#this is just a sketch but if it somehow inspires someone to want to commission me
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shrews-art · 1 day ago
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On their way to blow up some place or another <3
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onesentencemusings · 25 days ago
Ayyyooo, I have been a quiet fan of your “Return of Jafar” rewrite series, and to be honest reading the story has made me a bit inspired to come out of my artist block by creating fanart! However, I went back to reread the first chapter and I realized there was not much physical description of the Nomad. The only description was in the most recent update, but it I was wondering if you had more ideas regarding her appearence. Would you be able to provide a physical description of her (and maybe the princess in the beginning as well)? I would like to be as accurate as possible (I know I could be creative with it, but I would still like your thoughts regardless!) Keep up the great work so far, I cannot wait for future chapters!
(Also as I was writing this, I realized that I was not aware of the Nomad’s name. Was her name said at any point? Tbh my memory is kinda bad. If not would you reveal her name in the future? Thanks!!)
First of all
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You cannot understand how much it means to have someone offer to draw my characters. I think every writer dreams of someone loving their stuff enough to draw for them, but to have it happen, especially for my little rewrite of a movie most Disney fans would probably be happy to forget, it means so much!
The only reason it took me a bit to answer is because I promised myself if anyone asked to draw my characters or if I ever commissioned someone, I'd draw them a reference... even tho I can't really draw. But as someone dating an artist, I know a badly drawn ref is better than nothing.
So these are a few refs for the Nomad (she hasn't actually said her name yet but that's coming soon):
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Top I did in Kitra, bottom 2 I did in pen. (I kinda like the 'personality' the pen sketches have but the digital's a lot cleaner and clearer)
Written-out description: She's 30 years old and from a glance you can't tell where she's from (even she's not sure what her family ethnicity is) but I usually picture her as South Asian with darker skin. She's nothing special physically (average weight/height) but a life of hard work makes her stronger and more durable than she looks. Any hair not held back in her ponytail is a scattered mess yet somehow what is in the ponytail seems to always form a single curl. Maybe it's magic, maybe it Maybelline (or maybe it's just really dirty).
As for Princess Dia'mah, I never had a lot in mind for her design originally. Frankly she was just supposed to be a Mcguffin at the start but I guess I made her too precious and people liked her. But since you asked...
Dia'mah is 14, light tan, very slender for her age with hair a lot like Jasmine's (call it the style of the time period). Since she's a few years younger than Jasmine (and I never liked the overly revealing "belly dancer" outfit the original Jasmine wears), I picture Dia'mah having something closer to the live action Jasmine wears but while Jas is emulating a peacock, Dia'mah is inspired by a flamingo. All pink, lots of layers and fabric coming off her arms to look like wings . She probably also had large diamond earrings to recall her homeland's namesake of "The Land of Diamonds" but Abys Mal is the kind of jerk to steal jewels off a little girl so I'll let you decide if you want her to have them or not.
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You ARE welcome to take artistic liberties where I haven't filled any particular detail in, just fyi, but you're very welcome to ask me about anything. I'm always looking for an excuse to talk about my characters. Again thank you so SO much for asking to draw my characters! It really means the world to me!
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zeldaelmo · 7 months ago
for the WIP tag game, tell us about your newest story "inspiration, illusions and other inconveniences". it already seems very self-aware, considering most people reading are likely to be writers or artists or at least frequent the same spheres, so it will be interesting to see how many references and how relatable you can make it :,D
Haha, that's exactly what I thought when you sent the comment the other day. As you know, I'm not an artist, just a writer, so we'll see how much I get wrong on Link's side of things. He'll be the only pov character, too (somehow I'm only writing his pov lately?), but we'll still see quite some writing typical shenanigans.
Here's a snippet from the next chapter, 'Bad ideas':
T had answered a few comments already but hadn't given away much. It was fun to read others' opinions anyway; some posted theories nearly as long as the chapter had been.
One comment, however, piqued his interest:
"Wow, this is so incredibly good! Bless you, for this gift, T! I wish someone would make art for this story! It would be so cool to see this scene, but I can't draw to save my life."
Link inhaled through his nose and leaned back on his chair. Oh, no. This was a bad idea. He…he…well. He could draw, couldn’t he?
He closed the laptop and blinked. That was not how he had planned his evening. He wanted to finish his landscape study. And not drawing smooching namesakes. Shaking his head to get rid of the stupid ideas, he stood up, walked a circle, and set up his drawing tablet. He opened the laptop again and navigated to the file of his study.
Yesterday, he hadn’t been happy with the lighting situation, maybe he could solve the problem after a day’s break. He settled down, tried this and that, added a few strokes here and there. Yet, the only lighting he thought of was how the sun filtered into the grotto and illuminated the Zelda of the story. He took a few more attempts, but it was useless. His heart wasn’t into it. Gloomily, he stared at the painting he had sworn to finish today, but his mind arranged a piece of art of two blonde Hylians kissing without asking him for permission.
I commissioned @illcamp for the art Link paints in this chapter and the sketch she showed me looked already wonderful! So excited to share it with you all eventually. 😊
Thank you for the ask!
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goldendoodlerlockerlove · 1 year ago
4, 10, 11, 27!! (took you this long to reblog the thing >:/ but hell yessss ♥️)
Yesss!! Thank you so much for invading my ask box, DT!!❣️
4.) How many different styles/mediums (e.g., digital art, traditional art, comics, sculptures, paper craft, etc.) did you try this year?
Actually, quite a bit!! At least, more than I initially thought I did. I, of course, did mostly digital art near the end of this year, and ended up producing a lot more pieces than I've done before!! It was honestly kind of crazy how much art I began producing at the end of this year. It was like I was a driver in a race, pffffffft. But, at the beginning of this year, I dabbled a lot in traditional art, because I enjoy the feeling of putting a pencil to paper, and whilst it takes more time, sometimes it can give you more freedom to experiment with designs or expressions. I also began making a long-form Bob's Burgers comic for the first time, which was inspired by @bluebirbbs and their long-form Bob's Burgers comic, which everyone should read if they haven't already. When I was younger and in art class, I actually used even more mediums for creating art, like sewing an actual Christmas ornament, and sketching stuff using a lightbox, which is super fun. But I haven't done those two things in years. I kind of want to try doing them again someday.
10.) What inspired/motivated you this year?
DT, you know I'm going to say you as my first (and biggest :3) inspiration. I mean, come on, you're the reason I have this blog in the first place. I know I've said it before, but seeing your amazing, lovely BB art inspired me to begin making my own and get back into drawing, and it caused me to create my blog and expand it into territories I didn't even think were possible. And now I'm running Geneuary, an event celebrating my favorite baby boy, and that would never have happened if it hadn't been for you, and that initial Boblin ask I somehow worked up the courage to give you (and am so glad I did)! It doesn't show it anymore, but do you remember how I didn't even have an image for my account?? 😆
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Yes, I'm getting super sappy, but all of this is true!! Now, of course, you weren't my only inspiration. There are too many blogs to name, but @br1ghtestlight has been super sweet and my Gene Belcher buddy!! He's the one person who loves the baby boy as much as I do. We may or may not do a collab for Geneuary based on an idea she had about Gene and Tina working on a lil' puzzle together, which is just too adorable 😭
I also must shout out @babsvibes too. She was also, in a way, the reason I even have this blog. I used to be content enjoying this silly Burger show on my own, watching the episodes and having fun, and reading the occasional fanfic (@thisaliennerd and their Boblin fanfic Falling For You is Easy [Like Sunday Morning]) was one of my first forays into the BB fanfic community, and it wonderful) when I suddenly stumbled upon this Tinimmy fic by Babs one fateful day called Honeycombed Hair, I believe: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44413795
This fic led me to you, DT, and your amazing art!! And I joined this incredible Muppet community, and nothing's been the same for me ever since. Now I don't have to enjoy this show alone!! Of course, I have my BF @cryptidchrome now, who watches the show, but I digress. Babs also invited me to the Louigan server, which has been an absolute blast. And she's just an excellent writer in general, which is very inspiring as someone who also writes.
I must also shoutout @theangrypomeranian for being so sweet and Commissioning me, and also being an excellent writer (she called me the #1 Gene person in this fandom and that made me so 🥺). And @devilh0rnsinc for having such lovely art that it makes me squee every time. And @jimmypesto for making the best Boblin fics and just being the ultimate Boblin connoisseur. Shoutout to her new nephew for being the most adorable bambino on the entire planet. Welcome to the world, lil' bean!! @jimmyjrsmusoems is another fantastic writer and is hilarious, and is the other Tinimmy connoisseur in this fandom, besides you, DT, of course. Also, @koko-raccoon has some of the cutest art ever and listened to me ramble about my OCs, which I definitely want to thank them for. Their art is very inspiring to me. But the person whose art is the most inspiring to me, besides yours, DT, is probably @dianadeadwing. Her art is wonderful, and I'll never get enough of it. I also get so excited whenever I see it.
Okay, now for more of a speed round so I can mention more people!! @ratguy-nico has adorable art as well, and I love his style so much. It's wonderful. And @ltwharfy is such a good writer and I didn't even know until I read his Roudise Week fic about Bob and Rudy getting Louise a new hat when she outgrows her bunny ears. @keepyourhornson-spyro is another fantastic writer and is the certified Tedmort Monarch. There are just so many more people I want to name, but I'll just mention one more person: @carnivaldemon, who gave me the most adorable art of Gene and my OC, Alexis. His art is truly inspiring to me.
11.) What pairing/character/subject did you create the most for this year?
You probably already know the answer to this ☠️
It's definitely a tie between Boblin and Gene/Alexis, which is definitely my newest ship and obsession. But I have to give Boblin a special shoutout because I began work on an entire Pre-Canon Boblin series (which I'm still working on to this day) and a "Linda is Deaf" AU, both of which are super close to my heart now. Thank you for giving me the push I needed to work on my "Linda is Deaf" AU when I sent that ask about it to you, pfffffft.
Gene is definitely the character I've created the most for in terms of just singular characters. I could talk about him all day. I love this lil' guy so much. Hopefully, y'all don't get bored of hearing me ramble about him, because I'll certainly never get bored of rambling about him.
27.) Biggest surprise while creating art this year?
Honestly, the biggest surprise was just how sweet, supportive, and welcoming the Bob's Burgers community ended up being. Y'all welcomed me with open arms and supported all of my creative endeavors (and long analyses about Gene) and for that, I'll always be grateful. This community really does feel like one big family, and it's so lovely to see. Everyone is just so nice to each other, it warms my heart 🥹 And one of my biggest surprises was learning about the Ship Weeks/Character Events, and how fun they are. They're truly a testament to how sweet and talented this community is. I'm definitely looking forward to them all next year if they happen again.
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getsketched · 7 months ago
Has anyone asked you any questions yet?
No, I literally just made this blog. I'm going to try to imagine what kind of questions people might ask a blog like this, though, and answer them.
Why did you draw me/my cat/the tree I posted/etc?
I'm learning to draw, or perhaps learning to draw better, and frequent practice is helpful. Unfortunately, picking something random around my house gets boring after a while, and tumblr is full of much more exciting things to draw.
Okay but why is it so bad?
Wow. Rude. I mentioned the learning thing, right? But really, and more importantly, I'm sketching here. Doodling. I'm not going for accuracy, I'm going for "let's see how well I can capture this in [ten minutes or an hour or whatever]." It's not supposed to be a finished masterpiece. If you would like to commission a finished masterpiece, we can talk.
Will you draw [x]?
Considering I made this blog in an effort to find more inspiration, I'm not going to argue with requests! If I somehow start getting a lot of requests, though, I might move to a "I'll let y'all know when I'm taking requests" model.
I hate your sketch. Will you delete it?
Probably, if you ask.
I love your sketch. Can I buy it?
Uhhh... I'll have to think of how to handle this one if it ever actually comes up. Maybe?
Do you sketch NSFW posts?
I might! If I do, I will tag them appropriately. I probably won't sketch anything that reads as smut to me; that said, I'm not awesome at identifying where the line between "thirst trap" and "smut" is. If you feel something should be tagged differently please let me know.
Why did you tag my image as NSFW?
Because NSFW means Not Safe For Work. At some point people decided to interpret it as "not appropriate for children," and while there's overlap, it's not the same thing. If I think there's a chance someone's boss could be a dick about them looking at my sketch and/or the original picture I sketched (more so than they would just about looking at tumblr, that is) I'm going to tag it just to be safe.
What's with the "thing that's bugging me 🩶 favorite part" bit?
Back to the "learning" thing. I think acknowledging areas for improvement is important, but if I don't also acknowledge the parts I'm happy with, I'll lose all desire to do it at all. (I don't include this on figures because I don't want people to think I'm talking about them/their bodies rather than my own artistic prowess in capturing them.)
How long have you been drawing?
On and off my whole life. I'm old.
How do I get good at drawing?
You're asking ME? Wow. That's wild. If anyone ever actually asks me this maybe I'll make a post with my thoughts on the matter.
Do you post sketches that aren't of tumblr posts?
Sure! Or, well, again, just made this and haven't posted anything yet, but yes there will be random sketchbook pages and doodles from my own brain on here, too.
Do you post things that aren't sketches?
Probably (I mean, this isn't a sketch, right?) but I'll keep it art-related here.
What [pencil/sketchbook/erasers/etc] do you use?
What's that Ron Swanson quote about not endorsing a product unless it's so good he uses it exclusively? I'm with him. I use Morton's salt. Not for drawing, of course, just for, y’know, salt. I will share that I mostly sketch with a 2H 2mm lead in a lead holder (imagine if a normal pencil and a mechanical pencil had a baby) and try not to erase too much when sketching but when it's unavoidable, my mechanical eraser is a lifesaver (I use the round one).
Can I reblog your posts?
Is that not the point of Tumblr? Of course you can!
What are your pronouns/complete list of marginalized identities/politics/phobias and triggers/mother's maiden name/favorite kind of socks/whatever?
For the purposes of this blog, please think of me as a semi-sentient sketchbook. I mean, you could find all this stuff on my main, but it's not what I'm over in this corner for. If your genuine response to meeting a semi-sentient sketchbook would be a pronoun check, my semi-sentient sketchbook response is: idk have fun with it.
I have another question that you didn't answer here.
okay 🩶 yay 🩶 send me an ask!
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lyricfulloflight · 5 years ago
Everything For You
This one is for you @pinkoptics.  You sent in my first prompt: picking fuzz off their clothing From a list of ordinary things that become intimate when you love someone and this is what happened ;).  I hope you enjoy it!
Everything For You
“Stand still.”
Erik gritted his teeth and picked a spot on the wall to stare at as Charles examined him from shoulders to ankles, brushing off lint and picking off extraneous pieces of… well something… as he went.
“How long has this thing been stuffed into the back of your closet?”  Charles asked.
“Um… a while?” Erik answered lamely.
Probably more than a while really.  He might have pulled this suit out for his sister’s graduation, but that had been years ago, before he’d even moved into Charles’ place.
“You should have told me about your show sooner.  I would have sent this to get cleaned.”
“When exactly would you have had time to do that?”  Erik queried.
Charles had to be the busiest person he had ever met.  Teaching classes at Columbia, spending absurd hours at the lab doing research, staying until the janitors kicked him out of his office typing up journal articles, and still accompanying Erik every weekend to the Mutant Youth Center to volunteer, teaching teenagers everything from chess to how to control their mutations.
“I have my ways.” Charles replied, brow arched.
“There’s no way I would have bothered you with cleaning the suit, but I should have told you about the show earlier.  You are coming, right?”
“Of course I’m coming.  I am annoyed that my roommate and best friend didn’t tell me about the biggest show of his professional career until, oh, four hours ago – but there is no way I’m missing your triumph.”
Looking down at Charles, picking bits of fluff off his old dusty suit, doing his best to make Erik as presentable as possible, Erik felt his heart lurch in his chest.  He couldn’t quite figure out why he hadn’t told Charles about the show until today, scant hours before he had to leave to meet with the gallery director and make sure everything was perfectly set up for the show tonight.  Charles was, however unbelievable it may be, his best friend and biggest supporter.  By all rights, they should never even have met.
Erik, a thirty year old ex-mechanic who’d quit his job to start a new career as an artist and Charles, twenty six year old academic genius and one of the youngest professors to ever be employed at Columbia. Two opposites living together because of a combination of luck and misfortune.
The luck had been Erik’s.  Finding a posting on Craigslist for an ‘Artist’s Apartment’ listed with a very reasonable monthly rent, Erik had jumped at the chance to see the place. He’d arrived to find what had to be the most perfect space for an artist – huge open living area, giant windows, concrete flooring, brick walls, 16 foot high ceilings.  He’d also met Charles, in all his khaki pants and cardigan wearing academic glory.  Charles had happily prattled on about how his sister was an artist and had been using the apartment, and how she’d kept everything open to make it accessible for him, but now she was in Paris with no plans to return to New York for at least a year.
That had been over two years ago.
The misfortune had been Charles’.  He’d been in charge of renting out Raven’s apartment and had been happy to lease it to Erik.  He’d been the perfect absentee landlord; never bothering Erik, always on top of sending a repairman when needed, never unexpectedly increasing Erik’s rent like some of the shady characters Erik’s had dealt in the past.  Then, six months into his lease, Charles had shown up on Erik’s doorstep one night, soaked to the bone and dragging one sad looking suitcase and a backpack.  It was one of the most pathetic sights Erik had ever encountered.
After ushering Charles in, giving him time to change into dry clothes and making him a hot cup of cocoa, Erik had found himself on his couch with Charles, who had explained, cheeks flushed, and voice apologetic, his current unfortunate circumstances.
Apparently, Charles was rich.  Erik did not find this piece of information particularly surprising.  Charles looked rich, he talked like he was rich and he dressed like he was rich.  Charles’ wealth was a given.  That he had horrible relatives who had kicked him out of his home and were suing him for all was worth, which had left him with all his assets frozen and no where to live was more of a shock.  Charles owned Erik’s apartment – outright.  He’d bought it for his sister five years ago and it was currently his only option for living accommodations (Charles’ words, not Erik’s).
Erik couldn’t have kicked the man out if he tried.  Charles looked like a puppy, a small blue eyed puppy, who’d been kicked out into the street and left to fend for himself and had no idea what to do with himself.  Erik might not have been the most friendly, easy going guy, but his mother hadn’t raised him to be a jerk.  He’d told Charles in no uncertain terms that he was more than welcome to stay as long as he needed to and had then gone to clear out the spare room (which had until that moment been full of sculpting tools and materials). Charles had thanked him profusely, sworn up and down he wouldn’t be a bother and then passed out on the bed within minutes.
Two years later, they were still living together.  Perhaps at first glance they were unlikely roommates, but somehow it all worked.  It worked kind of perfectly, if Erik was being honest.  Erik got up early every morning to run and by the time he got back to the apartment, Charles was always up, a cup of tea in his hand and a steaming hot container of French press coffee on the counter for Erik.  Charles didn’t care that Erik didn’t own a television and took up most of the living room with his sculpting work.  Instead, Charles would coax Erik away from his work in the evenings and they would watch documentaries on Charles’ laptop, propped up on Charles’ very fancy hospital grade bed, eating popcorn.
Charles was the best roommate Erik had ever had.  He was also the best friend Erik had ever had.  When Erik wanted to quit sculpting because he was sick of taking commissions for things he wasn’t inspired to sculpt, Charles was there to sit beside him and pull him through with encouraging words and a glass of delicious scotch.  If Erik’s mom stopped over to fuss over him, take over the apartment, and complain about both Erik and Charles’ single status, Charles was always there, effortlessly changing the topic and making his mother smile.
When Erik had first heard he’d succeeded in getting his first major gallery show, Charles had been the first person he’d wanted to tell.  He’d come home that night with every intention of telling Charles and then… he hadn’t.  He didn’t say anything the next day, or later that week, and then it got to a point where it was weird that he hadn’t said anything, because he clearly should have, and that had made Erik lock the information about his show away like it was a forbidden secret that Charles could never know about.
Today, the day of the show, he’d finally cracked.  He needed Charles to be there.  He couldn’t imagine the night without him.  He was finally showing the world his art, not replicas, not commissions, not what someone else wanted, just his own creative visions as a sculptor, and he was proud to be showing that off to anyone who wanted to look, but the truth was, well the truth of it all was, the person he really wanted to show it to was Charles.  
The thing that had been holding him back, the thing that had almost caused Erik to never tell Charles about the show at all, was the idea that Charles might not like Erik’s work.  That all those hours Erik had spent, working in his separate studio space he’d been able to rent this last year because of his success with commissions, all the pieces Erik had created with Charles in mind; that they might not even appeal to Charles was terrifying.
When he’d finally told Charles about the show today, it had been a relief.  Charles knew.  And Charles had looked… incandescent.  He had glowed with pleasure when Erik told him, his whole face alight with happiness. Erik had desperately wished he was in his studio right at that moment so he could capture the expression on Charles’ face in clay, or stone, or even sketch it in charcoal. He’d probably never be able to do it justice, but damn if he didn’t want to immortalize that look – surely no one had ever looked so impossibly beautiful as Charles had in that moment.
“You don’t have to go to the lab?”  Erik asked, because frankly, any other Thursday night Charles would have ensconced in his lab work until at least nine o’clock.
“I can miss one night.”  Charles shrugged. “I think you may finally be presentable.”  He wheeled back and gave Erik an appraising look. “Yes.  No lint, no dust, no pieces of god knows what.”
“I should get going then.”  Erik was reluctant to go, he’d much rather stay here with Charles, but if there was any night he needed to be timely and professional, it was tonight.
“I shan’t keep you a moment longer.”  Charles smiled, looking up at Erik. “This is your night and I am so very proud of you, Erik. I’ll see you at seven o’clock.”
Charles sat in front of the sculpture and stared.  
The gallery was packed with people milling about, chatting, drinking wine, and gushing over Erik’s work.  Charles had arrived half an hour ago, only ten minutes later than he’d planned (which was rather good by his own personal standards), and had yet to see hide or hair of Erik.
He had, however, seen quite a bit of his art and it was astonishing.  Oh, he’s always known Erik was talented.  He never doubted for a moment that those long, graceful, yet calloused fingers could mold clay into anything they wanted.  He’d seen Erik’s sketches, he knew the man had talent. Being in a room full of Erik’s art, large, imposing, never afraid to shock an audience, was another thing all together.
Charles had been stuck in front of this particular piece for ten minutes.  He couldn’t seem to make himself leave, and since he was in a wheelchair, no one had had the gall to ask him to move.
“Do you like it?” A deep voice behind sounded behind him.
“Do I...” Charles whirled around to look up at Erik, struggling past the lump in his throat. “I...Erik, it’s… gorgeous.  It’s gorgeous and profoundly moving, and… is it… this might be ridiculous, it is ridiculous, but is it supposed to look like me?” Charles asked incredulous.
Because the sculpture behind him was a man, a serene, soulful looking young man, leaning against a tree and he might have been any young man, but Charles could see, from his positioning, to the overly thin nature of his legs, that the man sitting on the ground, book in hand was not capable of walking.
“Of course it’s you.” Erik replied, typically blunt and forthright.
“I’ve never looked half so handsome, of course.”  Charles joked.
“You look twice as handsome right now.”
Charles gaped up at Erik, his mouth hanging open.  Had Erik just said… he couldn’t have meant…  Charles was certainly in love with Erik, and had been almost as soon as he’d moved into Raven’s old apartment with him, but to think Erik might feel something for him… it was simply unfathomable.
“You inspired every piece here, Charles.”  Erik continued. “Every one.  I wouldn’t be here tonight without you.”
“Of course you would be!  You’re the artist, Erik, not me.  If I helped in any way, well, I’m very glad of that, but this, all of this, is you.” Charles argued.
“No.”  Erik shook his head and then knelt down so were face to face. “This is for you, Charles.”  Erik insisted, taking Charles’ hand in his. “You are my muse.  I don’t sit down to make a piece and not think about you, about how you make me feel.  I love you.”
“You love me?” Charles winced as his voice broke like a teenager.
“I love you.” Erik repeated and squeezed Charles’ hand. “I know you don’t feel the same way and that’s fine -”
“I feel the same way.”  Charles interrupted breathlessly. “Of course I feel the same way.”
“I love you.” Charles said, and he couldn’t keep himself from smiling. “I love you, you incredible man.”
And he reached forward, cupping Erik’s jaw with his hand, pulling him forward and kissing him, slow and sweet and deep.
“So,”  Charles whispered when he finally pulled himself away from Erik’s lips, “am I going home with my boyfriend tonight, then?”
“Yes.”  Erik grinned his gorgeous toothy grin. “Yes, you are.”
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raendown · 5 years ago
The next chapter of my Amends to the Dead series, commissioned by the wonderful @birkastan2018 who has been amazingly supporting of my works and provided so much inspiration. 
Pairing: None Word count: 4239 Chapter: 1/4 Rated: T+ Summary: Months after the village is built Izuna is near his breaking point. Peace is nice, don't get him wrong, but he could do without the pale shadow that follows behind him everywhere he goes. All he wants is to understand. What the hell is Tobirama's obsession with watching him?
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header! 
Chapter 1
Grey clouds and a dreary sky greet him when Izuna leaves the administration tower this afternoon, a dour forecast for the evening’s weather. Determined to keep a positive attitude, he tells himself that at least it is holding off for now, will hopefully keep itself in check until after he finishes his inspection. That massive dream-headed idiot of a Senju wants a wall around their settlement but as much as Izuna freely agrees with the tactical benefits of such a barrier he is glad Madara has managed to talk the man in to waiting rather than just springing something up out of the ground willy-nilly. Although several clans and minor villages have already emigrated to join them there are still others they hope to bring in to the fold as well. If Hashirama grows a wall around them at their current size it will ostracize any new districts built in the future – not to mention that such a short-sighted buffoon will almost definitely forget to leave room for population growth as the years go on.
Hence why Izuna has saddled himself with the boring task of trudging his way around the outskirts to scope out where they can expand, how far, whether some portions of the surrounding terrain should be left available to grow crops, that sort of thing. Trying to keep his thoughts grand scale, the first thing he does is make the long climb up the mountain face overlooking them all. From there he is granted a wonderful view of all they have built so far and all the space they have to build upon in the future. Izuna does his best to sketch what he sees on several different pieces of paper and includes the surrounding terrain as little symbols. Later he can use these sketches to create different proposals for wall construction.
Considering how often he changes his mind he intends to make at least five copies. He only gets halfway through the fourth before his hand freezes in place and his eyes slowly roll to one side, looking around without actually turning his head. It’s a useless endeavor anyway. Even if he turns all the way around and carefully inspects every inch of the space behind him Izuna knows he will see absolutely nothing.
Tobirama is better than that.
Weirder than the fact that his counterpart has been following him around like a lagging shadow for weeks now is the fact that there doesn’t seem to be a reason for it. The man hasn’t even gone to the trouble of suppressing his chakra. Izuna might not be a sensor type like his brother is but he isn’t so chakra-blind that he can’t tell when someone he’s spent years on the other side of a war from is nearby. He might be tempted to think the other man is mocking him somehow if not for the fact that Tobirama never once alludes to his little stalker habit when they are forced to interact in the tower. If anything his habit worsens during work hours. Very few days go by when Izuna does not turn around to find Tobirama hovering over him or staring intently from across the room.
Knowing that his old rival has been up to the same idiocies all day – just as every other day – is not very comforting but it makes his movements a little less awkward as he decides that he’s taken up enough time loitering here at the top of the cliff. It’s odd, the things one can get used to after being exposed for long enough. Having someone follow him around isn’t exactly comfortable but it’s something he learned to live with as soon as he concluded that it isn’t a statement of the Senju’s lack of trust. Not the clan as a whole, at least.
If there were anyone they don’t trust it would be Madara and no one follows him around. Izuna cannot imagine them wasting their best on him while assigning someone lesser to tailing his more dangerous older brother. The Senju have never been a stupid enemy.
Almost worse than the strangeness of knowing that he is being followed is trying to decide how to act. Izuna packs his sketches away and does everything he can to resist the urge to turn around and search for the face he knows is watching, reflecting that he isn’t actually sure what Tobirama will do if he confronts the man. When this first started Izuna hadn’t really known what to think of it, held off on reacting in any way in case he was misinterpreting something, and now that he knows for sure that the other is following him he realizes he’s let it go on for so long that bringing it up now will only be more awkward. They need to talk about it at some point, obviously. Just maybe not right this second.
Using that excuse only gets less and less valid with every day.
With a grand overview of the village fresh in his mind Izuna refocuses himself on the task at hand and begins drafting a few tentative blueprints in his mind while he scales his way back down the cliff. Halfway down he makes a mental note to suggest they install an easier way to get up here somehow. It doesn’t take a genius to guess that any tourists or visitors will be very interested in the view of a village so important to the history of the five great nations, the first of its kind. Then he pushes the thought away in to the corner of his mind for ‘things to deal with later’; he has much more important business at hand. Before they can welcome any tourism they need to be more solid in their defense of the people already here.
Senju Touka stands in the center of the road leading in to their settlement from the north when he arrives. Izuna is quick to hide the grimace that appears as soon as he catches sight of her. Enemies they might not be any longer but Touka is not likely to ever be his favorite person. Too brash, too hard, and too focused on being a warrior without ever allowing herself to still be a woman. Izuna enjoys a tough skin as much as the next shinobi but he needs friends and lovers who allow themselves to unclench at least once in a while. The woman before him carries a look on her face even when making no expression which tells him she probably hasn’t unclenched since the first time she learned to wield her body as a weapon.
“Nothing to report,” Touka’s voice rings out sharp even when she speaks quietly. He nods once to show that he understands.
“Border inspection,” he grunts back.
“Already? With all the paperwork that goes through the Tower I had guessed it would take at least another week for anyone to even think about doing something useful about their own ideas.” She snorts and this time Izuna allows the grimace that slides back over his face.
With a rueful sigh he shakes his head. “I gave myself the job for just that reason. This needs to get done.”
“Lots of things need to get done,” Touka mumbles dryly. Her eyes flick back down the path and her chin dips to signal someone else. “The others can walk the road; if I’m going to guard the wall when it goes up I’d like to hear your thoughts on where it’s to be built.”
Since there is really no polite way to refuse her Izuna shrugs and turns away without waiting to see if she follows. If she can’t keep up that’s her own problem. He isn’t the one who invited her along. Just as he finishes the thought her footsteps come from behind and her severe face returns to his peripherals with the blank expression of someone waiting to form an opinion.
That gives him an idea, actually, speaking of opinions. As the two of them travel in silence he lets his eyes roam around the terrain on all sides, mentally comparing it to the visual he remembers from above even as another part of his mind races trying to find the wording for how to broach a subject that many still consider sensitive.
“If I may, I’d like to ask about the climate in your clan,” he says eventually. Touka gives no physical reaction, betrayed only by the caution in her tone as she replies.
“You may ask your questions.” He notices that she has promised him no answers.
“Tensions were high for a while after we first merged our territories. Obviously it’s going to take a number of years before our people can coexist with true ease but – for my own clan at least – I’ve noticed massive improvements. What I mean to ask is: what of your own clan?”
“What of them?” Touka grunts.
Careful not to show his temper, Izuna keeps his voice low so it will not carry to other ears following along behind them. “Have the tensions eased in your people? Or do they still fear mine like enemies?”
“Fear isn’t exactly how I would describe it,” his unwanted companion muses. “Caution would be more accurate.”
“Do they distrust us so much?” he presses.
To his utter lack of surprise Touka turns to give him a sharp warning look. “Don’t go looking for trouble where there is none, Uchiha. Our people distrust yours no less than yours return in kind. Like you said yourself, it’s going to take years to erase the effects leftover from generations of war. Those of us who lived through it may never recover entirely. But”-from the corner of one eye he watches her move both hands away from her weapons in a deliberate motion-“we recognize and accept that the Uchiha want this peace to work. “
“Ah. Thank you for your input, Touka-san. I had thought that was how things stand but at this stage assumptions aren’t safe to be relied upon. Let’s change the subject. We’re thinking of building out from the current settlement to allow for growth but I don’t think this particular area would be good for that. Doesn’t the ground here turn in to swamp a few miles out?”
While she does allow him to change topics without comment Izuna notes the lingering gaze from the corner of her eyes to the corners of his own. He lets her stare. If they truly are allies then he has nothing to fear from a couple of eyes that don’t even have the advantage of a Sharingan. Rumor says this woman is nearly as good with genjutsu as any Uchiha but it would need to be some kind of skill indeed to trap him in an illusion he can’t escape – and besides that there is really no reason for her to do any such thing unless she wants to start another war.
Instead the two of them trade mild opinions on the surrounding land and discuss construction plans all while pretending they don’t notice the acid undertones or the barbs hidden in their words. Much as he is loathe to admit it, by the time they make a half circuit around the village and Touka declares it time for her to turn back he almost finds himself reluctant to see her go. Almost. Sometimes it’s nice to find someone who can withstand the worst of his vitriol. He is still firm on his belief that Touka will never be one of his favorite people but perhaps they can stand each other a little better than he first imagined.
The rest of his patrol around the perimeter is done in silence with no one to talk to but the thoughts inside his own mind, probably the most intelligent conversation he is likely to have all day. Rather than give that Senju woman any reason to look at him funny again Izuna ends his inspection by ducking in between some of the housing built on the fringes like afterthoughts.
He could have done without some of the man’s habits and opinions but if there is one thing Izuna wishes their brothers had actually listened to Tobirama about it’s the road planning. Caught up in their dream as they had been, Madara hadn’t so much held Hashirama back as he had egged the man on to raise frames and rooves without a single thought for the carefully drawn street maps Tobirama had been trying to present them with. Now everyone else pays the price for it as they wind their way through crisscrossing streets that often follow no logical direction whatsoever, haring off towards wherever Hashirama had raised the next home. Surely it can only be the mercy of the kami that made him finally stop and listen to his sibling before he made a similar mess of the village center.
Finding his way through the busy foot traffic is infinitely easier once he reaching the districts where the streets are wider than his own wingspan, leaving plenty of room for Izuna to duck and weave around the gaggle of children chasing each other, wild laughter ringing over the crowds with no regard for the different clans they each belong to.
This, he has come to understand, is the peace that Madara has been dreaming of since they were young boys clinging to each other with all their strength, the last of their siblings and so desperate not to lose any more. In some ways he wishes he had understood earlier. He also hopes that the idiot following along behind him on a nearby rooftop understands the same.
When he reaches the tower Izuna heads straight for his office and rather pointedly shuts the door behind him, relieved to note Tobirama’s distinctive chakra moving off to hopefully be productive somewhere else. How the man gets anything done when he’s following other people around all day is a mystery but Izuna is just as glad to finally be alone. It’s much easier to concentrate on drawing up a few difference proposals for wall construction when he doesn’t have some part of his concentration occupied with the ever-watching eyes over his shoulder.
Unfortunately for all that he’s always been fast at coming up with plans he is also, given the time, a perfectionist. What should only take him a mere twenty minutes to sketch some rough blueprints turns in to nearly two hours of meticulous lines and painstaking notes along the edges of every paper to list the benefits of each different proposal. Izuna is already rolling his eyes at himself by the time he finally drags his body up out of the chair with a firm mental declaration that any further additions will be a waste of time. Only one of these proposals can be chosen as the final plan and the entire council will be looking over it to add their suggestions. No one expects him to think of everything himself.
Seeing Madara roll his eyes as well when he lets himself in to his brother’s office makes him stick out his tongue, a gesture the man returns without pause. Dignity isn’t exactly a concern when they are alone.
“Took you long enough,” is his greeting. “Didn’t you leave to do that just after noon? It shouldn’t have taken you that long just to walk in a big circle and doodle a couple outlines. What did you do, take a nap in a tree somewhere?” Madara tuts and shakes the handle of a brush at him, then he frowns and looks down at the parchment he’s just splattered with ink.
“Pardon me for doing my job well,” Izuna grumbles.
“Well give them here then. Looks like you have several ideas. That’s good, actually. I know it sounds counterintuitive but the bloody elders actually decide faster if we give them more options.”
The two of them share a tired look and Izuna nods understandingly as he tosses his papers on the desk. “Fewer options always means one person picks a favorite right away and another person takes exception to that. Best to let them talk it all out first, I get it.”
Madara spreads the sketches out and fiddles with the end of one, lifting it only to turn his eyes to another.
“Do you have any you’re particularly attached to before I look them over?” he asks.
He should know to watch his tone. It’s only a single word but the moment it leaves his mouth Izuna winces, pinned in place under the sudden scrutiny of dark eyes that know him just a little too well.
“You sound upset by something,” Madara notes. “What’s wrong?”
“Ah, I wouldn’t say wrong, precisely. I’m being followed around again and I still don’t like it.” It’s gratifying to see the other man scrunch his face up with distaste. At least he isn’t the only one who finds this situation endlessly odd.
“Still not talking to you about it, I suppose?”
“Not a damn word. Any time I bring it up he just stares at me with these…empty eyes. Honestly sometimes I’m tempted to worry that he’s been possessed by some demon with a grudge against me. Somehow that would make more sense!” Izuna shakes his head, stepping around to slump his body in to the single visitor chair available. Then he squirms uncomfortably as a floral scent wafts up his nose. It’s easy to tell who usually sits in this chair.
Fingers twiddling absently at the edges of the papers spread out on his desk, Madara rolls his eyes at such dramatics but makes no comment on them, which Izuna takes to mean that his sibling agrees in his own way. He wishes he could say he is only being silly and dramatic but deep down he truly believes that Tobirama being possessed by a vengeful spirit would make more sense than for the man to follow him around as though suspicious of his intentions. Still ridiculous, of course, but somehow more plausible.
He hadn’t been stupid enough to believe Hashirama's vague words about recovery during the first few meetings of peace between their people. The longer time went on without the Senju second heir appearing the less anyone had been willing to believe such nonsense but it was the look in Hashirama's eyes which stilled their tongues as the months stretched out in to a full year. Not anger or exasperation, no nervousness that they might be taking offense. What earned their silence both then and now had been the worry in his eyes, the fear for another which he tried so desperately not to let them see, the flash of uncertain terror that shadowed his eyes with every mention of his brother. Izuna has seen that look in the eyes of those who worry for their loved ones even when there is no wound to worry over.
“And he’s not…aggressive?” Madara asks.
“No!” Izuna throws his hands in the air and slumps further in his seat. “At least if he was angry or something I would understand that but this silence and following me around, it’s just weird! I don’t know how I’m supposed to react to it.”
“You could, oh I don’t know, ask him to stop?”
With the bitchiest look he can summon Izuna nods exaggeratedly. “Oh of course, why didn’t I think of that? Ah right. Because I did. And all that accomplished was a big fat load of nothing.”
“There’s no need to be so sarcastic,” his brother grumbles. When Madara turns away to pout Izuna rubs at the space between his brows.
“Do you have any idea what his problem is? Serious question, any idea at all? Has your best friend for life not said anything or dropped any hints? I’m at my wits end here.” What small hope he has is dashed by the shaking of the other man’s head.
Madara shrugs as he says, “Not a clue. It’s weird but Hashirama doesn’t actually talk about his brother very much.”
“You mean they don’t like each other?”
“No, not like that. But every time Tobirama comes up in conversation, if it’s not work related Hashirama will get this really weird look on his face and change the subject. Usually in such a way that I don’t think about it till later. You know how he is, all loud and distracting.”
“He’s certainly not as dumb as he pretends to be,” Izuna agrees.
The two of them sit in silence for a minute or two, thinking of the all the unexpected similarities between the Senju siblings and all the ways they’re still so different. For all that they are both unexpectedly intelligent it seems to be only in their own respective fields. Where Tobirama’s intelligence is nearly unparalleled when it comes to science and political machinations he seems to be quite useless when it comes to human interactions and yet that is where Hashirama shines – earnest Hashirama who can only stare with a blank smile whenever his beloved sibling goes off on some in-depth explanation of a new tax code proposal.
Shaking his head to clear it, Izuna takes a deep breath and decides that sitting around moaning about his own confusion isn’t getting much done. There are still other things he needs to do that day and he can’t do anything of them while staring across the desk at Madara.
Leaving the man to his work is as easy as reminding him that he has a lot of it and suddenly Izuna finds there is no more attention on him, the perfect time to slip out the door and wander slowly back to his own office. It is only his perfectionist nature which leads him to hearing what he does then. Were he anyone else he might shrug it off when he notices the wrappings around his left ankle coming loose, something that can certainly wait until he sits down to be fixed, but he stops instead and leans against the wall just before a turn in the corridor to bend down and fiddle with his ankle. Not until he is already busy unwrapping and retucking does he realize he is in the perfect spot to overhear two people just around the corner.
“Tetsuo thinks maybe they’re having an affair of some kind,” the first voice says, full of scorn for their own words.
“Ridiculous. That icicle and Izuna-sama? Not a chance. They were rivals for years, they’re not going to fall in to bed only a few months after peace was made!” The second voice sounds vaguely familiar, probably a member of his own clan though he can’t quite identify them.
“I never said I believed it!” the first objects. “But it’s weird, right? The way Tobirama-sama just…hovers around him. If they weren’t enemies for years I would say he’s acting like a nervous parent or something with how he watches Izuna-sama’s every move and how he glares at anyone who says something bad about the man.”
To Izuna’s annoyance his possible clan member feels the need to waste time defending his honor with a sharp, “Who’s saying bad things about him?”
“Oh for kami’s sake, that’s not the point.”
“But you get what I’m saying, yeah? I know Tetsuo think they’re rolling around together but my theory is a blood oath or something. Maybe Hashirama-sama set him this duty as penance. I heard one of them almost died in the final battle between your clans and everyone knows Tobirama-sama is too fast to go down easy.”
Much as it hurts Izuna’s pride a little to have someone believe him the weaker in any battle, he forces himself to remain still and continue listening. It takes a moment for his prideful clansman to get past the spluttering and rage over the same issue but eventually it fades in to senseless grumbling and a solid declaration that Tobirama was in fact been the one injured during their final clash. Clearly this person hadn’t been present or else they might not so casually reference that moment.
Very few had known how to process the sight of an elder version of his rival appearing only to turn and slaughter his own younger self.
As the two strangers continue to speculate Izuna swallows thickly and turns away to take another route back to his office, finding suddenly that listening in on a conversation he isn’t supposed to hear has lost its appeal. More than ever his curiosity has been peaked, however. He needs to figure this situation out.
Why does Tobirama follow him?
That will have to be dealt with on his own time, however. Later he will pass on what he heard to his brother and they can speculate to their hearts’ content over dinner. For now he has work to do. Work that, so long as he remains shut away within his own office, he can trust that he will be able to do in the silence of solitary.
Only when the work is done will he turn his mind to the problems that he has already let go too far. Surely one more day of ignoring it all cannot hurt anything. He’ll deal with it eventually, of course, but until then Izuna supposes he can hope that ignoring his problems might, by some miracle, simply make them go away.
11 notes · View notes
mittensmorgul · 5 years ago
This Must Be The Place
timestamp for  Lifetime Piling Up, 7 years later, but works as a standalone.
(2440 words, T, all the fluffs)
Read it on AO3
It’s the sort of day that leaves Cas desperate for some reminder that life isn’t all trauma and tragedy. He’s finished his shift at the hospital, where one of his patients lived and the other didn’t. It’s the reality of his life as a trauma surgeon, and he’s long ago accepted the fact he’s not God, that he can’t save everyone. It doesn’t stop him from trying.
He’s too worn out from five hours of surgery and a heart-wrenching talk with a man’s grieving family members to bother changing his clothes. Cas ditches his pristine white lab coat and slams the door of his locker. There was something he could do to turn the day around. Something impulsive, but something he’d also been planning for a long time; saving it up for the perfect moment.
Something life-affirming.
Cas pulls on his coat, the lapel catching on the hospital identification clipped to the pocket of his scrub shirt, and walks purposefully out the emergency room door. He waves to Alex the charge nurse at the desk and to a few other people who notice him leaving, but after the day he’s had nobody tries to hold him up when he looks so determined to leave. He’s grateful for that small mercy.
It’s raining as he pulls his car out of the parking garage and drives on autopilot. He sees the shop every day on his way to work and every night as he drives back home. Tonight he lucks out. There’s an empty parking spot right in front of the door, like it was meant to be. He pulls in without a second thought and shuts the engine off. He sits there for a minute, his head resting back against the seat as he basks in the welcoming glow of the blue and yellow neon sign in the window, the light streaked and shattered through the raindrops rolling down his windshield. It’s raining even harder now, and Cas just smiles to himself. It feels right. Everything feels right for once that day.
He pats down his pockets to be sure he has everything-- phone, keys, wallet-- and then readies himself for a mad sprint across the sidewalk through sheets of rain to the shelter of the shop’s awning. The familiar neon-lit window looks so different up close than it does when he’s driving past. The glowing Winchester Tattoo logo is clearly visible from the road, but the dozens of drawings that frame the sign and almost completely obscure the view into the shop from the sidewalk are another story entirely. On closer examination, each of them is easily worth a thousand words.
Cas thinks to himself that if the weather were being more cooperative he could spend hours giving every last drawing the attention it deserves. Then again, he also knows he’d only be delaying the inevitable. He’d talked himself into this months ago, and then waited so long for this moment. He wasn’t about to talk himself out of it now. This was definitely what he wanted, so why would the thought of actually going through with it fill him with dread?
He’s a surgeon, dammit. He has no trouble helping others deal with physical pain, but this is something potentially far more terrifying than that. This would be forever.
Cas closes his eyes, heaves in a fortifying lungful of cold, humid air and then opens the door. He’s greeted with a warm, inviting roil of heat and light and sound. The tinkling of a dozen tiny bells hanging above the door provides an uncanny counterpoint to Led Zeppelin playing on the stereo, several quiet conversations and the intermittent buzzing of a tattoo gun. It’s the strangest combination of things to inspire a feeling of ease and contentment, but as he looks around the warmly lit shop and acknowledges its occupants Cas can’t help feeling an inviting sense of home .
The man behind the front counter hunches over a sketch as a customer describes the artwork he’s commissioning, pointing out a detail that the artist erases and then redraws to the customer’s satisfaction. The artist sets his pencil down and continues to study his work, standing up straight and clasping his hands behind his back as he arches into a stretch. The sleeves of his incongruous white lab coat ride up revealing strong arms covered in vibrant tattoos, heaven and hell, light and darkness, somehow both perfectly at home together as if he carried a piece of each extreme in either hand. Cas can’t help the quiet laugh at the sight, how similar the coat is to the one he’d left at the hospital, and yet how startlingly different this one appears in context draped over the shoulders of this beautiful man who looks more like a punk rocker with his faded Metallica t-shirt and ink-stained fingers than a medical professional.
Where his coat is embroidered Dr. Castiel Novak above the pocket, the artist has chosen to create his own name tag in a swirling riot of color. The name Dean is written in a bold script across a hand-drawn banner surrounded by bird wings and wildflowers. Cas wonders what his colleagues would think if he showed up at the hospital with a similar badge, and laughs a bit louder.
He finally garners a glance from Dean, who gives him a little nod and a wink to let him know he’ll be with him shortly. Cas nods back and then distracts himself by observing the shop’s other occupants. One artist, a young blonde woman, is entirely focused on her work while the man in her chair whimpers through the pain of a shoulder tattoo. Another older artist meticulously sets up her station for one of the customers waiting on the sofa off to Cas’s left. The three girls look barely old enough to be getting tattooed at all, yet they eagerly flip through the photo albums labeled with each of the artist’s names-- Claire, Jody, Donna, and of course Dean-- commenting on the pictures as they wonder in equal measure at how good they look and how much each one must’ve hurt. He’s entirely bemused by the girls when he hears Dean finishing up with his client.
“So if you’re good with that, I can fit you in next Tuesday at four,” Dean says to the man, who nods and hands over fifty bucks as a deposit.
“Sounds good to me,” the man says. “Been wanting to get that done for years.”
Dean puts the money in the cash drawer and prints out a receipt that doubles as an appointment reminder while Cas sidles up to get a closer look at the artwork. It’s two birds in flight, circling around each other, that he recognizes as arctic terns. Cas glances up at the man, who catches him looking but only smiles back at him.
“For me and my wife,” he says. “Arctic terns mate for life, but they’ve got the longest migration of any birds in the world. Their entire lives are one endless road trip together. Well, in a manner of speaking.” The man laughs.
Cas glances at Dean to see him smiling curiously at him, as if he’s waiting to see what Cas has to say on the subject-- of tattoos or arctic terns or gruff old men deciding that’s how they want to commemorate the love of their life.
“Congratulations on finally going through with the tattoo, and for having someone you cherish to share your life with. It’s a beautiful piece.”
Dean’s smile brightens for a moment at Cas’s reply, his green eyes filling with a captivating mirth.
“So,” Dean says, leaning in and making a show of reading the identification badge still clipped to Cas’s shirt, “Dr. Novak, what brings a classy, upstanding doctor like you into my humble little den of iniquity tonight? Just getting out of the rain for a minute, or are you thinking about getting a tattoo?”
The customer belts out a startling laugh, but Cas pays him no mind.
“I noticed you’re still open, and I’ve had an idea for a tattoo for a while now. Would you prefer I schedule an appointment, or are you free right now?”
Dean looks him up and down and grins. “For you? I think I can spare a couplea minutes. What are you thinking?”
The girls on the sofa giggle at the unfolding drama, whispering to each other behind their hands. Mr. Arctic Terns says what the girls are either too polite or too shy to say aloud.
“Ooh, are you sure about that? You’re a doctor, you must know it hurts, and how painful the laser is for folks who regret their ink later.”
Cas smiles mildly at the man and slides off his coat, laying it on the counter beside Dean’s sketchpad. “Yes, I’m fully aware.” He continues stripping off his scrub top, the ID badge clinking against the glass countertop as he sets it down as well, leaving him in a heather grey long-sleeved henley that clings to the defined muscles of his shoulders, back and arms. Dean raises an eyebrow but doesn’t otherwise object to the strip tease.
The other customer nods seriously as Dean folds his arms across his chest and bites his lip to keep from laughing aloud. Cas appreciates it, as well as the mischievous glint in Dean’s eyes.
“I’m just saying, medicine doesn’t seem like a profession that looks kindly on tattoos.” He turns to Dean. “No offense to your profession, but I ain’t never seen a doctor with ink.”
Cas just sighs and casts a wistful look at Dean, who shrugs and waits to see what he’ll do next. Jody’s finished setting up her station but she stands back beside Claire, whose tattoo gun has gone quiet as they both watch and wait to see what will happen next. Even the three giggling girls are practically holding their breath at this unusual series of events. Cas barely even registers their presence as he reaches down and tugs up the hem of his henley, then whips it over his head.
“I dare say you’ve seen at least one tattooed surgeon,” Cas says, never taking his eyes from Dean and only peripherally registering the little gasps from the three girls at the unveiling. Not only is Cas a physical work of art himself, his skin is all but covered in glorious illustration.
“Well then,” Arctic Tern Guy says, scratching his head and then moving toward the door with a little chuckle. “Guess you learn something new every day. I’ll see you Tuesday, Dean,” he says, and then the bells tinkle and a gust of cold wind sends a shiver across Cas’s exposed back before the door shuts again behind him.
Cas’s shoulders settle again like a bird folding his wings, which is the visual illusion he gives with the broad set of wings tattooed across his shoulder blades and down his arms past his elbows. Above the wings and up to the base of his neck is an expanse of outer space, the black punctuated by bright stars and a glowing pink and purple depiction of the Heart Nebula, the greenish streak of a comet piercing it like an arrow. Below his wings blooms a garden of vines and wildflowers populated by a dozen or more frolicking bees. Heavens and Earth.
Through the entire show, Dean and Cas just smile at each other until Dean finally cracks. “Guess you told him, sunshine.”
Cas just shrugs and-- to the three girls’ dismay-- begins dressing again. “It always disappoints me when people assume that the appearance of someone’s skin has any bearing on their competence or their professionalism.”
“You’re a regular crusader,” Dean adds, also looking a little disappointed that Cas put his shirt back on. “So did you just stop in to fight social injustice?”
Cas steps up close to the counter, reaching into the back pocket of his dark blue scrub pants and shaking his head. “No, I really am interested in another tattoo, and I believe you’re the only person I’d trust with it.”
Dean’s smile returns. “Well I hope I’m worthy of that kinda faith.”
Cas nods, slowly edging his way around the end of the counter until he’s practically toe to toe with Dean. “You’ve proven that to me over and over again, every day for the last seven years. I hope I’m worthy in return.” He drops down onto one knee and holds out his hand, a simple gold ring in his outstretched palm. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I don’t ever want to imagine a day without you in it. I love you, Dean. Will you marry me?”
Dean stares down at him for a second, and that terror that had held Cas back from asking sooner begins to creep up inside him. The pain of a tattoo needle’s got absolutely nothing on this. But Dean blinks and then pulls Cas to his feet, grabbing him up in a tight hug and planting an awkwardly sloppy and slightly frantic kiss on him as Dean tells him yes over and over again.
“Hot damn,” Claire’s client says and the rest of the shop erupts in a chorus of delighted awws.
Relief and joy flood through Cas, washing away his entirely baseless fear and making room for the certainty that Dean will always be his. Jody and Claire offer them fond congratulations, as do the three girls, before Jody brings one of them back to her station and she and Claire both get back to work.
“That was unexpected,” Dean says the minute everyone’s attention moves on from them, and admiring the way the ring looks on his hand before pulling Cas in for another kiss. “How long you been planning that one?”
Cas shrugs. “A long time. Years, maybe. On some level, probably since the first time I walked into your shop.”
Dean nods, too overcome to even tease him. He clears his throat and leans against the counter, pulling Cas close. “So did you really have another tattoo in mind? Or was that just an excuse to come see me at work?”
“I gave you a ring, and I was hoping you’d be willing to give me one too.”
It’s a ring he’ll never be able to remove, and one he’d never want to. When Dean’s finished inking it into his skin, he removes his gold band and teaches Cas how to give his very first tattoo. It’s the sort of day that’s marked indelibly in their skin, and all the way down to their souls.
(thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it and haven’t read Lifetime Piling Up, here’s a link to the whole series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1559668)
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fouquesartcorner · 5 years ago
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Valentines Commissions 2020!
Discounted Couples comms and YCH comms [NEW] Valentine themed outfits and solo pin ups! Commissions and YCH will go through Janurary 27th to February 14th. Gifts for Valentines Day will be through the 12th. Details in the Keep Reading link
YCH : LINK (Sorry there aren’t any new YCH poses this year but there are new offers at the bottom)
- Poses can be adjusted to accommodate your character(s) size differences(or lack of), biological traits(i.e. digigrade legs), body types, and gender. I can also do small adjustments to the pose like switching out the wine bottle to something else. - I can add additional characters to the YCH for half the price (i.e. Comm is $15, the additional character will be $7.50) - There isn't a first come, first serve; a single pose can be bought by multiple people or by a single person for multiple couples.** [NEW FOR 2020: Given the number I ended up getting last year from individual people I’ll have to limit how many a person can by for this year; 2-3 per person depending on complexity of the characters and time.] - There are some poses here that can be used for friends rather than lovers, or family. Valentines day don't have to be for the lovy dovy. - If you prefer a more chibi style, let me know! Otherwise I'll use my own style. - Same other stuff applies; my characters I take off $5 dollars(be it crack or canon or whatever), can be any fandom or original verse, flat color with simplistic background, and choice to post when finished or on Valentines day. 
Regular comms: Semi-cheeb style full bodies/Teenies: $15 Ex: Link1 Link2 Link3 Full style, torso : $20 Ex: Link1 Link2 Link3 Full style, full body: $25 Ex: Link1 Link2 Link3
Key thing about these: - Cash only via Paypal -[New] You have to be 18 years old to commission me! - They're couples piccies only, though it doesn't have to be an actual couple :u i.e. a child giving a V-day card to their mom is fine too(that'd be too adorable aww) Can be yours, mine, someone else's(with permission of course) though I'd try to not do canon characters, but maybe ask if I do. It may depends. It may depends. I maaay do OC x Canon, but I will not do Canon x Canon. - They can be of the two characters hugging, kissing, chilling, or whatever. - They'd be flat colors, though there may be some minor shading/highlights added. Simplistic background. - There is also a choice of me posting these when I'm finished, or directly on Valentines Day. - If somehow someone wants to do one with my characters included, there will be $3 dollars taken off the cheeb style. $5 taken off if my full style, Torso/Half body. $7 taken off if my full style, Full body. - Any fandom also, ranging from IZ, OJ, SU, etc. - Any gender, species, whatever - Once paid, as a personal obligation, after I start I'll send over a sketch preview to get your okay before lining and coloring. That way I can ensure you get your money's worth - [NEW FOR 2020: Given the number I ended up getting last year from individual people I’ll have to limit how many a person can by for this year; 2-3 per person depending on complexity of the characters and time.]
[NEW] OUTFIT I am going to try something for this year, where I draw your character in a Valentine inspired outfit be it a gown, suit, casual, or whatever! Will be a colored sketch, with very little shading/highlights if need-be Oufits will be $15 to $25, depending on the type of outfit and complexity. (Lingerie for ex will be $15, while a gown will be $25)  [Wings will receive the extra charge]
SOLO PIN UP Pretty much as it says, but it’ll be strictly Valentine themed based. I can either design the outfit or you bring me a pre-existing lingerie or look you want me to try. Will be a colored sketch, with very little shading/highlights if need-be Pin up will be $15-$20 depending on complexity[Wings will receive the extra charge]
- Cash only via Paypal -[New] You have to be 18 years old to commission me! - Both will be against white or a gradient background - Simplistic poses if you don’t have a pose in mind you’d want to see - Single character only [NEW FOR 2020: Given the number I ended up getting last year from individual people I’ll have to limit how many a person can by for this year; 2-3 per person depending on complexity of the characters and time.]
Happy Holiday!
Note: I have made a new watermark for my pictures, and will be used from here on out. Just FYI.
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bigskydreaming · 6 years ago
Blech. I’ve pretty much officially finished writing, editing and revising this standalone epic fantasy novel I started years and years ago and only just recently got around to finishing. Which is good, for sure, but also....blech. LOL. Because now I have no more excuses for putting off making a decision about the cover.
Like I always intended to self-pub this particular novel for personal reasons, and I can make my own covers just fine. I’ve done epic fantasy covers before for other clients that turned out well, even working with stock art and photomanipulation, its totally possible to make something that hits all the genre expectations and sells the right tone and feel to readers who come across it. BUT I’ve always loved the illustrated covers of a lot of fantasy novels I grew up with, and always kinda wanted something similar for this particular work, even though I have other fantasy projects I wouldn’t care as much about that one way or the other.
And so years ago when I first started the book and was only about a third of the way in, but still had a solid sense of the world and story and where it was all going, I happened to stumble across a fantasy artist whose work was like...exactly the right tone and aesthetic I’d always been picturing for that novel’s setting and vibe. And he was a freelancer, and open to commissions at the time, and you never know with freelancers if they’ll still be taking commissions a year or two down the line or if they’ve gone to work for like, a video game company or studio or something like that by that point, so even though the book was nowhere near done I hopped on that and commissioned an illustration from him to be used for the cover at some future point when I was ready for it. I just needed the illustration, I was fine doing typography and all that myself when the time came.
And I mean, I’ve literally been on the other side of the author/artist interaction tons of times, lol, so like, I know from my own experiences where its helpful to give an artist or a designer room to breathe and exercise their own creativity, make use of their own particular skillset and interpret the story elements you tell them are most important to see conveyed in the final cover, in like...their own way, like what feels best to them, what they’re most inspired to do with the foundational info you give them to build off of. 
Like I mean, visual design is its own skillset, and often completely separate from the kind of visualization most authors do of their own work while writing it....and with self-pubbed authors especially, as artists or designers you often run into authors who get really hung up on relatively minor details that they feel really need to be on the cover in some capacity and in really specific ways. Which is often to the detriment of the cover in the long run because like....what looks right in your head as a writer, totally familiar with your own world and story and its every minutiae and the implications and context of every single element....is not always going to come across the same way to readers who happen across your cover while browsing. Because they literally have ZERO context for what they’re looking at, and thus it really needs to stand on its own two feet and sell itself, not....loop back around to some hidden significance that will really only resonate with readers who end up buying the book and only once they reach this one scene in chapter 27 or whatever, you know?
So I really didn’t want to do that with this artist. I was only commissioning him because I loved what I’d seen of his work and the style he seemed to default to naturally was the perfect fit for what I wanted, IMO, so I was more than willing to let him take the broader strokes of the setting/themes/storyline in whatever direction inspired him most, as long as he hit within the general framework I provided him.
BUT, that said, for all that I tried to give him as much creative freedom to work with as possible, there are of course always a FEW things that as the commissioning party, are really important to see in the final product, and so yeah, I did have a couple of areas/elements that I did stress were really important to strike the right tone with, or it could make or break the whole illustration.
Specifically, I was concerned that he hit the right feel with the main character. My protag for this novel is a woman, and the one area his portfolio samples didn’t have a ton of variety with and thus had me slightly worried about what visual tropes he might default to...was female characters. He had tons of gorgeous settings, fantasy creatures, architecture, knights and sorcerers and monsters, but not a ton of women in the samples I saw. He did have some, for sure, and like there was nothing super concerning about the way he’d drawn/painted them....there were some priestesses, sorceresses, that kinda thing, and their anatomy and wardrobes weren’t like....glaringly cheesecake-y or anything like a lot of fantasy artists’ portfolios....so I knew he COULD get the character right, the way I hoped he would, I just wasn’t SURE. Like, I wasn’t concerned about specific details, beyond like....not outrageously contradicting the character description and scenes I gave him to work off of, I wasn’t worried about nitpicking minutiae. But my protag is a warrior-magic user archetype, and warrior women is like, the one female archetype he didn’t have any samples of, and I was more concerned about him defaulting to like....the old fantasy standby’s of ridiculously impossible and unnatural poses for warrior women, not to mention totally impractical armor, that sort of thing. 
Not to put too fine a point on it, but this was the ONE thing I stressed, lol. I didn’t really care about the finer details of her armor like in terms of decoration or filigree or even color schemes, I honestly could just adjust my own descriptions in the book to match what he came up with if need be. Stuff like that, so not a big deal to me. ALL I was concerned about was like....she not fall into those trope traps that ensnare so many women on fantasy covers, like....just make her look like she’s a fucking warrior who knows what the hell she’s doing, and I’ll be fine with everything else, you know? I even sent him some covers of published fantasy novels to use as comparison comps, like ‘this is the kind of feel or vibe I’d ideally like to see her capture, something like these women in these covers here’ as well as ‘this is what I really really DON”T want to see, like, I shouldn’t have a better sense of how good a contortionist she is than whether or not I believe she can swing a sword.’
Soooooo.....what happened?
Did he prioritize as I’d really really hoped he would and strongly expressed my desire for him to, and take care to at least avoid the more obvious problems, even if the end result was’t 100% what I was hoping for? Nooooooope. She might as well be mid-yoga pose. Sigh. Like, the guy has a damn near perfect grasp of anatomy and proportions on every other human figure I saw in the many samples I looked through before commissioning him, but somehow, despite this being of utmost importance to me and the ONLY thing about the entire project I stressed about and made sure to emphasize, lol, he ended up painting her in this weird bent at the waist position that throws her lower body proportions off entirely and like, her hip is angled or arched in this weird way that’s incredibly distracting and off, and like also, of course her armor is....pointless, in all the specific ways that happened to be the ONLY details about her armor I was concerned with. Y’know. Like. Its effectiveness. As armor.
And the absolutely obnoxious thing about it all, is that everything else about the illustration? Absolutely gorgeous. Everything I’d hoped for, even as I deliberately tried not to build up too specific an image in my mind ahead of time. Hell, BETTER than anything I’d have come up with on my own, and totally validating my impulse to have someone with different skillsets than my own do this instead of just making a cover out of stock art the way I usually do with my other projects. He absolutely captured the specific MOOD I was aiming for with the setting and general atmosphere, like, the very reason I’d been drawn to his style in the first place, he totally nailed that. Couldn’t have asked for a better fit to the general ambiance of the piece. The colors were just the right shade of otherworldly, a great mix of light and darkness that sold the gloom of the surrounding environs without drowning in dark palettes that make it hard to pick out individual details and differentiate between figures. So on and so on.
Except for the only fucking part I was worried about in the first place, lmaaaaaaaaaao whyyyyyyy.
And I mean, because his style was a combo of illustration and painting, there was never gonna be a ton of room for revisions or tweaks to the final piece, I knew and understood that going in. He showed me what he had when he was done with the initial pencilwork, before he painted over it, but with the understanding that it could still change from that point, if he needed to shift things around because of the way the colors and lighting and shadows were all coming out once painted. And the pencil work lacked the finer details that he added into his painting in the final stages, so like, I did see a rough draft before he started painting, and could ask for tweaks or adjustments at that point...except at that point, I didn’t NEED to! LOL. In the rougher sketch, her general position was just shifted enough from what it ended up being that like, it wasn’t my ideal pose for her but nothing I’d say I actually had a problem with, like her upper body was elevated just enough and at just the right angle compared to what he ended up with that at that point, there was no unnatural hip thrust or any of that stuff, and there was only a rough sense of what would come to be the final armor. So I mean, TECHNICALLY I had an opportunity to pump the brakes and be like whoa wait dude, this isn’t what we discussed, can I get you to go back to the drawing board just in this one specific area right here and maybe even just take another look at those comps I sent you, see what I mean about what I’m trying to avoid and how that’s kinda sneaking in here anyway....except, I didn’t think I had to say anything at that point lol, because it all looked on track??
I mean, its not like I think he deliberately misled me with that initial draft or anything, nothing as dramatic as that. I’m fairly certain that like most artists and designers will tell you, in the process of like, the actual drawing/painting/designing, you have to make adjustments as you go to account for the little unforseen speedbumps where you were juuuuuust off enough in your prediction of how this would look when working in your ultimate medium, that you have to like...keep nudging your initial outline little by little as you go to account for the slight shift in direction...with gradually that adding up to a fairly significant departure in the end. Ultimately, I think we ended up with what we ended up with because he was good with focusing on my specific concerns when drafting in pencil and just mapping out a general intent, but the closer he got to finishing up his piece, the less and less focused he was on the stuff I prioritized rather than his own innate prioritizations and so he just kinda figured ‘is it really gonna be THAT big a deal?’ instead of sacrificing a direction or angle that played into what he thought was a more important design element. Stuff like that. Like, you know me, I’m def not saying that makes it A-Ok in my book, lol, I just mean to say I honestly don’t think it was...a willful, conscious effort on his part to leave me with something as far removed from what I was hoping for as what I got.
So again I say blech. Its just super frustrating and obnoxious and I’ve been trying to decide what to do with it for like, months now. Because again, EVERYTHING ELSE is perfect and gorgeous and like, yes, good, this is what I wanted, what I was hoping for. Like, I literally could not come up with a design using my own go-to mediums that would come anywhere close to capturing the general feel and tone and mood of the story and its setting better than the overall vibe of his piece.
Its just the protag, front and center, is absolutely driving me fucking nuts. And I keep going back and forth endlessly because I’m like is it really THAT bad and noticeable or am I hyper-fixating because I specifically tried to avoid this end result and ended up with at least a version of it anyway? And then I’m like psst, remember how much fucking money you spent on this, like yeah thats long gone and doesn’t change your current situation one way or another so it doesn’t really matter except oh yeah its totally gonna fucking haunt you if you don’t use this lol and all that money was spent for nothing lmfao you dumbass. And then I’m like, just to weigh my options, what would I design for this cover myself, if I ended up scrapping this and making my own from scratch, do I at least have anything in mind that’s for sure not any worse than my dissatisfaction with this? Except lol I literally can not seem to come up with ANYTHING, like, total blank, because again there’s just enough that I LIKE about the piece that its like, now that I’ve seen THOSE aspects of it, I’m not gonna be content with any cover that doesn’t contain them and I just literally have no way of replicating those effects via my own design medium.
Ugh. So its really annoying, and I keep going around and around and around in circles and making no progress on what to do about it and like...ugh. I hate being so anal about shit like this, especially when I am usually pretty good about dodging the hyper-fixation tendencies on this front specifically.....but I just got whammied but good by the way all of this unfolded and came together and now I feel stuck and lmao I’m really not fond of the fact that I’m really fucking proud of this book and how it came out in terms of the writing and story but like, covers ARE actually a pretty big deal as they’re literally a reader’s first impression, and I feel like no matter which route I go, a big part of me is gonna be doomed to be like NO YOU FUCKING IDIOT THAT WAS THE WRONG CHOICE, UGH WTF DUDE, TURN AROUND, UNDO, UNDO, U’LL REGRET THIIIIIIIS.
ANYWAY! That’s my much ado about nothing. I was kinda hoping that hashing it all out in a post and working my way through it as I wrote it all down would like....magically reveal the Right Decision to me and everything would click and be so obvious by the time I got to this point in the post, but alas.
Fix-It Machine broke. This accomplished nothing. UGH. RUDE.
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game-meak · 6 years ago
A Proper Postmortem
Maybe?!  Heck if I know how to actually format a good post but let’s try.  As game development went on for almost four years, this is probably gonna be long... and also give away basically the whole game oops!  Read on with caution.
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Sometime around July 2014, a month after the initial release of my first game, my room was being remodeled and I was stuck with nothing for free time but a garbage laptop I could do anything on, an old flip phone, my sketchbook, and my 3DS.  So beyond playing an obscene amount of Animal Crossing and Tomodachi Life, I at some point went “hey, what if I made a second game starring the kids.”  So I started trying to plan it out!  And it went
absolutely nowhere that I intended it to go!!!
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For instance, this is the very first page of sketches.  This squirrel was supposed to be really important.  It’s not.  I don’t even KNOW what’s up with that duck.
A thing I like to think about before I set off making any of the story, assets, or scripts for my games tend to be themes and motifs.  And I kept circling back to a very important, very personal “theme.”  Without using the internet at large as my therapy couch, I was emotionally abused and taken advantage of multiple times in my life and it greatly impacts how I interact with people to this very day, as you’d expect events of such a degree would.  Particularly, I kept thinking that the RPG Maker fan crowd tends to skew young and be in the teenage range and at ages 14-16, I could’ve used something to help.
Of course, my entire thought process isn’t necessarily one of charity and selflessness.  It was also a way of me expressing what I’d dealt with in ways I’ve only ever communicated with my friends who were also victims of the same circumstances, the closest I would let myself come to personal stories and retellings with a cover of plastic children and wild adventures.  It was also in some ways a way of me verifying to myself that something ongoing was, in fact, bananas and should not have been happening, but that might be another story for another time.
As you can probably guess, Haze and Seal came into the picture since I needed to make two characters who would have this struggle.  A lot of decisions came about because of my personal experience.  They’re 15/16 because I was at the time of the incidents that primarily inspired me to make this game.  They’re both nonbinary because I am.  They love anime because I did (and do...?!)  One of their friends is even directly modeled off how one of my friends looked in high school.  To that degree, I guess someone, somewhere can call them self inserts.  But they’re also not, since I didn’t want to just do a personal retelling with fictional characters.  I’d just write a memoir or something at that point.
Haze’s design came first, and then Seal’s was sort of made as a foil to them.  Haze’s “colors” are pink, black, grey, and red.  Seal’s are teal and light purple... and also black.  Haze had a rabbit motif (which got toned down as I went on), Seal had an owl motif (which is now just a single mention in their list of likes...), etc.
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Though in the beginning, the story was entirely different.  Initially, everything took place in the neon-ish areas with black sky and reflective, celestial water (that I, very eloquently, call “spacewater”).  The idea was that Haze and Seal were beings from another dimension and that their “fighting” was causing a rip in the universe that the kids stumbled into and therefore got wrapped up in this mess.  I had an entire script written and started making assets and when I went to sum up the game’s plot in a neat paragraph, I realized... I hated it!!!
So I chucked all I had done by that point writing-wise and started again.
In fact, I rewrote a lot.  After the first it was mostly small tweaks and adjustments, but the biggest ones (and the ones that still present a challenge to me!) usually involved trying to make Seal feel like a believable character.  I had shown an early draft to someone who said that Seal felt too much like trying to get back at someone, so I scrapped a ton of their lines and tried again.  I still worry whether or not they come across too Strawman-y, but I’ve done the best I can and whatever criticism people have can apply to my next writing attempts.  It’s very hard to separate yourself from subject matter you feel really personally attached to.  I don’t want to write them in a way that you immediately hate them, or hate me for writing such a blatant “villain” character, but in a way that you can formulate your own thoughts.  That said, though, I am violently allergic to people who call Seal a “tsundere,” even in jest.  So I guess I want people to have their own thoughts as long as it’s not that specific one...! (;;;;)
You may be thinking “heck, this is a lot of paragraphs in and you haven’t even brought up gameplay thoughts” and yes... that’s very true.  Shamefully, for a game where I thought “I should definitely, absolutely focus more on making it a Fun Game than a walking visual novel” I might’ve actually dropped the ball in that area.  I’d like to think I was more adventurous than I had been with my first game.  Some parts do kind of fall into the “walk to the next cutscene, find a key to unlock the next cutscene” pit, but I did put effort into figuring out what I could do with RMXP.  My obligatory “please don’t use this engine here, people thinking of using RPG Maker” statements here.  In the final product, though they’re very simple, I’m most proud of the chalkboard puzzle and the paint sorting puzzle.
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Even if, y’know... I somehow neglected to include the letter “k”
Speaking of, I’m not sure if this is a general RPG Maker thing, a “man I hate RMXP” thing, or a “meaka cannot gamemake” thing, but I had several event/puzzles just up and quit on me a few times.  Like they would work fine for months and months, but one day I’d go to them and just nope, suddenly they’re not working, sorry.  Copy+pasting the event to a new map wouldn’t work, so I’d have to manually redo the event.  One of them was the chalkboard puzzle.  The other was the sliding puzzle when Tony is by herself.  Which I’m also aware slows the game down a ton, but I have legitimately no idea how to fix that... I tried and I could never get to to not lag like crazy.
Like I said, I started in July 2014.  I’d shipped the game off to my beta testers in March 2018.  A vast majority of that time was spent creating the visual assets since everything you see in the game is custom.  All the sprites, all the tilesets, every little pixel of it.  All me!  Needless to say... it was very exhausting and very time consuming. I grossly underestimated how much time I thought it’d take.  I never accounted for the very real possibility of burnout, which is incredibly silly considering I was making something entirely by myself that was also an occasionally difficult subject matter...!  There were quite a few weeks where I touched nothing because I couldn’t bring myself to and even a few times where I just considered deleting everything and cancelling the project.  I knew I’d be mad at myself if I quit, especially as I got later into production, so I just tried my best to make sure I didn’t turn it into a huge chore.  Obviously, there were parts that were more tedious than others, but this game really is a very large labor of love that I put a lot of my heart into.
Part of that time is also a little bit of indecision.  Did you know I went through 3 possible title screens?  I sure did!  I’ve also publicly posted about redoing both Haze and Seal’s bust sprites before.  I almost redid all of the kids’, too, but I didn’t wanna get caught in the loop of remaking everything, so I opted to just leave them as they are.  Most of them don’t bug me as much.  M...most of them!
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I’m hopping back on the Story train since obviously that was my main focus, but the decision to have Seal sort of “reveal” their true nature (or at least have a jealousy-related anger burst) to Octavio as an animated cutscene was one I’d decided pretty early.  Which is also why, unsurprisingly, I was debating getting voice actors for a hot minute.  But I wouldn’t have used it anywhere else in the game, so I opted not to.  I also wanted to keep the file size low, but that wound up not happening so much, h-haha...   For someone who uses the only engine without native support for videos, I sure do like making animated cutscenes, huh.
Anyway.  This scene originally bridged Octavio’s section of the game to Pablo’s, which would’ve been (for some reason) in an abandoned hospital.  But that didn’t pan out because it didn’t fit what I wanted the game to be and also by switching the order of the two, it builds up more tension(?) on the kind of character you expect Seal to be.  I hope their very first “fuck off, maybe” took someone out there by surprise!
This also was the point when I decided I wanted to commission an original soundtrack, since nothing quite got across what I wanted at the time.  Which is when I put out my silly ad post and somehow managed to get the amazing ProjectTrinity to compose for me...!  I’m still amazed by the sheer quality of music he made for my little RPGMaker game.
Having the teen characters curse was also something I waffled on for a bit.  Clearly, I dwell on the important things as a writer.  I wanted it to contrast the cutesy, kidlike way the siblings talk and also the sort of squeaky-clean image the witches (particularly Seal) present to the kids by contrasting how they talk to each other, most importantly how Seal talks to Haze and their other friends.  I did have the same issue with the Mother in my first game, but I opted to not have her curse at all either since she’s childish in her own way, too.  But that’s not for THIS game’s postmortem, get otta here!!!
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I also very much was set on a “battle” with words being the final event of the game.  Though I had a hard time imagining what that would be initially, but eventually arrived at a sort of fake battle system that was introduced in the mine.  The setting for this battle changed with time (everywhere from the park to the academy and in between) was considered...!  The dirty secret is that while I did like the decision to make it take place in the voids between worlds, I also sort of did not want to draw the staircase in the witch academy.  Originally, the kids would’ve also helped Haze “reach” Seal (who was putting actual obstacles in the way), but I guess in my own way, I wanted to give Haze the ability to confront Seal on their own, one-on-one.  Or something like that...!  I also didn’t want to add too much needless backtracking.
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I’m... unsure what other point I really want to make, so I guess I’ll end this here unless anyone has anything in particular that interests them they’d want me to answer!
All in all, this game means a lot to me and took a chunk of my life to make and I really hope it’s able to reach at least one person who might need it, even if it’s only a little. 
To all of you who gave it a try, thank you, truly, from the bottom of my heart.
A shameless link to the game:  [itch.io] & [RMN]
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batrachois · 6 years ago
Art tag game!!
I was tagged by the lovely @sunny-day-sky , tysm💕💕💕
One insecurity
Animals! I hate drawing them cause i always go too comic-y or too realistic and i can't find a way to blend them with my style ><
Two fears
Failure: i hate when what i do flops and gets ignored/not seen. I perceive it as a failure and it makes me super self conscious
Being misunderstood: maybe part of the reason i am so scared of being misunderstood is the fact that i have to constantly speak a language that isn't Mine, but i am super scared. It has happened and it will happen again cause you cannot breathe without being severely judged on this site...
Three art turn ons
- Panneggio!!! Unf!!! I'm a sucker for a good ol panneggio
- Flowy hair!!!!!!! It makes the whole image so good!!!
- Allegories!!! I! Love! Allegories! I love subtext! i LOVE it!!! Everything means something else and i know this is very italian-reinassance of me, but U N F GIVE ME COLOR SUBTEXT GIVE ME METAPHORS GIVE ME MYTHOLOGY REFERENCESHSUHJS
Four life fandom/art goals
1. Being recongizable! Like having A Style that's mine! And a few things that get popular and that people recognize me for in certain fandoms! (I dont want fame, i want to be "the one who did this")
2. Creating good content people feel inspired by! Inspiring people is my goal, ive said it a thousand times and even if i know it sounds super pretentious cause i'm just a nobody with a 50€ tablet i WANT to help people and to give them SOMETHING that makes them feel better and feel like they can do stuff idk... art helps and if a small dumb drawing i so can make someone smile it's enough for me to feel fullfilled
3. Living off of my art. Or at least like... being successful enough i don't go months without a single commission... at least successful enough that i don't struggle with stuff and have a way to get a bit of weighr off my parents... does this count as a fandom/art goal idk djsbsjs
4. Being somehow of help to younger/less experienced artists. Tbf i dont know much, but i have 2 whole years of experience making commissions and like... posting on tumblr daily (or... not daily)
Five things i like doing
- hands!!! It sounds weird but lmao
- hair!!! Super lovely to work on
- eyes!! I have drawn so many eyes on literally every piece of paper i've ever stumeled across i'm.. i love drawing eyes
- flowers, though i dont do many
- storyboards! Someone hire me to do storyboards it's my life and i swear i'm good at it!!
Six weaknesses
- backgrounds
- feet
- shoes
- my eyes after 4 hours of looking at the screen!
- short hair from the back
- my wrist, that's a whole weakness
Seven things i love
- allegory again cause a bitch has a thing she really LOVES
- mythology drawings
- dragons but not when i draw them
- lines!!! I love doing lineart a LOT, it'a funnier than coloring for sure, it's also a bit less creatively challengig than sketching and i Love it
- drawing different faces (and ethnicities)
- world building is my life, my entire literal life
- designing different clothes that match different cultures to merge so i can put different meanings inside my characters without having to say everything out loud (i.e. Chike from sanctuary)
I'm not going to tag eight people cause i wouldn't know who to tag, hut if you want to do this please say i did tag you and tag me back!!!
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runningwolf62 · 6 years ago
@wardencommanderrodimiss @pachelbelsheadcanon
The new chapter is here featuring emotional whiplash and allegiances finally.
On AO3
What happens next is a series of incidents so coincidental and yet so perfectly aligned Larry would be tempted to call it fate. He had headed to a book store to chill and he would swear he’d just gone in to look for a book for Nick or Edgey as a Christmas present. Nothing dramatic, he’d just been caught up on his word count for the day and he’d wanted to shop and treat himself and get things out of the way so he didn’t come out of December confused and lacking presents for anyone.
And while he was there he’d remembered his promise to himself to get Tallstar’s Revenge, after WolfDragon had recommended it. So there he was in the children’s section, looking through the Warrior cats section - which he had half a mind to sort because someone respected neither series nor numbers and honestly it was a disaster trying to find anything, was this supposed to be alphabetical, because he was not going to find Tallstar’s Revenge at all like this - when the book caught his eye.
The Magic Bottle.
A simple title really, but the art on the cover was beautiful. Larry abandoned the Warrior Cats books for a moment to pick up this one, whoever the cover artist was they were fantastic at their job because Larry was for sure curious now. He flipped it over to scan the back, and cracked it open.
Well it turned out Elise Deauxnim could both write and draw, and Larry was enthralled. God where had she been when he was a kid, this shit was fantastic. He ended up buying it and after asking a worker, maybe making an excuse of shopping for a niece (listen that was the simplified version of what Pearl was and if he liked the book this much he might tell Nick to get it for her for Christmas so you know, valid) he also got Tallstar’s Revenge.
Now Tallstar’s Revenge was great, especially by Warrior standards, but he kept coming back to The Magic Bottle, the art, the characters, the pacing, it was fantastic. It made him want to write kid’s books.
Why not? You’re a really good writer and it’s not like you’re unfamiliar with kid’s lit
But she’s super good and I wouldn’t even know where to begin!
Stripes stop selling yourself short you’re a fantastic writer
I’ve mentally called you that for years deal with it
I guess it beats Orange.
“Graypaw what have I told you about talking to basketballs”
Okay I’m sending you that parody as soon as I find a link to it but you should go for it! You’re talented currently inspired also unemployed
Hey, I meant now more than ever is your chance
So what should I do?
Google this author see what else she’s written and maybe write her some fan mail
“Hi I’m a twenty-something dude, huge fan”
Look Mr. smartass if you don’t want my help
I’m just worried I’ll come off as weird!
Then lie, say it was for a nephew or something and you were really impressed too and it made you want to try writing children’s lit, how did she get started
Think she’ll answer?
She might
Worth a try
Well I did read it so only fair I review it.
Atta boy, go get ‘em
Larry grins to himself and does exactly as Wolf suggested, googling Elise Deauxnim to find that she had a PO Box. With some help and a little more encouragement from Wolf, he sends off the letter. Then he tries to calm down by focusing on his NaNo, which is mostly just him writing oneshots and a chapter or two of the fic. He hasn’t brought in Godot yet because he’s not sure what the absolute hell is going on there and he doesn’t like thinking about that day in court. He keeps sending out his resume but after how he lost his last job he’s thinking it’s a good thing he has as much in savings as he does, and he’s thinking about emergency commissions.
Until the letter arrives. He’s not sure he believes what he’s seeing but a photo sent to Wolf on discord proves that not only did Elise Deauxnim not think he was a creepy loser, she was encouraging him. She wanted to see some of his art and writing so she could tell him where he might find some agents interested in him.
That’s amazing!
I told you you were an amazing author
Not the Warriors Fanfic
Look, take a deep breath, and like, think of a story
Doesn’t have to be great, just some kids story thing
Do some art with it
Oh god, dude that’s terrifying, every idea I had just vanished.
Alright, listen you don’t have to write the damn thing just the first three pages of something
Uh, what are kids into these days?
Great question
I’m super good at drawing cats, what do I do with that?
Write Warriors but gay
Don’t we call that Wings of Fire?
Shots fired
More seriously, what do I do with that?
Well you’re good with a very open world series with a set of rules that is easily adapted to a setting
And cat anatomy
So I’d take those elements and make it into something
That’s a horrifying Chimera.
You know, that could be a plot hook
Well like kids love monsters right?
Write a series with a Chimera as the main character, it’s part lion
Dude, you’re a genius, I owe you my life, and the response of “no thanks I’ve seen it, I don’t want it” is probably valid
Well get to it writer-boy, you’ll do great
What he ends up with is a book series about various mythological monsters on an adventure, and an offer from Elise Deauxnim to be an apprentice under her. He says yes, of course. He moves out of his apartment and to a smaller and cheaper one closer to where she works.
It’s awkward at first, on both ends. He can tell he’s not what she expected but he tries. She helps him with his writing, telling him what his strengths are first and then slowly moving to where he needs some polishing. It’s still strained though.
The breakthrough comes one afternoon, when Larry’s phone alarm goes off. He reaches over, swipes it off, and then flips the sketchbook page he’s on to start drawing something else.
Elise, - she insist he call her Elise which is weird to him but she’s a firm but matronly woman and so he obeys – looks up at the sound.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to disturb you,” he offers a quick sheepish grin but she only looks more confused.
“Did you force yourself to get a drawing complete in a certain amount of time? You know that won’t make it turn out well.”
“Oh, no,” Larry flips back to the previous drawing to show her that it’s far from complete, “I got art block so rather than sit here and think about how I had the perfect image if I could only draw it for the next hour I worked on something else for ten minutes.”
“You’re quite talented at drawing cats,” she remarks, and Larry grins.
“I’d hope after how long I’ve been drawing them.”
“So this ten minutes of drawing, does it help?”
“Kind of yeah,” Larry pulls his sketch book back to him, looking at the sketch of Cherrywing and Spiritstar, he should draw Maya and Mia sometime. Maybe- no probably not for Christmas but at some point he should. “It forces me to relax and focus on something else, and get the creative juices flowing while I work on something that’s just for me so there’s no pressure or anything. That’s why I can only do it for ten minutes or I’d never get any actual work done!”
“That’s very clever,” she’s focusing on him now and Larry can only shrug, it’s just something that’s worked for him.
“Are those your cats?”
Oh no.
“Uh no, they’re-” he scrambles for a moment, “they’re just cats.”
Elise looks at him with a look of doubt but doesn’t press, instead she turns her focus on the picture, her eyes softening as she looks at Spiritstar and Cherrywing sitting together, “you have a real talent for capturing the emotion of a scene, there’s something very peaceful and loving about it, even for a sketch.”
Larry blinks in surprise, “thank you!” That was very much what he had been going for and he was pleased that he had succeeded at such.
Elise smiles at him, “you have such a talent for landscapes too, the nature looks natural while still framing them.”
Larry rubs the back of his neck with a grin, “now you’re going to give me an ego,” he jokes but he hopes she understands how grateful he is.
By the way she looks at him she does.
Merry Christmas Nick!!
merry xmas
 Hey Maya, Merry Christmas!
Message failed to send.
Message failed to send.
You okay man?
I appreciate your concern Larry but yes, I am fine
If you need to call just let me know
Before you joke yes I’m single this Christmas
That’s a kind offer but I am with my sisters
Her daughter has a dog named Phoenix
Holy shit
Merry Christmas Stripes!
Merry Christmas Wolfman!
Larry has to say, having your mentor frame and hang your finished and signed piece because she likes it so much is like having your parents hang art on the fridge but somehow a thousand times better.
They spend the winter working, her on her story and on helping Larry grow as an artist and writer and working on her own story.
Larry helps where he can with that, mostly by trying not to bother her when she looks busy but she does ask him to do some illustrations for her, citing his abilities with landscapes. He accepts and pours his heart and soul into it.
Fine! Fine!
You’ve got this, you’re a really good artist and you’ve said she’s proud of you
As she should be
So you’ve got this
Thanks man
Go get it writer-boy
You gonna buy my book Wolfman
Of course
Larry can’t help but smile at that.
But you’ve got to publish it first
Larry tucks his phone into his pocket and hands the portfolio over to Elise. She accepts them with a smile and begins to flip through them, seeming oblivious to Larry’s nervous shuffling. She pauses at one and studies while Larry does his best to not explode or start nervously babbling.
“These are beautiful,” she remarks and Larry can feel his shoulders sag in relief, “you’ve done fantastic work.”
“Thank you, I went to the park a lot to try and get all the details right.”
“It shows,” she continues to leaf through them, Larry feels more confident so he begins to point to details he feels proud of or wants to make sure she notices.
“These are just the illustrations my book needed if you’ll allow me to use them.”
“I, uh, yes!” Larry stares at her eyes about to jump out of his skull, wait until he tells Nick! He’s successful now, look at him!
Elise laughs fondly and hands them back, “hold on to these and let me talk to my agent but that’s exactly the kind of work I couldn’t find anywhere else, your watercolor style is just what I needed.”
Larry is going to cry and just manages to thank her long enough for him to slip out and tell Wolf everything.
I’m proud of you Stripes
I’m proud of me! I feel like I’m really making myself a new person!
He’s tempted to also tell Nick but he decides to wait. To drop the book on Nick’s desk at his office. That’s how he’ll do it.
Okay so get this
Apparently my last name “can’t be taken seriously by publishers”.
And I thought elementary school kids were hurtful.
Oh my god
So she’s going to have me use her last name.
Her publisher loves the idea too.
Makes me look like family.
Which sells or something?
Hey I’ll take it, I’m getting paid.
So what name should I keep an eye out for
Larry pauses, they’ve never told each other their real names, years of being Wolf and Stripes and now occasionally Writer boy and Wolfman on top of having internet safety drilled into them has always stopped them.
Look for Laurice Deauxnim.
As your number one fan I want a signed copy at some point
“Larry,” he looks up from his typing craze at the sound of his name, he’s made a lot of progress on this chapter and with Elise’s help he’s hoping to get it done and sent to publishers by May. That’s his new year’s resolution, getting published this year.
Elise pauses her typing and he hears her sigh. He looks up to her, her face is set and determined but when she looks to him he thinks he sees regret.
“Larry, I’m afraid a situation has come up and I know it’s very last minute but unless you want to come to a monastery with me I’m afraid you’re going to have to spend the next week or so without me.”
“What?” Larry feels a surge of panic not unlike the time he discovered he hadn’t saved in an hour, “a monastery? Why are you- where are you going?”
“Hazakura Temple,” she replies with a pause, Larry has never heard of it but he pulls it up on google quick enough. A teaser for an upcoming edition of the “Oh! Cult” Magazine pops up with some lovely images. Looks cold but interesting.
“Sure I’ll come. I’ve had art block for the past week maybe trying to do some temple scenes will help!”
Elise pauses and smiles kindly, “if you really want to…”
“I need some winter scene practice too,” Larry is not looking forward to wandering around the cold but Elise was going there for some reason, maybe he’ll find a muse there as well.
He flicks his finger over the picture hanging on the wall, the one that still made him smile to see there, “and I’ll give you a winter scene to compliment the summer one.”
Whatever hesitation Elise seems to be having vanishes as she laughs softly, “alright. Make sure to dress warm.”
And in honor of @pachelbelsheadcanon‘s fantastic art, here’s a list of the allegiances. 
Spiritstar – a cream she-cat with darker paws and face
Darkleaf – a dark brown tom
Medicine Cat
Cherrywing – a cream she-cat with darker striped paws and face
Apprentice: Splashpaw
Firebirdstorm – a bright orange tabby with spikey fur
Orangestripe – an orange tabby tom with scruffy fur
Beetlelight – a brown tabby tom with a white chin
Splashpaw – a white she-cat with brown paws and face
 Demon’s Group
Demon – a dark gray tom with thick fur, especially on his chest, formerly Sharppaw of SpiritClan
Viper – a gray she-cat with cold blue eyes, formerly a rogue
Timber – a brown tabby tom with messy fur
Bird – a calico she-cat with mostly dark red patches
Wolf – large thick furred gray tom
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dotzines · 6 years ago
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Artist spotlight: LittleSnakeTail!
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Introduce yourself Just a Korean teen trying to get into art school. I like snakes and synthwave. I sometimes watch Doctor Who or cartoons like Steven Universe and Ducktales. When did you start drawing? Are you a digital or traditional artist? I've been drawing since I was like, two, but I only started looking up tutorials and actually ""learning"" around age 14. As for digital/traditional, I'm a bit of both. Art softwares make it much more convenient to color drawings or make them look fancy, but the pencil is still easier on my hand most of the time. Do you use any traditional mediums? If so, which are your favorites? I'm quite familiar with the pencil, so most traditional drawings I do are black-and-white pencil drawings, sometimes scanned and colored digitally. I find it easier to draw certain things traditionally, like anatomy or something with lots of little details. Why do you prefer traditional over digital? (or viceversa) It's hard to say. Depends on what I'm drawing, I guess. Both have their ups and downs :D What do you think is the most challenging part about being a traditional/digital artist? Traditional: Not having Ctrl+Z. Digital: That feel when the tablet just won't understand what your hand is trying to draw. And when the art program crashes. What inspires your pieces? 99% of my stuff is fanart (usually Steven Universe, or a videogame that I'm playing). I think a lot about what to draw as I go on about my daily life, and often end up with more ideas than what I can draw in a reasonable amount of time. I've been trying to come up with some original stuff recently, though, since colleges prefer that sort of stuff. When it's not fanart, my art is usually inspired by someone else's original art or my own experiences.
Explain your "everyday" drawing process I just... get an idea. Sometimes it comes up fully formed, sometimes I have to spend time figuring out the details, but once I decide that it's worth drawing it's... the regular drawing process. Sketch, lines, color, etc, etc. Sometimes I'd decide that the idea is worth drawing but not *that* much effort and call it a day after the sketch or lineart process, and that's it. Do you have an artist you admire (or more than one)?
- James Baxter and Don Bluth - I admire their animations a lot. - twenty-seventh ( https://twenty-seventh-27.tumblr.com ): they paint with colors a lot (as in, no lineart) and that's something I have a very hard time attempting. I respect that a lot. - AbsoluteDream ( https://www.deviantart.com/absolutedream ): Someone get this guy a job at Disney already. - AlectorFencer ( https://www.deviantart.com/alectorfencer ): One of the best artists of anthropomorphic characters I have ever seen. What I wouldn't give for skills like that... There are many other online artists out there that I respect, but I don't think I can list all of them here :'D Is there an artwork you are most proud of? Why? I don't have an absolute favorite, but I'm pretty fond of this one... It was an attempt to step out of my comfort zone for me, sine I usually hate doing backgrounds. https://www.deviantart.com/littlesnaketail/art/Time-to-go-home-760597289
Do you listen to music (or tv shows/films/anything else) when drawing?
I always listen to music. These days, it's either Hollow Knight OST or one of those synthwave mixes on YouTube. Sometimes, though, I find that music is distracting and listening to someone talk helps me focus (somehow), and that's when I let Markiplier playthroughs or random old movies play in the background.
What makes art interesting for you? It's the only thing I'm somewhat confident about... lol... To be honest I don't have an inspirational story about, say, seeing a Michaelangelo painting and thinking ""That is what I will do with my life!"", but drawing has been something of an enjoyment and escape throughout my life. I (usually) feel comfortable when I'm drawing, and when I haven't done it for a while, I find myself stressed out and looking forward to having some time to draw. What do you do when art block strikes? A. I tank through it by doing repetitive practices, or B. I completely drop it and wait until I want to draw again. What’s the most valuable art advice you’ve ever received?
“(I would assure young artists that) it's perfectly normal to feel depressed about your own work from time to time: I don't think you can create really good work without some degree of doubt and anxiety." - Shaun Tan (I admire this guy's work a lot too, by the way.)
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smashdraws · 8 years ago
The things I’ve learned from art school: part 1/?
I’m a second year illustration student, and I’m here to share with you pearls of wisdom from what I’ve experienced and learned in college (so far), from the actual drawing process to attitudes about art/drawing. Most of these things I’ve learned the hard way, and some are from things I’ve seen others struggle with. 
The most work you should be doing in your drawing process is thumbnails/sketching stage.
“There’s no point in finishing a drawing if it’s flawed from the beginning”. That’s what my Composition & Transparent Media professor constantly told us. During our first piece of the semester, he had us stay on the sketching and redrawing stage for a little over a month in order to perfect them. He wanted to make sure the perspective was right, composition was pushed to its fullest, details were added to make every space interesting, the whole shebang. Obviously you’re probably not going to spend a whole month redrawing a piece over and over every time you draw, especially if it’s a time-sensitive project or just a personal piece you’re doing for funsies. However, the sketching stage is where most of the creativity happens. You have to decide on composition, scale, design elements, characters and how they’re positioned in the space, environment, and so much more. And I’d be willing to bet that you won’t get it right the first time.
Give yourself projects when you aren’t in school.
It helps with artist block. The summer between freshman and sophomore year of school I could probably count the number of drawings I did on one hand. To be fair, I was working two jobs 6 days a week so i didn’t exactly have a lot of time, but I found that once I got out of school I had zero drive or ideas. Without assignments from class to draw for, I had nothing to draw, and when I got back to school for sophomore year I had a lot of trouble getting inspired again. It made the beginning of the year really hard for me. Find something, ANYTHING, to draw while you’re out of school, even if you draw fanart for one thing all summer, at least you’re still drawing. 
If a character in your drawing is reminiscent of another character/too generic, think about altering it- especially if it’s a work that focuses on said character.
This really only applies for artists who’s focus/career is character design, but it’s still relevant to others. As painful as it is to hear, it means you might not be pushing your concepts enough. I took a class on Concept Art, and the first assignment was character design. A few of mine were deemed too generic looking, and one was too reminiscent of an existing character. It really hurt to hear, especially since I pride myself on character design and they were for a story I’ve had in development for over 6 years. It really made me feel like shit and made me not want to develop the characters further. But I needed to hear it, and I had to continue developing them for the class, so I ended up overhauling and redesigning the characters until they didn’t seem like the same ones anymore in order to make them more interesting. I hated it, but it’s what I had to do. 
That being said, things like this really make you think about distinguishing your characters and art from others out there. It’s essentially impossible to be 100% original, but that doesn’t mean you cant try your damnedest to make your ideas as close to original as they can get without getting overcomplicated.
When designing characters, mix up the body shape and facial features.
This one is kind of specific, but still important since character design is an important element of illustration. If you don’t vary things up you’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’ from your professors and peers. And frankly, its boring as hell when someone’s characters all look the same. This is something I see a lot, and I can never get attached to an individual character cause they all looked the same! I found that it happens a lot with male characters, they all have defined abs to some degree and perfectly toned arms and honestly, it gets boring when all of someone’s male characters have the same body type. As for face, there is literally no excuse. There are SO MANY KINDS OF FACES MAN. Round, rectangular, circular, heart-shaped, squared. People can have hooked noses, upturned noses, tiny cute noses. Even eyebrows- arched, flat, thick, waxed, faint, or bold. You’re allowed to have preferences for what kind of bodies you like to draw, but don’t be afraid to branch out!
Develop your own style.
As an artist, you need your own style. Imitating other artist’s styles isn’t going to get you far in school or the real world, and chances are, your peers will call you out if your style looks too much like another established artist’s. In order to make a living and gain clients you need a style that you make unique, taking inspirations and aspects from other styles and squishing them together to make one amazing art style baby. Your art style will probably be the deciding factor in whether or not your client hires you! 
Tracing references is OK when appropriate.
As long as it isn’t for a published or commissioned piece, there is absolutely no harm in tracing references. In your down time take some pictures of yourself or find some online and go ahead and trace ‘em. Really pay attention to how the body actually is, how the perspective on legs work, how that hand is foreshortened. Do this enough and you’ll find yourself thinking about all that when you’re drawing normally!
There will always be students better than you, you just gotta accept it.
It’s just a fact of life, unfortunately. When you’re a freshman, you’re in classes with only freshman for your foundation year. You and your peers are all on the relatively same level. What had affected me starting my second year (and I didn’t realize it until much later) was that now that I was in classes with upperclassmen, who had a year or two’s worth of experience on me, I felt as id my art was not up to par. It’s easy to forget your classmates are not just from your grade anymore, especially in electives. All of the electives I took had mostly Juniors and a few Sophomores, and my work always didn’t quite have that polish and finesse to it yet that the upperclassmen’s did have. It’s just a fact of life that you’ll always be up against artists who are more skilled than you , but thats because they have more or different experiences. You have to keep in mind that you can’t compare yourself to them, since it isn’t fair to you that you’re comparing yourself to someone who may have 3+ years on you. 
Learn realism to some extent- figures, animals, everything.
You don’t have to like it, but you can always tell when an artist never learned it because their figures are always off. There is a difference between stylizing and not knowing, and it’s almost always evident. You can see it in the way hands are drawn, noses are rendered, and how they shape and place breasts. Do pages of body studies focusing on hands, feet, leg muscles, back arches, faces, all kinds of stuff. You’ll thank yourself later. 
Your professors and peers will know when you don’t put in your best effort.
They’ll know when you aren’t pushing yourself because you’ll make fundamental mistakes. Slightly imperfect coloring, wiggly linework that wasn’t done quite carefully enough, not bothering to fix those damn feet in the finish. They always know, somehow...even if you’re careful with your laziness.
Buying expensive materials is usually worth it.
It may cost more but your work will benefit from it, and they last so, so much longer. I had to buy 3 brushes when my techniques class was doing watercolor, and in total they costed over $100. I found as I used them that since they were hair brushes and not synthetic, they held so much more pigment and water, and I could get a much finer tip. I was incredibly lucky that my professor provided the paint, which could go up to $20 a tube for some colors with the brand he had. Paper is also something worth splurging on, because let me tell you I have had disastrous effects when using shitty (coughCANSONcough) watercolor paper. The 9x12 paper block I bought for class was $30, and it was the best paper i’ve ever worked on. Absolutely worth the money and I will be buying that brand for projects from now on. And the best thing about all these is that they’ll last forever! 
You NEED to find ways to get excited about a project you hate, because you’re gonna have to do a lot of them.
If you don’t find ways to get excited about projects you’re not too thrilled to do, you’ll never succeed. I learned this in my freshman year very fast, because man oh man were there some projects I couldn’t have cared less about. If you can, gear the project towards one of your interests without compromising the purpose or assigned subject. 
I hope this advice can help some folks! Art school is a lot of tough love, and a lot of stepping 300 yards out of your comfort zone (sometimes by force). But they key is to not be afraid of trying new things! You’ll find things you absolutely hate doing, and will never want to do ever again if you can help it, and you’ll find things that you’ll love to do. It’s all about keeping an open mind!
Keep drawing, keep learning, keep creating.
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