#this is tmi sorry it is 1 in the morning lmao
neige-leblanche · 2 years
It’s totally normal to not be with someone who has different ideas on wanting kids from you. I know people who never mentioned their feelings on kids till after marriage and it destroyed the relationship when it came out that one really wanted kids and the other really really didn’t. I could never be with someone who felt strongly about wanting kids, cause I’d either feel pressured to change my mind or feel bad I was holding them back from something they want
thank u :') its hard bc im like. mostly aromantic and the thought of going out to search for someone who does fit all my ideals is not something i can really picture myself ever doing; i suppose it hurts when one has special feelings that rarely ever happen but they're for someone with whom a lasting future isn't really feasible
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ashiromina · 2 years
Meme time! Thank you 💕💕💕 Robin 💕💕💕 @reinerist 💕💕💕 for tagging me, you angel you 💕💕💕 sorry I took forever and a day 🙈
Under a read more because it ended up long 🤭
----- #1
Favorite color: Red 💋
Currently reading: I'm thinking of catching up with the Jjk manga, I've been quite in the reading block lately 😭
Last song: "Love to see you cry" by Enrique Iglesias, my shuffle is amazing that way
Last series: Inventing Anna
Last movie: Scream (2022)
Sweet, savory, or spicy: Spicy
Currently working on: I'm going to try to download photoshop again so hopefully I can start playing around again... I miss it honestly
Four songs I’ve been into lately: This changes weekly according to my shuffle lolol but! "INVU" by Taeyeon // "Can't fight this feeling" by Junior Caldera ft. Sophie Ellis Bextor // "Summer Son" by Texas // "Get into my heart" by Miyavi vs シシド・カフカ
What are 5 things I love talking about: Obanai and Mitsuri have been giving me all the feelings so always and forever them // World Trigger everyone please read it (I will not shut up about Yuichi sorry not sorry) // the Shadowhunters series // JACK VESSALIUS (caps intended) // YU KANDA (also caps intended) // anyways my eternal love for tea and honestly whatever book or show or movie I last watched or game I played and I really enjoyed
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Let’s get to know our animanga fandom mutuals/followers better? 💕
01. how did you find out about anime? Since childhood? Tmi time hey! My first anime were when I was about 5-6, Sailor Moon (it was on tv every afternoon, super badly dubbed but I lived for it) and Attack No. 1 (this one was on every Sunday morning and my dad used to watch it with me); I watched Inuyasha and Tokyo Mew Mew in highschool a lot, and then I started reading the manga my friends back then used to. I got back into it more when I was 19 due to a friend recommending me Ouran Highschool Host Club. And Death Note was ridiculously popular at uni lmao quite questionable how so many law students loved Light but hey ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ c'est la vie
02. what’s your favorite anime? Hmm hard to say. I'll focus first on anime only and not anime based on manga, because that's an entire different thing. So... Free! I would say Free! is honestly my absolute favourite because it hit home with some stuff when it first aired. I related with Haruka a lot. Additionally, it's anime only so it suits this category best! I also enjoyed the visuals and animation of K Project a lot; they were surreal. And if I'm going for anime based on manga (I generally prefer the manga honestly) I would say Natsume Yuujinchou, Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun and Fma:b have some of the best anime adaptations. Kny anime is doing well so far too!! For anime based on games, Utapri and Amnesia were great.
03. do you have a favorite j-music/k-pop group/singer?  Miyavi, Taeyeon, SNSD, BiSH, The Oral Cigarettes, EXO, Shinhwa, Orange Caramel
04. when is your bday? and how old are you? 9 october // 31 years old (the pandemic birthdays shouldn't count, so I should be 29 forever still)
05. currently, what is your favorite fandom anime? World Trigger, Kny and Jjk
06. despite the ups and downs on tumblr, what motivates you to stay here today and do your best? Out of sheer spite. Lololol. Honestly even if I go on hiatus sometimes, I can't see myself ever leaving this website for good. I met some of my best and closest friends here, and I'm still connecting with new friends about new interests, so it's a nice little happy corner. My grandchildren will inherit my canon urls, I kid you not. Truthfully, no other social media can ever compare.
07. finally create yourself in this picrew: link
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Tagging (for either/or and only if you want, no pressure!!) 💕 @misakarose 💕 @spike-spiegels 💕 @ozvasselius 💕 @reigenphobe 💕 @childeapologist 💕 @kurozero 💕@keikuns 💕
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ones-delight · 3 years
I unfortunately won’t have therapy until the end of this month (I should have scheduled one earlier this month ugh lmao I thought one later this month would be better) so I’m doing what my therapist suggested, write down all what’s going through my head even if it doesn’t make sense to help bring myself back to reality. lol. I’m very much lost in my own sauce of feelings and thoughts. it’s allllll about my ex again so ugh lmao. My main anxieties are just feelings about my ex and what’s coming up this semester.
I’m currently in my apartment in Iowa City since we’re about to start back up my usual routine. I’ve been here for almost two weeks now which is nice because I’ve been trying to take my time to relax and get myself mentally prepared for this upcoming semester. I’m also low key glad I’m having these overwhelming anxieties right now instead of later this week. I need to ask my therapist again what exactly I am feeling (if it’s like a panic attack because i truly dont know) because I’ve been feeling hella anxious the past few days (in general) and yesterday my anxiety was so intense that I barely ate and I felt sick to my stomach. idk if others have the same too but when I also get hella anxious, all I want to do is go to the bathroom so tmi lmao. I feel this way now and I just cannot stop crying so again, I’m just writing everything that’s going through my mind lmao.
#1) Related to my ex, heart break
Yeah.. I literally keep talking about this/him and I’m glad I have multiple outlets that I can say what’s going through my mind because if I keep these thoughts to myself, I keep spiraling. I’m also very thankful I have multiple strong support systems from people where it truly doesn’t get annoying to them when I keep talking about him/my overall heart break/healing journey. I know I don’t want to burden my friends with my own thoughts (it can be a lot) so overall very thankful for friends, family, and my therapist lmao. 
I think the last time I talked about my heart break was the letter I wrote to him. I wrote it and sent it to him lmao. I also wrote his mom a letter in Spanish because I want to stay connected with her and very thankful she reciprocates the same energy, Apparently, he never received the letter even though I sent it over 3 weeks ago, but anyways yeah that’s a story I will tell later in this post. Anyways, it’s legit easier said than done to completely stop checking on his social media. I was doing great before winter break. Now that winter break has happened (still kind of is for a few more days), I have relapsed where I was checking very often. The break was great since I got to spend quality time with family, however, unfortunately being back in Wichita still floods a lot of my emotions where there are still a lot of memories of him and I that still makes me feel sad (luckily no longer sobbing about but I do still feel some type of way. It’s getting better thankfully). It also hurts that he’s making new memories with his new girlfriend Kylie so I was def feeling all sorts of things. Sorry, I’m trying to go onto chronologize order of events that have happened. I’m jumping back and forth lmao 
First, did I mention his mom called me the day before Christmas? I was SHOOOOOK when I saw her name on my phone. I legit froze because I wasn’t sure if it was actually her so I accidently missed her call. I’m so glad she left a voicemail so I could listen first and immediately call her back LMAO. But basically, she wanted to check in to see how I was doing, wish me and my family a merry christmas/happy new year, and asked if I could come see her. We joked a bit back and forth like how she was learning English for me while I’m learning Spanish for her. lmao. so after this phone call, I wrote her a letter to update her on what I’ve been doing. I wrote it all in Spanish since that’s her primary language so thank god for google translate. overall, I told her about how I’m about to earn my masters degree in may, I’ve lost now 30 lbs of weight/having a better relationship with food, how I’m honestly still hurt about her son cheating on me (I was in my feels. You know if you ever get those feelings like you want your mom? She legit is like a mom to me since my mom isn’t an active part of my life so yeah I guess you can say I got mommy issues but anyways) I also told her that if she’d still like me to come over, I’d love to come over and see her.
Few days go by, I’ve been creeping onto his social media, it stings to see how he has flaunted his relationship with Kylie. It hurts because I keep playing this comparison game because he truly has NEVER allowed me to post about us and he would himself refuse to post about us on his social media. So, just to see how he’s been basically spending every single day with her and posting her throughout all of his social media, makes me feel an extreme type of way. during new years, she had a party at her house where it was him, her, his brother paco (which I was SHOOOK because she met paco and not everyone has ever met paco, who is his oldest brother), miguel and his girlfriend (both are super cute btw), Blake (surprisingly), and Erik. I felt some kind of way because obviously I know they would share a new years kiss even tho they’ve only been dating for literally a month. I dated him for 3 years and NEVER got a new years kiss (because he wanted to be with bros). Valentines day is coming up and it’d be their “two month” anniversary and I just KNOW he’d actually put EFFORT into spending that day with her. 3 years I dated this guy and he never ONCE did ANYTHING for me for valentines day. ok I’m getting more hurt thinking how he’s treating his other girls better than me so anyways BACK TO THE TOPIC
few days go by and I got another call from his mom. I actually picked up this time because I was really excited to hear her voice again. I legit would die for this woman legit #1 mom. She asked if she could see me and I happily said yes. It really means a lot that she still gives me the same energy that she gave me when I was still dating her son. One of the hardest parts of us breaking up was the potential of losing his family too because they are all truly good people and I am NOT the CEO of letting people go lmao. okay back to subject, I had TONS of anxiety driving over to her house because I had so many thoughts. I asked on the phone if 1.) is Lalo there. She said no. 2.) Is Paco there. No, he apparently flew back to California that morning. I was low key hoping paco would be there still because it would be cool to catch up with him but anyways my main concern was if eduardo was there so since he wasn’t, I was like “ok vroom vroom let’s go” lmao. WOWOWOWWO seeing her just made my heart so happy. She def has a lot more gray hairs since the last time I saw her lmao she’s the cutest anyways, I’m really shook that HIS DAD FREAKING HUGGED ME. THIS MAN NEVER USUALLY HUGS ANYONEEEEEEEEEEE. Typically how we greet each other, it’s like a wave from a distance and we obvi acknowledge each other. so WOOOOW I was very thankful and shook he hugged me. Anyways, his mom showed me around the house with the Christmas decorations, I noticed her birds were still doing well, she even showed me her new plants she got lmao. We sat at the dining room table and talked and ate mexican snacks. She has broken English and I have broken Spanish so literally thank god for dualingo because it has helped me. I love how when we are together, we talk really slow and try to annunciate for each other LMAOOO. Anyways, THIS WOMAN ALSO GOT ME A STOCKING filled with Mexican Candy. omg this woman i love her so much. Anyways, I showed my tattoos to her and she legit wanted to murder me lmao but she says she likes them but hates them at the same time. She also sat me down and we had a serious conversation in terms of how she sees me. She said that I am no longer known as lalo’s novia, what I am to her is a daughter. I am evelyn’s sister and yo boi that got me crying in the club because that’s what I would love to have, to maintain my relationship with them . Okay, to kind of speed things up, basically we kept talking about Evelyn’s quinceanera that’s happening this year AHHHHHH, dropped Evelyn off and her friend to a friend’s quince, and his mom took me to eat at paleterias tropicana where I tried elote for the first time and had a jugo verde WOOOOOW SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD. literally cannot stop thinking about it. Anyways, random note, I noticed my old K-State beanie in the car and his mom said it was Evelyn’s. It gave me a weird feeling because it was originally mine that he gifted me on our first Christmas together but obviously I knew he wouldn’t keep it so I’m not suprised he gave it to Evelyn. It made me wonder then what did he do to the other gifts that he originally gave me but I gave it back to him once we broke up.. okay that was a tangent, anyways, that was it with the night with his mom and ughhh it was a really fun night and I really am looking forward to seeing her again.
Now fast forward to now-ish, me not doing good of not checking his social media, I got triggered because they now made it “facebook officlal” that they are dating. it triggered me because again, he refused to publicize our relationship and it really threw me off that they’ve only been dating for a month (technically interested in each other since October, started dating November) and already publicizing they are together. they moving hella quick and basically, I got hella bitter. I felt reckless and I texted him. I KNOW I shouldn’t have texted him because I immediately felt a sense of regret after but also low key glad I did text him. ugh i hate me lmao. Anyways, i texted him and he asked if he could call me so I said yes. Luckily, the conversation was better than I expected because it was simply like two old friends catching up. It was a really good feeling even tho I’m honestly still hurt about the way that he treated me. It caught me by suprised when he said that he has talked about me with Kylie and he actually stated that he knows what he did and feels regretful for the choices he made. That was a huge shocker and I do still have trust issues because I try to take things that he says with a grain of salt. He may be saying things to me that I want to hear but it’s not the truth so anyways lmao. Our conversation was good and it really got me thinking what exactly am I doing/how am I really feeling.
I really am happy for him. Yes i’m still deeply hurt and feel a type of way about how he treated me, but I can’t do anything about the past and all I can do is just simply be happy for him. I will always love him without a doubt, but he isn’t my person. I hope this doesn’t come off as selfish but he will never find someone better than me, he is simply finding someone better suited for him. What helps me the most about this is thinking about ME because that’s the situation for him, however, I know I will find someone better than him because I deserve the best.
I felt bad for asking because I am just fucking nosy and I’m glad he was okay with me asking about what happened with his relationship with Lila (the girl he left me for) and how did he start dating Kylie. He shared with with me that even though it was all great in the beginning with Lila (and let me tell you dude, he totally was hella infatuated with her lmao), they started becoming two different people. She apparently wasn’t emotionally there for him when he needed her (IRONICCCCCCCCCCCCC BECAUSE THAT’S EXACTLY HOW HE WAS WITH ME THROUGHOUT OUR 3 YEARS TOGETHER) and she ended the relationship. It did make me sad to hear because everyone needs support and it is sad when you go to someone for support and they don’t give you it, ya know? anyways, he said with Kylie, they’ve been friends for two years (I knew who she was when we were together but they’ve always only been friends since they worked at the Sunflower together. This will sound extremely bad but I never thought about her being a girl to worry about because she did a lot of “white” things that we make fun of white people for and so it kind of shocked me that he is dating her now but anyways) apparently he said that “they were hanging out and next thing he knows is that he kissed her and that’s how they started dating.” dude didn’t want to go into detail which was fine but I’m also in my head like “ok lmao you literally just got broken up by your ex and then immediately start hanging out with another girl? ok” ANYWAYS, I really am happy for him and wish him the best. 
It was cool to hear about what he’s hoping to do. He shared a lot more detail than usual which again caught me by surprise. Anyways, he shared that he is currently looking for a new place to live (a house to rent) somewhere in college hill (conveniently where Kylie also lives lmao) with Erik. He is also hoping to find another job soon because things at KWCH are no longer making him feel happier so he’s looking to see if he can work for a non-profit org which makes me happy for him because I’d also want to do the same. If I’m at a job where I’m not excited to be, I’d want to also try to make a switch. He also shared that junior (martin, his little brother) will be moving to Cali in May to move close to paco which wow made me really happy for them all. Anyways, he shared that he is hoping to stay in Wichita for about one more year and then possibly relocating to KC or somewhere in Oklahoma. i did encourage him KC because it seems that KC has much more opportunities than Wichita and Oklahoma. Only thing we both hate is driving in KC lmao
Okay, so overall, I’m still really hurt about how our relationship was and how it ended but I’m very grateful that I’m doing what is best for me to make progress because this is not an overall easy thing to do, move on. I do feel low key embarrassed that I still am not over our break up but I’m very glad that I know that He isn’t my person. we will and I cannot get back together with him even if he stated that he has “changed” Yes i invested so much in him to be my forever partner and it didn’t work out but that’s okay. I’m always willing to invest in people to be the best version of themselves and it really makes me happy to see people thrive. I truly cannot and will not take him back if there was ever a time where he wanted to give us a second try because I need to remember how he treated me. If he really was always thinking it was me, then he shouldn’t have cheated on me, treated me so poorly. I’m okay with us remaining friends, but as partners in life? that isn’t it. I deserve so much better and the man of my dreams will come. I’m 10000000% okay with being single because I know I need to work on myself so that I can be fully ready for my next. I really wish my next relationship is my one and only, but hey we’ll see. 
so this is already extremely long but I’m very glad I got this all out of me. I know I have other anxieties such as starting school again, which will be my last semester before I earn my masters (FINALLY), RA training coming back up (so me working is coming back), JOB SEARCH. So much is coming up and AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I need to get my head into gear. 
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solcheeky · 5 years
break a leg arm
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summary: mark breaks his arm and a cast is all he needs as an excuse to get you to do everything for him
warnings: mature content insinuated, strong language
a/n: I literally went thru a heck load of his tweets to see what he was like through text lmfao also this is a remake! insp from sheep
[1 Missed Call] broccoli johnny 8:56PM
[New Message] from broccoli johnny 9:00PM, hey
[broccoli johnny] 9:00PM, I know its kind of late but
[broccoli johnny] 9:01PM, mark’s in the ER right now, you busy?
[you] 9:05PM, wtf
[you] 9:05PM, where
[you] 9:05PM, why
[broccoli johnny] 9:06PM, nothing serious dw
[broccoli johnny] 9:06PM, we’re in seoul national
[you] 9:07PM, okay im coming
[broccoli johnny] 9:07PM, mind coming over?
[broccoli johnny] 9:08PM, oh
[broccoli johnny] 9:08PM, lol cool cool
[broccoli johnny] 9:08PM, just text me when you get here :-)
[you] 9:34PM, I’m here where are you?
[broccoli johnny] 9:35PM, hold on
[broccoli johnny] 9:35PM, jae cant get his drink out of the vending machine
[broccoli johnny] 9:35PM, we’ll meet u in the lobby in a sec
[you] 9:36PM, jaehyun you are a grown man
[broccoli johnny] 9:36PM, jae said hes not going to share his drink with you now
[New Message] from lioncub 11:45PM, Sorry for making you worry haha and thank you for coming over so fast
[lioncub] 11:45PM, You home ssfe yet?
[lioncub] 11:45PM, *Safe
[lioncub] 11:46PM, Damn this whole cast on my arm thing is really getting in the way haha
[you] 11:46PM, always<3 and yea I am :) you?
[lioncub] 11:46PM, Yeah, everyone’s in bed. Johnjae’s about to leave
[you] 11:46PM, nice
[you] 11:47PM, tell jaehyun that I hope he falls over
[lioncub] 11:48PM, Woah hahahaha
[lioncub] 11:48PM, Is this because he didn’t share his drink with you?
[you] 11:48PM, it was the last one left >:( and the traitor drank it all >:((
[lioncub] 11:50PM, Haha
[you] 11:50PM, >:(
[lioncub] 11:51PM, You’re so cute 
[you] 11:51PM, wow you type so slow
[lioncub] 11:51PM, I brokr my ar, !!!
[you] 11:51PM, yikes
[lioncub] 11:52PM, Dude dp you want me to type fast or not?
[you] 11:52PM, you’ll make mistakes either way👀
[lioncub] 11:52PM, *Do
[lioncub] 11:53PM, Hahaha very funny lool
[lioncub] 11:54PM, Come on babr
[lioncub] 11:54PM, *Basbr 
[lioncub] 11:54PM, *Babve
[lioncub] 11:54PM, Damn. *babe
[you] 11:54PM, just. don’t text me anymore . 
[lioncub] 11:55PM, Wait what !!!!!
[lioncub] 11:55PM, But my cast wont br off for weeks!!
[lioncub] 11:56PM, Babe !
[lioncub] 11:56PM, D: !!
[you] 11:56PM, I meant that like..... ‘call me’ you dummy
[lioncub] 11:57PM, Oh
[lioncub] 11:57PM, Oops 
[Incoming Call] lioncub 11:58PM
[New Message] from marks arm 1:12PM, They left me at home :/
[marks arm] 1:12PM, All alone
[marks arm] 1:13PM, And I’m bored :/
[marks arm] 1:13PM, Bee
[marks arm] 1:13PM, Oh
[marks arm] 1:14PM, Are
[marks arm] 1:14PM, D
[marks arm] 1:14PM, b o r e d
[marks arm] 1:15PM, Babe
[marks arm] 1:15PM, Babe?
[marks arm] 1:15PM, Ba b e
[Missed Video Call] marks arm 1:17PM
[you] 1:21PM, oh shit sory just came out yhe shower
[marks arm] 1:22PM, Oh lool sorry
[marks arm] 1:22PM, You going out somewhere?
[marks arm] 1:23PM, OH are you coming over? :0
[you] 1:23PM, huh? no
[you] 1:23PM, lmfao gotta go to the supermarket
[marks arm] 1:24PM, Is that code for my dorm?
[you] 1:24PM, uh
[you] 1:24PM, what
[marks arm] 1:25PM, Super-MARK-et
[marks arm] 1:25PM, 😏😏😏 
[you] 1:25PM, …………
[marks arm] 1:26PM, Dude. You can’t tell me that wanst funny
[you] 1:26PM, …………………… 
[marks arm] 1:26PM, Comn on man. That was pretty funny!!!
[marks arm] 1:27PM, *Wasn’t *Come
[marks arm] 1:27PM, 😏😏😏 ???
[you] 1:27PM, I’m not coming over just because you made a ‘good’ joke
[marks arm] 1:28PM, Hahahahaha! babe please!!
[marks arm] 1:28PM, I’m so fucking bored~
[marks arm] 1:28PM, I have thid dumbass cast on now and the boys wont be back till waaayy later
[marks arm] 1:29PM, *This
[marks arm] 1:30PM, It’s not like I can take the cast off. But you can keep me company!!
[marks arm] 1:30PM, Pretty please🥺
[you] 1:30PM, but I gotta go shop D:
[marks arm] 1:31PM, Oh right. yeah lol
[marks arm] 1:31PM, but you can come over after?😏
[you] 1:31PM, hmmmmmm
[marks arm] 1:32PM, No one’s home😏 and
[marks arm]1:32PM, and Iwanttohugyou
[marks arm] 1:33PM, Plus I promise I won’t hug you with my casr haha
[marks arm] 1:33PM, *Cast
[you] 1:33PM, cute
[marks arm] 1:34PM, Did.. Did you not just hear what I said?
[marks arm] 1:34PM, No one’s home !!!
[you] 1:35PM, fine :[
[you] 1:35PM, but after I shop :>
[marks arm] 1:36PM, Alright nice haha. After you shop. Got it !
[New Message] from marks arm 1:45PM, Can you get me snacks??
[marks arm] 1:49PM, You can’t just leave me on read !!!!
[you] 8:03PM, can’t believe I bought you snacks for that
[marks arm] 8:04PM, It was the cast!! I swear !!
[marks arm] 8:04PM, You weren’t the only one uncomfortable >:( I can’t hold myself up over you when my arm is broken lool
[you] 8:05PM, I’m taking your lap next time🙄
[marks arm] 8:05PM, Oh woah
[you] 8:06PM, ‘woah’ what?
[marks arm] 8:06PM, :0
[marks arm] 8:06PM, Woah nothing. Hahahaha
[you] 8:06PM, okay well,,, save your lap for me next time
[marks arm] 8:07PM, lol okay
[marks arm] 8:07PM, Next time.
[marks arm] 8:07PM, I like that
[New Message] from marker 2:20AM, You awake?
[you] 2:21AM, no
[marker] 2:21AM, Oh okay nevermind then
[you] 2:22AM, …
[you] 2:22AM, uh mark
[marker] 2:23AM, Wait a minute
[you] 2:23AM, there we go😂😂
[marker] 2:23AM, ;/
[you] 2:23AM, LOL whats up? its 2am🤔dont you have to go studio in the morning🤔
[marker] 2:24AM, Yeah :/ but my arm hurts ;/
[you] 2:24AM, badly?
[marker] 2:25AM, Mhm :(
[marker] 2:25AM, I cant sleep :(( it hurts :/ like actually really hurts
[you] 2:25AM, lemme get back to you in 7 years after I get my doctors licence
[marker] 2:26AM, Hahahahahahaha
[marker] 2:26AM, Can you get back to me in 3secs as my bestfriend instead?
[you] 2:26AM, touché
[marker] 2:26AM, Haha
[marker] 2:27AM, Let me video call you?
[you] 2:27AM, doyoung is asleep though
[marker] 2:27AM, Yeaahh
[marker] 2:28AM, But I wantf to see you :(
[you] 2:28AM, you saw me today ?
[marker] 2:28AM, It wasnt enough :(
[you] 2:29AM, are you okay??
[marker] 2:29AM, Yeah! I am! I just
[marker] 2:29AM, idk
[marker] 2:29AM, Seeing you makesd me feel better
[you] 2:29AM, cute
[marker] 2:29AM, Shutup man
[marker] 2:30AM, Just let me call youuu
[you] 2:30AM, hm
[you] 2:31AM, fine
[you] 2:31AM, this is my way of making up for my lack of a doctors licence
[marker] 2:31AM, hahahahahahahaha
[marker] 2:31AM, I’m gonna wake up doyoung laughing like this
[you] 2:32AM, lmao pls dont blame me when he whoops your ass in the morning
[marker] 2:32AM, I wont :)
[Incoming Call] marks arm 2:33AM
[[theres too many ppl in this gc. mark pls exit😘]]
[doyoung]: Mark looks like a sardine that was left to dry out in the sun for 12 days
[marker]: Hey man
[marker]: Thats just mean
[fullsun]: not mean, just the truth💅🏼
[doyoung]: It’s because he was up all night talking to you know who👀
[mr peach]: exposed
[you]: mark you said doyoung was a heavy sleeper
[doyoung]: He lied.
[marker]: We werent that loud man
[nakamoto]: I could hear mark from my bedroom
[let’s winwin!]: *our bedroom
[let’s winwin!]: and no we couldn’t
[nakamoto]: I did👀
[broccolli johnny]: all yuta does is lie lmfao
[marker]: How??!!?
[marker]: Your bedroom is upstairs!!!
[junguwu]: ? I couldnt hear them ??? and I’m next door
[nakamoto]: if I was upstairs then explain to me how I heard y/n complaining about how mark farts too much🤔🤔🤔
[marker]: Oh my god
[broccoli johnny]: LMFAAAOO
[mr peach]: this again LOL
[you]: I still can’t believe they let you talk about marks farts in your tmi vids
[oldman]: 😂😂😂😂😂oh no
[fullsun]: the dried sardine has got some explaining to do👀
[marker]: Dude its not true!!! I swear !!!!!!
[you]: a little bit true
[doyoung]: ✋also a witness
[marker]: >:0
[marker]: Fucking betrayers!!!!!!!
[marker]: Johnny tell them its not true !!!
[broccoli johnny]: my hands are tied bro🤗
[marker]: whAT
[marker]: Jaehyun?!
[mr peach]: its not true.
[doyoung]: Way to sound believable🙄
[nakamoto]: word on the street y/n is tired of mark never saying sorry or excusing himself from farting🤧
[marker]: You guys are just big bullies man
[marker]: Sicheng man you’re the only one I have left😭
[let’s winwin!]: lol no
[fullsun]: yuta may be lying about hearing yall last night but👀
[fullsun]: the fart thing is true👀
[nakamoto]: i rest my case
[broccoli johnny]: one day mark is gonna fart and it’ll poison you all
[nakamoto]: I heard hes poisoned a couple of people already🧐
[marker]: DUDE
[New Message] from mark LEE 10:11AM, Hey can I ask you something?
[you] 10:12AM, sure whats up?
[you] 10:12AM, you okay?
[mark LEE] 10:13AM, So um ;//
[mark LEE] 10:13AM, My farts dont annoy you do they?
[you] 10:14AM, LOL mARK
[mark LEE] 10:14AM, What ?! what!!!!
[mark LEE] 10:14AM, I’m serious!!!
[you] 10:15AM, its been like 3 days since that conversation
[mark LEE] 10:15AM, And I havent been able to fart in front of you since!!
[mark LEE] 10:16AM, Babe I’m deadass!!!
[you] 10:16AM, yuta was just joking stupid
[mark LEE] 10:17AM, :/
[mark LEE] 10:17AM, I know
[mark LEE] 10:17AM, But
[you] 10:18AM, but?
[mark LEE] 10:18AM, I fart
[mark LEE] 10:18AM, like
[mark LEE] 10:18AM, a lot
[you] 10:19AM, omg mark
[you] 10:19AM, it doesnt matter!! I think its cute
[mark LEE] 10:19AM, What?!
[you] 10:19AM, when you fart youre cute
[you] 10:20AM, when you sneeze youre cute
[you] 10:20AM, when you talk youre cute
[you] 10:20AM, even when you just breathe youre fucking cute
[you] 10:20AM, I dont care about your farts
[mark LEE] 10:21AM, You’re weird
[you] 10:21AM, ask the groupchat if you dont believe me
[[theres too many ppl in this gc. mark pls exit😘]]
[marker]: Anyways guys
[junguwu]: ya
[marker]: Am I cute?
[fullsun]: no
[New Message] from cute idiot 9:37PM, Where are you?
[cute idiot] 9:37PM, Babe
[cute idiot] 9:37PM, The bath is gonna get cold man
[you] 9:40PM, we got a problem
[cute idiot] 9:40PM, What? No lighter? Not even matchsticks?
[you] 9:40PM, johnjae are here
[cute idiot] 9:41PM, !???!?!?!?!!!
[cute idiot] 9:41PM, whAT
[cute idiot] 9:41PM, Like in the dorm here?!?!??
[you] 9:41PM, yea you dummy
[cute idiot] 9:41PM, Shit whAT
[you] 9:42PM, wtf happened to ‘no one is coming home till late today’ !???!!
[cute idiot] 9:42PM, I
[cute idiot] 9:42PM, I DIDNT KNOW I SWEAR OMG
[cute idiot] 9:42PM, wHAT DID U SAY TO THEM
[you] 9:43PM, I look like a psycho mark
[cute idiot] 9:43PM, tHATS WHAT YOU SAID?
[you] 9:43PM, nO
[you] 9:44PM, they caught me… in the kitchen…. going through the drawers
[you] 9:44PM, with just your tshirt on…
[you] 9:44PM, my hair is wet af mark
[cute idiot] 9:45PM, oh god
[you] 9:45PM, how was i supposed to explain myself ?!
[you] 9:45PM, tell them my hair is wet because I just climbed out of the bath i was sharing with their roommate ?!!?
[you] 9:45PM, tell them i needed something to light the candles beside the fucking bubble bath ?!??
[cute idiot] 9:45PM, Shit shit shit
[you] 9:46PM, and all because you couldnt get out of the tub without injuring your broken-arm ??!
[cute idiot] 9:46PM, Oh my gof
[cute idiot] 9:46PM, Please tell me that is not what you said
[cute idiot] 9:46PM, Oh my god
[cute idiot] 9:46PM, This is so embarrassing
[cute idiot] 9:47PM, Dude
[cute idiot] 9:47PM, Why arnet you answering?!?!
[cute idiot] 9:47PM, What the fuc do I do
[you] 9:48PM, hold on theyre talking to me
[cute idiot] 9:48PM, I’m freakinghout
[you] 9:48PM, apparently theyre back early because they need to go prerecord nct nightnight
[you] 9:48PM, johnny needed to pick something up on the way
[cute idiot] 9:48PM, Oh god
[cute idiot] 9:48PM, Whdt do I do?!
[cute idiot] 9:48PM, Do I getr out!?
[you] 9:49PM, told them you were showering
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, Shit
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, Okay I’m turning on the shower
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, You know
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, For soubnd effects
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, Shit man shitr
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, wait
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, wb you?!
[cute idiot] 9:50PM, You didn’t dry yourself. Dude you didn’t even bring a towel
[cute idiot] 9:50PM, Hwo you gonna explain
[you] 9:51PM, told them your dumbass slipped
[you] 9:51PM, and I had to help you because of your arm
[you] 9:51PM, wait brb
[cute idiot] 9:51PM, Nooo dont brb me
[cute idiot] 9:52PM, I feel exposed now
[cute idiot] 9:52PM, Oh my god
[cute idiot] 9:52PM, This is the worst
[cute idiot] 9:52PM, This is the WORST 
[cute idiot] 9:53PM, Babe?
[you] 9:57PM, okay theyre gone😪😪
[cute idiot] 9:57PM, Thank god
[cute idiot] 9:57PM, Did they believe you?
[you] 9:58PM, I fucking hope so
[you] 9:58PM, I’m coming back
[cute idiot] 9:58PM, Be quick ;/ I kinda made a mess
[[foreign swaggers💯💯💯]]
[sexy boi ten]: just out of curiosity🧐
[sexy boi ten]: who here loves bubble baths?
[johns banana]: hmmmmmm idk man🤔 good question🤔
[jeffrey]: 😂😂😂
[kark]: Oh my god
[sexy boi ten]: I think one of us is a bubble bath enthusiast
[sexy boi ten]: but I just cant put my finger on it🧐
[kark]: Can’t believe you told ten
[johns banana]: told him what🤔🤔
[kark]: Don’t lie to me bro
[sexy boi ten]: i think youre the only one lying here
[kark]: 😨😨😨
[kark]: Jaehyun please help me
[jeffrey]: I heard there were candles
[kark]: 😧
[johns banana]: candles ?! 🤔 oh gasp🤧
[sexy boi ten]: so this is what you get up to when no ones around
[kark]: hahahaha noooo
[kark]: youre making it sound super weird man !!
[jeffrey]: lmfaaooo
[sexy boi ten]: this whole broken limb thing doesnt seem so bad now
[kark]: we didnt /do/ anything
[sexy boi ten]: why?😏 were you supposed have done something? 😏😏
[kark]: hahaha oh my god
[johns banana]: what are you tryna say mark🤗
[kark]: dude !!!!!!!
[kark]: youre all making this way weirder than it already is man
[jeffrey]: arent you the one making it weird?
[sexy boi ten]: johnny break my arm so i can get a bubble bath
[johns banana]: you dont have a girlfriend
[sexy boi ten]: i know
[sexy boi ten]: but i could have a boyfriend
[jeffrey]: you dont have a boyfriend either
[sexy boi ten]: then can you run me a bubble bath instead😘😘😘😘
[kark]: what
[johns banana]: depends… do I get to join
[kark]: wHAT
[johns banana]: I’ll be the mark to your y/n
[jeffrey]: this is going in my TMI
[New Message] from marks arm 4:15PM, They keep teasing me about the bath thing
[you] 4:15PM, so no more baths together?
[marks arm] 4:16PM, I didn’t say that........
[New Message] from bunny doyoung 6:47PM, Change of plans
[bunny doyoung] 6:47PM, He’s already on the way to yours
[you] 6:48PM, what?!
[you] 6:48PM, I was about to leave
[bunny doyoung] 6:49PM, Sorry I couldnt stop him
[bunny doyoung] 6:49PM, Said there’s too many of us in the dorm at the moment lmao
[bunny doyoung] 6:50PM, He’s such a kid
[you] 6:50PM, ffs mark
[you] 6:51PM, thanks do
[bunny doyoung] 6:51PM, Of course
[you] 6:53PM, mark wth
[you] 6:53PM, doyoung said youre coming here
[marks eggs] 6:55PM, Sorry baby
[marks eggs] 6:55PM, It’s way too hectic back there
[you] 6:56PM, you know I dont mind
[marks eggs] 6:56PM, I do this time
[marks eggs] 6:57PM, I want alone time with you
[you] 6:57PM, but I made food for the boys
[marks eggs] 6:57PM, I’ll eat it all :)
[you] 6:58PM, marrrrrkk
[marks eggs] 6:58PM, Too late I’m outside
[marks eggs] 6:58PM, Open up
[New Message] ty track 1:00AM, He’s not coming back tonight is he?
[you] 1:01AM, defo not
[you] 1:01AM, hes asleep on my lap atm
[ty track] 1:02AM, Sigh
[ty track] 1:02AM, Fine, make sure he wakes up early
[ty track] 1:03AM, He has to be back by 7am, we have a shoot in the morning
[you] 1:03AM, okay sure thing
[ty track] 1:03AM, Get some rest too
[you] 1:04AM, thanks tae you too💚
[ty track] 1:04AM, Goodnight💚
[you] 1:05AM, night :)
[[dreamies but not rlly]]
[pudu]: what time did you say you were going to come over again?
[you]: before 10 why?
[pudu]: because marks trying to break up renjun and jaemin from wrestling
[pudu]: with one arm
[jenojam]: is that what all that yelling is?
[you]: hyuck
[you]: why are you texting me when you can help him out
[pudu]: y/n thats a dumb question and you know it
[dolphinle]: such a dumb question
[you]: why arent any of you doing anything????????
[pudu]: why dont you just come over sooner ^^
[you]: hyuck I cant I’m running errands atm
[dolphinle]: see y/n is running errands hyung
[you]: thanks chenle
[pudu]: shutup chenle
[you]: wheres jisung
[jisung park]: staying out of the mess
[you]: good.
[you]: one less dreamie to worry about
[jisung park]: youre welcome
[pudu]: okay they stopped play fighting :/
[jenojam]: because mark says his arm hurts
[you]: you guys are the worst
[pudu]: *best
[moomin]: you guys are snitches
[dolphinle]: and snitches get stitches
[jaemin<3]: renjun broke my neck
[moomin]: did not
[moomin]: your stupid neck happened to fall into my hands
[pudu]: LMAOO
[jaemin<3]: :0 can u believe this
[you]: is mark okay?
[jenojam]: no
[mark sucks]: Yes
[mark sucks]: hahahaha just carry on with your errands and come at 10 I have this unser contrl
[mark sucks]: *Under
[mark sucks]: *Control
[pudu]: HAHA what lies
[jisung park]: hyung doesnt have anything under control
[jaemin<3]: youre not going to ask if I’m okay? :(
[moomin]:  jaemin ur still breathing right?
[moomin]: yea thats what I thought
[dolphinle]: ye thats what he thought
[jaemin<3]: I didnt even say anything yet!!
[pudu]: LMFAAOO
[you]: jeno help
[jenojam]: je-no thank you
[[theres too many ppl in this gc. mark pls exit😘]] 
[tytrack]: well then who was it?
[nakamoto]: I think johnny was the last one to use the vacuum
[marker]: Babe can you pick up a box on the way ;/ we ranm out lastr night
[nakamoto]: .................
[fullsun]: well okay. this was fun. g2g. forever. ✌️✌️✌️
[doyoung]: Only mark would do this.
[nakamoto]: 🤡🤡🤡🤡
[doyoung]: Seriously only mark.
[marker]: Shit!!!
[marker]: Fucvbk man
[you]: wrong chat you fat loser
[canada mark] 7:00PM, Shit baby I’m so soryr
[you] 7:00PM, you’re the biggest dummy😂😂😂
[[theres too many ppl in this gc. mark pls exit😘]] 
[junguwu]: a box of what?
[tytrack]: what the fuck mark
[junguwu]: oh
[marker]: Dude I didn’t mean to!!! 
[broccoli johnny]: this is why he left the dorm so quick lmfao
[marker]: Baby I’m so so so sorry I’ll make it up for you tonight
[junguwu]: :0
[canada mark] 7:05PM, FCUK
[[theres too many ppl in this gc. mark pls exit😘]] 
[nakamoto]: jc mark🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
[fullsun]: can we push the gc name into full gear now?
[fullsun]: it’s no longer a joke. 
[you] 7:07PM, you’re lucky you have a broken arm or else 
[canada mark] 7:08PM, Dude I’m so sorry. Like really.
[canada mark] 7:08PM, I was rushing in case you left the store already ;/ sorry :(
[canada mark] 7:08PM, I’ll do whatever you want ! promise.
[you] 7:09PM, you can barely do anything with that broken arm stupid
[you] 7:09PM, its okay😂 
[canada mark] 7:09PM, Really?
[you] 7:10PM, lets just say you owe me one 
‘you changed [canada mark] to [stupid mark]’
[stupid mark] 7:11PM, Yeah okay. I deserve that one.
[New Message] from stupid mark 7:24AM, Can I call you?
[stupid mark] 7:24AM, I seriously hate texting ;/
[you] 7:25AM, is it because of the wrong groupchat thing or your cast?
[stupid mark] 7:25AM, ......both lol
[you] 7:25AM, okay but I’m in bed bby its so early
[stupid mark] 7:25AM, Perfect!! then you don’t have to move ! 
[stupid mark] 7:25AM, Just close your eyes and talk to me :^)
[you] 7:26AM, you can talk to everyone else whos awake :^)
[stupid mark] 7:25AM, Everyones getting their hair done and stuff
[stupid mark] 7:26AM, And I’m handicapped let me call you.
[you] 7:26AM, wooooow ‘handicapped’ you can’t text me
[Incoming Video Call] stupid mark 7:26PM
[stupid mark] 7:2APM, Pick up!! please!!
[New Message] from sore loser 11:20PM, :((((
[you] 11:21PM, mark? 
[you] 11:21PM, whats wrong?
[sore loser] 11:22PM, Do you want to come with me to the doctors get my cast off tomorrow? 
[you] 11:22PM, huh????
[you] 11:22PM, I mean yeah sure but
[you] 11:22PM, whats with the sad face?
[sore loser] 11:23PM, No! I’m happy! but sad ;/
[sore loser] 11:23PM, I get to be on stage again but ;( I can’t play damsel in distress anymore haha
[sore loser] 11:23PM, If I call you over, you’ll still come right?
[you] 11:24PM, depends.........
[sore loser] 11:24PM, See!! 
[you] 11:24PM, I’m just kidding lmao
[sore loser] 11:24PM, Oh
[sore loser] 11:24PM, So... You’ll still shampoo my hair sometimes? ;/ or like sit on my lap,,and stuff ;/// ??
[you] 11:25PM, you know I’ll do all those things regardless whether your arm is broken or not
[sore loser] 11:25PM, You’re the best 
[you] 11:25PM, plus you still owe me one :^)
[sore loser] 11:25PM, Oh yeah! I do !!
‘you changed [sore loser] to [<3]’
[<3] 11:26PM, Hahaha cute
[<3] 11:26PM, Okay :))))
[<3] 11:26PM, I’ll give you what I owe you tomorrow after we go doctors ;) <3
[you] 11:27PM, perfect
[<3] 11:27PM, Yeah, perfect :))
[New Message] from <3 9:34AM, Yeah, oops. Not so perfect..... omg I’m sorry
[you] 9:34AM, yeah your arm is like jelly its weird
[<3] 9:34AM, Hahahahaha
[<3] 9:34AM, In three weeks then?
[New Message] from <3 9:36AM, You can’t just leave me on read !!!!!!!!!
[You are Video Calling <3 ...] 9:36AM
447 notes · View notes
klimtandbencbatch · 6 years
For an IronStrange prompt: Steve is making Tony feel like crap(cause mcu Steve dosent care about feelings) and Tony' s day is just getting worse and worse until strange makes him feel better. [Insert lenny face]
this is gonna be a two-parter!!! also I took some liberties w/ the prompt, I hope you don’t mind!!! next part is the fuckin’ and a wrap up of the divorce lmao
Other Words For “Splitting Up” Part 1
Tony Stark was hard at work in his lab, bobbing his head to Def Leppard as he worked on his suit’s thrusters, tweaking a few things here and there. It was a typical day for him, so far - wake up, have breakfast (coffee), read the paper, check stocks, head downstairs and get to work for God knew how many hours. He was just getting ready for the next step, lunch (coffee) when his music suddenly went quiet, and the doors slid open.
“Hey, what did I say about - “
He fell silent as a stack of papers fell to the nearby work table with a heavy, thick thud. A thud of finality, Tony reflected, as he looked up at none other than Steve Rogers standing before him, hands on his muscle-y, muscle-y hips.
“Uh, hey, Steve. Did you - ?”
“Just read the papers, Tony.”
Tony paused, blinking rapidly for a moment before nodding. “Uh, yeah. Okay.” He set his wrench aside, wiping his hands clean of grease before picking up the top paper off the stack. His eyes immediately snapped back to Steve, his jaw dropping.
“You’re - serving me?”
“Let’s just face facts, Tony. We haven’t been together in a long time. Hell, we haven’t slept in the same bed in years.”
“Uh, yeah, and whose fault is - “
“Stop,” Steve said at once, raising a hand. “This is why I - brought a lawyer into it.  Because I’m sick of having these arguments with you.”
Tony scoffed, standing, fuming slightly as he still had to look up at Steve. “Yknow, you wanted to get married in the first place.”
“And now I wanna get divorced,” Steve answered tiredly. “Alright? Just - read the papers, Tony. Please.”
Tony deflated slightly, looking over at the stack on his desk. “I… um. Yeah. I will. Just - leave. Okay? Just get out.”
Steve hesitated for just a moment, looking as if he wanted to say something else. With those damn - puppy dog eyes of his. Tony shook his head firmly, turning away.
“I’m serious, Rogers. Bye.”
He closed his eyes as he heard the doors slide shut, pressing his fists firmly against his forehead. He aimed a kick at his tool box, sending wrenches and screwdrivers flying every which way all over his workshop.
He’d known he and Steve were over. He’d known it for a long time. But lawyers meant meetings, and meetings meant going places together, and doing that when they hadn’t been seen publicly together in so long meant press. Press meant stories, stories meant attention, and attention meant Tony being the villain. He could see the headlines already.
Stark Tosses Out All-American Hero!
Marriage Bed Gone Icier than Cap?
Star-Spangled Couple Calls it Quits! Stark’s Riches to Blame?
“Fuck,” he muttered again, folding his arms over his chest with a long sigh. He saw Dum-E and U starting to move towards the tools, and he snapped his fingers to get their attention.
“No, no. Stop. I’ll clean it up, you two - you two take a break. Okay? We’ve all earned a break.”
He bit his lip as he turned back to the papers. “Time for some light reading,“ he mumbled, hefting the stack and heading upstairs, leaving his workshop a dismantled mess.
They’d tried to be discreet.
With the whole - Infinity War thing getting in the way, they’d had to postpone their divorce proceedings for a bit. Tony saved the world - maybe the headlines wouldn’t be so harsh - and Steve helped, providing ground support and a somewhat-trusted ally and go-between for the Wakandans.
They’d tried to be discreet.
Everyone picked up on it. Bruce and Thor, freshly returned, immediately noticed Tony’s wedding band missing, once they’d all joined back together after the mess on Titan. Peter had it figured out minute one, smart kid. Tony wasn’t sure he’d be able to forget the looks of pity on everyone’s faces.
And all of that Thanos shit, on top of getting divorced?
When Happy pulled up to their “secret meeting place” and Tony could already see cameras flashing, he nearly punched his window out. “Are you fucking kidding me?” he muttered, peering out to try to see who was there.
“Captain Rogers must be here already,” Happy groused, equally as displeased.
“Fuck this,” Tony sighed, shoving himself out of the car. He ignored the questions hurled at him by the press, heading inside and meeting up with his lawyer in the lobby of the building.
“I was told there wouldn’t be press coverage? That this was just a - strategy meeting?”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Stark, it would appear - “
“Forget it,” Tony said, waving his hand. “Just - show me where the big guy is.”
“…and he’s suing me for alimony. Steve fuckin’ Rogers wants my money. What lifestyle did I get him used to? 2018 instead of 1942?”
Bruce offered a tight smile, not sure what to say. “I - dunno, Tones,” he tried, ducking behind the screen he was currently engrossed with. “Maybe he’s just - trying to rile you up.”
“He wants money for his fuckin’ Soviet boy toy is what it is,” Tony growled, swearing as he accidentally caught his finger in a tiny piece of machinery. “No, yknow what? Fuck these blasters. They’re fine the way they are. Fuck me, Brucey, I… What am I gonna do?“
Bruce poked his head back up, shrugging. “I… You’re gonna get through it, Tony. You’re - Tony Stark. You’ve been through worse than a divorce.”
Tony smiled a bit, getting up to stretch. “I’m gonna make a smoothie, and you just earned yourself one. Want one?”
“Sure. The - strawberry one you do. S’really good.”
Tony let his smile grow a bit more, heading over to the little bullet blender he kept in the workshop now.
“So,” Bruce started once the noise had died down and the requisite smoothies had been distributed, “what about that doctor?”
“Strange. Stephen.”
“Oh. Oh, him,” Tony said, setting his cup aside. “I mean, well, yknow. We - hooked up. Once or twice.”
Tony nodded. “Uh huh.”
“And what’s he like, then?” Bruce asked.
“Are you a middle school girl?”
Bruce shrugged. “It’s taking your mind off of Divorcee in Chief.”
Tony sighed, fiddling with his smoothie straw. “He’s… really smart. Like, wickedly smart. And he’s funny! He makes me laugh every time I’m with him, like when we get coffee or whatever. And he’s a monster in bed. Present company excluded.”
“Har, har.”
“I dunno if this is TMI, but - Bruce, I nearly wept. That is how insanely good the sex was. It’s like he was in my head, but I wasn’t - afraid, yknow? He just paid attention to everything I wanted.”
“It’s a little TMI.”
Tony snorted, giving Bruce a look. “I had to hear about it from Thor the first time you guys slept together. I’ve earned this.”
Bruce flushed. “Sorry about that. Again.”
“Hey, yknow what? It’s all good. We’re just a couple of friends, shootin’ the shit.” He turned back to his blasters, poking at the metal a bit before sighing. “I just… I’m trying not to get too involved in anything, yknow? Until me and Steve are done, and - for a while after that. So I don’t fuck anything up.”
“Hey,” Bruce said, reaching out to pat Tony’s arm. “I get it. And I’m here. For - when you need to talk. Unless it’s about wizard sex, then I’ll have to pass…”
“Alright, Banner. I get it,” Tony laughed, getting back to work. “Thanks, pal.”
“Always, Tones.”
It all went downhill from there.
Meeting after meeting after meeting. And every time, Tony seemed to get there last, and the press was waiting to pounce. He refused to give Steve any kind of money - after the little stunt in Siberia? He was lucky that Tony hadn’t filed, that Tony had wanted to avoid publicity. And to what end did he owe Steve money? Sure, he’d had Stark Tower back then, sure, but he hadn’t spoiled Steve. By any stretch of the imagination.
And that’s why Steve was dragging this out. Tony just knew that it had to be the reason.
And it was starting to work. Tony was getting tired of fighting, and tired of being hounded by paparazzi and cameras everywhere he went.
He was having trouble sleeping, and he kept reading over the documents again and again, trying to figure out what the hell he was going to do. He was currently locked up in his workshop again, bent over his workbench with his fingers tangled tightly in his hair, his eyes scanning over sentences he’d read a thousand times already. How much longer could this go on for?
He jumped up, scattering the papers over the floor. He turned quickly, sagging with relief when he saw who it was.
“Stephen. Thank God for you.”
He marched over to the sorcerer, planting his face in the middle of the other man’s chest. Stephen’s warm hands came to rest gently on the back of Tony’s neck, kneading at the muscles there.
“You’re so tense,” Stephen murmured.
“It’s my soon-to-be-ex husband,” Tony explained, nuzzling against Stephen’s robes. “Mm, you smell so good… Like a spice market…"
“Was in Nepal this morning,” Stephen said, smiling a bit. “Everything okay?”
“No,” Tony answered bluntly. “I get voicemails from Steve every twenty fucking seconds asking if I confirmed for the next meeting or not. He’s got this huge sum of money he wants hanging over my head, and - on top of all of that - he’s out parading around with that - monster, and no one seems to be risking their journalistic integrity to print the truth! At least I’m keeping us somewhat quiet.”
Stephen let Tony vent, settling down on a nearby work stool. He nodded as he listened, watching Tony pace back and forth, pushing down thoughts of how cute he was. So little.
“Sorry,” Tony sighed, noticing Stephen listening. “I just… I’m really strung out over this. Yknow?”
“Need a bit of… Stress relief?”
Tony stopped talking mid-sentence, turning to face Stephen. His pupils dilated almost instantly, and he was on the sorcerer in a second. “Please. God, please.”
“My place,” Stephen urged. “Quieter. Further away from the cameras.”
“Take me away, magic man.”
Stephen smiled, opening a portal and pushing Tony through, immediately pinning him to his bed.
“Oh, I intend to, Mr. Stark.”
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twerkhammett · 6 years
Holy fuck, good thing I have a long train ride😂1. Full nameAngelica DeLillo2. Age213. 3 fearsFailure, getting snatched up one of these nights im on the train alone, losing the people i care about4. 3 things I loveNik, food, and our cat5. 4 turn onsBiting, slapping (ass face and tits), being tied up or held down, and when he gets that mean look on his face and i know hes gonna be really rough with me ugh6. 4 turn offsI have had these experiences with almost every person I've been with except Nik..bad hygiene, being rushed (you cum yet?), bad oral and when i tell them what would feel good they dont listen..and worst of all sex that feels half assed. They just want to cum real quick, theres no passion or effort, they don't care if they please you at all. Fucking horrible..7. My best friendIn cali my best friend here besides Nik is Ashley, and I get to live with them both its awesome! In Florida I cant choose one cuz ive known them all forever and love those dudes..Mels, Denzel, Brauston, and Alicia8. Sexual orientationBisexual9. My best first dateWith Nikolas obviously 😉10. How tall i am5'611. What do I missMy friends and family back home12: What time were I born3:55pm13: Favourite colorGreen14: Do I have a crushOn my boyfriend😂15: Favourite quoteIdk man16: Favourite placeHard to choose one, maybe my bed😂17: Favourite foodI hate favorites..pizza and wings18: Do I use sarcasmNever :)19: What am I listening to right nowSlayer 20: First thing I notice in new personIf they're fuckin rude or not21: Shoe size822: Eye colorBrown23: Hair colorLight brownish? Auburn?24: Favourite style of clothingBlack25: Ever done a prank call?Yup27: Meaning behind my URLKirk twerkin28: Favourite movieKung Fury29: Favourite songCant choose30: Favourite bandStill cant choose my dude31: How I feel right nowMeh32: Someone I loveNik33: My current relationship statusIn love af its disgusting34: My relationship with my parentsPretty good these days35: Favourite holidayHalloween36: Tattoos and piercing i haveNips, lips, and ears37: Tattoos and piercing i wantA lot, whenever i get the money..38: The reason I joined TumblrMels made me join lol39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?I don't think he hates me, but i hate his bitch ass..40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?I used to get them from Nik but we live together so now he can just tell me lol41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?This morning42: When did I last hold hands?Yesterday43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?15mins, its caffeinating myself that can take time44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?Noooope45: Where am I right now?On BART46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?Nik, been a while since thats happened tho47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?Loud48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?Nope49: Am I excited for anything?For class to be over so i can relax lol...haven't even got there yet50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?Nik, Denzel, Brauston51: How often do I wear a fake smile?At work lmao52: When was the last time I hugged someone?Does my cat count? An hour ago lol53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?This would never happen, but I would go to jail if it did lol54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?Not that i know of?55: What is something I disliked about today?Nik had to work early and I've been sexually frustrated af56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?James57: What do I think about most?Nik and food are tied i think58: What’s my strangest talent?Idk59: Do I have any strange phobias?Eh not really60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?Behind61: What was the last lie I told?Not sure, probably at work lol62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?On the phone63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?Aliens yeah64: Do I believe in magic?Nah65: Do I believe in luck?Not really66: What’s the weather like right now?64 and clear skys67: What was the last book I’ve read?Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?Yesss69: Do I have any nicknames?Besides the ones Nik has for me no70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?Cut my knee open71: Do I spend money or save it?That shits gone pretty fast dont get to spend it on anything fun tho haha72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?Nah73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?My backpack has some pink on it74: Favourite animal?My cat😂75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?Fucking76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?Trump77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Nightcrawler78: How can you win my heart?Be Nikolas or James Hetfield79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?Nothing80: What is my favorite word?Fuck81: My top 5 blogs on tumblrIdk man i like a lot of yall82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?Someone please assasinate the orange one83: Do I have any relatives in jail?Not that i know of84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?Invisibility or time travel85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?Not sure86: What is my current desktop picture?Some nature pic bc i havent change it87: Had sex?On a daily basis my dude88: Bought condoms?Yes89: Gotten pregnant?No90: Failed a class?Yup91: Kissed a boy?Yup92: Kissed a girl?Yep93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?Yes, Nik94: Had job?Sadly95: Left the house without my wallet?Fucking yes!!!96: Bullied someone on the internet?No lol97: Had sex in public?A few days ago lmao98: Played on a sports team?Yep99: Smoked weed?This is where my extra money goes..sigh100: Did drugs?Nothing crazy but yeah101: Smoked cigarettes?Yes102: Drank alcohol?Yeah103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?Noo104: Been overweight?Nope105: Been underweight?Nope106: Been to a wedding?Yep107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?Yes lol108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?Yeah109: Been outside my home country?Not yet, but I plan on it110: Gotten my heart broken?Yeah couple years ago111: Been to a professional sports game?Yep112: Broken a bone?My finger lol113: Cut myself?A while ago114: Been to prom?Nope115: Been in airplane?Yes116: Fly by helicopter?No but I want to!!117: What concerts have I been to?Megadeth, Metallica, Exodus, Testament, Carcass, Slayer, Midnight, Kreator, Obituary, Children of Bodom, Rammstein, and a few more but those were the best ones118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?Quite a few times119: Learned another language?Some German and some ASL120: Wore make up?I wear mascara121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?Yeah122: Had oral sex?Yupppppp123: Dyed my hair?Yes124: Voted in a presidential election?Yep!125: Rode in an ambulance?Nope126: Had a surgery?No127: Met someone famous?Nope128: Stalked someone on a social network?A while ago hahah129: Peed outside?Yep130: Been fishing?Yes131: Helped with charity?I donate to greenpeace monthly132: Been rejected by a crush?Sorta133: Broken a mirror?Im sure I have, I def had a big ass mirror fall on my fuckin head one time tho!134: What do I want for birthday?Some dick😂135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?2 max, no idea about names, havent thought about it much136: Was I named after anyone?No137: Do I like my handwriting?Its a bit sloppy but yeah138: What was my favourite toy as a child?Barbies lol139: Favourite Tv Show?DBZ😂140: Where do I want to live when older?The forest, somewhere in Colorado maybe141: Play any musical instrument?Not well lol142: One of my scars, how did I get it?Accidentally stabbed myself at work143: Favourite pizza toping?Mushrooms144: Am I afraid of the dark?No, I need it to sleep145: Am I afraid of heights?A bit146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?Yes lmao, many times by my dad usually147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?Did you mean my last relationship😂😂148: What I’m really bad atProcrastination149: What my greatest achievments areGetting the fuck out of fl, some of my artwork, learning to cope with my depression150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to meProb something my ex said lol151: What I’d do if I won in a lotteryQuit my job, build a house, and open a cave bar (me and Ashley were just talkin about that)152: What do I like about myselfWell i guess i never stop trying even tho i fuck up a lot hahah153: My closest Tumblr friend@stalkhome-sindrone probably😁154: Something I fantasise aboutA stable income...Thanks for that big ass ask my anonymous dude!!😂To the rest of my followers, sorry for the long post and some of the tmi questions😊
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azkabcn-archive · 7 years
All the TMI questions! I can't wait to get to know you as well! - Secret Santa
Sorry for answering this so late, friend! I’ve had things come up that I’ve needed to deal with which has been just ugh…
Anyway, I am here now to give you the answers to all your burning questions ;)
I hope your December is going okay! 
1: What are you wearing?
Black and white striped turtleneck, black trousers, black blazer…. I like black okay…
2: Ever been in love?
Yep. It’s a nice feeling :)
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
Two breakups ago, it ended in a terrible, suicidal breakdown on my part, while he got on with his life. It was great. 
4: How tall are you?
5: How much do you weigh?
Around 9 stone, I think
6: Any tattoos do you want?
ALL OF THEM. In all siriusness though, I want a Canis Major on my left upper arm, the ending lyrics to Far Away by Nickelback (Keep breathing, cause I’m not leaving you anymore; believe it, hold on to me and never let me go) on my right upper arm because that’s my damn favourite song, a bunch of HP tats, you know what I just want to be inked all over
7: Any piercings that you want?
I’m debating on whether I want my nose done…
8: OTP?
I have many, but Wolfstar, Drarry, and Captain Swan are my top three…
9: Favorite Show?
Probably Lucifer. 
10: Favorite bands?
Nickelback, always number 1. Seether is great too though ngl
11: Something you miss?
Being happy. Being carefree. Having impeccable mental health. My only worry being missing the programmes on TV before school. I miss my entire childhood, is what I’m trying to say. A time when I wasn’t told to kill myself by my own mother. A time when I felt loved by my parents. A time when I wasn’t a disappointment. A time when I wanted to stay alive.
12: Favorite song?
Right now it’s All Too Well by Taylor Swift, but my all time favourite song is Far Away by Nickelback
13: How old are you?
14: Zodiac sign?
15: Hair Color?
16: Favorite Quote?
‘Until the very end’ - James Fleamont Potter
17: Favorite singer?
Taylor Swift. Shoot me. I don’t care.
18: Favorite color?
Probably green
19: Loud music or soft?
So loud it’s almost like I’m not thinking
20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
Into my brain where I get even more sad….
21: How long does it take you to shower?
Typically 10 minutes, but when I’m depressed I like to drown out everything with the gush of water so probably like an hour.
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Not more than 15 minutes
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
With myself, many times.
24: Turn on?
Things… ;)
25: Turn off?
My life.
26: The reason I joined Tumblr? 
For Johnlock, unfortunately… *sigh*
27: Fears?
Losing the people that make me happy, always having to be around people that hurt me.
28: Last thing that made you cry?
My mom…. how depressing is that?
29: Last time you cried?
This morning, as soon as I woke up, thanks to my mother. Yep.
30: Meaning behind your url
31: Last book you read?
I can’t remember, it’s been so long since I picked up a book *sobs*
32: Last song you listened to?
All Too Well by Taylor Swift
33: Last show you watched?
Lucifer, I think
34: Last person you talked to?
Physically, my dad
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
my partner @deer-irony (ilysm
36: Favorite food?
Probably lasagne 
37: Place you want to visit?
Idk, probably my bed
38: Last place you were?
At home, unfortunately
39: Do you have a crush?
Yeah, my relationship would get very awkward if I didn’t lmao
40: Last time you kissed someone?
Years ago. Thanks distance, ly2 
41: Last time you were insulted and what was it?
This morning, ‘you’re an idiot who’s never going to get anywhere in life’ 
42: What colour underwear are you wearing?
Blue, lmao
43: What colour shirt are you wearing?
Black and white
44: What colour bottoms are you wearing?
45: Wearing any bracelets?
46: Last sport you played?
Fuck knows, haven’t touched a sport since 2015
47: Last song you sang?
Love Story by Taylor Swift
48: Last prank call you remember doing?
Oh, it was years ago. I can’t remember omfg
49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
With my best friend this lunchtime
50: Favorite movie?
Definitely, Maybe (2008) dir. Adam Brooks
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serendipity-y · 7 years
;)))) all the numbers ;;;))))
this is really long, i'm sorry!!!tmi asks:1: What are you wearing?shorts and a tank top bc im in bed2: Ever been in love?nope (unless rowan or my dog counts)3: Ever had a terrible breakup?lmao what counts as terrible4: How tall are you?5 foot 45: How much do you weigh?like 100lbs?? idk 6: Any tattoos do you want?i want so many?? but i want a crescent moon on my wrist for my first one 7: Any piercings that you want?i already have my nose, lip, and ears pierced but i want a septum piercing or another lip piercing 8: OTP?rilaya9: Favorite Show?right now probably supernatural but overall probably teen titans (i stg if you make fun of me)10: Favorite bands?sleeping with sirens, good charlotte, 5 seconds of summer, a lot more that i don't feel like naming11: Something you miss?probably holding hands with someone (but i don't miss that specific someone)12: Favorite song?right now it's This Is What Makes Us Girls by my mom Lana Del Rey13: How old are you?15 (technically not yet but shhh)14: Zodiac sign?virgo!!15: Hair Color?red and blonde?? idk the dye is fading in an odd way16: Favorite Quote?"to die will be an awfully big adventure" bc i'm peter pan trash17: Favorite singer?lorde, melanie martinez, lana del rey, or sabrina carpenter 18: Favorite color?pale yellow 19: Loud music or soft? usually loud? but i like all music tbh20: Where do you go when you're sad?my room or the shower21: How long does it take you to shower?it depends,, if i'm happy/ okay it'll take like 15 minutes? but if i'm sad then it'll take 25-40 minutes bc i like sitting in hot water 22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?during school- 10 minutes, during the summer- 30 minutes23: Ever been in a physical fight?does it count if it was my sister?24: Turn on?no 25: Turn off?no 26: The reason I joined Tumblr?i honestly have no clue, probably because i wanted to be cool27: Fears?clowns, spiders, the dark28: Last thing that made you cry?freaking out because i thought i would have to see my cousin29: Last time you cried?today like three hours ago30: Meaning behind your urli like the word31: Last book you read?i'm in the middle of like five books so idk???32: Last song you listened to?never be by 5 seconds of summer33: Last show you watched?supernatural 34: Last person you talked to?aurora :)35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?idk what you're okay with me posting 36: Favorite food?pickles!!!!!37: Place you want to visit?france38: Last place you were?the park39: Do you have a crush?yes40: Last time you kissed someone?idk like five months ago?? probably longer??41: Last time you were insulted and what was it?i think someone called me a bitch or a feminazi a few weeks ago?? i can't remember 42: What color underwear are you wearing?black, like my soul43: What color shirt are you wearing?black, like my soul44: What color bottoms are you wearing?black, like my soul (i'm serious)45: Wearing any bracelets?nope, just hair ties 46: Last sport you played?probably basketball47: Last song you sang?never be by 5 seconds of summer 48: Last prank call you remember doing?my friend sarah called my friend mia's ""step- dad"" of sorts (he's an absolute dickbag), and told him that his order from Dildopolis: The Adult Store was ready for pickup (i'm serious)49: Last time you hung out with anyone?a few days ago i think50: Favorite movie?the blind side
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ratmonologue · 7 years
you knew it was coming aLL OF THEM
*darth vader voice* NOOOOOOOOO
1. Favorite action film? Does Raiders of the Lost Ark count as action? If so that2. What movie(s) could you watch over and over and not get tired of? JURASSIC PARK I’ve watched it about a trillion times by now and the soundtrack’s been stuck in my head for like a month straight and even now I’m kinda like “hey I should watch it YET AGAIN”3. Any old school favorites (pre-70s)? I don’t even remember how many pre-70s movies I’ve seen I’m so sorry Belle I know I’m a disappointment to you4. Top 5 directors? Idek if I can name five directors lmao5. Favorite dead actor/actress? Alan Rickman was pretty great
6. Favorite movie from the 90’s? JURASSIC PARK (apologies in advance for how many times I’m going to answer that)7. Ever been/are you such a hardcore fan of an actor actress you watched/will watch any movie they were/will be in? I tried with Harrison Ford a few years back. Watched a handful of movies but didn’t even come close to all of his. I watched a bunch of things solely because Richard Armitage was in them. And as soon I find Diego Luna’s spanish movies with subtitles I’m watching those8. What movie are you looking forward to coming out the most? THE LAST JEDI9. Pixar or Dreamworks? I like both but am not a diehard fan of either?10. Favorite animated movie? Disney’s Atlantis11. Favorite musical? …I’m gonna be controversial here and say the 2004 Phantom of the Opera movie because it was my introduction to the wonderful world of musicals in general so... Ooh or does Dr. Horrible count?12. Are you against book-to-movie adaptations? In theory I’m all for them. It’s just that in practice they’re rarely good.13. Your guilty pleasure movie(s)? The Outsiders. It’s not very good (like, at all) but everyone’s just so pretty (and now younger than me… yikes)14. Robin Williams or Eddie Murphy? Robin Williams15. Favorite chick flick? Legally Blonde and/or She’s The Man. I don’t really watch chick flicks so those are the only ones I can really think of16. Ever watched a movie just because you heard the effects were awesome? No17. Favorite indie film? I don’t even know honestly18. Favorite movie heroine? Princess Leia, Marion Ravenwood, probably others that I can’t think of rn19. Favorite movie action hero? Indiana Jones obviously20. Ever read a book so you could understand the movie? Not to understand the movie, no, but I’ve read books after seeing the movie because I enjoyed it and wanted to know more, because movies always leave things out.21. Favorite kids movie? Atlantis, Mulan, why is my brain malfunctioning there are many more…. OH and I loved the first two Ice Age movies22. Favorite Disney movie? see previous question23. Favorite movie soundtrack? JURASSIC PARK. Also the Lord of the Rings trilogy24. Movie that makes you cry every time? Serenity, Rogue One, and LotR: Return of the King25. VHS, DVD, or Blu-ray? We only have a DVD player out of those so26. Best experience going to the movies? I have two. One was when my friend Nicole and I went to the opening night of the first Hobbit movie, and while the movie itself was… kind of a disappointment, to put it mildly, we had a great time poking sleep-deprived fun at it and attempting to sing Thorin’s ridiculous bass notes (I was sick so I could actually kind of do it). The other was Rogue One; I was… not in the best emotional state going into that, or coming out of it for that matter (can I really call it a “best” experience if I sobbed my way through the last 40 minutes? discuss) but at the same time you know how when a movie or character comes along at the exact right moment in your life? Yeah. That.27. Top 5 actors? Currently Harrison Ford, Richard Armitage, Diego Luna, Nathan Fillion, Hugh Laurie28. Top 5 actresses? (It’s a testament to the fact that most movies are very gender-imbalanced that I’m having a much harder time thinking of actresses than actors) Daisy Ridley, Catherine Tate, Carrie Fisher, Lauren Lopez, Kate Winslet?29. Movie you completely regret seeing? Trainspotting was… strange. And very very TMI. There was also this German movie about a restaurant owner’s misadventures that was just no get this away from me this is cringey and gross and also just utter nonsense. I think I liveblogged it on the OT actually. I had to keep pausing and watching it in small chunks because I just couldn’t handle the terribleness all at once.30. Movie you wish was never made? That German movie. Most sequels and remakes (none of the German movie exist though, thank god).31. Movie your parent showed you? My mom showed us The Great Race, a 60s comedy about an automobile race (I’m imagining that in Tony Curtis’s voice, heh) around the world, and it’s wacko and completely amazing. On the other side of the coin, my dad let me watch Bladerunner when I was way too young for it…32. Last movie you watched? Probably Rogue One33. An overrated movie? Groundhog Day. It was so stupid34. An underrated movie? Atlantis. It’s one of the least-well-known Disney movies, which is crazy because it’s completely amazing35. Favorite comedy movie? SPACEBALLS36. Movie quote you live by? Now I’m just thinking of Spaceballs quotes. None of those are particularly good life advice…37. Movie quote that will always make you laugh? The “everything that happens now, is happening now” “go back to then!” “when? now?” “now!” “I can’t” “why” “we missed it” “when” “just now.” “……when will then be now?” “SOON.” exchange from Spaceballs is PURE GOLD38. Film(s) you’ve watched on a date? Jurassic World. The movie sucked, but the date was fun. There was also one about a recovering heroin addict and his pet cat, which I should have taken as a sign that the dude I was with was not a good match for me. There were also plenty of movie/tv-show ‘dates’ outside of movie theaters.39. Favorite cult film? I don’t think it’s well-known enough to count as a cult film as such but it was on Mystery Science Theater 3000, so…. Teenagers From Outer Space, made in the fifties on an approximately $20 budget with no actual teenage actors. It’s…. it’s an experience in so-bad-it’s-good-ness. Cannot recommend highly enough.40. Directors you’d like to see work together? I don’t pay attention to these things I’m sorry I don’t know41. Actors you’d like to see work together? Everyone from the BBC already has worked together42. Films you wanted to watch, but never got around to watching? Pretty much any so-called classic film you can think of43. Favorite teen movie? It was more elementary school than teen, but The Lizzie McGuire Movie was pretty iconic. (Also I’ve seen a grand total of, like, three “teen movies” so)44. Top 5 favorite films? Raiders of the Lost Ark, Jurassic Park, LotR: Return of the King, can I count the entire Star Wars series as one, and Spaceballs. Such a wide repertoire I know45. Favorite superhero film? Uh….. Thor? Maybe….? That’s solely because of Hemsworth’s and Hiddleston’s faces though. Maybe Guardians of the Galaxy?46. Favorite cop film? The Fugitive isn’t a cop movie but Tommy Lee Jones was a great cop in it so that? (I can’t even think of any cop movies I’m sorry)47. Favorite road trip film? The Great Race, simply because it’s also the only one I can think of48. A disappointing film from your favorite actor? Diego Luna was not exactly a main character in Elysium but I still watched it solely because of him and then his extremely underdeveloped character was killed off halfway through to motivate Matt Damon and basically that movie was a dumpster fire. But, like, a really boring dumpster fire. I think I’d rather watch a literal dumpster fire, actually….49. A disappointing film from your favorite director? I wouldn’t say Peter Jackson is my favorite director my any means, but LotR was amazing and then The Hobbit movies happened and just… why…… why would you do this…..50. The first movie you ever remember watching in theaters? I don’t remember. Maybe one of the Ice Age movies?51. A movie that was better than the book? I wouldn’t say Jurassic Park was better than the book because it left out so much cool stuff, but I did actually like many of the changes they made. And I also saw it before reading the book so that probably helped my opinion of it quite a bit.52. Vin Diesel or Bruce Willis? Vin Diesel was the Iron Giant and Groot so him53. A movie that not many have heard of that you’ve seen? Nobody I know has heard of Teenagers From Outer Space. (How did I hear of it, you might ask? It was on tv at three in the morning and I was really really bored that night)54. A movie that changed the way you view the world? The LotR trilogy certainly changed the way I view New Zealand. I wanna go there.55. Favorite sci-fi movie? I know Star Wars is more space opera than actual sci-fi but I’m answering that anyway.56. Movie you completely nerd-out over every time it’s mentioned? Really any of my faves57. Movie that you’ve seen all the behind-the-scenes action for? Not all because there’s so damn much of it, but I’ve definitely watched a majority of the LotR behind the scenes stuff.58. Movie where your favorite actor was the only good part? Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights was absolutely AWFUL and I enjoyed it immensely, because tiny Diego Luna dancing and being otherwise adorable. That being said he was the only one that knew remotely what acting even was and the parts when he wasn’t onscreen were just… really bad. The script was also awful, but at least it was unpredictable (because it made no sense). At least it was the entertaining kind of dumpster fire.59. Movie from an actor you hate that was better than you expected? First I need to think of an actor I hate….60. Most visually stunning movie you’ve seen? LotR was just beginning-to-end scenery porn.61. A movie your parents introduced you to? Didn’t I already answer this62. Favorite genre? “Soft” sci-fi and/or space opera is usually a good bet. Alternately, anything at all involving archaeology. And if you combine them I’ll love you forever.63. Least favorite genre? Romance. I’d like an actual plot, please64. Comedy movie that you didn’t find funny? Most of the ones I’ve seen tbh65. Horror movie that didn’t scare you? Also most of them, but I rarely watch horror66. Favorite remake of an old movie? I can’t actually think of any where I’ve seen both the original and the remake67. A movie that started a passion for you? Jurassic Park. My dinosaur phase lasted into high school….68. A movie that sparked an interesting conversation? Also most of my faves. Though whether those conversations were interesting for the other person too remains up for debate.69. The main movie you remember from your childhood? Star Wars: A New Hope70. The first movie you saw on it’s opening night? The first Hobbit movie71. A move that made you ache for love. ? Is this asking for a movie that hurt because I loved it so much, or a movie that made me want to find love in my real life, or…? (I guess Rogue One for both? It was painful af and I really want a Cassian, so)
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TMI, you've been warned
So I went out with my friends today (to go dress shopping and also to watch endgame and get a meal)
So I told myself to not worry about food for once, they know about my eating habits (also my ed but they think I'm recovered) so I didn't want them to be suspicious. I LITERALLY gorged myself, here's a gist (no calories because I don't want to trigger myself)
- medium McDonald fries + curry sauce
- starberries and cream Costa crap
- brownie, also from costa
- tango ice blast
- magic stars (the chocolate)
- a MASSIVE meal, a chicken wrap, chips and coleslaw
Okay so that doesn't look like a lot but I was literally stuffed (still am), but as soon as I finish the wrap meal my stomach starts twisting (probably from all the food) and I swear to the lord I knew I'd be on the toilet the second I came home.
So, ya girl all but SPRINTS up the damn stairs and goes to the bathroom, and I'm sat on the toilet for a HEFTY amount of time.
I'm shitting like there is NOTHING between my bowles and the toilet and Jesus did it hurt.
So I'm done, the poop fest is over and im like wait, after that I wonder how much I've gained since the morning? Probably still like 1-2kg since I was literally so full, right?
So I hippity hop my way to my room and grab my scale, and weigh myself.
BOI, I was 53.4 this morning???? How the holy hell is that possible?
So I check a few more times and it's the same
Then I wait a few minutes and weigh myself again, and it says 53.85!!!
I was NOT happy, so I moved my scale to where I usually weigh myself (I like to weigh myself in different bits of my bathroom to check it's accurate, idk a weird ed thing I guess!??) And it says 53.65???
So I hop on my scale three more times, in two different places and it still say 53.65?
I'm assuming it glitched when it went higher because I dropped water on, and I put my underwear on (I weigh completely naked with nothing, not even a hair type or a ring- even my Fitbit comes off)
So yeah? Idk I'm very weird right now because 53.65????
After a day of literally eating till my stomach hurts???
And only a 0.25kg gain? That's insane!!!
Hopefully tomorrow I've lost a whole bunch but a girl can only hope
Sorry for the long post lmao
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50shadesof707 · 6 years
i have conflicted feelings. (photos of doggos under cut as well as a story) also vet/animal questions!
little backstory first: my grandmas doggo, fluffy, just passed away this morning, on my grandmas birthday of all days as well. we lost my grandpa back in 2013, so she was really upset when fluffy had two seizures (i saw the first one at 6 am thank god i was awake and knew what was happening bc my grandma would’ve had no idea) in three days and had some fluid in her heart. she got some medicine from the vet and she seemed to be doing okay but two nights ago she was breathing really hard and her heart was beating fast, i could hear it loud and clear when she followed me to the bathroom. my grandma went to her sons for the night last night, and fluffy wouldn’t eat or drink or take her medicine. my grandma got back this morning and she just passed, i’m not sure how it happened. but my guess is congestive heart failure since she was still coughing a bit, especially at night. rugged breathing, she was falling over some and kinda twitched like something would poke her left eye. fluffy was turning 12 this fall i believe. she also had a heart murmur that she was born with i believe. she’s going to be cremated i think.
but anyway, my mum called me this morning (i knew then, also when i just woke up randomly right before she called, i guess something felt “off” all night) to tell me i should maybe go see my grandma, because fluffy passed. i told her i didn’t really want to, which she said was fine. but i don’t really want to see my grandma until she gets over this. i feel like a horrible person because that’s really unlike me. she was talking to me on the phone the other day and said she really appreciated me watching fluffy and for all the stuff i do, and then she started crying bc she didn’t want to lose fluffy. this was after fluffy had pooped outside, came in and threw up, then right as i was about to clean it she pooped on her puppy pad, which at least she did it there (almost on a shoe that was on it though) and i think her getting sick upset my grandma, even though her and my mum fed her a few too many fries the night before, which is what was in her throw up, TMI sorry.
if a doggo ever has a seizure and you’re there, make sure they won’t hurt themselves on anything around them, don’t move them! if you need to, do it gently by their hind legs. if you can, get them on carpet or grass without rocks, something soft. they may vocalize(whine, etc), pee, poop, stiffen muscles, etc. while having one. keep track of the time, and if it’s 5 minutes long they can injure themselves and that calls for a vet visit that day. 2-3+ in a month = vet visit asap. 2+ in a short amount of time/month = vet visit asap. let them move when they’re ready, they’ll be confused and disoriented after, get them some water and just comfort them. let them move and drink when they’re ready.
ANYWAY, i just feel like a horrible person, because i don’t want to tell her that it’s fine and it’ll be okay. she’s someone who would see this as the end of the world, which in a sense it is i guess. but i just hate telling people that something is fine or alright, when it really isn’t. they need the time to mourn (celebrate life instead) and when they’re in that mindset, they don’t really listen to people and things along those lines. almost like they’re not self-aware anymore and just let emotions take over for a while. when in reality, it will be okay. death and shitty things happen, but you can’t let them take control over your life and control it. i just feel bad for having that mindset because obviously everyone is different and handles situations differently, but still. it almost feels like “it’s okay” “it’ll be fine” “it’s alright” have lost their full meaning since so much shit happens these days and everyone’s always saying them like it really helps and fixes things. that’s a different story nevermind. I’M CONFLICTED PLEASE HELP
i also feel like a weight has been lifted, kind of like that worry is gone, which is bad but good? i was worried she’d just pass when she was with me while my grandma was sleeping (she did that a lot more after her seizures ? she wouldn’t stay in bed with my grandma she wanted to be with me) like i haven’t exactly cried over this yet but i saw a post about SHINee and teared up, and when Jonghyun passed i wasn’t a fan nor into kpop, i avoided it for like two years bc i would get sucked in and now here i am, sucked in.
1. what does congestive heart failure do? like, does the dog just kind of, pass? is it painful for them?
2. could it have been prevented if my grandma didn’t give fluffy her medicine at like 10 am and 4 pm and actually during morning and night like it should’ve? and not skipped a day or two because it “makes her pee and no one will watch her” which is FALSE
3. why did fluffy start wanting to stay out in the living room with me and not sleep with my grandma? my grandma said someone said it was about feeling secure around me?
4. can that ^ be caused by her seizures? i was with her when the first one happened
5. could chf be treated/cured and would she have been fine if something were done differently?
side note: my grandma stays at our house pretty much every night and i remember when she first got fluffy (i asked if she bites and she goes “yeah!” she nibbled my hair and ears), i watched her maybe once a week, so she was practically part of this house along with my current dog. we lost my first dog after she had surgery and formed a blood clot (10% chance of happening) back November 2014, and that was really rough. not a day goes by when i still don’t think about her. she was the best.
i’m also kind of afraid to put this out there because i don’t want people telling me this is wrong, etc etc.
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top is one of the last photos i took of fluffy before we took her to the vet i believe, knowing it would be one of the last so i wanted one that, hmm, i don’t really know how to describe it.
bottom is my doggo chance, and fluffy in a rare occurrence lmao. she usually wouldn’t let him up if any of us are sitting and she’s up there, but i think he was up there first this time.
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waltersskinner · 7 years
No one tagged me in this, but I’m procrastinating writing a paper right now, so it’s happening. 
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours. When you’re done, tag some people.
a - age: 21
b - biggest fear: lmao failure
c - current time: 10:19 pm
d - drink you last had: water
e - every day starts with: snoozing my alarm a bunch of times and then dragging my ass into the shower
f - favorite song: no
g - ghosts, are they real: yeah, probably
h - hometown: sorry tmi for tumblr
i - in love with: the thought of the tornado that we were just issued a warning about coming and killing me so that i don’t have to finish writing this brief
j - jealous of: people who don’t have to write a 25 page brief
k - killed someone: nope
l - last time you cried: last week??? i reread one of my favorite books and then started thinking about it and Realized something i never thought about before and then cried about it
m - middle name: again tmi. gotta keep that anonymity for when i’m famous
n - number of siblings: 1 sister
o - one wish: that this brief would be finished and i wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore
p- person you last called/texted: texted- my sister. called- my mom. i’m super cool
q - questions you’re always asked: recently it’s “what are you doing this summer?” which is driving me crazy because i don’t have an internship yet
s  - song last sung: i don’t really sing? i listen to music, but i never sing it out loud. 
t - time you woke up: yikes this morning my alarm went off at 7:20 and i did the biggest lol no and decided it was a dry shampoo sort of day and rolled over until 8:10
u - underwear color: blue atm
w - worst habit(s): procrastinating and my fucked up sleep schedule
x - x-rays you’ve had: A Lot. i was a clumsy kid and i’ve broken bones and had other injuries. also i’ve had a lot of sinus/chest infections that i’ve had to get x rays for, plus dental stuff over the years
y - your favorite food: i learned how to make homemade alfredo sauce recently that’s really good and easy, so i’ve been doing a lot of chicken alfredo lately
z- zodiac sign: scorpio
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