#this is mostly based on that one post that's like ''oh no *my organs spill out of my body* and the prom's tomorrow!!!''
Obsessed with the genre that's along the lines of "*horribly inexplicable thing happens* oh sweet jesus i still have work/school tomorrow".
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demon-slayage · 3 years
The first time you and Cove Holden get into an argument is when you’re in college
-femme reader
-high affectionate Cove, long term dating
-post step 3
-some mild angst but mostly fluff
-hi I haven’t written anything in years and this just popped out at me. Sorry it can get a little specific I based the sorority stuff on some of my own experiences so it does come from a femme perspective as well as my own experiences in the game w a high affectionate sporty Cove.
-hope you enjoy!
You opted to go to a university on the opposite side of the state. You generally didn’t come home to visit all that often just because your schedules didn’t always line up that way but you and Cove made it work. He knew this would happen and you tried to make a point of visiting at least once a month. However, you had joined a sorority because you wanted to make more friends. You could tell your longtime boyfriend was a little wary since your high school and friend group was never into partying like Greek life was known for.
Once you made it into the sorority in late fall you were finally able to attend one of these said ragers that Cove was worried about. You partook in some underage drinking and sent your boyfriend a couple of Snapchats of you hanging out with some sisters who he’s seen before as well as some unknown frat brothers. He simply told you to be safe, have a good time, and call him if you needed him. Knowing full well he’d drop everything to come get you if needed. Even though your drive/flight was hours away. You told him you loved him and not to worry.
But knowing Cove thats all he did over the weekend. Then the week after you had to deal with midterms so you were even busier and had less time to chat with your boyfriend as you were busy studying in the library with your friends and sisters. But regardless of that fall break was coming up and you had planned your visit to see Cove after midterms.
You made sure to text Cove to tell him you weren’t going to be as available but you knew he’d be a little sad but understanding knowing how clingy he was. However being in this situation you didn’t have time to focus on that.
Friday rolled around and you’d opted to fly home instead of taking the 5 hour drive. You’d planned it to be a surprise getting there earlier instead of the usual time. You had your moms pick you up from the airport and they smothered you with hugs and kisses once they saw you walk out of the gate.
You told them about how the semester was going and told them about your organization and they were just happy you were home. They took you family condo and you immediately got dressed to surprise your-probably-worried-you-hadn’t texted-him-for-a-bit-boyfriend. You sent him a text you saying were leaving in the morning which was normal but you’d always sent a follow up once you took a stop in your usual road trip.
You made your way to the tropical place restaurant where he worked and had even stopped by a local candy shop to pick up some fudge for him.
You swung the door open with a jingle and you’d somehow caught Cove conveniently at the host podium but unfortunately the moment he saw you he started immediately choking on the water he was drinking. His boss rushed over to check on him and noticed you and started laughing.
They said “Oh Cove, ever the smooth one. Why don’t you go take a long lunch since your partner is back.” They patted him on the back as he was still hacking pretty hard but you could see tears forming his eyes. You were unsure whether they were from being excited to see you or because he was in pain from choking.
You quickly pulled your dying boyfriend outside and let him finish recovering. After clearing his throat a few times he brought you into a big hug. And kissed your face all over.
“I didn’t expect you back so early!”
“I know I flew instead of driving since I wanted to see you so bad since I have more time! Fall break doesn’t end til Wednesday so you’re stuck with me until then.”
He puts a hand to his heart and says “oh what shall I do with you for that long.” He says it with a sly look in his eyes. But you also notice a bit of sadness in his voice but choose not to comment on it. You will later but not when he has to eventually go to back to work.
“So, do you want to eat here or find somewhere else to go. I guess I have a longer lunch but I don’t want to push it.”
You both opt for eating at his workplace but sitting outside around back away from the customers. You quickly fall into your normal conversations and you tell him about the midterms and your initiation into your sorority, telling him for the first time you have a secret he can’t know. He tries to get you to spill jokingly but you won’t budge. You also sense his sadness rising but again you won’t push until you’re in private.
Eventually your hour comes to a close and you tell him you’ll see him at his apartment later. You wave the spare key he gave you when he moved in and start your 15 minute trek back to your home to grab your belongings which you had left with your moms before they dropped you off to see him.
You ran inside and gave them a quick hug, popped over to Mr. Holden’s house to let him know you were back, who was just as shocked and then made your trek to Cove’s one bedroom apartment.
His complex was actually rather close to your family homes, he now had his independence but was still close enough to pop in on both families. You’d appreciated it since you’d stay at both places when you were in town and if Elizabeth was in town you got to stay with Cove. Though there was still a room available it was mostly just a weak excuse but your families never minded.
You opened up the door and inhaled and felt at peace. The citrusy-ocean scent you were used to hit you and made you tear up slightly. You walked your bag to Coves bedroom and then grabbed your entertainment of choice and headed into the living room to wait for him to get back. Since he was working a morning shift you expected him home in about an hour.
While you waited you remembered the fudge bought for him and made sure to grab it and display it on his coffee table.
Like clockwork when the clock struck 3, your tired boyfriend walked inside. All of the exhaustion on his face completely melted away at the sight of you and in two steps, thankful to his long legs he was holding you in his arms. Very enthusiastic for someone who’d already greeted you.
“You just saw me though!”
“I know but I didn’t get to do this earlier” he brought his lips to yours and the world stood still and all felt at peace. After a few moments you broke apart and you motioned to the fudge on the table.
“I bought some of your favorite to surprise you!”
You saw tears start to form in his eyes and then tears started to form in yours and you both hugged each other again before settling in a tangled pile of limbs on the couch.
However you were still aware of the subtle sadness he was giving off and decided now was the best time to bring it up.
You looked at him with worry and he immediately went wide eyed.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“No, you tell me? I could tell you weren’t all there today when I saw you at the restaurant.”
“Oh,” he sighed. “Yeah. I’m sorry. It’s nothing.”
You looked at him and he immediately broke.
“No you’re right, sorry I don’t know why I sometimes do that still, you can read me like an open book.” He pulled you closer.
“I guess I was just feeling a little insecure.”
You were surprised. The Cove Holden. Insecure? You both trusted each other with the utmost care and neither of you had ever done anything warranting an insecurity to rise but you let him continue speaking.
“You looked like you were having so much fun in those photos, but seeing you with all those guys i didn’t know kind of got to me. And then you were busy the whole week, which I know you couldn’t help. But we couldn’t even talk about it and it just weighed on me.”
Oh Cove. You put a hand up to your mouth and tears started to form in your eyes. You pushed your face into his chest then looked up at him. He looked back at you with a deep intense love.
“I’m sorry I didn’t even think about that! Those guys joined their organization around the same time as me so we’d been getting to know each other and since it was the first time we got to drink I wasn’t even really conscious of what was happening! They’re just some good friends.”
At that he seemed to stiffen.
“What do you mean not conscious? You didn’t drink that much you blacked out?”
You were not actually a drinker at all and felt a little stung by his assumption. You weren’t even allowed to drink your entire new member process until you got initiated into the organization either so that was a first and you knew you didn’t pass your limits either.
“No Cove. I didn’t. I was fine, i didn’t mean it that way. I meant that those guys had just become part of my routine. Not that I had blacked out.” Your tone came out a little more hostile than you meant.
He looked away and cleared his throat.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. I know you’re responsible.”
He looked at you and picked up your hand and started massaging it.
“It’s just with alcohol, I worry about it since we never really drank in high school. You’re free to do that of course! You’re free to do whatever you want I just was worried since I’m not able to be there if anything bad did happen.”
Oh. He was right. It’s not like if you did get sick he’d be right there to be able to hold your hair back. Of course he was concerned. You were living different lives right now and it worried him that he couldn’t be a part of some of your firsts.
“Cove, I’m sorry. I didn’t even think about that. You’re always on my mind that it kind of felt like you’d be able to instantly come to my aid if I needed but you are actually 5 hours away and 3 if you fly.” You smiled sadly at him.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“I trust you I really do, you know that but I’ve been realizing it’s hard for me at times watching you live this different life than me after we spent 10 years doing the same thing. I’ve never felt that insecurity before. In the back of my head I worry you’ll get bored of your boyfriend from your small hometown and want to move on to different things.”
You sighed at that, but not with any malice.
“Cove James Holden. You know you are the only one for me. Like you said, I’ve been with you for 10 years! You’re not getting rid of me that easily! And I’d never get bored of you!”
That elicited a chuckle and you pressed your lips to his cheek and then his lips.
Once you pulled apart he stayed looking at you with a soft gaze.
“I want you to have fun, have the whole college experience. I know you won’t always have time to talk to me. Thank you for sticking with me and riding out these insecurities I feel. You are my person and I know I’m yours.”
“Exactly! You are my absolute person.” You replied happily. Poking him in the chest.
“I love you,” he said as he pressed another kiss to your forehead.
“I love you two Cove Holden. Forever and always.”
You then spent the rest of the evening cooking dinner, catching up, and eventually having the nicest, deepest sleep you’re had in a while being back in the arms of your boyfriend. He had taken the weekend off so you didn’t even need to worry about waking up early in the morning.
When the sun peaked through the blinds you smiled up at the sleeping beauty who’d encased you protectively in his arms all night knowing someday you’d be doing this every day for the rest of your lives.
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queenangst · 4 years
uraraka-centric fic recs
it’s time for my best girl! here’s a collection of 27 gen, uraraka-centric fic recs. a mix of mostly canon compliant fics and some aus; hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, and everything in between. 
for more fic recs, please check out my:  ‘fic rec’ tag | ‘bnha fic rec’ tag | ‘weekly fic roundup’ tag (bnha)
Starfire by Anonymous
gen; 2.6k; chapters 1/1 complete
Stars create gravity, and Uraraka wishes on herself.
It was impossible to make her own shooting stars, but that inspiration sounded like a touch of divinity. Only the imaginings of a god with their versatility of powers could be capable of involving outer space. Uraraka...dreamed of that.
Home for Christmas by sobakasuai
gen; 1.2k; chapters 1/1 complete
Ochako feels slightly pitiful about herself as she loads a few more cups of noodles into her shopping basket. Christmas Eve was a time spent with family— a time for gifts under the tree, multicolored lights in the windows, and sending cheesy postcards in the mail.
Yet here she is, stocking up on sustenance as she rushes to get back to the dormitories before it gets too dark to be comfortable with walking back alone. A violation of Christmas spirit in human form, feeling not unlike Ebenezer Scrooge.
Barology by MissAquarius
gen; 4.6k; chapters 1/1 complete
Barology: the study of gravity.
intersection by kiroiimye
gen; 1.2k; chapters 1/1 complete; uraraka & bakugou
“Getting coffee, obviously.” She doesn’t want to meet his eyes and it’s only happened once before; the first times had been intimidation from hardened crimson eyes. But as the years went on, she had grown past that stage; he was more a classmate than enemy. “Would you like to—
“Nope.” It’s flippant, over-the-shoulder, but Bakugou makes no move to leave and Ochako can’t help but smile wryly.
It’s the sort of thing he’d pull when they were younger.
Ochako runs into Bakugou after graduation.
momentous by kiroiimye
gen; 2/6k; chapters 1/1 complete
She’s in the middle of a math lesson, ignoring the whispers behind her back when the rumbling starts. It’s a dull roar in the beginning, and it’s when the pens start rattling on her desk that she stops the lecture. Even the students have gone quiet in their seats, the room stilled with tension.
“Uraraka-sensei, what was that?”
Ochako squares her shoulders, lowering her voice. “I don’t know, but stay alert.”
And then the water comes rushing in.
Becoming a teacher was not part of Ochako's post-U.A. plans, and yet here she is. Standing in front of a raucous class of about twenty teenagers, who all seem to have it out for her. Really, why is she here again?
The Hunger for Survival by SingingCookie
gen; 6.2k; chapters 1/1 complete
People say your early life shapes you, really molds you into the person you’ll become. Likes, dislikes, the habits, the tics, and the pet peeves… A majority of that when you grow up is influenced by where you came from.
Ochako’s early life shaped her into someone who knew how to survive—but it was always the living that fell just out of reach.
one hundred percent by UnidentifiedPie
gen; 2.2k; chapters 1/1 complete
White like bone, Uraraka thinks, mind flashing back to the people she saw on the street. Civilians lying all around, eyes blank and staring and dead. The defeated hero, body a mangled mess, spilled organs and shattered, bloodied bone.
She’d watched that hero die. The villain Uraraka had fought had gripped him by the neck and supercharged his blood, contorted his body into something twisted and terrible. She’d run for him, something screaming in her heart and lungs and nononono-
-but she wasn’t fast enough. And it didn’t matter anyway; the man had been dead before he’d hit the ground.
Patchwork by bishounen_curious
gen; 6.8k; chapters 1/1 complete; uraraka & 1a/1b girls
At the beginning of Third Year, Ochako suggests to the girls in the Hero Course that they make a patchwork quilt to commemorate their time together at U.A., their friendship and their solidarity as women in the hero profession. Something private and special that they all can share for years to come.
However, the quilt doesn't get finished. And it never does.
at long last by Quintessence
gen; 2.7k; chapter 1/1 complete; uraraka family
"Her parents were proud. The kind of proud that came from decades of unrelenting hard work matched in intensity only by their miserable luck. The kind of proud that made them refuse the money Ochako sent after her every paycheck. The kind of proud that was going to make a gift of the magnitude she planned to give go down as easily as a mouthful of chalky pills without water."
In which pro-hero Uravity finally achieves her lifelong dream of giving her parents an easy life.
got your six by Quintessence
gen; 1.6k; chapters 1/1 complete; uraraka & bakugou
“Oh, yeah, they rejected my application,” Uraraka says, like it’s nothing, which, Bakugou decides, fists clenched under the table, it most certainly isn’t. “They’re mostly a combat-based agency, and they thought I’d be better suited for a rescue oriented one. So I’m gonna keep looking. I mean, Kurashiki Agencies isn’t the only game in town, so I’m a little bummed, but it’s okay.”
And then she has the nerve to smile, making her full, pink cheeks even rounder, shrug, and take a sip of her drink. Bakugou has to breathe deeply before he replies, because he really is working on not lashing out as much anymore, but the anger burns and bubbles like boiling water in his stomach.
“That’s the biggest fucking load of bullshit I’ve ever heard, Round-Face.” His teeth are clenched as he speaks, but at least he’s not yelling. “I mean, have they even seen what you can do? Or did they just take one look at your Quirk and fucking write you off?”
In which Uraraka gets rejected from a hero agency, and Bakugou is her most aggressive (and I mean aggressive) supporter.
Like an Onion by BigDangoFamily
gen; 3.7k; chapters 1/1 complete; uraraka & aoyama, background/minor uraraka/midoriya
It was strange, Uraraka thought, how someone so sparkly and so over-the-top could fade into the background so easily. Even with his theatrical nature and his showy costume and his (quite literally) dazzling Quirk, Uraraka had somehow never noticed Aoyama that much.
He was a piece of the background; he helped make up the landscape of their class; he was a figure her eyes automatically skipped over in her search for her friends—which, when she put it like that, made it sound pretty harsh.
It wasn’t that she particularly disliked Aoyama. She would gladly enjoy time spent hanging out with anyone in Class 1-A (well, maybe not Mineta), and she was friendly to all her classmates. That was how she was. It was just that, somehow, her eyes had always seemed to glide right off of Aoyama.
Well, now her eyes definitely saw him, and quite clearly too.
OR: Uraraka unexpectedly comes to respect Aoyama.
Determination by chockfullofsecrets
gen; 1.1k; chapters 1/1 complete; uraraka & midoriya
If Uraraka wants to win this sparring match, she’s going to need to find a way to put a stop to Deku’s endless determination.
perfidy by khattikeri
gen; 500 words; chapters 1/1 complete; uraraka & midoriya
She pressed the knife harder against Midoriya's throat.
Just Keep Floating by ProPinkist
gen; 2.9k; chapters 1/1 complete; uraraka & all might
Ochako runs into Toshinori, hiding away alone in the dorms, who might could use a helping hand.
Luckily, in this case, she's just the right person for the job.
Uravity: (Kitten) Rescue Hero by TenyaTrash
gen; 1.4k; chapters 1/1 complete
Childhood Ochako is always looking for ways to excel as a rescue hero. She wants to help her parents, her friends, and the world.
And wouldn't you know it? She's got a knack for finding animals that are purrfectly in need of a rescue or two.
Every hero has to start somewhere!
Freefall by Cornflower_Blue
gen; 2k; chapters 1/1 complete
The first time it happens, it is an accident.
The first time it happens, Ochako is just walking around her neighborhood.
Cold Tea and Hot Tears by Wolfie_Dragon
gen; 2.6k; chapters 1/1 complete; minor uraraka/midoriya
When Ochako and the other work studies students are back at the dorms after the Shie Hasaikai raid, things are supposed to go back to normal. But Ochako finds she can't forget the horrible events. It's only in the dark of night that she finds that Deku is just as traumatized, if not more.
Scars by All_five_pieces_of_Exodia
gen; 2.4k; chapters 1/1 complete; uraraka & dekusquad
When Ochako is training one day and gets injured because of it, she starts to wonder about scars and what the people who have them think of them.
But does she even want to know?
Normalcy Has Its Place by Madam_Chauncey
gen; 3.2k; chapters 1/1 complete; uraraka & yaoyorozu
Sometimes a day of kickboxing with your gal pal is all you need. Or; Momo and Ochako decide to make the best of a bad week.
foundations by blueberrytree
gen; 2.5k; chapters 1/1 complete
Ochako drums her fingers anxiously on the surface of her desk. Why does she want to be a hero? It had seemed so clear before last night’s phone call—make money to support her parents and give them an easy life. Now, though? 
Gravitational Pull by Sky_King
gen; 2.9k; chapters 1/1 complete; uraraka & dekusquad
Despite having been friends for a while now, Izuku soon realizes there's a lot he doesn't know about Uraraka.
And on the other hand, Ochako discovers that opening up to her friends might not be as frightening as she suspects it to be.
Sleep is for the Weak by baggytshirtsandtiredeyes
gen; 2.9k; chapters 1/1 complete; uraraka & aizawa
Exhaustion was as familiar to Ochako as breathing. She was only fifteen but she felt more like she was edging on forty. But it was okay. She could just power through. She couldn’t stop now. Not when she was living her dream.
Catch Me When I Fall by baggytshirtsandtiredeyes
gen; 2.1k; chapters 1/1 complete; uraraka & asui
Ochako feels like she's falling behind her classmates so she starts training alone. One night Tsuyu finds her and offers to help. If only they could have known what was going to happen.
If the Dress Fits by calamansifresh
gen; 2.4k; chapters 1/1 complete
It’s the day of the Annual Hero Awards Gala and Uraraka Ochako is in attendance as the recipient of the Rising Star Award. While she’s certainly proud of her heroic accomplishments, impostor syndrome rears its ugly head and she wonders if she really belongs in the spotlight.
caution, handle with care by SpiritusRex
gen; 2.7k; chapters 1/1 complete
It was an accident. Ochako reminds herself, as she cups her hand to her mouth and tries to keep the hot, bright blood from dripping through her fingers. It was an accident.
But Ochako knew, had witnessed, just how severe an accident could be.
She pulls her hand away, and her palm comes back with a jagged chunk of a tooth cradled in the center. The sight blurs in front of her eyes; a dot of white in a small pool of red.
Ochako takes a page out of Deku's book, and makes an impulsive, painful decision.
All Might for a day by PurpleCarSeat
gen; 9.3k; chapters 1/1 complete; uraraka & all might
What had he been about to say?
Ochako expects it’s more of the same “push beyond your own limits!” stuff that he likes to spout, which always feels a little hollow coming from him because All Might doesn’t have limits. Despite what he claimed, she doesn’t think All Might has ever been weak. He’s the number one hero, perfect in every way. He can move faster than the eye can follow and jump so high he’s practically flying. He was probably trying to make her feel better – it seems like the sort of thing he’d do.
Or: Ochako learns the hard way that strength is more than just physical, and that the people at the top are only human too
Sacrifices and Jogging Routes by Quillium
gen; 5.8k; chapters 1/1 complete; uraraka & dekusquad
"We're heroes," she says instead, simply, quietly. It's hard to be excited about becoming a hero... every child's dream, what everyone idolizes... when you know the likely outcome. Most of her friends will die before her or she will be dead before they've even begun to sport wrinkles.
Uraraka tries to figure out what it means to be a hero and the sacrifices that it entails.
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docholligay · 4 years
THose of you who read the schedule already know this but the winners are:
Please join me for both! It’ should be a terrifying, thrilling time. 
AND NOW, THOSE OF YOU WHO MADE ME FEEL THE WARMEST. Thank you to all who answered--I know this was super self indulgent and it means a lot to me that you took the time. So, literally 12 out of the 13 of you got at least one point (One person did not give any details, or even a quote) MAZEL. 
Point allocations are below!!
One point winners: 
4(?)ish years ago, you sent Jet a series of letters/cards/funeral lilies, from different Sailor Moon characters. The lilies were for Mako. One card was from Michiru, after Haruka's death. I have never been able to find them again, but I just loved the care you put into them--how they were all written specifically from the character, the fact that you even put tear stains and perfume on the cards. It was just so creative and touching, and it felt like the characters were real for an instant, mourning and living and giving you a peek at their lives. --- @kumeko (That was A Little Letter, and Mako’s was actually a separate thing for the same contest!) 
   “Before you get yourselves killed I want to go on record as saying this is the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.” Rei stood with her hands on her hips at the front of the garage- from that short story about Mina and Haruka strapping an engine to a shopping cart. You can really feel how rei must feel, the resigned exasperation mixed with genuine, but hidden, concern for Mina and haruka’s safety. I think i have said the exactsame thing before people i know do stupid shit. --- BeefSalad33  (oh ma, an oldie but, I think, a goodie) 
OH MAN. I am always thinking nonstop about that piece where Minako confronts Seiya about bullying Haruka, specifically for the line where Mina spits out "you think she'll love you for this?" and UGH that LINE. it HAUNTS me, I want to BITE DOWN ON IT AND NEVER LET GO, I WANT TO PUT IT EVERYWHERE EVER BECAUSE IT HURTS SO GOOD, AND I DON'T EVEN CARE ABOUT SEIYA. --- @wouldntyoulichentoknow (I’m so glad that I’ve managed to make both you and jetty grit your teeth and care about Seiya at some point ahahah) 
"*But flowers grow from death and decay, don’t they? That has always been true, you know that, Mako. You are a rose of perfect beauty, grown in the rich fertilizer of your loss.*
She threw the stress ball across the room, knocking over the cup on the sink, spilling the ice down the drain."
The contrast between reminding herself of how life works, and then still being bitter about it, and knowing what she is and being frustrated about it. It's a lot, when sorting out various issues- i have trauma, and that makes me better at empathizing with people, i'm adaptable long-term, and that means i can put up with some bullshit, that kind of thing, but that doesn't mean those are wholly good things. It's nice to see it put into words, and so plainly, and with such a strong reaction of it.
Roses can still grow wild, as pretentious as that sounds with how your passage resonates to me, but it's still nice to feel that. ---- @katrani (I’m so glad it resonates with you! I liked that line a lot! ) 
2 point answers:
Christmas Carol, Stave 1 - “You are a terrible person,” she jutted out her chin, feigning strength. “Fareeha deserved much better than you. But,” she took a deep breath. “I still hope she forgives you, someday. Someday, I hope you will deserve it.” It feels like cheating to use the most recent thing you’ve written, but nonetheless this section conveys so much about your take on Mercy, so quickly. She may be an idealist, the peacekeeper and builder, and she may want Pharah to have a relationship with her mother that’s not this disaster, but that doesn’t stop her from acknowledging that Ana’s been the primary factor in making it what it is and telling Ana that directly. I love how you write Mercy (and Tracer for that matter) as very warm characters who try to see the best in their situations but won’t gloss over the fact that sometimes, someone does have to be shot in the fucking face. “Good” doesn’t mean “hopelessly naive”, even with a pacifist, and I appreciate that you have characters who show that. 
Bonus, and a fringe case as technically part of the Fushigi Yuigi hateblog: “She was still trying to get home, had been unable to get Tamahome to let her poison him, and then Nakago had hugged her into his chest until she had been forced to flatten him with a punch to the nads. She was tired, she was hungry, and she was trying to have a moonlight bath to consider her options and wash the stink of a man off of her.
And then, Tamahome, again.” - Haruka-gets-dumped-into-Fushigi-Yuugi-as-Yui was a delight that entire episode, but this post was one of the best. Is it really just narrativizing your frustrations with the many, many writing choices that were made here? Absolutely. But it’s a fun little bit of comedic pacing here, especially with the utter exhaustion of Haruka that this bullshit isn’t over yet. (“Fuck my life” to the moon wondering if Usagi could help and regretting how hard it would be to drown herself are close runners-up on that front.) --- Regalli 
(Mercy is, in many ways, my attempt to write someone who is MOSTLY a pacifist that I can respect. It’s not easy for me! I often find pacifism to be cowardice, because so often in life the people I know who are pacifists are, well, not the folks in the street. So i thought, could you write someone who is very hesitant to kill, who believes that even Doomfist, even Reaper, even whoever, deserve care if they are hurt, who believes that a sword will not leave her hand free to uplift the fallen, and make her brave? And make her strong? And so was born, Mercy, who proved that, yeah that person, at least in my mind, can exist.) 
I think one of my favorite passages from your writing is from "The Rest is Commentary". Particularly the part that starts with "I am a doer. " That entire paragraph is wonderfully written, with mix of beautifully descriptive language to describe *why* you don't trust words. It's slightly paradoxical, but it also fits with the rest of the essay (?) so well. And even beyond that,  I love reading when you write about your faith. You are deeply devout woman, and a personal aspiration to me. When you write about your faith, it reminds me that there is work that needs to be done to live it, and not easy work either. But it is very much worth every bead of sweat, and every drop of blood. --- @shavedjudomonkey 
(Thank you so much! I love that people have connected so much with my Jewish writing) 
3 point answers: 
From Requiem for the Great Consummation, I adore the word play with "compose." Ie, in the line, "Michiru folded her hands in her lap and composed herself." Why? I'm a musician. So, Michiru, with her music, holds a special place in my heart. (Why Ami gets the music attacks is beyond me. WTF?)  I don't think the writers ever really understood what it takes to be a musician, and while fanfic writers often include Michiru's music, I've never really seen it done well. (I'm sure it has been. I just haven't seen it.) Music is all about structure. It has to feel free and soaring, but it can only be that because of the intense amounts of tension and structure underneath. A kite without a string plummets. When I reach for high, soaring notes, that's when I have to be most conscious of having a solid base. Making music Is constant tension. So, often when I see writers portray musicians, it's all "she never felt so free and untethered as when she sang/played the,violin/piano/whatever." And I think, "wow, really? She must have been Crap." So, back to compose/compose. This wordplay shows that tension. The "I have rehearsed this 5,000 times and am still working so hard I'm sweating standing still in this freezing auditorium so that it can look and sound completely free and easy." This is Michiru's entire life. She is composing herself. She is outlining complex rhythms and tensions and resolutions that even though you hear when the piece is played, you don't fully take in or understand, and all you consciously comprehend is 'wow, pretty.' Because that's how music works. Organs have keys that can't be heard by the human ear, and composers include them in their pieces. Why? We can't hear them! But we feel them. If you look at the score for an orchestral piece, it contains So. Many. Notes. So much going on. But when you listen, all you hear is that melodic theme. But if you take out anything underneath, things change and cam fall apart. Michiru lives her life like that. She creates herself, composes herself, and it looks elegant and free and easy, but it is so so very tightly controlled and rehearsed, and that particular wordplay showed off that side of Michiru's music, which is one I don't get to see explored much. --- @incorrecttact 
(Thank you so much for this!! I am NOT a musician, but so much of Michiru and music speaks to me, the structure of it, the discipline, the way it allows you to express yourself while hiding behind something else. And yes! I think of that double meaning so much!)
I want you to know... that this was very, very difficult. I made a notepad and collected shit I'd pulled out from your work where I could find comments where I did such, and then I AGONIZED. Here is where I landed but know it's so close with other things god. 
"Winston worked in earnest at his inventions, and Emily went back to teaching, and the two of them began to cook for each other again. Family dinners once a week resumed, grew with some of the new recruits that were being folded into their family. Pharah and Mercy’s daughter took them to the zoo, the park, out into the world. Dva had continued the game they had all been playing before Tracer died, their party picking up after the terrible and well-done loss of their beloved rogue. ***Life did not return, but it grew forward. It bloomed again.***" — A Clock's Fading Chime
I ended up choosing this one because I hate it a little when I read it. Not because it's not good but because it's SO PAINFUL. I love so much about the way you talk about love, and I think grief is all a part of that. We grieve because we loved. The idea of the grief period, especially for those in a close circle of a lost person, being like the cycle of the seasons where a flower may die but life blossoms in the soil it left behind is so evocative and perfect and everything leading up to that last line is the soil for which that line got to bloom. The slow, simple way life returns to them, that they adjust to the heavy rock in their pack (A piece of yours I revisited for this and a metaphor I will always carry with me) and start growing stronger together. And that they find it WITH EACH OTHER too just god, it kills me. But would I rather wish it wasn't necessary? YUP. FOR SURE. It hurts to think about someone who plays Lena's role dying in our own lives and trying to mend the rift between those left behind. But it brings all those possibilities and who may have gone already before to mind because it feels so grounded in the reality of what these experiences are like and shit it's just a great sampling of everything I love about your work. Beautiful prose, saying so much with so little, grounded in stuff that feels read, and ending on a banger, transfixing line. ---- @thoughtfulfangirling 
(Thank you so much! I LOVED that whole series of fics around that, as it is in the way that I often like to toy with the nature of grief, and the way that we go on. Things aren’t ever the same, but we go on. And I’m so glad you gt into it too! It’s very self-indulgent for me, basically everything with OW, so I love when other poepl like it) 
4 point answers: 
Given that I am not Jewish, I hope this isn't overstepping my bounds, but your passover Seder speech really spoke to me this year. Specifically the bits about the relationship between cowardice and metaphorical bondage: 
"This is a celebration of our freedom from bondage, but it is a also a reminder, a call that we must ensure we do not, in cowardice, return ourselves to bondage. "
Without explaining too much, and risking the kind of parasocial oversharing that you lamented the other day in a post, this particular push and pull has been at the forefront of my mind this year. The intense gravity that the familiar, the easy, the safe, can have, versus the genuine terror of pressing out into the unknown in search of something better.
Trying to change, and to do better, and to press on, is fucking terrifying, and hard. But, that is not an excuse. And I appreciated the reminder.   --- @blastoise-m 
(Not overstepping at all! I am so glad that it speaks to you, I really, really love this kind of writing, and I really should get back to doing more of my Jewish writing. My rabbi is leaving, because we apparently don’t have the money to have a rabbi! And he’s readying people to be lay leaders, and called on me to be someone who could give Divrei Torah (sort of like our sermons) because of my tendency to do stuff like this, and it’s very scary! But really exciting as that’s the kind of stuff that had me interested in being a rabbi, is picking this stuff apart and applying it to our own lives HI YOU ASKED FOR NONE OF THIS SORRY) 
"There are no beautiful deaths in this world, and am sorry that you must know it. Rei never was allowed to say goodbye. I watched Haruka grow weaker and more ill every single day. We each have been jealous of the other, at turns, but I tell you this truth now: Our lives mean much more than our deaths. You and Seiya had a wonderful love story, and you raised a wonderful daughter, and unfortunately it is very often difficult to finish a story in a satisfying sort of way. It is not the end of your story, simply of hers. For you, it is a new chapter"
I think this is still one of my top 5 fav fics that you've ever written. I still think of it randomly once in a while. It's such a small moment but it sold me Usagi and Seiya in a way never would have expected. It's such a moment of growth for both Usagi and Muchiru. A small moment of connection for two people who are so different.
This is wrapped up in the entire MaS series, which I could never separate from this work let alone this quote. The entire series is a series about love and all its many permutations. About finding meaning in a world when you think your meaning has been taken away. About carrying on when you think there's no reason to do so. And I think this quote really encapsulates all of that. 
This story, this entire series, is one the favorite things I've ever read and I'm so glad that you decided to share it. --- @madegeeky
(I truly and in all ways love how much you love this fic, it cheers em and makes me so happy every time I am reminded of it. And thank you for loving that line! I FEEL that line. It’s been true for every death that has come to me, so I love when it has meaning for others. ) 
The 5 point answer:
"God separated the sky and the sea, and that’s true, but there will always be the horizon where they blend."
I'm not much of a quote person. I'll often remember the feeling or the takeaway but rarely the words themselves. This, though, has stuck with me.
There is so much in this world, and so many people, who see everything as absolutes. Black and white. Good or bad. Right or wrong. And as I've grown and changed, that has come to bother me more and more.
This quote is such an elegant and accessible way to express how that oh-so-common point of view is a fallacy. And really it's just a lovely line that invokes both lovely imagery and feeling. ---- @seolh
I FORGOT I WROTE THIS, and like the completely arrogant piece of shit I am, when I read it was I was like, “Oh fuck, that’s a solid line.” And yes I am with you on getting older and relizing that the horizon line can be so fuzzy out there, sometimes, and this quote WEIRDLY came back to me when I needed it, a lot, and so thank you! 
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mhaccunoval · 3 years
i finallyyyy finished the explanations for my tlb playlistttt so come get yall juice
if you haven’t already seen my first (official) post about this silly little playlist then you are still in luck !!! here is the spotify and the youtube links !!! oh yeah also all of the songs are in chronological order (maybe not by month but definitely by year) because i had to be organized like that sbjhshsjbs
❥ title
i mean. there isn’t much to explain about it but sbjshbsjhs it’s based on sam’s line “you’re a creature of the night, michael!” of course but i made it plural because this playlist is sort of a. general boys / movie playlist, if that makes sense??? but yeahhhh they’re all littol creechers who love the night >:o]
❥ paint it, black — the rolling stones
so !!! i was kind of trying to relate it to the boys vampirism and. love of black clothes sbhsjbshjs but no. similar to the title, they. literally live in darkness because of not being able to go into the sun and because of the few lights in the lair but there’s also a sort of duality where being vampires in an internal darkness??? like. each of the boys takes heavy advantage of the benefits of being undead but i can’t imagine it’s without its faults outside of the lack of sunlight and such. i’m sure there’s a kind of uh. monster complex that follows it, especially with the way outsiders view them, which certainly fits with the song’s vibe of being washed with this sort of sensory overload to color and earning weird looks for it
❥ riders on the storm — the doors
first of all, there’s a giant ass jim morrison poster in the lair therefore the boys definitely listen to the doors (if not idolize jim) so jot that down. but also !!! it has very Them vibes !!! i think the storm effects definitely relate to boys in how storms create a darkness that is soothing in its own way, and comes on strong, just like the boys’ presence. and. technically they Are killers on the road that Will kill a sweet family sbhjsbshjsb but no most of all the !!! “into this house we’re born // into this world we’re thrown” and !!! the found family that the boys have going. like, if you look at. vampirism as the house they have LITERALLY been born into it and been thrown into a whole new world, depending on each other for comfort and pleasure !!! oh also. they ride motorcycles so they’re also literal riders sbhjsbshjs (fun fact, according to genius lyrics: apparently it was the last song jim recorded before he died a few weeks later 😳)
❥ love her madly — the doors
whole jim morrison poster and listening to the doors reasoning is sustained. HOWEVER for the rest of reasoning… perhaps it’s more straight up 95060 than anything but sbhsjbsshj the whole woman walking in and out of the audience’s life is very symbolic of michael being in and out with the boys, never really deciding whether he wants to fully join them and straining. all of his relationships with that indecision and sitting on the picket fence (those who sit on the picket fence are impaled by it). although, it could also be partly symbolic of that indecision, as he does find Some charm in the boys’ lifestyle and keeps finding himself drawn back enough to even consider partaking in it. also, if you wanna go the parko route, paul loves marko madly enough to go after the frog bros personally for killing him <3
❥ walk this way — aerosmith
i am. blanking on how to tie it in other than being on the movie’s soundtrack (yes i avoided it and people are strange until the very end of making the playlist, but one of the evils got me clearly— have always ADORED people are strange though). but. i guess you can make the case that the song is full of innuendos and some scenes, like the feeding scene, are lowkey horny sbsjhbshjsbs and YES it’s the aerosmith version instead of the run dmc one because. i prefer this one and it’s my silly little playlist <3
❥ the boys are back in town — thin lizzy
technically the boys never Left town but !!! *christopher walken voice* Boys !!! them cast ARE crazy and they’re ALWAYS dressed to kill, ready to spill some blood and pick a fight !!! yeah no it’s just a very fun song that i think really works to. represent their crazy lifestyle and infamy around town due to causing trouble !!! and you can almost say that in this scenario star is the girl who used to dance a lot and slapped the shit out of someone <3 just girlboss moments <3
❥ xanadu — rush
hehehe… this started as the. desire to add more rush to the playlist for my own amusement but the more times i listen to it, the more i’m like “!!! it actually fits”�� like. xanadu here is meant to a sort of utopia that’s long searched for, partly BECAUSE of the promise of immortality which !!! the boys have (unless. harmed in one of the ways at the end of the movie) because of their vampirism. like even if we don’t know the exact reasons they got turned, they all still, mostly indirectly probably, sought out that same principle. And the dining on honeydew and drinking the milk of ‘paradise’ is similar to their thrill-seeking tendencies and general enjoyment of being unable to die, leaving them to enjoy their undead lives to the fullest. not to mention, in [b part 2] (as genius refers to it) there’s talk of many, many years passing and waiting for the world to end, which we know there’s been quite a few years in between the boys getting turned and the movie, as well as i’m sure they sit back and wait on Some apocalypse, if not just to watch the world burn. in writing this, i’ve ALSO realized how it can be considered very Michael; he didn’t exactly seek this life out but he found it and indulged, only to be that “mad immortal man” towards the end of the song
❥ runnin’ with the devil — van halen
i just van halen is neat sbjshbsjsh and would definitely be something the boys would actually listen to hsjbshjsb i don’t Necessarily think vampires are in any way tied to the devil but. here it’d be more like a metaphor of “taking a walk on the wild side” if you wanna call it that; also, they all truly live their lives like there’s no tomorrow (not that they have to worry about death until the very end), have stolen a lot of things just to get by (probably in life AND death), don’t bode well with the ‘simple’ life (likely including the idea of a nuclear family like max proposed) because of it’s lack of pleasures, and don’t exactly have any “love [that] you’d call real” unless you read into the subtext 
❥ hot blooded — foreigner
originally this was going to be another joke about the. lowkey horniness of the boys and the movie as a whole but i’ve realized in writing these explanations thus far and rereading the lyrics that it’s. it’s just michael-centric sbshjsbsh sam is “at the mercy of his sex glands” and so is the audience of both the movie and the song sbhsjbshsj like. michael finds himself attracted to star immediately and tries for two secret rendezvouses, with only one working, and. can be said that he also finds a fever running within him when he’s around david and the boys sbhjsbshjs i just 🙈
❥ renegade — styx
renegade is my favorite styx song so i just said “fuck it” and added it sbshjsbshj but !!! you can say that, again, the boys live their lives on the wild side and. probably commit enough crimes to warrant dozens of sentences, some that would lead to death row (like, ya know, the. manslaughter) but they manage to get away unscathed. And the law man serving as an allegory to all of the people, including the frogs and grandpa, that want them dead for being vampires, with the bounty to be rewarded being the ridding of their trouble from santa carla
❥ big shot — billy joel
mikey :o) … ok yeah he isn’t the. silver spoon in hand (nose) type but he’s LITERALLY the type to open his mouth and get himself deep in enough shit that a fight breaks out, potentially bloodied his eyes, nose, and/or fists. i don’t have much of an explanation outside of he is a himbo jock who pulled a “i didn’t know how to talk to my crush so i wrote a note telling them to get out of my school” except he said it with his fist instead of his mouth sbjshbshsj
❥ boys don’t cry — the cure
pretty sure this is one of the ones i stole off of shovel (@/iswearimavamp) sbshjbshjs but i do love this song in a general sense too. in regards to the movie, like. none of the guys. obsess over masculinity or anything— and both david AND michael cry at different points— so that’s not necessarily an issue. but, there *is* still a lot of hurt and stepping on toes in many of the relationships in the film that can be stretched to fit, i would think sbjhsbshjs
❥ highway to hell — ac/dc
this and back in black were some of the last two i put on here because i. wanted to make an ‘even’ 35 sbsjhsbshjs BUT, like with runnin’ with the devil, it’s about a devilish lack of care for one’s own life or the “status of their soul” and just doing what feels right or like the most fun, no matter if it lands them in hell or not. and !!! “my friends are gonna be there too” fits with the friendship within the boys’ found family and how they’ll all always be together, no matter what !!!
❥ back in black — ac/dc 
i can’t really think of an explanation that differs from highway to hell so just reread the above sbsjhsbsh
❥ witch hunt — rush
OK !!! this is the song i’m the MOST excited to explain !!! right off the bat, moving pictures as a whole is an IMMACULATE album, absolutely love it. right so !!! this song literally SOUNDS like it belongs on the movie soundtrack; it has the same overtones and sounds as cry little sister and it’s just !!! and with the title, a witch hunt is BASICALLY what sam + the frogs went on in search of the lose boys, relying on little else but hearsay and catching glimpses at what was happening to michael, “confident that their ways are best” and moving along like a mob of three to get to the bottom of it. “features distorted in the flickering light // faces are twisted and grotesque” is very reminiscent of the faces the lost boys pull when they’re about to attack, and “they say there are strangers who threaten us” is symbolic of them being outsiders/outcasts that make everyone uncomfortable, even if You aren’t going to be their next victim. “the righteous rise with burning eyes” AND “quick to judge, quick to anger // slow to understand // ignorance and prejudice // and fear walk hand in hand” can apply to any number of characters, particularly the mains who are all pitted against each other, the humans fighting for their lives and the vampires fighting for their Right to live, neither taking into consideration the other’s perspective. i just… ADORE this song…
❥ red barchetta — rush 
this one was mainly just because of the car that grandpa keeps in the barn and both sam and michael’s fascination with it sbhjsbsshj and just to get more rush on here shjsbshjsbsh
❥ maneater — hall & oates
one of the first songs to hit the playlist !!! because the boys eat people !!! they’re the lean and hungry type that only come out at night !!! they’ll be sitting with you but their eyes are on the door and if you want love from them, you won’t get very far !!! the beauty IS there but there are beasts inside that can rip your world apart !!! they’ll chew you up but also leave you begging for more :o)
❥ hungry like the wolf — duran duran
the second song to have gone on the playlist !!! the boys are always on the prowl for fresh meat (in both the food AND turning senses) and they come alive while on the hunt, blood no doubt rushing through their veins (assuming it still can) !!! and in the movie, michael is the one they’re after for the turning connotation, all wanting a taste of him for themselves !!!
❥ subdivisions — rush
this rush song actually went on before the others shbsjsbshj but !!! it still fits just as well (certainly better than red barchetta)… the movie all takes place on the fringes of the city, “in between the bright lights // and the far unlit unknown”, and while it’s not exactly in the suburbs, there’s still little comfort to soothe the restless dreams of youth. there IS a drawing like moths into the city, for both the emersons and the lost boys, which is what ends up bringing all of them together, although it starts are cruising for action just to feel the living night. and just !!! NOBODY fits in !!! if you take the movie title as them being Lost instead of an allusion to peter pan, then you get slapped with thinking about what actually makes them lost and how they don’t conform in any way, shape, or form to just about. anything. and !!! the emersons are new, which immediately puts them at a social disadvantage, but they Also don’t seem too terribly great at making new friends in general so !!! “nowhere is the dreamer or the misfit so alone”!!! 
❥ abracadabra — steve miller band 
i just love this song for whatever reason. and i think the allusion to magic to very fitting for the hallucinations that david gives michael, putting a sort of magic spell on him if you want to look at it that way. not a lot of silk and satin going gone but plenty of leather and probably some lace in there somewhere ( ;o] ) … also michael DOES heat up like a burnin’ flame whenever his name is called and the situation with the boys just keeps going round and round with no exact end in sight, only the calling of desire 
❥ separate ways (worlds apart) — journey
you would think i would have more journey on here ??? because i love them ??? but instead i stole this off of shovel too ??? it’s fine. time to be back on the 95060 bullshit sbsjhbsjhs we all know david Really wants michael to join them but. michael is reluctant, so that hesitance sets them worlds apart from each other— as if they weren’t already— and there’s still love between them, or at least the bgeinning sparks of it, even if michael refuses to act on them and only keeps pushing david away 
❥ cum on feel the noize — quiet riot
just some boys loving to party <3 some boys with evil yet dirty minds, out of time singing, funny faces, and that have a lazy time <3 yeah no this is one they’d rock out to and someone would probably pull a muscle over because it’s just such a banger sbshjsbsjh
❥ rebel yell — billy idol 
Another stolen off of shovel sbjhsbsjhs also ever since it’s been pointed out to me that david looks like billy idol i’ve just been losing it a little sbhjsbshjs Anyway. they’d definitely idolize him to some degree, even if just for looks, and it certainly fits the way that they. most Definitely let out a rebel yell at the midnight hour if you know what i mean— *taken out by a sniper*
❥ every breath you take — the police
would to believe to know i took it from shovel (i swear the last three where i say that will be rock you like a hurricane, livin’ on a prayer, and cherry pie sbshjsbsh) BUT !!! the watching every move is yet another. david keeping watch over michael and uh yearning from afar moment, heart aching the longer he’s away and the longer he keeps up this game of not knowing what exactly he wants to do 
❥ handsome devil — the smiths
ok THIS one was lent to me by ej (@/maybe-strawberry-blue) sbshjbshjsbs and let me tell you. this song (especially when paired with this charming man) is Very homoerotic, aka perfect for this movie shbjsbshjsbs like what got me first was “let me get my hands // on your mammary glands” and just. thinking about trans parko sbhsjbshjs but also in general the. “and i would like to give you // what i think you’re asking for” and “a boy in the bush // is worth two in the hand” and just sbhjsbshjs Everything. fits the ambiguous homoeroticism. And i think the boys would listen to the smiths (will elaborate more in the other smiths song explanation)
❥ panama — van halen
i Told you all i think van halen is neat sbsjsshjb what can i say. the boys like fast moving vehicles, hard partying, and tender loving sbsjhsbhsj also forgot to mention that i think they’d all be :eyes: about pre-1985 david lee roth and i cannot blame
❥ rock you like hurricane — scorpions
third to last shovel snatch sbshjsbh Here you can replace any one of the boys with the animals mentioned, as they’re always hungry and need to feed… they come out scratching and ready to win, willing to rock anyone who gets in their way like a hurricane— including with lust, depending on the situation 
❥ livin’ on a prayer — bon jovi
i actually can’t even manage an explanation for this one either just because of the song’s plot and how greatly it differs the movie plot <3 however it will stay because shovel said one of the boys (i forget which) would listen to it and friendship is more powerful than my small brain <3
❥ the queen is dead — the smiths
rightttt so here’s the deal, buds and duds. something in my gut just tells me that david would pull a me and. listen to this entire album on repeat, particularly bigmouth strikes again and i know it’s over when in dramatics bshjsbsjh BUT to make a case for the title track itself, breaking into buckingham palce— or really any major building— with only a sponge and rusty wrench would ABSOLUTELY be an endeavor the boys would get up to And they’d all pale (worse than normal) about finding out they’re the descendant of some royal. “oh, has the world changed, or have i changed” and “life is very long, when you’re lonely” is quite fitting of their immortality, which i can only imagine would leave them questioning how the world has evolved and, although they have each other, i’m sure living forever still can get a Little lonely. And they’d certainly celebrate the death of a royal (because anarchy <3). mostly i’ve just been listening to this song on repeat for days sbhjsbshj but, i think it’s the most. generally related to all of the boys, whereas like. cemetry gates would be more solely 95060 
❥ need you tonight — inxs
my favorite inxs song… technically the 21st century Wasn’t yesterday when the movie came out nor when the song did sbhjsbshjs but there *is* a lot of sweating from desire and aiming to put that passion into use, very blatantly letting everyone know that sbjhsbshjs
❥ bad medicine — bon jovi
there’s just something so fun about this song… and while listening to it on the drive home, i was thinking about it from a 95060 perspective where. david’s a bit lovesick (hence the love like bad medicine) and the choir of voices in the bg, saying “that’s what you get for falling in love”, would be the other boys knowing he’s gotten himself in over his head over what was supposed to be a minor tease or a small fling (would be a real fun and poppy animatic i think)
❥ pour some sugar on me — def leppard
legitimately this started as a “haha what about my ‘what if the blood was kool-aid instead’ joke” and then i realized it was. a fair enough fit, especially with the feeding scene. except they’re actual vamps not just video vamps sbjhsbshjs anyway. sugar highs and red hot flames of passion for one another <3
❥ cherry pie — warrant
ok THIS is the last song i took from shovel and. my reasoning is pretty much the same as pour some sugar on me and. Friendship
❥ somebody told me — the killers
i wasn’t going to add any modern songs but. i thought it’d be funny if michael had had a girlfriend before leaving phoenix that looked a bit like david sbshjsbshj and then it only just added to angst sbhjsbshj
❥ you know what they do to guys like us in prison — mcr
i was reminded that vampires will never hurt you exists but. i went with my favorite mcr song instead because. vwnhy is more like ??? a vampire that fears themselves ??? so like. an edward cullen type ??? while ykwtdtgluip is more about the homoeroticism and community ??? i said what i said
❥ house of wolves — mcr
thank god this is the last song because i’m getting tired sbjshsjshb a little less homoeroticism, a little more general sinning and egotism <3
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icharchivist · 5 years
Hey, how do I get into hypmic? Is it an anime? A song based thing? Like I see some music videos but also there's apparently a plot so that can't be it right? It seems interesting but I'm lost
aaHH HEY!! welcome welcome! 
Oh my god i’ll try my best to make it not sound as complicated as it is. 
Hypmic is a mixed media series that is mainly told via songs and drama tracks, so it’s a little tought to get into, but we also get side content with a manga. The only struggle is to find all you need online but i have a drive file with all the songs/elements in chronological order, so i can send that in private if you want to (the fandom tends to try not to share stuff publically because the right holders are very serious over not letting things spill too much)
the plot is a little cheesy and it’s mostly just for characters’s moments and excuse for songs but tbh I have so much joy out of it i don’t even want to belittle it for that, it’s the best kind of cheesy i love it so much.
the place to start is here, this video:
The translation of this song in particular can be found here. As you can see in the video there is also the profile (name/age ect.) of each characters.
You’ll find all the translations available on this website. They only translated the first battle season (the second one just started recently) and so far we only have summaries of the new seasons thanks to this twitter account.
The general structure of the series, as it is narratively intended to be consumed, is that each Album has about 3 songs and 2 drama tracks. So you just need to get into the albums in a chronological order to get about everything. The rest is honestly just bonus, even if we’re starting to get more unique content in the manga adaptation lately. 
(there are previews of each albums on youtube, and the full songs of all the ensemble songs and of the latest album’s songs, you can find them in this playlist to give you an idea at least of if you’re interested in the sound.)
The Project: Was started by Ichiro’s VA specifically to bring spotlight to the Rap scene in Japan. Each songs are made in collaboration of multiple rappers who get promoted with it. Meanwhile it is also a passion project for the 12 main seiyuus involved who all get to develop their characters with it. Each divisions generally works with different styles of music and ambiance. Each Divisions also get different plots and different development through them, evolving with very different themes.
The Story (at least what you need to know before getting into it): 
After World War 3, the new Government in place in Japan banned all weapons, only allowing them to be remplaced by Hypnosis Microphones, Microphones that can cause multiple physical and mental injuries depending on your flow, your way to use words, the truth of your words, ect... Some more extreme uses in skilled hands can do as much as create violent hallucinations or even healing.
Originally the Government barricaded itself in Chuukukou, the center of the city, and left the rest of Tokyo to fend for themselves in territories battles. As time went by and the territories battles were organized in a way for only 4 major divisions to be in the control of the city, Chuukukou however siezed the opportunity to organize Gladiator Battles with said 4 representants and fight for more territories between themselves while entertaining everyone, as the battles are treated also like they were idols. It’s of course more a way for the Government to keep a control over what’s going on outside and keep a close eye on the powers outsides its walls. 
Those Four Divisons are divided as presented in the above video: 
Ikebukuro Division is taken care of by the Buster Bros!!, Ichiro Yamada, Jiro Yamada and Saburo Yamada - three brothers working odd jobs together. Yokohama Division is taken care of by Mad Trigger Crew, Samatoki Aohitsugi, Juuto Iruma, and Riou Busujima Mason - a Yakuza, a Corrupted Cop, and an Ancient Marine  Shibuya Division is taken care of by Fling Posse, Ramuda Amemura, Gentaro Yumeno, and Dice Arisugawa - A Fashion Designer, A Writter, and A Gambler.  Shinjuku Division is taken care of by Matenrou, Jakurai Jinguji, Hifumi Izanami, and Doppo Kannonzaka - A Doctor, An Host, and a White Collar Worker. 
I am keeping it as vague as possible so if you get into it you get to discover why those bands even formed and what sort of dynamic they ended up creating with each others. If the fact those combinaisons of characters intruigue you then i’m encouraging you to get into it even more because it is fantastic ahah.
And to make their battles worse: the Four Leaders, Ichiro, Samatoki, Ramuda and Jakurai actually used to be part of a band together, The Dirty Dawg and were very close. Until something happened leading to their breakup and some level of resentment- different for everyone of course. And obviously this gets addressed as the battles go on. 
I’ve personally got into the saga by just knowing vaguely about the characters and listening to the music available on youtube and ended up... well. Loving the songs so much I needed to know the story behind them. So i personally i do recommand listening to the songs on youtube, and if you like the vibe, just dive into it ;O
Before moving on, reminder, all of the translations available for all i’m talking about are on that website. 
The Structure of the Main Series, is therefore by Albums: 
The four first albums (Buster Bros!! Generation / Mad Trigger Crew Bay-Side / Matenrou  Clinical Sound / Fling Posse - F.P.S.M) are the Introductions albums: Each about one of the division, has one song by character to present them, and 2 drama tracks setting up their dynamics (the first drama tracks of each album is available on youtube if it serves as a starting point - the second drama tracks explore the relationships more in depth and are not available online.)
Then you need to listen to the Battle Anthem / translation
Then comes the Battle Season: 
-War War War, BB VS MTC. It has one group song per band, and a rap battle song where they face off, alongside with two drama tracks that basically moves the main story up while establishing the dynamics between the divisions. (as a word of advice storywise, listen to the group songs before the drama tracks and to the battle song after the drama tracks) -Battle Battle Battle, FP V M. Same formula as Warx3. -Death Respect, The finale of the winners (that I won’t reveal yet). The album itself only has the battle songs and remix of the groups songs. -The Champion, with a song announciating the Champion, AND a Song about the Past of the Four Leaders when they used to be together. Along with two drama tracks, one basically concluding the Battle Seasons and the characters’s arcs, and a Prequel Drama Track about the leaders’s past.
There are yet no translations for the Prequel Drama Track. 
Then we have the preparation for the second Season as it starts with Hoodstar.
The last released Album’s name is Enter the Hypnosis Microphone.   The album countains:  -All the 3 ensemble songs -All the 4 group songs  -4 New Group Songs that are all available fully on Youtube. 3 out of the 4 had been translated. (Ohayo Ikebukuro, Stella, Papillion. Dead Pools wasn’t translated yet) -5 Drama Tracks: One per division and one finale one that conclude this arc in particular. Only summaries are available. 
That’s the core of the story, that’s where you should focus on. Like I said I can share the full discogaphy in private. We’re being secretive but we just keep it private, so if you are interested my file should be clear about the Order and all.(I also have the translations saved in those files for better accessibilities - if i share this file you will just need to follow the numbers and you should be fine, just ask me about it and i’ll send it gladly, i just don’t post it in public)
ON A SIDENOTE: we get mostly Official art releases via magazines and such so it can be hard to find again. as much as i hate zerochan in term of how it deals with fanarts, its official art sections is pretty solid so you can find a few of the official arts HERE if curious.
Another note: the winners during Battle Seasons are determined by the audience, the fans, us. As a result the plot is always everchanging by our own involvement with it. We get to decide the winners just like Chuukukou is supposed to do and that’s a fun gimmick. for now we’re not in a battle season but soon :3c
If THEN you decide to go into deep, There a few manga, and you can find the translated versions of it there. (only three of them had been translated). 
the manga are hard to find and incomplete so i wouldn’t encourage you to seek them yet unless you get into deep. The two first manga that were translated are adaptations of the first drama tracks. it seems the volume version that recently came out also adapted the second drama tracks but we hadn’t got to see them yet.  The Third manga (ongoing) is set before the Prequel about the Leaders, before the met each other and it sets up more the politics of the world (warning the politic worldbuilding is slightly cringeworthy). I wouldn’t recommand it before you’ve reached the Champion album. It is also not over yet.  Now two new manga are ongoing and i only have chapter 2 of each in Japanese so @.@ but they seem to cover unique new side stories for the characters with some lore dump. We get translation threads over the twitter i linked once in a while.
Other bonus: They started releasing Duets for some characters, which are super hard to find (i have them though so it’s fine, we just have no translation of them except the translation threads). The Duets so far are mostly joke songs + a drama track to give it context. We got a Samatoki&Ichiro, Jiro&Saburo and Hifumi&Doppo duets so far. More seem planned. They came out with the volume versions of the manga. 
Others bonus: They have made 2 full lives yet where the Seiyuu came out as In Character as possible to play and sing their songs. It’s mostly bonus content to see how they set up some of the songs ahah. (I have them but it would take me time to share them)
Upcoming: there will be a ryhtmic/visual novel mobile game, but we have no idea how much it will be involving plot or just gaming device ahah. But it’s coming. 
I think this is as much as a vague taste i can give about the series. If you’re really curious i can send the file right away, and you can take it at your own rythm.
and since i’m publishing it that’s an invitation for anyone who would want it. 
I hope it makes it clearer and i sure hope you are still curious about it :3c 
Take care! :3
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magebomb · 6 years
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I don’t want to be a part of this I don’t want to share the blame I don’t have to know the body count But I will, oh, but I will
It’s been a while since I’ve done anything, or shared anything for Ignite. I don’t have much, and it’s getting completely flipped around, with the same themes. I’m taking some bravery and sharing a bit of what I wrote on my original story. (Take it with a grain of salt, I’m an artist–not a writer)
EDIT: HEY I messed up my other post of this by trying to make the readmore work on mobile, so uh. Here’s a repost.  
Walking away from everything was not easy.
That was the sort of thing that ended in whispers between soldiers, those who were tired and should’ve never enlisted in the first place. It happened between people with dissonance in their heart. With the ones who spoke their script under scrutiny, but spat venom from under a cloak of security.
It was always something that just came with the backdrop. You shouldered the sentiments like an extra piece of gear to go between the Geiger counter and canteen. The uniforms were so covered pockets, it hid well–something you could easily forget until the morning recount.
Nobody really meant it. Sure, sometimes a soldier walked away. Maybe they disappeared into a foreign village. They could’ve dropped their helmet in the street and walked into gunfire. Words may have flown, only to have the person disappear the next day. Their names forgotten in a week to all but those who really gave a shit about them.
Every bit of it was a distant sort of idealism that held so little reality to most.
Here he was–walking away. That reality had all but shattered from under him.
He was home. Home didn’t hold the same weight for him that it did for most others. It was only a small security detail. The base held one of the larger weapons facilities on this side of the midwest, and they needed the manpower to guard it. That duty fell on most any enlisted who knew how to hold a rifle without shooting themselves in the foot.
The need for bodies was up. They attributed it to something vague. Something that was out of his pay grade to know about. Organized crime was the obvious answer. They had volleyed for munitions with the military for a long time now.  
He was in a blindspot between cameras. Not in any sense of convenience to him–only that they needed extra eyes to watch said blind spots. It wasn’t a perfect opportunity. He could so much as make one step to his right and the camera had him in full peripheral view. To the left, though? To the left was the key. It took pressing his back into the wall and his rifle held close enough to his body that it wouldn’t swing forward and activate the motion sensor.
That’s the funny thing about being trained for stuff like this. They drill and drill the procedure and protocol until they hope it sticks into their plastic little army men. There’s no chance it could be thrown back in their faces. No, that was inconceivable. Really, true deceit was far from his mind, as he walked away. As he slid past that camera and stepped away from the armory. As he kept himself to a brisk walk. The helmet hid his face, and his expression in kind, but he had to keep control of his feet. Everyone would alert on the sight of a running soldier.
The urge to sprint still bit at him. It spilled out from the stilted breaths behind his helmet and he barely suppressed the urge to toss aside his rifle and book it across the base.
A half-track rolled by, full of soldiers likely headed to the ancillary base on the other side of the city. They were kitted less than him, save for one or two actually on duty and not just bunked up for a trip. Still, he found himself hooked onto the back, swinging up to the edge. Supply crates hid him from those on the vehicle, and it had served him well enough to get him through the checkpoint at the gate. Everyone unaware, thanks to the anonymity his uniform afforded him. If he kept his head down, he would make it.
He made it. Opportunity to ditch the vehicle rose when the city actually began to show a civilian population no longer culled by the oppressive nature of the military base. Here, he hopped off the back of the half-track and jogged the short distance between the street and an alley. People left him at it. A geared up and armed soldier on the streets detaching from his company with an obvious purpose? Not something the average person really wanted to mess with. He wasn’t afraid to use that little bit to his advantage–temporarily.
Crouching now, in the alley, he palmed the charge from his rifle and stuffed it behind a dumpster. He wasn’t aware he had company until he finally yanked the helmet off, his face immediately stinging with the early autumn chill.
A woman’s gasp accompanied the movement, and he wheeled around, helmet still in his hands. The look she flashed him said that she had never really seen someone like him without a faceplate before, let alone someone with such a young face. She wasn’t sure of why he was there, standing in front of her in that alley.
She held no real threat. Not with her sparkling dress, lit up by the focused street lights. Her heels dangled from one hand, and from the other a perched a lit cigarette. She had a name tag that said something he couldn’t read from their distance from one another.
Still he froze, while her mouth worked like she wanted to say something. Maybe she would scream? It wasn’t like he could do anything about it. Not a civilian. Not one whose work break was interrupted by something that would make quite a story later.
He chose the most elegant option. The one where he tossed the helmet aside like a hot coal and darted further into the alley. A chain-link fence blocked off the back, garnished with hardly any remaining barbed wire at the top. It was easy enough work to scale it and drop himself to the other side. “Hey–!” Her high voice called out, but he was too busy sliding into a turn to get the hell away from the street.
He shed gear like a hemorrhage. Most of it he tried to stash, in piles here and there for people to find later and sell. All but the base fatigues on his back, and his dog tags. He really didn’t care. The worst was that rifle. It wouldn’t fire without the charge, and especially not without his fingerprint. But that was the problem. If found, there’d be no doubt it was his, and it still pointed a big fucking glowing arrow in his direction.
So he made his path through the city a convoluted one. A confused one. It wasn’t like he knew what to do or where to go.
Because here he was, walking away.
He could see the made-up future file in his head. One held between officers with a angry red confidentiality stamp on it.
Dallan Macguire. Twenty-three years old. Barely.
Didn’t he have a promotion recently? A inconsequential rank that meant nothing but that he was moving up. A corporal. That was a good start. Soon a sargent and later even further. He could be the career type. ‘I don’t know,’ one would surely say, ‘them Marine guys aren’t into that.’
No, you’re mistaken, he’s affiliated with that—He was bound for trial.
Twenty-three fucking years. Dallan shivered now, shoved between the wall and a pile of trash. He could feel the pulse of whatever business was on the other side of the brick. Music of some sort, with a low beat that drove people through a chilling night like this. He let that sound ground him as he slowly emptied the clip from his remaining gun. It was a small one. Ballistic since the pulse rifles weren’t always so dependable.
Click, click, click. Each bullet fell as a punctuation.
Eighteen, mostly, quiet years. Five years of family, again. Five tumultuous and controversial years he really wouldn’t have put up with if it weren’t for the people he had surrounded himself with.
Three whole fucking days of absolute hell that led up to today. Three goddamned days on the chopping block.
Really, this would still be favorable to what would’ve been an incoming court martial.
The steps were killer. It called back memories to movies where the characters always exclaimed: ‘Oh, it couldn’t get worse!’ before rain would break open over their heads. Yeah, Dallan had plenty of that. Rain. Like something said he wasn’t miserable enough, that the fucking sky had to crack open while he couldn’t even fathom a roof over his head to protect him from the onslaught. Poetic…probably. If he gave a fuck about that.
Now it made the steps difficult. Breathe wheezed in Dallan’s chest the further he went. He wouldn’t complain so much on normal day, but it hurt to breathe today even when he wasn’t moving in the first place. Hell, it hurt to exist at the moment. The pain warred between that in his chest and the sloppily covered burns on his hands. Both a wonderful reminder of stupidity that led him to his next brilliant idea.
There was an elevator here, but it felt wrong. The complex wasn’t all that ritzy, but it was clean. He was not. Soot that clung to parts of his jacket and fatigues he couldn’t quite scrub out with just the rain to help. Even Dallan himself was sure he looked a tad crazed from lack of sleep. Here was probably his fifth stupid idea of the week. He needed contact, and he needed help. He didn’t want the help but he still selfishly sought it out like some pathetic…something.
Dallan shook his head, dodging the step that tried to trip his toes up. A curse fell from him, ringing up and through the deserted stairwell with no answer.  
Dallan leaned against the railing for a moment, needing to catch his tight breath. It had been almost impossible to track this apartment down, at first, but Dallan got it with enough patience that he almost didn’t have. He couldn’t use his own ID to use a terminal. Not without getting honed in on in a heartbeat. But not everyone kept a tight eye on their own.
It was a simple swipe, a search, and he found it. Jarringly easy, at that point.  
The database for this guy was startlingly sparse. No real history listed. Nothing but a current residence and current employment. There wasn’t even the scarring mark of an extra database entry that marred a select few.
But now in that apartment complex he had hunted down, Dallan’s steps grew heavier with each flight of stairs.  
Not heavy enough to stop him from edging his way to the landing he was looking for and out the door into the hallway. Silence greeted him. It was that strange hour of the evening where people either holed up at home with dinner, or kept to the city to shake off their work day.
Silence accompanied him to the door he was looking for: apartment 514. He killed it by rapping his knuckles in a knock.
For a beat, he began to hope nobody was home.  
A beat that didn’t last too long before the door opened a crack.
Most people wouldn’t even go that far, instead choose to use the view hole to decide if they wanted to ignore their visitor or not. Not like this guy had that choice.
There was definitely a chain on the door, and accordingly it barely opened onto the empty light of the apartment beyond and a hesitant response. “I didn’t order any–” a low man’s voice responded, intercepted by Dallan’s hand jamming into the space to swipe at the chain. When it popped off of it’s hook, he gave the door a strong shove with his shoulder. The person on the other side had to have staggered back with the force, because it only met with the slightest resistance before swinging completely open.
Dallan extended his arms, a gun training upwards on the face of the man inside the apartment.
“Back up,” He spoke as steady as the tremor in his voice could let him. “Hands up, and back the fuck up.” Here he was. His fifth, sixth, seventh stupid idea of the week. A barrel pointed straight at a face that had only sharpened out with age from the last time he had seen it as a teenager.
Here he was, pointing a weapon at a frightened blind man who’s dinner had been interrupted. His hands still at his side, despite the order and the compliant steps backwards.
Here he was, threatening someone he was rapidly realizing that he’d have preferred the court martial to doing this. Preferred the imprisonment and whatever might follow.
Someone who didn’t remember Dallan like he remembered him, as completely evident with the lack of recognition on his face.
It didn’t make anything easier, Dallan thought, kicking the door shut behind him.
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Day 14- Overgrown
Day: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,            On Ao3
Chapter 14- Overgrown
Adrien huffed, trying to fix his hair, but he knew it was no use. The miraculous gave his hair more volume than he knew what to deal with. Adrien looked up, seeing his lady had already abandoned him. He felt himself pout. He knew that it was smart of her to do that. There have been countless times where they nearly saw each other and even more times where they had to sit back to back recharging because they didn't want to leave yet. It didn't help that they had class soon, and Marinette's parents were sure to check on her and- OH MY GOD! He told Mrs. Dupain-Cheng that he'd hide in the pantry so she wouldn't have to leave the bakery. She was going to come from their house to the pantry and find him missing!
He rushed himself to the bakery and detransformed right as he entered the bakery. He saw Marinette and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng come down together to check on him and casually leaned against the counter. He channeled every cool character he'd ever seen on TV and every photoshoot he'd ever done in his pose.
Mrs. Dupain-Cheng was the first the notice him. "Adrien? What are you doing, and why are you out of the pantry already?"
"Well- umm, the noise outside calmed down, so I - ahhh!" His elbow hit the corner of a mixing bowl at the edge of the counter.
The bowl flipped over, and using his cat-like reflexes...he missed it. Not only did he miss it. He fumbled with it on the way down and got it all over his face and shirt. Then almost in slow-mo, it fell upsidedown, spilling everywhere. He stood frozen for a few seconds with his arms outstretched, looking at Marinette.
She bit her lips and looked at him, the floor, then back to him before bursting out in laughter. "Sorry, hahahahaha- I can't! Oh my god, Agreste, you looked like a kicked puppy!"
Cat he wanted to correct.
"Why are you just standing there? The bowl's already-ahahahaha- just drop your hands already, you dork!" She grabbed her stomach and caught her breath.
Adrien smiled and awkwardly rubbed the back of his head, forgetting that he still had flour coating his hands and arms. His eyes widened as he tried to shake the flour out of his hair, earning him another stream of laughter from Marinette and even a few chuckles from her mother. Adrien felt that it was worth it, though. He had made her laugh as Adrien. He saw her blue eyes squint from how hard she laughed and how she desperately tried to regain her composer but ended up laughing more when she locked eyes with him again. Her laugh was infectious, and soon enough, he was laughing just as much.
Marinette finally caught her breath, "Maman, I'll take Adrien in my room and see if I have anything that'll fit him,"
"Okay, try to be quick. You two still have class. I'll clean up down here,"
Adrien felt his heart pound. He was going to her room! He always wanted to go, and now he had an excuse to look around! She led him up the stairs that brought them into her living room, and Adrien tried not to fanboy about all the pictures he saw of her with her family. He felt like a fan given VIP access backstage.
When he finally entered her room, it was both exactly and not at all what he expected it to be. It was so warm and cozy, with fun patterns and designs everywhere. He always imagined his lady quite organized, but Marinette as a mess. And somehow, both were true. Half-finished projects, labeled boxes, walls filled with inspiration, everything had its place. It was so distinctly her. He wanted to wander around but felt that it'd be rude, so he just looked around.
"Here. Not Agreste family quality, but it'll work while he wash your clothes." She handed him a light green sweater with a black paw-print on the front and some black sweatpants.
Adrien felt giddy. It was a Chat Noir themed sweater! It was him! And his lady made it! Marinette quirked an eyebrow at his reaction but didn't say anything and led him to her bathroom. After making sure that she closed the door, he excitedly jumped around. This couldn't be a more perfect day. He made up with Marinette, heard her defend Adrien (although she didn't know it was him), saw her room, and now he was going to wear a sweater she made based on his superhero persona (which you know was dating her superhero persona!). He felt so lucky, which as a black cat, he rarely felt.
He hurriedly put on the sweater and sweatpants, wanting to see how it looked. It felt soft and warm and matched his eyes perfectly. His heart warmed, and he wrapped his arms around himself, feeling so loved. He came out of the restroom after calming himself down a bit, but he didn't see Marinette anywhere.
"Up here," Marinette's head popped out of the door above her bed.
He climbed up and saw her standing near the railing on her balcony with all her plants surrounding her. Overgrown vines of her hanging plants and blooming flowers around her looked like a scene from a movie.
"Thought they were the same size," she muttered to herself "not too bad if I do say so myself,"
"I love it," he said a little too truthfully.
"Good to know, but you gotta take it off before you leave. It's a present for my boyfriend,"
"Oh...OH!" the realization came late that he was the boyfriend she was talking about.
Marinette tilted her head, "Umm, yeah. Anyway, now that we're cool, I better not hear you making fun of him anymore, or I'll go right back to hating you,"
Adrien giggled, "okay,"
This one actually got long! So much fluff and just Adrien being very cute. I also want to say oh my god thank you?! I thought I was mostly writing this for me and 2 other people because it's been so long but within 2 hours of posting chapter 11 and 12 I had a few kudos and comments so it makes me feel like y'all were just waiting for me to get off my lazy ass and write again.
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Boss Battle: Vs. Sokumotaka 2
Oh god look it’s clear to me you people who keep sending these either can’t read or lack the ability to understand the situation going on in this show and how fucked up it is from a writing and social perspective.
Actually as we go on, we’ll see this is more of a case of you being incapable of understanding that one’s crimes does not justify another’s actions.
The whole “We’re not working with the evil side of the white fang would have been good cause RT is trying to emulate freedom fighting organizations and spitting on them. Literally did the underground railroad (Yeah remember how many innocent black people died to even get to that place to free themselves?) But ignore that miles and kerry can spit all over harriet tubman’s legacy. okay maybe I’m a bit annoyed about that but making the entire minority organization that originally wanted equality evil? Is a bad idea! http://glyndathegoodwitchofbeacon.tumblr.com/post/138657005354/the-white-fang
Mind showing us the connection between using a system of connections to lead freed slaves to freedom to a group that goes around killing innocent people and breaking up peaceful protests to attack humans for being humans? Because all I see is you trying to drag the writer’s through the mud and instead doing that to yourself.
And let’s take a look at that link shall we? The justification given for the White Fang’s actions is that they are treated like dirt by every human in Remnant. Not only is that not  a reason to kill people in the first lace (I should know, having gone through a  personal version of that before), not every human treats them that way. In fact, judging by how disdainfully Cardin is regarded, racism in current day Remnant is much like how racism is treated today: Prevalent but looked down upon. So that doesn’t excuse the White Fang’s actions against humans, let alone their actions of breaking up peaceful Fanaus protests like they did in Episode 1 of Volume 1 which cannot be excused by that. SO they have plenty of crimes that cannot be excused by what you give them.
So let’s talk about renegades: Adam torchwich a man who falsified a faunus white fang rally one where looking at it the faunus there weren’t bloodthirsty at all, in fact during his speech he talked about equality and overthrowing the government (remember the government that’s oppressing them.) and possibly replacing them with people who would actually give a damn about faunus rights and he tricked them into thinking a train/bomb was going to do it , not that it was below an inhabited city. So you wanna talk about lies then let’s bring him up too humans did their fair share. (Let’s not forget how he talked trash on the faunus race not the white fang but the *FAUNUS* during him and ruby’s last encounter. But I’m sure you’ll brush that off too.
... Who? IS it Adam or Roman? Because if it’s Roman than I can saw about how does this connect seeing as Adam was willing to blow up a train full of innocent humans in the first lace and agreed to work with Cinder when it benefited him. And if it’s Roman, the white Fang had to know what they were gonna do seeing as they had a train of explosives, a bunch of Grimm and tracks leading to Vale. And even then, I can point out that Roman never demanded the genocide of Fanaus, unlike Adam AKA a leader of the White Fang. And then there’s the fact that Roman is a villain and is supposed to represent the worst of humanity, not the majority so it’s not even justified that way.
Okay so we’re gonna base the entire white fang past present and future on a dumb “twirl my mustache oooh so evil.” scene? That’s asinine! Let us not forget again the white fang held peaceful protest (again which I support but you heathens only hear “Blah blah Racist.” again which I also stated the first time I brought up the white fang and even linked to post like this but ha who’s counting?) for “Despite being promised keyword PROMISED equality, the faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate.” -Blake belladonna
No one here is saying that. In fact, the very quote you have at the top talks about how the White Fang has fallen, showing that they were good once before. You’re the only person saying that they were bad past, present and future. We just acknowledged they have soured. And the White Fang ONCE held peaceful protest, they now actively BREAK up peaceful protest, meaning they now longer do that so the point is moot.
And yes, they were promised equality and they didn't get it. So the fuck what? You think that justifies the deaths of innocent people, numbering possibly in the hundreds if not thousands? A single innocent death is inexcusable and the White Fang has caused so much more than that with the attempted Train bombing and the fall of Beacon. Blake (that person you’re quoting) outright left them BECAUSE they were so murder happy. One of the most devoute members jumped ship because they got too radical. Says a lot.
And despite this (usually violating the terms of a treaty was to the writers justified to start all out wars and there has been wars on this that were *ahem* justified.) The faunus met this injustice with peaceful protesting for many many years so they reacted to this injustice for several years (double digits from what the show tells us) before retaliation.
Doesn’t matter how long they’ve suffered. The jewish people were enslaved by the egyphtans for centuries, the Christians were hunted and killed for centuries as well, the African Americans were enslaved for decades and discriminated against for decades more. It doesn’t matter how long your people has suffered: The killing of innocent life is never justified. And if I hear they deserved to die because they were human: That’s racist you asshole.
Way less than real life peaceful protesting last.
I can feel Martin Luther King Jr. rolling in his grave.
Think about this the white fang had justification for reigniting a full scale war for 20+ years but held back in favor of peaceful protesting, not to mention the literal murder of them because as the WOR stated “they looked different or threatening” so humans would hunt them down with NO again retaliation from the faunus until they stated “No we had enough.” and in the end what? got a small cramped island that’s mostly desert and lacking in resources? Yes what a gift for the murder of our loved one’s in which none of these people pay any consequences.
War is never justified because inevitably, innocent blood is spilled. Terrorism is never justified. Especially against a race of people which is what you are demanding. You are demanding that the human race pay for what they did to the Fanaus, even if said humans never did such a thing and even disagree with such a disgusting action. Those people who are all but on your side must pay because of their race correct? Sounds pretty racist to me.
So I mean if you want to say the white fang’s actions aren’t justified because they’re sadistic murderers, causing genocide well so we’re humans in that regard and no one reined them in when they shed so much blood so I think you sound like a hypocrite.  The humans aren’t justified for their actions either.
No one ever said that they were. Ever heard of the concept of “Black and Black morality?” Where neither side is right and it ends u as two assholes punching each other? That’s what this is you idiot. The world isn’t some squeaky clean Black and white place.
In the end I just think making a splinter group that wasn’t 100% twirl my mustache evil would have been realistic, smart and a good call especially since so many people can relate to the white fang’s want of peace and equality, it makes them more sympathetic than the humans who lied to them about equality, oh did you gloss over that too?
But there IS members of the Fanaus race fighting for peace and equality instead of genocide and oppression. Blake, Sun, Ghira and Kali: They want TRUE equality and REAL peace but you ignore that and think that the White Fang should have been this handsome group of freedom fighters right? Well, time for a life lesson: Fight an enemy long enough and you BECOME that enemy. You adapt their style, their attitude and their ways. It happens in real life: Deal with it.
Lastly let’s squash the idea right now that you can’t like villains (Let’s just call them that in case your thick skull doesn’t register that.) I’m sorry but after several of this same message from the same person? I think you’re kinda pigheaded. Anyway let’s squash the idea that you can’t like villainous characters, people like frieza from dbz who’s racist, people like S.U villains who view humans as trash and you jerks like cinder who attacked and is now using the white fanus for murder and stuff because before she took over there wasn’t a single murder only dust stealing but hey let’s not give cinder any blame she’s too sexy.
Ah yes but the White Fang were hurting people long before Cinder came around: She just gave them better guns. Before Cinder, Adam tried blowing a train full of innocent humans. Who forced his hand there? It had to be forced since Blake outright asked about the humans. It’s not like Adam wanted to kill every human he could find because he’s a genocidal bastrad who deserves to be put down like a rapid dog. It was never said that the WHite Fang didn’t kill people before Cinder and Adam tried to before Cinder so no excuses there.
But hey, let’s not blame Adam. He’s oppressed uwu
Christ! Do yourself a favor and just do what I do: Just say everyone on remnant is a little bit of an asshole. And again for the last time leave me out of it, I already debunked this same argument like 3 times come up with some new material.
Really? Because from where I am sitting, sick and in the middle of the night, I just tore your debunk apart in a matter of minutes. Kind of shows how shit your argument is at it’s very basis.
Considering the fact that people like Ruby and Jaune exist on Renment, people who have done nothing but try to help others, I refuse to say that. I will not hold them accountable for the actions of people they don’t know or agree with just because they share the same race. That’s stupid and wrong. Just like you.
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agent-sapphire · 8 years
Sheith family.
So, yeah, Voltron family AU based on my amazing senpai: @lordzuuko! :’) Tbh, I kinda wrote this for them. AND SORRY, THIS IS SUPER LATE. :’C I am not gonna post this on ao3 cause I need to update another fic’s chapter. = v = ; Enjoy.~
it’s unbetaed.
sheith. voltron family au. words: 1409.
It was annoying. It was torturous. It was maddening. It was sickening.
Keith gritted his teeth and glared at his cup of tea as if it offended him. Running his fingers through his hair, he sighed heavily, slumping against the chair. It was almost midnight and he just couldn’t sleep. Shiro was a heavy sleeper; and especially after a long day, he did not even stir when Keith slipped out of their bed. Keith, on the hand, would probably wake up at the slight clicking sound of the door. And here he is, in the kitchen.
Only one thought had been lingering in his mind for the whole day. The grip on his mug tightened and he placed it on the table, eyes still narrowed. He growled lowly, fingers curling. Nails dug into his flesh. He desperately tried to calm himself, screwing his eyes shut. The anger that boiled inside him was aimed at no one but himself.
Today his family along with Allura had went on a picnic. It was planned carefully, for the kids; first to the park for the kids to play then sit under a nice big tree to shelter them from the sun and eat. It did go as they imagined; except Keith’s mood changed throughout. That wasn’t planned. Shiro definitely knew something was up, but Keith refused to answer his quiet concerned questions and assured that it was nothing.
Nothing. Ha, laughable. And here he is, unable to sleep because of that nothing. He rubbed his temples, thumb giving a slight pressure, massaging it. His finger slid up to his cheekbones and he sighed in content. The small amount of pleasure did not send away the thought.
Keith shouldn’t be worried about this. The more he thinks, the more he realizes how idiotic he is being. But, as another part of him argues, that ridiculous thought is the truth he believes.
“They’re one killer couple!”
He had just gone to grab some ice cream for the kids. And on his way, that’s the thing he heard. Without even looking who was talking or whom they were talking about, violet eyes had shifted toward Shiro and Allura. His body had frozen then. He turned around sharply and he had just felt his heart sink more. The source of the voice was a teenage girl, whose eyes were fixed on them. He had looked back slowly. He stared. He agreed.
“Their kids are so cute~ Two of them looks like they took after their mom!”
Keith’s blood went cold. A part of him wanted to turn around and glare. But a large part of him just continued to stare. He agreed again. It made him cold despite the blazing sun. His chest felt like his organs were getting tangled together, making it hard to breath.
They looked so natural. Allura cooing at Lance while he beamed up at her proudly. Pidge cuddled up with Shiro. Hunk – …Hunk was…looking around. Finally the small boy’s eyes landed on him and he beamed at him. Keith’s heart had immediately melted; oh god, he loved his boy. Then came Shiro, who lightened up when he saw Keith coming back. He had walked back, feeling loved and reassured. Yet insecurities had made it’s way from the hidden chest and clawed at his insides. Mixed feelings were battling inside him. That’s how the day went.
Mostly, Keith was quiet. Shiro had tried to indulge him to a conversation, but he would politely slip away or just hum in response, giving a hint that Keith wasn’t really in a mood of talking.
“Not planning to come to bed any time soon?”
Keith yelped and immediately got to his feet as he turned around to find his husband leaning the kitchen doorframe. He still looked sleepy, eyes half-lidded.
“Shiro…” He breathed out. “Did I wake you? Sorry.” Guilt splashed over him and he ducked his head, rubbing the back of his nape.
“What’s wrong?” Shiro asked quietly. Violet eyes glanced up at the other; Shiro’s brows furrowed, grey eyes only showing concern. “You’ve been…quiet. You know you can tell me.”
Keith’s tense shoulders slumped down in defeat. He knows he can’t keep it from Shiro long. He wasn’t a good liar anyway.
“It’s…stupid really…” It really was.
“Not that stupid if it’s bothering you all day.”
Keith liked Shiro’s voice; it always calmed his nerves.
Before he knew it, both of them were close enough for Keith to bury his face into Shiro’s board shoulder. He felt strong arms wrap around his waist and pull him closer. Shiro was silent, giving a moment for Keith to collect himself.
“It’s just…” He began and trailed off, not exactly sure how to start the conversation. He winced at what he was about to talk about. He felt a finger gently drawing circles on his back and he relaxed once again. “Today, during the picnic…” Shiro hummed in response. “…Well, I heard some people talking after grabbing some ice creams for the kids. And…” He sighed heavily, groaning. Fucking insecurities. Fucking low self-confidence. Fuck it all. “Some people mistook you and Allura as a couple.”
He could just see Shiro raise an eyebrow.
Damn Shiro and him knowing Keith too good.
“…And they assumed the kids, our kids, as…yours and Allura’s… And said how Lance and Hunk…took after Allura…
His voice shrank drastically, eyes closing. He was tense all over again and he thought about pulling away, but Shiro’s had a firm hold.
“Keith –“
“And the worst part?” He raised his tone on purpose, ignoring the way his voice cracked. “…I agreed with them. You two looked so natural… The kids too. They… They –“
“Love you.” Interrupted Shiro, tone firm but gentle. Keith swallowed back a sob and blinked his tears away. Gods. He is not crying. “Keith…”
 “And… Lance and Pidge doesn’t even like me…” He continued brokenly, body trembling a bit. “But…they both adore Allura, you’ve seen it today…”
“They do like you –“
“Bullshit.” Keith pulled away from Shiro, eyes shining with tears. Shiro looked startled. “They ignore me! Lance doesn’t even try to hide the fact he hates me! They both hated the stuffed animals I got for them! Hunk is the only one who…who…sees me as his parents, who actually loves me and –“
He stopped, a chocked sob tearing his throat and he looked away. He raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose with his knuckles, sniffling. A few tears rolled down his cheeks and he inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm himself.
Keith didn’t mean to spill the last part. He let his emotions lash out again. He’s bothering Shiro with his own selfish, foolish feelings aga–
He flinched a bit, startled when he felt strong arms wrap around him once again.
“Keith…” Shiro pressed his lips against his forehead before pulling away slightly to speak. “They don’t ignore you nor hate you… You’re their Dad, who adopted them into our family.”
“Shiro –“
“Lance always goes to you to talk and ask about anime. I always forget the characters names and he gets so offended… Pidge loves it when you use voices when you read stories for them…” Shiro pulled away to brush his thumb over the wet cheeks, wiping away the tears. Keith sniffled again, eyes cast to the side. While he does admit Shiro was right, he was being stubborn. And… Keith already convinced himself that Lance and Pidge disliking him is the truth. (when it’s not)
“Give them some time; soon I won’t be able to have you for myself…”
Keith snorted and he felt Shiro grin. He wrapped his arms around Shiro’s neck and sighed.
“…I can’t say I am fully convinced…” He admitted, frowning a bit. “But…let’s see how things go.”
Shiro smiled. “Yeah, let’s… Bed?”
Keith hummed in agreement. When he finally felt refreshed, his brain took notice of his exhaustion and his eyelids felt heavy.
The thought hasn’t left him. No, it’s still there, still haunting. But instead of pure darkness, a small glimpse of hope shone bright. While it was true Lance and Pidge wasn’t overly fond to him like they were to Shiro, he hoped if he tries harder, he would reach them too. As their dad.
For now, he will dismiss it. Now, he wants to rest in his husband’s arm and rest.
Because he really needs it now.
Again, fuck his insecurities.
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doycetopia · 5 years
Ravenloft Ironsworn, part 13, Dinner with the Baron
Dinner with the Baron
Okay, here we go with the next part of the Delve.
In the Delve rules, I’m categorizing Castle Ravenloft as an Ancient (Theme) Stronghold (Domain). Before I progress, I check the oracle for that theme and domain and see that I’m progressing toward a “Large Hall.” Cool, that tells me where to go, in general, based on what GM-me knows of the place.
Brigitte looks around the chapel. Two of the smaller side archways seem to lead into alcoves that (she guesses) either dead end or lead into stairwells – probably up the dark balcony overlooking the chapel itself.
The main double doors are what draw her attention.
“These should lead us back toward the central portion of the castle,” she says.
“You say that like it’s a good thing,” Ismark says, though he helps her pull the doors open.
Mark progress. Okay. Looking around at the other options non the table tells me that this is fairly middling result – nothing particularly good or bad. Fair enough. How do I see envision the next section?
In my case, the Delve the Depths move tells me sort of where I should end up, and from there I’m using some of the “Oracle” of the Ravenloft module to get me there.
The double doors open into a long hallway: dusty, long unused, and lined with statues whose eyes seem to follow us as we move past them.
The doors at the western end of the hall are bound in heavy bronze, but aren’t blocked or locked. We swing them open and move into the great entry hall of the castle.
Cobwebs hang from dust-covered columns that line this hall, illuminated by lit (?!?) torches fluttering in sconces. The dust and webs cast strange, moving shadows across the faces of stone gargoyles squatting atop the columns, all around the rim of the domed ceiling of the room. The cracked and faded ceiling frescoes are largely impossible to make out after what may be centuries of neglect. To the north, a broad staircase climbs into darkness.
Sad and majestic organ tones float from a lit hallway to the south.
Okay. Lots to process here. Double doors to the west probably lead to the entryway of the castle. Fine. The stairs seem broad enough to be meant for “public” traffic, so that’s probably going to take us to some kind of big receiving space or a grand hall or dining room or … something.
South is tricky, because on the one hand, it’s lit and more welcoming and generally seems ‘interesting’ because there’s music coming from that direction, but on the other hand there’s the thing where it seems like we were expected and that whole direction seems to scream “COME CHECK THIS OUT IT IS WHERE YOU ARE MEANT TO GO.”
By the same token, I do NOT want to hang around this room, because those gargoyles make me REALLY NERVOUS.
So. Yeah, I’m heading for the trap. Let’s follow the music. I’m not burning all my momentum just for a Weak hit, so I’ll take the miss and Reveal a Danger.
I can work with that.
Torchlight flutters against the walls of this vaulted hall. To the east, a dark and forbidding hallway runs into darkness. Beside that opening, a suit of armor, oiled and glistening, stands on display in a shallow alcove – the first thing we’ve seen not covered in dust. To the west, large double doors hang slightly open, a steady bright light escaping through the opening. Swells of organ music come from behind the doors, spilling a melody of power and defeat into the hall.
I’m definitely going to check out the slightly open doorway, and I want to be sneaky, which (like my last Delve the Depths) is based on Shadow, which so far as been a total disaster for me. But nevertheless… Okay, I’m taking this as a Weak hit, in which I am “delayed or lose advantage (-1 momentum).” I think falling for this lure means I’ve somewhat dropped into the channel Strahd has set for his visitors. Here’s what we see through the crack in the door.
This is a magnificent 40-foot-square room, brilliantly lit by three massive crystal chandeliers. Pillars of stone stand against dull white marble walls, supporting the ceiling. In the center of the room, a long, heavy table stands covered with a fine white satin cloth. The table is laden with delectable foods of every type: roasted beast basted in a savory sauce, roots and herbs of every taste, and sweet fruits and vegetables. Places are set for four (one at the head of the table) with fine delicate china and silver. At each place there is a crystal goblet filled with an amber liquid. At the center of the far west wall, between floor-to-ceiling length mirrors, stands a massive organ. Its pipes blare out a thunderous melody of greatness and despair. Seated before the keys, its back toward you, a caped figure pounds the keys in raptured ecstasy.
Slowly, the music winds down and the caped figure turns on the stool before the organ to face the door, seeming to look directly at us. I hear Ireena suck in a sharp breath.
Now, I’m a genre and rpg nerd, so there’s a great big Vampire Lore clue in this scene, but when I ran it with my daughter, she totally missed it because she didn’t KNOW it – so I’m introducing it as one of those “weird vampire things that may or may not be common knowledge,” and seeing if Brigitte catches it. I’m doing this as a Gather Information.
My kingdom for a Strong Hit.
Okay, weak hit, the information complicates the quest or introduces a new danger. +1 momentum.
The figure at the organ raises a graceful hand. “Please. Be welcome in my home. Come in. Dine.”
Ireena trembles at my side, but I barely notice – what has my attention is the fact that Strahd can be seen in the mirrors on either side of the organ. Everything the farwardens have ever been told about these fell creatures of the night say that should not be the case.
“It’s some kind of illusion,” I whisper. “A vampire casts no reflection.” I indicate the mirrors, through the cracked doors.
“Please,” alleged ‘Strahd’ says, “come out of the shadows and into the light. Let me see you.”
“Illusion it may be,” Ismark whispers back. “But it’s no mindless thing – it knows we are not yet in the room… or whatever controls it does.”
It’s not a comforting thought, but I feel Ireena calm herself somewhat, realizing she is not facing the monster of Barovia directly. I turn to her. “It is nothing, see? Only a trick. A puppet show.”
It is not Ireena who replies, but the figure of Strahd. “A puppet show? Oh, delightful!” And it laughs: long and loud and mocking, and then vanishes.
The moment the figure disappears, a fierce, bone-chilling wind roars through the halls, blowing out all torches and candles. We hear the screech of ancient hinges and the solid thud of heavy doors slamming shut, one after another, off into the distance; a portcullis clangs down in the middle distance and, ponderously the tired groan of the aged drawbridge pulling up.
Crystal sings in the darkness of the dining room as the great chandeliers rustle in the sudden wind. The fragrance of food wafts its way through the darkened hall.
“I think we may have offended our host,” Ismark mutters. “We should move.”
“One moment,” I say, shoving doors open, much to my companion’s surprise. Ismark manages one aggrieved “hssssst!” as I stride into the now dark room, following my nose and unslinging my pack.
We’re being taunted by the smell of food and right now my Supply is at 3, so…
Oh screw you, dice. What the hell, man.
Fine. The game wants me to burn momentum so bad, I will. Strong hit on Resupply says “on a strong hit, you bolster your resources. Take +2 supply.
Worth it.
I scoop the fruit and some of the least messy foods, working mostly by smell and touch, wrap them up in cloth napkins probably worth more than all the clothes I’m wearing, and jam them into my pack, then stride back to the door, where Ismark has got a torch going.
“Now, we can move on.”
“You’re crazy.”
“I’m angry,” I say, though my face and voice are calm, my eyes scanning the area. “This Strahd is picking the wrong sort of fight.”
I’m going to Delve the Depths again, and roll the Oracle to get an idea where I’m headed: a 97 means “Something Unusual or Unexpected.” Duly noted, Oracle. Thanks. Now then…
I’m Delving based on Observation and Intuition (what I can see, and what my gut tells me), so that means +wits – to heck with any more of this +Shadow nonsense.
That’s fine. I roll and get a 43 on the results table, marking Progress on my way to “Something Unusual or Unexpected.”
Brigitte takes in her options. Heading back to the main hall with the gargoyles looming seems like a bad plan, the only other option then is the dark, narrow hallway just across from the dining room of Vampiric Fuckery.
Theory: Vampires are melodramatic as a form of behavior-based informational security. While their ridiculous collection of odd mannerisms make it easy to tag them as vampires, it also makes it extremely difficult to tell which of those mannerisms stem from an esoteric weakness or limitation on their powers, and which are just them being fuckin extra. In this essay I will…
A chilly wind rushes down the circling stairway at the end of this short hall, seeming to kill the very heat of the torch Ismark carries. The stairs spiral both up into the castle and down into the depths.
I do NOT feel like going down into the depths right now, so it’s up one floor and an unadorned wooden door…
Dusty scrolls and tomes line the walls of this room and are scattered across the floor. In the center of all this clutter stands a huge accountant’s desk. A old man slouches atop a tall stool, scratching a seemingly endless scroll of paper with a dry quill pen. A rope hangs next to the old man from a hole in the ceiling.
And… that’s where I’m stopping for now. Next time, we’ll meet Lief Lipsiege, accountant. (Something unusual or unexpected.)
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