#this is one of my oldest aus actually holy fuck
coolattabong · 10 months
THE SUGAR RUSH AU SOUNDS SO COOL...... share your au wisdom with the hlvrai tag...
HELLO ! sugar rush it is :-)
so i kinda turned sugar rush into my own thing so please bare with me
so. theres this speedrunner guy (aka gordon) he pretty much just. finds as many ways to break sugar rush and just get the best times. one day though he got a weird dm about a scrapped character from the game (benrey). the reason benrey was scrapped from the game is because he pretty much made the game UNPLAYABLE, corrupting not just all of the maps, but the entire game too. gordon freeman, being a cool guy he is, set out on a journey to actuallt beat a map with this benrey guy. hes successful, but now everything is fucked up. he physically cant chose any other character besides benrey. he tries to exit out of the game but again, its impossible. however, theres a bunch of new maps, but they're all super fucking hard, and if gordon wants to fix his game, he has to beat all of them ...
theres also a whole story about the actual game world but ill probably make a whole seperate post about that
ill defiantly be adding more to this au but thats all i have for now!
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batman AU where everything is the same, exept that the Al Ghuls are the official royal family of the soverain city state of Nanda Parbat.
Like, its a very small country, but a powerful one and absolutely fuckall is known about their royal family, or the nation itself bc it's impossible to send spies inside without never hearing from them again. Nobody, exept for immidiate family even realizes that Damian is an actual crown prince of an actual country.
Like, just, him, on twitter. and then someone makes a joke about him and the way he is so overly formal in public. And Damian is like, 'yeah, I'm representing my whole country here, I'm the crown prince of my nation', and the person on twitter is like...
And then Dick comes in the comments like. 'Look up the royal liniage of Nanda Parbat before you embarras yourself, I am begging you.' que a small twitter freakout bc holy shit, the youngest Wayne kid is actual fucking royalty, also, apparently Brucie Wayne fucked a princess, what's up with that?
the consequences this would have. Imagine this. They're at a gala, and IDK Black Mask shows up to rob/kidnap/kill them. The hired security never stood a chance. Bruce is there and is already making plans to slip out, and appear as batman.
interestingly enough, Damian is not making similar plans.
Damian just waits.
No more then two seconds later, at least 12 shadows crash trough the roof and absolutely massacre everyone there. No mercy, just murder, before making a protective ring around Damian, who is still completely cool and composed.
The cops try and make a stink about the 2 dozen dead henchmen and the dead Black Mask, but Crown Prince Damian just calmly walks over and tells commissioner Gordon that these were his body guards, and are therefore allowed to do these things if they judge it to be in favor of the crown prince's safety.
Nobody can really argue with that.
Two days later, at school, there are some upperclassmen who are being bitches, and are like. 'Where are your bodyguards now?'
'Just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they're not here.'
And a red dot appears on the boys forehead.
I just think it would be really funny if Damian Al Ghul was a genuine prince, in an official, international way. PS.
Even better if the Al Ghul's adopt Jason along the way, and Jason just, straight up also becomes a prince. He's not blood related tho, so he's still in line behind Damian, even though he is the oldest.
That would be insanity. After the Black mask fiasco, Jason just orders the shadows around like. 'okay, after we're done here, escort the crown prince to the secure location.' or whatever.
Someone films it. It goes viral.
People are like; 'what the fuck, why can you order them around like that.'
And Jason is like; 'I am the second prince, therefore, by tradition, the General. The Nanda Parbat fighting forces are under my command.'
and all of twitter is like; ????????
Do you see my vision here???
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autumnmobile12 · 5 months
Villain Deku AU
Most of the time when I see the Villain Deku AU, he's often crazy, and while I do love that concept, I really want to see more sarcastic, cinnamon roll 'Moxxie from Helluva Boss' vibes.
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Shigaraki: And that's the plan, any questions?
Deku: Uh, yeah, what was that?
Shigaraki: That wasn't a question, Deku.
Deku: That wasn't a plan.
Remember my League of Morons vs A Summer Camp post?
Deku can fix that.
Shigaraki: All right, smart ass, you think you can do better?
Deku: I actually can. Your first mistake is attacking the second night of the camp. Let them all have their summer camp fun. By the end of a single week of non-stop, hardcore training, they'll be exhausted and less likely to fight off a surprise attack efficiently. Now, before the camp begins, we'll need Spinner to drive out there. You're the only one of us who hasn't committed any significant crimes yet.
Spinner: Why is that important?
Deku: *smiling cheerfully* Because you're a civilian. The Wild, Wild Pussycats aren't going to think it's weird if a civilian drives up to their base asking for directions through the mountains. Just make sure you have nice, dead battery for your cell phone. Ooh, or you could park on the road with a low tank of gas and walk up to their base! That'll sell it.
Spinner: Sell what?
Deku: You're getting the exact coordinates of the building for Kurogiri, of course. Once we have that information, he can open warp gates beneath our target while he's asleep and let gravity do the rest.
Kurogiri: You suggest we strike at night?
Deku: Right. You want to kidnap Kaachan, so we do it covertly while everyone's asleep. After that, if you really want to send a message to the heroes, we can always seal up the doors and windows, then Mustard can gas the building. Or Dabi can burn it to the ground. Your choice. Painless death in their sleep or painful death by fire?
Dabi: ...holy fuck, that's insane.
All-For-One: *through the computer monitor* Intriguing proposition, Deku. I suppose you have a back-up plan in case something goes wrong.
Deku: About that, it's entirely possible one of the Pussycats or UA teachers will be on look-out and if that's the case, Eraserhead will be the biggest obstacle. Most of you rely extremely heavily on your Quirks. We'll have to work on that, but in our current time frame, doing so before the summer camp is not feasible. So we'll need to remove the one player who can nullify Quirks. That'll be Mr. Compress's job.
Compress: And how exactly will I do that?
Deku: You'll hit him with a surprise attack. Kurogiri will open a warp gate for you, and the second he does, then you strike. Simple.
Muscular: Yeah, and what about the rest of us?
Deku: You'll be on standby in case Compress fails or draws too much attention to himself. Now about our hostage situation...do we really want Kaachan?
Kurogiri: What do you mean?
Deku: Well I know Kaachan. Despite his violent tendencies, he does have a strong sense of justice and he won't be easy to corrupt. Might I suggest taking the heteromorph students instead? Given society's discrimination problem against what they call the 'non-human' types, they've already got a reason for dissatisfaction with how they've been treated since they were born. Oh, and we should take Yaoyorozu Momo, too.
All: ....why?
Deku: She's rich. Her Quirk is infinitely useful, of course, but even if we can't convince her to join the League, her family will pay us a hefty ransom to get her back. For the record, so will Endeavor if we abduct his youngest son, too. Or we could just ransom the oldest one if all else fails.
Dabi: How the fuck did you know?!
Deku: ...Todoroki Touya allegedly burned up in a massive forest fire and the body was never found. You have a fire Quirk and horrific, full body burn scars and are the age he would have been today. It's not rocket science.
Shigaraki: ...this brat just hijacked my entire plan.
He'd quickly become the Bilbo Baggins of LoV, the one who's solving all the problems right up until they get to the fight with Gigantomachia, at which point he says, "No, I'm not helping you this time. He's gotta respect you, this is your quest. I'm not the fighting type, so I'll just sit back and watch." Proceeds to sit quietly and take notes while observing the fight.
Dabi also wasn't helping out with that fight, so every now and then he checks in on their progress. He just shows up, mildly entertained and mostly annoyed by the collective ineptitude (not that he's any better,) and he walks up to Deku.
Dabi: So how many ways have you thought of to defeat him?
Both: *duck as Spinner goes flying over them*
Deku: ...47. How's that recruitment process going? Because you're starting to look way more useful as a bargaining chip for ransom.
Dabi: Says the guy who's just sitting here.
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years
Another sleepy DP royal family AU/fic prompt. This time with Dan.
So, Dan breaks out and realizes Danny is technically heir of the ghost zone, and Dan technically is Danny and older and so though workaround he ends up as ruler of the ghost zone. Not doing anything openly evil definitely plotting something though, but Dany can’t attack him because these fright knight and other guards and apparently you can’t fight the ghost king with other ghosts not inferring normally.
The thing is other ghosts and the other ancients see Danny and Dani and Dan and just look at these 3… and then clockwork and then the sarcophagus…
Like the oldest one clearly takes after Pariah more, but the other 2’s chaos energy so clearly clockworks, and oh things explains everything, and the kids having human forms and pretending to be part human yeah that sounds like something those 2 would do, also probably safer for kids cause yeah Pariah had a lot of enemies…. Or honestly with CW and Pariah they probably messed with some weird shit that might have actually made kids half human who knows.
Like no one will listen to them
Danny: no look I was human a had human parents who are ghost hunters and I got caught in the portal became a halfa.
Danny: And Dani is a clone of me that the fruitloop made because he’s crazy and obsessed with my mum and me
Danny: And Dan is an evil version of me from an alternate future who sort of destroyed the world cause my parents and friends died in an explosion and he ripped out his human half and-
Ghosts: Kid if you’re going to lie at least make it believable.
Danny:… ok I mean yeah when I say it out loud
No one believes him at all, Dan had decided fuck it this is hilarious and now the ancients won’t kill me so plays along and now keeps calling Danny little brother. Danny goes to complain to CW and Dani’s just chilling out there and calls him big brother cause CW just accepted this is reality and yeah his kids now.
Spectra; I mean it makes sense now why Phantom jumps into so many fights he’s the middle child it must have been him acting out for attention.
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deathdestructiondoom · 4 months
Anyways guess whaaat, i have a new au.
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An Isekai AU where Akito, Saki, Shizuku, Nene and Mizuki were sent to save the Creatio World from being stuck in it's years long Time Loop, however only Akito seemed to remember each Loop and something weird is happening to him. What shall happen to our favorites lesbians and pathetic bisexual ginger? Let's find out.
This is where I'm gonna go unprofessional (I lied) (Ft Pokemon references)
Also yes there are doodles.
Akito : Poor guy is not having a good time. Hes going insane, not mentally okay. His friends keep dying in each loops and he has barely anyone to talk with. And he has the burden of the world's fate on him as the Timecatcher, the only one in this world who can beat the Time God's stinky narcissistic ass. Oh and something went wrong and now after each loops he keeps growing and he gotta do this quick until his height become a major inconvenience. But that doesn't mean he's doing this alone, he got teammates, most he's barely familiar with but teammates nonetheless. They helped him through his lowest, he helped them at their lowest and they helped remind him that it’s okay to ask for help, something he forgot during the midst of each time loops. The constant loops may have changed him, for better or worse, mentally and even physically but what not has changed is his love for his teammates and how he would do anything to not let them die. Oh and he has a cool sword. He also pukes sand. He also may or may not become a demigod.
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Saki : Barbaracore Pookie bear. Shes the team's healer and keeps them alive with her magic healing book. If girlypop wanted to, she can become a full Physical Catalyst user by wacking the book to enemies. Either way she's a silly patootie in a silly magical world, she knows abt the loop but still gets her memory erased, yet will that stop her from smiling? No! She's still the bright and cheerful Saki Tenma and even through the worst times, she won't falter her smile. Also she still gets tired easily due to her health but she got some strong teammates who are willing to support her. She truly loves her new friends and teammates, and wants to support them fully!
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Shizuku : The Mom Friend™. Her Leoncore sense of direction is still here and everyone has to keep her on a leash to prevent her from being lost and die. Yes she's a powerful witch but still needs supervision. She's also motherhenning the shit out of the younger ones, if she says you sleep then you fucking sleep, Akito i don't give a shit that you're supposed to save the world, if you don't get atleast eight hours of sleep i will kill you. She too is aware of the loop, memories still erased but is always taking care of her teammates, being the oldest in the group makes her feel responsible to care for the younger ones wellbeing, feeling closer to them, like how she feels with Shiho.
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Nene : Siren aaah powers. She got the FANGIES AND THE SHORT HAIR. She has the ability to tell people to shut the fuck up with just her voice but shes too nervous for her liking to actually do it. She's also a Disney Princess, animals love her. In case she isn't using her siren inspired powers, she has a poison-infused dagger ready at hand. She also learns how to trust her teammates even if she's unfamiliar with most of them, and they helped her gain some confidence and she slowly gets more comfortable around them. Shes still mostly shy, being in a new world, but still determined to not let the time loops, that wiped her memories, stop her from supporting her teammates to save the world and cut the time loop. She is Zubat but human.
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(Ignore the other lil guy ill talk abt em in another post)
Mizuki : Take Kirby, Tinkaton and Amy Rose and mash em into Mizuki and boom you got a pretty pink lil pookie with a big ass hammer ready to whack some monsters. They got LIPSTIIIIICK. Mizuki is still their teasing self in here and yes they do gush over the cute things in the Creatio World and yes they really love their outfit and hammer like FUCK YEAH THIS IS WHAT I WANNA LOOK LIKE IN A FANTASY SETTING, they are truly in love of how feminine they look (Demigirl Mizuki is canon, if you are transphobic or think they're still a guy pls kindly get off my blog and never touch it again). Mizuki is still observant on the mood of the gang and still helps their teammates, gaining eachothers trusts and starts to express themselves more freely. They are too aware of the loop despite not keeping their memories but will that stop them from supporting their teammates, friends to save the world? No! also they pull ligma and candace jokes on the creatio world's people.
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(Side note : i love their lipstick)
I don't ship these 5 romantically (lied bc i was heavily considering a rlly close SakiNene qpr) but they are still family and love and care for eachother.
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Pookiebears <333
Oh and did i mention their Creatio World selves are just their consciousness transferred into their current bodies and their actual bodies are in a coma.
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voxofthevoid · 8 months
you're well known to be a fantastic goyuu author. do you think you will ever write for other pairings in the jjk fandom, perhaps for itafushi?
Wait, hold up—
you're well known to be a fantastic goyuu author
I'm...gonna be so normal about that. Yeah. Okay.
(I'm melting actually. Vox.exe has crashed.)
Re your question: My ao3 doesn't have any non-goyuu JJK fics for now, but I've written a few of them. All of them also have goyuu, so it's poly, typically V-types (e.g., goyuu and nanaita, but not nanago). You can find them here: chosoita+goyuu, nanaita+goyuu, sukuita+goyuu. Those links may not work on the mobile app though; you'd need to use a browser.
Re itafushi, I now have two ideas (more than the one it was when @thisdepravedsoul asked this question last month):
You know that new official art of Megumi? The magazine cover?
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That did things to me, so I outlined a fic where Yuuji sees Megumi like that post-mission, gets a little gropey, and they fuck in a haunted school or something, followed by goyuu where Gojou sees what was done to Megumi and comes to sample the goods (Yuuji). The other one involves Gojou dubconning Megumi until Yuuji finds them accidentally and then offering him to Yuuji (who's oblivious to the dubcon aspects).
I do have several more fics with non-goyuu ships planned/outlined. They all also have goyuu because that's my center of interest in JJK, and it's pretty rare for me to write more than one ship at all. Yuuji has so many interesting relationships that I can't help it. Here's the current list, sorted by ship:
On top of the usual goyuu warnings, CWs include incest, dubcon/noncon, and implied MCD. The ships discussed are nanaita and sukuita, but Choso/Yuuji, Kenjaku/Yuuji, and Higuruma/Yuuji are mentioned.
Nanaita (plus goyuu):
oldest story ever told (hold me till we both go cold): Yuuji has complicated sexual relationships with Nanami and Gojou that are on the verge of either imploding or becoming more when Shibuya happens.
and every step forward put a little more sword in your heart: No-Shibuya post-canon AU where Yuuji's been pining after Gojou for years, he and Nanami have drunken sex, and it escalates from there on all fronts.
out of my head, into the nature: Vampire AU where Yuuji resurrects after the detention center with vampiric features; Gojou's only too happy to lend a vein, and Nanami gets roped into it despite his better judgement.
blood, lust, and a holy war: Gojou's the devil and Nanami's the angel on Yuuji's shoulder, and he fucks them both. The size is a bit of an issue at first, but they make do.
saints just swimming in our sins again: Established goyuu and nanaita where Nanami gets deaged, Yuuji tries to keep his hands to himself, and Gojou works very hard to make sure teen!Nanami gets some TLC.
Sukuita (plus goyuu):
of all the deadly sins, he's lucky seven: Omegaverse with omega!Sukuna/alpha!Yuuji and alpha!Gojou/alpha!Yuuji where Sukuna yanks Yuuji into his inndate domain to ride out his heat, and Yuuji's body autopilots its way into Gojou's asshole.
what does the poem of a killer say when it's written in the blood of the prey: Gojou and Sukuna are both gods and Yuuji’s a dragon-human hybrid who semi-accidentally tumbles into both their beds, separately. Fifty shades of monsterfucking.
no psychotherapy will ever relieve the hunted needing: Modern reincarnation AU where Sukuna’s reborn as Yuuji’s younger brother, and it takes everything Yuuji has not to smother him in his bed; it escalates into something very different. Then Gojou’s thrown into the mix as Yuuji’s high school upperclassman.
one day, the only butterflies left will be in your chest (as you march towards your death, breathing your last breath): Apocalyptic post-canon AU where Gojou doesn't get unsealed, Sukuna plays cat and mouse with everyone until only Yuuji's left, and they hate-fuck while Yuuji guards a weakening Prison Realm.
There are also a few others featuring Choso/Yuuji, Kenjaku/Yuuji, and Higuruma/Yuuji, one each for all three ships, but the bulk of my goyuu-plus ideas are nanaita and sukuita.
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hotmessmaxpress · 6 months
Oh my god the onlyfans au is INSANELY hot and Im also really invested in what happens next since oh no he was too horny to remember that stupid tattoo (peak vale). Excellent stuff.
The comments that I have gotten about Vale being stupid and horny are hilarious. You’re so right that being stupidhorny is peak Vale.
This one doesn’t have any porn. I promise we’ll get back to the porn. They just both have to be stupid for a bit first.
And as a treat we finally get to hear a bit about Marc’s perspective!
TW: Uccio
Rosquez OnlyFans au, part 5/?
You have the same tattoo as Valentino Rossi!
Vale stares at the message.
The same… what the fuck? Vale can’t tell if Marc is being deliberately obtuse or if he’s fucking with him. There’s no way Marc is aware of his name being Valentino and the very corny, very identifiable tattoo, and he thinks it’s a coincidence.
There’s no way, right?
He has to be lying. Maybe he’s known the entire time. But if he knew the entire time, why wouldn’t he have asked him for more money? Or tickets to races, or new bikes? He’s clearly a fan, if he knows about the tattoo.
The unstoppable horny part of him wonders if Marc has ever jerked off to a picture of him, as a fan, before ever talking to him.
He’s staring at his phone, mentally turning this all over, when Uccio walks in. He stands no chance against his oldest friend, who immediately clocks that something is wrong.
He confesses everything immediately, from the porn addiction to the sexting with a stranger. He can’t even look at Uccio’s face when he admits that he sent the other man a picture that very obviously identified him.
“And he knows your real name?”
“He knows it’s Valentino,” he confirms, massaging his temples.
“You have to cut him off,” Uccio says. “Block him.”
Vale is already shaking his head.
��I can’t—“
“You have to,” Uccio interrupts. “What will you do if he releases that to the press?”
Vale squawks in indignation. “He wouldn’t!”
Uccio frowns.
“You don’t know that. You don’t know anything about him, aside from what his dick looks like!”
Vale scrambles to remember anything they’ve talked about.
“He has a brother!” he argues.
Uccio gives him a flat look.
“What’s his last name?”
The silence that follows is conspicuous.
“Block him,” Uccio repeats. “Here, I’ll do it for you.”
Vale hands the phone over, a pit developing in his stomach.
You have the same tattoo as Valentino Rossi!
In hindsight, it was a stupid thing to say. It hadn’t even occurred to Marc in the moment (he was incredibly horny, give him a break) that the motorcycles, first name Valentino, and turtle tattoo might have meant that the man was actually Valentino Rossi.
The Valentino Rossi.
The Valentino Rossi that Marc spent hours watching as a kid, dreaming of meeting. The Valentino Rossi that Marc was desperate to emulate until his career-ending injury.
…The Valentino Rossi that may or may not have been his sexual awakening. Marc has jerked his cock raw to photos of Valentino Rossi more than once.
He has no idea what to do with this information. How does he go about approaching the subject?
“Holy shit, I didn’t realize you were my idol, can I please suck your dick? I’ll do it for free. You don’t even have to send me money anymore.”
Marc is mulling this over when he refreshes the page and, out of nowhere, Vale is gone.
Marc understands why, objectively, Vale’s response would have been to block him. If Marc told anyone about this it could be very bad for Valentino’s career.
Still, it stings. It feels like a punch to the chest.
He had hoped that he and Valentino had been talking long enough at this point that the man would at least trust him enough to come clean or answer his questions. Maybe they could have even continued their little relationship, if it could even be called that.
Against his will, tears well up in his eyes. He’d been talking to his idol this whole entire time, and all he’d done was send stupid videos and jerk off.
It feels like a wasted opportunity. He’s let himself down by accidentally sabotaging what he had with Valentino. If he just hadn’t mentioned the tattoo, or if he’d just thought for thirty seconds before sending the message, he could still be messaging with Vale.
Instead, here he is. Crying on his couch in Madrid, staring at his OnlyFans page.
He’s tempted to take one of the bikes out for a spin, but he doesn’t think he could bear to look at one now. All he can think about is Valentino, Valentino, Valentino.
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russetfoxfur · 27 days
so i dont usually do liveblogs because i never show up to streams and also im not very good at reacting to stuff. However. i will make an exception because HGCZ IS OUT!! and i have seen so much hype about it that id be a fool to not at least read it. livereact will be under the cut for spoilers and. stuff.
- ok we arent even on the actual ZINE and the opening dedication?? "Of the arts, storytelling is one of the oldest: humanity weaves an endless tapestry of heart, hope, and home that continues to shape us all to this day. To tell a story is to bridge the gap between yesterday and tomorrow; to tell a story is to inextricably connect us all." THAT OPENING PARAGRAPH DUDE
- interesting premise. im intrigued. though i am a little concerned about the "classist violence" and "body modification" warnings. I suspect this is not all Fun and Games
- "I gotta say, "Hot"Guy, this is pretty disappointing. You can be AverageGuy. MediocreGuy." "Oh! "Guy"!" the best part is this is so in-character for them to do
- the ENTIRE EXPLANATION bit omg. joel trying to interject and comic-style getting talked over, lizzie robbing cats instead of cash... and her backstory...
- i. that sudden style shift is not in fact comical and i am now eyeing the unreality warning at the beginning of the zine with sudden alarm. should i be alarmed by this? maybe this is fine. lets say its fine
- JELLIE! hcing her supername is HotCat. she DEFINITELY needs a matching HotGuy costume. and i am somewhat more reassured!
- wait hold on. went back to that first hotguy comic to see the warnings (hidden in the title, missed them) and. WAIT WAS THAT REWRITING FUCKIN MIND CONTROL
- :0 cuteguy appears! doody did rlly good work on this one!
- CUTEGUY IS AWESOME!!! those WINGS... agh i love comic bubbles they just have so much personality and those icy words... and cuteguy pointing HOTGUYS OWN ARROW back at him..... you could not have made a better introduction holy shit
- and then he just flies off. awesome. we should all aspire to be the same level of cool as cuteguy.
- ren would be able to just say hotguy like that. also sidenote i am hearing all these lines in my head as im reading so writers youve all done fantastically!
- is pearl... a journalist? or is this the wrong gal? if she is a journalist then good for her!
- oh :( everyone hates unionizing the vigelantes. sad but realistic :(
- sweetferaline (bahm bahm bahhh)
- ok this is incredibly funny. teeth dog ftw
- and the reply sections are always a cesspool! glad they got that right
- and now permit office grian! we are going through so many different iterations of grian... imagine we get poultry man next
- is that GEM??? IS GEM A VILLAIN? also i dont really know who the hippies are... idk its just hard for me to recognize this artstyle ig
- WAIT. HAS GEM BEEN SPYING ON GRIAN'S DETECTIVITY? or am i just reading this all wrong? i might be reading this all wrong
- alright i might have to reread that one-- WAIT MORE MIND CONTROL. AND BODY MODIFICATION??? THE MISSING CUB... guys if this is sculk!cub im gonna maul someone
- AAAA BEHIND YOU HOTGUY (i called it)
- also love how i instantly went "oh a tibbycaps comic!"
- ok i LOVE this panel where they figure out Arson. the way both conclusions are reached in tandem! and also YAY WOOO ARSON THIS BITCH UP 🔥
- "i use sculk to season my pizza" ah. I see. typical cubfan behavior. carry on
- "None of us are perfect, despite what you say might feel when you look at me" this Bdubs email is SO IN-CHARACTER
- " i replied to some of these but then i kinda got bored and started sending links to cool space facts instead" honestly this is what i would do too. and i would be happy to get cool space facts in return for my hotguy email. i dont see what the issue is here
- oh is cuteguy taking issues with the supernovae. skill issue tbh
- this whole cuteguy-cub email chain is HILARIOUS. scratch that this whole email segment is hilarious jesus christ. grian is being SO BITCHY and im HERE FOR IT
- PEARLIPOP IS A REPORTER! YES! and zedaphs in this au! he isnt even going under wormman??? shocking (< says a zedaph fangirl who is completely fixated on one passing mention of him)
- oh my god this is the best storytelling format ever. the panicked exchanges between cuteguy n cub, pearl reporting as she is wont to do... genuinely i love this so much i am giggling so much im actually gonna stop liveblogging because i just want to read this. ill be with yall in a moment
- actually never mind "if he waits too long to answer it starts to play the whole Lilo and Stitch movie audio" cub i love you so much. hgcz i love you so much i almost forgive you for that very jarring first comic
- it looks like we have seven or so more years before hotguy becomes a reality... new reasons to live. also the chatter discourse is insane from what ive seen doc does just act Like That on twit/chatter
- "sumagram" well i guess we know who owns that now
- THE AWKWARD EXIT. i love it
- SHIRTLESS SCAR.... im aroace but like. i can still admire a shirtless man cant i. artist did a good job
- horsegirl hotguy... wild stallion cuteguy... someone needs to write this au. i should write this au. actually hold on *scribbles furiously in my "crackfic ideas" notes* carry on
- update: now listening to scheming weasel for atmosphere.
- “Who’s the more foolish: the fool, or the fools who follow him?” stellar line. only a certified HotGuy can produce lines like these
- "after a tick or two" if hermitopians measure time in ticks like minecrafters do then thats such a cool worldbuilding detail
- testing of new weapons montage! i know hotguy is the star of the show here but god i love cub so much more. can cub be the "protagonist" here instead actually
- i. i have suspicions that cub is not sculk-free. or is this a flutterbat situation where it is all dealt with but its not but actually it is but it also kinda isnt? yknow. im gonna write this off as a flutterbat thing but i will still be keeping a very close eye on cub
- *snort* deep enough to hold twelve pieces of bamboo (i am such a sucker for in-jokes)
- grian is warming up to scar... also hotguy bandaids
- AND I GET THAT REFERENCE TOO!! very clever! grian shut up its two in the morning! "Scar doesn’t seem to know how to react, his mouth falling open and then promptly shutting again." same grian why would you bring up the nose hair incident and to an unsuspecting hotguy no less smh learn sone manners
- you know what if grian can learn first aid from the nose hair incident in alaska then scar can get injured in a volleyball incident (i have never watched scar which yes is a skill issue but also if this is also a reference i would not get it). beloved desertduo who cannot lie to save their fuckin lives
- alright im gonna take a break from liveblogging rn! i will be back in (my) morning with scheming weasel and a renewed spirit. goodnight yall! <3
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pelorsdyke · 1 month
seven sentence sunday! tagged by @nancys-braids and open tag to folks (tagging let’s see who do I remember off-hand @reyesstrand @captain-gillian @bonheur-cafe @pacinglikeghosts but as always do it if you want to!!) here’s slightly more than seven sentences for my latest kacy au
“Oh my god,” Kate says, breaking out into pleased laughter, “we’ve met! You probably don’t remember me, this is so embarrassing, but… like 2009, maybe? I think I’d just had my first walk-on role and my manager took me and the other girl my age she had on her Rolodex to one of your family’s parties?”
Lucy scans back through the years in her brain. It’s been a long, long time since she was actually present at a family party and not astral projecting to avoid conversations with her weird uncle or the guy who works with her oldest brother. 2009? She tilts her head, considering. “Holy fuck,” she responds eloquently, when the memory, hazy and soft, slots into place.
A blonde girl, Lucy’s age, eyes bright and posture uncertain, like she’d never been somewhere as fancy as Lucy’s family’s party. She’d been sweet and funny, sticking out like a sore thumb to Lucy who knew everyone younger than twenty who regularly attended like the back of her hand. She’d cornered the stranger, thrilled at the newness.
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snootlestheangel · 7 months
I’m on break so I’m throwing this in your inbox really quickly!
I live a good zombie apocalypse au. Can never go wrong with those.
That title! Holy shit that’s such a cool title! Death Doesn’t Want Me! You always have such fun titles!
I love the idea of scary ass Ghost being the only military in this group of civilians. As if he needed more of a reason to stand out.
Then you add in that a lot of the group is Soap’s family! Aaaaaahhhhh! I fucking love that!
The angst! Ghost seeing Soap in different aspects of his family. And the kids! Him wondering if the others are okay. If Soap is doing alright.
The assholes disagreeing with Ghost and Soap’s siblings + partners instantly backing him up. Not just because Ghost is their best shot at staying alive. But also because he’s their Johnny’s friend. That makes him practically family!
Can you imagine one of the kids starts imitating Ghost?! And the kid has a Mohawk because they used to imitate Soap!
I really do love the title. "Death Doesn't Want Me" is such a badass title for a Zombie Apocalypse story
Oh god the mental image of a tiny MacTavish child imitating Ghost stop please
The actual siblings of Soap's that are in this group are his oldest siblings (his brother and one of his sisters.)
Oliver was an ER doctor and his wife, Eleanor, was head nurse. They have 4 kids: the eldest a 17 year old boy, then a 12 year old girl, and twin 8 year old boys.
Sarah and her husband have 2 kids: a 13 year old girl, and a 7 year old girl.
But here's my thought process for this story
Ghost doesn't want to group up with people now that the world is ending.
He's lost too many people, he doesn't want to get attached to anyone else.
Death doesn't want him, it seems like. Death has always skipped him over and taken those around him.
But Ghost who sees a group of civilians gathered around a bus with a smoking engine, clearly not able to work anymore. He can tell they're arguing, and at first he just wants to slip on by undetected.
But then he hears the sound of a Scottish woman asking if they could just stop arguing for one second and listen. He hears a British man telling her to shut up, definitely poking at her accent at the same time.
And then Ghost sees the kids. Mostly early teens/preteens but a couple younger ones as well.
And suddenly Ghost just can't walk by. Suddenly he's stepping in between two men as a fight almost breaks out. His presence alone is enough to force everyone into silence.
The Scottish woman takes the opportunity to speak her piece. Which is that heading in the direction the British guy wants to is dangerous and stupid. That there's a place in the opposite direction that hopefully still stands where they'll be safe. Where their children will be safe.
And if Ghost death glares the assholes into agreeing, then that's between them: he had his back to the MacTavish family for that.
And so he kind of lingers behind the group as they slowly make their way on foot. He still has all his military gear, his sniper rifle resting along his back for the most part. Everyone knows he's not to be trifled with, especially knowing he's the only one with a gun.
He obviously pieces it together: the Scottish family in the group is Soap's family, and it's part of the only reason he sticks around long after the assholes either go their separate way or die off to the undead hordes.
But Ghost just "haunts" the group. Never speaks (can't say force himself to find the words), just communicates in grunts and nods (can't look too long or else he'll get attached), and just does his job as their self appointed body guard.
He loves the way they share stories at night, whispered quietly. He loves hearing the way they talk about what they'll do when reunited with the rest of their family. When they're reunited with Johnny. He can't bring himself to get any closer though. He just can't lose them, if not for his sake but for Johnny's.
He hears them when they whisper quiet hopes of seeing everyone alive. And his heart breaks just a bit when Soap's big sister (Sarah) quietly tells her husband how she wishes Johnny's Simon is okay too, and that wherever they are, they're together.
It's the first time Ghost realizes Soap talks about him to his family. That despite having never once brought up the topic of meeting his family, John MacTavish still spoke so highly of him that he's practically already a part of the MacTavish family.
Sarah who has always been the closest to Soap. Sarah has always been his safe place to talk about his feelings and to go to when he's not feeling well. Sarah who wants so badly for her baby brother to experience what it's like to be happy with a partner. She worries so much about him.
All the meanwhile, Soap, Gaz, and Price are scouring the country trying to find Ghost and the rest of Soap's family. Soap is desperately trying not to lose hope every night they come up empty handed.
I have this image in my head of one moment where they encounter some bandits or some shit. Ghost indicates that he'll talk to them, which leaves everyone confused.
Next thing they know, they're running as a fight between Ghost and the bandits breaks out.
It's almost an hour later when Ghost finally makes it back to them. But there's clearly something wrong.
He stumbles in and says "I got stabbed" before sitting in a chair and showing the rather large knife sticking out of his side. Oliver thought he had seen it all, being an ER doctor, but this takes the cake. Ghost just has an incredible pain tolerance and he's just eerily calm about the whole thing.
Obviously this is when the mask gets taken off and against his own wishes, he gets closer to the family. Eventually it's revealed to them he's Johnny's Simon and blah blah blah
Obviously a happy reunion with Soap
Also this is what I imagine Ghost looks like in this
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✮ ━ top three favorite muses that you’ve played
Mun related symbols! Accepting!
Across my whole RP history? All 7 years? good lordt okay
In no particular order:
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Magnet Man - Mega Man 3 (Megamix manga canon)
Mags is 1) my favorite Robot Master 2) a major comfort character of mine and 3) the canon character I've written the longest. I've spent a many good years developing him and fighting for him, and I can say with a lot of pride that I'm the longest lasting Magnet Man writer I've seen on Tumblr. Seven years!!! I'm currently taking a break from the fandom but I can feel my MM muses returning, so I'm very excited to pick things back up.
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Moon Woman/Cosmic Moonfall - Mega Man/Mega Man X OC
My baby girl. Moon's been with me for 11 years now; I made her when I was 10 and she's lasted throughout my entire RP history, and long before then. I have countless AUs for her and have poured so much blood, sweat and tears into her, some of those being very literal sweat and tears (thankfully no blood yet!). She means the world to me, and nearly every fandom I've touched I've left a piece of her there. She's been through several rewrites and redesigns and I am finally, finally happy to say I've found a story for her main verse that I'm proud of, after 11 years of development and growing up alongside me. I can't wait to share her with you all through Yingyue and Meiyu!
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Jing Yuan - Honkai Star Rail
Of course I have to include my current brainrot!! Fuck you for clocking me on the nose like that, firstly. That was so rude. "There's someone in the third world who's going to be your favorite, I'm not telling you who it is. You'll know immediately when you see them" like BRO?? THE AUDACITY and you were so correct, I love you so much. You know my taste so well aslkfjsdalfkhaflkhjafsd
Jing Yuan has so many traits that appeal to me so greatly, if I were to list them all we'd be here ALL day so I won't but just know I love him even more than I love Zhongli and that's saying SOMETHING bc you've BEEN there for my zl brainrot
Honorable mentions because you can't keep me at just 3!!!:
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Quick Man - Mega Man 2 (Megamix manga canon)
So initially I picked Quick Man up out of spite, because someone I had a bad history with used to RP him and I went "I bet I could write him better." So I did. What I didn't expect was to actually end up liking him so much!! Quick's a very quiet character who doesn't talk, like, at all. He was actually very challenging for me to write at first because, as you know, I don't shut up. :D
But I've put a lot of time into his development, and I'm really happy with where he's at! I had no idea I'd have so much fun with him. His character even spawned two OCs, both of which are (sort of) on this blog: Quinn's two alts!
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Miles Williams/Veturas - OC
I honest to god do not remember if I've shown you that first FC of his. I was so close to actually rping him on Tumblr on god DLAKGFJHADSLKFJHA. His FC is so funny I can't for the life of me remember his name but he comes from an idol manga/anime and there was a gacha game for it too. Absolutely hilarious
You and Jade are the two who know Miles best here, since it was in our server that he got the most development even if it wasn't where he started. He's my third oldest OC and honestly the one I've struggled the most with in terms of striking a balance I was proud of. It's... hard for me to drum up his muse now, thanks to [she-who-shall-not-be-named], and it's a little painful to try to write him, but thankfully Veturas has remained untouched. He's easier to bring out. Despite that, though, I do love Miles very dearly. I miss him a lot; he was my favorite OC for a very long time. I'd like to go back to that time some day, if I can.
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Blues/Proto Man - Mega Man 3 (Megamix manga canon)
Blues was a character I picked up as homage to one of the very first people I met through RP (who I did manage to rekindle contact with!! after 5 years!!!! holy shit!!!!!!!!) because they were the person who'd introduced me to the manga written and drawn by Hitoshi Ariga, as well as the person who introduced me to my most favorite ship in the MM fandom. He's always been a favorite character of mine, but I wasn't expecting his muse to spiral out of control like it did. He's now the origin point for a number of OCs of mine, including one (1) special spooky Elder Dragon hybrid! The theme of people living longer than they should who've peeped the horrors and the evidence lies in their eyes being fucked up looking goes strong here.
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Ehe. When ur eyes glow so bright they can be seen through ur shades <3 oopsie
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
Brainstorming ideas for the rivals relationship with each other, starting with Wally since he popped into my head first.
Blue: Fucking tired of his dramatic ass ( read: they are best friends)
Silver: Get along well! Wally was too sweet to be mean to when they first met, but also very strong. Battle Tower buddies :) ( Wally takes over for Anabel in my au, and Silver ends up managing the Johto Battle Tower).
Barry: Was a bit much for Wally at first, it was hard for Wally to keep up at first....still is. But ever since the first time they met I feel they've grown to be friends.
Barry and Wally are actually the same age in my au. By dppt, they're both 13( dppt takes place 3 years after emerald in my au.). I have Barry be 13 because why not. He's already older in canon, why not make it by a few years ( Danica, the protag, was 11 at the time). Anyway, this is to say that Blue was the oldest of the initial 4 ( by a single year) and Silver was the baby, which Blue made sure to bring up. A lot. Wally had to prevent Silver from decking Blue in the face so many times....
Bianca: Mostly knows her through Kohaku ( a fellow pokemon professor) and general Chosen Shit. Sweet girl! Admires her ability to recognize her own limits and be okay with them. It took him a while for him to do that. Despite being only met her recently, he's proud of her? Does that makes sense?
Cheren: Someone who he feels sorry for. Because Blue just. Would not stop bothering him. He decided to join Jin and Kohaku to the pwt. He didn't participate, he wasn't a part of the gym unit or a past champion, but he was allowed to interact with the competitors. He then saw blue, who then saw Cheren, and it went downhill from there.....okay that's a lie. Things were tense, yes, but it seems they ended up being friends by the end of it. Blue said something about the two having a lot in common, more than he realized. So....yay? Friendship? Personally, Wally relates to Cheren on some level. The drive to be stronger, be better, to let it warp his mind....yeah. He gets that. He's happy that Cheren found his own path in the end. He can kinda get why him and Blue ended up becoming friends. That, and they're both nerds ( Green's words, not his, he swears)
Hugh: Actually doesn't know him all too well. Cheren mentioned him having a bit of a temper, which makes him beg that he doesn't get into a spat with Silver if they ever met ( he knows that Silver isn't as... prickly as he was before, but he's still Silver). Though Cheren says he's a good kid, so Wally takes his words on it
For this batch, the Unova rivals are all younger than Wally, Hugh by a lot. In bw, Wally would be 16 with Cheren and Bianca being 14-15( thinking about dumping up Cheren's age to 15 I mean). Not a super big age difference, but on an experience level, it's a lot. By b2w2, Wally is 18 with the rivals being 16-17 ( Bianca and Hugh being 16, Cheren being 17.... this might change in the feature).
I feel like Wally doesn't know the Kalos rivals all too well. He had definitely seen the news about them ( its when he finally starts to notice a certain pattern with these types of events), and is deeply concerned for their mental health, cause holy shit. Post XY, he would have definitely seen them around so-
Shauna: Given her status as the information tracker of the Chosens,Wally has been in contact with her plenty of times. They have great conversation, Shauna showing him all the pictures she would take when she's out scouting, and Wally talking to her about his own traveling experiences.
Trevor: Since one of his partners is a professor, it's no surprise he would hear about Sycamore's latest professor assistant. I feel Trevor would be closer to Kohaku since the whole researcher thing, but given Trevor also has some interests in being a trainer, and is more attune to fairy types/ the fairy egg group, Wally kinda becomes a mentor figure to him. It's a weird position for him, he never considered himself the mentor, rather the mentee. Though he guesses it's been years since he was young and inexperienced.
The Kalos rivals ages are always changing in my head, but I, for the life of me, cannot picture them as 10, I cannot. They are mid to late teens. xy takes place the same time as B2w2 in my au, sooo the same applies the xy rivals here from above.
Hau: First things first. Blue was the one that asked him to come to the Battle Tree, not the other way around ( not that blue has been pushing this narrative, more so media coverage of it, which is annoying.) Okay onto Hau. Really good kid. Which has Wally worried. Fears that people would take advantage of his kind nature, and is horrified to learn that has happened in some cases. Appreciates blue and red taking up the "uncle" role for him and the other kids in Alola( how did they reach that? He has now fucking clue, but it's sweet).
Gladion: Another kid that Wally is worried about. I don't think Wally would exactly know about Gladion's situation, but has gotten some context clues about what's going on ( also Green traveling with Lillie in Kanto helps bridge the gap in information). Wally doesn't stay in Alola like Red and Blue, but he makes an effort to call them every once in a while, both to check up on them and the kids. Anyway, Gladion has definitely challenged Wally to a battle at some point. Maybe multiple points.....okay an interesting plot point I can see for Gladion is him traveling through Hoenn at Wally's request. Ooooh, and Gladion already becomes a dark type E4 member in my au, so that really could be interesting if he meets Sydney hmmmmmmm.....food for thought.
Hop: " Oh, Barry 2.0" ( he means this in the most affectionate way possible....also doesn't say it out loud). I don't thiiiiiiink Wally would know him well? Like with the Chosen stuff, everyone ends up knowing everyone one way or another, but personally, I don't think their connection is that deep. Wally is still very nice, and is someone that Hop admires,but I'm struggling to sense a deeper bond between the two, which is okay!
Bede: " lmao, Silver 2.0"( again, he means this in the most affectionate way possible). It's a similar case to Hop, but given how Wally compares Bede to Silver, he tries to help Bede with his emotions any way he can. Again, not super close, but the kindness is always there.
Marnie: Past experiences ( Gladion and Hau) has him Concerned ™. But also he knows she's a sweet kid, who's honestly trying their best. They all are really, and the best Wally can do is support them as an adult.
Wally has not met the Paldea kids at all so I'm looking past them for now.
Tldr: Blue, Barry and Silver are essentially Wally's bff's, the people he's closest too. The gen 5 rivals are people he, for the most part, Gets ™. The gen 6 rivals aren't as close, but not too far from where the gen 5 rivals are with him, but is also where he starts to Notice The Pattern. Gen 7 rivals are where he takes more of a backseat than anything, but I can see him being someone of admiration for Hau and Gladion ( especially Gladion). And lastly, the gen 8 rivals are the ones he's not as close too overall, but finds them charming all the same. Also it's his worried parent arc lol.
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
my brain is buzzing with random au ideas and shit while im sitting here awake entirely too early
and i just. Fucking Niche AUs I'll probably never finish part two:
-Call Center AU: Ed and Stede are middle managers learning to work together (and falling in love of course) after their companies and staff merged in a new big ass building (for fun: many rumors it's haunted. It isn't, Buttons just hates getting up early for work so during the week he hides out and lives in the basement.) Badminton & Co are trying to buy out their newly merged company with plans to fire everyone. Is this one just so I can shove in Murray Hewitt references with Stede? Partially! It's also bc i can throw in The Office references for my mum, who thus far will only read fic if I have a few in there & it's mainly comedy, and she hasn't read like any of my stuff fic or original in ages so. Yeah skdnfng
-NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) AU aka did u know aviation is another special interest of mine? u do now!!:
Ed and Stede lead separate teams as part of Aotearoa's TAIC (their version of the NTSB), and are called in to assist with an NTSB investigation re: a crashed plane & a dead Badminton bro as a result ( Either of the two we've seen thus far, w/subplot abt him being a dick who was super rich bc of a shit ton of rental properties in Aotearoa that he didn't keep up well and hiked rent on constantly bc he seems like the landlord type.)
However, as it progresses it becomes clear there's more at stake than just a plane accident investigation (tho obvi also v important still) bc it appears there might be sabotage involving ppl in both the states and Aotearoa (aka hi jack!! and any other random pirates or historical ppl i might add in lol.)
This is difficult tho, bc like. they didn't like this Badminton of course so him being dead is like well this will be positive for his renters at least maybe, but also holy fuck other ppl died as a result jfc what the fuck. so then it's a matter of do we or do we not reveal the whole truth & open up what would be a can of worms re: Badminton, but would be an utter disservice to the rest of the victims' families if NOT revealed.
Substitute Teacher AU:
A school has had just. horrible luck and a few scandals and now the entire staff has been fired and the district really doesn't wanna spend that much money on new ppl yet so
enter Stede and Ed as separate teams of substitutes, attempting to cover all the topics at a decently large school where tbh they could use even more teachers (enter Doug, Mary, Spanish Jackie who actually teaches French & likes how her nickname fucks w/the kids a bit lmaoo, & Jack as additional help)
Nigel & Chauncey both have kids at the school, and expect special treatment as a reward for donating generously to the school (not really that generously tho), which means they are Nightmare Parents. Like yes it's sad they're both divorced but like if u talked to them for five mins u would Understand.
Big events in it would be Parent/Teacher Conferences (Izzy and Jim end up having to manhandle a screaming Nigel outside after Roach asks him to tell his kid to stop trying to set things on fire in Home Ec), at least one school dance ("Ed, they're vaping in the bathroom, what do I do?" "Idk join them?" "Ed!" "What? They'll do it regardless!!") and the graduation of the oldest grade (I think middle schoolers would be both the cruelest and funniest option for this au) and how they'll actually miss these goddamn kids, & don't know if they'll be contracted for the same school next year as permanent or called in to sub more or what
Topics for everyone thus far:
Jackie-French as noted above. She also enjoys that the kids always think Frenchie should teach her class purely based on his name. Doesn't tolerate any bs during class & will send u to the principals, but if everyone behaves they get an extra point added to their grade just for showing up and being polite. For some kids, for various reasons, it's a life saver.
Frenchie-joint band and choir director with The Swede. Treated like a local rock star by the kids bc he tells them how back home he plays in a few bands, and plays gigs in between teaching contracts/assignments. A couple make fan shirts after they google and manage to find out the name of the band he usually performs with. They give him one too and he can't help but well up bc. kids man. one minute little assholes the next moment doing something so kind and unexpected!
The Swede- mainly choir director but helps with the band bc they have a huge class size but of course the district doesn't care abt that.
Ed & Stede-joint principals, also Theater. Ed jokes that he's the Fun Principal bc he occasionally lets the kids get away with like. smoking near the school or playing hooky. If he catches them they get a 'guys cmon if u keep this up i gotta stop u forever so like. be mindful' talk. Stede thinks he's truly the Fun One tho bc he keeps making up ideas for those funny dress up weeks schools do in the states and Ed we are teaching here so we should do as the Romans do, so to speak! (how does that work, it doesn't really as far as i know with a lot of teaching jobs but shhhhh fiction time.)
Buttons-shop related classes, any and all, including woodworking and a v basic automotive class (obvi they won't pay for a garage set up, so he has to rely on drawing and otherwise illustrating & using texts to teach.) Also serves as the lunch room monitor bc the kids are p sure the rumor that he once ate a guy is true, and no one wants to Test Him.
Jim-Gym. Took it on purely bc they think it's funny to hear the kids go 'its time for gym/Jim!' Another beloved teacher for being supportive when kids struggle with the class, and also bc if everyone has good attendance each quarter then they'll take a day to show them knife throwing (after permission slips are signed of course.)
Olu-Spanish, but defers to Jim a lot bc then he gets to talk to Jim and no he doesn't have a crush on Jim! Also occasionally bemoans to Jim for them teaching the kids to swear in Spanish. Jim finally kisses him during one such lovingly made complaint.
Wee John-Home Ec, sewing & other textile based art. One of the fave teachers bc he always has snacks in his classroom, and will let any exhausted kids nap during class so long as they turn in finished projects (first is a lil plushie, then a bigger one, finally they have to design & attempt an article of clothing. Doesn't have to be anywhere near perfect or even complete, he just wants them to try.) Once freed Stede after he accidentally sewed his finger to some fabric while mucking abt after school in the classroom.
Fang-any and all math classes. No one knows how he handles the work load, but he's always chill af abt it. Another student fave for being kind and taking extra time with kids that suck at math, or flat out have dyscalculia & require the extra tutoring as part of their IEP.
Ivan-Social Studies. He knows the kids find it boring, so he does his best to give it some extra shine by making up projects for the kids to do that are graded a little bit kinder than regular hw bc he's more concerned that they have fun (and might retain the info better as a result.) One of the kids' faves ends up being a journal assignment abt the Oregon Trail, aka write an Oregon Trail story that can be as dramatic and/or like the video game as they want.
Izzy-Head Librarian. Cannot believe they fired the library staff as well as everyone else at the school. cannot get over how little the district does to help keep up said library (books are heavily damaged & still on the shelf, new books rarely ordered, and literally the shelves are not in Dewey order. That makes a vein in his forehead twitch every day until he takes an evening to correctly label and reshelve everything.) Winds up staying late a lot to repair books, order new books (when he runs out of what little funding there is, he puts them on his own cc and just doesn't tell anyone, claiming them as charitable donations from 'an anon donor'), and otherwise do any additional upkeep to get the place up to par. Realizes halfway thru the year no one got assigned to teach the Health class, and begrudgingly takes it on as well. He teaches in a section of the library, with Mary taking over main library duties for that time. Has to deal with all the horribleness that is teaching middle schoolers that topic ("You can't all keep laughing every time I say penis or we'll never get through this chapter. And that's hell for you as much as it is for me!")
Roach-Home Ec, cooking class. also helps in the lunch room bc literally they did not actually hire any kitchen staff, the subs are told to do that too. He winds up telling the kids they can help by prepping the ingredients for their lunch in his classroom, then he'll take it all to be finished for lunchtime in the industrial kitchen. They end up loving it after the first week, bc he brings in recipes that are decently healthy but that most the kids are up to trying or already like.
Mary-painting substitute if Doug is out for a day, but mainly works alongside Izzy in the library as the assistant librarian. Yes they gossip abt Ed and Stede. Yes they have a running bet on when they'll finally announce a relationship and fill out that paperwork with HR (this immediately starts a side convo for them abt the shoddy quality of the paperwork & how slowly it gets filed. They admit to being sticklers at times, but also they're right.)
Doug-art, painting and sculpture. Always up for weird art ideas, and has the graduating grade (even if they don't take his elective course) make a mural before the end of the year. They each get a framed pic of it, and he plans to have each graduating class redo the wall each year, should he be contracted for another full year.
Jack-biology/gen science. Encourages the kids to 'really get into' the dissections. Does his best to try and get the district to agree to a field trip to the local morgue to see a full on embalming, but is told uhhhh no bud. Accidentally reveals a parentage issue for a few kids while using eye & hair color to teach Punett squares.
Lucius-Creative Writing. Has a loving feud with Pete bc most of the kids are in both their classes. Said kids have bets on if Pete or Lucius will propose to each other or not by the end of the year. Makes a point to be a safe place for any kids with writing that may point to some other issues going on in life (based off my hs lit mag teacher Dr. Brenda Werner. No joke, she saved my life as a kid, I think Lucius would be the same for his class.)
Pete-Newspaper/Yearbook. Very big on making sure stories are accurate, bc 'ppl doubt my stories a lot, so you need your details and shit in order.' The kids: ooooh he swore!!!! and promptly do not absorb this knowledge fully. But they enjoy his class bc he's chill and is happy to let them explore what options journalism can offer, and to research odder stories for internal class articles vs school paper ones (Missing: David, Where's Shelly? vs Cilantro: Should Roach Use It In Our Lunch Or Does It Taste Like Soap.)
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the-starry-seas · 8 days
Which OC would you ever consider to be your 'favourite'?
Which OC would you consider to have a 'gremlin mode'?
Which pair of OCs would you put into a box together and watch to see what happens?
Which OCs would fight each other for the last piece of cake and which OC would steal said cake while the others are fighting? Which one would be least likely to sacrifice themselves for another?
Which OC would you consider to be a 'bad guy'?
I had this partly written and then tumblr erased it-
anyway I love talking about my lil guys thank you :3
Which OC would you ever consider to be your 'favourite'? Oh that's my guy Rowan! I made him in 2015 so he's also my oldest OC. He's a bisexual nonbinary polyamorous Catalan paleontologist, born and raised in rural California as a second-generation immigrant, who's also a dinosaur shapeshifter (Utahraptor edition). He's gotten so much depth since I first played him but he's still mouthy, chaotic, and got the baddassery and skills to back up the boasting. Fun dude.
Which OC would you consider to have a 'gremlin mode'? Oh Nox for sure. They said that they wanted their name to be obnoxious and their captain said I think the closest we can manage is Nox, which they accepted because they thought it sounded cool. Their birthday is April 1st because it's April Fool's Day and they are in fact a fool. Plus they're unaware of a few minor social concepts like 1) an inside voice 2) personal space 3) gender. They have a neon pink sidecut. You know how it is.
Which pair of OCs would you put into a box together and watch to see what happens? Hmmm I'm gonna say Kestrel and Goldshot. Kestrel is my ROTTMNT guy, it was one of the two secret siblings that the fanbase was theorising about, and I call it Teenage Mutant Winter Soldier because, well, that sums it up pretty well. Goldshot is an Autobot OC from a Jurassic Park fusion-AU-thing with a red and beige JP jeep as an alt form. When the hurricane happened, she went to the nursery to see if the babies were all right, and a nest of raptor newborns and a month-old dilo imprinted on her and became part of the Autobot squad. I just think they could be interesting and she would befriend it and not be phased by its biting.
Which OCs would fight each other for the last piece of cake and which OC would steal said cake while the others are fighting? Fury and Racer fight over dumb shit all the time (lovingly in the way that two chaotic siblings do). Whisper is absolutely the one who steals the cake while they're up to their shit. Sometimes it's because xe didn't realise what they were fighting for. Sometimes xe decides that you snooze you lose.
Which one would be least likely to sacrifice themselves for another? This is actually a 'thing' with Nihaan. He's the squad's leader so he's typically the only guy that a natborn talks to, because they generally don't care to talk with the rest of the squad. In an emergency, he's under strict orders to not sacrifice himself for anyone. They're meant to die for him instead. One of Nihaan's biggest roles, when things go FUBAR, is to keep the natborn calm and close so they can be most effectively protected. He can't do that if he's dead. It's something that eats at him. He loves them as much as they love him, but he'll never be able to make the ultimate sacrifice for them, like they can do for him.
Which OC would you consider to be a 'bad guy'? Hmmm this is one that really made me think tbh! I don't have a lot of OCs that are like, 'bad guys'. Villainous characters generally don't interest me unless I can see a lot of nuance and layers in there (like an onion or perhaps a parfait). Carno and Shrike could both qualify, perhaps. Carno is a violent freak (love him but holy shit). Shrike is a medic who bluntly tells dying clones that they're fucked and walks away from them to see if there's clones he can save.
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jackiedaytona · 10 months
this is going to be long and incomprehensible because ive been trying to put it together since i saw it
nola henry au
the party(instead of lucas max is there) are into ghost hunting more than like dnd stuff
idk how this would work in general but they go to new orleans to go visit haunted places steve is ofc there bc babysitter duties or whatever
the sinclairs are located in nola- locally famous bc of history with voodoo (some believe some dont but you just dont go messing with them any type pf way)
the party goes to visit this one places where something crazy went down but before they go in lucas stops them but they still want to go (maybe they go back and someone gets possessed)
i have it in my head that henry and steve meet at like a bar/club and like the whole time steve is hypnotized by henry like not paying attention to anything around him. its not a long interaction but an impactful one. steve doesnt even get his name before henry is directing him elsewhere. and ofc what kind of stenry au would this be if steve is absolutely obsessed with henry afterwards. but like to make it a bit crazier maybe he starts seeing henry even when he isnt there (he is actually going crazy and its literally all in his head)
so boom one of the party members get possessed (probably will) they find out they gotta go to some lady. the some lady is mrs sinclair of course, shes got a shop yk the works.
OF COURSE OF COURSE OF COURSE the sinclair kids work there henry-psychic lucas- medium erica- mother’s predecessor
BUT ALSO SAM!!!!! henry and sam met somehow and henry realized that him and sam are mot only the same but connected so now henry is working with him to figure out how to get him to use his gift without falling out every time and making them less severe
el is also there but i imagine her being more like a medium like lucas so shes with mrs sinclair. NOW HOPPER IS A NON BELIEVER but he knows that its like good or whatever for el to work with mrs sinclair so he just goes with it but with an upturned nose)
mrs sinclair is real iffy about who and what she works with so at first shes like aaaaah idk i really dont want whatever you got going on in my store so you gotta go
they get kicked out go back to where theyre staying like “damn we cannot take him home in this condition” so they figure something out
steve’s like you guys stay here im gonna go talk to the oldest
of course they dont stay instead they go back to the store hoping to implore lucas if he knows anything. of course lucas and el can see ghost and shit so they go looking into it
meanwhile steve is borderline stalking henry and while he’s following henry he realizes he has no idea where he is and where hes going and that following someone he does not know is not a very good idea. henry lures him into some alleyway and is like “hey man what the fuck” and steve is like “i know you youre the guy from our first night here i know you!” and henry is like “i dont think you do” MIND YOU steve has been hallucinating henry so he thinks he sounds crazy when he explains.
i actually did not have a clue on how to explain steves obsession UNTIL i started writing everything here. My idea is like what if the bar they met at was really gimmicky and had a drink called love potion or some shit BUT IT WORKED and steve did fall in love at first sight. ive ran out of steam but like DO YOU SEE THE IDEA I HAVE GOING HERE. it was so hard to get this out i literally could not get this into my notes have no idea how i got it here
anon you weren't fucking lying about the images in your head holy shit. this is really fun!! i see the vision!!!! an alternative idea, if you'd like, for steve's hallucinations/obsessions, henry's reaction could be like "oh. yeah. i have that effect on people sometimes." and steve is like "WHAT DO YOU MEAN" "i'm appealing!" "W H A T"
of course of course henry would end up helping them, possibly at the behest of lucas, but lets be real, he isn't going to let some kid get tormented by spirits no matter what his mom says. maybe lowkey henry is actually the strongest in the family, born with the most natural connection to the other side (maybe one of the reasons his image can haunt someone like steve). he doesn't like to talk about it, it weighs a little heavier on him, but it's because of that he feels like he can deal with whatever it is that's plaguing these dumbasses. tap into the side of him that scares him a little sometimes, a little less scarier since he met sam--after all, having someone like you can make anything easier. and maybe he can help this kid. and also maybe in the meantime steve will realize that those hallucinations had nothing on having the man right in front of him
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sl33pyperson · 2 years
hello welcome to “i took way too long of a nap and now cannot sleep” warden thoughts
i never want kids so its often. really hard for me to think about my characters having children
literally with my Original original characters no one has like. birth children. min-kyung and cali look after tabby but shes like, 12 already, just a ratbag who liked following them (most of them are like in their 20s and young too but ignore that, bonni and pedro dont want kids i think theyre like my oldest characters together) (people have parents but i have not established parents that well)
but for my wardens like. mifen and morrigan Obviously have kieran.
going down the list (these all count for all-wardens-live au as well lol)
sataren - nah man. she and zev out enjoying life and i think she would have issues with the idea of raising a child anyway (ignoring the warden life limit freaking her out when she thinks about it too much) i put too much of myself into her lol
vikaya - i think leli and her wouldve talked about it, but it goes back to Theyre So Fucking Busy Oh My God warden commander and divine left hand man?? they got too much going on (i need to look at dwarf kid/caste stuff again but vikayas whole thing is like. subverting family expections but still leading in the same way bc you cant run from ur past type shit. i get nervous trying to put too much serious meaning into things bc it feels like i cant write about things well)
mifen - kieran ofc. mifen is such a family gal too she adores children
devlyon - my sad lil boy, but uh yeah nah his mabari is his kid. put up with it alistair
cheron - ok listen. i still need to actually do his run, but tldr he becomes king with anora, they. honestly. probably would have kids? just bc theyre royalty and having heirs is a good thing? no idea what their relationship would be like in any way, expecially with an alive loghain, so
julian - holy fuck could you IMAGINE? lol
corrick - corricks whole thing is “fuck all of this, im just gonna live how i want” and he accidentally becomes a historian lol. i think he accidentally picks up a ratbag from the street bc the kid kept following him and oh no guess im ur dad now? fuck? what is being a good parent in any way? (similar to tabby but more sad lol, everything is just the same 7 ideas remade over and over again)
my hawkes def aint having kids, kataban isnt, my other inquisitors i havent thought enough on so who the fuck knows. probably not. oscar def isnt, hes too busy digging up baby graves to make a baby abomination.
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