#this looks like a weird cousin of toothless
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royaltea000 · 2 years ago
Just watched The Sea Beast and y’all it was SO GOOD. The animation was beautiful and the fight scenes were Amazing. What struck me the most at the beginning was how there were like no- how do you say Stereotypical Women?? Like I don’t mean stereotypical as in likes baking and dresses cuz there’s nothing wrong with that but there were NOT ONLY the fiction typical women positions like barmaid and village milkmaids. Every single one of the women characters felt like a real person and that thought like struck me when I saw Rosie the character who was driving a carriage during the bar scene lol. Probably cuz I realized that I’ve only ever seen men fill this role in typical fictions and the fact that there were just people filling in roles with no regards to their gender gave me like a euphoria that I’m still on lmao
Also if I was the ship lad getting bridal carried saved by Jacob at the beginning of the movie I would need supernatural help in order to hide my boner
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jackoshadows · 1 year ago
It's so confusing and weird that Bridgerton introduced in world racism both with Lady D and Simon in season one of the show and in Queen Charlotte and at the same time they also want the audience to accept that somehow Marina Thompson or the dark skinned Indian Kate Sharma has more privilege and power than Penelope Featherington?
Kate Sharma was also poor, so much more than the Featheringtons. She depended on Lady D to host them. The Sharmas were looked down on by the ton because Mary Sheffield married an Indian. The Sharmas were disowned and ostracized by the Sheffields.
Kate was also an unmarried spinster. No one was asking Kate to dance. As much as Kate wanted love and romance and to dance at a ball wearing pretty dresses, she got none of that. She was also the woman on the sidelines watching as others danced and fell in love.
Racism and colorism is also very much a thing in eurocentric notions of beauty considering the setting and characters of Bridgerton is 99% white.
We got so little of Kate's backstory, of who her parents where - we didn't even get their names!! - of the trauma (explained for both Simon and Anthony using flashbacks) that had Kate overlooking her own happiness for that of her sister.
Despite bragging nonstop about the diversity of Bridgerton the showrunners thought that the white Featheringtons needed more screentime in season 2 rather than the South Asian family.
And Kate was planning on going back to India and work as a governess to pay for her livelihood. Because, you know, there's more honest ways of being a 'working woman' than running the equivalent of the regency 'Daily Mail' dragging other women down. The modiste Madame Delacroix, Kate planning to teach and Sienna in season one are all working to pay a living. Black, brown and lower class women looking to alleviate poverty.
And considering how much harder Kate already had it as an outsider in the ton, it wouldn't have been easy with Penelope using her gossip rag to describe the unmarried Indian woman as ' a Spinster of a beast'. What did Kate do to Penelope to warrant this? Nothing. Just a way for Penelope to make money at Kate's expense.
That's the thing I dislike the most about the way the character of Penelope is written on the show - her victims don't deserve her vitriol and are often in much worse circumstances than her. From Kate Sharma to the unnamed seamstress who apparently lost all her customers because Penelope wrote falsely about their work in the her tabloid as a bribe for Madam Delacroix.
And I think that's what I find problematic about the writing of the show and even the discourse surrounding it - when characters like Marina Thompson (the poor black cousin who would have ended up destitute on the streets because of Penelope) and Kate Sharma arguably have it far worse than Penelope Featherington as per the show's writing and yet we are supposed to have the most sympathy for Penelope because her crush Colin didn't love her back and she's a curvy white woman?
I guess that's the difference between how I perceive this world and these characters as a woc and the majority white female audience for this show and it's such a huge disconnect for me. I guess this is also partly because the show has this badly written and 'strangely toothless racism' as Ash Sarkar beautifully put it. As in the racism is treated in this world as a little problem solved by handing out a few titles to black people instead of being a white supremacist ideology which treated black and brown people as inferior, serfs and slaves.
From what little we got from season 2, Kate Sharma definitely did not have it easy navigating the ton as a poor outsider and that certainly contributed to her poor choices. She is also put through the wringer, treated like the other woman, is miserable for several episodes, had to apologize again and again and nearly die before Edwina forgives her!
In contrast Penelope's actions have hurt so many and yet she gets a pass by both the show and a fandom that wants Colin to grovel before her because of a single offhand remark and because he didn't return her affections.
Also making it clear here that I am not comparing Penelope to the male characters who always get the better writing, flaws and all. I am comparing Penelope to the female characters of colour - Kate Sharma and Marina Thompson.
I mean, Marina Thompson gets so much vitriolic and sexist hatred for not having told Colin Bridgerton the truth of her pregnancy. How dare Marina hurt this privileged white man Colin Bridgerton. When she was desperate to not end up destitute on the streets or get raped by old white men. And yet Penelope gets a pass for hurting women like Marina and Kate.
It continues a trend of white female characters never being held to the same standard as female characters of colour. Daphne sexually assaults Simon in season one and that was not even addressed on the show. Male rape is apparently no big deal because Daphne wanting children is what's important. It's Simon who has to apologize and within one episode resolve his trauma and accept being a father. This is despite both Daphne and Penelope having more screentime and more writing that builds their character unlike the stick thin writing given to Kate Sharma in season 2.
So yeah, I will be checking into season 3 to watch the ten minutes we get with Kate Sharma since we got so little of her in her own season and it's so singular to get dark skinned south Indian characters in a period drama romance like this. It's just the way the writing on the show, the production and even the fandom treats it's characters, especially characters of colour has been disappointing to say the least.
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saturnniidae · 8 months ago
More rotbtd modern au info
(Some of this was in the other post but it's more organized here. Hopefully)
After The Incident, Hiccup, Stoick and Astrid move from Berk (tiny, mostly unheard of, self-governing island somewhere in the Norwegian sea) to Burgess Pennsylvania. Supposedly for Stoick's work, but they all know it's to get away from Berk after what happened, a fresh start. Stoick's rarely home (and a bit emotional negligent) but Hiccup's self sufficient and has been since he was old enough to use a stove, plus Astrid's there (to attempt) to keep him out of trouble.
Hiccup and Astrid are trans. This is part of why Astrid is staying with them 'temporarily' (she needed to get away from her parents so she could breathe)
Astrid comes from a famliy of athletes with rather high expectations.
Hiccup and Astrid grew closer essentially bonding over being 'town outcasts' after she came out (the other teens didn't really care and were respectful, most of the adults had s noticeable change in behavior; lots of dramatic sighing and disappointment over 'what a promising young man' Astrid was). Astrid occasionally talking about gender (especially since she's very blunt and rarely afraid to say what's on her mind) is what triggered Hiccups realization
How it went: Hiccup, who's been crushing on Astrid for a while *finds out Astrids a girl*: oh shit! Am I lesbian?? *Hiccup a while later, looking like a drowned rat with a fuckass uneven haircut*: No. No I am not.. (Astrid's so awesome for being his bi AND trans awakening)
Stoick was unsure at first (Hiccups done a lot of weird random things, he couldn't tell if this was serious or not) but after a talk from Gobber he was supportive and mostly just happy Hiccup was making friends (Hiccup was on neutral ground with most of the kids but was still mostly excluded though he talked to Fishlegs occasionally + Ruff & Tuff would follow him around for front row seats to any disaster he caused and since Snotlouts his cousin, spending time together is inevitable) and Astrid began spending more and more time over at their house.
Toothless is a scrappy tripod cat of unknown origin that Hiccup accidentally hits with his bike a bit after moving to Burgess (this happened because he was fed up with having even worse balance than before due to the. Yknow. Lack of slightly less than half his left leg. And Astrid – off handedly during a 'don't do dumb, dangerous things' rant – advised against doing stuff like biking which gave him the amazing idea: 'bike ridings a good way to work on balance'). After watching it speed limping away to some alleyway, Hiccup resolves to gain the cats trust so he can help it and make up for what he did.
The rest is under the cut because this is a monster of a post
Hiccup slowly realizes this cat is way more intelligent than it should be, in an almost unnatural way. He doesn't care, he's just pleased its begun allowing him to pet it and even started to follow him around (even if it's mostly for treats. Progress is progress)
As much as Hiccup loves Astrid he thinks she worries about him too much; she always has, but it's worse now more than ever and he finds it almost overbearing
After The Incident Stoick's a mix of avoident when it comes to the word disabled or amputee, as if in some kind of odd denial, while also being simultaneously overprotective and distant somehow. Hiccup is not pleased with this
Valka is absent but she and Stoick aren't divorced. She works as a paleontologist and when she's not traveling shes in the lab. Their relationships quite strained. She calls monthly to check in but it's usually Hiccup who answers (he eagerly talks with her about her work, but still feels a bit like he's talking more to an acquaintance than to his mother)
A large factor in how Stoick treats Hiccup after his amputation is due to the fact he was there (or at least for the aftermath) when the initial injury happened and saw how much general destruction there was, and was absolutely horrified. Hiccup's banned from inventing for the foreseeable future. ("YOU THREW OUT MY SOLDERING IRON?!" "No. It... got lost in the move." <- being bad at lying runs in the famliy)
Hiccup gets to the point where the cat willingly follows him inside through an open bedroom window and even sleeps on his bed. During this Hiccup realizes the cats missing some teeth, hence the name. He also slowly makes the realization he can communicate with Toothless on an unnatural level. This also doesn't bother him (though he logs his discoveries in a journal), he's elated to have made a new friend (especially since things with Astrid are currently rather tense)
Now onto the Rotbtd parts
the Dunbrochs already live in Burgess. Merida is Hiccups cousin he's met only a few times before when he was little, they barely remember each other. So much so that Merida doesn't even realize Hiccup's trans since his names the same she's just like 'yeah, that's my cousin, the tiny one with the goofy name'
Merida and Astrid meet and hit it off but their dynamics kinda funny. Astrid has somewhat of a crush on Merida and thinks she's amazing (archery and fencing + various other sports + she's never afraid to say what's on her mind + she's funny and cute and has pretty hair etc) and is trying to be nonchalant about it, Merida also thinks Astrids super cool if a bit withdrawn and feels she'd be a lot happier if she loosened up (she would be) and also if she stopped worrying about Hiccup so much.
Rapunzel is a weird sheltered (fucked up) homeschool kid Merida met on accident a few weeks prior to the Haddocks (+ Astrid) moving in, and is determined to give core childhood experiences to
Jack is kind of a loser. All his friends are the kids at the daycare he works at, and his best friend is his 11 year old sister (he doesnt get along well with most teens bc they think hes too enthusiastic or childish <- just neurodivergent), though he kind of knows Merida from speaking to her when she's sent to pick her brothers up.
He doesn't actually become friends with her until he sees Merida trying to get Rapunzel to use some lended rollerskates at the park. He was curious as to what they were doing and offered some tips (he skateboards but his sister's more interested in rollerskates so he knows some stuff) then they got distracted and started talking about random things until the subject of Merida's self imposed 'mission' came up and Jack offered to help.
Jack meets Hiccup by accidentally hitting him while skateboarding (Hiccup's first thought is 'well I suppose this is what I get after hitting a cat with my bike") and freaks out because he thinks he broke Hiccups leg or something since the prosthesis got forced into an unnatural angle on their landing. Hiccup thinks his panic is funny at first until he realizes how genuinely freaked out Jack is and tells him he's actually fine. Introductions are made and Jack offers to show Hiccup around since he's new, he only accepts because Merida keeps saying he needs more friends.
Hiccup and Jack start spending more time together after learning they have similar interests (Jack doesn't believe Hiccup's claim he's the best snowboarder on Berk until Astrid backs him up, Jack's kind of scared of Astrid but thinks she's cool), tastes in bands and comics along with their general (sometimes considered odd by others) curiosity with the world. Also Jack is enamored with Hiccup's inventions (Stoick thought he could stop him but underestimated Hiccup's resourcefulness. Recycled tech stores, thrift shops, and hardware stores are what his allowance goes towards.)
Later Merida decides to introduce Rapunzel to Hiccup, they're both kind of awkward until she brings up Rapunzel's art and how she likes birdwatching (from her window and yard since she's technically not supposed to leave, but they don't need to know that) and Hiccup's immediately interested
Hiccup likes charcoal and mostly sketches animals and plants to log them, but Rapunzel gets him into painting and portraits. And she, like Jack, is also incredibly interested in his inventions and other crafts (he sews and also took up woodworking a few months ago before they left Berk)
Merida decides to make a group chat for all her new friends that seem to be social recluses (not out of choice), but is startled when Hiccup mentions he and Astrid share a phone. It's technically his but he barely uses it + the last one got crushed in his bike on accident (and the one before that got dropped in the ocean. on accident) so he's not really meant to use it unless he needs to. Astrid uses it fairly often to text Ruffnut and Heather. Hiccups not very interested in it because he's fine with his laptop and mp3 player (Valka gave it to him last she saw him on his 14th birthday, hes 16 now).
The woods of Burgess are said to be haunted (something Jack swears is true. He says something breathed on the back of his neck while he was climbing a tree once) which endlessly fascinates Hiccup (he's always had a fascination with magic and the supernatural) so he often wanders around but since he's not allowed out at night he doesn't find anything. Yet
He also discovers some supposedly haunted closed down buildings on the edge of town he wants to explore. The others for the most part have no idea why he's so interested but Jack's immediate reaction is to say yes since he's curious as well then the others follow
Hiccup also has a tendency to forget he can't just wander wherever he wants like back on Berk. (On Berk he and the other teens could go pretty much anywhere no one cared about 'tresspassing')
Hiccup can't really see the 'ghosts' but Toothless can so Hiccup's aware of their presence through him
Jack isn't a huge fan of Toothless and neither is Merida. They think he's too smart and that it's uncanny. Neither of them will say this to Hiccup's face. Though they've mentioned it to Rapunzel, who insists sometimes animals are 'just Like That' (ofc she'd say that. her chameleon is like a human soul stuck in a lizard body)
One of the first scenes I thought of that sparked this AU was the big four, sitting in a 7-Eleven parking lot, horrified, watching Jack mix a five hour energy into a can of monster because 'it'd be so funny'
And that's it for now! (I have some extra stuff on Berk but that's kinda like background details)
Tysm if you read all this!! If you have any questions or even suggestions/ideas PLEASE send me an ask
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sinosauropteryx--prima · 1 year ago
Life in the Early Triassic
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(first row: Sclerosaurus, Lystrosaurus; second row: Hupehsuchus, Triadobatrachus, Cartorhynchus; thrid row: Rebellatrix, Atopodentatus; fourth row: Aphaneramma, Erythrosuchus)
Lystrosaurus - Julio Lacerda
Erythrosuchus - Mark Witton
Rebellatrix - Michael Skrepnick
Aphaneramma - Gabriel Ugueto
Cartorhynchus, Hupehsuchus, Atopodentatus - Nobu Tamura
Triadobatrachus - Alexey Malitskiy
Sclerosaurus - Wikimedia
We‘ve reached the Triassic period and with it the Mesozoic Era, the Age of Reptiles! Right now (about 250 million years ago), the reptiles are not dominating yet - in fact no one really was doing too well, as the Early Triassic was mostly a recovery period with low diversity after the most devastating mass extinction of all time, The Great Dying, at the end of the Permian.
The one exception to this is Lystrosaurus. The pig-sized herbivores somehow made it through the mass extinction mostly unscathed and in a now barren world they re-diversified, took up empty niches and became the most common vertebrate in many areas. It is not entirely clear why they survived. Maybe it was hibernation or burrowing that gave them some kind of protection from the worst parts of The Great Dying, maybe they were just lucky. Whatever it was, these prehistoric cockroaches marked one of the last big hurrahs of the synapsids (our own linage), before they went into hiding and lived their lifes as rodent size critters in the shadows of the reptiles for the following 200 million years or so.
The synapsids were the stars of the Permian, but only three groups of them made it into the Triassic: The carnivorous therocephalians and the herbivorous dicynodonts like Lystrosaurus with bulky bodies, mostly toothless beaks and tusk-like canines. They both went extinct during the Triassic. A third group, the cynodonts, survived much longer and will eventually include all modern mammals, from the tiniest bats to the biggest whales. But right now all of that is just some distant future.
Right now, at the beginning of the Triassic, a lot of other groups hurry to fill empty spaces. Several groups of reptiles decided that, after their ancestors once spent a lot of time and effort to evolve a terrestrial lifestyle, they want to return to the oceans. This included early cousins of the ichthyosaurs (those dolphin-shaped marine reptiles that lived alongside the dinosaurs) like Cartorhynchus and very basal sauropterygians. The most famous member of that group are the Loch-Ness-Monster-looking plesiosaurs, but one early member was the strange Atopodentatus. They possibly used their weird mouths to eat algae, making them one of the earliest herbivorous marine reptiles.
On land, the most interesting development might be the rise of the archosaurs and their close relatives. Over the span of the Mesozoic, the age of reptiles, they became the dominate group of life including many fan-favorites: The giant dinosaurs, the flying pterosaurs, the birds we have today and the wide variety of crocs, both past and present. At the beginning of the Triassic, they are just starting out, but 5 m long predators like the big-headed Erythrosuchus (although they are technically not quite archosaurs), already give a glimpse into their future.
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spacenintendogs · 1 year ago
Hi rose youre one of my favorite humans and id like to ask you if you want to infodump about your modern au
To give you smt specific, maybe the Snotlout and Hiccup cousin dynamic?
i can absolutely talk abt hiccup & snotlout for my modern au 😭 they are soooo important 2 me....
hiccup & snotlout are cousins through their moms being sisters!! (also gustav's mom is their sister too!! they r all cousins!!)
they were close as kids, as was the rest of the gang, & they would play vikings & dragons!! it's how they all came up with their nicknames for each other (save for astrid!)
snotlout's legal name is gary, hiccup's legal name is hirschel!
middle school, closer to high school, was where a shift occured. both hiccup & snotlout want to be accepted so badly, but act on it differently.
hiccup wants acceptance from stoick, his family in general, & wants to reconnect with the gang in general but he's also kinda the weird loner kid who does his own thing & is seen as weird bc he tries to be someone he isn't.
snotlout has achieved "acceptance" by doing what his father wants to a T, even getting cooler & older friends in high school like dagur :) snotlout is in a completely different world than hiccup & the rest of the gang. acts super dudebro jock & still goes out of his way to pester astrid abt dating him but also is more of a bully to the others & hiccup when in public. (don't worry this only lasts until their second year of high school) but it's basically more a mix of how he is in the books & the dreamworks franchise.
however, once they're at a family event with no one BUT family... hiccup & snotlout hang out.
the haddocks have a cool finished basement in their house that eventually becomes the gang's spot outside of the sanctuary but before that, it's hiccup & snotlout's. they don't talk abt school. they never bring up snotlout's shitty behavior. they never bring up hiccup's lack of friends. they go downstairs, boot up a game, & play & act like nothing's changed.
they both in their own minds see how they are at school to be necessary. they're aware of each other's parents & probably know each other better than anyone.
snotlout following hiccup to the sanctuary & finds hiccup & astrid with toothless (the supposed last night fury hiccup has been trying to keep hidden out of fear of the media finding out & toothless gets taken away) that they finally blow up & everything is aired out.
astrid is in this too, bc it's not just hiccup that snotlout stopped being friends with.
this is the turning point where snotlout goes to school, sees hiccup & astrid now sitting together at lunch, and the rest of the gang hesitantly joining them. snotlout looks at his own table & realizes how afraid he is of dagur & his posse. this fear is why snotlout hesitates to go back to hiccup & the gang
there's a second mini blow up at a family-friend get together where the gang are all in hiccup's basement & snotlout is sent down there by his parents to join them (he's been extra avoiding hiccup & the gang lately). he goes down & hiccup just calmly asks snotlout to join them & gives him a game controller, like when it was just the two of them.
snotlout sits & they all play & have a blast.
snotlout's braver at school & even walks in with hiccup first thing in the morning. dagur doesn't give a shit obv & just adds snotlout to his list of targets since he's openly hanging out with hiccup now. a new problem snotlout's not quite had to deal with but he at least has reconnected with his old friend group.
he's not afraid of them.
plus, hiccup takes him to the sanctuary & he ends up getting his own dragon??? like c'mon!! hookfang is SO cool???
they never say it out loud, but hiccup & snotlout understand each other better than anyone, even though it comes with grating on each other's nerves. plus them kinda being openly friends again has new issues between them since snotlout is snotlout & hiccup is hiccup (think like, thawfest, the entirety of their relationship in riders of berk in general) but by the time they're graduating high school?
they can't imagine not being best friends with each other & the rest of the gang :)
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dragonmasterhiccup · 2 months ago
(oh my goodness my reply got deleted again help 💀 it was the beginning part but AgHHHH)
Putting her hands on her hips, she agreed with Hiccup by firmly nodding. "Yeah, we--" Suddenly interrupting herself, Freya began to actually take in what he said, her ears growing warm as she did. However, wanting to appear more 'believable' to Snotlout, who noticed her brief moment of surprise, she quickly wrapped her arm around the future Chief's while continuing; "We're inseparable, so I wouldn't mess with either of us if I were you."
Tilting her head at Hiccup, a trace of a smile formed. "I guess you're right.." Snickering at his cousin who had stumbled back because of the force of the snowball thrown at him, she flicked some snow towards her pretend boyfriend with a mischievous smirk. "It is quite fun."
Snotlout was barely recovering from the previous attack, which led him to falling right down on the ground again when Tuffnut consistently assaulted him. "H-hey!" He almost choked on bits of snow, trying to hide behind what was left of his protective barrier. "Enough with the chicken!" He ignored Blaze's rumbled out laughter, the Sand Wraith nudging Toothless with a grin as he motioned to the young viking.
'That was cute..' Fighting against the urge to say that out loud, Freya's eyes squinted teasingly, the faint amount of snow in her hair gradually falling below them while she started to get up. "If I didn't know any better, it sounds like you aren't completely opposed to that idea.." She muttered, her tone evidently sounding amused.
"I'm pretty sure we're winning--" Her words were abruptly cut off as she was, once more, grabbed by her waist and hauled in another direction, the movement happening so fast that she didn't even realize what was going on. Blinking away her shock, her eyes were met with Hiccup's staring directly at hers - although, now it was much closer than before. With her face immediately becoming increasingly red, her heart pounded and her hand ended up on his shoulder while being dragged away.
She held her breath, almost not hearing him ask if she was okay, only having the strength to mumble out, "Mhm.." as she stared at him, dumbfounded. The weird, fluttery feeling came to invade her yet again, and she was left to internally be brought into a frenzy. They were practically an eyelash of a distance from each other, allowing her to just seal the small amount of space-- 'No, no, no. Can't do that..!' Freya stopped herself from doing what her thoughts declared, murmuring out a proper response: "Are...are you okay..?"
She glared at Tuffnut, slightly glad at the same time that he snapped her out of her daze. Hiccup's apology only seemed to further her scarlet tinted face, though. "I-It's fine...you were only trying to help--"
"Aww, Freya's all shy! Would you look at that!" Snotlout jeered, chuckling to himself as he dodged another attack. The young lady he spoke of hastily stood up from her spot on the ground, snatching a handful of snowballs as she ran in the middle of the battlefield.
"Blaze!" She yelled out, the Sand Wraith unhesitatingly coming to her assistance this time and briskly shielding her with his uninjured wing as he followed his rider sprinting forward to Snotlout with a shout of her own.
That battle was sooner or later won by her and Hiccup, to say the least.
It felt as if Freya could finally breathe again. With the wind, at last, rushing through her hair and past the helmet she wore, everything was steadily becoming peaceful for her. Especially after heading home from Valka's dragon sanctuary. The experience of witnessing Hiccup be with his mother was something she would forever cherish.
She also got a few lessons on how to, kind of, stand on Blaze in a similar manner to what Stoick's wife did on Cloudjumper. Toothless was also able to do an interestingly new trick himself.
Freya, seeing Berk becoming near, gently patted Blaze's neck. The dragon was, thankfully, healed according to what Valka said: three days. Three, excruciatingly long three days. She was happy that they were spent alongside Hiccup when they weren't busy.
Not yet taking off her helmet, she glanced over in his direction. "What excuse are we gonna give now?" Her mind wandered off into what her father might say. It was clear Ragnar was still on edge about letting her go out after what occurred previously, based on the two daggers that now were attached to her boot instead of just one. Along with the small sword that was newly fastened on the belt around her waist.
Yeah, he definitely gave her an early Snoggletog gift.
Too busy enjoying the wind before they landed, Freya hadn't realized the newcomers on Berk, all of whom had their hands tied behind their backs as they were led by a certain patrol - which Ragnar was included in.
Hiccup couldn't ignore the return of that warm, fuzzy feeling when she wrapped her arms in his and said they were inseparable. The corners of his lips tugged upwards in a smile as he nodded to conf Freya's statement.
Tuffnut gasped in offense. "I will not have you insult dear chicken! Ruffnut, ATTACK!" The twins now sent a volley of snowballs at Snotlout, before Ruffnut nudged her brother.
"Hey! We have more than one enemy here! We can divide and conquer!" Ruffnut turned to throw snowballs at Hiccup and Freya, while Tuffnut continued to go after Snotlout.
Hiccup fought the blush that was forming on his cheeks. "You just--you caught me off guard, is all..."
He stared back at her, feeling almost as surprised as she looked.
Was she--was she leaning in further? His breath caught as he tilted his head ever so slightly, only to catch himself as well, and they both back off each other around the same time. "Me? Y-yeah, I'm--I'm fine, just dandy, heh. Uh...we--we should get back to it, yeah?"
Hiccup faced his cousin, giving him a frustrated look, groaning. "Do you just never think before you speak?!" As he spoke, he hurled two snowballs straight at his cousin, hitting him in the face both times.
"Freya? What are you doing? Wait!" Oh, she was going after Snotlout. Grabbing more pre made snowballs, he chased after her. "I'm right behind you!"
Hiccup wasn't sure what to think.
Sure, he did have a great day with his mom, and Freya too, but some things were weighing too heavily on his mind.
Valka had pulled him aside, asking if he and Freya were a couple. He did say yes, because technically they were, but it wasn't real. It was also somewhat difficult to lie to his mother, even if she was back in his life only recently.
At Freya's question, he shrugged. "We didn't stray too far. I guess we could say we just flew most of the day, just stopping to let the dragons rest on a sea stack for a couple hours?" More lies.
This was starting to take a bit of a toll.
While Freya hadn't noticed, Hiccup did. His eyes narrowed before he pointed out the crowd on their island. "See that? You don't think there were intruders while we were out, do you?"
"My dad should be there..." Speaking of, Stoick stepped out from behind a rock formation that had blocked him, arms crossed as he looked over their prisoners. "We should land nearby, ask him what's going on..."
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nosuda-cringe · 1 year ago
🥺👉👈 c-can you talk a lil more da mermaid AU, I loved da idea and prob gonn make a small storyboard for it
Hey! Sure, I have little parts of it fleshed out, but I can tell you a little abt the general idea! And please tag me if you do! I would love to see it
In general it’s more of a magical creatures AU than a mermaid au, just happens that half of the gang are mermaids XD. Thing is, Hiccup is a deep water merman, they are bigger and a little different looking than shallow water merpeople, who look more like Disney mermaids. Hiccup is tiny of a merman of his kind, and he is fascinated by humans, and the whole world outside the ocean, yet his father has it absolutely prohibited for him to go, very the little mermaid of Stoick, he lost Valka because a pirate ship took her, as mermaid scales and flesh are very valuable and expensive, and deep water merfolk have harder scales and supposedly delicious flesh, that is even more looked after since it’s so complicated to get.
Fishlegs is a shallow water merman, and just like Hiccup he is fascinated by humans, their behavior and technology, they are closely friends and they sneak out a lot to go and explore shipwrecks and shit. Snotlout is Hiccup’s cousin, he is a warrior and lost the arm because of pirates, saving Hiccup’s silly ass actually, now he isn’t much for the idea of him exploring and stuff but you know that man, promise him to get him something shiny and he will tag along. Astrid is a sailor, she meets Hiccup by accident and makes it her personal goal to capture him and sell him, after all she is the best there is! (She has never captured merfolk).
Also Toothless! He is a little silly buddy that Hiccup found one day when he was supposed to go hunting and learn how to catch a good meal! Toothless is not like any marine animal Hiccup has ever seen, and he has a weird glow on his eyes like the one cursed creatures emit! Maybe this is not his real form?
The twins are something snake related, can’t remember the actual name now but they are bored as fuck where they are, old ruins of a temple, they like to play with people but those silly little pranks usually end with dead folk so it’s highly advised to not go near them (it’s usually never on purpose! Humans are so fragile!)
I have more to say if anyone is interested! Just ask away because rn I can’t think of something specific AKSJSKKS
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dragondevinity · 1 year ago
Immortal Hiccup au pt 1 and 2
Hiccup was born about 1000 years before the events of his original birth. Having a power to change his age and appearance to suit what is better in his opinion.
He has been around dragons for most of his time on this earth, they had much more time to be on earth then humans did. Hiccup learnt how to understand most dragons within his first 50 years on earth since they had seen him as something not so human which is fair in his opinion. He learnt that dragons could live up to Thor knows how long due to hearing that a dragon has been alive since what the dragons called the giant lizard era. Though sadly that dragon is not around anymore due to humans, a shame really he would of loved to know more about the giant lizard era. (Dragons in this au are cousins to what would later become dinosaurs and todays mammals and reptiles)
Hiccup managed to be on berk during the time his cannon mother was supposed to give birth in the form of a 5 year old due to him preferring this form. Anyways Valka gave birth to a girl that looks like Stoick.
5 years have passed and hiccup finds Berk fascinating because of everything that has happened to the villagers and the village. So he made the woods his home.
Hiccup decided to go into the village one day since he was bored and didn’t want to explore the forest since he knows it all to well now. He walked into the village in his 5 year old form getting a few stares from people until he bumps into Stoick, now to Stoick Hiccup looks a lot like valka but with his own eye colour. Being that this was really weird to the chief he asked hiccup who’s child he was. Hiccup not having parents for over 900+ years had said he had none, Stoick told hiccup to follow him and hiccup followed without questions due to still being bored.
Stoick brought Hiccup to his house to let Valka see him. Valka was shocked seeing a boy who looked her daughters age that looked nearly the same as her but with freckles and Stoicks eyes.
After the shock died down Valka asked if hiccup had parents, but hiccup gave her the same answer as he had given Stoick before.
Skip 10 years to cannon events Hiccup is a haddock now and Valka left when she was carried off by a raid 9 years prior.
I will leave this chapter here as to have abit more suspense for chapter two :)
Chapter 2
The night was the one he would shoot Toothless down on. Being nearly the same as cannon but the difference being Hiccup could understand Toothless. Skip to when hiccup finds Toothless in the cove after the first meet.
“A new dragon type” Hiccup whispered to himself slightly to loud gaining the dragons attention. He had decided to give Toothless the fish he brought for him. Still being giddy about a new dragon type hiccup watches toothless for the day after the fish thing in the original movie.
Skip to right after the fight with the red death, due to not needing to change much about anything else for the plot.
They are sitting in hiccups room talking about things when hiccup asks toothless about basic information like what toothlesses age is and if he has a mate since it’s completely slipped hiccups mind to ask before.
“I’m not a very seasoned night fury age wise I guess, I mean I’m only something like 1100 years old” Toothless explained to hiccup with a smile.
“So what about you how old are you Hiccup?”
Not expecting anything substantial for a human he was suprized.
“Funny thing Toothless i myself am about 1000 years old due to being immortal” Suprize fading Toothless is now hellbent on knowing more about his human.
So this is the end of the chapter. I’m thinking of making this full on Toothcup instead of just having them as best friends. Plus I enjoy the ship.
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honeybeewhereartthee · 2 years ago
To you who own my heart
My sole reason in this world.
This is party that began with a distorted heart like mine.
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{ ... }
( ... )
{ I'm gonna go take em. If ya just gonna stand there.}
( Wait wait. Dont you think this kinda weird, now ?)
Pseudo quickly stops bee from trying to pick up the small bun. That they taken away freshly baked.
{ Weird? Ya questioning it's weird? Ya think fae and time travel crap is not weird? Isn't it, Full of crap?}
Bee rolled his eyes as he reach out his hand to only gasp by the small bun. Cute adorable bun.
(... I mean in a normal sense it is?! B-but--... Dam--...)
Bee quickly kick the rabbit off when he realize the guy gonna curse in front of a bun.
{ Don't curse in front of em! I will smack ya'r face to the wall! }
pseudo complain, hatefully as he stood up.
{ Don't ya scream. What if ya make em cry? Stupid rabbit, go hop and feed ya'r furry child somewhere. Shoo. Shoo.}
( Hey! That's so rude! You probably don't even know a thing or two about taking care of lil buns!)
{ i-i.. I'll learn. It's nothing that I can't try learning!}
Bee was caught in red light. It was the truth. He probably don't know shit.
The two of them stops as they heard the lil bun giggle from their interaction.
{ ... I-- I.. I think I was shoot!}
( ... O-oh no... Their too c-cute...)
Bee was the first one to manage to snap out of it when the little bun reach out for him.
"... ~~ 🎶"
"... Ya so cute... "
He pokes the bun cheeks who quickly grab his index finger and start to hug it. Giggling happily at him.
( ... Let me take a pic--)
{ No.}
Bee quickly run away from pseudo before a picture would taken, as he run away he went to the garden of the mansion he summoned. Pseudo who tried to follow is stopped by spiders who proceed to tickle him.
Holding the baby that he made sure to exist in the world, even how cruel he have become. Even how much it's wrong to force others to such project.
{× if you end that child... You don't have to go to this length. ×)
He heard a voice in his head speak.
He look around the place as the bun start to yawn and sleep. Feeling comfort in his arms.
{× what if it's just beginning of your suffering? Your life is being controlled by someone else desire... If you wish to break free, end that child×}
From the corner of his eyes, he saw the mad hatter staring at him.
{ What? }
His eyes narrowed at him. He wanted to cover the ears of the bun, what if they hear what that nutcase said? But his sure no one would see or hear that person speaking nor see them.
{ No one is controlling anybody... }
Why would he go that far to only destroy his hard work?
Bee stared at his most important treasure in his arms, sleeping not minding what's up with the world.
{× that's what the order telling you. You still have more freedom than I do. ×}
{ ... Is this because of Omae and their cousin? That their cousin put a cupid magic or whatnot to me... Like a love potion.... }
He heard it before, he ' remembers ' something like that. He wonder about it, was it really the reason he will go this far?
As he thought so deeply, the little bun wakes up from their small sleep and look at him with innocent and twinkling eyes, as if full of joy to see him.
"...~~ ♡"
They start to suck on the ember gem his Helter spider outfit have and stared at him as they drool over his necklace.
They give a toothless grin at him. As if they don't just did something to his outfit.
Bee stared at them before he kiss their forehead in content to see them alive. The bun giggle and hugs them with their little chubby hands before sucking on the ember on his necklace again.
{ I don't think a simple love potion would make me do such fit... Besides. If that's really the case then your wrong. }
He turn his back from the mad Hatter as he focus on the beautiful view around him.
"If given chances.... Even without such magic... I will fall in love with them... Over and over again, I will go far for them... If my existence only meant for them."
He don't understand many things, he only know the most precious life in his life is the person in his arms.
They sleep so soundly and peacefully. With no problem in the world, he wish he could kust let them sleep and don't make them view rhe conflict in the world.
Days turns to months, months turns to years. Many have come to their place to demand justice to what they did, yet the two stared down at the people whos heart slowly turning into a noir as they enter their fortress.
{Pseudo... Are we doing a bad thing?}
Holding the sleeping bun, Bee turn to look at his comrade who's standing beside the puppet clone of vermillion suit of card.
( What. Why? Spadechi go throw a polyarm that asshole who's trying to climb the railing.)
The bunny question him but saw a hatefully fae that tries to climb on their fortress, the ace of spade nodded and quickly shoot spear at the direction.
Giving a thumbs up as the person floop to the ground and turning into a mooch of red, beautiful yet deadly man eating flowers starts to eat them as if it never been feed before.
( Omg there's more of them...)
Pseudo saw that the angry fae keep coming.
{ Use that spell then.}
Bee suggested. Pseudo give him a criminal offense side eyes at his word. he no longer repeated his question, maybe there's no point on asking such absorb thing, with what type of war they are in now. And what they did to go this far. Why would he question everything he did?
( You think I can do that, like I'm some pro)
The bunny cross his arms before he look at the bun in Bee arm who's sleeping again, so peacefully.
{ You have their core heart so it's possible.}
Bee pointed out.
(I... I don't want to over use their magic... What if... What if I accidentally break it?)
Gripping his chest, he felt the warmth of another heart, the moment before everything comes to an end before where his heart was destroyed.
He remember bee waking him after putting a heart inside of them.
"Omae is gone... You wish for them to not exist."
The moment he wakes up, he was smacked across the face by an angry kohaku.
"What?! I don't! I will never wish that!"
Holding his cheeks he cannot believe, this person be this intense to slap someone awake.
" You indirectly did. That's why. You are to accompany me to make them exist in history, you have no right to say no."
He wasn't able to say more when he began to be dragged by him when he summoned the labyrinth of time before them.
" What... What the he--"
He don't understand how this guy able to do that even so he barely have knowledge about magic but the moment they enter the time labyrinth, they been roaming the walls for uncountable years, he don't even remember what time they began and what time it ended.
The travel to the time period they supposed to go took years. Those years he often get exchange places with his alternative self and learn about the world beyond what they know.
Pseudo reach out to poke the bun who grab his hand happily before giggling.
"A--ahh... Ai.." the bun called for him. His eyes widen.
"...my flower..." He can't help but cry, somehow all this year's all worth it. Bee let him carry the bun who look at him who's tearing up.
"Nyoo..." Little bun reach out to wipe Pseudo tears away as the loud cry of people demanding their presence and to eliminate the foul creature they force to create.
"It's okey, those are happy tears..." He quickly comfort the little bun before they start to cry along with him.
(I don't know... But I'll do it. Once we're able to collect enough noir... We could should able too change what's been done right?)
He stared at his comrade and partner in crime. Bee nodded.
{ Well, there still stuff to do...}
Pseudo gives back the little bun to Bee before he signal the ace of spade puppet and others to go on position.
( Then I will do my part. Make sure they won't see the scene in bad angle ok? )
Bee nodded before he reach out for pseudo in one hand, the other held his hand. Two hearts of core fae appear before them. Glowing pure white and the other glow with intimidating aura of darkness.
Soon the madness Mansion slowly change it's form as the control is Slowly taken over by Pseudo who change it to another domain of dark towering castle of vermillion.
All the fae who enter the fortress question why the place change but in the four towering doors that surrounded them, four figure stood up.
A voice began to cast a spell, Pseudo who stood in one of the wall. The sun suddenly become hidden in the dark clouds. Glowing emerald eyes glare at them, the invaders who will try to take away his most precious person life.
[ aka to kuro no sekai ni hata wo kakage ]
From another side they saw another vermillion soldier who have purple hair grinning at them, showing shark sharp like teeth.
Dark mist slowly cover the area, making them all docile to the eyes of the predators, a dark chilling laughter of the phantom can be heard as those who suddenly cower all together regroup.
[ sobietatsu jouheki wa shikkoku no PRIDE ]
A angelic like voice that seems to pull them in false hope, making them all run toward the diamond tower but vines start to spread out and grow, slowly and surely crawling around them without them noticing it.
Others who try to look in the dark with spell only meet with an end of them screaming in pain as Vines grow thorns and intangle them, who show magic in hunger for flesh and powers.
[ shimesou ka ]
The leader of suit of cards soldier raise his hand up in midair, the symbols of four suit of card glow in the dark in the preceptive suits in four direction before it all reform into a glowing four colored gigantic spear from above.
[ mukae utsu suuto no SOLDIERS ]
Each one of them cast as they form the the stigma of their card as they said that,
Four spears all crashing down. Earning the screams that slowly becoming louder as the flower of vermillion grow in fasten speed with four suit of vermillion began their vanguard defense of the fortress.
" Ahh.. ai? Bhebee!!"
The little bun wonder why bee covering their ears as the scream become louder and louder, the terror of the people who only wish to redeem and justice. Yet in the world, where there's no true villain without a reason or a real hero.
'There's only those strong who will stamp upon those who are weak to claim what they can't.' his purple eyes glared at those people. People that needed to be sacrifice, like how they all wish to do the same for this life.
"It's okey... Ai will come back soon." Kissing their forehead, he left to go deeper in the fortress. The puppet spiders all appear behind him.
"Assist them." He simple order before they all bowed and left to do as he ordered.
{× your one mad mad man...×}
The mad Hatter appeared beside him holding an apple, through he is only seen by him. The twisted version of him chuckle when he saw his domain have been turn into a place of his enemy. Such a sight to behold.
Truly those core fae have some ability unimaginable to others, to be able to recreate and even enhanced the ability of the other with their strong will and ability to an alternative world far from the original domain is from.
"I'm not mad. I'm just a hopeless bee in love." He mumble out loud as he stared at the bun in his arm who is sucking onto his ember bling bling again.
"Eheh. Bhebee!!" They called to him, so happily. Not realizing the chaos that began for them.
Hugging the warm and living proof that all his hardship is for something, he felt tears of what left of his humanity pour out as he ignore the cries and screams.
'No it's because of them, the world will never blame them. If anything, it's his fault to stick to their vows. He refuse to let go, he will never let go. The world can hate him, can loath and abandoned him.... It all doesn't matter if they are with him.'
"Yes omae? Do you want some food?" He sigh happily as wipe his tears away. There's no point in crying to a past tense.
"Ah!! Uhhpp!!!" The little bun reach up and he raise them up like they wanted, when they are in the same level as his face, they are quick to wipe their eyes and give soft kisses to his eyelid.
"♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ ) *Chuu *chuu. Nyoo tear!!! Happy! Only happy!! Eheh!" They said as Bee felt their unconscious use of healing magic when his fatigue from using such high level magic to use a grand spell from another universe that is area base one back to back without relaxation.
"Omae..." He mumble in surprised but his determination to continue inflame. "It all be worth it... I love you, I can't wait to see you again in the new beginning for us." He raise them up in the midair and throwing up in the air and catching them, making them giggle happily for more UP, UP.
As the two of them have their fun, vermillion slowly become noir flowers as the last fae who dares enter parish. That day a great massacre have happened in the history of fae but as years goes by the part of history fades away to dust as if it never once occur and the forest between the two sides that appear from nowhere divide the zone of white and dark.
(Hurry up, the flowers are blooming!)
The bunny called as the fortress turn to it's last form in this world, to a garden that will never allow any tresspassers unless they are qualified to enter or else they all be eaten by those flowers.
{ Geez, calm down. }
Bee holding the hand of the bun the walk to the middle of the flowers of noir. Pseudo who's now, not effected by the flowers yawn as he made the Bun seat on his lap before Bee can say anything.
" My flower, do you feel sleep? *Yawn... I feel so sleepy.... " Pseudo keeps yawning as he made blob appear and play with the bun.
"Blob blob!!" The bun hugs the bunny as bee seat in front of them in the field of noir flowers..
"Its a good harvest." Bee commented. Pseudo stared at him who stared back at him as if he don't just said something foul.
"You did nothing to get this harvest!!" He complained. He remembers that his so tired after using the vermillion spell. He always get his head cut off when he slack off a moment between the verse of the spell.
"Hey, this is still my domain!" Bee said in defense. " Besides I keep the domain up since we come here and you said I did nothing? What if I feed you to the flowers huh? " The two began to argue before the little bun stops them.
" Nyoo fightin." And get smacked across the face with their chubby hands.
"Woahh... I been slapped!" Pseudo who finally spoke after a moment cried out... In happiness? Before he hugs the precious fae. "My flower I won't fight this silly bug anymore!"
"... *Sigh, sorry omae..." Bee ignored the stupid nickname as he pat the little bun head. Before he look around the field of noir. "... It's almost time... " He can't help be sadden about it.
(... We could stay here if your sad about parting.)
{ No. We cant. We overstayed already.}
As they said that they thought of those years they been through to get this far. Tears slowly pour out to the noir, that glows aurora colored as the core tears falls upon them.
"Woahh, pwetty..." The little bun who saw the wishing flower reach out for one and start to make a flower crown as the two watch them. "Crown!! For ai, and for ma hanii, bee" through they never done an amazing job it's still a flower crown. Putting them to the top of the head of those important people in their life.
"Lmfao, your flower crown have less flowers than mine." Pseudo commented as he felt self boost when he notice the difference. Bee stared at him with dead eyes before his eyes brighten, as he happily smile at the bun direction. "Thank ya so much omae. It's pretty."
"Uwuauh hanii, bee and ai look so dashing! Ehehe! Maybe I'll make more flower crown..." They giggle in happiness while looking at their handy work.
The three spend such quality time in the beautiful field.
"Does omae want to sleep?" Bee saw the bun is yawning every now and then and can't stay awake without falling asleep every 6 seconds.
"Nyoo. Cant sleep..." They refuse to sleep.
"Why not?"
"... I have a bad dream..." They look down as they fidget. It seems their powers to see the future have awaken in pretty young age. "You guys going to leave me... I'll be alone... Have no body... Huhuhu... I don't want to be alone... " They began to cry. " I'll be good little bun, please don't make me sleep... Don't leave me... !!! " The start to weep. They can't handle it. Being alone, it's such sad thing. They are use to see those people who will smile at them when they wake up. To held their hand to say their not alone in the world. That someone is their family.
"..." The two become silent as they don't realize that their plan can be seen through by this core fae, little bun.
"Ah!! Please don't cry! Don't cry!" Pseudo quickly wipe their tears away. "Don't worry... It be a small time... And when you wake up, I'll be there!!!" He remembers how he meet them, he sure will be there for them. Maybe it's fate, his destiny, that made him enter the forest.
"Hmm, and one day, if you fall in the sky when you feared to fly... I'll catch you." Bee smiled at them. "So in the end, we still be there for you when you wake up."
"...r-really...?" They look at the two in hope. " Ah... Then, the THREE of us still be together when I wake up then?" They smile as if implying something. The two suddenly realize they been caught in an acting of the cousin of the number one actor.
"...." The two become silent as they guess what you meant. " How did you see in the future?" Bee sigh as the little bun acting too mature when they made sure to not show any conflict in your eyes.
" (っ˘ω˘ς )I know who you two really are to me." You smiled at them. " My two precious people who did something unbearable and unimaginable for someone like me. (︶︹︺)" you can't help but sigh hopelessly.
" Woah... MC..." Pseudo can't help tear up again and hugs you, that they finally brought you back from nothing.
" Ai ai... Do you know, I am not going to say anything, cause ya are lucky I'm a fae and won't give you judgemental eyes for hugging cute little bun like me. When you are an oldie bunny." Even through the two don't age at all, all those time and stayed the same age as they last been with mc in their original timeline.
"..." Pseudo pause at your words before he blush as he realize what your implying.
"well, fae kidnap babies, so what's the problem with that? " Bee commented as he smack Pseudo face and steals you away to hug. "Omae... You shouldn't look too much in the future ok? It's better for you to enjoy your time at the present." It's hateful if your going to cheat and make yourself disappear again when you see something absorb as your fuck up fate' he grumble in his mind.
"But it's going to be boring to sleep without dreams... Hanii, bee." You pout as you hold a wishing flowers, you thought of something. " Once you go back... It be a suffering... You guys really don't have to go that far for me—"
" No. We still will/ but we will!" The two said in a unison " you are worth all risk..." Bee added hugging you, he is careful to not crush you in his arm.
"...bee can make a choice of your own you know... " You suddenly speak to him, it was odd. Its like your talking to him like his different person from your hanii. "No, bee is hanii... " You seems to be able to understand what's in his mind. "Bee have a free will... Don't let love consume you. " You commented. " The life you have... You don't need to dedicated it all to me."
"...no. I'm hanii. I'm not bee. I'm your hanii ok? And I'll do the same thing over and over again." He don't understand why two people implying something to him.
"*Gasp. Hey you! Don't steal their attention all to yourself!" Pseudo who don't understand the topic quickly takes you away from bee.
"Sorry... I actually... Know there's two routes... I'll forget about it one day.. or maybe I don't..."
"One is only me in it. It's sad. Because my precious people isn't there but they are somewhere happy and Alive, it's a good route because you two are alive in the beautiful world. The other show watching tragedies of losing you two. Losing everyone and the world turning into a distorted lonely place, over and over again... I'm afraid to look more... All I see are the same image... I don't want to have false hope... That's why "I" did that. Because I'm happy to see you alive, everyone I cared for. To redeem the sin of my existence... I don't mind giving what I have to accomplish it... I'm selfish...I'm sorry.. I'm sorry... I'm selfish person. That's why in the end I stayed and choice the first route.." telling them the reason of the ending, why they choice the route where they are the one who disappear.
"If you choice the first route, do you know the consequences of your action?" Bee sighs hopelessly. "No? I can't view anymore once I'm gone but I saw you guys Alive. So I thought it's a good route."
"...that's a dumb idea then! Look as now! In the end, people you left behind will never be happy without you!". Pseudo nags you, not believing you were that crazy.
" Ehhh.. but I made sure it's bullet proof. That's why I made everyone forget--" you pause in your words when you felt the two stared at you in disbelief. "...I mean ahaha... I don't do anything of sort. 🎶 (´ε` ) " you tried to whistle your way out.
"... You little--" but it was too late, those two hear it and before you know it--
"AHAHAH.. stopppp..NO TICKLINGGGG!!(ಥ╭╮ಥ)" you laugh out loud as you been tickle by them.
"Omae, your so evil." Bee commented as he continue to tickle you, you squirm as your side hurts already from laughing too much.
"MC this what you do for long years of friendship?" Pseudo shed crocodile tears.
It should been something they will be mad, but it been so long since it happened. What important for them is that they have you alive and well again. Theres no point being angry about the past when they are the one who cannot let go.
"N-no more... AHAHAHAHA. S-STOPPPPPP AHAHAAH" You keep laughing as tears fall on your eyes and particular rolling in the field of flowers.
"No." They both said and your laughters could be heard around thr forest.
"I'll sleep... I'll forget meeting you all. Like how you will forget this ever happened." You mumble as the three of you lay in the field of flowers. Holding their hands as the three of you stared at the sky.
"Why? Won't it be better at least remember you have someone who taken care of you? You always said your abandoned like dramatic little lad when we meet." Pseudo commented.
"... Ai really have to say my dark past out loud huh." You cannot help but gasp when your best friend have tells you off with a heartbeat.
" It's okey, my family accept as ya are my own anyway." Bee thought about it as he chuckle.
"... You Bastard, your so smooth!!" The other want to punch him for that smooth words just now.
"Hmm... *Yawn." You felt drowsy. "I'll make sure you guys won't be hated... That's why exchange for not remembering the time we have here... Everyone will not remember you two, the two people who declared a war against all fae-- to the world, to just see me be born... " You felt their hand grip on your tighten. "I.. I don't want you two to be hated." You mumble as the flowers glows around you, petals slowly travel with the breeze around the world. Memories slowly being alter, those life that was lost find their self in their new one.
"... Just how OP is core fae." Bee who notice you did some high level magic without sweat, can't help but felt trouble about something. 'how to keep your 'wife' if they are too powerful to be keep in a cell.'
"I don't know, does it look like I'm a born one?" Pseudo rolled his eyes at the question. "What now?" He felt the times is up coming up close. Soon he will return to his right time and forget this happened.
"I dunno, does it look like it happened to me before?" Bee use the same sarcastic tone as the other did, the bunny glared at him hatefully.
"Like a good show, one should have the best outro." You mumble, feeling sleepy even more.
" Oh? Then I'll go first then." His emerald eyes sparkle. Holding your left hand up to kiss the back of your palm as he seat up. " My flower, I will accompany you to the end... And do the same fit over and over again for you, because I love you. No less than this guy would... So even I'm just a mare light fae. Don't underestimate my love for you and even if you sick of me. I'll stay with you! Fuck this guy denial and complain, I'll be with you! There are countries in human world that allows those anyway." He chuckle as he give a middle finger at bee direction who only sigh with dead eyes. Not amuse by the joke.
" I promise to wake you up when times come and be your friend again. Or more. Ehehe." With a Last hug, Pseudo turn jnto beautiful flowers, as the breeze slowly return him to his time period. To do his last part.
"Ahaha. Aira wakes up and start to tell me about the future I made (prequel 22)." You chuckle as bee made you lay on his lap. "Hmm.." you thought of something, before you bloop bee nose. You saw you spell work but he don't seems to notice anything.
"What?" He tilt his head but then heard his voice that seem different, high pitch like a kid.
"..." He stared at his hand and saw it shrunk. "Just how..." He really need to think how to predict your moves, he need to keep you lock up after all, especially what you did before.
"Now hanii, bee is little bun like me...!" You giggle. "Your so cute." You pointed out as you pinch his chubby cheeks. He cannot believe this. Just how are you able to do that but don't stop your own destiny?
" I dunno. Cause I don't plan to stop it. Besides without reason I felt I have no purpose. So even I can, I let myself chain in my fate." You answered him.
"I'm 5 steps ahead of you, hanii." You told him. " But if you want me to be in fair game with you, I won't gaze at the future anymore. So you won't cry out and complain about it." You chuckle and he proceeded to smooch your cheeks together.
" Nyooo swtappp!!' you complained as your cheeks get abuse again.
"Why are you so complicated?"
"Nothing good in being easy-- nyoooo!!" You were about to sass him out when he pinch your cheeks again.
"Leave my cheeks alone!!" You seat up and went on top of him to pinch his cheeks. No one get away from pinching your cheeks. "Cuteeee ehehe. So chubby cheeks!" You commented as he let you pinch his cheeks.
"I thought your sleepy? Where you acting again?"
" No, I get excited and can't sleep yet. Sing me to sleep. And I'll go sleep." You lay on top of him.
" Your one demanding person."
"Sing me to sleep, hanii or I'll ruined your plan." You give him an evil look. "geez. Your lucky I love you." He kiss your forehead before he start to sing a song for you.
"Bee..." You called out to him. "Hmm?" He hummed. "Hanii want to just use you. But I decided other wise. That other you keep you consciousness. So if everything turns good. You won't just disappear..." You mumble feeling more drowsy as you hug him. "Bee is cute... Hanii is cute too. I love both of you even so others treat other as fake." You keep mumbling nonsense that he don't understand.
He just chuckle and play with your hair. Wondering what are you mumbling about.
"Blobbb." You reach out for your bunny who reluctantly went toward you. Holding the bunny you thought of it. "I'll let you stay with him. ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ ) *Chuu *chuu. I will meet you again soon." Showering blob kisses before he disappear from your arms to someone else arm
Certain nameless angel stared at the bunny who is teleported to him and the bunny stared back at him with the same confuse face as certain light fae would have. Blob doesn't understand why there's another rival for his father (ai) with the same face at all.
"...why am I taking care of this stupid bunny..."
No name commented but takes out candy to feed the bunny who eat it from his hand, with his hand. Now the candivirous bunny is bitting his hand.
"... GET OFF!!." as he shake his hands from annoyance, the bunny let go and it's thrown to a small au that pop out from nowhere.
"Oh shoot. The bunny went elsewhere..." He went to au gem and saw many pink chibi walking around.
"What, what is this au." He never seen this au before but before he can look closely he was pulled away by the land lord of his and given to certain Mikejima. "Your in another duty, go away now."
"What are you hidding you sussy bitch..." He want answer but Mikejima already taken him to fix another mess.
"Hmm... Good night, bee..." You slowly succumb to your sleep, yet you felt one last kiss from him before everything turn to black, his warmth that hugs you stayed with you till you forget and times flows by, history continues on its tale.
A cry wake you up, a stranger with emerald eyes wish to free you from captivity of roses, calling you the name "MC" and so the story began once more.
Distorted Party adjourn!
Till then we shall meet again hundred to thousand times, till the very end. We will be together again.
(if want to be tagged pls comment or Send mail) Tag List : @valeriele3 @yinenovica
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allthemusic · 4 months ago
Week ending: 27th August
You know when you see the name of a song and kind of feel your stomach sink a bit? This is one of those songs. Thankfully, despite a real sketchy title, this isn't actually as creepy as you might assume. In fact, it's at least trying to do something kind of clever, though whether it manages it is definitely questionable.
Only Sixteen - Craig Douglas (peaked at Number 1)
Like I said, I was kind of wary of this song when I saw the title. I think I was confusing it with the song You're Sixteen, which is just striaghtforwardly a song about an older male singer sexualising a young sixteen year old girl. But this song isn't quite doing that - sure, it's about Craig falling in love with a 16 year old girl, but he isn't some weird, leering older man. No, this is a song about two 16 year-olds falling in love for the first time. The description of this is really rather lovely, and there's a bit of poignancy in the line aout how she was too young to fall in love / And I was too young to know. It's nice, if a bit sappy. We're firmly in the mode of "looking back nostalgically at a childhood romance". It's a good mode. There are good songs that do this.
And then comes the twist, as Craig promises that it will never happen again / Cause I was a mere lad of sixteen / I've aged a year since then. Surprise! Craig's only seventeen, and all that notalgia's only from a year ago. The whole joke here's basically dependent on the idea that young people always think they know everything, have learnt everything they need to learn. Silly Craig, thinking he's so much wiser as a seventeen year-old than he was only a year previously!
It's theoretically a reasonably well-written twist, and it's doing the exact same thing that, say, Sixteen Going on Seventeen from The Sound of Music is doing. But I don't like it, for reasons I can't quite place. I think it has something to do with the fact that it's a joke at the expense of 17 year-olds, not a joke that a 17 year-old would actually come up with. It results in a song that feels like it's trying to ride the wave of popular teenage romance songs, while also clearly being written by and aimed at older adults, not the teenagers it ostensibly portrays. It feels meanspirited, almost, to then give this to Craig - who actually was 17 at the time of recording - and expect him to properly sell us on the irony that the song kind of requires. The original (because it's a cover) was by a 27 year-old Sam Cooke, and I feel like those extra ten years of experience make a real, material difference to how convincing the song is.
There are a few things I like about the song. In particular, we have some whistling - it's been too long since we've had whistling in a song, and it really works to conjure up the sort of carefree, nostalgic attitude that the song's gunning for. Plus, like I mentioned, the description of being young and in love is quite touching, all about how we'd laugh and we'd sing, and do little things that made my heart glow. Cute! Overall, though, the song doesn't work for me, for the reasons outlined above. Also, there's just something a bit lame about it, and the way it ambles along - it's rock and roll, sure, but defanged, the same slightly lame, toothless sound you got in, say, Living Doll. Minus the creepiness of Living Doll, thank goodness, but still. Not a song that makes the heart race.
A side note, but Craig Douglas was a stage name, believe it or not. He was born Terence Perkins. And okay, Craig Douglas is a step up from that, but it still isn't a cool name, is it? Craig Douglas is the guy who used to live in your house, and whose mail you still occasionally get. Craig Douglas went to your primary school, but you've barely thought about him since. Craig Douglas is married to one of your cousins, and you keep getting recommended him as a friend on Facebook. Do better, Terence!
Favourite song of the not-as-creepy-as-I-feared-but-still-doesn't-really-work-for-me bunch: Only Sixteen
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marieadeledracherambles · 2 years ago
Buying Hope: Intro
A couple months ago, Tapas recommended to me the webtoon Yongsa High: Dungeon Raiders, which is an infinite flow/dungeon raider story about a school for adventurers. Yoo Jaryong is a smuggler/poacher paying for his retired adventurer dad's medical bills. On one of these missions, he runs into a student of Yongsa High, Jin Saerom, who hires him to get into YH and be part of her party. (She's a Rich Girl.) Jaryong needs the money, so he accepts. Season 1 is about his getting ready for the transfer exam and meeting his dad's old colleagues... the ones who didn't betray him and leave him penniless, anyway.
I figured I'd give it a shot, since I'm a fan of BNHA and My S-Class Hunters.
And I fell in love.
Yongsa High (also known as Warrior High: Dungeon Raid Department, if you like me got hooked and couldn't wait for the official translation any longer) is SO GOOD. The characters are likeable and/or have motivations beyond the needs of the plot. The world is interesting. The plot is layered. I sped through all the free episodes, then spent two days looking for the unofficial translation. After I'd finished it, I went looking for fanworks on AO3 and found...
There are no works for this comic on AO3 and five posts about it on Tumblr, even once you use the more well-known name for it.
I decided then to write fic for it. And I already had an angle.
There are two things that really bother me and keep the comic from being perfect: the fact that there are very few female characters at all, and the fact that the overarching plot being set up is "dragons wanted to rule the world, got beat back, so they started infiltrating society to destroy it." The first is typical of genres aimed at young men, but still not okay. The second skims way too close to "lizard people are controlling/destroying society," which for those who don't know is an antisemitic conspiracy theory meant to make people target Jews for existing.
The first thing I'm taking the hammer to is the dragon conspiracy theory. In Buying Hope, there are two villains! The first antagonist, which is the canon Big Bads, is instead of being dragons in human guise a group of anarchists who got their abilities from equipment and magic. They want to take down society because it's corrupt. The second is the dragon who poisoned Jaryong's dad and sent him to the hospital in the first place. The dragon believes that if he bides his time until humans lower their guard, he'll be able to take over.
The second change I'm making is that Jin Saerom Is More Than A Sexy Wallet. (Upon rereading, that was a slightly unfair appellation. She does stuff! Plot relevant stuff, even! She just also is a font of cash money who stands in a corner and looks upset while her upperclassmen/cousin's friends harass her and Jaryong.) The title comes from Saerom's belief that money gets her almost everything she wants, and how she's simultaneously proven right and disillusioned. Buying hope isn't usually possible, unless your dad runs an incredibly profitable company.
Jin Saerom is probably my favorite character because she has depth. She wants to be an adventurer, but she's not very talented. She works hard until her cousin shows up, at which point she turns into a shrinking violet. And yet another YH guy describes her as "never lowering her head," and she's still persevering despite some pretty intense social ostracization. She's slightly naive and tosses money around like it's nothing, but also she genuinely wants to be helpful, it's not a flex. I want to braid her hair and educate her on class disparity. So, naturally, she's the main character of Buying Hope.
There's also hefty amounts of teenage chaos, because there's five teenagers in this friend group and they're all outcasts/really weird. So when Saerom and co aren't terrorizing the large-scale antagonists or whatever poor dungeon their teachers unleashed them on this week, they're terrorizing the school bullies.
And a mecha-Toothless battle mobility aid.
This is gonna be FUN.
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alphynix · 3 years ago
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Retro vs Modern #03: Hylaeosaurus armatus
Despite being the third-ever scientifically named dinosaur genus, and being used in the first official definition of dinosaurs as a group, Hylaeosaurus armatus has ended up as a much less well-known name than Iguanodon or even Megalosaurus.
It was also the very first ankylosaur to be discovered, found as a partial skeleton in Southeast England in the early 1830s. Its large bony spikes were quickly recognized as being some sort of defensive armor, initially thought to be arranged in a vertical row along the animal's back and tail.
The Victorian Crystal Palace statue of Hylaeosaurus is surprisingly decent for such an early attempt at reconstructing something as weird as an ankylosaur. It gives the impression of a slower and much more lizard-like animal than Iguanodon or Megalosaurus, showing it as a large squat quadruped with hoof-like claws and heavily armored scaly skin, with long spines running along its back and numerous smaller bony bumps over its head and sides.
Discoveries of other more complete armored dinosaurs began to give a better picture of what ankylosaurs actually looked like. But although Hylaeosaurus was soon recognized as having had multiple rows of spikes rather than just one, actual reconstructions of it seem to have been scarce during this period – mostly all derivative of a single 1869 image that depicted it as a sort of fat sprawling pinecone-lizard bristling with spikes.
Still only known from fragmentary material, Hylaeosaurus has remained rather obscure for a long time. In the 21st century it's started to get a bit more attention, however, with the original specimen being further prepared and examined – and 2020 was Hylaeosaurus' big year, with both a redescription of the genus being published and it also being featured on a special-edition British 50p coin.
Hylaeosaurus was probably around 4m long (~13'), and lived in southeast England about 140-136 million years ago. It may have also ranged further across Europe, with possible remains known from Germany and some more dubious records from France, Spain, and Romania. Generally classified as an early nodosaurid, most of our modern knowledge of what it would have looked like comes from other discoveries of much better-known ankylosaurian relatives, including some exquisitely well-preserved examples in the last few years like Borealopelta and Zuul.
It would have had a low triangular head, with a toothless beak at the front of its jaws and leaf-shaped teeth further back, and a pair of short horns on the back of its skull behind its eyes. Rows of spiky osteoderm armor ran along is body, with longer curving spines over its shoulders, all covered in thick keratin sheaths that would have made them look even larger in life. Numerous smaller bony nodules in its skin filled in the gaps between the armor, forming a tough protective shield over its entire back. Its short powerful limbs had hoof-like claws, and if it was indeed a nodosaurid its tail would have lacked the famous club of its ankylosaurid cousins.
Based on Borealopelta we even now know a little bit about the potential coloration and patterning of these animals – some of them were reddish-colored, with a countershaded camouflage pattern, darker on top and lighter on the underside.
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somepunaboutspace · 2 years ago
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Just some furies in love :3
I reworked my lf redesign since last time
since i wasn't too satisfied with it so here's the new one along with some trivia for them as a subspecies!
In my head, night furies are a little like foxes in the way that they probably stay in duos as a couple for life that rear young until the hatchilings are ready to leave the nest and find a mate themselves. Light furies,on the other hand, are essentially what would happen if you mixed hyenas and piranhas into a dragon. They are smaller and less physically impsoing than their night fury ancestry and live in packs where they gain strenght in numbers
Just like hyenas, their sytem is matriarchal in nature and their female memebrs are a bigger and have larger fins than their male members
Due to their evolved affinity to water, they've lost the speed and grace that characterizes their darker cousins but they are demons in the water, hunting primarly schools of fish,large marine life along with other aquamarine dragons
The light fury that eventually ends up with thoothless (whom hiccup has lovingly dubbed watersprout) basically considers herslef a member of two distinct packs, one being with her fellow light furies and the second one being the odd people of berk. Among her favourite are Hiccup, Gobber, Valka and, surpsingly enough, Ruffnut and Tuffnut which originally (and almsot accidentally at first) enabled her michievious nature and helped her eventually drop her overwheling anease around vikings. Not to say that the rest of the population is particularly happy for the rapid increase of water-related pranks but they'll let them have this one
Usually, when Hiccup's too swarmed with chieftain duties, he'll unsaddled toothless so he and watersprout can fly around for some alone time. Their relationship is very playful and they adore just adore showing eachother new things. Watersprout's family kind of think that T looks really fucking weird (bless them, they've never encountered a night fury in their lives and are getting hit with major uncanny valley vibes from this guy) but their apathetic about the whole thing otherwise
Might draw up some designs for their gangle of spawns later but that's all for now lol
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ignooy-nim · 2 years ago
‘Scrawny’ - Yang Jeongin Story
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> chapter four - sweet talk
tw / cw : slight cursing, awkward encounter ... SLOW-BURN
story summary : jeongin never thought he'd ever find what he was looking for, but all along it was at the convenience store. / mia hated the re-runs of sappy kdramas that would play on the tv at the convenience store; that is, until her life became a sappy kdrama.
a/n : hey guys! - sorry its been so long since I last posted... I've been struggling a lot with finding inspiration, but with all the support I’ve been receiving on my hiatus, I finally decided to bite the bullet and start writing again even if I'm not 100% satisfied with the outcome. I hate to admit it, but I'm very much so a perfectionist and a "control freak", so writing fics such as this one usually takes me a while to do. regardless, I want to thank you all for your immense amount of support, and for sticking with me for this journey! hope you enjoy! ♡
ps, this story takes takes place around mid - late 2019, and will continue into 2020 - 2022
> “When you laugh, I forget that it's about me, but it's alright, 'cause being your punchline still is something.” - ‘sweet talk’, saint motel
Running around her dorm room like a chicken without its head, Mia hurriedly searches for her missing platform boot, already five minutes late to her shift.
“Nisa, are you sure it isn’t under your bed?” She asked her roommate for the ump-teenth time that night.
With a roll of her eyes, Nisa spun on her heels to face Mia, “Yes, I’m sure - I know I’m messy, but please cut me some slack!” She began to check inbetween her dresser and the heater that sat flat against the wall. “Why don’t you just wear a different pair of shoes?”
“Because,” The smaller of the two girls mumbled shamefully,  “fashion…” Ending her statement with a shrug of her shoulders, Mia locked eyes with her roommate who gave her a death glare.
Giving up on her help to the search for the missing boot, Nisa deadpans, “Dude… I’m sure your uncle won’t fire you for violating fashion law!”
Mia sighs and lets out a groan before kicking off her singular boot, “Fine!” Instead, she pulls on her black converse yet again.
“I don’t know why you are trying to make such a big effort, you’re just going to work!” Nisa sighed, plopping down onto her mattress.
Mia stomped her shoe onto her foot, “I’m not trying to make an effort - just trying to look presentable…”
Nisa rolled her eyes, “‘Presentable’ my ass, Mia! You’re just hoping that your weird little boyfriend stops by again.” She grinned at her roommate who was putting her second shoe on.
With a huff Mia straightens her posture and responds, “You mean Mr. Kim don’t you? Too bad he already dropped off this week’s shipment.” The young girl feigned a sad expression while discussing the old, cranky delivery driver that provides fresh fish to the convenience store weekly.
“Oh damn! That’s a hunk of a man if I’ve ever seen one, with his.. toothlessness and his alluring odor of fish… such a delite”
The two girls broke into a fit of laughter as Mia’s phone began to ring. The screen showed the familiar face of one of her cousins, Jinyoung. She quickly composed herself to answer the call.
“Hello?” She spoke, already knowing why he was calling her out of the blue. In a haste motion she gathered her backpack, jacket, nametag and dorm key.
“Miyeon, where the hell are you? Your shift started 10 minutes ago!” The older man spoke frantically.
Mia gave a quick wave to her roommate who was still lounging on her bed, before escaping the room and speed walking to work. “I’m on my way, Jinyoung, I had a bit of uhm… an emergency.”
He scoffed before responding, “Seriously? I don’t know how my father lets you keep this job, you’re never here!”
“Never there?” Mia began to feel heated at her cousin’s words as she descended the steps of her dorm building, “I’m always there Jin! Who do you think works the night shifts when you’re in dreamland? Oh yeah — me.”
“Whatever, I’m keeping the tips I made during these 10 minutes, and you’re paying me back out of your paycheck.” Jinyoung was going to end the call, but spat back one last remark, “You know, Miyeon, some of us adults actually have lives to live outside of the store. You can’t be this selfish child much longer. Get here, now.”
Mia felt her face grow red with anger as her cousin hung up on her. The cool, fall air brushed her cheeks, soothing her raging mind. ‘Who the hell does he think he is? Just because he’s older doesn’t mean that my time is any less important’, she thought to herself.
Granted, she knows that she does have a tendency to ignore reality, but who’s to say that this is the wrong way to live?
‘Jinyoung has no idea what my life is like; he’s old, and graduated and has a fancy job at a tech firm. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have a life to live outside of the convenience store too… I just don’t live his life’ Mia continued to rant to herself, attempting to calm herself down for her shift, pinning her name tag into her shirt and tying her hair back, already dreading this day of work.
Jeongin knew he was a man on a mission the second his band member, Lee Know, had asked for him to go to the store and to pick up some more milk. Jeongin knew that he didn’t have to go to the small convenience store down the street and that he could easily avoid it all together by taking the longer venture to the supermarket instead. Jeongin knew that the likelihood of Mia being there was slim to none, seeing as he hadn’t run into her during his many ventures down the street since the night he made a complete and utter fool of himself by dumping dozens of candy packets onto the floor in front of her. Jeongin knew that his excitement was juvenile and that his hopes were too high for the average person, but yet, here he is, taking the short trek to the store that he grew to know over the span of a month.
Something inside of Jeongin made him feel somewhat obsessive, like he couldn’t just go to another store without feeling unfulfilled afterwards. It made him feel dumb and embarassed whenever his band members asked if he wanted to go to the convenience store with them and he stuttered out a ‘no’. The same way their babying made him feel, like he was incapable of handling things like a normal person does — debilitating him completely.
He hated the way the store made him feel, but mostly he hated how this girl — this stranger — was stuck on his mind every hour of his day. It felt like wasted time; time he will never get back from her as she probably couldn’t care less about Jeongin or his sleepless nights. She was just there to make a sale, and that was evident.
Becoming an idol alone is hard enough; harsh diets and endless schedules making up his adolescence. Of course the reward was good, and the hard work benefited his career, but two years of being told “you aren’t good enough” can do wonders to a person’s psyche, and to this date, Jeongin can still feel the effects of all his hard work.
Since day one, Jeongin found that the rules of idolship were simple:
Rule #1: Always stay smiling — your image is everything, you don’t want people to think you are unapproachable, do you?
Rule #2: Practice makes perfect — if you have time to relax, you have time to practice, and not a second should be wasted.
Rule #3: No distractions — this includes drugs, alcohol, and dating. Any of these three things could get you into a world of hurt, and clog your perception of what really matters; your work.
Jeongin felt as if he maintained his part of the Stray Kids title decently; he smiled when on camera and when in public, he had never experimented with substances even though most of his bandmates were of drinking age and had alcohol in the dorm. He even worked until his bones were sore and his lungs heaving for air. Was he really ready to risk his image on some girl? Some girl who probably didn’t even want anything to do with him?
Jeongin was a man on a mission to put his life back on track and to take a hold of this situation as he had no room for error in his idol life. Simply, his goal was to dismantle his irrational fear of embarrassment for once and for all.
The bell above the door of the convenience store rang out, announcing his entrance to everyone in the small establishment. Jeongin tried keeping his head held high, training his eyes out towards the expanse of aisle before him, but that focus faltered when his foot caught on a small hump in the rain mat on the floor, taking him down face-first onto the shiny tiles.
Gasps and exclamations were shared as the elderly man with graying hair who worked at the shop rushed towards the younger boy.
“Son, what happened? Are you okay?” He asked worriedly, helping Jeongin to his feet.
The younger boy’s hand rushed to the mask covering his face which had a small patch of blood growing on it.
“I’m okay! It was my fault”. He spoke nervously, realizing that the store was packed at this hour and that all eyes were on him.
All eyes on him. That’s something Jeongin was sure he’d be used to by now. The roar of the crowd, packed stadiums full of faces he could barely make out; faces he barely knew. Granted, as a kid, he was sociable, never backing down from making friends or speaking in class, but as they say, the oldest child does it first and best, the youngest can do no wrong, and the middle child is forgotten. So, why is it now, that all of these eyes stare Jeongin down as if he’s a forgotten kid that’s been sitting in the lost-and-found box since he was born? Why is it they see him now, when all goes wrong? Why does it always seem to go wrong?
The older man’s face showed fear, as he ushered Jeongin into the bathroom to help clean him up a little. “No no no, here let me help you, son. Gosh, I’m so sorry about this.”
Hesitantly, Jeongin removed his face mask once he was in the safety of the bathroom. Once he caught his reflection in the mirror he almost passed out from seeing the amount of blood that was flowing from his aching nose.
The man grabbed a clump of paper towels and ran them under the cold water to clean the blood up before he opened the small first aid kit that was under the counter.
“I keep on telling Ara that we need a new mat for the floor, but does she ever listen? - “ The man spoke rhetorically, rummaging around the kit for peroxide to clean around the area.
Silence fell in the bathroom as Jeongin let the man fix him up, in his mind however, he was cursing himself in every way imaginable. ‘How could I be so stupid?’ he continuously repeated to himself, allowing for the pain in his nose to count as a type of punishment for believing that he could ever confidently face his fears.
The man before him hummed before placing the bloody tissues into the trash, “Well, I’m no doctor, but I used to be a nurse during my time in the military, I saw many a broken nose, so I think I can safely say that you are one of the lucky ones.” He sighed before continuing, “While I don’t see a break, I’m still going to have to call you an ambulance.”
“No!” Jeongin spoke a little too hastily, “I mean, thank you, sir, but I should be fine..”
“Are you sure? You took quite the spill!” The man asked with his eyebrows raised, packing up the first aid kit just as it once was.
“Yes, I’m sure I’m ok..” He responded kindly.
The gray haired man nodded, respecting the request of his customer, “Well okay, but you must stay for a while to make sure you’re fine to continue on with your day… Here, follow me.”
The two emerged from the bathroom to a much less packed storefront. A younger boy with an eyebrow piercing and a pink streak in his hair now manned the cash register. Jeongin, being fearful of someone recognizing him, attempted to shrink into himself as the man led him to a stool close to the front counter.
“Sit here, I’ll grab you some ice.” The man, who’s name tag read ‘Peter’, instructed his customer in a comforting manner.
Jeongin relaxed onto the stool, avoiding eye contact with the boy with the pink hair, however he had other plans.
“You good?” he asked, leaning on the counter to get a better look at him, turning all his attention on the bloody man before him as the store was now empty aside from a few patrons in the back eating their lunches.
“Just great..” Jeongin spoke, now sounding bitter at his circumstance.
A pig-like snort caught his attention. The pink haired boy replied snarkily, “You look it.”
Before Jeongin could comprehend what the other boy had said, a door had slammed from the backroom followed by screaming.
The cashier before him barely flinched at this outbreak as he rolled his eyes and spoke under his breath, “Here we go again…”
A lot could be done in 15 minutes — you could walk a mile, or make several bowls of cereal, but according to Mia’s cousin, 15 minutes can be life or death.
“Look who finally decided to show!” Jinyoung patronized Mia as she entered through the backdoor of the convenient store. “How was your leisurely walk here? Smell any sweet roses on the way? Or did you purposely take small steps just to bust my chops?”
“Listen, Jinyoung, I —” Mia started just to be interrupted.
“That’s all it is with you, isn’t it, Miyeon?” He rolled his eyes, slinging a dish towel over his shoulder. “You’re still so young, you think the world revolves around you, and only you. Well, guess what, cousin; it doesn’t. Time doesn’t stop just because you need extra sleep, and people don’t stop living their lives just because you broke a nail… Even Jiwon sees it, and he’s sixteen!”
A pink-haired Jiwon poked his head into the backroom momentarily, “Don’t bring me into this.”
Jinyoung continued, “Everyone gives you a ‘pass’ since your mom left —”
Dal, the dishwasher, interjected, “Jinyoung!”
“No, I don’t care, it’s no excuse for you to get off easy and to just act like a spoiled little brat all the damn time! The rest of us here are adults — this is either our full time job or the warm-up to our full time jobs, we aren’t all spoiled, good-for-nothing part timers such as yourself-”
“Good-for-nothing?!” Mia shouted back, “Who was the one who came up with the new frozen section delivery plan? Me. Who cleans the coffee machines when the rest of you assholes don’t want to get dirt under your nails? Me. And who covers every single shift that would belong to our other employees, if someone hadn’t pushed them so hard they quit? Oh, yeah, that’s still me.. I know you have your big boy, water jug glugging, pinstripe tie wearing job 25-hours a day, but I have school, Jinyoung! I have my future to worry about -”
Her older cousin let out a snort, “‘School’, if that’s what you wanna call it, Miyeon. Your father is paying practically his entire life savings on a glorified preschool… A ‘future’ painting stick figures, huh-” he chuckled to himself, “I think it’s time you get your head out of the clouds and wake the hell up, Miyeon.”
With the final word, Jinyoung hastily left the store through the door Mia had entered through, leaving her with a bitter taste on her tongue and hatred in her heart.
This is not the first time Mia and her cousin had ruffled eachother’s feathers, and it certainly won’t be the last. Since she could remember, her and all of her cousins were always measured against Jinyoung’s accomplishments, with him being the oldest and all. ‘Oh, Jinyoung, you’re so great! You learned how to tie your shoes faster than all the other little boys and girls in your preschool — here’s a gold star!’, ‘Oh, Jinyoung, you’re so amazing, you graduated top of your class with all ‘A’s — here, take my sports car!’, ‘Oh, Jinyoung, you’re so special, you know just how to kiss my ass as your boss — here, take my first born child, my wife, my house, and my big fancy yacht! You deserve it!’.
‘Oh, just fucking bite me’, Mia thought to herself, tying her apron on before clocking in for the day, as Dal looked on with a pitiful gaze as he too got back to work.
Mia swiftly exited the backroom and jumped on the cash register, filling Jiwon’s previous place behind the counter.
“Hi, how may I help you?” She asked in her ‘as-sweet-as-pie’ customer service voice to an elderly woman.
The woman looked startled, as the younger girl popped out of seemingly nowhere, yet, she answered kindly, “I just would like one coffee.” After Mia had rang her up and told her her total, the woman gestured to the door she had just emerged from, “Rough day?”
Collecting the money the woman laid out for her, Mia replied, “Eh, you know — family business”.
The woman nodded in response, allowing for the younger girl to concentrate on counting the change. Jiwon, still standing in the front of the store, pushed himself off of the counter and started walking towards the back door.
“You have this covered, Mia?” He asked thoughtfully. In response, he just got a nod back and a wave of her hand. “Alright then…” Jiwon turned around briefly, “Good luck with the nose”.
After she handed the woman her money back and Jiwon had fled the scene, Mia looked in the direction her cousin was just speaking, and to her surprise, there sat Jeongin attempting to fold his body in on itself in pure embarrassment.  
“Hello again.” Mia spoke jovially, with a hint of laughter evident in her voice. She, like her cousin once had, leaned her elbows on the countertop, observing the boy.
“Hi” Jeongin spoke, allowing for his rosy cheeks to do the talking, wishing to be just about anywhere else at that moment.
“So...” She began, as the final customer of the last shift left the store. “What happened to your nose?” 
Sighing, Jeongin remained facing forward before responding, “I uh... uhmm”, contemplating on how to explain the occurrences without sounding completely lame. 
“You get into a fight? Beat his ass?” Mia mused, trying to make Jeongin smile or at least feel a little better. 
“Uh- uhm.. Yeah. Just - you should see the other guy” He breathed out a laugh, as Mia nodded along barely believing his story, but not wanting to hurt his feelings. 
Just then, Mia’s Uncle Peter walks up to the younger boy with an icepack in-hand, “Here you go, son. Again, so sorry about that, I keep on telling my wife that we need to get another mat, but she says it is out of financial plan for this month. Trust me you are not the first to take a spill on this thing”, he explained, kicking the rubber mat with his foot. 
Jeongin on the other hand, could not possibly get any more red. “Oh, uh, that’s alright.” He held onto the ice pack tightly, making his fingers turn as white as snow. 
With a comforting tap on Jeongin’s back, Peter exited through the backdoor, more than likely going to call his wife about the accident that had occurred in their shop, leaving Mia and the young boy alone in the front of the shop. 
“The mat, huh?” The young girl spoke, pushing herself off of the counter and walking around to the front door. Stepping on the mat, she tried smoothing out the bumps before watching them take form again. “Yeah, this mat has definitely attempted to murder me before. It’s honestly even worse right after we just got done mopping, because then the floor is all slippery on top of the crappy mat... Glad you’re not dead though.” 
“Yeah.. Me too..” Jeongin spoke, feeling a little bit better about himself. 
“Let’s see it, then” Mia walked up to face the boy, looking closely at his nose. After a brief inspection she hummed, and commented, “Looks good”, before locking eyes with him and giving a warm smile. 
Any and all calmness in Jeongin’s body fled as he stared into Mia’s eyes. Like a desert storm, he felt his tongue dry up as her electric eyes struck his, each blink shaking his soul like thunder with chills running up his arms like soft raindrops. Suddenly the world was frozen in their own little oasis, and he knew, that ‘Rule #3′ is going to be much harder than anticipated.  
Mia, on the other hand, found Jeongin’s eyes to look like something you’d see in the Louvre; an oil painting hanging in the dim sun light, filling her body with warmth - but not too much, she hates to sweat. 
Pulling away, Mia let out a small laugh to cover her own nervousness, “Did my uncle call you an ambulance, or do you just like hanging around a convenience store all evening?” She walked back around the counter to claim her own seat near the register. 
“He, uh...” Jeongin cleared his throat before continuing, “He wanted to, but since it’s not broken I said it was ok. He just didn’t want me leaving just in case.” 
“I see...” Mia nodded. “Well you’re lucky to have fallen when he was here, and not just my dumb ass cousin” She mumbled the last bit to herself, before trying to find something to busy herself with.
Jeongin, wishing to continue their conversation, asked “Was that the guy you were fighting with?” 
Truth be told, he has never wanted to hit himself more in his entire life after seeing Mia’s reaction to his question.
“You heard that?” She turned to him again. “Oh, well that’s just great”. 
“No, I-I-I mean, I just, I had a feeling -” He started, wanting to console her like she had for him, but falling flat. 
“He really is an asshole, you know?” Mia grabbed a broom from behind the counter and started sweeping, “Like, who does this bastard think he is, telling me that my education doesn’t matter? Just because I’m not someone who glues my nose to a math book doesn’t mean that my future means any less. And to bring up my mom? Oh, that - that... UGH!!! I just hate him!” She threw the broom down, sitting back on her stool attempting to cool herself down before exploding in front of the boy.
Jeongin assessed the situation, watching her breathe heavily. Admittedly, he was still trying to catch up, as he got taken back by her swearing, but he knew he had to say something. And it had to be good. 
“Some people just don’t understand the importance of the liberal arts... I mean, they consume these things day-in and day-out without a single thought of praise, yet when they speak to the creators, it’s suddenly shameful to even take part in something so... ‘barbaric’. It is really stupid, and even with my job people don’t always understand, and they tease and curse at us for every little thing, and some people when you tell them that you’re an artist they laugh like your just a silly kid with these crazy dreams, when you know deep down that you might just have something special. Even if it’s small and still growing with the passing days, it’s still special. I guess, we just have to learn how to not care. Because people are going to talk regardless.”
Mia listened intently before asking curiously, “What’s your job?”
“Oh-...” Jeongin froze, realizing that he had already said too much. 
‘How on earth do I get myself out of this one?’ He asked himself before carefully deciding his words.
“I am... a .. musician” 
“You sure about that?” She asked, laughing at his stuttered answer. 
Not wanting to risk himself giving away his identity as an idol even more, Jeongin just nodded in response. 
“What kind of music?” 
Shit. Shit. Shit. “Uhm.. it’s like, hip-hop, rock, EDM -”
“You make EDM?” Mia asked incredulously.
Jeongin turned himself to be facing in her direction, “Not necessarily, I mean, my friends make the music, I sing.”
“You sing... to EDM?” Mia laughed, now imagining this shy boy singing to an EDM song.
“Y-Yes?” He responded, now just realizing how silly it sounds, cringing at the fact that what he told her was actually true. 
Simmering down from her fit of laughter, Mia looked back at the boy across the counter, “You are an enigma, Jeongin”. 
tag-list: @lovely-manette @jeonstresour @yeongstar @mariafeh @super-btstrash-posts @stray-kids-goddess @peterballardsgf @vixensss​
(dm / comment if you want to be added to the tag-list)
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years ago
Hey hun can u write a blurb abt kids just interacting with their fam I just want those moments they spend with their grandparents and uncles and them fighting to know whose their fav😂 love you sooo much💖💖💖
I'm in a weird writing slump lately. Hope you like this.
Match made in Hell (series)
Pairing : Mob! Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings : none
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“Grandma!” Nathan and Nailah squealed, launching themselves to hug their grandma around her waist.
“Hello my loves!” She said with a wide smile taking a step back to keep her balance. “You've grown so big." 
"Mom said I've grown 5cm." Nathan informed her proudly. 
"That's good sweetheart." she said. "now let's go inside your baby sister is waiting to meet you.” 
Hearing that they dashed inside the house. “Don't run you two!” you called out from behind. 
“Y/N! It’s so lovely to see you dear.” she said pulling you in a hug. 
"It's good to see you too." You smiled widely in return. 
“Hi mum.” Tom said leaning down and kissing his mother's cheek. 
“Tom, I hope you're helping Y/N with the kids?”
“Mum, I'm always helping.” Tom huffed. 
“Yes, he tries his best but most of the time those two outsmart him and succeed in getting their own way.” you snickered teasing him.
“Those two little hellions can outsmart anyone,” he said.
“Not me.” you argued. 
“Oh hush now the two of you!" his mother said."I’m not hearing a word against my grandchildren. They are the sweetest kids in the whole world. Now don’t just keep standing at the doorway and get inside.” 
Once in a month the whole family gathers at Tom's parents house in Chigwell for a family dinner especially now when the family is slowly growing. You could see Harrison and Grace near the patio doors. It's been four years since they got married and now they've an adorable three year old son Leo who is happily chasing around Nathan and Nailah. 
Then there's Harry and Isabelle on the couch with their baby girl Adrianne who just turned one month old. Sam was in the kitchen preparing the food with Paddy helping him. 
“Hey Izzie, how are you?" you asked and then looked down at Adrianne nestled in her mother's arms. "And how is my baby girl doing?” You cooed and she gave you a wide, toothless smile. 
“We're good though she has been keeping us up at night lately.”
“Ah, I know their sleep schedule is unpredictable in the first few months." You said, relating to her problem. "And I had two when one woke up, the other was asleep. We took turns at night feeding them. It will get better soon, don't worry.” you assured her. 
“Where is the baby? Where is the baby?” Nathan and Nailah jumped up and down beside you excited. 
"Careful, you two. Be gentle." You reminded them. 
“She's so cute!” Nailah exclaimed as she held out a finger and Adrianne grabbed it in her little fist. 
“And so soft!” Nathan said gently touching her chubby cheeks. 
“Can I hold her? Please.” Nailah looked at you with puppy eyes. 
“No, Leah, she's too small you won't be able to handle her.” you told her. 
“It's okay Y/N let her hold her." Isabelle said and her face brightened. "Come here Leah.” 
Nailah sat down on the couch beside her aunt and Isabelle placed a cushion on her lap. Then she picked up Adrianne from her lap and laid her on the cushion. 
Place your hand below her head. She told Nailah as she did the same. For some time she looked at her baby cousin in awe but then she turned to you with a thoughtful expression and asked. 
“Mommy, where do babies come from?”
“Umm…” you were clearly caught off guard as you heard Tom clear his throat loudly. The boys were grinning like idiots. 
“Daddy?” she looked at Tom with big, curious eyes and like you he was currently at a loss of words. 
"Well you see Leah it's when your mom and dad…" Harrison began smiling cheekily. 
"Haz!" Tom barked out glaring daggers at him and then softened his gaze as he looked at Nailah. "Don't listen to him, love."
“I think it's time for a footy match in the backyard.” Harry said to change the topic. 
“Yeah Nate loves soccer.” you added. 
“It's football mom.” Nathan corrected you, rolling his eyes dramatically. 
“Yeah keep up darling you're in London now.” Tom teased. 
“I beg your pardon my lord for the grave mistake I committed.” You said mockingly with a fake British accent.
Soon after everyone was in the backyard. Two goal posts had been set for the game. The teams were divided as follows :
Harry and Paddy with Nathan. Tom, Harrison and Sam with Nailah. Harrison was holding his three year old as he played. 
You were comfortably seated with the ladies on the garden chairs sipping tea and watched them run and kick the ball around. At present the score was tied six all.
The older Holland twins were caught in a battle to steal the ball from each other when Paddy said something in Nathan’s ears probably to wait for the right moment. 
And just then the ball flew towards them as he gave him a left footed pass. Nathan ran along with the ball towards the net and swung his right onto the ball scoring a goal.
“We won!” you heard him shout in joy as he thrust his little fists up in the air.
“Good job bud!” Paddy ruffled his hair and picked him up, holding him up in a superman pose as he ran in front of you all. You held your hands up to give him a high five.
"Uncle Paddy you are the best!" Nathan squealed. And the boys perked up when they heard him.
"C'mon bud I know you love me the most." Harry said.
"Oh don't be a jealous sod now Harry." Paddy retorted.
"Whatever I know I'm Nailah's favorite am I not love? I made your favorite cake." Sam looked at Nailah who was busy eating the chocolate cake her uncle made.
"You're bribing her you prat!" Harry accused.
"Oh come now" Harrison interrupted. "it has always been me after all I'm their godfather."
"I like uncle Paddy he plays with us." Nailah said finally as the boys looked at her dumbly and Tom couldn't stop laughing at the back.
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Taglist : 
@bleh-bleh-blehs @osterfieldshollandgirl @starcoadrienette2 @spideyth @allthisfortommy @thenoddingbunny-blog  @itstaskeen @dummiesshort @tutuabby28 @dramaholic18 @thehumanistsdiary @majo240820 @heyafellows @justafangirlduh @moniffazictress11 @parkerpeterparker2004 @ladykxxx08 @joselyn001 @deepika-padukone @miraclesoflove @kayasholland @marvel-ousness @roseke @spideyspeaches @stxfxniexreads @lovely-blackinnon @white-wolf1940 @quacksonholland @chai-parker @webmeupspiderdaddy @lovehollandy12 @whoeveniskendall @pxkajesus @msmimimerton @hollandsobrien @prancerrparkerr @december16-1991 @namoreno  @samaraaaaa @moonchild-s-blog @cloudyfeel @blankspaceblankday @myescapesism @lolooo22 @marajillana @jinjarah @raajali3 @sanaz1dlol
Sfw : @loverstyless 
Tom holland taglist : @rayofsunshine-28 @wintersoldierslut @lmaotshollandd @hommyy-tommy @tranquility-or-chaos @itsbieberxholland @tommydarlings  @imagine-yourself-happy @bornforfangirling @sunwardsss  
Series taglist : @sleepybesson @itsemohours @icant-hangout-imdrumming @onebigolemess @hollandstanevans @uwucorpse @thatdamjoke @iam-thevillain-of-thisstory @runawayolives @gypsystuf @bluecrusadearcade @minejungwoo @thollandx @jeyramarie  @anythingthaticareabout @princessmugglecup @missidontgiveashit @mochamexicana @nafi-2007 @spunky-89  @desperatelyaverage18 @jarofer @loveisallyouneed1125   @spidey-sophie @narutoyaoifan @chloellen01
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zozophoenixxx · 4 years ago
Serotonin Booster :D🐉
How to train your dragon edition
Here are some things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Defenders of Berk✨
Not Astrid being pissed bc Fishlegs called her mean lmaooo
OMGGG "I would never call my father ridiculous. I'm calling my chief ridiculous" THE POWER OF THIS SCENE
The way Toothless just sat to look at the sunset.. Me too bby me too 🥺
Toothless and Thornado's shots combined was amazing!
"The first rule about the dragon flight club is that there is no dragon flight club"
Istg Meatlug and Fishlegs are made for each other
Baby whispering deaths!
I love seeing the origin of things ☺️
Wowww I just realized that Gobber has a unibrow
Sandstone makes glass
That shiny black rock makes another shiny black Rock, it also has Meatlug boiling
WOW a combination of multiple rock makes Meatlug a magnet
The way Hookfang pays more attention to Fishlegs than Snotlout is funny
Fishlegs on Toothless!!!!
Awwww love how Fishlegs feels happy abt being needed
I never understood why Dagur called Hiccup his brother but it's kinda funny
Young hiccup actually fighting is pretty badass and that shield 🥴
The way they were all trying to get Gobber to shower lmaooo
Gobber saved Gustav's life and Fishleg saved Astrid's
Am I the only one that finds the whispering deaths kinda funny, like yes they're scary but these mfs have tiny wings, a big ass head, are covered in spines and can't see like-
Newly hatched whispering deaths can be more deadly that adults bc they can't control their jaws or spines
Wow but the pain in Snotlout's eyes 🥺
Monstrous nightmares are stoker-class dragons
Fireworms get brighter the closer they get to each other
Ohhhhh now I get the history behind Hookfang and the fireworms queen's connection
"You're not just another sword, Hookfang"
Awww the fireworm queen saved Hookfang, I ship them now JSHDHSHS
Flightmare - follows the glowing algae caused by Aurvandil's fire, sprays a paralyzing mist to those who it considers a threat to its survival
Aurvandil's fire = Aurora Borealis
Hiccup: Well, you know, Astrid, uh, training dragons isn't the only thing I think about.
Astrid: Are you actually saying that to me with a straight face?
JAHSHAHAJAJ I SWEAR I LOVE THESE TWO the way both of them said these lines I can't ✋🏼😂
The way she said the exact same thing as her uncle and even took on the name I-
I have this headcanon that bc I'm pretty sure Astrid's parents were barely mentioned in the shows or movies that her uncle was the person that was there for her the most which is another reason why it upset her to see people making fun of him
Why does whenever Astrid gets shot by a dragon she always tries to hit it off like her axe is a baseball bat? 😂
Hiccup saving Astrid in the flightmare ep🥺🥺🥺🥺
Awww I love how Hiccup makes sure to mention the fact that "Fearless Fin Hofferson was indeed fearless, just like all the Hoffersons" 🥺🥺🥺 STOP AND THEN SHE SMILES AND HE PROCEEDS TO PUT HIS HAND ON HER SHOULDER I-🥴🥴🥴
I love how they're always interrupted whenever they're about to say a bad word
Lil terrible terrors are adorable 🥺
The fact that what they were trained for was actually useful it's crazy
Astrid: "no one is kissing me on the lips ever!!" HHSHAHAH ASTRID WHY U LYING
I feel like we don't appreciate how smart Hiccup actually is, and I don't mean that dragon-wise or building stuff-wise I mean in general. I'm in ep9 and they're finding old dragon traps to get rid of them and there was a lil breeze and he was like "there's a dry hot wind coming in from the north. It hasn't rained in 2 months. This is definitely fire weather." like how- am I the only one that would've been like okok a nice warm breeze 😩
Dude the typhoomerangs are so scary and huge wtf
Torch actually built a lil relationship with Tuff just for that but of time I love it
WE'RE FINALLY GONNA SEE THE SKRILL!! I love it it's one of my favorite dragons :D
I never understood why fishlegs says his name when he's excited
Skrills - The skrill was first found frozen, it's the symbol of the Berserkers, it can stay safely frozen for decades because of their internal body temperature, can't redirect any lightning if it's in the water 😳
Y'all the skrill and the nightfury have gotta be related somehow, they're probably like cousins or sum. I mean the night fury is the "unholy offspring of lighting and death" and the skrill can control lightning AND TECHNICALLY TOOTHLESS CAN TOO REMEMBER HTTYD 3 + they also have similar physical characteristics at least Imo.
Dude this dragon is so badass 😌🤩🥰😩🥴❣️🤍🤝 I'm literally so obsessed
Wow one of the first times I see the twins actually doing sum useful
The way the shots combine🥴
Dagur has misophonia - condition where people experience intense negative emotions for sounds such as eating, chewing, loud breathing or even repeated pen-clicking [ep11]
Oh wow so they originally trapped the skrill in this show i didn't know
Wait but baby Gustav is actually adorable wtf and the fact that he and Snotlout have matching Viking hats
Ruff puts fish oil on her hair to get "a greasy unwashed look"
Really hate when Snotlout doesn't accept no for an answer
THE HAND THING AHHHH I LOVE IT this time is Ruff and a scauldron
Ok guys so I did this with mi friend's puppy who I accidentally scared enough to make him piss himself and I'm pretty sure I traumatized him and now when I'm around the poor dog tries to get as far away from me as possible but one day we were kinda bonding although he still wouldn't let me pet it AND I DID THE HAND THING BECAUSE WHY NOT AND THIS LIL MF ACTUALLY PUTS HIS FACE IN MY HAND- I screamed and he left again🥺😂 BUT IT DID WORK
Ok but ruffnut with short hair 🤩
Also the way Astrid ran up to Hiccup in the ep14
Wait but the scene whenever they're fighting the Speedstingers and Fishlegs says they're too fast but Hiccup's like "not for a nightfury" and then they show Toothless dodging the Speedstinger's attack AND THEN THEY SHOW HICCUP PROTECTING HIMSELF WITH HIS SHIELD WHICH GETS THROWN AWAY BUT RIGHT THERE TOOTHLESS CATCHES IT AND THROWS IT BACK TO HICCUP who's like "Thanks bud" 🤩🤩🤩 literally so badass go watch it!! It's ep14 frozen min 17:40
I really liked the relationship Snotlout and Astrid created with each other's dragon 🥺
DUDE JAHDHSJAJJJSA ppl really underestimate Ruff's cleverness, this bish really gets Tuff to do the dumbest things just to enjoy looking at him hurting himself JAHDHSJAH😂
Baby toothless is high🥺
"Uh, okay. That one was a little close to the one good leg" JAHDHAHSHA ISTG I LOVE THIS DUDE
Johan hates Snotlout for breaking his stuff
Tuff got Macey the Mace from Trader Johan
Astrid looks hot without her shoulder pads
Ok but Dagur looks so weird without his viking hat in this show
The baby thunderdrums are adorable - BING BAM AND BOOM
OHHH SO ALVIN WAS ACTUALLY FROM BERK and he was Stoick's best friend
Snotlout and Hiccup are parallels of Alvin and Stoick
Ok but that trick Snotlout did was amazing, he really had Hookfang do a lil typhoomerangs move and then the wingblast🤩
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