#this is the highest honor anyone could bestow upon me
hlkproductions · 2 years
Thank you for making Sun Wukong hot
thank YOU for thinking hes hot!!
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denaliwrites · 10 months
Say You'll Remember Me (Denali's Version)
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Alec Hardy x Bad Girl!Reader
Summary: If "whirlwind romance" were in the dictionary, next to its definition would be an image of you and Alec.
Soundtrack: Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Criminal Activity.
It wasn't like Alec, going and falling in love with one of the people he was sworn to put away.
Yet as you were escorted into the station, all crimson smiles, all confidence, all sauntering hips and deep black leather, he couldn't help the way his heart skipped a beat.
(Little did he know how dangerous that would be for him if this had happened, oh, eighteen years into the future.)
And when your eyes danced across the room just to finally land on him -- tiny, scrawny little Alec Hardy -- oh, he knew he was done for. Not that he minded much... or at all.
Doing your intake was the highest honor that had, in his twenty-six years of life, been bestowed upon him.
"What'd they get a lass like you for?" he asked as he took your fingerprints, his hands surprisingly gentle with your own.
"Defacement," you replied simply with a smirk.
"Churchill's grave."
"Oh," he said, too stunned to move or speak for a moment. It passed quickly, and he resumed his work as if nothing had happened. "One of those counter-culture types, then."
You laughed at that, and it was the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard. He could listen to it forever.
"Something like that," you said once your laughs died down. "I'm not big on the punk scene, though."
"Really?" he asked, looking up at you before quickly looking back down. "You look like you'd fit right in with that lot."
"What can I say? They've got a good look."
He hummed in response, then the two of you fell into silence as he continued processing you.
Once he was done, he escorted you to a cell and guided you in by the waist. You said nothing, but the look you sent him and the smile on those bloodstained lips let him know that you knew -- and you liked it.
The gesture was so small, so insignificant, and yet he couldn't believe he'd done it.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he wondered about the power dynamics, and if he was abusing what little power he had in this situation. Then he decided that any power he had -- you granted him, and could easily take away if you wanted.
This suspicion was only confirmed upon your release. He was the one to open the cell -- he made sure of it -- and as you passed you winked at him and slipped him a piece of paper. Where you'd gotten it, or a pen, he had no idea, but when he looked at it at the privacy of his desk there definitely was a phone number written on it, as well as a kiss mark from your lipstick.
Oh, how devilish of you.
He called the number that night, and honestly half expected anyone else to answer. Maybe even no one.
Instead, your heavenly voice drifted down the line. "Took you long enough," you said lightly into his ear, and it took every ounce of control he had over his body to keep breathing.
"I had work," he protested, just as lightly.
"A poor excuse. Do you normally keep girls waiting like this?"
"Only the naughty ones."
Wow, he couldn't believe he'd just said that.
"So it's a punishment?" you said with a laugh.
The note of danger in that angelic sound sent a thrill down his spine. "If it is?"
"I'd like to see you try," you said, still laughing.
He wouldn't. He couldn't imagine it, frankly. Though he could imagine you punishing him, and he, much to his surprise, rather liked the idea.
The hell were you doing to him?
"Do you have a place to stay?" he asked.
"I have a phone number, don't I?"
Oh. Right. That you did.
"Would you like to stay at mine anyway?"
You hummed thoughtfully. "Stay with a random cop I only just met yesterday?" you asked teasingly. "What could possibly go wrong?"
"I promise I won't kill ye," he said quickly, fearfully.
"I know," you said. "You couldn't even if you wanted to."
He gave you his address, anyway, and then the conversation lulled and, rather suddenly, you hung up.
"That was rather rude," he mused.
You arrived just as he set his plate down on the table.
Answering the insistent knocking upon his door, he didn't expect to see you, yet there you stood. You were gorgeous as ever, with wild hair tumbling over your shoulders, no doubt whipped to a frenzy by a car's open windows, and lips as red as they were the moment he'd first laid eyes on you.
"Oh," he said, blinking. "You... came?"
"Well, you did invite me," you said, grinning.
"That I did," he said, and stepped aside so that you could enter. He closed the door behind you and followed you as you took a few exploratory steps deeper into the flat. "Have you eaten?" he asked as he passed you to return to the kitchen.
"No," you replied simply, looking around his kitchen curiously, as if you couldn't believe he actually lived here.
"Well, help yourself." He motioned to the pot on the stove as he sat down.
You must've noticed he wasn't eating -- he noticed the look of realization, the way you hurried to fill a plate and sit down beside him.
Your eyes met, and he smiled at the hint of a blush on your cheeks.
"I hope you don't expect me to say grace," you said to break the silence that had built around the two of you.
"Oh, goodness no," he replied.
"So you're waiting for me."
"Of course." You were the one in charge here, after all. Well, to him you were, at least.
You took a bite and he followed suit, and the two of you ate in amicable silence.
The rest of the night Alec spent discovering all the ways he could make you tick.
Alec had never had a roommate before, let alone one who found themselves in jail as frequently as you did.
He had had girlfriends before, but you were the first one he hesitated to introduce to his parents -- it wasn't that he didn't love you, it was that he wasn't sure his poor mum would survive meeting you. She was a bit traditional, and you were anything but.
Unfortunately, the universe didn't agree with him.
You were home alone, recovering from a hangover when his mother dropped in unannounced -- and about had a heart attack at the sight of you, with all your leather and spikes, and what a "traditional" woman might say was a scandalous amount of makeup.
"Who are you, then?" Mrs. Hardy asked, because you couldn't possibly be Alec's girlfriend.
You were sensible not to immediately correct that assumption, instead simply offering your name before wandering to the kitchen and popping some painkillers.
"And what are you doing here?" she pressed.
"Oh, I live here."
"Does my boy need help with the rent?" she asked, mostly herself -- at least, you were pretty sure she wasn't asking you. "Enough that he'd seek help from..."
"Hmm?" you prompted in amusement, leaning your hip against the counter.
"Well, someone of your profession. Of course."
"What profession would that be?"
"You know," she said conspiratorily.
"Ma'am," you said with a biting laugh, "I work at the pub down the street."
She looked like she wanted to say, no, that's not right, you couldn't possibly be anything but a prostitute. She must've thought better of it, though.
Alec, blessedly, chose that moment to walk in the door.
You could see on his face, the moment he saw his mother, that he almost considered walking right back out.
Instead, he said "Mum!" and pulled the woman into an embrace. "I see ye've met my girlfriend."
You watched as several decidedly not great emotions passed over her features, before she settled on disbelief. "But... darlin', she's..."
You and Alec both stared at her as she struggled to find a delicate way to say it.
"Isn't she a little... bold, for you?" she asked. You had to admit, that was better than you expected.
"That's why I like her," Alec answered, pulling you into a side hug and kissing your cheek. You giggled and instinctively pulled him into a proper kiss, which he happily returned.
"Well... if ye say so..."
The goal had never been to tame you or cage you, and the longer your relationship lasted the more he saw how ill-fitted to domesticity you were.
He didn't want to admit it, of course. He would've been happy to spend the rest of his life with you.
But he loved you, and he could see just how miserable you were living in the same little flat, going to the same boring job every day, talking to the same boring people and having the same boring sex with the same boring partner, day after day, for years.
You'd always been a troublemaker, it was one of the things he'd first learned about you, and it was one of the first things he'd fallen in love with.
For a while, at the start of the relationship, you'd put in effort not to get into trouble. For him, mostly, but he suspected you also had a genuine desire to turn a new leaf.
But you got bored. And when you were bored, you lashed out.
It was at a point now where Alec thought you probably spent more time in a cell than in his bed.
It broke his heart, that you couldn't be happy with him. But it broke his heart more that he'd unwittingly tried to break you, when he should've released you back into the wild. Hell, he never should've captured you at all.
"I want you out," he said one night.
"... out?" you asked, stunned. Confused. Lost. Hurt.
"I can't do this anymore," he said with a sigh. "The constant stints in jail, the drugs, the drinkin'. It's too much. So you need to leave."
"No. You need to leave. That's the end of it. You have a week to sort out another place to stay, but then ye've gotta go. Even if it means ye gotta live on the streets."
It killed him inside that he could see a tiny glimmer of relief in your eyes.
And when he got home from work the next day, you were gone.
Honestly, Alec hadn't expected to run into you again. Ever.
Yet as he walked Daisy through the park, there you were, circling the playground like a lion stalking its prey. There was only one child playing there, screaming gleefully as he sped down the slide. You hovered for a moment, watching vigilantly, before continuing your path around the jungle gym.
You looked... stressed. But happy.
Daisy tore her hand out of his and ran for the boy, no doubt eager to make a friend.
He watched as you realized there was an incoming missile in the form of a little girl, your eyes on his daughter as she neared. You eased the moment you realized it was just a kid coming at your... son? Yet you kept an eye on her, easily adopting the role of guardian for her even though she was a strange child who had, by all accounts, appeared out of nowhere.
He slowly made his way over, his eyes never leaving you. He saw, in rapid succession, your expression change from casual, to realization, to deer in the headlights, to flighty panic.
Yet you were stuck -- whoever this child was, you couldn't leave without him, and he was playing with Daisy in a section it'd be near impossible for you to reach before Alec reached you.
And reach you he did.
He said your name, the first time in years, and you closed your eyes at the sound of it. No doubt willing him to vanish.
It was the best he could've hoped for, honestly.
"You look well," he said, before his attention shifted to the kids. "Is he...?"
"God, no," you said with a nervous laugh. "Please. Me, with a kid? That'd be a disaster. No, he's, er... my friend's kid. I'm babysitting for the day while she's visiting her mum."
"Never really took ye to be a kid person."
"There's a lot about me you never really got the chance to learn."
"That's fair," he replied, watching the kids run around the swingset in a game of tag.
"Why did you do it?" you asked after a few moments of silence. "The real why, not the one you gave me that day."
He didn't want to answer that.
"The reason I gave you that day was the real reason."
"Don't -- don't you fucking dare," you hissed, turning to him. "Why lie?"
Because he knew if he'd told you the truth, you never would've gone. Never would've saved yourself.
"I didn't. I'm not. I was so tired of it all."
"And now?"
"And now I'm married with a kid."
He saw a brief flash of hurt in your eyes -- it was a life you never could've given him. Not for any lack of ability, but you both knew that if you'd somehow miraculously allowed yourself to carry to term, you probably would've walked out eventually. The domestic life just wasn't for you. It would've driven you crazy.
He could see that, just in the brief time he'd been watching you with your friend's kid. You were watchful -- perfectly diligent, perfectly protective... but he could see you itching to do just about anything else instead.
"How have you been?" he asked, pulling himself as well as you out of the thoughts circling in your heads.
"Good," you replied simply, at first. After a moment of thought, you added, "I took up a job in a school. Pays better than the pub."
"His age?"
"Yeah. I see him, sometimes."
"D'ye ken Daisy?"
"Your daughter?"
He nodded.
"I think she's familiar, but I'm sure if she actually were a student at my school I would've run into you sooner."
"Nah, my wife does all the school stuff. Tess, her name is."
"It rings a bell, actually."
"Eh? Small world."
The conversation drifted a bit from there, hitting on a few topics before you plucked up your now exhausted six-year-old charge and carried him home for naptime.
Whoever you thought you might run into at an underground rave, Alec Hardy absolutely did not make the list.
Yet, he was unmistakable.
"Hey babe," you shouted into his ear with a grin, your body moving closer to him in time with the pounding beat of the music playing overhead. "I was wondering where you'd gone!"
"What are you on about? I don't know ye--"
Realization dawned in his eyes, and your grin widened. The last thing he saw before you pulled him into a kiss was a flash of danger in your eyes.
"What the hell?" he all but shouted into your lips.
"Play along, dumbass," you said instead of answering.
He seemed to get the hint, though. He was stiff at first as his hands circled your hips, but the two of you quickly fell back into whatever chemistry you'd had thirteen years ago and he loosened up.
You continued to dance, body grinding against his.
He was still, simply holding you, and when you looked up you saw nothing but adoration in his eyes.
"What?" you asked with a confused smile.
"I wish I'd gotten to see this side of you," he said. "This is how you should've been."
"Coked out?"
Several emotions flitted over your face, eventually landing on heartfelt appreciation. "So that's why you broke up with me."
"Yes," was all he said. It was all you needed.
"Why didn't you just say that?"
"Ye would've given up yer freedom 'cause you would've thought that's what I wanted ye to do."
He was right.
"Thank you, Alec," you said quietly, and if not for the tender kiss he placed on your forehead, you would've thought your words lost to the blaring music.
You had to admit, he played the role of "boyfriend" well.
Too well.
It was rather funny, you thought, that he was confused for a patron and arrested along with you.
"I'm never gonna live this down," he moaned into his knees.
"Shut up," you told him with a laugh. "You'll be fine. Officer!" you called, waving your non-cuffed hand to get one of the arresting officers' attention. "Officer, can I get leave from these cuffs to run to the restroom?"
"Can't you hold it?" a gruff voice asked.
"Well, I could try, but then you'll be responsible for all the blood I leave behind."
You had to bite back laughter at the disgusted face the cop made. "Fine, but he stays with you," he said, motioning to Alec.
Alec, to his benefit, didn't protest.
You happily bounced up from the floor, dragging Alec along with you, and made your way to the restroom.
Inside was empty and quiet.
"Oh, this is gonna be a problem," you said thoughtfully.
"If there's anything I can do to help, I'll do it," Alec said, and you were struck by how genuine he was. After all this time, he still loved you -- enough to help you change your tampon, even.
"Oh, that was a lie," you reassured him. "I'm not on my period."
"Then... what are we doing in here?" he asked, looking around like the answer might be written somewhere.
"Busting out, duh."
"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me -- I can't get arrested twice!"
"Yeah, that's why we won't be caught."
He dropped his face into his free hand, and you laughed. Quietly.
"C'mon, Hardy. Help me. You said you would."
"Yeah, when I thought ye needed help takin' care of yer period. I did not agree to help ye evade arrest!"
"Isn't it your career on the line, here?" you asked casually, as you eyed the bathroom window.
You heard a grunt behind you. "Ye always were tricky, weren't ye?"
"Like a fox, babe," you agreed.
He moved to stand beside you, looking at the window thoughtfully. "It should have a hatch release," he said, even though neither of you had found one.
"Could it be... subtle?" you asked. "Like a... tiny button?"
"To open a window?"
"I was hoping we wouldn't need to smash it."
"Sorry, but no such luck."
"Fuck. Okay."
You pulled him close to you, hands working quickly to undo the buttons of his shirt.
"I hardly think now's the time for sex," he gasped. "They'll come lookin' for us any moment."
"Yeah, it also won't help us break the window. You know what will, though? A fist, wrapped up in your shirt."
He really was such a dumbass, sometimes.
Once you got to the sleeve of his cuffed arm, together the two of you made quick work of making the necessary tears to get the shirt off completely.
Alec started wrapping the remains of his shirt around his balled fist, but your hands on his stilled him.
"Let me," you said.
"Now's not the time to be a hero," he replied.
"If I get injured, I'm the one who broke the glass. I'm the one who gets in trouble. Your career won't be on the line."
"I'll still have let ye do it."
"Please, there's no 'letting' me do anything."
With that, he let you unravel the shirt from his hand and helped you wind it around yours. Then he double-checked it, and triple-checked it.
"When you're ready," he said after his last inspection.
Without hesitation, you punched a hole in the glass, then started knocking the remains out of the sill.
"Have ye done this before?" he asked, impressed and concerned all at once.
"I will let you believe what you want to believe. Now, c'mon!"
The two of you crawled out of the freshly broken window and ran off into the night, laughing and hand-in-hand.
You were lucky that the shop clerk didn't ask questions or call the police as you and Alec, still cuffed together, stepped up to the counter with a small haul.
Alec, ever the responsible one between you two, held a bottle of water, some painkillers, a sports drink, a protein bar, and your favorite candy.
You, ever the partier, held a bottle of beer and an energy drink.
You paid with the banknotes stashed in your bra and carried your haul out into the night.
The two of you walked a ways before finding a park. You dragged Alec over to the swings with a giggle and happily sat in one. He sighed and rolled his eyes, but sat in the swing next to you anyway.
"You're a right menace, y'ken that?" he groaned.
"It's one of my most charming features," you argued, smirking as you popped your beer open and took a sip.
"Why'd ye kiss me?" he asked, staring out over the park.
You shrugged. "The only way you'd ever end up at a rave is if you were undercover or it was some kind of sting operation -- which meant there were dangerous criminals around, and -- I'm sorry, but you do not blend in."
"So you gave me a cover."
"It was that or get stabbed. I'd like to think kissing me isn't as bad as the alternative."
"It was rather unexpected," he said, but you could see him fighting back a smile.
"Speaking of unexpected, when were you gonna tell me you have a key to these cuffs?"
"Oh, never," he said with a laugh.
"Alec Hardy," you said with a dramatic gasp. "Are you arresting me?"
"I could do," he teased, yanking his arm, with enough strength to send you reeling. Instead, though, you were able to catch yourself and swung to face him instead.
When your swing came close enough to his, his legs caught yours and kept you in place while his lips crashed into your own in a bit of a rough -- but sweet -- kiss.
"Alec Hardy," you said again, breathlessly.
He whispered your name into your lips, and you realized it had never sounded as lovely as it did coming from him.
"I love you," you whispered back, and he pulled away to stare longingly, lovingly into your eyes.
"It's not just the coke or booze talkin'?"
"Does it matter if it is? Even if I were completely sober... what could we do? Date again? Get married? You know I'd rather die than settle down."
He did. It was the whole reason he'd let you go.
"What we can do," he started, pulling you into a gentle kiss, "is get ye somewhere safe and comfortable to sober up."
"Your place?" you questioned with a grin.
"Exactly," he responded, and you felt his own smile against your lips. "And then, once yer sober, we can... talk."
With that, the two of you (reluctantly) parted, and Alec led you away into the glimmering city.
No real talking was had for the week you spent at Alec's flat. Sure, words were exchanged, like "What should we have for dinner?" or "What time should I expect you home?" But for the most part, the two of you didn't talk so much as... moan each other's names in a near-constant state of ecstasy.
And boy, did you get great use out of those cuffs.
Of course you'd heard about the Sandbrook case -- even when you and Alec weren't talking, the two of you still kept tabs on each other.
He'd sent you an email when your aunt died. You'd sent him a text when his mum was diagnosed with cancer (luckily, she was fine now, and you'd sent him a text when she'd gone into remission, too).
All that to say that you knew. About the case, sure, but more importantly, about how devastated he was over it. A text wouldn't do. Hell, even a call wouldn't do.
Last you'd heard, he'd relocated to some coastal town called Broadchurch.
So you followed him there.
You hadn't been expecting a murder investigation when you pulled into town, but it was the only thing anyone was talking about, nor were you expecting to organically run into Alec mere minutes after arriving, yet in he walked as you were grabbing a coffee.
"What're you doin' 'ere?" he asked, completely baffled.
The woman beside him looked... well, equally confused. Maybe more? You and Alec just had a habit of running into each other. For her, this was new.
"I heard about Sandbrook," you said simply.
He sighed dramatically, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I don't have time for ye right now."
"Just -- go get set up in the hotel. I'm stayin' there, I'll... I'll see ye." With that, he waved you away. Dismissed you like a dog.
You did get yourself set up in the hotel, of course, but you took your sweet time getting there. There was plenty to do in the town, though the constant mistrustful stares set you a bit on edge.
It was about six when you finally went and got yourself a room, and about ten when you heard a gentle rapping at your door.
"I'm sorry about earlier," was the first thing Alec said as you swung the door open.
You looked him over, now that you had the chance -- he looked haunted, haggard. Sleepless...
"Oh, Alec," you sighed, drawing him into an embrace. He melted into you, holding you tight. "I'm sorry. I should've been there."
"Nothin' ye could've done."
You knew that, of course, and you knew your presence alone wouldn't have chased away that haunted look in his eyes, just as it wasn't doing now, but... you wished it could. You wished it were that easy.
He parted from you with a shaky breath, his eyes rimmed with unshed tears.
And then he yanked you into a desperate kiss.
You didn't protest, and in fact returned it. Neither of you parted as he pushed you back into the room and toed your door shut, nor as the back of your knees hit the bed and you nearly collapsed.
He caught you, held you impossibly close, fingered the hem of your shirt in a silent bid for consent.
You nodded, eagerly, and he made quick work of your clothes -- and you.
You weren't surprised how often Alec came to see you during the Latimer case (okay, maybe you were, a little).
You knew he was just using you for stress relief, but you didn't mind (much). You figured it was penance for being unable to help him during the Sandbrook case. You figured things would go back to normal once this new case was over.
Then the fucker went and had a heart attack or something.
So things returned to normal a bit quicker than you expected.
At least he apologized.
Things were a bit awkward at first once sex was taken off the table. Like the two of you didn't know how to do anything but fuck like rabbits. Eventually, though, you found a groove that worked.
Every night that he came "home," you had dinner, watched a movie, and talked about the bits of your lives you'd missed.
You told him where you'd gone after the breakup. He told you about meeting Tess and having Daisy. You told him about your trip to Tanzania. He told you about becoming Detective Inspector.
"Your life has been much more exciting than mine," he said one night as the two of you lay curled up together in bed.
"Maybe," you said with a shrug. "But you actually did something with yours."
"Naaaah," he growled, making you giggle. "Everyone's different... this is the path I was always gonna be on, and that's the path ye were always gonna be on."
"I guess we're lucky our paths keep crossing from time to time."
"I hope they do far into the future," Alec said with a yawn.
You giggled again. "Go to sleep, dumbass. You have a murder to solve."
"God, don't remind me."
You could feel that Alec was at peace, for once.
Sure, Joe Miller had walked. But Alec knew he'd gotten the right man. And he'd solved the Sandbrook case -- finally gave that family justice and closure. Finally erased that blemish from his conscience.
The two of you celebrated in the only way you really knew how, by making love.
Leaving Broadchurch had always been the plan, for you. You'd stayed, because Alec had needed you to, but you never intended to stay anywhere permanently.
So why did it hurt so much when Alec told you he was leaving?
And why did it hurt so much when you watched his train rattle away?
Alec kept the house in Broadchurch -- mostly for you. He knew you weren't a creature of habit, of settling down and growing roots, but he offered it as a sort of base of operations, with no strings attached. You'd taken the offer, simply because it felt like if you didn't, you'd never hear from him again.
Not that he contacted you anyway.
Until one day, when he'd called you to tell you he was moving back to Broadchurch and would need his house back. You were welcome to stay, he assured you, but he also made it seem like maybe you shouldn't. He was bringing his daughter with him, and she seemed to be in a difficult period of her life.
You wondered if Alec remembered how the two of you had met. Apparently not, given he thought his daughter being a troublemaker would bother you.
So you'd stayed, and they'd moved back in.
Things were tense at first, especially given his first big case upon his return, but eventually it all evened out. You even got on surprisingly well with Daisy, all things considered.
You hadn't meant to stay. It had just sort of... happened. And you hadn't meant to fall back into a relationship with Alec. That had just sort of happened, too.
Yet... you were happy.
For the first time in your life, staying... wasn't so bad. You even thought you could rather do more of it. Maybe not a lot. But... some.
You admired the glittering ring on your finger as reflected lights danced on the ceiling and walls of your tiny little home in Broadchurch.
Alec held you in his arms, and you had your legs draped over his lap. Some old black and white film played on the TV. It was dark and rainy. The night couldn't have been more perfect, even if he hadn't proposed to you on top of it all.
Eventually the two of you moved to your bed, and Alec held you impossibly close, his arms tight but tender around you.
"All I ask," he sighed sleepily, "is that if ye leave, ye always come home to me."
And come home to him you did.
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everlasting-rainfall · 5 months
-Yandere Alphabet: Figarland Garling-
What can I say? I’m in love with this evil as fuck moon man… I know that’s really fucked up of me considering his actions and the things that he does but I just can’t help it! Man’s hot
But keep this in mind while reading this or scrolling through my blog…
Garling is a huge piece of shit and I won’t deny that like in all honesty, I would try to end him if he existed in our world if I wasn’t so sure that I would die trying to do so
But in fiction world, I wouldn’t mind him kidnapping him… Does this make sense? Probably but keep in mind that I don’t support his actions in the slightest… Okay?
Abuse, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Noncon, Forced Pregnancy, Celestial Dragons Bullshit, Violence, Blood, Mind Breaking, Slavery, Stalking, Removal of Rights, Sex as a Punishment, Other Things Typically Associated with Yandere
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Honestly I feel like at home, he would seem fairly normal if you aren’t plotting an escape or anything like the worst thing that he does to you is make you wear a collar with his name on it and cockwarm him while he handles work regarding the Holy Knights
He probably expresses his true affection to you at home by reminding you that you belong to him and no one else as that is the highest honor that he could ever bestow upon you so when he leaves those marks on your body, that’s him genuinely trying to show you affection
As for outside the house? That’s when things get really intense as his affection is dialed up quite a bit like he still has a reputation to uphold but the touching is a lot more often like it’s better to stay home if you don’t want his lips kissing at you every time someone looks your way
Maybe if you’re good as well then Garling will treat you to something romantic like maybe he’ll arrange for a nice meal to be shared between you both somewhere in the properties gardens
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Garling is willing to get incredibly messy when it comes to his darling like I can imagine that when he takes you out if someone comes up to the two of you and they just so happen to be looking at you too much for his liking then he has no qualms about performing an execution right then and there
He doesn’t even care if you see it in all honesty as that’s just a reminder for you to not try to escape as he’ll do that to anyone he thinks has you
Bitchass Celestial Dragons quickly learn also to not gossip about you because there’s no way that you’re one of them as that ended horribly for the person who did it and got caught doing that like so many of them still have nightmares about it as Garling showed no mercy
He doesn’t care about blood as any amount of blood spilled for you is worth it in his book… Plus it’s not like it can’t be cleaned up…
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Without a doubt, you were either a slave or just some poor unfortunate civilian when Garling took you as his partner. I feel like despite either circumstance though, he treats you much of the same and it all depends on how good you’ve been
Have you been good? Garling will give you free roaming of the home, you aren’t allowed to talk to anyone and he expects you to act on his schedule like if he’s getting ready for bed at nine then you’re going to bed too unless you went to bed earlier
Have you been bad? Now he’s being cruel to you as you aren’t allowed out of the bedroom unless he’s with you, he’ll be much rougher with you as well like I’d request some medicine when he deems you as good again for when his fingertips dig into your arms
Also did you try to escape recently? You aren’t leaving the bed unless it’s for the bathroom now… You’re in deep trouble and this is where he’d mock you, he’d mock your plan and how you carried it out as he points out all the flaws and how stupid you were to think you could get away from him
Continue to try to be bad after an escape attempt? You need to be re-educated… He’ll force you back into being good…
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
You think he wouldn’t? This is Figarland Garling… The man with so much power that he can judge Celestial Dragons and get away with it, this man has problem with doing things against your will…
The amount of times that this man has forced kisses onto you is so high that you lost count a long time ago, it’s to the point where just about every single day starts off with a forced kiss from Garling as soon as he sees you
Plus the amount of times that he’s forced your body into all sorts of positions in order to fuck you and satisfy his urges alongside fuck any rebellious thoughts out of your head is incredibly high like you could probably keep track if you really thought about it but still, it would take a while
He’s probably even forced you multiple times to get on your knees in front of him after a long day and pleasure him with your mouth until your mouth is full of his cum or your face is covered in it
If you thought that collar around your neck that he never lets you remove was the only thing he’d force you into? I’m afraid that you’re mistaken…
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
I feel like towards the beginning of your relationship, Garling is very reluctant to be vulnerable to you as he still doesn’t know quite what you might be capable of but later on in the relationship… There might just be that one day every once in a while where he is…
Part of you wants to use the opportunity for this to escape him but you never really do as these moments are the most peaceful with him like this is probably when you feel the most like you’re in an actual relationship with him and not a prisoner
It’s during these moments where you might find out things like if this is Post Gods Valley then he expresses his genuine sadness at having lost Shanks among other things, he tells you about things during moments like these and he doesn’t even get a serious look on his face when you get up to grab something
Don’t get too comfortable though as you’re still his prisoner and if you try to make a break for escape after excusing yourself to use the bathroom or something, he will be absolutely pissed…
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Oh this man would find it endearing if you attempted to fight back against him, he is the leader of the holy knights and champion of Gods Valley but here you are trying to brandish a weapon against him and make demands? It’s honestly cute and he isn’t bothered at all
He might even give you a chance to rethink this and put your weapon down before you get hurt but if you don’t listen and try to attack him then you won’t even know what happened as you’re suddenly disarmed and pinned down to the floor
Honestly you might not even be in too much trouble with this as you’re still going to be punished later but he found this fun, part of him even hopes that you start to learn to fight just a bit better so these moments don’t immediately end upon you trying to strike him
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Towards the beginning of the relationship, he probably thought it was rather fun to watch you try to escape him as it was like some kind of fun fox hunt sort of situation where he would give you a small head start then chase after you as it wasn’t like you could get off the property
Part of him even somewhat enjoyed watching as you formulated plans so he could laugh at them when they inevitably failed later
But honestly later in the relationship, it’s more than likely grown a bit tiring like he still does occasionally enjoy hunting you down but now it’s happened so many times that he simply sighs and shakes his head when he’s noticed that you’ve disappeared somewhere
It’s why he gets so much crueler when you try to escape later in the relationship as he didn’t use to restrain you to his bed and mock you directly to your face at first but now it seems like that’s the only way that you’ll learn to tone it down or stop so he won’t have to cut your achilles tendon…
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Now that depends… There are two worst experiences that you could have with Garling in all honesty and it all depends if it is Pre or Post Gods Valley when he takes you…
If it’s Pre? Then honestly I can imagine that the worst experience you’ll have with him is being impregnated by him with Shanks and it’s not that he doesn’t want to be a father and is horrible to you as he’s elated to be a dad but remember that you’re a prisoner…
Plus as well, you have to eventually experience losing your baby boy when Gods Valley comes around which is hard for you as you just lost your baby and chances are that Garling isn’t sure how to comfort you other than holding you as you beat at his chest and blame him
If it’s Post? Then chances are that your very worst experience with Garling in all honesty is him deciding to take you to one of the executions of a Celestial Dragon who broke the rules especially if it was the one who got caught gossiping about you
In his eyes, this is great for you both as you can see just how much he cares about you if he does this to a bad mouther but for you? You feel like you’re gonna vomit and you might actually once the execution starts getting more and more brutal…
Those screams will never leave your head…
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
The future that Garling has in mind for the two of you is probably something that would feel sweet if you weren’t a prisoner like he wants to simply grow old with you… Live a long life with you until you’re both old and grey
Maybe even have a few kids together that will take over the Holy Knights and take over his position as head of the family when the time comes for them to do so
Garling has expressed this to you on multiple occasions like he’s even gotten quite a bit of baby fever as he’s already prepared a nursery and occasionally comes up and rubs your belly when he’s spooning with you at night
But he knows that he can’t have that until you accept that this is your life now and it will be your life for as long as you live…
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
When Garling gets jealous, people die… It’s as simple as that like if someone so much as dares to speak to you while the two of you are on an outing, not both of you, you specifically
Then chances are that unless it’s for something like someone trying to sell you something like a nice smelling perfume or a new dress then will spill blood but he would have still done that if not for the fact that you pleaded with him not to
So when someone does try to offer you something, Garling simply lets out a huff through his nose and warns them to not address you but instead either him or both of you. If the person who offered wants to stay alive then let’s hope that they’re quick with an apology and either a proper repeat of what they said or a retreat
This man does not cope well with jealousy and commonly lashes out without remorse, if it weren’t for you as well then everyone who spoke to his dearest one would be dead as in his eyes
He’s the only one worthy of doing so…
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Honestly Garling on a good day probably acts somewhat normal around you when in the house like to anyone who didn’t know, you would probably seem like a normal couple like he occasionally seeks you out to have conversations or to try to initiate intimacy but typically he leaves you be
He wouldn’t mind at all if you sought him out to talk about something even if it’s while he’s working on something as he can multi-task when it comes to you
But in public then it would become very clear that he is a Yandere as he doesn’t let you leave his side for even a moment and keeps a hand on you at all times, he keeps up how he is at home verbally but not at all physically
If you should be in the process of doing something in the home and run into Garling then his curiosity might be peaked depending on what it looks like so prepare for a small interrogation almost about what you’re doing when you're only trying to like move some things around to look nicer or something
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
I’m not entirely sure if Garling would have even bothered courting you at all in all honesty like I’m pretty sure that once he saw you and got interested then that was more than likely all that was to it except killing whoever you were with before him or the dragon that had you if you were a slave
Like the day that he approached was definitely also the day that he snatched you like he might have been watching from afar for a while but once he decided you were his, he just walked right up to you or had you brought to him
But let’s pretend for a minute that he did attempt courting you. In all honesty, I feel like if you were a civilian then it resulted in you getting quite a few letters in the mail alongside some really nice gifts that he was sure you would love. One letter might even talk about wanting to bring you to a nice restaurant so you could finally meet and it’s during that meeting when he tries to be all sorts of romantic with you like he brought you flowers, he holds your hand on the table, every word that comes out of your mouth is like music to his ears even as you’re trying to tell him that this is nice but you don’t want to meet again as you aren’t interested
In one ear and out the other with that kind of talk for him! You will be his…
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Oh absolutely not… Garling has absolutely no problem acting the way that he does with you whether it’s in public or it’s in the privacy of your own home like yes, he does have a reputation to uphold but he doesn’t have much issue showing his true colors in public
Almost everybody knows when you’ve been bad in all honesty as well as on the rare occasion that Garling takes you outside when you’ve been bad, no one is allowed to address both of you as it’s only him plus he’s keeping you on an even shorter leash than he normally does
Like you are practically pressed into his side with how close he’s holding you and if he ever does cut your Achilles tendons then he has no issue with pushing you in a wheelchair when he takes you outside but he’s also has no issue with letting people see the bandages wrapped around your ankles
Almost everyone in the “Holy” Land whether they be slave or Bitchass Celestial Dragon knows how Garling is when it comes to you, it is absolutely no secret…
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Honestly I feel like Garling would definitely be into sex as a punishment like he is the kind of guy to toss you onto his bed and watch as you dig your fingers into the sheets or feel as you leave scratches down his back while he fucks all of those rebellious thoughts out of your head and make you submissive to him
It is the most effective punishment that he’s had with you but there is the occasion when if you need further punishment then he’ll simply leave you tied on the bed until you’ve learnt your lesson but there is the occasion leg breaking so you can’t run anymore
But we can’t forget the ultimate punishment if you don’t stop being bad though and it’s that he can and will cut your Achilles tendons if you don’t stop trying to run, he has no issue with permanently taking away your ability to walk
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
The simplest way to put it is that he has absolutely no issue removing any and all rights from you
Walking around the house is something that can be taken away, leaving the house to walk around the property is something that can be taken away, leaving the bedroom is something that can be taken away, the ability to use your legs can be taken away
Garling has no issue taking away anything from you like I’m pretty sure that he’s willingly deprived you of eyesight for an entire day as punishment by blindfolding you and then restraining you so you couldn’t take it off, you had to stay there for an entire day just listening and feeling things as he didn’t even let you know if he was there or not
But don’t panic though as any right that Garling takes you away from you can be earned back by simply being good and submitting to him like a good partner
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Garling strikes me as the type to be rather patient with you as if you have some things that make life just a bit harder like let’s say that you have a speech impediment then he’s willing to wait for as long as you need him to during your conversations for you to say whatever you’re saying
He doesn’t even appear to mind if you take longer than him getting ready in the morning although that’s likely very impossible considering his hair likely takes so long to style in the morning that you could already be dressed and almost finished reading a book by the time he’s done
Plus when it comes to your escape attempts, he hasn’t completely removed your ability to walk just yet so he is being patient but don’t be so confident that his patience for this is just as strong as his patience for everything else
He will get tired eventually and when the breaking point comes… Slice!
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Okay, let’s get one thing straight and it’s that if you somehow manage to escape and leave him then he will stop at absolutely nothing to hunt you down and drag you back home kicking and screaming if he has to
But if you ever die? That is going to absolutely destroy him as he genuinely wanted to grow old with you but now he can’t do that as you’re gone. Garling is not going to move on and if anyone tries to get him to do so like if he gets a love letter in the mail then it’s execution time
You were his and he was yours. You expect him to just forget about you and find someone new to pursue? No, no, no… The only reason that he doesn’t take his own life is because of his duties as the head of the family and leader of the Holy Knights
That is the only reason! And if anyone asks “Well what about heirs?” then he would simply say to leave it to one of his family members to carry on the Figarland Name as the person who was going to produce an heir is gone
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
I don’t think that I need to say anything else other than that if this man can do what he did at Gods Valley among many other things and seemingly not show an ounce of guilt
There is absolutely no way in hell that he would ever feel guilty about taking you…
And if he’s letting you go or even slightly entertaining the idea? Pinch yourself right now… You are most definitely dreaming… Or don’t as this is a really nice dream…
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
What brought about this side of him? In all honesty, I feel like Garling is simply a naturally born Yandere like this is quite normal for the Figarland Family to do this sort of thing with people
They don’t always do it as some of them have entered into normal overly possessive relationships with other Bitchass Dragons but a lot of the time, they wind up simply kidnapping someone and forcing them into the position of being their partner
Garling is a natural born Yandere, he has always been this way. He only started truly showing these tendencies however when he saw you and decided that you were going to be his
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
There would absolutely no chance at all that he would allow you to isolate yourself from him as he does force you to somewhat be on the same schedule as him and share a room with him so if you tried to isolate away from him then he’s going to seek you out and force an interaction if he has to
As for how he feels when you scream? The man honestly probably would just muzzle you in some way if you’re getting on his nerves but if he doesn’t do that then he’ll simply warn you that if you don’t stop then you’ll lose your voice and when your voice eventually does go hoarse then he breathes a sigh of relief
And crying? That would depend on what you’re crying over like if you’re just crying over being with him then he’ll let you cry it out but if you’re crying over something that he agrees is truly causing you pain then he’ll stay by your side and attempt to comfort you in his own Garling way which is probably like holding your hand as you cry or holding you close to him
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Honestly he probably does but unfortunately I’m not the best at coming up with unique stuff so I can’t tell you what it is unfortunately… My apologies…
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Absolutely nothing… Even if you think that you’re managing to manipulate him and that you have the upper hand, that couldn’t be further from the truth as he isn’t a stupid man and he isn’t going to let you get away at all
Granted you could get him to partially let his guard down like by pretending to finally be submissive to him but even that likely doesn’t work as when the day comes that you appear to truly have become submissive to him is when he’s dragging you to the bedroom and trying to impregnate you
In all honesty, that’s probably how you got pregnant with Shanks if this Pre Gods Valley but regardless… There isn’t a thing that you can do in order to manipulate this man as even if you were sobbing and on your knees to at least let you spend five minutes in public away from his side, he’ll say no even if you’re the most hurt that you’ve ever been
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
There is not a single doubt in my mind that he would hurt you someday like the amount of times that this man has threatened to cut your Achilles tendons is telling enough especially as he has actually broken your legs in the past
Garling has muzzled you like a dog if you scream too much, he’s broken your legs, he’s dug his finger tips so deeply into you that it’s left some prominent bruises, he’s probably even smacked you a few times for saying something that offended him a lot
But despite all of that, I can’t see Garling ever punching you or using his sword on you beyond cutting the tendons. Garling is willing to hurt you but not like that…
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Honestly despite how his treatment of you would say otherwise, Garling probably views you as a beautiful goddess to him like something that has more worth than literally anything in the Holy Land
He thinks that you’re something that only deserves to be touched and enjoyed by him, you might not notice when he’s fucking you but he is actually trying to take your pleasure into account when he fucks you
And how far would he go to win you over? Man would probably do quite a bit to win you over like he’s attempting to be quite romantic towards you once he finally has you by dressing you in nice outfits and taking you to nice places (if you’ve been good)
His end goal is to grow old with you after all and he does want to have kids someday but he doesn’t want to do that until you’re fully submissive to him and what’s one of the good ways to do that other than by breaking you?
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Probably not that long in all honesty like if he did attempt to court you at first then I’d give it about sometime between half a month and a full month to actually invite you on that restaurant date where he kidnaps you afterwards
And if that isn’t the case and like you were a slave or something instead of a civilian then it’s more than likely that very same day after meeting you for the first time is when he kills the Bitchass Dragon who claims to own you and take you for himself as you belong to him
Honestly, it doesn’t take Garling really that long in any scenario so it’s probably best that if you see a man with red hair shaped into a crescent moon style staring at you then it’s best to just start packing your bags and saying goodbye to your old life whether it was good or bad
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Yes. If it truly came down to it and nothing else was working to make you submissive to him as his loving partner and parent to his children then he would have no issue with breaking you
Granted it’s going to take him quite a long time to get to that point but chances are that once that day comes where he finally makes the decision to break you then there’s no going back as he is dead set on this course of action
Unless by some sort of once in a lifetime miracle, you can convince him to stop and that you’ll be perfectly submissive to him now then I’d recommend just letting go now as he won’t stop until you are broken
Don’t worry though as this course of action will only come after he’s gotten so impatient with you that he’s removed your ability to walk
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blurrymango · 7 days
It is far too late at night for me to be digging through my old traditional art. So.
The first arts I ever made of Chara, and Frisk. And also a solitary Chisk too. Back in middle school when I would draw on my phone. I am glad I got these old pieces off of my DeviantArt before I deleted it a couple years ago. Otherwise they would have been. Well. Gone.
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See here a Frara and a Frisk and a Flowey and a Chara and a Chisk. I am pretty sure that is the only time I have ever drawn Flowey. And it is the only time I will EVER draw Flowey.
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Another Frisk and Chara. As you can see. Frisk has grey eyes. And Chara has blue and red eyes. Because I was an edgy middle schooler. And Chara has always been my favorite character. So the highest honor I could ever have bestowed upon them was that classic duality motif.
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A little. Reference for the two that I made for myself. Ah. So sad that Chara doesn't have the ahoge I gave them in the previous drawings.
And finally. Bonus Chisk.
Because. Well. Chisk.
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So. Let's compare my old middle schooler self's designs for them vs my current self's designs. And. Also. As a treat. My first design of Kris from 2019 vs my current design as well.
Ok. First thing's first.
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So. Like. The way I design Frisk nowadays is in fact 100% based off the way I used to draw them off. Yes, there are some obvious differences. But the suspenders and the short sleeved shirt were, well, you know the saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". That is always true. Though I will say that the little hearts instead of gold buttons, is also taken from the old design, because I distinctly remember thinking to myself that Frisk should have a heart in the back of the suspenders where they cross over eachother. And also. On the topic of the hair.
The way I do Hero's hair is 100% actually based on old Frisk's hair.
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Because well. Hero is the beta protagonist design for Undertale. And my old Frisk is basically the beta design for my current Frisk. You get it.
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Yeah that old design was extremely basic. I don't think I ever used to think about the Unused Human Sprite back then. But. Well. I sure do now. A big glow-up for Frara. And a height reduction. Their current design is very much inspired by the place in Undertale where they can be seen-
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I think to myself. Well. What would a character confined to a constantly raining place need? A raincoat and rainboots!
I can't like. NOT give them stuff like that. Just wouldn't be true to me.
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The fandom may have forgotten about Chisk in the years. But I will never forget about Chisk. A fanmade fusion of Chara and Frisk. I will never not think about them. They're in my brain like a song I love. Shawty like a melody in my head. CHISK OH CHISK MY LITTLE SCRUNKLE.
Anyway. Not much design notes for Chisk, past or present. Except for that the old design is a blatant ripoff of a design that I have unfortunately very much no source for.
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If anyone knows who the original artist is, please tell me so I can thank them for making such a wonderful image.
Now. Before we get to Chara.
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Well. They got edgier. And their shawl thing got more accurate to their Dark World self. That's all I really have to say aside from FFUCK I AM SUCH A GENIUS FOR MAKING THEIR SHOES THE SAME COLOR AS THE SHADE OVER THEIR EYES. GODDAMN. BIG WIN FOR ME ON THAT ONE. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. HELL YEAH KRIS. YOU'RE A FFUCKING WEIRDO AND A COOL KID.
And finally. Chara!
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My original design for them is. Hm. Well. I'll be honest whenever I see a Chara Undertale without the collared shirt and sweater combo going on I get annoyed, even if the one giving them a turtleneck is my own paste self.
Also. The green-grey shorts and boots were based on clothes I actually had at the time. So. Like. I have always been a big projector onto Chara. Shit man. Even and especially nowadays I project onto them. The hair, the collared shirt and sweater combo. It is, unabashedly, very self indulgent. Those are very deliberate choices. The ffucking Roxy LaLonde hair flicks and that combo of sweater and collared shirt is LITERALLY all over characters I draw. My own damn persona, my character Blue, even Blitz with his wild hair I will still default to doing like that in sketches.
Do you know how hard it is for me to not give characters that type of hair. And that collared shirt and sweater type combo. It is. The hardest decision to not do it.
Cutting this post short at here because there is another post I want to make.
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dany-elwen-ffxiv · 4 months
Moon Ascendancy
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Life has a way of opening doors That were locked by time Barred by fate And forgotten in the sand.
And death has a way of taking those doors Open, raw, and bleeding And healing the wounds That grief forced upon the world.
Nothing could have prepared me for what Dalmasca was to bring into my life.
I feel like that sentence has been said numerous times, by numerous different kinds of people - but the implications of the kingdom on my very soul could not be more different from what others have endured.
The relic chose me, time and time again. First back in Mor Dhona, when we went to exhume my mother. Second as we moved to lower my mother's coffin into the ground - it shot out of the coffin, with a light so blinding that many around me were temporarily paralyzed.
But I was not.
It landed in my hands - its light ceasing - and I could feel how calm it suddenly felt - like it was ay home again.
Arslan had been wrong about many things, but he was right about one: the relic was not interested in being with anyone except me.
It was remarkable, to say the least - not only did a relic seem to have a sense of home with its wielder, but also a sort of sentiency.
The people around us concluded that it was a result of the blood magic it had suffered while its parts were in my parents' arms. And whether they're right, I don't know...but I do know one thing.
If I was to leave the relic in Dalmasca, I would not be surprised if it flew across the sea to find me.
The Moon of Orbonne - or the Moon, as I liked to call it, now hands on a chain around my neck that Janessa gave me. She urged me to keep it safe, and that a relic so powerful would likely be sought after by all sorts of terrible people.
It was a heavy thing upon my neck, but it was a comforting kind of heavy...like a weighted blanket. Warm and consoling.
And while the rest of AEON decided to leave for Sharlayan immediately, Korven and I decided to stay in Dalmasca for a little while longer. My plan of attack though was simple: take the relic to Ishgard, speak with those at the astrologicum, and learn everything I could about astromancy and the mysterious powers that the relic was bestowing upon me.
But the memorial for the dead of the Resistance was stunning...I cannot describe the beauty of it. Enormous and towering over the eastern side of Rabanastre, the archway is topped with a diamond that must weigh two tons. And there, around it, circle 211 graves - some filled, some not - with the filled ones labeled with marble headstones.
Including my father's.
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It was all I could do to not break down and bawl like a child as I knelt at his resting place. A beautiful memorial for the highest of honored members of the Resistance, and my father, a man that I had never known, was laid there.
Captain Loucetios Elwen.
And my mother's place was by his side. Since her grave was still empty, it was marked with only a mere wooden plank with "Y.E." scrawled on the side.
And as I stood there, staring at those graves, the final resting places of my parents, I was reminded of my mother's words that I have kept close to my heart:
Magic will come to those who listen But not to those who hear. Just as light will come to those who believe But not to those who see. Hark, and pray you will not be caught In the sounds of what you cannot hear In the darkness of what you cannot see. For a crystal is not made by wind But by the pressure of the earth.
"I promise," I whispered softly to my mother as the desert wind whipped through my hair and her coffin was gently laid into the ground, "I promise I'll make you proud of me. Forever and ever." I clutched the relic that hung at my neck, tears streaming down my face as I felt Korven's hand encouragingly hold my elbow.
And then I said my final words to her, letting them drift into the wind like the sand around us as I pressed the relic to my lips:
"Thank you for this gift, Mama."
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okay, so anyone who knows me knows well enough by now that i'm more than willing to talk your ear off regarding the relationships both Nigel and Alex have with their fathers. however i've been more or less avoiding taking too much of a deep-dive into the relationship between Nigel and Helen (largely because 1. it means addressing the events at the end of the film which are, less than savoury, shall we say; and 2. because i'm still a firm believer that Greg only threw that ending in there because he needed to drum up some sort of conflict between Nigel and Alex that led to their final confrontation - essentially standing drunk in front of a dart board - and that in terms of narrative, Nigel should have been Alex's maraclea in the end. but i digress). my parents may have raised an idiot but they sure didn't raise a quitter so here i go anyway
moving on from those two issues, the thing that had always bothered me in the beginning was the fact the film has Nigel claim Helen as his maraclea, a title which carries with it an implication of love. and that is a crucial point here; a huge part of the myth rests upon the fact that the girl was loved by the great lord. and we know how important that story is to Nigel! it forms a crucial part of his belief system; it underpins his entire worldview. he wouldn't just hand out that title to anyone who he bore no emotional attachment to, or else it would lose all significance. So Nigel must love his mother in some form or another (whether it be familial or something more; there's enough in the film to imply something else may have been going on between the two but that's up to individual interpretations). how then, if he loves Helen so much, could he be willing to orchestrate her death at the hands of his father?
the answer to that question essentially boiled down to the fact that Nigel simply does not view death the way other people do. It's not a finality to him. Nigel very much so sees death as transformative - what is dead may never die, only through death can one achieve immortality. You can see it with his interest in taxidermy, the idea that something can be preserved forever, and with Alex's admission that Nigel 'got what he wanted' (i.e. eternity) only by taking his own life.
So you have this notion developing that in a way, Nigel sees this as the highest honor he can bestow upon his mother; the greatest gift he can give her. Through death, she'll live forever, and she'll become a part of something much bigger than either of them. A part of something more important to Nigel than anything else.
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scandalouslamb · 4 months
I just read your response to an ask about Felix & Hilarius, and in your reply, you said due to Felix being friends with Hilarius, he also would've been 'friends' with Pup and Vipsania. Does this mean that you headcanon Pup, Vipsania, and Hilarius being a trio? I'd love to hear your headcanons about their friendship :)
Haha, I was just talking about my very obscure Pup/Hilarius ship with Hilarius-Vipsania marriage of convenience headcanon, so I forgot that this very obscure thing wasn't common knowledge on my Felix Ravinstill blog. Anyway, yeah, they're a trio of sorts in my mind.
I imagine that Pup and Vipsania are friends, although this gets tested when their district partner tributes don't partner up for the Games!
I suppose that I ship Hilarius and Pup insofar that I ship anyone. I think it takes them a bit to get together. They both have to mature a bit and probably get together near the end of University or afterward, but they're friends before that.
Vipsania is a bit of a social butterfly. I imagine that the Sickles aren't quite as influential or wealthy as some other families, and Vipsania is canonically competitive. She's hoping to climb socially, so she's making connections. She's closest with Livia in my mind. I was genuinely trying to ship Vipsania and Livia in a fic, but I enjoyed writing Vipsania so much my brain gave her the highest honor I could bestow upon her (hcing her as aroace) which completely derailed me.
Hilarius and Vipsania are definitely more school friends in the Academy, but they run in the same circles and are both closer friends with Pup. I imagine that based on how Hilarius talks about Wovey that he mostly hangs out with the other boys, but once he starts University, his friend group forcibly opens up and he undergoes a character arc. Also once he and Vipsania get closer, she's constantly setting him straight on matters. She's breaking down the Heavensbee Superiority Complex by being so much more competent.
So, as I've said, Vipsania and Hilarius end up in a marriage of convenience while Hilarius and Pup are in a committed romantic relationship on the side. Vipsania, in my mind, ends up as the mastermind of any business or political maneuvering that Hilarius ends up doing later in life. I'm also just weirdly attached to the idea of Vipsania as Plutarch's mom, but both Vipsania and Hilarius say that Plutarch gets his more empathetic nature from Pup.
Anyway, thanks for the ask! Feel free to ask more questions about this if you have more specific things you want me to elaborate on!
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modern-inheritance · 6 months
Debriefing Snippet #4 (no edits) (near the beginning, with a nice person this time!)
An elf woman with a plait of gleaming platinum hair down her back raised her hand slightly, a soft smile on her face. “Iläin of Nädindel, House Svanran.” 
Arya turned to the lady and bowed. There was a soft scoff from somewhere in the room and Däthedr’s eyes flashed in warning. Arya had not fully bowed to anyone beyond Rendir of House Teliya, only dipping her head in a half-hunched nod to the other heads of house. It was not technically a slight, but it showed Arya was giving their houses at least more acknowledgement than the others. 
“Thank you for coming here today, Major.” Iläin’s voice was soft and low, the centuries lending their wisdom to the gentle tones that colored her words. “It is good to see you alive, Arya.”
The young elf dipped her head again. “Thank you, ma’am.” Despite herself, she smiled, and Iläin could see the youth she once knew Arya’s upturned brows. There was a furrow of pain between them, something new, a deeply buried anxiety that she allowed the leader of Glenwing’s house to see. Her shoulders relaxed only just. “It is good to see the sun.”
“I’m sure.” And just like the sun’s rays, the elder elf’s teeth flashed and sought to sooth her worries. “I have no questions for you regarding the ambush at this time.” A hint of shadow touched her eyes. “I do, however, wish to extend my sincere condolences, for the loss of  Lieutenant Fäolin of House Teliya, and for the damage done to our own Captain Glenwing. This journey has been difficult on all involved, and please know that we stand with you in your loss in this dark time.”
Arya dipped her head again. “Thank you. It means more than you know to have them acknowledged.” When she lifted her gaze, the young elf looked to Däthedr, eyes bright. “May I…” The words stuck in her throat. “Permission to speak freely?”
Shoulders squared, Arya drew herself up. “I would address everyone in this, but especially to you, Lady Iläin, and you, Lord Rendir. 
“When I returned to the Varden, many people asked after Fäolin and Glenwing. Human and dwarf alike, men and women who had fought alongside us and supported us throughout our years. Although Glenwing is still among the living, it was not known at the time. They all expressed sadness at news of their passing, and all were genuine in their sense of loss.
“Everyone I encountered who knew them spoke of them fondly, and shared memories of their past dealings. Many approached me upon hearing of their deaths and recounted times they had saved their lives or the lives of their loved ones.” 
Arya blinked. She wouldn’t cry here, but the lump in her throat was undeniable. It thickened her words, and she lifted her chin to stop any sign of trembling. “Fäolin was a good man. There is no other way to characterize him. I knew him from childhood, and we were friends even then. To fight alongside him was one of the highest honors I’ve ever been bestowed. Glenwing, as well, has been a steadfast and much appreciated companion throughout the war, and without him by my side I can assure you, I would have been long dead. That he still fights for our cause is beyond commendable, and he does so with enthusiasm to match even the dragons.” 
She smiled then, subdued but genuine. “To put it as we say with the Varden, they are good people. Fäolin was loved and appreciated by many, even beyond our forest, and Glenwing is sorely missed among the Varden. I wish for everyone to understand that of them, and understand the sacrifices they made.”
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cmcsmen · 4 months
Catholic Man Moment: The Foundation of Christianity
Sunday May 26 2024 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Cycle B, Mt 28:16-20: Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
On Holy Trinity Sunday, Catholic's gather together to reflect on the profound mystery of the Holy Trinity and its significance in our faith. As stated in the Gospel of Matthew 28:16-20, this dogma serves as the foundation of Christianity, reminding us of our baptism and the redemption we have been granted through Jesus Christ. This feast is not simply a commemoration, but a continuation of the mysteries of Christ, and a powerful expression of our belief in the triune nature of God. It is only in eternity that we will fully comprehend the depth of sharing in the life of God as adopted sons, through our faith in Christ. For Catholic men in Chicago, Holy Trinity Sunday serves as a powerful reminder of the central message of our faith and a call to deepen our relationship with the Holy Trinity.
This Sunday, as we celebrate the Feast of the Blessed Trinity, our hearts overflow with gratitude towards each Person of the Holy Trinity for their boundless love and mercy towards us. We are reminded of God the Father, who in His infinite love, not only created us as the highest and most noble of His earthly creatures, but also planned to adopt us as His own children. We are reminded of Jesus, the obedient Son of God, who willingly took on our humanity and fulfilled the Father's plan for our adoption, so that we could share in His divinity. And let us not forget the Holy Spirit, who continues to guide and sustain us in our journey towards holiness. On this day, let us offer our sincerest thanks to the Blessed Trinity for all that they have done and continue to do for us.
It is humbling to think about the overwhelming love that the Blessed Trinity has poured out on us, despite our unworthiness. Even the greatest saints were unworthy of this infinite love, yet it was still bestowed upon them. Our own unworthiness should not deter us from accepting and embracing this divine love. It is our duty and privilege to avail ourselves of this love and show our appreciation for it through our actions. By following Christ's commandments, we can truly demonstrate our gratitude for all that the Three Persons have done for us. Let us strive to live our lives in a way that honors and reflects this boundless love.
The possibility of entering heaven is available to each and every one of us. The Blessed Trinity, consisting of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, will not exclude anyone from the heavenly kingdom. However, it is up to us to make the choice to follow God and live a virtuous life. If some fail to do so, the responsibility lies solely on their own actions and decisions. It is our human weakness that may lead us astray, but we can find strength and courage through the grace of the Blessed Trinity. We must strive to live and die in their love, so that we may partake in the eternal happiness of their kingdom. May God grant us the grace to overcome our weaknesses and lead us to eternal life with Him in heaven.
Gospel Mt 28:16-20 The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had ordered them. When they all saw him, they worshiped, but they doubted. Then Jesus approached and said to them, "All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."
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navysealt4t · 1 year
This is unrelated to anything but if I had to assign a Crane Wives song to you then it would be either The Moon Will Sing or Turn out the Lights I think.
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emeraldelysian · 2 years
Hello 👋 I have bestowed upon you're new powers use them wisely. I'm glad I was able to make you happy 😁 I don't mind spending some money to make someone's day 🦀
Okay I don't care if anyone else claims the title, I am now your biggest fan honestly.
Thank you so much for giving me this power, I think the highest number I got to was like 90 beloved crabs and I've never felt so much appreciation in my life. You're a literal godsend, oh my goodness.
🦀 anon superiority now, I feel so honored to be in your presence. Thank you so much for being so sweet. Literally, whenever I'm stressing out in the middle of writing down this homework, I enjoy mini crab time. This is so amazing, and having Astro on in the background is so perfect for it too. Literally, my Monday could not be going any better right now, and you are partially responsible for it so thank you.
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bylertruther · 2 years
pspsp you're my favorite byler
literally staring at my screen like this 🥺🥹 whatta da hhell.... truly the highest honor anyone could ever bestow upon me idek what to do with myself i— thank you!! i try my best. you're my favorite, too. :^) 💙💛
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chimcess · 2 years
Birdie Shoppe || pjm (I)
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Werewolf!Jimin, Witch!Reader, Shifter!Reader, Shifter!Jimin, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Jimin Genre: Supernatural!AU, Werewolf!AU, Angst, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Smut, Word Count: 11k+ Synopsis: Within the four realms of Lustra lay the Bangtan forest home to the Foxglove pack of the north and known as the “land of magic.” It is also home to the Birdie, a powerful witch from a cursed bloodline who is one of the sacred guardians of the forest. Y/N is the 123rd Birdie, a young girl who was given her position too early and asked by the goddess herself to fulfil a task none had ever done before, become the Grand Witch of the Foxglove pack. Now a woman, Y/N is revered as the most loved and powerful Birdie of all time, but hiding under the surface is a woman who has to battle between her duty and her heart. Warnings: Long-hair Jimin (yes, this is a warning), Cursing, Violence, Mentions of blood, Descriptions of blood, Descriptions of gore, Main Character Near Death, Main Character Badly Injured, Slow burn romance, Talks Mating Ritual, Talks of Heats and Heat Suppressants, Did I say long-hair Jimin? (think The Witcher), Penetration, Oral (f receiving), Marking, Knotting, Spiting, Cuddling, Big Dick Jimin, Face licking, nuzzling, Soft sex, Soft Jimin, Impregnation kink, Breeding kink A/N: Hi there! So this was originally meant to be a one-shot but it was beginning to get far too long, so I’m splitting it up into parts. I’m not sure just how many there will be but so far there’s at least another part coming. This is my first time writing a/b/o so please forgive any mistakes there might be. I tried to add in lore and foreshadowing but more will come later. There’s no smut in this part, but it will come, so the warnings above are for future chapters. I decided to put them upfront for anyone who’s interested in reading further. I really hope you like it and my inbox and asks are always open.
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Another howl echoed through the forest. Just a few more minutes. I felt the familiar itch at my ankle and quickly scratched at it before beginning to pace once more. I had to make it. They said they would wait for me. They had to. I was the only person who could bless the children of the moon. It was my sworn duty to Lilith. I nibbled on my nails and checked the windows again. Pulling back the curtains, I could see the sun was almost completely gone. I began pacing once more. The others would have to meet me at the clearing.
For the last thousand years, my family had given their allegiance to the moon goddess, Lilith. Though it had started as a peace treaty for them to live in the Bangtan forest, home to the wolf pack of the Foxgrove, it had slowly evolved to what it is now. Each generation had to pick a sacrifice, a child who would replace the old, and the next member would come along when the time was right. We were called Birdie’s, the forest witch of the grove who kept the pack healthy. I was the chosen one for my family and Lilith had bestowed upon me the highest honor one could imagine.
After the grand witch of Foxgrove passed the pack had been left with no one to initiate the change within their young. It was a ceremonial occasion where they partied and danced after a long, tiring incantation process where the boys would become men. The pack was lost, and Lilith came to me. Auntie had only been dead for six months. I was 13 when she appointed me, 3 years too soon, and I had blessed the wolves every year since. It was the only time I was allowed out of my cottage as a human.
Tonight, was the celebration of Kim Taehyung’s birthday and the marking of his change. It took 18 years for a wolf to present confidently. I had a strong feeling the Kim child would be the youngest alpha in the pack. Yoongi, the kitchen witch who lived in a lifted home on the pond, thought he was a beta. However, I had far more contact with the pack than he did or any other witch in the forest. I was the only outsider permitted on pack land. I continued to pace. I could not be late.
Finally, I felt it. The thin, indestructible chain that kept me inside during my day began to chime. A faint, iridescent glow began to encase the silver and I felt a wave of pleasure flow through me. It was a cool sensation, and my ankle was caressed by an invisible hand. The chain broke and I stepped out. It stayed open and would until I made my return at dawn. I snatched my lantern off the hook beside the door, put on my pack of magical items, slipped on my shoes, and whispered a spell to make my cottage stop doing magic. It was too draining to keep the house going while I was far away, and I would need all my mana to get through the night. It was why I had decided against a summoning spell and opted for Meteor Powder.
I heard the birds in the trees talk with one another. My friend Patto, a yellow-crowned night heron, was perched on the bird bath the pack had gifted me when I was appointed. I knew he would know if I blew him off and did not want to upset my friend. I would keep it brief and then use the powder to get to the pack quickly. I missed my wings. Patto sang a little song when he noticed me approaching.
“Human tonight?” He asked, jumping.
“It’s a man’s coming of age ceremony,” I clarified, wrapping my shawl around my head.
The winter air was crisp and nipped at my ears.
“I won’t keep you then, Y/N,” Patto took flight.
He quickly came closer, nuzzled into my cheek, and flew off into the night. He was on the hunt for prey no doubt. Patto was a spunky fellow and a wonderful hunting partner though we were often after different things. He was quite good at finding my favorite bugs.
Remembering time was of the essence, I pulled out my bag of Meteor Powder. It was a chalky, lavender-colored powder that was used for teleportation. While it was less effective than an incantation or door charm, it was my best option for pack duties. I had to draw a detailed picture of where I wanted to go, something I had been working on all day in preparation along with my magic bag, and then throw the powder onto the sheet. I took out the paper with the ritual site drawn on it and placed it on the ground, took five steps back, and threw a large handful of the powder on it. Instantly, the page was light up into a bright purple flame. I said, clearly and with conviction, the name of the place I wanted to go for good measure and hopped onto the flame.
When I opened my eyes, I was in the middle of the ritual cave. I thanked Lilith for allowing my magic to work and started to set up the cave for the ceremony. Men and women were very similar as far as what candles were needed as well as the items I needed to collect on my nightly adventures, but there were key differences. This also changed once their wolf began to speak to me. Most in the pack presented beta. For this rank, the process was straightforward except for the colors of paint I had to mark them with. If they presented omega, a traditionally feminine wolf would require the witch to finely grind pearls and mix them with the paints. Male omegas needed sage to burn while I painted them. I knew that when I helped the only male omega in the last 100 years, Jeon Jungkook. Then there were alphas.
In the Foxgrove pack, there were currently 3 alphas. Kim Namjoon was the voice of the people and kept their village prosperous. Jung Hoseok was the pack member I spoke with the most. He was a kind, gentle spirit who kept up with trading and pack affairs. Picking up all the pack’s goods was a part of that. And finally, there was Park Jimin. He was the alpha I had the least amount of contact with. I knew he oversaw war and treaties as well as pack runs, but other than that he was a mystery to me. He was the prettiest pack member and the only unmated alpha left. Hoseok had told me he was shocked he had not found his mate yet. As was I, Lilith was known to be the most loving towards her alphas and often gifted them a mate. The thought put a sour taste in my mouth
I had sworn in all three of the alphas and was honored to do so even if the supplies needed for them are much harder to find. Unlike the other two, alphas not only required special paint but incantation as well. The Birdie and the pack alphas were the most connected as our spirits were the closest to the moon goddess herself. The only woman who outranked me was the Luna, Cho Sol. During the ceremony, it would begin the same, but I would know very quickly if the wolf was an alpha as we would become spiritually connected as the ceremony continued. The spell changed dramatically as I needed to ensure that the connection was severed once the change was complete. I needed to ensure my safety as a wolf can get confused and mistake me for its mate. It would be catastrophic. The paint needed to be mixed with both my blood and the blood of the alpha for the shift to complete. Alphas and omegas always fully shifted during their ceremonies.
After finishing my alter, I pricked my finger with my bone knife and began to draw a circle. A wolf was made to stand in the middle before I sealed it off with salt and peonies. It was a trap and stopped them from escaping. The old grand witch used to chain them to the rocks, but I found that to be cruel. Once I was satisfied with the circle, I knew it was time for me to paint myself. As the pack’s grand witch, I was made to follow the same customs as they did. Women were to crop their hair short if they were not human and wore specific ceremonial fabrics and colors. Sol always left a fresh bralette and skirt, the same their warrior women wore, and I slipped them on easily.
Using magic, I chopped my hair into a short pixie cut. I could grow it back tomorrow and I never wanted to disrespect the elders. Then it was time for the paints. The women who could shift all wore similar face paints, however, each family had different colors and symbols that represented their house. Similarly, I adopted my version of the face painting. My colors were blue, red, and black representing the raven, but it changed with every Birdie. I painted my entire face navy blue before fading the black color down my forehead. After drawing the thick black mask around my eyes and a long white line down my neck, I began to fill in my chain with red.
I hummed while I did this, imitating my bird calls, and swaying my body. I needed to begin the relaxation processes and think like my bird. Getting in tune with my animal side helped the ceremony move along much quicker than it had in the past. I placed ruby red and orange jewels strategically across my face. I formed Aquila over my entire face. After putting on my ceremonial jewels, I started to cleanse the cave with herbs and spells I mumbled under my breath.
I heard people approaching the cave and quickly blew out the herbs I had been burning. I had to wait for Taehyung to be sealed in the circle before I could light the candles, so I let the cave stay shrouded in darkness. None of the wolves would mind and humans were forbidden from watching the coming-of-age ceremony. It was pack law. Luna Sol was the first person to enter the cage and I kneeled on my hands and knees where I sat. I could faintly smell wolf scents since I was connected to the forest in many ways, however, they were not strong since I was not in the pack. I just knew they were wolves. I always chose to stay bowed until asked to stand. It was better this way.
More and more wolves flooded the cave polluting the air with their scent. My prey instincts wanted me to run, my hands lightly shaking from the spikes of fear that rippled through me, but I stood my ground. For Lilith, I could do anything, and nothing scared me. Not even predators. Finally, it had gone silent. It was starting now.
“Bless this child, Birdie,” I recognized the voice as Elder An.
He was a great, big white wolf when he could still shift, but now he was a small, frail-looking man with a large beard and fluffy eyebrows.
I stood slowly, careful to not make eye contact with Taehyung. He was breathing heavily with anticipation. He was going to be an alpha. I could feel it. I made quick work of sealing off the circle before finally lifting my head and lighting all the candles with a simple lift of my hand. An orange glow illuminated everyone, and Taehyung was on his knees in the circle. At the coming-of-age ceremony, the men and women were to strip naked so painting the symbols would be easier. I did not pay attention to his genitals and instead focused on his eyes. I began the chant.
Being a forest witch was one thing but being the Birdie was another. I had never met my birth parents and was raised by my grandmother’s sister who never met her family either. The gift could skip a generation or two if the spirits did not see what they were after. All of us were born with the mark, a blue jewel in our forehead that would fall out once we were appointed. That would become the chain that tied us to the cottage and stripped us of our real name. Only the birds and animals were allowed to use it as it was seen as dishonorable to refer to us as anything but Birdie. We also chanted differently than other witches. We did not speak. We sang.
Taehyung’s wolf stirred, and I knew I would know soon. I was aware of the anxiety in the room. Everyone was hopeful that he would be the fourth alpha for the pack. It would place them at the top of the hierarchy in the area. A surplus of alphas or omegas meant status in the wolf world. Even I was hopeful for his present. Then it came all at once.
The husky, woodsy scent of an alpha hit me like a truck. Though I had done this three times already it never got easier. However, Jungkook had been the last wolf I guided through the change, and the sickeningly sweet omega pheromones he admitted made Taehyung’s feel like a gentle breeze. I could hear small celebrations happening around us. The real party would be when this was over. The incantation changed flawlessly.
I grabbed the bowl of white paint I had prepared and the bone knife. Silver was strictly forbidden to enter the village under any circumstance. I continued to sing and sliced the palm of my hand and dripped my blood into the bowl. I walked over to Taehyung and bravely snatched his hand. This was why I used the circle. I was able to get his hand out of the circle and when he went to attack me, he was unable to break the seal. I sliced his hand and placed the bowl under his wound. Taehyung howled in anger. He was in too high of a state to be in pain. His wolf snarled at me, and my bird chastised him while I began to bless the paint.
I got a new paint bush and made my way back to Taehyung. I used magic to force him on all fours. It did not break my concentration. I drew the pack’s symbol on his back, two large trapezoids that ran parallel to one another, and then created the Aquila constellation on the back of his neck. I felt my hands heating up and chanted for Lilith to bless the wolf through me before touching him. Taehyung screamed in pain while his wolf growled at me. I was branding him with the symbols forever. They became black instantaneously and the ceremony was coming to an end. I removed my hands and lifted my hands to blow out the yellow candles and lit up the blue ones. I walked back to the altar and kneeled before it. Raising my arms side to side, I chanted and felt my back begin to burn. My chanting did not waver even as the black wings ripped through my back, and I was in unimaginable pain. I could not stop singing.
Two large, metallic black wings sprouted around me as blood pooled around my calf. I reached, with shaking hands, and plucked a single black feather from them. Placing it on the alter, I cupped the feather with my hands and continued to chant. It began to lift itself from the alter and spin. I moved my hands and lifted my arms straight up. The feather followed and began to glow the same way my chain did. My head felt like I was splitting in half as a blue jewel grew from my forehead and fell. I did not allow it to hit the ground and lifted it onto the altar where it joined the feather. As I said the final words of the incantation the jewel disappeared. I felt my wings start to retreat into my back and the feather floated down. Then it was over and silent.
It only took seconds before the cave erupted in cheers. I felt a tired smile tug at my lips, and I leaned onto the rock in front of me. I was exhausted but I still had one more thing I had to do before I was permitted to leave. I used the rocks to support myself and stood up before grabbing the feather. It was tradition for the wolf to keep the feather of the sacrifice. It used to be a bird that was killed at the alter but I used my own body as the sacrifice. Slowly I walked towards the circle where Taehyung lay in his wolf form. He was massive and a rust color. He was proud of himself. He had made his pack proud. I forced myself to stand up straighter and walk over completely ignoring the aching in my back and the blood that spilled from my wounds
“Kim Taehyung,” I spoke, “The goddess has blessed you with this gift.”
I kneeled and used magic to blow the salt away. I placed the feather out in front of me and Taehyung hesitantly reached forward. To be given a gift from Lilith herself was a big deal. I had been given many gifts, something that I never took for granted, and I knew this would not be Taehyung’s final gift. He was true-hearted and courageous, two traits the goddess looked upon fondly. He finally took the feather in his teeth and I smiled at him. Waving my hand, I made quick work of changing him back into a human and clothed the young man with the robes Sol had laid out beside mine. The elders would award him his alpha sash. Taehyung smiled at me, and I marveled at the innocent, boxy grin he had.
“Thank you,” He was sincere.
“Thank Lilith do not thank me,” I replied, nodding at him, and going to stand up.
“Are you staying for the ceremony?” Taehyung stood up much quicker than I could presently.
I would be lucky if I could clean the cave and go home let alone celebrate with wolves.
I shook my head, “Sadly, my time is limited, and I must be going. Congratulations Alpha Taehyung.”
I finally stood up and bowed to the alpha before using magic to make quick work of the alter and tools. Wolves, like witches, were not embarrassed by nakedness so I did not feel uncomfortable undressing. The bloody clothes stuck to me uncomfortably and I was thankful to be out of the blood-stained outfit. Unlike wolves, I got cold very easily and usually never left my cottage in the winter except for ceremonies. I used the last of my mana to change myself quickly. After calling out to Luna Sol if it was alright that I packed my candles and getting the okay, I packed those as well. I was ready to go and prepared more Meteor Powder and another drawing. This time it was of my home.
The few wolves left in the cave were the other three alphas. I paid them no mind. It was best to stay out of wolf affairs when possible. Even as a close and trusted ally, I was still an outsider and not welcome without permission. I stayed updated through the forest. I could find out everything about everyone on my trips and I enjoyed staying informed. Morla, a tortoise who lives just outside of the village, was a great source of information. She knew just about everything. I looked away from the alphas and untied my bag of powder.
“Excuse me, Birdie?” I would know Hoseok from anywhere.
I stopped what I was doing and look back at the alphas. I had all their attention. I fought with myself not to steal glances at Jimin. He was so rarely seen that it felt wrong not to. However, I had self-control and would not disrespect Hoseok. You are always required to maintain eye contact with any alpha who addresses you directly. Hoseok was smiling at me.
“Alpha Hoseok, “I greeted, bowing, “Can I help you with something?”
“Both Namjoon and Jimin have lists of potions they require.” He clarified.
Now that he brought the other alphas up, I was to meet both of their gazes and bow. I started with Namjoon since he was far more inviting. He had a mono-lid, which usually made a wolf more intimidating, but he held a gentle warmth in his gaze that calmed me.
“Alpha Namjoon,” I bowed.
I rose again and finally looked at Jimin’s. His eyes had a feline quality to them and were sharp. I knew his eyes were a warm brown in the sun but within the darkness of the cave, they were pitch black. Despite the moon being the only thing illuminating the cave his skin glowed. He was the palest member of his village, and his silver wolf matched his hair which was waist-length and perfectly straight. He, like all the other warriors, kept their hair long to show their place in society. My heart danced at the sight of him and I forced my eyes away.
“Alpha Jimin.”
Hoseok clapped.
“So,” He began again, “Here are the lists. I’m picking up the usual.”
“Would you like extra heat suppressants again? As far as I am aware your mate is still in her homeland visiting family.” I briefly glanced at the lists.
“You are all seeing,” He joked. “Yes, I will need some again this month. I have already factored that into the number written down.”
I nodded and placed the papers into my sack.
“I will need at least four days to prepare everything. I will be useless tomorrow and possibly the day after.”
“Of course, Birdie.” He replied.
Namjoon hummed and chimed in.
“Our pack is forever indebted to you and your servitude. Please rest.”
“Thank you, alpha, I will rest easy now.”
After bowing again and saying my farewells, I went back to my drawing and again got my powder. I said that I wanted to go to my cottage for extra measure again and threw the powder. I hopped into the flames and ended up across the clearing from my cottage. Groaning, I threw the powder into my bag and said a small spell to get me to my front door. I glanced at the sky and realized still had two hours of freedom and decided to use it.
Going inside, I took off my shoes and put all my ceremonial gear on the small shelf by the book. I realized I left my lantern inside of the cave and quickly penned a letter to the pack to ask Hoseok to return it upon his next pick-up. I called out to Shiloh to send the letter off. She was a barn owl who lived in the tree next to my kitchen window and had become my familiar. She delivered in exchange for treats and if I told her where mice burrows were. Normally, a nice bowl of crickets sufficed. I quickly put the kettle on before going to change into something more comfortable and wash off. This was the only time I was able to change without magic and I savored the feeling every time.
As I tugged my shirt down, the kettle began to whistle, and I made my way back to the kitchen. I took it off the flame and fetched a cup from my cupboard. It was not often that I had this much time left after a ceremony. Taehyung’s wolf did not resist me at all aside from the uncomfortable parts. That was a normal reaction, however, all three of the alphas took until dusk was just on the horizon. Lilith had allowed me to finish the ceremony, but my wings never went back in, and I felt my skin ripping open from feathers pushing their way through. That was my blessing.
All shifters had been blessed by the goddess. While to many we were seen as slaves, I knew they were the gifts bestowed upon us. The wolves were cursed to change into the beasts of the forest, sworn to protect the land from all who dared enter it, and in return, Lilith kept their village plentiful, and their people blessed. This included extended life spans. Similarly, the role of the Birdie was a sacred gift. We were hand-picked by the Goddess herself, much like a pack’s Luna, and would be at her service for all our days. In return, she gave us the gift of flight and the ability to speak with animals. Lilith kept me well fed and feared as the most powerful witch in all the realms. The cottage would be here long after I was gone and the generations after me would still be here. I would be transformed into a bird and live forever as a spirit of the forest. This was my purpose.
I placed dandelions and a large tea bag into my cup before going outside to enjoy the air. I was never allowed outside during the day. The chain kept me from leaving my small home at all. When I was a child, I could remember frolicking in the clearing and playing with the rabbits in their burrows. Those were the years I was still Y/N and the forest was my home away from home. Auntie allowed me to play more than any other Birdie had before, but she knew my love for magic was strong. I remember her telling me that I was special and that my deep connection would serve me greatly in the future. Lilith would bless me for my love. She was right. I had done something no Birdie had done in the centuries we served the forest. I had been appointed as the pack’s grand witch and allowed freedom as a human. It kept me hopeful for my future student though I was unaware of how long it would take for them to arrive.
The forest came alive at night, and I submerged myself in all its glory. The sounds of crickets chirping relaxed me and I took a deep breath. It felt nice to get all the blood and paint off my body. I realized that Hoseok and the Luna had been the only members of the pack to see me without the ceremonial gear on. No one else ever came by and the inability to wonder the forest outside of my bird form made it nearly impossible for anyone else to see my true form. This was the life of the Birdie. A quiet one filled with solitude and being one of the forest guardians. A lonely honor only the best received. I took a large gulp of tea and sighed at the warmth it provided.
A rustle in the bushes pulled me out of my thoughts. It had come from my left and I saw two large white dots glowing in the darkness. I smiled and placed my cup down. It was a wolf, probably a younger pup who was curious about me. Many of the children were and Hoseok often spoke about the wonderous ways they described me in the town. I slowly stood up and reached my hand out.
The wolf hesitated before stepping into the light. It was hard to tell its coloring in the dark but I knew it was light-colored. In its mouth was my lantern. I gasped before making my way toward the large animal. This was an older wolf, it was far too large to be a child, but it was not possible to know who it was for sure. I did not see the wolves often enough to tell them apart; they all smelled the same after the change. Its fur glowed in the moonlight.
“Thank you,” I said, taking the lantern.
The wolf touched its nose to my hand. It meant that they understood and were most welcome for the good deed. I pat its nose gently and laughed when it nuzzled further into my touch. I recognized the patch of missing fur on its side and realized that this was not the first time we had seen one another. The wolf had been injured and I healed it. They had refused to shift.
“I’m surprised they allowed you to leave during such a joyous occasion.”
The wolf looked at the grass and I laughed in disbelief.
“You snuck away, didn’t you? Bad wolf. What would your alphas think?” I joked.
The wolf made a chirp-like sound and I realized it was laughing. Shocked, my jaw dropped, and I simply stared at the wolf. This made it laugh harder, flop onto the ground, and roll onto its back.
“Alpha Jimin would be very displeased with you, pup,” I mocked, bending down to rub at the fur on its chest.
The wolf hummed in satisfaction.
“That’s not very fair of me,” I mumbled, “I hardly know the man. He’s just intimidating is all.”
The wolf was staring at me, and I snapped out of my trance. Wanting to forget about my outburst, I let another large grin take over my face and began scratching the wolf’s chest. The wolf wiggled happily, and its large tongue flapped out of its mouth. When I scratched at its ribs, its leg began to kick.
“Aren’t you the cutest thing?” I laughed. “I hope you’re feeling better now. That’s a nasty scar.”
I heard Shiloh call out to me from the tree. The sun was going to be up soon. I sighed unhappily before looking at the wolf. They seemed upset that I had stopped giving them attention. I gently scratched behind their ear and smiled softly.
“I have to go inside now,” I said.
The wolf whimpered and quickly paced its head into my lap.
“It is a part of my duty, little wolf,” I stressed.
It finally moved. Wolves knew the importance of duty. Their entire village ran off the duty of the pack, its members, and their devotion to Lilith. I gave the wolf another pat before standing up and making my way back to my cottage. The wolf followed and we walked in silence as the door was only a few yards away. The wolf stood a good six inches above me when it stood on all fours. I picked up my teacup and used magic to open my door. I put the lantern on its hook and charmed my cup to go to the sink on its own. The little thing began to hop in the air.
“It’s time for you to go, friend,” I said, placing my hands on my hips.
The wolf came close and nuzzled its large head into my chest. I rubbed its neck and scratched behind his ear. An indescribable sadness overtook me at the thought of it leaving. I felt myself tearing up and laughed at my melodramatics. This wolf was not my friend, was a stranger, and only came here to bring me my lantern in return for me saving its life all those months ago. I should not allow myself to grow fond of it or cry about it leaving. I was not that lonely, I told myself.
“Go on now,” I pushed its head away lightly. “Before the pack realizes you’re gone. Alpha Jimin begins his rounds soon.”
The wolf nosed my hand once more before running off. As I closed the door, the chain on the floor began to move towards me. I walked towards it, and it wrapped itself around my ankle once more. The cooling sensation went through my body again. I quickly did my alter ritual before heading to my room to sleep. I knew I would not be available until tomorrow and gave Shiloh the go-ahead to set my sign to closed. Sleep came easy and filled with dreams of brown eyes and fur glowing under the stars.
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My shop was filled with bottles, sacks, and labels. When Hoseok said that they needed more than normal he had never said it would be this much. I was unsure if I would be able to fit much more in the room let alone if he was going to be able to carry this back to the village alone. I quickly labeled all the male heat suppressants and move on to the female ones. Omegas had their supplies just as alphas did but that would not take long to complete. There were only 4 alphas and 7 omegas in Foxglove and the colors were striking for each respective wolf. It was the painstaking process of making enough suppressants for all 187 betas for the month that made orders time-consuming. Shiloh had flown to Yoongi’s house to gather extra supplies for me as I was running low.
Namjoon needed new medicines for the children and elderly. They had finally gone through their three-month supply I had sent off many moons ago and I was having to restock their entire inventory. I enjoyed mixing medicine since it was so easy. It was what Jimin had asked for that I needed to seek help for. I wrote to Hyun-Jin, a young witch who lived with his mother in the swamps to the south. They would have the toads I needed. With Shiloh being out I relied on another friend of mine, Delinah. She was a doe who used me for protection from mountain lions.
What made Jimin’s order so difficult to complete was the fact that many of the supplies necessary to make it were not in my domain. He was looking for a healing potion that wolves could take without needing to shift, portable heat suppressants, and a camouflaging potion. The only healing potion that would work without a witch being there was one of the most difficult and time-consuming recipes a witch could make, and I had all my resources searching every nook and cranny of Bangtan. The heat suppressants would have to be in tablet form, something else that would take a while for all 15 wolves in Jimin’s party, and the camouflage was something I had never made before. For the first time in years, I was having to reference Auntie’s Grimoire and adjust it accordingly for my purposes.
Shiloh sang and I rushed to her window to take the sack of supplies Yoongi had sent back. Yoongi wrote me a letter as well to explain why some things were missing. The sea witch coven had been taking a lot of his supplies for their month of ceremonial rituals. Shiloh would have to get the rest from someone else.
“Alright girl,” I started, running my hand through my hair.
“What now?” She deadpanned.
“You need to make a trip to Seokjin’s for the remaining supplies on the list.”
“The solar witch?”
“Yes, Shiloh.”
I began preparing another sack along with a new list. Yoongi had given me plenty, but Jimin’s order was still incomplete. Delinah was due back any minute with the toads and I could begin the fifteenth, and hopefully last, trial of the camouflage potion.
“Why must you send me there?” She whined, flapping her wings in agitation.
“Because he always has a surplus of herbs and flowers and I need them to make my order for the pack,” I replied, securing the pouch around her neck.
“He’s going to demand I sun-bathe with him or better yet, he’s going to insist his bees play with me and I’ll have to deal with the most insufferable creatures in the. Or maybe the mangey mutt this time? I swear, his animals are the only ones I know who are just as pig-headed as their owner.”
“Shiloh,” I scolded, putting the letter inside the bag. “Seokjin is one of the most brilliant witches in the world and is a master at shadow work. So yes, you will go to him and play with his bees if he asks. If not, you can forget about the mice I was going to give you.”
The owl did not respond before flying away. I went back to the kitchen and started up the flame to my cauldron again. Using magic, I charmed all the potions I had completed and packaged to sort themselves and get into their bags before beginning to brew the camouflaging potion. The toads would be the last to go in this time, so I was not worried. I knew Delinah was close as the forest around me let me know. After adding only half of the amount of worm wort as I had been, the deer let herself inside through the open door and placed the jar on my countertop.
“Stir this, please,” I asked.
The doe nodded, walked over, and began to stir the wooden spoon with her teeth. I quickly put on a pair of gardening gloves and braced myself for the task to come. While there were many substitutions, for this potion, I was required to use three whole toads. I had tried to get around it with other alternatives however it had ended up not working, wearing off in seconds, or I needed to physically use a spell to make their form come back. I was hopeful that using the correct ingredient would help stabilize the recipe.
I quickly placed the frogs to sleep with a short spell and took three out of the jar. They were all fat, angry-looking things but their coloring was perfect. Hyun-Jin followed my instructions perfectly. After making a small prayer to Lilith and thanking the forest for its sacrifice, I threw the three frogs into the potion. Delinah and I traded places and I saw the potion turn grass green. I began to chant and soon enough, as was intended, the potion turned clear like water. I cheered, jumping up and down in excitement, and threw my arms around the deer beside me. She nuzzled into my neck and gave me a good lick.
“Good job, Y/N,” She said.
“Thank you, Dee,” I went to my cupboard and got out a large sack filled with cabbage heads. “I’ll have apples next time.”
Delinah happily took the sack and made her way outside. I started to bottle the potion. I knew I had gotten it right this time since it had done everything it was supposed to do in the cauldron, unlike all my other trails. I did not want to put my familiar through another potion crisis again. Shiloh loathed testing potions for me. I went to the already packaged boxes of heat suppressants and curled the ribbons with my favorite bone knife. Like many forest witches, I collected both bones and knives. During my nights I foraged and brought back things I thought were useful. My favorite thing to do was make sure my packages looked neat and professional.
Auntie did not care so much for these things but when I began to decorate boxes and bring home skulls and bones, she never stopped me. It had gotten to a point where I would sit for hours and make packaging boxes and pretty bows and stickers. However, now that I oversaw it all, I only made cardboard packing boxes lined with thin tissues of varying colors and charmed the objects to do all the work for me. I normally matched the potions within and placed a card explaining what it was for and how to use them. Then, I would toss in a magical card that would take anyone to my shop immediately in case of emergency except for the hours I was unavailable, and then it would automatically send them to Yoongi’s instead. On the outside, a stamper would stamp the box with a large bird, a brush would paint the Aquila constellation along both sides of it, and a matching-colored ribbon would wrap itself around the entire thing. However, I knew I would opt out of the decorations for Jimin’s packages. They would need to be as discreet as possible as requested but I would still place the constellation on the sides.
As I continued to place the finishing touches on all the completed orders, I heard the bell above my door ring and large, booming footsteps right after. That would be Hoseok and he had someone else here if the second pair of footsteps was anything to go by. I quickly abandoned my ribbons and dusted off my apron before going to greet the alpha.
“Good afternoon, Alpha,” I greeted, not paying much attention to him in favor of charming the camouflage potion to begin packing.
“My apologies for the orders not being ready. The things Alpha Jimin was requesting are very time-consuming and challenging to make. However, once my familiar returns with some herbs I need then it’ll all be ready to go.”
I was a whirlwind in my cottage. One second, I was curling ribbons and in another, I was writing out cards for boxes. Hoseok was used to the informal way I addressed him while in my home and I was certain whomever he brought along with him was well informed of my rudeness. I was far too busy to care if some wolf believed I was not a good host.
“I apologize for the strain I have caused you,” A sweet, melodic voice spoke up.
My body froze for a moment, as did everything else in the room before it started up again. I quickly turned to the two men and bowed deeply. My heart was racing like a hummingbird’s wings.
“I am so, deeply sorry for disrespecting you, alpha,” My voice shook. “I had not realized it was you.”
Hoseok laughed and clapped his hands together. He always enjoyed seeing me get flustered and would have a field day talking to Namjoon about this later. It seemed like Jimin was the only pack alpha who paid me little to no mind. I forced myself to look up at the man.
He was dressed casually, more casually than I had ever seen, and his silver hair was tied back into a ponytail. His small frame still towered over me and that menacing aura that always seemed to surround him was intact. Even in the daylight, Park Jimin was untouchable. And yet, a familiar longing found its way into my heart, and I knew I needed to distract myself again.
“How much longer will your owl be, Birdie?” Hoseok asked, completely unbothered.
“Excuse me for a moment,” I mumbled before closing my eyes.
All Birdies have been blessed with gifts, the first of us was the spirit responsible for selecting what the ability would be, and the Goddess making sure our powers could grow and stretch with our talents. Auntie was unable to speak with other animals aside from other owls but was gifted with such skilled defensive magic she was considered the phoenix of the north. Normally, Birdies do not need to learn defensive magic but her affinity for it made it hard for her to stop the craft and we dueled often. That is how I learned I was unable to perform any high-ranking spells since it depleted too much of my energy. However, my gift was much more in line with what I needed.
Animal scrying is the ability to see any animal’s point of view. Of course, depending on the animal the senses that they use are vastly different and it can limit my ability to see. I relaxed my entire body and slowly felt myself floating off the ground. My body was at its most fragile right now, but I trusted both men to not harm me. The same could not be said for others. Slowly, the room began to fade, and I could hear birds chirping all around me. Opening my eyes, I could see the tops of the trees and in the far-off distance was my cottage. Shiloh could not smell but her sense of hearing was impeccable. I was certain she would be here in a few moments and left her little mind by closing my eyes once more.
When I opened them, I was back on my feet and inside the cottage. Both Hoseok and Jimin were staring at me as if I had grown a third head and I stifled a laugh. Oh, I loved when that happened. Scrying was a strange gift and not many were used to seeing it.
“Shiloh will only be two minutes,” I finally replied.
“That was freaky,” Hoseok commented, walking around, and touching every single box of herbs I owned.
The cottage had not always looked the way it was. Auntie had kept it neat and organized. She never had too much or too little and kept it cozy enough for the both of us to lay by the fire together in the winter. However, not that I was alone I found it impossible to keep the same structure. Where we used to lay was now a large table with herbs and flowers of all kinds, huge crystals, and jars upon jars of specimens that were needed for potions. Beside it was the bookshelf filled with Auntie’s spell books. The rest of the Birdie Grimoires were in the cellar as there were too many to keep in the main room. My little kitchen and potion mixing station were overrun by bottles, boxes, and decorations including more magical items. My bone collection sat in a display case beside the front door and my knives hung over the mantle of the fireplace.
“And that was rude,” Jimin scolded Hoseok.
I had to force myself to keep moving as though nothing had happened. However, the ruse did not stop my body from lighting on fire at the implication. Park Jimin defending me? I was unsure how much of that I could take.
“It’s alright,” I whispered, “I left my physical being so I’m sure it looked very odd. Though I can’t say I’ve seen it myself.”
“What happened anyway?” Hoseok got to the bookshelf of grimoires, grimaced, and then went back to digging through the boxes.
“Scrying,” Jimin answered before I could.
Shiloh returned then, angrily shouting about the “stupid dog” and his “even dumber owner.” I quickly went to tend to my familiar. She looked disheveled and scowled when she saw me. The center of her face, normally a perfect cream, was caked in dirt. I gasped and rushed towards her, scooping her up in my arms just the way she liked it, and put on the most pitiful voice I could.
“Oh, darling,” I wailed, “Whatever happened to you?”
And just like any other time this happened, Shiloh dramatically went limp in my arms and closed her eyes in mock fatigue. She was on fire with anger and wanted to rip out the eyes of whoever harmed her. For me, though, she was just trying to get extra mice.
“The witch, Jean-” She began.
“Jin,” I corrected, softly.
“Jin. Oh, that monster!” She placed her wing across her forehead. “He let his godforsaken, loudmouth, drooling like a bumbling idiot mutt out on me!”
“Max?” I gasped, placing a hand over my heart.
“Indeed,” She cried, “He told him to play with me while he got your things ready, and the dog decided to use me as a toy!”
“Oh, Shiloh, I am so very sorry,” I faked, bringing her closer to me.
“The horror! The shame!”
I took the pouch off her neck and placed it on the counter before carrying her into my bedroom. The owl continued her fake crying all the way there. I had to give it to her, she was an excellent actress. However, she was also an owl and my familiar so running off to the theatre was not an option she had.
“And then the bees, I was forced into a position to ask them for them. Me! Shiloh, the Birdie’s one and only familiar, asking those mongrels for help. Never send me back there again, Y/N I beg of you!”
I rolled my eyes and helped her squeeze her way into the small opening of her nesting box. While she usually slept in her large, cone-shaped nest outside, when she stayed awake during the day to help me, I allowed her to sleep in my room. I had built it as a child. I gathered the wood and my auntie helped with cutting, screwing, and dangerous things that a four-year-old could not do herself. It was a nice size, 4x4, and solid wood with a hole large enough for her to squeeze through in the upper right-hand corner. The inside was filled with dirt and sticks just as the owl liked as well as a stuffed animal, I had given her when we became connected. I heard the owl sigh and she rushed to the dark side of the nest.
Chuckling, I went back into the kitchen and called out to Delinah from the window. She was still eating the cabbage I had given her. The fawn looked at me.
“Whenever you’re finished would you mind asking Irene, she’s one of the sea witches, if she could spare a vole or two? Shiloh is being dramatic again.”
Delinah laughed. All animals do it but not many are easily detected. I had known the deer since she was a small fawn, so I knew the sounds from anywhere. Behind me, I heard Hoseok’s loud footsteps and remembered who I had in my house.
“Of course,” She responded.
I quickly spun back around and began to fix my hair. I had yet to grow it back, but the nervous tick was still in full force. Hoseok was still looking around completely unbothered while Jimin was rooted in the same spot he had been in since coming inside. I was worried had angered him with my antics. While Hoseok was both used to and fond of the shenanigans that went on in my home the other alpha was not. He was known to be quick-tempered and easily annoyed by any sort of nonsense, but his stoic expression gave nothing away. I twirled a strand around my finger.
“Sorry, again,” I awkwardly laughed. “My familiar is a bit of a drama queen.”
“How is Shiloh?” Hoseok wondered, finally breaking himself away from the hundreds of items around him.
I returned to the counter and started pulling out the items Jin had spared me. Just as I thought, there was what I had asked for and more within the back including a note.
Birdie, How splendid of you to drop by. Of course, I am aware that Shiloh had come in your absence, but I will be expecting you over tonight in return. I’ll brew your favorite tea. I’ll have the ingredients below but feel free to write any revisions you may find. I have packed everything you asked for: 2 sunflower stems 12 sunflower seeds 3 baby’s breath bundles A small comb of honey 10 sprigs of vervain I have also added some other goodies in return for all of the wonderful gardening tools you made me this year. I know you use a lot of mint and sage so expect plenty of it. I’ve also started to grow lavender to balance out the sea coven’s needs for Yoongi. Tea: 2-3 cups honeysuckle flowers (whole) 2 cups water Wild honey to taste Much love, Seokjin
I quickly put my cauldron on the flame and began to write back the witch. Unlike Yoongi, Jin was a great pen pal and wonder to have tea with. He, like myself, could speak with animals so we were able to talk while I was a bird. However, he was usually asleep when the sun went down as it was his prime energy source. Without the sun, Jin was just a man.
Jin, Thank you very much for the supplies. The mint is lovely and so glad to hear about the lavender. Remember full-sun and well-drained soil are best for it. If you need any other pointers Yoongi would be the better man to ask. Everything I know from him and my inability to go out in the sun does not bode well for my gardening career. Also, neutral to alkaline soil. I’m positive they will be lovely. You’re too kind to me. The tools were a gift for being such a wonderful person and a greater friend to me over the years. Pass my thanks on to Max. Shiloh came home with her dramatics again. Haven’t I told you to stop picking on her? The dog aspect already bothers her, and the bees, but cuddling is far from her preferred activity. Tea sounds lovely but I prefer the honeysuckle crushed. May Lilith bring you joy, Birdie
“As dramatic as always,” I finally responded, folding the paper, and stamping it with a wax seal. “Auferetur,” I commanded, and the paper incinerated into a fire and was gone.
“Sometimes I forget she’s not a person,” He joked, coming to the counter to watch me work.
The alpha enjoyed seeing the process of potion making even if he did not pay much attention to the details. I used to attempt to explain what I was doing until I realized he just thought the cauldron was cool. I used to be the same when as a child, but things change very quickly in this life.
“Well, she’s technically a spirit, but yes she is an owl,” I threw in the vervain sprigs.
Tablet heat suppressants were difficult to make due to timing. As soon as they were done, they were to be taken off the heat and placed into mold immediately. They solidified within 3 minutes and were ready to go in 10 once the moisture was gone.  Next was the baby’s breath.
“Is everything in your world a spirit?” Hoseok cocked an eyebrow.
“Hyung,” Jimin warned.
He did it again. Of course, I did not need Jimin to save me from the other alpha. They were both at my mercy while inside and it was impossible to imagine Hoseok ever attempting to harm me. He reminded me more of Max than any wolf and his heart-shaped smile and dimples only added to his puppy-like nature. Still, I was touched by the gesture. I was reminded of the poor way I had spoken of him last night and felt ashamed of myself. I did hardly know the silver-haired man.
“Just about,” I used my magic to make the molds appear on the counter and enchanted them to line up in a single file line all around the cottage.
“Isn’t it hard to do all of that at once?”
“Hoseok,” I slipped, forgetting my manners, “I’m the Birdie. Do you truly believe that little of me?”
“Well, no,” He laughed, “I’ve just never seen any other witch do it before.”
“Do you see other witches often?” I enjoyed the small talk.
He was wonderful at it. Jung Hoseok was a master charmer and one of the politest gentlemen in Lustra. His mate, a woman I did not know very well and only saw in passing, was a beta. It was a rarity for any alpha to mate with any other preset besides omega, however, they had grown up together and fell in love young. Their wolves had always gravitated toward one another, but the feelings were not known until after they had both gone through the change. I was proud to have been the one to bring them together and help them through the bonding process thereafter. She would have come to help Hoseok today, but I knew she was taking care of her ill mother back in her hometown Viridi Gramine. They both were kind and Hoseok was a joy to have around.
“Only the grumpy man who lives close to the pond.” I snorted.
“Yoongi the kitchen witch?” I confirmed, amused.
Min Yoongi was another close friend of mine. While not as personable as Seokjin or the sea witch coven, he was reliable and ready to help at the drop of a dime. Of course, he complained more than anyone else I knew and loathed uninvited guests, but I knew it was because he had not had proper time to make them a meal. He became reserved so he would not let on how much he enjoyed company since it was so rare on his edge of the forest. It made me happy to know that Hoseok’s visits were not limited to me and the kitchen witch would feed off his great energy.
“He’s a kitchen witch? Could’ve fooled me.”
“He’s unorthodox, that’s for sure,” The potion was finally complete, and I quickly began lifting portions and filling the molds. “However, he is not a very sought-after host so he can be clueless about manners or formalities. I’m afraid you’ll have to pardon him on my behalf.”
The molds would fly off and onto the counter once I filled them. The entire house smelled of vervain and I knew I would never hear the end of it. Shiloh was very particular, but I had grown used to her babbling. She hardly ever listened to any of my warnings until I reminded her that her reincarnation as a moral relied on her being a good familiar. And yet, she would always find a way to make my life harder. Still, I could not deny that the owl was my best friend. Or that I would be devastated if she did not get her to wish granted. I wanted more than anything for her to become the beautiful blonde she had always dreamed of. Even if she liked to fly in like a bat out of hell and moan about bees attempting to make friends with her.
“What makes him a kitchen witch?” It was Jimin who asked the question this time.
It was a common question for non-magical people. While I would never consider a pack member a mortal, I knew better than to lump them in with us. Guardians but all of their mysticism came from their shifting abilities, and since most wolves thought that they were untouchable, they never did learn about magic regarding others. Witches, however, were expected to know everything there was to know about it. At least, that was my job.
“Well, all witches have the same base knowledge, but we can also have specialties,” I explained.
“And his is cooking?” Jimin’s eyebrows knitted together.
I shook my head.
“Something like that. It’s how he goes about cooking. Yoongi keeps a small altar in his kitchen, cooks with special herbs, and even stirs his food in a particular way depending on the magic he is attempting to pull from it. He keeps a special cookbook that is completely different from his book of shadows. There’s a fine art to kitchen witchery.”
Jimin hummed in acknowledgment This was the longest we had ever spoken, and I found it much easier when I did not have to look at him. I could not remember when these feelings began but it had to have been years ago at this point. I could recall the warmth surrounding me during his presenting ceremony and how his wolf went frantic to get close to me. Of course, that was normal, and I paid it no mind, but I still allowed myself to wonder. My infatuation has only grown since then, a fact he had to be aware of, and I was grateful he never commented on it. Even the custos of Bangtan was a gentleman. Another wave of shame overcame me.
“What kind of witch are you?”
“I’m a Lunar witch,” I replied curtly, making sure to keep my eyes away from Jimin.
“Can you explain that one as well?”
Once all the molds were filled and, on the counter, I made a large gust of wind come inside to speed up the curing process. While I may be enjoying this, I knew they were busy men and I had already taken a large portion of their day. Hoseok, I knew would not care but Jimin had important duties to always attend to.
“Well,” I started, “Lunar witchcraft is just the opposite of solar. We get our power from the moon, prey to it, and perform all our rituals and ceremonies based on the phases. I’m strongest during the night which is why I’m able to help with the shifts the same way your grand witch had.”
“Are all Birdies moon witches?” It was Hoseok who asked.
While I was pleasantly surprised he had been listening, I did not let it show. He would most likely close his ears the second he grew bored.
“No, usually they’re forest or green witches. I’m the first lunar witch.”
“Why?” Jimin asked.
Just as I had thought, Hoseok was back to touching things and wondering out loud. I never minded. He was unusually quiet today and I guessed that Jimin had something to do with that. He always said the younger man was far too serious and concerned about unimportant things. However, now talking to him, I found that hard to believe. If he were so strict, he would have demanded I move quickly and would not be asking me pointless questions about the magic he would never have to worry about.
“After the previous Birdie’s death, things were strange for me for a time. I was not ready and began to prey tirelessly for Lilith to bring her back. Once I began to do moon ceremonies in her honor is when she approached me to become a grand witch and to be a true grand witch I had to convert to lunar witchery. It’s not that complicated.”
The suppressants were set and powdery. For good luck, I took one out of its mold and smashed it between my fingers. The tablet gave away quickly and turned to sand. I checked the color of my fingertips. If I was successful, the tips would be clean. If something had gone wrong, it would be stained purple as it would be impossible for it to dry properly. They were clean and I began to package the tablets.
The enchanted items made quick work of the boxing and I took my time to write the note card. Since these suppressants worked differently than the liquid version I needed to be highly detailed in my instructions. Unlike liquid suppressants that acted immediately and for long hours, the tablets had to be taken two days in advance every four hours. Once the heat was on, the blood should have enough of the medicine in it to be able to take them twice a day without any worries. Even if I had made them before the young wolves always found a way to mess the schedule up.
“Alpha Jimin,” I called out feeling uncomfortable.
“I made plenty just in case,” I shuffled back and forth, “But Luna informed me that all alphas who are unmated get an omega of their choosing to spend their heat with.”
A lull happened and I felt my breath picking up. My blinking became far more rapid, and I knew I was sending out waves of anxiety. As a shifter, I had my scent though I was nose blind to it, and no one had ever commented on it besides my auntie. She had said it was like vanilla and lavender, but that was long ago. I could only imagine the signals I was sending out to the two men and when Hoseok froze up, I unintentionally sent out a huge gush of my scent.
Jimin’s eyes were almost black when I looked up at him and it sent terror through me. The prey within me trembled and it caused the shaking to overcome me as well. I shrank away from him, my fight or flight response on high alert, and I knew Shiloh would wake up soon if I did not calm down. I became smaller, closing in on myself, and pulling my head back. My hearing was sharper and the colors around me began to warp. Instead of seeing 3 colors, my vision changed, and the UV waves became visible to me. Jimin flinched and in my current state, I began to shake my neck and a loud, menacing hiss came out of my throat.
That snapped me out of my panic. I had never done that before, and it seemed to have frightened the two men. When I looked this time, Jimin’s eyes were normal. I collected myself before relaxing. The waves were gone, and my ears stopped ringing. Neither one of the werewolves made a move.
“I’m out of it today,” I finally said, breathless.
“Are you alright?” Hoseok asked, his face showing his concern.
I nodded and took another deep breath.
“Anxiety is not good for a prey animal,” I explained.
“I’m sorry I frightened you,” Jimin spoke, and I turned my attention to him.
I nodded and closed my eyes. In the other room, I heard Shiloh asking if I was alright. I quickly let her know that I was fine. I had not had a response that violent in a long time. His eyes… Fear shot through me once more, but I forced myself to calm down. This was Jimin, not the black wolf from my nightmares. Another deep breath.
“No, no,” I slurred my speech. I was so tired. “Your eyes...”
I faintly hear Delinah come inside but I felt like I was underwater. Everything became hazy and my knees buckled. I hit the ground, but I hardly felt the impact. My breath slowed and the voices in the room were far away. Shiloh’s voice began to fill the room, but no one could understand her. Briefly, I felt a warmth envelop my hand and I moved closer to it. I felt cold, so cold, and soon was unable to move. The warmth spread to my face, and I let out a breath at the contact. My eyes closed and even though the voice beside me asked me not to, I fell asleep.
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© chimcess, 2022. Do not copy or repost without permission
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ash-rigby · 4 years
Deepest Desire (Male Faerie) [M/F] [arospec]
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Featured Characters: Aromantic female human and a male faerie. Both are adults.
Description: Fiadh Kavanagh has wanted a child for a long time, but has no interest in romance and marriage. Which works against her as she lives in a highly traditional town where the men refuse to bed her out of wedlock. Just as her hope begins to fade, Darragh—the faerie Lord of the Wood—hears of her plight and offers to gift her with her deepest desire.
Contains: Impregnation, Size Difference, Sex Magic, Intercrural (Thigh) Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Stomach Bulge, Loss Of (Adult) Virginity.
Completion Date: June 8th, 2020
Word Count: 4872
Fiadh had wanted children ever since she was a young girl. However, as she grew older, she found herself with a clear disinterest in courtship. The sort of thing worked for many, but not for her. She detested the idea of not only tying herself down to a man but in general having prolonged romantic involvement with one. It didn’t bother her that she couldn’t see herself ever falling in love; the problem in all of this was her desire for a child.
Unfortunately, Fiadh had been born in a highly traditional village whose men refused to bed her out of wedlock and she had no means of moving elsewhere. So she stuck to her rural homestead; growing and selling flowers to keep herself fed and housed, sadly convinced that she would never get her wish without bringing some prudish bore of a man into her life for good. But, as luck would have it, the supernatural world had heard of her plight.
She was tending to her warm, sunlit garden when she spied a figure moving out from behind an oak tree on the edge of the nearby forest. As the person approached her, Fiadh realized that they clearly weren’t human. The creature was tall and elegant; a woman with shimmering, white hair and long, feathery antennae like a moth. Her chest was bare and she seemed much like a faun from old legends, but with a rabbit’s legs rather than a goat’s.
Fiadh was startled into dropping the basket of flowers she had been picking, but did not run or scream. She was stunned as the creature came to stand in front of her. She hardly knew what to expect, but it wasn’t for the strange woman to bow to her deeply, her antennae brushing the ground.
“I am a messenger of Darragh; Lord of the Wood,” the woman said in a silvery voice as she stood straight again. Her eyes were a piercing blue. “Mairead is my name, and I am at your service as I am to him. Are you Miss Fiadh Kavanagh?”
Fiadh cleared her throat, stepping away a couple paces, but nodding. “W-What brings you here?”
“My lord has requested that I bring you to him as he wishes to bestow upon you a most wonderful gift,” Mairead said. “It is the highest of honor, especially for a human such as yourself.”
A gift? Fiadh thought. What for? I don’t remember doing anything for a faerie. Anyone would, I’m sure.
“And if I refuse his request?” she asked tentatively, fearful of invoking a fury in this woman.
Mairead cocked her head. “You may, but it would only be your loss for Lord Darragh intends to grant you your deepest desire.”
Fiadh’s breath caught. Her deepest desire? She immediately caught on to what Mairead was suggesting.
“He…wants to help me have a child?” she asked, her tone thin with overwhelming hope.
“Yes,” Mairead said. “If you would allow such assistance from—.”
“Take me with you…I’ll see him,” Fiadh interrupted, stepping closer. It was impossible to hold back her eagerness even in the face of uncertainty. She had never met this man and there was always the risk that he operated with ulterior motives—especially as a faerie. But if he could give her a child, she would risk whatever cost.
“Excellent. My Lord will be pleased. As will you, of course.” Mairead said, turning back to face the woods and starting forward. Her rabbit’s tail flicked as she gestured with her arm for Fiadh to follow. “Come along.”
Fiadh obliged, her hands tightly clasping her dress skirt as she was led to the unknown, mysterious Lord of the woods.
The sun was setting by the time Mairead and Fiadh came to a great, ancient tree. Thick vines covered the trunk, spreading up into the multitude of branches. Mairead reached out with her long fingers and traced along the lacing vines in a seemingly random pattern while muttering something in a language that Fiadh didn’t understand. The path she followed began to glow with an otherworldly golden light, and when she connected back with the starting point, the tree itself seemed to shimmer.
The faerie woman turned at the hip and offered her hand to Fiadh who only hesitated a moment before taking it. Her skin was pleasantly cool like the shade. Slowly, Mairead led Fiadh physically into the trunk of the tree, the two of them passing easily through it as if it were smoke. On the other side, a hidden realm opened up.
Fiadh stood in awe as she suddenly found herself walking into a large, ornate town square set into a forest of trees far taller than in those of the one she had just left. The fading light of day streamed in through the trunks, igniting the area in a warm, inviting glow. She looked behind her, noting that the tree they had passed through was gone and in its place stood an elaborate stone archway. The air between the supports seemed to gently wave and twist.
“Come,” Mairead said, releasing Fiadh’s hand and gaining her attention back. “The House of Lord Darragh is this way.”
Fiadh fell into step behind the white-haired rabbit woman, her heart beating hard in her chest. “All right.”
The two of them walked through the square and past an interesting fountain that featured a statue of a winged doe standing upon a rock surrounded by multitudes of armored mice. There were beautiful, sandy-coloured buildings crawling with vines up to their green roofs. Leaves skittered in the faint breeze across the stone at Fiadh’s feet, twirling into various pathways leading away from the village center and towards more homes that stretched further than she could see into the woods. Fiadh wondered just how large this place was.
Various creatures milled about, many similar to Mairead with animal legs and antennae (or horns in some cases). Others were smaller beings with little fox faces and mushroom-capped heads. Thirdly were the variety of folks who resembled large lizards standing upon two legs, coming in many colours and shapes.
Most of these people went about their business while others stopped to stare at the human. They seemed to have little concern about Fiadh—likely due to Mairead guiding her—and quickly moved on, some with a quick smile and a nod.
The two women walked a short ways down a road, through a bustling marketplace where the townsfolk were enjoying jovial music and food, and eventually to a guarded gate. With a word to the posted guards, Mairead gained them entrance.
They came into a courtyard that was fragrant with the scent of the many flowers growing within it. Petals from apple blossoms fluttered from the rows of trees on either side of the yard. The serenity of it all was becoming the bane of Fiadh’s nerves, though she still carried uncertainty.
Despite the ethereal beauty, this was still an unpredictable place full of unpredictable beings. Would Fiadh really come out of this whole thing with a child of her own? What could she possibly have to offer a Lord of faeries in return? If she couldn’t give whatever that was, would she be cursed? Enslaved? Eaten? She shivered as her and Mairead reached the steps of a lavish, stone and wood building; the House of Lord Darragh.
Once through the front doors, they were met in the ornate foyer by one of those lizard folk. He was dressed in a fine, flowing waist wrap with a sheer shawl draped over his shoulders and otherwise naked chest. He stood straight with his head held high.
“Mairead,” he greeted. “You’ve brought her then?”
“Yes, Ciaran; Miss Fiadh Kavanagh of Eldhan,” Mairead said with a turn of her head in Fiadh’s direction. “As the Lord requested.”
Ciaran regarded Fiadh with his golden reptilian eyes. Smiling warmly, he stepped forward and took her hand in his. She allowed him to kiss the back of her fingers.
“The chamberlain of the illustrious House of Lord Darragh bids you welcome,” he said. “I hope this all isn’t too overwhelming for you.”
Fiadh’s hand found her opposite wrist at her front as the man released it.
“I wish I could tell you that it wasn’t,” she said. “This is a new world to me. I’m…a little frightened in all honesty, but I do wish to accept the Lord’s gift.”
Ciaran nodded thoughtfully. “I’m glad that you do. And if it would ease your fears, I assure you that no one here means to do you harm during your stay—or ever for that matter. Lord Darragh especially; you’re very important to him.”
“In what way?” Fiadh asked, her worry barely suppressed. “I get the feeling that this ‘gift’ may cost me greatly.”
“Heavens, no,” Ciaran said, holding up his hands. He sounded genuinely aghast at the suggestion. “But the explanation would be better received from Lord Darragh himself.” He turned back to Mairead. “I have been instructed to have you bring Miss Kavanagh to his chambers; he prefers to meet her there rather than the throne room.”
“Understood,” Mairead said. She led Fiadh to the staircase leading to the second floor. Ciaran saw them off with a deep bow before disappearing into a side room.
The hallways were quiet, save for a few servants Fiadh saw who welcomed her in passing as they went about various cleanings and other chores. As they reached a final, regal-looking set of wooden doors, Fiadh thought about turning and running from there. But she remembered her resolve; if the Lord truly wished to give her a child, then the price would have to bear the heaviest of weights for her to refuse.
The guards positioned outside wordlessly opened the doors for them. Fiadh took a deep breath and followed Mairead inside. That same breath left her quickly as she caught her first sight of the Lord of the Wood. Laying across a chaise lounge with his back facing them, haloed by the light of the fireplace before him, was a giant of a man.
Fiadh almost wanted to shrink behind Mairead, but the woman took a few paces forward.
“My Lord Darragh,” Mairead said. “I have brought Miss Kavanagh.”
At her voice, Darragh lifted himself to sit on the edge of the lounge before standing and turning. Awe minutely overtook Fiadh’s fear as she looked upon him. He appeared to have the face of a man, however above the top half laid what looked like a wooden mask, but Fiadh somehow knew deep inside that it was a part of him. It was almost crown-like, layered and intricately carved; hiding his eyes from view as it reached the center of the top of his skull. From behind it—like hair—streamed the long, thin leaves of a willow tree that fell to his lower back.
Darragh slowly walked towards Fiadh, his mostly-hidden expression unreadable. Within moments, he was standing before her in all of his otherworldly glory. He towered above her at nine feet and was bare-chested like the rest of the beings Fiadh had seen this day. His skin was a light shade of brown and decorated by various floral tattoos. He wore a thin, cream-coloured wrap around his waist that bore green and gold embroidery. Bejeweled strings of metal sat upon his hips, glinting in the light.
“I see that you have. Thank you, Mairead,” Darragh said. His voice was sonorous and unexpectedly gentle. He addressed Fiadh then. “I am most grateful that you accepted my invitation. It is a pleasure to have you as my guest.”
Fiadh felt a stirring inside her after hearing him speak; a heat in her loins that ignited a blush on her face. She wanted to touch him, to run her hands over his chest and the strange, inhuman features of his face. The Lord was monstrous and imposingly large, but enticing. Was all of him…proportionate? The wrap about his lower half was low enough to tease the lines of musculature that led to his groin. Catching her eyes straying there, Fiadh quickly averted them and bowed respectfully.
“Th-the pleasure’s all mine, my Lord,” she said, feeling her heartbeat pulsing in her throat.
Darragh chuckled and it sent a tremor up Fiadh’s spine. “Perhaps it will be. Do you know why you have been called here?”
Fiadh straightened, consciously making sure to look up into the Lord’s face.
“Yes,” she said. “Your messenger said that you wish to grant me my deepest desire.” She swallowed. “A-a child.”
“Correct. But despite this being a gift, I must admit that there is something for me to gain as well,” Darragh said.
“I thought as much, my Lord,” Fiadh said, dread settling into her stomach. She held fast, not giving in to it. “What do you ask of me?”
Darragh’s head tilted slightly. “Ah…I suppose you would think there was truly a price to be paid. I merely meant to impart a short exposition.”
Fiadh stared at him in puzzlement as he continued speaking.
“To save you a long story whose moral is that immortality never comes without its terms; once every one hundred years, I am required to produce a half-human child in order to continue on with my eternal life and my reign over the Wood,” Darragh said.
Fiadh felt everything click into place; she had been brought here so that she could bear the offspring of Lord Darragh. She didn’t know what exactly she expected his gift to be; maybe a spell to conjure a human infant from thin air, or a doll of sorts that through her love and care she could bring to life. But, no. His gift was his seed. She would leave this place carrying her own child.
“I…I understand,” she said.
“But do you agree to it? You may still say no, and I will allow you to leave without question,” Darragh said. “And feel no guilt or concern for me if you choose so. I have never failed to find those willing to bear my children. The Seer merely showed me a vision of you and your sorrow, and if you would have me do so, I will gladly give you what you seek.”
“The…the price is your use of my womb? Nothing more?” Fiadh asked.
“Precisely; though I would use less possessive words. Nothing more at all.”
“And will the child look…human? I would be loathed to have them live a life of hiding among the people of my world.” Fiadh sucked in a breath. “I-I mean no offense.”
“I take none,” Darragh said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “It is a valid concern. And yes, they will appear entirely human—if a little fae about the eyes. But that has only ever served to make my half-human progeny more beautiful as they grow older.”
Those answers were all Fiadh needed to hear. Her trembling finally managed, she nodded and said, “Then yes; I accept your gift, my Lord.”
A smile graced Darragh’s lips as he bent at the waist a little and offered Fiadh his arm. “Then there is no time like the present to see it given. If you are ready.”
“I have been for years,” Fiadh said, placing her hand on his thick forearm. The Lord ran hot, but not unpleasantly so.
Darragh addressed Mairead one last time.
“Have Ciaran instruct the kitchen to prepare a feast,” he said. “The Lady should be treated with good food tonight.”
“Of course,” Mairead said with a slight dip of her head. She caught Fiadh’s eyes. “I will see you later, Miss Kavanagh.”
With that, she was gone, leaving Fiadh alone with the future sire of her child. Her stomach flipped with excitement and nerves as she was brought into an adjoining chamber.
The Lord’s bed was large (even thinking from his perspective) and was neatly made with luxurious-looking blankets and pillows. A large, circular window cast the amber light of the sunset onto it and around the bedroom.
Darragh took his arm from under Fiadh’s hand and moved to stand at the foot of the bed. He shucked off the jewelry from around his waist and let it clatter to the floor. Slowly, he slipped his fingers under the edges of his cloth wrap and unwound it. Fiadh’s pulse raced as she watched the fabric loosen and drop down the Lord’s muscular legs.
He turned and Fiadh’s gaze was already situated low; even while flaccid, he was impressive. Though she had nothing in her memory to compare it to, Fiadh doubted that such a member could exist on a human man. Desire shot through her as her eyes dragged up Darragh’s defined chest and up to his mysterious face.
Fiadh gasped and her knees felt a little weak; she was really about to be fucked by this massively-endowed, colossus of a creature. And she wanted it—beyond just what it would bring to her. Just looking upon the Lord’s naked form was arousing her greatly. She trembled as he closed the space between them and gingerly brushed his fingers along the underside of her jaw.
“Are you frightened?” he asked.
Fiadh shook her head. She lowered her eyes, staring into the center of his chest. “But I should tell you that I…I’ve never…”
“Not to worry. I will take the lead,” Darragh said. “But it is such a shame; any person with an eye for beautiful women should have been climbing over themselves to have you.”
“Strange that I have to hear that sort of thing from a man outside my own species,” Fiadh said, smiling over the flush that had risen to her face.
“Human men can be so useless when it comes to bringing a lady what she truly desires—what she truly needs.” Darragh took both of her hands in one of his and walked them backwards until he was forced to sit on the edge of the bed. Face to face, he looked at her straight on. “I shall not fail you as they have.”
He released her. “Do you wish to undress yourself or shall I?”
“I will, my Lord.”
With shaking fingers, Fiadh undid the laces of her bodice. She removed each of her layers under the heated gaze of the Lord—though she couldn’t see his eyes, she could feel him drinking in every inch of her. Darragh’s cock twitched itself to half-hardness as she finally stepped out of her dress and stood naked before him.
“Gorgeous,” he praised as he snaked his arms around her waist to pull her in close to him. “Given more time, I would be inclined to count each of your freckles with my tongue.”
Fiadh’s breath hitched at the feeling of his massive hands on her. The deep chuckle that followed vibrated pleasurably down her spine and between her legs. Darragh reached for what appeared to be a glimmering amulet hanging from a hook on his bedpost.
“Here,” he said, guiding her up onto the mattress. They both sat on their knees, but he gently took her shoulders and turned her around.
“What is that?” Fiadh asked, hearing the distinct sound of a jewelry clasp unlocking.
“A fertility charm,” Darragh explained. “Its magic will ensure a child’s conception tonight…brace yourself; it is quite powerful.”
The amulet dropped into her vision from above as Darragh slipped it over her head and around her neck. Its weight rested comfortably between her breasts. She only had time to briefly wonder what this magic entailed because she felt it take effect the moment that the amulet was secured. A desperately wanting heat ignited within her. In seconds her folds felt swollen and sensitive, and she could feel her clit throbbing.
Slick fluid sprang from her entrance and flowed down her thighs. Her hands flew down in attempt to staunch it; its presence was mildly embarrassing. But a moan wrenched itself from her at her own touch. Her entire lower half began to shake and it was a conscious effort for her not to start bucking against her hands. She would have collapsed forward had it not been for Darragh holding onto her, his erection pressing hard into her back.
In a rough, aroused voice he asked, “Is it all right? Do you want it off?”
“N-no! No…please no. I feel incredible,” Fiadh said, feeling as though every part inside of her was pulsing. Darragh had yet to even touch her where she needed him to and she was already dripping. She had never felt like this before; like an animal in heat. It could prove to be addictive.
“Very well,” Darragh all but purred as he reached in from behind to begin stroking her. His hand was so large that the length of his fingers could press along the entirety of her pussy and far enough to reach her clit. She cried out as the pad of his fingertip teased the sensitive bud. Filthy, wet sounds accompanied his strokes as she practically poured over his hand and onto the blankets.
“My Lord—a-ah! More…I need more,” Fiadh pleaded.
One of Darragh’s fingers probed at her entrance before sliding in. She gasped, clenching down hard onto the thick digit; her hole had taken it so readily—there had been no resistance to Darragh’s plunge inside. The Lord pumped it in and out of her at a steady rhythm. Fiadh’s mind went wild as loud moans tumbled from her lips. He was reaching farther than she had ever been able to on her own. It wasn’t long before the tension of pleasure building within her was threatening to release.
“I-I’m close, Lord Darragh! I’m going—a-ah—I-I’m going to—!”
The world nearly whited out as Fiadh came, tightening around Darragh’s finger as he continued to thrust it mercilessly. She came down from her orgasm at the feeling of something hot, broad, and hard pushing itself through her clamping thighs and over her still-twitching pussy. Looking down, she saw Darragh’s cock jutting out from between her legs. She panted strenuously, moaning as it throbbed against her, shining with her excessive juices.
Fiadh tentatively ran one of her hands over the glans that was about the size of her fist. It leaked from the tip and she spread the clear fluid down the shaft. This is what a man’s cock is like, she thought, slowly stroking the turgid flesh.
Darragh groaned, trembling behind her. His hands moved from her shoulders to clasp around her sides and over her breasts.
“Put your wrist into it more…ahhh, yes,” he said, speaking from the depths of his chest. “You’re a natural, my dear. Like that…faster.”
Soon enough, he was thrusting his hips into Fiadh’s backside. Her voice was loud and needy, the Lord’s name repeated on her tongue as he fucked between her soft, slippery, yielding thighs. His grunts rumbled through her body as she grew mesmerized by the lewd sight of his member being pleasured by her flesh alone, spurting periodically as her thighs milked out his precum. It pressed and stroked against her pussy and she continued to leak profusely onto it. She could feel its hot, pulsing thickness; each popped vein passed deliciously over her engorged folds.
Lord Darragh’s scent swirled around her. Wood, earthiness, and a heady musk of arousal strong enough for her to almost taste. His skin had become slick with sweat and his chest heaved against her back, his hot breath panting over the top of her head. The Lord’s grunts gave way to loud moans as his pace grew. His hands squeezed at her breasts, fondling them and stroking her intensely sensitive nipples.
“My Lord!” Fiadh cried, now frantic to have Darragh inside her before he lost himself to pleasure and came like this. “Please—ah—ahhh—I need—I need—!”
Fiadh didn’t have to say anything more as Lord Darragh paused in his thrusting, lifted her up and guided her back down onto his cock. His hands still held her thighs as she fell back against him, moaning as she came the second his member was stretching her wide. The fertility charm had kept her loose and slick, and it plunged inside her with ease. She couldn’t take all of him, but he pushed as far as he could go. The feeling of a cock within her was new and acutely exciting; she could feel his racing pulse running through it— his warm, living body joined with hers.
A glance downward showed Fiadh her abdomen bulging with him. It should have frightened her, but instead excitement ran through her as she gazed upon her distended flesh. Their bodies remained still for a moment, shivering together until Darragh spoke.
“You’re burning inside…twitching over me,” he breathed. His thrusts into her began slowly, pulling whimpering moans from her. “Your body is begging for my seed. It wants me to breed your womb.”
Fiadh felt herself clamp hard onto Darragh’s cock. “Yes…yes…”
It was all she could say, and moments later any other coherent words she tried to muster were lost in a string of carnal sounds as Darragh began to roughly pound himself up into her. Her head flew back to rest at the Lord’s collarbone, tears of joy and ecstasy springing to her eyes. Hurry, she screamed in her mind. I want your seed. I want your child.
Even so, she wanted this to last a little longer. This frantic pleasure of two bodies seeking to conceive; the wild thrusting of a throbbing cock inside a fertile, clenching pussy that’s begging for it to burst.
Darragh groaned and leaned forward until he could place Fiadh down on the mattress. She found herself with her cheek pressed into the blanket and her ass up as her pussy continued to be stuffed. The Lord’s hands were tightly holding her waist; his fingers nearly wrapped completely around her to touch one another.
“Harder…harder, Lord Darragh! Please!” she pleaded, close to drooling all over Darragh’s bed as her hands gripped into the sumptuous fabric. She cried out when he began pulling her back to meet his thrusts and grunting in almost animalistic tones with each one. “S-so…good."
In her peripheral vision, she could see Darragh’s face. His lips were parted around his moans enough that she could see sharp fangs glinting behind them. A thought came to her briefly of begging him to drag them against her skin, but she dashed it; too much, too feral—though their fucking was already bordering on the latter.
Then, all at once, there was a shift. Darragh’s thrusts became shorter and quicker as though he were ensuring he was consistently hitting her as deep as possible. His cock somehow felt harder, thicker and hotter as it pulsed powerfully. His voice took on a growling quality.
"I’m there…I’m there, Fiadh,” he chanted.
Fiadh moaned. “Give it to me! Now…please, Darragh!”
With one last thrust, Darragh was pushing in and unleashing his seed. He moaned loudly, his massive frame shaking in ecstasy. In response, Fiadh’s orgasm slammed into her and her pussy milked his cock as hot cum flowed inside her, twitching and sucking him in.
As it all came to an end, Darragh collapsed backwards, his grip on Fiadh’s waist forcing her back with him. She landed on her back upon his expansive, heaving chest and his cock slipped out of her. It stood a little longer between her legs and throbbed one last time, painting a stripe of cum from her stomach and up to her face. The scent of it was strong and she swiped her tongue over her lips to catch some of it into her mouth.
Fiadh shivered with pleasure at the feeling of Darragh’s hot, sticky release sitting inside of her and dripping steadily from her twitching hole. The magic of the fertility charm was still in effect; she could feel the desire for more racing under her arousal-fevered skin.
“Lord Darragh,” she whimpered, gasping as she felt him raise his hand and bring two fingers to her pussy. He stroked her hypersensitive folds, making her legs unconsciously spread and quiver.
“Give me a moment,” he said tenderly. “I have more to give…I will fill you as many times as it takes.”
Fiadh grinned. A part of her, deep down, knew that he had given enough. There was a warmth in her heart that could tell that his seed had already been planted. In her mind, she could clearly see herself swelling with his offspring. But she wanted the Lord’s continued attention. She wanted to fuck for the pure pleasure of it, so he didn’t have to know that. Within moments of him rubbing at her pussy, she was cumming again and Darragh’s glorious, leaking cock was rising beneath her.
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 3 years
A Change For The Better
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A comfort piece, mention of verbal abuse. 
A slumbering giant lies beside you; massive, intimidating in his own right but when he slept you were reminded of just how gentle the mutant could be. Those hands, enormous three fingered mitts capable of such destruction even death if permitted but those digits brought pleasure and comfort beyond anything you could have dreamed.
Your finger tips glide over the green scales of his beak watching him as the handsome terrapin mumbles what sounds like your name in his sleep. His lips curl into a soft smile while he leans into the touch and your heart swells with adoration. The turtle was extraordinary, different and absolutely perfect and he was yours, every rigid, powerful inch of the colossal mutant yours.
 He wasn’t what you had expected when you prayed for someone caring, someone that loved without consequence but you wouldn’t change anything, he was just what you needed.
 You remember those words like it was yesterday; stupid, pathetic, dumb, the bouts of anger fueled by his bad moods.  That child before left you full of anxiety, unhappy and emotionally drained with his rage and insecure shortcomings. Those years you endured his abusive verbal tirades, years wasted on a festering ball of hate that projected his weakness onto you. A verbal punching bag that he used regularly then acted like nothing had happened a short time later.
 When you finally had the courage to rid yourself of his toxic behavior you felt like a weight had been lifted. No longer walking on eggshells or dreading going home, your confidence returned and that fateful day that changed your life for the better finally came.
 You had been sitting on your balcony watching the city come alive, when you heard something above you. You lived on the top floor so the roof was just above and you were the only one that utilized that space.
 Curiosity killed the cat but you still climbed the final stairs to the roof to investigate. Using the light of your phone to find you patio lights, you plugged in the cord and your little section of roof illuminated. Just then a shadow just to your left slipped back into the shadows.
 “Please.” You urged quietly stepping towards your guest. Truth be told you had sensed this presence before, many times as you took your verbal lashings. It was funny, you really hadn’t thought about it when it happened but your subconscious knew someone else was there with you those nights, listening, waiting.
 Again you called, “Please come out. I’d like to meet you.”
 The silence bore on for a few moments before his voice came through the darkness, low, rough yet it held such an unthreatening tone. “I don’t want to scare you.”  
 “Are you here to hurt me?”
 “N-No, I would never…” He responded quickly and adamantly and there you could see the movement in the darkness. He was big, very big but you weren’t afraid.
 “Then I promise you won’t scare me.” With your words you can see him step forward, but just one step, he stopped just before the line of light that ran across the rooftop.  He was hesitating.
 “I’m not like other men.”
 With a soft titter you let out a long breath and closed your eyes, your hands moved over each other fingers tangling and untangling with your excitement. “God, I hope not. I would be disappointed if you were like them.” Those words gave him hope and he stepped forth into the light. Eyes lighting up with admiration you watched in awe as his enormous green muscled form came into your life.
 Since that fateful night your life had made a change for the good, you had never felt so loved in your life. Appreciated and adored you had never been happier.  He was a champion of the city but to you he was your savoir, protector and had brought you peace.
 For someone who lived in the sewer he smelled amazing and tasted even better. Those lips of his were magic, leaving trails of fire along your flesh. His body though, that immaculate temple bestowed upon him from the heavens itself was a gift in itself. Every inch of him was well defined, thick, and built for bringing you to the highest peaks of pleasure. Nothing like anything you had ever experienced with anyone else. Years of training had left him talented in so many ways that had nothing to do with ninjutsu.  
 His face was not traditional being half human and half turtle in all, but you found him handsome, sexy and quite frankly perfect. And those eyes, vibrant and full of life and when they were locked with yours you had no room to breathe, just utterly mesmerized by his gaze.
 If his looks weren’t enough the terrapin was brave, honorable and the most loving man you had ever met. Dotting, caring, grateful and you felt blessed.
 The warmth of his hand sliding over your exposed hip broke you from your thoughts. Your hand had found its way to his cheek resting the heat of your palm there and those sparkling vivacious orbs were trained on you leaving you once again breathless. His hand abandoned your hip resting on the top of your hand to move your palm to the warmth of his mouth. Lips parted and the turtle pressed a kiss to your hand and set it back where it had been.
 “Where were you just now?” he asked softly running his long fingers through your hair before running down your arm to rest on your hip once again.
 You toke this moment to realize you suddenly felt he was too far away and you moved swiftly into his arms which he eagerly allowed. His arms wrap around you and the mutant rolled to his shell pulling you onto his chest. Both your hands gripped the top of his plastron and you pressed your ear to the platelets just above his beating heart. It’s strong and the rhythm steady, a reminder he was real, flesh and blood, not your imagination.
 When his large hands ran down your back in soothing circles you were reminded he had asked you a question and you let out the breath you didn’t even know you were holding. “I was thinking of where I’ve been and where I am now and how so very lucky I am.”
 Using your hands as leverage you push up and your lips move over the top of his chest with a few sloppy wet kisses. When you look upon his face you can see his smile in the moonlight, he looked content and happy giving you a sense of calm in the moment. “What are you smiling about?”
 “That’s funny.” He started. “I was just thinking the same thing.” His left hand came forward and cupped your face running the pad of his thumb over your bottom lip. “Can I- can I tell you something?”  His voice wavered just a bit and he suddenly looked a little sheepish.
 “Of course, you can tell me anything.”
 The terrapin let out a deep breath and you could see him mentally gather his courage. Curious and curiousier.
 “That night we first met……”
 He paused for a moment as if worried you’d get upset with the next words he was about to speak. You roll your cheek into his large palm and give him his reprieve. “That wasn’t the first time you had been up there was it?”
 You wanted to laugh but you didn’t want him to feel like you were laughing at him, “I know.”
 “You do?” his head lifted a little off the pillow in shock.
 “I could sense you up there each time……” you didn’t want to finish the sentence.
 Slowly his hand moved from your cheek down to the back of your neck squeezing it gently for reassurance. “I was out on patrol one night and I heard him yelling at you. I stayed, listening, ready to jump in if things….escalated.  Each time I was out I made sure to stop by and check on you. There were a few times I watched you from the adjacent building making dinner tortured by the smells of what you were creating. I wanted to taste them so bad but….he was there. Then I didn’t hear him for days, no shouting just the calm presence of just you. That night when that brick shifted under my foot was the best ninja fail ever. I finally got to meet you.”
 A sudden rush of love swarmed your heart, tears ready to spill and you surged forward capturing his mouth with yours. The mutant accepted the kiss hungrily opening his mouth at the urgent push from your tongue. They mingled swiping over each other until he rolled bringing you beneath him. He quickly settled himself between your thighs and rocked his hips forward.
 You could feel how quickly he filled out as the length traveled up your inner thigh fueled by his growing arousal.  There was no barrier between you both and you quickly realized how easily you could be stuffed full with every inch of him. Rolling your hips down you showed him just how eager you were and broke the kiss panting against his lips.
 “I love you.” You gasped as he plunged forward locking himself inside you.
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WIP Wednesday (A Bit Late)
Tagged by: @nicolasadrabbles
Who wants some Memento Vivere?
The ceremony had been beautiful, private behind high stone walls, and surprisingly busier than he had anticipated.
That was to be expected, of course. Aelia Valeri, nee Decens, had been a high ranking intelligence officer, extremely popular with her old platoon, and she had given her life in pursuit of a greater foe. It was the highest anyone could hope to achieve. Posthumously, her name was granted a permanent place in the upper climes of the Hierarchy, and she was awarded the Star of Menae.
Both were prestigious honors, to be certain, but Iunius Valeri felt no comfort in this. He stood at attention during the military honors bestowed upon his young wife, his hand resting firmly on the shoulder of a boy of barely seven spans. Milon would not cry, at least not with so many he was unfamiliar with nearby. The boy was as turian as any. But he was clearly distraught.
The turian to his left had said very little. He couldn’t see the ceremony, but he knew what was going on. The markings on his face matched Aelia’s closely. He was her little brother, and had traveled from the Citadel to stand in observance of her sacrifice.
Janus Decens was no more all right with being there than he was. In fact, for all he was trying to hide it, he seemed almost more broken than he and Milon.
In the end, she’d been burned as was tradition. Iunius stood, as was tradition, to wait as the pyre burned, determined to stay standing until he was alone and the last embers went cold. He let Janus walk Milon away, regaling him with stories of his work with C-Sec both before and after he had gone blind, but he remained in mournful silence. He didn’t move until he noticed someone come to stand beside him, and turned his head before going to turn, fully prepared to salute his superior.
“At ease, Captain Valeri, and keep your vigil. There’s no need to stand on ceremony at such a solemn occasion. Terrible tragedy, what happened to your wife. Aelia was a good woman. A fine turian, and an exemplary soldier. I was honored to have led her in the sixth platoon, in the brief time I could.”
“I- of course, General Oraka, sir. I wasn’t aware you’d made it out for the burning. She would have been honored.”
The older turian tipped his head forward slightly at that, quietly watching the flames. They had already begun to die down. “I heard scuttlebutt that she was looking into something on Omega, of all places. What was she investigating that took her all the way out to that hell hole?”
Iunius let out a soft breath, his mandibles tightening against his jaw. “It was classified. Strictly on a need to know basis, considered too important to let slide to anyone. Even a ranking officer, or a spouse, on account of avoiding accusations of nepotism.”
That made the general snort. Septimus Oraka was known to be a general who, while respected and firm, preferred being open with his subordinates over rank and file. It seemed this spread to funerals, as well.
“Damn bureaucrats. I’m sorry, Captain. It’s a shame they won’t let you in now that she’s passed. Here’s hoping they get someone else on whatever it was that’s even half as good as she was.” He leaned back a bit as the flames died out completely, then chuffed a bit, looking back to the younger officer. “Did they tell you… how she passed, at least?”
“No.” There was a bitterness in Iunius’s voice, one he had not intended his superior to hear, but General Oraka was hardly bothered by the tone. “When I saw her body, it was clear the kill was clean. Not that it brings any comfort… to me or to my son.”
The older turian gave a chuff at that, a rumble vibrating in his subvocals. “I’m certain you’ll both pull through. But whatever happened to Aelia… spirits willing they’ll catch her killer.”
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