#this isn't to say 'never criticize other fans' or anything lol but i'm of the opinion that it's important to specify behaviours
bthump · 2 months
idk if it is wrong of me to say, but ppl's love for gtsca is very strange to me. guts has known her longer in her elaine state than when they talked to each other, i think. it is hard to find it heartbreaking in the sense that we haven't seen him interacting with casca in well over like 250+ chapters. so i question whether fans self-insert or really just keep rereading GA over and over. it is like guts recycles the same moments they had years ago, but even if those moments were the peak of romance (they were not), seeing the same flashbacks gets stale after so many years. i truly wonder what keeps fans invested lmao
Idk, to be fair you can make pretty much the same criticisms of griffguts lol. They've barely interacted since the Golden Age, Griffith is no longer his human self, Guts always thinks of the same moments when he thinks of Griffith, etc.
People like what they like. There's virtually nothing that appeals to me about gtsca, and I do definitely think griffguts is about 100x more engaging and interesting, but if people got emotionally attached to Guts and Casca's relationship in the Golden Age it makes sense to still root for them now, especially since the manga does still tease the fans of their relationship occasionally.
lol sorry btw, I know you were probably expecting agreement since I'm not a fan of gtsca at all myself and I do think they're boring and all the post-GA content makes their relationship even worse in my eyes, but idk I feel like it's best to express your dislike of a ship without making assumptions about why other people might enjoy it. And even if it is true that a lot of fans self-insert (and based on how people discuss Berserk on eg reddit and stuff, and the fact that it's just a very common way of enjoying stories) I don't think that's inherently a bad thing as long as they don't make it other peoples' problem.
Anyway, yeah. Totally agree that Guts and Casca's relationship is lacklustre in every way and pretty close to nonexistent after the Golden Age, but I think it's still fine for people to enjoy it. We can't all have the same taste in entertainment.
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I finished watching lady baseball show last night and I have a lot of thoughts!! Some of them controversial?? Perhaps lol. Let's see!
First and most importantly, I really enjoyed the show! Anything critical I say is said with love lol. Overall it was a good show!
I loveddddd Clance. Clance and Max's friendship was everything to me (probably a post of its own but straight/gay friendships hold such a special place in my heart). I love them, they were so so so good I want to protect them at all costs. Clance was so wonderfully witty, she was cracking me up the whole show.
I also adored Lupe and Jess. If it was up to me Lupe would have been the mc of the Peaches. She was such an interesting and complex character who exhibited growth throughout the season and I loved every scene with her. And she's hot but that's not the point.
Jess too! I would have loved more time with Jess, I also ate up all of her scenes. And she looks like a butch version of my wife so she was also hot but again not the point. I'm not saying for sure that some Jess/Lupe fics could be coming, but... I'm not not saying it either.
Alright my controversial (or maybe not idk) take: I wasn't a big fan of Carson/Greta...whoops. idk I just didn't think they had great chemistry, it felt like a lot of telling rather than showing. They were supposed to really like each other but a lot of their scenes together they kinda just seemed annoyed/mad at each other 😬 idk sorry to my fellow lesbians I have failed you.
My conspiracy theory is that if the show was supposed to be multiple seasons then Greta/Carson was never meant to be end game and it was actually Carson/Max end game but idk that's probably not realistic with the times but I mean. At least they seemed to actually like each other don't kill me lol
Another big reason why I think Greta/Carson doesn't work well is because their relationship isn't reflected in the game. A huge component of sports shows/films is the sport being a reflection of real life, especially the relationships of people involved (see for more: my obsession with tbitb coxstroke). Baseball is the perfect game for this because it has an incredibly important dynamic/relationship within the game: catcher and pitcher. It absolutely baffled me that they didn't have the main couple be the catcher and pitcher (cough Carson/Max, cough). And tbh? Maybe not romantically, but Carson and Lupe's dynamic was far more interesting to me than Greta and Carson, because I got to see how it matter on the field. Greta and Carson barely played off each other in the sport, it was mind boggling to me.
On a similar note, I loved whenever the show was focused around baseball. I feel like they kind of lost that in places, and whenever we'd get back to an actual game where we'd get to see them play I'd be like "man I love this!" What can I say, I love a good sports film!
Sometimes the pacing of the show felt off to me. Like certain plot points they'd squeeze in and resolve pretty quickly even if they felt like a big deal, while others felt drawn out longer than they needed to be. Idk, writing a first season of a show is probably hard so I get it, just something that bugged me in a "I see so much potential, it just needed a little more tweaking" way.
As a fan of the og movie too, it was cute to see the little nods they made to it throughout the show. I kept having to explain them to my wife cuz she hasn't seen it lol (like when they started singing in the last episode my wife was like "...what is happening" lmaoo)
I think those are my main points. Anyway I enjoyed it and I'm sad it's over. Mwah I love you lesbian baseball show, I wish you had lasted longer so I could find out if my conspiracy was right. The end.
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familyagrestefanblog · 2 months
Sorry, I just need to get this off my chest.
You know what's shit?
That I always come back to work on my explanation posts on why Alya, Plagg, and Emonette being treated unfairly and being disregarded by Maribug's writing is by now pissing me off to similar degrees as her bad treatment of Chat Noir
But that always ends in a domino effect of me putting together more of the overall narrative that ticks me off so much cause my ADD brain can't NOT look for the continuous string of the writing pattern I follow once I'm at it.
You probably can imagine that this isn't very good for my mental health and the only reason why I'm still doing it is because I have a strong suspicion on what the new story arc will do with Cerise after this agonizing hiatus, and only once the actual new story arc proves me wrong can my ADD brain let this emotional investment of 7+ years in my "comfort show" since I was a 16 rest in peace.
Being neurodivergent is exhausting of FUCK...
So I always stop writing any of the posts about the other topics and come back to my Adrichat corner because that's the "safe space" my brain is the most familiar and comfortable with by now since season 4 to make a post AT ALL that isn't running the risk of leading me down 7 new rabbit holes I can't unsee anymore afterwards...
I MISS looking into several narrative threads in this show and voicing my opinions on them. In hindsight, I regret not having done it more when it was still possible, but I feel like it should have been alright in any other normally written show to have a fan blog dedicated to a specific part of the story. I feel like I shouldn't be the one in the WRONG for having done that.
Anyway, I honestly MISS the time where I knew that Maribug's benefit and comfort weren't the only things accepted as "valid" readings of the story. From both sides. Supporters and critics/salters.
Where saying anything that isn't immediately connected to Marinette's benefit and comfort didn't need a full-blown 20 page essay post going into any detail possible to fight for the right to even be taken seriously as a realistic reading of the story at all.
I know I'm not the only one upset at this, but I wonder how many people really realized by now how batshit insane this is right now. That only the most vanilla and vague-ass posts that do their best to not in anyway say something that would be "mean" and "non-validating" to Marinette can be posted now without it automatically being categorized as at least "critical" or running the risk of getting perceived as salt or wishful-thinking.
You can't point ANYTHING out anymore without at least one person running in and either saying "You just HATE Marinette and want to see her punished! You people never care about HERRRRRRRRRR (regarding a topic that isn't about her or is her fucking JOB as a narrative tool to DO)" or "Yeah, nah, the show would never let that happen because of the Marinette bias lol"
You can't even say anything anymore about Adrien's abuse without it being either undermined to all hell because of Marinette having been bullied and needing to be a girlboss who does to others what she's declared "tortured" for, or Félix "hypocrite and victim-blamer" Fathom. Gabriel being abusive was once the most basic ass thing to talk about, what the fuck happened?? (don't answer that, I know the answer...)
The whole analysis' side of this fandom that isn't catering to Marinette was either killed or basically exiled into the "critical" or outright "salt" tag because you can't even be interested in world-building anymore without having to fight for the post's right to be taken seriously under the crushing weight of Marinette's narrative benefits and comfort.
Because mademoiselle ain't fucking interested in ANYTHING lore wise beyond what's convenient for her (not to mention the retcons), so talking about the Guardian and Kwami lore for example counts as SALT now because it automatically implies for people that Marinette isn't all that matters and her flaws of not being interest in ANYTHING might actually COUNT as flaws she should work on. I know, the fucking HORROR! 😱
I MISS writing theories, analysis posts, and speculating about this shows future plots in even the most basic "set up and pay off" manner but I know I can't because my default approach is always complementary to the main character - meaning what challenges them and the narrative the most to grow, expand, and develop. This isn't a Marinette specific thing, I ALWAYS do this.
And contrary to popular belief in this fandom, I get by perfectly fine doing that for the majority of other pieces of media I consume. It is MIRACULOUS and this damn Fandom that now genuinely did it's best to convince themselves that this level of main character centric morality and revenge porn level writing is NORMAL when it's seriously NOT.
There is a REASON why this show hardly ever gets recommended on social media the way one would think despite its success. Or why the Fan backlash is so enormous despite a solid part of the Fandom already having left long ago and the young target demographic not uniformly having a voice in the social media discourse.
Or why people actively advise others AGAINST watching the show, AGAINST forming an emotional investment, and AGAINST going anywhere near the Fandom.
Cause no fucking shit, this isn't normal.
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yonpote · 8 months
another thing is like... under capitalism, business success and wealth begin to alienate you from others who don't have that. and that alienation can feed into greed, like why not keep investing and making business deals and buying expensive stuff? and no one around is really going to call you out because they are either capitalist hacks or maybe people who once struggled who now rely on you.
so like, I don't inherently expect much from creators like dnp who come into money. even though they probably have more financial freedom than many other creators because of all the tours, books, games, etc (because they are good at business!)
so like, as their fans who ultimately are their consumers, I think it's good to call them out, especially because they have shown before that they have good intentions.
am I expecting much from them? no. wealth can be corrupting and speaking out comes with risk to business/career interests. but they have a special relationship with their audience, as we're mostly all fellow queer and neurodivergent people with similar interests. so we can provide feedback and be the ones to try to ground them and be like "hey that wasn't cool please do better." stopping engagement with them and their content entirely doesn't really do anything to help, unless they did something they needed to absolutely be deplatformed for. stopping engagement is a valid personal choice, but when I see stuff that begins to resemble like 'they aren't being activists right now time for everyone to unstan' I'm like... if that makes you feel better, fine, but I would rather parasocially / affectionately be like "hey I expect more from you!" in a way that is constructive. which is something I would want to do with my friends, but the difference is, if my friends didn't change or try to then I probably would distance myself from them. Whereas Dan and Phil are entertainers we don't now irl, we have a different relationship with them. but compared to many other creators, they really do tend to be more sensitive to their audience (which has helped their success).
but so this time the (mostly leftist) phannies calling them out actually got them to do a fundraiser so that's cool! even if it's because of the backlash like, that's what the point of backlash is! we should want people to change behavior. not to just abstractly punish them, for something they could be unlikely to do without pressure. though hopefully it will lead to less instances of having to pressure them.
idk this brings up interesting stuff about parasocial relationships, the transactions between creators and their audience, and capitalism. so of course I had to rant about it for a sec lol.
thats completely true! thank u for the rant lol but yeah i dont want to come across as being like, NEVER EXPECT ANYTHING FROM YOUR FAV CREATORS it was more like, with dnp specifically we know where their heart is i guess so it can be unnecessary to call for whatever. BUT you're absolutely right in that they probably wouldn't have done a charity stream were it not for pressure from fans. and maybe this is ME being parasocial but i'd like to think that this isn't for damage control or performativism (i mean it is a LITTLE cuz any publicity is a little bit abt looking good) but rather like, putting their money where their mouth is basically! and showing to their core audience like hey we care about this thing too and we fully hear you.
i was thinking about this General concept wrt dnp because i think there have been other moments where dnp were called out about something or criticized for like their more offensive humor and they stopped doing that and educated themselves which is better than most creators who put up fakeass apology videos. ive seen a lot of ppl say they want dan to talk about and apologize for his racist and sexist humor (and honestly only asking dan but not bringing up that phil also had his share of racist jokes) but it's like. at this point what further could he say? he's not a 21 year old shit head anymore (and yeah good for you for being a socially aware 21 y/o in 2024 but that offensive humor literally was just the culture of that time period) and they both have SHOWN that they have grown and even talked about it in like the pinof react video where they talked about "yeah we bullied kristen stewart a lot cuz it was just popular to make fun of her and justin bieber and that really sucks that we did that" like they have changed and shown change! they do not need to make a grand apology statement cuz like if you wanna talk performativism then lets talk about the fakeness of basically every apology video on the internet????
sorry thats unrelated to what u were talking abt but it just made me start thinking BUT YEAH THANK YOU FOR YOUR HOT TAKES!!!!
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gwyns · 5 months
E/riel’s are really going crazy over SJM posting that Taylor Swift song, Guilty as Sin, on ber Instagram story. 😂 One E/riel even said “Not going to lie, I think Taylor is an ACOTAR fan. So many of her songs are coded for our girlies. I'm like she's had to have read these books!!!”
I feel like not everything that Sarah posts has to do with her books. Maybe she just wants to post/enjoy girly things without it being deep. If people want to headcanon it for their ship then that’s obviously fine, but some people are being way too aggressive about it. According to and E/riel, one Gwynriel on TikTok said it reminded them of Gwyn because sin makes them think of protested and the E/riel said “People will reach for anything”. So it’s okay for E/riel’s to make headcanons about the song, but Gwyn fans can’t? E/riel’s believe that song is their ship because of the religious language that mimics E/riel.
It kinda reminds me of how E/riel’s say Elain isn’t leaving the NC, but when SJM posted spring stuff on her story they were screaming Elain. Or when some came up with the theory that Azriel’s mother is living in the Spring Court because of his property being called Rosehall, and so they connected Elain to that. Azriel does have a property called Rosehall, but I’m pretty sure Tamlin does too in the SC. Also, it would be weird for Azriel’s mother to live in the SC. Wouldn’t he want his mother close to him just in case? And wouldn’t he and his mother have to get permission by the High Lord of Spring to live in his court? Funny how E/riel’s don’t place Elain in Spring unless it’s to their benefit/it connects her to Azriel. Gotta love that cherry picking.😂
or... and hear me out... taylor makes songs that can be applied to any ship in any fandom, much like a lot of other pop music. it's not that deep lol. e/riels really need to stop reaching so hard, they might throw their backs out if they're not careful
yeah, sjm isn't subtle or really sneaky at all but these new fans seem to think everyone has to leave hints and clues outside of their work, when she has never done that over the span of her decade old career. why start now? anything she writes will earn her millions anyway, seems unnecessary to me. i believe that sjm's new team is just trying to get engagement and that it doesn't go very far beyond that
oh e/riels have severe main character syndrome. they think everything is about them and their ship and if it isn't they twist facts and omit information to make it seem so. it's sad that a lot of them are grown ass adults too like girl... don't you have bills or something to worry about? but you're on social media bullying others over fictional pairings? embarrassing. i know i talk mad shit but god damn i don't keep up with them like they do gwyn fans/gwynriels. i spend my free time on things i don't claim to hate, weird i know! but honestly we all know they're secretly fans at this point 🤭
lmfaoooo they're so hypocritical it's insane. how is elain going to stay in the night court with her sisters, spy besties and broody bat "where she belongs" while also being in spring/tied to spring? we all know azriel is not leaving rhys or his court so... seems to me like you wouldn't want to connect elain to spring. you know something that eluciens and actual elain fans have been doing for years now? because we understand her character?? and yes! no way in hell does az's mom live in the spring court. no way. they're just killing off all their own critical thinking for fun at this point
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ryansjane · 11 months
Wanted to start this by saying that I usually agree with your opinions (or even when I don't, I can at least see where you're coming from) but that's not the case when it comes to your opinion on Only Friends because I completely disagree and just wanted to add my two cents. You said that it wasn't relatable to the queer community but I'm sorry, the queer community isn't a monolith, there isn't one universal way that every single queer friendship group functions. Just because it wasn't relatable to your experience, it doesn't mean that it wasn't relatable to many other queer people's experiences. For example, one of my friend groups consists of gay men and the stories they've told me (and some of which I witnessed with myself)? Not that far off from OF (aka everyone getting with everyone, behind people's backs as well, and most of them are still on friendly terms now). It's perfectly fine that you didn't personally relate but you can't say no queer person/community did.
I also saw depth to a lot of characters and I could relate to several of them in different ways and everything in the finale made sense to me for those characters. For me it achieved what it set out to do: entertain, while also make me connect/care about some of the characters. It didn't do that for everyone (you included) but please don't claim it's a "bad show" as a general statement just because you didn't get anything out of it because a lot of people did. (My friend who struggles with depression and is currently going through a depressive slump found comfort in seeing Ray progress to a point where he's much happier at the end of the series because it gives her hope that she can get to that point soon too.)
Is Only Friends a brilliant, amazing, showstopping, incredible show? No. But it's not bad, far from it. It certainly has its flaws but the sudden hate it's getting is not warranted imo.
hi, first of all, it's fine to disagree lol, though it's always a bit jarring to me when people feel the need to let me know they disagree with me bc clearly we simply have a different taste & opinion. when I share my opinion about a show, I do it on my blog but never go on others' blogs to either defend a show I liked or trash a show I didn't like, but anyways. I have NEVER, EVER said that the queer community is a monolith & that all queer representation needs to be relatable to ME. in fact, a lot of my favorite queer media are HIGHLY UN-relatable to me lol. I never implied that only friends' flaws comes from it being unrelatable or unrealistic? in fact I believe it to be realistic since it's made by queer men & has recurring topics that p'jojo especially has used in previous shows of his, especially since the story of only friends is inspired by real-life events. in fact I said that I WISH they'd have leaned into the queer community aspect of it even more bc it was the one point in which this show differentiates itself from friend zone, so yeah. don't really know where you got that notion from. secondly, like it or not, I can claim any shows I've watched are bad in my opinion. once again, media is subjective & I did not like only friends so for me it IS a bad show. is it the worst? no. did I HATE it? no. did I have a good time in front of it? also no. also from a writing standpoint I'm sorry it IS objectively bad and FAILED at what it set out to do, especially considering the show itself doesn't seem to know what it set out to do in the first place. moreover, sudden hate? I've been criticizing only friends since it started airing lol, I'm not jumping on any bandwagon, and in fact it's more so the fandom that's catching up to the fact that this show is not very good. now, I'm genuinely glad that this show helped you & your friend and that you liked it! that's great, of COURSE this show is gonna have its fans, and in fact it has a lot of them! however it seems to me as if you've taken my (justified) criticism of the show to heart for a reason that only you fully know, and I hope you can investigate why that is. I truly value you as a long time follower of mine & I hope you can agree to disagree with me on that one even though I must admit this ask seems a bit jarring & personal to me. wish you all the best :)
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ca-suffit · 5 months
I don't get why some people refuse to accept that Louis was abused. Him having been a victim to Lestat doesn't negate his grief. He's clearly still grieving Claudia, and from what we can tell of S2, we WILL see that too. No one is saying he's a saint either - he did fail Claudia. Him being a victim doesn't overshadow his grief or make him a saint.
And as you said, this isn't just some cheap story of abuse for shock value either. I wrote a whole wall of text about the complexities and layers of the abuse here but that would have been too long of an ask ajdhwj. Basically, there's the race aspect (which converses with the other aspects), there's that Louis couldn't leave him for many, many reasons, there's the emotional aspect, there's the power aspect (in more than one way)... I'm probably missing something, but this is very good portrayal of abuse and also something that happens irl.
This is also something that loustat will have to touch on in the future and will make for a very interesting story (again, as you said).
His arc is different in the book because the show has a different version of Louis with added struggles that book Louis didn't have (mostly due to his race and era, but also the dynamic that is shown with him and Lestat, if I remember the book correctly - partly also due to the former). Grief is still a part of his story, though.
Sorry for the long ask, it's just that reading that really made me go "??"
thank u for all of this!! I am not ignoring all u wrote but I wanted to elaborate on one point specifically tho and it's gonna be long. thank u for everything u wrote in full tho, I appreciate it. "I don't get why some people refuse to accept that Louis was abused."
they did it when he was white. it's because he's black now and lestat remains white. the vampires mention shit like slavery outright to each other when it's all white ppl, but it suddenly holds a LOT more weight once u make the "fledgling" a black person. AMC has done nothing but enhance what was already there, ppl just don't want to empathize with a black man.
anne rice fans are not critical thinkers but they like to think they are because they're proud they read a lot of books at prbly young ages. books they felt were rly "adult" and "mature." they've never grown up and taken a second look. anne rice's encouragement of parasocial relationships made that worse too. most of these ppl can't separate themselves from these characters and now feel bad seeing themes brought more to the surface about these relationships. they have to blame the writers and keep looking stupid instead of getting some self-awareness.
I know the fight does not happen in the books but I've seen enough passages from book IWTV to know physical and emotional violence between louis and lestat is v common. I've seen parts of lestat's books too where he's also violent to other partners. it's in the character, they've just been too busy wanting to fuck him the whole time to notice ig. that's what it is too. lots of this before the show was a sexy game to ppl and now they're mad u have to think about the story and consequences for things so much, mainly in ways that interfere with lighthearted shipping stuff. anne rice didn't ever talk about anything in depth so they're used to having awareness of topics but never exploring them. they feel stupid in many, many ways now and somehow that's everyone's fault but their own. it's practically *two years in* and they're still doing all this instead of doing some self-reflection. they keep reapplying the clown paint and then want to say it's ppl like me "ruining" it for others here like that's even remotely true lol.
anyways, u are welcome to visit my inbox any time and write whatever u want on this btw! I'd luv to hear it all.
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
FSR Rambles 9, i have no funny title
Just two dudes being gay
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This is more goofy dialogue based on the VIZ English translation. (I have never read the fan translation and don't have a ton of drive too lmao I'd rather just read the Japanese one when I'm big brained enough deadass.) Where it's weirdly specific death mountain is for Vio specifically.
Like huh. I just find that interesting.
This is especially interesting to me because of how Shadow words "You're truly one of us" AFTER Vio pretends to kill Green.
Either way, Shadow's having a grand ol time showing Vio around.
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Shadow Link's in love. Let him be in love, I'm sure it won't bite him in the ass-
Vio- you don't need to be flirting back-
Shadow plays Vio's flirting off by showing him how the arena works:
Because I always wondered how Vio knew that was even there and FSR is just me adding context where it's not necessary and gay scenes because I enjoy that kind of thing.
Like I get we don't NEED to know how Vio knows this info but like...By golly i'm a weirdo for those kinds of things and I'd LIKE to know...
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I just like, that he keeps sitting on Vio's lap while explaining this shit. It's funny. He's so unsubtle about his crush on Vio.
Vio either doesn't care or is into it too lmao whichever you decide it's funny.
Vio continues to uh, say things he REALLY doesn't need too for the plan.
Vio's crippling loneliness is biting HIM in the ass now.
For some reason recounting what his home town looks like sends Shadow into a fit of laughter.
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So Shadow's weird fit here was mainly caused by Vio just being nice to him. Shadow is used to being treated like shit and Vio's just talking to him like a person, he isn't pushing him away or making demands.
It's not as much what Vio IS doing, but what he ISN'T doing. He doesn't push him away when he hugs him or gets too close, He isn't overly critical of anything Shadow really does.
The lack of expectations, punishments ex.
And cause Vio's his friend-
More in the realm of what Vio DOES: He seems pretty happy, which is something Shadow himself noticed Vio was kinda miserable and lonely before. There's a certain aspect of pride there lol
"I can make you happy when they couldn't." as later pages show he's extremally jealous of Link and by proxy the four Link's relationship with each other.
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Because Vio is just, there being generally nice it sows the seeds of doubt and betrayal towards Vaati in Shadow Link's mind.
Vaati isn't someone Shadow can trust or rely on, Vio IS at least he seems to be.
He doesn't have to TRY to get Vio's approval or minimal affection. He can hug Vio and get the physical affection he craves without seemingly strings being attached, as well as vent his feelings.
OF COURSE we know Vio's being two faced here but we're talking from Shadow's perspective in these moments. X'D
Of course on Vio's end: He's doing shit he really doesn't need to lmao which as we know in present day Vio does care for Shadow Link.
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I'll say it again, the weird as heck exposition scene where Shadow reminds Vaati vio's on their team purely for the audience is weird and I'm not a fan of that kind of storytelling. X'D
But I worked with it rather than against it. I'm trying to stick to the source material buuuut diverged somewhere later down the line which will become apparent WHERE very soon.
Vaati is just being a whinny brat who wants stuff done "Now now now" hah.
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So like, Big poe HAD to coordinate with these two right????
Big Poe KNEW Vio's name and Green's name so it's only logical he TALKED to Vio/Shadow Link right? More "Fill in the blanks" stuff lol.
Like we can imagine that's what happened without being told but like...I really like the idea of those scenes so I drew them hah.
Big Poe has no faith in Vio, because he's NEW and also a HERO.
Despite Vio wanting to work alone, he HAS to put some level of trust into Blue and Red here, which he is OBVIOUSLY hesitant to do.
Seriously we were robbed of SO much of Vio's inner turmoil and struggles with the mole plan.
He really just wishes they weren't even a factor here which shows how little he wants to engage with them. He's kinda running away from the other 3 in being with Shadow Link.
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Evil plan party. We see this attempt on Blue and Red's lives in the manga so, I don't need to elaborate much.
Shadow making the fake stone sword was just smth I thought would be fun. He'd know what those swords look like well considering he stole Red's.
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Vio's discomfort is understandable. I hate that shit too bud-
He can't really tell anyone anything considering if he's sus he is DEAD.
I'm sorry. I can't stop with the fucking Four Swords among us memes.
Not that he talks about how he feels much outside of NEEDING to be quiet anyway hah.
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I like to think Shadow is the one that teleported Vio out of there. He's the only one we know of who's implied to have teleportation powers lol and we KNOW that was the real Vio and not Shadow in disguise...
More of Vio's mental struggles with the infiltration plan. He is stressed out to the MAX right now and only starts coping better overtime with smothering those feelings, realizing Shadow NOTICES and KEEPS noticing them he has to adapt.
Vio already struggles with the idea he's a bad person just for considering joining Shadow, he doesn't want the other 3's blood on his hands lmfao.
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Shadow Link casually throws a temper tantrum after that shit goes bad.
Vio's hero instincts wants to make him feel better.
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Vaati blaming his mistakes on Shadow Link wouldn't be out of character would it. X'D
He's just ranting his frustrations with this.
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Vio's emotional detachment from everything helping him see things objectively.
You might also read this as Vio talking to himself.
Shadow's grateful for the comfort at least hah.
Vio not so subtly thinking he's always right lmao.
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Vio...You don't need to hold his hands to have this talk-
More seed sowing of Shadow Link's distrust and betrayal of Vaati we see in the manga.
Vio perks up at the mention of Zelda because they don't really know how she's doing rn...
Shadow's vague threat of "If she behaves I won't mistreat her" doesn't leave a lot of confidence in her safety, WE know she's okay but like...the four dinguses don't.
Shadow instantly gets pissed off from Vio getting distracted by his "I just need YOU to live" rant when Zelda's brought up.
Mans wants Vio's attention purely on him so much it's embarrassing.
Side note: he was gripping Vio's face pretty hard if Vio feels the need to like, touch it after. Shadow needs to learn what "Gentle" is-
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Idk if this is truely a retcon or like, just the manga being goofy but the timeline of the Dark temple and Shadow going to harass Zelda is lowkey vague so I just went with it being before for this scene to work the way it does. Every fan story fucks with the goofy timeline in the manga, so am I lol. Gives us interesting shit at the expense of cannon which is what I care way more about blah blah blah i don't think anyone really cares that much lmfao.
Anyways, Shadow's jealous. Extremally jealous.
Since I've stated before Shadow has a crush on Zelda this should come to no surprise, but he's pissy at how close Link and her were.
And now he's upsetti spaghetti about Vio being attached to her.
You know: Cause he's the hero, loyal doggy good boy by design, forced by fate AND the gods to continue saving Hylia's OP human OC self insert lmfao.
(I love Zelda, the character and the series as a whole, but JEEZ is the lore confusing, convoluted and really REALLY silly when you spell it out how it is lmfao.)
Suffice to say: Vio cares about Zelda.
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*Loses Vio *Has to watch Link (By proxy Vio) be close to Zelda without him. Literally forced to watch because he's a SHADOW. *LOSES HIS FUCKING BODY/ABILITY TO SPEAK OR DO ANYTHING REALLY
Shadow Link suffers so much in this comic.
Shadow Link's jealousy continues.
He just wants what Link had.
His dad stand ins (Gannon and Vaati) abuse him, he has no princess with loving childhood memories attached, no team nobody he can trust, nothing.
In his perspective: Link had everything and lost it or threw it away via his own stupidity.
Of course that ticks him off.
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Vio stop, you're getting emotionally invested-
Okay real talk about Vio for a moment:
I put forth the idea he doesn't really understand WHY he wants to help Shadow, he just DOES. And Vio goes off on impulse a lot because he can't fully trust his own feelings. (He just doesn't HAVE a lot of feelings so the ones he does have he tries to go with)
And then he'll justify whatever he ends up doing with logic and reason later.
Like, he could make up a LOT of excuses as to why he's being nice and comforting rn that don't loop back to "I like Shadow Link":
"I'm a hero I help people"
"For my own safety it's best for him to not be going ape shit"
but like...
those aren't the reasons lmao. Vio's actions speak louder than his words. The fact he's bothering at ALL shows how he really feels.
The fact he KEEPS doing unnecessary shit that shows he's starting to grow attached to Shadow Link shows how he really feels whether he knows it or not.
This mainly pertains to FSR only.
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So Shadow calms down when he realizes that shit IS going well for him at least it appears to be and he IS getting everything he wants.
The hesitant hand hold is one of my favorite sets of panels rn. Agh.
Like he starts off just curling his finger around Vio's then full blown grabs his hand with more confidence.
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I have a hard time articulating this but like:
Shadow Link WANTS to be close to Link. That's like, something this man wants SO BAD. But on some level he knows that isn't gonna happen so when VIO is accessible to him, he clings to that shit. Because Vio IS Link.
It's not only a victory over someone he simultaneously wants to be like and cannot stand, but is a sign Link in some way is FINALLY acknowledging him, which is smth we KNOW he wanted from the actual manga.
These points are expanded upon in pages I'm currently working on but agh. The reasons WHY he feels this way just made me grin like the grinch lmfao.
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Lemmie translate Shadow's 1st line for ya: "I stalked you so I know your interests"
The Gerudo is meant to say "Ur gay if you can read this haha"
Obviously not what it'd say if this was a real book but what it says from an audience perspective doesn't matter since 99% of yall can't read it lmao.
Anyways, Shadow can read Hylian and Gerduo. Because, he's Gerudo lmao.
I'm only digging my heels in about that more and more cause of that text in Hyrule Historia. (EVERYONE USES THAT BOOK FOR WHAT THEY BELIVE AND IGNROE THE REST, I'LL DO THE SAME THING LMFAO)
The implication Shadow Link just...IS Gannondorf???? (His emotions anyway) just, utterly baffles me as a manga only reader lmfao. Like that's a layer of this queer kid I didn't expect. I always thought Gannon MADE Shadow Link but like didn't expect this bitch to LITERALLY make him out of himself.
Honesly that shit just makes a lot of sense considering Gannon puts Shadow Link on the same level as Vaati, but that just makes Shadow's gay ass feelings towards Vio and his betrayal of Gannon and Vaati just...HMMMMMMM??????
It's something I'll keep in mind while writing FSR going forward. (Edit: I certainly did and I COOKED)
I kinda on the path of "He's Link's Shadow + Dark magic from Gannon"
But with the book text it's making me consider making FSR Shadow:
"Link's Shadow + Gannon's emotions + Dark magic"
(I did. And I COOKED)
The ramifications of Shadow BEING a piece of Ganondorf just MMMMMMM that shit would be so fun to explore.
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Shadow, personal space my dude Vio just wants to read the gay Gerudo book-
Shadow showing interest in Link's life before this is kinda weird (Intentionally so)
Bro is jealous of Link as we've previously touched on and he kinda let's that slip here. He WANTS to know more about Vio and by proxy Link too.
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There's SO MANY things I wish we got expanded on in the manga:
What do they REMEMBER?
Green seems to remember EVERYTHING from Link's childhood at least, but what about the others??? Are their memories warped in some way?
Like from a funny haha character dynamic angle: Yeah it's more fun to have 4 different personalities than 4 clones I understand that. But as I've stated: We don't like "Because writing that's why" as an answer here lmfao. Like yeah, that's THE REASON but it doesn't have to be the IN UNIVERSE one.
But from the actual like, lore perspective why did the sword rip Link in 4 pieces instead of just, making clones?
I discussed this with a pal but like if we look at it in terms of metaphor:
Link's a piece of paper that got ripped in 4 pieces.
Green got the most but he still isn't the full piece of paper.
Blue and Red got pretty even smaller pieces than Green
and Vio got the smallest peice.
Hense why he's so distinct from them. Honestly what Makes Vio so Unique as a Link to me is his LACK of Link traits or his ODD ways of showing off traits we associate with Link.
I want Vio to describe exactly how he remembers Link's memories later but he doesn't remember them like their HIS memories, it's like a third person perspective, he knows who he is, He's LINK but the more he thinks the more he realizes he's NOT Link.
It's a surreal experience that he doesn't like to think about much.
I feel like Shadow's never been faced with this kind of topic before, so he's just sitting there like "...WHAT?"
Like Vio dumped a LOT on him identity crisis wise.
Vio doesn't talk to the other 3 about these insecurities cause like:
Would that really be a productive conversation at this point? X'D All they've done is argue at this point in the manga. Blue and Red are the most on the same page at this point and Vio's been unable to really get back to them or discuss his mole plan Vio only knows Green Blue and Red are ALIVE cause of Shadow Link's tantrum earlier, on top of that: He is currently struggling on if he should even BOTHER regrouping with his team mates or if he should just do this entire thing by himself because he can't trust the others to do their part in defeating Vaati and "The darkness behind Vaati"
Vio's going THROUGH IT at the moment and cause of that just kinda dumps on Shadow Link a fraction of his problems. Which he quickly regrets doing in the next page.
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He's literally stunned with himself at his own honesty for once. This wasn't something he planned to do.
This was the first time since he has become VIO that he opened up about his feelings and he quickly gets embarrassed about doing it.
Also not Shadow blatantly staring right at Vio's lips. I thought that was so funny while drawing it.
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The kiss is so hilarious because like, Shadow my dude wtf.
It's so out of left field.
I was debating on if I wanted Shadow Link and Vio to kiss before present day or not, but I think it was the right decision.
If you read their interactions at the start of FSR, they're a bit TOO comfortable with each other if we ONLY take their cannon manga interactions into account.
Also, this is my fan comic, I do what I want lmfao.
Art wise: didn't wanna make it extremally saucy or anything lmfao, just a quick confusing ass kiss.
It does it's job of completely blanking Vio's brain to the point the only thing he can really focus on is his own heart trying to rip it's way out of his chest hah.
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Shadow you broke him-
Shadow's question of "Are you having second thoughts" can be read a few ways, a few I didn't intend to but they're all interesting.
Like, wtf is Shadow truly asking there is pretty vague XD
The intended one was that he was asking Vio if he regrets joining him because he's still attached to his teammates.
Which Vio gives his response for, while utterly panicking.
I do think it'd be funny if Link's first kiss was with Shadow lmfao, so that's a fun detail. Vio, who did you expect it to be with? X'D
He has realized at this point: Oh shit I might have taken a wrong turn here at some point.
And you might argue: Well okay if Vio has an "i fucked up" moment here it makes the one he has later in the OG manga not mean anything"
to that I say "HAH! NO U DUMBASS????" Vio's LOGICAL you see not emotional. Shadow VERBALLY stating he trusts Vio is a very different action to just, kissing him like this lmfao.
As Vio can't even really comprehend wtf Shadow was trying to DO in that moment.
And onto Shadow's emotions here: Bro kissed Vio no hesitation. (Bitch didn't even ask permission, jerk.)
Like, Vio "Sad" (More complex than that but let's roll with that for now)
Shadow: Ah yes, lemmie kiss him to make him feel better
Like. Shadow-
He's confused but he's got the spirit??? XD
He likes Vio, Vio tolerates him. Shadow's been getting bolder and bolder with how he shows affection towards Vio up until this point.
Vio hasn't told him off for any of it, so he just assumes it's fine lmao. Keep in mind, Vaati and Gannon make it DAMN WELL CLEAR when they're pissed off at something he does, so Shadow's perspective of boundaries and appropriate behavior is FUCKED.
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Vio continues to wonder wtf he got himself into as Shadow continues to lack the sacred knowledge of personal space.
I always thought it was curious Vio continued his mole plan even AFTER the other 3 showed up. Bro felt he didn't do enough clearly.
Or ya know he just wanted to hang with Shadow longer idk who knows-
Since I reached the image limit i'll pick this up later. Lol.
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anotheruserwithnoname · 2 months
Some thoughts on Daredevil & Wolverine
On Sunday I went to a matinee screening of Daredevil & Wolverine - the first time I'd seen a film in a cinema since MEGAN back in early 2023. The tl;dr is that I loved it, and I had some general thoughts. By necessity I have to go full spoiler so here's the spoiler break (and if by chance you don't see a break, now's your warning to run away screaming in terror).
I wasn't a fan of the first Deadpool movie. I felt it was a bit pretentious and "R-rated for the sake of being R-rated" rather than telling a good story that happened to hit R (these were my initial thoughts and except for the R-rating part I felt similarly about the first Avatar). As a result I've never actually seen Deadpool 2 (or its PG-13 edit, Once Upon a Deadpool), but I liked Deadpool 3 a lot. It didn't feel pretentious and it had heart which i wasn't really expecting. It had somewhat of the same vibe as Free Guy, which is a good thing. (And just to complete a thought from earlier, I found myself greatly enjoying Avatar 2).
My only concern (though it isn't hurting the box office any) is in some respects the film hits on one of the biggest criticisms of the MCU and other franchises: it is NOT a jumping on point for anything. You need to have at least a passing familiarity with the past Deadpool films, the X-Men films, the MCU films, at least one of the TV series, AND several of the non-Disney/Sony franchises (Blade and the Affleck Daredevil/Elektra, the Fantastic Four films of the mid-2000s) in order to get some of the jokes and for some of the moments to resonate. There are two characters who play key roles in the final act of the film who have absolute no relevance to anyone who hasn't seen Deadpool 2 (like me) and the Loki TV series. The return of X-23 might have also meant a bit more had I seen the Logan movie, as opposed to Elektra and Blade's return, as I had.
BUT - all credit to the writers - while there is a level of "continuity lockout", it's not enough to damage the film. And when I did see a moment related to a film I knew (I somehow managed to avoid being spoiled about Chris Evans reprising Human Torch), it hit a bullseye.
I'm going to have to watch the film at least once more because a few references landed when I was thinking back on the film hours later (like Deadpool joking about getting a boner watching Gossip Girl, which wasn't a random pop culture reference - his wife, Blake Lively starred in it.)
Speaking of, I loved the way Ryan Reynolds had Blake and his kids play some of the Deadpool variants (though I was disappointed to learn Blake only did the voice of Lady Deadpool). Nathan Fillion is also in there somewhere, making this the 3rd time I think that he's done a cameo in an MCU film. Reading the cast credits is a must (yes, that IS Henry Cavill as a Wolverine. I wonder if he was ever considered for the part? He plays a somewhat super-powered Wolverine too. Super, get it? LOL)
Jennifer Garner was already over 50 when she reprised Elektra and looks amazing. She could do an Elektra film now (or an Alias revival) if she wanted to.
Hugh Jackman has aged well into the role of Wolverine. I hope we get to see another one with him (now paired with X-23, played by Dafne Keen, a rising star who I know from the His Dark Materials TV series in which she co-starred, coincidentally, with James McAvoy of X-Men fame).
Channing Tatum as Gambit was a real surprise. The point about him appearing is that film starring him as Gambit (an X-Men spinoff) was planned but cancelled, so he finally gets the chance. Although played mostly for laughs (and reminiscent of Tatum's cameo in Reynold's Free Guy), he kicks ass. If a Gambit movie isn't announced down the line I'll be surprised.
Similarly, Wesley Snipes makes a strong case (no disrespect intended to Mahershala Ali) for continuing to play Blade. He even says this in the movie!
It is no secret that recent Marvel movies have been controversial and not universally loved by a long shot. D&W does not shy away from this - which may make some people uncomfortable, but at the same time respect to Disney for allowing it. I'm surprised there was no dig at Star Wars' expense, though; I guess Disney only allowed the biting-the-hand humour to go so far.
There is a female counterpart to Charles Xavier in this film. Played by Emma Corrie, Cassandra Nova is one of the best villains the MCU has had for a while. Much like Sylvie, the female version of Loki in the TV series, I appreciated that they didn't just make Cassandra a copy of Charles but made her a unique character. I wasn't aware she originated in the comics until after I saw the film. Too bad they killed her off. Or did they?
Kudos for making D&W the first-ever MCU film to reference Saskatoon (though maybe not in the sense the city would like! LOL). There were a few other Canadian references in the movie - the CN Tower makes a notable cameo on The Void. Which, if you've ever been to Toronto ... (I'll leave that joke there LOL)
The dog. Nothing else need be said. Part of me hopes Ryan Reynolds saw her up for adoption and wrote the entire Dogpool subplot just to get her in the movie.
The closing credits, aside from having one of the best stingers of all time, also includes a retrospective video of the non-MCU movies with behind the scenes and interviews. It's in keeping with the fourth-wall-breaking concept of Deadpool and at the same time it's a touching tribute to the older films, including some that were under-appreciated by audiences at the time.
I do have one major criticism (and this is legit the only part of the movie I did NOT like): considering the film is in part a sequel to Loki, and the fact so many MCU characters are referenced, including a cameo (using manipulated stock footage) of Chris Hemsworth as Thor, it actually makes zero sense that the film did not have an appearance in some form by either Tom Hiddleston as Loki or by one of the other Loki variants (Sylvie, Richard Grant's version, or even a new one). Instead we have an appearance by one of the agents from the series and one name drop of the Loki TV series itself (which means Reynolds & Co. would have been aware of the Loki variants including the quite-popular Classic Loki played by Grant). Also, it's unclear if it takes place before or after the events of Loki the series. I think it was a lost opportunity (maybe there's a deleted scene). But as criticisms go, that's still pretty minor.
The gag reel on this is going to be glorious.
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thestalwartheart · 2 years
Hellooo I thought I might bang out some incoherent thoughts following your post about the influx of Blanc fans who hate Bond (or think they do because they've never actually bothered to watch any of the films) since I can't sleep :). I mentioned in my reply to your post earlier that a lot of people can't handle the idea of being emotionally invested a piece of media where the main character is morally ambiguous which genuinely annoys/terrifies me. It would be interesting to get a sense of how you/others actually became Bond fans in the first place and some of the reactions you get from people if you tell them. I get that part of the appeal for Benoit is that he's a bit of a blank slate. You can really project whatever you want onto him because he intentionally doesn't have many defining characteristics, other than the fact that he's queer and has a killer wardrobe. He's always in control of every situation he's in as well as his emotions and understandably, he makes you as a viewer feel safe. Like I get that and I love him dearly but he's also ripe for a certain kind of fan to be really really annoying. I also remember during the glass onion press tour when Edward Norton would always say in interviews that he thought Daniel was more Blanc than Bond in real life and when someone told Daniel about that he was basically like "what the fuck is Ed on about??" which I thought was hilarious. Not to read too deeply into it but I genuinely feel like so much of what he brought to Bond comes from his soul and I always got the sense that his Bond films are deeply personal, which is why they have us out here crying and throwing up. Anyway, thank you for all you have given to the Bond/00Q/Daniel Craig enjoyer community, you are truly a gem <3
I became a Bond fan when I was about twelve and my mother decided moderating film content for a girl about to enter high school was a useless endeavour. Pierce Brosnan was my first Bond. It was the gadgets that hooked me in, mostly, but I grew up after that point watching the films and loving them. Casino Royale was the first one I ever saw in cinema and I'll never forget the tension during that poker game with Le Chiffre. You could really hear the audience's teeth grinding with the stress lol.
I've never really heard any adverse reactions from people when I tell I'm a fan of Bond, but that might be because Daniel Craig's interpretation of the character seems to have lent the films a certain credibility that people aren't as willing to extend to the previous films. At worst, people think it's a bit naff that I like them, which...yeah sure. It probably is! But cringe culture is dead and I am enough of a critical thinker to enjoy problematic or morally ambiguous content without believing any of it should happen in real life. For instance, I think had there been a real public inquiry into intelligence services like M faced in Skyfall, I would probably take the side of the opposition. But it's Bond, so I was cheering M on while she quoted Tennyson.
The best way I can sum my thoughts on Daniel Craig and Bond is to refer to the lovely Ben Whishaw, who said in this interview that Daniel was remarkably clever in the ways he managed to bring the franchise into the twenty-first century, while still being aware of the history of it.
Interestingly, he also said there actually is a lot of Daniel in Bond's character, which is something I was delighted to hear him point out. I mean, Daniel Craig will be the first to admit that he doesn't want to be anything like Bond (see this post for an example and a laugh). Yet, he manages to capture the really vulnerable core of Bond under all that masculine posturing. In the end, Bond has accepted that life isn't all about duty to your country. Love, friendship and family are the things that make you feel steady even when you feel like you're about to tear yourself apart. I can't imagine any previous iteration of Bond managing to carry off that message in a believable way. And I think it happened because Daniel Craig had an incredible, unprecedented amount of creative control over the character.
I'm sure the Knives Out films gave Daniel a wonderful reprieve from having to carry all that literary and film history, but he's so proud of those Bond films, and has said so over and over, even when he's been frustrated with the toll on his body and his personal life. They're great films, and, oddly enough, I think people are only realising it now that his era is over. I hope more people dive into them and see the passion he had for that role, even with all of its ups and downs.
The last thing I'll say is that some fans have a tendency to project their own joys, frustrations and preferences onto actors, assuming that they are, in some way, facsimiles of the characters they play. At the end of the day, Daniel Craig simply doing his job. The characters are brilliant because he is brilliant. It's not real life.
Anyway, I'll continue stanning both Bond and Blanc! Thanks for the ask, friend!
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destinyc1020 · 12 days
Just to jump on the Tom train, I'm actually really bored of comparing him to his peers. Yes, Timmy is the critics darling but 2 back to back biopics. He's clearly going down the awards nom route.And no offence to 1 of your fans, Austin he has a lot of momentum, but he isn't leading films YET(pls don't say Elvis,bcos its Elvis)as much as i liked Bike riders, it didnt do well .Then we have Glenn, who I find charming but off the back of 1 lead with Twister, and now he's a leading man?. People have to stop....
Fans want casting news for Tom, I get that, but dogging him because he's not doing as much as everyone else is crazy. He told yall he was concentrating on his life for the next couple of years,and that's what he is doing and good for him. But plsss, if anons/stans don't think he's getting offered stuff weekly, then you're delusional. He's by far the most bankable,most liked by the general public, and to be brutal, he's far more famous. I'm not saying he's a better actor because he's still raw, but that boy will be fine. Long after some are forgotten about
Yea, I'm kind of bored with the whole comparing of actors to each other thing too honestly. To me, actors don't really need to be compared to each other. Their careers at least. To me, every actor's career journey is their own! 😊
Yes, Timmy is the critics darling but 2 back to back biopics. He's clearly going down the awards nom route.And no offence to 1 of your fans, Austin he has a lot of momentum, but he isn't leading films YET(pls don't say Elvis,bcos its Elvis)as much as i liked Bike riders, it didnt do well .Then we have Glenn, who I find charming but off the back of 1 lead with Twister, and now he's a leading man?. People have to stop....
Well now, I think we can uplift Tom w/out having to put other actors down in the process can't we? 🤔
I think it's a little unfair to try and claim that every single actor who does a biopic film is "looking for awards". 🥴 Let's face it, not all biopic films do well, and not all of them even get a sliver of anything as far as award recognition. Where were all of Naomi Ackie's nominations when she played Whitney Houstin in the Whitney biopic? 🤔
According to IMDB, Timmy already has like 107 award nominations with 42 wins, including the highest honor of them all...an Oscar nomination. I doubt Timmy is out here acting simply to try to win awards.... I doubt that most actors are doing that lol. Do you know how hard it is to get a nomination in the first place? If you are just acting simply to try to win awards, you will quickly burn out. 😅
When you get to Timmy's level, directors are calling YOU for roles, and you're just picking out of what interests YOU. So maybe the biopic films are interesting to him? 🤷🏾‍♀️
With regards to Austin... he IS leading films! What are you talking about? 😅 Elvis was the title role lol. He was lead lol. 😅 Maybe we can argue about the bikeriders because to me, Jodie was probably the main lead, but he's definitely been getting leading roles. He's currently filming "Caught Stealing" in which he plays the lead character. He has also signed on to "City on Fire", in which he's also the lead. And goodness knows what else will come after that? 🤷🏾‍♀️
I never expected the bike riders movie to be a film that does huge numbers at the box office. Even director Jeff Nichols would tell you that this movie was not really a big, huge movie. I think the film did fairly well for the type of niche film that it was. Not all films need to decimate the box office. The movie didn't take that much to make, so to me, the film did perfectly fine. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I just think a lot of directors see a lot of old-school movie star quality in Austin. 😊 And I'm thinking they think the same thing about Glen Powell as well. Glen Powell might not be super bankworthy yet, but he definitely has star quality, and they can see his potential as well. Glen has actually been acting for many years, but he has had mainly smaller background parts. But he's actually been in the game for quite some time! 😊
I think both of them have a lot of great potential, and I think that's what directors are seeing.👍🏾
But Nobody needs to compare these actors to Tom, and nobody needs to compare Tom to these actors. Either way, every actor has their own career journey, and there is no right or wrong way to be in this industry.😊
I think that's the problem. A lot of these fans are thinking that there's one sole right way to have a career in this hollywood business, but there really is not.
I definitely don't think that fans should be dogging on Tom just because they aren't getting the type of casting news that they want from him. I don't think that's right at all.😑
Like You said, Tom is going to be perfectly fine! 😅 And fans need to just keep that in mind. And even if Tom were not that famous or weren't making a ton of money, that's also okay as well. He's a good actor. I keep saying that you don't have to be a super huge star to be successful or a good actor.
Jmho 🤷🏾‍♀️
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burr-ell · 1 year
while I've been a cr fan for a while now, i've only recently started to interact more with the fanbase after completing campaign 2 and starting to go through campaign 3(i will hopefully catch up before it concludes but who knows lol) and man is the fandom strange. never have i seen a fandom have both a toxic positivity problem as well as a toxic criticism problem at the same time. people both viciously defend the show and attack it depending on the time of day it feels like lol. that being said I do want to know about what you enjoy about the show? I feel like most of the posts i've seen of yours are meta/takes about the fandom, which i do enjoy don't get me wrong, but i'd love to see things you like, especially if they're niche things! sorry if its a question you've been asked before! much love from another, what i would say, sane critical role fan ahhah
ah you want to see me be annoying. bless you anon <3
-mr lord percival de rolo and ms lady vex'ahlia de rolo and their sister/in-law ms lady cassandra de rolo and their bear son trinket de rolo and their baby quarter elf de rolos and their bear grandson charles de rolo and
-listen, i don't know what made me such a lunatic about perc'ahlia and their family but i am, that will never change, they've both suffered so much loss and they could have gone dark so many times but they didn't! they both chose the light and each other and chose the light because of each other and they have a FAMILY, whitestone is a city of rebirth and i want to gnaw on something every time i think about it
-i also just! love vox machina as a whole! it's classic, archetypal fantasy adventure stuff and that's why i love it. i love the chroma conclave arc especially, i really enjoy the stakes and the traveling across the world and the absolutely ridiculous moments that grew out of it. vox machina is, in the metanarrative, the living legend—the group that started it all and began breathing life into the world of exandria, and i've always enjoyed those kinds of stories.
-EXU CALAMITY. if you haven't seen it you absolutely should, i highly recommend it. it's an amazing story, the characters and setting feel so realized and alive in the four episodes they were around, and the actual players are incredible. i love the lore it introduced, i love the specter of vespin chloras over the narrative, i love how much presence asmodeus has and how well brennan plays such a master manipulator. and the INTRO??? why isn't the intro released as a single it's so good
-i've only had fy'ra rai and morrighan for a day and a half. if anything happened to them i'd kill everyone in the crown keepers
-i love the kinds of concepts and narratives that taliesin considers for his characters and how deeply he thinks through their presence in the world. he's thought so much about whitestone and both what it used to be like and how it's changed since C1, and while i've only watched the m9 twoshot, lucien/molly/kingsley is such an interesting idea (and i just really like kingsley). ashton is also an absolute joy to watch, and i'm so curious about their backstory and lore. taliesin has a knack for portraying characters who have very strong moral and personal beliefs but would rather coexist in a world with others' than enforce their own, which is probably why i like percy and ashton so much in particular. i also really enjoy his sense of humor; it's very dry and snarky with just the right amount of gothic whimsy.
-simply put. Travis Good. even back when he was playing grog, who is on paper a pretty simple character concept, he just couldn't help but give him a compelling and interesting backstory—and when he had to show off his acting chops, he DELIVERED. the depth that he gives his characters and the enthusiasm he has for the lore of the world are so burr-coded. cerrit in particular was an absolute tour de force and just watching travis go for whatever decisions he's going to make is incredible. he's also absolutely hilarious and his comedic timing is underrated. i mean, southerner to southerner, game recognize game.
-laura bailey!! i'm so fascinated by her consistent narratives about masks and coping mechanisms, and i love the fact that she's willing to make her PCs unlikable. she embraces their flaws and their virtues and just plays them so naturally. you have to read between the lines sometimes with her characters or you risk falling for the fronts they put up, and i love that kind of subtlety! she also doesn't feel the need to walk anyone through those choices, which i also appreciate; she simply plays them as they are, and however you react to that is up to you. i admit i'm interested in the alternate universe where laura played a character in calamity—marisha absolutely nailed it as patia, but i'm also interested in what laura would have done at that table.
-welcome to tal'dorei? oh my GODS that album is spectacular, especially the title track
-lastly, i genuinely enjoy the fandom experience! i've met some really cool people and made some really good friends here, and i love the creativity, especially of fanartists. i've learned so much about narrative and storytelling from reading different people's analyses, i've learned more about art from the fanart community, and overall i feel like the people i've met and the experiences i've had have helped me grow as a person.
anyway thank you for encouraging some positivity! i enjoy writing meta and critical analysis is really fun for me, but it's nice to take a step back and remember all the things i love. <3
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sageistri · 3 months
can i be honest? i don't really know what you guys are talking about 😅 and i not saying this isn't happening or that you're making it up, i just haven't really seen a significant amount of people being that negative or criticizing jimin that harshly. your blog is actually were i've seen people the most harsh. i'm curious were you've seen this cause i mainly use twitter, youtube, tiktok and insta and i've seen fans be mostly pretty happy. maybe is a difference in the people i'm following vs the people you're following? anyway, i'm just saying this cause i was reading your posts and was kinda confused 😂
That's literally what you're doing though lol.
Also most times half these things I say aren't my thoughts because I don't really care, it doesn't matter to me what pjms are saying. Just like everyone on here I'm just replying to the asks I get. Every individual post I've made about anything has been in relation to some ask I got or replied to.
Also yes the fans on twitter, Instagram and titkok who usually never say anything negative or critical about their faves are happy so of course it means whatever discussion we're having here must be made up. You can go on other blogs and see them having this same discussion friend. So obviously it's not a sage only thing. I talk about what you guys want to talk about, it really has nothing to do with me.
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yuikomorii · 2 years
I'm saying this on anon because last time I shared my opinion, other people (not you) attacked me. I am a huge fan of this blog, but I've been noticing something I'd like to share.
I agree that he isn't the worst in terms of meanness or abuse, but that still doesn't change the fact he is abusive to Yui. You do say this too, but it also comes off as disingenuous at times? It's briefly mentioned he does bad things (not really ever discussed what horrible things he's done), and then it's followed up by "well, at least he's not as bad as "X" person" or is followed up with a list of his "good" traits.
I understand you just want to promote your favorite DL boy, but the way its done feels very biased to the point where it's not consistent or sometimes hypocritical. For example, I found it a bit concerning with the criticisms of Laito as a child, as he was literally being sexually abused. Is it really fair to label Ayato's abuse as one to be more sympathetic towards, when they both were horrible? I guess that's the impression I was getting.
Once again, it's 100% okay to like Ayato as a character, and I do too, but the way your "facts" about Ayato and how the other characters are worse than him in terms of abuse, support, etc don't really seem all that consistent or fairly presented. You aren't obligated to write about the abusiveness of Ayato, but you do have a very large audience, and I know a few others feel the same but have been scared to comment.
// While I understand your point of view, I'd like to point out that you misunderstood me and almost everything I said in this post.
I literally always mention that Ayato is an abusive character, which must not be excused, and the reason I usually compare him to others is because he's seen as such a horrible person in this fandom while he's more on the nice side; he was even confirmed in a book as the friendliest and most approachable character. Abuse is still abuse, but there are different types of abuse. Ayato is a misunderstood and mischaracterized character who is always portrayed as the worst, despite being the poor excuse of a bad guy. I can't believe some people in HDB found his actions unforgivable while justifying and thirsting over characters who abused Yui in far worse ways.
His form of abuse is basically… pranks. He’s a DO-S but not in the way of harming people, but scaring them. Darts scene? He intended to scare her by piercing her heart with the darts, but instead kissed her. School scene? He drank her blood and pretended leaving Yui there but 5 seconds later he picked her up. Underground scene? He put handcuffs on her then pretended to leave but Yui kept screaming for him so he came out of hiding and let her go. Mysterious package scene? He gave her a mini skirt so as to make fun of her. The only time when he was violent (not counting bad endings since those are the “wrong” ones) was during the blood moon (when all vampires, as predators, get this desire to hunt and are more lustful), when he strangled her in one of the Maniac chapters. Normal HDB Ayato would never let Yui harm herself; he doesn’t get any satisfaction out of that, nor would he ever harm her in his routes (unless you count bites, lol, but he’s a vampire…). Even in Laito’s route, he helped Yui removing the handcuffs Laito had placed on her when she told him she wanted her hands to be cut off. Of course, nobody should ever allow such things in real life; it is bullying and toxic, and this should not be romanticized, but in a game about extremely sadistic monsters, he's definitely on the "not that bad" side. He never forced Yui to do anything scary, nor did he project his insecurities onto her or fill her with his own problems. And I know he called Yui "prey" in MB, which made her cry a lot, yet humans really are prey in their eyes. Still, Yui admits in the last ecstasy chapter that she was selfish for being too obsessed with Ayato's love rather than trying to understand him, and this was one of Yui's best developments because it demonstrated her learning from her mistakes. Ayato was also in the wrong; he should have tried to express his feelings rather than bottle them up, but I'm glad they both got together.
Side note: He is the Sakamaki who has insulted Yui the least (ik bare minimum). He called her flat (which everyone did) dumb and said her clothes lacked sex appeal, but he never made her feel insecure about her face. However, for some reason, he's always the one in headcanons who says things like "I don't like ugly women!" or stuff like that. One of the reasons I love Ayato is that he is the only one who genuinely used KIREI on her, and not only one time, which is something I will never stop talking about. This is so significant because in the majority of otome games, the love interests call the heroine “kawaii” and “kirei” is actually rarely used since it has a much bigger impact in Japan.
I may appear biased, but the thing is… Ayato is already a biased character by the company, and I'm not just saying that because he's always in the center of everything. He appears to be the favorite character of Rejet's most important employees, including Rejet's CEO (who also wrote some character songs and YB), Yamada-san (one of the route and CD drama writers + Young blood writer), and others. It's fine to express your displeasure with their bias toward him, but at the end of the day, we're just the players, and they're the creators, so there's nothing we can do. Also, Rejet confirmed all of the "horrible" things you mentioned:
1. When Ayato is accused of doing something bad, it isn't as sinister as you might think. It simply means causing mischief, or playing pranks on others, and this was demonstrated even on routes that were not his own. Still mean, but not horrifying.
2. It’s canon that all he did with the sacrificial brides was feed off them. Yes, they were innocent souls, but this official short story (translated by Koiiro on WP) explains the entire situation better. Basically, Yui explained that she has to eat meat even though she feels a bit bad for the animals killed in the process, but Ayato compares it to the sacrificial brides to cheer her up and explains that it's the circle of life. Vampires, after all, require blood to survive:
Ayato— “I don't feel sorry for those who are sacrificed."
Ayato— "Because they're eaten by the great me. The weak can live within the strong, right? They should be grateful."
Yui— "Ayato-kun…"
Ayato— Titless looks surprised somehow. I look away from her, thinking that what just I said is an obvious thing.
Yui— "…thank you. You really are kind, Ayato-kun."
Ayato— For some reason, I hear Titless thanking me from behind.
Ayato— "Huh!? What do you mean?"
Yui— "…eh? I mean… at the very least, my blood isn't simply going to waste inside of you. When the thought crossed my mind, I just felt that way somehow…"
Ayato— Titless shyly smiles as she answers.
After hearing Yui's confession, Ayato goes into Tsundere mode, exclaiming, "It was about Takoyaki!" even though Yui knew very well he meant sacrificial brides.
No, @ DL fandom, he did not torture previous sacrificial brides as you might think. I know I'm probably one of the few DL fans who have access to a bunch of information about the franchise, but I'd really appreciate it if people would stop judging a character without knowing the facts.
Now, let's talk about Laito. I'm sorry, but I believe you completely missed the point of what I was trying to say. I never said Ayato's past was more worthy of sympathy than Laito's; I just said that both of them had it rough and that Laito shouldn't envy him for it, because Ayato's life wasn't perfect either.
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As a person who got a pure 100% on my psychology exam, NEWSFLASH: Psychological, Neglect, Sexual and Physical abuse are the main types of abuse and they’re EQUALLY bad. Just because Laito was sexually abused doesn't mean Kanato, who was neglected, or Ayato, who was tortured and had many near-death experiences, had it better than him, and thinking that way is extremely insensitive. Worst past ≠ Saddest past. What makes Laito's past sadder than Ayato's is that Laito was severely impacted by it, whereas Ayato not so much. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I love Laito, and I'm a Laito stan, but dismissing his brother’s trauma is still wrong. That is equivalent to saying:
Person A: I was beaten up everyday to the point that I almost died over and over.
Person B: But you will never understand the pain of being rap€d.
Abuse is not a competition; everyone reacts differently; some people heal faster than others; and one thing is certain: Ayato's, Laito's, or anyone else's trauma will never be an excuse for abusive behavior.
Oh and actually, everything I mentioned are 100% canon facts??? They aren’t sugarcoated in Ayato’s favor, he really is portrayed by Rejet as a hero. He even came in first place among all Rejet boys, from all of their games, when it came to protecting you/MC in a fight against a powerful enemy.
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Ayato and Azusa are both the most helpful Diaboys in the franchise, so claiming that Ayato is less supportive than his brothers is a huge lie. Sure, he's not always supportive, but he's more than the other Sakamakis and unquestionably more heroic. I focus on his positive traits rather than his negative ones because he has more positive traits than negative ones, lol. Ayato has done far more good than bad, so he deserves to be reminded of those rather than his flaws.
I'm sorry you got hate for sharing your opinion; nobody deserves to be hated for something like that, but maybe think outside the box next time? Or perhaps try to better analyze the situation? I don't mean to come across as mean; I have nothing against this ask, and I appreciate that you enjoy my blog; it's just that some fans are extremely defensive of their favorite Diaboy to the point of being very irascible. ^^”
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kitkatopinions · 2 years
People really out there acting like the lackluster queer rep isn't tied to the fact that RT is a bigoted piece of shit company huh. Fucking wild lol.
Also really funny how they ignored the fact that you've talked about and reblogged posts about that RT being a bigoted, abusive piece of shit company. What, are you not allowed to talk about one of the multiple ways RT sucks when she's already covered all of the other crap they've done several times over? Do you need a disclaimer on every post that goes over all of RT's crimes?
Actually maybe we're onto something! Maybe you could add a long list of RT's crimes to every post so no one who reads them can escape from being reminded that RT is a vile, morally-bankrupt company that only cares about taking your money. :D Just really rub in that guilt for anyone who's even remotely defending anything RT does!
People will do whatever they can to pretend that 'RT' and 'CRWBY' have absolutely no overlap and that 'RT' and 'RT Higher Ups' has nothing to do with 'RWBY.' Why? Because they personally can't justify supporting RT in any way, they can't justify watching RT made stuff without being critical of it, and they can't justify enjoying something made by and influenced by RT. So they have to pretend that RWBY somewhere is entirely separate and entirely pure and entirely above criticism and that CRWBY is entirely wholly 'Not a part of RT' and that RWBY being on Crunchyroll is proof that watching RWBY doesn't help RT or bad business practices in any way. (btw I personally don't believe that watching or liking RWBY is bad, it's not the exact same thing as Harry Potter, I think talking about and liking RWBY is perfectly fine just so long as you acknowledge that it isn't perfect and are willing to critically analyze it as part of Rooster Teeth.)
And it's really funny because every time I'm like "what about the existence of Miles Luna" every so called progressive anti-rwde RWBY loving fan suddenly just be like
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Somehow, me calling out Miles Luna or pointing out how he was the head of animation at Rooster Teeth - aka, a RT Higher Up - for literal years, is something that they just never happen to see, so they can go on pretending that RWBY and RT don't overlap at all.
These people will say I'm being biphobic for pointing out the difference between coding and confirmation despite being a bisexual woman with tons of queer ships who writes queer fanfictions where I make ninety percent of my favorite characters including Blake and Yang openly and unapologetically bisexual and despite the fact that I'm actually actively pushing for more and better queer confirmation... And then when I say "hey by the way remember how Miles Luna told a 'funny' story about how his drunk girlfriend was making out with a friend and he and other guys stood around oogling it because it was just so hot that it made them super turned on and then went on to say that he wasn't threatened by it like he would be if they were men because women didn't have what he had?' They just shut their eyes and put their hands over their ears going "la la la la la" and never once condemn that or even acknowledge it and then will turn around and post on their own blog about how rwde posters are bullying poor helpless progressive Miles Luna for being brave enough to have two women hold hands and look at each other long enough to make fans feel like they might kiss next season.
These people will say that rwde posters are secretly misogynists for saying we want Jaune to be less involved in the show and then when I'm like "hey, do you guys remember when Miles made tweets calling Tifa Lockhart a prostitute for wearing clothes he said were 'somethin' else' and do you remember when he made a youtube video called 'video games for your girlfriends' where he basically said women were too dumb to play hard video games but if you tricked her into thinking she was doing okay at a simple one, maybe she'd jerk you off? And do you remember when people posted pictures of him happily lounging with a body pillow of a then sixteen year old Ruby with the caption 'careful miles, she's still only sixteen' and I think he liked the tweet instead of being like 'what the fuck?' And also I don't know much about it but he apparently made a podccast called 'Fan Service' with Gray Haddock and that doesn't sound super feminist" And they once again just ignore me completely and pretend they didn't see that part of my post and then turn around and be like "well my latest interaction with RWDE has proven that they DOUBLY hate women because they HATE the guy who made the pixels that are named Ruby Rose look like a woman!"
These people will tell me that I don't care enough about RT's controversies and bigotry despite the fact that I've talked about it over and over and reblogged other blogs talking about it over and over (including a post where I told people to be careful to not harass random voice actors and animators demanding answers because the problem was clearly people who were higher up) because I don't post about it all the time without ever mentioning RWBY again (wonder why they want that -_-) but then when I'm like "Hey guys, remember the fact that Miles Luna the person who helped create RWBY and has been like one of the lead writers since RWBY's creation was also a literal Rooster Teeth higher up who was head of animation for years AKA a Rooster Teeth Higher Up," they again just fucking ignore that. And then turn around and post about how RWDE posters don't care enough about animators somehow and how we're being mean to the poor defenseless indefinable 'crwby.'
Anti-rwdes do not give a shit about misogyny, they do not give a shit about queer representation, they do not give a shit about the endless controversies of RT, they do not give a shit about examining the content made by horrible people, they do not give a shit about making sure bigots don't get platformed, they do not give a shit about even acknowledging things that are problematic. They only want the media they like to be considered above criticism so that they can watch it without feeling any bad feelings.
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thehaniverse · 4 months
[24.05.19] Haikyuu Movie Review
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I initially thought I'd be able to watch the movie online when it dropped back in February, but none of the usual suspects were uploading the damn movie, so I was dying trying to avoid spoilers online, but I'm glad I managed to until it was finally revealed to be showing in Korea!
Let me tell you, as a multilingual person, there is no bigger brain-fuck than watch a movie in a second language with subtitles in your third, but considering Haikyuu is my favourite anime of all time, I just couldn't wait anymore.
So, after such an arduous wait, was the movie actually worth it?
Heads up, I've written this without any spoilers, as I also went into this without reading the manga (intentionally.)
Intially, I, like many other fans, was disappointed that the movie was ,in fact, a movie rather than a 5th season, but after watching it, I totally understand why they decided to do it this way. If they'd done it as a series of episodes, it ran the risk of being too slow-paced, which was one of the major criticisms of the 4th season.
The pacing of the movie was perfect - the right level of slow emotional flashbacks to add context without being too repetitive of past seasons, while still being fast-paced and action-packed throughout the game.
I also loved the unique perspective they gave in this movie, it's something they've never done to this extent throughout the anime, and honestly, something I haven't seen in other anime I've watched. The chaotic energy really made you feel like you were more than just a spectator and the disorientation made everything so much more tense - I LOVED it. (I honestly wanted to watch the whole movie again there and then just to experience that part again.)
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One thing I've always loved about Haikyuu is the ability of the writer to make you appreciate just how hard these kids are working, and the background and character growth throughout the movie honestly left me teary-eyed at the end - the character development continues to be one of my favorite parts of this anime. There's honestly so much I want to say about this but due to spoilers, I'll have to hold back for a while until the screenings have taken place worldwide. Maybe I'll write a part 2 after additional viewings.
Finally, let's talk about the ending. Man. This was an interesting experience for me because Nekoma is actually my favorite team LOL but of course, as viewers, we can't help but root for Karasuno. Every point and every play was bittersweet but nothing hit as much as the ending, rather than any overwhelming sense of joy for the winner, it was more that sinking feeling of 'oh, it's really over? Just like that?" I imagine this is how the losing time would feel in every game, you always want to believe there's another chance, or that the end isn't really the end yet, it was very surreal.
The best parallel I can draw is the sinking feeling I had when Karasuno first lost to Aoba Josei. Yet at the same time, because of the growth of all the characters, it was still a beautiful ending.
Ultimately, it was everything you'd expect from Haikyuu, I laughed, I cried, I fought back screams in the theatre XD I really do want to reassure anyone who thinks the movie replacing a season will be lackluster - it was anything but! I hope you enjoy the viewing and I'd love to hear your thoughts after.
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