#sando answers
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heartbreak-sandwich · 1 year ago
Lex! I loved your boyfriend hcs, I'd love to hear your headcanons on the guys as fathers 👀
omg Joz yes!! This is such a cute idea, thank you 🥰 ✨ The ST boys as fathers ✨
💕STEVE HARRINGTON is a superdad. He loves friendly competition with his (many - five, to be exact) children to see who can throw something the farthest, who can get to the car the fastest, and who can finish their desert first. - Bedtime stories are crowded with all of them on the same bed, huddled around Steve as he does voices for all of the characters. - Food is always creative and messy, and Steve encourages curiosity in every way. "Don't play with your food" is not a rule to be found in the Harrington household. - The rowdy bunch attends each other sporting events, band concerts, and school plays in a pack which is forever recognizable because of course their outfits are color coordinated.
💕BILLY HARGROVE loves his little girl more than anything else in this world. He is very protective, letting her roam at a safe distance, and worries more than he lets on about her safety and emotional wellbeing, and whatever she wants, he teaches her how to earn. - His little angel is a superfan of his metal music, so of course he picks up an extra shift every other weekend to pay for her drumming lessons. Every time a friend comes to the house while she's practicing, they comment on the noise, and all Billy says is, "I know. She's gonna be a star someday," with the proudest smile on his face. - Every time something comes up while Billy is spending time with his daughter, he tells whoever he's talking to, "Hang on. I have to ask the boss," and turns to his daughter and whispers in her ear, her face becoming very serious before she gives a quiet answer back to him. - He teaches her how to fix her own things -- the car, the toilet, the legos she knocked over on accident. He never wants her to have to rely on anyone else to solve her problems, and he teaches her to be self sufficient along with his support.
💕ARGYLE is full of childlike wonder at all times, so it's no surprise that he is the fun dad. He takes his twin boys on adventures every chance they get, and he encourages their creativity every step of the way. One of his boys is an avid painter while the other is a violinist. The walls inside their home are adorned with murals always being worked on inspired by ambient strings in the background. - Argyle's kids are homeschooled because their family prefers to hit the road for the sunny months of the year, and he figures they learn more from seeing the world than they ever could stuck inside a classroom. - He makes up stories on the fly to tell his kids, and he's always forgetting the characters names, but they don't seem to mind. The stories involve silly but useful life lessons that he wished someone would've told him when he was their age instead of having to figure them out on his own. They'll thank him someday. - The fashion sense in their family is absolutely wild. Argyle wants his kids to be able to express themselves freely with their style choices just like he does, and the result is a colorful array of garments always strewn about the home, lots of them covered in paint, and sometimes on purpose to add a little flavor.
💕JONATHAN BYERS is your average, working class father, but he is adamant about making time to spend with his family. His two daughters starting high school has been the biggest challenge for him so far, but he never misses a dance recital or a soccer game, and he's always home in time to have dinner with everyone so he can hear about their days. - The Byers family is big on gifts from the heart, so for every birthday, Jonathan makes his girls their own mixtapes complete with songs they already know and love combined with songs he thinks they should hear. It warms his heart when he hears the tracks blaring from their respective bedrooms while they get ready for school each morning. - Being an equal caretaker has always been important to him, so Jonathan took it upon himself to learn to braid. When his girls were little, he used to braid their hair before bed. Now, even though they can do it themselves, they still seek him out at least once a week or so for the perfect plait. - He is the chauffeur for his girls and all of their friends regularly. He'll take them to the mall, the arcade, to school, wherever is needed, and he never complains about it. He feels like it's a gift to be able to spend that time together while they can.
💕EDDIE MUNSON is a single dad whose son is an absolute carbon copy of him. The little guy is never sitting still, his long wild curls billowing behind him as he darts around the house with his plastic sword saving the day. Eddie is pretty sure his first words were "stick it to the man," and he smiles with pride when his son says some off the wall thing because the Munsons wear their weird like a crown. - Above everything, Eddie teaches his son to be kind. Be kind to people, be kind to animals, be kind to places, and be kind to things because the world needs more of it, and it all comes back to you. He teaches him how to put spiders outside instead of kill them and to invite the kid sitting alone on the playground to play pirates with him. Always be kind. - Corroded Coffin has a new stand in drummer while Gareth is away at school. Eddie's son is still fairly young, but he has great rhythm, and playing an instrument proves to be a great way to channel his energy. There is a new house rule that says sticks are for smacking drums only, and you can probably guess why. - Eddie plans small DnD oneshots for he and his son to play through together, and he loves it. The adventures, the battles, and the roleplaying are great for the imagination, and it's their favorite bonding time. Last year's Christmas present to his son was a custom set of abalone shell dice, and he treasures nothing more.
These were so fun to do!! Thank you for getting me thinking outside of my usual box :3 ❤️‍🔥 Requests are open!
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rattkween86 · 1 year ago
Hug time! I can understand that feeling. ADD and RSD.
Hug time for sure!!! Thank you sm, you are so kind. 💕
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randomrottmntscreenshots · 2 years ago
I need Savage Ralph And panicking Ralph Please I need it (HES LITERALLY MY FAVORITE PART OF MY FAVORITE EPISODE)
This occasion calls for audio
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eowynstwin · 26 days ago
is Brandon Sanderson any good?? i've been getting more into high fantasy and everyone keeps recommending him
For me—yes, but also mostly no.
I think he's really creative when it comes to worldbuilding. I'd KILL to play a TTRPG set in the Stormlight Archives. He has an incredible knack for fantasy, I'll give him that with no complaint. Being able to see color as a function of having a soul and ingesting certain metals to fuel magnetic powers is very interesting. Gemstones as storage devices for magic makes my adolescent heart sing.
Boil the fantasy meat off (most of) his stories and the bones are all the same. Downtrodden everyman discovers his magical powers and saves the world with them, OR, independent heroine discovers the world is more complicated than she thought. Not really much variation beyond that—it gets samey for me.
I don't think Sanderson is really very interested in delving too deeply into most of what he writes about, either. Sex is an untouchable subject to him, and whenever he very briefly mentions it, it ALWAYS occurs after characters have married. War, colonialism, slavery, and classism—he isn't willing to let these themes, which he's happy using to drive his stories, actually dirty up the narrative.
He is a Tolkien-style writer in a post-Game of Thrones culture. I'm sorry, Brandon, but all armies commit rape. Even the "good" ones. You can't escape that just because you don't mention it.
Also, I take issue with his very lukewarm efforts at true diversity in his books. One very minor gay character in his most recent work does not an ally make. Fantasy brown people (many of whom are blue-eyed) with no real-world ethnic analogues do not function as proper representation. Strong Female Characters Who Fight are not actually strong female characters if their interiority boils down to "I am a girl and I can fight!!" (Shallan Davar is the singular exception to this rule. Shallan my beloved.)
Also his heroines always seem to discover a love of dresses after presenting for much of the narrative as very androgynous, and tend to end up with male characters a few or very many years older than them. When you consider the fact that he is a dedicated Mormon, that doesn't speak well of that bit (or truly anything else).
Overall, despite all this—I wouldn't say DON'T read him. Just don't go in expecting anything especially profound. Basically no trigger warnings for any of his books—they're all very clean—and sometimes that's a good thing, but sometimes that's also a really bad thing.
Try Warbreaker or Elantris, if you want to. Those are standalones that will give you a pretty good idea of what all of his writing will be like.
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punkahudsonia · 2 years ago
Wired writer: [goes to Utah to interview prominent Mormon, is shown excruciating hospitality and leaves feeling that his host is in some way incredibly guarded and stringently shallow]
Anyone who's ever actually known an LDS person:
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nona-gay-simus · 11 months ago
(love the shade in that alecto post, btw. sando's worldbuilding always very '1998 dnd setting')
Haha. I'm by no means an expert, I've read one of his books, which fell very flat to me in all the ways that matter to me as a reader (world-building, characters, conflict.)
His fans keep insisting that was an early work and I should try one of his newer stuff and like, nah man. I'd prefer to give my money to authors who aren't going to give them to the Church of Latter Saints, thanks. (Which btw if you don't know: Brando Sando is a Mormon and a portion of his profits goes to LDS church).
But my point still stands :D
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jesswritesthat · 7 months ago
Bakugo Katsuki: Sando
Fandom: BNHA // MHA — [ Masterlist ]
Warnings: None
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Bakugou wasn't one for obvious favourites, like or dislike was enough if he was ever forced to answer. However, this quaint café located in his patrol quadrant was an entirely different story and he'd frequent it often whenever he was nearby, though only on certain days.
If anyone ever asked about it, Bakugou claims that the freshly made spicy katsusandos there were the ideal lunch / snack for patrol. Mina and Kaminari have also been recommended the cheesecake due to his knowledge of their sweet preferences.
Today it was your desperate voice that made him pause at the open door after taking out a low rate villain, furrowed brows accompanying his stoic expression.
"Can I make one more katsusando - real quick?"
"We've sold out. We don't normally—" That was your supervisor, he knew of that extra but not by name.
"I know, I'll make it myself I swear, just one more."
"Alright, you know where the stuff is. Clean it once you're done." Though they sighed exasperatedly, it seemed you were pleased with the acceptance.
A noise of agreement echoed, then a cluttering of pans which he'd assumed was your doing, if you were making your lunch the he might as well come back later.
Except by the time he’d explosively shot back across the city hours later, barrelling in a minute before closing with smoke spiralling from his entrails, only you remained with the same welcoming smirk you always greeted him with - and one neatly wrapped spicy katsusando expectantly held out to him.
“You made it huh? Lucky, you got the last one.”
There was always so much he'd aimed to reply with that’d be cool or impressive, but as always he limited it to the same response, one day he'd think about changing that - just not now. Not with you leaving his mind annoyingly blank and heart frantically racing because of a damn sandwich.
"Thanks (L/n)."
Huh. Usually it was extra.
Yeah. Bakugou Katsuki had a favourite café that he frequented on certain days. But most definitely, only for the katsusandos.
The ones that you make.
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heartbreak-sandwich · 1 year ago
Lol silly request here so only if you want to but since you couldn't decorate I was wondering if you would like to write a short blurb of Billy and Steve decorating together. Maybe Steve sneaking out the mistletoe to lure Billy into a kiss. (Not that he would need to be lured in at all lol) only if you think you'd like to write this though!! No worries if not! 💙
This is GREAT, and I'm so in the mood for holiday fic themes, thank you sm Gin!!!💕
OKAY SO HERE'S MY LITTLE IMAGINE because this is too cute💕
They had almost finished decorating Hopper's cabin in the effort to get him into the holiday spirit. Since Hopper had been working longer shifts, they knew he wouldn't have the time, and they wanted El to have a magical Christmas this year after everything she had endured. They couldn't wait to surprise them both.
Billy stepped back from the golden-lit tree and studied the position of the star on top. He crinkled his brows and went back to adjusting it one more time while Steve huffed and puffed by the front door, clearly struggling with some greenery he was trying to hang along the doorframe.
"A little help here?" Steve finally griped. Billy smirked and approached Steve, but still made no effort to help him.
"What's the matter? Can't reach?" Billy's smirk bloomed into a bright smile as Steve looked over his shoulder and rolled his eyes.
"I know what you want me to say, and you can forget it," Steve mumbled as he continued to struggle with the decor. Billy just crossed his arms and looked on while Steve tiptoed to try and get a better reach.
"You know what? Fine," Steve conceded. "You're taller than me, so could you please help me finish hanging this?" Billy chuckled and held up the greenery along the door frame so Steve could secure it with some pushpins. Billy knew he wasn't taller than Steve, but he liked to egg him on to say it anyway.
The both stepped back from the door, surveying the position of the...mistletoe?
Billy turned to Steve who was already looking at him with dreamy eyes and a face that had "got ya" written all over it.
"Like always," Billy drawled, stepping closer to Steve, circling an arm around his waist and pulling him close. "You've got me right where you want me, Harrington."
Steve grinned, very satisfied with himself, before leaning in, one hand lightly tousling into Billy's curls as he kissed him -- slow, sweet, and magical, just like it was supposed to be. Their warmth filled the small room as they basked in the glow of the holiday lights, relishing in slow motion kisses until Billy had something to say.
"You know, since we seem to be done here," he started, locking eyes with Steve and raising his eyebrows suggestively. "Why don't we move on to some...more rigorous extracurriculars?"
Steve laughed and rested his forehead on Billy's. "I thought you'd never ask," he replied, a mischievous gleam in his eye. I hope this is okay!!! I tried to make it kind of short and sweet, and I love the playful dynamic of them kind of picking on each other in good fun lol. Thank you so much for requesting this!! 💕
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piano-hoarder · 1 year ago
What does this mEaN
Valhalla: Ruin and Odium, they both talked about their passion, and it was italicized both times. Would any other Shards talk about passion in that same-
Brandon Sanderson: *firmly* Yes.
Valhalla: -italicized way?
Brandon Sanderson: They would.
Valhalla: Would any of them NOT talk about it that way?
Brandon Sanderson: Yes.
Valhalla: That was my questions. Thank you very much.
Brandon Sanderson: Excellent, good questions!
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nikkento-writes · 7 months ago
After back-to-back-to-back meetings, you finally emerge from your office at home, stomach grumbling, hungry for the lunch you should have taken over an hour ago. You’ve only got fifteen minutes to spare before yet another conference call. Nanami stopped by earlier for his own lunchbreak before heading off to another mission and you’re sad to have missed him. Hoping to hear his voice even just for a few seconds, you retrieve your phone from your pocket, ready to dial his number. Before you can, you notice a few text messages from him that puts the biggest smile on your face.
There’s lunch for you in the fridge. 
Hope your meetings go well. On a mission the rest of the day, so no access to phone. 
I love you.
You open the fridge and see a plate with plastic wrapped over it, covering the tamago sando he made for you, one of your favorites. A little note in his handwriting is taped to it. Enjoy lunch, sweetheart. I love you.You’ll never get tired of hearing it. The both of you have made it a habit to say it often; with his profession as a Jujutsu Sorcerer, there’s no way to predict if it will ever be the last.
Heart full, you devour the sandwich quickly, snapping a quick shot of the empty plate. You send it to him along with a message of your own. No crumbs left. Thank you for lunch, sweetie. Have a safe mission. I can’t wait to see you at home. I love you so much. This is exactly what you need to get through the rest of your workday.
You end up working overtime to finish some deadlines before the weekend, so by the time your husband returns home, you’re still staring at the computer screen, typing away at your keyboard. When you hear him moving around in the kitchen, you start typing faster, desperate to be done with this and to be held in your husband’s arms. Responses to your emails are going to come in soon, but waiting around for them isn’t going to make you feel any better, so you finally get up from your chair to greet Nanami. He looks tired too, eyes heavy with fatigue, hair ruffled, tie loosened around his neck. His job is exhausting, and you always feel guilty complaining about yours when he constantly risks his life for his.
He's sat on the couch, head leaned back, eyes closed as if he’s ready for a nap. When he hears you approaching, he opens his eyes, smiling as soon as he sees you, the weariness in his expression almost disappearing completely. “Hi sweetheart,” he says, patting the spot beside him. “Done with work?”
You sit down, resting your head on his shoulder. He’s warm, always is, and you bask in it, an instant serotonin boost. “Almost. Just a few more minutes. Waiting for some emails.”
He kisses your forehead, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. “I’m sure you can check them on Monday.”
You yawn, closing your eyes without really meaning to. “They might have some questions – ”
He guides you down onto his lap, letting you use him as a pillow, stroking your head gently. “You can answer them next week.” His voice is soft and soothing, like a lullaby coaxing you into the most peaceful slumber. He knows all the ways to put you at ease, to make you forget about deadlines and projects and emails that you think can’t wait but actually can. Because getting to do this with him means he’s home, safe and sound. Alive.
You’re asleep now, already snoring, his hand still petting you softly. The distinct sound of an email notification pings from your office, but nobody budges, especially not Nanami. He smiles down at you, watching your sleeping form, enjoying the way your body rises and falls with every steady breath you take. He gets to sit here and be with you like this. Emails, deadlines, curses, overtime. Nothing even matters but you.
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randomrottmntscreenshots · 2 years ago
I wish There was an scene where Ralph Starts gong savage and beat on the crab brothers! (I JUST LOVE SAVAGE RALPH SO MUCH)
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kamisama1kiss · 9 months ago
HIIIII THE MOVIE WAS SO GOOD AND I SAW YOU WERE TAKING REQUESTS AND OMG OMG COULD YOU DO A NEKOMA MANAGER x KENMA PRETTY PLEASE ITS OKAY IF NOT BUT ANYWAYS THE MOVIE HAS ME AUGH!! Ah! preferably the prompt i think would be fun is either Kenma and Y/N going to the conbini and/or arcade in the middle of the night after the loss (they sneak out of the hotel) or Arcade/GameStop Worker!Reader x Regular!Kenma. This is my first time making a request so HOPEFULLY I did this right!!
The movie is so good, like wow. I actually did some small researching for snacks for a konbini 😝🫶 You did great, BTW! Loved the cute idea!! ♡
Song of choice: Sweet by Cigarette After Sex
!⚠️Spoilers from The Dumster Battle will be mentioned shortly⚠️!
Kenma Kozume { Midnight Snacks }
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"Not of your brightest moments {Name}" Kenma spoke with the volleyball manager, walking next to him along the streets of Japan for a breather. "Perhaps not, but you didn't say no."
They smiled at him, finding his constant small frown from having to leave the comfort of sleeping to go out, alongside his switch being placed into their pocket for no purpose of being used.
"It has been a long enough day as is." not adding much of an answer while he was still tired from the match with Karasuno. Shrugging a shoulder at what he had side, "This just a short trip to clear our minds, besides its good for you to go outside some more."
They spoke gently, placing a light hand on his shoulder. The walking stops in a halt. "I know this was hard on you after how it ended, with the ball falling out of your hand at the end."
Almost as he held his breath when it was mentioned, his shoulder stiffened as well, feeling guilt from earlier. Nonetheless, he had experienced a new feeling. "You had fun playing volleyball today, I saw it. We all saw it." A soft patting motion with the hand resting on his shoulder, further making their way down the street lit path.
Rounding the corner in silence, the loudest sounds were easily picked up by the sounds of shoes hitting the concrete. It was maybe quiet but not uncomfortable. Simply, a warm aura wrapped the duo.
It could be seen as Kenma eyed them. Hesitation was shown in his movements, with enough curridge his hand finally latched on to their hand. It was pinkey linked, a small form of affection that he rearly initiated himself.
Hearts beating as one, with the stars dancing along the dark canvas up above. Comfort was broken at some point. "We could head to the konbini, up ahead." They suggested in a soft whisper, pointing briefly with their head. "A night snack could be nice."
The night felt as a warm breeze when they now had a destination to make. He was quiet, but not many words needed to be exchanged between the two. Lazily smiling as his eyes would softly admire how the moonshine hit their face, never having gotten the grasp of how they even ended up together.
With a blink of en eye now standing in front, one of the few ials of snacks, food, and simple groceries along such. "Hm, I feel for a strawberry sando. You?" They asked him while they reached for the strawberry snack.
His cat-like gaze roamed before reaching his wish. "A apple pie flavoured Umaibo." Reaching for one alongside it being not too far from where they stood.
"I'll pay." They said even before he could even utter another word. "Are you sure? I could pay for my own just fine." Raising a light brow but gives them the snack if choice anyhow.
"I insist, take it as a treat. You paid for the last one." They grinned at him as they now spinned on the heel to go upfront, lightly tugging him after with the pinkey still being held.
With yet another flash of a blink, they sat outside of the konbini, each munching on their respected snacks. "You know, this evening was pleasant, actually." He mumbled after a second bite, looking over at them only to already be greeted by a pleased and eased smile.
"I am glad to hear so." They lightly spoke, the moon shunned yet again on the two, giving them a soft glow. Going from linked pinkey to hands completely intertwined as time went on.
Hope you all enjoyed this little Kenma Kozume snippet!♡
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cuneiformkey · 1 year ago
Pretty sure this is how BrandoSando does it
Murderbot isn't on a mission or contract so it's just sitting at the preservation station in it's permanent hotel room watching serials and writing fics. It writes 15k word chapters daily, to the complete joy and also bafflement and concern of all of its readers.
One of them comments asking "Do you sleep??"
It replies "No."
This interaction is screenshotted and added to the 4000 post long forum discussion titled simply "how are they still alive"
whenever any of them get close to figuring it out, ratthi chimes in with a red herring while murderbot, secret forum moderator, quietly deletes the post and scrubs the internet of all traces of its existence or deletion.
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luvlyemmaa · 1 year ago
Cicatrize II
-`♡´- To find healing by the process of forming scars
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Summary:(Y/n) is going through a difficult time in her life.She had intended to simply vanish and die, but it appears that someone had persuaded her otherwise.
Now that you are strolling side by side, you are chatting contentedly and enjoying the strawberry sando that Aqua gave you. When the students noticed you and Aqua walking together, they started whispering to one another.
You both ignore them and keep walking until you are both in the vicinity of your classroom. You enter the classroom, with him following you behind as you both make your way to your respective desks.
With him, sitting in front of you and you sitting behind him. He turned to face you while sitting on his chair and grasped it as he turned to face your desk. Though you were a little surprised by his abrupt behavior, you chose to ignore it.
You continued to munch while gazing out the window and said, "The summer is about to start soon,” "Yeah, there is probably going to be a summer festival this year," he said, glancing at you. "Mmm," you hummed, indicating that you agreed with him. "Are you planning to attend? The summer festival, I mean," he said, leaning against his palm and resting on his elbow.
"I am not sure,I might go if I am not busy, but I do not want to go alone," you remarked humbly as you looked down at your desk. The abrupt drop in voice at the end seemed to catch his attention, reminding him of the incident from today when he had asked you why you were not eating with your friends.
"If you would like, I could accompany you," he said, glancing at you. You gave him a shocked look, and your eyes grew wider. "Y-you know you do not have to! Do not force yourself! Who knows, you could be busy at that time!" He chuckled at your outburst and tipped his head slightly as he observed you wave your hands off in a scared manner. "Since I was the one who desired to accompany you, I am not pressuring myself, and I will ensure to free up my schedule on that particular day," he answered, wearing a slight smile.
She was dazed as she looked at him, mesmerized, and a feeling of adoration rose in her chest. She was aware that she was falling hard for him, but she was forced to ignore her feelings for him due to the circumstances surrounding her.
"Why?" You asked inquisitively, causing him to look at you for a brief moment before extending his hand to touch your face.
"Well, it is not like I have a partner either way at the festival," he said, wiping away some cream from the side of her lips and licking it off with his thumb. You blushed out of embarrassment and looked at him in bewilderment.
"H-hey, you cannot do that! And what do you mean by not having a partner?! There are a few fan girls at this school who would be willing to be your partners!?" You spoke to him while pointing a stern finger at him, causing him to sweat. He sighed and grabbed your finger, bringing it down from his face. "I know I have many fangirls, but I do not want to go with them; I would rather go with you," he said, blushing slightly and averting his gaze away from you.
With your mouth hanging open, you gave him a brief glance before making a slight noise with your hands hitting the desk and leaning in to meet his face. You squinted your eyes at him, suspiciously saying, "But that does not explain your actions earlier." He smirked and leaned in closer to meet your face. "Why? You find it appealing?" You were taken aback as blush spread across your cheeks, and you leaned back to get a good distance away from him.
"No! Where did you get that idea from?!" You crossed your arms and averted your gaze from him. "Hmm.. Really? But your blushing face appears to say otherwise," He commented on your current state of agitation. "Who said I am blushing!? It is just too hot in here!" You argued back in your current embarrassed state, which made him chuckle as he continued to tease you, "Oh really?" Unaware that some people have returned to the classroom, you two keep arguing back and forth. They looked in both of your directions, their eyes widening as they saw you talking to Aqua.
You came to a halt as you looked at the person calling your name, causing your eyes to widen when you saw them
(F/n) - Friend name
"F/n...?" You muttered lowly when you saw them, and she looked at him before returning your gaze. "I had no idea you were close with Aqua-kun," she said, smiling. "How come you did not tell us that you two are close?" Your other friend questioned you, raising an eyebrow at you. With your hands trembling a little, you tightly gripped onto your palm beneath the sleeves of your long cardigan. You said, "I do not know... do not feel like it," as you lowered your head and avoided staring at them. "Eh? We are supposed to be friends, right? You should have informed us," Your jaw tensed at the mention of "friends” and your nails dug deep into your palm, causing it to bleed.
You fucking liar...
Stay away from me...
Aqua noticed your hurt expression in your eyes and your trembling hands, which caused him to glance at your friends. ‘Something happened between them,’ he thought before standing up and causing his chair to move backwards, making a noise. As silence descended upon the classroom, everyone present—including your friends—turned to face him. His bangs covered his eyes as he gently tugged on your wrist, causing you to stand up from your seat. Aqua dragged you out of the classroom, as the people watching the scene were taken aback by his actions towards you.
With You and Aqua,
Aqua opened the door, revealing an empty classroom, then dragged you inside before closing the door.
He took you to the closest place and then allowed you to sit down so you could collect your thoughts. He took a chair and set it in front of you before sitting down facing you. You remain silent as your bangs covered your eyes making him unable to see your face. He sighed before reaching into his pocket to retrieve some medical supplies, then gently grabbed your wrist. He pulled back the sleeves of your long cardigan to show some blood leaking from your cut. He then grabbed some water to clean the blood away.
He silently tends to your wound before you choose to break it. "... thank you..." He hummed, continuing to wrap your wound. "It is not a big deal, no worries," he said, flashing a small smile. "Here, everything is done," He let go of your hand before getting up and cleaning up the mess. You examined your previously treated palm before droplets fell onto it.
Aqua was throwing used cotton into the trash can when he heard hiccups, which caused him to turn his head towards the sound. "Y/n? What's wrong?" He approached you with concern in his eyes and crouched down to get a better look at you. "Does it hurt? Is the bandage too tight?” He inquired, grasping your hand and inspecting the wound.
"Aqua,.. I'm pathetic.. aren't I...?"
He stopped before asking "What makes you say that?" You can't see his face because he was looking down onto your palm making you unable to see his expression."You saw it yourself didn't you... on what happened earlier..." You said as you on the verge of tears, your shoulder trembling as you shut your eyes "I'm the problem here...It's much more better than before.. and now... I wish to just disappear..."
As you said that, Aqua stand up making you standing up too in the process before wrapping his hand around your waist whiles his other hand at the back of your head.
"You can't leave me here, Y/n. I still need you here," As you were about to say something he beat you to it "Even if the others let you down, I'm still gonna be your supporter until the end," Your eyes turn glassy before he continue again "You have a soft heart that no one have seen, you are considerate towards the others, you put the others before you, you've always look after them even though they've never noticed, always be the one to protect them whenever they got hurt even though you also got hurt aswell, You've been carrying burden all by yourself but no one ever notice, I admire you for that, For not giving up and always smiling positively even if something bad happened," Tears dropped down to your cheeks as you sniffed onto his shoulder "Y/n you're the most amazing person I've ever met in my life, you got many flaws in yourself but you just didn't see it,"
He leaned closer to whisper in your ear
"That's what I love about you," He said making your eyes widened at his sudden confession, you pull away from his hug as you looked at him in the eye "What...?" He cup your cheek using his one hand and leaned his forehead towards yours making both of your foreheads touching each other.
"I love you, y/n..."
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pretty-toru · 2 years ago
Hi! If you're taking requests rn, can I req for a gojo x fem or gn reader scenario where she does the break up prank on him but he surprisingly actually falls for it and the reader then makes up for it (sfw please)
break up prank┆gojo satoru
୧ genre: slight angst to comfort
୧ wc: 1.2k
୧ synopsis: you break up with gojo because he eats too much.
a/n: i don't support these kinds of relationship pranks :( but i tried making this lighthearted as possible so no hearts were broken in the making.
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Satoru's enjoying his lunch across from you during break 一 if you can even call it that considering it's a bunch of sweets and snacks in their wrappers sprawled over the table. While he's filling you in on his morning accompanied by his first year students, cheek overstuffed with strawberry whipped cream sando, you sigh when he finishes his sentence.
"Gojo, we need to talk."
There’s a bitter taste on his tongue now, and Satoru looks at you with his brows furrowed when you call him by his family name which sounds foreign to him. You don't normally address him that way unless he seriously messed up, but everything was perfect and you both were getting along great so he's clueless. Maybe if he pretends by looking around for this Gojo to answer you back and nothing comes up the day can continue its usual pace. "Yeah, so, anyway as Megumi was getting hit on–"
You huff when your words fall on deaf ears, and you are a little more stern and a little louder this time. Your arms crossing over your chest because you don't appreciate being ignored. "Gojo, I just said we need to talk."
He wears a sullen pout but keeps his lighthearted tone. "Angel you're killing me here, you know that's not my name. You always call me Baby or Honey or Toru~" He mimics your cute voice and you bite the inside of your cheek from smiling affectionately, and because you don’t sound even close to anything like that. 
"Yeah, well not for long. We have to break up."
What? His face immediately drops and he seizes his antics. He can't believe you could say that so easily, and he doesn't even know if he heard you right. You are his entire world and he thought he was yours too. Just the other day you were telling him how happy he makes you and how lucky you were to have him, so what the hell happened? Where did he go wrong? He completely trusted that you'd never give up on him and you both were even planning for the future, so it's incredibly baffling to him when you say the most unexpected thing.
Break up...
Break up?
What do you mean by that?
"No chance, that's not happening. What makes you say that, hm?" Satoru has a way of bouncing back that tells you even though he feels hurt and betrayed, he won’t succumb to the voice in his head reminding him he doesn’t deserve you. Because he knows he does, and you deserve him too. "This sounds like crazy talk, that's what it is. I can't believe you would even suggest something like this. Am I even allowed to know the reason?"
You straighten yourself in your seat, and gesture over to the purchased goods to your right. "Well, for one thing–! You eat so many sweets!" When your words reach him, he caught onto your practical joke and relief washes over him. He can't take you seriously anymore especially when you make frowning look so adorable as the castella roll cake, his beloved kikufuku, and an entire souffle cheesecake gets chastised under your gaze. "I've never seen anyone eat their body weight in sweets, and I'm afraid the next morning I'll find my boyfriend has turned into liquified sugar or limbs made of mochi!"
Satoru bursts out into laughter from your ridiculous explanation of wanting to end things, the tension in the room dissipates and the heaviness in his heart follows making him feel infinitely lighter. He doesn't argue or deny his sweet tooth, just slowly nods and drags your seat that’s a short distance away towards him. His strawberry sando is forgotten and you are compliant when he gently pulls you onto his lap, wrapping his strong arms around you and pressing a kiss to the pulse point of your neck. You giggle because it tickles, and your arms loop around his nape with your fingers twirling the ends of his hair. 
"Fine, it's true. I've become a sugar fiend. But is that really something to break up over, sweetheart?" He’s slowly returning back to being playful again, but the way he’s holding you a little closer and tighter means he hasn’t fully recovered from the prank. 
"I mean, it's getting out of control. When we go out for ice cream, you won't share yours and keep taking bites out of mine. Huge ones that leave teeth marks too!" You’re teasing him now and all he can do is chuckle. This is the worst prank anyone has pulled on him, and he should be upset with the person that played it… But he just can’t be upset with you, he could never be upset at you. Just because you did something like that doesn’t mean he still doesn't love you.
"I share everything else with you, and I think I'm more than generous when it comes to spoiling my sweet girl~" Satoru leans in once more to plant quick trailing kisses on your neckline down to your collarbone for all the times he’s stolen a taste from you. When he pulls away slightly, his parted lips were already waiting for yours when you meet him for a tender exchange. Softly melding together with a taste of your tongue and your "I love you" is more than just words to him. It’s a feeling he knows is truly and genuinely still there despite you almost breaking his heart.  
"I hope you know I was just joking, right?" Your noses are touching and you speak in the most gentle tone. He was so sure it was some mischievous stunt, but hearing you confirm it gave him some comfort and ease of mind. "We aren’t breaking up just so we’re clear. I’m sorry for putting you through that, but it was nice knowing you’d want to keep me around. Is there something I can do to make it up to you?"
"Heh, you really messed with my feelings just now, you know that?" Satoru looks faintly distressed, but there’s a simper on his face when he glances down and smooth out the wrinkles on your skirt. "I really thought you didn’t want to be with me anymore. How about if you promise to never do it again… I’ll let you get away with it."
"I promise I won’t do it again." He watches as your hand cover his and you signal him to link your pinkies together. Even if there’s no need for timeless rituals anymore you both still like to engage in small gestures with the utmost seriousness to stay true to your word.
Satoru can’t help but release a breathy laugh. He looks at the sweet connection between your little fingers that brings a certain warmth to his heart like sunlight settling on his skin after a windy surge. His smile broadens as he looks back up at you. "Promise you won’t break my heart by ever leaving me?"
You hum contently and smooch his cheek as you recite the promise back to him. "I promise I won’t break your poor heart. Wouldn't even dream of it."
"I'm glad you are not going anywhere. Then I promise you the same thing~" He intertwines your hands together and brings it up to his lips to kiss your knuckles. "I love you so much. Don't forget that Angel."
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fishsticksloser · 2 years ago
My I request a rottmnt x reader where they are out spending time with reader but they run into one of the villains (like ghostbear, meat sweats, or hypno your choice) and they find out that they are the reader's uncle that they haven't seen in a long time, so they catch up and see how they've been? Sorry if this request is long. Remember to stay hydrated
Villain Uncle
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RotTMNT x gn!reader
Warnings: aged up, awkwardness, a tiny bit of violence, not written as headcannons
A/N: Honestly, I stopped staying hydrated for a while, but I'm back to drinking a lot of water. Stay hydrated!! I would like to preface with the fact that before Hypno mutated he went by Mezmer-Ron so I'm assuming his name was Ron... I honestly had no clue what to do with Ghostbear...
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You meet up with Donnie in the alley between the buildings you were perched on. You put the few pieces of mystic metal you found in his bag before you both turned to go back to the lair.
"Well well..." You hear a familiar New Zealand accent. Donnie tensed next to you. "I've found a turtle..."
Donnie turned and pulled out his bō, eyebrows drawn down. "I was in the middle of something." Donnie sighed. You turned to see the mutant hippo, who was all ready to pounce when he saw you.
"Y/N?" The hippo asks, lowering his rings.
"Uncle Ron?" You question.
"Uncle Ron?" Donnie turns to you.
"By days..." Hypno gasps, rings dropping to the ground. You race to him, enveloping him in a hug. A few years ago he just disappeared. "I haven't seen you in years, you've gotten so big."
"I'm hoping you weren't planning on killing my boyfriend." You laughed, Donnie hesitantly approached.
"You're dating a turtle?" Hypno huffs, both men glaring at each other.
"Says the hippo..." You answer.
Leo had portaled you guys to the beach for a day of relaxation. At least that was the plan, but soon Leo was fighting 2 giant crab men.
"I hate the Sando brothers..." Leo groans, being able to take a quick break from fighting to check on you.
"Sando?" You ask. He nods, watching them to make sure he didn't put you in danger. "Like... Ben and Carl Sando. Acrobats."
"Uh yeah..." Leo frowns, looking at you. "Why?"
"They're my uncles." You answer.
"Uncles? Your uncles are crab men... Why didn't you tell me you were related to the Sando's?"
"It never came up!" Ben charged, you quicky stepped in front. "Ben!"
"Y/N?" He grunts, skidding to a stop, Carl flies into him, making them fall over. "It really is you! What are you doing with this turtle?"
"He's my boyfriend."
"Aren't you a little young to be dating?" Carl glares at Leo.
Eventually they simmer down and you all go out for lunch to catch up. Your mom will be really happy knowing her brothers are okay.
Mikey was headed to meet you at a yo'kai restaurant close by. He turned the corner and saw you with Meat Sweats. He couldn't see your face, but he saw Meat Sweats' gross smile. You were in danger, he had to do something.
"And I —"
"Y/N!?" Mikey calls. Rupert looked up, recognizing the orange turtle's voice. "Get away from them."
"Mikey." You grab his hand and pull him closer. "This is my uncle. Rupert Swaggert. This is my boyfriend, Mikey, he's a huge fan of Consenting Kitchen."
"Your uncle?" Mikey asks, at the same time Rupert says: "Your boyfriend?"
"We just bumped into each other." You smiled. "I haven't seen him since before he mutated."
Neither man spoke, nor did they look at you. They glared at each other. Sure Mikey was a fan of Rupert Swaggert, but he wasn't the biggest fan of Meat Sweats.
"Uh... I'm see you later, I have a date tonight." You smiled awkwardly at your uncle before dragging Mikey into the restaurant.
Both of you were chilling out in the park together. It was dark, so there wasn't a fear of people seeing him. You had grabbed takeout and drinks for a late night picnic.
This was your first date in months due to the missions Raph had to go on. But it made it all the more special.
"You wouldn't believe the guy that came in today at work." You laughed. Raph chuckled, not speaking so you could continue your story. "He kept trying to tell me that he needed left handed pencils. Like I was an idiot."
"Only one turtle?" Someone asks. You both turn and see a polar bear. "Y/N? What are you doing with this turtle?"
"Ghostbear..." Raph huffs. "I was just enjoying a date night..."
"Ghostbear?" You look at Raph who nods. "Like the pro wrestler?"
"That's my uncle!"
"What? You never told me! I was a huge fan of his... Until he tried to kill us."
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