#this is my offering to the t&b fandom
drakepadreal · 2 years
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"You talk too much, old man."
35 notes · View notes
saturnsorbits · 6 months
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Always a Groomsman
Fandom: My Hero Academia, Warning: Angst (A Touch), Smut, Exhibitionism, Reader Smokes, Kaminari isn't a Hero Anymore, Brief Mention of Addiction etc. Word Counts: 5.4k.
Summary: A wedding, what a wonderful place to reunite with the one that fucked you and ran all those years ago.
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The light is already dying by the time you finally manage to slip away from the reception and make a B-line to the back of the tent. Your feet are killing. The whiskey helps the pain, but even whiskey can't numb everything.
'Oi.' Bakugo catches your elbow, stopping you just short of freedom.
'Where are you going?'
'Need some air.'
Flicking up his eyebrows, he offers you a smirk that tells you he's not buying your bullshit. 'So it's got nothing to do with that then?' He hooks a thumb towards the dance floor and the drunken silhouette of Kaminari Denki He's curled himself around a bridesmaid, hand pinching the silk over her hip, lips hovering barely an inch above her neck as she threads her hand through his hair.
You chew your lip and lie. 'No.'
'C'mon... Just talk to him, you know you want to.' Bakugo's eyes widen suggestively.
'I think he's too pre-occupied to talk.' Something bubbles in your stomach as you watch Kaminari whisper in the woman's ear and you quietly shift your gaze so you don't see what happens next.
'You know he's only over there because he thinks you're mad at him, right?'
'I am mad at him.'
'It's been years.'
'He fucked me over, Kat...'
Bakugo's gaze hits the floor. It's not like he's forgotten what happened. 'I'm not taking his side but -.'
'No.' You raise your hands, palms flat in the air to stop him. You know what he's about to say. You've heard it all before. 'You've got guests to entertain and I am literally going to explode if I don't get some air in the next minute.'
Rolling his eyes, he plants a kiss on your cheek and uses his new proximity to whisper in your ear. 'He'd make a pretty groom, that's all I'm saying.'
'Oh, fuck off.' You manage to swat his shoulder only once before he's turned on his heel and returned to the mess of wedding guests that whoop and roar when he re-emerges into the fray.
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The cold hits you as soon as you duck under the edge of the tent and step out onto the small deck. Instantly, you pull at your shoes and hiss as your feet are forced to straighten against the wooden floor. Before the throbbing in your soles has settled, you stagger off, limping towards the tall rail separating the deck from the field beyond.
It's a nice night, cold, but nice. In the sky, stars burn on a back-drop of navy, their blanket only broken by the soft, red blinking of the odd satellite or plane. The music from the tent floats out and lingers in the air, leaving you with enough space to actually think for a second.
You'd been overjoyed to watch Bakugo finally get hitched to Kirishima, but almost all of that excitement had died when you saw Kaminari. It had been almost ten years since the night he'd kissed you outside of UA, since you'd stumbled up the stairs to his dorm and let him be the first to touch you. He'd pretended as if it had never happened afterwards and you'd taken the hint.
A few months later, you'd moved south and he had stayed. He hadn't even shown up to your leaving party, despite both Sero and Kirishima telling you he'd be there.
But, all of that was in the past, or at least you'd thought it was until your eyes had grazed his as he stood beside the alter as Kirishima's best man and you'd felt a forgotten affection swell in your stomach. Sighing, you fiddle with your clutch bag and remove a half-full packet of cigarettes from within. You flip open the box, pluck one from inside and pop it in-between your lips before diving back into the clutch to search for a lighter. Rummaging for a second, you come up empty.
'Need a light?'
The voice makes you shriek. You jump, stumble over your shoes and just about manage to catch yourself on the rail. Hand falling to your chest, you can feel the hammering of your heart through your skin.
'Am I that scary?' He snickers.
You squint, trying to make out his edges in the low light. Your eyebrows furrow, then lift as you focus on the man in front of you. He looks good, better than the last time you'd seen him: A scrawny shadow of himself pictured in a double page spread of a gossip magazine, something about heroism, drugs and a sex scandal printed in bright ink above it.
Flicking your eyes up to his, you're glad to see the spark has returned to his eyes. An old, but familiar shiver runs the length of your spine and suddenly, your stomach fills with motion. 'You... You look good.'
'Yeah?' He holds open his blazer, allowing you to get a full look as he slowly spins on the balls of his shoes and pinches at the skin of his stomach. 'Hero weekly says I'm chubby now.'
You're tempted to lie, to tell him that he's looked better, but you don't. 'No, you look good, healthy. It suits you.'
Something in Kaminari's chest stutters and he has to swallow the spit pooling in his mouth before he speaks again. 'Light?'
You pause. 'You don't mind?'
His face breaks into a smile, perfect and shining. 'Nah, don't even crave the things any more.' He misses out the bit about having enough nicotine patches on his chest and arms to stop a bull.
You concede. There's a comfort that comes back almost too easily, like the past finally catches up with you. It dampens the fire in your stomach, leaving you clutching at the anger that had grown inside of you since that night. You lean forward, letting him cup his hands around the end of your cigarette.
His hands shake when he tries to make a spark. It takes one, two, three times of his thumb coming down on the wheel before it finally catches a light and he can step back to a safer distance.
'It's still the same one, doesn't work as well now though.' He mumbles flicking the cap of the lighter. It's silver, with a chipped yellow lightning bolt painted on the front of it.
If you looked close enough, you're sure you'd be able to find the rough scratching of your entwined initials, engraved by his shaking hands at fifteen.
You breathe in, savour the burning of smoke as it infests your lungs and exhale. Turning, you rest against the rail and look back out over the field.
'So – you're -.'
'Sero said -.'
You both start up at the same time, the constriction of the silence around you forcing you both to attempt to fill it.
'You first -.'
'No, you – go on.' You encourage, arching an eyebrow.
Kaminari swallows. His heart thrums violently, threatening to deafen him, but he's just hoping that you can't see how bad his hands are shaking, how he can feel sweat beginning to bead his forehead. He's not an idiot. He knows how he left it, what you must think. As soon as Kirishima had asked him to be best man he’d felt his guts begin to twist and turn. The idea of seeing you again set his veins on fire. You cough and pull him back from the edge of his thoughts.
'I – uh...' He can't think. You're too close, too real and suddenly, his tongue seizes in his mouth.
Another beat of silence nestles its way into the conversation and you can't take it. You switch the conversation. 'Ei said you're going to work with Aizawa.'
He takes a deep breath and prepares himself to look at you, but it still doesn't stop the air being stolen from his lungs when he finally does. There's a flourish of nostalgia in his stomach and he swallows a grin. 'Yeah. He, uh, he sought me out. After all the – the, y'know, rehab and all that, he thought I'd be a good fit.'
'Yeah?' You raise your eyebrows. Kaminari's fall from grace had been far from undocumented. There had been barely a week that he hadn't appeared in some sort of magazine, his eyes dull and another questionable entourage in toe. Another one night stand, a model spotted having cocaine snorted off her tits; wherever there was chaos, Kaminari had followed.
'Yeah... We're, uhm, we're already working with a group of kids in UA. They got caught up in that villain attack down town. We do these workshops were we like pretend to be pro-hero's...'
Smiling, you raise your eyebrows. There's light in his voice, something you've missed and something you're keen to hold onto.
He snorts. 'No, I know, I know, but we pretend to be...' He shoots you a cheeky glance. '… Current... Pro-hero's doing interviews and talking about our experiences and stuff, y'know like it's miles away. Helps to sort it all out in your head, picture a future were it isn't all still hanging over you. There's this one kid, absolute firecracker... He stopped the whole fucking building collapsing before they could get everyone out, has a pretty nasty scar to thank for it too, but he does the most flawless impression of Bakugo it's almost scary.'
You bat at his arm instinctively and freeze as your hand wraps his bicep. For a second it's all too easy to forget you're not still teenagers clinging onto youth with both hands. 'That looks good on you too.'
'Huh?' He swallows before moving his hand to cover yours on his arm. His skin prickles when you don't pull away. It's hard to forget how it all ended. How he'd been too naïve to tell you how he felt, how he'd bit his tongue for months after he'd summoned the courage to finally kiss you and how he'd tried everything he could to run from the violent storm of emotions that had been released in his stomach that night.
It hadn't worked.
Avoiding you hadn't worked, neither had sleeping with other women or pretending it had never happened.
You lean into him, tightening your grip and the warmth of your skin reminds him that he's not the scared teenager he used to be.
'Helping kids, working with Aizawa...' You giggle, relaxing into his presence at last. 'It looks good on you. You light up when you talk about it... It's nice. Haven't seen you look like that since...' You chew your lip. 'Listen...' It's impossible to read him. His jaw is set, eyes facing forward as the cold begins to chap and redden his cheeks and you have to fight to push away the thought of how beautiful he still looks. 'I know you're only out here because Bakugo told you to be.' The accusation slips off your tongue too easily as the past rears it's head.
'I'm not – it's -.'
'You don't have to lie to me.' You offer him a broken smile, a truce of sorts.
'I really screwed up, didn't I?' He chuckles, letting smoke drift from his nose and mouth before turning to you.
'You did.'
There's a lapse in the conversation and he takes his chance. You're peering up at him, your eyes filled with the embers of something he hopes is affection and he dives in. 'Do you remember that night... Outside the school when... When, we -.' He feels stupid. The words lodge in his throat and refuse to move, forcing him to stop and haul in a breath. You'd think after all the talking therapy he'd be better at it by now.
He battles through, after all – he doesn't know when he'll get the chance to see you again.
If he doesn't do it now, he never will.
'When we slept together?' You sigh then tilt your head and finally give in, resting your head against his shoulder. Part of you wonders why he's brought it up, the other part isn't sure you care. Right now, you're just happy to bask in him. You've missed it: him. Even with the history between you. 'You don't have to apologise. I get it.'
'What do you mean?' Kaminari stammers.
'Well, It was a mistake, right?' It's a question disguised as a statement, but you don't give him time to answer before you're already trying to soften the blow yourself. 'We were young and people sleep together all the time, it's not a big deal. I just -.' You puff out your cheeks, finish your cigarette and drop it to the floor, letting Kaminari crush it with his dress shoe. 'I – I guess I just expected us to... It doesn't matter, you didn't want it and I respect that, just, it was just a hard pill to swallow, I think.
He takes another lungful of cold air, hoping the shock will calm him. It does, but only until he cranes his neck to look at you again. You're looking back up at him, your eyes wide and questioning, pupils blown out through darkness and alcohol. His gaze lingers on the soft pump of your lip and he's almost knocked over by the rush of memory that reminds him you used to taste like strawberries and smoke.
He wonders if you still do.
'It's not like that...'
You swallow. 'What was it like then?'
His voice is a whisper when he finally admits what he came out her to tell you. 'I was scared...' His thumb ghosts the back of your hand. 'I'm still scared.'
'Yeah?' He's vaguely aware of the fact that he's unable to tear his eyes away from your face, but he's too caught up in the feel of you pressed to his side, where you belong, to care.
'Don't start saying things like that.'
'Why -.'
You lick at your back teeth, fighting annoyance. 'Not now. Especially not when there's a bridesmaid wondering where you've got to in there.' You hook a thumb back towards the tent.
'I'm not – we're not, we're not together or anything...' He's stumbling, making a mess as usual.
You roll your eyes. 'You don't have to lie.'
'I'm not lying.'
'I saw you all over her.'
'Dancing – we were -.'
Chewing at your lip, you sigh. 'It doesn't matter.'
'No.' He takes hold of your hand, squashes his own on top of yours and pins you as best as he can without forcing your fingers to entwine. 'It does.'
You swallow. 'Why now?'
'I – uh -.'
'Why not then?'
'I was scared.'
'You know...' You slip your hand from under his and fold your arms across your chest. 'It hurt when I realised that I was just another fuck for you, but it wasn't as bad as loosing a friend Denki – We were friends and you just fucking ghosted me. No explanation, no apology, you could have just fucking ignored it and I would have let things go back to normal, I would have just -.' You're crying, kind of. Tears well in your eyes, but you're refusing to let them fall. You've spent too many tears on him already and your make-up took almost an hour to do.
'I was a fucking idiot, I was scared and – and -.'
'I think I'm going to go...' You nod, swatting away his hand when he reaches for you. 'It was nice seeing you.' Turning, you're ready to make a short dash through the tent, ready to be as far away from the constricting air of the deck.
'No. Please. Please, don't go – not again, I just. Fuck.'
A hand wraps your wrist, pulling you back just enough that he can slip in front of you blocking your escape. 'Den - Kaminari.'
'Just let me, let me get this out. Okay.' He's pleading when he looks up at you, but he can't let you leave, not without at least trying. 'I was a fucking idiot. I was so scared that you'd hate me, that, that I'd be a bad boyfriend, or you'd move away and I wouldn't be enough, that I'd be too busy with work, or it'd be too much and I – I let that get the better of me. I was already falling apart, even back then and I didn't – I didn't want you to have to see it, to put up with it. You, fuck, you deserve so much and... That night...' He hauls in a breath. 'That night was one of the best nights of my life, not, not just the sex – just being with you and I – Well I did fuck it all up, didn't I... Look at the state of me - I couldn't, I couldn't have dragged you through all that.'
'Oi.' You fix him with a stare. 'Don't go blaming yourself, not for what you've been through - or how you've dealt with it. Never, okay... And for what it's worth, I would have gone to Hell and back if you'd asked.'
His jaw ticks, but when he turns to face you there's something almost thankful in the shine of his eyes. 'I'd never ask.'
You chuckle. 'I know. You wouldn't have had to. I've have done it anyway.'
He swallows.
You roll your lip between your teeth and bite down. 'So you liked me... Back then, I mean. When we – I wasn't just, just another girl that you...
'We both know I did.' He licks his lips. 'I was a fucking idiot, I -.' His eyes widen as he struggles to find a word to summarise the years that have elapsed between you and leaves him out on a limb.
'Do you still...'
He nods.
'And if, if it were to happen again, you'd want that?'
'More than anything.'
'And you wouldn't run away?'
'Only if I was chasing you.'
You smile, straighten and curl your body into his. 'Then...' You whisper. 'Kiss me.'
He does. Wrapping a hand around your neck, he lets his thumb rub at the softness behind your ear as your lips meet again for the first time in years.
Things go quickly from there...
It's overdue. A coming together that both of your bodies have longed for, for far too long. He kisses the same, with lips that are a touch too dry and a hunger no-one else has ever been able to match.
You have a mind to stop him, have a mind to stall his hands as they press to your chest and seek out the stiff peaks of your nipples, but you don't. Instead, you let yourself be overcome. Your hands find his belt. It's almost too easy to do, to unclasp the buckle and yank it clear of his suit pants. You cast it aside and are surprised when he doesn't seem to care where it lands.
He pushes you back, urging you further and further away from the wedding still raging inside and towards the scant privacy the deck can offer.
Although, it's more than obvious that neither of you care.
Each touch is electric. A build of emotion that had crystallised, now dissolving into your hands and dripping through your fingers. It's rough and needy, desperate, but more than that, it feels right.
'Here, quick.' You pull at the lapel of his suit jacket, yanking him impossibly closer.
He misreads the signs, twisting and turning as he attempts to wriggle from his jacket and slip it from his shoulders.
Tugging it back into place, you shake your head. 'No time, just...' You let your hand slide down his chest, feeling your way across the expanse of him before slipping your fingers into the waist of his suit pants. '… Come here.'
Kaminari moans as you make quick work of his pants, shoving them eagerly half way to his thigh. 'Don't need to tell me twice.' He chuckles, using what little air remains in his lungs to whine as your fingers graze over his hardening cock.
You tease for barely a second longer before taking hold of him and squeezing.
'Fuck.' His head rocks back on his shoulders, eyes rolling to the skies as he sinks into the feeling of having you again. 'I've missed you. Shit.'
You chuckle and lean in close, pressing your chest to his as you lick at the shell of his ear. 'Have you missed me or just my hand?'
Immediately, he pulls back. His hands wrap around your elbows as he holds you at arms length. He looks comical, with his pants clinging to the thin at the end of his thighs and his grey boxers almost dyed black, stained with pre-cum as his cock pulses in its confines, spilling more desperation onto the fabric. 'I really have missed you...'
Stooping to catch your eye, he raises his eyebrows and offers you a smile. 'You. Not the sex, not anything else. Yo -.'
You barely let him finish his sentence before you're breaking from his constriction and pressing back into him. 'I've missed you too...' Biting his lip, you ease the sting with a kiss. 'But, we really don't have a lot of time and I'm so fucking wet I -.'
He whines against your mouth. 'Can – Fuck, let me taste.'
'Maybe later.'
The idea of later makes his blood sing, but the sound of the party still raging inside quickly refocuses him on the task at hand. 'Think I can make you cum in five minutes?'
'Oh.' You squeak when his hand pinches at your ass. 'I fucking hope so.'
'Challenge accepted.' Grinning from ear to ear, Kaminari presses back until you bump against the wooden railing of the deck. His hands roam across your body, squeezing and nipping at everything he can reach. Reaching up, he takes hold of the strap before pausing. 'Can I?' Or will this rip?'
'It'll be fine... Just -' You push your chest out, helping as best you can as Kaminari pulls down the front of your dress to expose you to the air.
The cold air forces your nipples to pebble immediately, the lip of your dress forcing your breasts to sit high and pretty and in perfect reach of Kaminari's wondering hands.
He cups your chest, thumbs brushing over your nipples until you squirm. If he had time, he'd savour this. He'd crane his neck, bow to your beauty and take one of those hardened rose buds into his mouth. He'd taste your skin, savour the salt and lick effortlessly over you until your cries became the background noise to his dreams. Licking his teeth, he looses himself to the feeling of you filling his hand. The fat of your tit spills through his fingers as he squeezes, earning another breathy gasp from you before turning his attention to other areas.
'Denki...' You're breathing heavy already, your chest heaving as Kaminari takes his pleasures feeling every inch of you. His hands sink, exploring. He pinches at your ribs, skates over your ribs and grips your hips before landing a firm smack against your ass. 'Denki, please... Fuck, c'mon, I need -.'
'Yeah?' His pupils have blown when he looks at you. Rings of gold struggle to keep them in check as hunger threatens to swallow them whole.
You nod, helping him yank up your dress until it's bunched up around your hips. Shivering against the cold, your knees knock together as a wave of vulnerability suddenly washes over you. You're freezing. The arousal trapped in your underwear cooling by the second, even as your cunt burns to be touched.
'Fuck...' Kaminari's hand sinks into your underwear the second it can. His fingers brush across trimmed pubic hair before petting, gently, at your clit.
You moan, bucking into his hand as he slips further and brushes his fingertips across your entrance. Bringing his hand back up, he presents his hand to you in the air. Your arousal shines on his skin, the glittering light from tent making it shimmer as he widens his fingers, leaving sticky strings to hang between index and forefinger.
He admires the shine. 'You're so fucking wet.'
Nodding, you reach for his wrist to pull it to your mouth – tasting yourself and cleaning his skin, but before you can, his tongue darts out of his mouth. He collects your slick like a delicacy and moans as your sweetness hits the back of his throat.
'Denki, I can't wait anymore... Please -.'
Kaminari wastes no time. In a moment, he has himself freed from his boxers, his cock hard and twitching against your stomach and your leg hooked lazily over his arm.
You tug aside your underwear yourself, exposing your cunt to him fully. There's no time to waste. Something primal eats away at your insides, something you're sure will only subside once he's seated inside of you. Your fingers itch, one hand playing with the strays hairs at the base of his neck as you look down and watch as he guides himself into you.
The initial push makes him hiss. You're tight. Tighter than he remembers as your walls wrap around him and clench. Locking his jaw, he hauls in a breath through his teeth and wills himself away from embarrassment.
Feeling him twitch helplessly inside of you, you grasp him by the lapel and pull him close until your nose touches his. 'Don't you dare. Not...' He gives you another inch, making you gasp and roll your hips. 'Not yet, don't fucking -.'
'Don't worry, baby. 'm not, not gonna.' Holding onto his sanity with his fingernails, Kaminari pulls back his hips and grinds back into you. The rhythm he sets up is uneven at best, but still, each thrust causes his cock to rub directly across the sponge roof of your cunt making you whine and cling.
Lips finding his neck, you litter him with lust. Your teeth find purchase, biting down to stifle the moans bubbling in your chest as he continues to fuck you, bottoming out each time in an effort to give you everything he has.
'You're gonna leave a mark.' He speaks through gasps, his pace stuttering as he continues to try and please you. The muscle in his thighs shake, his hands struggling not to clamp down on your waist as he pushes through the pulsing of his balls that threatens an early end.
You chuckle, revelling in the goose-flesh your breath leaves in its wake. It's intimate, setting a fire in your stomach as you pull back enough to catch his eye once more. You smile. 'What? Don't want your cheeky bridesmaid side piece to see?'
His pace falters. 'I don't.'
'Denki, baby... I'm joking.'
The pet name hatches butterflies in his sternum. They bump against the bone, tickling his organs and making him feel like he could float six feet from the floor. Not for the first time, he curses his own previous cowardice for stealing away all the pet names the past could have gifted him.
Bringing your foreheads together, you pant, breathing in each others air for a moment.
It's always felt like a cop out to call him 'The one that got away'. The title had never fit, no matter how much you'd wanted it to – or wished at one point and yet, right here, now, you wonder how you'd ever even brought yourself to think of him like that. 'Denki... Denks.' He hums, transfixed by a look he'd only been able to imagine in your eyes. 'What – what do you need. Tell me.'
You chew your lip, muttering. 'I'm never going to cum like this.'
'Ah.' His eyes light up, a shock of understanding zipping through him.
It might have been years, but he remembers every second of that night you spent together. He remembers you quaking, remembers how you'd looked on your hands and knees, thighs shaking as your spine curved deliciously, your ass bouncing as you rocked yourself back on his cock desperately. How could he forget?
Slipping out of you, he pulls back only enough to lay his hands on your waist and spin you.
You twist, dizzy and grab hold of the railing to steady yourself. Instantly, you're up on your tip-toes, back curved as you wait, pretty and presented. Anticipation lances through your legs making holding yourself up difficult, but it's all worth it when you feel him stretch you open and slide home.
Not giving you a second to adjust, he sets a blinding pace, spurred on by the memory of what it had felt like to have you fall apart around him. The fingers of his right hand dig into the flesh of your hip as the other slides up your back and takes hold of your neck. He grips, leaning over you to whisper, hoarse, in your ear. 'Touch yourself... Touch yourself for me, show me how good you feel, baby.'
You obey. Slipping a hand between your legs, you spread your fingers to feel him rutting into you for a moment. The skin of his cock is silk soft and slippery with your arousal, grazing the sides of your fingers as you shift and finally, begin to rub at your clit.
'Fuck...' Kaminari's grip on your hip stutters, growing light as he feels you tighten up around him. 'Go – Good girl. Shit. I'm not – not gonna last, I -.'
You don't need him too. In a few moments, you feel the telltale rush. Your cunt aches, clit pulsing as your orgasm threatens to reduce you to your knees. With your eyes rolling back into your head, you struggle to keep circling your clit, but Kaminari's fingers replace yours without you asking.
His movement is clumsy, but he manages to fuck you through your high either way. 'Holy, holy fuck... You feel, feels so – fucking Hell.' Stuttering, he struggles through, pouring his focus into you as you milk him relentlessly, bringing him closer and closer to his own end. With a tight chest, you reel back, glancing over your shoulder.
Kaminari's face is flushed, his cheek bones brushed with a pink that makes him look boyish and young. The edge of his mouth is twisted, a cause of his teeth gnawing at the inside of his cheek and his jaw is clenched, bringing out the cut line of his jaw.
He's close. You can tell. The thought thrills you, your cunt tightening on impulse as you await your prize.
'Where, fuck, fuck... I can't cum on your dress, you're – you're gonna have to move, or, or -.'
Reaching back, you grab at the edge of his suit jacket and pull at him, forcing his hips against your ass. 'Inside.'
He doesn't get a chance to think, his body makes the decision for him. His balls tighten, pulsing as he cums, emptying himself inside of you. Curling over, he presses a kiss to your shoulder, teeth scraping against the exposed skin as he pours himself into you, pumping you full.
With your stomach full and his lips grazing the base of your neck, you relax into a bone-deep kind of satiation you'd not felt since that night. It's surreal. Absurd as you come crashing back to reality as realise that the party has begun to quieten inside of the tent.
He's still dripping out of you when you hear the high pitched whistle cut through the air.
Kamiari turns. Tearing his suit jacket from his shoulders, he drapes it over your hips, covering his own mess.
'You two made up then?' Sero's smile is blinding. His hands are dug into his pockets, thumbs poking out over the material as he shrugs himself into his shoulders. He's plastered, his hair mattered and a mess as it falls from its bun, but even the alcohol making him stagger doesn't put a stop to his mischief.
Kaminari panics. His voice is still breathless, shaking slightly from the force of the orgasm that had almost had him seeing static. He should have made you cum quicker, shouldn't have slowed down the way he did. Fuck, he should have asked you to come back to his hotel. You deserve better than a quick, forgive me fuck outside of a tent in almost freezing temperature. He curses himself and cringes. 'How long have you been stood there?'
'Long enough to be pitching a tent, you guys don't fuck around huh...' He chuckles to himself. 'Well, I guess you do but -.'
Struggling with your dress, you can't help the smile that breaks your lips when Kaminari shields you and helps get your tits situated and hidden once more. Stepping from behind him, you slide a hand down his arm and twist your fingers in his. Hoping this time he won't run away. 'What do you want Hanta? We're just about to get out of here.'
Even if you had been trying to miss the smile that brightens Kaminari's face, you wouldn't have been able to. He re-adjusts his jacket, now slung over your shoulders and squeezes your hand tight.
Sero chuffs. Still too drunk to know better. 'When I first came out here I just wanted to smoke, but now I'm thinking of asking to watch.'
Reaching down, you pluck one of your heels from the floor before turning and throwing it headlong at Sero's head.
He ducks, laughing as the shoe goes wide. 'That a maybe then?'
'Hanta...' Kaminari whines, but Sero is already backing away holding his hands up in a mock surrender.
'Woah, woah...' A cheeky smile tugs at his lip, bringing his left dimple out in a way that only happens when there's real mischief up his sleeve. 'I guess now would be a bad time to tell you that the lights out here cause a pretty solid shadow to be cast on the side of that tent then, huh?'
The colour drains from both of your faces. 'No...'
Sero's eyes shine as he reaches into his pocket and removes his phone. 'I've got a video of it if you don't believe me...'
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-> Masterlist
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fandom-relapse · 4 months
Baby box
Prompt: Moments by Mary Oliver
Fandom: 911
Character / Pairing: Buck/Eddie
Time to write: 46 minutes
Rating: T
Eddie has spent years carefully tucking away his love for Buck. If it were just him, maybe he would have found the courage to say something about it. But nothing worth doing is without risk, and he can't take that risk for Chris.
But there are moments that cry out to be fulfilled; they can only be postponed for so long.
Eddie finally caves when the Buckley parents swing through town like a tornado, leaving everything untouched except a path of destruction directly through Buck.
He knows that some parents have a favorite child, but making it so obvious, displaying it so brutally? They're sat on his couch, Chris at school, and he flinches as Buck tells him about Maddie's baby box, and how he had asked about his own--"like an idiot," Buck says, eyes watery--and how there wasn't one. How he was made for spare parts. How he truly wasn't wanted. He wants to bundle Buck into his lap and hold him. He wants to tell Buck how much he loves him, how much he is wanted.
"I--," and he chokes around the words I want you, berating himself for his inability when Buck turns to him with the saddest puppy-dog eyes he's ever seen. "Wait here," he amends.
Later, he'll wonder what part of it was conscious, this perilous decision to show this to Buck, his grave accumulation of idiocies. He has berated himself over this for so long--creepy, weird, unnecessary, he has admonished himself in his darkest moments.
Nevertheless, he returns carrying a small cardboard box and hands it to Buck, who stares at it for a moment.
"W-what is this?" Buck asks, wobbly, adorably.
Eddie breathes. "Just look," because he can't say, "my heart."
So Buck looks, and Eddie stops breathing as he watches Buck sort through their life, Buck's-life-in-his: tickets to Us, the first movie they saw together alone; photobooth pictures from the pier, which Chris had insisted upon; the post-its they'd left in each others' lockers after they had lost their phones in a rescue (come over for dinner? -e; as long as you're not cooking -b); a program from each of Chris's school plays that Buck had insisted on attending with him (a lot). And more, so much more.
It was all there, Eddie's pathetic assemblage of life-tokens, because he wouldn't be okay if something happened to Buck and there wasn't anything left of him, because this stupid box was all that had gotten him through Buck's close calls. Because maybe their best-friendship could be enough for Eddie, but God did he want more.
He is pulled from his reverie by Buck's arms around him, and Buck's warm breath in his ear, as he whispers, "thank you." And Eddie breathes again.
Well, he's come this far, hasn't he?
His heart is still beating, isn't it?
He's not in chains, is he?
So he says, "I love you. You are wanted. Here." He offers a silent prayer that this doesn't break BuckandEddie into Buck and Eddie, because he's not sure his heart could handle that.
"I love you, too," Buck murmurs.
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p-redux · 3 months
Well, folks, the day has finally come, I'm so angry about something, I can barely speak, let alone write. But write I will...
Here goes. I, Purv, in NO WAY, approve of Bcac's blog or her. It has come to my attention that after Bcac's account was deactivated by Tumblr and then quickly reactivated, she made this mention of me. 👇
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First of all, what I said I said privately in a DM. If I had wanted to offer public support, I would have. I thought my DM conversations were private, apparently not. The person I DMed with has already apologized to me for betraying my confidence. Secondly, just because I said Bcac shouldn't lose her account does NOT mean I'm cool with her or her blog. I said in DM that I didn't think Bcac should have lost her blog, but because I think everyone should have freedom of speech, in general. That's it.
But now Bcac has taken what I said privately and weaponized it to try to legitimize herself with those other than the Sam-haters and Purv-haters she surrounds herself with. And THAT I'm VERY upset about.
Bcac has toned down her blatant displays of Sam hate because she realizes she has a captive audience of Sam fans who are waiting on his every move. And she provides that for them. But let me be VERY CLEAR, Bcac has disdain for Sam Heughan. And, she welcomes people who have disdain for him on her blog. And people who have disdain for me. She regularly commiserates with and allows comments from KNOWN Sam haters. They have harassed and bullied Sam and talked sh*t about the women he dates for years.
Here's a quick sampling of MANY examples, showing Bcac talking badly about Sam and allowing others to. 👇
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Aside from the Sam-haters that Bcac welcomes on her blog, she also welcomes those who have made MY life hell for years and years. I recognize so many names from the past. People who harassed me all day and even tried to dox me. That's who flocks to Bcac's blog. Sam-haters, Purv-haters, don't be fooled thinking that's not the case. I can name names if anyone is interested in DM.
Bcac herself has talked sh*t about me privately and publicly on her blog. Here's a quick example of her making fun of me and also putting Sam down in the process. 👇
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Here she is continuing to put me down, even making fun of my eye issues! 👇
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Like I said, this is only the tip of the iceberg of Bcac and her followers mocking me. And she's toned it down significantly because she knows many of my followers now look at her blog too.
So, yes, I don't think Bcac should have had her blog deactivated, but ONLY because I believe in freedom of speech. Even for b*tches who talk sh*t about Sam and about me. And make no mistake, Bcac and her minions are b*tches. They're just hiding it better these days. Except for the blogger who shared my DM, she's not a b*tch. But I will be parting ways since I can no longer trust her. Silly me, I thought it was possible for someone to be best friends with Bcac and also be friendly with me. I should know better after 10 years in this Godforsaken fandom.
Tumblr only lets you post 10 pics, but if anyone is interested in more crap Bcac has posted about me or Sam, hit me up in DM, and I'll show you.
So, today is the day I draw the line in the sand. I don't want to ever hear Bcac's name or anyone associated with her. Why would I want anything to do with someone who puts me down? I'm not going to tolerate that. No one should. Soooo, anyone who is chummy to me on my blog, but then I get wind you're also chummy with Bcac, will get blocked. I'm done with this bullsh*t. I get it, she finds out Sam's every move and people want that info. So, go ahead and get it from her. But, you won't ALSO be able to stay on my blog. Am I making people pick sides? Absofuckinglutely. If that means I lose a lot of followers. So be it. I've decided I'd rather have no followers than two-faced people. I like Sam and I like myself. She doesn't like Sam and she doesn't like me. You can't be okay with her and her sh*t talking of me, and be okay with me. It's impossible. Simple as that.
Those of the more reasonable calm, Switzerland type personalities may not understand my choice. Those of the passionate, take a stand, have your back no matter what persuasion, will understand. Maybe it's my Italian blood, maybe, I've put up with too much betrayal and bullsh*t in this fandom. It is what it is. And what it is...is that I'll leave this post up for a few days for people to read it, and then I'll start blocking people. So, if you find yourself not being able to see my blog, you'll know why.
Again, this is not me being upset over some minor disagreement or Bcac constantly accusing me of stealing her stuff (funny, how a few days ago, SHE stole two exclusive pics I got of the Outlander cast at the Taylor Swift concert, but whatever), THIS is because she has said and says horrible things about me and about Sam. Obviously, she does it more in private now since she wants to keep her Sam fan followers. And so many eat her info up, not knowing she's secretly laughing about you in DMs with the Sam haters. I'm done turning a blind eye to it. And I want people to know how toxic she is to Sam. And to me. And that she used what I said about her blog in a very misleading way to make herself look good. "Look, even Purv thought I should have my blog back, I must be okay." Nope, don't get it twisted, sister. And the industry people in L.A. I know who know Sam personally were made aware a long time ago about all the Sam hate blogs, which means Sam was too. Those liking, reblogging, or commenting on Bcac's posts are guilty by association. JS.
For those who have supported me all these years, you mean the world to me. Loyalty is everything, so thank you. ❤️
PS. So much for not writing a long ass post. 🤷‍♀️
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kaaaaaaarf · 1 year
hello there! i'm karfy. this blog is 18+. minors dni.
ao3 / spotify / ask me
🌕The big three🌑
You want fluff & smut? I got you.
back when we were dinosaurs (4/4) - (E , 37.7k words, complete, wolfstar, fluff, smut, it's my fictional ode to Toronto) track it under the Museum tag.
Remus is the ROM's newest curator of the paleontological wing. Sirius manages the gift shop and has a dinosaur obsession. They are cute little nerds in love and sometimes they have sex in the archives
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You want cunts to lovers? I got you.
Series: When You Open Your Legs (incomplete) - (E, 42k+ words, WIP, wolfstar, porn with an increasing amount of plot, aka my Hatefuck fic)
Love and hate aren't as far apart as you'd think. When Sirius meets famed rockstar Remus Lupin at a pub, they quickly become arch-enemies—and there's not much to do to but fuck about it.
1 Now I'm Spreading Your Legs (with mine in between) 2 I Got My Spoon (inside your jar) 3 touching me (touching you) 3.5 It's So Shameful of Me (I like you) - a Hatefuck b-side 4 The More You Ignore Me (the closer I get) 4.5 I Had A Dream That You Were Mine - a Hatefuck b-side 4.5 spilling drinks at the bar — a Hatefuck b-side 
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You want a dark comedy? I got you.
The Killing Time (unwillingly mine) (3/3) - (M, 17.5k words, complete, wolfstar, background jegulily, tw: murder) track it under the Murder Husbands tag.
Remus becomes the most prolific serial killer in modern history because Sirius is a slut and won’t stop getting engaged.
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🌕Other fics🌑
✨ no series 🌙 series: hatefuck extended universe 💫 series: the 6ix, or, there and back again 🌠 series: Useless Magic, B-Sides & Rarities 🔨 series: Love, Blood, and Wham: The Life and Death(s) of Remus J. Lupin
✨ check me out - (E, 5k words, wolfstar, university au, smut, written for the MWPProject 2024 Fandom Initiative)
Remus is suddenly sweating—not just because the library aircon seems to be broken, or because he has an eleven page paper that's due next week that he's pretty sure he’s getting zero help on. He's sweating because Sirius keeps looking at him like that—smirking at him from under his eyelashes, a feral spark to his eye like he's starving and Remus is a particularly appealing meal. He’s sweating because this gorgeous, frustrating man has just offered to suck him off in the middle of the library and he can’t think of a single reason to say no. He should be able to think of a reason to say no. He’s not gonna say no. “Uh, yes please.”
✨ i'm green, you're green - (G, 2.9k words, wolfstar, adaptation of Frog and Toad)
Once upon a time, not too long ago, there lived a Frog called Sirius and a Toad called Remus. They were neighbours in a beautiful garden. Oh, how they loved one another! They were the truest of friends. These are their adventures.
✨he's got that (hot) dog in him - (M, 1.2k words, wolfstar, hot dog eating contest crack)
✨ they call it the cockpit - (E, 6.4k words, wolfstar, airport smut, written for the SiriuslyHozierFest)
🌙 Rolling In The Deep - (E, 750 words, divorced wolfstar, crying during sex, hatefucking, porn with very little plot)
🌙 Only Get (My Rocks) Off - (E, 2k words, wolfstar, hoa violations as foreplay, hatefucking, porn with very little plot)
✨ soft like silk chiffon - (E, 1.8k words, wolfstar, remus in a silk slip) / inspired by this gorgeous drawing by @industrations
🌠 You Grew Tall (I Stayed The Same) - (G, 1.4k words, hogwarts era, wolfstar, fluff)
🌠 Savour It (I'm Tasty) - (M, 782 words+, wolfstar, sausage roll crack)
🌠 Ah-Ooh (werewolves of london) - (G, 1k words, hogwarts era, background wolfstar, hurt/comfort if the comfort was a piano)
🌠 Don't Be Scared (i love you) - (G, 1k words, wolfstar, post first wizarding war, hurt/comfort)
🌠 my blood is singing with your voice - (M, 750 words, wolfstar, horror, midsommar au)
🌠 In ár gCroíthe go deo - (T, 1k words, wolfstar, irish remus lupin, older wolfstar)
🌠 I Knew Your Love Before I Knew Your Name - (G, 380 words, wolfstar, cowboy remus)
🌠 Here I Am (a rabbit-hearted boy) - (G, 664 words, hogwarts era, background wolfstar, wererabbit remus crack)
🌠 the day after tomorrow - (G, 641 words, wolfstar, post-war hurt/comfort, sirius as padfoot)
💫 imagine if I never met the broskis - (T, 1.8k words, wolfstar, hogwarts era, crack, toronto mans remus)
💫 oh, it's what you do to me - (T, 930 words, wolfstar, hogwarts era, crack, toronto mans remus)
✨ Nobody parts two rivers met (1/3) - (M, 1k+ words, wolfstar, angst) this is a concept fic based on Liz Phair's album 'Exile in Guyville'. track it here.
🔨 You better watch out, You Better Watch Out, YOU BETTER WATCH OUT (A Murder Husbands b-side) - (T, 1.6k words, wolfstar, jegulily, Christmas fic, Regulus POV)
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🌕In Progress🌑
I am currently actively working on several Wolfstar fics that are not yet posted to ao3. You can track updates on my account:
psychopomp (see how it shines) - M. Hades/Charon greek myth au. A workplace romance in literal hell. Sirius is Hades, Remus is Charon. wolfstar. background jily. track it here.
untitled kidnapping au - M. wolfstar. Remus kidnaps the Black brothers and they are both so, so mean to him. track it here.
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🎶 All of my playlists are available here. 🎶
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Do you take playlist requests?
Yes! I do!
Can I post your fic to Goodreads (or Storygraph)?
No! You may not!
Can I re-post your fic to third party websites, such as Wattpad?
I posted my work to ao3, and there it shall remain. You do not have my permission to re-post any of my works, or upload to sites like lore.fm.
Can I bind your fic?
As long as it's for yourself or as a gift to someone! It must be not-for-profit and please do not use an online (or irl) printing service. I also ask that if you do, that you reach out to me and show me the final product!! I would love to see your binds.
Can I translate your fic into other languages?
I would prefer it if you didn't. Please reach out to me if you want to talk about it, though. There may be certain circumstances where I'd be amenable, but you need to respect it if I say no.
Can I put your fic into an AI generator?
I can't believe I have to say this, but no. Please do not use AI in connection with any of my work. This includes using it to create art based on anything I have created. AI causes harm to artists and authors. Please be cool, you guys.
126 notes · View notes
I Still Hear You
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Summary: Y/N can still hear Dean's voice echo around her. She doesn't know if it's a blessing or a curse.
Warnings: Dean's Death. Grief. Loss. Very brief mentions of sex. All angst.
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Y/N
Word Count: 419
A/N: I was missing Dean today, and this sad thing came to into my head. I'm sorry. ❤️💔
The beautiful divider below and at the bottom was created by @talesmaniac89
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I still hear you. 
I still hear your deep, honey gravel voice, the one that captivated me so easily when we first met. I hear the way your words turned silky when you offered to take me home, and then the shout that erupted from deep in your chest that first time I rode you to oblivion in the back seat of the Impala. I can still hear the sound of the wet, sticky leather as our sweaty skin moved against it. 
I still hear you.
I still hear the way it sounded when we argued, the way your voice would be a bit hard and demanding when you were sure you were right. And how defensive and choked it would become when you were scared you were wrong. 
I still hear you.
I still hear the sleepy way you'd growl into my ear when I'd try to pull myself out of your arms in the morning, and the gentle coaxing of your whispering lips against my skin as you persuaded me to stay near you just a little longer.
I still hear you.
I still hear your full, booming laugh and the way it would burst out of you sometimes, as though your happiness surprised you. Your laugh follows me down the bunker hallways some nights and every time it does, I'm sure you'll be around the next corner waiting with your bright, boyish smile, arms open, pulling me in, reassuring me it was all just a bad dream.
I still hear you.
I hear the way my name sounded on your lips for the last time. I hear the way your breath got slow and shallow near the end, the way your words struggled out of your throat. I hear your certainty that you were leaving for good and the way you begged me to stay safe and live my life. 
I still hear you.
I hear your goodbye. I hear the finality of it. The end of all things.
I still hear you.
I love and hate that your voice still rings through my mind. It's a ghost, and it only makes me ache for things that are no more. But it's also my safety net, a memory to wrap myself up in, a place to live where you still visit me.
I still hear you.
Will I always? Will I never be free from the beautiful torture of the memory of your voice? 
I still hear you.
I still hear you.
Even now…I hear you.
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Tags Under the Cut:
1 - Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays. @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @impalaslytherin @maggiegirl17 @akshi8278 @candy-coated-misery0731 @nt-multi-fandom @deanswaywardgirl @slytherinlyn314 @globetrotter28 @jensensgirl @perpetualabsurdity @tristanrosspada-ackles @djs8891 @muhahaha303 @kayyay1219 @emily-winchester @recoveringpastaaddict @maximumkillshot @mimaria420 @sacriceria @envyaurora95 @lacilou @jc-winchester @spnwoman
2 - Dean Winchester Fics Only. @saikosheadcanons @lgranger67 @carryonwaywardgirl
3 - Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.) @sunshineandwings86 @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @alexxavicry @nancymcl @spalady26
4 - Everything (includes fan vid/DOOL edits as well) @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @awkward-and-indecisive @maliburenee @supernatural4life2022 @spn730015 @b3autyfuldisast3r @kickingitwithkirk @waywardbaby @foxyjwls007 @deanwanddamons @deandreamernp @deanwithscissors @myloversgone @snowlovespie @leigh70 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @charred-angelwings @hopefuldreamers-world @mysherlock221b @jensensgotyoudean @stixnstripesworld @thoughts-and-funnies @magssteenkamp @norman1967 @princessmisery666 @eevvvaa @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy @b-i-t-c-h-i-e @twirpbunwarrior @mysweetlittledesire @waynes-multiverse @mrsjenniferwinchester @bernasaurus @jensenslady79 @courtn92 @avanatural @ellie-andthemachine @this-is-me19 @roseblue373 @katbratsupernaturalwhore @fanfic-n-tabulous
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pomodoko · 2 years
Is there any fic recs you wouldn't mind sharing?
For the sake of everyone reading this list (including me), I'll keep the fics I recommend to 5 fics per fandom with their appropriate ratings. Most of these will be gen fics. If you guys want, I'll make another listing for purely M and E rated fics later (only if you ask though!)
Please enjoy!
Peaks and Valley Adjacent by clefairytea | Ratings: T and G | Relationship: Red/Blue | Total words: 124k+
recollection, retrospection, recognition by ApatheticRobots | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 53k+
Intermittent Retention by NeoAsh | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 12k+
That's It, It's Split, It Can't Recover by digitalpen | Ratings: T and G| Gen Fic | Total words: 60k+
History Offers Preservation by tiktaaliker | Ratings: G | Gen Fic | Total words: 74k+
MCYT (Hermitcraft & DSMP):
The Coding Conundrum by Pixelfun20 | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 130k+
The Parting Glass by Sekrap | Ratings: G | Gen Fic | Total words: 62k+
poet, follow right by cosmelt (isthei) | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 3k+
From Darkness by HaroThar | Ratings: M | Gen Fic | Total words: 188k+
pâquerette by thebetterwormy | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 15k+
TMNT (Mostly 2012xROTTMNT):
juxtaposition by SpectrumWriting | Ratings: G | Gen Fic | Total words: 13k+
coming right on back for you by taizi | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 13k+
Of Leos and Leonardos-verse by Toothlessbored | Ratings: G | Gen Fic | Total words: 50k+
Dimensional Self-Isolation by goldenspecter | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 57k+
How to Write Your Own Future: A Work-in-Progress by Casey Jones by Banjkaz, SpitfireRose | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 127k+
Lost Soul by DietCokeIsLife (AO3 version still a WIP) | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 84k+
Chips and Salsa by SibillaScribbles08 | Ratings: T | Relationship: Cole/Zane | Total words: 31k+
Meet Again by northpen | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 124k+
Nightowls by McFaneLy | Ratings: G | Gen Fic | Total words: 21k+
The Sun Rises Every Single Night by Fabro-de-omres (Fabro) | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 25k+
Safeguard by aloneintherain | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 17k+
Support System by aloneintherain | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 14k+
Helping Hand by AliciaRoseFantasy | Ratings: T and G | Gen Fic | Total words: 31k+
Jailbird Blues by aloneintherain | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 15k+
Just A Face On A Train by katherynefromphilly | Ratings: G | Gen Fic | Total words: 11k+
Into the Spider-verse:
#friendlyneighborhoodspiderpeople by pepperfield | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 4k+
It Takes a Village by madain_sari | Ratings: G | Gen Fic | Total words: 4k+
party on tilt by orphan_account | Ratings: G | Gen Fic | Total words: 3k+
City(e)scape by mariadperiad20 | Ratings: Not Rated | Relationship: Peter B/Noir | Total words: 42k+
the family brooklyn by tactfulGnostalgic | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 12k+
wild boy, run home by Liatheus | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 19k+
Phantom Pains by applepie | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 21k+
Ear to the Wall by Vodkassassin | Ratings: Not Rated | Gen Fic | Total words: 89k+
What You Knead by AgentMalkere | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 63k+
Year of the Ghost by scrappybook | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 145k+
One Piece:
Chasing Flowers by taizi | Ratings: Not Rated | Gen Fic | Total words: 4k+
'Til You Feel it All Around You by Tonko | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 55k+
poly philtatos (the most loved by far) by pyknicGinger | Ratings: T | Relationship: Zoro/Luffy | Total words: 24k+
Spin a Yarn by SrirachaBunny | Ratings: T | Relationship: Zoro/Luffy | Total words: 83k+
Merman Verse by Hazel_Athena | Ratings: T | Relationship: Zoro/Sanji | Total words: 73k+
My Hero Academia:
New Management by Blacknovelist | Ratings: G | Gen Fic | Total words: 5k+
Get Mad! by AnonymousTwit | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 16k+
2AM Knows All Secrets by Unbreakable_Red_Riot | Ratings: T | Relationship: Bakugou/Kirishima | Total words: 59k+
Quietly by chezka | Ratings: G | Relationship: Bakugou/Kirishima | Total words: 22k+
You know that thing where an orchestra swaps instruments, and like, some of them get it right away, but others have no clue what they're doing? This is that but with quirks, two unwilling participants, and also Emotions by Sif (Rosae) | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 13k+
Other Fandoms:
curse.exe by Byacolate, mywordsflyup | Ratings: T | Relationship: Genji/Zenyatta | Total words: 8k+ (Overwatch)
Planting a Hobbit by northerntrash | Ratings: Not Rated | Relationship: Thorin/Bilbo | Total words: 13k+ (The Hobbit)
The Midnight Game by NatRoze | Ratings: T | Relationship: Oikawa/Daichi/Ushiwaka | Total words: 18k+ (Haikyuu!!)
Ethics of Journalism by rosepetals42 | Ratings: T | Relationship: Jack/Bitty | Total words: 12k+ (Check Please!)
Colourless Saitama and his Years of Training by rironomind | Ratings: T and M | Relationship: Saitama/Genos | Total words: 88k+
A Tale of Spirits by unorthodoxx | Ratings: G | Gen Fic | Total words: 130k+ (ROTTMNT x ATLA)
Guardian Tadashi AU by PitViperOfDoom | Ratings: G | Gen Fic | Total words: 180k+ (Big Hero 6 x Rise of the Guardians)
This Too Shall Pass by skeleton_narration | Ratings: T | Relationship: Dipper/Wirt | Total words: 95k+ (Gravity Falls x Over the Garden Wall)
Ghost in the NYC by ASharksReadingGlasses | Ratings: T and M | Gen Fic | Total words: 252k+ (Danny Phantom x SpideyPool)
My Delivery Route is Full of Mutant Turtles (and Other Reasons Percy Jackson Deserves More Than Minimum Wage) by TakingOverMidnight3482 | Ratings: T | Gen Fic | Total words: 51k+ (Percy Jackson x ROTTMNT)
98 notes · View notes
adminbryantsaki · 1 year
Star Anise
Alpha! Shouta Aizawa X Omega! Reader
(I do not own My Hero Academia or the characters within. Anything associated with that fandom belongs to Horikoshi Kohei. This story belongs to my 2023 Spice-tober collection. I hope you enjoy. If this story isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee move on. Reader discretion is advised.)
(I was inspired for this story from this tiktok I saw: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8jqGh2D/ I don’t own it. the person who created it did.)
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TW: A/B/O, Sex scene, biting.
WC: 2,037.
Fall Masquerade theme. A ball to welcome in the season at a nearby mansion. You wear a lovely dress made to look like the leaves changing color outside on the trees. The ballroom is decorated to look like an enchanted forest, having spooky shades of purple and blue. There is an alpha there that catches your eye as you get a refreshment of some hot spiced cider from the table laden with many wonderful fall treats. He sees you as well and approaches you at the refreshment table. He asks for you to go outside for some fresh air. The two of you walk along a lantern-lit path that has a bridge that goes over a river. When the two of you go back inside, the two of you manage to sneak away to one of the other vacant rooms in the mansion where the two of you make love.
You flattened out the skirt of your dress and adjusted the mask you wore on your face. You had been invited to a ball at a nearby mansion to welcome in the autumn season since you were one of the unmatched Omegas in a noble family that lived close to the mansion. One of your ladies in waiting helped tighten up the corset to your dress before looking at your appearance in the mirror. “You look lovely, my lady. I hope you will have a good time tonight. Maybe find yourself a dashing Alpha that would sweep you off your feet?” They suggested with a giggle. “You know very well, Sarah, that this is a ball to welcome in the autumn season and have a good time. But it would be nice to meet up with an Alpha that doesn’t treat me like an object or some prize to be won.” You responded while slipping your shoes on and grabbing your clutch before heading downstairs as your carriage had arrived.
You climbed in and watched as the carriage rolled on by down the road and up to the mansion, watching as the lights and decorations of the mansion came clearer into view, it seemed like the place had been enchanted to make it seem more magical. Your eyes widened at the amount of pumpkins and candles that had been placed around the gardens and courtyards to give the place a more spooky yet autumnal feel. Your carriage stopped and a footman helped you out of your carriage and wished you to have a nice evening as you followed the small crowd of young men and women who were making their way inside. You take in the environment, enjoying the enchanting, yet spooky vibe of the place. The scent of warmed apple cider wafted over to your nostrils, making you inhale the wonderous scent and you followed the smell to the refreshment table that was filled with many fall treats. You saw spiced apple cider, pumpkin hand pies, spice cake, pumpkin ale, pumpkin cider, and apple hand pies. You picked up a mug of spiced apple cider to your lips and took a sip of the warming drink. You let the drink warm you all throughout your body when you were approached by one of the Alphas that was attending the ball. You couldn’t tell who he was because of the mask he was wearing that had been adorned in leaves and bits of metal to accent it. All you could see was his dark brown eyes staring right into yours. “Hello there, my name is Shouta Aizawa, what’s your name?” He asked.
“Oh, hello, I’m Y/n. It’s nice to meet you.” You spoke as you sipped at the cider, draining the mug, and setting it back on the table. You finally Music in the hall began to pick up and Shouta looked to you and offered his hand. “May I have this dance, my lady?” He asked. You agreed and took his hand and followed him out onto the dance floor. He placed his hand on your waist and led you through a waltz to the beat of the music. You let him lead you throughout the dance while you kept eye contact with him. When the dance was over, Shouta led you off to the side, near one of the doors that would lead to the outside, over one of the various paths in the woods surrounding the mansion.
“Want to get out of here?” He asked, a smile playing across his lips as he held your hands in his. “Sure, but where would we go?” You asked. “Outside. I heard that many of the paths in the forest had been enchanted and decorated to match the theme here in the mansion.” He told you. “Let’s go then!” You told him and he led you out a pair of doors and onto a magnificent balcony where a few couples were also catching some fresh air. Shouta led you to the railing of the balcony and showed you the different entrances to the paths leading into the forest. “Pick one and we will go explore it.” He told you. You picked one that had lanterns and pointed to it. He took your hand and led you down a set of steps and up to the path.  He offered you his arm and you took it, walking together down the path, eventually approaching a bridge that the two of you walked over and stopped near the middle. You looked over into the lake and watched as some fish darted about under the surface of the water. You looked over at Shouta and he was watching you enjoy the creatures in the lake. You smiled and looked back at him. He held your hand and pulled you close. “I know that we just met, but I feel like I’ve known you for a long time.” He spoke.
“I’m one of the daughters of a nobleman that lives on the mansion owner’s land.  A lot of people know me. We might have met before at another one of these balls. But now that you know me, who are you?” You asked. “I’d rather not tell, but I will anyways. I’m the owner of the mansion and the one that threw this party. I love the fall season and I wanted to welcome it in with all the people around me. I also wanted the opportunity to find myself a mate as I do not have one yet. I’d prefer an Omega as I’m an Alpha but I’ll take what I can at this point.” He spoke Your eyes widened and you looked surprised. “You’re the mansion owner? I never would have thought so. I thought you to be a lord of one of the properties in the area.” You responded. “It is true. I don’t mean to seem forward, but what is your dynamic?” He asked. “Oh! I’m an Omega. Sorry I didn’t say so earlier.” You spoke, then you realized what you said.
“You’re looking for a mate and I’m here and I just told you that I’m an Omega. There’s about a hundred Omegas here that you could pick from, why pick me?” You asked as you paced the path on the bridge before looking at him. “You’re nice, you let me dance with you, and you didn’t judge me for being the owner of the mansion.” He spoke with a smile. “The question now is if you’re not already mated yourself. Are you mated to someone, Y/n?” “No, I’m not mated. I am looking, even though I didn’t plan on finding a mate tonight.” You told him. He took your hands in his and looked you in the eyes. “I’d like to make you my mate, if you’d allow me.” He spoke. “I’d love to be your mate. Where could we be alone so you could mark me?” You spoke. Shouta smirked and led you back into the mansion, sneaking in through a back door and up a couple flights of stairs until the two of you were in front of one of the bedrooms.
“This is my room. We can mark each other in here, how does that sound?” He asked. You nodded in response and he led you inside as you let out a giggle. He told you to be quiet and he began stripping out of his suit. You sat on the bed in awe. He let the fabric of his ivory-colored undershirt drop to the floor and he faced you, wearing only his dark brown pants that had been embroidered with a deep gold and orange in the shapes of leaves. The strong scent of star anise and cinnamon filled the air and you could only guess that the scent was coming from him. He walked closer to you and he bent over to give you a long, sweet kiss which made your insides melt.   
He moved closer and laid you back on the bed as he explored your neck and shoulders, pulling the fabric of your slip off your body in a rushed manner, as if he couldn’t wait any longer to claim you as his own. He tossed the slip of to one of the far corners of the room before kissing you deeply and pulling back to look into your eyes as you moved back up on the bed a bit farther so you wouldn’t hurt yourself while he fucked you senseless.
“Ready to be mine?” He asked. You nodded and watched as his mating fangs grew a bit longer and he went to your neck, biting down on your soft flesh and letting out a moan. You let him slide between your thighs and thrust into you, sinking his cock deep into your slick-ridden hole, letting the knot enter you with a wet ‘pop.’ You moaned out even more as you felt stretched out but in a good way. He was still for a moment to let the both of you adjust to the new sensation the both of you were feeling.  He began to thrust at an even pace, as the noise of skin slapping skin filled the room along with the moans coming from you and your new mate. He pulled away from marking you and watched as his mark formed in your neck, a crescent moon with some stars next to it all within a circle healing over in a type of scar.  He smirked and kept thrusting into you, getting closer and closer with each thrust. You held onto him and entangles your fingers into his dark locks, telling him to keep going as you were close as well. Soon, the two of you reached your climax and he released his seed deep into your womb, emptying his knot and waiting a moment before pulling out of you, and laying next to you. “I love you, Y/n. Thank you for being my mate.” He told you. “Thank you for picking me as your mate. You know that you could have picked any one of the other Omegas in the whole party.” “But I picked you. You caught my eye and you were also one of the only Omegas in the room that didn’t have an Alpha sticking close to them.” He told you and held your hand as he laid on his side looking at you.
“You’re right.” You responded. “Do you want to mark me? It’s okay if you want to.” He offered. You nodded and put your mark on his neck. Then the two of you crawled under the covers with a laugh and looked out the window at the stars twinkling above before falling asleep in each other's arms.
The end.
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thelustdevil · 1 year
Fueling those café au’s in my head... Part 2!
This time let’s look at what baked goods they would enjoy. 🫶🏼 (based on what I offer in shop & some new ideas!)
Part One: Drinkies!
Hitoshi S.
Will buy the cute seasonal sugar cookies, especially the cat themed ones during the spring & fall. Otherwise a blueberry muffin will suffice. If he’s really hungry a baked cheese & plant “sausage” turnover.
Denki K.
Frosted muffins, loaves & scones. The frosted matcha & vanilla crème Swiss roll is a favorite of his. But the frosted strawberry scone is a good second choice. Will be the one to order a breakfast bagel when super hungry.
Katsuki B.
He enjoys spice over sweet that much is true. He’s not one to order baked goods often, but there’s a hatch chili bread released during the later fall season that he will buy a slice or two of. If not, a savory maple sausage pull-apart roll every once in a while never hurt.
Izuku M.
Flaky pastries!! Always always. Chocolate croissant? Yes. Spinach feta croissant? Also yes. Spiced ham & pepper Jack cheese blossom? … yes. Quiches with buttery crust. Biggest yes. It’s used in so many dishes and so yummy in his opinion.
Shoto T.
Plain/simple flaky pastry or biscuit. Usually something to go along with his tea. There’s an orange blossom and currant biscotti that he’s grown fond of thanks to midoriya’s suggestion. Will have some quiche if offered. Not the meat heavy ones though.
Eijirou K.
Sweet boy loves some sweet loaf slices. He will indulge in pumpkin spice during the season. Otherwise the spiced loaf or apple crumble loaf are great choices. Will get the warm breakfast sandwiches on fresh bread.
Hanta S.
Contrast to his drinks and similar to bakugo, Sero likes the more savory pastries. The rosemary & tomato tart is the perfect snack. While the chili, egg & spinach blossom is a good breakfast option in his eyes.
Tenya I.
Cinnamon roll, no raisins but yes to cream cheese icing. Only once in a blue moon though. He allows himself to enjoy this with his classmates. Otherwise a buttery croissant will do, there’s no need for the excess sugar all the time.
Again this mf doesn’t go to coffee shops… Will take warm bread, he likes the softness of it when it’s freshly baked. The topped toast options are usually what he goes for. The special spices Ogura jam with everything bagel seasoning is a go to.
Learned to like the Ogura jam pastries because of Dabi. Will get the baked Ogura & sea salt stuffed rolls. There’s also a seaweed flakes croissant he enjoys with a sweet plum jam.
Mirio T.
Loves to try just the most American sounding baked goods. Apple strudel with cinnamon, strawberry & rhuebarb blossoms, Canadian bacon and cheddar boomerang? All yeses! Tamaki has told him countless times that two of those things are decidedly not American but Mirio is too busy ordering to hear him.
Tamaki A.
Is less shy when it comes to ordering pastries from his favorite bakery. Enjoys trying the new seasonal items. The sweet Sakura dango was a big hit with him. Will also get the milk bread toasted with a semi-runny egg & chives on top.
Shota A.
A bagel. He enjoys trying to different toppings but prefers having something easy to eat between classes and napping. Open to trying different kinds of bagels as well. Hizashi once bought him a breakfast bar and he enjoyed it. Still gets bagels though.
Hizashi Y.
Much like Tamaki, Hizashi likes trying the seasonal pastries. It only makes sense if he’s trying the seasonal drinks too! It’s the full experience. The toasted coconut & pineapple loaf was a surprising new favorite. So was the miso & cucumber tea sandwich.
*based on my view of them & their personalities*
Might do this for JJK or another fandom next. This has also given me new ideas for some trial goods in the bakery next week…
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asirensrage · 8 months
Current Anime Fandoms Masterlist
just because I want to see them all in one place... most are ocs, some are "x reader".
Tokyo Revengers
Hanma Shuji
Cursed (Explicit): Kanae hates clubs but a chance meeting on the patio might change her mind…or at least make up for the disaster the night is turning into.
Sano "Mikey" Manjiro
The Fall (Mature) - Dark!Fic. She was drowning before she even realized he had dragged her into waters she couldn’t survive in on her own. Based on the prompt: “Step away from the window. Come back to sleep. Don’t make me have to come get you.”
Unrepentant (Explicit) - Dark!Fic. The reason Mikey collared you and kept you chained tonight at his feet was a lesson in humiliation and obedience. (Mikey x Reader, Bonten x Reader)
Haitani Ran
Hindsight (Mature): Dark!Fic. You were always going to end up here. She was never going to be allowed to leave and you were just lucky that he saw you as more than just collateral. Based on the prompt: “It doesn’t matter what you think. You’re mine. You always have been.”
Hindsight 2.0 (Explicit): Dark!Fic. Smut rewrite of Hindsight (shown above)
Mitsuya Takashi
Profane (Mature) - You meet Mitsuya by accident. Mitsuya x reader.
Sanzu Haruchiyo
The Road to Hell (Explicit) - It’s pure luck that she stumbles across him alone in the middle of an overdose. He thinks it’s fate.
My Hero Academia
Dark!Prompt: (M) “If they touch you, I’ll kill them. It’s that simple.”
Dark!Prompts (Explicit): “Do you know how long I’ve watched you? You’re perfect.” and “Are you really surprised to find out I’m the bad guy?”
Jujutsu Kaisen
Nanami Kento
Prompt: character A making it their absolute goal for character B to admit that the best sex they’ve ever had is w/ A, and they both are kinda surprised when it actually happens. (Mature)
Random sad/comfort scene between OC and Nanami…
waking up in bed (unnamed characters)
Gojo Satoru
Wanting More (PG) - Satoru doesn’t want her. He just doesn’t want anyone else to have her either…
Demanding It All (Explicit) - They’ve both finally had enough. Satoru does something about it. Sequel to Wanting More
Just a Dream (PG) - A request for fluff and kisses after the JJK 236 leaks. SPOILER WARNING
Prompt: “YOU SLEPT WITH [Your Choice]??? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING????” (PG) - sequel to Wanting More and Demanding It All.
Hatake Kakashi
the weight of all my sins (snippets) - Kakashi x OC - AU. Kei has always held anyone outside of her team at a distance but Kakashi has a way of slipping in between the cracks. An exploration of grief, loss, sacrifice, murder, protection, acceptance and letting people in.
Uchiha Sasuke
Prompt: “Look what you do to me” (rating M)
Demon Slayer
Rengoku Kyojuro
An Offering (PG) - He didn’t expect what came after.
Song Prompt (M): Unholy by Hey Violet
Prompt (T): “When he touches you, is it his face you see or mine?” - sequel to Unholy.
Promises Unspoken (Explicit) - Kyojuro x OC - She survived. That’s enough. If only he would stop avoiding her.
Treating You Right (Explicit) - Tengen x you x Kyojuro - Modern!AU. “Come out with us, princess. It’ll be the flashiest night of your life.“
A Bet’s a Bet (Explicit) - Tengen x Kyojuro x you - Modern!AU. A night at Laser Tag goes from potential disaster to something incredible.
A kiss on the cheek
How the Hashira Help You Deal With Unwanted Attention
Until We Have More. - prompt: “can I touch you?” “you know we can’t.”
How the Hashira React to Your Blood Turning Demons Back to Human
How the Hashira React to Getting Caught Making Out With You
Uzui Tengen (and wives)
Catalyst (M) - You meet Makio first…
Treating You Right (Explicit) - Tengen x you x Kyojuro - Modern!AU. “Come out with us, princess. It’ll be the flashiest night of your life.“
A Bet’s a Bet (Explicit) - Tengen x Kyojuro x you - Modern!AU. A night at Laser Tag goes from potential disaster to something incredible.
"I wish I could touch you.” prompt. (Tengen x OC)
The Hashira
How the Hashira Help You Deal with Unwanted Attention
How the Hashira React to Your Blood Turning Demons Back to Human
How the Hashira React to Getting Caught Making Out With You
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girl4music · 10 days
I am very excited to watch ‘Wynonna Earp: Vengeance’ but I won’t lie. I am concerned.
I know lots of free-to-stream services are around and are doing what Tubi’s doing but I feel like Tubi has hit the ground running on really making a statement of what it means to provide free streaming LGBTQ+ content that they’re taking a chance on because people love watching it and engaging with it as opposed to how they can use those people to only benefit themselves like Netflix. Emily Andras wouldn’t have signed on for ‘Vengeance’ and possibly rebooting the IP if she didn’t feel like they’re doing it the right way - the necessary way. So good on Tubi for that.
I genuinely hope they succeed and show the likes of Netflix and Hulu a thing or two about mutual respect. That you only get us as an engaging community or fandom if you respect us and involve us and engage with us. We’ll give you what you need. But in return we ask that we’re not just used and abused for that and then tossed aside because we’re not “big market” enough for your very unrealistic expectations and goals. Regard us as business partners and not just consumers because that is essentially what we are and what we do when you actually provide the content that we want to see and interact with and support.
But it goes both ways. It has to go both ways when it comes to the very niche market of LGBTQ+ content.
Tubi seem to understand that’s what we have to offer and they’re providing the content that shows they do.
‘Wynonna Earp’ as an IP has found the streaming service home it belongs in because Tubi have realized that taking a chance on LGBTQ+ content is worth it.
They’re doing it right and we’ll prove to them that they are because as an individual queer person that is an enthusiast of LGBTQ+ TV art/entertainment, I do and will not show up for what never shows up for me. And I’m sure many just like me will agree with me on this.
We are very powerful as a passionate fandom. As a community of people that take the bull by its horns and do everything we must to keep our beloved TV art/entertainment going. But we cannot do it on our own. They must meet us in the middle on this too.
If Tubi can consistently do this, then they have a real shot at beating out the juggernauts in the industry.
And we can put Netflix in its grave where it belongs.
They may have all the money and power now. But what they won’t have is an engaging fandom and that will be entirely their own fault for disrespecting us.
And that will thoroughly destroy them in the end because what the fuck is power without people?
Tubi are saying they need the views and we’ll do it. We’ll give them exactly what it is they need. But they better continue to show up for us too if we do because I am really not interested in a one-sided relationship.
It’s mutual respect and support and engagement for me or nothing. My relationship with Tubi must go both ways. That’s what I’m most concerned about with this. I don’t like streaming services for obvious reasons but I’ll show up and do what I can IF the effort is returned.
And as far as ‘Vengeance’ goes, I don’t think Andras will let it be any other way either. They know what she’s signed up for. They know what they must do and if they don’t keep up their end of the deal, then they lose us. Immediately. No excuses. No notice. Gone!
I think we really need to hold them to somewhat of a contract too because we’ve been screwed over so many times and I personally am not having that happen again. I’m not letting them treat us the way Netflix and Hulu have and continue to do so even though they know how much damage it causes us.
Free-to-stream is the way to go. They’ve caught on to that. But if the treatment remains the same, I’m out. It’s not about money with us and they know that. But just because something is free doesn’t guarantee that a fandom will stick around. They better tread carefully.
On the day ‘Vengeance’ releases, we all sign up for accounts but we monitor as a collective the service and we make sure they’re providing just as much. We check their social media feeds, their algorithms, we do a thorough research into what it is they’re doing and we make sure it’s a relationship of mutual respect.
As I keep saying. It goes both ways.
And we need to make sure that it does.
Friday 13th we all sign up for Tubi accounts and watch the special all at the same time. UKers, we will do the very same on the 25th. We need to show them that we mean business and they need to show they respect us.
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Hi BPP, I hope you´re having a good week.
Have you seen this yet ? https://twitter.com/SUGAJelly9339/status/1656520255135711232?s=20
it´s doing things to me LOL. I felt that in my...let´ s say ...bones.
I also really enjoyed all your recent posts about Yoongi, keep them coming please.
On Yoonmin: Jimin was my getaway drug into BTS. I will always adore him. But then I got to know Yoongi. Game OVER . I adore their interactions, the obvious love and respect they have for each other. Their bond IMHO is rather underappreciated in the fandom (and I dont mean shipping) I mean their connection, support and closeness. We hear a lot about how close JM is to Tae or Hobi, but for the longest time it has been my impression that after JK, Yoongi plays a rather significcant role in JM´ s life. And vice versa.
And while I am pretty sure that from Jimin, it is very much a big bro/mentor/best friend/familial type of love, I am less certain about Yoongi and that makes me sad. B/c I don´t want him to be IN love with one of his closest friends, who is very obviously in love and by all accounts in a commited long-time relationship with one his OTHER closest friends. That is heartbreaking.
well. I will stop there.
One other thing I wanted to mention was how Yoongi, very obviously puts himself into the role of the mentor to the younger artists. The txt guys on Suchwita, Hoshi from 17 too, the whole Snooze...Yoongi just has so much love to give, he wants to help them, he wants none of them to suffer if at all possible...it´s making me emotional just to think about it.
It is fascinating to me, Yoongi, after going through difficult childhood and adolescence, near on ten years of chronic shoulder pain, multiple hate campaigns and the shit industry throws at them on a daily basis and all he has to offer the world in return is Love and wisdom. It is really admirable.
wow this turned out long LOL
So once again, thanks, I really enjoy reading your posts
Hi @atlantis315 !
Your link.
I understand why you might feel that way about Jimin and Yoongi’s relationship. In fact I think it’s a fairly common belief in the fandom, at least in shipping spaces, that Yoongi sort of pines after Jimin or did so at some point in the past. After all, Yoongi is believed to be queer, as is Jimin, and there’s no denying that Yoongi loves him and could possibly find him and/or men, attractive. Lol. But personally, with what I understand Yoongi’s personality to be, that’s not how I see them at all.
Long story short, I wouldn’t feel bad for Yoongi if I were you. He holds very deep affection for Jimin, that’s true, but not exactly in the way a lot of people think. And I have very little doubt that man is getting his ass ate and his marbles juggled. Not by Jimin, and not by Hobi. I don’t have any concrete evidence to back this up, (there was some news I peeked about Yoongi’s potential love interest some years ago that was leaked on a Korean forum, but it was never confirmed and fake rumours are common, plus I’ve seen nothing as of recent), but with what I understand of my bias, Yoongi is the last person in BTS whose love life I’d be concerned or sad about.
(You’re not the only person who feels some type of way hearing that man growl)
The boys in general are no strangers to the toll this industry takes on the idols at the heart of it. They've seen their contemporaries, seniors and juniors toil for nothing, face so much shit, and succumb to vices and manipulation at all levels. The boys care a lot about their peers and the conditions they all work in, they talk about it often, in their magazine interviews, their documentaries, and even during the 2022 Festa dinner. Yoongi is a very empathetic person and often expresses his love and concern for his peers and his fans in his songwriting. It warms my heart to see you recognize so much of that in him too.
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laurelsofhighever · 1 year
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Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins Characters/pairings: Alistair x Cousland Chapter: 3/? Rating: T Warnings: None Fic Summary: The story of the Fifth Blight, in a world where Alistair was raised to royalty instead of joining the Grey Wardens.
Read it on AO3
Cloudreach, 9:29 Dragon
The Couslands ate breakfast together every morning, by tradition. Compared to the dinners in the great hall it was an informal event taken in the library, at a round, walnut table draped with embroidered linen, with the morning light streaming through windows that looked north over the sea. After setting the places, the servants retreated to have their own meal, and, left to the privacy of each other’s company, the family helped each other to platters of eggs, cooked meat, and fruit. The dogs – Bryce’s Mallard and Rosslyn’s Cuno, still with the gangliness of puppyhood – also had their place, tucking into their own breakfasts on leather mats laid out to save the priceless Rivaini carpets from the ravages of slobber and grease.
If not for their grand surroundings, the Laurel motifs decorating the furniture and the rich weave of their clothes, they might have been any ordinary family, with ordinary squabbles. The battle on this particular morning raged around Oren, who had inherited the strong Cousland jaw and his mother’s onyx-dark eyes. He sat high in his cushioned chair, digging through his bowl of porridge for the dried apple slices hidden in its depths and ignoring the entreaties from both his parents to behave.
“I’m three-and-a-half,” he insisted, when Oriana dipped her own spoon into the bowl to try and coax at least one proper mouthful.
Across the table, Eleanor levelled a disapproving stare at her grandson. “When your father was three-and-a-half he knew the benefit of eating everything on his plate,” she told him. “How do you think he got to be so tall?”
Oren’s eyes went wide, turning on his mother. “Is it true?”
“Yes, pequeño,” Oriana replied, ever-patient. “We want you to grow big and strong.”
“And Aunt Rosslyn too?”
Rosslyn glanced up from her book. She had taken to bringing one to breakfast in recent months to keep her own company while the rest of the family got on with their business – there was no one else to talk to, after all, and if she kept herself occupied with such volumes as The Travels of Ebullient Ser Claremore of Stannis it distracted her from the reason why misery gnawed at her like a mouse, stopped her dwelling on the fact that it was her own bloody fault no letters had come from Denerim since the Landsmeet.
“All Couslands eat their porridge,” she replied mildly. “Haelia and Mather started the tradition when they drove the werewolves out of the North.”  
A white lie, but the renowned twins, heroes even among the famed and fabled ranks of Cousland ancestors, had held Oren’s imagination like little else could since he heard the story, the illuminations in the family book weaving him tales of wild chases through the forest and daring battles waged against fang and claw.
“I wish you wouldn’t read at the table,” her mother chided, as if she had only just noticed.
“Aldous wants me to broaden my horizons.”
Her father’s eyebrow lifted, amused. “I doubt Aldous meant for your studies to get in the way of your table manners, Pup.”
“It’s not like anyone’s here,” Rosslyn pointed out. “And besides –”
The door to the library opened, cutting off the rest of her protest to admit a human page in a woollen surcoat of deep Laurel blue.
“Calmett?” Bryce turned at the intrusion.
Calmett bowed. “Forgive me, Your Lordship, but a letter just arrived by courier. I thought you’d want to read it.” He offered over a square envelope of thick, cream-coloured paper on a silver tray and Rosslyn saw the flash of a scarlet seal on the back when her father took it.
“‘To His Lordship, Bryce Cousland’,” he read.
Fergus, who was closer, peered at the direction. “That’s rather formal for Alistair.”
The air squeezed from her lungs. She did not miss the curious glance her brother sent her across the table, nor how Oriana’s brow furrowed; it would be one thing for the king to write to the teyrn himself, formal and aloof, but Alistair knew them as well as family and had long since grown out of the shrinking need to call his foster-father by his title.
Cheeks warming, she dropped her gaze to her plate of half-eaten jam toast, though not quite fast enough to avoid catching her mother’s eye. It was a steady look, a shared confidence; it reminded her of the noble’s mask she had been taught, the blank face required to stare down your worst enemy and make them flinch first. She straightened her shoulders. As her father read the letter she watched with a face of mild, polite interest, taking in the downward pull of his brows as he went on, the way the corner of his mouth flattened into the greying edges of his beard.
“Well? What does it say?” Fergus asked.
Startled, Bryce looked up. “He’s being sent to Starkhaven. From Denerim. King Cailan wishes him to be an aide to the ambassador.”
Fergus clicked his tongue. “Surely Cailan would have allowed him to travel from Highever if he had asked.”
“It isn’t for you to second-guess the king,” Bryce chided, his voice unusually severe. “There might be any number of reasons why the ship left berth at Denerim.”
For a moment, the table stewed in the tension chafing between the teyrn and his eldest child, until Fergus turned his head away with a nod and a sigh and picked up his spoon again. Unnoticed by either of them, Rosslyn frowned at the paper in her father’s hands, the guilt that churned in her stomach for driving Alistair away aclash with a growing anger at his lack of loyalty, his cowardice. Ever since he had first gone to Denerim, no correspondence had ever come back to Highever without at least a small note addressed to her. Did he think no one would notice the change? Did he fear her so much, or put such value on his injured pride that he would shield himself behind the king’s will to neglect his duty to her family?
“May I see the letter?” she asked.
Her father gave her a long look, but passed it to her all the same, as gently as if the paper itself might bite. Curbing her annoyance, she unfolded it and scanned the lines. The unmistakeable scrawl that Aldous had tried so hard to smooth out in their lessons was unchanged, the words short, signed at the bottom with a formality out of place for the person she knew. Despite this, glimmers of humour shone through the stiff, careful style, pulling a traitorous twitch from her lips as she read:
Your Lordship –
I hope you’ll forgive me for bringing you this news in a letter instead of coming to tell you in person. King Cailan has requested that I go to Starkhaven to assist the ambassador there, and since he requires no delay, I’ll be sailing from Denerim as soon as the ship is loaded and the tide is with us. It’s likely I’ll pass by Highever at the same time this letter reaches you – just in case, I’ll wave from my cabin and keep my eyes towards the castle.
If all goes well and I don’t make a complete fool of myself stepping off the ship at journey’s end, it may be some time before I can return to Ferelden, and so this is – for now – a farewell. This is a great opportunity for me to ‘cut my diplomatic teeth’, as my brother keeps on telling me, but I could not leave without at least writing to thank you for everything you have done for me. Without your kindness I don’t know where I would have been by now, but it certainly wouldn’t be here, and I will be forever grateful for that. I hope in return I’ll be able to do you proud.
In my own hand,
Alistair Theirin
It took two days for a courier to take a message from Denerim along the coast, maybe less if the relay used good horses, but half a day less still to cover the distance by water. He would be out on the open sea by now, with Ferelden a smudge of green on a distant horizon.
Starkhaven. It was a place she knew by reputation and court gossip more than anything else. Nate had spoken of it well enough since leaving to become a squire to one of the knights there, and in his own quiet way had painted a picture of exotic markets and gilded palaces merry with the splash of fountains. At least he would be a familiar face to help Alistair orient himself, such a long way away from home.
She wished he had written to her.
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thephantomcasebook · 1 year
So apparently both Olivia and Emma will be filming in Spain this month (where they film King's Landing exterior scenes) and this only means one thing: the fall of KL is happening in S2 which is a bit too much isn't it? Considering the season will only have 8 episodes…everything is going to be rushed and there will be no time for proper character development, especially for team green. And sadly I already see lots of people justifying this mess and claiming it's all going to be fine because they'll be moving the Battle of the Gullet to season 3 and Rhaenyra taking the city is the perfect ending because they shouldn't just let her sit the whole season in Dragonstone doing nothing and having no win. Rook's Rest and its aftermath with Aemond being crowned as regent would have been a much better season finale but by the look of things right now this battle will probably happen in episode 4 or 5 and Blood & Cheese in episode 1 or 2…
There's a little speculative inside baseball going on right now of what people are talking about in production that I hear going around private fan discords.
1.) Is that the scene in question is another attempt by Alicent to prevent the full scale war after finding out about what happened between Aemond and Luke above Ship Breaker Bay. Apparently Alicent will completely and totally throw Aemond under the bus, in fact, she'll throw all of her children under the bus trying to maintain peace with Rhaenyra, including offering herself as a hostage.
This lines up with a rumor going around in December that Alicent will be framed as being a secret Rhaenyra sympathizer working against Aemond and Criston's war effrort, and that she would be portrayed as, basically, being a captive of her own children and Lord Commander. This was something that apparently Cooke pitched right after Sapochnik got the boot by HBO/Warner.
I'm not saying this is true, cause you've got be fucking retarded to write Alicent Hightower - the woman who loves her children more than life itself - in such a bullshit manner. But if this does turn out to be the case, it might be one the biggest character missteps/betrayals since Jaime took Brienne's virginity and then went to die with Cersei in Season 8 of GOT.
2.) The other speculative rumor is that this scene takes place post "Blood & Cheese" in which Rhaenyra apparently either never knew that Daemon was targeting Jaehaerys or that they were trying to assassinate Aegon and got Jaehaerys instead. Either way, Rhaenyra is apparently absolved in involvement of this monstrous murder by the writers, and she is trying to apologize to Alicent, but Alicent goes fire and brimstone and vows to help Aemond and Criston make Rhaenyra pay for what she and Daemon have done to her baby boy.
This seems a little more believable, in that I can completely see the writers continuing to try and whitewash Rhaenyra further by making Daemon the monster and Rhaenyra his pigeon. It would also fit with Condal's vow to make Daemon more unlikeable and tarnish him in the eyes of the fandom.
My opinion is that I'd prefer the latter much more than the former. I mean, I'm perpetually super annoyed that they're still trying to whitewash Rhaenyra and make her seem a better person than she ever was for going on thirty years of continuity. But I can live with it if it means getting a more book accurate Alicent who will kill every memeber of team black she lays her Mutha'fuckin eyes on!
I am also 1000% done with whatever fucking girl-crush cutesy bullshit going on between Olivia Cooke and Emma D'arcy. If they want to be friends on their own time, go fucking nuts - by all means get matching t-shirts and B&B with their boyfriends on a doubles vacation, and all that shit. But when it starts to effect the work and they aren't mature enough to play the characters as written without putting their own bullshit into it and it starts to show on screen, than we've got a problem.
I'm telling you, right now, if those December leaks turn out to be true and we get an Alicent who is actively working against her children and who proclaims Aemond a monster to a woman who just murdered her granchild cause she's in love with her, I'm gonna lose my fucking mind.
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Hi! Do you think you could do some good longfic? I dont mind fandom or pairing but only completed ones please!!
Absolutely! This was harder then I thought it would be, I found out that you can't filter word count on bookmarks doing this!
Here are some:
LongFic Recs
I Decided to classify "longfic" as fics between 40,000 and 100,000 words. Obviously someones personal definition of long will change but I thought this was a good range! Enjoy!
Star Trek:
On A Planet Far Far Away by blancanieve - Not Rated
Words: 40,636
Jim’s mother is spending her shore leave with Jim and Bones on board Enterprise. On their flight back to the ship after picking her up at Starbase 9, the three are caught in a sudden massive ion storm. Thrown completely off course, Jim makes an emergency landing on an unknown planet populated with huge, vicious, prehistoric beasts. Sheltering inside the downed shuttle, the three must figure out how to stay alive until they are rescued or can get themselves off the planet.
My Captain by kcscribbler - Rated T
Words: 45,091
Five reasons why the crew of the Enterprise would follow James T. Kirk to Hell and back, and one reason why he would do the same.
Ransom by blancanieve - Not Rated
Words: 57,399
Jim’s brother, Commander Sam Kirk, is kidnapped on his way to work. The Admiralty sends Enterprise to Deneva to find and rescue Sam.
Another Life by LullabyKnell - Rated T
Words: 61,865
In one moment, James T. Kirk is the acting captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise, on his way home to Earth after stopping the Narada. In the next moment, without explanation, James T. Kirk is an Academy cadet on academic probation again, barely a day before Nero will destroy Vulcan. He dares himself to do better. And with a planet on the line and no proof but his own memories, he knows that "better" means he'll need some help.
Memories Bring Back Memories (Bring Back You) by sobsicles - Rated E
Words: 66,660
When he wakes, he has no idea who he is. Not his name, what he looks like, or why he’s flat on his back, staring up at the stars littering the night sky. The first thing he learns about himself is that he has shitty instincts, especially if his first one is to protect the blue-eyed man currently stabbing someone in the face. Or, the story where two strangers can’t agree on much and know even less, but they’re both fairly certain that they’re in love.
Lost in Time by drmcbones - Rated T
Words: 104,499
Castiel is alone after the events of The Song Remains the Same, left to make his own way back to the present from 1978. But the angel is playing wounded, and his power over time is not as precise as it once was. It is all he can do to cling to the one thread that will keep him from getting lost: Dean Winchester's timeline. He just ends up seeing more of it than he ever expected to, and it affects him in ways he never thought possible.
Wild by Castielslostwings - Rated E
Words: 67,990
Castiel and Dean meet for the first time on a plane ride out of Nowhere, Alaska. Castiel’s headed home after an impulsive solo vacation and Dean, a hardened Alaskan native, is just trying to get out of the impossibly small town he grew up in that’s got nothing left to offer him. They forge an instant connection over Dean’s flying anxiety and whiskey, a meet-cute that has all the makings of a rom-com with a sickeningly sweet happy ending. That is, until their plane explodes in mid-air, crashing headlong into the Alaskan wilderness and killing everyone on board save for Dean and Castiel. When no rescue shows up to save them, the two men are forced to make some tough decisions. To make it home alive they’ll have to trust each other and find faith neither of them has ever really wanted. Will they survive or succumb to the unforgiving mountain wilderness? And will their journey tear them apart… or bring them closer together?
The Martian:
Blue Horizon by Alexandra926 - Not Rated
Words: 67,890
Meet Mark Watney, left behind on Mars. Meet Mindy Park, left behind on Earth.
DND:Honor Among Thieves:
Untranslatable Shadows by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels - Rated E
Words: 42,394
There's only one thing worse than having to make your way through a booby-trapped dungeon, and that's making your way through a booby-trapped dungeon with Xenk Yendar. Unfortunately, that's exactly what Ed has to do to save the soul of his best friend. And extra unfortunately... Xenk might not even be the worst part of this whole thing. Nobody tell him.
Ted Lasso:
number four was always you by thefaceofno - Rated T
Words: 93,423
Ted’s phone rings. He looks away from the window, where he was watching the tree sway in the wind, to see Beard’s face splashed over his phone screen. He thinks about not answering, but if he doesn’t answer then all he’ll have done today is run to CostCo for no reason. He doesn’t need eight pounds of almonds, but he has eight pounds of almonds. a.k.a. the post s3 fix-it where Ted does some intense mental healing.
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Ann's 2022 Wrapped pt 2(A)
So, here's part 2 with my yearly recap in fandom that I'm guessing you all will like more, the FANFICTION RECOMMENDATIONS!!
Top fics of this year
According the ao3 wrapped, I've managed to read as many as 3.5k fanfics this year, which roughly amounts to 10 fics a day 😱 and a total of 115 MILLION word over the span of a year, which is amazing, considering all the time I've spent working in the hospital (because yes I was an intern), studying AND playing Genshin.
Since I'm tasking myself to rec fics from as many of the fandoms i read fics for (of which there are many), I'll limit myself, and it proved to be as hard I had thought it would be.
My list is in no way even close to an exhaustive fic rec list for the pairing. It has some gems to get you started if you're new to the ship, or some fics to re-read, if you've already read these. If there is a podfic of the fic, I'll include that too! Podfics deserve more love and are a boon, allowing us to listen to our favourite stories while doing other work or playing games! They're one of the top reasons I've not fallen asleep while completing exploration in Genshin Impact lol.
In the m/m fics, i don't write the ship name with the top/bottom fixed in mind as i always headcanon them as versatile. (I know some people like to read fixed dynamics for certain ships, so this is just a fyi for them.)
Do check the tags of the fics before reading and check the author's pages for further fics to read!
All fics are complete unless mentioned otherwise.
Fandoms/Ships covered:
1. Draco/Hermione from Harry Potter
2. Merlin/Arthur from BBC Merlin
3. Peter Parker/Johnny Storm from Spiderman and The Fantastic Four comics
4. Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale from Teen Wolf
5. Namjoon centric BTS fics
6. Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
7. James Bond/Q from James Bond (Craig) movies
Covered in part 2(B) because too many links lol
8. Frank Hardy/Nancy Drew from Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys series
9. Prapai/Sky from Love in the Air
10. Batman / Red Robin comics
11. Miscellaneous fic recs
Pairing: Draco/Hermione aka Dramione from Harry Potter
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Fuck JKR and any and all transphobes. Her world of HP was the first serious series that i read and grew up with, so the emotional attachment i have with this series is a lot. So while i don't support her in any way or form, fanfics are fair game for me.
I discovered Dramione when i started reading fanfiction and came across this rather lovely dramione fanfiction called Simply Irresistible that opened my eyes to the pairing. I'd always liked Draco as a character with unrealised potential. And Hermione is and always has been my favourite character from HP. The sweet sweet potential of Dramione combined with the excellent fanfics on ffnet dragged me in and hasn't let me go even now, to be honest. This pairing has so many EXCELLENT fics i simply can't even think of picking my top fics. So I'm just listing the top 6 dramione fics i re-read every year.
1. Rewritten in Time series by ScotlandEvander Rated T
Scared and tired, Draco Malfoy decides to take matters into his own hands. Using a potion, he travels back in time, finds himself in his eleven year old body with all his memories from the past seventeen years. Using this knowledge, he sets out change time. His first mission: befriend Harry Potter. His second: Keep Harry from doing death defying acts. (Turns out harder than Draco had envisioned.)
A Draco centric Harry potter time travel fix-it! It's one of my favourite Harry potter fic to read, and offers the full experience from first to seventh year. Features an OC who is important to the story but not part of the main pairing. It's a fun series that is a slow burn with the dramione as they don't get together till a lot later.
The fix-it version of Harry is hilarious, especially as the years progress. Features lots of friendship moments between the characters and the romance is slow and subtle with hints throughout the series. I try to re-read this whole series atleast once a year.
2. Rewriting Destiny by WaitForTheSnitch Rated General Audiences
They all thought after Voldemort's fall that the world would get better. But they were wrong. The Death Eaters used politics to accomplish what Voldemort never could. And with the dwindling Wizarding population and no one left to fight, there's only one solution: to go back in time to before Voldemort rose to power, and fix what broke the first time around. Time Travel AU
Features Draco and Hermione as time travellers that go back in time to make sure Voldemort never rises to power. I love how the author writes the characters, and their interactions with each other. I'm a goner for good world building and this fic delivers in SPADES.
3. Measure of a Man by inadaze22 Rated E
To truly know someone is to differentiate between who they once were, who they are now, and who they're capable of being. Hermione realises the duality of one man as she rectifies what she knows of the past and begins to understand the pieces of who Draco Malfoy is now: a father, a son, and a man.
It is a post-hogwarts dramione EWE (epilogue what epilogue for those unaware of the term) fic with Hermione being tasked to take care of a rather unique case, and during the process, she learns and grows.
It is NOT a short fic at all, clocking in at almost 600k, and it is SLOW burn, that sometimes is a long low simmering roast. Narcissa in this fic is amazing. I personally wouldn't recommend this to be read in one sitting, and with having some fluff fics on standby for the in between breaks because it is heavy in places.
*Funnily enough all the fics I'm recommending above are LONG as fuck fics clocking in atleast 100k words or more. I really love reading long fics*
4. The Eagle's Nest by HeartOfAspen Rated E
Hermione's eighth year at Hogwarts is already going to be difficult in the aftermath of the war, but is further thrown into upheaval when Headmistress McGonagall orders a re-sorting of all students to promote inter-house unity. But when the Sorting Hat sends Hermione to Ravenclaw with Draco - and without Harry or Ron - how will she cope? [Epilogue? What epilogue?] Prevalent alchemy.
I love eighth year dramione fics! They have so many possibilities, with most commonly having Hermione coming back alone to Hogwarts without Harry or Ron.
In this fic, both Draco and Hermione discover the hidden depths in the other, especially Hermione, coming to know more about Draco as they progress through their eighth year at Hogwarts.
5. The Gloriana Set by ThebeMoon Rated E
The War is won, and Hermione Granger is back at Hogwarts as an “Eighth Year”, feeling reckless and determined to shed her prim bookworm persona. She will do as she pleases, and anyone who doesn’t like it will see the business end of her wand. Also returning is Draco Malfoy, universally hated but determined to restore his family’s name. Hermione’s hopes for a quiet school year are quickly dashed as she contends with mischievous First Years, killer plants, enchanted hair accessories, a totally inappropriate Moaning Myrtle, renegade Death Eaters, a nice vampire, a poorly named study group, a depraved party, and mysterious, threatening blood messages on the castle walls. We have redemption, partial redemption and (sadly or hilariously) no redemption at all. Throw in a snarky, disturbingly attractive Draco with his own secret agenda, and we have a very slow-burn Dramione with a side of who-dun-it.
This is one of my favourite eighth year dramione fics that keeps you engrossed throughout the fic and it also has a in progress podfic that can be found here.
6. Chronos Historia by In_Dreams
Hermione and Draco stumble upon a mysterious portal and find themselves hurtled back through time a thousand years. Forced to team up to find a way home, they quickly realize that much of the history they believed to be fact, wasn't true after all. A founders era, time travel Dramione.
As it says on the tin, with such an interesting take on the founders, i was intrigued. It was also my first founders era fic.
While this next fic isn't strictly a dramione but a Draco/Hermione/Theo fic so i couldn't resist but add this in, it's a personal favourite. It's spicy and a very well written throuple polyamourous fic, with the characters playing nicely off each other and another eighth year fic as well!
7. Sugar and Spice by InLoveWithForever
Contrary to what she claimed, it wasn’t grass and new parchment and spearmint toothpaste she smelled.
A mind-boggling amalgamation of confusion followed by a peripheral realization, and then instantaneous fear made her flush so severely that the room went fuzzy around the edges of her vision as she choked out the lie.
It was old parchment housed in the restricted section, tart green apples, and something spicy—not cinnamon, cloves?—that lingered inside her nostrils. She was woozy, her lids drooping heavily, even as a small part of her brain screamed at how wrong this was. A larger, louder part of her shoved the shame down in favor of baser instincts. Those instincts dampened and dissipated and the shame crowded in the further removed she was from the delicate, unmistakable scent wafting from the cauldron.
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon aka Merthur from BBC Merlin
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Despite knowing about this show since 2014 (blame this hellsite) i only got the chance to watch this show in 2016 and boy did i fall headlong in love with this show and it's characters. I love that the fandom still remains active to this day, even a decade after this show ended.
And we all cry hysterically every Christmas Eve because that ENDING 😭 or maybe that's just me lol and the i reread that one post canon fic because i want to feel. And that leads to my first rec,
1. And like the cycle of the year, we begin again by katherynefromphilly Rated E
Set after the Merlin Series 5 Finale "Diamond of the Day".
For many long years Merlin waited.
For the other part of his soul, for the other half of his life. He was born to serve Arthur. So that meant he was also born to wait. Even if it took a thousand years. Even if the wait seemed never to end.
Until one day, suddenly, it did.
When Arthur stumbles from the Lake of Avalon 1,500 years after his death, he finds a world unlike the one he knew. Faced with the loss of everyone he loved, and the threat of impending prophecy, Arthur must learn what it means to be not just a king, but the Once and Future King. Merlin does all he can to guide him, even as he struggles to hide his love for his king, and his fear of losing him again.
Story includes sass, banter, horseplay, & True Love
It is part of a lovely series, We Begin Again which i read every year atleast once, it's a classic masterpiece that fulfils my S6 dreams.
2. Evil Overlord, Inc. by Footloose, mushroomtale Rated E
Merlin is a recent graduate with a double doctorate in metaphysics and physics. Arthur is a low-level paper pusher with a desk in the sub-basement of MI5. They live in a world with ridiculous laws and restrictions against anyone who might be supernatural in any way, shape, or design.
Merlin has huge debts looming over this head, a few quid left in his bank account, and no job prospects. Arthur is pushing thirty, in a dead-end job with no chances of promotion to fieldwork agent, and is thoroughly bored with his life.
One ill-advised Craigslist advert, five pushy mates, one nosy all-knowing sister, and a hacked email account later, Merlin and Arthur take the world by storm.
(Or, more precisely, they take over the world.)
It is one of my most favourite Merlin fics coming from the minds of the godly duo of Footloose and mushroomtale with excellent story, GORGEOUS art and bamf!Merlin and bamf!Arthur.
I'm honestly down bad for the art in this fic, especially spectacled Arthur and the art makes me feel things. If you ever find any Merthur fic, with either of the two author's involved in it's creation, it's a must read.
3. Shadow lord and Pirate King by Footloose, mushroomtale Rated E
A fast ship, a good crew, a treasure, a Clan to lead -- that's all Arthur Pendragon has ever wanted. He sits on the Council, he supports his father's kingship, and he keeps an eye on the Imperial Conglomerate when they come too close to Pirate space.
One day the Conglomerate infiltrates the Clans and poisons the King. Arthur must search for a cure to keep his father alive and the Clans from civil war.
An escape route, a sharp knife, a target, the shadows at his command -- that's all Merlin has ever needed. He fulfills his assignments, he uses the Sterling to sustain his once-royal House in their exile, and wages a private war against the Imperial Conglomerate.
When he learns of an elaborate plot to assassinate him, Merlin does the opposite of what's expected. He flees onto a Pirate ship.
There's a saying among the Pirates: that one's fate is written in the stars. Destiny will always set to rights what has been made wrong.
Arthur and Merlin know that they were meant for the other from the moment they meet. They can feel it from across the galaxies separating them. Nothing can stop them from being together or from fulfilling an ancient prophecy.
Another beautiful fic with gorgeous art, featuring space pirate!Arthur, ninja assassin!Merlin, secrets, plots for revolution and so much more packed in a nice long story with sizzling chemistry and GORGEOUS art.
The art for this fic graced my phone as wallpaper for a long while and if shipping wasn't like sky high i would have bought merch for the fic art, I'm serious.
4. Loaded March series by Footloose Rated E
Captain Arthur Pendragon has put together the best team of specialists that the SAS has ever seen, but when his superiors assign Lieutenant Merlin Emrys as his communications officer, Arthur does everything to make him feel unwelcome. Arthur's job is to protect and guide his team through dangerous missions, and he worries that he can't do that when the newest member has a mysterious background and acts suspicious when he thinks no one is looking.
As their assignments become more dangerous, Merlin can't help but to use his magic to keep his team -- even his prat of a Captain -- safe from threats they couldn't possibly understand. But when they are sent on a undercover operation against a group of zealots intent on a magical apocalypse, Merlin needs to confront his fear of discovery and derision, and to finally trust his team with his secret.
Arthur and Merlin rely on each other for more than the sake of their mission. The entire world is at stake. When they learn -- from dragons, no less -- that they are prophesied to restore the balance of magic to the world, they fight on regardless of the outcome, because duty, honour and loyalty is a far stronger driving force than destiny.
A completed series featuring Arthur, Merlin and the other knights as part of an elite SAS unit with the varying adventures they face that clocks in at almost 1.3 million words, it's a good, LONG read that'll absorb you thoroughly if you aren't careful and you'll emerge as a changed person.
It also has a in progress podfic, which has the first 5 stories in podfic form, which you can listen to here.
Actually do yourself a favor and go to both of these author's ao3 pages and read ALL of their Merlin fic and also fics they've written for other fandoms if they interest you, because otherwise I'll just keep on listing their fics throughout lmao.
5. Gadarene by unpossible Rated E
“You’re the Prince?” Merlin says, eyeing him. He hesitates, then adds, defiant, “The Mad Prince of Camelot.”
Arthur doesn’t move. There’s quiet for a long time, then he says it. “I am.”
“You don’t seem mad,” he says.
The smile wells up from somewhere deep, and very sad. “Well, Merlin,” he says, “give me time.”
This is also a very unique Merlin fic, that deals with reluctant slave master Arthur and slave Merlin working together to take down the villian, with lots of intrigue, lot of sexy times and a little coup, for added flavour.
Also has a lovely podfic !
Pairing: Peter Parker/Johnny Storm aka Spideytorch from The Amazing Spiderman and The Fantastic Four comics
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I've read the Spiderman comics as a teen and was introduced to the fantastic four via those. Peter's friendship with Johnny, especially their bantering is top class. Definitely see the spideytorch queen @traincat blog with their posts on Spiderman, fantastic four and Spideytorch, with this and this (being posts on why Spideytorch? and the second one has a brief comic book timeline of Spideytorch. I personally prefer comic book Peter Parker, fyi but i don't hate mcu!Peter. Also traincat has written many of the gems in this pairing so do check out their ao3 as well!!
1. Tales From The Back Pages by Traincat Rated T
Peter Parker was born with his words. Johnny Storm's been sure his will be said sarcastically since he was a child. Everything else more or less happens according to plan.
A first words soulmate AU.
This is a pretty good fic for those new to Spideytorch in general and is a rather lovely fic. It is basically Marvel 616 Spiderman and the Human Torch but with soulmates. I personally have read it soo many times i can recite parts of this fic from memory.
2. Work Song by Traincat Rated E
Peter Parker has his company, more money than he knows what to do with, and the echoes of a ghost in his head. Johnny Storm's lost his family, his home, and is clinging to the remnants of his old life.
"I’m here with you. That’s not nothing, right?”
“No,” Peter agreed. It definitely felt like something, all the way up here with Johnny so close they were almost touching.
Peter looked at him, at the full lips set in a slight frown, the sharp curve of his jaw, the way his hair fell across his forehead. He fit all the dazzling lights around them, warm like sunshine even in the middle of the night.
“Beautiful,” Peter said before he could stop himself.
This fic requires you to be a bit more familiar with the comic timeline, but in essence, (comic book spoilers ahead) in one of the comic book runs of Spiderman, there's a time when all of the fantastic four except Johnny Storm have vanished and Peter buys up the Baxter building (the F4's home) and he's pretty rich in this because a while before this he had discovered that doctor octavius had taken over Peter's actions via *science ish mind control' with him making a major company and everything.
It kinda has glucose guardian Peter vibes as well and some references to non con as well (not between the main characters). It is one of my favourite fics by Traincat and honestly if you're even somewhat familiar with the spideytorch comic book timeline, i can't rec this fic enough!
3. Always Glad You Came by aloneintherain Rated T
Spider-Man is a relatively new, controversial vigilante, and Johnny has a crush the size of the Empire Building. The Four - operating under the assumption that Spidey is an adult - do not approve.
“I just happen to think Spider-Man's cool,” Johnny says, matter-of-factly. “A hero can think another hero is cool without making it weird. I admire his aloofness. And his badass-ness.”
“His aloofness,” Ben repeats, chuckling into his mug of beer. It’s roughly the size of Johnny’s head. “Yeah, sure, I bet that’s all your admire, right?"
While i usually prefer comic book Spidey, this one is mcu Spideytorch, with teen!Peter and teen!Johnny that is one of my favourite mcu Peter fics.
4. Spideytorch series by mizzy
A series of unrelated fics about my OTP, Peter Parker/Johnny Storm.
This series has some of my favourite Spideytorch fics not written by Traincat and of all of the fics in the series, my personal favourite has to be without a hitch.
This series is based on comic book canon, rather than mcu so do keep that in mind! It's a must read collection of Spideytorch fics!!
5. Better in Picture by weekend_conspiracy_theorist Rated Teen and Up
In which Peter Parker has no interest in sleeping with Matt Murdock, no matter what anyone seems to think.
Despite what it seems, it really is a Spideytorch fic! It has representation of one of the most underrated friendships of Peter and that is his friendship with Matt Murdock aka Daredevil.
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale aka Sterek from Teen Wolf
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I've read fics for this pairing for a year of two before even actually watching the show a year or so back lol. Reading up on the history of the pairing, thankfully i wasn't the only one who saw this ship as possible in the show (before the makers betrayed us fans). But yeah, I've always been down for bad boys in leather jackets with a heart of gold and Derek was a perfect fit. Plus Stiles stole my heart in the first episode. Scott, while a fine character, was written with a bit too much of the protagonist's halo effect for my tastes, if that makes sense, but that's just my opinion.
1. Play It Again by metisket Rated T
In which Stiles goes along with one of Derek’s plans and ends up in an alternate universe as a result. He should’ve known better. He did know better, actually, and that means he has no one to blame but himself.
“Laura wants to lure the kid in with food and kindness and make a pet of him, like a feral cat. Derek wants to have him arrested for stalking. They’re at an impasse. (And the rest of the family is staying emphatically out of it in a way that suggests bets have been placed.)”
It's a time and dimension travel fix-it fic, featuring soft!Derek, kick-ass!laura and lot of realisations on Stiles' part.
Comes with a Podfic
2. Gravity's Got Nothing on You by zosofi Rated E
“Three weeks,” Derek says.
“Still don’t want to,” Stiles says.
“I’ll pay you,” Derek says, and that… that has Stiles interested. Alf’s Antique’s may be a great job, but it’s not a high-paying job, and half of Stiles’s tuition is coming from financial aid, so…
“How much,” Stiles asks, “are we talking here? Because I know your family, dude. And it’ll be kind of awkward after.“
“My family thinks you’re some sort of fucking gift to the world,” Derek seethes, like he’s jealous, “they’ll probably be pissed at me when we break it off, so don’t worry about that. Five hundred bucks.”
“A thousand,” Stiles says, because screw ethics. Also, the Hale family is loaded. Derek can deal.
Or, the one where the Hale fire never happened, Laura is a nosy sister, Derek is desperate, and Stiles is the only one that can help. It's a fake dating au that is a comfort read of mine.
Also as a Podfic
3. Stop Crossing Oceans by greenleaf Rated M
“There are no absolutes, Scott! No hard rights or hard wrongs! The world doesn’t fucking work that way and we can’t afford to think like that, because people are going to die! We signed up for that the moment we got involved with all this!”
“We? We?” Scott hisses. “Don’t you think you? Don’t forget that you’re the one who dragged us into that forest the night it all started, Stiles. So if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s yours.”
Something inside Stiles cracks, so strong and so deep that he practically hears it.
A look into a what-if Stiles and Scott's ideological differences are so much that it fractures the friendship between Stiles and Scott and Stiles chooses Derek over Scott.
4. Stuck in Reverse by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli) Rated E
Look, Derek is the worst. Everyone knows that. Their fearless leader is a total and complete failwolf.
Which means the rest of them? Are kind of the worst too. They’re a ramshackle, slap dashed, sorry excuse for a pack that’s about a half second away from getting one of them killed. And this is a problem, because Stiles would really like to survive high school. Thanks.
Still, nobody deserves what Derek has gone through. Nobody.
And it’s about time somebody told him that.
Stiles decides enough is enough and somewhat ought to appreciate Derek and make sure someone cares for him, and in the process, makes friends with Jackson and unites the pack into a much more cohesive team.
5. Will to Follow Through by owlpostagain Rated E
“It depends entirely on how you look at it, I guess,” Stiles shrugs. “On the one hand, instant healing and the apparently inherited ability to pull off leather at all times. On the other, serious attitude problems and a suspicious disappearance of eyebrows.”
“Even Derek’s?” Danny snorts, “that’s a lot of eyebrow to lose.”
“I know,” Stiles agrees. “You should see, it’s so weird. Every time I want to ask him where they go, except he’d totally eat my face off.”
“There are worse ways to die.”
Deals with the in-transition state of Stiles' crush on Lydia to his crush on Derek, featuring a solid friendship trio of Stiles, Lydia and Danny.
Also has a Podfic (locked, so requires an ao3 account to access).
Pairing: BTS featuring Namjoon centric fics only
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I'll admit that I haven't read much of new BTS fics since 2020, so this might be a bit dated, but all of these are solid gold. There'll be only 1 per Namjoon ship and 1 OT7 fic, which was a MASSIVE STRUGGLE I tell you, because there are SO MANY good ones, except for the OT7 fic, that one I knew instantly.
1. Kim Namjoon|RM/Kim Seokjin|Jin aka Namjin :
I cheated. I chose 2 by the same author metastacia BECAUSE I COULDN'T CHOOSE, both of these are SO SO GOOD. Both have excellent plot, world-building, pacing and will suck you in till you finish it all. I have followed both fics from their first chapter to their last and let me tell you each chapter update was an EVENT on my tl, with discussions, theories, everything. So many of us laughed and cried to these chapters and i personally remember the eager anticipation of reading it!
The Shaman and The Exorcist Rated M
Seokjin doesn't believe in ghosts. Which would cause a huge uproar if everyone knew since he's kind of a big deal at his university; he's a shaman who protects people from evil spirits. He doesn't remember where he got the idea to do this from, all he knows is that superstitious people pay good money.
Namjoon does believe in ghosts. Better yet, he can see them and he can expel them. But there's a certain phoney shaman at his university who's stealing all his clients in his exorcism business, and he's not happy about it because haunted people pay good money.
So, what do they do? Figure out whose closet is holding all the skeletons, of course.
The Grim Reaper, they called him. He was the weird kid in school who knew exactly when someone’s mother was about to die. They didn’t believe him when he’d said it, and they didn’t believe him when he said he wasn’t a psychic, and they didn’t believe him when he said he didn’t cause her death.
The Grim Reaper, they still sometimes call him. Legendary trial lawyer who became known for weeding out the bad guy no one else suspected and putting them in prison. It was almost like he had a sixth sense for it. Like no one was safe from him. Like the black cloud of death still follows him around and no matter how much he tries to shake it off, it doesn’t let go.
Seokjin wonders at what point death had stopped following him around, and at what point he’d started to become death itself.
in which Seokjin can see everyone's lifespan floating above their heads, numbers steadily counting down to their deaths. the numbers never change, or so he thought.
2. Kim Namjoon|RM/ Min Yoongi|Suga aka Namgi:
What rhymes with pug me by sequoiasem Rated T
namjoon and yoongi share a sweater (and also some feelings)
This fic is like a warm hug when you're feeling meh or like sitting by the fireplace wrapped in your cozy blanket with a cup of hot cocoa on a winter night.
3. Kim Namjoon|RM/Jung Hoseok|J-Hope aka Namseok
The Universe Needs More You by AttilaTheHun Rated M
Kim Namjoon is in love, and Jung Hoseok is always dating someone else. This is perfectly fine, even preferable, because the universe likes to tell jokes and Namjoon knows it's best just to laugh along. He's certainly got nothing to complain about when it comes to the building blocks of his life, and dating is a lot of effort. Too much effort, really. So it's obviously fine.
But the universe's latest attempt at a comedy sketch, where Hoseok moves in with him, bringing the sun and a lot of tiny shorts, might actually make him insane.
We all need a little slow burn lovely namseok in our lives.
4. Kim Namjoon|RM/Park Jimin|Jimin aka Minjoon
things we turn away from by themarmalade Rated M
Jimin, beloved by thousands and starved for affection, finds what he craves so deeply in his massage therapist's hands and very intriguing side job.
This will feel like a long long hug, especially if you're feeling touch starved.
5. Kim Namjoon|RM/Kim Taehyung|V aka Taejoon
Hurt Locker by MmeIrene Rated E
Kim Namjoon, college student and outspoken omega, decides that he doesn't want an alpha to help him through his next heat.
Kim Seokjin, best friend, decides that is a Very Bad Idea.
This is my favourite Taejoon fic EVER, with soft and sexy times in equal quantities.
6. Kim Namjoon|RM/Jeon Jungkook aka Namkook
come take it (if you want a piece of me) by babyblue(rhnull)
Jimin forces Jungkook to make a Tinder, and there's no way that profile of Kim Namjoon is real.
Self indulgent, Namkook fluff with pining makes for a lovely read.
7. Kim Namjoon/Everyone aka OT7
What I Did On My Summer Vacation, by Kim Namjoon, Age 18 ½ by Runchrandom(infraredphaeton)
On his gap year, Kim Namjoon accidentally joins a gang, takes over that gang, becomes the leader of the South Korean Underworld, publishes his first mix tape and gets six criminal boyfriends. It's a busy twelve months.
"Hey, you're Rap Monster, right?"
"You're really cool, man! I've been listening to you for ages!" the guy practically bounces over the body, slinging an arm around Namjoon's shoulders. "You got a crew?"
Namjoon shakes his head slowly.
"Well, we can fix that."
My absolute favourite BTS fic of ALL time, that I re-read ATLEAST once a year. This author has written many excellent Namjoon centric fics, so rest assured you're in for a treat.
Features smart as hell Namjoon who somehow finds himself as the head of the Seoul underground and six boyfriends, and it all started with sucker punching someone in the face. Interested? Read on!
Pairing: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto aka Sasunaru from Naruto
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A classic pairing, which for many, as well as me, was their first anime m/m ship, if not their m/m ship ever. There's something hilarious that kishimoto, who wrote the women in Naruto so inconsistently and despite never wanting to, created a friendship that was so deep and with such homoerotic undertones, it surpasses the bond that the 'canon' heterosexual pairings have 😂
1. Kizuna Hikari by YoungAndOverIntelligent Rated M
The only reason Sasuke keeps coming back to Konoha is because of that mattress. The bed is his only respite. And perhaps the dumbass who owns said bed might be worth it, too.
Or, another canon divergence 699 that showers Sasuke with too much (deserved) love and attention that we all need for these unprecedented times.
Title means "Bonded Light". It'll make sense when you're about 100K in.
Remember the trope, "there was only one bed" ? This author took the trope and fit in 204k words of healing and feelings and character growth along with it that just moves you.
Sequel has POVs from the other characters as this one is from Sasuke's POV.
2. backslide by blackkat Rated M
Naruto’s friends are gone, his lover is dying, Konoha is destroyed, and Madara’s second return has pushed the entire world to the brink. Hunted and harried, Naruto is sent back in time to upend Madara’s plan before it even starts, and sets about changing everything. Butterfly effect nothing: the world is at stake, and Naruto is hardly about to let it fall to ruin once more. Not while he’s still breathing.
It's a time-travel fix it fic that has a not exactly unique concept, but the author portrays the characters so vividly they will stick in your mind forever.
It also has a Podfic by the awesome Opalsong (who is a prolific podficcer, check them out as well!) that is one of my favourite podfics to listen to, especially while traveling.
3. An Invincible Summer by ShanaStoryteller Rated T
When Naruto is five, he's gutted by a drunken civilian and presumed dead.
Six months later a girl with ash pale hair and dark blue eyes enters the Academy.
As you can see by now, I love my canon fix-its and this is that as well, but involving the Sexy no jutsu in a way I didn't imagine before reading this fic.
Naruto (or as she's known in this fic, Natsu Nami) is a bamf whose bonds with genin team and kakashi are a highlight of this fic.
Also has a Podfic
4. Forces of Gravity by Anxiety_Pickle Not Rated
The Rinnegan is hardly well understood; at the end of the world, Sasuke Uchiha takes a gamble.
In one world, Madara Uchiha wins. Sasuke escapes by the skin of his teeth and flees to the nearest dimension. Unfortunately, he has quite a few unintended passengers. Stranded five years in the past with the Akatsuki and the all too real threat of global extinction at his back, he decides that he'll be the one to stop the apocalypse - even if that means taking on the Akatsuki himself.
A time travel-dimension travel-canon divergence Uchiha Sasuke centric fix-it fic that has pretty good world-building. My favourite part of this fic are Sasuke's hawk summons! They're so interesting and lovely to read.
5. Corporate Secrets by Kizukatana Rated E
Everyone knew that Uzumaki Naruto was a businessman you didn't mess with. He was charismatic and able to win deals that left others wondering how they'd been talked into what they'd just signed. He was held up as an example of everything an alpha should be: strong, charismatic, and commanding. What they could never have expected was that Naruto was not, in fact, an alpha. In a society run by alphas, it was a secret that he kept closely guarded. As long as he never encountered his True Mate, he could keep his identity concealed behind scent blockers and suppressants. And with billions of people in the world, he didn't really have to worry about finding his True Mate. Right? Even if he did, Naruto was sure he would just kick the guy's ass and move on. He'd never met an alpha he was attracted to, or one that could match him. He wasn't worried at all.
Requires an AO3 account to access, but TOTALLY worth it.
One of my favourite A/B/O fics ever that has a pretty good world-building with respect to the trope and the characterization.
But then again, it is by KizuKatana, who along with blackkat (author of fic 2 in the Sasunaru rec list) are some of the most prolific authors in the Sasunaru fic-dom, who have written awesome as hell fics, so do check out their profiles!
Pairing: James Bond/Q aka 00Q from the Craig James Bond movies
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I love me some hardened spy and some bespectacled boffin being a pair of bamfs together. I'm still not clear why exactly why I started shipping this, oh wait, i know, that ENTIRE scene in Q's office where he calmly takes that gun from James.
1. Ordinary Numbers by BootsnBlossoms, Kryptaria Rated T
More than anything, Mike Taylor wanted to be ordinary. Being a genius, he learned early in life, meant people expected too much. A career at the MI6 Help Desk seemed the perfect way to guarantee a lifetime of obscurity, until he got a very unusual tech support call.
Requires ao3 account to read
🤌🏻 chef's kiss of a fic🤌🏻
Also has a lovely podfic which i love to listen to often.
2. Important Dates by AtoTheBean Rated E
After a brief attempt at retirement, James is back at MI6 and working hard to rebuild working relationships with his colleagues and friends. And he's making great strides.
Only Q continues to hold him at arm's length, maintaining a stubborn professionalism in their interactions that James remains unable to pierce.
But James doesn't want Q at arm's length, and so he takes a risk. But even a spy's instincts can run amok, and now James wonders just how long he'll be reaping what he's sown, and how many holidays it will take to win Q over.
A post Spectre fic, with Bond seeking to make amends with Q, but only to be met with resistance. A fic set in important holidays in Bond and Q's life, has groveling bond, something i enjoy reading any time.
3. Quriosity by dr_girlfriend Rated E
Bond finds himself increasingly curious about his enigmatic Quartermaster.
"Your prior hotel is no longer secure, I will direct you to a new location. Your luggage has already been transferred. A field agent and medic from the Diréction Générale de la Sécurité d'État will be waiting at the side entrance. I have cleared them both personally." In contrast to his crisp dry English, Q's pronunciation of the French words was fluid and flawless, the throaty tone of the fricatives sending a surprising jolt of awareness straight to Bond's cock — all the more remarkable given his degree of blood loss.
"You're wasted on Q-branch, you have the voice for a phone-sex call-in line." The words slipped out of Bond's mouth without forethought, although he had plenty of time to think in the sudden pause that came afterward and stretched on for endless moments. Bond hadn't realized until now how Q was always there, with an immediate reply. In all their banter Q had never before been at a loss for words. Ever.
4. Redamancy by opalescentgold Rated M
If you write something on your skin, then it will show up on your soulmate's skin as well.
James doesn't quite fall in love over physics discussions and cheeky book quotes scrawled over his heart, coding and riddles inked onto his skin, but he comes close. He does.
And then he actually meets Q.
This is a soulmate AU with Holmes!Q that starts pre-Spectre and is a spectre fix-it that fits so many feelings in it, it's no wonder it's so long.
5. Red Queen to Overwatch by BootsnBlossoms, Kryptaria Rated M
After returning from the dead, James Bond moves into a new secure flat, only to find that his new neighbour is either: a scruffy teenager, a brilliant computer geek, a mad scientist, or the sexiest genius he's ever met. Two of these things turn out to be true.
Well, three, once the Red Queen gets involved.
Another beautiful, beautiful fic featuring Holmes!Q, that was one of my first 00Q fics and still remain in my top fics for this pairing.
Part 2(B) continued here
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