#this is the real reason McCoy is always on the bridge
affixjoy · 1 month
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trekkiehood · 2 years
"There's Always Been a Lottery" - A Star Trek TOS Fanfic
Title: "There's Always Been a Lottery"
Fandom: Star Trek TOS
Words: 2.3k
Setting: Coda for "A Taste of Amrageddon"
Characters: Jim, Bones
Ship: None
Ao3 Link
Summary: Jim just watched people willingly walk to their death in a disintegration chamber. Not only that, but they were angry when he stopped them. This is bringing back some memories of another call to death via disintegration chambers all in the name of the greater good. Bones helps talk him through it.
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of genocide, survivors guilt, talk of death, hinted at suicidal feelings (but not fully fleshed out just kinda... well you'll see)
Authors Note:
"There's always been a lottery," "Some places have already quit lotteries," Mrs. Adams said. "Nothing but trouble in that," Old Man Warner said stoutly. "Pack of young fools." - "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson
Ok is this the perfect title? No I will admit but I was struggling and the episode gave me "the Lottery" vibes so I went with it. Star Trek titles never make sense so there's that.
Anyway. Well looky here! Trekkiehood is writing a Star Trek fic? After five years she finally got her act together.
I had no intentions of writing this. But I'm sick and have been binging TOS, watched "A Taste of Armageddon". Was properly horrified. And now we are here. I feel like I saw an analysis hinting at this on Tumblr at some point but IDK who or where or when so if this was your idea I apologize but it was fantastic.
Again my brain is on cold medicine and fever fumes so I will admit it's not my best. But I haven't published since I got home from school in May so... yeah.
Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
Bones knew something was wrong. Something besides the obvious of the entire crew of the Enterprise being declared war casualties and being expected to turn themselves over to be executed while Jim was being held as a bargaining chip. Yeah. Besides that.
The whole thing sat wrong with him. It was hard to imagine an entire race of people so willingly giving themselves up to be killed. All in the name of a "humane" war. It was unnatural to say the least. It was funny because while the Eminiarians viewed this as a more orderly and humane war, as an outsider he saw it as even more horrific, even more inhumane.
But Aside from everything that was so clearly wrong with the situation. Something was wrong with Jim. Something was bothering him. Something that Bones knew if he didn't address, would only escalate. He knew his friend and James Kirk didn't do well "just leave me alone and let me deal with it" even though that's what he wanted everyone to think.
That's why at 2400 hours McCoy was not in his own comfortable bed, but stalking through the halls on his way to his captain's quarters. Yes it was late. But Bones knew Jim wasn't asleep and he also knew that he had only just now left the Bridge. He also knew that he had repeatedly ignored McCoy's request for him to appear in sickbay. And if Jim was avoiding sickbay there was probably a reason. Either he was injured and didn't want anyone to know, or he was hiding something only his friends could draw out of him.
The door swung open at his presence and he wasted no time entering the captain's quarters. At least he hadn't been locked out. That was a good sign.
"I shouldn't be surprised." Jim didn't even look up as he sat at his desk going over some PADDs.
"No you shouldn't!" McCoy snapped, taking a few steps closer. They both knew that there was no real malice in the grumpy exterior. "I thought you were coming to sickbay to be checked over! The rest of the landing party has been in and out and yet here you are, Captain."
"I'm fine, Bones." He sounded tired and there was that edge in his voice that spoke of something weighing on his mind. McCoy was right, something as going on. The captain looked up. And the rest of the party?"
A weak deflection. Jim was off his game. "All fine. Barely even a scratch. But they weren't missing for large periods of time or being forcibly held as a bargaining chip!" They also didn't give an order for the complete destruction of a planet or interfere in a war that could cause the destruction of two planets. But that was for a later discussion after the physical was dealt with.
"Technically we were all held as bargaining chips. And I told you I'm fine. They didn't do anything to me but hold me there."
"Oh yeah? And exactly how did they get you there?"
Jim sighed, running a hand over his face and placing the PADD on the desk. "They didn't knock me out if that's what you're worried about. I admit they… subdued me but it was nothing serious. I was simply outnumbered."
"Regardless of how you feel, you were still on a landing party. One that went wrong. One that requires everyone get checked over!"
The captain offered a lazy smirk, "It's okay Bones. You can just say that you were worried about me."
"Worried?" the doctor answered with a scowl, "Worried after someone sent in a fake message using your voice and then no contact for hours? Why would that cause me to worry?"
"Well regardless, we all made it back to the ship and no one was… sacrificed so I call it a win." The disdain in the words and the pointed way he said "sacrificed" spoke for itself.
He could work with this. Jim took death hard no matter who it was. The crew being ordered to their deaths probably hit him hard. As did the thousands of deaths he wasn't able to stop. Not that any of it was hif ault but good luck getting that through his overly thick skull.
Bones sighed, taking a seat on the edge of the Captain's bed. "It's hard to believe anyone would willingly sacrifice themselves like that. There was no god they were trying to serve. No need. Just… a computer told them to, so they did. I always said those blasted machines would be the death of us."
"You should have seen them bones." Jim jerked a hand through his hair before abruptly standing to his feet and pacing in a tight line. "You should have seen how calmly they- they just walked in. No tears. No fighting. No one was being dragged in screaming. They just… walked in. It wasn't-it's not natural. When someone orders your death you fight! You have to keep fighting!"
Bones sympathized with the thoughts but knew that his captain needed to work things out. He didn't need someone to agree with his every thought. He needed to reason it out for himself. Then McCoy could come in and sweep up any of the leftover pieces of self blame. "It's how their society works, Jim. It doesn't make sense to us, but at least it was their own decision.
"Their own decision." He answered back quietly. "How is death of that magnitude anyones decision? And even if it was- how- how can they do it so peacefully?!"
"They were resigned, Jim. They knew they were going to die. They truly believed it was for the greater good. That if they sacrificed themselves more would be able to live."
The man stopped, glaring at his friend. "That doesn't make it right!"
"I never said it did."
The captain ran a hand through his hair, jerking it out and continuing his pacing. "And I couldn't save them all. Thousands of people dead. Thousands! Willingly walked into a designation chamber while I-"
"Did everything you could have! You did more than you were ever expected to."
"And yet it wasn't enough. It's never enough!"
"When people are ordered to die- to walk into disintegration chambers for the greater good they're supposed to fight! How could anyone- any race just- just give up like that! Just resign themselves to instantaneous death for the greater good ! Because death is better than suffering! Who are they to just decide who lives and who dies? Who are they to decide that life isn't worth it! That the forced death of some is better than the suffering of all! And then to just go along with it! To let them kill you without a fight!"
Bones closed his eyes as the pieces clicked into had seen it all before. This exact scenario carried out on a different planet with a different, much more tragic outcome. He should have seen this coming. For months a breakdown of some sorts had been iminent. This was the final straw. He was ashamed to say that he hadn't even considered the parallels to Tarsus IV. People being ushered into disintegration chambers for the greater good. Thousands of people being murdered because the alternative was suffering.
"Is it truly better? Is it better to willingly walk into death knowing that those who remain will have a more fulfilled life because of it? Does the lack of a fight make it any more moral than dragging them there kicking and screaming?"
McCoy stood up, grabbing his friend by the shoulders and forcing their eyes to meat. "Jim. You listen to me. Kodos was wrong. Anan VII was wrong. Anyone who needlessly orders people to die are wrong. It doesn't matter what the so called greater good is how peaceably it all went down. Murder is murder."
"But Bones the ones that went into the chamber peacefully, the ones who didn't fight- they didn't suffer the abuse or the scars-"
"But they're dead," He offered a small shake. "You'd be dead. If you had peacefully handed over your life to Kodos you'd be dead. Counted as a casualty not a survivor. Nothing good would have changed. The people who were hungry still would have been hungry. The people who were forced to die still would have been killed against their will. The Federation still would have arrived with food when it did. And if you had gone peaceably you would have been dead instead of fighting tooth and nail out of that place like I know you did. And those people on Eminiar VII may have gone in willingly but that does not make it right!" McCoy gripped his friend tighter, shaking his head at the other man. "Think Jim! Think if just a few people had refused to turn up by the appointed time. Maybe then this whole ordeal would have ended centuries ago instead of continuing on like this! If humans don't have resistance, then they are nothing. When no one fights, the bad guys always win. Always! And I don't want to hear anything else about peacefully going down. You're Jim Kirk. You're a fighter. And you'll go down fighting or better yet not at all!"
Jim blinked, breaking his wide eyed stare. Then his head fell forward onto McCoy's shoulder.
"I know, Bones. I do." The voice was so weak and broken. This was an emotional breakdown that had been waiting to happen for months. It was truly surprising there hadn't been more fall out from the Karidian Company's presence. "It's just- it seems to always be the same thing. Nothing ever changes. And I'm just- I'm just so tired."
The doctor pulled his friend into an embrace. This man craved physical contact like a touch starved puppy. Especially when he was upset. And Bones was a healer. His job was to take away pain. And he might not be able to remove memories or scars from the past but he could offer this. It would have to be enough. "I know, Jim. I know. But it's getting better. You changed things. It's over now down there. People are going to live because of a change you made. Because you decided to fight instead of letting the killing go on. If you had died on Tarsus then none of that would have happened."
"And if they decide they do want real war? Is it still justified?"
This was a point both he and Spock had brought up, mostly in jest, but the fact remained the same. War was a messy possibility. But regardless, things had to change. "It's better than willfully walking into a chamber that you know will kill you. That's not brave. It's stupid. It's sick. It's something I never want you or anyone else to ever have to see or decide again. And you won't, alright?"
Jim let out a snort, still buried in the doctor's shoulder. "Yeah, I mean I've met two leaders who think mass genocide of their own people is the best way to find prosperity. How many more times could it possibly happen?"
"That's the spirit!" Bones took it as the light hearted concession it was. He gave an extra pat before pulling away.
The captain sighed, wearily sitting at the edge of his bed. "When he declared you dead- I couldn't have done it, Bones. Watch you all be forced in there. I've seen it- people I knew- people I cared for- ushered into those chambers like they were nothing more than animals- it would have killed me, Bones. I can't- I can't see that again."
This was a rare opportunity. One which McCoy knew needed to be dealt with very carefully. They'd shifted from the vague middle ground of the situation to truly dealing with a past trauma. Jim had barely spoken about Tarsus IV in all the time they've known each other. Up until a few months ago Bones hadn't known Jim had ever been there, much less one of the Tarsus Nine. And even then he doubted the captain had really wanted either he or Spock to know. The fact that he was opening up in any magnitude now proved just how disturbed he was at the day's events.
"Jim, what happened on Tarsus was a tragedy. One of immense proportions. Half of a planet being killed in one swoop is nothing to be taken lightly. It was a genocide. There was nothing justifiable in it. At all. The way Kodos picked who died was based solely on race eugenics, ableism, and misopedia."
"Well I don't know so much that it was a hate for children so much as a disuse for them. "It was said clinically, trying to distance himself from being one of those less than useful children.
"And is that supposed to make it better! The fact is, Kodos was a twisted man with twisted ideas. The ideas on Eminar VII were just as wrong, if carried out in a different way. But it won't happen again. We won't let it. And if for some reason it does, you can bet we won't be walking in calmly to be disintegrated. No, we'll be fighting with everything we got. Understand?"
A small smile. "I know you would." The smile dropped. "But it's not just here. They did it before- on Tarsus I mean. Some of us fought but some- some just walked in. They told us we were just causing problems. That it was inevitable."
"But you're here, aren't you? Inevitable my foot."
Another twitchy smile. "And you're here too."
"Good. So we both agree to keep fighting and to never willingly go to our deaths. Sound good? Can I get some sleep now?"
Jim laughed, an actual honest laugh and Bones knew he'd accomplished what he set out to do. "Get some sleep, Bones."
"And you?"
"I'll… I'll try."
"Good. See that you do."
And McCoy turned away he heard the hesitant, "And Bones- thank you."
It was the doctors turn to smile. "Anytime Jim."
And that is that my friends. Thoughts?
I have several other fics in the works. Most are AOS but a few TOS as well. Basically I love Jim in any universe and Bones and Spock as well.
If you have ideas, throw 'em at me. Can't promise but would love to at least think it over. Be sure to let me know what you thought of this! I yearn to discuss Star Trek with people on an unhealthy level.
Much love and God bless, Jamie
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startreckobsessed · 4 years
Let you go
Hi! Can i make a request? 🥺 For AOS Leonard Mccoy? With a lil bit of TOS Old Spock. Should probably set on Into Darkness, Bones and reader broke up between the event of the first and second film, so bones was a bit unbothered to flirt with Dr.Marcus (he’s trying to make reader jealous). Old spock talk them out of their misery by telling them that they’re story was quiet unique because in his timeline they didn’t even met, so they should cherish it. (Or whatever, as long as spock intervenes). They talk, and made up. And oh, fluff. Emotional tear jerking fluff. Thank you thank you!!
I have this idea (this was supposed to be a different request, but hey! ), that reader used to date and was in love with this hotshot before she met Leonard. Said ex died in action as a honored captain. Reader was devistated. Again this was supposed a different request, but you can make it as a back story. Can i make this my second request? Hehe 🥺😅
@lykxzandlove Thank you for requesting darling, and thanks for your patience, this one really faught me haha. If you recognise some of the dialogue it's from thirteen reasons why.
Warnings: ANGST ANGST ANGST. I may or may not have cried while writing this.
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You stood in rank dressed in your grey uniform, cap framing your line of vision, shoulder to shoulder between checkov and Sulu as you gazed up at the podium where captain pike was speaking.
"Exceptional courage, is what drives us....
And our crew, is what fuels us..."
Your crew had just finished the first two year leg of your mission. A long two years...
"Let's take a moment to pay tribute to past captain's whom have made the ultimate sacrifice..." the images roll, and a firmiliar face flashed before your eyes and you suck in a breath, squeazing your eyes shut to keep your tears at bay.
You breath out carefully out of your nose, trying desperately to keep the sudden onslaught of emotions contained.
People told you time would numb it, but even give years later, the pain was still fresh and raw each and every time you heard his name, or saw his picture pop up in your records.
You gritted your teeth, struggling to ground yourself in this moment, focusing on your feet on the ground.
You blinked harshly, lifting your face and focusing your attention on captain Pike.
You don't fail to notice the doctors face turned toward you, no doubt brows mashed together over concerned eyes. The urge to meet his eyes and sink into their depths is nearly overpowers your will, but you hold strong, chin high.
You had never meant to fall for Leonard. You were deep in it before you even realised what was happening. You were complacent with where you were, some people go their entire lives without knowing true love, you got yours. You didn't feel the need for a new one. But there he came, blazing and true like a comment blasting across the black abyss your crew so faithfully piloted. It happened so naturally, slipping through your defences so you never noticed it.
Until it was too late, and both of you had been wounded in the process.
"Sweetheart?" Leonard called from behind you. You cursed silently, slowly turning to face him, trying to keep the guilt off your face as you turned to face him. "You should probably stop calling me that.." You said softly. He frowned, and not the way you liked when he was being sardonic or adorably frustrated with the captain, this one was real.
"Sorry." He said "habit. Are you alright? You left the ceremony yesterday so quickly..." you shake your head, looking away from him. "Fine, I'm fine." You said, swiftly turning and walking away from him. He frowned, looking after you, not noticing his hand was slightly extended, reaching out for you.
Later that day, you made your way down to the mess hall, spotting the old Ambasseter Spock, sitting alone by a window. You go through and get your food before approaching the table, greeted by a warm smile.
"Hello ambassator, " you awenered with your own. "Mind if I join you?"
"Not at all Y/N. Your company has always always been welcome." You sit down across from him. "Do tell me, how is the good doctor doing." Your fork freezes near your mouth before you set it down. "Oh, I don't know." He frowns deeply.
"I can't imagine why not." He says. "We-" your voice cracks. You clear your throat. "Were not together anymore." Suprise flits crosses his face.
"Well, now that can't be right." He says. You grimace, "I know, nothing feels right anymore, it's like reality has been tilted on its hinges, but..."
"If you don't mind me prying..." He prompts. "Go ahead, you can ask."
"What caused the separation?"
"me." You say thickly. Unexpectedly he reaches across the table and pats your hand in a grandfatherly gesture.
"And by my estimation, you do not seem satisfied with the conclusion, correct?" You hesitate before nodding. "Then mabey its time to rethink that course of action?" Your eyes widen before you look down at the table, shame radiating off of you. "I can't do that, I've already hurt him too bad, I still hurt him." You grimace, thinking of the encounter in the hallway. "I don't know how to stop hurting him." You say, more to yourself than to him.
"Then perhapse it's time to discover what is hurting you." He says. You look away into the porthole, into the black inky abyss that you sometimes wished would swallow you up.
"You know, you two are a remarkable pair." You look at him quissicly. "What makes you say that?" "In every universe I've traveled there are differences, the events in a person's life, and how they react to them, shape who they become. In every universe a different set of events happen in both of your lives, and yet every single time, one of the only constants I find are both of you coming together, no matter the space or the time nor the obstacles placed before you, the one constant is your souls coming together. And from what I can tell, it hurts your souls to be apart."
Question bubbles to your lips, but you silence it. "Ask your question, Y/N." You smile grimly. "You know me too well." "Well I've only had two lifetimes to know you."
"Where you come from... what are we like?" He smiles fondly, memories coming back to him. He sighs in a melancholy way.
"Your other self passed on just a few months ago, from a human ailement not yet curable, he blames himself for not being able to save you." Your eyes widened before blinking in shock. "Wow, thats... God how is he?" He frowns even more deeply. "Trying to go day by day, but losing someone one loves so deeply for so long... is not an easy thing to accommodate to." "Well whats.." many questions bubble to your lips at once before deciding on one. "I-Is he alone?" You ask, voice cracking. He shakes his head. "The good captain has come to earth to stay with hm, along with your daughter and grandchildren." "Joanna?" He smiles just slightly. "Well I couldn't give everything away could I?" You bark out a teary laugh and he chuckles. "But time, is so very precious my dear, you yourself told me that after your diagnosis." "Well, at least one of us has sense."
"But to thoroughly awenser your question, might I go over a timeline?" "Yes, I'd like that." You sigh, resting your head on your palm. "You met on this ship, like so many other times...."
A few days later, you smooth down your hair as you look in the mirror. You were ready to come clean with Leonard about everything you've been keeping buried. Your heart thundered at the thought of unearthing the source of so much pain, but you were ready to start again with him, start fresh, open and raw, with no secrets.
You exited your quarters and went looking for him. Your fingers nervously tapped against your legs as you walked, looking for him, first going to the Med bay. Christine greeted you, her brows burrowing when you ask for him. "Oh hun, he's off planet on a mission." "Oh." You say "thank you Christine." You say before dashing off for the bridge, where you knew they'd be monitoring.
The tube doors opened up and you made your way to stand next to the captains chair, where Jim was watching. He greeted you silently with a nod, both of you listening to the audio feed coming in. You asked what they were doing, knowing he could probably hear you being so close to Jim. Jim quietly filled you in. "We found some ancient Clingon battle tech on this planet, were trying to salvage it."
"Well sweetheart, there something I can help you with?" His voice came through painfully clear, flirtatious and laying it on thick. Your heart seized and you swallowed against the lump suddenly stuck in your throat
Jim eyed you warily "Dr. McCoy may I remind you you are not there to flirt." He said in a stern voice, concerned for your feelings. Dr. Marcus' voice rang in. "We've got it, beam us up."
Once you saw him you forgot that you were surrounded by your crewmates, your hurt voice ringing out.
"You... You called her sweetheart." You said, betrayal filling you, eyes filling with tears.
Without another word you took off down the adjoining hallway, Leonard taking off after you. You sped until you were in an abandoned hallway two floors down with him still following.
Your face got hot, embarasment taking hold. You didn't want to cry over a tiny little word.
His eyes widened, regret filling them when he saw how hurt you were. "Baby- " he stopped himself. He only called you baby when he was really concerned.
"No, no I'm sorry. It's okay, Carols great, she's a great person." You forced out, turning to try and walk away. He grabbed your arm spinning you back around. "I don't want Carol. I want you. I'm sorry." You blinked. "So your not ready to move on?" He shakes his head vehidamently. "It was stupid. So stupid. I've never done anything like that in my life. I wanted to make you jealous." It felt like all the air was sucked from your lungs.
"You still want me? After evrything-" he shakes his head. "My god woman, were you listening? Yes! I love you." He breaths, gently squeezing your bicep. "But I- I hurt you! I broke up with you without giving you a reason-" "I know, sweetheart." He says Your heart stopped.
"You know?"
"I know as much as I can guess. But why don't you tell me?" You took a shuddering breath.
"So you know I was on a different ship before this one."
"When I went onto that ship from the academy, I came with the captain. He made it so we'd make it onto the same ship, because we were..."
You nodded. "We loved each other. He was my captain, and I was by his side as head of security and defense tactics." He nodded, fingers pressed against his lips as he listened. "One day, we were attacked by an enemy bregade, and crash landed us on a deserted planet. In order to save me, he threw himself in front the lazer that would have incinerated me and two other crew members. They would have killed all of us, all it did was incinerate him.
After he was killed the crew, furious overpowered them, and we survived, but..." You trailed off, before looking back to him. "How did you know?"
He sighed, as if debating telling you something. "As part of protocol, a captain must... gain permission from Starfleet to enter into marriage with another crew mate. His request form was entered just a few days before his death, with your name attached." You stilled, before another wave of emotion crashed over you. A sob escaped you, and you leaned against the wall for support, a hand coming up to try to muffle your cries.
Leonard watched you with glassy eyes, your pain like a twisting knife in his chest. He waited for a moment before slowly inching forward to wrap his arms around you, testing the waters. You pull him closer, wrapping your arms tightly around him, his warmth sinking into your cold body. "I'm sorry." He whispers into your neck. "I'm so sorry." You shake your head, pressing your face into his neck. His scent calmed you, and eventually your breathing slowed as his hands rubbed your back. "I love you." You said, his hands paused, and he untangled himself to look at you, hope in his eyes. "Really?" "Yes, I'm sorry I made such a mess. Do you want to try this again?" You ask. He let out a breathless chuckle before pressing his lips to your forehead. "Yes, God yes." You smile teary eyed, bittersweet joy filling you. You placed your hands on both sides of his face before giving him a slow melting kiss, thumbs stroking his face. "I just have to do something first." You say. His brows crease slightly, but he let's you go. "Okay.." He says uuncertainly
You smile. "I'll come and see you at dinner, okay?" "Yeah, I'll see you."
You entered your quarters without turning on the light, blindly reaching for your padd. It glowed brightly in the darkness of your room, easily finding the picture of him you loved the most, him dashing in his captains uniform hat just a little bit crooked, every inch of him glowing from happiness. Hot thick tears leaked from your eyes as You gently placed your padd on the table in front of your window, his face materializing against the empty black abyss, somewhere where you knew his ashes were scattered, floating forever in the universe, amidst stardust and wonder.
"I love you." You whispered into the silence, looking at him. "Wherever you are, I hope you know that I love you. I hope you know that I'll never not love you... a good friend once told me, I can love you, and still let you go.... I know one day, thinking about you won't hurt so much, and the other feelings will fade, and I'll be only left with love. The way you loved me so fiercly and how i loved you. I'll never forget you i promise, how could I? Even when I'm dying I know you'll come back to me, when I'm old and tired. But there is this amazing man that I love that wants to love me, and I think I'm ready to be happy again. I know you'd want me to be." You looked back at his flickering image
"I hope we meet again. And So, Derek.... I love you, and I let you go. And I hope wherever you are, you feel peace, you feel safe...and I hope you know that I love you." You say, a feeling of weight being stripped off of you makes you feel lighter, and a strange peace settles over you, and somehow you know he hears you.
"I'll never forget you."
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Two Ships Passing in the Night {7}
Part 7
Series Masterlist
Spock x fem!Reader, Bones x fem!Reader
Summary: Through Jim’s planning, the Defiance and Enterprise are on shore leave, in conveniently, the same planet. It’s time for you to confront Leonard and Spock, or maybe for them to confront you.
A/N: Thank you to everyone who’s liking this, asking to be added to the taglist, you’re keeping me going, thank you for sticking with my nonexistent upload schedule! If you want to be added to the taglist, just let me know!
Warnings: Alcohol Consumption, Alcoholic Tendencies (let’s face it, Leonard has a drinking problem), swearing.
Word Count: 2,631
You sat on the bridge of the ship, fingers tapping on the arm rest of your chair. You had one week until you were meeting the Enterprise for shore leave and you were starting to wonder why you had agreed to this? And you were inevitably going to have two confrontations that you had been pushing into the deep recesses of your mind. Spock’s message had made you begin reflecting on the past years, when you were a part of Starfleet Academy, then the crew of the Enterprise. Leonard and you had become fast friends at the academy, even though you were on separate tracks. Jim had been your first friend within the Command group, his father’s reputation was a burden for him, but he was determined.
Being around Jim reminded you of a saying your mother had aways told you, “Surround yourself with great people and you will achieve greatness.” He was a good friend, but the first time you met Leonard something had clicked between the two of you.
“C’mon, it’s just going to be me and my roommate, you’d like him.” Jim said one Friday walking with you after class, giving your shoulder a bump with his.
“Jim, you cannot be setting me up with your roommate, I see enough of your ugly mug.” You retorted.
“I’m not setting you two up.” Jim said, holding his hands up, “I’m merely introducing two people.”
“That is exactly what someone who is trying to set up their friends would say.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He said, “But if you don’t want to just lock yourself in your room tonight, eight o’clock.” He winked and started trotting away from you.
You grumbled as you made your way back to your room. The day turned to night and you found yourself alone in your room. You roommate had pranced out of the room once her classes were finished. You sighed to yourself. “We have two choices.” You muttered. “Stay alone, and get sad, or go hang out with Jim.”You changed into your jeans and threw on a top, you weren’t too worried about your appearance, it was just Jim and his roommate. You walked to the bar, you entered and saw that the younger cadets had shown up in uniform, hoping that their position would get them laid.
You felt an arm wrap around your shoulder and looked to your right to see Jim. “You made it!” He said excitedly.
“I’m here.” You answered, shrugging out from under his arm.
“Let’s introduce you to Bones.” He said, leading you over to a table in the corner where a man sat. He had what seemed like a permanent scowl on his face and a glass of whiskey in front of him. Jim made introductions and motioned to the open seat next to ‘Bones.’
Not setting you up my ass. You thought to yourself as Jim made his way up to the bar. You looked over at the man next to you, “So, how’d you get the name Bones?”
The man chuckled, “Doctor Leonard McCoy, I made the mistake of opening my mouth the first time I met Golden Boy over there and now I’m doomed with a nickname.” He took a sip of his whiskey. “My ex-wife is the reason I joined. Told the kid that she had left me with just my bones, and my nickname was born.”
“And he’s been a sad sack of shit since.” Jim said, putting your drink in front of you. “So, what’s your roommate doing tonight?” He asked, eyes scanning the room.
You took a sip of the drink he had placed in front of you. “Uh-uh, she’s off limits.”
Jim pouted and glanced around the room, searching for someone to amuse him for the night. He clapped his hands together, “Alright you two, don’t cause too much trouble.” He got up from the table and made his way over to a girl at the bar.
“Jesus.” Leonard muttered, gently swirling the whiskey in his glass.
“Let’s drink to the poor girl’s health.” You said, holding your glass out towards him. A small smirk came across his lips as he tapped the glass against yours.
“Amen.” You both took a swig of your drinks and a silence fell between the two of you. “Look, I know Jim was trying to set us up and if you don’t want to be stuck at a bar with a sad divorcé, here’s your chance to run kid.”
You glanced around the room at all the cadets circling to find someone to take home for the night, and honesty, that just wasn’t too appealing to you. “Considering the prospects, I think I’ll take my chances with you. So what made you go into medical?”
Leonard’s eyes widened for a moment, surprised that you actually were willing to stay. “Well, I was between a rock and a hard place, but have always wanted to be a doctor, not necessarily on a star ship, but we take the jobs we can.”
Conversation flowed easily between the two of you, it was comfortable. You both lost track of time and the night was cut off by the bartender calling final call. You glanced at the man next to you.
“I guess that’s the end of the night.” He murmured. “How far away is your dorm?”
“Not too far.” You answered, standing up.
Leonard stood up, “Call me old fashioned, but I think it’s only right to walk you home, would that be alright?”
You smiled, “That would be fine.”
The walk was filled with more conversation, it was odd how easy it was to talk to him. When you arrived at your dorm you weren’t sure how to say good night to him. Leonard shuffled his feet before breaking the silence. “I had fun tonight, but don’t you dare tell Jim.”
You laughed, “Ditto.” You held your hand out to him. “Here’s to surviving friendship with Jim Kirk.”
Leonard chuckled and shook your hand. “Good Night.”
“Night.” You said as you watched his retreating back.
The next weeks your Fridays fell into a pattern, meet Jim and Leonard at the bar, watch Jim find someone at the bar, then make fun of the cadets in the bar. A quick friendship had formed between you and Leonard, Jim kept trying to nudge the two of you into more, but you both assured him that you were just friends. You were inseparable, almost irritatingly so to anyone who was around. And now you found yourself debating every moment you had with Leonard. The nights spent talking at the bar, then eventually the nights just talking in dorms, aboard the Enterprise. How you always sought him out when you were unsure or just needed someone. How no matter the hour or how busy he was, he had time for you. How he held you when you cried over Spock, how he stayed with you when you realized you were pregnant. How he promised to stand by you no matter what. How you needed him. God, you needed him like you needed air. And that’s when you realized, you loved Leonard McCoy. That damn snarky, surly doctor with a heart of gold, you loved him.
The week passed quickly and in what felt like no time you were beamed onto the planet’s surface. The planet Jim had chosen was basically a glorified resort, but an entire planet. Which was not a surprising choice for Jim.
“Captain.” You heard a voice greet from your left. You raised your eyes and saw Spock, you had to admit, this was the first time you think you had ever seen the Vulcan look a bit nervous.
“Commander Spock.” You responded in kind.
He paused for a moment, you could almost see the gears in his brain rotating to form the perfectly phrased response. “I was hoping that we might be able to talk?” His eyes moved down from your face to your stomach.
You closed your eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. “I think that would be a good idea.”
“Jim said there’s a quiet restaurant around the corner if you would like to go there, or we could walk.” Spock answered, eyes never leaving you.
“Real food sounds great, we’ve grown tired of replicated food.” You answered a small smile on your face as Spock gestured in the direction of the restaurant and fell into step beside you.
Spock’s eyes met yours when you both had finished your meals, you knew this was going to be a heavy conversation. “So, what did you want to talk about?” You asked, knowing damn well what the man wanted to talk to you about.
“I know that the message I had sent you was sudden and after my reaction at the hospital, I’m grateful that you’re willing to speak with me tonight.” He began. “ I know that I have made mistakes and that my actions have hurt you. And I apologize for that.”
You saw the sincerity in his eyes. “I forgive you and I want to apologize for keeping the baby from you, for planning to keep it secret. It was a stupid idea, you have every right, I was scared. You have every right as the father to this child to be a part of their life.”
“I will only be as involved as you allow, I do not want to overstep.” Spock began, but you cut him off.
“You are his father, that means we are equal partners in this as parents. I will not restrict you from him.”
Spock’s shoulders relaxed, but still tension knitted his brow. “You need to know that I also care for you, but I cannot give you a romantic relationship, it would be a disservice to you. And I have already done far too many disservices to the woman who is the mother of my child.”
You bit your bottom lip and gave him a small smile, “That’s alright, I don’t think we were meant for each other in that way.”
He chuckled, “There’s that human optimism, I thought Jim was the only one who had it.”
“Where do you think I learned it?” You asked a laugh falling from your lips.
Spock shifted in his seat, preparing to bring up a part of the conversation that he was less than pleased to present. “I want you to know, in my opinion, I would not mind sharing fatherly duties with Leonard McCoy, he is a good man, he would be a good fatherly figure for a child. He might feel differently, but I do not mind.” You stared at the Vulcan, mouth gaping, he chuckled. “I honestly was surprised when we had our….time together. I had always assumed the two of you would be a couple.”
“Unfortunately, we can’t all be that perceptive.” You answered once you shut your mouth.
“I hardly believe that. From my observations of humans, you all seem blind to the obvious, at least when it comes to emotions.” He teased.
“And Vulcans are completely logical, all the time.” You said, nudging his knee with yours under the table.
“Always.” He answered, quirking his brow for a moment, causing you to laugh. He glanced over at the clock on the wall. “We should probably find our other halves, no doubt they’ve gotten themselves worked up in unnecessary worry.”
Leonard sighed, he had finally completed all the medical checks on the crew members for them to be allowed free on shore leave. Jim had commed him to tell him that the Defiance had arrived. He knew that it would take you some time to finish up your duties as Captain and remained on the Enterprise for a while longer. He changed from his medical uniform into his civilian clothes. He glanced at himself in the mirror, he looked tired, probably from staying up too damn late this week. He was nervous, the two of you hadn’t spoken for a while, aside from his updates about Jim’s antics and checking on your condition.
Once he was beamed onto the planet’s surface he glanced around, looking for you, and he saw you. Rather, he saw your retreating form, along side the silhouette of a science officer he knew too well. His heart sank into his stomach. You were going off with Spock, it made sense, he was the father of your child, and Leonard had guilted him into making amends of some kind with you. But nerves created a knot in the pit of his gut.
It was no secret to him that you had strong feelings for Spock, maybe out of a feeling of obligation Spock would extend some kind of companionship to you. He was brought back to his previous argument with Spock. She loves you more than she could ever love me. That sentence had worn on his mind for so long. Leonard had tried to shake that sentence from his brain, Spock had been angry, he had started having more emotional outbursts following the death of his mother and planet. Maybe he just was letting his emotions get the best of him, Leonard had scoffed at himself. While Spock’s emotions were occasionally showing themselves, there was always logic backing them, and one thing about Spock’s logic, he had no reason to lie.
Leonard’s feet carried him into a bar, he walked in and saw some crew mates milling about, Uhura was in a corner nursing a drink, a sullen look on her face. A knife twisted in his gut, if she was here, and Spock was with you, he tried to shake the dread from his mind. He ordered a double of whiskey and made his way over to her.
“Nice night.” He said, she raised her eyes to his.
She gave him a small eye roll and gestured to the empty seat across from her. She took a sip of the drink, “Nice night for our fates to be decided, and we aren’t in the room where it’s happening.”
Leonard swirled the whiskey in his glass. “He didn’t tell you anything?”
Uhura chuckled, “He told me he intended to have a conversation with her, not much more. Told me not to worry.”
Leonard took a sip of whiskey, “Don’t worry….. Seems pretty on par for a computer.” He muttered.
“He’s not a computer.” Uhura snapped.
Leonard lowered his eyes. “I’m sorry.”
Uhura sighed, “Why do you hate him so much?”
Leonard chuckled, “Isn’t it obvious?”
It was Uhura’s turn to laugh. “I want you to say in words, why you hate him.”
Leonard took a long swig of his whiskey. “Because he took the one person I love in this damned universe and tossed her aside like she was nothing.”
Uhura gave him a knowing glance, took another sip of her drink. The pair was nervous as time continued to pass, they both knew what you and Spock were discussing, but it was uncomfortable, your future in the hands of other people. Leonard lost count of the drinks, Uhura had kept the orders going. Leonard glanced up at the door for a moment and saw you walk in with Spock, Spock’s hand was pressed against the small of your back to maneuver you around the door. You were laughing as he lead you to the table. Leonard felt his stomach twist into knots and he took a swig of his whiskey, finishing the glass, his vision started to blur as you reached the table.
“Evening.” He heard Spock greet as he slid next to Uhura.
Leonard glanced up at you, his head started spinning. His eyes met yours. “Hey, darlin’.” He murmured, then the world went black.
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
August 28: 3x05 Is There In Truth No Beauty?
Several days later, coming back to write up these Star Trek notes. I feel like I never got to talk this episode through properly, or even think through it properly by myself, because mom went right into watching AHS on Thursday, and I was too tired to even sort through my thoughts and when we talked yesterday, it was… entirely about other things.
So, here at least are my liveblog thoughts, and maybe I’ll remember some more as I write.
Right off the bat, this is such a cool concept: the friendly alien Ambassador who no one can look at because his form is not fit for human eyes.
Love Spock’s silly looking little visor. Not sure I get why he’s wearing it right now, when the Ambassador is in his box, but okay.
Dr. Jones is so beautiful. I love her dress.
I’m sure Spock is thinking “If only all Ambassadors could be put into little boxes like this.”
Okay, Ambassador’s coming! Everybody quarantine!
Right, I JUST remembered the significance of the dress.
Spock has experience with mind links with other creatures—a lot of experience that ho. Is he thinking about the pleasure of connecting to Kirk, that “dynamic individual”?
“My life is here.” With the Captain???
I feel like this episode is implying, all but stating outright, that Spock is very good at mindlinking. Like maybe even more so than the average Vulcan. Which makes sense because he does it so often. And yet he still messes up with AOS!Kirk.
I love the effects for the Ambassador. I’m not even being sarcastic; I think they get across the experience of looking at him quite effectively.
Hmmm, some non-touch telepathy. I know Spock has a little of that. I guess it’s mostly him reacting to Miranda, though.
Gotta get a dig in at Dr. McCoy before he leaves lol. Spock, so predictable.
Kirk’s flirting is off the charts today omg. Tone it down man.
She learned from the Vulcans how not to read thoughts. Exactly!! Their telepathy is such an underrated part of the whole Vulcan thing, including why they remain ‘emotionless.’
She’s so jealous of Spock.
Honestly this whole scene… there’s a lot going on here! I’m trying to pay attention to the Vulcan telepath stuff but the men won’t stop flirting at 11. Especially McCoy, laying it on extra thick.
She does hold her own very well, though.
A preference for beauty—one of our last prejudices.
“Sleep well.” So cute. (I’ve already forgotten but I’m pretty sure this is Kirk.)
“We’re all vulnerable in one way or another.” KIRK SHUT UP I LOVE YOU.
Girls don’t like guys, girls like Medusan ambassadors.
This guy is so jealous. I barely know who he is lol; this comes out of nowhere.
Interesting angle on the hallway shot. I feel like there are a lot of those in this ep, like these weirdly long shots of the hallways… Maybe I’m just not used to seeing them with one or no people in them.
Kirk and the squad. Work work fashion baby.
“Larry? Marvick? Why?” Okay that is some real Shatnerian inflection there.
*Ship veers obviously*
And look at this weird-ass view of the bridge. Like what the hell, where is the camera? On the lift? It’s so disorienting!
Spock needs to fix some stuff, calls for his protégé Chekov, of course.
And this funky music. So bizarre.
This is a nutty view, this “unknown void.” Like one would think beyond space there’s… just more space, not a Windows 98 screensaver.
Space time continuum?? They didn’t time travel (again), did they?
“He just simply died.” How convenient.
“An entertaining suggestion, Mr. Chekov, but not very helpful.” Honestly, I do think he’s entertained. Spock has grown so much over the course of the show.. like I know there was controversy with his IC-ness this season but in this case, I really do think it is growth. Compare this to the Corbomite Maneuver, where he had a sense of humor but it was… a little mean, a little arch. There’s a certain warmth to him now.
Her mind must be so engaged that she doesn’t notice the plan for Spock to meld with the Ambassador = Kirk will seduce her. Lol. Of course. Everyone’s favorite honeypot.
He has absolutely NO shame.
The man sure does love his flowers, though.
She’s never been to Earth. So she’s a human born on a colony, I guess? That’s such a throwaway line, but so interesting. Could that be part of how she’s telepathic?
Oh no! A thorn!
“Violent emotion is a kind of insanity.” Can I steal this?
Too ugly to bear or too beautiful to bear?
Let me spell it out for you: this is romantic. (Again, I’ve forgotten what this refers to, but I’m going to assume it’s something Kirk said.)
Lol Bones just dropping truth bombs. How did he know she was blind? Did he recognize the dress or does he have access to her files as the ship’s doctor?
And Kirk accepts it immediately. “Of course! It’s the only reasonable explanation as to why you weren’t attracted to me.”
The Ambassador is brought to the bridge and placed behind a covid wall, I mean, protective barrier.
And now, we meet the Ambassador for real.
“THAT’s Spock!” Bones is so happy. He’s really not comfortable with Spock being all… smiley and flirty. Or rather, someone in Spock’s body, I should say.
Kollos is VERY flirty. And he and Miranda have chemistry for sure. It’s weird, because I don’t get any sense of that between her and Spock (rightly so) but Spock as the Ambassador and it comes right out.
I love the characterization of him. The idea that the Medusans’ thoughts are supposed to be particularly nice to engage with…. I really see how that would be. He’s so soothing.
Kollos is enjoying his time in a human body, I think. Mostly. Not all of it. (I got a little teary at the part about loneliness, ngl.)
Time to go back? So soon?
Noooo the shield! It’s like forgetting your mask when you enter a building.
[Spock wails]
Honestly, even seeing the steps to the upper level of the bridge is really weir. Like, I’ve always known there are steps there… but I’ve never thought about what they look like.
Kirk is so skeptical about all of this. Spock is in danger and his brain immediately goes to the pessimistic scenarios—very unlike him!
He’s freaking out nervous.
“Are we supposed to wake him with a kiss?” Idk, it’s worth a try. Why doesn’t Kirk give it a go?
Does Kirk have a game plan with Miranda here, or is he just honestly freaking out?
…The answer is honestly freaking out, which is rather a disappointment.
Spock has a necklace version of the IDIC symbol this time.
Everyone’s exchanging all these highly formulaic, formal goodbyes and Kirk’s like “Peace.” Wow, really trying hard with that one. Still rattled, I guess.
Also speaking of these formulaic exchanges—this fits very well with the HAICG-verse. Just saying.
This episode was really good! I loved Miranda, I am a huge fan of the underlying sci fi concept, and I though the Spock characterization and the hints of Vulcan culture were very interesting (and very in keeping with my own characterization and world building, imo).
The only thing I didn’t like was Kirk’s characterization. He felt like a stereotype, like who AOS thought TOS Kirk was, rather than himself—the over the top flirting, the dramatic rage, how he didn’t really seem in control of anything or on his game at all.
But, even though he’s my fave, the interesting Spock characterization made up for that, and I really appreciated these insights into him, interacting with someone who, while not Vulcan herself, had a Vulcan cultural background, someone he approached similarly to how he would one of his own people. It was very polite but with a lot of unsaid beneath the surface, which is how I imagine Vulcans are.
The introduction of IDIC truly was pretty random! I did like the idea of Spock trying to compliment her and not really landing it, because that’s just the awkward nerd sort of thing he would do. But it’s weird that the phrase has never been introduced before, and also that even within this episode, it’s only obliquely explained.
I’m not actually sure if I’ve seen the next ep or not. I don’t think so, but it’s possible I did and just don’t remember it very well…
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sweetpeaownsmyheart · 4 years
Just a Couple of Notes (Sweet Pea x Reader)
Hello friends! Sorry for the inactivity, I've had a lot going on and have been dealing with mental health but I haven’t forgotten you! I was so happy to come on today and find that someone has messaged me a request, my first one yay - so I should get that out soon! This is a lil idea I had late one night, I didn’t really know I was going with it but wanted to get something out and actually kinda like it!! (just a warning bc the plot is a bit naff lol) Love you all sm - stay safe and healthy xxx <3
Word Count - 2300
Warnings - umm not that I can think of! An odd plot maybe? Too fluffy? Very OOC Pea?
Summary - you write notes to SP when you start work at Pops, it’s not long before he responds. But then there’s a bump in the road!!
You're move to Riverdale was a quick decision made by your parents in Autumn when a new job opportunity arose. Within a week you were packed up and moving to the town leaving behind your friends, other family members and the quiet life you had gotten used to.
Riverdale was an odd place to you. You were used to the comforts and quirks of your hometown and for that reason your attention felt drawn to the awkwardness and divide and, what seemed to be lurking beneath the surface in your new neighbourhood.
It was about a week after your move that you had noticed the 'help wanted' sign in the window of Pops and were pushed to apply by Jughead who you had met the first night you had come to town. Besides Jug, you kept yourself to yourself, limiting your interactions to with your family and customers. Of course, it wasn't for others lack of trying, often Betty or one of Jughead's other friends would talk to you.  However, you knew that when you were old enough, you would move back to your hometown so didn't want to create too many ties.
That all changed when Sweet Pea started frequenting the diner.
He had come in asking for Jughead before noticing him in the corner and hurrying over. The way he sat with his shoulders hunched over and stony expression was intriguing to you, but you were quick to learn that he was as much of a 'mystery' as you were.
He always wore black in some way, had dog-tags round his neck that you longed to wrap your hand around and a curl on his forehead that you wanted to push back into place. If it wasn't for the few times that you saw him with Fangs and Toni, you would have thought him incapable of feeling joy but the way his face broke into a smile and his laugh carried across the diner was enough to make anyone's heart beat faster.
You were smitten with a boy you didn't know, the boy who was pegged as 'trouble' by Jughead when you asked about him.
Soon your want to know him overtook your want to keep to your solitude and that was when the notes started - that way you could still keep him at a distance.
It was around 8pm on a Sunday that the first instance happened as Sweet Pea came to pay for his groups dinner. You had heard him complaining earlier that evening about how his English teacher was going to fail him if he didn't pass his next test with flying colours and you had subsequently spent your break writing out quotes from the book Jug had mentioned they were studying and exam tips you had found on google.
You passed the napkin to him along with his receipt and quickly left to serve another group (and avoid any embarrassment) missing the look on confusion on his face.
As you finished serving the table you turned back around you met his gaze as he reached the door. He threw you a quick wink and walked out leaving you standing with your heart racing and head spinning.
For you it became common place after that day. Whenever Pea visited the diner, he left with a little note on a napkin that you wrote on your break. The notes ranged from help with school when you had overheard he was struggling to random facts you found or occasionally a cheesy pick up line. If you plucked up the courage to look, you often saw him smiling down at the notes when he thought no one was looking which made it worth it. You didn't expect a response, but it was something fun to do, and although the thought crossed your mind that maybe he it was making him feel awkward, he hadn't told you to stop so you continued.
He didn't respond, until one day he did.
You had just closed up for the night and were cleaning the tables when you noticed a napkin on the table where he had been sitting. You had given him a list of songs to listen to that day, slipped it onto the table as they paid and you hadn't seen anything then so were wondering if Sweet Pea had thought it odd and left the note but as you approached you saw the writing was not as light as yours. It had more of a scrawl to it.
'Don't walk home over the bridge today - Sweet Pea
PS. I like (your favourite band) and I like getting these notes :)'
And that's how your interactions were from that point onwards, he gave you a warning or a place to stay away from and sometimes something personal about him and you gave him a fact or compliment or anything you could think of. It wasn't much but it suited you both and you had had a few conversations with Toni and Fangs about how much he liked you and now a bigger part of you wanted to stay.
That was until Josie came along.
You had met Josie before, a couple of times, but your conversations were always limited to taking her order and the general waitressing 'stuff'. She seemed nice enough, but you hadn't seen her with a serpent before and since you were home schooling you didn't even know she knew them (besides Jug).
She sat with Pea for hours. Just the two of them. They spoke in whispers and you often caught at least one of them sending you quick glances. You did not want to infringe on them so let one of the other waitresses serve them both ignoring her questions on why there was a sudden change.
You thought back to all the longing looks, all the flirting both in notes and over your waitressing and of the fact it all was or at least seemed reciprocated.
That was the first time since you had first served him that he left without a note.
He didn't come in again for another week or so. Everything was getting on top of you and your plan to move back 'home' was once again in your mind despite weeks of not speaking to your 'friends' or thinking of your life before Riverdale.
You felt odd. You knew that you had no ties to this place besides Jug but one part of you thought your plans to move away were based on the actions of Sweet Pea rather than your lack of connections.
You knew that you had no real relationship with the boy, it was only notes passed back and forth. You couldn't claim to know him or be his friend as you hadn't exactly spoken much but one part of you felt drawn to him and hurt that he didn't feel that too - he would rather step out with Josie.
If looks could kill, in that moment, both Sweet Pea and Jughead would be dead from each other’s stares. Jug was your confidant on all Sweet Pea matters. He had listened to you gush about how adorable Sweets was and in the last week had listened to your complaints. He knew that the actions of Sweet Pea may drive you to leave and he desperately did not want you to leave.
So here in the diner at 11pm, glares were thrown towards Pea by Jug who was sat with you whilst you were on your break. And glares were thrown right back in his (or your?) direction by Sweet Pea who had settled in a booth by himself.
You were the only one working that night so knew that you would have to serve him eventually so as your break ended, and Jug left the diner you walked over to him.
'what can I get you?' you said breaking the unsettling silence.
'Just the usual please.'
'And what would that be?' You knew his order. Of course you did. But part of you felt spiteful and hurt and you wanted him to feel that too. But you regretted it immediately when he turned to you with a look of sadness on his face.
'Come on Y/N. You know my order. I've only not been in for a week.' Maybe he was trying to joke to get rid of the tension.
'Yeh maybe I do and maybe in the week you've been MIA, you've forgotten that we don't serve food after 11. So, I'll ask again, what can I get you?'
'Just a chocolate shake please.'
You walked off to make the drink but were pulled back by a strong hand and a falsely strong voice. 'When were you going to mention in one of you notes that you're dating Jughead Jones?'
You scoff. 'When were you going to mention you're dating Josie McCoy?' You pulled your arm out of his grip. And turned to look at him. He looked confused. 'Yanno Sweet Pea, you were here last week with her? Has your memory gone?'
'I'm not dating her.' He splutters out.
'You know what Sweet Pea; I don't care who you're dating or not dating. It was only a couple of notes between us. So, I'll just go make your shake and you can sit here if you want or leave if you would prefer. And when you come back next week I won't be here.' You leave to make his shake but when you come back, he is not there, but a napkin is in his place.
'Sorry - SP'
A couple of days later you were packing all your bags in the back of a rented pickup truck, ready to take a long road trip back to your hometown with Jughead. When he arrived, you said goodbye to your family and jumped in the passenger’s seat, Jug had agreed to take the first shift.
You made light conversation and sung along to the radio for about 20 minutes before you noticed that Jug was taking a wrong turning.
'You're going the wrong way.'
'Y/N, please don't hate me. He made me do this.'
'Okay Jug, what's going on, you're scaring me.'
'You know you said that Josie and Sweet Pea had been in Pops? Well, it's not what it seems. Just listen to him yeh?'
'Jughead Jones where am I?' He guided you out of the truck and led you down a path into what appeared to be a small forest. 'you better not be murdering me Jones.' You joked. 'I was going to road trip with you and all.' He rolled his eyes and remained silent.
He had led you to a clearing, told you to wait there and then ran off.
'Jones.' you shouted. 'Jones, come back here. Stop messing this isn't funny.'
'Did you know that the inventor of the frisbee was cremated and turned into a frisbee when he died.'
You jumped and turned around, shocked at the new voice in the quiet forest. 'Sweet Pea? What are you doing here?'
'Did you know that 12 bodies were found in Benjamin Franklin’s basement? You wrote that when i was studying for History.' You looked down and saw in his hands a pile of papers. Napkins.
'Here's one of my favourites - Do you know how much a polar bear weighs? Enough to break the ice. I'm Y/N. That was one of the first notes you gave me, remember?' You nod. 'Well thing is, it was never 'only a couple of notes' to me. I really like you, or I think I like you from what you've said about yourself in the notes. Just tell me now, did I read it wrong? I know you're leaving, I just wanted you to know.' His voice remained strong throughout, but his eyes did not hold the same confidence.
'What about Josie?'
'What about Jughead?' he retorts but quickly breaks into a smile and shows he was joking. 'Me and Josie aren't a thing. We used to be. I really liked her, but she didn't like me and then last week she came and told me that she suddenly did. But I told her I have a thing for this amazing girl who knows too many pickup lines and facts about dinosaurs.'
He cleared his throat and looked down at a piece of paper he pulled out of his pocket. 'do you have a band aid?' you look at him confused. 'because i scraped my knee falling for you.'
You break out in a smile and walk closer to him, reaching out to his hands and then running yours up his arms and resting them on his shoulders 'Maybe let's leave the pickup lines to me. What google search found you that one?'
He pulled you closer and wrapped his other hand around your waist. 'I searched -how to get the pretty, witty, lovely waitress to fall for me-.' You giggled and brought your hand to rest on his cheek. You saw pure adoration in his eyes and hoped he saw the same in yours. You lent in and gently placed your lips on his in a quick and innocent kiss. When you pulled back and opened your eyes, he was smiling the brightest smile.
A question came into your mind as you noticed all the napkins strewn across the floor, you looked up with him through your lashes with your head tilted and asked. 'Did you really keep all my notes?'
'Like I said Princess, they are more than just notes to me.'
You felt complete and knew that in a couple of hours you would be unloading all your stuff again back in Riverdale because there really was something to stay for.
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une-pomm3 · 4 years
Spirk Ficlet - Migraine
I’ve been battling a rather nasty migraine the last couple days. To make myself feel better, I wrote this bit of fluff.
- - -
Captain Kirk was an intimidating man when he chose to be.
He had a certain ability to command a room simply by existing in it; when he spoke, people would listen. He exuded power and confidence when he stood at attention on the bridge of his ship. While there had always been those that considered him too young to be at the head of such a ship as the Enterprise, he demanded respect merely with his presence and received it without question from his crew. It was easy to be loyal to such a man. 
There was also the quiet brilliance of his mind. He knew his ship inside and out. He could keep up the Chief Engineer's mad brilliance with ease, understanding both the theory and application required to maintain - and upgrade - the ship’s engines. He was an avid history fan, Spock had seen the row of Terran books in his quarters and knew them to well read. Not to mention his tactical mind, which resulted in the frustrating way he played chess, often winning against Spock. Not to mention his penchant for calculations - he was nearly as fast by hand as Chekov in his head.
He was incredibly handsome, and not shy about using this to his advantage - a tool to wield for as long as it was available to him. Spock thought of this, perhaps too often, and came to the conclusion that the Captain would likely always be beautiful, especially when older rather than despite it. 
In a word, Captain James T. Kirk was impressive. 
And yet… it was difficult to marry that to the man that was currently curled up in a ball under his regulation blankets in bed. 
"Captain," Spock approached with caution - the room was dark, only the glow from the computer terminal to light his way. "The doctor has sent me to check on you. Is there anything you require?" 
He received a rather pitiful whine in response. Such a noise may have startled him had the doctor not warned him beforehand. 
"Have you had enough water?" He reached the bedside table and found a glass upon it and held it up to see the volume remaining - it was mostly full. He sucked his teeth and sat on the edge of the bed. "Captain, you will not aid in your recovery if you do not drink enough fluids." 
Another whine. 
"The doctor shared with me your history with migraines," Spock said to the lump, "on average your pain persists for 6.53 hours. As this one began approximately 4.25 hours ago, you can look forward to your discomfort easing in 2.28 hours - provided, of course, that you remain properly hydrated." 
The lump writhed on the bed and a head emerged, hair standing shockingly on end and eyes squinting in what may have been an approximation of a scowl. "Do you always talk so much?" The Captain's voice was low and gravelly; Spock held out the cup of water and waited for him to struggle into a sitting position. 
The squinty scowl remained. 
"Drink," Spock insisted and Jim finally took the glass and pressed it to his lips. "All of it." Spock gently tipped the bottom of the cup until he was satisfied that all of its contents were being drained. 
"You're bossy," the Captain mused. 
"Then you are not going to like what else I've been tasked with."
Jim looked back to him - still squinting - and ran a hand through his hair, disheveling it further, which Spock would have considered an impossibility. 
"The good doctor has asked that I ensure you eat something." Spock rose from the side of the bed and crossed the room to retrieve a tray he had put down upon his initial entry. 
"I don't feel like eating anything," Jim said, his voice drawn out and pitched into an impressive whimper. 
"I anticipated this," He replied, returning to the Captain's side, sitting again and balancing the tray on his knees. "I have brought for you a selection of soft, nutrient-rich foods that will be easy to digest in your weakened state." Jim attempted an indignant noise that only succeeded in sounding rather pitiful and he flopped back down into the bed, disappearing beneath the blankets once more. "You forget that I am a very patient man," Spock told him, "and I have nothing else with which to fill my time until I am satisfied that you have eaten sufficiently." 
"Lies!" said the mound of blankets, "you are a very busy man and should go do those busy things in your lab or on the Bridge and leave me to wither away in my misery." 
"I am glad to see that you are feeling well enough to speak so much." Spock waited for exactly one minute before he prodded the blankets with a finger, eliciting a rather satisfying noise of indignation. "Captain." 
The head reappeared, complete with the squint-scowl and he sat up once again. 
"Alright," he resigned, "what have you brought?" 
"Sliced tolik fruit, grapefruit segments and honeycomb, t'mirak pudding, and ulan soup." 
"How very Vulcan of you," Jim leaned over Spock's shoulder to peer at the tray before reaching a shaking hand to take the bowl of soup. 
"It is what I know best," Spock quickly produced a napkin and reached to steady the soup in Jim's hands before it sloshed onto the bed. 
"You are a rather convincing mother hen," Jim said, "I bet you treat all the captains like this."
"Hardly," Spock passed him a slice of tolik fruit and did not look away until he was certain it would make it past Jim's lips, "Captain Pike would never behave this way." Jim snorted and Spock heard himself continue before he could stop it, "besides, he had Number One to see to such needs." 
"Yeah, but she was in lo- oh." 
Spock felt the tips of his ears colour and he shifted on the bed, rearranging the contents on the tray. Quietly, he said, "eat your ulan soup."
"Yes, sir," Spock's gaze flicked to the Captain in surprise. The tone was entirely too smug for someone as ill as they claimed to be. He raised an eyebrow and Jim's gaze was steady, practically glittering in the low light as he brought the spoon to his lips. He slurped indecently and Spock resisted the temptation to roll his eyes.
"You know," Jim said conversationally around his spoon, "I don't let all the officers see me like this." 
"Indeed," Spock passed him another slice of fruit to save himself from listening to more slurping, "I am aware, as I am the one to assign access to your quarters outside of extracurricular activities." As was his duty as First Officer to oversee the staff on board the ship. He supposed Nurse Chapel could have seen to the Captain - he likely would not have been nearly as petulant, but he also considered that she would not have stayed to ensure his complete cooperation, either. That, and Doctor McCoy has insisted that he be the one to see Jim… oh.
The doctor was entirely too meddlesome for his own good.  
"I think you are quite well enough to feed yourself, Captain," Spock rose, carefully placing the tray of food over Jim’s lap. 
"Please stay," Jim said quietly, reaching for Spock, but hesitated millimetres before his fingertips touched Spock's wrist. He stared at that space and did not respond. "I promise to behave if you do," it was a whisper and Spock looked up to search his face, eyebrow raising. 
"It is considered unwise to make promises you are unable to keep."
"Then stay because of that. Besides," Jim smiled, "you are not very busy, you told me yourself! Unless, of course, you lied." The mock-scandal in his tone was indicative that he was beginning to feel better. If that was the case, Spock had no real reason to remain. 
He sat back down on the edge of the bed.
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to-boldly-nope · 4 years
Kiss and Make Up
Pairing: AOS Bones x Reader
Words: 803
Warning: Badly written angst, implied smut, fluff, mentions of drinking
Plot: The reader is tired of Bones being overprotective of them, which causes an argument between the two based off the song Kiss and Make Up by Dua Lipa and BLACKPINK
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"Leonard, I'm sick of it, I can handle myself!" You yelled at him.
The battle of the century was happening in sickbay. The anger was strong from both of you, it was so tense that you could see it.
"The hell you can!"
"You don't believe that I can take care of myself?! That's low, real low."
"I'm just trying to protect you!" Bones yelled even louder, "Dammit, can't you understand?!"
"You don't see me interfering with your job, do you? I was assigned security for a reason!"
"Lieutenant (L/N), please report to the bridge."
You both glared at each other, the hatred in the air and your eyes. It wasn't the first time you argued, but be damned if it was your last.
You walked to the door, "I'm done, Bones."
"You joking," he scoffed as he watched your every move.
You whipped around and growled, "I'm not." And then you were gone.
You were at the bar, downing your third shot of whiskey. You didn't want to leave him but it was stupid how overprotective he was.
"(Y/N), weird seeing you here," Jim laughed as he sat next to you.
"Bone's being an ass," you muttered as you poured yourself another shot.
"What else is new?"
Jim took the bottle of whiskey from your hands as he examined it. You tried to get it back, but he slid it across the bar.
"What's it like, fighting with McCoy?"
"It sucks but it isn't his fault. I was mad because he was being overprotective and he was mad because I was mad at him."
"Sounds like it sucks," Jim said softly. "Why don't you go apologize to him?"
You laughed as you did another shot. "No, he technically started the argument."
"(Y/N), if I know you, as soon as you leave here you're going to be at his quarters. I'd apologize to him while you're still sober before you say or do something you'll regret."
"Why should he care?"
"It's killing him, you know? I've never seen Bones so distracted before. You don't even have to get back together, just work it out," Jim patted your shoulder before leaving you alone with your thoughts.
You stared at the shot glass, wondering what you should do. Yes, you agreed with Jim and say that you should talk it out, but what if he didn't want to?
You sat down the shot glass and ran out of the bar and down the corridor. You stopped in front of a familiar door and rang the button.
"What the hell do you want?!" Bones snapped as the door came open, not realizing that it was you.
"I want to talk."
He looked at you and sighed, letting you in.
His body was pressed against yours as you dug your fingernails into his bare back. The two of your bodies were now one. There were the occasional tugs on his hair and praises from him on how good you were and how beautiful. His hands trailed every inch of you, wanting to feel every little imperfection and every perfection you had.
He left hickeys on your neck and your chest, as to say that you were his, and you were his. He gave you butterfly kisses on your shoulders, stomach, and thighs, which was the complete opposite of how he was earlier that day, but he aggressively kissed your neck and lips.
After everything was done, he held you close to him.
"I'm sorry for everything I did."
"It's alright, darlin'. I understand why you were pissed at me." Bones smiled at you and then pressed a soft kiss on your forehead. "It's hard not to worry about you, sometimes. I just don't want to lose you."
"You won't, Leo. You won't ever lose me."
"How can I be sure?" He whispered to you.
The room went silent and the only sounds were from the warp core and voices from the hallway.
"You won't lose me because I love you, Leonard. No matter what happens, I'll always be with you, I'll always love you. I won't be like her."
"I know you won't be like her because you aren't her. I'm just scared that you'll walk out and leave me for real."
Bones looked away, thoughts clouding his mind as he thought about his ex-wife.
You cupped his face and softly kissed his nose, "I'll always come back to you, it's kinda like destiny."
"Is it?" He asked, half joking.
"Yeah," you giggled as he climbed on top of you.
"Then is it destiny if I kissed you?"
"I don't know, to be honest. I'm not that philosophical, I only took a month of it at the academy before dropping out."
Bones laughed before he gently kissed you, making you laugh with him.
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redshirtgal · 4 years
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Sometimes Memory Alpha picks the worst photos to represent a character. For example, this one. Identified only as a sciences crew woman in “The Alternative Factor,”  this young lady looks like the last person in the world you would want to approach. That look would freeze winter in its tracks. But did you know this episode was not her only appearance?
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But actually, she has quite a pleasant smile and seems to be on good terms with Charlene Matthews and her assistant.  One thing we can determine by both photos is that she has quite a distinctive hair style. And that makes it easy to identify her throughout the several episodes she is in.
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Going by production order, this young crew woman first appeared as part of the audience in this scene of “The Conscience of the King.” Sadly, it is impossible to determine where she is because of the lighting. Even sadder, she is never given a name in any episode. So our only recourse is to either make up one or call her by her stage name, Carey Foster. And since the only made up name we could think of was Yeoman Side Flip.... well, yeah. Carey Foster is a much better choice.
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Foster appears for the second time in “The Squire of Gothos” (in the upper left corner) merely as one of those crew members who blend into the background on the bridge. Although she is certainly going somewhere in a hurry. 
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Her appearance in “The Alternative Factor” was her third as a science crew woman. Not only does her hair style stand out but so do her long legs. Those legs might be part of the reason the crewman is grinning while he is watching her carry her coffee starting with the moment she pulls it out of the food synthesizer slot and all the way up to the moment she joins Lt. Masters and her assistant. Btw, watch this scene on your own and see if you can identify the crewman who seems so entranced with her. One odd factoid worth noting - according to Star Trek Fact Check (http://startrekfactcheck.blogspot.com/) , it appears that Carey Foster along another extra were upgraded from background extra to performer. Which we believe means they both were paid SAG wages. The blog backs this up with notes from the production sheet. That’s a nice little bump in salary, so evidently (as the blog surmises) both Carey Foster and another extra by the name Tom Steele were part of a deleted scene in which they both had a line. We don’t even see this male extra in the final version so we can’t tell if he is the same Tom Steele who was an extra in “Bread and Circuses.” At least Ms Foster’s part was kept in the scene after the deletions were made. 
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The next time we see her is in “This Side of Paradise” when she is part of the crew who beamed down to Omicron Ceti III to join Spock, McCoy, Sulu and the others who have already decided to stay there rather than serve on the Enterprise. In the first photo, you can easily identify Carey from the back of her head. But if you aren’t sure, take a look at the second photo where she turns slightly to the side and you can tell it is the same crew woman.  Also, take a good look at the hair of the young lady in front of her. We can’t be positive, but the color and style of her hair looks very much like that of the red skirt in the front of the audience at the end of “The Conscience of the King.”  How frustrating that we recognize her in that episode but cannot identify where Carey Foster appears. 
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Carey exchanges her science blues for technical services red in “The Devil in the Dark.” She is practically the first person the captain sees when he exits the turbolift and returns to the bridge at the end. And yes, that is definitely the same actress as the science crew woman we saw in “The Alternative Factor.” One look at that hair...
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In “Errand of Mercy” Carey Foster is still in her red uniform and appears to be handing Captain Kirk a tricorder instead of a clipboard just before the Klingon attack at the start of the episode. 
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We could not make a positive ID but we are almost sure this is the final appearance of Carey Foster in “Operation Annihilate.” The hair is close to the right color and there certainly is an upturn in her hair where it hits her shoulders. Production notes verify she is in this episode, according to Memory Alpha. However, we can’t promise you this is her. Still, she has had an amazing run. Carey Foster appeared in a total of seven episodes, which is pretty good for an extra. Not many of the ones who played a unnamed crewman got called back for more than two or three episodes. Why was this actress so lucky? 
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(Above - two early publicity photos of Carey Foster. Note the hairstyle in the second photo)
Possibly because she first appeared in several episodes of The Lieutenant, the first television series created and produced by Gene Roddenberry. After all, Joseph D’Agosta was The Lieutenant’s assistant casting director and became the casting director for Star Trek’s entire run. This could easily be a coincidence but then many actors who appeared on Star Trek also appeared in The Lieutenant including Gary Lockwood, Don Marshall, Leslie Parrish, and Nichelle Nichols.  Actually, Carey’s first Hollywood break was through her talent as a dancer. She had always wanted to dance since she was a young girl. She was so talented, she was allowed to enter an elite dance studio at the age of eleven, where she was given a full scholarship. On the day of her audition, she encountered her role model, Leslie Caron. Two of her dance studio classmates were Annette Funicello and Liza Minelli.  At age 16, she auditioned for a part in West Side Story. She and the other girls followed the directions of both Jerome Robbins and Director Robert Wise and she was one of the lucky ones chosen for a part. However, because her young age required a tutor on set and specific work hour requirements, she and some other young ladies were let go. But even though her dance career got off to a rough start, Miss Foster still found work dancing in industrial entertainment films (which were the subject of a fascinating documentary called Bathtubs Over Broadway).
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 A choreographer friend got her a stint working at the recently opened Cal-Neva Lodge in Lake Tahoe. Frank Sinatra was the owner and she recounts that he took the younger dancers under his protective wing, asking them to point out anyone who bothered them. From there, she landed a spot as one of the dancers seen on The Dean Martin Show.  With more exposure, Carey was able to successfully land work as a dancer in several Hollywood movies. Above is her appearance as one of the Winter-A-Go-Go dancers in the movie of the same name.  She is the second dancer from the right (in front of the young man in the green sweater).
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There was another better known actress in this movie by the name of Julie Parrish, who played DeeDee. She is the young lady dressed in purple in the promotional poster to the left. We know her as Miss Piper, the assistant of Commodore Mendez in “The Menagerie,” Part One. 
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Carey Foster also appeared in similar roles in Annette Funicello’s Pajama Party and Elvis Presley’s Kissin’ Cousins. Carey is the one in the teal top above. At the bottom of the photo you can see a girl with a yellow bikini top. That is the female lead of the movie, Yvonne Craig. Carey remembers Elvis as being very personable and starved for conversation with the younger cast members. Annette Funicello, on the other hand, was stand-offish and didn’t spend much time socializing on the set. Ms Funicello’s name is probably not familiar to many people outside of us Baby Boomers who remember her as the darling of many a Walt Disney production.
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Not listed in her IMDb credits, but confirmed in an interview with Carey Foster (as Emmy Lou Crawford) in the Santa Barbara Sentinel, was an appearance in the 1969 blockbuster hit, Hello Dolly! She is the lady in the yellow dress seated to Barbara Streisand’s left. This would have been one of her last appearances in Hollywood, although she was an assistant choreographer on 1969′s television special for Jack Benny’s birthday celebration. By that time, Carey was married and had a family. Her husband, John Robert Crawford, had a one film Hollywood career. Howard Hawks hired him based purely on his race car prowess to appear in Red Line 7000. The only thing noteworthy about that movie was the appearance of up and coming co-star James Caan. Together they had one daughter, Sean Crawford. Hollywood was losing its appeal and Carey Foster was now becoming more interested in making sure her daughter had the best education possible.
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To achieve that, Carey Foster went back to using her real name of Emmy Lou Crawford and became a certified Montessori instructor. And of course, a dance teacher. Now she and her daughter Sean have opened their own studio, Inspire Dance. From that smile on her face, Emmy Lou seems to revel in encouraging young dancers just the way she was growing up.
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bluesakura007 · 3 years
Undeniable - Chapter 1: Zin’s Dilemma - Khan Noonien Singh x OC
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Summary: During the court trial of Khan after the events of Into Darkness, Enterprise security chief Zinalya begins to develop a realisation relating to him, causing her to come up against a hefty dilemma.  
"By the power vested in the body by the constitution of the United Federation of Planets, we call this trial to order."
It was a week after the USS Enterprise crew’s ordeal against the man previously known as John Harrison; a week after he had revealed his real name to be Khan Singh, successfully exacted his revenge upon Admiral Alexander Marcus for the suffering he’d been through because of the latter and been pursued through the city of San Francisco by a then-enraged Spock. 
Soft, cold white morning light gently shone through the tall glass windows around the room and into the court where the senior officers of this aforementioned ship were gathered, sitting in the seating stands at the back with dozens of other people in attendance while currently wearing their dress uniforms.
"Guards, bring forth the defendant."
In stepped the man of the moment himself from the doors at the very back of the courtroom, his forearms shackled together by a pair of metallic manacles and being accompanied on all sides by a group of security guards, clutching their rifles fiercely.
"The defendant will remain restrained and under guard for the duration of the trial." Said the judge. Khan was now the centre of everyone’s attention behind him, especially the Enterprise group, and even more especially captain Kirk, commander Spock, Dr. Marcus and lieutenant-commander Zinalya Hamilton, the ship’s security chief who was a half-and-half hybrid between a human and a Trill. 
She had long, dark burgundy hair stretching down behind her shoulders, hazel-green eyes and, due to this half Trill lineage, some of this race’s spots on either side of her body, from the top of her forehead down to her neck; in addition, her human parent was from Manitoba, making Zinalya herself a Canadian on this half. "Please state your full name for the record."
"My name is Khan Noonien Singh." He replied, as always in his baritone voice which felt to those around him as if it was reverberating through the floor itself. Some of these others sitting behind him in the audience felt themselves subconsciously shiver at the sound of it.
The Enterprise officers who had been around Khan the most during the previous week spent the following minutes of the trial, after his charges had been covered and discussed, being called on to give testimony as witnesses. Three of these included Spock, Carol and Jim, and then came Zinalya’s turn. "And you were the main officer in charge of overseeing and guarding the defendant, Miss Hamilton?"
"Yes, your honour." She nodded her head. "As the ship’s chief of security I kept watch over him myself some of the time and also arranged where and when he’d be guarded by the other security officers onboard."
"It says here in your report which you submitted to Starfleet command that you spent the two days during his detainment on the Enterprise visiting and conversing with him. Is this true?"
"It is, yes." Ignoring the slight but rising nervousness in the back of her throat, she answered the query truthfully while turning her head to the left to briefly look at the Augment, who was gazing back without any clear outward emotion but with recognition towards her after this time they'd spent talking, him in his clinically white brig cell and her on the other side of the glass. "I was talking to him about his motivations and reasons for his charges." 
She knew that she hadn't committed any actual crimes, but she knew that any indication of her getting friendly with Khan would be dangerous to her career and to some of her friendships amongst the other senior officers. Her social standing was one of the things she valued, and friendships could sometimes be a fragile thing indeed.
"Did he tell you anything that he revealed to Mr. Kirk and Mr. Spock later on?"
"Only that he was genetically engineered and that he’d come from very far away, but nothing that was any more specific than that." She subconsciously felt another growing lump in her throat at the memory of when he later revealed his true identity to Spock and their captain; when he told them about what Admiral Marcus had done to incur his wrath and started crying, right there and then. Zinalya would have been downright lying if she said that the sight of the tear on his cheek when he turned back around and the desperation in his voice at that time didn’t tug at her own heartstrings, even if it was just a little bit. "He was very brief during those moments when I was talking to him alone."
"So he didn’t make any clear indication to you individually that he had come from three centuries ago or indicate what he was planning on doing?
"No your honour." If she was being honest with herself, she actually felt like most of what Khan did after his prison cell revelation consisted of on-the-spot decisions: she wasn’t present to see it taking place, but from the way she understood it, he only attacked Kirk, Scotty and Carol on the bridge of the Vengeance after the former ordered Khan to be stunned, making himself, too, come across as untrustworthy in the latter’s eyes, and the following incident where he fought against Spock in the city was him taking out his rage and anguish due to being led to believe that his crew had all died when the seventy-two torpedoes were detonated, so she also couldn’t help but feel like Khan had been through quite the emotional rollercoaster.
"Very well then. Thank you lieutenant-commander, that will be all." The judge concluded his series of questions directed at her, to which she gave a nod and, after giving another brief look at the man with the smooth black hair and snakelike pale turquoise eyes, walked back towards where she’d been sitting, which was in between Scotty and Chekov, her two closest friends. "Dr. Leonard Herman McCoy, step forward please."
As this chief medical officer stood up and made his own way down through the seating area towards the witness stand, Scotty smiled jokingly at Zinalya and Pavel, who were on his left. "I didn’t know his middle name was Herman - obviously something we can conveniently tease the laddie about later." He whispered to them with a chuckle, to which they both nodded and the latter smiled. 
The female one of the trio, however, tried to smile along with them and join in but found it to be difficult, because her head was full of various thoughts and ponderings relating to the defendant to the point where it was now taking up a large majority of her consciousness itself. He briefly craned his head around and looked around the room, like a cornered animal surveying its surroundings, before his eyes came to rest on her.
"Zinalya?" Pavel’s voice caught her attention to her own left hand side, seeming to notice her expression of deep thought. "Are you alright?"
"What? Oh, yeah, yeah I'm okay, I was just miles away for a second there." She answered, temporarily bringing herself back to what was going on around her at that second as opposed to all the hypotheticals and questions racing through her mind. Khan had now turned his head back into the forward-facing position, occasionally looking at Bones as the latter gave his own testimony.
Generally subdued rock music played as the ambience of the club that Zinalya was sitting in later that evening. She had a glass of Scotch whisky gripped absentmindedly in her right hand, both of which currently resting on the bar whilst her other hand held her head, which was somewhat tilted to one side, and she was repeating the same thing she was in the middle of earlier in the courtroom: thinking and pondering endlessly on the mental predicament she found herself in.
She was torn between two viewpoints, not entirely certain which one to take and therefore keeping herself stressed as it was an unresolved issue. On the one hand, she knew full well as much as anyone else what Khan had done and the kind of things he'd gotten up to - causing the deaths of numerous people, including Admiral Pike and even the obviously now-revived Kirk - but on the other, she wondered whether he truly deserved the extent of Spock's aggression that he was subjected to during the city chase. 
It was as if she had split herself into two totally different people altogether, one telling her that there was more to Khan underneath his chilling exterior, and that she didn't properly know what he was like in actuality, and the other constantly reminding her of the people he had killed and the acts he had committed.
"Hey." She turned her head around upon hearing the voice of her captain himself speak out. Jim appeared to be accompanied by Carol and lieutenant Uhura, all three of them dressed in casual clothes like the burgundy-haired hybrid herself was. "D'you mind if we join you?"
"No, go ahead."
Captain Kirk and the other two female officers with him all sat down adjacent to her at the bar, him and Carol on her right and Nyota on her left. "I used to come here a few times too. I actually still remember a fight I got into in this place a few years back - admiral Pike called it an ‘epic beating’." He chuckled fondly at these memories, although behind his smile Zinalya could also tell that it was simultaneously a slightly poignant expression and she, too, was affected by it.
Great, she thought. I’m trying to make sense of all this, to decide what I really think, and Pike is getting brought up again. Just when I thought I was making some kind of progress in thinking it over...
"Mr. Chekov told us that you seemed distant earlier today. Is something wrong?" Carol asked, noticing her own small change of expression.
"Well..." The half Trill-half human was up against a case of trying to work out how exactly to word what she was going to say. "To be honest I’m kind of in the middle of a dilemma."
"What is it?" Said Nyota.
She paused, taking another of these moments where she formed the words in her head. "I’ve got a decision I need to make soon, and it might be one that takes me off the Enterprise and to someplace else."
"You mean like a transfer?" Said Jim.
The real reason for Zinalya possibly having to leave her posting in the near future wasn’t this and was instead something very, very different, but she could neither bring herself to tell the three the truth nor lie to them, so she simply nodded her head without giving a verbal response. "I don’t want to leave, because I still have friends onboard, and because my parents and brothers are here on Earth and where I’ll be going to is pretty far away. But it’s also a chance that means a lot to me and that I don’t want to pass up, so I feel like I’m being pulled in two different directions... and I basically have no idea which choice to make."
The trio around her thought for a second, before Carol enquired, "Have you weighed up the good and bad sides of them both?"
"At least somewhere around a thousand times, yeah."
"Then I think you should go with what your instincts are telling you - if accepting this chance is what you want to do, then you should do it." The woman with the chin length blonde hair nodded encouragingly.
"She’s right: do what makes you happy." Concurred lieutenant Uhura.
"So... you guys will be okay with it if I do choose to leave? Things’ll still be alright between us?"
"Of course."
"You’re a good friend to us and the others." Added Jim with a reassuring smile. "We’ll be a little sad to see you go, but you deserve to make that choice if you’re sure you wanna do it. We’ll be rooting for you the whole way, Zin."
This supportive demeanour that he, Nyota and Carol were making use of towards her made her wish even more that she could tell them what the true reason for her leaving was, and what she was really planning to do.
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britesparc · 4 years
Weekend Top Ten #450
Top Ten Characters with the Best Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes
As I’m writing this, it’s officially Star Trek: Discovery day; the first episode of the new season is up on Netflix and ready to watch. Given how little time I manage to find for watching anything that I want to watch, I’m cautiously optimistic that I can get to see it this weekend, but we’ll see; my lovely wife might want to finally catch up with Star Trek: Picard first, which for some reason she never finished. Regardless, I’m excited, and I wanted to write about Star Trek again.
The new Star Trek series have been a bit of a roller coaster, because whilst they’ve both generally been very good, they’ve certainly had their odder and more controversial moments, and neither of them has consistently felt like classic Trek. If I had to be critical, I’d argue that there are plenty of darker adult-tinged sci-fi shows at the moment, including ones set in space, but not that many that follow the day-to-day travails of a starship crew, which as always been Trek’s raison d'être. However, both shows have succeeded in giving us some compelling stories and – especially in the case of Discovery – a fantastic cast of new characters to celebrate. Great characterisation has been the cornerstone of Trek since the beginning, and no doubt one of the reasons why it still resonates to this day, from the “Holy Trinity” of Kirk, McCoy, and Spock, through to the wonderful and insanely empathetic Saru in Discovery and Captain Sexpot Rios in Picard. The fact that we’re now in a new time period, with no established history to try to tie the narrative to, means Discovery 3 is in a great place to give us some great new stories.
Anyway, to celebrate all of this – the new season of Discovery and my overall love of Star Trek characters – I’ve decided to go back to the Next Generation well and talk about just that: characters. TNG famously hit its stride when it started focusing each story through the lens of the different characters on the show, so that we tended to get a “Worf episode” or a “Riker episode”; even the best eps, the biggest and most epic, really had a tendency to hone in on one or two characters specifically, such as the all-time classic “The Best of Both Worlds” really being about Picard and Riker, or “Yesterday’s Enterprise” being a much-belated Tasha Yar episode.
But which characters have the best episodes? That is, if you know an episode is focused on a particular character, how likely is it that it’s going to be a belter? Can you reasonably say one character was better served than another in terms of the quality of “their” episodes? Well, yes. Yes you can. That’s this list. That’s the whole thing.
So this list is basically which characters have the best episodes, or are more likely to. It’s not a list of my favourite characters, or even really a list of the best episodes overall; it’s just, well, who got to chew scenery the most on the bridge, basically. Now, I really feel like I should end this blurb with an appropriate Star Trek quote, but I must have used “Make it so” and “Engage” before, so I’m not sure what else to say.
May the Force be with you, I guess.
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Picard: Yes, of course; he’s the star, he’s the stand-out actor of the bunch, he gets the best episodes. If it focuses on the captain, you can rest assured you’re in for a treat. Whether it’s an epic mythology-enhancing saga or – even better – a slower, sadder meditation on life, Picard’s episodes are engaging. Chortle. Also if there’s room for a classic Picard Monologue, all the better; I don’t know if you’ve noticed this about Patrick Stewart, but the guy can chew scenery. Key episodes: The Best of Both Worlds, The Drumhead, The Hidden Light
Worf: Worf’s complex backstory offers a lot of opportunities for great stories, with the caveat that pretty much all of them focus on Klingon history or the contrast between his heritage and his place in Starfleet. Issues of familial loyalty rub up against quasi-Shakespearean dynastic dramas, often with high adventure. You can assume a Worf ep is a good one, despite the fact that quite a few of them are also about Alexander. Key episodes: Sins of the Fathers, Redemption, Birthright
Data: everyone’s second-favourite emotionless nerd on Star Trek, Data’s eps are almost uniformly great, and often poke at what it means to be alive. There may be a bit of ground retrod as we examine the notion of humanity, or sentience, or emotion, but his episodes are always interesting, and often very funny, and Brent Spiner is a continuing delight. Key episodes: The Measure of a Man, The Offspring, Brothers
Q: is it cheating to include a recurring guest star? Maybe, but I don’t care. John de Lancy is just phenomenal as Q, one of the best Trek characters, and so good he became a My Little Pony. He’s arch, he’s hilarious, he can take the show into new directions; he raises questions of fate, or of the concept of divinity; and underneath it all there’s a malevolent streak, a genuine sense of danger exemplified in his first appearance. Pairs very well with Picard, naturally. I didn’t like the Robin Hood episode, though. Key episodes: Deja Q, Encounter at Farpoint, Q Who
Riker: he’s a Kirk-esque horn-dog ragamuffin with a heart of gold and a fist of steel, so there’s always a lot to love when William T. takes the helm (see what I did there?). Often issues of loyalty, or duty versus personal wishes, arise; he’s frequently putting his life on the Enterprise above his career. But he’s also a very moralistic character, so quite often he’ll be trying to do the right thing in tough circumstances. Key episodes: The Pegasus, Future Imperfect, Frame of Mind
Crusher: always a stand-out supporting character, Crusher has some great episodes focused on her too; usually quite a self-righteous sort who puts the immediate moral obligation above her own safety or duty to Starfleet, which raises lots of interesting, thorny questions. She’s a smart cookie, exemplified in the astounding Remember Me; her relationships with her son and with Picard are good to explore too. She also shagged a ghost, but let’s try to forget about that. Key episodes: Remember Me, Attached, Suspicions
Wesley: pigeonholed somewhat unfairly due to a few ropey first-season episodes, Wesley Crusher is actually an interesting character whose stand-out storylines offer a good deal of nuance and intrigue, as well as exciting hi-jinks, insights into the Federation, and – should you go that far – weird magic Jedi stuff. He gets a nice romance with Ashley Judd, we unpeel his relationship with Picard over multiple episodes, and the bloom comes off the rose in spectacular fashion when he gets to Starfleet Academy. Wil Wheaton was a good young actor and was sadly underserved by the show, but at least we get these eps. Key episodes: The Game, Final Mission, The First Duty
Pulaski: say whaaat? Yes, she’s only in the show for five minutes, but Doctor Pulaski gets a few crackers under her belt in that time. A bit like Crusher would later, she often excels when standing up to authority and presenting herself as a moral arbiter. Interestingly, she’s not always right, and it’s a fun dance to watch. She’s also been round the block a bit, adding facets to her relationships with other characters, particularly Riker. And, of course, she flirts with a bunch of polygons when Geordi and Data cock up the Holodeck. Key episodes: Elementary, Dear Data, Unnatural Selection, The Icarus Factor
Troi: sadly suffering in the face of a bunch of soppy romances and storylines involving her mother that are, shall we say, an acquired taste, Troi still gets some good stuff, mostly later in the series’ run. Taking her out of her comfort zone, making her a spy or an investigator, or giving her some proper dramatic meat, works wonders. Also once she was a cake. Key episodes: Face of the Enemy, Eye of the Beholder, Dark Page
LaForge: oh, Geordi. I love Georgi, but he kinda got done dirty a little bit. Always an interesting and dependable secondary character, unfortunately the bulk of his episodes as a primary character tend to revolve around him being a bit of a jerk or a bit of a creep. Obviously the most heinous sin is making a computer program based on a real person and then, well, trying to shag it, but he also has a tendency to be a dick to anyone new in Engineering. He’s even a bit of a dick to Scotty! I sometimes think the writers never quite had a handle on Geordi’s character; is he a young tech genius with poor social skills? Is he supposed to be arrogant? A wannabe lothario who’s just really unlucky? Anyway, like I say, I still love the guy to bits, and LeVar Burton is fantastic, but of all the main ensemble, his are the flakiest solo episodes. That said, the three listed here are all belters. Key episodes: The Next Phase, The Enemy, Relics
Anyway. There we are. I’ve still, as of going “to press”, not watched Discovery season 3, and my wife’s still not watched the end of season 1 of Picard. Any day now…!
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dreamthinkimagine · 4 years
That’s An Order!
Here’s that Chekov fic that I promised 59,000 years ago. This is a sequel to “It Was Good and Bad” which was prompted by @amazingmsme.
WARNING: a lot of sad people, bully, mention of being drugged, mention of possible death, alcohol
Chekov had had a good few weeks. Kirk was still tickling people. “Because why not,” the Captain would say. But that was alright since Kirk stopped getting him - well, almost - but Chekov was OK with that because it wasn’t constant and not nearly as much. Just an occasional poke, squeeze, or prod; nothing more. No full on attacks. He didn’t feel anxiety or anger whenever he saw Kirk nearing him or when he was attacking people anymore and since they enjoyed it, he enjoyed watching them “suffer” the “wrath” of Captain Kirk. The crew as a whole became happier - even the grumpy MD could be seen smiling more often; sometimes it even seemed for no particular reason.
It was always amazing that Kirk’s mood had the ability to change the atmosphere of whatever room he was in. As soon as he’d enter a room, the air felt lighter; like there was no weight pulling anyone down. It was even light when the crew would tease Chekov for standing up to him. Turns out that lovable dork went and blabbed to any crewmen who would listen about how the brave navigator had stood up to his tickling “tyranny” as an example that he wanted his crew to feel comfortable. Even young cadets would shuffle their way up to the Russian and shyly ask him if it was true - he didn’t even know any of these cadets either, but he was happy to play along just the same.
To be honest, it made him feel sort of like a hero. It was like when the quiet kid in high school stood up to the big bad bully and word had spread before the end of the day. Did he realize that he looked silly? Yes; but that didn’t deter the pride he had for himself. At the time, his heart was in the right place and that was all that mattered. He truly felt that he was doing the right thing - that his friends needed saving and here came brave Chekov to the rescue. That’s why he joined Starfleet in the first place: to help people.
But he couldn’t do that when he was confined to Sickbay with a stomach bug, which was where he was when it started.
“Captain, I’m getting a signal.”
“Bring it up, Lt,” Kirk said. What appeared on the screen was a man with grey hair and a face gracefully patched with wrinkles (especially around his grey eyes), in a red, shiny, Starfleet uniform decorated with an insignia and three medals - Admiral Clark. They all recognized him - he was in charge of all the ships in their particular class. Now, the Enterprise had just rescued an innocent planet from destruction by the Romulans - a little slower than usual, but they still did it in a few hours - and Kirk was sure they were all about to be congratulated on their success.
“Enterprise, I need to have a word with all of you.” He said in a cold tone, and his eyes, showing no compassion, aimed at the man in the Captain’s chair. Kirk stood, Spock’s eyebrow rose - and so did McCoy’s. Scotty’s smile dropped, Uhura stared at the screen, and Sulu sat up in his chair, muscles becoming tight. “It has been brought to my attention that there has been more play than work on this ship.”
“Admiral, I can assure you that that’s not tru -“
“Silence, Kirk! You are the Captain and should have put an end to this sooner. Since you have neglected your duties and have thus risked the safety of everyone on board, it is the order of Starfleet that I must attend to this vessel for you.” Kirk shut his mouth, but didn’t break eye contact.
“Do you mean to say that Captain Kirk is no longer Captain?” Spock asked, a hint of sternness in his voice, only detected by Kirk and Bones. He stepped next to Kirk, literally standing as his Captain’s right-hand-man.
“That is exactly correct. Until further notice, I will be in charge of the Enterprise. Kirk, you’ll be serving as a Cadet.” His stared at the Admiral, gaping. “Communications Officer, open the frequencies so you will receive my orders. Put them on audio so you can all hear me until tomorrow.”
“And what exactly is tomorrow?” McCoy interrupted as he took a step forward, putting himself at his Captain’s left side.
“Tomorrow is when your Chief Engineer will personally beam me aboard to take my place at command.” Everyone turned to Scotty, who looked back at them, his mouth falling open. He raised his head back to the screen and brought up his arms, as if to speak, but Kirk beat him to it.
“But, Admiral -”
“No ‘Buts’, Kirk. You had your chance. Until told otherwise, by me, you will be a Cadet. Just a Cadet. Then maybe you can learn something about being a Captain. That’s an order.”
“...Yes, Admiral.” The screen went back to the stars of space and silence filled the Bridge. Hesitantly, Bones turned to his Captain who was wearing a blank face.
“Things’ll get better, Jim. We won’t let ‘im replace ya.” Bones said giving Kirk’s side a squeeze as an attempt to wake his Captain from his daze. Nothing. No reaction. Kirk, one of the most ticklish people on the Enterprise, wasn’t reacting to a squeeze against his side. He stayed there. Frozen. His eyes still laid on the screen.
“Aye, he’s right.” Scotty said. “If he thinks I’m gonna be thrilled about beaming a scoundrel like ‘im on this ship, he’s got another thing comin’.”
“Frequency,” Uhura said, prompting everyone to look over and breaking Kirk from his trance.
“Rule number one,” Clark’s voice said. “As long as I’m in charge, there will be no more nonsense. That includes: No playing, No banter, No lollygagging, and No tickling.” No one except Clark spoke as Kirk still stared ahead. “Any disobedience will result in immediate punishment.” Jim sat in the no-longer-his Captain’s chair and sighed, rubbing his face. “And Cadet Kirk...get out of that chair!”  
Spock and Bones decided to stop by Jim’s Quarters and check on the...Cadet. This whole thing had come as such a shock that they weren’t entirely sure if it was real or if they’d somehow been drugged. Their own confusion acted as the only thing keeping them from arguing with each other as they both agreed that the entire situation was, and God help Bones for saying this: “Illogical.”
“Agreed, Doctor.”
“It just doesn’t make any sense. Jim’s a great Captain! Look at all he’s done!...it just doesn’t make any sense, Spock.” They approached the door, which opened, and went inside to see Jim sitting on his bed.
“I’m fine, Bones.”
“In a pig’s eye.”
“Captain -”
“I’m not Captain anymore, Mr. Spock. If this is what Starfleet thinks is best for the crew, then I’ll step down.”
“Jim, you can’t just -“
“But he’s -”
“Wrong! He’s wrong!”
“I was just -”
“Keeping up, morale. Humans tend to need play to function mentally,“ the Vulcan finished.
“Look, I appreciate you guys trying to help, but I think I just wanna be alone right now,” Kirk said, with a slight hint of anger.
The next morning, Scotty reported to the transporter room and started putting the coordinates in the machine. While his face seemed blank, the muscles were tightened just barely enough that someone who didn’t know him might not notice it. His eyes shown fire. The only reason he was gentle with the equipment was because it was part of the Enterprise, his prized possession, and nothing could make him hurt her. But each movement was harder than the last. With each push of a button he clenched his jaw harder; every lever pull, his muscles tightened more.
He sighed and tried to relax his muscles once he saw the yellow, broken up atoms of Clark. Don’t make him angry, he thought, it’ll just make it worse for all of us.
“Lt. Commander Smith.” Clark said as he stepped off the transporter pad.
“Scott. Admiral. Montgomery Scott.”
“Show me to the Bridge, Smith.” He said as he motioned to the door with his head.
“Scott,” he said under his breath and followed Clark into the hall. Throughout the journey, and it was a journey, Clark kept commenting on the ship. Scotty’s ship. He’d complain that the hallways were too tight, that the wall intercom was too “out in the open where people like Kirk can play with it.” Apparently, the quiet rumble from the engines was too loud and Scotty needed to silence them immediately after they got to the Bridge.
Soon he’d started making utterances on every crew member he saw. He’d say things like that they needed to speed up their walking or slow down, that they needed to work harder at their jobs without observing them first. He even told one person that they needed to change their hairstyle.
With each opinion Scotty’s muscles tightened again. He could almost feel himself getting warmer as if steam was about to shoot out his ears like in old cartoons. In fact, he was sure his face was red; but Admiral Clark seemed too absorbed in insulting everything and everyone he saw to notice.
“- and Kirk better not be in my chair!” Clark finished as the turbolift’s doors opened and he stepped onto the Bridge. His rant caught the focus of everyone there, even Spock’s. With Scotty mouthing, “Good luck,” the turbolift closed. As Clark began to walk around the Bridge, the crew turned back to their stations.
“You must be Mr. Spock,” he said as he approached the half-Vulcan. Spock rose from his position, eye-to-eye with the man.
“That is correct.”
“Well? Aren’t you going to welcome me?”
“Welcome who?”
“Remember it, Eyebrows.” He said and went to sit in the Captain’s chair. “You! Helmsman!”
“Lt. Sulu, Sir.”
“Did I ask your name?! Steer course for Rigel II.”
From that moment on, Clark was as hard as he could be on every and anyone; even harder than he was before. Anyone who disobeyed or didn’t live up to his expectations was punished. His demeaning remarks were starting to affect everyone. His outrageous rules and comments caused people to move slower - Bones could practically see the clouds over their heads pouring rain onto their spirits from Sickbay. Lost in the big and deep woods of depression, they were almost like zombies; except if they had one of his rigorous practice missions. The thought of giving any less than 200% made their stomachs drop, made them turn cold, made them sweat. And those were just fake missions. The thought of getting a real one, made some people freeze, others felt light headed and dizzy, and some actually did faint.
Even “Eyebrows” was affected by him. Spock never showed it on the Bridge or in front of anyone, but the name-calling was upsetting. McCoy would comment on his ears and blood, but he never attacked his face. A person’s face is the first thing someone else sees; the Admiral was judging him just by sight alone - McCoy at least got to know him first.
But Cadet Kirk received the worst of it. Clark had him restricted to his Quarters until further notice. He’d already been in there for days, and still no word.
Clark burst into Sickbay to see an unconscious young man on a biobed surrounded by medical equipment, a CMO, and a nurse.
“We’re about to begin surgery! You can’t be in here!”
“There’s someone sick.”
“Ensign Pavel Chekov. Thought it was the stomach flu, but it’s appendicitis - that’s why we’re about to perform surgery. Now get out, this boy’s appendix is about to burst!”
“Perhaps, Dr., if you were practicing procedures properly, he wouldn’t need surgery.”
“Are you suggesting that he is in this state because of me?!”
“Watch your tone, Doctor; remember who you’re talking to. I will stand here and personally oversee you operate to make sure you are up to procedure regulations.” So, McCoy took out the Ensign’s appendix with that overcritical, fussy, dogmatic oaf of a man watching his every move like a hawk. Peering over the doctor’s shoulder with such condescendence that McCoy could almost taste it. He made more comments about how it should be done, but the doctor didn’t listen - he even yelled at Clark to be quiet so he could concentrate - which, as he knew it would, led to punishment. As a result, Clark became much harder toward everyone in Sickbay but McCoy; and if the CMO stood up for anyone, it would only get worse.
He was forced to sit there and watch the dismay and downfall of his medical staff.
When Chekov woke, they were all at his side taking tests, gathering information, and some just caring for him as he just woke up from surgery and was probably in pain. They rushed - their brains and bodies quickly becoming exhausted after a few hours - but too afraid of the immediate repercussions to rest or make a mistake; so they pressed forward with McCoy approving or disapproving their findings.
Chekov looked at the new behavior in the Sickbay and wondered if the rest of the ship was like this. He’d never seen anything like it - to be so fast, efficient, accurate. He was a little jealous that he couldn’t navigate like that. Everything was happening so fast, that he wasn’t totally sure what was going on, but it seemed effective.
This. This was everything he aspired to be since his decision to join the fleet, even before he decided. He didn’t know what Kirk was doing differently, but he liked it. It was like he was in a new world with how things were being run. Maybe he’d get a chance to learn more and learn it faster. Maybe he’d even get a higher rank. And maybe, he’d be able to help people better than before.
A few hours later, Spock, Bones, Scotty, Uhura, and Sulu all gathered in the Break Room after their shifts to discuss their situation in whispers. None of them would be surprised if Clark had super-hearing; he seemed to know everything anyway, so why not what they were talking about?
“I can’t take this anymore.”
“We’ve got to do something.” Bones said as he held his aching head.
“And what do you suggest, Doctor?”
“I’m open to any ideas at this point,” Sulu said.
“Aye. I haven’t been able to fix the engine rumble - I’ve got other things to do - so he forced me to reprogram the food synthesizer to reject me. I’m not allowed to eat tomorrow.”
“Might I suggest waiting until Cadet Kirk and Ensign Chekov are released,” asked Spock. “There is safety in numbers. Two additional individuals will be beneficial to our party - especially when they will be a passionate Chekov, and the other, a very angry James Kirk.” A moment of silence followed Spock’s suggestion as they all nodded and agreed that he was right.
“But we will do something?” Uhura asked.
“We have to,” Scotty said putting his hand atop hers.
But none of them knew that Chekov was currently passionate about the wrong thing and that Jim wasn’t angry anymore.
After being set free from Sickbay, Chekov took to the Bridge ready to work until he couldn’t anymore - especially in front of the Admiral. He was told what had happened, but not to the full extent as Clark was in the room. All he knew was that Kirk was taking a break, that Clark would be in charge for a while, and that he ran things differently. It didn’t matter though, he hungered to do good and was more than willing to make some changes under Clark to do so.
Upon entering the Bridge, he introduced himself to the Admiral, who immediately howled an order. Chekov got to his station and carried it out as fast as he could. Properly fed, not exhausted, and his spirit allowed him to finish his task not only first, but correctly and in record time too. This Ensign’s capabilities caught the Admiral’s eye.
For the next several days, he tested the Ensign in anyway he could - physically, mentally, emotionally. He’d have him run laps, give him problems to solve, and yell at him when it seemed he didn’t do well enough. He just kept thinking to himself that, in the end, it would all help him on missions. This just pressed the young man to persevere. Instead of getting put down, he pulled himself up to be the best he could be. It seemed the Russian never grew tired or weary; he was always ready for action. He even performed the best of everyone during the practice missions; and Clark was certainly impressed - there was promise of a great leader in him.
However, it came at a cost: Chekov was so distracted by his work, goals, and dream, that he didn’t even notice his friends’ sufferings. He had no idea what Clark was really doing to them. He had no idea that they were so tired and miserable. He never noticed how slow everyone was moving. He never noticed the punishments. He never noticed the grumbling stomachs.
It was made clear to the Vulcan, doctor, communications officer, engineer, and helmsman that they would just have to wait for an angry Cadet because the navigator was not going to help. .
Soon, things started happening again. Starfleet assigned them a mission to help an entire race on a different planet - to transport cargo necessary for their survival across the galaxy. They’d even gotten into a couple space battles. Not that that last one was good, but it what could you do? Chekov did even better during this mission than he had during their practices. Clark had even taken him under his wing to train him. The Ensign was even close to going up a rank.
And he was happy. Chekov was finally happy. Missions made him happy. The kind of happy that made him want to sing. The kind of happy that lit up any darkness within him no matter what the source. The kind of happy that made you unaware of anything else going on around you. Then Clark told him that Cadet Kirk would train under him.
“Yes, Cadet. Stripped him of his position before I even beamed aboard!” He said with a laugh.
“But why? He’s -”
“Are you questioning me, Ensign?!”
“No, Admiral.”
“...Go get Kirk.”
Kirk’s door opened and Chekov stepped inside. It was dark; and trays - some empty, some still had untouched food - sat on the floor and furniture. There was Kirk, laying on his bed.
“...Cadet Kirk?” His eyes fell on the Ensign.
“Chekov?” He nodded and Jim sat up. His uniform was covered in sweat and wrinkled. It looked like he hadn’t changed it in days. He had a beard and his hair was spewed.
“What’s wrong with you? What happened?” He looked at him, such a different man than before. Chekov remembered a bold, brave Kirk - this one seemed frail and broken.
“Clark. He’s kept me here.”
“What?!” Jim nodded.
“I haven’t been allowed to leave. He said that I can’t be a Captain because there wasn’t enough work going on. He said that I endangered everyone’s lives.”
“He said that?”
“And he’s right.”
“No he’s not.” Chekov didn’t know what was happening. How could someone who had made his life so much better, be making this man’s life so much worse? “You’ve done so much good. You’ve never let any of us down. You protect us and aliens and -”
“Then why did Starfleet send him? Why is he torturing my crew?”
“He’s too hard on them. They’re exhausted, depressed, hungry.” Chekov stayed quiet, listening to the man. “If they don’t do exactly what he wants when he wants it, or if it’s not good enough, he punishes them.”
“...Are you sure?”
“I can hear the complaints through the wall.”
“Well, why don’t you do something about it?”
“Believe me, I want to. Badly. But I’m powerless. He’s an Admiral...and I’m just a Cadet.”
Chekov walked the corridors, pondering what Jim had said. Could it all be true? It couldn’t be, could it? He’d only seen an effective leader who pushed him to give more than he thought he could. He’d seen someone who could help him get to where he wanted to be. Someone who could help him help others. No, this couldn’t be Admiral Clark. It had to be someone else. Something else. And yet...
As he walked, he paid special attention to the people he passed. They were drooped over, dragging their feet, covered in sweat, mouths hanging in frowns. Some tried to massage their own muscles and grimaced at the feeling. Some had tears slowly falling down their faces. He heard growling stomachs. He saw darkness under, and in, their hopeless, bloodshot eyes. Anyone not too depleted to notice him immediately straightened up and moved faster. Despite the pain, the tears, the fatigue, the hunger, they fought to move quicker.
After watching this for an hour, he couldn’t deny it anymore. This had to be Clark - none of this would ever happen under Kirk’s command. But, he wasn’t sure he wanted to stand up to him. He offered him so much, but look what was happening to his friends. But he’d never been happier, but they had never been so miserable. And he was with Clark most of the time - he could do something; they couldn’t. But he was so close to being promoted. And even if he did do something, if he failed, his hopes would be destroyed and he’d end up just like them. Had it really come to this? Would he really have to choose between his dream and his friends? That’s when he heard faint voices coming from the Break Room. He placed his ear against the wall to get a better listen.
“Mr. Chekov has grown rather close to Admiral Clark,” Spock started. Yes, he thought on the other side of the wall. “If we can convince him to assist us in our endeavors, it could prove most useful.” Endeavors?
“Yeah he’s close. Too close to notice the rest of us commoners,” McCoy added.
“He hasn’t had a drink for me since before he got sick,” commented Scotty. “Hasn’t spoken to me since then either.”
“He hasn’t even looked at me,” said Uhura. “It’s like I don’t exist.”
“Face it; he’s either forgotten about us or he doesn’t care anymore.” It was Sulu who said it. “Pavel’s not gonna help us.” Chekov turned against the wall and slid down it, mouth agape. That conversation revealed a lot to him. He thought back to the state of those crewmen, to them running from him, then back to their talk again. They thought he chose Clark over them, and in a way he had. That tore it.
Ten minutes later the doors to the Break Room opened revealing Chekov and a sad Jim.
“We want to help,” the Russian said. The rest of them stared as McCoy pulled up a chair for Jim, who sat, and immediately began scanning him.
“He needs to eat. Now.” Scotty gave up his plate, but Jim wasn’t touching it.
“We want to help take down Clark.”
“Eat,” McCoy said to Jim. Still, no one even looked at Chekov.
“Please, I want to help! I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.” Uhura, still not making eye contact, was the first to speak.
“How do we know you haven’t been sent by Clark?”
“Aye; he could be a spy.”
“I wouldn’t have brought him then.” He said and pointed to Jim.
“That’s not good enough,” Uhura said, looking at the ex-Captain.
“Eat, Jim!” Jim stayed put, listening to the conversation as he stared at the floor. He hadn’t looked at the food since it was put in front of him.
“I was supposed to bring Kirk out of his Quarters earlier, but I left him.”
“You let him rot?!”
“No! I just -”
“If you don’t eat, I’m gonna have to force it down your throat!” Chekov paused and turned. He walked to Jim and knelt down to his height.
“Please eat.” The five watched as Chekov picked up a fork and held it out to Jim with such tenderness that he actually looked at it. “I’m sorry, Captain.” The Cadet looked up at Chekov.
“You want to help take him down?” He nodded.
"Yes, Sir.” Slowly, Kirk took the fork, and placed the piece of food into his mouth. The room was quiet when Sulu stood and made his way to the navigator. He looked at his face, down to his boots, and then up again. “I...think he’s telling the truth.” The Russian smiled as Sulu held out his hand toward him. “Will you help us, Pavel?”
“I will.” Sulu pulled him up as he smiled at him. “Do you have a plan?”
“Nothing yet, lad.”
“Unless Mr. Chekov has logically calculated a starting point for one.” They all looked at the young man, waiting for his answer.
“I think I have one, but we’ll all need to help.”
The next day, McCoy told the medical crew what was happening and Scotty told the engineers as Sulu, Uhura, and Chekov secretly told the rest of them. Jim stayed in his room to keep things from looking suspicious.
Clark knew something was up. Something had to be. Why all the whispers behind his back? When he yelled at anyone, they wouldn’t tell. When he took away food, they still wouldn’t tell. When he approached Chekov, he was assured that the Ensign was on it, trying to figure it out for himself too. He ran off before the superior officer could suspect him of anything. Clark practically interrogated Jim in his Quarters demanding answers, but the Cadet claimed he had no idea what he was talking about. He insisted he’d only left his room when Chekov took him out for training. This just brought with it a stream of insults: “You shouldn’t be here!” “You were the worst Captain the Federation has ever seen and you’re the worst Cadet too!” “All you’ll ever be is a Cadet! And you deserve even less than that!”
When he caught “Smith” fiddling with some wires behind a small door in the wall in the hall, he wouldn’t confess. He didn’t even show any fear toward the tyrant, but Clark pushed him away before he could finish his work and tried to figure it out himself; not letting the engineer back in. That was bad. Very bad. Scotty tried to run to Chekov and tell him to postpone the signal until he could finish with the wires to the Bridge screen, but it was too late. From over the intercom, he, and Clark, heard it.
“Freedom was invented in Russia.” On “freedom,” people exploded into the halls screaming, running, jumping. Some, including Bones, Sulu, and Uhura, surrounded Clark, slapping him on the back, prodding his sides, yelling playful things at him - the entire crew was doing everything he had banned. He turned in confusion, not knowing how to react. He tried to yell, remove the hands from his being (what were they trying to do?), but nothing produced the results he was looking for. In the confusion, Sulu slipped Clark’s phaser from his belt for safe keeping; and McCoy slammed the door shut, sealing off the wires and almost crushing the Admiral’s hand. He was completely helpless against them. He didn’t know what to do. As they forced him through the halls, he saw Spock, standing calmly, staring at him with one eyebrow up.
“Eyebrows! Pinch them!” He shouted as he gestured at the small crowd surrounding him.
“My name is Mr. Spock. I insist that you refer to me as such.” Already frustrated, Clark submitted to the Vulcan’s request.
“Fine, Mr. Spock! Pinch them!”
“No, Admiral. It is not logical to do so as they are not causing you direct, physical harm.” After answering to the Admiral, Spock walked away an another direction.
On the other side of the ship, Scotty ran trying to find Chekov to tell him what had happened, but he couldn’t find him through the chaos. There was so much screaming, jumping, tickling, running, playing that he couldn’t even identify where he was. He was lost in his own ship. It would be impossible to find Chekov like this, and too dangerous to try to fix the wires in the uproar. The best he could do was try to find a turbolift and get to the Bridge.
If he had succeeded with the wires, it would have created a simulation battle on the screen - Phase III. It would’ve shown a Romulan ship attacking the Enterprise and each person would play their parts as they would any other battle; but this battle would have been Kirk’s. No one was to listen to the old Admiral’s commands to prove once and for all that Kirk was a better Captain, and would be a better Admiral, than Clark ever would or could. And their victory would have been glorious.
After a performance like that, even if it was just a simulation, there was no way the Federation could refuse to give him his position back; especially after they all filed a detailed complaint about Clark which happened last night as Phase I.
But without the third phase, the entire plan would fall apart.
Jim emerged from his cave as the old Kirk. He’d changed his clothes, shaved, and was ready to fight. He let out a loud laugh as he ran down the halls. The people cheered the appearance of their soon-to-be-again Captain. As he ran, he heard a yell.
“Kirk! Call them off!” There was still a crowd surrounding him and leading him to different places on the ship. They were still jumping in the Admiral’s face, poking him, screaming, dancing - you name it, they were doing it.
“Sorry, Admiral,” he called back, “but I can’t control of them!...I’m just a Cadet!” He pointed at the doctor before he flew down the passageway, leaving Clark with the crowd.
“Phase Three!” Shouted McCoy and he and Uhura kept eyes open for a turbolift along the walls.
As Jim ran, he couldn’t believe the feeling of everything. Of being set free, of the defeat of Admiral Clark in a few minutes, of becoming Captain again, of getting the Enterprise back, of getting his crew back. Pure happiness shown through him like light through a bulb as people continued to cheer him over the screams.
“Spock!” The First Officer turned and saw someone running toward him.
“Captain!” Spock could not deny the gleam of happiness that radiated within him when he saw Kirk like that. Though his face didn’t show his true emotion, he did grab Kirk’s arm. Kirk looked around at the crew, unable to believe their plan was working. Unable to believe his own comeback. Unable to believe his eyes as he looked upon the beauty of their own controlled chaos.
“Isn’t this great,” he yelled over the other screams.
“A most logical means of defeat, Captain.” Kirk just smiled at his comment, the best comment he’d heard about himself since Clark got on their screen. Speaking of which...
“I’ll see you on the Bridge!” Kirk said and ran the other direction.
“Sir, look!” Ever since they were defeated, the Romulans searched for the Enterprise. Day and night they looked; never once was the screen unwatched. Never once was there an empty place at the scanner. Never once were their weapons left unguarded. The resentment they had for the Enterprise, and Kirk, only grew. “I think we found them.”
On their scanners lay a small dot. When they closed in on it, they could tell that, from its shape, it was a Starfleet vessel. When they zoomed in, the ship read “U.S.S. ENTERPRISE.” The Commander smiled to himself.
“Warp twelve,” he said. “Prepare the attack.” His First Officer stood immediately and went to their wall intercom, announcing that they had located the enemy.
“Battle stations. Wait for the Commander’s signal.” Throughout their ship, the aliens rushed to their positions, waiting for their leader’s word.
“How do you want to go in, Sir?”
“Cloak on. They will regret ever interfering with Romulan intentions.”
“Engine room,” said the First Officer.
“Engine room here.”
“Cloak on.”
“Cloaking on.” The next second, the ship suddenly blended in with the stars as it became invisible. The Commander chuckled with malice. “Ready or not, Kirk...here. I. Come.”
Chekov was on cloud nine as he pranced through the crowd and high-fived everyone who passed. Such a change had taken place. Not even twelve hours ago, these people feared him. They practically cowered before him as they stood up straight and pushed themselves even more beyond the human breaking point. He looked at them as they let loose in pride and thankfulness that they had accepted him as their friend again. Once it set in that they were going to finally be free, he felt so light that he thought he might start to float above the horde of wild people. Suddenly, he saw a yellow shirt in the midst of the party darting toward him.
“Captain! Can you believe it?”
“No I can’t, Mr. Chekov.” He put his hand on his shoulder. “Thank you,” he said and pinched his side. Chekov jerked.”Sorry.” He said as he grinned at the Ensign. But that Ensign had a growing grin himself as he tackled Jim and rapidly poked his rib cage. He wriggled at the feeling but also from trying to avoid getting stepped on. His laughter was high and one of the loudest sounds on board.
The last time he tickled Jim was right after he yelled at him for tickling the crew. While Chekov still had mixed feelings about being tickled himself, he could tell Jim liked it and that he was probably secretly hoping that someone would get him back. So, why not get him back again after everything he’d been through? That being in mind, he dug into his belly and Jim immediately tried to make himself into a ball.
He backed off after a minute, not wanting to overwhelm him too much in their positions, and offered Jim a hand; but he got up on his own. That was when they saw Clark and McCoy, Sulu, and Uhura heading to a turbolift as the rest of their tiny crowd faded into the party. They both took off for the group and squeezed in the lift with them just before the doors shut.
As soon as the doors closed, that was when Clark struck. He swung his arms and kicked his legs to push his captors out. They tried to grab him, but he would send his fist swinging. And he had a perfect aim. Loyal to their true Captain - or in Kirk’s case, his crew - as soon as they hit the ground, they’d force themselves back up, only to dodge punches and eventually take another blow. Kirk went to kick him, but Clark grabbed his leg and threw him to the floor. He grabbed his phaser from Sulu and pointed it at all of them, forcing the officers to step down. Then he aimed it at Jim.
“You did this, Kirk! Call it off or I shoot.”
“He didn’t do it.” Chekov said and stepped in front of his Captain, shielding him from the weapon. “I did.”
“You?” The Ensign stayed silent as he stood his ground and refused to get out of the way of fire.
“Chekov,” Kirk said.
“After all I’ve done for you. How close you were to getting promoted...You could have made a great leader,” he said not breaking eye contact with the young man. “Too bad I’m a better one.” He pulled the trigger and Chekov fell in a heap onto his Captain, unconscious. Jim watched his eyes close. When he looked up, he was met with the phaser a few inches from his face. The turbolift doors opened, revealing Spock at his post.
“Sir -”
“Quiet, Eyebrows!” He turned back to the others and waved his weapon toward the Bridge. “Go on.” One by one they left the lift as Clark followed. McCoy carried Chekov out, placed him on the floor, and bent over him to try to shield him as the doors closed again. He hadn’t brought any of his equipment, this was the best the doctor could do. The Admiral pointed the phaser at all of them, including Spock. “I am an Admiral! I will not lose command! You will obey m-”
Suddenly, the ship was blown back, sending all personnel flying through the air and crashing into everything and each other. Cheering in the halls at the launch of Phase III, the crewmen started getting to their stations to make this as real as possible. On the Bridge, the blast threw the phaser from Clark’s hand, and Kirk quickly scooped it up and held it at him.
“Stay right where you are. That’s an order.” As the doors opened, Scotty ran from the lift and onto the Bridge.
“I couldn’t fix the wires in time before this baboon got to ‘em!” Everyone on the Bridge scrambled to their stations, except McCoy who held the Russian in place and used his hand to cradle the back of his head as he shielded him further. Kirk immediately got to his chair and pushed the button, still aiming the phaser at Clark who didn’t dare move.
“Red Alert. Condition Red Alert. Battle stations. This is not a drill. This is not a simulation. I repeat: this is not a simulation.” The fun in the halls stopped right then and there at that last part. The siren sounded as they all ran the rest of the way to their stations, preparing themselves for a real fight. Another blast sent them flying, but they kept going because now they had two things on the line: Kirk and their lives.
“Uhura, screen up.”
“Yes, Sir.” The Romulan Commander appeared on the screen. He stared at the Bridge crew and noticed Clark staring back as he was held in place by Kirk and his phaser.
“Have a hostage, Kirk?”
“What are you doing to my ship? We haven’t attacked.”
“You’re ship?!” Clark cried.
“But you have, Captain,” the alien started. “You interfered with Romulan intentions.”
“You were going to destroy those people.”
“Not people, Captain. Enemies. And now you fit that category.”
“You saw what our weapons are capable of. We don’t want to have to use them again. If you know what’s good for you, you will cease fire and leave this part of the galaxy. Now.”
“There will be a different outcome this time. You are Romulan enemies; you must die. Goodbye...Captain Kirk.” It was then that the Enterprise took another hit, sending the ship back as the lights flickered.
“Kirk!” Admiral Clark yelled.
“Scotty, damage report.”
“We’ve got some damage to the shields.”
“Bones, how’s Chekov?”
“Alright so far. As good as he can be for someone who just got stunned.” He said glaring at the older man.
“Anything on the scanner, Spock?”
“Nothing yet, Sir.” Another hit.
“What do you mean ‘nothing yet’?! Where are they?! I want them found now!”
“Admiral, if you would be so kind as to shut up.” Kirk said looking at him, phaser still pointed.
“More damage to the shields.”
“Re-calibrate the scanner, Mr. Spock,” Kirk said
“What?!” Kirk nodded at Spock who turned back to his scanner and readjusted its settings.
“Sir, I am picking up on Romulan lifeforms.”
“Mr. Sulu, aim and ready phasers.”
“Aye, Sir.”
“On my word,” Kirk said.
“Now! Fire now!”
“Hold your position, Sulu.”
“Kirk, if you want to stay in Starfleet-”
“Fire!” Their lasers jetted out into the stars and made contact. The Romulans held onto whatever they could grab for dear life as their vessel shook.
“Hit,” Sulu cheered.
“Lucky shot.”
“Scotty, warp eight.”
“Aye, Sir.”
“Sulu, port.”
“Helmsman! Go starboard!” The ship started moving left as the Romulans fired again, missing the beams.
As the Romulans underwent another blow, pieces of their ship began to fall off the walls and ceiling. Engines and equipment damaged, their lights flashed on and off, and they endured injuries. A fatal hit broke their cloaking device, leaving them exposed, completely out in the open.
“Commander,” said a Romulan, “we can’t take much more.”
“Fire,” their Commander yelled. They blasted their rays at full power, completely taking out the Enterprise’s shields.
“Shields out,” Scotty yelled. “One engine out. Damage to the matter-antimatter unit. Lads in engineering are trying to fix it, but that unit’s sensitive -”
“The point, Mr. Scott!”
“One more hit from them and we’ll blow up.”
“Drop the phaser, Kirk! If I don’t take command now we’ll all die!” Kirk adjusted his aim, bringing the phaser even closer to Clark.
“Don’t you move. Mr. Sulu, on my count. Scotty, prepare warp twelve.”
“I don’t know if she can -”
“She has to!” Kirk said, watching the other ship as it approached. “Ready...now!” He shouted as Clark yelled “No!” At the exact same moment, both ships fired. The beams parallel to each other and so close that it almost seemed that their colors mixed into one. “Go, Sulu!” The helmsman pulled up, just barely out of the laser’s range. The other suffered a full blast.
The inside of the Romulan ship began to burn, the walls and ceiling continued to fall apart from irreversible damage, and the Romulans had no way of fighting back. One more attack from Kirk would surely destroy them..if their ship could hold out that long.
“Scotty. Go down to the Transporter Room with a full security team. I want the Romulans beamed aboard.”
“Yes, Sir,” he said getting up and into the turbolift. As soon as the doors closed, Kirk looked back at the screen and the collapsing ship. Clark took the opportunity and tackled Kirk. The others stood to attack the Admiral, but Kirk called them off, ordering that they stay at their posts. On the floor the two wrestled, rolling on top of each other, each one struggling to get the upper hand.
In the Transporter Room, Scotty beamed the Romulan crew aboard as fast as they could be. He had his censors locked on the ship, but they were all moving inside, trying to avoid the fires and falling metal. And boy it was hard to hit a moving target. A few at a time they were beamed up, until only the Commander was left.
“Sir,” a Red Shirt at the scanner said. “We have ten seconds before that ship falls apart completely.”
“Then we better get ‘im up in nine.”
“Eight.” Scotty tried to get his coordinates locked on their target, but he kept moving. “Seven.”
“Hold still!”
“Six.” He made a sharp turn. “Five.” He sped up. “Four.” He turned around. “Three.” He slowed down again. “Two.”
“One.” The ship broke down and was now just bits and pieces floating through space.
Kirk received a punch in the head, sending him down. Clark took his phaser back, once again, and aimed it at the young Cadet’s head.
“You’re a fool, Kirk,” he said. “A fool to bring Romulans aboard, and a fool to think that you could outdo me. That win was lucky, but...your luck has run out.”
“Sir, screen -”
“Bring it up,” Clark yelled. Uhura looked at Kirk who nodded. She smiled, for she knew something Clark didn’t.
“Yes, Admiral.”
“Clark!” A man with white hair in a red, shiny uniform, decorated with his insignia and six medals, yelled on the screen. Clark looked up and his jaw dropped. It was the highest man in the Federation, Fleet Admiral Jones.
“I think you’ll see, Admiral,” Kirk said with a smirk, “that my luck hasn’t run out.”
“Care to explain why when I send you to take command and retrain Kirk, I get over four hundred detailed complaints calling you a dictator and tyrant at three o’clock in the morning?! And how about why you have a phaser at Kirk’s head!” He retracted the weapon and continued to stare, speechless, at the screen.
“He also intentionally stunned one of my men when not under any direct threat or attack,” Kirk added and pointed to Chekov. That got Clark to speak up.
“That’s a lie!”
“Well,” said Jones. “Let’s ask the Vulcan. Vulcans can’t lie, is that correct?”
“That is correct,” said Spock. “As is Kirk’s claim.”
“Dr. McCoy, take Chekov down to Sickbay and let me know of any injuries sustained during the fight.” McCoy nodded and took Chekov, still unconscious, out.
“What fight?” Jones asked.
“Moments after Clark attacked Ensign Pavel Chekov, Fleet Admiral, we had a little issue with some Romulans. I took over Command and he tried to deflect the orders I gave to my crew.”
“That’s a lie too! I led us to victory!” The doors to the turbo lift opened to reveal Scotty, three Security Officers, and the Romulan Commander.
“He insisted that he see you, Sir,” said Scotty.
“You may have won today, Kirk. You may have destroyed my ship,” he began. “But this is not the end. We will be back to take our vengeance -”
“Gentleman, would you please escort our guest to the Brig along with the rest of the Romulans?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Sir?” Scotty asked.
“You can stay, Scotty.”
“Thank you. I don’t want to miss this.”
“Actually, Mr. Scott,” the man on the screen said. “I will have to ask you to bring Admiral Clark to the Transporter Room and beam him into my office.” He said eyeing the older man. Scotty wore the biggest grin he could muster.
“It would be my pleasure, Fleet Admiral.”
“And of course if he tries anything, you will be sure to notify me.”
“Aye, Sir.” He turned to Clark. “After you...Admiral.” They both disappeared behind the turbolift’s doors.
“I’m sorry you all had to put up with him; believe me, there will be punishment.” Kirk only just managed to not smile at the beautiful irony. “And Kirk, I believe you’ve earned the privilege of command again.”
“Thank you, Fleet Admiral.”
“Jones out.” The screen went black and there was a silence on the Bridge. Kirk pushed the button on his chair.
“Attention Enterprise, this is your Captain speaking...mission accomplished.” There was a collective cheering throughout the ship at the official return of their Captain. Many of them had never felt this kind of happiness before - the happiness of freedom after a long imprisonment. Scotty chuckled at the excited screaming.
“‘Tis a beautiful sound, is it not?” He asked and waved as he personally beamed Admiral Clark off his ship.
The Sickbay was quiet as Chekov woke, his friends waiting at his bed. Upon seeing them, he sat up.
“How’re you feeling?” Kirk asked.
“Fine, Captain.”
“You took quite a tumble there, Mr. Chekov,” said Bones.
“What happened?”
“When we all got in the turbolift, Clark starting attacking us,” started Uhura.
“We tried to fight back, but Clark took the phaser off me.”
“He held it at the Captain and said that he did it,” Bones said. “Threatened to shoot ‘im if the whole thing wasn’t called off.”
“Then you stepped between Clark and myself and confessed that it was you. After that, he stunned you.”
“That two-faced, egoistic, rat! When I see him I’ll -”
“Then it is most fortunate, Mr. Chekov, that none of us will be forced to endure his presence any longer.”
“Aye.” Chekov jerked his head toward Kirk.
“We won?” Kirk grinned.
“Freedom really was invented in Russia.” Chekov planted his fist in the air as he let out a breathy laugh and fell back onto the bed. “It didn’t go exactly as we planned, but we won. Thank you, Chekov...for everything.”
“Aye, lad. You were a real hero and if it wasn’t for you, he’d still be here!”
“Hear, hear.” Bones said as he poured seven glasses of brandy and started passing them out. “A toast.”
“To Chekov,” Kirk said.
“To Chekov, I’m sorry I doubted you ” Sulu agreed.
“And to having that Clark out of our hair,” Uhura said relieved.
“I’ll drink to that one too,” said Scotty.
“And to our Captain,” Chekov said.
“Vulcans do not partake in the consumption of alcohol. However, I will honor these accomplishments.“ They clinked their glasses and each took a drink as they sat there talking, laughing, and relishing their freedom.
After an hour of celebrating in Sickbay, Chekov, Uhura, Sulu, and Scotty decided to turn in for the night and walk back to their individual Quarters together. Chekov’s was last but as soon as the doors opened, he felt complete bliss. He sighed to himself and jumped into bed; he was more than ready to rest and get back to work tomorrow to make even more positive differences. And as Chekov heard laughter coming from the hall, he smiled to himself because he knew everything was good.
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tgai-spock · 4 years
a sharp intake 7
Chapter 7
There was a reason for the bridge being brighter than the Vulcan sun, and that was to stop people falling asleep, for this people paid in migraines. It smelt sterile. Despite the room being full of people it was almost as though there was no one in it. Why a working room needed to be bleached of the life inside it was beyond him, if you’re to spend most of your time in a room, that room should not be one that hurts you. Almost undeniable to Spock was the slight fumes of todays working humans. It wasn’t like the smell of a stranger sitting down next to you on a bus and it was nothing repulsive, they smelt like your own worn jumper, granted you hadn’t been up to much while wearing it. It was not quite sterile, it was something in between, and for him he knew it as the smell of home.
Kirk’s hand lightly held Spock’s as he keenly looked around, trying to capture everything his eyes could see. He pulled his hand gently free and stepped down towards the captains seat wandering down the small steps to the circular wooden chair where Sulu sat.
“Captain?” Sulu asked glancing at Spock a question on his face.
“We’re just investigating Sulu, aren’t we Spock?” Kirk nodded to him.
Spock nodded “can I sit on the chair, Captain?”
“… can call me Jim. Sure, Sulu, if you wouldn’t mind.”
“Of course Captain” Sulu grinned and stood up and moved to his navigator chair, giving another grin to Chekov. Although neither of them were paying any attention to their work.
“Captain-” Spock was about to say, a thought to never be finished as he jumped up at the chair at an angle so that it began to turn.
“Really, Spock call me Jim, whats wrong with my name?”
“It’s not aesthetically pleasing” Spock said, and Captain Kirk paused for a moment as he died inside, and before he could stop himself he hit back with his words.
“Your name is not aesthetically pleasing, you know? Spock, but I don't go around saying that to everyone.”
“Captain please do not bully him” Uhura said, and Kirk blushed embarrassed unaware of what he’d being doing.
“I’m not bully- I’m sorry-”
“It does not matter, I have many prettier names, your tongue is simply too ugly to pronounce them” Spock said. Kirk looked dully at Spock and then back to Uhura.
“Tell him to stop bulling me.” Kirk joked.
Uhura laughed “stop bullying the Captain please.”
“It’s not my fault he has an ugly name.” Spock said crossing his arms. Kirk grabbed ahold of the back of the chair which was continuing to turn and straightened it.
Kirk sighed leaning on the chair, “well I know a few women who would disagree with you.”
“They would be wrong to do so.” Spock said.
“Ahh” Chekov whispered “so he was born like that.”
“Gay?” Sulu asked
“I was going to say sassy.” Chekov said.
“Easy mistake to make.” Sulu shrugged, Chekov was frozen in thought he as tried to determine who was the one making the mistake, or at the very least who Sulu had decided was making the mistake.
“Who’s…. who’s making the mistake?”
Kirk who had reached a new emotional level whispered to himself “this is not the job I signed up for. If anyone is interested in becoming the new commanding officer, please send me your resumes. Other than that, please continue to work, and not discuss peoples privates life’s.”
“Nyota why did you brake up with Spock?” Chekov hissed.
“Really what was I worrying about, my job is babysitting.” Kirk sighed.
“Your job is being a Captain” Chekov frowned.
“Get back to work Chekov” Kirk said. Chekov put his hands up and turned around.
Kirk turned to Spock “are you done up here? Have you finished bullying me?”
“I have more.”
“Get it out you system then.”
“The chair up here is fucking ugly and uncomfortable.”
“I was letting you sit there as a privilege!” Kirk said angrily as the crew gasped. Spock looked offended.
“It’s still ugly and painful, you need to get a cushion.”
“I find it quite comfy” Kirk said. Spock’s eyes glanced over Kirk, and Kirk spotted how he looked.
“Don’t you dare” Kirk said quickly “you know it wouldn’t kill you to be polite.”
“If only I were fat enough to feel the real comfort of this chair” Spock said his eyes cast downwards as he tapped the seat. 
“Spock! Stop being rude! Did you know I can send messages to your S’mekh from here? I could have him on video chat in seconds.” Uhura said, in an attempt to save an older him from dying of embarrassment before it became to late.
“Please do not do that” Spock said and bowed his head “apologies for telling you, you were fat. Leonard said it first though and I therefore cannot be blamed.”
“I’m not sure that’s how that works. Why are you only on a first name basis with McCoy, you can use my first name too, you know?”
“Leonard doesn’t like it when I use his first name.” Spock said.
“Oh. So you’re bullying him too now?”
“I don’t think it’s bullying.”
“Uhura, what do you think?” Kirk asked.
“I think you’re arguing with a six year old.”
Kirk sighed as he tilted his head with a nod “you’re a life saver Uhura. Come on Spock, lets get you some lunch.” Spock bounced up, and they walked out the room, as Sulu returned to the Captains seat.
“Hey Sulu-” Chekov said turning around in his chair.
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2]        [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4]        [Chapter 5]
[Chapter 6]     [Chapter 7]       [Chapter 8]   [chapter 9]   [Chapter 10]
[Chapter 12]
All chapters can always be found here    
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headfulloffantasies · 5 years
Star Trek fic (Alternate Original Series. Word count: 1794)
5+1 misuses of the ship wide communication on the USS Enterprise
“What could go wrong?”
As if summoned by the cursed phrase on the captain’s lips, the shadow of Bones appeared on the bridge. 
He jabbed a finger at Kirk. “You are staying here. You will not being going down there.” The finger jabbed at the lush green planet on the display.
“Why not?” A yeoman with a death wish might have described the captain’s tone as whining.
“Because all the green stuff down there is Feleran rose. You are allergic to Feleran rose.”
“Fine,” Kirk agreed.
Several hours after the landing party came back, Kirk slunk into the med bay. 
“Bones? I got a rash.”
Bones refused to turn around. He stared into the depths of his PADD. “Where?”
“My hands… and back… and ribs.”
“You itchy?”
“How’re your eyes and throat?”
“Normal, I guess.”
Bones finally looked up. “Fine. Sit. I will take a look.”
He scraped at Jim’s red raw hands and took the sample over to the computer.
Bones glared at the results. He went deadly still. “Jim. This is Feleran rose.”
He turned around. Jim had vanished. 
Bones calmly pressed the button on the wall to open a ship wide communication. The button screeched with disuse.
“Jim Kirk if I find out you stepped one foot on that planet I will throw you into a supernova myself.”
There was a party in engineering. The unlucky crew who were scheduled to duty and the unfortunate who had been duped into covering shifts were miserably serving their time. 
On the bridge, Ensign Kelly had the con. She was slouched almost to the floor in the captain’s seat, glaring out into open space. If she ever got her hands on Yeoman Slater she was going to launch him into the void for tricking her into this post.
The ship wide communicator chirped. Kelly jerked to attention. Music and laughter filtered over the speakers.
“Hellloooo Enterprise!” A very drunk voice sang. “This is Lieutenant Luis. I am hereby announcing my romantic engagement to Lieutenant Nelson. Aaaaaand, I am cordially inviting the whole crew to our wedding at the next space dock!”
A loud cheer echoed through the comm. 
“Alright,” a grumpy voice interrupted. “You’ve had enough. We’re all very happy-,”
Ensign Maddox had been attacked on the surface of a planet. Four hours after being returned to the Enterprise, Bones was finally satisfied with Maddox’s stable condition. The young ensign was awake, but heavily sedated. He would be counting his own fingers for a few hours. 
Bones leaned his head in his hands with the door to his office shut. The kid was so young. Freckled green skinned, red haired little child. They got younger every day. Bones was already planning the booze he’d be drinking to stave off the nightmares of blood on freckled skin.
The ship wide communicator chirped. Bones jumped. 
Heavy breathing rasped on the comm. “This is Ensign Maddox. I am officially resigning my commission on the basis of I want to live to forty! Y’all can keep risking your lives for whatever it is we’re doing out here in the black. Give me a space suit, I’m jumping ship.”
Bones scrambled out of his office. Maddox was leaning half on the wall, still slurring into the communicator. “Starfleet can kiss my space rocks. I’m going to be a farmer.”
Maddox screamed when he saw Bones coming. He scrambled closer to the wall and thus the communicator.
“Help! Help! I’m being attacked!”
“I’m not attacking you, idiot. You’re under the influence of heavy meds. Get your butt back in bed.”
“Oppression!” Maddox yelled into the wall. His feet windmilled.
Bones grabbed his arm before he fell. Into the communicator he said “Can I get a security detail to watch Ensign Maddox while he sleeps off his drugs, please?”
“Oppression!” Maddox shrieked in Bones’ ear. 
“Hurry it up before I go deaf. McCoy out.”
Replicator 3 was out to get her, Kelly decided. Every time she asked for the spaghetti and garlic toast, replicator 3 used too much garlic. The other replicators didn’t treat her like this.
The ship wide comm chirped. Chatter in the cafeteria slammed to a halt.
“I don’t know, Spock,” the captain’s voice said. “Lately I just want to punch Pike in the face.”
Kelly’s cheeks burned. This was obviously not a conversation the captain meant to broadcast. All around the cafeteria, giggles were being stifled in hands and leering grins were exchanged.
“I was under the impression your relationship with the Admiral was on pleasant terms,” Commander Spock answered.
“It is,” a sigh crackled static shipwide. “It’s just that sometimes he still treats me like a kid. Like I’m still that guy who joined Starfleet on a dare.”
“I don’t mean to misunderstand you, Jim, but you are that person.”
“I know.” Something shuffled, like the captain was rearranging himself. “But I’m more than that now. I’ve earned more respect that that. But sometimes, just for a second, I can see Pike comparing me to my father’s ghost.”
A bang echoed over the speakers. Doctor McCoy’s voice suddenly cut in. “Hey idiot. Pick up your bleeding comm. You’re broadcasting your sob story to the entire ship.”
The captain cursed. “Spock, why didn’t you say anythi-,”
Kelly bit her tongue to keep the giggles in. She looked up and caught Yeoman Tar’s eye. They both lost it.
Kelly was enjoying some peace and quiet in her quarters when the ship wide comm chirped. She set down the book she was reading on her PADD. 
“-For the fourth time. Is this thing on?” The Scottish melody of the Chief Engineer floated through the ship. “Attention Enterprise. We are experiencing communication errors throughout the ship. Please be advised that faults are causing ship wide communication failures and, er, not failures.” There was a pregnant pause. “The comms may start broadcasting without warning, so, ah, watch what you say, yeah?” The message ended. 
Almost immediately, a ship wide comm chirped. “Ever seen a binary nebula? Most beautiful thing in the whole universe if you ask me. There’s one out by Scorpio IV that’s all red and purple. It looks like a rose opening up. I always thought it would be a real romantic spot-,”
Kelly groaned into her PADD. It was never a dull day on the Enterprise.
Kelly was in the cafeteria cursing Replicator 3 when the next comm flub happened.
“-nothing more than a sprain, Ensign.” Nurse Chapel’s voice flooded the ship. “You’re lucky it wasn’t worse. We have safety protocols for a reason-,” the broadcast ended. 
Kelly exchanged a glance with Lieutenant Nelson. 
“At least it wasn’t personal medical information,” he said.
“It’s just freaky, though. It’s like there are no private conversations today,” Kelly poked at her replicated yogurt with too many chunks. “I feel like I can’t talk to anyone.” She was interrupted by another ship wide comm.
“If you ever need help with this stuff, I’m always willing to show you again-,” A female voice crackled.
Kelly waved her hands. “Like that! That was a private, essential conversation and now the whole ship is going to gossip about it.”
It went like that all day. The ship became haunted. It was eerily quiet in the halls, and in common areas, where no one wanted their private conversations to suddenly become public. Ghostly voices floated through the ship, the echoes of people who were not there.  
Kelly ground her teeth through her bridge shift as she was forced to listen to someone in engineering detail the entire plot of the book Kelly had only just started. If she wasn’t on duty, she would have stuffed her fingers in her ears and sang ‘lalalalala’ until it was over. 
Captain Kirk consulted with Commander Spock and Lieutenant Uhura at her station. Kelly couldn’t hear them over the villain ruining her book, but she noticed Kirk was pushing a lot of buttons and Uhura was letting him. The ship wide broadcast suddenly changed from the engineer’s voice to Kirk’s.
“If anyone besides Scotty can fix this, it’s you.”
“Then let me do it,” Uhura said. Kelly watched her lips move with the broadcast as she swatted the captain’s hands away from her controls. 
“Captain-,” Spock started.
Kirk interrupted, “I’m just trying to help. What if you feed the broadcast back into a single location?” Clearly none of the team had noticed their bridge crew was tipping their heads towards their conversation.
“I tried that,” Uhura fumed. “The only place the system will let me isolate the broadcast to is the bridge.”
Spock tried again to get Kirk’s attention. “Captain,-”
“Hang on Spock.” Kirk addressed Uhura. “So isolate to the bridge. Is that so bad?”
“Do you want to listen to the crew chatter all day while you’re supposed to be commanding a starship?”
Kirk shrugged. “It’s more entertaining than plotting a course to the middle of nowhere.”
Ensign Wells stifled a laugh. Commander Spock locked eyes on him. The Vulcan eyebrow went up. 
“Captain, I believe this conversation is no longer private.”
Kirk straightened up, his shoulders rigid. “Whoops.” 
The whole bridge burst out in muted giggles. 
Kirk turned around and faced his crew with a fake smile plastered on his pretty face. “Ok folks, show’s over. Back to your stations.”
Apparently the isolation of the broadcasts to the bridge had only been a temporary patch. In the middle of Kelly’s sleep shift, she jolted awake to a loud chorus of punk music blaring throughout the ship. Kelly groaned and stuffed her head under her pillow.
A door slammed somewhere near the location of the song. “Gary! Everyone can hear your horrible taste in music!”
It was going to be a long night. 
“Good morning Enterprise,” Scotty’s whimsical accent interrupted Kelly’s breakfast again. “You will all be glad to know that the ship’s communications system has been fixed. The technology responsible has been tried and executed for its crimes. Scotty out.”
“Good morning Enterprise,” The captain’s voice echoed throughout the ship. “I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge the fact that today is day 1000 of our 5 year mission. We’ve loved and lost over that time. We’ve discovered things no one has ever imagined before. We’ve paved the way for new adventures, new loves and new losses. I’d like to have a moment of silence for those who haven’t made it this far.” 
“Thank you. And now I’d like to play for you a classic Earth song that I think perfectly encapsulates the journey we are on.”
A woman’s sang along to a pumping beat. “I’m all about that bass, ‘bout that bass, no treble-,“ the song abruptly cut out.
“Scotty! I thought you said you fixed it!”
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
September 29: 3x09 The Tholian Web
Today’s episode, The Tholian Web, was completely new to me and I came in with no expectations at all. I wasn’t sure about it at first but ultimately I really liked it!
In uncharted territory looking for lost ship the Defiant. Space appears to be breaking up. Idk but for some reason this sounds very familiar.
Like truly I don’t know what this is reminding me of but hasn’t space broken up before?
And now there’s a mysterious object! Nothing is going Kirk’s way today at all.
“Fascinating.” / “Explain.” Truly the root of this relationship.
It’s the Defiant! Looking ghostly.
Uhura’s on the case already. You don’t need to tell her how to do her job.
Scotty and Sulu looking badass together.
Conveniently, it’s another constitution class, allowing all the sets to be reused. (Though also I do think it makes sense only a large ship like that would be in uncharted space.)
Look at them in those suits. They look like they’re going to the grocery store in May 2020.
How do they know this isn’t an illusion? Because “we can see it, but the sensors don’t pick up anything” screams “illusion” to me. I wouldn’t want to beam into open space!
The triumvirate + Chekov, fourth wheeling again. (My mom suggested he’d be incapacitated soon, which is fair--he IS the red shirt in this scenario.)
All of this is feeling very familiar--missing ship, unusual space phenomenon, people going mad--but I'm not sure if it's repetitive or classic.
NO mutiny ever? That seem unlikely. Also didn’t Spock literally commit mutiny? Chekov would appreciate knowing this.
Kirk manages to look intense even through the space suit.
I find it really weird he doesn’t know the captain of this ship. Like, first off, he knows everyone, and second, there only about 12-14 constitution class vessel Captains so I really do think they know each other.
“Spock, stay with me.” Don’t have to tell him twice.
Lol the ship looks so silly just...drifting away. Adorable, but silly.
Seeing an Asian man in sick bay reminds me how few Asian people there are in Starfleet. Like... 1.
“What the devil?” That’s a Southern man there.
Is the ship actually dissolving or is it an ILLUSION? (It’s actually dissolving.)
Uh, the transporter’s not working? That’s not good.
I love how Scotty hears that and immediately abandons the bridge, like there is NO other man for the job.
O’Neil’s face when Kirk asks to be beamed aboard is hilarious. Human embodiment of the :O emoticon.
“You too, Spock.” He delays ordering Spock back to the ship because he KNOWS Spock’s going to argue.
“Completing the data set” yeah okay. He just doesn’t want to leave Jim alone. Especially in the extremely suspicious circumstances of there being 4 people and 3 transporter spots.
He’s vanished!
Spock is NOT having this.
The fabric of space is very weak here. Sounds legit. And there are many alternate dimensions that are very close at hand. So in other words... Kirk is literally stuck in an AU right now.
This is sorta like The Alternative Factor but way better.
You know it’s serious when they break out the fish eye lens.
When Bones rushed in, I was expecting him to sedate Chekov but Spock has it covered.
I feel like Spock is extremely concerned for Chekov here. Like it’s subtle, but just the attention he’s paying to him. And Sulu is obviously very concerned too.
His “environmental unit” only has so much oxygen. What a great name for a fancy spacesuit.
Spock will not believe Jim is dead!! Never. (This is the plot of the whole episode in 8 words essentially.)
That’s an alien!
“According to the Federation, this area is free space.” ...Okay, that sounds a little colonialist. In his defense, he doesn’t press the point. He basically says, kay, we’ll go as soon as we’re finished rescuing.
And I appreciate the Tholian’s respect for that even though surely he must feel gaslit by Spock--rescuing WHO there are NO other ships??
Also I like the look of the alien.
Nifty lab equipment there.
Wow that orderly was easily disabled lol. I guess Chapel hypoed him but it really looked like she just tapped his shoulder and he fell.
Hmm, there are still 30 minutes left so something tells me this Kirk rescue mission won’t work.
Captain Kirk is not in his designated area. I repeat Captain Kirk has wandered away from his designated area.
The space was disturbed by the Tholians. I guess they weren’t factored into the delicate calculations.
Something about this exchange really screams Southerner meets Alien. Like more than most McCoy and Spock exchanges.
You can tell Spock is thinking about this whole "nothing’s being transmitted, it’s just the nature of space; everyone's already sick" thing but also not caring because CAPTAIN KIRK.
Now they’re being fired upon! A lot is happening here.
“Renowned Tholian punctuality” lol. Always a sense of humor on this one.
Spock’s face when Sulu questioned his order was 100% “Did I stutter?”
“I know you don’t like to use the phasers.” Because he’s a pacifist.
Well he changed his mind on those phasers fast enough.
“You’ve lost Jim.” UM no I think NOT.
Everything happens so much.
“That is the mark of a starship Captain like Jim.” I mean Spock is no Jim but there’s no need to be rude about it
“Doctor, go to your room and do your homework.”
Aw, the ships are kissing.
Now they look like little weaving shuttles. Adorable.
Hmm, it IS a web. Appropriately named episode.
“We shall not see home again.” Lol Spock way to be the Most Dramatique as always.
Tholian web screensaver Windows 98.
No, not a funeral!!
“This service requires my attention, Mr. Spock.” Crying emoji.
(I’m with Spock in almost everything in this ep but come on, you can’t ban McCoy from Kirk’s funeral, that’s just rude.)
This seems more like an assembly than a funeral tbh.
[agonizing scream] is also how I feel about Kirk “dying” and that’s why Generations isn’t real.
AOS Kirk would 100% approve of a brawl at his funeral.
Sulu and Uhura <3
“Each of you must evaluate the loss in the privacy of your own thoughts.” Spock definitely will.
Wait, that was it? The whole eulogy? Both Kirk and Spock really suck at eulogizing the other.
McCoy probably could have skipped this honestly.
Wait, Kirk left his space husband and his BFF a final in-case-of-death message? Noooooooooooooooo I can’t.
McCoy is so insistent they watch it and Spock is like “nah, that makes it too real, not gonna do it.”
“The Captain’s last order is the top priority.”
Why does everyone always assume Spock wants power? He obviously doesn’t. He could be a Captain if he wanted, probably. He’s early enough in his career where he still has time to become a Captain, too--eventually he does! Most of his career and literally every statement he’s ever made would kinda imply he’s not interested.
Also, if he didn’t care about Jim and he just wanted to take over the Enterprise, he would have left 3 hours ago? Like multiple people were saying he should? Including Bones??
“He was a hero in every sense of the word.” True.
McCoy is being VERY mean today.
And now he’s mad at him again for fighting the Tholians instead of leaving without Jim! Like which is it! What did he do wrong? At least pick a specific thing to criticize lol.
"I need not explain my rationale to you or to any other member of this crew." That’s true but also all I can hear is “I love him. I’m in love with him. I must have him back.”
What is that art work on the wall? That’s new.
I don’t get how Bones isn’t getting this. He KNOWS about the “warm, genuine feeling.”
Vulcans clearly aren’t immune to the...space weirdness. But yes, another pot shot at his alienness is always welcome lol.
“I AM in command of the Enterprise.” You tell him.
Finally, the secret message!
Omg Jim is literally dead and he’s still reassuring Spock. What a good boyfriend. I know this is the hardest thing you’ve ever done, but you got this bb.
Now he’s lecturing them both from beyond the grave and getting everything right and they’re just standing there like chastised schoolboys.
That “take care” was so soft.
“It does hurt, doesn’t it?”
“What would you have me say Doctor?”
Like??? I can’t stand this.
Uhura! At home.
I like that twirly thing they have in their quarters; very efficient use of space and also I want one.
I also love that her chair has crocodile arms.
Kirk shows up in the mirror just to be dramatic and disappear again.
“Of course you saw him. We’d all like to see him.” Lol. Yes, yes, he’s still with us... in our hearts.
If the Tholians complete the web, what will they do with what’s inside? Eat it?"
“Are we any closer to the cure for space weirdness?” / “No. Except also yes.”
Love all the vague science that goes into solving their problem at the last minute but also extremely quickly by any objective standard.
Is Chekov restrained with seat belts?
Whereas Uhura’s just chilling. She knows what she’s about.
Ghost Kirk! Ghost Kirk!
"Do you suppose they're seeing Jim because they've lost confidence i you?" Damn bones, harsh. I thought we were done with this.
Pretty distressing that everything relies SO much on Scotty lol--arguably the MOST critical single member of the crew.
“I’m  sorry.” Glad to hear him say it, finally!
“He would just say ‘Forget it Bones.’“ Adorable.
I feel like everyone’s simultaneously thinking, ‘Okay, we ALL see that, right?”
I am overwhelmed by the longing in that shot of Spock trying to reach Kirk through the dimensions. Like, we’ve established everyone loves him, everyone misses him, everyone wants to see him, but Spock actually approaches him and tries to meet him...
“We were separated. He couldn’t touch me.”
I want to know Scotty’s opinion on Spock’s crazy statue.
So Spock shouldn’t have fired those phasers? Because they... did something... bad to the dimensions? But what other choice did he have, other than to leave without Kirk?
Wasn’t Scotty literally just saying this wasn’t fixable? And now he’s like ‘eh, I can fix it in 20 minutes and get you 80% power’?
The antidote is derived from a nerve gas used by the Klingons...that’s honestly rather hilarious. They’re good for something I guess.
“It simply deadens certain nerve inputs in the brain.” / “Any decent brand of Scotch’ll do that.” Starfleet’s finest lmao.
Lmao Mccoy's no longer drugging the crew he's straight up killing parts of their brains with booze and deadly nerve gas. The man must be stopped.
Noooo don’t give Scotty the whole bottle. We’ve already established the ship doesn’t run without him.
They still gotta get out of the web.
If I shipped McCoy/Spock I would DEFINITELY ship it in that little moment where they look at each other over the glasses.
I have no idea what happened but they seem to be free. Bye Tholians!
Kirk back in the chair where he belongs <3
“No problems worth reporting”--I mean that is technically true, I GUESS.
Kirk is trying to get the gossip.
“Only what one would expect when humans are involved.” / “What humans?” The oxygen hasn’t fully returned to his brain, I see.
Also he is completely lying about understanding McCoy’s explanation.
Sulu and Chekov are having a great time listening in. Collecting future gossip for the cafeteria.
“M-my last orders. That I left for both of you.” He’s adorable.
"The crisis was upon us and then passed so quickly that w-we...." Lol yes the crisis came and then 4 hours later, it was passed! Just like that.
I totally get that Kirk wants them to admit they watched the tape. It was his orders that they watch it first, plus he knows he said helpful stuff and he wanted to be helpful! But I also get why they don’t want to admit they saw it, because it is rather awkward to admit they watched his last words when he’s... not dead.
That was a great ep overall! I really enjoyed it.
My only two complaints are that there wasn’t enough Kirk, and I wasn’t fond of Bones’s characterization. I mean, I get that he was affected by the... space weirdness and maybe his usual prejudices were purposefully exaggerated to show that but it still felt like he was constantly piling up on Spock and in the most unhelpful way. Like, they often disagree, in part because they have different general philosophies, and Bones often misunderstands Spock. But Bones wasn’t really offering anything helpful in terms of command advice, and his criticisms were both repetitive and incoherent. Did he want Spock to leave Jim behind or not? Was firing the phasers bad or necessary? Is Spock doing too much to save Jim or is he just out to get rid of him and take command? And again, he had like 6 moments where he said something cutting and cruel and...one or two of those go a lot farther to show the point. I also just... Bones really, really doesn’t get Spock, and I can see how he’d get meaner given the space aggression. But he’s not cruel. And he and Spock are friends, and he does know that Spock loves Kirk more than anything. So I did not find him IC overall.
But I did really like Spock and his characterization. I could feel all the emotion in him, so pent up and controlled but so present--especially in the moment when he held the tape Kirk made, but in so many other places as well--the “funeral,” the first moment after Kirk failed to materialize, reaching for him on the Bridge...
I also liked this portrayal of Spock in command. He is a good commander and he has obviously grown a lot since the Galileo Seven. But he’s not Jim, and the show is clear about that. Kirk is not replaceable and his job is not easy. I’m not even sure that Kirk would have done much different than Spock--he wouldn’t have left without one of his crew, and that probably would have involved firing on the Tholian ship. But when Spock did it, it really felt like he was overwhelmed, frustrated, and not thinking--he didn’t want to, but then Scotty said he should, and he did. Kirk would have made the decision, not been pressured into it. Would it have mattered? It comes out to the same, but I think it would have been a different scenario. Kirk only ever makes his own decisions--then he can own them, no matter what. That didn’t feel like Spock’s decision, and it affected others’ confidence in him (cough cough McCoy).
I would have to watch again to see if I thought there was any other choice.
This ep made me think of the cave scene in ST09 where Ambassador Spock meets Kirk and thinks he is HIS Kirk, come on purpose to find him. Because obviously Kirk is like that: he comes back from the dead, he finds Spock no matter what, he comforts and reassures and supports him no matter what. He would cross dimensions, he’d travel through time, he’d become No Longer Dead, if that’s what Spock needed.
I was a little disappointed that we didn’t see Kirk’s adventures in the AU lol. I think he was lying about being alone in the other universe. I want to see the fic where he was actually in the AOS verse lol.
Even though there wasn’t enough Kirk in this ep, I appreciated how strong his presence was anyway, seeing everyone love him so much, and seeing just how effective he is as a Captain by comparison with Spock, who is good and who did get them out of the situation, but who lacks that certain... Captain’s quality.
And it outright was a great Spock episode, and a good Spock and McCoy ep except for all of the OOC-ness in McCoy. I’m starting to feel like actually there’s a pretty significant amount of Spock and McCoy stories (this one, The Paradise Syndrome All Our Yesterdays, even Bread and Circuses) and I wish there were more Kirk and Bones stories, too. They are best friends after all!
Next is Plato’s Stepchildren, which is a pretty meh episode, but not awful.
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Star Trek Episode 1.16: The Galileo Seven
AKA Lord What Fools These Humans Be
Our episode begins with a captain’s log telling us that the Enterprise is traveling to a planet called Makus 3, or Mockus 3 according to the subtitles. Specifically they’re going there to deliver some medical supplies, but they happen to be passing by a phenomenon called Murasaki 312, which Kirk describes as being a quasar-like formation, and “a priceless opportunity for scientific study.” It’s pretty, I’ll give it that. Especially in the remastered version.
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[ID: 1. A swirl of bright blue-green vapor glowing in the middle, in the midst of a starfield. 2. A large green cloud with a disc-like formation in the middle of it shot through with a beam of white light.]
Also, they have onboard one Galactic High Commissioner (now there’s a hell of a title) Ferris, who’s overseeing this whole medicine delivery business. Ferris has just now come up to the bridge, where Kirk is communicating with a shuttlecraft (you know, those shuttlecraft that they’ve definitely had all this time) about to launch, and boy, he looks like a fun guy.
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[ID: Ferris, a white man with very short graying brown hair, wearing a blue uniform with an elbow-length cape on the back. He is standing just in front of the lift doors on the bridge, looking off to the side and somehow managing to look both grumpy and smug at the same time.]
Ferris is not happy about the Enterprise stopping to look at the glowy space cloud when they’ve got medicine to deliver, and on a tight schedule too. They’re supposed to be having a rendezvous with...somebody...to hand over the supplies so they can be transferred to the New Paris colony. Kirk says that that’s all very well, but he also, for some reason, has standing orders to investigate all quasars and quasar-like phenomena. Anyway, it’s a three day trip to Makus 3 and the rendezvous isn’t scheduled for another five, so they’ve got a two-day window, time enough for a roadside stopover.
This whole thing strikes me as odd. Not that such a formation would be scientifically interesting, I’m sure it would be. But the way Kirk talks about it, it’s as if this was some unexpected opportunity that they have to take advantage of because it won’t come again. But quasars (and, presumably, quasar-like phenomena) aren’t exactly the kind of thing that pop up one day and are gone the next. Also, they’re pretty hard to miss, and there’s no indication that they’re out in unexplored space or whatever. You could perhaps pass this off as the writers not knowing what a quasar is—likely--except that the thing has a name, which indicates that whatever it is, it’s been officially noticed and has stuck around long enough to be cataloged. So there’s no apparent reason why the Enterprise wouldn’t have been well aware, in advance, that this thing was going to be along their way, and no apparent reason why they have to study it right now. Are Kirk’s ‘standing orders’ so important that they supercede anything else the Enterprise happens to be doing at the moment? If the Federation cares about quasars (and quasar-like phenomena) so much, why not have dedicated science ships out there studying them instead of just making other ships stop and look at them whenever they get the chance?
To compound the problem, Ferris tells Kirk that he doesn’t want to take chances with this medicine delivery because “the plague” is out of control at New Paris and they really need these supplies. We’re obviously supposed to view Ferris as your standard unpleasant interfering bureaucrat, and he certainly doesn’t exactly have a charming personality, but to be honest, I think he kinda has a point on this one. It’d be one thing if the Enterprise was delivering some non-time-critical supplies and he was just being a grump about meeting a schedule, but, assuming The Plague lives up to that name, they’re delivering crucial life-saving medicine, and Kirk is being real dang cavalier about it. Yeah, they’ve got time until the meet-up—even though there’s no given explanation as to why the rendezvous has to be at that time and they couldn’t make it earlier, which would surely be preferable under the circumstances—but a lot of things can go wrong in space, which Kirk oughta be very well aware of by now. One would think they’d want to leave that window open in case they’re delayed by something unexpected, but no, let’s just go fly into a quasar, I guess, what could go wrong. This is like if they stopped in the middle of Balto to investigate an active volcano.
Kirk waves Ferris off and tells the shuttle, Galileo, that they’re cleared for takeoff, so off they take. Inside the shuttle is Spock, flying it; a male goldshirt; a female redshirt; Scotty; a male blueshirt; McCoy; and a male goldshirt. That’s seven alright. Seems like a bit of an odd selection. Given it’s a scientific expedition you’d expect a primarily science-focused crew, but here we’ve got Spock (makes sense), one blueshirt (cool), McCoy (for...whatever reason) two goldshirts (one is helping fly the shuttle, which makes sense, but the other one is just...there), a yeoman (who frankly has no business being there whatsoever) and Scotty. Scotty’s always good to have along, but what, specifically, they thought he would need to be doing on this trip, I don’t know.
As they fly towards the big green glowy thing, one of the goldshirts—Latimer—gives Spock a reading, then takes it back, saying the indicator’s gone crazy. The blueshirt, Boma, says that this is because quasars are really disruptive like that. The yeoman then reports that radiation is increasing.
With things already going wrong real bad, Spock tells Latimer to stop their forward momentum. Latimer gives it a shot, but nothing happens. Spock then tries to call the Enterprise, but gets only static. Man, it sure didn’t take long for this trip to go belly-up.
On the bridge, Uhura is likewise having radio trouble, unable to pick up anything from the Galileo except scattered fragments about them being pulled off-course. Kirk wants them to get a fix on the shuttle, but Sulu says the scanners are blank and that they’re getting “a mass of readings I’ve never seen before, nothing makes sense.” So...they’re blank or there’s a mass of readings? Which is it?
The ship computer chimes in with some technobabble that apparently means Murasaki 312 has ionized the entire sector. In a nutshell, their sensors are out, along with your choice of plot-relevant ship systems. Kirk looks mournfully out into the void and says, “At least four complete solar systems in the immediate vicinity, and out there, somewhere, a twenty-four foot shuttlecraft, off course, out of control. Finding a needle in a haystack would be child’s play.” What, you mean sending a lone shuttlecraft out to investigate a giant mysterious and dangerous space phenomena that said shuttlecraft was never equipped to handle, while on a time limit, didn’t turn out well? Who could have guessed!
After the titles, Kirk gives a log that just reiterates the situation: Murasaki 312 ate our shuttlecraft and now we can’t even look for it because our sensors are busted. Ferris is going on about how he told them so, which obviously is not endearing him to anyone. Kirk says they still have two days to find it, but as Ferris points out, you can’t search four solar systems in two days. At that point Uhura interrupts to say that there’s one inhabitable type-M planet in the solar system (she does not specify which solar system). It’s called Taurus 2, and it’s right in the middle of that big glowy mess out there. Oh, that’s convenient. Of course, they have no evidence that the Galileo landed on any planet, let alone that one—it could be anywhere in the vast amount of empty space in those solar systems, or it could have landed on one of the uninhabitable planets and they’re all going to die if they haven’t already. Lots of lovely possibilities! But they gotta start somewhere, so it’s off to Taurus 2.
By sheer coincidence, it turns out that in fact the Galileo has landed in the one place survivable enough to make an interesting episode out of. The outside of the shuttle looks okay, but from the inside it’s clear they had a rough landing. Everyone’s tossed all over the place clutching their heads and so forth, and a control panel is sparking pretty badly. McCoy goes into doctor mode and starts checking everyone out, but it looks like the only casualty was a bloody nose for Boma.
So what happened? Over a handkerchief, Boma says his best guess is that “the magnetic potential of the effect was such that as we gathered speed, it was multiplied geometrically,” causing them to be shot into Muraski 312 like a bullet. Scotty’s got a hell of a job ahead of him getting the shuttle back into shape. Man, it sure is lucky that they brought the chief engineer along on this trip. For whatever reason that they did.
McCoy does a scan of the atmosphere outside and says that it’s breathable—you wouldn’t want to run a marathon in it, but it’s breathable. Spock says they’d better clear out of there so Scotty has room to work and tells Latimer and the other goldshirt, Gaetano, to take some phasers and go scout around. They do, but no one else leaves. So much for giving Scotty room to work. Instead, McCoy sits in a chair the wrong way to talk to Spock.
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[ID: McCoy and Spock sitting inside the Galileo. McCoy is sitting sideways with his back to the wall and one arm propped against the back of the chair, looking over at Spock, who is sitting forward and looking at his tricorder.]
McCoy, sitting sideways in chairs like a man after my own heart.
Spock and McCoy talk about their chances of being found. They don’t look good. Spock figures  the ionization effect that hit them is going to be widespread enough to affect the Enterprise too, leaving them without instrumentation to search with, which is going to make it damn hard for them to find the Galileo.
Sure enough, back on the big ship they’re still having no luck with the sensors, even after Sulu tried hooking them up to auxiliary power. Kirk calls the transporter room to see if they’ve got the transporters back online but the operator says that they beamed down some test material and it came back “in a disassociated condition” so they don’t dare try sending any humans through it yet. Yeesh. Yeah, I quite prefer being in an associated condition myself. In the meantime, Kirk tells the flight deck to get the other shuttle, the Columbus, ready to fly out and do a search of the planet’s surface.
Having a shuttle named Columbus is a bit unfortunate, since the most prominent explorer-type person named Columbus that comes to mind was an enormously terrible guy and one would hope we would have stopped giving him any kind of honor this far into the future. But then, the show never specifies that the shuttle is named after Christopher Columbus. Three hundred years from now there could easily have been another person named Columbus that did something significant, like a really cool astronaut or scientist. That’s my theory and I’m sticking with it.
While the Columbus gets ready, Uhura regretfully tells Kirk that communication is still impossible as both their transmission and reception are out. Ferris is still hanging around making a nuisance of himself, asking whether Kirk really thinks they’re going to find anything out there. Kirk says that he’s going to keep looking until the last possible minute and damn the odds (never tell Kirk the odds!), and Ferris says alright—but only until the last possible minute and not one second after.
Columbus heads off on its search, while down on the planet Spock goes outside to do some readings or whatever. McCoy follows him and comments that for as lousy as this situation is, it’s Spock’s big chance to get his command on. Spock says that he isn’t particularly enthused by the idea of being in command, but he’s not afraid of it either; it’s just a thing, neither good nor bad. But since he is in command now, he’s going to do it logically.
Inside, Scotty is elbows-deep in the shuttle’s dashboard. Things aren’t looking good. It seems they’ve lost a lot of fuel, so much that they don’t have any chance of reaching escape velocity and making orbit unless they lighten the load by about five hundred pounds. That’s the weight of three grown men, Spock points out. McCoy is all “uhhh how about we drop some equipment instead of some people” but Spock says that there’s just not that much non-essential equipment on the Galileo to begin with. The passengers are pretty much the only excess weight they have to lose, so either some people get left behind or it’s time to go build a refinery.
Boma is not happy with the turn this discussion has taken and asks who’s going to decide who has to stay behind. Spock says that, well, he’s in command, so it’s up to him to make that call. And no, despite what Boma suggests, he’s not planning to draw lots; he’ll make a logical decision based on logical means, logic logic.
Leaving the conversation on that cheerful note, Spock says they better go outside and make sure they haven’t overlooked any minor damage. Boma watches him leave and says, “If any minor damage was overlooked it was when they put his head together.” “Not his head, Mr. Boma,” McCoy says in the most dramatic manner possible. “His heart.” Thanks Bones.
Meanwhile the goldshirts are off scouting around in a ravine while some scary growling noises echo all around them. They decide to climb up the rocks nearby, because you know what would be a great idea right now: to expose themselves as much as possible. Sure enough, as they get to the top, something big and furry throws a giant spear at Latimer, impaling him in the back and knocking him into the ravine.
The rest of the party over at the Galileo hear Latimer’s scream and Spock and Boma go running to investigate. Gaetano climbs down the rocks while shooting his phaser wildly in various directions, as poor Latimer lies dead in the ravine with the spear shaft sticking up like a tree.
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[ID: Gaetano, a white man with short dark hair, sitting on an outcropping in the side of a ravine and staring at a spearhaft that extends out of frame in both directions, while Spock approaches from around the corner.]
After the break, Spock and Boma arrive on the scene to find Gaetano sitting mournfully on a rock and staring at Latimer. He says he didn’t see the attacker clearly; he only knows that it was “something huge and terrible.” But he thinks he got it with one of those phaser blasts so Spock goes off to investigate. Gaetano tells Boma that the thing was “like a giant ape” and then, when Boma says, “Poor Latimer,” Gaetano optimistically says that at least Latimer was fortunate enough to die quickly. Thanks man. Really keeping up the team spirit there. But hey, on the plus side, now we only have to pick two people to leave behind.
Spock comes back and says that he didn’t find anything. Gaetano insists that there was something there and he’s sure that he hit it, which is more certainty than he had about one minute or so ago; Spock says he’s not doubting Gaetano, but the fact is there’s nothing there now. Then he pulls the spear out of Latimer—honestly I have no idea how the thing was even staying up in the first place—and examines it, saying that it resembles a kind of ancient Earth spear, but cruder and not very efficient.  Boma gets upset at this, irate that Spock can focus on things like the efficiency of the spear when there’s a man dead on the ground. The nerve of the man, gathering information about a dangerous and unknown situation. Spock points out that no amount of mourning is going to bring Latimer back to life. Gaetano, now also ticked off, says that they at least shouldn’t leave Latimer’s body there. Spock offers to help them carry the body back, but the two men coldly refuse and haul him off themselves.
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[ID: Gaetano and Boma, a black man with short hair, carrying the body of Latimer between them through the ravine. Latimer’s shirt is pulled up exposing a black undershirt.]
Well, there’s at least one goldshirt who wears an undershirt.
On the Enterprise, Kirk notes in his log that their searching has turned up nothing, and he’s beginning to feel “a sense of utter futility, and great loss.” The transporters are still not safe to use, and Engineering is working on getting the sensors back online, but without Scotty around they’re real short on miracles, and not making much progress. But Kirk, of course, is not about to give up, and as soon as the Columbus comes back from searching a quadrant he orders them to start on the next one. Ferris is still hanging around pointedly reminding Kirk of how little time he has left, kind of like an annoying quest marker in a video game that pops up every five minutes to remind you to do the thing that you’re already doing.
Kirk orders the Columbus to expand its search radius by two degrees. Sulu points out that means they’ll be overlooking a dozen miles with each loop they make, but Kirk responds that it’s the only way they have a fighting chance of actually covering the whole planet in the time left to them. Ferris exits the bridge, but not before turning around in the lift and saying, “Twenty-four more hours, Captain,” as dramatically as he can.
Down below, Spock is offering some jury-rigging suggestions to Scotty, but of course Scotty’s already thought of all that and says it won’t work. Meanwhile, McCoy and the Yeoman are hauling some stuff out of the back of the shuttle, which should take off about fifty pounds of weight, and the yeoman thinks they can clear out another hundred pounds. A hundred and fifty pounds? What happened to there being nothing nonessential on this shuttle? Sure, that might not be much compared to the overall weight of the shuttle, but it’s a heck of a lot when you’re talking about having to leave people behind. Still, as Spock points out, even if they lose all that they’ll be another hundred and fifty pounds overweight. Hm, okay, if everyone loses twenty-five pounds we’ll be good.
McCoy can’t believe Spock is still planning to leave someone behind now that they know there are big dangerous furry guys out there with spears, but Spock points out that it’s a matter of saving one life, or six. In other words, the trolley problem. Or the shuttle problem, in this case.
Boma sticks his head in the door and says that they’re ready. Spock is confused about what, exactly, they’re ready for, and Boma says they’re doing a service for Latimer. Spock doesn’t want to lose any of their very limited time, but Boma insists that he should at least come and say a few words. In some desperation, Spock says that perhaps McCoy would be better for that, but McCoy insists it’s Spock’s place to do that, and Spock turning it down is met with hostility from everyone (except Scotty, who has bigger fish to fry, and the yeoman, who doesn’t seem to have any opinions on anything).
Call me a Vulcan, but I don’t entirely understand why this is a problem. McCoy would be the best person there to give any kind of funeral service. He’s a doctor, so he surely has more practice speaking about the recently deceased in a compassionate but formal way than anyone else there; he would be generally familiar with human funeral customs, unlike Spock, who would have an entirely different cultural background for such things; and he can more afford to spare the time because he’s really not urgently needed for anything at the moment. It might not be the most orthodox way of doing things, but under the circumstances I think we’re gonna have to skip the full formal ceremony with honors anyway.
But we don’t find out exactly how they resolved the funeral situation, instead skipping ahead to some time later. Spock and Scotty are still in the Galileo, Scotty digging through the innards of the shuttlecraft while Spock watches. Scotty grimly announces that a line has broken, meaning that they now have no fuel at all. So uh. Yeah, that’s bad. Spock tells him it’s time to start considering alternatives, to which an incredulous Scotty replies, “We have no fuel, what alternatives?” “Mr. Scott, there are always alternatives.” Like what? Black magic? “Alright, squad, I didn’t want to do this, but we’re gonna have to sacrifice Gaetano.”
At that moment, McCoy and the yeoman come running in, saying there’s something happening outside. Everyone runs outside, except Scotty, who can’t be bothered with any damn aliens or whatever when there’s an engine to be fixed. Gaetano and Boma are hiding behind a nearby rock while unsettling scraping kind of sounds echo all around them. Spock says it’s the sound of wood rubbing on leather, which Gaetano thinks means the aliens are about to attack. Boma points out that this could just be some kind of simple tribal rite, but Spock says that the artifacts prove these guys are too primitive for that. Um, artifacts? You have one. Or had one, more likely, that you looked at for like, fifteen seconds, before Boma started pitching a fit about it. There’s only so much anthropology you can do in that amount of time.
Boma thinks that if the aliens have any kind of tribal system, attacking one of them might drive the others off. Spock is like “oh, now we’re okay with having no sentimentality about life?” But Gaetano, raring to go phaser some cavemen, insists that “at least we’re practical about it.” Practical. Sure. You haven’t been practical about a damn thing since y’all landed on this rock, but now you want to start, huh?
When asked, McCoy says that Boma’s plan seems logical to him, which is a bit unusual—he’s usually the last one to be okay with any plan that involves killing, though at least he doesn’t exactly seem enthusiastic about this. Boma tries to invoke majority rules and Spock has to remind him that this isn’t a democracy. Man, Starfleet crewmembers seem to have to be reminded of that a lot. You’d think they’d go over this at the Academy.
Obviously they’ve gotta do something, but Spock is still uncomfortable with the idea of murdering the locals and decides to take a third option. McCoy and the yeoman (whose name, we finally learn, is Mears) are sent back to the shuttle to help Scotty, while Boma and Gaetano are to go with Spock. He tells them very sternly that they’re going to follow his orders to the letter and fire only at the targets he designates, which, again, doesn’t seem like a concept they should need a refresher on but here we are. Boma and Gaetano are all over this plan until Spock says that they’re only going to fire to frighten the aliens, not to kill them, at which point they go right back to sulking.
So the three of them head off into the Emyn Muil over there, skulking along through the ankle-high mist with phasers at the ready.
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[ID: Spock, Boma and Gaetano approaching cautiously through the ravine, the floor of which is blanketed with white vapor.]
“Careful, boys, we’re in the land of dry ice machines now.”
Another giant spear comes flying at them, but luckily this one doesn’t hit anyone. They dodge behind some rocks and Spock fires his phaser, causing a nearby giant to drop a shield into the ravine. A shield that rather dramatically changes size between shots.
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[ID: 1. Spock stands in the ravine with his phaser out, Gaetano and Boma crouched at his side. A large, crude leather shield has fallen to the ground in front of them. 2. The three men crouching in front of the shield, which is now so large all three of them can stand alongside it with room to spare.]
They get into position at Spock’s specifications, and he tells them to fire at designated angles on his command, but even now, Gaetano still wants to argue about it. His protests notwithstanding, Spock has them fire for a bit. Figuring the giants should be frightened off for now, he goes back to the Galileo with Boma, leaving Gaetano on sentry duty. He seems a bit too far from the shuttle to be serving as effective sentry duty, but maybe Spock just wanted to not have to deal with him for a while.
Back at the Galileo, Scotty has, what do you know, conjured up an alternative: he thinks he can adjust the shuttle’s main reactor to function with a substitute fuel supply. What substitute fuel supply do they have? The phasers! Of course, if they use all their phasers to fuel the shuttle, they won’t have any means of defense, but if they don’t, they’re all gonna die anyway, so there’s not much of a choice in the matter. Scotty says that if he uses up all the phasers he can achieve orbit with all remaining hands, although he won’t be able to maintain it very long.
As Spock points out, the Enterprise is going to have to leave in less than twenty-four hours now, so if they don’t achieve orbit in that time they’re screwed anyway. The general assumption seems to be that they have no chance of surviving on the planet long enough to be rescued, even if the Enterprise came right back. Which could well be true—I doubt they have much in the way of survival supplies on the shuttle, and there are hostile aliens all around. On the other hand, they haven’t yet tried actually defending themselves to their fullest capability, and the presence of those big guys would seem to indicate that there’s something to eat around here. I’m not saying they could definitely survive long enough for a later rescue, it just seems odd that everyone takes it for granted that staying on the planet will be a death sentence.
So Spock tells McCoy to hand over his phaser, which for some reason prompts a dramatic musical sting, even though they literally just went over their plans to do that, and anyway it’s not like McCoy gets a lot of use out of the thing. Scotty takes McCoy’s phaser along with Spock’s and sets about transferring their power to the shuttle reactor, which he seems to be doing by just sticking the phasers down in there and firing them at said reactor.
Up on the Enterprise, the transporter guys run a test on some objects that come back intact, and the operator tells Kirk that in his opinion, the transporter is now safe for humans. Which is not a statement that I think I would find terribly comforting if it was me going through that thing. Kirk seems alright with it, though, because he immediately orders landing parties to start going down. The transporter operator points out that he’s talking about searching a planet on foot in less than twenty-four hours, which, y’know, is really unlikely to work, but Kirk isn’t interested in hearing it.
In the ravines, Gaetano is stumbling around nervously amidst sounds of growling giants. A rock comes flying at him, hitting his hand and knocking away his phaser, followed by another spear. Rather than attempt to pick up the phaser, Gaetano tries to climb up the cliff wall, a course of action that very quickly peters out. He falls back down and cowers against the cliff while a giant slowly approaches from the end of the ravine.
I question the decision to actually show the giant onscreen because, frankly, he’s just not that impressive. Sure, he’s big, but he’s like, Andre the Giant big, not as big as you would be thinking from the size of the spear and shield. Seriously, that spear was like three times the size of Gaetano.
Also, for some reason he’s walking with his arms straight out like Frankenstein’s monster.
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[ID: Gaetano backed up against a cliff wall in fear while a large furry man with arms extended walks towards him.]
Gaetano just kind of sits there whimpering while the giant slowly closes in on him and grabs him. He screams as the scene cuts to black, which is probably for the best because I don’t think there was ever a good way to resolve that particular bit of choreography.
After the break, Spock, McCoy and Boma are examining the ravine, where there is now no trace of Gaetano except his fallen phaser. Spock retrieves the phaser and gives it to McCoy to take back to Scotty. Boma is, shockingly, outraged by how Spock is “acting like nothing’s happened at all.” Yes, thank you, Boma. Spock then gives McCoy his own phaser as well to take back in case he doesn’t return—he’s going to go look for Gaetano, alone. The other two men watch him head off into the ravine. One might expect this to prompt some “oh I guess he really does care” response, but instead McCoy is just kind of like “yeah I don’t know he’s weird” and then they leave.
Spock heads through the land of fogginess and soon discovers poor ol Gaetano dead and laid out on a rock. The seriousness of this situation is somewhat undercut by Spock’s reaction, which is not so much that of a man discovering a dead comrade or even the stern stoicness of an inscrutable alien, but more a look that suggests that he just spilled a drink on the floor and is annoyed about having to clean it up.
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[ID: Gaetano’s dead body slumped over a rock while Spock stands over him with his hands on his hips.]
Nimoy, my man, I love you, but why
Well, no man left behind and all that, so Spock hoists Gaetano into a fireman’s carry and takes him back to the Galileo. Along the way the giants return to throw more and more spears at him, but fortunately they are all terrible shots so none of them hit and despite having to go slow Spock makes it back just fine.
McCoy and Boma help him get Gaetano into the shuttle, and they’re not happy. McCoy points out that Spock’s super logical plan of frightening away the giants didn’t work out so well. Spock expresses open confusion about this because logically the giants should have retreated in the face of superior weaponry. McCoy snaps back that Spock’s downfall was only considering the possibility of a rational response and not an emotional one.
The whole conversation is, to be honest, kinda stupid. Spock’s handling of the situation is portrayed as a downfall of his prioritizing logic and not considering anything else (the writing of which doesn’t really fit Spock’s actual character, but we’ll get to that later). He expected the giants to react logically and the episode lets us know that that was the wrong option. The problem is, they’re dealing with a completely unknown, unstudied, alien race here. There’s no way, logically or emotionally, to know how they would react to anything. Sure, Spock assuming that they would retreat in fear rather than retaliate in anger turned out to be wrong, but they have absolutely no way of knowing whether following Boma’s plan would have worked any better. It’s entirely possible the giants would have been more angered by one of them being killed. Hell, it’s possible that none of this had anything to do with either fear or anger; it could have been motivated by something else entirely. For all they know the giants are just hungry. McCoy’s response isn’t necessarily surprising; McCoy’s always going to have a strong reaction to someone dying while he’s around, which he often expresses by lashing out, and Spock’s the closest possible target. But in the context of the arc of the episode we’re clearly supposed to take this to mean that Spock screwed up, when really, any choice in this situation was always going to be a gamble.
Anyway, things are quiet for the moment, and Yeoman Mears wonders why. Spock thinks the giants are probably studying the Galileo. Of course, as soon as he says that, the shuttle starts to shake. Aww, it’s like a mini Star Trek Shake. Adorable.
Turns out the shuttle is shaking all over the place because a giant is hitting it with a rock.
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[ID: The shuttlecraft Galileo sitting among cliff walls while a giant stands over it with a large boulder poised to strike.]
Spock is just really surprised by all this, musing that he’s “made the correct and logical decisions all along...and yet two men have died!” And now the giants are attacking! And McCoy and Boma are mad at him! How strange! He seems to just be kind of mildly perplexed about all this, as if it’s a crossword puzzle he can’t quite figure out.
Up on the ship, there’s a brief interlude in which Kirk laments that the landing parties haven’t found anything, the instruments still aren’t working, there’s really nothing they can do, and then Ferris reminds him of how much time he has left. About the only purpose it serves is to tell us how much time has been passing, which I’ll admit is helpful because there’s absolutely no way to tell that from the rest of the episode. Apparently it’s been almost two days, but you’d never guess that if you just watched the sections taking place on the planet, which really give no indication at all that they’ve been down there that long.
Back in the still-shaking shuttle, Spock abruptly seems to get an idea and asks Scotty what shape the shuttle batteries are in. Scotty says they’re fine, but the batteries aren’t going to be making that shuttle take off in any circumstance. That’s not what Spock is up to, though. He wants to know if the shuttle batteries could electrify the exterior of the shuttle. Scotty immediately catches on and gleefully says that oh yes, they can. Really? Why can they do that? Who designed this?
So while everyone huddles on the floor carefully not touching anything metal (good thing this shuttle is carpeted), Scotty takes a panel off the wall and whacks the batteries with a wrench a few times. Sure enough, this causes quite a lot of electricity to go sparking across the outside of the shuttle. The giant is remarkably persistent even while being electrocuted, but eventually the shaking stops.
They’re clear for the moment, but there’s no telling how long the giants will stay away. In the meantime, Spock tells them to keep on clearing out the shuttle and lighten the load as much as absolutely possible. Of course, there’s one non-essential thing on board that comes immediately to mind: Gaetano’s body. It’s unfortunate but they’re going to have to leave him behind.
Boma insists on at least having a burial for him, but Spock points out that’s a big risk since the giants are not very far off. They’d be risking the safety of those who are still alive. But Boma starts getting really worked up about this, coldly telling Spock that, “I would insist upon a decent burial even if your body was back there.” McCoy and Scotty immediately reprimand him for going too far, but Boma doesn’t seem deterred.
Seriously, you gotta wonder what the deal is with Boma and Gaetano (or what was the deal with Gaetano, rather). Of course the situation is bad and they have every right to be uncomfortable or upset about it. But throughout the episode the two of them act like this is the first time they’ve ever had to even consider that they might have to make sacrifices or do hard things for the sake of getting as many people out alive as possible. If they were civilians thrust into this situation it’d be understandable. But we’re talking about trained military personnel. You’d kind of expect them to have at least some familiarity with ideas like “sometimes you may have to leave a dead man behind for the sake of those who are still alive.” Spock’s decisions throughout this episode are sometimes harsh but they are, well, logical for the situation they’re in. Sure, he could be more tactful about it. But tact is not a priority here! Boma and Gaetano seem to have just decided in advance to take issue with everything Spock does, and we’re supposed to see this as some conflict of emotion versus logic instead of them just being totally unwilling to deal with anything they don’t like.
On the Enterprise, one of the landing parties beams up with one dead crewmember and two injured ones. The leader of the party reports to the bridge over a viewscreen and tells Kirk they ran into some big furry cavemen; the dead crewmember got speared while another one somehow dislocated their shoulder. If the planet is populated by such aliens, the party leader points out, things don’t look real good for the Galileo crew.
Kirk is still loathe to give up hope, but at that point Ferris comes onto the bridge to tell him that the forty-eight hours are up and he’s assuming the authority granted to him by a special ordinance. In other words, they gotta go. Kirk doesn’t want to, but he has no choice but to call the search parties and the Columbus back and lay in a course for Makus 3.
After the break, Kirk gives a quick log to say that I don’t wanna leave but I guess we HAVE TO UUUUGHH. Uhura says that their sensor beams are now working, but everything else is still dead. Their course is set, and they have twenty-three minutes left before the Columbus gets back onboard.
On the Galileo, the yeoman is trying to contact the Enterprise, but predictably is not getting an answer. Scotty tells Spock that if they take absolutely everything they can out of the shuttle they can achieve orbit for a few hours, and if they’re real careful they might be able to manage a controlled re-entry—but, of course, the only place they would be re-entering is this dumb planet, so that’s not really an appealing backup plan. At any rate, Scotty figures they can take off in eight minutes—precise--so Spock gives the rest of the crew ten minutes to bury Gaetano. Not much time for a service, but it’s the best they’re gonna get. Meanwhile the Columbus has returned to the Enterprise and everyone’s ready to go, so it looks like Kirk can’t delay any longer. He tells Sulu to proceed to Makus 3...at space normal speed (whatever that is). Oh, and to direct the sensor beams behind them as they go. After all, he has to leave, but he doesn’t have to leave quickly. I mean, except for the plague victims and all that.
The Galileo crew gather in front of a couple of mounds, all set for their speedrun funeral service. (I have no idea what they dug the graves with.) Before anyone can even break out a eulogy, though, the proceedings are disrupted by the return of the giants. Oh, it’s almost like Spock was right about this being dangerous. Fancy that.
Spock yells at everyone else to get back inside the ship while he throws one of the spears back at the giants in an extremely last-ditch move that fails to accomplish anything. He promptly gets hit by a boulder that pins his leg, and tries to order the rest of the crew to leave him behind. They don’t, of course; McCoy and Boma run back to move that terribly heavy and definitely not polystyrene boulder off of Spock, and the three of them beat it back to the Galileo.
As soon as they’re inside, Spock immediately chastises them for not leaving him behind, as if McCoy would ever let anyone out-martyr him that easily. Unfortunately, the delay has given the giants time to surround the shuttle, and now they’re holding it down so it can’t take off. Spock has no choice but to activate the boosters, which gives them enough power to break free...but the spent fuel cuts down on the amount of time they’ll be able to maintain orbit. As he grimly tells McCoy and Boma, by saving him they may have destroyed their own last chance for survival. McCoy tells him to zip it.
Incidentally, I note that for all the talk of lightening the shuttle as much as possible, they didn’t remove the seats. I’d say that was for safety reasons, but since the things don’t have seatbelts I don’t really know how well they’re actually going to keep anyone from bouncing around the cabin.
According to Scotty they can make one orbit and then they’re going down, and since they used the boosters, they don’t even have enough fuel to make a controlled landing. That is one heck of a quickly decaying orbit. I’m no astrophysicist, but I think once you actually make it into orbit you’re usually good for a while.
Yeoman Mears protests that she doesn’t want to die up there. Well, no. I doubt anyone else does, either. Scotty reminds Spock of that thing he said about how there are always alternatives, and Spock admits that he may have been mistaken about that.
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[ID: Spock sitting in the foreground while behind him McCoy, one hand on his chin, looks off to the side and says, “Well, at least I lived long enough to hear that.”]
For all that McCoy is usually the first one to protest at length about how space is gonna kill them all, when it looks like he actually is going to die in space, he’s remarkably calm about it.
They reach orbit, and Scotty says they have forty-five minutes, so you’ve about got time to write a will if you don’t own too much. Spock makes one last effort to contact the Enterprise, but nothing. Then he notices a switch. What’s this? ‘Fuel jettison’? I wonder what that does?
Spock flips the switch, jettisoning and igniting all their fuel. Naturally everyone is all wtf man. But on the Enterprise, Sulu looks up and sees a bright green line suddenly streaking across the planet behind them. Kirk immediately tells him to TURN THIS SHIP AROUND MISTER.
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[ID: The viewscreen of the Enterprise, showing a rocky planet shrouded in green clouds, with a single bright green line trailing across it near the equator.]
All our sensors still no match for looking out the window.
As the crew of the Galileo waits for their doom, Scotty realizes what Spock’s idea was. It was well done, he says, but Spock doesn’t think there was anyone there to see. Their orbit begins to decay, and things start burning.“It’s getting hot,” Mears says. Thanks, Yeoman Obvious.
But then, amid the smoke filling the cabin, there is at the last moment a sparkle of gold. On the bridge of the Enterprise Kirk sits tensely in his chair, waiting, waiting—and then the transporter officer reports in. Moments before the Galileo disintegrated entirely, they beamed up five people.
Five people. It’s good news, of course, but seven people went out on the Galileo. I wonder what went through Kirk’s head in the time before he found out who didn’t make it back.
Well, we’re never gonna know about that. They head off to finally deliver that plague medicine, and sometime later McCoy’s up on the bridge chatting with Kirk, seemingly quite chill about that whole near-death experience they just had. As Spock walks by, Kirk flags him down to ask about that whole igniting the fuel business. After all, there was virtually no chance of them being seen. So it had to be an act of desperation, and desperation is an emotion, right? You did something emotional, right?
Spock says no, it was a logical act. And, well, it kinda was? Sure, it had barely any chance of working, but they had absolutely no other options, and it was the only thing that had any chance of working at all. It was either do that and risk dying soon, or not do it and definitely die in about forty minutes. But everyone is all ha ha, we got ya, you did something emotional! And the episode ends on a group laugh. Could be a stress laugh, I suppose, but it feels distinctly awkward considering we’ve still got two men dead, whose families will never get their bodies back.
No one really gets served well in this episode. The writing for Spock especially feels skewed distinctly out of character. Yes, he’s all about the logic, and sometimes he struggles to understand humans and their whole deal, but this episode takes it to an extreme. Spock’s far from completely ignorant of emotions—much as he might like to claim otherwise—and he’s certainly not stupid enough to think that doing things logically always guarantees success, not when you can’t control all the variables. His bewilderment that rational thinking didn’t automatically work just comes off as outright silly. The episode tries to set up this whole arc in which Spock tries to solve problems only with logic, fails, and then finally succeeds by committing an emotional act, but it fails for multiple reasons: first, because most of the emotion vs logic conflicts in the episode feel contrived and overwrought and make everyone else look way more unreasonable than Spock; secondly, because the final ‘emotional’ act is actually pretty logical; but mostly, because it feels far too simple a lesson for Spock to need to learn at this point. Yes, it’s his first command, but he’s an experienced Starfleet officer who’s been living and working with humans for over a decade. I could easily see him having some difficulty commanding humans for the first time, and that would have been a good episode if it was done more subtly, but as Spock Learns That Some Things Are Illogical For The First Time Ever, it just doesn’t work.
Meanwhile we’ve got Kirk, for whom arguing with bureaucrats and bending rules to save his crew is hardly out of character, but the urgency of their larger mission makes his flippancy about it seem uncharacteristically callous. McCoy complaining about things and arguing with Spock is perfectly on track, but some of his comments edge uncomfortably out of ‘vitriolic friends’ territory and into just plain vitriol, especially him being willing to go along with some of Boma’s nonsense. Maybe I’m biased about that, but this episode feels as if the writer was given descriptions of the characters but didn’t really understand what made them actually work in practice.
Well, except for Scotty. Scotty was alright.
TREK TROPE TALLY: We have two goldshirt deaths in this episode with Gaetano and Latimer. Next time we’re in for some serious fop with a side of dandy in The Squire of Gothos.
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