#this makes me want to cry im so happy for her shes the best
11queensupreme11 · 1 day
Everybody fucking minds and always doing it the no sexy way 😞😔
Do love no war babygirls
If we're very decided we can solve all of this in bed! The sexy way
Or play UNO and whoever wins is the top
Sincerely, after watching the dress... Totally would think they're doing some kinky shit 🤣
Beelzebub: we can hold hands if you want 🥺 totally platonic no second intentions here
Percy: *didn't hear anything, cared no shit for what's happening, wants a hot dog with meat that probably is from a rat* what did you say?
Percy watching Sally being happier without her, her friends being happy with some girl... Queen, totally trauma, I'd cry and beg my mom to hold me even if that makes us miserable
Beelzebub, your yandere tendencies are showing. Giving her traumas and comforting her after. Get a man that can do both (please don't get you a man that can do that)
(Give us moooooore I'm starving)
(Waiting for what you're going to do with that, Percy progress- maybe fall is the correct word- is showing queen. Love it)
Anyway, can someone please draw them on their date? 😭 That's so cute, they're literally so perfect together, like that couple that is the black cat boyfriend with his golden retriever girlfriend and they're precious 💞
(Beelzebub worrying about her suicidal thoughts and he admitting he doesn't want to die so much... *Cheff kiss* we love an emo boy that is self aware)
Now, Loki?
Loki, my boy, your panic is beautiful to watch, horrific to endure.
I'm wondering how they are going to deal with being in the same harem? Fight to be the favorite concubine? Seduce their way to Percy's bed?
Percy: you're just a pathetic simp pretending to be an alpha man and you just go destroy mode whenever you're confronted with your own emotions. You love me so much that is making you look pathetic
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Him switching sides in the moment he accepts he loves her is gold.
He may be crazy, sadistic and a psychopath, but by the gods he's not going to fool himself.
He loves the girl, now he needs to kill all the other people that love the same girl.
Assassination! His favorite hobby! She's so much fun and they haven't even had sex yet! Wonderful wife indeed
And starting with Beelzebub is a wise move, you know? From all of them he's the one that she's the most comfortable with, he could play the slow game he's the one she'd fall at the end (you know, once she forgets about the other world, that he could make happen too).
Right now Beelzebub is that best friend that is the one for her (the other, even if I love them, aren't so close to her). He just needs to wait, fool her and she'd be his
(as if the other are going to let that happen, but is the scent, you know?)
Loki is right to be jealous of him, no one (with a dick) is close to her like him, she's herself with him and is the only one that likes him with his depressive tendencies.
He could say: Percy, for medical reasons, undress yourself and let me study your body. It may end in sexy medical porn, depending on my self control
And she wouldn't see no wrong.
Is Beelzebub! Her bestie! She can trust him with her security (poor navy girl, you can't never trust a man that much). Even if he has feelings for her she wouldn't worry about him doing anything to her, just worry about the uncomfortable situation.
Wondering if they're going to guilty trappe her to stay (You made us love you! We are learning to be open and to accept love and you want to leave us? Leave us in a world where we're fated to yearn for you for eternity and be alone again?), Percy would suffer whatever if she thinks she's saving people, such a naive and dumb girl, too good to this world.
This whole situation is pure chaos, they're planning so many things just to crash with each other. Would be funny to see them working together but also don't know how that situation would happen.
Anyway, thanks for the amazing chapter Queen! 👑
im sorry but this part cracked me up 😭
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"for medical reasons we may need to fuck 😔"
"yeah sure ok"
i had a blast writing this chapter lmao, and im currently writing another chapter (not the next one) that's gonna be even better
maybe... idk. all i can say is that beel digs an even deeper grave in this one chapter and i just love watching him lose his shit
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revserrayyu · 19 days
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One HSR Character a Day Day 41: Serval (aka: revs' favorite)
4 notes · View notes
kennabeth · 2 years
evi had absolutely sworn at least one ideal before she was killed and I can't decide if it's more devastating for her to be on the first or the second
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lepidopterium · 2 years
#spent all day in agony in bed because my fucking parents keep dragging us around on this awful vacation to whatever suits their whim w/o#asking us what we want or even showing any care for how we're doing or adjusting#i didnt want to leave the house of my aunt in cairo. i have privacy there and its closest to what im used to living in#i can tolerate the heat wave there despite my antidepressants. and im genuinely happy and at ease#but now im at the aunt who lives in the country and. bless her i love this aunt but i cant function here#the water is polluted and spending most of the vacation out here dried up my hair and skin badly. not to mention i havent been drinking#enough water because i can only safely drink bottled water which is expensive#and truly ive been trying to make the best of things but im trapped. i cant go anywhere. im always physically uncomfortable bc i#cant get used to living in the country like this. im surrounded by people who act friendly and sweet but still dont take no for an answer#whether it be forcing me to eat meat or like in the case of my baby cousin sticking to me bc i listen to her talk#and im scarred from being forced by my family out here to apologize to my mother (and they tried to get me to hug her) after SHE pulled a#knife on me and the aunt from cairo had to wrestle it out of her hand#i feel ill listening to cousins i looked up to as a kid talk about gay people and effeminate men the way they do#and i cant be at ease bc as a woman i have to act and dress in a way im not only used to but despise#ultimately ive had to mentally erase who i am and my needs so i can get through the day to day here#bc i cant go anywhere. i cant eat or dress how i like. i have limited access to things that bring comfort. i can barely communicate.#i have no privacy. and i have to act polite and happy no matter how i feel. and im physically ill from this heat#i cant even use the bathroom out here. no ready access to clean water either. i dont even have these basic things#and im trying to sleep but everyone is in this fucking room and the lights are on and theyre all chatting so i had to bury my face in my#sleeve and just quietly cry because im exhausted and there's nothing i can do about it but endure#i want to go home. i want to at least be back in cairo where i feel semi normal.#im sick and need to shower with warm. clean. water#i can't keep enduring nonstop daily discomfort on the most basic level. and i have no where to go#and i feel like a baby for complaining. but there is nothing for me here. and i can only survive here by pretending im not here and just#letting things happen BUT. im at my limit by now.#she pulled a fucking knife on me and then they made ME apologize. she was going to kill me.#im all alone. i want to go home.#plus everyone keeps touching me. i cant get any space. everyone keeps talking to me about marriage and kids and then getting upset when i#say no. i dont want that. i mean it. its not a joke. i dont want that. why wont they stop fucking bringing it up. why do they insist it's#wrong of me to want otherwise. barely have a glimpse of who i am and already im teetering on disdain from jokes that are actually serious
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astrxealis · 1 year
okay i'm going to an ffxiv unofficial fan event in july this year and there's this wol (character) sticker exchange thing me and lune really want to participate in but 1. we don't really know how to draw yet 2. we don't really have money to commission. so. sobbing
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harrysfolklore · 17 days
plsss can you make a fake instagram where the reader is a lawyer
you know how to ball, i know aristotle - op81
i really liked how this one turned out ! we love sino oscar 🥰 make sure to leave your feedback
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 18,637 others
yourinstagram greetings from the library 🧐 keeping an eye on my angel boy who started kindergarten (aka formula one) last month
tagged: oscarpiastri
view all 498 comments
username1 serving cunt in the library we love to see it ♥︎ by author
username2 fellow columbia student right here 🙋‍♀️
↳ yourinstagram omgg we should hang out soon
username3 since when are you into f1 bestie
↳ yourinstagram since i’m dating one of the drivers 🤔
oscarfan1 THIS IS OSCAR’S GF??? SHES GORGEOUS ♥︎ by author, oscarpiastri
username4 i’ve been following for ages now but i just found out that she’s dating a famous athlete 😭
oscarfan2 i was ‪hoping that oscar was single but now that i found out that he has a beautiful AND smart gf i want them to adopt me
logansargeant I’ve been taking care of him in the playground, don’t worry
↳ yourinstagram i wouldn’t expect any less from you
↳ landonorris We haven’t met yet but I’m also taking care of little Oscah ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram well thank you, little lando norris
mclaren When will we see you in papaya gear at a race? 🧡 Ps. The last picture is so real
↳ yourinstagram omg when college stops kicking my ass
↳ oscarfan1 i love her already
oscarpiastri I miss you so much, but I’m so happy to see you in your dream school, smart girl🤍 ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram i love you 🥺
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liked by yourinstagram, landonorris and 457,296 others
oscarpiastri The smile on my face could only mean one thing: It’s home race weekend 🇦🇺
view all 12,027 comments
oscarfan1 BABYYYYY
oscarfan2 he looks so kissable
mclaren Australia’s National Treasure 🧡
logansargeant Good luck on your home race bro 🙌 ♥︎ by author
↳ oscarfan1 bestiesss
username1 i’m still waiting for his girlfriend’s paddock debuttt
alex_albon The superior papaya boy ♥︎ by author
↳ oscarfan1 i love them
landonorris I’m going to categorically ignore what alex albon just said
↳ landofan1 HES SOOOO😭
landonorris Don’t to fool your audience, your smile is because your girl is finally coming ♥︎ by author, yourinstagram
↳ landofan2 OMFGGGGGGGGG
↳ oscarfan3 goddd i was praying for this
↳ yourinstagram but can you blame him? ♥︎ by author
yourinstagram i can’t wait to see you, squish 🥺 ♥︎ by author
↳ oscarfan2 they’re so adorable i can’t do this
↳ oscarpiastri ❤️❤️❤️
yourinstagram added to their stories
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, oscarpiastri and 47,836 others
yourinstagram took a break from law school to finally go to my first race 🕺 SO PROUD OF YOU @oscarpiastri
view all 611 comments
username1 AWEEE your wag era finally
oscarfan1 QUEEN OF THE PADDOCK ♥︎ by author
carmenmmundt It was so lovely to meet you ✨ ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram likewise beautiful carm 💓
↳ username2 i just want to be one of them
oscarfan2 thank you yn for giving us a weekend of blushy and smiley oscar and the best boyfriend content ever
↳ yourinstagram i would love to but i have to get my degree 🥲
mclaren You’re officially a papaya girl now 🧡
username2 they make the best couple ever bc she’s all brains and he’s all muscle ♥︎ by author
landonorris Go get that degree now, I need someone who can get me out of jail for free
↳ landofan1 WHY IS HE LIKE THIS 😭😭
↳ yourinstagram 🫡🫡🫡
username3 she’s stronger than me because is oscar piastri was my bf and i had the chance to travel around the world with him and look pretty u would drop out of college already
↳ yourinstagram just a few months till graduation i can do it okay
↳ oscarfan2 I LOVE HER
oscarpiastri Having you here made this weekend the best ever. I love you ❤️ ♥︎ by author
↳ username1 why can’t my boyfriend simp for me like this
↳ yourinstagram i loveeee youuuu
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourinstagram and 654,386 others
oscarpiastri The perfect home race weekend 🇦🇺 I miss you already @yourinstagram 🤍
view all 15,099 comments
oscarfan1 AWEEEEE
oscarfan2 MY HEART
georgerussell63 I need more of those grandma Piastri cookies ♥︎ by author
↳ danielricciardo Same
↳ username1 LET ME INNNN 😭
mclaren We love Australia 🦘🌏
oscarfan3 yn and oscar shouldn't be separated that's like a crime ♥︎ by yourinstagram
landonorris Your girlfriend is cooler than you btw ♥︎ by yourinstagram
↳ landofan1 and teammate of the year award goes to lando norris
↳ logansargeant I agree
↳ username2 imagine the entire grid loving you
↳ oscarpiastri You're supposed to be my friend
↳ landonorris And she’s going to be my personal lawyer soon so
↳ yourinstagram 😭😭😭
yourinstagram i love you so much, angel. thank you for this weekend 🥺 ♥︎ by author
↳ username2 their relationship is the purest thing ever
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liked by yourinstagram, georgerussell63 and 764,389 others
oscarpiastri Little mid season recharge. Visiting my favorite future lawyer 🤎
tagged: yourinstagram
view all 16,036 comments
oscarfan1 AWEEEEEE
oscarfan2 we love softie oscarrrr
username1 oh to be a columbia student
landonorris My kids ❤️❤️
↳ landofan1 lando is the biggest shooter for this relationship
↳ yourinstagram you’re just two years older than me..
↳ landonorris And? You’re my kids
↳ oscarfan2 I LOVE THEMMMM
username2 yn’s curls are so prettyyyy omg ♥︎ by author
nicolepiastri Our smart girl ! 👩‍⚖️ ♥︎ by author, yourinstagram
↳ oscarfan1 aweee mama piastri
↳ yourinstagram love you 🥺
username3 imagine chilling in the library procrastinating some homework and you turn around and oscar piastri is there
yourinstagram i love you so much squish 🫶 ♥︎ by author
↳ oscarfan1 why are her pet names for him so damn adorable
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liked by oscarpiastri, alexandrasaintmleux and 49,635 others
yourinstagram i can’t believe it’s my last week here and i’m going to be a real lawyer soon 😳
view all 633 comments
username2 i’ve been following you since you graduated high school and posted tips about college applications and now you’re about to finish college omg ♥︎ by author
lilymhe congratulations smart girl 🤍🤍 ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram thank you lovely 🫶
username3 she has the coolest life ever
mclaren Everyone in the papaya department is super proud 🧡
↳ yourinstagram ilysm mclaren admin
logansargeant How come you’re still dating my friend, who barely finished high school 😂 congrats!
↳ yourinstagram he’s cuuuuute 🥺
↳ oscarfan1 oscar’s friends are always dragging him help
↳ landonorris And can’t win a GP
↳ oscarpiastri You surely got confident after Miami, Lando Onewin ♥︎ by author, georgerussell63, alex_albon
↳ landofan1 STOOOOOP😭
oscarpiastri I’m always proud and in awe of you, but specially now 🤍 ♥︎ by author
↳ oscarfan1 I LOVE SIMP OSCAR
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liked by oscarfan1, oscarfan2 and 2,936 others
f1updates “My girlfriend graduating from Columbia Law School next week so as soon as the job is done here I’m heading to New York. I’m really proud of here and I wouldn’t miss this moment for anything else.” - Oscar Piastri for SKY Sports
view all 288 comments
oscarfan1 OMFG IM CRYING
oscarfan2 smile heart eyes and blush make an appearance again
oscarfan3 he’s super proud you can tell by his eyes
oscarfan4 flexing his lawyer girlfriend as he should
oscarfan6 my definition of a simp
yourinstagram has added to their story
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liked by yourinstagram, landonorris and 865,388 others
oscarpiastri My girlfriend is a lawyer 💙
view all 27,034 comments
oscarfan2 WHAT IF I CRY
username1 that cake is too iconic i need it
georgerussell63 Congrats YN! ♥︎ yourinstagram
oscarfan3 the cake is that tiktok audio 😭😭
nicolepiastri We’re all so proud of you @yourinstagram 👩‍🎓🤍 ♥︎ by author, yourinstagram
↳ oscarfan1 mama piastri loves her they’re getting married
↳ yourinstagram love you! thank you for the unconditional support 🥺
charles_leclerc Well done 👏👏 ♥︎ by yourinstagram
lilymhe 💓💓💓 ♥︎ by yourinstagram
username2 imagine having a columbia degree AND a hot boyfriend i can’t relate
mclaren Our favorite lawyer 🧡 ♥︎ by author, yourinstagram
↳ oscarfan2 the mclaren intern just loves yn
oscarfan4 good time to remind everyone that oscar barely finished high school but he somehow bagged a lawyer girlfriend
landonorris Yooo congrats @yourinstagram I can speed while driving and pass red lights now that I have someone who can get me out or jail for free
↳ landofan1 LANDO PLEASE 😭
↳ yourinstagram please do not do that i beg you
landonorris You’re welcome for the cake idea btw
↳ oscarfan1 I KNEW oscar could never come up with that
↳ yourinstagram so it was you ! huh
↳ oscarpiastru Shhhh
yourinstagram i love you so much ❤️❤️ ♥︎ by author
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 69,736 others
yourinstagram you know how to ball, i know aristotle 🤍 proof that we’re both awkward for pictures
view all 904 comments
username1 CUTIES
oscarfan1 I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 😭
oscarfan2 they really said 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️ ♥︎ by author
mclaren 🧡🧡 ♥︎ by author
oscarfan3 they match each other’s freak
alexandrasaintmleux ❤️ ♥︎ by author
username2 you look so cute together
nicolepiastri My babies 🥺 ♥︎ by author, oscarpiastri
landonorris Hug your girlfriend wtf @oscarpiastri
↳ landofan1 😭😭😭
↳ oscarpiastri Don’t tell me what to do thank you very much
oscarfan4 that lyric is literally THEM
username3 pretty, smart and a swiftie we love to see it
oscarpiastri I’m the trophy boyfriend 🤍 ♥︎ by author
↳ username1 ugh i need a man like him
↳ oscarfan1 exactly oscar know your place
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claypgeon · 1 month
two lonely friends | oscar piastri
pairing: oscar piastri x journalist!reader
summary: lando norris has two lonely best friends. he gets an idea, why not set them up?
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f1wags: y/n l/n, landos bestfriend was seen entering the monaco grand prix paddock today!
view comments below!
user2: free my girl y/n 🗣️
user3: the day y/n stops getting referred to as “landos bestfriend” is the day i can REST
user4: landos bestfriend?? sorry i only know y/n l/n f1 journalist ??
user5: y’all do this every race 🙄 OFC SHES THERE. THATS HER JOB.
user6: she’s such a moocher
user7: she’s literally there to do HER JOB ??
user8: it’s crazy how after a year of oscar being in f1, we still haven’t gotten a y/n and oscar interaction ???
user9: y/n, our comfort outfit queen
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ynandlandocontent: my favorite snippet of landos and y/ns interview 🧡
view comments below!
user10: ugh them ☹️☹️
user11: literally just make out already
user12: the very best FRIENDS
user13: she’s so unprofessional 💀
user14: this wasn’t even part of the interview 😭 this was just a blooper 🙄
user16: ugh i love them so much 😞
user17: lando and y/n shippers where ???
user18: HERE 🙋‍♂️
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oscarpastyupdates: y/n interviewing oscar today!
view comments below!
user19: oscar “but um” piastri everyone!
user23: why do i ship…
user24: they literally only talked once 😭😭
user23: okay let me BEEE
user25: guys did you see how hard he was blushing, or am i just crazy ???
user26: they literally want each other SO BAD
user27: i can feel the tension through the screen
user28: ok so do i ship lando x y/n or oscar x y/n
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— one day later !
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ynupdates: queen y/n was seen out last night by multiple fans! she looks beautiful!
view comments below!
user31: omg oscar stole landos girl
user32: landos girl ???
user33: wait i like this
user34: i love how the caption doesn’t mention oscar at ALL
user35: let them cook 🔥🔥
user36: okay oscar i see you 👀
user37: i wonder how lando feels about this..
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liked by charles_leclerx, yourusername, landonorris, and 673,928 others!
lando.jpg: happy birthday to my little sister! you’re ancient now 😞 here’s to many more birthdays together!
view comments below!
user38: aw ☹️
user39: okay guys i’m crying
user40: lando ALWAYS eats with his birthday captions
user41: i wonder if landos ex’s had ever felt intimidated by y/n
user42: y/n has said that she has never not gotten along with landos gfs, so there’s that!
user43: okay now kiss
user44: i still ship idc
user45: her and lando ✅ her and oscar ❌
yourusername: ugh lando you love me so much, it’s disgusting
lando.jpg: i will take away your present.
yourusername: NO IM SORRY
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liked by, mclaren, landonorris, oscarpiastri and 873,928 others!
yourusername: and who’s gonna pay attention to the redheads of the world?
pic credits: some kid named oscar ??
view comments below!
user47: ugh you look so good 😔
user49: happy birthday queen !!
user50: happy birthday 🧡🧡
user51: oscar and y/n hard launch when ???
user52: okay oscar let’s calm down..
user53: oh he’s down bad
user54: who needs more confirmation then THIS ??
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liked by maxverstappen1, mclaren, landonorris, and 873,928 others!
oscarpiastri: happy birthday to my best friend, and the most beautiful lady in the world 🧡
view comments below!
landonorris: bestfriend?
landonorris: oh okay
landonorris: cool cool cool
landonorris: yeah that’s chill
landonorris: totally NOT going to brust out into tears rn
landonorris: hahaha
landonorris: that would be stupid
landonorris: cool cool cool
landonorris: okay okay okay
landonorris: i set you two up and you just completely forget about me huh
landonorris: wow i can’t believe this
landonorris; i’m going to die alone
landonorris; alone and sad
landonorris: FUCK YOU GUYS
user55: let’s all just move pass lando having a mental breakdown…
3K notes · View notes
lewisvinga · 6 months
osita | carlos sainz x reader!
summary; carlos and his love for his wife and his osita
fc; various girls from pinterest
warnings; none (?)
notes; requested! i loved writing this sm 🥹
masterlist !
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, and others
carlossainz55: st moritz con mi reina y mi osita 🧸💗 [with my queen and my little bear]
tagged; yourusername
yourusername; alma really loved playing in the snow with her papá, surprised she liked the cold!
carlossainz55: because she was always cuddled up with me or her mamá, she was always warm!
yourusername: thank you for taking us to see st moritz, we love you💗💗
carlossainz55: and i love my girls most❤️
username: girl dad carlos 😵‍💫
username: need someone who loves and appreciates me as much as carlos does with y/n😞😞😞
username: y/n is her i fear
charles_leclerc: alma was the best part of the trip let’s be honest now
carlossainz55: always stealing the show with her chubby cheeks
carlossainz55 uploaded to their story!
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[caption 1; osita wants to drive my ferrari 🤣] [caption 2; taking my girls out shopping ❤️] [caption 3; mi corazón y mi alma❤️‍🩹 (my heart and my alma/soul)]
yourusername uploaded to their story!
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[caption 1; alma has him wrapped around her little finger!] [caption 2; guess who bought us matching chanel kellys🙈] [caption 3; papá making sure alma is a madridista, hala madrid!🤍]
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liked by carlossains55, alexandrasaintmleux, and others
yourusername: life lately ❤️‍🩹
tagged; carlossainz55
carlossainz55: mis tesoros, los quiero a los dos ❤️❤️ [my treasures, i love you both]
yourusername: and we love you so much💗💗
username: putting this in my pinterest board
username: carlos is such a girl dad OMG
username: baby alma 🥹🥹🥹
username: still thinking abt madridista alma
yourusername: she’s a modric fan, she’s cool like that 💅
alexandrasaintmleux:oh alma what a cutie 🥹 i miss her!!!☹️
yourusername: she misses her tia alex too!
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and others
carlossainz55: one year ago today, i stood by y/n’s side while she brought me one of the greatest things she could’ve ever given me. our dear almita turns one today and i couldn’t have asked for better. thank you, my y/n for bringing our angel to this world. feliz cumpleaños, mi osita. te quiero. 💗 [happy birthday, my little bear, i love you]
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: alma has the best papá truly 🥹
carlossainz55: and she has the best mamá!
yourusername: i can’t believe our alma is one, i couldn’t stop crying, she’s so big already!☹️
landonorris: you think you crying was bad???? carlos was SOBBING😭😭
carlossainz55: ok no need to air out my business like that 🙄
yourusername: yeah, amor, you were kinda sobbing in every picture 😕
carlossainz55: i can’t help it!! my princess just turned one 😞
username: carlos CRIED??
username: this is so sweet i’m gonna get diabetes
username: SHES SO CUTE
username: the fairy theme>>>
charles_leclerc: happy birthday, alma!!
alexandrasaintmleux: what a cutie, happy birthday, almita!💗
scuderiaferrari: happy 1st birthday to the princess of our garage! 👑❤️
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weeknd-ogoc · 7 months
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SUMMARY: in which logan makes sure to never treat you the way you got treated before. (ft. oscar piastri)
FACE CLAIM: noriella
CONTAINS: memories of toxic ex!oscar, some angst, logan being a sweetheart, reader trying to unlearn toxic behavior!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: this was origanlly supposed to be posted on friday but i had things come up so anyways i'm happy they renewed logan's contract, i was literally stressing out about it!!
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liked by logansargeant, liltjay, and 864,789 others
ynusername missed being in new york
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logansargeant my very beautiful girl! 😍
ynusername thank you, my loveee 😚
username ahh why are you so pretty
icespice hmu girlyy
username 😍😍
username why does she never post logan??
username he literally took this picture of her and he posted her on his story this morning! username right!! she used to post oscar all the time! username ya'll are so weird it's literally her page
username im gripping my sheets so tight right now
just before the formula one season could be over, you had invited logan to come meet your family and friends over in new york and so far he was winning your friends over.
"ugh he's so good to you!" your best friend smiled as she looked at logan who was going up to the cashier to pay the check.
"he's very cute." your other best friend agreed. "so much better than oscar..."
you awkwardly chuckled as you remembered the time oscar had came to new york and promised you he would meet everyone for dinner but it never happened due to him supposedly forgetting about the dinner and never showed up — your friends and family saw how you were stopping your life just to chase after oscar but they could see how it is very different with logan.
once logan returned you all said your goodbyes and the two of you headed outside, like the gentleman he was he opened the door for you. he saw that you shivered on your walk down the block to his car so he wrapped his coat around you. "it's too cold out here, maybe you can come to florida with me next week to meet my folks and friends?"
you wrapped your arms around his neck and nodded. "i would love to meet them."
he kissed your lips and rested his forhead on yours. "god, i love you." he quickly realized what he said and tried laughing it off. "i'm sorry that slipped out." he then winced at his choice of words. "well i do love you but i know it may be too soo-"
you kissed him once more and even if you weren't sure of your feelings for him, you decided to say the words you knew he wanted to hear from you. "i love you too sargeant."
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liked by ynusername, oscarpiastri, and 318,432 others
logansargeant life recently
view all 2,343 comments
ynusername ah i love you!!! 💙
logansargeant i love you more!
username im in shock right now
username you see how he posts her more 😭
liamlawson30 happy for you man!
logansargeant thank you!
username i know oscar is crying somewhere
landonorris probably username lando no 😭😭😭
username ugh you guys are so cute
landonorris 😧 i didn't know y/n was down like that
ynusername well only for logan 🤭 liked by logansargeant
oscar piastri had found himself alone looking at old photos of the two of you that he had on his phone — the both of you had been seeing each other for a few months but never made it official, just because he never wanted to put a label on it and before he knew it you had fallen into the hands of an old friend of his.
"no it's all good, i'm happy for you guys..." he remembered telling logan. "i'm glad the both of you are happy."
he didn't blame you for moving on, he treated you real shitty for the very few months you guys were together. you had stopped everything going on in your life just to be there for him and he couldn't find himself to do the same for you.
"promise you'll show up for dinner?" you had asked oscar as he was getting ready to go hang out with lando for a few hours. "my friends and family will all be there."
"i already told lando i had to leave by six so i can make it to the restaurant on time." he remembered swearing that he would be there on time. "wouldn't miss it for the world."
hours later you had found yourself having dinner with everyone and oscar was nowhere to be found.
"i mean we're not even dating yet, what's the rush to meet her family?" he asked lando who was taking pictures of the city. "i'm not even sure if i can see us together in the long run."
lando knew the way oscar was treating you and he spoke up about it a few times to him, he even tried getting you to leave him but the both of you just never listened.
"she's a cool girl, what's not to like about her? plus i think she is way better than the last girl, the pescatarian." lando then shrugged. "but if that's how you feel just skip it."
so that was exactly what he did.
the next morning he knew the two of you were supposed to go to breakfast around nine so he went over to your apartment to pick you up and you had been sitting on your porch in pajamas.
"that's how you're going?" he chuckled. "i mean you look cute s-"
you rolled your eyes at him. "what happened last night?"
"last night?"
yeah, in that moment he thought playing dumb was his best option.
if you could throw the pot of flowers at his head without going to jail you probably would do it. "last night. what the fuck happened to you?"
he saw people trying to look outside of your window from your house and he turned back to you. "get in the car, we'll tal-"
“not until you tell me what why you miss-” 
he looked at your window once more and saw that they were still looking out. "can you not yell right now..." he rubbed his forehead and looked back at you. “alright stop being dramatic and just get in the car.” 
he talked like this to you whenever you guys got into arguments except this time he was being quieter, you knew your parents were most likely looking out the window which is why he wasn't yelling back at you.
he looked once more to the window and saw that they were gone so he quickly walked over to you and tried dragging you towards his car but you were not budging like you usually did. “can we please just go? i don't get why this has to be a big fucking thing.” 
you scoff and shrug his arm off your wrist. "i think you need to leave oscar."
he knew he was about to lose his temper with you so instead of saying something rude he clenched his jaw and pinched the bridge of his nose. "fine, we can talk whenever you get over this stupid thing."
as he turned around to walk away, you grabbed his wrist.
him not fight back was making your blood boil. "i don't understand this oscar, what we have going on!"
the change in your voice made him upset because he knew he had no right to be mad at you, he was the one that stood up you and the people who meant the most to you.
"one minute you're treating me like i'm the love of your life and the next minute you act like i mean nothing to you." he saw your lower lip trembles as you spoke. “i will not allow yo-” 
he knew where this was going so he began mumbling out little apologies but you shook your head. "i deserve better than this oscar."
he knew that at the time he couldn't give you better so he let you go.
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liked by logansargeant, lilymhe, and 743,983 others
ynusername i like florida weather better ☀️
view all 6,112 comments
lilymhe please why are you so hot 😍
ynusername 😚😚 alex_albon delete these comments rn ynusername stop being a hater
username in y/n we trust
username alright we're getting better with the posting
logansargeant i think you should marry me
ynusername yes, buy me my ring :))
logan remembered the time he had introduced you to oscar, he really thought you wouldn't find interest in someone like him but you did and soon after he regretted introducing you guys — months later he once overheard an argument that oscar and you had, he quickly learned that the person he knew most of his whole life was not the best person.
"oscar, why don't you just take a walk..." he told him as he heard the argument getting more serious.
oscar huffed and walked back to where lando was.
"does he always talk to you like that?"
you sighed as you sat on the bench. "sometimes but it was my fault, i should've just listened to him..."
he made sure to let you know that he's be there for you if you ever needed to talk and you did go to him a few times.
he hated how oscar treated you, if it had been him he'd give you the whole world. it was so stupid to introduce you guys.
"you deserve better than that y/n." he told you after you had called him about oscar missing dinner. "i have to go but i'll see you on sunday for the race in miami!"
he didn't see you that day or two weeks later in italy.
during media day in italy, he overheard lando tell oscar that you leaving him was for the best since the relationship was toxic. he was glad you had finally left him and invited you to race in monaco.
"sure logan, i'll be there for you!"
from then on the both of you were almost inseparable, you had modeling gigs so you couldn't always be there for his races but he flew out to see you whenever he could.
he dreaded the day when he had to tell oscar that the two of you were seeing each other but it had to be done. "we just connected a little while after you guys stopped talking and then i recently asked her out so i just wanted to tell you that."
oscar nodded. "i'm glad the both of you are happy, especially her because she really deserves something good in her life."
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and 1,213,283 others
ynusername besos.
view all 9,211 comments
username not oscar in her likes
logansargeant MY QUEEN 💙
username love u so baddd
oscarpiastri 😍
username stand up oscar! username logan come get ur girl before oscar does
username mother
alexandrasaintmleux bonitaa
you slammed the door on logan as you walked into his apartment but you sighed and quickly opened it for him. "i'm sorry i didn't mean to close it on you."
he knew you were trying to unlearn certain things that you had done with oscar in the past so he was always super patient with you and tried giving you space when he thought you needed it.
he sat next to you on the couch and tried reaching out for your hand but you shrugged it off. "i wasn't trying to accuse you of seeing him but when i saw oscar's name pop up on your pho-"
he knew you were still mad after you stood up from the couch with a huff. "i haven’t spoken to him since that day logan!"
you sighed once more because he never raised his voice with you and you headed into his bedroom but he followed you, knowing that you didn't mean to raise your voice.
“ugh i suck, you are so kind with me and i'm trying to not do these things and i jus-"
he softly tugged on your arm to get you to face him and tried to move one of the strands in your hair to your ear but you sorta flinched as he rose his arm.
you quickly turned to look away from him, hoping he didn’t just notice that and start asking questions. “um, can i just have a minute log-“
he knew the way your body reacted when you were irritated and that was definitely not it. “did he hit you before?” he asked and as you shook your head no. “i swear to god if he did i-“
“no.” you sat at the edge of his bed and he sat next to you. “our arguments got pretty bad sometimes and there were times that maybe i thought he would but he never did…”
he pulled you onto his lap and held your hands in his. "you do know i would never do anything anything like that to you, right?” he got you to look up to him. "like ever."
you nodded and rested your head on his shoulder. "i know that."
he held you by the waist and let your bodies fall into the bed and you felt his eyes on you so you look back up to him — he looked at you differently this time and it just made you struggle to keep yourself all together.
"you are so beautiful like ridiculously beautiful."
you rolled your eyes as your cheeks were burning hot and brought his face down for a kiss. "and you're ridiculously handso-"
he kissed you once more and pulled away, lips barely touching yours.
and just before he could say the word he wanted to tell you, you had jumped to straddle him and already beaten him to it. "i love you so mu-"
he quickly started tickling you for saying it first and flipped you over so now he was hovering you, the sounds of your beautiful laughter was like music to his ears.
"alright, i'm sorry!" you giggled and tried pushing him off but instead he kissed you softly. "you're forgiven, i love you."
the next kiss you guys shared was a little more rough and your hand began to pull down his zipper from his jeans. "need to reward you for getting your contract renewed."
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liked by logansargeant, lilymhe, and 1,322,231 others
ynusername photo buffet 🤍
view all 4,765 comments
username aww you guys got a dog?? 😭
ynusername we did! her name is crystal!
username ugh you guys compliment each other so well
francisca.cgomes when's the next wag renuion?
lilymhe we should definitely fly out to paris! ynusername i'll be free next weekend! alexandrasaintmleux guess we're all going to paris next weekend!
username me and who??
username when is it my turn 😩
logansargeant 💙
williamsracing our favorites! 💙
liked by ynusername, logansargeant
ynusername 💙 alex_albon what i thought lily and i were??? williamsracing oh gtg 🏃🏻‍♂️
logan and you had recently bought an apartment together in florida and as you sat on the porch with crystal, you saw a familiar car pull up.
you've got to be kidding me.
"why are you here oscar?" you asked as he walked towards you.
he shrugged and sat on the chair next to you. "i've been in florida for about a week, i wanted to see if maybe we could've given us another sho-"
you shook your head and stood up. "don't, it's been over for us."
oscar nodded and stood up. "i know that now, i saw you guys the other day and you looked incredibly happy and you deserve that happiness..."
logan was walking outside with your cup of tea but quickly stopped himself when he saw oscar. "everything okay?"
you nodded and gave him a reassuring smile. "i'll be in a second."
he nodded and walked inside, crystal following behind him. you had never given him any reason to think you were doing something you weren't supposed to be doing so he let you guys talk but made sure to keep a close eye.
"i'm sorry for the way i treated you those months, it was a very shitty thing to do because you never deserved that and honestly i feel like maybe i shouldn't have came to tell you all of this." he rubbed his forhead and looked towards his car. "i don't know i just think deep down i wanted to know how you still felt about me or if maybe we could still be friends..."
you sighed. "i dont know if you're looking for forgiveness or what but i know i didn't deserve how you treated me so i forgive you but we can not be friends oscar so i need you to please leave."
he nodded and began walking towards his car but turned back to you, who was already walking inside your house. "you're truly happy?"
you turned back to him and nodded. "happiest i have ever been, i love logan and he treats me good."
once you got back inside oscar watched your window from the inside his of his car — he had kissed your forhead and you looked up to him with the same bright eyes you once gave him, except now they shined even brighter for him.
if only he had treated you better before then maybe instead of logan he could've had this same ending with you.
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my f1 & f2 masterlist!
© weeknd-ogoc, 2023
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jyoongim · 22 days
Alastor and married reader but instead of the whole other thing, he kills her husband and is the shoulder for her to cry on (cliche, I know) not wanting her to hate him. And you know- smut somewhere along the way
The happiest day of your life was your wedding day.
The thought of living your days in matrimonial bliss with the man of your dreams had always been your future plans.
Until it wasn’t….
Your dreams of waking up beside your soulmate, having a big family, and living out your days in love were all crushed the day you were told to come to the coroner.
To identify your husband.
You stared at the casket as the pastor read the sermon and it was lowered into the dirt. 
You felt nothing.
The heavens must of felt your sadness as there was an endless pour.
Many family members and friends gave their condolences but you didn’t even acknowledge them.
what had your husband done so terribly that someone would…
The cold of the rain disappeared as a hand grasped your shoulder, pulling your soaked body into theirs “You’ll catch a chill standing like that dear”
He held an umbrella over the two of you as you watch the diggers throw dirt onto the coffin.
You felt hot tears swell in your eyes and your body shook as sobs ran through you. You turned to Alastor, eyes glassy and lip wobbling and you sniffed
“I-I just…why? This-this…it wasnt suppose to be like this” you sobbed as Alastor gathered you in his arms and ran a soothing hand on your back.
He patted your back, letting you cry in his shoulder as he hummed “there there dear, itll be all right. Cry it out doll”
You curled into him as he held you, a hand rubbing your shoulder and back in comfort, whispering gentle words to try and ease your pain.
You and Alastor grew up together. 
He was practically your best friend.
Hes seen you at your happiest and now at your saddest.
He was always your confidant and rock….until you met your husband.
You stopped coming down to the radio station.
You wanted to include him in on outings.
You wanted the two important men in your life to get along…
To share
Alastor would be damned if he gave you up.
But for you, he bared it.
He watched you marry the man you loved.
And he might could have lived happy knowing you were happy, but there was something inside him that just wouldnt go away about you withdrawing your affections from him and redirect them to another man.
You sighed as you looked around the house. Your husband had just bought it and it was suppose to be a surprise after your wedding.
But now it just served as a reminder of what will never be.
“You should stay cher, the house is in your name” Alastor chirped, roaming around.
“I just dont feel right being here when…its just no longer what I thought it would be” you say glaring at a wedding portrait. Alastor smirked, rounding from the kitchen, wrapping his arms around you “Then redecorate! Add a bit of color. Make use of this lovely home”
You thought about it, you would hate to resell it. You didnt want to go back home to live with your parents.
You sighed again. 
“Then stay here with me…at least until” Alastor smiled, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.
“You think i was gonna leave? Oh darling im hurt you even thought of me like that”
Alastor sat on top the man as he smiled cruelly down at him.
“She was never meant to be your wife.” he squeezed the man’s neck seething.
“Years. I spent years courting her. She might be a bit slow, but all I needed was a nudge. And then here you come. Bright and opinionated, always the knight in shining armor” The man gasped as Alastor’s grip tightened.
“Shes like a Doe, Shes cautious at first, feed her and be kind and shell come to you willingly. But I am the Hunter. I have calculated where and how my Doe reacts. I didnt need you messing up my plans.” the man stuttered in a choke
“Rest assure old chum, she makes a good wife” Alastor growled.
You felt bad that Alastor spent most of his time over. You had tried to encourage and reassure him that you felt better and that he should go home, but the man was stubborn and knew you well enough to decline.
”Al people will start to talk if you’re constantly here. I’m a widow now,  you’ll be  the talk of town if you linger.”
Alastor shrugged “when have i ever cared about what others think and besides…when have you known me to just let you wallow in sorrow.”
Never. Alastor always found a way to make you smile even when you were sad.
You admit that you have enjoyed having Alastor around these last few weeks.
Hes helped you decorate the house, find joy again in life, and even staying with you.
You didn’t want to admit it,  but what affections you already had for the man, had seemed to grow. You put it off as just a way that you were trying to cope from the loss of your husband.
But that wasn’t the case….
Because before your husband….it was Alastor.
But you had just chalked it up to silly childhood emotions.
The rain poured as the wind and thunder whipped around outside.
You and Alastor were cuddled on the couch looking through old photos.
You giggled as you flipped through the pages, reminiscing about your youth.
”lord what were we thinking….our mamas had a fit” you laughed shaking your head, Alastor chuckled “I think your mud pies improved”
You snort “Its the only thing I can actually cook”
The fire crackled as the storm raged outside and you leaned your head against his shoulder.
”you know…I can’t thank you enough.” You whispered, causing the man to flick his eyes to you curious
”For what my dear?”
You fiddle with the crochet blanket, burying your face in the crook of his neck, groaning in embarrassment “for always being there for me. I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t there at the funeral…You’re really my saving grace Al”
Alastor’s lips curled into a smile, nuzzling into your hair, a deep rumble rakes his chest as lanky arms bound around you.
”Oh ma cherie  don’t say such things. We’ve known each other for years if anything you’re my saving grace.”
You pulled back a bit to give him a funny look, to make a snarky remark but the way Alastor was looking at you made your throat closeup.
Such affection and adoration in those deep eyes.
Your heart was pounding in your chest. 
You ducked your head “Yourejust saying that” you mumbled.
Soft lips grazed your forehead. “I would never lie to you dear”
Maybe it was because it was a storm outside and you were cozy up by the fire
Maybe it was Alastor spending most of his time here.
Maybe it was his consideration for you, the flowers he got you , his cooking (that was AMAZING), the times he sang to you or danced to whatever the radio played.
Whatever it was, you didn’t realized that he had leaned towards you until you felt his lips brush yours. 
Your brain was telling you that you should stop this.
This was your friend.
Your husband just died.
Your shouldn’t.
You closed your eyes and pressed your lips to his, angling your head to slot your lips together.
The kiss was slow, steady, soft…almost like he was testing the waters, unsure of how you would react.
You nipped at his lips and a surprised gasp left you as he pulled you into his lap, deepening the kiss.
That small noise must have possessed something in the man as the once gentle kiss turn to something carnal.
Your arms were loops around his neck and your finger s were buried in his hair as he attempted to devour you.
His lips left your lips to trail to your neck, littering it in bites and suckling.
A soft moan escaped your throat “A-Al”
He pulled back, eyes blown and low.
”Tell Me you don’t want this and ill stop”
He peppered soft kisses along the column of your neck
”Tell me you don’t want me as much as I want you and ill pretend this didn’t happened”
is that what you wanted?
Your heart was pounding.
You cupped his face and gave him a soft smile, before pressing a soft kiss to his nose
”We shouldn’t…”
His hands slipped under your shirt, fingers dancing on your skin
You twirled his hair
”But don’t please don’t stop”
That was all he needed to hear….
Your shadows danced across the walls, the fire casting a glow on your bodies as you rode his cock.
”F-fuck!”you whined as pleasure ripped through your body.
Alastor’s hands were gripping your ass as you bounced on top of him.
He swirled his tongue around a perk nipple, groaning as your gummy walls gripped him.
”you feel so good” he mumbled, teething the mound, causing you to moan.
You threw your head back, a rugged gasp leaving you.
Alastor loved the noises you made, pushing his hips up to meet yours as if to carve his cock into your cunt.
”such a pretty sight you are my dear, if  only I could engrave you into my memory”
Your thighs were burning as you chased your release
”I’m-oh! Fuck fuck Al!”
He slipped a hand between you, thumb circling your swollen clit
”You gonna cum? Cmon baby cum on my cock, let me paint those pretty walls of yours white”
You whined and with a silent cry, you cummed, body shaking as you creamed around him.
Hot sparks ran through you as he toyed your clit, riding out your orgasm as you grind your hips against him.
With a sigh, you slumped against him panting as he planted his feet to pound into you until he came with a choked grunt, cock twitching as he filled you with his cum.
You pressed kisses along his clamming skin, humming as you came down from your high.
Thee two of you sat there, breathless, until Alastor intertwined one of your hands and brought it to his lips.
”Is it a bad time to propose?”
You laughed
508 notes · View notes
love-belle · 8 months
i'm glad whenever i can share her laughter !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which they finally get their picture perfect ending that everyone was hoping for.
for when you have everything you ever wished for. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings - language
author's note - this series is now officially done!!!! im soooo happy about how this turned out and i hope u enjoyed it as much as i did <33 thank u sm for reading, i love you <33
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, lilymhe and 2,751,876 others
yourusername julianne marie leclerc-y/l/n 🤍
tagged charles_leclerc
lewishamilton missing baby j ❤️
-> yourusername she misses her uncle lew and brother roscoe ❤️
lilymhe i'm kidnapping her idc
-> alex_albon yes please i miss her already
-> yourusername no bc im pretty sure she loves u both more than her actual PARENTS
landonorris can i come over
-> yourusername u JUST left
-> landonorris CAN I COME OVER
-> yourusername ok
charles_leclerc mon ange 😘 ( my angel )
-> yourusername ❤️
charles_leclerc thank you for everything mon amour ( my love )
-> yourusername thank YOU for everything i love u sooooosososo bad
username i feel like such a proud parent it's INSANE
username IM CRYING OMG
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, danielricciardo and 2,699,896 others
charles_leclerc it should be noted that she asked for her "mamamamama" a few thousand times and now i'm taking her with me to where ever
tagged yourusername
username she's a mama's girl fr
username JULIE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
danielricciardo baby julie owns my heart
-> heidiberger_ mine too 🤍
-> charles_leclerc where was this heart owning when she was screaming her head off in the middle of the night and you both suddenly had a "fever"
-> username he's really done with everyone
maxverstappen1 p wants to meet her best friend. again. please.
-> charles_leclerc can we exchange?
-> maxverstappen1 yes
-> kellypiquet no (you are more than welcome to leave baby j with us anytime ☺️)
-> yourusername no (I MISS P PLEASE COME OVER)
-> charles_leclerc ONE CHILD IS ENOUGH
-> maxverstappen1 exactly what he said
username i love watching charles realise that having a baby is SO much more than js buying cute clothes and playing with toys
-> yourusername i know he's so shocked
yourusername MY BABY 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
-> charles_leclerc she's coming with me
yourusername bring her back asap i wanna hug her
-> charles_leclerc oh so suddenly i'm not enough?
yourusername u didn't hear this from me but she couldn't sleep without her red ferrari plushie last week when u were in maranello
-> charles_leclerc so now you're making me cry. great.
≡;- ꒰ °instagram stories ꒱
yourusername added to their instagram stories
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≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, pierregasly and 2,657,246 others
charles_leclerc i'm glad whenever i can share her laughter
tagged yourusername
username oh please no im not ready to see baby j grow up
leclerc_pascale bébé ❤️❤️❤️ ( baby )
-> charles_leclerc she misses her grand-mère❤️ ( grandmother )
carlossainz55 please stop blasting slipping through my fingers. it's 3am.
-> charles_leclerc she pulled herself up today YOU DON'T GET IT
-> username oh this man's gonna be in shambles when she starts walking
landonorris time needs to stay still, thank you.
-> charles_leclerc exactly 💯
yourusername babe she's literally 10 months old
-> charles_leclerc soon she'll be 10 years old and going to school and not wanting to hang out with me 🙁
-> charles_leclerc I'M NOT IT'S LANDO
-> landonorris I MISS BABY J
yourusername she misses her papa, come back
-> charles_leclerc yes ❤️❤️❤️ let me just console lando and we'll join you
username lando is so me
3K notes · View notes
81folklore · 10 months
heaven - OP81 - part 2
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pairings: oscar piastri x private!secret!reader (fc: gracie abrams)
summary: a very sweet softlaunch ends pretty quickly
authors notes: first of all a huge thank you to everyone who has liked, reblogged and taken the time to read my works it means so much to me and im so so grateful!! next, this is something i made at 1am so please bear with me😭. i am working on the lando and charles stories i PROMISE but i want them to be special and i currently have zero thoughts about where to take them so it might be a while🫣 also i almost finished this when tumblr DELETED IT?? i want to cry😁 ALSO i started this at like 1am and i cant be asked to do tweets rn so insta smau it is
part 1 part 3 masterlist
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liked by yourfriend2, user7 and 583 others
ahahah i love the beach and my friends
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yourfriend2: dont be fooled she called me crying after the fourth photo bcs she lost 5 games of uno in a row
yourusername: i called you in confidence and this is how you repay me??
user6: its fine we know how emotional uno can get😁
yourusername: ??
user7: im so single hahahahhaa (im dying inside)
user10: is it confirmed that this is oscar?
user9: im not being funny but oscar doesnt even follow her so i think yous are just reaching
user10: …they have the same dog??
yourfriend6: might aswell post his face at this point
yourusername: leave me aloneeee im having fun!!
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liked by clementnovalak, paularon_ and 93,357 others
second part of the season incoming 😁👊 (after a very competitive round of uno)
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user7: ready to see you up on the podium🧡
user10: uno you say?
user3: right could they be more obvious😭
yourusername: its race week babyyy
*liked by oscarpiastri*
user17: literally what is happening why are all of the grid softlaunching😭
user8: and why does it always end in the hardest of launches
yourusername and oscarpiastri added to their stories
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yourfriend2: 😭😭
yourusername: i am sick and tired i just want to POST him but softlaunches are so fun😔
yourfriend2: its really fun when everyone already knows?
yourusername: no but we are in too deep now☹️
user6: god you guys are insufferable
user23: i lied please dont im so single it hurts
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and 6,572 others
the world through my eyes☀️
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oscarpiastri: i love you sososo much
oscarpiastri: my favorite person in the entire world
yourusername: ur literally my sunshine🫶
yourfriend1: god you make me SICK
yourusername: ..okay😁 oscarpiastri i love youuu🤭
landonorris: i hate people in love (you guys are very cute)
user10: THE NOTE OH
user7: he is her world oh my lord
user63: and the fact that hes her sunshine too😭😭
user63: literally crying myself to sleep
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername and 143,572 others
my happiness
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yourusername: teheehee thats me🤭
yourusername: i LOVE YOUUU
yourusername: i didnt know you took photos of me like this☹️
oscarpiastri: of course your my favorite🧡
yourusername: oh could you get any cuter🫠
yourfriend4: thought you should know yn is currently jumping up and down and giggling while looking at this
user8: god really saw me sad and said ‘heres the happiest and best couple, wallow more’
user1: i cant stand people in love (i want to cry and drown in my tears)
yourusername: oh my god im so obsessed with you
oscarpiastri: i loooove youuu
oscarpiastri added to their story
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yourusername: ahhhhh im so☹️
yourusername: osc☹️☹️ur literally the cutest thing to exist
yourusername: my boys🫶🫶
yoursusername: im so in love with you sunshine☀️
oscarpiastri: love you, thank you for showing me happiness🤍
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gn4bnahc · 2 months
You, not her
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Pairing: Bangchan x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut
CW: Car sex, riding, fingering, unprotected sex, corruption kink, insecurities. Idk what else
This is just fiction!
P.S. Theres twitter/X vid links
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Chan's parents were very wealthy. His parents and your parents were friends. Your parents had the idea to make your sister date Chan, but little did they know, Chan had a crush on you.
You go home from school seeing Chan and his parents sitting on the couch with your parents and your sister, Bella. You smile at them a little bit, before going upstairs.
Chan looks at you as you go upstairs. “Who was that?”, Chan whispers to Bella, “That was my sister, y/n, don’t mind her”, Bella says in a flirtatious tone while clinging on his arm.
“Y/n!!”, your parents shout, calling you to go down. You go downstairs, “hm?”, “join us here”, “oh uh okay”, you say as you sit down facing Chan.
You notice he keeps looking at you. You try your best not to look at him. “Y/n this is Chan, your sister’s soon to be you know”, your mom whispers but you were sure everybody could hear her.
“Oh right you should eat first before you go”, your mom says as they follow her to the dining table. Chan sits beside your sister, facing you, your mom places down the food on the table, “Come on eat up”, your mom says as she sits down.
You see Bella wearing the hair clip that you just bought, Chan noticed you looking down, fidgeting with your fingers. As you expected, everyone was putting their attention to your sister, she was always the amazing one, the pretty one, the smart one, the talented one, the perfect one, and you, you were just there.
Chan kept staring at you, you minding your own business, quiet, just listening to your parents talk about Bella.
You finished your food, Chan saw you went out the house, but the rest didn’t even care.
You went out to go to the park. Chan just wanted to go now, he didn’t want to listen to your parents babbling about Bella.
When they were all finished eating, they said goodbye to eachother. Chan’s parents went home, but Chan told his parents he’s going to the park.
As Chan walked to the park, he saw you, sitting on the bench, looking at the sky, he sat down beside you, “Hey”, “Oh hi Chan”, you smiled at him, making his heart melt, “Why are you here?”, he says looking at you, “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that?”, you say as he chuckles, “Well i’m here because I wanted to get some fresh air”, he says while smiling at you, “I go here every night, I love this place, this were I mostly cry, I just stare at the stars”, you say while looking down, “Cry?”, “Yeah”, you say as you look down. “I noticed you were very quiet a while ago”, “Oh yeah I don’t really talk much, no one really listens to me”, you say while looking at the sky as he stares at you, “I’m here, i’ll listen”, he says as you chuckle, “Why are you even talking to me”, you sigh, “Because you seem like a interesting person”, “Me?”, “Who else am I talking to”, “Okay, it’s just people always put their attention to my sister, I can’t even argue with them cause Bella is very pretty, Im just a basic girl, a very unattractive one actually”, you say while he’s here shocked, “Are you serious right now? You’re so pretty”, he says as you giggle shyly, “No one has ever called me pretty”, he kisses your cheek while holding your hand, “Woah what was that for?”, “Oh nothing”, he says teasingly while smiling, “Anyways can I have your number?”, “Oh uh sure”, he takes your phone, he is so happy right now that he keeps putting in the wrong number.
Chan has been inlove with you since he saw you at school.
He accidentally dropped his things and as you helped him pick it up, he looks up at you, when he saw you giving his things while smiling cutely, he knew you were the girl of his dreams, “Thank you”, he says as you run away, he was devastated that he didn’t get to ask your name.
That night Chan slept while smiling, imagining scenarios of you and him, you, berry and him, walking on the beach together, you and him eating ice cream together, him cuddling you on the bed, humming while placing kisses on your forehead. Man he was head over heels.
The next day Chan comes to your house. He knocks on the door, waiting for you, he knew you were alone today so he wanted to take you out.
You open the door, you see him with a bouquet of flowers, his dimples showing, “What are you doing here?”, “Let’s go out”, “I’m not dressed properly”, “Ok i’ll give you time”, he says while still smiling widely. He waits patiently, excited that he will take you out, you walk down the stairs, he couldn’t take his eyes off you, “What are you looking at?”, you say while staring down shyly, he kisses you on the cheek, “so beautiful”, he says as you smile like an idiot. You take the flowers as you go to his car.
You go to his car, he opens the door for you, admiring you. He goes in the car, “Where are we going?”, “It’s a supriiise”, he says in teasing way, making you smiling widely. As he drives, he holds your hand, kissing it every minute.
You guys finally arrived at your destination. Chan opens the door for you, holding your hand as you go out, “Woah this is beautiful, Chan”, he took you to a private picnic with lights around it, “Meh, you’re much more beautiful”, he says teasingly, smiling at you, holding your hand.
You both sit down, he takes out the food in the basket, “Did you make all this?”, “Mhm”, “Woah”, he goes closer to you, feeding you, as you chew your food he keeps kissing you on the cheek, smiling while clinging on you. While he was kissing you on the cheek, you turn to him, kissing him on the lips, at first he was shocked, but as time passed by the kiss got more heated, he slowly takes off your sundress, “No bra?”, he grabs your breasts, circling your nipples, he slowly goes down, his hand in your panties, he slowly circles your clit, you moan as you guys kiss, “Cha…a…nnie…”, “Whats that baby?”, “Pleasee…”, he lays you down, unbuttoning his pants, taking of his shirt, you look at his boxers, you could already see how hard he was, he takes his boxers off, his cock springs out, “Chan, I never done this before”, “Shh baby, i’ll be gentle mkay?”, “Okay”. He goes down, licking your entrance, circling your clit with his thumb, you moan loudly, he spits on your cunt, getting ready to put his dick in. He slowly enters, “Chan… you… you’re s… so big”, “Im pretty big aren’t I, yeaaah”, he starts off slow, but as time passes by, his thrusts gets harder, better, faster, he fucks you right there, not caring if anyone sees you.
When it was finally night time, both of you lay down, “The stars are so pretty, but you’re prettier”, Chan says as he slowly places his hand on your clit, rubbing it, you grab on his cock, slowly stroking it, he puts a finger in, fingering you, you stroking his dick as you stargaze.
The date was finally over. “Aww I wanted to spend more time with you”, he says while pouting, “You did great today, because of that you get a kiss”, he looks at you suprised, you kiss him on the cheek, even though it was only on the cheek, he didn’t care, he was blushing so hard, “Why are you even blushing that hard, you’re acting like you didn’t just put your dick in my cunt and finger me”, you say as he chuckles.
Before you went out of the car, he stops you, “I have something for you”, he takes out an expensive necklace, “Chan, I can’t accept this, this is very valuable”, “I don’t care, you look so beautiful with it, but even without it you’re still beautiful”, he smiles at you, his dimples showing as you chuckle.
The next day, Chan sees you putting things in your locker. He goes towards you, you see him, you close your locker and quickly ran away, he was confused why you ran away, it’s like you’re pretending nothing happened yesterday. He sees you in the hallways, when you see him, you quickly try to run away, but not this time, he quickly grabs your hand, “Hah! there you are, why do you keep running away, it’s like you’re avoiding me…”, “What… No… I…”, “You’re definitely avoiding me, did I do something wrong? did you not enjoy the thing that happened yesterday? was I too rough? did I stretch you out that much?”, he says as he looks at you worried, “No… it’s just…”, the bell rings, “Oh look! I’m gonna be late for class… haha…”.
It was night time, Chan knew you were at the park. As Chan goes to the park, he sees you covering your face while crying, he ran fast, he hugs you, “Hey… hey… I’m here, just let it all out, mkay”, “Chan… the reason I was avoiding you was because, when I came home late, they asked where I went, I said I was with you, they got mad and told me to not go near you anymore and of course I followed cause I’m a coward”, you say as he kisses your forehead while hugging you, “Chan this is wrong… you shouldn’t be here with me…”, “What’s wrong with being inlove? Y/n ever since you helped me pick up my things, I was inlove with you, your smile lights the whole place up, I know I didn’t completely know you that time, but I knew that you were the one”, “Why? Why not Bella? Bella is so much more prettier than me, she’s basically perfect, why are you settling for less when you can settle for more? Chan, you can get any girl that you want, but why did you have to pick me?”, “Cause… I love you, not her, period”, he caresses your cheek, you suddenly pull him into a kiss, he carries you, he opens his car, he lays you down the front seat , he notices there’s something in your hand, “What’s that in your hands?”, “Oh it’s nothing”, “Come on let me see”, in your hand was a heart shaped pendant with his initial and your initial in it, “Woah baby, is this supposed to be for me?”, “Yeah… I just thought that you won’t like it, because it’s nothing compared to the expensive jewelry you have…”, “Baby, this is the most expensive jewelry I have ever received”, “Can I put it on you?”, you say as he nods, you both sit up, you put it on him, “I’m gonna wear it everyday”, he says as he puts you on top of him, taking off his pants, and taking off your panties, he puts his cock in you, “So beautiful”, he slaps your ass, you kiss him as he thrusts his dick in you, fucking you in his car, the windows didn’t have a tint, people outside could see you both fucking inside, but both of you didn’t care at all.
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lilyevansisamilf7 · 2 months
Another Life - Spencer Reid
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Pairing - Spencer Reid x Fem Reader (Non Specified but imagined fem)
Warnings - not spell checked, character death??, cheating, all cm trigger warnings, Maeve, mentions of eating disorders addiction and suicidal thoughts.
Summary - You we’re ready to marry him, he was ready to leave.
You fell in love four years ago. Budding new SSA Y/L/N and the marvellous Doctor Reid, the BAUs power couple, attached at the hip - perfect.
And perfect it was, you and spencer had been through everything together. Case after case, his addiction, your own struggles with disordered eating, and everything inbetween, so when he started being distant, and getting migraines, you were sure you could help. You found him the best doctors, geneticists, anything and anyone.
You never thought he’d fall for Maeve Donovan, his geneticist, i mean how could you, you’d seen the ring. He was going to propose, or so you thought, a beautiful amethyst ring hidden in the blazer pocket of his work suit. Not your favourite crystal but you’re sure he had a reason for picking it, he always did.
So you began planning.
And you planned and planned until it suddenly didn’t feel like he was going to propose anymore.
“Spence?” You call out from the kitchen where you’re making dinner.
“Yeah love?” He walks in.
“I was just thinking, do you ever think about marrying me?”
“Well yeah in the future when we’ve settled a bit more, i’m happy how we are right now”
“Oh” You sigh, “What about that ring in your blazer pocket? What’s that for then?”
Silence. You know what that means.
“Is she pretty?” He looks down at his shoes.
Your turn off the stove and wipe your hands on your trousers.
“It’s Maeve isn’t it? The doctor?” You giggle sadly “You always liked them smart”
“Does she make you happy?”
“Not like you do”
You scoff. He looks at you confused.
You pick at your nails, crying slightly. “You were the one for me Spence, and I just want you to be happy, I thought that was with me but i guess not anymore” You shrug before grabbing your bag.
“What are you doing?” He try’s to grab your hands.
“Im going to stay with Garcia tonight” You reach the door, “Maybe you can invite Maeve for dinner, i made your favourite. I’ll be back tomorrow to gather my things”
“Please don’t do this..”
“Goodbye Spencer Reid”
The past month had been hell for you, you didn’t tell anyone the real reason you and Spencer split up, not wanting to ruin his friendships with the rest of the team, but you hadn’t been doing well. You’d lost a lot of weight, stopped going out with the team, and started throwing yourself into your work.
It was plain as day that you were heartbroken.
So when Spencer came in, seeking help for Maeve, you were advised to steer clear of the case. But you were determined to show everyone you were fine.
You worked the hardest on the case and found Diane first, and joined spencer on retrieving Maeve.
You walk in unarmed, as requested by Diane, and see Maeve being held by gunpoint.
“Diane, right?” You try and sound as calm as possible, “I’m Y/n”
“Stay back or I shoot her!”
“She rejected you didn’t she? Your paper? I read it and it was good, just needed a little more evidence”
“What evidence?”
“Someone who wasn’t your parents, who wanted to die”
You breath in
“I can help Diane, you need someone like me, you can kill me”
“You’re trying to trick me!” She exclaims.
“i’m not, Maeve doesn’t want to die, do you Maeve”
She begins to cry begging for her life.
“And you do?”
“I’ve got nothing left to live for”
You look to Spencer sadly.
“Think about it Diane, this gives you the evidence you need” You smile.
“You’re trying to trick me!”
“Fine, I guess Dr Donovan was right” I fake sigh and get a little closer, “You aren’t worth the time or effort”
In an instant, Maeve is thrown to the floor and Diane grabs and shoots you both in the stomach.
You fall to the ground.
Spencer instantly runs to you, cradling you in his arms, your breaths shallow and weak.
“Is Maeve okay?”
Astounded at your care he says “Please don’t worry about her, save your strength, the medics are on their way”
“I don’t think i have the time Spence”
“Please baby” He whispers.
“Are you happy Spence?”
“She’s not you…”
He holds you tight and you reach up to cradle his cheek with your hand, “Please let yourself be happy” A metallic taste covering the inside of your mouth.
As he’s holding you he can feel how much smaller you’ve become. “You’ve not been taking care of yourself” He begins to cry
“It’s not important now,” I whisper, “Spence?”
“Do you think i’m another life we made it
He thinks for a moment.
“I’m every universe i will be forever yours, I just wish it could’ve been in this one too” Beginning to sob
“And i will always be yours too, you were it for me Spencer Reid”
His tears fall down quicker than you can wipe them away.
“At least we’ll have all those other lives, we could have that wedding I planned,” I giggle sadly, “You would’ve loved it”
“I should’ve asked you, I wanted it to be you”
“I wanted it to be me too”
Your eyes begin to close, in the distant shouts for medics get louder, the blaring of sirens closer.
“I love you” he whispers, “Please don’t leave me, we’re not done yet”
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neteyamsilly · 1 year
i will soften every edge, hold the world to its best | 2
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summary ;; Your burning determination to prove your father wrong and Jake's wish to teach you a lesson both end up in a pyrrhic victory. PART 1 | PART 3 pairings ;; dad!jake sully x reader, mom!neytiri x reader, sully family x reader genre ;; pure angst and family feels notes / explanations ;; im speechlessly overwhelmed at the sheer amount of love you guys showed me these past couple of days. like. literally never had something like this happen to me before. i got too excited to finish this chapter to give back to yall, there was an attempt to proofread but... i hope it's not too bad, please enjoy! as always, if you see any mistakes, im sorry!
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The path further into the floating mountains was all the worse to navigate thanks to the lack of light, the only useful guides you had were the faintly flickering bioluminescent lights from the forest deep below. The branches twisting around each other to create a naturally built bridge from mountain to mountain benefited from this, contrasting as a clear obscured line to your eyes against the glow underneath. 
The easiest part of your journey, in hindsight, was just skipping along this line. 
You weren’t exactly happy about this.  
The more you left behind, the more you were freaked out that Neteyam or anyone else was onto your intentions already and hot on your trail right this moment. Imagining father making a beeline to you in the air with Bob, a cruel, merciless whistling arrow, made you all jittery and almost puking kind of nervous, pulling at the depths of your stomach. 
Your rationality told you that it was a half an hour walk to your spot from the tent, and Neteyam would be hurrying the more he thought he wasn’t able to catch up with you along the way, so you had around twenty minutes until the whole family was panicking and raising the clan to look for you. 
Tuk had gone missing once thanks to some hide and seek game with Lo’ak (she’d hidden so well and was waiting for her siblings to find her already, blindly sticking to the game for an entire day, not out of stubbornness but childish purity), and this was exactly what had gone down —
the resentful part of you questioned if father thinks of you highly enough to resort to that. 
If something happened to you, he would maybe urge your brothers to search for you for a while, and drop it then — leaving you to your own devices happily. 
Were you even worth it in his eyes for a search party? You wondered if he cared enough that you disappeared. 
But that was a stupid, childish thought you knew you fantasized about a lot — perhaps this was why he’d called you immature. This was no mindset for a strong, independent, confident hunter. The thought father was right, even a miniscule bit was bitter on your tongue, worse than what he called black coffee. 
Disappearing so you’d find out just how much he cared was unfair to mom, for one. 
She had lost so much in such a short amount of time, the stories she sang poignantly about were hard to listen to without tearing up. Her home. The trees of voices, all the lost ancestors. Her father. Uncle Tsu’tey. Her first ikran, Seze. Loss upon loss you think there’d be nothing left to give anymore, but sky people’s fire was always hungry, always willing to waste more to grow bigger. 
You wouldn’t forgive yourself for making her cry in your pursuit to punish father. Never. 
You weren’t a child.
Just wanted to be one, sometimes.
Wanted father to babytalk you, pet your head longer than a passing touch as he walked away hurriedly to attend to other matters, make beads for your braids the way he always did from pretty stones he found on ponds, carve you little trinkets when you graciously had to give up your toys to Lo’ak and Kiri’s greed. 
Your neck piece was all them in fact, he’d see it if he ever paid enough attention, or perhaps it was all insignificant to him, five kids meant countless belongings for each individual child had been passed down from his hands, it would be a miracle for father to recognize you still wore his clumsy creations. But again, it had been too long since he’d even looked at you affectionately, he wouldn’t See. 
He’d transferred those habits entirely to Neteyam at one point in time. 
Your older brother would always ruffle Lo’ak’s hair and tease him the way father used to, comfort him in his own playful way, and even though the younger looked discontent at being babied, you knew he was happy Neteyam was quite literally his shadow to look after him through tough times — including shielding from father’s line of fire. In return, he was suffering from being a foil to the older son, you understood the struggle because you were going through the same comparison, you just weren’t obsessed with catching and living up to father as much as Lo’ak did. 
Win some, lose some, I guess.
Plus, Neteyam was trembling under the massive planet-weight pressure, he had to set the standard, he had to live up to the older brother title. He was becoming more of a father figure to Tuk as days passed and the Olo’eyktan became more transparent from his family’s life as a dad to five. 
Besides, Lo’ak made trouble enough for two people to go around that you felt bad for your big brother, Kiri was thankfully more mellow (despite frequently hanging out together with him and Spider) compared to him that Neteyam could breathe, not having to divide his attention. 
You were in awe of her about how disconnected she was from all the changing dynamics. She had her own problems you could never understand, more spiritual than your grandmother, and ever the ethereal soul who you thought would disappear into Eywa if flesh wasn’t holding her down to Eywa’eveng.
You were the teeniest, tiniest bit jealous of her (and Tuk) holding the softer sides of father, the boys thought he was deliberately softer because they were girls — but you were also a girl, so why weren’t you allowed in?   
Well, thanks to that, you’d gotten closer with Neteyam and known him better after the whole clan had settled on High Camp, so it wasn’t all that bad. You could badmouth father all day long sitting on some rock and make him laugh abashedly, guilty that he was smiling along with the trashing of the father’s name he respected so much — it was therapy, as Norm had taught humans frequently sought back on earth. It got you trying some things with Neteyam, becoming more of a companion and ranting buddy for him who he could be honest and open with, so that he didn’t have to worry about taking up a larger role in your life to fill father’s missing presence. You were concerned about him more than he could be concerned about you. 
That got you contemplating if father had noticed how comfortable his two oldest children were with each other that it was always Neteyam who he sent after you. A girl could dream, no? For one moment, it wasn’t because it was Neteyam’s responsibility, but because father was paying attention to how his kids got along.
The image of him pushed you to be frantically fast to reach your destination as the fear returned with might. If he caught you right now when you had no ikran to prove him wrong, the punishment he was sure to give would be way more humiliating, you at least wanted something in your name to taunt him with if you were going down anyways. 
A smile crept up your face at imagining him discombobulated and speechless, unable to pick out one thing that you did wrong. 
The carelessness that came with your speed combined with how dark it was to see where to clutch and put your feet on caused you to slip up countless times when climbing, the sharp rocks scraping the insides of your palms and insides of your forearms, lifting your skin up. What you cared about more than the pain was that the blood was now tracking material for your family to sniff you out — you couldn’t exactly wipe the rocks clean, so you carried on with a hammering heart, more afraid of father ruining your perfect moment than whatever ikran that would soon be going straight for your throat. 
At least you were able to wash the blood off your hands in the waterfall. 
Downside? You couldn’t see shit. With your bare back flushed straight to the wall of rock and your feet feeling out the thin edge, the shrill cry of ikrans and the roaring of water was about to overwhelm your senses too much to pay attention — 
and you slipped. 
The shriek that ripped out of you at the sensation of falling and the drop of your stomach alone almost made you pass out, and for a split second it was a good thing that you wouldn’t feel the moment you died, but your body, once again, was one step ahead of you, it twisted in the air the last second and your hands gripped the ledge. 
The wet rock and your blood made all that your life was hanging on slippery as you dangled into the abyss, swaying with the strong winds at this height. 
You didn’t know if it was the adrenaline or the nervousness, but something made you laugh out loud, and the bubbling laughter continued until you were able to pull yourself up safely at the ikran rookery, finally. 
Looking around like a fish out of water, how you hadn’t cracked your skull open shooting down to the forest below was a total miracle. 
You’d made it?  
No one was there to witness what you just pulled off in total darkness. Your whole body was shaking, and you weren’t even chosen by an ikran yet. This was happening. Shit. This was totally happening! 
Your excited and terrified, “Hell yeah!” went unheard apart from your aerial crowd. 
One among them answered your holler with its own that cut into the night like a battle horn. It was the closest one to you that was apparently watching you the whole time, starting to roar at you and twitching on its feet, shadow in the night informing you of its movements.
You’d seen from Neteyam and Lo’ak’s iknimayas that you only had a few seconds to pull your shit together until it attacked, this was meant to be dangerous, serious, you could end up as a late night snack to them if things went wrong, but you couldn’t stop grinning from ear to ear that it had chosen you.
You were chosen. 
It wanted you as its rider. 
If only father could see you now. The sensation of being the one — being special was unmatched. Now you could somehow get the fraction of the high he must have felt as Toruk Makto.  
The, “Let’s fucking go!” that left you kept echoing into the night as you lunged at it, dodging to the left when it snapped at your head, hooking one arm around the ikran’s slender neck and clamping your legs around it the moment it started thrashing around wildly. 
You didn’t know why father had made a big deal out of it. You formed tsaheylu in no time, breaking Neteyam’s record — and you didn’t even have the rope to hoop around its neck and jaw. 
Firstborn daughter excellence. 
Confidence restored and triumphing wildly to the pulse of your heart, the flickering smile on your face in wonder turned into a full-fledged smirk. At that moment, nothing mattered. It was just you and your victory. Proving father wrong. 
Feeling the ikran’s lifeforce through the bond, a shiver went down your back as his beady eye looked up at you, pupil shrinking and expanding rapidly while you both took a minute to catch your breaths after the fierce wrestling. 
“Gotcha,” you panted. “You’re mine now.”
The adrenaline made everything sparkle and shine, your spirits soaring high and unbothered about literally anything else in the world, and for one glorious moment, lost in the memories of your brothers’ iknimayas boasting with cheers from the clan and sometimes encouraging, sometimes fearful screams of your parents, your spirit sought them out to be soaked in the same pride — forgetting that it was night and nobody was there to celebrate you. 
You were all alone. 
The smile dropped from your face and crashed down like paper thin porcelain upon the slightest movement. 
You’d forgotten you were doing this out of spite. It snuffed every twinkle of magic away from the previously shimmering milestone of your life. 
Your ikran felt the crushing disappointment through your connection and chirped at you, almost like an excited sibling pulling on your arm to show you something, weirdly comforting. Mom’s ikran was a spitfire, but also nurturing — this one felt different somehow, you felt him bouncing from wall to wall in your head, hyperactive and cheerful.
Flying! He wanted to fly! 
The first flight sealed the bond, after all. 
You weren’t alone even if none of your family members were here to share the joy — you had your new buddy. And the drop of gravity was thrilling this time, not the terrifying chaos that had your asshole shriveling up as it was when you’d missed your step. 
The flights with mom were something you looked forward to, drying up in frequency as you aged, you’d missed the wind on your body and the greenery dancing below as you maneuvered in the air — but mom reserved nighttime rides for father only, and after the move to High Camp, the skimpering chance you could get your way if you begged cutely enough was gone too. You’d never flown at night. 
The sight was out of this world. The stars leaving a glowing trail above you, the forest pulsing with faint purple, green and blue lights underneath, everything was elevated in beauty because darkness let them shine. 
You made loops in the air with your ikran, got as high in the air as you could before your breath thinned, and scraped at the tips of trees before shooting up again, all the while laughter you’ve never screamed before bubbled out of you. 
And you were all alone. There was no mom to gleefully taunt your ikran with hers to get both of you dancing in the air. There was no father to watch on with a small smile he was fighting. There was no Neteyam to stop you from dipping too close to the ground, and no Lo’ak to challenge you to get closer to race with him — no Kiri to complain how all of you were being so childish, how stupid this was all the while she was the worst of you all, instigating all the chaos. 
No Tuk in your mom’s lap whining about you guys leaving her off the fun. 
Instead, there was the scent of a bogey in the air, snapping you out of the haze of sorrow.
When had you ventured out further into unprotected territory? 
Linked with your thought process, the ikran stopped advancing forward and started beating his wings downward to stay unmoving, you observed the surroundings to get a better feeling of where you were, and noticed this was around the old shack, artificial lights were gliding between the leaves and branches that obscured your view of just who was roaming the grounds at night, definitely not a natural part of the forest’s flora.    
Father’s voice materialized in your head, drilled into you and your siblings’ heads over and over again. If you come across any threat at all, do not engage, fall back and inform me. Got it? You call for me first.
And that split second of being afraid was your death sentence — that father would be so angry at you for your ignorance, amateurism, carelessness and idiocy that he could throw you out of the family for almost leading the demons to base simply by being there that they could figure out what direction you’d come from. That moment of weakness was enough for someone to snipe you out, and get you falling down from your ikran straight into the forest below, the cries of your new friend falling silent on your ears as you did your best to hug giant leaves to cushion your fall to the best of your ability. . 
 Barely any time was left for you to shake the disorienting motion sickness off, you couldn’t even attempt to run into the accepting, protective hands of the forest before whoever just shot at you was onto you, harshly gripping your arms and raising you up. 
Father’s gonna be so mad if he finds out. Shit, I gotta get out of this. 
But… Avatars? In full camo, armored, even. You hadn’t heard of this from anybody in camp!
“Damn! Didn’t actually think you’d be able to land the shot from all of that tree, man! Up-top!”
Two of them high-fived, you were actually going to be sick. 
Thumb between his belt and stomach, another Avatar strutted towards you. The saunter and confidence meant that he was their leader. “Now, now… What do we have here?”
“A native.” You were being pushed down on your knees, one hand being grabbed and shown like a trophy. Just how many were there? You couldn't calm yourself enough to focus! “Four fingers.”
The speaker this time was a woman. “How unusual. Those monkeys don’t leave their coven at night.” 
“Where were you flying, little bird?” The leader, a sleazy smirk on his face, leaned down to take a good look at you. “Leading away from the nest, perhaps?”
“She don’t understand, Colonel, don’t bother. Ya think Sully could ever manage teaching one word of English to those?”
“Watch how she learns in three seconds.” He yanked on your queue so hard you saw white light in this hour of darkness — and when your vision came back, a screen with your father’s face was being shoved to your face. “Jake Sully. Toruc Mactoe. Where is he?”
You screamed when he pulled with increasing strength, keeping up with the act you didn’t understand. And the state of pain and terror massively helped, contributing to you looking frantic and lost, only knowing that you were being zapped to your core. 
“Seems like I don’t need to ask you.” His fingers snapped your head back to get a good look at your earpiece, late to notice you had it on at all because of the dark. “Can directly ask the man himself.” 
All you could form to think was, ‘Father’s gonna kill me for this. He’s actually gonna kill me this time.’
You weren't terrified of what the Avatars would do to you. You were afraid of him.
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One empty shell from the reloaded machine gun flew away, tinkling hollow when it fell down, and rolled until it stopped in a small pool of water that had formed on the jagged ground of the cave systems. In the scarlet and orange glow of the campfire he’d haphazardly put together right outside of their home out of impatience after Neytiri had basically thrown him out, Jake almost mistook the liquid for blood. 
An ominous cloud of dread settled on his shoulders, a paranoia every father tended to go through.
“Big Brother, this is Devil Dog. State your status, over.”
Neteyam didn’t miss a beat to answer, thankfully. “Devil Dog, this is Big Brother. I’m still en route to Foxcove, over.”
“How much longer?”
“Ten minutes at best, sir. Over.”
What he wanted to say was how come he hadn’t met you halfway, but it was empty talk. No need to stress the boy out. “Devil Dog signing out.”
This girl was half the reason for the wrinkles on his forehead, Jesus Christ. He was basically waiting you out like a father sitting in the dark to ambush his daughter who had snuck out at night, for that single glorious moment of yeah that’s right, you got caught, after the light would come on to ruin that moment of relief of successfully making it back in. 
His mate had scolded him to be nice and understanding, a Marine was anything but, the closest he could compromise was not being as mean to you than he had to be. Sassing, “So how was your Iknimaya?” like he planned was out the window — Neytiri was spot-on to say the girl would simply give the same mean energy right back at him, and that could only mean another erupting volcano of a fight and a good night’s sleep ruined for him, overthinking where he went wrong and how else he could have salvaged the situation. 
He’d just make you tend to the ikrans for a week for some patience practice, cleaning shit for hours on a daily basis would certainly throw the temporary whim of the rite of passage hyperfixation out of your system. The possibility of you shouting you hated him was unavoidable, but Jake had to get his point across, no matter how terribly it nauseated him to hear something like that from his child. 
It was strange to remember he couldn’t care less for what people thought of him in the past. Some shithead he wouldn’t give a rat’s ass about hated Jake’s guts? Good. He was living in their head rent free, it was fun even — Neytiri too, Jake absolutely enjoyed her hating game at first. 
Being legitimately resented by his very own child, though, was a heartbreak he didn’t expect to hurt him the way it did, knocking air off his lungs the first time he heard it. A burning stab right in his heart that wouldn’t go away until he had to hear it for himself you hadn’t meant any of what you said.
Because that said hate actually stemmed from hurt Jake must have inflicted. Because you could actually despise him, and never allow him to reconnect with you again if he could ever manage to garner the courage to reach out to you — a mightier challenge than hunting Toruk in the sense it actually scared him.   
His teenage daughter. Scared him. 
Jake didn’t know what to do about it, he couldn’t even show what exactly this made him feel, too ashamed and proud for it in the first place. 
The growing distance between you and him was an uneasy, frightened bird he tried to shush and calm in his heart in favor of other pressing matters that drilled small holes in the depths of his stomach, and over time, those little holes had fused together to create one big pit with greater gravitational pull than the sun — until Jake didn’t know how to stitch them back together anymore. 
He told himself he would talk to you later, for sure. The morning after every argument, every fight, every jab from you he snapped at he would try to make amends for, definitely. 
And then he didn’t. 
“What is this, are you palulukan ambushing prey? I told you to make up with her, not prepare for hunting.”
Jake shook his head, dropping the machine gun back inside the crate. The warmed metal was some sort of consolation to his nerves. Marine habit. Always felt safer with a gun near. (Or was it the American in him?) “Neytiri,” he acknowledged, bobbing his head. “I’m just passing time.”
“What do you think will happen when she comes back and sees you waiting for her like this?”
Ah, like the old times when Jake couldn’t do one thing right in her eyes. “Yes, ma’am,” he said playfully, but with no mirth behind it, closing the crate with a muffled thunk. With nothing to do with them, one elbow went to his knee and the other hand’s fingers started a rhythm on the lid he’d just shut. 
His mate’s hand gingerly came down on his shoulder, kneading the nerves. “Just talk to her, Ma’Jake.”
“I don’t know how to,” he admitted, he covered her fingers on her shoulder with his, and she immediately held his hand back. “Don’t know what to even tell her.” He gave an exhale from the deeper, tired parts of his soul, gazing at the path leading away from their tent. “With Neteyam and Lo’ak, it’s easy. I tell ‘em what to do and they—”
Neytiri took a seat next to him, gathering their hands together. “Suffer just the same.” Jake was about to brush her off, but she didn’t relent. “What you’re doing is hurting them.”
This now was about all of their children rather than you, specifically. Neytiri was trying to get him to see the bigger picture first before moving to cover what he did wrong with each child of his, they had had this conversation countless times before. 
Here we go again, Jake thought.
“Doesn’t matter if that’s what it takes to keep them safe.”
“Does it?” Neytiri leaned in, and calmness washed over him despite the disturbing nature of what she was saying. “Does it keep them safe? Or push them to act out more, get in worse situations?”
He grimaced. “I have to—”
“You feel like you have to.” His mate shook their clasped hands, rattling his bones. “I keep my children safe with trust and honesty. Transparence, Ma’Jake. So that they listen to me when I mean it because they See me. You shut them out.” Her lips bared to show her pearly teeth as she was practically beseeching him. “You don’t get your children’s trust by treating them like a squad.”
“They trust me plenty.”
“They trust Olo’eyktan. Toruk Makto. What about their father?”
“I make sure they’re safe.” Neytiri dropped his hands with an agitated snarl, she thought they were back at the beginning again, he couldn’t make her truly understand no matter what he did. He poured his heart out through their tsaheylu everytime, but her values and beliefs were wired so differently from his at the end of the day. “I make sure they stay where I want them to stay for their own good.” Jake shook his head, his voice soft, hushed. No force behind it when Neytiri was heated in return. “One day they’ll understand.”
“They won’t if you never tell them.”
“Tell them what?” Jake asked. “That I’m being harsh on them to prepare them for war? You think they’ll take it seriously after this?”
“Na’vi were in war long before you. There will be wars after you. No parent sullied his child’s happiness for the price of becoming a warrior. You still don’t get our ways even after all these years.” 
“The sky people’s way,” Jake emphasized with his arms. “I have to teach them how they think, what they go through, so they know what they’ll be facing, okay? I can’t simply teach them by telling them.”
“You’re deluding yourself, Jake. Contradicting.” Neytiri was gentle in her cruelty, the flickering flames burned less than her amber eyes. “Tuk and Kiri are getting none of this. I know your heart isn’t allowing you. Why can’t you do the same for your other children?”
Because he had gone too far already with the older three. 
Trial and error. 
He couldn’t take back the things he did and say back — and quite honestly? Jake was being pulled from all sides to sit down and rethink his parenting. All he thought anymore was how to protect his family, frequent nightmares of losing his children in gruesome ways were haunting his every step. 
A father protects his children, that’s what gives him meaning. 
Jake had his own desperate ways to do so.  
He opened his mouth to say something back, anything, but was interrupted by the communication line coming on. “Dad.” 
Jake immediately knew something was wrong, body sitting ramrod straight. If the frantic breathing and barely controlled voice wasn’t any indication of it, his eldest’s behavior was. Neteyam didn’t slip up in the codenames like Lo’ak did, dropped all formalities only when he was borderline panicking.  
“Dad. I’m sorry, dad, sir, I can’t find her, dad, I’ve looked everywhere around here, I thought maybe she was hiding underwater, behind rocks—but I can’t, I can’t—.”
“Slow down.” Jake could barely contain his own panic rising from the state his son was in. The boy wasn’t able to see it, but he couldn’t stop himself from leaning in as if Neteyam was right in front of him, and started gesturing with his hand. “Slow down, son.”
Jake tsk-ed. “Neteyam, slow. Slow.”
Neytiri took his elbow. “What is it?”
He told her to wait with his gaze, and turned his attention back to Neteyam. This could only mean one thing, he was praying to be wrong — needed clarification. “Now tell me calmer. What’s going on?”
“She’s never been here. She never came here in the first place. There’s no sign of her. No trace. I’ve tracked.”
Jake’s instant response was fear. Domineering, ice-cold, cutting fear. Bodily and emotionally both. You were clockwork, similar to him in having unchanging routines and patterns. Angry? Went for a walk. Depressed? No talking to anyone until it passed. Happy? Wanted to go to the forest to spend time with your siblings and always craved sweet fruit. Didn’t want to be around anyone? Hid in the little bioluminescent cove with a pond two little mountains away, always. Always.  
Neytiri sensed this, observing the change of demeanor in him.“Ma’Jake?”
“Okay, son.” He seized back control. One missing child was enough. “Stay right there and don’t move. I’ll contact you.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Jake,” Neytiri hissed finally, at the end of her ropes.
“She didn’t go to the cove,” he said, face icy neutral as always, but his eyes showed dizzying concern. Neytiri put a hand on her mouth as Jake wasted no time in changing channels. “Night Owl, this is Devil Dog. Come in.” He couldn’t even wait two seconds before trying again. “Night Owl, what is your status? Where are you?” 
The more fear dug deeper into his skin, the more his anger and annoyance soared up, his tail was whipping the air erratically, the finger on the earpiece could send the metal right into his brain with how hard he was pressing on it. “I know you can hear me. This is no time for playing games. You know what you did to your brother? Do you know how panicked he was, not being able to find you—” 
Then Jake remembered what Neytiri advised, he didn’t change strategies because she was right next to him to dig his eyes out, but because his heart was picking up its pace by the second. “Tell me where you are, I’ll leave you alone, I promise, alright? If you’re somewhere open, get to safety, I’m only asking this from you. Or else—”
“Don’t.” Neytiri raised a warning finger at him, voice just above a whisper so they could hear their daughter if she decided to cut in. “Threaten her.”
He couldn’t stop her from snatching the communication device off of him. “Ma’ite, it’s mom. Can you talk to me at least?”
His ears twitched at picking up on you responding, not quite making out the words.  
Jake’s eyes shut close for a long time as his whole eyebrow line migrated upwards, he physically had to get a few steps between him and the earpiece so the obliviating worry that’d almost blinded him wouldn’t cause him to say something he’d greatly regret later. He could feel himself deflating. A migraine could be coming anytime soon.
You wouldn’t even acknowledge his existence but the moment your mother interrupted, you did? Fine. Fine. He didn’t care. Jake could live with it. At least you were alive.
A rippling shudder shook him the moment that thought hit him, an image of you lying dead in a ditch, pale blue, flashing in his mind, he had to run a hand down his face. 
When Jake looked back, irked by the silence, he found Neytiri standing completely stock-still. And all of a sudden, her petrifying glare was on him, ears pinned all the way back, hands gradually starting to tremble. 
She wordlessly handed him the device, and with a deep frown, Jake put it back in his ear. 
“Hi there Corporal, you hear me? Yeah, I know you do. As much as I’m charmed by the fatherly love I could give you a big old sloppy wet kiss, we have unfinished business.”
And the ground disappeared right under Jake’s feet, plunging him into hell itself.
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taglist: @ihonestlydontknowwhattonamethis @alohastitch0626 @jackiehollanderr @lucciera @qvrcll @iloveavatar @velvtcherie @ssc7514 @goldenmoonbeam @neteyamforlife @itsluludoll @jakesullys-bitch @blubrryy @sully-stick-together @arminsgfloll @alice121804 @noname2246 @justthingzsblog @eywamygoddess @m-1234 @ellabellabus07 @hellok1ttycake @dakotali @bluefire12348 @abbersreads @yellooaaa @aimsro @octavias-next-meat-bite @nikqdn @nao-cchi @spicycloudsalad @yeosxxx @heybiatchz @winxschester @elegantkidfansoul @eichenhouseproperty @kakimakiloh @dueiosy @liyahsocorro @dimplesxx @tigresslily
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ham1lton · 3 months
manifest it!
pairing: logan sargeant × famous singer!reader.
faceclaim: mariah carey.
warnings + summary: nothing. mostly fluff!! logan is a big simp and in his y/n era. he’s kinda real for that.
author's note: i had sm fun with this prompt!! hope u enjoy it <3 also i realised i might have spelt his name wrong at some point but ignore any errors. as i said… we die like men 😘😍.
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liked by taylorswift, logansargeant and 1,937,828 others.
yourusername: miami!! you were incredible!! thank you for letting this gal perform for you. my new album is a part of my heart and i’m so happy to share not only the album but the documentary of the behind the scenes. love you all and i’ll see you soon!! mwah! 🦋.
user2: the lyrics on butterfly are making me cry. her pen is LETHAL y’all.
user3: why is logan liking her pics…
-> user4: no seriously 😭 like ariana?? what are you doing here??
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liked by y/nswifey, logansargeant and 170,092 others.
y/nstyle: some of y/n’s formula one outfits!! i’ll link the origins in my bio 🦋💕 which is your favourite?
user1: oh that carlitos girl was right…
-> user2: our girl is gone….
user6: the first one ate down. one thing about y/n is that she loves herself some sunnies.
user3: no why is no one questioning that logan has been following this account for three years??
-> user4: he’s one of us.
-> user5: for style inspo duh…
-> user3: girl i doubt he wants to dress like y/n… he just wants y/n 😭😭
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liked by kerrywashington, celinedion and 1,928,838 others.
yourusername: winning the grammy was the second best part of the night. the best was having someone dear to me to celebrate it with. sorry my speech ran over @grammys. can you blame a girl? thank you to everyone who supported me with this album. my team, my producers, my band and my incredible backing vocalists. you brought this to life.
and to my supporters. i want to thank you all for being the sweetest people and so incredibly nurturing as i wrote this album. thank you for letting my album last 21 weeks at number one!! i’m still shocked!! i’m gonna sign off now because i have to celebrate but mwah! i’ll see you all soon on the butterfly tour! 🦋💕
user1: no softlaunch for our girl. she straight out said ‘shoutout to my boyfriend logan.’ she’s so real. we love this for you queen.
user3: BUTTERFLY TOUR!!! im gonna have to fight with logan for the damn tickets now 😒
-> user4: when you’re in a y/n stan competition and your opponent is logan sargeant 😨😨.
user2: y/n dating a delusional fan is so real… that means i have a chance with charles leclerc!!
-> charles_leclerc: no you don’t.
-> user7: unprovoked 😭😭
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 282,928 others.
logansargeant: happy birthday my love. two years together and a lifetime to come. you’re the girl of my dreams and i’m so glad you chose to spend your life with me. love you butterfly 🦋💕.
landonorris: ain’t no way you’re dating thee y/n….
-> yourusername: believe it bitch 🦋💕.
-> oscarpiastri: i didn’t believe it either but he must have gone to the tom holland school of manifestation.
-> landonorris: logansargeant ME NEXT ME NEXT ME NEXT 🙏🏼 🧘🏽
user3: all those gifts?? damn… she’s getting spoiled as she should!
user4: favourite song on butterfly?
-> logansargeant: that’s like asking me to choose between my children 😨
-> yourusername: it’s breakdown 🦋💕.
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