#this is just my opinian
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ornion · 9 months ago
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I think he shouldd wear less clothes but that’s just my opinian….
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oscconfessions · 11 months ago
hi sorry for being super annoying but Y'ALL SHOULD CHECK OUT DIMENSIONAL DISASTER it's like super worth it really interesting it handles mature topics and rhe characters are just GRRGRAAAASGGGH i love dd 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 i think it's the first novelized object show i've ever seen that isn't like entirely fanfiction. COIGH COUGJ anyways
leon.… SAVE ME LEON!!!!!!nah i'm jokinggh (he'd probably trip over and get run over by a car if he tried /silly) but like oh gawdd he's such a loser,, boyfail personified (objectified?) <3 i think about him a normal amount. he's just really intresring in my opinian. anyways check out dimensional disaster pweaseeeee :333 (it's @dimensional-disaster-blog if you didn't know where to find it)
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gammija · 5 years ago
Does 170 confirm Martin’s domain?
I know, i know, it’s been 5 weeks since MAG170, and meta/discourse online currently moves at the breakneck speed of one week/episode... But! recently while discussing tma theories with people the idea came up that 170 definitively confirmed Martin’s domain as the Lonely.
I don’t think that that’s the case however, so I wanted to write this post to explain why I think that.
(Not primarily to convince anyone that I’m right, though that’d be a nice bonus ;). More just so I have all my thoughts down in one spot that I can link to in the future, hah. Also, this post is not necessarily arguing that Martin’s domain is definitely not the Lonely - though that, to be fair, is my bias - only that 170 didn’t confirm it one way or the other.)
[Spoilers up to 175] Okay so
there are a few other assumptions/theories about domains and avatars I’m using for the final conclusion above! So I’ll first try to prove those, and then show how 170 does or doesn’t fit them.
1) Martin actually has a domain, because the question was raised and left unanswered in 167:
Martin: “What about me?” Jon: “Would you… like me to -” Martin: “No, no. Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.”
If we aren’t meant to wonder which it is, I’m sure there would’ve been some sort of answer or guess from either Jon or Martin. It would’ve been easy to have either of them suggest the Lonely (or even another Fear), or to simply say that Jon only meant full avatars, and Martin doesn’t have one. So from a meta standpoint, the lack of an answer makes it more likely that there is one, and it’s important.
2) Saying that a domain is “[Someone’s] domain” requires that someone to be (on their way to becoming) an avatar of that fear. This is the only way that the word has been used in relation to people in s5, otherwise it’s used as [Fear’s] domain. Never is the domain the property of the victims.
167: Jon tells us explicitly that domain means “the place that feeds us”, and that Gertrude would “have resigned herself to - ruling her domain.” 168: “This is Oliver Banks’ domain.”  
3) An avatar, while they might be conflicted about their actions, does genuinely like some essential aesthetic of their Fear and indulging in it. That’s shown in basically all the known avatars’ statements, and in 111: 
Gerard: “Do you like [compelling people]? Jon : “[...] Yes, I… I suppose I do.”
The only avatars that don’t follow this are Michael and Gertrude. But then again, the Distortion is a unique case - it existed long before it became Michael and was forced to become him, and was forcibly taken over by Helen, who does seem to follow the trend. Gertrude, I admit I have less of a good defence for, though she’s also just canonically hard to read in general - and it is implied that she’s not (as good) an avatar to the Eye as Jon because she doesn’t really have an affinity for it.
The difficult thing about this one for Martin is that our only model for a full, confirmed Lonely avatar is Peter. We definitely know that he enjoys being lonely - but it’s hard to say for certain whether that’s a prerequisite of going full avatar, or just. peter.
4) Avatars enjoy a position of privilege in their domains. That’s evidenced in basically every domain for which we’ve seen the avatar; Jude wasn’t stuck burning, Jared wasn’t stuck in the ground, Simon wasn’t fleeing ‘Junior’ or stuck in it.
(I realize I’m talking a lot about specific word choices and such here, so, sorry for being pedantic :’D But I’m not going to stop, since in my experience, with tma it pays off to be pedantic. (‘why hasnt any ritual ever succeeded’, ‘why are people being weird about Elias being head of the institute’, ‘hey if you count jons scars he's almost got one from every fear lol’, etc are all questions based on small details that turned out to have legitimate answers. specificity matters.)(... Excluding timeline stuff))
Regarding 170
So, combining those three, if the Lonely really is Martin’s domain and he's partaking in it, I'd expect him to have a position higher than those of the other victims, and to be somewhat enjoying himself (even though he’d definitely hate it if he were) or at least not dislike the core idea of the Lonely.
There certainly are a few parts in the episode in which Martin admits to not finding this domain so bad: 
“Sometimes I wonder if I forget things on purpose. Easier not to think about them, I guess. Easier to just let them… slip away. They can’t hurt you if you don’t think about them; they can’t shout at you or call you names.”
“I’m losing myself, and I - and I don’t know if I mind? Maybe I deserve it. So much of what’s behind the fog hurts. So much of it just makes me wanna curl up with pain and embarrassment and - Maybe the fog’s here because I want it here.”
“Honestly, I - I wanted to believe it.”
“It’s comforting here, leaving all those - painful memories behind.”
“It’s the Lonely, John. It’s me.”
… Except that almost all of those are followed up immediately with refutals: 
This one peters (hah) off into Martin panicking over forgetting his Mom’s face, and saying he shouldn’t be there.
“Maybe I asked the fog to come. No. No, no - no, no, no, that’s not true!”
“I wanted to believe it. But I didn’t.”
“But - It’s not a good comfort, it’s - i,it’s the kind that makes you fade, makes you dim and - distant.
“Not anymore.” “- No. No, not anymore.”
On top of that, there are all the times that Martin reiterates that he doesn’t like this place, or being alone in general:
This, This isn’t my house! [..] I don’t like it here.
I don’t like it. Why does my house smell like that, I - It can’t be my house. No, no, no; my, my - My house doesn’t smell like this! My house smells… s-smells different.
I shouldn’t be alone; there should be people!
I don’t know why I’d decorate my house like this; I don’t like it! I like - (breaking off) Wh- I, It’s not my home; it can’t be. [...] I don’t like it here.
Where am I? This isn’t right; I shouldn’t be here.
I don’t like this place.
It certainly doesn’t seem like the kind of place that somebody called Martin would live. Martin. It feels like a small name. One that wants to be warm and happy. Not like here.
[The entirety of his last paragraph before Jon finds him]
I should add that a lot of Lonely victims (13, 48, 108) like their solitude, so Martin occasionally liking being alone doesn’t preclude him from being a victim.
Furthermore, Martin doesn’t seem at all to be in any better position than any of the other Lonely victims: 
“They’re all trying to remember. T-To recall, to picture someone, anyone who loves them, and their hearts are all full of fear. Afraid that those people are gone forever. That maybe - maybe they never existed at all.”
That describes Martin’s experience this episode almost exactly, except that he hasn’t been there as long, and has both an Eye avatar and some tape recorders looking out for him.
He doesn’t sound to me like an equivalent to other avatars in their domains: he sounds like the victim.
Other counter arguments: 
I’ve seen the argument that the privilege Martin gets here, is the knowledge of all those other victims.That him knowing that they exist, and what they’re struggling with, proves that it’s his domain. Honestly though, I think that’s not a very strong argument, seeing as he explicitly says he’s seen them, which makes sense as he’s been able to see victims in other domains as well. And describing their experience isn’t that hard either, seeing as he’s just had a similar one (and has prior experience with the Lonely to boot). So there’s an easy explanation for how he knew this, without the Lonely having to be his domain.
There’s also the idea that in 170, “house” is a metaphor for domain, and since Martin occasionally thinks that it’s his house, that means that it’s his domain. Two problems there:
he spends just as much time saying that it’s not his house.
the (other) victim he runs into also thinks it’s their house at first.
So while I think the idea has merit as an analysis, it still doesn’t definitively prove Martin’s domain one way or the other.
SO! In the end, 170 to me is anything but conclusive about what Martin’s domain is, and hopefully at least was able to show why I think that way. TL;DR: 
If the Lonely were Martin’s domain, he should be like the other avatars in theirs, not stuck in it as a victim;
Martin in 170 seems to be a victim;
Therefore 170 doesn’t confirm that the Lonely is his domain.
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angrelysimpping · 2 years ago
you know what, fuck self control, what kinda English majors they'd be based on my time as an English major
Alex struggles a bit with sussing out deeper themes sometimes but damn are they good at discussing the aesthetics of the works.
Anxious Guard never clearly makes their point in argumentative essays. Takes creative writing classes but never commits to the degree itself, worries about it being a "useless" degree.
Avery is more cold and analitical in their analysis of the text than most people are. Often points out flawed relationships and acts as if one character is getting taken advantage of, it's that character's fault becuase the problems are "obvious."
Bailey gripes about the price of textbooks (don't we all?) and starts buying and selling textbooks themself as a way to make a quick buck and undercut the University. Middle of the road essays. Doesn't give a shit, just make their passing grade and moves on. Fucker is selling essays that get top marks. Has some blackmail on some of the professors.
Briar propositions the professors for better grades. Half the time doesn't even need better grades, they just want to make the professors squirm. Does the same with their fellow students, exchanging sexual favors for essays and test questions. Always focuses on the sexual aspect of any works they have to analyze.
Darryl works so hard, bless them. Often uses the University provided services to help with their essays. Studies poetry but hardly ever writes their own.
Again, Doren is in English education but they also take loads of poetry and drama classes. Works in the tutoring center. Worked for the essay revision service for a bit but didn't stay on for personal reasons.
Eden in Victorian lit, Eden in Vioctorian lit, Eden in Victorian lit!!!! It just feels right to them. Struggles with other classes but Victorian lit comes to them easy.
Harper always praises the moraly dubious and/or unreliable narriators. Just, how they're written. Not their actions, no, they would never. Don't believe them. Likes medical settings and anything thats a bit of a trippy read.
Kylar is a lil poetry major. Always writes the most sappy love poems. Turns every assignment into a love poem, somehow. All their poems have an underlying theme of obsession, and they're the only one who doesn't pick up on it.
Landry is very middle of the road. Doesn't stand out. Midling grades. 100% lifting the test answers from the professor's offices. Hangs around th campus coffee shops. Gothic lit enthusiast.
Leighton likes all those "taboo" classics and loves driving group conversations to those topics. "Helps" freshmen who have to take their English 101. Works for the university helping people write essays. Actually good at their job, even if there have been some complaintes about them acting a little inapropriately, all rumors that get brushed aside.
Niki is so fucking good with imagry, it's a little scary.
Quinn doesn't even try. They just costs by, and still make solid grades. Has been known to dominate group discussions. Often wins debates.
Relaxed Guard plays devil's advociate all the goddamn time. Doesn't even believe half the shit they say and write, just does it to see if they can pull it off.
Remy is cut and dry. Often pointedly ignores symbolism. Often hangs around the library, but it's unkown what they fuck they're doing there because they're never studying or looking for books or any of that, really.
Robin focuses on children's lit. Very good student, works hard, always starts on essays right when they get them.
Sydney is doing too much. Creative writing degree, focuses on religious symbolism and works. Works in the library. Goes to office hours. Takes on extra assignements. Regular at all campus coffee shops.
Vet Guard is that one person who always focuses on battles and wars. Picks their side on debates and will not change their opinian for anything.
Whitney bullshits their way through essays and class discussions and it fucking works. Hardly ever shows up to classes. Somehow still passing.
Wren bounces around. Mostly in the creative writing department. Chooses classes based on what they find interesting insted of focusing on getting a degree. Loves the poetry classes, tares Kylar's poems appart in group crituqe. Works in the coffee shop in the library, scribbles lil one off poems on napkins. Also writes tiny poems on the paper cups along with their number, handing them off to customers with a wink.
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movinginelliptical · 2 years ago
I've keeping it with me for awhile 'cause I prefer to observe, said a few things when necessary and go back to my corner. I don't put my opinian about every little that it's happening and I prefer this way. It works for me.
I'm a cynical and sarcastic adult who use jokes, memes, gifs and laughs as a coppeding mode. My point of view can be acid and I don't have the patient to express myself in a extreme didactic way.
I didn't land in the fandom yesterday. This is definitely not my first rodeo. Through the years, I had to took some time for me, step back a bit. The last time, I thought that I wouldn't come back so I erased all my stan  accounts in different plataforms. But yep, I came back. The only stan account that I have now it's this one right here and for the rest, I use my personal account just to be in the loop and to watch lives.
This fandom it's full of bullshit. A few faces changed but the shit it's the same. The most difficult thing it's not to deal with stunts, to be gaslighting by them, the cruelty and brutality from their closeted, the hateful antis and rads. No, the most difficult thing it's deal with the shit from our own portion of the fandom. I can't believe until today how larries treat each other so badly.
It's fucking exhausting. And once I heard something like 8 years ago and it's still a truth: it's really hard to feel that you belong here. The first reaction of the most people here it's assume that you don't know shit therfore you won't be included or simple won't be take seriously. This become a cycle fed by the same assumption. And you can find really nice people here but even them will think that you're a baby that need to read a lot of masterposts before have something to say.
I never had the patience and now, I have even less. Although, this time, I really tried to interact and to be taken serious... well, I just gonna stay lowkey with my funny and dorky stuff.
If I see something that may be relevant or important, I gonna send to someone through an anonymous ask.
My tip is: don't be a judgemental person, especially because I bet that you hate to be judged and you may get suprised by people.
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into-control · 4 years ago
Into can I get your and other camren stands opinian please ( ... ) What should I do? I mean I got the fair share of hate from anti camren. I still support the girls. // in my experience, it's much easier and much more fun just being a solo camila and solo lauren stan and supporting them both individually
it's just a lot more chill not trying to make so many links and focus on tiny details all the time.
and for me, I just like enjoying their music for what it means to me. plus some of the camren fandom are toxic (not all but definitely some) and I got tired of them. they take things way too seriously, fandom is supposed to be fun
big emphasis on enjoying music for what it means to you before anyone else
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thechangeling · 3 years ago
Oh id say a good 8 on the intimidation thing
To me you were a full 10 at first i was kinda terrified scared to interact but then i did and that dropped to to an 8. You no longer scare me but i am kinda stunned you actually like me. Not a self depricating kinda stunned more a "damn they actually enjoy my existence in this site?? Wild"
Your very opinianated (as you should i inmensly enjoy reading your opinions on media) so i guess thats what adds to it? But it wasnt exactly that what intimidated me....... if im being honest i dont remember JAJA i just thought
Oh nice cool person i will admire from affar :)
Zia 🤗🤗🤗🤗 I freaking adore you. You're too kind. 🖤
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997 · 7 years ago
just my Opinian but kims look is boring and uninspired especially compared to everyone elses
thats everyones opinion ure not that special
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michelemacedo1 · 5 years ago
Good Morning❤️🌹 Where's happiness? In love, or in indifference? In obedience, or in power? With pride, or in the humility? In research, or in faith? In poverty or prosperity? In ambition, or in sacrifice? In my opinian: happiness is in the order of good, with love distributed without the idea of ​​remuneration. Look today who is saving the world without judgment. Is who made his life a mission, the doctors, the fireman’s or the police.. Whoever loves does, under a more precise formula, our happiness consists in the feeling the happiness of others, generously created by an act of ours. Now is time to the politics, to embrace this ideology, before the economy was in the commanded of the world, now it will be the love and conscience of man. Because even the one who doesn't believe in GOD. You can't pretend that the problem doesn't exist. When is about ours own life, i just read that is a new virus, on the way from china. The time has come for the great moment in human history! Leonardo Da Vinci wrote : Learning is the only thing that the mind never tires, never fears and never regrets.#bekind #world #family #friends #vocation #thoughtoftheday #island #power #socialdistancing #learning #💡🍀👸 (presso MyWorld) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCDKBQcDvJF/?igshid=16aj6q3h6vy48
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luffik · 5 years ago
Hi luffik would you like a invite to Pillowfort? with a invite you can make a account free and in my opinian it's better then Deviant art. I'll send one to Zlukaka so there is one for 'em
Ah hello there kind stranger! Both me and Zlu actually do have an invite to pillowfort from the times when they were still free to register, but I never used it, I just don’t have the time for one more social media platform, because I can hardly keep up with the ones I already have. I believe the invites should still work no matter how ancient, so maybe one day we’ll register there. But thanks so much for your kindness. I do not doubt that it is a great site, it’s just there is not enough time in a day to keep up with all this (Zlu hardly gets to keep up with any social media at all, I try to juggle mine but still majorly fall behind).
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temanngobrol · 6 years ago
Still their fault?
‘‘kamu mau jadi apa? mau hidup kaya gimana?’‘ kata si orang hitam yang menceritakan temannya yang memilih keputusan hidup yang tidak baik untuk dirinya sendiri dengan meng-atas-namakan kehidupan keluarganya. ‘‘kamu mau bunuh diri karena mimpi mu tak ada yang tercapai? orang tua lengkap, rumah ada, itu tukang becak hari ini mikir besok mau makan apa? anak istrinya mau dikasih makan apa? bayar kontrakan gimana? itu yang harusnya bunuh diri’‘ lanjutnya untuk memberikan advice kehidupan.
Banyak orang yang mengambil keputusan hidup yang salah sampai-sampai hidupnya tak beres dan berujung gagal dengan meng-atas-namakan ‘‘orangtua ku pisah’‘ and his die. Tidak tau apa artinya hidup, tidak tau apa yang bisa dilakukan, tidak mempunyai mimpi untuk terus bersemangat. Lalu apa? (mungkin) fikirnya.
I will write in my opinian (lebih ke yang merasa korban)
Tidak semua hal dapat kita salahkan oranglain, mungkin itu juga salah kita. Dalam suatu kesalahan semuanya mempunyai andil pada porsinya, tidak dapat hanya menyalahkan satu pihak. Di sisi orangtua mungkin mereka memang tidak bisa lagi bertahan dan kita harus menghargai itu. Tidak mungkin kita bertahan di tempat yang sudah tidak comfortable lagi bukan? so don’t be selfish. Hargai apapun keputusan mereka walaupun susah menerimanya, and your time to accept it and don’t rush.
Memang sulit untuk melihat hal yang membuat kita kokoh, yang menjadi tujuan hidup untuk membahagiakannya bahkan untuk bahagia bersama sudah tak sama lagi. Ibarat pohon yang kehilangan akar, ikan yang berenang dalam perairann yang dangkal.
‘‘kamu mau jadi apa? mau hidup kaya gimana?’‘. Hidup kita itu, kita yang menentukan, yes, i’m agree ‘‘the good foundation of everything is a good family’‘.
 Jangan salahkan orang lain dengan keputusan yang kamu buat, it’s not their fault, it’s you. You just don’t know what you want, yet. If you made mistake, take your time for fix it. Prove you can be better than before. So find what u want, do what your dream and be success. 
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