#this is not a racism i face on the daily so i will stand up against it but if i can improve and learn i would love to do so.
quillandrapier · 1 month
Tw in images for anti romani slur /////
I still find it insane that marvel STILL has a slur in pietro's bio on their website and they probably think that's okay. It's disgusting how they keep getting away with this
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royalarchivist · 7 months
Quackity: But before I start, I want to talk about a very serious topic, and a reminder to everyone who's watching this stream, because I know a lot of you know about my project QSMP, and I want to give a very important reminder to everyone who consumes the QSMP, and everyone who consumes my content and the content of everyone in the QSMP:
I want to start off by saying that QSMP is an international global server which has the objective of uniting creators and cultures globally. We are the very first project to create a global international content-creation space by breaking language barriers. That's literally why I started QSMP, that's why it exists. And I want to make one thing very clear: the negativity that has surrounded certain parts of the community since the very beginning of this project is an aspect that I completely disagree with. Constantly, time and time again, I've called it out and I've made myself very very clear on that. Anyone who watches and consumes my content knows that. Constantly I've even been very, very outspoken over the difficulties I faced with racism and xenophobia in my personal life, growing up, and to this day.
Before starting QSMP, and even to this very single day, I get private, racist and perverse messages daily where I am berated for my culture and for who I am. And for many years, I've taken the stance to give zero importance to the people who do that, because these are people that only want to do harm. Recently, now more than ever, it's clear to me why I do what I do, and it's clear to me why the QSMP exists in the first place. And even if there's one person across the world who this project is helping, then that to me is worth it enough to continue doing what I do.
So I want to make it very clear: What the QSMP project does is it embraces the cultural differences in order to unite people from all across the world in a positive manner. That's its objective and that's why I created it. So if anyone intends to consume QSMP with any scope of negativity, whether it be towards the events, the administration team, the creators, any communities, or any of the cultures, then QSMP is simply not for you. I've met some of my best friends, thanks to the server, so it's very clear to me that this concept works and it's going to continue to work. So anyone who watches QSMP and is not ready to accept any inherent cultural differences that will arise from this project, nor is willing to consume this project in the positive way that it was created in, then this project is not meant for you. And I want to make that incredibly, incredibly clear.
Lastly, I want to remind people of something very important: We are not a small community. We're a massive community. We're a huge international community. It's not small at all. So please remember, and please keep in mind that there are external people outside of this project who don't even consume QSMP, whose only goal is to destabilize and divide the QSMP community. There's people who are maliciously as well, and purposefully, provoking others in the community with harmful remarks. Do not- do not give these people what they want, and do not forget what the project and what the community as a whole stands for, which is respect, tolerance, community, open mindedness and unity. That's why I created the QSMP and that's why it exists. And I have to make that very clear for everyone who follows the project. So, yeah, I wanted to say that before we got the stream started, I wanted to clarify that and remind everyone of that fact. But yeah!
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cocogum · 4 months
The Great Wave - Chapter 6 Review
Warning(s): extreme use of foul language, aurora slander, mentions of racism, i’m cyber bullying an osamodas
So chapter 6 came out…
And I’m not happy.
Not one bit.
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Blue cow: “You sadidas are so impressionable…”
Sadidas are impressionable?? Tf are you even talking about?? What are they impressionable about?? This sad excuse that you call a companion screeched and it scared the shit out of that woman. What did you think was gonna happen??? “YoU PeOPLe ARe So ImPrESsIOnAbLE” I’m gonna eat animals right in front of your face and feed them to you like a bird. You know what they’re not, Aurora? They’re people who aren’t scared of facing death more than once you fucking sad excuse of a pro-animal blue-skinned wretch.
She looks way too cocky in this shot. You wanna go back to the war, little bitch? Let’s see if you’ll keep smiling like that.
Did I mention I fucking hate Aurora?
This actual cunt is more worried about some ugly crusty bat bird than an actual human being are you fucking kidding me.
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Blue cow: “Give that to me, you’ll scare him!”
Sadida servant: “I’m sorry, mistress…”
This is the very same woman who fled the people she was supposed to “lead” who called a servant, that did not belong to her, an idiot.
Are you fucking kidding me.
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Blue cow: “Go fetch some water, idiot, the little one is dying of thirst…”
Sadida servant: “Alright, mistress…”
She had also mentioned how her future son would inherit this monstrosity of a bat.
Sorry folks, but I was wrong, she actually is pregnant. Before chapter 6 had been released, I went on this full rant about how Aurora had actually lied to Amalia and the others and wasn’t expecting a child. But now that we’ve seen the Osamodas king talking privately to Aurora and claiming to be worried for her because she was pregnant, I unfortunately have to accept the fact that she is carrying a child.
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This chapter made sure that we got a better shot at her belly which has a slight rounder edge to it.
Like I would genuinely rather have a raging chihuahua ready to gnaw my flesh than whatever the fuck this is.
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Blue cow: “You will make a wonderful companion for my child!”
But to think about the positives, we at least have no idea if this blue-skinned dumbass thinks that she’s carrying an osamodas or a sadida.
For those who don’t know, the beast she’s holding is called a “skrot” (or “kougnard” in French). These beats originally came from Ecaflipus, the Ecaflip God’s dimension. Their main use is transportation but they can also be used as your companion. That means that anyone can just use them, you don’t necessarily have to be an osamodas to get one.
The skrot Aurora has at hand is a newborn so she was prepared to give her future child a companion. I think Aurora clearly meant that even if her child ends up being a Sadida, she will still give the beast to them since a skrot can be pretty useful every now and then.
So there is no evidence that she is expecting the child to be an osamodas. I think either way, she’ll be indifferent if the child ends up being a sadida or an osamodas. If they end up being a sadida, I bet it’ll just make her reminisce about Armand and love them even more (cuz omg this bitch can’t stop making everything about the Sadida kingdom about Armand).
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Cow king: “Your priority now, is for you to be liked…”
Aurora just insulted a servant. She couldn’t even hold her tongue. How the fuck do you expect her to hear the daily sadida complaints??? Omg this “family” should go back to their circus they’re making me physically gag.
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Blue cow: “If they think I’m just going to stand there and do nothing…”
Gurl shut the fuck up and sit your ass down no one is angry that you’re not there with them. Bitch is over here turning into McFry chicken as if she’s an actual menace. Literally go get yourself eradicated.
Stop breathing, you skank. Echo did the wing transformation far better than you.
But yeah, go ahead and ruin this interracial marriage with your stupid reasoning. Go ahead and get your ass kicked by the god-king and the experienced adventurous princess. Go ahead and try to fight them with your inexperienced fighting self. Go ahead and make every sadida realize that you didn’t fight in the war because of your pregnancy but you’re perfectly capable of fighting two rulers while pregnant. Go ahead and fight in a dress and an ugly crusty bat, yeah, I’M SURE you’ll win and won’t make yourself look like a demented moron.
Her dad should’ve honestly let her go “fight” (cuz let's be honest Yugo and Amalia would have ANNIHILATED her without even batting an eye) them instead of telling her common sense so we could get rid of her much more quickly.
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Blue cow: “But I am perfectly capable of controlling my emotions!”
A second earlier: *insulted a servant for being scared of a screeching bat*
A second later: *almost attempted to crash a wedding just because she saw a sadida with an eliatrope*
I would rather hang out with freaking Julith, a known terrorist, than to even be near this sad excuse of a royal. Actually, I’ve got something better: I would rather spend a full week in the necrome world than be around her.
If you care about being the queen of this land, then why the fuck are you insulting the servants??? Yeah, that’ll make them show you respect! They’ll definitely like you for sure! They will definitely not go to Amalia, the very same person who they’ve known for their whole lives.
Stop yapping on your own you cow, your existence is already sad as fuck.
And now she’s over here having a problem with a sadida and an eliatrope marrying.
Great, we just found out she’s an actual racist now too. What’s next?
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Blue cow: “A sadida and an eliatrope?!”
Armand was racist towards Eliatropes, sure, but he was at least hating because he can make options of his own (even though his opinions were shit-). While Aurora over here just hates them cuz her late husband hated them??? Wtf??? Is she that empty-headed that she’ll just follow whatever other people are hating? She doesn’t even have the intelligence to hate things for her own reasons??? Is she that much of a trophy wife???
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Blue cow: “My Armand would have never permitted this!”
Blue cow: “He hated the eliatropes!”
Omg this bitch is actually clinically dumb there is no way. At what point are you so mentally constipated that your likes and dislikes depend on what other people like and dislike???
She was saying how Armand would have never accepted the eliatropes so therefore she hates the idea of them being here as well.
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Blue cow: “This little pest is not wasting time!”
Blue cow: “In only a few months, she had given some funny ideas to my subjects…”
If Armand told you he hates Osamodas, would you also hate your own kind???
I literally don’t get it.
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Blue cow: “She spends her time showing off the traditions of the sadidas though…”
Uh yeah, so what?
Amalia is into the Sadida traditions as she should because she’s a sadida.
But just because she practices her culture, that doesn’t mean she cuts off other races????
Like what???
Aurora talks as if the sadidas have never brought other races inside their kingdom before. RACES LIKE HER.
Did she never know how King Oakheart used to be??? The sadidas, have more than once, accepted people that weren’t their own kind. They have taken in two cras from an infamous assassin. They sculpted a statue of a iop and gave him the title of “Savior of the Sadidas”. They welcomed an eliatrope and his twin dragon into the kingdom by giving him a guest room, told him that they would welcome his family, and even let him marry their princess.
How…are you this constipated to not have known this before?
Wait it has only been a few months since Season 4 so wouldn’t these two newlyweds technically be considered the second recorded interracial couple in history to have a twelvian and non-twlevian together?
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“Long live the bride and groom!!!”
Omg this would also mean this was Amalia’s first time marrying a couple!!
I just want to highlight that @onyichii was the one who initially suggested that the marriage could have been between a sadida and an eliatrope, and it turns out they were correct. I had previously believed that the eliatropes aged slowly like the primordial ones, which is why they couldn't have been able to get married with someone who already looks like an adult, so I didn't think one of them could have been getting married. However, it turns out that only the Council of Six ages as slowly as dragons. The female Eliatrope in question is clearly a grown woman, and the Great Wave is set to occur right after Season 4, just a couple of months later.
In Season 4, it's possible that the elite eliatropes all looked the same due to budget constraints at Ankama. This could explain why they all wore identical clothes, colors, and were the same height.
Now let’s talk about Amalia again and how she killed it!!
Our queen CARRIED the ceremony so perfectly and elegantly!!
Look at her, she’s so experienced already!
Yugo is looking at her as she’s doing her thing. He’s so proud to have her 💕💕 omg I can’t 😭😭 LOOK AT HIM SMILING AT HIS WIFEY‼️‼️😩😩💖💖💖💖❤️❤️❤️❤️
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I'm glad to see that there's no drama between the sadidas and eliatropes at the celebration, as Amalia and Yugo have enough on their plate. Amalia had to resolve a conflict between them this morning, so it's good to see the two races getting along here.
If we take a closer look at them, a good majority of the sadidas look young so maybe the new generation has a much faster and easier time accepting the eliatropes than the older generation.
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And here is the part that immediately cuts off the fun entirely.
The poisoning.
During the lively event, a female Sadida was seen carrying a platter with two drinks, which she handed to Yugo and Amalia before leaving. Her sudden appearance and departure raised questions about her identity and origin. Despite this, no one seemed to pay much attention to her, possibly assuming she was a servant due to her role in serving the king and queen.
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Unlike Aurora and her father, however, I actually would like to know what her deal is. Like I’m genuinely curious to know what could have been the reason to want to poison the king and queen.
Because yes, she didn’t just want to poison Yugo. She also wanted to poison Amalia.
The Osamodas king informed Aurora that he had been aware for weeks of the upcoming interracial marriage between a sadida and an eliatrope in the Sadida kingdom.
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Blue cow: “A marriage?! And no one told us?!”
Cow king: “We’ve known for weeks, my daughter.”
But Aurora had no idea about it.
If Aurora, the wife of the late Sadida king, did not receive an invitation or any notification about the Sadida kingdom's upcoming marriage celebration, it raises questions about how the Osamoda king became aware of the event. Aurora's absence during the war could be the reason why they did not invite her but it remains unclear how her father came to know about the wedding.
This can only mean one thing.
The Sadida kingdom may have multiple spies who could have warned the Osamodas king. It is possible that the female Sadida who poisoned Yugo was not the only one willing to go to such lengths to get rid of the king. If she holds such a strong grudge, it is strongly possible that there could be other Sadidas who share the same sentiment.
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By the way, it still surprises me that Amalia could have been poisoned too. How else would she have known that her cup had poison in it before trying to warn Yugo? The whole reason why Yugo had been targeted was because he wasn’t like them. So to have a sadida try to also poison the last member of the royal Sheran Sharm family is very off-putting.
Amalia knows her plants and remedies so the reason as to why she immediately thought something was up was probably because she either smelled something very deadly about the cup she was holding or she had a very strong gut feeling.
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Either way, she dodged a bullet from not drinking it. Unlike Yugo who could survive this, Amalia would have likely died from the drink (the results would have made her look like how she did in Yugo’s nightmare, choking to death).
This is what I mean when I say I want to know more about this sadida servant.
We know she’ll make a reappearance because we can see her on the cover of the 10th chapter of volume 1.
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I just don’t see why poisoning Amalia would have been a great idea. Because if she did die, who would replace her? Like I said, she’s the last member of the royal sadida family so was the female servant prepared to see Aurora replace her?? Why?? Is it because the sadida doesn’t like Amalia’s beliefs? To a point where she’d be fine seeing an osamodas replace her???
Man, Amalia has it rough. She knew that some of her people wouldn’t be pleased with having the eliatropes here but I bet she never imagined she would have almost gotten poisoned by one of her subjects.
Also what the fuck is the Osamodas king’s deal here?
If the sadida servant does work for him (for some reason), then he expected Yugo to have gotten poisoned. Okay, I get that part. So he wants Yugo to die because he’s too powerful to have him around.
So why did he tell Aurora that they were going to have to wait until they make sure the sadidas don’t trust Yugo anymore??
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Cow king: “This pretentious little Yugo has powers beyond imagination…”
Cow king: “He is the one who we must succeed in getting rid of.”
Cow king: “And the only way to do that is to turn the sadidas against him.”
By doing what?? Poison him??? What???? How will that make the sadidas not trust Yugo anymore?? They just witnessed him coughing and bleeding like crazy. And they just heard Amalia scream that he’d gotten poisoned. The only thing they’d wanna do right now is help him, not run away from him. In fact, after Yugo gets healed, they’d be very understanding if the Eliatrope king tries to distance himself from them because he had just been fucking poisoned by one of them.
This is some deep clown behavior right here.
Anyways, these blue-skinned clowns are giving me too much of a migraine to keep up with their bullshit. That sadida servant looks more entertaining than them because she at least did the work and expected Yugo to instantly die instead of whatever the fuck the Osamodas king is expecting to happen.
After the incident at the wedding, it's possible to claim that the Osamodas king has spies within the kingdom. It's likely that he convinced some sadidas to join him in his disdain for Yugo, gaining their support. The sadida woman in question may be one of these spies, potentially acting on her own agenda as well. Although she doesn't appear to harbor the same malice towards Yugo as the royal Osamodas family, her anger is evident, as seen in her expression on the cover of the last chapter.
Either way, I hope we get to know more about her later on. Also, I’m pretty sure Amalia didn’t focus too much on the unnamed Sadida’s face when she handed them the drinks so it’s possible she wouldn’t be able to identify who the assassin was in the next chapter.
In the meantime, while we’re waiting for the continuation, let’s just enjoy Yugo’s suffering ✨✨
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I swear there’s nothing personal about me wanting to see him like this it’s just that ever since I’ve seen him tied up on the ground shirtless and screaming in pain, I’ve been wanting to see more 😤😭
I can’t wait to see more in the next chapters 😍🥰🥰
But seriously no joke, this is not looking good for Amalia. The poor girl had recently experienced the loss of her father and her brother. On top of that, her husband Yugo, whom she had shared so much with ever since they were both little, was now coughing up blood from poison, adding to her distress. Even Yugo's wakfu wings appeared to be affected, suggesting a connection between their condition and his overall health.
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Just look at the sheer horrified panic in Amalia’s eyes as she could only stare down at him, feeling completely powerless.
I wouldn’t even blame her if she lost it then and there. Yugo is literally her only family left. So to have an unknown enemy (since she still doesn’t know who could have done this) do this to her on a day that is supposed to take the stress of everyday life away must be incredibly traumatic for her.
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Amalia: “The king has been poisoned!!!”
Also when you think about it, Yugo and Amalia’s cute kiss in this panel might as well have been their last kiss together if they both drank their drinks. It would’ve been over for them because Amalia would have instantly died. Yugo, on the other hand, will survive this but not without any damage to the body and brain.
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I really wanna know what happens now it’s only been 6 days and I’m getting stressed out. I hate how the chapter ended, I NEED MORE.
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skele-bunny · 28 days
I seen you share this post and I know you're comfortable writing these things, so I was wondering if we could have little snippets or maybe a fic elaborating on when you wrote about Dew punching someone for fat shaming Aether? Thanks!! https://www.tumblr.com/skele-bunny/759611991374643200?source=share
Word! Also you're right wjsjdj I don't mind writing these things at all. I'm perfectly fine with getting requests to tackle heavier topics 💪 context: this post by @mutt-sys
Cowbell has experienced acephobia before. Ghouls are sexual driven creatures, there's no way a ghoul is asexual! She's had to deal with crude remarks, "You just haven't met the right person!" // "It's just a phase you'll grow out of." , which also meant unwanted advances. Sometimes it gets to the point she thinks she's broken. That something really is wrong with him.
A multitude of both ghouls and siblings have had to work around ableism. Zephyr simply being denied into places like the bathhouse, outings with their pack as they simple didn't have wheelchair accessibility. Delta being denied accessibility services because he wasn't "blind enough." Pebble fighting for MONTHS to get his hearing aids. Phantom not being accommodated as "We've seen autistic people before. You don't act like that." or just "You? I would've never guessed! You don't look autistic!"
And yeah! Just like in that little hc post, Aether, Cumulus, Omega, Alpha, Ifrit, basically any bigger ghoul has absolutely received fatphobia on a daily basis wether it's subtle or outright. Getting grimaces, especially if they work in the hospital. Bc they're deemed "unhealthy" so why should they work in a "healthy" setting? Omega getting an annoyed sighs from the wardrobe siblings "Guess we need another size up..." Cumulus being deemed unattractive because of her weight, her height, basically anything about her was unattractive. Unlovable.
Even Terzo faced discrimination. Constantly misgendered and deadnamed even after being publicly out, always feeling his face warm up and heart stop as he's deadnamed in front of someone who only knew him as Terzo. But forced to bare it and grin as if he even tries standing up for himself he's "Sensitive" or "Over reacting" and given just annoyed sighs and eye rolls. Sunshine and Cirrus getting scoffed at and slurs thrown at them for entering women's sections of say the bathhouse or changing room at the gym. Constantly being reported (that doesn't go anywhere) but passively aggressively suggested to use the gender neutral rooms instead, which just makes them more upset.
Mist experiencing discrimination with her kits! One of them starts fussing and annoyed whispers of "I wish there were child free places"//"Does that baby have to be here?"//"Great, just what I wanted. A screaming kit." At first he was able to stand up for himself and curse them out but after so many times... It's hard to not let it get to you. Just softly crying and getting frustrated at not only himself but her kits :/. Unable to go back to work as they don't want someone "wrapped up with kits who's unreliable."
(Based on my own and my partners experiences.*)
Ghouls facing issues as they're learning a new language, just broken and choppy but doing their best to try and communicate. Always gets those fake smiles as they turn to a ghoul that been around longer "Could you translate for them?" Or even speaking to them like a child. "What is YOURRR naammee?" Just outright ignored if they try to get someone's attention bc that person doesn't want to 'struggle' with trying to understand even tho they're not even attempting.
Swiss having to learn to do his own hair and more styles as the stylists didn't know how to even work with his hair type. They just shaved it and he was MORTIFIED. Always labeled as aggressive by passer-byers and being followed around in stores while Dew is left alone and even approached with friendly service. Being stopped twice and accused of shoplifting and trying to defend himself only to, once again, be marked as aggressive and hostile.
Dew terrified to come out about anything he experienced bc he's heard the whispers about other people coming out. "Well what did she do to deserve it?"//"He must've led her on."//"That's what happens when you drink!" So he just stays quiet and never speaks up about anything, just forced to deal with it on his own even after he confided in Aether and Mountain as he's scared they think that of him.
Shit SUCKS. While there have been improvements through the years, unions, changes made with each Papa, it doesn't always stop it. Unfortunately, discrimination will always be around. 🫠
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adulting-sucks · 1 year
You seem to be taking his marriage a bit too hard! It's not like you had a chance with him, plus you're Asian. 🤮 Seriously get over it, you pathetic cow.////
Everytime I read things like this I can't help it but to think it's alba and her crew. It's the first time ind the fandom that we get such hateful comments on a daily basis. And it's usually something so dumb like your age, weight, origins and so on. I don't even feel insulted because it's the least creative way to insult someone. It shows how dumb alba and co is cause they literally can't insult a person beyond some factual stuff like someone being Asian.... How is that an insult? I'm not Asian but if I was, who cares? How does this make me less or more? Same with age or weight or whatever they always use as an insult. I genuinely think those people are too dumb to come up with a good insult so they go for this....
But what do you expect from people who have zero creativity in their bones?
I look at it this way: think about how America changed when Trump went into office. All of a sudden, people were taught it was okay to say the quiet parts out loud.
When you give hate, be it racism, antisemitism, body shaming, misogyny, a voice, you allow people to put a face to it. A name, a mascot. In this case, we get everything we’ve found her and her friends to be.
And this is why we are upset. Because Evans once stood against every type of hate mentioned above and more, but now these people are exactly what his fan base has become. They are a representation of what she and her closest stand for and what he’s allowing to be attached to him.
I was talking to a friend about this, and even after dealing with racism in some way all my life, it still does surprise me to see people still act like this. Doesn’t hurt me, any minority will tell you we come to expect it now. It doesn’t hurt, just still blows me away that we’re upholding archaic beliefs about people who aren’t white
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coffin-hopping · 6 months
BLOG INTRO !! ( ´ཀ` )
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yo, I’m ray/lopez/adrian
I do not have funds to donate due to having a lack of financial independence, but I try to make up for that by sharing campaigns
— TAGS —
𖤐 writing: rays.fountain.pen
𖤐 yapping/rb: rays.forked.tongue
𖤐 drawing: rays.crayons
𖤐 deranged Malevolent ramblings: malev.posting
𖤐 names i go by: ray/raymond, lopez, angel, ricky, gage, coff, adrian, (and more to be added!) (no real preference!)
𖤐 agender
𖤐 they/it/he (no preference go wild)
𖤐 bisexual, aromantic, aceflux
𖤐 mexican-american
𖤐 agnostic
𖤐 minor (adults are allowed here ofc I don’t mind, but I ask to have my boundaries respected)
𖤐 I love writing, playing guitar, drawing, and fashion
𖤐 SHOWS: Workaholics, What We Do In The Shadows, Blue Eye Samurai, American Dad, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Shameless, The Walking Dead, Inside Job, America’s Next Top Model, The Last of Us, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Bojack Horseman, Futurama, Breaking Bad, Gravity Falls
𖤐 MOVIES: Jennifer’s Body, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, The Menu, Hereditary, Scream, Saw, Kill Bill, American Mary, Little Nicky, Scary Movie, Elvira, The Endless, Beaches, Mermaids, Beetlejuice
𖤐 MUSIC: Deftones, My Chemical Romance, A Perfect Circle, Insane Clown Posse, Kendrick Lamar, Sexyy Red, Isaiah Rashad, Queen Latifah, Mars Argo, Orgy, A Skylit Drive, Kreayshawn, Lil Uzi Vert, Death Grips, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dystopia
𖤐 GAMES: Danganronpa, The Sims, Sally Face, Fear n Hunger, Life Is Strange, As Dusk Falls, Call of Duty
𖤐 OTHERS: Jerma985, Malevolent podcast, Frenemies podcast
𖤐 radfems and terfs just know that I hate you specifically, I will fist fight all of you at once idgaf — same goes for any of y’all who rb or repost that shit, you are my enemy and I WILL fist fight you
𖤐 any kind of queerphobia is not tolerated
𖤐 any kind of ableism is not tolerated
𖤐 any kind of racism is not tolerated (this blog is run by a brown man, y'all think you’re slick but I know racism when I see it. do not try that shit with me)
𖤐 any kind of misogyny is not tolerated
𖤐 any kind of harassment is not tolerated
𖤐 DNI if you’re a heavily aligned “proshipper” OR “antishipper” i don’t fuck wit either of y’all
𖤐 I don’t fuck wit creepy shit either. I’ve seen pedos on this site and I’m not gonna stand for that. do not fucking interact with this blog if that’s what you’re here for.
𖤐 don’t be an asshole, essentially. we’re here to chill and have fun and some of y’all are allergic to that apparently.
𖤐 spam liking/rb is okay lol don’t stress about it
𖤐 if I am uncomfortable with something I will say so, otherwise don’t stress about how you interact with me, any engagement is appreciated + I’m not discomforted easily
𖤐 interacting with my vent/personal posts is fine too! I don’t mind
𖤐 addict
𖤐 eating disorder (FULL RECOVERY MADE!!!🖤)
𖤐 borderline personality disorder
𖤐 lactose intolerant (it’s getting notably bad but I’ll die before I become a beta almond milk drinking cuck) (I have to beat the soy boy allegations you don’t understand)
𖤐 ocd
𖤐 autism
𖤐 ^ selective mutism
𖤐 glasses-haver (lost them and now I get headaches all the time hhhhh)
I stand with Palestine .
fuck all cops .
love yourself .
encourage kindness .
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theevenusianwitch · 2 years
i have been particularly absent from this blog and all of my socials for the past month because i’m positive i’m going to die at the hands of medical racism and malpractice as well as gaslighting from family. i fell pregnant unexpectedly which on one part is my fault but the complications i’m facing this early on are killing me. i’m 6 weeks and a few days and this is not regular morning sickness like i’ve heard of. yes morning sickness has varying degrees of severity. but i have been unable to hold food or liquids down for almost two weeks without immediately regurgitating them. i threw up stomach acid and bile multiple times during the day and night. i’ve lost almost twenty pounds. i’ve been to multiple hospitals in my area. the doctors have just laughed in my face and told me to go home basically. to rest and try to eat crackers. but honestly, what the fuck are saltines going to do for me when i can’t even stomach them?
i live in the southern united states. abortion is completely banned in my state. i have preexisting health conditions that are making this harder on me physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. i was already pro choice/pro abortion. getting one is a last resort but i have never felt so ashamed and alone by almost everyone around me for wanting to preserve my own life over the parasite living in me currently. i almost relapsed last night wanting to feel something other than the lump in my throat and the dizziness i feel when i stand up.
to anyone who supported overturning roe v. wade, fuck you. as a black femme person, i have enough on my plate daily. this overturn is killing black and brown people disproportionately and you do not care. you do not give a singular fuck about people who aren’t cisgender, rich, straight, male, and white. this is not about me not wanting to be a parent. this is about my health, my life. how do you expect me to bring life into this fucked up world when it’s taking mine away?
the past year i have lost so much, but i’d rather live with the grief of an abortion than let another child be in the hands of the system. i’d rather live with myself and that decision than die at the hands of medical racism. i’d rather go through obstacles to take matters into my own hands, than die. and i could die from that as well. this isn’t about responsibility issues.
and to use religion to enforce this upon people, fuck you. if you abide by the bible, wonderful. that’s the religion and doctrine you chose to follow, not me. that religion’s done more harm to me internally than good. it’s abhorrent how black and brown people have constantly fought for reproductive rights for decades just to be handed dust. this country genuinely hates its people. the people hate their own people. i could speak this til i give myself an asthma attack, but who will truly listen?
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mbat · 2 years
i keep thinking about book 14 and the crown thing at the end that can seem ridiculous if you take it at face value, but i dont think youre supposed to take it at face value
the icewing crown was enchanted by a past queen so that everyone who wore it afterwards would hate nightwings just as much as she did. at first that like, comes out of nowhere and sounds like. funny honestly. like okay, sure, okay. racism crown
but i personally believe its meant to be more symbolic than literal
this queen, queen diamond as we know, had lost her son to another tribe, she percieved it as him having been kidnapped, stolen from her and never returned, but because she couldnt accept the truth that her son had simply fallen in love with a dragon from that tribe and had run off with her. quite frankly, no matter the truth, losing your child and never seeing them again can be life changing, even traumatic.
im not excusing her actions of course, but rather trying to explain them and my own point
not to mention that they were primary royal line at this point, and on top of that were both the last animus dragons from a long, long line of animus dragons who the icewing tribe held near and dear for many generations. this decision her son made would change the whole world, but also would change her whole world.
she was definitely pissed about it, and would not dare let anyone forget. she ended up kidnapping and imprisoning the woman he ran off with for not only the rest of her own life, but for the 2000 years following long after her death. cementing how harshly she hated what happened, and hated a woman who simply fell in love with her son.
personally im not surprised she went a step further and enchanted the crown to drive the point into the ground.
with all that out of the way, the symbolism is clear to me. its the trauma and the hatred being passed down through the generations. she didnt want anyone to dare forget what happened, and they wouldnt for a long time. not until snowfall went on a journey that would change her own life, this time for the better, and she said a big ol fuck you to several icewing traditions all at once.
of course, she wasnt the first of her own generation of family to say fuck you to it all, her own sister and cousins all proved that, but especially in the way that winter released foeslayer and quite literally broke the way a tradition even functioned, and ended the long, long torture of the poor woman, and one of diamonds horrible ways of expressing her hatred for what happened.
but snowfall is a queen. a queen who wore that shitty little racism crown more often than literally anyone wanted aside from whatsername (tundra?) and her mind was racing with paranoia of not only her own tribespeople and other tribes, but especially of the nightwings.
it wasnt until she spent days not only with other dragons, but ending up as other dragons due to animus magic she foolishly decided to wear without knowing what it was (it was a good thing of course) that she was stripped of her debilitating paranoia for the most part, and saw how her own tribe traditions were only making it worse.
a cliff made to physically harm anyone who would try and enter the kingdom. a board that she literally had to change daily that insisted that certain dragons had to be better than eachother. and of course, a crown that was enchanted to make you hate certain dragons the way your ancestor did because she couldnt cope with her own circumstances a long, long time ago.
she looked around and saw a tribe that was long broken because of traditions people were terrified to touch, but she was sick of it all, and not only that, she wanted to be the best queen she could possibly be.
she broke the cliff wall, officially letting other dragons in. she broke the circles wall, refusing to trap anyone else in the hell of trying to be better than eachother (and of her having to stand in front of it every night miserably sorting people lol), and she broke the crown that was poisoned to make her and every other queen feel the hatred of someone long dead, literally or not.
she saw the best way to be queen as breaking traditions that her people held dear, but those traditions were only harming them in the long run. and on top of it, she broke a long held chain of generational hatred that she was never supposed to feel in the first place.
queen diamond couldnt cope with the loss of her son and she took it out on anyone she saw fit, and that meant even her own descendants* who had nothing to do with it that she would never even meet. thats like, the definition of generational trauma isnt it?
*(or rather her niece and who came after her)
so yeah, racism crown ha ha, but like... symbolic of generation trauma, and eventually the breaking of it and other things as breaking that chain and the traditions that upheld them.
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andromedaexists · 1 year
the beef was between Greek and French people and slavery was the practice of the Greek (enslaved) one 💀💀 also the author is trans and queer, stop weaponizing racism where it doesn't apply lmfao tired of you white bitches
Hi there! I hope you see this and send me another ask so I can block you properly.
I was corrected on their gender by someone who saw me polite post and responded politely. I have since corrected this on my post because I will never intentionally misgender someone and will do everything in my power to correct it if I accidentally do. I do not take well to assholes like you so I'm glad to weed you out. 😊
This seems to imply a couple things that I have issue with.
Are you implying that Greek people are not people of color? Because if so, then I know a good handful of people personally who take issue with that and are discriminated against in the US where I live. People who have lived their lives being told to "speak English" and "Go back to where you come from" on the daily. People who have their ethnicity and culture used against them in their daily life as well as professions. People who have been hurt and overlooked by people like you.
Are you implying that enslavement isn't wrong if it's between two white people? I firmly believe that no one should be enslaved, regardless of skin color. And that's coming from someone who grew up poor in Appalachia with Irish ancestors. I am white. I will never know what enslavement feels like and I will never know the generational trauma like POC and specifically Black Americans do and in the same breath I would never wish enslavement on anyone of any color
Are you implying that I, a white person, can't stand up and say something when I see things that are not right? Am I not allowed to use my voice and my privilege to help others? Am I not allowed to complain about a fucking book that I do not like on my own personal platform?
Grow up and say it to my face. I will never respect a coward that can't back up their words
EDIT: I completely forgot to mention the whole "weaponize racism where it doesn't belong" thing, silly me!
Should I ignore when a white (just got more information, he is not white! he is white passing, but that is not the same as just a white person. thank you to the kind soul who educated me!) author writes a couple where the white character is the 'master' and the POC character is the 'enslaved' one? Please, feel free to educate me on this since I apparently do not know anything. I will wait 🥰
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tuningknight · 2 years
ranting abt trans stuff and misogyny and shit. damn
damn i got .. a negative comment from a radfem today. how i was centering and glorifying men's struggles and being misogynistic as a result. them complaining about how trans people have to "make conversations about misogyny about themselves."
that bothers me so much. it is about us. i'm sorry that conversations of misogyny can't be so simple of "men vs women" because we exist. i'm sorry that you're annoyed that we have to "nitpick" important conversations about misogyny to "be about us."
the truth is i'm adding on to how we're erased. you as a woman, born a woman, will never be erased from conversations about misogyny. i am, though. and misogyny is not the worst fucking axis of oppression that takes precedence over homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, etc etc.
trans men speaking on how we're uniquely affected by transphobia and misogyny, saying yes, men can experience misogyny; how we're always erased and hurt by cis women -- THAT IS NOT OPPRESSING WOMEN. it's not misogynistic to say certain women can be abusers and oppressors towards certain men.
once again they keep. fucking. acting like misogyny is the worst form of oppression. they'll go on and on about the violence women face daily everywhere in the world, they'll say how much being a woman is suffering. news flash, being a fucking trans man is also fucking suffering and filled with violence, absolute goddamn geniuses, you're not special from me, we're the same, so stop acting like i'm taking away from you. because i'm not. you just refuse to listen, and have an extremely goddamn binary mindset.
that belief that women are always, always the victim no matter what is actually regressive and compliant with the patriarchy. true feminism acknowledges the genders are equal and pushes for that. ergo WOMEN CAN BE ABUSERS AND MEN CAN BE VICTIMS. and is usually taken into context of another axis of oppression, like race or homophobia, and also the fact their manhood is not the "right" manhood for the patriarchy. it just fucking bothers me so much how they always pull that shit. of fucking course i know women have it bad so much, i fucking lived as one for FUCK'S SAKE.
like according to them if you're a woman -- even if you're racist -- you're pure because you're a woman, but if you're misogynist as a POC, then you're irredeemable and the worst? of course. if that's your view no wonder you think trans men simply speaking about how we face certain gender oppression -- that doesn't cleanly fit into feminist language -- is somehow misogynist.
i will continue to nitpick at women who exclude trans men. i will always stand up for trans people's struggles. fuck terfs, fuck tirfs, fuck radfems, you cannot erase me. i am not misogynist for talking about my own struggles, accept it or cope.
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My thoughts about rings of power (cuz i love having an opinion yay enjoy)
1. It was kinda...boring? Look, it took me legit 5 months to finish it. ... (I do lord of the rings marathons extended every three months or so. I'm NOT easily bored.)
But the plot just kinda...wasnt really existent? The scenes seemed to take hours each. Still nothing really seemed to happen for the most part.
2. So dramatic
The conversation were so extra and for what? Like, obviously they talk different in middle earth than in my daily life. I have no problem with them talking in methaphors or anecdotes from time to time. But literally EVERY sentence had to be meaningful and deep. I remember Galadriel asking Elendil "where we going" and it took him five minutes to say "home" which stillll doesnt answer the questions.
also not only the dialoges. like there was one scene in which Arondir and Bronwyn were like fleeing from orcs, it was literally slow motion, most tragic music ever, almost identical to Boromirs death and then...nothing happened? They just escaped? Like for what, it was about 10 minutes?
3. I really didnt care about everyone
Sooo that doesnt mean I didnt like anyone. I did like Elrond (idk he was so pretty) and his dwarf besties, Nori was cute, Halbrand was hach alright i just had to give him pretty privilege I'm sorry.
However the other ones... I just didnt like. Like Arondir and Bronwyns storyline I just didnt care about (Sorry, no hate though) and I couldnt stand Isildurs little ass
4. Galadriel
Soo I have to admit I have just started the silmarillion, so I dont really know much about Galadriels depiction in it, but from what I've seen online it wasnt like here. I just...really didnt like her. I wanted to so badly though. But she was just...really annoying? Maybe if I didnt know her from lotr I wouldnt mind finding her so flawed and selfish and proud,( to which she got to feel the consequences after all). But I feel like they just depowerd her by trying to create a stereotypical young adult girlboss. Hey look, she can fight, she's arrogant and needlessly very mean yass girlpower. But Galadriel was already a strong female character. She was wise, powerful (swordfighting or not), she was Lady of Lothlorien, more important than her husband (sorry) and, importantly, respected. Now she just seemed like a brat that noone took seriously.
5. I hated the armour of Numeror knights. So ugly. Looked like an army of fish.
6. Sauron
Well. I'm weak. So, I don't really know anything about him in the silmarillion yet, so I cant rly judge on that (though I'm pretty sure the Haladriel thing was new). Still i kinda like him. Don't get me wrong, lord of the rings is absolutely perfect and I never really minded it, but in it Sauron really only is depicted as like the ultimate definition of evil. I do kinda like to see more of him, to make him more complex, feeling and ahh. Okay so charlie vickers? wow, just wow. Also really well acted I think. I actually still believed he was babygirl till the last minute despite like a thousand theories.
The Haladriel thing? I dont know about it. It is kinda clichee. But interesting. not sure about that.
7. The way the actors and crew were treated is actually horrible and disgusting
So, even though I said lots of negative stuff here it is still a project that many people were passionate about and worked hard on. Saying things like "complete trash" is just mean, and pointsless anyways. I also kinda wanted to like it because Elon Musk didnt.
The racism that the actors were faced with is just so disgusting and straight up dumb. People will buy immortal magical beings as long as theyre no poc. yeah that makes sense right. I'm so sorry for the actors for having to go though this and experience all that.
While it was to be honest somewhat of a disappointment I'm still looking forward to season 2 :)
Anyways everyone should have their own opinions, noone is a truer or better lotr fan because they like or dislike it, and hate against the cast and crew is unacceptable regardless of your opinion.
Sorry for the essay
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imspardagus · 3 months
Reform without substance
I walked into Gay’s Newsagents on polling day and there was Ian collecting his £4.40 winnings from the Euromillions Lottery the night before. Ian is a bit of an anomaly. He looks like you should cross the street to avoid him – grey Mohican haircut, a set of teeth that Shrek or maybe the Grinch would envy and several large rings on his fingers that could break a jaw – and perhaps the wing of a swan – if wielded in anger. But he is in fact as gentle as a baby seal when you talk to him. Mild and compassionate.
So it was quite disturbing when, in conversation as we left the shop, Ian stated, with painful honesty in his voice that there were only three parties he could possibly vote for: The Greens, the Liberal Democrat’s and … the Reform Party.
It brought me up with a jolt, I can tell you. It took just a moment for my brain to process the strange misalignment of what Ian had just voiced and to ask me in what alternative version of the Universe might it be consistent to group those three political parties as tolerable substitutes for one another. Greens and LibDems possibly. But Reform? That ragbag of bigotry and racism serving as a nice little earner for the Arch-spiv and serial self-server, Britain’s poundshop prince of putrid propaganda, Trump in a tankard, Farage? (If you get the impression that I don’t like the little piece of shit or his hamburger-in-a-suit US cousin, I am not going to deny it.)
But when I thought about it later my initial shock dissipated in the face of the ghastly underlying (and I emphasise here the word lying) reality of the way so many decent people’s natural social conscience had been, and was being, subverted by the deliberate misrepresentations of a corrupt and ill-willed press media, and more recently by the manipulations of a malign clique of proto-fascists on social media.
These wicked people, and I do not use the term lightly, saw the opportunity to exploit the nervousness and impotence of ordinary folk. Folk like Ian and the pensioners I saw every day in the supermarkets queuing up to buy their Daily Mails, Daily Expresses, Suns and Daily Telegraphs. If asked, these folk would probably defend what they took to be their decisions to read this poisonous trash as being synchronous with their sense of status in this class-ridden society. Little do they realise that they are defending a toxic addiction: not to truth but to an unhealthily buttressed wall of fear: that they are imprisoned by this wall of lies that they have convinced themselves protects them.
And so they are divided, not so much from others who have managed to stay clear of the corruption, as from their own better selves. Like other substance abusers, they see their drug as their friend and those who wish to help them get free as their enemy.
And Reform feeds on their plight like a slimy dealer. It tells them reinforcing lie after reinforcing lie, because, just like Trump’s exploitative con trick, MAGA does in the US, it wants its backers to be free to milk the nation of its wealth. Free from accountability and responsibility.
How do we solve a problem like Farage and his rapacious money making machine Reform? Well, not by banning them, for a start. And not by appeasing them or trying to out-dissemble them. We have to be prepared to stand our ground and answer every lie with the plain unvarnished truth. And to do so over and over so that it becomes impossible for them to tell their lies without people hearing the truth at the same time.
We have to prove to essentially good people like Ian that Farage is Reform without substance.
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Are All Gamers Toxic?
Games and gaming have always been part of our culture in many different forms. Today, we are most familiar with gaming on our consoles or computers. Unlike our parents, who made friends outside by playing games, we create meaningful connections online through a mutual hobby. When gaming became more popular, it was always advertised mainly for boys. Typically while gaming is thought of as male-dominated, the gaming industry has become more inclusive to an extent. Women have increasingly become more interested in games, where statistics from 2021 show that 48% of U.S. gamers are female. Although the number of female gamers has steadily increased over the last seven years, according to Essential Facts About the Video Game Industry, many women still face harassment daily while gaming. The statistics show that in the last 16 years, the percentage of gamers who identify as female has increased by 26%, whereas the percentage of gamers who identify as male has decreased by 16%.
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In many cases, boys ask, "Why is there a girl in this game? She belongs in the kitchen.” The main question is why it has been tolerated for so long, and when is it time to say enough? This is not only for men; everyone can enjoy it no matter what their gender identity is. 
There are many different ways individuals can be involved in the gaming industry, whether as a streamer, developer, moderator, Esports host, or even a consumer. Taking her role as a moderator for the Twitch streamer FrtingGlitter seriously, Alyssa Presson, otherwise known as 455YL4, is an active member of the community. As a moderator, Alyssa Presson ensures that the behavior of the community is meeting the standards of the streamer and removing anything that is possibly offensive. Presson stated that “One of the reasons why Tina (FrtingGlitter) can appreciate me being a mod is that if I see a problem, I'm not going to sit there and just talk it out. I'm gonna tell you it's a problem and point blank either fix your action or have you admit what you need to do to fix your action and look for the result.” One of the major issues is that the conversations of toxicity, racism, and misogyny are spoken about, but there no action is taken. Unless there is a willingness to do anything about these issues, then nothing will change because people will continue to display these toxic traits. 
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The importance of moderators goes beyond keeping a streamer's community in check; it can also mean keeping a community safe from another extremely toxic group of people. Gelzey or Gelington is a co-founder of women and non-binary gaming org. XTSY; uses her platform as a content creator to stand up against powerful men in the industry. Her goal is to make it with the top pro league orgs. But make it an inclusive space. Her role as a content creator and head of a .org has opened her to hate raids and death threats online; her passion for the industry and the female movement in the community allowed her to grow from toxic men in the community. 
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After being misled into joining a supposedly inclusive all-women's gaming org. Gelzey discovered that the founder was actually racist and sexist. This a perfect example of an individual trying to chase a trend and check the box. It was following Gelzey's departure from that organization that she and Hana, the co-founder, started their own gaming org. XTSY Gaming is for women and non-binary gamers only. 
A common trend that is seen in social media today is treating important movements as a box to check off. A common example of this is when movies or television shows include ONE person of color or one female in a traditionally non-female role, and this is expected to be okay because they checked the box of inclusivity. Being inclusive is not a box to check off. Alyssa Presson said that “ Getting your one, getting your face of something, isn't right if that face isn't going to be a cause for change. So, when it is bored of ten people, and you're looking at one individual of color, one woman, compared to eight other men who are cis white, just no. They know that, but they get to dominate that space, and that's all they see.” 
Even when an individual tries to create an inclusive space for women and non-binary gamers, many of those toxic people that are not wanted still find their way to ruin a community they are not wanted or welcome in. Gelzey stated that “Literally, we can't get rid of it. They try to use our inclusivity against us and say, how we are sexist, how it is segregation, that why don't you allow men? We've explained it so many times, and we have so many examples why we don't allow guys but they are so close minded that they dismissed it and don't see anything wrong with it.”
In addition to moderators, games have a banning system that allows for keeping the community in check. The reason for a ban can range from cheating and using hacks in a game to disrespectful behavior. Depending on the game and how extreme the offense was, bans could possibly range from one day or even permanently banned. In the extremely rare case, there is an IP ban, which is when a game will prevent you from accessing its servers based on your IP address. Even more extreme than the IP ban is the hardware ban. Only in extreme situations would this be used where the hardware of an individual's device would be banned from playing a particular game. This ban could result from extreme levels of cheating on multiple accounts from the same device. Rabindra Ratan, an Associate Professor Director of the SPARTIE Lab at Michigan State University, explained that “Blocking and muting are bandaid solutions that can help someone feel safer in the moment, but they certainly don't address longer term issues. Certainly people can come back. They don't necessarily discourage longer term behavior. They don't change the culture. People tend not to trust that when they report someone, the report is actually making a difference in how other people behave. When you mute someone, it hinders your ability to communicate as a team. So that makes the gameplay experience worse.” 
Although there are minor and temporary solutions to the toxicity within gaming, the majority of the issue is left to the community. The stereotype is that gaming, in general, is toxic. That everyone who games is racist or sexist. In reality, this is not the case, and although it is impossible to completely find a solution, the hope is that the gaming community can reach a point where women can feel safe and avoid harassment on a daily basis. Most gamers and communities within gaming are welcoming; all it takes is finding where you belong. Find your community. Find your niche. Don't just stay quiet when you see toxicity and harassment towards women; say something, and be an ally.
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221brownstone · 3 years
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Washington Post Opinion by Lucy Liu: My success has helped move the needle. But it’ll take more to end 200 years of Asian stereotypes.
Lucy Liu is an award-winning actress, director and visual artist.
When I was growing up, no one on television, in movies, or on magazine covers looked like me or my family. The closest I got was Jack Soo from “Barney Miller,” George Takei of “Star Trek” fame, and most especially the actress Anne Miyamoto from the Calgon fabric softener commercial. Here was a woman who had a sense of humor, seemed strong and real, and had no discernible accent. She was my kid hero, even if she only popped up on TV for 30 seconds at random times.
As a child, my playground consisted of an alleyway and a demolition site, but even still, my friends and I jumped rope, played handball and, of course, reenacted our own version of “Charlie’s Angels”; never dreaming that some day I would actually become one of those Angels.
I feel fortunate to have “moved the needle” a little with some mainstream success, but it is circumscribed, and there is still much further to go. Progress in advancing perceptions on race in this country is not linear; it’s not easy to shake off nearly 200 years of reductive images and condescension.
In 1834, Afong Moy, the first Chinese woman known to have immigrated to the United States, became a one-person traveling sideshow. She was put on display in traditional dress, with tiny bound feet “the size of an infant’s,” and asked to sing traditional Chinese songs in a box-like display. In Europe, the popularity of chinoiserie and toile fabrics depicting scenes of Asian domesticity, literally turned Chinese people into decorative objects. As far back as I can see in the Western canon, Chinese women have been depicted as either the submissive lotus blossom or the aggressive dragon lady.
Today, the cultural box Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders find themselves in is more figurative than the box Afong Moy performed in, but it is every bit as real and confining.
Recently, a Teen Vogue op-ed examining how Hollywood cinema perpetuates Asian stereotypes highlighted O-Ren Ishii, a character I portrayed in “Kill Bill,” as an example of a dragon lady: an Asian woman who is “cunning and deceitful ... [who] uses her sexuality as a powerful tool of manipulation, but often is emotionally and sexually cold and threatens masculinity.”
“Kill Bill” features three other female professional killers in addition to Ishii. Why not call Uma Thurman, Vivica A. Fox or Daryl Hannah a dragon lady? I can only conclude that it’s because they are not Asian. I could have been wearing a tuxedo and a blond wig, but I still would have been labeled a dragon lady because of my ethnicity. If I can’t play certain roles because mainstream Americans still see me as Other, and I don’t want to be cast only in “typically Asian” roles because they reinforce stereotypes, I start to feel the walls of the metaphorical box we AAPI women stand in.
Anna May Wong, my predecessor and neighbor on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, lost important roles to White stars in “yellowface,” or was not allowed to perform with White stars due to restrictive anti-miscegenation laws. When Wong died in 1961, her early demise spared her from seeing Mickey Rooney in yellowface and wearing a bucktooth prosthetic as Mr. Yunioshi in the wildly popular “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”
Hollywood frequently imagines a more progressive world than our reality; it’s one of the reasons “Charlie’s Angels” was so important to me. As part of something so iconic, my character Alex Munday normalized Asian identity for a mainstream audience and made a piece of Americana a little more inclusive.
Asians in America have made incredible contributions, yet we’re still thought of as Other. We are still categorized and viewed as dragon ladies or new iterations of delicate, domestic geishas — modern toile. These stereotypes can be not only constricting but also deadly.
The man who killed eight spa workers in Atlanta, six of them Asian, claimed he is not racist. Yet he targeted venues staffed predominantly by Asian workers and said he wanted to eliminate a source of sexual temptation he felt he could not control. This warped justification both relies on and perpetuates tropes of Asian women as sexual objects.
This doesn’t speak well for AAPIs’ chances to break through the filters of preconceived stereotypes, much less the possibility of overcoming the insidious and systemic racism we face daily. How can we grow as a society unless we take a brutal and honest look at our collective history of discrimination in America? It’s time to Exit the Dragon.
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No because could you imagine if Lewis doesn't win another championship and breaks Michaels record?
His entire career was formed around Lewis being possibly the best. Nearly winning it in his rookie year, winning a race every season, beating a two time world champion, going against the beat drivers of the late 2000s and early 2010s and being the best.
He could have been a 10 times world champion, has that ever sunken in? Just 2 more points and he would have won in his rookie year. In 2016 he just lost out after his possibly toughest season (up until last year maybe) to his childhood best friend who he completely fell our with. One less DNF and he could have won it. And last year the title was taken from his hands because the FIA has decided that it is not motorsport anymore but an entertainment show.
Lewis has given everything to this sport, gone above and beyond, broken records people thought would never be broken yet the FIA denied him to be greatest of all time because they simply wanted entertainment. They can't bare to see a black men be the goat.
And imagine if this is truly it.
With the regulation change and the gap from Mercedes to RedBull (because Ferrari will never be a threat) there's no way unless next years season is like 2021. And whose to say they won't do it again? Whose to say that if it came down to it the FIA wouldn't do exactly the same maybe this time in favour of George or Max once again?
The simple reason why Lewis isn't the greatest is because this sport decide that they couldn't have a black man represent them but rather one of the dirtiest drivers (nothing Lewis has done has ever come close to the moves Michael pulled to ensure a championship. I still think he is a great driver but that's not the point.)
Lewis was destined to be the greatest since his first season when he had to come to spain and face people that did black face yet the entire organisation brushed it off and said "Man up, this just happens because they're passionate fans and your teammate who should reprimand them because they are his fans , has his home race here." They brushed Lewis off when they said it was because of sport rivalry yet no rivalry has ever had the horrible fan behaviour that any rivalry Lewis has had did. No one ever had to sit there and watch people make monkey noise, threaten violence at you, use slurs to discredit you, hell even go so far that since you were a child your dad took you aside to a class where you could learn to protect yourself when one person would physically assault you.
Lewis was destined to be the greatest when he was one point of from winning the championship in his rookie season and best the previous two time world champion who happened to be his teammate.
Lewis was destined to be the greatest when he saw his child hood friendship turn so sour that it took a toll on both of them to the point where losing the championship to Nico was probably his lowest point at that time and yet when Nico left he still talked about him with an awe of childhood adoration.
Lewis was destined to be the greatest when people booed him because the incredible combo of him and one, if not the fastest car, was so unbeatable that nothing could come close.
Lewis was destined to be the greatest when he had to watch people like him get murdered daily in a country where they raced in for years. He was destined to be the greatest when he finally found the courage to speak up and was immediately shushed because how dare he?
He was destined to be the greatest when he had to stand next to drivers on the grid who refused to show their solidarity with him in a simple gestures for (insert bullshit excuse) because to actually be against racism is not something they were capable of.
Lewis was destined to beat records when he had to again and again watch the FIA use hollow words because he knew that they would never support him.
Lewis was destined to break the record when he was leading the race but the FIA decided that no, he wouldn't win this and they would do everything to ensure that.
He should have broken the record in Abu Dhabi yet he watched as the championship was ripped out of his hands in the last minute as the entire world saw him losing the title that was destined to be his since the the moment he stepped in the car.
He had to watch his potential legacy be shattered as the entire world watched the sport that so many loved become entertainment.
He had to be graceful while he watched the guy whose team had done everything to make him, a black man, look violent and talentless, win the championship that was supposed to be to one that finally made everyone realise that he was the greatest of all time, that he deserved that spot.
And now, he may never get the crown that was his and the title that was destined to be his from the moment he beat some of the most experienced drivers in the field.
He may never break the record and he may have to watch as people will claim that X driver will break it, knowing that they can simply because they are white and would never be used in the way F1 has used him.
He way never win another championship and he has to sit and watch there as the team who he put his entire trust in builds a car that is genuinely so bad he comes home with pain every weekend.
Lewis may never win another world championship and that is the most heart breaking thing that could happen because he's the only driver, the only person in the history of racing, who had a championship denied from him because it would be better to let the driver win who was used by racists to push an agenda of white supremacy.
Lewis is the only who in F1 has had the championship taken from him because the FIA decided that entertainment was better than fairness and safety.
And even then, people will never use him in the way they use Michael as a pedestal simply because Lewis is black.
Imagine if Lewis leaves in 2025 or something and the last thing he will be remembered for is Abu Dhabi 2021 because that was the day he become a tool for the FIA to make F1 bigger than a sport. And yet, that day he lost everything that should have been his.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Talk Shit, Get Hit
Warnings: Explicit Language, Usage of Racial Slur
Getting the call that his eldest child had gotten in trouble at school wasn’t surprising to Bruce. Not in the least. However, hearing that she was the one who instigated the fight was surprising because his daughter typically didn’t start fights with people, but she sure as hell finished them.
He smiled politely at the teachers and students lined in the hallway who were only sticking their heads out of the classrooms because they heard that Bruce Wayne had been called to come down to the academy—which had never happened before.
Entering the office, the secretary looked up and tipped her head to the door. “Headmaster McKinley is in the office with your daughter and the boy she got into the argument with, Mister Wayne. His mother will arrive soon.”
Bruce nodded and knocked on the door before opening it; his daughter rolled her eyes she saw him. “Good afternoon, Headmaster McKinley,” he greeted, shaking the headmaster’s hand.
“Good afternoon, Mister Wayne. I’m sorry you had to be called down here, but I’m afraid there was no other option after your daughter wouldn’t speak of the incident.” He glanced at the boy who was holding an icepack to a busted nose. “Mark has been kind enough to share his side of the story. We’re just waiting on her.”
Taking the seat beside her, he took a moment to look over her stance. She was leaning against the wall beside the desk, arms crossed over her chest, and he knew her lazy posture screamed, “I’m going to wipe the floor with all of you when I get my chance”—she was stalling because she had some ace up her sleeve.
Before he could say anything, a woman burst into the office, immediately running to the high schooler. “Mark!” she gasped at the busted nose then scowled at her. “Did you do this to my son! How dare you attack him!”
“Now Miss Vales, please calm down. There’s no reason to be hysterical,” the headmaster said, and she recoiled.
“Calm down?! She abused my son! I want this—this harlot expelled!”
“Nothing is going to be decided until she gives her side of the story, Miss Vales.” McKinley leveled her firmly. “Now would be a good time to explain that story, Miss Wayne.”
Her eyes momentarily found her father’s and they spoke wordlessly before she shrugged and admitted, “Yeah, I broke his nose.”
“AHA!” the woman shouted. “See! Expel h—”
“After he called me a rich bitch and then insulted my father’s decision to adopt my younger brother.” She smiled prettily and looked at Bruce. “Called Dick a racial slur too.”
Mark sat straight. “I did not!”
Her eyes darted to his and she pulled out a small device from her back pocket about the size of her palm. She clicked play and voices filled the room.
You know, I always wondered why someone like you dresses in poor-taste when your dad is a billionaire.
Well, it’s probably because my dad cut me off the credit cards and made me get a job to teach me humility and now, I buy my own things with my own money.
Your jewelry says otherwise.
My jewelry belonged to my grandmother. My dad gave it to me out of respect for her.
Oh yeah? And what about this?
Give me my wallet, Mark.
Wow, there’s like a grand in here just from hundred-dollar bills. I thought daddy didn’t give you money.
He doesn’t.
Then where’d you get this?
Oh, funny story. Every time I fuck your dad, he gives me a hundred, Mark. Better watch out before I make you my stepson.
You rich bitch!
Oh, what the hell, take the money. Maybe you’ll buy some better insults with it.
You and your family are just stupid rich assholes. You and your adopted gyp brother.
…What the fuck did you just say to me?
You heard me, bitch. I said—THWAP!
Call my brother some shit like that again and I’ll do more than break your fucking nose. I’ll stomp a mudhole in your—
She clicked stop and right about then, Mark’s mouth fell open, but nothing came out and his cheeks were aflame, as were his mother’s.
Her eyes darted to the headmaster’s and she set the recorder down. “You can give me detention for having a recorder in class but I’m not going to get punished for defending myself and my family against racial abuse.” She stood up from the wall and placed her hands on the desk, leaning forward until she was in his face.
“Go ahead though. Expel me if you want to. But the second that paperwork is filed I’ll march into the Daily Planet in Metropolis and have Clark Kent and Lois Lane ruin Gotham Academy by saying you allowed a student to use racial slurs and punished those who stood up against it.”
Her eyes narrowed dangerously. “Wayne Enterprises wouldn't want to be associated with that. And if we pull our funds because you decided to punish someone standing up to racism, every organization that funds this shit-school will follow right down the line. You’ll displace thousands of teens and teachers from school and jobs not to mention yourself.”
“So, what’s it going to be, Headmaster McKinley. Are you going to punish me? Or him?”
The man was sweating after her tirade and he adjusted the pens on his desk, murmuring, “Mister Wayne, you and your daughter are free to leave.”
Bruce rose from his seat, resting his hand on her shoulder. “Come sweetheart, let’s go.” She obeyed, shooting a dirty look at Mark as she passed by, but her father stopped in his tracks and pointed a finger at the boy’s mother.
“If you ever insult my daughter like that again, I’ll bankrupt your husband’s company and then I’ll go on a rant about how you and your useless spouse have raised a racist.”
The woman’s eyes went wide, cheeks turning a fierce scarlet, and she went silent. As they passed, his daughter shot the woman the finger and mouthed, “Go fuck yourself.”
They stood outside the doors and he smiled at her. “Wanna get pizza?”
“Fuck yeah, I wanna get pizza.”
His smile slipped into a frown. “Hey, watch your language. You’re allowed to use it when kicking a racists’ ass, but not outside of that.”
She rolled her eyes. “Nyeh, whatever.”
“What was that?” he asked, blinking at her and she smiled cheekily.
“I said, yes sir, dad sir. Won’t happen again.”
“That’s better.”
“God you’re about as mother-henning as Alfred is. Miss Wayne watch your language. It is deplorable for a lady to speak in such a way. You should speak with eloquence instead.” She smiled when he snorted, then grabbed his arm. “Hey, let’s go get Dickie out of class and take him with us.”
“But he’s in French right now?”
“Dad…no one likes French class. It’s boring and hard.”
“…That’s an excellent point.” He walked over to the secretary and gave her a million-watt smile. Excuse me, miss, I’d like to check my son out of school.”
“Ahem,” she coughed dramatically, and he shot her a glance.
“Oh, right, and my daughter.”
He blinked. “Because I said so?”
“Oh my god, dad.” She waved. “Dick Grayson and I have appointments at Doctor Leslie’s office in the city.”
The secretary smiled. “That’s a good reason.” She tapped at the mic. “Richard Grayson, please collect your things and report to the office, you’re checking out.” Clicking the mic off, she added, “And good on you for breaking Mark’s nose. Little-snot had it coming.”
She grinned. “I live to serve by punching racists.”
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