#this is the sims 2 (2004) btw
baldursyourgate · 11 months
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when can I do this to my evil wife @ larian studios
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I was browsing old IKEA catalogues from 1995-2004 for autism reasons, trying to find an old IKEA throw blanket I had that I cannot find confirmation had ever existed on any IKEA index outside of it being in my memories and on a chair I own. (I found it, btw.)
I accidentally stumbled across something rather... controversy-inducing.
A lot of The Sims 2's furniture is just 90s IKEA.
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No, not just the IKEA stuff pack - that's mid-2000s IKEA, get it right! I mean 1990s IKEA.
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Canopy crib, anyone?
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I'll add more in a reblog, but those are nearly 1:1 with items in TS2.
The catalogues online are in Swedish but I have the English versions in storage in my garage. Besides the language change and a few small differences local to Sweden such as locations, colours, offers, and prices, the furniture was identical around the world.
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simstationdance · 10 days
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FUN FACT: The Sims 2 (2004) was released 3 days before the date upon which I was released from my mother's womb, therefore making me younger than The Sims 2 by 3 days as of September 14th 2024, but objectively older by 6 years as of September 17th 2024. The march of time is inevitable and frightening! Let's celebrate!
Admittedly I didn't have very much to give when it came to sharing content for the Sims 2's anniversary because I've been battling the Chronic Exhaustion Demon, but then I realized I still haven't released those hair colors I showed a while back. And then I realized I could share EVEN MORE content by spreading it out across a few days instead of condensing it into one day. And it just so happens that, as stated above, there are two special occasions (for me at least... lol) close together on the calendar. SO. HERE'S SOME COOOONTEEEENT.
Today's bundle is mainly a resource for creators who use GIMP 2.x, and includes 11 UNNATURAL HAIR COLORS in the form of Curves that can be used on just about any texture you want, as long as you use it on a Volatile base These only come in Curve form, but if anyone would like to convert them into Photoshop actions, you're more than welcome to.
The colors are named, in order of appearance above: Sapphire, Tanzanite, Azurite, Alexandrite, Moonstone, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Ruby, Entropy, Blue Moon, and Lily. You can read more about them under the cut.
(btw I made the Gemstone colors and the Alien black and brown a year ago, and I made Ruby and Lily this year, which is why they're in separate folders in the .zip)
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The Gemstone colors were inspired by, of course, gemstones. They were my first attempt at making a hair color palette of my own. Out of them all, Moonstone, Bloodstone, and Alexandrite are my favorites.
I wanted to go for something fantastical. I also wanted to push GIMP's Curve function to the limit and see how many shades I could put into one color without it looking like garbage.
I use Bloodstone, Moonstone, and Aquamarine as Red, Blond, and Grey respectively in my (still hypothetical) Alien hair color family.
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Entropy - intended to be alien "black", a very desaturated indigo color. since Alien sims born in game typically have black hair genetics (unless using a pt mod that changes this), I wanted it to really stand out against both the Maxis mint green and any alternative Alien themed skin tones despite its overall 'plainness'.
Blue Moon - intended to be alien "brown", I wanted to go for a color that was strange and unsettling in comparison to human brown hair. I think I originally intended it to be more blue but it came out more desaturated teal instead. Attempts to change this made it too similar to Entropy for my liking, so I left it as it is.
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These colors were originally created and named after the sims I specifically made them for, and I was going to use them only on a small handful of hairs. But I liked the shades so much that I decided to incorporate them into my personal palette. And so, with that in mind, it didn't feel right to keep them to myself.
'Lily' maintained its name as a color, but 'Ruby' was renamed to what it is now. In my game I bin them as Brown and Black respectively because they're meant to be considered 'dyes' in-universe and I wanted to be able to make their associated sims in CAS without having to make them go to the mirror in-game every time I put them in a new hood, but you can do whatever you want with them lol.
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xx-j4nu5-c4t5-xx · 5 months
Alright the poll was up for like two hours and five of you wanted the Tybalt dream have fun
I might need to put content warnings in here? There's a few mentions of death and blood but nothing in like excessively graphic detail. I'll put them in anyway just for good measure but know that they're not that bad.
TW: Mentions of blood and death
Y'all ready for this?
Okay, so I'm in my high school (again, for some reason)(I'm actually me this time, btw) and it's actively flooding via the fountain in the courtyard. Everyone's panicking. Pope Francis is there for some reason but he only shows up once and doesn't do anything so whatever. I run out of the side of the building that's further underwater (because apparently my school is lopsided as hell in this dream) and start bailing out the floodwater with a bucket. Really efficient.
I hear a voice yell something like "hey!" or whatever so I turn around and. Tybalt Capp. From the hit 2004 game Sims 2 for PC. Great.
Instead of asking me what's going on like I expected him to (because he was just running around panicking like everyone else a second ago) he just says, "Whose blood is that?"
At some point in the ordeal, I had scraped my leg or something. It was bad enough to be bleeding, but it wasn't really bad enough to be important. We had bigger fish to fry, at the time.
I try to explain what's going on and before I can even start he just snaps and starts shouting shit like, "YOU KILLED HER!"
And, naturally, I respond by going "TYBALT WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT" and trying to explain again.
But he won't stop screaming. "YOU KILLED HER!" "YOU KILLED THAT LITTLE GIRL!" I'm begging him to stop, begging him to tell me who the little girl is, but he's fucking insane. He isn't screaming like it's some news story he heard about, he's screaming like he's been fucking hunting me down for vengeance for the last ten years. Hell, he's screaming like the girl is right there in my arms or something.
(Quick aside here, if I might: Does Tybalt even have any lore relevant little girls in his life? I've never played Veronaville and it's been a hot minute since I read the original play so I'm not really sure. He's Juliet's cousin, I think, but she's definitely a teenager in both versions. Not really the type I'd refer to as a little girl. Who the hell is he even talking about???)
Anyway, I don't really know why but I got a little crazy myself and freaked the fuck out. Frustration from being talked over and survival instinct willed me to just start grabbing things and throwing them at him. I snatched an apple out of the blood-streaked floodwaters and flung it at his head so hard it made this diabolical CRACK! as it hit him square in the eye. Even in the dream I was taken aback, like jesus christ dude what was that for he didn't really deserve a concussion for freaking out good god almighty what's worng with me
Eventually we were running down a stairwell, and either he was chasing me or I was chasing him. It makes more sense if I'm chasing him, because he was in front of me on the stairs, but idk. What was I chasing him for? Whatever. He reaches the landing and just... stops. Right there. Dead in his tracks.
Mind you, we were CHASING each other. Throwing ourselves around the corners and practically jumping down the steps two or three at a time. And all of a sudden, he hits the bottom and freezes. I catch up to him and what's he looking at?
There's a body in the stairwell.
An entire human skeleton. It looks like it's been there for years. Shit's practically fossilized; I thought it was a Halloween decoration. But he's just staring at it, wide eyed, like he's trying to identify who it is. Who it was. There's still sounds of rushing water and screaming above us. The water's going to bust the doors and come crashing down on us any second.
But he won't move. Neither will I.
I turn to face him, and he's absolutely stunned. Mouth agape, eyes wide, still locked on the skeleton. He was so gobsmacked it woke me up.
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Here's an artistic recreation. I woke up with this image frozen in my mind.
Why do I always leave these dream worlds worse than I found them? I possessed some guy and made him have a sexuality crisis last time and now I've fucking traumatized Tybalt Capp what is happening to me
Anyway uh if anyone knows how to make that shit stop happening or at least make it nicer when my little guys show up in my dreams can you tell me? I don't know if I'm gonna handle it well if next time one of the ones I really like shows up and I'm forced to break their legs or something horrific like that
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gramarye · 7 months
Did/doing anything special for women day?
um not really but my partner came over and we um. trying to think of what we-- actually we did watch 3 episodes of kannazuki no miko. for #women
its from 2004 and we're kinda obsessed with 2004 its like the magic year for us... first episode of yugioh gx, the L word, md house, nintendo ds, sims 2, half-life 2... and kannazuki no miko and many others. great year
btw ive never seen koshka so obsessed with anyone else before. woke up at 3-4 am to my partner trying to gently move koshka off of them bc they wanted to switch positions and koshka just proceeded to knead them for very long and go back to sleeping on them LOLLL shes 100% cozy w mio
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contosane · 2 months
Boletim de Anelândia: #17 - Devagar e sempre (Autores e seus ritmos de escrita)
Publicada Originalmente em 5 de Maio de 2023.
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Olá, pessoas! E sejam bem-vindos a mais uma edição do nosso Boletim de Anelândia. Cá estou hoje para falar um pouco sobre como eu acabo escrevendo meus livros um pouco devagar - sobre o meu processo de escrita deixo para outra edição - e sobre muitos pensamentos que tenho acerca esse tema de quanto tempo levamos para escrever um livro. Peguem na minha mãozinha e vamos!
A autora que escreve igual uma tartaruga
Na edição passada falei um pouco sobre as histórias que nunca terminei e acho que acaba sendo tudo um efeito dominó. Porque eu tenho fogo de começar muita coisa, vai ficando tudo pelo caminho e acabo continuando cada uma aos pouquinhos. Escrevo um capítulo ali, outro acolá, fico uns bons meses sem escrever e depois volto, ai abandono de novo… Essas coisas! E bem, eu sempre tive bastante dificuldade em fazer uma grande quantidade de palavras em um dia só, o meu máximo são 2 mil num dia, porque se eu escrevesse mais que isso acho que ia ficar cansada… De verdade! Acho que um dos motivos também que causa lentidão na minha escrita é que sempre mantive a minha carreira como autora como uma coisa paralela. Ou eu era estudante ainda, tanto na escola quanto na faculdade, em épocas de estágio e agora trabalhando formalmente. Então, eu raramente conseguia dedicar meu tempo exclusivamente para a escrita, como tenho certeza que muitos autores fazem. Então, sim, eu sou uma escritora que leva um bocado de tempo para terminar o que escrever, porque tem muitos outros fatores na minha vida. Pode parecer que é só desculpa minha, mas é a minha realidade. Só que é outra coisa que eu falo brincando: Devagar e sempre. (Título dessa edição BTW.) Então, agora, vou aproveitar para falar sobre algumas histórias minhas e quanto tempo levei para terminar.
O livro que eu levei mais tempo foi…
A primeira versão de As Super Agentes e o livro das magias. Foram mais ou menos 8 anos escrevendo até o final, entre 2004 até 2012. E tudo isso para não usar nada e eu acabar repaginando a história que estou reescrevendo agora. Mas, a explicação é que como é efetivamente a minha primeira história muita coisa acaba sendo crua até demais, os personagens, os acontecimentos, as inspirações para a história. Mas, confesso que eu tenho um carinho enorme por esse livro que acompanhou boa parte da minha vida - por isso que eu falo sobre ASA o tempo todo - e ainda quero muito pegar essa primeira versão, digitar - porque tá tudo manuscrito - e colocar em algum lugar de graça para leitura, só pelo prazer de usar algo que levei oito anos da minha vida para fazer.
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A primeira versão de ASA se sendo quase esquecida! 
Esse também levou uns bons anos…
Como O Diário da Escrava Amada, que foram 5 anos, entre 2013 e 2018; e os volumes dois e três de As Aventuras de Jimmy Wayn, que nem sei quantos anos foram, mas deve ter sido de dois a três cada um. DEA é uma das minhas obras mais complexas e que eu tenho um carinho muito grande. Claro que eu amadureci muito enquanto escrevia a história, então dá para perceber a diferença entre o começo - que eu tinha 20 anos - com o final - que eu já estava com meus quase 25 anos. O JV2 me acompanhou durante a faculdade de letras, devo ter começado no início de 2010 e fui até o final de 2012, sendo que os enredos e acontecimentos são mais do que os que acontecem no primeiro livro. E já o terceiro foi entre 2013 até 2019, mas efetivamente menos que isso, se for contar escrevendo o livro mesmo. E bem, dos três até então, é o livro mais longo - com 25 capítulos - e também com sei lá quantas histórias secundárias junto.
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Demorou, mas terminei né? Vitórias!
O que levei menos tempo foi…
As Aventuras de Jimmy Wayn: O menino virgem, que foi entre o final de 2008 e metade de 2009, totalizando 9 meses. Eu tinha menos histórias e era apenas uma aluna do ensino médio, aproveitei a empolgação que fiquei com a história, com o narrar de visão masculina e bem, até hoje, nenhum outro livro foi escrito tão rápido quanto este. Tudo bem que o enredo é super simples e super direto ao ponto, deixando o livro bem curtinho e rápido de ler. O que foi mais rápido depois dele foi a Contemporânea Erótica, que eu levei mais ou menos um ano e meio.
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Parabéns para mim, pois terminei “rápido” até!
Pensando pensamentos…
Vou usar essa parte da edição para levantar umas reflexões sobre escrita e até outros autores. Infelizmente, a gente acaba se comparando com muitos dos outros que estão por ai escrevendo e publicando suas próprias histórias. Comparamos sobre a qualidade das histórias, os gêneros e é claro, quão rápido escrevemos! Ainda lembro um dia que eu vi uma autora que sigo no twitter que escreveu mais de 15 mil palavras - ou até mais, não tenho certeza do valor agora - em apenas uma dia. Ou até outra autora que eu acompanho que mensalmente tem lançado histórias novas na Amazon. E obviamente já tem algum autor que terminou um livro até essa altura do ano. E volto para mim, uma reles mortal, autora assalariada que nem está perto de viver dos seus livros e fico pensando se algum vou chegar no patamar desses autores, de conseguiu começar um livro e terminar no mesmo ano ou até no mesmo mês. É realmente algo que nem vejo acontecer comigo, de verdade! Acabo me cobrando uma produtividade e ritmo que não me é habitual, porque o meu processo é realmente diferente e apenas meu. Eu fico triste, fico chateada, mas eu entendo que eu sou assim e tá tudo bem eu escrever meus próprios livros no meu ritmo… Eles são meus afinal!
E tá errado levar anos para escrever livros? Ou até um mês também?
Fica esta questão: Existe tempo certo ou ideal para se terminar de escrever um livro? Bom, eu sou a pessoa que mais odeia ficar “cagando regra” na escrita dos outros, então, na minha visão, não existe limite de tempo para se trabalhar num livro. O que vale é que o autor esteja dentro do seu ritmo, capacidades e até limitações - porque quem nunca fez mais do que devia - para trabalhar no seu livro. Se ele consegue fazer tudo isso em mês, isso é com ele! A mesma coisa para alguns meses ou alguns anos. É só uma coisa do processo de cada um e isso é diferente! (O que quebra é ficar se comparando, como disse lá em cima!) Cada um de nós sabe onde o calo aperta e sabe a melhor forma de trabalhar os seus próprios processos criativos, pois imagino que a criatividade e tudo que a envolve é algo bastante pessoal para cada pessoa. Nós nos inspiramos de diferentes fontes e nós manifestamos nossas criatividades à nossa maneira. Então, se você, pessoa que escreve, está lendo isso e se sentindo um pouco estranho porque não produz no mesmo ritmo/velocidade que outros a sua volta, saiba que não tem nada de errado ser um pouco mais lento. Só faça do seu jeito! É o meu lema: Devagar e sempre!
E com isto encerramos a nossa edição de hoje do Boletim de Anelândia. Espero que tenham gostado! Até a próxima!
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aondaneedles · 4 years
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Ripp’d: Yeah, I can’t make it tonight. Foxtrot ran away.”
Phili89: OH NO! Why?
Ripp’d: The General wanted to play ‘Happy Family’ and have a BBQ. Set the grill on fire and frightened Foxtrot.
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GreenKnight: Sorry, dude.
Ripp’d: Buck’s been crying all evening. Tank called the sheriff’s department but they can’t promise anything. Gonna go and look for her tonight.
Phili89: You need help?
Ripp’d: Nah, she’s probably going through the bins behind the grocery store. She’s far too lazy to actually run away.
GreenKnight: Okay, will keep my eyes open.
Phili89: Maybe she’ll go over to your place? If she smells Lolly...?
GreenKnight: Maybe. Will ask Mom if we can keep him in the yard tonight.
Ripp’d: You think that’ll work? Lol, the General would be so mad if she’d turn up at your place.
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welcome-to-latveria · 5 years
Make a Captain Boomerang sim
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He has rly ginger hair but his hat is hiding it. I for one think he is rly rocking that Matrix coat - I'm not exaggerating when I say it was honestly the closest thing to his outfit lmao
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nisaalfathan · 8 years
#11. terima kasih, 2016!
3 Januari 2016. 12.35 AM.
tadinya mau di posting pas tgl 31 desember kemarin. tapi kebetulan sepupu dtg ke sini dan tahun baruan dirumah, jadi ga sempet deh nyelesain draftnya. btw, selamat tahun baru ya!
halo 2017😊
kalo “kilas balik” kejadian2 di 2016, banyak banget. mulai dr sedih-seneng-sedih lagi-sedih lagi lagi-seneng dst. ntah aku yg baper apa emang bener, 2016 ini bener2 tahun yg emosional bgt. tahun yg byk mengajarkan utk lebih dewasa, utk lebih berani, utk lebih kuat, utk lebih harus belajar dan berusaha, dan utk kembali percaya bahwa “pintu itu udh harus dibuka lagi” :’) hehe
sekilas review.. apalah rewind 2016 la ya biar gawl
•Januari Pembukaan awal tahun yang indah: TELAT BAYAR UKT. hahahahahaha alhasil telat juga ngisi krs. eh kebuang ke kelas lain. believe me I’ve started with a good vibes. liburan ke Bangka..seneng bahagia kan ketemu pantai, martabak bangka, seafood favorite, jadi bontet… TAPI, akhirnya ruwet sama ukt krn terlalu nyantai hehe buyandh. but it’s okey! (Alhamdulillah) the second semester had succesfully done🙏🏻
•Februari apa ya..olak ulang tahun aja ingetnya.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLAK🎉
•Maret ultah nyonya! hahaha inget bener berapa riweh dan hebohnya persiapan utk mewujudkan surprise romantis impian ala Ayah:) saya dan 2 kurca..eh maksudnya adik-adik saya dgn semangat! tegap! siap! sedia! nyiapin dekornya.. jadi, kan lagi mau beli kado tu sm Ayah. eh si nanda ikut. fyi nanda baru 7 thn saat itu. dia MENYAKSIKAN semua pembicaraan kami dgn si penjual “kado” itu. well semuanya baik2 aja SAMPE PAS DIRUMAH: 👩🏻: abis darimano bae adek (nanda)? 👧🏻: ohhh tadi ke *** terus kami ke toko ***… dan bak kamera cctv yang di replay, kejadian 30 menit sebelumnya pun terceritakan semuanya. 😊 KADO ULTAH: HAD BEEN TOLD KE YG ULTAHNYA. ps: pelajaran “jangan bohong karna bohong itu dosa” itu betul2 dipraktekan d well dgn adik saya. OVERALL, suprise malam itu pun berakhir dgn tangis bahagia ibu. selamat ulang tahun, Ibu sayang💕
•April kembali ke panggung debat is like a dream come true. soalnya dari awal kuliah emang udh niat mau ikut debat lagi. and Allah menjawabnya. TAPI, ada satu kejadian yg GA BAKAL DILUPAIN seumur idup, karena dihari itu harga diri saya ngetawain saya sendiri..
h-1 lomba debat tsb, biasa suka ada taklimat kan. jadi saya dipersatukan dengan Teguh dan Hadi dalam satu tim ter-emosional sepanjang masa. tp dihari itu cm aku sm Teguh yg bs hadir. bener2 ga ada feeling bakal ada terjadi apa2 cz everything gone well. sampe akhirnya pas perjalanan pulang…something SOOOooo bad happened. kami kecelakaan dgn mba2 bermotor matic. si mba nya jatuh ke jalan lgsng kejang2 gitu. panik? IYA BANGET! doi kejang2… seumur idup liat org kejang2 itu cm di tv doang. tp ini LIVE! it was a longggg evening. gue nangis, Teguh asma. si mba2 nya minta pulang DAN DIA AMNESIA PULA AWALNYA. dia lupa kalo gue udh tuntun dia syahadat pas dia kejang? dia lupa apa gue CIUM DAHINYA DIA sambil bilang “mbaa ini nisa ya mba ini nisa. itu temen aku Teguh (teguh yg lg nyetir ga berenti nanya ”‘masih nafas kan mbany?!“)”
TERUS, dia lupa kenapa dia bisa di UGD. DIA LUPAAA. asdfgjslsjahsjseeqlah
tapi akhirnya semua berakhir damai scr kekeluargaan. lomba jg ttp kami ikuti (makasih bu dahlia utk supportnya biar kami ttp fokus ikut" dan boom! Allahuakbar, Allah maha Adil atas segala skenarioNya, kami diizinkan menang di Lomba Debat Bahasa tk. Provinsi Sumsel 2016:’) well done guh, bon. so proud of us! DAB!
Guh, makasih udh ada di detik2 antara hidup dan mati. makasih. maaf kamu jadi asma di hari itu.
•Juni for the first time of ma layf, akhirnya bs ngerasain apa itu SEMESTER PENDEK.
biasa aja ternyata._. bedanya 1 minggu bertemu lbh dr 1x dgn mk yang sama. itu pas bulan puasa pula wkwk terasa sekali cobaannya. semacam tersiksa ga liat mamang cimol mana ya, kok yg jualan pada sepi yaa. but finally SP gone well too✔️
oiya, di bulan ini jg 2 adikku ultah. aku bukan excited ya, tersiksa. karena hrs nyiapin dekor utk suprise mereka berdua yg secara teknis curang bs deketan. kan susah beli kado double, dekor tema double, dekornya SENDIRIAN. jadi izza, nanda, kalo kalian baca ini…“SAMA-SAMA”:)
•Juli so unexpectedly bisa ikut lomba PCTA which is ga pernah kepikir pas SMA karna mikirnya “modal apa aku ikut debat tema cinta tanah air..harus byk ngapal UU keknya, butir2 pancasila apa ya..duh suka kepletot lambang pancasila sm urutannya..” tapi dengan niat yg tulus, modal nekat dan utk iseng2 akhirnya berbuah manis! awalnya cm pengen nonton aja. eh naftar juga. awalnya pas liat deretan piala pemenang, cm ketawa2 aja tp sambil bilang “nanti kita pulang bawa yg paling bsr itu guh.sama duitnya juga” HAHAHA eh ternyata bawa piala yg setingkat dibawanya dan sm duit jg:“) oiya karna ini 1 tim dgn 2 orang, jadi aku sm teguh aja yg ikut pas nyampe rumah ngeliat piala yg tinggi di rumah..it’s like a dream come true. dulu pas di sekolah kalo lagi di ruang TU ngeliat piala2 anak paskibra yg besar tinggi suka guyon dlm hati “kapan ya punya piala tinggi dirumah. ah nanti bikin aja sendiri” tapi Allah membuat guyonan saya di hari itu, jadi sesuatu yg nyata dgn cara indah yg ga terduga pula. Allahuakbar.. oiya aku mudik ke Linggau di bulan ini haha. pas perjalanan pulang di kereta, pihak Balai Bahasa nelfon utk mengundang aku, teguh, hadbon sm pemenang lainnya buat dtg ke Bengkel Bahasa utk persiapan delegasi ke…. ACEH!:’) oiya happy birthday Ayah dan Teguh yang tgl ultahnya samaan😂
•Agustus asma kambuh setelah sekian lama ga kambuh. mesti pake nobu lagi. terlibat dalam acara anak2 di rt dannn this is where everything changed. the untold feelings, unexpectedly feelings, semuanya. everything has changed… pengumuman delegasi itu dateng pas aku lg tenang santai aman nonton Katakan Putus di mobil vd. Teguh dtg lari2 sambil kek panik bener…ternyata kami berdua terpilih jd delegasi itu sama 1 rekan kami dari tim lain. jadi kami bertiga bareng delegasi cabang lomba lain diberangkatkan ke Aceh. Kalo ngomongin Aceh, bakal panjang. intinya, Aceh bukan cm membuat jatuh cinta dengan pesona nya. tetapi jg dengan skenarionya:“) Pergi ke Aceh jg bener2 ga pernah disangka. tp aku inget, H- seminggu pengumuman, aku sempet penasaran sm Aceh. ada apa aja sih. gimana kondisinya pasca 2004. sempet searching. tp ga sampe kepikiran pengen kesana. terus mimpi seolah dikasih petunjuk bakal pergi kesana, sama Teguh juga. dan itu semua bener2 terjadi, ga ada yang beda, semuanya kyk Deja Vu. semua mimpi2 aku selama ini, ada terjadi selama disana. ntah kebetulan atau… ya intinya bulan ini so emotional:”)
•September kuliah normal kek biasanya. kalo ga salah di bulan ini mulai dpt tugas projek matkul SIM. disuruu bikin lapkeu pribadi selama 6 bulan terakhir dan kedepan. oh mannn trust me itu tugas yg dikira gampang di awal tp bikin typus diakhir:’)
oiya, dibulan ini tgl 8 kalo gasalah, there was someone had told something loh. feelings? something that have changed everything😋
•Oktober (hampir) beli kelinci!:’) bereksperimen makan shillin sama nasi bungkus. di mobil! wkwk tapi itu a good trick loh karena udh jelas kenyang, terus hemat pula. terus alhamdulillah dapet projek dekor lumayan besar hehe
tapi…dibulan inilah aku terakhir ikut dekor bareng temen2 novpartyplanner loh:’)
ayuk tetangga mendadak dipanggil Allah duluan. that was a shocking day. lagi mau siap2 pergi nemenin ibu, tiba2 ada tetangga sebelah rumah lari kerumah manggil ibu. ibu kesana dan semuanya kek hitungan detik. ayuk itu ninggalin anak yg masih 1 tahun waktu itu umurnya dan dia bener2 belum ngerti apa2:“( i just hold her so tight that time to make sure she’ll be just fine. but then I cried quitely and that little girl just swap my tears off. seakan dia yg make sure aku semuanya baik2 aja. then she smiled. yaAllah aku malu…dia lebih kuat dari aku:’) balqies, kelak jd anak yang soleha ya sayang.
•November dibulan ini ntah tugas kyk gantian numpuk2 datengnya. deadline tugas jg udah banyak. belum lagi mau uas juga. tadinya sih, semuanya udh aku jadwalin baik2 biar bs selesai dgn nyantai dan akunya ga gelabakan. tapi… akunya di opnam:’) well, 2 hari sebelum opname aku masih sempet jalan2 seharian loh sama keluarga. memang, hari2 sebelumnya aku udh mulai ngerasa kurang enak badan. suka anget tiba2 terus kek sehat lagi. sampe akhirnya aku drop sejadi jadinya. badan aku anget bener sampe dikompresin seharian. anehnya pas dibawa ke dokter, aku tu ga ada sakit yg fatal bgt. karena ngerasa enak, aku sempet kuliah dulu pagi sama sorenya. tp disana aku udh mulai ngerasa badan aku tu ga kuat diajak berdiri lama. lemes banget
Titik baliknya pas kuliah sore yg pulangnya malem. disana badan aku panas tinggi lagi dan dimalam itulah aku di opname. AWALNYA cuma mau semalem aja. ternyata 5 malem 6 hari😊 soalnya aku kena dbd (lagi). kalo udh dbd pasti masalahnya ke trombosit. trombosit aku rendah bgt dan turun terus selama disana. jujur, aku udh sempet hopeless disana.. sempet berfikiran jelek apa disana tmpt terakhir istirahat:”) tapi orang2 disekitar aku emang luar biasa. mereka ga berenti support aku utk sembuh. someone told me “kita lawan sakit kamu” :’) little things but beautiful mereka juga jenguk dan do'ain utk kesembuhan aku. i fight for them. selama disana aku kadang nangis sm kondisi aku sendiri. aku tau ibu sm ayah capek bener bolak balik rs utk gantian jagain. temen2 sm keluarga juga. teguh, yg mau nganterin materi kuliah dan jd tempat curhat selama disana. thanks a lot. huu its like a miracle that i can survive until now dari yg tadi bener2 hopeless sembuh, alhamdulillah skrng bisa sehat normal lagi. makasih:’) dan uas pun dimulai…
oiya, aku sama izza diundang ke acara ulang tahunnya Fadel, anak temen ayah. karna itu acaranya malem, akhirnya bareng teguh juga wkwk that was a fine night:’)
•Desember masih nyelesain tugas2 dan beberapa uas. and finally done! hasilnya juga alhamdulillah lumayan memuaskan hehe
tapi… ada cerita di bulan ini. never thought before that i’d could fall in love with my bestfriend. never. but he proved that I could. and it’s happened:’)
dari awal dia jujur soal the feelings, itu udah ckup bikin shock. dan hari itu, pas lagi ngerjain tugas bareng sm temen2 lain, he did it with the cute and awkward way wkwwk but trust me it was a big moment that i can’t ask for again…and thanks to all my friends yg semangat bgt buat bantuin kami🤓
the flowers was so beautiful cz I picked them with myself😂 omaygat. he always asked about the yellow roses before, dan ternyata dia inget sm candaan aku waktu itu pengen dikasih bunga mawar kuning hahahaha
spending times with him do the good and funny things is so comfortable. but fall in love? never thought before. cz all i know we were just partners in crime which finally turns to something else. intinya, terima kasih. thanks for making me believe in love again.
tgl 17 juga berkesan ya guh wkwk akhirnya perjuangan itu worth walau kondisi disana emang kek iiq ya tp its okay. you did it so well there. good job!😋🍺
2016 may be over. but the memories keep last forever. terima kasih untuk ceritanya, suka dukanya, warnanya dan cintanya. i’ve been through this amazing year with good people. Alhamdulillah
and then finally i can say: IT’S A WRAPPPP BABY! boom!!👋🏻🎉
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
the sims 2 pc
the sims 2 pc
The Sims 2 cheats & more for PC (PC)
Easter Eggs
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Also Known As: Sims 2
Genre: Simulation, Life Development Sim Developer: Maxis Publisher: Electronic Arts ESRB Rating: Teen Release Date: September 5, 2004
Ground Swimming
If you have a pool, make your sim go swimming, then pick up and move your sim out of the pool. (you’ll have to type in moveobjects on first to do so) Your sim will swim everywhere for the rest of his or her life, but they can still do everything. If you tell them to do something, such as go to bed, they will pop out of the ground and go to bed. They will sink back down afterward.
Flaming Toilet
To get a flaming toilet, you have to get any kind of toilet except the stalled kind. When you get a toilet go into the decoration folder and the click the misc. folder then you get the Burning plate. Once you get it, place the toilet on top of the burning plate and turn it on then you even get to use it without burning yourself and it won’t do any damages to your beautiful home!
Altered Cheats
For this one put shift+control+c and press tab. A list of cheats or cheats with slight alteration will appear one at a time. For all of them you need to keep pressing it.
Sideways Garage
This will only work on corner lots. Lay down the first driveway as you regularly would. type moveobjects on cheat. delete sidewalk across the road. place extension peice(should be rotated already). put wall around extension peice and add a garage door. Add your cars then you are done.
Sideways Garage
This will only work on corner lots. Lay down the first driveway as you regularly would. type moveobjects on cheat. delete sidewalk across the road. place extension peice(should be rotated already). put wall around extension peice and add a garage door. Add your cars then you are done.
Free Bookcase Skills
Buy a bookcase, then have your sim start to study. Interrupt the action so that the book it placed on the ground, then simply sell the bookcase. The book can then do everything the bookcase could have done for free.
Disgusting Faces
There is a glitch in character creation mode where you can make absolutely disgusting faces. The trick is that if you go to the face designing area and you select a face part such as the eyes and max out all the sliders one way or the other, then go to a different face part and select one of the PREDESIGNED parts, and then come back to the eyes, the sliders will have reset in the middle, but the eyes will still look the same. This works for all of the face adjusting tabs. Exploiting this, you can make eyes the size of dinner plates, cheekbones 4 feet long, and a HUMUNGOUS nose, to name a few.
Saving Pizza Money
Have a sim call for pizza. When the pizza delivery guy comes DON’T accept the pizza! The pizza delivery guy will eventually leave the pizza on the front porch, and the pizza will never get stale. You can stack as many pizzas as you want, so if your sims get hungry, just tell them to get a pizza from the front porch.
Free Furniture
All you have to do to get free Furniture is before you move a family into the house you click on a house that you like and go into it. make sure that it is an empty house so oyu can furnish it. Next select the things that you want in you’re home you will notice that you will have a balance of 0 simolaeons but you can still “get” the things after you are done furnishing the house save you’re progress and then move you’re family into the already furnished home!
Custom Painting
To decorate your house with custom artwork, first your sim must have a creativity level of 5 and be able to paint a still life. Have your sim paint and a frame will appear that you can center on whatever you want to paint. If you want to paint a picture of something outside the Sims 2 game, just press C anywhere at this time. This will pause the game. Use Alt + Tab to exit the game, then open a picture program such as Paint and open the snapshot you just took, it will usually be in the folder: C:My DocumentsEASims2StorytellingSnapshot.bmp Then, you also have to open the picture you want to have in your game. If your picture is too large resize it so it will fit in the original snapshot from the game. Copy your custom picture on to your snapshot from the game, then save the picture. Use Alt + Tab to get back to your game and your sim will start painting your own custom picture. Using this trick you can put pictures of your friends or family, web pictures, or anything else in your Sims 2 game.
Listen To Mp3’s On Sim Radio
First get whatever Mp3’s you want to put on the game, then open up MyDocuments/EAGames/TheSims2/Music/(whatever RadioStation you want your song on). Then, Drag your MP3 into the folder. Now, start Sims 2 then go to options menu, then music settings, then the Radio Station, then pick witch songs you want the radio to play. You can now listen to your favorite songs in your Sims game.
Use Your Own Videos For The TV
It’s possible to watch your own videos on the Sim-TV. You must put the video you want into MyDocuments/EaGames/TheSims2/Music/(the TV sender you want). If you then turn on the TV in the game you can watch it! The video must be .avi-clips and the clips shouldn’t be larger then 128×128 pixel also it shouldn’t have more then 15 frames per second.
You can get abducted by aliens just like in the first one by studying through a telescope a little too long. The only diffrence is that most of the time the person abducted gets pregnant with an alien baby. *NOTE* THIS CAN HAPPEN WITH ALL PEOPLE THAT ARE ADULTS!! MEN INCLUDED!
Enter the code ‘motherlode’
View/Controle Baby Needs
You can use the “boolProp TestingCheats enabled” to view and controle a newborn baby’s needs. After entering the cheat code, shift/click on the baby. Select the “Make Selectable” the baby’s picture on the left side will disapear. Click “Make Selectable again. Now you are able to be the baby and use the shift click to rise of lower the baby’s needs. And I beleive you can make grow up as well. I just descovered this and much easier than other cheats I’ve read to achieve this.
Enable NPC Clothes, Hairstyles, Skintones.
When in create a sim, press shift+N ( you first have to do the boolprop testingcheatsenabled true cheat).
The Ultimate Cheat
First, press Ctrl+Shift+C to access the cheat window. Then, type in: boolprop TestingCheatsEnabled true (its case sensitive, btw). You can drag your sims motives, relationships, skills, and even their charactaristics. If you put your cursor over a sim and press Shift+Click, you can do almost anything you want to that sim. Including: kill them, change their fit, give them outfits to wear that are unavalible, make them pregneat with an alien baby, speed up their pregnacy (if they are already pregneat), and lots of other stuff. You can make sims grow up faster and everything! Go to snootysims. Com for waaaayyyyy more cheats. IF THIS CHEAT DOES NOT WORK ON A LOT: GO TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD, TYPE IN THE CHEAT AGAIN, AND THEN RETURN TO THE LOT.
Listen To Music Included With Game
First, open your The Sims 2/TSData/Res/Sound directory. The names of radio stations, plus a few more including Build mode and Neighborhood music should be here in *.package files. Copy and paste the file corresponding to whatever you want to listen to into another folder. Rename it from [File].package to [File].mp3. You can now listen to the sound/songs included in the file.
1,000 Dollars
Press crtl+shift+C and type “kaching”in lower case.
Force Baby
(You have to have nightlife expansion)You enter the cheat boolproptestingcheats true. Then get your sim pregnet. Hold shift+click that sim. Now click forcetwinsorbaby. You pick (boy)or (girl).
Video Cheats Guide
Set The Time
Open the cheat box and type sethour then a number between 1 and 24. It is set by military time so for example if you want 3pm you type sethour 15.
Place Any Object ANYWHERE On Your Lot!
Type in CTRL + C, to open the cheats window. Then type in the cheat: “moveobjects on”. Now you can grab any objects and drag it anywhere you want! You can even drag your sims anywhere you want! (this only works at your sims’ residential lot) Also: a glitch that you can use with moving your sims around: place your sim in one area on the grid, and then place another sim on the exact same spot the other sim is. You can add as many sims as you want in one box on the grid, and you can make many crazy things from that! You can also grab your trashcan or mailbox and put it anywhere. You can even put anything on the road (like you cauldn’t before this cheat), objects, sims, walls, and even flooring. For an even cooler surprise, pick up your cars and put them on your swimming pool. Or Place your cars on your sims and hit the video capture button. Click the play button, and now you can move around with cars above your sim’s heads! Sorry this is such a long cheat, but it’s so cool!
Press Ctrl Shift C at the same time to bring up the cheat entry box. Then, type in motherlode. Press enter and then look at your sim’s money.
Unlocking Career Rewards
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter the following: unlockcareerrewards.
Get Skills Up All The Way
Open cheat menu (ctrl+shift+c) then enter “boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true”. It may take a few times, but keep trying, then go to the job tab and drag all your Sims skills up to ten.
Motives Drop
Put in shirt+control+c and enter “motivedecay” and your motives will drop.
All Green Motives
Open the cheat box, (ctrl+shift+C) and type in: max_motives. When you type that in, all of your Sims motives should be full with green
Cancel What Your Pets Are About To Do
Open the cheat box, (Ctrl+shift+C) and type in: Boolprop petactioncancel true/false. If you type true, then you should have the ability to cancel what your dog/cat is about to do.
Turn Aging On
Access the cheat window and enter “aging on.”
Eliminate Aging
Access the cheat window and enter “aging off.”
Your Sims Grow Or Shrink
Access the cheat window and enter “StretchSkeleton.”
Slo – Mo
Access the cheat screen and enter any number from 0 through 8. 8 will give you the slowest play, 0 the fastest.
For Poor Families
The trick is that no matter how many times you use an object, if you sell it in the same day, you can get all your money back. So if your Sim is poor and needs body points or something, buy a body machine and keep selling it back to refund all your money.
Disables Sound
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “-nosound” to disable the sound.
Fullscreen Mode
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “-f” to enter fullscreen mode.
Start With Desired Resolution
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “-r[width]x[height]” to start with desired resolution (in pixels).
Access The Windowed Mode
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “-w” to access windowed mode.
List Cheats
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “help -all”, you can list all the cheats.
Changes The Slope Angle Of A Roof
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “RoofSlopeAngle (15-75)”, you can changes the slope angle of a roof .
What Social Reaction Will Happen Next
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “social_debug “, you can tell what social reaction will happen before you do it.
Invite More People To Parties
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8”, you can invite more people to your parties.
Objects Outside The Grid
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “boolProp snapObjectsToGrid (true/false)”, set to true, you can place objects outside the grid.
Very Different Facial Structures
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “faceBlendLimits (on/off)”, turns off facial bounding limitations. It prevents the normal corrections the game will make for two parents with very different facial structures.
ALL The Cheats Work
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “boolProp testingcheatsenabled (true/false)”, if set to true ALL other cheats work.
Place Objects Outside The Grid
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “boolProp snapObjectsToGrid (true/false)”, you can place objects outside the grid.
Change Elevation Of Floor Tiles
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “boolprop constrainFloorElevation (true/false)”, set to true will allow you to change elevation of floor tiles, set to will disable the ability to change elevation of floor tiles.
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode (True/False)”, Set to true to show lot information.
Remove Shadows On Objects
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “boolprop objectShadows (True/False)”, set to false to remove shadows on objects outside house.
Blocks Appear
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “boolprop displayLookAtBoxes (True/False)”, set to true and blocks appear on Sims faces and on parts where Sims look at.
See Where The Sim Walk
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “boolProp displayPaths (True/False)”, in neighborhood, set to true to see the path where the selected Sim walks to.
Shows Filename Of House
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename (True/False)”, in neighborhood, shows filename of house when lot is highlighted .
Toggle Shadows
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “boolProp simShadows (True/False)”, toggle shadows on/off for Sims.
Removes House Graphics
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “boolprop displayLotImposters (True/False)”, set to false to removes house graphics from neighborhood.
Remove Bridges
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel (True/False) “, Set to false to remove bridges from neighborhood.
Lots Is Not Light Up
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter “boolprop lotTerrainLighting (True/False)”, set to false and lots will not light up when highlighted in neighborhood.
Postprocessing Cheats
Use the following case-sensitive codes after enabling the Postprocessing cheats with the “boolProp enablePostProcessing true”. Note: Do not enable or use the Postprocessing cheats unless your video card supports pixel shaders.
Result Cheat Code Blur effect; red, green, blue value must be between0 and 255, and x (bloom) between 0.0 and 1.0 bloom [r g b x] Centered blur effect; centerX and centerY arescreen coordinates; x (vignette) must be between0.0 and 1.0 vignette [centerX centerY x] Grainy screen effect filmGrain [val> 0.0-0.4]>0.0-1.0]>
Currently we have no unlockables for The Sims 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for The Sims 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for The Sims 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently we have no achievements or trophies for The Sims 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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