#this is not a hate post and no I will not be removing the tag
c-ndemned · 2 days
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⠀⠀⠀𓏵⠀ THE 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴's 580 FOLLOWERS EVENT . !
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✧ Well. It's time. Again.
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i. ⸻ FIRST MESSAGE . . .
I won't make this long. But thanks. A lot. I wasn't expecting such a high follower count just 2 months after my last event. I really appreciate it, and I thank everyone of my followers/mutuals.
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7 prompts, 14 days. Use tag #5k8rs580 if you want to participate, and ping me. I won’t see it if you don’t do both.
 『 This event starts on September 20, and ends on October 4. Submissions will only count within the event days. Late submissions will be accepted, and submissions that are posted after October 4 will no longer be accepted. 』
If you fit ANYTHING in my Do Not Interact, you are not allowed to participate in this event by default.
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iii. ⸻ WINNERS' REWARDS . . .
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 『 FIRST . . 』 ⸻ 3 theme packs + 2 rentries
 『 SECOND . . 』 ⸻ 2 theme packs + 1 rentry
 『 THIRD . . 』 ⸻ 1 rentry and layout
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¦ ⊹  ── ⁽ PROMPT OO1 ⁾ A neon or a desaturated graphic.
¦ ⊹  ── ⁽ PROMPT OO2 ⁾ A character you hate or love.
¦ ⊹  ── ⁽ PROMPT OO3 ⁾ A character who can't cook.
¦ ⊹  ── ⁽ PROMPT OO4 ⁾ Your favorite color and character.
¦ ⊹  ── ⁽ PROMPT OO5 ⁾ A graphic/theme with greyscale.
¦ ⊹  ── ⁽ PROMPT OO6 ⁾ A character that matches you.
¦ ⊹  ── ⁽ PROMPT OO7 ⁾ Free day ! ! My favorite day ! !
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iv. ⸻ EXPLANATIONS . . .
PROMPT OO1 :: For this prompt, you have to make anything with either extremely bright and colorful or desaturated colors.
PROMPT OO2 :: Self explanatory.
PROMPT OO3 :: Self explanatory, but you can edit a character who either always spoils their food or just cannot cook in general.
PROMPT OO4 :: Self explanatory..
PROMPT OO5 :: Greyscale is literally not using any colors except grey, white, and black. That’s it.
PROMPT OO6 :: It can be a character that looks like you, sounds like you, or acts and talks like you.
PROMPT OO7 :: The best prompt ever.
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To be eligible to receive rewards, you have to complete at least 3 to 4 days. If you do this, you will be put in a wheel of names, and the only thing to do after this is pray you win.
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The taglist is under the cut. Drop an ask to be removed.
@fuwamoco-s @ethereabun @lavendergalactic @llocket @kiochisato
@axestrl @sanraeta @tirxie @starozzes @hiddencircus
@fwuhs @strawberrysnipes @luctus-flos @rrozeta
@necroangelz @battampria @rookmeo @i43furi @pink-sugar
@v-rtue @lawlietie @herrscherofmemories @peachisodaz @gothpoke
@ipcventurine @nomkiwi
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If you are Pro-Georgia, do not tolerate any sort of hate against women AND are anti-shipping (you know what I mean) then please UNBLOCK! @thegeorgiatennantblog
I can't believe we scared off one of the most precious blogs in the Georgia-fandom. And I am willing to share the blame. I admit that I blocked them when the drama started but after they apologized and removed the toxic content from their blog I unblocked them. I urge y'all to do the same. They don't deserve this. At least not from us. In fact blocking pro-Georgia blogs is no way to deal with the toxic shit. All it does is remove Georgia content from your dash!
Tell you what! Lets unblock them and bring them back. I am tagging the following blogs from their post. Guys please spread the message.
@abiiii-ineffable @literatemisfit @reloha @do-angels-dream-of-starry-seas @ivankaramazov07
@glitterypin @mystic-mae @mizgnomer
@dtmsrpfcringe @sakuranova07 @davidtennantgenderenvy @lemonycheesecakes @ineffable-ezra
@princeloww @mystic-mae @thatdelusionalnerd @doolittleandco @maddyjones2
@mcbash @ineffablequeermoony
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macbcth · 4 months
what your favourite dunmeshi ship says about you
farcille: you're classic, you make sense, you like to see the lesbians winning and also you're a bit of a monster fucker: you may or may not specifically have a wing kink
chilshi: you like your men hairy and fat, also you are not immune to panty-shot propaganda, your love language is acts of service
chilaios: you have a size kink
labru: you prefer mlm ships over any other pairing, you think character foils should fuck, you may be a sucker for blue eyes
laimar: your favourite trope is friends to lovers, also you like to see the bisexuals winning, you're also.. what the poets might call.... weird
marchil: your favourite trope is enemies to lovers, your love language is banter, and you're the kind of person who says 'i can fix him' far too often
kabumisu: your ship could burn down the world and violate the geneva convention and you would still call both of them babygirl, also you like angst
laios x monsters: you like tentacle porn
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buglaur · 11 months
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this is kit, please commission some art from them on social bunny 🙏
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its-just-hyper · 2 months
In anticipation for the ending of my hero academia, I gotta say: man, is anyone remembering that one time that one beloved book series about a wizarding school ended with the flawed government staying exactly the same, everyone having kids and naming them after killed off characters, and the protagonist becoming a cop?
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sqwdkllr · 4 days
i was talking with a friend about why it is that we find the hocotate ship and Olimar's interactions so great compared to any other dynamic he has in all the games, and it sorta answered itself over time.
I think it was in a vc that they mentioned that it would be very funny if Collin had a single clue to how scummy Olimar can be and not "a really forgiving guy who gets pushed around and has serious mental problems but passive". Like even with Louie- Olimar sees to it that he apologizes to him for snapping or even asking the forgiveness of others on his behalf. With his own boss he contemplates on the fact that if he had died then maybe work could have been better for others around him and it is his fault for surviving. Even with his own family he would never fault them for any hardships and somehow always pin the blame on himself. All the cured leaflings described him to be kind and determined to save them despite being taken over by the pikmin parasite. Even the koppaites feel sorry for him despite the stereotypes dividing them at first
But you know who he doesnt regret being as scummy towards ? THE FUCKING HOCOTATE SHIP !! that ship doesnt coddle him or pity him in the same way others do and instead sasses back with the same energy. He is soo genuine and transparent when talking about that ship its so good to read those two interact because you dont NOT see that with anyone else
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thiriumstains · 2 months
i have so many things to say about how the android revolution was handled in dbh, especially how most of the conflict was around markus’s choices to be violent or peaceful. idrk how to phrase it all but like. ugh it just bugs me how the androids Have to be peaceful and cooperative in order to gain freedom
a huge part of the revolution is ‘we can’t stoop to the same level as the human’ and it makes me so mad. like yeah sure, murder and hurting ppl isn’t good. but protests for rights have never been peaceful. you don’t gain rights by being peaceful and perfect. i just hate it so much. plus, the game has obvious parallels to the civil rights movement (even if david cage says it’s not. it is. even if it wasn’t, this game is political no matter how u view it. the topic of rights and freedom will always be political) and to imply that the android revolution has to be near perfectly peaceful to succeed is crazy. girl does he think the civil rights movement was entirely peaceful?? someone put him and all the other writers in a god damn history class
not to mention markus. i think the writers saw him as like the equivalent to mlk jr, with the parallels to the civil rights movements and such, which is crazy considering they turned him into their Savior and led the whole movement. like. side eye. idk i love markus’s story, but i think the whole revolution and being turned into a savior robo jesus was so so bad and tone deaf (thank u david cage..) . and the whole revolution TOOK PLACE IN A WEEK. A WEEK. THATS INSANEE. A WHOLE REVOLUTION IN A WEEK IS INSANE. i understand that a game needs to end but we don’t need to see Every Single Second of the story!! spread it out over a month, give characters time to form relationships, let the plot thicken, let things get tense, let things simmer and develop!!! not everything needs to happen on screen!!! one of my biggest gripes about the game is its timeline </3
i know i just rambled a bunch but god it annoys me so much. markus’s story was done so wrong for so many reason, and as a queer person who’s largely interested in protests and movements for rights and such, it just makes me so mad how badly and idealistically it was created. it feels like it was written by humans, by OPPRESSORS, dreaming of a utopia where they are still good people. :/ which i suppose it IS in a way — but still u get my point
EDIT: here are some more things i said in the reblog a that i want more ppl to see
i hate how north’s violence and anger is seen as a bad thing. i hate how markus never gets a moment to rest or interact with people outside of conversations that love the plot forward. i hate how jericho just accepts that they’ll die before they’re violent in order to ‘win.’ i hate that ‘winning’ is even a thing in this context. i hate that androids constantly have to be better than humans and not stoop to they’re level. according to these writer, they can’t be angry in the face of their oppression and that SUCKS.
when i played this game with my cousins, we were so desperate to make every pacifist choice in order to raise our public opinion so we could win. we could tell from the first few markus scenes, he wasn’t allowed to be angry or mad or hateful or violent if he wanted to have close to the same respect humans got. and that SUCKED. it made us feel like we were just taking hit after hit after hit and never accomplishing anything.
i love this game and i love markus (he’s probably my fav character) but the way the revolution is handled is awful considering how it’s such a metaphor for oppression and oppressed ppl. it’s not even rlly a metaphor — it’s just direct symbolism. like. androids are oppressed yet the only way they can fight back without getting murdered and ran down is by being entirely peaceful. there should have been a Balance. you should have valences the violence and the peace in order to get a good outcome. not all one way and all the other way. the game also should’ve been longer than a WEEK. bc that’s rlly a huge issue with it.
outside of maybe the kiss with north and returning to carl’s house/grave, markus doesn’t get a single moment to exist without the revolution and the plot. even those two scenes kinda serve the plot. meanwhile, connor gets moments like looking through hank’s desk, breaking into hank’s house, talking with hank on the bridge to develop his character and relationships outside of the plot. markus doesn’t get that (kara kinda does? but instead of being tied to the plot, she’s just tied to kara the whole time, which can be just as bad).
markus’s friendships never felt… real? they largely felt like it was just bc of all the jericho stuff and the revolution. all his friends just served a narrative purpose. north was the violent choices, josh was the peaceful choices, and simon… well i’ll be honest, simon died rlly early in my play through so i barely knew him. but from what i’ve seen, he’s the ‘cowardly’ route. honestly markus and simon’s friendship seems the most realistic since simon is constantly sacrificing himself for markus and such. which is saying something considering north is markus’s love interest (and that came out of NO WHERE)
with markus and north’s romance, it feels so forced. not to say i hate norkus, but it’s so fast and sudden and u can just Tell it’s for plot reason — which is proved by the kiss at the very end of the game. they had no time to get to know each other or form a relationship outside of the android revolution and keeping jericho together and alive. it gives the vibes of ‘in 2 months we’ll realize we were just in a relationship because he felt we had to be, not because we liked each other romantically’ which, i’ll be honest that vibe is awesome, but considering that was Not what the writers were going for, it falls very flat.
all in all i love markus’s story but by good did the writers fuck it up. get me behind the pencil, i’ll do it myself
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peppermint-whiskers · 1 month
Hi yes I hate to get on here and be all negative and boring n shit but like,,,
Due to recent (and not so recent) shitty behavior, I will no longer be associating with xxx-sir-pentious-xxx. If they had a problem with me associating with Emo, they could have dm'ed me so we could talk it out like adults, but here we are. I don't appreciate their constant harassment of her, and they are now blocked
I will still be writing for the god possesses pentious au because I refuse to let a story go half finished. Full credits go to them for the original concept (they always have and they always will, I did not come up with the original prompt), but the story, characters, and characterization that came from it spawned mostly of my own mind (to my dudes I've bounced ideas with in dms, ilu uwu 💖), and I refuse to let them take credit for that.
Anyway, that is all! I wish everyone a good morning/afternoon/evening/whatever o/ I'm gonna go eat breakfast!
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crayonverse · 2 months
cw abuse implications
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been awhile since drawing anything canon adjacent lmao anyway heres ein and his manipulative father figure who hates him
wanted 2 go with some holy imagery bc of that line ein has in s6 where he says the only person worthy of respect is Michael n yeah. he has some issues
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ahollowgrave · 8 months
11. Blood at the corner of your mouth.
It is not your blood at the edge of your mouth. Not your blood that your tongue swipes from the corner of your lips.  Not your blood whose coppery tastes lingers between your teeth. 
But he fucking deserved it.
Sister Kindness has you tucked under her arm as she, to use her words, books it. Something she must not do often because she huffs and puffs her way through the crowded Shaded Bower. And though some call out ‘Sister’ to her with warm recognition she does not stop ‘booking’ it. (Sister Kindness would have you know that she is perfectly in shape for a woman of her age. She was ‘huffing and puffing’ from the extra weight of carrying you, thank you very much.)
She slows when the westshore pier appears around the corner and then she steps off the main path and sets you down. Kneeling to be something more like eye-level, she pulls a Roegadyn-sized handkerchief from the depths of her habit. Wetting a corner with a flask pulled from a separate, equally confusing pocket she begins to clean the blood from your face.
Sister Kindness’ hand is firm where it grips your chin, holding as little of you as possible. For once the contact does not send you recoiling. Perhaps it is the way your rage has left you as quickly as it had flooded you, leaving you feeling drained of everything else as well. Now that the moment has passed you tremble and, to your horror, you can feel a well of tears rising to fill that empty space.
“Was a helluva bite, darling girl,” Sister Kindness’s voice is quiet as she tilts your head to the light, searching for any blood she may have missed. You focus on her creek colored eyes and swear you feel their waters lapping at your ankles. Her smile is sudden but woozy around the edges; she is just as shaken. "Reckon he'll have a scar, too. Bet he lies about who gave it to him." ‘He’ was an elezen man -- maybe a merchant but likely not, as Sister Kindness did not know him -- with a face as sharp as his ears and a smile that spoke of too much confidence. And you had hated him on sight. His crime was making Sister Kindness uncomfortable and his mistake was not being aware of his surroundings. 
It does not take much pressure to break skin. 
Pleased with her work, Sister Kindness rises and disappears the handkerchief away. Handing you the flask, she instructs you to take a sip, swirl it around your mouth, and spit it out. There is some confusion about what 'swirl' means but, eventually, she is satisfied with this too. “Well, we didn’t get what I came for but we’ll be headed home all the same. Come now, before the ferry leaves without us. We will, ah, not be telling the abbess about this.” You don’t know if she means the bite or the trip to the city. 
You don’t ask.
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Thank you for the ask, Anon! ][ Sensory Prompts ][
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idk man maybe i'm missing something but telling people that they aren't real fans of a source material because they don't full-on despise the live action adaptation just sounds a little close-minded and idiotic to me
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autisticburnham · 5 months
I may not personally be a fan of Elnor, but it's so rude that after decades of fans asking for a Romulan main character they gave him one season and then wrote him out of the rest of the show
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#solrock#now *this* is the fucker that the one raid battle NPC had in swsh that everyone hated. including me. he served only to remove lives#fuckin mashing the rock polish button the whole time or whatever it was. doing Nothing Else. i feel like a lot of people who usually did#raids offline had that fucker's name and face memorized. cuz they'd see that they got him and just give up right then and there#at a certain point i feel like offline raids were just not very viable. the NPCs they'd give you to battle with were just so bad#and some of the higher star raids you really needed the extra firepower you just couldn't get from those NPCs#but also they kinda removed a lot of the incentive for joining other people's raids considering your catch chance was lowered by like 9000%#if you weren't the host of the raid. and if you were the host the percentage chance was so high it was basically guaranteed#i don't think i ever ONCE caught a pokémon successfully when i'd joined someone else's raid. and i don't think i ever once failed to catch a#pokémon when i was the host of the raid. it's just. i dunno! i stopped doing raids at a certain point. some people can get a pokémon game#and play it long long after the main story bc they get invested in raids and shit but i just lose interest at a certain point unfortunately#as much as i enjoy the game while i'm initially playing through it#hff. anyway. i'm queueing this up the morning of june 30th‚ aka the day of my first flight in 10 years. so. this won't post until mid july#and i'll have been back for a while by then but for right now‚ me writing these tags‚ i am very Anxious#saur. haha. y'know how it is. have solrock
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I don’t think people realize how all consuming October 7, the war and the rising antisemitism is to most Jews right now. I was just on a five day family trip and nearly every single conversation ended up circling back to what’s going on in Israel, across the world and at home. My mom knew Vivian Silver, an incredible peace activist thought to be held hostage and I had to sit there and watch her realize that not only was Vivian murdered at her home 38 days before but that she was likely burned if it took this long for her body to be identified. I was forced to sit there and watch my mom, my favorite woman in the world, watch her face crumple. We were sharing updates, accounts to follow, venting and releasing frustrations. It is a constant unbreakable struggle right now for me and most Jews I know to not be glued to our phones, to not pay attention. Because we’ve seen what happens when we don’t. Because we can’t afford to turn our backs on what’s going on. And there’s a deep ever present grief not only for the victims of October 7th, the innocent citizens of Gaza, the hostages and also for my own personal sense of safety and security. I am also grieving what is a shattering beyond measure of my present and future trust in people as I’ve witnessed how easily well intentioned kind hearted people have decided to say nothing, publicly or privately, or who have quickly fallen into vicious antisemitic rhetoric. I’m just sharing into the void at this point but it’s been unimaginably hard on a personal level. I’m not the same person I was when I went to bed on October 6. It’s as though I’m a shadow, made of grief and anger and tiny fractured bits of hope. Every piece of joy feels as though it’s been muted because of how quickly it fades. And even the moments that last are related to my Jewish identity somehow. I am not sure where I go from here.
Have a cat gif for reading all of that
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intermundia · 1 year
so @merrysithmas got an ask about some obikin blogs to follow, and i'm really happy to be mentioned. i figured i would share some blogs that I've followed and enjoyed over the past few years who all produce amazing obikin art, stories, gifs, headcanons, meta, or just general enthusiasm for the ship and good vibes. BUT by no means is this list comprehensive, i recognize that fandom works kind of in cohorts, and my cohort is basically the people who joined the ship at the same time as me in spring of 2020, but hopefully this is a good starting off point for people to branch out from 🫶
@himboskywalker @gffa @forcearama @glare-gryphon @wernnaa @ms-gallows @inferior-fairy @ranianke @whohatessand @meandmyechoes @jswander @theseptemberist @binaryeclipse @skittlles @maragny @treescape@vulpesarctica @nixie-deangel @calyssmarviss @unspuncreature @boonki @delziae 
@disasterduo @falleen @sonderwalker @fikturya @ahhrenata @shywhitemoose @elysian-prince @twilightofthe @obikinn @weaponizedwit @artemisthehuntress @obi-wkenobi @rexismycopilot @tennessoui @complementaryhalves @fromcold @mashimero @ragnarlothcat @mysticmjolnir@tendergazes @storiesofchaos @kyberkenobi 
@bi-wan @anakincito @billowypantss @kefalion @nkn-skywlkr, @mandhos @thedunesea @fishnamedsushi @bladling @edgeofn1ght @obiwaned @elfiver @that-gay-jedi @obikin-events, @secretsolarsystem @thetimesinbetween @brynne-again @temple-mistress @sopherfly @ihbjtmne @starsdies @boxalienist @renlyslittlerose @dreaminghour @dtrvdtrv
@knightjane @izazov @sapphicsparkles @obibabywan @obiwan @bladetoblade @zaecula @jedibongrip @zimriya @ellelans @cygnaut @flock-of-stardust @ahsoka-in-a-hood @obiwanobi @kittimau @sagegarnish @obikins @becauseallhellseeisme @hillarydiangelo @sexysymphony @blade-to-blade
@jedmossfeld @skynobi @squishbaebae @writegowrite @adaliak @ossidae-passeridae and goddamnit I think Tumblr is done letting me add people. there are more but if you branch out from what these folks have reblogged you'll be golden!!
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talentlesshuman · 11 days
Hi, sorry if this ask is misguided, but I was seeing your art twice on my feed and realized @ communist-hatsunemiku had reposted your art from Twitter and didn't see any indication that you had given permission. I would want to know if it was my art, so I apologize again if it's nbd 👋
Nope! I didn't give permission. I'll go ahead and start reporting the post, if anyone else wants to join me i greatly appreciate it :)
Edit: I've decided to send them messages before i send the copyright infringement report (i'd like to avoid putting my irl name and address out there whenever possible, since filing the report might have the work and my identity stored in a 3rd party website). under the cut is screenshots of my messages to them
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#not art#answered#anon#thanks for the heads up. In the end I guess this isn't something I can stop when I make fanart#it's one of the reasons i did original works for a long time..#I’m adding an additional edit here in the tags because i want to complain but i don’t want to make too big a deal about it#communist-hatsunemiku did remove the post but responded to my sidenote by saying that artists have a capitalist mindset because#of their wish to police the spread of their work on the internet and content generation and engagement maximizing#i explained why artists and those who support artists find reposting harmful and repeated my sentiment that i find them#disrespectful and thoughtless towards artists and told them to change if they want me to change my perception#they denied saying that how could they not care about artists when they repost with credits#i reiterated and also mentioned that i have my repost rules in multiple placea and list tumblr as a main social everywhere so#so the fact that they didn’t know i was on tumblr meant that not only dod they not ask permission. but also not even try to find any#additional info before reposting.#I’m just like a little upset that this person is presenting themself on a moral highground while not making any effort to respect artists#like ok even if you have your anticapitalist ideas about policing reposting you stated that you prefer to reblog instead of repost#but u don’t even make an effort.#it also makes me upset for the other artists out there. especially those who hate reposts more than me#I’ve seen artists abandon their accounts because of this
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