#this may have been inspired by someone getting mad at me for ending a game of capture the flag without letting him farm the other team
wavebiders · 2 years
As much as I think at times the pvp aspect of WoW can fuck with the story (in terms of creating conflict between factions not based on what makes sense narratively but just to give people a reason to fight) it does do a very good job at making players feel the exact "us vs them" mentality that the characters in-game deal with
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So I went to Fan Expo yesterday! I wish I bought tickets for two days instead of one, i couldn't do all that I wanted. Most of my day was just waiting in line to meet voice actors.
Buuut the highlight of my day is that I met Dee Bradley Baker! I got a selfie with him and I asked what was his favorite Spongebob character to play. He said Bubble Bass's mom. He did voice impressions of them both. Its so weird to hear the voices come out of him since I'm used to hearing it on the TV. It was great though.
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He LOVED my Slappy cosplay and said it was freaky. I am so so happyyyy. When I took a selfie with him, my friend said some lady also took out her phone to snap a picture of my cosplay. It may not be the most polite thing to do without asking but I really don't mind it lmao
It was my dream to go as Slappy since the first time I ever went to Fan Expo. Which isn't long ago but still. I felt like I was wearing his skin✨
I finally know how Slaps felt like in this instance wearing the Patrick costume
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I spent the past week making the head out of paper mache and I'm very proud of it. It's not particularly strong because I was figuring this out while it was foing along. I spent most of my time sculpting and ensuring it LOOKED like Slappy, I didn't give much consideration towards visibility (his mouth is a seeing hole but you can just barely see. Also towards the end of the day, it began cracking around his jaw area so I couldn't wear it anymore. It's fine and easy to fix, I do kinda want to fix it up and make it stronger. Probably put a helmet on the inside and pad out the inside. I also want to give him false eyelashes lmao.
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I had a lot of fun painting him though. It was like doing his makeup UwU he's also actually wearing makeup since I used an eyeshadow pallette to use as a highlighter on his skin. He's sparkly in person.
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I also made his dorsal fin (I followed a basic fairy wings tutorial to make it) and my sister helped out and made the little gloves from socks. She finds this costume horrifying. I think that's the best part. I chased her around a bit as Slappy.
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I also attended a panel and got an autograph from Neil Newbon who voices Astarion from Baulders Gate 3.
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Mainly because my friend has been obsessed with the game lately. I didn't think I'd care much until I actually met him. Hes actually wonderful and witty and polite and professional, I could go on and on about it. My friend and I were both gushing about it. Even for the brief moment of meeting him at the table and he shakes your hand with both hands and looks you in the eye AHHHH✨✨✨😭😭
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Unexpected but REALLY made my day <33
I ended up missing photo opportunity to meet Spongebob because the line was so long but this is a rare moment where I think it was worth it.
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Especially since despite all of that, there are many folks who asked for pictures. Especially older folks. They were able to tell right off the bat that it was Peter Lorre related!
And the ones who were younger and closer to my age were still able to get it. I got a lot of people asking "is that Gomez Addams?" because Gomez is Peter Lorre inspired. Which was the PERFECT opportunity to infodump and tell them that Slappy and Gomez are both caricatures of Peter Lorre. I actually have a printed picture of Peter Lorre that I kept in my tote bag just for this purpose <3
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When I was standing in line, one man was looking at the Slappy head for a bit and said "he has a face only a mother could love. He reminds me of a certain actor" to which I just had to say "Peter Lorre!" Hehehehehe
There was also a paramount section where they had Spongebob mini golf.
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I actually met a dude while I was in line and he was also a Hardcore Spongebob fan. Its actually crazy to find someone as deranged as I am irl. It was soooo much fun just chatting with him. We ended up traded socials. I kinda wish I stuck around longer but we didn't have much time left ro really explore the con so my friend and I did a mad dash trying to get through as much as we could before the con closed.
All in all, I had fun. I'll probably reuse this costume next year. Perhaps I could find a brown tailcoat suit too so the cosplay can be 100% accurate.
Here are some miscellaneous cosplay pictures:
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This one is my favorite <3
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maridiayachtclub · 5 months
that reblog about an inhospitable dungeon sorta highlights one of the areas in which i myself feel the biggest divide with youth culture: the idea of TTRPGs primarily as a space for exploring emotionally complex stories about specific kinds of characters engaging in specific sorts of tropes. like they always had that capacity, but i feel like a lot of the people that got into the hobby in the 5E, critical role era think of TTRPGs as a storytelling medium first and a game second. which, that was kind of how things were set up, i guess. "the dice are there to tell a story" has been the line for decades and all. but now it feels like there is an expectation for personal narrative arcs, and that the campaign's primary purpose is to explore and complete those arcs; all mechanics and gameplay are in support of that goal.
i don't mind that mode of gaming, it can be fun. there's a place for it in the hobby and lots of people that enjoy it. i don't know how well-suited i am to like, facilitating it, though. it's not like i actually play a lot of games with strangers, and i'd never run a game for someone i didn't feel like i had a good fit with. but if there's "make up a guy to get mad about," there's also "make up a guy to have awkward interactions with." for me it's someone i saw making a post here that went something like this: "Oh, D&D? You mean group therapy with all my gay friends?!"
like I say "I wanna run D&D," and what I mean is "I wanna describe rooms in a dungeon and cool monsters and traps and treasure chests and have my players figure out how to defeat the Evil Wizard," and what some other people (a threatening, undefined Them) hear is "I'm gonna have all my fantasies fulfilled! I get to make up a blorbo and the GM will tell a story about them and give them a romantic sideplot and an opportunity to work through all their trauma and it'll be just like my podcasts~!"
what if someone like that shows up at my table? shit's gonna be awkward. i didn't sign up for that, but isn't that what a lot of people think is the DM's job? this isn't entirely based on speculation, either; i've had conflict with a player that felt like their storytelling expectations were not being met by the game on the table before them. it wasn't "this isn't gay enough for me," but there was a clear mismatch in expectations and it made things rough. (Thankfully, this was just a one-shot thing meant to see if a group of players got along well, so. we certainly got an answer to that!)
there's something Matt Colville said in one of his videos a few years back, about how his players characterized him as an "old school" dungeon master, and how he was trying to understand what that meant for him. i'm paraphrasing, but the answer he came up with is that, as a DM, he was only concerned with the external growth of characters. his adventures provided things for the characters to deal with and react to, and the experience and gold that allowed them to make their numbers go up and expand their worldly holdings, but it was up to the players to make a personal narrative out of their characters' experiences. i liked this interpretation; that felt like a good compromise. it is not up to the game world to provide meaning, or inspiration, or closure; you gotta find those things yourself. which you can; we gotta do that shit in the real world all the time, after all.
(disclaimer: i am just talking about -my games- that i want to and may end up running. this isn't telling anybody what they can or should do in their games. i don't feel like this sort of thing should be necessary, for a post on my blog voicing my insecurities about my relationship with the hobby at large, but i've seen the discourse! i have seen just how bad the faith can get!)
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sometipsygnostalgic · 11 months
"Why is Alola so hated?"
Someone asked this question on Reddit.
The original post:
"Other than too much dialogue what is the worst thing about Alola. Alola is my favorite Pokémon games and region for a multitude of reasons but all I hear about it is that it has too much dialogue. I can understand that but later titles have just as much dialogue especially in the beginning portions of the game. So why is such an issue in these games than any other in the series. Also you thought the GD games were dark, the Aether Family are very dark concept if you want to look into them. Anyways back on topic, why are Alola considered the worst games besides the dialogue of course"
I thought about this question and I ended up writing a lengthy reply, see below. For context I should mention that Sun and Moon were my favourite mainline stories:
"So everyone is mentioning USUM, but since I was around for the launch of the games, I may as well throw my hat into the ring and explain what went wrong:
Everyone was really excited for the games to come out, but there was generally something missing from them. Promotional material was overly vague.
When the original Sun and Moon came out they had the following issues:
The story was very handholdy. I am a GREAT FAN of the story mode, but I have never replayed these games because they are basically visual novels. If you were a Nuzlocker, someone who wanted to replay Pokemon games, or if you didn't like the story, then these versions would automatically become your least favourite because of how long it takes to reach each milestone. It's also easier than a lot of prior games, not as easy as Gen 6 or 8 but up there.
While the region is IMO one of the most cohesive, it's also one of the least expansive. The Alola Region is fucking tiny. There's not nearly as many side things to do as in generations 4 and 5, and the new things they put into the Alola games were a lot less fun gimmick-wise. I like that they abandon the grid system, it needed to go, but Pokemon team don't seem to work well in 3d.
The online multiplayer was total ass. Of course, the online only got WORSE From here on out. How you get worse than Festival Plaza is beyond me, but I think Gen 7 is definitely when Pokemon jumped from having the BEST multiplayer system on Nintendo systems in generation 6 to one of the worst. Personally I was also disappointed the Festival Plaza wasn't a bit more like the Wifi Plaza, which was already a broken terrible mess but at least had some minigames. It seemed to take the wrong inspiration from Wifi Plaza, and tragically Pokemon only went downhill with online compatibility after. Because while technically the online is more fun in gen 8 and 9, it doesn't work.
The games leaked before they came out. Everyone saw concept art of the starters' final evolutions and they were SO MAD that Litten became bipedal. But there were very few surprises in Sun and Moon for people who prowled the reddit, who also seemed to be the least excited about the games.
However, what I don't think you understand is how much LOVE they had. Of all the pokemon games I've been around for the release of, I think Sun and Moon were most unanimously loved. Everyone was talking about the story, and the incredible new designs of the alola pokemon, and yeah they were having a lot of trouble playing online, but people persisted.
When Ultra Sun and Moon came out, people were veeeeery disappointed for three key reasons:
This was a dual release "third version" instead of a sequel. Again, everyone LOVED the story of the original games, by this point it felt that the "third version" idea was dated, and people wanted a damn sequel with their favourite characters! I think BW2 set a very high bar for what the Pokemon team could offer, and unfortunately I don't think they ever met that bar again after they started making 3d games.
It was on the 3DS instead of the Switch. I was NEVER expecting USUM to be Switch games, I knew Pokemon team were not ready for Switch, but for some reason people expected Pokemon Stars to be a Switch game. Everyone was reaaaaally excited for Pokemon Switch after the console launched, but Pokemon has always belonged on the DS, and I felt it had more potential for growth on that console before moving up on the chain. Of course, after the negative reaction to USUM and the begging for Pokemon Switch, Game Freak HAD to start development on Let's Go and Sw/Sh.
The things they'd added into the game were not as impressive as the other Third Versions. Pokemon Emerald and Pokemon Platinum were objective improvements from the original, though I have some things to say about Emerald's pacing. I like the minigames from Ultra, I fell SO in love with the Camera mode!!! Spent so much time fucking around in it and still have a folder in my computer to this day. HOWEVER, the people still yearn for a Battle Frontier! The Battle Factory they put in USUM seems to be based on community, which was already a pain in the ass, and as you know, it's now impossible to play online with others, so RIP to that as well. I like the changes to the Battle Tree, I love Rainbow Rocket, but while Platinum and Emerald were NECESSARY IMPROVEMENTS from the ground up, USUM only improved some of the battles and held down everything else with more, worse cutscenes.
The story was much worse than the original, choosing to cut and change content instead of improve upon what was there. The story of Platinum and Emerald doesn't come across as worse than DP and RS, but EVERYONE thinks the story for USUM is a downgrade. The reason for this is because if Lillie was the true protagonist of the games originally, the Ultra versions tried to cut her down, but only for a couple of her most important scenes. She and Lusamine basically have every scene intact except for their most important, climactic moments. It's like if instead of BW2, they made Pokemon Grey but it was split in half, and instead of being an evil fucko gunning for world domination, Ghetsis was trying to use the power of the two Dragons to stop Kyurem from freezing the world, except he still abused pokemon, and he still abused N from childhood, and N never showed up to become champion and N never realised the truth of pokemon or turned against his father. How terrible would that be?
No remakes or anything special at the end of the gen. For the past few generations we'd either had remakes or sequels, but Gen 7 released USUM and Let's Go. It's debatable whether the Lets Go games are part of gen 7, but I wouldn't consider them remakes the same way that HGSS or ORAS are, and they are CERTAINLY not a favourite with a hardcore Pokemon audience. At least Gen 8/9 had decent DLC and Legends Arceus as a halfhearted apology note, but unfortunately there was no swan song at the end of Generation 7.
I think ultimately that's what made people go from "Gen 7 could be the best yet" to "Gen 7 bad". The launch was very strong, but the followup was the poorest out of almost any gen.
My personal opinion of USUM is it is one of the best pokemon games for general battles, I think it would be a lot more fun to nuzlocke than the original Sun and Moon, but there's a lot of better pokemon games to replay than USUM, especially if you're taking modded into account. I think sun and moon were the most immersive out of the games I've played, at the very least because it had improvements like trainer models in battles without the uncanny as hell stuff you got in the next two gens. I remember the games fondly, even if I do feel bitter about the story changes."
I thought this reply was worth sharing on this blog. I put a lot of effort into it.
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konigsberg · 1 year
would you consider (if you havent already) making a rec list for books/authors/poets/etc? your breadth of classics knowledge and the source material you draw inspiration from always intrigues me.
I'd be happy to, but I think I might (accidentally) give the impression of being more familiar with a lot of these things than I actually am haha.
I'll focus on classics or classics-related recs, but there are some things I'll throw in here because, even though they aren't classics (or classics in the sense I think you probably mean, as in directly related to ancient Greece etc.), they've influenced what I’ve written in some way. I should also be clear, I haven’t read all of these things, sometimes only pieces, or they’re things I’ve been meaning to read and keep putting off but people might be interested in. And I’m definitely not an expert. I’m not properly educated on these topics, so I’m not sure if anything I include might be considered a bad resource by someone with a background in this field.
Also, as I was putting together this list… I was gawking at the prices of so many of these. Like 90% I grabbed at my local secondhand bookstore and I would encourage anyone interested to try to get these used (Thriftbooks is an online store to look at if you don’t have a good local store, though I’m not sure where all it ships to) or from a site like Project Gutenberg etc. Libraries are always good too, of course (some might be on Archive.org, which is a place where you can check out books online). I may be able to help you find ways to get your hands on some of these sources if you’re struggling to find it.
Aethiopica by Heliodorus (tr. Moses Hadas) - An ancient Greek novel. “The Aethiopica tells the story of an Ethiopian princess and a Thessalian prince who undergo a series of perils (battles, voyages, piracy, abductions, robbery, and torture) before their eventual happy marriage in the heroine’s homeland.” Summary from here.
An Oresteia (tr. Anne Carson) - Carson’s translations of Aiskhylos' Agamemnon, Sophokles' Elektra, and Euripides' Orestes. Literally anything Carson touches is gold, please just read everything translated or written by her here, even if you’ve read other translations. “After the murder of her daughter Iphigeneia by her husband, Agamemnon, Klytaimestra exacts a mother's revenge, murdering Agamemnon and his mistress, Kassandra. Displeased with Klytaimestra's actions, Apollo calls on her son, Orestes, to avenge his father's death with the help of his sister Elektra. In the end, Orestes is driven mad by the Furies for his bloody betrayal of family. Condemned to death by the people of Argos, he and Elektra must justify their actions ― or flout society, justice and the gods.”
Arete: Greek Sports from Ancient Sources by Stephen G. Miller - All about the concept of arete. Exactly what it says on the tin.
The Constraints of Desire: The Anthropology of Sex and Gender in Ancient Greece by John J. Winkler - Another that’s exactly what it says on the tin. “For centuries, classical scholars have intensely debated the "position of women" in classical Athens. Did women have a vast but informal power, or were they little better than slaves? Using methods developed from feminist anthropology, Winkler steps back from this narrowly framed question and puts it in the larger context of how sex and gender in ancient Greece were culturally constructed. His innovative approach uncovers the very real possibilities for female autonomy that existed in Greek society.” (My friend has another book from this collection (?) called The New Ancient World, which I want to get if I ever actually… finish reading this one. But that one is called One Hundred Years of Sexuality, I think, and there’s another called Games of Venus, which also looks very interesting so I want to mention them.)
The Golden Ass (Metamorphoses) by Apuleius (tr. E.J. Kenney) - This is another that feels like it might go without saying, but whatever. This is where the story of Cupid & Psyche is told. If I understand correctly, this is the oldest (surviving, and possibly only?) extended account of Eros & Psyche’s myth, though art of the two appears much earlier so I assume Apuleius was drawing from older sources. “Written towards the end of the second century AD, The Golden Ass tells the story of the many adventures of a young man whose fascination with witchcraft leads him to be transformed into a donkey. The bewitched Lucius passes from owner to owner - encountering a desperate gang of robbers and being forced to perform lewd 'human' tricks on stage - until the Goddess Isis finally breaks the spell and initiates Lucius into her cult.” Actually, this is the physical copy I have and I got it just because I really wanted a physical copy, but I haven’t read it. I read a version for free online years ago when my obsession with Cupid & Psyche first took shape and I… have no clue who translated that one. But, well, here we are. You can definitely find this on Project Gutenberg, probably by a different translator, though.
Greek Fictional Letters (edited by C.D.N. Costa) - “This book explores a relatively unfamiliar and under-appreciated area of Greek literature: imaginary letters written between about 100 BC and 500 AD. Many of them are light-hearted and funny, and describe the lives of ordinary people--fisherman, farmers, courtesans. Others look at more serious and philosophical aspects of life. All the letters are translated, and the notes offer help to both expert and less informed readers.”
Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides (tr. Anne Carson) - Carson’s translations of the plays Herakles, Hekabe, Hippolytos, and Alkestis. “Herakles, in which the hero swaggers home to destroy his own family; Hekabe, set after the Trojan War, in which Hektor’s widow takes vengeance on her Greek captors; Hippolytos, about love and the horror of love; and the strange tragic-comedy fable Alkestis, which tells of a husband who arranges for his wife to die in his place.”
The Iliad by Homer (tr. Robert Fagles) - Do I need to include this? I’m including this, if only to say this is the translation I have.
Medea by Euripides - This is, of course, the play depicting what happens when Jason attempts to remarry, betraying Medea. I can’t find my copy right now to specify which translation, but I didn’t particularly enjoy it anyway (the translation, not the play to be clear). Here’s a copy on Gutenberg.
The Odyssey by Homer (tr. Emily Wilson) - Again, just noting this is the translation I have more than anything.
The Voyage of Argo: The Argonautica by Apollonius of Rhodes (tr. E.V. Rieu) - Covers Jason’s quest. You can find various translations for free on Project Gutenberg.
The Black Andromeda by Elizabeth McGrath - This is a paper about Princess Andromeda’s race and how it has been depicted throughout art and literature. It’s relevant to the Aethiopica and how it handles or fails to handle race.
Burial customs, the afterlife and the pollution of death in ancient Greece by Francois Pieter and Louise Cilliers - A research paper covering exactly what it says it does. I haven’t read much of this even though I really should and the parts I have read are so, so interesting.
The Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece by Carlos Gómez - General history.
Eros the Bittersweet: An Essay by Anne Carson - All about love as the ancient Greeks conceptualized it. I beg you all to read this. This is the one I’ve posted a bunch of my notes on to twitter. “A book about romantic love, Eros the Bittersweet is Anne Carson's exploration of the concept of "eros" in both classical philosophy and literature. Beginning with, "It was Sappho who first called eros 'bittersweet.' No one who has been in love disputes her," Carson examines her subject from numerous points of view, creating a lyrical meditation in the tradition of William Carlos Williams's Spring and All and William H. Gass's On Being Blue.”
The Gardens of Adonis: Spices in Greek Mythology by Marcel Detienne (tr. Janet Lloyd) - I haven’t read much of this, but I know I need to. “Rich with implications for the history of sexuality, gender issues, and patterns of Hellenic literary imagining, Marcel Detienne's landmark book recasts long-standing ideas about the fertility myth of Adonis.”
Granddaughter of the Sun: A Study of Euripides' Medea by C.A.E. Luschnig - I’ve also been posting screenshots from this as I read it because it makes me super unhinged. All about Her… “By looking at aspects of Medea that are largely overlooked in the criticism, this book aims at an open and multiple reading. It shows that stories presented in the drama of 5th century Athens are not unrelated to human beings who actually exist.”
Magika Hiera: Ancient Greek Magic and Religion - “This collection challenges the tendency among scholars of ancient Greece to see magical and religious ritual as mutually exclusive and to ignore ‘magical’ practices in Greek religion.”
Portraits of Grief: Death, Mourning and the Expression of Sorrow on White-Ground Lêkythoi by Molly Evangeline Allen - Someone’s research on funerary vases. I haven’t read much of it, but I came across it while trying to find other info and it looked interesting.
Ovid: The Erotic Poems (tr. Peter Green) - Ovid is a Roman poet, but I think his work might be of interest. “This collection of Ovid's poems deals with the whole spectrum of sexual desire, ranging from deeply emotional declarations of eternal devotion to flippant arguments for promiscuity.”
Ovid’s Poetry of Exile (tr. David R. Slavitt) - More of Ovid’s work.
Sappho: A New Translation of the Complete Works (tr. Diane J. Rayor) - Please… Please… any translations of Sappho you can get… read them…
Desire, Discord and Death: Approaches to Near Eastern Myth by Neal H. Walls - Obviously not Greek, but I feel like anyone interested in ancient mythology about queerness, love, death, and sex would find this really interesting. “The three essays presented in this volume reveal the symbolic complexity and poetic visions of ancient Near Eastern mythology. The author explores the interrelated themes of erotic desire, divine conflict, and death's realm in selected ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian mythological narratives using contemporary methods of literary analysis. Topics include the construction of desire in the Gilgamesh epic, a psychoanalytic approach to 'The Contendings of Horus and Seth', and gender and the exercise of power in the stormy romance of Nergal and Ereshkigal.”
Erotism: Death and Sensuality by Georges Bataille (tr. Mary Dalwood) - I haven’t read much of this and I know based on Bataille’s fiction (my man was really on some shit)… this is sure to be really unhinged. But it’s all about life, death, religion, and sex. “Bataille challenges any single discourse on the erotic. The scope of his inquiry ranges from Emily Bronte to Sade,from St. Therese to Claude Levi-Strauss and Dr. Kinsey.  The subjects he covers include prostitution, mythical ecstasy, cruelty, and organized war. Investigating desire prior to and extending beyond the realm of sexuality, he argues that eroticism is ‘a psychological quest not alien to death.’” I feel like… there probably needs to be trigger warnings for this one, but who knows what lol. This is actually the main book I’ve been using to help me learn French too, which is… a choice on my part for real, but that’s getting really off topic.
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coralcatsea · 1 year
(Image is inspiration only, the post is unrelated to this game).
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My brain, instantly: What if Arthur—
—was a witch who ran a little general store like this and sold simple potions and charms to help people out, and Alfred ended up checking the place out due to curiosity, then ended up becoming a regular customer because he liked the person who ran the shop and because the products were useful. Then one day he comes in to buy a bunch of luck and courage potions so he can work up the nerve to ask out a special someone. 👁️👁️
And what if Alfred alluded to this, but Arthur, not knowing who the special someone is and feeling a bit jealous, gives out fake potions or anti-charms that hinder Alfred’s chances to confess (free of charge).
Example, if Arthur gave a potion that was supposed to make Alfred too embarrassed to talk to his crush. Shortly after, Alfred stops coming to see him for some strange reason. 🫢
It turns out, though, Alfred is coming to see him, he's just hiding behind a tree and failing to get any closer.
Arthur tries to approach or talk to him, but Alfred immediately runs away or comes up with some excuse.
Poor Arthur is baffled and frustrated.
Next time Alfred comes (to the nearby tree, anyway), Arthur asks what the deal is, if Alfred's too busy with his new boyfriend now or something, and Alfred just looks at him in confusion.
"What boyfriend?"
"The fellow you were going to confess to?"
"I can't!" And then he runs away again.
Next time Arthur finds Alfred behind the tree, he asks, "Why can't you confess?"
"For some reason, I can't make myself talk to him for very long anymore. It's like something's holding me back. I guess I keep losing my nerve."
It's as Arthur expected, and he opens his mouth to say something else, but Alfred's already making a mad dash out of there.
The time after, Arthur asks, "Why won't you talk to me like you used to?"
"I don't know!" Then Alfred elaborates, and Arthur hears that same reason from earlier, "It's like something's holding me back. I guess I keep losing my nerve..."
Realisation dawns upon Arthur. He inwardly admits he maaaayy have been foolish. And now he has to administer an antidote.
If he can manage to catch Alfred, that is.
Tackling him to the ground may be necessary.
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Yes there are situations in which you can't boycott a brand. And I'm happy to take my turn to tell the tumblr girl* guilt trip guild to shut up. (I keep coming back to it but my reaction is generally informed by what I posted about guilt in activism earlier.)
*I'm pointing out tumblr because this platform is like home to me. But I know for a fact this is an issue portrayed all over social media.
I'm glad you're participating in boycotts for possibly the first time. I personally have been boycotting multiple brands for a long time. Because of my experience, I've had time to figure out that
you can't possibly boycott everything that's bad in some way (you must survive and live)
not everyone can boycott the same things you can
It doesn't matter how strongly you believe a brand must be boycotted if you aren't (and can't be) the person responsible for purchases in your household. It doesn't matter how much you want to boycott a grocery store if it's the only grocery store accessible to you, be it geo-locally, monetarily or within the context of disability. And when we're talking about long-term boycotts, it doesn't matter if every grocery store around where you live is evil in some way - you need groceries.
Yes, and I say that as someone who continues to boycott many brands and has largely not encountered issues with doing so, it is possible that someone can't boycott a brand.
It is completely useless to insist that they can and blindly get mad. We have to acknowledge that fact and figure out what can be done.
If there are brands you can't possibly boycott:
This doesn't mean you can't do anything right! Make sure you continue to boycott the brands you can indeed boycott. You can also help the causes you care about through other means.
There is no hypocrisy in informing others about the boycott even though you can't participate. The fact that you can't do it could in fact inspire you to convince even more people to join your cause to compensate! You can acknowledge your shortcomings and still try your best.
If you can't boycott the brand right now but could join the boycott at a later date - assuming it is still going - then don't hesitate to! It's never too late. Just because you weren't able to help in the past doesn't mean you should bar yourself from doing so in the present.
Make sure to uplift the voices of those who are participating in the boycott! Try not to let yourself get defensive, and continue to speak positively of the boycott. Try not to spend too much time justifying yourself and use your time wisely.
Hell... If you weren't a customer in the first place and never meant to become one, you can't possibly boycott a brand. It is a simple fact that not everyone can participate in a boycott, and that it must be accompanied by other acts of activism to work.
While I focused on concrete reasons why someone may not be able to participate in a boycott, it is unfortunately a fact that some people will refuse to boycott a brand for seemingly subjective reasons. If someone tells you "I'm ready to boycott everything else, but not this one, because this specific drink/game/food/location is my safe place mental health wise", you can't decide for them that it's not the end of the conversation. Because it is a fact that guilt tactics and negative practices such as name-calling have a negative impact on getting people to participate in activism, all you can do is extend understanding, try to advise them to participate within their framework, maybe suggest ways to make things work (boycott temporarily, buy less instead of not buying at all if that doesn't seem like a plausible option, speak to the brand about your upset as a customer...), and if it still doesn't, then focus on encouraging them to boycott the other brands they can indeed boycott and on convincing other people to participate.
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4lph4kidz · 4 months
3, 4, 17, 18, 26 and 36 for the writer ask game. :3
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
i play ridiculous music when i can't concentrate and need stimulation. running in the 90s. mad rat monday. spamton CD. this kasane teto song which i have seen (accurately imo) described as penis music.
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
i can't really... think of any? there are words i like but i wouldn't say i hoot and holler if i see a chance to use them, or see them crop up in someone else's work. themes and ideas, yeah! specific words... idk.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
i've been doing a lot of probably entirely unnecessary research for my latest WIP which is... hm! how about i dm you about that one.
on the subject of research, i'm under no illusions, catabolic seed is sheer scifi nonsense (affectionate). i've purposefully held off from getting too in the weeds with it because i know i would stress too much about complex worldbuilding and scientific accuracy, so a lot of stuff that isn't directly relevant to the plot is broad strokes stuff. as per the main inspiration, wolf 359, i'm leaning more on the workplace comedy at the start (because, haha, i have a job, he just like me fr) but i may develop the sci fi elements more once its time to fully bring them into the story. what i do have is: detailed bios and job descriptions for each character, a rough layout of the spaceship Hemera, notes on robotics and spacefaring technology, rival factions within the worldspace, some alien biology stuff... i'm a pretty big science nerd, and i enjoy good hard sci fi! but we're not doing that here, we're putting guys in situations. this is about genre. verisimilitude. you're getting good old fashioned technobabble.
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
alright, how about this part from ch1 of catabolic seed! i made some pretty big last minute changes to the beginning of the fic because the pacing wasn't working, and i ended up pulling in a scene from much later in the story to serve as a dirkjake meet cute.
Tumblr media
i like set up. establishing tone, creating atmosphere... the way you introduce a character, even one known already to the audience, is something i think is important and i enjoy playing with that a lot. originally jane was present and dirk was going to be pulling a bunch of wires out of the wall, which jane described as 'disemboweling her spaceship' but at some point i decided him popping out of the vent and scaring the shit out of jake seemed like a more fun idea so i ran with it. this establishses dirk as a potential threat, which leads to the stupid kabedon moment later, which leads to the jokes about the disney cruise liner and the engineering section flooding... i didn't have time to think it through all the way but as far as choices made on the fly go i think i made it work!
dirk being in the vents was also pulling from wolf 359, specifically referencing the character captain minkowski who i felt was kind of comprable to dirk in terms of her neuroses - it wasn't till i got someone else's eyes on it that they pointed out that i'd introduced dirk exactly like a fucking xenomorph, which was perfect, so i scrambled to insert a textual reference to the alien movies and doing some hasty worldbuilding while i was at it.
in general i think exploring the relationship from jake's point of view is super interesting. in an au where they don't already know each other, dirk is an interesting figure for jake to 'figure out' - aloof, mysterious, other - classic love interest stuff. which is perhaps less interesting than their deal in canon, but hey, i'm having fun running with it.
26. How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
hm, i don't know. i hyperfixated on the alpha kids pretty hard so i think i already have quite well-formed interpretations of their personalities and perspectives, it's not hard to dredge those up when i need them. i won't pretend my writing is for sure an accurate reflection of canon characterisation or anything but i'll go read passages from canon when writing and refining dialogue especially. and hmm. i do end up going to dark places sometimes, and nearly every fic ends up quite a bit darker than i mean it to... i'm totally fine. don't worry about it.
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice…what do you Know?
be bisexual, eat hot chip and lie
aside from my aforementioned interests in genre fiction, or biology, i can see what i'm grappling with as a person reflected quite clearly in what i end up exploring in my work. i have the past experiences of being a queer teenager who had no idea what was going on, grappling with mental illness and feeling incredibly alone. or i can draw on my experiences as an adult, finding myself as a person, going out into the world, and all the struggles therein.
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le-morte-d-belle · 1 year
Chapter Three (finally...)
Title: Linger
Chapter Three: Lessons, Letters, and the Restricted Section Pt. 1
Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy
Main Characters: Selena Calderon (OC), Ominis Gaunt
Pairing: Pre!Ominis Gaunt x Selena Calderon
Warnings:  Angst, hurt/comfort
Notes:  A short story inspired by Hogwarts Legacy. Some liberties were taken and certain events will not follow the original story within the game beat for beat. Characters have been aged a year (6th year).
Summary:  Selena Calderón was a fool to yearn for a man she could not keep. Ominis Gaunt was too sanguine to think he could keep their hands clean. Sebastian Sallow was the string that held all three together. And, in the wake of his absence everything around Ominis and Selena was unraveling. Try as they might, they could not live life without him. Selena would not be left lingering for a friend who might be on his way to Azkaban. A short story about the struggles of moving on, finding new love and realization.
Previous Chapter: Chapter Two
“It's more than just ‘pushing someone out,’ you know." Ominis began. “Occlumency is completely shielding one’s mind against a Legilimens. Or those trying to access your thoughts and feelings so they may influence you.” 
He paused here, seemingly aggravated by an unknown entity Selena couldn’t protect him from. His hands, which once were melded into her own, had begun to fight with the rest of him. Open. Close. They dragged themselves up and down the wool fabric— never finding a place to rest. Selena itched to return to the closeness they once shared, but Ominis had pushed them apart. It was a reminder, a small warning to the both of them that their journey to the Room of Requirement wasn’t some friendly get-together. 
He was to teach her another way to survive, just as Sebastian had before.  
It hadn’t appeared prevalent then, but the  Auror’s use of Occlumency had stirred an inferno within Ominis.  Selena had been attacked prior to this one instance. She had found herself on the end of a wand countless times, so adding another aggression against her to the list wasn’t much of a feat if she was honest, but Ominis was furious. His anger and heat were things she had learned to become unfamiliar with. What caused him to become so motivated to protect her from this one thing when it was unlikely Selena would be assaulted again? What was he not sharing with her? 
When he started anew, Selena felt even more lost than when he first proposed she learned to become an Occlumens. “As you know, my family and I are Purebloods, the elite of the elite, in part to Salazar Slytherin’s blood flowing through us.  As a child, I never thought much of it, but for the rest of my family, this was the divine proof of our superiority. It—it was so stupid, honestly. This way of thinking just fostered bitterness and jealousy. 
Aunt Noctua was different, though. Before—she disappeared, shouldering their disgusting beliefs was easy. While my family was not what you would call homely, Aunt Noctua made everything within the manner’s walls more lively. I’d probably gone mad if she wasn’t there to constantly rescue me from their insanity. Especially when I let it be known how much I didn’t care about blood purity. Or my lack of regard for following an ideology that tortured others for the pleasure of it. I was much more interested in Aunt Noctua’s stories and the muggle equivalent of Herbology.”
“Gardening? You garden?”
“Yes, or well, I used to. It was the only thing I truly shared with my mother. It's not exactly the same thing, though. Merlin forbid, my mother got on her hands and knees to plant some daisies or whatnot, but the act of breathing life into new seedlings or listening to the whispers of all the different flowers around us was exhilarating.”
His face had lightened up at the small memory, and an unspoken sense of relief flooded Selena as whatever troubled him early seemed to be fading. “That sounds beautiful, Ominis. I really wish I could see it.” 
“I wish I could show you,” he agreed. “Unfortunately, it doesn’t exist anymore.”
“Oh! I’m sorry. What— what happened to it?” His hands began again. Open. Close. Up. Down. They were burning themselves into his slacks. “It's okay. You don’t need to share with me, Ominis.”  
The young man just shook his head.  
A few long moments passed as Ominis tried to steady himself. Words came and went, floating in a hazy mess as they tried to straighten themselves into phrases of reassurance. None of them, however, wanted to be spoken. So, Selena did the only thing she could do, take hold of his moving hands and shield them with her own.
 “How strange.” 
“Who? Me?”
“Yes,” Ominis laughed. “You and Anne have only met a handful of times, yet you both comfort your friends the same.”
“We do?” Selena croaked unsurely. He gave her another nod and radiant smile. Their similarities appeared to bring him further peace. Something she knew should make her happy. Ominis had shared another piece of himself— a beautiful memory that was meant to bring them closer, and they did. She was honored he felt so comfortable with her. They were friends, and that was how things were supposed to be. 
So why did she feel the need to drop his hands and leave because he found serenity in her and Anne’s commonalities?
“Hm. Anne could never let things lie. She always made sure Sebastian and I knew we had somebody. You’re the same way, just a little less refined and brash.” Ominis teased. “It's the Gryffindor in you, I suppose. Always running into things without thinking. I can see why Sebastian found you so entertaining.”  
“I live to please, I guess.”
“Well, either way, I must say I am grateful for it. Your friendship and theirs.  All of you are more of a family to me than my own.”
“Ominis, I—”
“Don’t. I’m alright.” He gripped her hands tighter and at last brought their separation to an end. “There’s no true love between my family and I. To them, you were only important for the blood you carried and the marriages you’d make. My siblings and I knew nothing but rage and pain. We were made to practice all the Unforgivables on one another so that we may one day use them against all the muggle-borns and blood traitors for tainting the beauty of our society.”
“That’s horrible!”
“It was my life until I came here, to Hogwarts, and met Sebastian and Anne.  I was never any good with them, and when I was successful, they only worked because of my anger towards having to cast it. I couldn’t understand how it came so easily for everyone. People like my older brother, Marvolo, relished in his use of them— even when he’d use it on us younger siblings. He found joy and power, but I couldn’t see anything but the horror of it. I’ll never be able to forgive myself for utilizing my turmoil and disgust to harm such innocent people. However, there was one good thing that came from it.”
“I fail to see what that could be.”
He laughed once more and slowly burrowed the sound in the soft strands of her hair. “You know, the easiest way to beat the Imperius curse is to know Occlumency.” 
“So, you wouldn’t learn Imperio earlier, but you’ll use it on my best friend?”
Her heart dropped. “You can stop the Imperius curse.”
“To a degree.”
“But—,” he had let her cast it on him. 
There was no fight. 
No struggle. 
She had forgotten all about that incident— banished it away to the far corners of her mind to be forgotten and shadowed by the scars of everything that happened afterward. Ominis had allowed her to overtake his mind and manipulate him knowing he could shake off her lousy attempt at the spell. Selena wanted to be furious, let forth a fountain of betrayal and outrage over his lack of disclosure for having the ability to stop her. She just couldn’t.  Ominis had warned her, and she still went ahead and cursed him anyways. 
“I’ll take all the responsibility.” 
So this is what he meant that night in the catacomb. 
This was the responsibility she was supposed to take. Ominis had willingly sacrificed himself and placed his throat at the tip of her wand— a wand that was supposed to be held by a friend. He had believed in her. He had seen how Selena would do anything to help her friends achieve their goals and obtain solace with the comfort she brought because of her assistance. She had failed him, and still, Ominis played witness to the kindness she shared with others. He watched as Selena handed out those parts of her to everyone else but him. 
“Why didn’t you stop it?”
“It doesn’t matter anymore.” He made to straighten up, but Selena didn’t want to release him from her hold. Not yet. Not when she could barely accept being added to the list of monsters who took his trust and molded it to match her own interests. Ominis quietly sighed and eased his hands from her own. “What’s done is done.”
“I know, just—”
“Oh for Merlin’s sake, let it go, Selena. I’m alright.” 
She knew he was. Out of the three of them, Ominis had always been the strongest. Friend or foe, the young man would let it be known how foolish and wrong everyone was when others would keep such thoughts behind pressed lips. He was their bright burst of light shielding them from the heavy cloaks of a Dementor.  So, Selena knew he would be alright, but that didn’t make the guilt any easier. 
“This isn’t what we came here for. Come now, face me so we may begin our lesson.” 
“Fine,” She relented in a hushed sweep of air, dissipating the thick thread of tension between them. “I’m a sucker for this newfound assertiveness so I’ll comply this one time.”
Ominis rolled his eyes and settled deeper into the other end of the couch. “Thanks. Though I don’t believe I’ve been behaving any more different than before.”
“Fair. You’ve always been a little bossy—”
“—I beg your pardon!”
“But I don’t know, I just feel that you seem a little more sure of yourself. Since, you know…everything that happened with Sebastian and Anne.” 
They’d fallen quiet again, fading back into the misery that Selena found herself tied to. Ominis was throwing her a line to grab hold of so she might be brought back to the surface, but here she was, trying to pull him under with her. Ominis deserved better than that— better than her. 
“It's a good thing though! Like I’ve said before, I very much enjoy this side of you. Anyhow, carry on, Professor Gaunt.”
“Right. Well, I think we should start with how well-trained your mind is already.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I have your permission, yes?”
“Uh, sure?”
“Alright! Yes, do with me what you will Ominis.”
Ominis shot her a look of humored annoyance and ignored her teasing by taking out his wand. The faint glow of red at its tip was drowned out by the bright hues of yellow and orange of the fire behind it. Swishing to and fro, Ominis bounced the wood on each pad of his fingers. Selena waited for the rotation of his wrist and the murmur of a spell, anything to show her friend had begun their lesson. But Ominis continued flickering his wand in small circular motions and kept her focus on the repetition of it. Brown eyes followed smooth lanky fingers as they spun the rich bark of English Oak round and round before her. 
Selena never noticed when Ominis eventually said, “Legilimens.”
[Yesterday Morning - Headmaster’s Office]
“Good morning! Ms. Calderón, wasn’ it?”
“Um—yes, sir,” the student softly mumbled.
“I’m Auror Kaur and this is my partner, Auror Gawley. We’d like to ask you a few questions if you don’t mind?”
“Questions? Oh, uh, I guess that's alright?”
“Perfect!” The blonde, heavy-set man smiled widely at her with his browned, yellowed teeth. “You’re in your sixth year, yeah? Pretty late to be starting school. How’s it treating  you?”
“Fine,” the sixteen-year-old murmured reluctantly. 
“That’s good to hear! After all the things we’ve heard you have been involved in, what with the dragon and troll and whatnot.” 
“Um, thank you?” Selena stuttered. “I didn’t really— do much.”
Laughter bellowed loudly out of Kaur. “Nonsense! Escaping a dragon and taking down a troll are very impressive feats, Miss Calderón. Why, I don’t know of many witches or wizards who can boast that they’ve come face to face with at least one of them, let alone both.”
“Right, right. Just trying to make her feel comfortable.”
The makeshift space created for their meeting in the Headmaster’s office provided Selena with no comfort. Nor did Auror Kaur’s false pleasantries. She sat worriedly in the chair before them, unsure of their true purpose for being at Hogwarts and her need to be in their presence. Worries and fears crawled their way through every nerve in her body. They weren't here for Sebastian, were they? Did they happen to know anything about his sudden disappearance?
“I don’t mean to be rude but is Sebastian alright, sir? Headmaster Black mentioned—“
“All is well, dear. He’s safe and with his sister.”
“Anne? But Sir, I don’t understand. What happened? Why was he taken out of school?”
The second Auror, a man much older than his partner, reached forward to grasp the blonde and sighed down at the two of them irritably. “We’re here to investigate the death of Solomon Sallow.”
“Come off it, Kaur. There’s no beatin’ ‘round the bush ‘bout it.”
Selena straighten quickly in her worn and dated armchair. The Aurors bickered in harsh tones before her, but the raging war within Selena held her focus. Pointedly, she schooled the features beating themselves against the bars of neutrality. It screamed and raged, demanding the student’s attention be turned to it. The men knew nothing. They had to know nothing. It was the reason they were here, right? 
All Selena needed to do was breathe. Breathe and act as if she knew nothing. 
“Solomon’s dead?”
“Aye,” Gawley grunted. “Mr. Sallow has unfortunately passed.”
“But—wait! What about Sebastian and Anne!” Selena allowed a quiver to shake her lips as she gently dropped her head to her chest, perfectly woeful and beautifully innocent. “Merlin, I can’t—Oh gods.”
Auror Kaur muttered a “Poor thing” before the screech of his chair rang out as both he and his seat made their way to settle beside the Gryffindor girl. “You three were quite close from what the Headmaster shared. I— we can promise you your friends are safe, and if—”
“Oy! Don’ coddle her.”
“Goodness, gracious Gawley! Can’t you see how upset she is—here, dear, don’t mind him, you can use my handkerchief—a little more tact and sensitivity would be much appreciated!”
Selena sank deeper into the chair, folding herself further away from both men. Let them argue all they want as long as the show entertained the two of them, Selena would continue with her one-woman act and fish them for as much information as possible. From the corner of her eyes, she caught the swirling of the eldest man’s wand dancing within the shadow of his robes— waiting, watching, listening for its cue to come out and be known to all those who sat in the dim glow of the Headmaster’s office. 
“Um, excuse me, sirs? Would you be able to tell me what happened?” Selena mumbled, eyes never leaving Gawley’s wand. “I just—are they alright? Can I see them?”
“So polite! Unfortunately, as this is an ongoing investigation, we can’t tell you any more than what we have.”
Ah, this was how they were going to lead the interrogation.
Auror Kaur continued to smile widely at Selena without notice of her deception. Gawley, on the other hand, didn’t seem inclined to be as welcoming as the other. There was no doubt in the Gryffindor’s mind that the older man didn’t fall victim to her charade. Towering and stocky as he was, the man seemed to love hiding behind the abundant ray of friendliness and concern that Kaur exerted abundance of.  The longer Selena let their conversation continue, the quicker her downfall would come. She would need to end this talk quickly and run with as much information as she could pull out of them.
“Was there anything you needed me from then, sirs?”
“What was Sebastian Sallow’s relationship like with his uncle?”
“For Pete's sake, Gawley.”
“It's alright, Mr. Kaur!” Selena finally returned the clingy blonde’s smile. “I can’t really say much, but I know Sol— Mr. Sallow and Sebastian didn’t always see eye to eye.”
“And you don’ know why?”
The teen turned to face Auror Gawley with a frown. “Uh, well, it isn’t really my place to say.”
“I see.”
“Sir,” Selena pushed again. “Are you sure everything’s alright? Sebastian—”
“Is fine. Like we said.” Auror Kaur assured. “We’re just trying to get to the bottom of things. Solomon was an old friend of ours, and though he may have hung his badge, once an Auror, always an Auror.”
Fucking hell.
Friends? Solomon Sallow still had friends in the Ministry? Why hadn’t Sebastian or Anne said anything? Killing a man was easy, unfortunately. Trying to cover up the death of a still influential one was trouble. This investigation was spiraling down a path Selena couldn’t control or predict. How did she end up five steps behind? What did she miss? The distance between her and the Aurors grew wider and wider with each sentence. Something was amiss. Why were they so concerned with Sebastian? 
“It's why we’re here,” Kaur continued. “Some of Solomon’s friends were concerned over his sudden passing and came to us. Poor things, to come to learn they lost an Uncle so soon after losing their parents. How—”
“That's enough, Kaur!”
“Stop being such a sour kneazle, Gawley.”
The older man rolled his eyes and motioned at the blonde with his wand. A dramatic puff of air raced out of Kaur’s lips, signaling his annoyed reluctance as he slunk away from his seat beside Selena and returned to the other man’s side. “Seems like we’re done here.”
“Wait!” Selena shot up, her chair loudly clacking to the floor behind her. “Sirs, please. I’m not sure what you think, but I can promise you, Sebastian had nothing to do with it. Despite their differences and arguments, Sebastian loved his uncle just as much as he loved his sister, Anne. Sirs, you have to help him— them. I know losing their uncle has hurt them, and while I’m grateful you’re helping look into this, I think you're suspecting the wrong person.”
“Suspecting? I think you got it all wrong. Young Sallow isn’t a suspect at all. We’re jus’ coverin’ our bases.” It was Gawley’s turn to share a crude, friendly smile with Selena. “However, why don’t you share why you think we’re suspectin’ ‘em? Maybe it’ll help find the real culprit, yeah?” 
“I— well,” she began unsteadily. “You asked me about his relationship with his uncle, but you never asked about Anne’s.”
“Ah. Jus’ standard protocol is all. You’d only spoke of ‘im. Figure you’d know more than wit’  youn’  Miss Sallow.”
The man was playing Selena, and she had unknowingly been partaking in their game all along. How easy it must have been for them to realize she was hiding something. They’d use her emotions, manipulate each and every one of her moods, and blindly drag Selena down into the jaws of a sleeping dragon. Merlin, how pathetic.
She could battle poachers, ride graphorns, and wield powerful ancient magic but not see the trap right in front of her. 
What a bloody joke she had become to be guided on a deceitful path of comfort words.
Heat rose within her, and though she should have known better than to continue with their conversation, their intended seeds of doubt had been planted. Selena had allowed that bud to grow inside of her, given time for the roots to settle and let it soak up any sense of calm she held before. 
With a sigh, Selena raised her head to stare at the older men in front of her. “I’m worried about him— them,” she confessed. “Especially after what happened the last time we were there.”
“Hmm? And why’s that?”
“Take your time, dear. Only share if you don’t mind doing so!” Kaur chimed. 
“It’s— sorry,” Selena murmured anxiously. 
“You’re fine. Take as long as you need.”
“Right, thank you, sir.” 
Her heart wouldn’t stay seated. So many thoughts fought for attention inside the cages of her mind, and Selena didn’t know how to wrangle them all back into a coherent list. 
“There was nobody else. I came alone.”
Oh, Sebastian, what had he gotten them into now?
He had continually sacrificed himself for Selena, and now with the ball in her court, the gnawing phantom claws of hesitation held her back from doing the same. He was guilty, but was it worth losing her friend to Azkaban? Should she confess their sins and let them truly take Sebastian? Did the Aurors even really know what had gone on? 
Selena needed to fix this.
Where was that dumb Gryffindor courage that her Slytherin friend loved to tease her so much about?
“If you want to get the most out of your time at Hogwarts you're going to need to break the rules now and then.”
 And like a match had been struck, the floodgate of words began rushing out of her. “Yes,” she began in a rush— lies spilling out of her easily once freed from its confines. “Yes, the last time we were together, Sebastian, Anne, and I—there was an argument. Nothing physical, but Sebastian and Solomon fought over Anne. She’s—she’s really sick, and all we wanted to do was take her out. Which we did, but—we ran into Rookwood.”
“Rookwood. As in Victor Rookwood?” Kaur interrupted.
“Uh, yeah. He was insisting we knew where the location was to some lady’s house, but Sebastian and Anne never heard of her before. He wouldn’t leave us alone despite us telling him this. We tried to tell Solomon about him once we got away, but he didn’t believe us and was more upset that we’d taken Anne out. He sent us home soon after that.”
“I don’t think I quite follow, Miss Calderon. What does Victor Rookwood have to do with Solomon—”
“—What business would Mr. Rookwood have in Feldcroft?” Gawley growled.
“I…I don’t know, sir. I—it was just strange that he was questioning us about the whereabouts of something we knew nothing about.”
Kaur looked at Selena wearily. “This— isn’t really helpful.” With a sigh of his own, the blonde man slumped forward to rest himself on the desk before him and accidentally knocked into Gawley’s outstretched hand.  A small clunk rang out as Gawley’s reddish brown wand slipped from his grip. For a moment, all eyes found themselves drawn to the lost object. They watched as the wand rolled onto the floor listlessly— tethering between the shadow of the desk and the glow of the morning sun. 
Selena, more so than the rest, was entranced by it. 
She followed the back-and-forth swaying of the chestnut wood and stared at the thing as it struggled, almost as if it couldn’t make up its mind as to whether or not it wanted to be illuminated or shrouded in darkness. Such an odd thing for a wand to be doing. Why was the thin stick still moving? Shouldn’t it have lost all momentum by now? 
How odd.
How odd.
Her mind sounded so echo-y. What a strange thing to be happening. Were her thoughts usually like this?
Something wasn’t right. 
Something was slithering, coiling, lounging in the outskirts of her thoughts. This thing was burrowing its way behind the blockades and vaults she dare not open.
She needed to it stop moving.
She needed to get it out.
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clariongradiation · 2 years
31, 10, 22 for the ffxiv gods ask :)
alsooo as a bonus: do you have a main class and is it the same class you envision your wol to be as a character (e.g. you like playing one class in raids but you see your character as the master of another art when thinking of their lore)?
(It didn't add the cut my life is over sorry for the long post everyone)
CG: Hello hello, today we are here with the (almost) full party to answer some questions posed by a lovely friend. First off, how connected do you feel to nature?
Yuki🌸: when I first came to Eorzea it was fascinating to learn about the art of conjury from E-Sumi-Yan. The way they commune with nature and the elementals reminded me of how we speak with the kami, and it helped me to grow my healing art in ways I wouldn't have been able to if I had stayed in the Ruby Sea
Twi🐰: I may be from the forest, but I was never much of a treespeaker
Negi🍚: when you gather your ingredients from nature, you can't help but feel connected to it right? I may not speak to the elementals, but if you wander the woods long enough you pick up a thing or two
Popoto🥔: yes yes, and collecting the seeds to grow and nurture at home is another great way to be nature-y. It always feels so nice when something you've grown from a little seedling starts putting out flowers and fruit :)
CG: Great, thank you everyone. Next, do you believe in fate?
Kai🐱: it's a little hard not to, when the Spinner decides to have her way with you. Still though, it's not like we are incapable of making decisions for ourselves
Punch👊🏽: yeah, fate isn't really something I think of as a hard line or anything. I'll do my deeds and walk my path, and I'll get weighed at the end same as everyone else
Popoto🥔: I think so too, but isn't it nice to sometimes think that things were meant to be? Meeting a new friend, choosing one road over another, maybe these sort of things aren't random but little nudges from the goddess
CG: wao, so it's as deep or not as you want it to be, huh? Alright, next, at the peak of your fury do you tend to be destructive? If so, how?
Kai🐱: haha, this one is for those three
Punch👊🏽: don't mistake me, I may get destructive but not because I'm mad. I'm Ul'dahn; there are much more satisfying ways to deal with anger
Twi🐰: destruction doesn't have to be satisfying, sometimes it just seems the only appropriate way to respond. When someone has wronged you, when injustice happens and there's nothing else you can do, it can feel like the only way to get through it in the moment is to rage
Crystal🦎: one doesn't need to be furious to destroy? Destruction is as natural as creation. It is part of the cycle
Kai🐱: we haven't had any major incidents for quite a while. Adventuring and long hunting trips are good ways to keep property damage as low as possible
CG: some very interesting perspectives here. Last, our bonus question: do you have a main job, and is it different than the one you consider your true job?
Yuki🌸: healing was ever my calling, so white mage will always be closest to my heart. I cannot deny, though, that becoming a dark knight has helped me greatly with regards to certain other aspects of my life
Kai🐱: like romance, right?
Yuki🌸: [does not respond]
Punch👊🏽: I picked up the axe from some Lominsan lads we had employed for a while. It's a great way to defend yourself on the road, and I've never met an axemaster I haven't liked (eventually). Still, when it comes down to it, you can't go wrong with your own two fists
Twi🐰: in the forest, the spear was just part of life; its the tool and weapon I grew up with. But seeing the way Lyna wielded her chakrams was, um, inspiring. Learning the art during my time on the First is an experience I'll never forget
Negi🍚: similar to Twi, I grew up with the bow. Hunting game is a natural way of life in the mountains, and meeting Jehantel just seems like it was fated (haha). I cannot deny, though, that axes and knives are essential tools to know when gathering and cooking
Crystal🦎: bows and magic may be useful on the steppe, but the axe is the only weapon I require.
Popoto🥔: I may not have learned from everyone like Kai
Kai🐱: you just pick things up when you wander around
Popoto🥔: but I know enough to be able to fill any role I need to at the time. Though at the moment I've been learning about the sage's art while we're in Sharlayan, and it's been pretty fun :)
Kai🐱: I wouldn't say I know everything [a couple of the others scoff] but when you've inherited a legacy of millennia, it's not difficult to learn new things. However I am, and ever remain, a summoner.
CG: sounds like everyone has different things they like to do, huh? But that's what works best for a party! That's all for now, thank you everyone for coming~ We'll see you next time in the tumblr ask box!
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 1 month
have you watched game of thrones and/or house of the dragon?? if so, who are your favs?
me, with Daenerys plastered all over my blog: no, I have not seen the show and I don't have any favourites
I have seen the original GoT but I haven't seen House of The Dragon yet. I really want to watch it, but again - I need to be the right headspace to watch something new and I HAVE NOT been in the right headspace lately. But I have seen so many gifs of Alicent all over my dash and I KNOOOW I just know that when I watch the show, she is gonna hit all my fav character points (sad backstory, big sad wet eyes, repressed queerness, many parent issues, etc.) so expect 20 Alicent fics to flood your space as soon as I do watch HOTD
It's so funny, because I watched GoT TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE FINALE AIRED. My sister and her then gf were so into GoT and they watched all of S7 and S8 as it was airing in our living room and FOR WEEKS they tried to convince me to watch it, and I did not give a single fuck. And they watched the Battle of Winterfell on full fucking blast while I was trying to sleep, and I was like "can you not" and they were like "well this is important and blah blah" and I was like "well if you're gonna watch the show well I'm trying to sleep this damn loud then I guess I'll just fucking watch it too" and they were like "no, you have to start from the beginning because there's lore"
so I watched 7 whole seasons (and like 6 eps of Season 8) like a week before the finale aired. and as you may know from the reputation and content of Season 8, I was sorely disappointed and MAD very quickly
the show as a whole is a really great show and I am so mad that they fumbled the ending SO BADLY. but I do really love rewatching the show and then not watching S8 <3
and as far as my favourite characters:
(and I need to write fanfiction about all these characters. and I do have a bunch of unfinished GoT fanfiction in my drafts lmao)
DAENERYS TARGARYEN !!!!!!!!! my queen, the true queen, the only and only queen. in my head, she ended S8 on the Iron Throne and peace was restored and everyone was happy and that's it
Sandor Clegane - strangely one of my favs. I really want to write fics about him. he is one of those perfect "mean and cold, but turns out to be somewhat 'good'" characters that is SO MUCH FUN and I love his backstory and the way he is with Sansa and Arya (also, "someone is gonna die for some fucking chickens" lives in my head rent free forever)
Jojen Reed - I have more bias toward him because he's played by TBS. but we love a disabled/chronically ill king. and he inspired my all time favourite quote in the whole series "just because some people will always need help, doesn't mean they aren't worth helping"
Sansa Stark - again, queen. I love the arc she went through and her ending on the show is one of the only good ones. she is one of the only satisfying characters in S8, but I love her the whole way through because even though she starts out as a terrible ignorant brat, it makes her transformation so much more satisfying
Arya Stark - every time she's on screen, I cheer. I love her so much
Tyrion Lannister - king. he is clever and unironically sexy. last year when I was rewatching GoT, one of my favourite 'falling asleep to this' fanfic fantasy ideas was an in depth storyline with Tyrion as the love interest. I want to write fanfiction for him so badly. the moment when he gave Bran the disabled riding saddle was the moment I fell in love with him and it was just hits from there
PODRICK !!!!! - canonically gets bitches and supposedly the only person who knew how to make a girl cum (canon)??? HE'S ICONIC AND I LOVE HIM
Jon Snow - he knows nothing, but he is sexy. I definitely need to write a fic about him. sterling morals, heroism, and canon pussy eater. what's not to love
Ygritte - she is That Bitch. I love her. I need her biblically
TORMUND !!!!!!!!! - "before you stick ya prick inside her, you gotta get her slick as a baby seal" - and that was when I knew I needed him Sexually. I have a Tourmund fic in my drafts lmao
Birenne - she called Jamie a spoiled brat to his face and then fought a bear with her cleavage out. I need to fuck her
Missandei - she is pretty and adorable and she could tell me to fuck off in 17 different languages. I love her so much
Greyworm - I love him so much I cannot even put it into words omg
Gendry - sweaty tits. that is all
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dxy-drxxm · 1 year
⭐ | COMMISSION V : Love, 민지
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A/N: Just like the 4th commission, this is a reference to another game and is heavily (or somewhat heavily) inspired by 'Love, Sam'.
TW: Gore, 사생팬/obsessive fan behavior, mentions of death threats and heavily implied yandere behavior, and delusional thinking. Please keep in mind that this fic is in no way, shape, or form condoning such behavior and if you encounter someone like this, stay safe and contact the authorities.
Although this fic will be tame so to not break the rules of the server (and is rushed because of the deadline LMAO), these warnings still apply in the off chance you find this.
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"... This doesn't sound good."
Navina was currently consulting with the actress about the situation. From her words alone, it was almost as though she was dealing with an obsessed fan— one that had been sending her letters and such.
While she was explaining the matter to her, they were jotting down notes, nodding every once in a while to show that they were paying attention to her story.
"How about the letters? Have you kept them as evidence?"
"Yes! I've been so terrified that it could go missing, and I've... I've been meaning to go to the melusines and report them about all of this," the actress stammered, her voice filled with fear.
"But I hadn't had the time, and when I tried or made plans with the manager about it, I'd get letters that'd— that'd threaten my life or those I've been close to. It's like they don't want me to report this to the law at all."
If they're already threatening her about all of this, then this matter is more serious than most attorneys can handle.
"How long have they been sending letters to you?"
"3 months."
"Had there been any photographs about your place? Ones that they may have sent to you?"
"Not as far as I'm aware of. They've only took those when I'm out with friends."
"Have they left any trademarks? A name or a symbol, perhaps?"
"I... Believe so," the actress nodded, giving them the letter. "In their recent letter, they've left me a name. Unfortunately, I can't read it. Can you read it?"
They raised an eyebrow but took the letter, opening it to see the contents inside. Although it looked like a normal letter to many, when they read it, that assumption is thrown out of the window.
To Allison Rosa,
It's been 3 months, hasn't it? And it's our anniversary as well! Happy anniversary, my darling! ♡
As a special treat from me to you, I've left a gift in your apartment. I've noticed that you've kept my gifts for so long, and it warms my heart so much, darling. Do you love them that much?
If only I knew that you enjoy them so much, I'd have more sent to you... Alas, that is but a simple dream one can only have.
Now, will this mean I'll ever stop sending letters to you? Absolutely not. I've learned so much about you, and it's been amusing watching you go through with the matters of consulting with someone about my love letters when it should've been kept secret.
I hate liars, my little rose. However, since it's you, I'll forgive you ♡ I could never be mad at you, anyway.
Now, for our special anniversary, I'd like for you to see what I left in your apartment— just like what I mentioned before. I know you must desire to see me, so I left clues for you to find.
... On your own.
If I find out you're with someone, I won't be quite happy with you. I might just kill them if you did.
... Or maybe not! ♪
Now, let's go, my darling! Let's play hide and seek!
I'll hide every clue about me, and you'll get to seek where I am! Winner takes all!
Love, 민지
The silence is deafening. From how it was made, it seemed recent. And there was an awful stench of blood by the end, where the name was signed.
However, something about that letter bothered Navina. Maybe it was that nagging feeling they got during the pickpocketing, or maybe it was something else... But they felt as though the letter may unravel something far deeper, darker than what they saw alone.
They turned to the actress, and noticing the look of apprehension, they placed the letter down and pat her shoulder.
"It'll be okay, miss," they told her, smiling. "I'll come with you. If the stalker tries anything, I'll be able to stop them."
... I won't fail you like how I did with Calypso. Not this time.
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Reaching Rosa's apartment, Navina began to investigate the matter on their own. They told Rosa to stay with a trusted friend so the stalker doesn't try to track her down, and right away, they've noticed the gift and letter laid on the table.
There were some boxes strewn about, filled with letters and gifts separately. One was teeming, and the other had such a foul stench that even the informant wanted to keel over.
Still, they put on a brave face and went over to the letters, gathering them and closing the box. They knew from it's appearance that it was from that stalker, '민지', so it was valuable evidence.
Afterwards, they checked the other one, and they caught whiff of metallic and rotting—
Fuck, I'm gonna puke. Cover it.
Covering the box almost immediately, Navina shivered and placed the box of letters on top of it. The stench was almost stuck in their mind, and they didn't enjoy the fact it haunted them at all.
Focusing back on the letter next to a sealed box, they slowly walked over, picking up the letter to unseal it and retrieve the paper it was hiding inside.
I remember coming to this place before. You've done so much here when you first moved in, and when we first met... It was love at first sight. ♡
Sure, we were neighbors, but back then... We were friends. We've known each other for a year, you know. Back before you rose to fame, you and I would see each other eye to eye... And we would bond over the most menial of things.
Then... You got a shot of fame. Something that you told me yourself that you didn't expect.
You landed on a menial role, but you were seen by the bigshots. Then, you and I began to slowly drift apart. You got busier and busier, not spending time with me anymore and doing the things we used to do...
Even with others, you... Drifted apart from them all.
You drifted apart from me.
What happened? What happened to our friendship? Our world?
... maybe this will remind you of what we had together. It always does. Don't you agree?
I have more left for you to find. Do your best, darling~ ♡
Love, 민지
Opening the box, they saw a photograph sealed within. It was only when they picked it up that they've seen the face of their client before, but it seems the one next to them was a younger girl.
Her face was blocked by black ink, but all they saw was blonde hair.
Just like that actress.
Checking behind the photograph, they noticed the written address, and tucked it in their bag. With everything in the apartment settled, they began to walk out and head to the next destination in mind.
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Arriving at the next location, they noticed the letter attached and another photo, which they took without hesitation. They opened the envelope and took the paper out, this time to read what it says.
You always loved coming here with that guy. You talk about him all the time, it was almost like you and him were together.
... And I didn't enjoy the thought of that.
I trusted you, darling. I always trust you. There hadn't been a moment where I regret doing so. However, at that moment, I had thought of asking more about him from you.
Do you like him? Are you dating with him? Are you choosing him over me?
Does he already know that we are together? Dating, even?
When you told me that you were going out with him, it felt as though my entire world is... Crashing around me. Everywhere.
You were going out with him.
You were... Dating him.
Dating him behind my back.
You were cheating on me. On me!
You were cheating on me, your actual lover!
I wanted to convince you that it's all a lie, but you got defensive when I tried. You even called me crazy, because I wanted to keep you safe!
I just wanted you safe from that psycho!
But maybe that's why you avoided me. You always said that you have avoided others that started to act like those 사생팬, right?
I'm not like them. I'm never like those people. Believe me, I'm being honest here!
But... You started avoiding me. Calling me crazy, and telling me I shouldn't come near you.
... Oh well, not that you realized I was her, right? Hah!
Still, you wounded me, darling. But maybe you would change your mind when you see me. And what become of your lover, too.
Would you like to see me now, darling? Cause I do. You know where to look.
Love, 민지
Checking the photo, Navina's eyes narrowed at the sights. From how it was portrayed and where it was taken, there was only one place they knew.
... And then, they started running.
If I'm correct, this should lead to the same place that I went to before.
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Reaching the abandoned home they passed by, they went inside and saw a gruesome sight.
Laid right in front of them was a corpse of a man, one they recognized being Allison's lover, Marcus. His face was mutilated, but the clothes he wore was the same as the photo Allison showed them.
He was one of the missing individuals, and they couldn't tell if him being found as a corpse spells more good than bad on his case.
Walking away from the corpse, they went to the room connected to it, and they were greeted with a letter.
... And a few broken vials, labeled with the familiar words, 'Primordial Seawater', and the sight of damp wooden floors.
There were traces of blood, but they avoided it to grab the letter. Opening it, they began to read the words written by the stalker.
I have took your lover, and killed him, Allison.
He is certainly not an honest man. He had his own secrets to hide. At least, to hide from you. What did you see in him, really?
Are you, perhaps... Blinded by love? By adoration? Or are you just so stupid to not see the red flags sailing in front of you?
Oh well, I may never know what it is that made you like him.
However, in his final moments, he has done something unthinkable-- you can say that he, in his last moments, have tipped off some... Shady individuals to deal with the aftermath.
I think they're after me. Or maybe after you. Who knows, really? I'd be gone before then!
Alas, if you've reached this, congrats, my darling. I wish to draw our game out a bit more, but I'm reaching my final moments.
Till death do us part, and believe me, I will not part ways when you eventually pass on as well.
Sweet dreams, Allison. Let us meet again in the afterlife.
Love, 민지
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0 notes
fakesimp · 2 years
hello there, is your request open? if it is, may i request luxiem members reacting to a gn reader crying after they confessed to them because they didn't expect the boys to like them back? i hope it's not too complicated... thanks in advance !! -♡︎
Reciprocated feelings? With Luxiem
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Warning !
Slight Angst, Comfort !
Mentions of cursing in Mysta's part !
Luxiem boys x Gn! Independent Vtuber! Reader [ separately ]
A/n : my requests are not open, but this.. This is actually a good idea, I can't ignore this idea somehow.
Thank you for dropping the idea anon darling <3
And no totally not me writing this at 12 am.
Also my apologies if it is ooc </3
Since, I usually do Ike and Shu in Luxiem (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
You admire him, his hard work, his laugh, how he looked at you with admiration, did he do that on purpose? Did he even realize he did that? how he manage to make your heart skip a beat on whatever he's doing to you, even the simplest thing he did make your heart flutter.
As someone that is also in the vtuber world, he is your inspiration to begin your journey as a vtuber. It's almost unreal when you are getting reached out by him one time, and then it slowly increases from replying to each other's tweet, doing a game collab, till meeting up irl.
You have denied your feelings towards him for so long, but the more you deny him, the harder you fell for him. These past few days you were contemplating if you should confess your feelings towards him or not, but there's one thing that bothers you.
What if he doesn't feel the same?
It haunts you almost every night, making more nervous to confess. But you tried to build up the courage to confess, right now you're currently doing an off collab with him.
You're both currently playing a multiplayer game, he's on a toilet break at the moment. So you took your sweet time talking with the viewers while waiting for him to come back, and he did say that you both might end the stream soon since you've both have been playing for, quite some time.
After he's done with the toilet break, he came back and sat down next to you. Too close for your heart to handle but you have to stay strong. At least until you confess.
After playing again for awhile you both bid goodbye to the chat, and ended the live stream.
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Vox Akuma
"That's going unexpectedly well." Vox commented after the stream ended, you scoffed "you were expecting it didn't go well Vox?" You roll your eyes and rise up from the couch. Earning a low chuckle from the demon, "No, ...okay maybe a little."
"anyway, what do you want for dinner darling?" He asked as he followed you to the kitchen, "anything is fine." You replied, the demon that was not facing you now turned his head towards you with a smug face plastered. "And here I thought you would scold me for calling you darling, since you usually scold me." "Don't-, even say it. Vox Akuma." You said as you tried to calm yourself down, you didn't realize he was calling you with a nickname due to you kept on watching his ASMR streams. You were unexpectedly getting used to it.
You heard the demon chuckle once more before standing across you behind the kitchen counter, "seems like somebody was watching my ASMR streams." "No i didn't." "I didn't say who (y/n)."
Well shit.
"so you do watch my ASMR streams, awee, how cute." He whispered and making you more flustered than you already are. "Shut up.." you hid your face in your palms and groaned, but over all of his endless teases. You liked it, you loved it. The way he laughed, his low voice would rang in your ears. "Don't worry Darling, I won't tell a single soul about this." He said, you shot your head up and slightly glare at him. He coos at your reaction and out of the blue he suddenly tug your hair behind your ear.
His sudden gesture made you shudder, "Don't get mad now, I'm just teasing you." He said before turning around and start cooking dinner for both you and him. You stared at his back, you can still feel the warmth of his finger tugging your hair behind your ear. You felt butterflies in your stomach, your eyes soften as you stare at the demon in front of you cooking and humming.
"Yes, darling? Ah, I mean (y/n). What is it?"
. . .
As he just finished his cooking, He put his cooking on a plate and served it on the kitchen counter, taking off his both of the gloves and washed both of his hands at the sink before coming back to you and stared at you curiously.
You both stared at each other for a good minute before you decided to break it first, "I, want to say something" you took a deep breath. "Hmm, Go ahead, take your time." He replied as he stood there waiting for you to continue.
"I, admire your work, I also, love your voice, even though sometimes your teases drives me insane, but that's one of the thing that I like from you. I admire your friendship with the other members, everyone else that you interacted with. Mm, okay enough of that.." you cut yourself in the middle of your sentence, making the demon raise a brow. Looking at you, trying to figure out a reason why you're saying all of those. Unless-
"I like you Vox."
. . . . . .
Oh great, did you just ruin the mood now? Should've confessed through text huh? Now here you are stuck in this unbearably tense silence, the man in front of you haven't said anything after you confessed.
"look, Vox It's okay if you don't have the same feelings towards me, I shouldn't have confe-" "No no no, can you, repeat that?" He cuts you off, his question made you confused. You shot your head up looking straight into his eyes, "Repeat, what?" "Your confession."
You blinked once, twice, thrice. You looked away for a moment, "(Y/n), look at me" He said but you shook your head. "No, you know you can just say that you didn't feel the same," you said trying not to hold back your tears, "why should I repeat my confession when you don't even feel the same?" You continued.
"I didn't say I didn't feel the same in the first place." He replied as he put a finger under your chin, he slowly lead your face back up to him. And he place his hand on your cheek, rubbing his thumb gently on your cheek.
"Vox, I-"
"It should've been me first, I was afraid you don't feel the same. But then you confessed, it should've been me first."
Then your tears flow down, Vox's eyes widen up when he saw your tears. "Oh darling.." He immediately went to your side and wrapped his arms protectively around you, "Did I scare you? I'm sorry if I did." He apologized, "I- I thought-"
"Shhh, take a deep breath.. I'm sorry for not saying anything but,
I also like you, Darling." He said and dropped a kiss on your head, "You're mine, and I am yours."
Mysta Rias
"That was fucking awesome! I can't wait for tomorrow." Mysta said and slumped over on the couch, "thank you for today Mysta." you thanked the man and he looked at you and smiled a little.
"It was nothing, so, what now?" He asked as you cleaned up the table, "I don't know, you go find an idea what to do." You replied. He looked at you devastated, "Well, if you don't know then I also don't know." He continued. You tut, "Oh how I adore that behavior of yours." You joked, "yeah? I know u like me (Y/n)" he replied with another joke.
You went silent after, your heart skips a beat, you can feel your face heating up. Questions start to flood your mind, Does he actually know your feelings towards him? Is it that obvious? Or is he joking-
"..n).. (Y/n). Omfg, earth to (Y/n). Are you even listening to me by this point." Mysta called you and poked your shoulder, "Huh- oh- uh-" "Great, you're not listening aren't you." He said and sighed.
You turned facing him, to your surprise instead of seeing his usual smug face. You instead getting greeted with his worried face, "You went silent after I replied back to your joke, I.. uh, was wondering if it's offending you or something." He said as he scratch the back of his neck nervously.
It was a joke.
"No no, I suddenly, .. remember something important that's all." You replied to him and pat his arm, you remember. He's going to feel guilty. Even if you said it's okay. "You're so bad at lying (Y/n), damn." He said and smiled a little. "Wha- hey, I'm not lying, I'm serious. I do remember something important." You pout, earning a small laugh at the detective.
"But Mysta," "Yeah?"
. . .
"I actually do like you."
He immediately shot his head to you, he blinked once, twice, he opened his mouth but then closing them again. Repeats.
"Uhm, haha.." he laughed nervously, "are you fucking serious?" He asked. In disbelief. You turn your head away, "Yes. But look, if you, don't uhm, feel the same it's okay." You said trying not to cry on the spot. His reaction is completely out of your mind, "I understand if you can't reciprocate my feelings, maybe I'm not the right one for yo-" "no no, hey, I'm asking you if you're serious or not. I didn't say I don't feel the same (Y/n)." He cuts you off in the middle of the sentence.
He needs reassurance, he needs to know if you're saying the truth or not. He needs to know.
"I, do like you, I want to be more than a friend to you. I want to be someone that can stay by your side until death do us apart. But-" "Hey, quit that. I haven't even-, say anything yet.." he replied and took a hold of your hand.
"I thought about confessing to you, but I don't know how. I'm very nervous to the point I can't sleep, thinking about what your reply would be.." he explained as he gently rub his thumb on top of your hand, "But I guess, there's nothing I should be scared of. Since, you felt the same." He continued.
"I like you too, (Y/n)."
You look up at him, your breath stutters. "Mysta.." your voice cracked, he immediately shot his head up to see you crying. "Wha- why are you crying--" he immediately wipe your tears away, "Uh- hug-?" He asked and slowly open his arms. Without any further a do, you dive into his arms and cried there. You can feel his hand Patting your back, his heartbeat.
"so.. are we.. uh, dating now?" He asked trying to brighten up the mood. "You don't want to?" You replied in between your sobs, "God, Who doesn't want to date a beautiful person like you.
Then from today we're officially dating."
Luca Kaneshiro
"POG! We're Poggin' today (Y/n)!" Luca said and smiled widely at you, "Yeah! We are huh." You replied and smiled back at the male. "Ah, I'm hungry, should we get some food or should we continue playing another game?" He asked as he look over at you with another smile.
"if you're hungry, don't you think we should get some food?" You replied, "Sure! Should we order some food or are you gonna cook?" "Either way is fine Luca." You said as you looked over at your phone that was laid on the couch next to you. You see a notification pops up, you grabbed your phone and smiled.
After a few minutes, somebody knocked on the door. "Uh-" before you could say anything Luca stands up and went to the door, after hearing a few mumbles Luca came back with a box of pizza. "I got us pizza" he said and put the pizza box on the table in front of you, "We really don't have much of a choice huh." You commented and chuckled. The blonde tut, "You said either way is fine!" "Yeah yeah you're not wrong. Let's go feast on it shall we?"
A few minutes passed, both of you had a good conversation. Laughter filled the room as you both have a feast on the pizza, Luca got both of you some drinks. But there's a little bit of alcohol in it that's making the blonde a bit tipsy, you didn't want ended up to get a hangover so you decided to just drink a little bit.
"Say, (Y/n), what would you do if there's someone suddenly confessing to you?" Luca asked out of the blue, he laid back on the couch as he stared at you, with that cheeky smile of his. You stared back at the blonde and frowned for a moment, "hmm, how about you?" You shot back his question back. Now it's his turn to frown, "hmm, maybe it. Depends on the person that confessed to me? Tho, I wish it was- wait a minute. You haven't answered yours yet-!" He said and turn his body facing you, "so? What's your answer?" He looked at you expectantly.
You stared at each other for a good 5 minutes in silence, "I don't know honestly, maybe the same as you? Depending on the person who confessed to me." You said as you start fiddling with your fingers. "Pog! Do you, have someone you like?" He shot another question and tilt his head curiously, you frowned and looked down on your hand.
It's getting sweaty, your silence is making the blonde a little bit worried. "Did I, Am I not suppose to ask that?" He fixed his position and pat your shoulder, "As curious as I am, I'm being a gentleman so I won't force you answer me" he said and smiled at you.
You stared at him for a second before taking a deep breath. "There is."
"I have feelings for someone."
You continued, Luca's eyes twinkle and looked at you expectantly. "Pog! Can I know who that lucky person is?" He asked and smiled widely, "It's. You, Luca." You said and your voice went smaller as you do. Luca's smile wavered a bit, "Woah woah, wait c-can you repeat that?" The blonde requested. Making you bite your lower lip, "It's you Luca.." you repeated a bit louder this time.
The male blinked a few times before his face just completely went redder than before, Luca let out a nervous chuckle as he looked away from you a little.
You just want to bury yourself by this point, you're confessing to a tipsy man. You don't even know if he will remember your confession tomorrow, you softly sighed at your own stupidity. "Luca, Uhm, I-It's okay. It must be weird for you, when the question you asked actually happened.." you curse yourself internally about the voice crack at the beginning of your sentence.
Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't-
"no, (Y/n), I- I was just surprised-! I was planning to confess to you tomorrow! But you went ahead before me-! This is kinda.. unpog of me." The blonde said before looking back at you again, to be greeted with your shaking figure.
"(Y/n)-?! H-hey, why are you crying-??" Luca immediately engulfed you into his arms, your face buried in between his chest. "Did I say something wrong??! I'm sorry if I did, (Y/n)!" He apologized to you, "It's okay, (Y/n).. I'll protect you! I'll make sure your days will be filled with smiles from now on."
Ike Eveland
"Thank you for today, (Y/n)" Ike thanked you for the collab today, you smiled at him "Hey, this is nothing, I'm glad both of us had fun in the end." You replied as you cleaned up the table and sat back down on the couch. "Yes yes, that's right." The novelist commented and faced his body towards you.
"Well? How was your impression over the off collab?" He asked as he eyed you curiously and rest his head on the back of his hand. You turn to him and frowned a moment, "It was great, I'm enjoying almost everything we did." You replied and let out a small laugh at the memories of your off collab with the Novelist the past few days.
"Mhm?" His eyes are still glued on you, as if he's trying to find something in you that you're trying to hide from him. "Is that all?" He asked as he smile towards you, your heart flutters. Your stomach are getting butterflies, "W-what else do you expect me to say, Ike?" You stuttered and immediately looked away. Trying to hide your flustered face. Earning a laugh from the Novelist, "No no, it's nothing. You're so cute haha" you pout a little and peek at him.
"you're very teasy today." You said and looked away again, "oh, am I now? Maybe I'm high on energy drinks." He replied, letting out a small laugh before laying back to the couch. "But seriously, thank you for doing this with me. I can't thank you enough." He said and looked over at you before smiling genuinely, your eyes soften and you let out a chuckle. "I'm also thankful, I'm glad we can do this together Ike." You replied and laid back to the couch a few meters away from the Novelist.
The silence between both of you are comforting somehow, you slowly turn your head to Ike. He's closing his eyes, head resting at the couch. His adam apple moved ever so slightly, you can see it very clearly it moved, that made yourself tempted to touch it. But you didn't. You don't want to be called a weirdo for doing that, you probably will also interfere his personal space. And you don't want that.
You didn't realize you were staring at him for quite sometime, making the Novelist raise a brow and just let you stare for a little bit longer before commenting on it. "Enjoying yourself, (Y/n)?" You looked up at the Novelist that's also staring back at you, your face went red. Making Ike taken a back a little before letting out a small laugh, "I-I uh didn't mean to stare at you." You stuttered and bury your face in your palms.
"It's okay, you're so red by the way." Ike replied and slowly reaching his hand out to pat your head, when you feel his hand on top of your head you raise your head a little and peek through your fingers. He's smiling at you and tilt his head a little, "Hm?" You flinched and hide yourself again.
"I swear I didn't mean to stare.." you tried to explain but you can't even look at Ike properly, he's just. Making you nervous, and with your crush on him making yourself having a difficult time to calm down. "Take your time to calm down, (Y/n)." He gently whispered at you before moving his hand away from your head, you miss the warmth of his hand already.
You slowly put your hand down and stared at them for a moment, "Hey, Ike..?" You called out the Novelist. "Yes?" He replied. Your heart is racing, should you confess your feelings now? It's better doing it now than doing it in text no? But-
"(Y/n)?" Ike's call snap you out of your thoughts, "What's wrong?" He asked getting worried about you suddenly being silent. "I.. uhm, want to say something.. but uhm, you can also say no immediately if you don't feel the same. Okay?" You said making the Novelist stared at you curiously. "Okay.." he replied and fixed his position facing you properly.
"I, have feelings for you Ike. More than a friend.." your voice are getting smaller at the end of your sentence, "Oh, (Y/n)..." The way his voice softens make you close your eyes tight. Ready for the waited rejection, "I, didn't expect you to do it ahead of me.." Ike continued.
You suddenly felt a hand on your cheek, "Look at me, (Y/n).." he whispered as you slowly open your eyes and look up at him. His eyes filled with love and admiration, "You and I are now together.. I also have feelings for you.." he continued.
His eyes widen a bit when he sees you start crying, "Ike.. I- I was afraid.." your sobs making the Novelist's heart ache "oh, darling.." he pull you into a hug and proceeds to kiss your head. To comfort you, "it's okay.. let it out, I'm here for you. Not as a friend..
But as your lover."
Shu Yamino
"Eyy, Thank you for today (Y/n)-!" Shu thanked you as he helped you packing up the devices you used for the off collab, "Today was pretty tiring huh?" You said as you both finished cleaning up. Earning an identic V-shaped smile from the sorcerer, "yeah, but you did great (Y/n), don't worry." He commented and proceeds to sit down on the couch and looked over at you a little.
"You too Shu, not just me, we both did great. And I'm just glad both of us enjoyed every second of it." You replied at his statement and let out a breathy laugh, "anyway, are you hungry?" You ask the sorcerer. "I kinda do, yeah. Wanna order something? Or are you gonna cook?" He ask as you frown for a moment. You then tut, "You can cook too why am I the only one that's cooking." The Raven laughed.
"Actually forget cooking, I was wondering about something (Y/n)." Shu tried to change the topic, you pouts and go along with him. "Yeah? What is it?" You ask him, eyeing him with curiosity. "Mhm, I was wondering about having feelings towards someone." He continued, your heart skips a beat. "Oh? Are you perhaps, interested in someone?" You ask, earning a nod from the sorcerer.
Shu Yamino having a crush? On who?
How long does he have a crush on them?
Do you even have a chance to be with him?
".. was wondering if I should... (Y/n)?" He stopped in the middle of his explaination and looked over at your quiet figure, "(Y/n)? Are you there?" The sorcerer asked as he slightly wave his hand in front of your vision, making you blink a few times and looked over at the Raven.
"hi." He greeted you before breaking into laughter, you immediately went red as you listen to his laugh. "Shu..! S-stop laughing already." You stuttered but then you joined him laughing in the end anyway, his laugh is contagious.
"Did you, even listen to what I'm saying??" Shu asked as he tried to take some deep breaths after laughing for quite sometime, "I'm sorry I was, trying to imagine you having a crush on someone..." You replied as you also try to gain some breath. And realization hits you after you said it, Shu looked over at you for a moment with his identic V-shaped smile.
"As impossible as it sound, it is possible for me having a crush on someone (Y/n). I'm human too you know." He said and frowned a little before eyeing you curiously, "how about you? Do you have a crush on someone?" He ask before sitting down facing you. You stared at him, in silence. Making the sorcerer confused and looked around him checking if there's something wrong, he then look back to you. "What?" He asked as he tilted his head a little,
"What do you think? Do I look like i have a crush on someone?" You ask him, the Raven blinked a few times and frowned. "Yeah? I think you do, right now. I think. I'm not sure.." he replied making you smile sheepishly, "Okay okay, yes, I have a crush on someone." You continued, before looking away for a moment before turning back to Shu.
"Don't you, ..wanna know?" You slowly ask him, "Hm? Oh, well, if you want to tell me who, go ahead" he said and turn his head facing you. "Don't force yourself to tell me okay?" he continued. "I won't, don't worry."
"So, the person that I'm having a crush on is, a sorcerer." You didn't mention his name, you want to see his reaction. "A sorcerer?" The Raven haired male went quiet trying to figure out who could it be, "he call his viewers Yaminions.." then it clicked.
Shu looked over at you surprised, but his expression barely showing that he's surprised. "M..e?" He tried not to be too confident in his answer, "Forget it--" "It's me-??" Shu cuts you off in the middle of your sentence. Before you could stand up and ran away the sorcerer hold your wrist and looked up at you expectantly, "(Y/n), it's, me?" He asked one more time. You looked away trembling a little, he then loosen up his grip on your wrist but not lose enough to let your hand escape.
"it's, okay Shu, forget it. That's very embarrassing. I shouldn't have confessed like that-" "No, I want to know, is it really me? Because it sounds.." you closed your eyes and took a deep breath.
"Yes, it is you. I like you Shu Yamino."
. . .
You looked over at the Raven, staring at him with that confused look on your face. "Pardon me..?" You said trying to make him repeat what he said, "Me too, I like you too.. though, Maybe I should've done it first.." the Raven said and chuckled sheepishly.
You looked at him, surprised at his confession.
Shu, reciprocated your feelings.
You without realizing, start tearing up. Making the sorcerer panic a little, "Come here.." he whispered as he gesture you to come closer. And you did, he gently caress your hair locks and drawing shapes on your back. Comforting you, with his own way.
"Want to cuddle?"
"Then come closer, If you're that far, we can't cuddle properly."
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A/n : I was wondering if I should open my request or not now after receiving this request.
Oh also, thank you for requesting anon darling, I'm glad you drop a request, it means a lot even though I don't open it yet because I don't feel confident enough that my writing will exceeds your expectations.
But I do hope you like this. This took me a whole day to write.. huhu, I'm sorry if it's very ooc. Once again gomenn (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠).
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mntalbrakdown · 3 years
∗˚೫˳♡ Masterlist ♡˳೫˚∗
Take a looksy around my fluffy, smutty, and mostly angsty fics
Please like and reblog if anything catches your eye, it makes me smile :D
I take request btw!
Please do not steal my work (plagiarize) even if you give credit! Reblogging is more the welcome! Please respect my wishes
Also keep in mind that I only write when I like the person, at one point I will stop liking them and I most likely won’t continue writing for them
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Sebastian Stan ʚïɞ
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divine energy (underrated tbh)
Synopsis: sebastian and you have an amazing day and soon meet up with the cast, there may be another way you can end the night
dreadful energy
Synopsis: you are in an interview with Sebastian and somehow he gets mad, he tries to make it up to you, and ends up confessing his feelings for you
we should love to death*
Synopsis: you are at a party with Sebastian and you tease him all throughout the night, but just wait till you get home and you will pay the price
(a series based off the album ‘SOUR’ by Olivia Rodrigo)
All in order - discontinued
good 4 u
Synopsis: you meet up with Sebastian at a cafe and the argument soon escalates
Synopsis: after your little meet-up with Sebastian you have a terrible day and bump into the beast himself
Synopsis: a few months pass and you try to be friends with Sebastian again, but everything goes to shit when he tells you he is talking to someone and meet the said person at the party
jealousy, jealousy
Synopsis: after the party you go home and stalk the new woman’s page and see how great and beautiful she is, wishing that was you, but soon you will love yourself for who you are and become a better person
deja vu (personal fav)
Synopsis: after Sebastian hitting on you at your premiere, you bump into him at a coffee shop and you invite him to go on errands with you, a fight later leads to him confessing his feelings to you all over again
favorite crime
Synopsis: you were going to meet with some of your friends by yourself, but Sebastian hates not going with you so you allowed him and your friends weren’t exactly thrilled
enough for you
Synopsis: everything was going great, you both were watching Black Widow until your last relationship comes up
Bucky Barnes ʚ❤︎ɞ
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everybody loves somebody
Synopsis: fratboy! Bucky dares you to go to his party, and when you do he becomes the star of the party, something comes into light
sunday kind of love (this one is cute asfff)
Synopsis: you are moving in with Bucky and try to unpack, but he insist on dancing and he tells you he loves you
hungry eyes
Synopsis: you went to cookout that Sam invites you to, you meet Bucky and you reveal your powers to him
Tom Holland ᓚᘏᗢ
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Synopsis: Tom and you were stuck in an interview playing a game which was entertaining until the interviewer asked a question. You froze an had an argument with Tom pouring your heart out to him
Synopsis: tom and you go to see spider-man: no way home for the 100th times and when some kids flirt with you, Tom gets jealous and shows them you’re his
all too well
Synopsis: tom and you get in an argument with him ad break up. Packing your shit and leaving than meeting him again for the last time seeing he regretted everything. (Inspired by all too well short film)
late night walks
Synopsis: you decided to walk around the neighborhood with Tom. Having a blast, talking, and playing ding-dong ditch
love is a losing game (deadass love xx) (part one)
Synopsis: Tom and you have been dating for half a decade and when things seem to be going great, things take a turn to the worse. Reveling that everything has been all a lie.
tears dry on their own (part 2)
Synopsis: after weeks of not hearing from Tom, he pops back into your life and tries to make amends.
take the box (alt ending to tears dry on their own)
Synopsis: tom tries to make amends, but you refuse to forgive
Synopsis: people have hand kinks, but Tom is obsessed with your locket.
Percy Hynes White ༺༻
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(no longer writing for!)
i like love you
Synopsis: you love him and all the things you used to like abt him turned to love. 
pocket sized
Synopsis: percy is obsessed with how small you are compared to him
Xavier Thrope *⁀➷
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Synopsis: Xavier likes you, and always has, now its just time to tell you
invisible string
Synopsis: there was invisible string tying you and Xavier together
Conrad Fisher ୨୧
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sober thoughts*
Synopsis: you were once friends with Conrad until summer happened and he just stopped talking to you
doin’ time*
Synopsis: at the empty house party you and Conrad play cat and mouse
Quickies ᖭི༏ᖫྀ
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(a collection of stories that I wrote once about the person and stopped liking them so this is were they live)
she’s mine* - Theo Engler
Synopsis: in which you and Theo Engler have a flirty relationship and end up inviting him over for a dinner date, things quickly escalate and you basically fuck :O
swayed - Hazel Callahan
Synopsis: Hazel is easily distracted when you wear your cheer uniform, making you all she thinks about the whole day
thinkin' bout you - H. Callahan
Synopsis: you were dating a football player, but also sneaking around with Hazel
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864 notes · View notes
iwadori · 3 years
When they neglect you for another girl Part 4 (Sakusa)
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Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Word Count: 2.6K
Genre: Angst to Fluff
AN: YES I DID PUT MYSELF IN THIS STORY! SUE ME. This is basically inspired by a random conversation i had w the great @teesumu, so this is basically for you doll <3
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You and Sakusa have been together for a around 10 years and love eachother immensly.    
However recently Sakusa has been busy and you havent really had much time together lately as he claims been busy doing loads of visits with his new agent.
But of course, being the loving partner you are you wanted to revive the spark in your relationship.
You have been seeing a lot of people on social media posting their aesthetic ‘picnic dates,’ and you knew that this was something that appealed to you before it was ‘on trend.’ Kiyoomi immediately came to your mind once you had the idea of going on a date. You knew that you haven’t be around each other lately, as Kiyoomi always had either a ‘meeting’ or some sort of ‘interview’ that his new agent “Empress” has set up for him.
You didn’t really know Empress that well, just that she was ‘good at her job,’ a ‘hard and dilligent worker,’ and a ‘raging hottie’ with Atsumu’s opinion being the last one. You weren’t suspecting her to have any malicious intent towards you or Kiyoomi, since you knew that he had a great judge of character. But it was just odd, that every time Kiyoomi was running late or having ‘super-secret’ conversations on the phone it was always because ‘my agent set up this,’ ‘my agent set up that,’ and that’s what left you a bit wary.
As you were scrolling through your phone you see a calendar updating saying : Next Week‘ A DECADE AGO WE FELL IN LOVE.’  
10 years. How could you forget? You and Omi have literally been together for a decade. You think back to the decade of madness and love you’ve been through together, smiling fondly to yourself but then you think about where you are now... barely even talking to each other, only mainly seeing him when he comes home from work.
You need to fix this. Or at least make an attempt to get you and Kiyoomi talking again. So, the only thing you can do, is plan that picnic.
You spent the rest of the day planning your anniversary picnic. ’It’s going to be great,’ you think to yourself, you have a list of all Omi’s favorite foods you're going to make him and bring and you are probably going to pick up a few board games and maybe even get some paint supplies. You and Kiyoomi used to paint a lot together, with the two of you not being the best of painters, but you enjoyed eachothers company non the less.  
Everything was sorted...for the most part. All you needed to do was get Omi there, and it’ll all be okay. Right? As you were bubbling and looking for more picnic inspo, you hear your front door open which made you even more excited to tell your boyfriend your plans.  
As you rush to go greet him, you see he’s on the phone making you roll your eyes. “No Empress it won’t work, we need this sorted by next week. Okay? Next week.” he says in an agitated way. He hangs up the phone and sighs, shoving off his duffel bag.
“Hey Omi, how was your day?” you say a bit hesitant, noticing his annoyed mood.  
“Fine” He said dismissively, aiming to walk past you aiming for your bedroom.
“Oh well I have something amazing planned for ne-” you try to say following after him.
“Can we not do this right now Y/N,” he says again turning too look at you making you frown a bit, all you wanted to do is surprise him with your plans and have a day out with him. After noticing your sad look he finishes with “it’s just that Empress she’s bee-”
“I don’t want to hear about her.” you say bitterly folding your arms, Empress is the last person you want to hear about right now “God Omi can’t you just care about me? For once.”
“I do I-”
“You don’t anymore,” you say, with all the emotions and feelings you’ve been just supressing from a while coming up. You don’t even know how you got from point A to B with this conversation, but there's no stopping now. “I feel that, for a while now we haven’t been how we were before when we were just Y/N and Kiyoomi. Instead of how we are now. Just Y/N. Then Kiyoomi and Empress.”
After hearing his agents name, Kiyoomi’s name contorts to confusion “Empress? What does she have to do with anything?”
“How can you not see? For the past month all it’s been is ‘Empress this’ ‘Empress that,’” you complain “Having your super secret conversations with her, like god Kiyoomi can’t you see a problem with this?”  
“It’s not like that Y/N, we’re just work partners” he says looking a bit annoyed “Just business.”
 “Just business? So Kiyoomi, what were you talking about on the phone earlier” you say with your voice slight accusingly.
“Umm I, I can’t really say?” he says more of a question then a fully assured statement. You squint your eyes at him and scoff.
“What is going on with you Omi?” you say “are you cheating on me with her is that it?”
“No, no of course not Y/N! How could you even ask that?” he frowned at your question making your chest hurt, since deep down you knew he could never do that to you. Could he?
“Well tell me then, what were you talking about?” you ask again.
“I can’t say..” he finishes  
“Well I can’t stay.” you say and his face goes back to confusion “Here. With you.”
“What do you mean Y/-”
“I need a break or something. I just can’t be here right now.” You start to rush and pack a big of things whilst Kiyoomi just stands there.
After you pack up your stuff, you look back and see Kiyoomi just there. Standing. You were upset, you kind of wanted him to rush after you and beg you not to leave, but he was just there. Standing. So you put the hand on the door and just before you leave you turn back and say “bye Sakusa, see you later?” to which you see him slightly nod at.
When the door shut, Kiyoomi starts to cry. After hearing you call him by his last name really twisted the knife that was already in his heart. You haven’t called him that since you were like 15. He knew what you wanted; he knew you wanted him to rush towards you and beg you not to leave, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. But what he could do is call the one person he only could call.
After a few rings, he hears “What do you need Saku?”  
“She’s gone, she left.”
“What do you mean she’s gone, did you tell her?”  
“No I didn’t tell her. And that’s the problem, Empress she think-”
“Saku, don’t worry about it. I’ll handle it.”
“You’ll handle it?”
“Don’t I always?”
He couldn’t argue with that, he just had to trust that Empress could sort it. “And also, don’t spend the week with your head up your ass crying, you’ve got a lot of grovelling to do kiddo.”
He nodded even though she couldn’t see him, as he knew that what just went down needed to be resolved, fast.
Meanwhile, on your end. You’re a mess. Sobbing all the time, tissues are your best friend, you’ve been waiting just waiting for a message or a call, or some form of communication. You just wanted to feel wanted by your boyfriend (can you even call him that now.)  
You spent the rest of the week at your parents, immersing yourself in your work and doing ‘self care’ things, trying to forget all about the argument you and Kiyoomi had.  
One day, you receive a letter, it wasn’t delivered by a mail man though. It was slid under your door, in a golden envelope sealed with a red hot wax seal. It read:
‘Dear Y/N,
My sweetheart, im sorry for how the week has been and I know a letter with only a fraction of how I feel won’t make up for how I acted that day. But im inviting you to join me at the Gardenia Botanical Gardens at 2 pm tommorow, to celebrate our 10 year anniversary.  
I know there is a big chance, you may not want to see me and I understand but please. I love you, so so much, that words can’t even describe. But I need you to see me apologise and I need to make it up to you.  
I hope to see you there, I’d wait the whole day for you. If you don’t show, I understand.
Sincerely, Sakusa Kiyoomi
P.S The theme is ‘summer hot day, tea with the queen’ - Atsumu’
You smile at the letter, but wonder if you should actually go or not. You did want to see him of course and get this all resolved, but you had your own plans for your anniversary which wouldn’t of been spoiled if he didn’t withhold his super-secret phone calls.
It took you hours to contemplate on what to do, but you decided to just sleep on it and see how you feel tomorrow. In the morning, you knew what you wanted to do. Of course, you had to go, at least to hear him out and see if he really did cheat on you or not. For all you know he’s inviting you to tell you that he’s going to run away with his agent and his secret kids they had together. You shook the negative thoughts from your head and just repeated your mantra ‘hope for the best and prepare for the worst.’
When you got there, you didn’t exactly know where he would be but he said ‘botanical gardens’ so of course you decided to just wander around there. It was nice walking around and just smelling the roses, and seeing the pretty scenery.  
“Excuse me ma’am,” you hear someone say tugging on your leg “um that mister over there told me to give you these.” Looking down, you see a small boy who looked about the age of four with a crumpled up bunch of roses handing them to you.
“Oh thank you,” you say giving the kid a head pat “where is this ‘mister’ might I ask?”
“He’s over there!” The kid pointed behind him and you look to see Kiyoomi sitting under a white gazebo which is surrounded in your favorite flowers and the table is filled with food.
You walk over to your ‘boyfriend,’ with him not noticing your present yet. When you reach him you say “I think she stood you up buddy,” you joke making him jump abit startled.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed, instantly beaming “You came you made it!” he stood up and pulled you into a hug, which you return before you remember why you came here in the first place.
“Oh I-” he says awkwardly
You decide to sit down pulling him down with you. You kind of sit there in uncomfortable silence, for a while until you both say.
“So I-”
“What are yo-”
You both laughed at your simultaneous comments, before Kiyoomi looks at you letting you speak. “What did you want to bring me here for?”
“I didn’t want, what happened last week to happen Y/N I-” he says looking a bit panicked “It wasn’t supposed to go this way.”
“Then how was it meant to go Sakusa.”
“Y/N, please don’t call me that, I know I made you upset but pleas-” he starts before getting distracted again “Y/N, I called you here to say a few things..”
“Them being.?” you ask a bit impatiently.
“I love you. I love you so much, you don’t even understand. Ever since I saw you at my volleyball game in our first year, in the stands just cheering us on. I knew that from that day, after I scored the winning point and our eyes met, that we were destined to be together. I just love you so much Y/N”
“Omi I don’t understand I-”
“Just let me finish please, It’s taken a while for me to say this. And trust me, there’s been so many times when I wanted to just say ‘hey Y/N let’s get married,’ but I couldn’t I was scared, and I wanted it to be perfect, so perfect. Because you deserve the world Y/N. That’s why I got Empress to help, I know that our conversations may seem odd, but I love you and she knows that she just wanted to help trust me. And she did, all this wouldn’t of been done if it wasn’t for her. But anyways Y/N what I waned to say was I love you and I love you and I-” he rambles on loosing track of his words.  
But in the midst of his speech, you hear all that you needed and responded with the only way you can.
“Yes.” you say simply, with a growing smile on your face.
“Yes?” he repeats confused “What do you meann ye- ohhh" Kiyoomi blushes embarrased that after all that he ended up ruining the thought out proposal he wanted to give you with his ramble.
“Im sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean to say it like that I wanted it to be perfect and I-”
You shut him up with a kiss making his eyes widen as he reciprocates it anyways.  
“What did she say?” you hear someone shout from a far, and you look over to see the MSBY Jackals all standing there with shit eating grins on their faces.
“I said yes!” you yell back, to which they all cheer and rush towards you guys giving you both hugs and slapping Kiyoomi on the back.  
As the boys celebrate Omi finnally do what he’s been planning for ages, you get approached by Empress who awkwardly walks up to you. “ I didn’t want to leave the impression that me and Saku were any sort of thing?” she says
“Yeah I think it was definitely a big misunderstanding, it’s just that Omi was never around and whenever he was he was just talking to you and you know how it is.”
“I definitely know, I’d feel the same way if my boyfriend did that to me.”
“Oooh boyfriend?” you ask her feeling nosey on her romantic life.  
“Yeah boyfriend. You know iwaizumi hajime... the trainer?” she says smiling a bit when she said his name.
“The trainer! Nice.”
The rest of the night was fun and was basically an engagement party for you and Omi all you and friends just partying and celebrating yours and Omi’s love for each other. “Omi” you say getting his attention “Happy ten year anniversary babe”
“Happy anniversary, I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
After the party you spend your months now planning for a big fat wedding, with the help of your new found bestie, Empress (who you obviously misjudged from the start.) You and Omi could never be happier, every thing was back to how it was before, maybe even better. And you definitely spent at least two Saturdays a month going out for picnics and it was now a tradition in your relationship, so in the end you did get your ‘aesthetic picnic date.’
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leoprincess777 · 4 years
♦ busting SYNASTRY MYTHS ♦
11th HOUSE SYNASTRY - THIS SYNASTRY DOESNT MEAN SOMEONE SEES YOU AS A FRIEND OR YOU ARE BETTER OFF AS FRIENDS, STOP REPEATING THIS SURFACE LEVEL SHIT YOU’VE BEEN EATING UP FROM MODERN ASTROLOGY POSTS. This is the house of wealth and gains, it’s the fullfillment of our desires and sudden profits. It’s an indicator of your sources of income and allies. So of course, you will have strong foundation with someone you have 11th house synastry with because it will be built on a ground of trust and support. Along with emotional connection, there’s also a mental connection that makes you share your secrets and ideas to them as you would do to a friend but that’s only one piece of the puzzle WHICH DOESN’T MEAN THAT YOU WILL BE GOOD FRIENDS (you can’t make that comment for any type of relationship in this synastry because if 11h is afflicted by malefics that will most likely bring a negative result which can make you enemies or drain one another’s life force lmao). More than anything, especially if you have your 7th house lord in your partner’s 11th house you will gain so much from them in so many ways including oppurtunities and finances and helping you achieve your earthly desires. They will be your ally and support, supporting you in your pursuits and opinions. It’s like a debate team with financial support lol. It can also indicate you will go back to university and complete your education or get a new degree after you get together with this person. Most of this also goes for 3rd house synastry.
5th HOUSE SYNASTRY - “This indicates a fleeting romance” FUCK NO. That’s one of the most trumped-up interpretations i’ve heard. You CAN’T predict the longevity of a relationship based on house overlays. Ever heard of Davison charts? Anyway, prominent 5th house is anohter EXCELLENT synastry. It often donates a relationship where you can discuss ANYTHING - your wildest thoughts, plans and experiences. Someone you jump from topic to topic. Very often the planet person is the “childlike” one which the house person adores and takes inspiration from. Planet person becomes a ball of joy and energy that makes the house person destress and cheer up, thought it can feel like an ‘overdose’ sometimes. Both parties become some sort of an energy source for each other. You play games together, indulge in fun activities, create things (can even be an invention) together. Even doing nothing and just talking to each other feels fun and full of laughter (unless there are some other placements disturbing this synastry). This is the synastry of never-ending honeymoon. A couple with rahu/mars in 5th house might have a son as the first child. If venus is there with the nodes, it might be a son with venusian qualities. You can also get more popular or lucky if you are with someone you have 5h overlay with. The house person also pushes you to focus on your studies more.
12th HOUSE SYNASTRY - There’s a lot of stigma around his house (8h as well) and people often fear it. Weeeeeell...It IS a karmic house so people you have this synastry with are likely to be karmic partners. HOWEVER, don’t take this to oH NO this is not my TWIN FLAME this is a KaRmiC pErson shit. Literally almost everyone is a karmic partner lmfao, there’s a difference between good and bad karma. This synastry can play out good or bad depending on your own individual karma with this person and how you are managing your life. You can look to Rahu/ketu & saturn to get more info on the karma and to see how it’ll play out. Basically the planet person becomes your escape especially if their sun/moon falls into your 12h. They can end up being your savior. There’s an undeniable theme of profound change that this synastry brings. It often leads you to liberation, through a path of restriction. You need to overthrow the restrictions the other person brings to achieve total liberation. This is often a part of the soul’s karma. A couple with this overlay often keeps a secluded relationship from their relatives (maybe even ghost their families lol) and tend to travel together. They often open up to each other surprisingly quickly about their past and traumas, though there’s a really odd distrust within the couple.
6th HOUSE SYNASTRY - People have a very poor understanding of the 6th house, it’s often condensed to ‘service’. 6h synastry is similar to 12h synastry as they are the same axis anyway, but the difference is 12h’s effects are more abstract meanwhile 6h’s effects are much more physical and can be observed on a practical level. The theme with this house is “either serve or die” and has a karmic tone to it too. It’s not often this dramatic tho lol but usually a couple with 6h synastry feel a deep sense of responsibility towards each other which can make it hard to leave even if it turns toxic. Planet person often triggers the house person’s instincts to ‘serve’ the planet person in one way or another - the house person may do random gestures, buy lots of gifts, support them every way possible etc. so in this way it’s a very cute and beneficial synastry, because they are very much involved in each other’s lives and make a visible impact. They often make one another’s daily routines change, so they can spend time better. Though, one of them can treat the other like an assistant or in worse case scenario, a slave. Think I’m a slave 4 U by Britney Spears lol. They can begin constantly demanding things and get mad when the other doesn’t live up to their expectations. They can also become a disciplinarian for the other (this can also apply to 10h synastry) 
If you have a mutual mars overlay with someone in 10th house (your mars in their 10h, theirs in your 10h) your aggressive energy as a couple will most likely be public. Meaning you are prone to have public arguments or fights. Alternatively you can also do illegal business or outlaw activities together, often involving some sort of violence or marsian quality.
If someone’s rahu falls into your 4th house, they will feel peace in our presence but they might drain the peace out of you, meaning they can emotionally and physically drain you, bring conflict and chaos into your life. It may become addictive in some cases. Rahu person will keep wanting more. If at the same time your rahu falls into a water house in their chart (so if ur rahu falls into their 4h,8h,12h houses) you will keep giving more and also find it addictive and hard to get out of. It will push you to surrender.
Rahu in 7th overlay indicates a pre-destined marriage/partnership
Moon in 1st or 2nd house is a very common overlay between soulmates and married couples. Moon in 2h is especially a very auspicious placement in terms of material wealth. The planet person often spoils the house person and knows EXACTLY what to get to the house person as a gift, they have a natural understanding of what the planet person would like and their needs (unless afflicted or outweighed by other malefics placements)
[personal experience] Gemini moon men always try to make me talk about myself so they can gather and store information about me, all the while i’m a sagittarius moon (so sidereal scorpio and in opposition to their moon) and i never reveal anything important or “deep” about myself - i can make myself look like i’m being vulnerable and intimate but when the conversation is over, they realize i didn’t reveal to them anything that is actually valuable and important SHDAIWHJGJGKJG which is why after some time...like in about 2 days they even start trying harder. One of them literally begged me to talk about myself and i think this is a good example of the synastry between this axis
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