#this is for bisan's strike week
chromonool · 8 months
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Watermelon for a free Palestine 🇵🇸✊🍉
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harundraws · 8 months
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❄️ 💔 Nat and Javi 💔 ❄️ this is part of a bigger drawing that started out as a study but i'm gonna post this as is (for now!)
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totallynotcensorship · 8 months
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tags update: palestine, free palestine, gaza, free gaza, gaza strip, bisan owda and global strike are all trending
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la7ma-mafrooma · 8 months
And still some idiots think it's just a "conflict".
Call it what it is: Colonialism and ethnic cleansing!
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From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free! 🇵🇸🍉
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menlove · 8 months
global strikes really cannot feasibly be done without support and safety nets for the working class in place. the working class drives the economy and if you are asking people to take off an entire week off work with 4 days notice, you are asking the working class to get fired from their jobs. they are not going to do that. and they are the majority of the people that need to strike to have any kind of economic impact. middle class people who can afford to strike for a week and lose future vacation time aren't going to dent it, esp bc they're still making money bc they're salaried.
like yall it's just..... it's not feasible. you have to plan months, sometimes years in advance to make sure you can successfully carry the working class during a strike.
saw someone refer to a week long strike w 4 days notice as "the bare minimum" you can do and I'm sorry but it's not. you are asking people to give up a quarter of their monthly income and lose their jobs. you need to be cognizant of that.
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"ummmmm yeah that strike bisan called for is really rushed and leaves no time to prepare for it and its during finals season and it's just poorly organized :/" hmmm I. well. I wonder why a palestinian journalist living in palestine is calling for a strike on very short notice. i wonder why a palestinian journalist living in the midst of her own genocide for the past two months where. where disease outbreaks are rising and no one can find food or water and many of these people (including bisan herself a few weeks ago at one point) are not expecting to live more than a few days let alone weeks. I wonder why someone living in this horrific and incredibly bleak and uncertain situation is calling for strikes without planning weeks/months in advance. I wonder why! they are not planning these with weeks/months or even days of prep time in mind! I wonder why! this is quite a conundrum! lets uh. lets put our fucking thinking caps on! so to speak!
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deerest-me · 8 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌💜
(hi! welcome back! (i think u were gone for a few days) ^^ )
hi thanks for the ask!!!!
these are taken from my angsty / edgy playlist (which i call Ann(S) as a silly math joke)
The Razor's Apple by Fleshwater
More than the Fairy by Death Grips featuring Les Claypool
Blow Me Away by Breaking Benjamin
Fourth of July by Soundgarden
Zero by the Smashing Pumpkins
:-] !!!!!!!
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stil-lindigo · 8 months
I am so sorry to bother you with this stupid question, but Bisan has asked for a complete stop in economic activity. Can I still donate to help Palestinians or is it better to avoid any transactions for the week ? Thank you so much for what you're doing
hello anon. don't apologise, you're a breath of fresh air after the recent visitors in my inbox. I think a slightly more accurate description of Bisan’s ask is to stop or minimise all economic activity not in direct support of Palestine. Now more than ever, I would encourage people to donate to escape funds for Palestinians, to direct aid organisations like CareforGaza and the PCRF, and to buy e-sims as they’re running low.
Below I’ve compiled a list of resources below but this is definitely just a small sample size of what you can do to help during this strike. This post here is an extremely comprehensive resource that I’d recommend you have a look at.
credible organisations that are doing work on the ground in Palestine:
Care for Gaza:non-profit charity that distributes money, food and other resources directly to families in Gaza.They maintain a regular presence on Twitter and Instagram. You can donate to them via Paypal here.
PCRF / Palestine Children's Relief Fund: non-profit organisation that distributes essential food and resources to families in Gaza. Most recently, they delivered 30 tons of vital medicine, and 82,000 pounds of flour.
Medical Aid For Palestinians: deploys medical teams to treat Palestinians suffering under Israel's malicious bombardments.
Donate e-sims to Palestine: massive post with tutorials and relevant links, with discount codes included in the post and in the replies.
help people leave palestine (donate what you can)
Help a Family Evacuate Gaza (GoGetFunding)
Save Sanaa and her Family (Gofundme)
Save Amjad Saher and his family (Gofundme)
Help a family of 13 escape Gaza (Gofundme)
Help a Palestinian children's book illustrator save her family of 12 (Gofundme)
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poniesart · 8 months
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Bisan Owda's call to action
eSims For Gaza
For USAmericans: Call your reps | Email your reps It takes only a few minutes and there are scripts if needed. If you call after hours, you can leave a voicemail.
US Campaign for Palestinian Rights Action Toolkit
Jan 26th Int'l Day of Action Toolkit
Google Drive of posters to print
Other infographics about the strike: here and here
I will be queuing this post for every day this week. IDs in Alt text!
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slagginbitch · 8 months
Simple things you can do right now to support Gaza if you can't strike by staying home from work/school
queue posts about Palestine to regularly post throughout the week to keep them visible. Check tags like: #strike for gaza, #free gaza, #ceasefire now. I'm going to share posts from Bisan and other Palestinians on instagram.
don't spend money on nonessentials. if you didn't have time to prepare for the strike and still need to get groceries/medicine/etc, get it now to prepare for not spending the rest of the week! striking for even part of the week is better than not participating at all.
read bit.ly/StopGazaGenocide, this is a document put together by the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) with lots of good information and graphics and link to art you can freely use to spread awareness. There is also a link to email your representatives to urge them to stop supporting the occupation and the email is pre-generated! it took me one minute to send emails!
email your representatives that you are striking for Palestine!
keep talking about Palestine. keep reading about Palestine. keep caring about Palestine. If you make even one person pay attention, you've done good work! keep going!
Do what you can! Doing ANYTHING is better than doing nothing.
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dailyjermasparkle · 8 months
Hello Everyone!
Today is the first day of the weeklong strike for a ceasefire in Gaza.
I have realized that I do not think the message has spread far, at least on this website. This might be due to the lack of internet in Gaza, it has been down for days. Not much can be said by the citizens there, it's like some people forgot about them. I encourage all of you to share this post, or make your own, letting everyone know about this strike. This is something that should transcend the aesthetic of your blog. My blog was a gimmick blog, but for this week, it is a blog for spreading information and awareness.
Bisan Odwa (@wizard_bisan1 on instagram) has called for this strike. She is a journalist from Gaza, who has been experiencing this horrid violence for 15 weeks. 107 days. 2568 hours.
These were the images she posted, calling for this strike:
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Reblog this, share this. Do not stop until every supporter of Gaza knows what we must do this week.
Free Palestine, Free Gaza, Ceasefire now!
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you don't have to like the strike but mocking it just seems really heartless???
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la7ma-mafrooma · 8 months
Here's a thread on twitter containing 30+ footages of Israeli soldiers' crimes against Palestinian children. I urge you all to check it:
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Link here
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lazorsandparadox · 8 months
God i know bisan cant exactly organize long term in the position shes in, but this weeklong strike is not going to happen, it literally cant. A 3 day notice is not long enough to raise a strike fund or for strikers to save pto or even just cash to help mitigate the cost for people to survive missing a week of work, not to mention those wholl lose their jobs if they just dont show up for week with no warning.
Part of the point of a strike is to use it as leverage before the strike takes place. Besides giving people time to prepare and raise a strike fund so they dont lose their homes or the ability to feed themselves during and after the strike, the point of announcing a strike months or even over a year beforehand is so that you can go to the people you want to negotiate with and say "hey, if you dont do this thing we all want, this many people are already willing and prepared to go on strike and cost you money" and make them negotiate with you so they know what is being demanded and can maybe even give it to you before the strike has taken place. The best outcome for a strike is for it to get results before it happens!
People have not prepared for this strike, no one has informed the people we are protesting against about the strike or its demands, theres nothing in place to help the people that will lose their jobs if they participate, which means most people simply are not GOING to participate. Thats not an organized strike. Thats just a bunch of random people whove happened to abandon their jobs at the same time. Thats not going to pressure anyone into doing anything.
If people really think a strike is the way to go, then someome in a better position than bisan needs to actually put in the work to organize one. Actually go around and contact unions and get them in on organizing one. Because change IS possible, but you wont get it by taking random swings at the machine and hoping your hand doesnt get caught in it.
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birds--daily · 8 months
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day 4
palestinian sunbird!
hey guys! so, evidently i've been gone for a while. it was kind of a bad time for me to start this account. a bunch of shit happened and everything sucked and it made me get art block 💔 oops. but now what's going on is too important to just sit there and have art block about. i'm using my, albiet small, platform to spread the palestinian cause during this global strike week called on by bisan. the palestinian sunbird is a symbol of freedom for the palestinian people. it flies across borders and checkpoints in defiance of israeli occupation. i hope that someday soon the palestinian people can be as free as their national bird ❤️🖤🤍💚
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pawberri · 8 months
I'll be supporting the strike and avoid posting art this week, but I'm hesitant to share donation links as we know most aid is stuck outside palestine even according to Bisan. Call reps and strike and protest all you can in any way you can
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