#and go beyond 170
heartbeat-eras · 8 months
Just a little exercise.. right?
TLDR - I’m newly on meds and my heart. Well she doesn’t seem to like them. I did three rounds of 20 squats. After trying to get her to calm down (spoliers she didn’t) I laid down. This caused an immediate extreme drop. I then did a push which brought her into the 60s. I don’t think she threw any pvcs but you be the judge.
If you saw my intro post you would know that I’ve recently been prescribed dexadrine. Dexadrine is an amphetamine that can raise blood pressure and heart rate. In my other post I thought it was high time I tested my Heart’s response to these meds. I know she’s been a lot more poundy and faster than normal but.. I thought I would do some of my own tests.
Firstly was tracking her all night with a chest strap monitor. I followed this up with taking my meds before getting out of bed and waiting for them to kick in. The result was exactly in the small range they said it should be. So my faster rate is clearly the meds and my heart working against gravity.
I’ve been looking into if exercising on meds is safe. There are split opinions if you should do it after / before or if you can do it while medication is in your system. I decided to try a small run. Let me preface this with a couple of years ago I was a runner. My heart always was reactive and fast to exercise but not like what happened here.
So imagine. I’ve put on my workout gear. Taped my Stemoscope to the loudest part of chest and go into the room with the treadmill. I set up my chest strap monitor with the treadmill. Perfect.. she’s beating at 142 and I haven’t done anything. I start the Stemoscope recording. 2 mins standing with her pounding away - not yet exercising. Ok this is gonna be fun. At 2 mins jump on at a brisk walk. She immediately drops to 113 - no there’s not wrong with the monitor. I can hear her. Then she slowly climbs. 117, 124, 131 and back to 142 and beyond. Within 1 1/2 mins we’re at 156. I’m not tired or out of breath but I also know I probably shouldn’t do this for long so I think- ok let’s try max her out. I break into a jog. Nothing like I used to, but a slow recovery run. She’s climbing and fast. Within a short space of time she’s now in the beating at 182 - I usually couldn’t feel beats like this before but I can feel her rocking my chest. I’m oddly out of breath for something I used to be able to sustain for over an hour. I jump off and bend over, trying to catch my breath. My heart thrashing in both my chest and my ears. My head spinning as I try to get her oxygen. I’m watching the number on the treadmill with the little heart next it. It’s not going down. It’s going up. At 187 she peaks and is pounding away. This is 2 mins after ceasing activity. She drop quite quickly.. not this time I guess.
I grab my gear and go back to my room. She’s settled a little bit. She keeps calming down then speeding back up. Down to 151 then up to 176. She’s all over the place like she doesn’t know what she’s meant to do.
Well that’s enough. I need to take some stress off her. I lay down, resulting in an immediate drastic drop to around 100. Finally. The break she needed. I go back to the recording… and we’ll I deleted in my zoned out state.
So this time I’ve recorded some squats. I was only able to get her into the 170s but you can hear just how unconditioned she sounds. This was not what she like pre meds and I will be asking my doctor about this when I see him next (well maybe leave out the constant stething). A part of me is slightly worried about this, whereas another part of me is like…. Oooo well. That’s a fun sound . Damn cardiophile thoughts right?
I hope you enjoy her first try (tech second) at exercise. She would love to hear your thoughts and support. She’s literally pounding in my ears as I share her with you.
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Honestly . . . yeah I’m pretty tired. There’s a lot of things going on and at this point I think it’s time to call it. I’ve been really debating about making a post like this for the last few weeks. I think I’m gonna take a break from the Octonauts stuff. As much as I’m enjoying it, it’s also really stressing me out.
I’m not leaving forever, it’ll probably just be a few weeks AT THE MOST. I just need a hard reset. Unfortunately I can’t go much detail as of why, mostly some personal matters. And some of it is literally just the fact that my brain isn’t inspired and the hype I’m trying to give myself to make the content is only stressing me out more.
If you follow me on my other platforms you might see some posts coming out on there. To be specific the art block is just for Octonauts, so far I haven’t had any problems making content for other fandoms and I think that just means I need to work on some personal matters.
Please understand I love all of you and your support means the world to me. We’re already almost to 170 followers which is beyond what I was ever expecting. I cannot say, and I definitely won’t stop saying, how happy I am to have all of you here with me.
I’ve got some vacations coming up so I’m gonna take that time to really reflect on where I want the A.S.A. story to go. Honestly with the amount of attention it has gotten in such a small amount of time I kinda pressured myself to just throw things together as they come up, especially in the asks.
So all and all, I’m gonna take a break, I’ll be back in a few weeks fresh and ready to make content again. But I will still do my best to continue to be apart of the community. Unfortunately a guilty pleasure of mine is hopping on my fav Tumblr tags and just seeing what everyone is up to everyday. And I mean everyday. So if I comment on your posts or you see me popping in every now and then I promise I’m not ditching ya’ll, I’m just trying to stay updated and enjoy all of your creations.
Anyways my lovelies, if you made it this far you definitely get a cookie. 🍪 Have a wonderful day, and please take care of yourselves.
(Also if you’re on Art Fight this year, look me up by my main user and come attack me, I would love to see what ya’ll have up your sleeves! Friendly Fire and Defense are more than welcome, I’ll attack just about anyone!)
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eretzyisrael · 10 months
The National (UAE) reports:
Gaza's Health Ministry has said it will stop co-ordinating with the World Health Organisation in evacuating patients and medical staff from hospitals, following the arrest of the director of Al Shifa Hospital, the largest in the besieged enclave. “We condemn the arrest of Muhammad Abu Salmiya and a number of medical personnel held by the occupation forces. He left the complex with the UN and WHO following evacuation orders from the occupation with dozens of patients and health workers,” Gaza's Health Ministry spokesman Ashraf Al Qudra told The National. “We are calling all sides to take responsibility to release the doctor and those with him. This is a crime against humanity."
Hamas called the IDF "Nazi" for the arrest.
This arrest comes after weeks of Salmiya's strenuous denials that Hamas operated from the hospital. 
Now, as journalists report on the large tunnel complex underneath Shifa, there is no question that Salmiya knew about the tunnels, since they used electricity siphoned from the hospital itself. Even Haaretz's headline says, "Did Hamas Operate Under Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital? A Tour of the Tunnels Leaves No Room for Doubt: Israeli journalists were shown a conduit under the facility stretching over 170 meters. There's no way the hospital's managers didn't know what was going on"
Which means that not only was Salmiya aware of Hamas' use of the hospital, but he was actively supportive of it, and tried to cover it up. For the entire month Salmiya was whining to the media about Shifa being hours away from running out of electricity, he knew that Hamas was using the hospital's electricity for military purposes.
That is direct support for terrorists - terrorists who murdered Noa Marciano on the hospital grounds. 
Moreover, Dr. Salmiya clearly supported Hamas using his staff as human shields. 
Beyond  that, Salmiya and the other senior staff at the hospital who were aware of Hamas' presence were all  voluntary human shields for Hamas, which makes them - according to many interpretations of international law - effectively participants in hostilities themselves.
Salmiya crossed the line from allowing Hamas to use his staff and patients as human shields into actively supporting this use by Hamas. "Utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations" is a war crime.
Any real supporter of international law should be celebrating Salmiya's arrest as a step towards justice for victims of Hamas brutality.
But the "human rights" groups  have no interest in human rights when it comes to Gazans endangered by Hamas and their supporters. Not when Jews are in the vicinity, 
Hamas' cutting ties with WHO and the UN is also a message to all NGOs in Gaza: they only exist to support Hamas terrorism, and if they don't actively defend Hamas they are endangering their own work in Gaza. 
That little detail will not be mentioned by the mainstream news media.
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theorginalbaddie · 3 months
X-men short summarize. (Part one)
The relationship of Scott Summers and Madelyne Pryor.
Hello everybody today, I will be shortly summarizing some of the moments of the relationship and marriage of Madelyne Pryor and Scott summers (Cyclops) I will be going through issue #168 (skip 169)-176 at their honeymoon, enjoy the cutest relationship yet most complicated ever!
Uncanny x-men 168
Our story begins in Anchorage, Alaska(the birthplace of Scott Summers) the Summers family consisting of Scott, Alex (Brothers), and Christopher Summer(Father) arrive at the airport to meet Scott and Alex's grandparents. Suddenly Scott drops at the sight of a beautiful woman who has an uncanny similarity to Jean Grey saying she's there to pick up the Summers family. Scott is beyond shocked by her resemblance to Jean, his mind rushing with emotions and thoughts of who she is. The woman then formally introduces herself as Madelyne Pryor.
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Uncanny x-men 170-
Off screen: Presumably the next few weeks the two meet and talk, slowly falling in love with each other, until Scott asks her to be his girlfriend.
The next time we see them is In Reindeer Falls, the new happy couple dance the night away. As they dance even when the music stops, being as happy as the couple could be.
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But unfortunately, Scott doubts, and his mind rises up, The uncanny resemblance still bothering his mind of this woman he fell in love with. He starts pushing Madelyne away, feeling guilty for pursuing a new relationship. Madelyne, seemingly concerned, and worried about her new partner asks what's wrong and Scott tells her about Jean, even pulling a picture of his old lover to his new lover, and handing it to her, this revaluation shocks Madelyne, as she sees a woman who looks like her, She then starts to take it in, affecting her a bit from the photograph.
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Scott decides his feelings for Madelyne are real and he wants to be with her, enjoying her company, maybe it's time for him to move on. After a few more moments of silence, the two reconnect, with Madelyne, asking if the bond growing between them is actually real or not. They decide to start dancing again.
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Cutscene to Madelyne and Scott, having a more intimate moment, and the sun flashing, in Madelyne's face, she attempts to steal Scott's shades, with Scott quickly reacting defensively, smacking her hand, and quivering away. This enraged Madelyne, and quickly demanded answers from Scott saying they knew each other for weeks yet she still hadn't seen him without those shades! Scott finally though hesitantly tells Madelyne that he is a mutant and shows her his optic blast power by shooting a coin, he asks her if she still wants to stay with him in she responds for him to stay with her as they hug it out in the end.
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Uncanny X-men 171
In her home in Alaska Madelyne is struggling in her sleep, soon she awakes from a terrible nightmare, one that makes her tear up, and calls for Scott for an embrace that could comfort her nightmares. After a bit of comfort, she explains that she was dreaming about a plane crash she survived. Everyone else on board died, and she was the sole survivor of the crash, but there was a key detail Madelyne added which bewildered Scott, raising further suspicion he had. The plane crashed not just on the same day, but at the same moment that Jean Grey died!
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Uncanny X-Men 172
Scott with his suspicion growing off the charts, sneaks into his grandfather's office in the Northstar airlines and digs through files filled with North Star employees' information. He has found Madelyne Pryor's file. He believes Madelyne is more connected to Jean Grey since more and more moments are happening for him to believe this cause, like their first date when she said she read minds or her refusal to talk about her past. Scott's brother, Alex, shows up asking what Scott is doing and asking him if it's worth destroying the relationship he has with Madelyne, in which Scott reeks of desperation and demands the truth about this woman.
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plaguedocboi · 5 months
Elaborating on that last post I actually don’t think I’ve ever really been in a “fandom”. I’m in the Edge Chronicles fandom but that’s just like ten people making silly memes and we frequently go months without posting anything. I’m deeply obsessed with Moby Dick but it feels weird to call that a “fandom” because it’s a 170 year old book and most of the time I don’t even really talk to people about it, I just rotate it in my head until my brain catches on fire.
I used to be very into Doctor Who but I wasn’t even on social media back then, I just watched it and geeked out about it with friends and at one point I joined a forum back when those were a thing. I think that one forum back in like 2014 might have been the most “fandom” thing I’ve ever been in.
This doesn’t really have a point beyond the fact that so much of the internet seems to revolve around fandom drama and I cannot imagine how that even happens because I’m so far removed from it.
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hyewka · 1 month
rana rana rana
i just read choi yeonjun (and buddy system too but thats for later) and when i tell you i think that fic altered the trajectory of my life, i fucking mean it bc when i tell you i would fuck the shit out of that yeonjun i mean it,, i cant stop thinking abt it actually 😵‍💫 the writing was on point, the descriptives... i think the thing that has always drawn me to your writing is your vocabulary bc every word you use is always the perfect one for that situation holy shit
something abt cocky boys who are so subby actually makes me lose my head a little bit, and the repeated 'this is normal, this is just a one time thing' honestly i think i might need a bit to recuperate. also lets just ignore how the 'condoms in second drawer' made me twitch in a really embarrassing way 🙏 sPlEnDiD
something abt how much you write spit into it also gets me on my knees every time like O.O truly one of the best writers on moablr frfr
and now we have to get into buddy system bc when i tell you sub gyu is my weakness im sure you already know-- himn crying bc he was worried his dick didnt look good had me shaking like idk maybe i like whiny subby boys (or maybe its just txt lol) truly a piece of writing i will die on this hill
i think another part of why your writing is so delicious is you write your dialogue so well!! like ive never thought "oh that was an awkward response" bc it never is like its just so good
also another episode of perv ada printing out rana's fics... while i fuck you straight popped into my head the other night and is def inspo for a scene in my 170 page horny single parent au yeonjun fic (plot twist: its not yeonjun shes fucking) so i printed it and annotated it to find why it was so good, and yet again, it was the dialogue and word use you are just truly on another level <33
hoped you enjoyed my barely coherent review also i think dvp w tyunning could be something to experiment w for kink buffet 😳
When I tell you its been so long since I’ve felt so giddy over an ask, so much so I had to put my phone down and pace around my room for a few seconds because of how excited I got aghh!!!!!! You always deliver with these reviews lol I feel 10x more confident than I usually am about my writing lately—thank you so much, seriously!!! I really liked writing that part in buddy system, crying boys are my weakness and beomgyu’s soooo pretty so it adds to the charm, right?
Im blushing so hard right now i love you❤️ I saw your ask for the event i’m planning for kinktober and I’m definitely going to get on it <3 again you are so kind and thoughtful im beyond grateful and happy over this, genuinely made my day, hell, even month ❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you again, and im happy wifys could help with your vision
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Pokemon Card of the Day #3130: Pikachu & Zekrom-GX (Team Up)
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Pikachu & Zekrom-GX was given almost everything a card could ask for. There were ways to accelerate Energy early on, making a big turn 2 hit very possible. Said attack also got even more Energy from the deck and into play. The GX attack was not only strong, but Energy stacking could let it hit two Pokemon at once. There were also ways to boost damage here due to being a Lightning-type. It was like they built the format for this card. On top of that, they put Pikachu on it, making sure the mascot of the series got serious play. This is not to say that Pikachu & Zekrom-GX was by any means unstoppable, as other very good Tag Teams existed and there were viable decks beyond that. It is probably quite obvious that this card would at minimum be a threat for quite some time due to just how much help they gave it.
Pikachu & Zekrom-GX was actually on the lower end of Tag Team HP numbers, coming in at 240. This was still going to have the same result a lot of the time, but it did do things like save an Energy for Blacephalon or Turtonator, as well as letting Zoroark-GX get the 2-hit KO if fully set up. A Fighting Weakness occasionally mattered for the short time where Buzzwole was still hanging around. It also mattered just before this card rotated out with the rise of Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX, a card that could get a clean KO and do 120 to something on the Bench. The Metal Resistance was there, but it did not actually prevent an ADP boost from letting Zacian V reach a big KO. The Retreat Cost here was 3, and being a bulky Pokemon that gave up 3 Prizes meant that this was quite notable. Most decks running this card ran a few copies of Switch, with some going all the way to 4. This worked well with the combination of big HP and the ability to get Energy onto a new attacker while still making progress.
Full Blitz was a spectacular attack. 150 damage for 3 Lightning Energy would have been solid even by itself. Tapu Koko Prism Star or Boltund V could help get a 2 turn set-up for this, making the deck rather quick. It somehow got even better from there. You also got to search your deck for up to 3 Lightning Energy and attached them to 1 of your Pokemon. This could power up a second Pikachu & Zekrom-GX, or could go to another partner like Raichu & Alolan Raichu-GX, Boltund V, or Vikavolt V. This was generally set up to take down multi-Prize Pokemon in 2 hits, and single Prize Pokemon right away, but you could use Electropower to get a big KO in an important spot since the power was good enough to get close a lot of the time.
Tag Bolt GX did take up the team's GX attack, which did mean giving up the giant hit that Raichu & Alolan Raichu-GX provided if running that too. It was still very good, and if not up against another Tag Team it tended to be the better GX attack. The base was 200 damage for 3 Energy, which was in a nice spot to take down 2 Prize Pokemon. If 3 more Energy on top of that were attached, it also did 170 damage to 1 of the opponent's Benched Pokemon, potentially getting another KO in the process if Mew wasn't there to protect everything. Getting a big hit on 2 Pokemon could be game changing, even if it did require sticking a ton of Energy on one Pokemon. The strategy could definitely work considering how Full Blitz worked.
Pikachu & Zekrom-GX was given the right combination of support and powerful attacks to be a threat for multiple years. It made top cut at Worlds 2019, won a few regional tournaments with plenty of top results, and even once things shut down for the pandemic it was a top tier deck in online tournaments. The deck won at both the Pokemon Online Championships and Players Cup II, and only fell off right at the end when huge VMAX Pokemon and the rise of Fighting as a type finally caught up to it. This was one of the most popular decks of its era and saw a lot of success, and it deserved a lot of praise. This was not just being used because people liked Pikachu, after all.
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foxspirit1928 · 7 months
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Miss Fisher Snippets (151 – 180)
151. Posted 22-Jul-2023 (Marion Boyce: What really attracted me to the show is Phryne because she breaks all the rules.)
152. Posted 06-Aug-2023 (That bible was very precious to me. Mother gave it to me when I was five.)
153. Posted 12-Aug-2023 (Can we bring her back, or have we lost her to the great, black beyond?)
154. Posted 19-Aug-2023 (All this time and energy spent trying to find out what happened...when I've known all along.)
155. Posted 25-Aug-2023 (Mr. Archibald Jones, he of the dulcet tones)
156. Posted 09-Sep-2023 (You shall from...for...from this time on be your master's mistress)
157. Posted 13-Sep-2023 (Would you do me the honor of being my wife?)
158. Posted 18-Sep-2023 (Marion Boyce: I have a great love for Phryne. I also adore Essie.)
159. Posted 24-Sep-2023 (There's a Long, Long Trail)
160. Posted 05-Oct-2023 (Phryne Fisher, code name: Black Cat)
161. Posted 08-Oct-2023 (That won't be right, you working, not when you're Mrs. Collins.)
162. Posted 14-Oct-2023 (What you're experiencing, Collins, is the paradox of pursuing a modern woman.)
163. Posted 21-Oct-2023 (If I marry Hugh, I won't be working for you anymore.)
164. Posted 28-Oct-2023 (It's a paradox, Dottie.)
165. Posted 11-Nov-2023 (Give my regard to the tea lady)
166. Posted 18-Nov-2023 (Phryne was aware that there were such things as speed limits...)
167. Posted 23-Nov-2023 (Chicken fricassee tonight, Mr. Butler?)
168. Posted 09-Dec-2023 (Imagine. A secret oasis somewhere in the vast Negev desert...)
169. Posted 16-Dec-2023 (I'm impressed. You're commandeering my case before I knew I had one.)
170. Posted 21-Dec-2023 (My birthday party. Summer solstice. Help me to celebrate.)
171. Posted 25-Dec-2023 (Under the mistletoe. Kiss! Kiss!)
172. Posted 01-Jan-2024 (I'm sailing on a sunbeam on my way back to you)
173. Posted 06-Jan-2024 (And I have nothing better to do with my time?)
174. Posted 13-Jan-2024 (Miss Fisher is a renowned warrior for justice)
175. Posted 27-Jan-2024 (Jane says she is going to be a doctor.)
176. Posted 03-Feb-2024 (Bastard extraction. We've only met up a dark alley.)
177. Posted 10-Feb-2024 (This floozy is not suitable for you.)
178. Posted 14-Feb-2024 (Phryne and Jack kisses)
179. Posted 16-Feb-2024 (Thanks, Mac. I knew I could rely on you.)
180. Posted 24-Feb-2024 (You are Fox Spirit)
(Posted 03-Mar-2024)
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pluppsauthor · 5 months
OC Interview
Thank you to @kaylinalexanderbooks and @tildeathiwillwrite for the tags! I'm a bit behind on some of times, but that's alright :)
Rules: answer the following questions in the perspective of one of your OCs!
Last time I did Dusk, this time I'm going to go with my main man Jesse Graves from my (still unnamed) western WIP, as well as a randomly decided character... the wheel says... Reven from Frequency: Forsaken! (Jesse's answers are in orange, and Reven's are in blue)
Are you named after anyone?
"Hmm... Well, I named myself, but 'Jesse' is a common name. Especially in the east. It wasn't after any one person, just the first name I thought of." "No. It's not even a name. Short for 'Revenant', should say all it needs to."
When was the last time you cried?
"Men don't cry. That's what I like to tell myself, anyway. In truth... every time I'm reminded of the people who died by my hands, I cry. May their souls rest in peace." "I've lost my limbs, been burned, and had my head cut off once. I don't cry any more, I can't."
Do you have kids?
"No. And I'm not looking to start a family right now either." "No."
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
"I don't really like to joke around. If I say something, I mean it. Simple as that." "HAHAHahaha, only when I'm cocky. What's the point in being serious? Takes all the fun out of it."
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
"How they carry themselves. If they walk with the confidence of a killin' man, or the regret of one, then I know to keep an eye out. Beyond that... I see if I recognise them." "I don't really pay attention to other people that much. I guess I notice if they might want to kill me, but they can't anyway, so what's the point."
What’s your eye colour?
"Brown, like the colour of my hair." "Blue? Why are you asking?"
Scary movies or happy endings?
"I've heard of the theatres in some of the big cities out far to the west. But I haven't seen a movie myself. But between scary stories and happy endings? ...There's no harm in a happy ending I suppose." "Nothing scarier than what I've been through, and there's no happy ending waiting for me... But a scary movie is more fun."
Any special talents?
"I'm a quick shot. My soul's a little unique too. But if you're looking for tricks, go see a priest or a witch. I'm not one for magic, so I don't have many special talents." "Yeah, I can't die. Anything more special than that?"
Where were you born?
"Don't ask me that. It's not important, and I don't want to tell you." "What does it matter? North City, the one near that rocky coast? I couldn't bother to remember."
Do you have any pets?
"No. I have my horse, Biscuit, but I wouldn't consider her a pet." "No."
What sort of sports do you play?
"I don't play any sports. Some people to the north consider marksmanship a sport. But I don't." "What are these questions? None, I don't have the time or interest for that."
How tall are you?
"I don't know, 165 maybe?" "Seriously, I don't care. 170, 173 maybe?" (Both in cm)
What was your favourite subject in school?
"School?" "Okay, one more of these questions and I'm done. Who do you take me for, some rich kid who grew with real grass on his lawn?"
What is your dream job?
"Dream job? I don't got one. All I want is to be at peace. Forgiven and without anything I need to do." "Alright, I'm done. I don't know why you wanted to ask me these so bad, but I've had enough. I'm done." *sound of door slamming* (Real answer would be to kill Dusk, nothing else)
Great round of questions this time. (Shame Reven left) But now onto the tags! Gently tagging... @kbwritesstuff, @illarian-rambling, @xenascribbles, and @leahnardo-da-veggie. Open tag as always to anyone who wants to hop in! ❤
Here are the questions!
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What’s the first thing you notice about people? What’s your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
[I'm stealing the easy copy/paste format >:)]
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 215. brb x oc
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a/n: i love writing Rooster being a wreck for his wife uwu also next chapter will have some Beatrice and Mav moments that prob will make me cry (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
Rooster wondered why Beatrice was there,with Mav, by his door. He knew they were there because of her visit, but that wasn’t planned.
Was she okay?
Was she hurt?
He was still finishing things up he couldn’t just get up and leave,run after them and ask ‘hey why is my wife within my line of sight so quickly?’ he had to wait. And he honestly was annoyed by it, he asked Mav to guide Beatrice through the base but he had a feeling, just an inkling, that maybe he was planning something else.
Rooster's mind raced as he tried to focus on finishing up his class while his curiosity about Beatrice's unexpected presence gnawed at him. He couldn't help but steal glances toward the door whenever he had a chance, but his duty as an instructor kept him engaged with his students.
As the class finally came to an end, Rooster made a point to wrap things up quickly, - ‘no questions? okay good’ - his heart still pounding in anticipation. He dismissed his students, and hoped that he appeared composed despite his inner turmoil.
Once the last recruit had left the room, Rooster took a deep breath and stepped out into the hallway. He scanned the area, his eyes landing on Payback who was now walking past his door while flippin some papers, “Reuben.”
His friend immediately paused, looking obviously offended, “Did you just call me Reuben??”
“Yes,I did, listen, did you see Bea or Mav anywhere?”
“...you called me by my actual name.”
Rooster, annoyingly, sighed, “...sorry Payback,did you see Bea and Mav anywhere?”
His friend blinked, wracking his brain for a few seconds, “I think they were over there,” he points to the left, beyond Rooster’s vision, “But that was a few minutes ago…why?”
“...I just want to make sure she’s alright.”
“She is tho,she’s with Mav.”
“I know.” and that’s what worried him, “Anyway, thanks,man,I better go and-” he groans, because he remembered he still had to talk to Cyclone about the new recruits. He sighs through his nose, rubbing his forehead with his fingers before patting Payback on the shoulder, “See you later.”
Payback frowns confusedly, but waves him goodbye, shaking his head with an amused chuckle until Rooster was out of sight. The Lieutenant-Commander walked past some recruits, nodded when they saluted him and sped his step towards Cyclone’s office.
His eyebrow flicks with annoyance, hearing quick boots approaching him from behind, “McAllister.” he offers the younger recruit a small smile over the shoulder, “How are you?”
McAllister's smile widened, but he returned Rooster's nod with an eager look. "I'm doing well, sir. I was just finishing some papers! Oh,I also,saw your wife…?" he scratches the back of his head with confusion, looking back over his shoulder, ‘She’s here?”
Rooster's heart skipped a beat at McAllister's words. He tried to keep his excitement under control as he looked at McAllister. "My wife?" Rooster repeated, feigning casualness. "Yeah, she's here. Just stopped by to say hello."
McAllister's eyes sparkled with curiosity and he nodded with a soft ‘ah’ leaving his mouth "That's nice, sir. She seemed a bit... out of place, though. Is everything alright?"
He didn’t know,was it???
Rooster's mind raced, wondering how to respond without giving away too much. "Oh, you know how it is. Different environment, different people. She's just checking things out. No big deal."
McAllister nodded, though he still seemed intrigued. "Well, I hope she's enjoying her time here."
"Me too," Rooster replied with a smile. Where was Beatrice "Anyway, I've got some business to attend to. Keep up the good work, McAllister." the younger recruit saluted him and walked away.
Rooster then had a plan.
Talk to Cyclone,check if there was anything else to do and quickly look around for Beatrice before he lost his mind. Maverick would never put her into any danger, but Rooster was worried. Could anyone really blame him??
With that, Rooster quickened his pace, his mind now fully occupied with having this conversation with Cyclone, all the while looking around on the way to the vice-admiral’s office in hopes to see his wife’s known brown hair. He knocks on the door and waits to be allowed in.
“Come in.”
He immediately does, saluting Cyclone and blinking when he sees him walking in front of a board with pinned files to it, ‘...sir,good afternoon.” he says, “I am here to talk to you about the new recruits.”
Cyclone turned from the board with a nod, acknowledging Rooster's presence. "Lieutenant-Commander," he greeted. "Of course, I assume you're referring to the recent batch of recruits we received. What do you have to report?"
Rooster cleared his throat, focusing on the matter at hand despite his underlying worry about Beatrice. "Yes, sir. They're showing promise, but there are a few areas where they need further improvement."
Cyclone listened attentively, his gaze steady as he processed the information. "Go on," he encouraged.
"Well, their teamwork and coordination skills are still developing. I've been implementing team exercises to strengthen their ability to work together efficiently," Rooster explained. "Additionally, some of the recruits are struggling with adapting to the rigorous physical demands of their training. We're working on tailored fitness routines to address their individual needs."
Cyclone nodded thoughtfully. "It's good to hear that you're addressing these issues proactively, Lieutenant-Commander. The success of our operations relies heavily on the competence and cohesion of our personnel."
Okay, that’s it, Rooster thought, I can go.
Rooster nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, sir."
Cyclone glanced at the board behind him, where the files were pinned. "Speaking of assets, have you had a chance to review the files of the new recruits yourself?"
"Yes, sir," Rooster replied promptly, furrowing his brows a bit. "I've gone through their profiles,they have potential."
Oh boy.
“Something the matter,sir?”
Cyclone turned his attention fully to Rooster. "I don’t want another situation like the last one.’ he says, “While it was not your fault, I want you to pay close attention to each of them,Bradshaw. The last thing we need is more heroes trying to play dumb.” he sits back down on his chair, “Any of them fall in that category?”
Rooster's stomach churned a bit at Cyclone's words, his concern for Beatrice momentarily pushed to the back of his mind.”None of them have shown overt signs of disregarding protocol but I'm keeping a vigilant eye to ensure that no such tendencies emerge."
Cyclone's gaze remained sharp as he regarded Rooster. "Good. We can't afford to let our guard down, especially with new recruits."
"Absolutely, sir," Rooster agreed firmly. His mind drifted back to Beatrice for a moment, bouncing his leg almost invisibly, but Cyclone was too busy to pay attention to that. “I’ll definitely let you know.”
“Of course you will.” Cyclone leaned back in his chair, his expression stern. "I trust your judgment, Lieutenant-Commander. As long as we maintain discipline and adherence to our principles, we should be able to prevent any unnecessary complications."
Thank you, sir…anything else?"
"Yes," Cyclone replied, he interlaced his hands in front of his chest. "I saw your wife.
Rooster's heart skipped a beat as Cyclone mentioned Beatrice. The mix of anxiety and adoration was something he experienced before, but it still made him sigh quietly  "Oh? Where did you see her, sir?"
Cyclone's pointed towards the wall on his left. "I passed by her in the hallway just a little while ago. She seemed a bit out of place, like she wasn't quite sure where to go." he pauses, “And she was with Maverick so that explains a lot.”
Rooster's concern deepened. "Is she alright, sir?"
Cyclone nodded reassuringly. "She seemed fine, just a little uncertain. A bit nervous, but it’s understandable.”
Rooster's worry didn't dissipate completely, but he trusted Cyclone's assessment. He straightened in his stance, offering a grateful nod. "Thank you, sir. I’m glad to know that."
“Maverick had no plan in mind,right?”
“None that I know of,sir.”
Cyclone hummed, tapping his fingers on his desk before sighing out of his nose, ‘Very well, if that’s all you had to say, you are dismissed.” Bradley saluted him and turned on his heel, stopping when he called his name, “Good job,kid. You are doing good.”
Rooster's heart swelled with pride at Cyclone's words. "Thank you, sir," he replied sincerely, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "I'll continue to give it my best."
Cyclone nodded, his expression softening. "I have no doubt about that, Bradshaw. Keep up the good work.."
"Absolutely, sir," Rooster affirmed with a nod, then he turned to leave the office, his mind still occupied with thoughts of Beatrice and Maverick. His eyes moved around a bit, hoping to catch a glimpse of his wife anywhere.
As he made his way back through the base's corridors, he couldn't help but wonder what the two of them were up to. He knew Maverick well enough to understand that unexpected situations often arose around him - more like all the time - and while Rooster trusted his friend's judgment, he couldn't shake off his protective instincts.
His heart raced a bit as he rounded a corner and kept looking for Beatrice and Maverick, for crying out loud where would they be? It’s not that hard to lose someone there even if the base was huge.
Rooster's anxiety continued to gnaw at him as he walked through the base's corridors, scanning the surroundings in search of any sign of Beatrice and Maverick. His mind raced with various scenarios, each one more outlandish than the last. He knew he was overthinking things, but he couldn't help it. Beatrice was his everything, and the idea of something happening to her while she was on the base sent shivers down his spine.
He passed by various personnel, returning salutes and nods absentmindedly as he focused on his search. The base was indeed vast, and it wasn't uncommon for individuals to get temporarily disoriented.
 Still, that didn't ease Rooster's growing unease.
Just as he was about to turn into another corridor, he finally caught sight of Beatrice's familiar brown hair in the distance. She was standing near a window, peering out at the base's training grounds. Maverick was by her side, engaged in what seemed like an animated conversation. The sight of her brought a mixture of relief and a pang of longing.
Closing his eyes and slapping his hand over his heart in hopes to calm it down,Rooster approached them, his footsteps a little quicker than he intended. As he reached them, he couldn't hide the mixture of worry and affection in his voice. "Hey, there you are. Everything okay?"
Beatrice turned to him, her eyes lighting up when she saw him, a soft gasp escaping her mouth "Roos!" she greeted with a soft smile, opening her arms and ready to jump on him…only to slowly lower her arms and give him a small smile, ‘Sorry, no pda in the base,right? I forgot.”
"Hey," he replied, his voice soft and filled with affection. He chuckled at her comment, understanding the rules well but still being a little disappointed. "Yeah, you're right. No PDA. But I'll gladly settle for a hug later….what are you two doing?”
“Oh!’ she turns briefly to Maverick, “Pete was just showing me some places, like this little,” she moves her hand, ‘Um,not so little training area you guys got.”
“Oh.” he smiles when she turns to him only for his eyes to narrow once she looks away to ramble a bit more. He mouths, ‘why are you two here?’ to Maverick to which his uncle only replies with a smirk and a shrug, ‘it’s okay.’
‘It’s not’ he mouths back, while Beatrice gestures to their surroundings, ‘She could get hurt!’
‘You are overreacting’
‘No I’m-’ he shuts his mouth when Beatrice looks back at him, slapping on a smile when she grins while explaining about the little guided visit, “Well,I’m sure you are having fun.”
“I am! Mav is a great guide.”
“See?’ his uncle smirks, “I’m a great guide.”
Rooster’s eyes narrow again but he just leans closer to Beatrice, he couldn’t touch her so he had to deal with that, “You okay?” he asks softly, “Nothing…happening,right?”
Beatrice's smile remained warm as she turned her attention back to Rooster, her eyes locked onto his. "I'm perfectly fine, Roos," she reassured him, her voice gentle. "Just exploring and getting a feel for this place. That’s all."
Rooster's worry didn't completely vanish, but her reassuring words eased his tension somewhat. He smiled back at her, his eyes softening as he looked into hers. "I'm glad you're enjoying it. And I'm really glad to see you here, even if it's just for a visit."
Maverick's teasing tone interrupted their moment, "Oh, come on, you two. Don't let me interrupt your sweet reunion. I'll just be over here, not listening at all." he points at them, “No pda though, remember that.”
Rooster's gaze shifted to Maverick,  lips pursed, “Yeah,yeah,I know. Go on ahead,I know you’ll eventually listen to something.”
Maverick put a hand over his heart, feigning hurt. "You wound me, Rooster. Here I am, trying to be a supportive uncle, and you accuse me of eavesdropping."
“You do.”
“Do not.”
Beatrice chuckled softly at their banter, her eyes moving between them. "You two are quite the pair."
Rooster's smile remained, even if his eyes are still narrowed at Maverick. "Yeah, we are. But it's all in good fun." he turned to Beatrice once Maverick was a few feet back, ‘...gorgeous, you are okay,truly? Not feeling sick, or anything of the sort?” she shakes her head negatively, “Okay,good,okay.”
“You weren’t worried about me the whole day were you?”
“A little.” he confesses, shrugging, “I can’t stay here with you for too long,gotta go back but…promise me, promise me you won’t let Mav do anything crazy.”
“Oh um,” she looks back to where Maverick was, clearly not paying attention, “He wanted to show me the hangar–”
“No, absolutely not.”
“Gorgeous, there’s jet fuel and there’s huge jets in there and there are places you can get hurt.” he says in a whisper. Beatrice's smile softened as she listened to Rooster's genuine concern. His protective instincts were something she had come to appreciate deeply, even if they sometimes led to a touch of over-worrying.
"Roos, I appreciate your concern," she began, her voice gentle, "but Maverick's just showing me around. I promise, we won't do anything crazy or dangerous. And if he tries to, I'll put my foot down." 
Rooster's expression eased a little. "Okay, good.," he remarked, his affection for her clear in his gaze. "Just be careful, okay?"
Beatrice nodded, her smile warm. "I will, I promise. And you know I can take care of myself."
"Yeah, I know." Rooster's smile grew, his eyes softening as he looked at her. "It's just hard not to worry when you mean everything to me."
Beatrice's heart fluttered at his words, cheeks burning red.So he was using the no PDA rule to lay on the compliments,huh?  "And you mean everything to me, too." She paused, clenching her hands when they almost leaned to touch him. "I'll be careful, Roos. You know I value your peace of mind."
Rooster nodded, his gaze lingering on her hand for a moment before he looked around, making sure no one was paying too much attention to them,Maverick included. "I wish I could hug you right now."
"I know," Beatrice said softly. "But we'll have our moments later, away from the base." She stepped a little closer, her eyes never leaving his. "Just knowing you care this much, it means the world to me."
Rooster's smile remained, his eyes locked onto hers. "Always, gorgeous. I'll be counting the minutes until I can see you again properly."
Beatrice chuckled, a playful glint in her eyes. "Well, make sure you don't let the minutes slip away. I'll be waiting."
“Ahem,kids,” Maverick taps his watch, “Don’t wanna sound like an old man, but, we are on a timed schedule.”
Rooster and Beatrice slowly backed away, “Right,” he clears his throat, fixing his uniform, ‘I’ll…go back now.” Beatrice smiles at him, nodding in response, “See you in a few hours,okay?”
“Okay.” she whispers, “I’ll be okay.” she says again, because she feels he needs to hear it, “Don’t worry. I won’t steal any jets under Cyclone’s nose.” now that,that, made him sputter a laugh, then cover his mouth in hopes to keep it down because the image was adorable and amazing at the same time.
“Oh,I–” he snickers, “I hope so.” he looks back at Maverick, who taps his watch again, “Anyway,I’ll be going. Have fun,safely.”
“Aye,aye sir.” she smiles, his pupils enlarge and he knows exactly what she’s doing. “Will do.”
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half truths pt. 1
Izogie x Nanisca 
Izogie didn’t die before the end battle - at least not all the way. She has come back home to the palace, but Nanisca knows she isn’t all there. Nanisca knows everything - almost. There’s a lot of things both of them haven’t admitted, but one seems to be taking a step towards vulnerability while one seems to be fighting some internal conflicts. Izogie is still a badass, though. 
Mother/Daughter vibes underneath Commander/Lieutenant pairing. There’s a lot of respect, but there’s also a lot of love.
content warnings: mentions of wounds/scars, enslavement/enslavers, war/battle, weapons, body parts/physical training. (no fluff or smut stuff yet but it’s only part one lmaooo).
Fon to English Translations (these may not be perfect, if anybody has any feedback pls lmk!!!): 
Dŏwe - Lieutenant
Vǐ ce - My Child
Word Count: 1,935
I love Nanisca, she’s never in any fics so I wanted to start out with her and her relationship to Izogie being developed. There’s more to come with her and Amenza, and Nawi as well.
Her eyes were dead set on the pair of strong legs in front of her as she pulled herself up off the ground, again and again - a look of total focus for something far beyond what was before her. Her hands made room for themselves in the hot, burnt orange soil. Her toes bent in, somehow equally as strong as the rest of her body, hinging with her every push.
The sun was just starting to go down, everyone else had finished training that day but the warrior and Nanisca had made a deal to do some extra work to get her back where she was before her injuries. She was lieutenant after all, and despite what happened - she was Agojie. They both were, and neither knew when something else might happen or when new trainees would come. She needed to be ready, they both agreed - despite Nanisca’s slight apprehension. 
“170…30 more.” Nanisca said, rolling the point of a dulled dagger on her finger tip, balancing the blade’s end between her other pointer. She knew it was practically nothing for the warrior to complete reps like this, she knew of the long nights and early mornings she spent training in what she thought was secret. Nanisca believed herself to know everything that went on in the palace and within the Agojie. But especially of what her successor was up too. She once did, maybe. But now, she wasn’t so sure. She only wish she knew more of what went on in the woman’s mind, the place where no one else could see. After so much turmoil, Nanisca felt the need to be more sure now than ever of what was taking place in her orbit.
“10 more. Alternate them.” Nanisca coached as she walked behind the woman to check her form from the back, noticing small cuts on her ankles and up her calves. She made note of this, filing it away with the rest of the knowledge she held about what was always going on around her, even if not in front of her. She looked at the woman’s arms and shoulders. Her form was perfect, as always. 
As the warrior swiftly - precisely - switched arms each rep, it was as if she was holding her breathe. Her core was tight and engaged, her legs never shook like any of the trainees and even some of the other Agojie (to which they tried to hide.). She was always precise, always on time, and always solid.
“You may stop now.” Nanisca said, bringing her mind back to focus. 
The warrior brought her knees forward and sat down, arms stretching behind her. She caught her breath, in quiet but big gulps.
“Tell me, Izogie, what have you been doing while I am not watching?”
The warrior hiccuped and choked on the air she was attempting to restore rhythm to for a split second, recovering quickly.
She didn’t answer, silence sat between them aside from the sounds of Izogie’s breath returning to center.
“You have nothing to say, Dŏwe?” Nanisca paused, waiting to see if the warrior would respond. She wanted the truth, as she had always gotten from Izogie without question. She felt a familiar pang of frustration quickly dispel into consideration and concern as she looked at the warriors hand shake as she tried to hide it behind her thigh. She had never seen her shake before. 
“Vǐ ce?” She asked again, softer. She had always felt softened about Izogie but Nanisca had buried her softness a long time ago. Until now. Until Nawi. She internally cursed herself for missing so much that she could’ve had. So much with Izogie, so much with the other Agojie, so much with Amenza - her truest friend, her truest something in so much nothingness she had endured. She often spent time yearning for who she once was, knowing she would have to grieve a girl that never got to exist. She didn’t want that for anybody else, Agojie or not. Responsibility or not. 
Izogie’s eyes traced her arms and the scars that lay on them as she looked for the words to say, the worry of her secret trainings being known to the Miganon sitting in the forefront of her mind. Something else, sitting behind it. She eased a bit as Nanisca called her that word - child. She had not been a child in so long. 
“I… I have been doing some extra trainings, alone. I apologize for keeping it a secret, Miganon. I have felt like I need to improve since the last battle with the Oyo and the slavers. I almost didn’t make it out. I was shot.. twice. And thought dead until Amenza… well you know. What’s worse is I nearly gave up before that.. I nearly let someone else decide my fate. If not for Nawi then…”
Her brow furrowed as she mindlessly brought her palm to one of her newer scars. If you can even call it a scar - it had not yet healed fully. A sometimes dull, sometimes sharp pain sat within the woman’s core and chest, every day.
In the absence of a response from Nanisca, Izogie continued, trying to pull herself together. She cannot slip, not here, not now.
“Then I would be dead. Or worse.”
“I do not want to fail Dahomey ever again. I do not want to fail you, ever again…” She said, meaning it wholly. “An- Anyway, I apologize Miganon. I accept any puni-”.
“I do not train sorry women. I do not welcome home failures.” Nanisca started. Izogie’s eyes darted to the other woman’s eyes, taken aback by the returning sternness, and shock at what she was hearing. 
“You did not die. And when you were taken, you still sought to follow my orders to slit your throat, even in the midst of your own life hanging in the balance. Yes?” She nodded at the warrior, asking more than telling. 
“You fought until the very end, and even further. You would have died anything but a failure. But…I am glad you did not slit your throat. I am glad you are home, here with us. With me…” Nanisca looked deep into her eyes, in a way only a mother could - even if she didn’t know she was a mother, really. Then she looked away.
“But I am not glad that since you have returned, you have not been the honest woman I know you to be. You think I do not know what happens in this palace? That I do not know you are more tired in the mornings than normal? That I do not see the repairs made to the training equipment, or see the blood left behind in the bath? I hear your pain at night when you do actually try to sleep, and I know you do not frequent the healers the way you should be. I hear you telling half truths, Izogie.” Nanisca set her dagger down and walked over to face the warrior fully. 
“I am asking about the cuts on your legs, the scent on your clothes when you greet me. The look in your eyes during the day. It is not just grief that you feel. Am I wrong?”
The warrior was speechless, a new feeling for her. Her head dropped low, examining the soil with her eyes as they welled with hot tears. One fell to the ground between her legs, making the orange soil turn muddy. She fought them with everything she had in her, which didn’t feel like much anymore.
Nanisca knelt next to her, grabbing her face with her fingers softly wiping away a tear or two, and lifting her chin. 
She was softer than Izogie remembered her being. She knew she had Nawi to thank, although she probably wouldn’t.
“Do not bow your head to me like I am nothing more than a commander. In battle, you would hand me the same sword that would keep you alive in less than a thought. You think I would not offer you even my ear?” She seared into Izogie’s eyes with a passion she had not felt with anyone but Nawi. She felt like she was looking at her child, as much as she was looking at her sister and her comrade. 
The warrior sat, silenced by her own mind. She knew what the Miganon was talking about. Her time spent outside the palace lately. Izogie has always been one to do her own thing, but she had never been out so frequently. She had never been secretive with Nanisca, even as a trainee. She always told the truth, loudly and openly for all to see and hear. She had always kept her sworn loyalty, without question and without force. Izogie loved being Agojie, and she respected all the rules that came along with being in the palace. She respected Nanisca, and she loved her. Quietly, underneath her reverence for the Woman King. But this was something she knew even the Miganon could not advocate for, or maybe even understand. She knew it had to be a secret.
She closed her eyes and opened her mouth trying to say something. Anything. But the sharpness had returned and she groaned instead.
Nanisca let her face go and squeezed her shoulders tightly as she stood. 
“I will not ask again today. I trust in you the way I trust in myself. I know my own mind so I know yours, too. Do you trust me, Izogie?”
The warrior stood, arm bent over her core.
“I do, Miganon. Without question.”
Nanisca nodded slowly, knowing the warrior meant what she said but also knowing that she was going to keep whatever was going on from her for now. She knew the woman well, and well enough to recognize the look in her eye was as genuine as it was privately holding a secret. She wiped her hands on her tunic to rid of the dust from the ground and prepared to leave, sheathing her dagger. She could forgive one secret, for now, off the respect that this woman died for her daughter and fought to defend for her own life many times before. 
“I do not approve of your trainings.” She said in a voice that suggested she was back to business.
“But I will never take your body from you the way the slavers tried to, the way the Oyo did to me. You will figure it out. I give you two orders, lieutenant. Let yourself heal.”
Izogie nodded her head as she stood at attention. 
“I will be listening when you are ready to tell me the truth.”
She turned to walk away as Izogie stood there, in pain and drained from her training and the workings of her own mind.
“Miganon!” She called after the woman.
“What is the second order?” She asked, eager to please her commander again, not knowing she never stopped.
The Miganon turned only her head for a moment, before turning it back forward as she continued to walk.
“Never bow your head again, not in this palace and not anywhere else.”
Izogie stood there, holding her breath again as Nanisca entered back into the palace walls and about the rest of her business. Once she was out of sight, she sighed deeply and relaxed her arms and shoulders. She wasn’t sure what to make of what just happened but she felt comforted and at the same time, all the more conflicted than before. 
She grabbed her weapons and headed to her chambers to change.
hey y'all, this is my first fic in a long time. its gonna be a short series, so pls lmk what you’re thinking and any feedback you have! (literally I am begging pls) thank you so much for reading 🥹
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lauryn-order · 2 years
You guys. I’m in serious financial trouble and I don’t know what to do. So I’m going to be brutally honest with y’all.
My Last Paycheck + Next Paycheck: $2,200
Rent: $1,050
AirBnB 23-27: $600
Hotel/AirBnB 30-3: >$300 (My ex’s dad I’m still friends with is giving me some hotel points to use for the first couple nights)
New Furniture so I Don’t Have to Sleep on the Floor for the Next Month: ???$$$
WiFi so I can Work: $70
Car Insurance: $180
Doctor’s Appointment: $50
Meds: >$50
Food: ???$$$
Cat Food: $20
Total: >$2,320 (WITHOUT Including Money for Food or Temporary Furniture)
Debt: ~$4,000
Money I Owe For Taxes: $900
Money Currently in My Bank Account Until the 31st: $60
Credit I Have Left: $170
I literally don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m beyond desperate. I have to make it until the 14th of April and I don’t think I’m going to be able to. I’m screwed. Really truly screwed.
At this point literally ANYTHING helps. Even just ideas or reblogging this. I’m begging and feel beyond pathetic about it.
Venmo: LaurynOrder
CashApp: $LaurynOrderLVU
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paranormalsaga · 19 days
Main Characters in The Paranormal Saga
(Very Light Spoilers)
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Nagode Tyjani (Codename: Nebulous)- A young Paranormal Entity with telepathic and telekinetic abilities. He is an official member of the Paratroopers. His mind is brimming with psychic energy. His consciousness is possessed by the extra-dimensional entity, Annihilation, from the Psychic Realm. This remained unbeknownst to him until he attempted suicide at 24 years old. The event unlocked Nebulous' abilities.
He is capable of telepathically communicating with other minds and reading immediate thoughts. However, if others are conscious of his telepathic abilities and refuse him, then he is incapable of reading their thoughts. He must concentrate on an individual to use this ability. He can telepathically communicate with others over vast distances. 
During lucid dreaming, Nebulous can transport his psychic form (and the incorporeal forms of others asleep) to the Psychic Realm, a dimension beyond our reality. The laws of time and space do not apply to the Psychic Realm, so while he is there, time essentially stops. He could spend years in the Psychic Realm without a single second passing in real-time, but he must be lucid to remain there.
He can mentally manipulate solid, inorganic objects by psychically generating kinetic energy. He can reliably control stationary objects. He greatly prefers controlling things consecutively to simultaneously. Since most organic life forms possess so much psychic energy, controlling them is impossible for Nebulous. He can only control solid matter; liquids, gases, plasma, and intermediate states of matter are inaccessible. The greater the size and volume of the object he controls, the less easily he can control it. Some objects are too light or small for him to reliably access (e.g. clothes). 
He can telekinetically harness the psychic energy within himself and temporarily levitate up to twenty feet in the air. He can generate defensive shields with his telekinetic abilities, rendering him impervious to heavy damage from gunfire and other lethal attacks for intermittent periods of time.
When his Psychic State is activated in situations of extreme duress, his telekinetic abilities are greatly augmented. This makes him capable of biological manipulation and controlling all states of matter, but the Psychic State exhausts him very quickly. 
He was recently recruited by the Paratroopers shortly after Annihilation attempted to consume the planet by psychically manifesting a black hole.
He is a tall, skinny 24-year-old man. He weighs 170 pounds and is 6’1” tall. He dresses comfortably, trying not to draw attention to himself. He has a big Afro and wears glasses. He looks like a geek. His go-to outfit is a graphic t-shirt, some sweatpants, and always the same pair of reliable sneakers.
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Genesis (Codename: Battalion)- A young Paranormal agent of the Department of Paranormal Activity (DPA). He is commander-in-chief of The Paratroopers and the Department’s most skilled operative. The DPA dubbed him “Battalion” because he is a one-man army. As a result of dangerous experiments conducted by the DPA on siphonophores mutated by psychic energy, Battalion possesses a colonial consciousness and the ability to clone himself at will. 
The DPA created Battalion from the somatic cells of its director, Liu Chiang. His consciousness is incredibly complex and each of his clones share a single hive-mind. Each clone can respond instantaneously to whatever signal Battalion sends through his hive-mind. He feels the experience of every single clone simultaneously. All of his clones must eventually die and they possess no other paranormal abilities beyond colonial consciousness and self-replication. He needs to be naked to generate a clone. He is extremely skilled in combat and exceptionally intelligent, using his clones to learn various skills at a rapid pace. He is also practically immortal thanks to the clones the DPA keeps in artificial hibernation for him. He usually goes into combat with twelve armored clones. 
When his powers fully mature, he can control entire armies and even his own society.
He is an impeccably muscular 26-year-old man. He weighs 180 pounds and is 6’0” tall. He has a neat haircut and is very attractive. He looks like a giga-chad. His go-to outfit is a uniform or formal wear. He looks like a younger version of Director Liu.
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Xavier Khan (Codename: Gadget)- A young Paranormal Entity with super-cognition. Gadget is a child prodigy who enrolled in college at ten years old. He went on to receive a P.H.D. in neuroscience from Minerva University at sixteen years old. He would devote his life to the study of cognitive science, seeking to enhance his intelligence to even greater heights so that he could better help those around him.
Unbeknownst to everyone else, who believe his powers are organic, Gadget perfected a process for artificially producing super-cognition. He conducted experiments on himself with psychic energy to drastically increase the number of glial cells he possessed per neuron, thus increasing the number of connections between his neurons, making his cognitive abilities infinitely more powerful.
He has many inventions such as:
Robots possessing computational intelligence
Infinity Rays: Electrical assault weapons with infinite ammunition
Force Fields
Siphons: A type of adhesive device that can suffocate an opponent to death.
The Cacophony: A device that produces lethal ultrasonic vibrations, which he contains with a Force Field.
Medicells: Devices that induce a type of stem cell regeneration that enables subjects to regenerate at a slightly faster rate, their bodies using stem cells to seal their wounds. Given enough time, one can regenerate even limbs because the stem cells transform into the cell types needed based on where they are in the body. They can’t work when injuries or diseases are too extreme, nor can they prevent death.
The Indomitable: An indestructible aircraft made of metal imbued by psychic energy with a physics-warping effect that allows the strong nuclear force to apply at molecular rather than nuclear distance, making it impossibly durable, having the hardness of neutron star material. It’s propelled by matter-antimatter annihilation. He can only use it briefly and it costs a fortune to use. 
He independently discovered the existence of the Department of Paranormal Activity and volunteered his services for the intellectual challenge.
He is a slender 25-year-old man with an athletic runner’s build. He weighs 165 pounds and is 5’11” tall. He has a regular haircut and wears glasses. He looks like a nerd. His go-to outfit is preppy casual wear, like a hot professor.
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Maya Makari (Codename: Masquerade)- A Paranormal agent of the Department of Paranormal Activity. She is an official member of the Paratroopers. Masquerade is a stealthy, lethally skilled Paranormal Entity with clairvoyance and the ability to turn invisible. Her consciousness is possessed by the extra-dimensional entity, Vanisher, from the Psychic Realm. 
She can make herself and others she touches invisible at will, psychically interrupting the interaction of light with atoms. However, she can still be detected by thermal scanners and other forms of enhanced detection.
Unfortunately, she must be physically blind when using her invisibility and blind others when turning them invisible. This is because her invisibility prevents modified photons from interacting with the eyes, traveling along optic nerves, and being received by the brain's vision centers. However, Masquerade can supernaturally perceive information about the world through her clairvoyance. She also has superhuman agility and strength.
When she vanishes, it feels like using a mental muscle, so she must somewhat concentrate to use her invisibility.
She uses combat knives forged from various steels and a bow and arrow for stealth attacks. She also uses firearms. She essentially never misses her target.
She is a 27-year-old woman with the slender, muscular body of a gymnast. She weighs 130 pounds and is 5’04” tall. She wears braids and has purely golden eyes. She looks like a ninja. Her go-to outfit is a black stealth suit and matching boots.
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Annihilation: An extra-dimensional entity from the Psychic Realm. They are completely incorporeal with no physical body, only visible to Nebulous. They have chosen to possess Nebulous’ consciousness for a reason they refuse to reveal to Nebulous. They are morally neutral and wish to annihilate all life on Earth.
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The Department of Paranormal Activity: A global peacekeeping operation established by the United Nations Security Council and tasked with covertly monitoring paranormal activity across the globe. Its current director is Liu Chiang. They are a shady, utilitarian organization that will make morally dubious decisions to secure the best outcome for the greatest amount of people. Its resources and equipment are vast.
Special Equipment:
Cybernetic exoskeletons
Cybertank- The world's first exascale supercomputer. It is the world's fastest supercomputer.
Nuclear Weapons
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Director Liu Chiang: Director of the Department of Paranormal Activity and creator/father to Battalion.
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Outrage: A defective super-soldier and the Paratroopers’ first official target. As a result of the Gladiator Procedure (a volatile medical procedure conducted by the U.S. military), Outrage and all other Gladiators possess extreme strength and durability, along with regenerative abilities and reduced pain reception. Ability varies from Gladiator to Gladiator. An unfortunate side effect of the Gladiator Procedure is that the Gladiators’ lifespans are drastically reduced, with each Gladiator living for another ten years on average post-procedure. The longest any Gladiator has lived after receiving the procedure is 25 years. Outrage received the Gladiator Procedure one year ago when he was 25 years old. He is one of the most powerful Gladiators in existence. He heals from damage much faster than it can be delivered and his physiology adapts to harmful stimuli.
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Indira Jackson & The U.S. Military: Indira Jackson is the director of the Gladiator Program and the most powerful Gladiator in existence. The American military is complicit in creating and covering up the atrocities of Overkill and the Gladiator Program. They are currently contracting Gladiators to serve the United Republic of Corinthia’s genocidal military campaign against the island nation of Ujamaa. 
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randomite · 8 days
People on Tumblr are always hyping these news articles about some rich wanker out there, buying up single family homes.
It sucks. Rich wankers are terrible yadda-yadda. Not the point of this conversation. (Burn them)
The thing is that you have some of the worst ideas on how to fix the housing crisis!
Simply because most people aren't super educated on why the housing market is this way.
Ironically, and this might tick a lot of you off. One of the causes of the housing crisis is likely you, or your co-workers, parents, siblings ect...ect.
Are you saving money! (I am!)
Do you have a 401K/Pension/Superannuation? (I Do)
Are you invested in a Real Estate Investment Trust?!
Most funds have a little bit of REIT in them. The S&P500 is 2.8% REIT,
These mega trusts own vast amounts of American housing.
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Yay. Look at this happy graphic that came from a site really stocked about the great returns on real estate investment.
Now. It should be clear REIT actually own a very small portion of American housing, around 1%. Individual owners make up a far larger portion of the housing market.
REIT live in the happy red space.
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The problem with REIT is that they are often terrible.
They are bastions of widespread community gentrification. Sweeping into minority communities like Herongate in Canada and bulldozing the lot. All to make way for shinny condos they can turn a profit on.
REITs have been accused of slumlord like behaviour. Letting houses decay with mold and refusing repair ect. Ect.
Essentially my point is....
You could be invested in the very Real Estate Investment Trust that acts as your landlord. You could be invested in the source of your own suffering and gentrification.
The pension investment in REITs for domestic housing is growing. It is too profitable. It is an easy source of growth.
If you are in a bad situation, you should want your pension invested in an REIT. It will help grow your savings (whatever they be). But, that very same REIT might own your home and be the very evil trying to wring cash out of you.
This isn't a call to action. This is more an observation about the neoliberal shit oroborus we are stuck in. You can choose not to invest in REITs, or try and find a good one.
But in doing so, you are worsening the housing crisis. REITs are sophisticated. They use rent increase software and have quantitative analysis of the market used to drive prices up.
If the housing market ever tanks, a good portion of your savings might tank with it.
Now. You might have no savings. You might not have elderly relying on social security. You might be fine.
But. Society is run by trashfire electoralism. If people don't see their investments going up they freak out and vote for the other party.
The pension investment into real estate, allowed in 2001 (thanks Bush), has created people whose retirements and future are dependent on housing prices always going up. Around 51% of Americans are invested in REITs. It is essentially a nightmare that will never be fixed unless people who are smarter than anyone on Tumblr actually put an effort in.
Thanks for reading my depressing rant.
(Also. Sorry if you are in Canada. It is bad in AUS but it seems like REITs can steal newborns over there. Like some articles are like wtf.)
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daz4i · 8 months
honestly i was thinking abt how expensive clothes became lately just a few days ago
like things like band tees - simple black with a big print on the front and a small one on the back - were 60 nis when i was a teen, and we all got mad when the price raised to 70. now it's maybe at least 90, more commonly around 100 or even 120 in some places
bought pants earlier this week, when i was younger they'd be maybe 120 nis, 150 if they were high quality. now? 270 or even more, and probably for a lower quality product too
some button ups i buy online are very cute but aren't too high quality, not gonna find them for less than 120 nis, and they're usually closer to 170 even
when i was in middle school i could go to the mall with 300 nis and get a whole outfit or even two with some money left too. now i'm lucky to get even two pieces of clothing at all
isn't that depressing. like, buying clothes is already so hard, and now the prices are becoming impossibly higher too
and like. listen. before you tell me i can go to thirft shops. no i can't 👍 i'm fat 👍 even when i was younger they were never keeping any clothes my size, and now i'm even bigger. unless you're the type of person that can get into those "one size fits all" clothes you have a very low chance to find anything in those, at least in my country (not even getting into things like my sensory issues and mental issues about knowing someone already wore these clothes). that includes those very cheap shops you can find at city centers or randomly on the street, you won't find anything that goes beyond size L
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half truths pt. 1
Izogie x Nanisca
Izogie didn't die before the end battle - at least not all the way. She has come back home to the palace, but Nanisca knows she isn't all there. Nanisca knows everything - almost. There's a lot of things both of them haven't admitted, but one seems to be taking a step towards vulnerability while one seems to be fighting some internal conflicts. Izogie is still a badass, though.
Mother/Daughter vibes underneath Commander/Lieutenant pairing. There's a lot of respect, but there's also a lot of love.
content warnings: mentions of wounds/scars, enslavement/enslavers, war/battle, weapons, body parts/physical training. (no fluff or smut stuff yet but it's only part one lmaooo).
Fon to English Translations (these may not be perfect, if anybody has any feedback pls lmk!!!):
Dŏwe - Lieutenant
Vǐ ce - My Child
Word Count: 1,935
I love Nanisca, she's never in any fics so I wanted to start out with her and her relationship to Izogie being developed. There's more to come with her and Amenza, and Nawi as well.
Her eyes were dead set on the pair of strong legs in front of her as she pulled herself up off the ground, again and again - a look of total focus for something far beyond what was before her. Her hands made room for themselves in the hot, burnt orange soil. Her toes bent in, somehow equally as strong as the rest of her body, hinging with her every push.
The sun was just starting to go down, everyone else had finished training that day but the warrior and Nanisca had made a deal to do some extra work to get her back where she was before her injuries. She was lieutenant after all, and despite what happened - she was Agojie. They both were, and neither knew when something else might happen or when new trainees would come. She needed to be ready, they both agreed - despite Nanisca's slight apprehension.
"170...30 more." Nanisca said, rolling the point of a dulled dagger on her finger tip, balancing the blade's end between her other pointer. She knew it was practically nothing for the warrior to complete reps like this, she knew of the long nights and early mornings she spent training in what she thought was secret. Nanisca believed herself to know everything that went on in the palace and within the Agojie. But especially of what her successor was up too. She once did, maybe. But now, she wasn't so sure. She only wish she knew more of what went on in the woman's mind, the place where no one else could see. After so much turmoil, Nanisca felt the need to be more sure now than ever of what was taking place in her orbit.
"10 more. Alternate them." Nanisca coached as she walked behind the woman to check her form from the back, noticing small cuts on her ankles and up her calves. She made note of this, filing it away with the rest of the knowledge she held about what was always going on around her, even if not in front of her. She looked at the woman's arms and shoulders. Her form was perfect, as always.
As the warrior swiftly - precisely - switched arms each rep, it was as if she was holding her breathe. Her core was tight and engaged, her legs never shook like any of the trainees and even some of the other Agojie (to which they tried to hide.). She was always precise, always on time, and always solid.
"You may stop now." Nanisca said, bringing her mind back to focus.
The warrior brought her knees forward and sat down, arms stretching behind her. She caught her breath, in quiet but big gulps.
"Tell me, Izogie, what have you been doing while I am not watching?"
The warrior hiccuped and choked on the air she was attempting to restore rhythm to for a split second, recovering quickly.
She didn't answer, silence sat between them aside from the sounds of Izogie's breath returning to center.
"You have nothing to say, Dŏwe?" Nanisca paused, waiting to see if the warrior would respond. She wanted the truth, as she had always gotten from Izogie without question. She felt a familiar pang of frustration quickly dispel into consideration and concern as she looked at the warriors hand shake as she tried to hide it behind her thigh. She had never seen her shake before.
"Vǐ ce?" She asked again, softer. She had always felt softened about Izogie but Nanisca had buried her softness a long time ago. Until now. Until Nawi. She internally cursed herself for missing so much that she could've had. So much with Izogie, so much with the other Agojie, so much with Amenza - her truest friend, her truest something in so much nothingness she had endured. She often spent time yearning for who she once was, knowing she would have to grieve a girl that never got to exist. She didn't want that for anybody else, Agojie or not. Responsibility or not.
Izogie's eyes traced her arms and the scars that lay on them as she looked for the words to say, the worry of her secret trainings being known to the Miganon sitting in the forefront of her mind. Something else, sitting behind it. She eased a bit as Nanisca called her that word - child. She had not been a child in so long.
"I... I have been doing some extra trainings, alone. I apologize for keeping it a secret, Miganon. I have felt like I need to improve since the last battle with the Oyo and the slavers. I almost didn't make it out. I was shot.. twice. And thought dead until Amenza... well you know. What's worse is I nearly gave up before that.. I nearly let someone else decide my fate. If not for Nawi then..."
Her brow furrowed as she mindlessly brought her palm to one of her newer scars. If you can even call it a scar - it had not yet healed fully. A sometimes dull, sometimes sharp pain sat within the woman's core and chest, every day.
In the absence of a response from Nanisca, Izogie continued, trying to pull herself together. She cannot slip, not here, not now.
"Then I would be dead. Or worse."
"I do not want to fail Dahomey ever again. I do not want to fail you, ever again..." She said, meaning it wholly. "An- Anyway, I apologize Miganon. I accept any puni-".
"I do not train sorry women. I do not welcome home failures." Nanisca started. Izogie's eyes darted to the other woman's eyes, taken aback by the returning sternness, and shock at what she was hearing.
"You did not die. And when you were taken, you still sought to follow my orders to slit your throat, even in the midst of your own life hanging in the balance. Yes?" She nodded at the warrior, asking more than telling.
"You fought until the very end, and even further. You would have died anything but a failure. But...I am glad you did not slit your throat. I am glad you are home, here with us. With me..." Nanisca looked deep into her eyes, in a way only a mother could - even if she didn't know she was a mother, really. Then she looked away.
"But I am not glad that since you have returned, you have not been the honest woman I know you to be. You think I do not know what happens in this palace? That I do not know you are more tired in the mornings than normal? That I do not see the repairs made to the training equipment, or see the blood left behind in the bath? I hear your pain at night when you do actually try to sleep, and I know you do not frequent the healers the way you should be. I hear you telling half truths, Izogie." Nanisca set her dagger down and walked over to face the warrior fully.
"I am asking about the cuts on your legs, the scent on your clothes when you greet me. The look in your eyes during the day. It is not just grief that you feel. Am I wrong?"
The warrior was speechless, a new feeling for her. Her head dropped low, examining the soil with her eyes as they welled with hot tears. One fell to the ground between her legs, making the orange soil turn muddy. She fought them with everything she had in her, which didn't feel like much anymore.
Nanisca knelt next to her, grabbing her face with her fingers softly wiping away a tear or two, and lifting her chin.
She was softer than Izogie remembered her being. She knew she had Nawi to thank, although she probably wouldn't.
"Do not bow your head to me like I am nothing more than a commander. In battle, you would hand me the same sword that would keep you alive in less than a thought. You think I would not offer you even my ear?" She seared into Izogie's eyes with a passion she had not felt with anyone but Nawi. She felt like she was looking at her child, as much as she was looking at her sister and her comrade.
The warrior sat, silenced by her own mind. She knew what the Miganon was talking about. Her time spent outside the palace lately. Izogie has always been one to do her own thing, but she had never been out so frequently. She had never been secretive with Nanisca, even as a trainee. She always told the truth, loudly and openly for all to see and hear. She had always kept her sworn loyalty, without question and without force. Izogie loved being Agojie, and she respected all the rules that came along with being in the palace. She respected Nanisca, and she loved her. Quietly, underneath her reverence for the Woman King. But this was something she knew even the Miganon could not advocate for, or maybe even understand. She knew it had to be a secret.
She closed her eyes and opened her mouth trying to say something. Anything. But the sharpness had returned and she groaned instead.
Nanisca let her face go and squeezed her shoulders tightly as she stood.
"I will not ask again today. I trust in you the way I trust in myself. I know my own mind so I know yours, too. Do you trust me, Izogie?"
The warrior stood, arm bent over her core.
"I do, Miganon. Without question."
Nanisca nodded slowly, knowing the warrior meant what she said but also knowing that she was going to keep whatever was going on from her for now. She knew the woman well, and well enough to recognize the look in her eye was as genuine as it was privately holding a secret. She wiped her hands on her tunic to rid of the dust from the ground and prepared to leave, sheathing her dagger. She could forgive one secret, for now, off the respect that this woman died for her daughter and fought to defend for her own life many times before.
"I do not approve of your trainings." She said in a voice that suggested she was back to business.
"But I will never take your body from you the way the slavers tried to, the way the Oyo did to me. You will figure it out. I give you two orders, lieutenant. Let yourself heal."
Izogie nodded her head as she stood at attention.
"I will be listening when you are ready to tell me the truth."
She turned to walk away as Izogie stood there, in pain and drained from her training and the workings of her own mind.
"Miganon!" She called after the woman.
"What is the second order?" She asked, eager to please her commander again, not knowing she never stopped.
The Miganon turned only her head for a moment, before turning it back forward as she continued to walk.
"Never bow your head again, not in this palace and not anywhere else."
Izogie stood there, holding her breath again as Nanisca entered back into the palace walls and about the rest of her business. Once she was out of sight, she sighed deeply and relaxed her arms and shoulders. She wasn't sure what to make of what just happened but she felt comforted and at the same time, all the more conflicted than before.
She grabbed her weapons and headed to her chambers to change.
hey y'all, this is my first fic in a long time. its gonna be a short series, so pls lmk what you're thinking and any feedback you have! (literally I am begging pls) thank you so much for reading 🥹
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