#this is mostly a vent but yall can rb if you wanna
genderkoolaid · 1 year
idk if this is a common experience but being a boygirl often makes me feel more like party trick than a human being. the reason i spent so much time talking about being multigender is because i feel like ive never ever seen anything that takes multigender identity seriously beyond just. jokes. no one ever seems interested in actually questioning what it means to be a man/woman when you are both. i cant count the times i've seen some (often lesbian) couple and immediately thought "i'll never have that because of my gender, no one would want me" and i know, objectively, i cant say no one would. but the point is that the only time i see being a boygirl brought up is in fucking joke tumblr posts and it makes me feel like its only something that can exist for a bit and not a way you can live your life. and thats just reinforced every time i have to deal with binarism (which is constantly)
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notmyprey · 23 days
Small vent cause I swear I keep seeing this, and it just bugs me. Im not angry, I'm mostly just sad that this is where we are right now.
Guys, can we not harass others. Unless they are hurting others, what is harassment going to do? Make them sad? Make them hate themselves?
People can, in fact, have different likes and opinions than you. As long as they are not actively hurting people, hating others, or being mean, what is wrong with what they are doing?
Liking sfw vore, extreme cuddling, or any of its other names is not something that one should be harassed over.
Likeing vore in a sexual light is not something to be harassed over.
Liking it both ways is ok, too.
Also, the fact that some people are going out of their ways to harass people who like vore (sfw or nsfw) in a fatal/digestion context is so sad.
I personally dont find vore sexual. I personally dont like fatal (in the sense that the prey is dead completely and isn't a ghost or anything that still has a presence).
But here is the thing. I dont need to like and/or understand it to respect it. I dont need to like spiders to respect people who keep them as pets. I dont need to like the idea of having children to respect those who do.
People. You dont need to understand their feelings. You dont need to feel the same way. But they are people too. They have feelings. They are more than just text on a screen.
I know I may seem like a flat, one dimensional person since I post 1 type of content here, and thats how many people who like vore make their blogs too, but I am a human behind the screen.
Just, please. Respect others. I know, many people here are hurt. I know many people here have trust issues, and unfortunately, a draw of the vore community is that need for trust. But having healthy boundaries, having a healthy outlet that's not an anger filled rant (*will elaborate on what I mean at the bottom of this), and having someone to ask "can you make sure this is me talking, and not just my initial reaction" are things this community needs to work on.
If I were to give any advice, it would be to wait a minute before you post a vent, rant, or anything along those lines. Walk away for a minute, come back, and reread it. You may find that some of what you type is your initial anger, fear, or hurt speaking, not you.
I want your real voice to be heard, yall, and sometimes to do that, you need to step back for a moment. So before you send that hate message, before you post that rant, please ask yourself:
"Is that me, or what I was taught"
* I want to elaborate on what I mean by anger filled rant.
What I consider an anger filled rant is when someone finds something they dont like, and decid to attack it.
Instead of making something informative, they make something emotion filled. This isn't always bad. But this can be bad if the thing they are attacking is something that is not hurting others or themselves.
So in short, what I mean by anger filled rant is, a rant that attacks something that is not harmful.
I dont condone harassment towards anyone, but I do understand an angry rant if it is about someone who is hurting others. Again, that is not the thing I am referencing. I am not saying someone being angry at another for hurting people is wrong, it isnt. People should be angry at people getting hurt.
So yah, thank you all for reading this. I just needed to get this out there.
Guys, btw, this is not sfw interaction only for me (if you're rb you wanna make sfw only thats ok, def enforce your own boundaries) cause:
1. I feel like this is important for both sides
2. I have a 'if I dont see you, I dont care' rule cause I have given up on trying to blog all nsfw ppl lol. Sides they aren't monsters or anything. Just ppl. Still dont want them rbing or commenting, but liking my stuff is fine.
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gottagho-st · 7 months
i kinda have a lil rant/vent post sitting in my drafts.... BUT for now I just wanna say 'm sorry for the inactivity (or poor levels of activity) atm, been kinda rough these last couple weeks for the ol' noggin & I do see lots of wonderful things on here that I love and appreciate + wanna RB or comment etc. but I simply don't have the Thoughts for it atm soooo there's a lot of things sitting in my drafts to rb once I do have a brain again so I can be sure to tag them appropriately & show how much I genuinely appreciate them at a later date.
to my darling mutuals & friends, if you wanna chat I still really appreciate seeing yall in my msgs etc, but pls be a lil patient w/ me bc its hard to respond. I'm doing okay mostly just life in the way of the shit I wanna do (aka making silly lil ghoul drawings & stories & sharing them with yall)
I love you guys so much, ill be back to 'normal' once real life settles down I hope <3
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angel-archivist · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
This just in depressed teenager loses his only coping mechanism besides pretending nothings really and lifes a tv show. This is so sad alexa play evie by shoe 
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femme-is-my-gender · 4 years
I humbly ask my mutuals to PLEASE not put "cute" videos of captive/pet/dancing monkeys on my dash. Tag it if you must rb, but like. Monkeys aren't pets, monkeys on leashes or in clothes are not cute they don't like it they do that because they have to!! The reality behind those videos is that animal was taken from its mother, probably at just a few days old, not allowed to learn how to socialize with its own kind, forced to wear diapers oftentimes, their teeth are removed often, they are almost never given proper diet or exercise. Best case scenario they are eventually released to a sanctuary but by then its too late. They missed their window of learning behaviors and language and because of this often arent able to cohabitate with other monkeys. Its cruel, not cute. Monkeys need to be with their own kind. In the wild. Not playing with someone's cell phone or whatever the fuck. Seeing this makes me furious at best and devastated at worst I've seen firsthand what these animals go through I'm begging you please. Don't spread vidoes of wild animals kept as pets/entertainment. It only allows others to think this is okay and go looking for a breeder to get a baby monkey taken off his mom's back. Not to mention the damage these relationships do to people monkeys are strong and smart and will attack even without teeth. Any animal deprived of its needs will attack.
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