#this is so not based on real life events
sugoi-writes · 1 day
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Lips of an Angel - RadioApple (Alastor x Lucifer)
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Kinktober - Day XXII - Face Fuck (RadioApple)
⚠️Warnings⚠️- Choking (inflicted on self), MLM, face fuckery, mentions and imagery of tongues, sacrilegious speech, Alastor and Lucifer fucking each other with their eyes, semen landing where it shouldn't, cursing, old men bickering STILL, hickies mention, Lucifer should def have a collar and not a bowtie, Alastor uses 'cher', Alastor is greedy so most of this is from his maddening POV, and just general debauchery
A/N: Ahaha-- hah-- SORRY. IM A BUSY ENBY, HERE IS THIS. IM GONNA TRY TO POST MY MISSED PROMPT BEFORE MIDNIGHT. TLDR; Tumblr fucking ate my final draft. Haunted House life, and 3 jobs got me FUCKED. UP. Ugh. Anyways-- ENJOY. PLEASE READ MY WIVES STORIES OR ILL CUT YOU Kinktober Masterlist
@hazelfoureyes @macabr3-barbi3 @minkdelovely @synamartia @fraugwinska I missed y'all dhdhdjdjd
"Easy, Bambi... I want to try something different," Lucifer rasped, having to practically grapple with his partner to get him to slow down. Alastor, in all of his disheveled glory, gawks at Lucifer's 'pause'. He angrily huffs, shoving his sweat-slicked hair out of his face. If he had it his way, Lucifer’s neck would be adorned with more affection, as it called it. 
"Darling, you wait until NOW to tell me?" He says through gritted teeth, though his protest soon morphs into a startled gasp. Lucifer, the sweet talker with an even sweeter touch, has an onyx hand wrapped around his shaft. The fallen angel relishes the sound Alastor chokes on, his fingertip gliding over his sensitive, weeping slit. 
"Well, aren't some of the best ideas spontaneous~?" Lucifer coos, kissing the Radio Demon on the cheek," Like the one you just jumped into?" 
It was rare to have 'contact' of this nature without some sort of build up. It usually took days of teasing, acting coy, and riling up Alastor before the buck finally chased the doe (metaphorically and literally). Admittedly, Lucifer’s libido never really slowed down post divorce, and he would do his best to acclimate to Alastor’s tendencies. But today, well... Today was much different. With a ravenous appetite after successfully thwarting a certain, pesky Tv Star... Alastor was riding more than just an ego high, to say the least. 
And so, here they were: riling each other up and chasing a blaze that had been kindled with gasoline. Alastor was heated and ready--more than ready– until this sudden change of pace. 
In some ways, it frustrated Alastor. But Lucifer was right; a song could grow stale without a tempo change or two. He's even said it himself aloud before– more than likely in front of Lucifer himself. 
Maybe a higher octave for his lover would be a pleasurable change... if the sinner were only so lucky. To make Lucifer wail his name, while practically sobbing against him– ahh, old habits never die, after all.
Alastor sighs, relaxing under Lucifer's teasing," Hah-- ahhn, fine... What do you have in mind, cher?" 
The Radio Demon bit his lip– a nervous habit– as his manhood stood bare and proud before the ruler of Hell. All the while, the King was sprawled onto his back sensually. Lucifer couldn't help but chuckle as he shifted, allowing his head to fall over the edge of the bed. From his perspective, Alastor seemed apprehensive, the adorable flush of his weeping tip mirrored across the bridge of his nose.
"I'm failing to see where this is going..." Alastor admits," That doesn't look very comfortable," he finishes matter-of-factly, not missing the way Lucifer’s nose scrunched up in amusement.
His partner tries not to snort at his earnest remark, before opening his mouth widely. Alastor could only watch as Lucifer ran his tongue across his bottom lip invitingly, as if to suggest something. Like a deer in the headlights, Alastor froze, still not realizing what Lucifer implied.
Like a good patient in the doctor's office, he lays his tongue flat and proudly declares," Ahhhh~"
When Alastor still didn't comprehend the hint, he started firmly pointing between his face and his partner’s cock. Alastor's cheeks soon mimicked the hellscape outside, a deeper red washing over his entire face. There we go, Lucifer thought.
He smiles, brows wiggling as he waves Alastor over with two, nimble fingers.
"I promise, baby, I'll be fine... Like I said, it's something new. We don't have to, if you don't want to. But, I figured it was time to be more spontaneous~ 'like you mentioned before." 
Drat. He was right, Alastor thought. Lucifer had been taking notes.
Alastor coughs to hide his meekness, not missing the way that Lucifer's eyes darted to watch his cock kick reflexively. He can't help but bite his lip more harshly, unable to suppress his chuckle in turn. Shameless as he was, Lucifer was irrationally attractive... maybe even more so now. Despite the smaller man's nonchalant demeanor, his body... Well, his body sold a dazzling picture. 
The peak of human– err, angelic– physique. Skin that appeared to be hardened marble, but gave under the lightest tough. The elegant gradient from the iridescent white to the deepest pitch on his extremities, hand painted by the Lord above. His torso and abdominals rose and fell steadily, as a thin sheen of sweat clinged to it. Alastor glanced towards his face, a sight never meant for his sinful gaze... And yet, there he was, gazing lovingly at the smile that graces him. He marveled at the golden locks that dangled around the devil's head effortlessly. The pale, normally well-maintained hair mimicked the halo that he once lost. Even so, this couldn't hold a candle to the soft, gold and red eyes that met his own, simmering with a heat that begged him to get closer. 
Ethereal. Lucifer was absolutely ethereal. 
And here he was, about to shove his cock into that deliriously handsome face. Could he do such a thing? A vulgar, carnal act on something so purposely divine?
The angel in question knew that Alastor was bewitched; absolutely devastated by him. He's right: how could Alastor resist such curated, unashamed temptation? The devil grinned wider as his eyes lidded dangerously–he wanted to make Alastor worse. 
"Then I suppose you'd like me to take the lead? Set the tempo?" Alastor drawls, interrupting the sexually charged silence. He strides over to Lucifer slowly, as if he would change his mind and lunge away. But he never looked away, even as a single, clawed digit ran up the length of his neck. Lucifer sighed wantonly and trembled, goose flesh flaring in the claw’s wake. Perhaps Alastor wasn't the only one who was in a trance… 
Alastor could feel the sigh just below his digit, Lucifer's 'apple' bobbing in his throat in a way that tempted him to bite down.
"Yes please~" the turned angel cooed, placing a hand on both of Alastor's thighs to pull him closer. Alastor stammered as his length fell against Lucifer's cheek, the warmth welcome against his feverish prick. He rolled his eyes when a wink was thrown his way, lining himself up to the heated, damp cavern just past the devil's lips. He asked for this, Alastor thought... And weren't holy sites just itching to be desecrated? 
The moment that Alastor allowed himself to ease into Lucifer's pliant mouth, he groaned. Alastor felt a jolt travel from his core through his spine before slamming back down into his loins. A full body shudder settled over him as he gave in to the warmth that surrounded him.
Though he typically found the sensation of a blow job odd... It felt different this way. From this angle, he also made a startling discovery: he could descend MUCH deeper now. 
Alastor looked down when he heard a moan, shuddering again as he felt it pass through his cock. His own breath caught when he saw how much Lucifer began twitching beneath him, legs pressing together to seek some sort of friction. Alastor's resolve to be gentle loosened, brow setting harshly. He thrust his cock down to the hilt, listening and watching Lucifer took him eagerly. Again, Alastor found little to no resistance... What an interesting little position his love cooked up for them~ He'd have to thank him again for the marvelous idea. But now wasn't a time for words; he’d show it much more earnestly with his body. 
Alastor experimentally rolled his hips, gasping when he felt that familiar, serpentine tongue writhing about his cock. The moment it brushed the patch of sensitive flesh below his cock head, it was over. 
As if a switch was flicked, Alastor began to move, his hips settling on a steady, needy rhythm. Lucifer, receptive to the treatment, moaned around the dick in his mouth lewdly. Alastor was rewarded with two hands grasping his hips, pulling him even closer and lodging him impossibly deeper inside. Even in his predicament, Lucifer kept his hands busy, kneading what little flesh blanketed the deer demon's hips.
"G-Good Lord" Alastor groaned, a hand holding his bouncing fringe out of his face while the other braced against Lucifer's shoulder. The ripple that traveled through Lucifer's cheeks with every impact made him lose his train of thought, his mouth gaping and shutting. Like a fish out of water, he was practically gasping for air. And soon enough, Alastor's mouth could only hang open, completely in awe at the sensations and sights below him.
" H-How... Hells, how are you-- so?? So-- Haaah!" Alastor’s mind became soft and plush, like the sheets that decorated his King's bed. He sighed when he felt Lucifer smiling and hallowing his cheeks, deepening the suction of his maw. Much to his own delight, Alastor's back arched, the change doing wonders to his flushed, aching member.
The Radio Demon cursed lowly, biting his bottom lip as his hips met Lucifer's face harshly. He was completely enthralled, watching the way his cock kicked and bobbed in Lucifer's throat with every pass. His member was going well past the point that any mortal could handle-- not that the size of his prick was helping with that, either… This marvel had soon become his obsession; he needed, no– he demanded more.
He felt himself growing hotter all over, the temptation to wrap his hands around Lucifer’s throat and squeeze driving him mad. Lucifer would look quite nice with a collar around his neck too, wouldn't he... Imagining it straining around his neck as his cock plunged deeper and deeper made Alastor keen in a shrill, helpless tone. A mental note for another time, for another heated encounter...
As if reading his mind, Lucifer snaked a hand up to his own throat, hand splayed across it provocatively. Touch me, grasp me, it almost screamed... God be damned. Alastor felt like he was already in the warm embrace of Heaven. 
The sinner's eyes fluttered for a moment, imagining the drool and spend already dripping out of the Morningstar's mouth, running up and into his closed eyes and along his forehead. The imagery alone made him moan again, nearly stumbling forward as he felt pressure increasing around his cock. 
In a feat he didn't believe possible, Lucifer had started to squeeze his own throat. He decidedly made the descent of his cock even tighter– a feat that had Alastor whining. Alastor felt his manhood flinch, his balls tightening and drawing up– he was on the brink of going absolutely feral. 
Lucifer's name was forced through Alastor's swollen lips, a fang soon puncturing the plush flesh and drawing the first rivulets of blood that night. The metallic taste could only sate him so much as his hips became erratic.
"Fuck, close... Lucifer, I'm– Ahh, take it… Pl-Please, take it!!!" 
Alastor held onto Lucifer by his hair, tugging harshly as his hips snapped against him urgently. A needy moan matched the whine vibrating through his cock, sending Alastor's eyes rolling back. Lucifer was ready, more than ready to make Alastor cum. 
It wouldn't take much more, energetic, uneven thrusts overwhelming the both of them. The nimble, wriggling tongue lapping at Alastor's tip is what finally made him spill his long awaited seed.
"Haaah, ahnn! Cumming! Cumming, Lucif-ahhhn!!! Fuck!” 
Alastor hardly registered the gag from below, mind lost in the haze of his climax. His antlers splintered and expanded as he growled, head thrown back in complete, blinding rapture. Bliss and carnal desire rose over everything else, his mind filled only with thoughts of staying in the warm heat as long as he could. 
Then: two harsh smacks to the Radio Demon's ass brought him back to reality, his red and white tail flagging upward. A warning of danger; danger he's causing to his lover. 
"Ohh, shit– of course–" 
Despite the demands of his cock, Alastor pulled out swiftly, allowing Luci to breathe. His hand replaced Lucifer's parted lips as he rode the rest of his high, trying and failing to catch his breath. Alastor watched as the last few ropes of semen landed on Lucifer's face: one against his chin, the other just across one of his eyes. Alastor was quick to wipe away the mess with his thumb, an apologetic laugh bubbling in his chest. 
"Apologies, sorry... That was--" 
"Fantastic~" Lucifer said in a sing-song cadence, looking up to the Radio Demon with glossy, wide eyes. Even with a neglected, ruined voice, Lucifer's excitement could hardly be missed. 
"Now that was fun~" Lucifer rolled onto his stomach, lolling his head to and fro until he felt the muscles in his neck relax. This distraction worked perfectly for Alastor, who rounded the bed until he was at foot of it. 
"Fun~?" Alastor chimed, a dark chuckle filling the room with a familiar static and a wanton promise. Though based on the tone, Lucifer assumed it was more of a threat.
"Oh dear, did you think we were done? I haven't forgotten about you... And in turn, I plan to make you see stars–" Alastor admonishes, a cool pair of tendrils snaking up Lucifer's thighs. The devil trembles beneath their touch, his pleased sigh suddenly turning into a squawk as his erection was cupped hastily.
"Ahh–! Well, I guess I did make you s-sahhh~ s-see stars just now, hah~?” The tender touch grew keener as the tendrils danced about his body, making Lucifer shiver,” Mmm…It would be nice to see stars in tURN--?" 
Lucifer is thrown onto his back, righted on the bed as his head lands in the embrace of too-many pillows. Bewildered and horny, Lucifer marvels at the sight of Alastor's enlarged frame crawling up his bed, head lowering between his shaking legs. 
"O-Oh fuck– haha, eager to please, Bambi?" 
Lucifer's smirk suddenly melts into a surprised 'o', Alastor's tongue running up the length of his twitching member in a heated, passionate line. Solid, dark scleras gaze back up at him, unending and vast as Limbo itself. Lucifer had only realized how long and filthy his night would be when a pair of radio dials flickered back at him. 
"Revenge, more like~ For not letting me have a taste sooner... But I'm sure you'll be more than 'pleased' when I'm done with you.”
Lucifer swallowed hard, but couldn't help the shrill shout as Alastor wrapped his tongue around him, coddling and caressing his cock. He let his head fall back, a sarcastic comment melting away as he allowed Alastor to take the lead once more.
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ohitslen · 4 months
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Average university experience
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The way we discuss prophecy in fandom is genuinely fascinating. GRRM spends so much time showing how different characters have different interpretations of the same thing based on their own cultural contexts. He says that prophecy is tricky to navigate through multiple characters, showing that even the most careful practitioner can get almost everything wrong and fall victim to their own fallacies (see Mel). So tell me why the main takeaway for large parts of this fandom is “prophecy stupid, it doesn’t matter”. My brothers and sisters in R’hllor, GRRM didn’t invent multiple characters (three of whom are main POVs!!) who can see the future for this to be the conclusion. This is a FANTASY series. Please I’m begging, let us be serious 🥲
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tinseltina · 30 days
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trying to make fanart of leona from @kiame-sama's humans are extinct twst au (warning it is a yandere au and 18+ so minors DNI)
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mito-itokondrria · 2 years
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Don't play with fireworks, kids...
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kellterntempest · 4 months
Being physically attracted to your coworker SUCKS
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fitzrove · 5 months
Fun facts about crown prince rudolf 🥰💖
Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria was this super tragic figure whose super tragic life was always tragic and very sad. Also he was an irredeemably evil sexist jerkface and if you like him you're a pick me girl who wants WOMEN TO DIE,, anyway here are some fun facts about him!
He died in 1889 from suicide :( Or he may have been murdered by French agents sent by his friend Clemenceau,, listen I know they were friends who were aligned politically, but Empress Zita said this ~40 years after Rudolf's death, and because she's distantly related to him through marriage it must 100% be true!
He shot himself in the mouth, I don't know why all of these adaptations change it to be the temple lol
He infected his wife with syphilis >:o
According to his writings (mostly Eine Orientreise where he frequently admires the fresh manliness of his Arab hunting companions) he was heteroromantic polysexual <3 representation
He used to keep this creepy sex register where he used different colors of pens to mark what kind of woman he slept with (virgin, of noble birth, etc...). No trust me bro it's legit even though nobody has ever presented proof of this register existing anywhere or even a credible primary source citation to point to someone contemporary describing it
During his travels in Egypt and Palestine Rudolf acquired many cultural and historical artifacts for museums in Vienna as well as for his personal collections<3 Explorer king. Wait what do you mean imperialism, graverobbing and arson?? Noo I wouldn't describe it as such haha...
He was really sexist and that's not ok tbh :/ How can anyone be interested in him when he was horrible to women :( I mean it's kinda hard to find 19th century european men who would not have been and a lot of our still-revered statesmen had comparable attitudes that people let slide, but actually when it's someone that was also mentally ill in a Scary Violent Way it's ok to center his negative traits and ignore everything else about him haha. Also women are only allowed to enjoy researching and discussing historical figures who are unproblematic and good representation<3 ALSO women are not allowed to make arguments about historical figures being interesting or sympathetic based on their political views/positions if those figures were awful people in their personal lives, it's like the rules of feminism or something! ~~
He was involved in this crazy conspiracy to crown himself as king of Hungary. Also he was really hyped about hungarian nationalism and independence and totally wasn't an imperialist first and foremost who would've seen the ideology as ultimately destructive regardless of any personal fondness for Hungary
The italian anarchist Luigi Lucheni actually really wanted to fuck him and this was a motivating factor for Lucheni's assassination of empress Elisabeth in 1898 😳
[THIS POST IS SATIRE (inspired by) and the "facts" are purposeful misinformation kfkfkfkf. If anyone can provide actual proof of that sex register thing that does NOT come from greg king and penny wilson (derogatory) I will graciously not duel them in the hofburg parking lot xD I hate that this disclaimer needs to be included because it ruins the joke, but a lot of these are such common takes that I can't not]
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velidewrites · 2 years
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Summary: Nesta is having the worst time on her vacation—until she spots a handsome stranger in a restaurant. Lucky for her, he's determined to show her a good time.
Pairing: Nesta x Cassian
Word Count: 7.3k
Warnings: Smut, mature language, Mrs Archeron
Read on AO3
The only source of light in the restaurant were the candles, laid atop each table and flickering whenever the evening breeze dared to gently whoosh inside. There were no windows in the space—the climate here was warm enough to not have to bother with such things—so instead, someone had opted to carve rounded, open archways into the sandstone walls. Every now and then, the wind would find its way in, prompting the small flames into a dance that threatened to smother their enthusiasm for good.
Such cruel fate had been suffered by the fire burning over at Nesta’s table, its only remnant the thin swirl of smoke that was now slowly trailing upwards. Nesta’s eyes, however, remained fixed on the blackened wick, as if she could still feel the soft flame casting shadows over her face.
It had only been seconds, and yet the wax had already begun freezing into place as it dripped down the candle’s ivory length. To Nesta, though, the moment had somehow managed to extend into eternity—a fate even more cruel than the flame’s unfortunate death. Right now, she would do just about anything to simply evaporate into the nightly air.
A light click sounded somewhere near her side, and time resumed in an instant. A symphony of voices poured into her ears—conversations in too many languages to discern, tangled between the music playing quietly from the speakers hung in the gap between the back wall and the ceiling. Everything became too loud, too rushed, like an impending wave of the sea, the same kind that was now crashing into the shore overlooked by the restaurant. With a will of their own, Nesta’s eyes squeezed shut, as though shutting off one of her senses could somehow ease the fervour of the other, and she quickly blinked, realising there were too many gazes on her to allow an escape into her own head.
When her eyes opened again, her candle was burning anew. The fire rose from from the spent wick, resuming its dance as if never interrupted at all.
Nesta blinked one more time before finally looking up.
The waiter stood over their table, a sleek, electric lighter in his hand. He flashed her a smile, his perfect set of white teeth nearly brighter than the flame itself.
“Are you ready to order?” he asked in a thick accent. Nesta thought it made his question sound like a song. Rich and lovely—each word enunciated, each syllable important.
She opened her mouth when another movement caught her eye—a glimpse of lustrous silk, reflecting the light softly. Pink.
Nesta’s mouth closed with a flat exhale. Elain always managed to select the perfect fabric for the occasion—as if she could somehow predict how the setting would best compliment her outfit. Indeed, her own pencil skirt and a sleeveless top were no match for her sister’s dress, which could probably challenge the very sun with its own gleam. Nesta’s all-black ensemble, on the other hand, seemed to suck in all the light.
Seated to her left, Elain’s brown eyes narrowed as she scanned the menu carefully. “Do you have any vegetarian options?” she asked, brows creasing in worry.
Another movement—opposite from Nesta, this time. Her eyes darted to its source, just in time to catch the wave of their mother’s dismissive hand.
“She’ll have the octopus,” she told the waiter, whose own frown mimicked Elain’s before he quickly jotted down the order. “We’re at the seaside, after all.”
Elain’s mouth pressed into a thin line.
“My eldest will have the calamari,” their mother continued, gesturing to Nesta. “Grilled, not fried. And the mussels for me.” And with that, she returned her gaze to the menu.
Elain cleared her throat pointedly, though the sound was hardly acknowledged as the woman flipped onto the last page, already examining the restaurant’s wine selection. Their mother did not deign to look up as Feyre spoke.
“I’ll have the salmon, please,” she said quietly, something strained in the back of her throat.
All the numbness Nesta had carefully cultivated in her chest prior to this evening vanished at the sound, a fire much more angry than the candle’s filling her instead. A ruthless, icy flame.
Her fury must have been evident in her eyes, because before Nesta even managed to make her feelings about mother’s obvious dismissal perfectly clear, Feyre’s slender hand wrapped around her wrist.
Nesta’s head snapped toward her little sister.
It’s not worth it, blue-grey eyes told her, even as their mother continued to question the waiter about the bitterness of the local wine.
Nesta swallowed. Hard.
Then, she looked to Elain—who shook her head quickly, honey-brown curls shifting over her shoulder.
Fine, then.
Nesta let out a deep, deep breath, and did not stop until all the fire was out and that familiar numbness filled her again.
She never thought she’d say this, but Nesta missed New York. Missed her apartment, however small, and the peace and quiet it offered on days like these—days when she felt forced to exist in the moment, to flow with its relentless current. She would give just about anything right now to be able to curl up on the grey couch in her living room and disappear under her favourite, plush blanket. She’d left a book on the coffee table beside it—she meant to bring it along for the journey, but it seemed that her mind had been too preoccupied with the destination to remember. The story—four hundred pages of her favourite romance—would have been the perfect escape for this occasion.
Frankly, Nesta had wanted to turn back and go home the moment she’d stepped on the plane. Her mood had only darkened when she discovered a raging six-year old was seated right behind her. The child had been intent on making her life even more miserable, opting to spend over half of the ten-hour flight frantically kicking her seat until his legs finally gave out about two hours before landing. The insufferable kid had been carried out by his mother, sleeping soundly in her arms and no longer resembling the devil’s spawn that he was—until they’d reached baggage claim, of course, where he’d taken the carousel for his personal playground, jumping right over her suitcase before Nesta had managed to fish it out.
The air had been warm and humid from the minute she’d left the airport, and it had only grown heavier since then. Not even the occasional breeze seemed to lift it as it swept over her face—as if mocking the beads of sweat that had begun to gather under her hairline. The climate didn’t bother her that much, to be honest—the island was beautiful, after all. The golden sand sparkling in the beaches, the turquoise water surrounding it. The palm trees growing on both sides of every stone-clad alley. Perhaps, in different company, she’d even be able to appreciate this place.
But alas, this trip was not the case. She and her sisters had been putting off this trip for two months now, though none of them had ever voiced their lack of enthusiasm aloud. Feyre would always cite her classes as an excuse, Elain was quite literally elbows-deep in work, and Nesta…after her fifteenth job interview, she was practically losing her mind.
Now, though, with the semester over and summer quickly approaching, the three of them found themselves with a lot of free time and too many missed calls from their mother. And so, when Nesta suggested they get on the plane and get the whole thing over with, neither one of her sisters even tried to protest.
It wasn’t that Nesta didn’t love her mother—they all did, truly. But love was a complicated thing, almost as complicated as the woman herself, and sometimes…sometimes it overwhelmed her.
She did feel guilty, of course. Mother’s health had been deteriorating over the past few years until finally reaching its critical point in early January. Her doctors strongly recommended a change of climate—a place where chaos didn’t thrive as wildly as it did in New York. Somewhere warm—somewhere quiet, where she could live out the rest of her days undisturbed by other worldly afflictions.
All of it was merely delaying the inevitable—even their mother knew that too well. Still, Nesta supposed, a remote island far away from the rest of the world did not seem like the worst place to turn to for comfort. She would have probably done the same had she found herself in a smilier predicament.
Except that comfort seemed to elude Mrs Archeron no matter where she fled—in fact, Nesta was starting to believe there wasn’t a single place on Earth that the woman could truly be satisfied. Even here, surrounded by nature’s radiant beauty, there was something missing. Sometimes, it was her favourite boutique in New York. Other times, the friends she’d left behind there, the weekly card games they always held at the Plaza. And lately, it was her three daughters, who, after all had not visited her in six months.
She’d seemingly forgotten that it had been Feyre who’d helped her move all the way across the world—who’d taken care of all the planning and paperwork until their mother had set foot in her new, beachfront suite. Her youngest sister had missed an entire week of lectures because of that trip, and would later sacrifice her sleep to catch up on the material overnight.
“Did you hear what I said?”
Nesta blinked, the question snapping her focus back into the present. The waiter was long gone—instead, mother had now seemed to engage Elain in a conversation, from the exasperated flush on her sister’s cheeks.
“Nesta,” Feyre murmured.
God, she needed to get it together.
“I’m sorry,” Nesta said carefully. “I got distracted for a minute. You were saying?”
The woman let out a long-suffering sighed. “You spend too much time in your own head, Nesta, and I know very well why.” Nesta’s brows furrowed in confusion. “I’ve always told you should read less—or at least, read something more productive than those silly rom-coms I’ve seen on your shelf.”
Suddenly, Nesta regretted ever inviting her mother to her apartment. She’d only come over for tea once—and apparently, it had been enough for her to restock her ammunition for later.
Forcing a smile which came out a bit crooked, Nesta met the woman’s gaze. Blue-grey eyes, the same exact shade as hers and Feyre’s, stared back, adorned by wrinkles not yet smoothed out by botox. “What was your question, mother?” she asked.
Another sigh, aimed to make her disappointment clear. “I was saying you should perhaps speak to your boss about Elain,” she suggested.
Nesta angled her head slightly. “Whatever for?”
“Mother,” Elain cut in, “I told you it’s not—”
“A job, of course,” she said, dismissing her daughter completely. “You work for a high-profile company.” It was the closest to a compliment Nesta had ever heard fall from her lips. “Surely they could find something for Elain, too.”
“Elain already has a job,” Nesta reminded.
Her mouth twisted in distaste. “A different job.”
“There is nothing wrong with what I do now,” Elain spoke again, her tone sharper now, colder.
Their mother raised a hand, the golden rings on her fingers glistening under the candlelight. “Of course there isn’t, dear. You misunderstand me again.” She turned to Nesta. “I’m only saying you could ask your boss if there are any opportunities. I’m sure Elain could use the extra money.”
“I’m doing perfectly fine where I am, mother. But,” Elain added through gritted teeth, “thank you for your concern.”
The woman’s eyes narrowed. “I take it business is going well, then?” She never called Elain’s bakery by what it was—as if the mere thought of her daughter spending her days dabbling in flour already filled her with some unimaginable horror.
“Yes,” Elain said tightly. “Perfectly well.”
Mother shrugged. “If you say so. Still,” she looked to Nesta again. “It wouldn’t hurt to ask.”
Elain’s face practically burned red.
“Fine, mother,” Nesta quickly said, making sure to squeeze Elain’s hand under the table. “I will.”
She sure as hell wasn’t asking Tomas Mandray for anything. As of Monday, she’d never have to see him again.
Her mother didn’t have to know about the resignation latter, saved on her laptop and waiting to be sent out the second she returned. If she found out Nesta was planning to quit her stable, corporate job…not even the island’s lovely climate would save her.
Mrs Archeron nodded. “Good. You should ask him about your promotion, too,” she added. “I keep hearing about it, and yet nothing ever happens.”
Nesta tried not to cringe at the displeasure in her voice.
“A fine man, that Mandray,” she mused innocently. “Good looks…good social standing.”
Dread began to build in her stomach. Please, don’t, she begged her silently. I hate him.
Something twinkled in her mother’s eyes, and she opened her mouth.
“Greysen and I broke up,” Elain announced loudly.
Mother’s face whipped to her middle daughter, and Nesta’s shoulders sagged with relief.
A one-shouldered shrug, so similar to the one mother had given her only a minute ago. Thank you, Nesta wanted to shout across the table, though she suspected Elain hardly needed her gratitude. She was clearly enjoying this—especially as she added, “He wasn’t good for me.”
Mother was practically seething. “Greysen Nolan is a good match,” she said, as though unaware they were living in the twenty-first century. “His father and I are friends.”
“Just how good of a friend is he?” Elain shot back.
Nesta stilled.
Beside her, Feyre’s eyes widened.
Slowly, their mother leaned back in her seat.
“Ladies,” a deep voice sounded. “Your drinks.”
The waiter appeared as if out of nowhere, leaning to set their wine atop the table. Nesta had never reached for her glass quicker, urging the crimson liquid to flush down the heart lodged in her throat. Feyre, it seemed, had opted to do the same.
Only when the man pulled back, moving to approach another table, did Elain finally sway the wine in her hand, her gaze still levelled on her opponent. While mother had taken Nesta under her wing from a very young age, and completely dismissed Feyre as anything other than a tiresome presence in her house, she’d never seen Elain as anything beyond her looks—it was no surprise that she’d quickly become their father’s daughter—calm and unyielding, unafraid to face her head on and risk her disapproval. Mother had always underestimated her.
She seemed to realise that at last, as lightning seemed to rage in her blue-grey eyes, just barely restrained—an ancient storm ready to ravage a blooming land.
Not good.
So Nesta spoke, “Mother, did you know Feyre passed all of her finals with an A this year?” Feyre’s head snapped to her at that, even the freckles on her face paling. “Tell her about your post-colonialism class, Feyre.” And when Feyre didn’t manage to utter a single word, Nesta turned back to their mother, explaining, “It was the most difficult one, and she got the best grade out of her entire cohort. At NYU.”
Feyre released a breath. “It’s nothing,” she murmured.
Those icy flames licked at Nesta’s chest again. Acknowledge her, she wanted to scream. Praise her.
“It’s not nothing,” she told her sister. “You’ve been brilliant, I—Mother?” Nesta frowned, realising the woman had already risen from her seat.
“Oh, please, keep going,” she waved a hand. “Don’t let me disturb you—I’m just going to go find the restroom. I need to freshen up.”
And with that, she was gone, the light click of her heels on the stone floor following her to the back of the restaurant.
Nesta eyed the movement, willing that inner fire to stifle its rage—until her eyes settled on something else entirely.
“You broke up with Greysen?” Feyre spoke beside her, but her voice was distant now, as if sounding from miles away. “When?”
“Last month,” Elain answered. “But he had it coming long before that, really,” she added quickly.
“You didn’t tell me.”
“I’m sorry, Feyre. You were dealing with your finals, I—I didn’t want to add more onto your plate.”
A sigh. “I get it. Just—please know you can always talk to me?”
“Of course. Besides, Nesta was—Nesta?”
But Nesta had long stopped participating in the conversation.
For sitting at the table a few away was the most ridiculously beautiful man she’d ever seen.
She would’ve spotted him right away had it not been for her mother’s seat shielding him from view the entire night. It was impossible not to take notice of him—and not simply due to his size, the broad chest, the strong, golden-brown arms, their muscles practically glistening under the soft light. He looked like he’d spent the entire day on the beach, his dark, windswept hair loosening a few strands over his forehead—over his hazel eyes, bright with amusement as he listened to his companion.
And his companion…of course he’d come with a date. A woman so beautiful she seemed as though the sun itself had crafted her, her golden hair cascading down the red silks of her dress, down her exposed back. What the hell did they put in the wine in this place?
From the corner of her eye, Nesta could just barely make out Elain following her gaze.
“Go talk to him,” she urged.
At that, Nesta turned, schooling her features into cool indifference. “Who?”
Elain’s brown eyes narrowed. “Don’t act stupid now, Nesta. You were practically drooling.”
“Is it a crime to appreciate a good looking man?” she asked innocently.
“It’s a crime not to do anything about it.”
Feyre huffed a laugh. Nesta shot her a glare.
“Just do it, Nesta,” she told her.
Nesta rolled her eyes. “Oh, please. He’s clearly here with a date.”
“Could be his sister,” Elain supplied helpfully, though there was little confidence in her tone.
“They look nothing alike.”
Feyre sighed deeply. “Nesta, just go talk to the guy.”
“She’s right, you know.” Elain’s head tilted slightly to the side. “When was the last time you’ve been on a date?”
Nesta’s jaw clenched. “I’ve been busy.”
“Exactly,” Feyre said. “And now you’re on vacation—you deserve to…let off some steam.”
Elain chuckled.
“Is that so funny?” Nesta challenged. “Maybe you should go talk to him, Elain—a little rebound’s never hurt anybody.”
Elain sipped from her glass. “Normally, I would,” she started, a small twinkle appearing in her gaze. “But I don’t think Lucien would appreciate it.”
Feyre’s jaw practically hung open. “Lucien? NYU Engineering Lucien?” She shook her head. “No, scratch that—my friend Lucien?”
Pink bloomed on Elain’s cheeks, and Nesta suspected it had little to do with the wine. “He came by the bakery a few days after your party.” That’s right, Feyre’s end-of-exams party—the one she’d quite literally begged her to show up to. The one she’d told Tomas about when she requested a day off—and so naturally, he’d made her work overtime well into the early hours of the night. “We’re going on a date next week.”
Feyre’s arms folded over her chest. “I can’t believe that asshole didn’t tell me,” she grumbled. Lucien may have been two years above Feyre—but he was still a good friend. At least, that was Nesta’s understanding from the one time she’d met him.
“I know what would lift your mood right up, Feyre,” Nesta suggested, a sly smirk curling up the corner of her mouth. “Go talk to the guy.”
Her eyes gleamed with challenge. “I will if you don’t do it first.”
She gestured towards his table. “Be my guest.”
Feyre groaned loudly.
“Nesta, would you please stop being so stubborn?” Elain begged.
“I’m not going to make a fool of myself,” she huffed.
“We’re literally on the other side of the world,” Feyre argued. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
What indeed?
Nesta considered—they were leaving after the weekend. If the golden woman really was his date, and Nesta was about to face a blatant rejection—she’d never have to see him again. She would probably have to avoid every beach on this island for the next two days, but now that she thought of it, she’d always been more of a winter person, anyway. And then, she’d simply go home and never think of him again.
If he was single, on the other hand… 
Nesta sighed. “Fine.”
Elain squealed in delight.
“Ask him what he ordered—it’s good small talk,” Feyre advised.
“I can see what he ordered from here,” Nesta protested. “Besides, his plate looks horrible. Who orders steak in a place like this?”
“You’re starting to sound like mother,” Feyre cautioned.
Oh, god.
“Do it your way, then, Nesta,” Elain hurried. “Just go.”
Alright then.
Nesta set her glass, rising from the table carefully. She did not nearly have enough wine for this, she realised. Her body felt warm—but not warm enough to untangle the knots that had managed to form in her stomach. It wasn’t like her to put herself out there so…publicly. Honestly, she’d never had to work this hard to catch a man’s attention before.
“Have fun.” Feyre smirked. “We’ll be watching.”
Nesta hissed, “Don’t you dare.”
The sound of her sisters’ quiet giggles carried her through the space. She didn’t think she’d ever walked more slowly in her life, each step determined to drag this out for as long as possible. God, did she at least bother to check her hair beforehand? What if she’d smudged her mascara by accident?
Too late—she was so close now that she could make out just how perfectly the man’s stubble shaped his sharp jaw. Could see how large his hands were as he clasped them together, seemingly in excitement at whatever the woman had just told him.
She could see the perfect fullness of his lips as he leaned over the table and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
Well, shit.
Nesta practically lunged for the bathroom, making a turn so sharp she almost slipped on the polished stone floor. Damn her and her stupid heels—everyone wore sandals in this place, anyway. What devilish forces pushed her to leave all of her flat shoes back home, she did not know. She could only pray no one saw her obvious escape—or the heat that was no doubt burning her face red.
The restaurant had been booming with conversation and music all night, and despite this, the only sound she was convinced everybody could hear now was her heels, loudly carrying her away as she disappeared into the corridor that led to the restrooms.
The door swung open before she’d even managed to reach for the handle.
“Ah, Nesta,” Mrs Archeron said, and Nesta almost stumbled back a step. Her mother reached for something in her handbag as she continued “Here, use this.” She fished out a small packet of tissues and pressed them into Nesta’s palm. “Public restrooms are an atrocity.”
And just like that, she left.
Nesta stared at the packet for a few seconds before finally entering the quiet room.
It was a cozy space, with golden-framed mirrors, hanging from an old mural of the sea, and marble sinks. She placed the tissues atop one of them and faced her reflection at last.
Well. She did not look half bad, at least.
Her makeup was still intact—by some miracle, even the dark wings of her eyeliner remained sharp. She’d braided her hair into an updo earlier, and though a few loose strands had fallen out to frame her face, the entire ensemble looked somewhat presentable. Nesta reached for one of the tissues, dabbing it lightly over her face in places where the heat of her embarrassment melted her foundation slightly, and sighed. What was she thinking?
She made herself count to ten before going back into the dining area, her mind already crafting a pathway back that did not involve walking past the guy’s table. There was a staircase on her left, in the corridor right by the bathroom door, that she hadn’t noticed before. The sign next to it had been written in a language she did not understand, though the message seemed pretty obvious—no entry. Shame. Nesta would have done just about anything to hide upstairs for the remainder of the night.
“I was wondering where you went,” a voice appeared beside her.
Nesta stilled. He sounded exactly as she’d imagined.
Please, let this be a dream, she begged silently. A hallucination from the humidity.
If only.
Slowly, she turned from the stairs and faced him.
Up close, he was almost criminally beautiful. He knew it, too, there was no doubt in her mind about that—not as he folded his golden-brown arms over a powerful chest, leaning against the wall with a smirk. He was so ridiculously large that he shielded most of the restaurant from view—barely, just barely, she could make out her sisters’ forms, sure to be watching them intently.
The idea made her thoughts sharpen, like a fog lifting from her gaze—pretty or not, he was still a man, and Nesta was hardly one to fall at their feet at first glance.
And so, schooling her features into what she hoped was cool indifference, she asked “Excuse me?
A chuckle.“When you left your table, I was hoping you were coming over the say hello,” he mused, his voice like a melody sang by the darkest night—low and smooth over her skin, penetrating every fibre of her being. Nesta nearly gritted her teeth as a new fire awoke inside her—hot, teasing and wet.
He’d sought her out.
“I don’t think your date would share the sentiment,” she said, careful to keep her tone aloof.
His brows knitted over hazel eyes—from up close, she could see the speckles of green dancing around his pupils. “My…” he paused, a shadow of confusion clouding his face as he took in her words. “Oh.” A smirk curled the corner of his lips. “Mor is a friend.”
“You have very pretty friends.”
He hummed. “Wouldn’t hurt to have one more.”
She couldn’t help it—couldn’t stop the small smile that tugged at her own lips. “You’re very cocky for a…” A what? With a face like that, she couldn’t really blame him.
He flashed her a grin, as if he knew exactly what was going on in her mind—and enjoyed every last bit of it. “What’s your name?” he asked. God, she liked his voice. She liked everything about him.“Nesta,” she said, extending a hand.
He lifted himself off the wall, stepping in close enough to take her hand into his. That delicious heat stirred in her again at the contact—at the warmth of his skin, the slightly calloused fingers. She began wondering what he did for a living—until all thoughts evaporated from her head as he leaned to brush his mouth over her knuckles in a light kiss.
“Cassian,” he said, and the liquid fire descended down to the deepest, most aching part of her.
“Cassian,” Nesta repeated, testing out the name on her tongue. It did not sound nearly as nice on her tongue as it did on his—though Cassian hardly seemed to agree, from the way his eyes darkened at the sound.
He released her hand much too soon for Nesta’s liking. “I was about to have some dessert. Would you like to join me, Nesta?” he asked, motioning to the stairs and up.
Nesta’s brows furrowed. “Upstairs?” she questioned. “Isn’t it a private area?”
Cassian smiled at her again, and suddenly, she stopped caring about signs altogether. “Oh, it is,” he said. “Lucky for us, my brother owns this place.”
Lucky indeed.
“What of your date?”
He snorted. “I told you—not a date.”
“You know what I mean.”
Cassian jerked his chin to his table, a secretive twinkle in his eyes. “She was waiting for somebody else.”
Nesta followed his gaze—to where the beautiful woman, Mor, now smiled openly as she took the hand of her new companion. The woman who had taken Cassian’s seat returned her expression, her dark eyes shining brightly.
“Oh,” Nesta simply noted.
“Yes,” Cassian agreed, something like amusement creeping into his tone. “What’s your final verdict, then?”
Nesta shot a quick glance at another table—where Feyre was now giving her what seemed like a thumbs up. 
“Lead the way,” she told him.
Cassian, it seemed, did not need to be told twice.
The room upstairs was a lovely studio, the interior similar to that of the restaurant. A small but well-equipped kitchen made up the corner on the left side of the entrance, divided from the rest of the space by a dining table of dark, polished wood. A couch stood by the windows toward the back wall, overlooking the village beneath. Nesta moved closer to the sight—it only took her a few steps to reach the other end of the apartment—as though unable to help herself, to admire the soft lights glinting from inside every household. The sea laid on the other side of the building, but she could still hear the gentle rustle of waves docking ashore. Now, with a peaceful view and a change in company, she felt her appreciation for this place grow.
“It’s beautiful.”
Somewhere behind her, Cassian hummed. “I couldn’t agree more.”
Nesta turned on her feet to meet his gaze—only to find it occupied. Cassian’s eyes surveyed her closely, sweeping over the curve of her hips, her waist, her breasts—until they finally settled on her mouth, something bobbing in his throat at the sight.
For some reason, Nesta’s mouth felt dry. “Do you stay here often?” she asked, but her words felt distant, absent even as she spoke them.
Cassian shook his head, his gaze reluctantly moving to meet hers again. “Only sometimes. My other brother usually watches the place.”
“You have two?”
He nodded.
“I have two sisters,” she said.
He took a step towards her. “I saw.”
“You were watching me?” she asked, the question no more than a breath. He was so close to her now—she could wrap her hands around his neck if she wanted to.
His voice was hoarse as he admitted, “I was.”
Nesta went molten, all the heat he’d rallied inside her fluttering in her belly and swirling down to her core. She needed him to touch her now—anywhere, everywhere, all at once. She wanted to know how those fingers would feel as they traced the curve of her breasts, how they’d stroke that aching place deep inside her that thrummed under his stare.
He saw her—had spotted a stranger in the sea of candlelight and decided to wait for her move. The thought sent a shiver down her spine—she fascinated him just as he did her. 
Perhaps this trip had not been such a bad idea after all.
Feeling bold, Nesta closed the distance between them and laid a hand on his broad chest. She tried not to gasp at the hard muscle she felt underneath—at the heartbeat that began to race under her touch. She couldn’t help but smirk.
A large palm covered her own. “So, Nesta,” Cassian said, the low rasp of his voice caressing that desperate tightness inside her. “Tell me what brought you here tonight.”
She had a feeling he didn’t mean the restaurant. “I wanted to have some fun.”
Something twinkled in his gaze as he asked, “Not enjoying your time on the island so far?”
She slid her hand up to his neck, her thumb reaching to brush the roughness of his stubble. She could’ve sworn he shuddered slightly at the touch. “Could be better,” Nesta teased.
His eyes darkened. “Let me show you, then,” he pleaded. “Let me show you a good time.”
“Yes,” Nesta breathed.
In a quick and definitely practiced move, Cassian grasped both her hands in one of his palms, lifting them above her head. A sharp gasp tore from her lips as he pinned them to the wall behind her, his grip on her deliciously firm. Nesta’s exposed shoulders brushed the stone, its cold touch instantly smothered by Cassian’s hot breath on her skin as he leaned down to crash his lips into hers.
He tasted like fire and the richest of wines, the feel of him nearly dizzying, consuming. His other hand rested heavily on her waist, trailing upward as if wanting to explore every last inch of her. Nesta’s lips parted slightly when he cupped the side of her breast, and his tongue slipped forward to meet her own like a hungry flame.
His body pressed in closer, and Nesta arched into him, desperate for more friction. Like a bolt of lightning, pleasure rocked through her she felt the hardness bulging under his trousers, digging into her stomach in repressed need.
“Take this off,” she commanded between breaths. Cassian chuckled.
As he pulled away, sliding his shirt off in one, swift motion, Nesta allowed herself a moment to admire the man before her. With his chest laid bare to her, he looked like one of the marble sculptures that decorated the space downstairs—like some kind of ancient warrior, crafted from iron and flame. He was intoxicating.
With her hands freed, she moved to trace the cords of carved muscle with her fingers, delighting in the sight of his chest falling in uneven rhythm. “I was right,” she mused, more to herself than him.
“About what?” Cassian asked, his question no more than a rasp.
Nesta flashed him a smile. “This is going to be fun.”
His lips found hers again at that, the kiss deeper now, more desperate, as if he wanted to ingrain the feel of her into his memory forever. A rustle of fabric signalled his hands on the hems of her shirt, and Nesta raised her hands, suddenly feeling very smug about her decision not to wear a bra for the evening.
A low, feral noise escaped Cassian’s throat as he took in the sight. Nesta shivered, and it had little to do with the breeze that made its way in through the open windows she was nestled between.
His hands slid down her body, and Nesta stopped breathing entirely as he circled the tip of a finger around her pebbled nipple. Her nails dug into his arms, the sensation of his touch on her sensitive skin tantalising. She needed more of him—and she needed it now.
Then, Cassian flicked her nipple, and a wretched moan ripped free from her throat. Cassian snickered in delight and flicked again, the touch drawing just enough pain this time to spur another, clawing ache that dripped between her thighs.
“Cassian,” Nesta pulled away, panting. “Wait.”
He stopped immediately, moving back an inch to meet her frantic stare. “What is it?”
“The windows.”
Cassian frowned slightly. “What about them?”
“They’re open,” Nesta said, her breath still uneven. “There are guests downstairs—”
A very satisfied smile curved his lips upwards. “Well,” he teased, his hand on her side moving to wrap under her thigh. “I guess you’ll just have to be very quiet, then.”
And with that, he lifted her up.
A thrill shot down Nesta’s spine as he pinned her to the wall again, and she hooked her legs around his waist, pulling him in to settle between them.
“Just like that,” he praised, his other hand sliding down to grip her ass. There was a feral edge to her smile as she looked up at him, and a low rumble reverberated through his chest. “Nesta—”
She let her name drown in his mouth as she brought her lips to his, her legs wrapping tighter around him. The core between her thighs throbbed with her need, her anticipation, begging to be filled—to be given what she so badly wished. Keeping one of her hands on his neck, she slid the other down to the buttons of his trousers, working them quickly until another, grey fabric appeared.
Cassian groaned into her mouth as she skimmed her hand down his length.
“Who’s quiet now,” she mocked, her fingers teasing him again.
“Bossy,” he panted, his own hand moving to spring himself free at last. Any smug retorts her mind began crafting died on her tongue as she took in his cock, the breath in her chest hitching at its size, at the velvety shaft promising to completely and utterly wreck her.
He pulled her own, black skirt up to her hips before she’d even realised, as desperate for her as she was for him. Cassian’s hand moved to cup her ass again, fingers digging into the pliant flesh deliciously, as the other reached down to guide himself to her entrance.
His cock brushed the thin layer of her underwear, practically soaked with the pleasure he’d coaxed from her. “You’re killing me,” Cassian breathed, feeling the wet heat welcoming him, urging him in. She could not longer endure it—the feel of the blunt tip of his cock so achingly close, and yet not nearly close enough.
He seemed incline to agree as the sound of a ripping fabric filled the space between them. Cassian discarded her underwear to the floor before Nesta managed to open her mouth in protest, the darkness in his eyes drowning out the hazel.
“You won’t be needing it anymore,” he told her simply, his hand returning between her legs.
Her gaze followed the movement. “Is that so?”
The asshole had the audacity to wink. “I promised you a good time, did I not?” he asked, another wide smirk blooming on his beautiful face as he lazily teased a finger at her entrance, her aching cunt coating him in her slick. “Seems to me like you are,” he hummed, crooning his digit inside her.
Nesta gasped, her walls immediately clenching around him, pulsing with need. He hissed at the sensation, his cock twitching impatiently beside his hand, begging to take its place. Nesta could not agree more—she needed more, needed to feel the fullness of him inside her, to find out just how deeply she could take him. Her vision glazed with lust as she watched him add another finger, stretching her with ease.
“Cassian,” she urged, her voice tight now, strained as those fingers retreated and dipped into her again, stroking in a slow, steady rhythm that threatened to push her over the edge. Too soon—she had to find out now, had to get her craving satisfied, had to have him fill her entirely before she exploded. “Cassian,” she said again, louder, this time as her thighs shook slightly around him. It felt so fucking good and he knew it, from the smile she felt on her neck as his mouth lowered to nip at the exposed skin.
“So impatient,” he purred, his breath hot beneath her ear and shooting that familiar lightning through her again, setting every nerve in her body on high alert, tingling. His pace quickened, pulling in and out of her increasingly tightening centre, and she rolled her hips into his hand, pushing him deeper, her efforts messy, needy. “I want you to come for me, Nesta,” he told her, his lips descending on her neck again as he added, “Before the real fun begins.”
Release crashed into her without warning, her inner muscles clenching him tight as she moaned loudly, unable to contain her the sweet, white-hot fire inside her any linger. Cassian’s mouth found her own again, the kiss muffling out the sounds of her pleasure from any unwanted spectators as his fingers continued to ride her through it. Nesta’s tongue darted into him, scraping over his teeth, not nearly satiated enough—she wasn’t sure she would ever get enough of him. 
He did not break apart from her as he wrapped both arms around her again, taking them to the couch a feet away. She straddled him the moment his back rested against the cushions, the feel of his hardness against her now dripping core rekindling that greedy fire inside her. She rolled her hips once, twice, relishing in the feel of him, in the guttural sounds he was making in return. His palms rested on her sides, lifting her slightly before flashing her a wicked smile.
“Ready, sweetheart?” he teased, the broad tip of his cock nudging at her entrance again.
God, she was in such deep shit.
Without another thought, Nesta slid her hands to his neck and drew him inside her.
All the air was sucked from her lungs at the stretch of him, of every aching inch as she lowered herself on his cock. Cassian hissed sharply, his grip on her hips tighter now, as though he needed to restrain himself from thrusting deep inside her, to give her a moment to adjust to the thickness of him.
But Nesta was done waiting.
She grasped a hand at his shoulder, urging him to move closer, deeper, to move with her until she could no longer see anything but stars. She could practically hear how wet she was as his strokes grew steadier and devastatingly precise, each one of them reaching further into her core, each one making her breaths go shorter and her legs grow weaker.
“Nesta,” Cassian panted, his head dipping to the crook of her neck, “You feel incredible.”
Maybe it was the way he spoke her name, low with a flash of possessiveness in his dark eyes, or the praise he’d thrown at her, but she shuddered with delight as she sunk fully onto his length, her walls gripping him tighter. Cassian swore loudly, the curse in that language she didn’t understand yet still shooting jolts of pleasure through her body. She looked down to where they joined, to where she was split open around his cock, where he dragged himself up and down the slick folds of her cunt.
Her pace quickened at the sight, something in it breaking the last shred of composure within her.
Nesta mewled as he pushed in deeper than ever before, his cock hitting the back of her cunt, stroking that sensitive spot inside her that made her melt entirely. She moaned his name, no longer caring for whoever might hear—there was only the fire erupting inside her as he filled her, the sound of his heavy breaths as he matched her pace, the wildness in his eyes as she moved on him, deeper and deeper.
She felt the inevitable tug of another climax, creeping in closer and closer with every thrust, every flutter of her cunt around him. Her legs trembled, threatening to give in the next time his cock found that secret spot inside her, her breasts bouncing with her movements.
“Cassian,” she choked, throwing her head back as his hands slid up to cup them.
Cassian’s mouth closed around one of her nipples, and she exploded.
Her walls clenched around him hard as she came, Cassian following swiftly after as his thrusts became messier, more chaotic until he finally gave in. His groan reverberated into her body, settling deep beneath her skin, caressing every shuddering inch of her as she rode them both through their joint release. They recovered together, their heaving breaths syncing into one, and it felt so good and so right that she never wanted to leave.
When Cassian’s eyes searched her own again, flickering brightly, Nesta couldn’t help but grin.
“I believe you promised me dessert,” she told him.
His gaze swept over her body, over the mess she’d made of him, and when it returned to hers at last, it was filled with a new hunger that sent heat into her once more. “Yes,” he hummed. “I believe I did.”
Taglist: @sv0430 @queercontrarian @asnowfern @helhjertet @isterofimias @octobers-veryown @fieldofdaisiies @teamazris @a-frog-with-a-laptop @jmoonjones
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#adamandi#ambrose wellington bassford#infer as you will i suppose. wanted to draw a statue ambrose but accidentally painted it because smth smth blending fits him#again. main things taken from lyrics of the actual show ++ this definition i checked with google because i didn't remember it off the top#of my head. but Thoughts indeed#sfgdhhdf ok hello i am back today has been a Day (not very good) (oh well) (small mercies) ...#did not expect the melliot to find this so quickly but since i guess the Official Tumblr has reblogged it i'll just edit this one.#as opposed to reuploading. o//o#i painted it at 2am on impulse and have very little recollection of the whole event -? and then in a fit of pique added words and posted it#it is Very different from the original draft. i'd like to maybe do that one justice someday... anyways something something sometimes#a piece of art you make organically Evolves of its own volition... anyways.#maybe i'm projecting but recently (tuesday?) i found out something Important i had in the works Collapsed in the kiln#kaboom. ah the perils of ceramics. anyway thanks to the messed up 3d of everything i'm working on rn (the pros and cons of visual art subj#is that you get to make art for a grade) and. ceramics and sculpture and classics etcetera. <blinks> wow i really latched on to art aspects.#but nevertheless! ambrose brainrot real. iirc my thoughts were smth like. most strongly. that contrapposto? based on my school art history#was that it evolved from the very neutral rigid ancient greek sculptures of people which were all about Mathematical Symmetry. because#the main thing about contrapposto was that it reflected irl people more... more life-like? so it's very ironic to me#that Alive ambrose went and tried to turn himself into a statue. with part of the draw being contrapposto.. like?????#ah yes you like this sculpture because it's lifelike. and you'd rather be a sculpture than alive huh. the contrasts are !! in my head#also maybe i just.. wanted to paint... idk i had ambrose on the brain yesterday and it was something about sculptural messed up perfection#fun fact!!! the skin and hair i all greyed out to look like marble. fun fact number two: he has no eyes in this. like no pupils :3#fun fact number 3 (irrelevant) marble statues are only common wrt ancient greece bc the romans iirc came along and repurposed the bronzes.#because apparently bronze was a Hot Commodity at the time. and in return to preserve the art they made marble replicas. so most marble#ancient greek statues are apparently copies and the originals had totally different aesthetics#fun fact number 4: the background is a very greyed out image of my broken ceramics.. i wanted something nice to come out of it at least#fun fact number 5: i wanted to make him crack. like shattered ceramic or smth. that was the original idea. but instead it went to the pretty#sculpture route... kinda wanna make the messed up one though!!#fun fact number 6! because of Art Studio i'm covered in white paint and like it doesn't come off so it's been on my fingers and arms and#basically everywhere. so flesh turning into white stuff aes is fascinating i wanna explore... fun fact no.7.. i have accidentally maybe#began using screenshots as drawing practice. idk what to do with this info. if anything nice turns up ig i'll post it maybe
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hauntedjohnny · 11 days
do u ever remember that sissy is canonically part of more cults than just the mansons and the devs just. didnt want to delve into that lore.
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brinnanza · 4 months
You know that episode of mash where hawkeye and bj bat puns back and forth in the OR while they're cleaning like "get along, little doggie!" "I had a long little doggie once" "Oh, a little hot dog!" "I relish these conversations" etc yeah that's an average day in my house. today for example, I fished out some rum that's been in my trunk since my friend got married like three years ago and joe was like, make sure it's still rum and not idk bad tasting water. so I opened the bottle to sniff as I was putting it away, and I yelled, "IT'S RUM, DOG." from the other room joe shot back, "what's rum dog???" and without missing a beat I said "NOTHIN WHAT'S THE MOTTO WITH YOU"
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moe-broey · 1 year
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THE PROTOTYPE MOE............... 👁️👁️
#feh#WAAUGHGHH THEY'RE SO CUTE AND THEY ARE ACTUALLY SO GENDER HERE...... so proud of them 🫡#LOOOOOVE the slightest characterization of them being smug. so true and so real#it really does fill me w SO much joy though seeing the guy my guy is based off of.... literal prototype guy#also the. implication. you can summon more summoners. that seems like it'd be against the rules LMFAOOO#i also just really love the idea of kiran is just the guy we ended up following canon-wise.#beyond that there is a whole summonerverse.........#i MEAN that has ALWAYS been a part of the lore i guess LMFAO BUT LIKE. IT'S SO HARD TO KEEP TRACK TBH#like how is it we ended up w lif who ended up w A You (from an AU in the literal sense)#and then there's like one million other guys out there. who aren't you.#were all of those guys important to lif??????? does it just change based on the player's personal hc actually??????#like alfonse is just a blorbo in law to my sister. sometimes our tastes overlap and sometimes they don't LMFAO#actually so many questions. does every fe multiverse have a lif? surely not? does feh have canon events like in spiderverse LMFAOOOO#I NEED TO KNOW. AM I READING INTO THIS TOO MUCH??????????#WAIT NO OBVIOUSLY NOT ACTUALLY. WE LITERALLY LIVE IN THE UNIVERSE WHERE ALFPNSE DOESN'T GO LIF MODE#WHY AM I ASKING STUPID QUESTIONS ⁉️‼️⁉️‼️⁉️‼️⁉️‼️⁉️‼️⁉️‼️⁉️⁉️#literally i have one braincell and he is fighting for his fuckinh life at all hours of the day.#moe tag
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chuluoyi · 5 months
being so negative, depressing and pitying yourself all the time can do you no good :’)
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untraditionaleagle · 6 months
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chamaleonsoul · 6 months
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Always In Spring
Rating: M Pairing: Calum Hood/Luke Hemmings Word count: 17,757 Summary: Luke and Calum’s friendship has gone through many highs and lows, and it’s so full of parallels and full-circle moments that it’s almost like the universe is set to make sure they grow, love and stay together. Spotify playlist
Written for the 5sos Friends to Lovers Fic Fest 2024!
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youchangedmedestiel · 2 months
The tenth chapter of my first long AU fic is now posted on AO3.
Read the 10th chapter here!
I’ve never done that before and for the ambiance I thought about which one could be played (I have 4 songs for now). I’m thinking about doing this on Spotify, even though I don’t really use Spotify, so if you have any advice I’ll take those willingly.
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Summary: THEN: Dean got closer to Cas and Cas was the one who initiated the thing. So, it's a win. Charlie asked him if he was in love with Cas.
NOW: Dean and love is a complicated thing. He is not used to say that word concerning people, but he loves pies though. He might be heading that way for Cas too.
The tags: Alternate Universe ; Summer Vacation ; Summer Love ; Feelings ; Pining ; Pining Dean Winchester ; Possibly Unrequited Love ; Fluff ; Light Angst ; Dean Winchester Has Self-Esteem Issues ; Beach Holidays ; Charlie Bradbury & Dean Winchester Friendship ; POV Dean Winchester ; Other Additional Tags to Be Added ; Attempt at Humor ; Alternate Universe - summer holidays ; Poker : Football | Soccer ; Humour ; but like dean's humour ; well kind of mine since I'm writing it so don't judge please : Self-Esteem Issues ; Dean Winchester Has a Crush on Castiel ; Dean Winchester Has Feelings For Castiel ; Jealous Dean Winchester ; Dean Winchester Dreams about Castiel ; Texting ; Trampolines ; Thunder and Lightning
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