#this is my guiltiest of guilty pleasures tbh
mutiniir · 1 year
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(pls forgive me for drawing sniper ugly here- this is literally the first time ive ever drawn him)
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ginger-and-mint · 4 months
11 & 12, 16 & 17 for the belly ask game please!
11. Do you have any favorite words or phrases relating to the belly?
The word "stomach" itself kinda wrecks me tbh. ^^ "Swollen" is probably my favorite adjective, and "bulging" and "aching" and probably my favorite verbs hehe. And even though they're pretty basic, the phrases "so full" and "very full" can be really really good.
12. Do you like upset tummies? What kinds of scenarios are your favorites?
I would say upset tummies are an Interest-Adjacent Enjoyable Thing, but not actually kinky in and of themselves to me! Like, if a character has an upset tummy from eating too much, that adds the appeal of a kinky scenario for me. But if a character has an upset tummy for other reasons, the vibe is more hurt/comfort or whumpy. Which I still enjoy! but not in a kinky way, y'feel?
16. Are there any guilty pleasures that you don't tend to share as much?
My guiltiest pleasure is emeto as a result of eating too much. ^^' I tend not to explore it as much 'cause I'm still a bit shy about it, but uh. somebody struggling to keep a very large meal down or just feeling sick from how they've eaten is Big Fire.
17. What's something you wish you saw more of?
Is it cheating if I answer Stuffing Content In General? ^^' I feel like the scene is a lot slower than it used to be.
To answer seriously though -- I wish I could find stories with intentional feeding that isn't tied to a dom/sub dynamic. Dom/sub just isn't my thing, but it's pretty much impossible to find any feeding fics that don't frame the act through that lens or use associated tropes and dialogue. My ideal dynamic is more like a collaboration -- the Eating Character wants to eat, the Feeding Character wants to help them. That's basically why I have the Soothing Room in ginger & mint, I'm realizing!
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set-wingedwarrior · 3 years
Do you have any guilty pleasure ships?
This ask actually made me question "what makes a ship a guilty pleasure?" before I could answer. So yeah, philosophical questioning delayed my answer of a day, sorry bud x'D
That said, besides some very old ships from my childhood and early days in fandom, right now I think the guiltiest ship I've got is Jaune x Neo. ...I know, but hear me out!
It all started with a chat with some friends about the possibility of Neo infiltrating the main group as Pyrrha and it kinda escaleted from there, with Neo slowly starting to care and fall for Jaune but drama because he's in love with Pyrrha not her and so DRAMA!
Another honorable mention is probably Negi x Asuna (from Negima), which despite canon I still kinda like.
Arthur and Selenia (from Arthur and the Minimoys), I think that was one of the first ships I went really hardocore with. Thinking about it, more than the ship it's the whole movie series my guilty pleasure ^^" (I still love it dearly tbh)
These are the first ones coming up to my mind right now. Now tell me Anon, do you have any guilty pleasure ships? xD
Actually, you know what? I'll ask everyone: what are your guilty pleasure ship? And what makes them so to you? I'm actually curious, feel free to answer here, or send an ask, or anything you'd like!
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holdoncallfailed · 3 years
18 19 20 >:)
18. three songs that remind you of your best friend
my friend graham:
judy and the dream of horses by belle and sebastian
yeah! oh, yeah! by the magnetic fields
sister song by perfume genius
19. three songs that are your guilty pleasure
anything by why? tbh....probably their song good friday is my guiltiest tho
also anything by brockhampton...i’ll go with 1999 wildfire cos joba’s verse is so fucking dumb 
cruel summer by taylor swift
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one
clementine by elliott smith b/c i know he’s one of your faves and that’s my favorite song by him
a nervous tic motion of the head to the left by andrew bird b/c it was on a playlist you made for me!!
slow dog by belly b/c of bruno :-)
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Hey hey lovely 😋 For the fanfic ask game, we know you as a fanfic writer, but I’d love to find out a bit more about what kind of things you look for as a fanfic reader 🤓! My Qs to you
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist? (Writing and reading?)
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand? (Writing and reading?)
[from this Fanfic Ask Game]
Heyyy lovely thank you for the Qs! 💖
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic? (reading or writing?)
Omg yesssss I mean this whole blog is just all about indulging in my pleasures (guilty without guilt), it’s filthy fucking filth 🤪💦 When it cums to the fics I write I guess… the kinkiest is what makes me feel guiltiest? 🥴 on some level, though really I feel absolutely guiltless 😎 by ‘kinkiest’ I mean like all the fics from my Kinkfest and Dirty Little Secret – Super Kinky List. Thankfully, everyone on tumblr has been so nice and I’ve not been kinkshamed yet, but I have braced myself for that, especially after I recently posted my kinky confessional thingy 🙈 So yes those are my pleasures about which I feel extra filthy and struggle to not feel too guilty 😅
tbh as a fanfic reader I’m mostly looking for… really filthy kinky Charlie smut 🔥 I first joined tumblr last year solely as an outlet to write pornographic fics ‘cause I’m a shameless Charlie slut, and though my fanfic writing interests have branched out somewhat, my fanfic reading interests honestly have not 🙃 So like, if anyone has recs (i.e. for fics of Charlie characters with *those* intense kinks on this list for my Kinkfest) PLZ plz hit my kinky ass with all you’ve got 🤲
Dis me dying of slutty starvation for kinky af Charlie content that barely exists, other than my own fics 😩⬇️
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N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
Answered in this prior ask!
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist? (Writing and reading?)
Answered in this prior ask!
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand? (Writing and reading?)
Answered in this prior ask!
Thanks again for your questions! 😘💕
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onewingedxngel · 4 years
Sephiroth says he'll never be a memory, but imagine Cloud clapping back with: "You're right. You'll only just be forgotten"
Hello anon, thanks for the ask!
I think Sephiroth’s response would depend on a lot of things, but personally, I think he might not say anything at all: maybe a small chuckle depending on exact context.
He’d be confident that there’s no way Cloud could hope to forget him, not after everything he inflicted on him. Forgetting Sephiroth would mean forgetting many of the important things Cloud learned/experienced throughout the OG game, the trauma of his past (which, unfortunately, trauma is rarely something that can truly be left behind) as well as the things he’d been fighting for. So Seph would know that Cloud here is almost certainly just being all bark and no bite. Although he might be reminded of why he must never falter in his will, and make sure that one day he will succeed. And he might, in a small corner of his mind, tell himself to be cautious in case Cloud somehow does find a way to do something.
Granted, say, if Cloud theoretically somehow did forget Sephiroth (and somehow get everyone else to forget him too), or if he did find a way to live up to his words and reduce Seph to literally nothing...
... Ouch...
I mean, granted, I did write a drabble about Seph facing permadeath which totally wasn’t utterly depressing or sad in any way. But, essentially, he has a big breakdown which shows his most vulnerable side as he dies alone and afraid. I do think that death (like, oblivion-type death)/being forgotten are his biggest fears; considering the fact that he seeks to become one with the lifestream and ascend into a God (an immortal being), has a will so powerful that he has refuses to die/let go of his individuality multiple times, and has the line ‘do not let me die’ in the lyrics of One-Winged Angel. Oh, and the whole ‘I will not end’ scene at the Edge of Creation.
I have a feeling the Remake will deal with Sephiroth’s permadeath, not gonna lie. He’s already died and come back so many times, hell, he’s implied to have somehow jumped timelines or gone back in time or done something to know the events of the OG. If Remake doesn’t deal with his end, then I have a feeling FF7 is going to be milked to hell and back (as if it isn’t already tbh. Remake is so far the only addition to FF7 I can truly say is good, because I despise the compilation [save for AC as the guiltiest of guilty pleasures, though I still wouldn’t call it good]).
But yeah. I don’t want him to die, or be forgotten. DAMMIT I WANT HIM TO WIN!! DESTROY THE PLANET!! LET IT ALL BURN!! ASCEND MY CHILD!!!!! Here’s hoping we get multiple endings, or maybe a secret ending, where Sephiroth wins.
HelenE: *watches Sephiroth slaughter countless life forms, burn a village to the ground, throw a meteor at the planet, psychologically and sadistically torment everyone and try to devour the lifestream* Yessssssssssss destroy it all. Also HelenE: *hears Cloud say something kinda mean* hOW DARE YOU
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boltwrites · 4 years
12, 18, 43?
12 - Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
i don’t think i’m particularly good at either of those (comedy through text is notoriously difficult for anyone, tbh), so i think it depends on my mood! i think i’m a little bit better at writing angst, but i’m still not great at it
18 - What is your favorite writing prompt?
uh, i don’t think i have a favorite writing prompt? that’s really broad. however, in general, a couple things that i really consider when getting into new fandoms are 1 (for sfw stuff) do i want to create an oc and insert an oc into the story? is there a way an oc would improve (or at least, not distract from) the original story? and 2 (for smutty stuff) is there a way to take something distinct from the story (like abilities, etc) and make it sexy? if so, do that. lmao
43 - Guilty pleasure tropes and scenarios?
i guess the trope i would consider my guiltiest pleasure would probably be a/b/o? i wasn’t actually that guilty about it until recently bc a lot of dislike for it has surfaced (and i mean, people have a reason to dislike it, it’s often written poorly, not properly tagged, and even the baseline trope is a very polarizing concept), but i do enjoy it when it’s written well! 
i have more, but let’s stick to that one for now lmao
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arsonforcharlie · 6 years
Iscu - 12, 24, 32, 91; Arradeth - 40, 50, 65, 67
12. What is your character’s current goal, summed up in one sentence?
“I want to rub that rock on my face, but in a sciencey way.”
24. Which other player character does your character find themselves having the most in common with?
oddly enough, she’s found a decent amount of common ground with mara. yeah, she’s a bit of a stick in the mud when it comes to the necessary risks we take when it comes to experimentation, but she knows how it feels to just need to find out more
32. What is your character the most insecure about?
probably how, sometimes, some people don’t trust her with important things because they don’t take her seriously. for some reason.
91. What is your character’s guiltiest pleasure?
iscu’s not really one for guilty pleasures, tbh- she isn’t great at inhibiting enthusiasm. i guess her guiltiest pleasures are those lil impulses
40.Where does your character feel the most at home?
good question- arradeth doesn’t really have one place that she’s really called home that she’s super comfortable in. even her parents’ home feels wrong after the whole laergulon thing. the closest i think she has is with the mallean society, and she even has her misgivings about them now
50. Who in the party would your character prioritize rescuing, in dire circumstances? 
probably ellevialle, because gay. but as much as she tries to deny it, everyone she travels with is important to her. even rae. i GUESS.
65. What is your character’s favorite food? Beverage?
backpack cheese and beer
67. What is your character the most envious about, regarding anyone in the party?
hoo boy, there’s a lot. like, i’m gonna say that she’s pretty envious of both her sisters, since from where she’s standing, rae got to pursue her passion (and she still thinks she’s their parents favorite twin lbr) and jas got to choose her path completely freely. but that’s not the only thing, she’s pretty self-pitying
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wikiangela · 2 years
dating reality shows are so awful and cringe and objectively the worst - but I can never resist - if I watch one episode, I'm gonna watch the rest
the guiltiest of my guilty pleasures tbh haha
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starryun-blog · 7 years
Hiya! I was wondering what your HC would be for genres/or types of shows the RFA + Saeran would watch if they had Netflix ^^ Thanks! ♡
Ooooo this is cute! I spend too much time on Netlifx & Hulu ;) I got help with saeran from @avsclub​ and @spaceshipchoi / @derrycarnival
The RFA + Saeran Netflix Watch Histories
Paranormal Survivors
He enjoys the poor acting 
New Girl
LOADS of cooking shows
Especially the Great British Bake Off
He also enjoys Slice of Life anime’s secretly
Sci-Fi related documentaries
The Toys that Made Us
Anything with college humor tbh
Those popular 80s movies and shows that he never stops watching
Basically anything with Molly Ringwald
American Musicals since he believes they seem more unique
 especially RENT due to how it reminds him of his hard past
He sent an angry email when they took it off Netflix, he still waits for a reply
Documentaries on nature, even the ones with cats.
Ill Have What Phil’s Having & Somebody Feed Phil
Basically cooking documentaries
One of his favorites is Mind of a Chef
Brain Games, he feels so intelligent when he figures one out
The Office is one he watches with MC
His favorite character is Stanley and Andy reminds him of Zen
They both sing and are annoying to him
Documentaries such as the Pyramid Code and other Buisness
Mad Men seems over-dramatic but he cant help but watch it
Watched the L-Word as a joke and became addicted to it
41 Dogs in my Home
for future reference with Jumin
Dead Poets Society is always a movie she comes back to
13 Going on 30 is her stress relief too
Basically only watches movies on Netflix since she’d never have enough time to finish a series
A Stupid and Futile Gesture
Comedians in Cars with Coffee is his go to
Watches those comedian specials like Fluffy, Dave Chapelle, etc
He also enjoys Sherlock
He more than likely calls MC, Watson
Along with Scorpion due to it making him feel cooler than he already does
Not to mention he uses Jumin’s account 
Black Mirror, no doubt
End of the F***ing World
he liked the popular angsty shows, but he’d never admit it
Criminal Minds makes his mind run
Also Making a Murderer.
But a guilty pleasure is Switched at Birth
That show just makes the tears come on him
It was his guiltiest of all pleasures
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 6 years
2, 3, 4, 8, 11, 12, 13, 20, 29, 30, 36
lol I always reblog these and then forget about them.
Tbh I’d advise against sending me so many questions at once because I’m going to put a lot less effort into answering the last ones if you send a bunch at once because I’ll get a little tired of it.
2: Talk about your first kiss. 
Um, it was sloppy, I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing and it happened in my dorm room with a tumblr mutual actually lol. It wasn’t romantic or anything, I was 18 years old and needed to get it over with. 
3: Talk about the person you’ve had the most intense romantic feelings for.
Well, that would be my current boyfriend, Nick (@theonqueerjoy). I’m always uncomfortable being sappy in public but he’s honestly such an amazing person and I couldn’t have asked for a better boyfriend. Just being around him makes me happy and he’s incredibly intelligent and ambitious and driven and outgoing and dorky and I love him very very much.
4: Talk about the thing you regret most so far.
God, choosing just one thing is a challenge. Probably my biggest regret at the moment is not having taken better advantage of my college years by getting more active in clubs and participating more in the stereotypical american college social life. I enjoyed college a lot, but I didn’t go out of my way to make very many friends, and I didn’t really come out of my shell as much as I wish I had.
8: Talk about the thing you are most proud of.
Probably graduating with two bachelor’s degrees with a very good GPA (I don’t want to get too specific because I don’t want to sound like Im bragging) and then going on to do a master’s degree and getting first class honours by age 22. Academically, I’m great, but in the real world, social ability and other things matter a lot more, which is a problem for me.
11: Talk about the best dream you’ve ever had.
I don’t really remember my dreams enough to comment on the best one I’ve ever had.
12: Talk about the worst dream you’ve ever had.
Same as above
13: Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time.
Honestly, I bottomed, it hurt, not much more to it than that.
20: Talk about something that happened in high school.
This is incredibly vague so idk what to answer for this 
29: Talk about what turns you on.
Any touching really
30: Talk about what turns you off.
Arrogance, really bad breath or generally bad hygiene, and conservative political affiliation. Also people’s eating habits can turn me off. When people chew with their mouth open it makes me far less attracted to them. 
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures.
I secretly love country music, that’s probably my guiltiest pleasure. Carrie Underwood is one of my all-time favourite singers and I occasionally still listen to some very yeehaw shit. 
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mashyimaro · 8 years
got tagged by @astroboyband ty bby <33333
20 fave songs (title tracks?) - these are all from 2016 but they aren’t in order and i tried adding one song/group
WJSN - Catch me
Pentagon - Gorilla
Imfact - Feel So Good
Monsta X - All In
Dal shabet - Someone like U
NCT - The seventh sense
Seventeen - Pretty U
Sistar - I like that
24K - Bingo
Afos - How’re you doing
Block B - Toy
Brave Girls - Deepened
KNK - Knock 
Victon - What time is it now
History - Queen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aka the bop of the century
KARD - Oh nana
Boys Republic - Get Down
Romeo - Miro
Nu’est - Love paint
Rainbow - Whoo =(
6 favorite girl groups
Hello Venus
Dal Shabet
6 fave boy groups:
Monsta X
Boys Republic
Block B
album of the year
The Clan pt1 by Monsta X why u even asking ofc it’s mx
solo of the year
stage of the year:
THIS ONE OBVIOUSLY!!!!! my puppy son was basically a main vocal i’m so proud???
guilty pleasure of the year:
i know it wasn’t released in 2016 but bang bang bang is my guiltiest pleasure fml
I tag @accioheojun , @nctgiri / @seofawn (do it wherever you want???) , @dana-in-wonderland / @awesomegirlcrush (again, use which acc you want!), @zeloinator , @chuhyeokjin , @romeojpg , @yutoaf , @bbykino , @kinoed , @youngkmp3 , @wonpilmp3 , @bunnyein , @svnnyjjang , @hallarina , @aikochaaaan , @sweetsangho , @russianfurr , @ry-yj , @mama-kisu , @jae-woojae​ , @marusgf​  and tbh whoever else wants to do it??? i tagged so many ppl omg i’m sorry i luv u
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kaninchen-reblogs · 8 years
Writing/reading ask meme: all the Fibonacci numbers!
 ‘1: Do you/would you like to write professionally? 
Maybe one day, later on in life.
2: Which author has influenced you the most?
Off the top of my head, I think Kazu Kibuishi. Not only is he an excellent artist, but his Amulet series of graphic novels was the first time I had ever seen the fantasy genre written so originally. It’s probably the main reason that I love fantasy with little bits of sci-fi mixed in.
3: Any guilty pleasures (books/fics)?
I guess the “guiltiest pleasure” story I’ve read is Homestuck, tbh. Probably only because its the one story most likely to get me beat up for being a “nerd”.
5: Do you think stories can change lives? Is there a story that has changed yours?
While I can’t think of any stories that have personally changed me, I definitely think that a story can change someone’s life. I mean, I’ve heard of plenty of people who started writing because they read a certain book or fic!
8: Favorite quotes?
From “Liar’s Blade” by Tim Pratt:
“‘A quest,’ Rodrick repeated, and sighed. ‘Well. It’s not as if anyone’s ever died horribly on one of those.’“
21: Would you like to write an alternative ending for any of your favorite shows/books/etc?
I can’t think of any stories I’ve read that needed an alternative ending. I’m sure there is one, but since nothing stands out to me, then none of them were heinous enough to warrant a re-write.
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rightearring · 5 years
Hello, hello! prospective gifter for the DDexchange here! if there's something in particular you want to see (drawn art, written stuff) pls let me know! are you into ships? if so which do you want to see? gen? fluff? angst? lemon (:-0)? please give me whatever is the guiltiest pleasure you have (too forward? probably) cheersx
hey there! great to hear from you!
i don’t mind tbh! either written or drawn is amazing, so do what you prefer? i am a ship person; for defenders i p much dig anything with matt - esp if he’s as dumb and bottomy as he is in canon lmfao (although maybe not matt/foggy?)
i do love a “lemon” scene as much as the next 17 year old, but keep comfortable with whatever u wanna write/draw! my biggest guilty pleasures r probably (for gen) meet cute aus or (for lemon) praise kink lmfaoo
thanks so much for getting in touch and have fun!!!!! i’m excited to see it already lmao
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