#this is some truman show shit
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nexo-nex · 1 year ago
I love how EAH / MH had both established that they are in different dimensions but connected by portals with the whole Cupid episode, and thus confirming to us that both storylines and characters are all set in a same universe BUT in different dimensions with each both having different worlds.
That's until the New Ghoul in School game comes out and shows to us that the Monster High students like to WATCH Ever After High, like, as a show.
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What does that mean? Are the EAH students fictional characters in the eyes of the MH students? Or yet, is the Ever After High world being recorded and broadcasted like a reality TV show?
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frascospecimen · 8 months ago
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a-stubborn-little-fish · 5 months ago
This is gonna sound kind of insane but if any of you have any technology in your workplace or home that is working sub-optimally get it fixed or replaced within the next four months just in case. I’ll explain a little.
So in order to make the silicone needed in processors they have to refine it from silicone dioxide also known as silica to get just the silicone out. Silicone dioxide is most abundant in a mineral called quartz. They’re basically one and the same except quartz is a rock and like most rocks it usually isn’t just made of one thing. Most quartz has inclusions or other contaminants in it from other minerals. If you grind up the average kind of quartz you’re not gonna get pure silica you’re gonna get some other stuff mixed in which makes it insanely difficult to get just the silicone out. Spruce Pine is special because it is the only source of the purest quartz ever found. It has almost no contaminants. There is no other known site on earth with quartz this pure. Having to source less pure quartz from other mines will take a long ass time and then an even longer ass time to refine it thoroughly enough to get just the silicone. Basically if our government doesn’t stop sending money to Israel for five seconds and go fix up this tiny Appalachian backwater quartz mine, the entire world is going to slow wayyyyyyyyy down.
That means new processors will become scarce. And considering the strain that cryptocurrency and now generative AI is putting on our electrical grids, we’re needing even more processors than usual.
So basically if we can’t get this mine fixed the world’s infrastructure is gonna collapse just a teeny bit and a lot of people are gonna lose access to water and electricity because a bunch of wealthy idiots are using it all for their fake money and stolen artwork.
Now you may be thinking that it’s not as big a deal as it sounds. Semi conductors aren’t in everything. Mostly just communication devices.
You’re wrong. This is a big fucking deal and we should all be terrified. Semiconductors are used in pretty much every communication device. This includes satellites not just your phones.
But the loss or slowing of communication isn’t the only scary thing.
This is an opportunity for permanent censorship of vulnerable communities
Right now the only reason we know what’s going on in the world is because we can all talk to each other instantly through this little rock in my hand. That plus satellites. If semi conductors become scarce the priority is going to be for governments and specifically militaries. If we can’t bomb children with drones connected to satellites then Uncle Sam will be very sad and we can’t have that now can we? Basically, the people most vulnerable to censorship will lose their ability to communicate because they will not have access to communication devices. That’s the long term consequence.
Now if the poor people can’t speak on the world stage then naturally some of the more privileged who will still have access to devices will become the voice for the voiceless. This is where the big scary future doom comes in.
The recent targeted attacks in Lebanon were all on communication devices. Pagers, phones, walkie talkies, and even car radios. Basically anything that had a processor. And we all know that the Middle East is where the West likes to test their new war crime toys. Now, if some of the privileged start speaking out, the wealthy elites and the governments of the world will have the capability to permanently silence those individuals.
I know I’m doomsday preaching again. I know I sound like a raving lunatic. I know I’m describing a dystopia that would make a very successful book trilogy and potentially a franchise, but I have yet to be wrong.
I may not be an expert on all this, I may be just a small voice on a very big platform, but I will scream doom from the mountain tops if that’s what it takes to save even one person. At the very least I’ll be able to say that I tried.
My final message is this; prep for the worst, hope for the best.
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turbulentornado · 2 years ago
it really is crazy how tumblr wants to give the user a chance to customize the little bar thingy at the top (favs, following, etc) yet STILL forcibly put stupid asvertisement shit no one cares about at the very front of the line ... what is the point of the feature then???? Also to the person i saw who paid for no ads yet still got this addition too, this is fucking BOGUS! its most certainly an advert, and no one put it there willingly... like stop fuckin playing ugh
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evilrry · 1 year ago
anyone else have no fucking idea what they’re doing
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thatbeeagain · 2 years ago
ive only just caught up with the tweets so take it easy on me but the polls influencing things that happen is cool but also it means theyre being watched and controlled so like
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radrobotz · 9 months ago
i miss the minecraft comes alive mod one time i sent my kid out hunting and they never came back no death message like its supposed to give if one of your family members gets killed i just waited for days and days and days but nothing. i dont know if there was a limit to how many days your kid could go out but it was definitely way past whatever it could have been. that was kind of too real
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0uterspacew0rm · 1 year ago
does anyone else feel like every day is their first day alive. in a bad way
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butchmolloy · 1 year ago
my dealer: got some straight gas for you. this strain is called “the truman show” you’ll be zonked out of your gourd
me: yeah whatever man i don’t feel shit
me five minutes later: there is a massive conspiracy controlling every aspect of my life and everyone i know is in on it
my buddy marlon: think about it, truman. if everyone was in on it…. i would be in on it too
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brownhairedbookworm · 9 months ago
"well wait if Yuri's your favorite why did you choose Monika"
No one man should have all that power.
Monika actually is psychologically fascinating in her original context. What would you do if you found out you lived in a box, surrounded by "puppets" who can't give you real human interaction, and someone opens a hole in the box and gives you a possible way out to freedom?
I didn't go that route. My initial plan is "Okay, let's remove that specific trauma from her. What does a woman with the universe at her fingertips do with all of that power? Maybe a slightly above average woman, but an otherwise normal one, nonetheless.
If she's 16-18, she's gonna make some stupid, short-sighted decisions and traumatize herself! :D
[What's your opinion of Monika's classmates in the game? Do you find them as interesting as Monika?]
Assuming you mean Them Other Three Bitches:
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Sayori! Sayori is great. A bubbly ray of sunshine in everyone's day... Afraid to be anything else because of her own severe depression. Sayori is a fascinating glimpse into the world of someone who just truly cannot love herself as much as she loves anyone else. Deserves many hugs and cookies.
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Yuri! Yuri's my favorite, actually. She's always got her nose in a book, and she's always got something on her mind... And her social anxiety is so bad that she can barely share any of it with the world. She's also probably a lil autistic, several of my friends of the same flavor really relate to her and relatedly have fun providing me with Situations where it becomes more relevant. She's tall and purple, very pretty. Would enjoy some tea with her.
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Natsuki! Natsuki is... unfortunately my least favorite of the girls (tsundere), but she's still good. Natsuki feels like she has something to prove, between both her strongly implied shitty home life and being the club shorty. Her passion for media she loves is respectable and I have nothing bad to say about her, she's just my least favorite. She will make her own damn cupcakes and brag about it to me.
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lovely-v · 2 years ago
I’m convinced nobody is asking the right hypothetical questions about the Truman Show. “Oh what do they do if he JERKS OFF?” In the movie they say the cut away with sex scenes. Yes it would be more awkward but they definitely would do the same thing here. “Why didn’t he start KILLING PEOPLE?” He doesn’t know he’s actually on TV until the very end. Until then, he just knows everyone around him is Up To Something. Also they gave him childhood trauma at a young age to make him risk averse on purpose. Also also. He does threaten to kill his wife a little.
The real question is how the fuck did they get anyone to watch the show for the first 1-3 years. He gets born on tv and that’s exciting I guess if you know what the whole premise is. But after that how are they gonna get networks to fund the Show About Some Baby. It’s literally just 24 hours of a baby + a shit ton of product placement. Round the clock gerber ad.
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seattlesellie · 2 years ago
Can you write an ellie fic where she's getting off to photos of reader and moaning readers name and reader walks in on her
million times yes <3 ☁️🤍🐚🌫️
warnings: mdni!, masturbation, ellie’s a little bit of a weirdo, ellie gets caught.
Oops ♡
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For you, being Ellie’s roommate was... hard. Unwashed dishes, the occasional sight of her boxer briefs messily laying around on the living room floor (“They fell from the laundry basket” she told), old crumpled yellow papers on the fuzzy carpet, an unwashed ashtray and a shit-ton of disorganized cards and pins adorning every single corner of the apartment.
But for for Ellie, oh, for Ellie it was even harder.
She always had a soft spot for things she’d never get. Your empty shampoo bottles never bothered her, neither did your habit of constantly forgetting to blow out the vanilla scented candles you lit once in a while, even after she told you they could be a fire hazard every. single. time.
What bothered Ellie, weren’t your complains, and neither were the repeating sounds and buzzes of your alarm clock followed by exactly eight hits on the snooze button (she counts, the walls are pretty thin).
What bothered Ellie, is that you didn’t give a single fuck about her. Or at least, that’s what she had convinced herself of.
When you’d lounge pretty on the couch, nestled within a cozy woolen blanket, your fingers tirelessly swiping and swiping and swiping through every single dating app known to man, she’d watch you intently, and stare.
It wasn’t because she was judging you, god knows she had a tinder phase herself (Amanda was her last straw. she said Ellie talked about her roommate “too much”, that she “needed to figure that shit out”, and then added a huff and a sigh followed by a “fucking lesbians, man”)
It was because she didn’t fucking get it. Could you not see what’s right in front of you? you didn't seem to... grasp the obvious. Don’t get it wrong, Ellie was not overconfident, and neither was she cocky. She just… noticed. She was observant by nature, and she knew, she was convinced shed never heard you laugh the way you do with her, with anybody else in the world. When your best friends were over for a girls night— even then, she would hear muted laughter and the occasional screech (barely audible over the backdrop of "The Smiths" blaring through her headphones) but never, ever, did that breathy, real, borderline on wheezing sound escape your mouth when you were with them. It was idly saved for her.
She’d take her earphones out— because perhaps she’d missed it, maybe she was delusional, maybe you did laugh like that— and then, plug them back in when she was met with silence or the gentle symphony of peaceful snores, and return to the solace of her music. She’d hollow in deep slumber, and have incredibly bizarre dreams of her pretty roommate roaming and floating around the apartment only in her underwear— and for some reason, a horn on her head. Dreams were fucking weird, man.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
“The Truman Show” played on tv. Jim Carey just made a funny face, and Ellie shoved another slice of greasy, brooklyn pizza in her mouth. She chewed, loudly (you sighed) and wiped her lips on her shoulder.
“I’d literally lose it if I found out my life was a tv show” you remarked, your eyes shifting from the remaining pizza to the flickering television screen.
“Meh” Ellie shrugged.
“I’d lose it if it was a video game though. Imagine if like— someone controlled every single movement you made… scary, man”
She huffed, and threw the pizza crust on the table. It fell on the floor. These fucking ants would come again, you knew they would! you gave her a stern look.
“Sorry” she softly sighed, and bent down to pick the crust off the pavement. Her boxers poked through her sweats, you looked across the room, and then you looked again. God.
“Plug you on their PS5, and go… ham and stuff” you giggled.
“Wild shit…” she shrugged. “Wild shit”
Jim Carey’s character just met the deepest corner of its own little world.
Ellie’s eyes were glued to the screen, even though she’d seen that flick about a million times.
You scrolled through your phone mindlessly. You know she hated when you did that while watching something with her— but you did it anyways. Something about the way her eyebrows scrunched together when she peaked at the screen through the corner of her eye always made your heart flutter. She pouted, and you tried to hide the way your lips curled upwards into a small smile.
“Should I post this on insta?” you questioned, handing ellie your phone. She took it in her hands, and the brightness was so high her eyes twinkled.
She bit her bottom lip, and then her top one.
“You’re like… half naked in that” she huffed. She wasn’t wrong, the bikini was so so tiny and the salt water covering your body, making it practically glisten in the sun, didn’t help the sensual undertones of said picture.
“I know” you stated.
She looked at you, and then looked at the screen again. Don’t look too long, she thought to herself. She handed the phone back to you, and stared at the television. Great, she just missed the best part!
“Is that a no?” you quipped.
“That’s a… who are you posting that for?” she tried asking casually, and mask her jealousy with curiosity.
There must be someone. there just must. Perhaps it’s for that girl you talked to on Bumble… shit, maybe its for that blonde from work or the one with the long braids that waved to you for too long who Ellie had made her arch enemy. Or maybe it was for that fucking ex girl—
“Why would you think I’m posting it… for someone?”
Ellie sighed, and rolled her eyes.
“Cause you look good in it.”
She gulped, and moved a hair strand from her face. it itched, all of a sudden.
“Or like— you look naked or something.”
You rolled your eyes back, and yawned.
“Is that a no?” you questioned.
“No what?” she snickered.
“Is that a no i shouldn’t post?” you removed a microscopic piece of lint that landed on her hoodie, it made her shiver.
She let out a shaky breath, and toyed with the string that hung loose from her black nike socks.
“Why are you askin’ if you’re gonna post it anyways?”
You smirked. For some reason you couldn’t quite put your finger on, sometimes, conversations with her weren’t exactly easy.
“Who said i’ll post? I asked you because I needed your advice”
“Sure” she stated, and slid off the couch.
“Post it” she crossed her arms.
You nodded. post!
You already had one like. Oh, it’s that blonde girl from work. fire emoji, winky face emoji, red heart emoji. Nice!
“M’going to bed” she groaned, and shoved a tiny mushroom in her mouth.
“Ugh. gooey”
You looked up from your phone, and shut it off with a click.
“But you’ll miss the best part!” you pouted.
“Tired” she shrugged. Her face scrunched together. how is she so fucking adorable.
“M’kay… night!”
Ellie dragged her body across the dim lit living-room, and almost slipped on one of her socks.
“Mmmmight” she mumbled.
“Say it nicely!” you yelled across the room, it echoed.
“Good nightttt”
The door slammed shut. Ellie sat down on the bed, and stared at the wall. She cracked her knuckles, one by one, and threw her head back on the mattress, wrapped up by green flannel sheets. Her head landed on the pillow with a soft thud, and she took a long, deep breath. She wasn’t even tired, why did she lie?
That image just took over her brain again. She had only glimpsed it briefly, not truly absorbing its details, before reluctantly handing the device back to you. If she stared any longer— her cheeks would burn a bright pink.
The screen of her Android glowed in the darkness, so she grabbed it. Always on silent mode.
A message from Joel; “Got Maria to iron some of your clothes. remember Janet from across the street? She passed away last week, LOL (lots of love).”
Ellie scratched her eyes, chuckled, and took a screenshot. no fucking way.
A message from Dina; “can u send me some lives on candy crush?”
Followed by another one;
“send them right now or die”
So she scrolled some more.
Instagram; “dinawoodward, jessethekinggglol, courtneycameron and others liked this post!”
She tapped, and thats when her eyes popped out of her head. she suddenly felt parched. She looked around the room— that water-bottle she kept from two weeks ago after a trip to the local bodega must be around there somewhere.
It was not, so there you stood, almost half-naked, a playful smile gracing your lips, the sun-kissed sand partially covering your stomach, and the gentle touch of saltwater caressing your chest. A pair of brown sunglasses adorned your face, with the serene sea standing still in the background.
Ellie blinked once. And then once more, and then she zoomed in.
Her face twitched, and her breath hitched inside her throat. It felt as though her breath had been captured and confined, held hostage within her, struggling to find its release.
She double tapped, and began typing;
“If I could, I’d fuck the shit out of you”
She stared at her keyboard, and breathed deeply. What would happen if she, actually pressed send. Would you come barging inside her room and throw something at her? the green colored vase, maybe? or would you delete her comment, pretend it never happened and move on? perhaps you’d think she was just fucking around, and scold her for typing something like that where everyone could see. “You’re such a creep, el!” she could almost hear you say it. And she could almost feel the way your palm would slam right into her shoulder and nudge it her the side. It made her ears feel warm.
She zoomed in on your tits. Ellie’s face flushed a pretty, dusty pink.
Then, she zoomed in on your stomach, and her nipples perked up inside her hoodie. They grazed the material softly, and she let out a shaky breath.
When she zoomed in on your smile, she smirked at the screen. it made her feel warm and fuzzy and happy and she hated every minute of it. “Never gonna get it” echoed in her ears, a reminder of the "truth" tugged at her heart.
When she zoomed in on your covered cunt, she nearly went cross eyed. She could almost see the outline of your lips— or was she tripping?
Her cunt clenched around absolute nothingness inside her boxers. Was she… getting fucking wet over this?
She gulped, as waves of guilt washed over her. and then, she zoomed in on your tits again, and she felt so turned on she couldn’t even remember what the word guilt even meant.
She heard the echo of your giggle reverberating through the corridor, filling the space with a sound that made her stomach turn. the rhythm of your footsteps grew louder, gradually approaching your room situated just across from hers.
Perhaps you chuckled at something amusing one of your fucking bumble buddies had to say. She lightly bumped her forehead against the screen of her phone, her lips pressed together, forming a thin line.
Your door slammed shut, and a tune began.
“you’re so gorgeous… i cant say anything to your face, cause look at your face…”
How fucking ironic.
“Shut up alexa!” you groaned at the device, causing ellie to stifle a giggle, before she felt the pool flow down her boxers.
The apartment descended into a profound silence, save for the sound of Ellie’s labored breaths echoing in the stillness. she leaned in closer, scrutinizing the image on the screen, alternating between zooming in and zooming out, and crosser her legs together.
When the imagination of your bare tits popped up in her mind, your nipple poking through as you held them together on the screen, it ached inside of her.
Would it really be so wrong if she…?
There was no real harm in it, she thought. It was either this, or close her eyes and rub one off in the darkness, and even then— she had a nagging intuition that you would somehow find your way into her thoughts.
Woudl it really make her that much of a fucking pervert?
Ellie groaned, and brought her knees up to her stomach. Her phone was still in her hand, and that picture teased, and teased, and teased till she couldn’t handle it anymore.
Fuck it. if she did this, she was going to do it right. And she needed to see it close up— and not through her cracked fucking screen she wasn’t bothered fixing for two whole weeks now.
She opened the screen of her laptop, and when she sat on the black leather rolling chair, It felt fucking uncomfortable down there. It was sleek, and she could feel her cunt slide off on the fabric of her boxers.
“Fuuuuck me” she hissed under her breath.
Right click.
Your profile, right click. Her hand held a tremor.
You were the focal point, the star of the show, illuminating her old, black HP laptop. The screen, adorned with a thin layer of dust, caught her attention. She leaned in and blew gently, causing the particles to disperse and float away.
She swallowed hard, her throat constricting as she continued to gaze intently. Taking a deep breath, she attempted to steady herself, but the inhalation felt jagged and uneven.
She brought a veiny hand to graze the fabric of her grey colored sweats, just above her clothed cunt, and she felt so fucking relieved.
And it still wouldn’t stop fucking pulsing.
she stared at the bikini, and rubbed her finger up and down slowly, cupped her cunt forcefully, slapped it and whimpered.
“Goddamn” she huffed.
She began tracing big, deliberate circles, her touch slow and steady, causing the fabric of her boxers to cling to her wet cunt.
She had to take them off.
Swiftly, she inserted her thumbs into the edges of her boxers, right at the level of her hipbones, and pulled them down in one fluid motion. The fabric gathered messily around her ankles. She felt so fucking nasty.
Ellie spread her legs, and gasped as the cool air hit her most sensitive place. She waited for a minute, mouth agape, teasing her cunt before she touched it. She swore she could cum with just squeezing in and out while staring at your face.
However, she could not tease herself anymore when those thoughts began forming clearer and clearer.
She brought a long finger and caressed her slit slowly from her hole to her puffy little clit. "Oh fuck yes" she hissed.
It started with thinking about your tits. Her mind wandered, and her hole leaked into the leather chair, forming a small droplet to lay down on it. She breathed heavily.
The thought of you, taking off that bikini top in front of her went through her mind. Slow, deliberate process of undoing its strings, so so agonizingly slow. When they spilled out, ellie let out a high pitched moan.
“Touch them, Ellie” you whispered in her ear.
“Please touch me…” you whined.
She gasped, took two fingers, her middle and her ring, and formed tiny, slow circles on her wet clit. Ellie spread her legs wide, and placed them on the table.
It looked absolutely obscene.
In reality, Ellie was touching herself to a picture on a slightly dusty old screen. In her imagination, you stood pretty begging her for more. Your fucking whines did it for her, and she didn’t even know what they sounded like for real.
You circled your nipples, pinched them and spat a glob of saliva, letting it streamline down your tits, teasing ellie so bad she was already panting. They glistened, and ellie latched on to them, sucking and spitting and whimpering groaning.
“So good Ellie...” you moaned, holding the back of her hand and pushing her deeper.
“I want you so fucking bad”
“Holy fucking shit” she hissed, and slapped her clit. one slap! two slaps! she was desperate.
“Fuuuck yes” she whimpered, and plunged a finger inside her aching hole. It sucked her completely in, clenching around her fingers. She gasped, and slid off the chair.
She was staring at your fucking cunt with her eyes half shut. she swore she could see those fucking lips.
Now, Ellie’s mind took a turn. You laid pretty on her bed, chest heaving up and down, legs spread completely open with a pink vibrator buzzing on your clit.
“Ellie!” you moaned.
“Fuck me... please please please"
She plunged a second finger, and bucked her hips inwards and backwards. She whimpered, and a shaky breath followed by the sound of your name escaped her quivering lips.
“Need you in my pussy… p—pretty please”
She swore she could hear you say it.
Ellie pounced on her bed and savored you whole. she bit your clit, sucked on it and got her entire face wet with your juices.
“God yes” she groaned, wet, squelching sounds filling the room. She pumped them in and out, and in and out again, whilst the other hand was circling itself fast on her needy, pulsating clit. Every few seconds, she’d slap it again, open wider and wider, bucking and riding them so hard she could almost see a supernova right in front of her.
The dull ache in her pussy grew bigger and bigger.
“You need me? fucking whore” she whispered under her breath.
Thin, shiny, sticky drool flowed from the corner of her mouth, it landed on the top of her hoodie.
“Yes Ellie… please Ellie need you in my pussy” She pumped them profusely, feeling your walls take her in like she needed to. When she pumped them inside of herself— That’s what she liked to imagine. It was you, who took her in. They were your walls, your wet cunt begging and screaming for more.
She felt it coming in the pits of her stomach. It grew bigger and bigger, like a wave, or a volcano, threatening to erupt and make her cream all over her chair.
“Ellie yesyesyesyes!” you moaned.
She circled faster and faster, her perky tits bouncing up and down with every movement of her hips. The chair squeaked, but she couldn't be bother to take it slow.
“Ellie?” your voice echoed through the corridor.
“Yeah baby s— say my fucking name, fuck” she hissed, her eyes completely shut.
God, it felt so fucking real. Almost there. She bit her lip, and it drew blood.
The door collided with the wall, hitting it with a loud thud.
“N— fuNgh”
She almost screamed so loud the gods could hear. she shut her laptop off before even pulling her fingers out.
She was going to fucking faint.
Her face flushed a deep shade of crimson, intense embarrassment radiating from her form, hands trembling uncontrollably, and the expression on her face was one of sheer horror— wide eyed.
She got caught.
"What..." you uttered, your voice trailing off as you stood frozen in place, your mouth agape. Your knees threatened to give way beneath you.
You shut the door.
Ellie, her chest heaving, struggled to catch her breath.
“Oh my—“
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icanseethefuture333 · 1 year ago
Celestial alignment: Pick a pattern in the sky
Messages to realign you with your soul path
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Pile 1:
Shufflemancy -
Replay by Lady Gaga
JMK by Sango ft. Xavier Omar
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine
Ten of Wands, Eight of Cups, The Magician, The World, & Three of Cups
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There is a call for you to let go of thoughts that are holding you back. There is something about repetition here that is preventing you from progressing into the next chapter of your life. You could be taking on the burdens of other people as a way to help them. Your guides are urging you to please stop. You are constantly making sacrifices for others when they aren't doing this for you. Your lesson right now is to focus on making yourself the top priority. You are always putting yourself on the back burner. Some people here take care of their family members or work in the medical field. It's understandable to be worried and to care for your loved ones or other people, but who's be concerned about you? Who is making sure that you are alright or have what you need? If nobody is there for you, then you have to be there for yourself. Start making goals or a list of things you wish to accomplish. You need to realize you are worthy and deserving of what you desire, start dreaming again, pile 1. The universe is waiting and ready for your call and demand. Once you have faith in yourself, the universe will be ready to make your dreams come true. A journey of peace, abundance, and celebrations will be coming your way soon.
Change your thoughts & way of thinking.
Practice mindfulness & work on releasing limiting beliefs.
Learn how to include self care in your daily routine
Set boundaries
Think about what your goals or dream are
Make a list or a vision board
Research information on manifestation or spirituality that aligns with your beliefs
Pile 2:
Shufflemancy -
Bruises by Kelela
Brain by Mariah the Scientist
Omega by SAAY
Seven of Wands, King of Wands, Wheel of Fortune, The Aeon (Judgement), & Nine of Pentacles
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This pile gave me goosebumps when shuffling - You have a very intense aura and strong presence, pile 2! Something about having to "fight" or the "brain" being significant. I'm reminded of this wounded emoji: 🤕. You could suffer from past trauma or have a mental disorder. I had to rewrite for this pile because it didn't save and I felt so frustrated having to write for this pile again, but it made me realize that this is possibly how you feel in life. You are constantly having to work with difficult circumstances without seeing any progress of the outcome. There were a lot of struggles that you had overcome and I am reminded of movie The Truman Show. His entire life was just programmed for him and he was forced to live a life he didn't want for the entertainment of others just so they could have a TV Show to watch. So I feel like people found joy in your misfortune and suffering, which I am terribly sorry for. The thing is though that was in the past and you don't have to deal with these people anymore. You don't have to pretend to be this character that obviously doesn't resonate with you. You can create an entirely new life, new self concept, new everything for yourself. Think of who you want to be as an individual, not what other people have labeled you as or want you to be. You have to start realizing that you are free to do as you please. Life can be like a simulation and we could all be considered avatars, but we don't realize is that we are able to customize our reality in anyway we wish. You have the inner strength and passion but you are just stuck in this survival mode that is not serving you anymore. It is time for you to move on and your spirit guides are being stern with me right now but they're saying "take this shit seriously". If you have a dream or goal you know you wanna do, take action and stop complaining. Stop with the excuses, the self pity, and the martyr complex. Once you start asking the universe for help is when you can start to achieve your dreams. "It's like clockwork". I am seeing that you feel that you're running out of time in life to accomplish your goals but I am reminded of Maddy from Euphoria when she said "Don't worry, this is only just the beginning". Your "shift" or soul purpose has only just begun and time is ticking for real now. I am getting a vision of someone holding a bright lantern in a dark cave and they are like making a come hither motion with their hands. So I believe this is the universe and your guides saying if you need guidance and you are unsure what to do or where to go or how to even begin the project you wish to work on - Ask them. Once you start asking the universe for help shit is going to change in your life dramatically because your purpose is very significant and it is going to be for the better of society but you have to stop being in your ego and acting stubborn because it is not helping you or anyone else for that matter. I'm not saying you have to be some sort of holy messiah or the rebirth of Jesus Christ himself, but you are going to be someone who will make a difference in this world. As you embark on this journey, it is crucial that you pay attention to the signs the universe or spirit gives you. It is okay if you make mistakes but you have to be careful and aware of people or vices that will sabotage you in the end. So listen to your intuition and notice those gut feelings. I feel like people will be giving you your flowers in the future, that could mean you will be someone who has a certain level of status, or this means people will show appreciation or gratitude for your benevolence and charity. You have this gift or tool that the universe has blessed you with and you have to utilize it for the good will of others.
This is a powerful message I channeled from spirit: "Others who have begun early are merely the matches that were chosen out of indulgence, for candles & waxes, the faster they burn, the quicker their ashes will fall. The last one to be picked, is the match that is the resource for those in need of hope and warmth when faced with the darkness."
Use your intuition
Release the version of yourself that is no longer serving you
Embrace change & endings
The end of a chapter means a new beginning
Rely on your inner strength & wisdom
Ask for guidance
Focus on what it is meant for you
"All that glitters isn't gold"
Pile 3:
Shufflemancy -
Lemon by N.E.R.D ft. Rihanna
Starface* by Jean Dawson
Screen Time by Epik High ft. HOSHI
The Tower, Four of Pentacles (reversed), Three of Wands, The Sun, & Four of Wands
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The pile's energy instantly chirped me up and made so happy! Its interesting how the piles are always so unique in their own way. You could have been or are currently in denial with your circumstances. It reminds me of Hey Ya! by Outkast. Go take a look at that music video or listen to the song if you're unfamiliar with it. It's a fun happy song, but the meaning of the lyrics are actually quite depressing. You could have this mindset of: "Y'all don't wanna hear me you just wanna dance!". You could be someone who is pessimistic and a downer, always wanting to look at things from a more "realistic" perspective. Although, your spirit guides are asking you to actually change this way of thinking. I actually see that you have a really bright and energizing aura! You could be really funny, pile 3! Your purpose could align with having a good sense of humor or being a source of hope and optimism for others. You could be interested in working in the entertainment field. Once you get past this, you will realize how much fun life can actually be! Your past challenges could also be viewed from a more positive standpoint. For example, the situation might have been unfortunate, but did you learn anything valuable? Or was there any positive outcomes because of that said situation. Reflect on your life experiences and lessons to see where the universe actually might have helped you dodge a bullet or blessed you with protection or love. You could also attract new people into your life who will make you feel a sense of joy and gratitude. This pile just reminds me of a fun summer day, where people eat watermelon or have fun at the pool. Another song I'm channeling is Summertime by DJ Jazzy Jeff & Will Smith. You will be celebrating and having a good time with your loved ones in the future soon. I believe honestly your path for now is to focus on happiness and sharing love and light with others!
Have fun!
Make jokes that uplift people's energy
Focus on the good vs dwelling in negativity
Try to make someone laugh or smile!
Make plans for the summer
Hang out with your friends or spend time with family
Your past struggles are why you're still here. You overcame a great deal and should be proud of yourself!
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deadqueerboys · 1 year ago
Yandere! Simpbur who..
Warning: Problematic headcanons, nsfw, non-con, cnc.
Check this!! / Open requests, especially for mcyt.
(x male! reader)
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Y!Simpbur, who loves to make you drink enough to don't remember that he tried to have sex with you, again.
Y!Simpbur, who places some cameras at your place so he can watch his favorite show, like if he lived in The Truman Show.
Y!Simpbur, who weirdly started to work at the same place as you, even not having the requirements for this position.
Y!Simpbur, who loves to see your unconscious body while he explores it with his sick hands like an animal.
Y!Simpbur, who practices self-harm while seeing pictures of you and touching himself like if you were punishing him.
Y!Simpbur, who loves when you get mad at him, acting like a puppy and following you for everywhere.
Y!Simpbur, who ruined all of your possible dates and maybe killed some random people who got too close of you.
Y!Simpbur, who protects you even that you don't know.
Y!Simpbur, who makes sure that he will be the only creepy watching you.
Y!Simpbur, who loves stole things from you, especially underwear.
Y!Simpbur, who fucks with your pillow and your clothes when you're not home.
Y!Simpbur, who has a lot of pictures of you naked, some that he took when you were sleeping.
Y!Simpbur, who already tried to put your dick on his mouth just to see if it would fit.
Y!Simpbur, who gives you random marks while you sleep and intentionally put Sex With a Ghost on your spotify.
Y!Simpbur, who makes sure that you had a great day, and if you didn't, he will make sure that you'll have a good sleep and good dreams.
Y!Simpbur, who sometimes makes your work for you and act like if it was nothing.
Y!Simpbur, who says bad things about you to your co-workers so he can be the only one who pays attention on you.
Y!Simpbur, who smells your hair and fuck himself against you when you're asleep.
Y!Simpbur, who hides your food so he can try to take you out for lunch.
Y!Simpbur, who brings your favorite food or juice so you guys can share it.
Y!Simpbur, who has a big cock but act like if it was nothing.
Y!Simpbur, who drugs you when he feels ready to have you inside of him.
Y!Simpbur, who puts pills on your tea so you can have a "good" night of sleep while he cuddle with his hand under your shit.
Y!Simpbur, who have toys with the same size as your cock.
Y!Simpbur, who wears your social shirt and takes pics of him without nothing else on his body.
Y!Simpbur, who uses your mouth to pleasure him in any way possible.
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crookedkryptonitebeliever · 7 months ago
Oc battle royale
For my convenience, I am only including my Gen 3 ocs (Yves, Montgomery, Cyprus, Blanche and Leveret even though he belongs to Gen 2 because he's one of the 3 brothers)
Im gonna call this series Fabricated Reality Au
TW: violence, like a LOT of it, blood, gore
I did have like thoughts of putting all of them in a Big Brother (the TV show) situation, like all of them in one huge gated community complete with a gym, theatres, mock shopping centers, etc, and basically like a mini town in the Truman Show, none of them get to leave but they do get to access the internet and order stuff from there. They can't leave due to some paranormal shit (the author keeps teleporting them back or there is an invisible wall like most sandbox video games)
Everyone lives in this one mansion, including you, who spawns in with no memories of who any of these men are. You don't even have memories of your past identities. Unfortunately, though, they all knew you from their respective timelines and loved you to bits.
Yves would be the first to realize what is happening because he is the oldest and has encountered weird shit like this before, already have a theory that everyone is in a simulation and has some other eldritch knowledge that may or may not break the 4th wall, so he's calm as hell and sets up his hidden cameras and does his own thing and experiments. The mansion will have his entire vault under it, Yves can freely access it however and whenever he wants through his personal office
The same goes for Blanche, he's slightly shaken but knows things like these happen, so he would try his best to navigate the anomalies while staying optimistic. Leveret has an idea of what might be causing the strangeness and how to deal with it just like his 2 other brothers, but he doesn't seem to care too much, as long as he has access to you, his skin care, hair care and wardrobe, and whatever he deems necessary, he will be fine
Cyprus and Monty would be freaking the fuck out because they're in a perfect replica of their rooms (or in Monty's case, his childhood room) but once they exit it, it's the hallway to some fancy fortress. Weird shit keeps scaring them; like things that are not approved by the entity that's controlling the situation (author) keep disappearing, lapses in memories when they discover something that they're not supposed to yet and they swear they saw Yves phase through walls at some point.
They tried killing the three brothers (and each other) using all kinds of methods- violent or otherwise, but each of them came back unscathed the next morning. Yves and Blanche would pretend nothing happened as part of their strategy. Leveret would raise hell and kill them back to get even. Only to be resurrected the next day and be the receiving end of Leveret's cold shoulder.
Cyprus goes on a bloodbath after he gets his first death until he calms down and realizes that he's merely wasting his energy, they all keep coming back and Yves is the only one who frustratingly cannot seem to be killed; not even once. His ego would take a massive hit due to his inability to even land a punch on Yves no matter how hard he tried. Fighting Yves will always end up in Cyprus tiring himself out to the point of collapse, or instantly getting killed if Yves isn't in the mood that day to waste some time. The only time Yves LETS anyone kill him is when you're watching, to taint your view on them.
Blanche would pretend to be feeble and eat all his blows no matter how deformed his face would get, so if Cyprus tried to give him a beatdown, it just looked like a big bad bully tormenting a harmless and frail old man. And that isn't a good look for Cyprus, especially if you're the empathetic type. But all of the men knew what that grey-haired bastard was capable of with his brass knuckles. If Cyprus and Blanche were to go one-on-one without any weapons, it would be a stalemate with both leaving each other in puddles of blood, broken bones, and mangled flesh.
Monty takes on a more passive approach of staying away from everything (and of course, attempting to protect you from it too by keeping you in his room, or even in Yves's care if things get too chaotic in the mansion) until he gets a decent grasp on the reality he was thrust into, he would refrain from engaging in violence even though he might get pretty violent himself if stressed out enough.
However, most of his attacks are defensive. He wouldn't feed anyone a knuckle sandwich first as long as they don't bring you into it.
After his first respawn, he would be flabbergasted but a lot more relaxed knowing that he would always come back. He's still going to be peeved as hell if someone tried to kill him just for the lulz because dying HURTS like a bitch. Montgomery would engage in murdering the other participants ONLY if there is zero chance of you witnessing it. He would try his best not to let you see his death despite you knowing no one really dies here.
Leveret is not getting his pretty nails crusted with blood. He carries a gun with him at all times, because sadly he is the weakest of the five in terms of combat. Not to say he doesn't have any fighting skills, any normal person would be dead if they were to take him on hand-to-hand. But he is only slightly faster than Montgomery, who only has his prior farm and construction work to prepare him for combat.
Without his gun, Cyprus could one-punch him into oblivion. Montgomery could easily overpower him, Blanche would pulverize him into meat paste before Leveret could blink, and obviously, no chance against sweet, sweet eldritch entity Yves.
Each of their financial assets would be transferred into this reality, Yves being the most advantageous because he's already in the top 0.05% in his universe.
Blanche would be next because he earned quite a lot from his organ harvesting side hustle.
Leveret keeps his financial side vague, but he can effortlessly afford items that most middle-upper-class workers can't.
Cyprus isn't necessarily the uberwealthy, but he has more than enough money by working as an accountant for various corporate offices to live very, very comfortably. However, it's not unlimited, if he wants to continue providing a good life for you and him (And to earn your favor in this fucked up situation), he has to pick up the slack and find a way to keep his bank plump.
Montgomery is the poorest, so even in this reality, he has to get out there to get some cash to spend it on you.
This leaves the three brothers to occupy most of their time at home while the other two are out there making a living. However, Leveret's clandestine job requires more of his attention sometimes, and Blanche actually has to acquire organs from someone else (He can just kill Cyprus, Montgomery, or Leveret to steal their livers now) to sell.
Leaving Yves to spend the most time with you and to run the household. You eat his cooking the most and receive much more cuddles from him.
He doesn't like it when the men murder each other, because it ends with him scrubbing the floors so you wouldn't slip on their viscera, get sick, or be bothered by the smell/ appearance of it. Yves tried hiring maids and butlers, but they kept dying at the end of the week. And not in a peaceful way either, having the other servants clean their coworkers' remains up isn't helping their morales. No matter how many safeguards he tried to put in place to protect them, your other deranged self-proclaimed husbands would get to them like the feral beasts they are.
It's mostly Blanche and Cyprus being the culprit- being the two most jealous of the five, occasionally Leveret when he's feeling murderous and petty. Montgomery would discourage everyone from killing the servants because he knows that they're just doing their job and merely existing, it's not like they can take you away from them. He trusts that Yves has something to prevent that.
So Yves resorted to being the one who kept everything in order, the patriarch of this fucked up "family". Everyone except yourself has chores to do each day and was told to please clean up after themselves. He has to put up posters reminding all the men to "Please dispose of your corpses appropriately", Yves would personally train them to adhere to certain protocols. Hell, he even opened up a conference room especially for the men to "settle their differences", but Cyprus pointed out it's just a murder room with all the plastic sheets covering the floor and walls being replaced each time it's been soiled. It's heavily soundproofed too with an array of tools and weapons being displayed on the racks.
Yves told them to call it whatever they wanted, as long as the blood didn't reach the hallways because it kept traumatizing you- their beloved, and he was tired of being their caretaker when he was supposed only to be that to you.
Surprisingly, it didn't take long for them to use it as intended. Because they realize the effect it had on you is not at all positive. It doesn't stop Blanche from trying to get any of the 3 men (he knew Yves would never fall for it) to hurt him in front of you, though.
Because of his shrewdness, power, and wealth, all 4 of them begrudgingly agreed to have Yves set the rules. No one trusts him, but he's the most competent and scariest. He knows how to get each of them on the floor, in a fetal position, shivering, sobbing, and begging for mercy without even touching them or using you as a threat. Yves knows the most and knowledge is what makes him unstoppable.
Yves despises sharing you. But under these circumstances, he knows he has to. He is horrifyingly adept at playing domestic politics, the men knew never to outwardly question Yves if he suddenly graced them with more bonding time with you; just appreciate the opportunity and focus on enjoying while they can. They all knew it was always some sort of plan to keep all of them compliant, but with Yves being the way he is, it's really better to just roll with it. Never get on his bad side or he will turn the entire household onto them, including you- which is a fate literally worse than death for all of them.
None of them knows what the goal of this anomalous reality shift is, except Yves and perhaps Blance and maybe Leveret, who vaguely knew it's some form of entertainment to beings on another astral plane. But even he could not confirm if his theory is true, he only knows some of the rules and logic. Not a single one knows if things will be back to how it was, or if this will be their new normal permanently.
But they do know they share a similar purpose: to love you, to keep you safe and happy. To the best of their abilities, at least. And you're the only thing keeping them from nuking the entire town to billions of pieces.
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space-blue · 2 years ago
Not that many care about my opinion on the topic, but I cannot comprehend the takes I've seen on Oppenheimer prior to viewing the film.
I'm just out of the cinema and I cannooooot believe that I've heard and seen people complain about the "Americans clapping" scene as not sensitive, and that it should have shown the bombs dropped and the damage done. I've read takes that came down to 'the film is PRAISING the bomb by refusing to show its damage' and holy shit I was bracing myself.
But not only is the clapping scene shot like the genre just switched to horror, plunging us into very interesting exploration of the mental dissonance Oppenheimer is going through at that moment... I was left wondering...
Have those critics not seen Grave of the Fireflies? Barefoot Gen? In This Corner of the World? Watched documentaries on the bombs, on hibakushas? Have they not read the Hiroshima book by John Hersey that collects horrifying first hand accounts of Hiroshima survivors?
Have they stepped into the theatre with no background understanding of the atomic bomb and the horrors it carried?
Because this entire scene, actually much of Oppenheimer's mindset post bomb drop, DEPENDS on the public's understanding of WHAT THE PEOPLE ARE CLAPPING FOR. They're clapping for their project completion, for their victory, and for unknown amount of dead people. And WE KNOW that they are clapping for some of the most horrifying shit ever. We know they're clapping the cold war and nuclear proliferation's birth.
The film relies on you understanding this! The film depends on you activating your neurons and putting 2 and 2 together.
The film treats the audience as adults who don't need to see dead civilians to EMPATHISE for those civilians. You're also meant to be alienated from these cheering scientists, just as you can't help understanding why they're cheering.
It makes sense yet it's awful. Dissonance.
If you need your hand held so bad to understand why the bomb is a great evil, no matter how necessary it might have felt, when watching a biopic, then maybe you should have stuck to Barbie only, as that film was fun but significantly less challenging.
Also damn but Gary Oldman as Truman was so terrific, this guy really is a million faces.
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