#this movie still lives rent free in my head
iwikitty · 3 months
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cringefail-clown · 8 months
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more of the cam cafe au, this time with strilonde family dynamic
so dave and rose are siblings and they both had their kids very young (other parents dipped out as soon as possible). they helped each other out with raising the kids while working on their careers, so the trio grew up very close to each other, roxy often acting as a mediator between dirk and hal as they were on each others cases basically since birth lmfao
gonna do the j squad next but holy shit is their family tree... complex
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moliathh · 1 year
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Inspired by this LOVELY fic that everyone should check out: THIS
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axemetaphor · 5 months
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rest assured that even when I'm not thinking about him I am still thinking about him
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hubba1892 · 11 months
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Sarah. Wie geht’s dir? Das ist meine Kollegin Karin Gorniak, ich hab‘ Dir mal von ihr erzählt. (Was ihr nicht seht | 2023)
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glubtier · 1 year
People making fun of kids for weird-ass shit like Skibidi Toilet really need to be introduced to things like Demented Cartoon Movie and Arfenhouse. (CW: flashing lights/colors, early 2000s humor and language)
This was peak comedy for the tween/teen demographic.
I mean don't get me wrong, they were also very, very stupid, but don't act like "kids these days" are coming up with weirder shit than we did with just Flash, Windows Movie Maker, and Corel PaintShop.
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k1ranishf4 · 10 months
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My Loki doesn’t look very Loki but that’s fine because I’m actually proud of how this turned out (click for better quality)
I need more Dashingfrost content in my life, so I’m just providing for myself lmaoo
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phantomato13 · 11 months
Me and my future husband:
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doodleandie · 2 years
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Liveseys and Hawkins..es...?
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salora-rainriver · 1 year
In the scene where Sasha is telling off Barbie about the ways in which the barbie doll set back feminism and contributed to the objectification of women and represents unrealistic standards of beauty and excellence and yadda yadda, like,
I expected that to be setting up a plotline where Barbie has to find a way to show Sasha the childhood joy and dreams Sasha once had that she’s now given up on in her pessimism and that she’d be proven wrong and shown how Barbie is in fact a method of empowerment despite the outward appearance of perfected beauty and -
Because Sasha was fucking right, this IS a core problem in the interfacing between the ideals of the barbie doll and the messiness of the real world, and also Sasha was never the one whose disillusionment and depression transfers over into barbieland causing a massive crisis, no it was her fucking mom all along, who DOES love barbies and DOES see them as a role model and someone to live up to, and SHE’S the one who needs to reawaken the childhood magic,
BUT ALSO the status quo isn’t restored, you can’t close the pandora’s box that is an awareness of the bitterness and complicated struggle of the real world, you CAN’T just escape back into fantasy, IN FACT the fantasy has irrevocably changed and guess the fuck what thats okay because in the end you DONT need to restore the nostalgic past, you need to fix the problems of the present, Barbieland will never be the same again and that’s okay because Barbieland is going to be better, it’s going to be stronger, more conscientious and aware,
You WILL grow older, your childhood IS gone forever. That’s okay, you’re still beautiful, you’re still good enough, and your toys and dreams have matured alongside you. You are going to grow and change and live and one day die and thats okay.
And- fuck i nosedived into an emotional ramble MY POINT IS they set up an extremely formulaic plotline from the likes of mediocre Christmas movies, and then they threw in several curveballs and completely decimated it. Greta Gertwig utterly bamboozled us. How did Mattel let her get away with this. Who greenlit this emotional thesis on aging and womanhood disguised as a glorified toy commercial.
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undead-potatoes · 10 months
Rewatching Pacific Rim for the first time in years, and like this was truly one of the movies of all time huh
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savage-rhi · 11 months
I had a scary, animal accurate tyrannosaurus dream that felt HD real.
I was at a parking lot where this marketplace was located. A guy friend was in this red car that was parked between two giant pickup trucks. He and the trucks were parked away from the majority of the vehicles. It was night and just rained not too long ago. I could see the water glistening off cement and asphalt.
I'm maybe four feet away from the car when I feel this deep rumble in my body, and I hear a very loud but low pitch hum. I stop, and I feel it again. It's like all the nerves and blood in my body are frozen. I start looking around and don't see anything or hear anything else. My friend rolls down his window and asks what gives and if I'm alright. I shake my head and gesture for him to be quiet.
Then I see a pair of glowing yellowish eyes, and then the rex walks into view on the other side of my friend's car. It was so quiet despite being massive while it moved. It didn't make a damn sound. No roar fanfare or anything. It was like a giant bird just strolling by. Its body was barely illuminated by the parking lot lights, but I could see its greyish scales and dampened microfeathers. Its nostrils flared, and its warm breath turned into a smoky fog.
The rex blinked my way, canted its head in a bird like manner, and then just smashed its entire snout through the roof of my friends car. Like before, it didn't make a sound, but I felt that reverberating hum in my body again and again.
My friend was screaming, and I was in shock before I ran toward one of the trucks. I was too far from the store to get in, and I thought if I could get under one of the trucks for now, I'd be alright. As I ran, my friend hit his head on something in the car, and he went silent. The rex lost interest, pulled its snout out from the top of the car, and deadlocked its eyes on me.
It chased me around for a bit, not really running but more like power walked cause it knew I was getting tired, so why waste energy? Eventually, we circled back to my friend's car and the trucks. I managed to get underneath one, and the rex seemingly gave up the chase.
While waiting for the coast to clear, I looked to my right at my friends vehicle. The entire top was caved in and looked as if it had been in a multicar accident or a giant rock smashed through. I couldn't see my friend, but I figured he was still unconscious and maybe lying on the floor somewhere.
After maybe ten minutes or so, I finally had the courage to come out from hiding. I was in between my friend's car and the black truck I sought refuge under. Keeping crouched, I began to look for a way to open the passengers' side.
A series of deep thumps began to rhythmically travel through the ground, and my heart sank. The rex charged out from the darkness and headbutt the drivers side of the car. It flipped to its side, and before I knew it, I was sandwhiched between the car and the truck.
I was almost impaled by a metal piece sticking out from the roof. It was so close to my chest that I let out a gasp, and I could hear the thumps return. The rex was gonna headbutt again. At the last second, I crouched and made myself as small as possible. He hit it not just once but several times. I could feel my space growing smaller and smaller. If it kept up, I knew I was going to get smashed.
The crashing sound of metal warping itself ceased. My body shuddered, and I felt cold despite being drenched in sweat. That's when I felt a warm gust of air to my right, and I could see the rexes nostrils flaring through a crack between the car and the truck. He was smelling me out.
The scent of its breath was a combination of mildew and a putrid musk akin to someone not brushing their teeth for months. I wanted to throw up.
I remained in place and held my breath so as not to make a peep. I thought it better to let him think I was dead in here versus being alive. I had a gut feeling that if the rex caught onto that, it would smash the car again and I couldn't take that risk.
The deep rumbles all the while repeated over and over. It felt like my body was being shaken inside of a car going through a dirt road that hadn't been tended to in years. I could see parts of the rexes snout inflate and deflate between the noise. This was how it roared. Not through displaying its teeth and screeching like a jaguar taking down prey, but through low vibrational frequency.
I was so caught up in the awe and fear of the situation that I didn't register that it had moved to the other side, and through another crack to my left, stuck its tongue through and licked my arm.
The muscle was warm and slimy with a rough patch of texture here and there. It felt like I was being licked by a cat and a dog. I tried not to scream. The rex went at it for a few minutes, then gave up.
I remained curled up in the husk of a car for what felt like hours before I had the courage to find a way out. I managed to lie flat on my back and scooted like an inch worm out of the debris. Once I was standing on two feet, I looked around everywhere. There was no sign of the rex.
I jumped, hearing a faint moan coming from the car, and my friend poked his head out from the drivers side window. In shock, he looked around before his eyes landed on me and shouted, "What happened?". I rushed over and began to help him get out of the car, all the while explaining that we needed to get inside one of the markets at the center. He was visibly confused but the terror in my voice was enough to let him know now wasn't the time to talk.
We managed to sprint through the parking lot and to an open store. There were maybe ten people inside counting the gal at the register. While my friend limped toward the medical supplies to aid his bleeding head, I was warning folks not to go outside and even shouted at one gal who was close to leaving.
Everyone at this stage was looking at me like I was crazy, and a security guy was attempting to shove my friend toward the exit. I frantically got in between them and kept warning that a giant animal was out there and that we were trying to hide. Needless to say, the security guy didn't believe us and the commotion continued.
Thats when the security guys bravado stopped entirely and his mouth gaped open while his eyes bulged out. Everyone in the store went silent.
My friend and I slowly turned our heads around, and through the window, we could see the large pair of glowing eyes in the distance and the dark silhouette of the rexes' massive body. He was staring right at us, keeping so still that it could pass as a monument.
The rex snapped its head to the side like a curious cockatoo and rushed.
The sound of small explosions going off in my body was the last thing I could comprehend as it prepared to push its head through the glass, and then I woke up.
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achillean-knight · 9 months
Gods, this'll be 10 years since FNAF first released huh?
I need to organise a special artwork AAAA
Also, about that, funny story, I found out about FNAF from a game known as ✨Animal Jam.✨ Had I not been coaxed to watch the trailer for the first game from random players on AJ and my friend the next year actually getting me into FNAF via his drawing of the Marionette during a break in our primary school concert lmao, I wouldn't have grown up and had such a tight bond with this franchise.
If you count little 10 yr me watching the first FNAF trailer when it released instead of 11-12 year old me getting properly into the series around FNAF 3 -> FNAF 4 Halloween Edition, then I've been with FNAF for 10 years this year... Or 9 if you rather choose the other option.
Nevertheless, I'm shocked It's progressed as much as it has in the 10 years it's been around. I'm grateful for the newcomers loving the series I grew up with and the oldies who have been around since the start. I hope FNAF lasts for longer and I hope I can be apart of this for a long while GAH
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milla984 · 2 years
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K.G.F. Chapter 2 - Rocky’s suits, the complete collection
@ramcharantitties, @thewinchestergirl1208, @jrntrtitties, @theclumsypanda,  @vidhurvrika,  @raajali3
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Friends We Made Along The Way Modern AU Part 2
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Ive been getting a couple requests for modern day kid/killer, and ive had this perona design in the works for months now. But the final straw was the realization from that one ask i got that i have nothing for Koala in my au yet. So i had to rectify that.
ASL Brothers Modern AU
East Blue Crew Modern Au
Grand Line Crew Modern Au
Friends We Made Along The way Post
additional head-canons:
Koala volunteers at the hospital that Sabo works at as a physical therapy assistant on the weekends. it is very seldom she has free time due to her department store job, doordash job, and volunteering.
Perona, along with Zoro, was a foster child to Mihawk. they both came to live with him when they were teenagers. She still lives with him, but she pays rent and their relationship is more like roommates than father-Daughter atm.
kid and killer are saying up for a trip to Hawaii. They really wanna go up the Mauna Kea mountain and breathe in it’s famously clean air.
additional koala headcanons on this post
Perona has taken up a bit of fencing lessons from Mihawk, and has generally absorbed a lot of information about swords from just being around Zoro and Mihawk all the time.
Kid lives in a very crappy building with 7 other roommates, but he winds up crashing at killer's place most of the time
Killer collects posters of movies he likes that he steals from the movie theater as they come out.
Thanks for reading 👍
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autumn-foxfire · 4 months
You know a scene that lives rent free in my head from movie 23? When Shinichi saves Kaito from Makoto. When Kaito began his heist, he was waiting to be his back up. We know that Jii was there, Kaito's assistant, and still it's Shinichi that saves him from that situation.
And Kaito's grin when he realises Shinichi has helped him, man it kills me. Look at him!
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These two work so well together. There is just a layer of trust that is present between them despite being on opposing sides of the law (well technically) that is so astounding. I love them.
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