#this is the ugliest thing I’ve ever created
cringedog · 3 months
Never felt so out of touch with fashion trends than when we were asked to create mood boards for our dream tote bag in a design class in college and half the women (+1 gay man) in the room independently referenced this one marc jacobs bag that is in my opinion one of the ugliest things I’ve ever seen
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sebastianvora · 4 months
— LOCATION: Wherever Ruairi's D&D campaign members meet.
— CHARACTERS: Sebastian & Ruairi ( @ruairimacarthy ).
To make one thing abundantly clear: Sebastian didn’t know shit about Dungeons and Dragons. Aside from the random run-ins with members of the D&D club in high school, or the odd acquaintance that would attend a campaign with their other friends on weekends, he wasn’t as immersed in the world of 'nerdy' interests as much as others often assumed him to be. Not due to lack of interest, necessarily — he thought dragons were dope and he’d kill to explore a dungeon like those sick knights in medieval times — but lack of understanding, clearly. So when his buddy, Pep, got involved in a bi-weekly campaign of her own and spread the word to Sebastian, insisting that he join in on a session or two just to feel out the vibes, he thought, why not?
Of course, Pep also insisted on all of this planning that she should have known damn well Sebastian wasn’t going to commit to — something about rolling dice to create his character, wherein she lost him when she pulled out a whole spreadsheet from her binder to ‘help’. He wasn’t going to do any of that. Still didn’t do any of that, despite plopping his ass on one of the empty chairs between Pep and who he’d come to know as Ruairi, and reaching forward to grab one of the mini figurines displayed on the table ahead of them. “Oh, shit, the fuck is this?” There was laughter laced within his words as he turned the troll over between his fingers, inspecting it. “This is, like, the ugliest fucking dude I’ve ever seen — this your guy?” He turned to Ruairi with a raised brow of curiosity. “No offense.”
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firstsprinces · 9 months
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Thank you @anincompletelist for not only tagging me but for also creating this tag game! It's a brilliant and fun way to share an introduction to ourselves and our works that mean so much to us. I can't wait to fully dive and immerse myself into the worlds you've created and shared, and what others will be sharing because of this as well!
I also can’t wait to do this properly in 2024 when I’ll finally have some of these fics published!
I’ve chosen to share three of my WIPs that I’ve briefly shared since creating this account at the end of September this year. All three snippets of these haven’t been shared in either a WIP Wednesday or a Six/Seven Sentence Sunday yet, so they’re all a little treat for you all as you have very, very, very, patiently been waiting for me to light a fire under myself to get these published!
Unfortunately, this means I don't have links to these to share yet, but once I do this post will be updated!
At Another Place in Time (You Were Infinitely Mine) [WIP]
His eyes glance up to the ceiling above the bed first, and a sharp pang begins to flicker in his chest at the sight as the memories of staring upwards for hours rush back to him. He can see himself as a child pointing and drawing invisible lines to make connections between a galaxy he had created himself. This had been the one part of the cabin that Alex had thought had been his safe space. He can see the younger version of himself gradually becoming a teenager who still believed there had been magic just above his head. Now, if the sun creeps through the window at just the right angle, all Alex can see are the remnants of those damn glow-in-the-dark stars that had betrayed him all those years ago. This had been the one part of the cabin that Alex had thought had been his safe space, but then the two most important wishes he’s ever made in his life hadn’t been fulfilled and had seemingly been thrown back in his face in the ugliest ways. The stars may have fallen or had been torn off the ceiling in an angered teen-aged rage because of their deceit, but the glue remains and gives those once plastic shapes of promise a permanent haunting of everything Alex has ever yearned for. As the piercing pain continues to take over the rhythmic beats of his heart, Alex’s jaw clenches because even after all the time and devastation these stars have caused for him, he can’t help but want to stand underneath all of those and trace his fingers over the sticky smudge from the star he had claimed to be his favorite. That star had also been the one he lost first and the moment he had realized it had been missing from his self-made constellation, he had placed all the blame of the pieces of his life that have fallen apart onto it. Its neon glow had been a disguise in the form of an entrancing invitation to the blackhole of despair it truly is.
The WIP I'm Promising to Start Posting in January (It has a title, but I'm keeping it a secret)
Months after his father’s funeral, his mother had told him the opposite. It had actually been Henry who’d given his father the enlightenment to embrace all new discoveries and to always keep chasing them because they’re remarkably never-ending. Always live as though the world keeps creating things to stumble upon on purpose. Accidents may happen along the way, but those are also little surprises that will lead to something far grander. As a child Henry had been more animated and curious than his two siblings, but he’d also been overly cautious and kept to himself when necessary. It had been his father who would tell Henry that he shouldn’t be afraid of unknown things, so why would his mother tell him otherwise? What would Henry have given someone with more life experiences than he had? Their relationship had always been different than his ones with Phillip and Beatrice. Though Arthur always made sure to give each of his children their own moments just between the two of them, Catherine had let the secret out to Henry that his favorite discovery had been witnessing Henry experience the world around him. After the confession, Henry made the promise to his father after his passing that he’d take his father on every new adventure with him to make sure he’d never miss out, and in those adventures, he’d find out who he truly is and embrace himself as the wonderment his father believes he is. He places the last and only photograph he has of him and his father back down on his desk, his pointer finger skimming his greyed blurry face that doesn’t resemble the fact his father’s memory will never become dull or unclear.
Start Again with Steady Hands [the Stable Boy! Alex AU WIP]
This time Alex doesn’t turn on the lamp in front of the window because he’s sure Henry won’t be sneaking out from the palace tonight to come and see him. He won’t be opening the cottage door and see either bravery or vulnerability in his eyes. Neither of them will be reaching with hands that don’t have to recoil and reject the one thing that’s the most certain to them. A touch from Henry may burn him, but the invisible branding on his skin from his fingertips is electric – an igniter that reminds Alex that he’s alive. It’s the first night alone where Alex notices how cold the bedroom is and knows for certain that being surrounded by warmth is just an extension of being in Henry’s presence. The light may not be calling out to Henry tonight, but Alex is still looking out the window into the dark and wondering if Henry’s staring out one of the palace’s windows back at him. He wants to know if the tension he’s feeling is because Henry’s back to forcing himself to push away the pull Alex has on him. He’s calling with his heart in hopes Henry’s can hear it and that there will be a response that’s not going to say that this is the end.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little insight into the works that I'm in the process of that I'm also really proud of!
I can't wait to go through this tag and read everyone else's!
Tagging: @priincebutt
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twixremix · 2 years
lemme get mad at a few things to get it outta my system - if u are an NFT/AI enjoyer, do not read or else u will come for my clavicle. i do not want to lose my clavicle.
absolutely heartbreaking that a teacher that always preached critical thinking and expanding our world-view fell for an NFT pyramid scheme. ugliest fuckin’ slack-jawed apes with slapped-on clothes just to flex ur disposable income and “communities” full of desparate “forward-thinkers” aka scam victims. sad!
and another thing! AI is a great TOOL but if it ever EVER replaces a majority of human-led artistic expression and the joy of creating for a living or hobby, i will either destroy the host servers of the AI myself or destroy my brain’s host server myself.
i create for a living and as a hobby. it gives my life meaning and challenges me. i use AI as tools to problem solve and maybe develop different style frames outside of what i was thinking. if i’m out of a job completely bc a machine can do everything i dedicated my LIFE to learn, what’s the fuckin point? yeah sure i can become a teacher, child life specialist, or therapist like i’ve wanted as back-up careers but…. i have goals and dreams in THIS career. and who knows if AI will replace those fields too. stop praising AI for doing shitty rotoscope renders and hyping up how the future of this industry will be automated. i have so many friends in artistic fields that i’ve watched GROW in their skills and knowledge for most of their lives too. do not erase that journey completely with your 2 sentence prompts in ChatGPT.
when people discuss the future of the internet, all i see is AI-generated everything, pages saturated in ads, and content without passion because it’s either made by a machine or contains no love from the artist bc how can we ever win against AI when it costs less and is more of a selling point for likes/reposts than human artists
what a mess of thoughts…. all this to say, i have a very low tolerance when it comes to AI. i love it if it is my collaborator/co-worker. but if it takes my job and my love for the craft, it will also take my life along with it
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sillyengineerperson · 10 months
Okay so there’s this girl that I like and I’m just trying to figure out if she was flirting with me or not because sometimes I can read people really easily but then sometimes I’ve got no clue or I just second guess everything.
So, in maths on Wednesday we were doing collaborative work and me and her were paired together. And half our conversations during this lesson were what I can only describe as nerd flirting (we both take maths and further maths. We’re are nerds.) (also if it even was flirting idk). This is one of those conversations:
Me: (drawing a graph bc that’s what the question wants)
Her: so the y-intercept is this and.. (you get the idea)
Me: (steps back from the whiteboard we’re working on) cool
Her: (steps forward to stand next to me to look at the graph) that’s the ugliest graph I’ve ever seen
Me: (pretending to be offended) are you insulting my amazing graph?!
Her: no! I’m only saying it’s bad because I helped create it. If you’d done it on your own it would be beautiful.
Is there a vibe there? Am I reading too much into this? I’m bad at these things. Once I got friendzoned by this guy before I even realised I liked him 💀
Yeah idk help!
Also I swear to I don’t even know what, if she somehow sees this, hi 👋. Can you just pretend you never read any of this? thanks 🙃
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banana-pancake5 · 10 months
This is my HONEST opinion on rottmnt. i wanna rant about it so if you don’t wanna hear criticism just uh.. don’t read it lol (it’s also a small comparison to 2012)
Rottmnt 1st season… I hate it (BUT HEAR ME OUT IT GETS BETTER)
Like they don’t take anything seriously and I hate that. I will admit there a couple of funny moments and good quotes but overall the 1st season is just bad.
Oh you just found out that Draxum created you? WHO CARES! oh another really serious moment? HERES A DUMB JOKE! And we’re just never gonna talk about that again!
Oh and can I go on a little rant about the characters real quick?
Let me think of EVERY Character I like in rise…. DONNIE (the best character ever he is amazing) then Leo (he’s pretty funny but it took me longer to like him) and then April (she’s a good character but I still find her annoying at times) AND THATS ALL! I ONLY LIKE 3 CHARACTERS
My problems with the other characters:
And splinter… he is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen I hate looking at him. He’s nasty. Also he’s a really bad parent. But Lou Jitsu’s design is great! I wish they kept splinter as his early mutation form.
Now to s2! this season got much better!
They took things more seriously towards the end and it had funny jokes! But also again there’s just Mikey who gets 0 character development and is just annoying. HE IS SO ANNOYING!! I know “Dr. delicate touch” is supposed to be soooo funny. but I hate it. He is cruel and heartless but I guess that’s the joke? Not funny to me. Dr. Feelings was funny though I liked that thing but that’s the only time I’ve liked Mikey.
The s2 finales were great! Raph gets character development, Leo gets to show off his strategy skills, and Splinter gets to be a better dad!
THE MOVIE THOUGH! LITERALLY AMAZING!!! All the missing angst and seriousness from the show was aggressively shoved into the movie and that made it SO GOOD! The first five minutes were a shocker. The rest of the movie I was on the edge of my seat. It was amazing!
So basically I don’t like the show. The movie is great! But the show still kinda sucks :/
It is HARD to separate the fandom from the show. The fandom has definitely effected my outlook on the show and made me like it a lot more. But if I look at JUST the show I still don’t like it. Seriously tho i love this fandom it’s so wholesome and the art is amazing!
So anyway that’s my opinion on rottmnt feel free to tell me why I’m wrong in an ask. And thank you to anyone who reads this :)
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morosecloud · 1 year
i love art. i just created the ugliest thing i’ve ever seen in my life and i was in awe of the power of creation. what the hell am i looking at? this monstrosity i have created is the greatest and worst thing i have ever seen. i love art
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volterran-wine · 2 years
Would you say caius committed a genocide against cotm?
• — 𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐭 𝐚 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞?
ᴅɪꜱᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀ: I’ve formulated my answer according to the incomplete and left much to be desired canon that Stephenie Meyer has put out for her audience’s consumption along with an acknowledged love of the characters and desire to make them somewhat redeemable. Were I given any other variables before writing them the answer of “if Caius committed a genocide” is subject to change.
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This question has been in my inbox ever since I wrote one of my prompts for October, and I fully understand why this was sent in. First I want to say that this word - ‘Genocide’ is an exceptionally serious and loaded word I do not throw around lightly. It is why I have not used it before on the blog, out of respect for people who have actually experienced this. But I do think many people sit and wonder when it comes to Caius, so I will answer to the best of my ability.
First, let us define what a Child of The Moon is.
In canon COTM are not born the way they are, it is an affliction that is passed on from COTM to a human through bites; it is my guess that their saliva is what turns a human into a COTM. I very much interpret it as almost a curse that makes a humans life unbearable as they try to navigate it. Only in wolf form are they able to have some cognisant thought, but they will also slaughter humans on instinct and eat them. The most important thing to take away is that COTM are created, not born. They do not have a community, culture or region they call home.
Now, if we look at the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary the definition for the word ‘Genocide’ is as follows; 
“The murder of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group, with the aim of destroying that nation or group”
COTM are not an ethnic group nor a nation. I would not call it a race either seeing as though anyone can become a COTM, the circumstances of ones birth is irrelevant. Stephenie Meyer has also left us with no indication that they have a culture amongst themselves except sometimes traveling in pairs. It certainly is not a religion within canon, so that does not apply either in this case. 
By this definition I cannot call what Caius did a “Genocide”, if I were to put a label on it I would use the word “Massacre”.
I will also not use this word out of respect for people today who is in fact experiencing this, or still feel the ramification of it. Like I mentioned earlier in this post; it is an exceptionally serious and loaded word with a lot of history. It is one of the ugliest sides of humanity in my opinion. I will never minimize what Caius did, what he did was cruel and beyond inhumane for centuries. But I cannot compare it to a genocide due to the ramifications of that word.
And to make something clear, The Quileute Wolves are not werewolves; they are shapeshifters. They are not part of this conflict in anyway possible. They are born as they are, not created and The Volturi nor Caius are after them.
But regardless of definition; what he did was beyond cruel, and there is no way to excuse his actions. And for what it is worth; within my worldbuilding he is haunted by what he has done.
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nusaibaaaa · 1 year
passion can be ugly too
for the majority of my life i tried making myself more digestible. acceptable, likable, not come on too strong or too weak for certain people i thought really loved me. walking on eggshells. trying to win their approvals. but if they did love me, they wouldn’t try cutting the corners of my character and diluting who i am “to make me a better person.” people only do that when your character threatens them.
but these deep-seated, destructive feelings i hide have given me a breakthrough. “i will not water myself down to make me for digestible for you. you can choke.” you can choke and die, and i’ll watch. i will not try fitting myself into these microscopic boxes you hold and claim store all things perfect. i am much happier being flawed and imperfect than your slave or follower. i am euphoric for you to hate who i truly am than for you to love me for something i’m not. meanwhile i can continue hating you for pretending to be something you aren’t and who you really are. i could pray for it to change, i could supplicate and have faith but i don’t care anymore. you don’t appear in my duas any longer. and it’s fine by me if i don’t appear in yours; you’re only masquerading to be one of us anyway. disgust fills my veins— your self-righteous character thinking Islam needs to change, to reform, to adapt with this wretched “modern” world and your looking down on anyone who opposes or has a functioning brain stem. mean, you say? no dear. this is called being passionate. and i hate you with a passion. it’s almost art.
people think passion is always pretty, that it’s all rosy and dreamy and beguiling but the strongest kind of passion is ugly and unwanted. it’s rage fueled by years of wrongdoing, it’s grief, and it’s no wonder that these are what create the best works of any artist. it isn’t love— because, obviously, despite being the bearer of all my love you still turn out to be like this. it’s disgust, it’s when you realized you’ve been wronged and mistreated and the anger that rises with retaliation. so no, i don’t smile anymore when i see you. i don’t even talk to you let alone initiate small talk. i don’t give a damn about you. you have destroyed me too much to expect my heart to still beat at the sound of your name. all your promises are fake, and your words are wrapped with lies like tarpaulin. at least illusions are beautiful, they’re convincing and enjoyable but you’re none of these things in the slightest. people say truth is uglier but then there’s you, the ugliest, filthiest lie i’ve ever seen, i’ve ever interacted with and pretended like doesn’t break me.
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heterophobique · 1 year
It’s so wild realizing that my guy friend has actually been downplaying my intelligence and mansplaining things to me, things that I already know. There’s so much thinking over the last few days
We did a group project together and with 2 other classmates back in March. I did so much fuckin work on that, and the other day, he and I chatted on the phone about the project. I said that I think I did the most amount of work for the project, and he said, “no no. I think you and I were about equal with me maybe doing more. I was the group leader and had sooo many meetings with the professor about what to do. I then relayed that information to each of you. I also created the excel templates for the data entry.”
I just said “okay.” But in my head, I’ve been thinking sooo hard about this. Like no fucking way. Absolutely fucking not. He had 10-20 min long meetings with the prof every other week? Big fuckin deal. And he made ugly excel templates that look like they took a max of 4 min to make. And then I had to go in and fix the templates because they were so ugly and confusing to use. It took me maybe 5 or so min to fix his mess
And he often talks down to me about information. I know a lot about excel, google sheets, databases, nonsense stuff. I’m very smart with technology and figuring out how to problem solve and fix things. I learned how to fix my laptops back in the day without taking to an expert for help. I taught myself html and built entire websites all by myself from scratch. But because I don’t know every single technical term, I suddenly don’t know these things? He’d talk down to me whenever I’d talk about excel because I don’t know “the real terminology.” Bitch my entire fucking job for 4 fucking years was working with excel sheets on a daily fucking basis. I already know so much shit about that. I know so goddamn much. And he acts as if I know nothing because I don’t know “the real terminology.” Okay buddy. If he knows the real terminology, then why did he make the ugliest most useless excel sheets I’ve ever seen in my fucking life. Fucking Christ.
Now I’m just getting angry thinking about all of the ways he downplays my intelligence. Yesterday he tried explaining grants to me, and I sat there thinking, “I already know all of this. I’ve been involved with grant writing before. I learned a lot about it from one of my coworkers at my last job and I understand how it works. This is not new information to me.” Getting so fuckin pissed off. Why the hell was he explaining grants to me? I know what grants are, how they work, and how to apply to them. Just shut up.
There’s sooo many instances. Sooo many instances of him explaining things to me that I already know. Fucking hell
Also I always tell him that I already know what he’s talking about, but he always says that he’s explaining to help me better understand the technical terms and how to actually do things. Shut up
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catierambles · 2 years
It was dark, the air dry and hot. Walter and Syverson looked around but they didn’t see anything, unsurprising as they couldn’t even see the hands in front of their face.
“Where the hell are we?” Syverson asked.
“I don’t know, but we have to find her. She’s in here somewhere.” Walter said, “Clark, you see anything?”
“Movement, monsters.” Clark said, focusing his vision.
“Monsters?” Syverson asked.
“Best way I can describe them.” Clark said. A flare was thrown between them, the light creating a halo and they grouped as the “monsters” flinched back, skirting the edges.
“‘Bout time you guys showed up.” They turned, seeing the man that had entered the light. He was tall, and muscular, with a bald head and shining silver eyes. “Keep to the light, they can’t hurt you if you do.”
“Who the hell are you?” Syverson asked.
“Name’s Riddick. You lookin’ for Cate?” They nodded. “Thought so. She’s hiding right now, but I know where.”
“Hiding from what?” Walter asked and Riddick moved his head at the creatures circling them.
“Them.” He said, “Come on, I’ll take you to her.”
“That flare ain’t gonna last forever.” Syverson said and they jumped as glowing cables appeared wrapped around them, Riddick snorting without humor.
“The mind provides.” He said, “She must really like you guys if you’re here and not out there in the light.” He snorted again as Walter pulled the slide back on his pistol, chambering a round and Syverson checked his rifle. “Those ain’t gonna do shit. Take one out, one just pops up in its place.” Clark’s eyes flared red and there was a screech of pain, but the creature just got back up again, the wounds closing. “Told you. Been fightin’ these things going on…twenty years now? You learn the rules quickly enough.”
“Twenty years?” Syverson asked and Riddick nodded.
“That’s only as long as I’ve been here.” He said, “They didn’t have a form before that, but when I came in, they got one. Gave her something to focus on, not that it does much good, mind you. Let’s get moving.” They set off into the darkness, Riddick guiding the way but whispers pressed in on them from all sides.
Not good enough
“You’re the ugliest girl I’ve ever seen.”
“Why do you think you deserve it?”
Better off alone
Everyone will leave you
No one will ever love you
“You might as well kill yourself, no one will miss you.”
“The fuck?” Syverson asked.
“It’s them.” Riddick said, “They say this shit every day. Some days it’s whispered, others they yell it.”
“Every day?” Walter asked and he nodded. “There should be more of us.”
“They’ll make it here eventually.” Riddick shrugged, “Maybe.”
“Question,” Syverson started, “How do we stop it?”
“There’s a ship.” Riddick said, “She gets to it, we leave, and it’ll stop. I’ve never been able to get her to it, maybe you guys will have better luck.”
“Let’s just find her first.” Clark said and they kept moving forward, keeping an eye on the creatures moving just out of sight. They entered a canyon and they could see them skirting the edges, looking down at them, their claws digging into the rocks. Riddick stopped, gripping a large boulder and he shifted it aside, revealing a small cave in the rock face, glowing blue light coming from within.
“Hey, kiddo.” Riddick said gently and they pressed in close to him. They saw her then, but she was younger, only a child, with riotous red curls, wearing a nightgown. “I brought friends of yours.” She looked at them over his shoulder, a wide smile pulling at her face. The smile fell and she clutched her head.
“Don’t listen to them, sweetheart. We have you.” Walter said and Riddick stepped aside as she came out of the cave. She went up to Syverson and he picked her up in his arms, holding her tight on his hip as she buried her face in his shoulder, arms around his neck.
“We need to get her out of here.” He said and Riddick nodded.
“Ship is this way.” He said, “They’re going to get more aggressive the closer we get to it.”
“Why?” Syverson asked.
“They don’t want her to leave.” He said, “Hold onto her tight.” They moved off at a quick jog, running out of the canyon and across the landscape, the creatures pressing in on them tighter the further they got. They entered what used to be a settlement, the buildings empty and when they rounded a corner they could see the ship, the inside glowing with a warm, welcoming light. The creatures around them screeched as they approached it but just as they were about to get there, the ship stuttered, disappearing and reappearing farther away. “Fuck.”
“What’s going on?” Clark asked and Riddick sighed.
“Really hoped you guys would have been able to do it.” He said and she clung to Syverson tighter, but her form wavered and vanished like smoke.
“Cate?” He asked and Riddick gave him a sad look, shaking his head.
She curled up in the cave, holding her head in her hands and rocking back and forth slightly, hearing the monsters outside scratching to get in.
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missjanjie · 2 years
How bad do you think the drag race fandom’s problem with parasocial relationships is? Because I find myself regularly wanting to tell people to touch grass.
Okay, this is a valid feeling but kind of complicated/nuanced to answer. So it’s very long and I put it under a read more. TL;DR it’s not that bad of a problem if you know what to compare it to
I think a lot of these issues can be traced back to the cultural fixation on celebrity worship and how many people become famous for putting their whole lives out in the open and bank on people getting invested in it (the Kardashians are an obvious example here). We’ve created, essentially, a market for parasocial relationships to be encouraged as if they were fictional characters whose lives we feel like we have earned influence on.
Additionally, this not just happening to reality stars, so before I get into Drag Race I want to talk about one example turned into one of the ugliest cases of parasocial relationships taken too far that I’ve ever seen, and that is the case of Darren Criss. There is a reason I actively avoid talking about Glee outside of the safe space of my groupchat and a lot of it is tied to how a chunk of the fandom acted in regards to him and treated others by proxy. For starters, these fans were relentless in their insistence that Darren was secretly gay or bi, that his girlfriend (now wife) is a beard or even an emotionally abusive monster who is holding him back from his one true love and needs to be disposed of.
This also affected their treatment of Chris Colfer. Chris quickly became uncomfortable being shipped with Darren, as fans began sending him explicit fics and art without his consent, and doubled down when he expressed his displeasure. And don’t get me started on the treatment of his boyfriend during this time. These fans’ toxic parasocial relationship with Darren caused damage to the mental health and possibly even careers of those tangentially involved because of this gross lack of boundaries.
Comparatively, the Drag Race fandom really isn’t that bad, at least on tumblr. We’ve drawn a hard boundary of not sending fics to queens without consent, and even with consent most of us would rather shit in our hands and clap than volunteer our work. Do I think some fans emotionally invest too much in the queens? Yes. Do I think some fans project onto queens and/or their real life relationships and friendships in an unhealthy way? Yes. Would some people benefit from the occasional content consumption break? Probably. But I don’t think it’s as big of an issue as it may appear to be.
Drag Race might be your first fandom, I don’t know. If you haven’t experienced fandoms, especially toxic ones, you don’t know how genuinely horrible these parasocial relationships can be. That’s not even a bad thing, I’m glad you were able to pick up on something that understandably rubbed you the wrong way. But yeah, the problem exists, but it’s not terribly concerning.
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bellymouth · 2 years
Things are happening outside of my control and it’s making it a little hard to be creatively focused and that’s… upsetting, honestly. It’s like a weird form of burnout or something.
I’m fine and things will be fine; just have to brace for something that’s happening much quicker than I’d have ever guessed it would. Bummer, really
I don’t like dumping this kind of stuff on mutuals in like a one on one or whatever so I apologize for bringing think thoughts here lmao. Also kind of wanted to explain why there hasn’t been much personal art posted recently; I’m equal parts having difficulty creating and afraid that my work won’t be any good. I’ve gone back and fourth with deleting the twitter app because opening the app and putting pressure on myself to post gives me the ugliest anxiety these days. Very much hoping that feeling goes away soon
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haystarlight · 2 years
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I posted 8,758 times in 2022
That's 4,061 more posts than 2021!
327 posts created (4%)
8,431 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 737 of my posts in 2022
#willow's taste in men is immaculate - 104 posts
#the owl house - 91 posts
#toh spoilers - 73 posts
#huntlow - 72 posts
#the owl house spoilers - 57 posts
#uquiz - 50 posts
#hunter x willow - 43 posts
#luz noceda - 41 posts
#willow park - 35 posts
#hunter noceda - 33 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sometimes a family is a witch milf, her history nerd sister, her secret agent partner, her adopted daughter with ADHD, the bio mom who is the only “normal” person on the group, the last member of an extint species, another extint species who got brought back by unnatural means, a bad but sad boi, his weed farming girlfriend, their other friend who has gifted kid syndrome, three gay siblings who got disowned by their bio parents, two traitorous rebels, all of their animal familiars and literally the ugliest thing I’ve ever witnessed.
1,146 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
Another Uquiz!
Who are you in the “Every friend group should include” meme?
1,343 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
I love how, at first, everyone thought the appeal of Hunter was "Oh, he's a Bad But Sad Boy™, he's so cool and scary and mysterious, he wears leather jackets and boots and shirts with skulls on it, his hair is all long and perfect, he never smiles and he's emotionally distant"
But, in reality, it's more like "No, he's a huge, HUGE NERD, he wears crocs and Hawaiian shirts in the middle of autumn, he wears matching homemade Star Trek costumes with his little brother, he dresses like a giant chicken, his hair is a mess".
Y'all though you were getting a hot bad boy but you're getting a wet cat. And he's so much better.
1,986 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
“Hunter wants Willow to like him because he likes Willow (romantically and/or platonically, too)” and “Hunter wants Willow to like him because she is ‘Team Captain’, therefore she is an authority figure in his mind and Hunter always wants to impress authority figures” are both interpretations that can coexist. not mutually exclusive.
2,156 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
People from this country are always so beautiful
Tumblr media
(the flag is super pretty, too)
2,642 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
Have you ever gotten lost while on a road trip? Wait, this is going to sound really stupid but I just had a thought after reading this question: what exactly constitutes a road trip? You know what I mean, like I’ve been on long car rides, some were like 12 hours, but were those road trips or just long car rides? I feel like a road trip is specific thing. lmao, this is dumb but I’ve really never thought of it before now and I’m curious.
When did you last have some lemonade? I honestly have no idea. It’s been a very, very long time.
Who is your celebrity crush? Alexander Skarsgard.
If you had to choose a random color to dye your hair, what would you choose? I’d love to dye my hair red again. I really miss it.
What do you do when you feel restless? Well, that’s the hard part isn’t it? Feeling restless and trying to figure out what to do.
Do you take a lot of pictures of sunrises/sunsets? No.
Do you like the color orange? Sure.
Are you currently wearing a watch? No. I have no idea when the last time I wore a watch was.
When did you last have cereal? It’s been several years. Cereal does sound good.
What last made you anxious? My anxiety disorder.
What is something you were surprised to learn? I never knew until recently that Hawaii is actually pronounced like “Ha-va-ee.” Like, their “W” sounds like a “V.” I thought that was interesting.
Do you get flu vaccinations every year? No. I’ve never gotten one, actually.
Have you ever been on a doubledate? Yes.
What radio station do you listen to most? I haven’t listened to the radio in years.
Have you ever shunned a family member or vice versa? Not that extreme, but I’ve become very distant from certain family members and don’t have a relationship with them.
Favorite shade of blue? I love various shades of blue.
Favorite soup? French onion soup.
Do you like mangoes? No.
Do you prefer pancakes or waffles? Waffles, for sure.
If you create music playlists, what is the title of the last one you made? I don’t recall. I really just add all my songs to my main “Starred” playlist.
Would you or have you ever traveled to China? I haven’t, but I wouldn’t turn down a trip.
What's your height? Like 5′4.
What color do you wear most often? Black.
When taking a shower, do you turn on the water before getting in? Yes. I’m not trying to freeze my ass off.
What do you want most? To get better. Like to the point where I’m able to do things and more sense of independence. I miss traveling so much. Hell, I miss just going to the fucking grocery store.
What is an overused word you hear a lot? “Like.”
What do you currently hear? “Candy Rain” by Soul For Real.
What were the last 3 things you ate? Cream of Wheat, a couple pieces of toast, and a mini Reese’s shaped egg.
When did you last take a selfie? Gahhh, it’s been quite awhile. Too scary.
How is your mental health? It kicks my ass.
How much water do you drink in a day? I get pretty close to 8 glasses.
What are you thankful for currently? My family.
What animal do you think is the ugliest? Well, that’s mean.
If applicable, would you quit your job if you won the lottery? I don’t have a job, so see ya suckas! ha.
What is your favorite sleeping position? I sleep slightly turned to my left.
What are 3 scents you like? Patchouli, sandalwood, and cedar wood.
Have you ever thrown someone a surprise party? No.
What's an unpopular opinion you have politically? Bleh.
What's a type of cheese or cheese alternative that you enjoy? Oooh, I love various types of cheeses.
What is a kid activity that you would still do now as an adult? I love to color. In an adult coloring book, thank you very much. Haha. I’d still color in a kid’s one, too, let’s be real.
Do you like the scent of fresh cut grass? Meh.
If you were to go to a Disney themed costume party, what would you dress up as? Probably Alice. I actually already have the dress.
What is an ability you believe everyone should have? Uhhh.
What is the first thing you do after coming home from a trip? I’m someone who likes to unpack right away and not let shit sit in suitcases forever.
Name a song that's fun to sing along to. There’s a lot of those.
Do you know how your parents met? I do. They worked together at the time.
Do you believe love is blind? Sometimes. I think we can overlook certain things and be in denial.
Have you ever made a bet and lost? Yeah. Nothing serious, though.
If you owned a restaurant, what would you serve? *shrug* I’d want like a cozy cafe style vibe.
What's the fanciest event you've ever attended? I haven’t been to any fancy events.
What food tastes better than its appearance? I know meat can look off putting. I’m a picky meat eater (and eater in general) and yeah some of it might not be the best appearance wise.
Do you actively post on social media? On my main Tumblr I do. I’ve slowed down a lot on this survey blog, sadly. It feels like everyone has. I want to get it goin again
Do you believe in horoscopes? Nope.
What's a hobby you would like to get into? I think diamond art looks cool. I just know I don’t have the patience or focus ability for it.
Would you take the opportunity to become immortal? I don’t want to see all my loved ones die.
Do you experience intrusive thoughts? Sometimes. I think we all do.
What is a movie that makes you laugh? I think the last movie I watched was Meghan, ha. It had some chuckle moments.
What is the best name you've heard an animal named? I mean, my doggo, Princess Leia, is pretty dope.
Do you keep track of how many steps you take? No.
What's something that isn't really needed that you would not want to live without? Internet.
What would you name a yacht if you had one? I have no idea.
Morbid, I apologize. How do you think you'll die? Something health related.
What's something embarrassing you've said to someone? Gah, who knowsssss.
If you could have anything in a store for free, which store would you choose? I’d love to get a new MacBook.
For 1 day, what animal would you choose to be? A doggo.  They seem so happy and just like to like chill.
What woke you up this morning? My body naturally woke itself up.
Would you rather have many hobbies or 1 true passion? Hm. That’s actually a tough one. Many hobbies sounds fun, I like the variety. However, if I have my true passionate I’m like pretty much set, ya know? I found the thing I love and want to do and I imagine it would keep me busy.
I feel like every school has one. What was a school scandal your town's school had? Meh.
Do you save or spend more money? I’ve gotten a lot better with saving. I gotta give my hospital stay last year and the continued bedrest at home since then the credit for that. I’m not going anywhere and I’m kinda just cycling through a few of my shirts cause of comfortability and convenience factors. So, I’m not wearing much of my wardrobe at all right now, which sucks and also means I certainly don’t need any new clothes. It’s hard to get into looking at accessories and shoes as well cause again--not going anywhere. I miss shopping. :(
Do you listen to podcasts? I only watch this one, called, “Foolish Mortals”, and it’s Disney related stuff. I just really enjoy two cohosts and their own YouTube channels as well. They seem like cool dudes.
What is your favorite dish to cook? I don’t cook. I don’t even make ramen anymore.
If you have pets, what would you ask them if they could speak? Oh my goodness, soooo many things.
How do you deal with stress? Not well.
What compliment did you last receive? *shrug*
If you were president, what's one thing you'd change about your country? I absolutely would never like to be president. Ever.
Would you rather get a facial or massage? Maybe a facial.
If you were offered a super bowl ad, would you create a commercial and what would it be like? --
When did you last feel an adrenaline rush? It’s been a very long time since I’ve felt that.
Who is tallest in your family? My dad and brother.
What's the oldest article of clothing you own look like? They’re my high school class shirts.
When did you last mess something up? Oh buddy, I’ve been messing shit up for a very long time.
Do you write in a journal? This is it.
What's something you're confident in? Nothing...
Have you ever received a strange gift? Nah.
Do you currently have a headache? Not at the moment.
What's something you have on your bucket list? I want to travelllllllll.
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sleepybookdragon · 5 months
I Re-Made the UGLIEST thing I’ve ever made… and made it BEAUTIFUL😍 #shorts
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