#this is why i hate being the first to write for a ship cuz i never know what name to use Help
scarletwritesshit · 4 months
🕯️ Mortefi x F!Rover 🕯️The Rover and Her Red Cat Researcher
Mortefi scratched his head in utter confusion. He had absolutely no leads to go off of as a starting point, and even worse was that he had never seen a case quite like this before. Granted, he was more specialized in other fields of research, but denying the opportunity to learn more about the peculiar would be a fool’s choice. She returned seeking answers. He wanted answers himself. Unfortunately for the both of them, basic testing came back completely normal, and Mortefi did not know why.
What he did know, is that he didn’t know anything about the girl who went by the name of Rover. She had the clothes of a foreigner, most certainly a region that he was most unfamiliar with. Without as much of a formal name that could at least provide some clues to her heritage, Mortefi was at a complete loss for tracing back her origins. It was perplexing, to say the least. The thought of contacting senior researchers at Huaxu Academy had crossed his mind more than once, but what would they be able to do, if every result was as average as it could possibly be?
Rover came to him seeking some form of answer, and he was determined to give her something of value. A response along the lines of “I haven’t the slightest idea” simply was not acceptable. Unfortunately, he was stumped. He understood none of this. Mortefi was even sure to run multiple tests, and carry out the exact same procedures on another researcher he knew was average as a control. He could find absolutely nothing.
“Any luck yet?” Rover asked, peeking around his shoulder.
“Regrettably, no,” Mortefi admitted. “All of the tests that I have conducted have yieled completely normal results. You’re clearly a deviation from the norm, yet I fail to determine what factors exactly make you stand out in such a way.”
“But what about my memory loss?”
“No leads in regards to that either. Not even the medical specialists could find anything wrong with your head neurological system.”
Rover sighed, a bit disappointed with his response.
“If it were not for your unusual appearance, as well as the inclusion of that most curious sundial, I would have been led to believe that you were faking all of this for attention.”
“If I had the answers, then I would have no reason to pester you.”
“That may be so, but despite multiple attempts with a control variable taken into account, neither me nor my colleagues can find anything explicitly wrong with you. It’s slightly infuriating, to put it lightly,” Mortefi said, with a slight growl to his voice.
Rover noticed that Mortefi’s once curious expression quickly began to fade away. He exhaled a bit of smoke, clenching his fits as if his frustration was becoming unbearable. With another sigh tinged with smoke, Mortefi pulled out a lighter from his pocket and flicked the cap open. Rover’s heart jumped, and she backed away from him worried that Mortefi was one bad decision away from burning down the entire laboratory, the two of them included.
He clicked the lighter a couple of times, the flame igniting and dissipating, almost as if he was sizing up the equipment around him for the maximum carnage possible with such a small lighter. However, after a good couple of clicks, Mortefi let out a deep breath, this time no fiery smoke to be seen.
“I…apologize for that bout of unprofessionalism,” Mortefi said, sticking the lighter back into his pocket.
“Were you debating burning this entire place down just now?” Rover said, still tense and prepared to bolt.
“I merely find the click of my lighter to be soothing. I cannot let my nerves to get the best of me.”
“I can assume very much so. I could see you exhaling literal smoke.”
Mortefi cleared his throat, and picket up his tablet once more.
“With that being an issue best left in the past, I suppose that this mystery is not going to solve themselves. Shall we proceed?”
Although she was still somewhat shaken up from Mortefi’s actions just moments prior, Rover nodded her head and allowed for Mortefi to resume thoroughly examining her. He grabbed her hand and noticed her Tacet Mark, bringing it closer to his eyes in an attempt to find anything that stood out as unusual. As he squinted his eyes at her hand, Rover awaited the moment where he would be struck with inspiration and shove her under some laboratory equipment for vigorous testing. However, he simply held her had rather tight and continued observing it intently.
“Something super fascinating about my hand?” she asked.
“Ah…no. Just simply conducting a thorough examination.”
He leaned away a little, allowing a Rover a little bit more personal space. Now that he had lifted his head up a bit more, she caught a clear glimpse of his eyes for the first time. His pupils were slit, somewhat like those of the reptiles she had cut down on the way. They, however, felt more curious and alive than just plain bloodthirsty. In fact, they were almost cat-like, giving him the look of a man occupied with a lot of thoughts rather than just a beast whose only thought was what its next victim for a meal was.
Noble, majestic, respectable. It was like she was face to face with a dragon in human form, which made her heart skip a beat every time the light of the laboratory reflected the amber shine in his eyes.
Despite these thoughts of a well-respected dragon standing before her, Rover felt as if Mortefi kept the demeanor of a cat hidden beneath an aura of authority and intelligence. The way he lit up with curiosity while working on his research, his normally calm mannerisms, and the eyes that widened like a curious cat every time even the slightest detail caught his attention all further supported her strange feeling of fondness for Mortefi. Hell, it was becoming mighty tempting to reach out and pet his hair as if he really were a friendly cat.
Just one little pat wouldn’t hurt, she hoped. At the very worst, he would push her hand away, but this nagging urge of hers had to be satisfied. Just one little pet. She could just play it off as a side effect of the brain damage Mortefi insists she doesn’t have.
With her free hand, she reached up and gently pet him. His eyes widened and was a bit surprised by her sudden move, but showed no clear signs of taking any insult. In fact, she could argue that for a moment, she saw him enjoying the attention.
“You really are curious about me, aren’t you?” she said.
“I believe you to be the more curious one, in terms of both attributes and apparently behavior,” Mortefi said, releasing her hand to ruffle his hair back into place.
Some of Mortefi’s lingering tension appeared to have eased thanks to Rover’s playful gesture. Maybe her wild guess wasn’t too far off in actuality. She wouldn’t hesitate to continue if it meant putting Mortefi at ease, but even she had enough common sense remaining to think that petting someone performing tests on you was a bit unusual. Her mind was already upside down, and Mortefi was clearly withholding a great deal of stress, so both of them would have an excuse, should he desire more.
“You look like you’ve lightened up a bit,” Rover commented.
“I believe that I am the one who is supposed to be assisting at the current moment in time. Worry not about me, it’s nothing I haven’t experienced before.”
“Are you sure that you don’t want just a little more? You can think of it as a way of me repaying you for putting all of this effort into attempting to help me.”
Mortefi looked around the lab, as if he was anxious that someone had opened doors that have clearly remained shut throughout the duration of their conversation.
“A subject eager to assist is certainly an usual case. Usually, individuals that do come into the lab constantly ask when the tests are concluded as they get pried and poked,” Mortefi said, puzzled, yet intrigued.
“As we have clearly concluded, I’m not a normal test subject.”
“You are normal, in a sense. In a contradictory manner, that is rather abnormal. Abnormalities in some way are to be expected to be turn up in at least one test. You however, have shown- “
“Normal this, abnormal that, just say that this has been confusing you and you wouldn’t mind another pat to destress,” Rover said, reaching out her hand up once more.
“I suppose this could be a prime opportunity for us to both discover something about ourselves,” Mortefi said with a sigh.
He put his tablet down onto the table and glanced at Rover’s hand, nodding to signal that it was okay for her to proceed. With a smile, she once more began to pet him, only just realizing how soft his hair actually was. It was a bit of an unexpected feeling for a man whose chest was partially covered in what appeared to be scales.
“Do you like it?” she asked.
“In the most unusual way possible, I find it to be quite the soothing experience.”
As she continued gently petting Moretfi, she noticed that his eyes were relaxed and he was blinking rather slowly. Rover’s impulsiveness somehow managed to pay off for both of them, though now it was possible that she could be petting him all day if he was this fond of the attention. He was showing no signs of resistance or wanting to stop either, despite the tests waiting to be ran (or, re-ran) on Rover.
“If it helps you keep your cool, I would gladly keep going all day,” Rover said, mainly as an excuse to continue feeling his surprisingly soft hair.
“Are all outsiders like you this considerate for the well-being of others?” Mortefi asked, almost as if he were slowly becoming drunk off of the affection from Rover.
“Maybe. I don’t know how someone like me is normally supposed to think.”
“Right, my apologies,” Mortefi said, lifting his head up. “As nice as that truthfully feels for the soul, we must continue attempting to discern the extent of your…condition.”
“Mortefi, has anyone ever been nice to you in such a way?” Rover asked, completely disregarding his statement.
“I never considered such things as my studies have always taken top priority. An honest answer would be no, up until now, but I find it most strange that a stranger would be the first to think of me in such a regard,” Mortefi said, attempting to piece together his thoughts. “…Let’s resume the operation before I once more allow myself to get carried away.”
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starlyx0 · 3 months
so I have noticed some people think Ben is boring (trust me I’ve seen it)
so I am here to talk about everything ben and try to explain his character!
This won’t be the best character analysis
as English is not my first language and I'm trying to bring more attention to stuff that's not talked about often.
So I'm going to split this into 6 categories to try to make writing this easier for me so bare with me.
Things I’ll go over!
past & current 
relationship with family 
relationship with friends
This is going to have a bunch of stuff that are headcanons I'm only including them to show ppl if u can put some thought into it u can get some reasonable ones.
1 | personality
I see a lot of ppl reduce his character to only music and being mute? which really upsets me because he soo so much more,
but making his entire personality music makes me so mad
most headcanons I see are all the same PLEASE I AM TIRED of hearing what kind of songs he listens to that or all ship headcanons titled as Bens 
he's a shy awkward guy we all know that cuz he really just stands in a corner awkwardly scratching his neck most times and he also doesn’t like horror or anything scary (eps 11) 
hes a protective older brother not overly like Tyler where hes more protective of Tay from other people ben is more chill going and more afraid of what life throws at Lily, there’s not much here cuz more points I have fit in the other categories :)
2 | looks 
he looks kinda of basic nobody can deny that so I won't, but because of his past I imagine he would have a bunch of scars ik he doesn’t and that’s a bummer cuz I really wish he had 🥲
After he lost his voice he became super facially expressive but also really good at hiding his emotions so it’s either really easy to read him or really hard no in between. also because of his past bullying, I assume it affected him and the way he presents himself that why he sticks to basic outfits and look,
overall trying not to bring attention to himself even after therapy he stuck to his habit but if someone gave him a little push and helped him he would drop it and start putting thought into his looks,
saw this somewhere I don’t remember where they said he would have curly hair as a kid but his mom didn’t know how to take care of it so they ended up shaving it and i think curly or wavy haired Ben would be so cute also he would look amazing with an eyebrow piercing %100 and uhh I genuinely don’t remember him smiling genuinely in canon so i imagine his with a downturned smile I may be wrong about that idk
3 | hobbies
did I make this a separate category just to talk about him being an artist? yes I absolutely did 🙂↕️
I fear most people forgot about it n honestly and that is criminal 
there is not much said about it in canon but I’ll work with what I have,
he probably didn’t have much artistic skills when he was younger and only started doing it as a distraction and a way to calm down n he probably made himself draw
I feel like red projected onto him in that ifykyk😭
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but from the picture Ben draws based on things that happen so he diff draws a bunch of random things he sees and thinks its cool, he would draw everything and everyone and I feel his art style would be more realistic tbh
but Ben also plays guitar, plays piano 
, fight, used to sing, and the medic of the group like what else he do?? he is literally perfect what more can I say here but most of these are not really hobbies but skills he had to learn for the sake of his life 
4 | Past & current 
I’ll talk more here about how his past affects him currently,
I love to think he has a fear of fires because of the fire that burned down his house more of a headcanon tbh
see the pan he burned in that official art? it took him half an hour in his room to calm down his heartbeat and gathering around the campfire is the opposite of relaxing for him
probably hates turtlenecks with his being 
and I want to talk about his voice as that affects him the most what really bothers me about the fandom is that a lot of people ignore the fact that he probably will never speak. 
I see plenty of ppl benlor shippers say 
“he would sing for —-🥺“ “he would whisper to comfort—🥺“ n it makes me wonder are we even talking about the same character???? which is absolute bullshit if he did that he is the one that’s gonna need comfort like please. he would probably never speak unless he sees someone's head gets ripped off there body.
It's said flat out in episode 27
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That he has the option to speak but he doesn’t why? Because he hates his voice and if he hates his voice sm he chose to not speak for yearsss what makes u think he would speak for the sake of someone else's comfort when doing that only pains him? he is selectively mute for a reason I'm not saying he doesn’t have a voice but at least if u headcanon him to speak in the future at least let it be for his own sake instead of doing it for someone else or make it about ur ship.
5 | Relationship with family 
Starting with his parents I don’t think they are bad parents at all they tried to help him as much as they could but they couldn’t so they opened up other options and let him move away and heal even if he’s not with them I think what the did is a good choice for their situation and their relationship would still be great tbh considering the distance 
now onto Lily
I honestly can talk about them for days. I love them 
Their relationship is so sweet the way Lily is stuck to him every chance she gets and ah also used to sing to her can you imagine how she felt seeing her brother coming home later and later covered in bruises not singing to her to sleep anymore watching him sneak out 
she basically watched her brother spiral down and then leave she was probably too young to really understand what was going on fully so now she just wants to spend all the time she can with him and he tries to make up for lost time :(
now Aiden 
most people probably forgot Aiden is the closest person to Ben and the same goes the other way around.
Aiden is a life long friend of Ben’s
he literally trusts him, follows him everywhere and lets him decide for him 
they spent most of their time together since Ben moved in they live together there stuck together.
Aiden probably helped him a lot mentally helping him try new things and be more carefree
Ben also probably helped him mentally and physically patching him up and looking out for him overall,
I see some Aiden fics that are like “Oh no Ben’s gonna be so upset at me 😖” and they make him act like a nurse, not a friend and he just bandages him up then leaves as if nothing happened and someone else comes and in does all the comforting 
like I can count all the fics where Ben acts like a decent person and I'd still have more fingers up than down,
it’s so upsetting how ignored their relationship is in this fandom they deserve so much more honestly.
6 | Relationship with friends 
he is definitely the therapist friend 
He is that kind of friend that you can tell everything to him going from weird food to the worst time of your life and won't even realize it 
his friendship with Ash is very chill not the closest I'd say,
they're really just trying to keep their peace lmao
his friendship with Taylor
I imagine them as gossip girls tbh Ben being a quiet kid while Taylor is popular they definitely know some good gossip 
his friendship with Tyler is something he used to find him irritating but then he realized they have a lot in common especially when Tyler was teaching him guitar which was precise since he was the one who offered 
and his friendship with Logan 
it's really sweet Logan would try to teach him gardening while they talk about their interests
and be absolute nerds together lmao
overall the friendship between all of them is really sweet ik I didn’t give it justice here but the found family trope and the way they find comfort in each other is just everything to me
And I'm done yappin hope u enjoyed that because that was over 1,5k words 
if u have any questions feel free to ask 🫡
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blackbullet99 · 2 months
Why (as a Kataang shipper and in general) I don’t like Zutara shippers.
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(I promise it’s NOT a Pro-Zutara post and it’s NOT an Anti-Kataang post).
LONG POST INCOMING, but if you have the time, please read. 😁
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I’ve been thinking. I don’t hate Zutara.
No, I’m not being held hostage, and I know this kinda goes against my rather vitriolic and brutal response to Zutara shippers, but the ship itself is fine and I’m sure 95% of the shippers are decent people.
I really love Zuko and Katara’s friendship, it’s one of the most interesting unique dynamics of the show. It’s annoying when people say, they’re toxic, or they’re barely friends, or it’s a colonizer ship. Zuko and Katara weren’t toxic by the end of the show, they have a great relationship at the end, they were absolutely close friends, ready to lay down their lives for each other. Zuko WAS a colonizer, but he learned this line of thinking was wrong and actively sought to make the world a better place and save The Earth Kingdom.
That being said, Kataang is definitely indisputably the superior “ship”. We see the two start of a close friends from the get-go, they both have a lot of admiration and respect for one another, they grow to love each other dearly despite their flaws, they support each other constantly. And it’s abundantly clear that not only does Aang love Katara, but Katara loves Aang, some may it’s one-sided, but that’s objectively false, it’s painfully obvious they mean the world to each other, we see their bond get stronger, but they have a strong friendship and bond first and foremost and their romantic feelings comfortably exist within.
When I say Zutara shippers are annoying, entitled, toxic idiots, I’m specifically referring to the very vocal minority of people that seem to dominate ZK shipping discussions on Tumblr.
People like…
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the-badger-mole who villainizes Aang and hates a fictional 12 year old to a ridiculous degree. Not to mention has so many objectively wrong takes.
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longing-for-rain who villainizes Aang, downplaying his trauma, and is unempathetic to his emotions, but will excuses all of Zuko’s anger and outbursts cuz “muh enemies to lovers”.
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eponastory who straight up downplays the very serious effects of genocide and the trauma it causes.
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sokkastyles who actually thinks an imperialist play reflects the real Katara, (and yes they think the Zutara means “Zutara should’ve been canon, waah”).
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zutarawasrobbed who straight up compared Aang to Ozai.
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burst-of-iridescent who invalidates Katara trauma from bloodbending cuz she did it in front of Zuko once, but the evil Aang must’ve forced Katara to stop. 🙄
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linnoya-writes who straight up infantizes Aang and adulifies Katara, and then that’s the audacity to put their garbage in the Kataang tag.
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miss-sweetea-pie who makes mindless assumptions about people who like Aang, as though people ignore Aang’s faults and he never learns because he’s cute. Which is not only untrue, but completely ignores the fact people ignore and romanticize Zuko’s faults because to them he’s hot.
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araeph who not only lies about interviewing Aaron Ehasz, but also says borderline racist stuff like this just to pathetically validate their non-canon ship (this is apparently what Sokka would gain from Zutara becoming a couple).
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This idiot who acts like Aang forced Katara to comfort him and Katara apparently never treated Aang as an equal. Not to mention weirdly villainizing Zuko and Mai, because Mai didn’t coddle Zuko (like they claim Katara did to Aang) and Zuko became Fire Lord?
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This hateful idiot, who is a straight up genocide denier.
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And this racist weirdo who straight up writes slave fanfics about Katara being owned by Zuko. Ew.
It’s these types of people who suck. They’re the most delusional entitled moronic idiots who are fake A:TLA fans with no media-literacy who only care about a middle school ship, so they pathetically mischaracterize Aang, Katara, Zuko and Mai, and whine about Bryke not giving into their desires like the little bitches they are. Screw these guys.
That being said the ship itself isn’t bad, it’s just the vocal minority who ruin it for me. I love Zuko and Katara’s friendship, and I wish the great characters in this great series would stop being mischaracterized.
To anyone who reads this, have a nice day.
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coeluvr · 4 months
So I just read the demo for the first time and… are you okay? Like do you need to talk to someone? Cuz holy shit, that was depressing. Don’t get me wrong, it was great, but I am just mentally, emotionally, and physically drained now (don’t ask me about that last part). All in all, I really enjoyed it, but I do have some thoughts.
Firstly, I don’t understand how anyone from Rosea (except for Hunter, Fadiya and her mom, and maybe Helios) has any fans. Like did they just forget that everyone else (including Lancelot) contributed to the total destruction of our family? Everyone’s over here shipping Lancelot and Luceris, and to be fair, if this was a different story I would too, but like… they’re the enemy? Speaking of Luceris…
Dude is on some shit. Like I get it’s the point, but everything about our relationship with him just feels weird and wrong, and I’m counting the days til we can kill him. Until then, I guess I’ll have to make do with disrespecting the memory of his dead wife at every opportunity. Also side note, but as a Straight Male tm it does feel a little weird having to fake a romance with another guy, especially a guy that’s like fifty years older than me lol (Luceris really isn’t beating the Catholic Priest allegations)
The rest of the cast are a lot of fun, and I’m glad they all at least have sympathy towards MC. I think Hunter is the coolest character ever and I want to be them, and Fadiya can do no wrong in my eyes. Vincent sucks, but I haven’t really spent much time with him so maybe that’ll change. Helios I feel sorry for. He’s a nice guy and I do like him a lot, but he’s unfortunately collateral damage in my crusade against Father Luceris. I hate that we have to hurt him to get revenge, but it feels very realistic and gives your decisions a lot more weight.
On the flip side, Soarine is perfect and has never done anything wrong in her life ever. If Soarine has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Soarine has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Soarine has only one fan then that is me. If Soarine has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Soarine, then I am against the world.
All in all, I love what you’re doing with this game, even if I do have to take a twenty minute break after each playthrough just to decompress lol. I can’t wait to see where this goes and am gonna stare at a wall until the next update drops. Thanks for making such an interesting story and give Soarine my love 💚
Lol hi, anon!
First of all, I'm fine 😭 I'm like that one happy guy that writes horror whose name I keep forgetting but I bet someone knows who I mean.
Regarding the characters from Rosea that are not all that great having fans, I don't know why that's unexpected to you if I am being honest lmao. In every fandom I've ever been in, there have always been people that like the antagonists. I enjoy Lancelot and Luceris' dynamic but I feel like that's to be expected since I literally created them. 💀 The day I write in all of the side couples you'll combust. /j
But also you don't have to fake a "romance" with Luceris? 😥💀 I can only think of the husband comments MC can make and those are entirely optional so...
I'm glad you like the other characters! Soarine is indeed everything. 🙇‍♀️
Thank you for your kind words! 💗
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z3r0n1c0t1n3 · 5 months
Imma start trying to work on a long-term fanfiction, Lawlu specifically, so I wanted to get your imput. Also, I don't think that for the time travel!Au the main thing is gonna be romance more so a rewrite but also not. Adding my own personal headcannons and maybe even adding other people's that I find interesting.
Just so yall know it's gonna be kinda funky cuz it'll be my first long term fic ( o´ェ`o)
God x Devote Au
-Law after a long night of medical/magic work goes to an old church Cora used to take him to. It's run down and abandoned. He's always liked the place despite never really believing in the gods spoken of. He starts smoking and closes his eyes
-When he wakes up he sees Luffy or Nika. The same God who has given Law and Cora the blessing to get put thr doflamingo family and start their own coven. But being high he just thinks he is having the trippiest dream ever.
-The next day he wakes up and goes to work like normal. But a new young man comes through the door with a smile that could rival the sun's. He seems so familiar and comforting but Law just doesn't know why.
-Afterwards he keeps going to the church and eventually finds scriptures and starts praying. Each time making Luffy for powerful until he can stay in a mortal form for longer and his influence spreads again
Time travel Au
-I wanna make one where Luffy dies while being shot from behind with sea-stone bullets. Forced to watch as his Nakama race to him while they get slaughter. He then wakes up with a lot more knowledge as a small child and decides he will become pirate king and keep his nakama safe. So he finds all his nakama in order of most urgent. Law and Sanji on the top of that list then Nami and others.
-Also he doesn't only save law but also Cora. Then directs them to where they can find bepo and the rest.
-Law is just staring at Luffy while the child drags Corazon who is carrying Law on his back to a dingy old ship. Luffy is covered head to toe because he doesn't want to be associated as Laws hero. He knows Torao and the man would hate being indebted to him
-Also he is always dragging Sabo and Ace with him, never let's them out of his site and when the day that Sabo 'dies' originally comes he goes up to his father and asks him to make Sabo strong.
Also, in my head, I want him to tear down the government before they even become a major problem for him. He'd much rather let the world burn than watch his Nakama crying as he dies again
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
Stephanie Brown
Literally my best friend ever!!! Every time she shows up in a comic I point at her and smile!!! She’s the vigilante known as spoiler & batgirl & was a robin before getting fridged because of editorial mandate and misogyny she deserves so much better @_@. The m/m that some people hate her for is timkon; like they ARE very gay but people are genuinely insane about hating her instead of also realizing that she too is gay (insane amount of subtext w her bff cass). Basically she was Tim’s girlfriend for a long time on and off. People will literally call her abusive for no reason they’ll be like oh but she didn’t apologize for starting a gang war accidentally and faced no consequences for it :/ as if she wasn’t literally KILLED OFF BRUTALLY. And although hate is rarer for her nowadays from what I’ve seen she’s also a victim of Background Lesbian Syndrome. And also a victim of Woman Not Allowed To Have Ocmplex Feelings in the source material itself (tim is canonically bi now yay but like steph wasn’t allowed to have any complicated feelings at all at her on again off again ex breaking up with her for good???). Anyways she’s the light of my life.
she’s the light of my life my baby girl my everything. she canonically dated tim drake, but people love to ship tim with his male friend kon or his male brothers (🤢🤮) and so they constantly sideline her, making her the quirky wingwoman or sometimes even villainizing her by trying to claim she was abusive to tim. i don’t know why so many people hate her my girl will literally just be standing there and people will hate on her.
Stephanie was first introduced in the 1994 Robin series as a side love interest for Robin, but when she turned out to be really popular she became the main love interest. Because of this, she was fully fleshed out as a vigilante calling herself Spoiler to try and take down her villainous father, the Cluemaster. She later grew a lot closer to other cast members, such as Batgirl and Oracle, to get herself a firmly established place among the bats. Then, she dies in a gang war after taking up the Robin mantle. Eventually, in 2009, she was brought back from the dead and took on the Batgirl mantle. Her and Robin get back together sometime around ~2010 and they are solidly together until 2021. Then, Robin breaks up with her off panel for zero reason in canon, only to date some really boring guy named Bernard. By fanon, she's often demonized and turned into an abuser to make either this ship, or a lot of other mlm ships happen. Either that or things are mysteriously set in the time she's dead despite characters who were not yet introduced until she returned appearing. strange.
Amy Rose
WAUGH okay so basically like everyone villainizes her when shipping Sonic with any other character (and 99% of the time its Amy being villainized against a m/m ship ://) but yeah Amy canonically has a "crush" on Sonic and stuff (which is weird in its self cuz age gaps and things but creators smh) and anyways any time people write Sonic in a relationship with other characters they always make her super upset and mad that Sonic isn't dating her etc etc and basically make her a pouting 12 year old because her super hero crush doesn't date her instead of writing her as a supportive best friend to sonic WHICH SHE SHOULD BE WRITTEN AS !!!! and uh yeah if you couldn't tell this makes me so upset because amy is such a good character people should stop ruining her
Not only is she a incredibly serious victim of yaoi, she is bashed in every fic where Sonic is paired with someone other than her. And when she is paired with someone other that Sonic, Sonic is bashed. And when she is paired with Sonic, other characters commonly paired with Sonic are bashed. It is a chain reaction of madness. Even outside of shipping, she is one of the most hated characters in the fandom. She was flanderized to ridiculous amounts. Even the official Sonic twitter used to mock her. Even official gaming news sites mock her, with a particularly horrible case being when TheGamer outright said Sonic being paired with TAILS is better than Sonic being paired with Amy. The amount of hate this character has attracted is incredibly large. There are entire websites dedicated to hating her.
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nimata-beroya · 9 months
20 Questions For Writers
This was sitting on my notifs for a few days and i finally took the time to do it. Thank my darling @takadasaiko for the tag!! 💕💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 88 works in total, 31 of which are for Star Wars.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
574,873 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I'm only writing for Star Wars. But I used to write for Arrow and Supergirl, and ASoIAF, Dark-Hunters and Chronicles of Nick are in standby. I'm waiting for right motivation to come back to any of the last 3.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I'm only talking about Star Wars fics here...
Kadala (The Mandalorian) [and 4th place in most kudos of all my works]
Rough Awakening (The Bad Batch) [and 5th place in most kudos of all my works]
Welcome to Yavin IV (Rebels)
An Explosive Situation (Rebels)
Rescue on Ryloth (The Bad Batch)
And the the rest of my all-time fics with most kudos are
Take Your Breath Away (Arrow)
Undisclosed Desires (Arrow)
Made For You (ASoIaF/Game of Thrones)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try my best, but sometimes I forget, and then it's been weeks and months since I got the comments that I'm embarrassed to reply them after so long. Even though, I think it's important that a writer let the reader/commenter that they appreciate it, even if it's with a simple "thank you" or an emoji. I know I'm being a hypocrite here since I fail to do what I preach, but it doesn't make it less true.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think that would be Drifting, because it's kind of open ending, left to be interpreted, so it could end however the reader wants. Although, I left an author's note at the end saying what's my preferred ending, which always will be inclined to the happy side.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
High Above the Ground because is the happy ending i want for Commander Fox and Riyo Chuchi. They deserve only the best!
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
No, not really. I've gotten only 1 stupid message of someone criticizing a fic, but that was years ago when I still posted on FF dot net. The joke was on the reader because I moderated all the comments there so I just deleted it and nobody saw it but me. Honestly, I just laughed about it cuz their argument was just stupid.
9. Do you write smut?
I do, all kinds -from the most tame thing to the most perverted. But I used to wrote way more in my old fandoms, especially for Arrow. I think for Star Wars I've written just 1 or 2 smutty fics, and tamed at that.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I've tried a couple of occasions but never finished them. I'm not opposed to them obviously, but I do think the combination of fandoms has to be just right to work. Or at least, when it's me doing the writing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes! Many, many years ago in the first fandom I ever wrote for. It was awful and hated it! You see, this was in the stone age of the internet when fandom specific sites abounded and not everyone had an account on FFnet yet (and Ao3 was not even a dream). The site I published on was split in 2 sections because the ships war in the fandom was bloody and ruthless, so to avoid the slaughter, I kept myself in my preferred side. But one day, a friend who read fic on both sides told me that someone stole my fics. Avoiding to get caught, the person who did it published them under a pen name that was almost exact to mine, she only added a period at the end, which could easily go unnoticed. Oh, and she interchanged characters names so it'd fit the other ship.
At first, my friend thought I had posted them but she knew I'd never write for that ship, like ever. In the end, it turned out that I wasn't the only one who had being plagiarized. Several people ON BOTH SIDES were. Thankfully, the person was caught and banned, but we almost burned the site down because of the whole shitshow.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
By me, yes, several. All into Spanish (my mother tongue). By others, not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! A couple of times for different fandoms, and I loved it. I hope I'll do it again. The thing is that you need to find the right partner for it, or it can be a nightmare.
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
I don't appreciate this question, let me tell you. It's hard to choose. But I think I have to go with Olicity. I love them still (even if the show ending ruined it for me). Close second would be Braime (and I'm glad that there's still hope for them on the books, because as usual the show fucked them so but sooooo bad)
And as Star Wars specific, I don't think anyone will be surprised if I say it's Kalluzeb, right 🤣 They're my babies and I adore them!
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Anything for Arrow or Supergirl. I sworn off those fandoms after their respectively awful endings.
No promises, but there's still hope for all if my unfinished works for Star Wars 😅
16. What’s your writing strengths?
Coming up with ideas. So, so many ideas. All the time and I want to write them all.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Finishing writing the above-mentioned ideas. I tend to splay myself too much when I'm writing, and it takes me forever to get to the portion I really want to write (usually the idea that sparked the whole writing process) and I lose steam. That's why I have so many unfinished WIPs. I wish they'd write themselves.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It's ok if used sparingly. A word here, a phrase over there is fine, but if a wall of dialogue that the reader needs to scroll down to the notes or click on a tooltip to find out the meaning it's the worst!!! A better solution for a writer that really needs/wants to have a whole conversation in another language for plot reasons or whatever, then all they need to do is to say once that the characters are talking in the other language and put the dialogue in the same language they've been writing the rest of the narrative and in italic.
The characters who don't speak the language won't understand what's being said, but the reader will and their reading will be more pleasant and fluid.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
An Argentinian show called Floricienta. A modern retelling of Cinderella.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I don't like this question either! All my fics are my babies! How do you want me to choose?!! There are so many I'm proud of. I guess I'll point the most recent one: Feed Me Poison, Fill me till I Drown I really like how this story is coming along. It's not done yet (what else is new? 😅) but what's coming is so so good!
Tagging (no pressure): @renee561 @thecoffeelorian @genericficerblog @airlockfailure @mistr3ssquickly @insertmeaningfulusername @fanfictasia
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nikiluv · 21 days
I JUST WANNA SAY THAT I ACCIDENTALY RANTED!!😭 u dont have to post or answer to this but i had to get this off my chest. but bro ppl who in this fandom are literally so soft istg😭its so irritating like. they treat riki like he's a fucking kid when he's 18 turning 19🤦‍♀️so he's a YOUNG MAN!! A MAN A GROWN ONE BTW who just so happens to b young like what's so hard to grasp. Nbs saying you have to treat him like he done experienced every walk of life, but at the end of the day he's still a man and he should b treated accordingly. and it esp pisses me off cuz they have no issue sexualizing the other members specifically the hyung line. and ofc I see other ppl kinda fester this energy into sunoo and jungwon even tho its mainly riki. I vividly rmb someone making a tiktok AS A JOKE!! saying I wanna get aten by sunoo like that when he inhaled a cake and ppl were doing entirely TOO MUCHHH!! and she rightfully called them out saying if it was heeseung or jake nb would care and ppl would agree and its like literallyyy. I've also seen ppl on here say they won't wrote smut for sunoo and riki and its like there's nothing wrong with that at all but why are we leaving out jungwon like hello?? hes very much still apart of that line and sunoo is older than both of them so its like?? if u leave one out leave them all out😭🤦‍♀️i could name so much more examples but this is alr getting so long. but I also had to mention the fact that I VIVIDLY rmb when jungwon turned 18 or 19 or wtv age ppl immediately started pumping out smuts with absolutely no fuss and its like?? WHERE WAS THIS ENERGY AT W NIKI???At least keep the same energy if u do ts like. And its just so much that plays into it too because everyone knows enhypen is catered towards women. I feel like that was their first mistake but on top of that it brought in a lot of young girls who's minds clearly still aren't developed and they feel as tho its like their job?? to protect them when in reality half of the group could literally be their uncle or something. Idk its just so irritating to see ts within a fandom because although I don't claim any kpop fandom anymore. I use to b a engene at some point and a nctzen at some point and LEMME TELL YOUUUU its such a difference!! although ncity has had its moments that was like the only kpop fandom who were actually funny and wouldn't baby none of the members. even if u were underage they would still treat u accordingly without sexualizing u. idk ima stop here cuz this is getting to long but its just so much shit wrong w engenes. like I said earlier u don't have to read or answer to this!! but engenes just annoy the heck outta me🤦‍♀️
it’s fine, what you say was facts tho, like I was an nctzen arnd 2020-2022 ish, and like no nctzen smut blogs said anything about jisung smut being wrote, I mean there where that didn’t agree with it but no hate comments or anything
To me it’s so insane about how people write so much crazy shit about jw but don’t keep the same energy w sunoo and riki
For sunoo it’s probably because he is portrayed at “more feminine” which is just his image, and also because of his sunsun ship etc etc
To me it’s if you wanna give the same energy to Niki, keep that energy towards ALL of Enhypen, don’t just “defend” Niki, talking about writing smut for him just to make yourself better
And the craziest thing is those that are super pressed are always the Enhypen smut blogs ? Like bro ??? Ur writing smut too, what are you on about?? (If it’s fluff blogs then I understand because they do not want to see them, which is valid, so just block, it’s fine, you don’t have to see things you do not want to, no need to send hate )
I really detest that people wanna write the craziest most lewd shit for the rest of Enhypen but when someone writes something for riki even slightly suggestive or fluff smut , they go berserk? Like dude, u go on and on about how we should not sexualise them, then don’t write smut ? Bffr 🤣
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bunkernine · 7 days
been rereading moa and got to the part where percy v jason in kansas with piper. this is mirrored almost EXACTLY to jason v leo @ medeas with piper. it doesnt matter which one of them dies or both of them could but jason and leo are definitely the prophecy kids. this is undeniable. so kansas is where they learn that one male and one female need to die for gaea. i think... leo was supposed to be there instead of percy. leo is the first one to have an eidolon. then jason would get caught and so would piper.... instead percy was a more enticing option than piper so he gets possessed instead. cuz the only reason why Leo isn't there is because he decides to take time to work on the ship... and piper is cautious because her dagger katropis can see the future. SO THIS IS MY THOUGHT: the cyclops try to kill piper + jason. then medea faces leo and jason because she can see the future and she knows these 3 are the kids to kill. then midas freezes leo and piper. then khione just goes ballistic lmao. and cuz they are all failures, GAIA gotta put in the work herself and she expects those 3 to be in Kansas— bacchus even realizes that kansas was a trap and leaves LMAO. when the eidolons fail, khione gets to do round 4 in hoh (the calypso thing).... the monsters tend not to be too picky later on, but i think the one girl one boy was always supposed to be PIPER + JASON/LEO but her dagger and unusually strong abilities gave her an unexpected edge. aphrodite even says, piper can see all possibilities as her daughter.... The possibilities being the ones that medea and the eidolons shouldve gave her: jason or leo, to storm or fire, greek or roman, titans or gods, demigod or mortal. piper's entire issue in tlh is trying to figure out her loyalties and decide if she should betray her friends. piper also CHOSE katropis out of every weapon, the same weapon as helen of troy of all ppl? Piper is ALWAYS put in the position of choosing and putting her heart on line: extremely fitting for daughter of aphrodite and adversary to gaia. i tried thinking, why the fuck does piper have charmspeak.... Its cuz she can take away other people's choices and make them her own- this is the MAIN reason she hates charmspeak too. Are you guys seeing what im saying ... "The prophecy was always about us three" ← i just think piper was intended to be more entangled but some. other. writing choices were made last minute :)
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exo-raskreia · 9 months
U being anti IH what if the same thing happens to gjhm and they become canon but don't have as much material as other ship?
I'm not sure if you're asking this with malicious intent or if it's a genuine question from a fellow shipper, but here we go.
(Oncoming lengthy response)
I've actually had this thought before. What if despite his different writing style, the general hate the Bleach ED got, & just how ridiculous it sounds, Gege pulled a Kubo? After all, he's a fanboy of the man (I wonder what he thinks of the Bleach ED? Is he aware of how it was received?).
I would be shocked, conflicted, & worried.
To start with, while neither ship should be compared due to how fundamentally different they are, I will say this. Despite several interactions, IH severely lacked chemistry, trust, & meaningful moments. Meanwhile, GojoHime with less on-screen interactions & a playful dynamic, have shown us a deep trust for each other & have worked together to achieve their shared goals. Despite being a minor side character, Utahime is one of the few people Gojo trusts & one of the three adults he calls by first name with no honorific. This already puts them leagues above IH, who were barely friends at best & acquaintances at worst.
So, I wouldn't want GjHm to somehow get the IH treatment in the end. I wouldn't wish that on any shipper, heck, I even feel sort of bad for the IH's, cuz despite becoming "canon" out of nowhere 7 years ago, they still. don't. have. content (especially from the author himself, who has shown no particular interest in his endgames. They don't even have a family sketch 🫢). Makes you wonder who really lost here (as IchiRuki has still gotten some content over the years post-ED...).
GjHm already gets enough hate for simply existing, despite it being a smaller ship with a smaller fanbase in the JJK fandom (the antis are threatened by the potential it has, not to mention it's the most popular JJK straight ship in Japan), so if Gege were to pull a Kubo, the hate would increase, especially towards Utahime, who of course would amass the most hate from this freakin' fandom that's obsessed with Gojo. It'd be a tough time for us fans of the ship & Utahime.
After dealing with the aftermath of the Naruto Shipping Wars as a soldier in the NaruHina army lol (don't even get me started on why NH is NOT like IH, plus we actually have content 🤪), & then witnessing the disastrous Bleach ED & the general hate it got, I do NOT wish to go thru this again. Whether you win or lose, if it isn't done properly, you'll still deal with criticism left & right... (why can't more battle shounens be like Fairy Tail when it comes to slowly developing the ships throughout the story? There'd be less drama...)
Gege keeps saying the manga will end soon, so that means if he wants to make anyone canon by the end, he'll have to start now. JJK is a battle shounen with no romance, but if despite this, GjHm are to be canon, then their moments leading up to it will have to be quality > quantity. Is there enough room/time to develop them the way we would wish? Doubt it, so we'll need at least a couple flashbacks to further justify them (and boy, we're still waiting for their flashback after Gojo's unsealing, if that ever comes...).
Basically, even if it's a few moments, they need to be impactful enough to make even the casual readers/viewers think, "I could see them ending up together." Subtlety & slow burn are usually the best fit for battle shounens, after all, &/or maybe a little further (once again, like Fairy Tail). With that said, out of all the potential ships in the series, I personally view YutaMaki as the most likely to become canon by the end; their moments, far & few in between, are enough to convince me that they could be endgame (that is, if the capricious Gege so wished 😓).
So far, we've seen nothing of what Gojo & Utahime truly think of each other. To reiterate, they have a silly dynamic but have shown to trust each other implicitly. Why this is, we can only guess. I mean, Utahime has risked her life for Gojo twice already (investigating the mole & buffing him against Sukuna). Where is this supposed "hate" she holds for him? It's stated in the databook that she hates him most of the time, so how does she feel at other times? 🤔 And Gojo, despite his teasing, has shown he cares for her, saved her, & obviously trusted her with the aforementioned important & risky tasks.
Just what is going on with these two? Is it really so impossible that there could be something more here? Whether now or later? Gege would just need to give us a little more... Though at this point, there's only so much we can hope for, considering his writing style & how things have been seemingly going... Gotta keep our expectations low...
(What if—delulu plot twist—GjHm are already together, either secretly this whole time—like some ppl have wondered, as this could further explain the immense trust in each other—or got together during the timeskip, & all we need now is the big reveal with a/some proper flashback(s) to explain it? LOL. Just a silly idea 😜).
Anyway, in general, I wouldn't want GjHm becoming canon at the cost of its beautiful potential. We'd need some more moments to justify it, or else I'd have to put back on my old "army uniform" to defend my ship if need be. So, despite how unlikely it would be, I can only hope Gege does NOT pull a Kubo (well, he's more likely to kill everyone off or something like that 🙄).
I'd rather he pulled a Sorachi (author of Gintama) & left things open-ended, keeping the fandom from turning into utter chaos...
(Maybe only that side might lose it, tho, lol. They get bothered by anything that doesn't adhere to their ship despite them being down here with us in Delulu Land, oop-).
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st-asya · 2 months
I think I've got too much time on my hands, and it shows. That's another endless post. I know I read too much into the plot (I've got another explanation of everything that's written there and it's WAY less complicated), but I could not stop writing it, and at some point it started to make sense, so...
Look, I guess Izzy is a controversial character, I don't really have a solid opinion on him yet, this post is not to be seen as hate towards him, I'm trying to understand the reason he behaves the way he does, I'm not terribly successful in doing that yet, but I've only just begun.
Izzy: Honestly, I really don't think this Bonnet is worth your time.
Blackbeard: So, he's a fancy man with a fancy ship, and he travels with a brigade of imbeciles. Do I have that right?
• First of all I don't recall hearing the word 'imbecile(s)' that often anywhere but this show, that's just a little linguistic(al?) observation. 'Travel' is a pretty interesting word to use in this scene, but it's very fitting.
• Love the way Blackbeard straight up ignores Izzy's line to get to the point.
Blackbeard: And he bested you at swordplay. (that gesture, as if words are not enough to make a point, he wants Izzy to pay extra attention)
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Izzy immediately takes the bait (cause of course he does, that was the whole point of this trap)...
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...and finishes it off with complete self-obliteration. I'm not even sure if he realises he's basically being ridiculed cause it's way more important for him to keep things professional (even in front of a person who's very well aware he doesn't need to cuz there's nothing to prove, there's a reason he became first mate, I think), to prove he messed up because of the 'imbeciles' (as if it's their fault). I'm not saying he's dumb (he's very far from being dumb), he just might be too caught up in being offended, he's pissed. He does understand (I guess) that this kind of response is immature (cause these are excuses), but it's hard to think rationally when your pride is hurt, the first thing he thinks about is to hurt the offender right back, it's automatic. You actually gotta have an impressive control over your irrational emotions to realise you're wrong and shut up when all you want to do is say something hurtful. The point is he's still messed up and he does not want to make peace with this fact, look at the way his body language changes immediately, the way his eyes shift, he can't even contain the emotion mentally, that's just too much to handle, but it's still controlled, barely noticeable, and his whole demeanor is already stiff as hell, it's sheer concentrated rage. To him that whole interaction was borderline offensive, even the memory makes him feel angry, still.
• Speaking of Blackbeard, it's such a masterful way of essentially reprimanding someone without outright showing it. I mean you could call it a friendly banter, but Izzy is having none of it then. Those were pretty casually delivered remarks, just his regular voice, as for the face, we can't even see it. The center of attention is mainly the way he's wording his mini speech.
• But I guess, Blackbeard is the only one who can get away with that kind of attitude towards Izzy, and not only because he's a captain, I suppose (idk where that assumption comes from if I'm honest).
• And then Izzy just suggests killing the crew even though a few minutes ago he stated Blackbeard should not even concern himself with following Bonnet in the first place. I don't think the crew can make decisions on its own, so if Blackbeard shouldn't give a damn, why should the crew?.. Was Izzy hoping to divert Blackbeard's attention from this epic fail? So if he killed the source of the damage to his pride, Blackbeard would be like you've restored my faith in you, you're excused (if it's true then why is it so important to him)? Cause Izzy can clearly see Blackbeard is not really satisfied with the outcome of the unprofessional ambush. Or he overthinks it. (no, the only one who's overthinking stuff is me). Or was he like I've had my ass kicked, yes, can we please change the topic already?
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pastelpousay · 2 months
That anon was a total moron. They call themselves normal when they’re literally a tumblr user lmao. Like we tumblr ushers are not normal that’s why we’re on tumblr 😂
Like I’m anti-proship and all that’s stuff too and I genuinely don’t see anything wrong with your self ship with Hades! There’s nothing controversial about Rina and Hades! I mean Rina is 25 so…idk what they were talking about fr. I self shipped with older dudes when I was 15 too (of course I did the same thing you do by making the ocs legal lmao) 😂 I think we’ve ALL been guilty of that I mean look at those “I was sold to One Direction” fics on Wattpad back in like 2014 😂 Legit I self ship with dudes old enough to be my grandad like c’mon dude! Nearly half of tumblr ships themselves with old men lmao its what we’re all about 🤣
As long as the character isn’t a p*do or doing in*est stuff or horribly illegal stuff or stuff like that then you go for it! Hades literally a Disney villain like the most controversial thing he’s done is try to kill baby Herc lmao and he didn’t even succeed in that lmao, that god is just a big ol hotheaded dork lmao! Idk if that anon was an adult or not, but they should be ashamed if they were. The older self ship community should be looking out for the younger ones too! I think Rina and Hades are adorable! Keep up the awesome art and writing!!! I’m glad you didn’t let that anon get to you! Good job standing up for yourself! ☺️💕 (and sorry if this came off as weird! 😅😅 I wasn’t trying to be! I was just saying I did the same thing when I was a teen so I know how it is lol)
THANK YOU AGAIN ANA THIS WAS SO SWEET 💗 I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAYYY, NIGHT WHATEVER TIME IT IS IDK BUT YEA!! If this person comes in ur inbox dw 💪🐺 I’ll take care of them /j
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ms-cartoon · 1 year
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Usually, I wouldn’t post about this kinda thing... I’m not even sure this is fully necessary to be posted. I don’t wanna make it seem like I’m trying to grab attention or pity or anything like that just so someone could feel bad for me. No, that’s not the point of this post. But its mostly to show how sensitive and toxic fans could get about a youtube show that’s not even that good. 
I’m sorry to all the Vivzipop stans, but whether it’s a fact or opinion of mine, Helluva Boss is NOT the greatest thing on earth people. And it’s not just because of the writing or the characters. It’s just not that good. This web series is not pitch-perfect! It should not be that great to where you should feel the need to go after people who don’t like it.
If you love this show to death to the point where you would call it your most favorite series, then fine. It’s whatever. LOVE the show. I really don’t care. I’m not gonna judge someone for liking something I don’t like. I’m not THAT immature! I’m not gonna make a comment on someone’s post, calling anyone stupid or crazy for shipping Stolitz or saying Stolas or Blitzo are well-written characters or that Stolas makes a great father. I don’t even bother to make a comment on a post about people not liking critiques about HB/HH, saying something like, “Those haters don’t know what they’re talking about!” “What is wrong with these critiques??” “This is a bad take!” Mostly because I would just be wasting my breath.
So with that being said, why make those same comments on a simple critical post!!??
So I made a post about the recent gif of the new and upcoming episode of Helluva Boss. It’s shown with Striker capturing Stolas and they make a ride somewhere on a horse (which is a complete waste of time. Your main objective is to kill him. Just shoot the frikin bird!) And I was mainly ranting about how it didn’t make sense that Stolas was getting captured. I was saying that despite being tied up he could’ve used his abilities and turned Striker into a stone like he did with an imp in episode 2 of season 1, or not even just that, just any of his powers. Though I did make a fair statement saying that whatever was tied around him could be some sort of special angelic rope that could be keeping him from using his powers. All while also pointing out that he is still free to move his legs cuz they don’t appear to be tied together. And his hand is free; he’s on the phone with Blitzo. I also opinionated that this might be another Stolitzo-centric episode and I was not going to like it. And THAT was when the hate comments came my way (No kidding, honestly)
One of them didn’t even seem like it was harassment, but it still annoyed me how they said I was just whining and complaining. They said, “Duh! Blitzo and Stolas are the main couple!” and “If you don’t like it, then don’t watch!” “What’s the problem with it?”
You wanna know why that’s a problem?
Okay. First off... Stolas and Blitzo are NOT EVEN A COUPLE! I don’t know where the crew is going with these two, but they’re not even official yet. Plus, there is no point continuing with the Stolitz-centric BS if it’s going to take long for them to become a thing. And how can they be?? How would it even make sense? I highly doubt Stolas would even make a good boyfriend. Stolas being the horny perverted dick-for-brains that he is does nothing but flirt with Blitzo and makes inappropriate remarks at him to the point where they have to censor his words. All he ever did was make Blitzo uncomfortable, and he knew that!! 
Not to mention he forced Blitzo into an agreement to have sex with him each month in exchange for a book which is totally pointless now! Especially when there’s this thing called asmodean crystals, where you could use them to go to the living world anytime you want!! And at that moment, he saw through one of the bath bubbles that Blitzo was in the middle of a dangerous predicament and STILL decided to call him at the worst time just to make this deal. Since it was in the heat of the moment, Blitzo felt he had to agree with him just so he could end the conversation and get back to finishing his job while staying alive. That just goes to show me that Stolas was using this to his advantage to make Blitzo agree with him since he saw what was going on and decided to call him while his life was on the line. He totally knew what he was doing!! And since being caught by humans is SUCH a bad thing and would cost your reputation, why risk that kind of possibility with no ounce of concern for your “boyfriend’s” safety?
And instead of seeing Blitzo as a person with FEELINGS, why does Stolas call him his, “Impish Little Plaything”? He’s practically telling Blitzo, “I OWN YOU!” He was literally taking advantage of him and manipulating him!!! And if he loves Blitzo oh so much, why does Stolas still feel so entitled while looking down on the imp race! He’s not even as nice to Moxxie or Millie. And he even abused his butler!!
And then there was that time on their date when Asmodeus was calling him out on having an affair with Blitzo and had the absolute NERVE to try and hide his face!! Why was he suddenly embarrassed about that anyway? This was NOT the first time where he was seen in public with him. He was fully obligated to show himself at the door with Blitzo in front of that guard that wouldn’t let him in. He even flirted with Blitzo in front of everybody at that Harvest Moon Festival!! And now, all of a sudden, he’s embarrassed to be seen with? And he had the AUDACITY to invite Blitzo into his home to cuddle with him!!! 
It’s not like Blitzo is innocent in this either. He also manipulated Stolas just to get what he wanted. Not once, but twice. He tricked Stolas into stealing all of his father’s belongings when they were kids. Tricked him ONCE AGAIN when they grew up, seducing him as a way to distract him while stealing his grimoire. Blitzo didn’t even care about him. He probably didn’t even want to see him after all those years! He was just there to take the book and LEAVE!! And he only went along with having sex with him out of pity.
How can we even call these two a couple, yet Blitzo was so quick to let Sharkboy bang him in his room! And why did we hear Stolas call Striker “sexy” while on the phone with Blitzo in one of the leaks???
Yeah... main couple my ass....
These commenters go on to say something like, “You’re not critiquing! All you’re doing is complaining! You’re just being a hater!!” 
Now, let me explain the difference between criticism and hate:
Criticism - the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes.
the analysis and judgment of the merits and faults of a literary or artistic work.
Criticism can be positive or negative. I mostly give negative criticism while also showing some irritation and annoyance about whatever I’m talking about. I’m pretty sure that’s mostly where they think I’m just complaining or hating on it.
 Okay, so I like to express my feelings... so what??? EVERYONE does it when they give a critical analysis. And I’ll admit, I do hate the show. I definitely don’t feel for it like I did when the pilot first came out. But at least I actually have A REASON for hating it. More than a few reasons in fact. 
Speaking of hate -
Hate - the feeling of intense or passionate dislike for someone or something.
People always say that hate is a strong word, and I can agree. But the difference is that when you hate something, there is no reason or logic. When you hate something, you don’t care at all about wanting that something to improve or get better than how it is. It doesn't matter, because you just hate it that much! All there is is mockery and disrespect. And when you express hate, you’re attacking someone or harassing them with your harsh words.
And me hating something is different, cuz at least I’m actually expressing the reason why I don’t like it. And I’m not trying to harass ANYONE!! I’m just saying what I think is wrong, why I think it’s wrong, and that I don’t like it! And I actually WANT HB to get better.
Some may think I’m complaining about something when really all I’m doing is stating a fact or opinion.
"the writers will come up with a stupid bad reason” is not a good critique, it's just complaining.
Well sh*t, am I lying??? Man cheats on his wife, and we all know cheating is wrong, no matter why he did it. Oh, but wait- turns out she’s very abusive toward him and doesn’t love him at all! So now, it’s suddenly okay that he cheats. And despite hating him, she still decides to stick around and not divorce him just because she likes to torment him. Why does she like to torment him? Who knows! She’s just evil by nature as it turns out! Man could divorce said wife himself, but only sticks around for the sake of his daughter so she could live a normal life even though he and his wife already constantly fight in front of her. Can’t ignore the fact that he flirts with someone in front of her and continues his affair with that someone despite how she felt about it.... and he just wants her to be happy....
Yeah... definitely makes total sense.
Then they say this, “Maybe Stolas isn’t escaping because it’s a comedy show, DUH!! Things aren’t supposed to make sense. Sometimes things happen and you have to go along with it.”
No...No, sweetheart. That’s not how things work. Besides, for a comedy show that’s not supposed to make sense and be taken seriously, they really try their hardest to tackle some serious moments that are supposed to be soo emotional. And with the way THEY’RE doing it, it’s not very easy for me to just go along with it. There are some things I just can’t ignore and I’m going to feel annoyed by them. I’m sorry (I’m really not)
And as for, “If you don’t like it, then don’t watch it!”
Let me tell y’all somethin’.... If I wanna criticize and post about shows that I think need criticism, then I’m gonna continue to watch the show. If I wanna put anti-tags on posts, then will do that. And if I wanna watch something simply to laugh and make fun of it, then I will. If YOU don’t like that, then that’s on you. Just know that all you’re doing is wasting time typing your butthurt comments about me “complaining” about something knowing damn well I’m going to continue making criticism regardless of how you feel when you can simply just ignore me. Better yet, just BLOCK ME so you won’t have to see me complain about your precious favorite show ever again. I don’t understand what’s so hard about that. It won’t take but a couple of clicks of a button. 
And lastly, one of these comments go on to harass me, calling me pathetic and mentioning this, “How could you hate on something, make art of it and sell it?? You can’t even come up with anything creative on your own! How pathetic!” And it is a VERY stupid reason to come at me over a criticism post. I don’t like HB, there are a lot of people who don’t like HB, but lots of other folks do. So I make art of it and I sell it. And it’s not like I’m intentionally stealing anything. I know I’m drawing the same art style, but I’m creating my own designs of my OCs. I’m not the only person who does this, mind you! I’ve seen plenty of artists do this on Twitter and Deviantart. So what this person is trying to point out here is completely irrelevant!
I may have replied back and said, “There are other people who do this kinda thing. So go and harass them! Go back and forth on their post!” I really didn’t wanna recommend they do this to other people, so I apologize on behalf of the people who sell art with this style or criticize this show for saying that. I was mostly just telling them what’s the point of coming at me for this reason when other people do it too. Like I said, all they’re doing is wasting their time knowing we are never going to hear them out.
So yeah, I just wanted to put this out there. These guys really irritated me. Looks like I joined the club, being harassed by toxic fans. Maybe I shouldn’t have bothered replying to them and going back and forth with them. These guys were probably twelve years old. There’s no point in me arguing with children, cuz they never admit when they’re wrong. But if I feel that someone sh*t-talking me, then I won’t let it slide!!
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thebottomfromhell · 9 months
Heyyy!!! i dont know if ur gonna see this but I was wonder if you could write headcanons or like anything really with a male reader who is the disgust clone and is not subtle with how disgusted by EVERYTHING he is but then again hes like gorgous but untouchable cuz hell hurl insults at you for looking at him could you do that the other hantengu clones idk if thats selfcest or nah if u dont want to thats cool!!! I hope you have a good day and I love ur writing<333
Hey anon! Thank you for the concern, I'm glad you like my works, it makes me happy when people show their enjoyment with them.
And yes... it would be self-cest. Any ship with any Hantengu clone x Hantengu clone is self-cest. I could start on with how the theme of multiverse has normalized this types of relationships but nobody wanta to go into that rabbit hole.
I was conflicted when I first recieved this, but then again, I never said anything about self-cest so it's on me(tbh I never thought I would need to). I will make it platonic and leave some hints with Karaku [this work will be mostly focused on the inability to scape their respective emotion], but I won't be giving the idea a positive light nor will I romantize it (same thing I mostly do with non-con, I write it but I don't think it's ok and somehow it shows). Hope it comes acceptable.
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Disgust Hantengu clone! Reader (Male Demon) dynamic with Clones
Warnings: Cannibalism, Hints of implied self-cest, Implied hint of sextal content, Use of excesive violence, Sekido deadnames reader, Slight angst and non-erotic "slut-shaming".
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Your name is supposed to be Ken'o, you know that, it's what you are, what you were created to exclusively feel. Disgust, dislike, antipathy... Ken'o... It's only fitting that you felt disgust of your own name. You hate it, you already hated it the second you heard it in your head and felt it in your heart the second another's demon head was becoming your own body, feeling the gross sensation of flesh stretching, the ticklish bone growth and the scent of blood and organs that were being produced on that same second. Disgusting, it's all togustings, since just after that you have to meet the dirty ground and slayers, usually ending with your perfectly tidy and clean robes stained with whatever dust, earth or blood you will be facing. It doesn't help to see the others. "Would you stop FUCKING complaining about EVERY SINGLE DETAIL for ONE SECOND?! I swear Ken'o, you are making me so angry I will blow up your pathetic ass!"
That is that again, you have repeated several times that you wanted to go for another name, Y/N. Everyone but Sekido seemed to respect that, but he only got irritated with you, but you just had to complain. Everything is so awful, and nobody tells him anything when he lashes out. That asshole thinks he is the only one having a bad time? You bet his problems are nothing compared to yours "Shut up, Sekido! Your voice is making me have a headache!" He makes an ugly face once you answer back, why is everyone else so coward? Only Aizetsu has the guts every once an eternity to tell the truths to this asshole's face. And even the, when he does he also seems keen in the idea of fighting you. That little-
"Hey! Hey! Calm down, everyone. We just defested some slayers, why don't we take a bite before Urogi beats us to it?" Karaku interrupts, always trying to make averything sound as if was pleasurable, as if it was something good. You genuinely want to throw up the secon you see the corpses on the ground with Urogi kneeling in front of one, munching so much of it that his cheeks as full and not even swollowing all of it before putting more into the cavity, showing the chewed flesh inside his mouth. "Urg. As if I would want to eat with such an animal." Aizetsu seems to only look at everyone else, gaze making you uncomfortable. "And what do you want." To that Aizetsu just looks away and goes where Urogi is, not even bothering to answer you. How rude! Sekido smiles as he sees the offense in your face.
You feel an arm around your shoulder, you see Karaku smiling, the smell and heat coming from his mouth not being pleasant, even if it's not the worst you have felt against you face. "Now, if you are not hungry, Y/N, we can always find something to have fun, ya know? If you can't see anything good, I can always teach you how to have a good ti-" You don't know what repulses you more, the indecent proposal or the stains of blood in your shouldet once Sekido stabs the pleasure clones in the mouth through the back of his head with his staff. "Stop whoring yourself! Have you no shame?!" A part of you wants to defend Karaku, another one sums just wanting to spite Sekido, but other part of you agrees with the anger clone of how disgusting the behavior of the pleasure clone is, seeking his respective sensation like an addict.
And there is the smaller part of you not only likes the attention, making you feel less disgusting with yourself, it also happens when slayers see you. Your emotion doesn't let you tell, but Aizetsu and Karaku have reassured you that you are good looking. But you could never give into such a nauseating touch, with dirty and uncomfortable hands, it's awful.
None of you can fight your respective emotions, even if sometimes you can feel other things. You yearn to be with the others, to be able to spend a good time (not in the way Karaku sometimes offers, but to actually spent good moments), you yearn to be satisfied and content, instead of having to rely in pride for some positiveness. You can't help to resent Urogi and Aizetsu the most, who manage to work through their emotions, the first one just uncaring as long as he is not hurt or caged, the second one managing to stay calm and be understanding. Both of them get along well, and you can see them talking and eating together. You want to complain, to take the off-putting sensations out of your head and chest, but there are never gone. The second everything seems fine, you find another thing that disgust you and center everything on it. (You have not stopped thinking that Sekido feels that same way in his anger.)
"Let's just go back, we don't need to be here and stay divided any longer. We are clearly just wasting time in here. I don't want to see any of you!" Urogi is the first to protest. "Huh? C'moooooon, Sekido, just one more hour! Pleeeeeease?" "You are not going to be able to convince him like that." Part of you wants to also protest, you don't want to be grouped with this freaks! And you just came out! What would be the point? "C'mon, Y/N, handsome. Help me convice Sekido to relax. There is no need to rush back." Part of you wants to explore, to get away, to move away... but another one knows that inside Hantengu's head you won't have to deal with all this disgust. "Go fuck yourself, Karaku."
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damnfandomproblems · 10 months
Hard agree with the first reply to this ask
But my question is(directed towards anon): why do you have to change a character in order to relate to them.
Also it really seems like you are just trying to make it seem like I'm against such people. Or even the identies or traits themselves. Which shouldnt need explaining that i dont, but here we are, i dont have a fucking problem with people with any such identities, and appearances. I dont have a problem with characters having such identities and appearances.
The problem does not lie in what is changed or added, but instead WHY it is changed or added to an already established character.
What it sounds like is that you (gen) are unable to relate to anyone who is in anyway different to you, does not meet certain standards or requirements, or cant fit into a box that you are able to understand and comprehend.
Like.. its no different from cishet people going "oh i dont relate to this character cuz theyre gay or trans, or not a vsco girl" or smth like that, and then changing the character.
I get it. These kinds of people arent the most popular, and are very rare in media(though are actually becoming increasingly more common). So you think you need to change existing characters to relate to them or be seen and included.
And ... Idk how to explain how damaging that way of thinking and treating others that way is. And you cant tell me its just characters because ive seen how queer people treat cishet people and characters. Like they are somehow lesser or boring.
And i saw how some people commented on my usage of "woke" i realize now that may have made me seem like the kind of person who hates those things, but im not, and it was more towards... Like how so many people in fandom engage in performative activism. They do all this stuff for praise and to seem like a better person. Thats what i mean by woke if that makes sense.
Like honestly i think itd be way healthier to make ocs/self inserts and draw or write them with characters being supportive or just... Acting normally. Which is already a thing. The selfship community and ocxcanon community is very much alive and it doesnt even have to be ship. i guarantee more people, even people who dont relate, would enjoy people making and including more ocs in fandom.
Also "inflammatory language" (or just how i speak when annoyed i suppose) seems pretty on par for a blog dedicated to people complaining about fandom sooo, gotta remember im a real human writing this and not some machine that'll write everything in the best way possible.
Posting since this is a response to a previous ask.
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argumentativeaxolotl · 3 months
I'm gonna send your post to the Ao3 staff so they know you actively bash and harass people on other platforms as well, enjoy the IP ban sweetiepie!! 🥰🥰
Ah I see so you’re one of the proshippers 💀 nahhhh bro cuz I don’t give a fuck if you’re actively shipping minors and adults in your own time but don’t bring me and my fanfic into that shit. It is disgusting and it isn’t an okay thing to do. If you wanna do it in your own time I do NOT CARE. But don’t bring this shit up and get upset with my fic because I said to get lost.
If you want a proship fic go write one or talk to other proshippers. I don’t believe in proshipping(firm anti) and you will not change my mind on that. It IS GROSS. It can have REAL WORLD CONSEQUENCES. It can allow ACTUAL PEDOPHILES and SEX OFFENDERS access to REAL CHILDREN.
Again I do not give a fuck if you are a proshipper or not, but don’t actively say I’ve harassed you. I haven’t done shit to you- oh what I don’t agree with your beliefs and your ship? Womp Womp dude. You clearly don’t agree with mine and that’s OKAY. Don’t get butt-hurt over being called a creature of hell because you’re clearly acting like it dawg 💀
I haven’t harassed anyone nor have I bashed anyone. I haven’t gone after you- you’re just offended that your favorite proship isn’t in the fic. In that case, go find your favorite ship and read that instead dawg. I ain’t gonna deal with such bullshit because guess what? I do not care about what your shipping beliefs are as long is it doesn’t effect real people. If you enjoy that, go look for that on ao3.
You don’t want hate hence why you’re sending in anonymously. Actually message me and we can talk this through in private since you’re clearly not understanding what harassment is. Don’t hide behind your screen, DM me.
Oh and while you’re at it, can you give me an example of harassment? You messaged me first here and I have every right to defend myself and talk about what happened.
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