#this legit drives me insane every time i think about it
posting-for-the-void · 4 months
seriously, stop demonizing female characters just because they “come between” your fav gay ship
as someone who’s not really a fan of the marvel cinematic universe canon (i like the concept of marvel—i just think they’ve made some shit story choices) and therefore is okay with honestly most ships that come from the mcu, i will never not be mystified with how a stucky shipper i once interacted with confidently told me that stucky is a better ship because steggy is problematic.
this is fine, whatever, because at first i agree. making steggy canon in endgame was problematic, because it was a total misinterpretation of steve’s character, and literally erased peggy’s life with daniel that she built on her own and the healing she had done.
but that’s not what this shipper thought was problematic about steggy. oh no.
“Actually, Peggy’s a Nazi and that’s why you shouldn’t ship them.”
what on GOD’S GREEN EARTH drew you to that conclusion??????
the only thing i can think of is maybe they read a fanfic with villain!peggy and just forgot that it wasn’t canon cause this literally just has nothing to support it in the actual canon 😭
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vashtijoy · 8 months
Hi! Pre-emptive sorry for the long ask- I don't know if you've answered this before but I was scrolling through your blog and in one of your posts you note that the brief bit we see of Akira's hometown has high rise buildings, which implies it's a city. I could've sworn there was in game dialogue calling him a country boy though or referencing him being from a rural area? Is there something in the Japanese text to suggest these are meant to be taken as jokes (I.E. protag is from a city, but it's not as big as Tokyo so he's playfully considered 'rural') or is this a case of the game devs simply not considering what buildings they had in the background of that scene?
Hello! First of all, I think it's insanely unlikely that the game devs just forgot Joker was meant to be from a shack on top of a mountain and accidentally put him in a city. Maybe they didn't have time to design a farm and shoved him in a random cityscape instead? Well, maybe. I would at least have pasted in a couple more trees.
So what do we know about this?
Sojiro calls Joker 田舎もん inakamon, short for 田舎者 inakamono—someone from the countryside; someone provincial. This is what's translated as "country boy", or "country bumpkin". Chihaya uses it about herself, and Chihaya I think is certainly meant to be very rural. The Adorable Woman and Rural Young Man in Shibuya Station use inaka a lot:
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His name did not originally use inakamono or similar, by the way—he's the 上京してきた青年 joukyou shite kita seinen, "the young man who's moved to Tokyo". Note the moving-up kanji there, 上, lol—this is not a sideways move, it's a definite move up.
so what is the inaka?
In short, the inaka can be the remote countryside—but it can also just be your hometown, of any description. It can be legit anywhere that isn't Tokyo. Here's Tofugu:
My mouth was hanging open and I know I was being rude, but it was really hard to pull myself together. The woman I was speaking with was from one of the top Japanese Universities. She has had international relationships, traveled the world, and done work that most foreign anime fans would kill to see. Someone with her experiences, to me, should be open-minded about other cultures and lifestyles. Just the same, I can't help but to be bothered by what she said: "I feel like anything outside Tokyo's 23 wards is inaka." [...] Often, people usually just use what they read in the dictionary, but I learned fast that "countryside" in American English is much different than in Japanese English. For me, countryside means farms. Countryside is driving to see your closest neighbor, riding tractors for work and pleasure, and being able to immediately tell who's from your town just by looking at them. When I say this to Japanese people and ask them to explain inaka, the joke is always the same: "Inaka is anything outside of Tokyo." Osaka and Kyoto, for many, aren't inaka, but Sapporo, which is one of the few parts of the country where this legendary thing called "insulated housing" exists, is inaka. [...] So you might be wondering how "bad" it really is out here. Truthfully, I'm living in a city, at least by American standards. Great bus and train systems, tons of malls and movie theaters, some of the major stores people visit Tokyo to see, game centers, golfing… and a few rice paddies. Not many, but there are some. Imagine a fashionable mall, famous manga store, well-respected school with a strong baseball team, and major supermarket, all within walking distance, with maybe one field of rice. Honestly, the place is so city that I don't think I would willingly eat any rice that grew in that field. I swear, it's in front of a bus stop.
So, tl;dr: if you aren't in Tokyo, Osaka or Kyoto, you're probably in the inaka—at least to someone's mind. You can be somewhere that looks to us in every way like a city, and be in the inaka. And if you pick up sticks and move to Tokyo? Then you have a good chance of being jibed about being a "country boy".
so what is joker's inaka like?
[Joker] 田舎に帰りたい inaka ni kaeritai I miss the country... [lit. I want to go back to the inaka.] Ryuji ハハ、都会の洗礼ってか? haha, tokai no senrei tte ka? Hah. Not used to the big city yet, huh? [lit. Haha, so this is your first time in the city?]
We don't get a huge amount of detail in-game about Joker's home. Besides Sojiro's "country boy", Ryuji has a couple of comments. Here's another:
Ryuji あれ? お前ン家ってわりと田舎? are? omae n uchi tte wari to inaka? Wait a sec, your hometown isn't near the countryside, is it? [lit. isn't your place relatively countrified?] Ryuji いや、大自然でランニング練習とか気持ち良さそうだなーって。 iya, daishizen de ranningu renshuu to ka kimochi yasasou da naa tte I was just thinkin' it'd be great to run an' train somewhere out where it's all big, naturey open space. [lit. no, I thought it seemed like it'd feel great to train in the great outdoors and stuff.]
(I think something may be off here with that translation of daishizen, which seems to connote "the great outdoors", "a vast wilderness", etc, as well as just meaning "nature" (the sort you get out into) more generally". The word has been split up as if Ryuji was just saying "big nature" for some reason, like if you thought "the great outdoors" meant "the outdoors is great :D".)
But we can see from Ryuji's statement that Joker's home is wari to inaka, "relatively countrified", "kind of countrified"—it's more the country than Tokyo is, but it's probably not the ass end of nowhere, either. It's somewhere Ryuji pictures getting out into nature—but even if that's accurate and not just in Ryuji's city-boy head, that again doesn't connote "ass end of nowhere"; a lot of very built-up places are startlingly close to farmland or to nature, as with the putative rice field at the bus stop that we read about earlier.
the artbook picture
There is, of course, a picture of Joker's home in the artbook:
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That doesn't scream "rural" to me—though it's also not the built-up area we see him in with Shido. It backs onto a cliff, it's very green. It's clearly a row of houses on a street, maybe in a fancy suburb on the edge of the city?
It's a nice house, at any rate. Joker moving into Sojiro's attic, with his clothes in a box, will have been a harsh step down.
Another detail from this image before we move on:
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Look at this board. We can make out what it says. We can even, just possibly, make out a town name there...
日立自治会 掲示板 hitachi jichikai keijiban Hitachi Neighbourhood Association noticeboard
自治会 jichikai—neighbourhood associations. As you'd expect, they tend to be organised at the very local level—so Hitachi is likely to be a small district within a larger city, rather than (say) the city of Hitachi in Ibaraki Prefecture.
his city has a name guys i can't believe it lmao
the coup de grace
But there's one question I think really puts the nail in the coffin here: WTF was Shido doing in the middle of nowhere?
It's totally plausible that Joker came from a remote farm in the country, or a tiny village in far northern Honshu. But what is there in that to attract Shido? Like... Shido seems kind of an indoor guy, y'know?
He goes where his business is. He goes where the money is. It's difficult for me to picture him going to random rural areas with nobody to schmooze, with what I'm sure he'd consider to be poor facilities and shitty hotels.
Even if he did stoop to visit somewhere like that, by the time he was on his off hours getting pissed (in both senses) and attacking women, wouldn't he have gone back to civilisation?—back to the city?
This place Joker is wandering after dark doesn't look like The Country. It looks quite built up. I'd say it's the centre of a regional city or large town—with those nice houses we just looked at set off in suburbs along its edge. Look at this place:
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It really does look like a less cramped version of Yongen-jaya, down to the trees. I don't think they spent too long on this area, but I also don't think it's inaccurate.
By the way, that "Hometown Neighbourhood" was originally 実家近くの住宅地 jikka chikaku no juutakuchi—"residential area near home". So this is not where Joker lived with his parents; it's an area close by. Like he says, he's on his way home late.
Where was he? We never find out. He has what looks like a school bag, well before his nasty crime days. Maybe he was visiting a friend we never hear about again. Maybe he was at cram school. But he's gone to this built-up part of town to do something there.
My guess would be that he lived in some prefectural capital or other. That's why Shido is there. I'd also guess that it's one of the Kanto prefectures, since the further you go from Tokyo, the less likely it becomes that Joker would have been sent to Tokyo for his probation, whether Sojiro was a friend of a friend or not.
As ever, all of this is for information only, and if you want to do something else superior in every way, you definitely should. At the end of the day Joker's a silent protagonist player insert, who can be from absolutely anywhere and as gay as you like. Let a thousand Jokers bloom.
revision history
Click here for the latest version.
v1.0 (2024/01/17)—first posted.
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Leftenmost Window bits that drive me to insanity
Sam went into the story and thought "You know what? Female character time"
AJ using myself twice in the same sentence bugs me for some reason help
"But my Egburt isn't a killer" and AJ immediately says a hypothetical that completely ignores what Sam said
"Would you rather be a gardener who has to go to war or a warrior who has to learn how to plant a garden?" SIR WHY ARE YOU ASKING YOUR DAUGHTER THAT? SHE AIN'T GOING TO WAR, SIR, DON'T WORRY
"I think the second one's probably safer 😃👍" YEAH, PROBABLY
"Are you saying that my Egburt is the gardener who's gone to war?" "No, no--" If I had a nickel for every time AJ completely ignores what Sam said just to say a sentence that makes no fucking sense, I'd have 2 nickels. Honestly, it's odd how I only remember it happening twice
"Don't be too hard on father! He gets his words mixed up" Luke came in to save AJ but then screwed him over again on accident with "after that injury in the Boer War in South Africa"
"He promised me he would" MA'AM? MA'AM. THAT'S A BIT SUSPICIOUS, MADAM
"There's only one trench you should be in" Sam. Please. No premarital sex. Wait until you two are married/wait until Egburt comes back alive
Sam mentioning his mother and then her just appearing "Aah! Oh the migraines!"
"Thewomeninourfamilyhavealwayshadagift.." "O..kay?" SAM IS SO CONFUSED BY THIS SHE PROBABLY THINK HER MOTHER'S INSANE (SHE KIND OF IS THOUGH???)
"What are you knitting over there?" "Scarf :)" "For you, Captain Egburt" SAM LEGIT JUST MADE LUKE EGBURT. HE WAS NOT EGBURT. HE WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EGBURT
Odd how Egburt didn't get shot when he stood up but Tom's character did. Same for AJ's character
"How old are you?" HE'S YOUNG. THAT'S ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW 👍
Tom just going "😃!" when he and Sam said Egburt at the same time (Tom has the best expressions I swear) and then immEDIATELY TRYING AGAIN TO SEE IF THEY SAY IT IN SYNC
"Lie down in the--" "NO, GET BACK" but aren't you two ALREADY in the astral plane? Is there an astral astral plane??
"The women in my family have the power to project their consciousnesses across space and time.. Well just space, I've not checked out time" Nah, sis, don't worry, your great great grandson has 👍
"I said I'll come back don't worry and then I kissed her on her forehead" LUKE WAS GOING FOR THE DIVORCE PLOT
"You're a gardener, not a warrior, a gardener!" Ah yes, referencing your father's nonsensical metaphor. At least she understood that part
Hans and Heimlich are such a duo I love them so much. "No no, I don't want to speak to you >:(" Why does it seem like there's more to this than just Hans not letting him drive. Why is there some romantic tension here and the other Hans is just the third wheel
"Just double-checking for the scene.." Hans and Hans' reactions are understandable. What scene are you talking about, Heimlich?
Tom's German soldier not knowing his team. Sir, you have trained with them. What do you mean you don't know that one of them listens to American music?
why did you call your father darling after he called you darling?
"I have a closer relationship with father, he tells me more!" You mean your MOTHER? SHE'S the one who has the powers because the WOMEN of the family have the psychic powers.
Luke did a complete U-turn from the divorce plot. AJ then took the wheel and turned the car back to the divorce plot. Thank God we have Tom to save the plot from being darker than it already is
"And now I return it to my mind because it's- it's good" MADAM? MADAM THAT'S A BIT 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂, MADAM
TL;DR: Sally is the only Xavier to have a first name mentioned in the play & Mrs. Xavier is a 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴
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shankschewtoy · 17 days
Heard you’re looking for ideas so…
Here’s a crack one: The Straw hats working in a department store
Would they become employee of the month? Would they be fired immediately?
a/n - IM WHEEZING AT THIS— you are GENIUS bro holy crap 😭🫶 dude luffy would get fired so fast it’s insane— and imma just add everyone bc why not 😂
Warnings ⚠️ - MAJOR crack, multiple characters, I’m kinda dumb and might’ve forgotten people
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they didn’t even make it past the interview 💀
.✩ kidd (tried killing the interviewer for asking him why he wanted to work there “I really am passionate about restocking— MF IM BROKE.”), buggy, bonney, paulie (did the same thing as kidd plus he parked in the manager’s parking spot)
literally within the first few seconds of the interview they’re hired | “My name is—“ “Can you start within the next few seconds?”
.✩ jimbei, koby, sabo, koala, izou, kaku, vivi
got fired the same day they started
.✩ luffy (ate the entire produce section and then asked the manager “is there more stuff in the back?”), corazon (he accidentally burnt the place down 😀), sanji (confessed his love and asked several female customers to marry him at his cash register), brook (asked for some poor random woman’s underwear 💀)
employee of the month every single month
.✩ jimbei, koby (old people always say how sweet he is to the manager bc he always helps them get the things they can’t reach 😭🫶), tashigi (kids hate her bc she catches them and scolds them if they take an extra candy/sticker from the cashier jar), vivi (accidentally gave herself this title when she’s the manager 💀)
the manager of the store
.✩ nami (steals money from the safe sometimes), aokiji (he literally never shows up to work on time and doesn’t give a shit what the employees do), akainu, fujitora, shanks (bro also does not care and comes to work hungover), dragon (has not shown up once since the interview), sengoku, garp, dadan, vivi, magellan
the sale sign flipper guy
.✩ zoro (if he manages to actually find his way to the store), bepo, ace, shachi, penguin, queen (you legit can’t miss him as you’re driving by 💀), yamato, oden, cat viper, bon clay, ivankov
they work solely in the back to avoid human interaction as much as possible
.✩ mihawk, law, smoker (he’s the guy that mans the big crane machine that moves huge boxes), hawkins, king, katakuri, smoker, lucci
they’re the CEOs of companies that are partners with the store and provide goods for the store to sell
.✩ crocodile (provides gut/immune supporting, healthy, all organic animal/pet food), doflamingo, kaido, big mom, whitebeard, moria (sells and produces copious amounts of Halloween costumes and other decorations)
actually decent employees
.✩ usopp, benn, x drake, robin, nojiko, baby 5, monet, vergo, franky, icebarg, bellamy (SHADOW FROM SK8 PLS TELL ME YALL SEE IT), hachi, killer
they start tweaking because they asked a customer how they were and they ignored them
.✩ shirahoshi (sobbing), bepo, sanji (asked a girl who had her headphones on), Uta (will get so pressed that they ignored her when in reality they just had headphones on)
they’re the reason why the store’s still in business | they’re basically the mascot
.✩ chopper, bepo, carrot, cat viper, dog storm
the dude everyone goes to for questions/help | “Idk go ask ___”
.✩ franky (has beef with cash register 4 bc it stops working for no reason only during his lunch break and never when he’s not doing anything), icebarg, kaku, usopp, lucci, jack, king, robin, jimbei
they’re the reason why no one likes to shop there | they have several weird allegations or felonies of some sort
.✩ trebol, caesar, diamante, dellinger, pica (he drives this mini car and always somehow fits inside it and takes up two spots in the parking lot), absalom, hogback (people have gone missing in the parking lot it’s scary), moria (would you wanna shop if you saw bro? Ik I wouldn’t 😭)
jobless for life ✌️
.✩ rayleigh (he slays idc), roger, yasopp
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a/n - I think i forgot people but eh 💀 the one piece brainrot is so back 🙏
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paracosmicparadox · 1 year
So, I'm falling back into the FFXV kick, and I have decided that I disapprove of how little complex character development Square Enix has given the guys?? Like where is the emotional depth beyond surface-level cutscene angst?? So I took matters into my own hands and have compiled a handy little list of headcanons / expanded canons that I think make sense.
Noctis: Has clinical insomnia and frequent lucid dreams (sorta a given, but bear w me bear w me)
Feels the weight of having to take so much on from such a young age much, much more than he lets on
Loves to argue
Would've been happier if he and Luna stayed as childhood best-buds rather than betrothed fiancés (controversial, ik, but it just didn't seem like he cared that much for her romantically to me?? Like he obviously cared about her, but it seemed like a really strong penpal vibe rather than a "We're-gonna-get-married-and-be-the-next-hotshot-couple" vibe. If you disagree, coolio, I'm not gonna debate w you on this one)
Has a natural sadness to his eyes regardless of what he's feeling
Went through an anime phase (possibly still in his anime phase, idk)
Social anxiety for the win
Severe RBF
Prefers tea over coffee (black tea is best---particularly lavender earl grey)
Can play the cello (practicing tho?? Don't know her)
Writes the most beautiful poetry when The Motivation™ strikes him (usually when he's home sick and half-delirious)
Prompto: Has ADHD and clinical anxiety, but is undiagnosed and doesn't take any meds for either of them.
Is legit like SO SMART, but can never focus, so not many people take any notice
Wears contact lenses (he had glasses as a child and I refuse to believe he had some high-tech corrective surgery to eliminate the need for them when lenses are cheaper and less risky)
Doesn't drink caffeine because it makes him jittery
Doesn't drive the Regalia when the guys are around because having other people in the car distracts him from the road. Also he tends to drive like a speed demon, which worries Ignis to no end.
Sunburns insanely easily
Could legit become a hitman if he wanted to with the amount of gun-knowledge he has. It doesn't matter what firearm you put in this boy's hand---pistol, SMG, sniper, rocket launcher, you name it. He can and will hit the target every single time.
Addicted to adrenaline
Has a lot of self-loathing (we see a bit of this in Ep. Prompto) and talks with an online therapist about it via text whenever his lows hit him. He's making great progress in learning how to heal and how to accept himself for who he is beyond the mask he wears for others
Ignis: More than a little bit of a control freak, and works very hard not to be too overbearing or critical about his friends' misgivings
Wants to protect everyone all the time and mentally kicks himself when he doesn't get there fast enough
Is SO PROUD of Noctis's journey and felt a stronger hatred towards Ardyn than anyone else in the group for what he forced Noct to go through (he stayed up at night sick to his stomach with hollow rage and baked nonstop to take his mind off of it)
Can verbally obliterate a man, but only rarely chooses to do so bc he's classy like that
After losing his eyes, he notices so much more beauty in the world than he used to (the sound of rain on the Regalia's roof, the specific gait of each of his friends, the smell of salt on the wind in Galdin Quay, the flawless feel of one specific silk tie he has in his repertoire, etc)
His internal compass is never wrong
Regularly takes antacids for his stomach
Has the straightest teeth you've ever seen
Gladio: Hates being wrong: it's his way or the highway
Actually so much smarter than the musclehead jock front he puts up
A little vain and easily jealous (this man has a Jealous Face like no other)
Thunderstorms are his favorite; his ideal place to be is at a campsite, during a storm, with a well-worn book and a mug of Irish coffee in hand
Would throw himself in front of a bus for any one of his friends
Would beat up kids for the folks he cared about in middle school and spent the time he wasn't training to be a Crownsguard sitting in detention with the most unrepentant, smug, and-I'd-do-it-again look scrawled across his face
Can make a better smoothie than anyone (except maybe Iggy)
Spotify junkie
Had a dinosaur phase as a kid and can still name random facts about them whenever the opportunity presents itself
Avid technology-hater and only has a phone to make calls and join the others in playing King's Knight since they begged him so profoundly (he's sure the thing's going to be his downfall)
Gets most of Prompto's pop culture references
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wsknbfanaccnt · 2 years
Hi beautiful!!
I was wondering if you can write a drabble, or whatever you want, about weird habits of the Gom+Taiga (maybe Takao also? He's such a cutie).
That would be fun!
this was legit so fun to make lol
H/Cs of Their Weird Habits/Traits
Akashi Seijuro
bites his nails
especially when he's anxious? he's also a perfectionist so it kinda makes sense
he likes talking to Yukimaru (his horse)
he's actually very soft and caring for his lil white horsey
Id think hes the mom of the GOM
he has everything everyone needs even if it's smth insane idk
"Hey does anyone have cotton pads?"
this bitch pulls a container from his pocket
"Here, keep the container as well."
"What? I only need one-"
"I insist."
he also paces when thinking
sometimes he accidentally paces Yukimaru and he be like "Oh- we've been going around in circles this entire time... Sorry, boy. I have quite a lot on my mind lately..."
Idk why but I always thought him a heavy sleeper
he despises getting up in the morning
Kuroko Tetsuya
he always orders the same food at a restaurant
like bro pick something new
I don't think he likes trying new food very much
to the point that he'd become a regular customer
"Hello! Welcome to [store name]! Ah, it's Kuroko-kun!"
"The usual please."
"Coming right up!"
this guy also has imaginary friends
he's invisible right so when he wants to talk to someone and no one can hear him he talks to his 'imaginary friends'
it's a habit that he picked up in childhood
its kinda sad now that i think about it LMFAO
Midorima Shintaro
this guys personal hygiene is INSANE
he will spend like an hour in the shower making sure that every single square inch of his body is clean
he also likes wearing mens perfume
idk he just seems like that kinda person to me
he also refuses to leave any food on his plate
even if he's like really full
you will not see a single grain of rice left on this man's plate
istfg he'd lick it clean if he could
he sleeps with a lil bear stuffed toy every night
his first lucky item ever
and he kept it ever since
Kise Ryouta
Ik this is kise but somehow he gives me the vibes of planning everything down to the smallest detail
"So this is our itinerary for today! At 1:00 we can take a little lunch at Maji Burger, and we should finish at around 1:50, and we should go to the bathroom before leaving so 10 minutes is enough for that I think... and then-"
reminds me of Monica from Friends lol
originally I thought this for Midorima but then I imagined Kise being all enthusiastic about his plans and I was like yeah that sounds about right
this guy likes to whistle too
to songs
and sometimes you'd catch him whistling to a BTS song while in the men's locker room
Aomine would tease him for it but Kise always says that he likes Kpop
Aomine Daiki
Going off of Kise's, he thinks its funny and cringe that Kise listens to Kpop
Even though he listens to Kpop himself
he'd never admit it
so he's afraid of bees right
canonically he is
he always lets out this shrill scream
literally the only time he screams like a girl
oh and he breaks things when hes angry
the only thing he hasn't broken before in his house when he was angry is his mai-chan magazines LMFAO
Murasakibara Atsushi
so he's canonically tone deaf
which means of course he likes to hum a few songs every now and then
no one knows what the hell he's humming
Himuro always knows tho SOMEHOW
"Murasakibaracchi, what are you humming this time?"
"Ehh... I forgot the title of the song... the chorus kinda goes like-" *hums random notes*
Himuro goes "Oh is that California Girls by Katy Perry?"
"Yeah... That one. I like the music video..."
the GOM just looks at Himuro and him with shock
the GOM eventually gave up on asking tbh
he LOVES Disney
Kagami Taiga
this is weird but idk he sniffs frequently?
I think this is a habit that he picked up in America
I have no idea
also he can't drive
like literally his hand-eye coordination should be better because he'd a basketball player but when it comes to driving it just all goes away
Aomine tried to teach him at one point
lets just say Aomine was more scared than he was when he met Kuroko for the first time
also you can almost never understand what he's saying when he's typing
he doesn't even have autocorrect which idk if thats better or worse
"hy fo we habve pporactiove tiduay"
he often resorts to voice messages instead
Takao Kazunari
100% adrenaline junkie
loves skydiving and hiking and traveling to very risky places
but he CANNOT for the life of him ever go to a historically haunted place
he also has a playlist in Spotify for every single mood he's in
like literally he has like 10+ playlists
Can be wild and normal
He has playlists from "Driving late at night" to "sewing machine vibes"
what even is that Takao
also he loves video games
he owns litearlly every single major game released since like 2001
he has finished every single one of those games and has a shelf to stack them
Playstation, Xbox, Wii, Nintendo PC
he has all of them
hes AR60
mains Hutao and Ganyu, depending on his mood
Hutao's highest crit is 2 million
he's also soft for bennett
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eroaneki · 2 months
I'm still so scared by what happened to me earlier this month. I feel like I had a legit mental breakdown. I still feel extremely raw and vulnerable and constantly on the edge of a panic attack, but I think that's more so because I'm afraid of not being able to control how I feel. Like that I feel completely out of control.
I literally triggered myself into a mental breakdown by drinking cold brew on an empty stomach. Like out of fucking no where had a massive injection of liquid caffeine directly into my bloodstream. And I was also coming off of weed. And it was... 3 days before my period. I think all of that combined with is what really sent me over the edge. I'm usually smarter about tapering myself off but I also have never had a 7 month period where I used daily. I think my longest has been like 2 months in the past. This has been basically daily use since like, January.
I've taken half of a 5mg edible twice in the last like 3 weeks because honestly I'm so fucking spooked I'm gonna end up going insane or something. I know it's unlikely. But man I miss the creativity weed gives me. My head isn't as loud anymore and quite honestly I feel "normal" I guess. Whatever my normal was when I was using daily. So I guess that means I've leveled out? But my heart keeps skipping throughout the day and it freaks me out and I hate it and I've already had everything ruled out by the cardiologist so it just is what it is I guess. I'm fine according to them.
Idk existence is scary as fuck. But I guess you have to have bigger balls than life and that's how you win. Just growing those balls into a massive force takes so much time and effort and "do it scared" mentality. I understand why people scream when they do things that scares them. It pushes them forward. Gives them the strength to do it.
Also side note, I hate adrenaline? I run so high in the morning and I know it's my body trying to wake me up but could you not? Can you be more gentle about it? Also life without coffee is fucking ROUGH. My heart pounds too fast when I drink it and quite honestly I don't need the extra stimulation in the morning so I've switched to tea, but occasionally I'll pour myself like 2-4 oz of coffee and sip slowly on that. Usually on the days I'm home.
God I feel like I have no idea how to survive as a person sometimes. I just feel like I'm walking blind. It sucks. Really badly. But I'm okay for the most part now. I still get a little shaky driving but again, I just think I'm scared I'm gonna freak out again while driving. I'm so scared of what happened to me that I'm trying every which way I can to avoid it happening again. It's rough. Rough rough rough but for the most part I'm fine.
My outlook is mostly positive and I feel more of my piss and vinegar self coming back, which is nice. But yeah. Still definitely licking my wounds and a little worried about my period coming up this month. But I have my emergency lavender and Xanax and sweet smelling body scrubs and ice pack and everything else I use to help calm anxiety lol
I also have a really good support group and I started therapy, though I did have to cancel my appointment for tomorrow because my new insurance doesn't kick in until 8/1. Annoying but I know it's not the end of me ever going to therapy ever again. Just have to wait probably another week 🙃
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raspberrybluejeans · 10 months
i legit get so upset thinking about how many bugs people kill. Like on a mass scale, not individual bugs that a person does though that makes me sad too. My dad said when he was a kid every time they went driving they would always end up with dead bugs on their windshield because there were so many bugs everywhere. This doesn’t happen, at least where we live, anymore. Our family friend said that their town somehow decided to hired a pesticide company to just go around spraying poison and they literally killed all the bugs around; kids were picking up dead butterflies and having funerals for them. I think about people who have those electric bug zappers in their yard that kill hundreds or thousands of random little bugs a night. They’re just little animals. And they’re being killed at such insane rates. And it makes me so sad
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storiesofsvu · 6 months
Alright, happy Thursday hoes, lets get to this.
Mothership first
Okay… interesting open…
Omg…how many times are they gonna use the trope of “don’t touch that!” “who the hell are you?” surprise it’s the new laywer…
Not surprised its another old white dude, but at least he’s not as old as mccoy
Okay seriously…. If they get rid of Samantha I will not be watching this show anymore..
I wonder if they’re going to bring this staff change up on svu too considering this guy is also now carisi’s boss… but the writers seem to have forgotten that these shows all exist together until they want to do a crossover.
If this was svu the ada would be storming into the squad room yelling at the detectives for making a mistake that’s gonna cost them their case. Why don’t we get to see that on mothership? I want more crossing over between departments, cops never show up in the gallery either, just to testify if they’re needed.
Oooo yesss that maroon suit. I see you ma’am!
Man they’re just right fucked with this case aren’t they?
This defence attorney is super crusty
How come these videos are coming up NOW and not before things went to trial??
This judges office is barba’s office. They really only have so many sets, hey? (also the continuity of that office on this show/universe drives me fucking insane).
My subtitles keep cutting in and out and that is also driving me insane
Toronto time.
Will I pay attention? Likely no
JESUS FUCK talk about a cold fucking opening wow.
Big surprise I stopped paying attention halfway through the ep. Like, it’s fully muted right now and I’m working on writing LOL
SVU time
BRUH is this maria stuff ive been seeing all over twitter legit?! I thought people were fucking clowning LOL
Olivia in uniform just fucking makes me so fucking weak every single time
Clearly the other captain hasn’t been in the field a lot if that was her immediate reaction to that crime scene
Okay… hear me out… olivia literally saved maria’s life and stayed on the phone with her ALL night. We all know she has a habit of taking in strays… there’s no doubt maria became a cop because of liv… maria would have reached out TO HER about her graduation, not the other way around…
Velasco getting actual screen time finally. I do have to say, im back on my Velasco bullshit…
LOL. I know it was unintentional but the harshness of velasco’s knock on the door killed me.
4 hours of law and order is too much. Im getting bored and this is the show I actually like. I think imma start skipping Toronto cause mothership does hit some days
If this girl has a good enough lawyer she could easily get off on an insanity type plea… tbh this episode would’ve been way better on criminal minds. That would’ve been bad ass.
This episode is almost over and we got absolutely NO closure on the maria thing AND we didn’t get to go to court. Im OVER this fucking show man lol
Liv being back in her bac nail polish era is bomb though
Fin doesn’t strike me as a scotch guy… this is weird..
Okay… liv is really not okay. Like this girl needs support, she needs proper and regular therapy, she needs a break from work. Go home and spend time with your son instead of drinking cheap wine alone in a bar? Also while we’re talking about drinking alone after work being all sad, can we touch on the fact that her mother was an alcoholic, and that was what *killed* her… this is incredibly worrisome and I doubt we’re ever going to touch on it/get it fleshed out like we should…
Okay we at least got some maria closure. Thank you.
OC time!
Jet *attempting* to control stabler, woof. At least someone’s trying loooll
This bitch is so dead
Part of me feels like its bullshit that se wouldn’t know any of this about her own brother, but also I never talk to my family so…. LOL.
Fuck he’s creepy as shit
The fact that it took THIS long for someone higher up to question his anger/trauma/etc affecting his job is wild.
THE BARTENDER IN ME IS FUCKING DYING. I had a PHYSICAL reaction to that conversation.
“you’ve never had a long island ice tea?!” “I don’t like ice tea it’s too bleh” guy promptly orders two to prove that theyre good? THERE IS NO ICED TEA IN LONG ISLANDS
Cragen’s really just gonna be in the last second of this episode isn’t he?
Everyone: proper ear pieces
Jet: nah. Air pod.
I really thought that stabler was gonna be missing for a like, a good chunk of time with no one knowing.
OHHHH right! The foil he found in the bathroom garbage and immediately licked… right… I forgot about that. Now the question is who it belongs to…..
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Hello! May I receive an Obey Me! matchup? :)
To start off, I’m in my 20s. My pronouns are they/them, AFAB and genderfluid! My sexuality is panromantic and acespec, and love me some fictional men. <3 My star sign is Taurus and MBTI type is INFP.
Also I’m AuDHD, have PSTD and am a bit of an introvert.
For appearances, I’m 5’4 (cries) with medium length darkish brown hair in the style of a shaggy mullet, light warm toned skin and a mid size body type. And I’m nearsighted AF so I use glasses.
I tend to dress in very fem fashion most times. My style fluctuates between goth aesthetic and the pink cutesy aesthetic, which is always hilarious to see people’s baffled reactions when one day I’m dressed fully in black then the next day where a very pink and sanrio themed outfit. 🤭
Funny that a lot about me fluctuates either from one or the other, I’m so bad with decision making that it’s literally engrained in me lol. This goes for my taste in music as well!
It’s between nu metal and goth rock to chill lo-fi and melodic instrumental! but game soundtracks and music that’s like jack stauber (music you probably hear in a lot of those weirdcore and liminal spaces videos lol) is something I listen to as well!
I’m pretty quiet, get anxious easily (even though I tend to hide it but can still be seen through pacing back and forth a lot eugh). I’m excitable with things I love, though I get scared because my own excitement makes me ramble too much so I try to hold back a lot unless I’m comfortable with the person and am confident they won’t get annoyed or if they ever need a break they could let me know!
I do digital art in my free time and writing storylines and plots to OCs and personal projects probably for most of the day because I love it too much… also, I’m a gamer too! But I have huge preferences for indie horror and cozy games. Horror games with heavy topics like The Cat Lady, and cozy games like Stardew Valley! Also, don’t ever ask me to tell you the FNAF lore I will legit spend hours explaining and adding layers of theories. It’d drive people insane. 🧍
I LOVVEE cozy clothing like oversized sweaters, cold weather, SLEEPING even though I have a hard time doing so, and I’m a huge foodie! I like trying foods from all culture and try new things! :)
I HAATTEE overly bright lights, it sends me into a panic!! The feeling of rubbery squishy food, my autistic butt will die on the spot. 😭 Being ignored is something I can’t stand, I’d probably cry lol. Same effect if I get yelled at.
Okay that’s about it, thank you !! 💕💕
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchup!
In Obey Me, I match you with...
Tumblr media
Satan is a good person for you to be around, both platonically and romantically.
He's great at helping you with your AuDHD and PTSD. Since he's read so much, he knows a variety of different ways he can help and will tailor those to suit your specific needs.
He will lend you his sweaters! He thinks you look cute wearing them and they're just the right type of oversized. He'll leave one laying around for you every day so if you want to wear one, you can.
Very attentive. You never feel like you're being ignored when Satan's around. He values your opinion and finds everything you have to say interesting.
Will never yell at you. He knows he can be volatile sometimes so if he thinks there's a chance he might snap and yell at you, he'll let you know and will keep some distance between you until he calms down. The last thing he wants is to make you feel uncomfortable.
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sailoryooons · 1 year
Please R and U for the ask game 😊
I already answered R but I will copy and paste here without re-tagging!
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
Yes - some of my favorite published authors are Fonda Lee, R.F. Kuang, Samantha Shannon, Pierce Brown, and Christopher Paolini. Kuang and Brown have shaped the way I liked to write loyalties and betrayals and the consequences of violence in my fics. Paolini, Shannon and Lee I attribute a ton of my world-building drive to. Some fanfic authors I have recently have been super inspired by are @/gimmethatagustd @/eoieopda and @/vyduan. Jai and I legit brainstorm ideas almost every day - they get so many of my offshoots and problem-solving and they come to me for the same stuff, so I am always inspired by them. I just beta-read something for Jade the other day and it was so fucking well written that I have been thinking about it for days and it was to the point that now I want to write a similar aesthetic/genre because I was so insane about it. Virginia is literally mechanically and narratively one of the best writers I've ever seen here and her ability to like.. inject feeling and wordplay into her fics makes me want to eat her style like Kirby and make it mine.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
This one is really tough because there are literally so many people that I want to recognize and like write a dissertation on why they are my favorite. I hate to limit to three but off the top of my head, it's probably @ladyartemesia who I read before I started writing and who wrote The Mark of Yun-Ki aka one of my favorite fics in the world and her worldbuilding is just utterly fantastic. @gimmethatagustd I'm gonna go with Jai here again because they write fantasy so well and I think that Jai could do a master glass in character study, they have some of the best characterizations/character motivations that I've ever read. They also very predominantly write fantasy and supernatural adjacent fics, which is my preference. I've said this time and time again but @here2bbtstrash is one of my favorite writers, not only for the style in which they write, but for the content. They write a lot of content that makes me feel very scene and that as a lot of amazing emotional undertones that I find very rewarding to read. M also writes uniquely queer experiences in their fics which I appreciate.
Fanfic Ask Game
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ciitrinitas · 2 years
hittin you with the uno reverse card, lessee uhhh makiden, asaden, angela/ayin, benjamin/ayin, hod/yesod, binah/hod
oh boy, lots of good ones here...
(in response to this!)
makiden - A+: OTP.
makiden is so good. prime badtouch material. but the way that they're more than that? part 1 of chainsaw man is nothing short of a plea for empathy, and that for all her flaws, for all her mistakes, for all her horrible acts, it doesn't ask for makima to be forgiven, but for her to be understood--it drives me insane. she never really saw denji, and he was a means to an end for her, but he still loved her. like, ugh, they're really hard to talk coherently and eloquently about because makima is absolutely an abuser and denji her victim, but makima is also a victim. csm doesn't intend to absolve her; it asks that you understand that she is another step in the cycle of abuse.
makiden is the meat and potatoes of csm part 1. incredibly sexy on every level, but also so narratively and thematically compelling. i really can't say enough about how much i love them. it's really hard for me to talk about why they do so much for me without going into a long ramble about why i also love part 1 of csm so damn much. makiden as a relationship is utterly vital to it.
asaden - A+: OTP.
i swear i have denji ships that i wouldn't qualify as otps! (the other one that hits that tier is akiden. u_u) but, god, what a fucking life i am living. this went from a borderline crack ship to having actual canon potential. initially, i was pretty invested in it from the angle of self-hating moronsexual mitaka (it works for asayoru, too! just act stupid, and mitaka will be cursing how horny she is seeing you fail to solve basic math makes her), then oh my god...oh my god, they went on an actual canon date. and mitaka was convinced infodumping all the research she binged the night before at denji would make him hot and bothered for her, and she's legit so charmed at him being a good guy (HE WANTS NAYUTA TO GO TO COLLEGE). i'm doomed. i'm absolutely doomed. i'm deluded enough at this point to have true canon aspirations for asaden and feeling a salty victory at some annoying yshdn shippers i've seen think it stood a chance at being canon when yshd still barely has a character.
thanks for ruining my brain twice over, fujimoto. like, GOD, HE WAS LISTENING DURING HER RAMBLING!! HE ASKED HER OUT AGAIN. I'M GONNA DIE. I SHIPPED THEM FROM EARLY ON. i fully expect it to go south because chainsaw man, but god am i fucking living right now.
angela/ayin - A+: OTP.
thanks for bullying me with just a bunch of my otps because i love too many things and stick the otp label on them. but, boy, this snuck up on me with lobcorp. the ending absolutely makes lobcorp, elevates it to a level of brilliance imo. angela spends the entire game, spends hundreds of years, operating on ayin's script (and i'm very curious to what extent that included, to what minutiae her words were dictated by him. did he set things so specifically that she decided to always introduce herself as such a Special and Advanced AI to him lmao?) until she finally has free will in her grasp and crushes the culmination of his and everyone's suffering to exercise it. it's just so fucking good. spending so much time simmering in hate and bitterness for this man while being made to assist him again and again and again.
and ayin, buddy...friend...fella...you literally just made your crush as an ai but with bigger tits after she died. if that isn't romantic, i don't know what is. but, seriously, the fact he was so heartbroken at carmen's "death" (because she did live on in a fucked up way as the heart of this literal purgatory) only to immediately reject angela because oh...well...he wanted carmen back, but this isn't carmen. angela was made as a replacement that could never fulfill her purpose, and yet ayin kept her so close for so long.
it's deeply fucked up, and it makes me insane. thanks for giving angela daddy issues, ayin. at least let her choke you a few times as compensation!
benjamin/ayin - B: It’s really cute.
benjamin is the funniest motherfucker in lobotomy corporation. even more than ayin himself. i am absolutely desperate to know the hard timeline for how the hell the timey-wimey shit works out for where he always appears as "benjamin" before being shoved in a robot to reappear as hokma. because, man, getting shoved in a toaster sure does something to the guy! like, ayin, let's just be here together in robot purgatory because no one needs to die and we can be husbands and forget carmen like i can put on a wig if you need me too it's fine seriously i don't mind just please god stay with me forever. 💗💗💗
hod/yesod - A+: OTP.
I MADE THIS SHIT UP. I FUCKING TRICKED MYSELF INTO THIS. THEY BARELY INTERACT, but like, one day, i was like oh boy i like hod but what if she Could Make Someone Worse? i went down the list, and malkuth? nah, too strong of a personality versus hod. netzach? it'd be sort of mutual self-worsening between those two. it'd be a whole essay on its own about why it didn't fulfill what i was looking for, but i have Thoughts, i swear. hod/binah? oh, no one can out worse binah. hod/angela? pretty similar to hod/binah.
but. oh. hod/yesod? there's this distinct point of connection for them in their mutual anxieties as a point of exploitation. hod wants to be helpful, wants to be needed, and yesod is someone that holds himself together tightly until he isn't. a little undoing, and oh, wow, he really needs hod's assistance, doesn't he? maybe it's a little nudge from angela (it gets boring repeating shit, okay) or hod herself just Noticing, but hod is not above setting someone else up to be at just the level of functioning where they often fall apart and need to rely on her to get by. yesod is the king of options for hod making someone worse and being the dominant partner. he might have the stronger personality, but he isn't without some degree of humanity, and hod can slowly worm her way in there.
this is sheer nonsense based on me huffing whatever the fuck this ship is. yesod just needs to be a little desperately vulnerable, and hod would be such a good helper! everyone wins! ^_^
binah/hod - B: It’s really cute.
okay, to an extent with binah ships, my brain just empties out and goes oh wow big sexy. i like how casually manipulative and in control binah is (or seems) in every situation. hod is super cute and desperate for validation. let her snap a little, and you'd have a real great violence breakdown girl with some manipulative reassurance. gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss, binah. you're so valid.
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xorobyn · 2 years
You’re so perfect. I love everything about you. I think about you all the time. You turn me on more than anyone else in the world. Every time I fuck you it’s better than the last. I love being slutty for you. You make me feel so sexy. I love our sex. I love that we can talk for hours. I love that we both have really nice careers. I love when you’re sweet to me and even when you’re mean. It makes me want you so much. I really hope we end up together one day when we have our shit figured out. Either way I’m enjoying it so much. I can’t imagine fucking anyone else. I just want to be yours. I love it when you tell me I’m yours. I’ve been obsessed with you for so long. No matter what I always beg for you back when we argue. I think taking space is good for us though. Sometimes we get caught up. I like how we are rn. I don’t know how to commit fully. But I like where we are. It’s so little pressure. It’s literally perfect. It makes me love you. I fucking love you. I need you. I can’t live without you. It’s crazy how much I’ve fallen for you. When we first reconnected I had no idea how much you would mean to me. I have been falling in love with you for going on two years. I hope you’re serious about wanting me forever. I swear I’ll always be yours. No one has ever made me feel like you do. I could marry you. I told you I loved you one time while you were fucking me. I wonder if you heard it. I couldn’t hold it in. This was like a month ago. Dear god I hope no one ever reads this especially you. I sound crazy but I promise it’s a good crazy. You just make me happy. I hope we continue to be in each other’s lives even if we move on. I respect you so much. And I am so proud of how badass you are. I legit think you are the coolest person I know. I am so giddy about being your friend. And god you’re so fucking sexy. Everything about you is so sexy. It’s insane. Your voice is so fine. I love listening to you talk especially when you fuck me. The way you touch me is so sexy. You drive me crazy baby.
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pippinpeppa · 2 months
write again—
rise again—
this past 2 weeks had been tiresome and difficult. i terribly miss my locks of hair, the hair i’ve grown for almost 3 years. they’re gone. i had to say goodbye when i was not ready. my dream to donate it was shattered. the dream i had been cradling for the last 5 years.
you know what, if you pass by, you are a lost cause. i would be glad if you read this. you robbed me of myself. and at times, i fantasize for my vigilante shit against you because in this land you have more money and power than me. you are so loud.
but let me ask what i have always been wondering,
why the fuck you need to cut your hair after i did? in the almost exact same style?
get a pair of glasses that look similar to mine,
and there are activities i am too exhausted to สาธยาย.
that’s a heinous crime. very insidious to do such things. going every where i went, then posting the pictures online, making me scared as fuck, making me seem delusional and insane. but no. YOU ARE. this is stalking. and the way you did it was absolute mindfuckery because it was so subtle and nobody understands why I am this afraid.
you came to me as a child asking for guidance, then snatched it shamelessly. you body snatcher. you even exploited my knowledge, resources, ideas, and experiences for your stupid and as-empty-as-you female gang. I hate you, very much. and i know it’s legit because finally, on 20th april 2024, you showed me your true colors. you showed me soooooooo well how you deceive people in the name of “love.” you seemed so proud to “rob” others’ hearts. but what you didn’t know was that, love is not a game. if you play that game, or if it was a game to you, then it could never be love. it’s called limerence. you just treat others as a mean to an end. an end to satisfy you. people are just toys to make you feel better about your shitty behaviors, attitudes, and appearances. you are extremely privileged and never realized that. AT ALL. you are an ugly spoiled brat who was charged with drunk driving so you spent a few nights in jail. that’s not rebellious and it’s not funny. never. it is dangerous. my mind has been playing tricks on me, spitting your sugar-coated buzz phrases like, “it’s her money, her body, her life, her choices,” but bitch please look at yourself and what you have done and caused. you caused disorderly and heartaches because you don’t decompress nor self-reflect nor regulate your own emotions. all you do is drink, get drunk, get high, go on psychedelic trips, which make you look cool i guess.
you inflict people around you with violence disguised as teasing. i hate it. they are very บัดซบ. name-calling a guy you date “stupid” because he lost his phone was terrible. you are a terrible person whose appearance was altered medically and you even expect people to just admire it. how can it be a crime if they don’t think you are pretty? in fact, i did think you are pretty but everybody else didn’t…. and that cannot be my fault. how can that be my fault? even? i started to see you as ugly when i learned the crimes you did and hid. from my place, i can only tell you that, karma is real. it’s really real. and i gotta admit that at some point, i got furious and wished i saw you burned in flames of avicii. and yeah, i was the one who got burnt badly. until i release myself from my own (or was it yours?) passion. i know now that karma will track you down without my help and when karma reaches you, when it’s your time, you will think of me, my faces will be the only thing you can see. and i cannot say i will have empathy for your suffering. (look at your suffering maybe? significant other responding late is not a crime, you know that? in fact if you admit that you are horrible, something might change)
you are a female jerk. your intentions towards others are malicious as fuck and i am scared. you scared the shit out of me just recounting your wrongdoings towards others around. i was dumbfounded and speechless on why someone could be this envious, jealous, empty, selfish, and narcissistic. like, how a person could choose a seat in a college just to take it away from some classmate you hate. i should have dismissed you since that day 4 years ago. no good person would do that just for fun.
but thank you though, for revealing how sick you are. so i was awaken that you are the ill-hearted one, not him. he has always been respectful and you gaslit me into thinking that he was a cheat. YOU ARE. you cheated on him. he was innocent. he was attracted to me and i was attracted to him, but we never acted on it, knowing our life choices. we never even talk or interact. he never cheats. it’s all your fantasy. i am still hurt i let you plant this idea in my brainstem. that he cheats. he is so pure you wouldn’t even know.
i also know that you are violent in other relationships but you are sneaky and know how to avoid the laws. of course, your father is charged with corruption but no one cares since he has a tons of friends, money, power, statuses, and a lot more. no wonder your visa was rejected.
i used to have empathy for you, but not anymore.
it is pure disgust.
oh no, there is anger too.
oh and i gotta admit there’s joy as well. when i see that you didn’t look so pristine like your online persona. you stink, your hair is greasy, your face not a porcelain, your nose looks weird, your lipstick was missing and you’re not as thin as in the picture. basically that persona is not even real. there is none.
i don’t know you at all,
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firecrackerhh · 2 months
I have to wonder how much of an antis life outside of the internet has to be fucking miserable.
Because if there’s anything I’ve realized, antis are in 3 categories.
They are either a child, mentally ill, or they are an adult in a situation where they have such little control over their own lives whether it be due to disability or whatever else that the internet is the only place they can escape to. The only place they feel any sense of power.
Fuck, that’s just…sad.
That does not make any antis behavior ok, obviously, but at least it makes sense why they do the things they do.
Makes it all the more pathetic when their bullshit doesn’t fucking amount to anything.
Like, it isn’t like constantly harassing others online actually does anything to solve your own fucked up problems yknow? Distractions only go so far, eventually you gotta grow a pair and fix your shit.
I feel like being mentally ill online while being an anti would just make you worse off. Because it isn’t like the people you hang around when you’re an anti care about you, they aren’t actually your friends, they’re just using your mental illness as a tool to keep spreading their misinfo, and honestly I think taking advantage of someone’s mental health like that is fucking morally reprehensible on every fucking level.
The worst part is that the person they take advantage of thinks they’re doing anything of value when they’re at most screaming into the fucking void.
They can cry all they want about Viv or Rebecca sugar or that fucking She-Ra show or whatever the fuck pisses them off, but, pardon my frankness, they’re a fucking loser whose whining hasn’t done Jack shit, it never will do Jack shit, and it’s fucking sad.
I can’t imagine devoting my free time to something I hate so much I start legit thinking it’s morally bad for society to the point I think the creator of whatever show may as well be Satan incarnate. Once you reach that point maybe your phone should be taken away from you and you should be put in a fucking psych ward.
I don’t say that to be mean, I say it because it might be the only way these people can get help.
Perhaps the reason these people have no control in their life and have restricted internet access or whatever else is because the people around them irl know how fucked they are and they don’t want to make their mental illness any fucking worse, but clearly there’s no internet blocker that is truly foolproof.
The second you start accusing random show creators of essentially being the fucking Antichrist or you think Hazbin fucking Hotel and Helluva Boss are the harbinger of fucking doom that will cause society to collapse as if they are in any way influential enough to do that, that proves to me you drank the fucking Kool-Aid and the only cure is some strong antipsychotics if not a fucking lobotomy.
Because anyone who thinks like that has to be fucking suffering inside and it drives me insane to imagine being that mentally unwell and yet the people around you don’t do anything about it. Either out of ignorance or malice, I’m not sure which option pisses me off more.
I just think people like this need help they’re probably never gonna get, all because the people around them don’t actually care, I can’t imagine taking advantage of someone like that, fucking disgusting. Antis are horrible fucking people, there’s no amount of progressive language they can use to hide the fact that they’re rotten from the fucking core.
Maybe they’re the fucking Antichrist. Fucking wolf in sheep’s clothing.
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joe-moi · 8 months
The "he just didn't want to" reason comes up every time he has to cancel and I just don't personally see that being it. I doubt the cons would be ok with him backing out after being announced simply bc he's not feeling it that weekend (or two weekends now.) Whether the cons are his favorite thing or not, they are a job and if the contract is still standing, I think he would need a legit reason, which as you said could be work or could absolutely be something in his personal life that he needs to handle in this moment. Things come up. If he didn't want to do any more after Portland and the contract allowed that, there was no point announcing him end of last year for these cons. So I do think he has a reason other than naahh I'm over it.
it honestly does come up a lot and it kind of drives me insane because you can’t just get out of a contract because you don’t wanna do it. That’s not how contracts work.
I think there’s likely three possibilities
He actually is filming something we just don’t know what it is or it’s something that he’s already filmed that we know about it just needed to be redone for the next couple of weeks
It’s an excuse for something else that he can’t say. Maybe not even something filming related. Don’t know what that would be. Maybe meetings with his agency or something.
He has something in his personal life that is taking up his time and he can’t attend these cons. Whether that be family related issues, or the fear of getting sick because something is coming up in the future and he doesn’t want to risk it, or he’s got issues with a visa etc. Something that he just doesn’t want to disclose.
and I do just wanna say that with the Covid that is circling right now, if you travel at all, you might as well expect to get it. I got it for the first time traveling in months. My friend got it in December because she was traveling. My friend is in Las Vegas right now and is stuck there because she has it. So if you’re traveling at all, just expect to get Covid. And that would include going to a con with like 120,000 people. He would have expected to leave mega con and have Covid. if you have something coming up in a couple of weeks following your travel, it’s probably not the best time to be getting Covid
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