#this is my contribution to the top gun fandom
What do we think
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itskindnessinfinite · 2 years
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compacflt · 1 year
If you don't mind me asking, do you read fanfiction? Either for Top Gun or other fandoms you're in?
Yes! Not for Top Gun though. if you follow me at all you know how truly tapped out of the fandom i am. my typical fandom experience is as follows: for 99% of fandoms i am a consoomer and never a poaster. for 1% of fandoms (TG included) i am a poaster and not a consoomer. I don’t consume any TG fanworks besides my own. Which is why, if you’re asking yourself, why does compacflt act like theirs is the only right interpretation, it’s because mine is the only interpretation im ever exposed to lol. i do really feel bad about not being more connected to the fandom—but i think it’s just a writing thing, i don’t want to be unduly influenced by others’ work. maybe once i stop writing i can enjoy what other people have done. but also i know the second i stop writing my very specific interpretation im not gonna be interested in top gun anymore because it’s those issues i find interesting, so…
i havent been reading much FF lately cause i don’t really have any active fandoms now that succession is over. need to find me some new IP. but when I do read ff i have exorbitantly high standards so i read very little anyway lol
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otgo-brooklyn · 1 year
Older Brother!Slider with Baby Brother!Ice
Okay, so another contribution rant to the Top Gun Fandom:
Big Brother Slider, but ONLY, ONLY to Ice. And not the generic sibling relationship, no, but Ice is his Baby Brother.
For any who don't have that 'Baby' Sibling, as an eldest child, let me explain: A sibling is a younger, less better, version of yourself because your parents were a bit delusional and now there is Another™.
HOWEVER, a Baby Sibling, a BABY Sibling? No, they are essentially your own child, typically the youngest, they are your pride and joy, and when I tell you that with a Baby Sibling you become so protective over them you would commit horrible crimes for them- literally becoming an attack dog on a leash held by said Baby Sibling, that is a true Baby Sibling/Older Sibling relationship. The minute they are born they're just, your child, like so what the birth certificate says that their parents are my parents, that's obviously a lie. They legitimately become your child in more ways than one, whose only role in life is to be happy and loved. And this is SO the relationship between Slider and Ice.
Ice is the Baby Sibling™, with Slider as the protective older brother. Slider makes sure that Ice is happy, and cared for/loved, protected, everything for the Baby™. I cannot explain enough how much I love this head-cannon, and all the proof I'll ever need to explain it is this one GIF;
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Look at Slider, the protective arm around the shoulder, the glare, the judgement in his very being, the way his jaw tenses-, compared to Ice, who is just sitting there, not even noticing, focusing on something else all happy like (Or as happy as Ice can get while in Ice-man mode (Or as happy as one can get when translating languages, if you saw my other post about Russian!Ice ;D)).
Slider nearly getting kicked out of the Top Gun program due to beating a fellow pilot unconscious because he DARED shit talk Ice
So they never gave Slider a DOB/specified age in Top Gun, but his actor, Rick Rossovich is 2 years older than Val Kilmer, so that only furthers the point of Slider's Older Brother Agenda
One time Goose was showing Ice how to cartwheel after Ice was interested in how he did it on the deck of the ship they were stationed on and Slider refused to allow Ice to do it because "What if he falls and cracks his skull open on the tarmac Goose!"
When reassured that Ice cracking his skull open isn't going to happen, and Goose was only going to demonstrate, Slider still wont budge on it. Ice never learned how to do a cartwheel to this day
Ice's foot getting caught in the track and wheels of a stationary, not turned on/working tank on accident and one singular, quiet, whispered "ow" after pulling it out of said track/wheel, was all it took to have Slider screaming his head off carrying Ice into medical absolutely positive that Ice just "Broke his own god-damn ankle, GET A MEDIC-"
Someone shoving past Ice on their way to the mess hall in a rush, causing Ice to stumble back literally 2 steps, and Slider getting in their face, slamming them into a wall with a "I swear you put your hands on Ice one more time, your not gonna have hands AT ALL"
He then slings his arm around Ice's shoulder and directs him to the mess hall, glaring at any poor soul who dared look in Ice's direction
They were at the bar and a woman started to approach Ice, who, of course was not noticing (he only has eyes for a 5'7" gremlin named Mav), and Slider shuts that down REAL QUICK. Like, no, not today Lilith, pick a different naval guy-
Give Mav The Talk when he notices Mav giving eyes to Ice, and Goose because Slider can never be too sure, and everyone observing this is sitting there like 'what the actual fuck' after Slider threatens to, and I quote, "French braid your fuckin' nervous system you shitty dwarf" towards Maverick amongst other colorful threats
It gets to the point where Slider is so protective over Ice, people don't ask Ice anything without looking to Slider for some kind of acceptance or denial, like;
Hollywood: Hey Ice do you wanna- Slider, the coldest look ever seen, actively dropping the temperature in the room while promising a slow and tortuous death: Hollywood: -help me figure out this trajectory angle equation for this [classified] mission? Ice, absolutely oblivious to the entire situation: Sure? I guess?
Its single-handedly the funniest and most terrifying thing to ever happen in Top Gun history, aside from whoever decided to put Maverick Mitchell in a plane
And the cherry on top is that Ice DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE at the entire situation
When someone tries saying how terrifying Slider is to Ice he just brushes it off, like, "Oh Slider? No he's very nice, he even walks with me wherever I have to go in the day. He's all bark and no bite"
And everyone in the immediate vicinity just looking at Ice either with pity or like he's stupid because he doesn't know
He never figures it out either
(This overprotectiveness doubles, if not triples when he meets baby Bradley Bradshaw, and Slider just cant compute because now there is another person who has my undying love and protection-)
(Goose once lost Bradley on a very important, very large Naval destroyer and the entirety of the Top Gun Class of '86 is frantically searching the entire ship before Viper finds out and one of them just stumbling into Slider sitting on a couch with Ice and Bradley just absolutely passed out, sleeping like a brick, essentially using him as human furniture, and the look Slider gives them promises a 100 years of death if they wake either of them up-)
(After Goose's death when baby Bradley lives with IceMav, he just clings onto Slider whenever he's over because "I feel safest with Pops, but Pops feels safest with Uncle Sli', so I'm safest-est with Uncle Sli'")
(Mav doesn't know whether to cry because that is so cute- or be annoyed that Slider is preferred over himself)
(After Bradley reconciles with Mav, he's caught sleeping(read absolutely dead to the world) on Slider's chest like when he was as a child and no one knowing what to do because "Rooster that is a 2-STAR ADMIRAL OF THE US NAVY-" Slider is just like "I'm safest-est", and Bradley sleepily chiming in with a "safest-est" and deciding to just go back to sleep like nothing happened)
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huntedhounds · 8 days
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my contribution to the MHA/Top Gun fandoms. idk if anyone else has this specific brain worm but here i am lol
i’ve been thinking about Top Gun since mid-August and recently thought to cross my interests, thus top gun mha au (and its krbk as icemav because i’m nothing if not predictable)
(the backgrounds are from the Top Gun (1986) movie)
if you want to know more about my little au idea just keep reading
this is just a word dump i put in my notes app to get the idea out of my head initially. nothing is concrete and i’m not promising to write anything. some friends and i have been bouncing ideas
Lieutenant Katsuki “Dynamite” Bakugou
LTJG Izuku “Deku” Midoriya
Lieutenant Eijirou “Riot” Kirishima
LTJG Mina “Acidman” Ashido
so initially i thought in terms of hair color, kirishima being the maverick stand in and bakugou being the ice stand in. BUT THEN i thought of the ANGST POTENTIAL IF IZUKU IS KILLED OFF. so now they’re more blended where bakugou looses deku in the accident like mav looses goose but bakugou’s personality is closer to ice’s being so blunt and calculating. and kirishima also having a strong personality of course, with a hidden feeling of inadequacy as is canon accurate
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nerdgirljen · 9 months
Unfortunately, I was unable to get my contribution to @lewmagoo’s A Lew Magoo Christmas challenge completed before 11:59pm EST on December 24. The holidays completely snuck up on me, and before I knew it, it's Christmas Eve and I only had a mood board completed, and yet I had so much left to do. It is, however, being posted on Christmas, and I am so extremely sorry I missed the deadline.
It was inspired by the Eagles song, "Please Come Home for Christmas." I hope you all enjoy!
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Please Come Home for Christmas by NerdGirlJen
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick Character: Bob Floyd Pairing: Bob Floyd x reader Word Count: 1,300ish... Rating: G/PG
Summary: Bob’s away from home on Christmas, and he absolutely hates it.
Disclaimer: I do not own Top Gun: Maverick, I just like to play with the characters a bit. I also know nothing about the Navy, Navial aviators, aircraft carriers, so all mistakes are on me because I did very little research. Also not betaed… did you miss the part where real life has been hectic af and I didn’t even start this until late on Christmas Eve?
Warnings: missing family, homesickness, other than those, no warnings.
An aircraft carrier in the middle of the Pacific Ocean was not where Bob Floyd wanted spend Christmas, but here he is sitting in the ship's mess hall waiting for his allotted time to video call home. A bag of peanut butter M&Ms sat before him, open, but Bob was too distracted to eat any of the tasty treats. His mind wasn’t concentrating on the chocolate goodness, nor on the television they wheeled in that was currently playing White Christmas. No, his mind was somewhere else, indeed.
The one real place he couldn’t get out of his head for the last three weeks at sea. He missed you dearly, and he was wracked with guilt knowing that he should be stateside with you. You were partners, in life and in love, and he doesn’t think it fair to you that he’s not home to help with such a momentous day.
He especially doesn’t think it’s fair to himself that he’s not home to celebrate his daughter’s first Christmas. Charlotte only gets one first Christmas, and it’s killing him that he’s missing it.
Bob doesn’t regret enlisting in the Navy. He’s done some amazing things since beginning his career as a Wizzo, gone to some amazing places, both domestic and abroad, and he’s met some amazing people, as well. However, none of those things, places, or people compare to where his head is currently daydreaming of and where he left his heart behind. So no, he doesn’t regret enlisting, but he sure doesn’t appreciate the timing of the mission he just wrapped up.
“Bobbo, you alright over there?” A voice close to him knocked him out of his thinking, and he turned to face his friend, and pilot, Natasha, looking down at him with concern.
“Oh, I’m alright, I guess” he sighed. “I was just thinking about back home.”
Natasha’s face lit up at the mention of “back home” knowing exactly to whom Bob was referring. He smiled at her exuberance and motioned for her to sit at the table he currently occupied.
“How is my baby?” she asked, excited to hear about her god-daughter’s latest antics. “Lottie still keeping her mom up at all hours of the night wanting to party instead of sleep?”
Bob smiled, remembering the last phase the 8-month-old had gone through. He was still at home for the beginning of that stage, and no matter what you or he did, Lottie didn’t sleep much at all, and so neither of you got much sleep either. Natasha thinks that Lottie has a strong case of ‘fear of missing out’ and doesn’t want to miss anything going on around her, and, unfortunately after a few weeks of restless nights in a row, Bob and you started thinking that the pilot was right. It didn’t matter what the time of day was, but whenever she was awake, Charlotte’s beautiful hazel eyes would look at everything around her so intently and so curiously that Bob wondered if she were trying to solve some puzzle neither of you could see.
“Lottie’s perfect, Nat,” he bragged. “Growing like a weed, and sharp as a tack.” He regaled his friend with her latest antics you told him about over the phone. Just before he deployed, Charlotte had just started to crawl; however, it was on the call he made to you last week that you told him that instead of forwards, Lottie was now crawling backwards with great enthusiasm. Bumping into any and everything along the way. Natasha’s eyes lit up and she laughed, delightedly. “I can’t wait to get home and be able to hold her again. I’ll take the sleepless nights just to be home soon.”
Bob missed his baby girl. He missed you, too, and he was so grateful that the mission he and Natasha had just finished was completed safely and successfully so that he could get home in one piece to be with his girls. If he had his way, he’d not leave the dock again for a long time. Maybe it was time to request he be stationed on land for a while, that way he doesn’t have to be away from you like he currently is.
“Well, I can’t help you be there quicker,” Natasha noted. “I mean, not unless we steal a jet, but I’d prefer to not be court martialed, dishonorably discharged, and face jail time.”
Bob grinned. “Yeah, if I can’t stand spending a month away from them, I know I couldn’t spend twenty plus years away.” Natasha grabbed at the bag of chocolate in front of him and started munching at a few of the candies. She smiled, wistfully, at the melancholy she could hear in her friend’s voice and the faraway look in his eyes.
“Trace!” came a barked shout. “You’re next! Floyd, you’re after Trace.” Finally.
Bob expected Natasha to stand and follow the Info Systems Tech to the conference room they had set up for the day, but Natasha surprised him by calling out to the IST instead. “Sir,” Nat said, “I’m forfeiting my time to Floyd so he can spend a bit more of the holiday with his family.”
Bob’s eyes grew wide, and he grabbed Natasha’s hand to object. “Nat, no,” he started to protest, but the look she gave him told him not to argue with her. It wasn’t a secret to anyone on board the carrier that he had a wife and new kid at home that he loved with every fiber of his being. He was constantly showing photos of the two to anyone who asked or even stood still long enough to chat. Other sailors and officers with families knew and understood where the WSO was coming from because they all did the same.
The IST looked pointedly at the pilot before nodding once and amending his earlier proclamation. “Floyd, you’re up!”
Bob stood, still gaping at his friend – his daughter’s god mother – in shock. “Nat, I don’t know how to thank you,” he sputtered.
“The only thanks I need, Bobby Boy, is a special Natasha/Lottie Day after we get back,” she stated. “Okay?”
“More than,” he was barely able to say as his emotions were overwhelming him. He squeezed Natasha’s hand in thanks, and quickly got up to follow the tech officer. Once reaching the conference room, Bob sat in front of the provided laptop, and gave the IST the number to call.
One ring, two rings, three…
The screen lit up with a small face with a gummy grin that was mid giggle. “Merry Christmas, Daddy!” he heard his wife exclaim through the speakers, but Bob was more mesmerized by the cherub cheeked infant whose eyes sparkled brightly and whose jubilant squeals lightened the WSO up from the inside.
“There’s my girls,” he said, gratefully, beginning his scheduled video chat time.
Now, while Bob Floyd couldn’t be home for Christmas this year, he was happy to receive what little bit of time he could have with you on the screen. He was up for reassignment soon, and he was absolutely going to be ask for fewer, and shorter, missions and deployments. Whether the Powers that Be would grant his request, he didn’t know, but he was certain he didn’t want to spend another holiday being away from you two.
“Tell me, how has Christmas been so far?” He smiled as you started detailing the holiday spent with his parents and family.
Yeah, he definitely couldn’t wait to be home.
Annnnd end scene.
Feel free to tell me what you think in a comment. If you think it's completely horrid, keep that to yourself! (Just kidding, all constructive criticism is good constructive criticism.)
Anyway, happy Christmas to everyone. Or Happy Holidays to whatever holiday you celebrate. Love you all!
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libraryofantiquitea · 2 years
𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞.
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pairing: jake "hangman" seresin x civilian female reader
summary: you and jake go out for a drink after meeting at the hard deck the night before. you aren't at the bar for long.
warnings: explicit, minors do not interact! it's smut - just pure smut. cursing, grinding, groping, unprotected vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, hand job, face sitting, dirty talk, and jake's ego.
word count: 4.8k
author's notes: this is my first contribution to the top gun fandom and i'm so excited! special thanks to @wildbornsiren for the set of eyes and just in general, since she's the reason i'm here. thank you for sending me pictures of glen powell until i ultimately caved.
and so much love to my fellow fightertown gals for being so supportive and welcoming!
title lovingly stolen from minus the bear’s “my time.”
likes / comments / reblogs are very much appreciated! thank you for reading! ♥
next: pt. ii | tokyo summer
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You worried that the two of you wouldn’t make it back to your place, despite it not being that long of a walk from the cocktail bar to your house. When you had said that what you needed was for Jake to take you home, he’d stood up like a shot, pulling his wallet out of his pocket and throwing probably too many bills onto the table before grabbing you by the wrist and helping you up from your chair.
He wasn’t rough with you, but you wanted him to be.
It occurred to you as the two of you walked back to your place, only periodically speaking as a manner by which to distract yourselves from the fact that you so desperately wanted to misbehave, that you hadn’t even kissed. Aside from Jake kissing you on the cheek the night before, your affections had been expressed through touch alone. Which made you even more desperate to kiss him.
The streets back to your home were relatively quiet, which would’ve made for the perfect opportunity to duck behind a tree or into the space between two buildings and make out like sex crazed and starved teenagers. But all that transpired on your brisk walk was Jake pulling you against him, and you inhaled sharply. He seemed to weigh the pros and cons of kissing you there and then, and denying himself of that just a little bit longer seemed to win out.
You felt like you might drop your keys as you tried to locate the one for the apartment. Jake stood behind you, pressed against your back - and god you could feel him - hands on your hips, breath hot in your ear as he whispered, “C’mon, baby. Hurry. Fuckin’ need you ...”
You dropped the keys. “Jake,” you gasped, head tipped back against his shoulder.
He turned you around, shoving you roughly against the still locked door. Your arms went around his neck, and he pressed his forehead against yours. You still hadn’t kissed, and you weren’t sure how much longer that you could take it. Your hips instinctively canted toward his, and he closed his eyes, inhaling through his nose before muttering a curse.
“Keys,” you murmured, lips mere centimetres from his. You wanted to kiss him so badly. But you also wanted to draw this out for as long as you could, wanting to savour the desire and the need.
“Keys,” he agreed, and reluctantly let go of you so that you could bend down and retrieve the keys from the floor.
You managed to find the correct key for the door, and when the lock clicked, you instantly turned the knob and pushed the door open, reaching behind you and grabbing a fistful of Jake’s plaid shirt as you  hauled him beyond the threshold.
No turning back now. You realized you never had any intention of doing so.
As soon as the door was closed, Jake was on you, and you had precisely zero complaints about that. His mouth attacked your neck with fervor, one hand settling on your hip and the other descending even lower to grab a handful of your ass. You weren’t so much shoved against the wall as you fell back against it, hauling Jake with you so that he collided against your boy, then pressed you harder against the wall with his hips.
“Jake,” you gasped desperately, the sound punctuated by his own responding moan. “Jake. Please. Your mouth. Give me your mouth.”
Your breath quickened as Jake curled a hand at the juncture where your jaw and neck met, thumb brushing along your cheek, the calloused pad against your soft skin causing you to shiver. You tilted your head up slightly to better meet his gaze, watching as he drank in the sight of you slowly, like the whiskey he seemed to favour.
“You are,” he whispered, “one of the most enchanting creatures I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
If you weren’t wet already, that would’ve done you in. 
“Kiss me,” you murmured, sucking your bottom lip into your mouth. You hadn’t intended for the act to be so sensual, yet you felt him twitch against your thigh.
“Fuck,” Jake gasped, eyes sweeping over your face one last time before he crushed his mouth against yours.
You did as you had wanted to do the moment you had first laid eyes on Jake at The Hard Deck the night before. You tangled your fingers in his blond hair and tugged as his tongue split the seam of your lips, delving inside slowly..
There had been quite a few people that you had kissed in your life - some were fantastic, memorable kisses that made you blush if you thought about them for even a moment. And naturally, there were ones that were clumsy and awkward, too wet with too much tongue. Part of you had hoped that Jake would be an atrocious kisser, but his tongue and mouth were talented in ways that you hoped translated well in other areas of your body. He licked into the corners of your mouth, as if searching for something, while his soft lips moved gently against yours. You pulled a little harder on his hair, and he moaned into your mouth.
“You will be my undoing,” you gasped in the moment that Jake came up for air.
“I look forward to it,” he said coyly, his hands coming up to push your jean jacket off of your shoulders, down your arms.
Your breath hitched as those talented fingers ghosted over your skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake. You couldn’t pull your eyes from his face, watching him intently as his eyes followed the paths of his hands, brushing gently over your bare arms. Realizing that you should probably do something than stand there, you reached and began to gently pluck open the buttons of the red flannel that he was wearing, revealing the white v-neck underneath. Even the act of removing clothing that was simply a barrier to more clothing felt incredibly heady, and as soon as the shirt was unbuttoned, Jake shrugged it off, the gentle rustle of fabric hitting the floor the only thing that you could hear over your rapidly beating heart and his breathing.
“You can tell me to stop,” Jake murmured, his fingers hooking over the straps of your tank top and bra, pulling them off your shoulder and letting them slip down your arm. Everything about him told you that it was the last thing he wanted to hear. But the fact that he was giving you an out? You appreciated it, even if you had no intention of taking it.
“Please,” you began, meeting Jake’s eyes with more assuredness than you had ever possessed, “don’t.”
He didn’t.
His hands settling on your hips, he pulled you against him, and you gasped into his mouth as his lips descended upon yours once more. You wanted to lap up the taste of him, all of the whiskey he’d consumed that night, and also something that was emphatically Jake. Your fingers curled into the front of his t-shirt, the fabric soft and yielding beneath your hands as you tugged, making it very clear that you wanted it anywhere but on his person.
In that moment, Jake pulled away from you, and you chased his mouth, whimpering softly at the sudden loss of it. You briefly wondered if he’d had a change of heart. But when you met his gaze, you knew that neither of you were leaving the house for a long time. Jake held your eyes for a moment before he began to sink to his knees, and any query that you had died on your lips at the sight. 
His hands, palms and fingertips rough from working with various equipment and machinery most days, slipped under the hem of your tank top, gently touching your stomach. You gasped quietly, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth as your fingers found their way to his head, carding gently through his hair. Jake plucked open the button of your jeans with nimble fingers before gently tugging the zipper down, and your heart exploded behind your breast, unsure that your will and the wall would be able to keep you upright.
“Jake -” you rasped.
“Let me,” he rumbled, lifting his eyes to look up at your face. Passion and warmth lay beyond his gaze, and he offered you a smile before his hands settled on the waist of your jeans, tugging them down slowly. Your hips canted forward and he huffed a slight chuckle - nothing born of malice, but of being appreciative of how eager you were. Getting your jeans down to your knees, he settled his hands on your thighs, and inhaled slowly. “Fuck. You’re soaked, sweetheart.”
The back of your head connected with the wall in a loud thud, and the sound that came from your parted lips was not one that you’d ever made before. He’d barely touched you and already you were in danger of coming undone.
With that, he leaned in between your thighs, face pressed into the space between them, tongue darting out to taste you through your underwear. The feeling of his mouth on you had your legs quaking already, and you moaned at the feeling of his tongue against you, even if it was only through the cotton. You couldn’t imagine how it would feel against the soft folds at your center.
“Christ,” you whined, fingers tugging gently on his hair.
You didn’t have to wait long to find out.
Jake hooked his index and middle finger into the hem of the fabric at the crotch and gently pulled it over to the side. The tip of his tongue ghosted over the most sensitive part of you, and you cried out, leaning forward slightly.
“Please,” you gasped. “Fuck, it feels - it feels like too much.”
“Whatever you need,” he said, looking up at you, eagerness and understanding in those green eyes, which held onto the same bravado that they had the night that you met him.
What you needed was to lay him down and sit astride his face as he licked up into you, light stubble scratching against the insides of your thighs. You ached from the thought alone. And suddenly gravity began to win its war on your already trembling legs.
Jake’s hands were immediately on you, settling on your waist and helping to guide you slowly down to the floor with him. You went willingly as he laid you onto your back, and watched as he tugged your boots off of your feet, and then pulled your jeans from your legs. You lay there, looking up at the man hovering between your legs and suddenly wanted to feel every inch of him. 
You reached up and tugged at his t-shirt before pulling it over his head, drinking in the sight of him. Your hands went to cradle the back of Jake’s head and haul him closer, and he seemed to get the idea, covering your body with his own. You loved the weight of him on top of you, and hooked a leg over his hip in an attempt to draw him closer, lifting your hips from the floor.
“Shit,” he gasped against your mouth before biting at your bottom lip. You’d felt him before, but somehow feeling him now, pressed between your legs, had you wanting to take him inside desperately. But just as with your first kiss, you wanted to drag it out for as long as you could stand it, not wanting the moment to end. “Do you feel me, darlin’?” he asked, southern accented voice laden with lust. “How hard you got me?”
“Yes,” you whined, arching beneath him, pressing against him. “Christ, I want you.”
Jake ground down into you and you whimpered, getting another fistful of his hair in one hand, the other scratching down along his back. “I want you too,” he murmured against the curve of your jaw, before pulling an earlobe between his teeth and tugging gently.
You were content to let him take the reins for the majority of the evening if he wanted to, but just for a moment you wanted to be in control. Wanted to watch his eyes go wide for a moment. And they did when you held him close, wrapped your legs around his waist, and then rolled him over so that he was on his back looking up at you. You’d somehow managed to catch him completely off guard, otherwise you don’t think that you could have pulled off that particular move - he was so much stronger than you. You moved astride his lap, and his hands flew to your waist. 
“Fuckin’ Christ,” he murmured, grinding up into you.
You leaned over, and mouthed at that spot along his collarbone that you’d been eyeing, and he made a soft noise as his hands moved down over your thighs. One of his thumbs sought out the small bundle that he knew would make you shudder and shake, and you shivered on top of him as he rubbed you through the damp cotton of your underwear.
“Fuck,” you gasped, hips twitching toward his touch.
“Tell me my name,” he whispered hurriedly, reaching between the two of you and undoing the button of his jeans. Once nimble hands seemed to falter and you would’ve laughed if it weren’t so incredibly arousing to see him begin to break.
“Jake,” you whispered, grabbing the hem of your tank top and pulling it over your head.
“Again,” he said, finally getting the button and zip of his jeans undone and hooking his thumbs into the waistband.
Oh, fuck. You were growing concerned about coming undone without so much as being touched by him at this rate. “Jake,” you rasped as you tossed your tank top aside, and reached behind yourself to unhook your bra.
You watched his eyes get heavy lidded, and he ceased in getting his jeans and underwear pushed down and instead reached up to assist you in getting your bra off. “Again.”
“Jake,” you moaned, your bra falling away from your body and in an instant his hands were on you. He cupped your breasts gently in his palms, thumbs sweeping gently over your nipples. The touch didn’t last long, as he began resuming the task of getting out of what remained of his clothes.
“Again,” he rumbled, his already deep southern drawl somehow hitting an even lower register. You moved up slightly onto your knees so that he could get his jeans off, and it didn’t even hit you that his underwear had come down along with them until after a moment when you realized that he was completely bare beneath you.
He was going to kill you, you were sure of it. You - honest to god - licked your lips at the sight of him, wet and curving up against his stomach, and shimmied out of your underwear, kicking them off your ankle in a very undignified manner. Fuck, you wanted him, all of him, at that very instant. “Jake,” you whined, settling on his length, dragging yourself along him with aching slowness.
It was then that he broke, arching up off of the floor toward you with a growl, whatever animal dwelled deep within him begging to be let out. He kicked his jeans and shorts off of his ankles and with one hand on your hip, pushed you up off of him for a moment. You mourned the loss of contact, but that would be short lived. He grabbed himself by the base and pressed the tip against your entrance, biting at his lip before meeting your gaze. “Again,” he groaned, and he nudged at your hip, easing you down slowly over his cock.
The moment that you began to take him inside, you let out a choked sob. And though your eyes wanted to instinctively close as you gave yourself over to the pleasure, you willed them to stay open, you wanted to watch his face. “Jake!”
Your hand flew over your own mouth when you realized how loud you had been, and Jake laughed breathlessly beneath you, reaching up and curling his fingers around your wrist. He pulled your hand away from your mouth, bringing it to his own, soft lips brushing against your palm.
“Don’t,” he murmured, his breath hitching as you slowly fucked yourselfdown along him. “Let me - let me hear you.”
“Jake,” you whimpered, unsure if you were even able to speak anything else other than his name anymore. 
He moaned your name, and sure plenty of people had done that before, but it was the familiarity in his voice, the way it seemed to crack open at the sound of it on his own lips that had your thighs quaking around his hips.
You splayed your fingers over his cheek, letting out a soft hum of contentment as he bottomed out. Terrified to move at first, you simply lingered there, holding his gaze as you looked at one another, breathless and terrified. If there had been any chance of going back after crossing the threshold of the apartment you were certainly beyond that now. Jake’s thumb stroked along your hip bone, his other hand still curled around your wrist. He turned and kissed your palm once more, still looking into your eyes and lifted his hips from the floor, trying to press deeper inside of you even though there was nowhere for him to go.
“Move, baby girl,” he rumbled.
It felt like such a daunting task, to move as he had asked, for you to take your pleasure. You could feel him, hot, hard, and wet inside of you, your body slowly getting used to welcoming him inside of you. For the moment it was as if nothing was really happening, but then your hips twitched, and you moved instinctively, raising yourself up along him and then sinking back down. His eyes closed, and he tipped his head back against the floor, both of his hands settling on your hips, guiding you.
“Yes,” Jaked gasped, blunt edges of his fingernails digging into your soft skin. “Just - just like that, darlin’.”
You whimpered once more, continuing to move, and eventually Jake began to meet you halfway. Despite how frantic you had both been leading up to this moment, Jake took you with aching and deliberate slowness, as if he wanted to savour every moment of you. You were thankful for it, because you wanted to savour him as well. You weren’t sure if this was forever, and you weren’t sure if you’d ever have this again, but you wanted to take your time, commit every detail of him to memory.
The way he fucked up into you, the way his breath came in short gasps when you swayed your hips, the way you could feel his thighs twitching beneath you, the way he looked up at you like you put the moon in the sky. You felt naked under the intensity of his gaze, forget that you were actually naked, that look felt like it was flaying you open.
Jake sat up slowly, one arm wrapped around you, bracing his other hand on the floor. You reveled in the closeness, sighing happily as his chest was pressed against yours. He didn’t kiss you, at least not immediately, seeming content to trade breaths, his lips centimetres from yours. Jake tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, as he did earlier that night when he had picked you up, and of all the things you two had said and done that evening, that was the action that had you blushing the hardest.
“Jake,” you murmured, unable to keep from kissing him, your lips descending upon his in a flurry of kisses in quick succession.
“What - what do you need?” he rasped, his mouth seeking out the pulse point along the column of your throat, sucking on the tender skin there.
“This,” you replied, tipping your head back to give Jake better access. You sighed, feeling his teeth against your skin, and curled your fingers into his hair once more. “Just like this. You feel - you feel so good.”
“So do you, baby girl,” Jake moaned, rolling his hips as he fucked up into you. You cried out and clenched around him, and he shuddered beneath you. “God fuckin’ damn …”
All told, neither of you moved very much, instead trading touches and kisses. Your fingernails scratched down Jake’s chest while his hands mapped the expanse of your back. He held onto your hips so tightly that you thought they might bruise, and the idea of carrying around marks on your skin left behind by him thrilled you to no end. He held you close, and you didn’t want him to ever let you go.
Jake relinquished his hold on you, and you made a mournful sound as he laid back down on the floor again. He nudged at your hips, pushing you off of him and whimpered, almost mad at yourself for how desperately you missed the feeling inside of you already.
“C’mere,” he coaxed, trying to tug you forward. You were about to ask for clarification, but you didn’t need to, he left no room for interpretation. “Sit on my face, sweetheart.”
The low rumble of his already deep voice had you trying to squeeze your thighs together to alleviate some of the ache that you felt between your legs. You knee-walked up to him, holding his gaze as he wrapped his arms around your legs, urged you forward and down. The instant you felt his warm breath against you, so sensitive and wet, you cried out, and the sound died on your lips when you felt his tongue sweeping along the edges of you..
“Oh god,” you gasped, unsure whether to lean forward, fall back, or ascend to some manner of astral plane. 
His stubble scratched against the tender skin at the center of you, along the soft, unblemished skin of your inner thighs. You had mused earlier that you wanted the burn of his stubble from him everywhere, and it seemed to be that you would get your wish. Tongue flicking against your clit, you cried out softly and ground down against his mouth, almost apologizing until you heard the hum of appreciation from him, which reverberated against your flesh.
You’d never been with anyone who seemed to be as enthusiastic about eating pussy as Jake was. He alternated between licking along your lips, sucking your clit into the warm wet of his mouth, and fucking up into you with his tongue, moaning as he tasted you and remnants of himself. Unable to keep your hands suspended in some manner of limbo where you had no idea what to do with them, you reached down, curling your fingers in his hair, sighing as tendrils curled around your fingers. You tugged gently, pushing his face further up toward you, crying out as groaned against you. He acted like he’d never tasted anything sweeter in his life, and licked and nibbled at you with unbridled enthusiasm.
“Jake,” you whined, riding his face, crying out softly, already beginning to feel the stubble burn from having it chafing against you. “I’ll - I’ll come if you don’t stop.”
He seemed to have no intention of stopping. If anything, the unbridled enthusiasm with which his mouth and tongue tended to you increased, and he unhooked his arms from around your legs. Jake’s hands found purchase in the firm globes of your ass, holding you exactly in the place where you were, and he hummed against you. That was all it took to have you sobbing with relief as you came, the crescendo of your voice echoing off the walls in the house. Your cries died out into whimpers as you came down, hips stuttering against Jake’s face. You’d held onto his hair the entire time and were concerned that you may have tufts of it in your  hands.
Panting, you stilled above him, and looked down to find his eyes open, looking up at you with rapt adoration. That feeling of being naked under his gaze returned, but instead of feeling undone by it, you felt comforted. You didn’t trust your legs, but allowed Jake to slowly ease you up off of him and onto your back on the floor. You were still fighting to catch your breath when Jake moved over you, and your legs instinctively hooked over his hips.
“You taste better than the whiskey from earlier,” he murmured, and you couldn’t help but grin, reaching up and touching his face. Seeing it glistening with your own wetness was more arousing than anything else than you’d seen that night.
You tilted your head up and kissed his mouth gently, licking the edges of his lips, and tasting yourself there surged closer toward him, beckoning him inside of you once more. His cock slid against you, and you gasped, tipping your head back against the floor.
“Fuck me,��� you murmured, reaching down and wrapping your fingers around him. You’d felt him already, against you and inside of you, but you hadn’t touched him like this yet. The weight of him in your hand had you so desperate for him. You guided him to your entrance, letting out a sound of relief as the tip slid inside of you. “Jake.”
“Oh, fuck,” he murmured, dropping his forehead against you shoulder, marvelling at how you felt around him.
Where there had been little movement when you had been on top of him, he seemed to want to rectify that now. Pinning you down to the floor with his hips, calloused fingers circling around your wrists and holding you down, he began to move. Slowly at first, and you raised your hips up from the floor to meet him halfway, which he seemed to thoroughly enjoy, if the moan that rumbled through him, muffled against your shoulder, was any indication.
But, oh, how you loved to hear men take their pleasure.
“You … wanted to hear me,” you whispered, turning your head, lips brushing along the shell of his ear. “Now let me hear you.”
Jake’s hips stuttered and he sheathed himself entirely inside of you. Back arching up from the floor, you moaned and wrapped a leg around his middle, drawing him closer, holding him there. Any holding back he’d been doing suddenly stopped, and soft, breathless sounds filled your ear.
He moaned your name, drawing back before sliding in again. “Give me your - fuckin’ - give me your eyes, baby girl.”
You whimpered, clenching around him, and he let go of one of your wrists, curling his fingers along your jaw. He lifted his head, your noses touching, and held your gaze as he plunged inside of you, again, again, and again. You could feel the urgency, the desperation, in every movement that he made, his breathing getting harsher. You reached up with your free hand, curling it in his hair, pulling gently, and he seemed to enjoy that, his eyelids fluttering and his lips parting in a long moan.
“Jake,” you gasped. “Come for me.” Writhing beneath him, you pulled on his hair again. “Please. Fill - fill me up with it.”
“Oh my god, you’re filthy,” he groaned, corner of his lips quirked up in a smile.
“I’ve been known to be,” you added with a breathless smile, before crushing your mouths together. Jake’s tongue slipped past your lips, and you brought your legs up, knees practically against your chest, drawing him in deeper.
He moaned your name breathlessly. “Baby girl. Oh, fuck -”
It caught both of you off guard. You cried out as he slammed into you, trembling between your legs, and he groaned against your lips, the sound dying off into choked off gasps as he spilled inside of you. Each time Jake’s hips connected with your body, you made a soft noise, something not quite whimpering, your fingers shifting from pulling on his hair to cradling the back of his head, scraping gently against his scalp. Once he had finished, he slumped against you with a loud groan, covering your face with soft, tender kisses.
“Ow,” he murmured, chuckling faintly. “Fuckin’ knees.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, and once Jake relinquished his hold on your wrist brought your hand to your lips to giggle behind it. “We could have moved, you know.”
“You think I’m going to oppose a good floor fuck, darlin’?” he asked, lifting his head and looking into your eyes. You smiled fondly up at him, and he returned it, smoothing your hair back from your face. “Absolutely not.”
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lazysublimeengineer · 4 months
The fandom is pretty damn wild for today for saying that Kiyora is going to be like Naruhaya because he chose the wrong star player to serve.
How the hell is that even logical?
First of all, Kiyora was not in debt with Isagi or whatsoever and did the rational thing to do and that is to place his bet on Kaiser because there is a highly chance that he'll score in this match and he contributed greatly to the prerequisite conditions of his unfinished Magnus move by having the ball stationary ball in front of him and offering the range to shoot it inside the net.
If likely, Isagi contributed to Kiyora's danger zone in the cut off list of top 23 because he didn't made him play back in the Ubers match and chose Hiori for betting on a selfish hunch that Hiori will help him score more goals. HE GOT REALLY COMPLACENT THIS CHAPTER BECAUSE HE THOUGHT THAT THE WHOLE ASS TEAM WAS NOW REVOLVING AT HIM AFTER SCORING THAT TWO GUN VOLLEY GOAL.
Isagi be really surprised that the assist is not for him but to Kaiser like dude what are you smoking on 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
If I see Kaiser failing in the next chap and Isagi going for a rebound goal or hattrick, I'll lose my mind
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insomniacchamomile · 7 months
My contribute to the top gun fandom
(Click for better quality)
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Icemav plushie thingies!
Istg they are so in love i wanna smoosh them together.
Expect more top gun content, maybe some mission impossible content as well, I've made an oc for both!
Brainrot goes brrrr
(Sorry for my disappearance)
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loveherdeerly · 1 month
ׂ╰┈➤ twenty-five, she/they, semi-lit to advanced ฅ^._.^ฅ
about me
i’m deer! i’m a bisexual cat mom that works full time. i have been writing and roleplaying for around eighteen years now. i take pride in being a diverse writer that can try my hand at any age, race, gender, or genre. i can write short and casual, or long and detailed, though i usually prefer something in between. i love to craft new characters and universes. i enjoy writing romance, but i also value friend and family connections for my characters even more sometimes. i am always happy to make friends, plot, draw, create pinterest boards, and chat ooc for hours!
what you can expect from me:
: ̗̀➛ daily to weekly replies (depending on general reply length & muse; novella will take me longer)
: ̗̀➛ a diverse cast of characters and eagerness to do multimuse
: ̗̀➛ energy matching & plotting
: ̗̀➛ very few triggers
: ̗̀➛ nsfw & some dead dove topics
: ̗̀➛ ooc chatting, pinterest, spotify, maybe even fanart!
what i won’t do:
જ⁀➴ super detailed gore, cat abuse, bathroom kinks, incest or csa (mentions are okay)
જ⁀➴ mxf or ocxcanon without doubling (unless i like your ad.)
જ⁀➴ rp with anyone under 20 (go do your homework)
જ⁀➴ writing samples (every rp is different, and my writing style changes accordingly. i match my partner’s vibe so i don’t believe writing samples can adequately exhibit my abilities. its fine if that’s a dealbreaker for you. good luck in your searching!)
જ⁀➴ do all the plot work by myself (please contribute so we can keep our interest!)
genres / tropes / plots
bold for what i like the most!
·˚ ༘₊·꒰➳: ̗̀➛ scifi, slice of life, family, found family, spooky, horror, pregnancy, angst, drama, adventure, action, superhero, romance, crime, mafia/cartel/gangster, espionage, fantasy, anime, realism, right person wrong time, historical fiction, college, soulmates, aliens, interracial relationships, queer relationships, mystery, war, disaster, comedy, heist, mxm, fxf, mxf, nbxm, nbxf, trans characters, opposites attract, blended families, dystopian/apocalyptic, modern, high school, big families, affairs, arranged marriage, supernatural, serial killer, royalty, retrofuturism, athletes, space opera, western, southern gothic, ancient, small town, chosen one, military, witches, celebrities, steampunk, ccxcc, ocxoc, ocxcc… and more!
for shipping or plots based off of them. bold for what i like the most!
·˚ ༘₊·꒰➳: ̗̀➛ criminal minds, top gun, my hero academia, bridgerton, twisters, harry potter, the outsiders, marvel, dc, stranger things, kingsman, bullet train, the hunger games, atla, star trek, star wars, the walking dead, disney, gravity falls, alien, bg3, mlp, encanto, a quiet place, wonka, mission impossible, scream, john wick, enola holmes, james bond, ghostbusters, the purge, men in black, transformers, jurassic world, maze runner, pirates of the caribbean, ocean’s 8, the mummy, winter’s orbit, designated survivor
if you’re interested or i liked one of your searches, feel free to shoot me a dm! ♡
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film-in-my-soul · 7 months
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What's this? Another event? On my 2024 docket?
I'm so excited that I was able to catch the sign-ups for @fandomtrumpshate this year, and I hope that everyone will check out the other amazing creators with offers going up!
Personally, I will be offering up 1 (one) fanfiction piece between 5k to 10k. Rating is up to E, and fandoms and emphasized pairings are as follows:
Captain America: Steve/Bucky
Venom: Eddie/Venom
X-Men: Charles/Erik
Young Avengers: Billy/Teddy
Teen Wolf: Stiles/Derek
Top Gun Movies: Iceman/Maverick, Hangman/Rooster, Bob/Hangman/Rooster, Fanboy/Payback, Bob/Phoenix, Goose/Carole
(This list of pairings should be considered 'including but NOT LIMITED TO')
You can find examples of my work HERE! (but please be mindful that the quality of work declines sharply for anything written prior to 2019, in my personal opinion)
You can find more information regarding my offer on my contribution page HERE!
Bidding begins 03/05!
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jennilah · 6 months
Godzilla in front of my eyeballs tonight. I will be happy
also anecdotal humble brag (acknowledging lmfao)
last night i was scrolling thru my twitter timeline enjoying some Godzilla fandom things, someone made an appreciation thread of Mothra in KOTM and started it off with a gif of my shot
and i was high af and it was like 3:30 in the morning and i was just having a whole ass surreal moment about it.
i mean. its still surreal to think about. its been surreal for the last 5 years.
imagine. just enjoying fandom on my own because im a Godzilla fan first, someone who worked on it second, and occasionally being jumpscared by my own shots being used (or redrawn!!!!!!???) by other G-fans like nbd
every time, its like
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ive worked on other big IPs but im not in those fandoms so i dunno whats going on in them. i have no idea if my shots are giffed/redrawn/whatever there. i think some are, but in general i dont have my finger on those pulses.
but sometimes ill randomly come across people who are in those fandoms and i enter 👀👀👀👀👀 mode. like Transformers. or Top Gun! im still shocked there even IS a Top Gun fandom!
one day i saw a Saw artist post TGM art and i
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anyway theres no point to this rambling im just. saying things.
also if i ever contribute anything that ends up being ship fodder, i am EXTREMELY pleased. like my mothra shots being used by mothzilla shippers. are u kidding me? im living the dream. this is the greatest possible thing to happen to my work
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hangmanbradshaw · 8 months
Some questions if you’re willing:
1) besides Sereshaw/Hangster what pairings are your favorite in the TG universe?
2) have you considered writing your own version of what you would like the plot of Top Gun 3 to be?
3) pretending you had all the time in the world to write what’s the top five universes you would explore?
4) Ex Coach Rogers From IWBWY, any chance he ever gets his comeuppance? I know he was fired but is there ever a full on Bradshaw family mama bear style beat down on that jerk for trying to hurt Jake?
5) Vegas lol?
Thanks for all your contributions to this fandom. I don’t think I need to tell you how much I adore your stories!!! And for your kindness when I spam your messages with all my nonsense lol
Friend!! I'm always willing <3
1000% my fave other couple is Carole/Goose. I love some old school icemav, some Javy/Nat, some Bob/Nat. I can get behind a lot of them actually.
I have a super angsty, beautiful, heart wrecking redemption type post canon story in my head that one day I'll tackle, but it's not anything I think they'd actually make or even that I'd want them to make lmao. So probably not- I like my little AU worlds too much (but I do have a plot in mind I'd love to see. Give us the daggers in a squad OR give us Hangman and Rooster who are now on a squad together as wingmen and they have to call in Mav for 'one last ride' before he retires for good for some insane mission. Ideally though I want all the daggers back sigh.)
I WISH. Someone fund me so I don't have to work lmao I'll write all day happily. Okay so 1) the offer/mob universe which is coming soon 2) boxerina universe also coming soon 3) a world where they're rivals at a research station in antarctica feat. survival expert bradley and scientist jake 4) i'd actually love to write a straight up horror movie plot 5) a bonnie and clyde style world very loosely inspired by hit man that would be really fun
Rogers gets his in the form of Karma a la TSwift, but you know who we might see again? Maybe not how you'd imagine? Donny :)
IT'S STILL A MAYBE. I'm trying so hard to convince myself to be good and stay in KC and go to the watch party downtown, but I'm also like.....I could see Kelly Clarkson and Christina Aguilera and go to the Super Bowl Experience Saturday and also Chiefs/T Swift/the Tellers and and- ugh hahaha maybe.
You're so sweet <3 I'm always happy to get your messages. Thank you for always being so supportive and wonderful.
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enthyrea · 9 months
Hi! Me again, sorry… I just really enjoy seeing your answers! If you don’t mind me asking for your answers for 6, 7, 17, 24, 32, and 38. If these are too much then you can answer whatever you want. Thank you for all your contributions to the Top Gun fandom! :)
hihi! all good!
6. if i could be any character for a day: i gotta say bob because everyone loves him and i love him and i dont want to actually fly a jet i'll just chill in the backseat
7. do i have any headcanons about characters/ships: YEAH like way too many to count but i'll just say one: hondo and maverick have weekly lunch dates
17. what would my callsign be: my childhood nickname was "scooby" (like scooby-doo) so probably that or "sabine"- the sabine river separates texas and louisiana; i'm from louisiana and i live in east texas. (though i go by storm online and that seems like a good callsign in and of itself haha)
24. a line i quote all the time: the way hangman says "i love this song :}" during the bar scene. i say that CONSTANTLY
32. dress whites, service khakis, or flight suits: dress whites are the easiest to draw, and i think they look the best too.
38. which character do i project onto the most: 100000% coyote. i feel like i've explained why before but a lot of the backstory i give him is very similar to my own.
thanks for the questions<3
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sorenblr · 1 year
So I heard there’s interest in starting a new Megaten Wiki. I never knew there were so many issues with the current one. Care to give some cliff notes on what’s wrong with it?
These were mentioned in Vesk’s petition from last week, and I don’t want to get into detail with whatever ails the Megaten Wiki in particular, so I’ll just say that Fandom is fucking garbage. Just a dog dick useless company contributing to the vacuous centralization of the internet. The end-user experience is in the dirt, and the unspoken aversion to citations has afflicted page content proper for years. Can’t even scroll to the bottom of the page for Djimon Honsou’s character from Gladiator without being greeted with a constellation of links to Top 10 Most John Wick Moments When John Wick Went Crazy With The Guns. Get this shit out of my face before I go insane.
I think Fandom has outlived its utility as a wiki infrastructure, and it has a stupid fucking name. If there’s demand for a bespoke alternative then it’s worth capitalizing on. Its saving grace is that the ease of entry still generates instantly stillborn wikis with fifteen pages total because someone in a former Eastern Bloc country wants to fuck the M&M guys. Thank you god.
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bradshawsbaby · 4 months
Your blog was the first one I followed in the fandom
Your stories made me fall in love with Hannix and your amazing Seresin Family
Your creativity made me want to write and post my own stories on here
I know it’s not much, but your contributions to this fandom brought me to this fandom and made me braver on this app, so I’ll always be thankful for you!
I know that this fandom can be difficult at times. I myself haven’t been able to write because I don’t think my story fits in the direction of the people still here so believe me when I say I get it.
I would hate to lose you on here. I would hate to lose your brilliance and your kindness and how you love Pearl Harbor and the Mummy as well as Top Gun like me.
But I also understand the negativity that this app can cause. Your mental health should always be first so do what makes you happiest, but never stop writing! You’re just insanely talented and creative!!
Thank you for being a part of this fandom!
Thank you for this 🥺 I don’t even know what to say beyond that, but I’m very grateful for your supremely kind words ♥️
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