#this is one of the dumbest and most fun world building ever
katzkinder · 2 months
Man subclass disk horse must be absolutely crazy like you’d have them having very serious talks about whether “Melancholy privilege” exists because of their ability to walk in the sun and live relatively normal lives unaided and whether it would be more sensitive to call it “Daywalker privilege” because singling out a group of subclass whose criteria for being made is “abandoned by society through no fault of their own, often suicide or abuse victims” reads as. Uh. Not great!
And then you’d also have like. wank that is not entirely unfounded about Lusts being a privileged class of vampire because of their safety under the Alicein and others going “dude what the fuck? Those are abused kids” and the actual topic about how there’s not enough infrastructure support for all of them gets lost in the resulting bajillion call out posts
You’d have subclass with shit like “melancholies DNI!” In their bio or “DNI if you ever lied about your prime to get access to the SNS” or some guy who had a bad experience with a Greed painting the whole group with a super wide brush and ho-lee SHIT can you imagine the discourse about Wraths and “being held accountable for your war crimes” or like the random subclass who’s really uncomfortable to be around because they’re so dead set on martyring themselves for actions they took as a human or worse. A kinda shitty person a human but got some perspective after dying having their old life uncovered and it being used as a mark against subclass as a whole. I’m crying just thinking about it it would be awfullll
The human desire to group together and also create an “acceptable target,” especially in online spaces cannot be understated nor ignored but subclass twt would take it to the next level because WOW that is fresh, that is a whole new community suddenly rocketing into the online space and dragging their intracommunity feuds with them; it would be a glorious explosion of genuine attempts to navigate the hardship of being undead warped into pseudo activism for the sake of bullying 10/10 I’m so glad subclass twt isn’t real and can’t hurt me
Nocturnal subclass are making the rest of us look bad by refusing to adapt to regular human hou—
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etherealstar-writes · 8 months
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pairings: lionesses x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: three
part one here
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
we have training tomorrow
just a reminder
the REAL karate kid
what's the bet leah and georgia
are gonna be a show off
while niamh's gonna be off in her own world
hey! no need to call me out like that
i do focus
i am not a show off
me neither!
door knob
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you guys need proof?
the imposter
you guys got that athletic build 💪
the REAL karate kid
the imposter
i think the rest are asleep
the imposter
are you guys all part of some cult omg
and why do you guys have like
group training together?
that's kinda sus
the REAL karate kid
honestly it's kinda fun and chaotic
are we all gonna ignore the fact that
nobbs has photos of georgia's and leah's muscles?
door knob
are we just gonna keep referring
the imposter as imposter?
or if anyone's gonna ask her name?
the imposter
your name's nobbs??
my name's y/n
that is such a pretty name
the imposter
thank you!
you know
you never really answered
lotte's question nobbs ....
it's because i'm her favourite duh
um it's actually me
hence why she sent a photo of mine first
and here we go again
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
why is everyone so dead right now
maybe it's the fact that we just finished training
the REAL karate kid
and because we actually have lives
that's a lie and we all know it
the imposter
how was training?
feeling quite dead rn
funny actually
lessi slipped and slammed
face first into the training mat
that was the highlight of my day
the REAL karate kid
glad to know my misery
causes you guys happiness
rusty metal
i stumbled upon the best photo ever
my eyes have been blessed
bronzy in her active era??
ooh do show
it's intrigued my interest now too
rusty metal
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the REAL karate kid
this is a masterpiece
i'm saving this
she's a barbie gurl 💅
i'm blocking yall
your eyes just can't handle this much art
the imposter
hello friends of y/n!
i was trying to take photos of y/n
and accidentally clicked into here
hello friend of y/n
the imposter
is this some kind of football fan cult??
some of your usernames are familiar in a strange way
idk why i can't seem to place it
hmm quite strange
don't you all agree?
hmm very strange indeed
the REAL karate kid
where's y/n?
the imposter
standing in front of me
has no clue i'm on this chat
i'll send a photo
hang on
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(lets just pretend they can see your face in the photo)
now she wants her phone back
goodbye strange strangers
the REAL karate kid
rusty metal
lauren 1
the whole chat rn:
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i was not expecting this today-
the REAL karate kid
toone, this is literally the best
most dumbest thing you've done-
my eyes have been blessed twice today
the REAL karate kid
you can get my number wrong
anytime toone
part four here
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mediumgayitalian · 6 months
fic rec friday 6
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
Will and Nico Sitting in a Tree by percyspandapillowpet
Nico rolls his eyes. “Can’t believe I used to have a crush on that guy,” he mumbles, and then immediately covers his mouth. Oh gods. “What—what?” Will asks. “You what?” Nico turns away, burying his face in his hands. “I—I said that out loud, didn’t I?”
this one made me giggle oblivious nico always does. "Like absolutely clueless sons of Hades" yes you tell him will!! will is such a brat w the biggest eyeroll problem in the world i adore him. i know he has literally strained his ocular muscles before
2. (Im)perfect by percysandapillowpet
He was thankful his suit was black, because he was starting to sweat through it. His stomach wasn’t holding up well, either. He hadn’t eaten anything in hours, but he felt like he was going to throw up any second. He stood in the bathroom still, now holding a wet cloth to his forehead. His hand was shaking, causing the water to drip down his sleeve. Why was he so nervous?
i am weak for proposal fics and have been my whole life. 'marriage is an instituation' blah blah blah. its FUN. i LIKE READING IT. and this was CUTE AS HELL. the namebadge especially was the cutest ever touch truly
3. As Long as I'm Getting Paid by percyspandapillowpet
Nico raised his eyebrows, using his shoulder to hold the door open. “Hi. What do you want.” Will smiled, but he shifted his feet. “Can’t a friend just stop by and say hi?” “No,” Nico replied. He then moved to close the door and retreat back into his cabin, but Will lunged forward and caught it. “Wait!”
walking up the scary badass to kill the spider will never not be funny. like yes of course befriending the most dramatic kids in camp will have dire consequences for nico and those consequences will involve waking up at odd hours in the night to do the Dumbest thing possible ever
4. Two Boys, Being Straight, Doing Straight Things by percyspandapillowpet
“Remember, dessert makes her sleepy. She’ll be out by seven-thirty, and we’ll have the rest of the evening to ourselves.” “Fair point,” Ms. Solace says, handing Will and Nico each a pie wrapped in tinfoil. “We can probably hold out til then.” Will glances at the clock above the stove. “One more hour.” He glances at Nico with a grin. “And then we can be gay again.”
i love this fckn series i have to have read it like fourteen times. i love seeing them gay and older and disastrous. and this whole concept of having to pretend to be straight for wills dumbass homophobic grandma will never not be funny
5. Even If It's Forever by @wintersky101
Nico doesn’t like to be touched. Will respects that, of course, even though he’s got a lot of hugs he wants to give him. Sometimes, though, Nico doesn’t mind, and those are some of the moments Will likes best. Or, five times Will didn’t touch his boyfriend, and one time he did.
this was such a soft and wonderful character study. the soft slow build and determined communication...yeah this fic was written with such care and you can tell
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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guess-that-ship · 6 months
S10 Loser's Bracket Round 1
Call me page me if you wanna meet me
cw: spoilers
Character A has been haunted for years by an evil that ruined his childhood, leading him to try to learn as much about it as he can. In his research he learns of character B, who spent his life saving people from said evil, and A becomes somewhat parasocially fond of him. Unfortunately for him, B died before they could meet. A refuses to believe it though, and travels around the world to try to find him.
A actually manages to find him, but B’s in a lot of pain and being artificially kept… sort of alive. B doesn’t trust A at first, assuming he’s just going to hurt him like everyone else does, but when A puts himself in harms way for B despite them just meeting, B tells A everything he knows. B dies for real, but before doing so trusts A with something he’s never told anyone- the name he wanted to be called.
Not the sharpest bisexuals in the shed
Red's job is to kill people. He has a very annoying second best friend who seems like a tagalong, but is actually terrifyingly competent. Second Best Friend (2BF) has no other friends, possibly due to his spectacular failure to act normal around anyone, ever, and is some twisted type of lawful neutral with a carveout for whatever Red needs, while Red's only other friend is an animal and his sense of morality is a caricature of jingoism—until now, when he's starting to regret his past. They're very violent, and they're both really, really dumb.
2BF is obsessed with Red, way more than Red is with him. However, 2BF is fiercely loyal to him and only him, making him the most reliable backup Red will ever have, and giving 2BF a reason to be more careful about who he kills. When Red chokes, 2BF has his back. Where others are inclined to use Red's dad as leverage, 2BF is very protective of Red and understands the dad as an abuser, as opposed to Red being his legacy. 2BF is also the one who can get through to Red when Red is making bad choices. In spite of 2BF's inability to process emotions in a typical way, he manages to get Red to talk about his own feelings, albeit through the dumbest conversations possible.
While they build good relationships with other coworkers, no one quite gets them like they do each other. They have fun together. They have threesomes (still gay if it's a three way). They blow up shit for giggles and accidentally injure each other and laugh about it. 2BF would die for Red if he had to—but he'd rather kill for him. Red, for his part, appreciates the deepening of their relationship from surface level antics to serious emotional sharing.
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rebelspykatie · 1 year
Gymnastics/Olympics AU Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2
For the first time since they arrived at the village, they’re in the same room at the same time, awake and staring at each other, unsure of where to start. The ride back to the village was loud, their teammates celebrating their continued success, how Eddie pulled himself together and nailed his routines. There’s another night of competition to go, so there’s no guarantee things are going to work out in their favor, but it’s a good start. 
When they got off the bus, silence blanketed them on the walk through the building until they were both seated on their beds. Eddie wants to take the longest, hottest shower of his life and ice his arm, but instead he’s left here, wondering where to even begin a conversation with Steve. Both of them on this precipice, knowing that something has shifted in the last few hours.
“Where did you learn first aid?” Eddie asks, and maybe it’s the dumbest thing that could come out of his mouth, but he has no control over the thoughts rolling through his head. There’s this static loop in his brain, the same ten minutes on repeat up there. He keeps coming back to Steve towering over him, blocking the cameras, this unreadable expression on his face and watching over Eddie with the utmost care, gentler on him than the medics on site. 
It seems to surprise Steve that this is the question Eddie goes with, too. His normally impassive face wrinkled in surprise, eyebrows lifting as he says, “This kid at my home gym, Dustin. He’s the most accident prone little shit. He kept trying to copy my sequences before he was ready and I guess I felt a little responsible for him. He almost broke his arm one day and I decided enough was enough. Forced him to go through the first aid courses with me so he could see the damage that he might inflict on himself.”
“Did it help?” Eddie has about a million other questions he wants to ask, but he’s trying to keep his cool about finally having a real conversation with Steve. 
Steve snorts, and it’s the best sound Eddie’s ever heard. It’s a welcome noise that he wants to elicit out of Steve again, if only to break the ever present silence he’s normally greeted by. “A little. You’ve have to meet Dustin to know that there’s truly no stopping that kid, but at least he stopped trying to copy my routines. He’s still a hazard on a good day, though.” 
“Sounds like a fun kid,” Eddie says, grinning at the fond look that’s taken over Steve’s face. There’s a beat of silence before he adds, “You didn’t have to do that, you know.” 
“Do what?” Steve seems confused, his forehead scrunching together. Eddie hates that everything this man does is endearing when just a few hours ago Eddie was convinced Steve hated him more than anyone else in the world. The crush he’s had since he was sixteen rushing back like a wildfire, blazing bright and strong in his chest when Steve turns that quizzical little frown in his direction. 
“Keep the cameras off me.” 
A flush sweeps over Steve’s cheeks as his gaze turns downward. He fidgets with the seam of the jacket he’s still wearing over his leo. “It was the right thing to do.”
“I thought you hated me.” 
Steve’s head snaps up at that. “Why would you think that?” 
“Oh well, the way you scowl at me from across the arena really sealed the deal, I think.” 
A grimace passes over Steve’s face, quick and gone in a flash, but Eddie hasn’t taken his eyes off of Steve. “I don’t hate you,” he admits quietly, shaking his head a bit, “I might have been- well I guess I was jealous at first.”
“Jealous?” Eddie lets out an incredulous little squawk. “You’re telling me that you, Steve Harrington, were jealous of me, Eddie Munson?” 
Steve rolls his eyes. “You don’t have to say it like that.” 
“No, no,” Eddie jabs a finger in his direction, “you don’t understand. I’ve been watching you since I was sixteen. You were my inspiration to keep going. I never thought I would be in the same room as you, let alone on the world stage competing together.” Eddie grabs his hair in two fistfuls, shaking his head. “You’re rocking my whole world here telling me that you’re jealous of anything I’ve done. That is like…some next level shit that I cannot begin to comprehend.” 
“You watched me?” 
“Everyone watches you, Steve. Sixteen year old me wouldn’t shut up about you.” 
And maybe he shouldn’t have said all that, but now there’s a curious tilt to Steve’s head, cheeks still flushed like he’s not used to praise, even after three consecutive Olympics where he’s won several gold medals. 
He’s realizing that the smile he’s seen plastered all over his television is fake. The soft, barely there one he’s witnessing now is foreign to him and it feels real and tangible and he wants to keep saying whatever he can to keep it on Steve’s face because it’s the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. 
Something flashes across Steve’s face, this bashful, sweet thing and he rubs a hand over the back of his neck, muttering something Eddie can’t decipher. He gets up and makes his way to Eddie’s bed, who’s once again caught looking up at him in awe. 
He reaches out for Eddie’s arm and asks, “How does it feel?”
And maybe their meet cute didn’t go so well, but this moment? This is like his dreams. Eddie’s breath is caught in his chest, the life long crush threatening to bubble to the surface where his skin meets Steve’s. He’s barely moving, barely breathing, waiting to see what Steve will do next. 
It takes way too long for Eddie to realize Steve is looking at him for an answer to his question. He chokes out, “Better.”
“It doesn’t look swollen, so I guess that’s good.” Steve’s hand trails up his arm, leaving goosebumps Eddie prays he can’t see. “And your shoulder? Did you twist it when you came off the horse?” Steve’s hand is like an iron brand on his shoulder, fire igniting under his skin as Steve feels around for an injury. 
“It uh-it does hurt a little,” Eddie doesn’t want to lie. Why would he if it means keeping Steve’s hands on his body? Does Steve even feel the tension in the room? Or is he completely oblivious to the direct connection between his hands and Eddie’s dick? “I was going to ice it when I got back here.” He’s not even sure how he manages to get the words out.
“I could help, I’m studying sports medicine.” 
“What exactly are you offering?” He needs a distraction to keep Steve from noticing the way his dick is about to tent the stupid little shorts they’re forced to wear. 
“A massage, if you want?” 
Part 4 | AO3
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grumpy-liebgott · 8 months
Miscellaneous tag game
Made by the one and only @ronald-speirs <33 Thank you for the tag @panzershrike-pretz @mutantmanifesto @dontirrigateme @malarkgirlypop
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
I visited a town near this mountain in China called Siguniangshan Town once and I loved it so much. My country is pretty hot, so I enjoyed the cold air very much. The buildings there are so pretty, and the food is just amazing. Also I saw yaks and wild horses, which was really cool.
Something you’re proud of yourself for?
I'm proud of getting through 2023. It was a really stressful year for me, especially during my exams, but I pushed through. I've just received my results, and I'm happy to say that I passed with flying colours!
Favorite books?
The Invisible life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, and The Hand, The Eye and The Heart by Zoe Mariott
Something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?
My dogs - the way they practically melt when I scratch a specific spot on their bodies. The way Hollie curls up into a ball when she sleeps, and the way Mochi sleeps in the most ridiculous positions. The way they'd literally start climbing me if they want more attention. I just love them so much.
Favorite thing about your culture?
Definitely the food. Also the festivals.
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
I joined quite recently, around winter 2023. The first show I watched was band of brothers!
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
Nope, but I hope to one day
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
Joe Liebgott. My favourite moment was that part when he said "woah, hershey bars!" Oh also that scene in the concentration camp. It just felt like such a raw moment for someone like Lieb who seems like a tough person most of the time.
George Luz. For him, my favourite moment was when he shouted "I HAVE NO IDEA" to Harry. Besides that, I like the part in Hagenau where he was just so done with everyone trying to take the chocolates.
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
No, but I hope to one day!
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
Well, I've never really thought about it, but if I had to say, maybe Millie Bobby Brown. I loved watching her in Enola Holmes, and Stranger Things.
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
Uhh I don't really have a favourite quote, so I'm just gonna take one I like from Pinterest
"Have fun even if it's not the same kind of fun everyone else is having." - C. S. Lewis
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
Ummm, maybe that I'm currently taking a diploma in piano.
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
I'm not a writer, but maybe one day in the future???
Three things that make you smile?
My sister or my dad telling the dumbest jokes to ever exist.
Visiting the zoo/aquarium
Interacting with my mutuals
Any nicknames you like?
Not really. Zowie is actually a nickname already so that, I guess?
List some people you love to see around on tumblr!
@blueberry-ovaries @panzershrike-pretz @ronald-speirs @blood-mocha-latte @footprintsinthesxnd @mutantmanifesto @david-sharkthot-webster @sharkboyandlavalieb
I'm probably forgetting so many but those are the ones I see a lot
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
Die immediately. I have no survival skills and I'm SO unfit
Favorite movie?
1917, Enola Holmes (1 and 2), Mulan (animated and live action), Fury, Paddington (1 and 2), Black Widow
There's so many I just can't remember them.
Do you like horror movies?
No. I hate them. Whenever I'm forced to watch one, I'd spend the next few days sleeping on my sister's bed and jumping at every little thing.
Yes, I know I'm pathetic.
Tagging (no pressure!) : @flashnthunder @blueberry-ovaries @footprintsinthesxnd @georgieluz @a-gassy-antelope @b00ks1ut @sharkboyandlavalieb
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huntinglove · 9 months
5) what’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard about your f/o, either on the internet or irl?
On f/os!!! Few more better
of ur choice >:)
10) how did you feel when you realized “oh of course i had to like That Character”?
Your most recent f/os please :D
Hi hi!! Thanks for the ask!!
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5) What’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard about your F/O, either on the internet or irl? 
"Ice King is just a joke character"
"Simon wasn't important for Adventure Time's lore"
"Tokoyami shouldn't be in class 1A, he's not interesting enough"
"Jinx isn't traumatized or mentally ill, she just wants to get VI's attention"
"Muichiro is just a rude, selfish brat"
"Muriel doesn't like the apprentice, he just felt cornered"
"Hunter was just as cruel and evil as Belos"
"Zebruh shouldn't be a character because he's gross/evil"
"Sebastian doesn't struggle at all and hates Demetrius for no reason"
10) How did you feel when you realized “oh of course I had to like That Character”?
Ice King made me panic a little bit, because I started to like him back when I was an anti and I knew that people were going to be mean about it.
It lasted a week, until I had to pretend to not F/O him anymore, because I kept getting people sending me asks making fun of me for liking him or commenting on the age gap... But I'm happy to be able to enjoy being with him now!!
Simon was... Pretty obvious. I do have a thing for dorks in glasses, so I was just always really happy and giggly whenever he came on screen, one of my first cartoon crushes!
Tokoyami was a bit surprising, because when I got into MHA I was expecting to be into Aizawa or Iida, but that wasn't the case at all. I just really enjoy his personality and quirk!
Jinx was almost love at first sight, once I saw her after the time skip. I was really entranced by her because we are very similar, I'm just on a tighter leash.
My breakdowns and manic episodes are almost exactly the same as hers, but I'm not able to go out blowing buildings, of course lol
Muichiro kept me waiting. I was curious and had a little crush on him after the finale of season one, then when the new season came out he dragged me by the feet, honestly. He was so powerful and amazing!
Muriel took me a while to get infatuated with. I played through all the routes of The Arcana, but my favorite was definitely Muriel's.
His character development and his personality made me swoon once I got past his tsundere phase
Hunter reminded me of myself and he was a new F/O after a long while without getting new crushes, so it felt like falling in love for the first time all over again!
He always made me smile and I've watched all the episodes he's in, so much so that I've memorized pretty much all of his dialogue lol
Zebruh was the first official F/O I've ever had, because I've always selfshipped, but I didn't know about the community, he's the one who introduced me!!
I got a lot of backlash for liking him when friendsim came out, I've had some pretty big fandom blogs block and make call-outs on me because of him, it was crazy. If you're wondering why, it's because he's "a villain" though in his world he'd just be classified as a douchebag smh
He's also the reason I'm not around a really fucking toxic ex friend anymore, so I'm really grateful that I have him in my life 💙
Sebastian was a "well, I guess I like this one" at first, when I was playing Stardew for the first time, because I i didn't really like the look of any of the other villagers.
Since I was pretty much always mining, I memorized his schedule and would stop by his house to give him quartz!
I noticed that he liked a lot of the same things that I do so I got a little attached to him, then his heart events, our wedding and married life made me genuinely fall in love with him!
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spaceratprodigy · 1 year
OC Superlatives Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @the-lastcall 💖💫
The Favorite
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I don't think this comes as a surprise to anyone. Faith is so very dear to me she is quite literally a part of myself. She brings me so much comfort and has been an outlet for me for the past like? 3 years?? Gosh look at how far she's come. She helps remind me that everything is going to be okay.
The Oldest
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While technically I have some ocs that are even older than her, Cookie is my first self insert lmao. Nowadays I don't think any but a couple of y'all would even know who she is and that makes me a lil sad! She's very special to me and was very beloved by people who meant a lot to me. Very few know me and her story well enough to see how on the nose it is an escape from my own life. Not shown here but she has burn scars on her right wrist/forearm. An exaggeration of my own burn scar in the same place. Cookie has always been there as a way to not feel alone, to see myself in someone who has been through similar experiences and made it out through the other side. To remember why it's so important to keep fighting.
The Newest
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Okay maybe not the newest.. but Iris is the newest oc I've actually been putting a lot of time and love and effort into! I love her a lot! I know I still don't talk abt her as in depth as I would like to but I swear she's got more going on than I share. I just can't help wanting to draw her so self-indulgently full of love all the time, it makes me happy to have silly fun! I really really have been meaning to doodle her more vulnerable and serious moments because she's got a lot of grief in her heart she isn't letting out.
The Meanest
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I suppose she was going to have to make her debut sooner or later.. okay but I genuinely don't have much to say abt Poppy. She's been a priv exclusive oc for a lil while and she's not developed.. like.. at all.. I ramble about her a LOT but I'm also literally every day scrapping everything bc my ideas are constantly changing so she's fr not ready yet lmao. Even I don't fully know what her deal is yet! But I can confirm she is the most ruthless (should I admit she's my lowkey nuka-world raider oc I made specifically to fuck Porter Gage nasty as hell likeeeee)
The Softest
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Maril is my BABY!! She does not have a mean bone in her body and the closest she'll ever get is when she's defending her friends! She's so generous, she wants to help others any chance she gets and sees the best in everyone.
The Most Standoffish/Aloof
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Faith is quite reserved, honestly. Becoming Captain wasn't exactly the life she chose for herself but it was the role she had to take on. For Phin, for her crew, for Halcyon, it was something she would grow to take seriously in time. She doesn't like to let on just how stressed and overwhelmed she is until she crashes and burns and has to be forced to rest before her stomach ulcer incapacitates her (speaking from experience, it's excruciating). When allowed to, she's pretty quiet and keeps to herself. She was never exactly the most social person and struggled to maintain any sort of relationship with anybody. She'll eventually warm up to her crew and come out of her shell. Sometimes you just need to meet the right band of misfits who get you.
The Smartest
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I swear this isn't just me tooting my own horn. I genuinely built her character favoring her intellect and charm. Her highest levels were in engineering, science, and medical. She's got a head on her shoulders, and she's often pretty lost in it. Faith loves to build and tinker with things and loves reading and learning as much as she can. One her own comforts, really. Maril and Iris aren't necessarily too far off on this one, Faith just has a little more under her belt. (Maril is also dedicated almost exclusively to being a gummi ship mechanic and Iris is best at carpentry!)
The Dumbest
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Poppy is by no means a moron and shouldn't be underestimated. But her skills and knowledge are very strong in fighting and survival. She does however qualify as my dumbest oc here because.. she was my melee heavy idiot savant build! Girl never at any point got a single level put into her INT lmao.
The One I'd be Friends With
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Hands down Maril would be the bestest friend I could ask for. She would be so sweet and considerate and let's be real.. I'd want to also work on the gummi ships with her. I love my gals but I just know Maril would be a ray of sunshine and a great friend. She'd also love to listen to me talk abt all my own projects and we could build so many cool things together..
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jessicatredes · 1 year
i was tagged by the lovely @gwynbleidd to do this oc tag game - thaaanks!!
favorite oc
ophelia hellmaw / my first ever dnd character from like.. six years ago? i loved playing her and also still am happy with her story with the exception of my dm massacring her tribe :-(
newest oc
delaney crenshaw / barbarian babe for pathfinder campaign! she was created bc permela got merk'd </3 it's honestly been a blessing bc permela had an absolutely ASS build and was not fun playing LMAO
oldest oc
alice macon (i think?) / she's my oldest probably? i played f:nv the year it came out, so alice has been around since 2010. her story has changed sooooooo much. originally sided with the legion, but now instead she was raised in legion territory. wuv her lots <3
meanest oc
murphy law OR reagan james / my survivor guilt, bleeding heart ladies who are mean as hell but care so so much. murphy has no idea how to do anything other than be a guardian. she's devoted her entire being to fighting the darkness, and bc of this doesn't give herself rest or downtime. reagan is a hater bc her entire family died and her nephew is a sixty year old freak :/
softest oc
kara deharo & daytona reed / kara is a total sweetheart. she's from a short story about a family of thieves that she joined after her parents died. she's young and kinda naive. daytona's life purpose is helping those in need and bettering the wasteland. held at gunpoint butch would say she's the nicest person in the world & his favorite <3
dumbest oc
clarissa of krossten / rouge bard MORON who works with a lich and causes minor terror where ever she goes. chaotic evil bitch who didn't complete an education and was a little street child in krossten.
smartest oc
hayden blaine / one of my original girlies from a story i've abandoned lol. she's a politician basically but also it was a space themed story so she also was like a space soldier (17 year old me what was happening!! stealing destiny ideas)
oc you’d bang
raylan grace hawthorne / no competition baby!!!! LMAO i wuv raylan grace and he is my hot boy oc
oc you’d be friends with irl
bernadette hobbs / love my girl birdie!!! out of all my ocs she probably has my personality the most lol so i think we'd get along very well. also she's goofy and likes birds and the outdoors aka me
not sure who all has done this before but!! tagging @newbordeaux @malefiicarum @jennystahl @lavampira @elvves @nadineross + anyone else who wants to :-)
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newhorizonsxiv · 1 year
OC Tag Game
Favorite OC: Lyneth is always going to be my main and my babygirl. Her head is fun to be in mostly because she’s an eternal optimist and can put me in a better mood just by trying to see her perspective on a situation.
Oldest OC: The rough idea for the character that eventually became Corafel has been in my head for years before I ever started RPing in any MMO so she’s probably technically the oldest in those terms. In terms of character age that prize goes to my twin bunnies, Alethea and Ren, simply by virtue of Viera having weird aging rules.
Newest OC: Oh hey! It’s the bunny twins again. So new, in fact, that I haven’t yet had a chance to do any RP on them, Someday...
Meanest OC: This is probably a toss up between Ilthus and Shihan. Ilthus is a superficially charming leech who will absolutely use people for as long as they continue to let him but puts on a very likable facade and only ever insults you in a backhanded compliment sort of way. Shihan is giving and honorable and dutiful to a fault but the pressure of that sometimes builds to a breaking point and harsh words spill out which he generally regrets moments later. tldr; Shihan says mean things while his actions are invariably kind, Ilthus does mean things while his tongue drips honey. Ilthus probably wins this one.
Softest OC: Cora. Even moreso than Lyneth and I didn’t even know that was possible but Lyneth at least has that hunter’s edge. She has a little bite. She can and has killed. She knows the rough edges of the world even if she tries to smooth them for as many people as she can. Cora has none of that. She’s still living in a fairytale bubble that has yet to be burst and I don’t think she has it in her to hurt a little ladybug even if it just aggroed onto her. 
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: This title goes to Vachir Kha, my Xaela. He’s not aloof so much as he is painfully shy and afraid of embarrassing himself with his lack of Eorzean cultural knowledge. 
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC: Gonna have to go with Susuvi on this one. Because she thinks she knows everything and will share her highly valuable and informed opinions with you about exactly how you should be doing any and everything whether you want her to or not. With the stars and cards to back her up. Or her interpretation of the stars and cards anyroad. Funny how those always seem to agree with her thoughts on any matter, isn’t it?
Dumbest (Derogatory) OC: Oh god, Ilthus. Hands down. This boy. He just. He has no emotional intelligence to speak of. And he does not learn from his mistakes in this regard. Ever.
Smartest OC: Poor Ghislain. He should have been a scholar. Far and away the most book smart of my characters and the most dedicated to seeking out new learning on any topic he can find even as he plays the himbo to further his cover story.
Horniest OC: Ilthus. With Cora as a close second though she’s more prone to schoolgirl crushes than outright lust. Still.. roughly every third thought in the girl’s head involves smooching whichever handsome man she’s currently swooning over. That probably counts.
OC You'd Bang: If I had to pick just one... Shihan. Because he’s pretty. And also like.. the platonic ideal of a service top. 
OC You'd Be Best Friends With IRL: Lyneth. For all of the reasons that she’s my favorite and also she can bake. And I can.. enjoy other people’s baking. A lot.
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dreamofbecoming · 2 years
ooh, this is a fun one! took me a bit, but i had a good time with this! tagged by the ever lovely @wren-of-the-woods
Rules: post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
Top 5 works:
pronounce my name aright definitely the shortest of all my posted works, but just as definitely the writing i’m most proud of. linking the tumblr version and not the ao3 because i think the original idea is one of the best things i’ve ever written, i still can’t find a single thing i dislike about it
pale shadows of forgotten names the piece that started it all! this one rotated angrily in my brain for weeks, buzzing like a hive full of hornets, until i caved and typed the whole thing out in the notes app of my phone in the middle of the night. it fell out of me nearly in one go, and the edits i’ve made to it since then are all pretty minor. it just sort of...sprung into being. considering i hadn’t written anything for this fandom, nor anything at all but a very short supernatural vent piece in over 15 years, it felt a little like being clubbed upside the head. but i was (and remain) deeply proud of it, and entirely flabbergasted by the reception. i probably wouldn’t be active in this fandom if i hadn’t written this one
sleep now, she pleads my first ever chaptered work, and one i am determined to finish if it’s the last thing i do, augh T_T it started off as a songfic, which i hadn’t done before, and it’s evolved well past its borders, and there’s a lot of character work and world-building involved that i’m pretty proud of. my brain is made of soup most days so it will continue to take time for me to finish it, but i have so much planned that i’m excited to share for this one!
this isn’t a breakup, dearheart, it’s a season finale this was the first non-canon au i ever wrote, and i had so much fucking fun with it. it’s so silly and i love it so much
our shadows that are bold sing this is not the best writing i’ve ever produced, but it was the first thing i wrote that had me giggling in delight the entire time. this is the dumbest, silliest, most absurd fun i’ve had writing anything in ages. this fic is my beloved idiot child and i would die for it
(listen i only have 6 posted witcher works, it seems cruel to leave bitten lips and broken hands off the list when i love it so much. i wrote this one all in one go overnight instead of sleeping, and i had to type the end on a screen blurry with tears because i made myself cry at 6am over these idiots, and i’m damn proud of it, ok???)
Top 4 current wips:
sleep now, for sure. i’m gonna finish this damn thing if it kills me
my potions 5+1, which involves competent!jaskier and everyone knowing they’re in love before they do
my banshee/siren hybrid au! this is the closest i’ve ever gotten to writing actual plot, and i have no idea if i’m going to be able to follow through, but i’m damn excited to try!
i’ve got a whole warren’s worth of plot bunnies, but a couple of dreamling fics i’m especially looking forward to, including one that involves dream’s biggest ptsd trigger being silence and hob getting to babble him to sleep
Top 3 biggest improvements:
learning to outline, rather than just flinging myself headlong off a cliff and hoping i land on some words that go mostly in order
brevity! i’m a wordy son of a bitch, part of the reason i’m so proud of pronounce my name aright is because i managed to cut it off without beating it to death. i have to keep relearning this one though lol
writing action- the banshee story is the first time i’ve really tried, but i know i wouldn’t have been able to write something like that a year ago, and i hope to keep improving
Top 2 resolutions:
fucking finish my wips dammit
i want to post at least 5 finished works this year. it might not sound like a lot but hopefully i’m going back to school, so i’ll be happy if i can manage 5.
Top 1 favourite line:
Geralt sighs again, but stops pulling away. “But there’s still so much shit in the world. There are so many humans who hate me, or fear me, or try to cheat me, or who end up being monsters worse than the ones they want me to kill, and the problem with having it smacked over my head that I  do  actually have feelings, is that it makes it so much harder to ignore them. And there’s so much anger in me, Jaskier, and grief, and loneliness. And I can’t ever show it to anyone, or it will confirm everything they think they know about me. It will make me a monster. It will make me the Butcher all over again.” He looks up again, his expression anguished. “You’re the only one who’s safe. You’re the only one I can be angry around, or sad, or scared, or just annoyed, without thinking the worst of me. You’re the only one who ever comes back.”
listen i know it’s more than a line, ok? but honestly this whole section is the thing i’m proudest of out of all my writing. it was one of those moments where you come up with a headcanon kind of on the fly and don’t realize until after you’ve worked the whole thing out that like, fuck. that seems like it could be like. objectively correct? anyway i am very rarely convinced of my own brilliance but this was one of those times.
allllllright tagging the usual suspects, i think, @dancingwiththefae @islenthatur @spilledbutter @podcastenthusiast @fangirleaconmigo and anyone who feels like jumping in!
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urie · 2 years
i have some random true blood opinions no one asked for and yes its been 10 years since i actually watched this when it was airing and no i never finished season 4 and never watched the final 3 (THERE WERE SEVEN SEASONS???) seasons
- jason and jessica were awful together, literally it ruined both of their characters for me, just made jason a horrible friend to someone he'd been best friends with since childhood and made jessica an awful selfish person
- eric and sookie got together in the dumbest and most annoying possible way in season 4 and i would do anything to change it
- alcide gotta be one of the most boring characters there has ever been. i dont know if this fact changes after season 4 but i will stand by it
- WHY does tara suck so bad. like i dont want to think that she sucks but she does
- i could have lived my entire life without ever witnessing any long running subplot involving arlene
- this was an insane and weird and fetishistic show but honestly the world building was pretty cool and the premise is fun. love the idea of a vampire rights amendment and vampire public relations
- that being said some of this shit aged LIKE MILK.... jason shooting eggs particularly...
- season 1 is basically unwatchable honestly. not sure thats a popular opinion but its my truth
- it requires such a suspension of disbelief like you really have to avoid even questioning why sookie would be interested in any of the men in her life when theyre all like horrible people objectively. you have to just accept thats what this universe is like. and thats fine i think. people just dont really care about murder and torture all that much. its like shoplifting
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adhduck · 1 year
For the fanfic ask meme: 🤡📌🤔🖊️ (let's see if I remembered those right lmao)
You’re a team one and I love you
🤡 (what’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever written) — hm I don’t really write silly/crack content so idk. I did once write the line “and goddamn if it doesn’t make Ed’s cock see colors for a second” which is pretty stupid
📌 (if all your fics/wips fell off a ship and were drowning, and you could only save one, which would it be) — I mean obviously it’s blossom boys. I’ll miss all my other babies so much but there is literally not another option besides blossom boys. Plus it’s like saving 87 fics in one lmao
🤔 (what’s one genre you’ve never written that you’d like to try) — I’ve never really written anything with a bunch of world-building or science-y rules and that sounds very fun. Or a full-on mystery!
🖊️ (what is the most recent line you’ve written) — Stede hadn’t gone that way yet, half because he didn’t want to ask which room was which and half because the whole place was carpeted and he wasn’t ready to face the idea of the bathroom being carpeted too. [HA!]
Send me one (or more) of these emojis and I’ll answer the question!
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manonblaqkbeak · 3 years
Dating and Goodreads
Back for Day 8-Blind date (how the hell do u guys come up with good title fics i struggle so bad lol). I wasn’t really going anywhere with this one, but when i read all of the others and saw how fun the fics were, i decided to finish this one.
also for Summertime and Fresh Strawberries, I deliberately left it blank but I can’t hold onto the secret bc two people were curious as to what happened, so i’ll let the rest of you know that aelin and rowan decided to keep summer and be a cute little family, bc im a sucker for happy endings lol (unless its angst, it’s safe to assume that all my rowaelin fics have happy endings bc they’ve all ready been thru so much and even in alt fics i need them to be happy lmao)
anyway, on to the next one. hope you enjoy!
1.8k words
cw: none
Aelin was a confident woman, something that she was proud of. But that didn't mean that there weren't times she didn't feel self-conscious or awkward and full of doubt.
Because right now, all those negative feelings were swimming inside of her.
And those feelings were just magnified today, especially since she had gotten fired only a few hours beforehand. It was utterly unexpected, she had never received any prior warnings, and while she was a fighter, Aelin didn't feel like stepping into the ring for this one. Not when her boss was a demon from hell that made life unbearable and she had to physically push herself into entering the work building.
Aelin told herself that it was for the best. She was miserable there and hated working in an office typing up the worlds most boring reports and working in a space that was entirely too drab.
But she wasn't looking forward to job hunting. Aelin was aware that she could ask her friends for favours, but if Aelin did something wrong, she didn't want it reflected back onto whoever helped her.
And she was still a little peeved over the damned argument she had online again with that haughty prick on Goodreads. Aelin wasn't sure why those arguments kept going, but each time she would post a review, White Tailed Hawk would respond, telling her that she read the book wrong and this and that and blah blah blah.
Aelin repaid the favour each time, telling him how he was wrong and he had no reading comprehension skills. And on and on it went until Aelin or whoever the fuck that guy was went back to their own lives.
Depressingly, it was the most fun she had some days.
Shaking her head, Aelin forced herself to think of the now and not of her shitty day. Still she sighed, not quite believing that she had agreed to this blind date. Couldn't believe that she had let Aedion convince her it was a good idea.
Aelin had said no at first, after Aedion had voiced his offer, and her cousin left it at that. But days went past, and he would bring up the topic of Rowan, about the things he had said that day, how his dry sense of humour took some time to get used to but once you figured it out, he was actually pretty funny, how he had finished a project perfectly and this and that.
But it got to her, annoyingly. So the other day when he was helping her out with some housework that was a two person job, Aelin told him to set up this date. Aedion cheered as if it was the best thing he had ever heard, telling her how she and Rowan were the perfect match for each other.
Aelin rolled her eyes, but didn't say anything of the assessment.
She had only agreed because it was getting frustrating being asked at every family event if she was dating someone, when she was going to give her parents grandchildren (that question pissed her off the most, as if Aelin was nothing but a birthing machine and that was all Aelin could contribute to society), and who was going to look after her when she was old if she didn't have children (because apparently carers didn't exist).
Aelin was also lonely—she could entertain herself just fine, but she did like the idea of coming home and talking to someone that could respond. She loved Fleetfoot and her enthusiasm when Aelin came home, but human companionship would be nice.
But Aelin didn't have high-hopes for this date because the universe liked to kick Aelin's ass from time to time, she suspected that they were going to hate each other.
Taking a deep breath, Aelin got out of her car, smoothed down her romper and went inside the restaurant, head held high.
Rowan couldn't believe that he was about to go on a blind date. That Aedion had convinced him to go out with his younger cousin. He hadn't dated anyone since Lyria and he knew that his dating skills were going to be rusty as hell. He had been with Lyria since they were nineteen, married at 23 and divorced at 31; he had been single for the last two years.
It had been...fine, a little strange, after being with someone for so long to find himself a bachelor. Rowan never thought that he would apart from Lyria, but their relationship had just faded. Long before the divorce, it had been more like a housemate relationship than a marriage. He wasn't surprised when his ex-wife had come home after work with divorce papers. He had only stared at the paperwork for an hour before he signed the forms. Truthfully, Rowan was just glad that he was still on good terms with Lyria, that they could still talk to one another from time to time.
Rowan had almost called her earlier today, to ask how the hell dates went, but felt that it would have been crossing some invisible line, so he didn't call and instead had Googled the questions instead.
They didn't really help.
Rowan drummed his fingers against the steering wheel, telling himself that if things went wrong, then it wasn't the end of the world. That if he had to be a bachelor for the rest of his life, then that was fine. He had plenty of ways of keeping himself busy—he had a good career, a nice house, plenty of books to read and to argue online about them with.
He had one earlier today, actually, with Queen of Wildfire about a new release that Rowan had eagerly read within days of its release. And once again, he ended up with an argument with the woman about the messages and themes within the book.
It was stupid, he knew, to be at his age and to be fighting online with a stranger, but something about this woman just had his fingers flying over the keyboard.
Some days he looked forward to it, as embarrassing as that was to admit. He didn't really want to look into himself to figure out what it all meant.
Eyes drifting to the dashboard, Rowan realised that his date was about to start. Popping a mint into his mouth and smoothing out his clothes, Rowan took a deep breath and left the car and went to his first date in twelve years.
Hopefully, it wouldn't be too bad.
The date had started out a little awkward, but that wasn't a surprise to Aelin, because what blind date started smoothly?
It picked up after Rowan admitted that he was divorced and that he had no idea what the hell he was supposed to do. Aelin appreciated that stark honesty and admitted that she too had no idea what to do.
Since then, the conversation went well, the food was good and Aelin had even swiped a few bites of his dinner because it just looked so much better than hers. Rowan had playfully grumbled underneath his breath, but smiled as he said it.
It was going really well. Maybe the universe had decided to give her a break for the rest of this evening. There was a part of her that maybe wondered if they would have sex, because the man did look fucking fantastic, but at the same time, she didn't want to rush anything in case this actually turned into something more.
“What's the dumbest thing that you've done recently or in the past?” Aelin asked. There was no such thing as small talk between them—Aelin had all ready asked if he believed in aliens and was glad when he said yes, because “it's ridiculous to think that we're alone in this wide universe of ours. It makes sense that there'd be other lifeforms out there.” Which was pretty damned close to Aelin's reasoning as well, so asking him about stupid moments felt like nothing in comparison.
Rowan smirked at the question and took a moment to think before answering. “I engage in online arguments.”
“Really? About what, exactly?”
“It's stupid. But my all my arguments occur on Goodreads of all places. Not Facebook, or YouTube, or Twitter, but Goodreads. It's never anything insulting but just arguments about how wrong some people's in depth reviews are.”
“Fair enough,” Aelin said, “I've been known to do the same thing as you. There's this one user on there, White Tailed Hawk—a stupid name if you ask me—and he just never...” Aelin stopped when she noticed that he stopped eating and was just looking at her weirdly. “Rowan? Are you okay?”
“Do you, by any chance, go under the name of Queen of Wildfire?”
Aelin blinked, and then blinked again, and once the pieces fell into place, she knew right then and there that the universe really hated her. She let out a harsh laugh, the sound echoing throughout the space. Aelin wasn't really sure what to say, because it was true what he said; it had never been insulting, but ending up on a date with the man she had regularly arguments with was just...she had no words, other then, “It really is a stupid name.” She took a sip of her wine, needing to do something other than wanting to bang her head against the table.
“I couldn't think of anything else to write.” And it wasn't also his favourite animal, he had told her that earlier.
They lapsed back into the awkward silence of earlier, both picking at their food.
But Aelin didn't want this night to go to waste. “It'd be stupid to let something as small as this get in the way of whatever this could be,” Aelin said, deciding to be blunt.
Rowan nodded. “It would be. Although I have to be honest, you really have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to Call of the Wild Winds.”
Aelin just about stormed off when she noticed his playful smile, his eyes sparkling bright. Laughing, Aelin threw a bread-roll at his handsome face, and once he caught it and split it in half for them to share, they went back to their earlier conversation.
And when Rowan walked her to her apartment door and kissed her on the cheek goodnight with a promise to text her later, Aelin couldn't help herself by telling him that all his opinions sucked and that he had no idea what he was talking about—all with a big smile on her face as Rowan sputtered as she closed the door on his face.
They spent the rest of the night texting, and all of Aelin's earlier woes faded away. And she looked forward to tomorrow, despite the horror of job hunting. Maybe the universe will finally let things turn around for the better for her.
Aelin went to sleep with a smile on her face, all because of White Tailed Hawk.
And on the other side of the city, Rowan also fell asleep with a smile on his face.
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guess-that-ship · 6 months
S10 Round 1
Not the sharpest bisexuals in the shed
Red's job is to kill people. He has a very annoying second best friend who seems like a tagalong, but is actually terrifyingly competent. Second Best Friend (2BF) has no other friends, possibly due to his spectacular failure to act normal around anyone, ever, and is some twisted type of lawful neutral with a carveout for whatever Red needs, while Red's only other friend is an animal and his sense of morality is a caricature of jingoism—until now, when he's starting to regret his past. They're very violent, and they're both really, really dumb.
2BF is obsessed with Red, way more than Red is with him. However, 2BF is fiercely loyal to him and only him, making him the most reliable backup Red will ever have, and giving 2BF a reason to be more careful about who he kills. When Red chokes, 2BF has his back. Where others are inclined to use Red's dad as leverage, 2BF is very protective of Red and understands the dad as an abuser, as opposed to Red being his legacy. 2BF is also the one who can get through to Red when Red is making bad choices. In spite of 2BF's inability to process emotions in a typical way, he manages to get Red to talk about his own feelings, albeit through the dumbest conversations possible.
While they build good relationships with other coworkers, no one quite gets them like they do each other. They have fun together. They have threesomes (still gay if it's a three way). They blow up shit for giggles and accidentally injure each other and laugh about it. 2BF would die for Red if he had to—but he'd rather kill for him. Red, for his part, appreciates the deepening of their relationship from surface level antics to serious emotional sharing.
The Saviour and The Tainted
cw: attempted murder, burying someone alive
The island is all she ever knew, and by birthright it was rightfully hers to inherit. But soon as the legal proceedings finished, a mysterious Oracle knocked at her door to point an accusing finger at the Tainted one, declaring her unfit for the role. Only she, the Oracle, could be the rightful leader of this island. Within the blink of an eye, the Tainted lost all she ever had and became a prisoner in her own home. One night, however, a man snuck into her house, with promises to bring justice to her and end the Oracle’s corrupt reign. She agreed and played along, though she easily saw through the facade---this “man” was actually a woman in disguise. Whatever reason the Savior had to hide her identity, the Tainted one remained weary.
The Savior kept visiting her at night for months to come to bring news of the outside world, but with every late night spent together sharing secrets, the air between them shifted. An alliance to defeat a common enemy turned into something more affectionate, and nightly debriefs turned into shared moments until the early hours of the morning. But old habits die hard, so the Tainted one decided to ruin what they had before the Savior could break her heart or betray her. Just as the Savior finally bared her heart to her, the Tainted held the Saviour close to her and snuck the incriminating flower in her hair, and watched as the other woman, who fell into her trap, grew dizzy and confused as she writhed in pain. The Tainted could do no more as her beloved collapsed, and was carried off to be buried alive.
Against all odds, the Savior survived and crawled her way out, for she made a promise she had to fulfill. With a little help she brought down the Oracle and her accomplice, revealing the truth behind the island’s mysterious ruler. Her mission accomplished, the Savior left the island and took the freed woman's heart with her. The woman had her home and freedom restored, yet what her heart truly desired will never be within her reach again.
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127-mile · 3 years
For all the wrong reasons.
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Pairing: Doyoung x female reader.
Genre: Exes, enemies to lovers | Fluff, angst.
Warnings: Strong language, brief non-explicit mention of suggestive content.
Plot: Filing for divorce was probably the best decision you ever made with Doyoung. Having to marry him a second time for an inheritance wasn't on your post Doyoung to-do list.
Word count: +7.1k.
A/N: This is part of the Be your enemy collab hosted by @treasurehobi​. | I wish I could remember where I saw the original prompt I used as an inspiration.
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"What the fuck are you doing here?" you spit when you see Doyoung outside of the building where you work. "You know I'm working, why the fuck would you ask me to come out?" Doyoung rolls his eyes, and you see the way he clenches his fists. It is so easy to rile him up, even though he probably already was before you joined him. "We need to talk."
"Talk about what? If it's not about all of the shit you still have in the garage, then I don't want to hear a word about it." he nibbles on his lower lip, an habit he always had when he is nervous, or ready to explode. You witnessed it way too many times. "You are rambling, you idiot!" you do not have the time, or the faith to keep up with him, so you turn on your heels, and when you put your hand on the doorknob of the heavy glass door, he calls out for you. "Wait."
"Doyoung, I have to go back to work, what do you want?" you ask in a long sigh and he mumbles something you can't quite understand. "Can you repeat, I can't hear anything you say when you mumble between your teeth." he takes a step closer, because he doesn't want to have to yell for the whole world to hear. "My aunt is dead." oh, that was not was you were expecting.
"Which one? The sweet one, or the old bitter bitch?" you ask as you turn to face him once again. "The sweet one." that's too bad, because this was probably the only member of Doyoung's family that you always liked, also the only member of his family that liked you from the minute you stepped inside of the house when you were 15. "I'm sorry, I know you loved her."
"I thought you deserved to know, she always adored you," he starts, and you cross your arms over your chest, maybe you should have taken your jacket before going out. "but this is not the only reason I came here." You do not try to think about why he is here, so instead, you prompt him to keep talking. "She left a will, and you know how all of her children were assholes so she gave them the bare minimum, and she gave me the rest."
"Good for you, I guess, you always wanted the lake house." he shakes his head, because yes, the lake house is a sweet addition, and he can only dream of the weekend he is going to spend there for the rest of his life, but this is still not why he is here. "You have to know, that if I had the choice, I would not be here, trust me, you are the last person I wanted to see." alright, that hurts. "Then what do you want from me?"
"We need to get married."
Your eyes open wide, and you throw your head back to laugh heartily. "Doyoung, we got divorced last year." he rolls his eyes, and you follows the movement of the tip of his tongue wetting his lips with your eyes. "I know, this was the best day of my life. But my aunt believed in us, she believed in our relationship, in our marriage, and the will stipulates that if I want to inherit everything, we have to be wedded."
"That's a joke, right?" you ask and he shakes his head. You know it is not a joke, you have known his aunt for many years, and to be honest, you are not even surprised to hear that. You do not know how many times she reminded you that your marriage to Doyoung was the best thing that has happened in this family. "I guess you'll have to say goodbye to your inheritance."
"Oh come on, I'm not asking you for the fucking moon! I never asked you for anything, can't you do me one fucking favor!" he exclaims and you look around, you do not want any of your coworkers to see what is happening, because you'll never hear the end of it. "And if I do it, what do I get in exchange?" you ask in a sigh.
"Her car, money, that necklace she promised you, I don't know, whatever you want." the corner of your lips curl into a smirk, and he takes a step back. He knows you better than anyone else on this stupid planet, so he knows that this smile doesn't bode well. "Everything?" he knows he shouldn't, but he nods nonetheless.
"I want the lake house."
"What? You will never get the lake house!" he says, almost offended that you would have the audacity to ask for the only thing he ever wanted. The house where he grew up, the house he spent so many vacations in with his aunt and his cousins. The house where he proposed to you. "I'm not asking for the fucking moon, Doyoung." you imitate Doyoung, but unlike him, you speak in a much softer voice.
"I hate you." he mutters when he understands that you are making fun of him, and you shrug. "Tell me something I don't already know." you stay silent for a moment, and Doyoung, still waiting for his answer, shifts from one leg to the other. "If I do it, will I finally get rid of you?" Doyoung doesn't show anything, but hearing this does something to his heart. He doesn't know if it's relief to finally be able to move on after this, or the closure that it'll bring. "Yes, you won't hear from me after that."
"Alright," you start in a huff. "Let's get married. Again."
What a stupid idea, you both think as you part ways.
You know you should not be doing it, you know you should not get close to Doyoung again, and he knows it too, you both suffered too much before, and even after the divorce, that it will not bring anything good. You got married because of love the first time, and you are going to get married because of all the wrong reasons, the second time. Hopefully, this time, divorcing won't hurt as much.
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"You look fucking stupid, who knitted this sweater, your mother?" you say as soon as Doyoung steps inside of the café. Doyoung does look stupid, but not because of the pink sweater, but because of his messy hair and the crooked glasses on the bridge of his nose. "My girlfriend made it for me," he says in a low voice as he sits down on the chair in front of you. "and it's not stupid, it's a pretty sweater. She spent a lot of time working on it."
"Your girlfriend? Poor soul. Does she know you are currently having coffee with your ex wife?" you ask, straigtening up on the chair. You did not know he had a girlfriend, and maybe it is for the better, because you would have told him to fuck off last week when he came to see you. "Yes, he does know." you hum sipping on your cup of tea. "And fo I have to expect a crazy girl banging on my door at three am, asking me to stop sleeping with her boyfriend, or did you finally find someone normal?"
"Do you always have to remind me of my past?" he asks, but you know it is a rethorical question, that he is not waiting for an answer, but there is no way you are missing an opportunity like this one. "Doyoung, we took one break in our relationship, and you found a way to date the most jealous girl on campus. She was fucked up, and she tries to push me down the fucking stairs, so yes, I have to remind you of your past mistakes."
"You are the worst." he brings his own cup to his lips, and he sips on the coffee he just drowned in milk and sugar like a kid who never had caffeine before. "So, I contacted the town hall, and we can have the ceremony there tomorrow at 2 pm." oh, how romantic, the complete opposite to your first wedding. So big, luxurious and filled with love and laughter. "Sounds like a dream. Do we have to get dressed, or what?" he shrugs. "I don't know. Wear something nice, not that ugly hoodie of yours."
"Fuck you. You were happy to steal my hoodie when we were still in university." he sighs with exasperation, he did not come here to be reminded of his youth. Of the time they could still hold a conversation without cursing at each other at the first opportunity, without wishing the other was somewhere else, or worst, dead. Of the time you did not hate each other as much as you do now.
"Do we need witnesses?" you ask and he seems to think about it, or to recall everything the town hall secretary told him on the phone earlier. "Uh, yes, I think we do, to sign the papers." that's where it will get complicated, you think. "Amazing, I can't wait to ask Yuta to sign the wedding papers. A wedding I put an end to last year." he is going to be so mad at you, and you can already hear him yell. "Eh, don't act like you are the only one who'll have to get yelled at! I have to ask Johnny, and you know how he gets when we do something he does not approve of."
"Why don't you ask your girlfriend to marry you for the inheritance?" you ask with genuine curiosity and Doyoung tilts his head to the side, and he looks at you like you just said the dumbest thing he had ever heard in his entire life. "Are you stupid, or are you trying to waste my time? The notary will not accept to give me anything if it's not your name on the marriage certificate." yes, you expected as much.
"Why does he even need a marriage certificate? That's stupid, there is no proof that we are not married anymore." he shrugs, putting his cup back on the old wooden table. "He is a notary, he is probably going to do some research to be sure we are not going against my aunt's will." you drink the last of your tea, and you stand up under Doyoung's gaze. "Alright, I have to go and talk to the Devil. If you don't see me at the town hall tomorrow, it's because he sent me straight to hell."
"Same goes for me. Good luck."
When you find yourself in front of Yuta's door, you try to muster everything you have to push the door. This is not going to be fun, but it has to be done, you can't ask some stranger to be your witness, because you probably need the signature of the same person who was by your side during your actual wedding. What were you thinking when you asked Yuta? Well, maybe because at that time, you did not think you would file for divorce, and get married to him again, a year later.
"Oh, hello, pretty stranger." Yuta says when he sees you in front of the door, lost in your thoughts. But his voice is enough to bring you back were you are, and to remind you of what you have to do. "Yuta, we have to talk." you whisper, and he heads for the living room. "Do I need to sit, or can I stay up?" he asks with the shadow of a smile on his face, he thinks it is not that serious, but it is, and he is in for a surprise.
"I think you should sit down." oh, his smile fades right away, and you nibble on your lower lip. You should have rehearsed what to say, because you find yourself stupid in front of Yuta who is waiting, nervously playing with his fingers. "Can you please start to talk before I start thinking all type of crazy things."
Before you can open your mouth to say anything, Yuta speaks again, and he asks the dumbest question he could have asked. "Oh my god, are you pregnant? Yes, that's it, you are pregnant! Am I the father? No, it's been too long, and we were careful every time. Wait, we did it last week? Isn't that too short to know? Oh my god, I'm going to be a father!"
Your eyes widen at his words and you shake your head furiously. "Yuta, what the fuck? I'm not pregnant, and we did not even sleep together last week!" he heaves a sigh of relief, and you roll your eyes. He gets excited really easily, but hecan also calm down as quickly. "Oh. Then who did I sleep with last week?" you should file for divorce with your friends too. "I don't know Yuta, I do not live here to see who you bring home every day."
"Are you calling me a slut?" he cackles and you shake your head, at least, the tension is way less tense. "Yuta, I did not come here to slut shame you or anything, I do have something important I have to tell you. And to ask you too, if you are willing to listen to me until I'm done before getting mad."
"Why would I get mad? I never get mad!" he says, offended, and you grab a chair to sit in front of him, you can't stay up for that, your legs are already shaking.
"Doyoung and I are getting married tomorrow, and I need you to come to the town hall at 2 pm to be my witness and sign the papers." you blut out and you cover your mouth with your hand, because you wanted to explain the situation before coming to this part, but you apparently do not have a brain to mouth filter.
Yuta stands up so fast that he almost trips on his own feet, he opens his mouth a few times but no sound comes out. You did expect as much. "What the fuck!" he says first, and you were expecting him to start yelling, but no, his voice is barely above a whisper. "You are back with Doyoung? Why would you do something like that? Are you masochist or just plain stupid?"
"Call me stupid one more time, and I swear to God that I will kick you in the balls right here and there!" you mutter and he rolls his eyes as he sits back down. "Listen to me, understand everything, and then you will be allowed to judge me."
When he stays quiet, you start talking again.
"Doyoung's aunt passed away, and she decided to give him pretty much everything she ever had, but it is stated in the will that if he wants to get the inheritance, we still have to be wedded. So he came to me the other day, asking me if we could get married again, so he could get the inheritance."
He hums and he crosses his arms over his chest. "And what will happen after?" you shrug. "We did not talk about it just yet, but I guess we are going to divorce. Again."
He heaves a long and deep sigh as he stands up, only to pace around the living room this time. "I understand what he is asking you. If he is doing it, it is because the inheritance is worth it. But have you thought about the consequences? Do you think you are emotionally strong enough to go through another divorce?" he asks in a soft voice.
"I don't know, Yuta. But I guess I will be? I mean, this time there will be no problem with separation of property, or anything. It's just a wedding of convenience, nothing else. No feelings involved." he stops in front of you, and he puts a hand on your shoulder. "Are you sure about the last part?" you hate when he asks this question. "Doyoung is my first love, and despite everything that happened between us, he will always have a special place in my heart no matter what I say, or show, but this is over. And he has a girlfriend."
"If you promise me that you won't let your heart get broken again, then you can count on me, I will be there tomorrow to sign the papers. Again." you wrap you arms around his waist, burrying your face against his toned stomach. "I promise." you whisper, and if you had your fingers crossed behind his back, this is nobody's business.
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"Look who's here."
You turn your head when Yuta speaks, and your eyes meet Doyoung's. He is closely followed by a clearly annoyed Johnny who does not look up from his phone, and you wonder how bad it was yesterday. You would give everything you have to be able to witness what happened in the confine of Johnny's apartment when Doyoung asked him to come today. Did he punch him? That probably did not happen, but it's a thought that warms your heart.
"Are you wearing the fucking suit?" you ask and he stops, a bright smile illuminating his face. "Well, it is a wedding, it's only fair to wear the suit of our first wedding." what a little shit, he told you to dress nicely, but to not go all the way like it was real fucking wedding. "I wanted to burn it a few weeks after our break up, and honestly, I'm happy I didn't do it. Maybe I'll do it during the first weekend I'll spend in the lake house to celebrate my inheritance and our second divorce."
"What if I punched you in the face?" Yuta asks, stepping out in front of you, and you have to grab his wrist to be sure he is not taking another step. "I'm sure the suit will look way better with your blood on it!" you meet Johnny's gaze and he smiles, he has no intention to step in between them, and because you know it, and won't do it either, you smile back. "What's up Y/n, it's been a while."
"I'm getting married to my ex-husband for money, you know, the usual." he chuckles and you let go of Yuta's hand when him and Doyoung seem to relax. "I almost punched him in the face when he told me. "Johnny adds, and yes, it is basic Johnny's bevahior. "You should have done it, but I guess you still have time. Maybe you could do it when we get out of the town hall, as a wedding gift?" Doyoung looks at you, and at Johnny, in time with a frown. "That's a great idea! I'll do it, and I'll give you time to take a photo."
"Maybe I should marry you instead of Doyoung." you concede, when you enter the town hall. "Maybe you should, but it's not like I never asked you before." Doyoung stops, and you almost bump against his back and he turns on his heels. "What do you mean, it's not like you never asked her?" he asks in between clenched teeth. "Why do you care man?" Johnny answers and you chuckle.
Johnny is Doyoung's best friend, and yet, he loves pissing him off as much as you do, and that's probably why you get along so well. He puts an arm over your shoulders as you climb the stairs to the right room. "You should not touch her like that, we are supposed to get married." Doyoung says in a breath, and Johnny takes a step back. "It's a fake marriage, I can do whatever I want with the bride."
"Come on kids, right now is not the right time to fight." you say before the doors open on the mayor. "You can do it later." you enter the room, Yuta on your heels and with a pretty angry Doyoung beside you.
You come out half an hour later, your old wedding ring around your finger, and Doyoung with his. You are surprised he did not throw it away. "Well, that sucked." you mumble so as not to be heard by the mayor you smile at.
"Your first wedding was more fun. Taeyong got drunk and fell into the pond." Yuta says and you laugh at the memory. Yours and Doyoung's families left pretty early, so it was only the newly neds and your friends for the whole night, and things got out of hand pretty quickly, you probably will never forget any of it, even though you should.
"So, what are we doing?" Johnny asks, burrying his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "We have an appointment with the notary tomorrow morning, so we have the rest of the day." Doyoung says with a shrug and you turn your head to watch him. "Shouldn't you go home to your girlfriend, tell her everything about how you said "I do" to me for the second time of your life?"
"Fuck off, Y/n. Do you always have to ruin everything?" you try to stay quiet, you really try, but you can't. "Do I have to ruin everything? You are the reason we got a divorce, Doyoung! Our relationship turned to shit because of you, and you have the guts to tell me to stop ruining everything? You did it first, so suck it up."
"You do whatever you want, I'm going home, I'm tired of seeing his face." you say before kissing Yuta's cheek, thanking him for being here, as always, and before disappearing in the corner of the street, you look at Doyoung one last time. "You have the certificate, you can go to the notary on your own tomorrow. Good riddance, asshole."
You know this is not part of the deal, but you really do not want to see him for something you do not have to actually be there. The certificate will be enough for the notary to understand that you are married, and Doyoung, oh all mighty stupid Doyoung will find a good lie for the date on the certificate, you do not doubt that one bit. He is a good liar after all.
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It is around 2 o'clock when someone knocks on the door, and nuzzled in a blanket on the sofa with an horror movie playing on the television, you do not feel like moving to open the door. Whoever it is, they can wait, or call you if it is urgent.
You heave a sigh of relief when the knocking stops, but then, it is your phone who starts to rind and you whine loudly. You pout, but when you see Doyoung's picture on the screen, the pout turns into a frowns and you pick up. "What do you want? Another wedding?" you hear him sigh from the other side of the line. "Open the door." oh god, now you have to stand up, and for who? For Kim fucking Doyoung.
You hang up, and after a minute or two of weighting the pros and cons, you stand up, and head to the front door that you open slightly. "What?" without saying a word, he hands you a letter and you look at him without taking it. "What is that?" he rolls his eyes, arm still stretched. "A letter for us, from my aunt, that the notary gave me earlier. I didn't think it would be nice to open it without you."
"You can come in, but I want you gone in five minutes." you mumble as you push yourself from the door to let him in. "Where is the carpet my mom bought you?" he asks as he takes his jacket and shoes off. "I unfortunately dropped a few glasses of red wine on it, and it became impossible to wash out, so I threw it away. What a shame, a beautiful carpet." of course you did, he knows you never liked anything coming from his mother.
"If you have the letter with you, I guess the appointment with the notary went well?" you go back to the living room and you sit down on the armchair. "He was a bit hesitant to accept the certificate as it was dated from yesterday." that was expected. "And what did you tell him?" he heaves a long sigh as he sits directly on the ground, like he used to do when he still lived here.
"I told him we had a flooding at the house, and that our certificate got ruined. I also said that the town hall lost some files, so we had to ask for a new one." that's smart. "You should open the letter, you only have 3 minutes left before I kick your ass out of this house."
He opens the letter and he looks at the words, written prettily by his aunt probably a few years ago, when she was still here, when she had hope about their relationship.
"My loves," Doyoung starts to read out loud. "if you are reading this letter, it means I am no longer in this world, but fear not, I will always be close to you, no matter where I am. You must have been surprised when you learned about the will, about the inheritance, but let me explain. My children, well, you know them, you know how they are and they do not deserve even half of what I have. Well, had. But you, you do deserve it. You are young, full of love, and ready to start your life together. As I am writing this, you are about to get married, Y/n is also in the room with me, she is getting her makeup done, and Doyoung, she is absolutely beautiful, you are the luckiest man."
Doyoung either takes a break to catch his breath, or to let the words settle.
"So, as I was saying, you are about to start your life together, and you only deserve the best. This is why I decided to give you everything I had. Doyoung, you grew up in the lake house, you even proposed to your beautiful wife there, it is only normal for you to get it. My car, that Y/n always loved, you can have it, as well as the necklace I promised to give her when my time would come. And the rest. You can keep what you want, you can sell the rest, or give it away, make someone else happy, I trust the two of you to do what is good."
You cross your arms over your chest, lowering your head when Doyoung starts to speak again.
"You two fell in love really young, and unfortunately, the families were not supportive enough, and made you feel like what you felt was not real, that you would get over it at some point. Y/n, I want to apologize for everything they ever said, or done to you, you never did anything to deserve any of this. You both never deserved the treatment they gave you. You only deserve the best, and all of the happiness the world can give you. I hope I will help a little bit on that. Be happy, always, be there for each other, and never forget that you should never go to bed mad. Doyoung, you are stubborn, so please, take the time to listen to Y/n, and turn your tongue seven times in your mouth before speaking, you would not want to lose her. The love of your life. I love you both so much, thank you for always being by my side."
When Doyoung puts the letter back inside of the envelop, you sigh. "I did not even notice her writing back then." you say in a whisper. "But now, I understand her decision, she really was rooting for us, uh?" Doyoung nods, and he is touched by the letter, if the way his eyes are shining is anyhing to go by. "She was the only one who believed in us. She would be incredibly disappointed if she knew."
Because yes, if the situation is this tricky is because you did not tell her when you decided to break up. It was only supposed to be a few days/weeks break, but it turned into a divorce, and you were so busy with the divorce in itself, the lawyers, the moving and everything that you both forgot to tell her, and maybe it was a good thing, at least, she did not pass away sad or disappointed. Because if she knew, she would have changed her will. And to be honest, you are not even sure Doyoung's family knows.
"She would be, yes." you stay silent for a minute and when Doyoung stands up, you look up at him. "What are we doing now?"
"We should go to the lake house, so you can get whatever you want from the house, the necklace, and the books you loved so much, and then I guess we'll call the lawyer." what does it hurt so bad to hear him say that? You did not want to see him again, but after hearing what his aunt thought about you, about the relationship, it feels different, you head and your hearts are a mess.
"I'll pick you up tomorrow around 8am, so we won't come home too late, alright?" you nod, and without another word, Doyoung leaves the house, leaving behind him a heavy silence and a lot of things to think about for you.
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"I hate you."
Doyoung's eyes widen at your words, and he turns his eyes but being the one driving, he can't watch you for too long. "What have I done? I did not say anything for over an hour!" he exclaims and you shrug as you look at the landcape behind the window. The city long gave way to the country side, and you have to admit that it is way prettier than all of the buildings of the city.
"The music sucks, and I still don't like your sweater."
"You need to stop hating on my sweaters, because you did not complain about them when you were cold!" he answers and you stick your tongue out at him. "Yeah well, maybe if you had agreed on letting me keep them, then maybe they would not look so ugly." he chuckles as he shakes his head. "You are impossible."
"Can I ask you a question?" he nods. "Did you tell your parents, about the divorce?" well, that was not was he was expecting. "I did, a few weeks ago." a few weeks ago, when you have been divorced for a year now, yeah, sounds valid. "They were probably very happy to learn the news." well, you were not happy about getting a divorce at such a young age, but you were definitely happy to get rid of his parents. So it's only fair that they felt the same.
"You know how they are, they told me it was for the best, that we were not made to be together, you know, what they always told us." you can hear his mother's voice in your head, and you wince at the thought. "At least I succeeded on making her happy once in my life."
You stay silent for a few minutes, but you open your mouth mouth. "And now I'm mad, because I promised myself to never do anything to make her happy! Fuck me!" Fortunately, he is at a red sign, because Doyoung starts to laugh to the point where his vision becomes blurry with tears.
"Stop laughing idiot!" you say when you hear the horns of the cars behind Doyoung's car. "Don't yell at me, it's your fault!" you can't help but to laugh along with him and it takes you a few minutes to calm down, and it's been a long time since you laughed with Doyoung, and it makes you feel.. light? And definitely happy.
"Oh my god, I don't remember the last time I came here." you say as you get out of the car when Doyoung stops the engine. The lake house is typical of a lake house, made of wood, old and yet beautiful. The flowers are blooming and it makes the entire area colorful and it is hard for you to close your mind to the memories that come with the view. "Honestly? I don't remember either."
Doyoung opens the door, and he starts to cough when it moves a cloud of dust around him. "Oh wow, I don't think my aunt came here for a long time." the house used to be clean, and smelling of fresh flowers and laundry, but today, it smells of nothing but dust and wilted flowers on the coffee table. "I have a few days off, next week, we can come to clean, if you want." you propose.
"We?" you shrug as you nudge him to enter the house, and even if it's not what it used to be, it still feels like home. And you know Doyoung feels the same, he told you so many times that he wanted nothing more than to finish his days here, with a family, and a dog. "I spent as much time in this house as you did, it's normal that I help you. But you can refuse, and clean by yourself, I don't mind."
He rolls his eyes and without another word, he climbs the stairs only to come back a few minutes later with a wooden box. "Here, take it." you take it, and you smile when you see his aunt's jewelery. She had incredible taste, and she never wanted to leave the house without wearing them.
"I'm only taking the necklace. You should give one of these rings to your girlfriend, I'm sure she would love it." you put the box on the coffee table and you take out the necklace you had fallen in love with at the second you saw Doyoung's aunt wear it. "What did you say?" you ask when Doyoung says something, but with the way his teeth are clenched, it is impossible for you to understand something.
"I said, I don't have a girlfriend." you do something you should never have done, you flop down on the couch, waving your hands to get rid of the dust around you. "What? But you said you had one the other day." he heaves a long sigh as he sits down on the ground, grimacing when he realizes how bad of an idea it was. "I know, but I did not think, I only wanted to piss you off, I guess." you roll your eyes. "You guessed right, because it did piss me off."
"For real?" this is the conversation you wish you did not need to have, but you also know that Doyoung is stubborn and he will keep hasking until you give him the answer he wants. "You know it well, I don't need to explain."
"Please, do." of fucking course.
"Doyoung, you are my first boyfriend, my first husband, and of course, my first love. And you will remain my first love, no matter how much we hate each other. No matter how much we hate each other, I will still love you." you could say, no matter if you are married or not, you will still love him, but you do not see yourself married to someone that is not him, honestly.
"I don't hate you, you know." Doyoung says, and you tilt your head to the side. "Well, you do act like you hate me, so it is a bit hard to believe what you are saying." he brings one of his leg against his chest, his chin on his knee. "It's true though, I only act like that because you hate me, and I don't want to give you another reason to hate me even more."
"So you are telling me, that you only pretend to hate me, because I hate you?" he hums. "When I only act like that because you hate me." his eyes open wide, and it is almost comical, especially when he understand what you are saying. "So you don't hate me?"
"The last months of our relationship, and of course, the divorce, it hurt me a lot, way more than I thought it would, but that never meant that I hated you. Of course, I did hate you, for a while, but like I said, you are my first love, and I always wanted you to be my only love. So no, I never hated you as much as I tried to show you for the past few months."
Doyoung chuckles. "We are idiots." but his smile slowly fades. "By the way, I wanted to apologize for what I said the other day, when I said you always found a way to ruin everything." oh yes, that hurt like a bitch, and it still hurts, thinking about it. "It's fine, Doyoung, I know you only said that because you were mad at me, but please, don't say something like that again, because it hurt. And also because I'll punch you in the throat next time."
"Threats, threats, you always threaten me, but you never do anything about it." he says in a sigh, and you gasp. "Don't push me, Doyoung, because I will act on one of the threats."
"You're all bark and no bite."
You stand up, and you pounce on Doyoung whose mouth opens in a silent scream, he was not expecting you to act on your words. "I'm not going to punch you, because you still have to drive us back home, but I will do it, one day, trust me." you say, straddling his lap.
You only realize your position on Doyoung when he stops breathing. "Oh." you could move, stand up and sit back down on the couch, but something tells you that you should stay here. You meet Doyoung's gaze, and your eyes close when his fingers brush against your cheek. "What are you doing?" you ask in a whisper and you feel him shrug. "I don't know. But tell me if you want me to stop."
You wonder what he means by that, but soon enough, you feel his lips grazing against yours and your breath hitches in your throat. Don't do it, you want to scream, you are going to ruin everything, but you find yourself unable to speak. Why? Because you are dying to kiss him. You have been dying to kiss him for so long now, you were just stubborn, and too hurt to stop denying the truth.
"Can I kiss you?" he asks in a soft voice, and you open your eyes. You can see so many emotions in his eyes, so many emotions you had not seen in a long time. And you know you shouldn't, you know you should stop whatever is happening, get your stuff and ask him to drive you back home, but something is stopping you. Your heart is taking over your brain. "Please."
The feeling of his soft lips against yours is enough to bring back so many memories. The nights you spent in this living room, in front of the lit fireplace, kissing and giggling like teenagers trying to not wake up his parents and his aunt. You were in love back then, and the world did not exist around you. It was the two of you and only the two of you.
And it still is the same no matter what happened the past few months.
"I love you, I always loved you, and I will always love you." Doyoung says against your lips.
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Four months later.
"What the hell are you doing? There are people around!" you explain when you see Doyoung kneeling on the ground, in front of all the friends you had invited for a weekend at the lake house. "Doyoung, come on, get up!"
He shakes his head, and he takes out a red silk case, the same one you have seen so many times placed on his aunt's dressing table. The one her husband proposed to marry her when she was barely 18. The same age you were when Doyoung first proposed to you. The conversations around stop, and you are pretty sure you heard a gasp.
"I know we've done it twice already. Once for love, and once for this house, but I want this time to be the one for eternity. This past year without you has been the worst, since you weren't by my side, for the first time since our teenage years. Life without you makes no sense, and I intend to take this second chance to redo everything, and to redo everything perfectly. My aunt said we deserved it, and you know what? I agree with her. That's why I would like to ask you to be my wife. Again."
He takes a deep breath, and he almost loses his balance but you are quick to put a hand on his shoulder to help him out. Even though it is not the first time, it does feel like it, you feel butterflies in your stomach, and your heart is pounding in your chest. "Of course I want to be your wife, Doyoung." you say and his smile is so bright that you almost have to look away, but you do not. This is the smile you love more than anything in the world.
This is Doyoung's smile. And you always loved him. And you know that whatever life throws at you, you will overcome everything, as long as you are together. And as long as you communicate.
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