#this is long overdue sorry
such-a-downer · 2 months
Haruka Nanase: the Genius on Pedestal
I finished rewatching Free! Eternal Summer. When I finally got to ep 11, I feel pained and quite sad, unlike the previous times I watched it. I saw the conflict in a new light and empathized with Haru's internal struggle.
Haru is like a flawless and beautiful bust on display for people's admiration.
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"I swim because I want to."
Despite Haru's incredible skills, his swimming isn't centered around winning and accomplishments. He Isn't bothered by the competitive environment. But then, he reached third year of high school– the critical time of decision making for his future. All this time, Haru did not care about such matters but the taunting of other people gradually pushed him to a corner.
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(Kinda mind boggling that these 3 screenshots are from eps 9, 10, 11 sound so connected when i line them up together)
"Where I swim and who I swim for... I'm free to decide that for myself!"
Haru doesn't have the mindset of a typical swimmer. It upsets him that people are shoving him into the constricting mold of being a genius athlete. Scouts and offers didn't mean anything and only served as hindrance to his performance.
Nagisa, Rei, Rin, and Sousuke came off to Haru, wanting him to simply get out of the shell and embrace the world of competitive swimming. They failed to notice that Haru was already having an existential crisis (pretty much). Although they meant no harm, telling their sentiments barely helped the situation. Because who wants to be pushed off the edge without feeling ready?
It was hard for Haru to face the others and respond because he was yet to come into terms with his own feelings towards swimming (as he said later on ep13).
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I commend Makoto for being the one to address Haru's lack of direction without readily forcing the idea of sticking to swimming. He's always been gentle when trying to bring up the issue, always kind and considerate not only to Haru but also to everybody. He cares so much about Haru that he went out of his way to tell Rin about the situation after that sudden fight during the festival.
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Rin also realized his mistake and was able to communicate better with Haru during the trip in Australia. What connects them is beyond rivalry, making their relationship a very frank one. It was Rin who blasted the door that Haru was hesitating to open. Haru found his own dream, that he also wants to take on the world of swimming after all. And a part of me believes that even if harurinralia trip didn't happen, Rin would still be able to pull Haru out of the dark.
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I want to give this a good conclusion but there's something I can't help but notice. Things were neatly wrapped up for Haru by the end of Eternal Summer; him finding his dream and finally (albeit slowly) approaching swimming the same way as other swimmers do. But it is also the same spell that scarred his still-young and fragile fixation towards winning. No wonder came the repeated conflict in Final Stroke movies.
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telestoapologist · 3 months
dude your hellion just fucking bit me
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chococrystal · 7 months
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new master of wind !!!!!! I am morally, spiritually and financially obligated to make fanart of Euphrasia and Morro now sorry
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blatantlyhidden · 11 months
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little star
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daekiyu · 8 months
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my contribution to the gta 2023 fanzine!! go check out everyones amazing works!
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monstermonger · 5 months
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Aaa... it's been a while since I talked about The Messenger.... this funny little comic I was working on...
For those curious, I'll have something written up tomorrow about what's up and my finalized plans for it :") I hope you'll like the direction I take.
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gomzdrawfr · 6 months
||Jackals Operator|| : 【M A C E】
status: unknown
last seen location: Sergeant Kyle Garrick's apartment
Interview content: "Hm, I'm not sure who you're talking about, haven't seen that guy in months officer, think you got the wrong guy :)"
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bonus, because I liked making Mace huge af, then realize i have to erase it for Gaz :(
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alien-bluez · 10 months
if you draw ships then how about swiftli?
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he fell asleep watching the garfield movie of all things-
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strhwaberries · 10 months
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seonghwa // crazy form (231210)
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dandydanthelion · 11 months
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asra, nadia, julian, lucio
alternative fursona
portia as a (ragdoll) cat!!! :3
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i will also make an alt fursona (a bird) to match julian's birdsona and then next will be muri
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ughtumno · 2 months
*takes a deep breath in*
Sauron in a cat maid outfit-
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someone dun got his ass
this was my first ask i got. yall are just as crazy as i am
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AFAB!Reader x Eustass Kid
Word Count: 3.7K
A/N: Finally the smut part back from this post. Pegging Kid, fem!dom, sub!Kid, Overstimulation, Facesitting, if you peg Kid you automatically get a higher bounty than him lol
It was about four drinks in when Kid decided he’d had enough. 
Here he was, sitting amongst the crew in an after-battle party at some poor tavern they’d taken over for the night, and plenty were already deep into their cups. He was sitting next to Killer who was quick to notice Kid’s continuous staring in your direction, a faint blush on his cheeks as he downed another mug of ale. Kid wanted you. More explicitly he wanted you to fuck him the way you had a few nights ago tackling him into submission as he lost himself on your fake cock. Despite far too many people being around, Kid felt the need for it burning deep in his gut. The sound of a mug slamming onto the table caught his attention as he turned to Killer.
“Your staring is getting a bit creepy Kid,” he said. 
Kid scowled, tearing his eyes off you and refilling his mug, “None of your business…”
Killer’s eyes went from you, drinking merrily with another few of the crew members, to Kid, looking like a blushing wet sop of a man and Killer had to know what could’ve brought his captain to this level. 
“What exactly did they do to make you so whipped all of the sudden?”
Kid took another drink, his eyes surveyed around him to make sure he and his friend wouldn’t be overheard as the alcohol was making him honest. Once satisfied no one could eavesdrop he mumbled something out to Killer.
“What?” Killer replied.
“I said-” Kid’s hand ran through his hair, fighting to cover the red that flushed to the tips of his ears, “I let Y/N peg me…”
Killer merely sat back with a sigh, “Oh, is that it?”
Kid snapped up, staring incredulously at his friend trying to decipher the expression behind his mask.
“What do you mean ‘is that it?’” 
Killer shrugged, “Honestly, I’m surprised it took you this long to try it,” he took a sip through his straw facing Kid, “It’s great huh?”
Kid gaped for a moment before he found his voice, “...You mean you-?”
Even through the mask Kid could see the look his friend was giving him, he knew him too well.
“Of course, I mean why not, plus it feels amazing,” he said. 
Kid eyed him as he continued to drink through the straw before Kid took his own drink to his lips, draining the mug and setting it resolutely on the table. He rose and made his way over to you. It didn’t matter that you were mid conversation, once Kid plucked you from where you were sitting and threw you over his shoulder, the others knew better than to interfere.  He stayed mute to your protestations as he carried you outside the bar, setting you back on the ground before him, hands on your shoulders.
“Do you have your stuff?” he asked.
“What? What stuff?”
Kid ran a hand through his hair, “You know…the stuff that you used on me a few nights ago…?” Kid hoped he could make his point without explicitly saying it. He was still too worried about some drunk crew member listening in. Fortunately, you caught on quickly.
“Oh, that stuff,” the grin that stretched your lips already was sending a flush down his neck, “It’s in my room on the ship…why?” you added coyly.
Kid huffed, “Don’t make me say it…”
You leaned into him now, pressing lightly into his chest as a finger trailed down the solid mass of muscle, “Use your words Kid, you have to tell me what you want.”
Kid bit back the whimper that threatened to spill out, biting at his lip, eyes darting for any unknowing listeners.
“I want…you to fuck me…”
“Fuck you where Kid?”
His eyes closed, fighting the words but knowing exactly what you wanted to hear and that you wouldn’t cave until he said it.
“Fuck me…in my ass…”
He knew he had done good when he was rewarded with your lips pressing against his, a hand curled into his red locks as he moved against our mouth for a while, soft smacking sounds outside the rambunctious bar. When you broke apart Kid could already feel himself starting to harden. Your eyes caught an inn across the way and you motioned toward it.
“Go get us a room, I’ll get what we need and meet you there,” you gave him a brief peck before running back toward the ship. 
“Fuck are you going to fuck me or what?” 
Kid lay on the bed, completely nude, mechanical arm slouched off to the side while you gave loving attention to his cock, taking your time licking and sucking as your fingers danced along his hard length. 
“Patience Kid,” you nipped delicately at his shaft resulting in a hissed curse, “let me enjoy myself for a bit here.”
Kid’s head fell back onto the mattress with a huff, “You’re being a tease…”
You laughed, sending a long slow lick to the vein on the underside of his shaft, enjoying the way he twitched under the ministration, “so you can dish it out but you can’t take it?”
This clearly struck a nerve as Kid shot you a look, “I can take it just fine! Problem is that you’re not giving it yet!”
You pulled back up to a seated position and Kid’s eyes darted down to the thick cock strapped to your body. It wasn’t even fair to look this hot with a fake cock standing from you and Kid felt himself lick his lips. Something hit him on the chest and he looked down to see the small bottle of lube you’d tossed to him. 
“Alright Kid, you want it so bad you’ll have to show me.”
Kid paused, “What?”
You settled yourself comfortably, a loose hand fisting the silicon cock in a tempting manner, “Prep yourself, your fingers are bigger than mine anyway,” a smile tugged at your lips.
Kid had the decency to blush, fumbling for something to say before you leaned forward, taking the bottle and emptying some of the contents onto his fingers, spreading the slick around the thick digits. 
“You’ve fingered me plenty of times, you’ll figure it out,” even as you started to guide his hand between his own legs, Kid felt any resistance draining away despite the embarrassed flush on his cheeks. Damn you, who knew you were so sneaky? Working him up just enough to the point of no return where you knew he couldn’t say no even if he tried. You pushed one of his fingers against his entrance and Kid inhaled sharply, feeling your hand leave his as you sat back, a dark smile on your face.
“Give me a good show, Eustass.”
Kid huffed, shooting daggers at you with his glare before falling back onto the bed. Fine, you wanted a show? He could play along, just as long as he got what he was so desperately craving in the end. 
The pad of his finger traced his entrance, spreading the slick there as Kid contemplated the feeling. He’d never done this to himself before and using his own fingers had him a bit more hesitant, they were bigger after all. 
“Well?” you prompted.
Kid slipped a finger inside, biting back the little gasp that wanted to leave his lips, he didn’t want you to have the satisfaction just yet if he could help it. The first thing he noticed was how hot and tight he felt on the inside and a shudder ran through him, before pumping the finger experimentally. From this angle he knew if he wanted to get a better feel he’d have to spread his legs wider but feeling your eyes watching his every move had him feeling stubborn and frankly a little bratty. He continued to pump inside himself, the unfamiliar feeling slowly melting into pleasure as he felt his body betray him, legs widening of their own accord and he didn’t miss the hum of approval you gave in response. 
“Add another finger Kid, you’ll need it,” you said.
A breathy curse did escape this time, imagining the lengthy girth that was waiting to stretch him out and he slipped another finger in, wincing just for a moment before resuming that steady pumping. He gave an experimental scissor of his fingers and bit his lip, still not wanting to show you how turned on he was already, but the breath was coming in harder through his nostrils. He pumped in deep, relishing the tight feeling of flesh around his fingers and realized he needed more lube. 
You seemed to anticipate this, taking the bottle from the side and settling between Kid’s legs.
“Let me.”
You squeezed a generous amount onto him and Kid could feel the coolness hit his entrance still stretched around his fingers and shivered. He gave a few more thrusts, collecting the slick and using it to aid in slipping a third finger in he hoped you hadn’t noticed but the grin on your face quickly told him you had and he flushed at his own eagerness. 
“Doing such a good job Kid,” the slick squelching sound of his own fingers was loud to his ears as you drank in the sight, “how does it feel?”
Kid took a shaky inhale, working to keep his voice steady, “Feels good…”
He felt your fingers slowly stroking his hard cock and a moan bubbled out of his throat at the stimulation. 
“But you want more don’t you?” 
Kid wanted so badly to whine but he nodded his head instead, hoping that would be enough to appease you. He didn’t know how much more teasing he could handle and he felt as you removed his hand from inside him, your own fingers tracing along his sensitive inner thighs and he felt goosebumps erupt over his skin.
“What do you want Kid?”
He groaned, “You…”
“Kid,” your voice took a slight edge, pushing him to explain further and Kid felt the heat that rushed his face before he finally choked out.
“I want your cock…”
He heard the slick spread of lube across the phallus and shivered.
“Good boy,” you said, finally lining up with his entrance.
The first push in had him gasping, the fat head of the cock slipping easily inside as he felt that burning stretch that spread heat from the base of his spine. His still slick hand tangled into the sheets as he felt you work your way inside him, every gentle thrust deeper in sent fire through his body. He felt when you bottomed out, hips flush against his as you spread his legs wider to better nudge yourself inside him. This was what he had been missing, this feeling of being so stretched and filled and he swore he could feel the cock all the way up to his throat with how deep you were seated into him.
“Fuck you take it so well Kid,” you breathed out.
Kid gave a hard exhale, hips nudging against your encouraging you to move already and he bit his lip as he felt you pull nearly all the way out. Once you snapped your hips back into his, a groan ripped from his throat. You pulled out again, almost lazily before thrusting back in hard and kept a slow hard pace of fucking into him. Kid could feel the moans that spilled out of his throat with each thrust, eyes closing to lose himself in the pleasure of it. You leaned forward and he felt you take his chin in your hand.
“Eyes on me, Kid,” punctuating this with a hard thrust inside him.
Kid felt himself flush but obeyed, keeping his eyes locked to yours and when the next moan came spilling from his lips he was suddenly all too aware of your intense gaze on him.
“Fuck, harder,” he breathed, trying to turn his head away, the eye contact too much in his vulnerable state but you gripped his jaw hard, forcing him back and Kid felt his eyes crack open of their own accord.
“Good boy,” you said.
You sped up the pace, fucking into him earnestly now and Kid was breathing hard, head falling back and you let him stare up into the ceiling as you gained better purchase to push his legs farther back. He felt his hips strain against the angle but the way the cock was tightly hugged inside him had tears pricking his eyes. You hit just the right angle and Kid’s hand slapped at the sheet.
“Fuck! Right there!” he gasped.
You gave a low breathy chuckle, adjusting your hips before driving forward again and sending stars into Kid’s vision, relishing in the strangled moan he gave.
“Hold your leg back for me Kid.”
With just one arm, he managed to wrap it around his thigh, keeping a leg back, but it was enough you could hold his other leg while still draping yourself forward onto him with your free arm. Kid felt his hips be pushed further back, the cock grinding and pressing against that sweet spot deep inside him while you adjusted yourself. You saw the way he was squirming, hips lightly jutting to press back against you, to pull you in even deeper while you were already flush against him.
“So eager Kid,” you cooed.
He tried to growl but only a breathy whine escapes him, surprised when your free hand suddenly found purchase in his red locks and pulled hard. With his head pulled back, you left harsh little nips against the thick column of his throat, feeling his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed thickly. Your lips found his and he responds eagerly, mouth open and wanting between the heated pants that puff from him.
“Such a good boy,” you pulled back to let him breathe, seeing the way his lipstick was already smearing, “you like being filled and fucked like this?”
Another shot to his prostrate rips a filthy moan from Kid as he manages to breathe out a weak but emphatic, “Yes.”
Kid was blind to the smirk that painted your own lips, too lost in the haze of his own pleasure as your hips pounded into him, relentlessly torturing that bundle of nerves deep inside him and soon enough he could feel the hot coil in the pit of his stomach building quick. He opened his mouth to give some kind of warning but found your tongue tangling with his as you devoured the words. Another hard thrust inside him and the coil snapped, a series of breathy moans bubbling against your lips as he felt himself cum. You paused only for a second, Kid’s sudden release without his cock having even been touched caught you off guard, but you soon snapped back into action, burying your cock deep inside him and letting him ride out the orgasm. Once he collapsed bonelessly into the mattress you stilled inside him, allowing him to briefly catch his breath as you gave a peck to his cheek.
“Holy fuck…” is all Kid can manage out.
Still reeling from the effects of his orgasm, Kid doesn’t notice you settling back, keeping an iron grip on his thighs until you thrust harshly into him again. His head snapped back in a silent gasp, body still oversensitive and before he can think of what to say, you’re fucking into him at a relentless pace.
Moans and sobs spilled freely from him as you pressed him harder into the mattress, hips snapping into his already abused hole. His free hand grips the sheets before quickly moving to clutch at his face, eyes snapping shut as tears prick at the corners.
“Fuck-fuck! W-wait it’s too much…!” he felt his voice crack on the last word, before dissolving back into unintelligible whimpers as you pummel into his prostate. His body felt like it was burning, every nerve was still singed from his last orgasm and the pleasure is nearly to the point of pain from his overloaded senses. Still, he doesn’t want you to stop.
“Come on Kid,” you huffed from the exertion but not once slowing down, a bead of sweat trickling from your brow, “I know you’ve got one more for me.”
Kid managed to pry his fingers away from his eyes, feeling the intense heat on his face and saw his cock was already hard again, slapping against his stomach from the force of each thrust, smearing the mess of cum still on his abs. He’s not sure how much more of this he can take as he feels the beginning coil in the pit of his stomach start to tighten again. Then you wrapped your hand around his cock and started pumping in harsh jerks.
Kid wasn’t sure if he screamed but he can feel his vocal cords fray as sounds spill forth against the onslaught of pleasure. Finally feeling the delicious squeeze as you fist his cock in time with every powerful thrust has him spiraling quicker than he would have imagined. You saw the way his body began to tighten, focusing on the sensitive head of his cock with tight, hard strokes.
“That’s it Kid, now cum for me.”
The sultry pitch of your commanding voice, combined with the harsh treatment of his prostate and cock has him cumming even harder the second time. Thick ropey spurts of semen shot forward, further painting his stomach and chest as Kid gives a strangled sob, hand clutching at his face as he feels his head swim in a delirious lightness. You milked him roughly, teasing wave after wave of spend dribbling down your hand and covering his stomach. Kid was wheezing, taking air in big gulps as you finally feel him soften and release him. You worked the thick phallus gently out of Kid, who keens at the loss, before discarding it off to the side. Kid may have been spent but you weren’t letting him off the hook until you came at least once.
You crawled over his body before virtually sitting on his face.
“You know what to do.”
Kid was still dazed, his eyes hazy, but he complied obediently, hand coming forward to steady your waist as he brought his large tongue forward to delve into your wet folds. Groaning at the excess of slick, Kid doesn’t waste time burying his face into your cunt. Your hand gripped his hair, motioning him deeper into you as you rocked your hips against his face, Kid moaning at the action. The room was loud with lewd squelching sounds as Kid buried his tongue into you, grinding against your pelvis, the bridge of his crooked nose rubbing against your clit. He ate you out like a man starved, hand gripping at your waist with what little energy he has left. You could hear the muffled little moans of pleasure from beneath you as you allow your head to tilt back in bliss.
“Doing so good Kid, just a little more,” you rocked against him, nearly suffocating him but he’s undeterred, pulling your further down on top of him just to taste more of you. You’ve never seen him so ravenous, and as he works his ample tongue inside you, you can feel your orgasm coming up fast.
You cursed, feeling your body tighten as you hit your high, thrusting Kid’s face deeper into your cunt, but he takes it in stride, feeling you clench and drip around him as he works you through your orgasm. Once you rode it out, the tingling in your body starting to fade, you pulled off of Kid with a wet sound before flopping onto the side to take him in.
He looked positively ruined, chest still heaving and covered with his spend while his lipstick was smeared with your own slick that dribbled down his chin. You smiled down at him, Kid’s eyes, still hazy but starting to regain some semblance of focus, found yours and a grin pulled at his lips. You gave a kiss to his sweaty forehead before rising to find a towel to clean him off with.
The next morning, as they checked out Kid couldn’t help but notice the way the frenzied innkeeper kept darting glances at him, eyes wide. Maybe she recognized him from the wanted posters? The thought of it made him smirk with pride.
“Was everything- uhm- satisfactory?” The innkeeper asked. 
“Yes, very much so,” you replied, unphased by the curious glances the woman kept shooting towards Kid. 
The woman chewed her lip before speaking again, “I-I only ask because…well…some of the staff were worried something might have happened…”
That caught both of your attentions as the two of you fix her with a questioning look.
“Well, your- um…” she motioned a hand toward Kid indicating him, “he was, well, quite loud…the groaning and screams, we were just worried maybe he was hurt or worse…”
Your eyes widened and it took everything you had to bite back the smirk that wanted to split your face, especially on seeing the way Kid flushed down to his neck in a horrified stupor. Before you could respond, Kid slapped some money, more than enough to cover the cost of the night but he doesn’t seem to notice, quickly on the table before grasping you by the shoulders and hurrying you both out the door. Once in the street, Kid takes a steadying breath before he turned toward the docks.
“Let’s get back to the ship,” he started marching off but even from behind you can see his ears burning. You caught up quickly to him, a shit eating grin on your face as you stared expectantly into his flushed face. Kid refused to meet your eyes, lips pouting as he keeps his gaze forward but he can feel the satisfaction coming off you in waves.
“Next time I’ll just have to gag you, won’t I?” you said.
Kid nearly tripped over, shooting a scowl as you laugh at him good naturedly, but he has to admit, the idea of it appeals to him.
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varying-degrees · 5 months
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I can work with this.
The bit with William at the end of season 2 where he falls off the cliff again and just stays there......
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larabar · 1 year
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ok screw it. bird time. revali under the cut because i like messing with him
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dumb bird (affectionate)
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airrika · 3 months
don’t normally share stuff like this but can I drop this cursed hc I started drawing last night😭 bc as usual I am analyzing petrona at 3 am and ummm we know how that goes
petra (and all the Fitz bc how is she NOT one of them) have unusually reflective pupils, but not the type of reflective pupil that causes blindness. they just quirky like that🙄💅
BUT it does give them surprisingly good night vision + terrifying flash photos in the dark!! also the intensity of light depends on how pronounced it is, giving the appearance of glowing or flickering more than it actually is
here are some very quick drawings,,i don’t like them lmao but they’re just concepts
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also Iggy has it much less pronounced but u can still see it if there’s a flick taken w flash/or a light shine in his direction
thank u for coming to my Ted talk
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druidberries · 7 months
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after Seb talked with Griffin he informed Elowen of everything he'd told him, and told her he absolutely still wanted to become a vampire. luckily for them, Elowen may or may not have met one of the most infamous vampires out there, and she could definitely get him to turn Sebastian. the first few days after being bit were strange for Seb, it was hard watching Elowen bake and not being able to eat it :( his neck hurt and he started feeling cravings for something he certainly never did before.
once the turning process had ended and he was officially a vampire the very first thing he did was uh...break in the new coffin with Elowen
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