#this is literally me on my blog whenever i start a new drama
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Love in the Big City: Book Club Schedule
Okay, besties, here we go! Turns out a lot of you are into this nerd project so we will in fact be doing a little tumblr book club for LITBC! Here's how it will work:
We will begin on Sunday, February 4, and discuss a different section of the book each week.
On Sundays, @bengiyo will post a list of discussion questions for whatever part we're reading that week. You can use these as prompts for thinking, actually write and post responses to them, or just ignore them and do your own thing.
We will all write or share whatever we like during the week, using the hashtag [#litbc book club]. Everything from simple reaction commentary to full on essays is welcome. It's also fine not to post anything yourself if that's not your thing, you can participate by reading and sharing other people's posts.
Each following Sunday, I will post a roundup of everything people wrote during the week so we'll have them all collated in one place, and Ben will then post the next round of discussion questions.
This means we are going to be on the following schedule for reading and discussing:
Part 1: Sun, February 4 to Sat, February 10
Part 2: Sun, February 11 to Sat, February 17
Part 3: Sun, February 18 to Sat, February 24
Part 4: Sun, February 25 to Sat, March 2
With the final round up posted on Sunday, March 3. Of course, this is Not That Serious and if you fall behind you should still join in whenever you can and I will add your posts in later! Also, please note for your own planning that Part 2 of the novel is the longest, nearly double the length of the other parts.
For those who asked about where to acquire the book, the good news is it's very popular and generally easy to find translated in English. A lot of libraries carry it, and you can also find it at local bookstores, on Everand, on bookshop.org, and of course, Amazon.
For those who are seeing this for the first time and wondering what the heck I'm on about: go here for background on why we're doing this book club ahead of a couple upcoming drama and film adaptations. And if you want to be tagged into future posts please comment in tags or replies so we can add you to the list! We will also use the tag [#litbc book club] for all posts related to this going forward, so you can just track that tag if you prefer. [Note: if you want to be tagged please check your settings to see if other blogs are allowed to tag you. If you asked to be tagged on the first post and you're not in the list below, it's because tumblr wouldn't allow me to do it.]
Tagging here those who have signed up so far: @alwaysthepessimist @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas @blalltheway @brifrischu @colourme-feral @dekaydk @dramacraycray @emotionallychargedtowel @fiction-is-queer @hakusupernova @hyeoni-comb @infinitelyprecious @littleragondin @literally-a-five-headed-dragon @loveable-sea-lemon @my-rose-tinted-glasses @neuroticbookworm @poetry-protest-pornography @profiterole-reads @serfergs @so-much-yet-to-learn @starryalpacasstuff @stuffnonsenseandotherthings @sunshinechay @thewayofsubtext @troubled-mind @twig-tea @waitmyturtles @wen-kexing-apologist
Excited to get started with y’all in a few weeks!
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Welcome back to my crappy live blogging. I got 6 episodes to talk about!!! Good luck!!! 🫡
MAG 61: Hard Shoulder
Oh shit Daisy statement!! Or more important, that damn “Breekon and Hope Deliveries” people AGAIN. The cockney guys were there so the same guys Martin saw when they delivered Jons stuff. The gasp I let out when Daisy heard the sound and I was like “oh my god it’s raining, it’s the coffin”
Did not expect staircases! Anyways another thing, the other guy who drove the van said his name was Tom. “Sasha” said her new bf at the wax museum name was Tom as well before. I’m assuming they’re not actually dating but meeting up for some nefarious reason. Or maybe it’s two different Tom’s. Who knows
MAG 62: First Edition
Oh jeez Mary Keay. Yeah she was a bit screwed up as a child. No wonder Gerard does not seem to like her. Not much to note but the way Dr Tellison murdered her patients with the whole flaying and putting up their skin with writing was the same way Mary Keay was found dead. Interesting. I don’t think her son killed her. But I wonder who. Maybe it was Gertrude 💀 bet.
MAG 63: The End of The Tunnel
Eughhhh. Not much on this. It does sound really familiar to MAG 25 with like churches and that cult thing but Jon couldn’t find a connection. Still. Weird.
MAG 64: Burial Rites
Not much on this either! But the dice in the tomb reminded me of Cheating Death with like the games and gambling but it’s probably not related
MAG 65: Binary
When Tessa started talking, I immediately got lost. I had to pause my Minecraft and rewind. Jon the whole time was like “is this related??” And she’s like “y’know analog and digital-! 😀” she’s great.
No connections but oh my god, Tim REALLY laid into him, I literally was listening in like I watching some drama unfold. 🫢 <- like that was me. He’s not even wrong though because outside of Jons perspective, he’s an asshole and also has been stalking his coworkers so I don’t even blame Tim.
But also, that buzzing noise. Throughout the podcast, there was always that buzzing noise in the background whenever there was something supernatural present like with Michael and Sasha. When Tim said he literally couldn’t quit and Jon literally couldn’t fire him, that noise came back.
Is the archives cursed? Can you never quit?? Maybe Gertrude wanted to quit but like couldn’t so she hired someone to shoot her 💀 sorry that’s insane anyways
MAG 66: Held in Customs
Someone get Vincent Yang like a raise. Also, Mikaela Salesa mention!! It’s interesting because he didn’t seem like he wanted Yang in the crate. He made a concerned face and even told him to not sleep which was most likely a warning if anything. He seemed pleasant enough in MAG 38 and he even, at least, like, took him out the crate gently?? Barely minimum I guess
Also Peter Lukas, istg. I know the Lukas family is a patron of the institute and first popped up in Alone, but god why are they involved in everything. STOP. I’m wondering what’s their relation to the supernatural. I mean we have Peter Lukas, Nathaniel Lukas, probably another Lukas I forgot. Oh Conrad Lukas. What is their god damn deal.
Im guessing Gertrude has been screwing up the archival system on purpose because she figured something out, knew she was going to die and didn’t want the next archivist to figure it out as well and die. Obviously Jon is too intrusive and curious for his own good. Or maybe I’m totally wrong but still
Think that’s everything! Currently my page count on my doc is 41 pages!! Yay
#the magnus archives#tma#tma podcast#zabala0z thoughts#EUGHHH this podcast makes me go feral#i like rambled about this to my mom a couple days ago and I was like “I need you to understand that I like went crazy’’ and she went with#the most concerned and flabbergasted face. ‘’I can tell’’#cannot blame her#I did sound a bit#worrying 💀
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I've realized lately that I've been using this blog for venting about some of the stupid bullshit that I've been dealing lately. I'm sorry about that, and I realize that some of you probably aren't too interested in hearing about it. I have created a tag which I have retroactively applied to old messages called #household drama and/or vent which can be blocked if you so choose. What is the drama, you may ask? Glad you asked.
Around the end of June, I started dating a person who I've been referring to here as "Bitch." When we met, I was also dating my (now ex) Max. Max & I previously shared an apartment which had a lease that was ending, and Bitch's household was looking for new roommates, so Max & I figured, why not.
It did not take long to realize that Bitch is fucking insane (is it ableist if they regularly uses that word to describe themself? I don't care). Bitch is the kind of cartoonishly unhinged that if their actions were portrayed in a movie, said movie would be criticized for being unrealistic. Anyways, the specifics of shit that Bitch does belong in their own posts, and this is like a summary thing.
Ok, so, Bitch has a boyfriend who has somehow put up with them for the past seven fucking years. I have no idea how. This man has an immense amount of patience (which has been rapidly disappearing in terms of being able to tolerate Bitch). I was hanging out with said boyfriend on and off. I was getting to know him as he was going to be one of my new roommates. We hit it off.
For the rest of this, I'm gonna be referring to him as Daddy, as I do that anyways. We had sex. I broke up with Max (which I should've done, like, before I met her, but that is it's own drama). After a bit longer, I broke up with Bitch, cause I couldn't deal with that anymore.
A key point here is that Bitch does not know I've been fucking Daddy. If Bitch were to find out, they would probably commit some kind of felony due to severe jealousy issues (Bitch was already accusing us well before anything was even being thought about happening, as they spend most of their time obsessing over whether or not Daddy is cheating which ironically is what caused him to finally snap because of how insufferable Bitch is). Kind of fucked up how Bitch claims to be poly but also has severe jealousy issues and will not let Daddy interact with other people, nevermind date anyone. Literally will call him over and over whenever he is not right next to her. I'm not joking; Bitch will call him when he's been downstairs for a few minutes too long.
Bitch will spend hours yelling at Daddy and throwing fits over nonsense. Just the other day, Bitch broke his fucking grill, then cried over him being annoyed about it, saying that he was upset "for no reason" when she fucking broke it cause she didn't know how to use it.
Guess who he comes to for comfort? Me. Cause I actually talk to him like a person. Cause I actually have conversations to him that don't revolve around wanting to put him down so I can be the center of attention like Bitch does. Cause we have similar interests. Because we actually like each other. Fuck, cause I'm better at sex. That's not the only reason, but it's certainly a reason. (Oh, also, at this point I'm fuck buddies with the other roommate, Amanda. Basically, everyone's fighting over me, but as far as Bitch knows, Daddy didn't do anything with me. Amanda largely tries to avoid the drama anyways, so she's not relevant here. She is, however, a very lovely woman who is good at cooking and I love her as well as Daddy, though in different ways.)
I still live here. I share Bitch & Daddy's bedroom. Bitch is constantly trying to get me back into a relationship with them. I am not going to. Basically I alternate between, let's see, HAVING A FUCKING METAL GODDAMN CHAIR THROWN AT ME AFTER HAVING THE LIVES OF MY CATS THREATENED, and also sometimes they go on about how cute I am and how much they want to have sex with me.
Bitch is constantly bitching about everything. Meanwhile, Daddy is obsessing over me and tries his hardest to avoid her and instead be around me. The only reason why Bitch is still here is due to an unrelated court thing. It is generally assumed that if Bitch were to find out and/or be kicked out that they would lie to legal authorities so that the court thing goes poorly, which would be really really bad. It would not be out of character at all for them to do that.
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get to know the author!
name : ferre
pronouns : they/them
preference of communication : discord, but i can do tumblr ims. honestly, i’m slow on both but i’m a tad quicker to get back to ppl on discord….although again, these days i prefer to keep my discord to solely those whom i feel ooc wise comfortable around!
most active muse : this guy ( patrick ) clawed his way into single muse blog status with the number of times he gave me brainrot on my multimuse so i’d say it’s probably patrick :’D
experience / how many years : like about on-and-off for about 8 years? i did do a little bit back in 2013 in quizilla ims which was my introduction to rp before i started formally on tumblr in 2015….that being said i was on-and-off for about the first three years until in 2018 when i made calum- he was the first muse of mine that actually like, stuck :’D that being said, i did also take like a year hiatus in 2020 before coming back in 2021 so uh….eight years might not be the most accurate number jfksdljfkl
best experience : this attempt so far?? Has been so wonderful and i wouldn’t change any of what has happened for the world- my mutuals and writing partners are so skilled and friendly and patient and LITERALLY some of their muses have managed to elicit responses and character development from my muses that i would have NEVER imagined :’D but if we have to go specific….maybe it’s the hunger games au verse i dragged some ppl into?? the plotting and characters they have come up with is PHENOMENAL and wow, i’m gonna stuck to them all like super glue for 5ever <3
rp pet peeves : so many! my biggest ones, however, are self-centered and inconsiderate partners: those who disregard my rules, those who talk only about their own muses in every thread and plotting interaction, those who only seem to take interest in my blog(s) when it involves receiving writing from me. That and blogs that follow first but never make a move/any indication of interest, not even a like on my posts….no offense, but i’m not chasing after you. Other pet peeves include facechasing, trauma dumping ( ooc and ic ), and drama. oh, and partners who just don’t?? Respond to my attempts at some kind of ooc interaction- it can even be in tags, but if you’re not saying anything then that kills my enthusiasm very quickly.
fluff, angst, or smut : see, i want character development and exploration in my threads so i don’t think it’s fair to split up threads into these categories bc if done with intention, you can learn something new about your muse and your partner’s muse in any thread ( and yes, that includes the crack threads- DON’T UNDERESTIMATE ME :D ) i will say though, smut is highly unlikely here just bc patrick is demisexual + it’s gonna take like 2839402384098 years for him and hyuk to look at and act on each other in that manner :’D
plots or memes : plotting <3 but memes are good for starting off plotted dynamics tho!! most times, however, i’m not a fan of first meetings either. I like to have some kind of dynamic/backstory to go off of and would rather not overstep any boundaries so you’re not really a plotter… we might not be a good match.
long or short replies : see, patrick is a literature professor. for someone softspoken and reserved, he has a TON of thoughts and opinions so whenever i do try to keep things short and sweet, he bucks against it and will give me at least three paragraphs….over 1000 words too. we’re very ( not ) sorry :’D
time to write : depends on what’s happening at work and what my mood is. I do try to do my writing in the afternoon/morning though as most days i feel like i haven’t done anything productive/meaningful until i’ve written at least something.
are you like your muses : hahahaha, nah. I mean, we do have similar interests ( ie. literature and working in higher ed ), but personality-wise he’s much more stiff and erudite than me :’D i will say i think all characters we write do have pieces of ourselves in them, otherwise they’d never be able to grow, but for the most part, no i don’t think i’m really like patrick <3 at the very least, i'm not nearly as repressed as him fjskdlfjsl
tagged by: @wynterlanding ( thank you so much ♡ )
tagging: take it if you would like!! i'm would be curious to see how you describe your own rp style :3
#the hope in change ( about ferre. )#whelp i'm back.....#hopefully i can get another draft or two out either here or elsewhere :'D
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“When everyone knows you’re a monster, you needn’t waste time doing every monstrous thing.”
selective and semi-private indie portrayal of KAZ rietveld BREKKER, JESPER FAHEY, naoise burns NESHA VLADSTIK, and WYLAN van eck HENDRIKS, as understood by sen.

rules below cut for mobile users.
all muns must be 18+, as i am. i do not allow anon asks, so please be aware of this. this is my first venture into indie/1x1 rp, so please go easy on me—i’m accustomed to group rp, and still don’t know all the terminology. i will use the block button, whenever i feel it necessary. be nice and respectful. it’s a basic thing. i’m here to write, not argue—so let’s keep the ooc drama to a minimum. i don’t interact with call-out posts/purity culture/passive-aggressiveness/etc. don’t godmod/metagame, please. my name is sen! i'm 18+ and use they/them pronouns.
i write semi-literate to literate multi-para responses. i use a mix of beta and legacy editors, mostly because i’m new to tumblr and can’t figure out what the hell is going on with that, but i don’t seem to have the option to switch whenever i want. i will cut posts whenever possible—please be patient with me. i’m very active and have a tendency to reply frequently. please don’t feel rushed by me, i’m very patient—this is just a heads-up. just a warning, i talk in the tags. a fair bit.
please don’t reach out through dms to plot with me unless we’re mutuals. if we are moots, feel free to contact me at any time to start up a thread, fangirl about the source material or our threads/characters, or just chat about anything at all. ask memes are a great way to start up interactions—always feel free to throw an ask my way, even if we’re not moots. memes and open starters are open to everyone, and i’m willing to write those threads for as long as they go.
i do use small text, just to keep my dash easier for me personally to read. if you’d prefer i not use it for various reasons, just reach out and let me know! i generally use gif icons and/or small/medium gifs, but you don’t have to. i do not expect you to match my formatting. please don’t expect me to match yours.
dark themes and triggers will absolutely be present on this blog due to the nature of the source material. i will do my best to tag things as needed, using the format “trigger cw.” things that will 100% be tagged are as follows:
nsfw content (not that there should really be any of it on this blog).
this list will be added to as necessary.
i will not follow/interact with blogs that:
write only/primarily smut/nsfw content.
contain omegaverse or a/b/o content.
roleplay as real people.
use a deceased person as a fc.
if you write untagged smut/nsfw, i may block you. if i follow you, i have read all of your rules/information and am interested in writing with you. if i don’t, i’m not. if you initiate a follow, 9 times out of 10 i will check it as soon as i see it and read your page. if i don’t follow back, i’m not interested—it’s nothing personal, and it could be for any number of reasons, so don’t feel bad. please don’t spam follow me to get me to accept it—my answer likely won’t change. if i initiate a follow, you are (of course) under no obligation to accept it. if you don’t intend on reciprocating however, please block-then-unblock (i think that’s a softblock?) me to remove the follow. i will take the hint, i promise. if i soft or hard block you, it’s nothing personal. i keep my dash very strictly curated.
i do not write nsfw/smut. i do not accept anons. i reserve the right to not interact with anyone or engage in any interaction that makes me uncomfortable—period, end of discussion.
any meme/starter can be answered at any time. (if it’s one of those “send an emoji” ones you may need to remind me which post it’s coming from.) you’re always welcome to turn an ask response into a thread. please don’t use me as a source for memes—reblog them from the op. they’re the one that created it, they should get the credit.
for mutuals:
if you’re going to drop a thread, please let me know. i don’t mind, just tell me ahead of time so i’m not eternally on hold. always feel free to reach out to me. my dms are open: if there’s a reply that you’d like me to make some changes to, any plotting things you want to clear up, a cool musing you saw that fits our characters, or you just plain want to chat—hit me up.
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My biggest problem with Ayato is his stans. 😭
I don't mind if his stans want to make a thousand posts a day about how much they love him, but what does bother me is that they always try to throw in his face that he "is the only canonical/true route". I even read that "the real Yui" is only the Yui that appears in Ayato's routes. 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
I swear, his stans are so annoying. Yui is the "real Yui" in all the damn routes, NOT just Ayato's. All routes are equally canon because at the end of the day it's us fans who decide who we prefer to see Yui/MC with. In any case, Yui/MC loves all the guys in her harem in equal measure, there is nothing she has done or said for Ayato that she hasn't done or said for the other Diaboys. And in fact, she has died more times protecting Yuma than Ayato, (that's never mentioned by Ayato's stans, why is that?)
Something I can't stand either is that they say that Ayato's Dark Fate route "is the best route of all the games", literally in Dark Fate you have routes like Carla and Shin's, who are new characters and yet have better development and a much more interesting background than Ayato could have had in four games.
Same anon, same. (Wow… the statement about Yui 💀. The idolism got to that point? Come on 😅. And i thought the level of entitlement couldn’t surpass the “Ayato is the main character”.)
Though my problem with them is
1, They think they have the priviledge. To whitewash (idk how this word works yet, like is it only apply to skin color? Or does it mean “bleaching one’s wrong doing” too? I’m going with the 2nd one) their oshi; for example, “Ayato has never engaged in harmful coping mechanism and never project it on others.” In Bold. That’s blatant lie. Check out Sakamaki Saga for more detail plus his LE route too! I don’t remember much about HBD MB and DF but i think there are some. Mainly in the first two games.
While they reacted like sodium meeting water whenever the other boys did an equal bad thing. Some even make up tell tales about them. Way to go.
To say “not a positive opinion” about other boys, but non-Ayato fans can’t. “Ik everyone has their opinions but why don’t keep them to yourself if they’re not positive ones??? Don’t wonder why Ayato stans reacted that way because everyone would defend their fav Diaboy. Acting like he isn’t the Sakamaki most prone to put his life on the line for others pfft. Girl, you will obviously get such negative”reactions if you start drama. You claim you don’t want to but you did start it already because you spread hatred in this fandom with your “opinions”.
Lady and gentlemen, look at that mindset. These priviledged people allow themselves to shove fake facts into other people’s face. They be dissing your fav boys everyday and people applause them for that. Then when you raise your hand to voice out your not-a-one-way-tunnel thoughts, they brand it as “negative”. Why negative? Oh. Cuz you don’t support Ayato and put him on an altar; instead, you tell them that “Ayato’s at fault too”. That means you hate him right? You want to discredit him, right? You want to start drama, right?
2. Some of them just love to assume. Pulling things out of no where. If you have time do take a look at the previous asks on my blog. Oh my. If you say smth on the level of “perceiving” they’ll think that you’re “complaining” and attack you. And this one will be the complement for
3. They prone to put things in boxes. Because they don’t understand perceptions and perspectives, plus, they’re so used to reacting, they won’t be able to see that you’re only giving an opinion that could be the complement for their opinion to create a complete picture. They’ll think that you’re reacting. That you’re attacking them, their oshi, anything of such. So they attack you.
4. They value fairness, but only if Ayato’s in the picture. For all the rest… nope.
Prove is what you just said anon. “Ayato’s the real route”, “Yui’s the real Yui in Ayato’s route”, ect. I don’t have to say more than that.
(Oh your last statement. 🤔 True true some characters “have better development and a much more interesting background” plus mindset; AND, by “interesting” i don’t mean that i’m encouraging their twisted behaviours and wrong doings. Just that they would be fascinating subjects to do research on. This note is for the Ayato’s fan who haven’t been able to see things seperately yet so that they don’t jump onto me and attack me for things i never said. 👌
Though i barely check the T boys out… Maybe later. Carla’s question for Yui at the Tsukinami Prologue and for Subaru in Subaru DF pique my interest. Defi will read.)
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LMAOOO but no fr considering how dramatic bllk is too some of the backgrounds just really don’t feel all that important? Like being in the situation irl is one thing but it doesn’t really match the same vibe in fiction since the ceiling for angst in fiction is so high if ykwim?? I feel like it’s even worse with all the recent backstories we get where they try to make them spicy by adding some form of angst or drama which I totally understand but it kinda waters down the impact even more imo LOL
Fr cackling the new profiles are too funny Kunigami being the only one to be properly influenced by his sisters is lowk crazy LMAO THE NUMBER TWO HAD ME SENDING kuronas such a silly little guy though the hedgehog thing totally matches him also LMFAOO THAT WOULDVE MADE MORE SENSE the raws literally says “broken bone girl” though and I fr double taked (apparently because the celeb constantly wore a cast or something that’s still crazy work though)
So true!! I know I stay hyped because I’m always looking for new Karasu moments but imagine if we got the same amount of detailed play through for the side matches in the main series but alas….
LMAOO FR I’m just glad to see Karasu animated and hear his voice (that one scene where he gives chigiri a chance to show off with the dramatic lighting was so good though) but it’s funny how it really looks like a slideshow transition sometimes
BROOO WHAT IS THAT??? Ok if we ignored the ship though the art style isn’t bad but why…?? It’s so random LMAOA whenever I see ships like these it’s not even me being like ew wtf it’s how tf did you even come up with this pair???
Ok also read the KAISER fic before coming here but I narrowed it down to either him or Isagi but had a feeling it was him based off your prev comments LOL 18k words for opp Kaiser is crazyyyy work but I LOVED the subtle little foreshadowing moments of y/n feeling cold despite it not being cold I caught the first one and was like “ohhh yeah death flag right there yup this ones diseased” I also really like the angel take on the fantasy au!!! Very unique and refreshing the whole angel of death contrast was really cool like kaisers appearance being a death flag itself too LOL another fire piece also love the colors and layout you made (I’m suddenly forgetting the tumblr word for it) but the color combo is very visually appealing LMAO
- Karasu anon
HAHA tbh sometimes the drama in bllk is so unserious too like at the end of the day so what if they fail they can go work a 9-5 in the corporate world like everyone else /j i do think bllk is better about it than most sports animes where the stakes do feel a bit real (especially in first/second selection i was fr on the edge of my seat watching the first season) but compared to the type of stuff i usually watch it’s just like…ok…was it really ever that serious…and agreed they’re just giving everyone sad backstories but not even in impactful ways??? like icl kiyora’s wasn’t even necessary especially at that point in the manga and same w himizu’s SDKLJFHS of the recent backstories introduced i’ve really liked karasu’s from (not just favoritism i think it fits with his established character rlly well), kaiser’s, and snuffy’s
i feel like now i have to do kunigami justice just because he’s the only one who was raised right LKSJDHFSKD (also barou but he’s the older sibling so it’s different) WAIT DID YOU SEE KARASU IS APPARENTLY THE NUMBER TWO GENTLEMAN IN BLLK??? yayoi canon equivalent ate with that one but we’ve KNOWN from the start that he’s built like that…my goat fr 🥹 PLS THE NUMBER TWO WAS CRAZY WORK kurona is so unserious HELP not hiori literally being attracted to casts omg somebody karasu save white butterfly y/n ASAP that’s actually insane 😭 sometimes i try to incorporate things like that into my writing (like their types and all) but i in fact will just be pretending i did not read that because wtf
no yeah the animation isn’t AMAZING but karasu looks beautiful…and so does otoya…haven’t seen yuki/nagi yet but those two are def the animators’ favs this season so i think they’ll be good…idgaf abt isagi rin and kinda shidou being done dirty because i’m not a fan like that so me personally??? I AM WINNING 🔥
THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING like i’m not even judging i just NEED to know how they arrived at the conclusion that karasu and sukuna would be a good pair??? i know a lot of people ship megumi and sukuna maybe it was like a black spiky hairstyle thing or smth?? but like i said i mean the art ate i guess so good for them…😭
I WAS GOING THROUGH IT WRITING THAT FIC OMG this was literally me the entire time:

not even justin biebering anymore just straight up suffering…but yeah i cannot believe it ended up at 18k i don’t want to ever hear people saying i don’t write a lot for my opps IT’S LITERALLY THE PROMPTS GUYS I SWEARRR GIVE ME SMTH GOOD FOR ISAGI AND I’LL COOK FOR HIM TOO TRUST AHAHA anyways thank youuuu hehe i had sm fun dropping in all of those little hints that she was dying literally the ENTIRE story (had to add in a disclaimer though in case people thought i was just making women be weak for the silliness of it all 😭) and yesss heheh kaiser himself being foreshadowing and a mere plot device as well as the “male lead” (ngl i wouldn’t even say it’s a romance because at the end of the day it’s never confirmed if he loves her or if he just realizes that all of humanity doesn’t suck because of her plus like y/n says we don’t even know if angels are capable of feeling things like love so it’s very reader-interpretation)
ANYWAYS so fun fact that story is based on pope gregory’s vision at castel sant angelo which i visited a year or two back and for some reason something about the myth had me SO inspired that i’ve wanted to write smth based on it since i heard it 😩 i never got around to it and never really had a character it would work for until i was like ok fuck it kaiser’s name is LITERALLY michael and the request is for fantasy i’m just going to do it and hope for the best SDKJFHSD i feel like he’s not the perfect character for it necessarily because in the story i made him be a bit more detached and, eventually, merciful, which idk if canon kaiser would’ve been like that but eh close enough i hope it wasn’t awful
OMG YAY I LIKED THE LAYOUT TOO ACTUALLY!! i tried to make the gradient thematically appropriate…since the gold and blue relate to the story sm and are mentioned a few times i thought it made sense hehe i think that’s the format i’m going to follow for this event since it’s a little easier to do (just find a good panel, run it through the ibis paint x color change filter, make a gradient on canva, resize it to a line that doubles as the divider, and put it together on picsart or smth) especially compared to my typical “graphic design is my passion” ahh headers LSDKJFHS
BROOOO AS SOON AS I SAW THAT PANEL I WAS LIKE BAZINGA it’s toooooo good SLDKFJHS WE MAKING IT OUTTA THE FACILITY WITH THIS ONE 🔥 karasu AND barou getting their spotlight on my blog truly as they deserve
karasu (you’ve def seen this)
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Daily Anon Chronicles chapter four (writing the cjapter number coz i literally had to replay ch 3😭)
Again everyone on edge except MC is Coping so yay for that ig
I feel kinda bad for Noah. Like ik what he did but i was always like the Jane kinda used him
Oh noiceeee i thought Ava lost her powers
Idk why but again taylor swift is playing in my mind
Oh i just realised what it lives within could mean. It prolly means within like the ilw mc. Or all the three mcs. Idk
The recent asks abt ilitw mc/Noah not coming back makes me so sad. Like, Connor and MC are sooooooooo good for each other. She better come back to life or else imma riot😭
(Nadia the next time u doubt Connors relationship imma whip slap u)
YES HER DEATH IS REVERSIBLE. plus i had a theory that her body would still somehow be there. Like she'd randomly turn back to human coz not going mad coz of loneliness is the key to break the curse🤷
Awkward silence in car is always soooooo uncomfy
HI AVAAAAAAA I MISSED YOUUUUUU *tackles her into a hug*
Hmmmmmmmmmmm. What kind of freaky?
Maybe the cave is used bye some rly rly bad person who wants the Power for themselves. OOOOOOOO THEY MIGHT WANT MC'S POWER 😯
Well hellooooo Luis👀👀👀
Ok Luis is kinda sketchy but well. Why didn't we get a chance to stare at his butt?
Too easy lmao. I know I'm quite something Luis, I know.
Tf is that q supposed to mean😭😭😭 he literally just said gauntlet of healing
I know, Luis, my lips are tantalizing (i hope that means what i think it means)
The fact that I'm reading this just so that I can get inspo for my book is a lie, brain. You and i both know that I'm horny
I'm sorry isn't this like a campsite? WITH A LOT OF PEEPS OMG EVERYONE IS HEARING THIS-
Ofc ofc through. So thorough that we won twice hmmmmmm.
Angry but supportive. Who do i have to beg to get that kinda friend? GOD ARE U LISTENING
Mhmmmmm a pleasurable experience
Lmao Abel chill. Wait La Llorona? Isn't that the song from Coco? Aye di mi Llorona Llorona, Llorona de mi azul celeste. Gray character trickster god. Sure you ain't talking abt Loki? Oooooooo so i feel like this trickster god is doing this stuff so he can be alive again maybe?
No coffee Abel sleep. Can't function that much on coffee u need to sleep.
I mean if people can turn into murder angry after visiting the place then well
Hmmmmmmmmm. Nerve loss in all it's glory😖
LJ? Who's that? Is he an ancestor? THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME
Ummmmmmm. Is everyone's fam member just coming back as a ghost or smn?NOOOO CONNOR IS ON EDGE AGAIN NOOOOO. Super trippy? Rly? Lmao. Hope the sensor doesn't burst or smn.
Daily anon you are a BLESSING
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do you write everyday... i see you so many times in the tags and im genuinely impressed with how much writing you do 😭 if you can do you have any tips on how to be motivated to write ?
i don‘t actually! you see i‘m very busy during the day with my hobbies and friends etc. so the only time for me to properly write is at night! you could say i‘m a fast writer but that‘s also because the second i get an idea in my head (i‘m very creative during the night) i immediately write it and can‘t stop until it‘s finished. (I will sometimes write more fics during the night but it all depends on my motivation or on how tired i am!)
If you‘re asking me for tips i‘d say (under the cut):
number one: do not force yourself because it will always make you feel worse, i know that from myself like when i dont feel like writing i simply dont do it! just know even if you feel a bit motivated you do not have to write a whole fic, just brainstorm a few outlines and gradually write a fic. :)
number two: do not look at votes or compare yourself to others, i myself don‘t look at those things at all, meaning the reason i started this blog was because i was simply searching for a new creative outlet (and because heizou is so hot dude i had to write for him), idfc about any drama, any competitions or whatever is going on here.
But really quick: i‘m not saying that receiving likes/reblogs isn‘t nice, i‘m literally always getting so embarrassed and flustered whenever i see people like my writing or if they take their time to send me an ask like it just means so much to me i could honestly cry, and i couldn‘t be more thankful for that because that‘s also something what keeps me writing. - yet in the end: you should always write for yourself and never look at those things too much since in the end this is just tumblr, it‘s not reallife and that‘s good.
Last but not least: as long as you had a good time writing your piece of work, you did a great job! 💗
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The Blood King and his Queen [1]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Romance, Angst, Drama
Word count: 2.4K
Summary: From being a mere servant girl to marrying the scariest prince in existence, your world changed right before your eyes. Exchanging places with the princess, you knew, wasn’t going to be easy. But could you have found love on the way? Or was it never meant to be?
A/N: Hello my loves! And welcome back to another, rather long, series! I had so many inspirations for this piece that I couldn’t wait to share with you all! Be warned, this might be a 20 part series, maybe more maybe less but we’ll see what happens! I hope you fall in love with this story as much as I do!
And shout out to this amazing artist for the art! I am literally BLOWN AWAY by this art! I can’t stop looking at it! It’s so amazingly well drawn. Just... yes, yes, yes! Please support this artist if you ever want art done! Pricey but just look at this art. So worth it! Check out the end of the chapter for the full image without text!
Also!!!! Check out my side blog if you’re curious about what fics I’m reading! You’ll find alot of j u i c y stuff and please support my friends by reading and commenting on their stories as well! Love <3

Nothing started your morning off better than the princess screaming her head off first thing in the morning. You, along with other servants, rushed to aid the princess in her time of distress. Although, it was never something to worry about with her. It was always something minor, like her hair was styled incorrectly or she didn’t like the color of clothes her servant picked out. Of course, this time, she was making a fuss that her perfume didn’t smell right.
“Your highness, I promise you, it’s the same one,” one of the servants who aided her in the morning pleaded for her life.
“No! You must have switched it out because it smells nothing like mine!” the princess screeched. The princess was so outraged that she started throwing everything and anything that was around her. Clothes, jewelry, candles, mirrors, anything she could get her hands on, she threw it. You and the other girls that just arrived could only watch in horror as her whole room becomes a mess with her belongings, some broken some completely shattered.
You wanted to say something. But you knew you couldn’t. If you stepped out of line or even talked back to any of the royals, you were surely to be punished severely later. Yet, you wanted to say something so bad. It was on the tip of your tongue. Because you knew the reason why it may smell different to the princess. To help your fellow friend in desperate need, you were going to say it. You pray to the gods that what you were about to say was right.
“Princess, if I may,” you started. The princess stopped what she was doing, midair, to give you the coldest stare you have ever received from her. You gulped. Well, too late to back out now. You bowed down your head respectfully while extending your hand to take the perfume. You don’t know why the princess decided to trust you at that moment, but she did. She nodded her head, allowing one of the servants to retrieve the bottle and place it in the palm of your hands.
“I believe it’s because your clothes already have a different perfume on it.” you explain. You pick up a different piece of clothing, one you knew was clean and free from previous scents, and spritzed the perfume onto it. “Here, does this smell like normal?” you offer the piece of clothing to the princess. For a moment, she stares at it, not believing your words. But she forcibly takes it anyway and smells it. The look of realization hit her harder than when she smashed her mirror against the floor. She spares you a second glance before handing off her perfume to someone and faces away.
“I would like to be left alone,” the princess states. After a synchronized bow from all her servants, you left the princess’s quarters and back to your own. When you were far enough, you let out a big sigh of relief. Man, that was scary. You probably shouldn’t be doing that again any time soon. Your friend hooked arms with you, the unexpected force made you loose your balance.
“Your intuition was spot on, once again,” she stated. You could only roll your eyes.
“I was just trying to help the situation,” you explained.
“Yeah, well if only the princess could use her brain once in a while, then she would have figured it out herself,” your friend puffed out her cheeks in annoyance.
“Well maybe her highness wasn’t feeling herself this morning,” you tried to defend her. But really, there was only so much you could defend her on.
“Oh, please, (y/n). You know that’s how she acts all the time. You act more like a princess than the princess herself,” your friend finally let the cat out of the bag. You quickly slapped her hand and checked your surroundings. Phew, no one of importance was in sight.
“Oh hush now. Don’t say things like that,” you scold her, giving her a stern look.
“What? You know all us girls think that. It doesn’t help that you look almost exactly like her. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought you were the princess instead.”
“Good gracious! Really? How could you say that so loud? What if someone overhears you? Then both you and me could get in trouble,” you warned. You knew your friend couldn’t care less. It was always gossip coming out of these girl’s mouths. That’s how news spreads fast around here. And you didn’t mind the gossip. Actually, you participated in the gossip too. There was a lot of downtime when you weren’t attending to the princess. So what do you do instead? Gossip. But you couldn’t have this type of gossip going around. This was dangerous.
The main girl who caused the princess to get upset, finally left the room. She was visibly traumatized by the whole event. Who wouldn’t be? Dealing with the princess is something else.
You noticed that the girl was bleeding from her finger. She must have gotten it when the princess was throwing glass around the room and it some pieces cut her.
“Come with me,” you gently grabbed her by the arm and led her to a room that was filled with different plants and bottles. The aroma immediately felt welcoming to anyone who stepped in. You went to a part of the room that you knew well and pulled out a bandage.
“This should do the trick,” you say as you finish wrapping her finger up.
“Thank you. How did you…”
“Oh, I learned a few things from the royal doctor. Sort of like an apprentice?” you explained. Being a servant isn’t the only task you knew how to do. On your spare time, you would come to the royal doctor and assist him whenever needed. In return for your volunteer, he taught you everything he knew about medicine. It was still a lot to process, but at least you knew how to do basic first aid.
“Are you even allowed to do that?” the girl asked. You thought for a minute. Was it? It wasn’t stopping you now.
“Well I guess it’s our little secret,” you put your finger to your mouth and gave a small wink.
After properly getting ready, you and the girls rushed to the princess’s side for it was your job to get her ready to be sent of and wedded. And she was not getting wedded off to just any prince. It was the rumored Blood Prince. Ah, yes. You heard much about this Blood Prince. He was the most vicious out of all the princes in the kingdom. Even more so than his eldest brothers. He was rumored to have sharp teeth and eyes that could kill with a single look. He was told to have scars marked all over his body from the battlefield. An ugly being, you imagined. Big, scary, intimidating, ruthless. God, you felt sorry for the princess for marrying such a man. You couldn’t imagine yourself marrying that type of person. Hearing stories about him made your blood run cold and chills down your spine.
You entered the princess’s room where a beautiful, white wedding dress, flowy, magnificent and perfect in all the right ways, was being fitted on the princess. You watched in awe because she looked absolutely fantastical in the dress. What a dream it would to be wear that dress only once in your life. At the same time her dress was being fitted, some servants were doing her hair and putting decorative pins and head pieces on. It was very chaotic in the room, with servants running everywhere, but it was all worth it for the princess to look this way.
You were preparing water for her hands and feet to soak while some of the girls that came with you were deciding which robe that best fits with her wardrobe.
“Your highness looks so lovely,” you commented, gently soaking her hands into warm bowls of water.
“Of course! I have to look my best for a special guest this afternoon,” the princess said in a cheery voice. You tilted your head slightly in confusion. You weren’t aware that the Blood Prince was coming to the palace. You thought the princess was being sent to him instead. You looked up and came into contact with a friend and she was speaking with her eyes.
She doesn’t know. She signaled to you. You frowned.
She doesn’t know?
She does not know.
Your mouth was left slightly ajar. The princess does not know that she is off to be engaged any moment now? This was a dilemma. She thinks a guest is coming. That’s why she’s dressed so much fancier than usual. But when she finds out that she is to be engaged, she’s going to wreck havoc in the palace. Now you really didn’t dare say anything now.
After finding out that very important piece of information, you could see that all the girls in the room knew, besides the princess. The tension in the room was growing increasingly more uncomfortable as time went on. But the princess was so air headed that she couldn’t read the room.
The princess was over the moon with happiness. And it was only because she could wear her fancy and expensive gowns that she can’t wear on the daily. She was skipping down the long corridors, humming a tune to only she knows as you and other servants follow behind her.
“Isn’t this dress beautiful? I feel like I’m in a wedding dress!” the princess exclaimed. You couldn’t help but raise a brow. Well, it’s because the princess is really in a wedding dress. But the princess did look beautiful beyond compare. She almost looked ethereal dancing in front of you like that. As the princess was dancing down the corridor, she passed by one of many large windows that gave a view of the front of the palace. A carriage was waiting to take her away to her fiancé, but she didn’t know that. Or did she?
She stopped in her tracks to take a better look at the carriage outside. A frown laid upon her lips and her eyebrows rightfully furrowed.
“Is that my carriage down there?” she questions. The ladies around you looked at each other, not knowing what to say. But even if they did know what to say, who was going to say it? One of your friends cleared their throat and bowed down to respond to the princess.
“It is, your highness,” she said.
“Whatever for?” a round of gulps could be heard from everyone there.
“For…your trip to your betrothed,” the girl’s voice shook from fear that the princess was going to blow up.
“My betrothed?” the princess repeated.
“Yes, your highness.”
“As in, to marry?”
“Yes, your highness.”
It was quiet. Nothing more came out of the princess’s mouth. And that scared all of you. This was not the normal reaction you were expecting. You expected her highness to rage, cry, scream, yell, destroy everything around her. But no. She was silent, like her tongue was ripped out of her throat.
In one quick movement, the princess turns around and dashes back to her bedroom. And who does she bring along? You! Before you could comprehend anything, the princess had taken you by the hand and now you were running down the corridor with the princess. The other ladies were running after you. When you turned back to look, you even saw a couple of guards running as well. But it was too late for them. The princess got to her room first, slammed the door closed, and barricaded the door with chairs to prevent anyone from coming inside.
“Your highness,” you call, out of breath from the sudden running. The princess didn’t answer you. She started taking off her dress, sending you into complete shock.
“Your highness! What are you doing?” you panicked. She only glared at you while not stopping what she was doing.
“Enough talking. Just take off your clothes,” she ordered you. You bit your lip. You had no idea what was going on but if she demanded it, then you had no choice but to obey. So, you stripped yourself of your filthy clothes and laid them on the floor. While you stood in front of the princess naked, she was getting the remaining of her clothes off. Then, she passed you her dress.
“Quick, put it on,” she said. You hesitated at first. You? Wear something only a princess could wear? But you couldn’t stall any longer. As quickly as you could, you put on the flowy wedding dress while the princess put on your peasant clothes. Banging was coming from the other side of the door, which only made both of you panic even more. If they came in while all this was happening, you would get into so much trouble. As soon as you both got situated in your new outfits, the princess gripped your shoulders so that you were looking her right in the eyes.
“Listen to me closely. You are going to take my place. I’ll be you and you’ll be me until you come back,” she shouted at you in a whisper.
“Your highness?” you began but she shut you up because she wasn’t finished.
“Your mission is to make this prince hate you so much that he calls off this marriage. Then you’ll return and everything will go back to normal,” she continued. It looked like she wanted to say more, but your time together was cut short. The guards had already pushed their way through the door and charging their way towards you. The princess, who was now dressed as you, quickly covered your face with the veil. The veil was thick enough that no one could see your eyes or face.
“Take the princess,” one of the guards ordered. The real princess bowed her head down, faking it until the end. The guards went straight up to you, grabbing you by both of your arms and forcibly escorted you out to the carriage.
And so there you were, on your way to some unknown kingdom, about to marry some man you didn’t even know. All because the princess ordered you to. No matter how much you hated the idea, you couldn’t even voice your opinions to her. You were in no position to do so. Before you left the palace grounds, you looked back, hoping that this was all some sort of sick joke. But the princess was looking down at you from the window, giving you a nod of trust. She trusted you. You had to fulfil her request.
This is how you found yourself in the presence of the most vicious Blood Prince, Bakugou Katsuki.
A/N: Let me know if you want to be put on a tag list! And leave your thoughts below about the first chapter! What did you think so far? How do you think the story is going to go? What did you think about the art? Speaking of art, here is the full image unedited! Are you in love with it just as much as I am?

#bakugou x reader#katsuki bakugou#bakugou#bnha bakugou#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#bakugou imagine#bnha imagine#bnha art#bakugou angst
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a bit much || myg
pairing: min yoongi x reader
genre: college, enemies? to lovers, a wee bit of angst, smut
word count: 16.9k (lmao sorry)
summary: it’s your senior year of college. after surviving three years, nothing could surprise you, right? wrong. you can’t seem to catch a minute of peace from the moment the beautiful, yet utterly obnoxious min yoongi decides to sit in the seat next to you in one of your lectures and takes every opportunity he can get to pester you. he’s just doing this to piss you off, right? (or maybe he’s an awkward idiot).
a/n: i’ve written for quite a few other fandoms in the past, but this is my first bts piece i’ve actually decided to publish here after transitioning this blog into bts trash. this has been a work in progress since yoongi decided to hit us with that daechwita video and give me all the feels. would love to hear your feedback. sorry if there’s any typos but enjoy!!!
Senior year of college was here. The last first day of classes you would ever experience was upon you. The fact that you had made it this far felt almost close to miraculous; taking into account all of the late-night library mental breakdowns, near-death drunk experiences, and relationship drama, it was shocking that you had made it this far in one piece. Yet here you were, seated in a familiar, large lecture hall preparing for the first day of a history gen-ed class. Why hadn’t you listened to everyone else and gotten all of your gen-eds out of the way freshman year? That would have been the smart thing to do, leaving you to take all fun classes for your final year. The class was probably going to be full of freshmen, too eager to befriend a lonesome senior such as yourself with the hopes of coercing you to buy them alcohol or invite them to upperclassmen parties. Cringe. And yet here you were.
As you spread your neatly-labeled notebook and color-coordinated pens out in front of you, you couldn’t help but feel someone’s eyes burning into the side of your head. Oh no. Had the freshmen already scoped you out as obviously older than them and an easy target? Class hadn’t even started yet. Chewing on your lower lip, you tilted your head to the side slightly and allowed your eyes to meet those of the unknown source. Immediately, your breath hitched in your throat.
There before you stood Min Yoongi. Although the two of you had never met before, you were aware of his existence through mutual friends and word of mouth. The boy was gorgeous; even with his dark, piercing eyes intimidating you nearly to death, you felt as if you were going to melt into the ground as you took in the features of his face. A thick red headband pushed his bleached blonde hair out of his face, allowing you to take in more of his perfectly sculpted features. The plump of his cheeks and lips seemed to contrast the rest of his frightening yet gorgeous attributes, giving the appearance of a sort of twisted innocence.
“Is somebody sitting here?” the boy interrupted your fantasies in a deep, low voice, motioning to the empty seat to your right.
Blinking a few times to snap back into reality, you shook your head and turned back to your belongings, cheeks tinted pink. “No, you can have it.”
With a loud slam of his backpack onto the table, he sank into the seat beside you. As you stared down at your notebook and began to nervously jot down the date and any other unimportant details you could think of, you were quite conscious of the feeling of Yoongi’s eyes studying you.
“Is this history gen-ed or do I have the wrong room?” he tried to question genuinely, but you could hear an amused glimmer in the tone of his voice. “This whole elaborate set-up you have going on has me thinking this is an art class or something. It’s a bit much.”
Just as your cheeks had finally started to cool down, the color rushed to them yet again. The judgement in his voice suddenly had you embarrassed of the organizational skills that you usually took pride in, your instincts making you put your arms up on either side of your notebook and pens in an attempt to block them from his view. As the judgement settled in, it slowly morphed into a deeper feeling of annoyance. Sure he was hot, but who did this complete stranger think he was making fun of you?
“Tell that to my grades,” you simply muttered back, the sound of the professor’s voice at the front of the lecture hall cutting you off from indulging further in your irritated thoughts. Rolling your eyes to yourself, you shifted your body to face the front of the room and clicked down on one of your favorite pens, ready for the start of the new semester.
As you were now occupied with learning the layout of the new course, you missed the way Yoongi’s eyes scanned up and down the side of your face and his lips fell into a lop-sided grin.
The happenings of the first day of class proved to be the beginning of a pattern. Although the chances of Yoongi coming to class were a hit or miss, whenever he did happen to show up, his behavior was the same.
One day about two weeks into the semester, the boy in question showed up approximately thirty seconds before class was set to begin. Rather than rush into his seat and shovel out his things, he remained standing for a few moments too long, his eyes traveling up and down your appearance.
“A dress and heels?” Yoongi interrogated, a quiet chuckle slipping through his lips as he finally plopped down into his seat. His dark eyes searched yours as he raised an eyebrow. “A bit much for class, don’t you think?”
Sighing to yourself, you smoothed the floral skirt of your yellow sundress out over your thighs. Couldn’t he ever just let you exist in peace? “They’re wedges,” you corrected, digging the heel of your shoe into the carpet beneath you to let out some of your frustration. Feeling a bit braver today than during your first few interactions, you allowed your eyes to rake up and down his body slowly, faking a judgmental look on your face. The corner of your lips quirked upward slightly as you noticed the way he seemed to freeze in place at your actions. “Some of us actually enjoy putting a little bit of effort into our appearance, you know.” A white lie of course, but a necessary one. Even in his joggers and oversized hoodie, the blonde boy managed to look like a model beside you.
Yoongi’s eyes widened just the slightest bit in surprise at your fighting words, but nonetheless, an amused laugh bubbled through his body. “Didn’t take you for the feisty type…” he trailed off, tapping the edge of his pen against the table in front of him. “You loo–”
His voice cut off abruptly as the professor’s voice boomed through the lecture hall, signaling the beginning of class. Rather than finish his mysterious statement, Yoongi turned to face the front of the room, smiling to himself as he jotted down the date in the corner of his notebook.
Three weeks into the semester, friendship or even acquaintanceship seemed out of the question for you and Yoongi. Although he was physically still the beautiful boy you had daydreamed about prior to having met him, his personality destroyed any fantasies you had about him being a quiet, misunderstood boy. It seemed as if though he refused to let you catch a break in class.
As the professor finally dismissed class after what felt like an eternity, you shut your notebook and picked it up off of the table, ready to rush back to your room and indulge in a much-needed nap. Before you could shove your belongings into your backpack and rush out of the room, Yoongi’s voice cut you off.
“Hey, do you have the notes from last class?” he asked, folding his hands together as he offered you a small smile. “I was, uh, sick.”
Although his half-assed excuse was clearly complete bullshit, you weren’t exactly in the mood to cause a scene and knew you were more likely to get out of the room faster if you just caved in and let him have at it rather than force him to beg. “Yeah, sure,” you muttered, opening your notebook to your notes from the previous class and plopping it down in front of him. “Knock yourself out.” You wished he literally would.
Digging his phone out of his pocket and opening the camera, Yoongi glanced down at the notes before side-eyeing you with what initially appeared to be an authentic smile spreading across his plump lips. “You know, I saw something earlier that I think might interest you.”
Was Min Yoongi actually trying to start a genuine conversation with you? Intriguing, to say the least. Crossing your arms over your chest, you raised an eyebrow at him. “Yeah? What was it?”
His eyes flickered back down to your notes, the once seemingly genuine smile on his lips morphing into a devious smirk. “I saw a flyer earlier about an art contest happening on campus,” he replied a bit too casually, beginning to take pictures of your notes. “I’m sure they’d be extremely interested in the artistry and precision of your history gen-ed notes. Truly a masterpiece.”
Any momentary hope you had of Yoongi not being an asshole diminished in that instant, your hands immediately reaching down to rip your notebook out of the view of his phone camera and slamming it shut. “You’re a dick,” you muttered, rolling your eyes as you stormed past him. “Get the notes from someone else.”
As you rushed out of the now empty classroom, you missed the way Yoongi’s once amused expression changed into a frown, his hand reaching up to rub the back of his neck in frustration at himself.
On a Wednesday one month into the semester, you were having arguably one of the worst days of the year. As syllabus week was long over, the workload in your classes had increased exponentially overnight and you were left feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Having gotten into an unwarranted fight with one of your more difficult housemates the night before, you had gone to bed frustrated and forgot to set an alarm. While this would not have been an issue on a regular Wednesday, you had forgotten that you had an interview scheduled with a potential employer for a job after your senior year would inevitably come to an end. Having apparently been in desperate need of some extra sleep, you didn’t become conscious until approximately 11:45am, fifteen minutes before your history lecture and long after the interview that had been set for 9:00am.
Tears threatened to sting your eyes as you rushed out of bed, quickly becoming aware of the weight of the situation you had fallen into. How could you be so irresponsible and miss the opportunity to get hired for a position in your field? So many seniors already had jobs secured for the summer even though it was only October of the fall semester. You were a mess.
These negative thoughts only became louder as you rushed across campus toward the lecture hall, glancing down for a moment to take in your appearance. You were sporting a pair of black joggers and an oversized hoodie that belonged to your best friend, Kim Taehyung. In addition to this already rather unpleasant sight, you hadn’t had the time to do your skincare routine or makeup, and your bedhead was thrown into a messy bun on the top of your head, threatening to fall out of the elastic at any moment. As someone who usually was well put together, you were extremely uncomfortable with roaming the campus with your current appearance. The lethal combination of your messy appearance and the chaotic night and morning you had experienced had you feeling quite insecure as you finally rushed into your lecture hall with twenty seconds to spare, sinking down into your seat with your eyes low.
Just as you thought the morning couldn’t get any worse, the presence beside you just had to make himself known. “All dressed up for me?” Yoongi asked sarcastically, smirking as he looked you up and down. “I thought ‘some of us enjoy putting effort into our appearance.’”
While on any regular day Yoongi’s sarcastic comments were enough to get under your skin, today they proved to be unbearable. Slamming your notebook down on the table in front of you, you twisted your whole body to face the amused boy. “Can you just leave me the fuck alone? For once?” you snapped a bit too loudly, noticing the way that a few of your classmates turned to look at the pair of you. Before you could wish for the ground to swallow you up in that instant, your professor started to speak to begin class, snapping everyone’s attention away from you. Swallowing to yourself, you turned to face forward, keeping your head low as you stared down at your notebook.
With your eyes averted, you didn’t notice the way that Yoongi’s expression fell and he stared at the side of your face with such deep concern that you weren’t even aware he was capable of feeling, wondering what he had done to make you that upset. Was he really that intolerable?
About fifteen minutes into class, the sound of your phone vibrating next to your books snapped you out of your daze. As your eyes scanned over the screen, your heart sank down to your stomach.
mom (12:16pm): Hey honey, how’d the interview go? Bet you crushed it xo :)
The tears you had managed to hold back on your way to class were now stinging at the corners of your eyes. Fucking up your own life was one thing, but disappointing your parents who had such high expectations of you and often talked about you with so much pride was another whole ballpark. The thought of having to break the news to your sweet mother that you had fucked up yet again made you feel sick to your stomach.
As the first tears escaped your eyes and slid down your cheeks into visibility, you quickly shut your notebook and shuffled to your feet on shaky legs, not even bothering to shove your belongings into your backpack. Ignoring the puzzled looks you were receiving from your classmates, especially Yoongi, you stormed out of the lecture hall and didn’t stop moving until you pushed your way into the nearest bathroom. The moment the door of the single-stall closed shut, you slid down the side of the door and put your face in your hands.
Of course you knew this would all pass. Of course you would figure things out with your housemate. Of course you could try to reschedule the interview, or even just apply to other jobs if that didn’t work out. Of course you could just explain things to your mom. But college had a funny way of throwing so many things at you at once that sometimes it was hard to think straight and see things clearly. Sometimes you just had to cry for a little bit to let out some of the stress. So that was precisely what you did.
When you finally were able to compose yourself at least a bit, you fished your phone out of your pocket, immediately dialing the number of the only person you felt comfortable talking to at the moment. There was no way you were going back into that lecture hall after the scene you had caused.
“Hey, what’s up?” Taehyung’s deep voice sounded through the speaker, the low tone immediately sending a sense of comfort through your body.
Inhaling deeply, you rose to your feet and wiped the last of the tears from the corners of your eyes with the sleeve of the hoodie that happened to belong to the boy on the other end of the phone. “Hey, can I come over?” you asked, sniffling quietly. “Your place is closer than mine and I’m kind of a mess right now.”
“Hey, hey. What’s wrong?” he asked, genuine concern laced in his voice. He sensed your apprehension in discussing your problems over the phone and decided to speak up again. “Actually, you don’t need to answer that right now. I’ll leave the door unlocked for you.” You could hear him shuffling around on the other end. “I was actually just about to text you. I finally cleaned my place and found some of your clothes from when we used to, you know… Do the dirty.”
For the first time that day, a giggle forced itself through your lips. What an absurd way to refer to your past attempts at a friends with benefit situation with Taehyung. The two of you had been friends since freshman year of college, or even before that if you wanted to be specific. Having been in the same orientation group the summer before starting college, the boy with the boxy grin was an immediate standout to you. After being placed together by your orientation leader in a partner activity, you discovered that you had a lot of the same interests and the same, twisted sense of humor. From that moment on, the two of you vowed to stick together through the ups and downs of college. Apart from sticking together academically by taking most of the same literature classes together, you acted as each other’s emotional support system. Whether it be a bad grade on an assignment, a painful breakup, or even a miserable hangover, you were there for each other. Sometime during the beginning of your sophomore year when both of you were going through breakups and wanted to get laid without catching feelings for someone else, you struck up a friends with benefits deal that lasted all the way through the middle of your junior year. The deal served its purpose well; the sex was good and there were no feelings involved, despite the concerns of some of your friends. It was mutually ended when you both decided that you were ready to put yourselves out there romantically again. There was no awkwardness for either of you. The friendship remained as strong as ever and you were grateful to have someone as supportive as Taehyung in your life.
“Good, I could use a change of clothes right now,” you responded, finally working up the nerve to exit the bathroom and make your way out of the building. “You’re the best. I’ll be there in 10.”
As always, Taehyung knew just how to cheer you up. Immediately upon your arrival, he insisted you take a hot shower to allow yourself to calm down alone for a bit. To your delight, he had discovered one of your cute black t-shirts and a pair of ripped mom jeans you had been looking for forever while cleaning his room, allowing you to change out of the dreadful outfit you had been wearing earlier. After combing your hair and putting the emergency makeup in your backpack to use, you were back to looking like a presentable human being and returned to Taehyung, plopping down beside him on his bed and resting your head comfortably on his chest.
Taehyung knew how to calm you down unlike anyone else in your life. He allowed you to rant for nearly an hour, only chiming in when you asked for his advice or to offer words of comfort and encouragement. By the end of the conversation, you were left feeling much more relaxed and acknowledged that none of the issues that you found yourself in were irreparable.
Glancing down at your phone, you sat up straight as you noticed the time. “Shit, I have class in twenty minutes. I should get going in a few.”
Taehyung sat up beside you, reaching his arms overhead to stretch with a loud yawn. It had become quite clear to you that he had skipped all of his classes today by his disheveled hair and his boxer-clad body. “Are you feeling better now?”
Nodding, you flashed him a small smile as you rose to your feet and took the opportunity to stretch out your own body. “Yes, much. Thanks, Tae,” you praised, glancing at yourself in the mirror and fixing a few messy strands of hair. “Honestly, I think I would’ve been fine if it wasn’t for that asshole Yoongi.”
“Yoongi? As in Min Yoongi?” Taehyung questioned, authentic interest laced into his voice.
“Mhmm, that’s the one.”
“Hmm, interesting. Namjoon’s been hanging out with him a bit now that he’s gotten closer to Hoseok. I think they’re doing some sort of music thing together. He’s brought him around here a few times recently,” the boy informed you, finally rising to his feet to stand beside you. “He seemed cool, but if he’s an asshole to you I won’t hesitate to kick his ass.”
Hmm. Now that was some interesting information. Namjoon was one of Taehyung’s two roommates, Jimin being the other one. Seokjin had lived with them in previous years, but his room was left vacant after he had graduated the previous year. Still living nearby and remaining close to all of you, he often visited on the weekends to fill the void.
That wasn’t your concern though. Namjoon was Taehyung’s sweet, clumsy dork of a roommate that you had also grown close to over the years. After meeting Hoseok the previous semester through Namjoon, their friendship made sense. Hoseok was loud, bubbly, and impossible to hate. The boy didn’t have a bad bone in his body. How the fuck did Yoongi fit into the mix?
Snapping back into reality, you giggled to yourself and pulled your concerned best friend into a tight hug. “Don’t worry about it, Tae. He just says stupid shit to get under my skin and today I was extra vulnerable. Nothing major,” you reassured, giving him a squeeze. “Thanks again for listening to me. I’ll text you after class to get dinner or something.”
“If you say sooooo,” Taehyung drawled, pressing an affectionate kiss to the top of your head. “Of course. I’ll see you later.”
Flashing him one last grateful smile, you turned on your heel and pushed open the door of his bedroom, quietly closing it behind you. The peaceful scenery of Taehyung’s bedroom was greatly contrasted with what was occurring in the common area, and nothing could have prepared you for what you were about to face.
“Y/N! I thought I heard you show up earlier,” Namjoon shouted out to you from behind the kitchen counter, offering you a warm, dimpled smile.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever, Joon,” you replied sincerely, returning the smile. As you approached the kitchen, your eyes took in the faces of the familiar figures before you. Namjoon… Jimin… Hoseok… No.
No fucking way. It was as if Taehyung’s comment about Namjoon’s new friendship just moments prior had been a warning to you, because there before you stood Min fucking Yoongi right beside Hoseok. It was evident by the look on his face that he had spotted you before you noticed his presence. Rather than sporting his signature smirk, his mouth was slightly open and his eyes were wide with what could only be shock. If you had allowed your gaze to remain on him a bit longer, maybe you would have noticed the genuine concern and sympathy in his eyes as he stared back at you.
“It’s because Tae hogs her and barely lets us have any time with her,” Jimin commented, chuckling as he glanced down at his phone for a moment. “Oh, before I forget, Y/N… Jungkook needs a model for his photography project and told me to ask you for him because he’s too nervous to ask you himself.”
Namjoon laughed to himself, shaking his head. “I see Jungkook is still trying to live out his noona kink.”
Giggling to yourself, you rolled your eyes as you fully entered the kitchen and grabbed your backpack off of the stool where you had left it earlier. Your friends were referring to Jeon Jungkook, a current sophomore who had found his way into your circle of friends early on in his freshman year after taking a few classes with Namjoon and Jimin. The two of you weren’t particularly close as you typically only saw him on the weekends and in passing, but he was a friendly addition to the group. Despite hearing about how popular he was with the sophomore girls, you found it hard to believe. Every time Jungkook was around you, he seemed to turn into a nervous, stuttering mess, much to the rest of the boys’ enjoyment.
“Leave my little Kookie alone. He’s an angel,” you responded, slinging your backpack over your shoulder. “Tell him of course I’ll do it.”
“Phew, I think he’d pass out if I told him you referred to him as your Kookie,” Namjoon pestered on, nosily glancing over Jimin’s shoulder in amusement as the shorter boy typed out the news to Jungkook.
“I will be leaving that part out for now.” Jimin chuckled, slipping his phone back into his pocket before his eyes met yours again. “Oh, I don’t know if Tae told you yet, but we’re planning on throwing a little party Friday night. You should come, Y/N.” Little party. Whenever Jimin claimed he was just throwing a “little party,” it was often anything but little.
Taehyung had not told you yet, but you weren’t exactly surprised as he was a bit of a scatter brain when it came to remembering minute details. Pursing your lips, you crossed your arms over your chest. “We’ll see.”
Namjoon rolled his eyes, moving closer to shove his shoulder against yours. “We all know that’s your way of trying to appease us momentarily and then end up not showing up. Come on, Y/N.”
Jimin stuck out his lower lip, clasping his hands together to plead. “Pleaaase, Y/N. You never party with us anymore like you used to. We miss you.”
“If not for us, do it for Tae,” Namjoon argued, poking your cheek. “Or even for your little Kookie.”
Dramatically shaking your head, you shoved Namjoon back as you rolled your eyes. “I’ll think about it, okay?”
“Hmm, you better.”
A moment of silence fell upon the group before you were forced back into the reality of the current situation that you were trying to avoid.
“Oh shit, sorry Y/N. I’m being rude,” Hoseok interrupted from the other side of the counter, offering you a sheepish smile. “This is my friend Yoongi. I’ve finally been managing to drag him out to hang out with some of my friends. Quite the antisocial one here.”
Ah. How could you forget he was here? Also, antisocial? Hilarious. The boy in question never kept his big mouth shut around you. The look of pure discomfort that spread across Yoongi’s face when Hoseok brought the silent boy to your attention caused you to feel nothing but pure joy.
“Oh, no worries at all, Hobi,” you replied sweetly, flashing the boy an all-too-pleasant smile. “Yoongi and I have actually already had the pleasure of meeting. Isn’t that right, Yoongi?”
Nothing pleased you more than witnessing the look of sheer panic plastered across Yoongi’s face as he reached up to rub the back of his neck. His typical overly confident persona was gone; he was now putty in your hands and you loved the feeling of being in control for once. If only this moment could last forever.
“Uh, yeah we have,” Yoongi muttered, attempting to appease Hoseok’s confused face with a not-so-convincing smile. “We have history class together this semester.”
“History?” Hoseok’s eyes glanced back and forth between the two of you, as if trying to process something. At last, they settled on Yoongi. “Weren’t you just telling me you made some girl cry in history class today?”
If Yoongi hadn’t been mortified before, he surely was now. It almost seemed as if his face was frozen, his eyes and mouth all wide in the shape of an ‘o.’ Just as you thought this interaction could not possibly get any more uncomfortable for Yoongi, his eyes flickered away from yours to move behind you. Whatever it was that he saw left him looking even more disoriented, earning an amused smirk from you.
At last the sight Yoongi had observed made his presence known to you, Taehyung’s voice causing you to spin around on your heel to face him. “Guys, let Y/N go to class in peace. She’s had a rough day.”
You had to bite down on your tongue to avoid the laughter that was threatening to force its way through your lips. As your eyes raked up and down Taehyung’s body, you were quite aware of why Yoongi had looked so stunned just moments before. Taehyung stood before the group just as he had beside you in his bedroom a few minutes ago, hair a complete mess and sporting nothing but a pair of tight boxers. Although the sight was nothing unusual to you and most of the boys, you knew by Yoongi’s expression that he had assumed that you and Taehyung had been hooking up before you emerged into the kitchen. Even though it was false, you found yourself enjoying the current situation immensely. You were well aware by the way Yoongi usually teased and belittled you in class that he perceived you as the quiet, innocent type, and you knew this scene would cause him to question everything. How good it felt to be the one making Yoongi feel like shit for once.
“Tae, don’t worry about it. We were just talking,” you assured him, reaching up to ruffle his messy hair. While this act of affection was typical for the two of you, you knew it would be perceived differently in Yoongi’s eyes. “But I do actually have to go to class now. I’ll see you guys around, okay?”
The sound of various “goodbyes” and “we better see you at the party” filled your ears as you turned on your heel, but not before taking one last glance at Yoongi, knowing this was likely the last time you would have the pleasure of seeing the confident boy looking so distraught. His eyebrows were knit together as he frantically looked you up and down, almost as if he was trying to search for the quiet, jittery girl he was used to seeing in class. Although you knew this newfound confidence you were feeling surrounded by your group of close friends probably wouldn’t last when you saw him alone in class on Friday, you allowed yourself to indulge in this little victory where he was the one looking like the fool.
Directing one last small smirk at the confused boy, you finally approached the door and slipped out. The moment you exited the building and walked toward the academic quad, you couldn’t hold back the laughter you had been keeping in for what felt like an eternity. The unfortunate events of the morning had been long forgotten; you had achieved your first victory of the day and it was a big one for you.
When you finally slipped into your classroom with five minutes to spare, you took a moment to retrieve your phone out of your bag, blinking in confusion at all of the texts you had received in just a few minutes.
kookie (2:49pm): thanks for agreeing to help me w my project!!! :)
kookie (2:49pm): i promise it won’t be too much work for you
kookie (2:50pm): sorry for being a loser and not asking you myself
kookie (2:50pm): hopefully i’ll see you friday night? :)
Aw. What a cutie. Now onto the rest of your texts.
tae tae (2:51pm): yoongi will not stop asking us questions about you
tae tae (2:51pm): he asked if me and you were dating and then got confused when we all laughed
tae tae (2:52pm): also suspiciously curious about who jungkook is
tae tae (2:52pm): now he’s asking all about how long we’ve been friends for. wtf is he trying to get at
tae tae (2:55pm): ya know i think he has a crush on you or something
You let out an exasperated gasp as you read the last text, barely believing your eyes. Yoongi, the boy who managed to make every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at noon unbearable for you without fail for the past month, having a crush on you? The thought was laughable.
Before you could type out an adequate response to such absurdity, your phone buzzed again.
jiminie (2:56pm): so what’s the deal w you and yoongi? seems ~steamy~ 👀
jiminie (2:56pm): i feel like he somehow knows i’m texting about him
jiminie (2:56pm): he’s glaring at me
jiminie (2:57pm): didn’t take you as one to go for the intimidating ones hmm
jimine (2:57pm): i’ll let kookie know he has to be scarier
It was understandable for Taehyung to have such irrational ideas, but now Jimin too? If your friends saw the way he talked to you in class, they would be laughing at themselves too. Someone grab these boys their clown suits.
Biting the inside of your cheek, you locked your phone without responding to either of your friends. That would be an issue for a later time.
The next two days rolled by rather smoothly. Your housemate had apologized to you after realizing that she had overreacted for yelling at you for leaving your dishes in the sink when you were busy with homework, you had managed to get the missed interview rescheduled, and you had explained the situation to your understanding mother. Most importantly, it was now Friday and you were more than ready for the weekend. Things seemed to be finally falling back into order.
After getting an early lunch with one of your friends before your class at noon, you found yourself with fifteen minutes to spare before your class and it didn’t seem worthwhile to try to go back to your house or even the library. It wouldn’t hurt to be a bit early for class.
When you finally entered the lecture hall from the back, the sight before you caused you to come to an immediate halt. As it was still quite early, the class was empty all except for one person who you could identify even from behind due to his bright, bleached blonde hair. What the fuck was Min Yoongi doing fifteen minutes early to class? It was generous to even expect him to show up a whole minute before start time. This was unprecedented.
You momentarily considered turning on your heel and leaving the room until right before noon, but it would be too much of a hassle to find somewhere to sit outside and the sound of the door closing behind you had already notified him that someone else was in the room. As you accepted your fate and began to walk down the aisle, your eyes stopped on the space in front of your usual seat. There in front of your seat sat a large coffee. Had somebody already taken your seat? Was Yoongi saving your seat for someone else to avoid you after your last interaction on Wednesday?
Working up the nerve, you continued to walk closer, only stopping once you were right in front of Yoongi. The confidence you had found around your friends on Wednesday had seemed to diminish. Before you could even allow yourself to take in the nervous expression on his face, you forced yourself to speak. “Hey, did somebody take my seat?”
Yoongi blinked a couple times in confusion before his eyes wandered over to the coffee in front of your seat, a sense of comprehension taking over his features. The calm expression on his face didn’t last. Suddenly, the same anxious Yoongi you had experienced in Taehyung’s kitchen was back, his cheeks heating up and his hand reaching up to rub the back of his neck. You had noticed that was a nervous habit of his. Clearing his throat, he shook his head before finally attempting to clear up the confusion. “Uh, no…” His eyes darted around the area, moving anywhere but to your own. “It’s for you… The coffee.”
The confusion certainly was not cleared up by his answer, and you were left feeling even more puzzled. Why had Yoongi bought you a coffee? And why did he seem so nervous about it? Glancing down at the venti cup in front of you, you picked it up and examined the label on the side. Venti iced caramel latte with almond milk and less ice, it read. Wait a minute. How did he know your exact order, down to the less ice?
Furrowing your brow, you crossed your arms over your chest and continued to glare at the clearly uncomfortable Yoongi, much to his dismay. “How do you know my exact coffee order?”
Yoongi’s cheeks flushed darker, his hands reaching down as he grabbed his backpack off of the ground and attempted to distract himself by zipping it open and looking for his notebook for a bit too long. “I zone out in class a lot and have happened to zone out on your coffee a few times so I happened to remember.” When you stood your ground and refused to assume your seat next to his, his eyes finally met yours. It seemed as if though he was trying to put on an irritated front, but you could see right through it. “Just sit down and drink it, okay?”
After standing still and staring at him for a few moments longer just to further his discomfort, you finally let your arms fall to your sides and walked behind him to plop down in your seat. Jabbing the straw into the top of the unexpected cup of coffee, you took a long sip. Ah, the sweet sensation of caffeine flowing through your veins. Almost as sweet as the feeling of a highly uncomfortable Yoongi sitting beside you.
You were well aware that he was waiting for you to speak first. He was most definitely waiting for you to ask him why he got you the coffee. He was also likely wishing you’d bring up Wednesday before he had to. However, the knowledge of his discomfort made you hold off. If he wanted to talk about it, he would have to initiate the conversation. You were enjoying this role reversal just a bit too much.
After a few more moments in silence, Yoongi finally let out a defeated sigh and fully turned his body to face yours. It was quite apparent by the distressed expression on his face that he had been having a battle with himself in his head to work up the courage to speak. “Aren’t you going to ask me why I got you coffee?” Ah, the male species was so predictable.
Taking another long sip from the coffee just to make him wait a bit longer, you quirked an eyebrow at him, feigning innocence. “Am I supposed to?”
“Well, I mean, yeah. I would expect you to be curious.” Running a hand through his hair, he allowed his eyes to scan over your face. When he realized you weren’t budging, he let out yet another sigh. Poor guy. “It’s an apology, okay? I wanted to say I’m sorry for Wednesday. You know, when you, um… Cried. I was just joking around and had no idea I would upset you so much and I felt like a complete asshole. I followed you when you ran out and tried to find you to see if you were okay, but you really disappeared. I just… I know I’m not good with this kind of thing but I’m sorry.”
Clasping your hands together over your drink, you allowed yourself a moment to process all that was just thrown at you. Not only was Yoongi apologizing to you, but did he just admit that he chased after you to try to comfort you after he saw you cry? That seemed all too out of character for someone who was known for being overly confident and priding himself in his ‘I-don’t-give-a-fuck’ attitude.
Gnawing on your lower lip, you allowed yourself to take in his current state. As he had told you, he clearly wasn’t very good at whatever “this” was. What was “this” exactly? Was it him having to apologize? Or simply him having to not be a complete dick to you for more than thirty seconds? Regardless, it was evident that he was being genuine. His hand continued to rake through his hair, causing it to stick up in various directions. Although his eyes were finally fixated on yours, the expression on his face communicated to you that he wished the ground would swallow him up at any moment. It was strange seeing him this stressed for so long, but it was a welcomed change. You knew all too well what it felt like to be so on edge, so you found yourself starting to feel a bit bad for him. Maybe you could take it easy on him. You had already felt the satisfaction of seeing him lose his ego for at least a little while, and that was enough for you.
Sighing to yourself, you shook your head and offered him a small smile. “It’s fine, really. Wasn’t even really your fault,” you assured him, reaching down into your backpack and fishing out your notebook as you noticed some of the other students finally started to file into the lecture hall. “I had a lot going on and you just happened to be the one to set me off.”
“Are you sure?” Yoongi’s eyes trailed up and down your face as if he was trying to speculate if you were telling the truth or not. Why did he suddenly care so much about your feelings? “Do you want to talk about it? I mean, why you were so upset and all…”
Furrowing your brow, you opened your notebook to a fresh sheet of paper. “Uh, no. Not really. Talking like that isn’t exactly something we do,” you answered, crossing your arms over your chest defensively. It almost felt like he was trying to pry into your life, and you weren’t sure why. As your relationship– if you could even call it that– was strictly limited to unwanted banter and insults from Yoongi, you didn’t exactly feel comfortable opening up to him about your problems. A pity coffee wasn’t enough to convince you otherwise. “I already had the chance to rant about it anyway.”
Yoongi was silent for a moment as he copied your actions, opening his own notebook and distracting himself by flipping through various scantily-covered pages. “Ah, with Taehyung?”
You sensed a tinge of judgment in his voice, causing you to recollect the events of Wednesday. It was clear that your perception had been correct; the tone of Yoongi’s voice insinuated that he believed something was going on between you and Taehyung. Apparently whatever Taeyung and the other boys had told him after you had left wasn’t enough to change his mind. His judgment was a valid one, even expected, but his apparent need to ask you about it was not. What did it matter to him?
“Yes, with Tae,” you replied simply, watching the way he doodled in the margins of his notebook. “He is my best friend, afterall.”
“Oh, my bad. Wasn’t aware he was ‘Tae’ to you,” Yoongi spoke up quickly, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. “I think we have different definitions of what a ‘best friend’ is, though.” Ah, there he was. The insolent Yoongi you had come to know and despise.
Rolling your eyes, you unknowingly pushed the coffee he had bought you further away, almost as if to symbolize that he was becoming repulsive to you yet again. “I’m not quite convinced anyone would want to be your best friend anyway,” you snapped back, clicking open your pen. “So was the coffee really an apology or just an excuse to pry into my life?”
“No, no. It really was an apology,” he answered right away, pushing the coffee closer to you again in response. “I’m just curious. I guess my initial impression of you wasn’t entirely right.”
Now that was enough to get your full attention again. Yoongi sure seemed to have a lot to think and say about you. Raising an eyebrow, you hesitantly took another sip from your coffee. “I wasn’t aware you had any impression of me to begin with.”
Yoongi chuckled to himself and shook his head, almost as if in disbelief of what you had just said. “Oh, I have had a lot of thoughts about you. I’ll keep them to myself, for your sake.” If you hadn’t blinked, you would’ve noticed the way his eyes momentarily flickered down to your lips as they wrapped around the straw of your coffee. “However, don’t worry. I had it right that you’re a nerd who’s always going out of her way to do a bit much, and I stand by that.”
Scoffing to yourself, you slammed your drink down yet again. “And you’re still an incessant asshole who pries into my life for absolutely no reason.” Your eyes flickered to the front of the room as your professor took his place behind the podium. “And I stand by that.”
Yoongi laughed a bit louder this time, clearly unbothered as he nodded his head at you as he turned his body to face the front of the class. “Fair enough.”
Class seemed to fly by in a breeze, the majority of the lecture taken up by your professor outlining the content that would be on your first exam in the following week. It was a lot of information, but you were confident that it wouldn’t be too challenging if you gave yourself enough time to study. However, that was a problem for next week. This weekend had to be about unwinding and giving yourself the proper amount of time to let go and relax.
Shoving your contents into your backpack, you were snapped out of your post-class daze by the sound of Yoongi’s low voice. “Any fun plans this weekend?”
Blinking a few times to wake yourself back up, you slung your backpack over your shoulder and eyed the boy in front of you. It was very unlike him to attempt to start a casual conversation with you, especially after class (that is, unless he was asking you for your notes). His odd behavior was continuing to surprise you. “Uh, not sure…” you answered, taking a moment to push in your chair. “Might need to make an appearance at a party tonight so my friends don’t kill me, but that’s about it.”
“Ah, the life of the party here.” Yoongi snickered, flashing you a lop-sided smirk before raising his hand slightly to give you a lackluster wave. “See you around.” With that, he spun around and quickly disappeared out of the lecture hall.
What an odd afternoon.
And you sure did see him around. Much sooner than you would have liked, if you were being perfectly honest.
To your dismay, your lame excuses of “I’m sick” and “I have other plans” did not work on your friends, and they left you feeling guilty for trying to get out of going to their party. Along with that, none of your housemates were particularly in the mood to go out, conceding that they’d much rather just stay in and watch a movie after such a chaotic week.
So that was precisely how you found yourself alone in the back of an Uber on the way to Taehyung’s house, discreetly trying to take shots out of a plastic water bottle filled with some old raspberry-flavored vodka that tasted closer to nail polish remover. As painful as it was trying to hold in your gags so your Uber driver didn’t notice, you knew you couldn’t show up to the function sober. Your friends were probably already ten rounds in.
As if on cue, your phone started to vibrate against your thigh, gladly distracting you from having to take another shot of poison.
joon (10:01pm): you better get your ass over here rn
joon (10:01pm): it’s still just all of us pregaming together and we want you here before everyone else shows up
joon (10:02pm): jimin is already absolutely plastered
jiminie (10:02pm): um nit thst drink theyre bing mwan to me
jiminie (10:02pm): cum here niw nd guv me s hug ;(
jiminie (10:03pm): o uiongi ia here too
Laughing to yourself as you didn’t even try to decipher the complete nonsense Jimin sent you, you glanced out the window as the car slowed to a stop in front of your destination. After thanking your driver and sliding out of the car, you rose to your feet and smoothed out your lace top and black leather skirt. It had been a while since you had allowed yourself to get all dressed up like this. As you approached the door, you couldn’t help but notice the warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach and the head rush you felt from standing up so quickly. Ah, the lovely effects of alcohol.
Before you could even ring the doorbell or text one of the boys that you had arrived, the door was swung open aggressively, revealing a grinning Seokjin holding a half-empty bottle of tequila in his free hand. “Y/N! I almost didn’t believe them when they said you were coming,” he cheered, pulling you inside and engulfing you in a tight hug. Pulling back a bit to look at you, his eyebrows raised in amusement. “And I can tell you already started drinking. The old Y/N is back!”
“Hey, I knew I had to have a few shots beforehand if I was going to be able to tolerate all of you,” you joked, playfully shoving his chest. Your eyes wandered upward as he held the bottle of tequila up as an offering over your mouth, quirking a challenging eyebrow at you. Rolling your eyes, you leaned down and opened your mouth beneath the bottle, allowing him to pour a generous amount of the potent liquid into your mouth. As you swallowed, you noted how it went down without much misery. That was usually a good sign that you were tipsy.
“Taking it like a champ!” Seokjin chanted, draping an arm over your shoulders as he took another long swig from the bottle. “We should probably head in there before the guys get mad at me for keeping you to myself.”
“Good idea.” You giggled, affectionately wrapping an arm around his waist for support.
Before the two of you could even round the corner, you were stopped by a stumbling Jimin who practically threw himself onto your body, curling his arms around your waist and burying his face in your hair. “Y/N, you’re finally here,” he slurred out, his fingers digging into the skin on your lower back. Seokjin gave you an apologetic look before chuckling to himself and leaving the two of you alone. “Did you get my texts?” He kept his arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled back a bit to meet your eyes, flashing you a huge grin with half-lidded eyes. God he was plastered, but you were just tipsy enough to enjoy his affection.
“Yes, and I see you’ve already claimed your hug,” you greeted with a giggle, poking one of his dimples. “That was about all I could make out from the complete nonsense you were sending me.”
Jimin’s eyes widened as he grabbed your hand from his face, messily intertwining his fingers with yours. Leaning in, his lips brushed against your ears. “You got my text that Yoongi is here, right?” he attempted a whisper, but his voice came out quite a bit louder than that.
It took a moment for your buzzed brain to fully comprehend the meaning behind his words. Once they finally sunk in, your eyes widened. Sure Yoongi was close with Namjoon and was beginning to bond with the other boys, but what exactly was he doing here? Wouldn’t he have brought it up earlier when you told him you were probably going to be stopping by the party? Why couldn’t this guy make sense for once?
When your thoughts finally subsided and the shot you had taken just a couple minutes before started to set in, you simply decided to squeeze Jimin’s hand and offer him a warm smile. “It’s fine, Jimin. We’re fine.”
“Nooo, you don’t understaaaand,” Jimin drawled out, completely giving up on trying to whisper this time. The music was loud enough anyway that there was likely no need to worry. “He told Hoseok and Namjoon last weekend that there was absolutely no chance he’d show up to our party. He hates parties,” he explained, reaching down to grab your other hand as well. “Now all of a sudden this afternoon he decided he was on board. Me, Namjoon, and Tae have a conspiracy theory that he’s only here because he found out you’re gonna be here.” Jimin’s eyes closed shut for a few moments and he stumbled back slightly, catching his balance at the last moment. “Woooow, I’m drunk.”
You weren’t going to overthink this. You were not going to let Min Yoongi ruin your one night to relax and have a good time. Sure he did find out that you were likely going to be here when you told him this afternoon, but that was obviously a mere coincidence. Perhaps he had just decided to not be a stick in the mud for once in his life and try to let go. That was definitely it. Wrapping an arm around Jimin’s waist to steady him, you began to walk towards the chaos that was likely occurring in the next room over. “Don’t be ridiculous. Let’s go have some fun and get you some water before you’re puking all over everything before people even start showing up.”
“Water.” Jimin chuckled to himself as he unsteadily followed by your side, leaning much of his weight into you. “That’s cute. You’re cute.”
Rolling your eyes, you guided the two of you into the kitchen, immediately being met with a parade of loud cheers from the six other guys who had been waiting for you (probably five cheering voices, since you weren’t exactly convinced Yoongi was involved). Speaking of Yoongi, although you refused to meet his eyes just yet, you could feel his eyes burning through you. While this action would usually make you quite uneasy and jittery, the alcohol was doing you another favor by allowing you to brush it off.
“It’s about time.” Taehyung flashed you his signature boxy grin and draped an arm over your shoulders. “What was going on over there? Were you and Jimin having a secret meeting or something?”
Reaching up to ruffle his hair, you nodded and smirked. “Yeah, actually we were…” you trailed off, your eyes setting on the various handles of liquor spread across the counter. “We were actually discussing how you’re a bitch if you don’t take a shot with me right now.”
There was an uproar of “ohhhh’s” from most of the boys that echoed throughout the whole room, followed by Taehyung’s booming laughter. “Wow, I forgot how much I love feisty, drunk Y/N,” he commented, lining up two shot glasses on the counter and filling them with what was either silver tequila or another random flavored vodka. God you were going to hate yourself in the morning for mixing so many different types of alcohol if you didn’t slow down soon. After handing one of the glasses to you, he clinked his against yours. “Cheers to you.”
Giggling to yourself, you downed the shot, noting how it went down even easier than the one before. You were in trouble if you kept moving at this pace. However, you were aware that the house would be filling up with people outside of your immediate friend group shortly and that was enough reason to keep drinking. As was Min Yoongi’s burning presence.
“I still haven’t forgotten about that party last time when you and Jimin beat me by one cup in beer pong,” Namjoon directed at you, chuckling to himself as he shook his head. “Rematch now. I’m taking Hoseok this time.”
“Ah, sore loser,” you retorted, sticking your tongue out at him. Your eyes wandered over to Jimin who was leaning against the refrigerator with his eyes closed, no glass of water in sight. He clearly was not beer pong partner material at the moment. Continuing to weigh your options, you noticed the way that Yoongi stared at you with his arms crossed over his chest and a raised eyebrow, almost as if he was challenging you to choose him. You were too into this whole barely acknowledging his presence game to pick that route. Finally, your eyes settled on an oblivious (or maybe nervous) Jungkook who was nursing a cup of beer in one hand and mindlessly staring down at his phone in the other. Perfect. Walking around Taehyung, you approached the younger boy and poked your finger into his side. “Kookie, let’s kick some ass.” Out of the corner of your eye, you noted the way Yoongi’s eyes remained on you, but they became colder the moment those last words left your mouth.
“How daaaare you pick another partner?” Jimin scoffed, his eyes still closed as he wobbled to the side, catching his balance on the counter. Oh boy. God help whoever was stuck taking care of him tonight.
Jungkook’s eyes widened and his mouth fell into an ‘o’ as his eyes finally met yours, his fingers fumbling around his phone and almost causing it to fall. “M-Me?” he questioned, his cheeks becoming rosier by the second. “Are you sure?”
“Of course.” You smiled and wrapped your arm around his waist, resting your head against his arm fondly. “I help you with your photography project, you help me maintain my pride.”
“O-Okay…” Jungkook’s arm stiffened in surprise at first, but he forced the nerves away and smiled warmly at you and hesitantly draped his arm over your shoulders. As Namjoon and Hoseok led the way into the other room with the beer pong table, the younger boy guided the two of you behind them. “Anything for you.”
Not only did the music drown out the sound of Jimin hurling into the kitchen sink, it also did a good job at masking the sound of Yoongi’s scoff and the way he immediately downed his full drink.
Despite Namjoon’s cocky attitude, you and Jungkook proved to be an unstoppable match, beating the other pair three games in a row. The party proved to be a lot more fun than you had expected and would ever dare to give your friends credit for. Shortly after you had started your first game of beer pong, the other friends and acquaintances of the boys started to file in. It seemed like the guests never stopped arriving and those who came never wanted to leave. Even after nearly three hours, the house was still quite full. Although still quite tipsy, you found yourself hungry and tired, longing for your bed and a box of pizza. Taehyung had suggested you just stay the night to avoid ubering back by yourself so late at night, but you were sick of the noise and mess. Your social battery was quickly running out.
Sighing to yourself, you closed the front door of the house behind you and sat down on one of the front steps. Staring off into the darkness, you started to plot your escape. You didn’t want Taehyung or any of the other boys to worry about you too much, but you knew that they would immediately notice if you were gone for too long.
Before you could think too much, your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and closing yet again. Instead of watching the backs of another group of guests leaving, you felt somebody plop down beside you on the step. As you looked to the side, your breath hitched in your throat. “You good?” Yoongi asked, tired eyes searching your face.
God, if your social battery was already on low, you couldn’t even imagine how long ago Yoongi’s had run out. You were shocked he had stayed nearly this long. His tired eyes pleaded with yours, perhaps begging you to not make a fuss and just be civil with him for once. Biting your lip, you nodded your head. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you replied, looking off to stare into the street lights again. “Just exhausted and in desperate need of some quiet and some food.”
“God, I feel you. I think I’m going to have an eternal headache.” Yoongi chuckled to himself, letting out a deep breath as he ran a hand through his hair. He seemed so… Calm. So… Normal. It was a bit jarring, but comforting at the same time. “I don’t think you’re going to find any restaurant open right now, but I ordered pizza for dinner and have a lot left over at my place that I’m willing to share. It’s also definitely quiet there.” The words seemed to roll off of his lips so casually, as if this was something common for the two of you when it was anything but that.
Turning your head to look at him, you raised an eyebrow. As you scanned his face, you couldn’t find any traces of disingenuity; it seemed as if he really intended to invite you over his place to hang out as if you were friends. While this would have been intriguing on any normal day, it was extra intriguing with the bit of alcohol’s effects remaining in your body and your deep desire to leave the party. Finally, you asked, “What’s the catch?”
“Hmm…” The corner of Yoongi’s lips perked up the slightest bit, his teeth digging into his tongue to prevent himself from laughing. “The catch is you have to spend time with me. I can see how that might be difficult for you, especially after you’ve spent the whole night avoiding me.”
Your eyes widened as you looked away, warmth flooding your cheeks. You hadn’t actually expected him to notice the little game you were playing, at least in your head. “I wasn’t avoiding you,” you immediately shot back, refusing to meet his eyes. “I was just… Busy.”
“Ah, I know. Very busy. Crazy how you just seemed to disappear every time I tried to approach you,” Yoongi teased with a smirk playing at his lips, rising to his feet. After stretching his arms over his head briefly, he turned to face you and extended his hand. “So are you coming or not? It’s only a five minute walk up the road, and I’d recommend you decide quickly before I rescind my offer.”
After staring at his offering hand for a moment, you sighed before grabbing onto it and allowing him to pull you up. “Only for the pizza,” you retorted, although the small smile on your lips informed the both of you that that was far from true.
Despite being perfectly capable of walking on your own, Yoongi’s hand remained wrapped around your own. While you initially had some concerns that it would be awkward between the two of you, the conversation flowed naturally the entirety of the walk to his place. Whether it be laughing about the random guy at the party who attempted to get with every single girl there or even poking fun at some of the freshmen in your history lecture, you had plenty to talk about. Maybe it was the alcohol, but there seemed to be something deeper there.
After arriving at his place and noting the surprising cleanliness of it, the pair of you found yourselves sprawled out on his couch in the living room with two slices of heated up pizza a piece. It was beyond relieving to finally have some peace and quiet, and the taste of the pizza was immaculate. This was exactly what you needed.
Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Yoongi raised an eyebrow at you. “Aren’t your boyfriends probably worried that you disappeared?”
Taking a big bite out of your crust, you rolled your eyes at the boy beside you and nudged his thigh with your foot. “They’re not my boyfriends, and I already told them I left.”
“Hmm, interesting.” Yoongi smirked to himself and pushed your foot away from him. “What about your little Kookie?”
“You’re awfully interested in my relationships with my friends,” you teased, leaning back further against one of the pillows and draping your feet over the armrest. “We’re just friends.”
“Okay, okay.” Yoongi chuckled and leaned forward to place his empty plate on the table in front of the couch. Once he fell back against the couch, his eyes scanned your face. A long silence fell upon you as he chewed on his lower lip, almost as if he was contemplating saying something. When you opted to sit up straight again and positioned yourself a bit closer, he finally broke the silence. “You know I never mean to hurt your feelings or offend you or anything like that, right?”
Swallowing the nervous lump that had formed in your throat, you stalled by busying yourself with putting your plate on top of his, wiping your hands against each other. “I mean, I can see that now,” you admitted, allowing your eyes to meet his. “But I never really know what to make of it all.”
Yoongi sighed to himself, looking down as he fiddled with his fingers. You were glad to see that you weren’t the only nervous one here. What had begun as a surprisingly fun and carefree hangout seemed to be morphing into something else very quickly. If there hadn’t been any alcohol remaining in your system, you likely would’ve run from the tension. Yet here you were, watching as Yoongi poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue. “I’m just really bad at flirting, I guess.”
Your eyes widened as you allowed yourself to process what he had just admitted, staring at him as he attempted to look anywhere that wasn’t at you. All of those little jabs and insults had been flirting? Sure, you were aware that a lot of people used teasing to flirt, but that was usually after you had established some sort of foundation and it was made clear that that was the intention. Either you had been overreacting all along, or he was right– he was really bad at this. A jittery feeling filled your stomach as you looked down, occupying yourself by playing with the ends of a strand of your hair. You hated yourself for still being so intrigued with him, but you couldn’t help it. He truly was an enigma. “You were… flirting?”
“Trying to, at least.” Yoongi let out an emotionless laugh, sounding rather disappointed in himself and likely a bit embarrassed. After another moment, his eyes found yours. Rather than look away, his eyes remained fixed on yours and a mesmerized look took over his face. It was rather unclear whether it was a genuine newfound sense of confidence that spoke up next, or if it was the alcohol talking. At that moment, something in him snapped. “I just… You’re so fucking adorable and it really frustrates me because I just don’t know how to act around you for some reason. I’d noticed you around campus before this semester but never really knew how to approach you. When I saw you were in my class, I thought I finally had a shot, but I clearly fucked that up from day one. Still don’t think I’ve even fully forgiven myself for making you cry.” Letting out a huff, he leaned his head back on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. “Everything you do is just so fucking… Ugh. How much a perfectionist you are, the short sundresses, the way you don’t even kind of realize the effect you have on people, it’s all just… Fuck. I’m so used to just getting my way with people so easily, but it’s such a challenge with you. I can’t decide if it’s more frustrating or alluring, but it doesn’t even matter. You’re all I fucking think about these days.”
Swallowing thickly, your eyes scanned his face to search for any sign that he might be lying, but you found nothing. Instead, he leaned back against the couch with his eyes closed, a hand raking itself through his hair. He looked so… Frustrated. Defeated. You did this to the typically unbothered, confident Min Yoongi? Biting your lip, your eyes trailed along his jawline and up to his lips. Not only did he look discouraged, he looking so fucking… Good. The apprehensive feeling that had taken over your stomach morphed into a pool of heat, slowly sinking lower and lower. This was the Min Yoongi you had always imagined; a vulnerable, introspective boy who also happened to have a face that looked like it was sculpted by the gods themselves. And here he was, confessing to you that you basically had him wrapped around your finger and at his will. While this twist was certainly exciting, the feeling of dominance that came along with it had you feeling turned on. You might not be good at words, but you certainly were good at communicating physically.
You hadn’t realized that you had completely zoned out until Yoongi was sitting up straight, panic in his eyes as he rapidly shook his head. “I can’t believe I just said all of that… Forget it. I’m sorry and I understand if you want to leave.”
Blinking a few times to snap yourself out of your daze, you shook your head at him. Unable to find the right words, you rose to your knees and lunged forward, wrapping your arms around his neck and slamming your lips into his. Instead of being met with the warmth and rhythm of his lips that you so craved, he pulled back a bit.
“Wait, are you sure?” he questioned genuinely, but his eyes became dark as they trailed down to your lips, longing to taste them again. “I don’t want you to do something you might regret.”
“Yes, I’m sure about this and I’m also sure that you’re talking a whole lot. It’s a bit much, don’t you think?” you teased, mocking the phrase he always used whenever he’d make fun of you in class. Moving your hands up a bit, you tangled your fingers into the hair on the back of his head. “You know, you probably should’ve led with some of that nicer stuff instead of being such an asshole. Would’ve worked wonders for you much sooner.”
Yoongi’s entire demeanor seemed to shift as your words, a sense of relief washing over his face. A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he finally wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his lap. “I would’ve if you didn’t frustrate me so much. Don’t know how to act around you.” Finding his statement efficient enough for now, he at last closed the gap between the two of you, his lips slamming back onto yours. His fingers slid up the back of your shirt and dug into your back, causing you to moan into his mouth. The parting of your lips allowed him to slip his tongue into your mouth, the taste of him overwhelming you. The pool of heat and desire in your stomach continued to sink down lower, becoming evident in the wetness in your panties that was soon going to become noticeable if your short skirt kept rising up. Shifting yourself to straddle one of his thighs, you grinded down against it in an attempt to find some relief.
A groan from Yoongi caused you to pull back, taking a moment to catch your breath before you began to pepper wet kisses down his jawline. You were too far in at this point and there was no turning back now. As his hands slid down from your back to cup your ass, your lips found their way to his ear. “How can I make it up to you? You know, for frustrating you so much and all.”
Yoongi clenched his thigh in response to words, eliciting a moan out of you as the fabric of his jeans created friction against your wet panties. “You’re playing a dangerous game asking questions like that.”
“Mmm, I think that’s what I’m trying to do,” you cooed, pecking his lips a couple times before kissing your way down to his neck.
“Bedroom. Now.” Before you could continue, he lifted you off of his lap and placed you on your feet on the ground. He rose up beside you and wrapped his arm around your waist, quickly leading you out of the room and down the hall. The moment he dragged you into his room, one of his hands departed from your body to slam the door shut and roughly press your body against the back of the door. His lips roamed the skin on your neck for a few moments before his wandering hands abruptly tugged your shirt up and over your head, ignoring the way he forced your arms to twist. Once the piece of clothing was discarded on the floor, his eyes fell upon your exposed skin, widening when he realized you had not been wearing a bra. He took a step back, a combination of lust and what almost appeared to be admiration filling his eyes. “God, are you trying to fucking kill me?”
Biting on your lower lip in an attempt to hide your growing smirk, you raised an eyebrow at him. You could feel your ego being boosted and it was in that moment, just like that time a few days before during your run-in with him at Taehyung’s place, that you realized again just how much it got you off to feel in control over him. After having dealt with him making fun of you and watching you unravel under his gaze so many times, it felt incredible to have him like putty in your hands. It was clear by the dazed look in his eyes that he was at your command now, and this was finally a situation you felt comfortable taking control over. “Don’t tell me you’re going to die on me already. I haven’t even gotten started with you yet,” you teased, tracing your finger down his jawline at a tantalizingly slow pace. “Take off your shirt.”
Yoongi’s eyes widened in surprise for a moment before he obliged to your command, quickly pulling his oversized t-shirt over his head and throwing it in a pile on top of yours. It was obvious he had become accustomed to being the one holding power over you, and this shift had caught him off guard. “A little bossy, don’t you think?”
“Get used to it.” Eyeing his bare chest and stomach slowly, you planted one last wet kiss onto his lips before dropping to your knees in front of him. You ignored the way his eyes were practically bulging out of his head as you unhurriedly undid his belt and unbuttoned his jeans, dragging them down his legs and making sure to keep his boxers in place on his lips. Despite his surprise, he eagerly stepped out of his jeans and kicked them to the side, a hand moving to rest on the top of your head. Your mouth watered as you eyed the hardening bulge through his tight boxers that were already stained with pre-cum, leaning forward to just barely press your lips against the tip of his cock through the fabric.
Yoongi’s fingers threaded through your hair as a suffocated groan escaped his lips. “Y-You know, I had planned on going down on you first. It’s the least I could do.”
Ah, of course. He was just as predictable as every other man you had slept with, and the point had been affirmed by all of your female friends you had discussed it with as well. Let them go down on you first, they always said, knowing that if they did the job well, you would be a begging, submissive mess, hanging onto their every command for the rest of the night. While there was nothing wrong with submitting sometimes, it just didn’t get you off quite as much as taking control did. The stakes were even higher when the other person was Min Yoongi, who had just so graciously admitted to you earlier that he was so used to getting his way with people and feeling in control. Despite your arousal, you couldn’t give him that satisfaction. Not yet, at least.
“Mmm, no thanks,” you hummed nonchalantly, keeping your eyes on his as you used your teeth to grip onto the waistband of his boxers and slowly drag them down his legs. Once you reached his ankles, you pulled back and took a moment to admire his fully hardened cock pressed against his stomach. It was not the longest you had ever seen, but the girth of it had you clenching your thighs together at the thought of what it would feel like inside of you later. Licking your lips, you grasped a hand around the base of his length and leaned forward, grazing your tongue against the head to lick up the pre-cum.
“Fuck,” Yoongi muttered under his breath, his other hand moving to tangle into your hair as well. “I wouldn’t recommend too much teasing, sweetheart. You’ll regret it later.”
Ah, already making threats in an attempt to feel in control. This was going to be too easy. You wanted him to beg, though. Chuckling quietly to yourself, you locked eyes with him as you flattened your tongue against the back of the base of his cock, slowly licking your way up along the protruding vein until you reached the top again. “Oh, no,” you teased, beginning to pump your hand up and down. When your hand reached the top, you brushed your thumb back and forth over his sensitive tip. “I’m so scared.”
Whimpering softly, Yoongi’s eyes screwed shut as he craned his neck back. “Please, Y/N,” he groaned, giving your hair a rough tug. “Need your mouth. Now. Please.”
There it was, the begging you had been waiting for. All it took was a bit of teasing for the cocky Min Yoongi to lose all sense of pride. “Well, I guess, since you asked so nicely.” Smirking at your victory, you leaned forward and wrapped your mouth around the head of his cock. Once you had hollowed out your cheeks enough to accommodate for his girth, you began to bob your head up and down and use one hand to pump the rest of his length that wasn’t in your mouth.
“F-Fuck, babe, just like that,” Yoongi groaned out from above you, trying his best to keep his eyes open despite the immense pleasure surging throughout his body. Once you had adopted a rhythm after a couple of minutes, you removed your hand from the base of his shaft. Yoongi immediately noticed its absence and moved a hand to the back of your head, slowly beginning to urge you forward further down his length. “Fuck, you’re doing so well.”
Your eyes remained on his as you allowed him to slowly fuck your face, watering as you fought against the urge to gag. The sound of his quiet moans of your name encouraged you further. When you could tell he couldn’t take much more, you leaned forward to take the rest of his length in your mouth, bottoming out as your nose touched the skin on the bottom of his stomach. Sucking in a deep breath through your nose, you swallowed gently around him, allowing his cock to feel the tightening of the muscles of your throat around it.
Yoongi released his loudest groan yet, eyes screwing shut as he shook his head. “F-Fuck, stop, stop,” he whimpered out, letting go of the back of your head. “Don’t wanna cum before I even get to be inside of you.”
Fighting back the urge to smirk yet again, you slowly worked your mouth backwards until you released the tip of his cock with a loud ‘pop.’ Using the back of your hand to wipe the string of saliva that was hanging out of your mouth, you slowly rose to your feet to meet a flushed Yoongi.
Clearing his throat, he raised an expecting eyebrow at you. “You know, I would like to return the favor first.”
“Hmm.” You couldn’t deny that your core was throbbing at this point, begging for any sort of release. Still, your ego had you wanting to maintain the dominance you currently had over him. Pressing a peck to his lips, you reached down to unbutton your skirt, shimmying it down your legs along with your soaked panties. “Think I could sit on your face?”
For the umpteenth time that night, Yoongi’s eyes enlarged to the size of saucers as he looked you up and down. It felt like an eternity that he stood there frozen and you could practically see a bubble above his head that read ‘Yoongi.exe has stopped working.’ When he at last realized his distraught state, he blinked rapidly and cursed beneath his breath before nodding. “Uh, yeah… That works.” God, he really was speechless.
You failed to suppress an amused laugh as he quickly made his way over to his unmade bed and laid on his back, his short-term flustered demeanor quickly being overtaken with a cocky smirk. While this shift left you wanting to take control again, you couldn’t wait any longer at this point. Sauntering over to the bed, you made your way onto your knees over his face as you faced his stomach, slowly lowering down until you hovered just above him.
Yoongi let out an amused chuckle, the release of warm air from his nose making your wet pussy throb. “God, babe, you’re already soaked,” he mused, reaching his hands around and gripping them tightly around each of your thighs. “You really got off that much just from sucking my cock, hmm?”
His words had you whimpering above him, gasping as he urged your body lower and barely ghosted his lips over your clit. The need for power was gone for now. You needed him to do something. “P-Please.”
Another laugh had you clenching your thighs around his head, begging for any sort of friction. “Come on, babe. I bet you were feeling pretty good about yourself thinking you were in control, hmm?” His nails roughly dug down into the skin of your thighs. “Please what?”
Letting out a frustrated huff, you closed your eyes tightly as you moved your hands up your body, wrapping around your breasts. You knew you had to give in. “Please fuck me with your tongue. Anything, please,” you moaned out, pinching at your sensitive nipples to feel any sort of pleasure as you waited.
“Was that so difficult? That’s all I needed to hear, babe,” he hummed from beneath you, reaching up to grab your hips and urge your body down lower under your pussy rested gently over his mouth. Once he adjusted to the new position, he opened his mouth and slowly began to run his tongue along your folds. It wasn’t until he received a few satisfactory moans from you that his tongue began to gently circle your clit, somehow hitting the spot right where you needed him.
“F-Fuck, Yoongi. Right there,” you moaned out loudly, absentmindedly lowering yourself down a bit more to increase the friction. Your eyes closed shut in pleasure as he replaced the circling motion with a soft sucking, a string of profanities leaving your mouth as you pinched your nipples harder. God, it hadn’t even been long and you could already feel the knot in the pit of your stomach building, dying for that beautiful release.
After a few more moments, Yoongi urged your body up a bit so he could speak coherently. “Come on, babe. Be a good girl and fuck yourself on my tongue.”
A whimper escaped your mouth as you lowered yourself back down onto his now-flattened tongue. Once you had applied the right amount of pressure, you slowly began to rock your hips back and forth. At the top of each motion, his tongue managed to hit that perfect spot on your sensitive bud, bringing you closer to your orgasm with every jolt. Yoongi could sense that you were getting close as your movements became sloppier, encouraging his nails to dig deeper into your thighs and hum against the lips of your pussy to increase the sense of friction. This proved to be all too much for you and the pool of heat in your abdomen snapped moments later, your orgasm overtaking your body as you loudly moaned out Yoongi’s name. The high was almost too much to handle; you were left seeing stars as Yoongi continued to fuck you with his tongue until you couldn’t take it anymore and moved off of his face with shaky thighs to collapse behind him.
Yoongi sat up quickly moments later, refusing to wipe your release off of his face as he marveled at your breathless form before him. “Holy shit, that was so fucking hot,” he breathed out, and you swore you could see his cock twitch against his stomach.
When you finally fully came down from your high, you propped yourself up on your elbows to observe the wide-eyed man staring down at you. “Glad we were finally able to find something that mouth is good for.” Your tongue poked out to skate over your lower lip as you admired the glistening of your release shamelessly left around his mouth and the head of his cock glowing an angry shade of red, just begging to experience the same release. The mouth-watering sight had you aroused again at an embarrassingly fast pace, and it was only moments before you gripped onto his arm and roughly pulled his body on top of yours.
Yoongi’s mouth eagerly met yours, bringing you into a messy battle of teeth and tongues. As he felt you attempt to buck your hips up into his, he began leaving a wet trail of kisses up your jawline until he was barely an inch from your ear. “Think you’re ready to take my cock already? God, you really are a needy, dirty slut, huh?”
His words had your clit throbbing and your body without any patience left. You’re perceptive enough to know that he had been waiting even longer than you and likely couldn’t take waiting any longer either. Reaching down between your bodies, you wrapped a hand around his shaft and guided it toward you, slowly rubbing the tip up and down your wet folds.
“F-Fuck,” Yoongi groaned out, eyes looking down to admire his cock against your clit before meeting your own. “Want me to grab a condom first?”
Whimpering at the feeling of his tip brushing against your sensitive bud, you bit your lip. “I’m clean and I’m on the pill. It’s fine as long as you’re clean.”
“I’m clean too.” Yoongi nodded his head rapidly, reaching down to replace your hand with his own around his cock. “Such a dirty slut wanting me to fuck you raw.” Without any further warning, he placed the tip of his cock at your entrance and bucked his hips forward, slowly filling you with his length.
The sudden stretching of your walls caught you off guard, a loud gasp breezing through your lips as your head fell back against the pillow. The initial shock of overstimulation washed away in an instant, a feeling of deep pleasure in the pit of your stomach replacing it as he slid all the way in. When you realized he was remaining still, you opened your eyes and dug your nails into the skin on his back. “Y-Yoongi, move. Please.”
“G-God, so fucking tight and wet for me.” His forehead fell upon yours and he pressed a shockingly gentle kiss to your lips before propping himself up and beginning to thrust in and out of you at a rapid pace. “Taking my cock so well.”
Whimpering quietly, you moved your legs to wrap around his lower waist and hoist your body closer to his, attempting to match his movements and feel him even deeper inside of you. At the new angle, it wasn’t long until he adjusted his hips so the tip of his cock was pounding against your g-spot with every single thrust. You knew you were not going to last long. Without even realizing, you clenched your walls around him. “F-Fuck, you feel so good.”
Yoongi let out a loud groan as he buried his face into your neck, his teeth clamping down on the exposed skin. “Fuck, babe. I’m not going to last if you keep doing that.”
It was almost as if his desperate words reignited the same fire for dominance you had been feeling earlier, suddenly recognizing the power you held over him. Despite feeling quite close to orgasm yourself and enjoying the position you were in, you knew you’d get off even faster if you were to take control of the situation. Tightening your legs around his waist, you used all of your strength to flip your body over so you were on top of him. Pressing your hands against his chest, you pushed yourself up into a seated position, moaning loudly as his cock was able to fill you up even deeper in the new position. “Mmm, that’s better.”
Yoongi initially looked at you in shock, but the moment that you sunk down his length, he threw his head back in pleasure. “Fuck, what’s with you needing to be in control?” The clear implication of the question was that he was used to being the dominant one, and this switch was catching him off guard. Regardless, he maintained his composure and propped his head up on the pillow, placing his hands on your hips as you began to bounce up and down. “Yeah? You like getting off by fucking yourself on my cock?”
Throwing your head back, you dragged your nails down his chest as you began to grind your hips in figure-eights, feeling that all-too-familiar warmth quickly building up in your stomach. The sound of your skin slapping against his and echoing throughout the room only intensified your arousal, your hand moving to your clit in an attempt to reach your release sooner. “I-I’m close.”
“I’ve got it, babe,” Yoongi murmured, wetting his fingers against his tongue before pressing two of them against your clit and beginning to rub the sensitive area in small circles. His breathing was quickly becoming as jagged as yours, his groans more frequent. “C-Close, too. W-Where?”
Although his question was quite vague and your mind was clouded from your orgasm that was quickly approaching, you understood what he was asking you. Opening your eyes to meet his, you ground your hips against his harder. “I-Inside me. Please.”
“Fuck, that’s hot. O-Okay.”
Yoongi’s fingers quickened in pace against your clit, his own hips lifting up off of the mattress to meet your thrusts. The new sensation of fullness triggered your second orgasm, your eyes slamming shut as your walls pulsed and convulsed around his cock. The feeling was even stronger than the first one, and although your mind was quite foggy, you’re sure that you were left practically screaming out his name as you desperately gripped onto his arms for any source of stability while you rode out your high.
After witnessing the euphoric look on your face and the feeling of your pussy clenching around his cock, Yoongi’s orgasm followed just moments later. A loud groan escaped his lips as he sat up straight and wrapped his arms around you, his forehead resting against yours as the feeling of ecstasy flowed throughout his body. The incoherent noises leaving his mouth continued as he pulsed hot streams of cum inside of you, filling you up completely as he tiredly lifted his hips a few more times to fuck it deeper inside of you.
When you were finally able to catch your breath and the tingling sensation left your body, you opened your eyes and were surprised with his closeness when you realized that his forehead was resting against yours. Something about the position felt so intimate to you, and despite having just been fucked senselessly by the man in front of you, you were left suddenly feeling a bit… Shy. Maybe it was the last remnants of the alcohol wearing off or maybe it was the fact that you had just come crashing down from one of the best orgasms you had ever experienced, but you suddenly felt so vulnerable in front of no one other than Min Yoongi. Chewing on your bottom lip, you slowly lifted your weight off of him and collapsed down beside him, throwing an arm over your eyes as you let out an exhausted yawn. You knew you were good at sex. What you were not so good at was what usually came after it; the uncomfortable conversations and trying to figure out whether or not the other person wanted you to stay or go. The tension that had existed between the two of you before all of this had occurred left you even more on edge.
Yoongi fell back next to you moments later, a huff escaping his lips as his head hit the pillow. Although your arm was covering your eyes, you could feel his eyes glued to your face. “Wow, what the fuck was that? Not what I had imagined you being like,” he exhaled, and you could feel his weight shifting closer to your body. “I’m so used to being in complete control… Didn’t expect to like it so much when it’s not like that.”
Smiling to yourself at your victory, you allowed your arm to fall away from your face, opening your eyes to meet his. “You live and you learn.”
A shockingly warm smile overtook Yoongi’s features as his eyes trailed down your body, stopping when they reached your thighs. Suddenly, he sat up straight before pushing himself off of the bed and getting onto his feet. “Fuck, sorry. I’m gonna get you a towel to clean up.”
“No worries.” You offered him a reassuring smile, sitting up as you watched him disappear out of the room. Once he was gone, you exhaled a deep breath you hadn’t even realized you were holding in. His question was valid: What the fuck was that? Your mind wandered back to the heated conversation you were having before throwing yourselves at each other, trying to recall the confession he had made to you. The post-sex dreariness was setting in and you were finding it difficult to recollect just what he had said and what the implications behind it were. You remembered him saying something about how you were all he could think about, but that likely just meant he was physically attracted to you, right? Had you wanted him to mean more than that? The pit growing in your stomach suggested that perhaps you did, and perhaps you should get out of there before you got too upset about it. It would make sense if it was only for sex to him, especially since you were aware of his past and how he was used to getting his way with girls. You needed to get out of there before it became more than just sex to you too.
Your eyes wandered over the edge of the bed, spotting your top within reaching distance from where you were. Right as you were about to reach down to grab it, Yoongi barged back into the room. He was now clothed in an oversized t-shirt and a fresh pair of boxers.
“Sorry for the wait, but I got you a towel fresh out of the dryer.” He lingered in the doorway for a moment, eyeing you curiously for a moment before shutting the door behind him. “Also brought you some sweats and a t-shirt to sleep in. A hoodie, too. Wasn’t really sure what you’d want so I kind of brought a little bit of everything.” His eyes avoided yours as he reached up to rub the back of his neck. “You can also shower if you want, but I figured you’d be tired and could just do it in the morning.”
You blinked a few times as you studied his oddly nervous demeanor, taking in the meaning behind his words. He had wanted you to stay? Was he just being respectful, or did he really want you there? Reaching forward to grab the towel he left on the edge of the bed, you looked down as you started to clean yourself up. “Oh, I didn’t know you wanted me to stay…”
Yoongi remained silent for a few moments, his eyes finally falling upon your face as he sat down on the edge of the bed. “Huh? Why wouldn’t I want that?” There was genuine confusion laced into his voice as he anxiously tapped his hands against his lap. “Wait, I did tell you I was interested in you earlier, right? I… I was nervous so I wouldn’t be surprised if it came out the wrong way. I tend to do that a lot around you, apparently.” A jittery chuckle escaped his lips as he looked down at his lap.
An excited rush burst throughout your stomach, a smile threatening to spread across your lips as you finally allowed yourself to look at his distraught form. You were feeling hopeful, but you needed to make sure. “I mean, you said something along the lines of being attracted to me and wanting to get to know me, or something like that…” You were well aware that such probing was only going to make him more nervous, but you needed to hear him say it.
“Ah, right. I’m seeing now how that’s kind of vague.” His cheeks were flushed bright red, but he finally allowed his eyes to meet yours. It was like the cocky, vocal Yoongi you had just experienced fifteen minutes prior and the smol bean hunched over beside you were two completely different people. Offering you a shy smile, he rested a gentle hand on top of your thigh. “I like you. I really do want to get to know you better. I’m sorry we did this, uh, kind of backwards.” His free hand reached up to rake through his disheveled hair. “But I was thinking that maybe tomorrow we could study for our history test during the day and after that, there’s this nice new restaurant that just opened down the street that I was, uh, thinking about taking you to. You know, only if you want, though.”
It was nice to see Yoongi let his guard down, and it was even nicer to know that you were the cause of it. Smiling to yourself, you grabbed the sweatpants and hoodie he had left on the edge of the bed, moving the dirty towel to the side as you began to dress yourself in his clothes. Your head lingered for a few moments in the hoodie before pulling it over your head, inhaling the scent of his laundry detergent and cologne. While you did appreciate his openness and his confession left you feeling quite jumpy, you knew you couldn’t turn down an opportunity to tease him even further. “Oh, so now you’re just using me for my notes, huh?”
Yoongi’s face fell as you spoke, but the moment he noticed the teasing smirk spread across your lips, he rolled his eyes and shoved your shoulder. “Just because I’m not as neat doesn’t mean I’m not as diligent.” Scooching his body over until he was beside you, he shook his head as he pulled a blanket over both of your laps. “You know, I don’t appreciate the teasing when I’m trying to be vulnerable here.”
Giggling to yourself, you leaned back until your head hit the pillow. Pulling him down beside you, you rested a hand on his cheek. “I can agree to all of your plans under one condition.”
Raising a curious eyebrow, Yoongi moved his body closer to yours and draped a leg over both of yours. It was clear he was quickly becoming comfortable again. “And what might that be?”
Running your finger along his jawline, a small smirk stretched across your lips. “We go for round two first thing tomorrow morning.”
Yoongi appeared to be caught off guard at first, but it wasn’t long until he was laughing along with you. “God, you really are a bit much.” His tongue swiped over his lower lip as he appeared to think to himself. “I can also agree to that under one condition.”
Your finger stopped moving along his face as you tilted your head to the side. “Oh yeah? What?”
Smirking at you, Yoongi’s hand trailed down your back before he gave your ass a playful squeeze. “Before the semester ends, you promise me that we break into our lecture hall one night and you let me fuck you over the table while you wear that yellow sundress.”
“God, how long have you been fantasizing that one for?” The mischievous look spread across his face told you all you needed to know. Laughing loudly as you closed your eyes, you snuggled your face into his chest, quickly becoming accustomed to viewing his warmth as a source of comfort.
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Collar X Malice: Unlimited Part 7 - Adonis Route

Honestly, I find the way Ichika joined Zero's side to be pretty iffy even back then in the original game, so I kinda hoped something like Kazuki dying would have changed here but I guess not.. I feel sorry for Kazuki that they reconciled but she still ended up joining Adonis alongside Akito, it must be a pretty big shock having to deal with that. (EDIT: guess he is gone..) Ichika being at the top and training people in marksmanship and stuff is very interesting lol. She looks all right with short hair but yeah, I agree with Zero, I liked the long hair more. Anyway, Zero wants her to find out if there's a traitor amongst them before the next X-Day (since the one 2 years ago failed) in 30 days. Anyway, it seems like you go through each of the Adonis' executors' stories so that's interesting. I'm just going to go from the ones I least like to the ones I like the most haha, and then leave Mikuni for last I guess. Well, Hana's story first then~

Kobayashi Hana
I guess Hana is as bright as ever. I quite enjoy seeing her try and dress Ichika up and make her cuter lol. On the other hand, seeing her mercilessly cut through that panda cake was pretty hilarious. One thing I enjoyed insight into was hearing that Hana has been avoiding going to Isshiki's concerts to avoid causing any trouble to them with the police just in case they come to crash it because of her or something. Honestly, I was pretty impressed. Like, she's always been pretty selfish, and she's always prioritised her love for Isshiki above everything, but to see that she could stop herself to protect him was nice in its own way. Even though she's a pretty ruthless killer, and even though she's obsessed with Isshiki, I guess she does think things through a bit so that Isshiki won't ever have to suffer because of her. Hmm Ichika seemed to reminisce about Kazuki, does that mean he died? Anyway, these investigations are short? Are they really just segments of story for Ichika to become friends with each person? Lol. I mean, Ichika literally did nothing but talk about random stuff with Hana lol. I actually find it rather endearing that Hana and Ichika can fight so openly about their feelings and understand that they actually do want the best for each other, it's kinda nice how they became good friends under such circumstances.

Soda Manabu
Honestly, I kinda wish we could just pick one character and continue until the investigation completes because it's sooo annoying having to press on each one like 7 times just to get a couple of lines of story each time Zzz. Anyway, gotta admit Ichika is pretty judgmental towards Soda, and actively tries to "fix" him and thinks what he does is "wrong", which is pretty annoying tbh. Just because she doesn't understand games, she thinks it's useless to Adonis, and then judges him for his eating habits? Lol. Anyway, at least she tried playing his game though lol, and even got lessons from him haha. I see, I can understand why Ichika would go to Zero for "revenge" but not sure about the "sadness" thing if that's what she's going for tbh. Losing Yanagi, Enomoto, Shiraishi, Okazaki and Kazuki is a big hit and I can understand it shattering her world, but going to Adonis is basically breeding everything that killed everyone important to her. Anyway, Sasazuka's pained voice telling Ichika not to go to Adonis really hurt. I'm sure he's really hurting over the fact he didn't notice the weapons that ended up killing everyone, alongside survivor's guilt of being the only one who survived out of the group, and then now not even being able to stop Ichika from going over to the other side.. It's painful to see. Anyway, lmao, Soda is probably a tamer little brother than Kazuki. His words are harsh but you can tell he only talks like that to protect himself, so any time he swears, I don't bother taking him seriously, he's a hurt little kid. It's cute how Ichika mixed his hated eggplants into the gratin and he didn't even notice, but he ate the whole thing happily🤣 He's so adorable lmao, especially when his face went red and he told her he'd eat her stuff again (even though she shouldn't hear it), and then he ran off🤣
It seems like Soda regrets his actions much more than I initially thought. He was able to get revenge, but now he's even more scared of death because of what he had done, and now he's just in this never-ending cycle of fear, needing to have Zero's power to protect himself, doing his bidding so that he won't die, but at the same time being so scared of his life that the only time he probably feels "safe" is when he plays his games. I love how happy he was when Ichika gave him a SS tier rare item and he put it on, locked it and kept it in a special box🤣 That's so cuteee. Definitely enjoyed Soda's mini part more than I thought hahaha, he's such a cute little kid, which makes it kinda sad lol. Soda blowing up and getting mad at Ichika for playing solo and saying she didn't need connections when she made him realise he wanted to start building connections because of her was really...heartwarming. Soda gave up on people and a lot of things thinking that he could never have them because that's how it was considering how people are, but he changed his mind after Ichika so insistently barged into his life, and now to say that it's practically useless would be extremely hurtful to him. I was really impressed with Soda, and I'm happy that he even told Ichika that she can rely on him more, he's such a sweet boy🥲

Uno Suzune
Lmaooo poor Shion, the woes of a big brother. I found it hilarious how Suzune would give him the green peas she doesn't like even though Shion hates them too, definitely something siblings would do🥲 I superrrr agree with Suzune about handwriting diaries instead of writing a blog! I mean, I have both obviously, but I definitely have different feelings when I read my blog and when I read my writing in my diary. Through my blog, I can easily read my exact thoughts and get to the gist of what I'm talking about, but with my diary, I can see stuff like when I started getting tired of writing, when I felt like changing my pen, and a lot of other feelings that can't be seen or portrayed properly in a typed blog, and yes, the memories of me writing all this usually comes back better when I've written it, mainly because I either say it in the entry or because I can actually remember sitting there and putting time into writing about my life/day.
Guess Suzune's pretty yandere for her brother if any kind of possible romantic interest from Ichika gets her other self to come out and threaten her about it lol. Anyway, it's cute how she’s starting to kinda think of Ichika as a big sister. Suzune willingly taking Ichika to Shion and calling Ichika Chi-chan is probably the biggest improvement you can get considering she could stab you as the worst case hahha. Well, Suzune was definitely cuter than I thought and seeing her so vulnerable, shy but wanting to protect Shion and getting out of her shell for him was sweet. Are there endings for each executor? Well, anyway, Suzune saying she would be sad if anything happened to Ichika was really sweet.

Sugawara Rika
Lmao, I forgot Sugawara is obsessed with Zero, this is going to be fun I guess. It's kinda funny that getting a 50,000 yen strawberry entices her lol, I'm surprised Zero approved it as an expense, like dang, can I have one too, I'm curious lol. Lmao when Sugawara wanted to keep the strawberries as a memento instead of eating it😂 She should have been convinced when Ichika said it'll become a part of her hahahah. LOL when Sugawara started lecturing Ichika about dressing better in front of Zero, and then tried to get her makeup to make her look better, but then Ichika runs away😂
Okay, I loved the girls dress up night with Hana, Ichika and Sugawara. It was so funny how they started arguing about what Ichika should wear and then became fast enough friends to recommend each other stuff and then wear it for fun. I loveee that they had a CG for their new outfits because they're all so pretty, I love them! I think Hana's is my favourite because it's so simple but cute in a different way from her usual. I guess it's kinda cute how in Hana's investigation, Hana focuses on Ichika's clothing fashion, but Sugawara takes it further or I guess mainly focuses on skincare, makeup and haircare haha. I guess it's nice that Sugawara is definitely much more open about standing up for herself and other women when it comes to men who try to objectify them or think of them as "lesser". She's become stronger. I think it's kinda sad to see that amongst all the other happy mini endings with the other executors, Rika's one with Ichika is actually pretty sad because it was through them bonding that Rika noticed Ichika's true intentions of revenge, and that's why they can never truly see eye-to-eye and be friends.

Ogata Tomoki
I guess I didn't expect Ogata to be the type to go to batting cages, but I even more didn't expect him to reserve sweets to make sure he can get them hahaha! It's nice that he enjoys wagashi though, I definitely should have tried it when I went to Japan, but I completely forgot😭 Aww, Ogata had such a sweet daughter! Whenever his wife wasn't looking, she would eat his hated tomatoes for him! Such a kind kid😭 I've never heard of monaka before, so I googled it and they look nice!! Kinda like an ice cream sandwich but not with ice cream and has red bean paste and other stuff inside I guess? I would totally eat it. Lmaoo at Ichika's impression of the typical salaryman😂😂 It's true though, I can't imagine Ogata going home to watch comedy shows with a beer in his hand🤣 Aww it was so cute how Ogata did an impersonation of a character in a drama because he got so used to doing it for his daughter. But lmao at Ichika though, telling him what he can improve on since Adonis might have end of the year parties he could use it for, imagine a bunch of terrorists partying for something so normal like the end of the year hahah😂😂
It's actually really sad how Ogata feels like he can't be a father anymore because he knows that he prioritises his current ideals and dreams more than his daughter. And I guess considering how long they've been separated and how much he has changed, it would probably feel awkward to try and be a normal father, but I guess at least through Ichika's encouragement, he's willing to try and reply to his daughter's letter of wanting to meet him. I think the reason why I've always liked Ogata is because he doesn't regret his actions. Like, he knows that he's killed people and that's why he doesn't want to see his family and get them involved with what he's doing right now, because he knows the gravity of his actions. But at the same time, his hatred for Fujii, the police and the whole mistaken arrest that led to such injustice for him and changed his whole perspective on life is something he can't let go of, and that's why it led him to Adonis and to fulfill his "new" ideals. He knows it's a path that will not necessarily have a "good ending" but he's willing to sacrifice everything for it, and I think that's what makes me attracted to his character. Anyway, LMAO at how insistent Ichika was on seeing young Ogata with a buzzcut playing baseball, absolutely hilarious when she was ready to tie him up with a rope and search his room😂😂 It's pretty sad to see that Ogata wanted to be like Isshiki and save people with his justice without faltering in this cruel world but he just wasn't able to do it because hatred was what fuelled him to move forward and not forgiveness or hope. But I'm glad he encouraged Ichika to listen to Isshiki's song and hear Kazuki's guitar, because seeing Ichika show her emotions again, even if just a little bit was nice...

Uno Shion
Aww, it's cute how much Shion cares about Suzune, but also so cute how he's embarrassed to say he likes chocolate🤣 It's nice that he's more cooperative than Suzune I guess hahaha. I never expected Shion to like to paint though, that's interesting. Anyway, it's pretty sad to think that the "outside world" was much more unforgiving to the Uno siblings, and that it was only after they joined this terrorist organisation did they get to feel safe and secure that they have shelter and food without people going crazy on them. In that sense, it's understandable how much more comfortable Adonis would be for them. Aww Shion and Suzune getting excited over a chocolate cake is so adorable. Them saving up to buy a home for themselves is so heartwarming, it makes me really want to cheer for them. I'm dying from how cute they are trying to feed Ichika the chocolate cake too because they really like her and think she's really kind like their mother was before. Shion buying a cheese tart for both Ichika and Suzune was sweet, she's like a part of his thought process when buying stuff for his sister hahaha. Lol when he just shoved it into her mouth instead of giving it to her like a normal person🤣 Lmaoo when Shion drew a portrait of Ichika stuffing herself with cheese tart🤣 To think that Shion was so serious about drawing that he's actually thinking about a future with it after the X-Day stuff..it’s so endearing.

Sera Akito
It must be difficult for both Akito and Ichika to talk to each other. Just seeing each other's faces would make them remember the past and compare it to the present, making their whole encounter just...painful to watch. It's so like Akito to hide that he dislikes shiitake mushrooms so that it wouldn't inconvenience Ichika and make her remove it from the cooking menu. Lmaooo at Akito being so scared of bugs, enough that Ichika has to call cockroaches dark fairies to make him feel more at ease🤣 I'm sure Akito must be hurting too, but his consideration for Ichika above himself really makes my heart feel so warm. Awww, my heart swooned when Akito said his ideal type was Ichika! If only there was an Akito route~ Anyway, I didn't expect Akito and Soda to really interact but lmaoo at Soda having spent millions of yen on in-game stuff, Soda is right though, gacha rates are cruel😭😭 Aww, it was so cute how honest Soda was about wanting to have defeated the boss with Akito instead of dumping him and killing it himself, since what Soda values is playing together with other people. So, Kazuki was stabbed by a guy who was influenced by Adonis into taking revenge against his bullies or something, and I guess Kazuki was killed when he tried to step in? Honestly, I feel terrible for Akito. He was already feeling doubts and guilt over getting revenge for his sister, but after experiencing Kazuki's death, he must hate his choice for joining Adonis even more than before. It honestly broke my heart to see Akito break down like that not knowing how he could atone for his sins in causing Kazuki's death. His heartwrenching screams really cut me and made me tear up from all the pain Akito must have been bottling up all this time. Akito will always be my favourite side character, I think his pain, his feelings and his emotions were portrayed so well.

Sanjo Keisuke
Aww, Sanjo's favourite food being ramen is very him, kinda hahaha. I can't imagine a 7kg bowl of ramen and having to finish that in 30 minutes😱 On the other hand, Sanjo being into arcades is kinda unexpected, lmaooo at Ichika thinking he would play the crane games😂 I didn't think about the fact that Ichika is a former cop just like him now, I wonder how he feels about that or whether he even cares😅 Lmao at Sanjo seriously answering Ichika what his type of woman is and then even describing the body shape with sound effects😂 I can't believe Ichika just tickled Sanjo and made him laugh like crazy, I would have liked to see that😆😆 I think it would have been so nice if Ogata was Sanjo's boss, I feel like their values and ideals of justice back in the day would have matched well since Sanjo probably desired something "pure" back in the day and hoped to be a part of an organisation that helped people, and Ogata was always helping people already, so they would have worked well together. It's just sad that they both got betrayed by their ideals of what the police should have been to them and others.
The idea that you can't feel any fear because you don't value your life is a pretty interesting and saddening thought. Maybe because I get that feeling sometimes. I agree with Sanjo, Zero definitely doesn't truly care about those ideals of saving the weak that he keeps spouting, he's not like Mikuni, and that's also imo the reason why Zero believes that he and Mikuni will never truly understand each other. Ichika and Sanjo eating ramen together is so cute lol.

Mikuni Rei
Lmao at Zero calling Mikuni an old man for liking fish, disliking carbonated drinks and other junk food because they're not nutritional hahaha. Otherwise, nothing much to say tbh, Mikuni has always been a rather bland character to me? I like him, but at the same time I don't because even though it's interesting to see that he actually has "noble" goals compared to Zero, the fact is that Mikuni as he himself said has been told that he's a "saviour" of sorts, and I think that really exemplifies the type of person Mikuni is. Someone who believes that he can and wants to "save" people in his own way as if he is someone above them all, but at the same time, he is very apparently flawed exactly because he is like that. He's not someone who truly understands the people "below" him and he also doesn't seem to perceive that as something that can be helped, and that's why even though his goals are "noble", he's not really noble at all. But it doesn't really change the fact that Mikuni is kind in his own way though. Mikuni eating shrimp crackers is so cute😂

Saeki Yuzuru
To be honest, I've always liked the chill policeman Saeki, and I personally think Zero likes that version of himself too. I feel like he always enjoyed just talking about stuff with Ichika during their drinking charades, and had fun visiting her. But at the same time, I feel like because of the existence of Adonis and Mikuni, Zero never really allowed his negative emotions to be "accepted" in order for him to move on, so instead it just continued piling up inside to the point of indifference towards the world and others imo. Anyway, it's sad, seeing Zero and Mikuni happily play chess together. They really look like two brothers just having fun in their own way. Hearing them say that they've been doing this since they were kids makes it all the more saddening when they realised that despite how "close" they were to each other, they never really understood each other. In a sense, I feel like in the end, both Mikuni and Zero use Adonis as a way to get the things they want and feel like it's one of the only ways they can do it? I mean, I do feel like Mikuni treasures his relationship with Zero more than Adonis or anything else, because when it comes down to it, I feel like he tries really hard to understand Zero by trying to see things from his perspective and hanging out with Ichika, the one that Zero thinks understands him best and the one Zero likes the most. On the other hand, Zero seems to use Adonis as a way for revenge of his mother and as a way to vent those emotions and scars he got, but at the same time Adonis also granted him Mikuni (a brother), and it gave him opportunities and power.

Zero definitely loves Ichika in an obsessed way, probably the only way he thinks he can love someone, since he doesn't want to become "weak" like his mother was. So if he felt anything like love, he would prefer it to be a love that would destroy him, because in a sense I think I can understand that sentiment of wanting the person you love to solely focus on yourself and no one else, whether that is hatred or whatever emotion doesn't matter, because being the entire focus of someone else's is a sort of "love" to enjoy, so I don't blame Zero for his twisted "love" lol. Especially since you can tell how much he has always enjoyed his after work beers and just chatting with Ichika. I quite enjoyed their little date walking around reminiscing the past and discovering new things they missed out on, now I really want to eat crepes🥲 The ending where Ichika kills Saeki is pretty sad though. Seeing Saeki the most relieved and happy he has ever been is probably what made me kinda happy for him though. He still sucks, but like Ichika said, I can't hate him, because it was true that he did reduce the sadness of many (whilst creating sadness for many others too though) and at the core, he was like in a sense a guy who consumed so much sadness from everywhere around him, always in pain, always sad despite his appearance, and thinking that makes it difficult for me to truly hate him.
Overall, I like the Adonis route! Initially, I was a bit sceptical whether it was really necessary and whether it would be interesting at all but I really loved bonding with all the executors. Seeing more of the human and emotional sides, seeing them warm up to Ichika and become friends with her really made me enjoy the "what could never be" part of it all. I think I especially loved Akito's because of how emotional it was tying into Kazuki and everything. But I also really enjoyed seeing the different sides of all of them. It really makes me wish Ichika got an individual route with like Akito and Sanjo and Ogata because I loveee them🥲🥲

Overall Review
I definitely enjoyed CxM: Unlimited much more than I thought I would! In the beginning, Sasazuka and Okazaki's routes kinda made me wonder whether I really wanted to continue this, but I'm so glad I got through them because I enjoyed Enomoto's, Yanagi's and Shiraishi's routes a lot! If I ranked them, I probably liked Shiraishi's the most, then Yanagi, Enomoto, Okazaki and then Sasazuka. It's definitely what I wanted in a fandisk, which is more fluffy romance and just bonding with all the guys even more, and I absolutely loveeee the potential romances with Yoshinari and Minegishi, they were so unexpectedly nice. Definitely no plot but that's okay since it's a fandisc and I think it fulfilled really well what its goal was when it comes to more romance in the story haha. 8/10! I'm definitely going to miss the characters, I'm so attached to Enomoto and them lol.
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i originally had a september wrap-up post queued but then tumblr fucking ate it, which made me very angry because i didn’t want to re-type the whole thing, but i’m procrastinating, so here i am, re-typing the whole thing of all the things i watched/consumed over the month of september, even if it’s a little late: (it’s fine, i didn’t watch a whole ton of stuff except...a lot of kdramas lmao. oh, and visions.)
beyond evil
okay, so i think this has been on my rec list for literally forever now, but...besties, i’m on my fifth watch of this goddamn show in the span of maybe two months, so if that doesn’t tell you how much this show has been a comfort/eating my brain lately, idk what will.
i literally never shut up about this show, but if you’ve somehow been missing from my blog for a little bit, a quick summary: lee dong sik (played by the ever-wonderful shin ha kyun) was accused of murder + kidnapping a few young women, including his own twin sister 20 years ago. he’s lived a pretty quiet life on his own, and now 20 years later, his whole world is turned upside down again when hotshot new inspector han joo won (played by the talented yeo jin goo) comes into this little town. when the murders start up again, these two are thrown into a hellishly complex mystery. will throw you in for a hellish loop. i think my thoughts best summarize this show as come for the murder mystery, stay for whatever the hell joo won and dong sik have.
okay, but all joking aside about how much i love joo won and dong sik (because...i truly do love them), this show was incredibly healing. once again: this show has quickly become a comfort show, basically to the point where i just watch it whenever i feel down (which happens to be a lot these days). idk man. humans aren’t meant to carry burdens on their own and all that stuff. sometimes u just need to remind yourself that.
the crowned clown
so, after watching beyond evil the fourth time, i realized that maybe i wanted to watch some of the actors’ other works. that was how i found myself watching the crowned clown, which...is an excellent kdrama now available on netflix (also on viki for free, just as beyond evil is). honestly, it’s been a hot second since i’ve watched historical dramas (saeguks), so i was a little unsure what to expect, but this show. bro. this show reminded me just how much i love historical dramas, because the court politics? the costumes? the music? the acting? fantastic.
basically, this show is about the young clown (ie. performer) ha seon (played by yeo jin goo) who now has to replace the king, who might be like...two seconds away from snapping (if he hasn’t already). the reason they’re able to do this is because they look exactly identical despite not being related.
this story is honestly wonderful. i loved it, and it’s an interesting way to look at the story behind the actual king (because. apparently this king was a real person, and i think his story has inspired quite a few other korean movies/shows). i thought yeo jin goo was brilliant in this show, and it’s really no surprise he became the youngest person ever nominated for a baeksang award because of this series. i was truly blown away by just how versatile he proved to be of an actor, and his dynamics with the other characters (the queen, the secretary being my fave, as well as the old eunuch jo), i just...bro. i’ll admit i wasn’t the biggest fan of the romance (don’t get me wrong! it was sweet!), but i think that might have been because this was so court politics heavy, and i adored it for that. if you’ve never watched a historical drama but want to and just don’t know where to start, i highly recommend this.
bro....this show was dark. i watched it all in 2 days (pretty easy to do, considering it’s 6 episodes and maybe 40-50 minutes long per episode), and i needed to lie down. this is just one of those shows that i feel is...very important to watch, even if the content matter isn’t very bright.
basically, dp is about two deserter pursuit officers: ahn jun ho (played by jung hae in) and han ho yul (played by koo kyo hwan). deserter pursuit officers are basically people who chase after people who deserted their military post--and for those who don’t know, being in the military is mandatory for men in south korea. this is the result of the armistice between the north and the south--basically, since north korea never agreed to an actual peace treaty, south korea is constantly under threat of war, which is why men need to serve at least a few years. (this is why a lot of actors + kpop band members often take breaks from their careers--to fulfill their military service time. because yup, even celebrities aren’t exempt from service!)
anyways, this show really doesn’t pull back their punches. major trigger warnings for things like intense harrassment, suicide, domestic violence...it really does capture just how dark life can be, and also how toxic the military can be for men. because of that, i felt this show was incredibly well-crafted, incredibly nuanced, and in the end, i just felt sad. that said though, there was a hopeful ending, and i’m glad that this show was renewed for a second season, as i think this show is just...really important.
squid game
okay, so i don’t want to be that person, but your girl was watching squid game right after it came out, so i was here before the hype train--but okay, okay, i digress. (i am glad that this show is getting hype. i feel it’s very important that people watch this show.)
if you haven’t noticed how squid game’s climbed to #1 on netflix worldwide (i think, anyways), well, then...buddy. squid game is about a bunch of people who have the chance to earn lots of money by playing what seems like innocent children’s games. (spoilers: they are far from innocent.)
this show scarred me, to be honest. i needed to watch something lighthearted after this, just because it was so intense. lots of trigger warnings for blood and gore, as well as just. losing faith in humanity. but also, like dp, i felt this show was necessary. it was incredibly well-constructed in that it showed just what desperate people will do in order to survive, as well as exactly what a terrible capitalistic society will do to the working class. it’s depressing and sad, but also incredibly chilling because like. you can’t help but watch the characters and think, but would i do the same thing? i just want to pay off my own debt and take care of my family. wouldn’t i do the same thing?
i won’t say more of this show for fear of spoilers, but. let me just say. that i really am glad this show exists. i hope people actually notice what the fuck it’s saying about our current system too, because hm, maybe i just want to suck the fun out of things, but there’s something very disturbing about how people are already cute-ifying this show (ie. “this is what i would wear to the squid games! :D” and “look at these squid-game inspired cookies! :D”, as if this show didn’t just deliver a heart-crushing message about capitalism + how the wealthy fuck over anyone who isn’t the 1% BUT ANYWAYS)
star wars: visions
lately i’ve been feeling weird about star wars for lots of different reasons which i don’t particularly feel like addressing today, but. visions really reminded me why i fell in love with star wars in the first place. i think for starters, well. it’s no surprise when i say that i felt an intense amount of joy of seeing east asian cultures so beautifully incorporated and respected in this show (no surprise seeing that this show was literally crafted by japanese anime studios), but like. it really was. a beautiful thing. i cried at least once per episode, either because i was so in awe of the animation and the themes or because i was just in awe that this thing exists.
i think my favorite episode had to be the village bride--there was something so incredibly powerful about seeing someone who looked a bit like me say i am a jedi. what an iconic line. what an iconic story about a sad traumatized gal deciding to step up and fight, actually. peak star wars.
but besides all that...i really did feel like...this show captured the beauty and essence of what makes star wars actually good. the themes of good versus evil, a lot of stuff between siblings (bro....the twins and lop and ocho FUCKED ME UP), choosing to have brighter and better days ahead (the village bride, the ninth jedi, the duel, tatooine rhapsody)...like, i really loved how each episode really took everything that was good about star wars and just turned it into something even more beautiful. this series will stay with me for a long time, i think--and i am very grateful for the people involved in this project for reminding me why i fell in love with this universe in the first place. :”)
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Ateez: Their Little Sister Is A Popular Idol
Kim Hongjoong:
Hongjoong and you debuted roughly around the same time, and fans lived for your sibling interactions because they were just outright hilarious. You would always end up yelling at each other or having cute little banters.
One day, you were both invited on a special sibling episode of Weekly Idol with other idols, such as Jessica and Krystal, Izone's Chaeyeon and Itzy's Chaeryeong, Oneus' Xion and Onewe's Dongmyeong and Ex Boyfriend's Youngmin and Kwangmin. It was filled with competitions and Hongjoong and you just seemed to struggle to work together. It was especially hilarious when you two played the 'Shout In Silence' game.
"Knock Out!!" You shouted once you saw the word, which was coincidentally your debut song.
"Huh?!" Hongjoong couldn't really understood what your lips formed.
"Knock Out!" You repeated, louder this time.
"Blocked cow?!" He asked, unsure of his answer.
"Stop messing around Kim Hongjoong! Think! My debut song! Knock Out!" You were getting desperate.
"Wait what!" Hongjoong asked.
"My debut song!!!"
But Hongjoong stayed silent, his brain trying to think.
"Didn't you watch it?! Knock Out!!!" You hollered even louder.
"Jumped Out?!" He tried answering.
"Kim Hongjoong I will knock you out if you don't get it!!! Knock Out! Knock Out! Ugh! Stupid!" Your voice was hurting at this point.
"Hey!!! I understood 'stupid'!!! I'm older than you!" He warned you.
Yeah, you had the entire set laughing.
Park Seonghwa:
As your older brother, Seonghwa was extremely protective of you growing up and that didn't change even after you debuted. In fact, his desire to protect you intensified. You often complained about it, hating how he was always fussing over you, reminding you to eat healthy and annoying you at times.
Seonghwa lived for it though. His members were even surprised by how soft he turned for you only. And of course fans thought you two were so adorable. Atinys often liked to tease him about it, often asking him about what he'd do when you started dating. That always seemed to annoy him.
"She's not allowed to date until I'm dead." Was his response every time.
Being Seonghwa's sister, of course you were beautiful, and a lot of idols had their eyes set on dating you. But of course, Seonghwa was always there to cockblock them. Even on tv, he had no chill when telling them to back off.
"Seonghwa have you heard the news?" The tv host asked.
"What news?" He asked.
"Well, with your sister acting in the new web drama, there's rumors going around that she's dating her co-star."
Seonghwa's eye twitched at that, and the other members started laughing.
"I don't think he likes that idea." Yunho chuckled.
"Any words about the situation or to her co-star?" The host asked.
Seonghwa looked to the camera for a few seconds before holding his microphone up.
"Over my dead body." He responded causing the members to go into chaotic mode over his response.
Jeong Yunho:
Yunho was the most supportive brother and he often said he was your biggest fan. Any chance he got, he'd promote you and your group, and was always dancing around to your songs. He'd even post dance covers of them, just to show his support. Every interaction you had, whether at music shows, ISAC or variety shows, he was your personal cheerleader.
He was also extremely clingy towards you, often hugging you, tangling his long limbs over your tiny body.
"Let go Yunho! You're squishing me!" You often told him.
"No! Let me love you!" Your protests would only encourage him to squish you even tighter.
Of course, the dancing genes ran strong in your family. Fans often praised your dancing abilities and were often wondering if you two would ever collaborate together to come up with a choreography. That's exactly what they asked Yunho one day when he was reacting to your comeback music video.
"Wow! As usual, Y/N slays the dance. She's getting better than she already was."
He looked at his phone, reading the fan's comments and landed on a particular question everyone was wondering.
"Would we ever create a dance together? Hmmm."
He thought about it for a moment.
"Honestly, I'd love to do it. What do you say baby sis? Wanna help your Oppa create a choreography? Just us two?"
He snickered when he thought about what you'd say when you saw his VLive.
"She's probably going to say no, tell me I'm annoying and to get lost. She has such a temper........"
He paused before smirking.
"You know what they say. Tiny creatures are more feisty cause their tiny bodies can't hold a lot of rage."
"She's going to kill you when she finds out you said that." Yeosang said from behind the camera.
"Probably. She hates being called tiny." Yunho agreed.
Kang Yeosang:
Although Yeosang was super proud of you for debuting, he kept the fact you two were siblings a secret for a long time and honestly you liked it that way too. You were both introverts and preferred to lay low.
Fans of your groups often compared you two, saying how similar you looked, how you were both the savage ones of your groups, even your little habits and love for chicken was extremely similar. Of course, both of you saw their posts and videos comparing you two, and you both cringed when some thought you'd be cute together. That's when you two stepped in and clarified you were siblings. Now it was fan's turn to be shook at the revelation.
And that became the topic when your groups were invited on a variety show. At one point, Ateez was complaining how Yeosang roasts them so much that they're scared of him and can't ever say anything back. You burst out laughing at that.
"He may be my older brother, but I'm not scared of his sharp tongue." You bravely admitted.
That's when the hosts suggested you expose something about your brother, like he did to his members on Weekly Idol. All of Ateez were super excited about the suggestion.
"Try your best. I'm not scared." Yeosang said confidently, but you knew deep down he was nervous about what you would say.
You couldn't help the smirk on your face as you thought about how to embarrass him.
"So my Oppa here, in front of cameras and with his members, likes to be cold and aloof, hating aegyo and skinship......not wanting Seonghwa or Wooyoung to baby him.......but it's a lie."
Everyone gasped at that.
"Cause at home, our parents are always babying him and he basks in their affection. He's always doing aegyo for them too. Atinys don't be fooled. Kang Yeosang is a literal baby."
Everyone started laughing at that, San and Wooyoung standing up and exclaiming that he was such liar and fake.
For once, Yeosang was so flustered at getting exposed, by none other than his little sister. He was speechless.
"Finally! The great Kang Yeosang had a taste of his own medicine!" Mingi exclaimed, having been Yeosang's constant victim.
No one had the power to make Yeosang scared like you did.
Choi San:
Your number 1 hype man, your caring brother, your part time manager, your personal photographer, and your cuddle bug, there's nothing Choi San wouldn't turn himself into for you. Would legit run a fan blog dedicated to you if he could. Is always praising you and saying the sweetest things about you.
Tries to get you to show off more of your skills and talents. You're shy and somewhat quiet, so people tend to look more at the other members, that's why San is always promoting you and encouraging you to not be afraid to show your true colors.
If you two are in public together, he's always holding your hand or holding you close. Yeah, definitely wants pics of you two to circulate the internet. Spoils you to no end. And he enjoys having you spend time with the other members. They adore you as well.
"Isn't she the cutest? The most adorable thing you've ever seen?" He gives you endless aegyo constantly.
"Did you just call me a thing?" You raised an eyebrow at him.
But you can't stay mad at him, not with that sad pout.
That being said, sometimes you do feel embarrassing by him. You're more reserved and somewhat conservative and so used to seeing cute San, that whenever he turns into demon San you're covering your face or screaming loudly.
"Aaahhh! What the heck San!!! What was that? Oh my god!" You screeched one day when you were reacting to one of his fancams.
"What happened to my older brother?! The one that carries Shiber around everywhere?! What have you done to him?!"
You grabbed your bottle of water dramatically and pretended to throw some at the screen.
"Be gone unclean spirit! Off with you!"
That's the one thing you two have in common: you're both super dramatic and so extra over the smallest of things.
Song Mingi:
He's the older one? Really? That's what everyone was thinking when you confirmed you were siblings. It's not that you looked older or him younger, no. It was your personality. You were extremely mature for your age and were often captured taking care of Mingi or scolding him. Naturally, people thought you were the older one.
Mingi honestly didn't mind. He often joked that he was indeed the baby and you were the older one. Every time you got asked why you babied him, it was the same thing.
"Have you seen him? He'd be dead if it wasn't for me. I'm the reason he's alive."
Mingi actually didn't mind you saying those things.
"That's how she shows her love. She knows she enjoys my company."
It was extremely hilarious for fans to see you guys spend time together. You two once did a VLive collaboration and it became a trending topic for days because it was extremely chaotic and funny.
"Mingi! I told you to flip the eggs!" You shouted at him.
"I tried! But it was stuck!" He tried to excuse himself.
"You're just a scaredy cat! Afraid of getting burnt!" You told him as you turned off the stove.
You immediately grabbed a kitchen towel and started fanning it over the smoke that accumulated in the kitchen.
"God! Mingi I know for a fact you have brain cells.....so fucking use them!"
Mingi gasped at your words.
"Y/N! There's a camera!" He reminded you.
You went wide eyed and panicked. Mingi began laughing at your reaction.
"Oh my god! You cussed live in front of fans!"
Mingi was cracking up so hard at what happened. You were so embarrassed by your mistake. You banged your head on the counter.
"Kill me now." You groaned.
Mingi came up behind you and hugged you.
"Hey don't worry little sis. At least now they know not to mess with you."
Finally, Mingi showed that he was indeed your older brother who was always there to comfort you when you needed it.
Jung Wooyoung:
"You're Ateez' Wooyoung's younger sibling right? What's he like as your brother?"
You often got asked that question and it was always accompanied by you sighing.
"Honestly.....he's a pain. I love him, but he's too much."
Yes Wooyoung loved you as well, but he was super annoying and his past time was teasing you to no end. Even if you threatened to smack him, which you did, or threatened to tell your parents, he'd still keep going.
"And here we see our tiny main vocalist getting ready, and like most females, she's going to take an hour on just her hair then spend 45 minutes on foundation, then-"
"Moooom! Wooyoung is narrating my life again!" You interrupted his narration.
"Snitch! Don't you know that snitches get stitches?" Wooyoung exclaimed, pushing the camera he was holding closer to your face.
"Bitches get stitches too.....Bitch!" You glared at him.
"Oooh! You! I should upload this to the internet and let all your fans know their sweet honey vocalist cusses like a sailor." Wooyoung threatened you.
"Do it no balls! Just remember who taught me those words in the first place." You smirked at him.
"......Shit! Why'd you have to inherit my blackmail skills?" Wooyoung said as he finally stopped recording.
Wooyoung was always reacting to your content though, often making fun of you, but he wasn't mean all the time. He often complimented you on your singing abilities. He was always saying you had the voice of an angel. And if there was something he was extremely vocal about was about any hate comments you got. He was quick and eager to call haters out.
"Dying dolphin? Who you calling dying dolphin? Have you even heard a dolphin dying? This is what it sounds like."
Suddenly Wooyoung began screeching at the top of his lungs, startling the member in the next room.
"What the hell are you doing on your VLive Jung Wooyoung?!" Seonghwa called out.
"I'm showing some bastards the difference between a dying dolphin and an angel singing so they can stop saying bullshit!"
Choi Jongho:
Jongho hates people acting cute, doesn't react to his Hyungs doing aegyo, and is never soft with anyone.....except you, his little sister. It was extremely surprising, even for the members of Ateez. You were the complete opposite of Jongho: you were tiny, cute, adorable, full of aegyo and were not afraid to show it off any chance you got. Loona's Chuu and Lovelyz' Kei had nothing on you in cuteness.
It never failed to amaze people how he smiled that bright gummy smile he had every time you did aegyo for him. The first time you did it was during an episode of Idol Room. It was a game of trying to get Jongho to smile, laugh, react to anything and all of the Ateez members failed. Then you came up with your pigtails and bright smile.
"Oppa! Why so angry? Can't you smile for me?"
The whole room burst into screaming and groaning when Jongho immediately smiled for you and patted your head.
"What the heck!" "That's impossible! He hates aegyo!" "This is rigged! That's sibling privilege!" "What the hell did I embarrass myself for?!"
Anytime anyone mentioned you, he'd immediately light up. He was so soft for you.
"Isn't my sister the cutest?"
Don't push him though. He's also very overprotective of you. Anytime he sees an idol staring at you too much, he flexes his muscles. Anytime the members said you looked cute or pretty, he'd warn them he'd split them like apples if they got too close.
Jongho nearly had a heart attack when he was watching your group's comeback with the other members. And it was because your group suddenly changed your cute concept for a more mature and sexy concept. He was flipping tables, literally.
"What did they do to my little sister?! What happened to her space buns and oversized sweaters?! Why is she wearing that short skirt?! Why are you guys staring?! Stop looking at the screen!!"
The others were cracking up at him as he tried to cover the screen with his body.
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners.
#ateez#ateez reactions#ateez hongjoong#ateez seonghwa#ateez yunho#ateez yeosang#ateez san#ateez mingi#ateez wooyoung#ateez jongho#ateez scenarios#ateez imagines
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I’m Back...
It’s been long since I last blogged here. I left my last post in June. Since then, I tried to focus on different aspects of life, and of course, my university life which was time we headed back to campus.
Those aspects featured summer, which was too demanding for me. I spent endless hours at work. Missed my game until I found the time to head and play. By the end of July, I came down with a cold. Wasn’t Covid by any means. Early August featured wildfires across Greece. My country was in danger. I couldn’t handle the drama we all were going through back ‘en.
September was slightly better than August, thinking I would try out something else. But yeah. It was the time when I got hooked on watching news non-stop. Don’t take me seriously. In the meantime, I was either playing both Sims 3 and 4. That “something else” phrase, is meant by trying out different techniques in terms of gameplay and/or CAS. So I did.
I was obsessed at one point, until the day I headed back on campus. Strange coincidence was that the day when 5th term started, for me, was my 20th birthday. October 11th. So yeah. I was caught in the hardest challenge of my entire academic years. Too many projects couldn’t let me play my games, and I didn’t like how much pressure we were put as students when we had to work on some (for different courses) at the same time.
Really demanding. This four months for me (October - January) were really challenging. Class non stop. From 9am to 9pm on some days of the week. Literally no time to focus on other subjects. So I studied few, depended on the amount of notes I had to take during the session. Resulted in being inactive from the game most of the time, and sharing only from my laptop, to continue my laptop save.
Whenever I had time, I felt like sharing creations I had ready beforehand. This does not only mean houses. But sims I had assigned perks before. No, I don’t wanna start from scratch, but play them day by day, assign them the most perks I could, resulting in a final state. Sometimes, doing outfits is a state too. On some, I did only everyday outfits, and depending on the packs I use for them, I go ahead and do their other outfits.
This frenzy brought out some interesting bugs I had never seen before in game...
But now, I’m on a less demanding term with one large project ahead of me. Sometimes, I am getting in game, and proceeding with my laptop save. Whenever I feel like it. Soon, I’ll be having my 1 year anniversary. On April 17th. And, in honor of that day, I will share a special creation to celebrate it. Probably a build as I have many pending.
In July, I had my laptop upgraded by having an SSD added to it. This upgrade, unfortunately, featured the same lag on both Sims 3 and 4 (TS3 not that much) and so far, 5 blue screens of death. Nothing was damaged. Nothing, absolutely nothing. This year I may get a stronger laptop, mostly a gaming one. May get it by the mid-end of the year. September to December. Not sure when. I’ll let the summer go by...
Anyways, I’m finally glad to be back into the game. Blogging and sometimes sharing some of my creations.
- Joanne
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Heelo mousie! Love your blog! Do you mind recommending some of your favourite Chinese BL novels or shows?
I've seen the untamed and read it. I'm currently reading heaven's official blessing and I saw the donghua. Anything other than these two?
Awww, thank you!
Novels: I am gonna be lazy and literally copy/paste the entire danmei section of my top 10 web novels post (except MXTX’s stuff since you are already reading it.) Let me know if you need help finding any of these.
Lord Seventh - I am only partway through this so far, but it’s already on the list because it’s smart and somehow intense AND laid-back (not sure how this works, but it does) and is honestly just a really really solid and smart period novel, with the OTP a cherry on top of a narrative sundae. Plus, I love the concept of MC deciding he is not going for his supposedly fated love - he’s tried for six lifetimes, always with disaster, and he’s just plain done and tired. When he opens his life in his seventh reincarnation and sees the person he would have given up the world for, he genuinely feels nothing at all. (Spoiler - his OTP is actually a barbarian shaman this time around, thank you Lord!)
Golden Stage - my perfect comfort novel. Probably the least angsty of any danmei novel on this list (which still means plenty angsty :P) It also has a dedicated, smart OTP that is an OTP for the bulk of the book - I think you will notice that in most of the novels in this list, I go for “OTP against the world” trope - I can’t stand love triangles and the same. Anyway, Fu Shen, is a famous general whose fame is making the emperor antsy. When he gets injured and can’t walk any more, the emperor gladly recalls him and marries him off to his most faithful court lackey, the head of sort of secret police, Yan Xiaohan. The emperor intends it both as a check on the general and a general spite move since the two men always clash in court whenever they meet. But not all is at is seems. They used to be friends a long time ago, had a falling out, and one of the loveliest parts of the novel is them finding their way to each other, but there is also finding the middle path between their two very different philosophies and ways of being, not to mention solving a conspiracy or dozen, and putting a new dynasty on the throne, among other things. It always makes me think, a little, of “if Mei Changsu x Jingyan were canon.”
Sha Po Lang - if you like a lot of fantasy politics and world-building and steampunk with your novels, this one is for you. This one is VERY plot-heavy with smart, dedicated characters and a deconstruction of many traditional virtues - our protagonist Chang Geng, a long-lost son of the Emperor, is someone who wants to modernize the country but also take down the current emperor his brother for progress’ sake and the person he’s in love with is the general who saved him when he was a kid who is nominally his foster father. Anyway, the romance is mainly a garnish in this one, not even a big side dish, but the relationship between two smart, dedicated, deadly individuals with very different concepts of duty is fascinating long before it turns romantic. And if you like angst, while overall it’s not as angsty as e.g., Meatbun stuff, Chang Geng’s childhood is the stuff of nightmares and probably freaks me out more than anything else in any novel on this list, 2ha included.
To Rule In a Turbulent World (LSWW) - gay Minglan. No seriously. This is how I think of it. it’s a slice of life period novel with fascinating characters and setting that happens to have a gay OTP, not a romance in a period setting per se and I always prefer stories where the romance is not the only thing that is going on. It’s meticulously written and smart and deals with character development and somehow makes daily minutia fascinating. Our protagonist, You Miao, is the son of a fabulously wealthy merchant, sent to the capital to make connections and study. As the story starts, he sees his friend’s servants beating someone to death, feels bad, and buys him because, as we discover gradually and organically, You Miao may be wealthy and occasionally immature but he is a genuinely good person. The person he buys is a barbarian from beyond the wall, named Li Zhifeng. It’s touch and go if the man will survive but eventually he does and You Miao, who by then has to return home, gives him his papers and lets him go. However, LZF decides to stick with You Miao instead, both out of sense of debt for YM saving his life and because he genuinely likes him (and yet, there is no instalove on either of their parts, their bodies have fun a lot quicker than their souls.) Anyway, the two take up farming, get involved in the imperial exams and it’s the life of prosperity and peace, until an invasion happens and things go rapidly to hell. This is so nuanced, so smart (smart people in this actually ARE!) and has secondary characters who are just as complex as the mains (for example, I ended up adoring YM’s friend, the one who starts the plot by almost beating LZF to death for no reason) because the novel never forgets that few people are all villain. There is a lovely character arc or two - watching YM grow up and LZF thaw - there is the fact that You Miao is a unicorn in web novels being laid back and calm. This whole thing is a masterpiece.
Stains of Filth (Yuwu) - want the emotional hit of 2ha but want to read something half its length? Well, the author of 2ha is here to eviscerate you in a shorter amount of time. This has the beautiful world-building, plot twists that all make sense and, at the center of it all, an intense and all-consuming and gloriously painful relationship between two generals - one aristocratic loner Mo Xi, and the other gregarious former slave general Gu Mang. Once they were best friends and lovers, but when the novel starts, Gu Mang has long turned traitor and went to serve the enemy kingdom and has now been returned and Mo Xi, who now commands the remnants of his slave army, has to cope with the fact that he has never been able to get over the man who stabbed him through the heart. Literally. This novel has a gorgeously looping structure, with flashbacks interwoven into present storyline. There is so much love and longing and sacrifice in this that I am tearing up a bit just thinking of it. If you don’t love Mo Xi and Gu Mang, separately and together, by the end of it, you have no soul.
The Dumb Husky and His White Cat Shizun (2ha/erha) - if you’ve been following my tumblr for more than a hot second, you know my obsession with this novel. Honestly, even if I were to make a list of my top 10 novels of any kind, not just webnovels, this would be on the list. It has everything I want - a complicated, intricate plot with an insane amount of plot twists, all of which are both unexpected and make total sense, a rich and large cast of characters, a truly epic OTP that makes me bawl, emotional intensity that sometimes maxes even me out and so much character nuance and growth. Also, Moran is my favorite web novel character ever, hands down.
Anyway, the plot (or at least the way it first appears) is that the evil emperor of the cultivation world, Taxian Jun, kills himself at 32 and wakes up in the body of his 16 year old self, birth name Moran. Excited to get a redo, Moran wants to save his supposed true love Shimei, whose death the last go-around pushed him towards evil. He also wants to avoid entanglement with Chu Wanning, his shizun and sworn enemy in past life. And that’s all you are best off knowing, trust me. The only hint I am going to give is oooh boy the mother of all unreliable narrators has arrived!
The novel starts light and funny on boil the frog principle - if someone told me I would be full bawling multiple times with this novel, I’d have thought they were insane, but i swear my eyes hurt by the end of it. I started out being amused and/or disliking the mains and by the end I would die for either of them.
The Wife is First - OK, this one did not make my top 10 web novels but it’s a sweet, fun gay cottagecore fest. Our ML, a royal prince, and his spouse, a smart if delicate aristocrat, keep house, eat noodles, play with their pet tiger, make out and spoil each other rotten, while occasionally fighting battles and outwitting their court enemies. It’s so very mellow. That couple redefines low drama - they are both nice and functional and use their brains. It’s as if a nice jock and a nice nerd got together and then proceeded to be wholesome all over the place.
I mean, the set up could be dramatic - our ML the prince, lost his fight for the throne and is about to be killed. The only person who stayed loyal to him is his arranged husband the aristocrat guy who ML never treated nicely since he resented marrying him (marrying a man in that world is done to remove someone from the ability to inherit the throne.) And yet the husband stood by him not out of love but beliefs in loyalty blah blah. Anyway, he transmigrates back into the past right after their wedding night and is all “I got a second chance OMG! I don’t want the throne what is even the point? I want to live a good long life and treat the only person who stood by me really well!” And he proceeds to do so to the shock of the aristocrat who had a very unpleasant wedding night and generally can tell the man he just married would rather eat nails than be married to him. But soon enough (no seriously, it’s not many chapters at all) he believes the prince is sincere blah blah and then they get together and they pretty much become cottagecore goals.
In terms of dramas, I only do period dramas (or novels) so I am not the person to be able to recommend any modern BLs. There is a flood of upcoming (hopefully) period BL dramas but it’s relatively thin on the ground now. The two I will recommend is Word of Honor (which is AMAZING) and Winter Begonia (which I just started watching but which owns me already.) I have a tag for both - the one for the former is huge and I cannot recommend either strongly enough. I’ve heard good things about The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty, but I am not big on mysteries so haven’t watched it for myself.
In terms of the upcoming BLs, the ones I am most looking forward to are Immortality and Winner Is King, but The Society of the Four Leaves also looks promising.
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