#this is the consequences of your actions! Cale!!
Every Lcf/ Tcf fan has two sides:
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Haha!! 😅😅 Poor Cale!!
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murasaki-cha · 1 year
Tcf novel spoilers
Raon: it's ok I won't have to fight alone, we have lots of companions
Cale: Yes
Raon: I can just run away
Cale: correct
Raon: and come and hit them in back of the head later
Cale: .... Sure
Raon: and scam them!
Cale: wait-
Cale: hold on
Choi Han, Choi Jung Soo and Sui Khan: *trying their damn hardest not to laugh*
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caleism-1 · 2 years
Cale has a hidden talent that no one expects except for a select few.
Tasha wants to fix that.
Chaos ensued.
So I'm sick and tired of those song fics where Cale did absolutely nothing in retribution when well...
Let's be honest.
Cale Henituse/Kim Rok Soo hates attention, Imma right???
So what if, what if...
This happened???
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laughingherring · 2 years
Alberu, after Xiaolen: Please, please think about the consequences of your actions before you use abilities so strong it makes people think a divine intervention takes place Cale, in the Central Plains: does nothing. Sits still Literally every person he meets: This scrawny twink holds unimaginable power
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vorecommunitywoes · 2 months
anyway hi pine
Something they said about someone labeling them a groomer aka turning someone into red paste is no excuse to make a callout." absolutely no one called them a groomer, and that was also not the only reason why there was a callout post. they were just fantasizing about being violent towards a hypothetical person calling them a groomer
again expressing graphic violence against other ppl is generally seen as bad and weird
the sfw community is playing this down because they want to be able to interact with porn blogs without consequence, srry to say. the rules only apply when THEY feel hurt, not if they hurt other ppl
"If someone is caling your actioms stupid thats not ableist." calling someone an idiot is not calling their actions stupid, it is imposing ur view of them as someone who is disabled. words mean things. tinysuzy literally said she was "mentally concerned for my mental comprehension", seeing me as someone lower than her, that is NOT criticizing my actions, thats, again, the same as saying u think someone is mentally disabled. if u can explain why comparing someones negative actions to disabilities isnt ableism aside from "everyone does it" that would be an interesting read. using disabilities in negative language affects how u see disabled people, making those connected of disabled people as being something undignified and being OK to use for insults. it is entirely about demeaning someone u dont like or who made a mistake and comparing them to someone mentally disabled. this is wrong, dont u think? why or why not?
"If your disability made you sct poorly, its not an excuse its an explanation." i mean yeah obviously. no one is arguing this! ppl who act poorly as a result of their disabilities can still b talked to, or if it is severely life affecting they should seek support when possible!
",no one is targeting your disability they are targtting your actions" saying ur worried about someones "mental comprehension" is NOT targeting their actions! neither is calling them mentally lesser by saying they arent "the sharpest tool in the shed". that is just calling them mentally handicapped
turn anons off for a while. the threats i dont ever condone but u can easily prevent them and control how ppl interact with u. this seems to generally be a big issue with the community with ppl claiming they cant control who they interact with
"The nsfw blogs we interavted with as a result of us interacting eit rebloged posts can now use amo against this community. Its already happened." CHECK PPLS DNIS BEFORE INTERACTING WITH THEM EVEN IF ITS A REBLOG? this is not a community u can just interact with whoever u see whenever. u have to have basic respect for ppl especially adults. why wouldnt ppl with nsfw blogs be upset about this?
"Adults of this community, you may not like it but you need to look out for the younger memebers especially ones who follow and interact eit you. Its the same for every content creator with a young fanbase. You are no different." but u dont feel the same way about ppl who have nonsexual interests in other topics that ppl usually see as "fetishes" like feet/BDSM. y is that different here?
also again start talking to disability activists about using mental handicaps as insults. are u only saying it bcuz it feels right to you? and not talking 2 other ppl who have different perspectives on this? are u only relying on ur pov or in ur friend group for this or have u been researching? srsly connect with ppl ab this stuff. my pov on this comes from irl groups and friends and personal experiences
"If they use the r slur to you and know youre disabled, , invisble or visible - THAT IS ABLEISM!!" .........is it ok to use it if they arent disabled? what? or is it only ableism, but still not socially acceptable, if they use it on someone who isnt disabled? what is the implication there
anyway an archival of what im replying to cuz i figure its good to keep track of whos saying what in these convos
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ohmycale · 2 years
of trust, betrayal, and maybe some accountability (long read)
Been gone. Life happens. Now back. It's a long read and I will put a (hopefully) good TLDR at the bottom 
 Okay, first off. I guess the TCF/ fandom can all agree on one thing - the Henituse family does love each other but are very bad at displaying or communicating it. Just like in any human relationship, communication matters, and I believe we could have a somewhat functioning happy-ever-after family ending if that happened. But then again, where will be the lovely angst if everything went the ideal and happily ever ending? The familial love that exists among the members of the said famous (or infamous) family is unassailable and is widely acknowledged. While love is extremely important, many people seem to forget that another element is missing, which is also crucial (but not exclusive to love) in functioning relationships - trust. 
I guess we can also agree that love makes a good foundation for good and ideal outcomes, especially in familial or romantic relationships. Based on the family's history, it's easy to say that trust is lacking, if not severely lacking, in those particular members. Distrust is also not farfetched to imagine in their interactions. 
 Of course, the family patriarch caused the said problems. Whatever one thinks of the said patriarch, we call agree that he screwed big time in forming bonds and bridges in his family. Another sin he commit is his habit of kicking the issue down the road hoping it will be resolved somehow because of time. Let me be clear, time does mellow done the effect of anything (good or bad) that happens in a relationship. That is just the good side that can happen. But it can also produce a negative effect - the long, awkward silence of waiting it out can also create perceptions that are not healthy for the people involved and deepen the existing negative things. For me, the negative effect is what happened in the Henituse family. The problem started when ogCale was 8, and somehow the issue continued well before he reached his supposed 18th year (when KRS took over his body). So we have bad communication, mistrust connected to this faith of hoping things will sort out and waiting for the best (if that even exists at all). 
 Okay, back to trust. For me, the deterioration of the father-son relationship was triggered by two events. First, Deruth left his child because he could not stand to deal with his grief and harbored feelings of resentment of his son over some physical resemblance the said son cannot control. Two, he brought a wife and child into his and og!Cale's home without any consideration of his own child's feelings. He created a relationship with two new people (cool) but also forced a relationship between og!Cale and the new addition to the family (not cool). (Sorry, Deruth fans but your boy does know how to mess up his self-confessed priorities in life.) Just one of those events can cause massive distrust and resentment. Some adult children that I know (yes, anectodal I know) cut off their parents for one of these reasons (even for less). That is how serious these actions can mean and how severe the consequences are if the said issues were not addressed. 
 I guess even those who never had experienced any form of abandonment or neglect would not recognize that these two events, in og!Cale's eyes can be outright actions of betrayal from his father. And from distrust or lacking trust come forth feelings of further resentment and betrayal. Both are self-explanatory and extended not just to Deruth but to Violan, and the whole family unit. Of course, the biggest share of both goes to Deruth along with a particular feeling called parental rejection. And from this, it becomes a cyclic process where og!cale rightfully does feel mistrust even if his family is trying to reach him. After all, how can somebody envision that the same people who hurt him are trying to make amends if the said family still relies on bad communication (aka not initiating communication because how does someone expects a child to bring this complex situation and terrible power dynamic to his elders) that wasn’t addressed and no forms of remorse on their part were given to him? 
 Some fans will bring out that og!Cale self-isolated him and that is the reason there has been no communication or progress in reconciliation. Point taken, but who doesn't practice self-isolation/distancing when somebody hurts them? This reasoning justifies that og!cale has to lead and do the legwork in repairing the relationship. That is unfair to expect for the injured party and the child in this scenario. The reason also excuses or displays the increasing lack of accountability from Deruth (and in a smaller instance Violan) as parents and adults.
 I will concede that the family does try to reach him but inefficiently. I don’t feel that they tried enough and exhausted every effort they had. I understand their fear, but the situation is hardly sustainable and beneficial to all. Everyone is on eggshells with a constant cloud of mistrust. The only reprieve everyone has is to continue with their fractured set-up. 
 TLDR – trust is not love but is an important element ignored by everyone, Deruth loves kicking things down the road and crossing fingers on his relationships, distrust/lack of trust amplifies the negative feelings and interactions, and please stop asking for responsibility/accountability for the character who tries to be the mature adult (even if he wasn't the adult in the situation).
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neominthe · 3 years
Major spoilers for ORV, LCF and SCTIR
Usually I post my thoughts on @mire022 but today I really wanted to share with you guys what I think when I make orv + lcf + sctir comics (SSB comics)
One of the reasons Dokja, Cale and Yoojin are so interesting to me is how they are inserted in the context of “protagonist knows the event so they make use of the knowledge to their advantage”. 
Usually, the protagonists start their lifes after they gain the advantage, as if they are finally doing what they always wanted, free from their jobs and regrets. They got the chance to do everything again. But, often their old lives are forgotten, they become a mere speck of what things used to be and how they avoided the same events from happening. For Dokja, Yoojin and Cale this is different and REALLY important for their characters
Dokja tells the readers how he used to be an office worker who loved to read a certain webnovel. Truthfully, I accepted that he was only this person and moved on, happy that he got to meet his beloved characters and live how he wanted. Though, it is important to note how Dokja is an unreliable narrator. He doesn’t tell the readers his past as this abused and bullied child because that is his story and there is no need for him to remeber his trauma. There is no point for him, so you only get to discover this through others in his life. And by god, that explains so many of his actions. I’m not saying trauma shapes who other people are, they are just a part of someone, but his decisions on self-sacrifice never made sense to me. If he was just an office worker, why would he keep sacrificing himself for others like a madman? Did he like the story to the point of removing himself from it just to keep the narration moving on? No, this is tied to the fact that he never saw himself as someone valuable, who deserved to be cherished and cared for, because others always saw him as a target, or a character from the news, never as a person. His mother might have loved him, but would he have been able to note how much she did as he was always hiding and in fear of being beaten? Maybe some people can, but not Dokja.
Yoojin always thought of others ever since he was born. His little brother was his priority as his parents neglected them, so he took upon himself to raise Yoohyun. Every decision he took was in order to ensure Yoohyun had a good life, he dropped out of college to take numerous jobs to pay for their finances and to enable Yoohyun to get on a good college. That being the case, he never thought of himself, prioritized his future and happiness, if he ever got to live a comfortable life, it would only be after every single aspect of Yoohyun’s life was ok and THAT was his happiness, to see his brother doing fine and grow to be a healthy adult. Isn’t that extremely altruistic, to be happy by seeing others happiness, never resenting them for “taking away your future” or “a happiness that was supposed to be yours”? But, with that it comes the consequence that Yoojin forgot entirely that he was a person who had his own life, his own needs and dreams, he tied his entire existence to Yoohyun because “he was his older brother and he loved him”. Many parents think their child is their life, so they forget about themselves and when the child has their own life and moves away, the parents have nothing to do, because “their life” has gone away. Yoojin entered a depressed state because of how Yoohyun decided to shut him off his life to protect him and Yoojin, hurt and feeling betrayed, decided to live his own life and BOI DID THAT GO BAD. When he got the chance to re-do his relationship with his brother, he was still set on the mindset that it was his responsibility to ensure Yoohyun’s happiness and safety, because Yoohyun died for him and when Yoojin tried to live for himself, he had no objective, no goals or dream since he never thought of that and only spiraled to a bad state of mind. His time of happiness was when he was with his brother, working and hoping to see his brother’ smile. And that is why Yoojin keeps overworking himself to the point he lost his sight due to stress and exhaustion.
Cale is a funny case. He tells others how he won’t sacrifice himself, that this is foolish and he hates feeling pain but, at the mere danger of his family getting hurt, be it a scrape on the knee or not being able to eat one meal, he stops everything he is doing to ensure that will not happen. Although, sometimes he feels pain beyond imagination and it wasn’t something planned, he still would welcome it if it means avoiding keeping his family out of danger. Cale also has extremely good leadership skills and huge charisma, this trait often seen as expected from an isekai protagonist, it comes from out of nowhere and does not need an explanation, the protagonist was just born with it and for some reason his past world did not see it or they had a chance to show it off. Cale, on the other hand, acquired this skill being a powerful teammate and leader through YEARS of experience. The position he was put through is explained by his special abilities, not something he asked for but had to deal with it. Cale, being a leader and a strong fighter, shouldered resposibilities like it was just natural of him to do so. Be a minor inconvenience or a teammate getting hurt, he thought it was his fault as his ability was to record every monsters’ power and attacks and he was the leader. He never looks too bothered by having to deal with huge expectations because it is NATURAL for him, it was something that followed him through so much time he had to learn how to deal with it. And this is important to his character. He still has the Record ability and knows a little about the future of his current world, so he still thinks is of his resposibility to achieve world peace, otherwise he won’t be able to rest peacefully. Hence why he is always saying his dream is to rest when all he does is bring trouble to himself.
I’m not saying this is the solid truth and a fact, this is just my interpretation of the characters and how interesting it is that their past is as important as the events that are currently happening that us, readers, are experiencing. It makes them look more human, to know their mistakes, their regrets and how they feel about it and how it affects the present. They have a history beyond what we are told, and isn’t that how humans work, to have a history before you meet someone?
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robins-on-lea · 2 years
Shit my TBOAH!Cale/Og!Cale has, at one point, said in my nonexistent Reaction Fic (Part 3):
TBOAH!Cale: [Smashes head down on the table]
SGT!Kim Rok Soo: H-Hey, what the fuck???
TBOAH!Cale: Sorry, the Crown Prince has his hair slicked back and it’s so hot I was afraid I might fall in love with him so I slammed my head down to prevent it
SGT!Kim Rok Soo:
Og!Cale: [Nodding] Checks out
TBOAH!Choi Han: [Picking a fight with TCF!Choi Han]
TCF!Choi Han: [Is about to throw hands with TBOAH!Choi Han]
SGT!Kim Rok Soo: S-Shouldn’t we…shouldn’t we stop them?
TCF!Cale: [Wearing 3D glasses & eating popcorn] Nah
Og!Cale: [Doing the same thing with TCF!Cale] Yeah, we wanna see who wins
TBOAH!Cale: [Sees how hot and scary TBOAH!Choi Han looks] Well mark me down as scared and horny
Og!Cale: [Sipping a sweet drink] Last time we had that conversation, he actually did
TBOAH!Choi Han: What
TBOAH!Cale: What
TCF!Choi Han: What
TCF!Cale: What
Og!Cale: What?
Og!Cale, @ TBOAH!Cale: Look, you need to hear the truth because the truth can set you free
TBOAH!Cale: Yeah, the truth can set me free, but it’s gonna piss me off first
SGT!Kim Rok Soo: Oh, complain complain! You know, when life gives you lemons-
TBOAH!Cale: How was I supposed to know that there’d be consequences for my actions???
TBOAH!Alberu: You have got to be the worse Noble I have ever heard of
TBOAH!Cale: [Smirks] But you have heard of me
TBOAH!Cale: Pro tip! If you see one of those “Take One” candy bowls at a waiting area, wait until no one is looking and shovel the candy into your bag or pockets. God may judge you but his sins outnumbered your own :)
TBOAH!Cale @ TBOAH!Alberu: Please, I was born for politics. I have great hair, I love lying, and I use rumours the same way I drink alcohol!
TBOAH!Cale: My life isn’t as glamorous as my hate poster makes it look like…
Og!Cale: Died and came back as a Korean, I call that reincarnation
TBOAH!Cale: Schrödinger’s cat is overrated. If you wanna see something that’s both dead and alive you can talk to me any time of the day
Og!Cale: [Nodding] Same
TCF!Cale: Mood
TBOAH!Cale: Okay fine, I made a mistake. Now can you help me?
Og!Cale: Got two words for you, Mini-Me
TBOAH!Cale: I bet they won't be helpful
Og!Cale: Your problem
TBOAH!Cale: I was right
TCF!Cale, struggling to keep upright in his 1 inch platform heels: Yeah, I-I don’t really think heels are for me
SGT!Kim Rok Soo, can’t even fucking let go of the pillar beside him without the risk of falling down his ass: Y-Yeah, same
TBOAH!Cale, looking at them while walking flawlessly in sparkly red 6 inch stilettos: [Frowns] Are they supposed to be that weak?
Og!Cale, still in the 36-year-old Kim Rok Soo skin body, also walking flawlessly in sparkly black 6 inch stilettos: [Shrugging] I guess
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chuunicalesimp · 3 years
"What feels illegal but isn't "
[cale, choi han, alberu and raon]
Cale: scamming
Choi han: cale-nim that's illegal
Cale: Scamming BAD GUYS
Choi han: letting cale-nim join the battle
Alberu: Sleeping. Sleeping when i have a pile of paper work to do.
Cale: are.. are you alright?
Alberu: no i fucking am not. You just go around doing things on your own and i have to deal with everything
Cale: ... sorry? I guess i can add "letting his highness handle the consequences of my action" to this
Alberu: *scoffs* yeah that will make it batter
Raon: blowing white stars head off
Cale: raon that's murder
Raon: but its the white star
Cale: ... true that-
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
Secret Love Part 11 || Cale Makar
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: So I really struggled writing Chapter 10...Chapter 11 however...took me like two days. So yeah...uh characters are still in Iceland, Days 3 and 4 sightseeing will be posted following this. As always all posts for this series can be found by searching the tag ‘038’ on my blog. Let me know what you think. 
Gif Credit: @j-compher​
Warnings: cursing, oral sex, smut, unprotected (on birth control but no condom) smut
Word Count: 3,819
If you’d thought day two of your trip had involved a lot of driving, you were in for a rude awakening moving forward.
The morning of your third day in Iceland, you and Cale had slept in until around 8 am before getting up, heading down to breakfast, packing up and then checking out of the hotel. Before leaving Reykjavik, you stopped at a market to stock up on some drinks and snacks, then a gas station for a refill before finally hitting the road heading south.
After about an hour and 40 minute drive, you reached your first stop: Seljalandsfoss Waterfall. This waterfall was the perfect photo op because you could actually walk behind the falls. Taking some sillier but also sweet pictures, you continued on to another waterfall about a half hour away. From there, you stopped for lunch before Cale drove on to Dyrhólaey Nature Reserve.
The nature reserve was home to sea stacks and arches and the view from the upper trail was breathtaking. It had only been three days but already you were certain that Iceland was one of the most beautiful countries in the world.  After taking in the views from above, you headed to the lower trail and onto Reynisfjara beach.
There, black sand stretched in front of you as far as you could see. It was so different than any other beach you’d ever been on but it was honestly really, really cool. As cool as the sand was, the rock formations lining the beach were even cooler. After walking tucked into Cale’s side for a little bit you looked up at the cliffs to your left and immediately started freaking out. Jumping up and down, trying not to squeal, you tugged on Cale’s sleeve as if your previous actions hadn’t already gained his attention.
“What are you freaking out about?” Cale asked, mystified expression on his face.
“Puffins!” You squealed quietly, pure glee on your face. “They’re so cute!” The last thing you wanted to do was disturb the birds, but you were so excited to see them it was impossible to keep completely silent. Of course, you kept your distance, simply admiring them from afar.
Cale didn’t seem to know what to do with your reaction but he let you have your moment watching the birds, his lips pressed against the top of your head. As you headed back down the beach Cale rubbed his thumb against your side.
“I take you to see beautiful geological formations but it’s the birds you’re excited about.” He mused, shaking his head.
“Leave me alone.” You pouted. “You don’t just see puffins anywhere you know.” Lifting your chin, Cale kissed you softly.
“As long as you’re having fun and are excited about something I’m happy.” He insisted, his arm pulling you closer into his side.
It wasn’t a far drive to the village of Vik which Cale informed you was where you were staying for the night. Unlike yesterday where you had been going non-stop, not returning to your hotel until after 11pm, today you were already here and it was only late afternoon.
After checking into your hotel, you dropped off your bags and used the bathroom before heading into the village itself to park and walk around. Stopping into the tourist shop, you browsed around looking specifically at all of the locally made products. Eventually, you spotted a set of glass coasters made from the black sand of the beaches you’d just been on. Across the tops, various local scenes were painted. They were simple but beautiful and your fingers lingered across the tops of them.
“Those are nice.” Cale said, appearing over your shoulder suddenly.
“Yeah they are.” You agreed. Picking up two sets, Cale handed you one.
“We should get them. One for the house, one for my apartment.” Cale declared. “That way we both have something to remind us of this trip.”
“That’s really soft Cale.” You murmured.
“Don’t care.” He replied. Though you continued to look around, there wasn’t anything else that spoke to you as much as the set of coasters did and eventually you headed to the register to purchase them.
Walking around the village you took in how cute and quaint it was. Soon after your stomachs started complaining, you stumbled into a small restaurant. There you and Cale split a pizza with pesto for sauce, mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, parma ham, topped with a balsamic glaze and parmesan cheese. It was delicious and you left feeling completely stuffed.
You’d called it an early night back at the hotel, settling for a movie on Netflix as you curled up together in bed. A relaxing evening was exactly what you needed to recharge and be ready to continue on your journey.
Day four of your trip started by filling up the gas tank and then embarking on an hour long drive to Fjaðrárgljúfur canyon.
Just before you reached the canyon, you encountered a small turn off which led you to a viewpoint. Climbing out of the car you walked up the pathway until you reached a platform. As far as the eye could see were moss covered rocks and it truly felt like you had stepped onto another planet.
“Are you sure we’re still on planet earth?” You whispered to Cale. Your boyfriend chuckled quietly in response, his hand resting on your hip. It seemed like the more time you spent alone together, not worried about who you saw or who saw you, the more reliant on physical touches each of you became. You’d never felt so comfortable just being with someone and thinking back on the times you’d seen Cale with Sara, you had a feeling the same could be said for him.
With more pictures clogging up your phones, you continued on to the Canyon itself. It was only a two-minute walk to the start of the canyon from the car and the moment you reached it your jaw dropped.
“Cale…” You whispered. You didn’t even have words to describe how beautiful this place was.
“Woah...sweetheart.” Cale’s thumbs brushed against your cheeks as he spoke and it wasn’t until he pulled you into his chest that you realized you were crying. “Shhh..give your brain a minute to process.” Cale assured you. His patience with you seemed neverending as his hands stroked your back until you finally calmed down.
“Sorry…” You mumbled, wiping frantically at your eyes when you finally pulled away.
“Nothing to be sorry about.” Cale insisted. “You’re allowed to be emotionally effected by things. It’s normal. Especially when it’s something as amazing as this.” Cale’s lips pressed gently to your forehead and he dropped his hand from your back to lace your fingers together. “You good to go walk?” He questioned.
It took about 45 minutes to walk all the way up to the top of the canyon and back and you stopped for pictures at various points along the way. You still couldn’t put into words the way this place made you feel; it was all so overwhelming in the best way. As you stood off to the side of the first viewpoint, away from the majority of other tourists, you tugged Cale’s hand until he was close enough you could wrap your arms around his neck.
“Thank you.” You murmured, kissing him lightly. “You always know exactly what I need, you’re always putting me first and taking care of me. It doesn’t go unnoticed, and you don’t know how much I appreciate it. You mean the world to me Cale...I don’t know if I’m quite as good at showing it as you are, but I hope you know that.”
“I do...know that…” Cale responded, kissing you again gently before pulling away, a fondness in his eyes that nearly sent you reeling. Dragging your fingers along his lower back you made up your mind to show him just how important he was to you once you were actually alone.
Back in the car, you munched on some of the snacks you’d brought in lieu of trying to find somewhere to stop for lunch. It took almost two hours to get to your next stop, the Jökulsárlón Iceberg Lagoon.
There, the two of you hopped on a boat tour where you got to taste a piece of 1,000 year old ice as you toured the lagoon. It was incredible to see first hand just how much ice was breaking off of the glacier and it made you more cognizant of the consequences of global climate change.
Right across the highway from the lagoon was Breiðamerkursandur or the diamond beach where fragments of ice wash up after floating from the lagoon out into the ocean. You made Cale climb onto an iceberg so you could take a picture of him and you got some great shots of all of the ice scattered along the shore. Despite the fact that it wasn’t all that cold outside, having been surrounded by ice for the past hour or two left you feeling chilly even if you had dressed in layers.
As you climbed in the car, Cale turned the heat on and you squeezed his knee in thanks. It was just a short drive to your hotel for the night and once you’d checked in, you shed a few layers before heading to the bar for a drink before dinner.
You’d retreated to your room around 6:30pm and Cale hopped in the shower first to clean up. While you waited for him to finish, you dug in your bag trying to decide what to grab for after your own shower. Thinking back to how you had promised yourself you were going to show Cale just how important he was, you unzipped a small compartment where you’d hidden the lingerie you’d bought.
Buying lingerie had been a spur of the moment decision possibly fueled by a few glasses of wine, and the thought of actually wearing it made you nervous. Your sex life with Cale had been fairly tame so far, nothing too out of the box. It had also been completely spontaneous on every occasion. You honestly had no idea how he would react to lingerie and though both sets were fairly tame in comparison to some sets you’d seen online, this was still something new and therefore nerve wracking.
Hearing the shower turn off, you jumped, your heart racing as you grabbed the more modest of the two sets. If you were going to do this, you were going to ease into it. Collecting your cosmetic bag, you hid the lingerie close to your chest.
Slipping into the bathroom as soon as Cale exited, you stripped out of your clothes and stepped into the shower trying not to overthink this. Focusing on shaving your legs and cleaning up served as a bit of a distraction but as you toweled off, your eyes landed back on the lingerie you’d placed on the counter.
You were certain you’d talk yourself out of this if you had to stare at yourself wearing the lingerie in the mirror for too long, so you started with your makeup, doing just a little bit more than you had been lately in order to make yourself feel confident and sexy. Blow drying your hair, you brushed it out before finally reaching for the lace and silk fabric.
Burgundy colored silk sat low on your hips, edged by black lace along both of your thighs. The same black lace covered your chest, ending at the bottom of your ribcage leaving your stomach exposed. It was...sensual but not over the top and when you slid the burgundy silk robe over it, you felt like you might actually be able to pull this off.
Reminding yourself that Cale had nearly lost his shit at the sight of you in a bikini the other night, you took a deep breath before opening the bathroom door and stepping out into the bedroom. Cale was sprawled out on the bed with just a pair of shorts slung low on his hips.
“What do you want to watch tonight?” Cale’s question was asked before he ever looked up at you, but when he did he blinked slowly. “That’s uh...that’s not your usual pajama set…” He murmured.
Blood pounding through your veins, you moved across the room to climb onto the bed beside him. Grabbing the remote from his hand, you turned the tv off before setting the remote aside.
“I was thinking about a different form of entertainment tonight…” You stated, your own voice sounding foreign in your ears. Sliding over Cale’s lap until you were straddling him, your hands ran down along his arms as his eyes did a slow once over of your body. “I think it’s time I take care of you for once.” You husked, raising an eyebrow. Cale hadn’t even seen what was under the robe yet and already he was slack jawed. The power you held over him in that moment sent a rush of adrenaline through you and you slid down the bed, tugging his shorts and boxers down with you.
“You good handsome?” You teased, lightly stroking your fingers over the length of his rapidly hardening dick. Cale couldn’t seem to speak, but he nodded his head and for now that was enough consent. Flicking your tongue along the slit of his cock, you stroked the length of him in your hand until a soft grunt fell from his lips. Only then did you hollow your cheeks, sinking down around him, taking as much of his length as you could down your throat. Bobbing slowly, you felt him twitch and when you pulled back to breathe you ran your tongue along the veins on the underside of his cock.
Following your instincts, plus Cale’s body language and verbal clues, you settled into a rhythm blowing your boyfriend for the first time. You’d seen and felt Cale orgasm enough to know when he was getting close as his body strained beneath you.
“Fuck. Babe. Stop.” Cale gasped, but peeking up at him you knew he didn’t actually want you to stop.
“We’ve got all night handsome...plenty of time for you to recover after coming down my throat.” You murmured before flicking your tongue through his slit again collecting all of his precum. Returning to your efforts, you cupped his balls as you sunk down his length. After just a minute, Cale came with a moan as he spilled down your throat and after swallowing you pulled off of him, sliding your tongue along his skin to clean him up. Cale’s cheeks were flushed as he tried to catch his breath and you slid up his body, settling yourself back over his lap.
“Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?” Cale gasped, his head falling forward to land against your shoulder. Kissing his head, you ran your fingers through his hair waiting for him to become more coherent.
“Just trying to take care of my man.” You hummed. “But if you’re complaining...you don’t have to see what’s under the robe.” As you spoke, you drew his hands up to the tie at your waist, leaving it for him to undo.
The speed at which Cale undid the bow told you that he wasn’t complaining at all and you let him push the robe from your shoulders, his eyes landing on you once more. His cheeks flushed further to match the color of your shorts and his eyes were wider than you’d ever seen them. You let him stare, watching as his tongue ran over his lips leaving them wet and shiny in the dim lighting of the hotel room.
“Fuck…” Cale breathed harshly, drawing out the word. “I must be dreaming right now.” He added. “You’re a fucking dream sweetheart.” Cale’s eyes ran slowly up and down your body like he wanted to memorize every inch. “You bought this for me?”
“I take it you like it?” You assumed, letting out a soft sigh in relief at his reaction.
“What do you think?” Cale grunted, pulling your hips to roll down against his cock which was already hard again.
Laughter bubbled from your chest in reaction and you cupped his cheek as you leaned in to kiss him deeply.
“Good to know lingerie is a hit with you.” You admitted. Cale’s eyes flashed with concern for just a moment before his hand fell to your hips, his thumbs brushing against your bare stomach.
“I don’t know whether I want you to keep this on or take it off.” He declared. Clearly he knew better than he thought he did, because as he spoke his hands slid up your sides, gently gripping the fabric and drawing it up and over your head. Half nude on top of him, Cale’s hands cupped your breasts as he pulled you into a desperate kiss.
“Can’t believe you’re mine…” He mumbled, pulling back. There was something about seeing him like this, flushed red, swollen lips, blissed out from one orgasm already that lit every primal need inside of you. As much as you were his, he was yours and god did you need him inside you.
“Please Cale…” You whimpered, rolling your hips against his.
“Shh…” He soothed, hands gliding across your ass. Sensing that he was going to try and flip you, you kept your weight centered firmly above him.
“I wanna be on top.” You pleaded. “Just need out of these shorts…”
Cale wasn’t responding quickly enough, so you pushed the fabric of your shorts off of your own hips, shifting as little as possible while attempting to kick them off and onto the floor.
“Let me…” You cut off Cale’s statement by raising your hips and lowering yourself onto his dick, a gasp spilling from your throat as you felt him slipping deep inside you.
“Yes…” You hissed, the stretch of your body around him filling you with a warmth and ache that you had missed so much. As you started shallowly leveraging yourself up before dropping back down your eyes met Cale’s deep azure orbs, the look in them heightening your arousal.
“So wet.” Cale eventually groaned. “My girl doesn’t even need foreplay after blowing me to be this soaking wet. Fuck.”
Though one of Cale’s hands fell to your hips, you were the one putting in all of the effort to fuck yourself on his cock.
“You’re so needy...fucking yourself...just using my body for your pleasure. So much for wanting to take care of me tonight.” Sinking down on him again, you purposely tightened your vaginal walls against him, drawing another moan from his chest.
“Hmm...I think me doing all the work...letting you cum inside me while you just lay there is taking pretty good care of you…” You corrected. Your thighs were starting to burn from bouncing on top of him but your orgasm was within arm’s reach and there was no way you were stopping before ensuring you both got to climax.
“My girl is close.” Cale groaned. “Cum for me sweetheart...let me feel that tight heat clamp down on me.”
Cale’s words pushed you over the edge and you sunk down on him in exhaustion as your body shook with your orgasm. Spurts of Cale’s semen filled you from deep inside and you whimpered at the feeling, warm from head to toe. As you collapsed against him, still connected intimately, Cale’s fingers played with the ends of your hair.
“I can’t get enough of you.” Cale whispered a few minutes later, his cock starting to harden inside of you again.
“Again?” You inquired, a little bit in disbelief that his rebound time was this fast.
“Only if you want to.” He assured you. “But I’ll take over, you can relax and enjoy this time.” This time when Cale attempted to roll the two of you over, you went willingly, staring up at him. Before moving, Cale settled your legs up over his shoulders and when he thrust inside of you, you cried out softly at the feeling of him brushing against your g-spot.
“I got you sweetheart...just tell me what you need.” Cale sighed, pleasure lacing his tone.
The sound of your skin smacking together and the squelch of your mixed bodily fluids rang in your ears.
“Talk to me…” You pleaded. “Like before.” You weren’t afraid to admit that hearing Cale dirty talk had pushed you so much closer to orgasm than you would have been otherwise.
“Yeah?” Cale breathed, his cheeks turning bright red again as you nodded. “You feel so good like this sweetheart. You’re even wetter than before. So tight too.” Every movement he made brushed against your g-spot and you couldn’t help the litany of noises that fell from your lips at the feeling.
“You like it when I fuck you like this huh?” He continued. “Your pussy stretches around me so nicely, just welcoming me inside. Do you like being fucked nice and deep like this? Feeling each ridge of me against your walls...feeling me spill deep inside you?” Crying out again, your head tossed back and forth against the pillow, your orgasm creeping up on you quickly.
“You do like feeling me spill inside of you don’t you? That’s why you wanted to stop using condoms. You like being skin to skin with me, feeling me raw you bare. You like being filled with my warm sticky cum, the way it drips out of you if I let it…”
Your vision went black for a moment as your orgasm crashed down on you hard. The muscles in your thighs spasmed painfully, but you barely noticed through the waves of pleasure that rippled through you, leaving you panting. As your body clenched around him again, you felt Cale spill inside of you for the second time tonight.
Carefully he pulled out of you before kissing your lips lightly.
“Be right back.” He declared, disappearing into the bathroom. He returned with a washcloth and after wiping down your thighs, he offered you a hand so that you could go to the bathroom yourself. When you returned to the bedroom, Cale handed you a t-shirt to wear before guiding you under the covers.
“So dirty talk huh…?” He chirped, his nose brushing against the top of your head.
“Shut up and turn the tv on Cale.” You replied, feeling heat flood your cheeks. Chuckling, Cale complied, but as he handed you the remote to pick a show he couldn’t help but get in the last word.
“It’s hot. I enjoyed it.” Shaking your head, you snuggled against him just basking in what was left of the afterglow.
“And for the record...you can always surprise me with lingerie. I’m definitely into that as well.”
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10 Things That “Saw” Taught Me
1. Toilet tank lids make awesome weapons
(Adam Stanheight in Saw)
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2. Don’t lie
(Bobby Dagen in Saw 3D: The Final Chapter)
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3. Apologies won’t fix serious crimes (accidental or not)
(Cecil Adams in Saw IV)
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4. Appreciate your family
(Eric Matthews in Saw II)
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5. Don’t focus on vengeance
(Jeff in Saw III)
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6. Listen
(Cale in Saw 3D: The Final Chapter)
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7. Insurance companies in America suck!
(William Easton in Saw VI)
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8. The consequences of your actions will come back to bite you eventually
(Anna in Jigsaw)
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9. Follow the rules
(Ryan in Jigsaw)
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10. Sometimes, you can’t do it yourself
(Brit, Charles, Mallick, Lubba Gibbs, and Ashley in Saw V)
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Thank you!
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murasaki-cha · 5 months
Tcf part 2 chapter 274
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*stares at the camera like I'm in the Office*
Ok so they're learning from Ron but like Cale come on. Be fr right now. Cale please. Even if Ron wasn't teaching them they would have learned this by now. Please Cale face the consequences of your actions
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cyberneticsystm · 7 years
Two More Major Problems For Social Security & Medicare
Two?  only one issue: NO CASH!
Like angry, devaluing cash the Given will print obviously, producing everybody poor.  But Main Planning may “spend its responsibilities.”
Whilst in the waiting-room, my physicianis team was noticed by me fireplace an individual within the telephone.  Apparently, the drugs-they were being recommended were n’t shown by their examination.  Thus, physician was taking part in a medication fraud (one the insurance providers do not agree of).
Allow it to be 101, obviously your objectives can be a bit large.
They might usually reduce these objectives for you personally while nevertheless contacting it “cultural protection” also it would not be considered a rest;-)
There’ll. It is your check it’s still $1000/month because of the government declaring that inflation continues to be approximately zero as well as only a loaf of bakery can cost you $100 – consequently no SS changes are needed.  best of luck with that.
Protip: spray the lettuce and kale with one tsp dish soap, one tsp coconut oil, and also the relaxation water (in just like a quart sprayer), and apply the leaves every five times when you start to see these very cabbage moths begin showing. If left  They consider cale leaves right down to the spines in a few times!
That or, the old adage, “develop enough for you personally and them.”
All I’d like is.
P.S.  in my opinion ZH.  Been a couple of years was first seemed the following on by the word Congresscritter.
Medicare Treatment boh possess the problems that are same. Cost of healthcare. Expenses that are  Until are introduced in check, you will see no answer.
There is no skyrocketing price of care until Lyndon Johnson produced Medicaid.  and Medicare These would be the two reasons for skyrocketing healthcare.
Medicare and social Protection have only one issue that is actual: Aged people simply are not currently dying fast enough.
Palin experienced it right when she noticed the “demise sections” sneaking in.
I’m 55. I’ve had a boost despite being fully a pretty accountable “hard-working” tax-paying resident. I really hope to become useless before 65 with having said that. I do want to get my child in university after which I do want to be out-of below. This pursuing cash for benefits shit that is questionable simply ain’t worth the trouble. As Cartmen claims “Mess you. Heading property.”
Welcome to truth. I had been really sick this summer that is past. 3 months within the clinic wound up charging $150K.
I would like to replicate, three months of clinic treatment price a quantity: $150K.
I am thankful and am an expert. All my treatment was coated since my closest VA clinic had no accessible mattresses. 100%. At cost. And me sickens. There’s no cause the united states Citizen must purchase Virginia bureaucrats that are expensive.
I’m delighted that I had been in a position to commemorate another Holiday.
The co pay on my statement might have been, understand this: 000, $30.
I’m section of an HMO and that I like this I’ve another choice to the Virginia. Thank god. Thank god I’m still living. I’d be broke easily needed to spend a $30K co-payis. Despite insurance. That is crazy.
Home is owned by me. Not really a large home, it’s a moderate 2 room, 2 toilet having a little lawn along with a storage. Not extravagant. I prepare the majority of my foods from-scratch in the greatest elements I will manage, athome. I’m seeking to begin some elevated beds in my own backyard.
“There basically aren’t enough employees spending in to the program to aid retirees’ swelling quantity.”
Modification: there merely are not enough employees spending into Social Protection to aid people getting Social Protection who never settled into it.  Or settled hardly any into its swelling number.
Should you wish to provide individuals earnings only for breathing atmosphere, subsequently contact that what it’s, Survival, and consider that cash from the Common Fund.  If, alternatively, you maintain incorporating teams towards the listing of nonworkers getting Survival, and adhere Social Protection using the statement, then that which you are performing is robbing from all of the workers who subscribe to Social Protection, and contacting your robbery generosity.  which robbery is among your robberies that are every single day further impoverishing middle income salaried employees.
No problemo spend me back we will call it actually and what I settled in with curiosity.
a thousandapproximately armed others sorta along with me experience in this way.
the ACA is just a sign….
Shoudl get free from pension busineses interval and the medical.
And please impose antir confidence work and the Sherman against hosp [ itals and providers.
To make guarantees they might never maintain like in the united kingdom authorities have now been discovered.
They created the guarantees to create it feasible get cash for themselves and to use the duty… but oh precious the guarantee was a rest.
Do we obtain the money-back? Heck no…
Not-too sometime ago my step dad needed to invest a couple of days in rigorous treatment. Quite scary stuff.
He’d pretty much every sign that is unpleasant possible, from nausea that is continuous to extremely to vertigo – temperature that is large, however the physicians couldn’t determine why.
Luckily his situation now he’s about the fix, and increased enough he was launched in the clinic.
Today, my step dad is just a Medicare individual. But he simply discovered that he’s been unceremoniously dropped by his Primary-Care physician.
Evidently all her Medicare individuals decreased in one single culling that was large.
As it happens that doctors in the united states have now been firing patients; and based on a delayed 2015 research in the Family Foundation, 21% of doctors aren’t currently taking patients.
A lot of this pattern is dependant on rigid fines and monetary disincentives in the Inexpensive Attention Work (Obamacare), and 2015’s Medicare Entry and PROCESSOR Reauthorization (MACRA) Work.
MACRA particularly is wholly baffling.
What the law states produced a massive 2,400 websites of rules that follow and Medicare doctors are required to understand.
Most of the guidelines are devastating.
For example, MACRA transformed by creating a group of requirements to find out if there is a doctor providing “value” how doctors could be repaid due to their Medicare individuals.
For example, if the er is ended up in by an individual, a fee can be incurred by their doctor.
This describes why my step dad was fallen by his physician.
The health program continues to be damaged to the stage that doctors are in possession of a larger motivation than to deal with them to fire their Treatment individuals.
One California-centered doctor summed up the problem like this:
“I are determined to Opt Out of Medicare, recognizing that I CAn’t perform a game title that’s rigged against me; one which I will never get due to continuously changing guidelines, plus one where the levels contain penalties as well as possible jail-time.”
The paradox is the fact that regulations and each one of these new laws were made to Medicare.
As we’ve mentioned often before, each Medicare Protection quickly operating out-of money and are significantly underfunded.
Medicare may be the worst-off between your two; MACRA were designed to produce countless vast amounts of bucks in financial savings.
It’s obvious since this financial savings comes in physicians…’s cost and also the outcome is just an increasing pattern in Medicare clients being fallen.
But despite the price savings, the Budget Workplace tasks that Medicare will end up totally INSOLVENT.
Congress has already been using actions to repeal the Inexpensive Care Work when I create this notice.
When they complete the task, all of the intended financial savings is likely to be removed, and Medicare’s estimated bankruptcy day is likely to be multiplied to 2021.
Therefore the government should possibly also have Medicare go out of profit 2026… or repeal the regulation and also have Medicare go out of money and maintain regulation that isn’t operating in 2021.
In either case, Medicare is toast.
Oh, a choice is isn’ted by and bailing out Medicare both.
They’d require BILLIONS of bucks to completely account Medicare, that will be nearly difficult to get a government that includes a $20 billion debt and currently drops countless millions every year.
Let breast is gone by Medicare.
They’ll that is most likely simply develop some band aid repair that’s effects that are horrible.
By robbing from Social Protection for instance, they might bail-out Medicare.
Keep in mind that Social Protection is just a chaos that is complete.
In the 1960s there have been almost 6.5 energetic employees spending in to the program for each Social Security receiver.
Nowadays that employee-to- ratio has dropped by almost half.
There merely aren’t enough employees spending in to the program to aid retirees’ swelling quantity.
And robbing from its confidence resources to aid Medicare might simply increase Social Security’s death.
Again, you will find no-good choices to truly save these applications.
However, you can very quickly take-charge of pension insurance and your health .
Certain, if Medicare and Social Protection continue to be about as it pertains period for you really to gather, excellent.
But you’ll be considered a much more safe, for instance, should you put up a strong, versatile pension structure-like a solo 401(e) or self directed IRA.
These allow you spend less to lead a lot more cash for your pension, and buy number of resource courses that may create exceptional results.
When worsened over 20-40 years actually only a enhancement inside your online results might increase your pension savings by thousands and thousands of bucks.
A well-organized something could be even owned by retirement strategy similar to an ecommerce business actually the expense results on these profits, although the profits, might collect tax free towards your pension.
You will find greater choices in health aswell.
Obviously no insurance policy may replacement for great options wholesome food, and lots of workout.
But it’s incredible just how much top quality treatment and medicine could be in the event that your thinking increase offshore.
Nations like Europe, Mexico, Thailand, Asia, etc.-are famous for medical-tourism.
Whichever therapy you need, to fertility from melanoma, leading-collection amenities can be found abroad in a portion of the cost, and you will really be handled just like an individual that is respectable.
And also the financial savings in therapy is usually greatly higher in finding there than any journey expenses.
(You’d believe Medicare might motivate heading overseas for treatment…)
Medicare and social Protection are equally completed. The figures don’t rest, as well as the trustee that is yearly reviews tell that pitifully to us.
However the good-news is you start to become wholesome and don’t require the government.
There are many of options open to take handle on your own back. It simply takes the will and also a bit of training.
from Cybernetic Systems http://www.cybernetic-systems.co.uk/two-more-major-problems-for-social-security-medicare/
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