#this isnt beta read btw
burrythebusy · 2 months
I love going back to reread hrkg because I just learn something new every time even without the influence of the recent chapter. I particularly love analyzing Kagiura’s character. His view on love and romance and family and marriage was just so interesting before. It was so innocent, meaning he didn't think of it any more or any less than just "I get to stay with him, only me". Like that's not the average thought for a crush. And Niibashi tells him that, he's like do you even view him romantically, or do you simply just wanna keep him close? It could be interpreted as so many things. Like aroace spec hrkg is such a real interpretation.
And it gets me even more when I view it in reference to his past relationship. Like his most Romantic™ action ("What lovers do") is a lap pillow. Because she was his girlfriend and that was the reason given for it. We're dating so this is something that people thay are dating do. So his middle school self is like oh okay. And it happens and he's stiff. And he doesn't think it feels right. And that follows him to high school bc if we're dating and this is something people that are dating do, why doesn't it feel right? But yes. That's literally it. That's as romantic as it goes for him until Niibashi mentions kissing. Which he didn't even think about. He claims it's an influence of never really seeing his parents kiss. His view on love IS his parents. It's influenced by those around him (ooh). But it's also because marriage is supposed to mean you're in love. And his parents are in love and act like best friends and rarely kiss so that's what the young Kagiura thinks of love to be like.
Now I don't know what influenced him to get with his girlfriend per se. Because (!!light novel stuff!!) I think it's implied that his view of love and marriage comes after his girlfriend, not before, which would make sense considering his relationship didn't work out. It also makes sense if it came before. Because why did it start? I genuinely think that he might have liked, and i think that's what was said. But i think he liked her as a friend, and he's expected to get with girls, and if his view on marriage was getting started at any point then. That's literally a prerequisite. A relationship like best friends. So he dates her and it just doesn't feel right. And it could've been because he treated the whole relationship like a friendship with a different label which wasnt what his girlfriend wanted. And then the one "traditionally romantic" thing that comes along, close physical contact, still doesn't feel right.
Going off of context clues here. It's safe to say they never kiss or even hold hands really. It's probably the only thing they ever did, the lap pillow. It's what Kagiura thinks about when he thinks of romance and what lovers do because it's the one thing he failed to FEEL right about. And if he liked her. Why didn't he?
Obviously everything isn't surface level either, on one surface. Because Kagiura’s personality comes into play too. There's probably more to be said about his politeness, how we don't see him really challenge anybody on what they say (except Hirano for obvious reasons). If his girlfriend said dating -> lap pillow then he's gonna say okay. Sure. Even if he's unsure about it. But we don't get much of his personality from then. We only know this snippet, and the fact that it bothers him.
But we also know WHY it bothers him after ch. 6 and 7, and in 16a. Kagiura doesn't think about kissing Hirano because his view on love and romance is limited to how his parents show it, and how his ex girlfriend showed it. He hasn't developed it on his own yet, at least not consciously. He likely never kissed his girlfriend (and if he did it doesn't stick with him at all since the first thing he thinks about is literally the lap pillow) and he doesn't see his parents kiss so Niibashi asks him about kissing hirano and he's like "idk lol". Hence why, does he even like Hirano romantically? (And though you can be in a romantic relationship without kissing, the question still remains as to how he sees his feelings for Hirano, considering how juvenile they seem*)
But the difference here is that, without thinking about it, Hirano and Kagiura were becoming best friends. Kagiura didn't go into friendship with Hirano thinking he's a love interest the same way he might have with his girlfriend. Hirano treated him really well and they developed this natural thing and Kagiura started to develop a natural Kagiura version of a crush. But still, every action after that wasn't with the deliberate intention of his outlook on love. It remained natural. So that "prerequisite" was already fulfilled (and honestly, it could easily be viewed separate of how he sees romance from his parents. Again, it all happens so naturally and easily for him).
So in chapter 6, he thinks about what Niibashi said more and then the urge comes. To kiss Hirano. The first time he's probably thought about kissing anyone. So it's already an outlier to how he views romance anyway because kissing never had to be a part of it but now it is. BUT WAIT THERES MORE!
Because next he decides to indulge in something he can easily call back to. His girlfriend and their experience. People that date do lap pillows. How would that feel with someone I'm in love with, someone I now know I want to kiss? And I truly don't think he expected much from it because of his experience of not really liking it. Of it being "off". But Hirano lies in his lap and his mind blanks. And then he lies in Hirano's lap and he can't do it. Not because it feels off or wrong. But because he felt too much. A LOT in that moment. Cue his sexual and sexuality awakening/crisis. It literally scares him out of being NEAR Hirano for extended periods of time. Out of touching him. Because this new attraction is foreign to him. He now actively wants to touch him, actively wants to kiss him and at this point he already knew hirano doesn't see him that way so what do you do?
Then 16a comes. They're starting to touch for ten seconds a day because Hirano said he would try, and Kagiura’s largest guilty pleasure is literally just physical contact. Particularly with Hirano. Which he used to do so casually but can't bring himself to. So he asks hirano when it's okay and they agree to ten seconds.
To me, this is when he comes to terms with the fact that he never romantically liked his girlfriend in the first place. Because he knows hirano isn't in love with him at this point despite Hirano agreeing to try. He knows what they feel is different. Which is exactly what happened with his girlfriend. That's why he's afraid he was making Hirano feel how he felt with his girlfriend back then. Uncomfortable. "Off". And when I view it in context I always come to the conclusion that he didn't like her (let alone love her). This may not be his first relationship but it is his first love.
All this to say... literally nothing. I just love digging into Kagiura’s character, how his past does end up influencing the present in really subtle ways. I mean think about it, he feels so guilty for wanting to touch Hirano that he limits himself to the ten seconds. Like every time before chapter 14 that they touched just because (locking arms, holding his shirt or his wrist just to grab onto him, that natural gravitation) is just gone. Because now he loves someone who doesn't love him so how could he possibly put the pressure on him to touch him in the same way? He gave away his right to do that. But it hurts him. (And it hurts Hirano too). Another problem. But that guilt doesn't come from nowhere. He doesn't want Hirano to feel how he felt with his girlfriend. He doesn't want to make him uncomfortable or push his physical boundaries and make himself a sad memory in Hirano's high school years.
Kagiura is experiencing this extent of love and a crush for the first time. He lied in his girlfriends lap hesitantly but did it because they were dating and didn't like it. And I feel like a great fear of his is making Hirano feel that way too. So he wants Hirano to feel the same way desperately without pushing the physical boundary that has once made him feel unsure and weird. He loves Hirano so much that he'll limit himself as much as he can bear in this process. (Which, isn't the greatest thing. It's almost contradictory). But that's his experience. That's how he's letting it influence him. And it's so interesting to me.
Erm this is long anyway I love doing Kagiura character study. Obviously this is my interpretation and how I view his character to be. And we are all influenced by our environment in the end, especially those that have an important place in our lives (hint hint wink wink iykyk) but some people still build their own wants and desires with that as a foundation. Kagiura took his parents as the blueprint itself. THE guide, THE directions. So now I think he's on a journey of defining love for himself too.
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b0mblover · 5 months
im so sorry lopt but also not
By: J
no tws. little bit of loptson fluff for the soul
it all felt so weird.
he was still allowed to be himself,
the sense of “himself” felt like it was changing.
sure, his comrades deaths made him feel something.
that had been over half a year ago now.
since norikos death, lopt moved out.
well, as much as someone can without living there.
he had been living with mason for,, a while now.
he was allowed to be himself,
sure mason would get agitated sometimes,
but it never,
it never was unbearable.
for the both of them.
it was spring now,
lopt wondered if the odd feeling he had been… feeling, was seasonal depression going away.
“can a god even get seasonal depression”
most days he could ignore it but,
today was one of them that he couldnt.
he sat on the edge of the pull out couch, mason had to run some errands, leaving lopt alone with his mind, and ghosts.
some days hed hear the ghosts of the past that he had wronged.
sometimes begging, sometimes belittling him, sometimes just hearing wind blowing.
memories of the explosion flashed in his mind.
it had been half a year ago.
why did he care now?
could gods even have trauma?
“well, as a shapeshifter, i am able to morph every part of my body that i see fit, i believe, meaning if that /were/ the case couldnt i just. take it away?”
he questioned aloud
(no no you cant lopt. because the writier is having “writers” block and wants you to suffer)
continuously, his mind replaying the boom of the explosion, 
the after shock he felt on the ground.
in reality, it was just mason shutting the door.
“hey, you didnt respond to any if my texts so i just got you bot-“
mason cut himself off, seeing the state lopt was in.
lopt continued staring at the ground,
his vision was crowded with static, and, the ghosts and voices were so loud they were drowning out his own thoughts.
he could barely feel when mason tapped at his knee to get his attention.
lopt looked up in the general direction he felt the movement coming from.
“uh, something.. wrong…?”
mason was unsure as to what was happening, he had never seen lopt so… broken.
lopt opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out.
a voice seemingly coming from behind him said how he had nothing worth saying.
nothing that would be worth anything to such a person as mason.
nothing worth saying that would ever amount to his partner.
he started to spiral.
questioning just /why/ mason was with him in the first place.
humans had used gods for their blood before, though, mason never did that,
humans had used gods for their power before, though mason never did that either.
was mason just with him, just to betray him in the end..?
did mason stay, just to make fun of him?
remind him of the fact he can never have a real relationship with a mortal due to their mortality and his immortality?
he felt something cold on his face.
he looked up trying to see what the source was, only being greeted by the static in his vision that had never left.
“shh shh there there, youre gonna’ be okay”
mason was trying to help.
wouldnt it be better to go ahead and stab lopt in the back?
to essentially kill him right then and there
“hey. hey breathe, breathe, youre okay, here can you see? you know what im saying right now?”
lopts mind kept rushing, but
he tried to pull through,
realising that it was essentially pointless for him to attempt to talk, he slightly nodded his head in a ‘yes’ manner
“good, good, i take it that you cant see much huh? i mean, youre looking right past me-“
lopt internally laughed, before shaking his head yes again
“alllrighty then, ill sit with you til’ it clears up mkay?” 
lopt flashed a slight, but genuine smile what he thought was masons way.
mason burst out laughing, lopt was not looking masons way in the slightest, from masons view he just smiled at a wall
“i- you-“
mason choked out between tears
“youuuu, n-need to-“
lopt felt a bit better, even if mason was laughing at his expense, somewhere in himself he knew that it wasnt masons intention, he was better than that.
mason mostly had regained his composure (or what little he still had after that) and started again
“y’know itd be k-kinda helpful if you /actually/ looked my way-“ mason got through between laughs
lopt giggled to himself before shaking his head in a overly dramatic way ‘no’
“ahhh darn”
mason snapped his fingers
“welp, i tried” he said before shrugging. as if lopt could see it.
“hows the whole vision thing going”
lopt contemplated his response for a second, it had cleared up but, not to a great degree
lopt waved his hand in an iffy way
“ahh- barely then”
lopt rolled his eyes, in a playful way, basing it off of feelings, he knew he probably wasnt even facing mason,
“jeeze how long does this fucking taaaaaake”
mason groanded out before fallinn backwards into the pull out couch, making a little “oomf” sound as he
hit it. 
lopt held up his pointer finger,
“huh? you say somthin’?”
lopt sighed. attempting to speak again
(j gave up)
“h-hour” lopt managed to get out
his voice sounded much deeper and raspier than the pitch he prefered to keep it at, being all that he could manage.
“i-o-oh” mason stuttered out, being caught off guard by lopts voice. slightly blushing aswell-
mason took a deep breath before composing himself again and sitting up.
“well, if its gonna take that long, how bout’ i get started on dinner?”
“s-sure, s-sou-sounds, good” lopt was pushing himself to speak, he had heard (and felt) mason get up, being unsure as where to face.
“alright then, and, please dont push yourself alright? you uh, you need to take your time”
lopt smiled back.
again smiling at a wall.
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jadedharleys · 15 days
why did they make blue lips be equius meowrails angst when john egbert is right there. the imagery helloooo
like. just some of my faves
"they started out beneath the knowledge tree"
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"and they chopped it down to make white picket fences"
smth abt how homestuck uses the suburban backdrop in the way it does... the "you have a feeling it's going to be a long day" flash... the fact that after the entire story is over and john is on earth c hes still in his old suburban house...
"all the gods in all the worlds began colliding on a backdrop of blue"
theres so many ways to make that be john. you could do something with godtiers. you could do something with [s] collide. yknow. the flash that had fuckin. heir of grief in it. <- that song kills me btw. for the same reaons that blue lips is a john egbert song to me. john you weird tragic nerd hero. but anyways the "backdrop of blue" being johns presence at so many points in the story bc of his retcon stuff...
"the pictures in his mind arose and began to breathe"
this and the other line similar to it like. his time asleep on prospit. scrawling insults and jesters on the walls of his room. finally seeing them once he wakes up there. also . breathe. like. like breath...
"blue, the most human color"
like ik everything from warriors to homestuck is gonna use songs abt being human regardless of the species of their subjects but like come onnnn! john is like. the normallest of the beta kids. he has a pretty normal life before sburb despite being yknow. an ectobaby who arrived to earth on a meteor ect ect. he is just a normal guy who becomes this narratively transcended figure. and hes blue
anyways if you read all of that i am working on doing yet Another redraw of my First Ever Homestuck Fanart . behold
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lineart isnt final but yayyy its actually gonna be full colored and shaded and everything this time
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thetisming · 4 months
since you asked me to answer all of thhe questions, you gotta answer all of the questions too!
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
probably zombie saga, although i also love 'i will vandalize your grave in your name', the 7+1 fic and some others that i think im forgetting. OH and 'we were staying in paris'
🎥 Pick a fic and I'll tell you the song I imagine playing during its movie trailer.
well this requires imput from other people. so.
but i'll choose zombie saga!! and the trailer song is Mamma Mia by ABBA. naturally
📝 How many words do you have posted?
approximately 162609
🤩 What's the most meaningful comment you've ever received?
that fucking ESSAY that Plankton wrote about iwvygiyn
🔮What's your favorite plot twist you've ever written?
ohh, this is an interesting one actually. definitely something in zombie saga but im not sure what!
👄 Your OTP are having their first kiss. What song do you imagine is playing?
THIS IS SO FUNNY AS A MUSICAL FAN. uh I Kissed A Girl. because that is what happens yeag
🎭What genre of writing comes easiest to you?
ANGST. it's so much easier than happy stuff lol it's like poetry for me
🙊Your coworkers or classmates stumble across one of your fics, but don't know you're the author. Do you fess up? Or keep quiet?
yeah i would tell them
🙌What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of?
"Go to sleep, Lance, and now that she’s gone you sleep with your mistakes" from my fic 'don't speak (i know just what you're saying)', but also many different things from (especially the second chapter of) iwvygiyn
🦉Is there another author that helped inspire you to write?
@fen-the-magnificat !!!!!
👶Fankids: How you do you feel about them? Would your OTP have kids?
i dont have any fankids unless you count the Dubois brothers, but i think they're neat! i dont know if Frankie and May would have kids but they would be AMAZING parents, and i dont think Juliet and Romeo would have any. William and Anne already have kids, and Lance has kids too which make them Angelique's kids
🐗How do you handle trolls?
i havent had any trolls
🟥How long do you spend in edits?
like 5 minutes to skim over it when ive put it in ao3 idk
🏡What is your perfect writing envrionment?
uh. i dont fucking know
💪What motivates you to write?
someone needs to write about my blorbos!!!
🚿Where do your best ideas seem to strike?
well zombie saga happened because i sent some dumb asks to Felix, anything about the wedding happening just comes randomly, and iwvygiyn came from a page of the sandman!
🌠What are your top three most commonly used tags on AO3?
uhh okay i'll do top 3 for each ig??
ratings: general (39), teen & up (38), not rated (1)
warnings: no warnings (52), chose not to use warnings (14), major character death (12)
categories: other (61), multi (49), F/M (46)
fandoms: & Juliet (74), citc (27), community (16) (last two are crossovers with &j btw)
characters: Francois (59), May (54), Juliet (51)
relationships: Francois/May (61), Juliet/Romeo (41), Juliet & May (34)
additional: title from an ABBA song (19), zombie apocalypse (18), not beta read (9)
overall top 3 are & Juliet, maycois/other (lumping those together lol) and Francois
💻What do you write your stories on? Laptop, phone, paper, etc.
laptop and phone!
🤔What are some words or phrases you find yourself overusing?
'Francois snuggled (etc etc)', probably, among other things lol
📕How do you feel about people printing your fics?
yeah fuck it just dont claim it as your own tbh
🤷‍♀️What's a fic you didn't expect to be popular, but really took off?
honestly. none. my readers are 3 friends and my brother and they all love everything basically
🍎What's something you learned while researching for a fic?
sinhalese isnt very gendered at all! it was refreshing cause normally i use italian and french which are very gendered
🥘What wip are you most excited about?
ohh... i think the new saga chapters lol
🦗Do you write in sequence or jump around?
not sure what this means sorry
👀 Would you ever accept requests or commissions?
yeah!! i might not get to them but i will try (if it's a commission i definitely will though!)
😱What's your greatest fear as a fanfic writer?
the actors reading my fics.
☕Coffee or tea while you write?
neither i am dehydrated
📈Which are your top three most popular fics by bookmarks?
'they forever hold their peace', 'Flower Crowns & Royalty' and 'Glee!' all with three bookmarks
🎬One of your fics gets turned into a TV series. Which one is it and what network is it on?
ZOMBIE SAGA FOR SURE. idk what network though
🛌 What's a trope you haven't written, but want to?
there was only one bed probably
🐸 If you incorporated your OTP into a Disney movie plot, which would it be?
i dont know, i dont watch enough disney
👩‍🎓 Do you have an 'official' creative writing background such as a degree or previous experience publishing?
⏳If you could go back in time and tell your younger writer self something, what would it be?
already answered
💯 What rating do you write the most? Gen Audiences, Teen, Mature, or Explicit? How many fics at that rating do you have?
gen audiences with 39 fics!
😁What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
COMMENTS !!!!!!!! AND TUMBLR ASKS and BOOKMARKS with nice comments!!!!!
🐎 Would you ever do a medieval or pirate au?
ohh, that could be fun actually
👩‍🏫Pick a character and I'll tell you their favorite season and why.
requires a character to be picked. i choose Frankie though and his favourite is autumn cause it's cold but not too cold
🎵Do you make playlists for your fics?
only sometimes!
🌷What's one of your fics that isn't as popular, but you hold dear?
my fromeo besties fics :)
❓Insert your own question here!
(not counted)
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narwhalandchill · 6 months
(4.6 beta changes) (again) (guys this is so long im just. many thoughts and me thinking out loud abt arle and my pulling plans. & other nonsense etc. my bad)
ooookay so yeah def glad i didnt jump the gun and attempt some sorta "is this a buff or not" feelscrafting nonsense on arles adjustments jkwjkwdjkwdjkwdkjjk and waited for TC (mostly zajef lmao) analysis and opinion on the real changes that ended up happening
anyway so like. it appears to be an universal buff for her p much? but how big of a buff it ends up being depends on some mechanics we still dont have a definite answer as to how they function (mostly how her BoL stacking from E works during the ECAQECA reset thing, if it enables 140% total stacking = massive dmg buff overall)
firstly my fears of her becoming too ult dependent for overworld appear to be? not as bad as i thought? so thats nice at least very pog like if she can do her thing decently enough just for fun running around thats very good
secondly. the ER situation is literally on a 50-50 😭 because its all about whether she has particle ICD on her E. if she doesnt, thats actually like. 0 ER needed or at the very least incredibly little of it. if there is particle ICD. well. thats going to be another story
the way her rotations have changed now seem to gear her towards overload teams with chevy? since they have very long rotations and characters like fischl and yae can have full uptime over those whereas vape teams lose hydro application from yelan or XQ and buff uptime from characters like bennett over time when a rotation stretches past 24s
like from what ive been reading it seems to be a pretty common sentiment that these buffs will make the biggest impact in chevy overload teams specifically (even tho shes obvi buffed just in general in all teams) for that reason and that chevy teams Especially w her at c6 with arle should be the best bennettless teams ultimately. which is definitely an interesting turn ?
(and this isnt all of the changes btw im just talking abt the ones that matter most for my considerations rn)
anyway. my thoughts then.
so im obviously glad the changes turned out to be buffs so far. but. theres still stuff im a bit. ehhhhhhhh on
firstly the survivability situation (which in turn leads back to the teambuilding issues). bc her self heal did get nerfed. so arles no longer going to be able to risk taking very high dmg during a rotation and dragging herself back to full once the next one starts. which to me feels like an emphasis on dmg mitigation for her and shielding.
(not to even get started on the. spam NAs to reduce her now 30s E cooldown so its up in time for the next rotation meaning you Do Not want to be staggered and tossed out of her attack string. and gee would you look at that! neuvillette level interruption res on c1 now! great!!)
(like again. to be clear. its hard to say exactly how much interruptions to her NA spam will end up fucking her over. i could just be overtly wary about how bad it might feel. but at its worst. with enemies that run away from u or go invincible. or stunlock you. the fact that it will at least heavily risk arles ability to reduce her E cooldown the amount she needs for fluid rotations. could definitely end up feeling like shit to play in practice without that interruption resistance. be it from c1 or a shied)
but then if we go back to her synergies and look at. those more interesting (imo) chevy teams that should perform well even without bennett. like arle/chevy/fischl/yae. whos keeping ur arle from dying there 😭 its giving lyney spreadsheet impact vs actual reality trying to play him without a shield 😭😭 guess we know who he got it from...
and yea could replace yae for beidou for damage reduction but her dmg will TANK in single target. as a whole. defensive options list in pyro/electro units only just isnt that good. beidous the one who tanks team dps the least as long as ur in AoE, but outside of that its just. thoma and dehya. and they will 100% tank the team dps
whereas defensive options like zhongli to me feel like they will just end up w her teams just wanting to lean towards that. traditional vape and mono pyro angle. bennett and kazuha and yelan/XQ. the usual stuff. and shes not getting benny and kazuha from childe so we have an issue 💀💀
unironically i will prolly be looking for some double geo zhongli/chiori/yelan vape team calcs for arlecchino (hope someone makes them. all double geo team calcs ive seen so far assume bennett 😭) just out of curiosity in terms of. how much worse it is than her best teams. bc if i can just slap her in that setup its a big bonus to how flexibly i could use her but eh. prolly will end up weaker than any chiorinavia nation core i could play so who knows
but. all this yapping and im only now getting to the point JSWJKDWJKWDJK so. heres the BIG problem
i dont have a single fucking chevrolet 💀 but i do have like 38 pity on a guarantee.
and like people are suggesting that maybe chevy will be on arles banner and fair, especially with these new beta changes incentivizing arle chevy teams way more than before, it would definitely make sense for hoyo to put chevy with her. and i definitely am overall a fan of this possible chevy overload team direction for arle (anything thats not bennett for father. ANYTHING) so id love for that to be the case
but. thats not guaranteed at all. and the same sentiment i had over arlecchinos hypothetical best support in the form of the pyro archon (or honestly. with the lack of electro shielders for chevy teams even clorinde could end up being that missing piece) where id almost rather wait to guarantee that synergistic unit before getting arle herself on a rerun. actually applies to chevy here too. even just a c0 one
and like. yes. if i spend that guarantee now on c2 chiori. and it turns out chevy is indeed featured with arlecchino. i will Not be able to guarantee her anymore - ill get one 50-50 and all the chances for a few solid chevy copies on the way but thats it.
however. the other scenario here is that arle does NOT get chevy. she gets fucking. kaveh noelle mika. and then chevy is going to rerun with like. idk. random banner. clorinde who may or may not have synergy with arle
...and im not really sure if id even want to pick arle up on that guarantee from that sort of banner SJKDKJADJKDJK but ok id skip her. buuut im still sitting on a guarantee i might not want to use on a character i feel just eh abt. but who might be with chevy (and like. i do pull for 4* when im on a 50-50 and low pity, idm the early. so as long as thats the case i can see myself tossing a few pulls at Any chevy banner in the future).
... which brings us back to. okay yeah saving the guarantee for clorinde IF chevy isnt with arle and IF shes an electro shielder sub dps support for those arle chevy teams. and getting arle on rerun as ive considered. doesnt sound that bad. but clorinde might also Not be that. uncertainty uncertainty.
like im fairly sure clorinde Will be an unit i wont mind pulling at 17 pity xianyun style on a 50-50 no matter what. but if shes not that mythical arle BiS support she prolly wont be worth that guarantee is my whole complex here lmao
whereas. c2 chiori. isnt an uncertain factor here. like im investing in her im getting her c6 eventually, c2 is like almost 25% personal dps increase (also my husk pieces LOVE rolling ER so itd actually be useful) it feels like the "safe" option in a sense ya know???
like. yes id leave arlecchino up to a coin toss . (Jail for jen!! fake lesbian!!!) but id also be left with the option of skipping her banner (if no chevy rateup to be clear) in favor of seeing whether she gains any synergistic units in the future and seeing how the various aspects of her kit that i do somewhat worry about end up panning out ?? and i think. id be fine with that ? Over the alternative
ultimately tho. im super happy arle got overall buffed and that at least some of my fears abt her kit changes were indeed unfounded, but some concerns still remain. its kinda wild and still sad to me that she went from an absolute 100% must pull character just bc its Her to like. curse of pyro on fielder idk if i Need this right now 😔😔 but i Will be getting her eventually!! no matter what
anyway have a sticker if u stuck around for all of my bullshit. this is literally just arle buff thoughts into gacha pulls stream of consciousness rambling 😭😭😭
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 10 months
Tim Drake: Boy (in) Danger
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/nfY2pa7 by fly_to_mars Tim Drake is a perfectly average 10 year old Bat-stalker. Then, Lady Shiva breaks into his house. He's... not so average anymore. Words: 1969, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Tim Drake: Boy... Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Gen Characters: Tim Drake, Sandra Woosan, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Duke Thomas, Ra's al Ghul, Leslie Thompkins Relationships: Tim Drake & Sandra Woosan, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake, Tim Drake & Ra's al Ghul, Tim Drake & Leslie Thompkins Additional Tags: Tim Drake-centric, Tim Drake is Not Robin, yet - Freeform, i do intend for him to be robin at some point, Hurt Tim Drake, like physically, physically he is very very hurt very very often, Creepy Ra's al Ghul, no beta we die like robins, no robins die in this fic btw, Jason Todd Does Not Die, why isnt that a tag :(, DC stands for Disregard Canon, Lady Shiva is part of the League of Assassins, Codependency, but its pretty much one-sided, Dependency read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/nfY2pa7
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spacedhead · 1 year
homestuck reread #12: act 6 p3
this is so funny to me im giggling in call and my friends are asking but im not brave enough to say it
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john is fighting jack?? OKAYYYY WIN THIS SHIT THEN
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HI ROSE OMG HI ROSE . it sucks how they cant like communicate with each other at all during the three years. like you guys dont have multi dimensional service? get the iphone plan
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bro shut up LOLLLLLL
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TRUE we love a dumb motherfucker
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due to speculation???
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john looks so goofy here. also drunk rose was silly but also a bit sad
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holy shit this is a lotta trolls
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stop pretending. we all know you want attention stop trying to deny it. AND ANOTHER THING. the stuff that is going on with caliborn? WRDGAF. the meenah intermissions were fun though. some funny dialogue in there. i liked them :) . unfortunately it just made me wanna get back to what the beta kids and trolls are doing... even though i see them every so often i feel like i miss them. like i used to see them all the time! and now... i see them once a year....
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yeah you really screwed the pooch on that one lil bro
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okay this dialogue is actually painful to read BUT it is interesting how a common theme of the alpha kid session is just. Waiting . they have to wait for the beta kids to come to actually make their session winnable and it keeps telling us that . so theyre just sitting around stewing in their juices. also cool that theyre called nobles instead of heroes and their planets each have a noble gas in the title
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this doesnt really make sense over text BUT i see what is happening and. yes jake is the worst. jake you suck we all hate you sorry girl maybe stop being flop city
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yeah okay jane is actually based right now. i cant remember why i stopped liking her. in this conversation jake is ragging on dirk for being too self indulgent and having zero self awareness while talking to jane about his issues. jane is literally trying to plan her own birthday party . jake you are being so fucking stupid and rude and honestly a pos rn bro. get OVER yourself
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cool panel.... a bit scary though! man i love roxy. calliope is good too
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holy shit i did not know that your dreamself has to be alive for you to ascend to god tier on your quest bed. that is interesting.
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YOOOO HI ROSE. I MISSED YOU SO MUCH YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT HAS HAPPENED WHILE YOU WERE GONE. and by gone i mean not the center of the story i guess? but either way
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bro is like are you serious right now. is this really happening. also hey equius . long time no see. i guess
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ahahahahaha oh man this guy is a riot. also look at dirk this is huge for the dirk profile picture community which could be me soon
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oh man i really hate this part. i hope it isnt too long i dont remember if its really drawn out or short
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he is about to die
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he deserved this
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gahhhhhhhhh its too much PLEASE let this end soon
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOO fefeta :( best character you will be missed on this grand adventure. but alas we will have to carry on without you. how will we cope? how will we survive?
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i think you are giving him too much credit there . at this point he definitely IS an asshole
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okay well trickster mode is over and things are about to get even worse but i do appreciate the kids talking out their problems albeit in a very non direct way to where they arent actually really solving anything BUT they are at least talking now!! so thats good!! next part things take a turn for the worse somehow see you then
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your-localghost · 4 years
yall mind if i,,, post some self-indulgent oc oneshots
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daswarschonkaputt · 2 years
so im pretty excited abt ur abo kp fic which is new to me bc i normally dont care abt abo? this isnt shade or bullshit btw i hope i just wanted to ask how u conceptualize gender and sex in abo? tags on the notfic r 100% right btw more trans abo. im always put off by most abo for the idea that cis male omegas basically?? have a cloacae for an anus but also a dick? it feels too alien for a non paranormal genre. do u think anatomy ought to be addressed more or left to suspension of disbelief?
right straight off the bat we're putting this one behind a readmore, because i don't want to wig anyone out. a/b/o be weird.
essentially, the way i conceptualise a/b/o and how gender and sex work is:
male/female - usually identifiable at birth, with obviously some grey area in there for intersex people.
alpha/beta/omega - surfaces during puberty, at which point the body changes in whichever way the subgender inclines.
i usually write it that it's not really possible to tell how someone's subgender will present until it does, because i think the inherent tension between "this is how i was treated growing up" vs. "this is how people treat me now" gives the most room for social commentary, and character growth, which is one of my favourite parts of a/b/o. so everyone's body has the base potential to go any subgender way.
relatedly, one of my least favourite tropes in a/b/o is the trope where a character unexpectedly discovers they're an omega and they hate it and take drugs to make themselves a beta, and they wish they were a beta/alpha and as a reader i just have to sit there like, and the logical ending to this story ISN'T that they're trans????
in fact, this trope irritated me so much that i fully outlined and started writing an original fic where the main character gets the whoops! all omega! reveal and instead of hating it and hiding it, feels fulfilled and more comfortable in himself, because it enables him to put into words and be accepted for aspects of his gender identity that have existed his entire life.
ahem. omega biology. back on track.
male omegas are one of those fandom tropes that i just... choose not to look at too closely. science brain well and truly turned off. because of how the kinnporsche mpreg fic is structured (porsche not knowing he's pregnant, and not knowing he could become pregnant) -- we're probably looking at assbabies for that one, though i usually prefer to go the male omegas are intersex (and female alphas are, as well) route, just because it makes most sense to me. but -- this is fanfic. things only make sparing amounts of sense 20% of the time.
truthfully, i think the question of anatomy depends on the fic. i do think there is a level of suspension of disbelief that is needed to read a/b/o, but to me that's true of all sci-fi. a lot of genre studies essays on sci-fi talk about this idea of a novum, a point of divergence that makes the sci-fi story different from our world. it can be a thing, an idea, a hypothetical. for example, in mass effect, the novum is the mass drivers. in star trek it's the warp core. in the martian, it's leaving a man behind on mars. and with sci-fi, you're not meant to question the novum. it's the foundational part of the universe. sci-fi is the question, "what if [x] was different?"
so with a/b/o, the novum is, well, it's the a/b/o dynamics. "what if human reproductive biology was on crack?" the bits i'm interested in are the answers that spiral out from that question -- i'm not really focused all that much on the question itself.
but, like i said, it depends on the fic. if the fic's question is, "so, if we do have these a/b/o dynamics, how does the biology actually work?" then obviously it's a bit more relevant. but i've only seen one or two a/b/o fic that approach the matter like that.
hope that makes sense!
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not-poignant · 2 years
In honour of underline the black and all the characters popping up as alphas and omegas, i was thinking if it isnt a bother to you could you share which characters of yours you think would be betas, if any? Btw loving utb very much so far.
Hi hi!
I'm still deciding tbh? Like we know Enris is a beta. Otherwise many characters I'm sectioning off into alphas or omegas mostly because I am often not very interested in writing betas (I AM SORRY EVERYONE).
This story isn't going to have a ton of betas, and I'm thinking they will be support staff, so we also won't see them a great deal. I know Faber is a beta.
I think Mikkel would be a beta, but beyond that I write so many like overt doms and subs and tops and bottoms that it's just very easy to kind of apply stereotypical alpha or omega qualities to most of my characters instead of beta qualities. I suppose you could potentially look at some of the other kind of 'support staff characters' in other stories, but like, also no, because Ondine? Omega. Julvia? Alpha. Fenwrel? Alpha. ...I'm suddenly very on the fence about Gulvi, I think she would actually be a beta or maaaaybe an alpha or...fuck. I don't know. Eran would be an alpha.
I think it's personally just down to like, individual inclination. I really really love the vibe of alpha/alpha relationships and alpha/omega relationships, and I actually don't really go out of my way to read beta pairings of any kind unless it's an exception to the rule (sorry Thomas), so it wouldn't occur to me to categorise my characters that way, unless I knew they weren't going to be significant main or side characters?
Like it's to the point that I'm having to invent new characters to be betas in the story, like Faber (and another character coming up later in the story, Lachlan), because so few of my characters are fitting the bill mentally (also I need to save a LOT of them for like, other pairs in Hillview potentially?)
To me personally, betas often feel like the 'humans' in many omegaverse worlds, and while they don't have to be that, as the humans they become backdrop, and are not the focus of the story itself. The alternative to this is universes with zero betas, that are just alpha/omega and then humans. So yeah, I just...am someone who follows along with that trope and isn't personally interested in challenging it, which leaves me with very few characters I actually want to voluntarily put into the beta category. Everyone has different reasons they come to this trope and different subversions they want to write (if any) and betas are just not one of my reasons or my subversions (Thomas you are the exception I promise).
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Heroism is a Concept
heroism is a concept by certifiedgendercrisis
"Do you like it?!" "Problem child. This is a monster can and a bottle of eyedrops." "Exactly! Happy birthday, Eraser!" - Izuku Midoriya has been alone his whole life. His mother, his best friend, his teachers and everyone around him never saw what was really happening. Izuku's a smart kid and he learns something new everyday but it's hard to be happy when there's no one to be happy with. So he reckons it's a nice change of pace when he finds a few other lost and lonely children. Maybe life isn't as bad as he thought... --- [ REPOST AND 2022 REVAMP ] [ ORIGINAL LINK: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30258162/chapters/74568948 ]
Words: 9657, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Mitsuki, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Shinsou Hitoshi, Jirou Kyouka, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Tamakawa Sansa, Tsukauchi Naomasa
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Mitsuki & Midoriya Inko, Jirou Kyouka & Shinsou Hitoshi, Tamakawa Sansa & Tsukauchi Naomasa, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: dadzawa? or dadbi?, take your pick, Midoriya Inko's Bad Parenting, Good Parent Bakugou Mitsuki, i keep reading her name as mitski help, Vigilante Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Midoriya Hisashi Being an Asshole, excellent tag btw, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Good Sibling Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Protective Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Soft Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Midoriya Izuku Adopts Eri, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Pre-Canon, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Adopted Eri, Cute Eri, Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Accidental Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is Good With Kids, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Eri Has PTSD, Abandoned Midoriya Izuku, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Eri is a Ray of Sunshine, no beta we die like men, Yagi Toshinori | All Might Bashing, I hate him so much, can u tell im a shigs kin, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Child Abandonment, Smart Midoriya Izuku, Lonely Midoriya Izuku, Eri and Midoriya Izuku Are Siblings, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Needs a Hug, Dabi | Todoroki Touya and Midoriya Izuku are Siblings, Dabi | Todoroki Touya and Todoroki Fuyumi are Twins, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is Not a Villain, BAMF Bakugou Mitsuki, Protective Bakugou Mitsuki, Tsukauchi Naomasa Needs a Break, Tsukauchi Naomasa is So Done, Orphan Shinsou Hitoshi, Divorced Midoriya Hisashi/Midoriya Inko, White-Haired Dabi | Todoroki Touya, White-Haired Midoriya Izuku, matching cuties, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, oh yeah inko gets arrested lmfao, eri isnt here yet but she will be soon i promise, you will have your bb sister content soon
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40468914
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anotherhellchild · 4 years
more fic recs please!!! i feel like i've read every bakugou fic on ao3 :(((
ohh yess of course!
I actually just posted this before i saw your ask but i’ll add this one again
- Hop to it, hero 
This one’s about baku going to miruko for an internship and he chills and kicks ass with miruko and hawks! so far its very lighthearted and i’d def rec this if u wanna laugh :DD
- Lost In The Darkness
This one’s really long! its 124k and 25 chapters in and still ongoing! but i really really like it!! Quite angsty but also super lighthearted and funny, basically some things go wrong after the league kidnaps baku and then baku and shiggy get stuck together for a while and they kinda gotta not murder each other if they wanna survive. lets just say things get kinda complicated and Stockholm/ lima syndrome may or may not be part of the problem.
(also shiggy and baku are both gamer nerds)
- Scent of the broken written by @katutsukushii
Really good! set in an a/b/o universe (yknow with alpha’s, beta’s and omega’s or something) and i honestly dont really read stuff like that because i dont know a lot about it and therefore im never sure what the hell is going on but yeah! this is really good and also angsty. im very excited to see what happens next tbh but its about an omega katsuki who gets rescued from a Not Good place and then he gets adopted by the erasermic fam (with shinso). Make sure you read the tags if you wanna read this one cause it can be triggering. 
- Blame it on me
Foster care au! Again, baku gets adopted into the erasermic fam! There is angst but also quite a lot of fluff. Also this ones already finished, it has 20 chapters but i do believe its been made into a series and there’s another fic thats just started in that series. 
- Spiteful written by @lawgrain 
omfg this one is sooooo good i love it!! it baku being the beautiful petty bitch he is but its completely justified!!! hatsume helps him too and everyone is being an asshole and its honestly just some prime baku angst!! its so good seriously
- Social media 101
Okay at this point im literally going through my bookmarks and thinking “!!!!!” everytime i find another fic i can’t not add but this is So Good!! It deals with baku and the media and baku is honestly suffering so damn much it brings me pain istg if he doesnt get help soon in this fic i Will riot.
- A soul made of cinders
for my fellow tdbk simps out there. This is just A+
it has angst and two idiot soulmates who can feel each others pain and have been able to feel each others pain throughout their entire lives, both these idiots have shitty parents btw and of course only not-emotionally constipated people would know how to deal with that, unfortunately, the idiots we’re dealing with do not posses the happy childhoods needed for that skill.... what else do you need?
- A trip to remember
Okay im going overboard and I need to stop but i needed to add this one real quick cause guys!!! THIS IS SO GOOD! still ongoing and its been awhile since the author has updated (which isnt a problem of course, im not complaining) BUT ITS SO GOOD!! Some serious bakusquad angst and they are suffering and its straight up not a good time cause theyre kind of maybe dying and we dont know what exactly happened yet but we’re slowly finding out. 
Phew alright i’ll stop now but if anybody reads any of these and they like it then maybe leave the authors a comment? It can seriously make someones day and as a person who writes stuff sometimes too I know its always appreciated so so much! 
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reluctant-mandalore · 4 years
Hi there! Do you have any stories or head cannons for if the reader/you got very drunk for fun but Din is his usual over protective self.
Warnings: drinking, alcohol, reader ends up very drunk basically, mentions of vomiting, fluff, hurt/comfort(din looking after reader with hangover), hang overs, established relationship, mentions of sex and consent, din is a consent king btw, not beta read.
Pairing: Din Djarin x gn!Reader (readers gender is not specified/gender neutral pronouns used for reader)
a/n: Hey anon! These are just some rough hcs and tbh I don’t drink dsfygdsf. So I’m not sure if they’re any good. I mean, I do have some thoughts on how’d Din would act/take care of a drunk s/o, but ya know as someone who doesn’t really drink I had to ask around and do some reading lol. I hope you enjoy them either way! 
Also, because these hcs involve a very drunk reader I have few about Din and consent. Consent is a very important topic for me and the thought of having sex with someone who is drunk or while I’m drunk is icky for me. So if you’re here for drunk sex this isnt the place, but if you want to see Din being soft and taking care of his stupidly drunk s/o than you’re in the right spot. 
+ Din didn’t ever drink while out in public, so if you wanted to go out and drink he wouldn’t really be participating. 
+ He didn’t mind having the odd drink while at the ship with you, but in public it was definitely not happening. 
+ Though if you wanted to have a few drinks while the two of you were out and about, he didn’t have any issues with that.
+ Din would mostly end up spending the evening chatting and relaxing with you as you drank, making sure to keep a watchful eye over you. 
+ He noticed that due to everything going on with the child and his work, that it was hard to find some time to spend with you alone. So any moment to relax with you was one he particular jumped at the chance to do. 
+ Din would end being on high alert the entire time though, his over protectiveness really showing the more you drank and drunker you became. 
+ He wasn’t afraid to get in between you and any person who decided to try to mess with or harm you while in your drunken state. 
+ Though in all fairness most people wouldn’t even dream to mess with him and his presumed partner. 
+ Anyone who did wouldn’t be for much longer anyway. Din would make sure of it. 
+ While you were drinking, he’d remind you to stay properly hydrated with water in between your alcoholic beverages. 
+ Whether you listen to him or not determines if you get a lecture from him on the importance of hydration the next day. 
+ If you’re convincing enough, Din will go and dance with you, but you’d have to do your best puppy dog eyes to pull it off. 
+ He doesn’t think he’s the best dancer, but with you laughing and having fun, he’d throw all his worries away. Your smile was worth more than any shyness he may face on the dancefloor. 
+ If you began to become more flirtatious with him he wouldn’t mind it in the slightest. He’d even throw back his own flirty remarks, complimenting you just as sweetly as he always did. 
+ However, if you started become more bold with your actions, clearly hinting at something more sexual, he’d put a stop to it right away. 
+ It wasn’t as if he disliked the attention from you and it wasn’t as if he didn’t want to do anything with you. He was actually just more concerned about the lack of consent that you could give in your very drunken state.
+ Din was a man of strict consent, he wouldn’t take or do anything unless he knew you could agree to it with a clear and conscious mind (or if this was a topic you had both discussed earlier together as a couple). 
+ So no matter how handsy or flirtatious you got with him while drunk, he wouldn’t even consider doing a thing to you in that state. 
+ “Cyar’ika you are absolutely breath taking, but let’s wait until you're not drunk out of your mind, ok?”
+ Depending on how drunk you got he’d carry or guide you home. Holding you close the entire way as he made sure you both returned to the ship safely. 
+ When home, Din would bring you to your cot or his own depending on how much you whined to him about it. 
+ “But Dinnnn, your cot is so much better and I want to cuddle and... and...”
+ “Shh cyar’ika... that’s fine, you can sleep in my cot than.” 
+ Din would make sure to remove your shoes (and things like glasses if you wore them so they wouldn’t get broken) before tucking you into the sheets. 
+ He’d stay with you until you fell asleep—making sure you were resting peacefully and safely—before going to get himself ready for bed. 
+ If you ended you nauseous or vomiting at any point, he’d make sure to sooth you by rubbing circles on your back and trying to comfort you the best he could. Also, if your someone who has long hair he’d hold it back for you and keep it out of your face.
+ When you woke up in the morning, a glass of water and some medication to help with your hangover would be waiting for you. 
+ You wouldn’t even have to ask twice for him cuddle with you for a bit in bed while you had a hangover (or at any time really—this man loves cuddling). 
+ He’d end up letting you rest for most of the day—making sure you were fed and hydrated—while keeping the child distracted so you could properly sleep off your hangover. 
+ “I’m never drinking again.”
+ “Cyar’ika you said that the last time this happened.”
+ “You always have to burst my bubble, don’t you Din?”
+ At the end of it all, Din wouldn’t mind you drinking (as long as it wasn’t impacting your health majorly of course) and would be a very supportive, but also protective, boyfriend throughout your entire drunk experience. 
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queerpunkking · 2 years
not me writting (another) iwaoi fic
This is a small prt of the first chapter, i´ll upload it when im a few chapters ahead just in case, this is not beta read so yk it isnt great:
-------Its a Hunger games au btw----------
Iwaizumi was seven when he first saw Oikawa Tooru. He was small, shorter than most boys his age. He had a weird beauty to him though, almost ethereal in a way. He had a charming smile and his words were like a venom that could get him whatever he wanted. A devil in disguise really. Hajime didn't blame him though, the boy did what he had to do to survive, he could understand that, he would have done the same if he had the power. He had never been good with words.
Iwaizumi was nine when he first talked to Oikawa. The boy had grown taller, a lot taller actually, he was now around iwaizumi´s  own height. The boy had quietly sat down next to him, watching him with bad hidden curiorisity. Iwaizumi remembers that day clearly, he remembers the aggressive “What?” Hajime had greeted him with, and he remembers Oikawa´s smile.
“Nothing i just thought you looked interesting”
No more words were exchanged but they sat there, making each other company until the bell rang.  It was an okay day.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
A Broken Heart Collector
by 0_Ello_0
In this world, humans are able to transfer their minds to younger forms (people) and essentially live forever.
Many people have raised questions about how morally ‘correct’ doing this is.
Wilbur’s 25 and wants to transfer. The younger form is quite tall, a few inches shorter than Wilbur, he has messy blonde hair and blue eyes.
As soon as the elder meets the kid he suddenly changes his mind.
This isnt a very good summery sorry about that :] Also titles from the song ‘My Ted Talk’ by mxmtoon because i was vibing to it
Words: 1160, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: How Do I Tag, Fluff, change of heart, Mind Control, Kinda, theres no mind transfer tag :(, i dont have a beta reader and i cant read, Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Not Related, No Romance, No Romance Involving TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), No Angst, .. so far ;), Author Is Sleep Deprived, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, TELL ME IF A NEED A TAG OR WARNING !!!, Wilbur Soot-centric, my writing’s dull ;), MY TAGGING IS HORRENDOUS 😭😭, theyre both AROUND the same age as irl, Inner Dialogue, dialogue isnt good cause ive never really written it, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, No Smut, No Slash, characters arent well written, sorry about that btw, Bad Spelling & Grammar
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40724829
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acnelli · 3 years
I wanted to ask if you've ever gotten an ask (not me) of a well thoughtout fic of any pairing? What would you say to motivate people to try and write their stories? When people give you an idea what typically goes through your head?
Theres so many ideas, plots and prompts to choose from and write but sometimes it gets difficult for some poeple to get that inner courage to post their work.
If you don't mind me asking, what made you finally hit submit on your work?
Also, i'm a Hp Romione fanfic writer, but I do struggle with trying to upload my work whether it's here on tumblr or on A03. I've gotten give or take about 7-8 semi finished WIPs, which are all based on different varieties of prompts/ideas.
Yet, I don't know how to move on to the submitting process which is like the finished stage of writing. I've tried joining the Romione discord but I always get nervous with the huge amount of people that are on the server, it's great don't get me wrong but it's a bit intimidating. When I say that I mean that there's so many amazing writers, and artist on the server, makes me feel like my writing isnt worth posting. I know it sounds pretty lame but I cant help feeling that way.
Sorry for rambling but I just had to ask you a few questions, don't feel obligated to answer quick. I'd like you to take your time with this.
Thanks for listening and also thank you for your fanfics, they make my day always
Hello anon,
first of all, thank you so much for your kind words. I'm happy you like my stories 💛
Now to answer your questions.
1) Aside from one a little more detailed, very smutty Romione time travel story idea, I never got an ask with a full outline of a story.
2) To anyone who wants to try and write, I'd say, please do. There is always someone who wants to read your story and if you like the idea, then someone else does too. Writing is usually not a skill you are just good at, but something that takes practice. If you read a lot of fanfiction, pay attention to the writing style and see what would work best for you until you find your own style.
3) I like prompt writing, so if someone gives me a prompt I play out different scenes in my head. The prompt shouldn't be too specific, but I don't mind working with something a little bit more detailed.
4) As for the courage to post your work: I posted my first fanfiction many years ago and I just had the desire to write down my idea. When I published it I didn't think much about it beforehand. I just posted it and was very surprised when I got reviews. The fic doesn't exist anymore, btw. Like I said before, practice makes perfect and I wasn't happy with it when I reread it. I also fell out of that fandom, so I wasn't very attached to it either. BUT this is how I got into writing and I just kept trying. For years I didn't write anything and I only started again in 2019.
I joined Tumblr and through Tumblr I found a bunch of very supportive fandom folks and sometime later I joined the HPRomione Discord. I understand your hesitation and worry considering the many talented writers in the server, but to me you couldn't find a more supportive group of people. Everyone is so helpful and as long as you respect and are considerate of people's boundaries (like smutty prompts, etc.), you are more than welcome to discuss fic ideas with us. And even if you don't want to discuss your writing, you can also talk about Romione in general, stories you read and enjoyed, and also non-fandom topics.
Don't be afraid to join and talk about your WIPs. Talking about story ideas is one of our favourite past times. As I said before, you'll find many helpful people there who would be happy to beta-read and/or go over your story idea and plot lines.
I hope my answer was helpful and if you have any more questions, send me another ask if you want 💛
Ask me anything for the 500 followers celebration!
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