#this jew is tired
im sure we have a heard the phrase "I am not a jew with trembling knees" by now
In truth, I am worried. I am worried for my great aunt, who has been very sick for years and only has my great uncle to care for her. she couldn't defend herself against antisemitism. I am worried about my uncle who lives in Florida. G-d knows that isnt the safest place for jews. I am worried for my mother and father who travel a lot. my mother because she is jewish, and my father because he is married to one. I am worried for my friends who live on the east coast of the USA. If they were hurt by an antisemite, I couldn't be there to help them back up. I couldn't drive them to the hospital or get them new clothes when their favorite outfit is ruined. Im worried about my friends in israel. I'm scared theyll die in a terrorist attack that won't even be in any news articles here in the USA because the death of jews doesn't matter enough for the world. sometimes I'm even worried for myself. I wonder if being face to face with antisemitism my whole life has changed me into a bitter and angry person. of course I am worried. there are millions of jews out there and in my heart they're all a part of my family and we are all struggling. I could never pretend everything is ok.
yet still, I am not afraid. fear is something that has the power to stop us, that makes us cower and give in to the enemy and deny who we are. no matter how worried I am I have not felt the urge to give up and give in to what antisemites want. sometimes I do feel fear, for I am only human, yet I refuse to let that fear be used against myself or any other jew. I refuse to let it be more than a passing feeling. I have promised to never give into terror, to never sit down and ignore the pain of my fellow jews, to never turn my back on my people.
I have no doubt that despite the fact that the world has scarred us, we will survive this as usual. I think that helps give me the strength to fight back. In truth, I am tired. I am angry, and worried, and sad, and stressed, and deeply lonely. my pain will not be used as a tool against me, and I will not be broken down by antisemites. I refuse to let myself become cowardly, so that I never forget who I am and who my people are
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dovymcjewpunk · 2 years
Isn’t “leftist Zionist” an oxymoron? Can you call yourself a leftist while supporting Palestinian genocide?? This isn’t meant to be rude this is a genuine question I just don’t see how those ideologies can coexist.
Leftist anti-Zionist is the oxymoron. Last I checked, Leftism supports the self-determination of Peoples, especially marginalised populations, and especially if they were kicked out of their homeland. Zionism is the struggle for and support of Jewish self determination - preferably in our homeland. Wanting my people to return home after a two-thousand-year exile -which you may have noticed didn't go so well for us- has nothing to do with Palestinians one way or the other. Furthermore, the declaration of Independence of the State of Israel literally sets out the guidelines for the new state to encompass all current inhabitants - but some left rather than live in a Jewish State, others attacked trying to keep the Jewish state from existing, other countries attacked to try to keep the Jewish State from existing -with NO, literally *NO* regard for the Palestinians. Literally none of the six countries that attacked Israel the day after Independence Day accepted Palestinian refugees from the war THEY started. And had they won, there would be no Palestinian state at all - Egypt and Jordan would have just gotten bigger. Furthermore, when the lines were drawn, the Arab League would only agree on the condition that there were Jew-free zones. When large areas of pre-Israel Palestine were controlled by Egypt and Jordan, Jews were barred from the Western Wall. THE FUCKING CONSTITUTION OF THE PALESTINIAN STATE IN GAZA INCLUDES A CLAUSE ABOUT THE COMPLETE DESTRUCTION OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE AND NO LEFTIST SEEMS TO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT. -Please learn the difference between having borders and securing them because your neighbours made it necessary, and apartheid. -Please learn the difference between *checks notes*... returning to your homeland and wanting to live there alongside the people who have been living there in your absence (who's government wants to commit genocide against you) and genocide. -Please pick up a book and learn the actual history of the Zionist movement (which is historically quite Left) , and the State of Israel (also historically quite Left).
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laineystein · 2 years
Sassy Lihi is my favorite Lihi 🤣👏🏻 tell them!!!!
Chaverim, today is NOT the day 😏
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quantumshade · 1 month
goyishe tumblr leftists seeing a quote from the torah: wow. i can’t believe they fucking mentioned israel. kind of problematic. fucking zionists.
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kosher-toasty · 11 days
Honestly what pisses me off about the Wikipedia "can't say they're Jewish" thing is how insidiously one-sided it is.
Take, for example, these three famous Jews: Zsa Zsa Gabor, Kirk Douglas, and Danny Kaye. Excerpts from their Wikipedia pages are below.
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Notice: "of Jewish ancestry," "embraced his Jewish heritage," "born... to Ukrainian-Jewish immigrants." Jewish, but not directly Jewish.
Compare now to right wing bigots Ben Shapiro, Laura Loomer, and Jacob Wohl. See if you can spot it.
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"Is Jewish." "Is Jewish." "Is Jewish."
Why are the worst of us proudly labeled as Jews but the best of us begrudgingly associated with Jews, Wikipedia? What agenda do you have?
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fanchonmoreau · 2 months
The betrayal of the left I feel most acutely isn't the mask-off antisemitism. Truth be told, I knew that was coming (even though I couldn't predict it would get this bad). What hurts is people's complete inability to call out the worst of it. Someone is yelling "go back to Poland?" Disavow it in the strongest terms. People are holding a banner with the words "Long Live October 7"? Expel them from your movement and don't let them back. See the odd Sieg Heil at your protest? For fuck's sake, get them the hell out of there however you can.
Why is this not happening? Getting rid of the Nazis is the lowest fucking bar. Why can't people clear it?
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the-catboy-minyan · 7 months
would you tell a Native American person you know their history better than them?
would you tell an African American person you know their history better than them?
would you tell any minority group you know their history better than them?
then why the fuck are you doing that with Jews?
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queenwille · 7 months
if you’re jewish and you’re tired clap your hands
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spale-vosver · 1 month
How close are we to leftists saying "you know, if (((they))) got kicked out of 106 countries, it must have been for a reason..."
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spacemanatees · 1 month
i find it so funny when people go "antizionism isn't antisemitism" and then just casually throw in the most nazi statement you've ever heard in your entire life, like damn, it's pretty clear you fucking hate jews, just own it already and stop hiding behind politics.
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a-very-tired-jew · 4 months
One of the worst parts of planning a wedding after October is asking "which of our potential guests is normal about Jews?" Having to literally sleuth through social medias is disheartening.
We've already written off about 20 people, one of which used to be a meta and was potential bf for my partner. To see someone you cared for and could have had a relationship with just openly call for the death of your people is gut wrenching. A lot of people don't actually know I'm Jewish because I'm secular and so is my partner. In every instance of removing someone from our lives we get a message asking why. We lay out all of the antisemitism that they expressed over the course of these months and in every. single. instance. we've gotten some version of "well I respect your opinion, but I disagree". These are Left queer progressive types who have openly stated over and over again that if you are not part of that minority group you do not get to tell them what is and isn't offensive. So yeah, it's not just online discourse Lefties or campus protesters. It's people you may know on a personal level and have many, many memories with. They've sacrificed everything they stood for because of antisemitism and hatred. I'm so very tired.
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dovymcjewpunk · 1 year
Really feeling the weight of Tisha b'Av this year
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gaelic-symphony · 9 months
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arunswild · 6 months
I feel like one of the problems with social media and this war is that a ton of jewish users come off as being interested solely in, like, antisemitism and antizionism &etc. On a personal level, honestly I don't think I could be less interested in talking about people hating me and wishing I were dead. It's kind of... Not very interesting to me? I have soooo many other intersts. Except, it's kinda important to address this just, like, vaguely terrifying and unsettling and really deeply depressing trend, so I do it.
Basically what I'm saying is leave the jewish people alone we really should be able to have lives that don't involve existential terror.
thx y'all
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bisexualfaggotry · 5 months
leftists when someone tokenizes any other minority: 🤬🤬🤬
leftists when someone tokenizes a jewish person: 🥰😍☺️
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troybarnesbucky · 3 months
“but before israel existed, jews in the middle east lived in peace with muslims, they were arab jews!!!!!” what if i shove my entire foot up your ass
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