#this isn't a random mood swing btw
transgender-catboy · 2 months
aw man, I'm crying now :(
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springtrappd · 7 days
i still think about "afton has dissociative identity disorder" guy sometimes not because he was outright wrong but because of how utterly insane the way he was wrong was. because the thing is that he wasn't wrong! afton does display various symptoms that indicate something is up with his sense of self*; he experiences extreme mood swings and shifts in personality, he references his various personas in the third person, doing elaborate dance routines to declare that that version of himself is dead, that he has numerous masks that he switches out at all, and just. Everything about him-as-spring-bonnie in tse**. i'd have to reread the trilogy to get you complete sources, but absolutely none of the things he says (or thinks of himself) are normal***, and they draw attention to this in the text every single time it happens. and naturally this is all up to interpretation, but it's a completely reasonable one to make given the circumstances****
like he was so so close to getting it but the ableism- and conspiracy-worms ate his brain and he jumped to "william afton has a split personality and is scott's secret self-insert meaning that the entire character is scott explaining that he, Real Guy Scott Cawthon, has dissociative identity disorder" rather than. just. "you can easily interpret afton as displaying symptoms of mental illness". which he does and you can.
[*] - psychiatric labels are names given to collections of symptoms to better categorise them for treatment/study; human beings are multifaceted beings by nature and thus often exist outside their narrow confines. it is pointless to argue the distinction between personality, mood and dissociative disorders in this context, as these titles are -- again -- tools to aid understanding. they exist to fit us; we do not exist to fit them. fictional characters, as entities that do not exist, cannot be definitively diagnosed or expected to behave in ways that satisfy the more psychiatrically-minded; however, viewing them through such a lens allows for a new perspective on their actions, and that is something vital to media analysis. the use of labels here are tools to assist in your understanding of what i'm discussing, not definitive statements of what something is (or isn't). He like definitely has a personality disorder though have you seen this guy, jesus christ
[**] - whether he's actually himself here (just concussed) or outright possessed is up to you. this is just a possible take on it, not necessarily the definitive one. i'm demonstrating an argument.
[***] - i do not know your own experiences and you should not judge yourself based on a random tumblr post about five nights at freddy's. it's okay if this aspect of afton's character resonates with you, or if you don't understand why a statement like this would be noteworthy from a psychological perspective. he is a fictional character who has been written the way he was with particular intent; you are a real person with lived experiences that cannot be confined to the page. there isn't (necessarily) anything wrong with you (and it doesn't matter if there is, btw) (see note 1), but this is used as a way to show that there is something wrong with him.
[****] - i have a dissociative disorder. you do not need to know anything more about it than that, and i will not be telling you.
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Oi love, I see 'ere on the list you had a lovely old time with that there Far Cry 3 and 4. But you see there's one small problem there innit? Surely you have misplaced the first two on the list, one couldn't possibly no enjoy Jack Carver's goofy action hero dialog or Malaria Simula'or 2 eh?
Jokes and goofiness aside, uhh... 001 for MLP:FiM?
ah danggit I’ve been called out 😂 Far Cry and Far Cry 2 look really interesting btw! those are the classic. Far Cry 3 was the first game I used to play because it was in my brother’s XBOX. I used to borrow his games when he’s not at home. honestly I didn’t really give the thought playing the previous games lol
I wish I could play more video games but my laptop is the only thing I have rn and it’s only for work related. maybe if i have the time ill just give let’s players on youtube a watch. ty for the question and heres the ask game!
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
• Favorite character:
I really love Fluttershy the most!
• Least Favorite character:
I don't think I have a least favorite. why? because everypony is best pony.
• 5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
1. Fluttershy x Discord
2. Rainbow Dash x Pinkie Pie
3. Rarity x Apple Jack
4. Twillight x Flash
5. Lyra x Sweetie Drops
Character I find most attractive:
Princess Luna 🌙
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• Character I would marry:
I’d marry this himbo
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• Character I would be best friends with:
I need a Pinkie Pie in my life!
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• a random thought:
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• An unpopular opinion:
"20% cooler" isn't that funny of a line to me.
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• My Canon OTP:
Mr. and Mrs. Cake!
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My Non-canon OTP:
them ❤️
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• Most Badass Character:
Rainbow Dash
•Most Epic Villain:
Queen Chrysalis
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• Pairing I am not a fan of:
Spike x Rarity or really any Spike x main six or similar ages ponies..
• Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
I don’t have an opinion on this. I think the writing is fine as it is.
Favourite Friendship:
the mane six! love how they played off with one another, I enjoyed how the story progressed throughout the seasons and the action and adventure that there is when the characters fight the villains or solve some difficult problem and learn something from it in the end.
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Character I most identify with:
hmm, I relate to having a Pinkie levels of excessive energy and happiness at times where i’m bouncing off the walls. i relate to both Pinkie's and Rarity's extreme mood-swings. I find Fluttershy's kindness in me too!
Character I wish I could be:
Twilight Sparkle! I want a magic and an ability to fly, like a pegasus.
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swallowed-by-the-moon · 3 months
// tw sui ideation
too bad no one can save me. I don't feel at home anywhere. I just want to be loved and everything I get is rejection. my mother starting lashing out on me BUT I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING??? like I was in my room drawing for the last 3-4 hours and I didn't go out at all. and then I went out to the bathroom and she was like "HELLO!!". LIKE BRUH SOUNDED SO AGGRESSIVE. then I picked up a soda to drink and she straight up took it from me while I was drinking????? hello woman what the actual fuck?? and before I went out she was literally sitting on the floor while bio father was massaging her shoulders or smth idk. LIKE MAN WHH DON'T YOU LASH OUT ON HIM? children are always guilty after all. but her husband is a saint (he knows how to manipulate and break you with his words 🥰🥰🥰). like I fucking wish I came first. but she's constantly putting someone else first. her husband, my sister when she was smaller (thanks mother for abandonment trauma btw). I used to suffer so much because everyone always idealised my sister because she was "just a kid" while punishing me for tge smallest mistake. they cursed me, now I'm never loved. people see through me, they see the failure and the constant bleed inside. mood swings are driving me crazy, I'm either extremely happy or desperate or heavily dissociated. I hate my body, I have body parts that aren't mine, they feel like parasites. every day I think about suicide because it's fucking unbearable. I cannot be loved but I need it for life. why suffer? why continue if every trop I take leads to suicide. if not now then in a year. but I will not let them tell me that they can cure me. they can't. they don't know me. I just need to be loved. I want to bleed because I feel so fucking desperate yet tears from my eyes cannot relieve the pain. I want to slit my wrists so bad but that's not the way I want to go. tho it would've been amazing. quite a bummer everything will be too slow. I want to hang myself. I wanted to pour gasoline on myself and light myself up to destroy the body so that my relatives couldn't dress me in yhe clothes I would never wear when burying me. I don't want to be wrongly gendered in death
I often wonder how everyone would have reacted if I died due to suicide. would someone be sad? or would someone laugh because of the weakness I showed to the face of life? would someone think "I thought he could've never don that to himself" or "I thought he was just too dramatic" or even "I knew one day he would do it". I don't belong in here. I don't belong anywhere. I'm always the one cast out. that's what I was, that's what I am. I am nothing and will never be something. I was always nothing. nothing nothing nothing. talentless, overdramatic, annoying, attention seeking, complaining about everything, not able to actually enjoy what I've got, not good enough, invalid, unwanted, unlovable, boring, freaky, always a second choice, defective one. ask me to say something good about myself and maybe if the mood is now hyper nice I'll name like 3 things. and that's it. unwanted after all
the funniest shit is that my trauma ain't even that valid. I have no clue why I feel like this if I haven't really been physically abused (wait I was, but it wasn't too bad), I was emotionally abused tho but it wasn't too severe too (except for when I was yelled on for crying and they put my head under the faucet to calm me down. or when they took the thing I adored to do (threatened to break my guitar) when I didn't do what they wanted). I was through some shit I'd say was kinda emotional bullying (for being trans of course), went extremely paranoid. lost the most loving person and animal in the world. yet that isn't even close to what some have been through
from the memories. sometimes I forget what I have been through with my parents. sometimes when I remember a random episode I get goosebumps. like this one. I didn't want to go out that day but they wanted me to go. why? apparently because they can't stand when their child actually has their own wishes and preferred activities. so they made me. I don't remember what they told me but I remember I cried. I cried my eyeballs out. but I remembered that if I cry in public I make myself look weak (that's what they teached me) so I calmed myself down while we were just walking out of the house.I felt like I was their dog and they were walking me on a leash, never asking what I want and what I don't want to do. I walked in front of them because obviously I didn't want to walk near them. then as we were reaching my grandparents' house father started trying to put his hand on my waist and pull me closer to them. I dislike physical touch (in most cases and esp in situations like this) and I didn't want to be touched by him because I was mad, I didn't want to walk near them. I started running away and he started chasing me. as I ran into the flowerbed near the house he's reached my hand and I fell on the ground. he sat on me to make sure I'm not gonna run away. at that time I had a xiaomi watch or smth Ion remember how it's called. so he teared it off my hand, put it on his fist and smashed it by kicking the nearby tree (while sitting on me). then he tried to take away my phone from my pocket (he's once broken my phone before by smashing it against the floor just because idk?? I was breathing wrongly) but I didn't let him by pressing my leg to the ground. then he started yelling at me (while still sitting at me), he demanded me to tell him that I was sorry and I won't act like that anymore. I didn't. because I didn't do anything wrong and I wasn't gonna apologise for idk what provoked his fucking actions. he continued screaming. I turned my face away from him and looked on my mother who seemed to enjoy what he was doing. it was in the evening so no one was around. I saw cars driving by and I was wondering if they saw what's happening or if it was too dark for them to notice or they simply ignored it. I thought he would punch me in the face but he screamed and screamed until he's proved he's dominant here (lmao I tell you he's obsessed with being a sigma male) and let me go. I didn't apologise but I was terrified. I cried. I hoped my grandfather of grandmother would try to comfort me or at least calm me down when they see me in tears but when they asked what happened he told them some lame ass excuse like I wasn't listening to him or smth and everyone just left??? to the kitchen and I was sitting there all alone weeping, hoping someone will come to sit beside me, to cheer me up. but they all went to the kitchen to have a dinner and completely ignored me. then occasionally someone came to tell me I was wrong and he was right. I felt betrayed. I felt abandoned. I wanted to go home but I didn't have a home where I'd feel safe
the memory itself made me shiver. I'm so sorry I couldn't save younger me, I'm sorry you were broken like that I'm sorry you're not the strong. I am sorry I cannot change and we will never be big and strong both mentally and physically. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I can't give you love and acceptance you needed so much. yet you are lost forever. you're not me, you are a separate person. but if I could've done something for you I would
remembered another one. I didn't want to go swimming when we arrived on the river. I wanted to stay home but obviously no one let me. so I just wanted to chill on the shore at least (I was extremely dysphoric). yet he wouldn't let me be. he took my hand and dragged me into the water. he dragged me through sand (I fell because I was trying to resist but he was two times bigger than me) while other people were starting. just staring at me being dragged into the water where I obviously didn't want to go. then I came back to the shore because I didn't want to swim and then my grandmother started dragging me into the water so I pushed her and she fell sweating at me and calling me a whore 🥰🥰 after that they calmed down and every relative that was there was staring at me as if I was crazy.
why did they want me to do things I didn't want to do? why did they think that if they pull me into the water I'll become happy because "yay water" if I've clearly stated that I didn't want to go swimming?
there are probably more memories hidden deep inside my unconscious taht I can't remember at all. but do I need to remember to know i don't want any further contact with any of them all? no
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dimpledlavendeer · 3 years
❥︎ Enhypen's hyung line as room/homemates
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Warnings: none! May contain typos🙈
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He would be shy at first but will get crazy the more you know him
He would be so shy to interact first
He would try to avoid having conversations with you bc he would be afraid of getting weird due to his shy personality
He would get comfortable around you the more time passes and will like the fact that you always try to speak with him
So he would try to talk with you too, trying to start up conversations
Once he's done being shy he would ask questions abt you to get to know you more
He would be very interested in you and the things you like, so he would observe a lot
I think he's really skilled at reading people's emotions so if you had a bad day he would notice the second you get in the door
He would make a coffee or tea for you, silently sit on the couch next to you and ask if you want to talk
He is such a great listener so you could tell him what was bothering you or just talk with him for hours, thus you both have a lot of nights when you just stay up until the morning talking abt all kinds of stuff
He would make sure that you guys would always have snacks to eat for the times you stay up talking until morning, bc both of you LOVE eating
Omg I need to say this once you get closer and the awkwardness goes away expect A LOT OF CUDDLES
Like he would just hug you when you feel down, when he feels down, when he's happy, when he's tired etc etc. He would even ask for you to hug him
He would joke around a lot, teasing you abt your appearance when you ask him how you look before going out but never say anything rude that can hurt your feelings
I don't think he's that neat tbh lmao so his room tends to get messy a lot and he would often use his aegyo to get you to help him clean things up
He would be VERY shy abt Showering when you're home and since he sleeps late you often hear him shower when you wake up in the middle of the night
He's clumsy like really really clumsy
He's the most likely to walk in to you getting undressed or getting off shower
Most likely to fall in love with his roommate btw
He would BLUSH a lot even tho he himself tries to joke or flirt around
If you end up falling for him too and if he notices expect a lot of cute kdrama like scenes where you two just giggle around
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He would be the ideal roommate
He seems very neat, so your house would look heavenly bc he would never let anything look messy or ugly
His awesome fashion taste probably also goes for home decorating
I don't think he would be shy like Heeseung
He would be really really talkative, would try to learn your interests
He would offer doing thing together abt your shared interests, basically he would try to be more intimate with you
Idk why but he gives me big brother vibes
He would help you and look after you all the time
He would cook instead of you even if it was your turn to deal with housework and stuff
He would give perfect relationship advices
Also he would be the shoulder you cry on, when you didn't listen to him and got heart broken
He is the type of friend that never gives up until he sees the corner of your lips curl into a smile
He would get close with your friend really quick tbh
He would teach you how to play his favorite video games so that you can play with him
OMG and he would definitely help you get ready when you have to dress up for somewhere
Going to shopping with Jay would be a routine for you
Also I think he would buy you guys cute friendship bracelets to celebrate your friendship anniversary
I don't think he would fall for his roommate
He would be like the best friend/ brother type of roommate
You would never get bored with Jay tbh
You would be bratty around him to tease and he would lowkey enjoy how you joke around with him
He would take care of you like your parents so you would probably never get sick
Movie nights with Jay when you had a bad day, under a warm blanket 😔💔
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He is the least shyest tbh
He would treat you so warmly since the moment you meet
Since he is such a bright person he would most of the times make your mornings better
He would wake you up every morning with a smile on his face
Even tho not as much as Jay he still gives me a neat person vibes, at least I don't think he would be as messy as hee if that makes sense
He would help you with housework all the time
Cleaning with him would be so fun
He would just put on some music while you wipe the floor and he washed the dishes
And you guys end up dancing together rather than actually getting things done
He would help you with you school work
Gives the best speech whenever you need motivation
He will boost your ego up whenever you lost confidence in yourself
He also is a great listener and I think he is the best at giving any kind of advices abt anything so he would probably be the first person that you talk with abt things that confuses you
Jake really has such a charming aura I think he would probably be able to make anyone fall him lmao
So you would probably have a crush om him after some time
Not as much as hee but I see him also falling for his roommate
If he would also develop feelings for you he wouldn't be shy to show it
He would buy you flowers ever day of the week
He would often try to make excuses to try sleeping while cuddling you
He would hold you under his embrace all night, making sure you don't feel alone when you have a bad day
He's the general sweetheart and tbh impossible not to fall for
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He would be even shyer than hee
He would definitely avoid trying to talk with you and all
Wouldn't be able to speak looking itno your eyes at first
He would be so tense around you but in time he would really really get comfortable he would turn into Jake lmao
He just needs time to get used to it but once he does get comfy he would be the most intimate person you would see
He would start conversations abt random random things
He would ALWAYS tease you for mostly being shorter than him
He would act like a brat most of the time but only bc he really cares abt you
He is also very neat so he wouldn't let anything go messy but instead of helping you with your own stuff he would expect you to clean them yourself
So you guys may have argue abt his obsession over keeping things neat but it would never go to the point where it breaks your heart
You guys would have decent schedules on who will wash the dishes that day or who cooks etc.
He would always try his best to be extra kind with you especially if you're having mood swings
He seems like a perfectionist to me that's why he may get frustrated when things go wrong
And when that happens he really loves it when you listen to him
He would love how you and him having long conversation where he just can rant abt whatever it is that's making him uncomfortable while you silently listen to him
Idk why but I think he would enjoy night walks so it may become a routine for you both to go out at midnight, walking around in the neighborhood
And I think he would love stargazing
He would take you to a park near the place you guys stay when you don't feel very well and will let you lay on his lap
Tbh I'm not really sure if he is likely to fall for his roommate but there would definitively be situations where you guys act like a couple even to it isn't intentional
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camileeon · 3 years
Ayo ayo, I wanna request a matchup for Encanto! If possible, I would like both a romantic and platonic one, but if not then just romantic works!!
My name is Pebble, I am a minor, I’m bisexual and I use she/they pronouns. The only thing I would rather not have mentioned is children, specifically having them as I’ve never wanted kids before. I am 5’5, very pale and my eye bags will never leave. I also have ringletted hair that is a nightmare to take care of ;u;
I like to describe myself as chaotic good!! I love my friends a lot and tend to show my love for them through food, mostly baking. I tend to rant a lot and get very excited about my fixations but sometimes when I’m hanging out with close friends I’ll just vibe quietly.
I really like the arts, mostly drawing and singing, which is also a big reason as to why I love musicals!! My humour can be quite dark and very sarcastic. I love most animals, it’s me dream to have pets like cats, rats or goats in the future!! I adore physical affection and really like making my partners blush through compliments!! I’m kinda hard to fluster myself though. I like horror movies a lot, and I really like telling my own horror stories!!! I am very opinionated and will share my opinions a lot, especially if asked.
I do suffer with depression and may be on the spectrum or have ADHD so I’d definitely need someone who can keep up with me as it tend to result in random bouts of energy, mood swings, and moments where I just need comfort. I also tend to be interested in people with a sense of humour or drama similar to mine.
I often associate my friends with songs, colours, scents, etc. I also love showing my friends my art!! I mostly make oc’s and it’s always really fun to talk about them!! Though, despite how excited I can be, I am also introverted. I don’t like being at parties for too long and my favourite moments would probably be cuddling up to someone on a rainy day while watching horror movies
Other than that, I don’t think I have much more to mention? Sorry if it’s a lot btw, I tend to go a bit overboard with these things
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° Isabela the first thought who came to my mind, period.
° She's the type of person to show her love through acts of service.
° She'd give SUCH GOOD facials and skincare to you.
° Will seriously share the same suffering because she has long ass hair as well, She's a little envious that her hair isn't like yours but LOVES to play with your hair every so often.
° Whenever there are differences in both of your opinions, she will always hear you out no matter what.
° When handling emotions, she always gives you comfort through hugs and pieces of advice and explains that no one seriously is perfect in the world and it's okay to feel that way as she realize and learned from before. She would listen if you had anything else to let out even if it took a whole day.
° You'd both share the same genre of horror movies and would also stay inside and keep cozy on a rainy day, she still is a prima donna after all and doesn't like getting her clothes wet.
° words of adoration and reassurance is her strong suit :)) as she gives them to herself everyday, telling that you are worth it and that she loves you with no limits.
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fancycakedragon · 5 years
Didn't Happen the First Time (Soulmate AU)
College!Tommy Kinkle x Reader
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[Not My Gif]
Source: @john-bendr
Warning(s): None
A/N: So @imnotadalekimhuman and I had a whole conversation about how Tommy Kinkle deserved to go to college. It stuck with me so I wrote this. TK stans need to get together btw.
As comforting as knowing someone was out there that was your perfect match, the idea of having a soulmate was stressfull to you. You often traced the words etched into your skin thinking about what would happen if you met this person. Would it be love at first sight? Would they already be in a relationship? Were you one of the unlucky few that didn't have a soulmate?! Some days you'd daydream about them others you were a ball of anxiety. All because of a stranger who was supposed to comolete you.
The thing with soulmates was that on rare, very rare, ocassions people would get an incling of where their other half would be. That's what happened when you were choosing schools. Notre Dame wasn't your first choice but something about it pulled you there. It wasn't a cosmic revelation, more of a insesent nudge that became too much to bare.
When you got there you didn't know what to think. The moment you stepped on campus the feeling vanished, gone like the flame on a blown out candle. You were looking in every corner to find that person who would just say those words. Two years there and you slowly started to give up. If they were really here or anywhere in the world you'd find eachother. Eventually. Instead you focused on your studies, and making Stacy keep up with her school work.
The school had a big football culture that ruled over the campus. Home games were always packed, people travelled to see visiting games, and any wins were met with outrageous frat parties.
Your friend Stacy who had gotten into Notre Dame with you was beside you currently cheering along with the rest of the stadium. "C'MON NUMBER THIRTEEN, SHOW 'EM WHAT WE'RE MADE OF!"
You blinked at her with wide eyes, "My ears are right here Stace."
You weren't sure if she was ignoring you or it was too loud for her to hear but she continued with her cheering.
The game was close but it was player 13 that scored the winning touch down. The croud erupted in the school chant and applause.
After winning the first home game of the season the star quarterback Aric Boyyd announced, "Party at Sigma Kappa Phi tonight!!!" Random groups of people around you whooped.
You wrinkled your nose at the idea. Sometimes the parties were amusing but everyone knew frat parties had a tendency to get out of hand. Aric was busy hyping everyone up with his antics when he bumped into you causing you to drop you phone, your drink following right over it.
"What the hell, man?! I just got that!" you yelled at him.
Aric shrugged, "You can't expect me to care about that babe, WE JUST WON THE FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON!" The crowd cheered along with him to the frat house ignoring you.
You took a deep breath your jaw clenching. Before you could pick up the phone a another hand had already plucked it from the ground.
You looked at the person holding your phone out to you and took it from him. If you weren't so pissed you'd have thought he was cute. But no, part of why you were here was meet your soulmate. No distractions.
"I'm Tommy," he said trying to fill the silence that had grown.
"Y/N," you replied looking over your phone shattered screen, probably some damage from your drink spilling on it.
"Hey you're 13," Stacy said recognizing his face from photos posted on the schools social media. "Nice game."
Tommy smiled, "Thanks. And sorry about Aric, he doesn't know the importance of... Anything that isn't him."
"Oh so what are you, one of those sensitive meatheads?" you asked in annoyance.
Tommy went quiet, you could practically see the gears turning in his head but it wasn't for the reason you thought. He looked at you with in a new light when he felt the tingling on his abdomen, right where those same words were etched. In all the years he looked at that sentence he always thought it would come out as a joke. It gave him a sense of comfort knowing his soulmate was probably a playful tease. Looking at you now he doubted that was the case or maybe you weren't in a good mood. Your phone did just face some damage because of his teammate.
Your brows were furrowed in annoyance and you seemed ready to leave. He had to say something, anything, maybe like the words written on your skin. But he didn't know what to say and the longer he stood there the more he was losing his chance.
"Well, uh, all teams need a novelty right?" he tried to joke. He looked at you to see if there was some sort of recognition in your face.
"Whatever, Stace let's go."
Just like that you were leaving. Tommy watched you go somehow still trying to to figure out what to say to you.
"You're not bailing (Y/N)," Stacy warned.
You looked at her defensively, "Who said I was."
"I can see it all over your face. Classes haven't gotten serious yet so were gonna go party it up."
"It's not like you're gonna give me a choice," you said rolling your eyes.
Stacy grinned at you, "I love it when you just accept your fate." She dragged you off to change into something she approved of and you were off.
When you arrived the party was already in full swing. Beer pong on one side of the room, kegs not far from it, and a shit ton of hangovers waiting to happen.
You made your way out to the backyard where there were less people. As if Tommy knew you had arrived he found you minutes after you arrival.
"Oh my god, is this guy serious?" you mumbled.
"He's cute give him a chance," Stacy whispered. "Hey! Tommy how you doing?" she said giving him a winning smile.
"Good, I guess," he answered shrugging. His eyes travelled to you as an awkward silence took over.
"Well! I see a cute girl over there and I'm gonna go chat her up, have. . . anything but this," your friend said her arms gesturing vaguely around you two. "Try fun," she said already leaving you.
"Stacy Ingrid Hopkins I swear-" the few people around you turned to see the commotion about to erupt but you quieted down.
Tommy bit his lip looking down. Remembering the drinks he brought with him earlier he offered one to you, "Um, I got you, a um, some lemonade. I wasn't sure about bringing you alcohol."
"I don't take open drinks from anyone at parties."
"Oh there are soda cans I can get you one," Tommy said heading back inside.
You pushed past him irritated, "I'll get it myself. Hopefully you can take a hint and leave me alone."
Tommy realized that getting through to you was going to be a challenge. This really wasn't what he thought being with his soulmate was going to be like. What if you weren't his mate? The first thing he said was supposed to be what was written on your skin. He got no reaction from the moment he met you. Tommy got an aching feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"Are you always going to see me as the bad guy?" he said in an off handed manner.
You stopped in your tracks. You'd known that sentence from the moment you could read. The words imprinted into you were just spoken by the man you'd been trying to avoid. Turning around you slowly walked back to Tommy. 
You walked back to him standing inches away and whispered, "Only if it means I get to give my soulmate a hard time."
Finally! Tommy smiled so bright  you were sure you'd go blind. He lifted his sleeve revealing the words you said to him hours ago. Giggling you turned your arm showing him the inside of your bicep.
"I can't believe you didn't say this the first time," you told him in amusement.
Tommy chuckled shaking his head, "I've been stressing out all this time thinking I was matchless. Don't play with my feelings."
You laughed and in that moment Tommy knew that was the only thing that could ever make his heart skip a beat.  
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