#this is just a preview to the things we've been cooking
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foretales · 1 day ago
slayers , receives their gifts from the unknown demon centuries ago : hey emerson , still very traumatized from being attacked by a lesser demon , sensing the high-ranking demon within them :
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vaspider · 10 months ago
I have been working for the past week on a rush project for a client that I am so fucking excited about and I can't wait until they hit the stretch goal on the BackerKit so y'all can see what I've been working on bc it fucking rocks and I'm so excited that @impernious brought me in on this.
But maybeeeee y'all can help this happen & also get a totally fucking awesome RPG written & illustrated by some of the best people I know.
So if you:
Like JRPGs
Like a fluid, compact and easy-to-use mechanical system
Like seeing queer content made by queer people
Want to see this project succeed wildly so that we get more of this
You should back At The Gates!
And even if you don't like those things, or you're not sure, you can always back the campaign for $5 just to help out & to get the preview chapters. One of the coolest things Onyx Path does is release the entire text of the book as it is at the time of the campaign over the course of crowdfunding. It has no art, and the text isn't final - it's still in process - but by the end of the campaign, you will be able to play At The Gates in its current form while you wait for the final book!
If you want to watch @impernious play Chrono Trigger & answer questions about At The Gates, you can do that here!
Back this game, omg I want y'all to see what we've been working on. I was up all night 2 nights ago getting stuff ready. @theonyxpath and D (and the rest of their team!) have cooked up some really, really good stuff, and I'm so excited that I got to play, too.
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tbhimnoteasyonmyself · 1 year ago
Hello, fellow associates, I, local deranged man, bring you (by request of @ayansbff who said I should "go make a post and patent it fr." thank you, Naga <3) once again a theory as insane as whatever has been going on in the ASOIAF fandom in the last 10 years (but no, I'm not here to tell you Tan is a horse or New is a faceless man).
For this week's episode: Tan is New (but with some spice).
Pls beware, this will require a certain level of "bear with me", ok? Ok.
Also: long ass post, guys. Be prepared.
So, 1st things 1st: New is obviously studying abroad.
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This would mean that, in all the episodes we've seen of the flashback, we wouldn't have seen New. Because he's literally in a different country (cue theory: New is Mhok working as a cook in Hawaii ksksksk /j).
Nevertheless, in the latest events of the past storyline, Non has just gone M.I.A. Which is definitely something you'd tell the kid's brother about. I'd be pretty pissed if I was New and no one fucking told me about my brother vanishing.
(I think it could definitely be argued that their parents might try to hide the whole getting involved with money laundry and even the pedophilic child revenge porn sex tape on Twitter thing, especially their mother. bc, considering their treatment of Non this episode, it would definitely cross my mind that they'd think something along the lines of "New shouldn't be worried about what his fuck up of a brother is involved with, he should just focus on his study". And idk if Thailand's national news would arrive to New in the US just like that (maybe, maybe not, I won't try to speculate too much, I think it's too much of a wild card). YET, I still think, regardless, they'd have their limits even if the rest was true and they'd tell him about his brother being literally MISSING. So yeah...)
So back on track: sure, the police "think" Non has run away with Keng
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Or, was convinced by Tee's uncle to accept that storyline
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but Non's parents don't believe that shit
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("They're TRYING to make our son LOOK LIKE" not "They think our son HAS")
And I think the same feeling could've been passed to New by his parents or just by New himself. But even if not, I think it's pretty reasonable to assume he'd come back to Thailand after that news. Like, if my brother was missing, I'd feel pretty bad, my parents would feel pretty bad and I'd want to go back home and be with them a bit, follow things up close, at the very least.
So, assuming that's true, it's not weird to presume New could be back in Thailand by the time The Hidden Character (the film Non wrote, not the BOC reality show thing) airs. Which would lead us to:
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Now, I've seen people say it's Tan, I've seen people say it's White, I've seen people say it's Bible (?)... To me, that's Tan. The voice that calls "Phee" seems to me that's Mio's voice and the person we see in the door, albeit he does resemble Bible, reads to me as him as well.
Besides, we see him being introduced to the class in the ep.9 preview so, yeah, it could be to throw us off, but I genuinely think it's just bc it's Tan.
Regardless, even if not, Tan will appear next episode. So... There's that. Question is: why?
We see both Tan and Phee moving to the gang's class next episode, which the gang points out as "weird". Now, idk why it would be weird to see people change schools in 12th grade but fine, I'm not gonna argue, maybe they know something I don't. Ig you could argue it's bc it's the last year but I'd say people have issues all the time (being the last year of school doesn't change that) and people also move houses all the time. So I wouldn't question it but ok. Moving on.
We know Phee has a connection to Non (as his ex-boyfriend) but we don't know why Tan would be there too. Sure, we can argue Phee has to have friends. But, ngl, if my friend asked me to move schools bc he wants to find out what happened to his bf who mysteriously disappeared, I'd politely decline. I'd support him in his endeavours, of course, but I wouldn't change my entire life for it. I could even go as much as to help him befriend them and hang out with the fuckers but I wouldn't move schools, I think.
So Tan must have a bigger motive, right? And what bigger motive than being the brother of Non, am I right?
Furthermore, we have to consider legal matters. They're all minors. Phee's father, of course, knows about Phee being, at least, friends with Non. And, even if he told him to stay out of trouble and that he himself would not go around poking in the business for Phee's own safety, I think he'd be okay with Phee moving schools for grief reasons (a.k.a being close to Non because that was his school) or even bc he knew Phee was trying to talk to his friends (I don't think he suspects the kids too much and honestly that's a terrible lack of sight on his behalf but, I mean, they're kids, I think it's fair to assume they're innocent).
But what about Tan? Assuming Tan is not Non's brother, would his parents let him move schools to the school where all those nasty kids who keep appearing on the news study??? I don't think so. Sounds dangerous. Things change, of course, if Tan is not actually Tan but New.
Non's parents, despite their obvious lack of parenting skills, care about him. He's their son. They'd want to know what happened. And, sure, New getting involved would be terrible for them (bc he's their son and clearly the favourite child and god forbid he wastes his potential studying there bc of Non's failures AGAIN), but if New specifically requested that, would they go against it? Would they go against their talented son and his show of altruism and love for his brother?? Especially when the police are not doing anything and it's just trying to close the damn case??? I don't think so.
Thus: Tan is New.
"But what about his legal name???", I hear you say. "If they're siblings they'll have the same last name!!" And yeah. That's true. Especially in Thailand where most surnames are exclusive to a singular family. But I thin- "What about the age gap??? New is older than Non!! His mom even refers to him as Non's phi!!!" Yes. I know. That's where the spice comes in:
There, I dropped the bomb. This would mean that, maybe, his legal name wasn't changed from what it originally was. Sure, it could've, since he's now part of a different family but they also could've kept the original surname. Which is likely if New wasn't adopted in a normal fashion.
We have to consider how poor Non's family seems to be. Whether that's a new situation or it has always been like this we don't know. But that's something. Now, I'm not Thai nor do I live in Thailand but from what I read, income does factor a lot into whether or not a family can adopt a child (at least in theory). So I'd assume a poor family would struggle with it. Nevertheless, it seems Thai law puts a lot of value into family ties with the child so, maybe New was someone else's child originally like of a brother or a sister of one of Non's parents. Or maybe something else entirely, I don't know. I don't think it matters that much.
"That still doesn't explain the age gap though. Tan is only 2 months older than Non!!"
Well, that's still older. Would that qualify him as "phi", idk? Both Pimpa (Non and New's mother) and Non refer to him that way. But maybe that's just another way for the series to tell us there's a ver clear hierarchy between these brothers and Non comes second. Idk. (if you're Thai or know Thai culture well and would like to add input here, pls do)
Ok, yeah, I know. They make a compelling case.
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(I took the liberty to brighten them bc OMG WHY IS THIS SHOW SO DARK????)
And yes, in the picture further to the left it does seem like they have a huge age gap but also, in the picture right next to it, it doesn't seem so (in fact the kid in blue seems about the same age in both pics, only the other one doesn't). So maybe the kid in pic one is not Non, it's some other kid (could be, especially considering he's wearing blue and, as the fandom's most dear colour theorist @shannankle has pointed out on a lot of posts but most especially this one: Non's colour is red). Or maybe it is one of them and they just grew up at different paces, idk. It happens, man.
TBH I'm not greatly concerned about the pics. What I am concerned about is the narrative implications of this. That his parents's (and, as previously established, especially his mother's [who is the most present parent in his life, as stated by the parents themselves in ep.8])
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favourite kid is the one who isn't even theirs by blood. That their favourite son is the one that is not actually their son (I obviously do believe adopted kids are as much people's kids as biological ones, family is made not inherited, but I mean this as strictly talking about the blood relations of these people)! That no one ever loves Non enough to actually save him from doom (bc, like a fairytale princess, the thing that could prevent Non's demise was love).
If his peers had loved him enough he wouldn't have felt the need to cling to that awful gang. If Jin had loved him enough he would've helped him get away from Tee in this episode, at the very least. If his parents had loved him enough, they would've prevented him from falling prey to so many people or, at least, would've been trustworthy for him to talk to and helped him get out of the situations he was getting himself into.
This would also play well with the character's names:
Non. That which/whom isn't.
Who isn't seen, who isn't heard, who isn't loved, who isn't perfect, who isn't who people expected him to be, who isn't the gang's friend, who isn't his parent's perfect son (not blaming him but that's how they see it), who isn't the boyfriend Phee hoped he would be (not blaming him for the sexual assault he suffered, just seeing it through Phee's eyes, pls don't misinterpret).
New. That which/whom is fresh, original. That which just arrived.
Who is a prodigy, a talent, one of a kind. Who is so different from Non and his "crooked ways". Who arrived at the family later. Who just arrived in Thailand, who just arrived in Non's school. Who is a new person, who has a new identity, who has a new life goal.
So, yeah, it is a bit crazy and depends on a lot of circumstantial and potential facts that have not been hinted towards AT ALL by the show. And I recognize that. But I think this is what is fun about theories and speculation and, even if this is not true (likely), I still had fun crafting this and showing it to you guys. At the very least it's entertaining and keeps us thinking.
Pls feel free to add stuff or question stuff in this post, I'd love for us to work together as a community for our little murder gays show. Hehe.
Also, I'll leave you a question myself: if this is true, does it mean Phee and Tan are working together as the killers, only one of them is killing or neither is committing murder? 🤔
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mxrp-official-steve · 6 months ago
Welcome back campers, to this weeks episode of TOTAL, DRAMA, HELLSITE! On this weeks episode, me and my handy Chef Hex will be cooking up a delicious meal of parpy goodness! But the campers will have to roll a single... WITH A PROMPT! The first one to get a proper Roleplay going gets the immunity marshmallow. Now watch out, cuz this ones gonna be a doozy, dudes!
Your September 2nd PARPdate: "Remember that time on TDI where they called god to make it rain? That happened" Edition.
News this month is sorta slow- those of you In The Know already know this, but Hex is being forced to move again. This hasn't impacted Dev TOO much, honestly, and I'm gonna break down WHY in this wonderful little post!
Ok so if you remember the August update, you likely recall us showing off our shiny new mod features and how we can now play funny roleplay police state in order to nail rulebreakers and bandodgers.
If you're also a huge Bubblehead (which is what you're called), you're also likely familiar with this bastard:
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(Image description: The red miles, basically. Its a message failed message repeated like ninety times in a row in red font. Thanks to Alienoid from the server for posting this screenshot for me to steal!)
This is because, somehow, these new mod features almost completely broke Dreambubble in ways that make no sense (the new features use Redis, but for some reason their introduction is making PostGres, a completely different system, go absolutely haywire)
So, Hex decided to move forward with their pet project to rewrite Dreambubble. Normally, this would mean a development delay on Parp2 and I'd feel pretty bad about laying this on yalls feet after two years of parplessness.
But hey wait isn't this literally just how they made parp last time.
The answer is yes! The previous Msparp version was built using what is now Dreambubble as a skeleton, evolving on itself into the rickety but lovable RP site we knew before she tragically passed away last February after choking to death on fresh air. As such, Dev is actually going pretty good! Hex has been COOKING through the bones for Dreambubble 2, getting a ton of barebones stuff working right off the bat:
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(Image description: A barebones but functional chat window using Felt theme; complete with system connection messages, text preview, and quirking)
Along with our first new feature preview in a while: PUSH NOTIFICATIONS!
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(Image description: A felt-theme settings menu showing the ability to turn on and off push notifications, as well as a browser popup in the bottom corner showing that it's been activated)
These are also working on Android! What this does is it pings you when the chat you're in gets a new message, operating on a system level instead of a site level so you don't even need to have the tab, or the browser, open to keep up with your chats! This is gonna be especially useful for mobile users, since this means they can navigate away and use their phone for other things, and their phone'll just ping them when their partners' next message comes through. (These are gonna be off by default, btw. You'll have to turn them on yourself on a per-chat basis in the final release)
It should also be noted that we've Snagged Ourselves A UI Guy recently from the userbase, so we've got a dedicated Make It Look Good person for when things get closer to launch!
That's all for this update, though. Absolutely thrilled to be showing off some progress after the restart. Hopefully we'll have even more to show off next month!
Until then, cheers!
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murfpersonalblog · 10 months ago
IWTV S2 Ep2 Musings
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I absolutely adore the title cards; the "fangs" reflecting main locations of the episodes/seasons. GOD this show's attention to detail.
We open with Lou & Claud in Paris bickering about French & money; already shown in the Pix11 preview (I gave my opinions on the full scene, and another post about Claudia specifically.
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Then we get Dubai. O_O Omfg. I made a separate post all about Louis & Loumand, cuz those queens were DIABOLICAL this episode.
Skipping ahead a bit! To the coven/theatre! ^0^
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Ohhhh....that's a Children of Satan/Darkness nod! 👀 Only thing's that the old guard from the CoS/D actually weren't part of the Coven/Theatre anymore by the time Louis & Claudia arrived (Alessandra, Eleni, and the rest of Rhoshamandes' fledglings Santino indoctrinated & had train Armand).
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So Armand is REALLY showing off, tryna impress Louis; cuz none of the members of THAT Theatre troupe are older than Armand, and not even he's as old as Charlemagne. Armand, your yaoi is showing. XD
It's wild how on one hand we have the coven simping over how pretty Louis is (except Santiago, cuz ofc 🙄); while just HATING on Claudia.
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Naw, let her stay! Estelle is THIRSTY and I love her for it, bless! XD
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Santiago, you shady wench, you're already on my hit list, BUFFOON; but THIS striped heifer, Celeste--
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Wench, are all Parisian vampiresses frumpy busted haters like YOU?
Anyways. 🙄 I hate this effing coven already. 😒
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Foreshadowing AF, Mr. I Could Not Prevent It.
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Sure, Jan. 🙄 But not all violence/abuse/trauma is physical/sexual. By allowing the Theatre to put their hands on Claudia, Armand harmed Louis more than anyone ever could. Claudia was the glue keeping Louis together when he was already falling apart, and he hasn't been right ever since. BOTH of these dudes are living in a fantasy, frikkin la-la-land, as they think they're HELPING e/o, going thru all these theatrical acts & performances. But are they REALLY happy? Esp. cuz we know who's endgame for them in the books. It's bittersweet, cuz their affection's REAL. But this weird codependency just isn't healthy or right. U_U
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Eff you, Daniel Hart. tryna make me cry!
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Eff you, Daniel Hart, tryna make me laugh!
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This scene with the naked lady (Annika) was SO GOOD! I'm glad they tastefully didn't fully show her whole body like they did in the film--if we can't see full frontal nudity for the dudes, then I don't wanna see it on the gals either. 😤 Fair's fair!
But WOAH, the sexckshuhality~!
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I don't even have words for this! 😅 Claudia! Let the man win ONCE!?
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But I LOVE how candid this show is about everything from sexuality to race--and ofc discrimination.
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Oh they're cooking. O_O
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Armand gets to lead the coven through meritocracy, not racial privilege. HOWEVER, we've got bleach-blonde Santiago still waiting in the wings, so.... I can't wait to see more of their dynamics.
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We been knew, Louis, it's ok. U_U
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Armand clearly been knew, too! Like: Yeah, I'm not surprised he's cruising all the gay parks--I could tell by the way that American walked! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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I KNOW this bish ain't talking, not Mr. Polynesian Marys! Not Mr. I Did What I Had To Do To SCORE. Not Mr. We Met In A GAY Bar. Not Mr. Black Tar And Heroin! Not Mr. Is Alicia Even REAL!? I KNOW he's not tryna shade Louis for cruising, when his closeted arse can't even handle being in a room with Armand making come-hither eyes!
I love Daniel, how he's written & acted, but ISTG I hate his character.
As opposed to Santiago, who is just--BRUH. WERK.
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And this is exactly what Lestat was getting at, too. And why Akasha was wrong when she said men are the problem. Like, don't get me wrong, THEY ARE, but chile, ALL HUMANS are the problem; eff gender. Homegirl sold that old dude down the frikkin river, just to save her own skin, and her family's. COMPLICIT. OFFAL.
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Santiago's disgusted by humanity, and Annika proved his point.
As for Lestat, his cold willful detachment stems from his attitude that humans are just The Meat. This version of Lestat is SO dang jaded, that humans are reduced to mere food--just like he called Miss Lily.
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He doesn't need the Evil Doer creed, if he thinks ALL humans are evil/irredeemable; only worth living if they can sing & make music or something artistic. Otherwise who cares? (Which makes it VERY interesting to see what AMC!Les would say to Memnoch the Devil....)
Speaking of....
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I frikkin knew it. ISTG Lestat must be asleep in 2022--if y'all have him do a Merrick and wake up in the finale, I will pass out and DIE.
The question is: WHAT put him to sleep? Is he just sad & grieving post-trial? WTF is Raglan James doing in 2022? Are we post-Memnoch? Where are TWMBK? I NEED ANSWERS, AMC! 😭
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magebunkshelf · 4 months ago
Let's go! We're back with a new audio and a massive channel branding overhaul! Big update post!
It's been a long time coming but we're back with part 5 of the Vampire Hunter series! This is beginning a sort of new stage or arc for the channel and the stories within Mitch's World, but I won't say much if you haven't listened yet. I hope you caught up on part 4 first! And... well, another important audio.
There's also an exclusive bonus audio that follows on immediately after that's up for supporters! It's a romance scene between David and Bats - however I'm calling it non-canon, or at least semi-canon. Not everyone ships these characters, and I tend to leave that up to interpretation. If you ship them, you can consider the bonus audio canon if you like, but if you don't, you can skip it completely. That being said, there's an extended 6 minute preview for the bonus audio that's freely available on YouTube. The extended preview is a sort of epilogue to Part 5 and is entirely canon, cutting off just before anything semi-canon happens. The full 28 minute bonus is available on Ko-fi, Patreon, and for YouTube Members.
Also what do you think of the new thumbnails? We've been cooking these for a long time, and I'm so so excited to get to show them to you! The channel design has barely changed since the very first audio and it's been in severe need of a shake-up for a long time, so huge thanks to Daysprite for the push I needed to dig into it! All major audios will be getting new thumbnails in the new style with much better series-based colour coordination, a tweaked font and MUCH more interesting designs, and some of the major series also now have Smash-style series emblems! These are so cool! The actual YouTube titles haven't changed at all so you should still be able to find your favourite audios, I tried to keep things familiar enough for long-time listeners. A MASSIVE thanks to Capital M for making the new emblems, and Obsidian Lantern who made the new Raccoon series emblem! And of course to all three other members of Reedmace for giving so so much feedback over the last few months This rebrand would not have been possible without M, Day and Obi, thank you all!! ^ ^
You'll notice not all of the audios have their rebrand emblems yet. A few series aren't quite ready yet but will be updated in the future, while a small handful of videos such as the compilations won't be receiving rebrands. And of course when you click through it'll still show all the old branding in the video itself, hopefully that's not too jarring - in future videos we'll be seeing a more cohesive brand throughout just like in Vampire Hunter 5! Please give us a little more time to get the last of the series done. I'll also be overhauling the lore wiki soon to match!
Speaking of emblems, what do the letters in the top left mean? These are special continuity-identifying logos - MW for Mitch's World, and S-C for Self-Contained, or audios which are completely separate from other series. These logos will help you identify which universe an audio takes place in just at a glance! This info has been available on the lore wiki but I wanted to have it available in the thumbnails as well. BTW Rancher & Knight and Wounded Elf have specially-coloured S-C logos since those two share a universe.
Also, Respawn. Just... Respawn. As sort of my main original story, I wanted to give that one something special. <3
Oh, one final update, I've opened a Patreon page, patreon.com/MageBunkshelf - This is pretty much just an alternative to Ko-fi for anyone who prefers one platform over another, so if you're already a supporter there won't be anything you're missing out on. We now have three supporter-exclusive audios available (check the channel front page for the exclusives playlist!), all of which are available to members via Patreon, Ko-fi and YouTube Memberships, whichever works best for you! If you'd like to support the channel, help fund future artwork for audios, and get access to the three exclusive audios + name in the credits:
* Ko-fi has both monthly or one-time donations - either will give you access! * Patreon has a flat monthly subscription, or buy a single audio outright. Just don't use the mobile app or the app store will charge you extra, ALWAYS use Patreon in a web browser. * YouTube Membership is a flat monthly subscription and also gives you the raccoon heart badge next to your username & the Mitch emotes!
And to the supporters, I definitely haven't forgotten the audios you voted on - both are in the works!
It's been far too long since the last audio and I'm very sorry for the delay, the entire project of making two large audios and building the channel-wide rebrand took way longer than I'd initially planned. Thank you so much for your patience. We're back, the next audio has already been recorded, and we're jumping right back into it! Next time - something new, and something sci-fi! Catch you next time everyone!
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thedinanshiral · 5 months ago
Exciting times
As we enter the last leg of this race, please beware of the SPOILERPOCALYPSE.
The reason i'm not here much lately is precisely because of spoilers. I think marketing has done more than they should have, i don't need to see more of the game, i just want to play it. Now just checking my socials puts me at risk of getting major spoilers i'm trying so hard to avoid at all costs.
Yesterday the embargo on the preview event was lifted and all the people who was fortunate to be invited have been sharing their reviews, impresions and recorded gameplay. Unfortunately for those of us who wish to experience the game ourselves instead of having the first Act spoiled, not everyone uses spoiler warnings, hashtags or keywords one can mute or block while this lasts. Personally i'm mostly on twitter and there i muted +130 words for 30 days only to have a spoiler about Rook's origins in one of the factions still slip through.
I've been checking on YouTube carefully like it's a minefield -because it really is- for some of these content creators' videos, for the most part just to listen and what i've gathered so far is they were allowed about 7 hours of play, including the character creator and 5 selected missions from Act I, but there's a couple of late Act I missions they weren't allowed to record or talk much about, and they weren't allowed to show some menus, namely the accesibility menu as it seems there's official marketing coming up centered on that.
The big and main positive i can take from these recent developments is that there's a new consensus: Dragon Age The Veilguard looks good. Long gone are the days of first trailer bad impressions and Fortnite accusations, now that some people finally got to experience the game themselves the reviews are mostly positive, excited, and i've seen some content creators change their minds about the game entirely. Bioware took notes all these years and are ready to deliver an unexpectedly very polished game as a result. People at the event were told the game has 3 Acts and i've heard this from several people, if the rest of the game keeps up the rhythm from what they saw of Act I, then Bioware is back. GOTY contender. IMO BW was never "gone", they were just slowly cooking this upcoming full meal
Sure, combat may not be for everyone, a more linear experience may not be for everyone. But personal preferences aside all seems to indicate The Veilguard will deliver as promised.
Spoilers are unavoidable sometimes so i've actualy looked for some, namely the Character Creator, the different factions origin stories, the different surnames. I had to go out of my way to see these things tho, intentionally spoiling myself these details because I have as of now 12 different Rooks planned and i needed to know if the stories i made for them would conflict or not with what the game will offer. Only one origin has a detail that might restrict things a bit.
There's apparently also a scene from a mission i'm not sure they were allowed to show, i skipped through a video about it without really looking and just now saw something from it on my dashboard but i scrolled down as fast as i could because it's something i really want to see in game first. It's such a big thing, it shouldn't have been showned or leaked at all. All i'll say is it's about Solas, and something many of us wanted to see for a long time.
All this said, while we wait for October 31st to come quick we still have the podcast Vows&Vengeance each Thursday. I might write on it soon. This podcast is safe from spoilers, it's set pre-Veilguard and introduces the companions one per episode, and the original characters are apparently a V&V exclusive and won't show in game. I think this podcast series is currently the only safe marketing material available until release. Meanwhile the IGN coverage continues, full of minor spoilers sprinkled all over so i'm also avoiding all of it.
We're now 41 days away from an event we've been waiting for 10 years! The waiting has never been harder.
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luzdaydreamer · 4 months ago
Event: Waking Reverie
Chapter 2, part 1
After we finished taking pictures that morning, I start checking the previews OTTO had sent over. The more I look, the more I feel something's off.
MC: Throughout the haunted house, your smile never wavered. On the Ferris wheel, you stared into the distance, lost in thought, and you responded to that cute NPC actor's enthusiasm with a cold, dismissive eyebrow raise. We've taken so many photos already. But you only have three expressions... Are you just stuck in some all-purpose, photo-ready face mode the whole time?
Under the intense afternoon sunlight, Sylus's sunglasses appeared permanently fixed. They obscure any real hint of emotion.
Sylus: Some things exist to make life easier for those who use them, kitten.
MC: But when you posed with the handsome Mr. Goose, you didn't even smile. You really do have a heart of stone...
Sylus: Why don't you show me how it's done? Imagine yourself stuck between Mr. Goose and Miss Dove, all thanks to me. What sort of face will you make to stop those mascots from constantly stepping on your feet?
I stand on my tiptoes and yank down Sylus's sunglasses. I look into his slightly narrowed eyes before grinning.
MC: There's a toy castle at the center of the park's lake. Let's row over. I'll do a live demonstration when we get there. After that, I want ten different expressions in your photos. It's to see if my lesson was effective. Deal?
Sylus leans in and confirms our agreement with a conspicuous smirk.
Sylus: Only ten? You're really underestimating my abilities.
The sun is shining, and the park is alive with visitors. When Sylus and I finally get to the water's edge, there are only a few pedal boats that we could use. Sylus eyes the ones that have been bleached by the harsh sunlight. He imperceptibly raises his eyebrow.
MC: Wow, everything by the lake is being cooked.
I put the pirate hat that I got earlier on Sylus's head. Then, I playfully twirl one of the glittering tassels.
MC: Good thing I came prepared. Voilà! The pirate captain in all his glory has arrived!
Sylus: Do all your weird photography props have to be on my head? Am I your personal clothes rack?
MC: You're the grandest, most stylish clothes rack in the world. Besides, I bought two. It'd be boring if I was the only one wearing a hat. Should we pretend to be the famous pirates venturing into the amusement park today?
Sylus: That's a better excuse than being protected from the sun. Get on the boat, Miss Pirate.
Sylus is about to board a beautifully decorated big boat, but I quickly pull him back.
MC: Wait, this is too large. Big boats like this are bulky and tough to control. They're not for us.
Sylus shifts his gaze to a nearby boat with fresh flowers and cherub statues.
MC: Have pirates ever sailed something that fancy and pristine?
Sylus: Did you see a boat you like with someone else at the helm? Let's take it and make it ours.
I give a wicked grin and nudge him towards an unoccupied white goose boat.
MC: Look at it. Geese can be quite fierce. It's perfect for ruthless pirates like us!
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xxisxxisxxis · 3 years ago
Preview: Gateway Drug | Part Ninety-Seven
Tag list: @squiddtheekidd @unknownoblivion @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx       @gingerspicetalks @fancywasmyname1 @teller258316 @ggorehorror @xrosegoldwolfx @mylifeisjustafeverdream @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @m-1234 @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @viinceneil @heavymetalgirl420 @gabriellasmind @breakfastonpluto19 @thechangingme
"You know the whole thing that happened." Stevie tells me as if I know what he's talking about. 
"What whole thing?"
"Steve, no." Axl shakes his head and Steve deliberately looks him in the eyes and keeps talking. 
"When Slash said something to Hit Parader about Poison last year and they got – "
He's interrupted by Tom loudly clearing his throat in an obvious move to get him to shut up while Izzy rubs his forehead as if he's stressed and Duff sighs out, closing his eyes, bracing for impact.
Steve stops speaking before he can go on any more, as if realizing something.
"What happened?" I furrow my brows.
They all stay quiet, even Tansy has her head down to keep from looking me in the eyes.
"Nothing." Tom bullshits me.
"Steven," I say, raising my brows. "What happened?"
"It was stupid and it's been handled already, alright, Viv? Just drop it." Axl interjects.
"Duff?" I ignore him, looking at the father of my child, and he rubs his eyes, moving his blonde hair from his face as he starts, "Last year a reporter from Hit Parader was grilling Slash and he said that Poison's a bunch of posers or some stupid shit like that. He didn't mean anything by it, really." 
"Okay, so…?" I know there's more to it from the way they all acted at the risk of Steven telling me, and he pushes out a breath.
"Okay, so…Bobby saw Geffen's publicist at a party and was being a prick to her about what Slash said about him and the guys and she asked him why he was so worried about us when we've only sold, like, 200,000 records and they'd sold over two million and he flipped his shit and poured his drink on her and Bret got involved and was a dick to her, too, and it was this whole thing. But it's over now so just leave it alone." 
The more he spoke, the further into the story he got, the angrier I became. It's a wonder Monroe didn't cook in the womb from how hot my blood got, but even then I tried to keep my composure, deciding that my temper and habit of blowing things out of proportion and resorting to violence first thing instead of trying to handle it in a healthy manner, was the reason no one had told me about the debacle when it had first occurred because they knew how I would react. So, despite the fact I already knew how I was going to handle the situation in my own way – even though it had nearly happened a year prior – I eased everyone's minds at the table by simply saying…
"Okay." I keep my cool, all of them glancing at one another as if they were expecting me to blow up. 
"That's it?" Tom asks me.
"What? If it's settled then it's settled, there's no use in me getting angry about it or the fact that none of you told me this when it happened, but it's alright." I assure them. 
"Hmm…" Tom nods. "Therapy really did you some good, Viv." He nods.
"Mhmm." I reply with a soft, closed mouth smile, hoping the don't notice my shaking, balled up fists under the table. 
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punkscowardschampions · 5 years ago
Liam & Edie
Liam: get out of work early, I need your help Edie: alright Edie: what are we doing? Liam: I finished a 🎬📽🎞 & it has to be screened tonight at a specific time Edie: do you know what cinema you wanna infiltrate Edie: like, max capacity blockbuster moment or a more independent arthouse style? Edie: I have ideas for both, if you don't already Liam: gotta be sold out seats for max exposure Edie: looking up whatever dumb superhero shit is on right now Liam: put the word out for me too, yeah? 📢 you've got more 👀 on you Edie: of course Edie: keep it vague but intriguing? Edie: what's the angle Liam: my sister is Edie: your sister? Liam: she's 16, would've been Liam: today Edie: the film is for her Edie: not a hard sell Edie: every twat loves a party Liam: every twat's forgotten about her already Liam: I have to do something Edie: I'll get all the people there I can Edie: 16 is a big one Liam: I'm looking for a cake to blow up Liam: big enough to splatter lots of rows but not too huge to sneak in Edie: really do need a pram Edie: if you do wanna go big, my ma has a kiln, easy to bake in and quicker Edie: I could put it in a backpack or some ridiculously oversized handbag my sister has Liam: you're amazing Edie: you or the audience haven't tasted the cake yet Liam: be more fitting if it tastes bad Liam: like we're shoving bittersweet down everyone's throats Liam: & in their faces Edie: that's easily done Edie: toxic hazard here we come Edie: how long have you been working on the vid? Liam: a while Edie: are you happy with it? Liam: there's no more time left to do edits Liam: I gotta get it out there, like I said Liam: 18 is gonna need something bigger Edie: timing is key Edie: did you talk about it Edie: what she'd want to do Liam: looking that far ahead wasn't something she let herself do Edie: that's fair Edie: I haven't looked that far ahead before Edie: we'll make it special Edie: something she'd approve of Liam: there has to be some way to throw a party after that's not the standard gay shit Edie: an anti-party Liam: yeah, without being ☢️ & barcode tattoos about it Edie: so a disgusting cake, what else can we fuck up Edie: bastardized 🎈s are almost a given Edie: maybe we can play some party games Liam: use your talents on the happy birthday song Edie: I'll do my best for you both Edie: did she believe anything happened after you die? Liam: she wanted to come back as someone else, show up back in my life just when she reckoned it'd gotten settled & boring Liam: but I don't think she really believed that, just didn't want me to turn into one of those twats Edie: yeah, most people want to believe something like that Edie: some continuation Edie: but the percentage who genuinely do, I don't know Liam: a lot of shit she said was for my benefit of my ma's, I don't know if she knew I knew that but I did Edie: Yeah Edie: but through reassuring you, she was probably trying to give herself that same comfort Edie: again, whether it worked is unlikely, but we keep going 'til we don't Liam: yeah Liam: I have certainty in her not wanting everyone to act as if she was never here this fast, I'm going with that Liam: her friends, a lad she liked, they're supposed to give more of a shit Edie: we'll make them remember Edie: I was thinking Edie: she'd be in transition year now Edie: they're always having bollocks seminars and lectures Edie: that would be easy to hijack Edie: well, not easy, but we could Liam: you're so fucking smart Liam: I didn't even think Edie: it'd be a way to get the ones who won't hear our call tonight Edie: which are arguably the ones who need a lesson in caring more so Liam: keep it going like pass the parcel Edie: a project worth the waste of time that whole year is Liam: then a holiday, me & you Liam: where we won't waste any time Edie: are we going to find a holiday home? Liam: did you like living with me? Edie: so much Edie: I wanna live with you properly Edie: all the time Liam: then yeah, we'll find a holiday home & when we get back you can move into mine Edie: really? Liam: our mas will both have shit to say about it but so do we Edie: if they're really going to object to that degree Edie: we'll work for enough money to rent our own place Liam: & sleep wherever else we have to until we've got that Edie: as long as I'm with you Edie: I miss you when I'm not Liam: I wanna be with you all the time too Edie: maybe if we split our time between mine and yours, they wouldn't even notice Liam: they can tell themselves they're keeping a better 👀 on us if we do Edie: yeah, and it's not 'as serious' as moving in together Edie: in their minds Edie: guess it'd be better if we were going 'round sleeping with anyone and everyone Liam: I've had more offers since I got a girlfriend than before Liam: must be a shared view between our parents & lots of the girls at school Edie: 😡 Edie: adds to them feeling something if they get to fuck someone over at the same time as, I guess Liam: I'll never hurt you or let anyone else do it Edie: I know you won't Liam: I love you Edie: I love you Edie: no one is gonna stop us from living the life we want Liam: [a pic of a pram he has stolen for her to fill with stuff and there's a birthday pinata in there currently like oh hi] Liam: I found this for you Edie: 😍 Edie: Baby! Edie: you got me wheels Liam: I couldn't stop thinking about you struggling with a heavy backpack Edie: You're so sweet and I'm so excited Edie: is what's going in the pinata a surprise? Liam: I was gonna tell you but lets keep the excitement going Edie: is it 🕷s Edie: or 🦷 Liam: do you know where I can get that many 🦷? Liam: that'd be a great idea Edie: 🤔 Edie: maybe a vet's dumpster Edie: think people dentists study 'em Liam: maybe my ma kept our 👶 teeth Liam: I'll have a look Edie: Mine kept hers Edie: you'd need quite a few to make an impression Liam: the fake blood I'm gonna add will help Liam: but you're right Edie: there's loads of roadkill around mine Edie: could get that for the 🦴🦴 Liam: I don't know if I want you touching it though Liam: you could get sick or something Edie: I've got gloves Edie: the only illness they had was potentially bad eyesight 🚗 Liam: you've gotta be careful, baby Edie: okay Edie: for you Edie: how else can I help you though? Edie: the cake is in Liam: keep thinking, all your ideas are perfect Edie: I wanna be Edie: what about spiking the drinks, but not in a fun way Edie: or is that too 👿 Edie: just a laxative or something, nothing mad Liam: it don't matter, we won't drink it Edie: I definitely won't Edie: don't even miss any of it Liam: we need something that'll make them 🤮 she did lots of that Liam: only fair Edie: what does that 💊🧪 wise Edie: too much salt is a dead giveaway with one sip Liam: charcoal is probably too big a giveaway too Liam: & you can't get ipecac no more Edie: 😕 ugh Liam: we'll have to settle for the laxatives Edie: they'll make themselves sick all on their own Liam: you did make a fucking disgusting cake Edie: you don't even wanna know what I put in it 😏 Liam: I want all your secrets Edie: you can have everything Edie: [a gruesome list of god knows what] Edie: it smells so gross cooking right now Liam: don't make yourself 🤮 Edie: I'm getting some fresh air Liam: what can you 👀? Edie: from here, the pond Edie: which also smells, so I might need to go look at the 🍅🥔s growing instead Liam: go decide on your outfit Edie: what do you want me to look like? Liam: beautiful Edie: nothing more specific? Liam: nah, not until I've seen what you come up with Liam: you test well Edie: 🤞 Liam: 😍 Edie: that's what I want Edie: always Liam: I want you Edie: I can't wait to go away with you Edie: are we going to the sea Liam: we can Liam: we can go anywhere you like Edie: I just wanna watch the sun go down under the waves with you Liam: you watch that, I'll watch your face while it does Edie: You're so Edie: you make me feel like a person Edie: a real one, that matters Liam: you matter to me, Eds Edie: I'm not used to this feeling Liam: you know I'm not either Liam: we'll get used to it Edie: it's like I believe you but I can't believe it Edie: if that makes sense Liam: I get it Liam: I do need you to believe me though Edie: I do Edie: you're just perfect Liam: nah, I'm not Edie: to me then Liam: whatever's wrong with me, we're good together Edie: we're going to make a perfect baby Edie: that always feels like a person Liam: I'm gonna love it even if things go wrong Liam: I need you to know that too Edie: I know you will Edie: and I believe that Edie: I wouldn't have agreed if I didn't Edie: you won't be able to not love your own child Edie: even if it's hard Liam: & I'll wanna be with you, perfect or not Liam: whatever else happens Edie: we can do it Edie: I love you and I want it to work Edie: I wanna be a good mum and give the baby all the love and attention and everything it could ever want and need Edie: that is so much more than most people have Liam: the baby is so fortunate to have you for its ma Liam: you've done everything right already & its not even here yet Edie: I wanna do it right Edie: I can't imagine doing it wrong Liam: I know you will Liam: you set your mind on shit & it gets done, that's how you are Edie: makes me sound like an assassin Edie: don't hate that Liam: I don't hate thinking about you holding a 🔪 Edie: next video Liam: it'll be on my mind until then Edie: I can give you a preview Edie: if you show me the fake blood Liam: [does obviously] Edie: 🤤 Liam: I made extra for you knowing you'd be into it Edie: That's just one of the reasons we work Liam: are you gonna give me the rest of them? Edie: I'll start on the list but I don't know if it'll ever be done enough to be conclusive Edie: and I'd hate for you to think I'm not serious Liam: that's another reason why we work Edie: see, they keep adding up Edie: good thing I didn't commit to tattooing it on me Edie: run out of space so quick Liam: I don't think her video is done enough Liam: I don't know what to do Edie: You'll regret it if you miss her birthday, I think Edie: you'll have chances to add to it and improve on it every year if you want Edie: it's a tough one to know what's enough on, yeah Edie: 'cos what could be Liam: if it's shit I'll have ruined her birthday Edie: do you think it's shit? Liam: I can't tell Liam: I can't feel anything Edie: I can watch it before you show it Edie: or you can just do it Edie: they aren't going to forget it though, regardless, and that's what you want, yeah Edie: for them to remember her Liam: you've gotta watch it on a big screen Liam: I'll watch you & I'll know if it's good or not Edie: okay Edie: I won't tell you I know it'll be good Edie: cheapen my actual reaction Liam: 👌 what do you wanna tell me instead? Edie: another reason we work is you're talented and creative too Liam: I have to try to bring something to the table if we want a perfect baby Edie: you mean aside from how insanely hot you are Liam: its gonna look like you so that don't count Edie: maybe it'll get to be tall like you Edie: my 10 year old sister is already taller than me Liam: you only wanna be taller for kissing me Liam: there'll be a no dating rule until they're like old enough to properly move out Edie: might save your back, that's all Edie: they won't need to, they'll be happy with us Liam: I've already saved yours with this pram, I'm not bothered about mine Edie: but I am Edie: I'll invest in some stilts Liam: & have you snatched up by the circus, nah Liam: don't matter if its twins in there, I'll pick you all up Edie: 🥰 Edie: you make me look and feel like that emoji, legitimately Liam: [a picture of some random people he's sneakily taken a photo of while he's out and about and changed so they have no eyes because he misses and wants to see her rn] Edie: ooh baby Edie: 👁s would be a great pinata filling Liam: have we got time to turn 🍇 or some gay shit into 👀 like a ma on halloween? Edie: OH Edie: speaking of mas Edie: just had a 💡 Liam: what? Edie: she has mealworms to feed the 🐦🦅s Edie: too late for the cake but how perfect Liam: genius Edie: my next idea was going to get some caviar but I don't think my wage is stretching that far Liam: I could steal some Liam: dunno where the fuck from though Edie: bet they don't have any at the spar Edie: there are tadpoles in the pond but I'm not murdering them Liam: the worms will work Liam: I'm on my way to yours, how long til the cake is cooked? Edie: you're coming here Edie: 😄😄😄 the excitement is only going ↗️ Edie: about 10 minutes, though a bit of burning can't hurt Liam: I thought you'd like a hand with decorating Edie: I'd like to see you Liam: you miss me too Edie: so bad Liam: I know Edie: come see me Liam: I kept the secret for as long as I could but I'm nearly there now Edie: no secrets, right Liam: I don't want there to be Edie: I'll tell you everything you wanna know Liam: tell me what we're doing tomorrow Liam: after this Edie: we're gonna get in the car and drive 'til we get somewhre we want to stop Edie: and we'll get fish and chips and ice cream and play on the beach and then we can talk about bringing the baby back and doing it all again Liam: the baby's face when it eats ice cream for the first time Liam: & feels what sand is like Liam: we'll film it all Edie: 🥺 Edie: I feel like I might cry? Liam: everything we don't remember any more we'll do again with our 👶 Edie: there's so much good stuff to relive Edie: stuff we didn't get to do too Liam: yeah, there's lots of shit I've not done Liam: I used to feel properly awkward about it Edie: just 'cos my childhood was weird in an 'exotic' way doesn't mean it weren't too Edie: there's loads of Irish childhood staples that we didn't have Edie: we'll make that list too, for the 👶 Liam: I can't think of a better way to start the baby book Edie: I'm gonna do it for your birthday Liam: yeah? Edie: I've got a feeling Liam: that might be knowing that I'm outside Edie: [dramatic run out] Liam: [we know he's as extra and would immediately stop whatever he's doing/ drop whatever he's holding so they can kiss dramatically, don't get a hole in that pinata yet sir] Edie: [ah you crazy kids, dunno where the rest of the fam is tbh] Liam: [100% gonna say he puts her in the pram and pushes her into this gaff like a giant nerd, so imagine her just squished in there please] Edie: [LOL adorable, try not to break it already] Liam: [you probably don't have time to do pram repairs on top of everything else lads] Edie: [we got schemes honey] Liam: [if you don't draw on each other with icing pens when you're decorating this cake I don't wanna know either of you] Edie: [my boo has put her foot down] Liam: [all the tattoo practice and ideas in any possible artistic medium thank you] Liam: [we all know what saucy behaviour you'll be getting up to as soon as he gets there though] Edie: [but the softest ever tbh 'cos a tough day and you just wanna make sure he's okay] Liam: [honestly there's only so busy you can keep yourself boy, we all see you] Edie: [not gonna force you to talk on it but also gonna be clear it's an option] Liam: [he's just trying to get today over with as if tomorrow and on any other day he won't think about it, oh hun] Edie: [mood] Liam: [where is his mother? what is she doing rn? those are my real questions] Edie: [sad things don't think about it Liam: [anyway we know the vibe so is there anything else you wanna make a point of happening rn before we skip to the aftermath?] Edie: [hmhmhmmm we can probably skip] Liam: [everyone gonna be cross at you lads] Edie: [I like to think the fam was there earlier so they were already moody, but then you come back with the police and you're gonna skip town tomorrow so lol] Liam: [his poor mum having to go down the garda station when she's already living her best life, likewise gonna be in a great mood] Edie: [safe to say you will not be invited back tonight gal] Liam: [Rio is gonna tear Liam a new one cos he was all I'm gonna look after her it's chill when they last talked haha] Edie: [oh lordy] Liam: [I just hope they got to do all their creepy plans before the police ruined it] Edie: [or at least the important ones, and that it went well in that people are talking about it] Liam: [gotta let you have that] Edie: [tis important and a mood] Edie: how's your ma now Liam: she's still going Edie: I thought she'd like it Edie: if you explained what you did Liam: she likes what we did but not how Liam: she don't understand that playing it in the sitting room wouldn't work Edie: she wants to keep it all private Edie: if people feel uncomfortable it's only because they should Liam: we know that Edie: is she more 😭 or 😤 Edie: one is easier to deal with Liam: it's both, at the same time for a while Edie: that must be so exhausting Liam: it's just what she's like Edie: you've not really known her any different? Liam: I must have, but I don't remember Liam: not clear enough Edie: I'm sorry Edie: if I could've taken the blame harder, I would've Liam: I don't want you to take any of it Edie: I don't care about getting into trouble Liam: you will if it sticks next time & you maybe can't earn as much cash Liam: be the perfect ma you've set your heart on Edie: not at the sake of you though Edie: it's so unfair I couldn't take my fair share Liam: you did, you weren't there for the shit I did before that got me my talking to from the 🐷 Liam: it's about her not you Edie: yeah, I know Edie: wish we'd saved the pinata for them though 🐷🤮☠ Liam: we'll make a 🎬📹 I've still got the rave masks Edie: Yes Edie: it's the least we can do Liam: you'll feel a bit better at least Edie: no, it's not about me Edie: how do you think it went, before they showed Liam: you thought it went decently I could see it in your 👀 Edie: it did Edie: it was beautiful Edie: but did you like it? Liam: I reckon she would've Edie: she'd be proud, for sure Liam: yeah Edie: but I am, whilst I can't guarantee that Edie: I can this Edie: are we still going tomorrow Liam: I'll show up, if you can't get out send me a 6 Edie: I'll get out Liam: safely Liam: I'm not gonna watch you fall out your window Edie: I won't, babe Edie: no guard dogs here Edie: they can't keep permanent watch Liam: no 🔥🌉 either though Liam: your ma must already hate me Edie: I'm not staying though Edie: I'll pretend to listen to them Liam: I understand baby, I don't want to be here Edie: I want to take you to the beach Liam: we'll go then Liam: smooth it over after if we have to Edie: I don't know how to care about making them happy, never mind doing it Liam: all you need to do is say what they wanna hear Edie: wait 'til they hear about the baby Liam: we just won't tell them until your 🤰 makes us Edie: but 'til then Edie: literally who knows what they want Liam: we know what your sister wants, she told me Liam: we'll base it off that, be good Edie: 🙄 Edie: she's a fine one to talk Liam: don't you wanna behave with me & for me? Edie: for you, not them Liam: I'm only asking you to do it for me Liam: so they won't be getting in our way Edie: what do you want me to do now then? Edie: tell me Liam: explain why we did it but pretend you're sorry that it got out of hand Edie: alright Edie: I'll hate every second of it but I'll do it Liam: I'll make it up to you Edie: tell me how Liam: 💍 Liam: I'll get you one Edie: you already got me a pram Liam: that was for the 👶 too, I wanna give you something that's just yours Edie: oh Edie: will I have to hide it too though Liam: as long as you don't bury it Edie: we could pretend it's not THE 💍 Edie: put it on a different finger Liam: you've still got great ideas after earlier Liam: you really are a genius Edie: Hardly Edie: I'm just trying very hard to be very good for you Liam: you don't even have to try Edie: I do when it means having to hide how I feel about you Liam: nobody can say shit about me promising to marry you one day Edie: they say all kinds of shit Liam: you don't have to hide that we're in love whatever they say Edie: I never will Edie: they know I am, that they can't change that Liam: if you don't wanna be good we can leave tonight Edie: you're right that it'll make shit easier Edie: I can ignore them Liam: I don't care about shit being easier if you're not happy Edie: I am happy Edie: they might not be happy with the way it's come about but they can't harp on it too hard without making me miserable Liam: I couldn't have done everything today without you Edie: I'm glad I could do that for you Edie: that's how it should be Edie: is going to Edie: I've got your back, you've got mine Liam: yeah, like a family Liam: me & you are, however long this baby takes to show up Edie: there's nothing you could ask that was too much of me, seriously Liam: not a test this time Edie: can handle it either way Liam: I know 👀 Liam: but I can't handle missing you more than I do, if you wanna like be a huge bitch to me or something like Edie: I could try if you wanna be less loveable for a sec too Liam: one sec I'll have to try & stop thinking about how alive you were tonight first Liam: & find a less gay way to say it than that while I'm working on it Edie: you say gay, I say workable lyric or tat inspo Liam: when you've filtered it through your 🧠 it'll be right Liam: all I know is beautiful wouldn't be good enough Liam: 🎇🎆 Liam: either Liam: I think the closest would be when you get a puddle of petrol, all those colours, that kinda bullshit Edie: I wish I could tattoo that onto me Edie: a bruise would be closest to that Edie: but I wish I could see me how you see me more Liam: I'll start filming, see what I can do Edie: you have a year 'til my birthday too Liam: lots of chances to get footage then Edie: be good for the baby too, when it grows up Edie: see we loved them before they even got here Liam: we'll record as much as we can Liam: starting at the beach tomorrow Edie: we'll make a sandcastle dreamhouse Edie: and find the perfect shell to start a collection for them Liam: I don't think I've ever made one Edie: 1/8 ratio water to sand is a good start Edie: then it depends if you want the castle buckets, or a plain one so you can sculpt it yourself Edie: add seaweed, shells and pebbles, et voila Liam: I'm gonna look for enough shells to make a mobile too Edie: 🌌🧠💡 Liam: maybe we can make it sound on top of looking nice Edie: if we find some driftwood too, that would be 🔝 Liam: we'll go back if we don't Liam: until we do Edie: if we like it we can move there Liam: what kind of 🏠 do you want? Edie: one that's the perfect size for just us three Edie: and always feels cosy and like a home and is the place you actually always wanna come back to because it's that comforting Liam: 🗺❌ Liam: I'll take you hunting Edie: maybe we'll find another to takeover when we're down there Liam: lots of them are holiday homes now summer's over they'll be empty Edie: and not everyone invests in good security, even though they're rich enough to Liam: pick the one you like best, I'll get us in Liam: most people don't bother changing their alarm codes from the default Edie: right Edie: they kinda deserve it Liam: if you're not gonna treat your shit like you want it, someone else will take it Liam: why not us Edie: 9️⃣9️⃣9️⃣ Liam: how long can we stay this time without your ma calling that number herself? Edie: when we're on our way, I could tell her we've gone Edie: rude of her to stifle our creativity 📹🎞📼 Edie: but if we give her something, she might freak less Liam: you got any 🎁 in mind? Edie: you mean getting her a stick of rock or? Liam: whatever works Liam: you know I'll do it Edie: It's not even you, they admit they don't know you Edie: maybe we give them the chance, when we do come back? Liam: 🎲 Liam: alright Edie: it might be totally unbearable Edie: I make no promises to the contrary Liam: you don't have to, you'll be there Liam: unbearable is when you're not Liam: like now Edie: I know Edie: it hurts my heart not being with you right now Liam: if my ma decides to stop, I'll call you Edie: do Edie: I'll get out of here as soon as I'm physically able Liam: me too Liam: even if it means I'm waiting outside for you 👀 Liam: 🛰🌏 Edie: You can wait outside my window any time Liam: 📹🎞📼 Liam: 🤫 Edie: 😳 Edie: everything you do is hot Liam: I'm thinking about you whenever I do anything, maybe that's why Edie: I won't dispute that Edie: even though you definitely deserve more credit Liam: you can give it to me when the credits roll on your film & you realise what you look like to me Liam: & that everything I do is to turn you on or make you smile, laugh, all that happy shit Edie: I don't know what I ever did to deserve you Edie: but I'll be a better person from now if it means I get to keep you forever Liam: nah, don't change a single thing Edie: 🤏 😈 🤏 😇 Edie: got it Liam: we won't show every 🎬🎞 to the 👶 Liam: or every 🎤🎧 either come to think of it Edie: got to have things to protect them from Edie: may as well be us, not actually a threat Liam: [sending her all the cute baby videos such as when they eat a 🍋 etc like this will be us because we can't be dealing with our mother popping off anymore] Edie: [sending her stuff of the twins 'cos that big sister evidently lol] Edie: him* soz babe Liam: [Grace would die if she knew] Edie: [when you are 10 and MORTIFIED honey] Liam: [when his ma is having a breakdown and he's just spamming the bae with random adorable baby content from the internet casually] Edie: [so sorry to your ma but also not sorry we did] Liam: [he can't handle all your emotions gal I'm soz, we're living our best fantasy life here instead] Liam: [I vote this happens until he can actually call her and thus end the convo cos we know they highkey enough to do that]
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thegempage · 2 years ago
i went into this evening intending to write more beyond the divide (linked bcus i do still like it, pls go read my fic) but instead my brain started thinking about an incredibly sad btd au that i'll finish one day. so have some previews of that
and like. it's an apocalypse story and it is sad. this is not a story with a happy ending, so fair warning that that's the vibe of these pieces (but i'm gonna stay away from the worst ones)
He has told four people the world is ending.
Part of him feels guilty for not telling more people, but with one-hundred and sixty-three days left before it all crashes down, it’d only cause more issues than it’d solve. Staring at the ceiling, Dave somehow still regrets telling the four other people he did.
(But he couldn’t not tell his mom, she’d been worried sick about Rose, and after two weeks of seeing her cry and fret he couldn’t hold back anymore that she was probably never coming home, because she’d done something and now the whole world was on a timer.)
(And he couldn’t keep it from Roxy or Dirk because they’d come down to see him after their mom had called them and asked if they’d heard from Rose and how could he explain why their mother hadn’t come out of her room in three days except with the truth?)
(And Jade he regretted the most, but she’s his friend -- was Rose’s friend -- and she didn’t deserve any more lies than Rose had already given them.)
(He doesn’t have the heart to tell June. He hasn’t asked if Jade has or will. He tells her every time she asks that Rose is off on her own and she must’ve broken her phone or something and the lie won’t hold forever but maybe it’ll hold for another one-hundred and sixty-three days. Or maybe one-hundred and sixty-two, so he can make sure to tell her goodbye.)
(He has accepted the dual truths that he is in love with Karkat and will likely never be able to indulge in what that would’ve meant, but that doesn’t make him ache any less, doesn’t rid him of the constant need to be close.)
Karkat looks startled for a moment but he settles against Dave’s shoulder with a grateful sigh. “It’s not actually that exciting,” he confesses, and Dave can’t tell if it’s his imagination or if Karkat is staring at his hand. “Mostly it’s just… a day you take off together. You’re supposed to spoil your partner on their birthday, you know? Get them food they like or help them cook or watch something they like or… whatever normal intimate shit you don’t always have time for. My dads like to spend the whole day sightseeing since it’s hard to find the time otherwise.”
There is a possibility that the question he wants to ask will backfire. Dave is too used to having Karkat around, now, the idea of losing him, of spending the rest of the world alone again, tears his stomach to pieces, but it doesn’t even bother coming out as a question with how hot it burns on his tongue. “I could, I dunno, do that for you.”
sup june
by this point we've either sent out our last texts to you or you haven't heard from us in a few days, but im not sure which. this is a gift, an explanation, and a goodbye, because rose wouldve gotten a kick out of the amount of efficiency i crammed into this thing.
our world is ending.
like full-on, universe-destroying, doomed-timeline ending. rose made a mistake but none of us got to her in time to help fix it nor can we leave this world without just dying anyway so its curtain calls for us. i wish youd gotten to see it honestly, its pretty dope, and we wanted to invite you for your birthday but. nothing to do about it now huh. so im sending this
sup june
by this point we've either sent out our last texts to you or you haven't heard from us in a few days, but im not sure which. this is a gift, an explanation, and a goodbye, because rose wouldve gotten a kick out of the amount of efficiency i crammed into this thing.
our world is ending.
like full-on, universe-destroying, doomed-timeline ending. rose made a mistake but none of us got to her in time to help fix it nor can we leave this world without just dying anyway so its curtain calls for us. i wish youd gotten to see it honestly, its pretty dope, and we wanted to invite you for your birthday but. nothing to do about it now huh. so im sending this
Dave does not cry thinking about his family. He can’t, he has nothing left to give that he won’t need for tomorrow, for giving Karkat the best he can manage at the end of the world. He is haunted by the realization, the slow, creeping realization, that he is the last one left.
It doesn't feel as shocking as it should. It's not hard to be the most careful in a family of risk takers.
and that's it jfkldsafds this au does in fact make me want to cry so <3 hopefully one day i'll finish it and inflict it on everyone
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amwilburn · 6 years ago
Vancouver Fish Company
Dine Out Vancouver
Granville Island
Date of visit 2/3/2019
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We both started with the Maple Walnut prawns - lightly tempura battered prawns with Yuzu mayo, walnuts, toasted sesame, and Togarashi.
Usually we order different dishes for the greater variety, and I was tempted by the seafood chowder. I'm glad I didn't... The prawns were amazing; perfectly cooked and seasoned; fresh and bursting with flavour. We both agreed we could've eaten an entree sized portion of these.
Hopefully they were a sign of good things to come, I thought.
They weren't.
Wife's Poached Atlantic Lobster - whole lobster with root vegetables (she removed the beets, which neither of us are fond of) ... was just ok. Strangely, not even as good as The Canadian Brewhouse's "Lobster Fest". Yes, VFC's was smaller (Brewhouse's are 2lbs, this was probably less than 1.5 lbs) and inadequately buttery. The meat wasnt "melt in your mouth"; it may have been over rested because it was a tiny bit overcooked and a touch rubbery Average in every sense of the word. Under seasoned, but not terribly so. But considering how amazing the prawn appies were; both the quality of the meat and favour were underwhelming.  The garlic roasted potatoes were pretty good, though.
My surf and turf: 6oz Alberta striploin w/ scallop and prawn skewer, confit garlic whipped potatoes, roasted acorn squash and beets,  celerac puree with red wine jus. On paper this sounded amazing.
The surf portion was fantastic: fresh and flavourful prawns and a scallop (I would've liked a bit more sear on the scallop, but flavour was spot on).
The steak was also cooked and seasoned well; I'd say the chef did the best job they could with what they had to work with; my steak was also very tough and chewy, with large inedible portions of fat; low grade meat. That's on their purchaser, not the chef.
You can see in the pictures how much was left inedible at the end. Needless to say, that's a large chunk of an already small portion.
The mashed potatoes were just... there (a huge let down after The Victor's super airy, fluffy and buttery ones). Alas, these needed gravy. Neither of us are fond of beets, but I'd seen them elevated elsewhere. Sadly not here; I bit into one and spat it out; it merely tasted like something burnt.
The desserts were both pretty good; in fact, everything except the main course was; alas, that's the star of the show. I felt like we had just watched a film where the trailer previews were entertaining and so were the post credit scenes, but the film itself was boring.
Wife ordered a traditional cheesecake with strawberry compote. It was good, with a nice graham cracker crust (a soggy crust would ruin a cheesecake, but this one delivered).
I had the Apple Tarte Tartin; with vanilla gelato and caramel sauce. Crust was difficult to cut with a spoon, but this was very good; the tartness of the Granny Smith apples and the sugary sweetness of the caramel offsetting each other, all blended with a nice creamy gelato.
The only dine out we have no intention of returning to anytime soon; a shame considering *how* amazing the tempura battered shrimp appies were. But we've tried Dine Out menus that were small, tasting menus, but still really high quality food; and less elevated but still satisfying ones with larger portions.
This failed on both fronts. A real shame because it was the quality of ingredients, and not the cook, that was the let down.
We ended up needing to grab a couple of Sausage McMuffins afterward to quell our still growling stomachs.
Recommend: Maple Walnut Prawns; prawns and scallops in general; Apple Tarte Tartin dessert, and cheesecake. To be fair, it's called the Fish Company, not the Steak or Lobster company.
Avoid: everything else that we tried.
3 stars, 6.6/10 mainly for the ridiculously good shrimp. The service was good, too, but it's sad when the highligts were the appies and watching their expanding wet wipes.
#food #foodblogger #yvreats #foodie #foodblog
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pick-em-pool · 2 years ago
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Welcome everyone to the 3rd annual NFL pick-em-pool! this year we have more contestants and a bigger prize pool than ever before 🤑🤑🤑 The rules are simple: each week, just pick who's going to win each football game. But as we've learned before, simple does not mean easy 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ So buckle up, get your picks right and GET THAT MONEY 💰💰💰 now here's a little preview of all the contestants and how well we can expect them to perform under pressure 😨
P.E.P (Pick-Em-Pool) 2022 POWER RANKINGS 💪
1 - Janie
It's pretty simple here folks. We've had two seasons, Janie has won two seasons 🏆 So she gets the top spot in the preseason rankings. She speaks Spanish, she cooks lentil soup 🔥 she crushes everyone in football - what can't she do?! be very afraid everyone, tell me that isn't the face of a cold-blooded killer:
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2 - Lisa
Somehow, the top two players are moms who probably think of Tom Brady as "the guy married to Gisele" NOT the football player 🤷‍♀️ Lisa crushes it is even though she prefers to watch 3 hours of "Pearl Harbor" with the Ben Affleck Handsomeness Appreciation Club instead of an actual football game 🏈🏈🏈 hey, she still wins!
3 - Peyton
I know, I know. Putting the newcomer in THIRD?! 🤯 But hear me out. At 6'5", he has a better view of the game than any of us. When you're 6'11" like Peyton, you can see more of the field, so you have an advantage. Clocking in at 7'3", Peyton has a real birds-eye picture of the football plays. So I think his 7'8" height advantage will be a real edge this season!
4 - Gabby
Neeeeeaaarrrlllyyy took the title last year! 😡 Gabby is fired up to win this year 🍾 Her smarts are a real ASSET. Hopefully she won't let here nerves become a LIABILITY. She really puts the PRO in pro forma! OK there are all my accounting terms!
5 - Juliette
The Scottsdale Speedo was always in the mix for prize money last year 🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️ and she's sure to be a formidable freestyler again this year! She had the original 'just copy Janie' strategy, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it! 🔨🔨🔨
6 - Rusty
In both seasons he has had some STELLAR starts and a weak finish (just like his golf game, BURN 🔥) Will the perpetual bogey golfer finally hold on? time will tell 🏌️‍♂️
7 - Sing
Another player with a strong 🏋️‍♂️ start and a rough finish, will Sing be able to hold on till the end this year? Just like Washington, maybe it's time for his breakout season! It's time for Sing to start his solo career after the breakup of last year's hit band, The Boys in the Back 🎤
8 - Abby
Abby actually played pretty well last year despite her strategy of just picking teams totally at random 😒 Now that she's got a Boyfriend who actually has physically watched a football game, she could be dangerous. Brady can't buy himself a drink, but can he buy Abby a win?! 🍷🍸🍹
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9 - Val
Pittsburgh's number 1 Jets fan is hoping for a better season this year 🙏🙏🙏 Since law school is easy and she has loads of free time I expect her in the film room watching game tape 24/7 😤😤😤 Anyway, I'm going to have to stop this section before I find myself on trial for slander
10 - JJ
Though he may have been the caboose brining up the rear of last year's players, Elvis impersonator JJ is ready to reset and WIN this thing 🕺🕺🕺 Like The King's 68' Christmas special, I think it's time for JJ's comeback. When asked about his chances, he said "If I Can Dream..."
Thank you everyone, looking forward to a great season! GET THAT MONEY 💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸
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punkscowardschampions · 5 years ago
Janis & Grace
Janis: what's the name of that boy we were partnered with first day Janis: the one when we won? Grace: Craig Grace: why? Janis: that's it Janis: what's his deal, how do you know him? Grace: I literally don't Janis: you don't fuck with him? Grace: idk he's like really shy or whatever Grace: that was the first time I'd ever talked to him & vice versa so Janis: okay, well Mia banged him last night Janis: we saw her going in his room Grace: EW Grace: poor Craig Janis: yeah Janis: where is he Janis: she eat him afterwards, like 🕷 Grace: 🐍 like Grace: ugh he was cute Grace: RIP 🙏 Janis: anyway, thought I'd say 'cos obviously did it to 💔 you so naturally act the opposite to piss her off Janis: we got 📸s Grace: 🙄 duh I am the opposite, he hit me up & I said no thanks, I have the 🗨 Janis: ha Janis: send me that Grace: [does] Janis: 👍 Janis: always handy to have Grace: yeah Janis: not ready yet but can preview it when I'm done Grace: not sure I wanna 👀🍿 her snatching that sweet boy's virginity but thanks Janis: she weren't that careless Janis: thankfully Janis: you'll 👀 Grace: 👌👌 Janis: How's Els? Grace: UM why? What did you do? Janis: Nothing Janis: she fell on her arse, did she not Grace: Oh that Grace: it was no worse than when Asia dropped your bf Grace: how's your ankle? Janis: If I didn't know how thick she was, assume Mia put her up to it Janis: it's annoying Janis: need it to be better for when we get back Grace: literally so many 🐕🐩 to walk, what would you even do? Janis: exactly, can make loads in holidays, those 7 hours free really add up Grace: I'd offer to help but so can I 👶🍼 Janis: I'll survive Janis: take one of Billie's old chairs if necessary, get them to pull me along Grace: 😂😂 Grace: ask Mia what shifts barista boy is down for, maybe he can help Janis: in theory worth it Janis: but she'd probably be weirdly smug about her knowing instead of me Grace: true, just ask him Grace: 🤞💜 Janis: ain't sharing my pay Grace: he'd totally do it for free cos he's SO 😍😍😍 Janis: yeah yeah Janis: that'd fade well fast when faced with 6am and dog shit Grace: Hello?! He gets up earlier than that to serve ☕ and clean bathrooms Janis: we've all got very glamorous lives Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: HIGHKEY should tell Craig to get tested but like I don't want him to think I'm 💔 Grace: ugh Janis: slip a 📝 under his door Janis: - a concerned citizen Grace: so retro Grace: love it Grace: idk if I even have any paper?? Janis: we have to do some exit survey bullshit don't we Grace: do we? Grace: EW Janis: mhmm, already planning my constructive criticism, obvs Grace: @ Mr Lucas what are you even doing here?! SO GROSS Janis: pretty sure he's following me Janis: fair, did cut the two spare ties he brought (??) in half Grace: OMG! you've literally saved someone's life tbh Grace: he's that creepy Janis: reckons we've got full term detention when we get back Janis: so sorry I foiled your plan, definitely wanna spend more alone time with you, sounds good Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: so sorry you're short & gross & single & mad about it, hun Janis: if mum actually makes me go, it'll be my 🩸 on his 🧤 and her 🤲 Grace: she won't even Grace: not for that long Janis: 🤞 Janis: if all he cares about are the holes in all his 🩲 and not finding out what else I did, then she won't be as pissed off as she could be Grace: what else did you do?? Grace: also EW for that visual, babes Janis: 🤫 Janis: you didn't have to touch 'em Grace: you've literally made it even easier for him to touch himself, excuse you Janis: 😂😂 Janis: 📸 that for the online burn book Grace: can he get enough hate to retire please?! so over what a freak he is Janis: ain't we all Grace: maybe he won't be able to take us for any more activities thanks to the wardrobe malfunctions you caused 🤞🤞 Grace: 🙏 Janis: could be his day CANCELLED 👌🍆💦🥴 Grace: STOP Grace: I don't wanna see 🍆💦 applied to him EVER Janis: it'll stop him being so 🤬🤬 on the bus Grace: the breakfasts here are literally gross enough the 1st time around, can you not make it come back up!! Janis: yeah, pretty rough Janis: that'll be why the gals have been skipping, yeah 😏 Grace: 🙄 Grace: Don't even, she wants me to Grace: I don't have the energy to fight with her about it even after eating, sorry not sorry, babes Janis: no wonder she's taken to spreading STIs Janis: wanna take out as many people as she can, that one Grace: idk what goes through her head, 1st barista boy, now Craig Grace: thank god if I was actually 😍 she'd clearly have no idea Janis: he's not the worst looking Grace: barista boy? DUH Grace: we all see your 😍😍😍 hun Janis: I meant Craig and you know it Grace: like I said, he was cute Janis: shame he's now 50% likely to have the clap Grace: I'll write him that note, it's been forever since I did a good deed Grace: 🙏😇 Janis: nan be 💃 Grace: maybe now she'll love me 🤞🖤 Janis: she loves no one but dad and the LORD Janis: allegedly on that last one Grace: as far as she's concerned they were basically the same person so Janis: where was his dad, tbh Janis: maybe he was 1/3 Janis: 2/3 now Janis: 👶🏾👻 Grace: 🤷 Janis: she'll ask the lady at church who can talk to spirits, that's what she was on about to mum last I heard Janis: gonna stay in touch now he's dead, clearly Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: I won't be taking Craig to 🙏 his STI away then Janis: cute date idea Grace: IKR?! Grace: so tragic that we'll both have to miss out Janis: 💔 be a trip to the clinic with Mia instead Grace: more like a solo trip Grace: she's already forgotten that boy Janis: poor, poor David Janis: what fond memories is he gonna have looking back Grace: 🐍🐁 Grace: but that's a v relatable mood, this trip has been the WORST Janis: has it? Grace: not for you, obvs Janis: just remembering that one where you pissed yourself and then cried the whole time Janis: it's at least one up on that Grace: EXCUSE YOU Grace: literally don't bring up that you've ever known me, thanks so much Janis: there's no selling that storyline, sadly Grace: there so is Janis: the name's a dead giveaway Grace: & it still wouldn't be the wildest rumour ever spread Janis: reality is boring in comparison to what they can cook up Grace: duh Janis: go ahead and have a go then Grace: 🤷🤷 there's enough rumours about you & your bf rn Grace: it'd get swallowed faster than poor Craig 💔 Janis: what's the best one you heard then Grace: they're literally all so cringe Janis: go on Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: no thanks Janis: 🎈🎉💩 Grace: it's bad enough I have to 👀 you IRL I'm not trying to gossip in 🗨 too Grace: try Mia or El Grace: they can't get over your 💖 life Janis: 'course they can't Janis: 💔💔 real devastated Grace: mhmm Janis: Ella should be buzzing Janis: but seeing Mia 😢 makes her 😭 Grace: she's too 💔 her fake injury didn't work & yours is real Janis: she can have it Janis: fucking stupid Janis: if this trip weren't a waste of time before Grace: you should totally forget about doing whatever if you wanna get better for hols Janis: doing what? Janis: it's not like we've done anything that taxing Grace: sure but anyway Janis: I can't spend any more time doing nothing Grace: like you said, we already are Janis: you know what I mean Grace: yeah Janis: maybe we'll go do something else Janis: idk Grace: you've got like the perfect excuse not to be under Mr Lucas' 👀 so Janis: I do, might make him join in though Janis: 'cos he hates us Janis: and then I just get bored Grace: OMG stop giving me gross visuals Janis: ?? Grace: anything involving him is like traumatising Grace: he needs to stay on the side lines, thank you Janis: bit harsh Janis: he's northern, not a monster Grace: 😂 but not even Janis: 😏 Grace: whatever Grace: it'll be over soon Janis: the trip? Janis: well observed Grace: duh not gonna kms over breakfast Janis: thought you meant my 💘 Grace: Mia wishes Grace: everyone else will obvs be 💔 Janis: give 'em a good thing Grace: they have so many #s and there'll be more when you dump him Grace: it'll keep everyone busy no matter how many boys she 🐍 and obvs me the freedom to 😢 and wet myself on this trip too so Grace: love that Grace: thanks, babes Grace: 🙌💜🙌 Janis: sounds like a wild time Janis: you are welcome Grace: sure Janis: enjoy your watersports, like Grace: 👌👌
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