not one light source in sight, you even make sure to throw a t-shirt over the tiny light on your alarm clock.  Alone in your completely pitch black room, you’re able to sleep comfortably in just a pair of comfy panties.  You love the way your two blankets, duvet, and jersey sheet set feel on your bare skin. 
 In order for you to be able to fall asleep the pillow under your head has to be just right, you have to have a slightly flatter pillow parallel to your body, your smallest blanket has to be tucked between your legs in a specific way, and the blankets have to be adjusted based on how hot or cold you feel on that particular night.  
When plans are made for you to sleep somewhere else, you always make sure to bring your two pillows and your smallest blanket, but you still can’t seem to sleep that well unless you’re really tired. 
It’s really a lot.
So naturally, with all of this in mind, you’re freaking out about having to stay the night at Steve’s house tonight. 
You love him, you really do, but your relationship with him is still relatively new.  You’ve only spent the night together a handful of times, and those nights of sleep for you were always aided by the effects of one too many drinks at the Hideout with friends or a passionate night of lovemaking. 
You’ve never had a normal night in with Steve before.
And he is so excited about it.
Steve’s been craving any ounce of domesticity with you that he can get.  Sure, he’s made you romantic dinners before and you’ve come over for movie nights a bunch of times, but it’s never been just a normal sleepover.
He can’t wait to watch you go through your night routine, to cuddle up with you in bed as you both fall asleep, and then to wake up to you tomorrow morning.
He was all too excited to alert you to the fact that you wouldn’t be able to drive home safely tonight, and that you’d most likely have to stay the night with him.
You’re thankful Steve hasn’t noticed how anxious you’re becoming as the night goes on, because he’s so sweet that you could cry.
He watched you through the mirror as you brushed your teeth together side by side.  
The huge grin on his face made it hard for him to get to his back teeth, but he’d gladly sacrifice one night of dental hygiene for you any time. 
He sat on the toilet and gazed adoringly at you as you washed your face and brushed your hair.  
Steve was happy that the travel sized toiletries he’d purchased for you a couple weeks ago were being put to use.
You took a longer time than you normally would in an attempt to delay the inevitable, but Steve was on an opposite mission.
When you were finished in the bathroom, Steve ran into his bedroom to fix up his bed and lay out a t-shirt for you to sleep in. 
You stood there nervously, holding the t-shirt in your slightly shaking hands.  You know you won’t be able to sleep in this, but would Steve be comfortable with you sleeping practically naked?  He might take it as a sign that you want to have sex or something, but you’re feeling much too anxious to get into that headspace right now.  
Steve notices you standing at the foot of his bed, staring down at his faded Hawkins Athletics t-shirt in your hands.
“Everything okay, baby?”
Your head shoots up to meet his eyes, quickly trying your best to wipe the upset look off of your face.  You nod your head and smile over at Steve.  
Steve shoots you a warm grin, he’s not convinced that you’re totally fine, but he’s assuming you’re just a little nervous about the storm or staying the night with him.  
You retreat back into his bathroom to change out of your clothes and into his t-shirt, which Steve finds a little odd.  He’s seen every square inch of your body, and you’ve certainly changed in front of him before, but he shrugs and goes back to fluffing his pillows for you.  
Meanwhile, you’re taking comfort in the smell of Steve on his shirt, holding it up to your nose and taking deep breaths over and over hoping to calm yourself down.
So what if you can’t sleep tonight?  You’ve definitely survived through sleepless nights before.
But Steve would definitely notice if you couldn’t sleep.  He’s so caring and attentive.  
That means that he’ll be awake worrying about why you’re not asleep, which keeps him from getting any sleep, and then you’ll both just be awake and miserable all night long.
Maybe you should just pretend to fall asleep until he actually falls asleep.  
You’re startled by a gentle knock on the door.
“Sweetheart?  I’ve got the bed ready for us.”
You take one more deep breath, exiting the bathroom to envelope Steve in a tight hug around his chest.
He stumbles back a bit at the force of your affections, but is quick to wrap his strong arms around you with a warm chuckle into your hair.
“Ready for bed?” he asks you.
You sigh into his chest.  “As I’ll ever be.”
After half an hour of cuddling with Steve, you’ve given up on all attempts to get comfortable.
It’s not that you weren’t comfortable in Steve’s arms, far from it.  The feeling of his naked chest rising and falling against your back and his thick arms surrounding you was possibly the only thing keeping you from crawling out of your skin at the moment. 
Steve’s felt your irregular breathing and squirming for the past ten minutes, but he didn’t want to distract you just in case you were on the cusp of falling asleep.  It was the slightly irritated sigh you let out that let him know that something was wrong.
You knew you shouldn’t have sighed like that, but you couldn’t help it.  The pillow under your head wasn’t right, the blanket on your legs was too warm, and you could feel the tag on Steve’s t-shirt resting at the back of your neck.  You felt Steve’s arms tighten just a bit around you, you had hoped he’d been asleep.
“Hey, you okay?” he whispers into your ear.
“Y-yeah, yeah I’m okay,” you answer, “just trying to get comfy.”
You feel Steve rise to one elbow behind you and you turn your head to look up at him as he clicks on the lamp on his nightstand.
“What can I do to help?”
The sweet, adoring look on his face is what causes the dam to break, and your eyes fill with tears.
Steve is instantly alarmed, rushing to hold your face gently in one of his big hands.
“Baby, baby,” he coos, “Hey, what’s wrong, huh?”
You roughly wipe your face with the heels of your palms, and let out a trembling breath.
“It’s nothing, Steve.  Let’s just go to bed, okay?”
Steve’s eyebrows furrow together as he frowns down at you.  “Baby, I’m sorry but something’s obviously wrong.  Tell me what it is so I can fix it.”  He brings his hand back up to your cheek and lets his thumb stroke your skin back and forth soothingly.  You decide to let it all out.
“It’s just that–I can’t sleep here.”
Steve looks at you confused.  “I–you’ve slept here before, right?”
“I mean, yes, but also no.  It’s all so complicated Stevie.”
He sees that your walls are starting to come down with the use of your favorite pet name for him.  He loves when you call him Stevie, it’s only when you’re being soft and sweet with him that you use it.
“Just tell me what’s bothering you, baby, please.  Maybe I won’t think it’s so complicated.”  Steve strokes the hair next to your ear and speaks to you in his lower, warmer, sleepy voice.  It’s like a balm to all of your worries.
“I have these very specific sleeping conditions at home.  If it’s not just right, then I can’t sleep.”
Steve nods his head.  “What kind of conditions are we talking about?”
You take a deep breath, readying yourself to lay it all out on the table in front of Steve, hoping and praying that he doesn’t think that you’re some kind of high maintenance freak when it’s all over.
“I can’t sleep with a shirt on, it feels weird on my skin.  And I can’t sleep without my pillows from my bed.  Or my blanket between my legs.  And I feel all hot and itchy and it’s usually so cold and dark in my room.”  You’d been ranting while making an effort to not meet Steve’s eyes, worried at what you might see there.  When you finally do look at him, he’s hard to read.
“I know it’s a lot and it’s probably too much and I’m probably too much and-”
You're interrupted by Steve placing his pointer over your lips to silence you.  The firm stare he’s fixing you with commands of your attention.
“First of all, you are not, ever too much.  I can handle anything you throw at me, baby.  I swear.”
The edges of your lips quirk up in the beginnings of a smile, Steve takes his finger from your lips and goes back to holding the side of your face.
“Why didn’t you tell me about all of this before we laid down?”
You huff softly and look away, embarrassed to have been so scared to tell him about your anxieties when he’s obviously the greatest, sweetest, most understanding boyfriend on the planet. 
“I guess I was just nervous that you’d think I was high maintenance.”
Steve scoffs.  “You’re saying this to the guy who used to wake up an hour earlier for school in the mornings so that he could do his hair every day.”  Steve playfully growls into your neck when he says this, and you can’t hold back your giggles.
He looks at you, still stroking your hair, and smiles before planting a kiss on your lips and pulling away with a ‘mwah.’
“What can we do to make it better, hm?”
You think for a bit, and then sheepishly ask, “Would it be okay if I slept without my shirt?”
Steve blushes and blinks at you a few times, shocked that you’d even feel like you had to ask.
“Of course, baby.  I’d never say no to that, c’mon now.”  You both sit up, giggling softly as he helps you take your his shirt off.  Steve seems to be trapped in a daze, his eyes glazing over as he takes in all of your newly naked skin.
“What’s next?” he slurs, still staring at your chest.  You laugh and playfully shove his shoulder, breaking him out of his trance.
You look around at the bed and his room, biting your lip while you think of how else to make yourself more comfortable. 
“Do you have any extra pillows maybe?” you ask, bringing your knees to your chest and resting your chin on top of them.
Steve does a quick survey of his room, then remembers that he might’ve seen some in his closet.  He darts out of bed and makes his way over to his closet to search for them.
You take this opportunity to bask in the love you have for him.  In the warm light of his lamp, you watch as the muscles of his upper body flex and ripple while he rummages through his closet.  You can’t believe that this beautiful man is not only yours, but that he’s going through all of this effort just to make sure you can sleep comfortably with him in his bed.  You’re so unbelievably lucky.
Steve turns around to triumphantly hold up two pillows for you to inspect.  
“Which one?” He asks. 
“Both, if that’s okay.”  He nods and hurries back over to the bed, pillows in hand.  You take one and place it on top of the one you had been laying on, trying to copy the fullness of your pillow at home.  You take the second pillow and place it between your legs, for your right leg to rest on top of.  You’d always loved sleeping on your side, but hated the feeling of your thighs sticking together.
Steve tries to be good, but he can’t help himself from watching your naked breasts move while you readjust the pillows to your liking.  He feels a warmth in his chest as he observes you making yourself comfortable in his bed, and he wishes for many, many more nights like this.  
You adjust the blankets around your leg so that your leg isn’t completely covered, and you finally lay down with a huff.  
“Better?” Steve asks as he leans over to turn his lamp off.  He’s happy to slide behind you once again, relishing in the feel of your bare skin on his.
“I think so.”
Everything is fine, really.  It’s just that the pillow in between your thighs keeps slipping away.  Ugh.
“You think so?” Steve tickles your side with his fingers, he loves the sound of your girlish giggles.
“It’s just the pillow between my legs.  It won’t stay put.”
Steve takes a breath, assessing the situation.  He doesn’t really have any other throw blankets lying around, and he makes a mental note to buy some more before the next time you come over.  Then, he gets an idea.
“Can I try something?”
You turn your head towards him and nod, curious about what his idea is.
Steve takes the pillow from your legs and pulls it out from under the comforter, tossing it at the end of the bed.  He then grabs your right thigh and lifts it a bit.  You begin to question his plan, but then you feel the warmth of his right thigh sliding between yours.  Steve hikes his knee up a little higher on the bed, so that his thigh fits snuggly in between your legs.  
“Oh,” you say, cheeks heating up at the feeling of his thick, muscular thigh against your core.
You adjust your hips a bit, and then at last relax into Steve’s embrace, comfy at last.
Steve laughs smugly, “Is that alright?”
“Mhmm,” you murmur, smiling and already feeling sleepier by the second.
“Goodnight sweetheart,” Steve whispers into your ear before pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“G’night Stevie,” you reply.
The last thing you feel before drifting off into dreamland are Steve’s arms tightening around you, holding you as you sleep soundly all through the night.
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taglist <3
@josephquinnsfreckles @the-fairy-anon @anukulee @yujyujj @littlebebebunny @meetmeatyourworst @lalalala-melmosworld @someantics
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mimisplayground · 10 months
Jealous Jealous Jealous Boy ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
Tags: Hookups, Jealous Toji, Rough Sex, Dumbification, all fully consented!!, Orgasm denial briefly, dacryphilia, Mean Toji
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Toji Fushiguro was a lot of things.
A womanizer.
A sleaze.
A bum.
And most importantly to you, a great fuck.
Which was really all you cared about, if you had to think about it. When he was behind you, and his pace was downright cruel, you found yourself caring very little about the rest of the things that Toji was.
Because out of the two men you kept on speed dial for a quick hook up, Toji was certainly the one you frequented most. His thrusts bordered onto brutal and the huffs and groans he made when you two were fucking like dogs in heat, it was nothing short of pure bliss in your opinion.
And there was rarely any real talking involved. Small words exchanged before he would demolish you and then leave. The other hook up was better at talking. But you really shouldn’t be thinking about that guy. Speak of the devil and all of that.
Though, you had a feeling the real devil was the man behind you, when you caught a glimpse of the frown on his face as he stared at your now ringing phone. And yeah, maybe “Quick Hookup #2” wasnt the most discreet name, but how were you supposed to know you would have to be discreet on your own phone? The glare Toji had was deadly, and his thrusts had completely stopped.
A silence overtook the room at that point, the phone finally finished ringing before a ding spiked through the silence. You hear Toji hum to himself, reading off the text in his head before his voice, with a cruel tone to it, read it out loud. “Had fun last night babe, wanna link again tonight…” he finished off like it was just something in the news.
You quickly go to crawl away, caught off guard by the hand that pushes you down, and stayed firm on your back. “Why you runnin’ away, babe?” His voice downright murderous and you could only let out what could be described as a squeak in response.
When your silence rang out, Toji laughed. An insincere, mean, and angry laugh. And when his hips snapped forward and you let out a harsh wail at the unexpected movement, the laugh turned to more of a growl.
“Now you wanna make a noise,” He huffs, your phone abandoned and both hands gripping your hips harshly “now that I’m fucking you the way you needed, ain’t that right slut?” His words are cruel and his thrusts are even crueler. Your moans and sobs are echoing through the room, barely able to get louder than the slapping of skin.
The room smelled of sex and sweat and you couldn’t possibly think straight, nothing could fix the almost broken babble streaming out of your mouth. Small and pitiful pleas of “sorry” “didn’t mean it” “gonna cum” and indecipherable babble between it. A tiny please peaking through some of the rambling if you listened hard enough.
“Oh you’re sorry? Sorry but you’re still begging for this dick, fucking whore.” He grunts out, his grip getting tight enough that you could expect bruises there in the morning. And right as you were at the peak, teetering that edge, he stopped.
You let out a broken sob, pleading for him to continue before your phone was held in front of your face, with “Quick Hookup #2” pulled up on your phone in your contacts. “Block ‘em. Or I’ll quit fucking you right now.” Toji said firmly, letting your hands grasp the phone and fumble with it, dropping it once or twice before finally managing to click the block button.
When your phone was pulled from your hands, you let out a sigh of relief as the thrusts picked up again. “If I ever find out you go fucking someone else again, I’ll kill them and fuck you so hard you’ll forget your own name.” He huffed, and then the brutal thrusts started again, and his skin slapped against yours. And even as you reached your peak this time, he didn’t stop.
He fucked you through your first orgasm and sent you hurdling straight towards a second one, dismissing your twitches to get away in favor of your pleads for more coming from your mouth.
And that night you learned something else about Toji Fushiguro that you never knew before.
He was an extremely jealous man.
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wonysugar · 1 month
self indulgent drabble because 1. writer’s block is truly eating my ass and 2. i just got struck with an idea as i heard an audio and i need to get it out of my system before i lose my motivation.. AND WHAT BETTER WAY TO DO THAT THAN WITH BELLEEE?!?
cw!! cheating(??) just to be safe, fem!reader is dating someone that’s amab! mentions of threesomes, lots, lots of dick mentions and dick sucking, if you don’t like dick at all this isn’t for you i’m really sorry</3
psst, by the way, p/n stands for partner name!
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you and your partner have an amazing relationship, and an even better sex life, that much was obvious. although you both were content, you couldn’t help but feel the desire to improve your technique in certain.. aspects, of your love-making, mainly in terms of oral sex.
google was definitely not helping, and you were a bit too embarrassed to go and ask your significant other on feedback after having sex with them (despite how normal that actually is, contrary to popular belief.)
so, naturally, receiving your friend annabelle in your apartment a few days after having scheduled a, in her wise words, ‘important meeting’ wasn’t at all a surprise for you, especially since you made sure that p/n wasn’t at home at that time.
“hii!” belle stepped foot into your home as soon as you opened the door, immediately giving you a warm hug, thankful you even called her in here in the first place.
after politely offering her a cup of water and a bowl of snacks as thanks, she quickly got to work.
“alright, you were too nervous to explain it through text, so go ahead. what are the specifics here?” she asked, comically very serious about this whole thing.
you sighed, feeling the embarrassment leaving with each breath you exhaled, “it’s just— i think i have a problem when it comes to… you know.. my gag reflex, and all.”
“ah, i see..” she hummed, “‘problem’ is definitely a strong word though, no? oral sex isn’t a requirement, you know that better than anyone else, considering you’ve been with your partner for a while with no issues. i’m assuming you just want to learn to get them more riled up, huh?”
you stared, almost innocently, then nodded at the words.
“have you ever sucked dick before?” she continued, speaking as if this were a real professional appointment.
she chuckled upon seeing you reluctantly shake your head, “don’t worry sweetheart, by the time that we’re done, you’ll be able to take cock better than any porn star has.”
reaching for her large, seemingly filled-up backpack you had noticed her holding whilst walking in before digging into it. after a few seconds of anticipation, you saw your friend pull out a medium sized dildo, a slightly longer one and a much larger and more girthy than the previous ones.
“y-you brought stuff!?”
noticing how your blood rushed to your now fully covered face, she giggled, “of course i brought stuff y/n, i don’t think you realize how serious i’m actually taking this.” proceeding to pull out one more interesting looking item, “come on, you asked me for help, right? no need to get embarrassed now, girl.”
so you listened, and watched as she finished up preparing the materials, placing them in a line.
“alright, listen up.” she zipped the bag closed, threw it somewhere on the couch you two were sat on and sat up straight, motioning for you to do the same, and pointed to the first thing, “this is throat relaxant spray, like the name suggests, it relaxes your throat and your gag reflex, making it easier. now, i don’t really use it considering my gag reflex is practically non-existent,” you nodded at her words, your eyes fixed on said spray.
“but i did bring it thinking you’d maybe wanna start off slow just to be safe? maybe get used to the feeling of it in your mouth before going in raw and everything, but it’s honestly all up to you and what you wanna do.”
several minutes of her overexplaining the reasoning behind bringing each sanitized and differently sized dildo later, you eventually chose the format you found most similar to your partner’s and decided to opt out of the relaxant spray, much to annabelle’s pleasant surprise.
it didn’t take long before she stuck the phallic object to your wall and instructed you to suck on it the same way you would any other day. “don’t be nervous, i’m here to help.” she said, and that was somehow enough to put you at ease.
you began to do what you were told, fully aware that her attention was set on you, and you only. your lips wrapped around the head, you sucked and left gentle kisses whilst she watched you work your magic on the dildo. you heard occasional hums from beside you as you kept your mouth around the same area of the dick.
“you’re doing good, but, aren’t you spending a little bit too much time on the head?” she placed, making you pull away from the object before you, “i know you’ll gag, but try to give some attention to the entirety of the dick. here, let me show you.”
she scooted towards you, and you simply stared at her, “oh— we’re using the same.. dildo?”
“..yeah? it’s just a little spit.” her lips formed a smirk, “just watch me, okay?”
you nodded and sat there, watching her demonstrate her blowjob technique and feeling yourself get… weirdly turned on by the sight, instead of feeling ‘taught’, in a sense. the way she slowly worked her way up from kissing and licking the head to fitting the entire shaft into her mouth, almost effortlessly, got you thinking about how she’d give your partner head, guiding you on how to pleasure them further than you usually do— alright let’s not get ridiculous, you internally scolded yourself, leave the dirty fantasies for later, when you aren’t trying to learn from her.
“see how i did that? you can’t just focus on the head forever, that’s why i like to slightly pump the shaft with my hand whenever i’m not throating.”
“honestly just sounds like you’re just trying to brag, at this point.” you joked, faking an annoyed expression. that earned a laugh from her.
then, after a constant cycle that consisted of her explaining things and you doing them, annabelle had taken the dildo off of the wall whilst wearing a mischievous expression on her face. “now, let’s kick things up a notch; get on your knees.”
your eyebrows furrowed and eyes widened ever so slightly at her words, you stuttered, “excuse… excuse me?—“
“i said, get on your knees.”
and despite getting no further explanations, you still, for some unknown reason, did exactly as you were told. now sitting on the ground facing the sofa, you waited for further instructions.
“you need to get immersed.” she paused, then held up the dildo, “so, i’ll hold it for you and thrust it into your mouth while you suck it, alright? i won’t go fast or anything, so don’t worry about that.”
and of course, you obliged.
upon her signal, you immediately applied everything that she’s been teaching you throughout this entire session onto your technique, fueled by her occasional praise.
“remember to use your tongue, y/n.” she reminded, thrusting the cock in and out of your mouth, slowly, watching you as if she could feel it.
“suck the tip and—“ you bobbed your head down onto the shaft, taking in as much length as you could without gagging. “—work your way down, that’s it baby, slowly.”
oh man, that pet name definitely elicited a reaction from you that you did not expect; you felt butterflies in your stomach, almost certain that a pool was growing in between your legs.
she definitely noticed it, too. how could she miss it when you’re looking up at her like she was the one you were sucking off?
“awe, you’re getting excited, aren’t you?” she bit her lip as she tucked your hair behind your ear, “such an eager girl, suck on it baby.”
she let out quiet, airy moans as you worked your magic, in hopes to get you more and more immersed, and while it did, it also did nothing but get you riled up to a great extent. hell, you were practically drooling onto her— the cock at that point. “look at you, not even a few hours in and you’re already doing so good. mmh, you look so pretty taking it, too.”
that went on for a while, and what she didn’t tell you was that that dildo in particular, was an ejaculating one, you found that out by yourself later on.
needless to say, you felt especially different when you eventually walked her out of your apartment an hour later, and she couldn’t help but notice how still visibly embarrassed you were from that weirdly intimate interaction, but she found it amusing, endearing, almost.
“next time, you’ll invite p/n to tag along, won’t you?”
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mikkomacko · 5 months
a request for mob boss Nico, is there ever a time where the boys call y/n for help because they trusted her and didn’t want to upset Nico?
Oh definitely it happens all the time. They use her to soften up blows to Nico when they mess up or help clean them up if things get out of hand.
The first time they realized they could call her though was when her baby Holtzy needed help
Alex Holtz joined the Devs after he got into legal trouble back home and reached out to Jesper for help. He had been disowned by his family and was living on the streets, and he made a mistake that was gonna haunt him forever now that he was aging out of being a juvenile. So Nico and Jesper brought him in, sent out the private jet and moved him to Jersey where he moved into a loft with the Hughes boys.
Bad idea off the bat but they’re all young and Nico thought they’d click (They do, a little too well).
Late on a Friday, you and Nico were sprawled out on the living room floor with piles of Lego pieces between you. You were racing to see who could build their set the fastest, not that it mattered because there was no real prize, but you two loved the competition.
Nico was finishing up one of the succulents on his set when a ringing phone interrupted the romcom you’d put on the background. Assuming it was work phone based on the hour, you went about your business until Nico fumbled with his silent phone and looked at you in confusion.
“S’yours baby.” He catches your attention, and you look over to the coffee table where you left your phone. Sure enough it’s vibrating across the glass, the screen lit up with Alex’s name.
Quickly, you grab the phone and slide to answer.
“Hi Holtzy, you ok?”
Immediately you know something is wrong. You can hear it in his breath, how it shakes and quivers. And you can hear the frantic voices in the background, whatever boys he went out with tonight obviously panicking.
“Yeah, I’m here. What’s the matter?”
By now Nico is on his knees, watching you with concern. You can tell he’s ready to jump up and run, to fix whatever is going on. But Alex didn’t call him, he called you.
“I-something happened,” his voice is small and weak through the speaker and it makes your chest ache. “I didn’t mean to, I just-“
He’s cut off by a sob, one so shattering you can feel it in your own chest. “Ok, it’s ok. You wanna tell me where you are? I’m gonna come get you, ok?”
“Nico will be mad, he won’t want you here. I shouldn’t have-“
“Alex, he doesn’t care. We care about you, kid. Tell me where you are and I’m gonna fix it, ok?”
And Alex has always been good at responding to authoritative tones, better than any of the other boys that are his age. But he’s let down a lot of grown up’s in his life and you know how scared he is to do that to you and Nico.
He mumbles out an address not too far from the loft, telling you he’s in the lot out back with Jack and Luke.
“Do you want me to stay on the phone?”
Alex sniffles, chokes back another cry. “No, no drive safely. I can be ok.”
“I’ll be there in ten, don’t move and don’t touch anything ok? Unless someone’s gonna hurt you, you stay put.”
Mumbling his agreement, you tell him you’ll see him soon and hang up. Nico, having picked up on the conversation, has already collected the keys to the Range Rover and his gun, his feet tucked into his shoes.
“Where are we going?” He asks you and you pull on a jacket and shoes. Taking the pocketknife he holds out to you, you tuck into your pants.
“I’ll give directions.”
Whatever Alex and the Hughes boys had been doing, they ended up outside an abandoned factory in a lot that is closed off.
Not that it stopped them seeing as the gate has been pried open and Nico is able to drive into the gravel covered lot.
You can see the Hughes boys kneeling over something on the sidewalk, barely illuminated by the street light. Alex is sitting a few feet away, curled into himself against the brick wall of the building. Before Nico can even stop the car, you’re jumping out.
Whatever scold Nico shouts after you is lost.
Jack and Luke look up at you helplessly when you jog up to them, panic stricken in the poor light. It only takes you a second to see why.
There’s a man under them, one that’s strangling out breathes and covered in blood. He doesn’t appear to be awake, but you realize the two brothers are both pressing their hands into the wound on his abdomen.
“Oh fuck,” you mumble, crouching down to feel for the man’s pulse. It’s weak, but it’s there so you rise again, wipe the blood on your finger onto your pants.
“Keep holding, I’ll be right back.”
Jack and Luke call after you but you don’t hear them. You’re too busy approaching Alex, sinking down to your knees in front of him. He doesn’t lift his head out of his hands until you gently touch his knees.
The sight of him almost has you in tears. His eyes are red and puffy, cheeks splotchy from crying and he’s matted his hair with the blood that was on his hands.
Somehow, he looks even younger than he actually is.
“Alex, are you ok? Are you bleeding?”
He shakes his head, a fresh set of tears streaming down his face. “I don’t know what happened, one minute we were joking around and then he was talking shit and shoving Luke and I-“
“You did what you had to,” you assure him, reaching for his hands. “You were protecting family, Alex and that’s what we do.”
You stroke over his knuckles, nod along as he tells you about how he just went blank, he was so angry he couldn’t even see anything and then the man was bleeding and they didn’t know what to do.
So Jack dragged him into the empty lot and told him to call Nico. He couldn’t though, he couldn’t let Nico know that he messed up so badly already.
You wait for him to finish talking, push his hair off his forehead. “It’s ok, it’s ok,” you assure him. “You did exactly what you were supposed to. You were smart and you were quick, and you protected Luke.”
“Nico told us to protect you,” he mumbles sadly “I shouldn’t have brought you into this but he’s so scary sometimes. What if he sends me back?”
You squeeze his fingers, make him look at you. “Holtzy, you’re a Dev.” You say firmly, “Nico knows what that means, we all know what that means. You’re here, you’re with us no matter what. And if you think me being here is putting me in danger, you’re wrong. It’s my job to protect all of you.”
Finally he relaxes, shaking as you rise and help him to his feet. You cup his face, wipe away the tear tracks on his face before pulling him down into a hug. He squeezes you back, grateful.
“Go to the car, there’s clothes in the back.” You instruct, nudging him towards the parked vehicle. “Ignore Nico, he’s just a driver tonight, ok?”
You can see the reluctance in his eyes but he nods anyway and drags his feet to the car. Taking a deep breath, you join Jack and Luke again, and Nico who’s now crouched down with them.
“He ok?” Nico asks you, glancing towards Alex. You nod, rolling up the sleeves of your hoodie. Accepting the answer, Nico hands you the med kit he’d brought out from the car.
“Didn’t know the plan,” he tells you “you gonna fix him or are we leaving?”
Jack and Luke look between the two of you, and then at each other. They’re obviously thrown by Nico’s behavior, and it’s then that you realize this is the first time one of them has called you in crisis.
“Fix him,” you decide, flipping open the large box and digging out everything you’ll need to clean him up and stitch him. “And when he wakes up, you’ll make sure he forgets everything.”
Nico’s eyebrows shoot up, surprised and impressed with your answer. “Yeah?”
You nod, pulling on some gloves. “But make sure he knows that if he ever touches Luke or even thinks about Alex, I’ll personally be undoing all the hard work I did on him tonight.”
You don’t miss the smile that rises on your boyfriend’s face, how his eyes crinkle and dimples sink into his cheeks. “Sure thing, boss.” He agrees, moving around you so he can pull your hair back for you and tie it up.
Pressing a kiss to your head, he rises to his feet and moves towards Alex and the car.
“Nico,” you stop him, and he turns to look at you. “He’s shaken and he’s sorry. Be a friend.”
Biting back another grin, he nods. “And clear out the backseat, these three are coming back with us.”
He nods and turns on his heel, doing as told. Certain that he’ll listen to you, you get to work on fixing up the man below you. And you swell with pride when Jack and Luke follow your lead like obedient soldiers.
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queenofthekings · 1 year
Babe, wake up, new prompt coming!
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I found this cute image on Pinterest and it had me thinking: what if reader spends a whole afternoon crafting these little messages and then she sneakily hides them around Eddie's stuff. Every time he finds one, goes to reader and gives her a kiss, then stores it in a tin box 🩷💋
𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼
Summary: You make love letters for Eddie.
Author's note: Mea I'm so sorry it took me forever to write this request! I hope you enjoy it! Also thank you to @eddiemunsons-missingnipple, @ryan-waddell11 and @orchidmunson for their endless encouragement <3
CW: None, just a whole lotta fluff and Eddie being a dork.
Word count: 1.2k
Any hate will not be tolerated, constructive criticism is welcomed.
Being at Eddie’s apartment alone while he was away working wasn’t an uncommon thing for either of you, he had given you a key to his apartment for a reason, after all. Although you two hadn’t made the full step of moving in together yet, you still spent a lot of time at his apartment whenever you could fit it into your schedule.
You were sat at Eddie’s kitchen table with every kind of stationary imaginable scattered all around you; every shade of pink and white paper, felt tip pens, glitter and endless amounts of glue.
Since Eddie’s phone had broken several days beforehand and he was far too busy with work and couldn’t fit it within budget for the month to get it fixed, you decided to make love notes for him to read every day. You made notes for every occasion; if he felt sad, if he did something amazing, he missed you or even just needed to be told he was loved.
Although your arts and crafts skills weren’t perfect and you ended up with far too much glitter and glue all over your fingers, you were still proud of the notes you were able to make. You knew your art teacher from primary school would be proud of what you’d made, even if when you had lessons with her she hated your guts.
You had almost finished the final note and put them in a jar by the time Eddie walked inside, you felt him gently scratch the top of your head before wrapping his arms around you, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “Well this is a nice surprise to come home to.”
You felt the warm burn inside your stomach as you squeezed his arm, happy to be back where you felt like you belonged. “I missed you, of course I’d be here.”
It had only been a couple of days since you last saw each other, but it always felt like an eternity. Being with Eddie was the only place you truly felt safe, it was like coming home every time he brought you into his arms.
Before you and Eddie had gotten together; you’d never believed in that kind of stuff, that home could be a person instead of a place and you thought the people who said that stuff were talking nonsense. But now you understood them, and you just had to wait to find your person.
Eddie glanced over at the mess on the kitchen table, not daring to touch anything with his dirty fingers from working on cars all day. “Whatcha doing here, princess?”
You leaned into him, rubbing his arm with your hand. “It’s a surprise.”
He placed a hand over his eyes once you revealed it was a surprise. “I’m not looking, I swear!” he moved away from you, keeping his hand over his eyes, causing you to laugh. “I’m gonna go have a shower, you wanna order a pizza?”
“Sure,” you answered through your continued laughter as Eddie felt around his apartment to get to the bathroom, hitting his feet and legs on various pieces of furniture along the way. Your boyfriend was an absolute dork, but you loved it far too much, although you knew he acted like that just to make you laugh and he couldn’t ever get enough of that laugh.
You waited until he was safely in the shower to finish the last note and put it into the jar before promptly hiding it in your backpack, being sure Eddie would never find it accidently, not that he’d ever go through your belongings, but you were still cautious. After washing your hands thoroughly, you cleared the kitchen table of your project and grabbed your laptop to order pizza.
Sure, phoning Dominos to place your order was easier but Eddie’s pizza orders were always special to put it simply. That man couldn’t settle for a simple margarita pizza to save his life, nay, he had to have some weird combination that changed in a frequent basis. His current favourite pizza? Tandoori chicken and burger sauce with stuffed crust. As odd as it sounded, you did have a slice and it was pretty good, so you couldn’t exactly hate him for that.
You’d just finished placing the order when Eddie came out donned in just a towel, another towel in his hair trying to dry it before lowering it to cover his face completely. “Is it safe to come out?”
You let out another laugh, nodding your head. “Yes, you muppet, it’s safe. Pizza’s been ordered and it should be here in a bit.”
Taking the towel away from his face, he smirked at you and began to slowly walk across his apartment towards you, deliberately allowing his towel to slip down his body. Watching him with a smirk matching his, you shook your head. “Don’t even think about it, mister, we got pizza coming and I don’t wanna get interrupted by the doorbell again.”
He pouted and pulled up the towel, sulking his way into the bedroom. He came back a few minutes later in his usual jeans and dark red hoodie, one you’d frequently steal from him to wear when the weather got a bit cold.
You closed your laptop lid as he wrapped his arms around you again, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your head once you rested your back against his chest. The pair of you stayed in content silence until the loud knock on the door to signal your pizzas had arrived. You began to get up, but Eddie placed his hands on your shoulders to keep you seated, “I’ll get them baby,” he murmured into your hair before answering the door.
Eddie had fallen asleep after devouring his pizza and watching a season and a half of Derry Girls while cuddling with you on the couch, his head nestled into the crook of your neck, feeling his breath on your skin with his arms wrapped tightly around your middle, keeping you close to him.
You slowly got out of his grasp, being careful not to wake him up, although Eddie was quite a deep sleeper and not a lot of things woke him up. As quietly as possible, you moved around his apartment, tidying up the pizza boxes before turning off the TV and putting a blanket over Eddie.
Getting the jar out of your backpack, you began to place the notes around Eddie’s apartment; on every table, in some books, in the wardrobe, on the fridge and in every single pocket you could think of. Once you’d finished, you gently shook Eddie awake just enough to get him in bed and properly asleep before you followed him soon after, cuddling into him as you easily fell asleep.
In the morning, you were woken up by an endless amount of kisses all over your face, lips, neck, chest, and hands. At first, you were too sleepy and groggy to fully realise what was happening but as you slowly started to wake up, you moved Eddie’s kisses up to your lips and kissed him back. “What’s all the kisses for?” you whispered against his lips.
Eddie gave you a couple more kisses before answering your question. “I found some of your notes, and I thought since my girl was being so loving with her notes; I thought I would be loving back and wake her up with as many kisses as I can give her before work.”
843 notes · View notes
buckysgrace · 3 months
2. Two Can Keep A Secret
Closer to My Heart Masterlist
Single dad!Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader (if you wanna be added to a taglist for this let me know!! I will try to keep up with it <3)
You run into a familiar face at your second job
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You’d taken up working two jobs. Seemingly a good thing since you wouldn’t be able to fix your car until the end of the week. Apparently it had been a blessing in disguise, even though you hated it majority of the time. 
It had been like that for a while. The daycare paid enough to cover your little apartment, but not much for the groceries or the things that you liked to supply to your students. And now, you’d be using the extra money to fix your car up. Lovely. 
You loved working in the daycare, being around sweet kids and watching them develop into their own little personalities. Despite issues with the parents, it was rewarding. It was nice. Even if you did face the occasional asshole, such as Billy. 
Your second job was the complete opposite of your first. It was filled with all types of Billy’s, men that were far worse than him. But you had to stand there and take it, smile so you didn’t miss out on any tips. 
You wore tight clothes, far too revealing and had to grin so brightly that you swore your face was stuck into a permanent grin by the end of the night. You reminded yourself that it was just until you got caught up, until you finished off those hospital bills. 
You supposed your coworkers made up for it in some sense. They weren’t as judgy and seemed to be a lot nicer despite all things. They were all about your age and complained about the same thing, everyone just needing to make a living. At least you could suffer together.
You collected up the tips from your last table, swiping away the paper that held a list of numbers on it before you walked away. You breathed in and out, calming yourself as you headed towards your next table. Another group of men. 
“Welcome to Bombshells,” You greeted with a smile, not quite fully facing the table yet as a sound from behind them distracted you, “How can I-,” You trailed off, your smile plastering to your face in a stiff manner as you took in the table in front of you.
On one side there was a handsome man with floppy brown hair and big brown eyes. Next to him sat a man with shorter brown hair, his face covered in brown freckles. Across from them sat someone you knew too well. And it would just be your luck for him to be here tonight.
He was still mid laugh about something, the corner of his eyes crinkled and eyes twinkling with amusement. So far out of the element you were used to. He wore a blue buttoned up shirt, something that you were sure brought out his eyes but you refused to look at him that closely. Just how you refused to note that nearly all of the buttons on his shirt were undone, revealing his tone chest. You were not looking. 
“What can I get for you?” You asked as you directed your attention towards the two brunettes, praying and hoping that Billy didn’t take notice of you. You were dressed much differently, your hair even styled in a new way, along with your makeup. There was no way, but you didn’t look at him anyways.
“Hey, hi, uh,” The brunet with thicker hair spoke up first, tossing down his menu as he turned towards you, “I think we’re doing wings. But nothing too spicy, what do you suggest?” He asked, warm eyes sinking into you as you began to list off your suggestions.
You could feel Billy’s intense stare, could feel him piercing into your skin even though you refused to look at him. You could write down his order and deliver it without saying a word to him in a nice manner. You were sure he’d mock you relentlessly if he knew.
You left as quickly as you could once their orders were taken, doing your best to keep from being rude. But you did not want to be there. You could feel the anger simmering in your veins just by feeling his gaze, by hearing his laughter. He knew. He knew and he was probably parading it around to his dumb friends. You were sure you’d go into work tomorrow and hear all about it from your supervisor.
“You alright?” Sabrina questioned you, meeting you at the bar as you gathered up the bottles of beer for your trio. You stared down at the brand Billy ordered, wondering if you could get away with spitting in it. Probably not.
“Yeah,” You nodded your head stiffly, reaching for the shot that Nick had set out for you. You took it quickly, discreetly as you tried to keep your heart from beating too roughly. You would be fine. They just wanted their discounted wings and then they would be long, “Just another night.” You added cheerily, shrugging your shoulders as sweetly as possible before you gathered your tray and walked away.
Each step felt torture, like pure agony until you reached them. You began to unload the drinks, begging your hand to stay steady as you did so. The last thing you needed was to spill it on him and have him scold you for that too.
“There you go,” You spoke directly to the other two men, keeping your smile light and breezy, “Have you gentlemen decided?” You asked, just barely grazing your eyes in Billy’s direction so you could at least pretend that you were acknowledging him.
“Any specials?” Billy spoke up, making you exhale deeply and silently as you glanced towards him. You kept your pen against the paper, staring at it instead of him. 
“Not tonight.”
“Huh,” He said as he pressed his lips together, like he was thinking thoughtfully, “Usually there’s always specials.” He drew out, like he was in deep thought. He sounded like he was saddened, but you knew the truth. He was just toying with you, trying to irritate you. 
“Usually that’s on a weekend.” You informed him as softly and casually as you could. He would not make you lose your cool today. You needed your car fixed. Your car was far more important than the smug asshole with wickedly good hair. 
“Is it now?” He asked as he continued to look at the menu slowly, “I swear it was different.” He hummed as he tapped his fingers against the back of the menu, showing off his rings that he bore on his thick fingers. No wedding ring. 
“If you need another minute, I can come ba-,” You began to tell them, gesturing towards the table around the corner that was trying to wave you down. They clearly wanted a refill. You could do that, preferably before they started whistling. 
“No need,” He hummed as he looked up at you mischievously, “I’ll just be a minute.” He told you as he shook his head, like your suggestion was unnecessary. He skimmed for another second. 
“Take your time, sir,” You drew out slowly, “Not like anyone else is waiting for service either.” You said with a laugh, ignoring how his two friends awkwardly chuckled around. Billy clearly didn’t care. Not even when he restated the order of wings that his friend had suggested earlier. You were going to scream.
You dropped the menus off at the bar, hiding them behind the counter as you tapped your fingers across the wood. Why, why did Billy have to come here out of all places? There were so many other similar bars he could visit. He should be home with Theo, not here. 
“Look at you,” The familiar warm, thick voice came from behind you as you sat down your tray on the bar table. You felt your eye twitch as you dug your fingertips into the plastic tray. Shit, “You look good in your little get up. The daycare not cutting it anymore?”
“Did you need me to add something to your order, sir?” You kept your tone sweet, sickeningly sweet. You hoped he drowned in it. 
“I like you saying that.” He leaned against the counter, elbow on his table as a smug smirk on his lips. You felt your eye twitch, stunned at his flirtatious tone as you turned to face him fully. God, did you hate his tanned skin and cool blue eyes. It should be illegal for men to have eyelashes that thick and long. 
“You’re an ass,” You seethed at last, unable to help the anger that was brewing inside of your chest, “I need both jobs and you’re not going to tell anyone about this.” You told him sternly, warning him. You didn’t want to lose out on your day job. You loved working with your students. 
“I’m not?” He replied in a mocking way, lifting his dark eyebrows before he laughed playfully, “Don’t get your panties in a twist. I’m just fucking with you. I didn’t think you of all people would dare be in a place like this.” He laughed as he reached around, pulling an olive free from behind the bar and plopping it into his mouth. You stared. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked him seriously as you straightened your shoulders, trying to get at what he was suggesting. He didn’t even know you, but he sure did like to pick on you. You felt like you were in high school half the time. 
“It has to do with the stick that’s always up your ass.” He said as he glanced towards you, dark eyebrows raised on his forehead as he gave you a pointed look. Your lips parted in surprise. You were the one with the stick up your ass? 
“I do not have a stick-,” You stopped yourself, sighing deeply as you touched your face gently before you freaked out on him, “Again. Was there something you needed?” You asked him again, tone clipped this time as you stared him down. He shook his head, chuckling before he walked back to his table. 
You stared at him in anger, observing how broad his shoulders were and how his hips moved. He had a certain swagger to him, his jeans just a little too tight. Not that you were really complaining, because he did have a nice body. But you quickly shook that away. He was still an ass. 
“Who was that?” Sabrina asked as she bumped against your hip, wiggling her eyebrows before she refilled the drinks onto her tray. You supposed you should do the same, but what you really wanted right now was a cigarette. Even though you hadn’t had one in a long time. 
“The world's biggest asshole,” You mumbled, “I watch his son during the day.” You explained as you stared down at the refill list for your next table, gathering up the drinks that had been left for you. 
“You guys have something going on?” She asked as she popped her bubble gum, raising her perfectly styled brows high onto her forehead. You nearly toppled your tray over, staring at her in disbelief. 
“Ew no,” You spit out quickly, “Never. Never ever. Not even if he was the last person on Earth.” You scoffed, pretending to gag at the thought. She laughed at your childish behavior. 
“Really? Because it seemed like you had some sort of tension,” She smirked, “Sexual.” You rolled your eyes, you pretended to dry heave this time. Truly feeling like her suggestion was leaving you sick. 
When you returned to the table next, Billy was gone. You secretly hoped that he had had enough and actually left, but his friends insisted that he would be back soon. Much to your displeasure.
You caught his eye on the way back to the bar, noticing that he was sitting with some pretty girl who had been nursing drink after drink since you had arrived. You cocked an eyebrow but said nothing, wondering if this was really where he went to pick up girls.
He didn’t seem to get the hint as he approached a second later, feigning interest in the desserts as you dryly passed the menu back to him. 
“Was that your girlfriend?” The question slipped from your tongue before you could stop yourself, taking you by surprise as he drifted his eyes away from the menu and towards you. 
“No,” He responded, furrowing his eyebrows together at the way you snorted, “Are you suggesting something?” He asked, his tone laced with attitude as his icy eyes met yours. 
No, as much as you liked to think he was a manwhore you knew that he wasn’t. He was always polite to your coworkers, respectful. He was a flirt for sure, but it seemed more playful than anything. And you were no stranger to why Theo always missed his birthdays. They had somewhere else to be on those days.
“I don’t care why you’re here.” You said at last, shrugging your shoulders as he waited for you to tell you what he wanted for dessert. He shook his head as he snorted this time, like he didn’t believe you. 
“My friends think I need to get laid.” He said at last, shrugging as he leaned lazily against the counter. You watched the way his blonde hair curled against his shoulders. You drifted your eyes across his soft nose, then over the light freckles on his cheeks. 
“Well it’s not going to be me.” You said in surprise, unsure if he was trying to hint at something or not. You would never. Not with a customer and certainly not with a parent of one of your students. Especially him. 
“I would never ask you,” He said as he looked at you with disdain, “Even if you did try to impress me with the outfit.” He replied smugly, making you simmer all over again. Fuck him and his dessert. You didn’t need some lousy tip from him. 
“I didn’t-, I would never-,” You sputtered out all at once, your body erupting into flames at his suggestion, “You’re the one who showed up to my work place.” You reminded him, your voice only becoming more shrill and higher pitched as you defended yourself. 
“Right,” He dragged his tongue along his teeth as he grinned cockily at you, obviously enjoying the reactions he got from you, “I guess I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow.” He said as he passed the menu back to you, leaving you gripping it so tightly that you thought it might snap from underneath your grip. 
“Yeah,” You muttered hotly under your breath, “I guess you will.”
Tumblr media
You woke up late the next morning. Your alarm clock laughing in your face as you stumbled out of bed late, tossing on the closest outfit you could reach and neglecting breakfast and your morning drink of choice before you were out the door.
“Late night?” Billy asked with a smirk on his lips. He was the opposite in the mornings, always the first parent to arrive rather than the last.
“No,” You mumbled underneath your breath, fearful that someone would hear him as you unlocked your door and pushed it open. You hit the lights next, sighing as he followed you inside, “You can pull his cot out if you want.” You added a second later, noticing how Theo was still curled up against Billy.
“Mhm,” He hummed as he slowly removed Theo’s backpack from his shoulders. The little boy curled right back up against him, clinging to him like a Koala, “You work there every night?”
“No,” You said as you dropped your bag, “Just Monday through Thursday. It gives me the weekends off.” You missed out on the best days to actually work, but at least you got your weekends to yourself.
“That’s a lot,” He responded, making you narrow your eyes for whatever snarky reply would come next. You were sure he would insinuate that you were a whore, the same way your previous dates had, “Doesn’t it get tiring?” 
“Nobody cares how tired I am, I still have to get my bills paid,” You reminded him, watching the way Theo nuzzled his little nose against Billy’s neck. He looked content as he laced his fingers through Billy’s shirt, “And it doesn’t affect my performance here at all.”
“Never said it would,” He replied shortly, “Can you take him?” He asked as he shifted Theo once again, making the toddler squeak in his sleep.
“You don’t want to say goodbye?” You asked him curiously, feeling like Theo would be upset when he woke up and noticed that his father was missing. He always got upset when Billy had to leave.
“If he’s sleeping it’ll keep him from crying,” He mumbled as he passed Theo off to you, “Thanks.” He bent low, close enough that you could smell the cologne off of him as he pressed his lips against Theo’s forehead repeatedly. 
You couldn’t say anything, couldn’t move other than to adjust Theo in your arms as the overwhelming scent of Billy filled your nostrils. He smelt good. Far too good. 
Theo rested his head against your shoulder, sighing deeply through his nose as Billy ruffled his hair one last time before he left. He said nothing to you, not that you minded. This was the most you had spoken to him in months. Years.
Still, an odd sensation filled you as you watched Billy leave. You were curious, doubtful about what his true intentions were. He was the last person you wanted to trust, especially with a secret that would ruin your job here. You knew how your boss was, they wouldn’t like what you did on the side.
“Oh and-,” He paused in the doorway, glancing back at you as a smug smirk formed on his lips, “I think you’re doing a damn good job trying to impress me in this outfit too.” He said smugly, sending you a wink before he was out the door. You swallowed the lump in the back of your throat, swearing it was anger as you felt every muscle in your body twist and curl into a big ball. Warmth raced through your veins as you sighed angrily, hating how easily he crawled underneath your skin. 
What an ass.
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sharks-n-bones · 9 months
Sorry it took so long, guys!! I was kinda struggling with this one and work has been kicking my ass ���� Anyways!! Without further adue, I give to you
- This boy is not a survivalist but he's trying his best
- He was still doing his solo career when the world began to flood. Like most, he didn't realize how serious it was at first. He didn't realize until he found the concert venue he was supposed to preform at completely submerged
- He started heading for higher ground. He figured if the water kept rising, he'd have to make a raft. He'd make a boat, but he'd never made one before, and a raft seemed like it'd be a bit easier
- When he got far away enough from the rising water, Floyd set about building his raft. He got some help from a few other trolls that were in the area, which he greatly appreciated
- He finished his raft just as the water got close enough to brush against the edges of it. So he made sure everything was tied down, pushed his raft into the water and set sail
- Floyd was proud of his raft, honestly. He'd built an awning to protect himself from the sun and the rain, a little water purifier made from branches, stones and a couple palm leaves, a small cooking pit made with stones and branches and some metal he'd found, and a couple storage containers. He'd also managed to make himself a comfortable bed! Overall, he was happy with his raft
- Sailing was honestly pretty nice. Storms were a bit rough on the raft, but he was usually able to find an island afterwards and was able to fix any damage. He'd even made a couple growth plots for fruits and vegetables! He may not be a survivalist, but he at least knew he needed at least a somewhat balanced diet if he didn't wanna get scurvy
- He spent most of his time at different islands. Once he found one, he'd stay there for a week or two, relaxing in the water and gathering resources until he eventually had to set sail again. He would just live at one of the islands for a while, but he wanted to find his brothers and make sure they were alright. It'd been so long since he'd seen them, and he missed them. Sailing on his own was lonely, too, and his brothers would be good company. (He also never forgot the promise he'd made to Branch about returning to him)
- He spent a couple months doing this little routine of his. Sail for a while, find an island, relax and gather resources for a few weeks, set sail, rinse and repeat. Occasionally, a couple techno trolls would peak up from the water and offer him some help, which he often took them up on, if for nothing else than some company and conversation. It was peaceful, but he couldn't wait to find his brothers
- He also noticed a few things as he sailed. For on, he got this awful rash on his neck. He's found some plants on a couple islands that helped with the itching and soreness, but no matter what he did, it wouldn't go away
- He also noticed how dry his skin would get. Going in the water helped a lot, and he was working on trying to make lotion out of coconut oil. Surprisingly enough, his hair and fur was looking better than ever, despite him not being able to use any products other than coconut oil since the flood started
- Eventually, another techno troll came out of the water and struck up a conversation before noticing the rash on his neck. The troll went quiet for a moment before asking to see Floyd's hands. Confused but curious, Floyd complied
- The ocean troll spread Floyd's fingers and his face looked like a strange mix between relief and somber. That was when Floyd took notice that the webbing between his fingers looked ever so slightly longer
- When Floyd asked if the techno troll was alright, they sighed and told him a legend. A legend of sirens and their history with technos. A legend of how they were locked away after the elder technos feared their powers. How they'd escaped their prison around the same time the flood hit. Of how they pumped the ocean full of a deep and ancient magic that altered the bodies of those who lived on land to better help them adjust and survive life in the ocean
- Floyd had been surprised, and rightfully so. He looked at the webbing between his fingers in a whole new light. Soon enough, he might not even need his raft to survive. It was strange to think such a thing was possible, but the proff was right there in the changes that were already occurring to Floyd
- He was sailing again, looking for another island or any ships that his brothers could possibly be on, when a huge storm hit. It was an intense one, he'd never sailed through one so big! He furled his sail and held on tight, trying to keep things together
- Then, he spotted a ship. A troll in a cloak and scarf peered over the edge and asked if he was alright. Before he could respond, though, a huge wave made contact with his raft and crushed it to splinters, throwing him and everything else into the dangerous waves
- He coughed and spluttered as he tried to keep his head above the water. He was a good swimmer, but he doubted anyone but techno trolls could swim in these waves. His head dipped below the water again when he felt strong arms wrap around him and pull him to the surface. He gasped for breath and the next thing he knew, he was laying on the deck of the mysterious stranger's ship
- He coughed and spluttered as he caught his breath, and the feeling of fabric being placed on his shoulders made him look up. The stranger had wrapped his scarf and cloak around Floyd and was now fishing for the remains of his raft with his hair. The troll had a strong build and muted colors, with purple skin and blue hair that faded to green at the tips
- Floyd stood right as the stranger hauled the last of what he could onto the boat. Floyd thanked him, and the stranger offered him a smile. He introduced himself as Creek, and Floyd introduced himself in return
- Creek helped him grab his supplies before leading him to the lower levels of the ship. He made some food and cocoa to warm them up, and they got to talking. Floyd learned that Creek had been a survivalist before the flood, living on his own in the woods. Floyd mentioned how he was just working on his solo career when the flood hit
- Slowly but surely, they grew closer and built a routine. Floyd was good at fishing, so he caught a lot of their food while Creek would forage when they reached an island. He taught Floyd a lot about foraging and surviving, and Floyd appreciated it
- Floyd also helped make repairs to the ship when needed. He learned quickly how to make, fix and repair things while on his raft, and fixing up Creek's ship was the least he could do after he'd saved his life
- When they weren't busy working and gathering supplies on islands, they'd relax — either on the deck of the ship or in the water, just overall having a good time. Creek's company was nice. He had a calming sort of atmosphere around him that Floyd couldn't help but enjoy
- One day, as they were sailing, they came across an absolutely massive ship. It was so big that other ships were able to dock to it. Hell, there were even areas for troll-sized ships to dock! Curious, they decided to dock and board. Creek had put on his cloak and scarf, covering his face and hair. Floyd asked why, confused, and Creek said he'd explain some other time. Floyd didn't push it
- After traveling up an elevator to the main deck of the ship, their eyes simultaneously widened. It was a floating restaurant on the sea! No wonder people were docking here
- They walked around for a bit, just exploring, before they found an area on the bar for trolls to sit and eat and decided to head there. After finding and empty table and sitting down at it, a vacationer who introduced herself as Brandy handed them a couple menus before stating that her husband would be around shortly to take their orders
- It didn't take Floyd long to find out what he wanted to try, and once Creek had also decided, they fell into an easy conversation. They spoke about the flood, the weather, the islands they'd visited before they met, anything and everything
- Then, a voice spoke up from beside them. An oddly familiar one. The voice was asking what they'd wanted to order before Floyd glanced up and they both paused. Blue skin that matched his own. Purple hair. Same smile. Floyd grinned and leapt out of his chair to hug the troll. One of the ones he'd been searching for. One he hadn't seen in 20 years.
- “Spruce!!”
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xieni-logs · 1 year
hoi, i see that requests r open so can i request hmmmm
maybe welt yang with an s/o who wears a blindfold (like jingliu for appearance sake) bc they have like snake eyes and r insecure of them bc they used to be bullied when they were younger and were afraid of welt fearing them for their eyes.
maybe hurt+comfort in some way?? idk lol
Welt x Reader with Snake Eyes
a/n: I really hope I did what you wanted, so sorry if it isn’t what you imagined! I wouldve finished yesterday but took the day off bc my wrists have been acting up and my shoulders hurt TT posting this from my phone bc I wanna post it but just got ready for bed so if formatting weird, sorry, I’ll fix later
you have a lot of fears, but fighting isn't one of them. it's not that you aren't scared of fighting enemies, it's just inevitable for you to fight enemies when you're trailblazing so best you get over it. but you would have never suspected that fighting a mara-struck soldier would make you face one of your biggest fear.
when the mara-struck soldier revived itself and attacked, you weren't able to dodge fast enough. taking a hit to your face, a piece of cloth falls as you drop to the ground. welt quickly finishes off the mara-struck soldier and turns to check on you. you're on your knees, facing the ground, with your hands covering your face, and welt is awfully worried. thoughts about how badly hurt you might be, and what if you're bleeding fill his mind.
welt kneels down next to you, his hands grabbing your wrists as he tries to pull your hands away from your face to access the damage.
"NO!" you exclaim, pulling away from him. welt is definitely surprised at your sudden action.
"please, darling, I need to know if you're hurt," welt's voice was full of concern. how bad is it if you're hiding it from him? his mind if full of worries and countless possibilities on how badly injured you are.
"please," welt pleads, "please show me your face, darling," and something about his voice lowers your guard. you put your hands down and turn to him. and welt sees it.
he sees your eyes for the first time.
his shocked face was all you needed to see.
you quickly gather yourself and run. where to? you don't know. it's probably a stupid idea. neither you nor welt know the area well and you're in a vacant ship on the Xianzhou. but right now, you wanted nothing more than to get away. what would he think when he saw your eyes? he looked shocked. maybe he likes you less now. maybe he doesn't like you at all. oh no. does he think you're freaky? what would you do if he broke up with you? you don't want to think of the possibility, but it's all you can think about.
welt is used to your blindfold. you were wearing it when the two of you first met. you wear it when you guys drink your morning coffees. you even wore it when you went to bed. welt never really wondered what was under your blindfold, and he never asked. it was just not a thought that occurred to him. he just saw the blindfold as a part of you.
but today. today, he saw a side of you he hadn't seen before in all of your time together. and maybe, he was a little shocked. but he most definitely doesn’t find you freaky, he’d never use those words to describe you.
welt watches you run off before snapping back and realizing that getting lost and separated really wouldn’t be ideal. he might be on the older side, but he’s still fit. you’ve never left his sight and when he sees you sit down in the corner between some crates, he slows to a walk.
it’s awkward, he kinda just… sits next to you. your head buried in your knees, refusing to look at him, and he’s just sitting there silently, hunched over, a blank expression not really showing anything. a few minutes pass, although it felt like dreadfully long hours to you, he speaks up.
“are your eyes normal in your world..?”
you shake your head. not at all. in fact, many on your world found your eyes freaky, something to be fearful about.
“so they’re unique… they’re beautiful.”
it catches you off guard. how could he say something like that? and so smoothly too?
“I mean, you are beautiful.”
after a long silence, you speak.
“you think so?”
“of course, you’re beautiful in my eyes.”
“you don’t think they’re freaky? at all?”
“I won’t lie, they are unique. but freaky is too much. they’re just as beautiful as the rest of you.”
Welt puts him arm around you and pulls you closer. for a while, the two of you stay embracing each other in silence. welt’s words may not be able to undue years of insecurity, but they help you feel a bit more comfortable with your own body, even if just momentarily.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
I love your writing..🫶🏻 May I request a dom Reader/sub Larissa smut? I’m craving for it haha…sub Larissa just hits different tbh. Something like Larissa discovers this side of her the first time after Reader sort of “overpowers” her during a heated argument in her office and Larissa hates to admit but she likes it immensely..which eventually turns into a heated shameless smutty smut. The plot idea is just a suggestion so it’s totally up to you, so if you have a better idea that’s totally fine😇 Thank you!🫶🏻
Tempers like a flame 18+
*Authors note~ more sub Larissa content for y'all*
Trigger warnings~ sub l dom r reader is able to use magic and often prefers magically shifting their anatomy downstairs to a dick cockwarming edging mommy kink l daddy kink r
Prompt~ see ask^^
Larissa had been teasing you all day, she knew just what to say and do to get your not so little friend to stand to attention. When you first told her you were able to change your body parts by magic and that you preferred to have male anatomy downstairs ever once in a while, you were terrified, after all Larissa Weems screamed lesbian. But turns out Larissa loved that special quality about you. Larissa soon mapped all all the ways she could tease you to her memory which meant a lot of painful predicaments for you when in public and at the other end of her teasing.
Today was no different, Larissa had been teasing you all damn day. Honestly, you were not even sure your dick could get any harder at this point, the bulge becoming hard to hide. You wanted your love on it and that's exactly what you'd get you just had to be creative about it. Picking a silly argument would get Larissa to your shared bedroom, your lover never one to back down especially if she thought she's right, that small fact would become extremely useful.
As soon as she entered her words began to spiral, you let her rant a little before shutting her up with your lips on hers, teeth and tongues clashing together in a desperate needy effort to claim one another as her hand slipped to your noticeable bulge. "Daddy, do you need me?" She teased messing the the fly of your trousers. "Oh mommy more than you know, you caused this and your gonna fix it. Now I have work to do so you're gonna come and sit on daddy's big thick cock, warm it up real good"you demanded tugging her over to the desk before freezing your member from its restraints. "O daddy your huge" she mewled at the slight allowing you. Her underwear disappeared and you silently thanked whatever gods made you a witch. Your spells and magic were incredibly useful.
Making quick work of getting your lover settled on your dick you couldn't help but let out a breathy moan of contentment, "feel so good mommy" you mewled as your love whimpered, your size stretching her out. "Be a good girl for daddy and maybe I'll let you come" you murmured before cracking on with work, a hand rubbing at her back in a soothing manner.  For Larissa time had no meaning, it could've been minutes of hours she wasn't sure but she really needed to move, to feel you deeper in her needy cunt. Subtly she tried to rock her hips to get more only to be met with a harsh smack to her thigh, "don't be greedy whore! You've made daddy horny all day now fucking behave" you snapped before attending to your work ignoring your lovers whines in protest.
Only when you finished the work you had to do did you move to press kisses to her neck. "Did so good for me mommy, wanna reward my special subby girl" you murmured laughing at how her hips rutted forward at the last words. "Aw does mommy like being daddy's submissive slutty whore hmm?" You teased her delighting when she moaned happily, "please I don't wanna think, daddy please make me go all fuzzy I'll be good please please" her little whimpers was all it took for you to teleport yourselves to the bed. Again thank you magic is all you could say.
"Come on then whore, fuck yourself on my dick or can you not even do that anymore?" Was all the blonde needed to hear to begin to bounce on your cock. "Daddy fuck feel so good" she mewled and you knew it wouldn't take much to bring her to the edge. "Poor mommy needs to cum" you teased receiving nods and whimpers of pleasure. "Tough hold it" you bit delivering a span to her ass. "Daddy daddy can't please" she mewled cashing you to flip you both over so she was on her back. "Wanna cum then cum slut but I won't be stopping till I'm done filling you to the brim. Think about how pretty you'd look mommy, carrying daddy's babies like a good cumdump."
You continued to pound into the older woman while spewing all the things you wanted to do to her, making her cum over and over again, begging you to stop while begging for more. The poor woman wasn't sure what she wanted anymore but you didn't care, you were close and that was all you could think of. "Gonna cum, gonna breed my pretty whore, fuck take it baby, take daddy's cum deep inside your needy pussy" you panted as you felt spurt after spurt of sticky hot seed shoot up into her fluttering walls of her cunt. "Thank you daddy" she slurred as you slipped out of her. "You're welcome baby, daddy's gonna plug your pretty pussy so you don't waste any of daddy's treat" you murmured before magically producing the plug and carefully inserted into her gaping hole as your mixed cums dribbled out. "Did good Ris, get some sleep love" you murmured while you made your way back up to hold the spent woman to your chest. "I love you" you both whispered at the same time before laughing and drifting off to sleep together.
Word count~ 1031
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ghoulangerlee · 22 days
Manifested better news today; Ford was pretty cordial about giving me the info I needed to call other shops to gather pricing for the repair. The steering gear assembly for my car is expensive and where most of the cost comes into play.
I found a shop that's willing to do the repair for $2466 -- parts, labor and taxes/fees included + a warranty on the parts and repair.
It's only about ~$600 less than what Ford quoted me, but $2466 feels more doable to me than just over $3000. Right now I have about $128 of that tucked away and I'm still pretty far away from getting the whole amount but having something put back for it is better than nothing.
Anyway, I'm still offering commissions over on my ko-fi. Pricing there is just because I needed to put a baseline down, but they are a pay what you want sort of thing. Currently working on two longer ones right now I'm hoping to get finished soon, but if you're cool with waiting, I wouldn't mind adding you to the list :)
Alternatively, if you don't want to do a long form "proper" commission and you just wanna shoot me $3 and an ask on here with a fic idea, I'll write something for you that way as well!
Unfortunately, this is the only way I'm gonna be able to make extra money, can't do anything with door dash or ubereats or anything of the like because...my car's steering is out haha.
Anyway, I feel a lot better than yesterday and it's gonna be tough these next few weeks/months trying to get all of this together to get my car fixed, but I finally have a decent plan at the very least!
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romanarose · 2 years
Triple Frontier Masterlist
A masterlist for all Triple Frontier fics
Tumblr messed up u links so im slowly trying to fix them! anything in bold SHOULD be goo to go. if i miss anything, let me know! If you really wanna read something and cant find it searching, send and ask and ill try to find it for you
Santiago "Pope" Garcia
Leather and Lace (Completed): While on a mission, Pope, Fish, Benny and Will find a girl tied up in the basement of a drug lord, a victim of trafficking. She won't hardly talk or look at them. Will she learn to trust Santi? Will he be able to help her? ♥️🖤🌶
Match Made in Heaven: Benny and Will play matchmaker with you and Santi. It works.
Full: At a fundraiser, you are all dressed up and Santi can't help himself.
Santi with a Reader on her Period: You wake up with your period unexpectedly. So unexpected, that you have bled all over your boyfriend and his bed, and freak out. Santi tries to make it better.
Gross Reality: A sorta sequel to the last period fic with Santi but this time with the gross gory details of the reality of periods.
Hello Sunshine, Won’t You Stay?: A song fic to a Bruce Springsteen song for @astroboots fantastic series, Homecoming
Honest Mistake (Co written with the wonderful @missdictatorme) : Santi accidentally forgets your birthday, bringing the delta force on one last mission to not let you find out.
If You Wanna Be Wild ft. Javier Peña: Javi and his new partner, a young Santiago Garcia straight out the military, begin to take down Lorea with the help of Candy, a charming and beautiful prostitute.
Please Don't Go?: You are going through an extreme depressive episode, and Santiago is afraid of leaving you alone.
Big Boys Don't Cry: Trans!Santi fucks you with a dildo, has a lot of feelings.
Benjamin "Benny" Miller
Just to be Your Man: You go to a bar with the express intent of hooking up with someone; something you never do. Will Benny Miller be that man?
Puzzle Pieces: You’re Toms girlfriend and honestly, he’s a dick. All the guys know it, all the guys tell him to be better, but Benny always finds a way to make it better himself.
Part one; You try to show off your finished puzzle
Part Two: Tom won’t look at your tomato’s
William "Ironhead" Miller
Temptation: Redfly’s estranged daughter comes back into his life, and this makes things difficult on Will Miller
Lucky: You are having a tough time, but Will is there for you.
He Didn't Have to Be: You and Will hit it off immediately, but being a single mom but a past, you didn't think that he'd be interested in you. You were wrong, and Will asks you on the sweetest date you could imagine.
For the Longest Time (series): Lorelei is suspicious of everyone around her, especially men. She’s jaded, but keeps running into this man and excepts something to be wrong about him… but he only ever treats her with kindness. When she really needs him, he’s there… but that leads to an unexpected turn in her life. Can she learn to trust him and the kind, loving found family he has?
Francisco "Catfish" Morales
Take Your Time (series): Taking place after Leather and Lace (but not necessary to read Leather and Lace before this), Frankie is struggling with his sobriety, and needs his friends and family to rally around him.
Partner in Crime: you have trouble orgasming, but Frankie is there to help you
Cola: Frankie is thirsty, and you’re the perfect drink
Two or More
Awakening Series Masterlist: You find you and Santiago share a mutual fantasy; being shared with his friends
End of the Innocence: Not really a Triple Fontier fic but a fic based off a Triple Frontier fic, do what you must with that. A song Fic for Watch Your Step🖤
Hungry Hearts: You, Will and Santi have some fun, Will and Santi finding a new side of themselves
Benny Miller X Frankie Morales
Boys of Summer: Told over the series of summers, we follow Benny and Frankie as they meet, fall in love, fall apart, and come back together again.
I Won’t Be Afraid Anymore: A sequel to Boys Of Summer. Benny and Frankie figure things out as promised.
Take Care of You: Frankie wraps Ben’s hands before his fight.
Meletonine: FishBen chapter of awakening but can be read seperate. Catfish and Ben finally fall into each other.
TF Boys with a Reader with an ED
Love Langauges: Acts of Service
Love Languages: Physical Touch
Love Languages: Words of Affirmation
Love Languages: Quality Time
Love Languages: Gift Giving
Biggest problems in relationship
Santi with Curly Haired Reader
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soukokvn · 1 year
I finished the first volume out of the two Ace light novels and I wanna share my favorite moments with y’all !! >:)
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I’ll divide this in multiple categories because there’s a lot of moments and a lot can be put together.
Also the first light novel is in the point of view of Deuce, the first member of the Spade crew (so Ace’s crew) !!
Everything I’ll say here is from Deuce’s pov, NOT ACE !!!
Ace’s effect on others, his charisma and his similarities with Roger (and Luffy)
One thing that I love about light novels is that you can see the real impact characters have on the thoughts of others, and this light novel is full of that. Also many moments made me think « he’s really Roger’s son »/« he’s really Luffy’s brother » so I put them all here.
« Observing his athletic body, I tell myself that he was made for adventure stories and the sound of waves. »
« This man exuded a truly unique atmosphere, never seen elsewhere. »
« But then, the real ace, what kind of person is he ?
He was able, despite being hungry, to share with an equally hungry stranger what little food he had.
The son of Roger that I had in front of me, this Ace in the veins of which flowed the blood of the pirates, was this kind of man.»
« Still firmly clinging to the hull, I looked up at Ace. He laughed. Proud, his chest bulging and his eyes fixed on the horizon, he had a candid smile hanging on his face.
Then he told me about the decision he had just made. 
- You'll see ! The king of the pirates, I’ll surpass him ! »
« There was something attractive, bewitching about him. A little something that the words "charisma" or "virility" are not enough to express in their complexity. »
« Ace doesn't judge people on their looks, no, that's not his style. He is one of those who look at what his interlocutor hides deep in his heart. That too, probably, without realizing it. »
« - Raah, seriously ? We’re going to be held here for three days ?
Ace looked sulky saying that.
To see him, like that, making this funny face with a map under his eyes, he who however was not in the habit of reading maps, I could not help but find this spectacle both strange and little suitable. Nevertheless the terms "to be held" which he had used instead of "stay", for example, sounded a lot like him. »
« To find Ace, you must first look where there are crowds. »
« - Ah, I'm sated… I ate well, then I ran. Ah, but since I ran, now I'm hungry. »
Ace and Luffy
The way Ace talks about Luffy always bring tears to my eyes, it’s so obvious that he loves him more than anything in the entire world.
« - Me, my only family is a little brother. We are not of the same blood, but…
Saying these words, Ace looked far to the horizon.
- He’s so loud, he’s like a real monkey. When we were together, I wasn't really aware of it, but it's the fact of being separated, of finding myself alone, that makes me think of him... he then said, a smirk at the corner of his mouth. »
« Ace was a naturally jovial person, but when he talked about his little brother, he seemed particularly happy. »
Ace’s struggles
I strongly believe that at least until he joined the Whitebeard crew he was unstable emotionally, he didn’t know where he belonged and who he was because of his father. And these just makes it more obvious.
« In his eyes lost in the bottom of his glass, I saw the color of the seabed float. The color of rejection, cold and stagnant at the same time… However, Ace was not drunk. »
« - Renounce piracy to join the Navy… No, I don't think the question is even worth asking.
When Ace turned around, I could see that his eyes were filled with that deep sea color that we know so well. But our captain immediately found his smiling face again. »
« Ace had always tended to believe that he had no right to be loved. So when reality reminded him, in this form or another, his face and the apple of his eye were crossed by a dark shadow. »
Ace flirting
You just know I needed to put this category. It’s always with the same character, Iska, a really beautiful Navy that is determined to capture Ace and later on to make him a member of the Navy directly. You can’t convince me that he wasn’t flirting, even if it’s not consciously.
« -Fire fists, don't shirk ! Any resistance is useless, you are wasting your time. Surrender !
- And if I resist in a useful way, will that do the trick ? »
« - Fire fists, what a fool you are… Where are we going if the bounty hunter and his target start acting together, huh ?
- I don't know, it's up to us, he replied with his mischievous look. »
Ace and the sun
I loved this moment so much that I want to make a whole category just for it. Ace being compared to the sun is the most relevant thing ever said about him, just see for yourself.
« Ace was a sun-like man.
Everyone was attached to him and respected him, even his opponents. No matter what, he was the center of everything and everyone.
But the sun, because it is too blinding, is doomed to spend it’s life alone. He cannot hold close to anyone, and no one can hold close to him. Quite simply because by standing too close to him, one burns. »
I know this post is hella long and I understand if you didn’t read everything but it’s important to me to give everyone the opportunity to know and understand better a complex and amazingly written character.
Not everybody has access or time for the light novels so I want to share everything I can <3
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bosskie · 2 months
Molluck Model - Sculpting Phase
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Yeah, I feel like I'm ready to show you this Molluck sculpt now since it's like 99.9 % done but I might still adjust some minor details; I'm just unsure about some stuff...
But yes, first, here's some comparison pictures with the older sculpt I also finished this year:
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Yeah, a significant improvement, mainly thanks to learning a better sculpting technique... But that older sculpt helped me a lot here since it helped me with getting the body's basic shape right. Oh, and yes, I used heavily all the possible OWI's reference material for this... (I gotta say that I actually bought that Soulstorm Collector's Oddition edition just to get the artbook easily (but also for that Molluck print...) and I wished that it has proper reference photos for Molluck and it did! That book has helped me a lot with drawing Molluck... We literally cannot even see his fullbody in the game but all the other Gluks'... So, I really love that I can see his fullbody in the book, though yes, I can confess that I wish that it had 'the another version' too but that's why I did these sculpts! If OWI won't show the new Molluck as naked, I'll do it! Oh, yes, there do are two pictures of that naked model too but just to his shoulders. It's enough though since that model do is based on the New 'n' Tasty one and his body probably ain't altered.)
There ain't really clear (enough) references for Glukkon anatomy, at least in my opinion, so it's a lil challenge to get Molluck's anatomy right. So, I also added some own details and mixed stuff, like those hands I keep mentioning... I'm just weak for those hands, okay... He has the most beautiful hands I know. Though, the whole Gluk is the most beautiful thing I know... I could just like compliment every part of his body but I'm not gonna do it but 'tell Molluck'...
But, here's some more shots:
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I coloured this sculpt just for showing it since I will probably colour him in another way later on. Frankly, I have no idea how the model is gonna turn out since I'm gonna do completely new stuff next... But I'm at least glad to have a better new Molluck model to play with! Oh, and yes, I did new eyes for him but I still need to figure out better way to create them... That glow just creates a lil challenge and therefore it can look exaggerated here too... And he has that expression just for fun!
Oh, and yes, I did promise to show some comparison stuff with human body too, so here you go:
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My man and me. (Y) I'm actually surprised that Molluck ain't as tall as I imagined him to be compared to me... Oh, and I'm not even tall, just about Abe's height. (Edit: I realized that I did the scaling incorrectly first, but it's fixed now.) Maybe those height charts ain't totally accurate but this is as accurate as it can be. Molluck is 7 ft / 213.36 cm tall but as you can see, the size of his body parts is quite varied... He has huge head and hands and his arms are very tall (or long, but it's his arms that make him so tall!)... But his torso is close to human's in size but his legs are small... Frankly, it took me some time to be able to enjoy his 'sizes' since I don't really enjoy being the smaller one but his 'sizes' compensate that too. Now, I have no problem with this and I really love him being big and small at the same time! Like, man, this Gluk just makes me go crazy... The hottest thing ever... Yeah, I'm quite happy to be with Molluck and it just gets better and better!
Yeah, uh, what a sexy beast Molluck is... It feels so odd to show stuff like this but I wanna be brave and do it anyway. I know that I could have taken the colours away from the human model but I let them be since it felt too 'soulless' without colours. I bet that someone might wonder what model it is, so I can say that it's just one model I have from doing adult animations for a mod (never published or even finished)... And yeah, those colours suck due to topology stuff and the way I coloured it but it's enough for now for me. Gotta model myself one day too... I'm glad that I can at least live with Molluck in a virtual world!
Oh, and I wanna just say again that I found Molluck attractive only after I started loving him. I can see his certain ugliness but it only makes him so beautiful for me... And even I know what he has done in his life, I still love him so much. He just seems like my Gluk and the reason why I started to love him was that I saw myself in him, I could identify with him. I just don't care about his crimes and he lives in a brutal world, he barely could do anything else than follow what the Magog Cartel wants. I also mean that I don't get anything special from his crimes, unlike one person I saw on Twitter back then... (The person listed all their paraphilias related to their Molluck lust on their bio...) The main thing is just that he feel so 'me' and right for me. I have never felt the same with any other character, there has always been something that has't felt right. Molluck just feels friendly, despite of the image he has in public... I can understand him, like his anger issues, and I only just wish all the best for him... I just truly love this Gluk and that's why it feels like I just keep loving him more and more.
And kinda related to this, I must admit that sometimes, I wonder how people can have multiple fictional others or 'blorbos' or whatever you call those characters like that (I know the differences here but it's not the point.). I had recently a moment when I had two characters I was into (if you know, you know) but my relationship with Molluck only got stronger and I started to feel bad for him... (I also realized that I was 'looking for' Molluck in that other character since he was similar, so it was about Molluck after all too.) So, I can be 'like IRL' with this, meaning that like he was actually my spouse/partner (in a closed relationship). So, I just am with Molluck in my way since I just cannot have multiple fo's... My relationship with Molluck is just this strong and he feels 'alive' to me but I still know that he ain't real. So yeah, it feels like 'cheating' if I was with another character too.
Oh, and yes, I also gotta say that even his 'unsual' body proportions can be challenging, it doesn't prevent us from hugging, kissing or anything related to giving and sharing love! I just really enjoy his body, as it is. I mean, it would feel like he lost something if I drew him having 'a normal humanoid body' or how you should call that... It's just such a big part of him for me but also gives him certain adorability. I just cannot help it... I want this Gluk so badly but it also makes me learn things and get better at stuff! Like, yes, I'm doing that Molluck model mainly for my own Molluck fantasies but I also wanna use it to other stuff too.
But yeah, I know that you should start from simple stuff but I have always done what I have wanted in art, so... I'm unsure about the next steps since I have never done them but luckily there are plenty of tutorials out there and I also got some e-books for Blender stuff (that's where I learned doing eyes and that colouring for example). Yes, this is my first 3D character model thing I'm doing. I just wanna have a Molluck model this badly...
I could talk so much about Molluck... I just love this Gluk with my whole heart... 🫀 Yeah, I think that I should stop writing for now and get back to thinking Molluck (in bed since I should go to sleep now)! 💞✨
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