#this is the first of many hobbit fics should be said
navybrat817 · 9 months
The Dad Diaries: Welcome Home
Pairing: Dad!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky reflects on the first night with his son home and puts his thoughts to paper.
Word Count: Over 1.2k
Warnings: Fluff, reflecting, first time dad, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning and a dad, okay?).
A/N: Welcome to The Dad Diaries! This AU will focus on Bucky and his relationship with his son (and you!) ❤️ Thanks to the beautiful @whisperlullaby for giving this intro a look and assuring me it wasn't garbage, but any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics . Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky stared intently at the open blank journal that sat in the middle of his office desk. He had picked up the pen a few minutes ago, but hadn’t written a single word. Why did he feel stuck? Better yet, what was he thinking by doing this? Reading often came easy to him, but writing? That was something else entirely.
It was also something he wanted to do.
He ran a hand over his face with a sigh and wondered if he should call it a night, crawl into bed with you, and try tomorrow. No, he didn’t want to push it off before he even began. Glancing at the monitor, he heard your voice in his head, a memory of something you told him in the early stages of dating:
The best writing comes from the heart. Write what you and your heart love because no one knows that story better than you.
Bucky had plenty of stories to tell. How he became a hero and a good man after years of pain and darkness. Or how he fell in love with you and became your husband.
And his newest adventure of becoming a father.
He wasn’t sure how to be a dad yet, but he knew he loved his son. That was more than enough to start. And with a smile tugging at his lips, he put the pen to paper.
Hey, Nugget,
My name is James Buchanan Barnes. Most people call me Bucky. Your mom calls me her husband and I’m the luckiest man in the world for that, especially since she gave me the greatest gift I could ever ask for: you.
Your name is James, too. Your mom doesn't know if we’ll call you Jamie or JJ, but I have a feeling you'll hear a bit of both. And one day, I’ll get to hear you call me Dad. Or Dada or Daddy or Papa.
Whatever makes you happy.
He paused in his writing when he thought he heard something on the monitor. His eyes flickered to the screen again and he breathed a little easier when he saw that his baby was still sleeping soundly in the middle of the crib. It wouldn’t stop him from checking on him later, just to be on the safe side.
I’m so glad you’re home. In fact, tonight is your first night in the nursery. I hope you like it here. To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson: “A house is made with walls and beams: a home is built with love and dreams.”
Yeah, your old man likes to read. Maybe you will, too. I even have an original copy of The Hobbit and would love to give it to you when you're older.
Books lined the far wall of Bucky’s office, many of them worn from the amount of times he read them. He made sure Jamie’s room had a reading nook, too. It was one of the only things he asked for when the two of you designed the nursery.
I hope you get enough sleep tonight. Your mom, too. You both did great at the hospital and deserve all the rest you can get.
Would you believe me if I said I was a nervous wreck when I brought your mom in, but tried not to let it show? People call me strong, but I don’t think I ever witnessed true strength until I saw how steady of a rock she was. She blew me away, which didn't surprise me. She amazes me every day.
Hearing your first cry stopped my heart and brought tears of joy to my eyes. After nine months of waiting and talking to your mom’s stomach, you were finally here. And seeing her hold you made me fall in love all over again.
Sorry if that sounds sappy, but it’s true. She looked right at me with happy tears in her eyes and said, “Bucky, look! Look at what we made! It's our little Nugget!” and my heart swelled. She insisted on calling you that and it rubbed off on me. Believe me when I say that you are the luckiest baby in the world to have the mother that you do.
He stopped writing again to glance at his wedding band, smiling all over again. He thought your love filled his heart before, but it overflowed now. It warmed him like nothing else ever could.
You’re probably wondering why I’m writing this since a lot of time will pass by the time you read this. Sometimes I may write to remember things I’m afraid I’ll forget. Other days I’ll write to reflect and get the words out when my mind is too loud. But my hope is that this will be a gift to you.
A bond for the two of us.
As you grow, I’ll fill the pages with the memories of you and our family. I’ll tell you about my past and how it shaped me into the man I am today. How your mom and I met and how I somehow convinced her to fall in love with me. And I’ll be sure to tell you about the day she told me we were going to have you and how that news changed my life for the better.
He swallowed the lump in his throat before he continued.
I also plan to fill this with your milestones. Like your first smile. Is it selfish if I hope to see it first? If not me, your mom. She’d love that. Your first step. Being selfish again, but I hope it’s me you walk toward so I can pick you up and tell you how proud I am. And your first word. I hope it’s Mama.
Though I won’t object if you say Dada.
Bucky chuckled as he imagined the look of betrayal on your beautiful face if your son said “Dada” first instead of “Mama”.
I’m sure some days I’ll have more to say than others. If I’m lucky, I can pass on life lessons and words of wisdom. Some days though I may not say the right thing and I know I’ll stumble along the way as I figure out how to be the best dad to you. I say “best” and not “perfect” because perfection doesn’t exist. Except for you and your mom.
The beauty of it is that I don’t have to go it alone. I’ll have your mom by my side to help guide and protect you and to watch you flourish. And my hope is that you know as you look through the pages how much we love you.
Even on days I may not get it right, I’m your dad, you’re my son, and you’ll always have a home with me and a place in my heart.
I’ll write more when I can, Nugget. Until then, I love you.
Bucky set the pen down as he exhaled. It wasn't perfect, but it didn't have to be. It was a start. As long as he put his heart into his words, it would shine from the pages.
And he couldn't wait for all the adventures he’d have with his little Nugget.
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I hope you lovelies are excited to take this journey with Bucky. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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mithrilhearts · 8 months
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𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
bagginshield | pre-quest/blacksmith au | explicit
Thorin labors as a blacksmith within the world of men to support his family and the other displaced dwarves of Erebor. Change comes to his monotonous routine when the smithy he works in unexpectedly comes under a hobbit’s management.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫
Staring at the intricate metals that were now twisted together, and the various decorations that had been melded to it, resembling a headpiece, Thorin exhaled deeply. "How things have changed..." he murmured to himself, continuing to examine his good work and wonder how a blade held as much beauty as this. No sharp edges to cut and kill, only curves and decorations to accentuate the head it would soon rest upon in honor.
“I knew I'd find you here,” a voice spoke up, breaking through Thorin's thoughts and the crackling of the forge.
“I think there's something to be said here about taking a dwarf out of a forge, but never being able to take his love for the forge away from him,” Thorin drawled with a roll of his eyes. “It brings me peace, and fond memories of...” he trailed.
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And that's a wrap!!
Thank you to everyone who stuck with me through this long ride from the beginning, who joined halfway, and who are just reading it for the first time now. Can you believe this was my FIRST posted fic? Two and a half(ish) years, 100k+ words, and now it's over. It feels so bittersweet, but also amazing.
I could spend many more years on this fic, and while I'm shelving this universe for now, there's no telling when I may pull it back out again, should there be a need/desire!
Onto the next project!
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flo-barr · 1 year
Promise braids
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Warnings: legolas (yes he is a warning), use of Y/n, touching someone without consent, reader is half elf half human, also this is my first fic ever so sorry it'll be shite <3
Pairings: legolas X F!reader
Au where Gandalf goes to Rohan alone and tells the three besties to go someplace safe until he can meet them again.
I've always liked the idea that the braids in elves hair are promises made to them so that's what's happening in this.
You heard a knock coming from the door. Walking towards it you called out,
"who is it?"
"it's me Legolas, me and my companions need a place to sleep tonight," he replied.
"how many of you are there?" You asked whilst opening the door.
"Only three," answered a dwarf to legolas's left. You stepped aside and gestured for them to enter.
Once everyone had entered and the door was firmly locked, legolas took you aside. "We are being hunted, we need a safe place to stay. With someone we trust."
"who's chasing you?"
"Orc's but we will be gone before they arrive," he took your hand in his. "You need not worry about us, about me."
"but what about the town, if the orcs think you are here they will burn this place to the ground and me with it." You pointed out.
"well you would come with us, you shalln't go all the way with us to Isengard but-"
"To Isengard? Your going to Isengard? Why?," You cut him off.
"I can't tell you my love, all I can say is that we need your help."
"and you know I would do anything for you, and yet you still refuse to stay by my side for long."
"I promise you this is the last quest the last adventure before I am yours."
You sighed, "Would they like to eat?" You gestured a thumb towards the ranger, and the dwarf who were now talking of hobbits and wizards you didn't know.
"yes, we haven't eaten in a week." Legolas looked ashamed.
"this must be an important quest my love." You kissed his cheek before walking of to your pantry and gathering foods enough for three meals.
When you returned your guests were sitting at the table patiently waiting. Gently you placed hams, cheeses and fruits in front of them, before fetching plates, cutlery and 2 glasses filled with wine.
"If anything is not to your tastes please tell me." You said before fetching a pint of ale for the dwarf. Who beamed upon your generosity.
Once your guests were eating they told you tales of orcs and hobbits, until all the food had gone and you showed them to rooms.
"master dwarf you can sleep here tonight, the lavatory is the door across from yours in the hall and through that door," you pointed to a door inside the room, "is master rangers room."
"please call me Gimli," requested the dwarf shaking your hand.
"of course, sleep well Gimli." You said before closing the door.
"master ranger this is-"
"Aragorn," he said before slipping inside the room and closing the door.
"well that's that then," you said before taking legolas's hand and entering your own bedroom.
"Are you sure it is wise for us to share? I do not wish the others to find out about us," he asked as you took of your dress and tucked yourself under the duvet.
"well then by all means sleep on the floor, but I do not have anymore rooms," upon hearing that he undressed and slipped under the covers to join you.
When dawn came you awoke to legolas sleeping peacefully beside you. And not very hushed whispers coming from down the hall.
"It is not impolite to awaken first Gimli."
"Aye but it is rude to wander someone else's home whilst they sleep," you decided to go and see what all the fuss was about. Sitting up you swung your legs over the side of the bed and felt a soft hand glide down your side.
"Where do you think your going?" Murmered a sleepy legolas. As he trailed kisses up your back.
"to go and help my guests." You slipped out of bed and pulled on the same dress as yesterday. "Should I expect you to get up?" You asked kissing his forehead.
"yeah, give me a moment," he pulled the duvet off of him, and you left him to dress.
Walking into your front room you saw Aragorn and Gimli sitting across from eachother.
"would you two care for breakfast?" You asked already making your way to the kitchen.
"yes please," Gimli emphasized the please and Aragorn rolled his eyes.
You pulled out four bowls and filled them with porridge and honey topped with toasted acorns. Putting them down infront of the two you then sat on the right of Gimli. And you all began to eat.
"You know legolas never told us your name," commented Aragorn matter of factly.
"My name is Y/n," you told them and Gimli smiled.
"a beautiful name for a beautiful woman," he grinned at you.
"The dwarf is right it truly suits you," added Aragorn. You were about to reply when Legolas entered the room, now Fully clothed.
Silently he took his seat next to Aragorn and started eating.
"I'm going into the market today," you announced. "You are welcome to come with me or stay here."
"we need to go into the town's library, if you'll take is to it?" Aragorn said.
"of course, but may I ask why?" you asked.
"to meet a friend of ours." Answered Aragorn simply.
"will you be leaving after that? Or will I have the pleasure of your company for longer."
"we don't know, although I suspect we shall take our leave," you nodded before taking all the empty bowls and bringing them into the kitchen and beginning to wash them along with the plates from last night.
You were just finishing cleaning the last plate when you dropped it and it shattered against the hard floor.
"oh, bastard," you swore as a shard tore into your ankle just bow the hem if your skirt.
Holding onto the wall for support you got off the stool you had been sitting on , picking up the shards of porcelain you binned them and placed your foot upon the stool.
Carefully sweeping your hair out of your eyes you assessed the wound.
Biting your lip you yanked on the small peice of porcelain and it sliced across your skin enlarging the cut to almost triple the size.
You cried out at the sharp needles of pain traveling through your nerves.
Suddenly legolas, Aragorn and Gimli were in the room.
"sorry I saw a bee," you lied quickly dropping your skirt so it hid the blood pouring out of the gash.
Legolas grabbed your ankle and tugged the skirt up to your knee watching as the blood dribbled down your foot and dripped onto the floor "quite a nasty bee," he said making eye contact.
"I cut myself on a bit of broken plate," you couldn't lie with him looking at you like a puppy denied attention.
"you will be the death of me Y/n, wheres your first aid kit?" He shook his head resigningly.
"top shelf on the left." Aragorn Hurriedly lifted it down and handed it to legolas.
"well we'll just be through here then," said Gimli then he and Aragorn left.
"you must be more careful my love," legolas scolded, "had you been sitting on the floor it could have been your eye," legolas gestures to a shard of plate left stuck in the wall next to where your shoulder had been.
"you say it like I dropped the thing on purpose," you rolled your eyes.
"No I am merely concerned," legolas wrapped a bandage around the wound after putting a weird ointment on it. "Make sure you change this regularly or the wound may get infected."
"why would I do that when I have you to do it for me," you scrunched your nose in amusement. But he didn't seem to find it funny. As you turned back to the shelf and lifted the kit back up to it you felt strong hands on your waist slowly trailing up and down your sides. Then you felt his hot breath on your neck.
"you should really listen to me you know," he kissed your neck. "Because one day I'll stop repeatedly telling you, and you will have no idea what to do with yourself."
"well I manage just fine when your not here, which is pretty much always."
You could feel your blood boiling, he was never here but when he was he always had something to scold you about.
"I'm here now," he kissed the spot just under your ear before taking your earlobe into his mouth and sucking on it gently.
Your blood was filled with a new kind of fire as legolas left your ear to suck a mark into your neck.
"Legolas," you gasped, your voice barely audible. But he heard and spun you round in his arms.
"yes my love?" He whispered.
"not here," you were surprised you could talk, as your thoughts were lost in his eyes which were blown dark with lust, his pupils almost ingulfing his entire iris.
Legolas left a quick kiss on your lips before he left rejoining the others.
Breathing heavily you took a few moments to gather your thoughts back together before following him.
"So this is the market?" Said Gimli.
"yup this is it," you gestured to the many stalls and shops laid out in front of you. "I just need to buy a few things before we go to the library."
"well then what are we waiting for," said Aragorn. As he tried to enter the mass of people.
"Wait do you all have money?" You stopped him.
"no why?" He answered.
"take this," you handed all three a small bag of money, "I wouldn't want you to be mistaken for theaves. Plus the more money you have on you the more you will be respected, so try not to spend it all."
"I shall not spend a single penny," said Gimli before he disappeared into the crowd, swiftly followed by Aragorn.
"Well in we go," you muttered before moving towards a small stall selling rings. Pretending you didn't know legolas was still by your side you examined one of the many rings. It was a band of muted gold woven round ruby's of the finest origin.
"If this is a hint directed at me, consider it ignored," legolas sighed.
"I was only looking," you tutted but placed the ring back down and moved to the next stall, filled with fabrics and ribbons.
Picking up a roll of white cloth you rubbed the corner between your thumb and forefinger.
"How much?" You asked the kind old woman behind the stall.
"Eight casters deary," smiled the woman sweetly. Silently you handed over the money and placed the fabric in your bag.
Legolas stared you down in this time.
"what did you need that for?" Legolas asked.
"well it's my job, that you would know nothing about because your never here," legolas was about to protest but you shushed him. "I'm a seamstress, I make various garments and such."
You started walking away again when you heard a kerfuffle to your right, turning towards it you saw Gimli running towards you at top speed, pushing people out of the way as he went.
"your right I shouldn't have spent it all," Gimli puffed. Behind him you could see 5 guards running alot faster towards him.
"stand back I'll handle it," you said and pushed him behind you.
The gaurds stopped infront of you.
"is there a problem?" You inquired.
"We suspect that dwarf of theiving," boomed one of the gaurds.
"well did he steal anything?" You quirked an eyebrow.
"No, but he has no money, what would someone without any money be doing in a market if he wasn't theiving," pronounced the gaurd proudly.
"well maybe he has just spent all his money in said market."
"Ah but then he would have something to show for it wouldn't he," said the gaurd before saying in a more menacing tone "are we gonna have a problem pretty lady?" then he leered over you trailing his right hand down your cheek slowly bringing it lower until it rested on your breast, a wicked grin on his face.
You felt legolas move his hand to his sword and Gimli shift into a fighting stance.
"no sir," slowly you turned to Gimli.
"What did you buy with the money?" You asked kindly.
Looking ashamed Gimli looked down.
"I bought myself some more ale," he mumbled.
"see, if you so desire we shall find where he bought the ale, but I wouldn't want to waste your time sir," you tilted your head and stuck your bottom lip out just enough that you wouldn't notice the difference but your lips would look slightly bigger.
"no that shalln't be necessary," he said before leaving, the other gaurds following close behind.
"That was close," you sighed before turning back around.
"Why did you let him touch you," legolas grimaced and Gimli nodded.
"Well if I didn't it would have made things worse."
"I thought we made a deal," Said legolas in elvish as he stepped closer. Your breathe caught in your throat as legolas trailed his finger along the braid neatly woven into your hair.
"legolas," you warned and he stepped back again.
"Legolas," called a voice from the crowd and milliseconds later Aragorn appeared. "Gandalf has arrived."
The two others quickly followed as Aragorn hurried up the library steps and into the vast halls filled with books. With you trailing behind them almost tripping over your long ankle length dress.
When you finally stopped it was to find yourself before a tall old man with long white hair and a beard to match. You ducked behind a bookshelf and listened.
"Gandalf what happened?" Asked Aragorn.
"Saroman had corrupted the king's mind, but worry not all is well," Gandalf smiled. Although you could feel a but coming. "But you three must go and fight at helm's deep."
"where?" Gimli asked.
"it is a fortress north west from here. I assume the people of Rohan have fled there?" Aragorn explained.
"yes and they need some help."
Legolas's hand went to the braid woven on his right. His fingers felt the length of it before he took his hand back down.
"I can't go," he said briskly.
They all looked at him shocked.
"But you have to!" Exclaimed Gandalf.
"You said the fortress was Northwest, well Rohan is southeast, meaning the enemy must pass through here."
"yes well it is but a small town a small sacrifice compared to how many would die if you did not come. You cannot save these people legolas."
"I don't care about the people, but her, no. I shall not leave her, nor will I bring her to die."
"legolas, saroman cares not for these shack's. We need you at helm's deep."
"did I stutter? I won't leave her here."
"Legolas, you would let innocent people die for the sake of one girl?"
"she is not a girl she is my best friend and besides I shall not be missed I am but one archer."
"I thought I was your best friend," muttered Gimli.
"we need all the help we can get," Gandalf boomed, several people turned to look and the librarian did not look amused.
"we cannot talk here, where are you staying?"
The three exchanged looks. Feeling they had noticed your absence you quickly fled, hoping they didn't see you leave.
Rushing down the library steps and into the now deserted side streets, market day could wait.
You dashed down alleyway after alleyway until you found yourself at the stables on the edge of town.
You allowed yourself a moment to catch your breath before you walked past the stables and down to the moorlands.
Looking around you found yourself alone.
Subconsciously your hand shot up to the braids in your hair fiddling with them.
You thought of what legolas had said. He wasn't leaving you. Not this time.
Walking around the last outskirts of town you saw your own house sitting with its neighbours next to the main road.
Slipping inside through the backdoor you were greeted with the sounds of frantic arguing.
You gulped, they had beat you back.
"where is she?"
"she's probably still at the market."
"I swear she was just behind us."
"arguing won't find her."
"Y/ns smart she'll know we're here."
"but how will we know where she is."
"maybe she's still at the market."
"we searched the market 3 times she's not there."
Stepping into your main room you spoke up making sure you were heard. "wow three whole times and yet you still failed to look else where,"
"Y/n!" Legolas jumped up and rushed to you stopping just short he squeezed your shoulder in his left hand. "Thank god your safe, we were worried."
Suddenly Gimli poked your side hard.
"Ow," you exclaimed.
"that's for makin us worried, and this," Gimli hugged you tight. "Is fer coming back,"
"it is good to see you too, I'm afraid I walked the long way back so-"
"The long way," scoffed Aragorn, "you took 2 hours," Then he stood and walked over to you and patting your back. "You scared us, don't do it again."
"I'll try not to," you smiled. Before the same man as before cleared his throat. "who's this?" You asked.
"I am Gandalf."
"I assume you are the person they went to meet?"
"yes I am and the four of us must leave within the hour," legolas swiveled around his grip on your shoulder tightening.
"Gandalf!" He warned.
"you two should pack your things," Gandalf ignored legolas. Gimli nodded, then he and Aragorn left.
"Gandalf I have told you once I will not go with you," legolas let go of your shoulder and took a step towards Gandalf.
"and I told you hundreds will die if you stay."
"may they rest in peace," legolas spat.
"legolas," you gasped. Horrified at his words. Both of them turned to you. "If people will die you must go."
"if I go you will die," legolas tried to reason.
"that is no excuse I am but one person if hundreds will die you must go!" You were astonished that he could even consider this matter.
"no I won't leave you, not again," he said sternly.
"legolas!" You exclaimed.
"No Y/n," legolas raised his voise and you stopped arguing. "I love you to much, if I leave and you die I will never Ever forgive myself, especially if I could have done something about it," legolas tucked one of your braids behind your ear.
"then let me go with you," you nagged.
"I shall never leed you to your death like that."
"I'm not asking I'm telling, take me or leave me just pick one, but you must go," you said exasperatedly.
"I thought you wanted me to stay?"
"I do my love but not-" slowly he bent down and captured your lips in his own. Softly curving his mouth across yours. You melted into him, before recoiling in disgust.
When he saw your expression he frowned.
"don't ever try to manipulate me like that again." With that you turned on your heal and marched into your bedroom fuming.
"wait Y/n!" He called after you.
"I don't want to hear it!" You mumbled through the tears coursing down your cheeks .
Half an hour had past and you still lay in your bed trying to delude yourself with possible reasons to why legolas would do that.
When the justling of things had ceased you were met with the quiet discussion of how to say goodbye to you.
Just then your door creeked open and legolas stood in its frame. He took a step into the room and shut the door.
"what do you want?" You asked a fresh tear sliding down your face.
"to apologise, I didn't think and-" he stopped something had cought his eye. He took a step back and slid down against the wall.
"What?" You didn't bother turning your head to look at him properly.
"your braid," you could hear his voice shake with unshared emotions and his eyes fill with unshed tears.
Bringing your hand up to your hair you felt through the crinkles on the left side of your head.
"you broke your promise, I undid the braid. I don't see a problem."
"I didn't mean-"
"but we can make new promises, you can try again." You sat up the hair tie still in your hand. Carefully you sat down in-between his legs facing away from him.
Silently you passed him the hair tie.
"what do you want me to promise to you?"
"your honesty," you murmured. So quietly that had it not been for legolas's elvish sences he would have missed it.
Once he had heard the tears he had been holding back slid from his eyes and he leant his forehead against your shoulder.
You leant back against him so his back was firmly against the wall. Your own tears mixing with his.
"I'm sorry, Y/n, your everything to me. I just didn't want to lose you too," he sobbed into your neck.
"I don't need an explanation," you turned your head and kissed his temple.
"I love you," he said through his tears.
"I love you too."
Part two
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elronds-meleth-nin · 7 months
Bruinen's Eastern Shore - Part 1: Flight
This is set just prior to the events of the first Hobbit movie, so take that how you will. I'll probably have four parts for this fic. If anyone wants to be tagged for any future fics or updates, let me know and I'll start a taglist. Anyway, this is my first LotR related fanfic, so enjoy!
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Elrond x Reader
[A/N: I haven't seen RoP, and I don't plan to, so this is Hugo Weaving's Elrond. All of my knowledge regarding this universe comes from the Jackson movies and the books.]
Warnings: Slow burn, Elf x Human romance, age gap (obviously, I mean, he's over 6000 years old), mentions of combat, death, blood, undefined magic (I'm winging it rn so uh...don't think about it too hard).
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"Thank you again for taking the time to meet with me, Lord Elrond," the Man said as the pair walked through Elvish halls. The stone was older than the Human by several thousands of years, yet the Elf lord was there when they were first carved into bricks for construction. "I know your schedule is full to bursting–"
"Nonsense. I am always pleased beyond measure to speak with you, mellon-nin," the Elf interjected as they walked into his study. "Tell me, how are your people holding up with this new threat?"
That was precisely why the Man had come to Rivendell, in the first place. Even as nomads, Orc attacks used to be few and far between for his people, happening perhaps once or twice a year, but in the last six months alone, they'd repelled four assaults. Their losses were becoming concerning. The Man, their leader, decided that the time had come to seek advice and possibly assistance from one much wiser than he.
"They are shaken...frightened by even the smallest of things. The snap of a twig, a particularly loud howl from the wind..." The Elven host offered his guest a seat near his bookshelves - a quiet nook which he reserved for serious conversations or quiet contemplating - and took in his haggard expression. That Elrond understood more than anything. Remaining strong when you were just as afraid as the people whom you were trying to protect was a difficult task. Such endeavors could wear heavily on even the most seasoned and confident of commanders. "They are doing their best to remain strong, but I must confess, I-I am becoming less certain every day about the wisdom of my insistence that we keep moving. Perhaps we should find one good, defensive position and dig in..."
Elrond could see his dilemma.
"But if you took such an action, you would feel as though you were cowering, is that not so?" He offered no judgment and no solutions. Not yet. He wanted to guide his friend along the path to finding his own answer, not force his hand in one direction or the other. That was not his place. That was not his purpose.
The sigh that escaped the Man's lips was ragged, and his shoulders slumped slightly as if the weight of all Middle Earth was upon him.
"I know 'tis prideful, but our people have never shied away from a fight. To dig ourselves into a trench...that would feel too much like desperation. And, each time the Orcs returned, they would know exactly where to find us and how many more it would take to breach our defenses," he muttered running a hand through his hair. Once vibrant and full of color, the strands were flecked with gray. The Elf lord was reminded quite starkly of how much of a toll time took upon the mortals. A pang of sorrow twisted through his heart. After over six thousand years of life, he was well aware that death was a natural part of life for those species who were irrevocably tied to mortality, but his heart ached no less for his friend's eventual fate. "If we keep moving, though, they still manage to find us. Each attack grows in strength. Every time, more and more of my people fall upon enemy blades."
Elrond nodded his head with sympathy and understanding.
"Have your people offered any suggestions about what you might do?"
The Man stood abruptly and began pacing.
"Mekor put forth the idea of joining with a stationary settlement - just until the hoards are cleared, you understand," he said, but he shook his head. "I did not tell him, but the last time we were near several of the major cities, I...scouted ahead. I spoke with their leaders, explained our situation."
"And, they all said the same thing: 'I cannot in good conscience allow you to draw such large numbers of orcs to our gates.' The difference is that they at least have gates behind which they can defend themselves," the Man paused near the window overlooking the valley. "And you know why I cannot go to the Rangers."
The Lord of Imladris drew in a deep breath and stood, making his way to his friend's side and laying a hand on his shoulder.
"Is there any help that I could offer which you would accept, mellon?" His question was quiet and probing, yet free of judgment. Elrond knew well the pride of Men and their desire to act as independently as possible. That would not, however, stop him from helping where he could. He would even go so far as to bring these mortals into Rivendell to stay. It was, after all, a refuge for just such an occasion.
After a long moment of consideration, the Man cleared his throat and lifted his chin as if to preserve his dignity.
"Our swords are old. Chipped and cracking. Several shattered during the last skirmish. And our supply of arrows and bow strings is...woeful. The few who were skilled at replenishing both were killed two months ago."
"I'll have Lindir draw up a list of supplies. No matter how small your need is, please tell him everything. We are more than happy to give you whatever help you require," Elrond said, and he could have sworn that the Human's eyes were filling with unshed tears of gratitude. Neither Man nor Ellon mentioned it. Trying to restore his friend's smile, at least to a small degree, the Elf lord changed the subject. "Tell me, how is your daughter faring through all of this?"
The grin that stretched the Man's lips was warm; the love he held for his only child shone brightly in his eyes, restoring some semblance of youth to his weathered features.
"She believes that this is all one big adventure. Though she be only a few years old, she is curious...asking more questions than I rightly know how to answer," he stated proudly. "She has her mother's intellect, and I am glad of it. I am no teacher, but I've managed to convey to her the meaning of a few words of your language."
Surprise was surely evident upon Elrond's face at his friend's declaration.
"Mellon-nin, I am honored."
"She'll need to be able to communicate with your people once she discovers what she is." The Human reached into his pocket and pulled out a small book, flipping it open and retrieving a loose piece of paper. "My late wife, as you know, was the artist of the family, however..."
He trailed off as he offered the page to his host. Elrond took it carefully, looking at the sketch of a little girl.
"Your daughter?" He asked almost reverently as he took in her joyful expression. Even in this simple drawing he could see the intelligence behind her eyes. After a few moments' keen observation, he tried to hand the drawing back to the Man who'd created it but was gently refused.
"Keep it. I brought you that, my dear friend, because if something happens to me...I want you to be familiar with her likeness. It will likely be vastly outdated by the time you meet her, but 'tis better than nothing." The somber tone of voice made Lord Elrond pause. "She is more important to me than all of Middle Earth, and if...if the Orcs take me from her, I must know that someone in this world knows to look out for her..."
Setting the sketch on his desk, the Elf placed his hands on his friend's shoulders.
"Should either of you ever need help, I will be there. She will have every protection that I can possibly afford her," he promised.
"There is...something else," the Man murmured looking into his friend's eyes. "It could be no more than an old man's imagination, but things have happened around her. Small things. Rain repelled from her as if it cannot touch her. Ripples in a pond by which she sits, though no breeze caressed the water's surface."
Elrond's posture straightened further at this new information. He knew that the blood of Númenor was thin in most, but if this was true, his friend's daughter might have a rare gift.
"Have no fear, mellon-nin. Your daughter will find her path, and if I can, I will gladly help her."
By the time of the Man's departure from Rivendell, Elrond had prepared a gift. With the weapons and extra supplies that he presented, the Lord of Imladris had one other item to offer. Opening a small, wooden box carved with Sindarin script, he revealed a silver necklace. The craftsmanship of his people was evident in the intricate curls and swirls of the metal. In the center was a forest green gem that, to the Man, seemed to glow with its own light.
"This is for your daughter. The pendant is a symbol of our protection - proof that she has favor with us. All she ever need do is show this to any Elf, and they will do whatever is necessary to assist her. If none of my people are near, she need only touch it and ask for help," Lord Elrond promised, and as if the gem could hear him, it pulsed with a warm, affectionate glow. The girl's father looked from the necklace to his friend, and this time a tear slid down his cheek as he offered his profuse gratitude. "I would be remiss to do anything less, mellon-nin."
After tucking the box safely away in his saddlebag, the Man embraced his friend. Neither knew that it would be for the last time.
"If you find yourself in danger, seek the elves of Rivendell."
My father repeated that to me more times than I could count as soon as I was old enough to comprehend the meaning behind his words. Our people were nomadic, constantly moving from place to place, setting up camp wherever we found ourselves. Every time we stopped, he made sure that I knew two things:
The first was the location of the nearest source of water.
The second was the way to Rivendell from our temporary encampment.
Long before I was brought into this world, my father ensured that we were on friendly terms with the steward of the valley. Each time we were even remotely close to Imladris, he made a point of speaking with the Elven lord.
Once, when I asked what Lord Elrond looked like, he brought out a small box of my mother's sketches. Rifling through them, he made a triumphant sound when he found the one he sought. Setting the box carefully aside on his bedroll, he had me sit beside him and turned the page toward me.
"The last time your mother and I visited, she made a point of drawing him. You must remember his face, my little love. One day you might need to request his help as I have done."
Much of the time, our wandering took us far from that sacred valley and the river that flowed before it. The final time that my father was able to visit, he brought back a gift. A necklace.
But it wasn't just a necklace. There was something about it that sent a wave of calm assurance through me. A sense of safety permeated my being every time I touched it. The cool metal seemed impervious to the elements, never rusting or tarnishing, as only the skill of the elves could accomplish. More than once over the years, I found myself looking at the pendant, wondering about the being who'd given me something so obviously unique on a whim.
Two decades and a handful of years later, I found myself sprinting through the trees with half of our remaining people. We were twelve desperate souls, flying through the underbrush with a hoard of Orcs behind us. Every few steps, I aimed an arrow behind me and prayed that it hit its mark upon my release.
"Come on! We're almost to the river!" I shouted, and my father's second in command, Mekor, let out an answering shout as we approached the ford. The snarls of Orcs and their Wargs nipped at our heels, urging us to move faster.
As much as it hurt, I was forced to ignore a terrified shout as the pack swallowed up one of our tired stragglers. This was a last ditch effort. If we stopped, we'd die.
Struggling for breath, I urged my people toward the sound of the Bruinen River and its eastern shore. Arrows from our pursuers flew through the trees, embedding themselves deeply within trunks and flesh alike. A few screams began and were silenced abruptly.
How many was that? Two? Four? No, we could count our dead once we were safe. Any who fell behind at this point were beyond our ability to save. Fifty Orcs against less than a dozen Humans? We would be lucky if any of our number survived the crossing.
Aiming another arrow backward, I allowed myself a moment's relief at the injured shriek of a Warg and the sickening crunch of its rider's bones as both crashed to the ground. Adrenaline rushed through me as the treeline appeared before us. The grass beneath our feet became a mix of pebbles and sand, rocks and mud.
"Quickly! Cross the river! Make for the eastern shore!" I shouted, and a few of the remaining people in our group echoed the sentiment. Two were cut down before they cleared the trees, their gurgling cries sending a bolt of helplessness through me even as I nocked and released arrows to buy time and space for my people. A few splashes reached my ears, and I prayed they'd make for the trees.
A yell of my name sounded from behind me.
"Come on! Get clear!" Mekor sounded much closer than I would've preferred. I needed him to live.
There were too many of them for me to hold off alone, so I turned and ran, beginning to cross the ford as quickly as I could. The pendant beneath my shirt thrummed against my skin, and an arrow whizzed by my ear so close that I could feel the displaced air from its fletching. That was too close for comfort. Much too close.
For the most part, the Orcs were afraid to cross into this territory. The Elves defended their land fiercely against such filth, after all, and very few of the cretins were stupid enough to seal their fate so definitively. However, a few who were brave enough - or perhaps foolish enough - to risk death started into the water after me. Not yet having reached the shore, I turned, grasping for arrows, but my quiver was empty. With a quiet oath, I turned and ran toward the trees. My boots were drenched, my lungs ached, and I blinked away sorrowful tears at having lost so many souls so quickly.
With a forest as ancient as this, the trees were rumored to whisper to each other and to those who remembered how to listen. The Elves listened.
Lord Elrond listened.
"Get to the trees!" I shouted, then I dug my hand into my shirt and grabbed the pendant. "Help us! Please! We're dying!"
The few brave Orcs who made it across and had not been shot down instantly apparently lent courage to their fellows. The Warg riders began to cross the racing waters, and I felt a horrible sense of dread settle into the pit of my stomach. The sight of boots disappearing into the trees was all well and good, but the Orcs would follow.
Someone had to make sure that they were distracted.
I had but one shot.
About an hour before he and his soldiers engaged the Orc hoard, Lord Elrond of Imladris had a vision. His gift of foresight showed a group of terrified Humans racing across the Bruinen with countless Orcs behind them. He was about to send out his guard, but the face of the young woman fighting so hard to protect the others made him pause.
He knew her face. She was older now - quite obviously an adult - but he still recognized the intelligence in her eyes and the determined set to her jaw.
More than that, the sparkle of the pendant that had escaped the collar of her shirt made him freeze. Icy dread washed over him as the vision changed to show her fleeing toward the trees. Her voice floated into his ears as easily as if she'd been standing right beside him.
"Help us! Please! We're dying!"
Elrond did not hesitate.
"Lindir!" He shouted as he began donning his armor. The younger Elf rushed into his lord's study. "Lindir, have my horse saddled. And ready a group of fighters. Hurry! Orcs are coming!"
When Elrond and his warriors caught sight of the group, the Orcs and Warg riders had just begun crossing the river. The glimpse he'd caught an hour before of her hair swishing over her shoulder as she fought repeated itself before his eyes, including her plea for help which now sounded as it should - like a whisper echoing through his very being, drawing him toward her. As he watched, she doubled back on her path, rushing back into the water.
She was trying to draw the focus of the Orcs away from her people - there weren't many Humans left. He urged his horse faster, his heart a racing drumbeat in his chest accompanying the galloping of his mount. He would not allow his friend's daughter to die within his borders while these lands were his to protect!
He'd just drawn his sword when the river's water began to whirl around her. Creating a wall between the Orcs and the remaining Humans, the water roared and flared with a shout from the woman. She lifted her arms, shoved them forward as if pushing a heavy weight, and the wall of water crashed over the majority of her enemies, washing them away as easily as pebbles in a current.
Magic. She'd performed magic! Her father had been right all those years ago.
But it was not the time to ponder her abilities. The time had come for him to fulfill his promise.
She'd bought just enough time for Elrond and his riders to reach the Orcs and cut down those who remained. Blades hissing and flashing, the Elves felled them easily.
By the time he turned back to the river, he saw her collapse onto the sandy bank, panting for air. He recognized the sight instantly: she'd overextended herself. Dismounting with a swish of his cloak, Elrond ran to her side, dropping to his knees and sheathing his blade before turning her gently onto her back.
Her glassy, exhausted gaze met his, and recognition flashed through her clever eyes.
"Elrond o Imladris, boe ammen veriad lîn." The words fell easily from her tongue despite how close she was to unconsciousness. She'd practiced them before.
"You have it, my lady," Elrond murmured, and almost as soon as the words passed his lips, her eyelids closed and she went limp in his grasp. He lifted her into his arms, cradled her close to his chest for one selfish moment, and with a few orders to his men to round up any survivors, the Elves brought their charges into the Hidden Valley.
Elvish Translations:
mellon-nin = my friend
Elrond o Imladris, boe ammen veriad lîn. = Elrond of Imladris, we need your protection.
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chrononautintraining · 10 months
All right! Fine! I’m in! Can you recommend me your favorite fic in the non-hobbit fandom that you post about a lot? I’m not familiar with it all so a fic that explains canon a little more than an a total AU would be best
No biggie if you don’t want to recommend any hahaha just send me on my way with a ‘no’
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Yes! Join us! You must be referring to The Untamed, which is a Chinese drama based on a web novel translated into English under the name The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation. It has a lot to recommend it to Hobbit fans! Swords! Legendary monsters! Do you like that scene in the Fellowship of the Ring where the hobbits stumble across the ancient tomb and are almost laid to rest by a barrow-wight, but come out with the Numenorean blades? I have good news about both leveling up weaponry in graveyards and ancient tombs!
If your preferred way to enter a fandom is a fic rec, I have to say A Narrow Bridge by JoLaSalle and FrameofMind is my current favorite. It's a Fix-it-AU that tells most of the early canon through flash back scenes while diverging wildly. I'd say it goes into even more detail than canon about how some aspects of cultivation and demonic cultivation works. Moreover, it has a *lot* to appeal to Hobbit fans. "How do you feel about pastoral novels?" she asked knowingly. Please enjoy two devoted, justice-loving idiots growing radishes in a graveyard, zero feet apart because they are in love.
Okay, so A Narrow Bridge is 700 thousand words. A big part of the appeal of this fandom is how many incredibly writers go for sprawling, epic AUs. There is a library here waiting, if you find you like the blorbos. That said, if you're looking for something a little shorter:
Short and Sexy - if this is what you like in a fandom, my friend, this one has a tremendous amount of well written, niche smut.
River-to-the-Sea Sure by Deastar is ~7k words of heat. This fic is A/B/O, which is not usually my thing. So believe me when I say that it is both extremely sexy and genuinely virtuous. It captures the characters of our main leads and their usual dynamic very well. Interestingly, this is the first in a series of A/B/O Bingo by the author, which somehow manages to keep Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian in perfect character no matter their "dynamic". But the dynamic illustrated in this story is the one you meet with most often.
But the rose was awake all night for your sake knowing your promise to me by x_los is ~8k of magical lovemaking. Very magical. Using tentacles of resentful energy...
Midlength Mysteries - my understanding of the genre is that the typical format involves two cultivators traveling together to investigate supernatural mysteries. Here are some of those.
And I will Call You Home by Spodume 42k of a post-canon investigation into some mysterious deaths. This is an interesting example of the ways the monsters in cultivation novels differ from traditional western Dragons In Need of Slaying, ala Smaug. At its core, this is two investigators working a problem, and one very smart protagonist coming up with an answer. Also, the investigators are in love. Love is the answer.
Vagabond by xantissa is 65k of something similar, equally good, with added undertones of gay culture in ancient china. I really adore this one, but maybe read one or two other stories first so the climax has its full impact.
Look Not With the Eyes by Spodume 28k Classic tropes, truly classic mythological creature, absolutely adorable. Is it kind of cheating to recommend two by the same author? Maybe. Do I low key think you should just start with this one? Yes. Two men travel to investigate a mystery. After a strange encounter, they find that everyone they meet falls instantly in love with one of them. The other is totally not extremely jealous, but works hard to solve the mystery and fix this serious problem.
And once you're in deep, hit me up again! I have a million AUs to recommend.
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hamartia-grander · 5 months
20 questions for fic authors!
I was tagged by the lovely @ugetelynx and @wisecrackingeric-2 <3 so sorry it took me so long to do this hfsgjhdj
1. How many works do you have? - currently posted on ao3 I have 57 works total. However I have almost twice as many wips it's bad
2. Ao3 word count? - 395,068 ..... I've got a wip that's almost over 100k but it's also been there for years so I doubt that'll change anytime soon
3. What fandoms do you write for? - of the fics I have on ao3, I have written for detroit become human, star wars, resident evil, assassin's creed, and the last kingdom. The fandoms I've written for that are not on my ao3 include lotr/the hobbit, bbc sherlock, bbc merlin, marvel, voltron legendary defender, percy jackson universe, and whatever the Carry On by rainbow rowell fandom is called. Most of those I will never ever write for again lmao
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? - In order:
Sapphire Moonlight (Tequila Sunrise) (Serennedy)
We Look So Good (Reed900)
Hold Fast, the Suns Will Rise (Stay) (Dincobb) (also, my first fic ever posted, and still the fic I hold most dearly in my heart to this day)
We Are Home (Hank and Connor family content)
Tomato Soup (Serennedy)
5. Do you respond to comments? - every single one. I'm obsessed with comments. I have them all saved and stored so I can reread them at any time. Thank you everyone who has ever commented I love you
6. What fic did you write the angstiest ending for? - I only write angst with a happy ending. But I did write You Should Have Killed Me for a friend's dbh x hunger games simulator result and it had an angsty ending by result of being a hunger games simulator.
7. What fic did you write the happiest ending for? - I write many fics w happy endings, but I personally think my fic series Din and Grogu | the Clan of Two Trilogy has the happiest ending because it happened against all odds. It's a fic about Din and Grogu's found family (before BoBF and Mando s3 came out, so it's not canon accurate) and it ends meaningfully to me.
8. Do you get hate on fics? - I have before, but it was all bullshit that showed me the person commenting didn't actually read what I wrote but chose to get mad at something that didn't exist. So it was discarded easily. Otherwise, I've had people try to tell me how to write things, but I ignore them all
9. Do you write smut? - yes. badly.
10. Crossovers? - I wrote a dincobb fic that was set in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, with Din as Kassandra and Cobb as Anais. I also started a serennedy fic set in the detroit: become human universe but never got anywhere close to finishing it.
11. Ever had a fic stolen? - not that I know of lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? - I had someone ask to translate one of my fics, and I said yes, but I don't think they've done so yet, which is fine. Other than that, no. But I'd be honoured!
13. Ever co-wrote a fic before? - I started a dincobb fic with a friend years ago but we never got around to finishing it. Someday I still hope to.
14. What's your all time favourite ship? - that's genuinely impossible to pick tbh I've had so many that rewired my brain. top three are probably bagginshield, simarkus, and shadowzel, not in any particular order.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? - ehhhhh probably the klance fic I started when I was like 15. I don't go to voltron anymore and literally couldn't care less about it. In fact I actively hate it.
16. What are your writing strengths? - I've been told that I'm good at characterisation and plot. I think I suck at plot severely. As for characterisation, I study characters really hard and take a long time to write fics so they remain in character so I'm glad people appreciate that. I also prefer writing dialogue to anything else.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? - Writing. haha I mean exposition.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? I have before, I find it fun but also intimidating.
19. First fandom you wrote for? - The Hobbit :') my first ever fic was a bagginshield fic I started when I was 13. I still mean to finish it someday.
20. Favourite fic you've written? - *sighs* I guess I should say Another Time. It was the most fun to write, and everyone's responses have made all the difficulties of writing it endlessly worth it. It took me months but I'm so happy I finished it, and I'm working on p3 rn I PROMISE. But again the fic I hold most dearly in my heart is still Hold Fast, the Suns Will Rise (Stay)
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mareenavee · 1 year
Non-Elder Scrolls Easter Eggs I've Written into My Fic
As a writer, even in my original work, I'm very influenced by Tolkien's writing. When I was seven years old, my uncle gave me a copy of The Hobbit, and I've been rereading it as my first book of the year pretty much ever since as a tradition. Sometimes I read it aloud to family (: It reminds me why I started writing and why I've continued on for so long, despite so many setbacks in my life. That said, here are some Tolkien easter eggs I've included in my fic as an homage. Some of you may know some of these already (: Nyenna's name. She's actually named after the goddess of grief, sorrow, pity and courage, Nienna. In the Book of Lost Tales, her name was spelled this way at one point. There are some strong reasons why I named my MC after this particular goddess, and not any of the others, but I leave it to the reader to decide maybe why.
In my fic universe, it's common for a people known for storytelling to want to name their children after figures from fiction. Nyenna is one such child with one such name, ergo perhaps Middle Earth exists in Bosmeri fiction in this version of Tamriel... (: I know it's silly, but it makes me happy.
Nyenna's step-brother, Eris (a Dunmer name borrowed from older games which happens to coincide perfectly with the name of the Goddess of Strife in Greek mythology. That, too, is on purpose lol) has been known to tell Nyenna that she's always in the wrong place at the wrong time -- out of the frying pan and into the fire. This is a reference to the title of chapter 6 in The Hobbit.
The entire story is based on a quote I discovered by bibliomancy in a fun little workshop at the local Pagan store back when I was in college. I have used its premise for many a story in my time and it also worked well with Nyenna and Teldryn's story, too. In this case, we can equate Nyenna to Beren in this quote (: It's from The Silmarillion:
“You must choose, Beren, between these two: to relinquish the quest and your oath and seek a life of wandering upon the face of the earth; or to hold to your word and challenge the power of darkness upon its throne. But on either road I shall go with you, and our doom shall be alike.” -- Luthien
And that's all I can think of off the top of my head an hour before I should go to sleep. :D I hope it was a fun read.
For those of you wondering, my fic is right here -> The World on Our Shoulders on AO3
Please feel free to reblog your fic's hidden easter eggs, my dudes. I love stuff like this! Include fic links in the comments or in your reblogs and I'll go check em out.
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delicatenightfury · 5 months
Star of the Mountain Chapter 30
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Warnings: fluff, angst, canon-level violence, spoilers for the Hobbit films
Pairing: OC x Thorin Oakenshield
Beta'd By: @mistys-blerbz
Author's Note: please do not steal my work! I do not own the Hobbit or the characters, but I do own my OCs and the parts of the plot that are not part of the movies. I have worked very hard on this fic. Please be respectful and do not steal.
Please comment, reblog, and like!
Masterlist - Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
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Kili took a deep breath as he made an attempt to mentally prepare himself. After everything he had experienced in the last several months, this was about to be the hardest day of his life.
So much had happened in the last few days that Kili felt as though everything was finally catching up. King Thranduil had been kind enough to leave several elven healers to tend to the wounded since the dwarves and men did not have the same skills when it came to healing. Shelter was set up across Dale for the wounded and tents were scattered around the field in front of the mountain as extra cover. Many dwarves had taken up residence in the mountain, clearing away the rubble when there was a spare moment.
The battle field had been mostly cleared. Most of the bodies had already been buried. The elves had taken their kin back to Mirkwood to be given a proper send off and the humans had laid their dead to rest near the base of Dale. The bodies of orcs, wargs, trolls, and the like were dragged into piles and burned. 
But now, all dwarves gathered in the mountain to remember those who had fallen in the battle. The men were holding their own remembrance ceremony in Dale. Kili knew that this needed to be done, to honor the fallen, but at the same time, he did not want to go.
Kili stepped into the large hall. The dwarves from the Iron Hills stood above in the balconies, waiting for the ceremony to start so that they might pay their respects. Kili glanced up at them before looking at the company. They cleaned up well, especially after the labors of the past days. He exchanged brief nods of greeting with them.
The prince turned at the sound of Thorin’s voice. Thorin was dressed in regal looking clothes. It was not quite as heavy as what he wore before the battle, but it gave him the royal air that he now held.
“My king,” he said, bowing his head.
Thorin chuckled lightly and shook his head.
“No need for that, Kili,” he said. “First and foremost, I am still your uncle.” He paused and a look of grief passed over his face. “I apologize that I forgot that.”
Kili smiled a little.
“It’s all right, uncle. Thankfully you are back with us.”
Thorin nodded. He sighed after a long minute.
“I sent a raven to the Blue Mountains this morning,” he said. “Rather, to your mother.”
“What did you tell her?” Kili asked quietly.
“That we succeeded in our quest to win the mountain. And that it was not without its great cost.”
“So she will know… about Fili.”
“Yes. I did not want her to come unprepared to face our reality. While I wish that we were there to offer some comfort, I felt it best. I suspect she will arrive in a few months time with other dwarves from the Blue Mountains.”
“I agree with your decision, uncle. Mother is quite possibly the strongest woman I know. She will be all right.”
The two were interrupted when they heard quiet talking behind them. They looked back toward the entrance, where Dwalin was slowly walking forward with two taller figures. Kili couldn’t help but smile.
“Vedis. Oreliell,” he greeted.
The women smiled.
“Hello,” Oreliell said.
“You’ll never believe where I found these two,” Dwalin said. “They were trying to make their way to the balcony. I figured they should be down here with us.”
“Of course,” Thorin said. “You are part of the company, after all. And…” Kili glanced at Thorin as his voice trailed off. He then quickly looked at the sisters. Oreliell’s head was bowed slightly while Vedis glared at his uncle. “By any means, I am glad you came.”
“We would not miss this,” Oreliell said. “Fili was our friend, part of the family we have come to care for. We had to be here.”
Kili couldn’t help but take Oreliell’s hand. He smiled tightly, fighting the tears he felt starting to come.
“Thank you,” he said.
“Of course,” she said again. “Tauriel wishes that she could attend, but she remained in Dale to see to the wounded. She is saying prayers for your brother.”
Kili smiled, thankful for her words and that Tauriel was thoughtful enough to give prayers for a dwarf she barely knew.
Dwalin glanced up at one of the balconies before looking back at the group.
“It’s almost time to begin,” he said. “We best get ready.”
Thorin nodded. He gave short smiles to Kili and the elves before stepping forward. As he walked away, Kili looked at the sisters.
“Shall we?” he said, taking a breath to steady himself.
The women nodded. Kili was about to start walking when he heard Oreliell hiss. He quickly looked at her, eyes immediately scanning her for the issue. Her hand was pressed against her side, around where she had been stabbed. Kili looked up at her in concern.
“Are you all right?” he asked.
“Just a small pinch,” she said.
Vedis glared at Oreliell.
“Are you sure you shouldn’t be resting?” Kili asked.
Vedis gave her sister another pointed look.
Oreliell shook her head.
“I am fine,” she said, returning her sister’s glare. She then turned her gaze to Kili. “I will be okay for the time being. I want to be here so I can say goodbye.”
Kili nodded.
They slowly approached the center of the room where a stone table stood. Above them, horns began to play. Kili watched as Thorin started the processional. He stepped up to the table and bowed his head. Kili approached next.
Fili has been cleaned of any wounds that he had sustained during the battle. His hair had been cleaned and his clothes were free of blood. It was almost startling to see after so many weeks on the road. It was strange; Fili and Kili caused so much mischief all their lives that smiles rarely left their faces. He looked peaceful now.
Kili closed his eyes for a moment, feeling the tears come again. He felt Thorin’s comforting hand on his shoulder, a silent act of support between kin. The two stood silently at Fili’s head while the company made their way around to pay their respects. There was not a dry eye among them. Kili found himself looking to Oreliell and Vedis.
Vedis’s eyes seemed to sparkle a little, but Kili couldn’t quite tell in the dim light. Oreliell on the other hand was clearly crying. Her gaze never strayed from Fili’s body. Kili thought she looked deep in thought. A gentle nudge from Dwalin startled her and he saw her wince slightly before moving. Vedis led her over to where Gandalf, Radagast, and Beorn were standing. Kili glanced at his uncle, whose eyes also seemed to follow the sisters.
Both their attention was brought back as Dain finally stepped forward, crown in hand. Thorin bowed his head, allowing Dain to set the crown upon his head. As Thorin stood up, Kili could see the difference in him. It was nothing like before the battle. He no longer looked weighed down, nor was there an unpleasant air around him. He was still simply Thorin.
Dain turned to face the dwarven masses that watched from above.
“Long live the king!” he shouted.
“Long live the king!” the crowd cheered. They raised their swords, a symbol of their loyalty to their new king.
Thorin let them cheer for a minute before raising his arms. The room slowly fell silent again.
“I am deeply thankful for all that have stood by me and have bravely fought for our homeland,” he said. His voice carried throughout the room, demanding the attention and respect that a king deserved. “And I am honored to finally serve as your king. Let this mark a new age for dwarves as we rebuild our kingdom to its glory!”
The mountain erupted with cheers again. They were all excited to see their homeland finally reclaimed and restored. And under Thorin’s leadership, they would begin to see that. Thorin waited until they calmed so he could continue.
“For now, let today be a day of remembrance. A day to remember the end of hardship for Durin’s folk. A day to remember the victory that occurred here, that will be told for all of time. And a day on which we remember those that gave their lives fighting for our home.” He smiled and raised his arms. “Let us celebrate! For Erebor!”
“For Erebor!”
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The mountain soon came alive as the dwarves readied a celebration. The kitchens were crowded as food was being prepared. Others were busy cleaning the great hall and setting it up with tables, chairs, and benches. Kili was amazed by how effectively they moved, despite not having been in Erebor for decades.
He looked at the company, who were gathered together to discuss what needed done. Thorin was talking with Dwalin, pointing at different things around the room. But every now and then, his gaze would drift over to Oreliell, who sat with Vedis several yards away. Any time Oreliell realized she was being watched, Thorin turned his gaze away. It was almost painful to watch the two of them.
But Kili realized that someone was missing.
“Where’s Bilbo?” he asked those nearby.
“I thought I saw him walk that way with Balin,” Ori said, pointing down a hall. “He had his pack with him and everything.”
“You don’t suppose he’s leaving, do you?” Nori asked.
“Bilbo is journeying home,” Oreliell said, having just joined them. “Balin offered to walk him out to meet with Gandalf.”
“Without a proper goodbye?” Bofur said. “That won’t do. Come on, lads! We ought to give the hobbit a proper sendoff!”
The company followed Bofur down the hallway. Kili walked by Oreliell’s side, knowing that she would be walking slower than normal. She hid it well, but he could tell she was uncomfortable. He glanced behind him, smiling slightly when he saw Thorin and Dwalin following as well. Thorin’s eyes were primarily on Oreliell, as if to also keep an eye on her. Kili smiled and turned forward again. 
As they neared the front gate, they could hear Balin and Bilbo talking.
“There will be a great feast tonight,” Balin was saying. “Songs will be sung, tales will be told. And the past few days will fall into legend. As will Fili.”
Bilbo shook his head slightly.
“I know that’s how you must honor him,” he said, “but to me, he was never that. To me… he was…” He sighed, unable to find the words. Instead, he adjusted his pack. “I think I’ll slip quietly away. Will you tell the others I said goodbye?”
“You can tell them yourself.”
Bilbo paused and turned around. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw that the company had gathered. The company smiled back at him. He turned to face them all. He looked at them for a long moment before speaking.
“If any of you are ever passing Bag End, tea is at four. There’s plenty of it. You are welcome anytime.” The company bowed to him, smiles on their faces. “Oh, and uh, don’t bother knocking.”
The dwarves chuckled. Kili knew they were each recalling the day they first met Bilbo at his home.
Thorin stepped forward, a smile on his face. He placed his hand on Bilbo’s shoulder.
“Thank you, Bilbo, for all that you have done for our people. You are truly the greatest friend one can ask for. I would take back my words and deeds at the Gate. You did what only a true friend would do. Forgive me. I was too blind to see it. I am so sorry that I have led you into such peril.”
Bilbo shook his head.
“No, I’m glad to have shared in your perils, Thorin. Each and every one of them. It is far more than any Baggins deserves.”
Thorin smiled at him. He pulled Bilbo into a brief hug before stepping back.
“Farewell, Master Burglar. Go back to your books. And your armchair. Plant your trees. Watch them grow. If more people valued home above gold, this world would be a merrier place. You are welcome in Erebor any time.”
“Thank you, Thorin. I wish you all the best. All of you.”
Kili smiled as he walked forward.
“Farewell, Mister Boggins,” he said, grinning when Bilbo chuckled. “Safe travels back to the Shire. I hope to see you again.”
“You as well, Kili.”
The rest of the company said their own goodbyes. Finally, Oreliell and Vedis stepped up to the hobbit. Oreliell bowed her head, placing her hand over her chest before extending it to Bilbo.
“It was an honor to travel beside you, Bilbo,” she said. “You are by far the bravest hobbit Vedis and I have ever come across. You have our respect and our thanks.”
“And you have mine,” Bilbo said. “It was truly amazing to meet you both.”
Vedis set her hand on Bilbo’s shoulder. A moment later, Bilbo’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped in surprise. His eyes darted between the sisters and he stuttered.
“Are you- did she just- wait, I-”
Oreliell chuckled while Vedis smiled fondly. She removed her hand a minute later, leaving Bilbo and the dwarves surprised still.
“Until we meet again, mellon.” Oreliell looked at Gandalf, who stood ready with a pony and a horse. “Take care of him, Gandalf,” she called.
“Of course. As if I would allow anything to happen to our burglar,” Gandalf replied.
With one last round of goodbyes, Bilbo made his way to the wizard. The company watched as they mounted their rides and slowly made their way down the hillside.
“You know, I’ll miss the hobbit,” Kili said after a while.
Oreliell scoffed and smirked down at him.
“You’ll miss picking on him, you mean.”
Kili shrugged.
“We have much to be thankful for because of Master Baggins,” Thorin said. “We owe him much.”
“Aye, and it’s a shame he didn’t stick around for the feast,” Nori said.
“Guess we’ll just have to eat and drink in his honor,” Gloin replied.
“Let’s get going then, lads!” Bofur said. “Celebration awaits!”
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omgkatsudonplease · 1 year
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[Image Description: Draco Malfoy, wearing a grey shirt and buckskin breeches, and Harry Potter, wearing a red Weasley jumper with a golden H on it and sweatpants, lie next to one another in bed holding hands. Next to Draco lie copies of Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit.]
Lord Harry Potter and the Terrors of the Past, a fic by @omgkatsudonplease with banner art by the excellent @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm
Draco turned to look at him, and then up at the velvet-dark canopy of Potter’s bed. “I know Mother Magic exists,” he said, more to himself than to Potter. “I’ve felt Her presence before.” “Really,” said Potter, his voice soft. “A long time ago,” amended Draco. The other nice thing about the half-light was that it was easier to hide the tears prickling at his eyes.  Suddenly, he was lying in the Hospital Wing again, a half-drunk glass of Mandrake Restorative Draught on the bedside table, an unanswered plea to Mother Magic roiling through his head. The scar on his hand still twinged at inopportune times, he felt more cold and exhausted than ever, and he was waking up from so many night terrors that it was affecting his ability to concentrate in class. Professor Babbling had even commented on it in a note to Madam Pomfrey, which Draco had yet to take to the Hospital Wing. Mother Magic must be on holiday, or in dire need of an ear trumpet. The spot in his heart that should be full of Her warmth and love was only cold and empty now, like the lost ties between him and Dobby. But even as he thought that, a new warmth seemed to creep into his chest, like the first bud of spring against frost-covered ground. Potter—no, Harry—had taken his hand, his warm fingers brushing across Draco’s left palm where his scar lay gently pulsing. “Does she make you happy?” asked Harry. “Mother Magic chose me,” replied Draco, resolutely not looking at him. He felt more than saw Harry’s frown. “That’s not the same thing,” murmured the Gryffindor. But it has to be, Draco didn’t say, because what’s the point of being special, of being chosen, if you’re not happy about it? When the untimely escape of his godfather from Azkaban coincides with a mysterious plot against his Aunt Sevvy, Lord Harry of the Honourable and Most Ancient House of Potter realises that ‘guilty’ in the Wizarding world is relative, and innocence itself has a steep price. Part Three of Heirs of Avalon, a Pureblood Culture deconstruction.
Read here on AO3!
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lucigoo · 6 months
For the word game: Raven 👀
So, the only fic of mine that reallly meantions ravens is: Dragon Rot Heres the snippet:
Bilbo swallowed back his sobs. Even if it did no good, they had friends and allies here under the mountain, trying to do whatever they could, in whatever way they could.
“The Line of Durin, and myself are Valar blessed that you are our friend Roack, thank you,” Bilbo said quietly, pouring as much gratitude as he could into his voice.
“Roack help, Roack and family help good hobbit. Happy Mountain, happy eerie.” Roack cackled at Bilbo, making him smile. “More?”
“Yes, a few more, but they are much closer, my friend. This is for Beorn, he may not make it, but if he can, his honey will be so helpful, I dont know how much he has in storage, but there should be at least enough to help the most at risk, even if it just makes the medicine taste better for the young ones. If you could send someone to ask him?”
“Bear man?” Roack asked to check.
“Yes,” Bilbo said with a small smile. “Bear man, tell him bunny asked for help,” he said with a soft laugh, Roack throwing his head back in laughter too.
“There’s two more Roack, much easier. I need help from Dale, the missive assures Bard that humans are immune. It’s a Dragon Rot that is only affecting dwarves. His children were here when it first started, and I’m sure we would have heard about it if they were no longer well.” Bilbo said, biting his bottom lip. They needed help immediately, hands on help. There weren’t enough able dwarves to go around at the moment. They needed extra care givers for one thing, and that was before you added all the other tasks that kept a community working.
“Dale. Roack Mate go,” Roack said as he cawed something up into the rafters. A beautiful female raven came down, one a similar age to Roack, with even more intelligence shining in her eyes if that was possible. “Solurm” Roack said, with a look that Bilbo had seen often on Thorin’s face when looking at him.
“Thank you Roack, Solurm.” Bilbo breathed out, in awe at the help Roack and his flock were willingly provided.
“Roack take to Elf king. Mountain elf want family, family good when sad,” Roack said, guessing perfectly well what Bilbo wanted for the last missive and why.
“Oh, thank you Roack. Thranduil needs to know, Tauriel needs the support, Yavanna bless her. And if he knows enough to help, well, I won’t sneeze at that opportunity.” Bilbo said as he handed Roack the final missive. Watching in relief as the ravens all flew away. Dale and Mirkwood, he expected answers by the next day at most. Beorn would probably be two or three. The Shire, as Roack said, would be maybe 10/11 days and Rivendell maybe 8 if he was lucky. All he had to do was keep as many dwarves as possible alive until then, he thought glumly as he wandered back into the mountain to do what he could with what he had on hand.
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shiveringsoldier · 9 months
WIP fic about Merry paying Frodo a visit on the third anniversary of Weathertop
Merry winced as he got dressed. His battle-scarred arm had gone stiff, making movement difficult.
     For a few minutes he did a small, gentle exercise. It had helped in the past when his arm acted up, and it helped again this time.
     It was thanks to Frodo that he knew this exercise. Frodo had shown it to him after learning of the wound he had suffered, saying that it helped immensely when he felt muscle soreness in his shoulder.
     As he thought of Frodo, Merry realized it had been some while since they had seen one another. It seemed a pleasant autumn day, one suitable for traveling. Perhaps he would travel over to Bag End and pay Frodo a visit.
     Glancing at his calendar, Merry grew in determination to see his cousin. It was the sixth of October. Three years earlier, their company stopped for the night at Weathertop.
Smoke came from the chimney at Bag End. Merry took encouragement at the sight. It meant Frodo was up, at least.
     But he then saw something that made his heart sink.
     Before their journey, autumn was Frodo’s favorite time of year. He spent many autumn days in the markets browsing farmers’ wares, or foraging for mushrooms, or simply taking walks in the woods. And when at home, he kept the windows wide open to let in the cool air. Now those windows were tightly shut.
     He knocked on the door. “Frodo?” he said. “It’s Merry. May I come in?”
     There was no response.
     He waited a few seconds, then knocked again. “Frodo, I know you’re there. I’m coming in, all right?”
“What do you say we take a walk? Fresh air often helps with my arm.”
     Frodo shook his head. “I can’t. It’s too cold.”
     “Let’s try for a few minutes. Two years ago, we were on our way home. We traveled all day, not stopping until nightfall. You managed all-day travel. What’s a few minutes?”
     Frodo sighed, defeated. “All right. I’ll try.”
     As Frodo went to get a cloak, Merry added, “If you feel worse, just say the word and we’ll turn around. I won’t press you. I promise.”
A cool autumn breeze greeted the hobbits as they set foot outside. Frodo halted but worked up the strength to keep going.
     In the sunlight, Merry fully saw just how sickly Frodo looked. His complexion was deathly pale, his eyes glassy and unfocused. He already regretted pressing Frodo to do this.
     They were about halfway to the Party Tree when Frodo suddenly stopped. He looked even paler than before, and he took ragged breaths.
     Merry went closer to him, and before he could ask what was wrong, Frodo swayed, clutching weakly at Merry’s arm. Merry couldn’t support his weight as Frodo sank to the ground.
     Frodo was unconscious for only a few seconds, but he had beads of sweat on his forehead when he regained consciousness, and he looked paler still. “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “I … I don’t know what came over me.”
     “It’s all right,” Merry said. He knew he should be the one to apologize. This wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t talked Frodo into taking a walk. But that would have to wait. The tears he wanted to shed would do nothing to help. “Can you walk?”
     “I think so.”
     Merry helped him to his feet and locked arms with Frodo’s uninjured arm. Frodo may have had the strength to walk unassisted, but after that episode Merry had no interest in leaving that to chance.
     Frodo was shivering by the time they returned to Bag End. Merry sat him down in the parlor and grabbed a blanket from the linen closet.
     “Frodo, I’m sorry,” he said, trying to start a fire. “You were in no state for this. I should’ve known.”
     Frodo didn’t answer.
     Merry turned to look at him. Frodo had a distant look in his eyes, as if he was looking at something beyond the horizon. He had had the same look on the first anniversary.
     “It hurts,” Frodo said. He spoke so quietly that Merry thought he’d imagined it.
     “But you will feel better. Tomorrow you will feel better. That’s what happened before.”
     “But then I will get worse again. And I will keep getting worse. It will never heal—I will never heal.
     “It feels as if shards of ice are in my bones. There is no melting them.” He put his hand on his shoulder, but lightly, as if he feared that his own touch would pain him. “It’s so cold. I’m always cold. I will never be warm.”
     Frodo’s eyes remained dry as he spoke. Merry wondered if he had no tears left.
Merry put his hand on his cousin’s forehead, as he had three years earlier when he was freshly wounded. It was cool to the touch, but not cold. Something told him Frodo’s left hand would be another story, and he decided not to find out.
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yletylyf · 2 years
10 Lines Tagging Game
Thank you for the tag, @rebelrebelwrites! This is glorious timing as I’ve published more than ten fics since last time I played!!
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway ❤️
1. Gollum woke to a black sky. He did not know where or what he was. Everything hurt, and the world was cruel. He curled into a ball, shivering and shaking, and tried not to remember anything. - Rainbow of Chaos, Sauron/Galadriel plus assorted gen relationships (Lord of the Rings, Rings of Power). I was quite convinced that opening on Gollum would turn off a lot of readers, but people like Gollum more than I realized. He is cute in his own way. He deserved better :(
2. It began with a flash of black across his vision. Gone as quickly as it came, Celebrimbor was left blinking in confusion. - Entwining, Celebrimbor/Sauron (the Silmarillion). My attempt at a long, fix-it fic for this ship. The first chapter is just a retelling of the canon moment when Celebrimbor discovers he’s been lied to, and the One Ring was forged. I’ve sort of stalled out on the writing... although I have the whole plot in my head.
3. Harry stirred from unconsciousness. At first, confusion was the only thing that registered. Last he remembered, he was sitting down at his kitchen table to eat a microwaved dinner. Alone. A quick break before he would have to be on duty for New Year's Eve. Had he fainted at his table? - Voyager, Healer, Survivor, cowritten with @maraudersaffair, Voldemort/Harry/Severus (Harry Potter). This first paragraph is so fun! It’s a time-travel with less time-travel angst than usual, because Harry isn’t thrilled about the idea of going back to his solo microwave dinners.
4. "She's not here," Celebrimbor observed. He deflated in disappointment. He lowered the scroll that he had been ready to brandish at Galadriel with a flourish. - What nourishes me, destroys me, Celebrimbor/Annatar/Galadriel (the Silmarillion). This is just porn. With my three faves. A lot of porn. I guess there is political intrigue and feelings, too.
5. There was a disturbance outside on the slopes of Orodruin. Halbrand had been sleeping. (Or passed out, whatever term was appropriate for his fits of unconsciousness brought about by overexertion.) He woke feeling deeply annoyed by the disturbance. - Through Peril and Fire, Halbrand/Galadriel (Rings of Power). I have so many feelings about this fic! I should do a long meta post about it someday. When I started writing it, I had not read the LotR trilogy in twenty years and I’d never read the Silmarillion, I just saw the season finale for the show and HAD TO write a fix-it where these two get together. You guys, I angsted for so long over whether Halbrand/Sauron sleeps. So silly of me! Maiar can sleep if the fic author wants em to, and don’t need to if s/he doesn’t. How I forgot that fundamental lesson after so many years of fic writing, I don’t know.
6. Smaug's earliest memory was of three shining Stars. They were jewels, but they were fairer than every other jewel he had ever seen put together. When he asked the Eldest of dragons what they were, the Eldest said he didn't know, but that they would burn Smaug if he touched them. - As rich as twenty seas, Smaug/his hoard (the Hobbit). A pinch hit I picked up for the Here Be Dragons exchange, because the prompt was amazing. By the time of this writing, I’d read the Silmarillion, but I had to pick up the Hobbit again for the first time in twenty years for it. A delight! Smaug is my new fave.
7. The shadow and flame at his side did not require chains to keep him in place. Maitimo was weak at their touch, as he was hauled along with his feet dragging on the ground, and he thought he would faint. He had no sense of place or the passage of time; all his mind was focused on repelling their evil touch from his spirit. - The first moonrise, Maedhros & Mairon & Morgoth (the Silmarillion). Aaah this fic. I am conflicted about it, along with its opening. You thought there were enough fics about Maedhros in Angband, did you? Well think again! Featuring a Mairon who is something more than a flat torture-robot for Morgoth.
8. "Well, it's certainly an honor to be asked by the Minister of Magic himself," Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank said, but despite the respect she intended to convey, her tone came out sounding dubious. - The Art of Preservation, Minerva McGonagall/Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank (Harry Potter). Ultra-rare femslash!! A hoggywarts exchange fic, which is a very storied event I was so happy to take part of this past year. What a wonderful community!
9. Galadriel climbed the tower swiftly, in spite of the clunky boots she was wearing, made by humans for humans. She was not the type to let a little tower of stone, or the wrong equipment, get in the way of her quest. - A means of mastering it, Galadriel/Tar-Miriel (Rings of Power). More femslash! Another (semi) fix-it where Galadriel kicks butt, gets rid of a pest, and lands herself a queen girlfriend. Written for Yuletide, a thrilling one-time thing as the fandom will never again be eligible, lol.
10. "Harrow," said the Body. She placed her hand over yours, her touch featherlight and chilly. Once again, her voice had changed—it now sounded exactly like your own. "You do not know what you ask." - your mind a shell, Harrow/Alecto (the Locked Tomb). Creepy ghost/hallucination femslash! It’s a missing scene from canon, but with smut. Harrow has a sexual awakening; Alecto (the Body) may or may not be real; Gideon fumes.
Tagging @phantomato, @metalomagnetic, @lumosatnight, @hsvh-hp, @cindle-writes, @turanga4, @perverse-idyll, @leogichidaa, @ncoincidences, and @danpuff-ao3 but only if you want to play!
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The Marali Festival Commentary Day 5
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And we’ve reached the end of the commentary for this story! Thank you so much everyone who has stuck it out this long, reading my HEAVILY detailed notes. (I like talking about this stuff 😭) And I hope everyone is ready for the accompanying drabble I have prepared for tomorrow. 👀
Chapter 13- Kiss
Okay so this was my FAVORITE chapter to write. But, I’m always a sucker for confession scenes.
“Did you accept Tabor’s suit?”
Bilbo wanted to scream and rant and throw things. Stupid obtuse dwarf! Did he sound like someone happily courting another?
“No, I didn’t.” He snapped back.
Silence again.
“Bilbo, malkânê (my hobbit), mudùmê (my comfort) please open the door.”
The RELIEF I hope was physically palpable from Thorin right here as he rushes to spew endearments knowing Bilbo is still blessedly single. 
“Not your fault. I’m sorry that I’ve ruined our friendship with my stupid…” Bilbo mumbled.
“No! No, Bilbo. I’m afraid you’re misinterpreting my words.”
“That’s entirely the problem! I’ve misinterpreted this whole time that you…”
Thorin rolled his eyes before his lips locked onto the hobbit’s own. Bilbo froze before he slowly began to look up, hoping against all hope he didn’t just imagine that.
“Malkânê, my hobbit.” Thorin translated as he pressed a kiss to Bilbo’s forehead. “Mudùmê, my comfort.”
Another kiss, this time to the tip of Bilbo’s nose.
“And amrâlimê, my love.” He breathed before kissing Bilbo on the lips once more.
This was one of my favorite things to write! Thorin spelling out what he’s been saying in khudzul with kisses inbetween.😊
“I created a garden of my own. That’s how hobbits court? With flowers? It seemed appropriate for a day to celebrate the earth.”
Let it be said that Thorin’s ‘courting gift’ here was going to be more of a test in universe before Fili, Kili, and Tabor’s interference. Does Bilbo like it? Does he think it’s a romantic gift? Yes? Time to actively court him now! But, Bilbo’s basically confessed at this point so he has his answer.
“Just once, plainly, for me…tell me you love me?” He whispered fearfully, shutting his eyes against the idea of rejection now.
A string of kisses traced his jaw before finding his lips once more. Chaste, questioning, but present.
“Bilbo Baggins, I love you.”
Words of affirmation are definitely a Bilbo Baggins love language. Of course, if I had just had my heartbroken to be stitched back together .5 seconds later, I’d probably want the reassurance as well.
Chapter 14- Fireworks
So back-tracking to this Valentines’ list I’ve been using. The final day was actually supposed to be ‘First Date’. But when I started plotting this out, I again, changed it to fit my purposes...even though it sorta was a first date. 
“What’s got you down, Tabor?” Fili questioned.
“I was demoted!” He whined. “And no, before you ask. Not to guard duty for your idiots. I’m on gate duty for the next two months!”
Was Thorin a bit harsh? Probably. But also you know, his hobbit. 
Both of his nephews flailed dramatically. His youngest trying to plead with his beloved for mercy.
“I actually would have been much worse. You should thank him for showing you leniency.”
Thorin had to fight down the grin when Kili did just that with a whiney edge to his voice. He was not about to let the elf know he was amused.
And that’s was the moment Tauriel won over Thorin.
“Surprised at our courting?”
“Surprised it had not happened already.”
Thorin found himself snorting at the wizard’s wink and twinkling eyes. Honestly, he was as bad as his sister.
“Yes, well. Not for a lack of trying. Do you know how many blackberry tarts I’ve baked for this dwarf?” Bilbo sniffed with a put on expression.
I had to make Gandalf not only a Bagginshield shipper, but the only one to understand all the subtle hobbit hints Bilbo had been dropping while Thorin stands there like ‘wait, what?’
Thorin just watched as Bilbo’s delight lit up in shades of red, green, and blue with each explosion overhead. Slowly, he backed away from the hobbit moving to the small boulder that hid Thorin’s final surprise. He had not intended to give it tonight. He wanted to wait and let it be his next courting gift, but after he finally left Bilbo, he spent all night finishing his project. He didn’t want there to be a single doubt of his desire to make things official between him and his hobbit.
Bilbo realizing he had slipped away, turned to face him only to blink in surprise at the object thrust between them. The metallic bouquet with jeweled flowers lit up under the falling lights of the fireworks. Edelweiss for devoted courage, hydrangeas for gratitude, sweet pea for delicate pleasures, and yellow tulips for the sunshine is in your smile. A courting gift worthy of a hobbit. Thorin couldn’t say anything as he gently took Bilbo’s free hand in his own. Not that he needed to. Relief swam on Bilbo’s face as the flowers said everything Thorin couldn’t.
SHAMELESS PLUG FOR @stardryad-random​ and her AMAZING illustration. 😭😭 It really helped to make this story just that much more special. Thank you my friend!!
AND THAT’S THE END!! Cue the fireworks... 🤣 I also wrote a smut sequel, but I’m not going to commentate unless someone specifically requests. Otherwise, thank you guys for all your love for this fic!  💖💖
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angie-j-kay · 1 year
First Sentences Tag
Rules: Share the first sentence of your last ten fics/stories. If you haven't written ten fics, share as many first sentences as you have. (It should be noted that the character of Tracey Rutledge has been through several different incarnations, and has been shoehorned into a plethora of attemtped and abandoned fanfictions and goofy roleplay games before coming to What You Cast Out. Actually, she started out as a Phantom of the Opera fic I was doing as a joke back in '04, but whatever. Also, these are so not in order.)
1: Unwilling Messiah (Dragon Age/Tracey)
2: Saving Prince Charming (Original Fic, same universe as What You Cast Out but otherwise independent)
Some say that this is the sort of story that should start with “Once upon a time,” or something like that.
3: (This one doesn't have a title, it's based on Norse Mythology.)
It was Yule.
4: (Same series, still no title.)
It was long enough ago that he couldn't be completely certain, but as far as Loki was aware he had always known he wasn't entirely Aesir.
5: Hannah (Original Fic, completely independent and SOMEDAY I will bring it to fruition. I'm actually super-proud of this story, so y'all can have a whole paragraph.)
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Hannah who lived in the dark. Not that she knew that she lived in the dark, of course. There were plenty of candles all over the tunnels, so she thought she lived in the brightest, happiest place in existence. She didn’t even have a word for sad, or for pain. She had lived there forever, if you asked her. She couldn’t remember anything before the darkness, or exactly when it started, so it must have been forever.
6: Pass the Popcorn (Doctor Who/Star Trek crossover, back when Matt Smith was the Doctor.)
“Q, I demand that you return us all to our ships immediately!” Picard shouted, infuriated.
7: Mulcahy's Miracle (MASH/X-Men crossover written as a dare, I think it might actually still be on Fanfiction.net somewhere.)
There were so many bodies in the truck... so many.
8: "Nicole Goes to the Republic" is the file name. This one's OLD, like over a decade old. It's a Star Wars Prequel fic based on a freaking awesome dream I had once.
I popped a stick of Winterfresh into my mouth, laughing at the crack the dude sitting next to me had made.
9: Tracey and the Hobbits (Written PURELY to squick my husband out, and because things like sex sort of went unmentioned in Lord of the Rings. For context, you're gonna need the whole paragraph.)
It started with a Hobbit. Two hobbits, actually. If you asked her, however, Tracey would say that it started about three days before, with ale. That was when Pippin had said it.
10: This one's labelled "Soulmate AU Crackfic," and it's based on a joke. I was sent a dare to write Tracey and the MCU Loki in one of those soulmate AU things, and this is the chaos that ensued.
No one knew where Loki vanished to after his failed attack on New York City.
I've got to go make dinner, but I'm just gonna offer this one to anyone who wants it.
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lavender-long-stories · 6 months
I don't know what that emoji is for the ask game
Do you tell people you write? Write fanfiction?
This is in reference to the Fic Ask Game 2
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👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic? 
Freinds and family know either that I 'write online stories for free as a hobby' or straight up know I write fanfiction.
Because I have been writing it for 10 years at this point. Friends asked what I was always writing on my laptop between uni classes. My grandmother has sat and listened to just about any plot synopsis I have come up with since I was a little kid, and she is not going to stop just because the characters are not mine.
I am at the age where I really don't give a single shit if anyone knows what I do as a hobby. I am an adult. I pay taxes. Let me live.
Most people look at it a little less like a stupid hobby when I tell them how many words I write in a month. I think that when you say, 'I wrote the word equivalent to the Hobbit in one month' people go 'oh.'
My mom still asks when I plan on making money from it.
My mother-in-law very adorably asks me if I am still writing my 'Poke-mans stories' every few weeks. (My partner was into Pokemon as a kid, and that is how she has always said it - is genuinely can't tell if she is mispronouncing it as a joke) (Also never wrote for Pokemon - I think she just thinks anime is called Pokemons, and I refused to explain otherwise)
Grandma askes me if people could steal it since I uploading for free and if I could sue to get it back? (I don't know how to explain to her that - I own the story, but not the property it's based on - you don't usually sue for theft of a fic and...)
My partner couldn't care less what I do or who I tell at this point. He's adorable - we love him. He's watching Naruto for the first time, slowly, only when he works out, so he's not even through the first series yet. (So hard to talk to him and not spoil >.>)
No one at my job knows, but I work primarily with older dad types who probably wouldn't care.
Why should anyone care? I am writing silly romances for the internet.
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fantasyinallforms · 9 months
It's an end-of-the-year recap!!!! And what a year it has been! Thank you, @fellowshipofthefics, for putting together this wonderful recap list! Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the people who have supported me on my writing journey this past year. The Bagginshield fandom has been a haven filled with some of the kindest and most talented people I have had the pleasure of getting to know.
I look forward to another year with all of you.
Let's begin!
What is something new you tried with your writing this year?
This was my first year as a fic writer, so everything was something new! I was really focused on building the "voice" of my writing, and I think I did that.
Did you participate in any fandom events?
Oh yes. I did the Thorin Spring Forge (TSF), Kinktober, and The Hobbit: An Unexpected Collaboration (THAUC). I also did about half a dozen drabble events and fotfics monthly events.
What's been your favorite project to work on?
There were not many, but I think for me my favorite was the TSF event. It was a big chance to produce my first ever long-format fic, and the reception it got was more than I could have imagined. You Should Be Safe With Me now sits as my highest kudo's fic.
What was the hardest project to work on?
Sparks & Gardens, for sure. The story is one I'm in love with, but bringing it to life in a way that does it justice can be a struggle sometimes. A struggle I enjoy, oddly enough.
Did you start any projects?
Too many.
Did you finish any projects?
I did! Happy Accidents is a completed Modern AU trilogy.
How many WIPS do you have now?
Four (two posted to AO3)
Share your favorite scene/line!
In chapter three of You Should Be Safe With Me, Thorin busts into Bard's house because he thinks harm is befalling Bilbo. I love how gentle and soft Thorin is when helping Bilbo in that scene.
Share your favorite story title!
I'm very fond of Not Yours To Touch. It took me forever to name that fic!
What does your writing system look like? (i.e. brainstorming, writing, editing - how do you do it?)
Usually, it starts with a scene I like or a general concept. Then, I daydream about it a little and determine if it's a one-shot idea or a long-format idea. One shot, I start writing and see where the idea takes me. Long format I start jotting down ideas in bullet form until I have a really rough outline. Then, I flesh that out until I have a plot. When I have a series of events in order, I want them to happen with maybe a few vague details I start writing. I pause and reread/ rough edit after every chapter and check that my continuity is still good. When it's all done, I ignore it for a few days and re-read it again, then edit. Then it's off to my lovely beta reader, who edits and tells me if something doesn't make sense. Once I get that stamp of approval, I post.
What's the best atmosphere for you to write?
Left alone and quiet
Any particular snacks or drinks while writing?
I'm a beverage girly. I have water, coffee, and some fruit near me at all times. I don't normally snack and write. Most of the time, if I'm writing, I've forgotten to eat.
Do you form playlists/soundtracks for your stories? Or even just for your "writing time"?
Playlist, not really. As I said above, I prefer absolute silence when I write. I do have Pinterest boards for all my WIP's, however.
What advice would you give to a new writer?
You're going to have to be bad at it before you become good at it. So be bad at it and enjoy the process.
What are some goals you have for 2024?
Finish Sparks and Gardens. Finish reputation be damned, and if I'm really lucky, debut my Biker Gang AU. But really just to have fun.
Last but not least, General stats
Words posted to AO3 this year: 191,187
Fics posted to AO3: 22 (all but one was Bagginshield)
Current active WIP's: 2
I can't wait to see what 2024 brings, and I couldn't have done this without you.
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