#this is not your average high school coming of age story
nobigsecrets · 4 months
God. I hope so.
This whole scene between Buck and Tommy is the most authentic depiction of a mlm relationship I've seen in a while (on mainstream television that is). They're adult men. They're very masculine adult men. Yes, they can be emotional. They can be vulnerable with each other. And they were in this scene. But likely they will be over it quickly. Way more quickly than the average fangirl wants them to. They won't have a lengthy heart-to-heart about their emotions when everything important has already been said. They won't cry over feelings like they do in every other fanfiction. They will quickly seek for a distraction from dealing with the heavy emotional stuff and because they're two grown-ups, two adult men, who are also still in the honeymoon phase of their relationship that distraction is very likely to be sexual. Like it or not, it's realistic.
Calling it problematic (or worse) that Buck and Tommy talk about Daddy Kink after this conversation and that they're into it? That's just showing how little life experience a huge part of fandom has and how little they actually know about men in general and gay men and gay life in particular. For all that mlm ships are the biggest part of fandom and fans crying for their mlm ships to become canon for years or even decades, the moment you're getting an authentic representation of a grown-up gay relationship you run away screaming because it doesn't match with your lovey-dovey vanilla expectations? That's nothing but bigotry talking.
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soloroomies · 3 months
lifemate (Chapter 1/ Sakusa x f!reader)
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summary: how did it all start? word count. 1.9k cw. marriage pact au, potential mature content a/n. this is my first time writing fic! hope you all enjoy this story! (♡ n pls let me know if you do enjoy them ♡) Masterlist
Every month, Motoya Komori, Sakusa Kiyoomi, and you meet up to catch up and enjoy each other's company. Surprisingly, despite the passage of time and the changes in your lives, you have managed to maintain your friendship well since high school. Your bond remains strong, bolstered by frequent chats in your group chat, where you exchange life updates.
Now you’re all in your late 20s, with you and Sakusa the same age, 27 years old, and Motoya a year older. Each of you is navigating your own unique path in life. Motoya Komori, always the cheerful one, shares his latest thoughts and plans. "Nothing much," he says with a grin, "just thinking about coaching some kids in my block." Then, he adds, "Mia thinks that’s a good idea too," his eyes light up when he talks about his wife, his smile widening. It's been a year since their wedding, and he’s never been happier. He met his wife during an open trip to Europe in his early 20s, a serendipitous encounter that changed his life forever.
Sakusa, on the other hand, often brings up his ongoing struggle with his fame. "I keep trying to decline gifts from fans," he admits, a hint of frustration in his voice. Despite his attempts to maintain some semblance of normalcy, his popularity often complicates things. 
It’s no wonder you think that Kiyoomi is popular among women. A single, talented man who looks dedicated to his career is bound to attract attention. People on the internet often compliment his looks too. Standing at 6’4” with a lean build, his black wavy hair adds to his appeal. You can imagine his struggle a bit—balancing his demanding career with the expectations and attention from fans and potential romantic interests alike.
As for you, you share your own challenges of juggling your main job with multiple side jobs. It’s a constant balancing act, trying to manage everything without letting anything fall through the cracks. Yet, despite the hectic schedule, you find solace in these monthly meet-ups, a reminder of the enduring friendship that has weathered the storms of life.
“Why do you have to do several jobs?” Komori asks, a hint of worry in his voice.
You chuckle lightly and start explaining the reality of life outside the athletic world. “Well, life actually works a bit differently for non-athletes,” you say with a smile, trying to lighten the mood. You go on to explain that you're still early in your career, and your current job is only a mid-paying one. “I need some more money to cover my living costs and to send some to my retiring parents,” you add, your tone growing more serious.
Komori listens intently, nodding in understanding. He realizes that while his career path as a professional athlete offers certain financial stability and perks, your situation requires juggling multiple jobs to make ends meet and support your family.
Komori agrees with your statement about the high living costs, even for him. You continue, “Well, now that I think about it, in this economy, for average people, I think marriage helps a lot in a financial way. I mean, by having two incomes in the household. If we didn’t put children into the equation, though, maybe.”
Komori agrees, “Well, maybe that’s true. But I don’t know much about that since my wife stays at home. But financials aside, having someone to come home to… I don’t know how to put it. But it’s less lonely and, y’know? Feels like someone always has my back no matter what.”
Sakusa interjects, “But you don’t have to get married, you know? You can just move in with your girlfriend.”
Komori shakes his head, “I don’t know, man. It’s a different sense of security.”
You chime in, “Ooh, I get it. Maybe it’s kinda like… all these paperwork you sign? So, it feels verrrry official?” You raise your eyebrow, prompting Komori to laugh.
“Maybe? I don’t know. I’m just happy and secure. That’s all I feel,” he says with a contented smile.
You sigh and slam your hand on the table, “Man, I don’t even think about that. I just think it’s nice to split rent and chores with someone.”
Komori hums at your statement, then turns to Sakusa. “What do you think, Omi?”
Sakusa shrugs, “I just think being married makes it more convenient for me to politely decline some of the persistent and creepy fans.”
You chuckle, “Ha. Ha. Okayyy starboy. Totally not relatable.”
Komori adds thoughtfully, “Hey, in a sense, that applies to you as well in terms of being more secure when walking at night. Ward off some creepy men, y’know?”
You nod, a wry smile on your face, “Hey! That’s so fucking true. Pfft, I hate the world that we live in.” You sip on your drink, finding a moment of solidarity in the shared laughter and understanding.
“Okay. Now this conversation made me want to get married. But I can’t even afford a relationship right now. Trying to start a relationship is too urgh,” you say, scrunching your nose. “Too many steps to deal with. And don’t even talk about the emotional roller coaster! It’s just too tiring!”
You used to be a hopeless romantic at heart, dreaming of the day you would meet that one person, your prince charming. Falling in love so hard that your head feels dizzy, experiencing all those cute butterflies in your stomach, and seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses due to the happiness of love.
However, the idea seems more and more impossible as you grow older. Reality has hit you hard. Maybe it’s just bad luck, but you’ve never been lucky in your romantic life. It’s not like no one wants you; there are men who approach you. But the ones who do either don’t meet your standards or turn out to be douchebags when you try to get to know them better and pursue more, leading to frustrating situationships. It’s exhausting to be attached to them and constantly ride an emotional roller coaster.
Moreover, you can’t think of anyone or any way to meet someone new at the moment. You’re not keen on the idea of dating apps either, as you feel like you’re not that fun in chat, and it just feels too unnatural to meet someone new that way. Especially a potential lover. Damn all these standards you’ve set for yourself!
Sakusa speaks up, “I get that, and I don’t understand what girls want either.” Sakusa doesn’t usually talk much during your discussions, but he enjoys listening to you and Komori's thoughts. Right now, he finds himself agreeing with you on the topic. Everyone knows that Sakusa isn’t the most socially adept person. He doesn’t easily make new friends, despite knowing many people from all the training, practices, and matches he has been involved in. However, he can't exactly call them friends. That's why he treasures this friend group, even though one of its members is literally his cousin. It’s something he can describe as “cousins by blood but friends by choice.”
Given this, it’s not hard to understand why it’s not easy for him to have a romantic relationship either. He can be attracted to someone—he experienced it several times during his school days, having little “relationships” that lasted only a few months. But these days, it’s getting harder to form meaningful connections. Lots of girls try to approach him, fans and acquaintances alike. Some have piqued his interest, but nothing has gone beyond a few dates. So, he truly gets it when you say it’s tiring.
“What?! So you don’t understand me?” you exclaim.
Sakusa rolls his eyes. “No, I understand you. It’s different. We’ve known each other since high school.”
“Ha. Right,” you reply with a hint of sarcasm.
Komori is silent, looking at both of you intently. He clears his throat, “Hey, you know, right? There’s something called platonic marriage?”
Sakusa stares blankly. “What’s that?”
“I know!” you chime in. “It’s like you’re married, but you’re not actually involved romantically.”
“Oh. I’ve heard of them. Interesting, I guess,” Sakusa responds.
“Yeah. It’s like you can get the marriage benefits without having to deal with all the emotional roller coasters that relationships give you,” you explain.
“True. But it’s too creepy and risky, right? To marry some random strangers?” Komori folds his arms and laughs.
You give a distasteful expression and respond quickly, “Of course! I wouldn’t dream of it. If I ever wanted to do a platonic marriage, it would be with someone that I know quite well.”
The three of you suddenly become silent. Komori smirks at you and Sakusa.
“What are you even implying?!” you demand.
“Hey! It’s not crazy, though! You mentioned it yourself.” He makes quotation marks with his fingers. “It would be with someone that I know quite well.”
You widen your eyes. He’s right, you think. But still, it’s borderline crazy and something that never crossed your mind. Sakusa? And you?! Sure, you think he looks good. But then again, you’ve never considered any of your friends ugly! Moreover, you’ve always seen him as your friend since the beginning. Which… is actually the definition of platonic. It’s perfect! Shit… But Sakusa would never agree with this kind of thing… right?
You steal glances at him. Fuck. He actually looks like he’s thinking about it. It’s not the usual indifferent face he’s making. He’s thinking. Wow. Years of friendship really do give you the ability to differentiate his micro-expressions.
“Look. It’s just… an idea. A good idea, can I say?” Komori wiggles his eyebrows and smiles proudly. “Given you guys’ predicaments. It’s like the stars aligned, y’know? I’ll definitely support you guys. There. You guys have my blessing,” he laughs.
You and Sakusa exchange quick glances. He shows a lack of repulsiveness. Now that you think about it, this thing actually fits him. But does he really think it is a good idea?
“Some friends do make marriage pacts or whatever it’s called,” Komori adds.
Oh, right. You definitely have heard about that. Something like if we’re not married by the age of… we should marry each other.
“Yeah, I think I’ve heard something like that. But isn’t it complicated?” you ask.
“What would be complicated? It’s all for convenience, right?” Komori replies.
“That’s just insane, though…” you mutter.
You all go silent for a bit but then you try to change the topic and continue to talk about other trivial life updates. Other things that aren’t awkward and, again, crazy to think about. Your mind isn’t ready to handle the full visualization, especially with Sakusa right in front of you.
After another hour, you and the other two decide to head home. You still have to work tomorrow, after all. Urgh, the work thoughts on Sunday are the worst. These meet-ups with Sakusa and Komori always prove to be very recharging to your mental battery. You’re so glad to have this monthly meet-up with your two precious friends.
On your way home, you replay the conversation you had earlier about the platonic marriage and can’t help but think of how good of an idea it is. The words “financial” and “someone to come home to” ring in your head. Shit. You do often feel lonely in your apartment nowadays.
If you ever agree to do something like a platonic marriage, the idea of being married to Omi doesn’t sound bad at all. Your very dear friend since high school. Someone you’ve known for more than 10 years. Someone who knows your antics and vice versa. He can be a pain in the ass a lot of times, insensitive at times. But the good thing is that you can be blunt with him. He might be an ass, but he does always listen whenever you scold him for anything insensitive he does.
But anyway, it’s just an idea. It will be forgotten, right?
Spoiler: No, it’s not.
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marvelmaniac2000 · 2 months
My Spaghetti and Meatballs
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Summary: imagine giving Eddie simple human decency and he definitely gets stalkerish and insane. 
Characters: Edward Nashton x fem! Reader 
Minors DNI / +18 Only 
Subject: Smut! Stalking, voyeurism, anxiety reader, aesthetically pleasing content, extreme attachment/abandonment issues, orphanage, unprotected sex (practice safe sex everyone) 
Words: 2.0k
Side notes: I’ve been bored lately and needed to dribble some stories down. I’ve been sickly obsessed with pauly poo.  This was inspired by the spaceman intereview he did with adam sandler and fantasmas tv show.
 You hummed a tune to yourself to keep calm.. You were very hungry and you planned on making spaghetti and meatballs for yourself. But also of course to help save money by having leftovers. Some of your anxiety started to kick in because it was a little dark outside in the city and you were alone commuting to the grocery store. Even though Gotham had its reputation it wasn’t much you could do but always look out for yourself. You had on beat up converse shoes and warm auburn fall peacoat on in a cool first week of October. You were about average looking (in your own opinion) and didn’t draw much response from other strangers.
"Ok" you mouth to yourself, while looking at your grocery list in your notes. I need noodles, ground beef, etc . You mumbled to yourself and looked down the aisle for each ingredient. 
 “H-hey excuse me” you snapped your head up and looked at the man in front of you. 
 “Hi” you gave a dry response before realizing who it was.
“O-oh my goodness, Eddie!..” you swiveled your items out of your basket in your hand before bringing him in a hug. Edward gasped a little, finally seeing you in front of him. It has almost been years but it only felt like yesterday since he saw you in the very flesh directly talking to him. He has been following you and keeping touch with you since the day you guys both turned eighteen, but technically you both have been on your own since sixteen from the orphanage. It was one of the worst days of his life, when you finally were taken into an adoptive family at the late age of sixteen years old. 
   It felt like a jab to his stomach losing the family member he created within himself. The foster parents didn’t mean anything to him, the real mother he had was you. You were his sister, mother and girlfriend he needed. You were everything he needed of course.Edward knew he wasn’t going to be adopted, but he didn’t care. He stared at you barely able to make out any last words. Just your presence and knowing you were ok was what all he needed to know. As long as you were protected and were there for him, he could continue on. He knew you like the back of his hand. Some days he could go without checking on you, but he had to make sure you were still ok. Sometimes he would send money and support to your live stream, and fantasize of the costume you put on display for that video. It was his ritual. 
 “You look good Eds, you’re still just as adorable and sweet growing up” you couldn’t help but squeeze  his pink cheeks together and peck him on the cheek. Words couldn’t describe what he meant to you. You and Eddie were the only ones who tried to survive the foster home life and survive shitty school years too. You both slept together in the same bunk rooms, you slept in his bed when he was scared and rubbed him to sleep, you made sure his favorite cereal was there, even if the other kids sometimes would get greedy and not share. You cleaned his glasses for him, bought him clothes with little money you did have from your high school job. He was your baby. He gave you meaning when nothing else felt like so. Eddie's face turned a flush red. A rush of happiness and warmth swept over his body that he never felt in awhile. But it has been awhile since anyone showed him any type of affection and especially coming from you. Any type of praise from you sent him over the edge and he wanted more. 
  “I missed you too, I wanted to make sure you were still doing ok, I see you’re working now and have your own life” Eddie wanted to know if you had a boyfriend. He couldn’t afford to have you keep any secrets away from him.  “Yea I’ve been more happy than I've ever been, my own money, own life, no worries, it’s great.” You notice how upset your Eddie looked. “Why don’t you come over to my apartment, I’m making your favorite” you smiled. If Eddie could cry of happiness he could. He wanted to ball up in bed with you and cuddle as long as he could. “That would be great” he pushed the rim of his glasses up and followed you out to purchase the groceries. 
  You both arrived at your apartment that was dimly lit with your tv still on. “Oh uh sorry for the mess I don’t usually like to clean up until I get the energy to sometimes.” You wanted to make Eddie feel at home like he always felt. “Um just sit over there Eds you can watch tv if you like, there’s a blanket over there” 
 “It’s ok I’ll just watch tv from here, you always go above and beyond for me” Eddie was just happy to finally have you here and inside your apartment. He looked around taking in the different furniture, decor and things you had inside your place. He notices your desktop and computer in the corner of the room with a gaming chair just like in your videos you use.
  You took off your jacket and lit a bunch of candles that you had decorated on your kitchen counters. 
You wondered what Eddie was doing around lately. He didn’t seem like the type to hang around town alone. But maybe he has changed now that he is older. You let the noodles boil and create your special tomato sauce in a separate pan. 
  “Sooo eddie what have you been eating now huh? Frozen dinners?” you joked while looking at him mindlessly watching tv. He looked so cute with his big puppy dog eyes.
   “Very funny but I make do with whatever I can make myself” he smiled. “But I always miss your food ” He watched the tv hoping this moment would never end. Your cheek flushed a bit red hearing him talk. Eddie was somewhat of an old soul, he reminded of guys who deserve everything in the world, but was just sort of awkward. But it was nice finally having him around, it did feel a bit lonely not having anyone around, but you wouldn’t change it for the world, finally having your peace and independence living your life. The tomato sauce smelled amazing in the entire room. You pour the paste inside the noodles and mix it well together. You brought a plate to Eddie with a fork. Eddie smiled and felt like he was home once again. You sat next to him curled up on the side watching whatever show was on. 
   “So what do you know for work?” You nervously peeled your fingernails. Eddie chewed with a mouth full of food before he talked. 
“Nothing much, just a financial analyst at a company, but I guess it’s ok” he hummed while he ate. “Oh that’s good to hear” you watch him with adoration while he stuffed his face. 
  “Do you mind if I stay here for the night? I think it’s supposed to be a really bad storm tonight.” Edward looked at you with his eyes. “Of course it’s not a problem at all,” you smiled. “Here I’ll get you some towels and stuff for a shower.” Edward watches you leave, seeing you disappear in your bedroom. He wondered what your bedroom looked like. If it was normal and basic or with different colors with many pillows. 
  “Um the towels and stuff are in this closet if you need them, you gesture the closet against the wall” you showed him. “Ok” he nodded. 
“I’ll just jump in the shower real quick” you told him before making your way out. Eddie gave you a reassuring nod before looking out the autumn window noticing the seasons beginning to change. He hated the fact that he lied to you, but it was the only way he could stay any much longer here with you. He watched you make your way into the bathroom to cleanse yourself up. Eddie pants began to harden listening to the echo of the water running down your body and your nude body lathered up with soap. 
His aching bulged pressed against him. He tossed the blanket over his legs to casually cover his member. 
  To make matters even worse you came out of the steaming hot shower with a sexy baby doll gown and fluff slippers. “It’s all yours Eddie” you sat next to him on the sofa in a sigh of relief. “Thanks” he managed before striding in the bathroom. You cover yourself up with a cozy blanket and turn the channels to see what else is on cable. 
   Eddie noticed used pads and looked inside your dirty laundry basket. You had a pretty lace black thong that had trimmed lace around it. He balled up the fabric and stuffed two more pairs inside his pocket before jumping into your shower. Eddie missed everything about you and your warmth. The way you took care of everything around him. Then finally he slowly came back out with only his clothes but with a tank top and his boxer briefs. 
  “Come cuddle with me Eddie” you laying gently on top of him.  “You know I’m glad you’re doing ok eddie” you held him close feeling him.
   “Me too” he mumbled in heaven. You felt his bulge between your legs and tried to make sure you weren’t imagining it. Eddie couldn’t manage to get it down even after taking a shower. He wanted you so badly right at that moment. “Do you need help with this?” you whispered while moving your hand to his boxers. “Umm yes” he groaned. “I can help” you push your hand down in his boxers and rub the precum that glossed over his dick. 
“Just like that?” you managed to say.
   “Y-yes” he groaned again. You pull yourself up to kiss him on the lips before rubbing his member a little harder. Eddie bucked his hips to your hand as you continued your pace. 
You moaned from feeling him get pleasure from it. 
  “Can I put it in me Eddie?” you asked him before stopping. 
   “Of course I want you now,” he demanded. You slide your panties off and stick it in slowly before riding him at a slow deliberate pace. Eddie held onto your hips as guiding for you to go quicker.
    “Oh Eddie” you moaned, lowering yourself to kiss him passionately. His hands roamed under your gown and greedily gave your plump boobs a squeeze. You whimper feeling him take control. Eddie could barely catch his breath before his mouth met your soft nipples. You gave out a loud moan rocking your hips harder with him grazing your wet insides. 
   “Mmmm” you threw your head back and felt him touch your g spot. 
  “Right there baby” Eddie put on his glasses and now watched you with his emerald eyes. “I’m going to come” Eddie murmured  before cumming his load inside of you. You stop your pace before catching your breath. 
 There was a rumble of thunder outside before you both realized what was happening. “I’m glad you’re here to keep me safe huh?” you giggled. “I guess so, we always had each other's backs, remember?” 
“I do” you cooed. Eddie pulled himself out of you before covering the blanket with both of you falling asleep.   
My Card 💚
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sp0-t · 3 months
(ideas wanted, needed, and encouraged! Inbox is open)
Johnny was always “a character” that’s how many people described him in your town. Johnny was like that one cousin that you don’t talk about, that your parents would nudge you and give you a look to “shut up”. It was as if speaking his name was a taboo, or sin, well it basically was. Your small town was very religious, centered their lives around god and church, and lord forbid anyone step out of line in that routine.
So you never did, you stayed in line like everyone else cause well that’s what god would want you to do, so you did it happily. However, why would your town want to shun someone away so bad, shun them from others and especially even god. Why could even god not lay his eyes on such a man he created?
Johnny was “different”, he was difficult and hard headed. Nobody liked that about him. You, and everyone else your age in town that grew up with Johnny, were told to distance to “be only necessarily nice.” This resulted in Johnny being the outcast of the town, when you were younger you knew he would get bullied, but ever since he knocked out one of them nobody messed with him. This had its pros and its cons, one one hand he wouldn’t get messed with anymore, and on the other the whole town now labeled him as “dangerous”, someone not safe to be around the other children.
Johnny was distant due to this, kept even more to himself. When high school hit he was know as the “bad boy” the “delinquent” even a “criminal”. The last one was due to Johnny stealing a lighter once and getting caught, it also didn’t help that he drives a motorcycle now that he was 18. In both of your senior years everyone started to notice just how attractive Johnny actually was, how he had grown into his looks and even gained weight in all the right places. This lead to him being invited to some parties, secretly of course, everyone thought he’d just walk in and come as he pleased.
You saw yourself as a good religious child growing up, you behaved well and were above average in school. But you thought maybe you deserved a bit of fun, it was the week before finals, you knew you should’ve been at home studying but you couldn’t help but give into the temptation.
You went with your group of friends to try and get your mind off of the upcoming week. Once you got to the party most of your friends all spread out throughout the house. You weren’t the most popular kid but you definitely weren’t the least, you saw some other people you knew and went to meet with them. You talked for a while and ended up finding yourself at a beer pong table, watching the current game going on. It was between the known jock of the school, who was also the host, and another one of his teammates.
You looked around the room and spotted someone you hadn’t expected to see. There was Johnny in the corner of the room looking down at the game going on. You looked away quickly in case he tried to catch your gaze. The game finished with the head jock being the victor, excitingly putting his arms up in the air.
“Who wants to challenge me next huh!”
You were shoved forward by one of your friends, before you could step back into the crowd to hide yourself, he spot you.
“Hey, hot stuff! You think you’re ready for the challenge?”
You tried to speak to the obviously drunk jock before someone else’s voice stepped in.
“I am, if ya ‘ave the balls to give it a go.”
He glances from you back to Johnny, when a smirk forms on his face
“Sure Johnny boy, but, it’s 2 verses 1. I get hot cakes over here and you can stay over there.”
You feel his hand land on your waist as you get tugged closer into his side.
“And what do you get if you win.”
“If I win, I get the keys to the nice bike you got sitting outside.”
“Sure. but if I win, I get that nice piece of eye candy you got on ‘ur arm.”
“Hey! I never-“
This was going to be a long night
💿: HEY! SO P.S. I ABSOLUTELY HATE THIS STORY! I DONT THINK I WROTE IT WELL AND I THINK IT JUST SUCKS IN GENERAL IM SO SORRY, even though that wasn’t all of it. But I just really hate it. Anyways, if you guys take a stroll through my page you’d see I have absolutely nothing for soap, and it makes me so sad cause I absolutely love soap both in game and in the fandom. So this is a tiny cry for help for ideas/story prompts for soap.
I am trying to find a good prompt or idea for soap but I feel like some of the ones I have came up with are already so common that it would wind up being too repetitive or predictable. (not saying that they’re bad!!)
I won’t leave you guys with nothing though so I wrote a bit of soap for my sake to try and get ideas as well as to finally get the need to write for soap out of my system.
written by: @sp0-t ©️
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melanieph321 · 11 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Remember You and Me Part 2/8
I have so much planned for this story, y'all ain't ready. 🤭
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Summary - After a traffic accident reader is left with no memory of her life with Ruben, who desperately tries to get her to remember him.
It was this or staying at the hospital. Your family and the doctors gave you no other choice.
"Memories are triggered by familiarites like taste and different smells." They said. Since you remembered everything about your life up until the age of nineteen there was no point in going home with your partners, you needed to remember who you were now, who you were before the accident. Which would  be who you were with Ruben.
"Is this your house?" Your head tilted with the tall roof.
"It's our house." He smiled. "Come, let me show you around."
He was kind and patient Ruben. You were his wife but he was a stranger to you, still there was somthing, a familiarity to him. It was hard to explain beyond words, but deep down inside you knew that you trusted him completely, as if your feelings were ahead of your mind.
"Over there is our bedroom but I'll be sleeping in the guest room until, well....."
You were upstairs. Ruben had taken you through the house room by room. It all looked knewly renovated, untouched. Things were costum made and imported from countries you had never heard of.
"Ruben, what exactly do you do for a living?"
He chuckled at the question, but did not seem offended. "I'm a professional footballer."
"Oh?" Not the answer you expected. You saw Ruben more as the lawyer type or maybe a diplomat. He looked stiff in the shoulders, too stiff to be playing a sport at a professional level. Were footballers really as tall as he was? He must be above average then.
"And me..." You stuttered. "What do I do for a living?"
"Well, before the accident you were studying to become a scientist. You were doing your research at the University of Manchester."
"A what now?" You frowned. A scientist, how? You barely graduated from high school back home in the Netherlands, how could this be?
"Well you worked hard and earned a scholarship. That's why you came to live in England, in Manchester." Ruben explained.
"And that's where we met, here in Manchester?"
"Yes, but it's a long story actually." Ruben looked to want to changed the subject. "Let's get you something to eat, I've cooked dinner."
Dinner didn't stop you. You had so many questions about your life before the accident and Ruben was probably the person that knew most about it.
"I don't understand..." You wiped your mouth with a napkin. Dinner was lovely. Ruben could really cook.
"What?" He asked, watching you from where you sat across from him.
"If I'm just a graduate student and you're a professional footballer, how come you let me stay in this big house with you?"
Ruben's brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"
"Well, you're the one paying for everything,  aren't you?" God knows what the electrical bills were like in this house. No way the income of a graduate student could contribute paying for it.
Ruben nodded his head, coming to terms with what you meant. "Yes, I pay for everything. I actually have no problems with it."
"You don't, why?"
He paused, his eyes locking with yours. "Because you are my wife and I love you."
The words seemed to enter straight through your heart. Leaving your chest heaving up and down as you tried to catch your breath. "I..."
"You don't have to say it back." He said, his expression serious. " I just need you to know."
You nodded. "But you want me to say it back, no?"
He shrugged his shoulders. "When the time is right you will."
You went to bed with those words echoing in your head. "When the time was right...."
Eventually you'd get your memory back. When the time was right things like living in a luxury home too big for just two people, would be normal to you. As well as sleeping in a costum made silk pajamas. But for now it all felt very strange to you and quite out of place. Question was, is this really what you had wanted for your life?
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pwacifistxo · 9 months
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౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆— “Oᕼ GOᗪ, ᑕᗩᑎ YOᑌ ᗰᗩKE ᗰY ᕼEᗩᖇT ᔕTOᑭ?” 𖦹. ⊹ ࣪ ˖ — “Hιƚ ɱҽ ɯιƚԋ ყσυɾ ƙιʅʅ ʂԋσƚ ႦαႦყ!” ✮ — Bonten!Sanzu Haruchiyo → Tokyo revengers f!reader. ❦.
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༘⋆ Headcannons and imagines.
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⋆ just some drabbles
tw: NSFW, a little dark, squirting, oral receiving and giving, faceriding mentioned, swearing, toxic relationship mentioned. Very out of pocket things.
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✧ — SFW
The Sanzu Haruchiyo as your boyfriend huh? Shit then you in for a ride. He’s so unhinged it’s scary.
To start of, he’s definitely not the best boyfriend and honestly he could’ve never imagined getting with you in the first place. This man has priorities. Such as doing drugs and acting like a wild dog. He is toxic asf.
He needs to be put on a leash idc. Sometimes you’ve got to put ur man in his place when he acts up and gets all moody and mean. Watch your mouth though.
If you’re a shy person or introverted. You’re gonna struggle a lot in this relationship, he’s loud and rude and doesn’t have any shame for it.
He is not the same as how he was in Toman where he was calm and quiet, he will humiliate you, tease you every chance he gets.
You do some embarrassing shit? Expect him to bring it up another 3 weeks later after you begged him not to mention it. Then he’ll probably say something like “awh dont cry love, y’know I’ll make up for it.”
He doesn’t lie when he says that, he will make up for it just in his own sanzu way. (fucking is the solution.)
he can be draining at times, he will randomly abandon you completely and then come back on an average day. (Usually when your in a better mood)
Don’t break his trust ever, like ever. It already took him ages to warm up to you so he’s gambling on that.
Or you’ll just end up dead and he will too. (actually it depends)
However Sanzu is very loyal, like so loyal he would not even think about cheating a day in his life as every Tr fan knows so that’s a very good and important trait of his. <3
He’s overprotective, the thing that I mentioned before about him humiliating you? Yeah only he can do that dont be surprised if he whips out the katana when any other person does no matter who it is male or female.
He spoils you. If you look at something with interest, sanzu will go through hell and back to get that for you. He’s rich anyways, so why not use it on his girl? (the bold writing is his thoughts)
He adores your gifts too, no matter what it is it could be a plushie or any childish thing and he will squeal, giggle like a high school girl and run off with it.
He keeps it with him forever and ever. Imagine giving him a small flower you got of the ground. A year later you found out he kept that flower until it rotted and disintegrated.
He loves loves loves!!! PDA i mean, what’s the big deal on having your hands all over your girl? Yeah he just loves you and touching you.
Sanzu likes kissing your lips, jaw and neck and your mouth corners. (he usually kisses you there when you kiss his scars; please kiss his scars)
Surprisingly though he prefers holding hands over hugging. Don’t get me wrong he loves hugging you aswell but he thinks it’s more logical to hold your hand since it’s useful in a lot of situations.
Earlier i was speaking of children. He hates children and screams or barks at them in the streets for the fun of it and also chases them. That’s why you’ve got to put him on a leash and walk him like a dog.
He would choose bonten over you any day. His life is dedicated to the criminal organisation and he’d probably give you a dirty look if you ever tried to suggest him leaving because it’s too “dangerous”
“you knew exactly what you were getting into when you met me, darlin’” — infamous words from Sanzu himself.
Unless you’ve been there for him since day 1 then it’s a different story, including if he would die for you. lol either way you can’t leave him if you try, your stuck together like glue literally.
Sanzu would never force drugs onto you, he’s fully aware of the dangers as an addict and he isn’t fucking stupid. In fact he would distance you from it.
He can be really clingy, Sanzu will cling onto your arm and trail behind you wherever you’re going like a lost puppy.
Or for example imagine watching a movie or your sitting down somewhere together/in a bonten meeting. Then you get up planning to leave he instantly gets up when you do and murmurs. “where you goin? Leavin me?” You’re probably just going to the bathroom aswell. Then when you sit back down, he sits back down too. It’s a cute habit of his. <3
He can cook, he makes stuff for you when he feels like it. Usually it’s when he’s higher than the clouds and denies it.
✧ — NSFW
Sanzu nsfw? This guy is freaky as fuck dont expect some wild shit to come up on here once again. TW
Oral, receiving or giving he doesn’t mind but he likes giving you pleasure just a little bit more cause he gets high of seeing you loose control like that. “shit— say my name like that.. please, please.. fuck ur so beautiful”
He gets down on you regularly especially if you’re stressed, he’ll let you release that stuff anytime anywhere.
Imagine: His half-lidded eyes flickered up to your figure watching your expression as he slowly trailed circles with his tongue on your puffy clit. Before diving straight lapping at your juices and bringing your pussy lips in between his teeth when you squirmed he was already laughing, amused at your reaction. ‪‪”let it out, fucking scream until you lose your voice.” ❤︎‬
Once he does get his face in between your legs, he’s going wild with it. Spitting, slapping, biting whatever this man can come up with will happen. 
Imagine: “such a greedy girl, wanting more than she can handle huh?” He giggled like a crazed person his eyes widening in the process. Without further ado he pulled back spitting straight at your aching core watching as his own saliva trailed down in between your slit, his pupils following like a kitten chasing after a teaser toy. ‪‪❤︎‬
Sanzu torments you a lot. Sometimes he just wants to see you in pain, he loves that look on your face overwhelmed by sexual frustration as his fingers raise up and slaps ur throbbing pussy over and over again until you came.
Imagine: Smack! His slender digits landed on your aching core when you didn’t speak making you whine and arch your back. “cum then, all over my fingers don’t hold back, love.” Smack! “fuck—“ smack! “Haru!“ smack! “Try again doll!” Smack! Smack! Smack! ‪‪❤︎‬
When you give him head? Shit he swore he was on the moon at this point. His hand gripping your hair as he threw his head back, beads of sweat trailing down his forehead and moaned shamelessly forcing your mouth to take more of him, more!
Sanzu is really vocal, he just doesn’t care in general. If he feels good he wants you to know in every humanly way possible.
He can be a bit mean with it though. Every day isn’t the same he will switch up from time to time. Sanzu is just a really unexpected person.
Imagine: His tinted lips curled into a sadistic smile while you draw kitten licks just on the tip of his dick, he move your head forward slowly observing as your tongue curved around him. You seemed to be enjoying this hm— that can’t happen. He shoved his thick cock deeper into your mouth without warning, watching as you gagged your eyes watering and saliva trailing down your mouth. ❤︎‬
He loves stuffing you up with his digits whenever possible, he likes it because he can practically do it anywhere. Under a table, in his car while driving with one hand, in any meetings if you ever decide to visit. 1 finger, then 2 then three, shit he might just shove his whole hand in there (fisting). Semi-public sex is something he doesn’t mind doing
imagine: Sanzu eyed you as he was slumped back on the chair slouching a bit, scoffing each time rindou mentioned another ‘traitor’ in the gang during the meeting. He was so wearied of the same shit happening all the time. The only thing he could focus on was his two fingers that were buried deep in your soaking pussy, feeling your gummy walls tighten around him. He curled them slightly noticing you wriggle his piercing dull-blue eyes staring at you with that same smug expression before leaning closer his breath tickling the sensitive spot beneath ur ear. “your a fuckin’ waterfall sweetheart, go on then. Fuck yourself on my fingers.. hm?” ❤︎‬
Sanzu is such a hater, to put it simple he does not like seeing you happy sometimes and just wants to ruin it. Especially during sex. Everything could be normal, he’s fucking you until you’re dizzy, pampering your body with light kisses. He’ll then take advantage of you in that state, pulling a knife out of his waistband of his pants and drives the blunt edge onto your body.
Dont be suprised if he switches the knifes placing and cuts a long streak on your arm and his own, the stinging pain puts him in a frenzy. Watching as the blood oozes out of your delicate skin and trails downwards, he smudges it away after a while of him being put into a trance at the sight, before smearing it all over your face and digging his nails harshly into your cheekbones leaving red nasty marks. He’ll even poke the pointy bit dangerously close to your inner thigh.
When he gets like this it can be a little fucking terrifying because he is a sadist, like I said this is bonten Sanzu we are talking about.
Most of the time he’ll ask for you consent though, if you ever let him hurt you he would. He loves you so much it actually makes him want to rip you apart sometimes. You can tell by the way he stares at you, even when your sleeping peacefully.
Sanzu is a professional dirty talker, some of the shit he says are so wild that you randomly thing about it in the middle of the night and wonder how you let that slide.
Definitely into cockwarming, the idea of having his dick tucked away in your tight walls. He gets soso hard just at the thought. However he cannot last forever, Sanzu will end up thrusting upwards causing lewd sounds to escape those pretty lips of yours.
He loves every single position, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, having you bent over, missionary (while having your legs on his shoulders) and face down, ass up, as long as your satisfied and he’s satisfied it doesn’t matter.
He might just make you ride him when he’s already fucked you out. Without helping of course, if you do manage to keep up dont expect a praise either. “Ah— you actually did it? Too bad nono praise from me.” and then he kisses you and clings to you the whole day
This man is so unserious during sex, not like making a joke every second but he’ll just laugh at you and bully you on occasions. However it’s really rare for him to be serious throughout the entire thing but when it does happen it does not disappoint.
Whenever he comes back from a long day of bonten, he might spread ur legs apart and fuck u with his black glock pointed at the very middle of your head, no safety to be found. He gaslights you into believing that if you keep moving around he’ll pull the trigger and let your body decay by itself. Then the crybaby tears come, he loves that.
If you do too him because he’s a switch. Please cause this man pain, he’s a masochist as well and if the pain comes for you then he’s down for it. He’ll give you full permission.
Sanzu adores making you squirt, for some reason he gets excited when you do. His face lighting up as he feels the liquid spray over his face. Will proceed to overstimulate you after.
Face-riding is his shit, having your dripping clit on his face? He is devouring it like a starved animal. He would suffocate himself. “mmm— going to drown me huh?” He mumbled in between slurps, his voice muffled
Aftercare is chill, he actually loves you even though he’s a sick fuck. He’ll cook with you, bathe with you but that’s only usually. Sanzu normally would either fall asleep like a baby with one arm slinging over your waist or you guys would just chill and vibe. He gives you a lotta love too.
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꒰ა❤︎໒꒱ — ˗ˋˏ sanzu is genuinely so beautiful. ˎˊ˗
༘⋆ be nice tumblr and don’t delete this. Happy new years!!<3
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ireadyabooks · 2 months
5 Books That NEED to Be in Your Beach Bag! 🏖️🌞
All year we have been dreaming about laying out on the beach reading a swoony romance that sets our heats ablaze and the time has finally come! Grab the sunscreen, your favorite pair of sunglasses, and the next book you’ll be raving about to all of your friends! Not sure what book to pack in your beach bag? No worries, we’ve put together our top five books that we’re relaxing in the sand with this summer! Happy reading!
Okay, Cupid by Mason Deaver
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From the bestselling author of I Wish You All the Best, the story of a cupid who thinks they know everything about love . . . until they fall in love themselves.
As a cupid, Jude thinks they understand love a little bit more than the average human. It makes sense -- Jude's been studying love their whole teen life. And, yes, there have been some bumps in the road, and they're currently on probation for doing something that they absolutely, definitely shouldn't have done . . . but they're ready to prove they can make matches without ever getting involved.
Only . . . Jude's next assignment isn't about setting up two adults. No, this time Jude has to go to high school, with kids their own age. And the assignment is a tough one: two best friends who are meant to be more than just best friends . . . but who aren't currently speaking to each other after a huge falling out.
Jude thinks they've got this one all under control, and that they won't get involved whatsoever.
Which proves that maybe Jude hasn't learned the first lesson of humans and love . . . It’s complicated.
Start reading Okay, Cupid now!
I Hope This Doesn’t Find You by Ann Liang
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Unforgettable, snarky, and romantic, I Hope This Doesn't Find You is Never Have I Ever meets To All the Boys I've Loved Before if Lara Jean wrote hate emails instead of love letters.
Sadie Wen is perfect on paper: school captain, valedictorian, and a "pleasure to have in class." It's not easy, but she has a trick to keep her model-student smile plastered on her face at all times: she channels all her frustrations into her email drafts. She'd never send them of course -- she'd rather die than hurt anyone's feelings -- but it's a relief to let loose on her power-hungry English teacher or a freeloading classmate taking credit for Sadie's work.
All her most vehemently worded emails are directed at her infuriating cocaptain, Julius Gong, whose arrogance and competitive streak have irked Sadie since they were kids. "You're attention starved and self-obsessed and unbearably vain . . . I really hope your comb breaks and you run out of whatever expensive hair products you've been using to make your hair appear deceptively soft . . ."
Sadie doesn't have to hold back in her emails, because nobody will ever read them . . . that is, until they're accidentally sent out.
Overnight, Sadie's carefully crafted, conflict-free life is turned upside down. It's her worst nightmare -- now everyone at school knows what she really thinks of them, and they're not afraid to tell her what they really think of her either. But amidst the chaos, there's one person growing to appreciate the "real" Sadie -- Julius, the only boy she's sworn to hate . . . 
Start reading I Hope This Doesn’t Find You now!
Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
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Boy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. A sweet and charming coming-of-age story that explores friendship, love, and coming out. Now streaming on Netflix!
Shy and softhearted Charlie Spring sits next to rugby player Nick Nelson in class one morning. A warm and intimate friendship follows, and that soon develops into something more for Charlie, who doesn't think he has a chance.
But Nick is struggling with feelings of his own, and as the two grow closer and take on the ups and downs of high school, they come to understand the surprising and delightful ways in which love works.
Start reading Heartstopper now!
Stepping Off by Jordan Sonnenblick
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Jesse Dienstag's favorite sweatshirt says, "The real world isn't real." That's the slogan of the vacation-home community in Pennsylvania where his family has always spent every vacation and weekend for as long as he can remember. In the summer of 2019, as Jesse is about to enter his junior year of high school in New York City, he desperately wants to believe the slogan is true. For one thing, the two girls he loves -- equally and desperately -- are in Pennsylvania, and all the stresses and pressures of his daily life and school are in New York.
But when his parents stop talking to each other, it gets harder and harder for Jesse to maintain his dream life in Pennsylvania. And when Covid shuts New York City down in March 2020 just days after Jesse’s mother leaves his father, Jesse's worlds collide.
Start reading Stepping Off now!
London On My Mind by Clara Alves
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Red, White & Royal Blue meets A Cuban Girl's Guide to Tea and Tomorrow in this unlikely London romance by debut author Clara Alves!
Sixteen-year-old Dayana has always dreamed of visiting London -- to walk along the Thames, take pictures outside Buckingham Palace, and maybe even get a glimpse of Arthur, Prince of Wales, whose marriage has been all over tabloids. But the trip of her dreams turns into a royal nightmare when her mother passes away. Now, Day must leave Rio de Janeiro to live with her estranged father and his new family in London.
As it turns out, the U.K. isn't exactly Day's cup of tea. She struggles to forgive her father for walking out on her and her mom all those years ago; fights with her stepsister constantly; detests her stepmother; and she can't even see One Direction in concert because they've been broken up for ages. All she wants to do is trade the rainy skies of London for the sun and beaches of Rio.
That's when she runs into the girl of her dreams -- literally: The coincidentally named Diana, a witty, funny, redhead who was in the middle of . . . escaping Buckingham Palace? Something isn't right here, but it makes Diana all the more alluring. As time passes, and the two girls grow closer, Day can't help but wonder if there is more than a little truth to the rumors surrounding Prince Arthur -- and if Diana might be involved somehow. Is it all in her head, or could Day be caught up in a real-life royal scandal?
Start reading London On My Mind now!
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dj-of-the-coven · 2 months
Roxner is a very interesting ship to me in the sense that it'd be an absolutely batshit decision from the perspective of the people who play kingdom hearts if it was ever canonized, even if we completely ignore the homophobic hurdles--why the hell would Roxas get together with some random guy who has fuckall to do with nobodies and darkness and Kingdom Hearts™ Proper? But if you think about it from Roxas' perspective... yeah dude that's a pretty solid choice. Charismatic guy around his age, someone he has decent chemistry with, someone who offers both a reprieve from the INSANE life that Roxas leads otherwise and a listening ear when things get tough. Hayner comes off as the type of guy to pick up a weapon and join the craziness just cause he's loyal and Roxas might need a hand. I think that's a very respectable option as far as high school boyfriends go. If Roxas was your 15 year old son and Hayner was the guy he brought home it would be relieving as FUCK given the horrid array of options the average high school would net you. It's crazy to KH players because we know how screen time and story themes work--he wouldn't really even be on the table as far as love interests go--but damn if he wouldn't be an extremely solid choice for a guy just looking for a stand-up dude to be his first love. Thinking about Roxner is a fascinating exercise in perspective, cause if any of these guys were real and not beholden to a narrative then it would make for a fantastically unremarkable but very fulfilling and wholesome partnership. And probably the most stable out of anybody they know.
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ac3may · 1 year
“ the wag diaries ”
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The Origin Story
~ Sam Kerr ~
• just graduated, you were a pretty average uni student
• except not entirely
• you were a couple of years older than most of your class
• America, Fiji, Asia you had become a full granola-girl, travel fiend for a couple of years
• hiking and surfing through the days, partying with your hostel friends through the night
• you were the textbook “trying to discover myself” gap-year kid
• yes, you even came home with a pair of those classic baggy trousers plastered with elephants
•although things went a little better for you considering the internet fame your YouTube doc got you (but we’ll get back to that)
• with two younger siblings (twins) you were blunt, and impatient
• but ultimately cared far more about others than you did yourself
• they were your best friends
• elys was renowned for his practical jokes and getting in trouble that only you could get him out of
• enya was the perfect, youngest child, spoilt in just the right way
• always encouraging you to let her practice her makeup skills or plant pretty flowers in the garden
• especially when your mum died, they were the only ones able to get you out of bed
• or failing that at least encourage a smile to your face
• specially considering the lacklustre relationship you had with your dad… who wasn’t really your dad
• your bio-father split before you were born so at 8 you were introduced to your new stepdad
• he was your sibling's father though so you always felt out of the loop, especially once your mum was gone
• growing up in a football family you were their biggest fan when they progressed from grassroots to academy and academy to first team
• attending every game clad in blue with a painted face, number 1 soccer mom to the max
• you would do anything for them
• the biggest people pleaser
• even if it meant catching a flight to a homophobic country to watch your brother's world cup debut
• just a wounded soul who’s afraid to disappoint
• absolutely underestimate your worth
• just trying to blend into the background
• despite being a secret slut for attention and craving someone to care for you for once
• you’d portray the perfect child to your family so they assume you’re a rebel kid really
• but you felt pretty average growing up
• you were adored in your hometown, always helping the elderly with their grocery shopping and the kids with their homework
• a babysitter and a tutor
• a football coach too
• you played as a kid, much like your siblings
• but the teenage depression when your mum died meant you lost all character and quit all hobbies
• at least for a couple of years
• alonely kid in high school, didn’t drink before you were of age, never went to a school party, or hung out smoking in a field
• always followed the rules at school, middle-of-the-road type of student, not memorable for being too good or too bad
• you were a classic 90’s kid except you refused to let the era go
• as a kid, your mum’s camcorder was on you always
• you loved filming everything and always forced your siblings into being the stars
• which was especially easy when it was their football skills you were showing off
• when you got older you filmed your travels, mainly to send back home but actually gained some traction online
• and then during covid when you and the twins resorted to your roots
• it turns out a YouTube series about two of Chelsea and England’s up-and-coming stars actually does pretty well
• despite being a film student graduate you had no intentions of following your peers to Hollywood or the BBC
• it was your sister who secured you a job with Chelsea
• a big surprise at Christmas when Elys unveiled a new camera and Enya followed up with a contract to start in the summer
• somehow you had never met any of the other Chelsea players, always rushing off to travel home after watching the game in the stands
Sam’s definitely my most worked on wag diaries so far, already got 2 more blurbs lined up about her😂😅
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foreverformula1 · 8 months
F1 hard truth:
Lando Norris’ hardships in basic academics as shown in Grill the Grid isn’t solely the fault for training for F1 and dyslexia but also probably his lack of interest regarding educating himself and/or how he was academically educated growing up.
Because it’s interesting how this argument comes up only when it’s about Norris and sometimes some others too. But all drivers are pretty much average and Verstappen who is known for being the Top 1 at the moment, has a shocking pre F1 victory strike since Karting days (LITERALLY NEVER ARRIVING SECOND!) , countless stories about his hardships with his father coaching him since he was about 3 years old and making F1 all of his life, is often one of the best at these same games.
Fernando Alonso and Sabastian Vettel too.
The truth is that one might not me much intelligent and that’s about it, I completely understand it and struggle with it myself even when I was pushed academically more than my classmates.
But it becomes inexcusable when you don’t know where your country is. Something a 7 year old can do. He, like the others, travel the world as a job, even in their karting days.
We can sympathise with it and him, but don’t make excuses ,come up with theories or put the blame on motorsport. It shows that you are trying to sugarcoat it because you are aware that there’s no defence for it. He’s just … uneducated on basic geography but you don’t want to think about it because you like him. But you don’t have to “unfollow” him because of it. You can still like everything else about him while admitting that it can be better and surely without shaming him!
I believe that formal institutionalised academics are to ensure a certain level is reached. You actually can learn everything alone but of course, can’t or are not allowed to do some things without certification, for everyone’s safety. So it doesn’t make sense that just because someone didn’t complete high school, they are illiterate and completely stupid. As someone who comes from countries with actual illiterate people and is the daughter of one (who is now literate but you can see the struggle when one reached a certain age and the brain has harder times correcting some errors). So please stop theorizing that just because he or other drivers haven’t attended university or maybe have not finished high school, they are uneducated.
Edit: I saw the replies and rechecked my post, you are right and I modified the term. But I want to explain that I did not mean that he is actually stupid. I was just lacking of words and terms to explain what I meant. Now I replaced it with “Uneducated on basic geography” because I know very well he has other theological knowledge that would be hard to me. The “illiterate” part is misunderstood, I meant that as a way to indeed say that I believe the contrary: People can be literate without high school. I added it there because a pet peeve of mine is people actually being convinced that without a minimum of 3 years of university makes you illiterate all of a sudden. It’s a silly mentality to me, and it’s always an ick when a “fan” of him uses this “excuse”. I wanted to be understood but I messed up and I am sorry, but I hope you people understand what I meant in general with the post. I did not make it to shade him or point it out unlike many people in various social medias and comments under these videos;
I made this post to tell people who overanalyze and over-excuse him to just let it be. That’s it. It’s backhanded to put so much energy into this and prove otherwise when it’s plain simple (and other factors could play a role in it too, I know). But some people want to gaslight themselves into thinking that a celebrity of their liking is not as amazing(according to their personal standards and values) as they wish they were. People do this with other celebrities too, pushing the narrative that one is “secretly intentionally chaotic” or the contrary, just an example. People need to accept their celebrities without the guilt for one thing that turns them off. Or at least respect it and not force said narrative. People will gaslight themselves into changing the smallest details about celebrities to “vibe” better with them. Especially females (or maybe I notice it more with them because I am also one?), for example they will make hundreds of posts to show that they appreciate the female star’s natural voice when in reality it’s just simply at its’ deepest. I think it’s tied with the “not like the other girls” preference. Because they act like they have super high pitched voices when they simply are…ladies with an average feminine voice+feminine (sometimes hyper) style and persona. And all feminine things are now being called “cutesy” and childlike. When sometimes they are simply feminine /+and pretty. Because many times they are not even obnoxious at it. You’d think that they are talking about an anime girl voice, but it’s just a lady. They just don’t vibe with her voice and will gaslight themselves that she’s pushing it , ‘but that’s okay to them’.
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absolutebl · 2 years
2022 BL Wrap Up - All The Shows I Watched... rated
I’m not going to talk about everything BL that I watched in 2022, that would be the longest post ever. But still, this is a really long post. Sorry, not sorry. Everything I watched got a pithy little review. 
2022 BL - Watched & Rated
This includes any show that ended in 2022, including those that started in 2021. Alphabetical-ish order.
21 Days Theory (Thailand YT ) 6/10 
Tropes: high school, cheating, secret crush, high angst
Initially I REALLY loved this little show. It reminded me of Blueming + Make it Right (never forget I’m the world’s foremost Make It Right apologist, and the lead even looks a little like Fuse). Why did I like it? 1. GAY UNCLE character giving GREAT advice!. 2. Boys in blue shorts are back! 3. Seme is already pining, uke is tsundere but with reason and conflict is set up and executed well as a result. 4. lots of linguistic discussion and flirting (they made the linguistically fascinating couples post). Everything about this show is in my wheelhouse and this would have jumped high in my rating (even at this length) if they had bothered to finish it like the YA romance it clearly was. But the ending was disappointing. I’m not mad about it, but I’m not happy either.
The 8.2 Second Rule (Japan YouTube) 6/10
AKA 8.2 Byo no Hosoku
Tropes: secret admirer, food in love, soulmates
Very short BL about a schoolboy who makes magic candy for a series of handsome classmates, questing for a soulmate. Each ep is a new love interest and while the sweets help others, they keep failing to bring him love. Of course h's overlooking someone. The lead was very good and the theme, cooking, and eventually romance were charming, but it is a series of BL vignettes not really a cohesive story, no kisses or anything. Japan doesn’t give us sweet BL this short very often, so it was nice to see them try out the style.
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A Man Who Defies the World of BL 2 (Japan Viki) unrated
I consider this show a documockary, not really a BL. As with the first installment I loved it beyond reasons, I tagged the second season review onto the first. Review here.
About Youth (Taiwan GaGa) 8/10
It’s truly lovely little coming of age high school BL with classic YA low drama but high angst, I didn’t even mind the singing, and that’s saying a lot. It featured Taiwan's modern take on AePete: popular but painfully lonely rich kid, Guang (complete with evil pressure-cooker tiger parents) meets and is basically adopted by poor nerdy (secret rockstar) Qizhang. HE EVEN HAS AE’S TOTE!!! Side dishes are Guang’s adorable bestie, Ray, and even more adorable (also a rockstar) Jian. Lots of BL tropes but also this is quite queer and very Taiwan with an earnestness depth I haven’t seen since My Ride an almost real world authenticity. Not that I normally like that in my BL, but I’ll forgive Taiwan (and the Philippines) for their sticky almost dirty style if it is this endearing and engaging (see also Gameboys). I wish it had been given a bit more room to breathe, but all in all a great edition to the Taiwanese BL lexicon which was in dire need of just this kind of content. Full review. 
Ai Long Nhai (Thailand iQIYI) 6/10
Tropes: messy gay, trial relationship, friends to lovers
Look this show was just a typical Thai BL university pulp about a confident gay and a clueless manic pixie dream boy, that had potential, chemistry, and earnestness going for it, but no plot and not enough side dishes. In the end it was boring and you know I always rate boring lower than hot messes. Still it’s better than your average Thai BL, nothing happens but at least the nothing mostly shirtless, the gay dads are the BEST, and that’s about all I can say for it.
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Bad Buddy (Thailand YouTube) 9/10
Tropes: secret lovers, Romeo & Romeo, sunshine/tsundere, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, GL side plot
GMMTV’s flagship BL started 2022 on a BANG (okay no actual banging but you know what I mean), starring heavy hitters Ohm & Nanon in a pitch perfect university Romeo & Juliet masterpiece that will give you domesticity meets pain whiplash throughout and jet lag at the end. Great production values, killer acting, and some conscious effort to correct for half a decade of Thai BL’s anti-queer mistakes. GMMTV, we forgive you. More. Live blog of this one is here. Full review here.
Behind Cut (Korea, Jan Viki) 8/10
Tropes: grown up problems, finding your dreams, friends to lovers
Better than average chemistry (for KBL) and a unique setting almost pulled this show into the realm of something quite special but it never quite managed to get away from the pacing and story structure issues endemic to KBL’s limited time frame and scope. Still It gets the job done. Full review here.
Big Dragon (Thailand Gaga) 7/10 
Tropes: player love-rivals/enemies to lovers, rich/poor
This is a decent execution of true enemies to lovers, these two spy on and bully each other, exploring darker themes. The way the leads transition between anger, resentment, titillation, and flirting (and the way, with kinksters, this can all be the same thing) is really well done. This BL pairing proved itself to be a lot more sophisticated than I expected with nods at kink in a more respectful way than Mame could ever dream, plus excellent chemistry, but something was askew around plot, directing, and ending. 
Blue of Winter AKA Judo Boys (Korea YouTube) 3/10
Tropes: Bad boy/good boy, mad crush, reunion romance
OMG, is that..? Did Korea give us… a pulp? I do believe they did! The sound quality was poor, lighting sub par, even the filming and staging wasn’t on point (for Korea). Sadly none of that was the problem, this could have actually been good, the cast was excellent, but instead it was just really... odd. Focused on the wrong couple in the triangle and spent too much time on some elements and not enough on... ya know PLOT. Not terrible but not good either. in the end I didn’t know what I watched and neither did it.
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Bleuming (Korea iQIYI) 9/10
Tropes: enemies to lovers (sort of), coming of age, self worth and self acceptance, lonely prince, sunshine/tsundere
It’s a tiny bit dark and a tiny bit bittersweet, almost too honest to a university experience and first love for BL. I wasn’t into it at first, but both leads turn in solid performances and by ep 5 it got good, becoming a narrative about self discovery, as well as understanding and accepting others people’s flaws without hurting them. Ultimately, we witnessed two characters maturing because of each other and their mutual affection while that affection was never itself the conflict point. Instead, tension was built around other aspects of identity, popularity, and self-worth. While production values were a touch lower than usual, Blueming included decent kisses and other forms of intimacy and a satisfying ending (all rare for Korea) plus there’s judicious and very elegant use of tropes, (which is expected). Full review here.
Check Out (Thailand iQIYI) 4/10 
Tropes: office, second chance, high heat
Special episode 0 (prequel) filmed in 2021 was the only good thing about this show. Characters lacked motivation, there was no story, the leads were a fine pair but the sex scenes managed to be both good and boring. I nearly DNFed. Ugh. 
Choco Milk Shake (Korea Strongberry YT) 8/10 
Tropes: reincarnation, fated mates, paranormal elements
Choco Milk Shake (Korea YouTube) Stongberry gave us a full length BL on YouTube! It’s a BL miracle and an endless delight. It was wonderfully cute, unexpectedly hilarious but expectedly silly, a little too poignant, occasionally gut wrenching and with a somewhat expected weird (but happy-ish) ending. The actors playing the two pets must have had the best time. As, indeed, did I watching it. Jealous Milk made me cackle so hard it scared the actual cat on my lap, Choco was perfectly cast, and the chemistry was ultimately decent. In Strongberry I still trust. Thank you thank you, may we have another, sirs?
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Cherry Blossoms After Winter (Korea Viki) 9/10
Tropes: High school to college, cohabitation, stepbrothers, popular boy/nerd (shy, loner, bullied), orphan protag
Korea took on early Japanese sweet yaoi but gave it their signature softness and precise production style with a STUNNING color palette (beautiful pastels, sun-saturated over-exposure), manga framing style, some traditional BL character archetypes, that tiny edge of bullying roughness and out-of-control seme, plus FINALLY a palatable take on the stepbrothers trope and it was, in a word, classic. Sophisticated and understated CBAW is not slow, it’s just subtle. It's dream-like and atmospheric, as if the whole thing took place under cold water on a warm spring day. Is there plot or peril? Not really. Do we care? Also, not really. Look, I can’t help it, I’m old school and so is this show. I grew up reading sweet yaoi, and this was THAT YAOI just on my screen. There’s no objectivity with me and CBAW. It’s a beautiful pastiche and I loved it for how it made me feel and what it reminded me of. It’s not flawless, but it is a wonderful experience. Full review here.
Cherry Magic the movie (Japan grey) 8/10 
AKA Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!: The Movie AKA 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii 
Tropes: LTR, cohabitation, self acceptance, coming out
I liked it, not as much as the original, it lacked the humor. Again no kissing, these actors must be expensive, but some nice domesticity. Still with Thailand bringing the higher heat with such consummate casualness these days (licking ass and taking names) there really isn’t much of an excuse anymore for no kisses, it felt a little phoned in. Even Korea has buckled, come on Japan, grow up. 
Close Friend 2 (Thailand Viki) 6/10
Tropes: LTR, adult problems, the closet, coming out
It’s basically dealing with two kinds of closet: the one imposed on us, and the one we impose on ourselves. Honestly Pierce and Phoon are very mature characters for a BL couple - the kind of relationship that only OhmFluke could really portray, and they do it very well. That’s almost the problem - it is too well done and thus discomforting. if you don’t like realism in your BL avoid this show. I liked the celebrityhood vs fandom storyline, although I thought it was too generous to those fans. Both pairs did well but I wasn’t wowed by story or content, over all a bit dull.
Coffee Melody (Thailand Viki) 5/10 
Tropes: cafe setting, food is love, sing your feelings
Stars Pavel (my love) as a cafe owner (Forth in 2moons2) and Benz as a composer (Call it What You Want). This should have been my kind of BL - on the fluffy end of the spectrum plus honestly queer. Unfortunately, the slow pacing, manufactured angst, odd secondary story arcs, and a selfishly immature unlikeable wet dishcloth main character, Yi, meant its flaws outweighed its charm. Jean (flame on snark fairy) is MINE, I love him so much but in the end neither he nor Pavel in an apron could save it for me. It’s not bad. It’s not good either, tho. Ultimately so forgettable I’ve probably already forgotten it. 
Color Rush 2 (Korea Viki) 7/10
Tropes: crush, friends to (almost) lovers, paranormal, suspense, murder investigation
In this second installment the plot revolves around Yeon Woo searching for his mother (and, sort of, his probe) joined by Se Hyun, whose sister is involved. We’re right back in gay allegory territory only this time the question is: Can you miss something you never had? Especially when it has to do with your own identity? Also, has Sehyun switched his (supposedly) natural inclination towards obsession onto Yeonwoo? I liked it. I liked Hyuk a lot more than I was expecting too. Like the prior installment, Color Rush 2 was stylish and clever (although not quite as clever). Honestly, in the end, I don’t know what to say about Color Rush 2. Does it work as the second installment of a trilogy? Absolutely. Does it work as the final installment of a duology. Absolutely NOT. Full review here.
Cupid’s Last Wish (Thailand YouTube) 6/10
Tropes: pining/tsundere, bodyswap, quest, road trip
Win is such an incredibly unlikeable character I really struggled with this show, no skin off Mix’s acting, but holy fucking irredeemable tsundere. Also I really do not like body-swap. The final ep tried (and for some it may have been successful) but combine this with bodyswap (my least favorite trope) and even EarthMix’s chemistry (which has improved since Thousand Stars) didn’t save it.
Cutie Pie (Thailand YouTube) 8/10
Tropes: arranged marriage, age gap, secret identity, cohabitation, rich kid problems, he’s in engineering
Very high production and a lot of visual references to live action yaoi gave this show a whiff of Japan but ultimately it stayed firmly in Thailand’s BL camp veering from absurd to appealing to annoying and then back to absurd again. If you can roll with the arranged marriage conceit and very lifestyle D/s relationships, the chemistry is spot on even if the plot is naff and sappy and driven by miscommunication. Watch this one for the pretty, give it a pass on depth. Full review here.
Dear Doctor, I'm Coming For Soul (Thailand YouTube) 7/10
Tropes: PNR, grim reaper, enemies to lovers
This is a romance between a doctor trying to save his patients and a reaper who is both his enemy and (eventually) lover. Basically it’s the genius premise of a gay Doom at Your Service. High concept looks good on you, Thailand. I enjoyed it more than it’s ending deserved, and the best I can say is that it’s not strictly HEA but if you’re okay with Life: Love on the Line, you’ll probubly be okay with this BL.
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DNA Says Love You (Taiwan GaGa) 8/10
Tropes: secret identity, reunion romance, queer family, bisexual awakening, sunshine/broken, healing, quest
While this is one of those series (ostensibly) carried by the sunshine seme character (Taiwan is always weak in seme/uke) and he does a stand-up job, Erek Lin, who plays the love interest, Amber, is luminous. I found the twist entirely predictable, but knowing what would happen didn't spoil this show for me, in fact I think I sympathized more with Amber and understood his behavior better, because I knew. The exact way it’s handled (medically speaking) is a little disingenuous to a queer narrative (AKA they could have just GONE there) but I didn’t mind, because all the characters around Amber act with such integrity. Since this is a queer story arc that other shows have systemically mishandled and made depressing, DNA deserves extra marks for its uniquely upbeat approach. It’s full of queer found family representation and an unexpected amount of domesticity, plus it’s Taiwan, so the kisses are great. The last few eps really are special and life/love affirming - and the ending is big-grin charming. Full review here.
Gen Y 2 (Thailand grey) 5/10  
Tropes: this is an insane soap opera
Exactly as chaotically messy as expected, possibly worse, as the four main couples apparently each decided they were acting in a different kind of BL. While I do believe that the world demands the excess Star Hunter provides, it is utterly exhausting to watch. No full review because I live blogged this one here.
Ghost Host, Ghost House (Thailand YouTube) 7/10 
Tropes: my ghost boyfriend, PNR, domesticity
This is a light horror plus family drama built around a well executed BL trough-line that felt honestly queer with fantastic chemistry from the lead pair. (I hope that we see more of them.) Pluem delivers the softest most seductive krap ever and watching them flirt over noodles is an unalloyed pleasure. Use of I/you pronouns is super interesting and cute. For me personally the surrounding cast, premise, and story didn’t resonate but if you like a touch of gothic in your BL this might appeal.
The Eclipse (Thailand YouTube) 8/10 
Tropes: sinister boarding school, haze the one you love, suspense, high school setting, coming of age  
GMMTV does gay Blacklist with a good boy/bad boy pairing. Starred First & Khaotung plus the side dish pair from FUTS NeoLouis. This is a good show but the cast was excellent and the leads were absolutely flawless. They gave us a nuanced and multifaceted burgeoning relationship: philosophical (and socio-political) conflict contrasted to moments of empathy; flirtation contrasted to moments of genuine affection. This narrative is less about love than it is about courage and tenderness. However, near the end the pacing was off and the plot frustrating. Still, this is an enjoyable watch, with an ending that features verbal consent and a funny blooper reel. 
Enchanté (Thailand YouTube) 7/10
Tropes: childhood sweethearts, sunshine/tsundere, secret admirer with a touch of Cyrano de Bergerac and dose of Boys Over Flowers.
Theo returns from France and starts a written flirtation inside a library book (!) at his new uni with the mysterious Enchante. When he and his best friend Akk hunt for Enchante’s real identity, 4 senior boys step forward - all intersted in dating Theo, all with ulterior motives. Can’t fault the chemistry or the classic old school Thai uni BL and Akk (Force) was particularly sympathetic. But the twist over Enchantie’s identity felt disingenuous, manipulative, and unnecessary and the whole narrative was flawed as a result, Theo became unlikeable and irredeemable. GMMTV seems to specialize in squandering great chemistry on shoddy scripts. Honestly it probubly should get an 8/10 by my rating system but I was so disappointed I’m giving it a 7/10 and not bothering to write a full review. Live blog ep-by-ep recap here.
Eternal Yesterday AKA Eien no Kino (Japan Gaga) 2/10
Tropes: my ghost boyfriend, paranormal, kill the gay, dark 
Smart boy in love with zombie incubus, keeps him alive with sex. This prevailing wistfulness between our leads about the future that they know they will never get to have. The way Michan is constantly listening and feeling for his Koichi’s heartbeat for a reassurance that is never going to come.Japan, king of thirst, gives us both that and PAIN: these 2 are drowning in yearning and loss. Careful with this one - you break it, you bought it, and it'll break you... wide open just to see what color your guts are. After watching, you too might be walking around alone, forgotten, and wondering why no one understands your loss. Not only does it not end happily, it ends hopelessly. 
NOT RECOMMENDED (for newer BL fans) 
Even Sun (Thailand iQIYI) 5/10
Tropes: vacation romance, enemies to lovers, sunshine/tsundere
The language is fun in this one (they also use chan/nai so I’m guessing it’s and organized crime thing), the cast is excellent, the boxers mildly interesting and BounPrem’s chemistry is unmatched, but... I still disliked it. It was unequivocally boring.
First Love Again (Korea Viki) 7/10
Tropes: fated mates, bodyswap
A popular novelist who remembers his past lives meets his soulmate who has been reincarnated in the body of a man. This one started out a touch mean spirited, but it pulled itself together and we even got a good kiss (for a KBL). Then they went from like to love to boyfriends in a red hot minute. The confession/rejection scene was justified and the reconciliation and ending was... fine. All in all the pacing felt rushed, and the romantic arc was underdeveloped, but that’s par for the course with Korea’s short form. If you don’t mind a heavy does of melodrama in your BL this one has a solid story with a strong concept that’s well acted and produced, making it a classic KBL with better than average chemistry but ultimately a touch forgettable. (Full review here.)
Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai! (Japan Viki & GaGa) 8/10
AKA Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss! AKA Mr Unlucky Can Only kiss
Tropes: opposites attract, accidental relationship, cohabitation  
Mr Chronically Unlucky (another adorable chaos muffin) and Mr Always Lucky end up dating after they meet at uni orientation. It’s JAPAN yet they kissed in the first episode. What freaky alt-reality did I enter into? That’s all they kiss tho, over which I was a touch disappointed (I know). Still I spent far too much of my time with this show biting my knuckles and squealing “THEY’RE SO CUTE!” Amusing story: I paused mid the most tooth-achingly adorable first date in the entire universe and Viki was like “something missing?” and I was like “MY HEART YOU BASTARDS” It is very slapstick Japanese style comedic (light) BL reminds me a bit of Kieta Hatsukoi or Cherry Magic. So if you like that style of BL you’ll adore this show.
Happy Ending Romance (Korea Gaga) 8/10
Tropes: office romance, identity theft, cohabitation 
As a BL it kinda isn’t (sorry to say). There’s no tropes dropped and no real romance narrative beats. This is about dishonesty and pride and there is an elegance to the theme. Which is essentially the idea that possession is not love, and therefore, those who love the Writer have to prove their love by letting him go. Honestly, I’m not sure how to rate this show as a result. This is a blog about BL and this wasn’t that. Full review. 
RECOMMENDED (but not if romance is what you’re primarily after) 
Hard Love Mission (Thailand WeTV) 3/10
Tropes: office romance, spoiled celebrity, 
Phenomenally dull Thai pulp about a journalist sent to interview a celebrity who ends up his manager, only 4 episodes and it still could’ve been shorter. It’s a bummer, the concept wasn’t bad. ALSO Chinese censorship got its gross mitts all over it (thank you, Tencent). Do not waste your time.
In Your Heart (Mainland China GaGa) 2/10
Tropes: friends to lovers, codependency, amorphous ending
It’s very mainland China BL, which makes me feel a bit like we are back in 2016 being tormented by nostalgia. It hasn’t a single modern sensibility in it (to be fair neither does China’s het stuff). Which I don’t mind, but it felt off? Messy? Sideways? I was surprised that there was some high heat, but I wasn’t surprised that the couple ended up separated. And yet... If you expect to be disappointed, can you still be disappointed?
Kabe Koji (Japan Viki) 7/10 
Tropes: celebrity romance, sunshine/tsundere 
Basically this is A Man Who Defies the World of BL + Senpai This Can’t be Love (as @heretherebedork said) and equally painfully EXTRA. Nakao Masaki playing a sunshine bouncy himbo character is a fucking revelation, I didn’t think he had it in him. This should’ve been my favorite BL of all time (IT’S AN IDOL LOVE INTEREST!), but the tsundere is too tsundere for me, I really hate the stalker photograph thing it’s apparently a trigger I didn’t know I had until BL tried to romanticize it. I kept feeling like there were the bones of good story in this drama, and I got glimpses of it, but then it’s covered again - like tasty steak smothered in Kewpie mayo. 
Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai (Japan grey) 7/10 
AKA I Only Want to Keep Looking at You
Tropes: friends to lovers, coming of age, high school setting, introvert/extrovert
This is a beautiful piece of cinema well acted, about two boys who are opposite personalities and grew up together. Gifted and serious Sakura (Kura Yuki from His the series) and outgoing eccentric manic pixie dream boy, Yuma. It is very pretty and this is the kind of atmospheric elegantly performed BL that only really comes from Japan (complete with dead fish kisses - what you though Korea invented them? oh no). I felt like I was “supposed to like it” more than I did, ultimately I was left feeling like I had seen it all before. So for me it was lovely but slightly unmemorable.
Kiss X Kiss X Kiss - Perfect Scandal (Japan Billibi) 7/10
SHORT 5-8 minutes sample pack micro-romances: 2 featured BL-ish setups. One with idols in a group together and a secret relationship (Idol Kiss) and another featuring a reluctant boss and flirty subordinate (A Sweet Kiss). Both were cute but mostly just, ya know, kissing. (Reminds me a bit of Korea’s early Triple Do You Want). The interesting thing about the idol one, is one of the leads is ALSO in a het installment. He gives great chemistry with both his partners. And I think he’s a good example of an actor being just, ya know, an actor about the physical part of a romance. Which I take about in terms of never assuming queerness based on performance, here.
RECOMMENDED (for what it is)
KinnPorsche (Thailand iQiYi) 7/10
Tropes: bodyguard, mafia, cohabitation, BDSM, he’s a monster but he’s my monster
VegasPete were in one drama; KimChay were in another; KinnPorsche were in each of those randomly but then sometimes in their own extremely slapstick cheese-fest alt-reality + Tankhun. There were clearly 2 directors with 2 distinct and conflicting points of view, who apparently never had a single conversation with each other. Was this show good? Nope. Was it absorbing as fuck? Sure. Was it well acted, absolutely. Were the sex scenes great? Yes. We the fight scenes awesome? Actually yeah (special props to Jeff for the hand-to-hand stuff). Did I enjoy the kinky bits? Certainly. But all that said: the VegasPete universe of KP was the only universe I really enjoyed and would like to revisit, and I only got that 1/5 of the time. Mathematics is working against this one, for me personally. So I guess I, at least, am still waiting for the perfect mafia BL. I think it might be up to Japan at this juncture. As a result of fan fervor meets my own hearty indifference, I don’t really know how to judge this show but I have to go with my heart, and KP didn’t win it. No full review here on tumbr but I did post on to MDL.
Kissable Lips (Korea Viki) 2/10
Tropes: fated mates, paranormal, vampire, codified chase/stalker/ seme
Vampire has to decide between killing the boy he loves or living longer himself. Perfectly cast with a sexy, deadly, tortured vampire and the sweet uke prey who managed to be soft and appealing without being weak or inactive (props to the actor). Better kisses than your average KBL did not mitigate the fact that they killed 1/2 of the couple. Ultimately, one of my most disappointing BLs of 2022. Full review here.
La Cuisine (Thailand GaGa) 7/10
Tropes: crush, campus star, bully trigger, best boys, soft & sweet,
A sweet and kind of pure show, and like Thai desserts perhaps requires too much patience for a layperson. Because of the pacing and the focus on the bad girl character, I did dock it. But if you like stuff in the Oxygen vein, then this show is for you, and far better than most Thai BL pulps. That said, I suspect that I enjoyed it more than many would. Full review here.
Love Area 2 (Thailand GaGa) 3/10
Tropes: I don’t know and neither does it
Look, it wasn't as bas as Bite Me, but it wasn’t actually good, either. This started out as Thailand tackles love triangles pulp style, but by season two lockdown had changed everything. Valen & Kaitoon dropped some great kisses but traded off crazy hair and makeup in a scene-by-scene whiplash that was clearly pickups done months after initial filming, and the second lead just... vanished. It was surreal. Side dishes jumped up screen time but tackled mental health... badly. A fantastic new queer side character was randomly introduced, June, who was the best thing to happen to BL linguistics in 2022 but had nothing to do with the rest of the cast, show, or plot. What a mess. Yes tehre was some very good chemistry and June is a GREAT queer character... BUT...  In the end, I was just confused af. Full review here.
Love Class (Korea GaGa) 8/10
Tropes: university BL, forced proximity, unrequited love, crush, slight love triangle, triggers (outing, bashing, stalking)
This was a fast-moving, bloated, complicated little show with stronger than usual story structure, well-acted if lacking in chemistry, that managed to be very appealing and engaging despite itself. What it lacked in content it more than made up for in pacing. Both bingable and rewatchable.
Love in Spring (Korea grey) 3/10
AKA Spring of Crush
Tropes: historical, soap opera, fake identity, hidden secrets, cross dressing
This drama was all over the place with uneven acting, narrative, and focus (sometimes it wanted to be a slapstick comedy, sometimes a depressing drama) which meant no one, actors or viewers, took anyone or anything seriously.... AND it’s a bromance. I was left wondering is SalHyung is now code for “they were roommates” in Kdrama historicals but otherwise largely apathetic and unimpressed. Korea, we now know you can do better. Watch Tinted With You or Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding instead. Full review here.
Love in the Air (Thai iQIYI) 7/10
Tropes: enemies to lovers, too stupid to live, stalker/obsession, university setting, grumpy/tsundere, sunshine/tsundere, abuse triggers
What’s it like? Two stories of aggressive player dudes pursuing innocent younger boys. Terrible. Also entertaining and engaging and kinda hot. Like all good dumpster fires. Recommended only if you know you like this kind of thing. Look, you remember in high school drama class where they make you “envision a basket, and put all of your worry, bad mood, and anxiety into that basket, and leave it outside the door”? Well, in order to enjoy this show, you have to do that, only with your morals. Some people have bigger baskets than others. Mame’s creature whipped me into a verbal frenzy, resulting in yet another trash watch. 
Love Mechanics (Thailand WeTV) 6/10 
Tropes: messy disaster bi, out gay boy, cheating, drama llamas
My favorite messy cheeky drama-llama boys were back in spades. And initially I enjoyed it more than I should and more than it deserved. This whole series is basically a diatribe against cheating, with the sweet out gay boy reaping all the punishment a disaster bi can enact. YinWar are geniuses at chemistry and good actors, and their new high heat stuff is excellent, but the story was not improved by being given more time to hang itself. Full review on MDL. 
Love Stage (Thailand Feb-March YouTube) 8/10
Tropes: childhood crush, sunshine/tsundere, unrequited love, secret identity
This BL surprised me with its charm. The acting was good, the leads were appealing, support cast on point, and the production values high. It followed the original manga story arc relatively closely: boy falls in love with girl as a child, grows up to discover girl is actually a very pretty boy. Although there are some quintessentially Thai changes that mellowed, softened, and extended the romance arc. One of the things I’ve always appreciated about this story is that the climax is about coming out as a celebrity couple as well as gay. I like the examination of the nature of celebrity versus privacy, and the contrasting kinds of closets. And I love that they depicted two couples with two different versions of this choice. A solid and enjoyable show. Full review here.
Meow Ears Up (Thailand GaGa) 4/10
Tropes: PNR, catboy, broken characters, hurt/comfort
Adapted from the Korean manhwa Hey, Your Ears Popped Out. This is interesting, Thailand doesn’t adapt from outside their own y-novel tradition very often. This is a pretty classic version of catboy trope: a lonely orphan comic artist adopts a stray cat who suddenly turns into a human teaches him about love, chaos, and family. SO CUTE it hurts and I got very “indulgent daddy” vibes from Mr. DD, which I’m not mad about it. There’s surprising depth to this very weird little show. It’s touching and relatable, but I guess it was trying to be too Japanese/Korean about it while the set up was all sweetness and Thai style, because they fudged the ending. For me, that’s a fatal flaw. Full review here.
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Minato’s Laundromat (Japan GaGa) 9/10
AKA Minato’s Coin Laundry AKA Minato Shoji Koinrandori AKA Minato Shoji Coin Laundry AKA Wash My Heart
Tropes: age gap, pining since childhood, 
A high school student pursues the man of his dreams who happens to run a laundromat in this classic age gap BL. Minato’s Laundromat is so steeped in yaoi tropes and archetypes, not to mention a typical romance arc, that it will be and overload for some fans, but those of who follow this genre for its DNA will adore it. It made me very happy because it did everything I want a BL to do, and there’s not much more I ask of a show than this. It’s the closest Japan has come to perfect live action yaoi since Seven Days. Squee watch along (in lieu of a full review).
Mr Cinderella (Vietnam YouTube) 8/10
Tropes: forced proximity, cohabitation, childhood sweethearts, opposites attract, good boy/bad boy, domesticity
Higher than normal production values plus experienced BL actors plus two charismatic smoldering leads with good kissing and comfortable body language make this Vietnam’s objectively best BL to date. Plus we got a fabulously (and quintessentially Vietnamese) domestic ending. Full review here.
My Only 12% (Thailand iQIYI) 8/10  
Tropes: friends to lovers, childhood crush, out gay character, jock/nerd, cancer mom, side noona romance 
Neighbors and codependent childhood friends, Cake & Seeiw, have opposite personalities but may be falling in love. Familiar faces include Prem (Between Us) and Peak (Make it Right). This is a complex, nuanced, and well done little BL romance (tailor made for SantaEarth) about holding onto first love and childhood, but it’s buried under waffling family drama and formless side characters so that it took a lot of digging to get at. 
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My Ride (Thailand GaGa) 9/10
Tropes: sunshine/softie, friends-to-lovers, crush, bisexual identity, out gay, rich/poor
BL grew up with this pulp - a truly lovely and special little show featuring the extremely rare pairing of sunshine/sunshine AKA the cinnamon roll couple. Mature explorations of relationships using one of the softest, sweetest and most innocent friends to lovers vehicles. Kindly overworked doctor meets broken hearted dimpled motorcycle taxi driver in an “other side of the tracks” slow burn romance. With great friendship groups and family dynamics the support cast is excellent. With honest queer rep that adds to, but doesn’t impede the story, good friendship groups and genuine conversation about the nature of class, wealth, and classism, not to mention communication, honesty, and respect for boundaries, you can’t go wrong with this show. In other news, I am a sucker for a single dimple. 
My Secret Love the series (Thailand YouTube) 6/10 
Tropes: jock/nerd, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, reunion romance, secret romance, LTR 
Lead couple had a tom/jerry vibe with the uke too stiff and serious and the seme a prankster immature arse - one of my least favorite dynamics (it always seems mean-spirited). They reminded me of My Boy (which I DNFd) X BonDuen from My Engineer (who I dislike). Other pairs include BearBomb, TimMai and ParkLee (LTR whom use ter with each other). The domesticity with the side couples was somewhat engaging, and the sex scenes were descent, but that’s it. The worst thing about this show (aside from leads chemistry) was that the chemistry of the friendship groups felt off too. Normally, Thailand can handle friendship groups fine. But these two different groups? I didn’t believe they were friends at all. Full review on MDL. 
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My Tooth Your Love (Taiwan Gaga & Viki) 8.5/10
Tropes: childhood trauma, phobias, doctor/patient, age gap
It’s not love in Taiwan if one of them doesn’t stumble into the other.
From the producers of We Best Love, earnest dentist hottie with sad eyes who worries too much is smitten with an adorable sunshine neurotic bar owner with serious anxiety issues, they fall in love while courting each other with food, plushies, and naps. Then, shocker, talk about their feelings and try to actually sort out their problems so they can have an adult relationship. Bonus 18 year old poor little rich kid in mad crush with a much older man. I really enjoyed this show, it had a fun premise, killer dialogue, there was a solis lead pair with charming chemistry, soft flirtation, and delightful smiling kisses and stinkingly cute domesticity. All that said, I wasn’t wild about some of the darker themes it explored (abuse, panic attacks, abandonment issues), even though it did a good job with them. And while the crumbs and sides were v adorable they were chronically underused. In the land of May/December, baby boy kabedon is my kryptonite! Why so little of them? Kabedon is My Krytonite = also the name of my indie band’s first single.) 
In other news: I identify WAY too much with the bartender daddy. He pretty much opens his mouth and says what I’m thinking 90% of the time. 
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Not Me (Thailand YouTube) 9/10  
Tropes: enemies to lovers, secret identity, identical twins, goodboy/bad boy
GMMTV gave us a dark disestablishment narrative (in a time of civil unrest) with established queer award-winning director Anucha and starring OffGun. THIS IS AN AMAZING THING to get to experience in the BL world - nerve racking but remarkable. But was it ACTUALLY BL? Not Me had a lot of BL elements, but in the end that’s not what the show was about, or even what it was genuinely trying to be. Still an amazing piece of Thai cinema certainly worth your time. Don’t worry, it all ends happily. Full review here. OffGun Eulogy here.
Ocean Likes Me (Korea Viki) 8/10  
Tropes: opposites attract, grumpy/sunshine, impossible dreams
This is a solid little KBL, with a good premise and cast. Manic pixie dream boy can get old fast but when contrasted with awkward grumpy chef? Tasty combo that elevates both ingredients. Holland is a charming screen presence, baby boy is HYPNotiC. And while I wasn’t entirely sold on the chemistry with these two they gave us some very good kisses. I grinned through most episodes and I even didn’t mind the standard KBL 1 year separation at the end because it felt very true to the characters. Don’t worry they end up back together.
Oh! Boarding House (Korea Viki) 8/10
Tropes: forced proximity, cohabitation, crush, love triangle
Spoiled rich kid in financial straights has to manage a boarding house full of quirky characters including: bratty cousin, wacko writer, adorable bestie with a crush, and the new hot jock (love interest). All in all, this show ended up being A LOT better than I expected. It was uneven in its attempt to reconcile early sitcom (slightly Thai) style with a serious love triangle and genuine romance but the quality of the performances and the kind and honest treatment of the characters make it definitely worth watching. (Full review here.)  
DEFINITELY RECOMMENDED, a lost gem esp for Kdrama fans 
Oh! My Assistant (Korea Viki) 7/1O
Tropes: grumpy/sunshine, himbo chaos bi, out gay 
This is a very silly show that acts like it comes from a very silly yaoi. Reserved out gay younger assistant (we stan) pretending to be tsundere but is actually just v shy and smitten by his cheerful (seemingly straight) chaos bi himbo artist boss. I think the cross cutting in of old footage with the replacement actor after the re-cast did affect the chemistry with this pair. There was no way around it. Even KBL isn't usually this awkward and repressed. Although this show had the best bisexual awakening sequence ever put in a BL, and I really wanted to love it, I just didn't. 
Oh My Sunshine Night (Thailand grey) 7/10
Tropes: university, sickness, fated mates, whipping boy, poor little rich boy, soap opera
Kim, a tsundere musician meets Sun, a transfer student with a weak heart. Also there’s his hot older brother + their household servant, and a couple of fencers for good measure. Initially this pretends to be a normal university, then it slips on wet tiles and falls right on trough multiple shower scenes into ludicrous soap opera territory leaving one with a sensation rather like trying to hold onto soap in a communal shower. Ultimately, everyone seems pretty happy they bent over, but no one actually got clean. 
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Old Fashion Cupcake (Japan Viki) 9/10
Tropes: office romance, age gap, employee/boss, food is the love language, coming of age late in life
This show had me from the moment they broke the egg yolk with the chopsticks in the opening credits for episode one. It’s about a younger man with a long cherished crush on his boss (ten years older and going through a mid life crisis) who decides to save and seduce said man with pancakes. It’s wholesome, comforting, sexy, and a very necessary narrative about still having hope, interests, and openness to affection at any age. It’s coming of age/queerness packaged in a subtle critique of expectations around masculinity and love and loneliness... and it’s beautiful. Full review here.
Once Again (Korea GaGa) 2/10
Tropes: age gap, childhood trauma, tragedy, time travel, inevitable fate 
JaeWoo lives with childhood trauma and gets a chance to travel to the past to fix it by saving JiHoon. But you can’t change fate. From Moving Picture (studio behind equally tragic Kissable Lips)) this one stars actors (not idols) including Moon Ji Young (also in The New Employee) and is very well performed with a great, but sad, actual PLOT. It was a little bit more creepy than romantic, kind of Gothic and tense, but also strangely amusing (this odd kid just keeps hugging JiHoon - that’s like 1000x weirder in Korea than most places) and more enjoyable than it had a right to be with a really interesting take on the childhood crush trope. Ultimately, however, it kills the gay and is very sad. 
Our Days the series (Thailand GaGa) 4/10
Tropes: sports romance, messy gays be messy, cohabitation, crush, love triangle, tsundere
Enemies to lovers meets forced proximity (boarding house) in which I couldn’t decide if the unlikable main character was stupid or depressed (story of my life, see also Physical Therapy) but I can’t take yet another emo POV. There was no chemistry from the leads and great chemistry from the ex-friend/second lead. Saint’s dad punishing him, when he doesn’t realize it’s because Saint is gay and heartbroken, really had meat to it as part of a basketball story. But it was such a tiny part of the overall show it felt like eating a meal when all I liked was one ingredient. I’d like to see the actor who played Saint (Offroad) in other stuff but otherwise this one can fade and be forgotten. It was a mess, and not a hot one. Fatally flawed.
Paint with Love (Thailand Gaga) 6/10
Tropes: opposites attract, office romance, sunshine/tsundere, enemies to lovers, wierdo/rulebound
For me the mains were unlikeable and the actors had poor chemistry. So while this offered a lot of what I thought I wanted from a Thai BL - mature characters, office setting, adult themes - I’m wasn’t wild about the execution. I suspect Thai pulps are better when they stick to university/high school. This one felt like a better version of Loveless Society (but that’s not saying much). The side dishes (Yoon & Yacht) gave us more chemistry and a better kiss but had little screen time. It was interesting to see them portray BL actors being shipped and then confessing to actually dating each others I’m not sure how I feel about the handling of it but it was different from Lovely Writer. In the end, this show was nicely grown up but boring and became a matter of endurance for me. I can’t ever see myself rewatching it.
Papa & Daddy 2 (Taiwan GaGa) 6/10  
I don’t have a good history with 2nd seasons, and Taiwan really likes to make a soap opera out of their queers. Witness that this one starts with a secret baby trope. There’s a lot of lying to each other and evil parents and, of course, 2nd lead syndrome strikes again. The domesticity was, of course, excellent (I love the gay siblings sharing tips on how to parent) and it was actually kind of beautiful to watch them explore ideas around infidelity, affection, lost love, and rediscovery. However, it lost me at episode 3 and never quite got me back, not even with the delightfully cheesy wedding. All in all, this was a serviceable follow up to the first installment, if riddled by unbearable parents, lack of story, and sappiness.  
Plus & Minus (Taiwan Viki) 8/10
AKA Plus and Minus AKA PlusMinus
Tropes: friends to lovers, LTR, office romance, (himbo) sunshine/tsundere, found family, himbo
This is a solid safe little BL about codependent besties of 20 years finding their way into a romantic relationship. A bit cheesy, with lots of domesticity and occasional dumb drama. (But gay boys and chaos bis? What can ya do?) It’s not groundbreaking but it is a solid sweet unassuming little show of a style that is perhaps a bit more Thai than it is Taiwanese but I’m okay with that. Full review here.
Rainbow Prince (The Philippines YouTube) 6/10
Tropes: disney princess, opposites attract, sunshine/tsundere
This long form MUSICAL BL is fucking LEGEND. Also it’s profoundly not good. The acting is absolutely terrible but that’s not the point, the point is that it’s a cheesy af fairy story. Possibly the gayest BL to ever BL and certainly the most camp and very Disney. Watch it of that’s your thing, otherwise hard pass. (Full review here.)
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Korea Viki) 8/10
Tropes: rich/poor, boss/employee, enemies to lovers, office setting, cohabitation  
This is a solid little office set KBL about a rich kid who ends up both the boss and tenant of a total sweetheart cutie, and falls madly in love with him. Although the show suffered from KBL’s shorter length, I love the kissable lips pair - they deliver solid all round chemistry despite limited screen time, which is rare from Korea. So I hope they stay branded and we get even more from them in the future. Special extra extended kissing scene.
Secret Crush on You (Thailand YouTube) 7/10
Tropes: stalking, obsession, hottest guy on campus, multiple couples, queer affirming
Previously known as Stalker the series, and you can TELL. Co-produced by and featuring (but NOT staring) Saint and directed by Cheewin (sigh) with all fresh faces it was pure pulp and... I hated the plot. In fact I was ALL OVER THE PLACE with this show. SCOY drove me nuts and made me bush but had flashes of unparalleled genius. It had a ton of things I really did not like (e.g. the humor was crass and awkward, and the whole stalker thing was extremely CRINGE). It also had things that really worked: (e.g. representation of multiple different kinds of queerness, about which it very Taiwanese - in that there was no doubt that the characters really did want to bone). It was the opposite of sanitized gay. Honestly, if you can make it through the first half, and survive the never ending cringe-factor that IS this show, the second half is entirely unique - content we’ve never seen before in BL.
RECOMMENDED WITH RESERVATIONS, but not the usual ones.
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Semantic Error (Korea Viki) 10/10
Tropes: opposites attract, enemies to lovers, bully romance, sunshine/tsundere, teasing & pranks
This is my favorite BL of 2022 won a Blue Dragon award. Korea hits it entirely out of both Parks (pun on the actors’ last names intended) by doing a university set BL with everything we might expect done exactly right, their signature quality executed perfectly, and added bonus good story, great pacing, yaoi style filming, and fantastic chemistry. You cannot ask for more from a BL, let alone a KBL. Full review here.
Senpai, Danjite Koidewa! (Japan Viki) 6/10
AKA Senpai, This Can’t be Love!
Tropes: office romance, object of my affection, boss/employee
Adapted from a manga for the same name, it has a similar creepy worship stalking vibe Secret Crush On You. Look, I admit it, this dynamic (super awkward pining uke, rockstar seme) is one of my least favorites - high cringe factor meets navel gazing obsessive. Japan’s weird hang-up around physical expressions of affection in BL which I expect in their slapstick high school stuff, feels cowardly here. They don't leave out end kisses in their het office romances, time to stop desexualizing the gays, too. For a plot about courage, it’s a bummer that the narrative itself didn’t have any. I can’t imagine ever watching this show again or remembering its existence. When Japan drops the balls they drop all the way to the bottom of the well. 
Something in My Room (Thailand YouTube) 2/10
Tropes: paranormal, cohabitation, my ghost boyfriend, sunshine/tsundere
Horror BL starring Nut (Oxygen) who was a revelation, still a little stiff but he handled a totally different character from Solo with aplomb. Essentially, this was a well done pulp lockdown project version of He’s Coming to Me (with hints of So Much in Love and Peach of Time) but it was its own creature at the last gasp. I enjoyed it when it got a bit creepy but it was so slow it never had a chance to maintain tension. The two leads were ultimately cute together, but, like Peach of Time, we all knew how this one was gonna end. The narrative never left us in any doubt and I don’t like unhappy endings in my BL. So even though the sad was predictable, I won’t give this drama anymore than 2/10. Don’t kill my gays, Thailand, even when they’re already dead.
Star & Sky: Star in My Mind (Thailand YouTube) 8/10
Tropes: university set, high school crush, jock/nerd, long term pining, secret crush, reunion
This is (sort of) a lost love reunion arc + freshy hotness contest giving it 2 Moons vibes. Look, this is one of those shows that I shouldn’t really like after 400 BLs. It’s not at all unique, just some classic Thai uni folderol driven by miscommunication (or just non-communication) and yet... I COULD NOT STOP WATCHING. Sure it felt like everyone involved with this show was mostly phoning it in, but it was a REALLY nice phone call. It’s basic BL. But honestly, don’t we all need that plain white t-shirt to wear under our engineering smock... in the end? Full review here.
Star & Sky: Sky in Your Heart (Thailand YouTube) 5/10
Tropes: rural setting, country mouse/city mouse, rich/pour, enemies to lovers
A cheap 1000 Stars knock off about a doctor who goes rural and falls in love with a volunteer teacher. This show managed to be boring, corny, AND cheesy? I don’t know exactly how to write a review of this, as “dull” isn’t in my rating system but, it is a BIG SIN for me. I guess this should be added to my short list of BL‘s that are told from the seme’s perspective? Linguistically: these two are formal with each other using pom/khun. Also If you want to hear frozen register spoken, that’s what Prince’s maa speaks to tease Fah. Full review here.
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Takara-kun and Amagi-kun (Japan GaGa & Viki) 9/10  
Tropes: high school crush, chaos baby, high angst, classic seme/uke, secret relationship 
I gnawed on my knuckles and squealed a lot with this show. Reserved cool kid who must lean to communicate to keep the tiny disaster nugget he’s madly in love with. It is beyond charming: soft and gentle, packed with cuteness and high school angst. Did anything actually happen? No. Was it emotionally tense and paced well enough for me not to notice? Absolutely. Was there plot? Not really. Did I enjoy the hell out of it, anyway? Oh yes. Full review. 
That’s My Candy (Korea Viki) 3/10
Tropes: magical realism, LTR, breakup, amnesia, reunion
KimCop vehicle from Star Hunter, about an LTR between a student Jing (Cop) + nurse Guy (Kim) who have been together for 3 years. Guy is busy all the time so Jing is starting to feel neglected and look elsewhere. KimCop are excellent (no surprise there) but I was not into the story, premise, or concept. Side couple Viking & TamTam stole this one for me but the final ep activates the amnesia trope so even they could save it. Honestly I was left, ultimately with a sensation of: What did I just watch? It was terrible. Full review here.
Tinted With You (Korea Viki) 8/10
Tropes: historical, portal fantasy, time travel
Fun stylish time travel portal fantasy with a likable cast, historical setting, and two actual kisses that mitigate a rough plot and issues around anachronisms. Full review here.
To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories (Korea Viki) 7/10
Tropes: grumpy/sunshine, hurt/comfort, opposites attract, forced proximity, breakup/reunion
If you like angst, wallowing, and realistic relationship struggles in your BL, watch this. If you prefer fluffy comforting BL, avoid like the plague. For me the pay out was not sufficient to the pain. I enjoyed the performances, directing, and chemistry - the leads’ comfort with each other is unprecedented in Korean BL, but that’s not enough for me to rise above the pain of the narrative. This show is a home wrecking hussy, but like super classy about it. Full review here.
Triage (Thailand grey) 7/10  
Tropes: time loop, age gap, medical drama, fated mates
I thought the plot was good if a little redundant and occasionally exhausting. The pairs were all well done, low heat but with decent chemistry and the support characters were likable (or unlikable as required). I feel much as a did with Manner of Death, which is to say: this feels less BL than it does gay time-slip suspense. If anything, the romance arc detracted and distracted from the main plot. But I’m in BL for the romance, and the rewatchability, and this had very little of either. Full review here.
The Tuxedo (Thailand GaGa) 3/10
Tropes: tsundere seme, enemies to lovers, rich/poor
GMMTV be like, “see us squander glorious chemistry on terrible scripts.” The Tuxedo be like, “oh yeah? Hold my beer.” Watching this was like eating a meal of just spices. the spice profile was great, but it wasn’t ON actual food. The show itself had no plot or story and MADE NO SENSE, but I really hope we see these boys again in something more worthy of them.
Unforgotten Night (Thailand GaGa) 5/10 
Tropes: mafia, BDSM, not much of either 
Adapted from the y-novel Mafia's Bad Love, (originally featured both a gay poly triad and a GL sub plot). Stared Yoon (YYY, Paint With Love, My Ride) as a mafia Dom and Ton (Y-Destiny) as the accountant sub. Kim has a one night stand with a random stranger who becomes obsessed with him. Pretty soon into this I began to think this show should be called Forgotten Kink rather than Unforgotten Night. There isn't any. Mostly there's faucets left on and shower heads used for tie points (don't DO that). But honestly this was just bad. There is a moral to this show but I’m not sure what it is. Don’t combine your BDSM-but-not-really BL pulp with plumbing? In the end, this dumpster fire was extinguished by a garden hose and all we were left with was leaky pipes and the smell of damp trash. The only kinks were in the hose. No full review but I did to a trash watch. 
Vice Versa (Thailand YouTube) 8/10 
Tropes: alt reality, bodyswap, soulmates AKA fated mates, portal fantasy
Jimmy (Puen the super flirt confident king) is insanely charismatic and takes up all the air in (the proverbial cinematic) room, but I warmed up to Sea (Talay the timid acerbic sweetheart) eventually. As a couple they read as more teasing and brotherly than sexy, but that’s GMMTV’s brand. I enjoyed the concept of this show (I’m big into magical realism and skewed reality - see my adoration for Color Rush) but JittiRain’s plot was contrived and weak (normal for them). I find the “writing on each other” habit quite cute. Look, here’s the thing, flaws and all I pretty much spent this entire show smiling. I didn’t even mind being so obviously manipulated. That said, this is never going to be one of my top rewatch rotations, so I’m calling it for an 8/10. 
Want to See You (Vietnam YouTube) 5/10
AKA Muốn Nhìn Thấy Em
Tropes: whipping boy, disability, secret love
Everyone’s favorite Vietnamese hottie Ba Vinh (O2 Productions: Mr Cinderella etc...) played an arsehole blind man (Jane Eyre feels) who hires a live in nurse and both get taken advantage of by a series of psycho femme fatales characters. The chemistry was okay but not Vinh’s best. Did they serve up prime domesticity? Of course. This is Vietnam, you get what you pay for. But tonally, this show was all over the place, hugely inconsistent in characterization and motivation. No clean narrative through line. Nothing anyone did actually ever made sense, it was mostly just frustrating. 
What If (Thailand WeTV) 4/10
Had promised but was ultimately a complete letdown, not really BL either. It was, in the end, primarily about singing, so you know I didn’t like anything about this. 
What Zabb Man! (Thailand YouTube) 8/10
Tropes: enemies to lovers, tsundere seme, rich/poor
WZM was better than we have any right to expect with decent pacing and a foodie theme threaded through the narrative as both love language and plot driver. Basically CEO falls in love with a street vendor’s food, recruits him to work in his hotel, falls in love with him, and that’s the beginning. Class struggles! Kitchen drama! Papaya pounding (not a euphemism)! Chef poaching (not literally)! Spicy scenes (yes literally)! It’s all so delicious. Full review here.
RECOMMENDED, especially if you like Thai food
You’re My Sky (Thailand Viki) 6/10
Tropes: sports romance, friends to lovers, jock/nerd meets sunshine/tsundere, cheating
A serviceable college-set pulp that focused on 3 sports romances with high angst, but was ultimately too slow moving for me, and with only one couple I liked (SaenAei). Main couple, FahThorn = basketball jocks, boring. DomeVee = track & field with a disaster bi cheating with your sister’s boyfriend storyline (by FAR the best sexual chemistry). SaenAei = jock/nerd with a younger puppy sunshine seme, best boys. Saen was my favorite character; relentlessly flirty but always clear about with his interest and steady in his regard, but who wants this many eps for one side character?
Work from Heart (Thailand YouTube) 4/10
Tropes: Romeo & Romeo, office romance
Pulp office drama featuring tons of couples starring Gameplay as rich kid terrible dresser Dee who forms an unfathomable and poorly depicted romance with his internship supervisor. Some nifty linguistic stuff and great lead pair chemistry, doesn’t compensate for one of the worst wardrobes and an ultimately unfathomable plot. 
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Shows I dropped, lost track of, never got around to or otherwise failed to complete.
2 Moons: The Ambassador AKA 2 Moons 3 (Thailand grey) 
I hear that it’s pretty banal and I’m just waiting to collect them all and binge. I doubt it will get a high rating from me or monkey with the standings much so I’m not fussed. 
7 Days 7 Boys (Thailand grey) 
No subs and it is also profoundly not good. Do not bother.
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us (Thailand GaGa) 
8 eps - This is a queer drama not a BL. It’s fine, reminded me oddly of early Taiwanese stuff, a bit slow moving and oddly paced. But I intensely disliked the lead character. He's a brat in the wrong way. Especially as a 20 year old. 
Country Boy 2 (Thailand who cares?)
I barely managed the first installment. No thank you. 
Fahlanruk (Thailand GaGa) 
I found all the characters profoundly unlikeable. I don’t like any of the couples and the fujoshi framing is repulsive under the context of a narrative trying to be this authentically gay. I lost all patience and cut my losses at ep 5. @heretherebedork said it was BohnDuen 2.0 only worse and that’s my least favorite dynamic of all time, so yeah, not gonna bother. 
Fudanshi Bartender no Tashinami (AKA Accomplishment of Fudanshi Bartender) (Japan Gaga) 
BL Express posted a review and it sounds A LOT like another kind of Absolute BL thing from Japan, but focused on the fudanshi side of the equation and I could not be less intersted so I did not watch. 
Gameboys 2
I have no idea what happened - to me or it. But I remember watching a bit, and then just got distracted or something. 
Getaway (Singapore YouTube)
Based on an original story from a gay creator featuring an openly gay cast this vacation romance from Singapore set in Bangkok did nto work for me. The lead was fine but the muscle boy love interest's acting was just bad. Look, I’m the first to admit that there’s a lot of bad and awkward acting in this genre, but for some reason… it feels a lot worse in English. I like how unabashedly gay the show is but (how do I put this nicely, I guess...) if I’m gonna watch English language gay vacay shit – I’d rather watch Fire Island. Still, as one might expect, the heat execution is good (Taiwan still holds the crown, tho). But I eventually just gave up.
In a Relationship (Thailand YouTube)
Thailand’s answer to Gameboys (a bit late, kids). I’m generally not a fan of lockdown romances and this didn’t grab me.
My Roommate (Thailand YouTube)
32 eps of 2 minutes each with such terrible production values I couldn’t be bothered. Def not my thing.
My Tempo (Thailand grey) 
A Thai BL movie about the Thai music industry. Yeah, no thank you.
On Cloud Nine (Thailand YouTube) 
A country-set atmospheric series from MindTrio about afterlife and awaiting loved ones. Def not my thing. 
Physical Therapy (Thailand GaGa)
Milk is basically a Mainland China-style super useless heroine type. He’s, ugh, so totally not cute. I just don’t think emo is sexy (sorry Japan). I don’t understand why anyone likes him: friends, crushes, lovers. And I couldn’t tell if the doctor was faking it or just a terrible actor.
Rak Dao (Thailand grey)
A real sit com that was just too much for me to take. I didn’t even survive the first 2 episodes. And I usually give a drama 3 eps.
Restart(ed) (Thailand grey)
Looked like Top Secret Together meets Y-Destiny but ended up being more like Club Friday. Glimmers of good chemistry and hella queer but even that did not save this from terrible sound and an incomprehensible plot full of completely random characters. An absolute mess.
Scent of Love (Thailand no idea)
Just couldn’t find it. Also it’s the lead pair from My Secret Love so could not be bothered to even try. 
SELF (Thailand YT) 
Is it sad? Worth watching? I don’t know, no one said a peep about this show but I got a bad feeling about the end so I never bothered. 
The Promise (Vietnam YouTube)
Stepbrothers trope, enemies to lovers, high school, reunion romance, grumpy/tsundere. Narrative has a “memoir” framework. Sort of Cherry Blossoms After Winter if they were enemies.
The Miracle of Teddy Bear (Thailand grey)
Surreal drama series with dark elements. Nat's giant teddy bear, Taohu, miraculously turns into a young man but can't remember anything about himself. I found out this has what I COUNT as a sad ending and with it being hard to find i didn’t bother.
The Next Door Crush (Vietnam YouTube) 
Reunion romance or something, I couldn’t be arsed. 
To Sir, With Love AKA Khun Chai (Thailand grey) 
I’m waiting on grey subs for this Thai historical gay soap opera that came outta nowhere. It’s more lakorn than it is BL (soapy) and word is it ends happily. It’s just taking me time to track down. 
War of Y (Thailand Gaga) 
Tropes: industry self criticism, messy gay, general chaos
COPY A BANGKOK brings us 20 episode of Cheewin’s nonsense starring the boys from Y-Destiny and SCOY. My initial thoughts? It was better than any of us have a right to expect but I hated it. I disliked it for the same reason I don’t like rockstar romances... celebrities (and their people) are assholes. This show features a bunch of actors behaving like actors, managers behaving like managers, all of them predators and victims and both. I’ve dropped before for less (Call It What You Want) and I’ll drop again. Then again I loved Lovely Writer - but I think that’s because Sib is meant to be a sinister dick who’s only an actor because it gets him closer to Gene, and i like that approach. War of Y is just a collection of fragile egos easily traumatized by their own desires (and the needs of others) - it’s brutal to watch. BillySeng are killing it, but.... it hurts, and not in a good way. I’m going to save it and binge all at once when I am feeling bored and resilient. Will I watch it eventually? Maybe? Probably not. I think we have an ITSAY situation going on here. Also BL Express was not best pleased, and I while we rarely share taste, in this instance I trust their reporting.
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Ones I Could Not Track Down - Japan of course 
Both Me and Him are the Grooms AKA Boku mo Aitsu mo Shinrodesu - Aired March 2022 on KTV & Tver, some see it on Gaga, but not me. This is a coming out drama rama. Ryosuke and Mizuki are getting married but on the wedding day Mizuki finds out that his partner didn't tell his parents, relatives, or friends that he's gay. Catastrophe results: furious outbursts, fighting between the two families, and then Mizuki's ex boyfriend shows up. 
Grand Guignol - a horror, paranormal, high shcool movie that released in Japanese theaters middle of the year. Starred Rio Komiya (Eternal Yesterday) and Ryosuke Sota (Mr Unlucky) among others.
Kamisama no Ekohiiki - body swap, paranormal, country set. Amano Yashiro has a crush on his best friend, Nanahara Kenta. Yashiro died in a car accident after being rejected by Kenta. However, due to God's favoritism, Yashiro was reborn as a female student called Tendo Kagura, and lives a new life. Yashiro decides to make use of his girly look to have Kenta fall for him. While Yashiro and Kenta become closer, they were interrupted by Kenta's ex-girlfriend, Torii Rin, who told "Kagura" to stay away from Kenta. Furthermore, it was discovered that Yashiro's body is still alive. What is actually happening?
Melting Night: Secret Kiss - microfilm part of the Kiss X Kiss X Kiss series, featuring the stepbrothers trope that aired on Tiver. A and B are friends who are secretly in love with each other. They became stepbrothers after their parents' remarry. Even though they acted like family, their feelings overflow and when their parents were gone...
Yes I REALLY want to see this one. 
Sing In Love AKA Miso's Koi Kogare Utae - movie adaptation of a PNR manga released in theaters, but no word on international distribution. About a teacher who encounters a mysterious man from his past, who is strangely obsessed with him. 
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2022 BL Announced but Never Aired or Otherwise Confusing 
Eye Contact AKA មើលបានហាមសម្លឹង - Cambodia
Tie The Not AKA Under the Same Sky - The Philippines 
Ghost and I Becoming Family - Taiwan 
God's Military Officer - Taiwan 
Melody In Me - Vietnam 
The Lost Ring AKA The Ring Goes Missing reboot - Vietnam
Bon Appetit
Comfort the Boy AKA A Shoulder to Cry On - premiere postponed indefinitely due to actor contract conflict, rated R15+ due to topic & vulgarity
Eccentric Romance - was supposedly in production July 2022. Silkwood’s 2nd Thai/Korean colab but not their last.
Eul's Love
Follow The Wind - supposed to have released in the first half of 2022
Happy Merry Ending
Heesu in Class 2
Individual Circumstances
Jun and Jun - filming Dec 2022
Love Class 2 AKA Love Class Season 2 - filming was to start Nov 2022
Love is like a Cat - supposedly completed filming aug 2022 so I guess stuck in post? stars Mew. 
Love Tractor
Secret Relationship -  was to be adapted by Cradle Studio (a subsidiary of Kakao).
Space Bakery
Two Game Over 
Why R U? Korean remake - supposedly filming Sept 2022 
I am assuming most of these can be transferred to 2023 expectations but am not sure. 
Art Adore En
Bitter Sweet
Boxer In Heart
Buddy Line Y Animal AKA Buddy Line Y(aoi) Animal
Call My Name
Cinderella Boys
City of Stars AKA Fueangnakorn
Destiny Seeker
Future the series
Heart by Heart
Imado Jinja
Intern In My Heart
Love at First Sight
Make a Wish
Mr. Bad Guy
My Broccoli
My Engineer 2
My Last Love
My Lucky Cat
Past Love In The Future
Past-senger AKA Pastsenger
The Sweet Robot
The Theory series
Trouble Maker
Does not include those announced for 2022 but which have since been officially moved to 2023. Those will appear on the 2023 forthcoming lists. 
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andopandor · 5 months
Rebound/Be Round
A gay gainer story
"He's fucking shallow. Fuck him," Emmett mutters to himself as he downs yet another beer.
The bartender watches the dejected university student sympathetically from behind the counter. With his job, you learn to recognize the characteristic signs of heartbreak. Emmett is a young man of average height, with brown eyes and a bit of a beer belly. Handsome, if a bit disheveled at the moment. At Emmett's request, the bartender dutifully brings another pint.
Emmett gratefully accepts the drink and glances around the bar, hoping that nobody he knows will see him like this. He sees a tall, broad-shouldered man around his age sitting in the corner, messy brown hair and a day's worth of stubble on his jawline. Emmett tries to figure out why the man looks so familiar...
Across the room, Jack is drinking after a long day on the construction site. It's Friday, and payday, and he's taken the opportunity to get a little drunk. He looks up and notices a man staring at him from the barstools. Jack also needs a moment before realizing it's Emmett, his best friend from high school. He'd grown some facial hair and a bit chubbier, but he had the same warm eyes and cute face.
Jack stands and finds his way through the crowded bar. When he finally reaches the counter, he smiles widely. "Hey buddy! It's been way too long," he says. "How's life treating you these days? Still studying engineering?"
They had gone separate ways after high school, when Emmett left town for university while Jack continued into trades. They'd kept in touch on social media, but only barely.
Emmett sighs, a sadness in his eyes that's unfamiliar to Jack. "Oh, you know, same old, same old," he says, half-heartedly returning Jack's smile. "Just been buried in textbooks and papers lately." He gestures vaguely at the bar and the beer in front of him. "Needed a break, I guess."
Jack leans in, looking concerned. "Hey, you know you can talk to me about anything, right? I mean, I know it's been a while since we've chatted, but you're still my oldest friend. What's really going on?"
Emmett glances around the bar before finally meeting Jack's eyes. "It's just... things with Mark. He broke up with me."
"Oh," Jack says, surprised. "I'm so sorry to hear that, man. When did that happen?"
Emmett shrugs, looking down at his beer. "A couple of days ago. I thought things were going well, but yeah, no. He was seeing someone else behind my back."
Jack winces. "No way man. You're smart, attractive, funny... He's seriously giving up on the perfect man."
"It's just... he said..." Emmett hesitates, but Jack encourages him to continue. "It's just he said I was gaining too much weight." He takes a long sip of beer, trying to push the emotions back down. "I mean, I know I've put on a few pounds since first year, but come on. I've always been a bigger guy. It's not like I've changed as a person."
Jack's face darkens. "What a piece of shit. You deserve so much better." He puts a hand on Emmett's shoulder. "You know I've got your back, buddy, right?" He looks at his friend thoughtfully, trying to find the right words to comfort him. "Besides, the weight... looks good on you," he finally says, blurting out the words without quite meaning to. "You've always been bigger than the average guy, and it's, uh, it's attractive." He flushes. "I mean, not that I'm into, you know... just... never mind."
Emmett looks up at Jack, slightly confused. He searches Jack's face for any sign of insincerity, but there is none. "Thanks Jack, I appreciate it," he says, eager to move past the awkward moment. "It's just been tough lately, you know?" He takes another sip of beer. "But it's nice to have someone to talk to about it."
Jack nods, thinking. "Hey, I know it's late, but do you maybe wanna grab dinner? We have a lot to catch up on. Besides, you shouldn't be drinking alone at a time like this." He gives Emmett a reassuring smile. "My treat."
"Sure, dinner sounds great... I am getting hungry. Thanks, Jack."
"Great! There's an amazing Italian restaurant just down the block."
They both finish their beers and head out into the cool evening. As they walk to the restaurant, Emmett already begins to look a bit more cheerful. Jack steals sidelong glances at his old friend. He would never say it out loud, but Emmett does seem a lot thicker than he was at their graduation.
The Italian restaurant is bustling with activity, the scent of olive oil and garlic filling the air. The men find their way to a cozy booth in the back and glance over the menu, considering what to order. Emmett's stomach rumbles as he reads. Jack pretends not to notice, but assures Emmett that he can order whatever he wants - it's payday after all.
But when the waiter arrives, Emmett only orders a side salad. Finding this strange, Jack orders the Chef's Special, which includes three different kinds of pasta and nearly half a loaf of garlic bread.
Emmett seems shocked by the size of the order. "You sure you can handle all that, Jack?" he asks with a chuckle.
Jack only grins. "Oh, I've got a big appetite tonight, Emmett. And I figure if I don't finish, I can ask a friend for help."
As they wait for their food, they continue to talk and catch up, laughing and teasing each other like old times. For both of them, it had been a long time since they felt this comfortable around someone. Jack hadn't realized how much he had missed Emmett.
Halfway through his meal, Jack pushes his plate away, unable to eat another bite. Emmett had finished his salad long ago. He looks longingly at Jack's plate, still piled with food.
Jack laughs. "Please, help yourself! I'm finished."
Emmett gratefully pull's Jack's plate over, beginning to dig into the delicious pasta. "Thanks Jack," he says between bites. "I haven't been eating much since... well, the breakup. But this food is really good."
Jack leans back in the booth, watching Emmett eat with a satisfied smile. "No worries, buddy. You don't want to waste away just because of that jerk. You deserve to have a proper meal and to feel good about yourself again."
Emmett shrugs, but continues devouring the pasta.
"You know," Jack says, then hesitates. He never would say this sober. But he's not. "I think you're perfect just the way you are. And I'm not just saying that because of what Mark said. One of these days you'll meet someone who appreciates you for you."
Emmett looks up from his food, giving Jack a skeptical look. "Maybe," he admits, "but I doubt it." He sighs. "I mean you're like the only one who thinks that. Too bad you're straight..."
Jack looks into Emmett's eyes, considering. The noise of the restaurant around him fades away.
"Actually," he says, taking a deep breath. "I'm bisexual."
Emmett pauses mid-chew. "Really??"
Jack nods, swallowing hard. "I've never really told anyone. But... you've been honest with me and I wanted to be honest with you." He gently touching Emmett's hand. "I know you're still getting over Mark, and if you're not interested, that's okay. But I just wanted to tell you."
Emmett stares at their joined hands for a long moment, then up at Jack eyes. "I mean..." he trails off, trying to process this information. "I mean I've kind of always had a crush on you , you know."
Jack smiles shyly. He leans in closer. "And I mean it when I say you've gotten so much hotter since we graduated," he says, glancing down at Emmett's belly. "It's really fucking sexy actually."
Emmett feels a blush creep up his neck. He searches Jack's eyes, finding only honesty and desire. He takes a shuddering breath. "You really mean that?" he whispers.
"I really do," Jack says, his voice low and husky. "You're so gorgeous, Emmett. And I've kind of been fantasizing about something." He leans in even closer, whispering. "I wanna feed you."
Emmett nods slowly, strangely excited by Jack's desires. He had always been concerned with keeping thin, but now... a thrill runs through him. "You'd... you'd want to do that? You'd like me.. that way?"
"Yeah," Jack says, touching Emmett's thigh under the table. "I want to see you eat, to see you grow."
Emmett swallows hard, feeling heat pooling in his groin. "Okay," he breathes. "Okay, let's do it." He takes in the surroundings, trying to compose himself. "But c'mon Jack, not now. We're in public."
Jack laughs. "Fine," he says, leaning back. "My place is just a few blocks from here."
After Jack settles the bill, Emmett follows Jack back to his apartment. The warmth inside him abates the cold night air. The pasta settles comfortably in his belly, and, for the first time, he isn't worried that he's eaten too much. As they step into Jack's living room, he can't help but notice how it's much cozier than Mark's bleak minimalist apartment.
Jack turns to face Emmett. "So," he says, noticeably excited, "are you ready to eat?"
Jack has never really cooked for another man before, but he's eager to show off his culinary skills. He fries up some bacon and creamy chicken with mashed potatoes. He also throws a batch of chocolate chip cookies in the oven, for good measure. The aromas fill the air, making Emmett's mouth water in anticipation.
"There you go," Jack says, placing a plate in front of Emmett and sitting down across from him.
"Uh... can I get a fork?" Emmett asks.
Jack smirks. "No. That's my job." He uses his own fork to scoop up some food from the plate. "Open wide."
Emmett dutifully opens his mouth and takes a bite of bacon, savoring the taste. It's very tasty, and he can't help but feel pleased knowing that Jack prepared this meal just for him. "This is amazing," he manages to mumble between mouthfuls.
Jack beams. "I'm glad you're enjoying it." He continues to feed Emmett as the chubby man rubs his belly contentedly.
Many bites later, Emmett moans. "Okay, I'm stuffed. I really couldn't eat anymore."
Jack coaxes another scoop of mashed potato in Emmett's mouth. "Are you sure?"
"Seriously," Emmett groans with his mouth full. He pats his bloated stomach. "I'm packed ."
Jack nods. "Okay, fine," he says reluctantly. "You can go lie down on the couch to digest. I'll join you in a minute."
Emmett stumbles into the living room, feeling rounder and heavier than he's ever been. He collapses into the soft couch, stomach aching but satisfied. He releases a belch and massages his belly, unbuttoning his jeans to give it some more room.
Several minutes pass, and Emmett begins to wonder where Jack is. Soon enough, the brawny man comes into the room with a tray of fresh cookies. "I hope you have room for dessert," he smirks.
Emmett knows he shouldn't but... they look and smell so good. "Ughhh," he groans. "Just one, okay?"
Jack settles beside Emmett. God, he looks big, sprawled out on the couch like this. Jack massages the man's hairy belly where it peeks out from above his jeans. With his other hand, Jack gently touches a cookie against Emmett's lips.
Emmett savours the warm soft dough on his tongue. "Alright, this is fucking delicious," he sighs.
"Thanks," Jack smiles. "You know, I just... like taking care of you." He glances up at Emmett and brushes a crumb out of his beard. "I never want to stop caring for you."
Emmett's heart skips a beat. "I don't want you to, Jack," he whispers. He reaches out, tracing a finger along Jack's jawline.
Jack closes his eyes, leaning into Emmett's touch. "Good," he breathes, his voice low and husky. "Because I want to do so much more than just feed you."
Jack moves his hand down the trail of hair leading towards Emmett's crotch, feeling Emmett's dick grow hard against his belly. They lean closer to each other, their lips mere inches apart.
"Show me." Emmett whispers.
The men's lips lock in a heated kiss, desperate from years of pent-up desire. Their bodies press against each other, Jack's sculpted by manual labour and Emmett's swollen with beer and high-calorie food. Jack's hands roam up and down Emmett's shirt, grabbing his lovehandles and playing with his bellybutton.
Emmett moans against Jack's lips, feeling new sensitivity in his engorged gut. Every inch of him tingles with pleasure as Jack's hands explore his figure.
Jack pulls away from the kiss for a moment, panting heavily as he gazes at Emmett's enlarged stomach. He undoes the buttons of Emmett's shirt and tosses it aside. His fingers are cool against heated skin as they trace circles around his navel. And then lower, down the curve of his belly.
"God, you're so hot," Jack murmurs, continuing to tease and touch. His fingers venture lower still, wrapping around Emmett's aching erection. Emmett moans deeply as Jack begins to stroke.
"That's it," Jack whispers. "Let me take care of you." Emmett feels Jack's breath hot against his chest as the man begins to kiss his neck, his nipples, his belly button. All the while continuing to stroke Emmett's cock. He feels about to explode.
Just when Emmett thinks he can't take it anymore, Jack lips are back on his lips, Jack's eyes staring deep into his.
"Cum for me," Jack whispers. Emmett reaches orgasm and shoots over his bloated belly.
Emmett collapses back against the couch, spent and satisfied. He sighs. "That was... amazing."
Jack kisses Emmett again. "We're not done yet."
"We're not?"
Jack laughs. "There are still eleven cookies left."
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heartbreak-sandwich · 11 months
Lex! I loved your boyfriend hcs, I'd love to hear your headcanons on the guys as fathers 👀
omg Joz yes!! This is such a cute idea, thank you 🥰 ✨ The ST boys as fathers ✨
💕STEVE HARRINGTON is a superdad. He loves friendly competition with his (many - five, to be exact) children to see who can throw something the farthest, who can get to the car the fastest, and who can finish their desert first. - Bedtime stories are crowded with all of them on the same bed, huddled around Steve as he does voices for all of the characters. - Food is always creative and messy, and Steve encourages curiosity in every way. "Don't play with your food" is not a rule to be found in the Harrington household. - The rowdy bunch attends each other sporting events, band concerts, and school plays in a pack which is forever recognizable because of course their outfits are color coordinated.
💕BILLY HARGROVE loves his little girl more than anything else in this world. He is very protective, letting her roam at a safe distance, and worries more than he lets on about her safety and emotional wellbeing, and whatever she wants, he teaches her how to earn. - His little angel is a superfan of his metal music, so of course he picks up an extra shift every other weekend to pay for her drumming lessons. Every time a friend comes to the house while she's practicing, they comment on the noise, and all Billy says is, "I know. She's gonna be a star someday," with the proudest smile on his face. - Every time something comes up while Billy is spending time with his daughter, he tells whoever he's talking to, "Hang on. I have to ask the boss," and turns to his daughter and whispers in her ear, her face becoming very serious before she gives a quiet answer back to him. - He teaches her how to fix her own things -- the car, the toilet, the legos she knocked over on accident. He never wants her to have to rely on anyone else to solve her problems, and he teaches her to be self sufficient along with his support.
💕ARGYLE is full of childlike wonder at all times, so it's no surprise that he is the fun dad. He takes his twin boys on adventures every chance they get, and he encourages their creativity every step of the way. One of his boys is an avid painter while the other is a violinist. The walls inside their home are adorned with murals always being worked on inspired by ambient strings in the background. - Argyle's kids are homeschooled because their family prefers to hit the road for the sunny months of the year, and he figures they learn more from seeing the world than they ever could stuck inside a classroom. - He makes up stories on the fly to tell his kids, and he's always forgetting the characters names, but they don't seem to mind. The stories involve silly but useful life lessons that he wished someone would've told him when he was their age instead of having to figure them out on his own. They'll thank him someday. - The fashion sense in their family is absolutely wild. Argyle wants his kids to be able to express themselves freely with their style choices just like he does, and the result is a colorful array of garments always strewn about the home, lots of them covered in paint, and sometimes on purpose to add a little flavor.
💕JONATHAN BYERS is your average, working class father, but he is adamant about making time to spend with his family. His two daughters starting high school has been the biggest challenge for him so far, but he never misses a dance recital or a soccer game, and he's always home in time to have dinner with everyone so he can hear about their days. - The Byers family is big on gifts from the heart, so for every birthday, Jonathan makes his girls their own mixtapes complete with songs they already know and love combined with songs he thinks they should hear. It warms his heart when he hears the tracks blaring from their respective bedrooms while they get ready for school each morning. - Being an equal caretaker has always been important to him, so Jonathan took it upon himself to learn to braid. When his girls were little, he used to braid their hair before bed. Now, even though they can do it themselves, they still seek him out at least once a week or so for the perfect plait. - He is the chauffeur for his girls and all of their friends regularly. He'll take them to the mall, the arcade, to school, wherever is needed, and he never complains about it. He feels like it's a gift to be able to spend that time together while they can.
💕EDDIE MUNSON is a single dad whose son is an absolute carbon copy of him. The little guy is never sitting still, his long wild curls billowing behind him as he darts around the house with his plastic sword saving the day. Eddie is pretty sure his first words were "stick it to the man," and he smiles with pride when his son says some off the wall thing because the Munsons wear their weird like a crown. - Above everything, Eddie teaches his son to be kind. Be kind to people, be kind to animals, be kind to places, and be kind to things because the world needs more of it, and it all comes back to you. He teaches him how to put spiders outside instead of kill them and to invite the kid sitting alone on the playground to play pirates with him. Always be kind. - Corroded Coffin has a new stand in drummer while Gareth is away at school. Eddie's son is still fairly young, but he has great rhythm, and playing an instrument proves to be a great way to channel his energy. There is a new house rule that says sticks are for smacking drums only, and you can probably guess why. - Eddie plans small DnD oneshots for he and his son to play through together, and he loves it. The adventures, the battles, and the roleplaying are great for the imagination, and it's their favorite bonding time. Last year's Christmas present to his son was a custom set of abalone shell dice, and he treasures nothing more.
These were so fun to do!! Thank you for getting me thinking outside of my usual box :3 ❤️‍🔥 Requests are open!
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writing-whump · 4 months
Hi I'm soooo lost🙈 I have been reading all your stories as you posted and now there are these two characters (Dylan and Rip) and I do not know who they are😅
Hi, sweetie!
They are new! Two newbies I recently introduced, hehe.
Here is a quick breakdown:
Dylan is Seline's younger brother. He is a wolf, 19 years old, dropped out of high school and does short jobs here and there now. Still lives with their parents, but is looking for a pack and some kind of direction in his life. He is a little lost on what to do and since he is from an academic and ambitious family, everyone is very confused by him. Not having any wolf relatives outside his witch sister, he also doesn't have the connections or the training in conduct that would help him find a pack quickly. He is friendly, outgoing, the class clown, loves working out, dancing and hanging out with friends, human or wolf, he doesn't care. His socialisation with humans is very good because of his human upbringing, he even went to a human gymnasium, getting his human permission exam at record age of 14 (age when AHS upper high schools start in Austria).
He has light brown hair longer at the back and with a mullet. Dark brown eyes. He is tall and with an athletic build, very proud of his muscular arms and chest.
Rip is almost 20 years old wolf with a very aggressive shadow. He had been on his own since he was 14, living on the streets, running away from Exectioners in various cities that come after stray pups and wolves, if they seem dangerous. He is a very good fighter, which keeps him alive, and has a strong sense of justice, but his shadow is too used to fighting and attacking everything that breaths, so he can't really find packs to take him in. Since he ran away from home (he has a very tragic backstory going in there that I don't want to spoil) he can't use his real name for the suspicions going on against him, so he is just called Rip for his reputation.
He is average high, with black curly hair and dark blue eyes. Very lean and muscular, no fat on his body, and with lots of bite marks on his arms and neck.
Hope that helps :D
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sweettjrose · 11 months
Detective Mickey Pilot: Character Backstories - The Sensational Side Characters
Surprise again! Here is the second part of the character backstories I made for the Detective Mickey Pilot. These are more focused on the side characters who I imagine will make frequent appearances in the show and have specific backstories that will affect their character or the story. This won't include everyone as I don't have infinite time plus some characters are either spoilers, have pretty much the same backstory as the media they are from (Ex. Darkwing Duck and Scrooge McDuck), or I haven't come up with a backstory for them yet.
If you haven't seen the first part with the Core Four (The characters that influence the story the most) you can check that out here.
If you haven't seen my Detective Mickey Pilot, it is pinned to my main account.
I also would love to hear your thoughts or answer any questions. Some may be a bit controversial, but I swear that I have a method to my madness... I hope.
Goofy Goof - Estimated Age: Mid 40's - Late 40's
Goofy traveled quite a bit with his parents and therefore never really had a single place to call home. The places he spent the longest in were Spoonerville and Mouseton. He went to the same high school that Pete’s family went to and interacted with them a couple times, though they, especially Pete, didn’t really like him since he tended to cause trouble for any of their schemes. Eventually Goofy managed to get involved with a very wealthy mysterious bohemian woman and they instantly fell in love. Together they traveled the world going on all sorts of wacky adventures. One day she wanted to try something really wacky and live a life with Goofy as a mundane average family. So they moved to Mouseton and Goofy got a job as a janitor at Mouseton High and Mouseton University and she became a stay at home wife. They had Max around this time to truly complete the family experience. However she ended up finding the lifestyle boring and desired to go back to their more wild and free life before. 
But Goofy was actually really enjoying settling down and wanted to stay to give Max a more stable life. That is when they decided to make the tough choice and separate so that they both could be happy. When she left her money left with her and Goofy was unable to make payments on the house with his janitor salary thus he had to move to a trailer home. However he wasn’t entirely alone as he met Donald and Mickey at Mouseton High and formed a friendship with them, becoming a formidable  trio. Around the time Mickey and Donald got close to graduating college, he decided to move back to Spoonerville as the Spoonerville Business College offered him a “promotion”, they let him do the windows too for a little bit more money, which would help him further support Max. There is where he met Peg who was visiting her old business college and she helped him get a cheap house right next to theirs, much to her husband Pete's dismay. They lived in Spoonerville for a while, but as Pete moved back to Mouseton. Goofy decided to join him as he was motivated by Daisy and Minnie to start his own cleaning service and missed being close to his friends. He ended up once again Pete’s neighbor in Mouseton, again to Pete’s dismay. Max has mixed feelings about moving as he was glad to be close to his friend PJ and wanted to support his dad, but had to move away from his new girlfriend, Roxanne, resulting in a long distance relationship. However it seems like the move may be the least of their worries as a hidden family secret might make their lives a bit more super than they were expecting.
Donald Duck - Estimated Age: Late 20's - Early 30's
Donald was born and raised mostly in Duckburg. Donald first met Mickey at a regional Junior Woodchuck camping trip where they were bunk buddies. They connected over a love of photography and became close friends, visiting and writing to each other whenever they could. Eventually, his family temporarily moved to Mouseton and Donald ended up spending his high school years at Mouseton High with Mickey, Minnie, his twin sister Della, and Goofy the janitor. Donald struggled with figuring out what he wanted to do in life and after school decided to join the Navy in hopes it would give him a sense of direction. He went to Mouseton University and was a part of the college military program there. He also got to go abroad for a couple of summers, meeting José Carioca in Brazil and Panchito Pistoles in Mexico. They formed a pretty close knit group towards the end of Donald’s college years, even starting a short-lived band, and still keep in touch. 
After college Donald continued to work in the Navy, but had to go off-duty to help raise his nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie in Duckburg after Della was no longer able to. Della joined a secret government aerospace training program, but didn’t realize that would mean she would have to dedicate around a decade of her life to the program, away from her family. She would still visit any moment she could and after she completed her contracted time she quit the program so she could be with her boys and help Donald in raising them. But beforehand Donald had to raise them alone, working whatever temp jobs or jobs that Scrooge would bring (force) him on, in order to support his new family. He met Daisy at one of Glomgold’s parties that Scrooge dragged him into to do some spying, and they quickly connected. Daisy isn’t always in Duckburg, but she tries to stay as close as she can. Now that Della is back, working as a pilot for Scrooge and other private clients, Donald is no longer alone in raising the boys and has a bit more time to himself. But he still feels like he never really figured out what he wanted to do in life, as the Navy wasn’t cutting it for him either. Now that Mickey is getting attention for capturing the Phantom Blot, Donald can’t help but feel a bit jealous, but perhaps there is a heroic future in store for the duck.
Daisy Duck - Estimated Age: Late 20's - Early 30's
Daisy grew up in a large city in the Northeast part of America. She lived a pretty comfortable life in the city. She initially wanted to be a journalist and went to college for it, but found out that she had a passion for planning parties when she was a last minute wedding planner for a family friend. With help from her family, she started her own business as a party planner. She actually met Minnie on a forum for small business owners where they would share advice but also vent about some of their more troublesome clients. They became close online friends and would video call each other to hang out. As Daisy’s career grew, she started to get more and more wealthier clients, but unfortunately the more high end opportunities resulted in less creative control and freedom, making her feel like the parties don’t actually show off her skills. However she still wants the status of the wealthier clients so she keeps doing them. One day Daisy got a rare chance to be a party consultant for Flintheart Glomgold, her most prestigious client at the time. She didn’t end up getting paid for the gig, but she did meet Donald there and they quickly bonded and started to date. Eventually she would learn that her online friend, Minnie, was actually the girlfriend of her boyfriend’s best friend, allowing for the easy creation of their friend group. She now tries to do gigs mostly in Calisota trying her best to stay close with her boyfriend and friends there. When she isn’t working, she usually stays at an apartment near Donald's house boat. Thanks to Donald’s connection with Scrooge, Daisy has had a chance to network with a whole bunch of new clients that seem to respect her vision a bit more. Though such extravagant parties can be rife with some kind of trouble that may need the help of a detective.
Felicity Fieldmouse (Amelie Felicity Mouse/Fieldmouse) - Est. Age: Mid 30’s - Late 30’s
Felicity Fieldmouse was born and raised in Mouseton. She is the oldest sister of Mickey Mouse by a couple of years and is very close to him. Some could say that she practically raised him. Ever since she was little she loved journalism and since elementary school she would write her own articles and share it with friends and neighbors. She would let her brother join in as he would be in charge of taking any pictures and drawing the comics. She pursued this dream and eventually graduated Mouseton University and immediately landed a job at the Mouseton Argus after having many internships there. She greatly impressed the Editor in Chief at the time with her tenacity and compelling writing, which seemed to cause a rift between her and future Editor in Chief. She helped her brother get a position and prove his worth and then ended up accepting a position at a WDN. This resulted in her leaving Mouseton and her brother to move to New York City where the news network’s headquarters was at. She is the single mother of her two sons, Morty and Ferdie. They can be troublemakers like their uncle was, but also are just as good-hearted. It was tough raising the two boys alone, but she did her best to keep them out of trouble. Felicity loves her younger brother and her sons and has always tried to protect them and keep them safe from the dangers of the world. But despite how much she tries, she can't protect them all forever and some of her attempts to keep them safe may end up leading to future consequences.
Morty and Ferdie Fieldmouse - Estimated Age: 11 - 14
Morty and Ferdie Fieldmouse are the twin sons of Felicity Fieldmouse, both born in Mouseton. Ferdie is a smart though meek mouse who has interests more on the nerdy side. He does very well in math and science classes and hopes to pursue some kind of technical career in the future. He may be mild, but he also has a deep curiosity for the unknown and enjoys going on adventures with his brother, though partially to make sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble. Morty on the other hand is a bit more rambunctious and mischievous, oftentimes being the one leading the “adventures”. He isn’t sure what exactly he wants to do, but definitely wants to do something big like be a professional football player or a video game streamer or a movie star. He may seem rowdy, but he is pretty clever and enjoys some of his brother’s nerdy interests, though he tends to push his brother out of his comfort zone on their adventures. Despite having different personalities, they get along very well, pretty much offsetting each other’s weaknesses. They love their mom, though they can drive their mom crazy at times. They also love their Uncle Mickey and always thought he was cool ever since they were young, as he was the one who always beat them in Snow White and the Seven Brawlers and knew the best ice cream spots in Mouseton. However little did they expect their uncle to be even cooler as the one who caught the Phantom Blot. For better or for worse, this has inspired them to go on adventures too and get into even more trouble than before.
Mortimer Mouse - Estimated Age: Late 20's - Early 30's
Mortimer Mouse was raised mostly in Mouseton by his grandmother. He first met Mickey and Minnie in Kindergarten and they actually were friends at first. Mortimer was always a bit rough around the edges and would often say rude things or pull pranks, but he rarely meant harm. But as they grew older, the relationship between Mickey and Mortimer soured, as Mortimer started to bully him almost out of nowhere. This led to them becoming rivals even to this day, with Mortimer constantly downplaying Mickey’s achievements and doing things to actively upset him. Mortimer even dated Mickey’s crush Minnie in high school, though it was only for a week. Despite his relationship souring with Mickey, Mortimer still genuinely likes Minnie and has tried to get her to dump Mickey for him, it has never worked for him though. After graduating high school, Mortimer got a degree in legal studies at Mouseton University and became a private detective. He was inspired by the fame of Detective Casey who was a very well known detective in the 1960’s. In hopes of achieving the same exact fame, he got his private detective business and started his own agency. At first the venture was unsuccessful, but recently he has been managing to take out wave after wave of criminals almost miraculously. Getting the attention of the Mouseton public, especially the news. At least he did until Mickey completely stole his thunder. But one has to wonder how he is able to find all of these criminals so easily and if perhaps there is more to the situation here.
Clarabelle Cow - Early 30’s to Mid 30’s
Clarabelle Cow was raised mostly in Mouseton by her aunt. Her aunt was the owner of “The Moovelous Belles Bakery” which is a very popular bakery in Mouseton  passed down the Cow family for generations. Clarabelle would help out at the bakery from time to time, but her aunt made sure to let her have some free time to spend with her friends. Clarabelle was part of a trio that included Clara Cluck and Horace Horsecollar. They often would go on their own adventures around Mouseton, usually causing trouble. She actually knew Mickey as they lived in the neighborhood and crossed paths quite a bit. She and the rest of the group served as mentors to Mickey and his friends, often being the big kids who would give advice or help them out. Though she was the one to give the actual good advice. Ever since middle school Horace and Clarabelle have had an on again off again relationship. Usually once they break up, Clarabelle is able to rather quickly get a new partner and even dated Clara for a bit, but eventually she and Horace would end up together again. After graduating high school, she started working full time at the bakery, preparing to take over once her aunt retires. The bakery is run so effectively though that Clarabelle rarely has to work overtime and can use her free time as she wishes. When she is not working, she likes to spend her time taking a bunch of classes, usually in something athletic or some kind of self defense. Secretly, Clarabelle isn’t sure if she really wants to take over the bakery once her aunt finally retires. She does however find joy in learning new skills and even holding classes for her friends if they are interested. Thankfully many of these skills would be very useful for a fledgling detective to know.
Horace Horsecollar - Early 30’s to Mid 30’s
Horace initially grew up on a farm outside of Mouseton, but moved to Mouseton with his family. He has been living there ever since and is often found with Clarabelle and Clara Cluck as part of a trio. Horace was always a bit of a dreamer, however he never could stick with just one dream. He would constantly bounce from interest to new interest, but would retain skills becoming a bit of a jack of all trades with knowledge in all sorts of odd things. Sometimes these interests would lead to some kind of scheme to get rich or famous off of it. Though Horace can sometimes get over his head, he never means to cause harm and will take a step back and fix it, if he goes too far. Since middle school he has been in an on again off again relationship with Clarabelle, with sometimes the reason being the result of one of his latest schemes. But he usually is able to win her heart again, or she wins his, and they get back together. Most of the men in his family tend to be handymen so Horace started his career after high school as a handyman. Though now he does all sorts of freelance work alongside being a handyman, as a result of him learning so many different skills. He’s managed to get by mostly on the inheritance from his great uncle, unfortunately the money is starting to thin and he may have to start finding a way to cover his living expenses and his new hobbies. Though these new hobbies may seem like a waste of time at first, sometimes by chance they may be exactly what a detective needs.
Clara Cluck - Early 30’s to Mid 30’s
Ever since Clara Cluck was a little chick she had a love for the theater and performed at a young age. She acts and sings mostly at the Mouseton Local Theatre which was run by an elderly though beloved member of the community. When she wasn’t on stage, she was usually spending time with Clarabelle and Horace. She really gets into the drama and thrill of their adventures. Though she often would exaggerate the events when recalling them. This however has led to her growing a talent in story writing. When the elderly woman who ran the local theater died, the Mouseton Local Theatre was shut down and its fate seem to be sealed. But after Clara graduated college with a Theater Studies degree, she opened the theater back up and has been running it ever since. Outside of running the theater she also teaches acting, piano, and singing lessons to anyone who is interested. While this might seem disconnected to Mickey’s new role as a detective, the theater has always had a history with mystery.
Detective Casey (Jr.) - Estimated Age: Early 40’s - Mid 40’s
Detective Casey is actually the son of the much more famous Detective Casey Sr. His father was one of the best detectives around, cracking some of the most unsolvable cases across the nation and taking down some of the biggest criminals in the world. However he is now retired after his last case nearly got him killed. Hoping to make his father proud, Casey decided to follow in his father's footsteps and became a detective. Casey initially got a lot of hype early on due to the reputation of his father, which may have helped him get the job as a police detective at the Mouseton Police Department in the first place. Unfortunately, he struggled to solve cases as well as his father did, never even solving the first one he was given. Brick was transferred from a police department in Texas to help and while Casey struggled with the idea of a partner at first, they managed to solve much more cases than before. But still not at the level as his father. It doesn’t help that Mortimer Mouse has been outdoing him lately and catching waves of criminals at unprecedented levels. And to make matters worse a junior journalist managed to catch one of the most infamous criminal masterminds in the world and is now being offered to work as a police detective at his department. This unfortunately has put a bit of a damper on his and the new detective’s relationship, before they even had a chance to work together. But if he could warm up to Brick, maybe he can warm up to this new guy and find a way to live up to his father’s legacy
Portis Egmont - Estimated Age: Mid - 40's - Late 40's
Portis grew up in a large criminal family known as the Pete Family in the rougher parts of Mouseton. His mother and father died in a shootout while he was young and he was mostly raised by his aunt Maw Pete. He was very close with his cousin Pete, as they were usually teased together by the other cousins. Pete and Portis often caused trouble at school as a team, as Portis was able to add an element of science to their schemes. Portis actually gained a fascination with science at school and would often steal materials, with the help of Pete, to make his own gadgets and perform his own experiments. He actually wasn’t interested in joining the family on crimes and wanted to be a scientist instead. He was one of the few members of the Pete family who graduated high school and went to college. He graduated with a bachelors in biochemistry and a minor in robotics, and then went to graduate school to get his masters and potentially a doctorate. During his time at school he eventually got a chance to work at a research lab on campus. However he struggled to connect with his peers and saw the research lab’s strict adherence to ethics as a hindrance to their progress. After doing some secret unethical experiments to speed up results, Portis got found out and was expelled from the school. At the same time Pete was planning to form a new gang called Pete’s Gang and Portis, now without a direction in life, joined. The two did some crimes on their own and eventually hired two new members, Scuttle and Trudy. The years they spent together was truly a highlight as they were able to accomplish many things and build a close bond together. They even did some work with the Phantom Blot, as he was becoming a more prominent figure, with the Phantom Blot being specifically invested in Portis’ scientific capabilities. However, while working on a job for the Wind Willow Weasels, they got busted and Pete, Trudy, and Scuttle ended up getting caught and arrested. Portis however was not caught as the Phantom Blot rescued him beforehand and made a deal to free the rest of Pete's Gang in exchange for Portis to work with him personally on a project of his. Portis agreed and worked on the project for about a year, until breaking away from the Phantom Blot and continuing any work with him remotely. Since then he has been working on a variety of different gadgets and experiments commissioned by criminals from all over. He reconnected with Scuttle and Pete, but is currently busy with his new business. However, in his free time when he isn’t working on another villain’s plan, he is working on his own and they are finally coming close to completion.
Trudy Van Tubb - Mid 40's - Late 40's
Trudy lived in a poor area that was under constant threat by local mobs and police. Her mother was sickly and her father was kidnapped, never to be seen again. She had to join a small gang of other teens and children in order to get enough food and money to keep her and her mother alive. Unfortunately just as she got into her middle teenage years, her mother ended up dying and the gang she was a part of abandoned her. She then became sort of a mercenary to various criminal groups, only usually staying for a single job. However that changed when she ended up joining Pete's Gang. She ended up falling in love and getting married to the leader Pete and the gang was doing very well. Unfortunately this didn’t last, as a failed job and a possible betrayal by Pete, resulted in Trudy and others getting arrested. After being broken out of prison by the Phantom Blot, she went her own way and went back to being a solo mercenary, even doing a bit of espionage and rumored to be an assassin as well. Now that some time has passed, she hopes to be able to see Pete again to ‘discuss’ what happened. She initially found it hard to track him, but now that word is spreading of his new criminal business in Mouseton. He is now easier to find than before.
Scuttle - Estimated Age: Mid 30’s to Late 30’s
Scuttle was kicked out of his mother’s house when he was in his late teens. Since then Scuttle was homeless and mostly committed theft to get food. One day he found a flier and it led to him joining a new gang started by Pete and Portis. Everything was going great until a failed job resulted in nearly everyone getting arrested, including Scuttle. However instead of going to prison, in a mix-up Scuttle ended up getting on the wrong bus. After over a decade of getting into wacky shenanigan after wacky shenanigan, he finally got reunited with Pete and joined him on his new crime venture with the used car dealerships. While Scuttle may first seem like he doesn’t offer much, he is a wild card that brings a sense of randomness that can either save or ruin a plan.
Pepper - Mid 20’s to Late 20’s
Pepper never really knew her father, but was very close to her mother. Her mother worked at F.O.W.L as one of their top agents and Pepper joined their junior agent program to follow in her footsteps. Despite being part of an evil organization, Pepper has a bright and optimistic personality and puts in a lot of effort to do a good job. Unfortunately her mother ended up disappearing on one of her missions, which led to Pepper being let go from the program after she wasn’t able to keep up on her studies and failed too many tests. She still managed to get work at F.O.W.L as an egghead thanks to Black Heron, a friend of her mothers. But eventually Pepper was able to regain her positivity and has been outperforming all of her fellow eggheads. She shows a lot of promise with her expert hacking skills, enough to be specifically hired on jobs to use that skill. Despite the setback, it seems like she has a bright future ahead of her, but whether it is with F.O.W.L is the question. 
Sylvester Shyster - Late 50’s to Early 60’s
Sylvester’s entire family was a family of lawyers. It was pretty much expected that if you grew up in the Shyster family, you are going to be some kind of a lawyer. Sylvester decided to follow in his family’s lead and went to the same school his parents did and got the same law degree. One of his very first clients was a small gang leader who was on trial for a string of crimes across town. Sylvester initially was warned about taking this case as it seemed like a losing battle, but to flex on his family and his peers he took the case and ended up winning. To thank him the gang leader discretely offered him some connections to some of his friends and Sylvester started to realize that there was much more money to be made in the criminal underground than as a typical lawyer. He still does a normal case every once in a while as a cover. But in secret he works with various crime gangs giving them legal advice to prevent them from getting caught or to assist in any future court battles. One of the biggest gangs he helped was the Wind Willow Weasels who eventually introduced him to Pete as they started to work with him. The two connected pretty quickly and Sylvester has been helping him forge legal documents and create manipulative contracts. Sylvester has been very successful in his secret criminal dealings, but who knows how long that is going to be a secret.
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Skyla Barretto
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"Dancing is like dreaming with your feet."
Name: Skyla Princessa Barretto
Nickname(s):  Sky (by close friends) Babe, Baby, Princess, Beautiful Baby Owl (all by Kotaro) My love, Angel, Darling, My beloved (all by Keiji).
Alias(es): The Dancing Queen (in Fukurodani). The Living Weapon (in St. Trinians)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Ethnicity: Filipino
Blood Type:  AB
Age: 17
Birthday: Feb 23
Hair: Back length black hair dyed violet with black roots showing tied in a high ponytail.
Eyes:  Mocha brown eyes
Height:  169 cm
Skin: Warm tan
Body: Lean and svelte
Tattoo(s): None
Piercing(s):  Large gold hoop earrings
Scar(s):  On her right side.
Other: Nude lip gloss and and gold wrap necklace
Occupation: Manager
School: Fukurodani Academy
Year: 2
Class: 6
Club(s): Boys VBC
Number: None
Role/Position: None
Attendance Record: Good
Average Grade: A
STATISTICS (out of 5)
Power: 5/5  
Jumping: 5/5  
Stamina: 5/5  
Game Sense (ability to 'predict' or 'sense' the opponents next move): 1/5  
Technique: 3/5  
Speed: 5/5  
Overall (total): 24/30
Personality: Skyla is an extremely open and laid-back individual who never focuses on the past in order to move on and keep becoming a better version of herself. In addition, Skyla exudes enthusiasm and energy, particularly when it comes to dancing, which is her strongest skill.
As a dancer, Skyla has a deep appreciation for beauty and artistry. Her performances are not just about skill but also about expressing emotions and telling stories through her movements. This artistic sensibility extends to her outlook on life, where she finds joy in the simple and beautiful moments. Whenever she dances she blocks out the rest of her environment and just focuses on the music and her body. This often leads to others watching her, much to her embarrassment.
She is kind and patient, but she doesn't sugarcoat her point or put up with being ignored. She rarely acts maliciously, but she values friendship much and would fight valiantly for those she considers to be her friends. She was selected to be the boy's VBC manager due to this and her tremendous expertise.
While Skyla is a detail-oriented and inquisitive girl who is getting ready for things like training camps and competitions, she may easily become sidetracked if she discovers something more engaging, like dancing, reading, or hanging out with old friends. Being in college preparatory classes, Skyla is highly intelligent and quick-witted, being first to call when one needs help or to get Bokuto out of his moods.
Skyla is incredibly resilient, having survived being with a narcistic and abusive mother until the woman tried to commit murder-suicide. This resilience is a testament to her strength and determination, as she had to adapt quickly until her father came back from overseas. Forced to fend for herself from a young age, Skyla is fiercely independent. She has learned to rely on her own skills and instincts to survive, making her a highly self-sufficient individual who is capable of handling extreme situations on her own.
Though Skyla loves to read and enjoys quietness, she cannot sit still for too long and will try to do something to stimulate her body, she's a skilled multitasker due to this.
Her relationship with Bokuto and Akaashi is a wild one. Originally she was dating Akaashi but as this time Bokuto also developed feelings for both of them, to which they happily return and include him. She deeply cares for both them, and wanting the best for both, she's a little sacred she'll be dumped by both or replaces but the both them always reassure her they'll never do it. She always teams ups with one if the other is down such as she and Keiji cheering up Kotaro from on of his moods and Bokuto and her getting Akaashi to relax. Though she doesn't get jealous often, she can act seductive towards them as a show of dominance to the intruder.
Likes: Family and friends, Kotaro and Keiji, dancing, fish sinigang, music, durable shoes, reading, ASMR, her budgie Amihan, musicals, comfy pajamas.
Dislikes: Entitled people, pranks that harm or make others uncomfortable, girls flirting with her boyfriends, belittlement, her relationship being called 'disgusting', stereotypes, sitting still for too long, durian, her mother, stuffy clothes, too cheesy movies.
Hobbies: Dancing, listening to music, watching anime and movies, reading, capoeira, arnis, aerobics, weaving, silat, muay thai, hunting, cooking.
Goal(s): To complete in nationals and marry both of her boyfriends.
Current concerns: Getting Amihan to stop hitching a ride in Kotaro's hair.
Mother(s):  Unamed
Father(s):  Raphael Barretto
Sibling(s):  None
Relative(s):  Unnamed grandparents.
Friend(s): Fukurodani VBC, Shoyo Hinata and other girls in St. Trinians.
Best Friend(s): Yukie Shirofuku, Kaori Suzumeda, Teresa Diamandis, Bridget Fortuné, Heather O'Cleary, Irene Song, Juliette Chaveleir, Cat Tamami.
Love Interest(s):  Kotaro Bokuto and Keiji Akaashi (poly)
Rival(s): None
Pet(s): Her budgie Amihan.
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