#this is not how i remember that emissary fight going
crossdressingdeath · 2 years
So! Got through that massive fight in Heidrun Thaig where you have to fight waves and waves of darkspawn. Uh... my whole party is still at full health. And mostly full guard. And I haven't used a single potion. I may have overdone it just a little with the guard on hit and heal on kill...
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pamsimmer · 8 months
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My very first challenge and I'm excited? haha
When I was looking for occults challenge to play I found a lot of witches and vampire type of things, but I don't quite remember seeing a werewolf one.
These three occults are my favorites (unfortunately I kind of ignore the others because you know... meh, not as fun to play with them. But maybe one day I'll try to make a mermaid challenge)
Down here you're gonna find the rules and guidelines for each gen. You don't have to follow strictly the rules if you don't want to, I know it can be annoying sometimes. And also I made it short for those who prefer shorter challenges (like me).
I just hope you have fun!
[edit: a friend made the graphic rules and it looks amazing. if you prefer it like this: HERE]
You must reside only in the occults’s worlds, but preferably in Moonwood Mill (You can always kick your family out and pretend you’re living in another place hehe)
Start as YA, any gender
You can use cheats if you want.
Heir must be a werewolf
Normal or Long Lifespan
You don’t have to max all these skills, but it would be nice if you at least worked on them all your sims lives
When I put ( / ) is because you can choose what you prefer or if you don’t have said pack you can choose the base game one.
Requirements: Werewolves, Snowy Scape, Get Together, Get To Work
GENERATION 1: Waxing Crescent
You grew up close to the Moonwood Collective, they are basically your family and you learned how to be a good sim and not hurt others. You prefer to lock yourself up than to behave like an animal in front of others. You always loved art/writing and your hobby is to play piano. You don’t like the spotlight because of your werewolf tendencies, so you chose a more “reclusive” career.
Traits: Proper/Snob, Bookworm, Good
Aspiration: The Emissary of the Collective
Skills: Charisma, Piano/Painting, Writing
Career: Painter or Writer (It can be the freelance career if you prefer)
Volunteer with family (or alone) at least once a week
Your partner can be any gender, can be human or even another type of occult, as long as the heir is a werewof.
Get married to your partner and never divorce. You two were made for each other
GENERATION 2: Waning Gibbous
Your parents wanted you to be as perfect as they are, but you’re not them. You have your own personality and your own desires. You’re a rebel. You love being a werewolf and you feel powerful when you show others who you are. The only thing you got from your parent was the love for music, but you are more of a guitar type of sim. And you want to be the leader of your own pack.
Traits: Mean, Active, Kleptomaniac
Aspiration: Wildfang Renegade
Skills: Mischief, Fitness, Guitar
Career: Criminal or perform only odd jobs and have a part time job
Meet your friends at the bar every weekend
Have a “fight club” club
Get pregnant/get your girlfriend pregnant as a teen (if your sim is a boy: don’t assume the responsability / if your sim is a girl: give the baby to someone else. you can keep the child close to you if you want to play with them later, in case it’s a werewolf)
Get married as a Young Adult and divorce before become an Adult. You can find love again, but if you don’t, that’s okay. (preferably die alone :)
One day your sims is gonna teach their teen kid (the heir) how to fight. You’re take them to Greg and let them fight Greg… alone.
You never got along with your parent. You actually hate them. You prefer to be alone, you’re like a hurt puppy that attacks others who tries to come closer to you. But you’re very sweet on the inside. And finally one day you find the love of your life and you have a beautiful family together.
Traits: Loner, Gloomy, Hot-Headed
Aspiration: Lone Wolf
Skills: Gardening, Handiness, Fishing
Career: Gardner or Fisherman (and perform odd jobs)
If you chose gardner: go fishing every weekend, if you chose fisherman: have a garden
Live off the grid, at least until you get married (after that you can go back to society again if you want to. But it’s not mandatory)
Have at least two kids
You grew up in a loving family. You have so many plans for your life, but you don’t want to be a werewolf forever. You spent your teenager years reading werewolf books and you got the Lunar Epiphany and learned how to make the cure. Maybe you’re the one who breaks the family’s curse, right? and you want to be a super parent because your own parent inspired you.
Traits: Genius, Family-Oriented, Loyal
Aspiration: Cure Seeker
Skills: Logic, Parenting, Baking/Gourmet Cooking
Career: Doctor/Astrounaut
Find love when you are already a human and be the best parent you can be!
Go out on dates at least once a week with your partner, and when you have a child go out at least once a week with your family.
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dangermousie · 2 months
Middle (sort of) of 2024 list - cdrama edition.
Yeah I realize it's neither the end of the year, nor half a year, but what's the point of being predictable? It's also gonna make my end of year post easier. This is only going to cover cdramas that aired in 2024; if I watched it but it was made in a different year, it’s not on the list.
(In order of liking from least to most as opposed to pure quality; I am including if I’ve seen enough to make up my mind; yes I realize that’s inaccurate, but that’s my list)
42 My Divine Emissary - it's actually a pretty good drama year when the worst cdrama I've checked out this year is merely utterly shrill and brain dead but not horrifyingly offensive to good taste.
41 Fight for Love - they had wonderful actors and a great premise and utterly wasted it. There might someday be a good drama about a female general torn between a royal and an enemy general but this ain't it.
40 Peacock in Wonderland - I am a few decades too old for this brain dead fest but I am glad Zhou Jun Wei is not canceled at least.
39 Her Fantastic Adventures - honestly, this, MDE and Revenger are all the same type of subgenre - they aren't offensive they are just as empty as air. This also suffers from casting an utter dud as ML and a charisma boat as SML. Why?
38 Lady Revenger Returns from the Fire - the main thing I remember from this is that Miles Wei must have stolen the wig maker's parking spot. That wig is the one that should have gone into the fire.
37 Your Trap/Imprisoned Love - the plot of this mini made no sense but the softcore vibes of sanitized 1990s cinemax were on point!
36 Fox Matchmaker: The Red Moon Pact - it's so pretty, so full of gorgeous costumes and actors and I enjoyed the first few eps, but ultimately it was like watching colorful paint dry. It was so dull, I couldn't even hate watch it, and that is more damning than anything.
35 The Unexpected Marriage - cutesy dumb period romcom. Could be worse, not that this is much of a praise.
34 Love’s Rebellion - so twee, so precious, so full of cutesy awful CGI and actors who aren't bothering. I am not sure why Zhang Linghe and Jing Tian are in this mess that looks like rainbow vomited on a xianxia set.
33 My Wife's Double Life - her life may be double but her brain is only half.
32 Jade's Fateful Love - I lost some braincells trying this one, but (a) it's gorgeous and (b) no transmigration say you? Multiple transmigration in first ep alone! Good for you, makers!
31 Follow My Heart - how do you have Luo Yunxi, Song Yi and Cheng Lei and waste them so utterly? First few eps were nice and then it's like exercise in how much you can tolerate before you call it quits.
30 Sword and Fairy 4 - it's kinda a mess but I loved the actors and some of the plots and you can do worse.
29 Blossoms in Adversity - dumb as a set of particularly dumb bricks and ML I don't think could act if his life depended on it, but it was strangely addictive and I watched it often before better dramas. It's just a genuinely good time somehow!
28 Judge Dee - it's not you it's me in action. It's smart and gorgeous and well acted, I just don't do procedurals.
27 The Substitute Princess’ Love - it's like some of those trashy web novels I enjoy. It was clearly cut, its budget was equivalent to loose change found in the pockets of makes of Fox Spirit Matchmaker, but it was a surprisingly fun watch, though I enjoyed the first half better than the second. Also as a drama old, it was a fun blast from the past seeing Dylan Kuo (if you have never watched the old twdrama The Outsiders, what are you even doing with your life?)
26 Rise from the Ashes - a wacky as hell mini where reborn FL wreaks revenge with help of her fake uncle as they carry on as some sort of Borgia/Phillip II of Spain fame hybrid. If you don't need to use your brain, you could have a worse time.
25 The Legend of Heroes - it suffered from me seeing other versions of this tale before that I liked more and not loving how dark looking it is but that cast is A+ and Wang Hongyi was a revelation as Yang Kang.
24 Beauty Strategy - a mini of what a few years ago would have been a proper angsty drama of palace scheming enemies while lovers, powerless emperor etc etc. Honestly, I loved it.
23 Lovesickness - this year's gender-reversed Ancient Love Song, not as artistic or good but still a good time about a woman traveling back in time and falling for a powerful but doomed duke.
22 Fragments of Kylin - demon slayer falls for a demon; this one came out of nowhere and didn't have much of a budget but is surprisingly lovely.
21 Enslaved by Love - the only reason it's not the most fucked up drama on this list is because Shadow Sect, Palace Shadows and Burning Flames exist. The ML is toxic enough to be banned by the Geneva convention but FL does get some of her own back and also if you ever wanted to see blindness curing sex, boy do I have a drama for you!
20 Secrets of the Shadow Sect - head of sect lady and her very very subby bodyguard. What's not to love?
19 Palace Shadows: Between Two Princes - ML pretends to be his own twin, bdsm and sluttiness ensues. I cannot even explain how wild this drama is but the acting is on point and way way fun!
18 Dashing Youth - I had no expectations of this drama (either indifferent to or dislike everyone in the cast, wuxia and wuxia-adjacent is rarely my genre, the number of characters is huge) but I loved how under its bright colors, it eventually gets very dark (it's quite old school that way) and somehow I am invested in everyone in the huge cast. This being a prequel to The Blood of Youth makes us know the fates of many of the characters and this adds the air of tragic inevitability to it all.)
17 The Last Immortal - a surprisingly sweet and touching xianxia that works largely because Zhao Lusi and Wang Anyu are so so so so solid separately and together.
16 Burning Flames - the most gonzo drama on this list. I love it for committing to insanity as it should (if you pick insane source material, commit.) Humans taking on the worst Gods since Olympus, fur and chains, sentient crystal FL, ML who goes from Crown Prince to mine slave to rebel leader, bare chests and fur, demon elves, a villain that leaches color from the world - this drama has everything and I loved its unhinged glory.
15 Lost You Forever 2 - it would have been higher except it fell apart in the last third so badly I am still wondering how the makers could misunderstand their own characters and their own narratives so badly. The first season was a masterpiece. This is a hot mess.
14 The Princess Royal/The Grand Princess - I am in the minority of finding this drama very mid. The acting was fine (except for former eunuch dude), the writing was fine, but I never really got invested alas. I don't even know why. I think it's just not my type of narrative; there was no intensity.
13 Different Princess - a ridiculous amount of fun and ship about an author falling through to her own novel and falling for the villain.
12 Sword and Fairy 6 - I love this tale; the young OTP (a whale weapon and a clone of her trigger? More wholesome than you think) who are so ride or die for each other, the other amazing characters (sect leader who has to live as a man and her "twin" who is an ancient trapped spirit, a wolf demon, etc...) It's just genuinely good and proof that targeted to younger audience doesn't have to be bad.
11 In Blossom - sure, we all know JJY can't act, but the narrative was so fun and the visuals were so gorgeous and Liu Xueyi so gorgeous and magnetic in his first proper Male Lead role, it was all worth it. I liked the first half when they were still cautious of each other more than the second but this is just a good time!
10 Hard to Find - my second favorite mini on the list, this is an aesthetic feast. The doomed couple from enemy kingdoms, the vengeance, the twists - if ever a mini deserved to be a proper drama, this would be it. But alas, if it was they'd probably not let it.
9 The Double - unhinged web novel vibe done so perfectly in the inimitable Yu Zheng style. The leads were so good even the amazing villains didn't truly steal the show. Like with a lot of cdramas, it lost a lot of steam in second half for me, but still a great watch.
8 Fortune Writer - the best mini this year and better than most "proper" cdramas (Douban raters agree), this tale of villains in love fighting the narrative has a lot to say about writing cliches and writing conventions. I love how clever it is and how it actually made me care for the characters.
7 Tender Light - except for that ending, this was in the running for my favorite 2024 cdrama. The writers' lack of ability to commit and carry through pushed it lower but otherwise it's a genuine masterpiece. The acting, the chemistry, the looping narrative, what it has to say about abuse and complicity of society and blazing your own moral path is something else.
6 Derailment - who knew a little quasi scifi modern would be this high but this one is amazing. If you watch one modern this year, make it this one. Our FL is a rich girl a little in the future who somehow wakes up in a different timeline a few years back in the body of that universe's version of her (who is poor and has been missing) and her one connection is a young man who was in love with that universe's version of her. I don't want to say more so as not to spoil because the twists are twisty but this is EVERYTHING and also addresses transmigration, what it means to love, what is ethical etc etc. And that OTP!
5 Snowfall - a fever dream of a vampire narrative set in an alternate universe of the Republican era, it's gorgeous, passionate, hella queer and just like watching the most amazing fanfic come to life.
4 Heroes - a complete masterpiece about three men about to be on the scrapheap of history in the Qing Dynasty about to fall (a constable devoted to obsolete norms, who spent his whole life studying for the imperial exam which got canceled, the world's best swordsman in the era of guns, and a former imperial guard who emerges from prison into a different world) whose stories intersect as they search for treasure and the women and other people in their lives. This is smart, impeccably acted, filmed in a stunning way, bleak and funny at once and - I don't use the term masterpiece often but I will use it here.
3 The Legend of Shen Li - I am often indifferent to xianxia that suffers from too much CGI, hella immaturity and not enough stakes. Shen Li is everything. It's gorgeously filmed, it's adult, it gives the story time to breathe and centers it on characters and relationships. And the OTP is everything you can ever dream of - it reunites Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin, totally healing those Princess Agents wounds - their chemistry is still utter fire but the narrative supports them every step of the way.
2 Eternal Brotherhood - if JoL2 did not come out this year, this would be my favorite cdrama of the year. It's clearly a passion project with a small budget but this complex and grim tale of three rather different sworn brothers in a world at war is gorgeous, smart, well acted, dark and inspiring at once. There are shots that take my breath away, the love stories are amazing, the pace is perfect, and ohhh our complex mainsssssss.
1 Joy of Life 2 - nothing can beat this masterpiece. The first season was perfect and somehow the second is even more perfect. It's smart, it's funny, it's heartbreaking, the cast is still impeccable and Zhang Ruoyun still gives a completely jawdropping performance as the focus of all the madness Fan Xian. If you watch only one cdrama this year, make it this one.
Joy of Life 2 - there is not one second I forwarded, not one unnecessary scene, not one weak link character. It's a smart, fierce masterpiece.
Eternal Brotherhood is a runner up - it came out of nowhere and owned my whole heart. It's the sole other cdrama this year where I did not ff a second.
My Divine Emissary - honestly, this is a decent year because even this drama was just "forget it" not burning hate.
Fan Xian (Zhang Ruoyun), Joy of Life 2 - how could it ever be anyone but smart, irreverent, fierce, broken, idealistic, funny Fan Xian. The man who fights against the horrors of the universe, who remains human while being so larger than life. This character is everything.
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Runner up: Zhou Luo (Zhang Xincheng), Tender Light - idealistic loner who refuses to compromise his principles even as it would be easier to, even as it destroys his life, ZXC has always been a solid actor but here he is beyond.
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Alternatively, Zichuan Xiu (Yang Xuwen), Eternal Brotherhood - only way to describe Xiu is "trauma sunshine." He's funny, he's irrevocably fucked up, he is magnetic and intense and he fights for his hopeless ideals and he breaks and he keeps going.
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or Xing Zhi (Lin Gengxin), the lonely ancient god discovering the pleasure of life for the first time in aeons.
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Shen Li (Zhao Liying), The Legend of Shen Li - so fierce, so certain, so alive. She is a goddess but ZLY made her feel so real.
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Runner up: Nan Ya (Tong Yao), Tender Light - an abuse victim who keeps trying to find a way out, she's strong and damaged and complex and honestly, one of the best performances this year.
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Alternatively, Jiang Xiao Yuan (Liu Haocun), Derailment - she makes a character that in other hands would be boring or trite, someone I want to reach through to the screen and protect and love.
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99% of the denizens of the town in Tender Light - selfish every day denizens monstrous because of their very everydayness - they watch abuse and choose to blame the victim and gossip and enjoy the view. I hated them all.
Shen Li x Xing Zhi, The Legend of Shen Li - the chemistry, the yearning, the slow inevitable collapse into admittance, the way he protects the world and she protects him, the way they dance around each other, her being the aggressor, his surrender to forbidden emotion, their utter mutual belief in each other's competence. They are everything to me.
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Runner up: the OTP in Derailment. Those two went through some mind and soul breaking stuff and made it out.
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Amusingly enough, Fu Xin Bo is the male actor in both - the crossdressing sect leader x wolf demon OTP in Sword and Fairy 6, and First Prince x Eldest Princess in Joy of Life 2. What can I say, man knows how to pick them. Those OTPs are both utterly adorable!
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If we are talking about an OTP where it's not that it's not the main but it's not a ship-centric drama so they don't get much time, then we have either Fan Xian x Lin Wan'er from Joy of Life 2 - she is his peace and sanity
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and Si Yilin x Ka Dan, Eternal Brotherhood - they are both such desperately good people in a mad world, tender with each other despite surrounding cruelty.
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The couple in Fox Spirit Matchmaker - such pretty people, and so bland and boring and pointless together. It was kinda amazing.
God, so many good scenes this year so far - Fan Xian watching the death of the old censor and the aftermath, in JoL2; his confrontation with Wan'er after she finds out about the truth behind her brother's death, the scene where he poisons Second Prince, his scene with the registrar. Xiu giving up his future to protect the surrendered soldiers only to come back and find Di Lin executed them all in EB, the scene in Ning's bedroom when he tells her how he really feels because she can't hear, the very end of that season and Di Lin striding into the light, Ka Dan and SYL's night. The last scene of LYN and his girl in Heroes, the way Heroes always intercuts the golden past of the guard and princess and the dreary present (especially when we see her bicycle spin out of control back when and her husband lose it in the present and this time there is nobody to catch her), the big reveal in Derailment and the hairwashing scene, Mi Lan touching Vamp Daddy's face as their thing in Snowfall, and the cage stuff etc etc.
Shen Zhiheng (Gao Weiguang), Snowfall - Vamp Daddy made me hormonal in a way I haven't felt for a cdrama lead since the heady days of Darren Wang in The Wolf. Those outfits, that hair, that height, that restraint, that lack of restraint. THE CHAINS
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Liu Duan Duan as Second Prince in Joy of Life 2 - what a performance! Unhinged, magnetic, pitiable, terrifying and always mesmerizing. The Second Prince is Fan Xian's foil and a worthy one. LDD is always a great actor, and with a role that actually gives him something to sink his teeth into - wow!
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Liu Yuning (Heroes, Eternal Brotherhood) - there is only one actor who somehow managed to be a main character in two of my five top 2024 dramas. His ruthless, driven Di Lin in EB, who knows he's doomed as the ruler's executioner but has no other way forward, and the man out of time (best swordsman in a gun era) in Heroes are both unforgettable characters in amazing dramas.
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Ouyang Nana - Li Muge performs miracles. He made Yang Chaoye be good in Heroes (2022) and now Nana, who was always as wooden as a post, is a revelation as blind abused girl who becomes a vampire in Snowfall.
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Joy of Life 2 of course - I need to see the looming confrontation between Fan Xian and the emperor, though not sure how that will pass censorship.
FF button has cured me of finding contenders for this category, but perhaps cutting out a lot of terrible acting and lack of stage presence of "not yet a eunuch" dude in The Princess Royal, would have improved it.
Lost You Forever 2 - there were other issues with it, but all the cuts couldn't have helped with coherency.
Same as last year - the emperor cannot be irredeemable. WTF, China, you are a communist country! Though they are nibbling at the edges this year.
Men (and women) knowingly fighting for a doomed cause because otherwise they'd cease to be who they are.
Lost Your Forever 2 - the first season was my favorite drama of 2023 but LYF2 just fell apart so so so badly, it was almost fascinating. It totally eviscerated the characters and the meanings of the story.
Three out of the top 5 dramas on my list are not dramas that were on my radar at all before airing - Heroes, Eternal Brotherhood and Snowfall were not anything I anticipated, let alone I realized how much I'd love them. Same for Derailment and Tender Light. This has been a year of surprises.
I have honestly watched almost everything I wanted. Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty 2 will be the one I will list since I still need to finish s1.
Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty - I, a procedural and mystery hater (especially when there is close to no romance) somehow fell like a ton of bricks for this gorgeous, smart, impeccably acted show.
This is always a bad idea and kinda a curse but I really really want The Story of Pearl Girl, with Zhao Lusi and Liu Yuning because I love them separately and together and the thought of them reuniting is a dream come true. Also Eternal Brotherhood 2 (it's filmed but they can't air it until a year from EB1), Love of Nirvana with Ren Jialun and Li Landi, and Snowy Night: Timeless Love with Li Qin and Zheng Shunxi.
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readychilledwine · 7 months
Lost Bonds pt 3
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Summary - After the second war, an unexpected bond with Y/n Archeron, and repairing all he's lost, Tamlin is shocked with news from the very female Rhys has been protecting from him.
Warnings- alcohol use, implied affair,implied smut, sex magic/sex pollen
A/n- Everything will be explained to y/n and wrapped in a mostly pretty bow in Part 4 on Tuesday 💚
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 4
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Tamlin sat in silence, nursing hard alcohol as Rhys reappeared before him hours later. “It explains a lot,” Rhysand said softly as he sat. Tamlin pushed the Winter Court Scotch Rhysand's way. “I swear we didn't know, Tamlin.”
“So Feyre admitted it?” Rhys nodded, staring into the bonfire Tamlin had going. “She's not truly happy anymore, Rhys.”
“We know. She hasn't been happy since she watched Cassian and Nesta fall in love and their mating bond grow, then Lucien and Elain, then Amren and Varian, Eris and his wife. Mor and Emerie.” The High Lord threw back a heavy drink. “Then Azriel found his mate. And now she feels like she's an obstacle to his happiness, he feels she's a burden but refuses to let her go. He wants both."
Tamlin hummed, ignoring the flaring anger at the idea of his mate being treated like a second choice, like a burden. “How did she end up in Spring?”
Rhys sighed and looked down. “She wanted to get away from Azriel. They had gotten into a fight while he was training her. She wanted to go somewhere she'd be loved and safe unconditionally.”
Rhys paused, eyes locked on the stars. “It's funny, you know, Feyre painted their dresser drawers to fit their personalities and they've predicted their mates too.” He drank heavily again, eyes watering slightly. “Feyre painted the night sky on hers and became the stars eternal. Nesta's was bathed in flames so red the closest match we could find to recreate the dresser was Cassian's siphons, and we watched that scene during the war with that so called God, silver flames blazing and reflecting the red of my brother's armor. Elain's danced with sunlight and flowers. Her and Lucien the heir of the fucking Day Court,” Tamlin couldn't help the laugh that came with that sentence, nor could Rhys. “They live in Helion's largest garden in a cabin.”
“And y/n?” 
“A raging storm and blooming trees.” 
“And yet you all keep her there. Where she isn't destined by the Mother to be and where she is screaming for freedom.”
“Feyre isn't prepared to forgive nor forget.”
Tamlin rolled his eyes, purposely pushing every moment he had done something to make up for what he had done into Rhysand's mind. “I believe I have more than atoned for my sins against the female that started this all on a lie. The female who ended my curse should have been my mate, Rhys. That's why I fought so hard. Why I protected her even if my methods were ideas from my father and blind trauma. Did you not explain that to her?"
Rhys avoided answering, torn between the part of him that knew Tamlin was correct and the mating bond screaming to protect and defend inside of him. “I'll start sending her to you as an emissary. If the bond snaps on her end, we go from there. And Tamlin,” the High lord took his former friend's chin into his face. “Be grateful. Be grateful you didn't hear y/n's neck snap, that you didn't watch her be tortured for 3 months. That-”
“I watched the woman I loved go through all of that. Then I watched my mate be forced into an ancient world creating pot because i trusted the wrong female,” Tamlin took back the Scotch, drinking enough to burn his throat. “I think we understand each other more than you are willing to believe.”
Rhys nodded, looking away. “Y/n likes her bed made with 3 blankets so she can sleep with the window open at all times. She thinks white flowers are the prettiest. She likes chocolate way too much for a normal person.” 
Rhysand's jaw tightened before he continued. “Do you remember how my sister use to scrunch her nose really hard when she was thinking?” 
Tamlin chuckled softly into his hand, picturing her little face so clearly. “Y/n does the same thing.” It was a quiet confession, one that could have came with an apology, but the two of them has accepted the words “I'm sorry” would never be passed between them many years ago. 
“So you've kept her from me because she reminds you of Stella?” Rhys just nodded before winnowing away. 
Tamlin felt his lip twitch when you first appeared two months later. Rhys was either stupid, or fatherhood had made the male forget to look at a calendar. You were here for a 3 day weekend visit to discuss trade between Spring and the Night Court. 
A 3 day weekend that fell on Calanmai. Tamlin was shaking as he led you to the chambers he had built just for you. Chambers his Lady would reside in when or if they were choosing to sleep in separate beds. 
He realized he would have to keep you in the manor tonight, but excluding a guest from a court's most important holiday was considered a major offense. He thought about calling for Rhys, calling to remind him what today was, but he knew, at least he thought he did, that you would stay inside. It had worked with Feyre, after all. He had stopped searching for her when she wasn't easy to get to. Surely it would be the same for you. The magic would switch and call to another. He'd be able to ignore the scent of lilac, gooseberry, and fresh parchment.
He pushed open the door and watched your face with a deep breath held in his chest. “Tamlin, this room is too nice. This is clearly meant for someone with high standing. It's across from yours, I can't-”
“These are guest quarters for a high-ranking guest,” the lie came so smoothly. “You are a high-ranking guest. Get settled. I'll have a handmaid come get you for tea.” He shut the door behind you, going back to preparations and letting the kitchen know he needed tea made. 
Your guest room was fit for a queen, not a guest. A large walk-in closet sat willed with dresses, an island in the middle with drawers for jewelry. A standing mirror with ornate patterns of florals and vines sat unused, untouched. The bed was massive, possibly larger than the one you shared with Azriel, and it had soft satin sage green sheets, a fur throwing blanket lining the foot. 4 posts came off the bed, a light cream colored fabric and curtains creating a canopy and optional privacy. A vanity sat, empty and waiting for its lady to fill it with oils and lotions. 
He had clearly put you in a Lady's quarters. A safe place for her to be away from her husband. Something you had asked Azriel for since his bond with Gwyn snapped, and you two had begun drifting apart. Something he continued to deny you as tensions grew between you two.
You entered the door opposite of the closet and felt your heart begin to dance. The bathroom was stunning. White and grey marbled floors, a sunk in tub large enough for two, accents of that same soft green and gold. It was what the tub overlooked that made your heart truly flutter, though. It overlooked a garden and the forest. Elain would have killed for this view, but instead, you sat on the ground, crossing your legs, and you took it all into yourself. Hogging the moment and soaking in it.
Nightfall came quickly, and Tamlin had warned you of what would come. You had made the choice to stay inside even though a pang of jealousy reared its ugly head.
You had no claim to him. No ownership over his body, his choices. It didn't change the emotion, though, as you laid your hands over the edge of that tub and watched fire make shadows dance across the leaves. 
He had warned you that you may feel tugging, a pull urging you to come outside. He had asked that you ignore it, and Cauldron, you were trying. You were ignoring that growing warmth in your stomach, the haze setting into your mind. You tried to focus on thoughts of the fight you and Azriel would finish when you got home. Of the way you would crawl into a separate bed from your husband as soon as he fell asleep, still smelling like Gwyn. You tried to focus your thoughts on your marriage and how it was slowly crumbling below you after his actions. 
But those tugs were growing stronger, aching in your chest with desire and need. You jumped as the door to your room slammed open, and Tamlin growled. He seemed more beast than fae, mind lost in whatever this ritual had done to him. “Tamlin?”
Your voice shook him enough as he kneeled down in front if you, broad chest exposed and covered in swirling paint. “Y/n,” his voice was strained as he struggled to keep his eyes on your face. “Should have sent you back.” He was grounding out each syllable. “Fucking Rhysand.” 
You felt it again, a harsh tug on your chest before warmth and dedication flowed into your body. You gasped at how close it felt and his eyes grew wide. “You can feel it?”
“Feel what? That tug?”
He nodded almost desperate as he lifted you out of the water and searched for something. He came back with your robe, wrapping you in it before trying to lead you somewhere. “Tamlin, where are we going?”
“The Cave.” His voice wasn't his own, but another tug came. That ancient echo spoke again, making you shiver.. “I won't allow this vessel to settle for less than his mate.” 
His mate. You almost froze, making whatever held Tamlin's body stop and throw you over his shoulder. “Close your eyes, and feel,” it commanded as it walked you out the front door. 
The cave was filled with the sounds of sex, the scent of magic, arousal, sweat. Tamlin laid you on a bed at the center of it, eyes blown with lust. You felt it then, that string binding your souls, holding you together like missing pieces to a puzzle. He was himself again now, looking down at you with hesitation. “I will let you go if you ask, little rose.”
Your body was humming, mind lost as your eyes began to water staring into his. “It's just mindless sex,” you repeated words you'd heard since Azriel's bond snapped. “It means nothing to you.”
Tamlin's brow knit, those green eyes aching with sorrow for you. “It means everything. You mean everything to me," and he crashed his lips down onto yours.
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General Taglist:
Lost Bonds Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish
@impossibelle @fxckmiup @applerubyy @awkardnerd @sleepylunarwolf @macimads @esposadomd @stormhearty
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elains · 8 months
Azriel's association with Enalius, what it means for his arc and Illyria
This is something me and my friends have talked about off tumblr, but I wanted to write my own post about it and gather my thoughts. But here, I'll discuss a bit Azriel's character and how the revelations we witness in House of Flame and Shadow will be important to his character. (+ a little bit of Emerie).
What do we know about Enalius? From ACOSF, Emerie provides us with a little exposition when they are in the Rite, when the Pass of Enalius is brought up:
Long ago—so long ago they don’t even have a precise date for it—a great war was fought between the Fae and the ancient beings who oppressed them. One of its key battles was here, in these mountains. Our forces were battered and outnumbered, and for some reason, the enemy was desperate to reach the stone at the top of Ramiel. We were never taught the reason why; I think it’s been forgotten. But a young Illyrian warrior named Enalius held the line against the enemy soldiers for days.
Now, from the Crescent City crossover, we learned that Truth-teller and Gwydion are twin blades. They are a pair. According to the Silene History Lesson, the dagger used to belong to her father's (Fionn's) dear friend, slain during the war. A bit later, when they find Vesperus, she confirms that this friend was Enalius:
The Asteri’s eyes flared with recognition at the long blade. “Did Fionn send you, then? To slay me in my sleep? Or was it that traitor Enalius? I see that you bear his dagger—as his emissary? Or his assassin?”
Immediately before that, she also confirms that the Asteri crafted (which can either mean created, shaped forged, but we are going with created) the Illyrians:
The Asteri’s blue eyes lowered to the dagger. “You dare draw a weapon before me? Against those who crafted you, soldier, from night and pain?”
From everything, we can conclude this: Enalius was the original wielder of Truth-teller before Fionn and Theia, a dear friend to Fionn, and someone who pulled the ultimate sacrifice to keep the Asteri/Daglan from reaching the top of Ramiel. He was a traitor to the Asteri, a rebel against his masters and everything they stood for.
Enalius is the hero most Illyrians strive to mimic, the legendary figure who they all hope to one day surpass. He's a symbol of their people, even if so much about him has been forgotten — the fact that he had a dagger, Fionn's friendship, what the battle was for, maybe even how he was as a person. Brave, for sure. Willing to die for the cause.
And it's Azriel who bears his dagger. Azriel, who has such a complicated relationship with his Illyrian heritage and loaths it - and by extension, himself - is the one with this enormous legacy right at this hand. And this matters.
Still in ACOSF, we have Rhys talking with Cassian and wanting him to play Courtier, the following exchange then follows:
“What, we’re doing some role reversal? Az gets to lead the Illyrians now?” “Don’t play stupid,” Rhys said coolly. Cassian rolled his eyes. But they both knew Azriel would sooner disband and destroy Illyria than help it. Convincing their brother that the Illyrians were a people worth saving was still a battle amongst the three of them.
Azriel hates the Illyrians for what happened to him and his mother and his dislike for them is, to a degree, understandable. The thing is that Azriel, no matter how much he loaths it, is Illyrian. Maybe he's more than that (as it's pointed that Az is different in a lot of ways and Bryce wonders if he is Starborn), but at heart, he's Illyrian. Siphons, leathers, fighting, being Carynthian, his wings, his scabbard and the dagger it holds.
It was healthy, perhaps, for Az to sometimes remember where he'd come from. He still wore the Illyrian leathers. Had not tried to get the tattoos removed. Some part of him was Illyrian still. Always would be. Even if he wished to forget it.
Being Illyrian is part of who he is and his deep hatred for them only fuel his self-loathing. He would like to set himself apart, but he is not.
We can actually draw a direct parallel between Azriel and Bryce with how they regard the Fae vs the Illyrians. Bryce loathes the Fae and for most of HoFaS, she believes they are evil, corrupt, power-hungry and quite generally, not worth saving. She would leave them all to burn. Sound familiar?
And Bryce is wrong. Sathia challenges her notion, pointing out that she's laying judgement to all fae and that is hardly fair. What the one who don't deserve it? Herself, yes, but Flynn, Declan, and Ruhn himself? Do they deserve to burn too? Bryce herself acknowledges this:
Urd had sent her there to see, even in the small fraction of their world that she’d witnessed, that Fae existed who were kind and brave. She might have had to betray Nesta and Azriel, trick them … but she knew that at their cores, they were good people. The Fae of Midgard were capable of more. Ruhn proved it. Flynn and Dec proved it. Even Sathia proved it, in the short time Bryce had known her.
And this part here sums up quite neatly:
Fire met starlight met shadows, and Bryce loosed herself on the world. It ended today. Here. Now. This had nothing to do with the Asteri, or Midgard. The Fae had festered under leaders like these males, but her people could be so much more.
There are Illyrians who are kind and brave and break the mold. We see this with Emerie, who is also a woman. We see that with Balthazar, Cassian. The main point stands, though, that you cannot judge or condemn an entire race for the bad apples.
Azriel is wrong, just as Bryce was wrong, and his journey will be also to realise that his people are worth saving. They were created of night and pain (words that Azriel embodies, being a master of shadows and a torturer), but that is not everything they need to be. They can be more than soldiers. They can thrive.
And I believe this was something Enalius himself came to the believe, long ago. His people deserved more than to be slaves to the Asteri, forced to give them their power when need be, bred to live and die for them. They could be more. And Enalius died to free his people from their chains.
Is Azriel Enalius's blooded descendant? I'm not sure, but he doesn't need to be. Azriel is Enalius successor because he will finish what was started. He'll uncover the secrets of the past, what his people were in truth, what Enalius rebelled for, what he stood for, what the Blood Rite truly means - which he only got a glimpse of.
And this is where I think Emerie will also come in. She's s one of ACOSF most relevant characters and the first female Illyrian to be Carynthian. I think Emerie will also become an inspirational figure to the Illyrian women, another of these what they coud be. What they can be. And more importantly and that is just a theory, what they were.
Orestes was a warrior. What if so was Carynth and she was woman? The name always struck me as similar to Carina, which is the name of a constellation and commonly used by women. It would be ironic and another shaking revelation to the Illyrians that Carynth, for whom their greatest warriors are named after, was a woman.
Does that mean all Illyrian women must become Valkyries? No, but some might wish to follow this path whilst their society takes its time to catch up. They already shook the status quo and with Nesta poised to have a big role (andthe Valkyries along her), they will continue to do so.
Azriel will uncovered the lost history of Vesperus offered him all the clues he needed to start looking. His journey to find out this secrets will lead to him facing his own demons, confronting his loathing for his people and, in doing so, he will make peace with himself.
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acourtofclutter · 3 months
Nightlight (Part 1 of 4)
"All the sleepless nights... keeping on the night light." - Laufey.
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Pairing: Rhysand / Night Court Emissary! Reader
Format(s) and Word Count: Headcanons and Drabbles (though it reads like a one-shot due to the drabbles length), 998 words.
Summary: You managed to stop Rhysand from going to Amarantha’s party by himself, having threatened to tell the rest of the Inner Circle if he didn’t at least take you, his emissary. But you hadn’t predicted the spells that Amarantha had up her sleeve, especially not the one that’d turn you into an old and forgotten lesser fae.
Tags: Hurt / Little To No Comfort, Brief Depictions of Violence and Torment, Set During Under The Mountain
Notes: My first ACOTAR post (not including the memes, though they may cheer you up if you need a laugh)!
Update: The second part can be read here, thank you for your support!
Rhysand was careful not to tell any of the Inner Circle about Amarantha’s party invitation, not even his brothers, but you noticed how he slowly became distant. He assigned everyone various tasks that he said were important, but they had been time-consuming and were also restricted to Velaris’ walls, not even Hewn’s.
Your tasks consisted of drafting negotiations, and gathering information from multiple libraries, but the Mother had been on your side then, because you managed to complete your tasks a day before Rhysand had planned to leave, his shoulders tense and his knuckles pale before you saw a glimpse of bloodlust in his eyes.
“...Rhys, what’s going on? Is everything okay?” He did not respond, and had turned his back on you before you spoke again. “Are you going somewhere? I don’t remember you telling me about any upcoming meetings with any of the High Lord-” He turned around at those words and reached into your head, your mental shields being torn apart when he tried to override your mind – but Amren had taught you how to protect yourself well, if not for a few moments against your High Lord. “You’re not supposed to be here,” He whispered harshly, gritting his teeth. “No one’s meant to be here, you should be doing those tasks I assigned-” “I’m your emissary, I’ve been doing similar tasks for centuries!” You closed your eyes and swore as you felt him, felt his claws tear down your last line of defence. Your heart was racing while you tried to think of something, anything, to make him loosen his grasp, at least for a moment. You’d never had to fight him like this, it usually involved future plans with the Illyrian camps or Keir, but nothing like this. “I don’t know what you plan on doing,” You fought to breathe, your eyes meeting his pained ones. “But I swear on the Mother, if you don’t at least take me with you-” You took another deep breath before you grabbed the front of his black tunic and pulled him closer. “-I will scream until you break my shield completely or until someone, most likely Azriel, will hear me.” A moment passed, then two, before his claws drew back.  “...Don’t make me regret this," were the last words he said before he gripped your wrist and winnowed you to Hewn City, where the Court of Nightmares waited for him to lead the way to Amarantha’s party.
Rhysand used his magic to make your hair and clothes match his attire before the entire court strode past Amarantha’s stone doors and into her chamber. His warriors were allowed to do as they pleased, but you didn’t leave his side when he stared at Amarantha with his eyes unblinking.
When Amarantha had made glasses of wine appear in everyone’s hands, you could not shake the feeling that something was wrong, especially when she revelled in the sight of the High Lords raising their wine glass and placing it to their lips. Rhysand had taken a full sip of his before you grabbed his arm.
“Stop drinking it,” You turned to Rhysand and smiled, speaking through your teeth as your grip tightened, but he was lost in his head and couldn’t see or hear you. “The wine, I think there’s something in the-” You felt the magic leave the room before you saw it, saw how the other High Lords seemed to look dull and tired while Amarantha became more lively. Rhysand’s eyes finally met yours, his eyes wide and caught off-guard when he realised what was happening before he entered your mind for a single second. “I’m sorry,” he said in your mind, then you felt it – felt your mind being overridden by his, all thoughts and memories of Velaris, of the Inner Circle, misting away until all that was left was nothing more than Rhysand, Hewn City, and the Court of Nightmares.  You could see that he was using the remains of his magic to cast a shield and send a message out to someone, but you weren’t sure who, not when half of the Court of Nightmares collapsed a moment later. Then you felt Amarantha’s eyes on you, her eyes narrowing when she looked at how you held onto Rhysand’s arm and how he had barely touched his glass of wine. She smiled, and you found yourself standing before her in the blink of an eye, your heart pounding in your ears when she raised her hand. “I’ve been meaning to try this spell out on someone – you’ll do perfectly.” One moment you were standing, the next you were convulsing on the floor, screaming from heartrending pain as your body started to shrink, your bones and organs compressing and curling inwards. Your wings were next, and you were certain you were crying out for Rhysand, for people you couldn’t name when they cracked and bent into new shapes. Your tears dripped onto the marble floor until the spell stopped, the transformation complete. You couldn’t move, but you could hear someone walk towards you and pick you up like you weighed no more than a feather, as your body laid on a soft piece of leather. When you had the strength to raise your head, your eyes managed to find Rhysand’s, who looked completely shattered. Why did he look so far away? “You look much better,” You heard a voice from above you, and you raised your head further to see Amarantha smiling down at you, her teeth resembling headstones made out of pearls.  “Why, I can’t remember the last time I’ve ever seen faeries like this, they’ve been wiped off the lands for centuries now.” You looked at your bare exposed body and turned around to look at your wings, now thin and delicate like tulle. You then looked down at where you laid, slowly realising that you were in the palms of Amarantha's hands. And when you cried, you could only hear the sound of a miniature bell leave your mouth as you clawed at your throat. “Yes, you look much better as a pixie.”
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mcuamerica · 5 months
The Shadowsinger: Seven
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Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. Mentions of wing clipping, misogyny, threat of death, ACOTAR series spoilers. If I forgot anything, please let me know!
Pairing: Azriel x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your time to act as emissary has come as Rhys needs you and Cassian in Windhaven.
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters or plot lines, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
My graphics are my own. If you wish to use them, please give credit!
Series Masterlist
Prologue - One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six
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Windhaven was a lot colder than you remembered. You must have forgot how cold Illyria was, even if it was your home for the first 120 years of your life. Regadless, you didn’t let it show as you followed Cassian over to where Lord Devlon was standing over the camp. You could see the cabins, the tents, the training rings… it looked so similar to Valorworth that you almost stumbled over your feet. But you kept your stoic mask on, making sure to look unimpressed as you made your way over to them. 
“Cassian..” Devlon trailed off, scowling as he saw you. “Who is this?” He asked, eyes trailing over your shadows and to your wings. “A pet of Azriel?” He asked, already assuming your worth. 
“Another Shadowsinger.” Cassian said with a smirk on his face. “This is (Y/N). She’s going to be emissary from the Night Court to the Illyrian camps, to ensure the females are receiving proper training.” He said. 
If he was surprised by another Shadowsinger being in his midst, he didn’t show it. “Are you on your cycle?” He asked, ignoring the fact that you were an emissary and should be treated with respect. You rolled your eyes. The Illyrian males and their ways… you were going to have to get used to it again. 
“No, but it wouldn’t matter if I was.” You said. “We don’t taint objects when we bleed, just as you don’t.” You said firmly, crossing your arms. Not that any female would want to even think about fighting while on their cycle. Most times it was too painful to leave the bed. In your experience. Cauldron, you had your cycle just before you were released from Under the Mountain and Amarantha was no sympathizer when you needed the time in your chambers. Alone. To writhe in pain. 
“That is our way, and if you are to be an emissary to us, you’ll have to respect it.” He said. 
“Regardless, I am not. If you are so concerned, have your blacksmith create separate weapons for the females to use.” You stated, narrowing your eyes at him. It was a good idea, one that you might just use your salary to fund. Rhys funded practically everything else for you anyway.
Cassian cleared his throat before he could respond. “We’ll be staying in Rhys’s cabin, is it occupied?” He asked and Devlon growled out a yes. 
“You think as a camp Lord, you’d be happier to see your Lord Commander.” You snapped and crossed your arms. “I’m also pretty sure he could snap your neck, seeing as you’ve only got 2 Siphons, if he wanted to, so why don’t you show him any respect?” 
Devlon stepped towards you. “If you don’t shut your mouth, I’ll make sure you can’t even step foot in this camp or another one ever again. No matter what the High Lord wants to call you.” He growled. “I don’t see any Siphons on you, anyway.” 
“That’s because you males don’t allow females to have them. But I can assure you, my shadows will do the work for me just as easily.” You said, not backing down from his stare. He wasn’t much shorter than Rhys or Azriel, but he was definitely taller than you. 
“Okay… this is a lovely first meeting. Get your males out of the cabin. We’re going to take a look around.” Cassian said and looked at you nodding towards the camp. “I expect it to be ready in an hour.” He said before starting to walk down the hill. You stared at Devlon before following Cassian. 
“I don’t know how you put up with that.” You said. 
“He trained me, and as much of a pain as he is, he’s the most willing to change the ways of his army to what we want.” He said. “As fun as that was to watch, I suggest not threatening to snap his neck again. You want to be on his good side. Especially as a female.” He said. 
Something about being back in an Illyrian camp made your blood boil. That simmering rage was bubbling to the surface. Maybe because last time you were at one, it was for Amarantha to ensure her “allies” were truly telling her everything. Since that was the camp that turned you in, you had no problem listening to their secrets. Until you saw what she did to them. And the children. Fallen wings flashed through your mind, and you had to shake your head to come back to the present.
Your temper was already high and Devlon didn’t help. Cassian telling you that you needed to ‘play nice’ because you were a female wasn’t making you any less agitated. 
“If you can’t handle this, you can-“ he started when you marched past him. 
“Handle this?” You growled and whipped around towards him. “Do you know what it’s like to be a female in an Illyrian camp? Cause it’s a lot worse than being a bastard whose found brother is a High Lord.” You seethed, shadows whirling around your body as if to restrain you from pouncing on him. “You get seven Siphons. You get to participate in the Blood Rite and call yourself Carynthain. You get to train. You get to make decisions without having your wings threatened.” You spat, finally looking up at him. You could see the surprise in his eyes. The small amount of hurt that he let show. You immediately regretted snapping at him. You went to apologize but he shook his head. 
“You’re right. I don’t know what it’s like.” Cassian simply said. “But you haven’t been here in a long time. Nor have you been to this camp. And I’m not saying it’s much better, but these males are willing to change for us. Change their traditions for a better army. If that means meeting them in the middle, or working with them with the little they give, then we do it. Because we can’t force them to change their ways. We’ve tried and it hasn’t worked. But with your help, we’ll get there. And it won’t help anything if you threaten every male you run into. Especially if they haven’t seen what you’re capable of.” He said. 
You bit the inside of your lip, nodding your head. “I didn’t mean to call you a bastard.” You admitted. “I’m sorry.” 
“I am one. No point in denying it.” He said and winked. “Come on, let me show you around.” He said and walked in front of you. Normally, he would sling his arm over your shoulder. But that would make the Illyrians mock you further, and he knew that wouldn’t help your already rising temper. You hadn’t shown it to him yet. He wondered if Rhys had ever seen you so riled. He didn’t even know you had it in you. 
Then again, you were in a place that reminded you of a world of hurt and pain. A place that gave you no respect… other than maybe that you could provide a male child for the Illyrians one day. But even then, that wasn’t respect. 
So he didn’t let it get to him. He knew what these camps did to females. And he knew that Valorworth in particular would be a hard one to crack. They still had problems with the males clipping females’ wings. And even more of a problem with getting the girls to train out of fear they wouldn’t be accepted by their mate or would be “sullied” because they chose to fight. While in Windhaven, you would be training with Cassian. Rhys didn’t want you to train with the other females yet, not unless you wanted to… And you made it clear the day before you didn’t want to. Not yet, at least. 
“Have you ever tried a Siphon?” He asked curiously as you walked towards the training rings. 
“You’re kidding, right? The day the Cauldron boils over is the day they’ll allow a female to even try ON a Siphon. Besides, I don’t even think I have killing power to begin with.” Your said. 
“Have you ever tried?” He repeated and smirked when you shook your head. “You know, there have been female Illyrian warriors before. Not many, and not in hundreds of years, but it’s happened before.” He said. 
You looked at him skeptically. “I’ve never heard of an Illyrian female warrior. Not that fought among males.” You said. You remembered stories of the Valkyries. You even thought that Cassian might have known them, with how old he was. Rhys, Az, and him all fought in the war. The Valkyries all died then… That was the closest you heard of a female fighting in the ranks of Illyrian males.
“Have Clotho pull out books on the Erthican age, focusing on Illyria.” He said and smirked. “I think you’ll be surprised.” 
He didn’t say anything else when he approached the training ring. You saw some females training, only four, with a male who looked either displeased to be training them, or displeased with their positions. Probably both considering a) he was a male and b) their fighting posture was horrible. You were better when you started two weeks ago. But you had hunting experience. And experience under Amarantha. So you couldn’t judge them. Not when they were trying. And they seemed to want to be there. The male, however, did not. 
“This is what they call training?” You whispered to Cassian. 
“This is the best we can get right now. That’s why you’re here.” He said. “You want to show these males how far a female can come with two weeks of training?” He asked and opened the gate to an empty training ring. You were aware of the eyes suddenly upon you. 
“I’m not sure they’ll be impressed.” You said and shifted on your feet, but kept your back straight and your head high. You would not cower in front of these males. Never again.
“Trust me, they will.” He said and nodded as he motioned for you to hand him your coat. You slipped it off and set it on a rock instead. Anything that showed the males you and Cassian were more than a trainer and his trainee would show you as weak. 
The cold air almost made you shiver but you quickly got into position with Cassian to start the warm up stretches. It took no time for you both to start sparring, Cassian reminding you to pull your left foot in closer, or to pick up your left shoulder. Or to not flare out your wings so much. All gentle, small reminders, and nothing to mock you. Eventually, you grabbed the practice swords, practicing with those. You went through the eight point star, the sweeps, blocks, and parries that would all be vital to know in a fight. When you were done, you were sweating in your leathers. You were glad when the cool winter breeze glided across your skin. Your shadows had calmed during your training, trailing on the ground. And your temper wasn’t boiling anymore. It was buried deep inside, where it would stay for as long as you could keep it. Getting angry at Cassian, or any of the other Illyrian males, would only show them your weaknesses. And you wouldn’t let that happen. Maybe with Cass, but not the others. 
You looked back towards the camp, seeing a group of males that had been watching you. You couldn’t hear what they said, but you cast your shadows out with a simple wave of the hand. They scattered across the ground, then came back an instant later. “Cassian goes easy on her” “She couldn’t do that with a real sword” “She can’t take him down”. All the whispers that came back. You looked at Cassian and narrowed your eyes. 
“I want to spar for real.” You said, low enough that only he could hear it. “No swords, and no pads.” You said. “And none of my shadows helping me… let me show them what I can do. And don’t hold back.” You said. 
Cassian glanced at them and then back at you, frowning a bit. “That’s not a good idea. We’re still at the beginning of your training. But if it were to go wrong, it would have the opposite effect.” He said. 
“I’m still your commander. No matter what, it’s important for me not to push you. And this would be pushing.” He said. “Come on, let’s go to the cabin. It’s been two hours and we need to clean up before going through the rest of the camp.” He said, pausing when you stood your ground. “(Y/N)… we’re here for two weeks. At the end of that, I’ll fight you for real, okay?” He asked. Cassian didn’t like pulling rank, but if that would be what got you to back down, he might just have to do that. 
You thought for a moment and then nodded. “I think that would be a good Solstice present.” You joked and grabbed your coat, not daring to put it on as you were still sweating. You needed these leathers off you. And a bath. Now.
You let your shadows rest around your shoulders and arms as you walked past the Illyrian males, and some females, towards the cabin. “This is Rhys’s cabin?” You asked. 
“His mother’s actually. It was, at least… This is where Rhys, Az, and I grew up… this whole camp is… but this cabin is where she raised us. And where we got into Mother knows what when we were young.” He said and smiled fondly. It was the same smile that came to your face when you thought about Sirona, Igna, or Oran. Something nostalgic and filled with loss, but also happiness. 
“You’d give anything to go back to those days for just a few moments.” You suggested. “I know the feeling… If I could visit my home near the northern mountains again… with my family. Or when my mother was still alive… I would.” You said and looked at the cabin. 
“Come on, let’s wash up and then I can show you the rest of the camp.” He said and gave you a small smile before opening the door. 
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Cassian showed you around the rest of the camp after you’d taken a bath and changed into some warmer clothes for the Illyrian winter night. The Winter Solstice was three weeks away, and you knew that it would only get colder from here. 
You wore the coat that Mor gave you (it brought the perfect amount of warmth without making you sweat under it) as Cassian led you to the female cabins. The ones that housed the females that were without husbands, mates, or males that would take care of them. You saw the four that were training earlier. They were doing housework. They didn’t seem too much older than you were when you left Valorworth. If you were to be offered a chance to train back then… you weren’t even sure if you would have taken it. Your father certainly would not have allowed it.
And then he showed you the few shops they had in town. About five, and one of them was the blacksmith. Which he said he wanted to visit quickly. You looked around and decided to go to the tailor shop you noticed, tucking in your wings as you entered the shop. “Hi,” you said as you saw a man at the small table at the back. He seemed to be a seasoned warrior, and now you guessed he ran this shop since a war wasn’t raging at the moment. Still, something of him reminded you of your father, so you stayed on edge. As you would with every male in this camp other than Cassian. “Do you have any gloves? I seem to have forgotten mine.” You said as you looked around. 
“I have wool lined or leather,” his voice was gruff.
“Leather would be best,” you said as you approached the table. 
“Emerie,” he called to the back. “Grab the female gloves… 5 copper marks,” he said as he turned back to you. 
“5? They should be worth 3,” you said and he rose his eyebrows, shocked that you suggested otherwise. 
“5, or you can find another tailor at this camp who will sell them to you.” He growled. He obviously didn’t like that a female was trying to barter with him. 
You held in a sigh and pulled out the marks, setting them on the table. You didn’t have it in you to fight with an old male today. Certainly not when he was so easily agitated by a female. 
“Here you go, father,” the female said, coming out from the back and setting the pair of gloves down. Your eyes immediately focused on her wings. The small amount of faelight showed scars that could only mean one thing. Her wings were clipped. And by the looks of it, not by a healer. You looked down at the gloves and reached out for them, but stopped when the man put his hands on top of them. 
“I haven’t seen you around here… what camp are you from?” He asked. The female named Emerie only stayed standing behind her father. Not in a scared, cowering way, but curious. 
“Technically, Valorworth. But I live down south, in- Hewn City now.” You said, remembering how Velaris was to be kept a secret from anyone you encountered outside the city. 
“Ahh… the Court of Nightmares. How does an Illyrian female Shadowsinger end up there?” He asked, his hand unmoving upon the gloves. 
You managed a glance to your shadows, frowning at his tone. “I know the right males.” You said and reached down, snatching the gloves from his hand. 
“I’m (Y/N).” You said and offered a small smile to Emerie. “I’ll be here for two weeks with Cassian,” you said, assuming everyone in the camp knew who he was. Being the commander of the Night Court’s army and all. 
Emerie didn’t reply as her father scowled, clearly not liking that you were ignoring him. You smiled at her again before turning around. “Thanks for the gloves.” You said and walked out the door.
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A/N: And now we are in Windhaven! Why do we think reader is so on edge?
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itskindofidontknow · 3 months
What dreams know about love?
Chapter 8
Dream of The Endless/Morpheus x Love!OFC
Summary: The Queen of Love has grown used to the absence of her husband, the Dream King. After banning her from the Dreaming, they only saw each other when Morpheus summoned her for social or marital duties. He would go decades without calling for her, enamorated by a variety of mistresses. It broke Love's heart. Not that her husband cared. However, after being imprisioned for a century, The Dream King wants to regain his Queen's love. She doesn't believe him, not after centuries of neglect. The question is: Can dreams repair a broken heart?
Tag: Established relationship, arranged marriage, regency romance, eventual happy ending, angst, morpheus is a dick prepare to hate, love is eoster from west germanic mythology, typos are to be expected
Elijah knew the Dreaming turned into a wasteland, but it didn’t hit him what a wasteland actually looked like. “ Lucienne, lock all doors, gates, windows. Any creation of my husband that is in the Dreaming must seek protection immediately. A dove will be sent when it is safe to leave.” ‘If it is ever safe to leave’ Love thought while marching through the hall straight to the throne room. The librarian followed the Queen’s fast pace, as Elijah stayed behind, analyzed his surroundings
He vaguely remembered the Dreaming. He didn’t think it was nearly as beautiful as the Garden, but it was alluring. Incohesive to his eyes, due to its ever-changing nature. Even if the Garden, like the Dreaming, was susceptible to its creator's mood and condition, the Garden kept his core unchanged, it was consistent, stable for the lovefolk. The same could not be said about the Dreaming. And Elijah could clearly understand why the Emissary was hesitant and why Eoster was running around giving urgent orders to Lucienne.
They could very realistically be on the verge of a disaster.
The Dreaming was collapsing, which means the King was weak. Lucifer has one of his prized possessions. Morningstar has the trap set and Dream walked right into it.
“Spells or anything against demons. Check Constantine book, maybe it has something. We need it. Now.” Enfatic saying to the librarian, she turned to the cupid “Elijah, find ink, prepare the doves” It didn’t occur to her that there weren't any doves in the Dreaming, nor ravens. Elijah would have to find a way to warn their allies. They would be easy to find. Only a few entities were not fond of her, especially since she had taken a vast number of protégés, blessed many unions and was a godmother of gods knew how many children from these unions.
“Allies? My lady, we are not at war.” Lucienne said it with a gasped nervous laugh of uncertainty. Hands slightly shaking and hesitant. In her eyes the need for something to hold to, something to believe in.
Love was skeptical about her husband’s return. He was Endless, but his state was frail, crumbling to pieces like his own realm. And Lightbringer would see that. An opportunity. Lucifer always sees an opportunity, and one as delicious as an Endless desperate to get his tools back? The fallen angel was going to make him risk it all. And Morpheus would have no alternative but to accept it.
She couldn’t lie to the librarian, saying that everything was fine. Lucienne saw the restlessness in the Garden. Elijah and the Emissary agitated, promptly abiding Love’s demands. If she tried to lie, the librarian would be skeptical of her word. At the same time, it was her duty to care for her husband's creations. She needed to give them hope. If Lucienne, his most loyal dream, gave up on him, there would be no one left to fight for.
“You are right. We are not at war, but it might be wise to prepare. Demons can be erratic.” Love answered promptly. This wasn’t the time to argue about the necessity of raising defenses.
“I believe in Lord Morpheus” Lucienne faced her queen, fixing her glasses. Lucienne’s tone questioning Love's faith in the Dream King. Eoster couldn’t blame her. She couldn’t convince herself of any different outcome than defeat on her husband’s part.
She was also furious with his recklessness, doing the same mistake that got him imprisoned in first place and led to the loss of his prized possessions. Acting before thinking, acting before having a proper conversation with his wife, without tracing a proper plan.
He may not respect her as a wife. He may not want to talk about their relationship. But, politically speaking, she was his queen, she was responsible for his realm in his absence. The bare minimum would’ve been to let her know that he planned to throw his freedom away and deliver it on a silver platter to Lucifer.
Love took a step forward, enterwinding her fingers pressing them against her corset. She kept her face neutral but her green eyes sparkled with authority. It occurred to her that Lucienne never had to take direct orders from Love. Usually Love’s requests were supported by a previous order from Dream. How strange it must be to have to blindly follow Love’s without the king’s approval.
Love took that into account when choosing her words. “As you should. Defying my husband was a mistake and Lucifer will learn it the hardest way. Morningstar is a sore loser and might not want to give in easily. We must be prepared. When he returns, My lord husband will be displeased if we let erratic demons creep into his realm.” Promises of a doubtful return that Love made as a certainty.
The librarian's eyes kept still on the Queen, as if looking for something of a doubt. But Love turned her back, dismissing her “ Protection spells might be enough,”
Lucienne bowed before leaving the throne room, going to the library.
Love waited until she was certain she was alone, taking a deep breath, as filling her lungs with air would somehow ease her mind. Losing the posture, dragging herself up to the throne, sitting under it, leaning her head in the seat. She couldn’t occupy his seat. It could send the wrong message, like a claim she didn’t want to state. Besides, even the thought of occupying his seat seemed like a bad omen, like she was already sealing Dream’s fate. Sitting at the thorne's feet seemed more appropriate. Always at Morpheus' feet, never at his side. A position quite too familiar.
She should’ve known that his sympathy last night was hiding something. His secrecy with Matthew, and the sudden stop when she arrived. He knew he was going. This was the type of thing he should discuss with her, not with his raven. And more importantly, he should not waste their last night together in poor attempts at flattering!
Did he think she was that naive? Or that superficial? That a praise here and there, a kind word, would thaw her frozen heart, so she could grieve for him? For his realm? Beg to Lightbringer for mercy?
Love was already imagining the mess of his loss. There would be two sides that would split entities and anthropomorphic manifestations. The mortal realm would be chaos for who knows how long. Some would probably lose their lives, realms could be destroyed. All would burden her shoulders, terrorize her nights.
One side would support the narrative of: Morpheus lost in the oldest game. Suppose Lucifer wants to enslave the Dream Lord. The angel gets control of the Dreaming. And since Lady Love is bonded by the Book Before Time under the laws of the True Marriage, to Morpheus, she carries half of his soul. Since the Dream King is enslaved and Eoster is also part of his essence, Lucifer has a claim of Eoster and the Garden. Not only the fallen angel would have two realms, but two powerful entities as playthings. That would be his claim. A very good, and logical one, in Eoster’s opinion. Easy to support.
The other side, the one that Love would try to persuade Lords and Ladies to abide, would be: Morpheus lost in the oldest game. Lady Love is bonded to Dream by the Book Before Time under the laws of True Marriage. Since Lady Love carries half of his soul, and The Dreaming is her husband’s essence, The Dreaming is hers, as it is Morpheus’. By ancient law, before the oldest game, The Dreaming and her husband’s creations are hers. And since she wasn’t the one who lost nor agreed to gamble her realms, Lucifer has no valid claims. Morpheus may be enslaved and unable to rule, but not his creations, since they are now Love’s.
It didn’t sound strong like the first one, but that would be what Love would have to claim, to stay in the Dreaming, deny and resist its take over. Protect her subjects. Her husband might be awful to her, but he created dreams, nightmares and stories, beyond her wildest imagination. They carry an important hole in the mortals' realm. To let it be destroyed and corrupted was unthinkable.
She remembered the night before, her husband’s soft touch, the way his gaze rested in her face, his words. It was a farewell. He knew that he might not come back from Hell. Love didn’t know how to feel. He was imprisoned before, but she was not aware of it, of any suffering, and he was imprisoned by a mortal. Now it’s different. Lucifer could, or better, he wil.condemn him to eternal servitude, there would be no escape, no hope. She would be deserted. Alone. Fighting for a realm that the King never made to be a home for his Queen. A realm she felt responsible for.
It wasn’t like before, when she didn’t know if he would be back. This time, if he didn’t, he wouldn’t. “My Lady, what do we do, now?” Elijah’s voice made her raise her head from her hand, putting the curls that covered her vision out of her face. “Pray, my cupid. Seal the palace against demons and pray.”
The minutes turned to what seemed hours. Love heard a clock that wasn’t around, in her heels clicking on the floor, in Lucienne turning the pages, even in Elijah’s careful watch over the symbols draw to keep away demons. Love tried to make herself useful after pacing around the throne room, double checking all the entrances. Love hesitated in entering her husband’s quarters, but shook the feeling away, doing what was needed.
The last bedroom to be checked was hers. Lucienne left it half opened, and Love stayed in the middle of the hallways looking at the double doors. She wasn’t ready to deal with the past that laid inside that room. No longer she was the queen that lived there. She missed who she was. Hoping for it all, believing in the future promised in those forged letters by someone who wasn’t the one laying beside her. A blissful life, like the mortal’s she blessed, full of passionate love making, whispers of sweet promises, not a need in the universe the other couldn’t fulfill.
Love heard from someone she couldn’t remember, that the King of Dreams was so infatuated by his lovers that mortals would often dream of them. Love was humble enough to not think that it would be her case, but she did blindly believe that he would love her.
The memories from inside her room begged to differ.
Eoster took a deep breath, deciding to check the windows of the balcony, and go back to the throne room, not staying longer than necessary.
As she stepped inside, a crunchy noise was heard. Broken glass. She couldn’t tell if the smell of the room persisted from all those years, or it was her imagination. Roses, jasmyne and wine. It took her back, centuries ago. Her bed was a mess. Stained and creased white linen, pillows ripped, two in the bed, one on the floor, swan feathers everywhere. There were dresses tossed aside in her chaise lounge, unmatching heels scattered through the bedroom. Her vanity had a broken mirror. It was a disaster. A perfect scenery of the lowest point in their marriage.
Flashes from that night came straight to her head, like cutted scenes from a movie. Love’s head burned from each memory. Disgusting pleas, mixed with sobs, she collapsed on the floor. Head down in defeat, incomprehensible mumbles and eyes filled with tears that made it impossible to see anything other than a blurred vision of the marble floor.
She could feel his eyes on her back, but she didn’t care. He needed to get away from her.
“Leave”. Eoster repeated the words he coldly said it. Love never understood how he could watch her defeated and broken at his feet and not do anything at all.
It didn’t bring tears to her face. It wasn’t a sad memory. It was sour and left a weird taste in her mouth, something she felt ashamed of. That night, she questioned her own nature, if she deserved to be Lady of the Four Loves. Both said awful despicable things to each other.
One thing Love never admitted to anyone was that his decision in banning her from the Dreaming was for the best. Distance saved their marriage, not exactly saved, but preserved it. It calmed their nerves. Steady their emotions. Both could do their work, focus on the mortal realm, attend to their creations. True Marriage requires half of a soul, but it doesn't require them to share a home, a bed or even talk to one another. They would be together in reunions, conferences, sitting side by side in official events. He would summon her, when needed, and she would abide by his requests.
Love finished crossing the room, leaving the past behind, checking her balcony window, and taking a seat. Resting her back against the wall, she felt the cold silent air brushing against her face and brought her knees to her chest hugging them. Early stars shining above the realm's silhouette. The same view she used to stare while waiting. For the maids to fix her up to some event. For the Seamstress while adjusting one of her dresses for the evening. For Elijah. For Lucienne. For Dream. Her bedroom was more of a waiting room than anything else. All her life all she seemed to do is to wait.
Maybe it would be a good thing Lucifer taking control of the Dreaming. Maybe she could present herself favorable, relief even. The fallen angel could destroy the palace, destroy the rooms that terrorize her memories. Maybe Love could suggest to Lucifer to make Morpheus relieved their marriage but in her point of view. A torture even the cruelest demons would applause. It was tempting.
“ Lady wife” Eoster’s heart skip a beat, shutting down those traisoning thoughts. For the first time she was relieved to hear that deep calm voice. Tears almost came to her eyes, and she let out a breath she didn’t know was holding since earlier. Without turning, she could feel his presence at the door. “ You’ve returned.” She said it without any hint of worry.
“You seemed surprised. Did you not believe in me?” Love could feel his vacillating steps, like approaching a cornered dangerous animal. He remembers. She turned defeated, tired. “Don’t. Please” He stood quietly. She turned to him, saying in a quiet voice“ Why didn’t you tell me?” He raised an eyebrow “ Would you care?”
“I am your queen.” He perfectly knew what that meant. It didn’t matter if she cared or not. She should’ve known.
“ I had to restore my helmet.” He said it was the most logical response in the world. A final answer that justifies his whole sequence of inconsequential decisions.
It sent Love over the edge. Was he that oblivious? Didn’t he stop for even a second and think? She was at her feet quickly. “ You had to think sensibly, not impulsively barging into Hell!” She screamed angrily pacing through the bedroom, her steps almost opening a hole on the floor.
“ I was sensible! I did what I had to do. How did you expect me to rule?!” He replied screaming back. It came back to the fighting. The only language they seemed to understand.
“ I don’t know! But you should’ve consulted me! Talked to me!” Love’s voice got weak, her hand holding the bridge of her nose, shaking her head in denial, trying to avoid the knot in her throat. Taking a few seconds to regroup herself. Avoid all those convoluted feelings.
“Since when the Lady of the Four Loves is an expert in challenges in Hell?“ Morpheus grinded his teeth, trying to shove his angriness away. Why couldn’t she understand? He was rebuilding his realm. That was the only way he had to restore his possessions, even if that meant to put himself at risk. The night before, she made it perfectly clear that she did not care. Why was she upset?
“ Since when the Lord of Dreams is?!” Love was shaking, she didn't know how she was even able to keep walking back and forth in the room, because every fiber in her body was trembling.
“ Do you have any idea what the last hours have been like for me?! Making promises I didn’t even know if they were real. Promises that even I didn’t believe! Your librarian was in shambles, so I had to pick it up. And I didn’t know what to do. Prepare for a war? Search for you? Sit in the Garden and do nothing?!”
He tried to argue between her rants. “ I was going to tell you, last night. But you left before I could even say anything. I was trying-”
“Don’t lie to yourself!You didn’t plan to tell me anything! You were trying to court me to bed!” Poorly, she wanted to add. She saw men do it for centuries over love stories after love stories, telling their muses whatever they want to hear, luring them away from their senses with pretty words and impossible promises. It is easy for an innocent heart to fall for it, but not a seasoned one.
“ I did this for me as I did for you! Don’t you think that I know what would happen if Lightbringer or any other knew about my wounded state? If I did nothing, and waited, they would’ve come. And The Dreaming and you, I might add-” Love knew he was being sincere but couldn’t keep away her anguish.
“I was scared, Morpheus!” She let it out, before realizing what she said. He was stunted, his deep blue eyes confused but kept quiet. And she dared to repeat. Even if every inch of her body was trying to keep her from vomiting all her feelings. She repeated quietly, like she didn't want him to listen. Like admitting it to him, was admitting defeat. Her pride wonded by the confession. “I was scared. I thought…” She spoke before any sense of regretness made her quiet “You barely returned, and you were gone. Again. I didn’t know what to do. I was afraid. For me, for the Dreaming, for your subjects… for you”
Both dropped in silence, things were escalating. Both their chest going up and down, they could feel the thickness of the air, the bedroom seemed smaller, and their loud voices seemed to echo through the walls.
The raven haired king never, in centuries, saw his wife in such a state. He remembered her earlier years of being lovable and understanding. The later years of her melancholy and bitterness, and her recent coldness and passive aggressiveness. But, apart from one time, he never saw her distressed, arms and hands trembling, trying to hold herself. Love never showed any weakness in front of him. She silently cried, but every single inch of her always breath royalty, always a proper queen. Even in their fallouts.
He didn’t know why he made his way towards her. Last night, Dream saw that Eoster preferred to avoid his touch, recoiling from even the most lightly innocent brush of fingers. But he was taken aback by her sincerity. The confession of fear, obliviousness in face of a situation he didn’t prepare her to. He felt guilt. His wife knew nothing of the Dreaming. He never bothered to teach her.
Now trying to understand her place, he couldn’t contain himself, but to walk to her, close enough to touch her face, her elaborated hairstyle was semi-undone, her brown curls falling in her face. Dream put them behind her ear, making his queen look at him. At first, by impulse, she tried to get away from him, but concead mumbling again about being scared. “ I won’t ask for your forgiveness. I did what needed to be done. Still, it was never my intention to distress you. Leaving you in the dark, I thought…”
He didn’t, actually. The Dream King thought his wife wouldn’t worry. He never thought she would be terrified with his departure. He didn’t think about the burden he dropped inadvertently at her feet. Seeing her as only his unhappy wife, not his queen. Queen of the Dreaming. The Queen who would deal with the consequences if anything happened differently than his win. An entity with no experience in quarrels beyond the ones of a relationship.
Morpheus didn’t know his wife at all, that was clear by the shock of knowing she would try to defend his realm. Even after the suffering he inflicted on her.
Dream leaned in,letting his forehead rest against hers, as both of his hands secured her face, whipping the salty tears in her cheeks. Eoster let out a deep sigh, still listening, she didn’t try to wriggle out of his touch. Morpheus whispered to her, trying to calm her down, like an intimate prayer shared only between them. “ Hope made me victorious. It is what kept my strength, even when Morningstar had the upper hand. Laying on the ground, almost giving up. It was hope that upheld me. Hope for the Dreaming, for a new dawn… for us.”
Love’s voice was almost a whisper, and if he wasn’t close enough to see her lips move, he would’ve thought it was the whispers of the wind. She frowned, letting the best of her senses behind, ignoring the pain, the memories, nudging against his nose, looking for comfort even for a brief moment. Eyes closed, as if opening them meant to face reality. “Husband… You yearn for what lovers share, that only lovers long and grieve for. Only lovers hope.”
She taught that lesson a hundred times to protegées: When lovers are together, they can give each other everything that matters to the heart: Affection, romance, friendship, passion, fidelity, devotedness, but only if their hopes are in perfect harmony. Strangers that share a bed when the flesh craved for warmth, or that were tricked into marrying someone they thought they loved, are never in harmony. Their hopes are always somewhere else.
Only lovers hope. He knew what she meant. They weren’t lovers. Never were. Silence fell among them again, his thumb caressing her soft wet skin. Love didn’t remember if she ever felt such gentleness emanating through his body, calming her trembling self. She didn’t want to let go.
“My Lady, it is all I plead you ” He begged against her skin, their lips almost brushing against each other. Love felt the warmth of his hands against her cheek. She covered his hand with her own, slightly pending her head in his hand. She opened her green watery eyes, staring at him. Either they look brighter with tears, or Morpheus never really paid attention to them.
Eoster knew what he was asking from her. A vow of faith. To believe in his hope. To believe in his change. With all of her heart she wished she could. The words she so longed to hear. She once wished for his love, with all of her heart and self. Now he wanted her to believe in their future.
She wished she could, she wished her memory was feeble, obliviating all those painful recollections of their time together. His coldness, neglectfulness, disregard. The constant humiliations of being looked at with pity in reunions and having to pretend to not see it, having to endure with elegance, mistress after mistress. Having her intentions questioned constantly. Her devotion, inquisitioned by her own husband. Tossed aside, used for relief and discarded. A pretty accessory parading around in the Prince of Stories’ arm. A cruel joke that Desire could tell to amuse others.
“I want to believe, my lord. How I wish I could…” She let the words trail off, pressing her hands harder against his, as if she could make it happen by physically holding onto him, holding the moment.
She wished to forget the past, the truth and live in this ethereal parenthesis where her husband cared, where he looked at her with worry, sorrow, guilt, and he yearned for her. A parenthesis between the quests to find his belongings.
But the truth hovered between them. It was smothered by a brief second, but it was there, already reopening the drift between them. It was impossible to be ignored.
The truth was they were spouses.
Not lovers.
They never were
@secretdreamlandmentality @littlemoistcarrot @lokigirlszendaya
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kseniaallis · 2 years
I just watched tw movie trailer, and it says a lot about my “excitement” that I just watched it. And of course I knew what’s happening because… fandom. But looking at it with my own eyes, book writing experience and participation in teen wolf fandom since I was 14, it just doesn’t make any sense.
I understand why they use Nogitsune as a main villain for the movie - it’s the most popular, loved, if you can say that, plot line of the entire show. Because if you ask fandom “what is your favourite season?” most of them will answer 3b.
What I don’t understand is how they’ll use this storyline without two major characters - Stiles and Kira. The whole reason why Nogitsune appeared in the Beacon Hills was Kira’s family history. And the reason why Nogitsune is so popular - DOB acting. Because I swear to God, if it wasn’t for him, it wouldn’t be just as enjoyable.
I won’t start on Derek’s son that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, that Derek purposefully raised in the town that gave him, his family, friends so many traumas? Make it make sense.
I won’t judge Hikari because I don’t know her plot line, but what I hate and what is heavily implied is that the part of her story is being the love interest. Why won’t you let female character just be in the story, without making them important just because they are someone’s love interest. It's 2023, not 2014 (but we stayed there, ig, and made it worse). And I still don’t like how her being kitsune sounds a lot like Kira’s replacement.
And I hope, hope that even if they pursue Liam and Hikari, please, please don’t let it happen with such a big age difference.
I also have no idea how having a romance with a character that appears just in the movie is a good idea. In all honesty, I don’t give a f about this character because I don’t know her and having this character have a romance with a beloved fandom character just for one movie is ridiculous. Especially, after setting up the whole Thiam heavily implied story line. Because, you see, the only reason why anyone even talk about the movie is fandom. And fandom loves when things they love at least appear, give them breadcrumbs and they’ll be happy. We are not picky.
Mason being a deputy? Okay, perfect. The boy was smart as hell and could go miles away from Beacon Hills to learn science, but no-no. He could have been emissary to the pack and it would work perfectly, but still it’s a no for them.
Malia and Parish's situation is so confusing, like even Lydia and Parish made more sense (age difference is still bad here). And they just decided recycling her relationship with Scott for the sake of Allison's return?
And why does she? Her arc was complete in such a perfect way. It was sad, but it was perfect. It brought reason for the pack to keep fighting, taught them lesson that they weren’t invincible. Bringing her back makes it all go in flames. She died young, saving her friends and it was beautiful in the way, because it brought the whole new meaning to her arc. But no, let’s bring her back and make Argent’s life even more tragic and painful. Let the poor man rest.
And I hope they didn’t kill Theo’s character off screen. But maybe him not being in the movie is a good thing. They can’t fuck up his character after completing his arc perfectly in the tv-show (still surprising, tbh, but I LOVE how they made it).
I remember founding out about the movie. How exciting it felt because I just returned to the fandom, reading all these thiam fics (because fandom recommendations on Tumblr made me, and I was never more grateful to learn about Theo character from the perceptive I have now as an adult. I hated him when I was young and now he is one of my favourites). It felt exciting because it had meaning. And we had hope for it to be at least a decent thing. A continuation of the story that made sense. But now they ruined almost half of the characters and removed the other half for the sake of two hours (how long is it exactly?) movie we won’t even watch.
At this point, I just wait for fix-it fics on ao3 that’ll make more sense than the plot jd came up with his writers.
Thanks for listening to my TED Talk.
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another-heroine · 7 months
For a long time I wanted to write some kind of fluff with Lariel (@the-raging-tempest 's oc) and Andrine, and finally it's about time!
I love playing inside Lariel's head because her mind reminds my own. And I love whimsical characters who do spacing out for a living. Thank you, Dolly!
CW: Bisexual Awakening
Summertime was about to end. It was not necessary to check out a calendar; Lariel could feel it with her eyes closed. The warmth breeze was starting to bring storms at dusk, and frogs sung happier around midnight.
She would be singing along if not for the strange feeling choking around her pale neck.
The last weeks were memorable. The Kingdom of Solovey indeed had fairytale vibes, with its orchards, diverse people and legendary tales. The Knight Commander had entrusted her to go there and get a complete report about their local ally, the queen Andrine. And all the years studying about court etiquette hadn't prepared the young emissary for such a heartwarming reception.
“Let me guess! Lariel Aldolnel, am I right? I was waiting for you. Welcome to our country!”
They all were kind. The queen's family at least. Her whimsical aunts cheered Lariel up every day, especially Amanita, the gnome one. Her mother seemed distant at first sight, but as the time went by, Lariel learned they both were very alike. And also, there was Fionnirel, member of the House Kaellin, though he renounced his titles because of his wife and daughter.
But like everything in life, that also would end. She was done with her duties and should head back to Drezen. Lariel should have bid her farewells two days ago, but asked the Knight Commander for a little while. She was packing her luggages, although her scattered belongings said otherwise.
Lariel leaned against the balustrade, watching the sunset. Some courtiers were walking in the royal gardens, pacing before the dusk rain could come down. A bucolic scenario she would like to take with her memories.
A melodic laughter called for her attention, making her heart skip a beat. Andrine was around, right there, talking to some of her companions. Lariel didn’t know why she felt so flushed and neither because her eyes sought for the queen's figure so eagerly. But for her surprise — or should it be a shock? —, Andrine was looking in her direction too. Just for a second, but under that golden gaze it seemed an eternity.
Lariel pursued her rosy lips and turned away. How embarrassing. The queen could think she was staring at her all that time like a maniac. Or worse!
Suddenly she shook her head. No, it was just babbling of her fears. The queen was kind, gentle and took care of her since the moment Lariel landed there. Even when she had fainted in the ball, and woke up surrounded by the castle's servants and the sovereign herself applying cold water on her forehead and wrists.
“Poor thing, it must be the weather. Drezen is much colder, you should not be used to the Stolen Lands’.”
Lariel didn’t remember what she said, but could recall Andrine opening a smile and giggling. She said reassurance words to her and, without second thoughts, kissed the back of her hand before leaving the room.
Sometimes Lariel caught herself caressing the kissed hand, like she was touched by a supernatural force. Like that act had sealed something magical inside her. And since then, every time Andrine met her around, she felt fire butterflies in her stomach.
But who was she but a foreigner courtier, living inside those strange walls for a while? As she left Solovey, Lariel was aware that probably the queen would forget her. And there was something inside her fighting senselessly against that fate, though it seemed the opposite.
The sorceress sighed heavily. May she not be forgotten as the softness left on the back of her hand.
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zukkaart · 1 year
4 and 18. I like that this one could be going in either direction lol
Couple #4: Zutara
Prompt #18: “Do you ever shut up?”
From this prompt game!
Two years after the war ends, the ambassadors and rulers of the nations gather in the Earth Kingdom to discuss progress in rebuilding.
“Chief Hakoda, what does the Southern Water Tribe require to rebuild?” The emissary from the Earth Kindgom enquired, still visibly confused that the Chief brought his two young children to the meeting. Sokka was almost 18 now, but that meant nothing to a room of grumpy old men. Although, none of them dared to minimize what those Water Tribe children had done for the world.
The emissary thought to himself that he shouldn’t think much of it considering the Fire Lord barely just reached 18 himself a few weeks ago. Said emissary had been very diligent in voicing his opinion this entire meeting. He considered it his duty to place the people of the Earth Kingdom in the highest priority considering how large their population was compared to the others. Because of the Earth Kingdom’s size it also had sustained the most damage during the war, and he only thought it fair that he have a substantial stake in the rebuilding allocations.
It was a long, dreary process that would probably take decades more, but luckily everyone in that board room was dedicated to making things go as smoothly as possible- at least for the most part. It’s sometimes hard to be civil when your people are hurting, but you must remember that others are hurting as well.
Chief Hakoda nodded to his daughter at his left. She straightened her back along with her scroll before standing to address the room. It was obvious to anyone in the room that this particular question was her area of expertise. Well…almost anyone.
“Thank you ambassador, the Southern Water Tribe is making real strides towards establishing a thriving independent economy again, but-“
“Excuse me, but shouldn’t your father be handing this discussion girl?” That same Earth Kingdom man spat the last word like a curse. “Sit down”
Now, it is worth noting that this man would not have been so bold had he not been so absorbed in himself that he did not take note of the Fire Lord slowly losing his composure with every word he spoke. It was not until Zuko himself stood that the green-clad man realized his mistake.
“Do you ever shut up?” Zuko looked as poised as his portrait but his words were laced with an unmissable venom.
“Lord Zuko I-“
“Enough, how dare you speak to her that way?”
The man tried to open his mouth once more but was quickly silenced.
“Do not interrupt me. I do believe you have advocated the needs of your people quite thoroughly. Would you agree?” The man nodded in agreement with Zukos statement
“Good, now sit down. And let her speak,” The young Fire Lord then turned to the Water Tribe emissary. “I apologize ambassador Katara, please. Continue” Zuko returned to the floor as if nothing happened, and sipped his tea contentedly.
An hour after the meeting ended Zuko was reviewing his notes. His robes were abandoned on the floor and he sat hunched over his candle lit desk in only a pair of black trousers, his hair pulled half up with a wooden pin.
He was just about to abandon the seemingly endless scrolls in lieu of maybe getting a good nights rest for once when his door slammed open.
“What the hell was that about?!” Katara stormed into his room, nearly tripping over the layers of fabric strewn across the wooden floor.
Zuko jumped to his feet, startled. “What are you talking about?” The look of genuine confusion on his face almost gave Katara pause- almost.
“In there! With that Earth Kingdom emissary! You know, I don’t need you to fight my battles for me, I can defend myself just fine! Might I remind you that I held my own against much worse months before you even cut that stupid ponytail off!?”
“Katara I’m sorry I was just trying to-“
“I don’t want to hear it! You completely undermined me!” She was pacing about the room now, Zuko was sure she hadn’t even glanced in his directed since starting her rant, he began to look around frantically for a shirt to throw on to no avail. “They have to learn that I am my own person and I don’t need some man to defend me”
Finally, she sat on the edge on his bed and placed her face in her hands.
“I didn’t do it because you’re a woman, I did it because I am the Fire Lord and you are an emissary and friend to me. I would not let someone disrespect you. I would have done the same if it was Sokka. I was looking for an opportunity to tell him to shut up hours before, you just gave me a perfect opportunity. I guess I should be thanking you for that.” At that moment, Zuko noted a red silk scarf on the edge of his desk, he quickly pulled it over his shoulders to cover his chest and stomach.
Katara finally raised her head, and looked as if she was about to speak for a moment. She closed her mouth and cocked her head to the side quizzically. She then let out a laugh.
“So, do you just casually wear silk scarves around your room?” Zuko blushed.
“No, I-“
“Oh come on Zuko, it’s just me,” She strode over to him and gave one end of it a sharp tug, causing it to fall freely to the ground. She gave a satisfied smirk at the slightly embarrassed look on Zukos face. Katara was just about to leave, happy with the verbal berating and light embarrassment she had just filed out when her eyes drifted slightly south.
Her gaze landed on a dark twisted scar taking up a monopoly on Zukos skin. The large burst where his ribs met arcing out down his stomach and across his chest in thin lines. Azulas lightning.
Lightning that had been meant for her.
Zuko sucked in a sharp breath, barely moving. It wasn’t until then that Katara noticed that she had placed her hand upon it. Before she could process what she was saying she asked.
“Did you keep seeing the healers like I told you to?”
“I-Uh, of course I did” Zukos blush reached his neck that time.
“So no then. At least let me help while I’m here. Lie down,” If there was one thing Zuko knew at this point, it was that there was never any use fighting Katara. So he obliged as she collected the bowl of rose water left on the night stand.
“You haven’t been treating it so this might hurt a little,”
“It’s okay, I’m used to it” It was Zukos turn to speak without thinking, but he didn’t need to explain. They had all felt their fair share of pain over the last few years. His companion simply nodded and hummed lightly as the water began to glow.
“Agni have mercy” Zuko found himself murmuring. That hurt way more than he thought it would. Okay, no more skipped healers appointments. He felt like he was going to pass out at any second. Suddenly, the glowing stopped.
“Woah, woah, hey. Are you okay? All the color just drained from your face” Zukos next words were entirely incoherent, no better than if he had way too much fire whiskey. “Okay, that’s enough for you.” Katara then soaked a cloth and cooled it with her bending before placing it across his forehead. “There, you’re gonna be just fine.”
Zukos entire world was spinning, but then again- it tended to do that whenever Katara came around. He forced his eyelids open to look at her. There was so much worry and care painted across her face, and his head was too foggy. He said something, but neither of them had any idea what, so he tried once more.
“I love you, Katara”
The last thing he saw was her shocked expression, a dusting of pink across her dark complexion, before darkness claimed him.
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draguta · 1 year
.a court of ash and smoke | twenty-seven.
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pairing: lucien vanserra x fem!reader
summary: five years before feyre archeron ever stepped foot in prythian, another human girl found herself in the spring court. but the trials and tribulations of her time under the mountain left her with nothing but a certain red-headed high fae emissary, who had once resented her entire presence, to help and guide her.
chapter warnings: n/a
chapter word count: 2516
a/n: final chapter of the first book, oh my goodness! i can't believe the first book in the series is finished already! but don't worry, there's plenty more to come soon!
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please remember to reblog, like, and share a comment if you enjoy this series - it is always appreciated by writers to see their hard work valued.
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“Stay calm,” the figure said, voice soft and smooth like butter. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
“W-Who are you?” You stuttered, glancing over your shoulder at the door you were pressed against. If you screamed loud enough, perhaps Lucien would come to your aid, if not him, then the sentinels guarding your door at the very least.
“My name is Azriel.” The figure stepped forward once more, now cast in a ray of moonlight. He was visible to you now – a great, muscled male who towered over you, likely at least twice your size. He wore what looked to be some kind of leather-clad fighting uniform, and various blue gems glinted from his body. But those weren’t what caught your eye – no, it was the large, membranous wings, like that of a bat, that stretched out behind him that you couldn’t stop staring at. “Rhysand sent me, to make sure you were alright.”
Rhysand had sent this male into your home? Rhysand, of all people, had somehow known that, in actuality, you were not alright at all.
“Are you alright?” Azriel asked again, taking one more hesitant step toward you.
“I-I don’t know,” you answered truthfully. You didn’t know, couldn’t know exactly what your feelings were in that moment. There was too much rattling around in your brain for you to make sense of it all. It was too much, and it was also nothing. It was chaos, and yet it was at the same time emptiness.
You felt empty. Because Tamlin had betrayed you. Because you had been kept away from Lucien. Because that power that you had been so terrified of had exploded out of you and somehow made you feel something again, only for it too to be locked away at Tamlin’s hand.
“H-How did Rhysand know?” You asked quietly, looking up to meet the figure’s hazel eyes. They were locked onto yours, but his face told you nothing, gave away no clues. A pure sight of indifference.
“He said he felt the surge of your power,” he explained. “That he could sense it, even in the Night Court. He figured Tamlin wouldn’t be too pleased.”
“And he’s there, in the Night Court, right now?” You asked slowly. Azriel nodded. “You’re going back there tonight?”
“I am,” Azriel confirmed. His eyes seemed to linger on the collar around your neck, no doubt able to sense – or scent – the faebane locked into those emeralds. “As soon as I ensure that you’re okay. But right now, I don’t think that you are okay.”
You drew in a shaking breath. You knew what you had to do – knew what your only option was. Because now that Tamlin had seen your power, you were sure there was no going back, no taking back what had been done. What you had done, and what he had done. And then there was Lucien - what if you had hurt Lucien like you had Tamlin? You would never have been able to trust yourself again. You had to learn to tame it so that, if anything, it gave you even a small chance at a future with him. That was all you wanted, after all, a future with him. Lucien. Your mate. “Take me with you.” Surprisingly, Azriel looked taken aback. “Rhysand said he could help me, right?”
“He can.”
“So, take me with you, to the Night Court.”
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“Fuck!” Lucien shouted, slamming the draw shut once more and turning to lean back against the counter. Alis’ collection of keys in the kitchen had been his only hope of getting you out of that room, but it would seem that the key for your room, and your room alone, was missing. No doubt Tamlin had already taken it into his own possession. He sighed, curling down and leaning his hands on his knees. He squeezed his eyes shut, replaying the moment he had seen you, through that crack in the door.
You had looked so…defeated. He had seen you like that before, Under the Mountain. But that wasn’t how things were meant to be here. Here you were meant to be free and happy, to have a home that you could call your own, to never have to relive those dark moments again.
You both were meant to be happy. Together. That’s how he had pictured it.
“Is there something I can help you with, Master Lucien?”
He started at the sound of Alis’ voice, and almost toppled over as his grip on his knees slipped. Lucien straightened out, brushing a hand down the front of his shirt, and threw her his best attempt at a smile.
“It’s been a rather long day,” he said, willing his voice to remain calm and collected. “I was just looking for a little snack and perhaps some tea.”
Alis narrowed her eyes. “Really?” She said slowly, approaching him on feather-light feet. “So, you weren’t looking for this?”
Lucien’s eyes widened as he watched her reveal a key from the pocket of her apron – the key to your room.
“You took it?” He asked, reaching forward to take it from her. But Alis pulled away, holding the key out of reach of Lucien.
“I will give you it,” she said slowly. “Under one condition. That girl is good, and fair, and kind, and strong, and she deserves better than this, I can see that. So, if I give you this key, you have to promise me, Master Lucien, promise me, that you will take that girl and get her as far away from here as you can. Get her somewhere safe, get her help. Make sure that she is happy. Do you understand me?”
Lucien blinked slowly, swallowing hard, but nodded firmly. He knew he would do those things regardless of a promise to Alis, and Alis seemed to know that too. Alis scanned his face for any sign of mistruth, but eventually, with a deep sigh, handed the key over to him, pressing it firmly into his palm.
“Now go,” she said. “Go and help her. She needs you.”
Lucien didn’t even stop to thank her. He had never run so fast in his entire life, had never felt his heart beat at such a quick pace. He scaled the stairs, two at a time, and skidded down the hallway toward your door.
He would need to think of some excuse to get the sentinels away from your door, just long enough for him to get in there, get that barbaric collar from your neck, and winnow them somewhere safe – anywhere but here.
But as he reached the end of the hallway, as he approached your bedroom door, what he found was not what he had been expecting. The sentinels were still there, but they were no longer guarding the door, rather peering through the open crack there. The door was unlocked, and two voices drifted through into the hallway.
He pushed himself inside, coming to a stop when he found Tamlin and Silas stood at the end of your bed. Your presence was no longer here. Your scent was there – he could smell it, jasmine and lavender – but it was mixed with something else. Mist and cedar. A scent that did not belong to anyone here; did not belong in the Spring Court.
“What’s going on?” He huffed out, fearing the worst already. His golden eye whirred, scanning the room for any sign of her. “Where is Y/N?”
“She’s gone,” Tamlin said.
“What do you mean?” Lucien asked, eyes wide and frantic with panic.
“I felt someone trespass onto the grounds through the wards – didn’t take me long to work out that they were coming here,” Tamlin explained. His face was pale, and he gripped at the column of the four-poster bed with enough strength to turn his knuckles white. “By the time we got here, they had already taken her.”
“Who?” Lucien snapped, a pain wrenching its way through his chest at the thought.
“The Night Court,” Silas chimed in.
No. No, they couldn’t have taken you there. Rhysand wouldn’t dare take Tamlin’s family – a member of his court. He was powerful, but he didn’t have the guts to start an all-out war against Spring, especially when he knew that the other courts would no doubt ally with Tamlin.
And you. His sweet, beautiful female, who he loved with everything that he had. You were in the Night Court, a place he had never stepped foot in even once, a place that legend told was a court of nightmares itself. No better than Under the Mountain.
You would be destroyed in that place.
His head felt hazy and light, dizzy, and he stumbled back, leaning against the vanity in the hopes of yielding some kind of strength in his legs to hold himself upright. That was when he saw it, the little white envelope tucked neatly into the frame of the mirror. Addressed to him.
“We’ll have Silas send out a guard to patrol the borders in search for her tonight,” Tamlin was saying, but Lucien wasn’t listening. He was too busy grasping for the letter, ripping it open. “After that, if there’s no sign of her, we’ll go to the other courts for help.”
Lucien ignored them, even as their voices drifted with their departing footsteps into the hall, ready to begin their night-long search. Instead, his eyes trailed the words on that page, written with such delicacy in looped letters, each one oozing with love and adoration for him.
And he wept.
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My dearest, darling Lucien,
I cannot begin to explain how much it pains me to write you this letter. How much it genuinely hurts to know that these will be my parting words to you.
I need to tell you that I have gone to the Night Court. Rhysand has promised to help me learn how to control my powers, and I believe him to be true to his word. I have gone willingly, as I know that this is something that I must do. Not only for me, but also for you.
I cannot idly sit by any longer. I cannot be trapped in that house, in that collar, for another second, knowing that it was all by my own brother’s hand. It feels too familiar, too much of a burden to carry around those memories with me each and every day, knowing that my situation at the Spring Court was no better than it was Under the Mountain. But this is not Tamlin’s fault, and it is certainly not yours.
I need you to take care of Feyre until I am able to come home. Tamlin cannot be trusted with her safety, I can see that now. And she needs a friend, more than anything else.
This decision was not something I made lightly. But I know now, from the way that Tamlin looked at me today, that I am dangerous, and I will become even more dangerous should I not be able to control this magic within me. I must learn, otherwise we can never be together. I could never put you in danger, my love. Not for a second.
Because you are everything to me. When I was lost, I found you, and you brought my back to life, and guided me home like a beacon. You, my Lucien, have my whole heart.
I know, without a doubt, that we will find our way back to one another. I do not question that for a minute. But you must give me time to learn how to not be a threat to you anymore.
Do you remember what you told me? That no matter where what happens, and no matter where either of us go, we will always be together. I believe that, and I know that you will be with me everyday until I see you again, and I will be with you too.
I adore you, my love. I love you with everything that I have.
Your Y/N.
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“That was quite the show of power you put on in the Spring Court,” Rhysand said as he, to your surprise, embraced you in a tight hug. Azriel had transported you both as far as he could, before flying you up, and up, towards what he had called the House of Wind. You had barely opened your eyes once during the entire flight, terrified to look down at what might lay beneath you; to the Night Court, that Tamlin and Lucien had spoken such terrible things about. But you were safe now, on solid ground, and you knew that Rhysand wouldn’t hurt you. You trusted him.
“Well, it wasn’t entirely intentional,” you replied. “And it certainly landed me in some hot water.”
Rhysand narrowed his eyes, glancing to Azriel who still hovered behind you. Azriel motioned to the band of gold and emerald around your neck, and Rhysand, after sniffing once, widened his eyes. Immediately, his hand was against the cool metal, and after a second, the entire thing simply cracked, falling to the ground with a clatter in pieces. You stared down at it in awe.
“We don’t have faebane in my court,” Rhysand said firmly. “And we certainly don’t hide people’s powers here.”
“Thank you,” you whispered out.
Rhysand smirked. “Don’t mention it.”
“Is she here yet?” A gruff voice sounded from somewhere inside the house. You realised then that you were standing on a balcony, overlooking the Night Court, and your stomach whirled, unsure of what you would see beyond should you turn around in that second.
“Yes, she’s here,” Rhysand called back, rather monotonously. He turned back to you then. “Sorry about them. We don’t see a lot of new faces around here.”
Suddenly, a burly male, with dark hair and similar leather to Azriel’s, showcasing gems of his own in blood-red, appeared in the doorway, grinning maniacally. If Azriel was twice your size, then this male was at least three-times your size, with those large wings curled up behind his back. At the male’s side was a small, slender female, with silk blonde locks and a truly beautiful face. She beamed happily at you.
And yet, you couldn’t focus on them. Instead, something pulled you, urged you to turn around, and when you finally did, letting your feet bring you to the very edge of the balcony, your jaw dropped in awe.
It was nothing like what you had been expecting. A sprawling city lay below you, tucked between mountainous skylines. Buildings jutted up all over the place, their golden, warm lights glinting off the reflection of a river running straight through the middle, almost like starlight itself. And there, in the darkened night sky, were the real stars, more than you had ever seen before, shining blissfully down upon you.
Figures moved to stand beside you, Azriel to your left, and Rhysand to your right, the other male and female on Azriel’s far-side. You all looked out across that city, and you couldn’t help but gasp as you caught a glimpse of a couple of faerie children walking down the street, hand-in-hand, laughing happily to themselves as their mother trailed behind them.
Rhysand leaned in, smirking, but never once taking his eyes off the city below us.
“Welcome to Velaris.”
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captain-peanut110 · 2 years
Imagine if things in Gondolin used to be like, “old fashioned” and stuff
Everyone wore long robes, long pants and long sleeves, intricate armour and such
There was little touching outside of one’s family and most conversations were had in a formal way, even amongst friends
Glorfindel died before any of that began to change and in the hustle of being back from the dead and a war going on, he did not give much thought to the whole norms of socialisation business
After he settles in Imladris nothing seems to different, until one evening he is staying up late, talking to Erestor in his office. It is a hot summer night and Erestor is incredibly tired from all of his work.
He rests his head atop a pile of duty reports and reaches to undo the buttons of his long sleeved robes, pushing the heavy fabric off his shoulders.
It drops with a quiet rustle, attracting Glorfindel’s attention and a moment later he feels his face heat up and his eyes dart over Erestor’s exposed neck and collarbones, his white undershirt looking way too translucent in the candle light.
He rolls his sleeves up and rubs his temples exhaustedly, too distracted to notice Glorfindel’s reaction.
Glorfindel starts praying to the Valar to take him back, doing his best not to look at Erestor.
He does not notice Erestor’s concerned gaze, nor does he realise that his friend got up from his chair, until he’s standing right in front of mortified warrior.
“Your face looks very red, are you unwell from the heat?” Erestor asks and before Glorfindel can answer, reaches out to touch his forehead.
Glorfindel freezes, not sure what is going on and Erestor brushes a strand of his hair away from his face.
At that Glorfindel gets up faster than should be possible and runs away, muttering something about a sudden urgent guards business he forgot all about.
Erestor tries to stop him and grabs his hand, which absolutely short-circuits the poor ellon’s brain.
Erestor is left standing in his office, absolutely confused and in his usual pessimistic manner concludes that Glorfindel doesn’t like him.
Glorfindel sits down under a tree right outside and tries to catch his breath, wondering what has gotten into Erestor’s head. How could they possibly hold hands without being married.
Celebrian finds his there during her evening walk and for a moment fears something ill had befallen the captain.
Yet Glorfindel just looks up her with an absolutely scandalised expression and whispers. “Erestor made advances towards me.”
Celebrian is naturally shocked, Erestor being the last person she would ever suspect of anything untoward.
“He touched my forehead. And my hair.” Glorfindel’s face turns red again.
“And before that, he… He discarded his formal robe and pulled his sleeves up.” He turns to Celebrian with eyes wide with horror, as she is doing her bestest not to laugh. “I could see his collarbones. Collarbones!”
Celebrian is now the one praying for strength not to embarrass herself and Glorfindel with sudden laughter, remembering her mother’s stories about the peculiar ways of the old.
“And then…” Glorfindel does not seem to notice her struggle, his thoughts still undoubtedly way too focused on Erestor’s shameful collarbones.
“Then he tried to grab my hand and at that point I wasn’t even sure what he was saying, I made up some flimsy excuse and ran.”
Celebrian nods solemnly, not daring herself to speak and calla in her mind to her husband, hoping by some miracle of Eru’s he would not be asleep yet and could come to her aid. There is simply no way she is going to have the conversation with the Valars’ blessed emissary all by herself.
“I think I’m going to have to marry him now, to keep both of us honest.”
Celebrian shakes her head, fighting another bout of laughter, thankful it had not been Lindir or one of her beloved children that happened to witness Glorfindel’s breakdown. Or better yet, Ereinion back in the day.
She imagines the High Kings face lighting up with an involuntary smile, seeing the legendary Glorfindel of Gondolin loose his wits over a councillor’s collarbones and feels a warm and happy feeling flood her chest.
“How can I ever face him again?”
Glorfindel seems to be talking directly to her now and she snaps out of her thoughts before the warmth memories of Ereinion always bring is shattered by an icy cold reminder of his fall.
Thankfully and perhaps with divine intervention, that is the exact moment Elrond steppes into view, looking at his wire clearly struggling not to smile and Glorfindel, sitting on the ground and looking mortified.
He recounts the indecent experience once again and Celebrian is grateful for Elrond serving as a distraction and turns head away to laugh silently with no one but the stars to witness.
She is about to excuse herself and leave her unfortunate husband to deal with his friend’s embarrassment, when she spots a lone figure in the distance and follows the familiar shape after a short word with Elrond.
It indeed turns our to be Erestor, looming the gardens like a shadow, his hair hanging loosely and obscuring his face from view.
He is wearing no robes over his white shirt and one of its sleeves appears to be torn.
Celebrian steps up to the councillor, announcing herself not to startle him.
He turns to face her and in the dim starlight his eyes are dark and endless voids of sadness upon his pale and indifferent face.
“My most revered lady.” He greets her with a bow or his head and a smile, though it looks out of place next to the sorrow in his eyes.
“To have been blessed with your fair presence is a gift this wretched evening.”
Celebrian takes a step closer to lay her hand upon his cheek. He looks about to run from her, and perhaps had it been anybody else, he would have, yet the friendship that grew between them over the years meant she was perhaps the only one he would honestly speak his troubles to.
“I believe the noble Lord Glorfindel of Gondolin desires to be wed to you, councillor.”
“I beg your pardon, my lady?”
Erestor looks at her in astonishment.
“He believes it is the only way to preserve your and his own decency after the absolutely scandalous and entirely inappropriate way you behaved towards him in your office.”
Erestor’s eyebrows shoot up with astonishing speed.
“Collarbones, councillor.” Celebrian can no longer keep herself from laughter, taking in the councillor’s bewildered expression.
“It is all very simple - you have shamelessly displayed your collarbones and both of your entire forearms to the noble lord, as well as attempted to hold his hand before marriage, which compels the noble lord to wed you and spare both of your from this shame.”
Erestor appears about to start laughing or perhaps crying, Celebrian is not entirely certain of that.
She pats his shoulder gently, giving him a look similar to the one her children would get after getting into inevitable trouble due not knowing something vital in their young age.
“He is a lord of Gondolin from the first age. The last time he socialised with people rolling your sleeves up would be akin to taking all your clothes off in public. He might have gotten slightly traumatised by your collarbones, but at least we now know he wants to marry you.”
“I wish I was dead right now.”
“Elrond is the one I left with Glorfindel. He is going to have to tell him you are allowed to hold hands before marriage now.” She laughs once again. “I do hope he does bring Ereinion up. It is doubtful the noble lord could ever recover from that conversation.”
Erestor laughs.
“I think I ought to apologise. Clear everything up between the two of us.”
She is about to tell him what a terrible it would be to go talk to Glorfindel at the moment, yet does not have the time before he is already off, waving his sleeveless arm at Glorfindel, who attempts to hide behind the nearly laughing Elrond.
Idk what this is, ahahaha
The only reason this exists is because i imagined the first age having victorian era style ankle freak-outs and because I desperately believe Erestor and Celebrian are best friends.
It’s 2:20 am and I have to wake up at 5 :)))
And so i wrote whatever the fuck this is instead. Cheers!
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jemdeserveslove · 7 months
I read the ACOTAR trilogy years ago and liked it, but I was never interested in reading any of the next books. I remember that Lucien and Elain were supposed to be mates but she didn't want to talk to him(?) and it was left unresolved at the end of ACOWAR. After that I only know bits and pieces I came across online, and I often saw people saying Elain should end up with Azriel instead. So I'm here to ask: what's going on, what happened since then? What is her relationship with both men at this point? Is there a love triangle? Who is she more likely gonna end up with? Can you please tell me the tea? 👀
Omg this is like a big question that requires a big answer, so bare with me ✨
First things first, I wanna start by saying that I’m completely biased at this point, since I want Elain and Lucien to be together. I will present the facts and how I see them. I did this post ages ago discussing every ship! There are more details
So, since the end of Wings and Ruin, Elain and Lucien’s relationship hasn’t really improved. She still avoids him whenever he’s around and, as far as we know, he only shows up in Velaris when he needs to report something to Rhys and Feyre (since he works for them as emissary) or on Winter’s Solstice. He always gets her a gift and she ignores him, as usual.
Now, as for Elain and Azriel, we know due to Azriel’s bonus chapter that they spent a little time together, usually in the garden, with Elain going over her garden plans and stuff.
Idk if you read his chapter or not, I guess you must have seen it around, but if you want to get more context to this, I recommend reading it even if didn’t read the book. You can still understand lots of it.
But basically what happened is this:
It’s after the Winter Solstice party and Azriel and Elain meet after everyone left to their own rooms. In the chapter, we get Azriel’s pov so we get to learn a bit more about his state of mind and how unwell he is (and has been for a while). When they meet, Azriel intercepts Elain as she’s going downstairs to put a gift in his gift pile, so she hands him his gift. He then also gives her a gift, that he didn’t give earlier as well, a rose shaped necklace
They have a bit of a moment, with Azriel thinking about how they always had slight touch of hands and shared glances (not really conversations), but nothing else happened beyond that. Azriel thinks about how he has the hots for her and also how bothered he is about Elain and Lucien’s mating bond
Then, they almost kiss, BUT they are interrupted by Rhys, when he has a mental conversation with Azriel, who then tells Elain this was a mistake and she apologizes, and as far as we know, they haven’t talk since
NOW, Rhys basically tells Az to stay away from Elain, because she has a mate and if he saw them kissing (Lucien was just upstairs) he would have, like, the right to be really pissed off and call on Azriel the blood duel (traditional of the Autumn Court) and then fight to the death for Elain. Like, Lucien would never do that, but anyway
Azriel tries to reason with Rhys by saying that Elain is not interested in Lucien and that maybe the cauldron was wrong and that they were not supposed to be mates, which leaves Rhys all “what the actual fuck????”. To which Azriel responds by saying that there are 3 sisters and 3 brothers, so how come were 2 sisters given to 2 of those brothers (Rhys and Cassian) but the third one wasn’t???? Rhys gets all 😡 and tell Azriel that he should go to a pleasure house and leave Elain alone, to not jeopardize their relationship with Lucien, cause he’s a really important ally for them, as he has ties with many courts + the human realm
Az gets really mad about the whole thing, we know he always wanted a mate, so this whole thing is a sensitive topic for him. He then meets Gwyn, a new character to the series, he trains her on combat with Cassian, and she was overall a really important character in ACOSF. They have a moment, filled with playful banter and even a couple of revelations (we learned from their conversation that Az sings) and when he leaves her he was much more cool minded
As the chapter goes, we learn that Elain returned the rose shaped necklace, putting it back in his gift pile, without even talking to him. He then gets the necklace and anonymously gives it to Gwyn, thinking about how her eyes will shine upon seeing it, calling it “a thing of secret, lovely beauty”
NOW, everyone is entitled to their opinions, and even if I don’t agree, I see why people would ship Elain and Azriel considering some other moments they had during the other books. I for one think that the bonus chapter was a way of Sarah to put an end to them. I think his interaction with Gwyn was much more interesting and had that sjm couple banter thing, that she always writes, and honestly it just seemed healthier (considering how Az’s pov goes)
But even if we forget about Gwyn for a moment, during Silver Flames there were a couple of moments when Az just pretty much dismissed Elain, when she wanted to do finally do something and help everyone. Saying how Elain should not be exposed to such darkness and all. Which could be cute, like, “awnn he wants to protect her”, but he did it behind her back and she was really just trying to help and do more. And that didn’t sit right with me
As for Elain and Lucien, I’m not gonna lie, it’s looking very good for them lol. But, I think they will overcome their issues, cause they don’t have anything against each other. They don’t even know each other. Their issue is not personal, And I think that eventually they will know each other and things will work out just fine
So, answering your question, Idk who’s gonna end up with who. I have my personal beliefs and some people have completely different ideas. Not really sure who to blame for this, maybe we should blame Sarah for being a little ambiguous or ourselves for being maybe a bit too emotional about it 🤡
But I’ll tell you this: acotar 5 is next, so we’re gonna find out soon enough ✨
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librarycomic · 10 months
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Until I came across a stack of recent collections at my local library, I hadn't read any Usagi Yojimbo for a few years -- I knew I'd missed all of the recent full-color collections, but not that I'd also missed a few from the end of the series at Dark Horse, back when it was still published in black-and-white. If you haven't read any for a while, either, the series is as good as ever, and as much as I liked the old uncolored books the newer collections are fabulous, too. These are the three I liked best.
Usagi Yojimbo: Mysteries (Volume 32) by Stan Sakai. Introduction by Yuki Matsuzaki. Dark Horse, 2018. 9781506705842. 180pp plus a cover/pinup gallery. Contains #159-165 of UY Volume 3.
Usagi comes across a dead, high-ranking samurai in the woods, and finds a little girl hiding nearby. On his way to take her to Inspector Ishida, they're accosted by some samurai who want the girl and even go so far as to attack Usagi when he's buying her a meal. It's a huge mistake and only the beginning of a larger mystery that starts with finding the girl's father's confession. Thieves Kiyoko and Kitsune make an appearance, and of course my favorite scenes are the "The Body in the Library" chapters.
Usagi Yojimbo: Homecoming (Volume 35) by Stan Sakai, colors by Tom Luth. Introduction by Peach Momoko. IDW, 2021. 9781684058020. Contains #8-14 of UY Volume 4.
This volume starts with a graphic lesson on how tatami mats are made, which plays into the plot. Usagi heads to the north province where he grew up. He crosses paths with samurai transporting new tatami mats for Lord Gifu, who will use them as part of a tea ceremony for an emissary of the shogun. When the samurai are attacked, Usagi helps defend the tatami from the ninja. Later Usagi is pursued because he continues to wear the mon of Lord Mifune, which begins a journey to his home village, Mariko (the woman he loved), and Kenichi, his childhood friend and rival. Katsuichi-sensei (Usagi's teacher) and Jotaro, who is secretly now Usagi's son, also make appearances. The best part of the color version: seeing the blue Usagi wears during the fight scenes.
Usagi Yojimbo: Tengu War! (Volume 36) by Stan Sakai, art assist by Randy Clute, colors by Hi-Fi Design. Introduction by Kevin Eastman. IDW, 2022. 9781684058754. Contains #15-21 of UY Volume 4.
Usagi seeks his other master, a one-handed tengu named Sojobo. There's a flashback to how Usagi earned the right to be trained by him, and, in the present day, as you might guess from the title, Usagi finds himself in the midst of a war between supernatural creatures. Toward the end of the story he meets someone from his past, from just as he fled the battlefield with Lord Mifune's head. And then Usagi meets Yukichi, who remembers when their paths crossed years ago.
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sapphire-mage · 2 years
Y'all Mind if I Praise Subspace Emissary?
Talk about Peach's characterization in the Mario got me remembering an entire sequence of scenes in Subspace Emissary from Super Smash Bros Brawl, and it still blow my mind how we had this sequence of...
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Peach and Zelda (later disguised as Sheik) get rescued from their imprisonment and are told by Solid Snake to stay put. They ignore that order and explore Meta Knight's ship, The Battleship Halberd, on their own adventure.
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Peach, sweet lovable flower that she is, gets caught up in the crossfire between Fox McCloud's Arwing and the Halberd's cannons. Sure, Fox should probably be more carefully, but those guns DO need to be disarmed. So, he's sticking to the mission. She handles it well, save for one hit that Fox lands too close for comfort.
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THIS PISSES ZELDA/SHEIK OFF, which leads to THIS BADASS EXCHANGE! And the two start to face off, and we as the player are like, "Oh shit! We about to do a Sheik versus Fox duel? We going back to Melee with these two? Time for wave dashing and Final Destination? But then Peach interrupts with this:
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Peach offers a cup of tea, bringing peace between the two Melee monsters (plus, Peach is a Melee monster herself). And it's like, 'OH! I guess that got resolved! They're good now, right?' WRONG!
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This thing, constructed by a variety of shadowy Mr Game and Watches, attacks them. And we, the player, get amped up, knowing we're about to have a showdown with Peach, Sheik, and Fox at our side, right?
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Snake and Lucario show up, knowing full and well they caused this monster to manifest off screen. And the two of them are not exactly ones two back down from messes they made themselves.
So the two join the first, and you're like, "ALRIGHT! Five characters this should do the trick, right?"
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Falco, who has been flying around like Fox was previously, decides to abandon ship and join in on the fight, because dammit: They are not about to have this giant showdown on the front deck of the battleship... WITHOUT FALCO LOM-FREAKING-BARDI! Attention whore (compassionate) that he is.
And then you fight them. And you're like, "Wow! All six of these characters in my roster! This is great!"
And when the fight ends, you get one more character.
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Because Peach befriends Mr Game and Watch, allowing him to join us. And it's all so glorious, as all the characters truly act as they would in these situations. And I love it so much.
To be clear: This isn't a critique of the Mario movie version of Peach. I actually think that version of Peach will be very entertaining and likable. The key thing with Peach, for me, is that as long as she has love and empathy in her heart driving her every decision, she is a good Peach.
Honestly, the main point I want to make is that Subspace Emissary is very, very good, and we gave Brawl too much shit for 'not being Melee' at the time.
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