#this is probably one of the best selfies I've ever taken
infamousf · 1 year
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A warm shower does the body good
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aangelinakii · 3 months
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not proofread !
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the type of guy to keep flirting with you no matter how long you've been dating
he's forever stuck in the honeymoon phase
you've been dating a month ? he surprises you with flowers each time he meets you
been dating a year ? the flowers upgrade to mega bouquets that light up and have like hello kitty plushes inside
joking he's not THAT extra
joking x2 we all know he so is
but what i'm trying to say is that he never and i mean NEVER gets bored of dating you,, constant compliments, constant kisses, constant reassurance, constant anything you ever need ever
practically has you on a pedestal, because we all know that's what you deserve
he's one of those guys who always takes pictures of your moments together, so he can look back on when he's missing you
has a selfie of the two of you on his phone from the day he asked you if he would be your boyfriend ( yes he said that specifically ) so that he can look back before you were properly together
has soo many pictures of you that you don't realise he's taken, and he thinks you look the best in those ones
if you two ever go on holiday together, he'll bring a digicam or camcorder so he can record your shared adventures
he thinks having it on a memory card as opposed to his photo gallery makes it feel more real
honestly, he's so attentive that he almost knows you better than you know yourself, but also vice versa
just by a little crease in your eyebrow, he knows that you're craving a sandwich, and go make it for you
loves cooking for you as well
lovesss making little dinner nights that he treats like you going to a gourmet restaurant, but they're all in his little apartment in blüdhaven
definitely a physical affection guy, which i've gone into more detail here
but his favourite form of physical affection, is probably to give or receive a greattt massage after a long day
he gets tons of knots it's crazy
loves seeing you all dressed up and will always ask if you can be his date to any of bruce's charity events, because he wants to show you off just that bad
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catboybiologist · 6 months
March 2024 documentation and transition journal
Just got my levels results back, meaning that the doc is fully updated for March:
This is possibly one of the most exciting and interesting months of HRT since starting, because I've experimented around a lot with injection doses, so let's talk about that! I'm also slapping a couple of old pics in here for reference, so I'll slap some selfie tags on this.
So, lots of interesting HRT stuff. At my last levels check, I was on 4mg injectable EV a week. And… my E actually went down, even though that’s an effectively higher dose than my previous regimen (6mg sublingual/day). Because of this, I talked with my provider, and essentially she told me to fuck around. I probably was way looser with it than she wanted me to be, but she told me to go to 8mg/week maximum, and try and settle on 6mg/week minimum. So….. here’s what I did.
1 week of 8mg.
2 weeks at 7mg.
2 weeks 6mg, during which my levels were checked at mid.
I… can’t really advocate for this. Basically, my logic was that I wanted to see what it felt like to max things out, but have my actual levels check reflect what I’m like at 6mg to know if increasing or maximizing the dose beyond that is necessary at all. Ultimately, I’ve concluded that 8mg feels too high- I start getting a bit of headache and nausea at peak. 7mg feels very comfortable. 6mg, I felt fucking miserable at trough. When I was on 4mg/week, I used a couple of sublingual pills to try and get through that, but I tried to see if I could stop doing that. It went okay for the higher doses, but on 6mg… ugh. Felt like complete shit. I’ll def be using a couple this week to get through that, probably just 4-6mg sublingual on wed/thurs to make sure I’m feeling okay.
Oh. Also. I ditched Spironolactone, against the advice of my provider. 
I was getting really, REALLY irritated by the diuretic effects, so I quit it when I tried to 8mg dose just to see what would happen. I figured that 8mg would be more than enough to suppress T on its own (likely true), and so I thought it would be the best time to try that. And… when I stopped spiro, a depressive haze that had been in my head lifted very quickly. I thought it was just depression based on a rough past couple of months, and that’s probably true, but it also felt physical. The diuretic effects have also stopped, and I genuinely can’t imagine going back on spiro.
I’ve heard a lot of theoretical stuff about spiro potentially being able to inhibit growth and development. It's possibly a growth hormone inhibitor, but should be a more potent antiandrogen than anyone else. It’s…. Really hard to say whether spiro actually inhibits growth. As with a lot of transfemme physical developments, there’s never been a comprehensive, conclusive study on it, which is why its relegated to miscellaneous anecdotes that everyone will swear one way or the other on. I’ll have some opinions on this later.
So what improvement to my levels did I get out of all of this?
Well…. Good, but nothing radical. My midcycle estrogen is 159 pg/mL, which is about my target for trough. It’s a good step up from the 4mg dose, but I’m probably going to increase to 7mg/week- that felt fine to me, and I’m pretty confident that that’ll be the dose that nails it. I’m pretty deadset on going forward with that, I would just need a levels check to verify we’re all good there. (Side note, I’m a bit frustrated that my body literally seems allergic to just… stuff. Idk if I have an overactive liver or what, but my T crashed super easily, adderall consistently lasts shorter than it should, and my E is really struggling to go up.)
And did this result in any physical improvement? 
I actually think that this last month has been the single fastest month of physical development I’ve ever had. Here’s some things I’ve noticed:
My breasts have become much larger and more developed in relation to my chest, with a much better shape. Comparison pictures to even just the end of January show a wild difference (sorry, not posting that publicly). To be fair, though, I’m still pretty clearly in tanner 2, and I maybe want to wait for just a bit more development before I start progesterone. 
Waist measurement is still going down, and hip measurement is still holding steady. This means that, in effect, my hips are getting wider.
And this is one of the most exciting ones- my upper body seems like its getting smaller. I’m floored by this. My underbust is less, my chest looks noticeably less barrel-y, and my ribcage kind of “flows” into my waist better. I wrote a bit about this on reddit just now, but I think I know what’s happening here. Not only is fat burning from the sides of my chest as it builds on the front of my chest, I actually think my costal cartilage might be getting “tighter”, effectively pulling my ribs a bit closer in to my sternum
I have…. No way to confirm the hunches of that last one, other than the images I can show. So for educational purposes (and y’know. Making the funny women in my phone type funny syllables) Here’s a quick timeline where I think you can see the “barrellness” of my chest decreasing:
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From left to right, we have September (0-1mo), December (3-4mo), March (6-7mo)
Don't worry, my shoulders are just as wide and athletic dyke-y.
Am I delusional? Is this anything? Maybe. Pictures are hard to make consistent with changes this small. But I do feel like its noticeable, and it seems like women’s cut shirts and tanks have fit me in a way that’s a lot more consistent with a cis woman’s body. Again, there’s also nsfw images, and I think they show a lot of progress, and I think I can pretty definitively say that this has been the single month with the most physical changes since, well, my first month back in September. 
Why did this happen? Well, I’m working with a sample size of one here, and multiple variables have changed at the same time. There’s really three things that could be happening: increased injection dosage, ditching spiro, or the general come and go of physical changes. It’s impossible to completely know what’s going on because of this, unfortunately- I’d need way more data. That said…. This is the first new “wave” of development I’ve had since I started, and my actual blood levels didn’t increase that much. I really, really don’t want to conclude anything, but I’m kinda thinking that spiro had something to do with it. It has broad effects on physiology which aren’t entirely characterized, that could easily theoretically be inhibiting generic growth and development. That said, I think starting with a strong antiandrogen is basically necessary for HRT. It’s extremely difficult to get E levels up without robustly inhibiting T first. Obviously don’t take this as medical advice, or even a scientific opinion. This is nothing more than a hunch.
Idk. I’m happy. I feel like I finally am starting to break through the progress stall I’ve been growing increasingly frustrated with. And I think getting the proper injection dose actually worked to break through it. I’m feeling a lot better with my transition in general too. I won’t elaborate much here, but I’ve been coming out to a lot more people, and its been tentatively going about as well as I could ask. We’ll see what the future holds, but I’m excited about it.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM HITMAN 2 *  assorted dialogue from the video game, adjust as necessary
at the location. no hostile presence.
tell me about the targets.
you know what we want.
i had such big plans for you.
you had a chance to walk away. why didn't you?
it comes back in flashes. fear. anger. but... like it happened to someone else.
i'm... i'm sorry for your loss.
you made this our fight. now let's even the playing field.
i'm breaking more rules than i care to count.
i remember everything.
that's the catch. the report is redacted. no names, no location.
so what am i missing?
i'll explain when i'm back.
it's a dangerous thing... having a conscience.
i spent a long time feeling guilty about that.
everyone hates power until you offer them some.
only one way to find out, i'm afraid.
i'm sorry you had to endure all that free champagne and cello music.
looks deserted.
is that a sense of humor, [name]? whatever next? crying at the movies?
oh, hell no. how did this end up here?!
think about what that means.
i swear to god, when i find out, you're dead!
we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
we need to know who we're up against.
this is our best lead in twenty years.
i say it's time we break a few rules.
no one's untouchable.
no more. i'm done.
so it's a dead end. i can't track them.
the breadcrumbs were almost too easy to follow. it could be a trap.
why are you doing this?
okay, i'm ready. let's get this thing fixed.
probably just some pitiful cry for help or some shit like that.
a great moment. i cherish the memory to this day.
plenty of spies went dark.
i have just the tool for the job.
i know what it's like to have everything taken from you.
i suggest you get rid of them, [name].
good aim.
what are we looking at?
like i said... it's a long shot.
how does he know about us?
we got what we came for. move out.
maybe next time, then?
it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.
this is exactly what the enemy wants.
you've seen the pictures, yes?
you should be able to jimmy open the garage door with the proper tool.
i'll call you after the presentation.
the house is just up the beach.
getting caught on tape is the last thing we need.
our intel indicates that she and her team are laying low.
for now, it's information we seek.
infiltrate the house and get us a lead on the shadow client.
up for some b&e?
oh my god! it's really you! it's such an honor to meet you!
on my way.
oh, could you fix me a cup of tea?
we got all we're going to get.
i thought this night would never end. what a snob fest.
according to the local home security provider, the house is equipped with multiple cameras placed around the perimeter.
why don't you search the pool area?
they could be out. could be lying low.
i see them. poor bastards.
i'm not a fool, [name].
she was never shy about collateral damage.
this feels more like identity theft.
what can i say? you really took one for the team.
nothing we can do for these people now.
don't worry. i've got this under control.
imagine what he would do to me if i messed up.
let me just grab a quick selfie with you.
improving on stuff that looks like crap probably isn't too hard.
there might be a concealed space behind the wall.
hurry. i'm detecting movement up the road.
they're back. multiple hostiles.
it won't make a difference. they're too powerful.
good. i will tell you exactly what to do.
take a deep breath and try again.
well done. now get off the property.
they're on high alert, combing the beach for intruders. proceed with caution.
someone will need to stop them. might as well be us.
no, i don't give a rat's ass about it.
i'll head up when i feel like it.
your so called "friend" is working for them now.
he's coming for us. and unlike you, he won't hesitate.
just get me inside.
we can't focus here, all right?
well done, [name]. this should be good.
i'm not as strong as you.
they have to pay for what they did.
it needs to stop. you... need to stop.
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sungtaro · 10 months
to my beloved mutuals who contributed to the big birthday project spearheaded by millie i truly can't tell you how special and loved you all made me feel 🥹 it really means so much that all of you would take the time to share such thoughtful and lovely things. now that i have had all day to process and time to sit down to thank all of you ... let's gaaaur 😎
roro! @sunghanbin thank you always for your kind words and for seeing in me what i can only believe is the warmth reflected back from what you put out into the world 💖 i'm glad you've stood by me from my filtering nct era to my full on nctzenization without even batting a lash, even if my bias reveal was unexpected 🤭 #thanks_jaehyun
vianey! @souladies thank you so much for taking the time to wish me well and contribute to this. you are such an integral presence in my tumblr experience, i am always so happy to see your creations in my tag after a long stretch of not being here, and in so many ways it's you who always makes me feel welcome back 🥹
aweks! @awek-s my sweet bean, i hope you know i'm always cheering for you! i wish for a world where everyone can feel seen, heard, and supported by their healthcare team - i know it's far from the reality, but i'll always work hard to be at least be that nurse myself. you are so important to the world and to me, pls don't forget it 💖
rosie! @kimjiwoong I MISS U first of all and thank you so much for adding your love to the mix 💖 i cannot remember the day we first talked but that's probably because it's just felt like you've always been here, and i'm always excited to see you 🥹
lili! @ninqz my little crabby ... thank you for taking the time to contribute to this (and make me a gifset!) when i know it's been a hard and busy semester. thank you for always entertaining my random fun facts and for thinking they're fun in the first place ahbgjha and i hope we'll get to catch up more soon 💖
brina! @aquablues my babieeee and of course my little sibling 4ever (4brina). i'm so proud of you and learn a lot from the way you live so true to yourself. honored to be a virtual big sister and excited to see where life keeps taking u !! my love will be in that cargo pants pocket every step 😎
lulu! @fushigojos as you know i am always so fond of u ! even if we aren't living txt comeback to txt comeback together anymore . i'm glad we both feel the same 'forever-friend' kind of love. i'll always be in your corner !! 💖
sofi! @yeofi thank you for always caring about me and sticking around since the beginning of it all! no matter how busy we may get or how hard both of us are working (sometimes too hard) we always have each other's back 💖
miha! @jaebeomtual i got emotional for real 😭 thank you for being so generous with your love, i'm someone who i think struggles with putting affection into words and you make it look so easy while still feeling so genuine and managing to make me laugh at the same time as i am like my heart is going to burst rn . i'm so grateful to call you loml and hope you know how much positivity and peace and laughter i get from you.
aléks! @possession1981 one day we will hang out irl and it will be the easiest and best time ever. i'm always here for you and so glad that you trust me and that i can be like a big sister to you when you need it 💖 i always admire you and am so grateful for our friendship!
rachel! @gnanii my ate 💖 though we are definitely different, i think that's what makes us strong. i think i've said it before but i always have had a hard time letting people take care of me, and yet you manage to make me feel so taken care of in a way that's easy. thank you for being willing to travel for me, for sharing the pain of teumeism with me, for every jae selfie you make sure i see bc we all know i don't get weverse notifications, for sharing the highs and lows of real life as well as kpop, and for being the amazing friend and person you are. can't wait until we see each other again 🤗
mary! @dongkwan so weird to tag you in a tumblr post when we spend all the time just texting each other lol but i have to give you a shoutout for somehow managing not to tell me that this was being plotted. i'm so glad that i decided to get into kpop, immediately told you about it, and for how much it's continued to bring us together ever since. looking forward to embarrassing myself at omega x with you soon 💖
meg! @hozierbyrne what can i say really ... thank you for everything you did to help make this happen. you are a wizard of making me feel special and listened to all the time but it never ceases to lift me up regardless. i read all the things you think about me as a friend and i'm like no way, that's you! but i think it goes to show that we really are aligned in what we look for in a friendship, which is probably also why it's felt like we've been friends for decades instead of whenever things escalated on tumblr to the point of me being like sure i will get on a plane and share a bed with this person i've never met , . and i'm glad we keep getting on planes and i'm so excited for when you'll get on one to see me here. i promise to have the best, most cancelable powerpoint yet ready to present to you 💖 love u
millie! @berryjaellie clears throat what the heck this was so unbelievably lovely of you i can't believe you even considered for half a second that i wouldn't like it. i loved it !!! thank you for taking so much time to consider all of these Things About Me and talking to people about them and then putting it all together in this incredibly thoughtful, detailed, super cute package that i cannot stop staring at and have shared with my parents + irl friends because of how much it meant to me. and of course for everything you yourself had to share and say. ever since the first time you said something along the lines of 'not just a friend like you, but you as a friend' i really have started thinking more in that way and using that because it really makes a difference and i want you to know that i'm just as glad to have not a friend like you, but you as a friend. i laughed, i cried, i felt so treasured as i looked through this (multiple times) and that's all you and your thoughtfulness. thank you for being the first to wish me a happy birthday in the most powerful, loving way. it, and you, mean so much to me 💖
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
yandere morty? maybe one who also has a stutter like him and is not outgoing?
Yeah sure. Aged up AU as usual! This isn't a general concept, this is mostly focusing on him with a Darling who's like him.
Yandere! Morty Smith with a Darling like him
Short Concept
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic.
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Mentions of social skill issues, Clingy behavior, Slight paranoia, Slight manipulation, Vague if platonic or romantic although leans towards platonic, Aged up AU
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- Morty seems like someone who needs more friends.
- He's constantly dragged on intergalactic adventures by Rick and always subjected to the horrors of alternate universes.
- He certainly has issues with fitting in with other people as he grows up.
- Rick certainly isn't helping all that much.
- While he has grown up by the time he's met you, he still acts similar to your typical Morty.
- Nervous at times, trouble talking to people, etc.
- Although at this point he would've learned from Rick and may have picked up on his more irritable behavior.
- He'd probably feel like he's looking into a mirror when he meets you.
- Someone like him? Except without the mad scientist grandfather that keeps almost getting him killed?
- He's eager to get to know you more as he just lacks decent social skills.
- Rick probably picks up on this and teases him about it.
- "Ohh, I know that look."
- "Shut up, Rick."
- If he's lucky he may have enough time away from Rick to talk to you more.
- Talking to you actually makes Morty quite happy.
- You both have issues talking with each other at first although soon you both have so much fun hanging out.
- Morty's happy to finally have someone he can relate to and talk to that isn't himself.
- When you find other copies of yourself, what else are you supposed to do?
- As he enjoys talking to you so much, he has your number in his phone and contacts you often.
- Even on adventures, you're always sent selfies or pictures he's taken while in another universe with Rick.
- His messages are always so sweet towards you.
- He'd honestly get upset when Rick tries to control how much time he gets to spend around you.
- He doesn't want to accompany Rick on some space party.
- He wants to be at home, inviting you over to chat.
- As much as Morty would be excited to bring you along on adventures with him, he is also afraid you'd get hurt.
- He is of the age to know which universes aren't dangerous and to pilot the ship on his own, yet he prefers it if he didn't accidentally get you both hurt.
- You're both not all that outgoing anyways.
- You can stay at the house with him, maybe even say Hi to Summer if she isn't busy with adult life.
- Morty really likes how similar you are to him as that means you're also not as social.
- That way not a lot of people talk to you, which means more time to spend with him!
- Doesn't matter if he likes you as a best friend or romantic partner, he just likes your attention on him.
- All the time.
- It's a welcome change to have someone care for him and not insult him everytime he makes a mistake.
- Learning from his time with Rick, he is sure to encourage you to improve from mistakes instead of screaming at you.
- He's very caring towards you and would do anything to keep in contact with you.
- Even when you're busy with life, however, he gets upset he isn't involved.
- It would devastate him if he drifted away from you over time.
- Which, like Rick, means he may show up at random times.
- He calls often, he visits where you live, he just wants to be around you.
- "Hey, um, I know you've been busy... I've been too, but- Can we please talk to each other? Maybe hang out for a bit? I can ask Rick if we can use his ship-"
- Once he's found someone he relates to, he doesn't ever want to let you go.
- You'll stay in contact with him no matter what happens, won't you?
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oveliagirlhaditright · 4 months
Reasons I think a Final Fantasy VIII Remake could've could be fun:
Addressing the elephant in the room first: yes, they would have to rework the Junction system (since the Junction system is canon to the story). But I don't think there's anything saying that they wouldn't be able to do that all these years later (and that maybe Square has even having thought about it some during said long years). I for sure think they'd be able to find a way to make it better (and less broken for those who get it, and less complicated for those who don't) and something new for this generation, ala FFVIIR's battle system.
Rewrites to the story: this is a thing that would probably have to be a thing that would happen, too, as the story of FFVIII is admittedly not perfect: Most of all to make characters other than Squall and Rinoa more important to the overall story, I think. But seeing just how Square Enix was able to handle character writing in the FFVIIR parts-- and add changes to the story that didn't hurt things (we're not talking about the Whispers or timeline stuff here), but rather enhanced it: like explaining that the Gi created the black materia--I have faith in them.
Now for some things that I, personally, would love to see, that I think could help FFVIII in the modern era, and perhaps the story:
My friend @bluerosesburnblue in defending Rinoa Heartily one time, once described her as a social justice warrior--with all the best intentions--who doesn't exactly know what she's getting into, and gets in over her head. And she's exactly right. If FFVIII were to ever be remade, I'd love to see that sort of direction taken with Rinoa's character, perhaps.
Another elephant in the room, perhaps (but one that I think would be fun/funny. And worth the price of admission... at least for me. I might just be weird). I feel like there would have to be a joke about selfies and Selphie's name. But I don't want them to modernize FFVIII with smart phones like they did FFVII. FFVIII takes place in an era akin to the Cold War, and that's where it should stay. But I've seen many a vintage post labeled something like "a selfie made before selfies were created!" Where a person, back in the day, seemingly did take a kind of selfie with cameras of old. And I think we could do that with FFVIII: the people of that world learn how to take selfies with their cameras, and they become a big hit. And Selphie says something like, "I was 'Selphie' before these 'selfies' ever existed. And I'm the best one that exists, don'chu know?" IDK.
Anyway, those are some of my thoughts for a Final Fantasy VIII remake, if one were to ever exist.
Feel free to add onto this if you have more:)
Edit: And this one y'all will either love or hate. But I believe it was Kitase who said that if they remade Final Fantasy VIII, they might play with the "Squall is Dead" theory. They wouldn't make it true or anything like that, but probably put some red herrings about it there and pay homage to it. I personally like this idea, think it's fun, and would like to see it if we ever did get said Remake. But I also completely understand why others would hate the idea.
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newt-man0304 · 2 years
Obey me brothers/dateables and Luke meet Cereza
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(Basically, while venturing in the avalon forest, Cereza fell into a portal and landed in devildom. No mc, just cereza being taken care of)
-Confused. How did a mortal child end up here?
-What really caught him off guard was that this child seemed powerful, but didn't seem to unlock her true abilities.
-Learns that she was a witch in training and that her name was Cereza.
-Avalon forest? Inferno? He never heard about those places. Faeries ane monsterous looking demons?
-Learns that Cereza wants to save her mother and Lucifer respects that, but is a little doubtful of the 10 year old.
-Him and lord diavolo decide to let her stay for a while so she could get stronger and maybe even tell them about this witch clan and the rest.
-'Why is your cat dolls eyes glowing'
-He doesn't like Chesire.
-Reminds Cereza of Morgana. Cold, but wants the best for everyone
-Oh hell no
-Not only is he assigned to look after a child, but a witch in training no less
-Alright, who sent you here to collect something from me? I ain't giving you one grimm
-Learns that he isn't in dept with Cerezas teacher and sighs in relief.
-At first, he tries to stay away, but then when a few other witches attacked him, Cereza sent out Chesire and incased them in thorns.
-The witches never came back again. Ever since that day, he became sort of a uncle figure for Cereza.
-May or may not dress Cereza up as him and gets in trouble with Lucifer.
-Cereza accidently learns how to scam people
-Another Normie? Boring.
-Isn't the biggest fan of children.
-But when he learns from the umbran clan that cereza is from, he changes his mind.
-You're just like that main character from 'I kill angels and try to regain my memories after sleeping for 500 years'
-She doesn't know jack shit of games and anime? Oh hell no! Let me introduce you to Ruri-Chan
-Cereza hangs out with Leviathan the most, because he is basically an outcast from the brothers in her eyes. Altough he was willingly and she was forcefully cast out
-Girl be prepared. This demon will adopt you.
-Not only does she have to read a lot to learn spells, Cereza also loves Cats. She styles her hair as cat ears and has a chesire plushie.
-'I've only had Cereza for 1 hour and a half, but if anything happens to her, i will kill everyone and myself'
-Cereza reminds him of alice in wonderland. He also often plays with chesire and makes it fight Cerebrus
-Sometimes has Cereza do something for the anti lucifer league.
-Probably has soemthing about Umbra witches.
-Say hello to your new papa, cereza.
-Constantly fights Asmodeus and Solomon over who gets to take care of her. Chesire is not amused.
-Squels when he sees her. She is adorable, but not as adorable as him of course
-A young witch in training,how cute.
-Knows that she is a kid, but she could do better with her outfit choices.
-Whats that? Your hair needs proper care, because it acts as a conduit? Say less! Cerezas hair is in good care with Admodeus.
-Definetly takes a lot of selfies with her and she becomes devildoms most popular witch
-He has a lot to say about Chesire. Couldn't this demon get in a better looking doll?
-Ate his words when he learned that Cerezas mother made this doll when she was imprisoned.
-Hopes Chesire won't scratch his beautiful face.
-Big brother instincts kick in
-Thinks of her as a little lilith and protects her with her life
-Occasionally spars with Chesire.
-Cereza gives him lollipos and Avalon essences, which are very sweet.
-Would eat them in a second.
-He reminds Cereza of the Inferno varaint of him, Baal.
-Whats that, your mother is in danger and you have to travel through a forest to save her? Let me come with you.
-He feels like Cereza and Belphie would get along
-He and Cereza don't get along. At all.
-Belphegor doesn't like humans, especially children and Cereza thinks he is annoying.
-Spite eachother
-Cereza always gets chesire to wake Belphie up. She knows she won't get in trouble with Lucifer if she does.
-That little BI-
-Learns a lot when Cereza came to the devildom.
-Theres another part of hell named Inferno. He knew of the legend, but didn't think ot existed.
-Surprised that Barbatos knew of it. All the butler had to say was 'You didn't ask, so i didn't tell, young master.'
-Inspires Cereza a lot. He started to care for her like a little sister.
-He finds Chesire very cute.
-If anyone says something bad about Cereza, they will get punished severly. Its a criminal offence now.
-Often gets Barbatos to join them when Cereza is talking about her teacher.
-'Young Master, please get to work'
-He already knew of Cerezas existence before she came here. She was child of sage and witch blood.
-As to how he knew, its because Cerezas mother, Rosa, made a contract with his own mother, Madama khepri, who is knows as the protector of time in Inferno.
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(I know it was never stated that Barbatos had parents, but i thought it would make sense if they were mother and son. They're both mainly known for the color green, control of time and are the most powerful demons in their respective universe.)
-'How amusing' he thought. Who would've known they would cross paths someday. He could've know, but can't use his powers without Diavolos permission.
-He appreciated Cereza a lot, since she sometimes helps him clean. When he asked her why, she just shrugged and told him that her teacher would always make her do chores that might help her with training.
-Is a bit iffed at that.
-Cereza also gives him the plants and herbs she collected from avalon forest. He appreciates it and is surprised how the petals of onyx roses make good tea.
-Once when barbatos was frozen when he saw a 'you-know-what', Cereta captured them in thorny vines and Chesire at them.
-Was very grateful. Wonders if he could borrow Chesire for a while.
-Simply adores her.
-He often watches her have play dates with Luke. He thinks children are the most innocent beings.
-While not thrilled that she was a witch who makes pacts with Infernal demons, he respects her decision.
-Fate hasn't decided yet. He can sense an angelic and light magic in her. Who knows, maybe she'll becoma a sage.
-Is also grateful that she doesn't know how to use Technology. How do they do it?
-Hears about how you were treated. He would like to have a word with those bitches- i mean witches.
-That cat doll somehow scares him. It threatend to eat its wings
-Finally, another child.
-Becomes instant friends with her.
-Is confused when she said that he resembles the boy im her dreams. Makes him blush a bit.
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(Who Cereza reminds him of)
-Bakes with her a lot. They both always want Barabtos to feel special, so they make him cookies or cake.
-Definelty wishes she would visit the celestial realm.
-Bumos heads with Chesire often.
-Not only did Cereza get a dad in devildom, but also a second teacher.
-Teases her a lot and doesn't really mind Chesire.
-He knows a lot about the witches and sages, but choses not to tell the rest. When Cereza asks why, he just says 'why not'
-Is impressed by Cerezas potion making. But she still had a long way to go.
-Knows who Cerezas teacher is. He and Morgana often have some sort of beef.
-Does he purposly take Cereza as his apprentice? Maybe. Does he like it? Yes
-Is moved to tears when Cereza likes his cooking. He will fight Satan over an adoption.
-In actaulity, Cereza thinks his food is quite decent. Besides, she was served worse when she was with the umbran clan. She had better meals from Morgana.
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switchingsoftly · 6 months
92 or 93, dealer's choice
Lot of questions, and a lot of answers under the cut!
4: What’s the best sex you’ve ever had?
It's so hard to compare my favorites, but I think just in terms of how much I think about it, that time I got spit roasted would for sure top the cake. I hope I can do that again veryyyy soon djdkfjskf
20: What’s the queerest shit you’ve ever done?
31: Describe your most unusual/taboo fantasy.
Y'know, it's hard to say lol, I'm not sure. With the crowds I'm in, a lot of what I enjoy is fairly... normal? Common, I suppose, lol. I think maybe my like spiderweb of a stalker kink would probably be my most unusual/taboo as of currently. It's also my favorite 💅🏼✨
33: Who’s the oddest person you’ve fantasised about?
Honestly? I personally feel I'm pretty boring in this regard, but the oddest person I've fantasized about was this one friend I had in college. I wasn't even really attracted to him, but our friend group took the bdsm test for funsies (as you do) and his results were a mixed bag. Your gurl got curious, I won't lie sjfldjcks. I really like the whole, "turns into a completely different person in the bedroom" type of troupe, and he definitely had the potential for that sort of thing lol.
40: Describe your most sexy fantasy.
Currently, being like, this cute shapshifting son-cubus who gets corrupted and taken in by his new Eldritch void-demon mommy is my favorite, currently. Just the idea of having past experiences and sensations completely erased from my mind and replaced by this sweet demoness who cares for fie's son oh so much and makes sure to spend lots of special bonding time together is so cute.
There's a similar one that's this little god guy (me) and his Vala -his priestess- and all the things they'd do. Astral mind-fucking, worship, devotion, etc etc is just. So good. And the thought of like, maybe the Vala being this god's mother... loving it to the point of literally seeing it as her god and worshipping it is just. Sjcjckc yeah, family fantasy stuff for sure is my thing right now sjckckvkgkb
49: Do you have any kinks that you’re ashamed of?
I feel like there's a small glimmer of shame in every single one of my kinks, in all honesty. I used to get intrusive thoughts about sexual stuff when I was younger because of it, but I'm doing pretty good with accepting the things that makes things a little more exciting for me 🖤
54: Describe how you like your genitals to be touched
With afab stuff, I really just loved to be filled hard enough to be sore for days afterwards. Fingering, fucking, doesn't matter as long as I physically cannot think. With oral I do prefer to be given head rather than eaten out, as that's more pleasurable to me, and I've gotten some pretty good reviews on how it feels for me to bob their head on my dick >//u//>
55: How sensitive are your nipples? Does nipple play turn you on?
Depends on the person. Personally, if I play with them by myself it doesn't really do much, but if someone else is I absolutely love it. I'd say they're slightly sensitive, mostly to licking and such, and it's such a foreign and good feeling to me lol
92: Post a naked selfie.
You-know-who is being a huge bitch rn and I'm afraid if he sees a pair of tits next to the word 'trans' he'll explode and I'll be deactivated. I've thought about making an of at some point in the future, so who knows! I'll post one for funsies at some point, I'm sure hehe
93. Tag your biggest tumblr crush
@wolfgirlclit hi momma 🖤
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atztranspm · 1 year
San PM 7 : 07/27/23
Drrrrrr *in english*
I couldn't sleep so I opened the door
Hello *in english*
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I'm not sleeping, I'm rolling around
Right now it's 3:21 am!
I'm listening to music!
Dried flower- yuuri
This song is good!
I'm not tired!
I think I have good stamina
Movie recommendations um
I haven't really seen any movies lately
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(He did a random live so uhhh let me summarize it for uuuu)
Many atiny were recommending movies for him and someone said that he should watch the barbie movie. He asked if it was good (it is btw, I cried) he said he wanted to watch elemental cuz there's a character that looks like yunho in it. He laughed and I just wanna say....his laugh is the best thing I've ever heard. He joked saying yunho wasn't in the movie but the character named wade resembled him a lot.
He started singing and humming some songs, one of them was limitless and the other was the song he recommended "dried flowers" he said since this was his mart, he's just give the customers what they wanted but then when everyone started requesting songs for him to sing he said that he was out of stock 💀💀.
Someone asked if he was having difficulty getting used to the time zones and he said that since korea and Japan are in the same timezone, it isn't that hard.
He said he needed to sleep since he had waterbomb tomorrow....he didn't go to sleep....
He saw that we like the cosmopolitan photoshoot a lot and he said that he would upload some behind the scenes pics he had (he uploaded them btw, they're beautiful)
He said he hadn't taken any selfies recently (he said he felt embarrassed with the red hair in an earlier PM) but he said he wanted to share these since theyre somewhat recent.
He read a comment about how handsome he was and he was like "but you can't even see my face" 💀💀 since this was a voice only live. He was like "do you mean my voice is handsome? You like my voice?"(yes sir we do) he teased us a little before saying he was going to end the live and go back to texting.
It's interesting
The function is nice right?
I should go to bed now
For tomorrow
Hurry and sleep tight
Have a nice day
There are probably some people working hard right now
Hwaiting ❤️
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(He did this for me btw, he knows I really like his voice....jk I'm just delusional)
He said that it would be better to say goodnight so we can all hear his voice.
He said the chat was so fast but read out some comments that said goodnight, goodbye and sleep tight. He wished us back the same. He said he was really going to sleep now and said goodnight to those going to bed and for those where it's day, he said to have a good day and to spend it having fun.
He did his signature little goodbyes
"I love you 3000"
He saw some saying 3001 4000 5000 and he laughed saying he would always love us more.
"I love you 3000"
"Bbyong <3"
(San is so precious I wanna keep him in my pocket)
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ambiguouspuzuma · 2 years
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I hadn't meant to ruin her life. It had just sort of happened, somewhere in between the wedding and the funeral, a cascading tragedy I began at the reception - and for what? The kiss was done and over in a second, and I can barely even remember it now. All I know is that it wasn't worth it, in any case: it might have been the most romantic moment of my life, and it still couldn't have been worth all of the horror that has followed since.
I honestly don't know what I was thinking, or if I had been thinking at all. Pete and I had been drunk, but that was no excuse, and I had none to offer when she caught us. My poor, gentle Tilda. The best friend I could have ever asked for. Of course I'd tried to apologise, but of course it was in vain. The same was true for him: that had been that for the marriage, and for our friendship, as well as for any individual chance of happiness. I don't think any of us have had a moment of it since.
After all that time planning the ceremony, it had killed Tilda's mother to see the whole thing all fall apart. She'd always had a dodgy heart, and the shock and despair, after such a joyous day, had been too much for her to take. Tilda tried her best to plan her the perfect funeral in return, but she was barely alive at that point herself, lost to drink and self-loathing. They say that it was tasteful, as these things go, but of course I wasn't invited. Even back then, I'd thought that it was probably for the best.
As one final sting in the tail, Pete, now Tilda's soon-to-be-ex-husband, had blamed himself for the whole affair, and took his own life the next week. He'd wrong about that, though: my memories of that night were faded, but I'd kept enough to know that I'd come on to him, not the other way around. I'd poured the wine, and chosen the music, and leant in close. It was my fault. I just wasn't as brave as him: not brave enough to do the right thing for myself, and give our Tilda the justice she deserved. There had been too much death and sorrow in this whole ordeal, and I'd only taken my share of the latter. The former was a debt I knew was overdue.
"Would you like me to take your picture?"
The couple are struggling to take a selfie together. I find that it's a familiar story on this bank of the river, where the skyline forms such a tempting backdrop behind them, but the phone needs to be held more than an arm's length away to fit it all in.
"No, that's no trouble," I say, waving away their gratitude and the proffered phone. "I'll tell you what, I'll use my one and send the photo over to you. My camera is much better quality, and I know you'll want the best possible memory of this perfect day together."
I keep a copy for myself, once I've shared the snaps with them. I have dozens of them, framed around my flat, propped up on the mantelpiece and printed onto fridge magnets. It's one of the many things I do to be prepared. Like the entries I keep in my private diary, detailing a fictional affair with a man I refer to only as J, and the fear of discovery by his rightly jealous wife.
"I'll kill you," she'd said, or sobbed, or screamed. Tilda, that is; not the fictional wife. Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another - the memory of seeing her that day, a woman broken beyond repair, is too disturbing to hold still in my mind, and it shifts and turns as nightmares do. Tilda's image still haunts me - and, like all good ghosts, it doesn't ever let me settle into peace.
I knew she meant the threat. It was only fair. I'd taken her life, in a sense. Sooner or later, once she had grown drunk enough on hatred and Dutch courage, she would come calling for my head. I will let her, I have decided. I will let poor Tilda kill me. She deserves that, at least. If it will bring her even the slightest measure of peace, I owe her my life, in part-exchange for hers. But I will not let her be locked up for it. I will not see her suffer even more on my account.
On the way home, I get into a shouting match with a man who didn't see me step into the road. He could have killed me, I say, although I know he couldn't have. That honour is not his to bestow. But he grows red in the face, and there are plenty of witnesses. An orange car, I noticed as it approached the corner. Very distinctive. Definitely memorable.
I am always on the lookout for motives: fishing for shoals of red herring, flocks of wild geese for the police to chase, scattering breadcrumbs for them to follow in their circles. The detectives who catch my case will exhaust themselves tracking down all of those people, and hopefully lose Tilda in the forest of these other leads. Her motive is a clear one, but perhaps it won't stand out if I can clutter up my deathbed with the others.
This is the only way I can repay her: with my life, laid out for the taking, without any more misery for her. This is the only way to make things right. I've thought of ending things myself, but that would be to rob her all over again: the has promised to kill me, and I will not deny her that satisfaction. I can only make it easier for her. A banquet of revenge, served cold, and offered on a silver platter.
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marcholasmoth · 1 year
OSRR: 3201
today was a good day.
yeah, joel was the only one to be there at graduation with me, but it was kind of better that way. we didn't have to deal with more opinions than strictly necessary and joel helps me keep my wits about me.
i got there relatively on time, but i only wound up being a third of the way back in the auditorium. i also made friends with my seat buddy, so that was nice too!
the ceremony was so long. it was supposed to start at 10 and end at noon, but we didn't get in there until 10:30 and it ended a little after 1pm. like holy shit.
but it was cool. i also got some nice pictures, including probably my favorite selfies that i've ever taken, and it was generally a good time. i was comfy and not too hot at all - the arena where we were sitting is an ice rink so they need to keep the temperature relatively low to keep it from melting and also there's the ice beneath that's still frozen anyway. so it was nice in there.
after taking some pictures, joel and i went to lunch at the tavern where we went to dinner when james's mom was in town. we got a pretzel that was exceptional and i got that sandwich that was to die for.
after lunch we stopped over at the little bakery across the street and we got a few things, which are waiting at joel's for my return tomorrow.
eventually we headed out, and even though there was a lot of traffic, we still made it out of the city and got him to his game night on time, and i wasn't too late for dinner with my family. it's a good thing i'm always fucking hungry, because it had only been a few hours since joel and i had lunch that we had dinner. we went to the classy place in town as a family, minus my mom who's sick and plus kat because she's the best, and it was really nice. my aunt gave me a glass ball that's twice the diameter of a baseball that's hand-blown and has a tree inside it - it's the tree of wishes, so i was happy to read the symbolism and have the card so i can have a place to hold my wishes and positive thoughts, kind of like an arcane focus in d&d. papa got me flowers and balloons and momma got me a tshirt that has a graduation cap on it and says "you may call me master" which is objectively hilarious, and my gramma gave me a very sweet card that i was able to read and a check. i mentioned to myself on my way home after dropping off kat that i was happy to get some money that i didn't have to work for. i corrected myself: "that i didn't have to go to work for."
a few things of note:
i was standing for like three hours this morning and was so happy i picked my flats
my seat buddy and i bonded over being wicked hungry
since i knew none of my people were in the auditorium, i found the recording camera and waved directly into it which made for some cute photos
i used my shrek-colored anti-redness mask and it fucking WORKED, ALL DAY
near the end of the ceremony the camera focused on a girl who was staring at her phone with no expression instead of paying attention, and it caught her looking up, seeing herself on the screen, and then saying "oh fuck" before covering her face 😂😂😂
people in boston are super friendly
there's a section of track in the middle of the city that's free to take
i had a lot of people wish me congratulations, even though i knew none of them and they were strangers on the street, and it was really sweet and heartwarming
my family adores kat
and last but not least,
i'm so happy i was able to bring joel with me
he made it all better. i know people got they own shit, but if no one else got me, i know he does.
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abel-oc · 2 years
Doing a questions post for Lyos so I can figure him out! I'll do Micah next. Who reads these I don't care this is for me ! 😈 Taken from blog jovishark
1. Are they happy with their body?
Yes! He can shape shift anyway as per standard incubus lore. But he likes how he looks how I've been drawing him most. He would give himself big boobs even though he's gay in succubus mode though
2. Do they have any secret piercings or tattoos?
Not secret but his ears and tounge are done! Maybe his belly button I'm deciding still. I am toying with the idea of womb markings but they are very stupid maybe a tramp stamp
3. Do they collect anything?
Not really as he doesn't have anywhere to put them, probably leaves knickknacks in Abel's house though ( he wouldn't like this )
4. What is their favorite music genre?
Rock / techno!
5. What music genre, if any, do they hate the most?
Pop and church choir music it's probably cringe to him
6. What is their phone background/lock screen?
No phone! But if he got one probably a selfie
7. What is their shoe size?
He can extend it if he wants .big
8. Do they have a favorite fabric or texture?
Not fussed but ended up with mainly leather
9. Do they have a favorite professional sport?
He probably gets into most of them he would watch sport on TV and get heated about it
10. How do they decorate their living space?
Male living spaces
11. Are they messy, or do they clean up?
Messy! Even without having stuff he manages
12. What’s their preferred sleeping position?
Big spoon
13. Did they have a favorite comfort item as a child?
I don't know if he ever WAS a child. Bigger question
14. Do they have a favorite period in history?
Thought humans used to dress super funny in the 1800s
15. Can they cook? What’s their favorite thing to make?
Doesn't really need to but probably tries, he's ok at best. Frozen pizza
16. What food do they hate eating?
Fish he's not used to it
17. Do they have any allergies?
Maybe like. Holy water
18. What was their worst injury?
Probably bent his dick doing reverse cowgirl or something
19. What movie is most likely to make them cry?
He cries easily I think. I haven't seen many movies LOL idk titanic was popular at the time of the setting
21. Can they dance? Do they like to?
He is probably just ok like he doesn't make a fool of himself but not much further than that
22. What was their favorite birthday gift?
Whatever Abel gives him for the first one they've met for is probably the first thing he's received for it
24. What kind of cake or birthday treat would they prefer?
Ice cream cake
25. What is their favorite animal?
Dogs! Big ones
26. Do they wear perfume/cologne? What is their favorite scent?
Doesn't wear it, thinks Abel's is nice. Likes food smells like bread or beer
27. What smell do they hate the most?
Fish as well
28. What sound do they hate the most?
Nails on chalkboard type noises
29. What video game would appeal to them the best?
If he had exposure to them probably FPS. I think he would like doom
30. How would they relax on a day off/rainy day?
Post coming to human world, would probably go bother Abel with whatever he's doing, maybe he's learning guitar he might play that too
31. Are they combative? What is their fighting style?
Yes, would punch people. Short fuse
32. Would they be the one to start an argument?
Yes. Would insinuate someone was chicken
33. What is their personal style? Favorite outfit?
Kind of bdsm ish punky clothes. Likes wearing as little as possible
34. Do they have a dream job?
No way! He does not dream of labour
35. What do they do if they can’t fall asleep?
Wank !!!
36. Do they wear makeup regularly? If they don’t, would they consider wearing any?
His red eyeliner is actually permanent I'm thinking he got someone to do it in hell like they must have body artists there / some kind of magic thing. He wouldn't put it on every day. Would wear it if Abel or someone else put it on him, wears lipstick in succubus mode if he has to
37. Do they prefer to be really cold or really warm?
Warm! He hates the cold but also won't wear extra clothes to avoid it
39. Can they drive? What vehicles are they licensed to operate?
He has not learnt, probably wants to ride a motorbike
40. Do they believe in true love? Have they experienced it?
He would but only if he was in love, that would be true love. No one elses would be. Has a somewhat warped perception of love though
41. Are they married? Do they want to be?
Would want to it seems fun as long as he can still sleep around
42. If they have siblings, do they like any of them? Would they rather be an only child?
I need to come back to this if he did they would be sort of distant
43. What do they think is their worst quality? What is their actual worst quality?
I think he knows he's too quick to start a fight. He's too easy to make mad in general
44. Do they lie often? Are they good at it?
Doesn't need to often, would be fine unless he forgot some intricacies like for a convoluted plan etc
45. Are they good at keeping secrets?
Probably not!
46. How do others see them? How accurate is it to how they really are?
I think they are pretty accurate he is very much the same outwardly as he is inside
47. What kind of first impression do they usually make?
Wow this guy is loud
48. What are they most afraid of?
He doesn't want to be alone or die hungry
49. Would they ever kill anybody?
Guarantee he has done this
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brettlorenzi3 · 9 months
So something just happened and it's the most surreal experience of my life and I needed to write it down somewhere and tumblrs the best option so let me cook.
There's this guy I have in a few classes and I've had a MAJOR crush on him since my sophomore year of college but we don't talk much and I only ever really see him in passing. Quick side note- this is probably the most beautiful man I've ever seen and I'm being so fr(his names Ryan btw) like he could probably be a model but in sort of a more rugged way. Like he isn't super chiseled or unique looking in a model-like sense, but he is still very very hot.
He's also SUPER tall and literally perfect. He's 6'5" and has like dirty blonde hair that was buzzed but now it's like grown out to the perfect length. He has hazely-greeny eyes and is so funny and charming and athletic and intelligent he's literally like my dream man.
ANYWAYS, so back to the story. My roomate and best friend Kaitlyn knows him a bit better since they're in more classes together than me and are currently partners for a project in one of their classes. Kaitlyn keeps offering me Ryan's number to talk to him but I'm too nervous for that. (Keep in mind, I'm not an introverted person and neither is he, I have absolutely no problem going up to random peop!e and making small talk or becoming friends, I'm probably one of the most extroverted people in my school. Howevef, I get soooo nervous when it comes to talking to Ryan. Usually I can talk to and flirt with guys easily, he just makes me so flustered.) She thinks I should at least try and hold a conversation with him but I just don't have any opportunity to since I barely see him. I know he's nice and sociable from what Kaitlyn tells me but I just don't want to potentially embarrass myself in front of someone I really like.
So Kaitlyn has Ryan over in our apartment to work on the assignment and she told me she'd try and FaceTime me when they took a break from eorking. So luckily for me, I have really good lighting in my families house and I was literally serving in the little FaceTime selfie camera. At around 7 o'clock she called me and said that they weren't taking a break but I could be there in her phone while she worked so that it was like I was there with her. I tried to act normal but I could see Ryan's shadow moving around in the background so I figured he was taking a break. The way Kaitlyn had her phone propped he must not have been able to see that I was there or have heard her talking to me. I was literally about to hang up at one point because I was sort of bored but Kaitlyn told me to just wait and she would spill some tea after she was done working so I was like alright bet. AND WHAT A GOOD THING I STAYED. About a minute later I was reading something on my laptop and Ryan was up walking around in the background and he must not have seen me in Kaitlyn phone because he asks her "who do you share this apartment with?" to like make small talk and she says " oh I l ive with Brett Lorenzi ". Now here's where it gets crazy. I was startled by hearing my name but once I looked up at my phone Kaitlyn put her finger up to shush me and sorta moved her phone so I could see Ryan. He goes "brett, who's that?" (my heart kinda broke for a second but wait) and Kaitlyn points to a photo we have up on the wall of us at a concert earlier this year and it's the best picture ever taken of either of us do we had it printed out for our humble abode. Both of us are caught mid laugh but our outfits and hair were eating and our faces look so perfect(pretty sure it's the picture on her tinder profile). So she points up to me and says that's her. Ryan looks and says "oh that's that super pretty girl" and Kaitlyn goes wdym and he says "wall I see her on campus all the time and she must be the hottest girl in school". At this point I'm pretty much shitting my pants and Kaitlyn being the wingwoman she is asks him to like elaborate and I can see him sit down on our coach and he goes "I've had a crush on her since like freshman week. I only have her in a few classes though and I'm scared to talk to her, she probably thinks I'm crazy though because she caught me staring a couple times (actually, I thought he caught me starkng at him but oh well)" At this point I was actually like almost passed out and Kaitlyn was getting giddy while she was basically staring at Ryan. He must've thought she was judging him though because he shrugs and says "my friends think she's too pretty for me but I still would do anything to go out with her" AND BRO WHEN I TELL U I ACTUALLY WAS ABOUT TO DIE WHEN I HEARD TTHATT
Then he sort of got a bit quiet, probably thinking he overshared, when Kaitlyn was like "well she is my best friend so I can give u her number if u want, I'm sure she won't mind". Then Ryan was like okay and pulled out his phone and she told him my number(it's so cute she has it memorised) and asked if he should text me yet and Kaitlyn said no like wait a while so ur sure about what you want to say.
At this point I waved to her and hung up because I was going crazy and the moment my phone was off I literally screamed into my pillow and almost cried tears of happiness. Kaitlyn just texted me a half hour ago saying they finished the project and he was in his way back to his apartment so now I'm sitting in my bed with my dogs and my spaghetti, waiting for a text. I'll keep y'all updated. Keep you're fingers crossed for me, pleaseee 😩
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 11 months
445 of 2023
Who are you? [True or False 3!] 🩷
Created by joybucket
I think I'm ready for this! 🩷 I'm ready to spill all! I can think of at least three things most people would probably be surprised to find out about me. I'm generally shy when first getting to know someone, but then I open up once I feel more comfortable with them. I put walls up to avoid getting hurt. ….and this is probably why I'm so lonely still. I'm hoping to make a new friend soon. I 🩷 love my friends! I consider my significant other to be my best friend. I'm ready for some new survey questions! 💜 I got married in 2008. I've gotten married, but not in 2008. I'm currently married to the love of my life. 🧡 Something really awesome happened to me in 2008. 🩷 2008 was an amazing year, one I will never forget. I honestly can't even remember much of what I did or what happened to me in 2008, because it wasn't a very eventful year. I still wear clothes that haven't been in style since 2008. I wasn't alive yet in 2008. 2008 was just an ok year for me. 2008 was horrible, one of the worst years of my life. I enjoy wearing flip-flops in the summer. 🩴 I've smacked someone in the face with a flip-flop. 🩴 In the summer, I actually prefer to be barefoot. 🦶 I own a pair of flip-flops in just about every color. I've worn flip-flops within the last 24 hours. I wear flip-flops year-round. I have a dog. 🐶 I have a dog in heaven. 🐶 🌈 I 💜 dogs. I'm sitting next to my dog right now. My dog is in my lap right now. I've taken a selfie with my dog. I've been to Florida. I live in Florida. I have family living in Florida. I want to go to Florida, but I've never been. I was born and raised in the state of Florida. I like oranges. 🍊 I like dolphins. 🐬 I grew up watching Disney classics. Jesus is the best thing that ever happened to me. ✝️ My absolute favorite thing to do is worship Jesus. 💃 I can see something in the room with a cross on it from where I'm sitting right now (besides this graphic). ✝️ Everyone who knows me knows I love Jesus. ✝️ I live my life surrendered to Christ. ✝️ I'm a stay-at-home mom. I want to be a stay-at-home mom someday. I'm a wife. I want to be a wife someday. I love my life as a stay-at-home mom. 🩷 I love my life as a wife. 🩷 I'm a Muslim. 🧕 I've been a Muslim my whole life. I wear a hijab. 🧕 I live in a predominantly Muslim country. I've been friends with someone who is a Muslim. Someone in my family is Muslim. I've considered converting to Islam. ☪️
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Birthday selfie!
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