#this is purely based on my dad trying to get me to nap when i was just a wee babe. he fell asleep instead and mum took a photo of it
tervaneula · 1 year
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WAAOOOUUUGGHHH HAPPY BDAY @beeceit!!! Fawn I love you so much, you're so smart and funny and kind and I'm so happy to have met you <3
Uh oh Leonardo was supposed to be babysitting Bitty but I guess it's the other way around now. Congrats Bitty you're a dad now
(look at the bitty fic y'all do it for bitty)
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bladetoblade · 2 years
sometimes i forget that my au lore is not canon so lemme tell you about my ✨obi-wan+quinlan master-padawan “family” unit✨ headcanons
in my mind, (which idk exactly how much canon influenced this), obi-wan gets anakin (9) when quinlan already has aayla as a padawan (14/15ish?)
the timeline is dicey bc quinlan is literally on tatooine during phantom menace? but for aayla to be the age she is and her to be his padawan she has to already be his padawan
anyway when anakin becomes a padawan, his closest jedi bestie is aayla secura (which is just absolutely impeccable taste)
yes it’s because they are iconic duo but also because i think baby anakin would primarily get along best with kids/people who are a bit older or a bit younger than him. in my mind (and probably not in canon), it’s a 5-6 yr gap and they have a cute cool sister-dorky lil brother dynamic
this works out perfectly for everyone bc master obi-wan is obviously friends/annoyances with master vos!
it’s also great bc quinlan’s personal experience with the outer rim and being a unique black sheep sort of his age group makes him very qualified to give obi-wan advice/help guide anakin who pretty immediately also finds himself in that niche
based on all of this i firmly believe in quinlan and obi-wan doing some co-mastering
(which given the community oriented nature of the jedi i doubt that’s scandalous, though i’m sure they put their own insane spin on it)
it’s probably usually anakin tagging along with aayla and her master so that obi-wan can finally take a karking nap
or obi-wan and quinlan being paired together with their padawans (since i doubt obi-wan would really try to be a consistent authority figure to aayla? i think he would treat her more as a peer)
the comedic potential of this unofficial arrangement is endless honestly
aayla and anakin getting annoyed at how over-protective both of their masters are and running off together to figure shit out themselves hmph. (they succeed but there is a Significant amount of property damage :/)
aayla and obi-wan having brunch to sigh about the insanity of quinlan and anakin and their desire to do shit purely out of spite (although obi-wan only has 1 leg to stand on there)
anakin and quinlan trying to figure out maximize their respective talents for driving obi-wan insane, which leads to a 2 week long padawan swap. obi-wan almost doesn’t want to switch back but it’s not quinlan’s fault that his is the best padawan
as for obi-wan and quinlan, i honestly don’t know if i find it funnier if they were fwb while this stuff happens or not?? so quinlan and obi-wan are schrodinger’s friends with benefits for the comedy
anakin and aayla both constantly do the jedi version of “well Mike’s dad and mom let him use their wii whenever he wants >:(“ to obi-wan and quinlan.
i’m sure quinlan and obi-wan both hold back laughter every time it happens and they mentally store each incident to be brought up on their padawan’s knighting days or anytime they have a disagreement among themselves
(obi-wan: aayla told me you forgot the difference between left and right last week -_-
quinlan: well anakin told me that you’re lame and i’m the only fun jedi master in the order :P)
anyway i’m sure quinlan and obi-wan had a blast and took way too many pictures to put in their lil co-master photo album. they pull them out when they get sad about how grown up their padawans have become :,)
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hookingminor · 3 years
invisible string - cale makar
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a/n: another old fic rewritten for our fav defenseman sorry the gif I found is so large I could not find any horizontal ones I liked that fit my aesthetic rip
word count: 3.6k
warnings: alcohol, very brief mentions of blood/injury
summary: based on taylor swift’s invisible string
You were going to miss this park.
Every Saturday afternoon you come here. Most of the time, you spent your day underneath the large oak tree planted in the center of the park, nose deep in whatever book you were currently reading. This month’s choice was I’ll Give You The Sun. Occasionally, you would do homework or take a nap, but your favorite thing to do was read. This oak tree was your favorite spot in all of Calgary, and you were really going to miss it.
After five years in Calgary, you were finally moving back home to Denver. Your family moved around a lot as your dad was transferred frequently, but your true home was Denver. You hadn’t been back there since you were six, but it was still home.
Calgary was always temporary. You knew eventually you’d pack up and leave, your parents dragging you along with them because you were only sixteen and had no choice, but it got exhausting after a while. You just wanted to stay somewhere.
Even though you knew your time in Calgary was limited, it didn’t stop you from falling in love with the city.
On the Saturdays that you spent tucked away underneath the tree, you always let your mind wander into daydreams of meeting someone there. You dreamed of being swept away in a whirlwind of a romance, and it all started with meeting someone at the park. All your daydreams could probably be tied back to the numerous romances you continuously read or due to the fact you longed for a teenage love, but what could you say? You were a hopeless romantic. Maybe it would be someone walking their dog or an afternoon jogger running into you or a lost tourist asking for directions. Either way, you thought it would be the most romantic meet-cute, under your special tree.
Five years passed, though, and your dreams of meeting someone dwindled until the only reasons you went to the park were purely for peace and quiet. Now, you were spending your last day in Calgary in your favorite spot, soaking up the sunshine as you finished your latest book.
On the last page, five paragraphs from being done, you heard a loud scream.
Your head snapped up, concentration broken as you searched around for the origin of the noise. Lo and behold, off in the distance, you saw the form of a boy rollerblading down the bike trail. There must have been some sticks or rocks on the path because the boy kept shouting as he wailed his arms around, unable to stop.
You watched as he continued stumbling for a few seconds before he careened off the trail and into the grass, tumbling onto the ground before rolling into a nearby tree.
Initially, your jaw dropped in shock, a soft gasp escaping as you covered your mouth with your hand. You waited a few seconds, watching for movement, and then you heard the pained groans coming from the injured boy.
The boy gradually pushed himself up by his hands, and you could see the bloody scrapes on his forearms even from your distance away. He slowly got back up on his feet, limping across the grass as he made his way back to the trail.
Not being able to help yourself, you began laughing at his misfortune. Now that you knew he was okay, the screaming and fall replayed in your mind, and you couldn’t help but laugh at the situation.
You thought you were far enough away that he wouldn’t be able to hear you, but you were sadly mistaken. The boy’s head turned to the sound of your laughter, and he followed it until his eyes met yours. You stopped laughing, but the smile on your face refused to fall as you took in his disheveled state.
He watched you try to hide your amused smile to no avail. It only took a few seconds of chuckling while directly staring at him before he returned your smile with one of his own. You saw a flash of teeth and the corner of his lips pulled into a smirk. He gave you one last glance, shaking his head slightly before turning back towards the direction he’d come from. You watched his figure rollerblade back down the path, avoiding the obstructions this time, and disappear from your vision.
The boy rollerbladed to the park the next Saturday. He skated by the same spot where he fell last week and glanced over to the centered oak tree, hoping to see you again, but you were nowhere to be found.
Cale couldn’t sleep. It seemed like no matter what he did, he just couldn’t fall asleep. The team had put him in a hotel for a few weeks while they worked on finding him a more permanent residence, but despite the comfort of the hotel bed, he didn’t find the mattress agreeable.
He’d been in Denver for two weeks now and he’d yet to see anything in the city besides the arena. His days were full of hockey practices and meetings, and his evenings were full of extra training at the gym. The latter was his own personal choice; he didn’t want to squander his chance at playing in the NHL and felt that he needed to train a little harder, being new and all.
He tossed and turned in bed for two hours before finally giving up. Sleep obviously wasn’t going to come to him soon, so he might as well kill some time instead.
Pulling out his phone, Cale searched ‘diners near me’ into Google and scrolled through the list of options. He selected the one nearest to him that was also open twenty-four hours, entered the address into maps, threw on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt, and was out of the door within three minutes.
The chilly, brisk walk to the diner took ten minutes from the hotel. Cale hadn’t been in Denver long, but he knew the weather was going to agree with him, if only because he had so much experience with the bitter cold Calgary winters.
A bell dinged above his head as he entered through the front door. Cale glanced around the small diner, noticing a few old truckers at the counter, a young teenage couple near the window, and a girl his age tucked away into a corner booth writing into a notebook.
A middle-aged woman with graying hair approached him at the front, a menu in her hand.
“Just one?” She asked him, noticing his lost puppy look. Cale nodded his head in agreement, following the lady to a secluded booth.
She set down the menu in front of him before pulling out a mug to pour him a cup of coffee.
“New around here?” She asked him as his eyes read the menu slowly.
“Is it that obvious?” He replied with an awkward chuckle.
“We usually have a small group of regulars. Your ‘deer caught in the headlights’ look is a dead giveaway,” she said with a warm smile. “I’ll give you a few minutes to decide.”
The woman walked back behind the counter, serving more coffee to the truckers. He saw one cook in the back kitchen ,but other than those two, no one else was working. Probably because it was a little past two in the morning on a Wednesday.
He took his time reading over the menu; he couldn’t decide if he wanted a breakfast platter or a nice burger with fries. He’d narrowed it down to two options when he saw you shuffle out of the corner booth, backpack slung over your shoulders.
You walked his way, the only path to the front door was past his table. His eyes connected with yours, and you gave him a warm smile.
Pausing next to his booth, he watched you as you leaned over his shoulder.
“If you’ve never been here before, I highly recommend the caramel and cream cheese French toast. It’s not on the menu, but they’ll make it anyway if you ask. Oh, and get tater tots instead of the hashbrowns, they’re a lot better,” you suggested.
You flashed him a bright smile, and Cale’s eyes lit up. It felt like he’d seen that smile before, an old memory from a dream that he couldn’t quite remember. He wanted to say thank you or maybe ask what your name was, but you continued on your way out the door before he got a chance to reply. His gaze stayed fixed on the swinging bell above the entrance long after he’d watched you turn down the corner and fade into the night.
His trance was broken when he heard the voice of the waitress call out to him.
“So, did you decide on something?” She asked, a knowing grin on her lips.
The two choices Cale was torn between suddenly vanished from his mind; he couldn’t even remember what he wanted to order before you said something. Cale bit his lip and thought about it. French toast really wasn’t on his diet. All he could do was hope that the extra hours he spent in the hotel gym would pay off and negate the sugar-filled and fatty calories he was about to consume.
Closing the menu without a second glance, he turned his attention towards the waitress. “Yeah, I’ll have the caramel and cream cheese french toast with tater tots, please.”
Cale was riding high. The team had just made it to the Stanley Cup finals, and no one could contain their excitement.
Going against the advice of their coaches, a few of them had decided to go out to celebrate. It was nothing big, just a small dive bar on the edge of the city. They wanted to celebrate their hard work, not get so trashed they’d be completely useless for practice tomorrow. They still had their toughest games ahead of them.
The bar was quiet, only a few local patrons were there besides the team. If anyone knew who they were, no one approached them about it. The night passed quickly, laughter and cheers filling the small space as pints of beer were drained.
“Makar, grab the next round,” his captain ordered, and he was too happy to do so. Cale was the resident golden retriever on the team. Someone would say ‘jump’ and Cale would ask ‘how high?’ but he didn’t feel used. He loved being a part of a team. So, he made his way across the room to the bar and ordered two more pints.
For you, it had been a hell of a week. And not in a good way. You finished your Bachelor’s degree almost two weeks ago, but the stress didn’t end when you turned in your last finals. Work was awful, but you still had another couple months until you began your life as a real career woman. You were stuck there for the rest of the summer, promising your supervisor that you wouldn’t leave during their busiest season just because you’d graduated even though you really wanted to put in your two weeks. It was a mistake to make that promise.
After spending a day running numbers and creating spreadsheets that a ten year old could’ve done, all you wanted right now was a drink: the strongest drink you could think of. Perhaps an entire bottle of whiskey if they’d allow it. Or if you could afford it.
The minute after your shift was over, you were out the door and removing the suffocating blazer before you’d even hit the sidewalk. You began the familiar route to your favorite bar, being that it was close to work, cheap, and almost always empty.
When you entered the small bar, you noticed it was slightly busier than normal. Still relatively quiet, but busier than you were used to. You didn’t let it deter you as you walked directly to the bar.
However, it seemed the universe wasn’t done punishing you because when you were five steps away from the countertop, someone turned around abruptly. A hard body slammed into yours along with half a pint of beer.
“Oh, fuck me!” You exclaimed in distress, throwing your hands up as the beer splashed all over your blouse.
“Shit, I’m so sorry!” The culprit said, setting the beers back on the bar behind him. He reached over to grab a handful of napkins and then began patting furiously at your top.
“It’s fine,” you sighed, “Today just really isn’t my day.” You took the napkins from one of his hands to dry yourself off.
You looked up to face the man who’d drenched you with cheap beer, and you were met with a dazzling pair of blue eyes. They looked familiar, as if you’d seen him before but couldn’t remember where.
He caught your stare, his lips quirking into a smile at the sight of you. Cale felt a tug inside him, like the feeling of butterflies, when he saw your face. Waves of coolness washed over him, and he was lost in your eyes.
“I’m sorry I ruined your shirt,” he said in a daze, unable to look away from you. He really hoped it didn’t come off as creepy, but little did he know you felt the same way.
“It’s okay, I wasn’t attached to it anyway,” you said, all your previous anger leaving your body. It was actually one of your nicer tops that would cost way too much money to dry clean now, but you weren’t thinking about that.
“Do I know you?” You both asked at the same time. The coincidence caused you two to burst out laughing, and he swore he’d heard that laugh before.
“How about I buy you a drink to make up for this?” He asked, beaming from ear to ear.
Your eyes twinkled as you nodded your head, and Cale felt his heart burst at your smile.
A year passed in a blurry haze. The night out at the bar turned into a two hour conversation with the stranger who’d spilled beer all over you. He apologized profusely the entire night and introduced himself to make up for it. He only ordered you two drinks, but you spent hours together laughing.
You told him about your hellish day and complained about work, and he recalled the wins and upcoming games he had in the next couple weeks. Soon, you were exchanging life stories and you found out he was originally from Calgary. You discussed your hobbies and interests outside of work, the best movies you’ve seen recently, and where in Denver you could find the most authentic Mexican food.
Eventually, it neared one in the morning, and Cale had to get home for practice in the morning. As much as he wanted to stay longer to talk to you, he knew he had to get going before his teammates ratted him out tomorrow.
“Do you mind if I walk you home?” He asked, the drinks between you finished long ago. It sounded a little odd asking a stranger he just met if he could essentially follow her home, but he hoped he didn’t give off stalker vibes.
“I’d like that,” you replied with a smile. It sounded a little odd agreeing to let a stranger you just met have your address, but something tugged at your heartstrings and told you to take the leap.
When he dropped you off outside of your apartment, he had asked for your number. That night turned into a first date and that first date turned into many dates. Cale easily swept you off your feet, and it was even easier to fall in love with him.
After years of dating the wrong guys, of being burned and cheated on and lied to, the world had sent you the perfect man. A man with a soul equivalent to a thousand beaming rays of sunshine all wrapped up in perfect blonde hair and blue eyes and rosy cheeks.
He did everything for you. He sent you flowers randomly, surprised you with your favorite takeout, and took you on the most extravagant dates. You went to his games, house sat his plants when he was on roadtrips, and left him little notes in his suitcases to find when he was away. You knew within two months of dating that he was the one you were going to end up with. Cale was your forever.
There were no awkward phases in your dating life, no uncertainties or questions about what you were as a couple. Cale was as taken with you as you were with him, and you both knew what you wanted out of your relationship. It felt like you knew each other for years, like he’d always been there in the back of your mind, just out of reach and waiting for you to find him.
You didn’t know how much you believed in fate, but it felt like the universe made him specifically for you. He understood you like no one did and you could communicate with him without ever saying a word. If soulmates and other halves did exist, there was no doubt in your mind that Cale was your missing piece.
It was a year after you began dating that Cale invited you back home with him. He wanted you to spend a few weeks over the summer with him and his family in Calgary.
Cale was elated to introduce you to his family. He planned on marrying you one day, and he wanted everyone to meet the woman who’d stolen his heart. Everything about you consumed him: your hair, your eyes, your smile. There wasn’t a single part of you he wasn’t madly in love with and there was nothing about you he’d change. It was a long time coming, you going home with him, and you couldn’t be more excited about it.
He spent the first few days showing you around his favorite childhood hangouts, the rinks he used to skate on and the pizza places he used to frequent with his friends. He showed you his high school, secret hidden spot near a small lake, and the best ice cream shop in all of Calgary.
It was one day when you were walking through the old park you used to read where you shared your favorite spot.
“When I lived here, I used to spend every weekend under that oak tree,” you said randomly, pointing out to the large tree across the grass.
“Really? I used to rollerblade through this park sometimes. One day I completely ate shit on this path,” he chuckled, remembering the painful memory. “I sprained my wrist and arm. Couldn’t play hockey for three weeks.”
“How old were you?” You asked curiously, thinking back to the day you saw a boy fall.
“Sixteen, maybe?” He replied, brows furrowing in thought. You and Cale were the same age.
“This might sound crazy, but I think I saw you fall that day,” you said. Cale turned to look into your eyes.
“Were you the girl laughing at me under the tree?” He asked skeptically. The blush forming on your cheeks and the way you broke eye contact answered the question for you.
“It was you! I always thought it was rude how you didn’t offer to help me,” he said with a hearty laugh.
“To be fair, I was worried when you fell down. But then you got up and seemed okay, so I didn’t bother,” you said defensively.
“Still, you sat there and laughed at me while I bled on the grass,” he teased, slugging your arm lightly.
“Well, it seems that everything turned out okay for you,” you said, rolling your eyes dramatically.
“Yeah, it did,” he replied wistfully, reaching down to hold your hand with his.
The two of you walked through the rest of the park, but your gaze kept flickering back to the center field where your tree sat, your brain replaying the daydreams you had about meeting your true love underneath that tree. A nostalgic smile spread across your face, and Cale noticed your suddenly cheery mood.
“What are you smiling about?” He asked, a playful grin of his own appearing. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw you smile.
“Nothing,” you replied, keeping the tender secret to yourself.
Three years later, Cale took you home with him over the short winter break he got while the All-Star Game happened. You walked through the park together, a tradition that you created ever since that first summer back.
The air was cool and crisp, the skies a beautiful shade of purple and pink against the blue background. He led you over to your favorite tree, pulling you from the usual path you took around the park. In all the times you’ve been to the park with him, you’d never actually taken him to sit under your tree.
You felt butterflies erupt in your stomach at the feeling of being in your favorite spot with your favorite person. Your heart rate began to pick up as Cale dropped your hand to stand across from you, giving you a knowing smile.
When he took a step back, you felt the tears begin to well up in your eyes as if your heart knew where this was heading before your brain could process it. Cale lowered himself onto one knee before he pulled out a small velvet box from his coat pocket, opening it to reveal a diamond ring.
The fantasies you created in your mind all those years ago finally came to fruition that snowy day in January. All along you knew that one day you’d meet the love of your life under this tree even if you hadn’t realized it at the time, and you thanked whatever gods existed for the invisible strings that tied you to Cale.
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recurringwriter · 3 years
Hanneman teaches the BL by default, if Byleth doesn't chose them. Give me Dad!Hanneman headcanons (especially Annette).
so you're saying that Hanneman is an honorary Kingdom Dad, i'm sure people will find that interesting!
so Hanneman, or Daddeman (let's not), well, we know he's actually really thoughtful based on how he talks to Byleth after That Sad Chapter. so probably he sees all the Lions in his class are totally struggling and grits his teeth and says 'i can't believe i'm a parent at my age'
okay here we go i'm just going to make up a bunch of stuff while drinking more coffee than i should:
Annette clearly wants approval. she wants to be good at everything, she wants to be helpful, she wants to find her dad and be good enough that he decides to come back, which backfires because gilbert is Punishing Himself so the better Annette is the less he feels he deserves to be in her life. anyway. I can't remember Hanneman and Annette's supports but he definitely takes her under his wing and tells her that what she is doing is not only Enough, but Plenty, and that she needs to take care of herself. gives her advice on reason and tells her that her methods and ideas are good and that he's impressed. asks her about her friendships because she's always so busy?? does she not get along with the rest of the class? takes an interest when she tells him about reading with Ashe and gardening with Felix and baking with Mercedes. when she shares some of those snacks he realizes that he has a daughter now. when he goes out of his way to find a book she's interested in she realizes that she has a father. oh my god what if she accidentally calls him father one time when she's overtired from studying for an exam and she has this moment of pure terror but hanneman doesn't make it into anything he just smiles and tells her to get some rest. when she's left, he sort of leans into his fist and is so weirdly happy and embarrassed at the same time. never brings it up and neither does annette.
when he asks mercedes about her crest (as he would) he hears some of her story and is extremely kind and sympathetic to her. says that she deserved better and still does, and that she should take a break from looking after her classmates to care for herself. she's a little surprised and does not do that
speaking of rest though i think that hanneman would enforce breaks during class when he sees any of the students are looking a little vague and zoned-out. none of the lions are sleeping well. if someone needs a nap he calls it 'independent reading time' and lets them sleep for like twenty minutes before resuming the lecture. brings food to class because are they eating? they're all so pale. everyone appreciates snack time even though they feel like kids.
oh and also he rolls his eyes about sylvain's antics and when he finds out why, he tries to make sure not to bother asking about sylvain's crest, and instead tries to prove that he has merits that aren't because of his crest. assigns him to help tutor/do assignments with the other students because he recognizes sylvain's charisma and ability to figure out where the others are stuck
ingrid and mercedes both would have had really interesting supports with hanneman. i don't care enough about the crest system to write them but i'm sure they'd be fascinating
hanneman would also be very curious about Duscur culture and try hard to connect with dedue and watch him open up. would point out how many of the other students like him and want to be his friend. would offer his help in trying to make sure dimitri takes care of himself. not sure how to proceed sometimes but always willing to listen.
i'm not forgetting ashe i just don't think that there's much to add. we all want to adopt or be an uncle to ashe.
felix is tricky because i'm you know. i do like rodrigue so we can't have hanneman go and just steal felix from under his nose. but i'm sure at parent-teacher interview night (or that chapter where rodrigue shows up at the monastery) he remarks that felix doesn't get along well with the other students and rodrigue says 'yes and?' and hanneman is taken aback and hears the story about the 'horrible thing' rodrigue said and blah blah 'i don't understand him' and hanneman is like 'well have you tried?' and rodrigue is like '???' hanneman: 'if you don't understand something right away you can learn to understand it that's called science' and rodrigue says 'interesting! i will make a note of that' and hanneman realizes that felix's entire family is also insane. gives felix space and respect. goes to the training ground and will be like 'are ya winning, felix?' and felix will scoff and say 'obviously' and that's their c-support.
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peachyteez · 4 years
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second chances ≫ DAY SIX, GIVING IN.
as a feral wolf hybrid that was violent with all of the employees assigned to him, seonghwa was subjected to be put down. however, jiyu being the softhearted feral hybrid nurse she was, she decided to save seonghwa no matter what.
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✧ taglist: @defsoul15, @choisaniskillingme, @t-tbinnie, @multi-bookmarkscripts, @hello-its-ya-boi, @sunsethw4, @chanyeolol
can’t be tagged: @sherzess
feel free to let me know if you would like to be added to the list! :)
✧ notes: welcoming hybrid caretaker!chanhee (from the boyz hehe)
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“you look like you came from the walking dead,” was the first thing yeonjun said to jiyu when she walked in the office and honestly, he wasn’t wrong. anyone could notice the dark circles underneath her eyes and her dazed and sleepy expression. “did you even sleep last night?”
sighing, jiyu put on her white coat and crashed into her chair. she buried her head into her arms onto the table. “nope. was too busy thinking about some things,” she sleepily mumbled.
yeonjun had a gut feeling. “and did you decide?”
yeonjun deadpanned. “so you’re telling me you stayed up the entire night to think...and you didn’t even come to a decision?!”
“sounds about right,” jiyu said as she sat up and stretched her arms above her head. “i just don’t know what to do, jun.”
yeonjun softly smiled. “well, i can’t make the decision for you, ji. that’s something you need to figure out on your own.”
“look how that turned out,” she wryly mumbled. “you think they’ll let me nap in the infirmary?”
yeonjun started working on beomgyu’s report. “just don’t sleep the whole work shift.”
jiyu rolled her eyes and let out a playful scoff as she got up to go to the infirmary. “if i’m not back in an hour or two, then come wake up me.”
walking down the hall, jiyu tiredly rubbed her face before stuffing her hands into her white coat pocket. she felt a piece of paper slightly crumple and she sighed, knowing exactly what it was. the adoption form.
thinking back to the night before, she wanted to pull her hair in frustration. whenever she came to a decision, her brain would always think of an excuse to talk her out of going through with the adoption.
so absorb in her thoughts, she failed to notice someone else walking out of the infirmary. “good god, ji. you look like—”
“i came out of the walking dead?” she finished.
“well, that’s a nicer way of putting it—ow!” he yelped when jiyu punched his arm. “go sleep in the infirmary. you look like you need it,” he added, rubbing his arm where jiyu punched.
“thanks, chanhee,” she chuckled as she walked past him and into the infirmary.
falling into the bed, jiyu realized how exhausted she really was when her eyes closed and she immediately drifted off into dreamland. funny how easily she fell asleep here compared to her own bed at home. she was so deep asleep, she didn’t notice the two people that entered the room.
“there she is,” yeonjun gestured to the sleeping female on bed to the wolf hybrid.
seonghwa peeked in and his facials softened seeing that jiyu was okay. when yeonjun, his former caretaker, came in to check up on him instead of jiyu, he thought something was wrong—or she could’ve been avoiding him after what he said the previous day.
“c–can i stay here?” he tentatively asked yeonjun.
yeonjun chuckled at the wolf hybrid. “you’re really attached to her, aren’t you?” he asked.
it’d be a lie if seonghwa said yeonjun was wrong. he didn’t realize how attached he grew to her until today when he didn’t see her.
“i guess she didn’t tell you why she’s hesitant, right?” yeonjun humourlessly smiled. “let’s just say that she wasn’t supposed to be here,” he mumbled under his breath. patting seonghwa on the back, he gently nudged him into the room. “to answer your question, you can stay.”
and with that, yeonjun closed the door and left.
seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows. what did that even mean? sitting down next to the bed, he stared at jiyu, taking in how peaceful she looked. his ears twitched as he observed her.
jiyu readjusted her sleeping position, startling seonghwa since he thought she was waking up. but when she settled down again, he noticed a folded piece of paper that fell out of her coat pocket. carefully reaching over and grabbing it, he was shocked when he opened it and found it was a filled–out adoption form.
and it had his name and her signature at the bottom.
his tail started uncontrollably wagging, which made noises as it rubbed against the chair. jiyu furrowed her eyebrows and slowly opened her eyes at the noise.
what she wasn’t expecting to see was seonghwa sitting on the chair next to the bed with his eyes practically glowing as he stared at a piece of paper. “seonghwa, what are you looking at?” she sleepily asked as she leaned over to look.
her breath caught in her throat when she recognized the paper. quickly reaching a hand into her coat pocket, she realized it wasn’t a dream. “u–um...i can explain!” she frantically said as she sat up on the bed. “i know you’re iffy about adoption, so that’s why i never said anything about it. but yesterday, you and yeonjun talked some sense into me and—”
seonghwa blinked as he tried processing her words. she could be a rapper with how quick she’s talking...
“—so i put a lot of thought into it and—”
seonghwa reached over and put a hand on top of her head, a quiet signal telling her to calm down. “have you considered being a rapper?” he lightly joked. “and i’m not mad.”
jiyu stared up at him and blinked in confusion. “y–you’re not?” she meekly asked.
“if i were to be completely honest, no. actually, i really wouldn’t mind if it was you that adopted me,” he casually added, making jiyu’s eyes widen.
“but you seemed hesitant yesterday on the topic of adoption so i didn’t push it any further,” he said. “but this makes me confused, too,” he held up the adoption form.
jiyu sighed. she decided to ultimately come clean about everything, even if it made his views of her change. “and i’ll explain everything,” she softly smiled. “it’s a long story, though so get confortable,” she warned.
seonghwa got up and laid on the bed next to jiyu. her eyes widened. “um—”
“you said get comfortable and my butt’s going to hurt from sitting on that chair,” he explained as he crossed his arms underneath his head. “so, what’s your story?”
“do you know hwang corporations?” seeing seonghwa nod, she bitterly smiled. “that’s actually my family’s business.”
seonghwa, quite surprised at the revelation, cocked an eyebrow up at jiyu. “then what are you doing here?” he asked before realizing how rude he came off. “i mean—”
“it’s fine, i get what you mean,” jiyu chuckled. “but my life was planned out for me ever since i was born. i’m the only child, so naturally, i’d have to take over the company when i’m old enough.”
“but i don’t want to. i was tired of everything being planned out for me, i was tired of being a puppet rather than an actual daughter in my dad’s eyes.”
seonghwa intently listened. “what about your mother?” he carefully asked. seeing jiyu’s expression tense, he realized he must’ve overstepped.
“she died when i was fifteen,” jiyu sadly smiled. “she was actually a hybrid caretaker, too. i must’ve gotten the passion for hybrids from her.”
“but i managed to convince my dad to let me have five years to myself before i have to take over the company. and he agreed, with the condition that i’d have to take over the company with no arguments or fights. so with that, i packed up and moved out. no support from my dad, except the apartment i live in right now.”
“and now here i am four years—i finished university and became a hybrid caretaker. i have a year left before he takes me back, so i’m trying to live it out as best as i can.”
seonghwa went silent as she finished her story. “so to sum it up,” he started, “you don’t want to adopt me because you’re leaving in a year.”
jiyu nodded. “i’d feel bad for leaving you after only a year...so that’s why i have second thoughts.”
“have you considered my feelings?” seonghwa asked. seeing jiyu’s confusion, he sighed. “no one ever said you had to give me up after a year.”
jiyu looked down and fiddled with her fingers. “i’m scared of neglecting you since i’ll be busy with the company. it wouldn’t be fair to you.”
seonghwa sat up and stared down at the female in front of him. “whether it’s fair to me is my own decision, don’t you think?” he asked. “besides, even though i’ve only known you for only five days, you’re not the type to abandon a hybrid. you saved me from getting put down after all.”
jiyu’s eyes widened. “you knew?”
“the nurses here aren’t so quiet,” seonghwa wryly smiled.
jiyu didn’t know what is was about seonghwa, but his words were somewhat really convincing. he was right. she was only considering her own thoughts and reasons, that she disregarded seonghwa’s thoughts on the matter.
seonghwa peered down at jiyu’s face. “everything okay?”
jiyu snapped out of her thoughts and her expression morphed into smile as she took the paper from seonghwa’s hands. reaching up and rubbing at the base of his ears, he started chuffing and his tail started happily wagging.
she chuckled seeing his embarrassed expression after she stopped. “that was embarrassing, never do that again,” he pouted.
“well, get used to it because i’ll surprise you with them from now on.”
seonghwa’s eyes widened as his ears stood up in full alert. “from now on? does that mean—” his tail couldn’t keep still, making jiyu laugh.
“yes, hwa. i’m willing to take the risks,” she smiled.
seonghwa couldn’t control himself. he threw his arms around jiyu and nuzzled the top of her head. his tail started wagging even faster out of pure excitement. “i won’t make you regret your decision!”
jiyu reciprocated his hug with a chuckle. “i’d never regret it, seonghwa. i promise.”
a few minutes passed with seonghwa still embracing jiyu, his eyes closed with bliss. jiyu didn’t want to burst his happiness, but she really had to get up.
“hwa, i need to get up,” she meekly said with a pat to his arm. “we still need to get your thumbprint on the form and your official documents.”
seonghwa immediately retracted his arms with a sheepish look on his face. seeing new, various expressions on his face, jiyu couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment. a few days ago, he was glaring and growling at everyone. now, although he’s still working on it, he can freely smile around others.
she reached up to rub his head again, softy smiling when seonghwa started nuzzling his head against her hand. “i may not be able to provide you with much, but i promise whatever happens in the future, i’ll keep you safe,” she quietly mumbled, only for him to hear.
“you’ve already given me heaven, jiyu. that’s all i could ask for.”
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scrambleddragonegg · 4 years
If your looking for prompts still what about todobakudeku where class 1A doesn't know and are all arguing about who is dating who?
bet this is the chaos I LIVE for. this brought me so much joy. I just have to decide if I wanna do an AU or do it in their universe. this will most likely be set either in 3rd year or 1st because we know 2nd year is pain and suffering galore and the idea of putting them in a 2nd year with the manga going the way it is right now terrifies me so... 3rd year it most likely is.
ALSO todobakudeku is what got me into the fandom honestly and I feel like that’s sad to say. it’s happening more and more though (to me anyway), getting into a fandom from reading the fics and then going “well great now I want to see the characters actual personalities” and then I get sucked in.
sorry that’s a whole rant and I have no self control. here’s the piece though!!!
If you were to ask class 3-A what the biggest thing they’ve experienced this year was, most would (thankfully) say that they’re still trying to crack the code that is the fragile relationship between the Big Three of their year. It’s not uncommon to see Midoriya, one of their resident sunshines, draped over one of the other two either in the common room or in the locker room after a particularly rough training session from their beloved teacher. Todoroki helping him cool off or Bakugo warming his hands just enough to help knead a knotted muscle on the green boy’s shoulder.
The first time seeing either of these instances occur, all any of them could think was; what the everloving fuck happened at Endeavor’s agency that the three most touch averse (yet touch starved) young heroes are clinging to one another like lifelines? It’s not just Midoriya holding on, but you can see either of the other boys all over Midoriya as well. It’s not uncommon to hear a “Kacchan, get off, you’re sweaty!” or a screech of “Sho that’s cold!” One of them is attached to Izuku at any given time and it’s kind of cute.
Though, never at the same time, or while the other is around, which is what ultimately causes the confusion. Izuku is showing physical affection so freely to both of them when both are around, but the other two seem to hold back around one another, only doing something when Izuku asks for it. Bakugo will deny ever showing affection to begin with and shout before storming away, and Todoroki just turns a little pink and brushes it off. Both of them avoid the topic, or seem to anyway.
Asking Midoriya, however is much harder to process than asking the other two. He honestly acts like nothing is out of the ordinary and that it’s completley normal for this to be happening.
That’s when theories start popping up.
“I think Midoriya is dating Todoroki. I saw them training earlier and the tension was,” Aoyama quite literally performs a chef’s kiss before adding, “immaculate.” 
“Could you have called that training? That was flirting and a game of Cat and Mouse.” Jirou deadpans.
“That’s odd, because I literally caught Midoriya and Bakubro cuddling and whispering to one another the night Todoroki had to go visit his dad.” Kirishima says, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“I have noticed that Bakugo always seems to be touching Midoriya in some fashion...” Iida mutters, catching the attention of everyone quickly. He decides to continue with, “But we shouldn’t be talking about their personal matters like this.”
“Iida hush, we want tea.” Uraraka scolds playfully, elbowing the blue haired boy rather harshly. He tries to look at Tsuyu for help but she just shrugs, placing a quick kiss on her girlfriend’s cheek before announcing that she is going to take a nap. It’s getting colder and that tends to take a toll on the frog girl.
“But the night Bakugo went out to see his parents, Todoroki and Midoriya slept in the same room. I saw them coming out of Todoroki’s room the next morning.” Momo adds, curious about this conundrum as well.
“So is Midoriya dating Bakugo or Todoroki?” Mina whines, confused. She too has seen Midoriya with each boy in some sort of compromising situation, but nothing adds up. 
“Maybe they both like Midoriya?” Kaminari suggests out of the blue. Shinso smacks the back of his boyfriend’s head, sending him a glare that clearly means “shut your mouth.” It’s very similar to Aizawa’s. Terrifying. However, the blonde doesn’t seem to be phased in the slightest, only smiling brightly.
“Poor Midoriya, if that’s the case.” Sero jests, only half joking. Some of the others nod in agreement. Bakugo and Todoroki are near unstoppable forces at times. Especailly when faced with competition.
While the rest of the class seems to turn away from the topic, clearly confused enough, Hagakure steps in.
“Based off of THAT reaction, I’d say you two know something!” Hagakure says, quick to pull the attention back to the purple haired boy and his boyfriend.
“Shit. Almost got free.” Kaminari curses, standing up quickly and trying to escape. Shinso, the asshole, is already a few floors up, using his capture weapon to his advantage.
As a group of the most curious start to go after Kaminari, the three boys in question come out of the training room.
“It’s been a while since we’ve had time to train like this, huh? I mean, Endeavor keeps us pretty busy as is, but Kacchan has been helping his parents with their work, and Aizawa Sensei refuses to let up for anything! Usually all I have enough energy to do is lay down with you two! Not that I don’t enjoy it, but training with you two is always a lot of fun-” Midoriya continues to ramble about anything that comes to mind, seeming completley relaxed in the presence of Bakugo and Todoroki. That’s not what makes the others stop listening though. It’s the fond looks that the two share for not only the green haired menace, but eachother as well.
“-and I know Mom’s upset that I haven’t visited in a while, and that she’s never met Sho. I mean, I’m kind of upset about that too, you know? I want to show her both of my boyfriends, not just Kacchan. I mean, she’s gonna love Sho! Probably more than she loves Kacchan!” Bakugo elbows Midoriya in the ribs, earning a “hey!” and a blow of his own to match. Todoroki rolls his eyes as his partners start to playfight, none of the trio aware of the eyes watching them, and shakes his head at them. That just finished training, why tire yourself out even more?
It only takes a few seconds before Midoriya is trapped beneath Bakugo, who immediately attacks the green bean with peppered kisses.
“I- Huh?” Mina asks, no words coming to mind.
“So it appears that they’re all in a relationship together.” Iida says, smiling at how happy Todoroki and Midoriya seem with their situation.
“I’ve never seen Bakubro be so... so soft. It’s so manly.” Kirishima says, chuckling to himself at the end.
“How did they manage to hide that so well for so long?” Uraraka asks, curiosity piqued once more. She looks to Kirishima who shrugs.
“I don’t know, man. I’ve still been hearing his angry rants about Midoriya and Todoroki doing something to piss him off. Nothing really changed there.”
A groan is heard from where the Big Three are and Iida makes it knows that they have an audience by clearing his throat. The three of them jump out of their skins. Kirishima is on the floor laughing with Kaminari and Mina about how he’s never seen Bakugo so scared. Like pure fear, not what happened in first year where he still masked it all with anger.
Midoriya, oddly enough, is the first one to recover from the three’s mortified state.
“H-How long h-have you all b-been s-standing there?” He asks, looking like a tomato.
“Long enough. Anyways! How long have you guys been dating?” Hagakure asks. That girl has no fear.
“About six months.” Todoroki answers, finally able to speak. Bakugo keeps going between furious and panicky.
“Six- WHAT? Excuse me while I give my shovel talk.” Mina calls, apparently also having no fear.
“Raccoon eyes if you touch one hair on either of their heads I’ll kill you myself.” Bakugo snaps. It shocks the class into an awkward silence, but they quickly recover.
“I’m not dealing with this right now.” Bakugo growls, grabbing his boyfriends’ hands and pulling them upstairs. Probably to Midoriya’s room, his being the closest.
“You all do realize that as soon as Bakugo gets over being embarrassed and soft, he’s going to kill us, right?”
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sparklingchan · 4 years
Checkmate || Bang Chan (Stray Kids)
Pairing : Reader (fem.) X Bang Chan
Word count : 14k + ( oops-)
Warnings: A few cuss words , suggestive, mentions of death / murder / beheading and blood.NOT PROOF READ I’M SO SORRY.
Genre : Fluff, angst, romance ,strangers to lovers , Alice in Wonderland au, Royal au(a tiny bit) .
Description: Alice in Wonderland is just a story , or so you were made to believe.
A/N: This story is loosely based on the story of Alice in Wonderland. I always wanted to write Chan in a fictional universe and FINALLY I AM DONE WITH THIS STORY! I have twisted a few facts from the original story to fit my plot so not everything is the same.
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Weekends have had a special place in your heart ever since you were old enough to understand the importance of the last two days of the week in a normal human's life. For a long time , weekends meant going out with friends , partying, camping , eating , relaxing. Weekends meant your mom's scoldings in the morning , the sound of your dad's old radio, your brother's laughter. Weekends meant happiness.
But for sometime now, these definitions have changed. Drastically . Now weekends mean finishing presentations, cleaning your room , washing dirty dishes in the company of the empty corners of your solo apartment. Weekends now mean loneliness.
"Yes ,mom. I have been eating the herbal medicine you sent." You were never able to lie to your mom as a kid or even as a teenager. But the adult 'you' could easily do it. Lying to your mom was as easy as breathing now.
"Are you sure,y/n?" She asks in a stern voice.
You look at your small dining table , at the herbal medicine packet that lies there, as good new. And you let out a tired sigh , pressing your phone closer to your ear.
It had been an exceptionally tiring day at work today. And as you flop down on your couch with your mom still on call ,you wonder why you were feeling this sudden tiredness - all you did today at office was listen to your new boss boast about her achievements and your annoying colleagues kissing up to her as if she were some kind of Messiah.
"Aren't you coming home this weekend?" Your mom's tone now changes. She sounds worried, almost sad, "Dad and I miss you so much. Minho comes home often but we rarely get to see you."
Your eyes fall on the family picture hanging in the wall in front of the couch. It was the summer of your third birthday. Your mom and dad sat on the carpet while you and Minho stacked up legos to make a multi coloured house. The smile on your faces splash a wave of nostalgia towards you and you accept it wholeheartedly.
"I miss you guys too but I don't think I'll make it ,mom. I'm so sorry. " you say with a suppressed yawn, "But I will be going over to Minho's on Sunday so don't worry. We'll facetime you guys then." You feel your eyes get heavier but for the sake of your mom and your empty stomach ,you try your best to not fall asleep.
"Okay, okay. Sounds good. " your mom replies, "See you soon. Love you ,baby. "
You smile at her cheesy yet sweet words. Your mom has always been a fluff ball, just like your dad. But you and your elder brother didn't inherit that sweetness, sadly. "Love you too, mom." You reply.
And then the line goes silent.
You close your eyes, just to rest for a moment before having to cook dinner and working on your next week's presentation. But your eyelids feel like they suddenly weigh a lot more than they did a few minutes ago, like they were made of lead and you couldn't even lift them for a second more.
And before you know it, you've already drifted off into dreamland with your office clothes still on and your empty stomach growling.
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For some reason , you'd always been a morning person. You've never had trouble waking up for school or college or work on time, where as your friends and colleagues were all heavy sleepers - they could sleep even through earthquakes.
You remember as kids ,all of your mom's friends would complain about how their kids wouldn't get their asses up for school in the morning and needed to be practically dragged out of bed while your mom just smiled and nodded in response. You probably adopted this habit from Minho ; he might be an annoying idiot most of the time but you have to give him credit where it's due.
And when your eyes open a few hours later, naturally , you expect it to be a bright , sunny morning.
But you're disappointed to see that it's still dark outside.
The lights of your living room are still on and the television is playing some stupid movie in the background , just the way it had been when you came back home from work and switched it on. Rubbing the sleep away from your eyes, you look at the clock on the wall. 3:45 AM, it reads.
"Goddamn it," you push yourself off the couch ,still groggy from your nap, your whole body aching . You grab your phone and office bag and waddle to your bedroom ,in hopes of finishing your much needed nap.
The hallways of your house are dark but familiar so it takes no time for you to find your room's door. Groaning , you close it behind you and walk towards your bed, a homely , comforting feeling enveloping you like a soft blanket. The lights of the room are switched off as usual , and the cold air of the room makes your skin tingle. You smell your signature perfume in the air and the room freshener you use, and surprisingly, a very strange, foreign smell that you are sure you had never smelt in your house before - the smell of grass and mud on a rainy day.
"What the-" you mutter to yourself as your mind finally starts functioning properly again , coming out of your post nap trance and all your senses suddenly switching to high alert mode.
It wasn't raining right now ,nor had it been raining in the evening when you came home so there's no way that this smell was carried in by you. You remember seeing droplets of rain run down the office windows during your lunch break, which means it had rained only a little bit during afternoon. Did someone enter your house in the afternoon?
Your heart starts hammering against your chest. Something feels wrong ,very wrong.
And you quickly realize you were right - because the moment you take a step away from your bed , your feet gets stuck onto something and you crash on the floor. Face down.
Turns out ,your feet didn't get stuck on a 'something ' , it was rather a                  ' someone '.
In all honesty, you had never seen a man as handsome as the one that lies on your bedroom floor right now, his hands and feet sprawled out as if he were sleeping on his own bed, his lips parted and hair damp. And if it weren't for his slow , steady breathing and the flush across his cheeks , you'd have almost thought he was dead.
You want to scream. And you do.
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You should have called the police the moment you saw him, you think , but you didn't- more like you couldn't.
You are scared obviously, as you frantically check all your lockers and drawers to make sure he hadn't stolen anything. You check his pant pockets but find nothing. You even consider calling your brother but something was stopping you from doing so .
There is something about this man - maybe his extra silky looking clothes , maybe the weird pendant around his neck or maybe just the mere gut feeling that he might actually be the victim, not the criminal - that just wouldn't let you pick up the phone and call the authorities, even though you have their number on speed dial.
"Can I get another slice of bread ,please?" You snap out of your thoughts on hearing his husky, honey-like voice, call out to you, only to realize that you'd been staring at his face as if he were an alien.
Maybe he is an alien....
Embarrassed at being caught red handed, your cheeks flush as you nod your head and pass the man sitting on your dining table,right in front of you, his fifth slice of bread. Damn, he must have been starving.
"Thank you ,miss y/n." He replies with a polite smile, applying butter on the bread with the butter knife Minho had left at your place on your last birthday.
You want to return his smile ,you really do, but you can't find it in yourself to keep your curiosity suppressed anymore. You've never been so intrigued by a living,breathing human before, not to this extent at least.
A few hours ago, when he woke up after you dragged him off from the floor and laid him on your bed, you half expected him to attack you with a weapon or strangle you or threaten you for money but all he did was politely ask if you were the owner of this 'warm and cozy ' house and your name. He even called you ' a kind lady ' when you offered him breakfast and medicine for the slight fever he complained of , out of nothing but pure curiosity and intrigue.
"What was your name , again, sir?" You ask , putting down your chopsticks after deciding your breakfast wasn't that important anymore ,"and where do you come from?"
He sits up straight, the smile on his lips slowly dissolving into a frown. Did you say something wrong?
"I'm Bang Christopher Chan. But I usually go by Chan, " he answers the first part of your question and when he notices your anticipating eyes ,waiting for him to answer the next part , he looks down at his plate, as if embarrassed. "I wish I could tell you where I come from ,my lady ,but I can't and you wouldn't believe me either way. "
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion ; first of all ,this man - Chan - ends up in your room, passed out and sick , secondly he wears such expensive looking ,vintage clothes and lastly, the man speaks as if he were an actor in a Shakespearean play and now he refuses to tell you where he comes from.
He is feeding into your alien theory a little more than you expected.
"Well we won't know that unless you tell me." you reply with pleading eyes, curiosity getting the best of you. He shakes his head and presses his lips together in a firm smile, dragging his chair across the floor and standing up, "I'm afraid I can't do that."
You only watch in awe as he walks towards your main door in strange yet elegant steps. He turns around to look at you, "I express my heartfelt gratitude for everything you've done for me, my sweet lady. You gave me shelter and food and your magical herbs cured my sickness. I will never forget this favour of yours."
Magical herbs? Is he talking about your mom's herbal medicine?
You gulp, not knowing how to reply to his sudden expression of gratitude. With an INTP personality type, you've always found it hard to express yourself to people around you, even if your life depended on it and this time isn't any different either.
"W-well it was my pleasure." You stutter, "But where are you going now anyway?"
He runs his fingers through his silky , fluffy blonde hair and licks his dry lips. "I'm going to look for a friend. He might be able to help me."
"How will you find him? Do you have his phone number or address?" You ask. He shakes his head, "I'm afraid not. What's a phone number, by the way?"
Your eyes widen at his question, your mind running wild with possibilities of what might actually be going on with Chan. You've only ever seen things like this in movies and shows - a random person with no memory whatsoever meets the main character and they set out on an adventure together. And as curious as you were to find out whether Chan brings adventure with him too , you didn't want to get yourself involved in something so messy.
"It's a number via which you can contact people using this device." You say , showing him the led screen of your phone.
His mouth gapes at you , his eyes shaking with curiosity.
Oh this one is a gone case ,you think.
"I'll help you find your friend. What's his name?" You ask him again.
Still in fascination with your phone , he barely whispers his friend's name but thankfully you catch it,
"Lee Felix."
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You hate driving . Period. Especially on weekends when the roads are full of impatient cars going off to picnics ,goods trucks trying to finish business as soon as possible , two wheelers which are the location of all the PDA in the world. You aren't used to seeing such happy traffic.
But here you are ,driving this mysterious yet charming man to his friend's place.
Lee Felix ,as the internet tells you , is an owner of a medicinal shop and is pretty well known among people for his homemade medicines and ointments. It only took one tap on your search engine to find out his location.
"So who exactly is this friend of yours?" The car has been quite ever since you left your apartment and you couldn't take it anymore - not when Chan just sits beside you , his fingers tapping on his leg with anxiousness.
He looks up at you , "He's more like a little brother to me , honestly. I grew up with his family - playing with his friends and his siblings. But he moved out of our hometown to do business. He still comes home sometimes but lives here most of the time. "
Now, that's the kind of information you'd been seeking for since the morning. He's slowly but surely warming upto you.
"So you're here to take him home or what?" you ask.
He shakes his head with a grim expression. "No, of course not. I wish I could but he is happy here , tells me he has a lover now and lots of friends. I'm happy for him. And anyway ," he pauses for second , "I'm here to hide. "
You find your heart race at the last word. He's hiding, but from what? From who? Is he a criminal that is trying to save himself from punishment? Or something worse?
Shit. This is not a good idea at all.
If your brother were here , he'd have flicked your forehead so hard it would have hurt for days. Maybe you even deserve it this time.
"From what?" You ask ,your voice only a whisper.
He sighs ,leaning against the window and looking out with thoughtful eyes.
"I really can't tell you, my lady." He replies.
Before you could question him further ,you see a house emerging in the distance and immediately recognize it as Lee Felix 's home plus workshop. Reluctantly, you pull over in front of the huge wooden house.
"How do I open the door ?" Chan asks with an innocent smile when you're about to get out. You let out a small chuckle and put your hand on your own door handle, "Press the black button here and push the door gently. " You demonstrate and he picks it up quickly, joining you as you stand on the porch of this Felix dude's house.
Chan knocks on the door with urgency, and for the first time today, he seems a little relaxed now. Like a weight from his shoulders had been lifted, and you don't have the heart to tell him that there's a doorbell directly on his right.
You hear quick shuffling behind the door and within a second ,the door opens to reveal a man - probably Felix - with bright orange hair and a big smile.
Brothers , you remember Chan's words.
They really do look like brothers as Felix jumps on Chan,embracing him like he had just saved his life. You don't miss the quiet sniffing from Chan and the tears that accumulate in Felix's eyes as they pat each other on the back , mumbling ' I missed you's to each other.
"I was so worried, Chan." Felix pulls away , grabbing Chan's shoulders, " I thought you'd gone to Marmoreal . Why didn't you tell me you were here?"
The name Marmoreal rings a bell in your head ,for sure. You'd heard that place before many times but as you search through your memories and try to find the exact context of that name , you fail to find it. It feels like you'd heard it almost in a dream.
"I just arrived here last night. Wasn't a very pleasant ride ,if you ask me. " Chan says , giggling.
Felix giggles too and then his eyes land on your confused face , as he let's go of Chan.
"And who might this fair lady be?" He asks with a pleasant smile.
Brilliant. Another actor from a Shakespearean play.
"Oh,right," Chan chuckles. " This is y/n, the kind lady who let me stay at her house for the night. "
No,he ended up in your room out of nowhere, you want to say ,but you swallow the words. You didn't want Chan to think of you as rude.
"Hello, Miss Y/n. " he smiles, " You've done us both such favour by housing him. We will not forget this. " Felix says, bowing his head to you.
Awkwardness is what you feel as you force a smile and nod in response,your palms sweating from the unexpected words , "You're welcome,I guess. "
Felix leads the two of you inside the house and you are greeted by a lovely young lady, who looks about your age - Felix's lover ,you assume.She walks in with a freshly baked cake in her gloved hands, her eyes shining the moment she sees the both of you.
"Oh,my dear." She runs to you , " Prince Chan! I have heard so much about you. Felix talks about you all the time. And oh,my, who's this lovely lady?"
Prince Chan .
Prince Chan.
Chan is a prince?
You look at him ,your eyes wide with confusion and doubt and he looks back at you with a nervous expression, like he didn't want the girl to address him as a prince.
"Yeah, " Felix clears his throat, raising his eyebrows at the girl in front of you , as if asking her to keep quiet. "This is Chan and the woman who provided him shelter last night- y/n."
"Oh my apologies," she replies with a smile, probably getting Felix's message, "Hello, Chan, Y/n, I'm Felix's girlfriend, Tracy. " She says as she clings on to Felix's arm and he stares adoringly at her like she is a rare ,precious diamond that no man could ever have but him.
You've seen that look before - in your parents eyes when they tease each other , in your brother's eyes when he talks about his boyfriend , in your ex boyfriend's eyes. You almost feel jealous.
"Hello ,Tracy." Both you and Chan say at the same time and then awkwardly stare at each other.
Tracy giggles.
"Anyway, Chan and I have important things to talk about. " Felix wiggles out of her grip and takes Chan by the arm ," Tracy, my love, would you please see to it that Miss Y/n here is not bored."
And Tracy surely did make sure you weren't bored for a single second.
She takes you into their medicine workshop, showing you the different herbs and fruits and vegetables they use to make the herbal medicine. She shows you the various jars full of these medicines and ointments. Her eyes shine with passion when she talks to you and it makes you realize how happy this makes her.
It is not an hour later,when she offers you a slice of cake and a cup of coffee that you find in yourself to ask Tracy about Chan and Felix and whatever happened back in their hometown.
"Ah,right. Their home." A sad expression falls on her ,as she stirs her coffee, " I wish I could tell you , I really do but unless Felix or Chan ask of me , I cannot do it."
The same response, again and again. "But I'm curious..... and scared." You mutter.
Tracy clicks her tongue on the roof of her mouth ,"Sweetie, I know you are and I don't blame you. But it is not my place to decide if I can reveal a secret or not....yet I can tell you this- Chan is not dangerous or anything of that sort. He's in fact the one in danger, in need of protection. "
Shocked, you stare at Tracy ,not being able to form proper words. Your prediction was right, Chan was in fact the victim.
You feel chills down your spine.
"Do you come from that place too?" You ask again.
"Oh no, I wish , sweetheart, I wish but no. I'm from this city itself. Born and raised. " she replies with a slight chuckle.
You want to ask her if Chan and Felix had come from a different planet but you stop yourself just in time when the boys arrive into the workshop.
"I'm afraid we'll have to bid them farewell now, miss y/n." Chan says with a sad smile and you wonder if he said that to console his own self.
"You've been so ,so kind to Chan. I would just ask you to do one last thing for him -" Felix starts, " Can you please drop him at the Levanter hotel ?"
Your forehead creases with confusion, "Why ? Will he not be staying with you?"
"No, I'm afraid not. He'll be easier to find in my house out of all the places. He won't be very safe here." Felix admits, embarrassed.
"Then he can stay at my place. He doesn't have to live all alone." Your mouth speaks out those words without giving a second thought to the idea of Chan actually living with you - you said you didn't want trouble but here you were ,being a big ass hypocrite.
"Well I don't see a problem with that, "Tracy chimes in , grinning, "and besides ,I like to believe that Chan would rather enjoy your company than be alone."
Your cheeks burn red as Tracy yet again puts you and Chan in an awkward place. His eyes are fixed on your face while yours are everywhere but him.
"Its settled then. " Felix says as the couple escorts you and Chan to your car. And just before you drive off, you hear Felix say to Chan, "I think we can trust the lady. Tell her about Underland. Tell her about home."
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You love listening to stories. You remember your dad telling you and Minho stories ever night when you were kids and how you found it difficult to sleep without listening to his stories. Stories make you happy, they make your mind wonder about the infinite possibilities in this vast universe and how you happened to be where you were at the exact moment when the story was told.
Stories fascinate you .
With a voice as serious as your dad's, Chan starts, "I and Felix come from a far, far away place called Underland. You humans might know of it as Wonderland because of that one writer who stumbled upon our kingdom one day and decided to write a stupid book about it." He almost sounds angry when he speaks the last line.
"Anyway, I and Felix belong to Underland, which was ruled by the First Great White Queen's descendants for centuries. But everything changed when my grand father - The Last White King passed away. My father were to take the throne by blood right but then a blood descendant of the First Red Queen arrived and claimed Underland as hers. She killed all remaining members of the White Queen's family, my parents, my brothers and sisters," he pauses for a second ,blinking away tears. Your heart clenches with sadness , "But she couldn't kill me; I was just a baby. The youngest of them all. So she banished me to the Enchanted Forest forever ,to live with The Hatters which was Felix's family. In the forest , I grew up with his siblings - Sana, Momo , Me and Felix were inseparable. And we played with the Dormouse , the Cheshire Cat, the White Rabbit , March Hare all day. It was lovely, almost like a dream. Never once did I want to live a royal life or desire my rightful throne back - I was happy. But when I turned twenty , the Queen wanted me to marry her daughter so that she could tighten her claim over the throne. I couldn't do that , I couldn't marry a woman I did not know and did not love. So my friends used their magic and helped run away from the Queen and her Red Knights. And that's how I ended up in your house. "
You blink a few times as everything comes crashing to you at once - his sudden appearance in your room, his weird clothes ,his accent ,his strange walk ,his cluelessness about the modern world , and Tracy calling him a Prince - he is a Prince. A Prince of a place you didn't know actually existed, a descendant of A Queen you'd only heard about in books and movies.
Marmoreal is the name of the White Queen's home , now you remember.
Wonderland was real. As real as you and Chan and Felix and Minho and Tracy. It very much exists .
"Y/n, please do not fear me,I beg of you. You can ask me anything you want but I want you to know that I will not harm you. I am your friend. At least I want to be. " he says , putting a hand on yours as your mind snap backs to reality.
You straighten up.
"Questions , right." you say, still blinking more often than you needed to .
"So the Red queen and the White queen are real? Like they're not just that Writer's idea?" You ask.
"Oh ,they are, I assure you. They were sisters but enemies, which led to the evil Red Queen's banishment centuries ago. Their descendants never got along with each other."
You nod, gulping hard. So the scary Queen with the big head was real. Brilliant.
"And The Hatters , are they the family of the Once Mad Hatter?"
"Yes, they are."
"Aren't they all mad?"
He chuckles, leaning closer to your face, "Darling, they're only as mad as you and I."
Your heart beat gets stuck in your throat , stopping you from asking him anything anymore.
Taking it as the end of the conversation Chan bids you a quick goodnight and heads over to the guest room you had given him.
But he stops just before the door, leaning against the door with a grin ,"Oh, by the way, my lady ,you might not want to skip that herbal medicine on your table anymore."
You frown, "Why?"
"I wasn't lying when I said they were magical - Felix makes them after all."
Oh, what a small fucking world!
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The next morning, Bang Christopher Chan claims that he makes very ,very good morning tea that will give you a boost that normal ' human ' tea could never.
"Take one sip and you will crave for more, " he tells you as you provide him with the basic ingredients and watch him from the opposite side of the counter , making this supposedly mind blowing tea.
Now, to be very frank ,you weren't much of a tea person - you've only had boba a few times and the proper ,traditional tea only on the few times that your dad makes some. You were more into coffee. But you didn't tell him that.
You see Chan lean over the boiling pot of water on the gas , adding tea leaves and a little bit of cinnamon and then half a spoon of ground ginger. You observe him , your curiosity bubbling like the boiling water.
"Are you going to add ...magic too? " you couldn't help but ask the question as Chan stirs the mixture in front of him.
He chuckles , a warm , hearty laugh that lights up the lonely and cold corners of your small apartment. His eyes turn into crescent moons and his deep ocean dimples as he walks towards you and softly boops your nose , "Yes, of course! How would it be different from your normal tea otherwise?"
You see him walk back to the pot and then rub his forefinger and thumb together above the mouth of the pot , "Watch this ,my lady." You stare at him with shock as a sparkly , golden dust snows down due to the friction of his thumb and forefinger and gets mixed with the boiling tea.
And when the first sip of the freshly brewed,warm tea touches your lips and travels inside your mouth, you feel an explosion in your brain that you'd never felt before. You feel like there are literal fireworks in your head ,burning and cracking and fueling your energy levels. You want to run out on the roads and scream on top on your lungs for no goddamn reason.
"Chan, I didn't think I'd say this ,but this is the most delicious beverage I've ever tasted." You say , booping his nose like he did before, " Thank You."
In the evening , you take him out for shopping after calling Minho to cancel your plans with him. You told him that an old friend of yours was visiting from Australia and that he would be crashing at yours for the next few days. Minho didn't care much , as usual ,and all he said was, "Don't get pregnant." You remember rolling your eyes at his annoying remark.
So now here you are, scrolling through your phone while Chan tries on different clothes in the trial room.
"I do not like the shirt that shows my arms!" He yells from inside as the employees of the store giggle.
You sigh, " It's called a tank top,Chan. And I'm buying it whether you like it or not, it's summer for God's sake!"
You hear him mumble something under his breath and then the door of the dressing room creaks open to reveal a very different Chan. You can't help up but gawk at his perfectly toned arms and the very evident biceps that you did not expect to be there. You gulp hard. With his tousled hair and perfect smile and gorgeous eyes , he looks like a Disney Prince, the ones you used to obsess over as a child.
He is a prince, you dummy, you remind yourself again. Prince of Wonderland . (Underland, whatever)
He awkwardly hugs his arms around his body as the cool air from the AC grazes his bare arms ,his cheeks turning red from embarrassment.
" Hey, chin up !" You grin , and walk toward him.
He presses his lips in a line and mutters ,"I look ugly."
"No, you do not look ugly ,Christopher. You look anything but ugly ," you glare at him, "You look amazing. Just like... Park Chanyeol. "
His forehead creases and you see a ghost of jealousy in his eyes, " Who is that? Your lover?"
You laugh out loud, patting his cheek softly. " No, he is a...famous person. In our world. Just like you are of your kingdom."
You decide to take out Chinese food for dinner and even though you want to ask Chan if he was okay with that , you don't. Because he probably doesn't know what China even is .
"Do you want me to carry that bag for you?" Chan asks ,pointing at the take out bag on your lap as the both of you settle down in the backseat of the cab you had called. You wince as you realize how badly your feet hurt from all the shopping and snacking.
"No , thank you. Plus you have enough things to carry yourself." You reply, eyeing the tons of bags he carries, containing clothes and shoes and whatnot.
The drive to your house is long , owing to the fact that the city becomes more livelier at night - a scene you rarely get to see with your own eyes anymore, thanks to your stupid job. The cab driver plays a slow, romantic song and you automatically find your eyes scan Chan's face, looking for something that could help you relate to the song booming through the speakers.
But all you see is worry.
"Chan, are you alright?" You ask him, placing a hand on his arm.
He looks over at you , his eyes shining like the city lights that you hadn't seen in so long, " You're a very kind person ,my lady. I do not know how I will ever repay you for this; any of this! "
You feel a warm feeling spread from your chest, coursing through your veins and under your scalp and your ears.
"You can repay me by making that tea for me everyday. " you reply with a soft smile.
Chan scoots over closer to you ,then puts his head on your shoulders, " Well then I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I take a short nap - I owe you this one too."
You blush and look away from his captivating gaze ," Fine, whatever. Just make the tea for me. "
You know you want to add something but you swallow those words and repeat them only in the company of your own thoughts.
Thank you ,Chan , you think as you look out the car window ,cherishing the beautiful streetlights and the tall buildings and the neon signs of shops and the gentle pressure of Chan's head on your shoulder , Thank you for making my weekend less lonely.
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Chan is a man of his word, you can guarantee that - An honorable , honest man who almost seems too good to be real sometimes.
As promised , he'd make you tea every morning for the next two months before you go to office while he spends most of his time in your house, trying out different things to keep him occupied while you were at work - learning how to use your spare laptop , cooking tutorials on YouTube , videocalling with Felix , practicing magic on your plushies, online window shopping because he apparently loved the way people in your world dressed.
He'd wait for you every evening with another interesting thing he had learnt and wanted to share with you , and a plate of freshly cut fruits that he prepared beforehand. Then you'd both make dinner together and spend the rest of the evening talking and laughing and gossiping .He would tell you about Underland and it's castles and magic and you would tell him about your world and how a stupid picture on the internet could go viral in a split second.
On weekends, you'd make a hearty breakfast for the both of you and then clean the house together,which Chan never once complained about. By the time evening comes, you would have already chosen what movie to show him while the popcorn cooks in the microwave. Or sometimes you'd spend the day at Felix's or sometimes drive down for a small picnic at a park.
Slowly but definitely, Chan becomes a part of your everyday life , your source of comfort, your escape . And he ,in turn , finds a caring friend in you , a teacher , a person he could lean on . Knowingly or unknowingly , you become his escape too.
It is on one such Friday night that Minho calls you during your movie session and you excuse yourself from a weeping Chan ( the movie you chose was Titanic) ,walking towards your own room.
" What's up?" You say into the phone as you jump on your bed .
"Are you seriously asking me that? Y/n , it's been weeks since mom or dad or I saw you. You keep cancelling plans for your Australian friend. Do you think I'm stupid?" He yells at you and you move your ear away from the speaker. Gosh ,talk about being so loud and annoying.
"He's coming home after years, Min. I can't just leave him here."
He sighs, "What kind of a friend stays over for two fucking months. " then adds ,with all seriousness, " is this some Christian Grey shit going on?"
You laugh - you have to ,even though you know your brother is pissed off ," Dude, do you even hear yourself ? I earn ten times more than that Anastasia bitch did. I don't need a sugar daddy."
"Then what's going on with this guy ? Tell me the truth ,y/n . You know I'll believe you." His voice now softens.
You sigh, rubbing the crease between your eyebrows.
Not this time ,you wouldn't believe me, you want to tell Minho.
But then decide that if you can't tell him the truth ,you could at least tell him half the truth.
"Look, Minho...my friend is not here for a vacation. He's here to hide. He's in possible danger. " you whisper to him.
"What kind of danger? Y/n,what if he's running from the police? What if he's in trouble with the government?" He asks,his voice filled with concern.
You hated the fact that he was so similar to you . And he had the audacity to call you adopted for so many years. Asshole.
"No, silly. Not that kind of trouble. He ran away from his engagement. The bride's mother is a bitch apparently ,trying to force him for his money and fame. "
You hear Minho heave a sigh of relief from the other side and naturally, you relax too.
"Well then if you can't leave him alone ,bring him along to our house. I'd love to meet this Australian guy in person."
And that was the end of the conversation.
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When you live with someone , you find new things about them everyday - today is the day you find out that Chan looks exceptionally attractive in a tight black polo t-shirt and simple jeans. His blonde hair is pushed back a little, his forehead glowing under the bright Sunday sun and he wears a watch that Tracy and Felix had gifted him last week. Handsome as a Greek God.
"How do I look ?" He asks you as he scratches the back of his neck, smiling at his reflection in the mirror.
He's gained confidence .
"Like a Prince." You say, standing beside him.
Your eyes are focused on your reflections in the mirror,the close proximity of your bodies and the way you both look like any other couple in the world, makes you feel overwhelmed. You see the few millimetre gap between his hand and yours and if you reach out a little bit, you could easily lace your fingers with him.
"And how do I look?" You ask him with a small smirk.
He scans your image ; you wear a simple floral summer dress with short sleeves ,along with a pretty wrist bracelet and a simple pendant around your neck. You catch him blushing.
"Like a Princess. " he replies.
You badly want to hold his hand in yours. But you don't.
The drive to your Brother's place is filled with questions and replies and a few careless teasings thrown here and there.
"I hope your brother doesn't hate me for keeping you occupied all the time. " Chan comments when you turn to Minho's apartment street.
You shake your head, " No,no. Of course not. Minho is not like that."
Your brother has lived with his boyfriend, Jisung for about five years now . You want them to get married soon but they always make weird excuses about it. So you just assumed they enjoy this live in relationship without the pressure of marriage and children.
"Hey , y/n, oh my god! Long time ,huh?" Jisung hugs you tightly the moment you enter their living room ,his big toothy smile permanently plastered on his face. Minho stands behind Jisung ,his arms crossed over his chest and his critical eyes focused on Chan. You smile and jog up to your brother, wrapping your arms around him. His familiar scent makes you miss home and your parents and your old room. "Stop being so stuck up,Min." You whisper to him as Chan and Jisung introduce each other and Minho eyes them suspiciously.
He chuckles and hugs you tighter ,pressing a small kiss to your head. You grin as he pulls away.
"Chan,meet my brother Minho, " you bring Chan to stand in front of Minho , "And Minho ,this is Chan." Minho observes the way Chan walks - elegant and smooth and the way Chan talks , like he were a dude from the Victorian Era yet he wears modern clothes and uses a phone and air pods. Everything about this man is mysterious yet Minho couldn't find anything to hold against him. Perhaps he is being too hard on the poor man. He also notices how lovingly Chan gazes at you , looks out for you in the smallest possible ways and you look at him with the same adoration and concern. Were you two dating? You didn't say anything about that though.
So he asks you after dinner ," Do you like Chan?" The question comes out as natural as any other question Minho has ever asked you. You look down from his balcony at the streets and cars and people below then your eyes fall on your brother and the wine glass in his hands and on Jisung and Chan who chat inside the living room over dessert, having found a common interest in music making and lyrics writing.
Your blood turns cold - not because Minho had asked you that question but because this is the first time you're actually considering the possibility of that being true. It scares you.
You think about a similar incident that had happened almost ten years ago - when you were in middle school and Minho was in high school. You had a crush on your cute classmate but he chose your friend over you. Even at that tender age,you were heartbroken. No one at home noticed your sadness or disinterest in everything those days but Minho did - he always does.
"I don't know ." You lean against the railing of the balcony , "I don't want to think about it."
"Beacuse we do not belong together. We're from different worlds. " you whisper , "And I'm not sure if he feels anything like for me."
Minho frowns at you then flicks your forehead so hard that it stings.
"You keep suppressing your feelings all the time, y/n. You wouldn't know if he likes you or if you belong together if you don't tell him." He says.
You do know that you do not belong together. You do know that he may never like you back. But you don't mention it to Minho.
That night , as you are driving back home and Chan is sleepily looking out the window,you ask him , "Chan, there's something I have to ask you."
Chan sits up straight ,his attentive eyes focused on your nervous ones. He could sense your turmoil since you stepped out of Minho's house. He nods ," Go on."
"Um...actually, Jisung's cousin is getting married on Wednesday. Would you like to be my plus one for the ceremony?"
You'd never seen Chan smile so wide before, his eyes practically disappearing in the process. His cheeks tinted red and his hands tapping on his thigh .
"Do you want me to?" He asks. He hopes more than anything that you say yes.
" Hell yeah,dude! " You reply, chuckling.
He has never hugged you till now , you realize, as Chan jumps and wraps you in a warm embrace ,even as you are driving. Your heart hammers against your chest and your cheeks turn brighter than his own.
His smell fills you with a comforting ,homely feeling and you just hope he never lets go of the hug.
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Remember when you said that Chan looked really good in a polo t-shirt and you thought it couldn't get any better? Well you take your words back now.
Your hands go limp by your sides when you see Chan walk out of his room , as you stare at him from the small crack of the door of your room. He looks ethereal. He wears a black suit with a pink, silky shirt inside paired with his locket and his watch. Nothing too fancy and yet you feel your knees growing weak below you.
You suck in a deep breath,looking at yourself in the mirror and trying to gather enough confidence to walk and face him. You wear a pink net shirt with black palazzo pants, accessorized with silver earrings and a rose gold ring on your thumb.
"Okay, come on ,y/n." you encourage yourself, your heart beating fast.
You had not really expected him to drop his jaw on the floor the moment he sees you but he did and it makes your heart flutter and cheeks red.
He offers you his hand, "You look gorgeous ,my lady."
And you slip your hand in his ," So do you ,your majesty."
The wedding venue is not really far from your apartment so it takes only about 30 minutes for you to reach there.
And rest assured, you both had turned all the heads in the wedding that night. Wide eyes and gaping mouths and silent whispers of jealousy, you noticed them all. You felt a little bad for stealing the spotlight from the bride and groom but you secretly wanted to show Chan off too.
"Attention grabbers." Minho had teased you during the wedding ceremony as the bride and groom took their vows , earning a pinch from you in reply.
The rest of the evening goes by smoothly and before you even realize it, Jisung pulls you and Chan to the dance floor when a slow,romantic song comes up.
"Uh. I don't know how to dance." You admit shyly as Chan offers you his hand.
He chuckles and you notice how deep his dimples really are this up close.
"I can so don't worry about it. Just trust me. " he says, his eyes scanning your face
Smiling, you take his hand and put your other hand on his shoulder while he drapes an arm around your waist and pulls you closer. He indeed is a good dancer because soon you find yourself gliding around the dance floor effortlessly, flowing with the music and drowning in Chan's intoxicating eyes.
"This isn't so bad though." You comment when the lights are turned low and you see all the couples around you in their own bubble,doing their own thing, just grooving to the soft music ," I could get used to it."
Chan pulls both your arms and wraps them around his neck ,his hands finding a comfortable place around your waist.
"You should come to Underland some day. We could dance there all night. No one would disturb us." he whispers back,moving your bodies gently to the music.
Your smile fades , " I wish I could,Chan. I desperately do. "
He looks into your eyes and leans in closer, making your heart thump fast. Faster than it ever has.
"You can. You can come and go whenever you want, I promise you. " he says.
You nod at his efforts of making you feel better but you know that when he finally goes back to Underland, your heartache would be inevitable. You are so deeply ,madly and truly in love with the man in front of you that you will not be able stand a day without his warm presence in your otherwise dark and cold house. His absence would absolutely destroy you so you simply bury your face in the crook of his neck , breathing in his smell , enjoying his hands on you and sketching this moment in your mind forever.
"I'm going to miss you when you leave." you mutter in a silent voice as he runs his fingers through your hair , "Don't go,Chan."
You don't know why you're suddenly getting so emotional about him leaving when you always knew it would happen some day.
"Then come with me ,y/n." He whispers into your ears.
You pull away just enough to look into his eyes and then shift your gaze to his oh-so kissable , plump lips that you'd spent so many nights dreaming about.
Is this the right thing to do?
You no longer care.
He leans in first ,pulling your body towards him and softly yet hastily pressing his lips against yours.
Oh the bliss of having to kiss the man you've longed for since forever.
You're not even surprised when his lips fit perfectly in between yours as your whole body turns warm under his touch , like it had been waiting for him for a long time. And when you hold his cheek to control the pace of the kiss , you realise how much this means to him. How much you mean to him.
"I love you, Chan." You whisper after he pulls away, resting his forehead on yours.
He grins," I love you ,too."
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The wedding ends shortly after but you guys stay back to wait for Minho and Jisung while they bid farewell to all of Jisung 's family and relatives.
"Be quick. " you tell Chan when he rushes into the boys washroom while you wait outside, your mind still replaying the intimate moment you had on the dance floor ( and Minho and Jisung teasing you about it later on). You shake your head ,smiling like an idiot.
Your beautiful thoughts are interrupted when someone- a tall ,muscular man wearing a peculiar red tuxedo - walks past you, bumping his arm harshly onto yours.
"Ow,dude,what the fuck?" You wince ,rubbing your arm as the arrogant asshole walks into the bathroom, "Piece of shit." You say when he doesn't even bother looking back at you.
You are about to go back to reminiscing your kiss with Chan but you hear a Chan yelling from the bathroom, his voice is as crisp and clear as the air in the mountains.
Your whole body goes cold.
"Get away from me !" You hear him yell and before you could stop yourself ,you feel your feet running into bathroom , pushing past the main door that clearly reads 'Male'.
"Chan? What's wrong?" You ask, your voice laced with urgency and adrenaline pumping through your blood.
What you see inside is something you'd never expected to see before but you were in love with a man who came from a place you didn't even know existed so this doesn't come as a big surprise to you. If Chan weren't in immediate danger, you might as well have been fascinated by it.
You see - Chan crouching on the floor , blood running from his nose and his hands covering his eyes , as if he's hiding. You see - the red tall asshole leaning against the wall, staring at Chan. You see - three very peculiar creatures surrounding Chan , shaped like the rummy cards with spades, diamonds and whatnot drawn on them and holding spears in what you assume to be their arms.
You almost regret coming in when all of them look at you with wide ,surprised eyes.
"Y/n! What are you doing here?" Chan gets up and walks toward you ,his lips quivering with fear.
The card creatures walk toward you,their spears pointed toward you as they growl something under their breath. You back away slowly.
"Hey! Stop it! She has nothing to do with it. Don't attack her." Chan yells at those things and thankfully ,they listen. They turn around and stand beside the asshole in the red suit.
Chan runs over you , tears starting to form in his eyes, "You shouldn't be here , y/n. Go back,now!"
You look into his eyes , your heart breaking at the sight of seeing him so in pain ,so vulnerable. It's like you're hurt ,too.
"D-did they do t-this to you?" You ask,pointing at his nose.
He blinks for a second then nods with a sigh ," That's why I'm telling you to leave ,okay? Y/n, sweetheart, please leave.Now." His voice is basically begging you and all you can do is stare at him and the others with horror.
"They found you. The Red Queen found you." You mutter to him,as he holds you by your shoulders.
"I'm so sorry ,y/n. I really thought...we had time. I really did. " his voice cracks as more tears stream down his face.
"We don't have all day long , Chan. Your future wife and her mother have been waiting for a long time." The man in red says sarcastically, "You've kept them waiting long enough."
You glare at the man then turn to Chan, who's a sobbing mess by now.
"They're going to get you married?"
The man in red scoffs, " He should be lucky if that's all they do. And knowing the Queen , she is very angry with him. He will not have it easy."
"Will they...execute him?" You ask ,running your hands over his face ,rubbing the mixture of blood and tears. Your heart shatters.
"No, the young princess is very fond of him actually. They will get married after he serves his punishment."
You see Chan wince in your arms as you pull him up in a crushing embrace. Probably the last one ever.
"I can call Minho and Jisung. They could easily take care of these bastards." You whisper into his hair, blinking tears away.
He clutches into you as if you were the only thing keeping him completely losing his mind.
He shakes his head, " No, don't, please. I cannot let more people get involved with me."
You pull away from the hug, just like you had on the dance floor, but it's different this time - more painful .
"Is there anything I can do...to stop this." You ask again ,desperate to not part from the man you've grown to love so bad.
He kisses your forehead,then holds your face in his hands. "I do not want any harm befalling you ,or your brother and Jisung or Felix or anyone of my friends in Underland, which is why I have to go and face my faith. I'm so sorry ,my love."
You let the tears flow.
Why was the Universe so unfair to people who deserved to be happy together? Why did the universe always favour those who mean ill to others?
"I love you ,Chan , remember that. " you say , " I always will."
He smiles through his tears, "and so will I. Always. I don't care if I am married or you are married or whatever, you're my princess till the end of Earth and till the end of Underland."
The asshole in red clears his throat, glaring at the two of you. Chan pulls away from the embrace and walks back to where he was originally when you came in.
You see all of them taking turns to drink from a vial with a purple liquid in it.
"Farewell,my lady." Chan whispers as a tear drop rolls down his face and falls on the floor with a soft splat. And in the blink of an , he is gone ,leaving behind nothing but a puff of golden smoke and his tear drop on the floor.
That's when you realise how real all of this is. And realise why exactly you didn't like the story of Alice in Wonderland as a child - its because the story is not a typical fairytale where the prince ends up marrying the princess, and because some day or the other, Alice had to leave everyone behind and come back to her real world.
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You feel like it's been an eternity since you have been walking through the crowd of people in the wedding , people looking at you with disgust and fear, while you look for your brother or Jisung.
You enter the main hall and scan the room , sniffing away your tears and rubbing your bloody hands on your shirt.
You are a mess.
Finally ,you spot Minho in the far corner of the room ,speaking with a few guests with Jisung by his side. You sigh in relief but your body responds in the form of sobs.
You rush towards him and pull him by the end of his shirt, "M-Minho."
Jisung and Minho turn around ,their eyes widen at your crying, shivering , bloody sight .
Jisung immediately wraps his coat around you.
"Hey,what happened?" Minho demands as he pulls you in a hug ,and you sob into his neck, " Where's Chan?"
You feel Jisung rub your back soothingly.
"T-they got him ,Min. They took him and they punched his nose and it was all bloody and horrible and he was crying. Those things were so scary and ..." you say in between sobs, "..they'll punish him for running away and then marry him off, Min. I couldn't protect him."
"Who is them, y/n ?" Minho ask, rubbing your tears with his thumb.
"The Red Knights."
Jisung and Minho share a look of confusion with each other but they don't push you to explain your words.
"Okay,let's go home. We can talk there okay? Nothing will happen to Chan. We'll save him."Jisung says .
You shake your head , "No, we can't go home. We have to go to Felix. He's the only one who knows what to do. You guys can't save Chan without magic."
They want to believe you and whatever you say and they're worried about Chan too ,afterall both of them were so fond of him but they find your words rather hard to digest.
Nevertheless, your brother drives you to Felix's house.
His house once made you feel happy and complete but now it makes you feel horrible, like the freezing cold sensation you experience when you play out in the snow for too long.
And as you sit around his dining table , telling him about the incident and then him further explaining the whole story of you and Chan to Your brother and Jisung , you feel horribly empty.
"I'm so sorry ,Felix. I should have done something. I should have called out for help but I was so...scared. " you say , Tracy rubbing your back in comfort.
"Its not you fault, Y/n. Those knights are scary and the red man you talked about, he is the Queen's personal guard." Felix says ,"You're lucky he didn't do anything bad to you."
Jisung stares him blankly.
Minho paces up and down the room , his face twisted in confusion, " So you're telling me that the stupid story of 'Alice in Wonderland ' is true and Chan is from that place and you too?"
Felix hums in response.
"Bloody hell ", Jisung murmurs under his breath then adds , " so how do we go to that place and find him? I mean how do things work there?"
"Oh uh,no, we are not going anywhere. I will go . You are staying at home ,safe and secure!" Minho says to Jisung.
You frown in confusion.
"Wait, you believe it? You don't think we're all mad?" You ask.
They shake their heads.
"I trust you , y/n. You may be a pain in the ass and a crybaby but you aren't stupid or mad,as a matter of fact. We believe you ,of course." Minho shrugs.
You don't know if he's poking fun at you or if he actually believes you, but knowing Minho ,he rarely ever jokes around in situations like this.
"But how can we save Chan from there? Do we challenge the Queen and her claim on the throne or what? " you ask Felix.
Felix sighs , " It's not going to be easy . At all. That woman is dangerous...crazy even. She killed off Chan 's entire family , you think it'd be that easy to save him from her?"
There is genuine hatred and disgust in his voice when he speaks of the Queen. You'd only ever seen the portrayal of the First Red Queen in the movies and that woman was enough to piss you off . You couldn't imagine how someone from the same family tree could possibly get any worse.
"What are our options?" You ask ,tapping your fingers against your leg, a habit you'd picked up from Chan. You didn't realise it until just now.
"We cannot defeat her with physical power so dueling challenges and other such things are cut out. So that leaves us with either breaking him out from prison or being witty enough to fool the Stupid Red Head into letting him go " , He says . " and mind you, the Queen is very easy to fool because she's very ,very dumb but her daughter aren't. So we need a full plan to get him out."
You nod in agreement.
"Might I suggest something," Minho chimes in after giving much thought on whether he should speak up or not.
"Yes,please, of course." Felix replies.
"I think that the more important thing right now is to go to Wonderland - I mean, Underland- and as you mentioned earlier, talk to your friends and family. We can make a plan after we reach but first we need to know the severity of the situation there. "
Minho has always been smart but you don't want to admit it out loud - not in the presence of other people at least .
"Fine , yes. We must leave soon," Felix turns to Tracy , "Tracy, sweetheart, you will have to stay here and look over the shop . Jisung ,as Minho said,will stay back too. We don't know how long it will take but I promise I will be back."
And with that , you leave the two couples alone to bid their goodbyes and walk out to the porch, breathing in the cool night air.
"I promise I'll find you , Chan. I will find you and save you." you mutter into the air.
Funny things love makes one do.
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The vial with the purple liquid feels cold in your hands as you uncork it .
"Do I pour it all in?" You ask nervously.
Felix stands on your left while Minho on your right, both of them holding the same vial in their hands.
"It doesn't matter. Just a drop does the work too." Felix shrugs.
You see him pour all the contents of the vial into his throat and then squint his eyes at the taste.
Minho and you share a look before doing the same.
And then your vision is fogged with a golden puff of smoke as you feel your body falling down a long, neverending , bottomless hole.
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You've only ever heard about Underland from Chan and Felix ,and only ever seen this place through their eyes ,but now that you're actually here , it feels surreal, if you put it subtly.
The crisp and fresh air in the Enchanted forest runs chill down your spine and you hop over wood logs and thorny bushes with continuously moving leaves. Minho stays close to you, his hand never leaving your arm while his eyes try to absorb his surroundings.
Felix walks in front of you two , not wavered by the scene in front of him. And why would he be anyway,this was his home ,his domain.
"W-where are we,Felix?" You ask in a soft voice .
"We're in The Tulgey Wood . We're going to my house." He replies with a slight nostalgic tone.
The Enchanted Forest is so breathtakingly beautiful that it almost feels unreal to be walking right through it. The purple sky above you ,the rustling leaves around you , the trees that seem to follow your every movement and flowers that seem to have actual eyes, everything welcomes you rather warmly although you have a feeling you are yet to see the crazy side of this place.
"Well , I had expected you a little earlier, Felix." A sharp voice says from somewhere within the bushes, startling you and Minho and he jumps in front of you ,as if to protect you.
"What's that?" Minho asks,unable to mask his own fearful eyes.
Felix chuckles , " Don't be scared. This is my friend ,the White Rabbit. "
You hear shuffling sounds from the bushes and out comes the most cuddly looking rabbit you've seen in your whole life, hopping on his back limbs and wearing a waistcoat and carrying a stopwatch.
A waistcoat and a stopwatch....
Minho stares at the creature with awe while you bend over to take a closer look at it.
"Hey ,young lady ,back off!" The rabbit threatens you , squinting his eyes at you. And you immediately step back, blinking your eyes nervously.
"It's alright, she's our friend. Chan knows her too. " Felix says, crouching down to pat him , "This is y/n and her brother ,Minho. They're here to help."
At the mention of Chan's name , The Rabbit's eyes widen and he slumps down into Felix's arms and starts sobbing.
"Oh,my dear Felix , I'm afraid of what has become of The Prince. When we heard that the Knights brought him back , we were all so ...lost." he says as Felix cuddles him in his arms, "Dormouse and Cheshire have sneaked out from their duties of the Queen and gone to visit him . They say he looks scared to death. The Queen out him in a prison. With murderers and thieves and whatnot."
Your whole body goes limp at his words, your annoyingly vivid imagination creating those pictures in your head. You blink your tears away.
"How can we save him?" You ask in croaked voice.
The rabbit looks at you sadly , " Let's go to the girls first. They can help you."
"Who is he talking about?" Minho asks.
"My sisters," Felix replies , leading the way deeper into forest , "Come on, we're almost home."
The Hatters' live on a clear patch of land in Tulgey Wood , surrounded by trees for as long as the eyes could reach , in a huge house beautifully built like a Victorian top hat.
You were breath taken. And so was Minho because you could literally feel him hold his breath as you guys enter the house.
"Oh ,my gods , is that you Felix?" A high pitched female voice thunders from above you ,while you stand in what looks like the Study of the house. Your hands brush over a brown diary kept on the desk and the pot of ink sitting beside it. ' Medicinal Documentation ' the diary reads.
"Yes, it seems so. " Felix replies with a grin.
Your eyes fall on the steep spiral stairs in front of you that go up to the other floors of the house and you see two girls jogging down the stairs, big smiles plastered on their faces yet the sadness in their eyes cannot be hidden.
They are a tad bit shorter than you are , and they must not age more than Minho and as they jump on Felix ,squealing with excitement, one can almost immediately see the resemblance in the siblings' appearance ; bright orange hair , toothy smiles, and big ,sparkly eyes .
"And who might these lovely people be?" The shorter of the two girls asks ,as the white rabbit clings onto her long skirt.
"Oh,this is y/n and her brother Minho. They know Chan and want to help him." Felix introduces, " Y/n , Minho meet my sisters - Sana and Momo."
"Of course..miss y/n. We've heard about you." Sana ,the taller one ,walks up to you and bows her head lightly, "We're so grateful for what you're doing for the Prince, sweet one, we really are."
If Felix, Momo , Sana , Chan and the annoying ( but cute) rabbit were put in a Shakespearean play together , it would be a massive hit. Their accents are so good and elegant and graceful that you wish you could learn it too.
You smile at the compliment , "Please don't thank me. I haven't saved him yet. "
"Oh, enough of these formal courtesies, " the shorter girl, Momo , holds your arm and leads you up the stairs, "How about we talk over tea?"
The group reaches the top most floor of the house ,overlooking the beautiful forest through the window as you are made to sit around a long table .
Sana and Mina serve you a cup of tea while the White Rabbit passes you some freshly baked cookies.
"Wow,this...this tea is wonderful." Minho compliments when he takes a sip from his China cup , "Is this what Chan used to make for you ,y/n?"
You nod, as those memories dance around behind your eyes , " He was very good with it."
"Oh he always has been good at everything, I tell you ," Momo starts , " Sword fights ,archery, horse riding ,poetry , cooking, too bad a prince like him had to live with mere Hatters like ourselves."
"Hey,we weren't always this poor. " Sana adds, "This is all the Second Red Queen's doing, gods curse her!"
You scowl , " What do you mean? I thought she only harmed Chan's family . "
Sana let's out a woeful sigh while Momo and Felix look at each other with sorry eyes.
"I wish she'd only done that ,truth be told." Sana says.
"Yes, but instead she ruined everyone's lives who ever crossed paths with her." Momo says, "Our father was the Royal Hatter for Chan's family - the White Queen's descendants. And our mother was the Royal Physician . We lived a happy life , living in a big house near the palace in Marmoreal . "
"Marmoreal was the Summer Palace for the Royal family ,not very far from the capital town of Witzend. One such summer , when Prince Chan was only a year and a half old ,the banished heir of the Evil First Red Queen arrived in Marmoreal and her Knights butchered the royal family and killed every living creature in sight. Her dragons set fire to our house and the palace and the nearby villages. It was...horrible , to say the least. Only a few people survived , which included our family and the Young Prince. The Queen commanded us to take the infant away and never show up in front of her again and so we did - for a long time." Momo then looks over at Sana ,signalling her to continue telling the story.
"But that was until the Queen's only daughter - Princess Scarlet's 18th birthday celebration. We had gone to the parade fair in Witzend, just near the Queen's castle. No one knew us properly or Chan so we were safe. But the Princess saw Chan and fell in love with him...madly. She pursued him every chance she got and when she couldn't succeed , she used her mother's powers to force an alliance. Her mother was hesitant at first, given her history with Chan's family but then she too decided to force him into this alliance for her political good. And initially , Chan had to comply. But on the day of their wedding announcement, he escaped into your world."
"Through my rabbit hole,if I may add." The White Rabbit mumbles. You purse your lips, letting the story in slowly , word by word ,letter by letter. And when the realization sinks in,you purse your lips to stop yourself from crying.
"And I couldn't protect him. I am responsible for what happens to him." You whisper.
Everyone looks at you with disbelief.
"Hey, no! That is not true!" Felix says,almost angry ," You're the reason he was safe and happy for all those months. If not , if he were with me or worse,alone, he wouldn't last a week out there. You saved him, y/n."
"It's true, y/n. Our friends work in the Queen's royal kitchen and they've met Chan a few times in the prison - he only ever asks about a woman named y/n." Sana says.
Your heart drops into the deepest pits of your stomach. You didn't know what love really meant until you met him and although a stranger, in an unknown place , he still trusted you, believed you , cared for you , loved you.
You have to save him.
"Okay , anyone has any plans? Any ideas?" You ask ,after composing yourself.
"I don't have one but I really want to suggest we move this meeting to the medicinal garden in the backyard. That place helps me think. " The White Rabbit offers,scratching his fluffy ears.
As if something in your brain suddenly clicks , like a gear falling into place in a machine; Your eyes widen as you slam your hand on the table.
Everyone jumps up , startled.
"What's wrong ?"
You look over at the Rabbit and pat his head , "You are a genius."
"You said your friends work for the Queen ,right?"
You drag your chair away from the table, jumping to your feet ," I have a brilliant idea."
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When the next morning arrives , you find yourself walking to the town of Witzend with The White Rabbit , Minho , Felix and his sisters by your side.
"Here,y/n, take this," Momo gives you something just before you enter the castle of the Red Queen. "You'll need it."
You gaze carefully at the shining vial in your palm.
"You know when to use it." She says.
You nod.
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The Red Queen that you remember from the movies and the few excerpts from the original book of Alice in Wonderland that you'd only ever read once, you had expected her descendant to look a certain way too - big ,swollen head , scary eyes , loud voice.
But the woman sitting on the throne directly in front of you is definitely not what you had expected. At all. The Queen is a small woman ; and by small you don't mean skinny and short - she's literally small. She must not be more than three feet in height , you assume , but her features and face is that of a fully grown adult in her 40s. A human being who'd suddenly shrunk ( proportionally) like a raisin.
You wonder how someone so small could hold so much evil in themselves.
"Your majesty, " you bow down to her and so do the people standing beside you , scared yet worried for Chan. "It's nice to finally see you again."
You see a familiar gaze behind the throne, and you immediately recognize him - the Queen's personal guard - the asshole who had punched Chan bloody.
He smirks at you.
You curl your hands into fists.
"Yes? And what is it that you want from me?" The Queen asks, not really caring about the matter at hand. She picks at her cuticles while chewing her bottom lip.
Hesitant, you look at Felix asking for help.
Behind you , you could hear murmurs from the people waiting in line for their turn to put forward their complaint in front of the Queen.
"Your majesty, this is Miss y/n. She's come a long way from home to see you." Felix says ,his voice as gentle as the wind on a winter morning.
The Queen rolls her eyes, running her small hand through her red hair , " What can I do for you?"
That's the fakest thing you'd heard all day.
You clear your throat and pick up all your courage to speak, "I want your help to look for the man I love, your majesty. He's ...missing and possibly hurt I believe. "
" Why are you here instead of asking the Police to help you?" The Queen demands.
"Oh,because I'm afraid you're the one who has him."
The Queen stops picking at her cuticles, and raises her head to stare at you with her small , googly yet intimidating eyes. You realise now why the people were so afraid of her - the Evil curve of her lips and her deadly stare are enough to make you want to drop everything and run back home.
"What do you mean ,young lady?" The Queen asks, her interest now focused on your words.
A collective gasp runs through the throne room , starting from the citizens, then passing on to the Queen's staff and her card shaped Knights. They seem surprised at the Queen actually showing an interest in something for the first time.
"I'm talking about Prince Chan, your majesty." You say.
The Queen's eyes widen as you hear the room fill with murmurs and gasps and silent cries. How long had it been since a person dared to even mention Chan in front of the Queen?
"Mother,what is this woman talking about?!" You hear a loud shriek from somewhere beside the Queen .
And only when you squint your eyes hard enough can you actually see her ; the Princess of Underland who was hilariously so small (even smaller than her mother ) that you almost wanted to giggle. Now don't get me wrong, you weren't body shaming her or anything , but you'd never seen a person so terribly small in your entire life until now. You could only imagine what it would look like if Chan happens to marry her for real one day.
"Don't worry daughter , " the Queen gets up from her seat and walks up toward you, her guard close behind her , " Chan is only yours. No one else's."
Just when you're about to respond , you see two huge fishes - almost as tall as you - twirl up to the Queen and offer her a cup.
You'd never expected to see actual, living fishes out of water or wear clothes or hold trays and bowls or walk on their tails, but here you are .
"Wrong timing ,idiots!" The Queen screams her face red with anger yet she snatches the cup from the tray and gulps down all it's contents at one go.
What a peculiar woman.
"Go away now." The red asshole growls at the poor fish as they rush away from the scene.
You smile at the Queen as she stands in front of you , not even reaching your knees properly .
"You,girl, what do you want?" She demands.
You feel Minho wrap a reassuring arm around you , eyeing the woman in front of you with a hatred filled gaze. Felix stands close by your side.
"I want Chan to be released from prison , and be given his rightful throne back . That's all." You say.
The Queen scoffs , "His weak and worthless dynasty ruled over this excuse of a country and the useless people for years. I am only trying to make things better."
You can feel the disapproval of the citizens around you at being called useless.
"And? Do your people think you're doing a good job?" Felix asks.
You see numerous heads shake in a negative response,and you can slowly feel the tension in the room rising.
The Queen points her left forefinger at you while the other hand is on her waist , " You want the truth , peasant girl? So here it is - I do not care about anyone . I care nothing of this country and its citizens and its creatures. None of my ancestors ever had. We just like to sit on that extremely uncomfortable throne and enjoy the money and power we get from controlling these worthless citizens. Oh and I wish I could relive the screams of The White Royal family as I killed them. One by one."
The Queen gasps in realization of what she'd just said while the room falls completely silent for a second before the princess yelps , "Mother ,what is the matter with you?!"
The princess looks horrified as she runs up to her equally horrified mother.
You smirk - the plan of pouring in the truth potion in the Queen's tea had taken so less effort , thanks to the sweet Dormouse and benevolent Cheshire Cat and Felix's mother's medicine diary.
"Oh I hope you burn in hell . A whiny, good for nothing girl. You can't even fight your own fights without dragging me in. And as far as Chan is concerned , I don't care about you marrying him. I only wanted to secure my claim over the throne by forming an alliance with a person with actual rights to this kingdom." The Queen clamps a hand over her mouth, stumbling back from the shock.
The princess let's go off her mother,betrayal clear in his eyes.
"So you admit to your crimes?"
"Yes." The truth comes out as natural as those lies she'd fed the citizens and the princess and her servants and the Knights for years.
From the corner of your eyes , you see The Princess trying to sneak past everyone and run out of the throne room , guilty of her own wrong doings but Felix stops her with a firm grip on her tiny hand , "Where do you think you're going, little one? Didn't you threaten to kill my whole family if we didn't hand Chan over to you?"
The Red Knights close in to capture the Queen and her personal guard in their unbreakable grasp , giving up their oaths of protecting the Queen - their duty is only to serve Chan from now on.
Sana steps in now , turning to address the people who are witnessing this unusual incident, "My fellow lovely countrymen, as you can see right before your eyes and hear through your own ears , your Queen has intended nothing but to harm you and our kingdom for all these years. She means no good and never will - the true heir to the throne now lies injured and chained in her dungeons. What do you suggest we do?"
"Behead her!" "Free the Prince!" "Finish off the Reds!" "Be done with her guard too ." "Crown Prince Chan."
The room thunders with all sorts of suggestions and you make an eye contact with the White Rabbit ,who nods at you and you nod back ,smiling from ear to ear.
You've done it , he wants to say , you've freed The Prince.
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The rooms in the castle were beautifully designed, but were in a terrible condition since most of the rooms were never used really and the Queen didn't feel it was important to get them cleaned regularly.
You had asked the White Rabbit to find some servants to get one of the rooms quickly prepped as the Red Knights carried Chan from the prison and into the castle - his birth home. Sana and Momo cleaned his wounds the moment he was laid down on the soft bed, changing his clothes and then softly pulling the covers over his body to keep him warm while he rests.
The White Rabbit brings you an apple but you don't eat it - you just sit by Chan's side ,praying desperately that he wakes up soon. You wouldn't be able to swallow a single grain of food until then.
You run your fingers softly over his arm ,drawing random patterns and spelling out your names on it.
"Please wake up ,Chan." You say in a whisper , scanning his calm yet beautiful facial features. "I found you ,Chan. I am here."
Your fingers find their way to his and naturally as ever ,wrap themselves around them.
Suddenly, Chan stirs in his position , a low groan leaving his parted lips. You stare wide eyed at him as he slowly opens his eyes, your hands still tightly intertwined.
He turns his head toward you , a lazy smile dancing on his lips and his eyes focusing on your face , which he'd yearned to see every second he spent in that horribly dark dungeon.
"Are you really here, y/n? Or am I finally going mad?" He asks you.
You lean in closer ,brushing a few strands of hair from his face.
"You're only as mad as the rest of us." You reply, "Welcome home ,your majesty."
Groggy and weak ,Chan pushes himself up in a seating position. "How did you deal with the Queen? Where is she? " He takes your face in his hands , "Did she hurt you?"
"She couldn't lay a single finger on me. And now she's locked up in the same dungeon as you were. She'll be given to the slave trader soon ,along with her daughter." You say. "Who knew a simple medicine and a few good friends could be enough to defeat a tyrant ?"
He giggles , pressing his forehead on yours. "Did you meet everyone else ? Momo? Sana? My friends?"
You nod with a grin. You'd come to adore his friends and family so deeply in a single day. You would hate to part from them.
"Thank you, y/n. I owe you everything. " he sighs, his breath fanning your face , "I love you so much I think it's going to drive me crazy!"
You chuckle at his cheesy words , "You're welcome. But I need compensation for all of this. An ' I love you ' is not enough."
You were joking ; hearing him confess his sincere love for you is more than enough but you liked playing with him. He looks very cute when flustered.
"Then what would the pretty lady desire?"
He shakes his head , leaning down to capture your lips in his plump ones.
This kiss was even better than the first one that you guys shared on the dance floor , mostly because you know now that even if he's taken away from you or you are taken away from him , you'll always find each other , in every world , in every universe. He pulls you up on his lap despite him being injured , and you let him.
You put your hand around his neck, pulling him closer and closer and closer . At one point ,you could no longer tell who he is or who you were. The only thing that mattered was that you loved him so much , you could deal with a hundred Red Queens for him. And you know he'd do the same for you.
"I have one last favour to ask of you ,my love." He whispers against your lips ,pulling away from the kiss. His red cheeks and sparkly eyes are a sight to behold ," I want you to stay here with me. Please."
You grin , knowing he'd say this and you were well prepared for it. Convincing Minho to let you stay was so much easier than you had expected really. All he did was shrug with a smirk and say, " Just don't get pregnant." In reality, all Minho really wanted was for you to be happy and healthy and he knew living here with Chan would make you the happiest.
"On three conditions." You reply to Chan ,who is staring at you like he'd seen a human like you for the first time.
"Okay. What are those?" He brushes your cheeks with his thumb.
"I can visit home whenever I want."
"Agreed, obviously.  You're not a prisoner, y /n."
"Then I also want to put up a small shop of my own in the main market square. I will not be wasting my time on stupid politics- that's your job."
"Agreed. I will help you with it whenever I can. What's the last condition?"
You smirk and lean your face closer to his. "Kiss me one more time."
And he does.
You smile into the kiss , wondering now that ' Alice in Wonderland '  might not have been that bad after all. She had a choice to stay or go back and she chose the latter. You had the same choices too , but you chose to stay. It wasn't about a happy or a sad ending ,after all. It was about the choices.
And as Chan holds your waist firmly, deepening the kiss , you know you've made the right choice too.
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wordsandshawn · 4 years
The Platonic Series ~ first night home (2018)
Synopsis: In this installment of the Platonic Series, Ella is born, and Y/n brings her home from the hospital. Ellas’s dad has already made it clear where he stands on being a father. Shawn gets on a flight back in time to weather Ella’s first night home alongside Y/n.
A/n: its fluff. its all fluff. Also, just a note for anyone unfamiliar with the platonic series. It’s a series, but each part also functions as a stand-alone, so you can read them in any order. The two parts preceding this piece are when y/n finds out she’s pregnant and when Shawn comes back to visit when Y/n is 8 months pregnant. All parts can also be found here. 
Word Count: 3k 
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These last forty-eight hours have been a complete blur. From the grueling contractions getting closer and closer together to rushing to the hospital to enduring eight hours of labor to finally having your daughter in your arms, it was all a whirlwind of pain and emotion. The moment the nurse placed Ella in your arms, everything changed, and it was almost as though you forgot the hours of pain you endured as soon as you stared at your tiny baby girl. 
Your little sister, Olivia, was the one in the room with you when Ella was born. You had texted Stephen that you were going into labor, but he didn’t even bother to respond. He had made it clear where he stood on becoming a parent, but a part of you thought he might change his mind once he found out that the baby was really coming and that he was going to have a daughter whether he liked it or not. The radio silence from Stephen cemented his decision. 
Shawn was traveling for work when you began labor, but when you texted him that you were on your way to the hospital, he told you he would try to get back. You’ve known that Shawn would probably not be there when your daughter was born, but he always insisted that he would try his best to be there, if not when she was born then at least when she went home for the first time. True to his word, Shawn managed to show up at the hospital to meet Ella for the first time a couple hours before you and your newborn baby daughter were released from the hospital. 
Shawn was absolutely enamored by her from the moment he first saw her. You watched him hold her in his arms carefully like he was afraid she would break if he moved wrong. He just stared at her for five minutes straight without moving or saying anything. In all the years you’ve known Shawn, you’ve never seen him look at anyone with that much pure awe and love. 
After Shawn arrived at the hospital, your sister went back to your apartment since she had been with you in the hospital the whole time and deserved to shower and rest. Shawn stayed with you until it was time to be released. He learned to change Ella’s tiny diaper and kept asking if he was doing it right. When she was in his arms, he never wanted to put her down or even share her with you, only grudgingly giving her up when it was time for her to nurse. 
Your parents have not been very supportive of your pregnancy, especially because you and Stephen broke up before you even found out you were pregnant. They made it clear that they did not believe you could give your daughter the type of life she deserved, and they did not support your decision to keep her. However, from the moment you found out you were pregnant, you were determined to be the best mom ever, despite their lack of support. 
Knowing that your parents really did not support you, and knowing that your home environment was never the most nurturing or loving, you made the decision to remain at your apartment near your University as you prepared for your baby. You had been working as a waitress and to help put yourself through school throughout your first two years of University before getting pregnant, but once you found out you were pregnant, you ended up dropping some classes to work more shifts and save up for your own place. 
The road to this moment was certainly not an easy one, but now you have a baby, and as difficult as it has been, you wouldn’t change any of it because it led you here with your beautiful daughter. 
“I can’t believe she’s here,” Shawn says, his eyes on Ella as you finish signing the paperwork needed to be discharged from the hospital. 
“Me too.” You respond with a smile. Everything still hurts, but you’re looking forward to going home. 
Shawn carefully lifts Ella and places her in the car seat, maneuvering her to get the straps over her shoulders and clipping it in front of her chest. As you’re watching Shawn strap her in, you realize something, 
“The base, the car seat base, it’s in my car but Olivia took it.” You tell Shawn, frantically. 
All of a sudden, you’re feeling that familiar feeling of anxiety creeping up. You’re worried that you’ll mess this up. You’ve dreamed of being a mom ever since you were a little kid, but you never expected it to be like this. The idea of taking on motherhood as a single parent has worried you more than you can begin to admit. You’re worried that you won’t be a good mom, and you’re reassured in that worry when you realize that you’re about to take your child home from the hospital, but you don’t even have half of the car seat. 
“Don’t worry,” Shawn responds nonchalantly not taking his eyes off of Ella, “I moved it to my car before she left.”
You look at him amazed. He doesn’t notice your moment of worry, still focused on making sure Ella is safely strapped into her car seat. A nurse enters at this moment, ready to wheel you out of the hospital. You move to the wheelchair and Shawn carries Ella in the baby carrier out of the hospital. When you get to the front, the nurse waits with you and Ella while Shawn goes to get his car. 
Shawn pulls up, putting the car in park before getting out and placing Ella’s car seat into the base in the back seat of his car. Once she’s in, both of you get into the car, and he starts to drive. Shawn’s smiling as he drives, and you can’t help but ask, “What?” 
“You did that. You had a baby, and she’s so freakin cute.” He responds. 
You can’t help but smile too, letting some of that anxiety release as you take in the moment, “I did. She’s really here.” You respond with a soft smile on your face. 
He smiles too, and most of the car ride passes in silence, both of you lost in thought about what just happened and how surreal it is that you actually have a newborn baby. 
When you arrive back at your apartment, you find that Olivia is asleep on the couch, and you’re not surprised at all. After the last couple of days, you’d really like to be asleep too, but you have a baby that needs to be fed. You take your bag to the bedroom, and Shawn follows closely behind with Ella in the car seat. 
She’s awake and crying already, and Shawn carefully takes her out of the car seat, checking her diaper. “Her diaper’s wet.” He says. 
“I can change her, you say, locating a tiny newborn diaper while he places her down on the bed. 
“I got it,” He responds, and you don’t argue. He’s already changed her diaper several times in the hospital, and you’re so exhausted, you welcome his willingness to help. He quickly changes her, speaking softly to her the entire time. When he’s done, he looks up at you, where you’ve plopped yourself down on the bed and readied yourself for her. “Time to eat, baby girl.” He tells her, walking her over to you, and gently handing her to you. 
You take her into your arms and move to lift your shirt up. Shawn leaves the room, just wanting to make sure you’re comfortable, but the truth is, you wouldn’t care if he saw you with your boob out. It’s to feed your daughter. There’s nothing sexual about it, and he’s your best friend. Either way, he disappears, and you wince in pain as you try to get Ella to latch properly. 
She only eats a tiny bit. Nursing is still a struggle. The lactation consultant that met with you at the hospital informed you that it would take some time to get the hang of nursing for both you and Ella, but you can’t help but already worry that she’s not eating enough. After she’s done eating, you burp her and she falls asleep almost immediately. 
You place her in the bassinet you have for her, and take a few seconds to admire her. Even though its only been a day, you already feel so connected to this tiny human. You grew her for nine months, and it has felt like it was just you and her for that entire time. She knows you already in a way different than anyone else, and you know her in a different way than anyone else. 
After making sure that she’s sleeping peacefully, you walk back out to the living room to see Shawn putting away the clean dishes from your dishwasher. “She’s sleeping,” You whisper, when you’re close enough to him to not wake Olivia. 
He nods, “Good, you should get some rest too.” 
“I will. I just wanted some water.” 
He nods, pulling a glass from the dishwasher and filling it with ice and water before handing it to you. “Thank you.” You say, taking it before returning to the room. An hour later, you wake up from your nap, looking over to the bassinet, but your heart leaps in your chest when you don’t see Ella. You sit up quickly, looking frantically around the room. 
Your eyes land on Shawn seated in a chair in the corner of the room, and you sigh in relief. Ella is in Shawn’s arms, his eyes glued to her. 
When she starts fussing, he bounces her softly, his eyes finally looking up and meeting yours. He didn’t know you were awake until just now, and he says, “I think she’s hungry.” You nod, and he brings her over, transferring her to your arms. “I just changed her diaper, so she should be good on that.” 
“Thank you, Shawn,” You say gratefully. You’re not sure how he got her when she woke up before she cried and woke you, or how he managed to change her diaper so quietly, but you’re so grateful for those few extra minutes of sleep.
After you nurse Ella again, you venture back into the living room. Olivia has woken up, and the three of you order dinner and eat together, but Liv has to leave shortly after dinner in order to get back to her Uni for class the next day. You say goodbye to her, and you’re grateful that at least you’ll still have Shawn.
Ella has a crib that Shawn helped you set up a month ago, but since she’s still so little, she’s sleeping in a bassinet by your bed. Its around nine pm when you fall asleep straight after nursing Ella. You know you’ll have to get as much sleep as you can while she’s sleeping.
You awake to the sound of Shawn’s voice and a gentle nudge on your shoulders. “Y/n, wake up.” 
When you open your eyes, you see Shawn standing there with Ella in his arms. “She’s hungry.” He says. Holding her out to you. Wiping some sleep from your eyes while trying to wake up, you take her and pull your tank top down. Ella promptly latches and you sigh in relief. She’s starting to get the hang of it. You look at the clock to see that it’s eleven-thirty, so you got a little over two hours of sleep. When you look over at the other side of your bed, you see that the bed is still made on that side, meaning Shawn either hasn’t gone to sleep or didn’t sleep in the bed. 
You’ve shared a bed with Shawn too many times to count. If he was staying over at your house, he almost always slept in your bed because the couch was too small for him to fit comfortably and you don’t have a guest room. The two of you have shared beds during sleepovers since you were kids, so it has never seemed weird or felt awkward in any way. It has always just been normal. 
Shawn had disappeared into the bathroom, but he returns a few minutes later, while Ella is still nursing. “Did you sleep at all?” You aks him when he enters the room. 
He shakes his head, “No, I figured I’d stay up til she woke up the first time, that way I could get her and change her diaper before she woke you.” He explains. 
“Thanks, Shawn,” You say, knowing every minute of sleep actually counts now, “But you know she’s not your responsibility, right?” You ask, hoping Shawn understands how grateful you are that he has always been so supportive, but at the same time, he’s not Ella’s father, and he has no obligation or responsibility for her. 
He really shouldn’t be waking up in the middle of the night to get her or having to change her diaper all the time. Even in your tired state, you know this, and you hope that he knows it too. Ella is your responsibility, well, she’s yours and Stephen’s, but since he has made it so clear that he does not want to take responsibility for her, then she’s solely your responsibility. 
“I know, but I’m here and I don’t want you to have to do this on your own.” He says.
Ella finishes up, and you shift her in your arms, getting ready to burp her. Shawn steps in taking her from your arms, “I got it, go back to sleep because I know I’ll probably sleep through the next feeding.” He admits honestly, then adds, “But you can wake me if you need anything.” 
You’re still tired, so you don’t argue with him at all, just rolling over and falling back asleep. You take on the next two feedings on your own. Doing the feedings on your own means you’re awake for a lot longer because you have to change her, feed her, burp her, and wait for her to fall back asleep and then fall back asleep yourself. Because of that, you’re lucky if you get an hour of uninterrupted sleep between each feeding.  
Shawn wakes you up again at seven, with Ella in his arms, letting you know that she’s hungry. At this point, you barely open your eyes, but you take her from Shawn and feed her. 
You start to doze off until you feel movement in your arms, jerking awake, you realize Shawn is taking Ella from you. “I got her,” He says, softly, and you’re not even awake enough to thank him before you’re dozing off. 
When you wake up again around nine, you decide it’s time to actually get up, so you use the bathroom and attempt to make yourself at least somewhat presentable before wandering out into the living room. Shawn is seated on the couch, but he’s so focused on Ella who’s in his arms and staring up at him that he doesn’t notice that you’re awake. “Hey pretty girl,” He coos at Ella. “You’re perfect, you know that? You’re really cute, but you make your mom really tired. We’re gonna work on sleeping longer, soon, okay?”  
“Morning,” You say to capture Shawn’s attention. 
He turns to you, “Good morning, how are you feeling?” 
“Sore, tired.” You respond, taking a seat next to Shawn on the couch. 
“But you survived the first night.” He says, trying to look at the positives. 
“We survived.” You respond, nodding your head and choosing to look on the bright side too. 
“My parents and Aaliyah are bringing us lunch, but they don’t have to stay if you’re too tired.” 
“No, I don’t mind, they can come and stay for a while. I know they’ll want to see Ella.” 
He nods, “They do. My mom said she knows what it's like to have an infant, so if you need anything, you can always call her. But I mean, I’ll be around for a while, so I can call her if we need anything.” 
You feel touched that Karen has offered to be there for you, but you can’t help but also be reminded of how your mom isn’t there for you in that way. You know that being a young single mom is going to be hard, but it’s also hard knowing that your family doesn’t support you. At least you have Shawn’s family. 
“Wait, I thought you were just back home for a bit. Don’t you have to finish recording?” 
“I took some time off, remember we talked about it,” Shawn said. And he’s kind of right, you had talked about it, but only a little bit. As your due date neared, Shawn had floated by you the idea of taking some time off after she was born that way he could help you out with Ella, but you had adamantly refused, for several reasons. One of them was that Shawn couldn’t and shouldn’t just put his life and career on hold since there are so many intricate details and never enough time as it is. The other reason is that he’s not even Ella’s dad. She’s not his responsibility, so he shouldn’t feel obligated to take responsibility for her or to take time off. 
However, that was a conversation you had while you were still pregnant. A conversation you had while you were still holding out hope that maybe Stephen would come back around when he found out you gave birth and there was a little baby in the world that was half of him. And lastly, it was a conversation you had before you knew just how exhausting and painful the days following Ella’s birth were going to be. 
“How much time do you have off?” You ask. 
“A month. I have a couple of recording sessions throughout, but I’m not leaving the city.” He responds, his eyes searching yours for approval. He knows there’s a chance you’d get upset with him because he knows that you had made it clear he was not to put his career on hold for your baby and that’s exactly what he did. 
However, the truth is, you need him. You’ve always needed him, and he’s always been there for you. But now you need him more than you think you’ve ever needed him before because suddenly there’s a tiny baby that needs you, and you aren’t exactly sure what to do or how to handle it, and you’re terrified to mess it up. 
“Thank you.” You respond. “You didn’t have to, but thank you.” 
He nods slightly, accepting your appreciation before saying, “I mean, come on. Look at this face. I can’t leave her after just meeting her.” 
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undeadsnorlax · 4 years
Can Anybody Tell Me Why I’m Lonely Like a Satellite?
heyyy my first fic for @badthingshappenbingo​. starting things off with my favourite space boy
Ao3 link
Prompt: Loneliness
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy (TV Series)
Warnings: mentions of self-harm, angsty as hell
Wordcount: 2603
A day in the life of Luther on the moon.
“Urgh…” Five more minutes…
Come on. You need to get up.
Luther groaned, rolling onto his back and squinting up at the blank metal ceiling. It took him a few more minutes to open his eyes properly, and a couple more to roll over and check the clock with another groan. 22:47.
“It’s early,” he mumbled, swinging his legs around and rubbing his face down. Well, early in his sense, at least.
Fifteen minutes won’t kill you. Means you could go to bed earlier later tonight, technically.
Luther considered this and nodded, slowly getting to his feet and walking toward the door-
“Every time!” he cried, rubbing his forehead. He’d learn to duck eventually.
He stretched his arms until his fingers brushed the ceiling, then placed a hand at the bottom of his back and arched it, grunting at the dull crunch his spine made.
With a few more stretches, he dragged his feet over to the counter, smiling at the small potted umbrella plant there.
“Evenin’ Ben,” he said softly, large fingers stroking the leaves before picking up the tiny watering can.
Hey Luther.
Luther let out a sigh, tapping one of the radars beeping away on the workstation below the plant.
Something wrong?
“Nah, nothing.”
He shrugged and went about doing his other ‘morning’ chores. Checking the base’s oxygen levels, collecting any trash, seeing if there was any response from home.
Nothing. Of course.
Luther dressed in his space suit, taking the bag of trash out and dumping it with the rest.
He allowed himself a moment of freedom, pure gleeful joy as he bounced light as air across the moon’s surface. He’d been up here two and a half years and this part still never got old. He was in space!
He pushed off from the ground hard, floating a foot higher before landing with a weightless thud. Grinning behind his helmet, he tilted his head to look up at the Earth in front of him.
It was awesome, thinking about how one planet could contain so many billions of people going about, living their lives.
Including four of the ones he’d grown up with. What would they be doing right now? Vanya would definitely be going to bed, and maybe Allison was doing a late night movie shoot. Klaus would probably be partying and Diego doing...whatever he did.
Luther let out a heavy sigh, his grin fading. No use in wondering like that. Just reminded him of how everything fell apart.
He was brought back into focus by his stomach rumbling. He clasped at it for a moment, staring blankly at the stars, before trudging back to base to eat.
Running low on those.
Luther narrowed his eyes as he opened a packet of soy paste, slumping down heavily on the nearest chair.
“I know,” he said quietly, squeezing every last drop into his mouth ravenously.
He also knew this would do nothing but numb his hunger for only a few hours, knew this wouldn’t have been enough food for him even before his accident. For as little as he did physically up here, his body still craved energy, and this shit just didn’t cut it.
You asked Dad for more, right?
“Every time.” Luther glared at the plant. “I’m due more soon, okay? Today or tomorrow…”
He drummed his fingers against his thigh, staring at the empty packet. Reluctantly, he went to the box and got another, pretending it was something more elaborate instead. One of Grace’s amazing dinners, a rich beef casserole in a thick red wine sauce, with potatoes and vegetables, maybe some kind of pie for dessert, with ice cream-
He groaned, swallowing the mouthful of saliva he’d formed at the mere thought.
Not helping?
“I miss real food.” He rubbed his middle, feeling at least a little more full, enough to concentrate on work.
Have you checked your bandages?
Luther licked his lips, before shaking his head, looking away like a naughty schoolboy getting a scolding.
Do that. Please? It’s been a few days.
“Okay, okay.”
He went to the cramped bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror first. He looked rough.
Dismissing that observation, he slowly zipped down his top, careful to not get it stuck on his body hair.
How’s it look?
“Better. Honest.”
The bandage itself, on his right side just above the ribs, looked a little grubby, dried dark brown stains having seeped through. Carefully, he picked at the medical tape keeping it in place, wincing every time it caught a stray hair, but managed to rip it off and inspect the wound underneath.
A laceration done in such a way there was a small chunk of flesh missing, but it was healing nicely.
Luther reached for his first aid kit, pouring out some antiseptic onto a cloth and pressing it down. He winced again, gritting his teeth, but knew it was all worth it to help it get better.
As he prepared clean bandages to patch it up again, Ben chimed in.
It was scary when you did that. You were so scared.
Luther’s gut churned with unease, remembering the frantic, near manic state he went into a few days prior. It wasn’t the first time it had happened either. A sudden burst of wild emotion overwhelmed him, forcing him to his knees as he tried to let it pass, but the feeling inside him just got worse and worse.
Are you okay now?
“I don’t know.”
He bandaged himself up again, before he traced along a similar mark on his stomach, healed now into a bright pink scar.
His fingers curled into a fist, zipping up his top again before he could do more damage to himself. Ignoring the urge hadn’t done much good the last few times, but maybe this time he’d figure out a way to not hurt himself again.
Doubt it…
He went back to sit at a console, rummaging through the mess of paper cluttering the table.
What’re you doing today?
“Going through these.” Luther scratched his chin as he thought, eyes skipping down the page. “Need to arrange them in order, rewrite them neater...pretty boring, right?”
What work isn’t?
Luther chuckled, splitting the paper into small piles. “Got that right.”
And then silence. Luther became engrossed in his work, only moving to either stretch his back or use the bathroom, and even that wasn’t often.
Sure, it was boring but...it was his kind of boring. One of his earliest memories was pouring over a book on the solar system, using it to try and figure out the constellations he could see from his bedroom window. Him and Five raced to have their hand up first during their physics classes.
It became a one man race after he vanished.
Luther tapped his pen against his temple, chewing the inside of his cheek. His mind was drifting, thinking of his siblings again.
He tried not to think of Five too often, but he still wondered what the hell could have happened to him. Sometimes he wondered if his brother had just settled somewhere. Gotten taken in by a nice family who looked after him.
He didn’t like the alternative. The portrait that hung in the living room reminded him every day for over a decade of the alternative.
That’s how he tried to feel about Ben. He was in a better place. He was at peace. Happier, maybe.
Again. Better than any alternative.
He wasn’t even sure he believed in an afterlife.
With a heavy sigh, Luther pressed his head down against the desk, closing his eyes for a second...
He jolted to sit up again, muscles tensing for a moment before he relaxed, picking the piece of paper that had stuck to his forehead. “Wha’?”
Drifted off bud. Not long.
“Ah. Right.”
You have been working hard for a while.
“It’s not that long-“
Luther cut off upon seeing the time. Eight hours had passed since he started. “Oh. Dang.”
You deserve a break.
“No, I’m...I’m nearly done, it’s fine.”
“It’s fine.”
He didn’t mean to snap. He flinched the moment he did, putting his head in his hands.
Look, I get it.
“No you don’t. You’re a plant.”
Luther turned on his seat to face said plant, scowling at the thing. “You’re a voice in my head.”
Helps though, doesn’t it?
Luther wrinkled his nose a little, turning away and tapping a finger against the desk.
Helps to have someone to talk to.
“Crazy Luther Hargreeves, all alone on the moon with a plant that sounds like the brother he let die,” he muttered.
You know that’s not true.
“It’s true enough.”
He suddenly became aware of another console that had been letting out several beeps. Luther gritted his teeth and made his way over, reading the screen.
“Told you more food was coming,” he said, going to suit up once more. He’d missed it landing with his quick nap by about ten minutes.
Out on the moon’s surface, Luther tilted his head back, taking a slow deep breath. He could see the pod the package came in at the usual spot, but he desperately needed some quiet.
Inside his base, there was always some kind of noise. Little things, the consoles and monitors gently humming away in the background, the soft drip of a tap he might have left on. Constant.
Even back home in the mansion after everyone left, he grew used to the creak of floorboards, the structure settling around him. Every opening door making him perk up and hope someone was walking through, coming back.
Outside, on the surface, it was silent. It was like he could hear his body working, every thump of his heart that sent blood coursing through his veins.
In space no one can hear you scream…
So he did. He bent his knees, and took a deep breath and screamed at the top of his lungs. Everything contained within his helmet.
Straightening up, he screamed again, a rush of catharsis overwhelming his brain. It felt good to scream. He should do this more often. Better than hurting himself.
His chest ached a little as he caught his breath once more, staring dazed at the ink black sky above him.
So much...nothing. The night skies were never this clear back on Earth and maybe now he was glad because being confronted with such a sheer vast nothingness every day was sure getting to him. Would explain why his plant was talking.
Luther scrunched his eyes tight, and went to get the delivery. He dragged it inside, changing from his suit once more and tearing the box open.
Anything good?
He glanced up, narrowing his eyes, before getting out smaller boxes of soy paste. He sighed, inspecting the writing. They always said they were different flavours, but he mostly got the same soggy muesli or stale bread taste with every packet he consumed.
That…doesn’t look like a lot.
“Shut up, I know…”
Luther set one aside and put the rest in his food cupboard. He didn’t take a chair this time, just slumped down on the floor and gently squeezed the contents through the packet, huffing heavily.
Luther, that’s not going to last.
“I’ll make it last,” he mumbled, unscrewing the top and sucking gently, trying to savour it, “I have to…”
He tried to focus on the gentle hum of the base instead, closing his eyes to help. He wasn’t sure what had happened in recent months that his food packages were becoming less frequent, and less in amount, but it didn’t help anyone to dwell on that. Dad was busy, he had stuff to do…
C’mon big guy. You know that’s bullshit.
Luther glared up at the ceiling. That was new. Hearing Ben’s voice had happened surprisingly quickly, the moment he decided to name his plant after him. He never heard anyone else’s voice, but having Diego’s growling in his brain was almost a welcome change.
You really think he’s that concerned for you up here?
“Shut up…”
Should’ve gotten out when you had the chance.
“Shut up!”
Luther slammed his head back against the console, grunting from the quick hit of pain. When Diego’s voice didn’t go away, kept taunting the same message of should have gotten out when you had the chance, he did it again...and again.
Until there was silence.
Too much silence.
Using the counter for support, he got to his feet and went back to his desk, staring at the piles of paper in front of him.
“This mission is of the utmost importance, Number One.”
That’s what his father had told him after explaining he was going to the moon. He’d blankly affirmed, not pointed out how pointless it was to refer to him by his number when it was just him left (because look what happened last time he said that), and gone along with it.
His whole life, Luther had been raised to lead a team and save the world. His team had left one way or another, and the ‘world saving’ work he did was mostly thankless.
But here he was. On the moon. Part of the mission. Everything was part of this lifelong mission. All the data he was collecting, the experiments he ran, they were important for...something.
Luther stared at his hand, the greyed skin and dark fur that kept making him forget it was his hand. This was all part of it too, somehow. It had to be.
He finished his work. Filed away the pages neatly and made plans to send them out tomorrow.
For a moment, he hesitated by the umbrella plant, reaching to touch it’s delicate leaves.
“...Ben?” he said softly.
Nothing. Of course not.
With a heavy sigh, he dragged himself back to his bedroom, grabbing his personal notebook from the side table. He flicked through the pages until he landed on the poem he’d been struggling with for the last week, tapping his pen against the words.
Constellations are families, each star has their purpose, their name and position.
They work together as something bigger, part of the galaxy’s nightly exhibition.
There must be times where they can do nothing but fight,
When it grows so tiring to always be shining so bright.
Luther clicked his tongue, frowning at the words. Of all the hobbies he could have taken to pass time up here, he never anticipated poetry, but he was really getting into it, having filled pages already, some of which he’d sent back...just in case Dad was curious.
He could just see his plant on the counter through the door. He went to call Ben’s name again, but he cut himself off and shut his eyes, focusing on the hum of the base once more instead.
The voice in his head was never Ben. Ben was dead. Five had gone long ago. Allison, Diego, Klaus and Vanya were back on Earth living their lives. Had been living their lives quite easily without him.
He’d managed by himself. He was exactly where he wanted.
In space. On the moon. Just him.
Number One.
By himself.
Like it had been for years now.
Tomorrow he’d wake up and go through this again. The self-doubt and the spiralling and the focusing on work so hard to forget what was really happening. Maybe his plant would start talking to him again.
But really they know that no matter how much they argue and moan,
Being a family at odds is far better than being one star all alone.
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thegc4life · 4 years
Do you any other Hawks fic ideas you'd like to write? Or is Hawks-sensei all you've got on your mind right now?
Wyv. You know not what you ask. I have to put them in categories, Wyv. Categories.
-Kid!Hawks growing up with the LOV (both as a permanent thing and various ridiculous drabbles) This involves Unwilling Big Brother Shigaraki, scarily willing Big SisterToga who knows all the coolest knife tricks, Best Uncle Twice who sometimes on his real good days doubles as temporary Dad, the Dad who teaches you how to hot wire cars and laugh people’s money straight out of their wallets Compress, mother-henning can-not-leave-you-alone-for-one-god-damn-minute Spinner, True Mom Kurogiri, Big Sis Mag who seems to be the only actual one that realizes that children need to sleep at some point for the love of god, extremely confused but horrifically soft Dabi who may or may not eventually turn his whole life around because of this feathered idiot that needs someone to make sure he lives a happy life whether it be a permanent shrinking or not. Oh, and Machia. The best Mountain Monster Dog brother (?) a boy could ask for.
-Kid!Hawks with UA (staff edition) also both in temporary and permanent circumstances. Temporary is already in progress. Permanent? Oh boy, permanent world. They raise him within UA so as to keep him from the Commission. Hawks often sits in on their classes with coloring books, picture books, or just to sit there and watch them. He is very smart. He picks up on things, but mostly he just likes being around all the staff. He picks a new person to sleep with every week because some of them have really shitty sleep schedules and even as a kid he knows they would feel bad keeping him up, thus forcing them to go to bed through good-person guilt so he tragets the sleepiest looking people for the week (hint: Aizawa gets picked a lot, and even if he’s not sleep deprived Hawks would pick him because he adores his grumpy cat Dad). Thirteen does crafts with him all the time. She watches every kid show and gets really into it with him. Hawks and Mic make the meals and they sing the entire time. They sing together throughout the day. Hawks will chirp out a line of notes and out of nowhere Hizashi will burst in to sing the lyrics. Midnight reads him bedtime stories cause her voices are the best. She does his nails and lets him do hers. He practices on the UA students to surprise her with new designs (the students fall over their own feet to offer to be his test subject). Snipe does little challenges with him. Things that, while technically helping him get used to controlling his quirk, are more fun than anything else because Hawks enjoys using his feathers in games. Hawks dresses up like a cowboy for an entire month, quoting old western movies and driving everyone but a very proud Snipe up the wall. Hound Dog and Hawks go on walks together ALL THE TIME. They explore the woods around UA and Hound Dog tells Cementoss to change up the geography every once in a while so they have something new to explore. He teaches Hawks how to go camping and Hawks fricken adores him and is always on his shoulders just kicking his feet or napping in Hound Dogs hair. Ectoplasm is Hawks favorite person to play any kind of tag based game because the others are too easy to catch with his feathers. But with Ectoplasm and all his clones? hawks goes nuts. Ectoplasm cried once when Hawks asked Aizawa for peg legs for Halloween and when someone asks him if he wants to be a pirate he says no because he wants to be a super cool hero like Ecto for Halloween. No one will be as cool as him. Hawks fricken loves Vlad. Like, adores him. Whenever Vlad is in the room Hawks will just go hang off his shoulders, or tuck under his arms with a book to read, or just lean against him. He has a little stuffed bull dog that has Vlad’s exact resting bitch face and carries it with him every time he leaves the dorm because he feels safer with it. He goes to Vlad when he’s injured because Vlad just takes care of it, gives him a hug, and doesn’t tell him to be more careful. Just asks if Hawks learned something and moves on. Hawks and Nezu are penpals. They see eachother every single day, but they are penpals. Hawks grows up with the most beautiful calligraphy handwriting because he keeps trying to out-do Nezu’s. He absolutely tattles on every single teacher in these letters, giving Nezu years worth of blackmail. Hawks thinks Nezu is a stuffed animal until he is fourteen because Nezu never fesses up. He just thinks the staff is even cooler for letting a stuffed animal run the place. He only ever cries around Nezu.
-Kid!Hawks UA(Student edition): So many. There’s lines I’ve written where they’re still in school when Hawks is kidified. When they’re already pros. In Canon, in Hawks-sensei, I even a small blurb sentence of Deku running a preschool that Hawks gets put into in an AU with quirks still. I can’t even... there’s too many students, cause I’d do all 1-A and 1-B. My favorite one to randomly wake up in a panick and write about though is the one where it’s Hawks-sensei verse based and Kid!Hawks gets taken in by the Monoma family. Rui and Eiko are older and Monoma is a pro-hero by then. The pure amount of fluff, sass, and Hawks spoiling that will happen. Big Brother Rui and Bigger Sister Eiko.  I think about this one a lot.
-I’m currently (slowly but progressing) writing a gift for @saltwater-sweets where Kid!Hawks is taken in by the Uraraka family. Like, he’s not even shrunk in this one. Uraraka’s newlywed parents were involved in the accident he first saved people in and they found him before the Commission. They realized his homelife situation and opened their home to him and now he is Uraraka’s big brother and that one line I threw out there? About him being a global superpower in household moving? Teaming up with Uraraka for that? Yeah.
-Kid!League of Villains and adult Hawks. Yeah, you heard me. They all get shrunk instead of him. And he can’t just... turn them in. They’re kids. They haven’t done any of the crimes their older counterparts have. And if it’s a permanent thing? They stay kids? Then he has a chance to really, truly save them. To give them the happy lives stolen from them. The Commission doesn’t like that. So Hawks takes them and runs. Dabi can be an adult too, I guess, if that’s the ship or something, but I just really wanna write Kid!LOV and Dad!Hawks.
-Kid!Aizawa. Dad!Hawks. Same concept. Beautiful dream. Need I say more.
-Kid!Hawks, Best Jeanist
-Kid!Hawks Gang Orca
-Kid!Hawks RUMI!!
Vigilante Hawks:
- Raven was born and I dived down that rabbit hole so fast I went back in time. Raven. But from a way earlier age. Those guys mugging Hawks when he was fifteen? The spark. Hawks stayed on the streets, he never went back, and he learned some things. He got some freedom, learned some shit, and realized that hero society was pretty fucked up. Shigaraki starts the LOV up and realizes there’s this whole underground community he was never aware of that Hawks has been building for years. It’s great.
-Hawks was never found by the Commission so he was never ‘Hawks’. His Dad raised him as a criminal but Hawks, with his little heart of gold, took every chance he could to make something good out of the bad deeds. Then he got old enough and he took full control. You ever seen the Levi OVA’s of Attack on Titan? Where he’s walking down the stairs and you realize every single person there is part of a huge ass gang of awesome with Levi at the head? That. THAT.
-Hawks loses his shit in Canon and goes completely AWOL. full Feral. He sees the problems, and he is prepared to do whatever it takes get rid of them. Whatever it takes.
AU Hawks
-Horribly injured, recently retired at the ripe old age of 23, and looking for something to save him from depression. Hawks meets Todoroki Fuyumi who gets him a job at her school. This one makes my brain happy.
-Takami Keigo and Todoroki Natsuo meet in college, graduate together, join the same hospital, and open one as partners as soon as they can. Ship or no ship, they go through their entire lives together. (I just... I really like the Todoroki sibs, okay?)
-Takami Keigo was born a lot earlier. So much, earlier, in fact that he is classmates with this overly optimistic ball of light named Yagi Toshinori and the grumpy ball of flame Todoroki Enji. Big Three anyone? Also, everyone needs a dumb smart birb to keep them sane. Hawks loves his friends, and he’ll kick anyone’s ass that tries to hurt them be it physically, mentally, or emotionally. Also, he meets Nana. 
-I LOVE THE IMAGINARY KAMAKIRI FAMILY DYNAMIC OKAY?! literally anything with Hawks involved in their lives, okay?! I did not expect to spiral so hard when I made up Hideo and his relationship with Kamakiri but my god did I spiral! I just really love them!
-I’m a sucker for the classics. Tattoo/flower. Coffee shop. College. Roommates. Love. 
- (she made me write this) a story surrounding the amazing love story of my sister and Iida Tenya with Aizawa crashes the wedding even though he was invited and Mirio is her maid of honor, with Eri as the ring bearer, and All Might is the flower girl. Twice is the officiator. Uraraka releases a flock of fake pigeons (not real ones cause they don’t deserve that). Oh, and everyone else is there too, I guess. Except for Mineta. Cause he’s in jail.
Right now, at this very moment, I can not for the life of me think of any others but I KNOW there’s at least seven more that I just can’t remember because my brain is work dead. Wyv. @wyvernspirit do you see what you’ve opened here? Close the box! Close it before it’s too late! There is always more! I am never without MORE ideas!
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(((Combo Prompt!)))
(((“Look, I don’t have much time, but I wanted to say I love you,” with Martin and Ainsley, sent in by Anonymous.)))
(((“If you go anywhere near them, you’ll have to deal with me!” with Martin and Nicholas, sent in by Anonymous (Modified) )))
An echoing, electronic buzz unlocked the door to The Surgeon’s cell. But Martin Whitly remained lying on his back, glaring at the ceiling above his cot with mild irritation in his eyes, irked that he’d been disturbed from his nap.
Mr. David poked his head into the cell, announcing, “Call for you.” He held the hallway phone in one hand, the pig-tail cord extended to its maximum reach.
“Is it another set-up?” Martin grumbled with a dash of spite. “Like last time, when I quote ‘tried to escape?’” What bullshit. It was a miracle that he hadn’t been hauled off to Riker’s. That was what Endicott was going for, he just knew it.
“It’s your daughter.”
Martin glanced over, hesitated only a second longer, then heaved himself to his feet and padded to the entryway. Mr. David moved back toward the phone’s base on the wall, giving the cord some mercy.
“I expect you’re going to piledrive me the second I step foot outside this door,” Martin mumbled with sarcasm, glancing outside the cell to ensure that no other untrustworthy guards were lying in wait for an ambush. The crotchety inmate was still bruised from yesterday’s ‘misunderstanding.’ He continued griping, “Or try to kill me when I turn my back.”
Mr. David gave him a deadpan look. Evidently, the guard did not think that the nefarious incidents which occurred during his absence were funny. Toting a grumpy, miserable look, Dr. Whitly ventured into the hall and finished his jokes with a bitter, “No? Good. I appreciate it.”
“You’re very welcome,” Mr. David muttered. Dr. Whitly came to stand beside the guard and lifted his cuffed hands to accept the handset from him. Mr. David remained close by, and although he’d repeatedly assured his patient that everything was going to be fine, the guard did glance at the red door down the hall.
Things were tense lately, to say the least. There was no telling what surprises would pop up next. Mr. David didn’t know exactly what The Surgeon had done, but he had apparently pissed off some pretty powerful people.
Martin held the phone to his ear and forced a cheerful tone through his voice box. “Hello sweetheart!” No one would have been able to guess that mere seconds ago, he was as cranky as a drenched cat. “How is my girl? Any news on--?”
Ainsley wasn't in the mood for chit-chat. “Dad, shut up,” she urgently hissed.
Martin shut up. Before he could ask what was wrong (because something was clearly wrong,) Ainsley rushed through what she needed to say. “Look, I don’t have much time, but I-- I wanted to say, I love you.”
Dr. Whitly didn’t know which part of that sentence caused him more confusion and surprise. His expression shifted indecisively between a smile and a concerned grimace. “W-- Ah, Ains... what d’you mean you... ‘don’t have much time?’” he laughed nervously.
She didn’t answer him, but he could hear her breath. “Ains?” he repeated expectantly, listening as hard as he could to try to translate her subtle sounds. His half-smile abandoned his facade, which was no longer a facade, but a genuine look of worry. He could hear her suffering through a silent sob. Crying.
“I love you,” her voice croaked. “I love you, dad.”
That didn’t matter to him at that moment. His daughter was wasting her breath, and wasting whatever amount of time she claimed she had. Martin wanted to know what was going on. “Ainsley, what’s wrong?” he demanded. Alarm congregated on the cusp of his stern voice, as if his words were preparing for an attack. But he employed what was left of his calm, patient reserves.
She didn’t answer. 
Martin stared at the wall in front of him, his eyes searching through the detail of the painted bricks as if they displayed a map of encrypted answers. Mr. David warily watched his patient, and they both held their breath.
Dr. Whitly heard a muffled rattle on the opposite end of the line as the other phone was roughly handled. Ainsley cried out in the distance that had been placed between her and their call.  “Ainsley?” he raised his voice so she could hear him, wherever she was.
Again, she didn’t answer him. But someone else did. “Hello, Martin.”
It was Endicott.
Endicott was what was wrong.
“Nicholas,” Dr. Whitly hissed, his fury boiling in an instant. “You leave her the fuck alone!”
“Sorry, I can’t quite hear you over the sound of your daughter screaming.”
Ainsley screamed.
Martin had heard too many screams in his lifetime not to know the difference between them. It was a language that only those familiar with them could translate, like how only a parent was able to immediately identify the cause of the various cries of their own infant. Hunger, fear, emotional anguish, or physical pain. Ainsley’s scream was born from a prolonged, invasive, searing kind of pain --the purpose of which was clearly to rip the sound out of her. Thanks to all of his experience, Martin could easily imagine the many inflictions that could elicit such a scream from his daughter.
Martin’s own scream was born from pure rage. “NICHOLAS!” he roared, his blood vessels swelling with heat and strength as an angered adrenaline surged through him. The phone felt like a pistol being pressed to his head, but he leaned into it, yearning to get to the other side of that weapon and turn it on his assaulter.
Endicott chuckled. “But don’t worry, she’s not going to be ‘alone,’” he promised with an audible grin. “Your son’s gonna join her soon.”
Fire burned in Martin’s eyes. It was nearly tangible enough to char the wall in front of him, yet he was frozen in place and struggled to breathe.
Mr. David stepped closer and raised a hand to take the phone. “Martin--”
The Surgeon took a large step away and bore his teeth, displaying a deep, silent snarl like that of a feral beast. He held up a finger of his free hand, which was chained beside the other. It was a reaction that warned, ‘do not fuck with me right now.’ Mr. David didn’t need to be told twice, and he heeded the warning. The guard gave the man his space, then moved to grab the wheeled cart with the other phone on it. He used it to dial the NYPD.
“Nicholas, if you harm them--” Martin seethed, returning his acidic attention to the wall.
“Already did,” Endicott interrupted, enjoying this.
“--You are going to swallow a KNIFE, I swear to God--” Wrath poured from Martin’s cavernous lungs, which in that moment were endlessly deep and entirely filled with hatred. “--I’m gonna shove a blade so deep down your throat--!”
“I warned you, Martin. You didn’t listen,” Endicott’s honey smooth voice smiled. “You brought this on them.”
“I--!” Martin’s rage shattered. He was unable to argue against or deny that. He flipped a switch, transitioning from detestation to desperation. “I lied, Nick, I lied.” There must have been a short in the circuitry of that switch, because his anger resurfaced in bursts. “I LIED, Goddamn it, I don’t know anything! Sophie didn’t tell me ANYTHING!”
“Too late, Martin. You can’t beg your way out of this, though I do love hearing it.”
The Surgeon’s fire extinguished. His passionate wrath could not stop Nicholas, no matter how fiercely it burned.
Behind him, he heard Mr. David talking to the NYPD on the other phone, explaining that they’d received a threatening call at Claremont and ordering the police to find Ainsley, now. It was no use. The police weren’t going to stop Nicholas either. There was nothing Martin could do to regain control of the situation. Nothing could wake him from this nightmare.
He’d never felt so helpless.
Endicott continued to taunt him. “I hope you love hearing them scream as much as I love hearing you begging for th--HHGK-!”
The Surgeon stared at the wall, wide eyed as he listened to Nicholas’ choked cry. It was a cry that he recognized all too well. Thanks to all of his experience, Martin could easily imagine the many inflictions that could elicit such sounds from his enemy. Endicott’s garbled sounds were those of a dying man.
A rattle accompanied the constricted sounds as the phone was dropped. Martin waited, studying the brick in front of him with bated disbelief.
Finally, he heard, “Dad?”
In the form of a relieved gasp, he answered, “Ains?”
“Hey,” she greeted plainly. Her voice was slightly trembling, but also calm, and emotionless. Numb. Her shock conflicted with her adrenaline.
He knew the feeling. “Hey,” he echoed.
They breathed together for a moment, each processing what had happened. After a long exhale, Martin hesitantly smiled. “Did you get him?”
“Yeah,” she answered hollowly. “I got him.”
Martin closed his eyes and grinned before hissing a violent, “Good.”
“Thanks for distracting him,” she huffed with faint humor. Dr. Whitly could hear her smile.
That was the true reason why she’d called him. The Surgeon’s grin spread. He couldn’t be more proud of her, even if her plan had given him a heart attack. “Anything for my girl,” he joked. But it wasn’t really a joke. He was still beaming when he asked, “Are you alright?”
“Yeah. I’m fine,” she answered in the same emotionless tone. “Better than him.”
Martin chuckled.
It was then that he heard a door slam in the environment of Ainsley’s call. Malcolm’s distant, muffled voice cried, “Oh my God, Ains, what happened!?”
“Gotta go.” Ainsley hung up.
Martin removed the phone from his head and fondly smirked at it.
“The police are on their way,” Mr. David informed him, also ending up his own call to the cops.
Martin turned over his shoulder and delivered a pleasant smile to the guard. There was no need for him to be concerned any longer. “Oh, it’s fine now. She took care of it.” His happy expression remained on his face as he tenderly placed the handset back on the switchhook on the wall. “Everything’s alright.”
Mr. David cautiously stared at his patient as he walked back into his cell, knowing that everything was not alright. It was far from alright by any ordinary, sane standards. But in Martin’s mind, everything was bliss. The Surgeon settled himself on his cot and grinned at the ceiling above it.
He closed his eyes and imagined.
Hope you enjoyed it, Anon(s)! Want me to write a short scene? Send me a prompt with a pair of characters! Check out my #starter and #prompt tags for more ideas and responses!
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jamiebluewind · 5 years
A Flame In The Dark: Chapter 2
Fandom: Dimension 20, Fantasy High
Word Count: 3575
Perspective: Riz
Chapter 1 (sorry it wont format!): https://jamiebluewind.tumblr.com/post/189152152044/a-flame-in-the-dark-chapter-1
Notes: Hurt/Comfort. This chapter is much fluffier than the last, but still mind the tags! Special thanks to my beta readers @plutosfury and @winterpower98
Characters: Riz Gukgak, Fig Faeth, Adaine Abernant, Tracker O'Shaughnessey, Sandra Lynn Faeth, Cathilda Ceíli, Boggy the Froggy, and unnamed OC (implied Fabian, Kristen, Gorgug, and Ragh)
Chapter Warnings: cursing, violence mention, murder mention, abuse mention, healed injuries, child abuse mention, child neglect, recovering from starvation, dark themes, trauma, bugs as food (please message me if I missed any)
Summary: The group makes it back to camp, Riz still cradling their guest.
Check out this awesome art inspired by Chapter 1!
By the time they reached camp, Riz's arms were aching. He was never the strongest one in the group and the sleeping child in his arms had tested what little strength he did have. It wasn't a weight thing. She was actually very light (if he was honest, she probably weighed less than his briefcase). It was just a combination of things. Post battle fatigue. Hiking for a couple hours. Tired muscles holding something in an odd position. It was worth it though. She looked like she hadn't slept in a long time and needed a nap more than he needed arms that didn't hate him.
He had actually been planning on getting her some food out of his pack after she was healed. She would be hungry then and the food would be less likely to come back up. What he hadn't planned on was her dozing off in his arms. He wondered what had been going on in her little body that Fig's magic had targeted. Whatever it was, the relief she felt was enough to make her fall asleep so hard that she was dead to the world. It took both arms to carry her after that.
He shifted, leaning his body back so that more of her weight was on his chest, and held her awkwardly for a moment while he placed his now free hand on a nearby rock to help him sit down. Normally he would try to find something to sit on to keep from messing up his clothes, but he was tired and filthy and out of fucks. He let out a breath, his throbbing feet grateful for the relief. He shifted the child a bit to give his arms a break too. She didn't seem to mind... or even wiggle for that matter. Riz got a little chuckle out of it.
The others were off getting everything set up for the night. Tracker was preping the moon haven. The campfire crackled to life as they got out various supplies. Quiet chatter filled the air.
Adaine stood nearby, leaning against a tree. She was quiet, only occasionally adding to the chatter or shaking her head at their friends' antics. The spell she'd been working on for most of the hike was probably ready, but left uncast. Riz smiled. She was probably holding it until the child woke up. She had always been the braincell of the group. He wasn't sure why he was surprised.
Riz wasn't sure how long he had been lost in thought when the smell of food cooking hit him. He felt her twitch and looked down to see a little nose twitch, followed by sleepy eyes blinking open. There was a tiny jump as she took in her surroundings and her brain caught up with what was going on.
[Good morning], Riz said with a smile. She looked up at him with her eyes barely open and yawned. [You up for something to eat?]
Any hint that she was tired was gone in an instant. Her ears perked up and she looked at him with wide eyes. She looked so much like a puppy at meal time that Riz was surprised that she didn't start pawing at his shirt! [You can't have a lot at one time], he told her. Her brows lowered as she gave him an angry pout. [BUT, I'll make sure you get a lot of small meals to keep from overloading your stomach and you can have as much to drink as you want.] After a moment of deliberation, her faced relaxed. He supposed that was as close as he was gonna get to her agreeing with him.
Riz looked towards the campfire and the food cooking over it. It smelled good sure, but a little too heavy and vegetable filled for a goblin who's gone without food for a while. At least he knew how to get her what she needed.
"Hey Adaine," he called out. The elf looked away from the group and over towards Riz. "Could you come over here real quick?"
Adaine leaned up, wiping invisible dust off her legs before she made her way over towards the pair. She slowed as she approached, making eye contact with the child. Oops. He almost forgot. [This is 'Adaine'], Riz told the child. [I need her to come over here. Is that okay?]
The child looked at Adaine and then back at Riz. She watched Adaine as she carefully made her way over and sat down across from them. The child didn't seem to mind Adaine's presence. She looked more curious than anything. Riz wondered if it was a magical ability from Boggy or Adaine herself.
"I have a spell ready for her," Adaine said. She looked at the child as she spoke to Riz, her voice a steady calming tone. "I'll need to use it before I can do anything else. It will allow her to understand us, but only for an hour. I have to touch her for it to work."
Riz nodded and looked down. He rolled the words over in his brain, trying to figure out the best way to phrase it. ['Adaine' can... make you understand what everybody is saying for a little while if you let her touch you. It's kinda like what 'Fig' did, only 'Adaine' doesn't need music to make it work.]
The child was still a moment as she regarded Adaine. Then, she reached out a hand. Adaine slowly reached out, closing the distance. As she touched the small hand, her eyes shone with a blue light. It only lated a moment. The child examined her hand and looked back up at Adaine.
"Hello," Adaine said with a soft smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
The child's eyes grew wide as she stared at Adaine. She blinked several times.
"My name is Adaine Abernant," she said to the child. Riz wanted to laugh at how formal she sounded. "I would like to be your friend, if you'll let me of course." The child only responded with more blinking.
"I want to try something," Adaine continued, "just to be sure that you can understand me. I don't want you to feel obligated to talk. You should feel comfortable around us. So all you have to do is nod," she said as she nodded, "or shake your head," she said, demonstrating. "A nod means yes. A head shake means no. Do you understand?" There was a pause followed by a single curt nod. There was a reason that Adaine was the braines of the party. "Fantastic," she said with a smile.
"Now," Adaine said, turning her attention towards Riz, "I understand that there was something you wanted to ask me?"
Riz had almost let it slip his mind. "We need to get some fluids in her," he said. "Some food too. Could you get her some of that electrolyte stuff for kids to start?"
Adaine nodded and reached in her pocket. She pulled out a plain water bottle filled with slightly thick liquid and handed it to the child. The child tilted her head and reached out, sticking her hand in Adaine's pocket only to jerk a bit and lean over farther, speading the pocket open to look inside. Adaine hid a laugh behind her hand.
"It's a magical jacket," Adaine told her. "I can pull things I want out of it... as long as they aren't too expensive." Adaine blinked and looked like she had an idea. "I'll pull out a few things for you if you let me get you cleaned up first."
The child considered for a moment and then nodded. Adaine cast prestidigatation. Riz was thankful that he was in range.
The child's hair seemed to expand as the weight of the mud was lifted.  Her tangle of curls were redish-orange at the base, but transitioned into a pale orange at the end. It was like she was suddenly haloed by a mass of warm flame.
The color of her skin was also a surprise. Before, she had reminded him of a caramel latte, but underneath the dirt and grime was something closer to butterscotch. It was a warm yellow-orange that complemented her bright hair.
The child held up a hand to examine her clean skin. Riz cursed himself for being too perceptive. Without the dirt in the way, he could see scars litterered across her skin. Some were faded and small. Others looked like they must have been deep when they were fresh. He felt the rage trying to bubble up in him again as he silently wished that he had taken his time killing that bastard. Breathe in. And out. Just be grateful he's dead now. And in hell. Definitely in hell... where Bill Seacaster is. Huh. Maybe Fabian's dad would be willing to double murder him? The thought helped him relax a little.
"Much better," Adaine said with a nod. "I'll get you some better clothes after you've had something to eat. Oh Riz?" she asked.
"Hum?" Riz answered, still a bit lost in thought.
"What would be safe for her to eat?" Adaine asked. "I'm honestly unfamiliar with goblin dietary needs and you always seem willing to eat anything, so I'm at a bit of a loss."
Riz thought back to all the times he was sick as a kid. What food his mom would fix. What to avoid. "Probably meat with no salt and not a lot of fat," he said. "Chicken. Ham. That kind of thing. Maybe some rice... oh!" he said and then blushed. This was gonna be a little embarrassing to explain. "A lot of goblin moms make this dish when their kids get sick. It's... kinda like a rice ball?" He screwed his face. "No. Not exactly. But similar enough I guess. It is a ball of rice. Sometimes the rice is mixed with cricket flour, but not always. They also have this... bug filling. Like a puree of earthworms, crickets, meal worms... it's easy on our stomachs and has a lot of protein. Plants too, but they have already been broken down, so they wont bother us when we have a sick stomach. We... call them bug balls."
Riz stopped and looked up at Adaine. He expected to see her wrinkling her nose as most people do, but she looked more curious than anything. She thought for a moment before reaching her hand in her pocket and pulled out what looked to be three bug balls. She looked over at the child, about to say something when a little hand bolted out and grabbed one. It was gone in a flash. "I was going to say that maybe Riz should test these first," she said, covering up the remaining two to avoid them being snatched up as well, "but I guess you made that decision for me." She shook her head, unable to hide her smile. "Riz?" she asked, holding out one of the remaining balls, "Would you mind?"
Riz took the bug ball and bit down. It was hard not to inhale his food like he normally did, but he needed to make sure they were made right. "Not bad," he said as he ate the rest in a blink of an eye. "Maybe a little less salt? At least until she's feeling better." He looked down at the kid eyeing the remaining ball. "You can have the other one later," he told her. She pouted. "We gotta make sure your stomach handles the first one okay." He picked up the sports bottle and handed it to her, "For now, have some of this."
She looked at the bottle and tilted her head. Riz fought the urge to facepalm when he realized she wouldn't know what to do with it. "Like this," Riz said as he pulled a drink from the bottle and then handed it to her. She examined the bottle, took a drink,... and then made a terrible face, shaking her head at the bottle.
Adaine laughed. "I don't believe she's used to sweets," she said, pulling another water bottle out of her pocket. "This one," she said, pointing to the new bottle, "is just plain water. I'll refill it as much as you like, but I would also like you to finish the other bottle... if you can."
The child hesitantly took the new bottle and took a sip before nearly sucking it dry, squeezing the bottle to make the water come out faster. Adaine pulled a large container of water out of her pocket and refilled the bottle before handing it back to her.
"Could I share some tea with her later?" Adaine asked. Amber eyes looked at her, waiting on an explanation. "Oh! Hum..." she said, pausing to think. "Tea is like... well... you take hot water and mix special flowers or leaves with it to make it taste different." The child's brows furrowed at this. "It can also do stuff like... help you sleep or keep you awake. It depends on the flower or leaf." A nod followed.
"I don't see why not," Riz answered. "Just... maybe avoid the sugar."
A cheeky grin spread across Adaine's face. "I was planning on her actually drinking it, Riz," she said with a smirk.
The child handed Adaine the empty water bottle. She refilled it again and handed it back. The child put it back to her mouth and lazily sucked at the bottle, her desperation mostly gone.
Adaine looked at the child, studying something for a few moments before reaching into her coat. She pulled out a handfull of solid colored cloth and held it up for inspection. It was a simple sleeveless sundress. Instead of the fiery color Riz was expecting it to be, the dress was closer to a cornflower blue mixed with a splash of green. It looked soft, contrasting the rough burlap tunic she was currently wearing. The bottom hung losely, reminding Riz of a flower petal. There was a decent sized half moon pocket in the center of the chest, stitching dividing it into two smaller sections.
"Well?" Adaine asked, looking from the dress to the child. "What do you think?" Adaine was met with wide eyes and an enthusiastic nod. "Well then, let's get you out of those rags and into something fancy!"
The child stood up and took off her borrowed hat, placing it gently on Riz's lap. She grabbed the bottom of her tunic and Riz barely had time to look away before she pulled it off.
He realized then that the others had been watching the three of them as the group of teens made little sounds of surprise before turning their heads, save Fig who just said "huh." which he found a little weird. The adults mostly seemed to get a laugh out of it.
There was a beat of silence. "Oh..." Adaine said. "Hum, well. Oh Riz?" Adaine sounded nervous. "Do um... do goblins normally have tails?"
"Um... no?" Riz answered, a little confused. "I mean, it's a recessive trait. It CAN happen, but it's kinda rare. It's usually just a nub though. Why?" Riz asked. "Does she have one?"
"Yes..." Adaine answered, trailing off. "It's a very nice tail," she said sweetly, probably to the child. "Arms up please!"
"Dude," Fig said. She had moved closer and seemed to be staring at the child. "It aint a nub. It's long enough for her to wear it like a belt!" Riz's eyes went wide. I mean, sure it was possible. There were a few tribes scattered about that had them. He had just never seen one in person.
"Dude... you look so cool!" Fig said enthusiastically. "I hope if I ever grow a tail, it looks as cool as yours. You should leave it out. Show it off."
"Is it safe for me to look now?" Riz asked, still facing away.
"Oh!" Adaine answered. "Sorry Riz. Yes. You can look now."
Riz turned around and looked at the child. The dress fit her well, the bottom hanging lose and moving as she twisted softly side to side. Her hands were stuffed in pockets hidden in the folds of the dress, her shoulders hunched forward. The dress hung past her knees. A slinder tail hung down past the end of the dress, curling up to avoid the ground. The tail twitched slightly, maybe from anxiety over having it exposed, maybe just because of nerves in general. Riz tried not to imagine why she would feel the need to hide it under her clothes. He failed.
"You look great!" Riz said with a bit too much enthusiasm. "I like all the pockets. And it looks soft." She smiled just a crack and nodded as she continued to sway and watch the dress move.
"It cool," Fig said, tapping her chin, "but it could be cooler." She pulled out her bag and started digging for... something. Amber eyes watched her as she pulled out random jewelry, shaking her head and muttering to herself as she went. "Ah ha!" she said as she came up triumphant. She held up a necklace with a long dark chain. Hanging below it was an orange teardrop pendant, sparkling in the light. "Bought this back on Leviathan," she stated as she looked towards the child. "It was practically MADE for you. You want?"
The child paused before responding with an enthusiastic nod. Fig walked over and crouched down before handing over the necklace. The child held it up, examining the stone. Fig stayed crouched as she looked, waiting until amber eyes met hers. "You're supposed to wear it," Fig said pointing at the necklace. She was answered with a curious gaze as the child's head tilted to the side.
"Here," Fig said "I'll show you." She took the necklace from tiny hands and put it over the child's head. Despite the long chain, it couldn't get past her massive tangle of hair. It just sat there on top of her curls like a hair accessory. "Holy shit you have a lot of hair!" Fig said with a laugh. She reached out and tossled it a bit with her fingers. The child didn't seem to mind.
"Well," Fig said, patting her thigh, "that didn't work. Let me just..." Fig trailed off as she undid the clasp and put the chain around the child's neck before fastening it back together. "There we go!" she said, once again triumphant. "Looks great on ya kid."
Fig wasn't lying. The fiery stone suited her. She also seemed to love the way the light shined through it and the smooth texture.
While watching her, he caught Adaine fumbling for something out if the corner of his eye. He looked over just in time to see her pull out a large sunhat. "I noticed that the light seems to bother your eyes," she said. "Would this help?"
Tiny hands took the hat and examined it before nodding and placing it on her head. The hair inside the hat squished down to fit, making the hair outside the hat stick out. She adjusted the rim a bit and sighed happily. She nodded at Adaine again. Adaine smiled back.
"Would you like to meet Boggy?" Adaine asked. The child tilted her head. Adaine took out her frog and placed him in the child's lap. He let out a soft ribbit.
"No no no no no..." Riz yelped as he jumped up to place his hand between Boggy and the child's open mouth. "Boggy is not food," Riz clarified. He tried to ignore Adaine's eyes going wide over her pet nearly becoming someone's dinner. "He's a pet." She tilted her head. "Oh, um..." he took a moment to try and think of a way to explain. "A pet is... an animal that you... love? Love. Yeah. And um... they are like a friend. They help you out like... well Boggy helps Adaine not get upset and Baxter," he said, pointing to the griffin, "he can fly and stuff." God he was bad at this.
Somehow, she seemed to get the message. She put her hand on top of the frog. He croaked happily. She looked over at Riz and back at Boggy, the corners of her mouth tilted up slightly. She then started 'petting' the frog. At least, that's what Riz thought she was doing as she repeatedly slapped the frog's back. Boggy didn't seem to mind the rough treatment though, his body squishing and wiggling with the movement. Her eyes sparkled. A little sound escaped from her. It was rough and quiet, but it was without a doubt a giggle. Riz wondered if it was possible to die from cute.
The child stoped in the middle of a 'pet' and scrunched her face in concentration before going back to abusing Boggy. Sandra Lynn and Cathilda hummed in the background like they knew something the others didn't. "Did you remember to put her in pull ups?" Sandra Lynn asked.
"Um... no?" Adaine answered back, a bit confused. Riz however had already connected the dots.
"Well then," Cathilda said, "it's a good thing ya have prestidigatation dear because otherwise that would be a proper mess!"
They looked down at the muddy spot forming on the ground, quickly followed by a very distinct smell.
"Welcome to potty training kids!" Sandra Lynn yelled. She was enjoying this entirely too much.
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astrologista · 5 years
so that was An Episode.
i’m sorry but i have to write these down right now before the thoughts go out my mind. i swear to my lord i it’s 4:17am and i’m compromised here we go
where do i even START.
so cass. that was definitely. not what i expected. or what i wanted, really. i feel that this origin is somewhat low-hanging fruit in my opinion just based on the context of how it was explained and cass’s positioning within the narrative. at the same time i completely understand it, and it was executed very well and heartbreakingly. the song was in-cred-i-ble. and tbh i’m glad they got the heck out of the dark kingdom so quickly, because it would have crippled the ep time-wise for them to stay even a few seconds longer.
adira is 100% going after cass now and nothing can change my mind
i imagine edmund will prolly team up with adira
when they showed that emblem of saporia, i honestly freaking thought they were gonna give us the ol’ tee-hee again and that we weren’t going to see any varian in this ep.
i am glad to be wrong. because DAYUM.
varian has a beautiful new outfit. it’s like a steampunk cosplayer with sort of a pirate alchemist motif. it’s really nice. he’s got some thanos gloves and this amazing little bandanna he wears that has a print of an evil looking smile with sharp teeth. very fitting for him.
he also had a goatee which i in my infinite hubris actually thought was like a real goatee that he had somehow grown lol because puberty. but actually he just scribbled it on his face with a marker. that’s such a varian thing a ha. WHY’S HE SO CUTE
so andrew said they were CELLIES OH GOD I KNEW IT. I KNEW IT. if that’s true it means king frederic threw him in gen pop jail. good goin’ fred.
now quite honestly i never thought that varian is the type to team up with other villains. and i was right, because he did have his own plan going and was ready to betray his whole gang as soon as he felt like it. but it does seem like andrew was super playing into varian’s affection-starved side lol and was doing a BAD job of trying to play big brother. like. he tried it lol. and i need to know more about this. i’m hoping to god more will be revealed.
varian named his new compound quirinium. so now no one will ever forget.
but oh wait. actually everyone’s gonna forget. because his plan is to pump out gas to literally make everyone forget everything he’s ever done because he’s got a GUILT COMPLEX THIS CHILD HAS A GUILT COMPLEX THE SIZE OF TEXAS Y’ALL
and i know i missed a bunch of details and i have to go back over it but now i understand. I UNDERSTAND NOW AND I’M SO SAD... the way he was listing off offenses on his fingers it’s like. he must have had a long time to think it over and he’s been rolling each one of those around in his mind for basically months. we need a flashback. give us a flashback.
i’m 99% sure the group of saporians hanging out with andrew are commies and also possibly meth addicts and i don’t think they’re a great influence on varian. not just because they’re villains but because they’re so low-tier he’s beyond them really. i get the sense he could do better.
i really honestly wanted this arc to happen... slower. i wanted there to be more time, more of an organic change, more of everything. but how it turned out, i’m glad. varian is a variable character, and just as quickly as he can turn villainous, so too can he turn to the light, as long as there’s someone there who cares about him. he still don’t give a darn about morality, he just happens to be on the side of good again? yay?
someone needs to cap that scene when they’re in the jail cell and varian is just sitting there looking like a sad, kicked puppy because that shit gave me a Feel.
when lance wiped off that magic marker goatee all of my crops were miraculously watered. oh varian.
and then i watched it again and became sad because he just looks so shocked and then DEPRESSED like “well. there is goes. what’s left of my manhood. gone in an instant. it’s over” also i think he looked a tad scared of lance because. he’s a big guy. who reminds him of his dad
don’t TALK to me about how sad he looked when eugene didn’t trust him oh MY GOD eugene i know this kid almost killed several people... and kidnapped the queen and went berserk... but like. look at him. how can you not trust him. he wants to be trusted. TRUST HIM EUGENE
by the way speaking of TRUST oh my GOD. HE REALLY WANTED THEM TO TRUST HIM AGAIN TO THE POINT WHERE HE WAS WILLING TO ERASE EVERYONE’S MEMORIES. varian. baby. you don’t go around erasing peoples memories to reinstate your social standing in the community. whatchu doin. i think we established that mass mind control is a big no-no
blah blah some action scene with some cute/funny moments
varian be making BATH BOMBS good god. lush could never. someone get on manufacturing those for purchase.
ANDREW WENT IN FOR THE KILL LOL DISNEY. y’know FOR KIDS. but seriously this cements my hatred of andrew/hubert forever and ever. amen. not only is he a d-bag, he also tried to kill a kid. a kid who trusted him to some extent. nice
and THEN i freaked it. because um. YEEEEAAAAAAHHHH.
so i honest to god was NOT prepared for quirin in this episode. i was not at all prepared. i was gearing myself up for that close to or in the finale. but no. no they hit us right in the FACE, friends. they simply did not wait.
yknow i could say i wish they had extended this scene, and i do, because it could have used a little more, but the way it was executed was REAL GOOD like i LIKE liked it. i have 2 think it over a little bit more but quirin’s VA did THE MOST too. he was GOOD you can really hear the emotion in his voice and i’m crying now ha ha
oh yeah btw VARIAN JUST HEARD EXACTLY WHAT HE’S ALWAYS WANTED TO HEAR and that makes me sad in a way because to me, that essentially completes his arc. he will appear in more episodes but his arc is like, done because QUIRIN SAID THE THING! THE THING! AAHHHHHHHH HE SAID THE THIIIIIIING
he said the thing
and also i’m kinda glad that they didn’t wait any longer to yknow. free him. varian’s been jailed for a long time at this point and it’s just not good for him to make him wait any longer. HE NEEDS HIS DAD AAAAAAAAHHH
as an aside, i’m 99.9% sure that that note said WAY more than just “i’m proud of u son” but quirin was NOT up to having that convo in that scene so he just made shit up lol. good ol quirin still lying as usual lol. but this leaves something to be said here because VARIAN STILL DOESN’T KNOW THAT HIS FATHER WAS A FREAKIN GENERAL IN AN ARMY THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY HELLO???? hello.
in closing i am so glad varian & quirin showed up for that last song because it looks like they may actually be getting re-integrated into the community and none too surprisingly, it didn’t look like any coronans were going for varian’s throat. because he’s paid his debt to society. he’s good now. he learned that you always win when you are good. or something. idk about how they left this. the end of this ep really feels like the end of s3 except. we still have a whole freaking season ahead of us. and the main lingering plot point other than the king and queen’s memory loss is cassandra. because andrew & co. are jailed, remember?
this episode is full of plot holes some of which will be addressed in this season and some of which we will never receive full disclosure for. i understand why they did it, and fwiw the way this episode was implemented in EXECUTION is VERY satisfying to me and i enjoyed it like a LOT. but at the same time a lot of people are gonna be crying foul about wanting to see a more developed varian arc and cassandra’s origin and what was going on with varian and andrew and uhmygod. this is too much for me to process and it is now 3 minutes to 5am, and i need to get in a 30 minute nap before a full work week. so i have to end it here but i am NOT done talking about this you guys.
i know the storyline for this season was set in advance but something about this episode makes me feel like they made a few adjustments based on things people said? that’s probably not the case but idk i wouldn’t mind if it was.
so in short, 10/10 great episode you guys. it all really happened. tune in tomorrow for more. ahhh
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butlegendsneverdie · 5 years
My Little Girl {1} (r.t)
A/N: Here’s some soft dad!roger fluff for your dad!roger needs. I’m going to be basing Evie off my young niece. I hope ya’ll like this. Enjoy! Like Comment Reblog
Summary: A Roger thing based off the song My Little Girl by Tim Mcgraw Words: 786 Warnings: Sweet. Cute. Fluff. 
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Gotta hold on easy as I let you go Gonna tell you how much I love you Though I think you already know I remember I thought you looked like an angel  Wrapped in pink, so soft and warm  You’ve had me wrapped around your finger  Since the day you were born
Roger smiled at the little thing in his arms. After all this time he couldn’t believe that you could give him something as precious as his little girl. Ever since he had found out you were pregnant he was going to try and be a better man for the little angel he now held. He when he had leave for the short tour so soon after she was born. But now that he was back he was going to soak up every second he could with her.
“I know you don’t really understand what I’m saying my little one. But I love you.” He smirked as the figure he held yawned before snuggling back down. He placed a little kiss on her forehead. “Evelyn Rose Taylor I love you more than the stars in the night sky.”
Little Evelyn yawned at her father’s words before contorting her little face and letting out a wail. Roger sighed, not going into a panic, he knew what to do. First off he felt her diaper, thinking she needed a change. But there was only pee in there. When the tears didn’t stop, he tried getting a bottle, like how you had showed him. She would suckle on in for a second, then push the nipple out with her tongue.
“Hey now, you’re going to wake Mum if you keep crying Evie.” Roger repositioned E to his shoulder, placing a kiss on her somewhat bald head. “You’re going to be okay my flower. Papa’s not going to let you go.” He attempted to soothe the infant by light rocking back and forth. It was to no avail. Evie just got louder and more insistent.
Your eyes snapped open upon hearing your child cry. You had been enjoying a nice little nap in during the in between moments that the baby wasn’t crying or awake in general. Lazily jolting out if bed you made your way to the nursery. The sight you saw when you reached the room made your heart grow a little.
“Everything alright in here?” you mumble walking up to the baby and her father. You had glanced at the time and figure she was hungry, or just needed a little comforting.
“Evie was sleeping. Then she made that weird face, you know the one she makes when she poops, and she started wailing.” Roger started to explain to his girlfriend. He was still holding the babe, wanting to calm her on his own. “I changed her nappy. I tried the bottle. I even sang to her. I don’t know.” He sighed in defeat.
Sometimes babies just need a cry, it’s hard being a little one after all. Hearing his child cry and him not being able to calm her was pure torture for Roger. He hated the feeling it gave him.
“I can take her if you want.” You offered leaning against the crib in the room. You could see the distress in Roger’s face.
“I want to do it.” The blonde drummer gritted his teeth together. “I was gone for what felt like forever and I didn’t get to do this when she was littler. I want to do this now.” He held tight to Evie continuing to rock side to side. He started patting her back, like he had seen you do many times. It still wasn’t working.
“Here. Give me Ev.” You reached out your arms for the infant, when his tactic didn’t. Though even in your arms the sweet girl wouldn’t calm. But that wasn’t your plan. “Now take off your shirt and sit in the rocker.” You instructed your lover. You brought Evelyn over to the changing table and stripped her of her clothes, leaving her in nothing but a diaper. Once you were done and Roger was seated, you placed the Evie on his chest. After a short while of crying, the tears stopped flowing and the little one’s eyes started wandering up to stare at her father.
Roger had seen you doing this when she was born and the following weeks every now and then. Skin to skin contact. When he had asked you explained to him the potential benefits of the exposure to the newborn. Even then you had offered him the chance to participate, but he had declined thinking it might not do any good for him to do that. But right now he would try anything.
“Look!” Roger exclaimed quietly, proud of himself that he was able to pacify the small creature laying on him. Albeit, with a little help from you. “See baby. Papa isn’t so bad. You’ll always be safe with me.” He cooed, he couldn’t have been happier than he was in that moment.
Tags: @har-rison-s @dreamerofzaldrizes @ken-yee-not @blathena
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Final Thoughts: The Witch
I didn't hate it.
I wanted to hate it. I use to hate it.
I didn't hate it.
I didn't even hate William as a character as much as I use to. Still hate Ineson, though.
My Bias
Let me start off with my bias. If you couldn't tell by now, I love goats. What originally drew me to The Witch that day in Family Video (not sponsored) was, of course, the goat on the cover. After watching the movie I did some reading on it and the VAST majority of coverage about the movie was about Black Phillip. "Fine by me!" I thought. "I'd rather read about the only star that matters here anyway!"
And that's how I learned of Charlie. Charlie was a beautiful black buck with gorgeous piercing golden eyes. There isn't much base information about him but from my own research and knowledge, I beleive Charlie is an Old Irish. Funny enough, the striking horns that earned Charlie his place in the movie because of how large they were are not actually that big by Old Irish standards. These boys can grow some IMPRESSIVE racks. *cough* 
Charlie was not the most dedicated actor on set. If they wanted him to be boisterous and act aggressive, Charlie wanted to take a nap. If they wanted him to hold still and display the calm demeanor of The Devil, Charlie wanted to run around like a kid discovering his legs for the first time. This description didn't shock me in the least. "Thats...thats just a goat?" I thought. "Thats just how they ARE." Goats are like...well, goats are unique animals. While even a cat can be trained with enough patience and the right reward, goats are wonderfully intelligent and MIND NUMBINGLY STUPID animals all at the same time. You look into their eyes and you see the infinite knowledge of the universe AND the mindless empty void AT THE SAME TIME. That is just the nature of the domestic goat. So of course you will never have a goat do what you want it to on the first, second, or even tenth try. If you work with goats in any way, you just need to accept this.
So Charlie, this incredibly intelligent and extremely stupid animal, was on a set of a movie where He was the antagonist in the minds of the characters, actors, and crew. Charlie could have been just fine on the set if the actors had kept their animosity to filming sessions, and most of them did just that. Most of the actors and crew were, at worst, neutral towards Charlie when not actively filming a scene with him. Most of the actors.
Ineson was not among them. Ineson is quoted as saying "From the moment we set eyes on each other it was just kind of hate at first sight." Now, because of their vast infinite nothingness in their heads, goats really aren't capable of "hate at first sight," but they CAN sense animosity from others towards them. Like when your cat knows that your dad hates cats. They just know. So you have an incredibly intelligent moron that weighs just over 200lbs looking at this imposing angry man that was Ralph Ineson and he knows the man does not like him and Ineson has decided that every action Charlie makes is just to spite him, specifically.
It was not the best paring...
By the 4th day of filming, Ineson reported that he was on pain killers for the remainder of the 5-week shoot.
The thing was, the rest of the actors and crew (aside from Eggers but he was trying to direct a goat in a movie so he gets a little leeway) actually recall how sweet and wonderful Charlie was. Anya Taylor-Joy has said that the shoot was a "beautiful" experience. Anna Kilch, a veteran animal trainer, said Charlie was a dream to work with.
So I'm not the biggest fan of Ineson...
The Movie
With that said, what did I think about the movie?
It was...not horrible. In fact, if I put aside my own animosity towards Ineson, it was pretty ok. There are PROBLEMS, no doubt about that, but it was decent.
The Good
The atmosphere was beautiful. It was shot in a quaint little bit of nowhere in Northern Ontario. Pretty sure they put a blue filter over everything but it really did work. It muted all the color and made it all very dreary and damp feeling. In most other situations this would be a major detriment but the overall feeling of hopelessness from the characters was perfectly accented by the misty and drab landscape.
The characters....there were problems but I'll touch on that later. What I liked was how they represented the Deadly Sins.
William is pretty clear. He is the Sin of Pride. It was his pride that had them exiled from their settlement. It was his pride that caused him to lie and steal from his own family. It was his pride that kept his family in a place that was blighted and would not produce anything. It was his pride that made him refuse to see Black Phillip for what he was.
Katherine was also very clear. She is the Sin of Wrath. Her anger at Thomasin for the loss of her infant blinded her to everything around here. It blinded her to Thomasin's innocence. It blinded her to her other childrens sins. It blinded her to how hard Thomasin worked to regain her mothers favor. And, eventually, it blinded her to the avatars of the devil that came to her that dark night.
Caleb, again, very clear. He is the Sin of Lust. Caleb was a bright young boy who was dedicated to and dearly loved his family. He loved one family member a little too much. Caleb lusted after his elder sister. That lust eventually lead him into the arms of the titular Witch as she seduced him with her HUGE....tracks of land... c:
Mercy and Jonas are harder to pin down. Eventually I settled on Envy and Sloth respectively, though I'm not 100% sold on them. Jonas I'm a bit more sure on. His character is fairly one note and all about shirking any work his elder sister tries to give him. I settled for Envy for Mercy mostly because of the scene near the creak. She seemed to envy the attention her father and elder brother gave to Thomasin. Neither one are very strong connections though.
Thomasin didn't really show a sign of a serious sin until the very end. Actually, she almost seemed to embody ALL of the sins in the end after being almost pure as snow for the whole movie. Almost. She displayed minor sins throughout the movie but it made her a believable character. She was a young woman, somewhere between 14 and 16 I'd say. She got angry at her siblings, she wasn't totally focused on her chores, the normal teenage stuff.
However, by the end of the movie, Thomasin displayed nearly all 7 Sins. She was wrathful towards her father. She was greedy for her mothers love. Black Phillip's offers display Gluttony (Butter) and Envy (the Dress). She was certain that she was right in all of her actions, blinded by Pride. She was apathetic once her family were all dead, leaving them all to rot in the elements as she wallowed in self pity. And finally she disrobed and frolicked with the devil in her Lust.
The Bad
Oh yes was there bad.
The sound direction was OBJECTIVELY horrible. What should have been ambient sound effects were too loud, the dialog was WAY too soft, the music was all over the place. It fell well into that nasty hole that Horror has of turning all the sound to soft and quiet before hitting you with a sudden jolt as the action jumps to life. When used well, this can elicit a visceral feeling in the viewer that lets them connect with the urgency of the scene. When used wrong, its just a cheep tactic to get a scare just like jump scares. This REALLY needs to be called out more often in Horror. We all denounce jump scares as cheep and over used and we need to do the same for the auditory equivalent.
The dialog was really hard to understand. I understand the choice considering the setting, but it was the biggest wall that kept me from enjoying anything the first time around. By the nature of Old Low English, words would blend into one another and become almost gibberish. Its a very lovely language to read, but a chore to listen to. I put on subtitles this time around and was able to follow the story much more easily. I would absolutly advise putting on subtitles while watching it.
The ending was the weakest part of the movie aside from the sound issues. I mean the very last scene. Everything leading up to that was actually very well done. The way Thomasin goes to Black Phillip and demands he talk to her. The way he offers her everything she could ever want. How you see both the hope and defeat in Thomasin when Black Phillip began to talk to her. It was clear he was the one who set in motion the cogs that ended with her families death but they were all victims of their own sins in the end. She saw his power over their insignificant lives and was crushed by his seeming superiority to the Lord she had been raised to love. At the same time, she saw the power he could bestow on HER, a clear tangible power unlike the "story" of Heavenly Power that she never saw physical examples of.
To end on the scene of this naked woman, no longer the innocent girl burdened by heavy trappings of modesty, walking into the woods with the black billygoat hot on her heals would have been so powerful. Just cut to black right there. You can even still have the witches chanting as it cuts to black and the end credits fade in.
But they decided to take it one step further and it did NOT help the ending. It was just too over the top with the naked women writhing erotically around this fire. When the camera turns back on Thomasin and she begins writhing and moaning and laughing and you see her rise into the air, maybe its just me but it took away the power of that sure confident woman walking into the woods.
It just feels like a step too far and would have been much stronger if they'd just left that part out.
The G.O.A.T
The best part was still Charlie.
Black Phillip, Black Phillip
A crown grows out his head,
Black Phillip, Black Phillip
To nanny queen is wed.
Jump to the fence post,
Running in the stall.
Black Phillip, Black Phillip
King of all.
Black Phillip, Black Phillip
King of sky and land,
Black Phillip, Black Phillip
King of sea and sand.
We are ye servants,
We are ye men.
Black Phillip eats the lions
From the lions' den.
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g-on-ef · 5 years
Happy Birthday Leon
Summary: Tom and Marco take a trip down memory lane as they reminisce of their son.
A/N: Happy birthday @fremynstein !!! This story is based around her oc character Leon who is one of my favorite Tomco kids I hope you like the first part of many more to come ^^
16 years, 16 long wonderful years of Tom’s life that if given the chance he would not hesitate to do it over again. Who would’ve thought that the great demon prince would marry a mortal? And not just any mortal, but the one he hated when the first met for he thought he was trying to steal Star Butterfly from him.
Little did he know that Marco Diaz would become a huge part of his life. From enemies, to friends, to lovers, to proud parents of a beautiful boy the two have had their ups and downs but it was worth especially when they were blessed with the beautiful boy that is their son.
Leon Diaz Lucitor was a gift from above, he had light violet skin similar to him, his hair was a reddish-brown color and he had the most adorable tail Tom has ever seen! Of course Leon would always get annoy whenever he or Marco would tell him that, but it couldn’t be help both Marco and Tom created the most perfect being in the entire world, the most perfect being in all the dimensions!
Some would say he’s exaggerating but hey, he was a proud father who loved his son more than anything.
Today was a bittersweet day for him though, Tom was sitting on his bed and currently going through his special box, a box that contained every important day of his life, inside the box were pictures, knickknacks that had special meaning to him, and other precious memories that Tom held near and dear his heart.
Looking inside his box he out some pictures of him and Marco. He couldn’t help but laugh at some of them, there were ones when he and Marco went to the Mackihand movie marathon and sang to Lovehandle, some where they went on their first date, their wedding, and of course of Leon as a baby.
Seeing his baby made Tom’s eyes water a little, he still can’t believe that his little boy is growing into a fine young man. He was growing up to be a fantastic warrior, a great friend, an amazing boyfriend and soon he will be a fantastic ruler when the time is right.
Still, it broke Tom’s heart how big his baby is getting, he sometimes wishes his baby would stay well a baby because he’s not sure if his heart can take so much more of his little boy growing up.
A knock disrupted his thoughts.
“Coming in,”
The door opened and in came Marco, his beloved husband. Marco has definitely grown over the years; he went from a scrawny adorable kid to a muscular handsome man that Tom will forever be thankful to have at his side.
“Hey Beautiful, been looking all over for you,”
“Hey to you too Handsome, and sorry for hiding, I was just looking through somethings,”
Marco saw Tom’s special box and the items that surrounded their bed.
“Taking a trip down memory lane?”
Tom chuckle a little before showing him the pictures of the two of them with Leon.
“You could say that,”
Marco went to sit on the bed, carefully he moved the items to the side before he took a seat next to his beloved husband.
Marco gently took the photo off of Tom’s hands and couldn’t help but smile a little, he will never forget the time he and Tom found out they were expecting.
Marco gently knocked on the door to their room, Tom left the dinner table quickly when Star mention children. For the past week Tom has been running away from anyone who would so much utter the c word around him.
Marco let it be for he knew his Prince would talk to him when he was ready but if he was honest, he was beginning to get worried. He could understand if he wanted to ignore random strangers asking him about children but Star. That was someone Marco thought he would gladly talk about children with since Jackie was pregnant with their first child.
It scared Marco that Tom was hiding something from him and he wanted to know what it was.
The door open and out came Tom looking scared and worried.
“What?” he asked trying to sound like the big and bad ruler of the underworld he was but instead he sounded scared of what Marco wasn’t sure but he was going to find out.
“Tom, what’s the matter, and don’t say nothing or I’m crazy or some other nonsense to deflect the situation, I know something is bothering you so please tell me what it is,”
Tom looked at Marco before looking away.
“If I tell you, promise you won’t get mad,”
“Of course, I wouldn’t,”
“I’m pregnant…”
Marco would forever deny it but when he found out he cheer for joy before hugging his husband…and then passing out. He would deny until the day he dies.
Still, finding out that his Demon was pregnant was the best day of his life, a day he could never forget and never wanted to.
That day Marco made sure that Tom was as healthy as could be, they had a few minor scares when their baby was resting in Tom’s stomach but they pulled through, the names for the baby was rough but in the end they chose Leon because it just felt right.
“Remember when you accidently opened the door to the room and hit his head?”
Tom’s eyes widen as he remembers that particular event,
After a long day with the council Tom decided it was time to have some R&R, especially since he wanted to have as much energy as he could have when Leon woke up from his nap and spend some quality time with his family.
“Hey Marco, are you and Leon up?”
He opened the door to his and Marco’s room and heard a thump sound, looking down he saw Leon standing there with the door covering his face.
Tom’s screams could be heard all throughout the Underworld.
“Would you relax, he’s fine,” Marco reassure him as he checked Leon for a bump or two.
“I hurt my baby, I hurt him in the worst possible way!”
One thing that made Marco always laugh is how dramatic his husband could be but hey, that’s one of the many qualities that Marco loved about him.
“Hey, look see he’s fine,”
Tom ran to their side to see Leon.
“Are you okay baby boy?”
Leon looked up and his father and smiled,
“I’m okay Daddy,” a small trickle of blood fell from his nose, Tom passed out from the sight of blood.
“Well congratulations Leon, you did the one thing no one has ever manage to do, you made the King of the Underworld pass out,”
“You’re horrible for remembering that,”
Marco just laugh as he picked up another photo one that made his smile fell, Tom looked at him before taking a peek at the photo and burst out laughing.
“It’s not funny,”
“Oh yes, it is, remember when Leon introduced us to him as his boyfriend?”
“How could I forget,”
Marco watched in amazement as his son fought the Pixie Emperor known as Sholan. His skin was a ligh blue color with soft light pink hair and warm violet eyes. He was a handsome young fellow and it always made Marco laugh whenever Leon was able to pin the Emperor.
Leon stared down at Shoan as he laid beneath him, he had to resist the urge to lean down and kiss him, the two have been dating for a while now and he really wanted to kiss him, the only reason why he didn’t was because his dad was there it’s not like the two kept their relationship a secret, hell everyone in the Underworld already knew about the two, his dads on the other hand either they knew and didn’t say anything or they were just refusing to accept their son was growing up.
“What are you thinking about?” Sholan asked.
Leon looked down at his boyfriend before laughing a little,
“Well, I really like kicking your ass,”
Sholan rolled his eyes,
“But I am really thinking about kissing you,”
“So why don’t you,”
“Umm…my dad is here and I am pretty sure he and my papa are the only ones who don’t know we are dating”
“I am pretty sure he knows; he just doesn’t want to except that his baby boy is growing up. Come on Leon, your dad is smart and so is your papa. I am pretty sure they know we are dating,”
Leon thought about it and couldn’t help but agree, his parents had to know they were together, they were the smartest people Leon has met so they obviously knew he was dating Leon.
“Yeah, your right,” he leaned down and kissed Sholan, Sholan was surprised because he didn’t think Leon would go through with this then again, he was not complaining.
Marco watched as his son kissed the Pixie Emperor.
“WHAT THE HELL?!” both boys pulled away and looked at Marco, who looked like he was seconds away from breathing fire. Would that even be possible?
Tom would forever laugh at the fact that Marco was the only one who didn’t know Leon and Sholan were dating.
“How could you not know they were dating? Sholan didn’t even hid the fact that he had a thing for Leon, and Leon made it very clear to anyone who flirted with Sholan that he was taken,”
“Because that would mean accepting the fact that our son has had his first kiss and is closer to having sex, in my eyes Leon is pure as snow and it’s staying that way,”
Tom rolled his eyes before setting the photos down.
“Thank you, Marco,”
“For what?”
“For giving me the best gift ever,”
“Shouldn’t it be me thanking you?”
Tom shrugged his shoulders and lean forward and kissed him.
They pulled back and smiled at one another.
The door of their room burst opened and in came their son.
“Hey Dad, hey Pops, Aunt Star, and Aunt Jackie are here and are waiting for you guys to start my party,” Leon looked at the pictures surrounding their bed.
“What are you guys doing?”
Marco and Tom looked at one another before gesturing their son to join them on the bed. Leon went over to them and sat between them.
“Would you like to see some pictures of me and your pops?” Marco asked.
“Hell yeah I would,” if there was anything that Leon loved is learning more about his parents and loved hearing stories about them.
“Well, here is the first thing you should know about me and your dad,”
Tom handed Leon a mask, a skull mask that looked like a day of the dead painting and had a mustache on it.
“What is supposed to mean?”
Tom and Marco laughed a little,
“Well son this mask is important to me and your dad because it was the whole reason why we started talking to one another,”
Leon looked at it before putting it on.
“How do I look,”
Both parents laughed before hugging their son.
“You look handsome mi amor,”
Leon smiled and wrapped his arms around his parents shoulders.
“Happy Birthday baby boy,” his parents said.
He smiled and kissed their cheeks. If there was one thing he was thankful for his birthday is being born to the most amazing parents ever.
A/N: Welp love it hate it please tell me what you think ^^
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