#this is from 2021 before the euros
canirove · 3 months
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bellawoso · 4 months
aitana bonmati x reader
a/n : the sleeveless training top kills me every time i see it
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aitana had been obsessed impressed with you ever since the 2021 games of barcelona vs arsenal, although she knew that she should be overcome by feelings of pride for her teams winnings, she couldnt help but let her small crush on you get in the way of her celebrations.
sure she was tired after the match, but so was everyone else, and they still managed to have a night out in the london bars. aitana however, spent all night stalking your instagram account on a random fake account she had, normal behaviour right?
after the 2022 euros knockout match, where england were victorious, aitanas crush which she thought was gone, came back even bigger when instead of immediately celebrating with your teammates, you instead went to the nearest spanish player to you, which happened to be the spaniard herself, and started consoling her. your hand on her back made her skin tingle, and momentarily she almost forgot about the loss when you whispered into her ear how she played a good game, before bringing her in for a warm embrace. aitana didnt waste the chance of wrapping her arms round your waist as yours went around her neck.
the brunette wouldnt be surprised if she dropped down with a heart attack right there when you requested for a shirt swap, with you both being number 6 nationally. seeing her name sprawled across your back definitely didnt ease her racing heart or her flushed cheeks.
the next time you saw the spaniard was at the world cup final, although you were out with your ACL injury at the time, you still wouldnt miss this match for the world. as soon as england lost you were straight onto the pitch, comforting your national teammates, who were about to see spain being crowned world champions.
you were just about to go talk to lucy, a close friend of yours from national camps, until aitana stepped in your path. you had grown quite fond of the girl, despite the fact you had never played for the same teams, you both respected each other greatly, and often congratulated each other through instagram of the others achievements. you werent quite ready for the girl stepping out in front of you, you were still on crutches, almost ready to come off them, the spaniard just clipped your crutch with her boot causing you to tumble forward slightly. luckily the brunette was ready to catch you, her strong arms gripping onto your waist whilst she repeated “lo siento” and lectured her self in spanish, until you cut her off “hola aita, good game you deserve this so much, i know how hard you worked to get here.”
“ah yes- gracias y/n, i am upset you dont play today, im sure you would have made a difference” aitana managed to get out, in slightly broken english but you found it extremely endearing.
“yes i am sad too, but i will be back for the euros before you know it! so, balon d’or huh?” you said with a grin, it was extremely obvious that the girl you was talking to was going to be a future balon d’or winner, despite her humble nature as she argued with you, saying there are other people who deserve it more than her.
until you cut off her rambling once again “aita it was so lovely catching up with you, but im positive all of your teammates are waiting for you to celebrate, i wouldnt want to keep you” you stated with a soft smile and a glance at ona who waited behind aitana, and seemed to have finished consoling lucy.
as aitana turned to walk away, you started walking over to lucy, painfully unaware of the extremely obvious glances aitana kept giving you over her shoulder, the spaniard prayed you didnt hear onas teasing.
it was around the start of december when you began playing again, helping by scoring 2 goals in the 4-1 win against chelsea. it was unsurprising how you had ended up on barcas radar, it was very unusual for a player to somehow be better than they were pre-ACL, after only just returning. it was safe to say that aitana had watched every single arsenal game since you returned, even on the ones where you didnt play, just to catch a glimpse of you on the bench. the other girls on her team had noticed this, and despite aitanas insistence that it was to keep up with the WSL and to check on laia codina, her teammates werent stupid. and it was painfully obvious every time aitanas breath hitched when you were displayed on the screen, which was quite often as you were a fan favourite.
you had also developed a bit of a fan-girling crush on the spaniard herself, it was hard not to when you saw her training pictures on her story daily, and couldnt help but wonder what you would have to do to be blessed enough to witness her training in real life.
clearly you didnt have to do much, as your manager called you one day to talk about potential transfers, one immediately stood out to you, barcelona.
it all happened very quickly in your opinion, although your manager disagreed as barcelona were actually being quite annoying with offering you a contract as they were constantly holding it until last minute. until finally they managed to sit you down with pen and paper, for you to begin your new journey with them. the media followed shortly after, barcelona and arsenal seemingly decided to just dump all of your departure and new arrival videos on every single social media platform they had.
aitana was at home when the media teams dropped your videos, immediately clicking on the notification from barcelonas instagram. she had been waiting for a while for keiras fully edited catalan interview to be posted, so she was visibly shocked when instead she was met with the sight of you in the barca home kit.
aitana definitely knew she was down bad when she couldnt fall asleep that night, her thoughts clouded of you in that stupid home kit, even better, in the barca tracksuit you had worn for your interviews.
she quickly sent you an short instagram message just to say ‘hola, welcome to barca amiga :)’ before finally managing to fall asleep.
your arrival was soon after, and despite your initial worry of not fitting in to the team, you soon learned that you got along fine with the girls after your first training session. from the very beginning aitana clung to you, immediately becoming your bestfriend on the team and promising to take you to all of the best hidden gems in barcelona. it was amusing to the team of how obvious aitana was being and how oblivious you were to it all.
such as the day where aitana was hit twice on the head by a football after not hearing the shout of “heads” while staring at you with heart eyes as you laughed with ona.
or when she was still running laps and warming up with keira whilst you had a 1 v 1 with lucy, and she ran into a goal post. she never truly lived that one down, and the whole team new about it as she had to go down to medical with a minor concussion and miss the next match due to her headache.
the bonus was that you were too scared to leave aitana at her apartment by herself after reading up about concussions online, so you stayed with her for a week. which was longer than necessary, but aitana didnt need to know the real reason for your insistence to stay.
the most recent thing to happen was when she dropped a weight on keiras foot in the gym when she saw you walk in, looking particularly good in the training kit today, this action made the english girl snap, telling aitana to just go admit her feelings, whilst cursing under her breath and walking to the medical room for an ice pack.
lucy came up behind aitana after keira left, chuckling about the previous incident but also to reassure the spaniard “dont worry aitana, ive known y/n for ages, she likes you back, trust me” she said, making aitana nod and turn on her heels to confidently and calmly walk over to you, as you were currently near the mats with ingrid.
except this didnt happen, as aitana didnt seem very confident or calm at all as she tripped as she neared you, causing her to stumble straight into you, sending the both of you tumbling straight to the floor.
“dios mío! lo siento y/n, i dont know what happened!” you stayed on the floor laughing about what just happened, as vicky came over “i think i know what happened, aitana just fell for y/n!” the younger girl shouted for the entire gym to hear like the pest she was, causing both you and aitana to flush bright red, still on the floor.
until aitana leaned over to you “while were still down here, will you please go on a date with me?” she asked giving her best puppy dog eyes.
“i would love to aita”
you and aitana went on the date on saturday, the brunette had chosen for the two of you to go to a coffee shop in the little town where she was raised, you could tell just how proud and passionate she was of where she was born. at first, things were a bit awkward between the two of you, until you fell back into your usual rhythm of chatting and laughing.
except for when aitana bumped into someone she knew from her youth, and stumbled a bit over her words when introducing you, the words “shes my girl-” coming out of her mouth before blushed cut her self off and ended up blurting out “y/n, shes my y/n” with an awkward, toothy grin.
this made you burst out laughing, at aitanas newfound social awkwardness, and the strangers confusion, it was only after they walked away that you playfully bumped your shoulder against hers, saying “if you wanted to be my girlfriend you could have just asked” with a smirk.
“cállate! muy molesta-“ as she carried on with her spanish rambling making you smile at seeing her worked up state until she suddenly asked “wait were you being serious that i can ask to be your girlfriend?”
“well normally back in england we dont ask the person for permission to ask them to be our girlfriend, but whatever suits you tana!” you answered back playfully.
“fine then! i wont ask if your going to be all sarcastic about it” the older girl replied. “sure you wont aita, sure.” taking a sip from your water bottle while the brunette seemed to be giving you the silent treatment
“be my girlfriend” she suddenly stated, making you choke on your water “thats really not how we ask back in england, spain must be very different” you thought aloud.
“stop it! just confirm it with me, we are basically dating all ready!” aitana huffed in faux frustration about how annoying you were being about this. “okay, okay! i would love to be your girlfriend then aitana.” this made her grin, so you were guessing you were in the good girlfriend books at the moment.
you and aitana went on many more dates after that, the two of you fit so perfectly. although you were both extremely talented footballers, aitana was always very work focused, whereas you got bored of things like match analysis very easily. where aitana was extroverted around new people, you were usually very quiet around strangers. you both balanced each other out very well, aitana often having to help you with your match analysis, and you being the one to get aitana to bed at the right time instead of letting her rewatch the match again.
one thing that aitana never really seemed to grow out of was the honeymoon stage, after two months of being together openly, she really should have got used to the fact that you were hers and she was yours. however, the spaniard never quite got over the fact that the two of you were actually together, especially after crushing in you for the past couple of years.
this led to her quite literally just trailing around after you everywhere, like a lost puppy. when you finally snapped and told her to go to keira, and socialise with her friends, said lost puppy suddenly became a kicked puppy that looked like you just abandoned it on the side of the road.
“but amorrrr, i wont bother you! i promise!” she begged, giving you her best puppy dog eyes.
“aitana no! you have hardly spoke to your friends all week, and although i love you, your starting to really annoy me!” you said. your girlfriend had already dropped a dumbell on your ankle after she decided she needed to do her arm workouts right next to your workout mat. she had then spilt coffee all over you, which although she claims is all okay now as she gave you her hoodie to replace your top, you never quite got over the sticky coffee feeling in your skin.
your last straw was when she decided to try trail right behind you into your meeting with jonatan and some of the other coaches, solely a checkup and a one to one meeting about things to work on in training.
“aitana no! go to keira please, i love you but this is a one on one meeting, your not allowed to be in here” you didnt leave time for her to argue as you quickly planted a kiss on her lips and went into the room, shutting the door straight behind you.
you were never normally one to reject your girlfriends clinginess, however sometimes you just needed your own personal space, and today was an odd day where things werent going right and your temper was short.
you were going to apologise to aitana, but as soon as you came out of your meeting she was there with flowers and coffee for you, and saying sorry for annoying you today. “aitana no, its fine, if anything, i am sorry. i love being around you as your my girlfriend, but i do think its important you start hanging out with your friends again!”
“yes amor i understand, i actually went with ona to get the flowers and she got some for lucy too!” aitana replied, as she planted a kiss on your lips.
on the way home, aitana also called at one of your favourite shops that sold books and records. despite her being more of a spotify and film person, she still made an effort to be enthusiastic in the shop. she definitely did not get bored and decide to pull you in for a kiss behind the non fiction book shelf.
however, she still never really left her honeymoon phase.
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liked by ingrid_engen, lucybronze and 23,962 others
caption: she follows me everywhere but its okay tagged: aitanabonmati
aitanabonmati: you love it
-> yourusername: i do.
lucybronze: you two make me throw up
-> yourusername: dont act like you and ona arent the same.
marialeonn16: i counted 3 balls to aitanas head yesterday training
-> vickyylopezz._: she fell over aswell 😭
-> yourusername: guys leave tana alone! 🥹
-> aitanabonmati: what my gf said.
user1: they are so cute omg 😭
user2: power couple!
user3: best woso couple there is
a/n: this is not proofread so no judgement to bad grammar pretty pleasee
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headspace-hotel · 7 months
i'm...thinking about writing a book?
I mean. I feel really silly at the thought because i'm not like a scientist or anything, i'm barely at the beginning of my knowledge journey, but...being a writer was what I always wanted to do. It's what I've been doing ever since I could remember. And I'm constantly, constantly just so full of things that I want to tell the whole world. I will have a realization or idea and think, oh my god. Everyone needs to know this. But I can't tell everyone. I'm not good at talking.
I'm good at writing. But I will sit down to write a post on my silly little blog and get so overwhelmed by the SCALE of everything I want to say.
I think I've already started to write a book. I think the space for these ideas to fill is already the size of a book and it will never have any smaller of a size, and no one else will come along to write the book, and no one else CAN write the book, and IT HAS TO BE WRITTEN.
I want to write about the ways of the plants, of course. I want to teach how to transplant and how to gather seeds and the properties of keystone species...but more importantly, I want to write about how to learn the ways of the plants. I want to promote the habit of insatiable curiosity and intense observation. I want to show everyone that everything everywhere is infinitely interesting and mysterious, and if you pay attention to the plants, they will teach you.
I want to write about Symbiosis. I want to write about how we are connected to every other thing, how we have our own ecological niche as Caretakers, and our own special adaptations of curiosity and love. I want to write about how the ecosystem needs us to participate in it, not to cut ourselves off from it, and how our powerful influence on ecosystems can be for good or for bad. We are not a disease. We are a Keystone Species.
I want to discourage this Euro-centric idea that sees humans as separate, and recommend more reading from indigenous points of view that understands ecosystems better and sees humans as participants in nature, engaging in a reciprocal symbiotic relationship. I want to speak against all this talk about removing humans from half of the Earth or reducing the human population, and show other people that despair and fear make you paralyzed and powerless, but hope is powerful.
The most important and powerful thing you can do for your ecosystem is to love it. It is necessary to have hope for the future—to learn to imagine a future of restoration and renewal, and to build community with other people working toward that future.
If we don't imagine a future for our ecosystems, imagine them boldly and audaciously in ways that feel crazy and impossible, those futures will not happen. But just the act of saying, "This WILL happen. We WILL be okay." gives you the strength and energy to fight and it gives you the creativity to come up with solutions you never could have thought of before.
And I feel I have to explain, how did I end up listening to plants? And how did the teachings become so important that I had to write about them? There's this black, swallowing abyss underpinning all of who I am, some intimation of a reality so terrible the human spirit breaks beneath it. I had a mental health crisis back in 2021 where I was pulled deep into that abyss, and when I started rescuing little plants and caring for them, I was basically re-learning how to be human.
I feel like I was seeking answers to "How am I supposed to live in this world?" in the natural world because the human world of poetry and books and articles and think-pieces had utterly failed me in that regard. I had taken multiple poetry classes where I had read all the best contemporary poems, and all the poets just wrote flat, plodding, blunt descriptions of their trauma and despair. Nothing is wrong with these topics, but the worst part was how these authors didn't even take themselves seriously; they had to be detached and ironic about their own pain, like a snarky dystopian novel hero who jokes casually about the horrific reality they live in so the reader knows that this reality is normal and unremarkable to them—and even more importantly, that the hero is ironic and cool instead of responding in a vulnerable, human way.
And speaking of dystopian novels...there were a lot of those! It was like all the visions of the future I had read were dystopian. Even I had been writing a dystopian novel. But I realized that I wasn't wise enough to tell that story yet. I didn't know why at first. But then, as I was reading everything people were writing about climate change, I began to realize.
I saw a lot of patterns between the way people wrote about climate change and the tendencies of self-harm and self-defeat that gnawed inside me. Suicide was something that I had never struggled against, but I understood that suicide was only the most striking manifestation of a self-annihilating way. Sometimes you feel like by hurting yourself, you are being transgressive, exercising autonomy against an absolute, crushing reality. It doesn't have to be physical hurt; it can just be deciding no one will like you and denying yourself love, or thinking "Well, there's no use hoping for anything good to happen."
This is how people talk about climate change. They fantasize about extreme, horrific scenarios and talk as if the Earth is already dead and destroyed, and they talk about humans hatefully and as if they were a disease, and then congratulate themselves for seeing how bad it REALLY is instead of being in denial. It is easy for people to get attached to this and even get mad when someone suggests there might be hope, simply because self-harm can be very psychologically reinforcing.
It is common to call these responses "climate grief." But as I came into this very simple and quiet yet profound encounter with Nature, she had an answer to this philosophy that was perfectly gentle and placid and yet caustic enough to strip paint:
I realized, with a breaking heart, that I had always hated and resented my back yard and my home town, because it was an ugly place that seemed to me "Already destroyed," and my soul ached for woods and wilderness.
It had taken me 20 years to fully admit my love of nature, because I felt like there was no point in acting upon it—everything would get destroyed anyway.
I had not been brave enough to love the woods across the road, the creeks and the hills, because they were so fragile in a world that didn't respect them, they could be destroyed by some housing development at any time. So I just accepted that it was already a lost cause.
But it was time to be brave enough—not to accept despair, but to choose hope.
To grow up, first we had to become strong and get rid of silly beliefs like hope and fairness and love. But now, we have to become even stronger and start believing in those things again.
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alexia11luvr · 8 months
I Put My Hand On A Star, To See If I Still Bleed
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Alexia isn't playing well after returning from her injury and needs to feel something.
(AU where Arsenal and Barça are in the same group in the 2023/24 UWCL)
CW: smut, sub!alexia because there isn't enough of it in this world, strap-on, lil bit of blood
Back during the 2021/2022 season, you and Alexia would hook up all the time. She barely spoke English and you barely spoke Spanish, but during an Arsenal V Barça game, you both felt an attraction for the first time, a connection, and that connection turned into a hook up at a hotel after the game. This happened again after the teams' next meeting, and after that, whenever you were in Spain or she was in England for whatever reason, you two would meet up and hook up at some hotel, always in secret. This was never spoken about between the two of you, whenever you were at award shows, you'd see eachother, perhaps make casual conversation with as much of the other's language as you could, but almost always in the company of other players.
It'd been over a year since the two of you had hooked up, you'd seen eachother at the Euros, but her injury kept you two from doing you usual thing, and there was far too much going on at the World Cup for you two to do it either.
The next time you saw eachother was in a Champions League group stage match in Barcelona. She looked different, her hair was platinum blonde, she looked older, more mature, and the innocence that was in her eyes before was gone. It worried you a little, it made you sad to see her like that, clearly in emotional pain, but there was something about it that attracted you to her- that loss of innocence. She had always been older than you, a good ten years older than you, but you never really noticed it until now, her maturity was showing and you liked it. Everything about the way she looked had lost its innocence, had changed since you last saw her. You didn't know exactly why you liked it so much, why it turned you on so much, but it did.
She scored in the second half after a string of missed shots. It wasn't a brilliant goal, but it was a goal all the same. You watched her as she celebrated, no smile crossed her face like it used to, and as she turned away from the crowd you saw a look of deep contemplation in her eyes as she looked down-
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She knew she wasn't in form, not that she could expect to be so soon, but it was still hurting her. She wanted a better goal, several goals. A better game.
Katie scored a few minutes later, bringing the scoreline level, until Aitana scored in the 68th minute, and the match ended like that, Barça 2-1 Arsenal.
You shook hands and hugged after the match, you asked her if she was okay, you hadn't seen her smile the entire time, not even after the final whistle. She hesitated before nodding, and then leaned in closer to you before whispering "What hotel are you in?"
You told her the name of your hotel, as well your room number, letting her know you could do it there. You were lucky that you were rooming alone on this trip, last time you'd had to fuck Alexia in another hotel a few miles away from the team's, and you barely made it back in time before they noticed you were gone.
"No roommate?" she asked.
"No, we have the room to ourselves, the whole night."
"Ten O'Clock." she said.
"I'll see you then."
She ran her hand across your waist as she walked away, the first touch of affection you'd gotten from her in a long time, and you needed it. You missed that feeling more than anything, it was like a drug- the strongest drug you'd ever had.
Ten O'Clock couldn't come soon enough. There was still half an hour to go. You were talking with the girls in Leah's room, and you couldn't stop glancing at your watch, lamenting how slowly the hands were moving.
"Why do you keep checking your watch?" Katie asked.
You looked up, like a deer caught in headlights.
"Um, I dunno," you were panicking, "I think it's broken, the hands aren't moving right, I'm gonna go get my digital one."
This was a lie of course, there was nothing wrong with your watch, but you did need to get out of the room for a moment and make sure everything was ready in yours.
You opened the door to find Alexia on the bed, who sat up quickly as the door opened.
"What are you doing here? It's not ten yet."
Alexia didn't say anything, instead she quickly lifted herself off the bed and walked towards you pulling you in for a kiss, her hands grabbing your shirt just below the collar. The kiss was eager and breathy, passionate, and it became clear to you why she was early. You pulled her body in closer, with your hands on the back of her waist. Her lips moved to your neck, making you lose your breath for a moment, her movements still eager and passionate. You toyed with the hem of her shirt, subtly asking for permission, before she took it off herself, tossing it aside. She quickly unbuttoned yours and pulled it off you by running her hands over your shoulders and underneath the fabric, admiring how muscular you were, more so than the last time you'd met. She wasn't the only one who looked more mature.
A slight pause in her movements led you to pick her up and place her on the desk at the side of the room, your hands roamed her thighs as you stood in-between them, and you began to tug at the fabric that was still covering them as you kissed her. As you did, her arms left the position of being wrapped around your neck and travelled down your torso, one landing on your waist and the other over your crotch. Her breath hitched and she pulled away from the kiss as she felt the bulge of what you were packing. It was big, bigger than anything she'd taken before, and she liked that, she needed that. Her eyes darkened sensually, and she gripped it tighter, causing a wave of pleasure to move through you. You backed away from the desk pulling her off of it so she could remove her trousers as you undid your belt and removed yours. She sat herself back on the desk and pulled you in towards her lips. You kissed down her neck and her chest, moving her to lean back slightly as you dipped a finger into her core- she was more than wet enough, it was beginning to coat the insides of her thighs so you knew she needed to be fucked more than anything.
"You ready?" you asked, your voice low.
"Yes." she said, breathlessly, needily. You loved when she spoke English, her strong accent made it so sensual.
You kissed her softly once more before looking down, you held her by the hips and slowly put your cock in her and she groaned at the pain as she wrapped her arms around you, pulling you right into her body. Her whimpers and moans turned you on more than anything, you loved how she sounded when you fucked her. The raw skin on skin contact felt incredible, you loved feeling this close to her, you needed it. With you inside her and her legs wrapped around your waist, you picked her up again and placed her down gently on the bed. You sped up and her whimpers turned into whines, echoing around the room. She bit her lip to try and stop herself, but it didn't help. You slowed down and increased the pressure and depth of your thrusts, which turned her whines into loud, open-mouthed moans. You kissed up her neck and her cheek as you fucked into her, knowing that she would appreciate the intimacy now, given what you were about to do.
You knew how she liked to be fucked, and how she wanted to be fucked, even if she hadn't said it, that was part of your connection, you just knew.
You pulled out of her slowly and whispered in her ear, "Turn over."
She did as she was told, turning over to lay on her stomach. You admired the view infront of you, her muscular back, her thighs, and the best ass you'd ever seen.
You slipped it back in her again, and she moaned, gripping the bedsheets as she did, her hands above her head.
You lowered yourself onto her back, getting that raw skin on skin contact as you rubbed together that you both loved so much.
The friction on her back made her seek friction on her front, desperate for some pressure on her clit, making her moans and whimpers grow louder with overstimulation.
"Shh sh sh." you whispered, stroking her hip, remembering that the other girls were in the room next door.
She quietened slightly, biting the bed sheets.
"That's it, you can take it, you're doing really well." You praised, and she really did deserve it.
"Get up on you knees for me." you said.
She always did as she was told when you had her like this.
She got up on her knees quickly, her back arching and her arms out infront of her, grasping the bed sheets.
"I'm sorry princesa, this is really going to hurt."
You took your cock out, noticing how it was glistening, covered in her arousal, and you slipped it in her ass. She was much tighter there, and you could feel it as you fucked into her. She cried out in both pain and pleasure, and she quickly propped herself up from her elbows onto her hands, unsure how to deal with the intensity of it all. Even between gasps and moans, her mouth remained open.
"You're okay, I've got you." you said, holding onto her hips and rubbing gently with your thumb.
She whimpered, nodding slightly, then dropping her head.
"Good girl."
You kissed up her spine and placed gentle, soft kisses on her hips. Her breathing was shaky and tears began to run down her cheeks, but she didn't want you to stop, not for one second. She hadn't felt this much in months, and she needed it.
You sped up, seeing her body rock back and forth, under your complete and total control, was beautiful. She was beginning to bleed, but she showed no signs of wanting to stop, and you found beauty in that too.
Blood and arousal were dripping onto the bedsheets, not that you cared, all that you cared about was pleasuring Alexia. Seeing her cry from pain and ecstasy was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen, she'd moved back to holding herself up on her elbows and had her hands clasped together, trying to cope with the pain and overstimulation. After a few minutes, you could tell she was getting used to that pain, as her whines and whimpers turned into moans.
You decided it was time to add to her pleasure by placing two fingers into her core. She gasped at their sudden presence, but she was soaked from the inside out and her dripping cunt welcomed you without any resistance.
She moaned in pure ecstasy at your movements inside her, as you were stroking gently with a steady pace matching the one you were fucking her ass with.
Her reactions were becoming more erratic and you knew she was close. She moved her arm from it's position of support and held onto your wrist and hand, pushing you further inside her slightly and giving her more pressure on her clit, as she let her forehead fall to the bed. She was purely in pursuit of pleasure. She looked so gorgeous this way, totally at the mercy of her own body.
You leant down onto her back again.
"You ready to come for me princesa?" you said, pressing open mouth kisses against her back, dragging your teeth across her skin, leaving red marks.
"Ye- yes, please." she said, breathlessly
"Such a good girl, aren't you Ale?" you said, smiling. The question was rhetorical, and she knew that, she knew it was just to remind her of what made her a good girl- being fucked bloody and teary-eyed, crying in pleasure on her knees, desperately holding your hand inside her with your palm against her clit.
She moaned one last time, her jaw slack, eyes closed, head thrown back then dropped forward as her back arched and her legs shook. You slapped her ass hard as she came, adding to her waves of pleasure as you came a moment later. Both yours and Alexia's movements continued through her orgasm as you let her ride it out.
"Look at you, you did so well." you smiled, you were so proud of her, she'd never taken it like that before.
You pulled out of her and discarded the strap, tossing it onto the chair.
She turned around to face you, sitting on the bed with you kneeling in front of her. She wiped tears from her eyes and noticed the bed sheets.
"Did I bleed?" she asked, her voice shaky.
"Yeah, you did." you replied, helping her wipe the tears away.
She was still shaking so you pulled her close to you, her head resting on your chest, and you began stroking her hair as she closed her eyes and a final few tears fell gently down her face.
You helped her off the bed as she winced and whimpered from the pain of moving.
"It's okay," you reassured her "it'll hurt less tomorrow."
She held onto you tightly as you helped her move. You pulled back the duvet and helped her lay down slowly. Her breathing was heavy and her whimpers didn't stop. You loved seeing her like this. You got into the bed yourself and pulled the duvet up to cover the pair of you. As soon as you did, she rolled over, seeking contact and comfort from you. She placed a long soft kiss on your lips before laying her head on your chest and placing her hand beside her face, her palm on your skin, right over your heart. She kept her legs closed, it being too painful to open them, and you placed one hand on her back, stroking up and down slowly, and letting the other just rest on her waist. You were both exhausted, and you fell asleep quickly after that.
You were awoken the next morning by the sound of the girls talking next door. You checked the time, it was half past ten, you'd slept for nearly twelve hours. It was then that Katie and Leah suddenly walked into your room, you quickly pulled the duvet over Alexia's head- it was still obvious that you had a woman in bed with you, but at least they wouldn't know who it was, or so you had thought until you remembered there was a jacket with a Barcelona logo on it slung over the chair, which you saw Leah notice as Katie was looking at you.
"So this is why you didn't come back to Leah's room last night- I shoulda known." Katie laughed.
"C'mon Katie, let's leave them be." Leah smiled. Always the more mature out of the pair.
You pulled the duvet back down, revealing Alexia's face, you ran a hand through her platinum blonde hair, and smiled.
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metamatar · 1 year
With a budget nearing $1 billion, Frontex is the EU’s best-funded government agency. [...] including by helping Libya’s EU-funded coast guard send hundreds of thousands of migrants back to be detained in Libya under conditions that amounted to torture and sexual slavery. In 2022, the agency’s director, Fabrice Leggeri, was forced out over a mountain of scandals, including covering up similar ​“pushback” deportations, which force migrants back across the border before they can apply for asylum.
[...] EU hopes to extend Frontex’s reach far beyond its territory, into sovereign African nations Europe once colonized, with no oversight mechanisms to safeguard against abuse. Initially, the EU even proposed granting immunity from prosecution to Frontex staff in West Africa. [...] 26 African countries have received taxpayer euros aimed at curbing migration through more than 400 discrete projects. Between 2015 and 2021, the EU invested $5.5 billion in such projects, with more than 80% of the funds coming from developmental and humanitarian aid coffers.
[...] Besides the surveillance tech the DNLT branches receive, migration data analysis systems have also been installed at each post, along with biometric fingerprinting and facial recognition systems. The stated aim is to create what eurocrats call an African IBM system: Integrated Border Management. [...] no European countries maintain databases with this level of biometric information.
[...] In Niger, for instance, the EU helped draft a law that criminalized virtually all movement in the north of the country, effectively making regional mobility illegal.
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pitchsidestories · 1 year
Football documentaries to watch after the Women's World Cup ended
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Togetherness: Follows the Arsenal Women's team during their rollercoaster season 2022/23 (On the Arsenal homepage, 5 episodes)
One Team. One Dream. This is Chelsea: Shows the Chelsea Women's Team experiences between 2019 and 2021 (DAZN Women's Football Youtube Channel, 6 episodes)
Inside the Pride: shows the England Lionesses journeys during the Euros 2022 (England's Youtube Channel, film)
The game that changed football: Barcelona vs. Real Madrid, the classic match during the UEFA Women's Champions League 2021/22 (DAZN Women's Football Youtube Channel, film)
EQUALS: follows a lot of players from different national teams for example Leah Williamson during the Euros 2022 (DAZN Women's Football Youtube Channel, 6 episodes)
Matildas.The World at Our Feet: Follows the Australian Women's team as they prepare for the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup in their home country (Disney +, 6 episodes)
Born for this: shows the journey of the German Women's national team before and during their incredible euros journey 2022 (ZDF/Sky, 6 episodes)
Female Football around the world - England: focuses on the development and status quo of english female football. There's a new one about Australia too. (Sky Deutschland Youtube Channel, film)
Alexia. Labor Omnia: Focuses on Barcelona star Alexia Putellas (Sky, 3 episodes)
Alex Scott. The Future of Women's Football: Scott looks at the explosion in popularity of women’s football and asks what the future holds for the game she loves. (The Women's Football Archive Youtube Channel, film)
... to be continued
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mecachrome · 2 months
hi! @ anon here is my lando accent infodump lmao:
so like landos accent is an ancient secret scientists worldwide have been spending centuries trying to analyse... but im gonna try to sum it up to the best of my abilities
his accent definitely changed with both private school AND international karting / single seaters but what complicates the matter is that his accent was weird to begin with
so using the reference clips k already picked out bc theyre actually rly good:
lando starts off (as far as we know, obvs by the time we have interviews of him he was already heavily involved in karting) with a weird accent
the main building blocks are definitely standard southern / londony working class. but there's also a distinct bristolian twang: notice the "foinal" and "mah mayn competition" and "jamie caroloine" lol (beloved). that bristolian twang is the first thing that goes away once he goes to secondary & is pretty much imperceptible today which is incredibly tragic to me
aside from all that is the weird foreign quality which has stayed in his accent to varying degrees over the years: these sort of flat, almost south african sounding vowels
part of it is 100% his mum & flemish roots. like, the reason i mention south africa specifically is bc i rmbr multiple ppl throwing it out as a guess, & it makes a lot of sense to me considering the dutch influence on the ZA accent. theres also his dyslexia, which often makes him trip over sounds / unsure of some pronounciations / simplify words in his head, and im almost certain that also contributes to his vague 'foreign' tinges
BUT if it was just those things it rly wouldnt explain why it fluctuated sm over the years. like we leave 11 year lando off sounding slightly european, but by the time we return to him at his formula 1 debut in 2019 i see ppl in the comments genuinely unconvinced that hes even british. he pronounces small 'i' sounds as long (think "a-nee-thing") and 'a' sounds flattened almost into 'e's (think "beck" instead of "back"). my reference for plotting where landos accent is at has always been how he says the name max (convenient that hes had by now 2 championship rivals and a best friend with that name) because at its most exagerrated it almost sounds like "mex"
i think what happened to get him to that point was like. as soon as private school flattened the regional twang his accent became even more absorbent than it had been before, and hanging out with so many international people brought out the european aspects of his own accent as well as had him borrow a few of their pronounciations
in 2019-2020 he was either living with sacha fenestraz (french-argentinian, has subtle and imo very charming argentinian accent) or alone & struggled to reconnect with old friends, bc of first the pressures of his rookie year and then the pandemic. this all changed massively in 2021 - at work he got an EFL teammate, at home he had max move in with him, in his social life he started hanging out more with tom bale and connor hughes and british youtube circles. 2021 is also when his accent solidified way more as 'standard southern' & i think it makes sense considering everything
nowadays his accent still varies & still carries some shades of his unique foreign pronounciations but it rests pretty consistently at 'standard southern'. what pushes it into different directions a bit is probably hanging out w garrix & other dutch ppl, as well as him adopting maxf's horrible little habit of mimicry which has him either pulling out the bankai bulgarian even out of context or, on the opposite side, placing the completely incongruous 'bunda' and 'man' into his vocabulary. OH and the even more baffling occasional brummie touches, also from maxf
tldr lando does have the ambiguous euro accent but its a bit more complicated than just spending time in international circles bc i think he is predisposed to speaking like that
as an addendum bc the english class police will come for me: by working class i just mean not posh
HLKSDFHLH kira this is such a dense text i don't even need to add anything!!! i've also seen people be like >WHY DOES HE SOUND SOUTH AFRICAN??? which mildly amuses me but yes all of this makes sense! and omg sacha's accent is sooo fun to me, i remember watching this interview where he talks about it (answering in spanish while his parents spoke to him in french 😭) and identifying as more argentinian than his sister etc. it was very charming. anw tl;dr as you put it i think a lot of it is just him and maxf possessing a natural inclination toward mimicry and a wide social circle LOL
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pedripics · 6 months
the last sentence… ouch 😕
gonna put the full article here because it addresses the issue heartbrokenly well:
Pedri will never forget 2021, the year he went from a boy to a man. He was 18 years old, still a youth player and played 61 games between Barça, the senior national team, the Olympic team and the U-23s. From January 2021 to January 2022, he also played ten of the thirteen extra times that the club and the national team faced. And the atrocity could have been bigger because during that period he missed twenty games due to injury. It is easy to conclude that it was his body that said enough was enough.
Pedri gave his all wearing Spain's kit and today he pays the consequences of a sin he did not commit. Nobody, absolutely nobody, stopped that barbarity that meant squeezing the muscles of a boy whose talent allowed him to burn footballing stages, but not physical ones: he was still a boy with the physique of a boy who still had to develop. Three years later, his legs are claiming the price for everything he has experienced. And he is the only one who pays that price. Nobody else but him. No matter how much Barça pampers him and accompanies him, no matter how much exhaustive prevention work has been planned, no matter how many good and empty words come out of the Federation, Pedri's body belonged then and still belongs to Pedri. And it is Pedri who, with each relapse, returns to the bottom.
Football is a sport that moves huge amounts of money that is shared among all those who participate in it, but in which only the footballers are exploited. At the price of gold, yes, but without consideration. Some of them make a very good living, in some cases obscenely good, but that doesn't give anyone permission to gamble with their health. As was done with Gavi, keeping him on the pitch in an inconsequential match and after twisting his knee minutes before that ended up broken. It's scary to hear De la Fuente's frivolity talking about this case… thinking about what's to come.
Treating Lamine Yamal or Cubarsí as if they were full-fledged footballers is irresponsible. The mere fact that they are even considering making them play both the Euros and Olympic Games is another shameless move from an industry that only looks out for itself and doesn't give a damn about the health of the players it is supposed to protect. The shamelessness to even dare to put the players at the centre of the decision. As if it were up to them. Neither Pau nor Lamine are old enough to vote or drive, but they force them to take a position, shaking off a responsibility that should fall on the RFEF, which is the beneficiary of the investment in time and money made by Barça. The club, for its part, is obliged to say enough is enough. Or the one who will say enough, as happened with Pedri, might be their physique.
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the-offside-rule · 1 year
Mick Schumacher (Mercedes) - Euros
Requested: nope
Prompt: Mick drunk while watching the Euros in 2021
Warnings: dunk Mick
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Mick was sat alongside his mechanics and engineers as he watched on painfully. England versus Germany. He had this lovely barbecue planned out, drinks and everything paid for and then the final whistle had gone, leaving Germany to lose. The team celebrated and sang countless football chants about how England is gonna bring it home and what not while Mick just watched on. It had been an hour or so since the match had finished and Mick just wanted to go back to his hotel room but the mechanics weren't exactly having nay of it. "How about you just drink mate?" One of his mechanics asked. "Oh no, I'm fine." Mick reassured him. "Why? Is something wrong?" Mick shook his head. "No, my girlfriend is going out with her friends from Alfa Romeo tomorrow so I don't want to keep her up too late worrying about me." Mick explained. His engineer understood but was persistant to have some fun with Mick, so was everyone else. "Okay, how about this? We'll stay until seven or eight and then you can go home. Sound like a good idea?" Mick thought for a while and agreed. "Okay, okay that's fine. Let me just text her first and we'll get to drinking."
It had just gone 1 in the morning whne the door to your hotel room was knocked. Your eyes flew open as your sleep was disrupted but you knew it must have been Mick. You got up and sluggishly walked towards the door before opening it, surprised to see his mehcnaics Ryan and Dylan there instead. "Thank God you answered. He's had a bit too much to drink." Dylan said. You looked over to see Mick half asleep and looking down. "Mick?" Hee loookeed up and smiled lazily upon sering you. "Heya Liebling. I missed you sooooo much." he slurred. You chuckled a bit and turned back to the mechanics. "How drunk is he?" you asked as he collapsed into your arms. "Very. He's had loads of Heineken, Budweiser, we aren't even gonna talk about the Jagermeister." Ryan said as he helped you bring Mick into the room and plopping him down onto the couch. "Well he's definitely gonna have a hangover." You sighed. "Yeah, probably. Look, we have to go but goodnight Y/n." Ryan said. "Goodnight, I'll talk to you later."
You closed the door and spotted your boyfriend on the couch, doing nothing but breathing. "You doing okay over theeree Mick? How about some water?" He lifted his hand and gave a thumbs up. He must have been shattered. "Right, here you go. Don't drink it too quickly though, just little sips." Mick took the glass and shakily brought it to his lips, sipping little by little as he was instructed to. "How are you feeling now?" you asked him. His head dropped onto your shoulder and his eyes closed a bit. "I'm sleepy." Mick whispered. "I know. Do you want to go to bed?" you asked. Mick shook his head but then, came a little spurt of vomit coming from his mouth and onto your hoodie. "Jesus christ." you muttered, a little annoyed. "I'm sorry." he mumbled. "It's okay, it's okay. This happens to everyone. Let's just get you somewhere to sit and throw up whatever you need to."
The toilet. That's where Mick sat for a good thirty minutes just vomiting and getting sick while you sat on or in the bath, it really depended. "This is horrible." Mick groaned before spitting into the toilet. "I know. That's why I don't get drunk as much anymore Mick." You replied. "Are you disappointed with me?" he asked. You were taken off guard by that question. "No, why would I?" you asked, moving his hair to the side a little. "Because you are supposed to be up and going to meet up with your friends really early tomorrow and you're here taking care of me like I'm a baby or a child." You smiled a bit and rubbed the side of his face. "That's my job." You chuckled. "Your job is to put a car together." Mick mumbled tiredly. "Wiring but okay." you replied. He smiled a bit. "No but seriously, your job is to love me." he said. "So caring for you falls into that category." Hee opened his eyes to look at your caring face. "But now you can't go out tomorrow morning because of me."
"I don't mind. I can always wait until Thursday. You've got media anyway." He nodded and began to doze off so he probably had thrown up everything there was. "Okay,ets go to bed Schumi." You said climbing out of the bath to help him up. "Can we have a sleepover?" he asked excitedly. "Of course we can." You replied. Youu opened the bedroom door and turned on the light, Mick barely standing and relying solely on your shoulder for balance. "Okay, into bed. Come on." Mick slumped onto the bed and curled in under the blankets to get warm. You just hope din beside him and turned the lights off since you could both only sleep in the dark. You were about to fall asleep when you heard a little German voice beside you.
"Hey Y/n?" Mick asked, his eyes closed as he prepared to go to sleep. "Yes?" you replied. "Do you have a boyfriend?" You made a face at the question, slightly confused but it made sense that his head wasn't in the right mindset at the time. "Mick, you're my boyfriend." You said. Mick scoffed. "That sucks." You were taken back by that remark. "Excuse me?" you asked, a little hurt by his last reaction. "Why aren't you my wife yet?" It took a few seconds for it to settle into your brain but it warmed your heart and set the butterflies swarming around your stomach when it eventually did. "Wait Mick, do you mean that?" you asked, turning around but by the time you had, he was already softly snoring, fast asleep.
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pspkisser · 1 year
⚙️ This laptop was saved from obsolescence! [10 mins of read]
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Hello!! i am making this post here to raise awareness for PC and laptop upgrades, and how it should motivate you to do that same thing to preserve yours for longer or to give it the power you need! this will feature my history with mine, as well as the steps i took to be able to make him breathe life better! this is the story of his journey, and how it went to this current day.
his name is samuel, he is an asus fx570u and i bought him back in september of 2018 after i turned 13! he was brand new during that time and priced at 800 euros, offering only 6 gb of memory and an HDD as his specs. however he does have an 8th gen core i5 as his cpu and a geforce 1050 ti for his gpu. for something marketed as a gaming pc, it's pretty low and it wouldn't allow him to run fast enough, especially for highly demanding software and causing some compatibility issues. it wasn't severe, but as i was stuck with an hdd, that meant operating systems would run pretty slow on it, also leading to long software loading times. this is made worse by the fact that its bundled system, windows 10, isn't designed to work efficiently on hdd in the first place, but at least that means i have my hands on a windows key to be able to use some windows exclusive programs..
i mainly used him to be able to use advanced video editing software and customize the games i have on it for my own taste, because back then i loved making youtube videos and it was a passion i've had for years until i've partially retired from it. i rarely bought games on it and instead opted for free-to-plays, and overall had a good time with him.
unfortunately within only 3 months, his HDD broke down and i sent him to technicians for them to replace it with another one. it was a minor accident i've had but it formatted all my data, even though it didn't matter much since i uploaded most of it to the internet. i just had to be gentle with him by trying to not moving him around too much to stop that issue from persisting... but it was still low-end in terms of system performance. i finally used him for 1 year straight before moving on to a tower pc, feeling tired about his slowness and believing i couldn't do much about it.
i used that other (unnamed) pc for almost a year, starting from 2020! they seemed to work better since it had windows 7, but embarrassingly enough that version itself stopped receiving official security updates months before i started using it, even though i was careful while accessing the internet with it. its performances were also low, but didn't really matter much since i didn't take so much advantage from the power of samuel. suddenly, i had the foolish idea of installing windows 8.1 on the latter to try to deal with the performance issues on 10, but it led to even more compatibility issues since the drivers i used were meant to be for 10 only. only by early 2021, i got win10 back on him and started using him again to get more power again.
so the low-end performance persisted for very long. back then i never knew how to upgrade pcs, so i was only used to replacing devices with others which wasn't cost-efficient. after realizing i used windows for well over 10 years, i had the idea of switching to a mac and as a result, for xmas 2021 i got myself a cute yellow silicon imac, who goes by the name of sarah! but switching to macos posed new serious challenges, such as getting used to the lack of windows compatibility and the missing features that i was used to for a long time. most of the creativity i did with her was drawings with firealpaca and krita, and cgi with blender, which wasn't really much. still, she is pretty glossy and also powerful for many of the tasks i'm performing with her. originally i also intended to sell samuel, but that never happened (i low regret that decision so much i swear).
in late 2022, samuel's performance apparently had had a big hit... he now takes approximately 20 seconds to open any program and it seemed to me like something was wrong with him. at that time i also gained interest in linux since it's a libre OS capable of much more flexibility, essentially allowing it to revive old PCs. i finally decided to get linux mint to work on him via a dual boot with win11 (what was i thinking when i "upgraded" him from 10?). the performance seemed a little better from then, but programs still took very long to open. for that reason, he had often been collecting dust as he finally became unusable.
finally we've reached 2023. this is the year i decided to take on tearing down devices to learn how to examine problems inside of them. after checking samuel's performance again, i noticed that his HDD was having extremely low writing and reading speeds compared to my tower, which made me feel disappointed. but that's when i finally decided i could be able to replace his hard disk with an ssd, a new generation which is more durable, faster, quieter and energy-efficient...
but i still had a good wait until it was possible. suddenly with my money, i found an ssd which only costed €30, and it made me happy that this would be a quick way of healing up samuel! so i rushed to get it, and finally opened him to prepare everything... unfortunately, his keyboard has to be lifted up in the process, and there are flex cables connected between it and the motherboard. but taking out the hard disk thankfully only requires a few steps; removing some screws, then inserting the SSD inside of it. after that i quickly put linux mint back into him. SO SPLENDID...
for only the price of a high budget indie game, now he can open programs very fast, close to how fast sarah can do, and just about any task works perfectly well on him with way less bugs! thanks to that fast upgrade he's become viable for daily drives again, even though i don't have other desks suitable for pcs which makes me less motivated to use him. really wish id be able to since the architecture he has (x64) means he has a lot more software he's able to handle natively...
but then, i hadn't upgraded his ram. i said before that he only had 6 gb of it, and that meant he could only work with a few programs before becoming bloated. and as i like doing power tasks on him, that obviously causes problems. so one day, i went to a pc part store out of curiosity, and became shocked when i found small ram carts that could be compatible with my laptop. after some talk with the seller, i bought 2 ddr4 carts each containing 8 gb and clocked at 2666 mhz, more than double of what i used to have. after that it was time to take on a challenge to be able to insert them myself.
when the seller asked me if i needed assistance to have the carts inserted into my laptop, i giggled internally because of my past stories with learning how to open devices and trying to troubleshoot or modify them internally. i obviously declined it which saved me money, but also meant i had to do it all myself. after an hour of painful manipulations which required me to take out the entire motherboard from samuel, while that next step was also difficult i was finally able to insert the carts into it, before placing all his components back into place. and after such a long time of waiting...
i've finally done it!
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Samuel is feeling very well right now!! despite his cpu and gpu dating from over 5 years, now he can do even more tasks at a time, while also being able to read them faster, a massive improvement compared to when it was stuck with an hdd and only 6 gb of ram. i'm guessing those low specs were for the purpose of saving manufacturing costs, but until you'd find use for the components that you'd remove, they'd end up becoming waste. and with a free os like linux mint, it adds up to an even more optimized experience than windows 10, which comes with so many unwanted stuff and can't be customized very well.
have you had a similar story to mine? did that pose you challenges? i took over 40 minutes to write this entire piece of text, but it should at least be very well detailed! on the best case scenario i hope it would inspire others to do some research on upgrading PCs to preserve their lives and especially save costs. Thank you for reading the entirety of it, don't hesitate reblogging it if you think it would interest your own audience! peace for all of you 💙
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canirove · 3 months
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This happened just before the Euro 2024 football final in Donostia:
There's a girl wearing a Spanish flag around her neck when a group a young men start harassing her, one of them even pulls the flag hard which could have hurt her neck seriously.
The girl hasn't filled any complaint against them, even though they're complete and absolute bullying assholes.
However the public prosecutor has accused them of a crime of hatred. Whose consideration as such I'd gladly debate if the fucking Spanish army didn't display a Basque flag in one of its museums with a plaque saying "taken from the enemy"...
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Frame of a video of said museum and the guide is saying "taken from the marxist hords during the glorious crusade".
... that were forced to hide in 2021 - the Basque Government asked it back but they declined - "to avoid controversy". CONTROVERSY.
Charge those motherfuckers, of course and quickly! Charge them with assault, attack, bullying, I don't know about laws, but crime of hatred? If we're gonna define crimes against flags as crimes of hatred, there's soooo much work waiting in the courts.
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
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what i love about these “new” bts and content is we get to revisit some cpns we had from years prior and see something new. the same goes for these stuff from 2021.
compilation of candies from ZZ’s 30th bday
lion triple kill / aquamarine lion head confirmation
is it a cake for wyb’s bday?
here is the xzs douyin update video in question if you haven’t seen it.
everything is fake/interpretation/speculation.
2021, we were not sure if the photoshoot was done on 8/5 but XZS seem to confirm that it was done close to that date and our speculation was correct. The caption for the post was “Meet the time shadow before the finale in the desert”, and talking about the wrap up for this shoot, it was posted on 8/4.
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The timeline being correct is important because this is when XZ wore the matching gucci head necklace of WYB 💕 and if this is right, looks like the rest of the bday timeline is correct.
Out of all the calendar photos & Months that could be featured in this video, why this? I know that it was taken for the 2021 birthday shoot which was what the photos in the desert was for but this is not in that set. This one is in Beijing, taken earlier that month. If you look at the photos in that calendar there are a lot and much better ones to include. So why???
Could it be because of that gesture? The same one WYB did last night in the One & Only show?
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So who was taking the cue? Is this a coincidence again?
GG is known for doing this so what we CPN yesterday is that WYB decided to use that in the routine. Deliberate or not.
Now as for it’s inclusion in the XZS video, I think it’s more plausible that it’s a clue to confirm WYB’s dance move. I cannot say when these videos are edited, if it’s done waaaaay before it’s release. What I know for sure is how efficient XZS team is when it comes making video edits. They can turn high quality ones in a short span of time, for example the euro trip content. So it’s not completely out of the question for them to have made this recently.
In the “box” was also a beanie. It looks like the one he wore in Universal Studios Beijing. The same place One and Only held the event. Can you be more obvious????
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There is also what appears to be a luffy sticker. I wanna know what’s the rest!!!! ( one piece cpn here )
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and the chongya pose photo, which was also the pose done by WYB. that’s his signature too, both of them, but for it to be seen today out of all the photos? hmmmm….
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There is also the “salute” gesture, was he doing that to practice for Tao’s birthday VCR? but ended up not doing it lol.
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and oh lemme add this too, another shi ying x lwj parallel. 🤍
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darkmaga-retard · 26 days
By Hunter Fielding August 27, 2024
Doctors in Germany are now facing a crackdown from the government if they refuse to push experimental Covid mRNA shots onto their patients.
The first German doctor to be hit with punishment was fined 2,500 euros ($2,799 USD) for warning about people dying due to the Covid mRNA injections in 2021.
Dr. Heidi Göldner declared she was “stunned” by the decision from the State Medical Association.
Instead of standing behind doctors and supporting them in the exercise of their oath, the medical board stabbed them in the back.
As Apollo News reported, Dr. Heidi Göldner of Braunfels in the federal state of Hessen posted a written note in her practice in the fall of 2021 warning about the dangers of the experimental shots.
Gölder stated on the note:
“Dear patients, due to repeated inquiries: Due to the disproportionately high number of sometimes serious side effects and the more than 40 (more likely 50) deaths in connection with COVID-19 vaccinations experienced in the local community, I will continue not to carry out Covid-19 vaccinations in my practice!”
In response, the Hessen Medical Association initiated legal proceedings against Dr. Göldner.
The Association stressed that it would investigate all complaints against doctors who allegedly make “false claims” about the COVID-19 jabs.
According to Apollo News, Gölder had defended her statement in an interview in a local newspaper in 2021 by saying that patients, funeral directors, and acquaintances had reported sudden deaths to her at the time — of people who had received the Covid shots shortly before.
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chussyracing · 16 days
What has been happening in the world of motorsports lately?
(it's very long again, so the roundup is under the cut)
Franco Colapinto becomes a new Williams driver for the last 9 races of the season, Logan Sargeant was dropped with immediate effect
apparently Franco found out on Monday only and he knows he won’t get the seat in 2025 because Carlos has already been confirmed
as a result, Oliver Goethe moves up from F3 to F2 immediately with MP Motorsport in Franco’s place and Noah Stromsted drove in his place in F3 for Campos in the last race of the season in Monza
also gentle (not so gentle) reminder that Roman Staněk was with Trident for the last race weekend in Monza and everything after is uncertain for him
the whole story is: he has two main sponsors, one of them is his own father who decided to stop supporting him, so he can no longer afford it, he got an offer for 2025 from DAMS, but they ask for € 4.7 mil
Roman got replaced by Christian Mansell for the rest of the season (he is not related to Nigel btw) in Trident
Zak O’Sullivan is in a similar situation, Monza was his last race because of funding issues despite being a part of Williams driving academy, he got replaced by Luke Browning from F3
And on top of that, there are rumours that Richard Vershoor is also unhappy in the team and looking for a way out
Also since Kevin the icon he is, got a race ban for Baku, Ollie will step up for him and Gabriele Mini from F3 will fill in for Ollie in Prema to create an all Italian lineup for Italian team
Leo Fornaroli is stepping up to F2 with Invicta Racing next year
Ferrari announced a new technical structure: Loic Serra (technical director chassis), Fabio Montecchi (chassis project engineering), Marco Adurno (vehicle performance), Diego Tondi (aero), Matteo Togninalli (track engineering) and Diego Ioverno (sporting director and head of chassis operations), Enrico Gualtieri (power unit division)
Safety car crashed in Parabolica during a high speed test before Monza but both driver and passenger are ok and there was also another safety car ready if they are needed during the race weekend (what is concerning is a message I saw somewhere about it potentially being a brake failure)
apparently drivers were not very happy with the changes in Monza track and discussed it in length in the WhatsApp group, their main issue was that these track modifications are not communicated with drivers beforehand
last week George did Pirelli testing for Mercedes and Liam Lawson for Red Bull and Ollie did a wet weather test for Ferrari
also did you know Ollie has a younger brother who will race in EURO F4 in Spielberg
Lenovo becomes F1’s global partner, so they will have naming rights for 2 races in 2025
Pato O’Ward will be driving in an FP1 session in Mexico for McLaren
Williams started their Komatsu-Williams Engineering Academy for young talents
Maya Weug joined 7th round of FRECA in Imola with KIC Motorsport
Newey joined Aston Martin, so expect them to have big psychological advantage (they had a press con to announce it, he spoke about wanting to work with either Lewis or Fernando, he spoke about British bias and how it was involved in Abu Dhabi 2021…, he will start working for them early in 2025, he will also become a shareholder in the team with more rights than other teams could offer him besides being a leader of technical division)
Lawrence will apparently pay him massive amount of money (rumour has it it is Eddie Jordan who is asking for a big pay check for himself and many teams said no to that), after Newey and de la Rosa and Honda, he is also looking to sign Max Verstappen (and there is a possibility to get him in the team, Lance could head to WEC instead) – next thing you know he will also sign Christian Horner and Checo Perez to have a full RBR
Nico Rosberg, Guenther Steiner (and somebody else I freaking forgot, maybe Ted Kravitz) spoke about neither Kimi nor George having their seat secure for 2026, because Toto Wolff is still eyeing any opportunity to sign Max Verstappen
The team also sold stakes in the team to HPS and Accel
All teams were in compliance of the cost cap rules for 2023, BUT Honda and Alpine were found of procedural breech (aka none of them spent more money on catering, but these two made a mistake sort of not submitting the paperwork on time or filled incorrectly…)
Ella Lloyd is the wildcard entry for F1 Academy’s race weekend in Singapore
Red Bull junior academy signed Christopher Feghali, Ernesto Rivera, Rocco Coronel and Jules Caranta
Not only is the situation messy in junior series, it is also kinda messy in FE (Nato stays with Nissan while Fenestraz is out, Wehrlein and da Costa stay with Porsche, Günther will drive for DS Penske…)
Rumouredly, Val received an offer from Audi for one year, he was asking for more – at least 1+1 deal, besides him Binotto has Bortoleto highest on his list (and Theo Pourchaire further down the list) with McLaren potentially letting him go from their junior program if Audi wants him
Zak Brown spoke about the papaya rules shit and said how they will probably back Lando now because he is in mathematical contention for the title and Oscar will help him however he can and whatnot
Fun fact: in rally Greece, Seb Ogier spoke shit about Thierry Neuville that the “championship leader is not that fast) and then he crashed and Thierry won
For the first time ever, 4 women finished inside top 10 in NASCAR
James Vowles would apparently like Ferrari to release Carlos early so he could join them for post season test in Abu Dhabi
Santander is officially out of Ferrari with Unicredit taking their place and instead, they will become the partner of F1
Hyundai is ending in WRC next year and they would rumouredly like to join WEC
Ferrari Challenge will be a supporting series for the Las Vegas F1 GP
According to Ted Kravitz, Liam Lawson could be replacing Daniel as soon as for this weekend (that goes along what James Vowles said about trying to sign Liam for the rest of the season but Red Bull not wanting to let him go since they might need him for at least 3 races this season)
Nico the professional shit-stirrer he is, claimed that he got an offer in his e-mail inbox to buy Alpine for 1 billion dollars
Another fun fact: Ferrari already collected more points than they did for the whole season last year
Red Bull is running their engines on lower modes due to reliability concerns (part of the reason why Max had the lowest speed of all in a speed trap during the Monza GP)
All front wings are under compliance with the technical rules as per FIA (clarification that apparently Red Bull and Ferrari asked for, especially taking McLaren and Mercedes into consideration)
There is a funky feud for racing number 12 going on behind the scenes with Doohan asking for it first publicly and Mercedes asking for it for Kimi even before “secretly”, so now both teams are waiting for the result
This was meant to go into one of the previous roundups but F1 is talking to the teams to see if after season rookie race would be possible for them, which could give opportunity especially to driver who won junior series but never got into the sport
McLaren signed a sponsorship deal with NTT Data for their F1 Academy team
Also rumours and gossip from my fave source: Red Bull hired Rob Wilson to help Checo Perez get his lost form back (he is basically an observer, watches you drive and then gives you a long list of stuff you need to improve to get faster)
Williams got Globant sponsorship deal thanks to signing Franco for the rest of the season
Due to sustainability concerns, F1 might combine Canada and Miami to be a double header
There are also rumours that Ferrari tried to sign GP as a race engineer for Lewis next year
Non-sport fun
Oscar posted from a cockpit of a plane with a funny caption and then deleted because he posted it on 11th September
Max, Lando and Nico flew together to Baku for some reason
Charles won the karting marathon with his friends for LC8 team, spoke at yacht conferences and predicted weather
Lewis was sat with Noah Lyles and Anna Wintour at US open which is honestly kinda iconic
Charles and Goerge met up with Domenicali at what might be Briatore’s yacht party???
I just found out Kimi Antonelli’s girlfriend is from Czechia thanks to my sister lol
Hamda Alqubaisi from F1 Academy apparently got engaged so congrats!!!! (I thought she is like 16 I am so sorry Hamda)
Apparently Fernando Alonso got a new AM Valkyrie car that immediately broke down while he was driving it in Monaco and he was unable to fix it (he also said that they don’t get discounts on the cars from the team)
oh and kinda sports related but it is completely out of question right now BUT there is talks about F1 coming to Brno with the new resurfaced track and possible new facilities as they return on the MotoGP calendar for 2025
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mariacallous · 4 months
Owners of Spotify's soon-to-be-bricked Car Thing device are begging the company to open source the gadgets to save some the landfill. Spotify hasn't responded to pleas to salvage the hardware, which was originally intended to connect to car dashboards and auxiliary outlets to enable drivers to listen to and navigate Spotify.
Spotify announced this week that it's bricking all purchased Car Things on December 9 and not offering refunds or trade-in options. On a support page, Spotify says:
We're discontinuing Car Thing as part of our ongoing efforts to streamline our product offerings. We understand it may be disappointing, but this decision allows us to focus on developing new features and enhancements that will ultimately provide a better experience to all Spotify users.
Spotify has no further guidance for device owners beyond asking them to reset the device to factory settings and “safely” get rid of the bricked gadget by “following local electronic waste guidelines.”
The company also said that it doesn’t plan to release a follow-up to the Car Thing.
Early Demise
Car Thing came out to limited subscribers in October 2021 before releasing to the general public in February 2022.
In its Q2 2022 earnings report released in July, Spotify revealed that it stopped making Car Things. In a chat with TechCrunch, it cited “several factors, including product demand and supply chain issues.” A Spotify rep also told the publication that the devices would continue to “perform as intended,” but that was apparently a temporary situation.
Halted production was a warning sign that Car Thing was in peril. However, at that time, Spotify also cut the device’s price from $90 to $50, which could have encouraged people to buy a device that would be useless a few years later.
Car Thing's usefulness was always dubious, though. The device has a 4-inch touchscreen and knob for easy navigation, as well as support for Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and voice control. But it also required users to subscribe to Spotify Premium, which starts at $11 per month. Worse, Car Thing requires a phone using data or Wi-Fi connected via Bluetooth in order to work, making the Thing seem redundant.
In its Q1 2022 report, Spotify said that quitting Car Thing hurt gross margins and that it took a 31 million euro (about $31.4 million at the time) hit on the venture.
Open Source Pleas
Spotify's announcement has sent some Car Thing owners to online forums to share their disappointment with Spotify and beg the company to open source the device instead of dooming it for recycling centers at best. As of this writing, there are more than 50 posts on the Spotify Community forums showing concern about the discontinuation, with many demanding a refund and/or calling for open sourcing. There are similar discussions happening elsewhere online, like on Reddit, where users have used phrases like “entirely unacceptable” to describe the news.
A Spotify Community member going by AaronMickDee, for example, said:
I'd rather not just dispose of the device. I think there is a community that would love the idea of having a device we can customize and use for other uses other than a song playback device. Would Spotify be willing to maybe unlock the system and allow users to write/flash 3rd party firmware to the device?
A Spotify spokesperson declined to answer Ars' questions about why Car Thing isn't being open sourced and concerns around e-waste and wasted money.
Instead, a company rep told Ars, in part: “The goal of our Car Thing exploration in the US was to learn more about how people listen in the car. In July 2022, we announced we’d stop further production and now it’s time to say goodbye to the devices entirely.” I followed up with Spotify's rep to ask again about making the device open source but didn't hear back.
At this point, encouraging customers to waste nearly $100 on a soon-obsolete device hasn't resulted in any groundbreaking innovations or lessons around “how people listen in the car.” In their initial response, Spotify's rep pointed me to a Spotify site that searches Spotify's newsroom for “how to listen to Spotify in the car.” One of the top posts is from 2019 and states that “if your car has an AUX or USB socket, using a cable is probably one of the fastest ways to connect by using your phone.”
As for Spotify, using customer dollars for company-serving learning experiences isn't the best business plan. And for regular users, it's best to avoid investing in an unproven hardware venture from a software company.
As Redditor Wemie1420 put it:
Doesn’t feel great that there is literally no alternative other than trashing it. Feels like we’re being punished for supporting them. Dissuades me from buying anything Spotify puts out in the future. I feel like there would be some way to approach this without being like, ‘yeah we’re done. Just throw it out it’s a waste of money now.’
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